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How New Agers see the Occupy Wall Street |
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From Wikipedia article on anti-clericalism |
For those who think maybe it is the Roman Catholic Church "getting her comeuppance", please note that the targets of the occult/New Age forces are Jews, Christians, and Moslems. Mexican persecution started with Catholics from 1926 to 1935 and many Protestant denominations initially cooperated with the government thinking they were not affected, but surprise, surprise, they were.
It looks like dangerous days may well be here and as Russian Orthodox priest Brother Seraphim Rose wrote in his book, RELIGION AND THE ORTHODOXY OF THE FUTURE, these days will be very terrible indeed.
Remember the Book of Revelation promise: "they overcame the beast by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death."
May the Lord strengthen and protect us all.
Stay tuned!
P.S. The language in this release is a cross between the Communist Manifesto and PLANETARY INITIATIVE FOR THE WORLD WE CHOOSE of 1981-1982!!!
A cross between "the Conmunist Manifesto" and "Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose" of 1981-1982! |
Thank YOU, thank you Anon 3:43 a.m. I've been searching for the link between the two.
Born To Watch picked this one up:
Franky Schaeffer is urging "Occupy" to target churches. In large part, we have the prosperity preachers to thank for this.
Is Franky Schaeffer still Orthodox Christian? Or has he lost all faith in Jesus Christ crucified died and risen?
4.7 earthquake here SE of San Antonio about 1.5 hours ago. One man thinks it's as a result of drilling for oil:
YesNaSpanishTown, yes, if Occupy targets churches it will be, as you say, "in large part we have the prosperity preachers to thank for this."
Nothing is more revolting in modern Christianity than the prosperity churches. Many people give sacrificially, expecting to reap a hundred fold. And many expect to be healed who are not. Some come out of this with their faith intact, through God's grace.
My husband and I went to healing crusades for some years, and it was very interesting to see the truth. The truth is this: at crusades conduct by the Hinn brothers (Benny, Henry) some were actually healed of something, including me. My 8 years of optic neuritis was healed, but I was not healed of my genetic weakness. What does this mean? I don't know. God may heal some at these meetings (I have seen other obviously real headings) but he does NOT heal the majority. I cannot interpret this except to say that their prayers for prosperity and healing are not for everyone who sincerely asks. Something is rotten here. In other words, they are lying!
Jesus must not approve of this, is the bottom line. And yes it keep people away from Jesus who see only the lying.
Born to Watch had signficant news up today about what JD and I would term "cashless society" developments. Israel has placed an order with "Positive ID" (formerly Verichip and/or Digital Angel) for its microchips.
Here's a tinyurl link to the POSITIVE ID press release:
Franky Schaeffer has just plain gone bad. I read his book about a year ago and was shocked at his disrespect for his parents (Francis & Edith Schaeffer) and his repudiation of Christianity across the board.
He had gone Orthodox, but now he has apparently gone atheist.
Franky Schaeffer has just plain gone bad. I read his book about a year ago and was shocked at his disrespect for his parents (Francis & Edith Schaeffer) and his repudiation of Christianity across the board.
He had gone Orthodox, but now he has apparently gone atheist.
There are more relevant comments up as well on my last blog article. Check them out!
Re Franky Schaeffer (and others) this Scripture comes to mind. I set before the King James Version and Douay Rheims version:
They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have remained with us; but that they may be manifest, that they are not all of us. (Douay Rheims)
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. (KJV)
1 John 2:19
For those interested in the foundation upon which Mike Bickle's IHOP (the former Kansas City Fellowship, aka KCF) is built, here's a two part article. The first is a history of events leading up to the (in)famous Ernie Gruen Document/Report:
The second one shows discrepancies and contradictions in the words of some of the leaders behind KCF and the Vineyard (John Wimber, Jack Deere) and how the Paul Cain "prophecy" which validated the Vineyard's involvement in the "prophetic movement" is questionable and the same for Bob Jones' "drought prophecy" which was said to have legitimized KCF's 'movement':
This second one refences Constance's prevention of the Benjamin Creme "overshadowing" by 'Maitreya the Christ' and compares with similar occurrences with respect to William Branham and possibly to Paul Cain.
