From Ron Seigel's bio:
Ron Seigel, a seasoned Michigan reporter who has enjoyed national circulation for many of his important articles received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the prestigious Monteith College of Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. His many articles have appeared in such newspapers as the Christian Science Monitor, Our Sunday Visitor, Catholic Faith and Family, The Jewish News, the Michigan Citizen, the Detroit News, the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit Legal News. Ron directed United Community Ombudsmen, an organization which assisted community residents in dealing with government institutions. "
This (the brutal stabbing) happened in Highland Park, Michigan, the Detroit municipal enclave where I once served as Executive Assistant to the Mayor. My informant was mutual friend, Gwendolyn Mingo, herself one of the finest and most valiant fighters for fairness and decency I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
I last spoke with Ron on Tuesday evening. Ron has contributed columns to this blog and had new material he wanted me to include. I had planned to do so.
Ron's spleen was punctured and had to be immediately removed. He is hospitalized at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan.
I will supply more details as I receive them. PRAY FOR RON SEIGEL and that the Highland Park Police Department conduct a vigorous investigation to remove the perpetrators from the streets. My informants tell me that no police report has been made as yet. So far the heinous crime has had no coverage in the local press although Ron has been a frequent contributor to most local newspapers.
Praying for Ron.
In New Mexico we have several stabbing incidents per day/night. One can barely get to other news because of the up front coverage of the violent attacks. We are one of the least populated states per square mile, so this proliferation is comparatively large.
God please deliever Ron from his wounds into restored active life.
What terrible news!
I will certainly keep Ron Seigel in my prayers!
Dear Constance,
I am very sorry to hear about such dreadful and sad news. I will pray and ask God to grant Ron healing,and peace for his loved ones.
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and comfort you,
Rob in London.
We are praying for Ron and for his full recovery.
Having grown up in Detroit, I have many fond childhood memories of Highland Park. Saddening to hear of such a tragedy happening there.
Dave in CA
I will keep Ron in my prayers....any idea yet what is the motive for this crime? disturbing indeed....
God bless
Dear Constance,
This news is happening all over
I will be up lifting Ron Seigel and his family for a speedy recovery.
Darkness is ever growing but victory is in Jesus.
I pray for Ron that he is touched physically and in whatever ways God choose to work in his life. Now perhaps COnstance or others God may lead you to give to the person and family at a level that meets them deeply. Today I have written and blog article and felt led to encourage/challenge others to give in a way beyond what is superficial. To give in a way that touches others deeply and builds them up. Please pray and see what God leads in the matter. Also feel free to lead my thought and the article related to the challenge and pass it on to others:
May God bless and lets see how the light of God's love spreads here amidst the ever growing darkness
Dear Constance,
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Ron and his loved ones are in my prayers.
By His Grace,
It is disturbing to me that news of a veteran Michigan news reporter stabbed in the back has not been published. Such an event is worthy of a headline in any town.
And 36 hrs after the incident, no police report has been filed?
Very disturbing indeed; please keep us informed.
Prayers for Mr. Seigel and family, Constance, and our country, in which crimes like this should not happen.
if Ron is Jewish he may not be a born again believer, do pray for his salvation that he will understand the gospel and realize he is a sinner under God's wrath, and in need of salvation.(John 3:36)
see FP from le 27th of November. It is about Solana
Thank you Constance (8:00PM on the last blog),
Dear Constance,
That is a very interesting point about the Biden/Lugar/Solana connection, and indicates further the global collusion which is selling your great country and mine down this horrific river of red.
I'd thought as much about Solana still being in control of European 'Defence', 'Security' and the ten toes, and had wanted to highlight this by my question I am 2/3rds of the way through Herb Peters' book, 'Recommendation 666', which is very well argued indeed.
I know your patience and kindness towards me has been immense, not only over recent threads but over earlier postings too.
It is sometimes easy with a 30 something 'Wanna-know' like me, to forget that all were once so, just as it is equally easy for this 30 something 'Wanna-know' to rush in with my 'two-pennies worth' because I've studied about the antics of the NWO/NAM conspiracy for a year or two, to forget, myself, that there are folks here who have been studying this for twenty or even nigh on 30 years, especially yourself. I am humbled and inspired not only by your wealth and depth of knowledge here, but also by your wealth and depth of compassion and patience.
I REALLY DO NOT hate America and all she stands for, unlike many Europeans and others around the World (who often also hate my country too). I am opposed to the Government that has presently infiltrated and usurped her, but I know that Government no more represents her by its destruction of her Constitution, than the infiltrated UK Govt and amoral Royal family, with their destruction of the Magna Carta and our Sovereignty represents mine.
May God bless and have mercy on the Church and Israel, as we enter the darkest period history has ever known.
God bless you and keep you, and especially in this difficult time for you and your friend.
