Saturday, December 04, 2010


Corinne McLaughlin and her husband, Gordon Davidson, Lucis Trust activists par excellence!

UPDATE:  I have to read many of your comments yet  -- took Sunday off!  However, I was thinking about Corinne McLaughlin.  She and I have been at two very different works for very close to the same period of time.  Ironically, we were both concerned about very similar causes:  racism, Vietnam War.  She got into the "environmental movement."  When I first heard of it at the time of Earth Day, 1970, I had literal creeps, even though it was to be another 9 years before I started to discern its true agenda.  Here's the differences:

1.  We both read as one of the very first books, Paul Hawken's, THE MAGIC OF FINDHORN. 

    a.  She saw something beautiful and inspiring about it.
    b.  What jumped out at me from that same book was the open acknowledgement by one of the key characters of "I am the devil, you have just said you love the Devil."

2.  We both heard and read David Spangler (who was a main character in the Paul Hawken book on Findhorn as well.

    a.  She saw something beautiful about Spangler
    b.  I saw as horrifying his open statements about "Lucifer comes to bring us the gift of wholeness, if we accept it, we are free and he is free."

3.  We both are very much aware of the Alice Bailey writings.
    a.  She threw away her Bible and took them as her new one.
    b.  I spent my time and efforts warning people of the existence of the Bailey writings and their obvious ramifications and dangers.

What made the difference?  Corinne said she was raised in a Christian home.  Why did she not see what was so obviously wrong with her new sources?  

I cannot help but wonder if she was in a church that de-emphasized prophecy.  

The book of Daniel reads that such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries.  The flattery "thou shalt be as gods" is a BIG ONE!

Corrine McLaughlin's book is obviously evil, designed to lead others into the evil that she tragically sees as good.  She is Exhibit A of the Hidden Dangers of the New Age Rainbow!

I don't know if she has crossed the final line or not, but I beg of her and the others to wake up and smell the coffee!  LUCIFER IS NOT HER FRIEND NOR IS HE THE FRIEND OF ANY OF US.  She and the other New Agers do not have to share Lucifer and his minions' fates of the biblically foretold "Lake of Fire."  There is still time for her and the others to abandon that New Age ship!

Stay tuned!

P.S.  Looking at this link, it looks like Gordon Davidson may have crossed some very, very significant lines.  This is as bold as a cobra and not even subtle.  Read by clicking here the content of his "conclave speech."  Here is a horrific selected excerpt from a June 12th of an unstated year "conclave" talk by Corinne McLaughlin's husband, Gordon Davidson:

"The Ashram of Synthesis and Its Objectives

"What are the immediate objectives of the Ashram of Synthesis?  All of the Ashram’s multiple objectives are oriented towards the single goal of creating the conditions within which the Christ can reappear. These include:

1) The formation and development of a unity of religions in preparation for the New World Religion;
2) The spiritualization of business to make it an instrument of the Plan functioning as a planetary resource distribution system to subsidize the growth of human consciousness;
3) The freeing of human consciousness from its entrapment and enslavement in matter through all true spiritual teaching now available to humanity;
4) The radiation of the substance of the lower planes by increasing subjective work around the world;
"5) The destruction and clearing away of old forms to create space for new forms to manifest;
"6) The funding of the work so it may go forward rapidly and potently;
"7) Changing the focus and priority of nations from national self-interest to the good of all peoples and nations.

"When we look out at the world today, although we are seeing some progress in the areas of religious unity, an international movement for non-violent conflict resolution, a gradual introduction of spiritual principles into business, we have yet to learn see widespread sharing and circulation, as the world’s resources are still controlled by the selfish money powers, which is the biggest blockage in the current world situation.
"We may wonder if the Christ may be drawn forth into the world primarily to offset evil. However, it is highly preferable that He comes as an affirmation of what Humanity has achieved, so there is a foundation for Him to build upon, rather than coming to prevent great evil in the world. It is clear that there is much to be done to prepare for His coming."

Read my many comments in the last thread and I will post more, MUCH MORE, on this abomination later.  Corinne McLaughlin, Gordon Davidson have let it all hang out in their book PRACTICAL VISIONARY, endorsed by many top level New Age leaders, including but not limited to David Spangler.  If there is a book expressing THE PLAN and preparing the world for Maitreya/Betraya, this is it!

Stay CLOSELY tuned!



Constance Cumbey said...

The Institute of Noetic Science co-founded by Paul N. Temple of simultaneous New Age and Christian fame (Doug Coe's operation) is discussed on page 39 of this book!


Constance Cumbey said...

Jim Wallis of Sojourners also managed to get ink in this book as an illustration of what's happening per McLaughlin/Davidson.


Constance Cumbey said...

Grameen Bank is discussed, but curiously left out of its index!


Constance Cumbey said...

Not since Marilyn Ferguson's 'coming out party' via her book THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY has there been such a blatant unveiling -- this one makes Ferguson look tame.


A tribute said...


Over the past months there has been much going back and forth on this blog over side issues, and you have taken a beating in some cases.

I just want to take this opportunity that despite what accusations others have hurled your way, there are many of us who appreciate your work and valuable--no--priceless ministry to the body of Christ worldwide.

Thank you for making us aware of these things. One of the strategies of the enemy, as I see it, is to let everyone get on board against his plots. As in the 80's for example, when you first exposed the NA.

The average sheep in the pew knew to eschew rainbow symbols, and unicorns. But they didn't pay a lot of attention to the foundational components of the NA.


A tribute said...

Likewise, today, I get all kinds of emails warning me about Oprah Winfrey and Marianne Williamson's Return to Love: A Course in Miracles and Rhonda Byrne's The Secret. But they never stop to understand the root of what is taught.

Many of those same folk are now believing that there is a Law of Attraction. It is now through a host of "Christian" books. UGH!!

Thank you for being a watchman on the wall. May we all join you in trumpeting the dangers.

May we all be apologists who understand and are quick to explain the "why".

Abundant blessings,

A tribute (again) said...

I got off track in my last comment.

One strategy of the enemy is to let everyone get on board against his evil plot. Then he surreptitiously weaves smaller poisonous lies into the fabric of our every day encounters. So while we may reject The Secret, we'll accept The Law of Attraction because it has been wrapped up in some pretty Christian candy bar that we never knew was tampered with. And slowly we are weakened and sickened to the point of death in our spiritual lives.

My point is that we need to understand what this book is saying. It's authors and endorsers are big names. We will see it's tenets tucked in little candy nuggets even in our churches.

Thank you again, Constance!


JD said...

I will certainly be checking into this one. Mclaughlin's involvement with IONS at such a high level made me wonder if she might have ties to the Club of Budapest or it's offshoot World Shift Network, since they are partner organizations.

She certainly does have some connections to the group, including through John Mack, CoB co-founder.

She has also been involved with Goi Peace Foundation, another CoB partner.

She has also written for New Group of World Servers.

This doesn't even take into account the connections to Ervin Laszlo or Barbara Marx Hubbard which are to numerous to mention. This is certainly a solid recommendation if someone wants to see writings from a VERY high level New Ager.

Dorothy said...

New buzz word in action.

I went over to Amazon to see the reviews of this book and saw that Hazel Henderson had written " through the transition from the age of fossil-fueled Industrialism to the now rapidly-dawning solar age." Now HH is a really old timer in the New Age crowd, going all the way back to the Futurist movement in the '70s. In 1981 she wrote The Politics of the Solar Age.

Well,putting into a Google search " 'solar age' spiritual brings up many sites suggesting a transition back to the kind of things found in the Whole Earth Catalog. Small communities, self-help, little consumerism, no oil dependency. (See The Transition Handbook link.)

Solar Age is just another name for New Age.

The term is being used by antisemites such as Ashtar Command.

I've followed Glenn Beck and like his political exposures. I can only hope he is not being taken in or deliberately promoting this small community business. Those of you who listen to his show know what I'm talking about.

