This IS the New Age Movement's long awaited global revolution in progress. How much more evidence do we need?
Oh, and remember Rene Wadlow, an activist with Lucis Trust, the Theosophists, and World Citizens? He issued his own hoped for prognostication of the meaning of "Occupy Wall Street." It looks as if they may have BIG PLANS for next spring just as they did in 1981 and early 1982 when they ran ads saying "Expect the Christ in the Spring of 1982" and then on April 25, 1982 reading "The Christ is Now Here." I cut and paste quote verbatim. Click the past sentence to read it in the original.
The Day of the Citizens of the World
The passage at midnight between 20 March and 21 March marks the central moment of the Day of the Citizens of the World. It is the start of the Spring Solstice and is celebrated in countries influenced by Persian culture such as Iran, Afghanistan and the Central Asian Republics as Navruz (Nawroz), the start of the New Year. It is a period of renewal, of new beginnings, and a time of recognition that we are all citizens of the world bound together in a common destiny.

The Spring Solstice as the Day of the Citizens of the World marks a profound regard for cycles. Every cycle has a beginning, a middle, and an end; and nearly every cycle is followed by another. It was this sensitivity to cycles of change that served as the basis for the Chinese philosophy embodied in the I Ching – the Book of Changes. In the Richard Wilhelm translation, the text for the hexagram Fu advises “This is the moment, but it is not brought about by force…the moment is natural, arising spontaneously. For this reason, the transformation of the old becomes easy…Therefore, it is not necessary to hasten anything artificially. Everything comes of itself at the appointed time. This is the meaning of heaven and earth…The return of health after illness, the return of understanding after an estrangement: everything must be treated tenderly and with care at the beginning, so that it may lead to a flowering.” The Spring Solstice is an intrinsically meaningful cosmic-terrestrial event and at the same time serves as a powerful symbol for the deepest processes of transformation in the individual and collective human psyche. Wisdom consists in knowing one’s place in any given cycle and what kind of action (or restraint from action) is appropriate for that phase. What is constructive at one time may be destructive at another. Thus, the passage from an international system based on States to a world society based on the vision of world citizenship is a transition which flows naturally, without violence and without a destruction of the old. World Citizenship is based on a broad awareness of the ways the planet Earth is inter-related — what happens in one part of the world or to one group of people has an impact on all others. The Spring Solstice — Day of the Citizens of the World — is placed under the sign of Hermes Trismegistus (the thrice-great Hermes) who is said to have lived in Egypt at the time of Moses. As a priest and an older man, Hermes would naturally have taught Moses about the Light in which we live, move and have our being. Hermes was also thought to have been the teacher of Orpheus, who passed on the teaching concerning the order of the world to Pythagoras and Plato. Thus, there is, in the tradition of the Alchemists, the symbol of Aurea Catena — the Golden Chain — an unbroken series of wise persons — women and men— from Hermes Trimegistus to the present, a chain which also symbolizes the links between heaven and earth. This Aurea Catena chain is depicted in a 1488 mosaic of the Sienna Cathedral, Italy, where we see two figures, one from the East and one from the West coming to receive instruction from Hermes. Knowledge and Wisdom flowing toward both the East and the West is a key symbol of world citizenship. Thus the Day of the Citizens of the World is placed under the sign of the thrice-great Hermes. The current financial-economic crisis has brought the realization to many that we are all associated in one world. The decisions of a few can have an impact on the many. If this is true for the negative impact of financial decisions, it is also true for positive actions. Thus the Day of the Citizens of the World can be a day for greater awareness of the need for cooperation and mutual action. The Day calls for individual commitment and responsibility.Rene Wadlow, Representative to the UN, Geneva, Association of World Citizens
Charming! Well, it's now happening. Expect them all to come out of the woodwork!
Stay closely tuned!
And, don't forget the 11-11-11 event titled "The Call" staged for this Friday in Detroit!
Javier Solana appologizes for spreading rumor Ariel Sharon is dead. I'm sure you didnt' miss this one Constance!
God bless...thanks for your work, Carol Halford
What are the ways to listen to Constance's online shows that we missed?
It's probably good to remind people here from time to time when they are, where they are archived, and how to listen to the archived shows.
For example, Constance has two shows scheduled per week, but only one scheduled rebroadcast, so which one is it that is rebroadcast?
(I ask this now because this thread topic was also the topic of last night's show.)
[Wed, Nov. 9]
If you go to, one can either listen to a replay of the last show OR subscribe to the archives which are $20/month for any and all shows on the Microeffect network up to and through that month. If you pull something down from the archives, its use in making copies for others is unrestricted.
THANKS to CAROL H for letting me know about the Solana Ariel Sharon twitter. Indeed, I must confess I had missed it, but I am happy you did not!
Possible reorganization of Europe imminent?
Zero Hedge claims that Germany and France could reorganize Europe to a "smaller" group of countries. Maybe to a group of ten?
Thanks Constance!
It won't let me play the latest show from the archives, so I guess I'm out of luck, or I'll just have to subscribe.
I was wanting to hear last night's show.
I don't think this link has been posted here. It's a good overall OWS "news and scheduled activities" page:
Hi Marko,
As big as that one is, it is far from complete. It is a helpful link, and thanks. "Takethesquare.Net" is one of their MANY, MANY networking fronts.
This whole "tying the OWS crowd with the New Age crowd" exercise is starting to look like a never-ending task!
Here's a game that I'm sure you've already been playing:
Just use your favorite search engine, and type "OWS" followed by some New Age term, like "OWS Findhorn". The links that come up provide a plethora of places to peruse.
It has been solidifying in my mind for some time now that there are two major threats to the Western, Christian way of life: The New Age movement, and Communism. I guess I could lump them together into what is known as "Utopianism" - a believe that the human condition is perfectible. Those who believe in Utopian ideas, whether from the Left (Communists), the "radical middle" (New Agers), or the Right (New Apostolic Reformers, Prophets, and Dominionists like Glenn Beck), are usually ruled by feelings of disillusionment, anger, rage, etc, because things aren't "perfect", but they need to be for them to be happy. Those feelings of anger lead to animating thoughts like "We must change things fundamentally to try and make it all perfect regardless of the consequences," and history shows where movements like that lead.
It is now a generation from when you first gave us warnings about what was coming, and now we are about to see the fruits of the seeds that were planted then in "young brains full of mush" (as Rush likes to say). In the New Age belief system, various cycles in our existence come and go, and when someone is aware of the various parts of that cycle, and they try to "force" a particular good ending before its time, or try to force a premature ending to the current "bad" cycle so a new, "good" one can begin (a la the Newspaper announcements of the "soon appearing Christ" in 1982), they can produce negative results, because it wasn't the proper time in the cycle for that ending to occur. But, if one waits long enough, and becomes "in tune" with the cycles around them, then all things will come about in their proper time, and perhaps the time is now here for the New Ager's plans to finally be put into action. That was the thought of some New Ager that I ran across anyway, about how OWS just might be the thing they've been waiting for. I can't remember the link now, but the significance of what they said just now struck me.
The seeds that Comminusts planted in Western minds over the past couple of generations from many different sources are also sprouting fruit. The people who read Marx and Malcolm X and Che Guevara in the late 60s and 70s and 80s have all had kids, and it's those kids who are the ones occupying the OWS camps. They don't read much anymore, like their parents did, because many of them really can't think critically or analytically - they just do whatever the crowd (the collective, the "cosmic mind") does, without much thought about anything except their own happiness.
There's a New Vehicle that's been built in the minds of these people for decades now. It sits in the driveway, pointed toward Future Street, gassed and ready to go. There's a crowd of people wanting to burn down the house they've lived in for what they think is far too long, unappreciative of the thought and work and sacrifice that went into building it, and they are heading for the car and soon will be piling in. Beware, to those who get in their path, once the car starts careening around the neighborhood!
[Wed, Nov. 9]
Another useful link in addition to the great one Marko gave for "Occupy the Square":
It will help you find an "Occupy" location in YOUR area.
Such a deal!
