"We must make the best use of all the resources at our disposal. Collectively these are substantial: as the world's largest aid donor we already make an important financial contribution to aid programmes and to humanitarian and reconstruction assistance. We have a global diplomatic network more than twice as big as that of the US State Department. We can use our diplomatic, economic and financial muscle to influence the behaviour of recalcitrant parties and aggressors. But until now we have been unable to add military means to the measures available. This is now changing. Our aim is to integrate our military forces into a global crisis management strategy." Javier Solana, September 2000
Dear Readers and Listeners:
I just hung up from talking with NIKI RAAPANA, tonight's guest, only 53 minutes from now on MY PERSPECTIVE. I am convinced that Niki, an Alaskan, and I have been long looking at two sides of the same elephant. She has CRITICAL pieces of the puzzle which has a political name of "Communitarianism." One of their big games is IMPLEMENTING Agenda 21 of "sustainable development." They are so very far along, as Joan Veon told us Tuesday. I don't know how I missed Niki's work before, but I am glad I found her. This show is CRITICAL! Chatroom participation would be very valuable to me tonight. It always is, but this night more than ever!
Here is a link to her basic Youtube video. Good watching before we start!
Tune in and stay tuned!
Tune in and stay tuned!
1 – 200 of 319 Newer› Newest»Hi Constance,
Thank you for what I'm sure will prove to be another outstanding radio program and guest. Niki also has an announcement of today's program posted on her blog. -Rudi
"Living Outside the Dialectic"
Seeking A Path Not Included
The Plan
Here is a print of a speech Ms. Rapaana give in 2001 on Communitarianism.
Also, reading the following article on Turkish communitarianism may deepen our understanding of the fight for Turkish vis-a-vis NATO and the EU.
That should have been the fight for TURKEY vis-a-vis...
I will support my 6:05 PM comment in the previous section as follows:
Dorothy wrote:
"The World Wisdom Council is dead."
The most recent event I could find on line where a speaker at an event is a well known New Age leader and also listed as a member of the World Wisdom Council is
Wednesday, 3rd December 2008 10:00am. The speaker is
Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris. The title of her speech is "Science and Spirituality in the 21st Century: Is Integration Possible?" The link to the announcement is below.
World Shift Network also, as of
01/21/2008 has a page dedicated to WWC. Please see:
Wisdom at the tipping point
Shifting to New Thinking and a New Civilization –
The Budapest Declaration of the World Wisdom Council
by the members of the World Wisdom Council
1. We, the members of the World Wisdom Council...
Posted: 01/21/2008 | Written: 12/20/2004
I'm not going to re-post all the supporting evidence to refute:
"Rabbi Laitman is not affiliated with any organization other than his."
"There is no conspiracy to get people to follow the Jewish Kabbalah in order to run the world."
Read my earlier comments in the previous section and follow up with further reading on your own at the links I have provided. I would never intentionally contribute any commentary or information that cannot be verified completely. The word "conspiracy" is debatable but the facts are not.
"There is a New Age plan to destroy Judaism and Christianity, and you are helping it."
This quote was directed at Joyce. I have personal knowledge which I will not share. Suffice it to say I know Joyce as a sister in the Lord and would trust her with my life 100%. Those who know me know they can trust this statement. -Rudi
If you could find any activity of the World Wisdom Council you would have posted it. You couldn't. The fact is you stated something before you checked it out because it fit your agenda. Because someone posts something on a resume doesn't mean it is operative. The second item you posted was written in 2004.
This is the website of the World Wisdom Council.
It is dead, defunct, ended, nada.
You can't show Rabbi Laitman is an active member of any organization. It you could, you would have.
If you want to waste your credibility to date on supporting Joyce's nonsense, it's a free country. I trust there are enough Christians reading here who are intelligent and rely on Christian sources that are credible. Over the past 2,000 years there have been many serious scholars working in the field of Christianity. Joyce is not one of them.
Not on topic but I began to wonder if many people who are inclined toward psychics and spiritual guides, what if they all got the same specific message? Like vote for..., you need to..., you are really a fish...I guess this is what the NA is all about, everyone getting tapped into this meditation and a coming together over time into one group. But could it be used to accomplish a big event simultaneously? Jim Jones like but on a large local, national or even international level? Could there be another purpose besides the spiritual one?
The Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan will have Empowering U this February
Advertised on WWJR http://www.wwj.com/
CBS RADIO Detroit is proud to present "Empowering U," a one-day motivational seminar featuring special guests Deepak Chopra, James Van Praagh and Michael Beckwith. Become empowered in mind, body and spirit at this one-day uplifting experience at The Palace Of Auburn Hills on February 22nd. Empowering U is designed to help you develop skills to improve your life physically, mentally and spiritually through sessions throughout the day.
This from Psychic Radio http://psychiconair.com/
Become empowered in mind, body and spirit at this one-day uplifting experience at The Palace Of Auburn Hills on February 22nd. Empowering U is designed to help you develop skills to improve your life physically, mentally and spiritually through sessions and discussions hosted by national and local speakers, guest authors, and hosts from CBS Radio Psychic Radio. The event will also feature vendor booths, booksellers and other conference activities. Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase tickets to have lunch or dinner with select guest speakers.
Tickets start at $35 and are available at all Ticketmaster locations, The Palace Of Auburn Hills Box Office and www.palacenet.com.
Known for his extensive writing on spiritually and mind/body medicine, Deepak Chopra, M.D, is acknowledged as one of the world's greatest leaders in the field of mind body medicine. Chopra has had a profound influence on the New Thought Movement.
James Van Praagh is a world reknowned psychic medium and best-selling author. He has written several best-selling books dealing with spirituality and spirit communication. Van Praagh was introduced to the television audience as the first medium ever to perform readings on the air during the television series "The Other Side". He developed and is currently the co-Executive Producer of the television series Ghost Whisperer on CBS and occasionally appears as a special correspondent for the CBS television series The Insider and Entertainment Tonight.
Michael Beckwith, spiritual leader and featured contributor to The Secret and author of Spiritual Liberation Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential will share his vision of a world joined together spiritually, educationally, scientifically, governmentally, economically and socially.
Locally, CBS Psychic Radio hosts Kimmie Rose Zapf and Steve Marshall, Lisa J. Smith, Rev. Linda Newman and Tom Force will take the stage to moderate sessions and provide psychic insight and advice. Psychic Radio can be heard online worldwide at psychiconair.com.
Additional guest speakers will be announced.
I'm going to be very help to you. This will give you places to check out, even though the Wisdom Council is defunct.
If you go to the website to the World Wisdom Council and use the little pointer, you will go behind the scenes. There you will find much gobbledy gook the Council left behind. All manner of articles on wisdom.
Then go down to
There you will find many organizations involved with New Age. They may not fit your current agenda, but they will let you and others know what is going on in the New Age movement. Sorry if the groups don't fit in with the agenda of your current connections, but that's reality. Not the goofy diversion you are into now.
One of the lessons I learned long before the internet was how the art of the letterhead operated.
Printing up a letterhead is important to create an illusion of power. I learned that there were a few addresses in Chicago where communist front groups had offices. There were two on Dearborn in Chicago's downtown area. There would be a little office for supposedly powerful organizations, all operating out of the same address and room address with a few desks.
Back in the '80s I picked up a newpaper put out by one of the communist groups that listed page after page of support groups and individuals promoting a certain cause. I don't remember how it happened, but I picked up a stack of these newspapers which had been thrown out. I was new to all of this and had no idea who would be interested. Undoubtedly interested groups already knew of that issue, but how was I to know that.
In Chicago over the years public relations pieces indicated name after name and a large number of organizations were supportive of this or that protest. When I showed up to see what was happening there were a few people carrying signs, and no sight of the groups that had signed the press release.
So much is illusion. It's very difficult to separate the illusion from what is actually going on, and it takes a lot of work which takes time and money, none of which I had.
Websites are even more dangerous than letterheads. It's so easy to set up a website with all manner of names and organizations as supportive of a message. Individuals who are looking at information assume that because a name or organization appears it is because they know what they are being associated with.
I'll admit I'm as as guilty as anyone else. I've never sent out a form letter to everyone on a links list asking if they know what they are being associated with. However only when an individual or an organization appears in many places I assume they know what is going on.
There is too much work to be done and too few people who care enough to do it on the side of the opposition to the New World Order. There are a lot of people who don't do the work but take the easy way and proclaim they know what is going on. They get followings of people who don't want to do the work themselves and are foolish enough to believe others are doing the work for them.
All of what is going on is incredibly complex. People who offer easy answers should be looked at with suspicion.
From Little Green Footballs
Just because it is so funny.
Our headline of the day: Obama team probe of Obama team finds no Obama team impropriety.
The Barack Obama presidential transition office today finally released its own report on its own internal investigation of its own contacts with legally challenged Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. And you’ll be comforted to know the Obama folks found no impropriety whatsoever by Obama folks.
So go back to wrapping holiday presents or pretending you’re working at your desk and checking out Obama’s important abs. All is well with the coming World of Change.
Also see:
JammieWearingFool: Obama ‘Report’ by Obama Lawyer Clears Obama Chief of Staff.
I think we all agree on this blog that Ervin Lazlo is a New Ager, not only is he a New Ager, but quite a powerful influential one at that with the many affiliations:
Club of Rome, Club of Budaepest, World Wisdom Council, Awakening Minds, World Spirit Forum, Goi, Noetic Sciences, WorldShift, Jerusalem Academy, The World Parliment of Clowns, etc..just to name a few..
Now the links with Rav Michael Laitman, a known and important Kabbalist have been drawn not only to Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Center, a very influential Kabbalah Center, but also with the Jerusalem Academy which seeks to reconstruct the 3rd Temple, unite all the religions especially the 3 Abrahamic religions which is a plan very similar to what Theosophists envision, with the 3 major religions governing over Jerusalem...The Jerusalem Academy has been linked to the Elijah Institute and any other number of organizations. It has influential people who are also part of Alliance of Civilizations. Heinrich Eliyahu Benedikt also is a promoter practitioner of Kabbalah, and specifically lists Rav Michael Laitman on his site in black and white, as I showed in an earlier post.
Rudi has put numerous posts linking Laszlo and Leitman to a variety of New Age organizations. Here is still one more article confirming this fact from Laitman's site:
.....so therefore, my question is, in what interest is it to try to sabotage this information but a continuous assault on the people who are exposing this truth?
We have already ascertained that all of these organizations associated with Laszlo and the people associated with Laszlo are part of the New Age agenda to unify the world...
For some reason or another, there are a couple of people on the blog who would like to obscure this fact and I find it rather troubling. If we cannot post honest, factual information from credible sources to expose this than there is a problem here.
Bnei Baruch, and Laitman are also involved in this organization for women:
There is a new Kabbalist Newspaper in Israel:
Here is info from the Women's Kabbalah Center about the World Wisdom Alliance, not to be confused with the World Wisdom Council which is found on Club of Budapest's site.
There is a Kabbalah TV station which will be launched in Israel:
From the videos on this site you can see the connections.
Laitman spoke with a panel of Scientists about the film "What the Bleep". Again the clear new age connections of this film that ties Quantum Physics, some who are involved with CERN, ( see Bjorn Farmer's blog for further comments on this)
and on the site of What the Bleep you have Ramtha, a demonic channeler: Heads up on this one Barb!!!
Micael Ledwith is from a Catholic background, supposedly a theologian on the "Bleep" site, now involved with orbs:
He's involved with Klaude Heinneman, a scientist and have written books on orbs:
Now my question to the more enlightened readers on the blog, ( and I don't mean in the New Agey sense of enightenment) , should we be concerned about Michael Laitmen, Berg and H.E. Benedikt and others who roots run deeply with New Agers. Not only are they connect with a few oddballs, but powerful New Agers who are politically connected and deeply involved in leading us into a New World Order?
I would appreciate if some of you would take the time to examine the links that Rudi has posted, the links that I have posted and get back to us. I don't think anyone is picking on Jews and being antisemitic. This is serious stuff that is being spread and the same kind of garbage is being spread other traditions.. including Christianity.
Remember in the Bible there will be an antimessiah, but also a false prophet.. Some people thing the false prophet will spread Islam. I personally don't believe that. I believe the false prophet will be engaged in trying to unite the masses with mystical, esoteric spirituality which is spreading in all traditions before our very eyes.
When someone opens a demonic door in their life, they are slaves to the demonic spirit that they have invited in. This is why in the Bible God was so insistent on telling the Israelites not to participate in the pagan practices that the nations used. We know over and over again, Israel went "whoring after other gods". This lesson was not only for the physical descendants of Jacob, but for all of those who attach themselves to the God of Israel, and to Yeshua..
Paul said these lessons are also for our instruction..upon whom has come the end of the age...
meant to post this here:
Joyce said...
Watch the video of Brezinski on what Obama will focus on. Since he was the campaign's foreign policy advisor, that should give some more clues to the future.
2:43 AM
Oh, by the way, look at Bjorn Farmer's blog on all the characters previously mentioned and their Mediterranean cruise:
Obviously, Bjorn gets it...
Not everyone here who reads at this website shares your high opinion of Joyce, or of yourself.
This recent post that bears repeating, especially for new readers who are new to you and who may have missed it:
Well, Rudi @ 5:11 pm,
I've been awhile for awhile but I can see I missed your latest performance.
You treat this blog like it's your personal private club. Anyone who says something with which you disagree is immediately ostracized and accused of utilizing the idealogies of the "Alliance of Civilizations."
When you stray off the topic of researching the New Age movement, you are like the head cheerleader in high school who enocourages the first-string football players to bully other students (science geeks, quiet kids, exchange students, "freaks and geeks," etc) who aren't members of your exclusive snotty little club of "popular kids."
I have to remind myself that you are a grown woman instead of a 15-year old bully with a learner's permit and the ability to perform backflips in a gym hall.
Looking forward to seeing more of your periodic mini-volcanic eruptions toward the "non-popular kids" at this blog.
11:14 AM
I'm Not Dorothy
As I clearly noted in my previous comment:
This event featured
Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris
and introduced her as a fellow of the World Business Academy and member of the World Wisdom Council
This event took place less than 18 DAYS ago.
The link given by Dorothy is:
NOT a link to The World Wisdom Council website. It is the link to The Wisdom Page, a website that describes itself as,
"a compilation of wisdom-related resources — various on-line texts concerning wisdom, references to books about wisdom, information about organizations that promote wisdom, wise activities, and listserv groups concerned with aspects of wisdom."
This link from Dorothy featured a short commentary ABOUT the World Wisdom Council on the The Wisdom Page website. The Wisdom Page contains a lot of pertinent information and it's list of NGO's is impressive.
However,it says nil, nothing, zip, zero about the World Wisdom Council being "dead, defunct, ended, or nada."
As long as the Club of Budapest
continues to list the WWC and it's current membership prominently on their website, and until they or one of their network organizations
announce it has been disbanded or someone can show some documentation
proving it no longer exists I'm going to surmise they are continuing to function as stated in their 2004 Declaration. Especially if members are speaking at current events and using their membership as a badge of honor.
I'm willing to accept correction
if I can be shown documentation
anywhere, even remotely suggesting that the World Wisdom Council no longer exists.
The information about the World Wisdom Council found on the World Shift Network states at the bottom:
POSTED 1/21/2008
WRITTEN 12/20/2004
Please verify this information as well as the links Dorothy provided
in her comments. -Rudi
If you or anyone finds any event run by the World Wisdom Council since 2006 I may change my mind. Conferences, seminars, anything.
Or are you running a conspiracy theme where the World Wisdom Counci is operating behind the scenes since 2006, after having been very open in the few years they were operative.
Wow! With that kind of thinking you can make up all manner of things they were doing and no one will be able to challenge what you say.
I find that kind of fun.
Everyone, did you know Rudi is involved in a secret organization that meets every other weekend and has a seminar every full moon. Of course we will never know about it because it is a secret organization that no one is supposed to know about. We know that Rudi exists because she posts on a blog named cumbey.blogspot.com and the blog exposes the New Age movement.
I put "Rudi" in a google search. Did you know she runs an organic bakery. In her spare time she is an Iranian American journalist who has joined Fox News Channel as a general correspondent. She also runs a resturant in Portsmouth that promotes American style cuisine. She is also a certified financial planner with the Detroit Lions.
All of the above is true. I learned it by putting "Rudi" in a google search.
I've tried being logical. I guess it is time to get into the spirit of this blog at this time, so the above is my effort in this direction.
Do I now fit in?
When one steps back and analyzing the discussion on the World Wisdom Council and whether it exists or not, even though it is clearly mentioned on Club of Budapest's site, we realize the whole discussion is a smokescreen to cover up the real information that is being presented, unquestionably and undeniably which is that Rav Michael Laitman of Bnet Baruch Kabbalah Center is a big influential Kabbalist where we find videos of Ervin Laszlo, who is also mentioned on Jerusalem Academy in association with Ervin Laszlo, also part of the World Spirit Forum with Ervin Laszlo, the World Parliment of Clowns with Ervin Laszlo...has been on the Mediterranean New Age cruise with Ervin Laszlo.
Heinrich Eliyahu Benedikt is also a big Kabbalist who has Sufis, Hindus, among others on his site.
Can it be any clearer that there are New Age connections to these Kabbalists and when we examine the emerging spirituality which is very much being pushed in post-modernism, does it take a rocket scientist to connect the dots?
It's not because someone is Jewish that they are all of a sudden beyond criticism. It is not because Michael Laitman is Jewish that I am criticizing him. It is because he is a Kabbalist who is leading people astray. We jump on Rick Warren who is an Evangelical here, and many others and that's okay.
If we have to tippy toe around someone because they are affiliated with a particular religion we won't get anywhere on the blog.
If we were talking about anyone else here, I suspect there would be no opposition.. but because we are talking about Kabbalah, somehow this is above and beyond criticism.
Kabbalah will be used and is being used to lead the Jewish people astray. There are others such as the Hollywood crowd who are also dabbling...There is nothing to defend here and nothing to be defensive about. This is pure garbage which is against the Scriptures just as much as gnosticism, sufism, etc.
Instead of fighting the truth we should be engaged in trying to understand how all these things are working together to usher in the NWO and the global spirituality. The proof that it is doing that has already been presented..
Now if someone goes to a synagogue that teaches Kabbalah, my advice to you would be to stand against it and if no one listens get out. If someone goes to a church that practices mysticism...same. If someone goes to a Messianic Assembly that promotes mysticism ditto.
