Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wonder who will get these November Presents?


Herb Peters and I used to have amused discussions about what we called Javier Solana's "November presents." They (significant additional grants of power) were usually 'gift wrapped' and handed to him very close to November 20th on several occasions. A small sampling is below.

  • 1995 Treaty of Association with Israel (November 20th)
  • 1995 NATO headship (November 30, 1995)
  • 1999 Western European Union headship
I am bemused by learning that November 19th, the EU will make decisions on its two major leaders: the president and the Foreign Minister. Read the full story by clicking here. Will those presents go to Javier Solana or will another happy European be the beneficiary of their sub-continent's largesse? Time and events will tell.

Stay tuned!



Anonymous said...

Question... Forum For the Future is said to be a more recent development that has connections with the UN. It's a UK sustainable development organisation. http://www.forumforthefuture.org/

Way back in the seventies, my father the president of a group that was called Forum of the Future. (He also served on the board of the Second Chance Organisation) Is anyone here familiar with this FOTF that was in existence in the seventies? Is there a connection between this earlier group (FOTF) and the present day Forum for the Future?

Constance Cumbey said...

There are now some recent groups called "Forum of the Future" as well as "Forum for the Future." Are there any names I can google to research the earlier histories. Futurism was a big component and many were organizing and going strong in the 1970s both in the USA and in Europe. This is very interesting. Thanks!


Constance Cumbey said...

I've had my well publicized differences with "Farmer" (Bjorn Freiberg), but he does have some interesting information on Solana over at his blogspot.



Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

Brazil seeks cause of massive blackout

SAO PAULO (AFP) – Brazil on Wednesday sought to uncover the cause of a massive and mysterious blackout overnight, amid concerns of energy supply stability for the 2016 Olympic host nation.

The outage, which hit at 10:15 pm Tuesday (0015 GMT Wednesday) and lasted four to six hours, plunged nearly half the country into darkness.

An estimated 50 million people -- more than a quarter of Brazil's 190-million-strong population -- were affected, mainly in the major cities in the southern part of the country, including Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Off-duty police were called up as thousands were trapped in immobile elevators and subway trains. Cars were forced to nose through intersections made dangerous by suddenly extinguished traffic lights. Some cafes closed out of fear of a nocturnal crime wave.

Power was mostly returned before dawn, though several areas remained without energy, including nearly a quarter of the state of Minas Gerais, according to Globo television news.

Blame for the emergency was leveled at the Itaipu hydro-electric station that straddles the border between Brazil and Paraguay and supplies both countries with much of their energy needs.

Brazilian Energy Minister Edson Lobao said the problem originated there, possibly because a storm shorted out one of its five transmission lines.

Paraguay, which gets 90 percent of its power from the huge plant, was left in the dark for 15 minutes during the outage.

But Furnas, Brazil's state-owned electricity company responsible for the affected area, said in a statement on Wednesday that it found no problem with the facility's lines.

"Furnas's transmission lines that link the Itaipu plant to the national interlinked grid are operating normally and no damage has been identified in its circuits and transmission towers," it said.

It said that the National Electric Grid Operator "is seeking the causes of the blackout," adding: "Any diagnostic at this time is purely speculative."


I can hear the snart grid drums beating in the background.

Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

On a brighter note,

After 6 years of trying, my wifeand I recently found out she was pregnant with our first child. This is a huge blessing to me and I am extremely thankful the Lord has blessed me in such a way. On an intersting note, the baby may be a huge test as she is due in July 2010.

Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

My post at 10:01 should read smart grid not snart grid!lol

Susanna said...

JOYFUL CONGRATULATIONS FROM ME BIG TIME, JD on your becoming a new father!!!

I will keep you and your wife in my daily prayers for a safe delivery.



Anonymous said...

All I have is a Newspaper article that I found posted on Ancestry.com that referred to my fathers credentials (FOTF and Second Chance) as he was in pursuit of a place in the office of the board of education in the SF bay area which he won and kept a number of years. I found this site http://tinyurl.com/yl3uevg that I thought may have been in connection, but it states that this group was not organised until 1984. I did find the following fact which I found on this site which states "The Forum for the Future of Higher Education is a community of academic leaders and scholars from across the country who explore new thinking and ideas in higher education. The Forum facilitates shared inquiry and collaboration on issues likely to influence the future of higher education, primarily in economics and finance, institutional strategy, new learning media and technology, shifts in the global political economy, advances in the cognitive and neurosciences, the student and workplace of the future, and the relationship between campus and community. The Forum sponsors and creates research, presents scholarship at annual Aspen symposia, and disseminates findings throughout higher education. The Forum is an independent, nonprofit research center resident at MIT. Previously, the Forum has been resident at Yale, Stanford and Columbia universities."
Cognitive and neurosciences really caught my eye as it relates to my research into these matters that I believe my father to have been involved in. Perhaps you remember some of our converstation on the phone back in July? I'd be interested with what insight you or anyone else here may have and I see now that this subject (sustainable "government") has been a more recent discussion. I need to catch up and do some more reading here---as I have been away---just got overwelmed really.