God bless,
Your British friend, and brother in Christ,
Rob in London.
Dear Constance,
I have mentioned previously that I am a personal friend of Pavel Stroilov.
(The co-writer, with Vladimir Bukovsky,of 'EUSSR', the book exposing the Soviet connections to the origins of the EU and editor of Alexander Litvinenko's books exposing Putin.)
Pavel is not a Christian, and I believe he would benefit greatly from your expertise in seeing the occult and Satanic connections behind what is happening at present.
He is an amiable and approachable person, and I believe could offer a useful and informative perspective on what is unfolding at present.
I would be very grateful if you could please witness to him, and if you and he agree, I could organise a phone-call or email avenue of communication between you both. Please let me know on this.
Thank you and God bless you,
Rob in London.
Dear Constance,
I have just finished a conversation on the phone with Pavel (Stroilov) he is very interested in arranging a chat with you by telephone or email.
I can phone the number you've on your blog details here, and leave his details for you there if you want.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Dear Constance,
I saw this article on bbc news
online yesterday, 'Jesus "may have visited England", says Scottish academic'.
'Jesus Christ could have come to Britain to further his education, according to a Scottish academic.
Church of Scotland minister Dr Gordon Strachan makes the claim in a new film entitled And Did Those Feet...'
It goes on to mention Glastonbury here, which, yes had a firm Christan background from the 7th Century onwards, when a monastery was established there, but previously had been central to pagan/druidic practices.
The article states that Jesus Christ came to continue his education in England (they should actually have written Ancient Britain, but it doesn't really matter since they're speaking alot of unsubstantiated rubbish anyway).
This article reminded me of something you'd mentioned in a video I've seen of you, where you were exposing the 'Aquarian Gospel of Christ' and explained that the New Agers assert that Christ did not just travel around Palestine, but also around India etc, 'earning his Christship', as those blasphemous deluded lot spout.
I shudder in disgust at what they're preparing us for.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Dear Anonymous at 10:35 AM, that is absolutely frightening news.
May God bless and protect us,
Rob in London.
I believe that Solana, as Constance has already mentioned, is keeping as low a profile as possible because is knows he is being watched. This to me is a covering of tracks for Solana, a biding of his time, and I don't think Solana has really given up his position as Sec. Gen. of the WEU for one moment. This article on FP does show a frightening thickening of the plot though, in my humble opinion.
God bless,
Rob in London.
In the video in the 'before I was born'link (of the last blog description) Solana goes on to say that he will keep on working, but that he also thinks that 'the position(s) has/have to be changed.'
This, by the way he says it, doesn't necessarily mean his position though, but the appearence of the positions themselves. He goes on to talk about him this not meaning that he is 'going to go to sleep' and that he is 'going to keep on working, on working for the same ideals, but you can work for the same ideals from different positions'.
What 'different' positions will he be working form I wonder? The position of puppet-master no doubt, pulling the strings of the EU Politburo pigmies, Ashton & Rompuy, and covering his tracks about, no doubt, his continuing position as Sec. Gen. of the WEU.
Rob in London.
In the video in the 'before I was born' link (of the last blog description) Solana goes on to say that he will keep on working, but that he also thinks that 'the position(s) has/have to be changed.'
This, by the way he says it, doesn't necessarily mean his position though, but the appearance of the positions themselves. He goes on to talk about this not meaning that he is 'going to go to sleep' and that he is 'going to keep on working, on working for the same ideals, but you can work for the same ideals from different positions'.
What 'different' positions will he be working from I wonder? The position of puppet-master no doubt, pulling the strings of the EU Politburo pigmies, Ashton & Rompuy, and covering his tracks about, no doubt, his continuing position as Sec. Gen. of the WEU.
Rob in London.
That silly thing about Jesus of Nazareth coming to Britain sounds awfully like some form of British Israel nonsense which is believed by so many. Evidently the royals think they are the offspring of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
Dear Anonymous (4:38 PM)
Yet it does sound like that Brit ain 'covenant man' sort of nonsense, doesn't it?
Yet scarier still, is that is another piece of evidence that the mainstream media is preparing us for the Creme lie that Jesus ' earned' His 'Christship'.
Therefore, they are perhaps softening people up to the NAM deception that the position of Christ is no more than an office, which can be held by others, that is the 'ye will be as gods' lie from Genesis 3, and the coming of the devil Maitreya.
I'm not sure that I buy into the argument some state about Charles or William (as a clone) being the Antichrist though. Despite all of the New Age spin on the Arthurian legends, and the Merivingian bloodline stuff put out there.
God bless,
Rob in London.
"Yet scarier still, is that is..", should read, Yet scarier still, is that it is..."
Rob in London.
Continued from my last comment.