The seduction of the tree of knowledge of good and evil knows no religious boundaries....
HaSatan doesn't care how people eat this fruit, just as long as they eat it so wake up..
If you've eaten the fruit the only remedy is to put yourself in the hands of a merciful God and ask forgiveness and do teshuvah ( repentance) , but for heavens sake DON'T DEFEND IT and don't minimize it..
Very well said, Joyce 5:01 AM
Rudi & Joyce:
What's your point? Who cares about the World Wisdom Council? Who cares about Kabbalah? And who here is thinking about joining a forum with Ervin Lazslo?
Rudi, your egging on of Paul after some of the antisemitic garbage he has posted (and Len has squarely addressed, referring to the sources as possibly "skinhead") is reprehensible but does serve a purpose in that it reveals to us more of your character. You seem to have a negative obsession with the Jewish faith. Where does this come from? Is it because there are so few Jews living in the rural PNW that they are therefore an abstraction to you? Does the existence of intelligent, articulate, practicing Jews who have the audacity to post here (like Len and Dorothy) and won't bend to your warped world view get under your skin that much?
If you two are supposed to be living examples of "Sisters in Christ" the Lord help all of us. How many souls will you, by your abysmal examples, be responsible for driving away from faith in Jesus Christ?
Happy Hanukkah to all claiming to be Jews –or some form there of –
Merry Christmas to all claiming to be Christian – what ever denomination you may cling to
And – I guess Happy Festivus – for the rest of you?
Yep – totally tongue in cheek – (smile!)
Seriously; May the Lord God Jesus Christ Bless you all and your families during this season – and the rest of the tear also
To Doug in Mi:
The same back to you -- I hope you are recovering from your surgery.
"What's your point? Who cares about the World Wisdom Council? Who cares about Kabbalah? And who here is thinking about joining a forum with Ervin Lazslo?"
My very simple answer to this question is we all should if we are purportedly studying the New Age. Otherwise, there's no reason to be on a blog like this.
Hey Doug in MI,
Same to you...hope your feeling okay..
May the Lord bless you and keep you and shine His face upon you,
In Yeshua's name,
What in the world are you going to
do if an actual anti semite ever comes
to this blog ?
That I resent your slander, I've mentioned
Now Rudi is an anti semite. That's rich.
And did you intimate that Constance
is too ?
Again what will you do when an actual
anti semite comes here ?
You've used up all your ammo on people
who would be your ally.
I've got a backside full of "friendly fire"
shrapnel, but it's okey.
Actually, Thank you Dorothy
I'm honored. You shouldn't have.
I'm really not worth it.
Were you joking about Rudi being a financial planner for the Lions? If so, I'd like to have a word with her about that team. Certainly, they will be 0-16 after playing the Packers. I know this has nothing to do with the New Age, but come on, how long must we endure the humiliation of this so-called football team. Perhaps they were dabbling in Kabbalah and a curse came upon them. That would explain a lot.
Oh, I meant to sign off as David in Battle Creek.
My name is not "Dorothy."
Then again, I can't prove that any more than you can prove that you are named "Paul," so you will just have to take my word for it.
Happy Christmas to you, and Happy Hanukkah to the elusive "Mrs. Paul"
To Dave in Battle Creek -- LOL.
"And did you intimate that Constance
is too ?" (an Anti-Semite)
Did Dorothy ever do this? I can't remember seeing it.
Please cite where Dorothy did this, I would be really interested in seeing it and I'm sure Constance would as well.
Regarding the forthcoming CBS sponsored event at "The Palace at Auburn Hills" I would love to loudly proclaim a NIMBY: "not in my back yard!"
I live only a mile from the Auburn Palace, home of the Detroit Pistons, which were ironically organized by one of my forebears, Blackie Miller, a famous Fort Wayne, Indiana softball player who organized the Zollner Piston basketball team for Fred Zollner.
So, DEEP PIT COBRA aka DEEPAK CHOPRA and other New Age hypnosis artists are coming to my neck of the woods -- I hope they pack up and leave as rapidly as Benjamin Creme and Marianne Williamson did --
I should so very much like to see the bickering between Dorothy, Joyce, and Rudi all of whom are highly esteemed contributors to my work and blogspot END -- That's about all I want for Christmas -- I still have my 2 front teeth!
I'm not sure I understand what all the fuss about the World Wisdom Council is about. Knowing how the New Agers permutate and change labels but not the players often changing, I pay relatively little attention to what they are calling it this week or that week. But in the interests of accuracy and ending the squabbling, I did check out on THE NEWS any evidence of recent activity of the World Wisdom Council and Dr. Sahtouris who I wryly note graduated from Indiana University (I grew up in Indiana) and did find a December 13, 2008 article which indicates things are still alive and well at least some level. Here is the link:
The World Wisdom Council is a project of Ervin Laszlo and his Club of Budapest. I found this on the website of the Club of Budapest:
"Since 2008 the operational platform of the Club of Budapest is the WorldShift Network, which was established by Ervin
Laszlo, Wolfgang Riehn and Johannes Heimrath in 2007 as an international foundation. It has its seat in Germany. In future
the WorldShift Network will be responsible for the international projects of the Club as well as for the coordination of the
National Clubs.
Please read more on the website of the WorldShift Network."
HI Constance,
Hope you have a very nice celebration.
Blessings to you and your husband in 2009,
As I said, the World Wisdom Council is showing no activity since 2006. Because someone puts it on a resume doesn't mean it is still active. I answered that already.
As far as cooperation between Joyce and myself, it is totally impossible. I cannot make common cause with liars.
Hey folks...just go out and hug a New Age movement leader and Connie will tell you who they are so you will know who to hug. Don't bother taking a stand against the New Age movement. The latest piece of advice here is not to take a stand. Just find something you have in common, work with them and it will make everyone happy. After all, there may be evil in the world, but we're all just folks. Right Constance?
ALL of you have made some very intelligent and valid points.
The common denominator and the reason for all of the animosity here on this blog is a lack of respect and empathy (by some) for another's religious convictions.
We can each state our personal beliefs and debate each other without either tearing each other apart or by means of unwelcome non-stop proselytizing.
If we ALL would follow Jesus's command to "love thy neighbor as thyself" - there would be no animosity.
Judgement must be left to God. None of us has that right.
Just remember: there may be hundreds of new people reading this blog (who are not posting) who are "judging" all of us - by the words that we post.
Praying for peace on this blog and more love in our hearts on this Christmas Eve.
December 23, 2008
Fuhrer Rising
Rich Peterson has a new blog posting up.
A great review of Benjamin Creme's
original "christ" announcement as well as the Market Watch update Constance alerted us about. Thank you Rich - and Merry Christmas and/or
Happy Hanukkah to everyone! -Rudi
Dear Friends,
My Christmas schedule is in high gear, but I wanted to take a moment to wish you all well.
A very Happy Hanukkah for those who are celebrating!
A Merry Christmas is wished for those who are celebrating the birth of our Savior!
May God bless and keep you throughout the Holidays!
In His Love,
Do I think Constance is an antisemite? No. I've known her since 1981 or is it 1982, before her book came out. I met her in person for the first time when she was interviewed for three hours on a Jerry Rose show, a Christian television show which was taped in Chicago. I've been her friend, a part of her support system consistently over those year. I know her as a person probably more than anyone outside of her family.
Constance has one glaring weakness by my standards. She prides herself on being able to get along with anyone and wants to give anyone and everyone in her life the benefit of any doubt for long periods of time, no matter what the glaring warning clues are.
Consequently she has had major damage done to her work against the New Age movement and has harbored staff that has taken advantage of her generosity and used her.
She has met many major New Age leaders and has prided herself on not facing off against them. She won't face off against people based on their ideas. She'll report what they are doing and then get along with them.
She is not unique in this. It's common behavior in the legal and political worlds where people have to work together though they have different beliefs. Lawyers will face off in court for their clients and then go play golf together.
For example, it's why Palin and McCain say such nice things about Obama after they lost the election. One might want them to hold on to the views for which they received support, but alas, it never happens.
So who is to hold the line against things like communism, fascism, antisemitism or the New Age movement? All of the information is useless and strictly academic unless someone is willing to act on it. It's what the change agents count on, that no one will actually do something other than complain to people who think like them.
Unless Joyce, Rudi, Paul and some others actually do something huge to hurt her legal business or backstab her in her work against the New Age movement, she's not going to take a stand. I've known that all along.
While Constance is brilliant and compassionate, she is still just a human with human weaknesses. Unlike many who just talk, I've been willing to do the martyr thing in this battle against the New Age movement. We all have different roles to play in the changes taking place.
Well, I haven't hugged too many New Age leaders these days and the picture is so big, we all have much. Far as I can tell, neither the Club of Budapest (which is a spinoff of the Club of Rome) nor Ervin Laszlo are dead. The World Wisdom Council was a spin off of that.
As regards the Kabbalah/Cabala and all other forms of mysticism, none are much cleaner than the others. A clear reading of the Old Testament (Genesis through Malachi) showed that time and time again other "gods" raised their ugly heads. King David the Psalmist rightly proclaimed that all the gods of the heathen were devils.
My position is that the Torah clearly trumps the Kabbalah, no matter how well intentioned its practitioners. Deuteronomy is clearly part of the Torah. Deuteronomy 18 clearly defines what was known historically as "Mystery Babylon" that had corrupted all nations. Deuteronomy 18 has a clear and definitive list of forbidden spiritual practices, the same of which are commonly partaken of in the modern New Age Movement. Insofar as Jewish practice squares with Deuteronomy 18, I agree. Where it deviates and goes off a mystical path, I have the same quarrel as with all other forms of the occult.
Exaggeration of known occultists who pretended to be fighting the occult: Nesta Webster, Lady Jane Queensborough, Eustace Mullins
all of whom PRETENDED to be fighting the occult and blackening the name of Jews by blaming the occult agenda on Jews while simultaneously promoting their own branch of same, does not change the fact that simultaneous with these outward attacks there was also infiltration -- ancient and "New Age."
The Cabala/Kabbalah/Zohar etc appear at least to this observer based on my present information, scriptural understanding and knowledge to be what God was eternally trying to cleanse -- what happened when the Jewish community crossed the forbidden lines of Deuteronomy 18.
I love you all -- especially Dorothy who has been a loyal friend and important ally for the past nearly 28 years. But, my primary loyalty is to God and Jesus Christ whom I cannot and will not deny.
Rich's latest blog post, link provided by Rudi, is highly recommended. He is a wonderful writer.
Merry Christmas to:
JB in CO
Rich in Medford
Bitter Renter (Oh wait, wrong blog...sorry...)
Fill-in-the-blank (Did I miss anyone? Gee whiz, I hope not!)
Happy Hannukah to:
Mr. Oatmeal
A Strong Woman Vs.
A Woman of Strength
A strong woman
works out every day to keep her body in shape...
A woman of strength
kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape...
A strong woman
isn't afraid of anything...
A woman of strength
shows courage in the midst of her fear...
A strong woman
won't let anyone get the best of her...
A woman of strength
gives the best of her to everyone...
A strong woman
makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
A woman of strength
realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings and capitalizes on them...
A strong woman
walks sure footedly...
A woman of strength
knows God will catch her when she falls...
A strong woman
wears the look of confidence on her face...
A woman of strength
wears grace...
A strong woman
has faith that she is strong enough for the journey...
A woman of strength
has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong...
"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10
The battle belongs to the Lord
1 Samuel 17:47
Taken from & the complete text of:
“Gracious Spiritual Uplifts From Poetry & Rhyme Lyrics” by Luke Easter
Full text of poem found at:
Short version many be read at:
Luke Easter & Dee Cheeks
And to the rest of you, as a funny member of my family would say, Happy Chrismakuh.. Now I'm not sure if that is New Age or not..but it covers the bases.
All joking aside, do wish you all on this blog, regardless of your religious, political or denominational affiliation every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies, in Messiah.. Yeshua.
But Joyce...
You forgot "Kwanzaa"
Mr. Oatmeal
Rather than just wish every one a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hannukah, let me suggest something.
For a few days or as many hours as you can take, refresh yourself in your religious beliefs. Hide away from the world. Enjoy what God has put in your life, whatever it is...family acquaintances, mass, religious services, Christmas decorations....whatever brings peace into your life.
If things continue as they are going, soon all of us will have to face much continuing turmoil. This is an opportunity to build up a store of memories that will help you through future days. Use the days wisely. They are things no one can take away from you.
Wise words Dorothy! Thank you.
With my deep appreciation to Mr. Oatmeal for the inspiration and compilation and
Merry Christmas to:
Mr. Oatmeal
JB in CO
Rich in Medford
Bitter Renter (Oh wait, wrong blog...sorry...)
Fill-in-the-blank (Did I miss anyone? Gee whiz, I hope not!)
Happy Hannukah to:
Joyce!!! Don't forget Joyce!
Merry Christmas & Hannukah Joyce.
Blessed are you cause you get two.
And Merry Christmas to you too Constance!
you guys forgot ozark
Actually for the record I celebrate just one..and it's Chanukah. John 10:22 , and I do encourage all the Christians on the blog to take a look at that as well as the mo'ed ( appointments) in Levticus 23. They for everyone who attaches to the God of Israel and they are a blessing..
At this link you can download a copy of EU: A Guide for Americans
as well EU Focus: EU Economic and Monetary Union: A Framework for Stability.
This site covers EU-US relations. (Maybe everybody else saw it already. I didn't.)
Pray for the people in Sderot and Ashkelon who have had rockets raining down on their community. The ceasefire with Hamas ended, so this could escalate:
It might even give Obama the excuse to try and accelerate peace negotiations when he gets into office in a few weeks.
It's about Christmas Day and we are very busy with the usual stuff (except a tree, I gave that up this year) but feeling overwhelmingly blessed to have home and family to celebrate with.
My greatest blessing is to have my faith in Yahweh and Yeshuah. My second greatest blessing is to be, for whatever reason, even in my limited way, aware of what is happening in the world. It's almost like salvation all over again.
The other day I went to the book store, looking for Constance's books (nobody had them in stock). I was looking through the Christain section and overheard a young man ("Peter") and woman trying to figure out a book for a gift. I heard them mention The Purpose Driven Life and thought I should say something. But another young man (we'll call him Pierce cause he had those two piercings that remind me of fangs) and woman came along and they knew each other and all started talking. Then Peter asked Pierce if he was a Christian and Pierce said no, he's really into science. Peter said he has been really getting into his faith. They talked for what seemed like an eternity and I'm sure I looked like a lurker. Finally Pierce and his friend left and I got a chance to start a conversation with Peter and his friend (sister?). I briefly mentioned that I am studying the occult (I was walking around with The Encyclopedia of Signs and Symbols) influence in our society and that Rick Warren is connected to the New Age. He looked at me kind of skepticly and as our conversation progressed he asked if I was a Christian and when I answered in the affirmative that seemed to be enough for him and we all got to have a good lengthy conversation on Maitreya and some NA stuff. They even made sure to put Maitreya in her cell phone so as to be able to look it up later.
I really don't mean this to be off topic or like a self pat on the back, but I felt of all the things I've done to get ready for this holiday season and all the holiday rush, this was one of the most gratifying and important. I don't get all the deep conversations and connections and topics discussed here. I think it would take a lifetime to catch up and I'm afraid I might be one too many mercury fillings and DIEt Cokes past being able to fully grasp the full depth of all that is New Age, but it felt really good to get just two more people alerted to the dangers and onto the truth. I hope their search on Maitreya will open their eyes to the NA movement and they will not only protect themselves but others as well. To me things like that are a God send and it's awesome.
I bought several books: The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols by Adele Nozedar (Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, and color therapist); The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies by John Michael Greer ("a practicing occultist, Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America {AODA} and 32nd degree Freemason"; two books on Kabalah, and a book on Opus Dei. I'm hoping to get some much needed background information.
I saw a couple of books on witchcraft and really wanted to buy them (an unhealthy attraction?) for my studies. But in the end I couldn't do it. I was worried to even bring them into my house. I wonder if anyone else thinks that doing in depth study of this stuff, like having the books in the house or such is acceptable for research purposes only or just shouldn't be messed with in any way and we should get our information elsewhere? I have friends who won't even look at stuff like that, not even for research.
I ended up ordering Constance's books online.
I think a list would still be a good idea. Like who's who, books, websites, connections. Someone should write The Encyclopedia of the New Age Movement. Us newbies are way behind in the terminology and key players. I've got website space that I'd gladly donate if someone wanted to put it together.
Thanks for all the holiday wishes.
May Yahweh (and Yeshuah) bless, protect and provide for each and every one of you and your families.
Who cares about the World Wisdom Council?
You clearly have no idea who is involved in this organisation. The WWC is the major operational programme of the Club of Budapest. This Club, along with the Club of Madrid, is a direct sibling of the Club of Rome. The CoB was formed by the CoR to promote it's social and spiritual agenda, and the CoM to implement it's political agenda.
These three 'Clubs' share many common members and hold joint conferences. Both the CoR and CoM are official consultants to the UN, and prepare policy advice for them. So, to address you question 'Who cares' - well you only need to understand who belongs to the CoR, CoB and/or CoM:
Al Gore
Javier Solana
Mikahil Gorbachev
Bill Clinton
Tony Blair
George Soros
Ted Turner
The Dalai Lama
Kofi Annan
Javier Perez de Cuellar
Robert Muller
David Rockerfeller
Jimmy Carter
Deepak Chopra
Desmond Tutu
Jane Goodall
Henry Kissinger
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Bill Gates
Marianne Williamson
Juan Carlos I
and many more...
Now, these people clearly wield substantial political power to implement their agenda. And what would that be? Well, to quote directly from some CoR reports:
“If we continue on our present unsustainable path, by mid-century the Earth may become largely uninhabitable for human and most other forms of life. Such a total systems collapse could occur much sooner, however, due to runaway global warming or other ecocatastrophes, and/or by nuclear wars triggered by religious, ethnic or geopolitical conflicts or access to diminishing natural resources.
The acceleration of critical trends and cross-impacts among them indicates that the ‘window of opportunity’ for pulling out of the present global crisis and breaking through to a more peaceful and sustainable world is likely to be no more than four to five years from the end of 2008."
“It would seem that humans need a common motivation, namely a common adversary, to organize and act together in the vacuum; such a motivation must be found to bring the divided nations together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose."
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
“The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man."
"Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years from today it will probably be too late..."
“The odds seem against man. Yet we are moderately hopeful. The winds of change have begun to blow. A keen and anxious awareness is evolving to suggest that fundamental changes will have to take place in the world order."