I'm still reading your detailed and thoughtful post, but preliminarily, it is clear that on the OWS movement that the New Agers, anarchists, and Socialists are NETWORKED. There is, however, a growing emphasis on the "SPIRITUALITY". I saw it with my own two eyes on the "Occupy Detroit" site yesterday. This is when things become dangerous and this was the precedent for the anti-clerical revolutions of the 1920s (Mexico) and 1930's (Spain). When the Theosophists and the anarchists team up, watch out!
That is what is now happening with the obviously well funded OWS movement.
A great and very readable analysis, thanks Marko!
Today I saw a small Occupy Santa Fe encampment. Several large community tents and maybe 15 small individual tents. Not much action going on.
Not any that I could see. Lots of Santa Feans are New Age, but too sophisticated to do Occupy in a noisy way.
My children are in their 30s and early 40s. Not very long ago they were school children. Now they have school children. My children were brainwashed in the public schools. Our experience was that the public school teachers just lied about it. So they knew what they were doing was subversive. The "gifted" class we were tricked into putting our child in was a carefully-crafted brainwashing program. And the books used in that class are used all over this country. Our child's brainwasher claims to be a Christian yet when I found out what she had been doing and asked to see the teacher manuals she used she refused me and literally laughed when I became irate about it. She retired from teaching in the public school, collects her generous retirement that I pay for and now involves herself in the Walk To Emmaus which is an ecumenical effort to bring about consensus in religious ideas. She had trained to be a Facilitator as part of her teaching/brainwashing job so she is well-suited for her present work. What I'm saying is the brainwash was accomplished twenty years ago and more. Good luck trying to do anything about it.
Anonymous 4:54
Prayer works.
God can unbrainwash people and He does
it all the time.
My oldest daughter graduated with high
honors in Psychology (ugh) from Brooklyn
College. Talk about your brainwashings.
Yet, after countless prayers by myself
and others that I asked to pray for her,
she recently called me to inform me that
has been studying the Bible and she
believes in Jesus !
Prayer works.
It isn't some last ditch effort.
Remember what Jesus said in Luke 18.
Essentially we sometimes have to just
keep bugging God about a thing.
If we're praying for something which
is in His will,( and praying for salvation
for anyone is in His will, because His
property is always to forgive and His
mercy endures forever), then we can
reasonably expect Him to answer our
Pray and pray and expect Him to answer
your prayer.
He will, against all odds ! Amen.
Extremely pessimistic news for the EU per the EU Commission website today:
EU growth will remain at a near standstill during 2012 and return to slow growth in 2013. Unemployment is forecast to remain at the current high levels.
Javier Solana writes that we need A NEW SYSTEM to GOVERN GLOBAL ENERGY.
We Need a New System to Govern Global Energy
09 November 11
By Javier Solana and Angel Saz-Carranz
This month, the International Energy Agency will publish its annual report, the internationally definitive "World Energy Outlook," which will confirm that we are not on the right track to reduce global warming. If the current trend in energy production continues, the earth's average temperature will be more than 2 degrees Celsius higher in 2100 than it was in 1990, irreversibly harming the planet and conditions for human life.
Read more:
Here's a tinyurl link to the entire Solana article:
I'm going to be talking a great deal more tonight about the "Occupy" Movements.
Every single public school teacher in the country is subverting our nation's children? Baloney! All those teachers went to college as young adults thinking, "Ya-ha-ha. I want to subvert all of America's children." Maybe she acted the way she did because you came across as a nut job! How dare those people teach math? I don't understand it, so it must be from the Devil.
You know, I think every worker at McDonald's works there because they deliberately want to make people fat. Behind their friendly demeanor is a brain that says "I want to inflict coronary heart disease on everyone I meet. Brah-hah-hah."
How many communist countries actually still exist? Let's see: China, N. Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar(?) I can't believe there are still people who think the Red Scare is still going on. Personally, I'm still hiding from those aliens from Mars that Orson Wells reported in the "news" in the 1930's.
How nice to see a troll in these parts! It's been way too long....
Ya ha ha!
Ooops. I just fed you. Oh well, now that you are fed, please go away.
Tomorrow 11-11-11 is a major date in the occult calendar. It is a day when New Agers, Red Indian Shamen,professing Christians,Shintoists,Buhdists etc will gather around the world to open a "portal" for the next step in mankinds evolution to godhood and to receive the gods (spirits) from the other world.
What in the world??!?
Check this out.... a page that was linked to in the above 11-11-11 Event website:
Perhaps this is a case of "guilt by association" and I'm being too paranoid? It looks like a legitimate Evangelical call to worship that nobody would have any qualms about. Well, except maybe for this:
It will be a day that will unify many denominations within the body of Christ while embracing and celebrating the differences in our expressions of love for Jesus Christ.
I don't know. Maybe that 111111 site just searched around for web pages they thought were related and linked to them. It looks like a 10-year-old put it together. The comments on the front page are all robot-generated.
Interesting times.
BTW, The Call has a big thing going on in Detroit for 11-11-11:
Anon2: You must be a public school teacher. I conclude that because you lack reading comprehension. I did not write that every single school teacher in the country is subversive. But I do believe the underlying purpose of government schools is subversive. The books used on our child are used throughout the country. Not in every school but throughout the country. Do you get it yet? The teachers, employees of the school, paid by me the taxpayer, lied to me before, during and after our child was in the class. The teacher of my child claimed to be a Christian but made her living indoctrinating minor children in ungodly philosophies. I've done my homework and I am not a mindless, union robot. Christians, real ones, who choose to work in government schools are sinning against God and their fellow men. They can pretend that they are doing good works but they are lying.
Oops.... I posted the same thing that Craig posted at the beginning of this thread! (The Call 11-11-11)
Sorry, Craig, for duplicating your post.
Vatican fallout from the document recently issued by the Pontificial Council for Justice and Peace...
11 11 11 means 666
In the year 1111 AD Henry V was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Paschal II.
Just googled "the Day of the Citizen of the World" and found that the recently published piece by Rene Wadlow had been previously published by him after the 2008 financial crisis and appeared in DIAMOND LIGHT, a New Age publication:
Evidently March 21 is an annual holiday for this breed of New Agers as "The Day of the Citizen of the World." I'm certain it was republished in the Occupy Wall Street coverage because they are looking forward to next Spring.
11 is an evil number. the medieval philosophers about numbers were working in a Christian consensus, so should be paid attention to more than the modern ones. 11 was between the number of completeness, 10 and the number 12 considered good for whatever reason I forget, maybe 12 Apostles. 11 was of imperfection, evil, sinners. The proper number of "new beginnings" is 8, because God made all and rested in 7 days. Jesus rose on the first day, it being effectively day 8 or the first day of the new creation to be completed after He comes back.
now why is 11 so goddam holy these days? why is it called "new beginnings?" the excuse is 10 is complete, and 11 starts things again, but really this goes back to Crowley and the occultists he horked stuff off of, and that preacher Gene Scott always bugged me with his numerology run amok, pyramidiocy, Celtic ethnicism as lost tribes of Israel and number 11 as new beginnings. Very arrogant fellow. appealed to my fleshly tendencies back then in the early 1980s.
now, as for public schooling, this is not itself evil, because many people can't afford to pay for schooling. Literacy drives have usually had to do with being able to read The Bible, or at least the Hebrew Scriptures and Talmud, depending on where this was going on. The mass education scene of Europe often was tied to making people better citizens of the state, but then, is that so bad? Besides if the state is going wrong, a literate populace (literacy paid for by the state) can read stuff showing something is wrong and write each other about it.
Sure, the illuminati and the German Union with their reading rooms and subsidizing books they liked, co opted this.
There are some issues that are labelled socialist that are consistent with biblical concepts of society and government, but the problem is that people tend to take things whole hog, and that is where it is possible for something to take over a movement and shift its direction.
Marx had a public health department, no fees to be charged for justice, and a few other good things in his platform. but that was just bait for the hook which was his monomaniacal atheism, history as on a march somewhere he aimed to push it faster to, and stuff like that.
