Watch it, maybe several times, to get full import of his remarks about our 'overcrowded planet.' This is a typical Club of Rome propaganda line. The Club of Rome is probably the only overt New Age affiliation Dr. Solana has so far openly revealed. I suggest you promptly save this on your system, if you are able. The content is such that it might rapidly disappear.
Stay tuned!
Dear Constance,
How are you?
Thought you might like to know about another excellent blog, by Adamantine, dated 12/30/10, entitled, "EU Battlegroups at the center of the
(W)EU at the center of NATO at the center of the world’s first global military power alliance and also at the center of one Theory of End Time Prophecy," available at:
Have a great day.
A fellow watcher
Dear Fellow Watcher:
I'm fine and THANK YOU for the information contribution.
You have a great day and a happy new year!
Dawn and Dorothy,
Thanks for your very valuable contributions. I have filed both of them.
I remember Jorge Sampaio (High Representative of Alliance of Civilizations and Club of Madrid member) arrogantly stating on an AoC video clip that parents should not be allowed to teach their children religion. Religion should only be taught by professionals in comparative religions. (In 2008? or 2009)
Sure wish I had archived that. If anyone else did, please let me know.
How does one archive a YouTube?
Dear YesNaSpanishtown:
I archive my Youtubes using the REAL program. I pay a subscription for my enhanced features; however, there is a free download that also allows saving the video to disk.
In this article in the Wall Street Journal, they note the attack on Judaism and Christianity that is going on and on the Pope's role in defending religion.
Popes, Atheists and Freedom
Secularists should recognize that the pope's fight is their fight.
"....Days after Benedict XVI chastised China before thousands in St. Peter's Square last week, a Chinese newspaper run by the People's Daily replied to his defense of Christians there: "The Vatican has to face the fact that all religious beliefs are free in China, as long as they do not run counter to the country's laws."
"Face the facts" sums up nicely the worldview and foreign policies of China, Iran and Russia. Get over it. John Paul said no. Benedict again says no.
"It has been odd in recent years to see prominent atheists make so much effort to diminish Judeo-Christian belief. In the modern world, and certainly in the U.S. from the Pilgrims onward to the Bill of Rights, religious practice has been bound up in the idea—now the principle—of individual freedom. I don't think secularist arguments alone for individual freedoms have sufficient strength and fiber to stand against their current opposition. Benedict's fight for freedom and that of recent Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo are the same. Wojtyla and Walesa proved that once already."
(more at the link)
Thanks for the specific comment from the AOC leader which I've already passed on to others. I appreciate the help you give in keeping others aware of the culture changes taking place.
I was just listening to the intro and he spoke of the 2009 speaker...George Soros. Interesting.
Listen carefully and you'll catch subtle references which can only apply to the Alliance of Civilizations.
He also makes it abundantly clear that he is in on all the global planning/reshaping.
Important article on the Kosovo situation here: "Empowering the Body Snatchers."
Back in 1986 we watched a video made by Australians depicting everything that is happening now. Pity we lost track of the video-it was very low cost and people scoffed at the poor quality- In it was a quote from Aurillio Peccei (not sure how to spell his name) The then `mind` behind the the club of rome that the only answer for world peace will be a Benevolent Dictatorship! As I say I was not so clued up then and did not think to jot down facts to keep it for later reference.
Thanks Constance for giving advice how to download the videos-will try it. ( I`m not so tech savvie)
I am still stunned that Solana is totally an unknown character here in South Africa. My family and friends think I am deranged when I-at odd times spot Solana on Euro news and jump out of my chair-
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. I would also like to wish everyone a happy, holy healthy prosperous New Year.
This site and article was sent to me by one of the readers of my blog:
This individual is quite educated and up to date on NWO.
Here's the document linked to in the most recent post: Spiritual Diplomacy and the New World Order by an NWO advocate:
Solana a mover and shaker on the world scene, definitely not the Antichrist.
Dear Melinda,
All the way from South Africa! I'm overwhelmed to think of this reach we have thanks to God and access to the internet. The name you reference is AURELIO PECCEI. He was the founder of the Club of Rome along with Alexander King of Canada. I'm going to go look to see if I can find the video thanks to the miracle of Youtube.
Thanks and happy new year!
Apologies-this is a bit off the topic-but surely very interesting! Anybody here with any related info connecting this rabbit hole with any others?
Blessed New Year
Dear Constance
Yes I would like you to be encouraged that you, by the strength and boldness from God had reached into the hearts and minds of many people here in South Africa.