“The resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion."
So who cares about the WWC. I do!
Constance and Mr. Oatmeal,
Thanks for including me. Merry Christmas. I've not been on the net much lately. I hope you're all well.
What you did in the book section I've been doing for many years. I use every opportunity to plant seeds of information everywhere I can. For years I've told people casually to go this blog, although I don't know if I will continue to do that. For sure I no longer can tell Jewish people to come here because it will appear just like another antisemitic site to them. I can't warn them about the New Age movement with information that is against Judaism.
I think the first person to break the ice with information about NA will probably seem strange to the listener. The next time they hear a mention they will remember the first person that told them something and will listen more closely. When I've talked to church going Christians I've told them to ask their minister about the New Age and see what he has to say. It's my belief that many ministers may know about it, but they haven't mentioned anything to their flock for fear of seeming strange. Just remember you have to throw in a credible source for them to turn to or they will go wandering off into disinformation territory.
Over the years I've avoided having any books on my shelves that tell how to practice the occult, mostly because they aren't very informative about the organizations involved in the New Age movement and as such are just a waste of money. In the religion section you will also find a lot of cheesy books supposedly exposing the New Age movement. Don't waste money on them.
If by chance you are near a major university, check out the used bookstores in the area for academic books on the movement. I've found many informative books on the movement in their religion, occult and Germany sections. Professors will often sell books they've been sent to these stores. I regularly check Powells near the University of Chicago. I don't find treasures every time, but it is worth looking.
If you find a book that you think informs you, look in the bibliography for the books the author has used to get his information.
The New Age movement is very broad as you can see by looking at the Whole Again website. It's not just mysticism as some here would lead you to believe. Come back to this blog and ask who knows what about a particular branch of the movement and what books they might recommend.
After you've seen the titles of 15 crappy books purporting to tell you secrets about religion and its history and the "real" occult connections, you'll just go "oh yah, right" and move on. Don't waste money. One or two are enough to have on your shelf as examples. Go to the Adventures Unlimited website and look at the books they are offering to speed this process. At this point you may not be ready to analyze why these books are being sold. That will come later.
Above all, take it slowly or you may be conned by individuals and writers who claim to know it all but are merely disinformation agents. If someone claimed to teach you all about computers in a brochure you would discount them. Use the same awareness when dealing with con artists on the New Age movement.
Your reaction to books about the occult might be different than mine. Yes, there have been a few books and information that gave me the creeps. Brochures from a Mary cult out of the northwest whose information session I went to see
I didn't want around. Many years ago I picked up several copies of a book on the occult in the Soviet Union that supposedly exposed the doings of priests in secret societies there. Maybe now I could remain emotionally distant, but at the time I just threw them in the garbage because they creeped me out. There was something about them that made me not want to keep them in the house. I only have one Crowley book in my library, and that just to see what attracted others. So yes, if you feel you don't want to touch a book, don't. I have no rational explanation for these reactions and I'm not about to be lectured to from others with less experience than I have with books.
Just keep in mind that evil is seductive on all levels. If you feel any kind of seduction taking place, stay away. Maryanne and I are having differences, but she is right in that she felt that seduction by the book she wrote about and was warning others about it. Where I might look at the book and think it was nonsense, she felt that seduction and was warning about it.
Off this topic of books. Evil is very seductive. It hits everyone in a different way. No one has a perfect shield against it no matter how much they pride themselves on being above it all. And in fact the key word is Pride. That's the feeling that the spirit of evil loves to use to destroy a human soul. Get a copy of Hostage to the Devil by Malachi Martin. It completely changed my awareness of the nature of evil and was as important to me as information about the New Age movement. The book made me aware of why the New Age movement was so seductive even though it never mentioned the words.
I understand this topic has not been appropriate on Christmas when Christians need to refresh their souls. However I couldn't sleep tonight and you posted, so between the two of us I'm sharing this information, hoping not to distract from the day.
Take time off to refresh your soul. We all need that.
I don't understand the ongoing debate here about the Kabbalah and World Wisdom Council. How is it antisemitic? Isn't Kabbalahism mysticism which is a forbidden practice in the Torah? Are the quoted words of the WWC from anon 1:10 AM a good thing?
Help me to understand the objection to these criticisms.
"And – I guess Happy Festivus – for the rest of you?"
I believe it is: Happy Festivus for the rest of us."
Mr Oatmeal and Ms Constance,
You forgot Setterman and OldmanoftheSki. Nice list though, I'm sure it was an oversite.
Deannie, You are missed.
Dorothy, 7:20
That was a very appropriate post, especially at this time of year! I'm sure I'm not the only one who has received a copy of "The Shack" for Christmas. NA related/occult gifts (i.e. video games, books, movies) are a great opportunity to tell people about the NA.
Of all the experiences I've had over the years....and that includes sharing a sweat lodge with a Chippewa shaman, a Pentagon Intelligence officer, and some of the leaders of Findhorn, not to mention many years working with "dually diagnosed" mentally handicapped/psychotic individuals - (whom some would call "demon possessed").... nothing has "creeped me out" more than receiving this book at this particular time, which was sent to us in "loving kindness" from my own niece.
I wanted to throw this demonically inspired piece of trash directly in the fire. No, not out of any fear of the occult mind you....my gut reaction after a quick scan of the book and reading the reviews at Herescope, was pure anger.
But my wife reminded me that it was a gift from a tragically deceived person who may respect, at least a little bit, our opinion. Therefore, as a gift, it will be returned to the sender with an explanation of why we will not keep it around the house. I just hate the idea of spending a dime on the postage.
Well, just goes to show, we all have plenty of work to do in our own backyards.
p.s. I will however, throw out all my wife's Michael W. Smith cd's....he's shown his lack of faith/knowledge/discernment quite well by endorsing this hideous book. I never liked his music anyway.
Anon 10:09, Dorothy, Suzette
Thanks for your interesting posts. This is the kind of information that I find the most valuable at this blog. I can't find it at other excellent blogs (such as Herescope, Slice of Laodicea, etc)
I think at this blog we can all help each other in sharing these experiences, as we struggle to find ways of warning others about what we have learned about NA.
Dorothy's experience in this regard is of course, invaluable. She has been at it for so many years. I have learned much from reading about her struggles. Thanks again Dorothy.
Anon 10:09, who wrote about your dear niece. I have a good friend in Tulsa who is seriously into NA thought. I didn't get any books from him but I got lots of NA quotes in a Christmas card. His father was a Rosicrucian, so I guess it's a "family thing..." He happens to be one of the most generous and caring people I know, along with being a deep thinker. I need to compose a letter to him, but am torn about what (if anything) to say.
Now here is the perfect example of what I am talking about with the way Kabbalah is being used:
Here is another site he's connected to:
The ideas of deconstructionism are being widely used in Christiandom too, particularly in the Emergent Church. Jacque Derrida is the Algerian Jewish philosopher that had a big impact on the universities a number of years ago and his ideas are still making impact in spiritual circles.. I'm not picking on Derrida cause he was a Jew. His education was very French, so the French philosophers obviously had great influence on him:
Now for the connections between Kabbalah and Freudian and Jungian psychotherapy see this article:
Here are Dr. Drob's credentials:
Now here is the sufi side:
Here is an article about the Dialogue of Civilizations and the global spirit:
The held something called the Path of Completion at the Garrison Institute, so let's look at the Garrison Institute. It's a center that focuses on Contemplation, and its spiritual advisors are Fr. Thomas Keating and Rabbi Salomi Schetcher among others:
So there you have representing contemplative Christianity, Sufism and Kabbalah..
If you click on their site, they are involved in everything from land conversation to meditation. Click news and open their newsletter they were involved in the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona.
I expect that we will see more of these kinds of alliances as time goes on.
I wasn't going to ask you today to do this (you must be tired from your posts over the last two days) but I have gone to the "Adventures Unlimited" website add browsed their large and diverse catalog.
Although far behind you on the curve, I'm not entirely new to this research. Yes I am trying to understand "why these books are sold." I can come up with two possible explanations:
1. The books on the AU website are almost all grotesque. By sensationalizing this type of material, the findings of anyone doing serious research in this area are immediately discredited. I would label this as a type of "disinformation technique." I have often wondered if this is what people like Alex Jones are about.
2. Money. This is a money-making business to sell these kinds of books for people who like this kind of stuff as a hobby/diversion. I also think of people like Alex Jones here and probably Dave Hunt and Pat Robertson too, maybe Gary Kah, who talk a lot about the devil but forget about one of the most dangerous devils of all, that old devil Mammon.
When you have some time I would appreciate your insights on this area which still confuses me. It's not that I am too lazy to do the legwork, it is simply that I am trying to put the pieces together and finding it difficult.
****As first enacted (to some this was the first gutting of the 4th amendment of the constitution) Please see below for other intended uses by the government and DOD
Does anyone know what Title 26 sec 402.502 says and Title 20 sec 422.103 says?
WHEREAS certain Federal agencies from time to time require in the administration of their activities a system of numerical identification of accounts of individual persons; and
WHEREAS some seventy million persons have heretofore been assigned account numbers pursuant to the Social Security Act; and
WHEREAS a large percentage of Federal employees have already been assigned account numbers pursuant to the Social Security Act; and
WHEREAS it is desirable in the interest of economy and orderly administration that the Federal Government move towards the use of a single unduplicated numerical identification system of accounts and avoid the unnecessary establishment of additional systems:
NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. Hereafter any Federal department establishment, or agency shall, whenever the head thereof finds it advisable to establish a new system of permanent account numbers pertaining to individual persons, utilize exclusively the Social Security Act account numbers assigned pursuant to Title 26, section 402.502 of the 1940 Supplement to the Code of Federal Regulations and pursuant to paragraph 2 of this order.
2. The Social Security Board shall provide for the assignment of an account number to each person who is required by any Federal agency to have such a number but who has not previously been assigned such number by the Board. The Board may accomplish this purpose by
(a) assigning such numbers to individual persons,
(b) assigning blocks of numbers to Federal agencies for reassignment to individual persons, or
(c) making such other arrangements for the assignment of numbers as it may deem appropriate.
3. The Social Security Board shall furnish, upon request of any Federal agency utilizing the numerical identification system of accounts provided for in this order, the account number pertaining to any person with whom such agency has an account or the name and other identifying data pertaining to any account number of any such person.
4. The Social Security Board and each Federal agency shall maintain the confidential character of information relating to individual persons obtained pursuant to the provisions of this order.
5. There shall be transferred to the Social Security Board, from time to time, such amounts as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine to be required for reimbursement by any Federal agency for the services rendered by the Board pursuant to the provisions of this order.
6. This order shall be published in the Federal Register.
Franklin D Roosevelt
The White House
November 22, 1943
*****Notice changes made below
by President Bush on Nov. 18,2008
Executive Order: Amendments to Executive Order 9397 Relating to Federal Agency Use of Social Security Numbers
White House News
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States that Federal agencies should conduct agency activities that involve personal identifiers in a manner consistent with protection of such identifiers against unlawful use.
Sec. 2. Amendments to Executive Order 9397. Executive Order 9397 of November 22, 1943, is amended:
(a) in paragraph 1 by:
(i) striking "shall" and inserting in lieu thereof "may";
(ii) striking "exclusively";
(iii) striking "Title 26, section 402.502" and inserting in lieu thereof "title 20, section 422.103"; and
(iv) striking "the 1940 Supplement to";
(b) by striking "Bureau of the Budget" in paragraph 5 and inserting in lieu thereof "Office of Management and Budget";
(c) by renumbering paragraph 6 as paragraph 8;
(d) by inserting immediately following paragraph 5 the following new paragraphs:
"6. This order shall be implemented in accordance with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
"7. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, instrumentalities, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person."; and
(e) by striking "Board" each place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof in each such place "Administration".
Sec. 3. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, instrumentalities, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
November 18, 2008.
********Does this mean what I think it means?
1) That if a criminal gets ahold of your number they will not take any responsibility in giving out your social security check to them?
2) Does this mean in Sec 3 that we can no longer count on our social security being secured by the government and payable at retirement. as in creat a right or benefit?
Mr. Oatmeal,
Thank you. Same to you and many more.
Merry Christmas to all my Christian brethren here and Happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish brethren here as well.
Here's old news that I don't remember reading about before.
Surprise hit humanitarian video game reaches one million players – UN
1 June 2005 – Launched by the United Nations only six weeks ago, the first video game designed to teach children about global hunger has surpassed all expectations in the gaming world by reaching more than one million players in 40 countries.
What makes this achievement highly unusual is that no android attackers are blown away in the game, “Food Force,” released by the UN World Food Programme (WFP) in April. Instead, kids race against time to feed thousands of people on the fictitious island of Sheylan, alongside a team of emergency aid workers.
They pilot helicopters while looking out for hungry people, negotiate with armed rebels blocking a food convoy, and use food aid to help rebuild communities. Along the way, they learn about the real world where over 800 million people are plagued by hunger each day.
“Finally! An educational game that rocks!” comments Watercoolergames.com
Available as a free download in MAC and PC formats through a dedicated website where information on global hunger can also be found, the world’s first humanitarian video game contains six different missions aimed at children 8-13 years old. Evidence of the response to the game includes thousands of comments posted on the site along with highest scores.
As of today, “password300” of China leads with 148,952,869 points.
According to John Powell, WFP Deputy Executive Director, the game is reaching 40 countries even though it is currently available in English only. Powell is looking for partners to help translate the game into other languages.
The WFP is also focusing on free distribution in schools around the world, backed by Yahoo! and Internet2, a Washington-based high-speed educational network. In addition, the game is supported by a community web site which includes lesson packs on world hunger in seven languages provided by the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
That Anon 10:09 was me, hit the wrong button again. Not only did we get "the book" for Christmas, but my wife and daughter got two very beautiful quartz crystal silver necklaces made with "loving kindness" by my dear old father in law. He's an avid rock hound and an excellent craftsman, and while he's very aware of his NA customer base regarding the crystals he digs up, he's in it as a hobby that pays him money. He makes all kinds of other really neat things besides jewelry.
If it wasn't for the crystal's obvious symbolic NA ties, I'd have no problem letting my wife and daughter wear the ornamentation. They really are beautiful. It pisses me off that N. Agers have taken away some of our enjoyment of nature, and although I reject the claims of those who use "crystal power", I really don't have a problem with the item itself. But I realize the greater responsibility of trying not to be a stumbling block for others.
Can you imagine a visitor coming to my home, being greeted by my wife and daughter who were wearing crystals around their necks, and then sitting down on the sofa and seeing a copy of "the Shack" on the coffee table ? Good grief! It would take me hours to explain. But, then again, maybe such items would be an appropriate conversation starter, especially if Maitreya was about to perform some mind numbing antics on TV.
And very many thanks for the Raapana Anti-Communitarian links. Good stuff. I lived in a tipi for awhile myself. Might have to again some day.
I’ve been giving this “crystal” thing some more thought…
There’s all kinds of NA claims put forth about the supposed healing properties of crystals, their natural and supernatural energy fields and so forth. Scientific research has not been able to find any extra ordianary or even measurable energy fields around cyrstals. But regardless of the findings of science, goofy New Age mystic wannabe’s continue to make outlandish claims about the uses for each kind of crystal, i.e. healing or channeling, quiet meditation or physical activity, going so far as to claim they can even identify the “sexual orientation” of the specific minerals.
Nearly everyone understands that Faith Healing comes from faith, and of course, while the effects of faith can be readily observed, (as has been noted quite often in the medical community), we are totally incapable of measuring faith scientifically. (For example, how much faith is equal to a mustard seed?)
But there is one claimed property of crystals that I would sincerely like to have more input about…
Keep in mind, just last week Constance posted the Donald Keys thread, which linked to a website put up by a woman who has spent considerable time planting crystals all over the globe, from Mt. Shasta and the Canadian Rockies, to old Inca temple sites in Peru, in the belief that she is setting markers for specific “stargates”.
"Deep" New Agers, (as opposed to the superficial feel good types), those who are deeply committed, like "Auntie Alice" and “Uncle Benny” Crème (demonically inspired, deluded, possessed), claim that crystals are a powerful talisman, a focal point for channeling directed supernatural, but as yet, scientifically immeasurable energy. In other words, the effects are observable, but not measurable.
Now if crystals really can be used as an amplifier for channeling entities from a “higher” realm, as NA’ers claim, then what about our liquid crystal computer and television displays? Maybe I really do owe an apology to that anon poster who claimed a few threads back that Maitreya could possibly overcome all/most/some who searched his name or viewed his image using a computer or a television, aka any device with a liquid crystal "amplified" display.
Just FYI, tipi living is a damn cold option in winter.
Anon wrote: “I don't understand the ongoing debate here about the Kabbalah and World Wisdom Council. How is it antisemitic? Isn't Kabbalahism mysticism which is a forbidden practice in the Torah? Are the quoted words of the WWC from anon 1:10 AM a good thing? Help me to understand the objection to these criticisms.”
The main objection is that they are part of Joyce’s evident campaign to discredit normative Judaism. There are many things in the Jewish Bible that are incomprehensible to ordinary people. Kabbalah is analogous to theosophy; an attempt to understand God’s transmission to us more deeply by people who love Him. In a prior message I have pointed out some of the contributions of Kabbalah to normative Judaism as well as condemning the charlatans who distort it and misuse it for personal gain. But we must not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
The Talmud tells of four sages who entered the “garden;” a euphemism for the mystical area of Torah:
"Four went into the garden--ben Azzai, ben Zoma, Elisha ben Avuya, and Rabbi Akiva.... Ben Azzai looked and died, and of him it is said, "Precious in God's eyes is the death of his faithful." Ben Zoma looked and was stricken [with madness]. Of him it is said: "Have you found honey? Eat what is enough for you, lest you become too full and vomit." Elisha ben Avuya cut the shoots [became a heretic]. Akiva entered in peace and departed in peace." (Babylonian Talmud, Chagiga 14b)
The garden is said to represent study of Torah, and/or profound mystical experience. Three of the men who entered died, went insane, or denied the existence of God. Of the four sages who entered this dangerous realm of inquiry, only one, the most, learned, experienced, and aware, emerged unscathed. This suggests that experience of the sacred can lead us to painful places as well as ecstatic ones. We need courage and sense in order to interpret mystical revelation with integrity.
Following is a repeat of my prior messages:
Kabbalah can interpret the Torah but not contradict it.