"set breaking" is a concept I ran into years ago, perhaps in math. Basically, you don't take anything whole hog, you pull out what works or is good, and jettison the rest.
Article by 60s radical activist Tom Hayden on how Occupy Wall Street may act to "reform" it.
Very interesting information, Cathy, and thanks. So the Vatican is now "disowning" the Pontifical Justice Commission Report? That would be nice.
Well, since the current stream, at least, for the World Day of Worship is coming from IHOP in Kansas City, a clear NAR / MSOG (Manifest Son of God) operation, suspicion of the event for 11-11-11 is justified!
IHOP here is NOT "International House of Pancakes," but "International House of Prayer."
I'm curious, if the Whore of Babylon, the Mother of All Harlots, is America then why is she called a woman? Isn't 'woman', when used figuratively, biblical language for a church?
If so, then what church is it thst sits on 7 hills, calls its own surrounds a city, and has political and economic dealings with the kings of the Earth?
Btw, 'Christianity Today' is a jesuit run 'pseudo-protestant' magazine. Its information is dubious. Research it for yourselves.
I also find it interesting that TheCall event references The Apostles Creed as "Beliefs.":
This, of course, has the phrase that Jesus "descended into hell" when what that means in the Greek is merely "descended into the grave." However, JDS adherents certainly don't dislike the phrase as it is stated so they can misconstrue it to their own ends.
Hi Craig, excuse my ignorance but what does JDS stand for?
Thanks, Witman
Sorry I should have spelled it out. It's the heretical and blasphemous doctrine spouted by Kenneth E. Hagin and Kenneth Copeland that Jesus Died Spiritually (JDS), went to hell and took on Satan's nature.
Concerning the date of Sept. 17th, which was the first day of OWS protests in New York City, there are other significant events that occurred on that date.
I am looking at things from the perspective of seeing a tie-in between OWS and the Communist element.
Significant events that occurred on Sept. 17:
--The Russian Red Army invaded Poland in 1939 along with Nazi forces
--Solidarity was formed in Poland in 1980
--The last Russian troops left Poland in 1993
It is also the date of the signing of our Constitution in 1787, which dotted the final "i" and crossed the final "t" for the greatest nation in the history of the West. Interesting that significant attacks on the West also occurred on that date. (Solidarity, in spite of what most people think, was a false front that was started by the KGB.)
It would be interesting to see what significant events in the New Age movement are tied to that date.
[Fri, Nov. 11]
Thanks Craig.
What a disgusting pair of blasphemers Copeland and Hagin are! Copeland in his photos looks possessed to me.
To be fair, I need to say that Copeland does not speak this doctrine any longer although I'm not sure he ever really repudiated it. Hagin is deceased and I don't believe his son ever claimed this.
Claiming that Jesus was 'born again' is the first sign of the teaching as, according to JDS, once Jesus 'went to hell' He was subsequently 'born again.' Bill Johnson recently claimed Jesus was 'born again' in one of his sermons from two years ago; however, he never stated anything approaching JDS. He's much too careful and clever.
I agree with you regarding the way Copeland looks.
Southwest Radio Church has scheduled me to do an internet radio program for them on OCCUPY WALL STREET related issues. I will be doing a program with Dr. Monteith about same immediately before my own program next Tuesday, from 6 to 7 p.m. Eastern time with my own program following on the MicroEffect network at 7 eastern time. Dr. Monteith is Radio Liberty networks. Southwest Radio will be doing the program with me next Wednesday at noon, Eastern time. I'm not sure when it is available for listening so you will want to check their website.
Jesus' descent into hell is not about suffering or taking on satan's nature or any such thing. aka The Harrowing of Hell, it is when He crashed the gates crippled the devil, taking those reasonably righteous pre Christian and non YHWHist dead out of the gloomy and modified gloomy underrealm of the dead, and out of torments if willing to accompany Him, to Paradise.
If you all would bother to read The Bible instead of read what your teachers say about it, you would see
two passages in Peter's letters that support this. though one critic argues that the word used is kergyma not euangelion the latter being an invitation, that is true of only one of the passages, both of which refer to Christ preaching to the dead in hades all realms of the dead, the OTHER passage DOES use euangelion, and both words can logically apply to announcing a new situation and how you fit into it, or can if you will. this is implicit to any sensible person in a kerygma of something, but for the slow the euangelion explicit invitation is more to the point.
Since when does the Vatican have a seaport and does commerce at sea such that the shipowners would bewail, "now who will buy our merchandise"???
Personally, I would accuse CT (Apostasy Today/Christianity Today) of being NEW AGE more than credibly "Jesuit." Don't forget the Paul N. Temple / Institute of Noetic Sciences / Pew Charitable Trusts relationship with that whole crowd.
Copeland --- yes that line of talk is part of a picture of heresy of a gnostic sort and man as god and spiritual legal games and whatnot, as distinct from man being godlike in a limited way, and if redeemed part of God's family by grace, but not by nature. This all goes back to William Branham and the Latter Rain and Manifest Sons of God derive from him.
The interesting thing is, someone once made a reference in an email to Copeland's "satanist period." but wouldn't elaborate.
can anyone tell me anything about this?
Christine Erickson (aka Justina):
1) Since no one else has said anything about this, I will: I am personally offended at your use of GD [at 11:56pm], i.e., taking the Lord's name in vain. You need to repent.
2) As it happens, I was reading a bit of Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology this morning on the subject of the Apostle's Creed. There are varying interpretations; but, I'll agree with Grudem. Doug Powell here illustrates the various interpretations:
Here's Powell's conclusion:
There are a number of factors that should compel us to think of this phrase in a way other than Christ’s actually going to Hell. Perhaps the most important point to keep in mind as we evaluate the phrase is that the Apostles’ Creed does not hold the authority of scripture in and of itself. Its
authority is derived only from its accurate articulation of scripture, and it binds our theology only to the degree that its teachings can be demonstrated
in scripture. As such, we must not try to accommodate scripture into the Creed, but rather the Creed to scripture.
In light of that note of caution we must reject an interpretation of scripture teaches that Christ descended into Hell in the sense of it being a place of punishment given that the interpretation is, at best, dubious. There is no
violence done to scripture in rejecting this view, and, in fact, the whole of scripture is far more coherent and less troublesome if we avoid it. Thus, we can affirm with Rufinus that the inclusion of the phrase in the Creed is simply an elaboration on the death of Christ that indicates he really did die. This interpretation is justified both by the Latin word referring to Hell in the oldest
form of the Creed, and by the Greek word for Hell that the Latin refers to. Thus, it seems the best way to deal with the issue is to agree with the good thinking of the Westminster divines and correct the language to avoid
misunderstanding, or remove the phrase altogether as many forms of the Creed pre-A.D. 750 did. Either solution results in a Creed that is no less apostolic, no less traditional, and no less authoritative than the Creed as is
now stands. Furthermore, both solutions are arguably more apostolic in the sense that the clear meaning of scripture would be less obscured. And that, after all, is the intention of the Creed in the first place.
I just posted a comment on this which has disappeared; so, my apologies to all if this ends up being a duplicate:
Christine Erickson (aka Justina):
Since no one else has addressed this, I will: I am personally offended that you would use "GD" [post at 11:56pm above], i.e., using the Lord's name in vain. You need to repent.
Christine Erickson (aka Justina):
I was just reading Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology regarding the Apostles' Creed; and, I will agree with Grudem.
Here's Doug Powell explaining the various interpretations of this over the years:
Here's his conclusion:
There are a number of factors that should compel us to think of this phrase in a way other than Christ’s actually going to Hell. Perhaps the most important point to keep in mind as we evaluate the phrase is that the Apostles’ Creed does not hold the authority of scripture in and of itself. Its authority is derived only from its accurate articulation of cripture, and it binds our theology only to the degree that its teachings can be demonstrated
in scripture. As such, we must not try to accommodate scripture into the Creed, but rather the Creed to scripture.
