7-19-2009 UPDATE: This important story has been noted over at FulfilledProphecy as well, but I thought it critical that all view it here. This clearly appears to me that Obama will be propounding Solana's plan.
7-19-2009 ORIGINAL: According to a new release from Bernama.com has announced that the EU's relationship with the ASEAN countries has "slipped into new gear." The following are the ASEAN member countries all in Southeast Asia and the Indian/Pacific oceans:
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
The "new gear" includes intense cooperation as expressed by Javier Solana himself as reported by Bernama:
According to EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Javier Solana, the EU "reached a milestone in our relations this year with the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) in Phnom Penh in May on the accession of the European Union and its member states to the Asean Treaty on Amity and Cooperation".
"Our mutual engagement is growing still closer and deeper, particularly in the area of building peace, security and cooperation around the globe," he said in an email to Bernama as he proceeded to Phuket in Thailand to attend the Asean Regional Forum (ARF).
More revealing were Solana's statements that this was part of a larger global integration plan:
"The EU and its Asian partners have a common resolve to tackle today's regional and global threats together and a common interest in developing a system of regional integration and global governance."
The ASEAN Ministers will be meeting from July 17th through July 23rd. Javier Solana will be there with them.
Stay tuned!
Just when I thought I've seen everything...Miguel D'escoto Brockman announced the Noosphere at the UN June 26:
Now, take a very, very careful look at this site:
click on all the different topics below, spiritual, technological, etc.
The symbol of the flag of peace comes from Nicholas Roerich, occultist:
Not to take away from your topic Constance, but I think it's related indirectly:
Of course Laszlo connects to this..
for a man of his age, he keeps pretty busy:
Synchronicity > Synchromysticism
Following on from Constance's recent blog spot about Bjorn I decided to look into the type blogs he had been visiting a little more closely. These blogs tend to network with each other under the theme of 'synchronicity' or as I later learned 'synchromysticism'. This is a Jung philosophy.
The most helpful definition and description of this, as displayed on this network of blogs, that I came across can be viewed here;
http://tinyurl.com/mbc6y5 Note the link at the end of this article which directs to Barbara Marx Hubbard's site 'Evolve' http://tinyurl.com/nre3qs
As mentioned in this article key names involved in this recent pop culture, occult network include Jake Koetze (A Brave New World, sci fi writer) and Christopher Knowles (writer ... attends Esalen annually at same meetings as Dean Radin http://tinyurl.com/kr6plm
I'm certainly not a researcher or a writer, (I'm a commercial artist) so please be gracious with jumbled efforts to explain what I observed but maybe this info might be useful to someone who might consider it necessary of closer inspection.
My impressions are that this is an online occult, subtle teaching movement on the fringe of the fringe that is enticing younger folks in with it's highly visual pop culture images and hidden/secret symbology. I think it could possibly become highly addictive to vulnerable souls as they get sucked in to trying to break perceived hidden codes and coincidences in their daily life and who are helped to do so by fellow bloggers who confirm or dismiss their observations as posted on their blogs.
Whilst some of the imagery displayed on these sites is occultic and some mythological, it is disappointing that these bloggers also take innocent artworks, designs and even architectural, road and town designs and twist these works to promote and market their agenda with no consideration for any original design brief, limitations, technologies or budgets. It seems to be weird, dangerous stuff, with a viral, subliminal marketing feel.
Oh by the way, he mentions Odin at the end of Part 1 of the video. I'll post the You tube address:
This is from the Noosphere Congress site:
On this video he mentions "Day out of time"..
He's calling it the "atom bomb of unity" of springing the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge.. Human beings who are telepathic batteries. eyyy. "instant evolution" He's talking about "visualization" which opens demonic doors..
This is another case of man making "a name for himself" trying to reconstruct Gan Eden.. without Yeshua.. Impossible!!!!
It seems to be connected to Global Coherence which I posted a while back, which I'll post again:
New Zealand is considered a bridge to Asia and the West and is a focal point to the Alliance of Civilizations. I have documented the incorporation of the AoC into ASEAN at this post where you will notice Javier Solana in attendance.
One more:
From today's www.worldnetdaily.com
"What The Other Obits Won't Tell You About (Walter) Cronkite"
In 1999, he appeared at the United Nations to accept the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award from the World Federalists Association. He told those assembled, including Hillary Rodham Clinton, that the first step toward achieving a one-world government – his personal dream – is to strengthen the United Nations.
"It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace," he said. "To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order."
In his acceptance speech, Cronkite added, "Pat Robertson has written in a book a few years ago that we should have a world government, but only when the Messiah arrives. He wrote, literally, any attempt to achieve world order before that time must be the work of the devil. Well, join me. I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan."
Later, in an interview with the BBC, Cronkite described this new order as something that sounded like a militaristic world dictatorship.
"I wouldn't give up on the U.N. yet," he said. "I think we are realizing that we are going to have to have an international rule of law. We need not only an executive to make international law, but we need the military forces to enforce that law and the judicial system to bring the criminals to justice before they have the opportunity to build military forces that use these horrid weapons that rogue nations and movements can get hold of – germs and atomic weapons."
He spoke openly about the need for America to give up its national sovereignty.
"American people are going to begin to realize they are going to have to yield some sovereignty to an international body to enforce world law, and I think that's going to come to other people as well," he said. "It's a fair distance to get there, but we are not ever going to get there unless we keep trying to push ourselves onto the road."
Miguel D'escoto Brocman announced the Noosphere at the UN June 26th . . .
THAT must have made Paul Temple and IONS participants VERY HAPPY. Also, Leland Steward of the Unity and Diversity Network together with John White who wrote the introduction for their 1979 one which said they had by process of "survivolution" evolved into a new species "homo noeticus" which was making war with the "dying species" of "homo sapiens" as the "sorting out process" was going on.
Somehow I don't think it a good idea to "sort out" on their side of that eternal ledger. See Revelation, Chapter 14 as well as Deuteronomy 18.
Joyce (and rest)
A couple of weeks ago, Cliff Kincaid and I discussed this UN speech on my internet radio program, MY PERSPECTIVE at www.themicroeffect.com. He had just delivered it at the UN (D'escoto).
The information about the New Age groups (noospherecongress.org) is new to me. THANKS!
