I subscribe to Statewatch alerts. Today I received a disturbing one. England is now requiring all entrants to show fingerprints. Here is a link where you can view full brochure. Click on the image above itself to see it in full page mode.
Stay tuned!
"The Family" behind new Ugandan law requiring capital punishment for homosexuals:
Note in the "comments" section:
Destroying Islamists is futile unless we destroy Christianists at the same time.
16 people liked this comment.
November 30. 2009
Environmentalism should be regarded on the same level with religion "as the only compelling, value-based narrative available to humanity," according to a paper written two years ago to influence the future strategy of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the world's would-be environmental watchdog....read more...
For the neo-Nazis who have infiltrated the environmental movement, environmentalism IS a religion! It is also called "biocentrism," "Deep Ecology," "ecocentrism," etc.
A term in ecological political philosophy used to denote a nature-centred, as opposed to human-centred, system of values. The justification for ecocentrism normally consists in an ontological belief and subsequent ethical claim. The ontological belief denies any existential divisions between human and non-human nature sufficient to ground a claim that humans are either (a) the sole bearers of intrinsic value or (b) possess greater intrinsic value than non-human nature. Thus the subsequent ethical claim is for an equality of intrinsic value across human and non-human nature, or ‘biospherical egalitarianism’.
Ecocentrism is taken by its proponents to constitute a radical challenge to long-standing and deeply rooted anthropocentric attitudes in Western culture, science, and politics. Anthropocentrism is alleged to leave the case for the protection of non-human nature subject to the demands of human utility, and thus never more than contingent on the demands of human welfare. An ecocentric ethic, by contrast, is believed to be necessary in order to develop a non-contingent basis for protecting the natural world. Critics of ecocentrism have argued that it opens the doors to an anti-humanist morality that risks sacrificing human well-being for the sake of an ill-defined ‘greater good’.
The following is a valuable critique of the ersatz "religion" of environmentalism.
Western Desacralization and Anthropocentrism as Root Cause; Earthen Spirituality and Bioregional Ideology as Antidote
...Many Greens, perhaps especially those identifying with deep ecology, believe that monotheistic religions foster environmentally destructive behavior. Those religions shape consciousness such that humans believe that they are the only species which deserves moral consideration and the holy is above or beyond the world, and thus Earth's living systems are of penultimate moral concern.
Additionally, such religion is criticized as intolerant of and repressive toward peoples whose ideas and cultures are more ecologically sustainable. Put
simply, Western religions are anthropocentric and *desacralize nature; consequently
they precipitate a war on nature and nature-beneficent cultures, and
are the central engines of environmental calamity.'
The flip side of this coin is that Western religious idea-complexes must be oveaurned in order for humans to harmonize their lives with nature.
This helps to explain why deep ecology philosophers think it is important to reject monotheism (considered the antinature, "dominant paradigm" of Western religion
and philosophy) while resurrecting and defending the lifeways and religions of the world's esoteric religious traditions and remnant foraging societies.
George Sessions, for example, suggested that Western people could grope their way back to a proper understanding of the "God/Nature/Man relationship"
via the pantheism of the seventeenth-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza. He borrowed from Aldous Huxley (who borrowed in turn from Leibniz) a belief in "perennial philosophy," a variety of alternative, nature-beneficent ideals scattered globally and found especially in world's surviving indigenous peoples, religions originating in the Far East, and among Jewish,
Christian, and Muslim contemplative mystics ( gnostics).....
As we know, the "perennial philosophy" is pagan and is part and parcel of BOTH the "right" and "left" wings of the New Age Movement!
See also the
It's getting harder to be a christian these days. Churches are becoming more liberal. Like I said folks it's geting harder to be a christian these days. I don't think we have seen anything yet. The one's know Christ let's pass the popcorn.
Eagle Eyes
Thanks for carrying the story conecting the Family to the murderous campaign in Uganda over to this thread. I posted it in the last one, and am greatfull it was reposted here so it gets some attention.
Thanks for the follow up in the last thread. I have not looked through the links you posted, but considering the source refering them to me I will. I will reply once I have a better grasp on the info.
Rob and others,
I believe we may have some form of attack on US soil, and possibly even Russia may be a scapegoat. However at this point my theory is it will be with the collusion of our own government. Or possibly Russia could provide the weapons, and the action itself could be blamed on a domestic terrorist, most probably a christian one, or one of the other terrorist types that I have been expecting.
In an editorial posted on the CAIVN (California Independent Voter Network), Chad Peace, a co-founder of the original Tea Party movement, blasts the establishment Republican takeover of the movement.
For the rest of this long article, click on URL below:
Dear Susanna:
I saw the "deep ecology" cum earth worship/people eradication element of this back as early as 1981. I have a huge library from the deep ecologists aka pagans!
Thanks for the brilliant post -- I had not seen these modern developments, although it was obvious that Al Gore's EARTH IN THE BALANCE was headed that way.
Interestingly, I had announced my plans to write a book, THE GREENING OF CHRISTIANITY to an audience in Salem, Oregon. Interestingly enough, the next time we appeared on the same platform together, one of the all time worst Catholic bashers - one who gave the gnostic Albigensians a clean bill of health, announced his forthcoming book with a very similar title, but one that not expose the deep ecology also taking root in the church. I then mistakenly decided that there was enough duplication not to write my book. His book gave gnostic William Law, the translator of gnostic Jacob Boehme a clean bill of spiritual health and doubled Christians back to William Law's brand of "Christianity." Strangely enough, although that author Catholic bashes to the extreme, the New Age Catholics love him and reference his book in their Classics of Western Spirituality which included such on its board as David Steindl-Rast and John Huston.
I N T E R E S T I N G !!!
I also found out that this person's first publisher was Norman Grubb, although that same person had sworn up and down to me he had never met Norman Grubb. Grubb had co-published his first two books.
