According to an article this morning in THE MONEY TIMES, climate scientist British professor Phil Jones has stepped down while climate data manipulation is being investigated. You may read the article by clicking here.
Will this have an impact on the planned rush to global governance currently scheduled for Copenhagen in the next few days? If the current named head of the European Union is to believed, things are being rushed to judgment:
"I am in an interim period. I make only a short statement. Questions - ask them starting January 1. And I have 2 1/2 years to answer all your questions. But today, I am rather reluctant and I only limit myself to a brief statement," he said.
But Mr. Van Rompuy called for the world community to reach a strong climate change agreement at a summit in Copenhagen that begins next Monday.
"The European Union has been at the forefront of efforts to fight climate change. It is determined to play a leading, constructive role at the Copenhagen conference and to contribute to reaching a global, ambitious and comprehensive agreement," he added.
You may read the entire Voice of America article from which the above quote is excerpted by clicking here.
Stay tuned!
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»Dear Constance & All,
I just heard the story about Phil Jones stepping down late yesterday afternoon as I was listening to the news on the radio.
From the news I am reading, the Copenhagen Treaty is toast. Looks like cap and trade here in the United States is probably toast as well.
And because of the shady ties between Lady Catherine Ashton and the former Soviet Union, Van Rompuy's Napoleanic ambitions and the swing to conservatism on the part of the rank and file citizenry, the wannabe "kings of the world" may have to "go back to the old drawing board."
God is good!
Those responsible for the manipulation of data to make the global warming theory conform to a socio-political agenda ore any other agenda need to be criminally prosecuted for fraud.
It's all happening!
Here in Australia the Senate has defeated the Government's proposed ETS for the second time!
Apparently the politicians received thousands and thousands of emails supporting the rejection of the legislation.
The government plans to bring the legislation back to parliament when it sits again early next year.It looks like they will never give up....but....
God is good!
So much depended on that climate research, everything from green jobs, green products, the New Age religion, treaties, the share the wealth idea, government control of utilities, etc. that it is no surprise that the old time media didn't want to touch the story. I hope it isn't another case of "two steps forward, one step back." Thank God for hackers with a conscience. I just fear we haven't heard the last of the push for misuse of that wonderful color.
December 2, 2009
By John Ingham
THE scientific consensus that mankind has caused climate change was rocked yesterday as a leading academic called it a “load of hot air underpinned by fraud”.
Professor Ian Plimer condemned the climate change lobby as “climate comrades” keeping the “gravy train” going.
In a controversial talk just days before the start of a climate summit attended by world leaders in Copenhagen, Prof Plimer said Governments were treating the public like “fools” and using climate change to increase taxes.
He said carbon dioxide has had no impact on temperature and that recent warming was part of the natural cycle of climate stretching over billions of years....read more...
One Down: ClimateGate Scientist Phil Jones is 'stepping down pending investigation into allegations that he overstated the case for man-made climate change'
Climategate, Copenhagen & the Collapse of Climate Change
by Doug L. Hoffman
...Our message is simple: don't become complacent! This war is not over by a long shot. Despite the great job being done by bloggers like Marc Morano, skeptics like Lord Monckton and right thinking politicians, this is only one battle in a long struggle. The forces of global warming will not quietly slink away, they have too much at stake—political influence, billions of dollars in research grants and their professional reputations are all on the line. This is a fight to the finish and the forces of skepticism must remain stalwart....read entire article....
Penn State Will Investigate 'Climategate'
November 30, 2009
...Among other things, the Watergate scandal of the 1970s gave us a great naming convention for future scandals. Take "Climategate" at Penn State. That's what people are calling the controversy surrounding leaked E-mails among climate change researchers that climate change opponents say expose the researchers' falsification of data. One Penn State professor is involved in the scandal... read more...
Inhofe Asks Boxer to Investigate Possible Scientific ‘Conspiracy’ in ‘Climategate’
Tuesday,December 01, 2009
Inhofe said the recent disclosure of emails between several prominent climatologists reveal “possible deceitful manipulation of important data and research used by the US Global Change Research Program” and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.”
He suggested “a possible conspiracy by scientists, some of whom receive or have received US taxpayer funds, to stifle open, transparent debate on the most pressing issues of climate science.”
Inhofe also noted that there appeared to be “a campaign to vilify scientists who question global warming alarmism.”...read more...
And now for the piece de resistance!
by James Delingpole
December 2, 2009
...Danes caught fiddling their carbon credits. (Hat tip: Philip Stott) Carbon trading is the Emperor’s New Clothes of international finance. It was invented by none other than Ken Lay, whose Enron would currently be one of the prime beneficiaries in the global alternative energy market, if it hadn’t been shown to be (nearly) as fraudulent as the current AGW scam. It is a licence to fleece, cheat and rob. Still, jolly embarrassing for the Danes to get caught red handed, what with their hosting a conference shortly in which the world’s leaders will try, straight-faced, to persuade us that carbon emissions trading is the only viable way of defeating ManBearPig...read more...
Piece de resistance continued!!!
It looks like certain parties are working like madmen to scrub these stories from the internet!!!
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Scams in many countries are subject to investigation by authorities
Authorities in several countries investigate VAT tax fraud stemming from the Danish CO2 quota register
Denmark is the centre of a comprehensive tax scam involving CO2 quotas, in which the cheats exploit a so-called ‘VAT carrousel’, reports Ekstra Bladet newspaper.
Police and authorities in several European countries are investigating scams worth billions of kroner, which all originate in the Danish quota register. The CO2 quotas are traded in other EU countries.
Denmark’s quota register, which the Energy Agency within the Climate and Energy Ministry administers, is the largest in the world in terms of personal quota registrations. It is much easier to register here than in other countries, where it can take up to three months to be approved.
Ekstra Bladet reporters have found examples of people using false addresses and companies that are in liquidation, which haven’t been removed from the register.
One of the cases, which stems from the Danish register, involves fraud of more than 8 billion kroner. This case, in which nine people have been arrested, is being investigated in England.
The market for CO2 trade has exploded in recent years and is worth an estimated 675 billion kroner globally....read more...
Go here for full story.....
Can't get onto the Copenhagen Post site....Hmmmmmmmm
Here is an excellent site explaining the "Green Agenda
Here's a gem.....something I hadn't thought of...from the WINDS OF JIHAD site.
by sheikyermami on November 23, 2009
Of course! Money for nothing, who wouldn’t? Especially for when the oil runs out, or when alternative energy replaces the need for it.
“If wealthy countries reduce their oil consumption to combat global warming, they should pay compensation to oil producers.”
And you thought the “Global Warming” scare had nothing to do with ….Islam?
“Global warming” to have heavy impact on Arab states… Needless to say: for which we are responsible!
Keep the jiziya coming boys, we’re so used to it you can’t possibly cut us off now:
From the United Nations (of course) who have a real boner for Arab needs>>>
So it turns out that Arab sheikhs understand the meaning of “chutzpah
Saudi Arabia is trying to enlist other oil-producing countries to support a provocative idea: if wealthy countries reduce their oil consumption to combat global warming, they should pay compensation to oil producers….....read more...
Re: The story about DENMARK RIFE WITH CO2 FRAUD.
Now we know why Denmark recently and hastily enacted their new "preemptive arrest" law against civil disobedience.
This article may have been posted already, but here is a little memory refresher in light of the new developments. Check out the comments following the article....
The Danish parliament today passed legislation which will give police sweeping powers of "pre-emptive" arrest and extend custodial sentences for acts of civil disobedience. The "deeply worrying" law comes ahead of the UN climate talks which start on 7 December and are expected to attract thousands of activists from next week.
Under the new powers, Danish police will be able to detain people for up to 12 hours whom they suspect might break the law in the near future. Protesters could also be jailed for 40 days under the hurriedly drafted legislation dubbed by activists as the "turmoil and riot" law. The law was first announced on 18 October.
The Danish ministry of justice said that the new powers of "pre-emptive" detention would increase from 6 to 12 hours and apply to international activists. If protesters are charged with hindering the police, the penalty will increase from a fine to 40 days in prison. Protesters can also be fined an increased amount of 5,000 krona (671 Euros) for breach of the peace, disorderly behaviour and remaining after the police have broken up a demonstration.
The Danish police also separately issued a statement in August (pdf) applying new rules and regulations for protests at the climate conference, warning that "gatherings that may disturb the public order must not take place".
Earlier this month, the Guardian published a letter by environmental activists that described the new law as "deeply worrying" and called for the Danish government to uphold their right to legitimate protest.
Tannie Nyboe, a spokewoman from campaigning group Climate Justice Action in Denmark, said the new law was designed to control civil disobedience during the summit. "These laws are a big restraint in people's freedom of speech and it will increase the police repression for anyone coming to Copenhagen to protest. Denmark normally boasts of how open and democratic a country we are. With this law we can't boast about this anymore....read entire article...
The cat is out of the bag now despite efforts on the part of the Danes to squelch the news about their own corrupt complicity in Climategate.
Tsk, tsk, tsk........
The photo speaks volumes!!!!!
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
November 28, 2009 - 14:10 ET
As a result of the growing ClimateGate scandal, Penn State University is investigating Michael Mann, its high-profile professor on the sending and receiving end of controversial e-mail messages recently obtained from a British Climate Research Unit.
Mann, as one of the originators of the infamous Hockey Stick graph, is the climatologist at the very heart of the global warming myth.
As the creator of "Mike's Nature trick," a particularly damning phrase used in one of the e-mail messages in question, Mann is also a key figure in ClimateGate.
Given his importance to the climate movement and all those involved including Nobel Laureate Al Gore, President Obama, and Congressional Democrats desperately trying to enact cap and trade legislation, it will be very interesting to see how this press release from Penn State gets reported in the coming days (h/t Anthony Watts via Marc Morano):..read more...
December 1, 2009
November 30, 2009
Gee. I wonder if Gore is still in contact with his partner in crime Maurice Strong - godfather of the international environmental movement.
Read on:
Maurice Strong: Godfather of the international environmental movement
By Neil Hrab
web posted December 24, 2001
While unknown to the general public, the name "Maurice Strong" elicits strong emotions from people who understand the politics of the environmental movement.
To his fellow environmentalists, the septuagenarian Strong is a noble, unceasing activist for the "green" cause. Strong played a major role in organizing the path-breaking United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972. Two decades later he was center-stage at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, where he helped lay the groundwork for the Kyoto global warming treaty that mandates reductions in carbon dioxide emissions to combat an unproven global warming threat. This year the Bush Administration rejected the treaty citing its drastic impact on Western industrial economies and the unsettled science on global warming.
Strong continues to aggressively advocate the treaty's ratification. As a leader of government and non-governmental organizations, he has rallied elite and popular opinion to support international environmental regulation. For a time, Strong led Ted Turner's Better World Society, a foundation promoting the United Nations, and he has served as chair or director in a variety of pro-environmentalist organizations, including the United Nations Foundation, the Commission on Global Governance and the Stockholm Environment Institute...
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it."
-- quote from Patrick Henry
Sorry to take up so much space, but I have been following the "climategate"/Copenhagen Treaty story along with the Ashton/Rompuy story like a bloodhound and I just wanted to share my findings.
Have a good read!
This just in on Drudge....
By ROHAN SULLIVAN, Associated Press Writer Rohan Sullivan, Associated Press Writer –
Wed Dec 2, 2:45 am ET
SYDNEY – Australia's plans for an emissions trading system to combat global warming were scuttled Wednesday in Parliament, handing a defeat to a government that had hoped to set an example at international climate change talks next week.
The Senate, where Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's government does not hold a majority, rejected his administration's proposal for Australia to become one of the first countries to install a so-called cap-and-trade system to slash the amount of heat-trapping pollution that industries pump into the air.
The 41-33 vote followed a tumultuous debate in which the conservative main opposition party at first agreed to support a version of the government's bill, then dramatically dumped its leader and switched sides after bitter divisions erupted within the party.
The new leader, Tony Abbott, said Australia should not adopt an emissions trading system before the rest of the world.
"The right time, if ever, to have an ETS is if and when it becomes part of the international trading system and that is not going to happen prior to its adoption in America," he told reporters after the vote.....read entire article
For "the common good"???
The World Council of Churches called on churches around the world to ring their bells 350 times during the Copenhagen climate change summit on December 13 as a call to action on global warming. The leading council of Christian and Orthodox churches also invited places of worship for other faiths to join a symbolic “chain of chimes and prayers” stretching around the world from the international date line in the South Pacific.
“On that Sunday, midway through the UN summit, the WCC invites churches around the world to use their bells, drums, gongs or whatever their tradition offers to call people to prayer and action in the face of climate change,” the council said in a statement.
“By sounding their bells or other instruments 350 times, participating churches will symbolise the 350 parts per million that mark the safe upper limit for CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere according to many scientists,” it added. The chimes are meant to start at 3.00 pm local time in each location. The WCC brings together 348 Protestant, Orthodox and Anglican churches representing about 560 million Christians in 110 countries.
The Council of European Bishops Conferences, which gathers Roman Catholic bishops and archbishops, is also supporting the campaign, according to a letter released by the WCC.
The UN summit in the Danish capital on December 7-18 is meant to produce a new global treaty to broaden cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for climate change, but the negotiations are still riven by disagreements. The WCC acknowledged that plans for a bell ringing campaign have stirred controversy.
“In some countries, the question has been raised whether churches have the right to use their bells for what may be considered to be a political campaign,” said Guillermo Kerber, WCC programme executive on climate change. “Those who support the campaign see the care of creation and of people’s lives and livelihoods threatened by climate change more as an ethical and spiritual issue that, of course, has political implications, not in a partisan sense but referring to the common good,” he explained.
Source: AFP World News / English
GENEVA (11/12/09)
In the last thread I posted a video of the incident involving Gore in Chicago.
I am sorry, JD. You were the first to post the link to Al Gore being confronted in Chicago and you deserve full credit for the post. It is a real gem! Thanks for sharing it.
I am posting the link here again so it won't get lost.
Here's a look at what happens when someone asks Al Gore about Climategate.
Acting Sec.-Gen. of WEU only temporary:
I am not worried about credit for posting it, simply wanted you and others to be able to see the incident as it happened rather than relying on Jones' take on it.
Anonymous 11:49 A.M.
What people need to understand - especially non-Catholic Christians - is that however much the European bishops ring their church bells during the Copenhagen Conference - it will not change the fact that national Catholic Bishops Conferences HAVE NO CANONICAL AUTHORITY EXCEPT THAT WHICH IS DELEGATED TO THEM BY WAY OF THEIR BEING GIVEN A SPECIAL MANDATE BY THE POPE!!!
But for all we know, and given the lies we have already been told, the ringing church bells could actually be intended to signify
I know you aren't worried about getting credit, but it is only fair that you should get the credit nevertheless on account of the trouble you took to do the research.
And by the way, you are right. The video speaks for itself!
By Michelle Malkin
December 2, 2009
Not sure what to make of this.
President Obama's Secret: Only 100 al Qaeda Now in Afghanistan
As he justified sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan at a cost of $30 billion a year, President Barack Obama's description Tuesday of the al Qaeda "cancer" in that country left out one key fact: U.S. intelligence officials have concluded there are only about 100 al Qaeda fighters in the entire country. A senior U.S. intelligence official told ABCNews.com the approximate estimate of 100 al Qaeda members left in Afghanistan reflects the conclusion of American intelligence agencies and the Defense Department. The relatively small number was part of the intelligence passed on to the White House as President Obama conducted his deliberations
Just heard on the radio that the New York state legislature shot down gay marriage!!!
Here is an AP article with the report.
Climategate is now getting 20 million hits on google. Just heard it on the Phil Cavuto program on FOX.
From the European Jewish Press re Javier Solana:
"Javier Solana will be surely remembered as one of the most interesting figures in the region's political landscape, saving no criticism from those who did not align the Union's worldview.
"No doubt, as some officials estimate, this is not the last word we will hear of the former high representative; Others even estimate that he will be back to Brussels' arena more powerful than before."
With talk of those multi-billion dollar poppy fields in Afghanistan (which produce about 90% of the world's opium and, thus, 80% of its heroin):
For all you researchers, here is an interesting link to an article on "The Committee of 300" (along with a chart 'connecting the dots').
A portion of the article reads:
"This committee of 300 is modeled after the British East India Company's Council of 300, founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. Most of its immense wealth arose out of the opium trade with China. This group is responsible for the phony drug wars here in the U.S. These phony drug wars were to get us to give away our constitutional rights. Asset forfeiture is a prime example, where huge assets can be seized without trail and no proof of guilt needed. Also the Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller-much smaller-and better world, that is, their idea of what constitutes a better world."
It's been a while since I visited the 'State of the World Forum' site and it seems to be much, much busier than I remembered. I wondered if this upcoming conference in Washington DC might be of interest to other readers;
Beyond Copenhagen:
A Convening of an “Urgency Coalition”
To Mobilize a Global Campaign to Move From Rhetoric to Action Washington, D.C.