Marilyn Ferguson, the now deceased author of THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY proudly flew the Roerich flag at her home. I personally witnessed it as did two other Christians accompanying me there.
Check this against the Daniel prophecy: HE SHALL THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS
"The First Noosphere World Forum is an activity of the Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time. While promoting the
13 Moon/28-day calendar and education about the Law of Time defines the mission of the Foundation, the underlying program of the FLT
and the GRI is to pace and further the process of the biosphere-noosphere transition. To this end, under the auspices of the GRI-FLT, the
Forum has established alliances or partnerships with: The Club of Budapest and WorldShift 2012, ISRICA (Institute for the Scientific
Research and Investigation of Cosmic Anthropoecology), and the Noosphere Spiritual Ecological World Assembly (NSEWA).
We invite further partnersships – defined as groups or organizations that wish to be in a genuine creative collaboration . . .
What the now deceased PAUL HARVEY probably would have said about the now deceased Walter Cronkite as left by the last anonymous poster:
Cheap New Age / New World Religion / Apostasies United party to go to in Los Angeles area on July 26th if you have the stomach to witness it:
Sun, July 26th, Interfaith Celebration: Awakening the Family of Humanity
Sat, July 18th, General Assembly "World March for Peace and Nonviolence"
UDC as a Network of Networks by Leland Stewart
Los Angeles Area Nuclear Disarmament Coalition [LAANDC] Appeal for Participation
BACKGROUND: This Interfaith Celebration/Ordination is the tenth in the 2008-09 monthly series at faith communities in greater Los Angeles. These events are sponsored by World Interfaith Network, a Specialized Affiliate of Unity-and-Diversity World Council. Inc. They include music, meditation and prayer, interfaith candle lighting, messages, and dialog.
Year's theme: Faith and Politics
This month's Interfaith Celebration is a summer special. We will be gathering at Stephen Fiske's garden (note 2p.m. time) for a 1-1/2-hour event, featuring Stephen's son Evan and his wife Sharon, who are visiting from Israel. Evan is an excellent drummer and will perform. Other artists are being invited; Crystal Davis has excepted so far. The Celebration is from 2-3:30 p.m., followed by a potluck party with music and food. We are cordially invited to remain for the party and to bring an item of food to share. Other people are being invited beside from Stephen's list, so it should be a larger and quite diverse gathering.
Stephen Longfellow Fiske -- Singer, songwriter, producer of the recent Venice Eco-Fest.
Evan Gavriel Fiske and Sharon Fiske from Israel -- Special Guests
Andre Graham -- Vice-President, UDC Executive Board; social activist; Christian
Al Duffy -- Tour guide of Buddhist temples; will begin study for Unity-and-Diversity Ministry
Paul Nugent -- Staff member, Aetherius Society; long active in Los Angeles area
Mary Mann, Ph.D. -- Playwright; coordinator, of Science and Spirituality book project
Dr. Gary Herbertson -- Methodist minister and environmentalist; knows Wangari Matthai
Fred & Margaret Bayer -- Fred is member of Temple Beth Emet (Judaism)
Rev. David Turner -- Unity-and-Diversity Minister; Secretary, UDC Executive Board
Rev. Laura Hunter -- Poet; Unity-and-Diversity Minister; Sant Mat devotee
Howard Mungo -- Representative, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University; actor
Carl Hult -- Staff member, Founders Church of Religious Science; soloist & choir member
Keki Gandhi -- Representative, Zoroastrian Association of California
Rev. Wilma Striebeck -- Former staff person at UDC; metaphysical minister
Anthony Shaw -- Member, Church of Religious Science (in transition)
Revs. Leland & Elizabeth Stewart -- Unity-and-Diversity Council co-founders; Facilitators
Date: SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2009(9), 2-3:30 P.M. Potluck party with food and music begins at 3:30 p.m. We are invited to stay for the party.
Venue: STEPHEN AND NIKKI FISKE GARDEN, 635 California Ave. Venice, CA 90291. Directions: Take Santa Monica or San Diego Fwy. to Venice Blvd. Go west on Venice to Lincoln Blvd. Turn right and go to California Ave. (just beyond Staples). Turn left to 635 on right. Park on street. Enter by driveway on left, thru gate, to backyard.
Suggested donation: $10; $8 for members.
Corrected link from earlier post-
As mentioned in this article key names involved in this recent pop culture, occult network include Jake Koetze (A Brave New World, sci fi writer) and Christopher Knowles (writer ... attends Esalen annually at same meetings as Dean Radin
Concerning Javier Solana "retirement" maybe he is like John The Baptist; the one who is preparing the way for AC, and he must become less and less so AC can become more and more.
metaphysical ministers
+esoteric symbolologists
+Jungian syncronicitists
+ Zoroastrian devotees
+ unity and diversity facilitators
= Mystery Babylon , The Great Whore that rides the Beast
Regarding Walter Cronkite I had noted the same earlier in writing blog article today. (www.peacebringer7.wordpress.com)
He is former chairman of interfaith alliance.
And to the angel of the assembly in Thyatira write: These things says the Son of God, he that has his eyes as a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass:
I know thy works and love, and faith and service, and thine endurance, and thy last works to be more than the first. But I have against thee that thou permittest the woman Jezebel, she who calls herself prophetess, and she teaches and leads astray my servants to commit fornication and to eat of idol sacrifices. And I gave her time that she should repent of her fornication. Behold I cast her into a bed, and those that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, and her children will I kill with death; and all the assemblies shall know that I am he that searches the reins and the hearts; and I will give to you each according to your works. But to you I say, the rest who are in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I do not cast upon you any other burden; but what ye have hold fast till I come. And to he that overcomes and he that keeps unto the end my works, to him I will give authority over the nations, and he shall shepherd them with an iron rod; as vessels of pottery are they broken in pieces, as I also have received from my Father; and I will give to him the morning star.
He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies.
Rachel 3:33pm.
Perhaps someone about 30 years old when he begins his public position in political affairs?
I wouldn't rule Solana out just yet. He's built too powerful a machine just to voluntarily walk away. I suspect it's a ploy -- but that's my current guess. Yours is, as always, as good as mine.
