Here are more snippets from my heavy ongoing research for my forthcoming Part VI of the unfinished NewswithViews series on "The HiJacking of Evangelicalism." The interlocking interests between the top of the New Age Movement (Institute of Noetic Sciences) and Evangelical Christianity (Fellowship Foundation, Washington, D.C.) are explored. I recommend that you IMMEDIATELY archive all links as the material has a tendency to disappear. The 990 reports of Three Swallows Foundation have become recently much more difficult to locate. Fortunately for all, I have them archived.
Also interesting is that Norman Grubb was the founder of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. I note for the record that the only threat I ever had to my face about character assassination if I did not back off the New Age Movement issues was from James W. Sire, Sr., senior editor of InterVarsity Publishers. This occurred in the Merchandise Mart Holiday Inn of Chicago, Illinois on March 20, 1983, the morning after I did a 3 hour television special with Jerry Rose at a Chicago, Illinois Christian television station.[2] Recently, I obtained a book by Sire about Vaclav Havel, the former Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia. Sire wrote openly and approvingly of Havel's "noetic moments." Vaclav Havel was an open New Ager and proudly claimed by such by the New Age communities.
From the PrivateCapitalCorp.com website, we read this of Paul Temple's business bio which proudly boasts his more exotic "cultural creative" - New Age credentials:
Attorney, investor, entrepreneur and humanist, Paul Temple has traveled far and wide to spread his business and personal influence. A Cincinnati native, he earned his AB at Princeton, JD at Harvard Law School and was a navy ensign. In the heart of his corporate career, in a stretch of eight years, he was attorney for both Celanese and Standard Oil. He made a notable jump with successive energy posts in Spain – president of Esso Affiliates and executive VP of Gas Natural SA. It was about this time, in the early 1970’s, that Paul donned his entrepreneurial hat. He co-founded Weeks Natural Resources followed by chairman responsibilities for a number of enterprises, including Energy Capital of London, Dayspring Mining, Biogenesis Enterprises, Seasoil Ltd., Gaichem Technologies, Organic Trees and Virgin Oil.To this day, reaching for cultural and spiritual attainment, he co-founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the Temple Award for Creative Altruism and participated in many national and international exchanges – sponsor for Christianity, Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survival, master of ceremonies for the US-USSR Summit, and director of the Temple of Understanding. Paul’s creative side and love for music also found a home as associate producer of the film Born Again [about Charles Colson] and Broadway play Dance a Little Closer.
What was it Barbara Marx Hubbard, a close Paul Temple friend said in Seattle, Washington in April, 1988 said?:
"Now all the resonating core groups with outwardly different purposes are merging and blending and coming together to do the One Work."
You may well bet that the "One Work" was NOT to preach the true gospel to all nations!
Stay tuned!
[1] See MODERN VIKING by Norman Grubb, page 178. Modern Viking was copyrighted in 1961 by Zondervan Publishing House of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. Jim Bell, also an Episcopalian layman spoke on behalf of Fellowship House at Abraham and Mattie Vereide's 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration in Washington, D.C. on August 27, 1960. See pages 179-181, ibid.
[2] Also part of Mr. Sire's entourage that morning for that breakfast meeting were Eric Pement and Jon Trott both part of Jesus People USA of Chicago.
1 – 200 of 230 Newer› Newest»I am updating this article frequently, so you will want to refresh your browser each time you visit it.
Do the "Faith Fellowships" aka Kennith Hagin, Copeland etc... have any link/association with the "Fellowship Foundation" ties (Doug Coe and company)?
Here is the tinyurl link for my last post, the other was cut off.
The "Faith Fellowships" have their own, very different set of issues. I have a tape from the 1980s of Ken Copeland saying, "you don't have a god inside of you, you are one." I have reduced the tape to an MP3 file and if there is sufficient interest, I will make it available on my "presentations for downloading" link.
So there is no link or associations that would tie these two "fellowships" together as far as you know.
With all the merging of the emergent's I've wondered.
Q. Has Copeland corrected this statement since its been made in 1980?
I think you may also find more info on Copeland and Hinn (and the like) in Hanagraff's book counterfit christianity - audio version better - you get to hear thioer actual statements -
Thanks for the info!
I just began reading your article links, just as a note, the Food Act was passed yesterday (Thursday) by the House, after it failed to pass on Wednesday. They resubmitted it, and got it through.
take care,
Len, Dorothy, Joyce - anyone who has a back ground in Hebrew -
can you please give me your thoughts on this article - out of sincerity please - I am just hopig for clarification on the definitions of Hebrew words -
As you know, I vigorously disagree with you on almost everything. I believe that you have would attack (or perhaps have and certainly your devotees would) at least one very good organization I belong to which is filled with good people, a favorite target of evangelicals, fundamentalists, and konspiracy kooks, who don't know, but are tilting at windmills. There is nothing there. I am as high up as you can get and no conspiracy, nothing anti-Christian or anything else. And yet you all persist. So be, but it distracts you from looking into real problems.
So in that vein I applaud you for looking at "The Family" and "C Street" etc. Why do you see some "new age" conspiracy when it all simply looks like a mutilated cultish version of Christianity preached by a few to the like minded?
The same applies to Doug Coe. He preaches a form of Christianity that would make Christ vomit, and his organization has targeted members of congress and industry, etc. But they are by all appearances Dominionists not new agers.
And in any case it appear a stretch to see it as a "vast" conspiracy.
More like the Branch Davidians who were nuts but isolated and individually innocent confused people desperately seeking spiritual help who found the wrong place in life and died very tragically.
I see the dots you paint, but just don't see the vast networked connection.
But I have a question.
You need to read my series of articles "The Hi-Jacking of Evangelicalism." There was interlocking leadership on "The Family" and "The Institute of Noetic Sciences." Paul Temple in effect was signing the paychecks of both Doug Coe and Willis Harmon.
My perspective -- What Constance thinks: Story in Pictures - CLICK ... - 3 visits - 8/7/08
... Paul N. Temple, Doug Coe, the Temple of Understanding, etc., the Paul N. ... ( Paul Temple) About the time I was watching Benjamin Creme declaring the ...
cumbey.blogspot.com/2007/08/story-in-pictures.html - Cached - Similar -
Hillary's Quest for Power, Doug Coe, The Family and Tales of ...
6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Mar 27, 2008
... a Detroit lawyer and Republican fund-raiser; Paul Temple, ... And what the Family desired, from Abraham Vereide to Doug Coe to Bengt, ...
www.democraticunderground.com/.../duboard.php?az...all... - Cached - Similar -
Records of the Fellowship Foundation - Collection 459 - 20 visits - May 23
... the group's work in Washington were James Bell and Paul Temple. ...... Speakers include Cliff Robinson, Doug Coe, Dr. Vereide, and Judge Marvin Jones. ...
www.wheaton.edu/bgc/archives/GUIDES/459.htm - Cached - Similar -
Ballad of Doug Coe - Prayer Buddy or Pastor of The Family ...
Jul 27, 2009 ... This post was sparked by descriptions of Doug Coe (caretaker of Fellowship ... Paul Temple, Jerome A. Lewis (former CEO, Petro-Lewis Corp. ...
tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/.../ballad-of-doug-coe---prayer-bu.php?... - Cached - Similar -
Paul Temple: ZoomInfo Business People Information
The intertwining of Doug Coe, Paul Temple, Willis Harman, International Institute of Strategic Studies (an important think tank for Javier Solana and his ...
www.zoominfo.com/people/Temple_Paul_387844.aspx - Cached - Similar -
Constance Cumbey -- Concealing the workings of the Emerging World ... - 3 visits - 8/12/08
Aug 29, 2007 ... The intertwining of Doug Coe, Paul Temple, Willis Harman, International Institute of Strategic Studies (an important think tank for Javier ...
www.newswithviews.com/Cumbey/constance11.htm - Cached - Similar -
Constance Cumbey -- "The Family" and its Hijacking of ...
Aug 8, 2008 ... It appears to have been organized by Paul Temple's daughter Robin who noted in the invitation that Doug Coe and Barbara Marx Hubbard had ...
www.newswithviews.com/Cumbey/constance22.htm - Cached - Similar -
More results from www.newswithviews.com »
Remembering his involvement with Doug Coe, I absent mindedly grabbed the book and ... “Two of the men in the Fellowship, Paul Temple and Winston Weaver, ...
truthspeaker.wordpress.com/.../the-family-and-its-hijacking-of-evangelicalism-part-2/ - Cached - Similar -
My perspective -- What Constance thinks: More clues on Paul N ...
Paul Temple, the founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences, ... Foundation ties (Doug Coe and company these days) take one to NormanGrubb.com. ...
cumbey.blogspot.com/.../more-clues-on-paul-n-temple-family-and.html - 7 hours ago - Similar -
Jesus plus nothing: Undercover among America's secret theocrats—By ...
... Paul Temple, a private investor from Maryland; and Jerome A. Lewis, .... The day I worked at C Street I ran into Doug Coe, who was tutoring Todd Tiahrt, ...
www.harpers.org/JesusPlusNothing.html - Cached - Similar -
Jan 9, 2009 ... It appears to have been organized by Paul Temple's daughter Robin who noted in the invitation that Doug Coe and Barbara Marx Hubbard had ...
www.scribd.com/.../THE-FAMILY-AND-ITS-HIJACKING-OF-EVANGELICALISM-15 - Cached - Similar -
The New Age Movement
That article detailed the financial aid of Paul Temple and his Three Swallows Foundation to both the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Doug Coe's Fellowship ...
www.watchmanbiblestudy.com/topics/NewAge.htm - Cached - Similar -
new age and evangelicalism « Truthspeaker's Weblog - 2 visits - Apr 23
“Two of the men in the Fellowship, Paul Temple and Winston Weaver, ... We have asked two close friends, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Doug Coe to serve as ...
truthspeaker.wordpress.com/.../new-age-and-evangelicalism/ - Cached - Similar -
Features | Does John Baldacci belong to a secretive, powerful ...
Getter quotes the group's long-time leader, Doug Coe, 73, as saying that its ... a Denver oilman; Republican contributor Michael Timmis; and Paul Temple, ...
www.portlandphoenix.com/features/top/ts.../02877355.asp - Cached - Similar -
C Street House: I Agree With Their Seven Mountains of Culture ...
Barbara Marx Hubbard and Doug Coe co-chaired the event; David Spangler, ... The address of 133 C Street, SE, is the mailing address for Doug Coe,<7> and the ...
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New Age Spiritualities Ppt Presentation
Feb 7, 2008 ... Doug Coe and Paul Temple with Temple's INSTITUTE OF NOETIC SCIENCES -- this was the biggest and most serious breach. ...
www.authorstream.com/.../Raimondo-48994-New-Age-Spiritualities-SpiritualitiesorThe-Movement-TNAM-Introduction-Term-M... - Cached - Similar -
Canadian Latitude • View topic - Worse Than Fascists: 'The Family' - 2 visits - 8/17/08
Barbara Marx Hubbard and Doug Coe co-chaired the event; David Spangler, ... The address of 133 C Street, SE is the mailing address for Doug Coe, ...
www.canadianmalcontent.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=58... - Cache
Now I'm really confused. As a member of the "under the radar" prayer breakfast committee in Bakersfield California our group is made up of the fundamental Christian leaders in our community. Lawyers, business leaders etc. I don't really know why I am there - I'm a lowly geologist/attorney/mediator/Christian conciliator who finds myself placed there by God's providence. We spend every Friday morning reading through the new testament and discussing the scripture and praying for each other. It seems so very benign. What concerns me Constance is my own personal spiritual evolution that has taken me into the Complete Works of Oswald Chambers that I have dived into because of my Christian Conciliation work with Peacemaker Ministries. I find myself frustrated with the fact that there is nothing really nothing that appears to be significantly different between how those in the world and how Christians respond to conflict. Nobody really takes the Bible seriously about not suing and rather being defrauded, or look not to your own interest but the interests of others. Common arguments are 1. not Christians at all. 2. we're just sinners and we're all in process; 3. god will forgive me; 4. we all have idols that we sacrifice to - desire - demand - punish - sacrifice (nouthetic counseling - John Piper - Peacemakers) --- the result is the same - maintaining perceived self interest above love of God and others. From Oswald I have come to similar conclusion as I just read from Norman Grubb - ie that oneness is key and claiming this by faith as self/Christ unity gives power to be free. I mean this in the sense of definition of Liberty being - the ability earned by practice to do the right thing. I don't necessarily dispute your connections being made to new age theology, but its confusing. When I read some of the The Family and things that Frank Buchman and others say about "what if leaders ... " quiet time; a certain level of mystery is inherent in the idea of Christ in Me. My current hypothesis regarding why Christians won't forgive/repent/confess/change is that Holiness and Oneness issue is tied up in the concepts of Sanctification - Progressive vs. Entire. Clearly the idea of Entire Sancitification (Wesley/Chambers etc.) is more akin to New Age concepts and mysticism however there are distinctions.
Hi Doug,
I didn't read the whole thing, and cannot write much, because I have to prepare for Sabbath.
But I saw the part about "Barak Ubama" meanning lightning from high," and I assume that is your interest.
Bama can mean a high place but relatively. A variant, bimmah, means a raised alter; as iun a synagogue.
He is right about lightning being barak.
However, Isaiah 14 is not about Lucifer but rather about the downfall of the king of Babylon
(14:4) so that part fails.
Have a nice weekeend.
Liberty counsel has produced a summary of the health care bill
For the record - this is not a minor thing - how to you think Palin plans now to help save the world for Christ? I don't think she is dumb - but smarter people than her have been pulled into this "key man" Idea!!
Palin's connection to what Jeff Sharlett has called "elite fundamentalism" is of interest now that she is an election and a heartbeat away from the presidency. Franklin Graham has been the keynote speaker for the Alaska Governor's Prayer Breakfast the past two years. According to their Web site, the organizers believe, "God directs the affairs of Man and is the ultimate authority over human events." The Alaska Governor's Prayer Breakfast is connected to the National Prayer Breakfast sponsored by The Fellowship Foundation, also known as "The Family," which espouses similar beliefs. The Family is headed by Doug Coe, one of the most influential evangelicals in Washington, D.C. Coe's group tends to operate behind the scenes organizing small cells attended by the power elite, mostly Republicans. George Bush was saved in such a cell while in Texas.
