It's hard for me as an observer to believe that either of these appointments are serious or lasting ones. Is this Europe's equivalent of Germany's pre Hitler Weimar Republic?
Both of these individuals are relatively unknown. It is safe to say that neither have extensive diplomatic nor military expertise. I will be posting more as I learn more. Javier Solana said in the interview I posted in my last post that he would be active as "advisor" to his successor. I rather suspect with this one he will be running the entire show. Games are being played here. I am not entirely sure what they are. I'll bet Tony Blair is wondering the same thing!
UPDATE: The only one more perplexed by it than me are the Brits. Of course, the only ones more perplexed by Javier Solana's 1995 NATO appointment were the Spaniards. I thought I'd seen it all. I was wrong. Here's a British press reaction:
Who the f*** is Baroness Ashton?
Posted on November 19, 2009 in Media, Politics
Well she’s the EU’s new High Representative for foreign affairs it would seem, despite never having been elected to anything in her life and with most of her experience in politics being as a health service panjandrum in Hertfordshire.
She’s also married to YouGov pollster Peter Kellner, which may mean something or nothing - probably nothing.
Tony Blair didn’t get the president’s job of course, losing out to Herman van Rompuy of Belgium. Well at least Herman didn’t invade Iraq.
But as for the good baroness….I listened to about three hours of BBC reports on the matter tonight and they didn’t seem to know who she was either.
An appointment straight out of Lewis Carrol.
Stay tuned!
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»I was 1/2 way believing they were going to offer it to Obama.
Here's a British news reaction to it from Blatherskite.com:
"Who the f*** is Baroness Ashton?
Posted on November 19, 2009 in Media, Politics
"Well she’s the EU’s new High Representative for foreign affairs it would seem, despite never having been elected to anything in her life and with most of her experience in politics being as a health service panjandrum in Hertfordshire.
She’s also married to YouGov pollster Peter Kellner, which may mean something or nothing - probably nothing.
Tony Blair didn’t get the president’s job of course, losing out to Herman van Rompuy of Belgium. Well at least Herman didn’t invade Iraq.
But as for the good baroness….I listened to about three hours of BBC reports on the matter tonight and they didn’t seem to know who she was either.
An appointment straight out of Lewis Carrol. "
"2008- Commissioner for Trade Baroness Ashton of Upholland (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
2009- Designate Vice-President of the EU-Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Catherine Ashton has been a Baroness from 1999, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State of Education and Skills 2001-04, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of Constitutional Affairs 2004-06 and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2006-07, Leader of the House of Lords and Lord President of the Council 2007-08. (b. 1956-)."
May we please hear SPEEDILY from Rob of London on this one?
Reaction from Al-Jazeera:
"Catherine Ashton is a British Labour party politician who rose through the ranks of European politics to become the European Union's new foreign policy chief.
Named as the high representative for foreign affairs and security policy by EU leaders on Thursday, Ashton has never been elected to public office.
Born in Upholland in Lancanshire in the UK in 1956, Ashton studied economics at the University of London.
She began her career as Director of Business in the Community, an organisation working to fight inequality in business.
Ashton went on to run a local health authority from 1998 until 2001, and was later named to Britain's House of Lords as Baroness Ashton of Upholland.
She was appointed as a life peer by the ruling Labour party in 1999.
Making her mark
It was there that Ashton began to make her mark in politics, taking on roles as education minister in 2001 and positions in the constitutional affairs and justice departments.
She was appointed leader of the House of Lords in 2007. She later replaced Peter Mandelson as EU trade commissioner last year when he quit the post to become the British trade and industry minister.
Ashton had faced some criticism ahead of her latest appointment from EU legislators who questioned her lack of international experience.
But she dismissed critics, saying that she had led British trade talks on legal services with South Africa and India.
Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, also defended her appointment on Thursday, praising the EU decision.
He said Ashton had behaved "brilliantly" in her current post and would give Britain a powerful voice within the EU."
Re:He said Ashton had behaved "brilliantly" in her current post and would give Britain a powerful voice within the EU."
LOL From the reports I have been reading, Baroness Ashton's appointment is being regarded by many as a joke!
It will certainly be interesting to see how this all shakes down.
Went over to Centre for European Reform and found this interesting clip re "Cathy Ashton" and the SCHENGEN process which the Brits rejected, but CER (a prime think tank for Solana) wanted:
Screen clipping taken: 11/19/2009, 4:06 PM
" . . . Admittedly, British officials are unlikely to get their political masters to re-consider joining Schengen anytime soon. Indeed Britain is pushing ahead with its own so-called ‘e-borders’ project. This new border system will link all of the UK’s land, air and sea borders electronically and will be able to receive personal travel data from private operators. (Ireland has had to follow suit with a similar scheme.)
However, there are a number of smaller steps Britain could attempt to improve its negotiating position in future. First, Britain should push for its nominee to the next European Commission to be given the justice and security portfolio. Although it is a political long shot for a non-Schengen national, one key advantage is that Britain already has a prime candidate for the job: Baroness Cathy Ashton. Although Ashton is the current EU trade commissioner, she has been in Brussels less than a year and has excellent experience with EU policies in this area through her time as a UK justice minister. The move could be seen as symbolic of the desire of all parties for much closer co-operation between Britain and the Schengen area. . . ."
Pasted from http://centreforeuropeanreform.blogspot.com/2009/02/britains-schengen-dilemma.html
Schengen is a C R E E P Y process -- a clear harbinger of the 666 one to come if not the real thing now!
Wow! They must have been really short on qualified applicants. Cristina Gallach should have put in for that job!
Anonymous said...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
According to ‘De Tijd’, Belgian Prime-minister Herman Van Rompuy (Christian Democrat), who’s name is widely circulating as the first European President, attended a Bilderberg dinner at Hertoginnendal, Brussels last night.
In his speech he talked about the implementation of a green tax in Europe; a necessary measure to rebuild the economy. Apparently this news of a possible new eco-tax is rapidly spreading through the cabinets in Europe’s capitals. This might put a mortgage on Van Rompuy’s candidacy for European Presidency.
According to the article Van Rompuy was invited to give a speech at the dinner by Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon under the guarantee that the content of those meetings never leaks. A promise not quite kept.
One might wonder how the information got out on to the websites of all the mainstream Belgian newspapers today, considering that reporting in mainstream media about the Bilderberg group, and their historical relation to political candidates, has always been effectively silenced.
Then again, the authors of the article in ‘De Tijd’, who broke the story give the impression that Van Rompuy has pulled an act of bravery by making his bold statements at such dinner, rather then questioning why a Prime-minister, and possible first European President, was taking part in such a secretive private event with highly influential statesmen and captains of industry.
10:33 PM
Just found this at THE GREEN ARROW which appears to be a somewhat New Age site. It mentions that she won awards for service to the GLBT communities which means that the homosexual elements like her a lot:
"The only Belgian name I knew up until now was Hercule Poirot and he was fictitious. Sadly the next Belgian name we will have to learn is Herman Van Rompuy who has been appointed as the the first EU President and he is all too real.
Appointed you note, not elected. Elections are for democracies not europe. But balls to him and the horse he rode in on. I do not recognise the EU no more than the French Resistance recognised the legality of their German Occupiers. The European globalists are the enemy and I wish a pox on all of them.
But what you might find interesting is the background of the boot ugly b**** at the top. Her name is Cathy Ashton(above) or rather Baroness Ashton who is married to Peter Kellner, the President of YouGov, he must be blinder than a dead bat.
Never heard of the toad? Neither had I and bet very few real people have. But they will now, because she to has bypassed the democratic process and become our new and first High Representative (Foreign Secretary) for Europe. What a grand title for an unelected cow.
Well you can guess why she was selected for the position of High Representative and Deputy President. One, she is a woman and that balances up the fact that the top job went to a man and the other is her political past.
No surprises that she worked for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and in 2006 was voted politician of the year and presented with the Stonewall Award for service to the Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual and Bisexual people(LGBT). But at least she was voted that award because it is the only time that votes have been cast for her.
She has NEVER stood for election for any public office, bypassing democracy by being made a life peer in 1999 when she first became a Government Minister and has held a series of high offices, despite having no skills in any of them and never once having to stand for election.
We now live under a communist regime - there is no democracy, only the illusion of it. Fight back. . . ."
If even the New Agers are unhappy at this one despite the Stonewall award which they would like, something is very strange indeed!
I edited out one ugly objectionable word. Her personal appearance is of no concern to me -- obviously she got there on brains or was a deep compromise. PM Gordon Brown kept pushing for Tony Blair and when he couldn't get support for Tony Blair as EU President, he persuaded others to go for this.
GREEN ARROW site which is anti-EU can be found at this tinyurl:
I doubt either Ashton or Van Rompuy will last their full terms. They lack any of the skills required to handle what the coming months have in store. How this will play out is anyones guess, but if I wanted to place money on it, I certainly wouldn't be betting on these two to stay the duration.
"She then switched to the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs in 2004, being voted politician of the year in 2006 by gay rights group Stonewall for championing equality and human rights
11/19/2009, 5:51 PM
"The surprise combination emerged after Gordon Brown ended Tony Blair's hopes of becoming president, abandoning his support for his successor and proposing Baroness Ashton for the foreign job instead.
The Prime Minister's switch surprised European leaders, not least because of Baroness Ashton's lack of diplomatic experience.
A former health authority chairwoman made a peer in 1999, she held a string of low-key ministerial posts until last year when she was sent to Brussels as an interim replacement for Lord Mandelson on his return to the Cabinet.
Mr Van Rompuy is a poetry-writing economist almost entirely unknown outside Belgium until he emerged as EU leaders' choice for a president who could not possibly overshadow national leaders.
A staunch advocate of European integration, he has backed policies including a European-wide tax on all financial transactions to fund EU work."
to Anonymous 10:33 p.m.