Found this over at old thinker
Dream Society Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID
The moment you put items into your cart at a supermarket, the payment is made automatically. Customers no longer have to wait in long lines at the counters. You can have detailed information on products on the shelves if you put your cell phone next to them. You can also have your own health checked and have access to a u-healthcare system built using wireless or wired networks anytime, anywhere.
You can also build an anti-disaster system that updates information in real time by making the most of the communications infrastructure based on a ubiquitous sensor network (USN). You can turn your electronic appliances at home on or off, or operate assembly line machines in your factory – all through the use of your cell phone or the Internet. This is based on radio frequency identification (RFID) technology.
The term ubiquitous refers to an information technology environment or an IT paradigm in which various computer-installed devices or systems make communications with their users seamless. We live in a world where what was considered impossible only a few years ago is now put within our grasp. In reality, this occurs in any country where an information and communications infrastructure is established. With computers naturally emerging as part of people’s everyday lives, everything has become intelligent and networked, making communications among people and between remote devices possible.
This shows that people are now entering a world where it is possible to do what they want anytime and anywhere. All this is possible thanks to a 1mm by 1mm microchip – an electronic RFID tag, which is an identification tag that symbolizes the era of digital technology. This microchip gives identifying information about target objects. USN is a combination of key computer science and engineering area technologies, including wireless networking, which can pick up and process various kinds of information that the sensor collects in real time.
As such, RFID/USN is the key infrastructure component of a ubiquitous society. With boundless growth potential, it can bring changes to all industrial sectorsas great as the Internet once did. This new technology is expected to lead a new information revolution, if it is applied to public and private sectors, including health, education, national defense, industrial logistics, living convenience, safety, dietary life, medical services, environment, and manufacturing. How we can develop this new industry is now emerging as a major task facing all of us today. The Korea IT Times interviewed Choi Sung-kyu, CEO of the Korea Association of RFID/USN, on tasks facing the RFID/USN industry today. more at link...
Saw this at FP,
Fayad urges US to 'come up with a plan'
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salaam Fayad has made a fresh appeal to the United States for a plan and a timetable aimed at resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
"I call anew on the United States to come up with a plan and a timetable for its application that will contribute to put an end to Jewish settlements and Israeli offensives, and lead to serious negotiations," Fayad was quoted by AFP as saying on Saturday
Then there's this
Israel: Obama to announce new peace plan soon
Bethlehem - Ma’an/Agencies - A peace plan with a strict timeline may be announced by the new US Administration in coming weeks, Israel’s English and Hebrew daily Haaretz newspaper reported Thursday.
The paper quoted a “Western diplomat closely involved in current contacts involving the US, Israel, the PA and moderate Arab states,” as saying Obama aides are developing a peace plan with a binding timetable.
An ease on US, and now international, demand for a halt to settlement construction was rumored to be the carrot for Israeli participation in the talks, which would tackle the final status issues of borders, water, refugees and Jerusalem.
Talks were cut off following Israel’s launch of the Gaza war on 27 December 2008, which lasted 22 days and saw 1,505 Gazans killed. Since the war Palestinian negotiators have held their position on a total settlement construction freeze or no return to talks.
So Solana says it and the rest of the world starts parroting him, hmm... I think one can see who has the real influence on the internetional scene.
More on the WND / Joseph Farah article, "Meet The Real Walter Cronkite":
Walter Cronkite is dead at 92 – but most Americans, many of whom considered him "the most trusted man" in the country during his reign as CBS News anchor – still don't know what motivated him and how he secured such an influential and lofty position.
He was like a grandfatherly institution in the early days of TV. People believed him. Uncle Walter wouldn't lie, America believed.
Thus, when he gave his opinions, they had impact. One example was his report on the Tet offensive in Vietnam, which is credited with swinging the tide of opinion against the war.
Even in his death, however, nobody has addressed how and why an otherwise obscure figure at the time was elevated to become the most prominent anchorman on television.
The story was told publicly in the July 10, 2000, edition of the Nation, a Marxist-oriented journal, in a report on death of Blair Clark, who served as editor of the Nation from 1976 through 1978: "Whether it was calling on Philip Roth to recommend a Nation literary editor or persuading CBS News president Richard Salant to make Walter Cronkite anchor of CBS Evening News, Blair had a gift for the recognition and recruitment of excellence."
Clark was not only the editor of the Nation, he was also heir to the Clark thread fortune, a Harvard classmate and friend of John F. Kennedy, a buddy of Washington Post Editor Ben Bradlee and the manager of Eugene McCarthy's 1968 campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
He veered back and forth between politics and journalism seamlessly as an associate publisher of the New York Post, a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, vice president and general manager of CBS News and yet remained a fixture in Democratic Party politics throughout his career.
Clark wasn't the kind of man who would promote Walter Cronkite for the most visible job in journalism because of his press accomplishments alone – and his press accomplishments were noticeably meager.
Cronkite never graduated from college. He had entered the University of Texas at Austin, but left to take a part-time job reporting for the Houston Post. In 1939, he got a job at United Press and covered World War II.
While working for UP, Cronkite was offered a job at CBS by Edward R. Murrow – and turned it down. He finally accepted a second offer in 1950, and stepped into the new medium of television.
He became the host of "You Are There" in which key moments of history were recreated by actors. Cronkite was depicted on camera interviewing "Joan of Arc" or "Sigmund Freud." But somehow, he managed to make it believable. From that entertainment series, he went on to be named host of "The Morning Show" on CBS, where he was paired with a partner: a puppet named Charlemagne. In 1961, CBS named him the anchor of the "CBS Evening News" – a 15-minute news summary anchored for several years by Douglas Edwards, thanks to prodding from a socialist activist who edited The Nation.
(Continued . . .)
Just a few years later, his commentaries on the Vietnam War were credited with turning the tide of American opinion against that conflict.
"But Walter was always more than just an anchor," said Barack Obama upon his death. "He was someone we could trust to guide us through the most important issues of the day; a voice of certainty in an uncertain world. He was family. He invited us to believe in him, and he never let us down. This country has lost an icon and a dear friend, and he will be truly missed."
After leaving his position with CBS, Cronkite's political activism and offbeat ideas had no restraints.
