Res Ipsa Loquitur -- Legalese for The Thing Speaks for Itself! |
News and views of Constance Cumbey concerning "Radical Middle", New Age Movement, Communitarianism, "planetary humanism," "global governance," European Union, Javier Solana, Jeremy Rifkin, "New Age Politics," law in the USA, combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The Spread of Occupy Wall Street
This academic paper may be downloaded from this linked site. |
Here is a copy of the abstract of the academic paper shown on the Occupy Wall Street Movement spread -- at least its Facebook aspects. It would be interesting to see an update. There are 3,180,000 google hits on the "Occupy Movement" as of the time of this blogspot posting:
Also, we have New Zealand participants. Their lovely country has suffered a new round of Christchurch earthquakes. Our condolences and prayers for you.Abstract:
Since Occupy Wall Street began in New York City on September 17th, the movement has spread offline to hundreds of locations around the globe. Social networking sites have been critical for linking potential supporters and distributing information. In addition to Facebook pages on the Wall Street Occupation, more than 400 unique pages have been established in order to spread the movement across the US, including at least one page in each of the 50 states. These Facebook pages facilitate the creation of local encampments and the organization of protests and marches to oppose the existing economic and political system. '
Based on data acquired from Facebook, we find that Occupy groups have recruited over 170,000 active Facebook users and more than 1.4 million “likes” in support of Occupations. By October 22, Facebook pages related to the Wall Street Occupation had accumulated more than 390,000 “likes”, while almost twice that number, more than 770,000, have been expressed for the 324 local sites. Most new Occupation pages were started between September 23th and October 5th. On October 11th, occupy activity on Facebook peaked with 73,812 posts and comments to an occupy page in a day. By October 22nd, there had been 1,170,626 total posts or comments associated with Occupation pages. The density of Facebook activism is highest in college towns and in state capitals. Major uses for Facebook within the movement include the recruitment of people and resources to local occupations; information sharing and story telling; and across-group exchanges. While the focus of Occupy Wall Street is on mobilizing individual’s offline, online activities greatly facilitate these efforts.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 20
Keywords: Occupy Wall Street, Social Networks, Social Movements
Working Paper SeriesDate posted: October 22, 2011 ; Last revised: October 24, 2011
Stay tuned!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Occupy Movement - How some New Agers view Moscow developments
I had inquiries in our forum ("comments") section about how whether I thought the recent Moscow mass demonstrations were connected in any way with the Occupy Movement (including but not limited to Occupy Wall Street). My answer was "yes." It is my firm belief that the Occupy Movement is tied to New Age expectations for their "Ascension" date of 12-21-2012 and our supposed "Karmageddon" (Shirley Maclaine et al). Here is one New Ager "Occupy" perspective on it. There are many others:
As you can see, this site is typical of the "witches' brew" that is the Occupy Movement: Mayan calendar expectations tied in with spiritualism and political changes (i.e. chaos) sought by those hoping this will help usher in their "New Age." You may explore the whole ugly site by clicking here:
UPDATE: One of our forum (comment section) participants disputes that the current demonstrations inRussia have any connection to the "Occupy Movement" in particular and New Age Movement in general. Since a picture is generally considered worth a thousand words, here's one of the Facebook page of "Occupy Russia." There is another page for "Occupy Moscow":
Stay tuned!
As you can see, this site is typical of the "witches' brew" that is the Occupy Movement: Mayan calendar expectations tied in with spiritualism and political changes (i.e. chaos) sought by those hoping this will help usher in their "New Age." You may explore the whole ugly site by clicking here:
UPDATE: One of our forum (comment section) participants disputes that the current demonstrations inRussia have any connection to the "Occupy Movement" in particular and New Age Movement in general. Since a picture is generally considered worth a thousand words, here's one of the Facebook page of "Occupy Russia." There is another page for "Occupy Moscow":
"Occupy Russia" from Facebook. |
Stay tuned!
Thursday, December 08, 2011
"European Union weighs greater unity to save Euro"
This item is a little over an hour old on the internet as I post here:
Looks like what they (Javier and others) are thinking is that Great Britain is in for BIG TROUBLE if they don't play ball! You may read that full article by clicking here. I can't help but remember the old Daniel prophecy:
By the way, as I write this, I'm listening to Michael Savage. He has a guest on as we speak talking about the "Occupy Movement" being the latest manifestation of "think globally, act locally." That is a prime NEW AGE SLOGAN and has been as long as I've been watching. I reiterate: The Occupy Movement is the NEW AGE OCCUPY MOVEMENT IN FULL FORCE. Savage's guest says it is MARXISM. I say it is NEW AGE!