This whole situation has been infiltrated far more than most think to lull us to sleep until the same New Age forces I as fighting and he pretended to be fighting came into play.
I speak in riddles -- intentionally.
When I traveled from Australia to Canada three years ago...I had to get my index fingers printed and tested, both hands! 3 Years ago!
Dear Constance,
Thank you for your kind words. I read your book HIDDEN DANGERS not long after it was first published.
When I saw the way you praised Pope Pius X for his anti-modernist encyclical, PASCENDI DOMINICI GREGIS, saying that Pope Pius X was "a prophet as well as a prelate," I knew you understood the kind of battle that we traditional Catholic Christians were being called upon to fight.
With regard to the Albigensians,(a.k.a. Cathari) I really think that certain Catholic-bashers don't know what they are talking about when they try to portray the Albigensians as some species of "non-Catholic Christian precursor" to the Protestants of the Reformation.
They were anything but Christian! And it is an insult as well as a great calumny against the Protestants to protray the Albigensians as such.
They were certainly not Protestants! They were not even Christians - at least not in the sense that the term "Christian" is commonly understood.
If anything, the Albigensians, in virtue of the fact that they were dualists, were precursors to the Nazis.
If a person wants to understand the Albigensians, he needs to understand Manichaeism - because that is what the Albigensians were.....Manichaeans! The reason they were called "Albigensians" is because they were from the French commune of Albi.
One thing that is very important to understand whether one is a Catholic or Protestant Christian, is that when Satanists wax philosophical, they wax Manichaean.
At the highest levels, Freemasonry is Manichaean.
Jules Doinel, who was a Grand Orient Freemason and practising Spiritist, was also one of the persons who revived the Albigensian heresy vis a vis his Gnostic Church of France.
Doinel’s Gnostic Church combined the theological doctrines of Simon Magus, Valentinus and Marcus (a later Valentinian noted for his development of the mysteries of numbers and letters and of the “mystic marriage”) with sacraments derived from the Cathar Church and conferred in rituals which were heavily influenced by those of the Roman Catholic Church. At the same time, the Gnostic Church was intended to present a system of mystical Masonry.
A Gnostic Mass, called the Fraction du pain or “Breaking of the Bread” was composed. The sacramental liturgy of the Church was completed by the inclusion of two Cathar sacraments, the Consolamentum and the Appareillamentum...read entire article....
Doinel was involved in the infamous Taxil Hoax which was about the alledged goings on and membership in by senior Politicians and some Clerics inside some super secret "Palladium Rite" and NOT about what Masonic Authors like Pike, Hall, et all wrote about the nature of Heaven and Hell and who occupied same.
Ironically, there was such a thing as the Palladian Rite and the Taxil Hoax was perpetrated for the precise purpose of neutralizing further criticism of masonry and what High Level Masons have written about God, Satan and Lucifer......
On the 20th of May, 1737, there was constituted in France the Order of the Palladium, or Sovereign Council of Wisdom, which, after the manner of the androgyne lodges then springing into existence, initiated women under the title of Companions of Penelope. The ritual of this order was published by the Masonic archæologist Ragon, so that there can be no doubt of its existence. At the same time, so far as I am aware, there are few materials forthcoming for
p. 31
its history. In some way which remains wholly untraceable this order is inferred to have been connected by more than its name with the legendary Palladium of the Knights Templars, well known under the title of Baphomet.
Headline News
Monday, November 30, 2009 Israel Today Staff
Will the Third Temple be built next year?
According to a centuries-old rabbinical prophecy that appears to be coming true, on March 16, 2010, Israel will begin construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.
During the 18th century, the Vilna Gaon, a respected rabbinical authority, prophesied that the Hurva Synagoge in Jerusalem, which was built during his day, would be destroyed and rebuilt twice, and that when the Hurva was completed for the third time, construction on the Third Temple would begin.
The Hurva Synagogue was first destroyed shortly after its initial construction when Muslims demanding the return of loans tore it down. The synagogue was rebuilt a hundred years later and became the most important Jewish house of worship in the Holy Land, only be blown to pieces by Jordanian troops during Israel's 1948 War of Independence.
In 2001, Israel finally decided to rebuild the landmark, which today stands in the center of the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem's Old City. The building is scheduled to be completed and the Hurva Synagogue dedicated for the third time on March 15 of next year.
Could this be the 3RD temple?
I completely disagree with the UK decision. However, it must be noted that the US has been fingerprinting non-US citizens arriving at US airports for a number of years now. This is not to personally play tit-for-tat here that I say this, but just to show the extent of it, and that this was something which originated in the US under G W Bush.
Please see:
' "US-VISIT supports the Department of Homeland Security's mission to protect our nation by providing biometric identification services to federal, state and local government decision makers to help them accurately identify the people they encounter and determine whether those people pose a risk to the United States.'
'US-VISIT's most visible service is the collection of biometrics—digital fingerprints and a photograph—from international travelers at U.S. visa-issuing posts and ports of entry. Collecting this information helps immigration officers determine whether a person is eligible to receive a visa or enter the United States. The biometric collection process is simple, convenient and secure.'
'US-VISIT's innovative use of biometrics prevents identity fraud and deprives criminals and immigration violators of the ability to cross our borders. US-VISIT also supports the Department's ability to identify international travelers who have remained in the United States beyond their period of admission by analyzing biographical information.'
'By providing decision makers with the information they need where and when they need it, US-VISIT is helping to make U.S. immigration and border management efforts more collaborative, more streamlined and more effective.'
'US to fingerprint all UK visitors'
Wednesday, 29 September, 2004
'The fingerprints of millions of visitors will be checked each year.
All British travellers arriving in the United States will be fingerprinted and digitally
photographed from Thursday.'
"U.S. increases fingerprints IDs at airports"
Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:16pm EDT
'NEW YORK (Reuters) - International visitors flying into New York now face being identified by all ten fingerprints, part of a heightened security system aimed at identifying potential terror suspects and visa fraud, officials said on Tuesday.'