Elite fundamentalists believe, according to Sharlett, not only in religious determinism but that they are personally chosen by God to be in positions of power. By claiming divine legitimacy of their political power, elite fundamentalists relegate the opposition to being the devil's tool. They are making a frighteningly close return to the pre-enlightenment concept of rule by divine right, which our founding fathers rejected as anathema to democracy and established, instead, the separation of church and state lest decisions be made on the basis of good versus evil rather than wise versus unwise.
Whether or not Sarah Palin pandered to the Christian fundamentalist right on the back of a good man's career and believes she was chosen by God only she can say. Likewise, only John McCain can say whether he sold his political soul and selected the least prepared vice presidential candidate in United States history for the sake of political gain. The electorate deserves some answers. http://www.adn.com/opinion/story/531723.html
More on Palin . . . .http://discuss.epluribusmedia.net/content/major-scoop-sarah-palins-backers
It's amazing what you can find if you will at least listen to the other side!!
For the record I am also an affiliate attorney with the Pacific Justice Institute - Brad Dacus. He does some great work in California fight the ACLU. Ed Meese is on the board.
Hi Len, yes, this was the end or 3rd time around for this topic - just wanted some one's opinion who had working knowledge of the language. I thank you for your respose.
Have a wonderful Sabbath, the Lord God bless you and your's.
"Elite fundamentalists believe, according to Sharlett, not only in religious determinism but that they are personally chosen by God to be in positions of power. By claiming divine legitimacy of their political power, elite fundamentalists relegate the opposition to being the devil's tool. They are making a frighteningly close return to the pre-enlightenment concept of rule by divine right, which our founding fathers rejected as anathema to democracy and established, instead, the separation of church and state lest decisions be made on the basis of good versus evil rather than wise versus unwise."
I could not agree with you more. But I do not see how this is NOT related to Dominionist Theology and its promoters like D. James Kennedy, David Barton, etc. and the claim that America's Christian Heritage has been stolen and is in need of reclaiming, rather than to New Age anything. It certainly seems a better fit with the former.
Do you have any insight?
A must read article on the Obama health care program.
Dawn's link was to an excellent summary which overlaps with this article.
A shocker to me was this paragraph:
"This will not be done without coercion. For those who have amassed assets enough to take care of themselves in their old age will have these assets confiscated in the name of fiscal responsibility, because by this time, every citizen will be entered into a national database under the guise of improved efficiency. This database will be run by a type of 'star chamber,' appointed by the president, that will determine whether or not you deserve the much needed operation your personal doctor thinks you need," she said."
Another article:
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel is also now an advisor to the Health Czar. He was a co-author of this article in Lancet, a medical journal in January.
principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions
Another article:
This is not scare tactic information. It will be the reality if the Health Care bill passes.
Jaclyn, Sarah, others,
Some of you are following this, so please consider the following:
It's not about the "shot".
The EU has already tested and proven that mosquitos can be effectively used to transmit vaccines...
Vaccines can also be put into food products, i.e. corn, soybeans, milk, etc., made into an aerosol or dried into a powder and deliverd into the public bloodstream in a variety of ways.
The bottom line is we are all going to be "vaccinated" sooner or later, by one method or another. At least we won't have to stand in line at Wal Mart to receive our government mandated vaccinations. We can just go to the lake instead.
Baal, How come I feel like I'm talking to the enemy on this website! All the real Christians seem to be discussing other more important issues than what appeared from Constance's post to be the issue at hand. I agree with your assessment of Dominionism - I just don't know that I agree that the divine right of kings was all bad or that the Elightenment rejection of this was the only foundation for America. What I do believe however is that wedding of faith to facism in order to overcome communism is not a very good thing. Regarding the Fellowships concept of paternal capitalism - I found the writing of Upton Sinclair's novel Oil very interesting. It almost made me a socialist! God help me! By the way - if Obama can have a beer with the enemy so can I - even though I'm a Southern Baptist - just don't tell anybody!!
A study of the post-World War II era would not be complete without studying the history of CIA projects such as Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke which morphed into MK-ULTRA.
In fact, during his term of office President Bill Clinton issued a public apology for these criminal experiments perpetrated on U.S. citizens without their knowledge or consent by their own governent.
Here is a video on two sites of that public apology:
Given the history of MK-ULTRA, why should we assume that this could never happen again?
Oldman, I completely agree, a mosquito is nothing but a flying needle.
I want to know why WHO has engaged in such fearmongering? Why are we at phase 6 (the highest possible state of emergency)? Why are they so determined to stick a needle in our arm?
If you read their docs, they want the world depopulated. I have to believe this is nothing but a huge eugenics program poised to sacrifice tens of millions (perhaps billions) to their evil, wicked god who has come to rob, kill and destroy.
They rule by chaos and disaster...they are going somewhere with this swine flu...I guess we are still left to speculate, but depopulation is the only conclusion I can find, If anyone has an opinion, I'm all ears (or should I say eyes, Ha).
By the way the quote you inserted starting with "Palin . . were not my words but from the link that I pasted - I believe it was an editorial from the Alaska Daily News. However I think there is some truth to what they are saying. Personally I kind of like Sarah Palin - but only because she's not afraid.
Hey Jaclyn, just for fun, type into your search engine:
swine flu 200 million
and see what pops up.
Among the hits I got:
Mandatory "swine flu" vaccinations coming this fall, public schools and possibly even area Wal Marts to be used as vaccination centers.
Defense Sec. Gates "execute order".... U.S. Military to help civilian authorities with Swine Flu pandemic...
Maybe it's just my last days paranoia, or just another coincidence, but everybody (NIH, CDC, WHO, Homeland Defense, even the Taipai Times, etc) seem to think 2OO million doses is sufficient.
200 million. I heard the number.
Rev 9:15 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind.
Rev 9:16 Now the number of the army of the horsemen [was] two hundred million; I heard the number of them.
Regarding the swine flu.
I heard Glenn Beck make the comment along the line of "isn't interesting that the threat has been way up and no one is even reporting on the flu anymore."
He also talked of having swine flu parties (similar to chicken pox parties) now so that you could be immune to it later (when/if it mutates)
Also interesting to note that this swine flu has been about the same outcome as the seasonal flu.
CDC isn't even tracing cases any more.
Just another means of control.
I thinks it's wrong to spend a lot of time trying to dig out satan's pawns. Whether it's the Masons, the Jesuits, the political elite, Skull and Bones, the Illuminati, and so on. Satan can use any of them, and allow any of them to be destroyed. They are pawns, none are vital. The only important pieces are the anti-christ and the false prophet. That's why universalism is important to satan, and the position of society, so that any pawn can step up and be a tool for the anti-christ to rise.
Constance's video discusses how Europe is at such a place. She quotes those within the New Age movement who state this.
And on the original blogpage I found, there was some bickering about whether the Jesuits are such a power. It just does not matter. Satan uses such arguments to just lower the acceptance it's gonna happen with those in the church, because folks who know a little, go way overboard, because they are focused on pawns, and not prophetic truth.
There is plenty of info out there for those who are unknowledged in this area, just be warned delving into that info will get you focused on the pawns as well. Remember:
Eph 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
So many people try to uncover the pawns, the people under satan's plan of attack. But scripture is clear, our war is not against people, but demons!
If we were to uncover one pawn, and make it unusable, satan doesn't mind destroying his pawns and raising another. And I guarantee you no one will uncover all the pawns. Remember God ordained the anti-christ to have power for a season. So you would be working against satan and God. One cannot succeed. In Ezek 8 God shows him the secret people doing secret harm, yet God doesn't expose them to stop them. He prophecies their destruction and judgment instead.
Satan wants those with the truth to be unbalanced. So those looking for the truth will pass it by and not see it. We need to focus on God's plan. Not the pawns of satan, not satan's secrets.
Rev 2:24: But unto you I say ...which have not known the depths of Satan...
If we walk in the light as he is in the light we need not be afraid. The world is indeed a tragic place and we all suffer in its reality. There is no use trying to uncover all error because well you know however if we speak the truth as best we know it - try not to contradict the word of God and the word of the spirit in our spirit we can put on the whole armor of god to stand against the wiles of the devil. One of the tools is the sword of the spirit which is the word of god and the gospel of truth. What else can we do but to stand. Praise Him.
"I thinks it's wrong to spend a lot of time trying to dig out satan's pawns."
If you believe that than you should stop reading the destructive words of people like Constance, Dorothy, and the other nutters who promote this stuff.
There is no conspiracy, there are no secret societies running things behind the scenes, only people with rotted minds spewing nightmares.
The only soul you need to worry about is your own.
Oldman, that is interesting, yes 200 million seems to be a "magical" number. Of course they are also talking about 2 or 3 different vaccinations.
It's all so overwhelming. I'm convinced we will be depending on God in a way we, (in America), have never been forced to do.
If He doesn't protect us we will not be safe, nevertheless, He has taken the sting out of death and robbed the grave of victory! The worst they can do is to send us home...thats not so bad!
Do not fear he who can harm the body only....rest in the Sovereignty of God, He is in complete control, His eye is on the sparrow, I know he is watching over me and my loved ones!
Stop reading this stuff? If you go and read my blog page, I linked to, I discuss how I found this. I wasn't searching for the info.
2ndy I also may believe her efforts may not be as helpful as she hopes, but they are not destructive. And I also speculate on her purpose, of which I do not know. Thus I cannot know what her success will actually be.
Perhaps there is a small destructive nature to her work, but not in and of itself. the imbalanced focus turns off the unconvinced, but the ignorant will be judged also by their own ignorance. And when I say judged, I do not mean condemned.
No conspiracy? Too much evidence otherwise, I mean you have a former president and his political opponent both admitting publicly to being involved in the same secret society.
Nothing involved within that society? then why would a supposed christian president refuse to discuss it, on the grounds they are forbidden to talk about it, if its nothing. And yes he stated that publicly too.
Now, I believe that folks may be giving to much credit to these secret societies. And that indeed is an improper imbalance. Once again, they are only pawns in the scheme of things. The forces of evil are demons, not people.
But on the flip side, they do exist and they do mean harm.
Only worry about my own soul? We are our brothers' keeper, a responsibility, forsaken by one of Adam's sons.
Baal wrote:
"There is no conspiracy, there are no secret societies running things behind the scenes, only people with rotted minds spewing nightmares."
Which should have been followed by:
"I'm Mr. Anonymous. Trust me. Nothing is going on."
Thanks for the back up. But what folks need to remember it's God who is gonna uncover this, not us:
Isaiah 8:
12 "Do not say, "A conspiracy,' Concerning all that this people call a conspiracy, Nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.
13 Sanctify the LORD of hosts Himself, and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.
Psalms 2:
1: Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2: The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed...
Rom 2:16: In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
Psalms 33: MKJV
10 The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He breaks the plots of the people.
These verses should be the center of our perspective concerning conspiracy. Any deviation from that center will cause problems, and will have limited success. I discuss this here:
That my friends, is the major problem about all of this. Folks deny the conspiracies, and the other folks, trying to prove they are real, are taking things out of God's hands and putting them in their own.
God is not going to uncover so much as a speck of dust because that is how much truth there is to this conspiracy nonsense. Most of the people who post to this and other Konspiracy boards and believe it suffer from some degree of Paranoid Personalty Disorder with the more virulent ones verging on Paranoid Schizophrenia.
Dorthy, I would never reveal myself among such a group of unstable paranoiacs.
Greg, sorry about your uncle and the stroke. These things are always tough. May God's peace with you all in the midst of this.
Robert: I would stay away from use of the word oneness, it really has connotations to associated with the new age. Also here is the thing, it is at the higher levels that the "inside" stuff is manifesting I beleive the rest is very subtle. As to christian "conflict" resultion, it starts when we look to worldly means of peace instead of God's peace. Personally not impressed with the peacemakers content.
Doma- Right on, need to check out your blog I think. Feel free to stop by www.peacebringer.net/phpBB3
The mention of John Trott and Pembrooke, which I had recalled doing work exposing new age in past via cornerstone magazine and other apologetics works has me stunned. I did a little looking into things and sadden of the bit I have learned of what happened at JPUSA. Just leaves me sad and shaking my head and shocked really.
The mention of John Trott and Pembrooke, which I had recalled doing work exposing new age in past via cornerstone magazine and other apologetics works has me stunned. I did a little looking into things and sadden of the bit I have learned of what happened at JPUSA. Just leaves me sad and shaking my head and shocked really.
I decided to create a new blog, while I welcome visitors to my original blog, it really caters to my website, and the falling of a church I used to belong to. I have considered for years creating a new blog, so have done so. I literaly just started it. But will deal with end time truths, and so on. I will be discussing the Biblical manner in dealing with conspiracies.
I had a very busy day yesterday and am just starting to catch up with all the high level discussion here. Welcome to Robert, another attorney! I took advantage of the link Dorothy gave to the WND article which had a link to the health care bill which I am reading for myself. This portion immediately caught my eye and gave me civil liberties concerns:
13 ‘‘(a) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section is to im14
prove the well-being, health, and development of children
15 by enabling the establishment and expansion of high qual16
ity programs providing voluntary home visitation for fami17
lies with young children and families expecting children."
wild speculation in a wild world
If BHO were to be removed from office, say, because he isn't an American citizen,
the world wide outcry could lead to him being
JMS's replacement.
That would make JMS the antiJohntheBaptist; as in,
'I must become less and less and he must become more and more, since everything that the devil does amounts to a counterfeit Gospel.
Glenn Beck (who I don't care for), reveals the monster we are dealing with....the implanted chip is on it's way.
Forget mosquitos! I got stung by some bees. I think they were directed into the ground by a synthetic queen. And so, I think I got the swine flu vaccine because the government knows I never go get a flu shot. If they can Africanize bees, they can vaccinize. Hey, is that a word!