That was very similar to something I also read on Farmer
's site. I had heard some of the Rompuy talk. It was the Catherine Ashton one that caught me completely off guard!
Seems like some kind of puppet. Spain's term will be very interesting. Love your comment EJILES. LOL
Anonymous 5:52
Re:"She then switched to the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs in 2004, being voted politician of the year in 2006 by gay rights group Stonewall for championing equality and human rights ...
LOL I wonder if the good Baroness knew Lord Mandelson's friend Reinaldo da Silva.....or Lord Mandelson's "new best friend," Italian designer Marco Coretti.
In any case, the last I heard, Reinaldo da Silva was in training to become a nurse.
As for Baroness Ashton:
• Ashton is a Labour Member of the British House of Lords and played an important role in
the passage of the Lisbon Treaty through the House of Lords.
• Ashton's views on trade are not yet widely known but judging from a July 2008 House of
Lords discussion on WTO negotiations, it appears that she will not differ significantly
from Peter Mandelson's general framework.
• Brown selected a peer as Peter Mandelson’s successor in order to avoid a by-election at
a time when the Labour party is unpopular in the polls.
• Little-known to the UK public, Ashton has a reputation in political circles of quiet efficiency, of being a consensus builder and a strong advocate of social rights....
And we don't want to miss this gem!!!
I suspected that there was more to Baroness Ashton's appointment to replace Lord Mandelson than what met the eye......
By Justin Stares
Last updated at 4:02 PM on 24th November 2008
Britain's new European Union commissioner has ruled out an investigation into the actions of her predecessor, Peter Mandelson.
Baroness Catherine Ashton, who took over as Brussels trade commissioner last month, says there will be no European commission probe into Mr Mandelson's relations with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
'There are no grounds for an investigation,' Baroness Ashton said in a written response to a parliamentary question by a British Euro MP...Read more...
There are interesting insights into High Representative Catherine Ashton into this piece by her:
Javier Solana looks so depressed in this video that it is hard not to feel compassion for him as a disappointed human being.
I am wondering what exactly he (Solana) meant by he was serving the EU "BEFORE I WAS BORN . . ."
This is INTERESTING. She still has to be "vetted" by the EU Parliament. The new president faces no such challenge:
" . . . But she acknowledged that she now had to run the gauntlet of Euro-MPs, who have the power to grill incoming members of the European Commission - and the Lisbon Treaty says the High Representative sits as a Commission Vice-President. . . . "
Does anybody know anything about her military expertise or who she might be likely to appoint?
Almost looks like they drew straws and whoever lost had to take the job!
A camel for EU President?
This is an interesting piece written a week ago.
SPAIN was reportedly one of the countries putting her name forward. That makes it even far more fascinating!!!!!
" . . . Ashton, who has never been elected to public office and is largely unknown outside Britain, had seemed an unlikely choice. She won the foreign policy brief after British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and left-leaning leaders from Spain, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal and Austria decided to put her name forward. . . ."
My impression: A big time GAME is being played. The Spanish 6 month EU presidency is coming up in January. Should be VERY INTERESTING! Wonder what's to happen with the WEU. Recommendation 666 already contained language that pursuant to the Brussels Treaty it could not be dissolved.
To Constance (6:46 PM):
Re: "I am wondering what exactly he (Solana) meant by he was serving the EU "BEFORE I WAS BORN . . ."
A google search on Ashton and Zapatero shows there has been a level of cooperation with the socialists nominating her.
That "Camel for EU President" was extremely important! I see Catherine Ashton was mentioned in article with this language:
" . . . Ashton, who has never been elected to public office and is largely unknown outside Britain, had seemed an unlikely choice. She won the foreign policy brief after British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and left-leaning leaders from Spain, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal and Austria decided to put her name forward. . . ."
But can we follow her on TWITTER?
Another perspective on her from LabourWomen, sympathetic to her:
"Thursday, 19 November 2009
The soft power of Cathy Ashton
She may have been a surprise candidate and she may be new to the field of foreign policy, but the election of Baroness Catherine Ashton as first EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs is an excellent choice. It is not only a good sign for the EU that one of the two new top jobs went to woman. Cathy, as she prefers to be called, brings along a certain kind of soft power to the job: She is known to be extremely bright and an excellent negotiator and is, as anyone who has ever met her will confirm, utterly charming. These are qualities she will need badly to get the job done.
The post of Foreign High Representative combines several new jobs. Apart from sharing the monthly meeting of the EU Foreign Secretaries and leading 8.000 diplomats of the new European diplomatic service, she will also act as Vice-Chief of the European Commission. She will have to handle big egos and differing agendas. She will have to listen to 27 sometimes conflicting voices and create a consistent one; she will have to represent a European Common Foreign Policy on the international stage which has failed to be united on many occasions in the past.
But Cathy Ashton has proven that she has the talent to bring conflicting parties together and building consens. She was responsible for taking the Lisbon treaty through the House of Lords. She has a strong track record in campaigning for social rights and equality, which gives reason to hope that human rights will continue to play a strong role in Europe's Foreign Policy.
"No, she is not as experienced and glamorous as Hillary Clinton, neither does she have the standing of an Angela Merkel. But giving "
My perspective on above: Sounds a lot like the way Solana was described as operating.
CONTINUATION WHERE CUTOFF ON LAST and indicator of who posted to LabourWomen blog:
No, she is not as experienced and glamorous as Hillary Clinton, neither does she have the standing of an Angela Merkel. But giving the foreign top job to a British woman with a strong talent for bringing together parties add odds is a clever way of making sure that Britain remains at the heart of Europe without antagonising its European Partners. It is a good result for women, it is a good result for Europe, and it is most certainly a good result for Britain.
Posted by Marie-Noelle Loewe at 22:22
A bit of trivia on Baroness Ashton's Wikipedia profile . . .
"She briefly advised the producers of several U.S. television shows, most notably 'Boston Legal' on sensitive storylines."
(Hey, maybe watching some of those television re-runs will give us a 'clue' as to which very dark direction the EU will take.)
Can we call her "Bar-ash" for short???
Baroness Ashton - useful sites for info.
House of Lords voting record;
or tiny,
They Work for You;
or tiny,
It almost looks as if there was some kind of coverup after Baroness Catherine Ashcroft replaced Lord Peter Mandelson.
Mandelson not only had some questionable ties to Oleg Deripaska, but he also had some shady ties to French private equity tycoon Ernest-Antoine Seilliere, "Boss of France's bosses." ( a species of "Capo di tutti capi", if you get my drift.)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Brussels watchdog makes complaint about Peter Mandelson
October 26, 2008
Re: "I am wondering what exactly he (Solana) meant by he was serving the EU "BEFORE I WAS BORN . . ."
Hope you all are ready for my wacky conspiracy thinking on this one.
It goes hand in hand with why he always gets a present in late November.
I think it is a "Pregnancy present".
Perhaps you are wondering why he would do that because he probably doesn't believe that life begins at that point. Here is the wacky part (and total speculation on my part): Perhaps he or his mother believes his conception was divine in some way.
Or he fulfilled some new age prophecy which is why he regards this November date so much.
Maybe not. But I do believe like several others that this is just smoke and mirrors. When something happens and our unknowns are unable to do the job, Javier would be happy to step in and take over. Or perhaps, six-nine months from now the emergency clause goes into effect and they believe that since these guys a relatively new, Javier would be happy to step in (especially since he will be advising anyway).
Perhaps the "serving the EU before I was born" is in reference to his "Grandfather" who was so instrumental in forming the EU. He has been raised on it. He has lived the ideal of the EU his whole life. I did think it was a strange comment though, when I watched the video.
Reposted from previous thread
"...this is the moment in the current crisis when the hero of the hour needs to appear."
Closing remarks from a speech by Catherine Ashton, at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Washington DC, 18th March 2009
Politically the most obvious point is the desire by some to have a low profile EU.
I suspect Solana was told of a possible come back deal for him on Wednesday which disappeared on Thursday. Are there any authoritarians in Europe who are upset with this weak crew as well ? Are Belgium ,England and France (national homes of the three
appointees) the three horns to be uprooted?
Although personally unfamiliar with the expression, read that "before I was born," is a colloquialism for a very long time.
One Belgian we know (to the one who said we didn't know any): Jack Van Impe, who goes on and on into old age with forever svelt Rexella at his side. I watch them just to be charmed, and sometimes to learn something new, but mostly to bask in their stability in the Faith.
Catherine Ashton has some videos up on Youtube -- about EU trade of which she was the commissioner, "protectionism," etc.
She clearly is a very intelligent woman.
I found them using these google search terms"
""Catherine Ashton" youtube"
Gordon Brown recently commented that the two new E.U jobs were largely "ceremonial".
That seems to have been proved by the appointments. Van Rompuy, described as a Euro-fanatic, was the choice of France and Germany and is possibly an indication of these countries leverage in the new Europe.
Baroness Ashtons appointment.. mm how much influence does the Mandy affair have on this?
The real power of the E.U comes from the ratification of the Lisbon treaty. We will be seeing the muscles flexed soon enough.
God bless
This is Madam Usurper's official response, taken from the Liverpool Echo:
"Baroness Ashton of Upholland becomes EU high representative
Nov 20 2009 by David Bartlett, Liverpool Echo
A WEST LANCS peer has been named Europe’s first “foreign secretary”.
The relatively unknown Baroness Catherine Ashton of Up Holland’s appointment capped an extraordinary rise over the past decade for the 53-year-old.
The similarly low-profile Belgian prime minister Herman Van Rompuy was named president of the European Union in Brussels last night.
Baroness Ashton said: “It is a challenge. I was the first female UK Commissioner, the first female trade Commissioner and now the first female High Representative.