Even if it does not contradict, anyone who uses
Kabbalah for selfish ends instead of to further God's will is a heretic.
I have a book on this subject called "Faith and Folly, The Occult in Torah Perspective" by Rabbi Yaakov Hillel.
The Foreword says: "In recent times people in distress have been turning to "Kabbalists" for help. Simultaneously, complaints of extortion and abuse by charlatans have been pouring into the rabbinical courts." The book was written "to save people from pitfalls."
In the preface he writes: "Faith is a Torah obligation. Folly, or misplaced faith, is forbidden by the Torah." There is "often a mere handbreadth between the two. -- Misguided or misplaced faith verges on idolatry. --- Any form of mediation between man and God is idolatrous. --- Unfortunately -- anyone who labels himself as a 'Kabbalist' is accepted as a holy man capable of delivering miracles upon receipt of payment. If he wears exotic dress and rolls his eyes he is even considered a prophet."
Kabbalists are the originators of many of the essentials of Judaism; the prayers, the design of the fringes and phylacteries worn by religious Jews, the Passover seder, etc.
I also received a copy of The Shack for Christmas. My daughter asked me if she could read it when I was done. I whispered to her that I won't be reading it and neither will she and that I would explain later..shh.
Concerning danger of Kaballah, the Far Eastern Kundalini is similarly dangerous. Most people say it is dangerous but not too many have experienced how dangerous it is, as I have. I barely survived.
In my opinion, neither Kaballah nor Kundalini is worth experimenting with. If there is some gain for a few, there can be disaster for others and this makes it worthless in my eyes, for that which helps a few and harms a few does not follow the Golden Rule. All souls are worthwhile and if any one is badly harmed by practices, the whole thing should be dropped.
Therefore I have no sympathy with Kaballah in any form, either lofty or commercial. All folly.
Marial wrote: "neither Kaballah nor Kundalini is worth experimenting with." I am not familiar with Kundalini but I agree about Kabbalah; one should not experiment but should leave it to wise people well grounded in the exoteric Torah. Some say you should not be involved before the age of 40.
OTOH, the late great first chief rabbi of Israel, R' Abraham Isaaac Kook ZT"L, wrote:
"Whoever feels within himself, after many trials, that his inner being can find peace only by pursuing the secret teachings of the Torah must know with certainty that it was for this that he was created.
"Let him not be troubled by any impediments in the world, from hastening what is the essence of his life and his true perfection. He may assume that it is not only his own perfection and deliverance that hinges on improvement of his character, but also the deliverance of his community and perfection of the world. ---
"But everything is dependent on the degree of the person's humility. --- If he shouuld detach himself fromm his source, and try to draw water from other wells not substantially appropriate for him, he will wander from sea to sea, from one river to another to the end of the earth, but he will find no rest. A person who wanders away from his place is like a bird who wanders away from its nest. A person should always take courage in the Lord and trust the God of his life --- through which he alone can find what he seeks."
The Shack continues at #1 on the NY Times Best Seller list, 29th straight week, with over 5 million in print. As Rudi noted, Herescope has already posted a couple of solid reviews, which may or may not be good enough for most people. I'm going to read it myself.
Windblown Media has taken over publication and claims the book provides a "refreshing breeze for the spiritually hungry."
Maybe I'll write my own review, and call it "dinner bell for the beast". We'll see.
Rudi, thanks again for the heads up.
What the hell does all this bickering about the damn Kabbalah have to do with Constance's most important show ever?
Niki Raapana has done some essential research tracing the massive plan for our enslavement, detailing its institution at all levels and who is behind it. She's gone up against city administrators and do-gooder useful idiots and documented the fight along the way, painting a horrific picture of what is going on and the worse future we face if they get any further with this program, yet you dolts sit behind your computers and play into divide-and-conquer strategies like little children.
I haven't heard the show because the site wants to rape us for 20 bucks a month to access the archive, but it would be nice if someone could at least address Niki's work, and even better if someone that heard the show talk about some of the issues discussed therein.
Christmas/Hanukah blessings to all! I just caught this report on MSNBC.com. Interesting report out on the day we celebrate the One who came to bring the true "Peace on earth."
or http://tiny.cc/KGsWz
5-year terrorism threats forecast for U.S. Report is from Michael Chernoff-Homeland Security.
Sure sounds like we need someone to “manage our insecurity”…????
If somebody gets the program, it is available for copying for all -- I'll see if I can get it and duplicate the MPC -- HOORAY for calling everybody's attention to Niki's essential work! She will be back on my program next Tuesday. There are mt any programs on line including youtubes available for downloading with essential parts of her work.
Meant to post this here. Sorry for all who see it twice.
Just a little word about Kabbalah that is being explained as "normative Judaism". Rashbi who was born in 80 a.d. and wrote the Zohar, one of the books of Kabbalah followed the failed and false messiah, Simon Bar Kokhba.. There are people that think this man is the reincarnation of people in the Tankakh ( Torah, Writings and Prophets) .
As the story goes, he hid himself in a cave for years and got the revelation of the Zohar. Now the difference between Rashbi and Yohanaon, the apostle of Yeshua, is Yohanan followed the Messiah who rose from the dead, and Rashbi followed someone that attacked the Romans but died and was never heard from again..
Okay, let's look at how Kabbalah stands up to Torah:
Deut. 18:21 “1You may say in your heart, ‘How will we know the word which the LORD has not spoken?
Deut. 18:22 “When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.
The fact that Rashbi was a follower of the failed, false Messiah Simon Bar Kokhba should be a big heads up that his very important work of Kabbalah,
"the Zohar" does not come from a true prophet of God...or he would have had the wisdom not to follow Bar Kokhba.
Let's see what Torah says about some of the other practices of Kabbalah. The Kabbalists Israel put a curse on Ariel Sharon. I'm not saying that it worked although I'm sure they think it did when he went into a coma. It looks like they tried to do the same to Olmert:
So what does Torah say about this kind of evil:
Deut. 18:10-11 “There shall not be found among you anyone awho makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one bwho practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, aor a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.
Now I just want to say that I know Jews that do not consider Kabbalah "normative Judaism". Let's assume though that the Chasidic and some of the Orthodox branch do consider works by a man who followed a failed Messiah "normative Judaism".. What would Torah have to say about that?
We know that the true prophets of Tanakh predicted Yeshua's birth, death and resurrection and return. That would include Moses, David, Isaiah, Micah, Zechariah, just to name a few. In fact all of Tanakh is about Yeshua.
This week the Jews in synagogues around the world will read the story of Joseph, who was betrayed by his brothers, sold for 20 pieces of silver ( Yeshua was sold for 30 and the Prophet Jeremiah predicted this), was unrecognizable to his brothers until Judah repented and was willing to take the place of Benjamin ( son of my right hand, son of my sorrows). Joseph had the bread of life, but was despised and rejected, betrayed and given to foreigners, like Yeshua was given to the Romans for execution. Joseph was the favored son of his father, Yeshua is the one and only Son of His Father. Joseph reunited the family. Yeshua will reunite the family when He returns. This wholeness is called Shalom.
Abraham gave his "one and only son" Isaac up to be sacrificed but said "God would provide the sacrifice".
Moses said there is one coming that was greater than he. He saw God face to face..
Isaiah said that Messiah would be bruised for our iniquities and by His wounds we would be healed.
Zechariah said we would look upon He who was pierced and weep as one weeps for an only begotten Son.
Micah said He would be born in Bethlehem
John the Baptist, told us to prepare the way and make our paths straight for him.
David said not one of his bones would be broken, his garments would be divided.
He is called the second Adam because the first Adam sinned and sin entered the world.
Ezekiel said He would bring the two houses of Israel back together...which will be fulfilled in the future as Jewish believers in Yeshua and Joseph, who is in the nations and is unrecognizable to his brother will be recognized...as Judah comes to the realization that Joseph has the bread of life, even though he looks like a goy.
Folks this story is key in the reconciliation of All Israel. These are prophecies which will come to pass, but until Judah repents and stops following the false prophets...it will not happen.
Just a historical note here. The Jewish believers in Yeshua were still worshipping in the synagogues and going to the Temple till it was destroyed in 70 a.d. In 135 a.d. when the Jewish believers in Yeshua refused to follow the false prophet Simon Bar Kokhba, the real falling out between the other Jews took place. They gave a prayer in the synagogues that would have forced Yeshua's followers to renounce Him, so they stopped going to the synagogues. The other Jews thought the believers in Yeshua were traitors because they would not join forces against Rome with this false messiah.
This was the beginning of the split between the Jewish believers in Yeshua and the other Jews. Prior to that, they were considered a sect of Judaism. All the other messiahs of Judaism have failed. Shabbatai Zevi, Simon Bar Kokhba, Jacob Frank. In fact according to Jewish sources Luria, a famous Kabbalist paved the way for the false messiah Shabatai Zevi:
Then the Chabad movement followed another false messiah :
So...when we look at the history of Kabbalah and its influence on Judaism, I am hard pressed to see it either as "normative" or very useful. On the contrary, it seems to have given rise to most if not all the false messiahs. It employs curses which are forbidden in the Torah, and none of its "prophets" have amounted to anything.
Today, it seems to be giving rise to people like Rav Michael Laitman, and Eliyahu Benedikt who are total New Agers. Laitman talks about Cybernetics and mixes easily with all kinds of other "mystics" from other traditions.
We won't even talk about the sexual content of Kabbalah which is disturbing to say the least. The reason that only men over 40 can study it is somewhat understandable..but God does not hide His truths from us.. contrary to what Kabbalah says.
This is what the false prophets of Kabbalah do:
Jer. 23:16 Thus says the LORD of hosts,
“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you.
They are leading you into futility;
They speak a vision of their own imagination,
Not from the mouth of the LORD.
Look what God says about these kind of "prophets"
Jer. 23:22-23“But if they had astood in My council,
Then they would have announced My words to My people,
And would have turned them back from their evil way
And from the evil of their deeds.
“Am I a God who is near,” declares the LORD,
“And not a God far off?
God doesn't have some hidden things only for 40 year old men to study:
Deut. 29:29 “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but bthe things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.
Nor is it so complicated that only the Kabbalists can show it to us:
Deut. 30:11-13“For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach. “It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will go up to heaven for us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it?’ “Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will cross the sea for us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it?’
It doesn't sound like we need some secret wisdom to know what God is talking about.
God has revealed all to us and it is plain to see who Messiah is:
Prov. 30:4 Who has aascended into heaven and descended?
Who has gathered the wind in His fists?
Who has cwrapped the waters in His garment?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is His name or His son’s name?
Surely you know!
Yes, the Name of His Son is Yeshua!
Kabbalist have supposed received special revelations and in fact they consider themselves the reincarnation of people like Moses, which is utterly absurd. There are no examples of reincarnation in the Bible, only in Hinduism. All the people that God spoke through in Tanakh and the Apostolic Scriptures spoke the truth plainly because we do not serve a God of confusion. There are no more prophets because God's Word says:
Heb. 1:1-4 God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.
And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much better than the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they.
and from Paul:
2Cor. 4:2-5 but we have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
For we ado not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake.
There is nothing hidden, that hasn't been revealed. God has spoken and He has spoke through His Son,
Yeshua the Messiah, so all of the so-called prophets of Kabbalah are false.
For those of you who think I'm spinning my wheels talking about Kabbalah, I'd like you to look at the article that talks about the Messianism within Kabbalah by a well known Jewish scholar of Kabbalah:
Now I'd like you to read something from this same man an expert on Kabbalah:
This suggests that kabbalistic circles were using metaphysics to reify historical reality, which led Scholem to coin the term “historiosophy” to describe his understanding of history and metaphysics. It also offers another first glimpse of his work on Sabbateansim which Scholem claimed was a heretical but not necessary deviant form of Jewish mysticism. By that I mean that even fairly early in his career Scholem held that Kabbala is a theology that requires a normative law (tradition) — largely as a foil — but is always in dialectical tension with that law. The fact that antinomianism rose to the surface in the Sabbatean movement, breaking the normative tradition through its combination of messianism and mysticism, should not be seen as an aberration as much as a tragic inevitability. This Sabbatean heresy, argued Scholem, did not end with the failure of the movement but influenced, and even set the conditions for, Jewish modernity
It's actually worthwhile to read this whole article for those who are inclined:
Now the reason that I am so interested in understanding more about the roots of Jewish mysticism as well as other mysticism, is that it is clear that Jewish mysticism brought forth lots of false messiahs.. I'm not saying this will happen, but I'm not saying it won't either...Is it possible that mysticism will once again produce a false messiah, but this time the whole world will be deceived?
I don't have the answer to this question, and I'm not saying it will be a Jew either. Eliyahu Benedikt is half Jew, half German. I'm not suggesting it's him, but these are just interesting things to ponder and to see how in the past false leaders and false prophets deceived the world, like Hitler who was deeply involved in theosophy which lifts up Kabbalah. Helen Blavatsky was antisemite but she liked Kabbbalah. What makes a guy like Benedikt so deceiving his he puts forth his ideas and bases them on the Hebrew Scriptures..plus other mysticial ideas, so...
Some of the Jews believe the third temple will be constructed by Messiah, but the question is which Messiah...the true or the false?
Just one quote from the article by the famous Kabbalist Luria:
Let us now apply the principle to building the Third Temple. When the G-d of Israel is going to bring the Holy Temple down from heaven, He is going to do it in answer to the prayers of the Jewish people. As we say in our daily prayers, "May it be Your will, L-rd our G-d, and G-d of our fathers, that the Holy Temple be speedily rebuilt in our days." This is our hechsher mitzvah. Our prayers and yearning for the Temple, will arouse the Will of G-d. Without this, the Temple would surely never be rebuilt. And the AriZal, Rabbi Isaac Luria Ashkenazi, teaches that, according to Kabbalah, our prayers create the spiritual channel of light by which the Temple will descend.
I will paste a quote from the same article by the famous Rambam or Maimonides:
According to the Rambam, the Jewish people must build the Third Temple any way they can, at any time they can accomplish the task. In the Laws of Kings, (chapter eleven, law number four), the Rambam states that the Messiah, an earthly, Jewish king, will build the Third Temple. And, in fact, he states that the only conclusive proof of the identity of the Messiah is that he will be the one to build the Temple.
The other view on the subject is derived from Medrash Rabba, (a book of homiletic expositions from the time of the Talmud) . Here, the Medrash teaches that G-d Himself will build the Third Temple, and it will descend out of the fire from Heaven, onto its appointed place on earth, the Temple Mount. Rashi (the chief and classical bible commentator, circa 1200 C.E.) and Tosefos, (an academy of European scholars circa 1300C.E.) and many other authorities subscribe to this view, and this has become the popular view of the Jewish people. As to the verse, "They shall make for Me a Sanctuary," this opposing view teaches that the directive was already fulfilled with the building of the Mishkan and the first two Temples, and is no longer applicable. They cite as the source for the Third Temple the verse (Exodus 15:17), "You shall bring them in and plant them in the mountain of Your inheritance, in the establishment of Your residence which You have made, O Eternal, the Sanctuary, G-d, which Your hands have established."
Although the two views appear to be contradictory, both are the words of the Living G-d, and there is no contradiction here at all. Among the many explanations which resolve the argument is the teaching that the redemption (and therefore the Third Temple) can come in one of two ways, b'itoh (in its time) or achishenah (suddenly, at any moment). B'itoh is the end of the fifth milennia, the Jewish year 6000 (as of this writing we are in the year 5759). If final redemption does not come till then, the Jewish people, led by the Messiah, who will be anointed as king by a prophet of G-d, will build the Third Temple. This goes according to the Rambam. But if the redemption comes achishenah, that is, immediately if not sooner, it will be replete with manifold miracles, incomparably greater than during the Exodus from Egypt some 3309 years ago, and the Holy Temple will suddenly appear out of the fire of Heaven atop Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. This is the opinion of Rashi and Tosefos, and the hope and dream and yearning of the Jewish people.
This explains the contradiction, but it does not resolve it. And one does not push away the Rambam with a toothpick. For the Rambam could tell you, "Is that so? Well, the commandments are eternal and G-d has no right to take one of them away from us. So don't give me this 'appearing out of the fire of Heaven' stuff."
The question then becomes, "How can G-d send the Temple down from Heaven already built, yet have it built on earth by the Jewish people?"
....so my friends, if someone comes along and constructs the Temple, there are Jews that will believe that he is Messiah.
I have no doubt that the Messainism of Kabbalah will play a big role in all of this, so my interest is more than just a passing one.
The Bible tells us there will be many false Messiahs and He was talking to Jews when He said this, so it's reasonable to think the false Messiah will be convincing enough to dupe the Jewish people, or at least some of them.
Rabbi Micheal Laitman's concept of the Third Temple:
This includes 3 proposals for the rebuilding of the third temple:
here's the homepage of the site:
Check out the players..
This is NOT to be confused with Jerusalem Academy. It's another project.
Maybe we ought to have a look at their political plan too?
Inevitable that the Jews will need a Temple if there is to be a peace plan:
"Another major religious issue not discussed so far in the context of peace treaties is the status of the Temple Mount - Haram-El-Sharif. It is a fact that the Jewish religion places one of its major hopes on the restoration of the Temple of Jerusalem, and that there are Moslems who are thus worried of Jewish take-over of this site and the destruction of the El-Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. It is also true that at present most Jews, both the religious establishment and the secular majority, are not pressing for a change in the status, yet this is not an issue that can remain unattended, and is bound to errupt sooner or later.
The present arrangements are patently temporary. The State of Israel refrains from declaring the site a holy place for Jews, even though everybody knows that this is the holiest place on earth for the Jews (in religious terms, there is no comparison between the sanctity of the Temple Mount in Judaism, for which it is central, and in Islam, where, when searched to its sources, is rather incidental). Under the present temporary arrangements, not only are Jews prevented from building the Temple, they are even prevented from praying in their holiest site. Clearly this is a temporary situation which a permanent peace treaty should rectify. The issue is complex and so far has been avoided by all parties."
I'm not a prophetess, but I suspect this issue will be dealt with under an Obama administration...
Just a suspicion.
Interestingly, as I'm sure someone like Len knows..the Orthodox do believe that the house of Joseph is still in exile:
I'm not saying agree with this man..just pointing out that this is part of Orthodox belief based on the kingdom being divided and the Northern Kingdom subsequently scattered and mixed in the nations.
Tikkun Olam -
most of the discussions have nothing to do with Constance's article - or Niki's either -
I have read some of her work at newswithviews.com including the communtarianism article - I find it very informative, personally.
