"Now all the resonating core groups with outwardly different purposes are merging and blending and coming together to do the One Work . . ." Barbara Marx Hubbard, Spring 1988, To Seattle Unity Church, Seattle, Washington
"There are several folders on CORE, which is the name given to the group of fellowship leaders that got together regularly to pray and plan the fellowship's activities Similarly, several files with "Group' or "Groups" in the title are brought together under "G," these contain information on the early days of the fellowship and the formation of prayer groups around the country. Except for Vereide, Halverson and Douglas Coe (for each of whom, there is a series) all the people involved prominently in the fellowship at one time or another, such as James Bell, Frank Carlson, Church Colson, Billy Graham, Wallace Haines, Mark Hatfield, Fred Heyn, Karlis Leyasmeyer, Albert Quie, and Paul Temple have one or more folders of material in this section."
TOTAL NUMBERS 1998 THROUGH 2006: $640,080 paid by Three Swallows Foundation to Institute of Noetic Sciences. $1,777,650 to "INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION" which is the name under which "The Family" aka "Fellowship Foundation" aka "The Fellowship" aka "Ivanwald" does business. This explains why key evangelical leaders were so very anxious to silence my work on sounding alarms on the New Age Movement. When you consider this along with the vast sums given by Rev. Moon, much taken from 1982-through the present time now makes disturbing sense. May the Lord help us all! The figures were gleaned from the 990 forms filed by THREE SWALLOWS FOUNDATION. It appears that the New Age community obviously bought and owned this allegedly Christian operation. How much deeper does it go?
October 5, 1987
Name withheld
Stanford CA, 94025
We are writing to invite you to join us for the gathering we are hosting at Gold Lake on October 24-27, entitled “Bridging Through Christ.” The conference will be held at Gold Lake Ranch, an executive retreat conference center, educational foundation, and community initiative located in the mountains outside Boulder, Colorado.
We plan to meet in dialogue and prayer, with our daily roles and titles, to form deep personal bonds that will last beyond this weekend. We hope to come out of this meeting with a clearer sense of direction and set a course for further contact and dialogue. The meeting will be structured so that it can change according to the needs and interests of the group. We have asked two close friends, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Doug Coe to serve as co-hosts for this event, as well as Robin’s parents, Paul and Diane Temple. All of them are deeply dedicated and have each, in their own way, become powerful catalysts for bringing people around the globe together in the Spirit of Christ. More about them is enclosed. We are planning to limit the participants to about 30 lay people in order to create the opportunity for deeper communication and sharing.
We are eagerly looking forward to being with you at Gold Lake in October and getting to know you in person. Enclosed is the logistics sheet and registration form which we would appreciate you filling out and returning it [sic] as soon as
Robin and Logan Kline
Now, more than 20 years since this was held, internet information is available that shows the breadth and depth of the funding laid out by Paul N. Temple. It is difficult to say whether the money prompted the theological compromise and/or nobody wanted to oppose the New Age meaningfully there because they didn't want to uninspire Paul Temple's generosity. I am attaching a picture of one of the more colorful recipients of this largesse: "All Seasons Chalice Church." Its neo-pagan, earth-worshipping character could hardly be more obvious!
8700 + 6715+
Campus Crusade
Orlando, Florida
Endowment for the Neurosciences
N. Bellmore, NY
FCA LaCrosse
Hunt Valley, Maryland
First Unitarian
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Friends of the British Primary School
Boulder, Colorado
Global Family
Santa Barbara, CA
International Foundation
Washington, D.C.
$203,000 + $148,000
Kaleida Health Foundation
Buffalo, NY
Maha Bere Ethiopian Church
Arlington, VA
Marin Academy
San Rafael, CA
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Paonia, CO
Shining Mountain Waldorf School
Boulder, Colorado
Stop Hunger Now
Raleigh, North Carolina
Susan Perez Porter Foundation
Camillus, NY
University of Denver
Denver, CO
Widows & Orphans Network
Fort Worth, TX
YMCA Development Office
Young Life
Child & Development Advocacy
Sustainable Development
Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center
Institute of Noetic Sciences
College of St. Elizabeth
Common Ground
Deerfield, IL
Rockwood Leadership Foundation
Berkeley, CA
Known Associations:
Willis Harmon
Edgar Mitchell
Former Senator Harold Hughes
Doug Coe
Barbara Marx Hubbard
David Spangler
Billy Graham
Moneys were given to Global Family. That organization, as I recall it from the late 1980s was organized and maintained by Barbara Marx Hubbard. One of its current directors, co-authored THE BOOK OF REVELATION - THE BOOK OF CO-CREATION along with Barbara Marx Hubbard. Quoting from Hubbard’s current front, THE CENTER FOR CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION, we read Hubbard’s list of major efforts by herself:
“She has been instrumental in the founding of many future-oriented organizations, including the World Future Society, New Dimensions Radio, Global Family, Women of Vision In Action, The Foundation for the Future, and the Association for Global New Thought.”
Alternative Question: Did these supposedly Christian people protect the New Age Movement and give it cover because they felt it would offend Paul N. Temple and stop his largesse if they did not?
To be continued. STAY TUNED!!!