Going to, you'll find the earlier book by these two, Spiritual Politics, is available used at a very low price. It's worth getting.

Prophecy Proof Insights said...

I listened to that podcast with Hubbard and McLaughlin (the podcast in the photo of this blog post) and it does sound like something is definitely going on.

They were speaking of ways the world is being brought together spiritually and non-spiritually and ways people can bring even more unity as humanity supposedly continues on a path of spiritual/conscious evolution.

I definitely got the impression that something evil is pulling the strings while listening to the podcast.

Anonymous said...

Dorothy is still crazy, thinking Glen Beck the Mormon monster is a good person, Constance still endorses Islam and the Catholic church, how is this piece news?

It isn't its the revealing of the esoteric religion by the initiates,
I see no watchmen on the wall here, just vile liberals whom hate protestants and rightly so, yet leaving out a MAJOR component of the big picture.

They want to cherry pick info, we anons bring the other parts into focus.

Anonymous said...

Prophecy Proof,

Can you provide the link to listen to the podcast? For whatever reason, I can't seem to find it.


Anonymous said...

Prophecy Proof,
Can you provide the link to that podcast? For whatever reason I can't seem to find it.


Dorothy said...

Happy little troll
Sitting on a fence
Watching and waiting
Never making sense

Ah! He spots a mention
Of New Age little friends
Exposing their intentions
And nasty little trends

To their rescue he comes
As if anyone really cares
Growling and snarling
Like a cave man or a bear.

Oh foolish little troll
Here you are among the thinkers
No one thinks you are so clever
your very New Age stinkers

JD said...

Anon 3:04,

Here is the link

Anonymous said...

Dorothy your a hoot.

Constance Cumbey said...

Here's a site with some interesting complaints about Findhorn and some of the other New Age organizations.

Anonymous said...


"Fear of the Lord is wisdom."

That's all we need to focus on. Pray for these people getting sucked into the New Age. It's a horrible thing, but it's getting more and more impossible to reach people anymore.


Anonymous said...

anybody noticed it? the last line in the 2nd pic Constance posted shows a telephone number. some numbers are higher than others. sublimal at its best.

Anonymous said...

To JD (5:04 PM):

Thanks for providing the link.

BTW - what do you think of that 'sacred' chocolate they're selling on that website? (No telling what kind of 'herbs' they've put in it.)

Anonymous said...


(It's all about quantum physics....and didn't Javier Solana once teach physics???)

Anonymous said...

That’s why the most powerful idea in microfinance isn’t microloans, but microsavings — helping the poor safely store their money. And mobile phones offer a low-cost way to make microsavings feasible and extend financial services to the poor. About three-fourths of Haitians have access to a mobile phone, and similar numbers are found in many poor parts of the world.

Anonymous said...

From the Guardian-So the conspiracy theorists were right all along, and the BP oil spill is creating the frigid weather in the UK :

in the article, Roddy Forsyth claims we are at the start of a new ice age. He sites the work of
Dr Gianluigi Zangari, theoretical physicist at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Italy who says that the Earth’s central heating system has broken down because of the oil spill.

Anonymous said...

Zangari maintains that there was tampering of Loop Current data by Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research. The following article maintains that BP and globalists engineered the catastrophe and subsequent cover-up:

Warning: Some antisemitism there!

Constance wrote a great article a few years back about the curious triangle of Solana, Strong and Paul Martin here:

In this article about the Valdez Principles (Davidson connection) she states:

"The purpose of the World Service Intergroup is to generate a focused, conscious and deliberate intergroup effort to specifically assist the Externalization of the Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ."

What better way to scare the sheeple than to convince them that the thermohaline circulation system has broken down!

Anonymous said...

Although the oil spill has dropped from most people’s radar, it is still a hot topic of conversation for the New Age crowd. If one theorizes that the BP oil spill was planned ecotage to help bring about the externalization of the Hierarchy and the appearance of their cosmic Christ, it makes sense.

Here is a link that contains some pretty horrific info about the Gulf of Mexico dying and how it will affect the entire world. According to geohazards specialist BK Lim, there are going to be grave consequences to Mother earth, including the fact that the seafloor is fractured and basically unfixable, there's danger of a major earthquake via the New Madrid Fault originating from the Gulf, which is seismically active, and other horrors that include radioactivity escaping, and the break down of the Loop current destroying the thermohaline circulation which gives heat to the UK and other places. The blog is called Phoenix Rising from the Gulf and the article is quite recent, so it's worth reading to catch up on the latest environmental destruction stories, if you haven't been following:

Even more interesting than the blog article, is the comment section. Pay special notice to Ellen's comments and the link to the Youtube video about Little Grandmother and her One Tribe/One Mother logo. In the video she says that "We are the ones, we've been waiting for". Remember that one?

Anyhow, here's the link, if you don't want to go through the comments:

Anonymous said...

Could all of the above be why Obama quietly signed an executive order this past summer, reviving the UN's LOST Treaty?

Anonymous said...

Lest anyone think that my theory is a little far out, don't forget that the oil rig sank on April 22- Earth Day- killing 11 men.

A sacrifice to Mother Gaia?

Nothing would surprise me anymore.

Anonymous said...

My good friend Glen Beck is equal to saying my good friend Gary Busey.

Anyone who listens to Glen Beck, and believes him is as crazy as Gary Busy.

This is a well known and oft repeated concept in the internet circles I run in.

Susanna said...

Anonymous 9:33 A.M.

Re:Lest anyone think that my theory is a little far out, don't forget that the oil rig sank on April 22- Earth Day- killing 11 men.

A sacrifice to Mother Gaia?

Nothing would surprise me anymore.


Speaking of "sacrifices to Mother Gaia" the following was on Drudge........

UN Global Warming summit begins with prayer to 'Mayan moon goddess'...

Cancun talks start with a call to the gods
By Juliet Eilperin

With United Nations climate negotiators facing an uphill battle to advance their goal of reducing emissions linked to global warming, it's no surprise that the woman steering the talks appealed to a Mayan goddess Monday.

Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, invoked the ancient jaguar goddess Ixchel in her opening statement to delegates gathered in Cancun, Mexico, noting that Ixchel was not only goddess of the moon, but also "the goddess of reason, creativity and weaving. May she inspire you -- because today, you are gathered in Cancun to weave together the elements of a solid response to climate change, using both reason and creativity as your tools." more...

Anonymous said...

Was curious of the coloring to stand out of the letters v y u a
now in the order it is presented doesn't seem to mean much but there is a combo of those letters vayu that refers to a hindi god

Dorothy said...

I'm glad some of you caught on so quickly to the Solar Age business. As followers here probably know, I shorten my presentations to encourage others to do further research on their own.

It's a tactic I picked up many years ago from the left. From the New Age people the average person never gets the entire picture. They don't tell you about their organizations, their plans, their top people. That's none of your business.

What you get are articles, promotions, hints that there are important hot trends. The more you think you are on top of what's going on, the more you convince yourself that you have come to conclusions on your own.

Homosexuality, climate change,animal rights, euthanasia, abortion, share the wealth, tea party abhorrence, the need for tolerance of sex abnormalities. Look very closely at how people have become so accepting of Islam, the Muslim community, terrorists as misunderstood people. It's a big time propaganda job. Propaganda, it comes between them and the general community.

So, why would I use the same technique? Because those who fought the communists learned that logic is loser to emotional involvement. Because you have to check information out by yourself to accept it. If you do your own research, the understanding will become yours. For instance you will learn and understand that the environmental movement and the occult/paganism of New Age came together over 30 years ago and have been working on the general public for that long.

The New Age movement has been working on all of our minds for over 100 years. To get away from their influence takes the same effort as deprogramming from a cult.

Dorothy said...

I'm glad some of you caught on so quickly to the Solar Age business. As followers here probably know, I shorten my presentations to encourage others to do further research on their own.