It is certainly a dispicable article, suggesting he was taught the sorcery of druidic practice. e.g.,
"He needed to go around to learn bits and pieces about ancient wisdom, and the druids in Britain went back hundreds if not thousands of years. He probably came here to meet the druids, to share his wisdom and gain theirs."
Only here, could one perhaps link it to the NAM Arthurian myth and Merivingian rubbish, but I still think my earlier understanding of the article's intention is more plausible.
Rob in London.
Anonymous at 4:38 PM, are you British? With the greatest of respect, the way you write sounds, if you like, at least pseudo-British.
Rob in London.
What is pseudo-British?
Anonymous at 4:38 PM, I repeat the question to you that I gave a few minutes ago because you haven't responded to it, 'are you British? With the greatest of respect, the way you write sounds, if you like, at least pseudo-British.'
Rob in London.
In reference to the style of writing used, I mean something that pertains to be, but is not necessarily, British. I was curious as to the origins of the poster because the way the post is written, looks like something a British person may stereotypically be seen to write in, as opposed to the language construction, stereotypically, associated with American English writers. Perhaps I'm mistaken though.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Never mind Anon., if you don't want to tell me, that's ok. I was only curious anyhow.
God bless you,
Rob in London.
Rob, check out a book called Holy Blood Holy Grail by Baigent and Leigh over at Amazon. The comments will give you a lot of information about British Israel.
The Klan here in America had British Israel beliefs which are occult.
Here's the website or
You could spend days and weeks researching British Israel.
Rob in London,
Dorothy is right. Here is a link to the free online version of HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL
Rob, check out a book called Holy Blood Holy Grail by Baigent and Leigh over at Amazon. The comments will give you a lot of information about British Israel.
The Klan here in America had British Israel beliefs which are occult.
Here's the website for the beliefs system: or
There is even a group, Tradition, Family and Property who think the government should be run by traditional elites.
TFP is more of a cult than a branch of the Catholic establishment.
You could spend days and weeks researching British Israel. There are many groups hoping to get their foot in the door that was opened by people who really dislike what is happening internationally.
Back to New Age in the US. In the previous week or so I wrote about District 113 in Illinois promoting Critical Social Theory and Critical Race Theory. Now either it's a pilot program or things are much more advanced than has been brought out into the public arena. I can't tell because I've had no feedback from others who are watching what is going on.
Today over at World Net Daily they had an article connected with this. If students can be brainwashed into believing this type of programming, none of us are safe. Jews, Christians, the wealthy, non-Americans, patriots, pro-lifers, conservatives, etc. can all be targeted with this behind the scenes manipulation of the young. Want to review how it happened in Nazi Germany, in the Soviet Union, in Cuba and now in Venezuela? This is much larger than just the Obama agenda. It was around before Obama and will be after he is gone. That, dear people, is the agenda of the New Age movement. As Constance has said in the past, the New Age movement is a resurgence of the Nazi philosophy, take a serious look at these articles. or
Teaching plan: America 'an oppressive hellhole'
University outlines 're-education' for those who hold 'wrong' views
A program proposed at the University of Minnesota would result in required examinations of teacher candidates on "white privilege" as well as "remedial re-education" for those who hold the "wrong" views, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education....Kissel wrote that it appears that the university "intends to redesign its admissions process so that it screens out people with the 'wrong' beliefs and values – those who either do not have sufficient 'cultural competence' or those who the college judges will not be able to be converted to the 'correct' beliefs and values even after remedial re-education."
Among the issues discussed in the plans are requirements that teachers would be able to instruct students on the "myth of meritocracy" in the United States, "the history of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian meanings and values," and the "history of white racism."
The demands appear to be similar to those promoted earlier at the University of Delaware.
As WND reported, the Delaware university's office of residential life was caught requiring students to participant in a program that taught "all whites are racist."
School officials immediately defended the teaching, but in the face of a backlash from alumni and publicity about its work, the school decided to drop the curriculum, although some factions later suggested its revival.
FIRE, which challenged the Delaware plan, later produced a video explaining how the institution of the university pushed for the teachings, was caught and later backed off....
Kissel wrote that it appears that the university "intends to redesign its admissions process so that it screens out people with the 'wrong' beliefs and values – those who either do not have sufficient 'cultural competence' or those who the college judges will not be able to be converted to the 'correct' beliefs and values even after remedial re-education."
Among the issues discussed in the plans are requirements that teachers would be able to instruct students on the "myth of meritocracy" in the United States, "the history of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian meanings and values," and the "history of white racism."
The demands appear to be similar to those promoted earlier at the University of Delaware.
As WND reported, the Delaware university's office of residential life was caught requiring students to participant in a program that taught "all whites are racist."
School officials immediately defended the teaching, but in the face of a backlash from alumni and publicity about its work, the school decided to drop the curriculum, although some factions later suggested its revival.