Stay tuned!
Read the rest of the article by clicking here. Can't help but wonder where Javier Solana is and what he is thinking tonight! Well, his Twitter account gives a few clues. Here's an article he posted there.BRUSSELS – European leaders are wrestling over how much of their sovereignty they are willing to give up in a desperate attempt to save the ambitious project of continental unity that grew from the ashes of World War II.At stake at the summit in Brussels, which began Thursday evening, is not only the future of the euro, but also the stability of the global financial system and the balance of power in Europe.To convince financial markets that Europe's economy-crushing debt crisis is a one-time event, countries will have to give up significant powers, such as some decisions on borrowing and spending, to a central authority.French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel want to convince the other 15 eurozone leaders to agree to a plan that would require their governments to balance their budgets and accept automatic sanctions if they don't.At the same time, the currency bloc's largest economies are being pushed to commit more money to boost the eurozone's firewalls as the crisis threatens to pull down Italy and Spain.The overall plan must be good enough to convince the European Central Bank to intervene in the government bond markets in a manner large enough to stop the panic there, said Paul De Grauwe, an economics professor and EU expert at the Catholic University of Leuven, in Belgium.
Looks like what they (Javier and others) are thinking is that Great Britain is in for BIG TROUBLE if they don't play ball! You may read that full article by clicking here. I can't help but remember the old Daniel prophecy:
— And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. Daniel 2:4.Well, it will be interesting to watch this disturbing scenario play out. There will be winners and losers in that political - economic game.
By the way, as I write this, I'm listening to Michael Savage. He has a guest on as we speak talking about the "Occupy Movement" being the latest manifestation of "think globally, act locally." That is a prime NEW AGE SLOGAN and has been as long as I've been watching. I reiterate: The Occupy Movement is the NEW AGE OCCUPY MOVEMENT IN FULL FORCE. Savage's guest says it is MARXISM. I say it is NEW AGE!
Stay tuned!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The Fifth Seal? Persecution of the Church?
Our (USA) efforts to guarantee "democracy" in the Middle East have led to increased perils and persecution up to and including death in that region. I am indebted to correspondent Donald Hank for calling my attention to the latest disturbing news there. He says that at last the New York Times is reporting what he and others were watching and reporting with concern several months ago.
There are moves among some in the Occupy Movement to harness UN and Native American support for a New Age earth worshipping religion. One New Age / Occupy Movement activist, Thomas Dahlheimer boasts that he is meeting with UN and other leaders. He would like to have Catholics in particular and Christians unwilling to go along with the "New World Religion" branded and treated as "eco-terrorists." Interestingly, his Christian bashing takes place this time in a venue ( sometimes favored by Alex Jones. I would like to hear Alex Jones' take on Dahlheimer and his unmitigated Christian bashing!
Dahlheimer's November 13th piece dealt with a proposed Wall Street GLOBAL Initiative (emphasis added).
In the late 1960s, a leader of the counter-cultural hippie revolution who was affiliated with this counter-cultural community when it originated in California, along with his wife and I, traveled to Wahkon, Minnesota from California to potentially establish a counter-cultural community there. At the time, our plans to unite humanity, establish world peace and ecological balance temporarily came to an end. However, there are some indications that we will be getting together again in Wahkon, to promote a New Age Gaian – world view around the word wahkon – counter cultural, global initiative… an Occupy Wahkon Global Initiative.It is a global initiative to achieve world peace and ecological balance by, in part, influencing UN leaders and Occupy Wall Street to adopt the counter culture’s (or my) New Age Gaian – world view around the wordwahkon – earth saving and world unifying mission.I am the Director and Founder of the Rum River Name Change Organization, Inc.. This organization was established to change the faulty-translation and profane English name for the “Rum River” back to its sacred Dakota Indigenous name (Wahkon). This organization’s headquarters are in Wahkon, Minnesota, located on the south end of Mille Lacs Lake. This lake is the outlet lake of the “Rum”/Wahkon River. The sacred Dakota name for this lake is Mde Wahkon (Lake Spirit). Wahkon is also the traditional name for the Dakota’s Great Spirit.The Roman Catholic Church teaches, as proclaimed in the words of Pope Benedict XV: “A world government shall arise, all national loyalties will be vanquished, there will inevitatably follow a reign of terror.” Because of this teaching, it seem obvious to me that the Roman Catholic Church would be paranoid and opposed to any attempt to solve the world’s current crisis problems by the establishment of a one world government.