February 28 – March 3, 2010
The Climate Urgency Summit in Washington D.C. February 28 – March 3, 2010 will be the first major opportunity for activists, political leaders, business executives and scientists to come together in the aftermath of Copenhagen to take stock of what now needs to be done to deal with the escalating climate crisis. The Summit will set forth the latest findings from scientists, will present many of the solutions that can enable people and institutions everywhere to take climate leadership, and will profile the Brazilian Amazon, which has made the commitment to reduce deforestation by 80% by 2020, as well as other cities, states and regions taking climate leadership. The goal is to mobilize global action around a common sense of urgency and possibility.
or tiny;
List of speakers (MANY names that are familiar here);
Constance has previously told us that the New Agers are also known as 'Cultural Creatives'. On the same site there is some interesting reading on CCs -
'who' they are,
the 'opportunity' - The Emerging Power of the Cultural Creatives in Politics and the Marketplace.
and their 'work' ... Organizing Around Global Warming - State of the World Forum has begun to focus on Global Warming as the greatest threat of our time. The greatest hope we have is that we have a plan – the 10-year plan put forth by Al Gore; and we have the technical and social solutions needed to implement this plan.
Tiny link;
COuld someone post the original "Climategate" hacked email link. Would like to see that info.
URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/sprint-
Here's a link to the Climategate story on Examiner.com
"...The University of East Anglia's Hadley Climatic Research Centre appears to have suffered a security breach earlier today, when an unknown hacker apparently downloaded 1079 e-mails and 72 documents of various types and published them to an anonymous FTP server."
Download links are given at the end of the report to the files.
Here's another link to a science blog 'Watts Up With That?' that covers it well;
Don't you just love Senator Boxer?
Boxer: Hackers should face criminal probe over 'Climategate'
By Michael O'Brien - 12/02/09 03:26 PM ET
Leaked e-mails allegedly undermining climate change science should be treated as a criminal matter, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said Wednesday afternoon.
Is this what you are looking for?
That World Council of Churches doing involved Prince Philip and Martin Palmer. Martin Palmer wrote a book in 1993, 10 years after mine, mostly attacking me. Martin Palmer has been leading these execrations, er, exercises in abomination. He claims to lead a trillion dollar plus consortium of religious money for his earthworshipping rites.
The COMMITTEE OF 300 book is dubious information by ones with a New Age/anti-fundamentalist agenda as well. Larry Abraham told me in Seattle in 1986 that "John Coleman" was Eustace Mullins writing under a nom de plume. At any rate the book was published by American West Publishers. In the back were advertisements for books by Colonel Gyeorges Hatonn. That was COMMANDER HATONN of the "Intergalactic Space fleet." The books opened with the greeting, "Welcome Chelas."
In short, pure New Age, designed to catch gullible right wingers and those paying more attention to conspiracy theories than to the plain word of God.
Barbara Boxer doesn't recognize courage when she sees it. Those having the courage to have exposed the evil deserve MEDALS, not prosecution!
EFF Sues Feds for Info on Social-Network Surveillance
[H]ard|OCP (December 2, 2009)
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filed a lawsuit against the DoD, DoJ and the CIA for refusing to release information about the methods used to spy on social networks. Whoa, go get em’ EFF, you have to have a set of brass balls to file suit against the CIA.
The nonprofit Internet rights watchdog group formally asked more than a dozen agencies or departments in early October to provide records about federal guidelines on the use of sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr for investigative or data gathering purposes, according to the lawsuit.
Crossing the line.... child sacrifice "vetted".
The Obama admin, via our buddy at the head of the NIH, Francis Collins (the evolutionist who has the gall to call himself a "christian") desires that every American become partakers in the medical/scientific benefits derived through the blood of aborted fetuses. SB
November 27, 2009
Arrest Al Gore !
Arrest Maurice Strong !
I apologize if this video has already been posted. :-)
P.S. Al Gore makes some "cameo" appearances in the above posted video. :-)
by Christopher C. Horner
The alarmists’ reaction to CEI’s Notice of Intent to Sue NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) for withholding data–now for nigh on two years–has been particularly shrill, as regards my inquiry into the clearance and other deliberations over the non-official activities for the nasty, deceptive, third-party advocacy blog RealClimate.org by one GISS spokesman Gavin Schmidt on official, taxpayer-funded time...read more...
To Constance @ 12:08 AM -
With all due respect to you:
One fact that can not simply be ignored or dismissed is that those poppy fields in Afghanistan are, at the very least, a 120 BILLION dollar a year business. So, somebody out there better start connecting the dots - even if those dots don't happen to lead to the Committee of 300.
It's time for America to wake up and stop buying into this lie that the only 'agenda' is about keeping America 'free'.
The following article discusses the global warming issue and the Copenhagen Treaty from a Biblical perspective.
While you are at it, check out the following which is linked to in the above article.
Club of Rome Programme on
"A New Path for World Development"
Is it just me, or does
Ervin Laslo look like something
from "Dawn of the Dead" ?
Dead man walking.
To Constance:
This is a 13 1/2 - minute videotaped interview of Javier Solana - posted at Huliq News - that I thought you might find interesting.
While it is true that Solana is resigning from his post, there is certainly no indication that Solana is going to retire any time soon
LOL It's NOT just you!
Maybe THAT'S why the article is entitled "COPENHAGEN TRICK OR TREATY!!!"
Javier Solana claims to know Catherine Ashton very well.
The following article seems to imply that Solana is disappointed over not being given a larger role in the EU under the Lisbon Treaty. I wonder what's up with that?
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
By STEVEN ERLANGER, The New York Times
BRUSSELS -- Javier Solana never hid his ambition to be the European Union's first foreign minister under a new Constitution, and later, the Lisbon Treaty. In the end, European politics delayed the treaty's passage until late this year, and Mr. Solana, now 67, who spent the last 10 years building the institutions of a European Union foreign service, yields Tuesday to a younger, less experienced figure -- Catherine Ashton, 53, of Britain.
Mr. Solana is in China, for a last European Union-China summit meeting. But in an interview on Friday, he called Europe an adventure and said he was proud to have been one of its guides.
"The European Union, in a way, is a journey," he said. "You have to keep moving. The speed may change, but it's a beautiful journey," from the alliances that formed after the slaughter of World War II to the broader union that now provides a zone of peace and stability in Europe for the first time in centuries.
"There's no doubt we've established Europe as a political reference point," he said in the interview in his Brussels office. "The important thing is to continue," especially "in a world that has changed completely, where the West has less influence" and where Europe and the United States, whatever their differences, "need to talk about how the future will be shaped."
The economic crisis has made every task harder, Mr. Solana said. "But even with the crisis, and even because of it, it's a changing world, with emerging partners, and there is a demand for a Europe that acts outside strict economic matters. I feel it, and I think we can deliver."
Trained as a physicist, earning his Ph.D. and teaching for a time, he brings an analytical and largely dispassionate eye to politics.
Asked about the ambitions of large countries like France, Britain and Germany to play an independent role in world affairs akin to that of the United States, China or India, Mr. Solana was gently contemptuous. "It's really a fantasy to think you can play in this world of today without being part of this bigger element of Europe," he said. "Even for the most, say, complete countries of Europe, Europe is a must. It's not a sentimental question."
Mr. Solana's experience brought him the trust of many, including successive American presidents. A former foreign minister of Spain, he was secretary general of NATO from 1995 to 1999, helping to manage peacekeepers in Bosnia, NATO enlargement and the first war NATO ever fought, against Slobodan Milosevic.
In October 1999, he became the European Union's first High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, and over the years he has built an inner cabinet and policy unit, an intelligence unit and operations center and a staff that totals more than 1,000 people, said Cristina Gallach, his longtime aide.
The European Union is engaged all over the world, including the Balkans, Afghanistan and the Middle East. Mr. Solana has also been the lead negotiator for the West with Iran.
Ms. Ashton, whom Mr. Solana praises, will also inherit the European Union international aid portfolio, which has been handled by Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the commissioner for external relations. The trick, Mr. Solana said, is "to lead at a speed where you can maintain unity without ending up with the lowest common denominator."
But unlike NATO, the European Union is based on what he called "responsible sovereignty" -- understanding that "you pollute not just your own sky, but everyone's sky."
On Iran and the Middle East, he expressed frustration, though he praised President Obama's effort to address the Middle East early in his term. "The dust has not settled in Iran, and it is linked to an inability to take decisions for internal political reasons," he said.
As for the Middle East, Mr. Solana praised the Obama administration's special envoy, George J. Mitchell, as "very serious, honest and very patient, which is not a minor thing." But in July, Mr. Solana created a fuss by suggesting that the United Nations impose a solution if the sides could not agree.
While the Israelis reacted badly, he still says he thinks it could happen. Negotiations will require international mediation, he said. "If we let the two parties alone, we have experience already, it will never be over," he said. "This is a problem whose solution is known by many. The problem is how to arrive there, no?"
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.
Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09335/1017572-82.stm?cmpid=news.xml#ixzz0Ydr2ia8F
I wonder if Solana is going to drop in on Maurice Strong while he is in China???
The following is about Javier Solana's involvement with the Kyoto treaty.
I have seen some of the brilliant articles you have written about it.
For example:
As you are aware, Maurice Strong was the "godfather" of the international environmental movement and was very much involved in laying the groundwork for the Kyoto Protocol.
The year 2005 (Feruary 16) was the year that the Kyoto Protocol first came into force.
....Strong played a major role in organizing the path-breaking United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972. Two decades later he was center-stage at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, where he helped lay the groundwork for the Kyoto global warming treaty that mandates reductions in carbon dioxide emissions to combat an unproven global warming threat.
This year the Bush Administration rejected the treaty citing its drastic impact on Western industrial economies and the unsettled science on global warming.....
The year 2005 was also the year in which Maurice Strong was named in the Oil For Food scandal and hightailed it to China....
Ergo my snarky rhetorical question as to whether or not Solana might drop in on Maurice Strong during his China trip.
The Copenhagen Treaty is nothing more than the Kyoto Treaty....Part II.
Of course the thought occurs to me that Solana may be wise to step down (and beat feet to China) now that the Kyoto/Copenhagen Treaty is being exposed for the fraud that it is.
Russia and the European Union made a show of putting climate change on the agenda at their summit in Stockholm on Wednesday. But while Europe is increasingly anxious to ensure emissions can be slashed by 20 percent before 2020, Russia is more interested in cashing in the billions of dollars worth of unused carbon credits it has accumulated since the Kyoto Protocol came into effect in 2005.
Tackling climate change is meant to be a priority. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called it “perhaps the most important,” issue the EU and Russia are cooperating on today. And in case the figures gathered in Stockholm needed any encouragement (the key players are Medvedev, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, EU High Representative for Foreign Policy Javier Solana and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso), on the eve of the conference the Nature Geoscience journal published research warning that temperatures could rise by six degrees Celsius in a century unless serious action is taken immediately.....
I still think we need to watch our "underbelly" which is Central and South America.
As everyone knows, the 2016 Olympics will be held in Rio de Janeiro. When Rio de Janeiro was chosen hopes were still high that the Copenhagen Treaty would fly.....and the looting.....er "transfer of wealth" to "underdeveloped countries" would have already begun.
The late Father Malachi Martin warned us that Central and South America - especially Nicaragua - might be the launch-pad from which the socialists would attempt to
export their world revolution to the rest of the Americas.
And as we can see, Daniel Ortega, who is receiving subsidies from his Marxist confrere Chavez in Venezuela, is once more in charge of Nicaragua!
By the way, President Daniel Ortega’s administration now publicly supports the Buenos Aires Declaration that condemns whale killing.
Let it never be said that Danny Ortega doesn't know how to suck up to his potential benefactors!
Greenpeace now calls Latin America “the leader in whale conservation.”
Isn't that special?
My brother listened to Obama speech and he said something about reinstate the draft for more troops to Afganistan like ages 18-46 years old if what he's saying is true about the draft then all hell may break loose.
Eagle Eyes
My brother listened to Obama speech and talked about the draft to reinstate it for ages 18-46 years old If this is true what he said then all hell may break loose.
Eagle Eyes
Susanna - thanks for all the research you're doing here - it's much appreciated. :)
You mention South America and the need to keep an eye on events there. Have you seen/read the State of the World Forum piece on Brazil? They mention the very strong influence of Globo TV on public attitudes.
Scroll down to sub header 3. The Extraordinary Opportunity in Brazil
Climate-gate coverage is decidedly lacking on mainstream UK news. We are being kept informed however about the melting Everest Glacier and goodness knows what else ... plus the frightening 'Bedtime Stories' government ad for climate change has been shown a few nights on the trot.
Dear ~K~
Thank you for your kind words. The reason I am posting a lot of material here on "Climategate" is because I am well aware that the main stream media is NOT doing its job in terms of reporting this fraud which would effect everyone in terms of legislation that was about to be passed which was based on said fraud.
I just finished the fascinating article entitled THE EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY IN BRAZIL that you linked us to and I strongly suspect that the global warming issue and the fact that Rio De Janeiro was chosen to host the Olympic Games in 2016 are closely tied in with one another.
"Climate leadership is only going to generate climate prosperity" in Brazil for the few government looters who have been licking their chops in anticipation of shaking down the United States vis a vis the bogus Copenhagen Treaty" which would allow for scams that include traffiking in so-called "carbon credits" and allowing a foreign power to levy taxes on the rank and file citizens of the U.S. if they use more than what the "powers that be" decide is the correct amount of electricity, fuel, etc.
Brazil: 'Gringos' must pay to stop Amazon razing
Brazil's Globo TV sounds like our own media which has been dubbed the "state run media"....on account of its having collectively morphed into little more than a propaganda organ/shill for the radical liberals who have hijacked the Democratic Party......all except for FOX News, that is.
I had heard that the television stations here in the United
States were planning on incorporating "environmental" and "green" themes in the soap operas and situation comedies they broadcast. Be still my heart!
Speaking of "gringos," Al Gore already has his "carbon credit" business all set up in England with a main branch in Chicago. All set to let the global warming profiteering begin.
But what is it that they say about "the best laid plans of mice and men?"
If the following news story is any indicator, it is today's "piece de resistance!"
Gore was going to charge people $1200.00 to shake his hand in Copenhagen.
Watts Up With That
December 3, 2009
It seems the uncertainty about Copenhagen is growing. When Al baby pulls the plug, you know it’s hosed.
From Berlingske: Al Gore cancels lecture during COP15
Former U.S. vice president has canceled his event, more than 3,000 Danes have purchased a ticket. Photo: JOSE MENDEZ
Looks like they will get a refund though. Might be worth more as a collectors item in ten years though.
I wonder how many people have shelled out $1200 to shake Al’s hand? Maybe not enough and he couldn’t cover the expenses for his private jet?
From the Washington Post:
“Have you ever shaken hands with an American vice president? If not, now is your chance. Meet Al Gore in Copenhagen during the UN Climate Change Conference,” notes the Danish tourism commission, which is helping Mr. Gore promote “Our Choice,” his newest book about global warming in all its alarming modalities.
“Tickets are available in different price ranges for the event. If you want it all, you can purchase a VIP ticket, where you get a chance to shake hands with Al Gore, get a copy of Our Choice and have your picture taken with him. The VIP event costs DKK 5,999 and includes drinks and a light snack.”
Wait, what? How much is that in American dollars? The currency conversion says it all, too: 5,999 Danish kroners is equivalent to $1,209.
“If you do not want to spend that much money, but still want to hear Al Gore speak about his latest book about climate challenges, you can purchase general tickets, ranging in price from DKK 199-1,499 depending on where in the room you want to sit,” the practical Danes advise. “There will be large screens, so that everyone will get a good view.”
Yah, such a deal.
URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/gore-cancels-on-copenhagen-lecture-leaves-ticketholders-in-a-lurch/
You're obviously not realizing what's really important to the news media. It's not climategate, it's Tiger Woods personal problems. And what about the latest on Jon and Kate Gosselin? Climategate just doesn't have the flair like those stories.
Sorry, Susanna -
I just posted an article about Al Gore cancelling his Copenhagen lecture, and then I noticed that you had also posted something similar.
We here in the United States think the climate change "Bedtime Story" is beyond bad taste.
I have seen a hilarious spoof of the "Bedtime Story" to which you are referring, but there is profanity in it, so I won't post it here........
Anonymous 4:04
NO PROBLEM on your posting the story about Al Gore cancelling his Copenhagen lecture!
As I always say "two is better than none!!!"
I am sure you will agree that we wouldn't want anyone to miss that gem of a story!!!
Re:You're obviously not realizing what's really important to the news media.
I hear you David, but if their ratings are any indicator, it would appear that what is "really important" to the "mainstream news media" isn't quite in sync with what is really important to the American people who read their Bibles, listen to talk radio, watch FOX News and read and participate in the conservative blogs. :-)
a very interesting video lecture at google video in 4 parts by Catholic priest named John O'Connor...looks like filmed in the 1980s but still relevent. He mentions all the usual suspects: Marilyn Ferguson, Matthew Fox, Teilhard De Chardin, etc.