It's a tactic I picked up many years ago from the left. From the New Age people the average person never gets the entire picture. They don't tell you about their organizations, their plans, their top people. That's none of your business.

What you get are articles, promotions, hints that there are important hot trends. The more you think you are on top of what's going on, the more you convince yourself that you have come to conclusions on your own.

Homosexuality, climate change,animal rights, euthanasia, abortion, share the wealth, tea party abhorrence, the need for tolerance of sex abnormalities. Look very closely at how people have become so accepting of Islam, the Muslim community, terrorists as misunderstood people. It's a big time propaganda job. Propaganda, it comes between them and the general community.

So, why would I use the same technique? Because those who fought the communists learned that logic is loser to emotional involvement. Because you have to check information out by yourself to accept it. If you do your own research, the understanding will become yours. For instance you will learn and understand that the environmental movement and the occult/paganism of New Age came together over 30 years ago and have been working on the general public for that long.

The New Age movement has been working on all of our minds for over 100 years. To get away from their influence takes the same effort as deprogramming from a cult.

Anonymous said...

William to marry Kate on 29th April, 2011.
Charles married Dianna on 29th July, 1981.
That was 29 years and 9 months ago or 357 months EXACTLY or 119+119+119 months.
29th April, 2011 is day #119.
What a strange coincidence!


Nancy said...

I have been "watching" Javier Solana for some time also but I was wondering what your take on George Soros is as far as being the antichrist? Just curious... :-)

Anonymous said...

Re Anon 9.33AM.

From 4/22/2010 (Rig sinks in Gulf) to 4/29/2011 (William weds)is 1 yr and 1 week forming an 11.
Rig explosion kills 11 as you say.
4+2+2+2+1 = 11.
Name William has two l's with two i's either side of them.
Notice also in my earlier post at 6.50AM that the triplet of 29's also add to 11.
Oh dear oh dear - all these coincidences!


Anonymous said...

Re Anon 9.33AM (again)

You say, in connection to the 11 men killed when the oil rig exploded,
"A sacrifice to Mother Gaia?

Nothing would surprise me anymore." - end quote.

Could that be a possible scenario for the 29 presumably deceased miners in New Zealand since the explosion 11/19/2010?


Anonymous said...

Not sure about the William thing, but certainly occultists use numbers and symbols in their rituals to Satan.

Here's something else that's sad but interesting- 33 whales were beached on the northwest coast of Ireland in July. Many believe the oil got into the gulf stream in late May, and the NOAA ocean current graphs indicate proof of this. Did the oil spill have anything to do with the death of the whales?

Anonymous said...

Correction- the whales washed on on the shore in November, not July.

33 is the masonic number of completion I believe, and if in fact there is poison enough in the waters to kill 33 whales, then that doesn't bode well for people. This map of thermohaline circulation shows that the first land mass that would receive waters directly from the gulf stream would be Ireland.

Constance Cumbey said...

I have to read many of your comments yet -- took Sunday off! However, I was thinking about Corrine McLaughlin. She and I have been at two very different works for very close to the same period of time. Here's the differences:

1. We both read as one of the very first books, Paul Hawken's, THE MAGIC OF FINDHORN.

a. She saw something beautiful and inspiring about it.
b. What jumped out at me from that same book was the open acknowledgement by one of the key characters of "I am the devil, you have just said you love the Devil."

2. We both heard and read David Spangler (who was a main character in the Paul Hawken book on Findhorn as well.

a. She saw something beautiful about Spangler
b. I saw as horrifying his open statements about "Lucifer comes to bring us the gift of wholeness, if we accept it, we are free and he is free."

3. We both are very much aware of the Alice Bailey writings.
a. She threw away her Bible and took them as her new one.
b. I spent my efforts warning people.

What made the difference? Corrine said she was raised in a Christian home. Why did she not see what was so obviously wrong with her new sources?

I cannot help but wonder if she was in a church that de-emphasized prophecy.

The book of Daniel reads that such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries. The flattery "thou shalt be as gods" is a BIG ONE!

Corrine McLaughlin's book is obviously evil, designed to lead others into the evil that she tragically sees as good. She is Exhibit A of the Hidden Dangers of the New Age Rainbow!

I don't know if she has crossed the final line or not, but I beg of her and the others to wake up and smell the coffee! LUCIFER IS NOT HER FRIEND NOR IS HE THE FRIEND OF ANY OF US. She and the other New Agers do not have to share Lucifer and his minions' fates of the biblically foretold "Lake of Fire." There is still time for her and the others to abandon that New Age ship!

Stay tuned!



Anonymous said...

Anon 12:52,
Haven't you noticed yet that the mindless sychophants here don't care what heresies Constance promotes, as long as she keeps giving the appearence of being against the NAM?

In fact, she is working for their aims even if she isn't aware. And THAT is the most amusing part of this comical little blog. LOL

Dorothy said...

Twice I posted this. Twice it appeared and then disappeared. Here is the third try. I guess we're back to that game again. Suggestion: Save what you post on notepad for a while so that you can repeat.
I'm glad some of you caught on so quickly to the Solar Age business. As followers here probably know, I shorten my presentations to encourage others to do further research on their own.

It's a tactic I picked up many years ago from the left. From the New Age people the average person never gets the entire picture. They don't tell you about their organizations, their plans, their top people. That's none of your business.

What you get are articles, promotions, hints that there are important hot trends. The more you think you are on top of what's going on, the more you convince yourself that you have come to conclusions on your own.

Homosexuality, climate change,animal rights, euthanasia, abortion, share the wealth, tea party abhorrence, the need for tolerance of sex abnormalities, end time signals, etc. Look very closely at how people have become so accepting of Islam, the Muslim community, terrorists as misunderstood people. It's a big time propaganda job. Propaganda, it comes between them and the general community.

So, why would I use the same technique? Because those who fought the communists learned that logic is loser to emotional involvement. Because you have to check information out by yourself to accept it. If you do your own research, the understanding will become yours. For instance you will learn and understand that the environmental movement and the occult/paganism of New Age came together over 30 years ago and have been working on the general public for that long.

The New Age movement has been working on all of our minds for over 100 years. To get away from their influence takes the same effort as deprogramming from a cult.

Anonymous said...

Three times I posted the same thing. Three times it appeared and then disappeared. The last time it was comment 39. I'm not going to repost it for the time being...d r thy

Anonymous said...

where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, and many will say "didn't I do this in your name Jesus?" and He will say depart from Me I never knew ye.

I beg of each one of you to examine your walk with Jesus, and to make sure it is Him alone you follow, and not Jesus & Mary, or Jesus & corrupt church tradition, or Jesus & a desire to be friendly and understanding of apostate religions like islam and judaism
It has to be God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and can be no others...

JD said...


Check the spam filter please.

Money printing said...


A little printing crisis equals a little contraction opportunity in the works....


Susanna said...

Constance, JD and All,

Corinne McLaughlin was co-founder of the Sirius Community, an "ecological village" here in Massachusetts - Shutesbury, Massachusetts to be exact.

FYI - In ancient pagan mythology, Sirius was the "dog star" - so-called by the Egyptians after their "god" Osiris whose head in pictograms resembled that of a dog.

Corinne McLaughlin also coordinated a national task force for President Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development.

The "permaculture," "intentional communities" and "ecovillages" were frequently financed by so-called "community development banks" like recently failed ShoreBank which operated according to a business model called "triple bottom line."
This socialist "triple bottom line" way of doing business is believed by many to have led to ShoreBank's failure. Nevertheless it apeared that things were going to return to "business as usual" after ShoreBank's insolvency issues were made to go away by the FDIC - probably at the taxpayers expense.

Some of the more recent management hirees of ShoreBank, in an unprecedented move by the FDIC, have been allowed to continue to run the restructurted bank, now a part of Urban Partnership Bank.