I work with a population of teenagers that are extremely vulnerable, and a very high percentage of the girls become pregnant during the course of any given year. Many of the families are a disaster, are on State assistance, WIC, Food Stamps, Section 8, and have no regular doctors.
The girls are, of course, not married, have boyfriends many of whom have no real jobs or deal drugs and engage in petty crime for income. This is not to tar all of the boys, some have jobs and try hard to support their girlfriend and child (often children). But their already taxed families are generally the ones stuck paying and caring for the babies.
Many of these children only see a doctor when they are sick, and then in an emergency room or a crowded clinic where they spend 2 hours in a waiting room and 10 minutes with a doctor.
Most of the girls (and boys) love their children dearly but struggle to care for them. I am afraid many suffer from some degree of malnutrition, get sick and are not treated, and live in chaotic environments.
So, while I don't know the details of the program in its entirety, why would home visits necessarily be a bad thing for a family such as I have described?
I think that one area of the story about Paul N. Temple and The Family which ought not to be ignored is the affiliation of IONS with branches of the Max Planck Society which are likewise devoted to research into the "noetic sciences."
Especially in light of the fact that a branch of the Max Planck Society has been recently established in Florida and specially invited IONS co-founder Edgar Mitchell to view one of its special displays.
Previously,on May 25, 2009, I posted the following:
Among the stories I have been following is the recent Edgar Mitchell story in which he is once again alleging the existence of extraterrestrials and a government coverup!
As has been previously reported, former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, along with Paul N. Temple, is the co-founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences which has ties to organizations that include the Stanford Research Institute, Scripps Research Institute, the Fetzer Institute and the Max Planck Society.
The last I heard, Edgar Mitchell currently lives in Florida and was among those in attendance at the "sneak peek" of the internationally renowned Science Tunnel - a special exhibition of Germany's Max Planck Society which has recently set up shop in Florida on the taxpayers' dime.
April 21, 2009
See also EDGAR MITCHELL - X Conference
By the way, one of the branches of the Max Planck Society is the Max Planck Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics. The following is a brief description of one of their research projects.
Just as a little memory refresher, the Max Planck Society was formerly known as the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and some of its branches were involved in war crimes which consisted of the infamous Nazi experiments on human guinea pigs culled from the concentration camps.
Baal, you are too trusting of the government!! Do you think they are going to stop with these disasterous situations?
Example, Conservatives were willing to give up their rights too, all in the name of being protected from future terrorist attacks, then suddenly they (conservatives)find their names on the terrorist watch lists!!
He who gives up his freedom for safety will have NIETHER.
So let the babies burn then?
"Doma" has posted on this page and I have just checked his site and exchanged some email. I don't know a lot about him yet, but I do know that he has at least SOME associations with the MSOG movement. I would advise caution until we all know better. If you want to read up on the Manifest Son of God Movement, pull my second book, A PLANNED DECEPTION and go to the chapter, A SECRET KINGDOM?
I believe I said "Jon Trott" and "Eric Pement" -- if I said "Pembroke" I must have been very tired indeed.
Eric Pement tried his very best to try to kill much of my work in its early incubator days. It is a long story and I have basically had a mixed relationship with Eric. "The Jesus Movement" generically is considered by New Agers to be part of their movement. I suspect much of their work on "apologetics" was to try and corner the "expert" position so as to be able to attack those bringing out damaging facts that they had left unmentioned.
I know for a fact that SCP was in on Gold Lake. I don't know YET about JPUSA because the secrecy veil still remains upon so very much of it, but I rather suspect that given the close relationship of Jon Trott and Eric Pement to others at Gold Lake that they were probably part of that process as well.
Constance I have looked up SCP's website and read the bio on wikipedia, on the surface the group seems to be a Christian organization that shares your objective of exposing the New Age movement.
How reliable is their material? They have a journal that supposedly exposes the NA movement.
Is the SCP a cover for something sinister?
Constance it was late last night when looking into your stuff on JPUSA, if I said Pembroke instead of Pement it was due to the fact I was tired. Sorry. Just is disheartening to learn things such as what went on at JPUSA when held them in respect.
I oppose the manifest Sons of God movement, and got an email from one of them when all this came down at the same time. In fact I wrote a blog entry exposing the MSOG with the email just 2 days ago:
While I believe in a restored church to come, I believe it comes by Christ's coming judgment on the church, not by any apostle like Randy Shankle or any movement like MSOG. And while I believe in a triumphant Kingdom, that will not even come from the restored church but from the returned Christ Himself. I discuss and uncover the error of the Latter Reign teachings here:
OldMan ~
More food for thought, the scripture reference/significance, especially. ... Thanks!
Still reading...
take care,
If you are doing something illegal, like not paying taxes or something, and you pick a fight with the government, you'll probably get one. Honestly, how many people here have been troubled by the government. How many of you were arrested for simply being a Christian? There are Christians around the world who truly suffer, but here in the U.S.?
Many of you accept all these conspiracy theories without even knowing the origin of them. Like the one about mandatory vaccines is also being spread by new age/2012 hypers. Remember the World Weekly News when you went to the supermarket. They use to have some outrageous claims, such as batboy terrorizing the country. Did you honestly believe it? Vaccines delivered by mosquitos is ridiculous. What, you're not gonna leave your house until winter?
Baal may have no reason to fear our government. There are many people around the world that have good reason to fear their own government. Our government may "act stupidly" once in a while, but is not out to get us.
Are you sure our government is planning euthanasia in the health care bill, or are you accepting some unfounded information that's not even true? Are FEMA concentration camps for real? That theory has been around since Clinton administration.
People use to be told don't believe everything you read or see on T.V. SHould we believe everything we see on the Internet? Man, Jaclyn. God gave us a brain for a reason.
Bee Guy who use to be White Guy for Obama.
See this interview of Benhamin Creme.
Constance, Benjamin Creme was on coast to coast last night..If you didnt get a chance to listen, you should. He broke some new stuff out last night
to Doma re your "no interference" with the Antichrist theory: Jesus told his disciples, "It is inevitable but that evil should come, BUT WOE TO HIM THROUGH WHOM IT COMES.
My own mind is not made up on vaccination yet. I do get my flu shots -- there was a year I skipped it and came down with the flu that was so incredibly painful. My grandmother when living told me many stories about the flu epidemic of 1918. I need to learn more about it. I am much more concerned about RFID and microchipping issues than the flu vaccine. The flu epidemic of 1918, a similar virus to the H1N1 one started slowly like this, but ended up killing 100 million worldwide. Many young men who survived the wars died of the flu.
As a practicing attorney, I frequently deal with "Friend of th3e Court." A few years ago, a client came to me with a case substantially in disorder. She related to me that her friend of the Court family counselor who made the recommendations had recommended she not have custody unless and until she read Riane Eisler's book and basically accepted "Goddess worship." Failing that, the recommendation would be that her wealthy husband have custody. The client did not seem crazy. I went to see the FOC Family Law Counselor, a powerful person in that Oakland County Michigan agency. To my amazement, she cheerfully admitted it and even more astonishingly told me she had read my book as well. There was quite a little clique of this going on -- fortunately, I found that when I forcefully advocated before the judges as I did in the House of Yahweh case that made widespread news, I got a much better quality of justice than with the FOC referee decisions. It is because there are professionals out there with your Baal/Isis mindset that as believing Jews, Christians, and yes Moslems (not the Sufis who are more polytheistic) must vigorously resist the type of home inspection/invasion you posit and that many fear here. Also to be considered even if I did get justice from the judges, it was a long greatly increased expense in the legal system for not getting fairness at lower levels of justice because of those who propound their offensive ideologies and would curtail our religious freedom and our God given duty to raise up our children according to the consciences He has implanted in us.
It's not a theory:
Rev 13:7: And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Dan 11:
14: And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.
15: So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mount, and take the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south shall not withstand, neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to withstand.
16: But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him: and he shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed.
33: And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
34: Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
35: And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
36: And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
40: And at the time of the end...
Eph 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Isaiah 8:
12 "Do not say, "A conspiracy,' Concerning all that this people call a conspiracy, Nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.
13 Sanctify the LORD of hosts Himself, and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.
Psalms 33:
10 The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He breaks the plots of the people.
God is using evil and satan, but He will be their demise, not us. Scripture shows us that when God uses them, we should not oppose them nationaly. But we do oppose them personally. Jeremiah warned the people not to oppose Babylon or they would be imprisoned or killed. Another prophet disagreed with jeremiah and was killed 1 year later.
God uses these forces to prove to the world that they cannot succeed. Also there is the law of sow and reap. they need to reap what they sow. If you remove their reward/punishment, you are trying to bypass that law.
The pawsn of satan are not important and uncovering them accomplishes nothing except putting a target on your back.
SCP looks good on the surface, BUT they are listed in the early New Age directories, "Spiritual Communities Guide" as a "community where people live to get on with the aims listed under [NEW AGE] Center" They were listed under their initial name of "World Christian Liberation Front" on Dwight Street in Berkeley, California. They were very much in on the Gold Lake event and its concealment. I got the word out on the totality of the New Age Movement over their opposition. They praised and endorsed Jeremy Rifkin's works. When I attempted to bring out the facts on the New Age Movement, they tried to infer I had been reading and obtaining my work from "Conspiracy theory" books such as Carroll Quigley and Nesta Webster. I had not. As far as their present leadership goes, Tal Brooke made many active threats to people in Christian media, John Loeffler included that if they wanted to get anywhere in Christian media they best not give me a platform.
I rather suspect that SCP was one more Paul Temple financially assisted operation that was controlled opposition. I have learned much more over the years that confirms this. I have also known dedicated researchers with SCP who conscientiously tried to give warnings, but my personal experience with them was a subtle, deceptive game that got people to focus on intricacies of various cults but absolutely failed to give them the larger picture of networking and collaboration between the cults and other New Age factions.
I recognize MSOG, Kingdom Now and other subtleties which are New Age occultism in skimpy disguise. I very much feel you are going there.
As to woe who to whom the evil gets used, thats in reference to the actual persons, like Judas. otherwise Jesus would have condemned Himself since he chose Judas.
God has chosen to use the evils of the world in His plan. In these last days they will be given power over the earth. We are not to resist their earthly authority, but we can personaly resist their evils.
The Kingdom Nowers believe that they can usher in the latter reign and the kingdom of God. I believe neither. My page here specificly shows I oppose such doctrines:
I believe we should avoid the latter reign. I am encouraging people to miss it and be ready for the rapture!
the latter reign will have no authority in the earth or over the demonic governments, but only over the church.
Constance you been chasings the pawns of satan so much your seeing ghosts that are not there.
You need to let God fulfill His plan.
Dan 11:
36: And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
Please note it is determined by God that he shall prosper till the idignation be accomplished!
You are fighting God's plan. You are working against the return of Christ, because He comes to destroy the anti-christ.
I did not write Dan 11:36, that is not my theory.
Let me say this, there is one reason to oppose the plan of satan.
Dan 11:
35: And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
If you feel the need to try and stop the anti-christ, it must be the need to purify yourself, because you have impure motives.
Thank you for your response about the SCP. This is taken from Wikipedia:
In the late 1980s Tal Brooke became the president of SCP. Brooke has been a controversial figure in his writings that oppose New Age spirituality. Part of his interpretation of New Age is framed around a conspiracy theory. He regards New Age as a Satanic conspiracy through which people are spiritually seduced and they may even controlled by demons. However, he also interprets New Age as part of the human impulse for self-worship, and tries to chart those impulses in the context of late Twentieth century western culture. His advocacy of a conspiratorial interpretation of New Age differs somewhat from the standpoint that was taken by the SCP staff prior to his presidency such as in the SCP Newsletter (January-February 1984) and in the The New Age Rage (published in 1987).
The ministry under Brooke's administration continues to produce literature that analyses new religious movements and New Age, but also examines other spiritual trends.
You could almost plug in the name "Constance Cumbey" to the above description.
I feel it is next to impossible for an ordinary layperson discovering the New Age movement to discern the work of SCP from your own work, if indeed the above is an accurate description of the work Tal Brooke claims to be doing.
How confusing is all this?
Is the SCP exposing the NAM, or is it covertly supporting it?
The game SCP was playing in the 1980s was to accuse Constance Cumbey of a "conspiracy theory." I simply reported the facts and quoted accurately, which SCP had failed to do, from the New Agers' works such as Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alice Ann Bailey, David Spangler, Barbara Marx Hubbard, et al. SCP fought me viciously and underhandedly on all of this. When they could not sweep the New Age Movement under the rug any longer, they began a new game. This one was Tal Brooke coming on board and really putting out a CONSPIRACY THEORY, the ugliest of ones -- the Nesta Webster, Hitler style INTERNATIONAL JEW type ones. He was promoting Eustace Mullins, one of the ugliest and most vicious of anti-Semites and promoting those views as his own. I was sent copies of Tal Brooke's correspondence on this and did place a phone call to him which he refused to take, and therefore after he directly faxed me page after page from a book by the Passentino's and Alnor attacking my work. Tal also made the phone calls to those media having me on. Thereafter, he went on all the tv shows and set himself up as the new expert on the New Age Movement. There is no doubt in my mind that Tal is an "expert" -- from inside. He was Sai Baba's chief western disciple. In my opinion, he did not quit the New Age Movement -- he joined a different division -- the bash the Jews one. Then Ron Enroth who had been part of the ugly apparatus trying to get me (he was a player on a 1985 disinformation conference which was billed as the "First Evangelical Conference against the New Age Movement" at Denver Seminary." This was the one where they hired security guards (Denver cop Mark Roggeman was the hired security chief -- Roggeman personally confirmed this to me.) Then their new game was for Enroth to publicly denounce Tal Brooke FOR PUTTING OUT A CONSTANCE CUMBEY STYLE CONSPIRACY THEORY."
It was nothing short of an ugly, cynical game on the part of b oth men and part of a desperate effort to contain my work.
What was their game? Confusion! I will note for the biblical record that God is not the author of confusion.
As I stated before, I believe SCP was controlled opposition that was not really opposition. Tal Brooke offered a new, far more cynical version of their game.