Please see also:
Wednesday, 31 December, 2003, 08:14 GMT
'Brazil to fingerprint US citizens'
'US travellers will face tough immigration checks in Brazil
A Brazilian judge has announced that US citizens will be fingerprinted and photographed on entering the country.
Judge Julier Sebastiao da Silva was reacting to US plans to do the same to Brazilians entering the United States.'
'He made the order after a Brazilian government office filed a complaint in a federal court over the new US immigration measures.'
'From 5 January, travellers from all countries which need a visa to enter the US will undergo the same checks.'
' "I consider the act absolutely brutal, threatening human rights, violating human dignity, xenophobic and worthy of the worst horrors committed by the Nazis," Federal Judge Julier Sebastiao da Silva said in the court order.'
In my opinion, the NWO is moving fast in these areas as a socio-psycholical stepping-stone to micrichip implants. Things are often piloted in one country and then, once accepted and psychologically normalised, are introduced internationally.
God bless,
Rob in London.
I completely disagree with the UK decision. However, it must be noted that the US has been fingerprinting non-US citizens arriving at US airports for a number of years now. This is not to personally play tit-for-tat here that I say this, but just to show the extent of it, and that this was something which originated in the US under G W Bush.
Please see:
' "US-VISIT supports the Department of Homeland Security's mission to protect our nation by providing biometric identification services to federal, state and local government decision makers to help them accurately identify the people they encounter and determine whether those people pose a risk to the United States.'
'US-VISIT's most visible service is the collection of biometrics—digital fingerprints and a photograph—from international travelers at U.S. visa-issuing posts and ports of entry. Collecting this information helps immigration officers determine whether a person is eligible to receive a visa or enter the United States. The biometric collection process is simple, convenient and secure.'
'US-VISIT's innovative use of biometrics prevents identity fraud and deprives criminals and immigration violators of the ability to cross our borders. US-VISIT also supports the Department's ability to identify international travelers who have remained in the United States beyond their period of admission by analyzing biographical information.'
'By providing decision makers with the information they need where and when they need it, US-VISIT is helping to make U.S. immigration and border management efforts more collaborative, more streamlined and more effective.'
'US to fingerprint all UK visitors'
Wednesday, 29 September, 2004
'The fingerprints of millions of visitors will be checked each year.
All British travellers arriving in the United States will be fingerprinted and digitally
photographed from Thursday.'
"U.S. increases fingerprints IDs at airports"
Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:16pm EDT
'NEW YORK (Reuters) - International visitors flying into New York now face being identified by all ten fingerprints, part of a heightened security system aimed at identifying potential terror suspects and visa fraud, officials said on Tuesday.'
Please see also:
Wednesday, 31 December, 2003, 08:14 GMT
'Brazil to fingerprint US citizens'
'US travellers will face tough immigration checks in Brazil
A Brazilian judge has announced that US citizens will be fingerprinted and photographed on entering the country.
Judge Julier Sebastiao da Silva was reacting to US plans to do the same to Brazilians entering the United States.'
'He made the order after a Brazilian government office filed a complaint in a federal court over the new US immigration measures.'
'From 5 January, travellers from all countries which need a visa to enter the US will undergo the same checks.'
' "I consider the act absolutely brutal, threatening human rights, violating human dignity, xenophobic and worthy of the worst horrors committed by the Nazis," Federal Judge Julier Sebastiao da Silva said in the court order.'
In my opinion, the NWO is moving fast in these areas as a socio-psycholical stepping-stone to micrichip implants. Things are often piloted in one country and then, once accepted and psychologically normalised, are introduced internationally.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Dear Susanna,
I like the the term 'momilies'; sounds like you've got one cool Mum there. (smiles)
God bless,
Rob in London.
"In my opinion, the NWO is moving fast in these areas as a socio-psychological stepping-stone to micrichip implants. Things are often piloted in one country and then, once accepted and psychologically normalised, are introduced internationally.
Rob in London.
ADDAGE: Hehe, revision indeed!
Microchip not micrichip! I should learn to watch my fingers as I type until I can competently do so otherwise.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Dorothy said,
'JD, SV, Rob, Suzanna, Dawn, and others I may be missing, I don't know who you are as you are anonymous, but there is a strong link between all of us. We are people who are willing to take the time and make the effort to care about others and make the world a place with more freedom. I want to thank you for every effort you make even though I don't say it every time you post.'
10:25 PM;
Aussie Girl @(*O*)@ said...
'Dorothy, and All
I don't post much at all but I, I thank God for you as do all the others here on this blog for the great research and input you spread around to make us all aware of the current goings on.
I don't feel I can give any contribution to this blog like the way you all do. I'm not putting myself down but you all are great and Dorothy I/others see's your heart, most of all, so Does God.
Can I say, we are all precious in the sight of God and His love carries us on and on...
I give praise and Glory to Jesus, and the rest of you... U get hugs
(((((hugs))))) .....
Simple!! Now Guys get back to work... lol'
7:15 AM
(FROM BLOG: "Expiquer S'il vous plait?")
Thank you for your kind words here, and I pray God blesses you mightily, Dorothy.
I find your posts very informative too, and second everything you've said here about others, and also second the sentiments of Aussie girl to you.
All these wonderful things you've said about others in your thread here, are things which certainly pertain to you too.
You Dorothy, like Constance, Susanna, JD, SV, Peacebringer7, Dawn, and yep you too Aussie girl (this winging pom' always feels a little less wingey whenever you're about, lol) and many others here bring a warm and dedicated approach to this blog.
Thank you for your kindness here, it is much appreciated and is a further expression of your love and care for others.
Aussie girl, loadsa hugs to you too, and I'm sure there are a great many bloggers here that second my sentiment. You are a gentle and kindhearted person, whose words I have known only to always carry the olive branch with them.