The Catholic Church’s opposition to efforts to establish a one world government: In Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, he speaks directly against a one-world government. In paragraph 41, he says “We must promote a dispersed political authority.” He explains that “The integrated economy of the present day does not make the role of States redundant, but rather it commits governments to greater collaboration with one another…” In paragraph 57 he says, “In order not to produce a dangerous universal power of a tyrannical nature, the governance of globalization must be marked by subsidiarity.” Subsidiarity is a principle of Catholic social teaching which states that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least centralized competent authority – as being essential. ref.
Therefore, I believe that the Roman Catholic Church, the institution that initiated, promoted and still supports the world-wide subjugation of Indigenous peoples and earth destroying international system we live under today… presents itself as a global institution opposed to any attempt, by any organization or individual, to solve the world’s current crisis problems, [if] the organization or individual is attempting to do so by establishing a one world government… and I believe that it is doing this, at this crucial time, when it is the only feasible way to solve the world’s current crisis problems that threaten the existence of all life on earth, as some world leaders also believe is the current situation.The United Religions Initiative (URI), an international organization modeled after the UN, and affiliated with the UN, has a mission to help the UN achieve world peace by means of the effort to establish a world union of religions. In opposition to this effort, Cardinal Arinze, head of the Vatican’s Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue, said “the Roman Catholic Church is opposed to the United Religions Initiative”. And Pope Benedict XVI has stated that he is opposed to “the effort to establish a world-wide reign of peace by means of a world union of religions”.The Roman Catholic Church is also opposed to religious syncretism that seeks to establish a one world religion. Some people who are involved with the URI believe it will soon adopt this form of religious syncretism… and do so, because they see the UN beginning to change its original mission of promoting the principle of separativeness, or national sovereignty, to – as previously stated – “a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation”.The Roman Catholic Church believes that lasting world peace and security can only be achieved after (1.) the future “antichrist” establishes his one world government, and (2.) a “reign of terror” occurs under the “antichrist’s” administration, and (3.) “Christ returns” to put an end to the “antichrist’s” one world government and “reign of terror”, and finally (4.) Christ establishes a new one world government.Therefore, I believe that the Roman Catholic Church is not only opposed to the effort to establish a one world government, but that it is also, and even more so, opposed to the effort to establish, both, a one world government and one world religion. And I believe it is in opposition to this means of achieving world peace and security, when, at this crucial time, it is the only means feasible to achieving peace and security, or, the only means feasible to solve a multifaceted world wide crisis – a crisis problem that, if not solved in a shore period of time, will escalate and possibly destroy all life on earth.If this is the case what hope does the world have with the Roman Catholic Church standing in the way?
Because of this situation, could the Roman Catholic Church be justly considered an eco-terrorist institution and its members eco-terrorists?
Another "Occupy" venue for Dahlheimer's hate campaign against Christians. Click on picture to read full page and/or click here for link. |
You may read all his scary rantings by clicking here. Now as disturbing as the above is, Dahlheimer claims he is not alone in his views and that he and this resolution have support both in the Occupy Movements and at the United Nations:
Occupy Denver recently endorsed the Colorado AIM-initiated indigenous proposal. Colorado AIM is calling on Occupy Denver to adopt, as a starting point, the following:The first request: “To repudiate the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, to endorse the repeal of the papal bull Inter Caetera (1493) to work for the reversal of the U.S. Supreme Court case of Johnson v. McIntosh (1823), and call for a repeal of the Columbus Day holiday as a Colorado and United States holiday.”Also, Indigenous leaders recently presented a proposal to the Occupy Wall Street General Assembly, wherein they request that Occupy Wall Street repudiate the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, endorse the repeal of the papal bull Inter Caetera, call for a repeal of the Columbus