The role of SCP and the Jesus Movement was to soften the Christian world for for the political agenda of the New Age Movement which they curiously denied while nitpicking its obvious spiritual errors -- but only in part at that. Stanley Dokulpof who was a prominent writer for SCP in the 1980s volunteeered to me that he regularly meditated. When I raised my eyebrows, he said, "you're a strong personth, you don't need that, but I do." This he said to me at a Washington, D.C. convention in 1983.
The "Conspiracy Theories" about me are untrue and unfair. Texe Marrs, Gary Kah, and Tal Brooke indeed have put out CONSPIRACY THEORIES -- the ugliest of oneso -- the "International Jew" ones. I was the only major voice truthfully pointing out that the Jews were a clear target of the New Agers.
Dorothy Margraf can vouch for me on this. She was by my side through this long, dirty, grimy war.
For the record, I learned of the MSOG group, whose line DOMA is clearly parroting from New Age writings of Ernest Ramsey bragging about how they were working the Christians through the "Neo Pentecostals".
Are we to warn against the antichrist -- YES. Otherwise, there will be those who innocently take the mark of the beast. Ezekiel 3, Ezekiel 33 --
I don't believe in reincarnation, but if somebody were around who did, they would swear you were Bill Britton reincarnated, DOMA.
"Are FEMA concentration camps for real? "
This one is so simple - nothing "conspiritorial" about them - concentration camp is a tag line for internment camp.
Actually around since WWII -
Operation Garden Plot
Rex 84
Haliburton built 500 new ones under Bush
Obama authorized thier use 1st 100 days in office -
Yes - they are real - just stop using the incorrect tag line of "concentration camp"
You do all those who perished in those horrorific places an injustice
Okay, wow, things now are to me even more confusing. You point out issues in past with Ron Enroth, who is one who pointed to the abusive stuff happening at JPUSA.
Oh and after checking out Doma's writing and perspective not impressed. While wouldn't tag as supporting Latter Reign, clearly takes an amero-centric view and ascribes to writing of several false prophets which posts on the blog.
Doma, I really think you miss the point. We are to be sober, alert, and to resist.
Personally not concerned about the "hype" regarding vaccine's. But recently learned that God has provided a "better" way of dealing with virus prevention with "Sambucol" and intend on using that this flu season. I have always gotten a flu bug after getting a flu shot. But have gotten worst flus when go without.
Never heard of Bill Britton, and no matter how many times you say it, its not true. I oppose MSOG. My website and blogs readlily show it. You are dodging the arguement, by attacking the person.
We are indeed supppose to be sober and vigilant. Why do you think I write about being ready for the rapture? See my page here:
As for resist. You folks are not getting it. You resist evil personaly but you do not resist the schemes of the anti-christ nationaly.
Jer 27:
2: Thus saith the LORD to me; Make thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon thy neck,
5: I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by my great power and by my outstretched arm, and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me.
6: And now have I given all these lands unto the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him.
Those who resisted Babylon were imprisoned or killed!
It is appointed by God for him to succeed until the idignation be accomplished.
Dan 11:
36: ... and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
If you disagree with that, you disagree with God. You can't get any plainer than that. I did not write the Bible.
You know alot of folks believe that christians aren't supposed to judge. Not true. The Bible says we aren't supposed to judge falsely. And with the same manner we judge others, is how we will be judged.
Constance has now crossed the line.
She has been so caught up looking for the pawns of satan, she sees one under every rock.
She thinks I am a MSOG in disguise.
She stated this publicly, and our words are written in the heavens, and our judgments on others will be how we will be judged. She now has commited a false judgment and will be judged accordingly herself.
Folks these are dangerous times, we can pridefuly cling to what others are doing or what we think is right, or we can do what scripture tells us to do. Not bits and pieces we like, but all of it.
I found this blog looking for info on Randy Shankle. I was involved in an ex-members forum from his church. It pittered out and died because folks got negative and didn't want to follow God's method. But my blog and website were so effective Randy Shankle bought software and paid for man hours to stop my recording his services thru his online website. My blog was a success, and his church is falling and failing. Why? Not because of me, but because I submit to God's ways.
If we humble ourselves, and let God work thru us operating in His manners, we will have success. If we cling to our opinions, and a handful of scriptures, but not the entire Bible, we will be limited and wither and fade. And we will be put on the list of the enemy.
Remember those who tried to cast out demons in Acts and didn't do it God's way? The demons beat them up, ripped off their clothes and sent em packing!
Acts 19:14-18
And you folks wanna mess with the satan's king, and the pawns to put him there! And determined to prosper by God.
It's your necks not mine. If you wanna succeed. You gotta do things God's way.
Math 7:
22: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works?
23: And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.
Doing good things in the name of the Lord does nothing to advance the Kingdom of God. It may promote your ministry but not Jesus' ministry. Suffice it to say that many "good" deeds done in the name of the Lord are actually dead works.
"Doma" -- why don't you tell us all who you are? I am sure "Doma" is not your real name. For 28 years I have done faithfully the work the Lord gave me to do and this is not the first time an MSOG operative has tried to tell me to leave it.
DOMA's "vision" from one of his "Kingdom Now" sites -- look carefully at the "gospel" he wishes to spread -- clearly not one of SALVATION. Doma appears to me to be an operative, perhaps one seeking to take over enough of the MSOG movement to make a good living for himself, perhaps he has broader motives, but here is his "gospel":
My Vision is to help bring the the Gospel of the Kingdom to all the nations (not the gospel of salvation, Click here to see the difference: Click here ), to help usher in the reign of Christ.
From: http://www.kingdom-gospel.com/tenet.html
Upon reflection, he does make Randy Shankle and Paul Tripp look comparatively innocent.
Well, Doma, Old Slewfoot's been trying to beat up on me for 28 years plus now and by the Grace of God, I'm still standing!
If you heard of Randy Shankle, for sure you heard of Bill Britton -- your message is identical to his!
Doma, actually if you look at the verses regarding resist, it pretains to the workings of the evil one. We are directed to be
Sober-minded- also translated as self-control. We are to be alert. We are to seek "righteous" judgement. It seems you have got a distorted understanding of what Constance and others are doing. What is done here is bringing to light the things of darkness. Particularly how darkness has spread and made its bed within the church.
Doma, let me point your same logic in your direction. You have spent concerted effort exposing the works of one Randy Shinkle, to the point of recording broadcasts. How dare you spend such time exposing a pawn of satan. Don't you know that the "strong delusion" is an act of God that won't be aswayed. DOn't you know exposing him, by your logic is going agaisnt GOd's plan.
Also, Doma, you seem mighty sure of your viewpoints. I personally am more concerned about your giving voice to false prophets like AA Allen and Dumitri Duduman. Of course my commenting that they are false prophets, simply means satan will find other pawns, like satan will find another pawn in place of randy shinkle.
Now here is where I agree. It is not healthy to have a single-minded obsession. Yet, it is certainly within Biblical confines to expose the errors and workings of the enemy. However, not to obsess about it. The danger is to take mind off of Jesus and dwell in the pit. The danger is to lose your first love. You can get so caught in the ways of the enemy that fear and obsession take over. That is a real danger.
And again, if what you think Constance and this blog is about is forming a "worldwide" resistance to hinder the antichrist, you best read some more. Rather it is bringing to light that which is in darkness.
Constance exposing these things doesn't thwart them one minute. They simply have worked to make her isolated and considered irrelevant as a "conspiracy" minded freak.
Doma, has Sharlet's book and expose extinguished any the workings of "The Family" and Douglas Coe. Nope. Not for a moment.
At any rate, lets just shut it all down, and never talk about things the enemy is doing and the deceptions being spread and by whom, cause God is in control and what will happen will happen. Lets just all go back to being asleep.
I've even recommended Ron Enroth's books on abusive churches, but Ron Enroth was clearly teamed up with the entire crowd trying to stifle my work in the early 1980s. He was present at El Toro, California when the EMNR crowd invited me "to present my proofs". Sylvia Beadleston was present in the audience, sitting next to Walter Martin, when Ron Enroth ran up to Walter Martin and said, "Tom Sine called me today. He said somebody from the Billy Graham organization called him and they want to do a national television special warning about Constance Cumbey and her book, THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW. He wants to get Hal Lindsey and several others involved." Walter Martin replied, "great, let's get on it immediately." He then patted Sylvia on the shoulder and said, "don't you think that's a good idea?" Just at that point as they were all standing, Eric Pement came up and said to Sylvia Beadleston, "Sylvia, I want to work with you and Constance, but Constance wouldn't speak to me tonight." Sylvia said, "Well, Eric, after the article you wrote, can you blame her?" Eric said, "well, I want to work with you." Sylvia said, "well, Eric, we'll pray about it." Sylvia then started to walk away and Walter Martin gasped, "who's that?" Eric Pement said, "that's Sylvia Beadleston, she's a very dear friend of Constance Cumbey."
The next morning after their attempted unsuccessful verbal lynching session, Brian Onken of CRI called to see if I wanted them to send a car over to bring me to the Saturday sessions. I said, "no, I'm having lunch with Johanna and Randy Michaelsen (Johanna was Hal Lindsey's sister-in-law.) If I decide to come, I'll have them bring me.
Over lunch, Randy Michaelsen said to Sylvia and me, "it was so nice, Ron Enroth approached me and said how bad he felt about the way Constance had been treated the night before."
Sylvia then filled him in on what she had personally witnessed with Ron Enroth the night before.
Bluntly, Ron and the others were attempting to hastily cover their posteriors after they knew that I had learned of their scheming and had friends close to Hal Lindsey.
I was up against one royal cabal -- however, now understanding the level of fundings that were coming both from Paul Temple & Co. as well as Rev. Moon, I can understand at least some share of their motivation -- all with dollar signs before them.
Doma and his friends are also into heavy "discipleship"/"shepherding" a la Bob Mumford, Dennis Peacocke, et al. They have a most interesting and confusing mixture of MSOG, "Kingdom Now," Gnosticism, Shepherding. A most dangerous cultic milieu that I would want no child of mine to go near.
Constance, the more I learn from you and from others and more I run into, the more and more aware I am of God's warning about the wheat and the tares. I think in all this there are well meaning people and there are those that are corrupted, and there are those deceived, and there are those looking after their personal kingdoms versus the kingdom of God. When I see that the roots of almost all modern evangelical efforts are teignted it saddens me. Yet, the reminder is that the Gospel is preached. The danger is folks getting caught up in that which is desstructive. If you turn to the left or the right, there are traps ahead for all.
My brother-in-law, a pastor in Brazil when visiting conversed with me about this. There are actually 2 types of tares. Ones that are readily obvious at the time. There is another more sinister tare that you do not know up until the point of the harvest. So you take the likes of the many you mention including Walter Martin, Ron Enroth, Billy Graham and so on that it really is in God's hands. Even those caught up in the family, I am sure there are many who sincerly are wheat and love God and been entangled with satans lies and schemes.
This clearly drives me to prayer for those that are touched by the webs.
All that have stood agaisnt you COnstance are not necessarily workers of the web, but rather caught up for whatever reason. This is the sense I have at the moment. These things do grieve and the confusion that abounds is clearly the work of the enemy. Satan has to be loving the fact that such questions are stirred. But each of us, let us hold fast to the truth of the Gospel and walk in surrender to Jesus and serve His kingdom, not building our own. For without Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy SPirit none of us could stand.
Yes, I was there through those years of great difficulty for Constance.
Too many individuals want to take on themselves the role of speaking for God by their personal interpretations of the Bible and then get highly offended when someone disagrees with them.
They forget that religion may define more than their relationship to God. It can also define their relationship to their fellow man, and not just members of their own community.
There are the ten commandments, the 613 commandments, the two great commandments, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. There are the cardinal virtues and the cardinal sins. I was recently reminded by Len that sins can also be divided into two groups, sins against God and sins against one's fellow man which are also sins against God.
I do like the religions that teach their followers these things so I don't have to worry about who is living next door or who I may encounter on a dark night.
As for religions that don't teach their followers these things, my guard will always be up around the followers.
BAAL- (part 1)
As an RN who once was a traveling 'in home' nurse-what a joke and dishonest mess! Home visits change none of the dynamics in the home, it is a costly program, especially in rural Amerika where drive times between homes can be 1/2 hour or more, and see maybe 6 people a day- and as typical-must find new homes to grow your parasitic bureaucratic program. These nurses who go to these homes are socialists taught in Marxist colleges-note only MA RN's need apply (and, it will never be right to forcibly rob one to give to another) The only thing that changes is with time the kids grow up and get 'educated' in the public schools. (draw your own conclusion) What they need is Jesus the Christ and Savior and that truth from the Bible, not man. (heavy on the period!) Not programs that kill desire for pennies to stay in the Fascist system, to worship at the feet the beast. (for my definition of terms go here, I am NOT JBS, but well done video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_boAGNPmNQ) Bottom line, everyone FLEE the government as all you can, yoke yourself not with it and trust no man. Be a responsible citizen and teach/require others to do the same.
Vaccines- Constance, (Jaclyn is right here) do not take them-you are an attorney, you clearly do not understand the science behind immunity vs. the big Pharma hype that 'they build immunity'-step one-immunity starts in the mouth and nose-vaccines are given in the flesh-arm-SQ route-that is a fraction of the issues regarding vaccination-this is one area you MUST research and follow the money-it is as vast as the New Age chase you are on- but a lie and dangerous-don't take 'vaccines'. Look at how they are MADE-they cannot make a pure serum, that means strands of other disease are also in the bottle....just hints- you go find it. Tips-look at Goals 2000, look at Revelation and the numbers who die from plagues-these come FROM man for the cull of civilization- look at Bill Gates and the seed Vault-no conspiracy? Look at Monsanto and gov't work there....
http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2008/04/01/the-world-according-to-monsanto-a-documentary-that-americans-wont-ever-see-full-video/ (Video,down a bit of the page-watch all of it-you will THINK you already know)
(Part 2-conclusion)
DouginMI- I have SEEN camps, taken to them by Officers on the Army base (not all are on bases) showing me the 'training facility' where the troops train vs. where the new, very much real and razor wired ones are-totally different 'stalach13' stuff compared, also saw online now job openings in the Nat'l guard to be a internment specialist see here: http://www.ihispano.com/job/employer/481986/view/detail/results/army-national-guard/pensacolapanama-city/florida&nosearch=0?from=SimplyHired&utm_source=SimplyHired&utm_medium=jobboard&utm_campaign=SimplyHired and
look up REX 84
-they as soldiers consider them absolutely 'holding sites' and warned me the direction to go if ever caught there-it isn't a conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy of IGNORANCE. Glenn Beck (7 million contract with Faux/RupertMurdoch)is the biggest pawn to squelch the idea by first lining himself with the 'more constitutionally minded', and then one by one kill their voice to these issues- I notice he has his set of issues to destroy, Hannity his, and O'reilly his-they make it look like honest journalism, but it is well planned deception to negate all truth to the abyss.