FIRE, which challenged the Delaware plan, later produced a video explaining how the institution of the university pushed for the teachings, was caught and later backed off:
Minneapolis Star-Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten said the developing Minnesota plan would require teachers to "embrace – and be prepared to teach our state's kids – the task force's own vision of America as an oppressive hellhole: racist, sexist and homophobic."
She said the plan from the university's Teacher Education Redesign Initiative – a multiyear project to change the way future teachers are trained – "is premised, in part, on the conviction that Minnesota teachers' lack of 'cultural competence' contributes to the poor academic performance of the state's minority students."
"The first step toward 'cultural competence,' says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize – and confess – their own bigotry. Anyone familiar with the reeducation camps of China's Cultural Revolution will recognize the modus operandi," she said. (more at the link)
You will also find links to these previous stories:
Video exposes 'all whites are racist' teachings
'All whites racist' plan won't die
'All whites racist' indoctrination revived!
University drops 'whites are racist' plan
University defends teaching students all whites 'racist'
University to students: 'All whites are racist'
Thank you Dorothy,
I will certainly do so. I know a little about these nonsense beliefs, and am certain they indeed are occult. They remind me of the Zeitgeist & Jordan Maxwell lies which promote similar nonsense, playing on people's linguistic ignorance and lack of will to research things for themselves, so falling for the easily refutable lies such as the word 'amen' has its origins in 'Amun', etc etc rubbish.
Thank you for the book & link suggestions, and sorry it took me a short while to respond, as I had been offline. It is coming up to 4 in the morning here, so I won't be up much longer anyhow.
I hope you're o.k. By the way, on the nonsense I'd fallen for beforehand, and which you had a great deal of patience over before saying anything, I am sorry and truly apologise for the hurt and offence I caused. It really was not my intention to promote antisemitic material, I just didn't know enough of what is transpiring in the World then to be able to see that and recognise fully the NAM/Communo-Nazi agenda and ploys behind the NWO. I know better now, and am also learning, slowly unfortunately, yet learning nonetheless, to be a bit slower and where there is uncertainty about something, to ask first.
God bless you and protect you in His Loving Peace,
Your friend,
Rob in London.
Thank you also Susanna on the link you too have provided here.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Does anyone know this guy as I
got it from Bob Mitchell's blog
Pierre de Boissieu is a Brussels legend. To some he is the epitome of all that is worst about the Eurocracy-a highly intelligent, secretive, scheming, know-it-all French bureaucrat who has managed to make the transition from being his country’s ambassador to the EU, to being the deputy secretary-general (top man, basically) at the council of ministers.
Pierre de Boissieu was Javier Solana's deputy Secretary General of the EU. He now serves as Secretary General of the EU.
Regards Javier Solana and his sudden disappearance from the WEU site, I also noticed that the documents which could formerly be freely accessed by the public now required a password and sign in by assembly members.
HOWEVER, check out "EUROPEAN DEFENCE AGENCY" which appears to still actively controlled by Solana. Wonder how long until he goes "invisible" there as well?
I should say, "Secretary General of the Council of Ministers" as to Pierre de Boissieu. I understand he was doing most of that work before anyway while Solana was traveling which was most of the time.
De Boissieu is a son in law of former French Prime Minister Charles de Gaulle.
Hooray for that to the Spanish bishops! Happened here in the USA last weekend as well -- well publicized as Patrick Kennedy was denied communion for the same reason.
I've just found a dodgy website on this. Whether is has just been set up by a lone nutter, I don't know. Certainly a nutter anyhow, by the stuff that is written there. He calls himself of all names, '(Patron:) The Rt Hon The Viscount Allenby of Megiddo'. He is possibly some BNP fascist or something. Anyway, I'm suprised even Al Gore hasn't tried to have the site shut down due to its flagrant abundance of methane emissions.
The site is,
Rob in London.
Thank you Constance for getting back so quickly on Pierre de Boissieu
Political sources from London supplied with an electronic letter sent to the European Commission President Manuel Barroso, where British MEP Gerard Batten challenges the suitability of Baroness Ashton for the EU Foreign minister role. In his letter, Batten presses to have British Baroness Catherine Ashton's past investigated for alleged Soviet connections during her time as Treasurer for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the beginning of the '80.
MEP Gerard Batten confirmed having sent the letter to Barroso for correspondent in London. Baroness Ashton denies any connection with the Soviets....
...Baroness Ashton was Treasurer for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 1980-1982.
CND was notoriously secretive about its sources of funding and did not submit its accounts to independent audit; however, after public pressure they were audited for the first time in 1982-1983 (Godfrey Lord & Co). It was found that 38% of their annual income (£176,197) could not be traced back to the original donors.