Day holiday, and work for the reversal of the Johnson v. McIntoch case.U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall based the Johnson v. McIntosh ruling upon, in part, the papal bull Inter Caetera. In the case he said that the discovery of “heathens” by Christian people gave the Christians “ultimate dominion” over the “discovered Indian”. This decision has never been overturned and remains the legal foundation for all American government dealings with the Indian/Indigenous populations.Indigenous leaders are saying: “Inter Caetera is the foundation of the international system we live under today and directly related to the corporate-state-military occupation and rape of Mother Earth.” Indigenous leaders are asking Occupy Wall Street to include as a demand that we consider an American-Western, and global strategy for dealing with our current path to planetary destruction.The United Nations is currently working on a global strategy for dealing with our current path to planetary destruction. I recommend Occupy Wall Street to adopt a particular group of influential UN leaders’ already established global strategy.Influential leaders of the United Nations are on a mission to achieve world peace and ecological balance by uniting the worlds religions into a One World Religion based on syncretism and the Gaia Hypothesis… and by also establishing a One World Government based on (1.) the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation, and (2.) the new imperatives of global security cooperation associated with preventing warfare.Robert Muller (1923-2010) was the Assistant Secretary-General of the UN and called the “Prophet of Hope”. Muller said: “We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government; a one-world religion; under a one-world leader.”Alice Bailey (1880-1949) was the world-renowned, anti-Christian New Age prophetess who started World Goodwill – an official non-governmental organization within the United Nations. One of its aims is: “To cooperate in the work of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ.” This aim-statement is not referring to the traditional Christian concept of who Christ is, but rather the New Age Cosmic Christ (a person living on earth today) who New Agers believe will soon appear (reveal his messianic identity) and unite all religions and countries as well as establish lasting world peace and environmental security. In this new world order, corporate greed and other injustices would be eliminated.Moving toward a one world government: During the opening ceremony of the UN Earth Summit, Maurice Strong, a very influential UN leader, gave a speech wherein he said: “The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security.”
Lee Penn and I have both wondered out loud if Mr. Dahlheimer had read our respective books and took everything we warned against as something positive and wonderful for the world. I don't know. My materials were compiled starting in 1981 by collecting these types of statements from New Agers. I frankly figured that if they had the nerve to say it, I had the nerve to quote it. Their weak flank was that they figured the "fundamentalists" would "never catch on" and if and when they did, "it would be too late to stop us."
Well, they are clearly emboldened and on the march again. The Occupy Movements are an important component of where they are going. So is "global governance." Perhaps the Occupy Movements will add to the dialectics that make global governance appear increasingly necessary.
At any rate as the New Agers approach their own apocalyptic deadline of December 21, 2112, I suspect that their activity momentum may well increase just as it was doing when they were emboldened on April 25, 1982 to run their half million dollar ad campaign proclaiming their New Age "Christ" was "now here."
It may well be that whoever and whatever their candidate was then is still very much around, much longer in the tooth (as are so many of the New Age leaders such as Benjamin Creme, Barbara Marx Hubbard and David Spangler, I rather suspect they may view our crowd as career blockers.
The Occupy Movements agendas contain items for "yoga classes" and "meditation". I am reminded once again of Marilyn Ferguson's New Age classic, THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY, where she bragged of a 'leaderless movement' that was "seeking radical change and they were "made kindred by their inner discoveries." They certainly are doing all they can to induce these "inner discoveries" (i.e. brainwashing) in the frustrated young people who think they are merely protesting the economy and their inflated tuition related indebtedness. I pray that those young people will like many in the 1980s discern the "hidden dangers" of their newest New Age rainbows in the form of this new accelerated "Occupy the World" movement and refuse to participate in the obvious anti-Semitism and Christian bashing increasingly apparent in that "Movement."