Doma, are you pre-trib? You really need to read honestly your Bible on this topic....and find out where that doctrine came from. I like you, you use Gods word to argue not your words-thank you; but I think you need to pray and ask for understanding on some issues. You are not dangerous here, but I think we all have truth we are missing (Constance included), thereby a body that needs one another, and can help one another in these perilous times...that is not to you so much as others who infight here all the time.
I hate when this blog wants to divide from one another, patient endurance and kind correction would sure be nice. It is very hard to know each other in quickly written notes of reply, targeting often single terms and not really 'listening'.
Love and May God bless and teach you all-
The "committees" who will decide life or death for each person will be political appointees who will save Democrats and euthanize Republicans. That is assuming they do not accept bribes.
Can you imagine ACORN being given the contract to decide?
But they say it is not rationing!
Your are an RN? This is some sort of horrendous infliction of ignorance on the Medical profession. Pray Isis I am never in your hospital! I'd rather treatment from an Indian Shaman who at least understands God, rather than some nutter RN who does not believe in vaccination and obviously abhors God and fellow man by spreading nonsense bollocks.
Well stated Peacebringer...we all must remain sound in our FIRST LOVE, and one thing to remember is to check-"what is the first thing out of your mouth?" If it isn't Christ, or leading back to Christ; but things of the world, -check where your affections lie, where you spend your time and thoughts. Balance and proper tension is essential in our walk and call to endurance...finishing the race according to the RULES.
Baal-you do not understand vaccination, the varieties , nor how they are implied to work. You are deceived and I hope you will wake at some point, desiring truth. Until then you will remain angry at everyone, calling out names, that 'they' are stupid and you the enlightened one. You accuse me as Jesus was accused, yet you have not looked into what I say, to see if it may be true-to your peril sadly.
Salvation comes in NO other name (person) but Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible-tear down your false gods and damning deceptions.
There are many paths to God, including Isis.
And tell me, what makes you, simply an RN, more knowledgeable about vaccines and vaccinations than the scientists who discovered and/or invented them, the actual Doctors (not religiously deluded RNs) who administer them, or the billions of people who have not contracted Polio, or Smallpox, or who survive the flue in greater numbers, the millions of children who have not died from Whooping Cough, or measles, or Tuberculosis, because of vaccines???
Did Jesus tell you to inform people not to get vaccinated and use your "status" as an RN to lend credibility to this? If so what a hateful, ugly, small thing is Jesus.
Hi, may God's love touch you and may you be blessed.
That being said, it takes a lot of courage to espouse new age lines on an anti-new age website. There are only two destinations a path can end up. The path to destruction or the path to YHVH.
Still may you taste God's peace, love, and truth.
Methinks Baal doth protest too much. He certainly does seem to spend a lot of time here.
"I caught him, with an unseen hook and an invisible line which is long enough to let him wander to the ends of the world, and still to bring him back with a twitch upon the thread."
For the record: I've seen the term known as "latter rain" improperly written as "latter reign" -- although that would fit in well with the Manifest Sons of God (MSOG) doctrine!
'Latter rain' comes from improper exegesis of Joel 2:23 by taking it out of its proper context and distorting its meaning. Adherents refer to the Pentecost of Acts 2 (Holy Spirit outpouring/initial indwelling of Christians) as the 'former' rain and a supposed future 'latter' rain as a 'new' Pentecost.
In response to the discussion at the tail end of the Euthanasia – Mercy Killing post I referenced an article I wrote which touches on latter rain/MSOG teachings and the implications on the NAM/NWO; so, I thought it may be helpful to post it here:
The quotes by Mike Bickle, Bob Jones, Rick Joyner and Bill Johnson’s quote from Todd Bentley’s ‘commissioning’ last year are all part of this. In addition, later in the article the Papacy speaks of a ‘new Pentecost.’ It all ties together.
Sorry, wrong link above. Here's the correct one: http://tinyurl.com/nyyscc
Gospel means good news. Jesus has done many pieces of good news, salvation of the spirit is one of many.
There is no helping to usher in the reign of Christ, look all you want on my site, it does not exist.
I make no money off the gosepl, I work at a fast food restaurant.
Sorry never heard of Bill Britton.
Randy Shankle is not a pawn of satan to usher in the One World movement. He is a man of God gone astray and harms the body of Christ. The Bible specificaly tells us to mark those in the church.
I oppose shepherding, you can so here:
Dear Peacebringer,
That is precisely why I held my peace for so long. There was just too much confusion. There were well intentioned people working for SCP and CRI for the very finest of motives. There were also those there with an agenda of confusion and some who may have had their minds clouded by financial concerns.
What you are saying is that Judas was used and fulfilled the purpose of God and that God ordains evil. Not at all, but he sometimes ALLOWS it to work, knowing all things from beginning to end.
"For we know that God is light and in him is no darkness at all."
Doma is probably not pre-trib, post-trib ans he believes in an EARTHLY KINGDOM as his "gospel".
Isis may take you to a little "g" "god," but certainly not to the Lord of Hosts.
"I am the Lord, that is my name. My glory shall I not share with another neither my praise to graven images. Isaiah 42:8
For all the gods, save the God who created heaven and earth shall perish . . .
I would think you might consider being satisfied as a lump of clay eligible for salvation (real salvation, not Doma's type) rather than being a god with a small "g" who is a mere pretender to a throne.
This blog is a microcosm of the world.
There are about 195 sovereign countries on this planet. Some countries are considered Christian.
Some are considered Moslem. The thing I would point out is that there are no Christian countries where it's illegal to be Moslem. But many Moslem countries outlaw Christianity outright.
So which religion has freedom at it's core? I think the answer is obvious. True Christians, like true Christian countries, let God do the judging. True Christians believe God will prevail and that the Baal-zebubs will eventually self-destruct.
War is, I believe, almost always a CONSPIRACY by
the banksters who always profit from it, and not
really instigated by religious zealots as the continual propaganda says.
Constance Cumby is a true Christian. She has been insulted and lied about numerous times right here on her own blog. Yet she leaves the comments right up there in almost every case.
I guess she's just not afraid of the baals or the Isis's, even when they are doing everything they can to tear her down. What does that tell you, baal, you
raging idiot ?
Craig wrote: "'Latter rain' comes from improper exegesis of Joel 2:23 by taking it out of its proper context and distorting its meaning. Adherents refer to the Pentecost of Acts 2 (Holy Spirit outpouring/initial indwelling of Christians) as the 'former' rain and a supposed future 'latter' rain as a 'new' Pentecost."
Dear Craig,
The term "latter rain" is used in the Tanakh several times, the most noteworthy being in Deut 11:14, the second paragraph that follows the "Hear O Israel ---" verse. Here it is in context:
Deut 11:13 And it will be, if you hearken to My commandments that I command you this day to love the Lord, your God, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul, 14 I will give the rain of your land at its time, the early rain and the latter rain, and you will gather in your grain, your wine, and your oil. 15 And I will give grass in your field for your livestock, and you will eat and be sated. 16 Beware, lest your heart be misled, and you turn away and worship strange gods and prostrate yourselves before them. 17 And the wrath of the Lord will be kindled against you, and He will close off the heavens, and there will be no rain, and the ground will not give its produce, and you will perish quickly from upon the good land that the Lord gives you.
IMHO youi also took Joel out of proper context. It has nothing to do with Pentecost and is, in fact, related to, and a consequence of, following Deut. 11 pursuant to repentance.
Joel 2:23 And the children of Zion, rejoice and jubilate with the Lord your God, for He gave you the teacher for justification, and He brought down for you rain, the early rain and the late rain in the first month.
You misunderstand what I wrote. I merely tried to explain what latter rain proponents believe. I did not exegete the passage.
Jesus dies and goes up to Heaven. The first thing he does is look for his father, as he has never met the man before and is curious as to what he looks like, and whether or not Jesus looks like his mother or father, etc. He looks high and low but cannot find him.
He asks St. Peter "Where is my father?" But St. Peter says he doesn't know.
He asks the archangel Gabriel "Where is my father?" But Gabriel doesn't know.
He asks John the Baptist "Where is my father?" But John does not know. So he wanders Heaven, impatiently searching.
Suddenly he sees out of the mist an old man coming toward him. The man is very old, with white hair, stooped over a little. "Stop!" Jesus yells. "Who are you?"
"Oh, please help me, I am an old man in search of my son." Jesus is very curious. Could this be his father? "Tell me of your son, old man."
"Oh, you would know him if you saw him. Holes in his hand where the nails used to be, he was nailed to a cross, you know..."
"Father!!!!!" Screams Jesus.
"Pinocchio!!!!!!!" yells the old man.
Dear Craig,
I never heard of "latter-day-rain proponents." That is why I misunderstood.
I thought you were having a Christian debate about the meaning of the Jewish Bible.
Peace and blessing,
Latter Rain is an aberrant teaching within Charismatic churches. I only became aware of it a year ago through a woman I met at a singles group at a church here in San Antonio. She was very fervent in her beliefs; but, something did not seem right. The more I learned about her beliefs, the more I could see the error. After researching this in the 'net I recognized it as part of the New Age Movement having read Constance's first book.
If you'll take a look at this link:
you'll get an idea.
The quotes by Mike Bickle, Bob Jones, Rick Joyner and Bill Johnson’s quote from Todd Bentley’s ‘commissioning’ last year are all part of this. In addition, later in the article the Papacy speaks of a ‘new Pentecost.’ It all ties together.
Constance - FYI:
Tonight, I watched a repeat of HBO's "Real Time With Bill Maher." As one of his guests, he had Jeff Sharlet - who wrote the book, "The Family" (which you have written about extensively).
Jeff identified "The Family" as a secret fundamentalist organization, also known as the "Christian Mafia" - a 70 year old organization, made up of mostly Republicans (which has, in recent years, become bi-partisan.)
He mentioned the following:
- Doug Coe - leader of this "C Street gang"
- how Jeff Sharlet had gone undercover, infiltrating the organization while living in one of their houses, called "Ivanwald"
- how normal rules do not apply for "the chosen ones"
- how the group is lobbying for mega churches on military bases across the country (e.g. Fort Campbell in Kentucky & Fort Hood in Texas)
- two of its members, Senator John Ensign (Nevada) and Governor Mark Sanford (South Carolina) and their recent scandals.
Although these subjects were only touched on briefly, Bill Maher ended the interview by complimenting Jeff Sharlet as "the only journalist going after this."
Evidently, Jeff Sharlet went undercover back in 2002 and his book, which was originally published in 2008, is now out in paperback and is rated No. 5 on Amazon.
It is encouraging that the recent scandals, from two of their members, have called national attention to - and blown the lid off - their "invisible" organization through programs like NPR, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, and HBO's Bill Maher. Although I realize that having Jeff Sharlet as a guest, only furthers Bill Maher's anti-Christian agenda.
Of course, "The Family" is less about "fundamentalism" and all about true power and influence (done in secrecy behind the scenes) in Washington, D.C.
Anon RN-I too made home visits but in poor urban settings. I am a BS RN with a specialty in communicable diseases. Your diatribe against vaccines belies the truth. Vaccine save lives and stop deadly outbreaks.When you have watched vaccine-preventable diseases kill, especially when its a child, as I have, your perspective might change. Baal- There is no vaccine effective for TB, smallpox was erradicated from the planet by 1979, and flue (spelled flu) is more correctly described as influenza. For someone denigrating the ostensible education of commentors here, you might more carefully attend to your own fact checking, as well as your grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation and capitalization. After all, you're supposedly a teacher.
Jeff Sharlet is aware of my work and we have communicated. I'll get him on my radio program soon.
To the RN, BS
Thanks for your contribution. While from time to time there have been problems with vaccines, I agree that I would not want to go back to a time when we did not have them. Smallpox used to be a scourge. Vaccines ended much of that. Polio crippled and killed many children when I was small. The vaccines helped on that front. I had measles, whooping cough, and chicken pox as a child. Somehow I escaped mumps even though all my younger siblings had it. Chicken pox as a child renders an adult much more vulnerable to painful shingles. While flu vaccines have not ended all painful and/or deadly flu virus infections, they have IMHO abated many.
It never is stated that Judas was ordained to do his evil, that I know of. Its a heavy subject. But as you said, God allowed it. And it was pre-kwown. Did Judas have free will, I think yes he did.
You see we are to mark those in the church who have gone astray, to protect the sheep. To give warning, and hopefully help those who are astray.
And we should make note of those organizations that are used by satan to directly influence his coming rule. But no where in scripture do you see the unfolding and the unveiling of such ahead of time to expose the secrets. The close as you get is Ezek 8. God revealed these ancient families to Ezekiel that they were doing secret things in secret. But Ezekiel didn't uncover them nor expose them. God said He would judge them.
God told Jerimiah before Babylon came to conquer Israel that they were coming. Here they were explicit, do not try and stop it from happening, otherwise you would be imprisoned or killed.
Some people don't understand why God allows satan to exist at all. he did us a favour and put a bunch of them in prison, but God is a fair God, and allows even evil to have it's place, and even has a plan to use evil for His good.
Now we can oppose evil, and cast out devils and such. But your not gonna cast out the demons from the anti-christ, the false prophet, or even christians who want a demon in them.