He also mentions Constance's name and work...this man was on the ball 100%. Have you heard of him Constance?
URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/its-over-al-gore/
I hope I didn't forget to give any body research credit. I stumbled on the Phil Jones piece the other night while looking at something else and before I had read all comments. Itis well possible that Susanna, JD and other brilliant researchers here had already been there and posted it here. I am trying to give credit where due -- I don't to discourage anybody and I am grateful to all of you for helping me keep up with impossibly broad subjects.
JD, Susanna, Dorothy, et al,
I am grateful to you all!
Dear Constance,
Thank you for your kind words. I am only too happy to share whatever information comes my way.
Earlier you said:
That World Council of Churches doing involved Prince Philip and Martin Palmer. Martin Palmer wrote a book in 1993, 10 years after mine, mostly attacking me. Martin Palmer has been leading these execrations, er, exercises in abomination. He claims to lead a trillion dollar plus consortium of religious money for his earthworshipping rites.
By way of a caveat, I have to warn you that the following two articles are from Executive Intelligence Review which is a LaRouche site.
But what they have to say about Martin Palmer is something I thought you might find interesting - especially since it relates to Al Gore!
According to the following articles, Martin Palmer is "spiritual advisor on ecology" to Prince Philip.
By Scott thompson
In an article in EIR of Jan. 15(1999), "To Defeat Impeachment, You Must Defeat the New Confederacy," Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. described Vice President Al Gore, Jr. as the "cat's-paw" of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and Royal Consort, in the effort of the London-steered financier oligarchy to spread four "poisons" worldwide: destruction of the sovereign nation-state, fascist environmentalism, Malthusian population-reduction, and slave-labor policies (see box).
In the interview which follows here, Martin Palmer, the "spiritual adviser on ecology" to the Duke of Edinburgh, relates how Gore met with Prince Philip in 1991 and has been in correspondence with him for a decade, on how to destroy the last vestiges of republicanism, through a combination of pagan religion and eco-fascism. This process began with a conference in Assisi, Italy, in 1986, sponsored by Prince Philip, who was then the international president of the World Wide Fund for Nature (World Wildlife Fund)...read entire article.....
Maurice Strong was closely associated with the World Wildlife Fund.
More from the same article.....
...The Lambeth Palace process
As EIR documented in its Aug. 21, 1998 issue ("Prince Philip's Assault on Religion" and "High Priest of Evil: Martin Palmer"), there have been tectonic shifts already caused by the Sept. 22-29, 1986 Assisi meeting, at which Palmer, through the World Wildlife Fund, launched a discussion of what these pagan kooks call the "Gaia" hypothesis, in reference to the Earth Mother Goddess hypothesis. Palmer recounts how this came to the attention of then-Senator Al Gore, Jr., who then took up correspondence with the Duke of Edinburgh. A Network on Religion and Conservation was launched, which was managed by Palmer on Prince Philip's behalf, and has subsequently become known as the Alliance of Religion and Conservation (ARC). It joins Christianity into a pagan, syncretic cult that includes elements of the Bahais; Buddhists (including representatives of Tibetan Buddhism, which was a core part of the belief system of Hitler's Allgemeine SS); Hindus; Jains; Jews; Muslims; Sikhs; and, Taoists.
All these religions, under the Duke of Edinburgh's pagan ministrations in ARC, have agreed to give up whatever notion of scientific progress they may have once held, in order to adopt a neo-feudalist, "New Dark Age" conception based upon "ecologically sustainable development," "man's stewardship over nature," "small is beautiful," and, a Hitlerian conception that extols poverty and austerity, rather than seeking to produce physical wealth to better mankind's lot. This is in sharp contrast to the outlook of Genesis 1:26, that man's destiny is to "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it"—....read entire article...
It certainly appears that the notion of scientific progress has been given up in favor of the kind of scientism which is redolent of the scientism described in the third book of C.S. Lewis' science fiction trilogy entitled.......
By the way, Gore's company, Generation Investment Management, is the only approved carbon credit swap company.....that has been approved by the World Bank.
(January 29, 1999 EIR)
by Scott Thompson
In an interview published in EIR last week, one of the high priests of evil, Martin Palmer, Prince Philip's "spiritual adviser on ecology," confirmed that U.S. Vice President Al Gore, Jr. has had a longstanding relationship with the British Royal Consort. Now, another consummate insider has come forward to speak with a Washington, D.C.-based journalist, providing details of his own relationship with Gore, in pursuit of some of the most ambitious one-world and "deep ecology" programs, programs that would spell doom for billions of people, should they ever be implemented.
Undersecretary General of the United Nations and Earth Council Chairman Maurice Strong has worked intimately with Al Gore for well over a decade. Strong was a co-founder with Prince Philip of the secretive 1001 Club, the main "piggybank" of the green-genocidalist World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The other 1001 Club initiator was former Nazi SS intelligence officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. (For background on these institutions, see EIR Special Report, "The True Story Behind the Fall of the House of Windsor.").. read entire article.....
Climategate - James Delingpole's blog on the Daily Telegraph website.
Latest blog entry - includes some interesting stats on mainstream media coverage of climategate in comparison to other news coverage;
Climategate goes uber-viral, Gore flees leaving evil henchmen to defend crumbling citadel
I'd like to ring Al Gores bell 350 times
during the Crapenhagen Conference.
URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/danish-
this is interesting reading.
And have any of the researchers run into Lenon Honor? His stuff is all over the web but who is he and where is he coming from?
Interesting article by Collins.
One heck of a hang-over, or morning after... for the Brits, and Europe.
"At midnight last night, the United Kingdom ceased to be a sovereign state"...more at the link below.
take care,
Friday, December 04, 2009
Athens, Greece, Dec 4, 2009 / 06:55 am (CNA).- The head of the Greek Orthodox Church has voiced his opposition to a court ban on crucifixes in classrooms in Italy and will hold an emergency synod to lay out a plan of action to combat the ban. Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece said that the European Court of Human Rights (EHCR) had ignored the role of Christianity in Europe’s history. According to the BBC, he added that majorities, not only minorities, have rights...read more...
God Bless the Greek Orthodox Church!
From Politics Daily (12/8/09):
Anti-Immigration Group Drops Support for Lou Dobbs
A prominent anti-immigration group has pulled its support for a possible political bid by Lou Dobbs, saying the former CNN host has betrayed its ideals.
The Americans for Legal Immigration political action committee cited a Nov. 20 interview with Dobbs on Telemundo, during which he voiced support for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. That's something ALIPAC strongly opposes.
Over the past few years on TV, in print and on his syndicated radio show, Dobbs has become one of the most prominent anti-illegal immigration voices in the country.
ALIPAC reportedly has yanked all its Web site promotion of a Dobbs candidacy. (There has been talk Dobbs may run for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey in 2012 or even for president.)
The Plum Line posted a statement by ALIPAC:
"Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is withdrawing support for Lou Dobbs after years including the suspension of websites calling on Dobbs to run for President due to the perceived change in Mr. Dobbs's stances on immigration issues.
"While Mr. Dobbs claims his positions have not changed, however, that is not the perception of many of our mutual supporters," said William Gheen of ALIPAC...
"Lou Dobbs has deeply offended his base of supporters and ALIPAC is going to remain loyal to those Americans who support our existing immigration laws instead of Amnesty disguised as reform."
The above article was dated 12/3/09.
Rep. Issa: Obama’s refusal to investigate ‘Climategate’ emails is ‘unconscionable’
Tony Romm - The Hill (12/4/09)
The U.N.’s decision this week to investigate whether some of its climate change research had been manipulated constitutes a “direct rebuke” of the Obama administration, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Friday.
The White House’s unwillingness to open a similar inquiry could now only be characterized as “a sad abdication of their responsibility to ensure that U.S. policies are not driven by corrupted science and data,” the congressman added.
“The very integrity of the report that the Obama administration has predicated much of its climate change policy has been called into question and it is unconscionable that this administration and Congress is willing to abdicate responsibility of uncovering the truth to the United Nations,” explained Issa, the ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/rep-issa-
Dr Kelly WAS murdered and there has to be a new inquest, say six top doctors
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1233330/Dr-David-Kelly-Six-doctors-demand-inquest-death-weapons-expert-prove-murdered.html#ixzz0Yo4tHYnv
Gropenhagen Conference
By Politiken Staff
Now let me see if I have this straight.....according to twisted UN "human rights" standards it would be a human rights violation for prostitutes in Copenhagen to be banned from publicly plying their "perfectly legal" trade and soliciting sex during a UN/government-sponsored summit, but somehow, it is not a human rights violation for crucifixes to be banned by the UN from public schools in Europe????????
Perhaps we are beginning to see what the Lord meant in saying:
Behold, your house shall be left to you......desolate.
Matt 23:38
George Will
Disclosure of e-mails and documents from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in Britain -- a collaborator with the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- reveals some scientists' willingness to suppress or massage data and rig the peer-review process and the publication of scholarly work. The CRU materials also reveal paranoia on the part of scientists who believe that in trying to engineer "consensus" and alarm about warming, they are a brave and embattled minority. Actually, never in peacetime history has the government-media-academic complex been in such sustained propagandistic lockstep about any subject....read entire article
With the prostitutes being so busy during
the big Conference, maybe it will eventually
be known as Clapenhagen.
Or with all the countries stepping on each
other in the clamor to line up to have their
sovereignity taken away, maybe they should
call it Corpsenhagen.
Creepenhagen ?
Remember, this whole man made gobal
warming thing was never meant to be
taken literally. It's all just an Algorey.
Anon 12:56,
To your comment regarding Facebook and other social media sites, maybe this will help you understand why the intelligence community doesn't want people to know how they get info from social media sites.
Thats right, people agree to it when they agree to the terms and conditions at these sites.
Clapenhagen.....THAT'S a gem! LOL
Regarding the Copenhagen Summit in general, here is something else to think about....MEXICO!
In the other Washington Post article I posted,(THE CLIMATE CHANGE TRAVESTY) George Will also writes:
But Copenhagen also is prologue for the 2010 climate change summit in Mexico City, which will be planet Earth's last chance, until the next one.
Just think of the dots that beg to be connected here. Illegal immigration, "global warming" - which is just about as "scientific" as the Mayan Calendar and the year 2012, etc.
We already bailed out the Peso once..... under Bill Clinton.
Notwithstanding the progress Mexico has made in economic reform-and that progress is real-its economy is still mostly unfree.
The Mexican peso col lapsed not because of the free-market pressures created by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA but because the Mexican government artificially inflated the value of the peso for political reasons-that is, to help secure the victory of Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, the candidate of the long-ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI), in the presidential elections of August 21, 1994.
This old-fashioned manipulation of the economy is still quite prevalent in Latin America. In order to get Mexicos economy on track, major economic surgery must be undertaken. The last thing Mexico needs is a heavy dose of debt-relief narcotics that eases the pain for now but does nothing to cure the underlying ailment....
The Copenhagen Treaty would be precisely the pretext for administering more doses of said "debt relief narcotics" without doing anything to prevent the continuation of Mexico's socialist "plantation politics"....on the American taxpayers' dime!
Speaking of socialism,check out the following article at World Net Daily.
Socialists, conspiracy theorists, supporters of spreading wealth
Posted: December 02, 2009
By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
One is led to wonder how much our own economy and currency have been manipulated in order to secure the victory of Barack Obama and his radical leftist confreres???
Mexico was where the "global warming" deal was supposed to have been sealed.
In September..............
September 26, 2009
Mexico helped put climate change at the top of the Group of 20 (G20) summit's agenda, the country's finance minister Agustin Carstens said Friday.
"President Felipe Calderon has played a very important role in relation to climate change, by proposing the Green Fund which would recognize everyone's shared responsibility," Carstens was quoted as saying in a statement from the Mexican financial ministry.
Calderon proposed the creation of the 10-billion-U.S. dollar Green Fund administered by the World Bank in June, saying that all nations should pay into the fund and receive money from it based on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions they cut.
Mexico also promoted the recapitalization of development banks, especially the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), Carstens said.
"The IADB is important because it is this continent's largest lender," Carstens explained, adding that the G20 countries had agreed to draft an IADB recapitalization plan by mid-2010 at the latest.
The G20 summit was held in the U.S. city of Pittsburgh on Thursday and Friday.
The summit was the third of its kind. It was preceded by two meetings held in the wake of the global financial crisis, one in Washington last November and one in London last April.
Thanks for the kind words. Like many here, I am thankfull you have provided us a place to spread this information. On a side note, have you done your interview with Keith Thompson yet? I am looking forward to seeing the finished film he is putting together. Also it may be of a benefit to add a link to his blog and youtube pages to the front page. His films are all easy to follow and cover a lot of info and background that others may never see, or that newbies wouldn't come acrossed in normal day to day reading. Here's a link to his blog, which has a link to his youtube page.
Thanks again.
Warming alarmist says CRU scandal “a major blow”, endangers EPA’s anticipated regulatory power
Posted by: MataHarley @ 3:20 am in ClimateGate, Congress, Global Warming, Politics, SCOTUS
Good news has been in short supply of late in the US. But today’s op-ed in the WSJ by Kim Straassel is bound to bring a rare smile in today’s “climate”.
Despite the FA resident warmists, insisting this is much ado about nothing, even one of the most vocal alarmists and stiflers of debate by “climate criminals” – UK’s George Monbiot – admits that the CRU absconded database becoming public is a “major blow” to advancing climate change legislation. Even going so far as to say the documents “… “could scarcely be more damaging.”
Conversely, the big Zero’s “climate czar”, Carole Browner, is busy publicly plugging her ears to the scandal, hoping it will simply go away.
As is becoming more common for news reporting today, the internet is leading the charge, defining the talking head production segments of news. When the blogosphere is alive and active on an issue, invariably the talking heads are forced to follow. And between the CRU’s database becoming public knowledge… meticulously combed thru by all types of interesting parties (including our own Patvann and family)…. combined with New Zealand’s NIWA also being accused of unexplanable fudging of raw temperature measurements… this is an issue that is not only *not* going away, but is destined to destroy any thread of hope that the December Copenhagen climate convention would culminate in anything but another toothless resolution of promises and intents.
Their next best hope would be Mexico City in 2010… highly unlikely at the undeniable cost to American taxpayers in a mid term election year. And, as I pointed out late October, much of the success of Copenhagen depended upon Obama and the US Congress, implementing American emissions legislation.
The emergence of manipulated data from both CRU and NIWA into public domain has all but dashed the hopes of Congressional Dems and Obama for cap and trade legislation. The thin margin of victory for cap and trade in the House this year may have left the realms of bragging rights, and entered into a campaign issue that may have to be explained away....
Two big thumbs up from me. Like a red bone hound on a trail, I can count on you to sniff out any little detail in a story. Great job!
I had Thanksgiving turkey with three Ph.D. research scientists.
They do not take seriously this reversal of the climate change theory.
They think the East Anglia people were just using science-speak, not fraudulent. Bottom line is that they believe climate change is real. Even Stan Deyo (see Milleniumm Ark website)
strongly believes it is real.
I think people were manipulating data to support theories they do believe in. This is not a good thing to do. Not scientific.
At this point, from all I can see with my non-scientific mind, we simply do not know what is going on in the world climate. We are trying to put date together.
Stan Deyo's site is excellent from the point that he and his wife Holly reprint stories on "both sides" and "every side" of this issue.
Right now it is time to wake up and realize that we do not live in a stable natural world. And we are not in control of it. And our interpretations are not complete.
God is in charge and we are like paper sailboats floating on a raging stream.
While it may give a few people hope that the CRU deceivers were exposed it will not change anything in The New World Order. The Elites will not be stopped. We Americans have a Constitution and Bill of Rights but that is not doing us a bit of good. The Elites are rolling right over us. They have their "consensus" so facts don't matter. Once they got most people parroting the mantra they won.
Thanks for the "thumbs up."
The Republicans are already gearing up to repeal things that are crammed down our throats by the Democrats. In fact, they are going to make it a campaign issue in the 2010 election.
By the way, in the article I posted at 12:16 P.M. it reads:
Calderon proposed the creation of the 10-billion-U.S. dollar Green Fund administered by the World Bank in June, saying that all nations should pay into the fund and receive money from it based on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions they cut.
Al Gore's London-based Generation Investment Management LLP (GIM), which was co-founded by former Goldman Sachs chief executive David Blood has been dubbed
"the Blood and Gore Parasite."
"David Blood and Al Gore stand to make billions off of the "global warming" scam. They are the only approved carbon credit swap company that has been approved by the World Bank. Every time a carbon credit is swapped, they make a commission as middle men. Blood and Gore seems appropriate for these parasite con artists!"