In light of that note of caution we must reject an interpretation of scripture
teaches that Christ descended into Hell in the sense of it being a place of punishment given that the interpretation is, at best, dubious. There is no violence done to scripture in rejecting this view, and, in fact, the whole of scripture is far more coherent and less troublesome if we avoid it. Thus, we can affirm with Rufinus that the inclusion of the phrase in the Creed is simply an elaboration on the death of Christ that indicates he really did die. This interpretation is justified both by the Latin word referring to Hell in the oldest form of the Creed, and by the Greek word for Hell that the Latin refers to.
Thus, it seems the best way to deal with the issue is to agree with the good thinking of the Westminster divines and correct the language to avoid misunderstanding, or remove the phrase altogether as many forms of the Creed pre-A.D. 750 did. Either solution results in a Creed that is no less apostolic, no less traditional, and no less authoritative than the Creed as is
now stands. Furthermore, both solutions are arguably more apostolic in the sense that the clear meaning of scripture would be less obscured. And that, after all, is the intention of the Creed in the first place.
Since when does the Vatican have a seaport ?
Um, the Mediterranean ?
Paul, Rome has a seaport a few miles away, in the Mediterranean. It's sort of like San Pedro is to Los Angeles.
Lady Liberty = U.S.A.
Babylon = U.S.A.
Thanks Mariel,
The person I was responding to
made it sound like there was no seaport
nearby. Obviously Rome has done plenty
of shipping and receiving over the ages.
Babylon was a city.
Maybe I could be convinced that
Los Angeles/Hollywood is "Babylon,
but not the entire USA.
Gimme a break.
Anonymous said...
If so, then what church is it thst sits on 7 hills, calls its own surrounds a city, and has political and economic dealings with the kings of the Earth?
definitely NOT the CATHOLIC you have any suggestions?
Vatican City is not built on seven hills, but only one: Vatican Hill, which is not one of the seven upon which ancient Rome was built. Those hills are on the east side of the Tiber river; Vatican Hill is on the west.
Dear Constance,
I thought you might be interested in the following articles:
Secretary of State clamps down on public statements by Vatican bureaus
November 10, 2011
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone has announced that Vatican offices cannot issue public statements without clearance from the Secretariat of State, reports Sandro Magister of L’Espresso.
The veteran Italian journalist reports that Cardinal Bertone was dismayed by the public reaction to a recent statement from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on the world’s financial system. The statement’s call for a world financial authority drew heavy criticism from some economic analysts—and also, according to Magister, from officials within the Secretariat of State.
Although the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace announced the statement and scheduled a press conference well in advance, and copies of the document were in circulation before its official promulgation, officials at the Secretariat of State said that they were caught by surprise by its content. To prevent such problems in the future, Cardinal Bertone said that all Vatican statements should be cleared for publication through his Secretariat.
The following article is from Chiesa - a publication that was regarded as trustworthy by my friend the late Carrie Tomko.
Too Much Confusion. Bertone Puts the Curia Under Lock and Key
I am not an expert on the subject of who Babylon is in Revelation 17 and 18 but it is interesting to me that the trade capitol of the world is in New York City. It is also home to the head quarters of the United Nations. Now just imagine if the United States was destroyed in one hour how do you think the merchants of the earth would react to that? What would happen to the global economy? Just food for thought.
The Catholic Encyclopedia states: "It is within the city of Rome, called the city of seven hills, that the entire area of Vatican State proper is now confined." The Catholic Encyclopedia (Thomas Nelson, 1976), s.v. "Rome."
John Rupp Jnr, is NYC a woman in the Biblically meant figurative sense? Respectfully, I hear you but I fail to see it in light of this.
I think the woman who sits on the 7 hills may be Jerusalem (Guess im about to get lynched). After all it is the whore of Babylon. Read Ezekial, 16 in particular, it is end time stuff but the wroth is getting poured out on Jerusalem heavily!! Do a word search on for the word whore (KJV). It’s talking about Jerusalem more often than not.
Im open too other ideas but im gonna need v strong evidence against it.
If you ask me what city exerts power
over all the kings of the world I'd say
It's where the World Bank is, The Bank
of International Settlements, and the
Crown, which is basically the Central
Bank of all the Central Banks.
first off we ASSUME it is a church that is babylon, but Revelation doesn't call it that, it calls it "the great city." you are reading into the Scripture what Calvin etc. read into it, instead of reading out of it.
Vatican City may be confined within the boundaries of the modern city limits of Rome, but it is not within the boundaries of the original Rome, and it is not part of Rome or even Italy, but a separate tiny city state, a nation state all its own. Originally a common thing, the city state is now rare, Monaco and San Marino are cases in point.
Jerusalem cannot be babylon, because Revelation says that spiritually it is called Egypt and Sodom, Rev. 11:5, so that city is accounted for. It is called a great city, but not THE great city that rules over the kings of the earth.
Another problem, all the efforts to apply Revelation to current events, originally eurocentric have now gone Americentric and both are wrong. I suspect we have a way to go yet. ALL the things at once must happen Jesus said, for it to be the last generation, all at once or in one generation's life span which is not the arbitrary 20 or 40 years. it might be barely beginning now or yet to begin. who knows. Camping sure didn't ;)
Since when is the enclave 200 acre compound in the middle of Rome a seaport of any type?
Superb research, as usual. Thanks for the information on Cardinal Bertone and his application of brakes to the Peace and Justice Pontificate.
BACK TO THE OCCUPY WALL STREET related movements which is the topic at hand with this blog issue:
The OCCUPY THE WORLD Movement is clearly New Age (teamed up with anarchists, et al) and it is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE! An interesting information source on it is OCCUPIED WALL STREET JOURNAL which has a website:
RT (Russia Today) is giving it heavy coverage which can be pulled up on Youtube.
Turncoat Paul, why are you such an Anti-Catholic bigot? You are like a ship rocking to and fro and can't find a port anywhere.
'The Beast and his Image'; or, the pope and the Council of Trent.
With the number, name, and mark of the pope, and the mark of his name in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.
Being a Commentary upon Revelation XIII
By Frederic Fysh
Go to googlebooks and type inauthor:"Frederic Fysh" into search box
Below is a snippet of the clear and true comparisons made in the free book:
'The Beast and his Image'; or, the pope and the Council of Trent.
With the number, name, and mark of the pope, and the mark of his name in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.
Being a Commentary upon Revelation XIII
By Frederic Fysh
From pages 45-6
And the Papacy is in the present day, as much as
ever, a tyrannical empire. It is indeed alleged, that
Roman Catholics only wish to bring into practical
operation the great principle of individual duty and
social right — that every human being should worship
God according to the sincere dictates of conscientious
belief. We are told that the Catholics of Ireland
have even grounded their petitions for emancipation
on this great principle of freedom of conscience. We
are reminded that this is an universal principle, not
confined to one sect or persuasion, but extended to
every existing and to every possible mode of Christian belief. Much is to be heard in the present day in
praise of freedom of conscience. But alas ! how
much freedom of conscience is to be found in Dens'
Theology? Dens tells a different tale. He pro-
claims aloud that the Papacy allows no freedom of
conscience ; that it is as much as ever a tyrannical
empire. The question is put; in plain terms, ' Are
Heretics rightly punished with Death ? ' And the
answer is equally plain. It is in the affirmative.
If, however, the Papacy were not idolatrous as
well as tyrannical, it could not be the Beast. For a
Beast denotes in Scripture an idolatrous tyrannical
empire. But the idolatry of the Papacy appears in
three respects.
First : It encourages the worship of Images. This
is a direct violation of an express command in Scrip-
ture, " not to make to ourselves a graven image, nor
bow dovm to it, nor worship it." This command-
ment, therefore, is commonly omitted in Catechisms
of the Romish Church.
The command of God is, " Thou shalt not make to
thyself a graven image." The command of the
Council of Trent is, 'Images of Christ, of the Virgin
Mother of God, and of other saints are to he had in
churches.' 'Imagines Christi, Deiparae Virginis et
aliorum sanctorum in templis habendae.'
The command of God is, " Thou shalt not bow
down to them." The command of the Council is, to
'Kiss them, and uncover the head, and fall down
before them' — 'quas osculamur, et coram quibus
caput aperimus et procumbimus.'...