Also, through audio obtained, it shows how Jack Deere stated conflicting and added details to a purported Paul Cain "prophecy."
They are betrayed by their own words.
I just listened to your interview from Oct 5 by Dr Montieth via podcast. I have to say I really appreciate the way your mind works. Especially when he mentioned how others could monitor your conversation via your computer even when it is off (I can't see anyone caring that much about my conversation to begin with), and you said something to the effect that it didn't matter, they couldn't do anything to you that God did not allow. I don't think now is the time for paranoia. It seems to me that it is time for educating as many as possible so that they don't fall into these diabolical traps set by New Agers.
You probably already know this, but this is the way B. Creme sees, or should I have said the "Master" via Creme: He both predicted and called for these uprisings....
It just gives me the creeps, even though I know who wins in the end.
You have read Franky Schaeffer's book, I have not. Does he explicitly deny the core doctrines of Christianity in it, please; or does he just dislike the Western church (and his parents)?
Where is Dorothy?
Susan, you are right that education is the way to fight this. But education is so hamstrung now, apparently very much changed since I was a teacher. When I taught I had wide freedom of speech, and at least in my Seattle community, many people did. I first heard of Constance while living in Seattle, and heard her speak. I didn't fully agree with her then, but my point is that there was an exchange of ideas with the possibility of change to result.
But now a new way to educate seems needed. The "consensus' paradigm which was just beginning when I was teaching is now in full throttle. The fee exchange of conflicting ideas must have been largely lost, from everything I read. this was a fundamental strength of Western Civilization. Lost now?
Not completely. It's alive in the internet, for one thing, where you can read a confusing mass of opinions, even among Christians. So let's pray that true perceptions somehow are put forth for young people to see, and true facts about history, about what has really happened in the world and in the scriptures.
I didn't mean education in the formal sense. I meant by exactly what Constance is doing. She is saying what needs to be said regardless of who hears or sees. We still have that much freedom. For now.
Hi everyone. I was reading through the website "The New Age of Aquarius". Wow what an eye opener. I was directed to another site called Natural News which had a very interesting article in which Bill Gates talks about vaccines being used to control and lower the world's population. He has donated millions of dollars himself toward vaccine studies. Here is the link.
Yes, Susan. The internet has been a blessing so far. Exactly as Daniel prophesied, that knowledge will increase.
I just ran across something else. This site is Common Dreams which is a New Age organization. The article is showing support from Common Dreams for the Occupy Movement. Then click on show all to see all the responding blogs. There is one blog from Maitreya the World Teacher giving his support for the movement and encouraging everyone to join it. here it is.
Constance, I just heard your talk with Stanley Monteith about how you discovered the New Age.
That gave me a lot of insight into how you gathered information. I lost my Hidden Dangers years ago in the Los Alamos fire.
EVeryone I knew in SEattle at the time you were beginning with this was a New Ager. Irv and I were completely into it, with one caveat. I always reserved believe in God as paramount to all the rest of the stuff. And so I finally came out of it and Irv did too, a little later. Irv's first wife had done the Matreya meditations every day of her life, and persisted doing them until her death years later. It was so hard to be what we were--apostates to the New Age movement--because unlike yourself, we were completely cut off from Christians. We had no friends who were not New Agers. None.
@Mariel- Thank God you and your husband (?) came out of it. There have been many opportunities for me to have been drawn in too, starting when I was a young girl. Thank God my parents brought me up in church and I know there were prayers said for me. I totally understand the initial attraction some of that stuff holds.
@Constance- I read the article that you have the link for to the right, on Solana. WOW. He seems to have a "super-human" resume. How are you leaning in regards to his role in the NWO? He doesn't seem to fit the description of Maitreya (as provided by B.Creme), yet he does seem to be well-endowed and well connected.