Online commentators and think-tank policy analysts have suggested that Al Gore has created a conflict of interest by working with GIM and simultaneously being the spokesperson for action on global warming.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute believes that the government policies Gore advocated to the U.S. Senate in January 2009 "will make him and his friends extremely wealthy at the expense of consumers." Such criticism over this alleged conflict of interest has been made as early as March 2007.
See how "global warming" ties in with NAFTA.
Here’s where it gets really interesting:
4. A US/Chinese venture capital firm stands to benefit financially from a swine flu pandemic.
According to Reuters, private US/Chinese venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers (KPCB), based in Menlo Park, CA, launched a $200 million Pandemic Bio Defense Fund in 2006. The firm’s portfolio includes eight pandemic and bio defense firms. Two of them, Novavax and Bio Defense, are publicly traded.
On Friday, their stock jumped at news of the swine flu outbreak in Mexico. Novavax (up 75 percent) had already contacted the Centers for Disease Control offering to help with the crisis. But the same story also said that shares of Gilead Sciences, Inc. - which gets royalties from the sale of Tamiflu from Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche - declined 10 cents the same day. Strange.
5. Guess who’s a partner at KPCB? Al Gore, who also chairs the Alliance for Climate Protection. Gore bragged that he donates all his salary to the climate change organization.
KPCB also has a “green” investment collaboration with Generation Investment Management, which Gore also co-founded with David Blook (Al is a very busy guy). A November 14, 2007 article in the UK Telegraph quoted Blook: “There’s a significant gapbetween the capital needed and the capital currently deployed to create enduring solutions to the climate crisis.”
Selling a boatload of swine flu vaccine to panicked government officials in Mexico, the United States and Canada would raise a lot of capital. Just sayin...read more..
Let's not forget that Al Gore's good buddy Maurice Strong has been residing on and off in China - at least since he was named in the "oil for food" scam in 2005.
Obama, Maurice Strong and Al Gore have been key players cashing in on Chicago Climate Exchange
3.25.09 / Judi McLeod / Canadian Free Press
How Al Gore Fostered Famine, Food Riots, and Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by Hans Bader
April 10, 2008
Oil companies during the 20th Century, reports the Center for Public Integrity, “have tried unsuccessfully to obtain control of two oil fields owned and operated by the federal government: the Teapot Dome field in Casper, Wyoming, and the Elk Hillsfield in Bakersfield, California.”
When Clinton and Gore took office in 1992, that was about to change. Perhaps only outdone by George W. Bush’s connections to Big Oil, Al Gore pressed President Clinton to approve handing over these public lands to the oil companies. The land, managed by the Navy, had held emergency oil reserves since 1912.
It took five years of lobbying on behalf of Big Oil, but Gore and Occidental [Petroleum Corp.] were victories. In the fall of 1997 the Energy Department sold 47,000 acres of the Elk Hill reserve to Occidental.
Continues The Center for Public Integrity:
It was the largest privatization of federal property in U.S. history, one that tripled Occidental’s U.S. oil reserves overnight. Although the Energy Department was required to assess the likely environmental consequences of the proposed sale, it didn’t. Instead it hired a private company, ICF Kaiser International, Incorporated, to complete the assessment. The general chairman of Gore’s presidential campaign, Tony Coelho, sat on the board of directors.
The very same day the Elk Hills sale was announced, Gore delivered a speech to the White House Conference on Climate Change on the “terrifying prospect” of global warming, a problem he blamed on the unchecked use of fossil fuels such as oil.
Interesting that no one here has mentioned the Manhattan Declaration.
Manhattan Declaration
Manhattan Declaration
Manhattan Declaration News Coverage
RE:Facebook and social networking sites. This is not a surprise. In my mind it goes hand in hand with the whole net neutrality thing.
A couple years ago, I believe we were discussing the Orson Welles Book "1984". I started to think about how that book was to influence people because that was a main media at that time. Then it went to news print media and television. I couldn't see how they could control the internet but thought that it would happen.
Now here we are. Get all the information you can. Back it up on your computer, create hard copies if necessary.
I don't mean to sound
"spooky or cuckoo" but there may be a time where we can not get information to others in this format or get any new information.
May the Lord bless and keep you all!
oops, my mistake, George Orwell not Orson Welles. Brain slip.
Just saw this and if it is true, they intend to push Copenhagen through, Climategate or not. Please note GREENPEACE statement. GREENPEACE (and its RAINBOW WARRIOR) has been a militant part of the New Age Movement as long as I've been looking at that scene. Barack Obama appears to be fully cooperating with this evil aspect of 'global governance'.
""After a global outcry, President Obama has listened to the people and other world leaders; he has come to his senses and accepted the importance of this potentially historic meeting," Martin Kaiser, Greenpeace International's political climate coordinator, said in a statement.
"Now that he has moved the date, he needs to move his targets and his financial contribution to be in line with what climate science demands," he said. (Reporting by Ross Colvin, additional reporting by Caren Bohan and Jeff Mason in Washington and David Milliken in London; Editing by Peter Cooney)"
Anonymous 11:27,
I posted re Manhattan Declaration a few posts back. Charles Colson is a mover and a shaker in it; he is very involved with the Family.
December 2, The Telegraph: James Hansen, NASA Goddard Institute Head, one of the pre-eminent climate mavens in the world, states that global warming is real, but the Copenhagen meeting will just politicize it and put remdies off track. He further states that although the East Anglia hacking showed the ineptitude of current researh, this does not stop the fundamental issue of global warming from proceding as scheduled, thanks to natural forces. He opposes politicizing the issue and is against the inept solutions offered by Gore and Obama, and is against Cap and Trade.
I don't know how to put links, but this article can be read today on Millenium Ark, the website of scientist and Christian Stan Deyo.
Where news on "both sides" and "every side" is published.
If you have not met the Deyos, it's worth a google! Among the most level heads around.
It's a criminal offence to hurt your Mother (Earth)
December 6, 2009
Oregon’s EnviroCrime Gangbangers
Posted by Karen De Coster on December 6, 2009 06:23 AM
Oregon Attorney General John Kroger has established the new Environmental Crimes Enforcement Unit (the “ECEU”). The purpose of this unit is allow the state to get more aggressive in pursuing “criminals” guilty of environmental non-compliance. After all, Kroger was elected after promising to increase the prosecution of environmental crimes. From the article in Oregon Business Report:
Mr. Kroger’s plan to dramatically increase the number of criminal prosecutions for environmental noncompliance is a departure from past practices. Historically, most of the environmental noncompliance in Oregon has been punished by way of civil and administrative penalties. Criminal prosecutions, which have been handled by harried county district attorneys, have been spotty and reserved for only the most egregious violations.
So now, people who don’t perfectly conform to arbitrary laws created by special interests – the people-hating EnviroCommunists and businesses that profit from such laws -will be deemed criminals and will serve jail time.
In fact, Kroger has said that big business will not be his main prey – he intends to go after small businesses, who he believes “have a competitive advantage because they are not paying the costs associated with compliance.” So now, Mr. Kroger is a CFO and a cost expert, too? Impressive! Except that Mr. Kroger has already failed the test. Small businesses are always at a disadvantage wherever regulation and associated costs are concerned. And big business lobbyists understand this fact. Congratulations to Oregon’s wealthy and powerful business lobbyists who have helped establish this evil brainchild and the plans for driving up costs and increasing the likelihood incarceration. More business competition destroyed, and that’s the plan.
Now ….. remind me why you want to remain a business owner in Oregon?
Dear Mariel,
Good post.
It might interest you to know that James Hansen has filed notice of intent to sue NASA GISS on behalf of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).
A link to related Freedom of Information Documents is included.
This is interesting because Hansen had been promoting the "global warming" agenda with almost maniacal zeal.
At the end of the day, there is a big difference between believing in the theory of global warming and declaring it to be a "settled science."
The socialist "climategate crusaders" are declaring it to be a "settled science" and have been preparing to imposes all manner of draconian legislation on "developed" countries (i.e. "greedy capitalists" like the United States) that would cripple their economies and benefit the socialist looters vis a vis a so-called "transfer of wealth"......not to "the poor".....but to the looters......especially looters like Al Gore who stand to be enriched beyond all dreams of human avarice vis a vis traffiking in "carbon credits."
The word "traffiking" is usually used in cojuunction with the word "human" - as in "human traffiking" - but given the socialist "plantation politics" for which the "global warming" agenda is merely serving as a front, it is probably not unreasonable to think in terms of slavery!
It would appear that James Hansen was coming under heavy criticism by the Telegraph for his "global warming" views and was even accused of "megalomania" and "scientific authoritarianism."
February 9, 2009
Have you noticed how the grins on the faces of the global warming crowd are starting to look increasingly sickly? Even climate change zealots are starting to wonder if they’ve been guilty of scaremongering.
Global temperatures continue to decline. James Hansen, the global warming lobby’s most celebrated cheerleader, has been disowned by his old mentor John Theon. He has been called “an embarrassment to NASA” and his work has been branded “unscientific”......read entire article
February 17, 2009
Claims of what we all suspected – that James Hansen is losing the plot – have been flooding in over the past week. (Unlike the water he imagines will shortly cover half the US if we don’t go back to living like cavemen.) The leading climate change hysteric, called “an embarrassment to NASA”, has “lost his mind”, according to colleagues. Hansen was accused of “megalomania” and and “scientific authoritarianism” by Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr., former director of the University of Colorado’s Center for Science and Technology Policy Research...read entire article...
Hopefully, the purloined e-mails will have served as just the sort of intervention needed to wean men like Hansen off the current flavor of "global warming" KOOL-ADE.
Sarah Palin's comments on Climategate featured on Facebook -
There has been call among conservatives for Sarah Palin to weigh in on the climate gate scandal, and tonight she has.
Via her favorite forum for chiming in on the national conversation, Facebook, she has issued the following statement:
The president's decision to attend the international climate conference in Copenhagen needs to be reconsidered in light of the unfolding Climategate scandal. The leaked e-mails involved in Climategate expose the unscientific behavior of leading climate scientists who deliberately destroyed records to block information requests, manipulated data to "hide the decline" in global temperatures, and conspired to silence the critics of man-made global warming. I support Senator James Inhofe's call for a full investigation into this scandal. Because it involves many of the same personalities and entities behind the Copenhagen conference, Climategate calls into question many of the proposals being pushed there, including anything that would lead to a cap and tax plan.
Policy should be based on sound science, not snake oil. I took a stand against such snake oil science when I sued the federal government over its decision to list the polar bear as an endangered species despite the fact that the polar bear population has increased. I've never denied the reality of climate change; in fact, I was the first governor to create a subcabinet position to deal specifically with the issue. I saw the impact of changing weather patterns firsthand while serving as governor of our only Arctic state. But while we recognize the effects of changing water levels, erosion patterns, and glacial ice melt, we cannot primarily blame man's activities for the earth's cyclical weather changes. The drastic economic measures being pushed by dogmatic environmentalists won't change the weather, but will dramatically change our economy for the worse.
Policy decisions require real science and real solutions, not junk science and doomsday scare tactics pushed by an environmental priesthood that capitalizes on the public's worry and makes them feel that owning an SUV is a "sin" against the planet. In his inaugural address, President Obama declared his intention to "restore science to its rightful place." Boycotting Copenhagen while this scandal is thoroughly investigated would send a strong message that the United States government will not be a party to fraudulent scientific practices. Saying no to Copenhagen and cap and tax are first steps in "restoring science to its rightful place."
- Sarah Palin
She summed it up rather well I thought.
Palin's post nails it.
Shows real understanding of the real problem on the ground, not in theory.
Global warming is a very complex condition. I am not at all equipped to state what is going on in actuality, but almost everywhere I browse on the net states that it is a real event, even though "cooling" seems to be the blip at the moment. (it is 20 degrees outside here today, brrrr)
The continents have been radically rearranged over the millennia. They could be again. My home town could be under water (Seattle). Will that be a soon event, as some prophecy mavens predict, or happen later? The geological reality in Seattle is that the west coast could go into a 9 earthquake at any time, and the Cascades could erupt. It could really be that, in the West, only the Rockies and peaks of similar height will be above water--or not. We can no more be SURE of the future geophysically than we can be SURE of the day Jesus will come for His own. But it might be well to be "watching".
I may have nothing to do with CO2.
To: YesNaSpanishTown
Re:Anonymous 11:27,
I posted re Manhattan Declaration a few posts back. Charles Colson is a mover and a shaker in it; he is very involved with the Family.
Could you repost your comments or let me know which thread contains your comments.
I have been studying the excellent GREEN AGENDA site you recommended and after coming across the article on the Kyoto Chip, I decided to do a little further investigating.
For those who haven't heard of the "Kyoto Chip," it is a radical means of CO2 rationing on a personal level.
Here is some more data.
David Miliband, the UK environment secretary, is keen to set up a pilot scheme to test the idea, and has asked officials from four government departments to report on how it could be done. The move marks the first serious step towards state-enforced limits on the carbon use of individuals,
which scientists say may be necessary in the fight against climate change.
It extends the principle of carbon trading - already in place between heavy polluters such as power companies and steel makers - to consumers, with
heavy carbon users forced to buy unused allowances from people with greener
I am very excited about the fact that he has indicated to take this
initiative further. Last year I have communicated with Dr Starkey of the Tyndall Institute about his study on carbon allowances on a personal level.
He recognizes that his study and our concept of The Kyoto Chip have many striking resemblances and are virtually the same. We agreed in principle to work together in developing this idea. My suggestion to experiment in the UK was perceived by him as quite ambitious: he had an island 'with a population
a little smaller than 60 million' in mind! I applaud the minister for taking this initiative in the UK.
Also the European Commission has shown interest in our ideas on the Kyoto Chip.
I would love to work with as many institutes and people as possible on implementation of the plan to ration consumers' carbon use and more specifically with furthering this initiative on the international level.
Apparently, this carbon rationing scheme called the "Kyoto Chip" goes back a few years.
Wednesday 19 July 2006
A radical plan to curb greenhouse gas emissions by rationing the carbon use of individuals is being drawn up by government officials. The scheme could force consumers to carry a swipe card that records their personal carbon allocation, with points knocked off each time they buy petrol or tickets for a flight.
Under the scheme, all UK citizens from the Queen down would be allocated an identical annual carbon allowance, stored as points on an electronic card similar to Air Miles or supermarket loyalty cards. Points would be deducted at point of sale for every purchase of non-renewable energy. People who did not use their full allocation, such as families who do not own a car, would be able to sell their surplus carbon points into a central bank.
Article continues High energy users could then buy them - motorists who had used their allocation would still be able to buy petrol, with the carbon points drawn from the bank and the cost added to their fuel bills. To reduce total UK emissions, the overall number of points would shrink each year.
David Miliband, the environment secretary, is keen to set up a pilot scheme to test the idea, and has asked officials from four government departments to report on how it could be done......read entire article...
Gee. Al Gore's carbon trading business is based in London...and then there is the related Chicago Climate Exchange......all good to go if the UK "experiment" doesn't lead to a civil war.
The December 2, 2009 Telegraph article I posted earlier (9:53 A.M.) indicates that the Danes have very recently gotten caught red handed "fiddling their carbon credits."
It is to be observed that the trend seems to be to use the term "personal carbon trading" as opposed to "Kyoto Chip"......perhaps to make it all look "voluntary"...and perhaps because of the implications the word "chip" has for Christians...namely, a degree of control by which the "powers that be" might be able to prevent individual persons from buying or selling unless they "wear the mark of the beast." (i.e. "toe the immoral/pagan party line" in thought, word or deed).
Here are some more interesting links.
PERSONAL CARBON TRADING (a.k.a. Carbon Rationing)
Preface. This is a factual account of the highly politicised concept of catastrophic man made climate change. The views quoted above are supported in principle by the UK govt but said to be ahead of their time. However, the means to achieve them are now being quietly introduced into main stream thinking through the systematic use of a political agenda that uses the alarming notion of catastrophic man made climate change as the means to force through a measure of social engineering unequalled in the UK in modern times.
In promoting this notion, alternative and well researched views that oppose the science lying behind the unproven hypothesis are stifled, and derision heaped on those pointing out previous well documented warming and cooling periods that occur in, as yet, little understood cycles throughout our history.
This is a long and complex document so it is suggested that a read through of the text that can be seen on your screen should serve as a useful introduction to the highways and byways of our political and scientific establishments. Additional information is provided in many of the links-some deserving of considerable time- so a second much more leisurely examination of the account will enable the reader to acquire a deeper knowledge of the subversion of science in pursuit of political objectives.
...read entire article...
27th May 2008
Regardless of "Climategate," the show in Copenhagen must go on. Obama is adding his presence and there seems to be an optimism that some climate treaty is possible.
It appears that Obama is as much of a voice for world governance as much as Solana. Maybe it's just my imagination.
Anonymous 11:27 and 10:51
Re: Manhattan Declaration
I did not post any additional comments on the Manhattan Declaration other than the ones repeated to you at 3:03.