God bless everyone here and peace be with you all.
Rob in London. : )
There is no question that those behind the Biocentrist religion have historically been proponents of Eugenics as well. These same individuals are deeply entrenched in the Obama cabinet and advocate "population control", the modern buzzword for a holocaust.
Solana steps aside today Dec 1 -
Fr. J.L. Ashcroft,
You are spot on!
Moreover, if you have ever read Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's biography of Savitri Devi entitled "HITLER'S PRIESTESS," and studied the HITLERISM/ESOTERIC NAZISM of Miguel Serrano you will see how the neo-Nazis have infiltrated the New Age Movement -especially the "Deep Ecology" sector.
This is significant, things are moving quickly!! Read to the bottom, "there is virtually no chance of preventing the EU from calling for the division of Jerusalem"....the official call is to come next week!
This is significant, things are moving quickly! Read to the bottom, "there is virtually no chance of preventing the EU from calling for the division of Jerusalem"....the official call is to come next week!
Dorothy, Rob, Aussie Girl, and others,
I am greatful my efforts are thought so highly of by people I respect so much. I am also greatful that despite great differences the group as a whole is begining to work together on issues. I pray this continues as things continue to unfold, as it will become increasingly more difficult to do so.
I would recommend all here interested in internet freedom to take a look at this site. It gives a pretty good lay out of how independent sites are going to be distroyed, only to be replaced by well controled mega sites.
Sorry "distroyed" should have been destroyed
1. Thanks for the heads up on the EU - Jerusalem situation. Indeed, it is VERY SERIOUS.
Here's a look at what happens when someone asks Al Gore about Climategate.
It appears that Climategate isn't even going to slow down this plan. If anything it may cause them to kick it into high gear. This gives them the motive to lock down on dissenting information and as all can see an attempt is being made to do just that. If we had credible leaders that would take a stand against this fraud, the people might stand a chance. Unfortunately that is not the case.
Israel warns EU over east Jerusalem dispute
JERUSALEM — Israel sternly warned the European Union on Tuesday against recognizing east Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital, saying such a move would damage Europe's credibility as a Mideast mediator.
The warning came as Jewish settlers in the West Bank confronted government inspectors sent to enforce a ban on new construction on territory Palestinians claim for a future state. No major violence was reported, but the images could boost the efforts of conservative Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to portray himself as amenable to international demands for curtailing settlements.
Sweden, the current EU president, is floating an initiative to recognize east Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital. The Israeli daily Haaretz reported Tuesday that Sweden will seek approval at an EU meeting in Brussels next week.
In Stockholm, officials declined to confirm the proposal. But diplomats in Brussels said privately that Sweden has put the issue up for a debate by the EU governments. Although the proposal is unlikely to pass, Israel's Foreign Ministry issued a strongly worded statement urging the EU not to proceed.
more at link
I just came in from getting my mail. I have a post card addressed to Resident. It has a return address of HEALTHY OHIO CITIES, 2060 E 9TH ST. CLEVELAND, OHIO 44115
but it is also from DUBLIN, OHIO, a city just northwest of Columbus which is part of this effort. It says: YULETIDE YOGA. It invites us to take the stress out of this holiday season by joining HEALTHY DUBLIN FOR YULETIDE YOGA AT THE MALL. Free sessions of yoga for adults and kids at the food court from 7 to 8 PM. Bring a yoga mat or towel. Register at HEALTHY DUBLIN or email to a named employee at MEDICAL MUTUAL OF OHIO. Also listed at the card are THE CITY OF DUBLIN, PFIZER, ASTRA ZENECA and DUBLIN METHODIST HOSPITAL/OHIO HEALTH. In small print is listed the DUBLIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, THE DUBLIN CITY SCHOOLS, DUBLIN COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER.
I would guess this is going on in more States than just Ohio. So now to celebrate the "holiday season" we are urged to learn and practice Yoga.
Leaked emails won't harm UN climate body, says chairman
There is "virtually no possibility" of a few scientists biasing the advice given to governments by the UN's top global warming body, its chair said today.
Rajendra Pachauri defended the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the wake of apparent suggestions in emails between climate scientists at the University of East Anglia that they had prevented work they did not agree with from being included in the panel's fourth assessment report, which was published in 2007.
The emails were made public this month after a hacker illegally obtained them from servers at the university.
Pachauri said the large number of contributors and rigorous peer review mechanism adopted by the IPCC meant that any bias would be rapidly uncovered.
"The processes in the IPCC are so robust, so inclusive, that even if an author or two has a particular bias it is completely unlikely that bias will find its way into the IPCC report," he said.
"Every single comment that an expert reviewer provides has to be answered either by acceptance of the comment, or if it is not accepted, the reasons have to be clearly specified. So I think it is a very transparent, a very comprehensive process which insures that even if someone wants to leave out a piece of peer reviewed literature there is virtually no possibility of that happening."
more at link
For those of you who like to investigate these group-think exercises, just google the phrase yuletide yoga and you will find it everywhere, in some cases blatantly wiccan. The woman to contact to register for the yoga in my area is Lori Robinson at Medical Mutual of Ohio. I googled her also to learn her background. It looks like she's in Cleveland.
I didn't mean to post the same article twice, sorry about that!
Re:Leaked emails won't harm UN climate body, says chairman.
I hope this cheers you up, JD.
The EU looters are up to their usual lying and denying routine, but the leaked e-mails are incontrovertible evidence that global warming is merely a fraudulent pretext to shake down developed countries like the U.S. and "transfer wealth" to....the looters.
And contrary to the twaddle they are wont to peddle about "helping underdeveloped countries," the money confiscated from "developed" (rich) countires won't go to help the poor. It will go to maintain the looters in power.
This is becauase socialism isn't about sharing the wealth. Socialism is about controlling the wealth and doling it out only to those who are willing to toe the party line.