Occupy Wall Street won't accomplish anything...UNLESS something major happens worldwide. Something that shakes the foundation of most or all nations. It's just a matter of time. Economic catastrophe could do it. It seems the most likely scenario. There are others. Enough fear worldwide could push their agenda.
take a look at the post Wickis did today, 10/21/11, on the head wound of the beast., tony in vt./ its at www.unsealedprophecy.wordpress.com
I watched the Bill Gates video. I don't think he meant that he was going to use vaccines to control population directly. I have read elsewhere that people in disease ridden, impoverished countries have as many children as they can because infant and child mortality is so high that they want to ensure that at least some of their offspring survives to adulthood. Healthcare and vaccines would (in theory) give them more assurance that their children won't die of preventable disease and so decrease the number of children in each family. - that's the theory and that's what I think he was talking about. BUT- I am quite aware that population reduction is the goal of all them, though some want it accomplished through a decreased birthrate, while other more sinister forces would want it via DEPOPULATION.
MUST READING BELOW -- this person claims to have evidence that Lucis Trust is behind "Occupy Wall Street" - make sure you ARCHIVE EVERYTHING!!!!
I'm just about to add another picture exhibit to the bottom of the current blog post.
Hi, just food for thought in light of the present events in Egypt and Libya.
Daniel 11:42,43 NIV
"He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape. He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Nubians in submission".
VERY disturbing, but I'm so glad astute watchers found who the domain belonged to! For the benefit of those who, like me, may have a hard time with the small print, here's the 'spin' from the site:
Due to the immense interest that this question has posed, we thought we might as well answer it: we do not want to feed paranoia and senseless New World Order conspiracies. Some of you were smart enough to find the registration details, and some of you looked closely enough to find one of the actual members out of the large group that planned the page. Paulina Arcos, who figures as the owner of the domain, is the name of the mother of this member. We used her credit card to purchase the domain in July. When we did this we had no idea of the impact that it would have, and if we had known it we would have definitely left family out of it. When we conceived the site, it was more of a dream than a reality.
We are just some of the many activists from around the world who worked to prepare the 15th of October protest. The web-page remained “anonymous” because we always believed that the ideas behind it belonged to anyone who recognized themselves in them. This movement is not guided, it is clearly born as a reaction to injustice and corruption around the world, and therefore it is destined to change the underlying values of the system, not only the rules of it. It is a global movement for true democracy and better human conditions, so this website reflects a collective idea, a movement without borders or leaders.
We are not responsible or representatives of any group. We are people who decided to participate in a web-platform for a social movement which rose up sponteneously.
Future Press Collective http://wlcentral.org/users/futurepress
Thanks for the information about Occupy Wall St., Constance, linking it to Lucis Trust. Well, I will have to retract my statements about the value of the protest, if that group is behind this. I know they are not on the side of our God. I have little doubt, however, that many of those involved at the "street level" are innocent of knowledge about this plot, and think they are just calling for economic justice.
The global revolution:
Global revolution YouTube clip...
Is Ron Paul actively participating and instigating this movement?
Sorry if I'm behind on this one. I know most people see him as a fringe-y. But I had not heard that he is part of this, but it sure looks it.
I am not a Ron Paul fan, but my son is. Apparently this is the conservative side of the NA. By googling, I also saw that Alex Jones called for Occupy the Fed. This is all very disturbing.
Okay, I admit it. I am computer illiterate. How do I archive that page?
A "sermon" by Franky Shaeffer on an apostate on-line "church"
What's in a name?
A rose by any other name is still a rose. And so a skunk by any other name is still a skunk!
"Digital Angel" "PositiveID," "Verimed" . . . all the HUMAN IMPLANTABLE chip with the 16 digit identification number. From "PositiveID" website:
PositiveID's HealthID business is based primarily on the company's history in RFID, or radio-frequency identification. There is no better example of this than the legacy VeriMed™ system. A first-of-its-kind system for patient identification, VeriMed consists of an FDA-cleared, RFID human-implantable microchip that links to a personal health record. This allows doctors immediate access to even non-responsive patients, and can help hospital personnel treat a non-communicative patient quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency. The microchip does not contain any medical records; rather, it contains a 16-digit number that, when scanned with a proprietary handheld reader, connects to a secure, online database. The database houses the patient’s identification information and personal health records, which can only be accessed by medical professionals with the proper login and password information. Although currently PositiveID does not actively market the VeriMed system, it continues to support existing patients and healthcare facilities.