In 1989, Cronkite spoke to a dinner organized by People for the American Way, a group founded by Norman Lear. His candid politics surprised even that audience.
"I know liberalism isn't dead in this country," he said. "It simply has, temporarily we hope, lost its voice."
"About the Democratic loss in this election ... it was not just a campaign strategy built on a defensive philosophy. It was not just an opposition that conducted one of the most sophisticated and cynical campaigns ever. ... It was the fault of too many who found their voices stilled by subtle ideological intimidation."
"We know that unilateral action in Grenada and Tripoli was wrong. We know that Star Wars means uncontrollable escalation of the arms race. We know that the real threat to democracy is half a nation in poverty. ... We know that religious beliefs cannot define patriotism. ... God Almighty, we've got to shout these truths in which we believe from the housetops. Like that scene in the movie 'Network,' we've got to throw open our windows and shout these truths to the streets and the heavens. And I bet we'll find more windows are thrown open to join the chorus than we'd ever dreamed possible."
Also, Cronkite opened each episode of "V" when it was turned into a regular series, at least for a dozen or so weeks. He gave updates on the human underground rebellion to take back the Earth from the aliens. Seriously, he did.
An interesting link on Borntowatch.com-
A primer for RFID studies.
Possible harbinger of a second beast forcing all to worship the first one?
Please refresh your browser.
I missed the Cliff Kincaid broadcast unfortunately. It's amazing to see the links between all of this occult stuff "harmonically converging", including the business with Roerich who according to this film plays a roll in the design of the dollar bill along with Manly Hall and Wallace.
I've recommended this film before, but it's worth recommending again because it ties the Roerich flag in with the Noosphere site.
As for their focus on the Mayan calendar and the "times and the seasons" being altered, it is interesting to note that God marked time on day 4th day of the creation story with the sun and moon.
Gen. 1:14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;
The word seasons is "mo'ed" in Hebrew, which also means appointed times as instructed by God in Leviticus 23, could easily correspond with the Aramaic word in Daniel 7:25, although I want to be careful about saying that dogmatically.
As we see in Lev 23, God's appointed times are tied directly to creation:
Lev. 23:1-3 The LORD spoke again to Moses, saying, “Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘aThe LORD’S appointed times which you shall proclaim as holy convocations — My appointed times are these: ‘For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation. You shall not do any work; it is a sabbath to the LORD in all your dwellings.
Gen. 2:2 By athe seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.
The number 7 is very significant because there are 7 days in a week, 7 feasts and we are getting close to the 7th millennium.
4150. מוֹעֵד mow{ed, mo-ade´; or מֹעֵד moled, mo-ade´; or (feminine) מוֹעׇדׇה moweadah(2 Chronicles 8:13), mo-aw-daw´; from 3259; properly, an appointment, i.e. a fixed time or season; specifically, a festival; conventionally a year; by implication, an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); technically the congregation; by extension, the place of meeting; also a signal (as appointed beforehand):—appointed (sign, time), (place of, solemn) assembly, congregation, (set, solemn) feast, (appointed, due) season, solemn(-ity), synogogue, (set) time (appointed).
2166. זְמׇן zman, zem-awn´; (Aramaic) from 2165; the same as 2165:—season, time.
All that to say, the Mayan calendar which has 13 months and is supposed to have existed for thousands and thousands of years ( many more that 6 thousand) could refer to that. It's not clear to me what the Aramaic word for "law" is exactly. It seems that it could related to Mosaic law, but doesn't have to.
I think the the feast of blowing the shofar which is in the 7th month of the Biblical calendar is the real deal, not the Mayan calendar:
Lev. 23:24 “Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘In the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest, a breminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.
1Th. 4:16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of dthe archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
Prior to this last trumpet are the trumpet judgements of Revelations:
Rev. 8:13 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle flying in amid heaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!”
Rev. 9:14 one saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.”
The mo'ed of Yom T'ruah or Feast of Trumpets, the feast where the shofar ( ram's horn) is blown will announce the return of Yeshua, so all the 2012 folks will be looking for a false messiah in my opinion, but as 2012 draws close we'll probably see a lot more occultists talking about this.
Yes, it's sad to see US turning against Israel. The EU funded the report "Breaking the Silence" to try to make the Jews look like monsters in the Gaza war and to turn public opinion against Israel. In Europe there were boycotts of Israeli products.. No one seemed to mind for the last I don't know how many years when Israelis put up with rockets being sent into their city.
There have been many new archeological finds in Jerusalem providing evidence for the Biblical stories and yet the world is trying to steal this land and give it to people who belong in Jordan and other surrounding countries for the most part. Most people are completely ignorant of the definition of a Palestinian "refugee". Never in the history of the world has a refugee been defined this way. Most people are ignorant of the fact that a million Jews were ejected from Arab nations when the State of Israel was formed in 48. Most people forget that 6 million Jews were killed in the concentration camps of Europe, but that wasn't the first time Jews were slaughtered in Europe. There were the pograms, the Inquisition etc..
....but God told Israel that this would happen. When our ancestors entered the land, they stood on Mount Gezerim and Mount Ebal and read blessings and curses for obeying and disobeying Torah ( Deut 28-29) . At the end of the long list of blessings and curses, here's what it says:
Deut. 30:1-8 “So it shall be when all of these things have come upon you, athe blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind in all nations where the LORD your God has banished you, and you return to the LORD your God and obey Him with all your heart and soul according to all that I command you today, you and your sons, then the LORD your God will restore you from captivity, and have compassion on you, and bwill gather you again from all the peoples where the LORD your God has scattered you.
“If your outcasts are at the ends of the earth, from there the LORD your God will gather you, and from there He will bring you back. “The LORD your God will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it; and He will prosper you and multiply you more than your fathers. “Moreover the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, to love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, so that you may live. “The LORD your God will inflict all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate you, who persecuted you. “And you shall again obey the LORD, and observe all His commandments which I command you today.
These promises are for all Israel, even those who are scattered and assimilated in the nations. God will write Torah on our minds.. The newer better covenant which is sealed with Yeshua's blood is life giving:
It is the Lord Himself who will circumcise our hearts and minds. Salvation is of Him. He is our Yeshua.
I agree with Joyce, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 is the same trumpet referred to in 1 Corinthians 15:52 where it is called the "last trumpet".
Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, founder and director of Ariel Ministries and a Messianic Jewish believer, points out in his book "Footsteps of the Messiah"-revised edition, that Midtribulationists and Posttribulationists try to identify the two scripture passages above with the seventh trumpet of the book of Revelation.
He notes that when 1 Corinthians was written, John had not written Revelation. The Corinthians would not have had any knowledge of seven trumpets. The only knowledge they would have of trumpets are those spoken of in the Old Testament and he, as did Joyce, pointed to the Feast of Trumpets.
During the ceremony there are a series of short trumpet sounds concluding with one long trumpet blast which is called the "tekiah gedolah", the great trumpet blast.
Both 1 Corinthians 15:50-54 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 say nothing about the timing of the Rapture; only that the Rapture, whenever it comes, will fulfill the Feast of Trumpets.(Above gleaned from portion of chapter 6 "The Eschatology of the Invisible Church" in "Footsteps of the Messiah"-revised edition by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum)
...and Yom T'ruah is the only mo'ed where we don't know "the day or the hour" because it starts on a new moon, so it required watching in ancient times when the new moon was spotted, the two witnesses would alert everyone.
We will know the season though.. It comes in the Fall and we'll have plenty of signs to alert us.
Now, other than a really hotshot website with bells and whistles, please tell us how Noosphere is impacting us politically in the real world. Don't tell us to click on numerous links. That's useless.
You called this to our attention. Why?
I'm beginning to believe some of this has been set up to have us chasing our tails while the real world goes on.
I'll grant that a lot of it is just crap meant to convince true believers that there is merit to their beliefs.
I'm getting more than a bit tired of constant oohing and ahing about letterhead operations and constant speculations about the role prophecy is supposed to play in all of this. That's all that does is attempt to convince Christians that being a Christian is the true way. It does nothing to stop what is going on. It keeps people from actually taking a stand and DOING SOMETHING.
From what I know, you are more of an insider on all of this than most of us are. It's time to get down to the bottom line.
Try getting serious with real information. And no, this is not picking on sweet Joyce who only means well. Try telling the truth Joyce. Why are you here when you could be warning Messianics about the New Age movement.
My guess is that rather than answer the questions, you will just go quiet for a few days and start all over again, turning this into the joyce.blogspot.com, getting people away from working to learn for themselves what is going on.
Three challenges ONLY EUROPE can take on Back
Madariaga - College of Europe Foundation, La Libre Belgique,
Bruxelles, 2009
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Against a backdrop of general indifference to the European elections of 2009, Pierre Defraigne presents a clarion call for thoughtful engagement and considered participation in the European project. The author, a distinguished civil servant with over forty years’ experience of the riddles of Schuman Square, a former Chief of Cabinet for Etienne Davignon and Pascal Lamy at the Commission, and currently the Director of a think-tank and lecturer in several universities, calls upon the voter to seize this critical moment in the history of both Europe’s integration and the world’s evolution.
Distancing himself from the current, catchy, but nevertheless complacent discourse addressing a Europe of consumers and users, of mobility and Euros in the pocket, of the pax europeana, Mr Defraigne addresses young citizens and confronts them with the world as it is: a world of crisis, climate change and security challenges.
His argument is threefold: that only a united Europe can take up these historical challenges; that Europe as it stands is not yet ready to do so because it lacks both strong institutions and unity on a common societal project; and that the return of intergovernmentalism with 27 Member States will condemn the EU to function by fits and starts. A “citizen-takeover”, therefore, is the only avenue that will lead to the emergence of a truly European political leadership equipped to deal with the challenges of our time.
The argument is ambitious and engaged. It strives to awaken, primarily within the younger generations, a consciousness of a European common good that transcends national identities. “To be European” gives a duty to think large and, at an early stage, to take measure of the immensity of the project ahead: to put market capitalism back under control, to counter the climate threat and the loss of biodiversity, to become a strategic power for peace in the world. These are the tasks that await the emergent generation.
Time is ticking for Europe before its demographic winter arrives and consecrates the continent’s relative decline next to the emergent Asia. Unity is no longer an abstract ideal. It is a duty of reason. At stake is an idea of Europe that should not be left to die because Europe, even if reduced to a small peninsula of the Asian continent, both bears and guarantees a set of values that apply across all mankind.
Obama signs executive order barring release of his birth certificate, sounds guilty to me.
Worldnetdaily has pounded this story and began gaining traction. I have to believe the executive order, which looks very suspicious, was an emergency move.
"The ASEAN Ministers will be meeting from July 17th through July 23rd. Javier Solana will be there with them."
I wonder what the good doctor will get for his birthday this year
The Noosphere theories are a substantial part of the foundations of the New Age Movement. John White's introduction to the 1979 UNITY AND DIVERSITY handbook, the Institute of NOETIC Sciences, etc. Jose Arguelles, surely a major player closely allied with Barbara Marx Hubbard -- what interested me were their "new calendar" proposals -- certainly of interest to the Judaic community / "messianic" or otherwise. "He shall think to change times and laws" was a warning from the Book of Daniel the Prophet. Even if it were to be found "letterhead", it is certainly resonating with known interests and declared 2010-2012 hopes by the New Age community and as such it is of interest to me, particularly if Ervin Laszlo, Barbara Marx Nubbard, and/or Paul N. Temple are anywhere in the neighborhood.
Still waiting for a reply from Joyce. There is more to the anti-Catholic background reason for posting that information than what you responded with Constance.
Noosphere is a term being used by many organizations and individuals. No one owns the term. It's not some kind of secret One World Government operation.
LOTS of folk are now calling on Solana for help in training their military, judges, police forces, administrators, etc. Pakistan just called upon him for help! Looks like there will be lots of justification to "persuade" him not to retire prematurely!
Pasted from http://www.sananews.com.pk/english/2009/07/21/pm-for-eu-assistance-for-militancy-terrorism-elimination
NOBODY is saying, Mr/Mrs/Ms Sarcastic that "noosphere" is some type of super secret government mechanism -- but it is HIGHLY OCCULT speak!