Go to googlebooks and type inauthor:"Frederic Fysh" into search box
See "The Truth About Occupy Wall Street Exposed", October 21,
by A. True Ott, PhD, at:
Oh yes, I agree ... the publication "Christianity Today" is certainly promoting New Age doctrines, then again so did the father of the New Age, Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
"Christianity Today" was founded by none other than Billy Graham and his friends.
" Confession With The Jesuits No. 21: Is Billy Graham Nothing But A Vatican Shill? Researcher Darryl Eberhart provides interesting information answering the question in the affirmative. "
" In Confession No. 21, Eberhart provides these startling revelations about the truth about Evangelist Billy Graham and his connection with the Vatican, referencing a book written by Dr. Cathy Burns entitled Billy Graham and His Friends: a Hidden Agenda? "
" Dr. Cathy Burns, author of numerous excellent books, has written a great book exposing the ecumenical, New World Order, and New Age "connections" of many of Billy Graham's "friends." This paperback book contains 788 pages (544 pages of text plus lots of endnotes, a lengthy bibliography, and an excellent "index"), and was published in 2001 by Sharing. "
" Many Americans are unaware of the fact that a Roman Catholic Order (the Knights of Malta - an order under the command of the Jesuit Superior General) helped make Billy Graham a famous evangelist. Yes, Knights of Malta such as William Randolph Hearst and Henry Robinson Luce - extremely powerful men in the publishing world - "puffed" Graham and gave him the publicity necessary to launch and maintain his evangelical career. Billy Graham received an honorary degree from a Catholic institute of higher learning (Belmont Abbey College) in 1967. Graham had lots of kind words for ecumenically minded Pope John Paul II during his reign as pope. In fact, he called Pope John Paul II "the world's greatest moral leader". Graham's evangelical association has for years directed Catholics (who come forward at Graham's crusades) back to their local Catholic churches. Indeed, the connection between Billy Graham and Roman Catholicism runs very deep! "
" Billy Graham has also been a friend to a number of high-level Freemasons (such as 33 degree Mason Norman Vincent Peale). (According to several sources, such as Texe Marrs of "Power of Prophecy", Graham himself is a high-level Mason.) Indeed, many famous persons have spoken quite favorably about Billy Graham; however, we would do well to take note that the Bible tells us: "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you…" (See Luke 6:26) "
" Some of the famous "friends of Billy Graham" examined by Dr. Cathy Burns are: John Foster Dulles, Bernard Baruch, publisher Henry Robinson Luce, publisher William Randolph Hearst, Martin Luther King, Jr., Andrew Young, Robert Schuller, Armand Hammer, etc. " ...
Oh yes, I agree ... the publication "Christianity Today" is certainly promoting New Age doctrines, then again so did the father of the New Age, Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
"Christianity Today" was founded by none other than Billy Graham and his friends.
" Confession With The Jesuits No. 21: Is Billy Graham Nothing But A Vatican Shill? Researcher Darryl Eberhart provides interesting information answering the question in the affirmative. "
" In Confession No. 21, Eberhart provides these startling revelations about the truth about Evangelist Billy Graham and his connection with the Vatican, referencing a book written by Dr. Cathy Burns entitled Billy Graham and His Friends: a Hidden Agenda? "
" Dr. Cathy Burns, author of numerous excellent books, has written a great book exposing the ecumenical, New World Order, and New Age "connections" of many of Billy Graham's "friends." This paperback book contains 788 pages (544 pages of text plus lots of endnotes, a lengthy bibliography, and an excellent "index"), and was published in 2001 by Sharing. "
" Many Americans are unaware of the fact that a Roman Catholic Order (the Knights of Malta - an order under the command of the Jesuit Superior General) helped make Billy Graham a famous evangelist. Yes, Knights of Malta such as William Randolph Hearst and Henry Robinson Luce - extremely powerful men in the publishing world - "puffed" Graham and gave him the publicity necessary to launch and maintain his evangelical career. Billy Graham received an honorary degree from a Catholic institute of higher learning (Belmont Abbey College) in 1967. Graham had lots of kind words for ecumenically minded Pope John Paul II during his reign as pope. In fact, he called Pope John Paul II "the world's greatest moral leader". Graham's evangelical association has for years directed Catholics (who come forward at Graham's crusades) back to their local Catholic churches. Indeed, the connection between Billy Graham and Roman Catholicism runs very deep! "
" Billy Graham has also been a friend to a number of high-level Freemasons (such as 33 degree Mason Norman Vincent Peale). (According to several sources, such as Texe Marrs of "Power of Prophecy", Graham himself is a high-level Mason.) Indeed, many famous persons have spoken quite favorably about Billy Graham; however, we would do well to take note that the Bible tells us: "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you…" (See Luke 6:26) "
" Some of the famous "friends of Billy Graham" examined by Dr. Cathy Burns are: John Foster Dulles, Bernard Baruch, publisher Henry Robinson Luce, publisher William Randolph Hearst, Martin Luther King, Jr., Andrew Young, Robert Schuller, Armand Hammer, etc. " ...
Jesuits Call Occupy Wall Street a Religious Movement
The Dallas Blog has received the tax documents of the Jesuits and discovered that the priestly order often evades hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes by claiming to the IRS they are financing religious education. Accordingly, they hire assistant secretaries and pay them annual salaries of $100,000 or more.
So, it comes as no surprise that the Jesuits are funneling money into the “Occupy Wall Street” movement and telling the public that looting, littering and loitering should be deemed “religious rituals.”
According to them, the demonstrators, who refuse to bathe, brush their teeth or was their clothes are symbols of the desert prophets of early church history. They should be considered John the Baptists of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s Marxist socialist economy which the Jesuits seek to spread all over the globe.
The USA Today reports that, “at the Jesuit magazine America, Tom Beaudoin, associate professor of Theology at Fordham University, compared the protests to religious rituals.”
Fr. Beaudoin wrote, “when they embody visions of a possible future that influence the larger social imagination, and when they sculpt the desires of the protestors themselves for the better. In these ways, resistance can become like religious ritual – and in those ways even more important.”
Occupy Wall Street protestors may soon find an opportunity to work for the Jesuits as an assistant secretary for six-figure salaries.
To read the entire article from USA Today, link here:
A Jesuit's Jottings
Rick Malloy, S.J., is a Jesuit priest and cultural anthropologist.
Fr. Malloy asks, ‘What would Jesus do and say about Occupy Wall Street?’
Posted by aquinas on 11/02/11 • Categorized as Faith
What does Jesus say about Occupy Wall Street? In the final chapters of Matthew’s Gospel we hear Jesus’ ringing calls for justice in our economic relationships.
“The greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted,” according to Matt 23:11-12.
“And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ ” according to Matt 25: 40.
On Oct. 16, 2011, Nick Kristof reported the following in The New York Times:
• The top one percent of Americans possesses more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent.
• In the Bush expansion from 2002 to 2007, 65 percent of economic gains went to the richest one percent.
Here are some more facts to get us thinking.
• 22 percent of children in America live in poverty.
• 15.1 percent of Americans live in poverty. That’s 46.2 million people.
• Globally, 80 percent of Earth lives on less than $10 a day.
• Across our planet, 21,000 children die each day from preventable causes.
“The Pew Research Center said its recent polling shows that a majority of Americans — for the first time in 15 years of being surveyed on the question — oppose more government spending to help the poor. The deep budget cuts by the U.S. House earlier this year included programs that helped the poor,” Business Week noted.
This concern about the common good and justice for our seven billion brothers and sisters across the planet is not some Jesuit spin on Catholic morality. For years, Catholic social teaching has said much of what many in the Occupy Wall Street movement are saying today.
“There also exist sinful inequalities that affect millions of men and women. These are in open contradiction of the Gospel,” the Catechism states.
The Catechism also discusses the dignity of human beings. “The equal dignity of human persons requires the effort to reduce excessive social and economic inequalities,” the Catechism states.
Continued ....
... Economic Justice for All, a publication by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops also weighs in on Catholic social teaching.