Chuck Colson is listed as one of the drafters of the declaration and is a member of the Fellowship Foundation. I don't know how long you have followed this blog. Constance has much information on the Fellowship Foundation. She wrote a series of articles in summer to fall of 2008 and occasionally continues to comment on them.
You can check out opinions on the Manhattan Declaration at both the lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog and also herescope.blogspot.com.
Both Alastair Begg and John MacArthur (among others) have voiced opposition to signing the declaration. As I understand it, their chief objection is that by signing it they feel they would associate themselves with other organizations that they feel are questionable.
Personally, I have been on that road before. I fully understand their point and respect them and their positions. They are leaders in the Christian community and they must consider what their sheep may accept doctrinally by way of association.
However, I am not signing for that reason. I agree with the herescope post that it is dominionist based. If you haven't researched Dominionism, I would encourage you to do so.
I am not signing because I am considering Jesus' command not to swear an oath. I am cautious of covenanting with this organization.
Obviously, most of us in this forum recognize the seriousness of the hour. We need to go before the Lord and carefully weigh and seek Him regarding these kinds of choices.
I believe that this is just one step of many that may agitate many to lawlessness. People will become increasingly angry at the insanity of our times, and "when lawlessness abounds, the love of many will wax cold."
Militia movements are growing. I am watching and praying for wisdom.
Hope my comments are helpful.
Here is a little look at David Miliband the former UK environment secretary, who is so keen to set up a pilot scheme to test the idea of the "Kyoto Chip"/personal carbon trading/carbon rationing, and has asked officials from four government departments to report on how it could be done.
David Wright Miliband (born 15 July 1965) is a British Labour politician, who has been the Member of Parliament for South Shields since 2001, and is the current Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. He is the son of the late Marxist theorist Ralph Miliband. He and his younger brother Ed Miliband are the first siblings to sit in the Cabinet simultaneously since Austen and Neville Chamberlain.
Born in London, Miliband studied politics at universities both in England and the USA, and started his career as a policy analyst at the Institute for Public Policy Research. At 29, Miliband became Tony Blair's Head of Policy whilst the Labour Party was then in opposition and was a major contributor to Labour's manifesto for the 1997 general election which brought the party to power. Blair made him head of the Prime Minister's Policy Unit from 1997 to 2001, following which Miliband was elected to parliament for the north-east England seat of South Shields.
Miliband spent the next several years in various junior ministerial posts in the British Government, including at the Department for Education and Skills, before becoming Environment Secretary. His tenure in this post saw climate change consolidated as a priority for UK policymakers. On the succession of Gordon Brown as Prime Minister, Miliband was promoted to Foreign Secretary, at 41, the youngest person to hold the position in 30 years.....
....In answer to the question, "do you believe in God" raised in a 2007 Mail on Sunday survey, Milliband said that he did not believe in God....read more..
David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, has earned a rebuke from Israel and risked the wrath of the United States after announcing that Britain would resume contact with Hizbollah, the Iranian-backed militant group based in Lebanon.
By Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem
December 2, 2009
By David Miliband
January 15, 2009
By Glen Owen
August 16, 2009
The following report leads one to wonder how David Miliband would work his own "Kyoto Chip" card...
David Miliband's spending on his constituency home was so extensive that even his gardener questioned whether some of the costs were strictly necessary.
By Rosa Prince, Political Correspondent
May 8, 2009
October 4, 2009
Here is why.....
July 5, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
There are calls for an inquiry into whether the new head of MI6 should be allowed to take up his post after his wife reportedly put personal details on the Facebook website.
July 6, 2009
This facebook flap is nearly on a par with that couple who recently crashed Obama's state dinner.
October 4, 2009
I have read reports to the effect that the Labor Party may soon be on its way out.
So that’s why Mandy was so keen for Miliband to become the EU high representative
By Jack Bremer
November 23, 2009
Thought I would post a follow up on web content providers selling private information to the intelligence community.
Constance, as an attorney I would appreciate your take on this.
Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers
Want to know how much phone companies and internet service providers charge to funnel your private communications or records to U.S. law enforcement and spy agencies?
That’s the question muckraker and Indiana University graduate student Christopher Soghoian asked all agencies within the Department of Justice, under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed a few months ago. But before the agencies could provide the data, Verizon and Yahoo intervened and filed an objection on grounds that, among other things, they would be ridiculed and publicly shamed were their surveillance price sheets made public.
Yahoo writes in its 12-page objection letter (.pdf), that if its pricing information were disclosed to Soghoian, he would use it “to ’shame’ Yahoo! and other companies — and to ’shock’ their customers.”
“Therefore, release of Yahoo!’s information is reasonably likely to lead to impairment of its reputation for protection of user privacy and security, which is a competitive disadvantage for technology companies,” the company writes.
Verizon took a different stance. It objected to the release (.pdf) of its Law Enforcement Legal Compliance Guide because it might “confuse” customers and lead them to think that records and surveillance capabilities available only to law enforcement would be available to them as well — resulting in a flood of customer calls to the company asking for trap and trace orders.
“Customers may see a listing of records, information or assistance that is available only to law enforcement,” Verizon writes in its letter, “but call in to Verizon and seek those same services. Such calls would stretch limited resources, especially those that are reserved only for law enforcement emergencies.”
Other customers, upon seeing the types of surveillance law enforcement can do, might “become unnecessarily afraid that their lines have been tapped or call Verizon to ask if their lines are tapped (a question we cannot answer).”
Verizon does disclose a little tidbit in its letter, saying that the company receives “tens of thousands” of requests annually for customer records and information from law enforcement agencies.
Soghoian filed his records request to discover how much law enforcement agencies — and thus U.S. taxpayers — are paying for spy documents and surveillance services with the aim of trying to deduce from this how often such requests are being made. Soghoian explained his theory on his blog, Slight Paranoia:
In the summer of 2009, I decided to try and follow the money trail in order to determine how often Internet firms were disclosing their customers’ private information to the government. I theorized that if I could obtain the price lists of each ISP, detailing the price for each kind of service, and invoices paid by the various parts of the Federal government, then I might be able to reverse engineer some approximate statistics. In order to obtain these documents, I filed Freedom of Information Act requests with every part of the Department of Justice that I could think of.
more at link
Just about any ISP one could think of, as well as many web content providers are covered in this article. As I stated before the intelligence community are bypassing traditional ways of obtaining this info (legal warrants) by purchasing the info in ways that are laid out in legal terms and conditions of service providers. As I said before, they can legally obtain the info because the consumers have already agreed to it by agreeing to their T&C's.
If these agencies are obtaining the info, which they are, one had better believe the info is being banked for latter uses. The question becomes if these agencies can in turn use said info in criminal courts against private citizens. My hypothesis is it will be allowed as the consumer agreed to letting third parties purchase said info, all while publishing the info in a public domain. In other words the personal information was purchased, and any incriminating info could be considered "in plain sight". This is the gathering of info on citizens Huxley and many others described.
Gordon Brown: climate-change sceptics are 'flat-earthers'
The Prime Minister launched an outspoken attack on climate-change sceptics amid growing signs of public doubts about the scientific and political consensus on the environment.
World leaders meet in Copenhagen next week seeking a global deal on cutting carbon emissions. But the debate has been clouded by a row over accusations that British scientists manipulated data on global temperatures.
The United Nations yesterday announced an investigation into the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit. Critics of the scientific consensus on climate change claim emails from the unit’s servers show researchers manipulated evidence to support their theory.
Phil Jones, the director of the CRU, has dismissed the claims as “complete rubbish” but the scandal has thrown the scientific world into turmoil and has been raised by some countries as a reason not to strike a deal in Copenhagen.
Mr Brown last night insisted that the science on climate change in settled, and accused those who question the consensus of being outdated.
He said: "With only days to go before Copenhagen we mustn't be distracted by the behind-the-times, anti-science, flat-earth climate sceptics. We know the science. We know what we must do.”
Erik Prince, head of US security firm Blackwater, ‘was CIA operative’
In public he was the lean and ruthless face of American military outsourcing in Iraq. Erik Prince, as founder of the Blackwater security company, packed a mobile phone on one hip and a handgun on the other as he flew in and out of the world’s troublespots co-ordinating protection teams for American VIPs — and handling the backlash when his employees were accused of shooting dead 17 Iraqi civilians at a Baghdad crossroads in 2007.
In private, he was a CIA operative, with his own file as a “vetted asset” at the agency’s headquarters, and a mission to build “a unilateral, unattributable capability” to hunt down and kill al-Qaeda militants for the US Government wherever they could be found.
These claims, made by Mr Prince and supported by others who knew of his activities, form part of a potentially explosive investigation into the life of America’s best-known mercenary.
Mr Prince, aside from his work in Iraq, set up America’s closest forward operating base to the Pakistani border in Afghanistan, and helped to train a CIA assassination team that hunted an alleged senior al-Qaeda financier in Germany, and included A. Q. Khan, a Pakistani nuclear scientist, on its list of targets, according to Vanity Fair magazine.
Mr Prince is a billionaire and former member of the US Navy Seal special forces, who avoided publicity during his long and lucrative period as a favoured security contractor for the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA. Between 2001 and 2009 his company won government contracts worth an estimated $1.5 billion (£900 million) and built a private air force of Black Hawk helicopters and troop-ferrying aircraft based at a 7,000-acre facility in North Carolina.
Despite the political uproar, and a 15-month investigation by the Department of Justice that followed the 2007 massacre in Baghdad, Mr Prince has to date made few public comments on his company’s work, and none on his own relationship with the CIA.
He now has more reason to go public: according to three sources who spoke to Vanity Fair, Mr Prince was recruited by the agency in 2004 and ran intelligence-gathering operations in an unnamed Axis of Evil country until only two months ago, but was partially “outed” by leaks that followed a closed-door briefing of congressional leaders by Leon Panetta, the CIA director, last summer.
Mr Prince regards those leaks as a betrayal: “When it became politically expedient to do so, someone threw me under a bus,” he said. He claims that his company is now paying $2 million a month in legal bills to defend itself against lawsuits in both Iraq and the US, and has been singled out because of who he is. “I’m an easy target,” he told the magazine. “I’m from a Republican family and I own this company outright. Our competitors have nameless, faceless management teams.”
Yeah, no conflicts of interest here. No special priveledges right. Just when I thought the mess with this company couldn't get any worse, we find out that the incidents which caused black eyes may have been carefully controled by the CIA. SIGH!!!
Here are two more stories on Prince.
Is Erik Prince 'Graymailing' the US Government?
By Jeremy Scahill
December 4, 2009
Tycoon, Contractor, Soldier, Spy
Erik Prince, recently outed as a participant in a C.I.A. assassination program, has gained notoriety as head of the military-contracting juggernaut Blackwater, a company dogged by a grand-jury investigation, bribery accusations, and the voluntary-manslaughter trial of five ex-employees, set for next month. Lashing back at his critics, the wealthy former navy seal takes the author inside his operation in the U.S. and Afghanistan, revealing the role he’s been playing in America’s war on terror.
By Adam Ciralsky
January 2010
Well, it's getting close now. This is the "countdown" (at the top of the page) to the Global Climate Conference at Copenhagen. This website is the website of the Bella Center, where the conference is taking place, where "77.000 sq m of Denmark become UN territory".
Is this the countdown to the beginning of the biggest hoax ever played on Mankind? Is this the lie that God causes people to believe - the ones who have refused the truth?
Are we seeing the final push for global governance? There is such an apocalyptic tone among the words of the organizers and participants. "Unite as a globe, or we all die."
Or...will this fall apart and some other crisis will come along to unite us all in one big Kumbaya moment?
I hope it all falls apart, but even Russia is doing what it can to hijack the moment for its own nefarious plans for advancing the cause of worldwide Socialism/Communism:
From the above article:
Going back to the definitions offered at the beginning of this column, I should remind readers that the establishment of a "planetary regime" of compulsory abortion and mass sterilization necessarily entails the overthrow of the United States Constitution and the eradication of individual liberty. If "scientific" theories concocted in support of such a program are not subversive, then nothing is. Intelligent people everywhere need to wake up and take notice. Those who want to spend trillions to combat global warming in the midst of a world-wide financial crisis should also be regarded as saboteurs. It is not only about money, however. It is about political power and political credibility being passed to totalitarian extremists whose justifications for dictatorial power are environmental. Here is the significance of global warming, laid bare for all to see.
If you want to send a letter to the "Leaders of the Planet" at the Copenhagen Conference (and read what others have sent), check this out:
JD and Anonymous 10:03,
Thanks for posting the articles on Erik Prince and Blackwater (a.k.a. Xe). it is one of many stories I have been following with great interest.
Speaking of the CIA, one of Erik Prince's Blackwater business colleagues is former CIA operative Cofer Black who tracked and helped capture noted terrorist Carlos the Jackal in Khartoum, Sudan — a place where he would also catch the attention of another terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, who would try to have him assassinated.
February 3, 2009
July 15, 2007
Here is something interesting...
February 28, 2009
March 1, 2009
"As your grandfather would have said, Mr. President, Allahu akbar!"
Good thing Carlos is in a French prison. Otherwise, he might be asking Obama for a pardon!
YesNaSpanishTown 3:03 AM
Anon. :10:51 AM
YesNaSpanishTown 6:22 AM
Your comments are much appreciated and very helpful.
I am in agreement with your comments and I have done research on Dominionism.
Thanks for taking the time to address this issue.
P.S. JD and Anonymous 10:03,
Here is an interesting relationship map from the Muckety site.
December 6, 2009
December 7, 2009
Apparently there were people calling for Obama to fire James Hansen before "climategate" erupted across the pond.
According to the following February 23, 2009 article, "Hansen has a record of allegedly doctoring temperature data to hype his argument that global warming is a crisis."
February 23, 2009
Off topic, but I thought this was very interesting.
I thought this was interesting:
Vatican prepares for Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen
I was struck by the fact that the opening was begun with a trumpet. I believe it is a counterfiet of one of the trumpets of Revelation, but that is just my first impression.
I would be interested in the opinions of others here.
Here is the opening in context, it took me a little while to find it.
listen at minute :37 - 1:12
now listen to the sound of the Jewish Shofar
Also look at this person blowing the shofar and notice the stole around the neck. Looks like the guy playing trumpet at Copenhagen is wearing a stole too. Also notice that these here are Kabbalistic Jews. Thus the connection to the New Age and Mysticism.
another example of the shofar
Let me know what you think.
Susanna and Anon,
Thanks for the follow ups. It seems good help is hard to find these days, or at least hard to keep. Prince, like many before him, served his purpose to those who are spinning the web, then when his practices which were no doubt monitored closely became embarassing, he was quickly cast aside. Left to fend for himself, like all other NAM operations that those in power wish not to bite them. Even now as I am watching CNN there is a story running about Max Baucus, and how he may or may not have inappropriately refered his girlfriend for a job. Baucus has ties with the Family, which leaves me wondering what line he didn't tow to get put on the hit list.
I am almost certain many of us will look back at this week as the week the false prophets global religion was made international law, via the summit in Copenhagen. If one doubts this they need only look to Susanna's recent posts regarding Milliband and other world leaders desiring chips or carbon credit cards to come directly out of this summit. As I continue to watch CNN as I type, the EU is just short of double dog daring Obama to come up with guidlines that surpass their own. If he layed out a plan that echoes Milliband and others I would not be shocked.
Up until now the globalist new agers have taken the soft shoe approach when it comes to the USA. I suspect this may change soon. Unfortunately, it will have to if they wish to suceed. We are told in scripture that the mandate for the Mark is one of force by the first beast, I am deeply concerned that this may be what we are seeing. Obama may well be realizing that in order to get the american people under control via this treaty, force may be neccesary. It is obvious his shine has worn off, so much so that many have went from singing his praises to taking up arms, all in under one years time. This isn't even considering the backlash they know is coming from those who have been recently awakened to the sham via climategate, if this treaty is passed. Monckton, climategate, and others have made the populace aware to an extent that there is a line that will be crossed once this traty is signed, one from which there is no turning back. These people have no regard for the lives this will effect, if they have to kill a couple million its simply collatral damage. If they have to kill a couple billion, then they are simply getting closer to their goals. They invested too much on Barack to let him simply be an empty suit over the next three years, I suspect its time to say goodbye to smiling happy go lucky Obama.
Reid Compares Opponents of Health Care Reform to Supporters of Slavery
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took his GOP-blasting rhetoric to a new level Monday, comparing Republicans who oppose health care reform to lawmakers who clung to the institution of slavery more than a century ago.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took his GOP-blasting rhetoric to a new level Monday, comparing Republicans who oppose health care reform to lawmakers who clung to the institution of slavery more than a century ago.
The Nevada Democrat, in a sweeping set of accusations on the Senate floor, also compared health care foes to those who opposed women's suffrage and the civil rights movement -- even though it was Sen. Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat, who unsuccessfully tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and it was Republicans who led the charge against slavery.