“I will make sure I represent our values across the world.” "
Now just who is the 'our' she is talking of here? Surely if it is we British, and therefore our British values, she'd be talking of representing such values in Europe, not across the World. Now we know she has, with help, usurped the 'Fourth Reich' position of European High Rep. So, all of a sudden, we now have a cohesive and common set of European values? These are what she wants to spread throughout the World. You may cry, 'hold on Robert, why are you being so facile? It is obvious to any fool that she means European, for she represents all Europeans doesn't she? Duh!' The point is, she is letting us know here, or so she thinks, that the British Lion is dead, but there are many of us in whose hearts that Great Lion of freedom roars on. Down with Roman law! Preserve the Magna Carta, 1215, the Bill of Rights, 1616, and though these Eurocrats have done their best to destroy these, I for one do not recognise such Napoleonic-Hitlerian-Stalinist juristiction as they may impose. I will die British!!!
This, I admit, is a rant, and a little belated at that (sorry Constance, I have just blogged in and seen your comment),I will provide helpful information as I come across it. I have had enough of my country being viewed by Solana et al as an electron.
Furthermore, the name of this glorious island is Great Britain, not Britain!!! Even if Scotland, England, and Wales were completely politically separate from each other, the island would still be called Great Britain (much as the continent of Africa is called Africa). Britain is a region in France, commonly known as Brittany. To clarify, the distinction in French is, Grande Bretagne = Great Britain, Bretagne =Brittany!
This is an important point in fighting against NWO indocrination, as, for one, it (referring to Great Britain as Britain) is erroneously and deviously used as a means to diminutise our great nation and island. The first nation in the World to outlaw slavery, the first nation in the world with adequate laws against racism, despite our problems (I say this as one who is proudly of mixed heritage, I am very proud of my Irish ancestry, but equally proud of my Working-Class English ancestry.)
You do not, however, have to call us Great British, but I would much prefer it to Great European. I've nothing against the Europeans, indeed, I am not your average Briton, speaking four foreign European languages in addition to my own, I do not, however, want to be in an unelected, self-appointed, pan-European, God-hating vile dictatorship.
The whole of our parliament and our monarch should be tried for High Treason, as should all of those in the EU with all its appendages.
Sorry for the rant but it was needed.
God bless,
Rob in London.
You may think my last rant above was down to some caracature of being British, with pomp and rebellion etc.
Rather, it is because I rage that my maternal Grandfather (whose parents were Irish, form Cork) in the trench, a desert rat in the British 8th Army fighting against Rommel in North Africa, saw his friend die of starvation next to him and snatched his plate away to scrape the pittance that remained.
I rage because my maternal grandmother's brother was shot out of the sky over Germany and killed, just before he was to become a squadron leader.
My paternal grandmother, five months pregnant with my father, hid under a table, as there was no time to get to an air-raid shelter, as a bomb landed on the house.
You see, my grandfather died from heart failure, brought on by chronic pneumonia and stomach ulcers, at the ripe old age of 44, and this was the later effects brought on by the awful conditions he underwent in the desert fighting against Nazism. My maternal grandmother, already having lost her brother in the war, never got over this. Later, when my mother was 13 years old, my grandmother tried to gas herself with her head in the oven. (the gas was very poisonous in those not so long ago days, and my paternal grandfather did gas himself, my father found him dead when my father was 11 years old.) My mother, then aged 13, found my grandmother and saved her life. My grandmother secretly never forgave my mother for saving her.
This, as you can imagine, in turn, caused problems for my mother and father psychologically, and we as their children, did not escape all this.
I have cousins whose father is Jewish, and he in turn, from what I know, lost relatives in the holocaust.
I have provided alot of personal history here for a reason, and I am one family of many that still, knowingly or not, suffers the consequences of that awful war that began for us 70 years ago.
Was this all in vain? Did we fight against Hitler, and Napoleon before him, in vain? Did my Irish ancestors (having suffered at the hands of Cromwell and then the black and tans shipped in from Scotland) gain their freedom in 1938 in vain???
When we all shouted NEVER AGAIN! Didn't we shout it loudly and clearly enough?
That is why my blood runs cold at these Eurocrats with their turning Great Britain into the Ingsoc Department.
Do you realise that a good many school children in the UK do not even know who Winston Churchill was? Many think it is some stupid nodding dog puppet from a car advert! Yes, Catherine Ashton has done 'wonders' in continuing to destroy the English schooling system (the Scots have an independent one, run by their parliament, the English, of course, are not allowed a parliament of their own) as Minister for Education.
It is not long now folks. We are nearing the return of our Lord and Saviour, our King Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son of God, but before then we will see the Impostor. Read your bibles, get close to God, pray, obey his commandments, and love one another. Do not pray for money like the heathens do, for God knows what you need, but pray for God to fill our hearts with love, faith, patience, long-suffering, understanding, and humility, and pray to endure till the end, for a Great Delusion/Deception is upon the World, and if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. It will not be possible to deceive such very elect only because such put on the full armour of God and trust entirely in the Love of the Truth.
God bless and protect you all, peace be with you.
Rob in London.
Those pyramid earrings she's wearing, black with gold trim, are very telling. (to represent the black sun perhaps? Solar eclipse, solstice, Apollos, beast of the underworld etc...?)
Straight out of Mystery Babylon!!! You'd be suprised where you can find such pyramids, and I don't just mean on your Great Seal!
God bless,
Rob in London.
My thoughts precisely. These appointments are almost laughable. Considering the most likely emergency will be a plague though, one wonders if Ashton is a insurance policy of sorts. Not to mention the possibility of these officials, contracting said virus, leaving a door open.
Seing someone from Belguim at the helm is scary. That nation epitomizes all that is wrong with the EU; its sucking up to multiculturalism, political correctectness and, yes, Islamism.
Mr Herman Van Rompuy EU-president, because he is a Catholic.
One religion, one currency and one Pope...
Rob in London,
Thank you for sharing with us, and your conclusions are spot on!!
As Martin Luther the Great Reformer said, "this world with devils filled would threaten to undo us".
We will never know true and lasting peace until the Prince of Peace rules and reigns, the government will be upon HIS shoulders.
The day will no doubt be here soon when they will throw their gold in the streets. Our only hope is in Jesus Christ, our time is best spent laying treasures up in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt. Like Abraham, we look for that better country, we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who have gone before, they cheer us on! Let us run our race and finish well, there is laid up for us an eternal reward.
Even so come Lord Jesus!
Friday November 20,2009
By Macer Hall
THE Belgian politician chosen as EU President has vented his fury at the Daily Express for branding him a clown, it emerged yesterday.
Herman Van Rompuy has been enraged by our crusade against the undemocratic stitch-up.
One Brussels source said the Belgian prime minister was furious over the Daily Express’s front page picture yesterday of a political poster portraying him as a clown.
“He was horrified and really angry when he looked at the newspaper,” said the source.
Mr Van Rompuy reportedly said: “How can they depict me in this way? This is a disgrace.”
Our front page revealed how Mr Van Rompuy had been ridiculed by his own sister.
Christine Van Rompuy – a member of a rival political party – helped to produce the poster showing her brother with a red nose and clown’s hat for a previous election campaign.
Last night Mr Van Rompuy and his Eurocrat friends were given a stark illustration of the extent of British rage at Brussels’ bullying when our poll revealed mass support for the UK quitting the European Union immediately.
More than 5,000 readers called our special voteline yesterday to back withdrawal from the increasingly dictatorial and bureaucratic union.
The uncompromising demand was supported by 99 per cent of callers in the poll.
Another poll found 97 per cent opposition to the idea of a Belgian taking over as EU President.
Readers continued to inundate the Daily Express yesterday with messages voicing their fury at the decision to make the unknown Van Rompuy EU President.
Victor Jones, 69, from Waterloo-ville, Hampshire, said: “We ought to have a mass demonstration. Block Downing Street and Parliament Square with people. We have to get out of Europe, we are sunk.”
Brian Hayes, 69, from Mansfield, Notts said: “Napoleon and Hitler will be laughing like hell. This has been all been done without our say.”
Stan Frost, 67, from Stockton-on-Tees, said: “I think we should come out because it’s costing us far too much money and the sovereignty of Britain is being undermined and the politicians of the three main leading parties are prepared to concede everything to an elite in Europe.
“Where is the Winston Churchill we need now? David Cameron has let us down by waving the white flag.”
Ron Roberts, 68, from Liverpool, said: “I personally think it’s been a big mistake. I have been a Labour voter all my life and I would never vote for Labour again.
“ As a pensioner, I live on £95 a week and these MPs and MEPs are parasites, who earn thousands and claim expenses and get subsidised food and say they can’t live. They don’t know how to survive. This country has gone to the dogs.”
Eileen Rasmussen, 83, from Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, said: “They have taken the Great out of Great Britain.”
Harry Herd, 70, from Ayrshire, said: “As far as I’m concerned we should never have been in the Common Market in the first place. This government is anti-British and I’m disgusted. Winston Churchill would be turning in his grave.”
David Wray, 68, from Gloucestershire, said: “Blair and Brown should be done for treason. The EU is scandalous, corrupt and self-serving. They are unaccountable. It’s sheer lunacy to do business with them.
“All people of my age group without exception say it’s complete folly to have anything to do with the EU.”
Ian McRoberts, 51, from Northern Ireland, said: “My wife is French and I lived in Paris for four years and I’m very European but anti EU. We are better out of it.”
More on the new kleptocrat in chief
Friday November 20,2009
By Macer hall
The prime minister of Belgium, a virtual nonentity on the world stage, was confirmed in the hugely powerful new job in a unanimous stitch-up by 27 national leaders over dinner in Brussels, as predicted in the Daily Express this week.
Herman Van Rompuy's massive pay package, revealed yesterday in leaked EU documents, will make him the highest paid leader in the Western world, earning more than US President Barack Obama. And in a shock appointment, his deputy will be Labour crony Baroness Ashton. The former quango chief and lobbyist was made the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs in a secretive deal brokered by Gordon Brown.