Dawn said...

What a wonderful blessing!
1) check out cloth diapers.
2) Get your wife a pregnancy massage for Mother's day.
3) Make dinners and put them in the freezer for after the baby is born.

I will pray for you both. What an exiting time!

Unknown said...

PRAISE THE LORD, JD! Congratulations!

I thought you all might enjoy this very timeless cartoon that is beginning to find its way through the web.


For The Lamb!

Susanna said...

In the previous thread,I shared some information on the ties between Oleg Deripaska and Peter Mandelson.

Montenegro, where most of the people are reportedly poor, is a perfect microcosm and example of the kind of global economy planned by the corrupt EU elite and corrupt elites elsewhere - like here in the USA:


Montenegran Prime Minister, Milo Djukanovic and his regime, who are supported by Deripaska are also (surprise, surprise) supported by Javier Solana.

Gee, I wonder if Solana smokes?

By Leo Sisti | June 01, 2009


Moreover, given Oleg Deripaska's own financial ties to Montenegro and given the speed with which other "nouveau riche" Russian billionaires have been buying up coastal property there, Montenegro isn't called "Moscow on the sea" for nothing!

I am sure that the Russo-Montenegran gangster culture is not ignorant of the fact that a burgeoning property market provides an ideal front for illegal transactions such as money laundering.

October 31, 2008


Wave of free citizens grows, as they loose (sic) faith in Montenegrin democracy
Posted by Montenegro Open on 11/05/09
Tags: citizens, free, Montenegro, parties, political, system


Several more articles....click on link below.

Anonymous said...

Congradulations to you and your family JD -


Susanna said...

Here is Solana with Montenegran Prime Minister Djukanovic on Youtube - November 6, 2008....


FYI - Other reports have indicated that the Russians don't seem to be too happy about the prospect of Montenegro becoming a NATO member.


Posted by Montenegro Open on 09/11/08

Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic on Wednesday, November 5th, 2008, held talks in Brussels with the European foreign policy and security commissioner, Javier Solana. (From the Council of the European Union, November 5, 2008, Brussels, Belgium)

On Wednesday, November 5th 2008., Mr. Milo Djukanovic, Prime Minister of Montenegro, was received by Mr. Javier Solana, European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), as part of the Prime Minister’s one-day working visit to NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

The meeting provided a timely opportunity to analyse the bilateral relationship between the European Union and Montenegro, in particular in light of the “very positive” Progress Report issued by the European Commission today. The High Representative expressed his appreciation for Montenegro’s reform efforts and contribution to regional stability and encouraged the Prime Minister to continue on this path. High Representative Mr. Solana and the Montenegrin Prime Minister also discussed the latest developments in the region and how to strengthen the European perspective.

During his working visit to Brussels, the Prime Minister of Montenegro was accompanied by H.E. Mr. Milan Rocen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Montenegro.

At the same time, the Montenegrin Parliamentary delegation visited European Parliament:

EP President, Hans-Gert PÖTTERING met Mr Ranko Krivokapic, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro. Main discussions regarded the application of Montenegro to become a Member State of the EU. Although the progress report issued today is very positive for the country, EP President, believes that no new memberships will be accepted before the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty

Anonymous said...

opps---meant to sign off as JC and not JD...sorry about that JD.

Anonymous said...

Mandelson at Bilderberg


SV said...

Dear JD,
What a precious blessing!
So much to be thankful for during this Thanksgiving season...in spite of all the craziness in the world.
By His Grace,

Constance Cumbey said...


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!


sarah said...

Oh JD,

In a world gone crazy, this is wonderful news!

take care,
The Lord keep all 3 of you ~


Anonymous said...

NWO timeline--




Anonymous said...

What a great gift you and your wife are getting. May your future be filled with more such happiness.


Anonymous said...

Congrats JD and God Bless

Anonymous said...


This article that poses the possibility of bioterrorism to reduce population in the Ukraine made me think of points Constance has made in her books. If plague has started in Ukraine on a major scale,...and it is only an if right now. It will spread.