Way to go Harry, thers nothing like taking issues which are completely uncomparable, and villifying your opponents with them. That ought to swing some votes his way. Vote for this bill or become a social leper!
I'm not sure where this fits, or who is spinning this particular wheel. When I saw it, I almost immediately thought of American Police Force and First Earth Battalion.
A Stability Police Force for the United States
Justification and Options for Creating U.S. Capabilities
Establishing security is the sine qua non of stability operations, since it is a prerequisite for reconstruction and development. Security requires a mix of military and police forces to deal with a range of threats from insurgents to criminal organizations. This research examines the creation of a high-end police force, which the authors call a Stability Police Force (SPF). The study considers what size force is necessary, how responsive it needs to be, where in the government it might be located, what capabilities it should have, how it could be staffed, and its cost. This monograph also considers several options for locating this force within the U.S. government, including the U.S. Marshals Service, the U.S. Secret Service, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) in the Department of State, and the U.S. Army's Military Police. The authors conclude that an SPF containing 6,000 people — created in the U.S. Marshals Service and staffed by a “hybrid option,” in which SPF members are federal police officers seconded to federal, state, and local police agencies when not deployed — would be the most effective of the options considered. The SPF would be able to deploy in 30 days. The cost for this option would be $637.3 million annually, in FY2007 dollars.
There is a full pdf of this research project. I must admit I have yet to read the full document, but what I have read is pretty chilling.
U.S. sees homegrown Muslim extremism as rising threat
This may have been the most dangerous year since 9/11, anti-terrorism experts say
Reporting from Washington - The Obama administration, grappling with a spate of recent Islamic terrorism cases on U.S. soil, has concluded that the country confronts a rising threat from homegrown extremism.
Anti-terrorism officials and experts see signs of accelerated radicalization among American Muslims, driven by a wave of English-language online propaganda and reflected in aspiring fighters' trips to hot spots such as Pakistan and Somalia.
Europe had been the front line, the target of successive attacks and major plots, while the U.S. remained relatively calm. But the number, variety and scale of recent U.S. cases suggest 2009 has been the most dangerous year domestically since 2001, anti-terrorism experts said:
* There were major arrests of Americans accused of plotting with Al Qaeda and its allies, including an Afghan American charged in a New York bomb plot described as the most serious threat in this country since the Sept. 11 attacks.
* Authorities tracked other extremism suspects joining foreign networks, including Somali Americans going to the battlegrounds of their ancestral homeland and an Albanian American from Brooklyn who was arrested in Kosovo.
* The FBI rounded up homegrown terrorism suspects in Dallas, Detroit and Raleigh, N.C., saying that it had broken up plots targeting a synagogue, government buildings and military facilities.
Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano issued her strongest public comments yet on the homegrown threat.
"We've seen an increased number of arrests here in the U.S. of individuals suspected of plotting terrorist attacks, or supporting terror groups abroad such as Al Qaeda," Napolitano said in a speech in New York. "Home-based terrorism is here. And, like violent extremism abroad, it will be part of the threat picture that we must now confront."
While the tag at this point still says muslim extremist, one can not help but notice that the focus of the war on terror has now shifted internally. Many predicted this would be the case, few listened. From the recent mistrial of the blogger accused of making death threats toward federal judges over gun ownership laws, to Ft. Hood, to the man in Chicago recently arrested for his "involvment" in Mumbai, (and I could list many more) one can not help but notice americans are becoming the primary focus here. Given the not too distant DHS reports that painted everyone who disagrees with the government or has moral objections to murder as terrorists, the times are sobering.
Where is everyone? I feel like I'm talking to myself! lol
By H. JOSEF HEBERT and DINA CAPPIELLO, Associated Press Writers H. Josef Hebert And Dina Cappiello, Associated Press Writers – 11 mins ago
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration took a major step Monday toward imposing the first federal limits on climate-changing pollution from cars, power plants and factories, declaring there was compelling scientific evidence that global warming from manmade greenhouse gases endangers Americans' health.
The announcement by the Environmental Protection Agency was clearly timed to build momentum toward an agreement at the international conference on climate change that opened Monday in Copenhagen, Denmark. It signaled the administration was prepared to push ahead for significant controls in the U.S. if Congress doesn't act first on its own.
The price could be steep for both industry and consumers. The EPA finding clears the way for rules that eventually could force the sale of more fuel-efficient vehicles and require plants to install costly new equipment — at a cost of billions or even many tens of billions of dollars — or shift to other forms of energy.
No analysis has been conducted by the EPA on costs of such broad regulations, although the agency put the price tag of its proposed climate-related car rules at $60 billion, with an estimated benefit of $250 billion.
Energy prices for many Americans probably would rise, too — though Monday's finding will have no immediate impact since regulations have yet to be written. Supporters of separate legislation in Congress argue they could craft measures that would mitigate some of those costs.
Environmentalists hailed the EPA announcement as a clear indication the United States will take steps to attack climate change even if Congress fails to act. And they welcomed the timing of the declaration, saying it will help the Obama administration convince delegates at the international climate talks that the U.S. is serious about addressing the problem. Obama will address the conference next week.
But business groups said regulating carbon emissions through the EPA under existing clean air law would put new economic burdens on manufacturers, cost jobs and drive up energy prices.
"It will choke off growth by adding new mandates to virtually every major construction and renovation project," declared Thomas Donohue, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which in recent months has been particularly critical of the EPA's attempt to address climate change.
The EPA signaled last April that it was inclined to view heat-trapping pollution as a threat to public health and welfare and began to take public comments for formal rulemaking. That marked a reversal from the Bush administration, which had refused to issue the finding, despite a conclusion by EPA scientists that it was warranted.
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said Monday, "There are no more excuses for delaying," adding that the so-called endangerment analysis from global warming had been under consideration at the agency for three years. After the official finding, she said the agency is now "obligated to make reasonable efforts to reduce greenhouse pollutants under the Clean Air Act."
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said President Barack Obama "still believes the best way to move forward is through the legislative process" — something Obama has expressed on a number of occasions as he has pressed Congress to shift the nation's energy priorities away from fossil fuels and to reduce climate-changing pollution.
The EPA said scientific evidence clearly shows that greenhouse gases "threaten the public health and welfare of the American people" and that the pollutants — mainly carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels — should be reduced, if not by Congress then by the agency responsible for enforcing air pollution.
"These long-overdue findings cement 2009's place in history as the year when the United States government began addressing the challenge of greenhouse-gas pollution," said Jackson.
She rejected claims by climate skeptics that the science of global warming remains in doubt, an argument given additional attention in recent weeks with the disclosure through intercepted e-mails that a British scientist had privately discussed ways to shield certain climate data from public scrutiny.
"The vast body of evidence not only remains unassailable, it has grown even stronger," said Jackson.
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., a lead author of a climate bill before the Senate, said of the finding: "This is a clear message to Copenhagen of the Obama administration's commitments to address global climate change. ... The message to Congress is crystal clear: Get moving."
Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., also a co-author, said, "The Senate has a duty to act."
Business groups have strongly argued against tackling global warming through the Clean Air Act, saying it is less flexible and more costly than the cap-and-trade legislation being considered by Congress. Any regulations from the EPA are certain to spawn lawsuits and a lengthy legal fights.
"Such regulations would be intrusive, inefficient and excessively costly, chill job growth and delay business expansion," argued Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, which also has been critical of the climate legislation before Congress.
"The Clean Air Act can complement legislation," said Jackson. In fact, if Congress were to cap greenhouse gas emissions, the EPA probably would be given the responsibility of implementing the law.
The EPA's involvement in reducing climate-changing pollution, stems from a 2007 Supreme Court decision that declared that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are pollutants under the Clean Air Act. But the court said the EPA would have to determine if these pollutants pose a danger to public health and welfare before it could regulate them.
Dear JD (and rest):
I'm here and JD is definitely not talking to himself. I am both up to my eyeballs in intense legal work (the only way I can even to hope to finance even a smidgen of my work) and researching new material for here. I am watching Copenhagen with alarm and disturbed interest.
I loved the Birthplace of Jesus website.
I kept saying "Yes!, of course !"
Of course the most important birth in
the history of mankind would be clearly
spelled out in Scripture.
Of course the shepards and their manger
were unique to say the least. It makes
such perfect sense.
He is the Lamb of God who takes away
the sins of the world.
Hallelujah ! God's Word is so much deeper
and wider that any of us knows.
I'm reposting your link so more people
might go there and be blessed.
Here is a breaking story....
Dec 8, 2009 15:08 | Updated Dec 8, 2009 15:59
EU foreign ministers recognize J'lem as future joint capital
Luxembourg's Foreign Affairs Minister Jean Asselborn talks to journalists upon his arrival for the start of the European Union Foreign Affairs Council of ministers held at the EU Council building in Brussels on Tuesday.
Photo: AP
SLIDESHOW: Israel & Region | World
"The EU will not recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders, including with regard to Jerusalem," said a draft EU ministerial resolution seen by The Associated Press.
The document also called for the establishment of a Palestinian state comprising the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. "If there is to be [peace] a way has to be found to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the capital of two states," it said.
Israel had strongly objected to a Swedish draft resolution that did not recognize Israel's claims to the eastern part of the city, and had warned the EU against adopting new language that endorses east Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state.
JD 9:08
Re:Where is everyone? I feel like I'm talking to myself! lol
LOL You are not talking to yourself, JD. In fact, you've done some good posts! If some new development comes up, I will pass it along. :-)
In the meantime, I was watching FOX AND FRIENDS this morning and the latest EPA "pronunciamento" was being discussed. Senator James Inhofe, who once famously dubbed the EPA a "Gestapo bureaucracy," said that what Obama really wanted was for Congress to cram Cap and Trade down our throats (recall Barbara Boxer recently violating the rules by voting out of committee) so that he could appease his socialist klimate kleptocrat confreres in Copenhagen and put himself in a position to blame Congress for whatever further economic meltdown and job loss that would be sure to result from Cap and Trade.
However, in view if the upcoming 2010 elections, Congress didn't think it prudent to further alienate voters by administering another political poison pill to the already ailing economy.
Ergo the EPA pronunciamento.
However, Senator James Inofe was also quick to point out that any attempts on the part of the UNELECTED EPA to try to enable Obama to do an end run around Congress and start willy-nilly regulating carbon emissions - especially in the wake of what appears to be turning into a potential climategate juggernaut - would be endlessly tied up in the courts with all the bad publicity that would ensue.
Swine-flu bribe fever!
U.N.'s H1N1 scientists linked to companies making vaccine
World Health Organization scientists are suspected of accepting secret bribes from vaccine manufacturers to influence the U.N. organization's H1N1 pandemic declaration, according to Danish and Swedish newspapers.
Meanwhile, pharmaceutical profits from swine-flu related drugs have soared – with earnings between $10 billion and $15 billion in 2009, investment bank JP Morgan estimates.
As WND reported, the WHO Director General Margaret Chan initially raised the influenza pandemic alert to its second highest level in May – but evidence reveals the agency may have made it easier to classify the flu outbreak as a pandemic by changing its definition to omit "enormous numbers of deaths and illness" just prior to making its declaration.
The world was gripped with fears of swine flu as the alert increased from Phase 5 to Phase 6, the highest level. Immediately, pharmaceutical companies began working to develop vaccines, and countries tailored their responses to address the situation
Gee. Not long after Obama reneged on the Missile Defense Initiative in Poland and the Czech Republic and pretty much sold our allies down the river to the Russians.....
December 7, 2009
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - President Hugo Chavez said Monday that Venezuela has received thousands of Russian-made missiles and rocket launchers as part of his government's military preparations for a possible armed conflict with neighboring Colombia.
"They are preparing a war against us," Chavez said during a televised address, repeating a charge he has been making for months. "Preparing is one of the best ways to neutralize it."
Both Colombia and Washington deny having any plans to attack Venezuela, but Chavez argues they are plotting together a military offensive against Venezuela. Chavez says his government is acquiring more weapons as a precaution.
"Thousands of missiles are arriving," Chavez said. The former paratrooper-turned-president did not specify what type of missiles, but said Venezuela's growing arsenal includes Russian-made Igla-1S surface-to-air missiles and rocket-propelled grenades....read more...
By the way, what ever happened to the Monroe Doctrine? I don't know that it has ever been formally revoked.
Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960's?
Copenhagen talks tough on climate protest plans
COPENHAGEN: At an abandoned beer warehouse in this city’s Valby district, law enforcement officials have constructed an elaborate holding facility
with three dozen steel cages to accommodate over 350 potential troublemakers during a UN climate conference that gets under way here on Monday.Critics call the security preparations made as thousands of government officials, heads of state, environmental groups and assorted anarchists descend on the Danish capital — over the top. The police say the detractors’ reactions are overheated, if predictable.
“This is the biggest police action we have ever had in Danish history,” said Per Larsen, the chief coordinating officer for the Copenhagen police force.
Officials have made it clear that they aim to keep the peace during the 12-day conference, organized under UN’s auspices. From new laws rushed through parliament allowing stiffer fines and extended detentions for those deemed unruly, to public displays of anti-riot and emergency equipment, leaders here say they are preparing for the worst while hoping for the best.
Human role in climate change not in doubt-UN's Ban
08 Dec 2009 15:09:51 GMT
Source: Reuters
UNITED NATIONS, Dec 8 (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Tuesday that emails leaked from a British university have done nothing to undermine the United Nations' view that climate change is accelerating due to humans.
"Nothing that has come out in the public as a result of the recent email hackings has cast doubt on the basic scientific message on climate change and that message is quite clear -- that climate change is happening much, much faster than we realized and we human beings are the primary cause," he said. (Editing by Eric Beech)
These clowns are still desperate to continue peddling the UNPROVEN Anthropogenic Global Warming twaddle while eating their mountain of caviar and oysters and partying with prostitutes......after arriving in all their private jets and limos and creating more "CO2 pollution" than three small countries in a year.....
The only climate change that is accelerating due to human hypocrisy is the thankfully temporary local "rotten" air quality over Copenhagen.
Where is the global outrage???
Here is a gem!!! Saw it on Drudge. Made my day!
Developing countries react furiously to leaked draft agreement that would hand more power to rich nations, sideline the UN's negotiating role and abandon the Kyoto protocol
The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN's role in all future climate change negotiations.
The document is also being interpreted by developing countries as setting unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and developing countries in 2050; meaning that people in rich countries would be permitted to emit nearly twice as much under the proposals.
The so-called Danish text, a secret draft agreement worked on by a group of individuals known as "the circle of commitment" – but understood to include the UK, US and Denmark – has only been shown to a handful of countries since it was finalised this week.
The agreement, leaked to the Guardian, is a departure from the Kyoto protocol's principle that rich nations, which have emitted the bulk of the CO2, should take on firm and binding commitments to reduce greenhouse gases, while poorer nations were not compelled to act. The draft hands effective control of climate change finance to the World Bank; would abandon the Kyoto protocol – the only legally binding treaty that the world has on emissions reductions; and would make any money to help poor countries adapt to climate change dependent on them taking a range of actions.
The document was described last night by one senior diplomat as "a very dangerous document for developing countries. It is a fundamental reworking of the UN balance of obligations. It is to be superimposed without discussion on the talks".
A confidential analysis of the text by developing countries also seen by the Guardian shows deep unease over details of the text. In particular, it is understood to:
• Force developing countries to agree to specific emission cuts and measures that were not part of the original UN agreement;
• Divide poor countries further by creating a new category of developing countries called "the most vulnerable";
• Weaken the UN's role in handling climate finance;
• Not allow poor countries to emit more than 1.44 tonnes of carbon per person by 2050, while allowing rich countries to emit 2.67 tonnes.
Developing countries that have seen the text are understood to be furious that it is being promoted by rich countries without their knowledge and without discussion in the negotiations.
"It is being done in secret. Clearly the intention is to get [Barack] Obama and the leaders of other rich countries to muscle it through when they arrive next week. It effectively is the end of the UN process," said one diplomat, who asked to remain nameless.
Antonio Hill, climate policy adviser for Oxfam International, said: "This is only a draft but it highlights the risk that when the big countries come together, the small ones get hurting. On every count the emission cuts need to be scaled up. It allows too many loopholes and does not suggest anything like the 40% cuts that science is saying is needed."
Hill continued: "It proposes a green fund to be run by a board but the big risk is that it will run by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility [a partnership of 10 agencies including the World Bank and the UN Environment Programme] and not the UN. That would be a step backwards, and it tries to put constraints in developing countries when none were negotiated in earlier UN climate talks."
..read entire article....
Transfer of wealth? I don't think so.
More like "Plantation Politics" at its finest!!!
Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after 'Danish text' leak
The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN's role in all future climate change negotiations.
The document is also being interpreted by developing countries as setting unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and developing countries in 2050; meaning that people in rich countries would be permitted to emit nearly twice as much under the proposals.