The appointments, which no one in Britain will ever get to vote on, were agreed over a two-hour dinner of truffles and sea bass. But the deal was last night branded an affront to democracy and another giant leap towards a meddling European superstate.
Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party, said: “The EU has appointed two political pygmies who have the power to remove the last vestiges of democracy from the UK. Baroness Ashton has never had a proper job and never been elected to public office. Naturally, from an EU point of view, that makes her ideally qualified to become the most powerful person in Europe.”
And turning to the presidential salary, he added:
“It is an outrageous burden on taxpayers to pay an unelected bureaucrat more than the president of the United States.” Mr Brown risked fuelling the anger by claiming the appointments would “help safeguard British interests”.
He said: “This will ensure that Britain remains where we want to be, at the heart of Europe.”
And he reacted angrily when the Daily Express pointed out that the president was “unelected”. “He was elected Prime Minister of Belgium,” said Mr Brown.
Brussels insiders have already dubbed Mr Van Rompuy, 62, the “Belgian waffler” for his boring style.
On getting his job, he promised to listen to all EU members. “Even though our unity is our strength, our diversity remains our wealth,” he said. One critic likened the grubby behind-closed-door deals in Brussels to a communist dictatorship.
Tory MP Douglas Carswell said: “This is rather like the way they used to choose leaders in Communist China or the former Yugoslavia.
“It is not how leaders should be chosen in a proper democracy. It shows the lack of accountability at the heart of the European Union.”
Lorraine Mullally, of the think tank Open Europe, said: “This is an out rageous stitch-up by Europe’s elite and a perfect illustration of just how out of touch and anti-democratic the EU now is.”....read more...
Just a reminder that, even though Javier Solana was from Madrid, Spain, he had an office in Belgium. So, maybe he didn't have to go very far to help recruit "candidates" for EU President?
Okay, this is "way out there," but perhaps JS believes he is the reincarnation of Hitler. Maybe in some evil way he is. How did Hitler die? Cyanide and a gunshot. A mortal wound.
"1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."
I could be very wrong about this, but reading JS saying he worked for the EU before he was born...makes me wonder!
This comment was made before Rompuy was voted in as EU President.....
Haiku Herman
Published: Wednesday November 18,2009 by JDoe
I'm a Belgian girl in my early twenties. Politics were always a subject of great importance in my family, so I do know what I'm talking about. I have seen some governments (both Belgium as Flanders). I must say I have never been more ashamed of my country's government then I'm now.
Ever since the elections of 2007, our federal government was hell.
Our first prime minister Leterme found his new Blackberry of greater importance than the formation of a government.
All politicians could eat each other because Leterme - unintentionally - leaked information about the formation to the press. When it became clear he would never be able to reign over this - complicated - country, Herman Van Rompuy became prime minister. The exact same person that said he didn't think about becoming prime minister in the first place. How about being hypocrite?
The change of prime minister didn't change one single thing about our government. Van Rompuy prefers to write Haiku's while thousands of people lose their jobs. But even when the unemployment increases, the taxes don't decrease. As if it doesn't matter that more and more people have to turn of (sic) the heating because otherwise they can't pay their bills?
I don't think that someone who can't even rule his own country, should rule over Europe. I don't say that there aren't good politicians in Belgium. But they are so involved with doing good things for their country, they don't even think about becoming EU's first president.
I do hope the European leaders make a good decision and don't vote for incompetent Herman.
The only positive thing of Van Rompuy becoming president of the EU, would be that Belgium loses him.....
Dear Rob in London:
Maybe Nazism is the "beast" that is dead that comes back to life?
(Also, maybe that is why Javier Solana considers himself "born again"?)
Great post, Susanna (@ 1:20 PM).
Hey, Herman - if you can't stand the heat, get out of the 'inferno' (LOL).
Anonymous 1:52,
Thanks. From what I can see, the Brits seem to be in an uproar - not only over Van Rumpuy, but also over Ashton.
It is likely that if Brown hustled Ashton to England as Lord Mandelson's replacement in the first place, it was to prevent a potentially major "Mandy" scandal from erupting publicly and to deprive the British people of any opportunity to vote against the Labor Party which was by then seriously slipping in the British polls.
It would also appear that Ashton very readily cooperated in helping to hush up Mandy's alleged monkeyshines!
From Revelation 13:
"the beast that was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit"
Nazism? (We thought the "beast" had died when Hitler died, but it has returned under the New World Order and their global Eugenics plan.)
The Latest from LifeSite News with an update:
New EU constitution does not allow for any public input into process
...Under the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty, finally ratified by all member states early this month, the office of President is chosen in secret negotiations among the leaders. The new constitution of the EU does not allow for any public input into the process.
In a deal known to have been worked out among leaders split into two political camps, the socialist government leaders will choose the EU's new "High Representative" or foreign minister and the group of centre-right countries, led by France and Germany, would nominate the president.
Not all EU politicians are comfortable with the opacity of the selection process. Brussels Journal reports that Vaira Vike-Freiberga, a Latvian candidate for the presidency said the search is being conducted with Soviet-style secrecy and contempt for the public. The EU, she says, should "stop working like the former Soviet Union ... in darkness and behind closed doors".
The Daily Telegraph quotes an unnamed Eastern European official complaining, "Trying to work out who is going to be President of the EU Council is not dissimilar to decoding who was in or out in the Kremlin in the 1970s.
"It seems strange to many of us that 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall we have to dust off our Kremlinology skills here in Brussels.".....read more...
The Second Coming (Slouching towards Bethlehem)
W.B Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert.
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
The culture has changed so much. So few people with standards in the center. Politicians and businessmen living for profits today, not caring about tomorrow, hoping that there will be moral people who will pick up the pieces. Kind of like those people who transferred jobs overseas and then said America is so creative it will just create new jobs.
Today I received emails from three different people who talked about a gold scam taking place where gold bars are just tungsten covered with a gold layer.
Here's one of the stories out there.
Interesting article, Susanna. My favorite quote is this one:
"It seems strange to many of us that 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall we have to dust off our Kremlinology skills here in Brussels."
Well, to those like myself who have never put our "Kremlinology" books on the shelf to collect dust, it doesn't seem strange at all.
There is a connectivity between the coming world government and the "World Revolution" that Communism has been trying to implement for generations now.
I think there is a convergence of strategies going on (more on a spiritual level as the strategies of our enemy - Satan, the grand deceiver - are played out).
We ignore Russia and China and Communism at our own peril. Many who study prophecy say that the US will be "removed" from the scene. What if it's our old enemy Communism that strikes us when we are occupied with many other trials? (Trials that have oddly been exacerbated by Obama....oddly, unless you still consider the possibility that people like Tom Fife and Alan Keyes and others are correct in that he was groomed and placed there by America's enemies.)
I realize I didn't add my name to the post that included the Yeats poem. Sometimes I get so involved in sharing I forget this little detail.
God bless you, Rob in London
A while back I suggested that the Health Care bill would be a push for the death of the elderly because of Medicare cuts and the push to have doctors discuss end times with patients.
England has always been a few years ahead of the US in the push for the political and spiritual New Age agenda. Check out this article.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article6924020.ece or
From The Times
November 20, 2009
Care in old age: we won’t pay, the State can’t
Eton is cheaper than the average nursing home. To pay the fees either we sell the house or bequeath our children the bill......
The government doesn't want to pay when they can spend on fripperies. Deny health care to the elderly and offer euthanasia is the goal.
Dear Marko,
I am in agreement with you about the dangers of writing off Russia, China and Communism.
Have you ever heard of Anatoliy Golitsyn?
If not, Golitsyn was a member of the Soviet KGB who defected to the United States with his wife and daughter on December 15, 1961.
....New Lies for Old
In 1984, Golitsyn published the book New Lies For Old, wherein he predicted the collapse of the communist bloc orchestrated from above. He warned about a long-term deception strategy designed to lull the West into a false sense of security, and finally economically cripple and diplomatically isolate the United States. Among other things, Golitsyn stated:
"The 'liberalization' [in the Soviet Union] would be spectacular and impressive. Formal pronouncements might be made about a reduction in the communist party's role; its monopoly would be apparently curtailed."
"If [liberalization] should be extended to East Germany, demolition of the Berlin Wall might even be contemplated."
"The European Parliament might become an all-European socialist parliament with representation from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. 'Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals' would turn out to be a neutral, socialist Europe."
Angleton and Golitsyn reportedly sought the assistance of William F. Buckley, Jr. (himself once a CIA man) in writing New Lies for Old. Buckley refused but later went on to write a novel about Angleton, Spytime: The Undoing of James Jesus Angleton.[12]
The Perestroika Deception
In 1995 he published a book containing purported memoranda attributed to Golitsyn entitled The Perestroika Deception which claimed:
"The [Soviet] strategists are concealing the secret coordination that exists and will continue between Moscow and the 'nationalist' leaders of [the] 'independent' republics."
"The power of the KGB remains as great as ever... Talk of cosmetic changes in the KGB and its supervision is deliberately publicized to support the myth of 'democratization' of the Soviet political system."
"Scratch these new, instant Soviet 'democrats,' 'anti-Communists,' and 'nationalists' who have sprouted out of nowhere, and underneath will be found secret Party members or KGB agents." ...read entire article...
More on Golitsyn....
More on
As for Obama, I believe that he was SELECTED, not ELECTED!
Yes, I quite agree with you regarding Golitsyn. I have both of his books, and in fact help moderate a discussion board that talks about the very thesis of his books, and how close we are to seeing the final phase of the long-term deception strategy of the Communists put into action.
Anyone interested in studying this important topic (it goes hand in hand with the things discussed here, I believe) can email me for more info (website address of the discussion forum, etc).
My email is mark|at|spacetubes|dot|com.