All the terminology sounds like Lucis Trust and its spin-off PLANETARY CITIZENS and PLANETARY INITIATIVE FOR THE WORLD WE CHOOSE of the 1980s; HOWEVER, Lucis Trust's present offices are and have been on Wall Street rather than 866 UN Plaza, to the best of my present knowledge. It may well, however, be a "blind" deliberately created by Lucis Trust as so many of the old regulars are involved with the OCCUPY WALL STREET movement: Arianna Huffington; Deepak Chopra; Dennis Kucinich; Jessica Lipnack, etc., etc.
Please, folks, it is perfectly possible to be disgusted by Wall Street and NOT be a New Ager.
This is interesting and even more disturbing.
PositiveID has a "beneficial ownership" by Ironridge Global Partners, LLC. Following that lead, I found this discussion about Global Partners:
Ironridge Global Partners
Perhaps the most predatory of all groups is the newest. Co-founded earlier this year by John Kirkland, an attorney who worked for Marc Dreier, currently serving 20 years in jail after pleading guilty to a $700 million fraud and Brendan T. O’Neil who has run two funds that have folded in the last three years, Ironridge bills itself, according to its web site, as “supplying innovative financing solutions and flexible capital, as it seeks to unlock the full potential of cash-constrained businesses.” There is certainly some truth to that statement, as the companies it has completed deals with seem on the verge of going out of business. Ironridge usually doesn’t fund the company until after it sells the stock, as the filings show that payments are often not made until at least 20 days after they have received free-trading shares (imagine borrowing money from somebody and having to provide them with the money to make your loan before you receive any proceeds from them). The destruction in stocks they have completed transactions with makes the devastation from Hurricane Irene seem tame by comparison. Just two weeks ago, Uluru (NYSE: ULU) announced a “$1.6 million financing at a premium to market with Ironridge.” The problem is that the company neither received $1.6 million, nor was the deal done at a premium. The details in the 8-k suggest that the press release was misleading, as the company will receive proceeds only after a certain dollar amount of stock trades, and Ironridge’s actual cost to buy the stock is a fraction of the advertised price. Investors don’t seem fooled, as ULU’s stock is down nearly 50% in two weeks since the deal was announced. Less than two weeks after announcing the deal with Ironridge, the regulatory arm of the NYSE AMEX notified Uluru that it was not in compliance with listing standards and that it faced delisting. Uluru, like all of the companies Ironridge has completed transactions with, currently has a nominal market capitalization, in this case less than $2 million.
Uluru is not the only company in Ironridge’s portfolio facing delisting. PositiveID Corporation (OTCBB: PSID) was delisted from the Nasdaq less than five weeks after entering into “Strategic Financings for Up to $13.8 Million at a Premium to Current Share Price” with Ironridge. Shortly after the announcement, however, the company acknowledged in an 8-k filing that it did not receive the funds it had anticipated and that the price of the deal was being revised lower (think floorless financing). According to the filing made nearly two months after the deal was announced, the company has still not received the $1.5 million it was anticipating receiving as the first part of the funding. Approximately one month after the deal was announced, the CEO resigned. The stock has lost approximately 60% of its value in two months since the deal was announced.
Apparently inking a deal with Ironridge is not a career-enhancing move for a CEO. Less than three weeks after announcing an initial round of funding of approximately $1.12 million from Ironridge, the CEO of High Plains Gas (OTCBB: HPGS) resigned in the wake of the stock’s loss of more than 65% of its price. Like other companies which have done business with Ironridge, neither High Plains nor its creditors had received funding weeks after the deal was completed. Imagine losing your job, destroying your stock and not receiving proceeds after all of that. On average, from the time a regulatory filing was made announcing a deal with Ironridge, companies saw their stocks lose more than half their value within one month.