More info here:http://ukraineplague.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Goings on in London, re 2012 Games--


Also, did everyone know that Gog and Magog are considered the protectors of London?

I came across a photo of statues of them (giants) in a cathedral in London. I'll try and go back and find the link and post it here.

Anonymous said...

Discussion on possible candidates for the new EU President position--




Not the photo of Tony Blair on the left--despite the halo effect, he doesn't look very happy!

Anonymous said...

Amen to Constance' congratulations, JD.

She says some good news in a world gone crazy. I say the news on this thread as beyond crazy, it's surreal,
except for your news. May you be extraordinarily blessed.


Anonymous said...


Melbourne 2009 | Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions

The 2009 Global Parliament of Religions meeting in Melbourne, Australia. Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions

paul said...

Congratulations JD,
The Lord is still in the blessing, saving, life-giving,
and new beginning business.
Behold, he said, I make all things new.

Susanna said...



Sarah Arnott reveals the boardroom chicanery and political manoeuvring behind decision to pull the plug

Friday, 6 November 2009

GM is playing down the spectacular volte-face over the sale of its European business this week as a simple matter of industrial logic. But the now-defunct deal always had more backers in Berlin than in the Detroit boardroom, and the seeds of its collapse were sown in Brussels rather than the US.

Even before GM's U-turn, the saga of the US car giant's efforts to offload the ailing European business – which includes Opel in Germany and Vauxhall in the UK – was packed with high drama. Labour unions from Poland to Spain railed against massive job losses; Lord Mandelson, the British Business Secretary, was pitted against Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, in a tit-for-tat fight to save factories and votes; and cynics and doom-mongers muttered about the long-term implications of inviting Russian money into the heartland of European industry....

.......Ironically, it was the Russian connection that made the deal possible in the first place. Magna had no chance without the Russian money, and what Russia wanted in return was technology. Not only that, but Magna's "industrial partner" in Russia was the country's second-biggest carmaker, Gaz, controlled by Lord Mandelson's friend Oleg Deripaska.

Mrs Merkel's use of GM's technology to tempt the Russians into a deal to safeguard German jobs was what raised hackles at GM. Hilton Holloway, an industry expert at Autocar magazine, said: "Russia is desperate to get its hands on car technology. Ms Merkel was using GM's kit as a bargaining chip but she over-cooked it and went too far."

One of the more ill-suited deals in corporate history would have gone ahead were it not for Neelie Kroes, Europe's Competition Commissioner. Last month, just weeks before the Magna deal was announced, Ms Kroes raised concerns that Berlin's €4.5bn for Magna would be "incompatible" with Europe's state aid rules. Spooked, the German Economics Minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, wrote to GM confirming that the €4.5bn was available to any successful bidder.

GM's board, newly appointed in August as part of the company's rescue from bankruptcy, saw its chance. The final decision on Magna was hastily put back to late November. Despite official expressions of surprise this week from everyone from Lord Mandelson to the Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, it was only a matter of time.
..read entire article...


Susanna said...



Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

Susanna, SV, Terry, Paul, Constance, Paul, Dawn, Sarah, Mariel, Doug, and all others,

Thank you all very much, it is certainly a blessing to me and my wife. I especialy appreciate the helpfull advice.


Cloth diapers are a must. Cost efficient and much easier to deal with. The massage is an excellent idea and will probably be used either at mothers day or her birthday at the end of March. Baby food is amazingly simple to make, and again pretty cost effective.

I may be young in age but I have been taught well by my Mom and other elders. My child will never see a bottle of formula, or synthetic diaper. The experience I have with my niece and nephew have also taught me what to expect, so while this is my first, I am pretty seasoned in baby care.


Honest mistake. For a moment though, I thought there were two JD's lurking around here. lol

Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

OOOPS! Paul,

I thanked you twice, that was not to infer you deserved an extra thank you. lol It was an honest mistake.

Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

Update on Verichip,

On November 10, 2009, VeriChip Corporation (NASDAQ: CHIP) completed its acquisition of Steel Vault Corporation (OTCBB: SVUL) and formed PositiveID Corporation. In conjunction with the name change, PositiveID will begin trading under the new ticker symbol "PSID" on the NASDAQ effective November 11, 2009. For more information, please visit www.positiveidcorp.com.


Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

Suspected Hemorrhagic Pneumonia Outbreak Hits Ukraine


This article is very in depth and covers everything fro WHO's handling of the situation, to how this strain of virus may have been manipulated, to suspicious US aircraft that were witnessed spraying chemicals in the area which nearly created an international incident.