The person responsible for this part of CND fund-raising, from anonymous donors, was Will Howard, a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
The Russian dissident and internationally respected figure Vladimir Bukovsky, has shown from his research that the nuclear disarmament campaigns across Europe were largely funded by the Soviet bloc. Mr Bukovsky has proven with hundreds of top secret documents from Soviet archives that the worldwide disarmament campaign in the 1980s was covertly orchestrated from Moscow. The money was channelled through communist parties or other pro-Soviet organisations and individuals.
If therefore seems very likely that the unidentified income came from the Soviet bloc.
If Baroness Ashton did not know where the unidentified income came from she was incompetent. If she did not ask where it came from she was negligent. If she did know that it came from the Soviet block then she knowingly accepted money from a hostile foreign power in order to undermine Britain's and NATO's defence policies.
Anyone who was compromised by the Soviet Union in the 1980s remains compromised by the Russian entire article...
Important information regarding Ashton -- looks like she and Solana have VERY SIMILAR backgrounds.
Game Theory at work.
Dear Constance,
Yesterday I phoned Pavel Stroilov. He is very interested in arranging a chat with you by telephone or email, as you may both have things which will clarify each others understanding of events surrounding the EU.
I can phone the number you have left on your blog details here, and leave his details for you there if you want. Please let me know if you permit this.
I have resubmitted this as you may not have seen posts (3:16 PM & 3:28 PM) I put up yesterday. Sorry if this seems as if I am pestering here, I wasn't sure whether you'd noticed yesterday's posts on this suggestion.
I pray God blesses and protects you,
Rob in London.
Is there any update on Ron Siegel? His condition? Motive for this terrible crime?
Hello Ron in London,
{First time posting here- yet 4 yrs reading-thank-you all for the vast wealth of info and Constance's dedication to warn,exhort and edify the church}
Rob I need you to know how much your input on this site is appreciated.Please hear my heart it would be greatly appreciated if you could share this with others on a greater scale and wanted to know if you will consider posting at Herb's( Holly's) page as well.
As your fellow watchman that has come to the same understanding, having connected the dots way before what is now ancient History ( politically as well as globally) having you share this with others on a greater scale eliminates ( our ) need to copy and paste the url's you provide.
My heart is pure before the Lord and have no intention of robbing this page of you, it would just be a huge blessing to have you on board with us.
Thank-you kindly.
In much agape love,
A commonwealth servant- sent to the US for a time such as this :)
Must have missed your initial post regarding Critical Race Theory and Critical Social Theory. Unfortunately issues such as this are far spread through out universities in this country. A few months ago I posted a link to a documentary titled Indoctrinate U, which covered campuses across the nation that promoted this type of ideology. It also showed how conservative students are failed for voicing contrary ideals in classes or papers. I am posting another link for those who have not seen it.
Dear Rob:
My phone number is shown on my blogspot. Yes, I would like to talk with your friend. I'm in court in Flint, Michigan on Tuesday p.m. Expect to be in office days before then. Email me for my phone number at
By all means, mutual posting at this board and "Herb Peters" link of mine (now by Holly Pivec) is encouraged. We are pretty much all on the same page.
Ron is a patient at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan in very serious condition.
Thank you Constance,
for your support here, :)
and thank you Anon from FP, I will take you up on that and am honoured, though know little compared to many on this blog here and no doubt Holly's too, that you asked me.
Constance, I will email you as offered here. God bless,
Rob in London.
Between the inquiries into any connection Catherine Ashton may have had with the Soviets when she was Treasurer of the CND and her (or her handler's)decision to quash the investigation into Peter Mandelson's relations with aluminum tycoon/billionaire Oleg Deripaska, and private equity tycoon Ernest-Antoine Seilliere, it isn't going to be pretty.
It was after the top Brussels watchdog started asking questions about Mandelson's shady ties to Ernest-Antoine Seilliere that Catherine Ashton was sent to replace Mandelson in October, 2008.
The complaint has been made by campaign group the Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) which has put together a damning 6,700-word dossier.
The CEO has "expressed concern" in a letter to Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who is looking into it...
Isn't Barroso one of Javier Solana's sidekicks? One can only wonder just how thoroughly Mandelson would have been "investigated" by Barroso if the investigation hadn't been quashed by Catherine Ashton. Especially since Mandelson also had past ties with the Communist Party in Great Britain.
In 1971 (Mandelson) left the Labour Party Young Socialists (LPYS) to join the Young Communist League, then the youth wing of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
He was a delegate in 1978 to the Soviet-organised World Festival of Youth and Students in Havana, Cuba, with Arthur Scargill and several future Labour cabinet more...
Dear Constance,
I am sorry to learn about your friend's condition. It is in God's hands and we can only have faith that the Lord will heal him and bring him to a full and swift recovery. I will pray for him again later, although I am often lazy when it comes to prayer and so yearn that I were not so, I will ensure that I stick to my word and pray. I urge others on this site to do the same.