For those interested, Golitsyn's book "New Lies For Old" can be found online by doing a Google search for the following string and clicking on the first link that appears:
"new lies for old" conspiracy research document library
J. R. Nyquist writes on this topic as well. In fact, here's a rather recent interview with Nyquist, which is rather sobering as well regarding where we are as a nation strategically speaking:
When reading that article, remember that our current "main" enemy (as defined by mainstream media and almost everyone else you hear) - modern Islamic terrorism - was birthed by the KGB back in the Soviet era. And folks, the KGB hasn't gone away, and neither has their strategy of defeating the West, and America in particular.
Re:When reading that article, remember that our current "main" enemy (as defined by mainstream media and almost everyone else you hear) - modern Islamic terrorism - was birthed by the KGB back in the Soviet era.
If you go back to the previous thread you will see the article I posted on the Ba'athist Party (a.k.a. Arab Socialism):
Once in power, the nature of Baathism changed. Both in Syria and Iraq, economic and military necessity required an alliance with the Soviet Union, eroding the old anti-communism. The attractions of power resulted in personal corruption...
IMHO, the Communists/Socialists have adopted the Gramscian strategy which is understood as so-called "inculturation."
This so-called "inculturation" involves emptying the elements of any given culture of their traditional meanings and assigning a new socialist meaning to them.
In the religious sphere, a perfect example of this would be "Liberation Theology," which is nothing more than Marxism tricked out in "Christian" wraps.
The church of Barack Obama was headed by the minister known as Rev. Jeremiah Wright who basically preached Black Liberation Theology.
To Anonymous 2:34pm.
Re:Revelation 13
I believe your quote is from
Revelation 17:8.There is no beast that "was and is not" in chapter 13
that I was able to find.
In light of Javier Solana's statements that he would be giving advice to his successor and considering that Spain was one of her nominators, it is looking increasingly to me as though Solana will be calling shots with even more invisibility than he has enjoyed in past. His interview yesterday that he was a REFORMER not a REVOLUTIONARY was telling!
Such friends she has:
1. Peter Mandelson ("Prince of Darkness).
2. Javier Solana
3. Stonewall (LBGT) homosexuality advocacy group
4. Gordon Brown
She apparently did not get this by somebody throwing dice or flipping coins.
She worked diligently to see that the Brits were deprived of a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty issue.
Talk about sock puppets! She will most likely be a sock puppet for Javier Solana and Peter Mandelson and beyond.
Considering the position the EU took on the school crucifixes, I doubt that they will be doing many favors for the Pope.
Dear JD:
I don't know. How does he look clean shaven, without his glasses and with a half mustache?
Cautious for good reason!
Sorry Dave in Battle Creek:
That should have gone to you and not to JD
Cautious for good reasons
If you think about it, the "REFORMER" mode of Javier Solana fits right in with the Gramscian strategy of "inculturation."
...What are the sinister origins of inculturation? Antonio Gramsci, like Marx and Lenin, was a communist. However, unlike these two, Gramsci didn't believe that violent revolution would ever be victorious worldwide. He had a better idea.
In working as a drama critic for the socialist Italian organization Avanti, Gramsci developed this thesis: "That those who want to change society must first change men's consciousness."
To do this, they must control the institutions through which consciousness is formed: schools, universities, the arts and communications industry and "especially" the churches. Gramsci's famous battle cry was "Capture the culture."...
Revelation 13:3 (New King James Version)
"And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast."
Revelation 17:8 (KJV)
"The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is."
Revelation 17:11 (KJV)
"And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition."
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you once wrote that you didn't believe "the beast" was Communism because Communism has never died - whereas, we once thought that Nazism had died with Adolph Hitler's death.
(Sorry - here's the rest of that first link.)
"I realize I didn't add my name to the post that included the Yeats poem. Sometimes I get so involved in sharing I forget this little detail.
Thank you Dorothy for posting that poem - so timely and elegantly written - shows somewhat that these speculations are of an 'age' so to speak and that folk have been observing the continued fall of man for a very long time - So many of us have been brought up to believe that though man may have been "fallen", somehow he is falling no more - this is the philosophy of progressives and certainly the left but also of the great cult of individualism which has swept conservative thinking in America - it is important to remember that since Adam the trend has been a continued decline even as we head toward the "new earth" promised by Christ Jesus -
Some of our friends who are not believers look around in despair and anger and ask "who can we turn to? Who can we trust? Our world is crumbling!" and I hope we tell them with all confidence that God is their strength, hope, light and never failing guide -
God Bless
comment on heath Care and Euthanasia - I realize this is not on topic for this blog but in the interests of education I thought this would be of interest to the readers of this blog:
"Democrats largely identify themselves as friends of the underdog and protectors of the weak. What better way to open their eyes to the injustice of PAS than by pointing out the potential for victimization of the disabled and poor at the hands of an often profit-driven health-care industry?
At this point, your interlocutor will likely argue that "Doctors would never do that," or that there should be guidelines to make sure that this victimization could never take place. The best response is simply to have a look at euthanasia in Europe (including its legal form in the Netherlands).
Many familiar with the history of euthanasia recognize that the idea was a natural outgrowth of social Darwinism, where the strong survive and the weak are left behind. According to the New York State Task Force report, "The practice of mass murder in Nazi Germany... began with the active killing of the severely ill, and built upon earlier proposals advanced by leading German physicians and academics of the 1920s.... Like policies currently advocated in the United States, these proposals were limited to the incurably ill, and mandated safeguards such as review panels." R. J. Lifton, author of The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide, is quoted in the report as saying that the phrases "life unworthy of life" and "killing as a therapeutic imperative" were vital in soothing the public's conscience when it came to the Nazi program of genocide: "The medicalization of killing -- the imagery of killing in the name of healing -- was crucial to that terrible step."
It's ironic that the Netherlands -- whose doctors once refused the Nazis' genocidal agenda -- is now the site of the most extensive assisted suicide and euthanasia program in the world. Though euthanasia was not legalized in the Netherlands until 2002, it was commonly practiced well before then, with almost no danger of prosecution for the doctors performing it. The International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide reports that, according to the Dutch government–sponsored "Remmelink Report" examining death rates in Holland from 1990:
• 2,300 people died through voluntary euthanasia
• 400 died through assisted suicide
• 1,040 died through involuntary euthanasia -- euthanasia was performed without the patient's knowledge or consent, even though 72 percent of those patients had never indicated any desire for it
• 8,100 died from a deliberate overdose of pain medication to hasten the patient's death, though in 61 percent of these cases the patient gave no consent.
Of the estimated 130,000 deaths in Holland in 1990, 9.1 percent were the direct result of assisted suicide or euthanasia. And given that these numbers were voluntarily provided by doctors at a time when euthanasia was still technically illegal, it's likely that the actual number of deaths through euthanasia was even higher. According to a February 1999 article in the Journal of Medical Ethics, almost 59 percent of euthanasia cases in Holland in 1995 went unreported, in clear violation of the guidelines in place. However, not a single Dutch doctor was prosecuted under the criminal charges of euthanasia, assisted suicide, or anything related."
From an article at Inside Catholic .com
Melinda - to be continued
Euthanasia was technically illegal but not prosecuted in the Netherlands for more than a decade. Today, those over 16 can be euthanized for any reason; in certain circumstances, those as young as twelve can opt for euthanasia. Currently, the Netherlands is considering allowing euthanasia for infants, though some Dutch doctors have openly admitted to euthanizing infants already. Those who believe there is no "slippery slope" need to take another look.
And while some may argue that the situation in the Netherlands at least offers patients more options when faced with end-of-life decisions, the reality is just the opposite. Hospice care -- palliative centers that make up an important component of end-of-life treatment -- is practically nonexistent in Holland. England, for example, had 183 hospices in 1999. The Netherlands, with a quarter of England's population, had only three. Clearly, with such easy access to euthanasia, little effort is expended to offer alternatives to end-of-life pain management when it's not as cost-effective as a quick death.
What does this have to do with the United States? Dr. Herbert Hendin, executive director of the American Suicide Foundation, made the connection clear in his 1996 testimony before Congress, wherein he declared that Dutch "patients and doctors...see assisted suicide and euthanasia, intended as an unfortunate necessity in exceptional cases, as almost a routine way of dealing with serious or terminal illness. The [American] public has the illusion that legalizing assisted suicide and euthanasia will give them greater autonomy. If the Dutch experience teaches us anything, it is that euthanasia enhances the power and control of doctors who can suggest it, not give patients obvious alternatives, ignore patients' ambivalence, and even put to death patients who have not requested it."
This is the "safety" that guidelines provide, as both history and current events have borne out. If we were to open the doors to PAS in the United States, a brave new world of involuntary euthanasia would be inevitable.
And as a final comment I have already been given the "end of life care" talk by my doctor or rather by extension, my social worker who works at the clinic where I receive dialysis three times a week - her words: "you can choose to reject treatment and the clinic and your doctor will help you through the dying process". In the years to come if euthanasia is given further reign - the message will change to: " We encourage you to consider euthanasia as an alternative to expensive and painful treatment - and we will help to make you comfortable through the dying process."
even so, come Lord Jesus!
Constance, check this out...
(especially just before the 2 minute mark until the end)
The interview Constance referred to can be found by linking to Fulfilled Prophecy, or you can follow this link:
In the interview JS is planning on being an advisor to the new foreign minister. He only plans on doing so in "private." Which makes me wonder if this will make it more difficult to know what he's up to. He can just hide in the shadows and play puppet master, and avoid the light that certain bloggers have been shining on him.
Almost sounds like a movie!
May God bless you, and give you strength and watch over you, Melinda.
You will be in my prayers.
I will be interviewing Hilmer Von Campe Saturday Nov. 21st. For those not familiar with him I suggest looking him up on the net. The program airs Saturday night at 9pm eastern time on: www.ztalkradio.com
Dear Dorothy,
Thank you so much for sharing the W.B. Yeats poem.