It is long and in depth, and worth reading for all who are following this plague situation.

Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

Medvedev calls for economy reform

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has called for profound reform of the economy in his annual state of the nation address.

The Soviet model no longer worked, he said, and Russia's survival depended on rapid modernisation based on democratic institutions.

An oil and gas-based economy had to be reworked with hi-tech investments.

Inefficient state giants should be overhauled and issues of accountability and transparency addressed, he said.

"Instead of a primitive economy based on raw materials, we shall create a smart economy, producing unique knowledge, new goods and technologies, goods and technologies useful for people," Mr Medvedev said.

Instead of an archaic society, in which leaders think and decide for everybody, we shall become a society of intelligent, free and responsible people."

Russia's industrial and technological base declined rapidly with the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and the relative recovery it has seen this century owes much to its oil and natural gas exports

A year ago, in his first such address, Mr Medvedev made a surprise announcement about deploying missiles close to Poland.

This time the focus was on transforming Russia into a more modern and open country, by introducing sweeping reforms.

More than one million Russians were at risk of losing their jobs, he said, and pressing social issues needed to be addressed.

'No future'

"We can't wait any longer," Mr Medvedev said.

"We need to launch modernisation of the entire industrial base. Our nation's survival in the modern world will depend on that."


Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

Democratic consultant says he got a warning from White House after appearing on Fox News
'We better not see you on again,' the strategist says he was told by a White House official. The White House communications director denies that officials urge such a boycott.

Reporting from Washington - At least one Democratic political strategist has gotten a blunt warning from the White House to never appear on Fox News Channel, an outlet that presidential aides have depicted as not so much a news-gathering operation as a political opponent bent on damaging the Obama administration.

The Democratic strategist said that shortly after an appearance on Fox, he got a phone call from a White House official telling him not to be a guest on the show again. The call had an intimidating tone, he said.

The message was, "We better not see you on again," said the strategist, who spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to run afoul of the White House. An implicit suggestion, he said, was that "clients might stop using you if you continue."

White House Communications Director Anita Dunn said that she had checked with colleagues who "deal with TV issues" and that they had not told people to avoid Fox. On the contrary, they had urged people to appear on the network, Dunn wrote in an e-mail.


Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

One World Government? Globe may not be big enough.

The New World Order came into being at 4:25 Tuesday afternoon.

It arrived at the Capitol, until that moment the seat of American government, in the form of the stooped and bespectacled figure of Ban Ki-moon, who as U.N. secretary general is the de facto leader of what conspiracy theorists call the One World Government. One floor beneath the Senate chamber, Ban, a South Korean national, took his place behind a lectern bearing the Senate seal and spelled out his demands.

"I would certainly expect the Senate to take the necessary action; that's what I have encouraged the senators," he told reporters as a trio of lawmakers stood at his side. He added an admonition for the chamber to deliver "as soon as possible."

The One World Government has specific requirements, Ban added, namely a "legally binding" commitment to "25 to 40 percent greenhouse gas reduction . . . as recommended by the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."

Uh-oh. A U.N. official standing in the Capitol telling U.S. lawmakers what binding commitments intergovernmental authorities expect from them? Glenn Beck was going to burst a blood vessel.

But the man who orchestrated this putsch by the New World Order, Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry (D-Switzerland), did not appear concerned by the imagery. He called the secretary general "Your Excellency." Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana (a Republican, but he drives a Prius) was equally deferential as he spoke of "the privilege of this distinguished visitor."

And Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) hailed Ban for "the accelerated leadership role" that the United Nations has taken. "Your vision, that in Copenhagen there can be a politically binding agreement that will lead to a legally binding agreement to follow . . . is a very reasonable, sensible and hopeful course."

Ban, wearing a gold U.N. lapel pin, unfolded his speech. "Less than a month from now, the leaders of the world will gather in Copenhagen," he said. "They must conclude a robust global agreement," that is "comprehensive, binding, equitable and fair."

Speaking softly but firmly, the South Korean cautioned the Americans that "the world is not standing still," and that "all the eyes of the world are looking to the United States."

After a few minutes, Kerry cut off questioning. "Folks, the secretary general has to get to the airport."

Ban needed to catch the U.S. Airways shuttle to New York. The One World Government Air Force isn't what it's cracked up to be.


Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

US judge bans religious number plates

A US federal judge has ordered South Carolina not to issue cross-adorned "I Believe" number plates, ruling it violates the constitutional separation of church and state.
US District Judge Cameron Currie ruled on Tuesday that the state legislature - which last year voted unanimously to approve the number plates that also include a cross in front of a stained glass window - had clearly given favoured government treatment to a single faith in violation of the constitution.

"Whether motivated by sincerely held Christian beliefs or an effort to purchase political capital with religious coin, the result is the same," Currie wrote in a 57-page order.

"The statute is clearly unconstitutional and defence of its implementation has embroiled the state in unnecessary (and expensive) litigation."

Christian rights activists labelled the decision an attack on their faith.

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
.End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

"For those who say proclaiming 'I believe' violates the constitution by giving preference to Christianity, I think this lawsuit clearly discriminates against persons of faith," South Carolina lieutenant-governor Andre Bauer, who initiated the legislation, told The Greenville News.


Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

Sorry guys, I know I am posting alot, I am just trying to share the pertinent info.

Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

Justice Dept. Asked For News Site's Visitor Lists

In a case that raises questions about online journalism and privacy rights, the U.S. Department of Justice sent a formal request to an independent news site ordering it to provide details of all reader visits on a certain day.

The grand jury subpoena also required the Philadelphia-based Indymedia.us Web site "not to disclose the existence of this request" unless authorized by the Justice Department, a gag order that presents an unusual quandary for any news organization.
Kristina Clair, a 34-year old Linux administrator living in Philadelphia who provides free server space for Indymedia.us, said she was shocked to receive the Justice Department's subpoena. (The Independent Media Center is a left-of-center amalgamation of journalists and advocates that – according to their principles of unity and mission statement – work toward "promoting social and economic justice" and "social change.")

The subpoena (PDF) from U.S. Attorney Tim Morrison in Indianapolis demanded "all IP traffic to and from www.indymedia.us" on June 25, 2008. It instructed Clair to "include IP addresses, times, and any other identifying information," including e-mail addresses, physical addresses, registered accounts, and Indymedia readers' Social Security Numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and so on.


Susanna said...


Thank you for all your posts. I appreciate them.

In a way, every story is like a little "dot" that somehow connects to all the others.

Susanna said...

Now this is interesting. Just last June, Russian billionaire/oligarch Oleg Deripaska was publicly humiliated by Vladimir Putin.

Deripaska was publicly shamed after a wage dispute at one of his aluminium plants sparked a big protest, causing a 250-mile traffic jam. Putin decided it was better to belittle the billionaire than to risk social unrest.

I’d seen the story last week but I’ve only just caught up with the video. Before he forced Deripaska to sign the contract, Putin apparently said: “Why has your factory been so neglected? They’ve turned it into a rubbish dump. Why was everyone running around like cockroaches before my arrival?” Sinister stuff
....read entire article....


IMHO, this begs the question. Who owns the aluminum company?

Oleg Deripaska?

Or the Russian government - with Deripaska as its front man?

Does this not sound similar to the manner in which President Obama and his confreres seem to want to run certain American companies?

Inquiring minds want to know!

sarah said...

JD ...@12:35,

The commentary by Stephen Lendman on the health outbreak in Ukraine is packed with info to track down. I found a copy of the IBM document referenced in the article.

"There is 100% chance that a Pandemic will occur within the next 5 years....We will plan for 2 waves of the pandemic, each lasting 12 weeks each, separated by a 12 week 'breather' period... There will be one trigger (one trigger underlined in the document) from Corporate Pandemic VP probably few days ahead of WHO official trigger...."

My, my, how can they be so certain, 3 years in advance?


Susanna said...

Irony of ironies....the following is from the Russian news publication known as PRAVDA:




Sounds like "Meet the new boss,Same as the old boss."

David said...

Everyone PLEASE read this thread of mine over at Fulfilled Prophecy:


Long story short: I think it is possible the 3rd Temple is now under construction in the West Bank. We need to find out more.

Dawn said...

Sounds like you are very prepared.

Sounds like you and your wife have some good mentors. You all can email me if you need another opinion :)



PS thanks for the verichip information

DavidinBattleCreek said...


That is certainly something to monitor. Please, keep us informed when and if you get more information.


The best parenting advice is in the Bible. It's the most pratical advice on child-rearing. Hopefully, you and your wife can avoid the use of ptacin to induce labor. Our first son was an induced labor and sometimes I wonder if it contributed to his autism. God bless.

Constance Cumbey said...