God bless you and peace be with you, Ron and his family.
Rob in London.
I was certainly glad to learn about the Spanish Bishops taking a stand against pro-abortion politicians.
Ditto on the hooray to the Spanish Bishops!!!! And also to Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence Rhode Island - who is Patrick Kennedy's bishop.
Dorothy was talking to Rob (London) about how the American system does a lot for the poor giving example of illegal immigrants. This is a story about ordinary person not an illegal immigrant who can't get medical care in America. There are many stories like this in America right now, people with no health insurance and job.
Dear Constance,
I have just sent you a short email with my details and those of Pavel. I have also sent you an attachment with an 80 or so page book, 'EUSSR'.
God bless you,
Rob in London. : )
WTO Director General: Global Governance Based on the EU Model
Herman Van Rompuy, the first President of the European Union, recently announced during his installment that 2009 was the first year of global governance. Indeed, 2009 has seen major steps towards global governance. The establishment has also taken severe blows this year, which will be discussed shortly. Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organization and frequent attendee of secret Bilderberg meetings, sees the European Union as a testing ground for the machinery of international governance. In a speech in Italy on November 9th, Lamy stated that the EU model should be used on a global scale.
National sovereignty has no place in Lamy's ideal globalist vision. Local communities, states and countries' laws would be superseded by a regional - as is the case with the EU - or international body. Lamy points to the EU, where, "The fact that Community law takes precedence over national law. The creation of a supranational body such as the European Commission that has been given the monopoly of initiating legislation. A European Court of Justice whose decisions are binding on national judges." This governance structure - along with the EU Presidency - is now possible after the recent ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, which, according to the Wall Street Journal, means that "...individual countries will have a harder time blocking EU legislation."
Pascal Lamy admits that global governance is an abstract and distant idea. Historically, especially with the United States and its libertarian roots, governance is local and familiar with the people and their needs. He states, "In sum, the specific challenge of legitimacy in global governance is to deal with the perceived too-distant, non-accountable and non-directly challengeable decision-making at the international level."
Ultimately, Lamy sees the United Nations playing a central role in global governance, with the G20 and other international groups reporting directly to the "parliament" of the UN. This beginning stage, according to Lamy, will eventually condense into a solid world government.
"Menace of a new war"
Global and regional governance faces another problem, specifically the fact that without the perception of an outside threat the coherence of the system falls apart. Lamy states,
"The anthropological dimension of supranationality has probably been underestimated. Once the imminence of the menace of a new war has disappeared from our horizon, it is as if the glue that holds Europe together as a community will also disappear. As if there were no common myths, dreams and aspirations."
Lamy goes on to admit that, "...We are witnessing a growing distance between European public opinions and the European project." Despite popular resistance, the establishment is continuing its agenda. Outside of war, global warming hysteria is, as the 1991 Club of Rome report The First Global Revolution proposed, a unifying threat - or perhaps more appropriately a unifying myth, as Lamy stated - that the global government needs to maintain any veil of legitimacy. The Club of Rome report states,
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Anonymous 3:10 pm
I don't know which post you are referring to.
I would take any such stories with a bit of skepticism. My son, as an adult, has a problem which makes it impossible for him to work now and for many years in the past. He needed hospitalization several years back which at the time neither he nor we could pay for. As an adult he received what he needed. For a period of years he continued to receive bills, but as he was unable to work and had no savings, the hospital just passed the cost on in some way.
From my experience it appears there are many ways the hospitals and doctor's offices could save money and charge a lot less for services. But it appears the medical community, like anything connected government funds from schools on down, feels it can spend what it wants to spend and taxes will cover anything they want it to cover. This frame of mind is only going to grow as more tax money becomes available.
If every agency, public or private, had to live on a tight budget and still provide the same services, costs would go down. We don't need a health plan. We need a level of government that oversees every dollar the government spends and trims the tons of fat padding every bill.
Anonymous at 3:10 PM,
Your posting here, with respect, alludes to a set of threads which became unhelpful and were oft-times unfriendly. However, because of the fruitlessness in argument of left vs right, when we should be focused upon greater issues leads to nothing but unnecessary in fighting.
If you think you are helping the situation by re-igniting a spiritually fruitless experience for many here, myself included, may I say, again with respect, you are most certainly not.
Because the issue is again raised, I will say one thing only, regardless of the left vs right points, AMERICA DO NOT SIGN UP TO OBAMA'S 'HEALTH' PLAN!
I also shall state that it is particularly unfair and certainly devisive to target, even if done so without malice as I trust it was, one person on this, in this case Dorothy, who does not deserve this kind of s--t.