So very timely.
By His Grace,
Dear Melinda,
"Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
-Psalms 73:23-26
May the Lord heal you and bring you great peace as you rely on His stength.
You are in my prayers, Sweetheart.
By His Grace,
Melinda, your information was valuable to those unaware of what is happening. Under no circumstances sign a living will. With that in their hands, they can justify anything they do to your body.
Euthanasia is part of the New Age world view, so your information was appropriate. We need to know what is happening in this country and not just what goes on in Europe. In the book Modern Fascism by Gene Veith, he points out that in fascism morality is based on the needs of the community rather than respect for the individual. Getting rid of those who are considered no longer productive for the benefit of the community is considered a good thing.
The elderly use up more medical money in the last few years of their lives than they do in all of the preceding ones. By limiting medical care under whatever excuse they want to use, it will make it much easier for both doctors and patients to make the end come faster. That will be the result of the Medicare cuts, not some mythical idea of stopping waste.
What I went through between 1998 and 2001 when the medical care system we were with wanted my husband to end his life (he refused to die for them), the tricks they pulled, and how they tried to convince me to talk him into it would make an absorbing story.
To Anonymous 7:40
You are correct. The New Age is distinctly different form Communism. It may well make Communism, evil as it was and is, look like a Sunday School picnic before its over.
NAZISM is the beast that was dead and comes back to life, at least that's my present perspective based on time and events.
It is ironic that the British media are up in arms about the appontments when they failed to communicate exactly what the treaty was really all about.
They excercised what seemed like a self imposed media blackout.
Now its all too late, they are all of a sudden, champions of truth and justice. What a farce.
If this had been reported accurately from the start, there would be no Lisbon treaty.
What do we have on the front pages every single day? Celebrity gossip!
My oh My
Anyway, we are in the thick of it now and with Copenhagen close we can expect things to be pretty well stitched up.
Thank God for Jesus.
"In the book Modern Fascism by Gene Veith, he points out that in fascism morality is based on the needs of the community rather than respect for the individual."
If that is so, then COMMUNITARIANISM is like Fascism because that's what COMMUNITARIANS (Bush, Clinton, Obama, et al) claim. Maybe COMMUNITARIANISM is just a new name for the Beast who was dead but came back to life.
Dear Jaclyn, (posted at 12:00 PM.)
Thank you for your kind encouragement. I agree completely with your continuance on my point here.
Sorry for my somewhat late reply, this has a little to do with time differences between the UK and US (the habitual run of daily life, e.g., I may be sleeping when a post is sent, and vice versa). I have also been occupied with other unavoidable things lately.
Thank you,
God bless and peace be with you,
Rob in London.
Regardless of who the beast is who died and came back to life, (and I think Nazism makes the most sense, although the parties over Communism's "death" were just as loud and declaratory when the Berlin Wall fell), there is definitely the same spirit at work in all the "utopian" ideologies - New Age, Communism, Nazism, whatever. Gramsci's quote above that Susanna posted says much:
In working as a drama critic for the socialist Italian organization Avanti, Gramsci developed this thesis: "That those who want to change society must first change men's consciousness."
New Agers are all about changing the consciousness, or the hearts, of men. We all know that only a spiritual event can change men's hearts, but all of the destructive utopian dreams from the past (and which still live today in one way or another) try to create that change by external methods - we must change the structure of society, or whatever other structures are seen to be "evil", like capitalism.
A fascinating article that ties together the Red-Green-Brown Totalitarianisms of the past century (Red=Communism, Green=Islam, Brown=Fascism) was written a few years ago by Alexandre Del Valle and is called "The Reds, The Browns and the Greens or The Convergence of Totalitarianisms." It is a little lengthy, but is one of a handful of articles written by a European intellectual that I actually enjoyed reading. :^)
This article also gives much fuel to the argument that Nazism/Islamism have many ties, and in fact that Nazism might be the beast that was dead and has risen again, but adds the twist (I think, anyway) that Islamism could possibly be the form that the risen beast has taken. (That's why I see this as an important article for students of prophecy to read.)
English version found here:
The New Age is different from other utopian ideologies only in this: The New Age thinks it has found a new "spiritual template" for changing men's hearts. It's spiritual alright - straight from the pit of hell! Wrong spirit! It's like the anti-Spirit working in the hearts of men will create an "anti-revival", taking a lot of humanity to the dark side in a spiritual possession by our enemy.
All of these ideologies have rejected the reality of our Jehovah God, and think that we are masters of our own destinies. It's just that the New Age is taking the resulting spiritual vacuum and trying to replace it with a false spirituality that instead of reconciling Man with God, reconciles Man with the enemy of God.
Scary, when you think about it, and that central theme is reflected in the title and content of your first book, Constance, "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The Coming Age of Barbarianism." Communism was no Sunday picnic, not even compared to the New Age and what is to come. According to the Black Book of Communism, up to 100 million people have died because of it. Tell the ones who died in the Gulags that they were on a picnic.
Only God knows what the body count will be because of the New Age, but I feel that the body count of Communism has not been finalized yet. If Russia/China/etc attack us, along with perhaps invading Europe on their way to invading Israel, that is WW3, and more than a few will die. And I think that it all could happen before the rise of the Antichrist.
What European power would stop a Russian invasion? They are not called Euroweenies for nothing.
Our time is short, and we need to pray for workers to go forth into the harvest, for the harvest is ripe and plentiful, and the workers are few!
By the way, I deeply apologize, Constance, if I seemed to "scold" you for not thinking that Communism was all that evil - I know that you think it is. I came across poorly in the way I wrote that part of my post above.
It's just that I think we can focus so much on the future evil to come via the New Age, we miss that there might be other evil things that might happen first, and we should be aware of those, too. The people on the board that I help moderate focus too much on the Communistic threat, and ignore or even laugh at the dangers of the New Age, and wrongly so. It all needs to be looked at with balance and good judgment.
Communism is not dead, and in my opinion, is the Next Big Thing to come at the world from the pit of Satan. Or perhaps it could all come at us at once. Certainly it will be a time of trouble coming on the world that has never been seen and never will be seen again.
I think that whatever happens, it will happen quickly and we won't have a chance to "stop and catch our breath for a few years."
May God's right arm uphold the remnant and those who remain faithful to Him!
Anonymous said... 1:46 PM
"Dear Rob in London:
Maybe Nazism is the "beast" that is dead that comes back to life?
(Also, maybe that is why Javier Solana considers himself "born again"?)"
Dear Anonymous, it is common practice for those that consider themselves adept in the ancient Babylonian mystery religions to talk about this being, "born again". Moreover, the choice of wording is such, I am sure, so as to 'conveniently' mock Christianity whilst similtaneously pretending to be part of Christianity, i.e., to hoodwink the general crowds.
This is what George Bush Jnr. meant when he too claimed to be "born again".
It is interesting you mention Nazism here, as the Skull and Bones Society, which the Bush family have long been members of, with their initiation HQ at Yale Uni, is almost identical in ritual belief and practice, to that of the Thule Society, which is otherwise known as The German Brotherhood of Death Society, whence Skull and bones came.
Part of the initiation ceremony at Yale, involves lying in a coffin doing unmentionable things and then it being announced once the initiate has passed this rite of passage that he is "reborn" or "born again".
So, do I believe Solana believes or is asserting that he is Hitler reincarnated when he says he is "born again"? The answer is no.
I do, however, believe they have ultimately the same agenda as the Nazis. ( Check out the wicked plans of the satanist and 33 degree mason Albert Pike) Do you know that from as early as 1909, and probably earlier, that the Scottish Rite Freemasonry journal was known as 'The New Age' it only changed its name very recently indeed!
God bless,
Rob in London.
Secondly, Marco, whilst I detest Communism with every bone in my body, I also detest unrestrained Capitalism with all its greed and misery. As a Brit, I find it very strange that Americans do not want those who cannot afford health care to be helped by the State. Isn't this a way of getting rid of the disabled etc by the back door? I personally believe that we should help those who are less fortunate than ourselves, and that the State, because man is often too greedy to help his neighbour voluntarily, should limitedly intervene. In the same way, the State intervenes to enforce the law and keep the peace, ideally, through the instrument of the Police. So, there are LIMITED necessary functions of the State to prevent, to punish, and to cure!This is not Communism, it is called Civilisation. No, I'm not for Obama. He is a puppet anyway, just as Brown is here. I just don't equate have a health care system available to all with Communism. Still, when you see all those homeless Americans and ones that died suffering from curable diseases they could not afford to cure themselves in the richest country in the World, and the Lord says, when did you help your brother in need? What will you answer?
God bless, sorry I was a bit harsh in my last comment, but I don't support racism!
Rob in London.
This is a very powerful Christian song with relation to my last message.
The Great American Novel
Larry Norman "The Great American Novel"
Question: Do you think Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour was a commie because he fed and healed the poor and lame? What about when he said it was harder for a rich man to get into Heaven than it was for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle (gate), was he a commie then?
Answer: The answer to both points is, of course this did NOT make him a communist!
How do you think we SHOULD behave, therefore, and how OUGHT those running Governments then behave?
Rob in London.
Constance and Marko,
As you are probably both already aware, I come from a Roman Catholic background.
From my perspective, you are BOTH right.
The reason why is because Communism and Nazism are BOTH forms of socialism with Nazism being the more blatantly satanic.
Nazism was - and still is - based on the so-called "Fuhrerprinzip" or "Leader Principle" which is much more in conformity to the "emperor worship," which, along with gnosticism, was one of the two chief dangers to the Church at the time of the writing of the Apocalypse ( a.k.a. Book of Revelations ).
If, on the other hand, the New Age Movement appears to be distinctly different from Communism, it is because the Communists have been much more secretive about their own occult roots in so far as they pretend to officially profess "atheism" and any standard historical research has tended to focus almost exclusively on the political, economic and social dimensions of Communism.