“The needs of the poor take priority over the desires of the rich; the rights of workers over the maximization of profits; the preservation of the environment over uncontrolled industrial expansion; the production to meet social needs over production for military purposes,” “Economic Justice for All” reads.
“The way society responds to the needs of the poor through its public policies is the litmus test of its justice or injustice.”
The Vatican recently called for the reform of the international financial system. Oct. 24, 2011, a division of the Vatican, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, released a document on the
“Reform of the international financial system with a view toward a general public Authority.”
The church is calling for more sane and loving controls and organization of our ever-increasing and accelerating processes of globalization. The processes that result in horrific inequities and the destabilization of peace.
“In its annual Report of in 2007, the International Monetary Fund recognized the close connection between an inadequately managed process of globalization on the one hand, and the world’s great inequalities on the other. Today the modern means of communication make these great economic, social and cultural inequalities obvious to everyone, rich and poor alike, giving rise to tensions and to massive migratory movements.
“Nonetheless, it should be reiterated that the process of globalisation with its positive aspects is at the root of the world economy’s great development in the twentieth century. It is worth recalling that between 1900 and 2000 the world population increased almost fourfold and the wealth produced worldwide grew much more rapidly, resulting in a significant rise of average per capita income. At the same time, however, the distribution of wealth did not become fairer but in many cases worsened.
“What has driven the world in such a problematic direction for its economy and also for peace?
“First and foremost, an economic liberalism that spurns rules and controls. Economic liberalism is a theoretical system of thought, a form of economic apriorism that purports to derive laws for how markets function from theory, these being laws of capitalistic development, while exaggerating certain aspects of markets. An economic system of thought that sets down a priori the laws of market functioning and economic development, without measuring them against reality, runs the risk of becoming an instrument subordinated to the interests of the countries that effectively enjoy a position of economic and financial advantage,” according to the Vatican’s article.
The Vatican is calling people of good will (and institutions of higher education?) to “get smart” and figure out how to organize the global economic system in ways that recognize the inherent dignity of the person and the rights all enjoy as human beings.
One of the more controversial aspects of this document is the call to create and inaugurate “a true world political authority,” an idea first promulgated by Pope John XXIII in his 1963 encylical “Pacem en Terris”, or “Peace on Earth”.
Those who are engaged in the Occupy Wall St. movement, like the Vatican, realize the global economy is operating in ways that leave billions out in the cold, hungry and hurting. The goal of Occupy Wall Street is justice, the righting of relationships between various players in our global economic system. Jesus would support that, too. Would you?
Commentary By
Richard G. Malloy, S.J., Ph. D.
Vice President University Ministries
I think the intensity around OWS has been heightened. There is a more urgent feel to the conversations going on in the global revolution chat:
Several large groups are being threatened with arrest or being moved upon right now (occupy Berlin) and this will only heighten the tensions. These people are NOT going to go away.
And then there's this interesting article, which refers to the different "waves" in humanity's timeline (which I think is part of the whole Mayan calendar), and which says we may now be in the 11th wave, starting on 11-11-11:
Each "wave" passes 20 times faster than the one before it.
I just have this sense that events are going to occur more rapidly now, and it will start to feel like the world is spinning out of control.
But.....The LORD is my rock and my salvation!
RT (Russia Today) is a big supporter of the OWS movement here in the US, and most of its OWS reporting is of the kind to make the police look bad. I believe it is designed to increase internal tensions to help foster a spirit of "revolution" here in the US.
(Recall the Duduman vision of a missile attack on the US when we are occupied with internal chaos....)
Here's an interesting report about RT and OWS:
Dear Constance,
These Vatican bureaus run amok - which are being put on a short leash by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone - have been giving the impression that they speak for the Pope and the entire Church when nothing could be further from the truth.
I have a feeling that if Cardinal Bertone's words are not heeded by the curia, we may see the ecclesiastical equivalent of "downsizing." :-)
Is the Vatican about to Occupy Wall Street?
The Vatican and Occupy Wall Street Agree on a Just Economy
Here in my neck of the woods in Portland, Oregon the mayor of the city of Portland gave an eviction notice to the Occupy Portland from 2 different parks they occupied for the past 35 days. The deadline is midnight tonight. Some protestors have left but most are staying and said they are willing to be arrested. The mayor and the PPD are prepared with all the riot gear they need and said they will arrest anyone who stays tonight past midnight. Occupy Portland says they have reinforcements coming from Seattle and Oakland today. This will be very interesting to see what happens tonight at midnight. The whole world is watching this one. The protestors are having a celebration this afternoon through tonight with a big potluck and they are going to have a bike swarm which means many of them will get bicycles and surround the 2 parks with them tonight.
I almost forgot here is the website for Occupy Portland incase you want to see about the eviction notice for midnight tonight.
PRESS RELEASE: Clergy Bear Witness for Peace at OP
Go to "" and read all about this. 20 clergy from the Portland area will be there tonight to "Bear Witness for Peace" during the eviction after midnight. This includes some Jewish and Muslim clergy.
One more thing then I will end for now. This Occupy Portland eviction will be live on the air on local news station 8, kgw, tonight at midnight, which is our NBC affiliate.
Here's an article documenting that Russia Today is a mouthpiece of Anti-Americanism and was started by the KGB:
Make of it what you will.
[Sat, Nov. 12]
So you think you know about Israel? The son of an Israeli general gives a frank, full and clear explanation in the video link below:
Has anyone heard about this?
Groups planning to "march" on Israel are sounding very organized. But it all sounds very dangerous to me.
@anonymous 12.25 PM,
It is noT often a post like your gets through on this blog.
Thank you for the video link. It is also called ‘Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies'.
‘My heart goes out to the Palestinians. Before the Rothschilds and Zionist Israel stole the earth from beneath the Palestian’s feet, there were Christian churches throughout the land. A significant number of Palestinians were Christian which engendered even more Jewish hatred against these poor, beleaguered people.
Today you won’t find Christian Churches in Israel, and the pro-Israel stance of America has forced many Palestinain Christians to worship in secrecy for fear of retribution from both the Jews and their Muslim neighbors. Many Palestinain Christians have decided to migrate away from their homeland.
It didn’t used to be that way. Before Zionist Israel, the Palestinian Christians were regarded as valued members of the community and their churches stood proudly throughout the land.’
The above comment is one agree with and have copied and pasted it from:
Copper thefts have just now risen to a whole new level...
A 3 foot long copper sword was reported stolen from atop Lincoln's tomb in Springfield, Illinois.
This Occupy movement is really gaining momentum. I think both the occupiers and law enforcement / local government officials are being played off against each other to widen the divide between them toward some kind of flashpoint.
Just watch the video / chat streams for a while and you'll see what I mean:
We will soon be living in the days that we thought would never come to America - the days where you will have to be careful who you talk to, and about what, and where you meet.
I don't like being melodramatic, but really think this is it.
[Sun, Nov. 13]
Has anyone seen this or know anything about it??? It was on the total collapse website. Very creepy....
Link to total collapse website referenced in previous post
Anon. @ 7:22
Creepy but too stupid to take seriously.
If they said "archetype" one more time
I'd suspect it was Carl Jung that had
been reincarnated.
You've mentioned two specific anti-clerical revolutions in the past. Which were they and what years did they take place? I seem to remember Mexico and Spain....
What are the Chinese up to?
Google Earth reveals massive networks of stripes in the Chinese Desert
Here are the words to the Russian version of "The Internationale", literally translated into English, which was the Soviet Union's national anthem until 1944. How close the sentiments in these lyrics are to the Occupy groups! (Source:
Get up, you who are branded by a curse,
You, the world's starving and enslaved!
Our outraged minds are boiling,
Ready to lead us into a deadly fight.
We will destroy this world of violence
Down to the foundations, and then
We will build our new world.
He who was nothing will become everything!
This will be the final
and decisive battle.
With the International
the mankind will get up [or: rise up the human race].
No one will grant us deliverance,
Not God, nor tsar, nor hero.
We will win our liberation,
With our very own hands.
To throw down oppression with a skilled hand,
To take back what is ours –
Fire up the furnace and hammer boldly,
while the iron is still hot!