Not only was Bill Clinton a prominent supporter of ShoreBank, but it was also people from ShoreBank who helped Muhammad Yunus to found Grameen Bank.

Former President and Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton is a prominent supporter of the bank. In 1985, ShoreBank worked closely with Clinton to set up the Southern Development Bancorporation, a community development bank serving rural Arkansans. Clinton described ShoreBank as "the most important bank in America" and credited ShoreBank’s success with inspiring a movement of community development financial institutions (CDFIs).

Under a grant from the Ford Foundation in the 1980s, ShoreBank worked with Muhammad Yunus to help him incorporate Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. Yunus and Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. more...

ShoreBank Pacific - a subsidiary of ShoreBank - was involved in the founding of a "permaculture" "ecovillage"/"intentional community" called Tryon Life Community Farm with the help of an entity called Equity Trust, Inc. which is based in Massachusetts.

Equity Trust may or may not have direct ties to McLaughlin's Sirius Community, but they appear to be like-minded entities and are both listed at the following site under the heading of "Nearby Organizations."

One of the people involved With Tryon is the self professed "Wiccan" named Starhawk -
the same Starhawk who is involved with Van Jones, IONS, Code Pink and the Gaza "Peace marches."

...In May of this year, global justice activist and writer, Starhawk, held an Earth Activist Training on the Farm, and attendees came up with many design ideas for the land. One idea was to catch storm water by building a ditch on the uphill side of the driveway and then run it underneath the driveway into a filtration system. Currently, rain water from the roof of the composting bathroom building runs into a swale that irrigates the orchard trees......

One of the features there is "Mother Earth School" for the kiddies - including "bioimmersion kindergarten."

Other courses in "Permatopia" are conducted there by Starhawk as well......

Susanna said...

Constance, JD and All,

Corinne McLaughlin was co-founder of the Sirius Community, an "ecological village" here in Massachusetts - Shutesbury, Massachusetts to be exact.

FYI - In ancient pagan mythology, Sirius was the "dog star" - so-called by the Egyptians after their "god" Osiris whose head in pictograms resembled that of a dog.

Corinne McLaughlin also coordinated a national task force for President Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development.

The "permaculture," "intentional communities" and "ecovillages" were frequently financed by so-called "community development banks" like recently failed ShoreBank which operated according to a business model called "triple bottom line."
This socialist "triple bottom line" way of doing business is believed by many to have led to ShoreBank's failure. Nevertheless it apeared that things were going to return to "business as usual" after ShoreBank's insolvency issues were made to go away by the FDIC - probably at the taxpayers expense.

Some of the more recent management hirees of ShoreBank, in an unprecedented move by the FDIC, have been allowed to continue to run the restructurted bank, now a part of Urban Partnership Bank.

Not only was Bill Clinton a prominent supporter of ShoreBank, but it was also people from ShoreBank who helped Muhammad Yunus to found Grameen Bank.

Former President and Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton is a prominent supporter of the bank. In 1985, ShoreBank worked closely with Clinton to set up the Southern Development Bancorporation, a community development bank serving rural Arkansans. Clinton described ShoreBank as "the most important bank in America" and credited ShoreBank’s success with inspiring a movement of community development financial institutions (CDFIs).

Under a grant from the Ford Foundation in the 1980s, ShoreBank worked with Muhammad Yunus to help him incorporate Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. Yunus and Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. more...

ShoreBank Pacific - a subsidiary of ShoreBank - was involved in the founding of a "permaculture" "ecovillage"/"intentional community" called Tryon Life Community Farm with the help of an entity called Equity Trust, Inc. which is based in Massachusetts.

Equity Trust may or may not have direct ties to McLaughlin's Sirius Community, but they appear to be like-minded entities and are both listed at the following site under the heading of "Nearby Organizations."

One of the people involved With Tryon is the self professed "Wiccan" named Starhawk -
the same Starhawk who is involved with Van Jones, IONS, Code Pink and the Gaza "Peace marches."

...In May of this year, global justice activist and writer, Starhawk, held an Earth Activist Training on the Farm, and attendees came up with many design ideas for the land. One idea was to catch storm water by building a ditch on the uphill side of the driveway and then run it underneath the driveway into a filtration system. Currently, rain water from the roof of the composting bathroom building runs into a swale that irrigates the orchard trees......

One of the features there is "Mother Earth School" for the kiddies - including "bioimmersion kindergarten."

Other courses in "Permatopia" are conducted there by Starhawk as well......

Dorothy said...

4th attempt
I'm glad some of you caught on so quickly to the Solar Age business. As followers here probably know, I shorten my presentations to encourage others to do further research on their own.

It's a tactic I picked up many years ago from the left. From the New Age people the average person never gets the entire picture. They don't tell you about their organizations, their plans, their top people. That's none of your business.

What you get are articles, promotions, hints that there are important hot trends. The more you think you are on top of what's going on, the more you convince yourself that you have come to conclusions on your own.

Homosexuality, climate change,animal rights, euthanasia, abortion, share the wealth, tea party abhorrence, the need for tolerance of sex abnormalities, end times signals, etc.. Look very closely at how people have become so accepting of Islam, the Muslim community, terrorists as misunderstood people. It's a big time propaganda job. Propaganda, it comes between them and the general community.

So, why would I use the same technique? Because those who fought the communists learned that logic is loser to emotional involvement. Because you have to check information out by yourself to accept it. If you do your own research, the understanding will become yours. For instance you will learn and understand that the environmental movement and the occult/paganism of New Age came together over 30 years ago and have been working on the general public for that long.

The New Age movement has been working on all of our minds for over 100 years. To get away from their influence takes the same effort as deprogramming from a cult.

Anonymous said...

Informative further reading on The History of Findhorn for anyone interested. Reference made to R. Ogilvie Crombie ('Roc'), David Spangler, Myrtle Glines, Paul Hawken, etc.

Chapter 5:

The Findhorn Community Contents page:


Dorothy said...

Many of these techniques are being used to affect the thinking of members of the larger community.

For instance, repetitive articles and shows on climate warming without giving time to dissenters planted support for that idea in the minds of those who understood nothing about the topic.

At the bottom of the webpage you'll find other useful links showing how hypnotic propaganda is used against all of us.

Another way of analyzing what comes across your eyes and ears needs neutral eyes. It appears to me that high level power groups always use names that are neutral as far as liberal or conservative positions. They always present themselves as set up to solve governance problems. Left and right groups are goaled to action and individual involvement. They carry out the goals of the power groups. The power groups, whether right or left, are limited as to who they will accept in their circles. Joe Doe who lives in Small Community, Iowa has the choice of remaining neutral or going to the left or right if he is politically concerned.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody read David Korten's Agenda for a New Economy? I saw it as a bargain book at Barnes and Nobel the one day and looked through it. He writes well, but I gather he lives wishfully like many of the NA type folks. I would have liked to take it home, but right now this old economy is hurting me. I can't wait until they go the the old creaking bones standard instead of the gold or even carbon, then I will be a millionaire.

Constance Cumbey said...

To Anonymous 10:22

Adopting by reference Dorothy's poem:

Happy little troll
Sitting on a fence
Watching and waiting
Never making sense

Ah! He spots a mention
Of New Age little friends
Exposing their intentions
And nasty little trends

To their rescue he comes
As if anyone really cares
Growling and snarling
Like a cave man or a bear.

Oh foolish little troll
Here you are among the thinkers
No one thinks you are so clever
your very New Age stinkers


Constance Cumbey said...

Soros has an admitted "messianic complex," and freely admits to thinking he is God. He is a dangerous character to my thinking. He is also close to Javier Solana. As I have always said, your guess is as good as mine, but I think Solana has been a potentially educated guess. Soros might be, too.


Constance Cumbey said...

JD, I've been offline all day today and most of yesterday except for my updating of the post this morning. I'm off to check the "spam" filters now as I see complaints that some messages didn't get posted.



Constance Cumbey said...