Thank-you to all contributors here for your research and for leaving me links and a trail to follow. I have no computer skills, type with two fingers and without your help I would miss out on seeing for myself most of what is shared here. I greatly appreciate the site links that Constance and Carrie Tomko's site have provided me with to get to foreign news outlets with their different perspective's on current events.
What is odd to me at least, we have world leaders once again parroting Javier, while at the same time we have countries that want Javier to teach them how to operate.
Is it just me or is this not how Creme has described the emergence of his world teacher?
JS might go the retired corporate exec/leader way, just like Bill Clinton. There's lots of money to be made as a "consultant".
The definition of the Noosphere is, and correct me if I'm wrong, the "Sphere of Human Thought", but particularly the thoughts of Vladimir Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin and all those who agree with them.
Is that about right ?
Isn't it an invented word for a theory that has no physical basis, but which glorifies the self importance and lofty thinking of the self proclaimed Wise Ones of the world?
see also: pomposity, conceit, hubris
"...as such it is of interest to me, particularly if Ervin Laszlo, Barbara Marx Nubbard, and/or Paul N. Temple are anywhere in the neighborhood."
"Wherever the carcass is, there the vultures will be gathered." ;)
Has anyone seen the news about Obama banning toilet paper by 2011 like Bush did with incadescent bulbs? I found one article here but I think this can't be real.
From that Pakistani assistance news story re JS:
"The prime minister informed Javier Solana about the rehabilitation phase of dislocated persons. He also told the EU high representative that his government was in the process of formulating a new education policy, which envisages introduction of modern sciences and vocational training in the curricula for the Madaris in order to bring them into mainstream of the educational system of the country.
Javier Solana commended the government of Pakistan and its armed forces on their role in the war against terrorism and assured the prime minister that the EU would continue to assist Pakistan in rehabilitation of the dislocated persons as well as in the reconstruction of the infrastructure in Malakand and other affected areas.
He described Pakistan’s problems as problems of the EU and stated that a new mechanism would be developed by the EU to help Pakistan in capacity building of its law-enforcement agencies as well as to provide increased market access to the Pakistani products in the EU market.
He expressed satisfaction over successful meeting of Prime Minister Gilani with his Indian counterpart at Sherm el-Sheikh and hoped that this breakthrough would go a long way towards resumption of composite dialogue in the very near future."
Maybe the alleged (probably a spoof) toilet paper edict went something like that:
FROM: BOB (bObama)
Thanks for the laugh. I am laughing embarrassingly at myself for thinking it true. However, given the current nature of our government nothing would surprise me.
I wonder if you might be trying to stir the pot.
While not having read the Noosphere information, I suspect it's probably important given its connection to de Chardin's ideas.
I've written in the past how an evangelical church, to which I belonged, became corrupted with New Age ideas. These ideas made their initial entrance via prayer methodologies that can be attributed to a fascination with de Chardin. The end result for most people who embrace such methodologies is a new found belief in an amorphous, universalist religion of the world that is easily manipulated for nefarious ends by ambitious politicians.
It is not only the Catholic church which has been infected with his ideas. Check out Berit Kjos Ministries, Lighthouse Trails and Herescope to see updates on an increasing number of Protestant and Evangelical churches which have fallen victim to de Chardin's apostate ideas. The entire Emergent church (now Emergent Christianity) is based on an apostasy which flourished through his techniques and ideas.
I would think the Noosphere being proclaimed at the UN makes amazing sense for ambitious politicians. If they can promote de Chardin's techniques and ideas worldwide, they have a great chance at creating a worldwide movement of pliable, anti-fundamentalist, tools.
Recently someone posted a video of the universalist-unitarian church. Picture an entire world of people with those beliefs. How much better for global governance if everyone relinquishes their orthodox doctrines and embraces the new virtues of diversity, tolerance and environmental protection.
In summation, the Noosphere is relevant. It merges with the AoC to wear down the fundamentalists. Think of one as the club and the other the infiltration and subversion.
Then again, I could be wrong.
Constance, Deannie, Paul ( and all),
I think you have correctly understood the problem with Noosphere and the connection to Teilhard de Chardin, Laszlo, etc.
Here's a few videos on Noosphere and Law of Time:
It's the false peace, the rebellion against God's calendar and it's man's effort to build a tower with bricks and mortar to make a name for himself..
The fact that Roerich's flag is being connected to this movement should alarm all who know Roerich's connection to Theosophy, and Blavatsky's influence on Hitler, not to mention Roerich's influence on the occult design of the dollar and the decline of our financial system.
"Wallace was raised as a Presbyterian, but left that denomination early in life. He spent most of his early life exploring other religious faiths and traditions. For many years, he had been closely associated with famous Russian artist and writer Nicholas Roerich. According to Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., "Wallace's search for inner light took him to strange prophets.... It was in this search that he encountered Nicholas Roerich, a Russian emigre, painter, theosophist. Wallace did Roerich a number of favors, including sending him on an expedition to Central Asia presumably to collect drought-resistant grasses. In due course, H.A. [Wallace] became disillusioned with Roerich and turned almost viciously against him." [2] Wallace eventually settled on Episcopalianism."
Wallace was a Mason, evidently too, besides his church affiliations.
Deanie, do a Google or any other web search on the word Noosphere. Here is the result for Google.
Results 1 - 100 of about 199,000 for noosphere.
Let's say Constance hadn't been around these last 30 years and someone posted on a blog that the new age movement was dangerous. A google search would have found "Results 1 - 100 of about 53,900,000 for "new age". From that kind of base of information any generalization about the movement would have been valid, and the searcher could have come to any number of conclusions. The ranking would have been useless because ranking doesn't determine the truth of any piece of information.
Now if a researcher starts putting things together, it narrows the field.
"Results 1 - 100 of about 8,310 for "new age" noosphere."
Here's narrowing it down further:
"Results 1 - 100 of about 7,290 for "new age" noosphere Chardin."
This is a good place to point out that good propaganda is mostly truth mixed in with a distorted message. Every dictator and cult leader knows this. A listener, hearing something he believes is truth, assumes that everything he is hearing from that source is truth because he trusts.
Back when I was in high school working on the school paper I learned to ask Who What When Where Why and sometimes How. And if the answers weren't there, I kept looking. Try it...it works.
Here's an example:
Who is giving you this information: An anonymous person.