The so-called Danish text, a secret draft agreement worked on by a group of individuals known as "the circle of commitment" – but understood to include the UK, US and Denmark – has only been shown to a handful of countries since it was finalised this week.
The agreement, leaked to the Guardian, is a departure from the Kyoto protocol's principle that rich nations, which have emitted the bulk of the CO2, should take on firm and binding commitments to reduce greenhouse gases, while poorer nations were not compelled to act. The draft hands effective control of climate change finance to the World Bank; would abandon the Kyoto protocol – the only legally binding treaty that the world has on emissions reductions; and would make any money to help poor countries adapt to climate change dependent on them taking a range of actions.
The document was described last night by one senior diplomat as "a very dangerous document for developing countries. It is a fundamental reworking of the UN balance of obligations. It is to be superimposed without discussion on the talks".
A confidential analysis of the text by developing countries also seen by the Guardian shows deep unease over details of the text. In particular, it is understood to:
• Force developing countries to agree to specific emission cuts and measures that were not part of the original UN agreement;
• Divide poor countries further by creating a new category of developing countries called "the most vulnerable";
• Weaken the UN's role in handling climate finance;
• Not allow poor countries to emit more than 1.44 tonnes of carbon per person by 2050, while allowing rich countries to emit 2.67 tonnes.
Developing countries that have seen the text are understood to be furious that it is being promoted by rich countries without their knowledge and without discussion in the negotiations.
"It is being done in secret. Clearly the intention is to get [Barack] Obama and the leaders of other rich countries to muscle it through when they arrive next week. It effectively is the end of the UN process," said one diplomat, who asked to remain nameless.
Antonio Hill, climate policy adviser for Oxfam International, said: "This is only a draft but it highlights the risk that when the big countries come together, the small ones get hurting. On every count the emission cuts need to be scaled up. It allows too many loopholes and does not suggest anything like the 40% cuts that science is saying is needed."
Hill continued: "It proposes a green fund to be run by a board but the big risk is that it will run by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility [a partnership of 10 agencies including the World Bank and the UN Environment Programme] and not the UN. That would be a step backwards, and it tries to put constraints in developing countries when none were negotiated in earlier UN climate talks."
The text was intended by Denmark and rich countries to be a working framework, which would be adapted by countries over the next week. It is particularly inflammatory because it sidelines the UN negotiating process and suggests that rich countries are desperate for world leaders to have a text to work from when they arrive next week.
Few numbers or figures are included in the text because these would be filled in later by world leaders. However, it seeks to hold temperature rises to 2C and mentions the sum of $10bn a year to help poor countries adapt to climate change from 2012-15.
Looks like we are on the same page today! lol
I haven't seen this posted yet, so for those who wish to have a birds eye view of the happenings in Copenhagen here is a link to the webcast. If one wishes to watch the events that have already transpired there, there are links for that too.
As I was reading your 10:42 post, I couldn't help but notice it was Inhofe making the statements. The same Inhofe who has strongly supported the Family. I agree with his summation of the EPA, but highly doubt the sincerity of his statements. This appears to be one side of the globalists marginalizing the other half in order to keep the populace in the dark. At least thats my take on it.
I see that I just leveled some heavy charges against Inhofe without citing any evidence to back my statement. Let me rectify this mistake, also I believe it shows how interconnected both sides are.
In March 2007, Al Gore triumphantly returned to the Senate to testify before the Environmental Committee about the imperative of acting to stop global warming. It was mostly a calm and cordial affair until the infamous climate-change denier, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), received his time to ask questions. He used it to harass, harangue and pester Gore, demanding to know how global warming could be real when Oklahoma had just experienced a very cold winter.
Faced with this furious assault on reason, Gore extended an olive branch. “We’ve got a mutual friend in Doug Coe,” he told Inhofe. “I’d love to have breakfast with you. Just the three of us, without cameras and lights, and tell you why I feel so strongly about this.”
Unlike most of the media, which generally reported this exchange without comment, you might be wondering who Doug Coe is, what type of man could serve as the peaceful mediator between two such implacable opponents. If your first guess is that he must be some kind of businessman — the type of visionary CEO who all too frequently manages to forge the Beltway’s beloved “bipartisan consensus” — well, you’re half-right.
As journalist and religious scholar Jeff Sharlet explains in his new investigative exposé-slash-history, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (HarperCollins, May), Coe is a spiritual adviser who heads a self-described “invisible” association of (almost all male) judges, oil executives, military contractors and political leaders, both foreign and domestic. Known as the Family — or alternately, the Fellowship — the group’s ostensible purpose is to regularly bring three or four such powerful “key men” together in “prayer cells.” The goal, in the words of a confidential mission statement that Sharlet has unearthed, is to realize their common “desire to see a leadership led by God.”
To crib writer Upton Sinclair: “This is no fairy tale and no joke.” In a journalistic coup, Sharlet managed to score an invite to live at the Family’s compound on a tree-lined cul-de-sac in Arlington, Va., for a month. By his count, at least 11 current U.S. senators are considered Family “members,” including Inhofe, Sam Brownback (R-Kans.), Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark.). (The Family considers many others, like Sen. Hillary Clinton, to be “friends.”)
Climate chief dismisses e-mail outrage
(CNN) -- One of the world's leading authorities on climate change has dismissed the contents of controversial e-mails leaked from the University of East Anglia as nothing more than friends and colleagues "letting off steam."
"Well, I can tell you, privately when I talk to my friends, I use language much worse than that. This was purely private communications between friends, between, colleagues, they were letting off steam. I think we should see it as nothing more than that," Rajendra Pachauri, the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) told CNN.
In late November, a substantial file including more than 1,000 e-mails either sent from or to members of the University's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in eastern England were allegedly hacked and leaked on the Internet.
They contained language seized upon by climate skeptics who say they offer evidence that scientists have manipulated climate data to exaggerate the threat of global warming.
The affair has been covered extensively in the global press under the moniker, "Climategate."
Q&A: "Climategate" explained
One e-mail allegedly sent by the head of the CRU, Professor Phil Jones, refers to using "Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years ... to hide the decline."
As one of the world's leading research bodies on climate change, the CRU's research was used in the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report released in 2007, which is considered to be the most authoritative report on climate change to date.
Explainer: What is at stake in Copenhagen?
Pachauri told CNN there was no way that unreliable climate data could have made its way into the IPCC report
EU report says Israel illegally annexing east Jerusalem
(JERUSALEM) - In a confidential report obtained by AFP on Thursday, the European Union accused Israel of actively pursuing the annexation of Arab east Jerusalem and undermining hopes for peace with Palestinians.
The annual report drafted by the EU heads of missions in Jerusalem accused Israel of implementing in 2009 an intricate policy which includes expanding Jewish settlements and demolishing Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem.
"Developments in east Jerusalem in 2009 were marked by the continued expansion of Israeli settlements and a considerable number of Palestinian house demolitions and eviction orders," said the report, published first by Israel's liberal Haaretz daily.
Israel occupied and annexed east Jerusalem in 1967 and considers it its "eternal indivisible capital" in a move never recognised by the international community.
"Israel is, by practical means, actively pursuing its illegal annexation of east Jerusalem by weakening the Palestinian community in the city, impeding Palestinian urban developments and ultimately separating east Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank."
The future of east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians want to make the capital of their promised state, is one of the most sensitive issue in Middle East peace talks, which have been suspended for almost a year.
The EU report said that the Jewish state's policies in east Jerusalem "are undermining prospects for a Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem and incrementally render a sustainable two-state solution unfeasible."
The 14-page report dated November 23 said that Israel's policy in east Jerusalem is "an integral part of a broader Israeli strategy."
It goes on to accuse the Israeli government and Jerusalem municipality of supporting and assisting private right-wing Jewish organisations of strengthening the Jewish hold in and around the Old City.
"The continued settlement expansion plans around the Old City effectively encircles and contains the historic basin and separates the Muslim holy places from the rest of east Jerusalem," the report said.
It said the municipality places severe restrictions on issuing building permits for Palestinian houses in east Jerusalem, forcing them to construct without permits.
As a result, over 600 Palestinian-owned structures have been demolished since the year 2000, it said.
Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a freeze on new permits for house construction in Jewish settlements in the rest of the West Bank, but the decision does not affect east Jerusalem, where some 200,000 Jews live in 12 settlements.
Foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor branded the report as "dishonest."
"This report is based exclusively on Palestinian versions and figures. It reflects the Palestinian propaganda," he told AFP.
Every time we see one of these political types appearing to champion our cause we must realize it's just part of the game, The Dialectic. You can't have a synthesis without a debate, conflict, opposing views. We must finally grasp that it's a charade
Re:As I was reading your 10:42 post, I couldn't help but notice it was Inhofe making the statements. The same Inhofe who has strongly supported the Family. I agree with his summation of the EPA, but highly doubt the sincerity of his statements.
I hear what you are saying, JD.
First of all let me say that my ultimate trust is placed first and foremost in God, and not in ANY politician.
The Bible tells us that the very hairs on our heads are numbered....that nothing happens in history (a.k.a. "His-Story")
unless God ordains it or permits it.
I didn't know Inhoffe had ties to the Family so thanks for the heads up......but then - and please correct me if I am mistaken - it appears from my research on the Family that there are not too many politicians in Washington D.C. - Democrat OR Republican - who do not have ties to the Family in some way or another.
Nevertheless, as I see it, the immediate need is to put a stop to the global warming fraud which has population control - including abortion - as one of its key elements. And while it is true that we can't know what Inhofe's motives are - or the degree of his sincerity - it is nevertheless true that at least he has been consistently willing to step up to the plate and publicly speak out against this blatant socialist fraud.....and until there is solid evidence that Senator James Inhofe is just as much of a dirt bag as so many other of his fellow Congress-critters, perhaps he should be given the benefit of the doubt.
But that's just my humble opinion.
In any case, I am sure you would agree that God works in mysterious ways. It is often the case in history that men and women who refuse to serve God as His sons and daughters wind up serving Him anyway in spite of themselves.....as His tools!
JD 11:35,
Re:Looks like we are on the same page today! lol
LOL Indeed!
But as I always say...TWO IS BETTER THAN NONE! :-)
By the way, my husband and I just got back a short while ago from voting here in Massachusetts in the primaries leading up to the special election being held in January to fill Ted Kennedy's seat.
Apart from the poll workers, my husband and I were the only voters present at the polling place.
Maybe everybody was out to lunch. :-)
Keep in mind as you read the following that Webb is a Democrat.
December 2, 2009
When asked about the recent Environment Protection Agency's endangerment finding of CO2, Senator Webb told the Washington Times and others today on Capitol Hill, "I think we need to go back and look at the Supreme Court decision in which the EPA asserts that it has that authority, because it is a derived power based on legislation, and it is a limited power. I don't think the administration can agree to anything, for instance, in Copenhagen on an endagerment finding that was based on one piece legislation in a Supreme Court decision."
December 2, 2009
Looks like a fellow Democrat has concern with the president's handling of the the cap and trade issue upon Mr. Obama's trip to Copenhagen. Senator Jim Webb (D - Va.) wrote to the administration last week warning President Obama that the White House does not have unilateral power to commit the United States to any standards agreed upon at the upcoming climate change conference in Denmark.:
Dear Mr. President:
I would like to express my concern regarding reports that the Administration may believe it has the unilateral power to commit the government of the United States to certain standards that may be agreed upon at the upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The phrase “politically binding” has been used.
Although details have not been made available, recent statements by Special Envoy on Climate Change Todd Stern indicate that negotiators may be intending to commit the United States to a nationwide emission reduction program. As you well know from your time in the Senate, only specific legislation agreed upon in the Congress, or a treaty ratified by the Senate, could actually create such a commitment on behalf of our country.
I would very much appreciate having this matter clarified in advance of the Copenhagen meetings.
Jim Webb
United States Senator
Senator Webb's office told the Washington Times Water Cooler the president has not replied back in writing, and the decision to write the president a letter on this issue comes from Mr. Webb's concern about issues of constitutional checks and balances.
Here in Massachusetts, we conservatives who have been fighting to have gay marriage banned, have known about "Fistgate" for a long time now, but not many people believed that this was for real.
Maybe now they will.
Warning: the following contains some offensively explicit material...
Fistgate: Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s 2000 Conference Promoted “Fisting” to 14 Year-Olds (audio-video)
Sunday, December 6, 2009, 12:15 PM
Jim Hoft
I agree, the Lord does work in mysterious ways. Scripture has several examples of how those who did not operate based on His will were used to do just that. I also agree with the Anon poster who stated that synthesis can not come without conflict from opposing sides. Whether this is the former or the latter, I am not sure. However given that this treaty would make a large section of the new age one world religion into international law, I am skeptical to say the least. Especialy when one takes into consideration that the Family's view of christianity directly reflects the new age view of how christianity should be represented in the coming age of aquarius. I am glad someone is taking a stand against this false scientific doctrine, I just wish it was someone that I could clearly say had the peoples best interest at heart.
European court will hear key challenge to Irish constitution's pro-life pledge
December 04, 2009
Before voting to approve the Lisbon Treaty in an October referendum, the Irish voters were assured that the new powers of the European Union—established by that treaty—would not affect the Irish constitution, with guarantees legal protection for the life of unborn children. But that constitutional guarantee is already being challenged in the European Court of Human Rights, by three Irish women who claimed that the Irish law violates their fundamental rights, as guaranteed by the European Union. The case will be argued next week.
December 3, 2009
European Court of Human Rights Puts Pro-life Ireland in Hot Seat
I also wish I could unequivocally believe that leaders who are taking a stand had the peoples' best interests at heart, so you are not alone.
Another thing..... in so far as the "dialectic" and the so-called "synthesis" are based on "cosmic dualism," they are bogus.
Such a "dialectic" is an artificial intellectual construuct by which reality is perceived in terms of its consisting of "pairs of opposites."
This is one of the main teachings of the occult.
The so-called "great work" is the so-called "reconciliation of opposites."
Reality and creation are not to be seen in terms of radical "opposition," but rather in terms of "complementarity."
There is a joke that will illustrate my point:
"It has gotten so that the Left Hand doesn't know what its Radical Left Hand is doing."
To put it another way, the opposite of Something (Thesis) is not "Something Else."
The opposite of Something (Thesis) is Nothing (Antithesis)...and even then not in an "absolute" sense - since there can be no such thing as "Absolute Nothing," (i.e. the "Absolute Opposite of God).....but I digress.
I know that this is putting it crudely, butwhen you combine "Nothing" with "Something," you wind up with pretty much the same "Something" you started out with.
The Bible tells us "There is nothing new under the sun."(Eccl 1:9) Only God can "make all things new."(Rev.21:5) Not man.
Isaias doesn't tell the people who have "blasphemed the Holy One of Israel" that they have "made progress" in so far as they have arrived at the ideological "synthesis" that will become the new "Thesis" and generate its own "Antithesis" ad infinitum..........
Isaias tells them:
Woe to the sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a wicked seed, ungracious children: they have forsaken the Lord, they have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they are gone away backwards.
Isaias 1:4
And indeed, the ideologues who claim to have formulated the "dialectic" have indeed "gone away backwards" - especially since the "theory of opposites" embodied in the dialectic originates with the ancient Greek pagan philosopher Heraclitus (c.575-475 B.C.) :-)
In Refutation of All Heresies, Hippolytus says: "What the blasphemous folly is of Noetus, and that he devoted himself to the tenets of Heraclitus the Obscure, not to those of Christ." Hippolytus then goes on to present the inscrutable: "God (theos) is day and night, winter and summer, ... but he takes various shapes, just as fire, when it is mingled with spices, is named according to the savor of each." The fragment seems to support pantheism if taken literally. (Note: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's errors have been referred to as "evolutionary panthsiem.")
Hippolytus condemns the obscurity of it. He cannot accuse Heraclitus of being a heretic ( i.e. because Heraclitus was never a Christian)so he says instead: "Did not (Heraclitus) the Obscure anticipate Noetus in framing a system ...?" The apparent pantheist deity of Heraclitus (if that is what DK B67 means) must be equal to the union of opposites and therefore must be corporeal and incorporeal, divine and not-divine, dead and alive, etc., and the Trinity can only be reached by some sort of illusory shape-shifting.
This "deity" that is the "union of opposites" (androgynous) is also embodied in the infamous Baphomet of apostate Catholic deacon Eliphas Levi, who was an occultist and a communist in 19th century France.
The so-called "unity of opposites" violates the famous axiomatic (self-evident) Law of Contradiction:
"A thing cannot simultaneously be and not be in the same species."
Links on Melbourne Interfaith meeting: Gaia Worship for the most part
or try these links for the above 5
Dalai Lama Speaks in Auckland
Sat Dec 5, 2:58 am EST
Australian Opposition Leader Meets Dalai Lama
Sat Dec 5, 12:40 am EST
His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Australia: Day 4
Sat Dec 5, 12:38 am EST
His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Australia: Day 3
Thu Dec 3, 8:10 am EST
His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Australia: Day 2
Wed Dec 2, 3:52 am EST
Just got this from a friend of mine.