Well, I may be a baby care heretic here, but I didn't think PAMPERS were such a bad thing. They were brand new when my son was born in 1967. They still required safety pins and care in reconnecting a squirming baby with his diaper. I confess to envy of the younger mothers with the models that clip together without pins. I saw little glamorous about scrubbing out diapers in the toilet as my mother did with me and my 6 younger siblings.

So, I guess I'm saying that if you need to use store bought synthetic diapers from time to time, don't consume yourself in guilt about it.

At least that's my perspective. It may be colored by the fact that most of the New Agers labeled synthetic diaper use as "Mother Earth Abuse."

BUT enough of that. You have a beautiful long awaited baby coming. E N J O Y both the baby and the humor I tried to project here tonight.

God bless!


Anonymous said...

David and J.D., I also had a bad ptocin experience many years ago when labor was induced. Ptocin is such a strong hormone that it rendered me unconscious for 10 hours. My entire labor except for the last 5 minutes when they screamed at me to wake up is unremembered by me. Well, I take it that's a good thing, if one has ptocin. It induces too strong labor pains. Not good, in my opinion. I had expected near-natural delivery, but my baby was over due so the doc wanted the ptocin.

I think caesarean is better than ptocin. My two grandkids were deivered caesarean and are in great shape. My son (delivered witn ptocin) is healthy and not autistic or nervously compromised.

But I share the anti-ptocin view. And I'm pro-caesarean if a baby is big, not in the right position for delivery, late...or just if Ma would rather not have all that pain.


Anonymous said...


Should be something to watch.


Anonymous said...


I suppose this will be picked apart also.

Anonymous said...



Bleedin Red White and Blue Baby! said...

David and Mariel,

Thanks for the heads up on the ptocin. That is one thing I am not so familiar with and will have to look at a bit more.


At the time you were changing your son I'm sure there was nothing wrong with a lot of the synthetics. I made my statement due to myself, my brothers, my niece and many of others in my family having allergic reactions to disposables. Couple that with diaper service runs about $20 a month versus the unreal price of disposables you can understand a bit more of why I said such a thing.


Thanks, I never turn down good advice from someone who has been through things that I haven't.

Dawn said...

Haven't read the article. But the headline itself, is expected.

"Did Christianity Cause the Crash?"


Susanna said...

Dorothy and All,

Dorothy....good link on the "Feds move to sieze four mosques, tower linked to iran."


This article embodies one reason why we must not allow our emotions to drive us into hastily engaging in wholesale criticism of the handling of the terrorist incident at Fort Hood.

My husband and I have no use for the "political correctness run amok" that has poisoned our culture in recent years.

But my husband, who also happens to be a Veteran, suggested the possibility that if the Feds didn't move sooner on Hasan at Fort Hood it may have been because they were going after a terrorist cell and moving against Hasan too soon would have blown their undercover investigation.

It is possible that the Feds didn't expect Hasan to act the way he did as soon as he did.

It seems to me that it is also possible that Hasan's jihadist confreres may not have expected him to act as soon as he did either.......with the measure of said "unexpectedness" being in proportion to the amount of evidence that has been left lying around intact.....along with any mad scramble to try to destroy said evidence.

Just for the record, there are rumors ( just rumors ) going around that certain documents relating to Major Hasan were shredded.

Just heard it on Glenn Beck from call-in guest Peter Hoekstra who is running for governor in Michigan.

I checked out this story and it would appear that it may refer to the discovery by the Feds of a large trash bin in which, according to neighbors, Hasan had dumped a shredder and a plastic bag full of shredded documents on the morning before the shooting.

Susanna said...

Just saw this on Drudge:

Top Republican says White House hiding info on Fort Hood

By Eric Zimmermann - 11/11/09


Susanna said...

To All

Regarding Peter Mandelson/Oleg Deripaska

Just for the record, Lord Peter Mandelson's friend, Oleg Deripaska is the son-in-law of the late Boris Yeltsin and maintains close ties to Vladimir Putin.

Moreover, in 1971 Mandelson left the Labour Party Young Socialists (LPYS) to join the Young Communist League, then the youth wing of the Communist Party of Great Britain after Labour supported the United States' intervention in Vietnam.

He was a delegate in 1978 to the Soviet-organised World Festival of Youth and Students in Havana, Cuba, with Arthur Scargill and several future Labour cabinet colleagues.




I am still picking my jaw up off of the floor over the following...especially with regard to "mavericky" McCain's lobbying for a U.S. Airforce contract to go to EADS subsudiary, Airbus!


DavidinBattleCreek said...