Now its one thing for satan to use the MSOG to help build the One World Religion, but its another that he may use, say the Masons to build the political empire of teh One World Order.
You see what many fail to see is satan and the anti-christ actually hate the One World religion. But they will use it to gain power and then destroy it. Read here:
So its quite okay to uncover the schemes of ecunemlism, because you won't be marked by demons, only by silly men in funny hats. Their plan will be short lived and despised by satan.
But no where is there scriptual referenece to expose the Judas's the anti-christ's, to cast demons out of them, to expose Babylon from obtaining rule. Sue we can oppose their desires. We can oppose abortion, cast demons out of normal citizens, speak against drug abuse and so on. But those hidden secrets need to remain hidden.
I have no ojection to say publicly Babylon is evil. You yourself state the elite in the New Age admit evil is the path to freedom. While they may not want to admit it publicly, they admit it.
Getting in their secrets is not Biblical. Warning people that they are evil is okay. There is a fine line, but there is a line. You can see that line when you read about jeremiah and Babylon. Did Jeremiah have any problem saying babylon was evil? Nope. Did he mind if other folks said it? Nope. But one other prophet stood up and stated that babylon's rule would last like only 1 year. That prophet was killed. he tried to minimize Babylon's rule. Those who openly opposed Babylon were killed or imprisoned.
The Bible is our example Constance. Uncovering the schemes of satan's pawns for the end time maneuvers, is not Biblical. Even uncovering the Old Testament schemes of the demons is not Biblical. I myself have probably crossed the line when I discuss why those demons were imprisoned before their judgment, for the crimes they did in Genesis. Those are secrets to be remain secrets. It is not for man to know, until judgment comes.
People email me when they find my page on the subject, and I refuse to discuss it because I know its futile. It brings glory to satan, and does not help anyone. And a lot of information I give is speculative. I can put alot of it together, and you can too, because we're smart. But I can tell you right now intelligence can get in the way of the spirit. Inteligence is a gift, but it must remain in submission to the spirit. Thus I don't write pages about my brains, cause that's foolish and unprofitable.
C'mon Constance, I know you love God. You gotta feel the yuck in your spirit about how your own actions and feelings are coming out about how you are handling me. Your pride doesn't like me.
I believe in you. You have something more you can offer God. Deny yourself and step up.
(sigh) You folks and your wrong judgments on my teachings.
I am pre-trib. In fact I believe in a partial pre-trib, and while there are some others out there that believe in a partial pre-trib, theirs is based on works, mine is on grace.
No I do not believe in an earthly kingdom to be ushered in by man, the church, apostles, or any latter day rain.
I do believe Christ Himself will rule for a 1000 years just as the Bible states.
I do not spiritualize who Christ is. He is not a movement or force to be manifested. He is not a group of people, He is God and man.
He will come literaly as the Bible states. I take the Bible literaly.
"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition." Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727
Newton prophesied this very debate. He said there would be 2 groups of people:
1. a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation
2. the midst of much clamor and opposition
So which of these 2 groups, which do exist, do you tend to be? Remember he prophesied these 2 groups hundreds of years ago! Newton was a scientist who studied prophecy. He knew that the truth of the end times would continue to unfold the closer we got to the real deal. But this truth is not upon prophecy alone but is on ALL scripture.
I am folllowing these discussions and topics on my new blog, where I go in more detail:
For example I discuss the arguement should I uncover bad christian organizations if I state we shouldn't uncover satan's pawns.
How Jesus will return - in His own words:
"For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works." (MATTHEW 16:27)
He is not coming as a babe in a manger again - this time He is coming with all the glory of God as a KING and a JUDGE
You too could be a gaurd at an interment camp -
The thing about idols
Eyes have they,but they can't see. They have ears but they can't hear. They have a mouth but they can't speak. They have legs and feet but they can't walk or even stand up. They have hands and arms but they cant hold anything or build anything or embrace anything or write anything.
So if an idol, such as baal or astart or moloch, which is made by men's hands out of stone or wood, or even gold, is deaf, dumb and blind, what does that make a person who worships an idol ?
Why would credible researchers like Lee Penn and Carrie Tomko publish articles with SCP? Mr. Penn seems to have a long association with the group.
Is it possible he remains unaware of what you have desribed above?
You entirely missed the point. I stated clearly that the likes of Shankle are in essence part of the "strong delusion" that is coming. You go on to talk about folks being marked by demons or marked for imprisonment and pain. Um, we are Christians, and we are marked. It is the way of things.
God puts it on each of our hearts what to expose and what to talk about.
You reference the things that are secret should remain secret. So given that view point, the evil and pain done via MK Ultra, should remain hidden.
Also you really have not made it clear regarding the works of the enemy infiltrating and twisting the church. Again this is the strong delusion.
Doma, you complain about people not understanding your views or distorting it. Honestly I read your posts and really have no clue. For example you say here you are all about grace but yet you talk about the Gospel and something beyond a Gospel tied to what you do. You present one idea and then twist it with another. There is a lack of consistency and clarity in what you write.
Clearly you have a frame of reference and idea that shapes your view of things.
For example, take your posts here. I initially found agreement with things you said, by not focusing excessively on the conspiracies and getting bogged down and keeping eye on Jesus. Yet, your view moves beyond that to a skewed perspective of not talking about the things in the world. This is not a matter of the prophetic where God reveals something he doesn't want brought forth directly. The prophets all saw more then they were free to share. Much of what they did see, put forth symbolically so that it is veiled and only known as plays out.
Yet, you suggest that folks attending to what is going on now, and letting folks be informed are somehow exposing "pawns" and should be silenced. Personally my life and walk with God is deepened with the awareness of current events. Things going on in the past year served to give me a wake up call. God has woken me from slumber. This is one purpose the folks here serve.
The stuff posted here really serves the same purpose of your exposing SHankle. And we are already marked by demons. I encourage you Doma to take a greater look at the things you hold to, because as indicated you promote the writings of two false prophets at a minimum, and that is not even getting into your inconcise and distorted teachings.
and ouch on quoting Newton who was into mysticism and kabbalah.
Constance and all,
Last night I got a call from my son, Troy, who had just seized a last minute opportunity to attend a speaking session with Leonard Sweet. Before I go further, let me explain that Troy has read portions of Constance's books (He would have read all of them if I had let them out of my sight! Now he can read them free on line.) Leonard Sweet, speaker, author and “futurist”, is a leading proponent of Emerging Christianity.
He was very well aware of Sweet and his leanings. We discussed Sweet and I sent him excerpts from Warren Smith's new book "Wonderful Deception" via Lighthouse Trails site, and by virtue of that book, Constance's quotes from David Spangler.
So Troy got a crash course before attending the meeting. He just called me and gave me a rundown of his notes. He said that at one point Sweet referenced "Christ" and said (Troy's account of Sweet) "I personally believe that Christ is in the world today."
Troy said no one in that room batted an eye, but the comment gave him cold chills, understanding fully the veiled reference to Maitreya.
Troy also said that the premise of Sweet's lecture was contrasting a "Gutenberg world" with a "Google world". The mark of delineation being the invention of the cell phone in 1973. (It made me think of Blavatsky’s secrecy pledge, albeit 1975.) He couched many terms in computerese.
Constance, I was trying to find where you talk about using computer terms to describe spiritual issues. I couldn’t find it in your books. Is it somewhere here on one of your blogs?
The scent of sulphur just gets stronger every day!
It's a good thing your son was informed and alert!
If readers here did not catch the recent Herescope post on the convergence of the Emerging Church with the New Age I highly recommend checking it out:
On a tangent: I caught Word of Faith-er Jesse Duplantis the other night on our local TBN station. He quoted from 1 Timothy 2:3-4 using the kjv:
3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
Duplantis said this wasn't "just a promise, but a prophecy." I kept waiting for him to clarify this; but, no, he kept on insisting that all will be saved. Incredible!
I do believe he purposely used the kjv rather than any other Bible version to help substantiate his 'all will be saved' stance.
For those not aware, the Word of Faith crowd teaches that 'believers' can use the 'force of faith' to speak things into being. Conversely, just speaking something 'negative' such as "I feel sick" will cause you to actually be sick. This is nothing short of witchcraft.
Ecumenism, ecumeniicsm and ecumenicalism are all proper usage.
OK, so I put an extra 'i' in ecumenicism...
Trying to make my point in this little space is hard. It makes it even more hard when we live in instant societies. I suggest reading my posts on my blog for more indepth understanding:
The Bible is clear we are to expose those in the church who are dangerous. Though I don't think we need to dissect bad doctrines too much. A little is fine.
But the Bible is also tells us the God uses evil governments to take over when judgment is about to fall. (Babylon) But God specificly spoke thru Jeremiah to tell Israel to not oppose Babylon.
When I mean oppose, I am talking resisting their authority and power, not agreeing with their sin. Contsance is opposing the conspiracies to bring about Babylon.
Its all nice words to say christians are supposed to be persecuted, but not when God says don't do what it is that causes that particular persecution.
As for Newton or anyone besides Jesus, do you know anyone who has had perfect doctrine? newto himself said that last day prophecies will be more revealing the closer we get to them, so he knew he was in darkness.
C.S Lewis, a great author for christendom, smoked a pipe and went to bars.
The quote I gave from Newton is 100% true, is it not?
Question for you "Doma" -
What are YOU smoking???
Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance
DOma, my comment about your lack of concise clarity pertains to your blog and websites. It is a convoluted mess. Your endtimes blog is just a repeat of what you posted here.
You keep accusing Constance of standing in the way of Bablylon. How is she doing that, by giving voice to things that exist. Pointing out how the new age is infiltrating the church? If we talk about what is ahead, it is to warn others and awaken. It is to draw others into truth. Please deleniate how anything Constance has written or been commented here is promoting "direct" resistance?
Now you are justying yourself by saying, eh, we all get things wrong and do bad things. CS Lewis did far worse then smoke, fyi. But it is irrelevant. My point Doma, is that you are not clear and concise in what you believe and advocate. You say things that sound good, yet if keep reading you find the twist such as being saved and whatever you really believe is the other level of entering Kingdom of God which has crossed into a line of heresy.
And Doma, the fact that you stirred me to confront you so directly and God has put it on my heart to confront you directly probably comes to a shock from those who have read my posts on this board. THe reason being is because the fact that you present one way and then when look deeper there is something else there all together.
So Doma please clarify what of COnstance comments are "resisting" the oncoming antichrist.
Talking about the hijacking of evangelialism. Sure Doug Coe, Paul N. Temple and the rest need to just go about there business, cause what they are doing is part of what God is laying ahead, parts of strong delusion and babylon and all. Same with the NAR crowd.
Pointing out the way Unification church has got hands on things...
talking about Gold lack and the new age getting it's hands inside the church, sure that is talking about things that shouldn't be talked about.
Perhap your more concerned about the following of the EU and the machinations of one Javier SOlona. IF JS is antichrist of a false john the baptist is irrelevant.
Oh purpose it is folks drawing attention to benjamin creme's claims and the ties to UFO's they proport. Surely we mustn't talk about that since talking about it is bringing things in darkness to light.
Seriously Doma, you have an issue. Now I grant you some of the stuff can easily distract one from keeping their eyes on Jesus. And one should not spend much time reading or viewing the garbage put out. But making the church aware of the things at large being resitant? SEriously get a clue Doma.
Here is a major thing Doma. Clearly you exhibit a distinct lack of discernment outside of not being confusing in your website communications. As stated, you have posted and ascribed to the workings of false prophets.
And yes, as we closer and closer what prophecy means is made clear. Yet, according to you, talking about these "what ifs" is resisting what God has set forth and not to ben engaged in, because you cannot resist Babylon.
Let me ask you this, is it okay to expose the witchcraft seeping into the church, but need to keep mouths shut about what goes on in the world? SEriously.
I think I have likely gotten a tad repetitive and have rambled a bit so going to stop this post. Just confounded.
Oh and Doma, on your websites you certainly engage in much that is "speculative" and could be consider talking about things that God set in motion that you cannot stand against, including UFO's, ghosts, and so on. Really is astonishing. Perhaps I gather that you want to set Constance off to the side as a "conspirasist" for having tracked the doings of Paul Temple or even referencing Theosopy. Cause talking about it is resisting...(sigh)
To my utter dismay,I have found some disturbing current connections between the Point Loma Theosophical Society and the Church of the Nazarene.
My grandmother was a Church of the Nazarene Sunday School teacher for 50 years.
Constance, remember there is a seperation between deceivers and those they are influencing. Just because Catholicism has distorted and heretical doctrine, doesn't mean all Catholics are doomed. (No offense to Catholics on sight).
Again, we have the wheat and tares as well as the judgements in the 7 letters. If your grand-mother influenced your walk with Jesus, clearly it is evident.
Yes, evidently Pt Loma was this woman's home:
It's funny how they almost seem proud of this heritage. I just learned something else new. The Spalding family of Spalding baseballs was in the Theosophical Society:
Craig said,
"For those not aware, the Word of Faith crowd teaches that 'believers' can use the 'force of faith' to speak things into being. Conversely, just speaking something 'negative' such as "I feel sick" will cause you to actually be sick. This is nothing short of witchcraft."
First, I don’t want to get into a big long drawn out debate on this subject.
Second, I don’t deny there are those under this umbrella that are in Scriptural error.
But I know personally those involved with the Word of Faith and find many of them on solid Scriptural ground as they stand on the promises of God and claim them as their own through prayer which is speaking them forth in faith to the Father.
His Word does not return void so we can stand confidently upon it. It's all contingent on His Word, even though some will be misguided through fleshly desires and incorrect teaching.
Finding a man who is perfect having pure lips is indeed rare [James 3:2].
Most often our words are idol, pretentious and often succumb to the spirit of this world which is filled with death-talk [I’m afraid so; it tickled me to death; I died laughing; you kill me; it’s to die for; I can’t believe that; etc…] and most believers haven’t a clue that this mixture is producing zero power in their lives.