Stay tuned!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
World War Four and the Occupy Movement's December 10th planned day of action
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The New Agers see what is happening as "World War Four" -- Theosophist / Salvador de Madariaga student / World Citizens leader / Lucis Trust activist Rene Wadlow is connected with this "World War Four" site. We'd better start taking it more seriously ourselves! |
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October 15th was an international "Day of Action" for the "Occupy Movements" around the globe. Looks like another one is planned for December 10th. As 2012 approaches and begins, I expect all of the "Occupy" movements to further broaden. STAY TUNED! CONSTANCE |
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
And now, even "Occupy Antarctica" -- for PAST MONTH! Today I did an internet radio program for Southwest Radio Church of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma about the "Occupy Wall Street" movement. Dr. Noah Hutchings introduced me by saying that this movement was spreading and if we didn't watch out, pretty soon it would be "occupy America" and then "Occupy the World." I had to gently tell him and his 3 man panel that we already had both -- "Occupy America" AND "Occupy the World." I then jokingly said that the only thing I didn't know to be yet "occupied" was the continent of Antarctica. And then, just now, I just found this! They're everywhere! I'm not sure when the SW Radio program will be available online, so check their website for information. I will be continuing coverage of this on my own internet radio programs on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Please tune in and Stay Tuned! Constance |
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
NEW AGE GLOBAL REVOLUTION IN CLEAR PROGRESS: Occupy Wall Street, Occupy my home town (Fort Wayne), Occupy Detroit, Occupy the World
This IS the New Age Movement's long awaited global revolution in progress. How much more evidence do we need? Oh, and remember Rene Wadlow, an activist with Lucis Trust, the Theosophists, and World Citizens? He issued his own hoped for prognostication of the meaning of "Occupy Wall Street." It looks as if they may have BIG PLANS for next spring just as they did in 1981 and early 1982 when they ran ads saying "Expect the Christ in the Spring of 1982" and then on April 25, 1982 reading "The Christ is Now Here." I cut and paste quote verbatim. Click the past sentence to read it in the original. The Day of the Citizens of the World Charming! Well, it's now happening. Expect them all to come out of the woodwork! Stay closely tuned! CONSTANCE |
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Is "Occupy Wall Street" New Age? Is the Pope Catholic? Do fish swim?
RES IPSA LOQUITUR! (A Latin legal expression meaning "The thing speaks for itself")
And, her confederates profoundly agree. Here's a voice from THE SHIFT NETWORK:
In case we forgot, this "Conspiracy Cafe" quotes from Barbara Marx Hubbard's book, THE BOOK OF CO-CREATION: THE BOOK OF REVELATION:
I will be posting much more here. I will be talking about this (OCCUPY WALL STREET as the NEW AGE WORLD REVOLUTION) on Dr. Stanley Monteith's radio program tomorrow at 4 pm Pacific time, 7 p.m. Eastern time.
More New Age claimed ownership of the Occupy Wall Street Movements:
Sure looks NEW AGE to me -- the guerrilla street theater and all other communal life, meditative style experiential modes, etc., etc., ad nauseum.
Tune in and STAY TUNED!
Barbara Marx Hubbard's blogspot about her Occupy Wall Street thoughts and happiness! |
In case we forgot, this "Conspiracy Cafe" quotes from Barbara Marx Hubbard's book, THE BOOK OF CO-CREATION: THE BOOK OF REVELATION:
I will be posting much more here. I will be talking about this (OCCUPY WALL STREET as the NEW AGE WORLD REVOLUTION) on Dr. Stanley Monteith's radio program tomorrow at 4 pm Pacific time, 7 p.m. Eastern time.
More New Age claimed ownership of the Occupy Wall Street Movements:
Sure looks NEW AGE to me -- the guerrilla street theater and all other communal life, meditative style experiential modes, etc., etc., ad nauseum.
Tune in and STAY TUNED!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Has Vatican called for creation of a "World Authority" on global finance? If accurate, this is OMINOUS!
As my readers know, I despise Catholic bashing, just as I do Jew bashing, indiscriminate Moslem bashing, and fundamentalist Protestant bashing. However, equally true is that there has definitely been proven infiltration just about everywhere in all of the above circles. I took a peek at Farmer's website this morning. As my readers know, Bjorn Freiberg and I have had our serious differences. However, he has definitely performed valuable research over the years and I'm not going to ignore a call of "fire" just because I don't like the particular fireman. Today, he posts alarming information that I'm going to check out and suggest you do so also: that at least one Vatican spokesman, Cardinal Peter Turkson, has issued a call for a "supranational authority" to deal with global financial issues. Cardinal Turkson is a new name to me, so I'm asking our Catholic regulars for more information here. Lee Penn, himself a Catholic, has expressed many concerns to me about the Vatican's current direction. I would appreciate feedback on this and trust we can share relevant information about it here.
It seems as though it is one of the BIG news stories of the day. Here's a picture of the Catholic News Service report.
Stay tuned!
Farmer's blogspot today re Vatican and global authority on economy. |
Stay tuned!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
How New Agers are seeing "Occupy Wall Street" - Graphic samples
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How New Agers see the Occupy Wall Street |
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From Wikipedia article on anti-clericalism |
For those who think maybe it is the Roman Catholic Church "getting her comeuppance", please note that the targets of the occult/New Age forces are Jews, Christians, and Moslems. Mexican persecution started with Catholics from 1926 to 1935 and many Protestant denominations initially cooperated with the government thinking they were not affected, but surprise, surprise, they were.
