by Rich Peterson
I have been silent on this blog
for too long. In light of Constance’s recent post and the various reactions to
it, I decided to share my thoughts on what I’ve been observing.
Regarding the award given Trump
for the Abraham Accords, if you are dismissing what is being said as
insignificant, I suggest ponder those words and on whom they rightfully
belong: “…in
Isaiah (9:1) For a child has been born to us, a son, has been given to us and
the authority will rest on his shoulders; He who is Wonderous Advisor, Might
G-d, Eternal Father shall give him the name, Prince of Peace. The Israel Heritage Foundation...presents
this..award to…President Donald J. Trump.
What does it say of a man who
would accept such an award? A holy man? Perhaps Trump’s spiritual advisor Paula White hasn’t yet
covered the deity of Jesus. If you take no issue with this award or the
Reawaken America Tour’s connections with Qanon (a branch of the Trump campaign)
you surely are on the same path followed by the German Christians.
The Abraham Accords as well as the
Reawaken America tour present a different gospel; one where politics and
religion intersect. With Reawaken America you are given a choice: the “Great Awakening” vs. the “Great Reset.” Both are the New Age decorated to appeal to fringe
left or right political leanings.
The Reawaken America Tour hosts a slew
of Qanon personalities including
Ward, Clay Clark, General Flynn, Mike Lindell, and more.
Charlie Ward (pictured above with
Eric Trump) is as hard core Qanon-New Age as they get. Ward reports the
intelligence he claims to receive directly from the top levels of governmental
officials. A new world order having
financial and judicial systems are coming; results of the “Great Awakening.”
The Great Awakening: the supposed white hats alternative to the dark
hat’s (the cabal’s) Great Reset.
By the way, according to the Qanon
mapping project, the white hats are Madame Blavatsky’s Masters of Wisdom. Their anticipated new economic system traces
back to her spiritual masters, in particular, St. Germaine.

Speaking of St. Germain and
Reawaken America, let’s listen as Flynn
leads undiscerning Christians in prayer.
Flynn has made calls for a single religion.
While blame for the COVID
lockdowns had been placed on the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, Charlie
Ward claims his sources conveyed to him the lockdowns were part of a plan
orchestrated by Trump. The lockdown set the stage to replace the world’s economic
system. Per Ward:
“Donald Trump launched the web site which,
again, was massive excitement for me because I’ve been telling people about the
Quantum System for five months and nobody has even hear of the word…but once became as a web site with all of the information which is obviously
written by a military mind…we’re now in a transition where we’re moving from a
financial system…the old fiat financial currency to the quantum financial
system…the next lockdown will be for the transition of that to happen…”
“The new Quantum Financial System is a digital system
predominantly which can transact money very very cleanly and clearly around the world instantaneously.
It’s operated on the blockchain system. Donald Trump is not taking cash out of
the system right now. There will be a US note, a US coin, there will be
currency around the world. Each country will have its own currency. Each
currency will be backed by gold…”
“The political arena will change dramatically. There will
be no conservative party. There will be no labor party. There will be no
democrats, republicans. It will be between good and evil…We’re moving from
darkness into light. This is the Great Awakening. This is Revelation.
Ward collaborates closely with Qanon
evangelist Melissa Redpill who preaches the “Storm is Coming” and that Trump is in the Royal Line
of Judah.
Both Qanon and the Abraham Accords
also have too many prophetic coincidences to ignore. We didn’t ignore the
coincidences of the 10-nation Western European Union’s power transfer
(Recommendation 666) to the position of High Representative (Section 666 of the
Europa code), and neither will we ignore Reawaken America nor the Accords.
When I first read the Abraham
Accords, I thought them to be dangerous. From the opening declaration I
recognized the Accords to be rooted in common religion, a.k.a., human
fraternity, Alliance of Civilizations, etc. interfaith ideology. The Atlantic
Council’s blog published a piece which recognizes the Accords as being politics
and religion intertwined. Only they see
it as a positive.
I’ve consistently written over the
past years that moves toward a single religion is dangerous, especially to
those who hold “exclusive truth” claims.
The following is from the OSCE when chaired by Miguel Angel
Moratinos who now serves as High Representative for the Alliance of

The European Union has welcomed
the Abraham Accords as a move in the right direction. However, they
do not see the Accords as a plausible framework for peace since it
sidelined the Palestinian Authority from the process, a fact former US
Ambassador Friedman acknowledged in his book Sledgehammer. After
the start of the Israeli-Hamas war, Jared Kushner said the
Accords are more important than ever and that it is time to bring into
existence a functioning Palestinian state.
I read a book authored by Dr.
Larry Goldman about the Accords which I believe has made some very astute
I share Goldman’s concerns over US
Ambassador Callista Gingrich’s (Newt Gingrich’s spouse) support for the
Abrahamic Faiths Initiative as well as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s implied
support for the construction of a third temple (and here,
and here).
Dr. Goldman believes the Abraham
Accords to be the basis of the future peace agreement between Israel and the
antichrist. Per Dr. Goldman:
“January 25, 2020 – Trump Prepares to Combine His ‘Deal of
The Century’ Middle East Peace Plan with Pope Francis’ Abrahamic Faiths
Initiative. Do you see where all this is heading? Trump has the relationship
with Israel, and Pope Francies has the relationship with the Muslims; put the
two together and you have peace in the Middle East. The missing ingredient that
no other political leader has had in the past 70 years is Chrislam. With full
evangelical support, Pope Francies signed a covenant with Islam, and the Trump
administration has thrown in their full support in the same week as announcing
they are finally ready with the Peace Plan.”
p. 55
“The announcement of a peace treaty between the Jews and
Arabs contained within the Abraham Accords brokered by Jared Kushner and the
Trump administration should have sent shock waves throughout the bible prophecy
world…” p. 71.
“The Abraham Accords is the missing link the Vatican needed
to complete its launch of Chrislam, otherwise known as the Abrahamic Faiths
Initiative. The Abraham Accords will connect Israel and Abu Dhabi where the
Chrislam Headquarters known as the Abrahamic Faiths House is located. The
Abraham Accords took a giant step forward in realizing the signing of will
culminate in the 7-year covenant foretold in Daniel 9:27.”
Whether or not the Accords serve
as the basis of the prophetic peace agreement or another competing and/or
collaborative framework emerges, criticism of them should not be so easily
dismissed as a conflict with one’s politic. It seems to me some believe
criticism of the New Age is acceptable when its focus is the political left,
but it is unwelcomed when the focus shifts to the political right.
Whether one views this critique of
the Reawaken America Tour and Abraham Accords “Trump hatred” or cause for
concern, that is your prerogative. In my
opinion, there are too many alarms going off to jump aboard the Trump Train
because whichever road is offered – the Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening –
heads you lose; tails you lose.