I didn't get much chance to read the whole interview on 51 Reasons to Say No to Global Gov't today, but it looks interesting-
'My Dream Is to Create a United Religious Nations'
(The mrs. and I must go somewhere at the moment. But I want to read it later.)
Thanks Joyce 1:38 A.M. for clarifying the issue so well!
Jude 1:19 These are they who make separations, sensual, having not the Spirit
Communitarianism seems to be the main theme of Barack Obama. It has to be. If you have been to either of the web sites, Change.gov, and his original site of his campaign, you will see it fit Niki's description. Explains how Rick Warren, who is almost on the opposite political spectrum from Obama, could agree to give the invocation at the inauguration. Very interesting.
David in Battle Creek
David in Battle Creek,
The winds of Change are even now
breaking from the Obama camp.
How do you feel about what they wrote about you on wikipedia? Specifically the last sentence, "She has also promoted several conspiracy theories in her writings, including the claim that the European Union's foreign policy chief Javier Solana is the Antichrist.” Do you consider yourself a conspiracy theorist? What does that mean to you? And if all that your saying is true… why would they let you live? I mean we all know that God has the final say on everything but I wonder if things will be more like what it was like in Jesus’ day. It has never been about the non-Christians attacking the Christians as much as it has been about the extremist Christians attacking the “out of the box” Christians. Jesus didn’t get killed because he was a conformist with the church. And if the prophecies are true…. What if it looks more like the extreme right wing people who call themselves christens actually the people that are the dangerous ones.
People used to call me a conspiracy theorist because of all the things you and others like you write I really believed and followed so close…. And still do believe these things are true. But I wonder now if it was a way to keep our eyes off the true way that Satan has his hold on so many people in this world. I just wonder….. How does this help us be closer to God? How does this help us have a deeper faith? What I mean to say is…. Knowing this does not keep it from happening. God knows the days that come and they will be here when it is HIS time….. so why care what they are doing? We see that neither democrat nor republican is the better party…. And money/power rules the world…. Jesus spent most of his time reaching out to people on a very basic level… and he didn’t bother in politics – did he?
Now when you read this, please don’t see an attack… this is questions I have been pondering in my head for almost a year now… since Herb Peters died. And as much as I do like everyone answering these questions… I am most interested in how Mrs. Cumby answers these questions.
yours truly
-just curious
Just curious,
I think the most important thing we can be doing is be in the Scriptures daily and reaching out to those who have not yet heard the truth.
Personally, I have a hard time not following current events and wondering how they fit in with prophecy..that's just how my mind works and I'm a hopeless analytic, having said that it is not the most important thing. The most important this is the bread of Life, Yeshua. I have found that coming to know more about the Hebrew roots of my faith has been incredibly enriching and has giving me deeper understanding of the Apostles writings as well as Tanakh. If you are in the Scriptures, and you're paying attention..it will be hard to miss when things unfold. Or as Paul said, "these things are for our instruction upon who has come the end of the age." talking about the Israelites in the Wilderness.
I think there will be many lessons in these texts for us.
I know you want to hear from Constance...
Shabbat shalom,
Hey, everybody --
Welcome to the "JOYCE BLOG".
(I'm sure Constance doesn't mind.)
Who needs more proof that Britain is the premier New Age nation? But the US is not far behind.
Iran and Hamas do Christmas
By Caroline B. Glick
Jewish World Review December 26, 2008 / 29 Kislev, 5769
Both Iran and its Hamas proxy in Gaza have been busy this Christmas week showing Christendom just what they think of it. But no one seemed to have noticed.
On Tuesday Hamas legislators marked the Christmas season by passing a Sharia criminal code for the Palestinian Authority. Among other things, the code legalizes crucifixion.
Hamas's endorsement of nailing enemies of Islam to crosses came at the same time as it renewed its jihad. Here too, Hamas wanted to make sure that Christians didn't neglected as its fighters launched missiles at Jewish day care centers and schools. So on Wednesday Hamas lobbed a mortar at Erez crossing point into Israel just as a group of Gazan Christians were standing on line waiting to travel to Bethlehem for Christmas.
While Hamas joyously renewed its jihad against Jews and Christians, its overlords in Iran also basked in jihadist triumphalism. The source of Iran's sense of ascendancy this week was Britain's state-owned Channel 4 network's decision to request that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad give a special Christmas Day address to the British people. Ahmadinejad's speech was supposed to be a response to Queen Elizabeth II's traditional Christmas Day address to her subjects. That is, Channel 4 presented his message as a reasonable counterpoint to the Christmas greetings of the head of the Church of England.
More of this revealing article here:
LOL...that must stand for Lot's of Love...always lots of that here on the blog...kidding. LOL to you too!
Have a very blessed Shabbat, with the shalom of Yeshua,
Your extrra-long message attacking Rabbi Yochi of blessed memory is so error-logged that it would be a fool's errand to attempt to answer it all.
But I will point out that your main premise is totally wrong; namely that that saintly rabbi supported the bar Kochba revolt against Rome. His mentor, Rabbi Akiva, also of blessed memory, did. In fact, R' Akiva thought bar Kochba to be the Messsiah but changed his miind after bar Kochba died in failure.
That is more than I can say about you who still worhips your messiah in spite of HIS failures.
In fact Yochai was a pacifist, was well-liked by the Romans, and was a bitter opponent of the revolt against Rome led by Rabbi Akiva and bar Kochba.
Those who are interested in knowing what is going on in world rather than the continuous blah blah about Messianic Christianity and how bad Kabbalah is, go over to
Although it was covered in a few places, I never knew that Michelle Obama was kicked out of the legal community back in 1993. She lost her law license after only four years of practice. It appears that our presumed messiah figure is in the same boat. Get more fascinating information about the woman there.
It turns out that the Obamas don't own the mansion in Hyde Park, IL. It is owned by Rezko's attorney.
"An attorney for convicted fundraiser Tony Rezko is listed as the owner and taxpayer for Barack Obama's Chicago mansion, according to records obtained by WND."
Many other fascinating pieces of information also there such as
While Messianic Christianity and Kabbalah provide incredibly fascinating information worth book length comments day after day it becomes important to take a peek into the ongoing events in the world to see what is going on as we march rapidly into the New World Order led by the Drum Major and Majorette Obamas.
Hope no one bought their kid this Little Mommy Doll, by Fisher Price.
Doll says, "Islam is the Light"
If this has already been posted here, I apologize.
Hope everyone is doing well here and enjoying the holiday season with loved ones.
Started reading "The Shack" on the plane- quite boring IMHO. Am trying to get through it anyway. Haven't read any reviews on it, although I know it's been discussed here, as I wanted to form my own opinion first without being prejudiced one way or the other. As I walked down the aisle of the plane to my seat yesterday, a woman stopped me and said, "That book is fabulous!" I just smiled and said, "Really?"
I'm a little more than halfway through- noticed the "Holy Ghost" is into fractals, LOL.
I know Constance had someone discuss fractals on her program not long ago but I didn't get a chance to listen. Anyone still have the link? I just spent way too much time Online reading up on fractals, since I had no clue what they were- ferns, broccoli florets, snowflakes- are all considered examples of fractals in nature. Based on what I read, I came to the conclusion that a pyramid is a very complex mathematical fractal, and the Star of David is a simpler version of a fractal. I was trying to figure out the symbolic significance and how fractals connected to the New Age and then I read OldManof theSki’s recent comments here.
Anyway, I was very interested to hear what OldManoftheSki had to say about liquid crystals. In case you didn't know- a crystal is also an example of a fractal. I read the WIKI article and being a literal idiot when it comes to anything scientific or mathematical, I was clueless about what I was reading. This part did catch my attention, however:
"In this way, the electric field can be used to make a pixel switch between TRANSPARENT OR OPAQUE on command. Color LCD systems use the same technique, with color filters used to generate red, green, and blue pixels. Similar principles can be used to make other liquid crystal based optical devices."
So, tell me if I am wrong about my interpretation of this, but couldn't this mean they could use this pixel-changing technology (which uses the math of fractals and the curiously unusual characteristics of liquid crystals) to make Maitreya or whoever disappear or change shape right in front of our very eyes on our liquid crystal LCD screens?
Also in the Wiki article:
“Thus, liquid crystal sheets are often used in industry to look for HOT SPOTS, MAP HEAT FLOW, measure stress distribution patterns, and so on. Liquid crystal memory units with extensive capacity were used in Space Shuttle navigation equipment.”
If you combine the abilities of liquid crystal technology with fractals, suddenly it seems logical to assume that certain structures are definitely in certain places for very specific New Age reasons. I thought about the crystal pyramid right smack in the center of the Louvre courtyard, as well as the crystal pyramid on the roof of the Rothchild-built Israeli Supreme Court, in Jerusalem. These structures also cross ley lines-supposedly powerful electromagnetic fields around the earth.
What I am trying to say here, (and probably not doing a very good job of it) is that Old Man has hit on something here. The use of crystal’s unique properties multiplied with fractal mathematics in pyramid-like structures and placed in strategic places, are intended, IMHO to be occultic portals in which to channel demonic activity.
It is interesting to me how interconnected all of this is when you consider the Book of Enoch, which says that God commanded Enoch to imprison the Nephalim (demonic angels) beneath the earth’s surface, and also under the River Euphrates, not to be released until the end of time. Is this why ley lines and electro magnetic fields are so important to the New Agers? Are they using structures like these to attract the demons in the heavenly realms to earth? Also, I googled Sherry Shriner once- the lady who makes Ogone –Blasters and who Constance knows from a few years back. If you google Orgone energy,
You can get pretty confused, as I did. However I found this:
ORGONE ENERGY is "The Higher Power We Can Use ", what is also called the
Life-force, Chi, Prana and many others ... the live cosmic energy of nature that is
present everywhere. This cosmic force is a spontaneously pulsating, MASS-FREE
energy that fills the Universe and comes from the Sun in vast quantities. Orgone
fields of energy are generated inside the CRYSTAL-PYRAMID structure to
channel and ground these higher energies into our lives. The energy moves in the
direction of a magnetic field, having a constant motion in an upward tendency.
I found that here on this New Age site:
Now in that nasty book that I read, and which Dorothy kindly commented on recently,(thanks Dorothy, for finally understanding why it freaked me out!), the Illuminati or whoever these people are that wrote the book, believe that mass is evil because God created it. This goes back to my theory that the Hadron Collider could be used to bring about the New Age. It would explain why they utilize mass-free structures filled with orgone energy to do their hocus-pocus with. Anyhow, it’s all making more sense as to why these Luciferic-inspired individuals and organizations are into stuff like pyramids, crystals, portals and fractals.
Okay, I know this is a weird comment. Sorry.
Thanks to all who wished me a Merry Christmas, especially Constance. I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season and spending as much time possible with loved ones.
I hope we can all try to be more loving to each other in this upcoming New year, since it's sure to be a doozy.
Love and blessings,
Len, I agree that humility is the key to surviving a foray into mysticism. Because I was not proud, and always believed in God, in spite of the urgings of my yoga teachers to give Him up, I survived by the protection of HaShem, and the assistance of couple of esoteric teachers who, while not Christian, were at least also humble and grounded in the real, and knew the technical ways to recover from a Kundalini crisis.
I did look into Kaballah after this period, but as you say, the teacher didn't want a woman to study (that was pre-Madonna) or anyone who was not grounded in Torah. At that time I had converted to Judaism (after the New Age) but my "Reform" Judaism inquirers' class was hardly a Torah study. In fact, the rabbi who taught the conversion class said I was the only scholar in the class; the rest were there to get married or satisfy a spouse; but even though I was a "scholar" to that rabbi, I never really studied Torah until I got involved in evangelical Christianity, specifically, the lessons of Chuck Missler and a few others in Koinonia House, including some Jewish scientist/Torah scholars.
So, Len, it is a problem that we discuss these things so much on a blog like Constance's, but it is also true that "alternate" practices in Christianity and Judaism, as well as in the Moslem and Hindu sects, does intersect with New Age.
After all that I have studied, I admit I do not know it all, but I can smell New Age when I get near it. Call me Inspector Hound of the Anti-New Age Forces.
I just want to highlight a comment:
"That is more than I can say about you who still worhips your messiah in spite of HIS failures."
Just so all of you know that is why I am still praying for Len in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, and I pray many of you would do the same.
Before leaving Pa. yesterday, I picked up a local newspaper. An article caught my eye that said:
Tree of knowledge sparks controversy.
Apparently the tree trumped the regular tree that is annually erected in front of the courthouse and also blocked views of the Mennorah and creche.
I recall that when I lived in this town many years ago I was shocked to find a branch of the theosophical society right in the center of town above Taylor's Music Store where my hubby bought me a piano! So this article wasn't very surprising.
If you read the article, make sure you read the comment by Judy Davidson who talks about the Chabbad movement and also links to their website. I couldn't help but chuckle since I had never heard of the Chabbad movement until the Mumbai tragedy and the talk on this blog!
I have never personally dabbled in New Age or mysticism, not because I am so smart, but just by the grace of God, but I've spent time around people who did and recognize it when I see it.
Thank you for sharing that because people that have been exposed to darkness are usually quite tuned in when they see it. It is a huge problem today, not only in Judaism but in Christianity as well as parts of the Messianic movement.
When you think prophetically of the deception which will come on the world, it makes perfect sense though, doesn't it?
Welcome back Maryanne! Hope you had a nice time..
Let's see,
All mass is is the amount of matter inside something. On Earth we use weight to determine mass. Just because something is bigger doesn't mean it is more massive. Like a balloon might be bigger than your head, but your head (most likely) has more matter in it. I'm guessing this is the kind of mass you're referring to YG. How could mass be an evil thing. It's just the property of something like width, height, and volume.
David in Battle Creek
If anyone wants to know who Rashbi was:
He is one and the same, Simeon bar Yochai.
It looks like Rashbi, the follower of the failed messiah Simon Bar Kochba was the writer of the Zohar, a major text in Kabbalah.
I just had another thought about the crystal thing.
Have any of you ladies wearing diamonds ever noticed how the sun or another light source can catch the diamond and reflect a beautiful prism-like light onto another surface?
I just wondered if a satellite or something in space could be used to send a light beam or maybe laser beam to earth and hit one or more of these crystal structures in order to reflect light back up into the sky?
Does anyone more scientific -minded than I think that's possible? Could that create the illusion of a star?
Hey, did the Maitreya Christmas star ever appear anywhere while I was away from the Internet? I guess we'd be talking about it here if it had...
Thank Goodness!
Thank Joyce!
Hi David in Battle Creek. I guess I was thinking of matter, not mass. In the book, "The Armageddon Conspiracy", matter was considered evil because God created it.The book was written by Gnostics who hate God and claim they are the Illuminati trying to save humanity.
However, I did warn that I was not a scientific person, so sorry I confused mass and matter! However, if you google the Higgs Boson field and the God particle, you might understand what I was referring to.
Well, I'm not either, I just googled the term. Matter being evil would be crazy. The smallest particle of matter is the atom. Our bodies are made up of matter. The air is matter. All I can say is "What's the matter with those people?"
David in Battle Creek
P.S. To "just Curious" 10:27
While waiting for Constance to reply, I can say that she does not necessarily claim Javier Solana is the Antichrist. But in the search for the Antichrist, Javier Solana is suspect #1. It's possible Mr. Solana may not be the Antichrist. Hopefully, this will tide you over.
Your posts are hilarious.
Solana did not even make this years 50 most powerful people list!
Obama was number one!
The Obambi.com Blog www.obambi.com
Friday, December 26, 2008
Warning, the language at this blog is not the kind used in polite company.
This character makes Tony Soprano look classy.
Why would they falsify the death record? What was the point? Sinclair claims that the grandmother actually died Oct. 23, not November 3. Maybe it was inconvenient to have a funeral then? The grandmother died at an inconvenient moment in the campaign? Seems like a big risk to take just for the sake of inconvenience.They could have announced that she had died and that the family would have a quiet private ceremony.
Interested in your thoughts on the matter...
Thank You anonymous 9:43 AM for the heads up to the very important Spiegel
Interview with Yona Metzger, the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel. In this interview
Rabbi Metzger talks to Spiegel Online about the three monotheistic religions, Islam,
Christianity and Judaism all sharing the same "father" ( Abraham), and how this connection could be a starting point for a dialogue of peace between them. 'My Dream Is to Create a United Religious Nations'. Rabbi Metzger first advocated this in late 2004, raised the idea again in February 2006 during several Interfaith meetings and again in March 2006 while attending the International Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace in Seville, Spain.
This interview with is also being reported on BBC News, "Vos Iz Neias" (The Voice of the Orthodox Jewish Community) as well as several popular Israeli Forums. Rabbi Metzger is by no means the first or only individual who has in recent month's expressed the idea of making Jerusalem a "Vatican City" or "Religious United Nations". Please refer back to Constance's earlier blog article featuring The Jerusalem Academy and the Peace Proposal information. This may be reviewed in the Saturday, May 10, 2008 archive. -Rudi
51 Reasons To Say "NO" to Global Governance.
'Vos Iz Neias'- "The Voice of the Orthodox Jewish Community":
Rabbi Metzger was named one of the 12 most influential international religious figures in a recent CBS documentary entitled In God's Name.
"In God's Name" Video:
March 2006 International Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace in Seville, Spain.
event report from BBC News and The Jewish Journal
Although this is not specifically on fractals, here is an article on pyramids in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Wonder if there other reasons behind the apparent reasons for the Yugoslav war--i.e, demonic activity around the pyramids?
Enlightening article. Apologies if it has already been linked:
Rick Warren: "Annoyed" with Critics
Serving Two Masters Not Working
August 2008
Obama family vacation in Hawaii. There is no mention of the grandmother in any of the stories. It is rumoured that the daughters have never met the grandmother.
Phillip Berg did have this comment:
"”Obama did not pay any attention to his grandmother until I showed up in Honolulu,” he wrote in an email. ”Suddenly she is the center of his attention. She is so central to his campaign that he has suspended it! But when Obama was here last summer he only visited his grandmother for an hour. One hour! Now he suspends his campaign for her?”
"Madelyn Dunham, 85, fell in her Beretania Street apartment on Oct. 6 or 7 and broke her hip, said people familiar with the situation who asked not to be identified because the family has not officially released the information. She was treated at Kaiser Permanente's Moanalua Medical Center, people familiar with the situation said."
October 21
"The 85-year-old former bank executive is said to be "gravely ill" after falling and breaking her hip, and some reports suggest she might not live to see the results of the Nov. 4 election."