What a great idea! I would love to send a little CHRISTMAS cheer their way.
Pass this on to your church, co-workers, family, and friends. What do you have to lose but 44 cents, what do you have to gain ----------- more than you will ever know.
What a clever idea!
Yes, Christmas cards. This is coming early so that you can get ready to include an important address to your list.
Want to have some fun this CHRISTMAS?
Send the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) a CHRISTMAS CARD this year.
As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTMAS part of this holiday, we should all send them a nice, card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world..
Make sure it says "Merry Christmas" on it.
Here's the address, just don't be rude or crude.
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Two tons of Christmas cards would freeze their operations because they wouldn't know if any were regular mail containing contributions. So spend 44 cents and tell the ACLU to leave Christmas alone. Also tell them that there is no such thing as a " Holiday Tree". It's always been called a CHRISTMAS TREE!
And pass this on to your email lists. We really want to communicate with the ACLU! They really DESERVE us!!
For those of you who aren't aware of them, the ACLU, (the American Civil Liberties Union) is the one suing the U.S. Government to take God, Christmas or anything religious away from us. They represent the atheists and others in this war. Help put Christ back in Christmas!
I agree with your assertion when considering thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis. In so much the laws of opposites is a fools paradigm. However, my point was to illustrate how this belief is being used before our eyes to manipulate the desired outcome. My theory is this may be some of what was meant when scripture tells us the man of sin is to attempt to change times and laws. Meaning not only will he attempt to change laws as they pertain to man as is written in His word, but the natural order or laws that the universe is bound by.
While we understand this as the natural order as the Lord declared it to be, pagans and occultists for generations have attempted to in folley to persuade man that this simply isn't so. Evolutionary theory is the best example of this I can think of. The natural law as the Lord layed out, which can be observed scientificly, shows DNA chains will never change in a way that new information is added to the chain. (i.e. a fish could never have the ability to grow hair) The chain can only lose information, causing deformity and disease. Hence making evolutionary theory impossible.
That being said, is it any wonder we are told that nothing (as you described it) really isn't nothing, its just a form of energy that we don't have the ability to observe or that every thing is a form of energy or light?
From WorldNetDaily (12/07/09):
Nation has vested interest in continuing petroleum sales
LONDON – British computer specialists believe the Russian Foreign Security Service was behind a sophisticated operation to hack into e-mails casting doubt on the theory of man-made global warming with the intent of manipulating the Copenhagen summit on climate change, according to a report from
Russia is one of the world's largest producers and users of gas and oil and has a vested interest in opposing any new global standards that would limit the market for its products, a likely possibility as world leaders talk about reductions in emissions.
Intelligence agents have focused on two university campuses, including the University of East Anglia where the school's Climatic Research Unit saw its system hacked and it is e-mails unveiled last month.
The e-mails appear to indicate scientists were manipulating data to support their contention that mankind contributes to global warming.
The other university is the obscure campus at Tomsk, 2,190 miles east of Moscow. While it has a flourishing university, it also has strong links with the FSB. The security service maintains a large office on the campus. It also finances a small internet server – Tomcity – operating from a red brick building near the FSB headquarters. Tomcity promotes views that Moscow approves and has shut down websites the Kremlin disapproves.
MI6 agents now believe the service is behind the leaking last month of hundreds of e-mails from the CRU department at East Anglia University.
The CRU is internationally recognized as one of the most important sources of information on the change in global temperature. All the delegates at the Copenhagen conference will depend on it to present their arguments.
But the e-mails leaked in November have left the global scientific community in disarray because of the references to manipulation.
The MI6 team discovered that the e-mails appeared to show that CRU director Professor Phil Jones and his colleagues had attempted to hide their data from researchers with opposing views and use a "trick" to make the numbers align.
I watch the tv chanel USA and they have comericals called charters.com where different people from different walks of life talk about how we are all one. Tonight I saw one where each person talks about their differences and then began to talk about religion. One states he is a Christian, another states he is Jewish and another states there are many ways to God.
Just wondering if these have any thing to do with the AoC media campain.
Related to another post from quite a while back (Nov 7th), but in view of Solana and the Acciona group, I thought you might find this little video interesting. I came across a reference to this on a Christian message board.
What on earth IS Solana doing with himself these days, anyway?
Anon 9:30,
Here is the site for the USA characters unite campaign.
In going through their list of partners one finds NAACP, Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, National Council of La Raza and many others. I currently haven't found any direct correlation between the AoC and this project. However given that USA is part of the NBC/Universal family, and the parent company has several NGO affiliates in common with the AoC an indirect relationship seems possible. I will do more digging on this one and see what else I can come up with.
Anon. 12:28,
Disturbing video. What the heck are we supposed to glean from that ?
What scares me is that my Boston Celtics basketball team uses the exact same RE+ -new,-vive,-build,
-make, etc., etc, in their incessant self-promotion advertising these days. It would be just my luck
to have to quit rooting for my home team because they've sold their collective soul to this New Age
load of fertilizer. I wouldn't be surprised.
It's probably past time for me to cease all patronizing of pro sports anyway. In as much as
it takes away my time worshipping the Lord, it
probably constitutes idolotry.
Television in general is really almost completely
anti Christian. Out of the first one hundred cable
channels, the "power of the "air" would seem to belong to the Devil, who is called the "Prince of the power of the air".
If you think that Discovery Channel or History Channel are objective acedemia, think again.
They do indeed talk a lot about Biblical things,
but they ALWAYS twist it. They always
work from the assumption that the Bible text is
innacurate, poorly translated and in need of their
own rewriting, and always "based on new evidence"
which they never seem to document or verify.
But they sure do sound authoritative...
What Google thinks: Secrets are for Filthy People
"If you don't want someone to know about it, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place." Eric Schmidt - Google CEO
Great post, Paul (@ 9:29 AM) -
Thanks especially for warning people about the History Channel and how they distort the 'facts.'
From NRA (12/08/09)
Newspaper Establishes Registered Gun Database, Equates Gun Owners to Sex Offenders
On November 30, 2009, the Bloomington Herald-Times made the following announcement:
“This week, HeraldTimesOnline.com will launch its new gun permit database. You’ll be able to search gun permit records by county, city or town and street.”
The Herald-Times has begun receiving calls and emails, and their response is a defiant defense of their online gun permit database.
Anyone who visits the newspaper website will be able to search the number of permits on a given street or neighborhood. Although at this point the names and house numbers are not listed, the newspaper’s website treats law-abiding Indiana gun owners like sex offenders on a searchable database.
It is NRA’s firm belief that there is no public good served by the publishing or cataloguing private citizens’ gun ownership information, and that more harm is done by such an action. Law-abiding Hoosiers should not be subjected to the same treatment as sex offenders, and if the newspaper won’t listen to their constituents and customers, then NRA Members and Indiana gun owners should send a financial message by canceling their subscriptions to the Bloomington Herald-Times.
Re:I agree with your assertion when considering thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis. In so much the laws of opposites is a fools paradigm. However, my point was to illustrate how this belief is being used before our eyes to manipulate the desired outcome. My theory is this may be some of what was meant when scripture tells us the man of sin is to attempt to change times and laws. Meaning not only will he attempt to change laws as they pertain to man as is written in His word, but the natural order or laws that the universe is bound by.
I assumed that this is what you meant and this is correct.
If you have ever studied the history of the satanic French Revolution, you will see that the so-called "Republicans" changed the date to the "year one" and renamed all the months of the year and days of the week. They actually used this "Republican Calendar" for about 12 years. You will observe that there were a lot of Republican "scientists" involved in this enterprise which EXPLICITLY involved "changing times and laws."
...The new calendar was created by a commission under the direction of the politician Charles Gilbert Romme seconded by Claude Joseph Ferry and Charles-François Dupuis. They associated to their work the chemist Louis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau, the mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange, the astronomer Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de Lalande, the mathematician Gaspard Monge, the astronomer and naval geographer Alexandre Guy Pingré, and the poet, actor and playwright Fabre d'Églantine, who invented the names of the months, with the help of André Thouin, gardener at the Jardin des Plantes of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris. As the rapporteur of the commission, Charles-Gilbert Romme presented the new calendar to the Jacobin-controlled National Convention on 23 September 1793, which adopted it on 24 October 1793 and also extended it proleptically to its epoch of 22 September 1792. It is because of his position as rapporteur of the commission that the creation of the republican calendar is attributed to Romme.....read entire article...
We are seeing a similar trend beginning to develop in our own time. In fact, check out the following article from Human Events:
June 4, 2009
We must not forget too, that the so-called "Mayan Calendar" and its bogus prognostications concerning the year 2012 is also tied up with this new "revolution." IMHO, the so-called "paradigm shift" is little more than another attempted "complete break with the past."
This new article was in Wikipedia
giving names of those in congress and senate who is part of the Family.
Some have asked why Congressman Inholf is such a critic of environmental global warming. I would bring their attention to the
Traditional Values Coalition, that uses the C street House in the fight against "Marxist/Leftist/Homosexual/Islamic Coalition"
As we know this administration is a Marxist/Islamic/Homosexual coalition.
Regarding your comment:
That being said, is it any wonder we are told that nothing (as you described it) really isn't nothing, its just a form of energy that we don't have the ability to observe or that every thing is a form of energy or light?
When I studied the natural philosophy of Aristotle,(the "philosopher of common sense"), I learned first of all that OBJECTIVE truth isn't something that can be created or invented. Objective truth is something that can only be discovered.
Now again, I am discussing natural philosophy here, not theology which is based on revealed truth.
Since "objective truth" is, by its very definition, something which is true whether we happen to think so or not, then it will be true no matter who discovers it - even if that person happens to be a Greek pagan philosopher like Aristotle.
The next thing I learned is that before one even embarks on a serious study of natural philosophy (NOT theology), there are a handful of self-evident truths to which he must first unequivocally give his intellectual assent.
These self-evident truths are also called "first principles" or "axioms" and require NO PROOF - for the simple reason that they are self evident.
These axioms are the truths that anchor the mind into reality and in the absence of these truths that require no proof themselves, NOTHING ELSE COULD BE PROVEN.
Among these axioms are:
1.BEING (Existence exists)
1a. Before anything else can be predicated of a thing, being must be predicated of it.
1b. A thing can not simultaneously BE and NOT-BE in the same species....nor can something be TRUE and NOT-TRUE at the same time. (a.k.a. "Law of Contradiction.")
2.The whole is always greater than any of its parts (Euclidian axiom)
3.Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other. In other words, if A=B and B=C, then A=C. This is the foundation for syllogistic logic.
If you can wrap your mind around this, it is THE most valuable lesson to be learned purely in terms of natural philosophy.
Because it is as true today as it was in the Middle Ages that while the major philosophical errors of our time seem to be "legion", they really boil down to ONE ERROR.
And that error involves a failure to consider BEING from a truly unified point of view.....that is, from the point of view of BEING itself.
Because when you predicate being of one area of reality and deny it to another - as the Hindus do insofar as they seem to deny being to the material world which they call "maya" or an "illusion" - then you are not talking about the whole of reality or BEING.....but rather the private characteristics of a particular kind of being.
Up to this point, I have been discussing natural philosophy.
When we come to theology, (the science of God)we must turn to the Old Testament if we want to learn the Primary Name of God....because God's primary Name was not "discovered" but REVEALED BY GOD TO MOSES ATOP MOUNT HOREB....and is an archaic Hebrew verb for BEING IN THE PRESENT TENSE. "I AM WHO AM."
God's primary name is revealed in Scripture as BEING...absolute, self-existent, uncreated, PERSONAL BEING existing outside of time in an absolute eternal NOW.
The "I" and the "WHO" and the "HE" in the "I AM WHO AM" and "HE WHO IS" indicate the PERSONHOOD of God and precludes any notion of "God" as some amorphous impersonal universal "Force" or so-called "God particle."
Moreover, "HE WHO IS"/ "I AM WHO AM" is so absolute that what we understand as "nothing" is relative (pure potentiality in philosophical jargon) and can only be defined as "that to which God can give being but does not. "Nothing" is really nothing, but NOT absolutely. Only God is ABSOLUTE.
Now how does all this tie in with the New Testament and with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
It is in the New Testament that Jesus reveals Himself to Peter and the Apostles, saying, "Before Abraham came to be, I AM." John 8:58
December 9, 2009
December 9, 2009
December 9, 2009 (www.pop.org/) - It's funny, the things that never make the news.
Take the recent amendment to the Senate health care plan by Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-MT). This language allocates hundreds of millions of dollars of your money toward "Personal Responsibility Education for Adulthood Training."
What can this possibly mean? According to the amendment's mostly vague language, $400 million from the years 2010 to 2015 will be spent on "evidence-based effective programs" that will supposedly teach kids "healthy life skills," including things like "goal-setting, decision making, negotiation, communication and interpersonal skills, and stress management." This looks like standard Washington-speak: a great pile of words that mean whatever they need to mean.
That is, it looks that way until we get to the part of the amendment that deals with sex. Here we find reference to very specific "activities to educate youth who are sexually active regarding responsible sexual behavior." The amendment claims to implement "evidence-based effective programs ... that have been proven on the basis of rigorous scientific research to change behavior, which means delaying sexual activity, increasing condom or contraceptive use for sexually active youth, or reducing pregnancy among youth."
Here we come to the nub of the matter. The "personal responsibility education" referred to in the Baucus amendment is actually sex education. The Senate health care plan is going to teach kids about sex. Graphically, and early. With heaps of tax dollars.....read more...
Anonymous 9:30 pm : I'm wondering if the charters.com commercials you've been seeing on the USA channel could be part of the massive media campaign launched both before and after the "unveiling" of the Charter for Compassion - an initiative of Karen Armstrong. The Charter for Compassion was officially "unveiled" Thursday, November 12, 2009 at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.. It's possible the commercial you saw may have been a shortened version of the ad found on the Charter for Compassion main site.
The Charter for Compassion is ABSOLUTELY partnered with The Alliance of Civilizations; as well as The National Council of Churches USA, The Earth Charter, The Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions as well as over 100 other listed interreligious/enviornmental/social organizations.
CPWR - Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, has just wrapped up the 2009 Parliament in Melbourne, Australia. Thank you anonymous poster at 5:49 pm for alerting us with the BBC news link.
CPWR Home Page:
Charter For Compassion Unveiling announcement :
PR Newswire MediaRoom 11/12/09
For what it's worth, all the above may be UNcoincidentally timed to blend virtually un-contested with a "christianized" version : "The Manhattan Declaration". Thankfully, there have been a few, though a minority of believers, who have not been intimidated into signing. Again, thank you to another earlier commenter who brought this to our attention by way of Herescope (Thursday, December 03, 2009) and Lighthous Trails (Friday, December 4th, 2009) commentaries.
people please watch and comment on anon 12:28 re: solana. i have been waiting for the outrage and only one poster has made reference. it will leave you sick and speechless. unbelievable!!! i'm wondering if you see what i see but don't want to lead you there until you have seen. it's around post #180. listen and watch carefully!!!! wow!!!!
please comment...i get so much from your wisdom!!
"traveling in a world of my creation"
my son said , "mom, that sounds like satan!"
Anon 4:32,
Its not your imagination, that video IS disturbing. For starters I got almost a hint of the statue from Nebudchanezzar's dream from it, second it clearly symbolizes death and resurection in a very occult way. (death of the natural man, resurection of the perfected man) No wonder they wanted Solana! lol
All kidding aside, if anyone hasn't looked at it yet, do so. Just be prepared to be creeped out!
Here's another news report about poor nations' discontent with the global warming conference and what really is being created.
It's from CNN, but still interesting.
Anon 4:32
Thank you for directing more attention to the video - I see what you mean! - this "promo" is very dark - no wonder your son said it sounded like satan...looks like a promo for him, not some energy co. You've got to wonder, when they decided to finalize the promo, who sat in that last meeting saying - "Yes, that's the image we wanted to capture our audience" (no pun intended).
URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/copenhagen-
The article comparing the current administration with the French revolution was insightful. I had not really done the mental comparison myself, but find it to be an accurate one.
I have never been into philosophy, so your analysis was greatly appreciated and suprisingly relevant. Though it doesn't suprise me, in so much, that any ideal or idea structure that is a direct by product of a pantheistic or pagan culture would have relevance. Just as anything else with a demonic source would be. Hence why pantheistic, occult, atheist, beliefs all mirror each other in some fashion.
yes, i saw the statue in daniel and it's destruction replaced by the perfected kingdom!! their blatant mockery is appalling. the true kingdom will come and i can't wait. their idea to beat him to it is so convoluted. they must know what they are doing. the eu statues, logos, etc. thank you for your attention to this!!
JD - RE: Video
I too saw the Nebuchanezzer statue symbolized, also the blow to the heart with stone - but didn't get what the splitting of the hand symbolized - you mentioned occult symbolism - any thoughts on the hand thing?
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