What: A mix of untestable vague information.
When: At a time others are looking for information on the New Age movement.
Where: At a place trusting people are looking for information but where research skills are generally weak.
Why: It's an open question with no conclusive answer because the poster continues to be anonymous.
How: With a barrage of details that will overwhelm the receiver.
It's called Information Overload, a common cult leader technique. There is no time to analyze the information presented so the receiver has to make a decision whether to accept what is being said or be left behind and make a mistake by doing so. Therefore the receiver of the information just accepts what he has been told.
See how easy that is.
Instead of just saying noosphere is bad, someone serious would look at piece like this
and argue against it. The writer of the book review could have used a lesson in the five W's.
..."But for those who do not hold this doctrine, who have not known the so-called deeper things of Satan, I will put no other burden on you"
You seem to think it's important to delve deeply into the hogwash which is noosphere, in order to really understand it, in turn to be qualified to criticize it. I see your point.
But I disagree.
Anytime they start in with how we need to make the quantum leap in evolution, or we need to make the paradigm shift, etc., I just call a spade a spade and
refuse to delve into it. There would be no end to the smoke and mirrors and the end result would be that my eyes would be too tired to read God's Word, which is the word of life.
You just finished pointing out "Information Overload", or "jamming' as it's also called.
Then you say that we need to get saturated in one of these very subjects. Which is it ?
I keep quoting the above from Rev. chapter 2:
"...the so-called deeper things of Satan."
I almost bought the noosphere shpiel myself, when
Lyndon LaRouche started spouting it. He always seems so authoritative and erudite. Now I think of him as a fool, basically, very much similar to W. Cronkite.
"Profesing themselves to be wise they became fools"
I'm not attacking you Dorothy. Your point is well taken. I just don't think any of us needs to learn any more another pack of lies, nor would it help us to fight the NA. One either agrees with these people or they don't.
A professional hypnotist once told me a trade secret; he said that intelligent people are in fact much easier to hypnotize than the simple minded.
Everybody present your own or acquired information in your own way, using your own style. If somebody dislikes reading somebody else, use the "collapse comments" section to skip to only those you want to read. I am personally weary of the squabbling. Dorothy, Joyce, Paul, Leanna, Dawn, et al have made VALUABLE contributions. Some have said or written things at which at times I have personally disagreed. I do find the noosphere contributions valuable. It is an INTEGRAL part of the New Age scene -- remember the HOMO NOETICUS "new species" arguments of the Leland Steward bunch? We are all capable of sorting things out. I am more distracted by the squabbling than the "information overload" -- let's all try to get along and if we can't, ignnoring what we don't want to read by employing the "collapse comments" feature.
I may have offended everybody, but it is my hope that we stop trying to offend each other with this intramural sniping.
Maybe Obama is banning TP because he does not like competition.
Personally, I'm not offended by your remarks, but I'm not squabbling with anyone here either.
I just post things that I find interesting, but I realize we are all different, so some will find these things interesting and others will not.. No big deal. That's what makes horse races.
So glad we still live in a free country, where we can express our opinions.. We should all begin to worry when we're not free to do that. Each one, according to their discernment can decide whether information is important or not.
My comments on noosphere were not meant to get anyone to delve into it. I was using it as a point to teach others how and why they need to evaluate the information they encounter in the world around them, not only here.
Two reasons why I've found why it is important to be careful and evaluate what anyone reads.
1. Not everything that looks like truth is safe. I sat in at the end of a very destructive group's meeting this weekend. Everything the speakers said sounded positive and truthful. If I had not known the other side of the pitch, I could easily have been taken in because the group appeared open and friendly. I've learned that I have to step outside the box of information someone wishes to place me in and evaluate carefully.
2. If people do not have enough information about a topic, a website, a book, they can encounter a fork in the path of their information source and go wrong. LaRouche people are only one of many such forks one can encounter.
How many people are seduced into following the New Age movement because they haven't learned to evaluate the information they get from others? I would say almost all. How many are seduced into cults because they do not step back and evaluate what they hear? How many people find themselves following false religious leaders who think nothing about lying to them?
Why is teaching people how to ask questions about material presented to them a wrong thing to do? As a lawyer, Constance has to do this all of the time.
These posts are not private emails to you which contain leads. Anything posted here is public information and should be subject to the same scrutiny as news stories.
Please apply your standard "Everybody present your own or acquired information in your own way, using your own style" to me also. You can also collapse posts from me if you don't wish to read them.
Johanna Michaelsen is my radio guest tonight. I'm going to put up a separate post on this to highlight it with no intention to end the discussion on the current thread.
We will be discussing the HARRY POTTER industry, how parents can combat it, the hidden dangers to the children's souls from the J. J. Rowlings output.
tune in at www.themicroeffect.com, 8 p.m Eastern time, 7p.m. central, 6 p.m. mountain, 5 p.m. Pacific and 4 p.m. Alaskan time. If you are in Europe, 1 a.m. in the morning England, not sure about other times.
When I first saw the info on noosphere and the video on the rainbow bridge thing, I just had to laugh. One of the ways these people try to sell their "religion" is by attempting to use "scientific information" to prove their ridiculous notions (along with some fancy computer graphics). If we could truly "harness" the energy in our brains, we wouldn't need gas stations for our cars.
However, there is the possibility for some big deception to occur. They are calling it Earthshift
2012. They may be counting on a possible solar storm anticipated about that time, which could create some spectacular northern and southern lights, extending for many latitudes. They could argue this is the big earthshift they've been waiting for. Between now and 2012 I think noosphere, rainbow bridge, whatever will be something we will see more of. But we know it's the same Noo age movement that Constance has so often describe. Does this mean we can call cattle ranches moospheres?
We SHARE information on this board. We can freely praise and/or criticize, but let's try to keep it as non-acrimonious and personally insulting as possible. I do value your work, Dorothy, but what's that old Yiddish expression I've heard so much, "don't be a nudge"? I've probably butchered it.
When I find myself getting a nervous stomach, I always wonder how the others are taking it.
Thanks for the humor, it was BADLY NEEDED!
I guess it's also called Ascension 2012, too. I'm glad the moosphere joke was funny. I just can't get over new being spelled with two o's.