Generic store brand diapers work just as well as the brand names. But with a history of allergic reactions, cloth would be best. Pull-ups are something to think about. Children are toilet training at later ages now and I believe Pull-ups are to blame. They are so absorbent that children never really feel uncomfortable in them. Not good for toilet training.

Get use to getting baby advice. Everyone seems to have an opinion and feels free to share it.

Constance Cumbey said...

More NEW MATH from GOOGLE. Still not the case with YAHOO. Javier Solana suddenly has only 300,000 hits in all languages. When you ask for English only, that number doubles, but when you do the search as

"Javier Solana" -Cumbey

It suddenly jumps to a few million. I suspect they are helping him with his necessary invisibility as a prelude to something much greater. I discovered he was much more minus my name when I tried to do a screen and eliminate articles I had written or had been quoted in about Solana. There should have been FEWER than the usual 1,370,000 hits on him. With articles minus "Cumbey" subtracted, he suddenly had a much greater web presence -- MORE not less.

I am on my way to Lansing to judge a law school competition. I have made screen prints of the searches and will post them, probably tonight.

"There's something happening here . . . What it is is not exactly clear ,. . . " in the words of the pop sounds from the 60's era.


Constance Cumbey said...


Thanks for the heads up on the Mosque seizure


I don't know the entire case - or much of any of it for that matter, but the legal precedent is FRIGHTENING. How many churches and synagogues are next now that a dangerous precedent has been set and by the Obama administration at that.

Part of Solana's/Obama and company's "war on fundamentalism -- globally."

Constance Cumbey said...

Wow, that was fast. Google must be watching this site.

SUDDENLY, Javier Solana jumped back up to 1,360,000 hits, but

"Javier Solana" -Cumbey had 5,660,000 hits.

Maybe newer strategy is "Invisible but not conspicuously so as to arouse suspicion."


Unknown said...

President Obama is in Asia meeting with Japanese president and wife. Here's a piece on Japan's unique first lady. Seem's she quite a space traveler.


She went on to describe how she "eats the sun" each morning to gain energy, and how she'd met Tom Cruise in a previous life. She said Cruise, who played a samurai knight in the movie The Last Samurai, was Japanese back in the other life.

Glad to know our world is in increasingly "stable" hands. HA!

Anonymous said...

Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance'...

"Everyone in Britain should have an annual carbon ration and be penalised if they use too much fuel, the head of the Environment Agency will say."

Evidently each person would receive a number / code that they would use when buying / using anything. The carbon "cost" of everything would be totaled and if it was more than their ration there would be penalties.

Dave in CA

Anonymous said...


A High Representative Needs A Grand Strategy - WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!...........


Craig said...

Children are toilet training at later ages now and I believe Pull-ups are to blame. They are so absorbent that children never really feel uncomfortable in them. Not good for toilet training.

I do believe you're right on this. I recall my frustration at my (now ex) step-son as he would soil his Pampers rather than go to the toilet. When we put just plain ol' "tightee whitee's" on him miraculously he became potty trained!

Anonymous said...

From guardian.co.uk (11/12/09):

New account of Fort Hood shooting may put another officer in spotlight

Sergeant Kimberly Munley was the heroine America desperately sought in the hours after the massacre at the Fort Hood army base in Texas.

But a week after Major Nidal Hasan allegedly shot and killed 13 people and wounded dozens more, it has emerged that a previously unheralded police sergeant may in fact have fired the bullets that ended the attack, not Munley.

A witness to the shooting spree told the New York Times today that Hasan was taken down by Senior Sergeant Mark Todd, a veteran police officer.

The revelations came as the US military announced today that it had charged Hasan with 13 counts of premeditated murder amid growing questions about the failure of US authorities to arrest Hasan before the massacre.

The White House said today that President Barack Obama had ordered an internal review of intelligence gathered on Hasan prior to the attack. Obama said the inquiry by John Brennan, an adviser on homeland security and counterterrorism, would not interfere with the criminal investigation.

In TV appearances, Munley and Todd have thus far failed to clear up exactly who shot him.

Munley insisted that she fired at Hasan, but did not say whether she had hit him. Todd talked of firing the shots that brought down Hasan - the first time he had ever fired at a human being in his 25-year career - but could not say whether Hasan had already been shot.

"I seen him [sic], I drew his attention toward me, and then he opened fire and then I neutralised him and secured him," Todd told CBS's Early Show this morning.

Pressed whether Hasan was still armed and threatening when he opened fire, Todd said: "We were engaged in a gunfight, and then I neutralised him, or we neutralised him."