God bless you, and I hope you understand my position here is not to attack you but to ask that you kindly refrain from re-igniting a fruitless and devisive debate. I'm sure this blog has more than its share of sabateurs and agent provocateurs on occasion, because of the importance and courage of the very nature of what is being exposed in this blogspot. I am not accusing you of this, but am hopefully in a peaceful way reminding you that we need as little division here as is possible.
Thank you for your patience.
God bless you and all here,
Rob in London.
Rob in London.
Anonymous at 3:10 PM,
Your posting here, with respect, alludes to a set of threads which became unhelpful and were oft-times unfriendly. Moreover, because of the fruitlessness in argument of left vs right, when we should be focused upon greater issues leads to nothing but unnecessary in-fighting.
If you think you are helping the situation by re-igniting a spiritually fruitless experience for many here, myself included, may I say, again with respect, you are most certainly not.
Because the issue is again raised, I will say one thing only, regardless of the left vs right points, AMERICA DO NOT SIGN UP TO OBAMA'S 'HEALTH' PLAN!
I also shall state that it is particularly unfair and certainly devisive to target, even if done so without malice as I trust it was, one person on this, in this case Dorothy, who does not deserve this kind of s--t.
Moreover, I fail to understand not
only why, if you have been aware of those earlier threads, you would hearken back to it but also I fail to see why you would single out Dorothy. I, and many others, were also involved, yet not once was Dorothy unkind to me in tone or language. Please with all respect, desist.
God bless you, and I hope you understand my position here is not to attack you but to ask that you kindly refrain from re-igniting a fruitless and devisive debate. I'm sure this blog has more than its share of sabateurs and agent provocateurs on occasion, because of the importance and courage of the very nature of what is being exposed in this blogspot. I am not accusing you of this, but am hopefully in a peaceful way reminding you that we need as little division here as is possible.
Thank you for your patience.
God bless you and all here,
Rob in London.
Rob, you are under the illusion that the poor don't get help here in the US. You're wrong. The illegal immigrants and minorities can get better care for free than anyone who works for a living. Work for a living without insurance and you are expected to pay any hospital bills. Have insurance, the premiums are high. Why? To pay for minorities and illegal immigrants who don't have money.
With the health care plan proposed, illegals and minorities will learn that their health care will become less available because there just isn't that much money to go around.
Because my son is on disability I learned how the money works to pay for the care he needed. What the doctors and hospitals couldn't cover by overcharging insurance companies and people who could pay would be billed to the government. Hospitals and doctors who don't make some kind of profit don't stay in business.
Mt. Sinai is such a hospital in Chicago. We are white. When I took my son there because of blood loss, the greeter asked if we were in the right place. The emergency room was filled with the groups mentioned. There wasn't a white person to be seen.
4:10 PM
(Posted from a recent thread)
"Moreover, I fail to understand not
only why, if you have been aware of those earlier threads, you would hearken back to it but also I fail to see why you would single out Dorothy. I, and many others, were also involved, yet not once was Dorothy unkind to me in tone or language. Please with all respect, desist."
Rob (London)
If you don't like people responding to posts made by others by all means, don't do this yourself. I was trying to give another side to the story of what Dorothy wrote. This has nothing to do with Dorothy in general who is great. Dorothy herself always tries to gives both sides of stories when she sees unbalanced information posted in my experience.
Maybe you are the one who should cease and desist in overreacting to an informational post as you have done here.
Rob (in London)
I'm sure the family involved in the article I posted doesn't feel that making others aware of their plight should be equated with "sh*t (as you call it).
I trust your view of making others aware of medical hardships as experienced by the uninsured such as this man because of a pre-existing conditions doesn't equate to "sh*t." If this was a husband of your friend would you still think raising it to others was "sh*t"?
I only think raising the subject, which funnily enough, NONE of you so-called brave souls would allow me to speak on. Look at the language you used back then, and, if you really think I'm a coward and want to continue with this nonsense from behind your computer screen, rather than recognise the courage it took me to humble myself earlier and swallow my pride, even after being called a capon and told a a two foot midget like yourself. If you want to continue this rubbish why don't you email me and arrange to come to the UK where I'll gladly knock ten shades of s--t out of you.
I am from a poor back-ground, although I eductated myself, if you think your tough with your middle-class crap behind a computer screen then come over to the UK and meet me. Or do you only do behind computer screens? Coward!
Rob in London.
For your information, although it is none of your damned business, I have a severe form of epilepsy and am disabled, I come form a poor and abusive back-ground, I have 3 sisters, all with severe neurological problems, 1 of whom has MS.
I've visited the states Dorothy, and I don't agree with you here, even so, it is clear for anyone here that my intention was NOT TO RE-IGNITE THIS DEBATE! To the poster, I guess it is just one, posting 8:06 and 8:14 AM, who I am convinced is the same as the excuse of a man that called me a capon in posts gone by. I demand you take a plane to the UK and arrange to meet me face to face, or don't you have any bollocks, unless you are hiding behind your computer-screen that old 'anonymiser' for bullying cowards such as you?