All the religious considerations aside, based on the Ironridge information, it does not seem that PositiveID would be a "positive financial investment"!
I found this interesting in Positive I.D.'s website. Positive I.D. appointed Yuval Rabin to their advisory board back on September 21this year. He still lives in Israel and is the son of the former late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin.
Hadn't really examined the philosophy and roots of occupy wall street.
It is rooted in idea of "Horizontal democracy." Basically leading by consensus. Writer Marina Sitrin is one of voices. See website: http://marinasitrin.com/
She describes "people's mic" process of speaker speaking and then all repeating.
Other article somewhere or another talked of "general assemblies" and again leaderless consensus forming. Just really odd...
Key facilitators of occupy movment
Canadian magazine adbusters http://www.adbusters.org/
annonymous is also another key element.
interesting information can be found:
this movement is a more involved shift in self-determination, which horizontal democracy ideals certainly espouse.
Yes, the "anonymity" factor is interesting and reminds me of Paul Cain's "Stadium Visions" - a Joel's Army of "nameless, faceless" people. This "Stadium Vision" is still part of the theological backdrop of IHOP harkening back to its roots in Kansas City Fellowship.
OK, so now that I go over to your link I see that "Anonymous" is an actual group name! LOL However, certainly, Occupy Wall Street is operating under a cloak of anonymity with regard to its leadership. To claim this was/is only very loosely organized beggars belief.
Don't forget that Bill and Melinda
Gates are deeeply invested in Lucis
Anonymity certainly is a central component to their "consensus" "horizontal democracy" mindsets.
There "people's mic" is really about "anonymity" As one person speaks and it gets repeats, so it is not about the "speaker" but the message. If you examine group dynamics, manipulation, and such you can perhaps begin to understand how that foments group think and the like.
In terms of the rest, imagine government run by factors that influence TV ratings. Consensus= lowest common denominator...
Also if you note, the whole perspective and mindset fits right along with collectivism, holographic engagement and so on. Take a look at the magazine that behind stirring this up as well.
The key name behind adbusters is Kalle Lasn
see wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalle_Lasn
Another core idea, is eco-communalism. Names associated with such concepts EF Schumacher & John Bellamy Foster and yes ties to the Findhorn Foundation
There is claim that Auroville, Nimbin, and the Federation of Damanhur operate under eco-communalism.
Tenants such as sustainability, multiculturalism, and belief in human goodness are root elements.
looking at wiki's ties to global ecovillage Network which was established by the giai trust
From the wiki:
The network includes a variety of types of sustainable settlements and ecovillages:
Ecotowns, such as Auroville in South India, the Federation of Damanhur in Italy and Nimbin in Australia;
rural ecovillages, such as Gaia Asociación in Argentina and Huehuecoyotl, in Mexico;
permaculture sites, including Crystal Waters, Australia, Cochabamba, Bolivia and Barus, Brazil;
urban rejuvenation projects, such as Los Angeles EcoVillage and Christiania in Copenhagen, and
educational centres, such as Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales and the Ecovillage Training Center in Tennessee.
No mention of the conference of Assissi on 10/27/11?
Among the spiritual leaders attending will be Baha'i, Buddhists, Confucianists, Hindus, Jains, Jews, Sikhs, Taoists and Zoroastrians, joining 100 Christian leaders.
Ecumenism is NOT a good thing! Peace and love sound great, but, it is this kind of thing that WILL lead to a one world religion as we approach end times.
Is this new age enough for you to cover? or, will you tell me that catholics profess Jesus to be Lord, so they are not in spirit of antichrist?
And, did I miss the following being covered on your blog in the last few months?
The 30 participants in the March 4-6 2011 De Mazenod Conference Missionary Oblate Partnership explored "attractive other Christian practices such as Taize or Quaker meditation as well as Buddhist, Muslim and Hindu practices"
This is new age at it's best. Is it not?