Hasan, 39, is recovering in the hospital from police gunshot wounds. Ballistics tests and further investigation may ultimately determine which of the two police sergeants shot him.

The tale of Munley's apparent heroism recalls the case of Jessica Lynch, an army private first class who the US military said was wounded while fighting off Iraqi troops during the US invasion, reportedly firing her rifle heroically before being captured. It later emerged she was injured in a vehicle accident during an ambush and was well cared for by the Iraqis.

Munley, a petite, highly-trained civilian police officer and firearms expert, was initially said to have encountered Hasan during the attack, rushed at him and shot him down, taking at least three bullets from his pistol in the process.

Anonymous said...

(Continued . . .)

Quoting an anonymous eyewitness, however, the New York Times called into question that account, reporting that Hasan remained on his feet, apparently unharmed and reloading his pistol, after shooting Munley. The witness said it was unclear whether Munley fired off a shot before Todd arrived seconds later, shooting Hasan until he fell to the ground then kicking his gun away and handcuffing him.

"It's muscle memory," Todd told CBS. "In a situation like this you don't have to think about it, you just react. By the grace of god I'm standing here with no injuries, with not a scratch."

Contrary to previous reports, Hasan's military personnel record indicates that he did not apply for an early discharge from the army, as a conscientious objector or for any other reason, according to military officials. Hasan, who was born in the US to Palestinian parents, was widely understood to have sought and been denied an early separation from the army, a factor that could have helped explain why he allegedly snapped and went on the shooting rampage.

Family members have said that Hasan sought desperately to leave the army, especially ahead of an expected deployment to Afghanistan. A cousin in the West Bank has said that as recently as a week before the incident the army rejected Hasan's effort to gain an early separation. The army, short on psychiatrists and desperate to retain Arab-Americans among its ranks, was highly unlikely to accede to such a request from Hasan, having paid for his medical training.

But the Pentagon has found no evidence Hasan ever formally sought to leave the military. Another indication Hasan had not put in for a discharge: He was promoted to the rank of major in May, after an army board endorsed his performance as an officer, the Washington Post reported.

Meanwhile, officials involved in Hasan's medical training have described him as belligerent, defensive and argumentative when discussing his apparently deeply held Muslim faith.

Officials also described him as a mediocre student and a lazy worker, and said the combination led to a decision to send him to Fort Hood, where other medical personnel could pick up the slack if he continued to perform poorly and superior officers could document behaviour problems, the Associated Press reported.

SV said...


"As those Christians who believe in the Rapture get taken up into eternity, the pet-lovers among them will have one less thing to worry about if a Langdon atheist has anything to say about it."

"Bart Centre, 61, a retired vice president of an international retail firm and current co-owner of Eternal Earthbound Pets, is offering a $110 post-Rapture pet care service. The way Centre sees it, he makes a little money in his retirement, and should Jesus Christ return and the Rapture occur, those snatched up into heaven will have their pets cared for, he said."

"It's a money-making venture," he said. ". . .It's a win-win situation."

"For the cost of the service, a believer is covered for 10 years. Once signed up, Centre scours his network of atheist family and friends -- who surely will be left behind -- to arrange for the after-Rapture care. He also gathers information on any special needs or habits of the pets, to make sure Fido and Fifi are comfy during the tribulation -- the seven years of hell on earth some Christians believe follow the Rapture. So far, the service is offered in 22 states including New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine."

Link Here:

Or Here:

**What can I say? Just can't make this stuff up, peeps.**

By His Grace,

Anonymous said...

Solana says he's been spied upon--

(Original link, in Spanish)






(Translated through Google Translate)

Anonymous said...

This is just an odd thought: Suppose that nearing the end of his first (and last term), Obama is 'chosen' to lead the new global union in some, 'new' capacity? He would graciously nod, of course, with his Nobel in his hand, and leave Biden to fight off the critics, and move into the larger arena, where all he has learned here, in the ways of huge state secrets, will now be full divulged to 'help' us become more global...what US President would then ever have any influence? Just a thought. Redbird

Anonymous said...

November 13, 2009
RFFM.org Exclusive: Major Nidal Malik Hasan's Killing Spree at Ft. Hood: Eyewitness Account Of What Really Happened


Anonymous said...

JD, thanks for the lead to the story
The New World Order came into being at 4:25 Tuesday afternoon. I mentioned it in the Microeffect chat room and will call it to the attention of others. It's particularly good because it's coming from the Washington Post, a liberal source, and it's very clear that he said

You've really been hot lately with your leads.