All the Best
Dear Constance, I am not sure but I think Don Stanton of the `Maranatha Prophetic Alert` might help to narrow the search for the Australian video on the New World Order.
Don Stanton visited South Africa in 1990 and we attended a seminar on the topic. I only have some of the booklets. I Googled this and realize he has a website. I will try to locate it as well.
Great to see that I am not the only South African following Solana.
I know we have Australian and New Zealand participants. We just saw televised pictures of floods they say are of "biblical proportions" ravaging a part of Australia. My prayers are with them and I trust so are the other participants in this forum.
Hi, I went to the watcherslamp site that Craig mentioned and read on the SPIRITUAL DIPLOMACY link/article. WOW!/ by the way, i looked up the meaning of the name, Javier- it means "new house" as in its time to clean up house! you know, OUT with the old and IN with THE NEW!!! let the sunshine, let the sunshine in....../ no sir, i don't think so, for in LOVE, CHRIST JESUS is writing the lyrics of a BRAND NEW TUNE; for the Wonderfull Marriage Ceremony of the LAMB and HIS BEAUTIFUL BRIDE: amen!/ i know john lennon said, imagine theres no heaven,/ i say, IMAGINE...THE NEW JERUSALEM....this is tony in vermont, watchin' and a waitin' for ole' Gabriel to take and blow his horn! It'll Shine when it Shines!!!Godspeed to you all, happy New Year! Don't just imagine imagining it, really imagine it! For without the Vision , the people perish.
What a dilemma we're in. They never stop. They're never punished. They never go away. They can lie and deceive at will without any mainstream intellectual challenge. Even though, theoretically-speaking, they're totally opposed to what conservatives and liberals claim to believe in, the lemmings absolutely will not stop voting for their puppet politicians. Even serious "conflict of interest" arguments are lost upon this situation.
This video gives an insight into this 'Club of Rome' mentality that most are not afforded the opportunity to witness.
Recently I was given the opportunity to welcome into my home a business student from Japan, who was on a cross country eco awareness campaign. He was traveling on a bamboo bicycle.
Of course I live in one of the many rural areas of the country, where you can travel miles between homes and often find yourself on roads flanked on both sides by empty fields where grains used to grow.
I took this opportunity to ask my guest if he was taught and if he believed the world was overpopulated. Of course the typical answer of a college student was given that yes, he BELIEVED the world was overpopulated. At that point I diverted his attention outside the car into the empty fields and asked him how overcrowded it looked to him then explained that the US Government actually paid the owners of these empty fields to NOT grow on them. He was very intrigued and I know I planted a seed he has carried back to Tokyo, where he is still working on his thesis he hopes will result with a business plan.
The strange part of his story and journey is the reason behind his decision to use a bamboo bike. His main concern was that the environmental laws in place to allow for re-wilding of Japan has caused a crisis and the country is now suffering from bamboo forests taking over populated areas. How ironic. What is even more perplexing to me is that my friend does not draw the same lines as I do.
Back to this video. I find it very telling that the propagandist George Sorros also spoke with Solana.
People it is time to make plans. This agenda is quickly gaining momentum.
This video gives an insight into this 'Club of Rome' mentality that most are not afforded the opportunity to witness.
Recently I was given the opportunity to welcome into my home a business student from Japan, who was on a cross country eco awareness campaign. He was traveling on a bamboo bicycle.
Of course I live in one of the many rural areas of the country, where you can travel miles between homes and often find yourself on roads flanked on both sides by empty fields where grains used to grow.
I took this opportunity to ask my guest if he was taught and if he believed the world was overpopulated. Of course the typical answer of a college student was given that yes, he BELIEVED the world was overpopulated. At that point I diverted his attention outside the car into the empty fields and asked him how overcrowded it looked to him then explained that the US Government actually paid the owners of these empty fields to NOT grow on them. He was very intrigued and I know I planted a seed he has carried back to Tokyo, where he is still working on his thesis he hopes will result with a business plan.
The strange part of his story and journey is the reason behind his decision to use a bamboo bike. His main concern was that the environmental laws in place to allow for re-wilding of Japan has caused a crisis and the country is now suffering from bamboo forests taking over populated areas. How ironic. What is even more perplexing to me is that my friend does not draw the same lines as I do.
Back to this video. I find it very telling that the propagandist George Sorros also spoke with Solana.
People it is time to make plans. This agenda is quickly gaining momentum.
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