Pro 18:21 Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! So is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature;
Rom 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh…
But what does it say? The word is near you, [even] in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the Word of Faith, which we preach;
Rom 10:8
In order for you to have obtained salvation of God for yourselves you even had to…
…confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God had raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. Rom 10:9
Nothings changed we still need to confess His Word.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for;
Without Faith it is impossible to please God;
Faith’s root even means to “persuade” add the Holy Spirit’s life and the Word and you have a “force” that I would scarcely call “witchcraft”.
God has not left us defenseless He has given us the “shield of Faith” and the “sword of the Spirit”.
Mark 11:22-24 says we can move mountains…
Regarding the extreme apostasy of Church of the Nazarene educator Dr. Dwayne Little of Point Loma University and WEEP -- I did!
the clarification, once again, is the conspiracies involved in the groups and indiviuals whom Constance is uncovering. These conspiracies should remain hidden.
Uncovering them, neutralizes their potential to get Babylon rolling. Which we can't stop. satan will just use other pawns, or these pawns will simply duck, dodge, and later immobilize those who opposed them.
How more clear do you need me to be on that?
Secrets of demons and their pawns need to remain secrets.
yeah it is a very hard line to swallow, folks don't wanna believe there are levels in heaven. I was told you cannot use the following scripture as doctrine:
Luke 14: NKJV
34 "Salt is good; but if the salt has lost its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?
35 It is neither fit for the land nor for the dunghill, but men throw it out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
They are not fit for the land which is the Kingdom, nor are they fit for the dunghill which is Hell or the Lake of Fire, so they are cast out. Out where?
Normal christianity has no answer for that.
Or this one:
Mt:16:28: Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
How did some of those disciples not yet taste death?
Or this:
Rev 22: NKJV
2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Why do these nations need healing after they have resserected bodies?
It's not heresy, its answering Biblical questions, most christians haven't even considered.
And you are chasing rabbits here, the point is moot. It has nothing to do with what Constance is doing. And labeling falsely as a MSOG does not change any arguements.
I apologize, 99% of the names and organizations listed I have no idea who they are.
The One World Religion, is hated by the anti-christ, and you can uncover that all you want.
They may persecute christians, but they aren't gonna rule over them.
You may uncover church error, you may uncover the One World Religion, but you cannot uncover Babylon's political secret agendas and machines.
Is that clear enough? As for why, I already said. the Bible states mark those in the church with error, but do not oppose Babylon.
Let me give another Biblical example, don't remember where, but 1 prophet would get prophecies about the king or kings enemies to Israel, and the prophet would then tell the leaders of Israel so they could counter act it.
the enemy nations, thought they had a spy in their midst because the information was hindering their conquest.
Here, God had not judged Israel, and thus Babylon or whomever was attacking was not set to conquer. And thus it was okay to uncover those political machines. But not when babylon was set to conquer Israel.
Now one could say that these folks Constance is uncovering are not set to overcome us. I know one such pastor, and many others who believe that judgment hasn't fallen. But Constance believes that these workiungs are for the build up of Babylon and the end time events. So she is not ignorant of this coming authority, nor is she denying it.
My pastor friend is closed to any such discussion. he is actively involved in politics and trying to force christian ethics. I can't preach this to him, because he doesn't believe in the coming judgment, Constance does.
As for my page on UFO's, I have already confessed that I probably said too much. I leave it up, as I similarly told Constance in email, because I don't want folks who oppose what I do, to hold it over my head.
So instead of covering my errors, I correct them.
A perfect example is my revelation on the iron and clay here:
I originaly considered that demons may have large amounts of end time UFO dealings to be what the clay and iron was talking about. But now I know that is not true.
UFO's are real distractions by demons, but are no big threat or conspiracy. Nor are they the meaning of the iron and clay.
Regarding Loma and Nazarenes:
someone exposed that a few years ago. It was either by Barb Aho or Vicky Dillen.
Ephesians - chapter 5 -
Ephesians 5 (King James Version)
Ephesians 5
1Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
2And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
3But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
4Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
5For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
6Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
7Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
8For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
9(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
10Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
12For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
13But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
14Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
15See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
18And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
33Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
We are to expose the things of darkenss - it is clearly stated.
Doma, so you admit then you put your speculation on select passages of scripture.
Clearly you have taken your own perception of scripture and broadly applied it.
Again, you make a comment about being mislabeled. Easy to do when you use similar lanague and are unclear in your communication.
Stating that you have not heard of 99% of what is mentioned means you really have not even attended to site content. Rather you came here with an agenda and mindset to speak against what God is doing here. This is sounding an alarm so that those may not be taken unawares. Do some have an unhealthy obsession with what could be conspiracies, probably. Yet, that does not take away from the job being done.
You keep on saying that exposing "bablylon" would thwart the purposes and intent.
I have stated quite clearly that part of "Babylon" is the strong delusion that will lead to a falling away. And this is the heart of the matter. Exposing the darkness so that others may not be deceived. NOthing said or done here thwarts Babylon. Doen't shorten it. Constance has paid a price for speaking truth and exposing the deeds of darkness.
Doma, it is primarily about what is going on in church and there is some attending to wider world and watching what is going on and informing others so they are aware.
My being aware of Javier Solona and machinations in Europe only serve as reason for me to stay awake and be right before God.
I am not going to engage you Doma in theological debate over your speculative imaginations or ways you have added to the Gospel. I have called out your lack of discernment and attending to false prophets, and so that speaks for itself.
I will argue that what goes on here serves the purpose to help others be sober minded, ALERT, and to STAND FIRM.
anony 7:25
anony 7:25
What reason for quoting a whole chapter of Scripture?
There are many different points here and I am not understanding what you are trying to say or to whom are you speaking?
peacebringer7 said to
anony 7:25
Can you explain the video you endorse on your blog peacebringer entitled "Melisa & Ade" contempory as Christian-ly moral?
Your response to this video is remarkable..."In praying about what to say and how to respond to this video, my mind goes several different directions. This certainly has triggered thoughts about why suffering exists and the struggles in this world.
Questions exists as to why God heals some people and why others move to the healing of death.
Questions exist about how to reach out to those in the midst of struggle. Yet, none of that seemed to be an appropriate fit for the power of the message communicated in that dance."
Something is NOT right here!
Here's the quote about Dr. Little from Pt Loma:
"Dr. Littlebelieved many of the spiritual, material, and political values of the Theosophists were compatible withNazarene-Wesleyan values. Dr. Little promoted not only historic preservation but also new use ofTheosophical architectural elements such as flattened arches, open-air curved stairways, and skylights.Remaining buildings were restored with an eye toward continued educational use. The Spalding house,designed with geometry in the naturalist/moralist tradition of Orson Fowler’s popular The Octagon House:A Home for All, was beautifully restored inside and out. In 1983, Dr. Little spent the summer in a localgarage working with others to re-create the globe-skylight which now stands above the Spaldinghouse/Mieras Hall. What is now called Point Loma Nazarene University continues many of the best ofPoint Loma Theosophist traditions: education with a spiritual bent and emphasis on ancient religiouswisdom; promotion of fine arts and theater in the San Diego region; a deep appreciation for creation andCreator; and encouragement of social and political progress.The Raja Yoga Academy
Page 7
R. KennedyLomaland Walking Tour7 1902 North HouseCamp KarnakGreek TheaterHome of Tingley & International Office 1909One remaining “Lotus House.”Multipurpose “Industrial Building,” heavily remodeled as Culbertson Hall. The circle-in-squaretruss design is saved in the interior. Pictured is a 1908 women’s crafts fair.Casa Rosa 1902Spaulding House 1901
Page 8
R. KennedyLomaland Walking Tour8 Stairways to HeavenTingley House and International Office built in1909 with central staircase climbing to a skylight.Library SkylightLotus House moved to be part of nearby houseHistoric Images used were collected by Profs. Dwayne Little and Diana Reynolds with the permission of theTheosophical Society. See http://www.pointloma.edu/HistoryPoliticalScience.htm. Modern images R. Kennedy"
from this link:
Not sure what the common elements between Theosophy and Nazarene Wesleyan values are but, it's quite interesting to say the least. Nothing subtile here about how these Luciferian doctrines have been promoted.
Another interesting character in the Theosophical society:
Here's some chronology of Theosophy:
I just want to point out that the Professor of History who restored the Theosophical buildings on Pt Loma campus who thinks that Theosophy has similarities to Wesleyan doctrine probably didn't read this:
Either that or he was aware of this and is one of the infiltrators.
Just a word of caution when looking at this garbage, don't go deeply into it. It's sufficient to see the history and have an idea where these folks are coming from without filling our minds with spiritual darkness. It's much better to fill your mind with the truth of the Scriptures..It's too easy to get fascinated with darkness. Being an expert in darkness will not save anyone, or grow anyone spiritual. Being aware of its existence is probably wise, but being an expert in the Ancient Mystery Religions will not add one hair to your head and could seduce people who have spiritual doors open to this sort of thing ..my humble opinion.
I think we all have a recent example of this. Don't be fooled by people who throw around the name "Jesus Christ" because the road is narrow, and wide is the path that leads to destruction, and Yeshua Himself said that "many would come in My Name".
More info on Pt Loma:
What is most incredible is the way this dark occult history is glorified. It's as though the content of these architectural things is spiritually neutral. This highlights on the one hand, how many Americans are oblivious to spiritual darkness, and on the other hand, how easy it is to infiltrate because American Christians in many ways have set aside the Torah.
Deut. 7:1-6“aWhen the LORD your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, bseven nations greater and stronger than you, and when the LORD your God delivers them before you and you 1defeat them, athen you shall 2utterly destroy them. bYou shall make no covenant with them cand show no favor to them. “Furthermore, ayou shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your 1daughters to 2their sons, nor shall you take 3their daughters for your 4sons. “For they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods; then the anger of the LORD will be kindled against you and aHe will quickly destroy you. “But thus you shall do to them: you shall tear down their altars, and smash their sacred pillars, and hew down their Asherim, and burn their graven images with fire. “For you are aa holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be ba people for His 1own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Granted, we are not talking about the Land of Israel, so I don't want to distort the context of the passage, but there are spiritual principles that Torah teaches us to safeguard and protect us from spiritual harlotry. It's about being a holy people, set apart, and not mixing with the nations gods, who are pagan gods. God is teaching us about His holiness and His jealousy.
anony 7:25 the article essentially was about the power of communication by dance. It took the so you think you can dance video that was a video that points to the struggle of breast cancer survivors and then couples it with the "Everything" video, which if you viewed that you would get the point. On my blog I at times take things that are in the culture and use it to make a point regarding the Gospel.
As to my comment. Basically indicating in terms of how to use the video as a conversation point. There will be at some point further discussion on the nature of suffering. Yet, didn't feel that was what I was led to do, and rather felt led to pair it with the "Everything" drama/dance. All to point others to Jesus. It took me a while to refind the "everything" material even.
If you were offended by it, not the intent.
Oh and annony 8:21 there is on my to do list article really breaking down the way television and culture is used to promote the world system and the occultic versus Christian principles. Now I may have to go back and look at the post to see if I can improve the words I use to get the point across better.
anony 7:25 the article essentially was about the power of communication by dance. It took the so you think you can dance video that was a video that points to the struggle of breast cancer survivors and then couples it with the "Everything" video, which if you viewed that you would get the point. On my blog I at times take things that are in the culture and use it to make a point regarding the Gospel.
As to my comment. Basically indicating in terms of how to use the video as a conversation point. There will be at some point further discussion on the nature of suffering. Yet, didn't feel that was what I was led to do, and rather felt led to pair it with the "Everything" drama/dance. All to point others to Jesus. It took me a while to refind the "everything" material even.
If you were offended by it, not the intent.
And this is the sloppy work of a guy who claims Catholicism contains heretical teachings?
Doma and peacebringer, making it up as they go along....
Too funny!!
Am I the only reader here who things Doma sounds a LOT like another master of confusion, "Bobby Garner?"
Here is how I ended that post:
"Both performances are powerful means and show the importance of the use of creative measure to communicate the message. One performance about the struggle with breast cancer. The other performance the temptations of life and answer found in Jesus. Words cannot express either fully. I hope both make you stop and think and ultimately grasp the intended connection that the suffering and the battles in life are also part of "everything." God is there in the suffering, turn not to the suffering but to Jesus. In Jesus there is healing and victory even if your suffering brings the end of this life."
Hope I clarified things for you Anony and hope you can understand the intent of the post.
Any other comments and questions let me know and I don't not approve comments that criticize on my blog or forum even.
Anony 12:45
So you just looking for something to "attack" because I made a comment about Catholicism. Yes, I consider teachings within that "adding" to the Gospel and beyond doctrinal differences. I have family in Brazil and know all to well the barriers presented to the Gospel. Now, certainly given I self-edit my thought process can come off as sloppy, but really don't see the point. Feel free to indicate how I make things up. Sorry if I offended you with my comments regarding Catholicism and use of the word heretical. My intent is not to "attack". My strong words toward Doma were rather unusual for me, but there were things that needed to be said. May you be blessed and may God's love touch your heart.
Oh and FYI, I have an uncle that is catholic, I have had catholic roommates, so I know full well that there are people in that church system, or in word of faith or elsewhere that follow Jesus and not the errors around them. And that my friend was my point.
Anony 12:45
So you just looking for something to "attack" because I made a comment about Catholicism. Yes, I consider teachings within that "adding" to the Gospel and beyond doctrinal differences. I have family in Brazil and know all to well the barriers presented to the Gospel. Now, certainly given I self-edit my thought process can come off as sloppy, but really don't see the point. Feel free to indicate how I make things up. Sorry if I offended you with my comments regarding Catholicism and use of the word heretical. My intent is not to "attack". My strong words toward Doma were rather unusual for me, but there were things that needed to be said. May you be blessed and may God's love touch your heart.
Oh and FYI, I have an uncle that is catholic, I have had catholic roommates, so I know full well that there are people in that church system, or in word of faith or elsewhere that follow Jesus and not the errors around them. And that my friend was my point.