Rob in London.
brother rob, take a deep breathe, and move along. Remember we are directed to "Bless those that curse you." It is hard and difficult at times, particulary when wronged. The comments were unnecessary and meant to tear you down and discredit your view. Responding back in such a manner feeds and reinforces said behavior.
The point is, I was also mentioned at the juncture in question at 3:10 PM, "Dorothy was talking to Rob (London)...", after all the gang-mentality abuse I endured over this subject, and then having swallowed my pride, how dare you raise it again here! I was never the coward, I stood alone for quite sometime against a gang of cowardly abusers. That's the TRUTH!
I forgave, and swallowed my pride, I have still forgiven others, I also offered my apologies, and tried to be a good Christian.
Do not mistake this for cowardice and continue your bullying crap, by the way Dorothy was only ever picky, and not wholly offensive unlike others, including those who told me how Irish they were and how they hate the British. I am 3 generation IRISH not a 10 generation pick and mix who calls themselves Irish but is far from it. Also, if you are Scottish you cannot be any less or more British than an Englishman. As an Irishman, don't talk to me about the Scots, who joined with glee the black and tans, and stormed into Irish football matches, shooting and murdering. I know my history, do you?
Bheith ag maistíneacht ar dhuine?
Rob in London.
Thank you Peacebringer7, I know, it's just I had had my fill. It is very difficult to ignore bullying, not just because I was the brunt of it, but in principle. There is much I could have responded with earlier and was in no way dumbfounded outside the shock of the venom I was getting then. I just boiled over, having it all rise again, which is what my first comment here, and my apologies, aimed to extinguish.
God bless you Peacebringer7, and thank you.
Rob in London.
Yes, Rob it is hard, and hard when you have been mistreated. Yet, what is to come is far worse than being talked down to on the internet. Yet, we are to bless those who curse us. Not an easy thing to do. Much easier to engage in the attack/defend cycle.
Thank you Peacebringer, and I apologise to you, Constance, and anyone else here who was innocent in this whole affair, and to those who defended me, and I also apologise to those who said sorry to me over this, for having witnessed my anger here.
I know you are right, it is just so difficult to remain silent in the face of injustice, but when it is against oneself that is what we are commanded by our Lord to do. I don't always succeed, but I shall keep trying. I know we must bless those who curse us too, sometimes our anger at what is happening is hard to contain though, but you are right here 100 percent. Thank you for your compassion and honesty, Peacebringer7.
God bless,
Rob in London.
"peacebringer7 said...
Yes, Rob it is hard, and hard when you have been mistreated. Yet, what is to come is far worse than being talked down to on the internet. Yet, we are to bless those who curse us. Not an easy thing to do. Much easier to engage in the attack/defend cycle.
11:49 AM"
In honour of the truth and love of what you have said, I will stand by your words and ignore further abuse.
God bless you, and thank you brother,
Rob in London. : )
We must also remember, even in anger or other emotions related to what is happening. That God is in control. Whatever is happening, the final scene has been written. Darkness grows but for a time and then God will deal with it.
We need not fear man, only Fear God.
"peacebringer7 said...
We must also remember, even in anger or other emotions related to what is happening. That God is in control. Whatever is happening, the final scene has been written. Darkness grows but for a time and then God will deal with it.
We need not fear man, only Fear God.
12:02 PM"
I respect and admire the Christian truth you speak here, and the strength of character that you show. I praise God for that, and ask He that I too can be bold enough to put off the flesh as we are commanded to do by our dear Lord. Thank you for the brotherly love and exhortation you have shown me here today, Peacebringer7. You truly deserve your blog-name.
THANK YOU, God bless you and peace be with you,
Rob in London.
Thank you beloved brother,
Rob in London.
Dear Peacebringer7 and Rob
Thank you for your words of wisdom Peacebringer7.
I see a boat steering, with the rudder setting it's coarse, very slowly thou the ripples. From the side of the boat the water fans out not disturbing but smoothing and molding and it blends back again undisturbed and peaceful.
We are family and ripples can be broken and yet Jesus has set the coarse and as you said their is no fear if we trust in Him and let God do in us what we ourselves can not do.
I know some times a chill pill is hard to swallow but at the end of the day we are responsible for the way we act or react and all of us including myself has to remember that God loves us and other tooooo.
Tooo you Rob: I think you are a very humble man and you know your short comings. So hold your head up lad and remember the duck .. water runs of it... winks!!
Hey Rob I'll fly over ...just kidding wings wouldn't carry me there I be lucky to make it to
All jokes aside God will always be proud of his children and when we mess it up as sometimes we do, Jesus forgives us when go to him and you feel His love come down Amen ....
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