Whatever the EU says, the Copenhagen Treaty is reportedly toast unless the U.S. is willing to come on board. Obama is not even staying to the end of the Copenhagen Summit. He is merely stopping there on his way to collect his Nobel Peace Bribe. He has to know that there is no way in hell that the U.S. Senate would ratify it anyway.....as in Kyoto, Part I.
Maybe the Copenhagen clowns need a serious reality check. Here is one for them:
World Key Industrialized Nations have abandon hope on a legally binding deal for a Treaty this year... It will be postponed for at least six months , but more likely a year...
Obama and other world leaders say this year will be merely a weigh station and not the once hoped- for end point for a global warming treaty.
What Happen to the "We have to do this now or we are toast" just a few months a go it was a crises but now all of a sudden it can wait a year... this is the pattern that Obama is taking. Always a rush and crises, just like the Swine Flu shots but when the Government fuddled that, well Obama isn't saying so much about the Swine flu anymore.
European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso said Tuesday it was "obvious" a "full-fledged binding treaty, Kyoto-type" could not be completed in Copenhagen. He said there was too much distrust among developed and developing nations ..
Complicating the situation are next year's congressional and Senate
elections,(in the U.S.) when Democrats will be more concerned with voters' economic
woes than with demands from Copenhagen participants.
In other words, Democrats will be more concerned about getting their butts handed to them in the 2010 elections!
In the meantime, while the wheela are coming off the Copenhagen Treaty, the story about Climategate is getting legs!!!
I want to thank you for your kind words.
Your work is also very valuable and I want to thank you here for all the research and sharing you do.
People here should check out the work you have been doing on Critical Social Theory and/or Critical Racial Theory.
One more pretentious, carefully nuanced, pseudo-intellectual species of "Kool-Ade" to add to the cultural cauldron.
Well, I'm going to try hard not to get paranoid. Since I opened AND SAVED A PICTURE OF THE PAGE on one of my office computers, the Home Page for WESTERN EUROP6 EAN UNION is again changed. My educated guess is that they are watching us even more than we are watching them and are playing one of the loveliest games I have ever seen of "now you see us, now you don't."
If anybody thinks that SWEDEN in its about to end EU 6 month presidency and CATHERINE ASHTON, her first day on her job for which she is TOTALLY INEXPERIENCED came up with the Israel scenario on her own or that it was a pure Swedish idea and initiative, I have a bridge to sell them.
I suspect Javier Solana is still on the stage, WAITING FOR THE CURTAIN TO RISE for the final act of THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT!
Swedish Presidency of the European Union
'Presidency Statement on settlement expansion in Jerusalem
The Presidency of the European Union is dismayed by the recent decision on the expansion of the settlement of Gilo.'
'The Presidency recalls that settlement activities, house demolitions and evictions in East Jerusalem are illegal under international law. Such activities also prejudge the outcome of final status negotiations and threaten the viability of a two-state solution. The Presidency recalls that the European Union has never recognised the annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967 nor the subsequent 1980 basic law.'
'The actions taken by the Israeli Government contravene repeated calls by the international community, including the Quartet, and run counter to the creation of an atmosphere conducive to achieving a viable and credible solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. If there is to be genuine peace, a way must be found to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states.'
Rob in London.
Copenhagen Spokesman Calls for “Creation of Vision” through Works of Fiction at UNESCO Conference
December 1, 2009
“Broadcasters play a vital role by informing and educating the public about the realities of climate change and the costs of inaction. Armed with information, citizens are better equipped to push for meaningful and responsible follow-through from their elected representatives. This is all the more essential in the final days before Copenhagen.”
Statement by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for UNESCO’s International Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change
At a UNESCO conference in September of this year on how to best sell the global warming hoax to selected target audiences, spokesman and media-manager of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change Eric Hall called for the creation of “an imagination, and a vision” through works of fiction for people to chew on in the run-up and exceeding the Copenhagen conference next week.
Eric Hall (r.) called for the creation of climate change “imagination, and a vision” through works of fiction.
“That”, Hall explained, “will come through film, it will come through soap operas, it will come through reality TV, it will come through novels.”
He made the statement at the conference “Broadcast Media and Climate Change”, organized by the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization. Attended by a wide range of public and private broadcasters from around the globe, the meetings were recorded on tape for all to see and hear, highlighting the need for- as one attendee described it: “raising awareness on climate change worldwide”.
To read the rest of the article plus access entire transcript archive of the conference, click on URL:
CNN Spreads Detention Camp Disinfo
December 1, 2009
In a new CNN report deeply rooted in Department of Homeland Security propaganda, CNN’s John Acosta says that the Federal government is not building detention camps around the country and that there is absolutely no proof of these kinds of activities. However, a highly controversial documentary released a couple of months ago offers the viewers almost 90 minutes of heart-stopping proof that plans for martial law and FEMA camps are indeed very real.
For the rest of this article, click on URL:
I miss Rudi ( Ruth )
Here is a good update from Bro. Roberts of,
*It appears that Solana is still in the thick of EU policy, and December is not going to disappoint us in prophetic news concerning the Middle East.
*The Israeli government is upset because it sees the double standard being played out in the world concerning their land.
*Is the EU and the US setting the world up for a possible prophetic showdown spoken in the Bible as the abomination of desolation?
Today on December 1st we see a picture of Javier Solana with the Swedish foreign minister before the important meeting on December 7th concerning the future of Jerusalem from the European Union's (EU) point of view. Where is the new EU Foreign Policy Chief Ashton? She is harder to find than Jimmy Hoffa. It seems the EU is setting the stage for a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state with the first major step in EU diplomacy, which is the declaration that East Jerusalem is the Palestinian capital. This, I believe, is a step in the fulfillment in Daniel's prophecy that the abomination of desolation is being prepared before our very eyes.