You've sucked enough of our blood, you vampires,
With prison, taxes and poverty!
You have all the power, all the blessings of the world,
And our rights are but an empty sound!
We'll make our own lives in a different way -
And here is our battle cry:
All the power to the people of labor!
And away with all the parasites!
Contemptible you are in your wealth,
You kings of coal and steel!
You had your thrones, parasites,
At our backs erected.
All the factories, all the chambers -
All were made by our hands.
It's time! We demand the return
Of that which was stolen from us.
Enough of clouding our minds in the haze of war
On the behalf of kings!
War to the tyrants! Peace to the people!
Go on strike, sons of the army!
And if the tyrants tell us
To fall heroically in battle for them -
Then, murderers, we will point
The muzzles of our cannons at you!
Only we, the workers of the worldwide
Great army of labour,
Have the right to own the land,
But the parasites - never!
And if the great thunder rolls
Over the pack of dogs and executioners,
For us, the sun will forever
Shine on with its fiery rays.
[Mon, Nov. 14]
Christ preached to only ONE generation of the dead according to Peter's letter, and they were in HADES not GEHENNA. The English translation of these two distinct places (one before judgement and one after) as 'hell' has caused endless confusion. Beware of extra-scriptural guesswork regarding the 'harrowing of hell.'
Good for Bertone, but the controversial bits of that supposedly rogue statement are very similar to parts of Benedict's 2009 Encyclical Caritas in Veritate (para 67) and John XXIII’s 1963 encyclical Pacem in Terris (paras 137, 144):
EU's economic woes could affect Iran sanctions
10.11.11 @ 09:54
AFP reports that Europe's economic woes could make it difficult to impose sanctions against Iran, noting that targetting Iran's Central Bank could lead to an oil shock, worsening the EU crisis.
* * *
Is it possible the July 25, 2011, message from
is coming true with the Occupy movement? See the post entitled, "Satan is powerless against my devoted followers."
"Know now that when you witness global unrest, it is the Deceiver at work."
Other interesting dates are:
6-4-11, "Satan recruits young people through pop culture."
5-15-11, "Reject the work of New Age Spiritualism."
11-18-10, "Message to Agnostics and Atheists."
Thrive Movie, featuring Barbara Marx Hubbard, Deepak Chopra, David Icke and others is out:
this is an excellent refutation of the pre trib rapture.
as for the harrowing of hell, it is irrelevant to draw a distinction between hell and gehenna. the former is the judgement condition of dead sinners now, the latter the final condition the lake of fire and that doesn't presumably even exist yet.
it was many generations of sinners Christ preached to, all those up to His time. Revelation 22:11 is often cited where it says "he who is unjust, let him be unjust still, he who is filthy, let him be filthy still, he who is righteous let him be righteous still, he who is holy let him be holy still" as a reason to reject the harrowing of hell or any possibility of hope after death, but on that basis you would have to deny any chance in life also, and besides the statement is made after showing the Last Judgement.
purgatory, however, is not like the RC think something separate from hell, a place of unpleasantness and punishment before the last judgement, but part of it, and a general misunderstanding about the afterlife.
1 Peter 3:18-20 is very clear that Jesus preached specifically to the antediluvian generation between his crucifixion and resurrection. Nobody else has yet been resurrected to tell us, so that any generalisation to suppose He preached to all the pre-Incarnation dead is based on divination or guesswork.
My comment about terminology is simply that, for the sake of clarity, the harrowing should be called the harrowing of Hades, not the harrowing of Gehenna.
As for 'Purgatory' - I agree with protestants that forgiven sins will not need further punishment or atonement, but I also agree with Roman Catholics that we need cleansing of our Fallen tendency to sin. I believe this happens, not as a process in 'purgatory', but in an instant at our Resurrection. St Paul says that at that instant "we shall be changed" (1 Cor 15) and I believe the change extends to our souls as well as our bodies. I believe this for three reasons:
1. Purgatory is nowhere mentioned in scripture, yet scripture is a guide to the future up to an era beyond our cleansing.
2. Purgatory proved to be a huge earner for the Roman Catholic Church - its theological development was not motivated by truth-seeking alone.
3. Mind and body are a deep unity, and when your body is made perfect, so must your mind be. Remember that bodily death came into this world as a result of sin.
PS I am with you against the pre-Tribulation rapture. Dave Gundry's short book "First the Antichrist" debunks it well.
Dear Christina, as does Anon at 4:50 AM, I agree with you regarding when the rapture will occur.
However, although your link to Chapter 7 of Antipas Ministries is informative and interesting on this point, I would be careful about other aspects and reached opinions therein. I have only brushed over the book but when we reach the last part of the book "ABOUT THE AUTHOR & THE MILIEU OUT FROM WHICH HE CAME",
we learn that he was a member of a freemasonic secret fraternity group at university:
"Steve came to know the Lord in a small home meeting in Sacramento, California on December 21, 1959 largely as the result of the testimony of one of his COLLEGE FRATERNITY BROTHERS AT KAPPA SIGMA."
Take a look at the demonic freemasonic symbols on the cover of the ritual book of Kappa Sigma Fraternity:
He does not renounce his membership nor denounce the group and what it practises. The group links back to the 1400's Bologna.
There is a lot of argument to suggest that, far from being against RCism, Freemasonry was borne of it. Just look at the rituals of the Knights of Malta [SMOM: Sovereign Military Order of Malta] for example (The prot versions of which, are subservient to the Catholic original which has its own state, money, stamps, passports, etc, just like the Vatican and is also based in Rome... Yep, there's another reason to see why the city of 7 hills in Revelation is most likely Rome!)
The author also spent time in Georgetown, Wahington D.C.
"In 1972 he resigned his commission and left the army to become a co-pastor for a "Jesus People" type church [Society of Jesus, i.e., jesuits?] in Washington D.C. which was dedicated to preaching the Gospel to the "street people" in GEORGETOWN(District of Columbia)."
"Georgetown is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit institute of higher learning in the United States."
Yep, that same university where Bill Clinton, Ron Paul (that wolf in sheep's clothing) and others have attended and / or given speeches.
"Bill Clinton recognized that although college would be expensive, it would give him the education he needed to accomplish his goals. His hard work in school, combined with his musical ability, earned him many academic and music scholarships. With the help of those scholarships and loans from the government, he was able to attend Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He chose Georgetown because it had an excellent foreign service program; he was also excited about going to school in the nation's capital."
Is that why much about Revelation's Babylon is identified as America, and not Rome as it should be, by S. R. Shearer's online book at
Please investigate the SMOM. you'll find they adopted the title Knights of the Temple (of Solomon ; at Jerusalem) from te Templars. The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Italian: Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta), also known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), Order of Malta or Knights of Malta... Please investigate...
NYPD have cleared the Wall St protestors, with pepper spray but no major violence. See any news website.
They were probably all rich kids anyway - the poor were too busy earning their next meal. I doubt they would have lasted a New York winter.
Anonymous 2:25 P.M.
Did you read the second article I posted from Chiesa? - especially where it reads:
But more than these terrible grades, what has been even more irritating for many authoritative readers of the document of the pontifical council for justice and peace is the fact that it is in glaring contradiction with Benedict XVI's encyclical "Caritas in Veritate."
In the encyclical, Pope Joseph Ratzinger does not in any way call for a "public authority with universal competency" over politics and the economy, that sort of great Leviathan (no telling who gets the throne, or how) so dear to the document of October 24.
In "Caritas in Veritate" the pope speaks more properly of the "governance" (meaning regulation, "moderamen" in Latin) of globalization, through subsidiary and polyarchic institutions. Nothing at all like a monocratic world government.
You say of the recent document that "it is in glaring contradiction with Benedict XVI's encyclical Caritas in Veritate. In the encyclical, Pope Joseph Ratzinger does not in any way call for a "public authority with universal competency" over politics and the economy, that sort of great Leviathan... so dear to the document of October 24."