But few people are aware that Karl Marx was reportedly a self-professed satanist and belonged to an infamous group in Germany known as the "doktorklub" - so-named for the infamous legendary Dr. Faust who sold his soul to the devil for knowledge - especially knowledge of the black arts - because he was unsatisfied with the knowledge he was able to gain as a man alone.
Towards the end of this post is an article about the occult roots of the Russian Revolution. It pretty much corresponds with my own research over the past 25+ years into the occult revival of the 19th-century with a special emphasis on France, which has been referred to on more than one occasion as "the promised land of satanism!"
My research has focused on what the late Carrie Tomko and I learned was referred to as the "right wing" of the New Age Movement in so far as it focused on the WESTERN ESOTERIC TRADITION that had its origins in the heretical gnosticism beginning with Simon Magus that had been proliferating at the time of the writing of the Book of Revelations.
France is where modern socialism as we currently know it originated with the utopian socialism of the Saint-Simonans. In 19th-century France some very famous occultists like Papus were very influential in Russia.
were Johannites whose "seeress" and "prophetess" Marguerite - Therese des Innard Bouche (a.k.a. "Sister Salome") tried to worm her way into the court of Russia in an attempt to infiltrate and influence the so-called "Holy Alliance" between Russia Prussia and Austria until she was supplanted by a rival "prophet" named Baroness Barbara Juliane von Krudener whose father happened to be a leading Freemason.
After Madame Bouche was displaced by Madame Krudener, she returned to France where she subsequently teamed up with the infamous gnostic/satanist Eugene Vintras and, vis a vis her "revelations," backed a pretender to the French throne - a GERMAN clockmaker named Karl Wilhelm Naundorff who started his own church.
It may have been an indirect attempt on the part of Madame Bouche and her occultist confreres to infiltrate the "Holy Alliance" since the mother of the real Louis XVII would have been Marie Antoinette of Austria.
Another important thing to note is that Vintras was associated with a Polish Messianist and Martinist named Andrej Towianski. Martinism is "esoteric Christianity" and is based largely on the so-called "Christian Cabala."
Since the founding of the "irregular" form of Masonry known as the Martinist Lodge, the Jews have often been falsely blamed for Martinist perfidy. The so-called "Protocols" are probably a good example.
Pete at 5:14 AM, you are spot on mate!
God bless.
Rob in London.
After rereading sections of Jonah Goldberg's book, Liberal Fascism, I had an insight. Whether it's the label Nazism, Communism, Communitarianism, or New Age, it's a zoo keepers worldview. All of these were systems set up to take care of a community's physical needs, shelter, food, entertainment, in the same way a zoo keeper takes care of his animals. Of course such a system isn't going to work because humans are too complex. So the planners add another level of control, welfare, medical care, schooling, political control, pre-digested information for the masses. Each time the individual is diminished for the good of the mass of people. Of course the planners do not consider themselves among the masses that need control. After a while they go mad with their desire for control to make their idea of utopia happen.
Each time the planners add another layer. In the case of New Age, the current breed of planners have added "New Age Spirituality" to "New Age Politics." The spirituality part is an effort to pre-condition the masses to accept the political end of control of the masses to a utopian end.
The spirituality part is not only that which is sold through Oprah and New Age magazines. It has been pushed through the public schools and through religious organizations. The plan isn't new. It was predicted by H. G. Wells in his book Open Conspiracy (available free on line
Nobody plans a disastrous end to a utopian scheme. Hitler didn't; Stalin didn't; New Age planners don't. It's human hubris.
Zoo keepers never take into account human needs such as guidance about morality, spiritual needs, free will, and the unlimited potential of the human brain. They believe the things they are taught in zoo keepers school can apply to people.
I've heard about Marx being a Satanist too, Susanna. I agree completely that both Nazism and Communism are tracably Satanic in origin, but also believe that unbridled Neo-American Capitalism, in the way in which we have now, is also Satanic. Most of the World is starving, with 1800 CHILDREN dying daily from hunger. It's just the other side of this Hegelian dialectic. So that a plutocratic communitarian (for the mases) society can be established, creating a complete underclass, with no middle class, and a super-rich cabal. Where all, just as under Communism, are totally reliant on the State for their needs, with its Soviet style bread-queues etc.
Rob in London.
The following is the aforementioned article entitled
At the end of World War II, everyone did indeed think that Nazism was dead.
However, it is anything but. There is every possibility that it could come back to life.
Nazism was basically one of the forms socialist "inculturation" assumed in Germany
It is very likely that Gramscian Communism will once again morph into what the late Father Vincent Miceli referred to in his excellent book ANTICHRIST the "sinful social structure" within which Antichrist will be nurtured and over which he will sieze power.
The architects of said "sinful social structure" would be the equivalent of counterfeit "John the Baptists" making straight the paths for the advent of the "man of sin."
The 19th-century occult obsession with John the Baptist (vis a vis Johannite cults) speaks volumes in this regard.
Anyone who does not think that Nazism could "come back to life" need only investigate the history of people like Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, and the "Hitlerism/Espteric Nazism" they espoused and propagated - along with the history of ODESSA and Nazi survival strategies after the Second World War..
Then perhaps they will understand what Constance has been so faithfully keeping in her crosshairs these past 25+ years.
Dear Dorothy,
Yes, it is very much like Brave New World. People are told, encouraged and prodded, what to watch, what clothes to wear, music to listen to, who to emulate. With their soma packaged holidays, and set postions. They are controlled to the point of enjoying their servitude. It is totally diabolical, and your right, the planners see themselves as the Platonic Philosopher Kings ont having to be under this same ghastly spell.
God bless,
Rob in London.
The book I found which documents some of Marx's involvements with Satanism is called Marx and Satan by Wurmbrand. Read the comments section at Amazon. http://tinyurl.com/y8ulf5s
Put out the $5 including shipping and get a copy rather than just guessing.
Rob, just what makes you think that politicians and capitalists should and will remain moral people when the rest of society around them is immoral. Lazy, greedy, immoral people are all around you. England has always been several years ahead of the US in acceptance of New Age ideas. You want capitalists to be concerned about the health care of immigrants in England but where are the private charitable people who used to do this as a result of their spiritual beliefs? There was a comedy routine here in the US which I'm sure reached England. The comic figure always answered with "It's not my job."
Dear Rob in London,
Re:I agree completely that both Nazism and Communism are tracably Satanic in origin, but also believe that unbridled Neo-American Capitalism, in the way in which we have now, is also Satanic. Most of the World is starving, with 1800 CHILDREN dying daily from hunger. It's just the other side of this Hegelian dialectic....
Of course, you are correct.
No economic system should monopolize and then deny anyone the absolute necessities of life for any reason.
It is my understanding that this is precisely what the Antichrist will do.
Moreover, the Hegelian dialectic is itself a deceptive lie.....based as it is on the groundless assumption that reality is arranged in "pairs of opposites."
Recall C.S. Lewis' warning:
The Devil always sends errors into the world in pairs:pairs of opposites. He relies on your extra dislike of one to draw you gradually into the opposite one. But do not let us be fooled. We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight through between both errors. We have no other concern than that with either of them." (Mere Christianity)
It was the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen who once asked rhetorically if, at the end of the day, there was any difference between one regime in which the means of production were concentrated in the hands of a few "commissars" and another in which the means of production were concentrated in the hands of a few elite laisser-faire cpitalists or fascists.
It would appear that in either case the means of production wind up being concentrated in the hands of an elite few while the plight of the poor remains the same - except in cases where "the poor" feel themselved compelled to sell heir consciences for bread.
In the days of the Cold War, there was a sardonic joke making the rounds in the former Soviet Union to the effect that:
"In Capitalism, the domination of men by men prevails, but in Socialism, it is just the other way around!"
God Bless,
Chill pill time. I meant no offense to you personally, or the Brits, for that matter. By Euroweenies, I mean the bureaucratic EU wimps who bow to Russia every chance they get, and feel like NATO should be disbanded in favor of having Russia protect them from radical Islamic missiles if they ever come raining down. Russia is close to succeeding in one of its long-time goals of dividing, and even destroying NATO, or at least causing it to become powerless to stop any Russian plans for invasion.
There is no racism in my statement, only a comment on the foreign policy of Europe in general. Americans and Europeans have a common cultural heritage that goes back over a thousand years. We are of the same blood, my friend! It is the Eastern powers who share no common ground with us culturally, and who are enemies to the core.
But.....Jesus loves them all!! And so should we. That doesn't stop me from sounding a warning about their plans for our destruction, however.
When you say that Russia would have been nuked into the stone age, you are speaking about the past. Then, war planning was based on the (false, in my opinion) assumption that nuclear war is unwinnable and unthinkable, and therefore we had to make it so that if either side were to start a nuclear war, every scenario would lead to complete destruction of both sides. That is madness, alright, but it is based on the falsehood that a nuclear war is unwinnable.
I can assure you that Russia has always planned on fighting, and winning, a nuclear war with the West. That they would lose a substantial proportion of their own people in the process means NOTHING to the leaders in the Kremlin. Think for a moment how evil, and how different that thinking is from our own leaders' thinking. Stop thinking like the West and think more diabolical, and you will begin to see the strategy of Russia and the East.
The conditions of MAD no longer exist. Obama is speeding up the process that was already started by Bush of disarming America's strategic nuclear arsenal. We are laying down our only defensive weapon to try and be the "example to the world" that a world without nuclear weapons is possible and desirable. While it may be desirable, it is NOT possible anymore, and it is folly to believe so. Obama is an "enemy within" as far as I'm concerned in regards to our defenses.