(If she was dying of cancer, when did it show up? Those I knew who died of cancer lingered longer than a month.)
Story written October 21
"I'm going to see my grandma, who I haven't seen in almost 18-19 months," he said on Aug. 7. "And, you know, who's getting to the age where I want to make sure that I'm spending time with her on a consistent basis and so that she could see her great grandchildren."
October 23
Obama goes to Hawaii. Leaves on October 24. Grandma's birthday is two days away.
The only picture available showing the two of them together is said to be 20 years old.
October 24
"On Friday October 24, 2008 Michelle Obama during a campaign rally for her husband claimed that “I spoke with tutu last night and she is strong and in good health.”"
"Today, November 3, 2008 (November 2, Hawaiian Time), the Obama campaign announced that Madelyn Dunham had “died peacefully after a battle with cancer” in Hawaii."
Supposedly Obama was told at 8 am of her death. Without a pause he went on the campaign trail that morning.
"A public memorial service was held for Dunham last month, but the family did not attend. Obama and his family are expected to pay tribute to his grandmother during the (December) trip."
"Also Madelyn Dunham was cremated quite quickly with the urn containing her ashes being delivered to the apartment on Nov.4th. Apparently the family will have a private memorial service sometime in December; the one held yesterday was for the benefit of friends and former co-workers.
From Free Republic
posted on Saturday, November 15, 2008 2:15:07"
December 20
"Insiders said Obama and his family will hold a private funeral service for his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, while they are in Hawaii. However, officials with the National Memorial of the Pacific at Punchbowl Cemetery said nothing had been finalized."
News story after the death
"Obama has said that his greatest regret is not making it to his mother's bedside before she died."
"Last month, Obama took a break from campaigning and flew to Hawaii to be with Dunham as her health declined.
"Obama said the decision to go to Hawaii was easy to make, telling CBS that he "got there too late" when his mother died of ovarian cancer in 1995 at 53, and wanted to make sure "that I don't make the same mistake twice."
December 24 Honolulu Advertiser
"Madelyn Dunham was suffering from osteoporosis and cancer when she fell in her apartment and broke her hip in early October.
"Within days, Obama's presidential campaign announced his sudden decision to cancel appearances so he could make the long flight home to visit Dunham."
(That was about 2-1/2 weeks between when she broke her hip and he visited, not days.)
I haven't been able to find a single long interview with the grandmother or pictures of her with the children. It's as if she was told to keep quiet just as Obama's Kenyan relatives have been told not to talk to the media without permission.
Here are two stories, one right after the other on the same website. One says she died November 2 and the next one says she died November 3.
I looked through a lot of websites to gather the above quotes. Take away the canned history and the pretty obvious baloney about his feelings and there isn't much left to tell about that relationship.
How could Michelle say one thing about the grandmother when everything pointed to her critical health. I know I'm not politically correct, but looking at Obama and his campaign's pattern of lies, I would say his words might have been, "She dead. I've got a campaign going on. No distractions." He and his connections have gotten away with so many lies he probably wasn't bothered with another one. Although there was a place for Madelyn Dunham next to her husband at a cemetary, her ashes were scattered to the wind and water like those of her daughter's.
A couple of statements made it clear that he missed being there when his mother died, and he wanted to be there for his grandmother's death. Doesn't see her for 19 months until last August when he might have seen her for an hour. My goodness, he couldn't have the media thinking of him as callous.
I've had time to do some additional reading on Communitarianism and the phenomenal
research done by by Niki Raapana. For myself, although I am somewhat familiar with Agenda 21,The Global Marshall Plan, MDG goals and the like,
Communitarianism and The Communitarian Network are areas I was totally unfamiliar with - at least not being aware that this is a specific area we should be paying attention to. Even more so, since becoming aware of the prominent role Community Service is to play in the soon-to-be Obama administration. I gave the link to Niki's blog in my first comment. I've since had some time to take a deeper look into some of the information Niki has made available. In January 2006 Niki wrote a two part News With Views article titled,
Besides her blog Niki has another website literally overflowing with important information she has compiled. Please try and find time to take a look at some of this before next Tuesday's encore interview Niki has scheduled with Constance on My Perspective. -Rudi
Anti Communitarian League homepage:
Very interesting. This fits with all the other initiatives from AoC, Common Word Abraham's Path, Three Faiths, Tony Blair Interfaith, URI, Elijah Interfaith, Jerusalem Academy, etc., etc.
The push is on interfaith from all different perspectives. I found this very interesting. They propose using the Dome of the Rock as the cornerstone to building the 3rd Temple:
Look at this:
I'm sure there will be a plan to make Jerusalem the capital of all 3 religions, if not all religions. The Theosophists envisioned this.
It's the direction we are heading. Merging the mystical elements of the 3 religions would facilitate that. Here's a quote from Benedikt:
The way of Kabbalah is an inner journey towards the transcendental root of our human existence, which is Divine Self or God – a well of springing water, when once opened flooding our soul with contentment, peace and happiness. On this way we will use the known image of the sefirotic tree, reading and dealing with it as a mirror of the structure of the universe as well as of inner man, and as a map for orientation on our path towards the lofty goal of Self-Realization.
Check this page carefully. There is new info:
Also he is going to have a Wisdom University and Internet University, so we should keep our eyes on that.
p.s. the Spain connection is very interesting too. Spain has a long history when it comes to the 3 faiths and is the headquarters of Mediterranean Union.
I would also add that a President with Muslim roots who is supposed to be Christian and has a Jew on his wife's side of the family, and is part African, part caucasian is also very convenient.
This fellow has some interesting comments:
Here's a video from the Network of Spiritual Progressives about the Global Marshall Plan. Keith Ellison speaks. They talk about the global poverty tax:
Here's the full length version. The man starts by saying it takes "spiritual transformation"
I've popped into this site twice a day now since the heading appeared on the 23rd. Has a link to this show been posted? If so, where's it at?
You can't post a headline like that and then go silent. You're killing me - LOL
Waiting in anticipation \"/
One more interesting one:
This one has links to the Garrison Center that I posted earlier:
Here we have Karen Armstrong connected:
and Marianne Williamson.
When I looked at the links on her website, it was clear that her agenda extended much further than anti-communitarianism.
is an example of the ugliest kind of antisemitism.
US Law In The Balance
By Niki Raapana
The term homeland was used in the 1930s to describe a position of the Austrian Minister Zernatto who negotiated terms with the Nazis.
Today it is the term used, By the Nasi of Sanhedrin, the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidim who control the Whitehouse.
Of the RED Sofiet Talmudic Edomites of Hell, the Hasidim from the Russian City of Lubavitch, formed by the RED Edomites sent from jew York, Lenin and Trotsky the jews who fomented the TERROR Revolution which eventually MURDERED over 60 million Russians in the same anti-Christ Noahide scheme of Talmud Bavli unto the Dragon they serve
everyone from Wayne Teasdale to Ken Wilbur are mentioned on the site:
watch the video.
It's not religion..it's spirituality that will unite...
Listen carefully..
Before I lose it again because windows stops working, on Obama's grandmother, she was the one who apparently said in an interview that she was at his birth in Kenya.
On a Radio Liberty show from 122208b with Bob Chapman as guest. They were discussing the Madoff case and according to Bob Chapman's sources the $50 billion is in Isreal. Is it possible that this money could be used to rebuild the Temple? http://www.soundwaves2000.com/radio_liberty/
It's also astounding that Madoff only got house arrest from 7pm to 8am at his $7 million Manhattan apartment and did not have to post his $10 million bail.
A pyramid scheme is one where money coming in is distributed to those who have been in the system previously. Madoff was supposedly giving investors very high rates of return on the money invested with him. When new people were brought into the system, their money was pulled off the top to pay investors the guaranteed rates of return. Let's say that he was only making 2% but promising 15%, that money had to come from somewhere. Not everyone leaves their money in the market. They use dividends to live and fund their organizations. When the market tanked, he couldn't even make 2% to give back because he had given the principal away already.
You probably heard of these simple pyramid mail scams using money, books, or liquor. You get a letter asking you to join. You are told to send $10.00 to the name on the bottom of a list. You are told to send out five copies of the same letter, only adding your name to the top. Each of those people are told to send $10 to the name on the bottom of the list and send out five copies of the letter. You are told that when your names comes down to the bottom of the list, 25 people will be sending you $10 each. It never happens but that's the scam.
Now no one person is collecting all of the $10 bills being sent out. Some of the people in the middle of the list are making a profit on the $10 they invested, but pretty soon more people are waiting around for their profits than there are $10 bills in the system.
Based on your other comments you appear quite intelligent. However when you suggest there is $50 billion in Israel, I thought it might be good to go back to basics.
If Joyce starts telling you that Madoff was reading the Psalms backwards while turning the pages of a book marked Kabbalah with his toes in order to determine how to invest money, listen carefully. She says she is a genius when it comes to Kabbalah and you never know.....
Don't worry Dorothy. I won't accuse Madoff of that, just plain good old fashion greed.. I don't know anything about his religious convictions except that he was Jewish, but greed knows no religion. It's a human condition.
Israel just bombed Gaza and word has it there are 140 killed there.. This morning Hamas killed two children of their own by accident.
Expect things to get ugly.
excuse me. That was over 150, Joyce
p.s. here comes Obama's test..
Speaking of Madoff..In case anyone wants to explore his connections here is an interactive tool..it's useful for other well known people too, including our future president..
I noticed some of the antisemitic links on tha Rapana site. How could anyone link to Stormfront (even with a caveat)?
Constance must be so busy these days she is doing little more than skimming her pre-broadcast material.
Methinks Rapana has some 'splaining to do.
Back to the OneSpirt Interfaith site. Here are some of the players:
The fellow who founded this, Robert Foreman is a scholar and practitioner of mysticism, with impressive affiliations.
This is a MUST read. .Dr. Robert Foreman's Forge Institute links to this call to Global Spiritual Citizenship:
and to put the icing on the cake:
( this might help Dorothy and me...kidding...only God can do that!)
All joking aside, you must watch the last video about how to achieve spiritual unity..
I know this is a lot to look at but I think you will see the "new religion being formed". .
Can anyone tell me how to delete your own comment?
To Dorothy (3:40 AM)
Re: "If Joyce starts telling you that Madoff was reading the Psalms backwards while turning the pages of a book marked Kabbalah with his toes in order to determine how to invest money, listen carefully. She says she is a genius when it comes to Kabbalah and you never know....."
LOL!!! Dorothy, you're so funny!!!
To Armageddon Thru To You (1:25 AM):
Constance's shows (with live interviews) can be heard every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8:00 PM (EST); 7:00 PM (CST), etc. on the following link:
9:14 AM Anonymous & Dorothy:
In addition to her expertise in Kabbalah, I bet Joyce can name the top ten vodkas in the world.
Has anyone noticed how unperturbed Madoff looks? When I saw him on TV coming out of the courthouse a week ago he had a huge cheshire cat grin on his face.
"How odd!", said I.
Here is an interactive WSJ article about the Madoff connections and circle of friends. If you go to the top of the article, click comments. The comments were fascinating and rather funny. Check out what Louis Ciola has to say. His comments start second from the top. His analysis that it's a family bank heist rather than a Ponzi scheme makes much more sense to me. How can you perpetrate a ponzi scheme for 40 years?
Here's some of his comments:
Guess what, ladies and gentleman. Why do sons turn in their father?
The answer, because they are all in on the scam.
Look at the brilliance of this scam.
They say to the SEC "Oh, our father said he was running a Ponzi scheme."
My response is B.S !
He wasn't running a Ponzi scheme. He was faced with a down market. Given the down market and the fact that he is 70 years old, he doesn't want to wait for the market to recover.
Now, he skims $200 to 300 million (probably more like $1 billion) and puts it in a Swiss account or several Swiss accounts.
He does the jail time (maybe5 years at most with parole in 2 to 3 years.)
His sons and his entire family cash in on this money after he dies.
That's why the sons turned in their father!
This is brilliant.
That detail always bothered me. Why would the two sons who worked in their father's business all their life, suddenly turn their own father in. You mean they didn't know his day to day operations?
This whole thing smells to high heaven. He's not running a Ponzi scheme, he's running a bank heist in plain sight!
Like my other commentator said, "facing massive redemptions he chose to call it a Ponzi scheme."
Any schmuck running a closed end junk bond fund could give good returned 24/7 365 days a year.
If you doubt me, go and look a few up.
The whole family is conning all their investors.
There is no Ponzi scheme only a large heist!
The money is in numbered Swiss accounts, and my best guess is that some of these accounts might belong to some holocaust victims and might be untraceable.
There is no Ponzi scheme ladies and gentlemen, just a bunch of schmucks claiming to run one.
Because a true Ponzi scheme would not be sustainable for over 40 years. Think about it.
And, there are legitimate closed end funds that pay high returns as well as preferred stock.
Warren Buffet bought a whole bunch of preferred stock in G.E and Goldman Sachs which pays 10%!
Ignore the word Ponzi scheme, these is none. It's a massive heist, probably the biggest one in history.
Remember this quote from the Godfather and Mario Puzo:
"You can steal more with a brief case than you can with a gun!"
That's why the sons turned the father in!
What a joke.
How do you hide an elephant? You hide it in plain sight!
Remember what Pierre Salinger used to say, when someone would ask who is that lady going up to Presdent Kennedy's office? And, he'd respond, "That's the President's mistress!" and everyone would laugh.
Well, what about the one about the two sons who turned in their father.
"Oh, arrest him, our dad is running a Ponzi scheme.!
What a krock.
The whole family is hiding billions in plain sight! Madoff has skimmed this cash, parked it in Switzerland and now has surrendered himself to the authorities, and willingly!
Notice, there is no denial of guilt, no protests of bail, no protests of house arrest.
Why is the family gladly putting up their $7 million dollar apartment in Manhattan and their homes in Palm Beach ad nauseum? Because it's all chump change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you stole $200 to $300 million or even $1 billion would you draw attention to yourself, or gladly put up the bail and keep quiet?
I would gladly serve house arrest and put up my homes in order to keep my $300 million safe overseas!
What are they going to give a 70 man for prison time anyway?
Even if they sentence him to 10years, even 20 yeas, some doctor could come along and say he has heart disease or some terminal illness.
After two years the judge will let him out on a compassionate release. Then what? The whole family has all that money socked away in Switzerland. No one is ever going to find that money unless the Swiss authorities co-operate.
And, if they put the money in some of those accounts from the holocaust victims it will NEVER be found.
This is a scam, and this is a heist right in plain sight.
Remember the movie, hide in plain sight?
Well, you're watching it right here.
To read the link and comments:
To Jojo:
Thanks for the link! I didn't know there were pyramids in Bosnia-Herzegovina. YOu said:
"Wonder if there other reasons behind the apparent reasons for the Yugoslav war--i.e, demonic activity around the pyramids?"
Interesting theory. I'll check out the link.
I checked out the link that you posted regarding Niki Raapana. If she wrote that stuff it's very disgusting. Much more disgusting in my opinion than the fact that Gary Kah used Eustace Mullin as a source of info about the CFR in his book.
I am hoping we'll find out that her words were copied and pasted into the article but that someone else interjected the anti-semetism.
Calling Jesus a kike is also way over the top. I can't believe she would say that, though I actually never heard of her until Constance invited her as a guest on the Microeffect.
I hope Constance can provide an explanation for the article as I am very troubled by it.
She may have good information on communitarianism, but that's completely unacceptable language.
I have found what appear to be two different versions of the "same" article by Raapana:
1. http://www.samliquidation.com/noahidenews714.htm (dated 4-16-07)
2. http://www.newswithviews.com/Raapana/niki14.htm (dated 4-28-07)
Both carry the title "US Law in the Balance"
What's going on here?
To Anonymous 11:48
Here is the one that Dorothy linked to, and the one that I just read:
Thanks for drawing my attention to the other one. I'll check it out.
I meant anonymous 11:08
Someone may be trying to make Niki Rapaana look bad.
If you compare the News with Views article she says:
"The term homeland was used in the 1930s to describe a position of the Austrian Minister Zernatto who negotiated terms with the Nazis. Today homeland is a Russian political party and is also used to describe all of Russia. "
ON the site that Dorothy directed us to and which I read, she supposedly says:
"The term homeland was used in the 1930s to describe a position of the Austrian Minister Zernatto who negotiated terms with the Nazis.Today it is the term used, By the Nasi of Sanhedrin, the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidim who control the Whitehouse"
Thanks anonymous 11:08 for bringing this to our attention. We needed to see that!
He stole money from primarily Jewish clients. See the list on the above page.
If are going to play religion wars, there needs to be two sides, so here's an opening shot. Who cares that it's a gross exaggeration and based on a lack of understanding about how financial systems operate.
Now how about them Christians who ran Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who stole money from everybody because of their overwhelming greed, bringing down the financial system around the world. And Bush you know is a Christian and Obama too. Biden is a super big Christian. Mayor Daley and his family in Corrupt Chicago are Catholic Christians as is Governor Blagovitch in Illinois.
There are a lot more Christians in the world than Jews; therefore there are more Christian thieves in the world than Jews. Oh you know how all of those Christians are. Everybody loved the television show the Sopranos because everyone knows that Catholics are murdering crooks and rather than be diappointed in them, they laugh with them.
In fact all of those Christians who believe in end times think being crooked is OK because who will need money in a few years. Might as well enjoy as much as possible with everyone's money before it's end times.
If you are Christian and offended, you should be. At least I know that what I just wrote is both crude and stupid and an outright lie. But then again Jews hold to much higher standards than Christians. Everyone knows that.
It's pretty obvious that there are people posting here who are throwing lit dynamite sticks from hand to hand not caring about the damage they are doing.
A long time ago Constance pointed out that part of the New Age agenda is to turn the three monotheistic religious groups against each other so as to get them to destroy each other. I never thought this blog would be used to help that process.
Young Grasshopper 10:40am
Hi. This is what was discussed on the radio broadcast that covered this. But not that the money was in a Swiss account, (could be) Bob Chapman's sources said that it is in Israel. Madoff is eligible to go there based on the Law of Return. I am sure there are people on this blog who know the ins and outs of that, I assume it means he can go to Isreal by their laws at any time because he is Jewish. There was also a discussion on the insurance payout which was astounding and those who benefited from that. They couldn't get the insurance money unless it was officially declared a crime or whatever. Yes, the sons wouldn't have been ignorant as to what he was doing and it's a big stretch to say that they suddenly figured it out or suddenly grew a conscience. Somewhere there's a whole lot of money that can buy a whole lot of power or whatever. It's so curious they didn't put him in jail or anything. Just house arrest. They don't even bother to pretend there's law and order anymore.