I substantially updated the original article this morning and I suspect many of you may not have refreshed your browser to see same. It might be a good idea to refresh your browser every time you sign on, just in case something is added.


Constance Cumbey said...


I used to have a lot of respect for Google's spam detection, but seeing your excellent contributions slotted there for a time, now makes me wonder. I still know about "Google's new math." They definitely manipulate numbers to make subjects sometimes look more or less (usually less) than they really are.


Constance Cumbey said...

Breaking news on the Eurozone scene: It appears Germany has directly challenged and rebuffed IMF recommendations for the bailout moneys to be increased. Germany is described in the article as "paymaster" of EU. This is no doubt bad news for EU stability which will lead to more draconian measures in its turn:

"BRUSSELS - Eurozone finance ministers meeting today faced IMF pressure to increase the size of a 750 billion euro ($1,006 billion) safety net for debt-stricken members to halt contagion in the single currency bloc.

But EU paymaster Germany rejected any such move and also dismissed a call by two veteran finance ministers for joint euro bonds to be guaranteed by the whole eurozone."

Read more:


Dorothy said...

Surprise,surprise, surprise. The first, second and third posts of the same comment I posted for the fourth time just appeared on the thread. Right in their proper places I presume. The fourth posting never disappeared. Before it finally was allowed to stay on the thread the fourth time I posted it, I checked the entire thread several times after each of the earlier posts to make sure I wasn't missing posts one, two and three. I guess I wrote something truly important for all of their foolishness to take place.

Susanna let me know that something she had posted disappeared in the same way.

Isn't it exciting that of all of the blogs we have our own private hall monitor.

Constance Cumbey said...

TO THE PERSON WHO COMMENTED ON THE TELEPHONE NUMBER ON THE SECOND PICTURE: I went back and squinted at it. Yes, you are right and it doesn't even look all that subtle to me, clearly another not so cleverly disguised 666! Thanks for calling it to our attention.

THE DEPTH OF GORDON DAVIDSON'S involvement in the whole Luciferic scheme is shown in this, his "conclave address":


Constance Cumbey said...

I've added more significant new material from Gordon Davidson. Please refresh your browsers.



Anonymous said...

The Crystal Cathedral scandal:

Did Reverend Robert Schuller fleece his flock?

Anonymous said...

New horror:

Talk about an opportunity for abuse...

911 Calls May Bring Second Team to Harvest Organs

Anonymous said...

You would do good to look up Chrislam, and perhaps read a few articles on it.

Truly the beast is islam and the apostate churches of protestantism and catholocism will ride it for a time, then it turns on the whore, soon our heads will be required of us, those of us not willing to go along for the "ride" and become destroyed that is ...

Anonymous said...

Someone may have posted on this before so I apologize if this is already commonly known.

I was very surprised yesterday when my daughter a junior in high school received recruiting info from the Army National Guard. The Info touted the role of the National Guard as a protector the the Environment and its involvement in many "green projects".

My thought was that is this a possible stepping into the role as "eco police"?


Susanna said...


My post which had "disappeared" is now posted at 4:38 P.M.

I was certainly on topic and I thought it had posted OK, so thinking that the past problem had been resolved, I didn't bother to save it.

You can only imagine how frustrated I felt after digging out all that info from my stash and posting it only to check back in here later and discover that it was "among the missing."

I would not be at all surprised to find more connections between Corinne McLaughlin and ShoreBank and/or its subsidiaries and ecovillages financed by them in what in my opinion is little more than a big land-grabbing scheme!

IMHO, while their dupes and "useful idiots" may bow down before "Mother Earth," creatures like McLaughlin couldn't care less about "gods" of the New Age. Their only "god" is the Almighty Buck!!!

But, again, that is just my humble opinion.

Constance Cumbey said...

Hi Susanna,

I received a message from JD to go check my spam filters which I did and send most of the messages back except for a couple which were spam -- commercial spams!

I'm glad its back up!


Susanna said...


If I am constantly learning from your view of things, it is because the so-called "left wing" of the New Age Movement is not something I have really gotten into as thoroughly and as deeply as you have.

You will probably recall my having pointed out many times that the so-called "right wing" ( i.e. "Traditionalist School" "Perennialist Philosophy" "Western esoteric tradition" ) of the New Age Movement is what I am more familiar with.

But since I have been reading the material you have shared, I have been finding more and more disturbing connections between what I have learned and the things you have discovered in your research.

For example, "Solar Age" is a new term for me, but upon further investigation, I realized that not only is "Solar Age" synonymous with "New Age" but it is also a kind of "going away backwards" as described in the Old Testament Book of Isaias......

...they have forsaken the Lord, they have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they are gone away backwards. Isaias 1:4

Here, we are presented with an image of the devil's own wishful thinking.....OUR UNMAKING!!!

If we are in the so-called "Age of Pisces" we should be moving into the "age of Aries" if we were moving forward. But according to astrologers as well as the New Agers, we are not. We are moving backward - into the "Age of Aquarius."

Aquarius....... an allusion to Ganymedes who became Zeus' cupbearer - and his lover. AGAINST NATURE!!!

Any mention of the pagan Greek god Zeus would probably be meaningful for religiously observant Jewish people at this time of the year during Hanukkah - which commemorates the Maccabean War of Independance against the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanius who claimed to be Zeus personified, accepted divine worship and set up the idol of Zeus in the temple in Jerusalem......the "abomination of desolation." Christians should sit up and take notice as well.

Connecting your "Solar age" material to what I have studied, I recalled that in witchcraft there is an unnatural movement called "widdershins"....which is a movement backwards or opposite the apparent motion of the sun.

It is said that this is, among other things, a perversion of certain Jewish and Eastern Orthodox religious customs.

I would not have seen this connection if it were not for your mentioning the "Solar Age" and the fact that it is simply another name for "New Age."

I really appreciate your posting that piece of information because it is as relevant to the so-called "right wing" of the New Age Movement as it is to the so-called "left Wing" of the New Age Movement.

It was C.S. Lewis who said that when the devil sent evil, he sent it in pairs of seemingly extreme opposites in order to trick us into siding with the one we disliked the least.

Last but not least, recall that the Nazi Swastika was said to have been deliberately depicted in a widdershins motion that made it a symbol of evil.

Susanna said...

Hi Constance,

Thanks for checking. I know the spam filter problem is not your fault.

From now on, I will simply save what I post - just in case. :-)

Anonymous said...

Deosil Vs Widdershins ...

the devil also works in deosil

Anonymous said...

The swastika is the solar cross, and asians have used this long long long before the nazis... plz dont go jump down that rabbit hole, its not where the truth lies, the Truth is in the Bible, and not in the insane ramblings of the pagans.

Anonymous said...

Dorothy is still crazy I see ...

Insanity is a curse from God, you can not be saved until God cures you of the crazies, you must turn to God and not to sniping, sniping cant save you from hellfire.

Dorothy is all ate up with the goofies.

Anonymous said...

Schuller, the first thing is that he has a crystal cathedral, he has already fleeced his flock, it is apparent to the casual observer, no saved individual would store up so much riches on earth whilst there are starving and homeless people.

He is continuing to be a crook and fleece people? Thank you captain obvious

Anonymous said...

Something I don't understand....

All this earth worship indicates paganism or pantheism. This is quite apparent all over Europe.

Constance always talks about Blavastsky and her followers including the duo that is the subject of this blog post-that they are Luciferians. Well, if they worship Lucifer they aren't pagans are they?

So who's side are the globalists on anyway? They can't have it both ways. You either worship Lucifer and are therefore monotheistic, or you're an earth-worshipping pagan and into pantheism.

Can someone please explain which is controlling the global elite?

Anonymous said...

A must see documentary for those here who still think that the Dems are different from the Republicans-
"Inside Job". Be prepared to have your blood pressure shoot up.