This news is very important because as many have been following the EU has a man who has lead or currently leading a 10 nation confederation of EU nations called the Western European Union (WEU). The secrecy behind this man, Javier Solana, could get more prophetic as we see Solana's hand all over this declaration. I seriously doubt an inexperience Ashton has drafted a detailed Middle East policy. She is far from being super woman. I believe Solana is working behind the scenes on this draft and it will detail some of his beliefs that he has leaked out the past few months, such as a possible declaration from the UN Security Council concerning a unilateral Palestinian state. This policy declaration may be what many in the prophetic world have been looking for. It may lay out the near future which could correspond to many of the prophecies of the ancients.
We are still very fluid in prophetic news, but if this is it, and Solana is a major player, then expect him to be behind the scenes until the midpoint when Satan gives him power for 42 months. This will happen either on/around March 30, 2010 or June 14, 2010, depending on your interpretation when the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) started. We are still looking at this program and this man because it is the only confirmed seven year treaty, and a man who has led, or currently leading a 10 nation European confederacy. Time will tell how this all plays out.
Bro. Brian
AND Joyce
and Setterman
and Old Man of the Ski
and Grasshopper
_and Len
But I don't miss Baal at all.
Wow ! Brother Brian ! Right on !
JS is a coward and a slithering snake.
He's hanging a couple of nobodies
out there to twist in the wind for all
the things that HE is responsible for,
and is going to be responsible for,
in Jerusalem very soon.
If Solana is still a good antichrist suspect, then who would be his accompanying false prophet. Hmm. Any guesses? I don't think it's Putin. Guess who's speaking tonight on TV here in the states?
The set up for the Ezekiel 38 & 39 prophecy is also quite imminent. It's interesting how there is such a push for global governance, but there is such increasing militarization (including the pursuit of nuclear arms) that any world peace would be short lived. Generally, when countries become more militarized, they are hellbent on flexing their muscles.
Anon. 1:17,
If you see the mall Santa in some kind of trance or yoga pose, get out of there! Go shopping at Walmart instead.
Per your 1:45 post, while I hope this turns out to be the case, I am suspicious. Time only allows knowledge to spread, in this matter it is no different. The story you posted as well as others like it, could be smoke screen to keep peace until the treaty is signed. Then again, it could all fall apart, leaving the door open for the man of sin to fix the situation. If by chance the treaty isn't signed, I anticipate disasters which will be placed at the feet of climate change. Either way, the stage is set, the actors in place, and now we all are left waiting for the show to begin. Peering through this thread alone shows just how close we are. In my opinion this treaty is not neccesary for their plan to unfold, the US as well as most other nations are already under some form of global governance, the US alone has been since the 60's. This treaty is more to do with monetary control than it is anything else. While I pray a failure to pass this would result in a delay of what most of us see coming, I doubt it will delay anything at all. That is, if this "doubt" about the treaty being passed isn't the proverbial wool being pulled over the eyes of those watching. The reason I deeply suspect this to be the case are the different arms of global governance that go into effect at years end. The new food codes, the waterway and land management laws, the new identification systems by both North America and Europe, not to mention the situation as it is unfolding in Israel. At this point only the Lord could delay this, and while I can't speak as to His timing on this matter, it does appear that He may be ready to bring this chapter to a close.
East Jerusalem should be Palestinian capital, says EU draft paperIsrael accuses EU of destroying prospects of renewed peace talks with document seen as an effort to strengthen Abbas
An EU document stressing that East Jerusalem should be the capital of a future Palestinian state brought a sharp response today from Israel, which claimed Brussels was damaging the prospects of peace talks restarting.
The draft document, to be discussed by EU foreign ministers next week, strongly criticised Israeli policies towards the Palestinians and warned negotiations need to resume urgently to break the "stalemate" in the peace process. Although the EU has long said that Jerusalem's future should be resolved in final status negotiations, the draft appears to be part of a diplomatic effort to strengthen the Palestinians and encourage them to return to talks.
The draft says a future Palestine should be made up of the West Bank and Gaza with East Jerusalem as its capital. It adds that the EU did not recognise Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem – a position shared by the rest of the international community. "If there is to be a genuine peace, a way must be found to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the capital of two states," says the draft, which the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz has obtained a copy of.
Sweden, which currently holds the EU presidency, was singled out for blame by Israel. "The move led by Sweden damages the ability of the European Union to take a role and be a significant factor in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians," the Israeli foreign ministry said.
"After the important steps taken by the government of Israel to enable the resumption of negotiations with the Palestinians, the European Union must now exert pressure on the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table. Steps like those being led by Sweden only contribute to the opposite effect."
more at link
Document Reveals U.N.'s Goal of Becoming Rule-Maker in Global Environmental Talks
Environmentalism should be regarded on the same level with religion "as the only compelling, value-based narrative available to humanity," according to a paper written two years ago to influence the future strategy of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the world's would-be environmental watchdog.
The purpose of the paper, put together after an unpublicized day-long session in Switzerland by some of the world's top environmental bureaucrats: to argue for a new and unprecedented effort to move environmental concerns to "the center of political and economic decision-making" around the world — and perhaps not coincidentally, expand the influence and reach of UNEP at the tables of world power, as a rule-maker and potential supervisor of the New Environmental Order.
The positions argued in that paper now appear to be much closer at hand; many of them are embedded in a four-year strategy document for UNEP taking effect next year, in the immediate wake of the much-touted, 11-day Copenhagen conference on "climate change," which starts on Dec. 7, and which is intended to push environmental concerns to a new crescendo.
The major difference is that the four-year UNEP plan expresses its aims in the carefully soporific language that U.N. organizations customarily use to swaddle their objectives. The Swiss document makes its case passionately — and more plainly — than any U.N. official document ever would.
The ambitious paper, entitled "The UNEP That We Want," was the product of a select group of 20 top environmental bureaucrats and thinkers, including UNEP's current No. 2 official, Angela Cropper. The document was later delivered to UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner.