Dorothy, I read the link you provided on Niki. I found it difficult to follow what all she was trying to say but it was very evident she was making some very ugly remarks. Prejudice and racism in any form is unbecoming. There is evil in the heart of every man, and no one group is responsible for all that ails the world. I wonder what she will have to say for her position.
I know that I have often wondered why some countries in the world seem to be so much more violent and barbaric. It often comes across as a racial thing if you don't look at it with an unprejudiced eye. Like Africa is so very bloody and violent. They have atrocities there that only our worst horror films can imagine. Is this because black people are more violent than white? Not at all although there are supremists who would argue that. I recently have come to the conclusion it must have to do with the level of demonic or evil in their environment. Like the U.S., although much of the hype about it being founded as a Christian nation is overly exaggerated as we all know there was allot of the occult and still is in the high places of power; the majority of Americans have been in the past, fundamentalist Christian or of religious beliefs that were based on Mosaic law and had a deep sense of morality and lines that most of us wouldn't cross, regardless of circumstances. However in many of the countries around the world, their basic religious beliefs are a far cry from Mosaic law, they do not have a majority of God-fearing peoples and I think it is just a matter of them being influenced by "the dark side" more than those nations with a firm connection to the One True God Yahweh. Kind of fits in with the pyramid topic addressed here as well.
It gets scarier when we see that we in the U.S. are rapidly abandoning our foundational values and religious convictions, like allowing torture in the name of gathering intelligence, which seems like an oxymoron itself.
You wrote:
"It's pretty obvious that there are people posting here who are throwing lit dynamite sticks from hand to hand not caring about the damage they are doing."
The site that YOU brought to our attention was this one:
This is one of those anti-semetic, conspiracy theory disinformation websites that you have warned me about repeatedly. So now you direct us there?
Sticks of dynamite? Anti-semetism?
What about all the anti-Christian sticks that have been going off here in recent weeks? Mainly coming from your buddy Len?
I simply said that it's quite possible that the Madoff scheme was not Ponzi at all and you go off into an accusation about people posting damage here. Yeah there certainly are people posting damaging comments here. With that I heartily agree!
Back in June of 2007 I sent Constance many links showing Raapana's links to antisemitic websites. I had forgotten about this until the last few days.
No, someone didn't distort her column. Based on her other connections, she probably just cleaned it up. Go a little deeper with your research and you'll find
much stink.
Len said he would stop posting information about Judaism if Joyce stopped posting disinformation about it. She was posting her distortions long before he came on the blog. Like many people you know nothing about Judaism so you are willing to believe anything that is said about it from someone who isn't Jewish but pretends to be.
If I had just said that Raapana was a Jew hater without posting the quotes, I would have just been accused of distorting the facts.
Thank you for telling me what was covered in the broadcast. I did not have a chance to listen to it, but it certainly sounds interesting.
Please go back and read what I wrote at 11:13. Apparently someone injected their own remarks between Niki's words. That site is quite different from the News with Views version of the article that anonymous 11:08 pointed us to.
I also agree that there are certain areas that have more demonic activity than others. Africa and England being good examples. Again, I wonder about those vortexes and leyline areas having actual occultic connections to demons that those of us who are not familiar with occult practices simply don't know about.
That's why I have tried to unravel some of this stuff myself recently, and which I talk about on my blog.
Anyway thanks for your post. I agree with you.
For those new to this lively forum allow me to introduce one of its many guiding principles (also known as "Unwritten Rule #1")
1. There are Christians and then there are Christians™
Stay tuned for further tips on navigating these choppy waters!!!
How have you been able to figure out which of the two articles is doctored?
I certainly couldn't figure it out.
I'd certainly like to hear from Raapana herself what she thinks of both versions.
Until the books are examined, no one knows where that money went. Your generalizations are just more Jew baiting whether you mean it to be or not. I could just as easily speculate without any kind of documentation that he gave all of the monies to Christian Democrats, buying them off so they wouldn't challenge his books.
Until people go into his books the details aren't there. The only thing known is that he can't give the money back to those people who invested it with him. While the number $50 billion makes a good newspaper story, it is an estimate, nothing more.
Yes, it is a major disgrace that he is not being held accountable and is not in jail, but accountability has gone out the window in both the business and political worlds. The main stream media is not held accountable by anyone for their lack of reporting. Schools are not held accountable for the stupid students coming out of their buildings.
We are to pretend that virtue has been discovered and that it is being elevated because the MSM has reported on Blagovitch's attempt to sell a Senate seat.
There's a song from Candide whose lyrics are appropriate now.
What's the use
What' the use
What's the use of this cheating
It's all so defeating
It's wrong
Oh so wrong
If you just have to pass it along.
It's only wrong these days if they can't keep enough of it for themselves.
I have been getting a sick feeling that there are two distinct groups fighting for power and world domination.I am wondering if anyone else has considered this? It's just going to make it harder to see the truth through the fog in the days ahead.
Hold on to your faith in Jesus Christ, friends. He is our only way out of the darkness.
I'm still posting ties from One Spirit Learning Alliance. Rupert Sheldrake, biologist and author is connected to Noetic Sciences, so the connections are interesting:
I have a Jewish grandmother on my father's side. Does anyone know if the Law of return would apply to me?
Just curious...
I'll post an article on the subject:
I'll post an article on the subject:
How do you even pronounce something like Noahide-whatever? Is communtarianism synonymous with Satanism? For many, many years cities throughout the U.S. have always used a form communitarianism. Emminent Domain has been used by cities to force homeowners off their properties for the sake of progress. Or like in most communities homeowners have to maintain their lawns and shovel the sidewalks in front of their houses. So, this isn't that new of a concept.
I'm a bit skeptical of some of the info from Niki Raapana because community discussions are sometimes just a form of democratic participation that allows ordinary citizens to feel like they have a say in their community(even if it's just an illusion). I just don't buy that every neighborhood meeting is a plot to take over the world.
David in Battle Creek
What Dorothy meant to say in Len's opinion, I was posting disinformation.. I obviously don't agree with Len...There are lots of other Jewish people that disagree with Len too.. Somehow because Dorothy brought Len to the blog, that makes him an expert.
Len is free to disagree on the blog, but blaspheming Yeshua is not endearing him to the people on the blog who are reading his comments. More importantly it's not endearing him to God who sent His only Son to die for Len...Hopefully, one of these days Len will get it..in the meantime, I suppose he will continue to say offensive things about the King of Kings. Unlike the Muslims who burnt things when Mohamed was insulted, we don't need to react because "judgement is mine, sayith the Lord".. I'm just praying for him because he spouts all the propaganda of the anti-missionary sites that hate any one telling a Jew about Yeshua..and have come up with an elaborate set of explanations to counter all the messianic verses in Torah and the Prophets.. even though there are other Jews that don't agree with the opinions on these sites, Len states them like they are fact.
It reminds me of the story of the two thieves on the cross next to Yeshua. One mocked Him, but the other had the sense to say "You didn't do anything to deserve being here, but I did." Yeshua turned to him and said, "this day you will be with Me in Paradise.".
Madoff might stand a better chance of bending his knee to Yeshua, than some of the more religious people who don't think they need a doctor, if you know what I mean.
Mark 2:17 And hearing this, Jesus *said to them, “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
I don't know anyone else on the blog, but some of us recognize our need for the great physician.
Len knows about Judaism because he is a practicing Jew who has studied and lived Judaism for almost 70 years. I think that's how old he is. Why would he have to go to Messianic Christianity sites to learn about Judaism?
You are upset with Len because you don't want him telling the truth about Judaism. He can match you foot for foot with commentary, pointing our your errors.
You don't like that because you have your own agenda. You know Catholicism because as you said you were raised a Catholic and Messianic Christianity, which is what you converted to.
You have stopped doing the "my people" shtick these days but you've never explained how you claim to know so much about Judaism probably because except for missionary sites you know nothing about it.
It's very clear you have a following on the blog because the impression is you "are going to tell those Jews off." You claim you can write about New Age in the Christian community, but you don't. You only go on and on about whatever thin connections you can make between the New Age movement and Judaism. Yes you talk about parts of the New Age movement, but never in connection with the Christian community.
I'll say it again. I don't like you and how you act and I definitely wouldn't trust anything you wrote unless I spent hours researching it. Where I have checked out your posts, they are extremely weak in factual material.
This is Niki Raapana.
Thank you Rudi for alerting me to the accusations of antiSemitism being used to define me and my work. It should be obvious I did not write the version posted at noahidenews. As for the accusation that I have any association with Stormfront, they've accused me of being an "obvious Jewish shill."
I think it's pretty funny that nobody here was all that interested in discussing communitarianism but the possibility that I may be some kind of racist Jew hater brought the attention back on me and my work. Not actually "my" work, not my thesis, not anything about the hundreds of topic pages at the ACL, or the hundreds of blog posts I've made at nikiraapana.blogspot.
Oh no. Instead I'm being asked to "explain" myself to this group who is basing their negative opinion on a plagiarized, edited and expanded article posted at an overzealous freaked out Christian website. How convienent is that?
As an investigative journalist I have included links to all kinds of websites that I don't agree with and have no association with. I'm not trying to protect my readers and I don't refrain from linking to any opinion on the topics I study.
I am ANTI communitarian, and yet I link to hundreds of communitarians to prove my point. Does that mean I'm a "closet" communitarian too?
The charge of antiSemitism coming before any real response to my published, unrebutted, original thesis about the roots of communitarianism is not altogether suprising. This is not the first time this has happened. There's always a gatekeeper on every site who makes sure that my real work is never discussed.
Amitai Etzioni, the founder of the Communitarian Network, is a former Palmach commando from Israel. In order to understand his theory of shoring up the moral, social and policical foundations in the USA, I had to study what he studied. If studying the relevancy of Talmudic Law and Miltant Zionism makes me an antiSemitic, then you should probably add antiChristian, antiBahai, antiIslamic and antiPagan to your slander of me, since I now include controversial research on all these religions.
I honestly don't care what Dorothy thinks of me or my work. If Constance decides to cancel the next show based on hysterical false accusations, that's her right. As a full time volunteer who's been at this for ten years now, I've learned that no matter what I say or how I say it, people only hear what they choose to hear. Few care enough to study it for themselves. Why bother to try to understand exactly what the communitarian agenda is? It's only the religious and legal theory that will "change" the world. Communitarianism blends all the world's religions into one big happy global spirituality, and I already know most "believers" will refuse to admit the role their own religious leaders plays in global harmonization. The communitarians count on it.
Amitai Etzioni studied Kabbalah under Martin Buber when the IDF assigned him to become an academic "guru" of the US movement in 1950. His name in Hebrew means "Tree of Knowledge from Zion." His website calls him the "everything expert."
My work is anti supra national integration, and maybe your time would be better spent learning what that means rather than scouring the internet looking for proof of my hate for the Jews. I study the Jewish state because the Zionists hold high level advisory positions in my White House. Our ACL webhost is a Jewish woman who has never once asked me to take anything down since we built the site in 2003, and I asked her to read the topic pages dealing with her religion in case she found anything offensive. I used to care you see, I never wanted to write anything that would hurt anybody, especially friends. But I quickly figured out the real WAR. It's a War on Words, it's a war on truth and information. Now when I find a topic that's "taboo" I understand why they made it so.
Anyway, sorry to disrupt your discussion here. It was never my intention to intrude on your group.
Constance, I will not hold you to any arrangements we made if it will hurt you to do so. I also will not think less of you or your work if you change your mind. We all have to make choices when we go down the dark trail that leads to the emerging synthesis of ideas. I made the choice to consider everything because Etzioni is the expert on everything; he left me no choice.
Good post. I am skeptical about Niki Raapan's agenda but am keeping an open mind.
Community building/development/communitarianism (or whatever you want to call it) is, in itself, neither good nor bad. It can of be used for evil ends--so can most things such as money and politics It is, as you rightly point out, a form of grass-roots democratic politics (at least in theory if not always in practice).
Dorothy has written here about the Delphi technique, education which is extremely important to have when approaching any type of group, including community groups.
An example of community building being used for the good:
My own homeowners association was able to band together several years ago and successfully put pressure on local police to direct resources to protect a racial minority family that was being targeted by a gang of local thugs.
Would Niki Raapana think this was a "good result"? I wonder.
I guess I'll have to post the other information I've gathered about you as well as information about your links which you puffed up with neutral names. I didn't want to do this.
Mrs. Rappana writes:
"It should be obvious I did not write the version posted at noahidenews"
Mrs Raapan,
It wasn't obvious to me. It was confusing.
Then why is the distorted article still there? What serious journalist would allow such dangerous misquoting, endangering one's reputation, to remain on a website unchallenged?
Please help the "less bright" among us to understand.
I would like to add that when you look at the type of community involvement proposed by Obama, this is exactly the type of communitarianism that Niki refers to. This is what REALLY freaks me out by what she reports on. It is difficult to decipher all of the points she makes because she puts out a lot of information.
David in Battle Creek
You use your own name. Why don't you ask your Jewish advisor to use her own name and post here. We can then see how close she is to the Jewish community.
David Icke uses the same tactic and claimed to have Jewish support for one of his ugly books, given on the back cover. I contacted the synagogues in the area these people lived in and followed up. It was not as he claimed it was.
I'm no innocent when it comes to information about the New Age movement or antisemitism. Over the years I've grown very cynical, and right now I'm very cynical about your comments.
To Tent Lady (Niki Raapana):
Constance Cumbey answers to no one in regard to who she has on her radio show and that includes Dorothy and the participants of this blog, and probably even her husband. She is a lady who makes her own decisions.
Dorothy is a respected researcher who has been at this game as long as Cumbey. She has a track record that speaks for itself. Her opinion in these matters should be worth a great deal to you.
Legitimate questions have been raised based on contradictory material that is out there about you and your work. You should answer the questions.
If the allegations are false, and you have nothing to hide, calmly knock them on the head and clarify things.
Your post smacks of "hysteria" which makes me skeptical about your objectivity and, in turn, the validity of your research.
Sorry if you find what I say offensive but I have a mind as logical as my convictions are strong.
Hey ATTY, the guys have been asking after you and Harold. I see your occasional comments at Joel's Trumpet but I don't post there. The guys miss your input- even if they sometimes disagree!
Dear Joyce:
I was anonymous 1:39. Thank you for that link. I am happy to have that information.
Yes, while communitarianism in and of itself is neither good nor bad -when those who may choose NOT to participate are referred to as "useless eaters" - that places an entirely different spin on the word "communitarianism."
Nikki/Tent Lady
Your first link on the Talmud did not work for me. Could you re-post the link please?
Dear Len,
RE: Your comment,
The main objection is that they are part of Joyce’s evident campaign to discredit normative Judaism. There are many things in the Jewish Bible that are incomprehensible to ordinary people. Kabbalah is analogous to theosophy; an attempt to understand God’s transmission to us more deeply by people who love Him. In a prior message I have pointed out some of the contributions of Kabbalah to normative Judaism as well as condemning the charlatans who distort it and misuse it for personal gain. But we must not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Actually, Len, while I am basically in agreement with you, I think you may need to revise your terminology in order to avoid some serious misunderstandings.
The way I learned it, TRUE Kabbalah, which CANNOT contradict the Torah, is NOT analogous to Theosophy insofar as theosophy is basically a doctrine of religious philosophy and metaphysics originating with Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
While the origins of Kabbalah are lost in the mists of antiquity, there are those who believe that Kabbalah originated with Elias the Prophet.
Can you enlighten us with regard to this issue?
From what I have learned, TRUE Kabbalah is analogous to what we Catholics understand as "true Christian mysticism," a.k.a. "THE WAY OF PRAYER."
Christian mysticism, like Kabbalah, is false if it contradicts the Catholic rule of Faith - Sacred Scriptures or Sacred Tradition - whether we are talking about the Old or New Testament.
Christian mysticism is what we Catholic Christians include in the category of "private revelation," which we are not required to believe even when approved by the Magisterium of the Church.
We are ENCOURAGED to believe in Church-approved private revelations, but we are not REQUIRED to believe in them - not even the private revelations reportedly received at Fatima which ended with the "miracle of the sun" witnessed by more than seventy-thousand people and reported in the atheistic news publication.
What we Catholic Christians ARE required to believe is the deposit of faith according to the Catholic Rule of Faith which is Scripture and Sacred Tradition -similar to but, of course, not identical with the "Jewish rule of Faith" - Torah and Mishnah.
Just to make it clear what Sacred Tradition is for Catholic Christians here are a couple of links:
By the way, the links are not intended to disparage Protestantism. They are simply intended to explain the differences between the Rules of Faith in Catholic and Protestant Christianity.
While I am here, I just want to say "Thank you, Len," for your informative contributions to this site. It is much appreciated.
Anonymous said,
"communitarianism in and of itself is neither good nor bad"
Is that not the matrix upon which the tower of babel is being reconstructed?
I just spent the last few hours perusing Niki Raapana's site, and I feel compelled to say what's in my heart.
Although Dorothy and I have not been in agreement much lately, I must reluctantly concur with Dorothy's assessment of this site. This link in particular made me feel very uncomfortable:
She discusses her own religious beliefs here and gets into the same sort of International Jew theories that I got skewered over a few months ago right here on this blog for mentioning a certain name which I won't mention again. There is something about her that makes me feel distrustful, and I think it may have something to do with her stated lack of faith. I always pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance before I post anything on my blog,as I do not wish to say anything that is against God. Does Nikki pray before she writes these things? While I agree with many of the connections she has made, there is also a part of me that believes that there is a key element missing here, regarding identifying the ULTIMATE enemy,and although some of the players overlap, I think that is intentional. I stated in an earlier remark that I believe there are two distinct groups that are vying for power and world dominance. I wish I could prove it but I can't.
I don't wish to say anything else other than that I hope Constance will continue to stay grounded in the Holy Spirit when choosing guests for her show.