It looks like dangerous days may well be here and as Russian Orthodox priest Brother Seraphim Rose wrote in his book, RELIGION AND THE ORTHODOXY OF THE FUTURE, these days will be very terrible indeed.
Remember the Book of Revelation promise: "they overcame the beast by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death."
May the Lord strengthen and protect us all.
Stay tuned!
P.S. The language in this release is a cross between the Communist Manifesto and PLANETARY INITIATIVE FOR THE WORLD WE CHOOSE of 1981-1982!!!
A cross between "the Conmunist Manifesto" and "Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose" of 1981-1982! |
Monday, October 17, 2011
The New Age Worldwide Revolution obviously in progress
This is a propaganda video for the "United for Global Change." It carries the very "WE ARE ALL ONE" message the Alice Bailey books said the world would have to believe to accept the "Masters of Wisdom ['externalized hierarchy' and "The Reappearance of the Christ" ['Maitreya/Betraya, that is, definitely NOT JESUS]. The Occupy Wall Street was a component of "United for Global Change."
Note carefully the "spiritual" components of this "leaderless movement."
News is breaking now so very rapidly. The "Arab Spring" with its "liberation" of Egypt clearly resulted in more persecution for Christians. Some Moslems denounced the violence, accurately pointing to the "divide and conquer" policy of the military establishment. Never forget that the strategy of the New Age Movement is to pit target groups off against each other so that they can be the "Phoenix to arise fromt he ashes" and build their hoped for 'golden age.'
Stay tuned!
Note carefully the "spiritual" components of this "leaderless movement."
News is breaking now so very rapidly. The "Arab Spring" with its "liberation" of Egypt clearly resulted in more persecution for Christians. Some Moslems denounced the violence, accurately pointing to the "divide and conquer" policy of the military establishment. Never forget that the strategy of the New Age Movement is to pit target groups off against each other so that they can be the "Phoenix to arise fromt he ashes" and build their hoped for 'golden age.'
Stay tuned!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
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This is the "Transitional Law Enforcement Project" contracted with the NOETIC CORPORATION by the United States Department of Defense. QUERY: IF THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE SHOWING PUBLICLY, WHAT DOES THE 'CLASSIFIED' MATERIAL LOOK LIKE? I shudder to think!
Appreciate your inputs and your own research on this one, especially as the obvious world wide New Age Revolution advances via events such as "Arab Spring," "OccupyWallStreet" and the like. As regards the "Noetic Corporation," fascinating occult choice of names! An accident? I doubt it!
By the way, make sure your archive the material. The New Agers have a way of using "disappearing ink."
Stay tuned!
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Michael Dowd: Case Study in Apostasy, Evolution, and Barbara Marx Hubbard
Michael Dowd's website page - complete with Matthew Fox endorsement! He is also active with Barbara Marx Hubbard and the rest of the New Age "conscious evolution" crowd. |
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Michael Dowd preaching his perspective to the United Nations "Values Caucus" |
Michael Dowd is a minister. He used to believe he was a Christian one. He is still given Christian pulpits, wears pastoral robes and claims to preach "the good news." That is the not the Christian gospel. He thinks he's way too "advanced" for that. It is the "good news of 'evolution'" rejecting God's word, and rejecting the necessity for Jesus Christ and his atonement. Once upon a time he was an evangelical Christian, per his book, THANK GOD FOR EVOLUTION. As you can see from the picture above of his website, he proudly bears Matthew Fox's endorsement. Matthew Fox was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church in 1993 for, inter alia, his rejection of the doctrine of Original Sin. Fox says we have instead "original blessing," and as such, we don't need Jesus Christ and his atonement. Matthew Fox and his Bear & Company are one of the most prolific of New Age publishers. One of Matthew Fox's "original blessers" is Lucis Trust, the successor to Lucifer Publishing Company formed by Alice and Foster Bailey in 1922.
How and when Michael Dowd became a convert to evolution started at a Christian college, Evangel University. Located in Springfield, Missouri, it is the higher educational arm of the Assemblies of God denomination. He says there was a circle of professors who confided their belief in evolution and rejection of Creation. It was there that his intellectual belief in evolution began. His "heart-felt" conversion came from hearing a Catholic speaker.