Other participants included Janos Pasztor, currently head of the team pushing U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's unprecedented Seal the Deal lobbying campaign to pressure U.N. member governments into signing a new environmental agreement at Copenhagen; Julia Marton-Lefevre, head of the World Conservation Union; Dominic Waughray, currently head of environmental initiatives at the World Economic Forum; and Maria Ivanova, a Bulgarian academic who is director of the Global Economic Governance Project at the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy.
Another important attendee was John Scanlon, listed on UNEP's website as principal advisor to UNEP's Steiner. Among other things, Scanlon is credited in his UNEP biography with being the leader in developing UNEP's new medium-term strategy, "Environment for Development," covering the period from 2010 to 2013. The draft version of the strategy was presented to a UNEP's Governing Council and a meeting of the world's environmental minister's in February 2008, and subsequently approved.
The Swiss paper was written not by Scanlon but by Mark Halle, the Europe-based director of trade and investment for an influential environmental think-tank, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), which originated in Canada and now operates in some 30 countries. IISD, which still has heavy Canadian government support, bills itself as a research institute promoting policies that are "simultaneously beneficial to the global economy, the global environment and to social well-being."
Even though all of the Swiss participants took part in the brainstorming, the responsibility for the ideas in the paper are his own, Halle emphasized to Fox News, after he was contacted last week about the document. The paper itself says it offers "elements," not a "complete offering," of what UNEP should consider for its role in the years ahead.
Despite those limitations, the report was "very well received" by UNEP's hierarchy, according to Halle, and "it has had a great impact internally." He added, "I have participated in several discussions and presentations of the ideas."
Click here to read Halle's document.
In fact, there is a high degree of overlap between the ideas pulled together at the small Swiss meeting of experts and the ideas that also appear in the new strategic plan for UNEP, a copy of which has been obtained by Fox News.
Click here to read the UNEP four-year strategy.
Those ideas are being espoused at a highly charged time. Both environmentalists and the entire United Nations, led by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, are still fervently pressuring governments around the world to sign a legally binding and more global successor to the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas suppression, which expires in 2012. At the moment, that deal appears likely to be delayed, at least until next spring, as some wealthy countries, including the U.S., balk at the high cost and potentially crippling economic impact of targets to reduce carbon emissions into the earth's atmosphere, even though President Barack Obama supports an ambitious Copenhagen deal.
But UNEP's strategic plan, as well as the IISD document that grew out of the Swiss gathering, look well beyond the horizon of Copenhagen in suggesting the outlines of the world's environment-centered future, to what the strategic plan calls "the next phase in the evolution of UNEP."
Among other things, both documents argue for:
—a "new and central position for environmentalism in the world's thinking," as the Swiss paper puts it. "The current environmental challenges and opportunities will cause the environment to move from often being considered as a marginal issue at the intergovernmental and national levels to the centre of political and economic decision-making," says the medium-term plan.
—a new position in the international power game for UNEP, reaching far beyond the member governments that currently finance its core budget and make up its normal supervisors. "It will have to make itself relevant well beyond the world of those already concerned with the environment, including very prominently its own formal constituency," as the Swiss paper puts it.
UNEP will "actively reach out to Governments, other United Nations entities, international institutions, multilateral environmental agreement secretariats, civil society, the private sector and other relevant partners to implement the Medium-term Strategy," says the UNEP document
more at link
Saw this ad about getting "chipped".
This may be a bit rambling, but I feel like I have to get my thoughts down. So bear with me.... :^)
Arriving home late from the mall tonight, I flipped the TV on just in time to see our Commander in Chief speak to the cadets at West Point, and to the world.
There were words coming out of his mouth, but they did not inspire. (I was kinda tired, actually, so I even started to drift off to sleep... ha!)
I love every serviceman and servicewoman who has, is, or ever will sacrifice their own safety and security for that of their friends, loved ones, and yes, complete strangers.
But there was just something missing in the explanation of why we are sending more troops into harms way on the opposite side of the world. (Interestingly, it was almost 30 years ago today that the Soviet Union sent it's 40th army into Afghanistan to fight the Islamist rebels who were keeping them from installing a puppet government friendly to the Communist cause. Those rebels were being helped by the US and other Western powers. Now, the table is turned around, and we send troops to the same battefield, and the rebels are probably, and ironically, being helped by the Russians! Ah, the Great Game continues....)
Anyway, I suppose I'm looking at what we are doing militarily as a country in light of some of the things I think we will face rather soon, and I want as many of our military as possible here at home protecting our land and our people.
Not to be melodramatic, but after reading through the last hundred or so posts here since I last posted, and with all that is in the news, and just a gut feeling I have that I can't seem to shake, I think things are really accelerating towards the opening of, as Constance says, the "Armageddon Script."
The things in this life that used to give me pleasure - things that I would go to to "forget" life for a while, and have a good laugh - movies, books, hobbies, etc - these things interest me less and less these days. I find it almost disheartening that this is the case, and yet, it is what I have been asking God to do - change my heart to be more like His heart.
I love to figure things out, and really do not like not knowing what's going on. There is so much we can learn here, and I am grateful to all the work and effort you all put in to make this a great place for not only news, but encouragement. Although, sometimes you have to FORCE yourself to be encouraged, with some of the things that get posted here! :^)
The problem with someone like me who always has to have an answer, is that I can forget to just rest in the shadow of the Almighty God, and take refuge in Him. I have to remind myself of that constantly. Psalm 91, the first two verses. Memorize them.
(Marko -- cont....)