There is something about Nikki's site that troubles me and perhaps it can be summed up in this last paragraph which is taken from the American Thinker article that MAC linked to at the top of this thread:
"Let us, please, stop playing the game of our enemies. During the ghastliness of Stalinism, in the horrors of the Holocaust, those good people who clung to the Judeo-Christian values and beliefs instinctively understood that the enemy of Jews was also the enemy of Christians and that the enemy of Christians was also the enemy of Jews. Nothing has changed. Nothing ever will change. Jews and Christians will always be hated by those who love evil. Look around you today. The Gospel and the Torah are equally loathed by those whose hearts are loathsome. In this season of lights, I pray that Christians and Jews love each other more purely and see real evil more clearly. This is a Hannukah wish and a Christmas prayer."
To Shem1777 (8:58 PM)
Re: "communitarianism in and of itself is neither good nor bad"
What I meant was a person becoming involved in one's community (as a community activist) is neither good nor bad.
My statement was quite simple; it wasn't meant to be complicated or to have any hidden meaning!!!
Knowing Constance, I'm pretty sure Niki Raapana will be on Tuesday's radio show. As another poster said, Constance will do what she wants to do. I'm posting this and probably other comments so others will have an opportunity to review her work. I will be putting it out in several comments because those who don't want it read will swamp the thread. While the links she posted make it pretty clear where she stands, I will add other sources.
OK Let's look at both sides of Niki Raapana. There is no doubt that she is intelligent, but intelligence doesn't always lead to a message that can be trusted to be truthful. The wrong use of human intelligence can be very destructive to peace in the community.
A while back I said cults use a technique called information overload. It's where so much "information" is jammed into a short period of time and an individual is told he needs to make a decision as to whether to accept or deny and making the wrong decision will be disasterous.
I don't know whether NK uses this tactic deliberately or by chance. Read this old NWV column to see what I mean.
After you've read the column, what do you actually know about communitarianism that will relate directly to what is going in the world around you. A jumble of details doesn't make a logical statement. Almost anything going in the world can fit into those broad generalizations. Yet, the reaction probably will be "I want to know more because I don't want to be left out" rather than "This doesn't really make sense."
Now go to
a very large website whose agenda is a complication of everything negative that can be found about Jews and the Jewish community, bragging a research section of over 7,360 articles and opinion pieces.
Here Raapana writes a note to them ending "Please know that I consider your work in the highest possible regards. Sincerely, Niki Raapana, founder Anti-Communitarian League"
I think her agenda isn't a study of communitarianism in a neutral setting, but one placing the topic in an antisemitic context. Where few people can understand the mishmash in the NWV article, they are open to scapegoating the Jews.
Hi MAC. Miss blogging with you as well and "most" of the others from the last two sites. Wish everyone well.
Young Grasshopper,
Great work on some of your research, if you are still following this thread. I lived in Seattle and can relate. We live in America and enjoy the freedoms that are being stolen quickly through these devices. Of course, as mentioned by some here, it can be good and bad. If I live in a Christian community leaning towards Amish lifestyle, my family and I will be happy. This that you are pointing out though is infiltration from the outside. I will never forget a meeting that Constance attended once writing about it, when the time comes, the U.N will be their for the community if the community is there for the U.N.
I don't believe it is antisemetic to point out all the Jewish things going on in the world. Some jews are bad.
You also have a picture from Jerry Golden on your website. You spelled his last name wrong but I won't hold that against you. At thegoldenreport.com I believe you can still find those images and some others in much more detail.
Sorry it took so long to get to some discussion, their is a lot to read and think about. Thank you again for your work.
My last post should have read
Young Grasshopper 11:58am
Nice post Young Grasshopper (9:21)
It doesn't matter how long Len's been practicing Judaism.. Spiritual seeing is not a matter of intellect. It's when God opens your eyes.
We are on the story in the Torah where Joseph's brothers are "blind" to him. Now the fact that they grew up for a good number of years in the same home didn't help them.
They had in their minds that he was dead or a slave somewhere and didn't expect to see him as "a father to Pharaoh" to use the Biblical expression. The didn't expect to see him No. 2 in all Egypt, wearing Egyptian clothes. He pretended to not speak their language at least until the brothers really show their repentance, and Judah offers to take Benjamin's place.
This story proves a few things about my people, Israel. They don't always do the right thing just because they are God's chosen. After all, selling your brother into slavery and lying to your father is not very nice. They don't always see. Sometimes Israel is just blind. Other times the Bible says we are stiff-necked, but sometimes we realize our error and step up to the plate and do teshuvah.. Len being a jew for 70 or 100 years doesn't mean a thing. It means he practices a branch of Judaism, that's all.
Len is not an expert on Judaism. He reads antimissionary websites and quotes them. Having said all of that, Len probably is very sincere about what he believes to be true, but so were Joseph's brothers when they thought their brother was never to be heard from again. Sincerity is not always a measure of truth.
The story of Joseph is one of the most amazing Bible stories about Yeshua. The Bible, without coming out and saying it is point us to the reality that Yeshua was despised and rejected and betrayed by His brothers but in spite of that saves his whole family, and in fact He saves the rest of the world too because He is the bread of life..and let's not forget he forgives them. Joseph's role in Torah was to look after the "shalom" of his brothers. ( well-being in the English version).
The fact that you can't see that doesn't mean that your right. It means that Judaism has spent more time listening to rabbinical commentaries than the voice of God, but that is changing today and we have some who are realizing, who have come out of a Jewish upbringing. Some are Len's age too and followed what he followed their whole lives. Some are survivors of the Shoah. Some were Israelis, some Americans, some Europeans,, some South Africans, some Orthodox, some not so Orthodox, but today, thousands upon thousands of Jews are seeing Yeshua in the texts of Torah and they don't call themselves Christians..They still see themselves as Jews who have found the Jewish Messiah. That puts them at odds with other branches of Judaism, but that does not make them wrong.
Now as for Jewish Mysticism...I believe it is a dangerous thing. I also believe the Emergent Church is engaged in Contmeplative prayer which is a dangerous thing, but I'm not researching that right now. I'm focused on how Kabbalah is going to play a role in endtime deception. The reason I'm interested in that is because I'm a Jew, and I'm always interested to see how my people go astray. We've done it so many times, you'd think we would get a clue, but we really don't always listen to God. Torah is so clear on this. Fortunately, it's not by our listening that we are saved, but by the fact that God is chesed ( full of bounty and mercy )
If you don't agree it is, that's okay. We can just agree to disagree on that point, and you can go on doing some other research. This is a free country and a free blog. No big deal.
There's another thing in the story of Joseph that is very interesting. Every Shabbat Jews bless their sons and ask God to make them like Ephraim and Manassah. Ephraim and Manassah were from a Egyptian Mother ( Judaism would say, they're not Jewish unless they officially convert, but we don't see conversion in the story). Ephraim is adopted by Israel, who says "they are mine". just like Ruben and Simeon". They receive the same status as the sons of Leah, which is rather incredible since their mother was an Egyptian from the house of Potiphera the Egyptian priest. God can make children out of stones if He wants to.
Orthodox Jews know that Ephraim and the tribes went into exile and became the "melo hagoyim" just as Israel said in his blessing of Ephraim. Now we know that in exile, Israel who is hidden in the nations has become more numerous than the sands of the sea. We know this because the prophet Hosea tells us this. God has promised to shake Israel out of the nations, but remember Israel has the same problem of hidden identity that Joseph had.
When Yeshua came, He said He came for the "Lost Sheep of the House of Israel" which is a specific reference to the Northern Kingdom, Ephraim. As the gospel goes out in all the earth Ephraim, your brother is being touched with news about Yeshua, but if you don't open your eyes you cannot see that Ephraim is Judah's brother and that these "two sticks" that Ezekiel talks about will become one under a Davidic King one day.
Like Judah, in the story of Joseph, Judah must realize how much they have hurt the Father by betraying Joseph ( a type of Yeshua). Then and only then when they see who Joseph is, and that he is actually alive and ruling and has all the authority of a king will the reunification of the house of Judah and the house of Israel take place. In the meantime, Israel is still a divided kingdom and a house divided against itself will fall.
The house of Israel must realize that they in a certain sense have become unrecognizable to their brothers because they have taken on the characteristics of the land of their exile, and they too must step forward and say "I am your brother Joseph".
You can read Torah for 70 years and still be blind.. Spiritual seeing is not a question of age, or even of I.Q. It's a question of revelation. When you seek God with all of your heart, He will reveal Himself to you, but if you just follow religion there's no need for Him to tell you because you already know. This is how I see religion. It becomes a hinderance to hearing God's voice because we put Him in our little box and assume He has to fit our preconceptions. When we read His Word and seek Him with all of our hearts, He does reveal Himself.
If you say, I am a Jew and therefore I know everything there is to know about God, what is there for Him to reveal.. You already know it all.
It's the same problem with Yeshua. He did not quite fit the image that the Jews had of who Messiah would be because the first time He came it was to conquer sin and death, which is a heck of a lot more important than conquering only the Romans. When you realize that the suffering servant Messiah ben Joseph, conquered sin and death and that in Him we have life everlasting, you begin to see that God knows what He's doing. His ways are not are ways.
The second time Yeshua comes, He will put everything under His feet and He will reign as a King, as Messiah ben David. The Jews of His day, at least the leaders could not see Him because He did not fit their pre-conceived stereotype of who Messiah should be. The second time, Jews have an expectation of Messiah building the Temple, but what if this is the anti-messiah and Jews get duped again and follow the wrong messiah? Not only Jews, but others could be deceived by the person who comes up with the "peace plan" to fix the Middle East. And what if people think we can be united by some mystical practices like some of the Kabbalists and other New Age types are proposing?
What if they think we need to make a "quantum leap" and bypass our minds and just meditate together?
What if they say the problem is all this religious hatred and we need to come up with a way to bring peace and having mysticial practices is the common denominator for mankind?
Do you see this is exactly what is being said? They're not telling people to leave their particular religion. They are saying lets just find our common humanity and the things that draw us together. You can stay in Judasim, that person can stay Hindu, another can stay Christian another Buddhist, but lets all silence our minds and let this "higher power" lead us, whether we call him Maitreya, or the Mehdi, or Buddha, or Christ, or Messiah?
I don't think what I'm saying is as far fetched as you think. There are people out there saying these very things today. If things get bad enough in this current battle in Gaza, the world leaders will be clamoring for solutions.
You know the old adage, "out of chaos comes order." I'm really not saying what I say on the blog to bug you or put down Jews. I'm saying it because from what I am reading and see it looks like things could unfold this way and to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Now I know you don't agree with me and I'm fine with that, but there are others on the blog that might interested in seeing the connections between the New Agers and the mystics, so that's what I'm writing for. You're free to read and comment all you want but I just wanted to explain how I see things.
Maybe you could explain to all of us how you see the prophecies in Daniel being fulfilled in the 21st Century. . That might be interesting to understand and that might provide a more interesting basis for a discussion.
I'll tell you one thing Dorothy, if you say that Messiah is going to come and bring a peace plan for Israel and build a Temple, I'm going to worry about you because that will sound awfully close to my description of the false messiah who is going to come.
What I'm saying is, when Yeshua comes He will bring true shalom, but that shalom will be on our hearts and He will come in the clouds, the same way He left so He's not going to be bringing some false ecumenic peace.
I am praying for the peace of Jerusalem, but I'm praying for the true and everlasting peace that only Yeshua can bring. I'm praying for the Jewish people and for the restoration of all Israel, including the full tribal boundaries in accordance with Ezekiel 48 because I do believe the Land belongs to Israel and the aliens who dwell among them in peace and worship the God of Israel. It won't be some politician who figures this out, but Messiah Himself when he returns.
I would just like to respond to the remarks that Kabbalists are the "inventors" of the fringes on the garments called tzizits and of Passover seders..
The first Passover was commanded in the book of Exodus when the Israelites were leaving Egypt. It was observed again in the Wilderness:
Num. 9:5 aThey observed the Passover in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at twilight, in the wilderness of Sinai; baccording to all that the LORD had commanded Moses, so the sons of Israel did.
The Lord already told Moses what to do... with the lamb, the bitter herbs and the unleavened bread so to say that it was invented by Kabbalists is absurd.
God also told Moses to make the tzizit:
Num. 15:38 “Speak to the sons of Israel, and tell them that they shall make for themselves tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they shall put on the tassel of each corner a cord of blue.
We can attribute everything to the Kabbalists if we want but I prefer to read the plain sense of the text and see that God clearly gave Moses these instructions. I find it humorous that someone is trying to give Kabbalists credit for a command that God gave..
The Passover was celebrated in Yeshua's day and there was no Kabbalah then although the Jews were often sinning and taking things from the surrounding pagan empires so mysticism did exist in some forms at that time among the Jews, but since Yeshua celebrated Passover, in fact became the Lamb of Passover.. we can be sure He was not practicing Kabbalah.
Now, private revelation of Catholicism is a whole interesting subject, but in the same way I have warned about Kabbalah I would avoid all forms of mysticism. We see that some of the people like Thomas Merton and others are heavily into mysticial things and have borrowed heavily from Eastern Mysticism. Merton has become very popular among certain Evangelicals so I think we have the same problem as Kabbalah here..
It is just as much of a problem as Jewish mysticism as I have said over and over again.
Susanna said this folks;
"While the origins of Kabbalah are lost in the mists of antiquity, there are those who believe that Kabbalah originated with Elias the Prophet."
People think lots of things. Some people think Adam did Kabbalah, some Abraham, some Moses, but the Bible, says none of this. When we go back after the fact and try to attribute things to the Prophets that they themselves did not say we are dangerous ground. I presume Susanna is talking about Elijah the Prophet just to clarify, who she is talking about.
There isn't a morsel of the text that indicates this, but we see a familiar pattern where man-made tradition overrides the Word of God.. very, very dangerous.
Hi all. I'm a christian for the last 15 years of my life and never really backslidden. But what did wrong for me was I lived doctrinal error for a number of years what lead me into mysticism. To keep a long story short; the experiences I had over time were truly overwhelming and felt 'holy' but they were not.
Looking back at it, I could have known had I test the spirits and read the Word accurately. I am truly greatful that our Lord is faithful and called me out of it in a dramatic way.
I hope you do understand that my antenna's do reach into the heavens now and I know that mysticism sought by mens initiative will NEVER lead to YHWH. If YHWH needs to reveal something outside His Word you don't need a book, contemplation or meditation or whatever. None of the prophets or apostles sought after revelation or after some so called secret knowledge of God, God sought them on HIS OWN INITIATIVE and revealed what HE WANTED to reveal. So yes Joyce: I would definitely avoid ALL forms of mysticism because the one and only behind this is satan.
The mysticism now occurring in many christian churches is one and the same as what's happening in the hindureligion (kundalini-manifestations). Indeed we will see a blending of all religions because of mysticism.
anonymous 6.05 is my post. I did use my own name but i doesn't show. :-(
This video compares the spiritual manifestations of other religions and the false revivals that are occurring in the church. Can you tell the difference?
There is one very big problem in Susanna applauding Len's posts and his explanation of Kabbalah even though she neatly uses it to justify Catholic tradition being added to the Scriptures:
"That is more than I can say about you who still worhips your messiah in spite of HIS failures."
Perhaps Susanna didn't see this quote from Len...I'm not trying to start anything here, just understand what Catholics think about Jews bashing Yeshua...
There is another very big problem with adding tradition to Scripture and that is the Scripture itself condemns it:
Rev. 22:18-21 I testify to everyone who hears athe words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book. He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.
Of course if we leave room for the manmade traditions we can justify about anything. Glancing briefly at the article Susanna posted that talks about Evangelicals who don't mind the added traditions...I agree that this is happening within the Emergent Church. It is a paradigm shift indeed and not necessarily a good one. I think it is also part of the ecumenic deception that is going on. The Bible speaks about the deception of the Last Days so..
Col. 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.
Some of the "mystics" of Catholicism engage in practices that Paul specifically warned against:
Col. 2:23 These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence.
That is by no means a complete description of Catholic mysticism but does describe some of the practices of the Catholic mystics..
The simplicity of the message that Yeshua died once and for all to defeat sin and death gets very distorted by all of this mystical stuff.
I agree that a segment of the Evangelical world seems to have amnesia with regards to the Reformation. The problem with the Reformation is that it did not go far enough. We should no longer just be "protesting" against Catholicism, but returning to the Scriptures. If you faith starts at the Protestant Reformation...you will always look at Scripture through the grid of "Protesting against Catholicism". Looking at the Scriptures means going back to the actual roots of the faith and seeing how we can attach to the Olive Tree..which is what Paul was talking about in Romans 11. That doesn't mean attaching to Talmudic Judaism or Kabbalah, that means just staying attached to Yeshua the Living Torah.
What has confused many believers in Yeshua is they see all that Jews were doing in Second Temple Judaism as following Torah, when in reality there was a lot of unauthorized Jewish tradition which came in when Jews tried to codify Torah. God never said to codify Torah.. He said, "Hear and obey" and the people said, "we will".
Yeshua criticized "traditions of man" in the whole incident of the hand-washing. His disciples were being accused of not washing their hands which was not a command of God. Look what He says:
Mark 7:8 “Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men.”
It's not surprising that there would be Catholic support for oral tradition and other mystical traditions, since this would affirm their claim to be the ones that hold "the keys to the kingdom".
It's like taking one lie to prove another lie is correct.
Dear Silvia,
Thank you for sharing that very important testimony.
I wish more people would listen to your words of wisdom,
I love the story of Joseph and his brothers. Your analogy was beautiful, in how the story connects to Messiah and salvation. Thank-you for writing it.
Thank you for your testimony. If more people who got engaged in the occult and were redeemed out of it would speak up as a warning to others, evil wouldn't spread as far.
I agree that certain Jews are bad. My problem with the Tent Lady website is that it creates the impression that Jews are at the heart of the problem. Lucifer is- not the Jews, though Lucifer has certainly roped in some prominent Jews and Christians with his lies!
You're welcome, but it's not my story...it's just what the Bible says. It explains why we don't need mysticism. The Bible is so full of riches like this, we don't have to search outside of it to see how amazing God really is.. We just need to stay in the texts.
I posted the Emergents with Synagogue 3000 which is influenced by the Kabbalistic Jewish Renewal Movement. Now we see the Emergents and Catholics getting together for a contemplative event:
Remember,Emergents don't believe we can really be sure what the Bible says. They follow the deconstructionist philosophers, like Jacque Derrida, as we saw some of the Kabbalists doing.
Here's Richard Rohr's site. He'll be attending the conference. Take a good look:
Another man involved with the enneagram which is being used as a personality tool. Read how he connects it with sufim, Kabbalah, the mystery schools:
more junk on the sacred geometry and ennegrams, spirals, mandalas, Kabbalah:
The article connects mystical traditions..
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