Also, can any of the sleuths here figure out who supported the financing of that movie, produced by Charles Ferguson and narrated by Matt Damon. Man did it make Columbia and Harvard look bad! Wondered if it was Soros, who had a bit part in it.


Anonymous said...

More signs of fascism- Asheville hospital says get a flu shot, or you're fired:

Dawn said...

Anyone have any creepy feeling about this one?

Anonymous said...

Armed forces being urged to eat as much Gulf seafood as possible. They are also stocking the prisons with it.

Meanwhile FDA says shrimp is fine, while toxicologist says it can harm liver and kidneys within weeks and is toxic:

Kissinger: "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."

JD said...

Anon 4:55,

The truth is both are correct and/or acceptable answers. As much as we as Christians recognize that the names for a given deity may have changed over the course of history, modern pagans, pantheists, panentheists, and general New Agers are the same. So Osiris/Isis, becomes Lucifer in the male and female, The pantheon of gods becomes the hierarchy of ascended masters, and so it goes.

Between the writings of Blavatsky, Bailey, and other New Agers one learns that Venus, Sirius, Osiris, Isis, Ra, Horus, Zeus, etc can all be equated with Lucifer or Sanat Kumra or whatever other name one can give him. This is one thing Christians and New Agers agree upon, in that we all see the many gods as representations of fallen beings. We disagree on what the proper place of those beings are, Christians see them as fallen, they see them as enlightened.

JD said...


To add Gaia falls into the same category. One would not have to be a monotheist to worship Lucifer either, that would indicate that the individual worshiped Lucifer alone. Lucifer from all accounts cares less if he is the sole object of worship, so long as the Lord is detracted from.

If one reads the accounts within the Old Testament, Lucifer did not take away from worship of the Lord by simply putting himself above the Most High. He used everything and anything he possibly could to get the job done, including idols.

Anonymous said...


I very much appreciate that explanation! Thanks for making it simple to understand!

(Anonymous 4:55)

Dorothy said...

Anonymous 4:55
JD gave an important answer to your question. I'd like to add additional information.

In Judaism and Christianity, God is separate and distinct from human life. The moral code we were given was from Him and not from other human beings. The male term is only used as a linguistic convenience. In Christianity it is believed that God took human form but remained something other than human.

In paganism, occult and other such belief systems, the gods, ascended masters, are all tied to human beings. This can be through reincarnation, representation of the stages of human life, representation of human qualities. Under this idea, morality becomes very flexible based on the human ideas identified with.

In the above links you can see how someone might identify with the qualities of Venus/Lucifer, light bringer, morning star.

Where you have ascended masters such as in the Bailey writings, pride causes some to believe they are wiser than the people around them because they have reincarnated so many more times than the "common" man, learning more about the supernatural and natural each time around, leading to a self-described superior person.

Earth worship is different than worship of something by name. Earth worship is part of a belief pattern that says there is no separate and distinct entity called God. Instead it says everything is part of one energy system where what happens to one part affects everything else. If something we do has an effect on the earth, it will have a major or minor effect on everything else in the universe. Sun "worship" fits into this belief because it says the sun affects the earth and is powerful. Thoughts of humans therefore affect the sun which affects the earth which affects people who live on it and so forth. If someone believes they can transfer or send energy, why not to the sun. In spite of what greenies say, there is no morality in these systems. As a wiser person wrote, Nature is Red in tooth and claw.

Dorothy said...

I probably should have made it clear that I think pagan beliefs are made up attempts to put ideas about the supernatural into forms that other people will accept. Because it seems to make sense doesn't mean it is true.

I do believe that there exists a supernatural realm beyond that of our senses. For thousands of years people have been making guesses about it in an attempt to understand it, then presenting these guesses as given fact. It's not as there is a body of information about the supernatural that can be verified by anyone. In general we were warned to stay away from it because it can be dangerous to our intellects and morality.

There is a sense of evil that exists in the realm of the supernatural. It can affect behavior in the natural realm. I am not one who believes the source of all of our behaviors will be found in our DNA or in some section of our brain. Only having developed a strong sense of self-control and a belief in a firm moral code as found in the Bible can help us overcome the temptations of evil.

While a culture can give a name and a form to the something called evil such as Lucifer or Satan, it doesn't mean there is something red with horns wagging a finger to seduce.

Susanna said...

Here is one post to Dorothy that "disappeared" just since I have been away from my computer.


If I am constantly learning from your view of things, it is because the so-called "left wing" of the New Age Movement is not something I have really gotten into as thoroughly and as deeply as you have.

You will probably recall my having pointed out many times that the so-called "right wing" ( i.e. "Traditionalist School" "Perennialist Philosophy" "Western esoteric tradition" ) of the New Age Movement is what I am more familiar with.

But since I have been reading the material you have shared, I have been finding more and more disturbing connections between what I have learned and the things you have discovered in your research.

For example, "Solar Age" is a new term for me, but upon further investigation, I realized that not only is "Solar Age" synonymous with "New Age" but it is also a kind of "going away backwards" as described in the Old Testament Book of Isaias......

...they have forsaken the Lord, they have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they are gone away backwards. Isaias 1:4

Here, we are presented with an image of the devil's own wishful thinking.....OUR UNMAKING!!!

If we are in the so-called "Age of Pisces" we should be moving into the "age of Aries" if we were moving forward. But according to astrologers as well as the New Agers, we are not. We are moving backward - into the "Age of Aquarius."

Aquarius....... an allusion to Ganymedes who became Zeus' cupbearer - and his lover. AGAINST NATURE!!!

Any mention of the pagan Greek god Zeus would probably be meaningful for religiously observant Jewish people at this time of the year during Hanukkah - which commemorates the Maccabean War of Independance against the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanius who claimed to be Zeus personified, accepted divine worship and set up the idol of Zeus in the temple in Jerusalem......the "abomination of desolation." Christians should sit up and take notice as well.

Connecting your "Solar age" material to what I have studied, I recalled that in witchcraft there is an unnatural movement called "widdershins"....which is a movement backwards or opposite the apparent motion of the sun.

It is said that this is, among other things, a perversion of certain Jewish and Eastern Orthodox religious customs.

I would not have seen this connection if it were not for your mentioning the "Solar Age" and the fact that it is simply another name for "New Age."

I really appreciate your posting that piece of information because it is as relevant to the so-called "right wing" of the New Age Movement as it is to the so-called "left Wing" of the New Age Movement.

It was C.S. Lewis who said that when the devil sent evil, he sent it in pairs of seemingly extreme opposites in order to trick us into siding with the one we disliked the least.

Last but not least, recall that the Nazi Swastika was said to have been deliberately depicted in a widdershins motion that made it a symbol of evil.

Susanna said...

Anonymous 4:55,

Actually, from a Judeo-Christian perspective, anyone who worships anything other than the one true God is a pagan.....and I am not saying that in any pejorative sense, but simply as a matter of fact. Because paganism in the broadest sense includes all religions other than the true one revealed by God.

So a person who worships Lucifer would be a pagan by that definition.

Actually, whether pagans realize it or not, paganism is a form of positive atheism.

Susanna said...


If I am constantly learning from your view of things, it is because the so-called "left wing" of the New Age Movement is not something I have really gotten into as thoroughly and as deeply as you have.

You will probably recall my having pointed out many times that the so-called "right wing" ( i.e. "Traditionalist School" "Perennialist Philosophy" "Western esoteric tradition" ) of the New Age Movement is what I am more familiar with.

But since I have been reading the material you have shared, I have been finding more and more disturbing connections between what I have learned and the things you have discovered in your research.

For example, "Solar Age" is a new term for me, but upon further investigation, I realized that not only is "Solar Age" synonymous with "New Age" but it is also a kind of "going away backwards" as described in the Old Testament Book of Isaias......

...they have forsaken the Lord, they have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they are gone away backwards. Isaias 1:4

Here, we are presented with an image of the devil's own wishful thinking.....OUR UNMAKING!!!