I've been trying to piece together lately a bunch of puzzle pieces, some of which form a rather big part of the picture of what's about to take place. Russia, for one, is part of what is going to happen. Europe and the WEU play a part. The New Age Movement, apostasy and heresy happening within the Body of Christ - these are all parts of what is coming. I don't know what the sequence will be, or the significance of each piece. I'd kinda like to, but ... I have to come to a point where all of that doesn't matter as much as knowing that I'm on the same page as the one writing History and living in the center of His will and able to hear His voice amidst all the noise.
There are things I see in the Body that are happening now, though, that really don't need to happen. Fear, for one. I spent a LOT of time studying the New World Order and the Bilderbergers and the Fed and the CCCs (concentration camps for Christians) and all that stuff you hear on shortwave and read on the "fringe" internet sites, and the one common thread running through it all was FEAR. I stepped back from all that, and moved my focus to geopolitics. (Which isn't much better! haha)
It's good to stay informed, but I think as the Body of Christ we need to try to shift our focus more on being on our knees daily in PRAYER for each other, for those here who try to be watchmen on the wall, and especially for those in the days ahead who will remember what you told them in passing last week, or one, two, five, or even twenty-five years ago. They will see things start to happen, and if they haven't yet been taken in by the Deception, they will want to know just what in the world is happening to the world. And friends, we'd better be all prayed up to be able to give them the Gospel that holds out life! It may well be the last lifeline they will get.
The dividing time is coming, and coming fast. When it arrives, it will be like a woman in labor giving birth. You see the signs of the pregnancy, growing, growing, and then labor comes, a new birth is approaching, and then before you know it - baby is here! Or, for the lucky few, two or more babies arrive screaming and squawking.... :^)
Anyway, I felt led to call on everyone reading this to take a decent break from research as you feel led, and search your hearts, and wait on the Lord. Read His words. Talk to Him. Ask Jesus to minister to you, and fill you with His Spirit (which is not a spirit of fear - in Him there is no fear), emptying yourself of anything (mistrust, past hurts, pride, distractions, fear) that would keep you from being the servant He has called you to be.
It's almost gametime. Speaking for myself, I'm tired of looking at playbooks, and discussing strategy. I want to just sit and look at our Coach, Jesus Christ, and be amazed at what He can do with a team of people who are just willing to listen to Him and forget everything else for a while. It's going to come to that point anyway - the time for studying what's going to happen will end, and it will just - happen. Why not practice for it? :^)
May Jehovah Jireh, my provider - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - be with us, and may He bless you all and keep you until the Day of His appearing,
Rob in London: I am one of the people who post as Anonymous because I do not know how to put my name at the head of a letter with a Google program. Google has always outfoxed me, so I no longer play with Google.
But I always sign my letters unless I forget.
The non-anonymous Mariel
Marko, I recently came to similar conclusion to yours. I decided that we were being inundated by FEAR by being immersed constantly in speculation on the dark side of things. I don't intend to stop reading and stop looking at these things but I agree that we need to look more at the positive side of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Second Coming. Mourn for the bad stuff, but be comforted that the good stuff is on its way.
Marko, Mariel,
Just my thought on the matter, if one's primary focus is on the Lord and how all of this is part of fulfilling promises He made, then fear has no place within you. After all we are to surrender to His will, and if this is fulfilment of prophecy, then it is His will. We must remember also that our strength is in Him and that every foul thing which we look at will be broken and scattered to the wind. For me, there is no fear to be seen, only joy. As I know with the coming to pass of all these things, soon I will see my Messiah face to face. No amount of pain, suffering, or death could ever take this joy from me. With each passing day and every stone that gets over turned showing the foulness this world has to offer, my anticipation and greatfulness to my Father increases, as I know very soon I am going to see the Jesus.
To Marko and others:
For those of us who are at total peace in our relationship with Jesus Christ, we have absolutely nothing to fear!!!
Your wisdom is not lost. The whole point of all of this is for people to realize what time it is and that THE DIVIDING LINE of which you speak may be rapidly approaching, when God will say, "let he who is filthy, be filthy still" and "let he who is righteous be righteous still."
That is the divide we have to worry about -- we were warned clearly that God's spirit would not always strive with man.
Bro Brian:
Superb reporting and commentary from you.
My deep thanks to JACLYN for posting the Bro. Brian piece. I thought at first it may have been another Brian I know who is closely following events.
"This is from Born to Watch"
The Disappearing Secretary General Of The WEU....
Robert Walter MP, President of the Assembly, and Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy/Secretary-General of the Council of the EU and Secretary-general of WEU, Brussels (26 May 2009) Photographic service of the Council of the EU © European Communities
It Now Appears That A New Or A Re-Elected Secretary General Of The WEU Is Not Going To Speak Tomorrow Morning. It Also Appears That The Vote That Was Scheduled, To Elect A New Secretary General, Has Vanished As Well.
This is all looking mighty suspicious to us. By their own by-laws, the term for the Secretary General of the WEU was to expire on November 24, 2009. No announcement came forth indicating Solana would continue in the position until a vote could be held in the 57th Plenary Session of the Assembly. A vote was listed on their agenda and now is no longer listed. The Secretary General of the WEU was to speak at 10:15am on Wednesday, that has been scraped as well. Take a look at their scheduled agenda and see for yourself.
In light of these developments, I think it would be safe to assume that the individual that was operating in the position of Secretary General of the WEU as of November 24th 2009 is still the same individual operating in the position at this very moment. He would also still be wearing the hat of the Secretary General of the Council as well. There has been absolutely no new news that has come forth with regard to a reallocation of the Recommendation 666 power. The power originally went to one individual that was to be both the Secretary General of the WEU and the High Representative of EU Foreign Policy. Now there are two individuals serving in these positions. We also see that they have performed a disappearing act with the home page of the Secretary General of the WEU that we also posted last Tuesday. (See link above) Keep your ears peeled. If anyone happens to see any breaking news on this subject, by all means please send it over to us. We don’t want to miss any critical pieces of the puzzle that are coming together behind closed doors. It's amazing what someone can do with a staff of 25,000 individuals.
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