From Caritas in Veritate: "there is a need… for a reform of the United Nations organisation… that… can acquire real teeth… there is urgent need of a true world political authority… vested with the effective power to ensure security for all… it would have to have the authority to ensure compliance with its decisions from all parties"
If Benedict puts caveats about subsidiarity on that statement then I'm afraid that he is simply contradicting himself. The question is: where does final (earthly) authority lie.
Dictators By Nature...EU Enters Death Agony (Video)
Monday, November 14, 2011 11:03
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Thanks to Scott at the prophecyupdate blogspot for link.
Why is it that whenever anyone gets to the nitty-gritty about the knights of Malta, the Templars, the Jesuits, and freemasons, such as Vatican's very own p2 lodge, the thread gets deleted?????
Why is it that whenever anyone gets to the nitty-gritty about the knights of Malta, the Templars, the Jesuits, and freemasons, such as Vatican's very own p2 lodge, the thread gets deleted?????
Why is it that whenever anyone gets to the nitty-gritty about the knights of Malta, the Templars, the Jesuits, and freemasons, such as Vatican's very own p2 lodge, the thread gets deleted?????
We will be talking about "Occupy the World" tonight at 6 p.m. Eastern time, 3 p.m. Pacific time on Dr. Monteith's Liberty Radio program; then on my own program at 4 p.m. Eastern time. Then tomorrow at noon, I will be doing an interview with Southwest Radio Church / Noah Hutchings on the same topic.
I'm not sure when the SW Radio Church one runs on their internet site, but I'm sure their site will tell you.
There were civil disturbances in many places last night when some of the tent cities were being torn down.
CHAOS is the name of the New Age GAME.
Here is the question turning over and over in my mind:
Is the New Age Movement a branch grown from Marxist and other revolutionary thought of the 19th century (and possibly earlier), or is the Marxist, revolutionary thought of the 19th century founded upon the early roots of New Age thought, or are they twins that are cooperating together to bring an end to Western Civilization and Christianity?
One thing is for sure, both are evil branches whose root is the grand deceiver, Satan.
Marxism is dialectical MATERIALISM. New Age emphasises the SPIRITUAL. Spiritual and material are incomplete without each other, so perhaps in some way the two attract - and both hate the Christian worldview.
Anonymous @ 4:52 PM:
Please show evidence where any THREAD, here on Constance's blog, ever got deleted!!!
"Anonymous @ :52 PM:
Please show evidence where any THREAD, here on Constance's blog, ever got deleted!!!"
Anon 7:09...
Yes, good observation. Thanks!
Anonymous 8:07,
For the record, Constance as the administrator of this blog DOES NOT have the ability to make a post vanish without a trace of it ever being there. If she had removed it there would be a notification that states "This comment has been deleted by a administrator".
Yes comments have vanished from this blog, as well as mine. They are typically the result of a very over active spam filter that is part of Blogger and cannot be adjusted.
For the record though, it is very difficult to claim malice when I can quickly count three posts about jesuits and numerous anti-catholic posts just in this thread. If someone was singling this issue out, they would hardly be considered thorough enough to be constraining your message.
Great coverage on the New Age tie in with the Occupy movement. However, the most astounding news to me is the UN - Association of World Citizens - connection with Hermes. Rene Wadlow, UN Representative, said the Spring Solstice - Day of the Citizens of the World - is under the authority of Hermes. The research for my soon to be published book shows Hermes is the old identity for who will become the anti-Christ in the near future. That is chilling that they are willing to put his old name out there already!
Again, some of you are referring to 'comments' disappearing (yes, I've seen it too) -- but not entire THREADS!!!
Anon 4:04,
When did this thread appear and vanish? I ask because I get two forms of notification when a new thread is posted here, one in Blogger and a second via email and they happen in real time. Even when Constance has posted and edited titles of threads, I still have a notification of the original thread and title.
All notifications I have for the last two months directly match all existing threads, not a single one missing, or even edited, aside from when information is added to the existing.
So your claim really must be some all powerful internet force is accomplishing this, because they have managed to wipe any and all evidence such threads existed even from private accounts. Is this really what you are claiming?
New Age stuff is getting pretty intense.
Here is a good New Age "hub" to poke around in and see what they are up to:
Across the top is a menu for all kinds of resources.
From the site above, in some discussion about their goals:
"I think it's important that we reach out to the Occupy movement and use its momentum and the social networks already in place to help shift the paradigm from political to spiritual, it already seems to be headed in that direction, but we should all be a part of making an awakened world the forefront of this movement."
[Wed, Nov. 16]
Out of the ashes of the collapse of the Eurozone will a "United States of Europe" arise?
All over Europe, headlines are declaring that the eurozone is on the verge of collapse. Many people falsely assume that this will mean the end of the euro and a return to national currencies. Unfortunately, that is not going to be the case at all. Instead, this is going to be yet another example of how the elite attempt to bring order out of chaos. The European elite have no intention on giving up on a united Europe. Rather, they hope to be able to bring to life a new "United States of Europe" out of the ashes of the existing eurozone. Over the coming months we will see widespread panic and fear all across Europe. The euro will likely sink like a rock and there will probably be huge financial problems in Europe and all around the globe. But for the European elite, a great crisis like this represents a golden opportunity to tear down the existing structures and build new ones. The solution that the European elite will be pushing will not be to go back to the way that Europe used to be. Instead, they will be pushing the idea of a much more tightly integrated Europe really hard.
Of course it will not be called "the United States of Europe", but that is definitely what they have in mind.
But they know that the people of Europe will never go for this solution unless they feel enough ear and pain first.
Right now, the stage is being set for the coming financial crisis in Europe. All over the EU, media outlets are priming Europeans to expect the worst.
For more...
JD @ 9:36 AM:
I am Anonymous @ 4:04 AM, BUT my response was directed at the following earlier comment (below)...
Anonymous said...
Why is it that whenever anyone gets to the nitty-gritty about the knights of Malta, the Templars, the Jesuits, and freemasons, such as Vatican's very own p2 lodge, the thread gets deleted?????
4:53 PM
In other words, JD -- I'm with you. I don't understand how anyone could possibly claim that an entire THREAD has ever disappeared from this blog!!!
Dear Anonymous 1:53 PM
First of all, I didn't "say" anything. I quoted an article from Chiesa. Ergo, if you have an argument, it is with Chiesa.
Secondly, I have already explained more than once on this blog when Catholics may respectfully disagree with the Pope. If you want to know what I had to say, then you will have go and look it up because I have no intention of repeating myself over and over and/or diverting the discussion from the topic of this thread to another seemingly endless Catholic-Protestant debate.
OWS calling for 'day of action' following loss of camp in Zuccotti Park
While officially, it may sound peaceful enough, other OWS protestors appear to be making their own plans for Thursday, November 17th such as: "burn New York City to the ground" . . . and also, "see what a Molotov cocktail can do to Macy's."
Dear Susanna,
Your quoting of Chiesa tacitly suggested that you thought he was talking sense when in fact he was saying something blatantly false, ie that Benedict's encyclical is at odds over global authorities with the recent statement. I hope that you will write respectfully to Benedict and explain to him the meaning of the Book of the Apocalypse/Revelation, for if Catholics don't then who will?
Anon 12:58,
In that context, I now better understand your post. Sorry for the confusion. I can say without any doubt that within the past 5 years a entire THREAD has NEVER vanished.
I can say with certainty that posts disappear frequently, and I can say with certainty that a spam filter is the culprit. The reason I can say this is because I was the one who took the initiative to get to the bottom of the disappearing posts, and with the help of others ran a experiment to see what was causing the vanishings.
It was by complete accident that I found the spam filter folder, but by running the experiment I was able to recognize the missing posts it contained. Unfortunately there is not a thing Constance or anyone on Blogger can do to stop the filter from tagging posts, we can only restore them once we know they are missing.
Sorry again for the confusion, and thanks for the correction.
I remember when you ran that experiment. You were right too. There is a glitch in the spam filter.
"There is a glitch in the spam filter."
Boy, I'd love to run that phrase past somebody circa 1945!
The risk that the Occupy Movement ends up doing the bidding of the Global Elite...
Anonymous 4:24 PM
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