From there he decided he would become an evangelist for the "good news" of evolution. He has been given many Christian pulpits and he uses them to ridicule the "everlasting gospel." Here's a sample of his message from one recent interview given in advance of his speaking at a Lutheran college:
VCReporter: For much of mankind, religion and science have gone together like oil and water, and it seems, as a reverend, you’re sort of in the middle of it trying to link the two. Michael Dowd: What I’m trying to do is show how scientific, historic and cross-cultural evidence reveals divine guidance, or divine communication, or whatever you want to call it. When I speak to religious people, I call it God’s word or scripture. The idea that old books are a better guide or a better map of what’s real and what’s important than current guidance has led to collective insanity. Scientific, historic and cross-cultural evidence are our best and most important map of what’s real and what’s important. So I’m trying to show religious people how it is that science reveals divine guidance better than the Bible, better than the Quran, better than any ancient text. And I’m trying to show nonreligious people how our best scientific understanding of reality, which is called “big history,” shows how deeply inspiring and empowering an evidential science-based world view is, and that evolution isn’t just about Darwin, DNA and dinosaurs. Evolution is about how we understand ourselves and the quality of our lives, and whether we’re going to struggle with our lives or have fruitful, amazing joyous lives because how we think about our human nature profoundly impacts the quality of our lives. If I believe the reason I have a difficult time living in integrity, and why I shoot myself in the foot and why I have negative thoughts and patterns, if I think all of that is because my great-great-great great-grandmother ate an apple, I am going to be clueless about how to live in integrity.
This is a sad fruit of Christian educators ignoring the New Age Movement and its now very obvious dangers. Michael Dowd would do well to dust off his old Bible and carefully read Thessalonians, chapter 2 (giving a profile of those who accept the anti-Christ ) and Revelation Chapter 14 (giving warnings about the "everlasting gospel" and the fate of those who depart from it, combined with warnings to worship God who created the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the fountains of waters. If Michael Dowd believes those passages are not being literally fulfilled, he might want to take a cold, sober look in the mirror.
His very soul is at stake. Those Christian educators who sold him out have their souls at stake, even more so! He went from being an ardent Christian to now serving as one of Barbara Marx Hubbard's props for one of her newest 'conscious evolution' videos.
May the Lord help him and may the Lord help us all!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Javier Solana, Ph.D. |
Bernard Kouchner, M.D. |
"The picture is clearing up. The Arab spring is an Arab disaster. In the coming years there will be no democracy in Egypt. The choice in Egypt will be either chaos , Islamic dictatorship or military dictatorship. I n the coming years there will be no democracy in Syria. The choice in Syria will be either a bloodbath, an Alawite dictatorship or a Sunni dictatorship. In the coming years there will be no democracy in Jordan. The choice in Jordan will be either weakened Hashemites, the Muslim Brotherhood or Palestinians. In the coming years there will be no democ racy in Libya. There the choice will be disintegration, disorder or renewed despotism. Perhaps in Tunis ia a real change for the better will occur.You may read the entire article by Ari Shavit by clicking here:
But the bottom line of the Arab spring is that the lives of hundreds of millions of Arabs will be worse. More poverty, more crime, more fear in the streets. More oppression of women, more persecution of minorities , more hatred of the West.
Monarchies like Saudi Arabia, which thwarted the Arab spring - are now emerging as responsible states . I n contrast, the republic s defeated by the Arab spring are turning one after the other into failed states. They are tainted with fanaticism, spreading misery and c reating unprecedented instability.
The picture is clearing up. The Palestinian September is an Israeli-Palestinian disaster. The Palestinian September was conceived by two European statesmen - Bernard Kouchner and Javier Solana. Those two naive men figured if they grant international sponsorship to Salam Fayyad's Palestinian-state plan, they would force Israel to make a final-status arrangement.But the Israelis did not cave in to the pressure. The Palestinians fell in love with the plan.
The train left the station. Now, when everyone understands the train is racing to the abyss, nobody can stop it. On September 20 the General Assembly debate will begin. At the beginning of October the assembly is likely to adopt a destructive resolution. Presumably Israel will take unilateral retaliation measures and the Palestinians will go the The Hague.
Tonight on MY PERSPECTIVE internet radio at, I will be interviewing Dr. Christopher Glenn Fichtner, M.D. He is the author of "Cannabinomics, The Marijuana Policy Tipping Point." Please join us and call in with your questions and comments.
Stay tuned!
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