We recevied this YouTube site from a friend that was shocked this occurred June 2009 at the Arab Festivile in Dearborn, Michigan.
Is this a freedom of speech issue?
Better a nuudge than a schnook.
Hi Walt,
I viewed the videotape. I'm not sure I would have counseled their particular approach. My concern legally is that they could be accused of stalking. Also, there are privacy concerns on videotaping individuals who don't want their images shown.
I want to tie a few ideas together from the Noosphere site and the Earth Charter, which is connected to Alliance of Civilizations and the Millennial Development Goals. There seems to be this notion that we can recreate Gan Eden here on Earth without God ( I do mean the God of the Bible who is the One true Creator of the Universe).
As I was looking over some of the Roerich information I came across this proposal by a "World Ethics Congress" to have a "World Conscience Council" Part 5 Article 18 of this document:
Now this idea struck me as bizarre since my conscience as a believer in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as a believer in Yeshua is very different for example than someone who is a Muslim.. I won't go into all the reasons why, but it is fair to say that the Scriptures I read have different values, different instructions than the Quran. I'm not singling out Islam here, just using it as one example among many.
As I started tracing this idea of a "Global Conscience" I discovered that the Earth Charter has similar language:
The last couple of paragraphs will explain the thinking behind Earth Charter's "Council of Conscience".
Well coincidently enough, Karen Armstrong's Charter for Compassion is also in the process of forming a "Council of Conscience."
...and who would know better than Karen, who doesn't believe that the Bible is truer than any of the myths from other civilizations, how to have a constitution with guidelines for conscience?
"The Council of Conscience, a multi-faith, multi-national group of religious thinkers and leaders, will gather together and sort through all the world's contributions. They will then mold the final version of the Charter for Compassion from those words."
There is this notion out there that if there is agreement between all of these UN appointed gurus, that they have God's wisdom, while ignoring God's Word, the Scriptures.
Well this Russian woman has come up with the Spiritual -Ecological Constitution for mankind:
She has written a book on the subject too:
At the end of the book, she defines the buzzword we have all gotten used to hearing "sustainable" as "eternal". God is eternal and He can give us eternal life, so the only true sustainable development is from Him. All the rest is rubbish..
Another document on the Noo-constitution:
Somehow I don't think this proposal is going to be brought for a vote, but rather thrust upon us by the self-appointed sages of the UN and like organizations.. Just wanted to let you know what might be coming down the pike. Those of us who don't agree with it will be accused of destroying the planet and mankind. That will certainly be covered in this global constitution..
Jonathon Granoff, head of the Global Security Insitute, a member of Humanitad, which I posted several blogs ago and Senior Advisor to the American Bar Association, VP of the UN committee on Nuclear Disarmament:
In this video, he is espousing the same ideas and trying to see that all of our belief systems are similar.
There are more links between Humanitad and the Noosphere-Law of Time folks:
Nina Goncharova and Sacha Stone from Humanitad are both linked here with Galactic Research Institute/ Law of Time, which we found on the Noosphere congress website.
Here's Nina's bio:
...and Nina is involved in this Worldnet for Harmonious Peace:
Here's the Ervin Laszlo connection:
"GHA calls to create a global network of academies, institutes and schools creating harmonious peace culture and generating general harmonious education, by which the first expression is the WHPA project. It is possible to name approximately so: "Educational Institutions WorldNet for Harmonious Peace" or "Harmonious Peace Culture International for Global Education". This Network or International could head the outstanding and innovative leaders of modern peace education: Dr. Ikeda, Dr. Johan Galtung and Dr. Ervin Laszlo. The creation of such organization will be a powerful step to a new culture of peace in harmony, because true peace exists in harmony and occurs from harmony. Mastering of harmonious peace culture and social harmony is a process more difficult and important, than space exploration as it provides a survival and prosperity for humankind."
There's a lot of other heavy hitters mentioned on this site..
What I'm pointing out is the common theme between all of these organizations, and the common players.. They do seem to be "in harmony'". The Russian connection is very interesting and of course Gorbachev is listed there, but the project is global in scope.
What are your views on paying taxes Constance - I assume you do given your highly salaried profession - in relation to the fact they fund wars and suchlike and, indeed, a luciferian new world order.
How do you justify this as a Christian ?
cheers, brian
I'm not Constance, but I'll answer in the words of my wise rabbi Yeshua" Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God..." Hope that answers your question..
"My highly paid profession. . ."
Evidently, you haven't been to Michigan lately!
Never been there Constance, can believe things are tight though, part of the conspiracy maybe ?
Have you read -
cheers, brian
ps no disrespect/offence meant, I realise your heart is in the right place
Give credit where it's due, Joyce. This is lifted from Jer. 31:32. "They" is "Israel." I suppoose you did not use Jeremiah bewcausse you wanted to avoid the verses following 32:
Jer 31:33 And no longer shall one teach his neighbor or [shall] one [teach] his brother, saying, "Know the Lord," for they shall all know Me from their smallest to their greatest, says the Lord, for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will no longer remember. 34 So said the Lord, Who gives the sun to illuminate by day, the laws of the moon and the stars to illuminate at night, Who stirs up the sea and its waves roar, the Lord of Hosts is His name. 35 If these laws depart from before Me, says the Lord, only then will the seed of Israel cease being a nation before Me. 36 So said the Lord: Only if the heavens above will be measured and the foundations of the earth below will be fathomed, will I reject the seed of Israel because of whhat they did, says the Lord. 37 Behold days are coming, says the Lord, and the city shall be built to the Lord, from the tower of Hananel until the gate of the corner. 38 And the measuring line shall go out further opposite it upon the hill of Gareb, and it shall turn to Goah. 39 And the whole valley of the dead bodies and the ash and all the fields until the Kidron Valley, until the corner of the Horse Gate to the east, shall be holy to the Lord; it shall never again be uprooted or torn down forever.
Joyce also said: "It is the Lord Himself who will circumcise our hearts and minds."
Your lord and my Lord are two different lords. When the third Temple is built, Ezekiel wrote, only those circumcized of flesh will be allowed in.
"So said the Lord God: No alien of uncircumcised heart or of uncircumcised flesh may enter My Sanctuary, of any alien who is in the midst of the Children of Israel." (Ezek 44:9).
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