Series: War Without Borders
Hired by Customs, but Working for the Cartels
The authorities say Mexican drug traffickers, facing heightened border security, have stepped up efforts to corrupt border agents.
Dec. 17, 2009How U.S. Became Stage for Mexican Drug Feud
Prosecutors in San Diego say kidnappers and hit men operated for years after splitting from a drug cartel.
Dec. 8, 2009In Mexican Drug War, Investigators Are Fearful
Swamped with homicides and other drug crimes, investigators cope with too little expertise and too much corruption, and they are targets themselves.
Oct. 16, 2009Mexico’s Drug Traffickers Continue Trade in Prison
Imprisoned drug traffickers can find a new base of operations for their criminal empires, recruit underlings, and bribe their way out for the right price.
Aug. 10, 2009Mexican Cartels Lure American Teens as Killers
Drug cartels operate their smuggling and murder-for-hire rings on both sides of the the U.S.-Mexican border.
June 23, 2009In Heartland Death, Traces of Heroin's Spread
A heroin overdose in Ohio highlights how Mexican drug cartels have pushed heroin sales into America's suburbs.
May 31, 2009U.S. Stymied as Guns Flow to Mexican Cartels
Violent crime groups in Mexico are seen as capitalizing on the ease of acquiring American weapons.
April 15, 2009Mexican Drug Cartel Violence Spills Over, Alarming U.S.
Tucson is coping with a wave of drug crime the police suspect is tied to the battles between Mexico’s drug cartels.
One would think with all of this lapping at the southern border states that the USA would place its protective resources at its own borders. New Mexico has a National Guard. So where is the National Guard of New Mexico being dispatched for a year? Immediately north of its southern border? NOPE, to KOSOVO -- for one year!
Further, here's betting they aren't going to Kosovo to protect the churches and sacred sites. Here's betting they aren't off to protect the dispossessed Serbs. Here's betting they are off instead to help protect the "independent Kosovo" that was created to strip Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church of its religious capital that was taken in 1999 by NATO under Javier Solana's command. I hope I'm wrong on all these suspicions. If you have read several of my past blog posts, you know about the KLA and the Serb body organ scandal which has implicated the Kosovo prime minister Thaci, the former head of the KLA.
I'm sorry, I just don't understand. Maybe somebody can "enlighten" me. Personally, I would call for a Congressional investigation of this misguided maneuver!
Stay tuned!
Here's something equally scary: UN is considering global "internet governance."
Watch Javier Solana's speech at CEU (Central European University) by going to this site: or
Watching this, I noticed Javier Solana appeared to be slightly stuttering. Wonder what Bennie Creamie would say of that?
This Solana speech sounds like a distinctive POPULATION REDUCTION pitch!!
It looks as if our National Guard has been in Kosovo since at least 2006.
"Blum said guardsmen are in about 40 countries around the globe. "About 75,000 citizen-soldiers and airmen this morning are deployed all around the world," he noted.
He said many guardsmen are serving in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait. The National Guard has taken over the entire mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo, and has taken over counter terrorism activities in the Horn of Africa and the Sinai peacekeeping mission between Egypt and Israel."
Only 180 guardsmen are coming out of New Mexico. Others are coming from other states.
Maybe NATO or the UN will send troops into New Mexico if it keeps getting worse.
interesting article in the last HSDLA
The Prime Minister, accused of trading in body parts, is the Albanian Muslim (nowadays called Kosovar), Thaci, (also known as "the snake"), Prime Minister of Kosovo and definitely NOT the Prime Minister of Serbia. I am sure this was a slip of the keystroke.
Dear Ed,
It was definitely a late night, slip of the keystroke. I have corrected it and THANKS!
I have a hunch (one that has been well-researched) about why National Guard troops are being sent everywhere except our southern border.
I think that one of the "next big things" to happen on our soil will be the detonation of one or more nuclear devices in one or more of our major cities.
This kind of weaponry is not something you just casually bring with you on the plane from who-knows-where. It must be smuggled in. And what better place than the southern border? (That border is closer to many of our large cities, although the Canadian border that touches Michigan might be a good place too...)
If we can be "made blind" to what comes across there, then so much the better for the plans of the enemy who would do this.
In connection with the article Dawn posted, look at the following promotion taking place. Using the Delphi technique, they will present choices, but will control all of the choices.
What is being promoted as something starting in California but will be nationwide is what is called the Parent Trigger. Parents will be used to change the make-up of their local schools. (Note the promotion by Rahm Emanuel in Illinois in the sidebar of the following link.)
On January 23 - 29, 2011, School Choice advocates will gather all across the
nation to shine a spotlight on effective education options for every child.