Oh and FYI, sometimes when posting in blogs or forums when I don't read over and edit what I post I have odd errors that make communication unclear, and can certainly make me come across as "sloppy." Those errors are not intended and usually something I thought I had written but ended up not, I call them "brain skips." It was always fun to get papers back in school with missing thought content or incomplete sentences. LOL
Oh and Constance I apologize,
my attempting to make a point and using "Catholicism" as an example ended up apparently with folks looking for something to attack me with, and the use of the Breast Cancer dance as a lead in to pointing folks to the "Everything" dance/drama was "enough" to find something to "attack" me with.
To the Catholics on the board, I apologize if offended. The point was about there are those that teach untruths and those that do not.
It might be worth some folks time to read this article that was post Lakeland but fits to any deceivers: http://peacebringer7.wordpress.com/2008/08/19/lakeland-aftermath-an-analysis-of-observed-responses/
Those looking for things to find fault, sure you can probably find many more. May God bless you and may His love touch your heart.
How about sticking to the topic of the New Age movement and taking your anti-Catholic propoganda over to websites designed specifically for people of your particular religious persuasion (Berean Call, FP, Rapture Ready, there are so many of them).
Sorry if this offends you, but it's the truth.
Anony 1:07
You don't know me. I am not engaging in anti-catholic propoganda. The comment made was to make a point. Note, I have not made one comment about what I would have issue with in Catholic church. I have had meaningful discussions with folks on the matter. And not my intent to go into that. Again, sorry for using that as an "example" it was an error to do so. Insert the NAR heresy instead. May God bless you and may His peace touch your heart.
To: peacebringer7(12:58 PM):
"Oh and FYI, sometimes when posting in blogs or forums when I don't read over and edit what I post I have odd errors that make communication unclear, and can certainly make me come across as 'sloppy.' Those errors are not intended and usually something I thought I had written but ended up not, I call them 'brain skips.' It was always fun to get papers back in school with missing thought content or incomplete sentences. LOL"
This is a serious forum. In the future, I suggest that you take the time to proofread and edit your posts to keep from posting "sloppy brain slips" if you want to establish credibiity on this blog.
"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness BUT RATHER EXPOSE THEM.
Anyone here want to volunteer to uncover and expose DOMA?
Annony (2:04) Ultimately any "credibility" is not going to based on "ocassional" brain slips or "sloppy self-editing" but on the overall content and tone of my posts. So, generally I do try and attend to what I write, but mistakes happen. It should have no "impact" on the "credibiity."
Thanks for your concern, may God bless you.
Anonymous 11:47PM 08/03/09:
…I know personally those involved with the Word of Faith and find many of them on solid Scriptural ground as they stand on the promises of God and claim them as their own through prayer which is speaking them forth in faith to the Father.
One does not have to belong to a WoF church to stand on these promises. However, many in this camp DEMAND God respond as if He HAS to. That would be gross error. And, I’ve personally witnessed this.
Faith’s root even means to “persuade” add the Holy Spirit’s life and the Word and you have a “force” that I would scarcely call “witchcraft”.
Perhaps you are unaware with the root of the WoF’s belief system. They believe that God used the ‘force of faith’ in the creation account when he spoke things into existence. That is obvious error. And, it's witchcraft.
They go further and believe that ‘believers’ can use this same ‘force of faith’ to speak things into being. Taking this to its logical conclusion this would put WoF-ers on par with God. This is why Kenneth Hagin, the Copelands, Benny Hinn, etc. have been oft-quoted as saying “I am a god.” Pure heresy.
And, this is ‘on topic’ as this is part and parcel to the New Age belief that we are ‘gods.’
I found the Barbara Aho article last night. I found the links on Dwayne Little yesterday morning. important information. Does anybody know how I can contact her (Barb AhoI) to speak to a live voice? I have tried to track her down for the past several years. I have spoken in the past to Vicky Dillen.
The book of Daniel says that "in those days, those who do know their God shall be strong and do exploits."
It also says that "those with insight shall give understanding to the many."
I think this trumps DOMA's anti-Christ helping theologies!
Hi Robert,
I am somewhat snowed under right now, but just now read some of your more detailed comments that will take me more time to analyze and respond to than I currently have, but I will get back to you.
To all,
Any one of us can have "BRAIN SLIPS" . I, for one, would hate to see people inhibited from posting by waiting until they have achieved perfection, a form of writer's block that has inhibited yours truly far too often. If you make an obvious mistake, feel free to correct it in your next comment post. BUT, I agree that this is a 'serious forum.' And to keep our collective sanities, humor is admissible!
Barb Aho
By Dr. Mercola
According to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, your children should be the first target for mass swine flu vaccinations when school starts this fall.[i]
This is a ridiculous assumption for many reasons, not to mention extremely high risk.
“Cure the Disease, Kill the Patient”
If children are the first target group in the U.S. per Sebelius, that means we’re about to inject around 75 million children with a fast tracked vaccine containing novel adjuvants, including dangerous squalene, to prevent perhaps 100 deaths.
I’m not overlooking the tragedy of the loss of even one child to an illness like the H1N1 flu virus. But there can be no argument that unnecessary mass injection of millions of children with a vaccine containing an adjuvant known to cause a host of debilitating autoimmune diseases is a reckless, dangerous plan.
And as if Vaccines Weren’t Dangerous Enough on Their Own …
Flu vaccines can also contain a number of chemical toxins, including ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and even antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin.
In addition to the viruses and other additives, many vaccines also contain immune adjuvants like aluminum and squalene.
The purpose of an immune adjuvant added to a vaccine is to enhance (turbo charge) your immune response to the vaccination. Adjuvants cause your immune system to overreact to the introduction of the organism you’re being vaccinated against.
Adjuvants are supposed to get the job done faster (but certainly not more safely), which reduces the amount of vaccine required per dose, and the number of doses given per individual.
Less vaccine required per person means more individual doses available for mass vaccination campaigns. Coincidentally, this is exactly the goal of government and the pharmaceutical companies who stand to make millions from their vaccines.
Babylon is a very braoad brush, you are making excuses by using the umbrella. you are only fooling yourself, not me.
The Babylonian church needs to be exposed, go ahead. Babylon that is about to conquer the earth does not.
I already stated how I found this blog, not need to hypothocize.
This is not opinion, unless you think I wrote the Bible:
Dan 11:
36: And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
Rv:2:24: But unto you I say, ... as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan...
Jer 27:
8: ... the nation and kingdom which will not serve ... the king of Babylon, and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, that nation will I punish, saith the LORD, with the sword, and with the famine, and with the pestilence, until I have consumed them by his hand.
9: Therefore hearken not ye to ... which speak unto you, saying, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon:
10: For they prophesy a lie unto you, to remove you far from your land; and that I should drive you out, and ye should perish.
11: But the nations that bring their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him, those will I let remain still in their own land, saith the LORD; and they shall till it, and dwell therein.
12: ... Bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him and his people, and live.
And what happened to those who disagreed publicly?
Jer 28:
10: Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck, and brake it.
11: And Hananiah spake in the presence of all the people, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the neck of all nations within the space of two full years. And the prophet Jeremiah went his way.
15: Then said the prophet Jeremiah unto Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah; The LORD hath not sent thee; but thou makest this people to trust in a lie.
16: Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will cast thee from off the face of the earth: this year thou shalt die, because thou hast taught rebellion against the LORD.
17: So Hananiah the prophet died the same year in the seventh month.
Friends, it has become very serious! they are now unleashing the tattle tail squads.
Now they have done it... We are there — officially we are now subject to being “informed on” for exercising free speech... In a casual conversation!
If we don’t stand — we loose. Rush just talked about this!
Call For Informants: If You Oppose Obamacare, Even in ‘Casual Conversation,’ the White House Wants to Know About It
Posted by Jeff Emanuel (Profile)
Tuesday, August 4th at 1:45PM EDT
If you see anybody publicly opposing President Obama’s plan to implement a government-centric overhaul of the health care system, the White House wants you to report that person (or persons) ASAP.
From the White House website:
There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.
Emphasis added. Of course, as we’ve seen in the health care debate to date, the term “disinformation” is used by the Obama White House as a catchall to describe any opposition to the President’s push for single-payer, government-run health care — meaning the White House wants to be informed of any forwarded emails or blog posts or any “casual conversations” that could be taken as opposition to their health care overhaul plan.
The White House has, as yet, offered no explanation of what it is they plan to do with the tips on policy opposition they hope to receive from citizen informers.
Interestingly, as Jake Tapper pointed out on Twitter this morning, the title of that post on the White House is a quote from John Adams’ 1770 “Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials.”
Have you checked into having a website or forum instead of a blog. Or have a blog that keeps the ip address of your posters.
This may end much of the conflict on this blog. I had the same problem with my blog and I switched to a website. This way you can block those that are just trying to cause trouble. I do not mean the normal debates but the ones that are just evil in their intents. You can transfer all of your blog data to a website and not lose it which is nice. Anyway, just an idea :)
"California Western University built extensively on
the site in the 1960s but had no interest in keeping alive the architectural traditions of the Theosophists. In
1973 Cal Western sold the property to a Nazarene college founded in Pasadena in 1902. The Nazarenes,
largely under the leadership of Dwayne Little, professor of history, took a more appreciative approach to
what Tingley was trying to do. Historic preservation was in the air of the 1970s and 80s. Dr. Little
believed many of the spiritual, material, and political values of the Theosophists were compatible with
Nazarene-Wesleyan values. Dr. Little promoted not only historic preservation but also new use of
Theosophical architectural elements such as flattened arches, open-air curved stairways, and skylights.
Remaining buildings were restored with an eye toward continued educational use. The Spalding house,
designed with geometry in the naturalist/moralist tradition of Orson Fowler’s popular The Octagon House:
A Home for All, was beautifully restored inside and out. In 1983, Dr. Little spent the summer in a local
garage working with others to re-create the globe-skylight which now stands above the Spalding
house/Mieras Hall. What is now called Point Loma Nazarene University continues many of the best of
Point Loma Theosophist traditions: education with a spiritual bent and emphasis on ancient religious
wisdom; promotion of fine arts and theater in the San Diego region; a deep appreciation for creation and
Creator; and encouragement of social and political progress."
If I had financial resources to manage a website and to hire a webmaster, that MIGHT be a possibility, but I clearly don't. As it is, the blogspot has been an economical outlet for me and I have been grateful for it. I have fought most of this war on a literal shoestring.
I didn't know judas wrote this:
Dan 11:
36: And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
He was not supposed to 'prosper' with OUR help. Eternal rewards were reserved for those who had gained THE VICTORY OVER THE BEAST AND HIS IMAGE. Even Hollywood producers (THE OMEN) had a better theological grasp than you!
Excuse me, over the BEAST AND HIS NUMBER.
Anon 7:59,
Thanks for the info on the "tattle-tail squads"!
Another anon...
I’m aware of the group of celebrity preachers you reference but since I don’t follow them I can only go on your word that says they claim equality with God. Foolishness.
I’ll not defend that which I’m not familiar with.
Since the Word of God is the better judge let us look to it.
Conditions may need to be met in order for our faith to work then again God sometimes just has mercy on whom He chooses.
Luke 17:6 And the Lord said, If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you might say to this sycamore tree, Be plucked up by the root, and be planted in the sea; and it should obey you.
Matthew 21:21, 22 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If you have faith, and doubt not, you shall not only do this [which is done] to the fig tree, but also if you shall say unto this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; it shall be done. And ALL THINGS, WHATSOEVER you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou can believe, all things [are] possible to him that believes.
I’m glad to know you are willing to contend for the faith.
Generalities are dangerous let stay away from them.
In Jeremiah 28 Hananiah was a false prophet prophesying a "thus saith the LORD" when the LORD did not speak. This is the primary reason he was struck down.
Did Jereimiah help Babylon? he told the people to not resist. Am I helping Babylon? Or am I telling you to not resist?
Did Jerimiah have victory over the beast? Did those listed in revelation who that quote comes from have victory over the beast?
What was that victory Constance?
It was NOT stopping Babylon. It says in the same book:
Rv:15:2: .... them that had gotten the victory over the beast....
same book:
Rv:13:7: And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them...
So if the beast had power to overcome the saints, how did they achieve victory over the beast?
I already told you how before, it's here:
Dan 11:
35: And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
It is a personal victory in their lives. That babylon, satan, the anti-christ and sin, could not tempt them. And over what? Your verse you keep quoting says, over the mark. they refused to take the mark to get their food and whatever needs they had. That's how they overcame. Not by polotics, not by uncovering the depths of satan:
Rv:2:24: But unto you I say,... as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan...
There is no deep theology here. Its all right there to be read in scripture. I didnt write it, I am not making stuff up. You can ignore it, you can deny it's relevant. But its not from me or writte by me.
Hananiah opposed God's plan. It wasn't just a matter of prophesying wrongly. jeremiah warned the people about opposing Babylon, and not listening to others who said otherwise.
You wanna say otherwise. Go for it. I read some conspiracy stuff years ago how the folks behind the scenes are making lists of those who oppose them. and what about all those prison encmpments the government has. Who do you think is gonna go there?
You wanna oppose God's plan, and oppose Babylon, Good Luck. If your not gonna be raptured, your in big trouble.
How many people believed Jerimiah? How many people today are taking up Jereimiah's message? Oh, some say thats Old Testament history, its not about the end times. It's not? Is this in your Bible?
Dan 11:
14: And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.
15: So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mount, and take the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south shall not withstand, neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to withstand.
16: But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him: and he shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed.
33: And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
34: Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
35: And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
36: And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
40: And at the time of the end...
Please note verse 40, end of time. Not Old Testament history.
Anon 10:28:
Check this out to see quite a list of those who said "I Am..." The list includes Alice A. Bailey, Maitreya, Benjamin Creme, Benny Hinn (I believe he wins with the most I AMs), Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Creflo Dollar, Rev. Moon and even John Denver.
Getting the word out is not 'resisting.'
Anon: 10:28:
Generalities are dangerous let stay away from them.
Knowledge is the key. If anyone comes to know the true roots of the WoF and what its leaders truly believe then it would behoove them to separate. This is not to say that there are many in their ranks who are unaware. But, is ignorance truly bliss? Methinks if you stay under leavened preaching [Matt 16:6-12; 1 Cor 5:5-7; Gal 5:8-10] you will be led to further errors.
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