If we are in the so-called "Age of Pisces" we should be moving into the "age of Aries" if we were moving forward. But according to astrologers as well as the New Agers, we are not. We are moving backward - into the "Age of Aquarius."

Aquarius....... an allusion to Ganymedes who became Zeus' cupbearer - and his lover. AGAINST NATURE!!!

Any mention of the pagan Greek god Zeus would probably be meaningful for religiously observant Jewish people at this time of the year during Hanukkah - which commemorates the Maccabean War of Independence against the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanius who claimed to be Zeus personified, accepted divine worship and set up the idol of Zeus in the temple in Jerusalem......the "abomination of desolation." Christians should sit up and take notice as well.


Susanna said...


Connecting your "Solar age" material to what I have studied, I recalled that in witchcraft there is an unnatural movement called "widdershins"....which is a movement backwards or opposite the apparent motion of the sun.

It is said that this is, among other things, a perversion of certain Jewish and Eastern Orthodox religious customs.

I would not have seen this connection if it were not for your mentioning the "Solar Age" and the fact that it is simply another name for "New Age."

I really appreciate your posting that piece of information because it is as relevant to the so-called "right wing" of the New Age Movement as it is to the so-called "left Wing" of the New Age Movement.

It was C.S. Lewis who said that when the devil sent evil, he sent it in pairs of seemingly extreme opposites in order to trick us into siding with the one we disliked the least.

Last but not least, recall that the Nazi Swastika was said to have been deliberately depicted in a widdershins motion that made it a symbol of evil.

Susanna said...


Anonymous said...

Dorothy 7:40,

Regarding the link you left earlier regarding Did you take a moment to listen to Dr. Len Horowitz's beliefs? I clicked the first link underneath the article that you directed us to, and it took me here:

I listened to it and came to the conclusion that Dr. Len is correct in some areas, but is totally into Luciferian principles in other regards. He referred to frequencies, vibrations, sacred geometry. etc. etc.

That is about as New Age as you can get.

Just wondered if you were aware of that or not, because even as a non-Christian, I'd be leery of Dr. Len.

So many false prophets everywhere!

JD said...

Dorothy, Susanna,

I was glad to see that Dorothy had provided the links containing this terminology. For me it refreshed names and ideology that had passed through my mind and gone all but forgotten. For instance the Ashtar Command site, which openly promotes Jose Arguelles, the fore father of the 2012 theology. Who as far as I am aware was the first to state through his use of LSD and channeling of Quetzalcoatl that the date of December 21 that year would be a time of shift in global consciousness.

OF course many have since come forth and stated this would be the date of transition between the age of Pisces and Aquarius. Which the date itself is a date of transition within the solar procession.

The fact that there is also a back to basics mentality on consumption is also very interesting considering economic climates, what I know about what is the desired outcome of such, and what recent history has shown concerning communal living particularly within the US. The fact that Dorothy pointed out how these environments lead to group think, or mental manipulation especially of the weaker minded people should also be seriously considered when one looks for who to trust as things get uglier.

I am still looking at some of the sites that promote the Solar Age ideas. From what I have seen thus far though, this looks like a area we should be paying close attention to simply due to the very mainstream section these groups are reaching. Thanks again Dorothy for sharing this. It is very on topic and is leading to a new appreciation for the big picture.

Anonymous said...

Psalm 95:5:

"For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens."


Constance Cumbey said...

To Anonymous 7:40

I just watched two of the Len Horowitz videos on Youtube at the link you supplied, and I must concur that he is definitely teaching his own brand of "New Age". The one on "parallel universes" definitely smacks of same.


Constance Cumbey said...

"Solar Age" was very common terminology among the New Agers when I started researching them in the spring of 1981. It was part of the survivalist mentality they were nurturing that they should develop all these back to earth skills to survive the planetary turmoil that would eventually result in them being the "phoenix" to arise from our ashes.


Dorothy said...

Thanks JD and Susanna for adding additional information to the topics I raised. We need as much teamwork as we can get from everybody if we are to be of help to everyone who needs to learn what is going on. We all have our specific areas of interest, but they are all part of the big picture and if someone reading here sees where that is, please pitch in.

Anonymous said...

"It was C.S. Lewis who said that when the devil sent evil, he sent it in pairs of seemingly extreme opposites in order to trick us into siding with the one we disliked the least."

Sounds like the Republicans and Democrats to me. The two parties seemingly are opposite but they are not. Most of us are tricked into siding with the one we dislike the least. Voting for the lesser of the two evils is the phrase used so often.

As Carroll Quigley wrote in his book...we get to throw the bums out (or so we think).

good work said...

Susanne 4:36
Excellent research you made it flow smooth and discernable. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:38:

Agreed. The political situation in this country immediately came to mind when I read Susanna's post.

Appreciate the efforts here by the contributors to help people realize how subtle and insidious are the New Age/solar age tactics to destroy people's faith in the true God- Jesus Christ.

My husband decided to watch "City of Angels" last night. I told him it was a New Age movie. "He said, I like that movie!" and proceeded to watch it. About half an hour later he came in and said, "You're right. There's so much false doctrine in there. And it makes the fallen angels look good."

'Nuff said.

Gentile-Pagan said...

Just to add that in the Scripture's the word "Gentile" was used for people who did not worship the ONE true living God. Making it similar to the term "pagan".

It is written you are either "Jew" or "Gentile" could also be read you are either an "Unbeliever" or a "Believer"

or more specifically

you either WORSHIP "God [creator of heaven & earth & all things visible & invisible]" or "gods [anyone, anything else]"

It's simple really.


Anonymous said...

Here is some more evidence of Len Horowitz's New Age beliefs

Craig said...

I've just viewed the Gordon Davidson link, and, I find it interesting that he uses the term "river" as this is term used is modern charismaticism.

I've now caught up by skimming the comments here; and, I must say that I've learned quite a bit and some of the connections are now more apparent. (And, I have much to research myself.) Thanks to all who've contributed to help me have a better understand of the 'interconnectedness' of the New Age/New Spirituality/Solar Age/Aquarian Age.

Craig said...

More on "aliens":

Evidence for ET is mounting daily, but not proven

But, says NASA astrobiologist Chris McKay, who has worked on searches for life on Mars and extreme places on Earth, "There are real things we can point to and show that being optimistic about life elsewhere is not silly."

Anonymous said...


“The Chrislam movement has gained impetus by statements from
President George W. Bush and that Christians, Jews, and
Muslims all worship the same God and by Rick Warren’s
reference to Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus) in his prayer at the
inauguration of President Barack Obama.”

Williams points out that Jesus in the Koran is not the
only-begotten Son of God nor the Messiah. Williams says,

“He is rather viewed as a prophet who was appointed by Allah to
prepare mankind for the coming of Mohammad.” In the Koran,
Williams reminds readers, “The victim at Calvary, Islam teaches,
was either Simon of Cyrene or Judas Iscariot.”

funny how Constance is on board with these ppl who say islamists and Christians worship the same God. and that there is no expose of this dire situation, the making of the one world religion, just the contemplation of the new age...

Anonymous said...

in Sura 5:17, “In blasphemy indeed are those
that say that God is Christ the son of Mary

Anonymous said...

Can anyone help clarify some of this 'Solar' stuff please?

I've been reading some of George Trevelyan's new age writings and he speaks of a 'Cosmic Christ' and a 'Lord of the Solar Logos' and much much more bizarre things beside!

In trying to understand some of this stuff I googled and came across a Wiki page on Spiritual Hierarchy. Here also was mention of 'Avatar of Synthesis' (amongst other stuff). Is this the same as 'Ashram of synthesis' as mentioned in Constance's main post?

I know this new age 'Cosmic Christ' is not the same Jesus Christ of the bible but, in plain English, just WHAT is all this solar, avatar, cosmic, synthesis jargon about? If I'm understanding George's writings correctly then the New Agers seem to believe in the same sort of 'gods' as the ancient civilisations did?