As one parent wrote at asamom,
I am against choice, charter schools,
and vouchers due to governance problems(public/private mixture which is
socialist) , etc. From experience with some of the Goals 2000 documents ,and
being in on meetings, I can tell you the M.O. Those marketing it will attempt
to make it seem like everyone wants it, that it is a grassroots movement, and
then have facilitators who control the conversation. They come into towns or
state houses and hand select those that are well -known movers and shakers in
a community. Get the "stakeholder group" convinced of the goodness of it all,
gather this "committee " who helps to bring it to their community. After all,
the guy at the Chamber of Commerce, a city commissioner, well-known
businessman, etc etc , how could they be promoting anything bad??Because they
secure the support of those influential, it goes over more smoothly in a
community. I notice they call it parent generated!!! I wonder how that first
parent got the idea out of the blue to have charter schools, vouchers, or
school choice etc??? This has been around since at least the 80's. People need
to do a little research, and not be duped. Facilitators will say you must make
your answers short, you must respect all opinions, and come to consensus,
blah, blah, blah. They are trained in group dynamics, and how to manipulate
groups ( even if they do not know it!!!)They are called change agents, and you
will notice, there will always be someone from out of town, or from a
nonprofit, or from the state capital "helping" the community understand this
whole change!!! Be wary of what change we will be getting!!!
Now look at what was written in the article on home schooling and what they want to force in public schools while eliminating all other types of schooling.
Now add the plans of the Alliance of Civilizations and say Good Grief!!!!!!!
If this disappears, I plan to keep reposting it.
Regarding the UN internet governance consideration:
I've had the feeling that the whole wikileaks thing was a sham in order to advance just this sort of thing. I was just telling a friend that the other day. Maybe I'm wrong...
The Anti Christ tomorrow, but Mohammad today.
Sorry, try this:
Thaci camp hits back at organ trafficking allegations...
The information Dorothy presented on the "Parent Trigger" program is CRITICAL. The "Delphi Technique" has been a standard in the New Age repertoire as long as I have been looking at that movement and I can tell looking back that it was used in Community Organizing programs back in the 1960s.
Read it carefully and BE AWARE!
Anonymous 8:27
Thanks for the link. I'm not concerned about private charter schools taking away business from the public schools as much as I am about what will be the content in these options. Who is running the charter schools, what are their connections, what is their network?
It is absolutely necessary to read the warning article that Dawn posted in order to see the context in which this is happening.
Any attempt to teach children in any school, public or private, that a certain religion is the only true one will be met with resistance by the state in the future. What will be acceptable will be to teach RELIGIONS as some sort of cultural history.
Many years ago I came across the book Khruschev Remembers. Khruschev was head of the Soviet Union after Stalin. When he was a child his mother taught him to pray and read scripture to him. Khrushchev's teacher, Lydia Shevchenko, he writes, took him away from all of that. He went on to persecute churches and religious leaders.
Teachers still have the power to override what parents teach in the home. The homeschooling article points out that the battle against home schooling going on around the country is because of the Christian influence which will not be allowed in the future if leading academics get what they want.
Constance, thank you for pointing out the importance of the articles.
The European Union connection with schools is interesting. Three million diaries are distributed to students.
There seems to be some difference between the informative part and a calendar part.
This is the informative part.
There is also a diary.
The uproar is because Christian holidays are not on the calendar even though those of other religions are.
So, what was the response of the EU.
"A Committee Spokesman Described as The Diary has "blunder" and Said That In The Interests of political correctness There Would No references to "any Religious festivals in future editions.
"We're sorry about it, and we'll correct that in next edition. Religious holidays may not be mentioned at all to avoid any controversy," he said. "We're sorry about it, and we'll correct That in next edition. Religious holidays May Not Be Mentioned At All to Avoid Controversy" any, "he said."
And that's the way a culture is gradually changed.
Dawn and Dorothy,
Thanks for your very valuable contributions. I have filed both of them.
I remember Jorge Sampaio (High Representative of Alliance of Civilizations and Club of Madrid member) arrogantly stating on an AoC video clip that parents should not be allowed to teach their children religion. Religion should only be taught by professionals in comparative religions. (In 2008? or 2009)
Sure wish I had archived that. If anyone else did, please let me know.
How does one archive a YouTube?
This was part of Sampaio's speech to the UN in 2008 where this startling portion is contained:
'To prevent polarization, confrontation, conflict and intolerance and to
develop a culture of peace, understanding, tolerance and respect, we
need universalist values grounded on the common humanity shared by
every man, woman and child on earth, regardless of linguistic, racial,
religious and other differences. "
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