And all sponsored by the church and the pope.
When reporting on the new age, it is best to report fairly and accurately. I have seen that you have reported on new age within the RCC, but, it always seems to be from some faction that does not reach all the way to the top.
Well, this reaches all the way to the top. No excuses, no way to cover this up. It is what it is.
OCCUPY MAP of the World:
Notice how almost all of the protests are in Western nations? This could be explained by the fact that Eastern and Islamic nations suppress gatherings like this.
It also could be explained by the possibility that these nations are being targeted for DESTRUCTION, first through revolution and internal chaos and eventually subversion/invasion.
I'm thinking more and more that we are approaching a tipping point of some kind, beyond which we will not be able to "go back" to the way things were.
All of the claims and innuendo about Ironridge Global Partners and PositiveID are false. That post was written by Michael S. Wachs of CEOcast. As revealed by Barron’s, Wachs is a “convicted financial felon” who is banned for life from the securities and banking industries. Wachs and two other “big time financial felons” run Socius Capital Group LLC, a “fake fund” that seeks to steal business from the three legitimate firms slammed in Wachs’ posting.
As officially disclosed by FINRA, Wachs “misappropriated $20,800,000 in proceeds by means of false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises for the sale of certain of his member firm’s assets and then diverted the proceeds to himself and others.” Socius partner Terren S. Peizer is infamous for his role as “left hand man” to convicted felon Michael Milken in the Drexel Burnham Lambert junk bond scandal. Peizer avoided doing hard time by turning “states evidence” and testifying against his mentor. The third member of the Socius team is convicted felon Richard Josephberg, recently paroled from prison after 21 convictions for fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion over 29 years. In between visits to his parole officer, Josephberg promotes Socius CG and Optimus Capital Partners to unsuspecting CEO’s, using aliases like Rick Berg and Rich Joseph. He is also banned for life from the securities industry. It is no wonder that Wachs, Peizer and Josephberg’s names appear nowhere on Socius’s website.
Socius has been repeatedly sued by issuers for taking their stock and then failing to fund as promised. The three felons appear to be growing increasingly desperate, as word spreads that Socius does not have anywhere near the capital they claim, that the source of their money is a criminal enterprise, and that any company doing business with them risks asset forfeiture and SEC investigation. Do not believe Socius’ anonymous bashing of their legitimate competitors.
All of the claims and innuendo about Ironridge Global Partners and PositiveID are false. That post was written by Michael S. Wachs of CEOcast. As revealed by Barron’s, Wachs is a “convicted financial felon” who is banned for life from the securities and banking industries. Wachs and two other “big time financial felons” run Socius Capital Group LLC, a “fake fund” that seeks to steal business from the three legitimate firms slammed in Wachs’ posting.
As officially disclosed by FINRA, Wachs “misappropriated $20,800,000 in proceeds by means of false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises for the sale of certain of his member firm’s assets and then diverted the proceeds to himself and others.” Socius partner Terren S. Peizer is infamous for his role as “left hand man” to convicted felon Michael Milken in the Drexel Burnham Lambert junk bond scandal. Peizer avoided doing hard time by turning “states evidence” and testifying against his mentor. The third member of the Socius team is convicted felon Richard Josephberg, recently paroled from prison after 21 convictions for fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion over 29 years. In between visits to his parole officer, Josephberg promotes Socius CG and Optimus Capital Partners to unsuspecting CEO’s, using aliases like Rick Berg and Rich Joseph. He is also banned for life from the securities industry. It is no wonder that Wachs, Peizer and Josephberg’s names appear nowhere on Socius’s website.
Socius has been repeatedly sued by issuers for taking their stock and then failing to fund as promised. The three felons appear to be growing increasingly desperate, as word spreads that Socius does not have anywhere near the capital they claim, that the source of their money is a criminal enterprise, and that any company doing business with them risks asset forfeiture and SEC investigation. Do not believe Socius’ anonymous bashing of their legitimate competitors.
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