Maybe what I'm asking is - what is the new age doctrine of faith?

Thanks for any help.


Constance Cumbey said...

I will be Dr. Stanley Monteith's radio guest tonight in another hour and a half at 11 p.m. Eastern time, 8 p.m. Pacific time. We will be discussing the same topic as this current blog article -- Corinne McLaughlin, Gordon Davidson, Lucis Trust.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 8:14 p.m. whom I assume with excellent reason to be Richard Abanes.

I most certainly am not a CHRISLAM!

Your Rick Warren, however, appears most definitely a GLOBALIST, ONE-WORLDER, NEW WORLD RELIGIONIST!


Constance Cumbey said...


We were told in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that "what the gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils." (Paul to the Corinthians). Paul admonished them that they could not have communion from the table of God and the table of devils. The message of the New Age is that we can have communion from all, especially as they ease and/or violently throw the monotheistic God out of their pantheon.

The scriptures in Revelation spoke of "Mystery Babylon" which had corrupted all nations, all cultures. Interestingly, the New Age and the apostate crowd (Matthew Fox being one outstanding example) talk of "restoring the Mysteries." The "mystery" is "mystery Babylon."

God cleaned house with the Flood and Noah and his family survived. Generations later most again forgot the one true God. God revealed Himself to Abraham and called him out of the pagan culture and charged his people with the "keeping of the oracles" (as St. Paul put it).

Jesus Christ came to bring redemption and salvation to all who would accept Him. "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life."

That's a good deal, one for which Lucifer seeks to act as a spoiler.


JD said...


There are many doctrines where New Age is concerned. The majority revolve around a procession of cosmic/solar/astrological ages, i.e. from Aries to Pisces to Aquarius. Among these there is a prime belief that the ages are heralded in by great teachers. When one gets into the Solar camp, the general belief is that these teachers are solar avatars, or representations of the many sun gods or many names for the one sun god.

Whether they are called solar avatars or ascended masters the doctrines are essentially the same, i.e. that Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, etc were all representations of the hierarchy or the source or the force if you will.

You are correct in your assertion, as New Age in all of it's forms is a return to mysticism or the mystery religions of Egypt, Babylon, Rome, etc. While it is nearly impossible to summarize all of New Age belief into short posts, the key things to remember is that within this context they believe all religions have represented this procession, that everything whether it be man, animal, earth, etc is spiritually connected to this ONE impersonal force and that we are entering the age where everyone will realize this and live in harmony under the teacher that is coming. Who will in turn teach us how to be the little gods we all are.

There are a lot of different terms used by the variant sects that at their base equate with some version of this synopsis. Ashram of Synthesis, Avatar of Synthesis, Harmonic Convergence, Awakening of Consciousness, these are all terms referring to this coming spiritual realization of self as part of the whole. This is why it can be hard for some to understand, because it encapsulates elements of pantheism, panentheism, wraps itself in mysticism, and molds itself into monotheistic terms.

Anonymous said...

From New York Observer (12/7/10)

The Battle of Walmart: Will Retailer Blow Christmas with DHS Deal?

The recently announced partnership between Walmart and the Department of Homeland Security — under which the discount retailer agrees to pepper customers with the cheerful holiday greeting, "If You See Something, Say Something" — has set off a rebellion among the conspiracy-theory crowd, a number of whom are among the store's core customers.

Anonymous said...

Backmasking: What lies behind the music?

Anonymous said...

JD & Constance - many thanks.

I find it easier to see the various 'works' of New Age thinking as the high profile campaigns are regularly pushed into the political arena and the commercial aspects are dotted all over the place but what a dark tangled web of confusion seems to enshroud the theology behind it all ... maybe that's how it infects ... it claims to be all things to all people but none of which is true, satisfying or liberating. No hunter wants to be visible and even better if you can fool your prey into thinking you don't even exist!


JD said...


Absolutely spot on. The fact that it has been made all things available to any sub section makes it far less disagreeable to the uneducated observer. They have even disguised the language of what is unacceptable to them to the point that many that were once in a category that would be disagreeable have bought in hook line and sinker.

It is a practice of soothing your target into a false sense of security while preparing their death bed.

paul said...

Is Len Horowitz the same Len that
commented in here occasionally
a while back ?

Constance Cumbey said...

Dear Paul,

I haven't the foggiest. Dorothy MIGHT know. "Len" is an extremely common name, both in Jewish and Christian circles.


Ruth said...

Chris White of Nowhere to Run has just produced a fine debunkumentary of David Icke and shown that he is pushing Blavatsky and Bailey and channelling ascended masters.

Although not an academic he is great, youngish hip but good bible-based Christian. Do recommend.

Anonymous said...


Well said!


Dorothy said...

I'd rather not give Len's last name. Almost no one who posts here gives out a last name. I can tell you he isn't named Horowitz. Last name begins with M.

Paul, your question is one of the stupidist things you've ever written.

It's equivalent to my asking if you are secretly Ron Paul, Paul McCartney,Paul Hawken or St. Paul.

paul said...

Yes, thanks Dorothy.
Of course you're right as always,
and Paul McCartney and Ron Paul
etc are always stopping by the CC
blog to let us in on some of the
mystical truths that are in the
Your reply to me is as self
righteous as ever and the
most condescending thing
you've ever written here.
But by all means let me have it,
both barrels, as that seems to
help soothe your burning
superiority complex.
Any new books out lately ?
No? How about articles ?
No? Any articles or books at all ?
No ? Oh well.
Do you have your own blog ?
No ? Aw...
But thanks for letting me know that
your friend Len's last name is
a ( psssssst) ...secret.

Constance, thank you for the
civilized reply.

Constance Cumbey said...

Now, Paul, if only you would try to be as polite to Dorothy -- none of us are perfect. Both of you have made valuable contributions here, as has Len who Dorothy assures us is not Len Horowitz of the obviously mystical bent.

Let's try to get along without digs and insults.



Constance Cumbey said...

Gordon Davidson worked for 3 years for Lucis Trust even before he and Corinne McLaughlin first met at Findhorn. As they have been married, as I recall from reading her book, 33 years, he is an "old timer" with Lucis Trust just as Donald Keys was.


Constance Cumbey said...

My source for the preceding comment was SPIRITUAL POLITICS by McLaughlin and Davidson.


Dorothy said...

Paul, you were trying to insinuate something nasty when you asked if Len who posted here was Len Horowitz. Do you think those who read these threads wouldn't catch the insinuation.

There is a commandment that says lying is as bad as adultery and killing. Why? Because once you plant a lie in the heads of people you can't undo the damage. You deliberately planted a lie in the heads of readers here.

Until you start plastering your full legal name all over these threads, you are just like everyone else, including Len, who has that right to privacy.

Anyone who knows the ten commandments is superior to you I believe.

Anonymous said...

RUTH at 1.36PM mentioned David Icke debunkumentary which can be found here -


paul said...

You're just plain wrong, once again,
regarding my "intentions".
My question was a simple
straight forward question.
First you accuse me of being
stupid, then you give me credit
for being cleverly diabolical.
It's one or the other, Dotty,
or it's neither.
It's neither, and you still
don't even know why you
decided to hate me.
I don't even understand what
the heck could possibly be
wrong with the simple question.
__Planting thoughts in peoples
heads ???
What the heck is wrong with
you, lady ?

paul said...

Did you say "be as polite
as Dorothy "?
I've never observed anything
like politeness from her.

Talk about your happy little trolls.

Happy little sniper
Trigger finger itchin'
Waiting in the weeds
Let's see, what rhymes with itchin'?

Susanna said...

Dear Good Work, 9:02 A.M.,

Thank you for your kind words.

I have been away for a couple of days and am just catching up now.

Slumdog said...

Paul, Paul,. . . "it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks"

paul said...

Good one Slumdog.
You're right. said...

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