Again I ask: If Russia wanted to, today (not 20 years ago in the age of MAD), invade Europe, who would stop them? Europe has been disarmed, as well as America, and not just in matters of weapons and troop strength. The will to fight a war and win it has been ripped from our souls, and in the case of fighting a nuclear war and winning it, the will to do that I believe never even existed. Isn't this lack of warrior mentality obvious since at least Desert Storm, and even earlier? That is one big advantage that our enemies in the East have over the West.
By the way, I don't watch TV anymore, unless it's to catch up on the much-slanted news or to see how wrong the weatherman can be today. :^)
Capitalism, like Communism, is a tool. And considering the sinful nature of Man, it is the best tool to use to achieve the most just results for the greatest number of people. Compare the number of people having their needs met in capitalistic societies vs. the number of people having their needs met in a non-capitalistic societies. There is no comparison! Capitalism wins, hands down.
The problem in America, and in the rest of the West, is that we Christians have allowed the State to usurp our rightful duty to love our neighbor and meet his needs on a personal level. There are many ways we have let this duty slip from our hands, and it is shameful. Many will answer for it when they stand before the Creator on that day.
The State meets needs in an inefficient manner, and does so by taking from some and giving to others - legalized robbery, essentially.
The Biblical mandate for the existence of the state is to execute justice and maintain order. That's it. No mention of meeting the basic needs of people - whether it be health care or whatever. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." That is the creed of Marxism, and Statism, because to implement that vision without first changing the heart, takes an external, coercive force. Hence, Communism and the Gulag.
However, I agree that the state can perform some kind of minimal care for its citizens when the people cannot somehow provide for those needs themselves.
In the end, people will be lovers of themselves, and therefore capitalism will begin to fail, and fail miserably. Our form of government was meant for a moral people, and no other. When the people become immoral (and by and large, they have), then that system of government meant for a moral people will fail. I believe we are in the death throes even now. Obama is a plant to make sure that the death of America is hastened. Maybe part of God's judgment on America has begun by allowing an Anti-American to be elected president.
Christians, especially those in America, I believe, will be judged harshly for our lack of loving our neighbor, which Larry Norman and others so eloquently (and ahead of their time, I might add) sang about. It saddens God to see so much suffering in such a blessed land. I think at some point soon (probably when Obama's foreign policy completely abandons Israel, which it is close to doing already), God's hand of mercy will be removed from this land, and His hand of judgment will be felt. And judgment begins with the house of the LORD.
We should be on our knees in repentance day and night both individually, and as a nation!
By Derek Brett, Conscience and Peace Tax International
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (ECHR) has recently made a very dangerous judgement for freedom of religion or belief in the Bayatyan v. Armenia case which puts it out of step with the international standards on conscientious objection to military service and with the Council of Europe's own human rights agenda, notes Derek Brett of Conscience and Peace Tax International
http://www.cpti.ws in a commentary for Forum 18 News Service
I like you brother! You are a nice guy, I just wish you'd clarified, or I'd held my cool and asked you for clarification. I'm sorry for jumping down your throat. I understand what you're saying here, and I agree with you. Did you know that the Russians helped to concoct this EU through the back door in Europe? Also, VP Biden was complicit in the knowledge of what the Russians were up to as far back as the early eighties. A friend of mine in London, Pavlo Stroilov, is a Russian exile and wrote a book exposing this, based on documents he'd smuggled out of Russia, called EUSSR.
God bless you, and thanks for your peace. Peace be with you too.
Rob in London. (smiles)
Dear Marko, By the way, we too in the, what was once the, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, should be on our knees both individually and as a nation in repentance before God, and asking The Father to forgive us in Jesus Name.
God bless you,
Rob in London.
many time I read about the antichrist entering Jerusalem on a donkey. it must be from the "Armageddon Script".
if JS is the one, wouldn't it be nice for him to come as a savior ?
It is interesting that Mrs ASHTON was made baronness but we do not know for what reason.
For me I see some light in searching into bloodline. JOHN at tribwatch has been working at it for many years and his work was not in vain. it is another side of the story.
Dear Susanna,
I agree, the Hegelian dialectic is diabolical. I also believe, however, that such is employed by those behind this great conspiracy to bring the masses through conditioning via media, institutes of education etc., is not just THESIS versus ANTITHESIS, i.e., two polar opposites, which are the modus operandi of two tributaries leading to the resultant river named SYNTHESIS.
I believe my understanding of how the powers behind this NWO NAM conspiracy manipulate the masses is in agreement with the quote from C. S. Lewis, you have cited:
"The Devil always sends errors into the world in pairs:pairs of opposites. He relies on your extra dislike of one to draw you gradually into the opposite one. But do not let us be fooled. We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight through between both errors. We have no other concern than that with either of them." (Mere Christianity)".
God bless you, and peace be with you,
Rob in London.
I believe I read that Catherine Ashton was a "life peer" rather than a hereditary peer. She was given a semi-royal title because of her poitical life.
Or as she put it on one video, "A cross between royalty and politician, but not quite a princess."
Coca-Cola leads cheering section for 1-world climate change taxes
100 companies push '16 days left to seal deal' on $10 trillion treaty
Posted: November 17, 2009
2:36 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Hopenhagen "passport"
Coca-Cola is spearheading a coalition of more than 100 companies pushing a United Nations climate treaty to bind the U.S. to cap-and-trade emissions regulation, commit the world's wealthiest nations to a potential $10 trillion in foreign aid and, possibly, form a proposed international "super-grid" for regulating and distributing electric power worldwide.
Dave in CA
Was Javair a "John the Baptist?" or is Hermon/Ashton? I sense a in like a lamb our like a lion sernio about to take place.
I don't see Javair, man in general, with a deprived nature, giving up that much power and fading away.
Whether we have a George W. Bush or a Barack Obama in the Oval Office, the fact remains that both men were put in place as "puppets" of the New World Order - with the same long term goals and agenda - just different "methods" of achieving those goals. (It was no accident that we had two Skull & Bones candidates - Bush & Kerry - competing for President in 2004.)
And, whether it's Nazism or Communism, both are EVIL systems used to control the masses.
In other words, the NWO hierarchy (e.g. those within the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations - made up of both Republicans and Democrats) are ALL "on the same page" (as far as long term goals)and must be laughing their heads off at those of us (within the masses) who have constant heated debates over the "differences" between which group is more evil than the other.
Since they refer to us as "useless eaters," we (among the masses) must stop playing into this illusion!!!
Dear Dorothy,
Surely the problem is, whilst everyone is running around saying, 'it's not my job', there are still people in need. Often, a person for example, may be poor, and severely disabled, and have been, sadly neglected or abandoned.
Whilst I take your point, the fact is that society has crumbled. Much of our society in Great Britain was ruined and stopped from being self-sufficient by Margaret Thatcher and her Government, who was certainly no communist. She, indeed is the one that told us there is 'no such thing as society'.
I agree that private persons should step up to help but it is not happening on any realistic scale to remedy problems faced by people who are less well off that others through no fault of their own. Do we leave them then to die in the streets? Does this really make a cohesive society? US society is just as new age the UK one. Indeed, many of our morals have been heavily corrupted here in the UK due to the import of American films and music (with the big exception of that disgusting Satanic Rock band, 'The Beatles'). The swinging hips of Elvis 'the Pelvis', the murder movies, Psycho, Hannibal Lecter, UFO films and the like. Then those same Satanists that have infiltrated the American Evangelical movement were slowly pushed onto us with their filthy prosperity teaching straight from the pit of Hell via American tv networks, corrupting our churches, communities and way of life.
This is not just a Euro thing, I'm not meaning to have a go at the Americans here, or be overly defensive again, just to point out that this thing is global. Have you ever seen the layout of buildings, street plan etc of Washington D.C. on Google Earth? The way the roads are set out make up a huge satanic pentagram just above the White House. Around this, is a, harder to make out, pyramid design and where the all seeing eye would be is the 33 degree Scottish Rite Lodge of Freemasonry! Apart from the road plans, pyramids with a lit up top can be found all over America. Then there's the feminine dome, with Athena on top, of the Capitol Hill building of the US Federal Congress, the inside of the copula sports a huge painting known as the Apotheosis (Deification or turning into a god) of George Washington! Have you seen the statues of George Washington in the same pose as Baphomet? Google it please. There is also the statue of the founder of the KKK, and Confederate General Albert Pike of Scottish Freemasonry, who wrote morals and dogma, a book from the pit of Hell in Washington DC in pride of place too. Look at the symbolism used on your currency! This has been going on alot longer in the US and France than it has here, that's for sure!Research it.
I assure you, that our Society has been no more corrupted by this New Age thing, ACTUALLY ANCIENT MYSTERY RELIGION THING, than yours.
Rob in London.
Opposite the Feminine dome of Congress by the way is the Masculine (Egyptian)concorde/ oblisk, which you call the Washington Monument, and was built in respect of George Washington.
The Washington Monument is 666 feet high! 555' above ground and 111' below it.
God bless, and peace be with you,
Rob in London.
To Marko (8:39 AM):
Re: ". . . and I think Nazism makes the most sense, although the parties over Communism's "death" were just as loud and declaratory when the Berlin Wall fell) . . ."
Although, of course, we know that Communism did NOT die with the fall of the Berlin Wall.
We still had Communist China, Communist North Korea, Communist Cuba, etc.
Rob in London, agreed. England is no more satanic than America. Both are.
Seems like Scotland was a real dire place as root of Scottish Rite Masonry, and many of our Founders were of Scottish descent, and masons.
I could not agree more about taking care of the poor. I am against the current health care plan, but we need a plan. We will be bankrupt long before this current plan is in place, as far as I can see. I am not an economist, but it looks pretty plain that this will be the case. Those of us who worked hard but are useless eaters now will be thrown in the transheap, especially if we have no relatives who care for us. Relatives with money that is. Money is ALL that counts now.
I really hope this doesn't get lost in the mass of posts here.
New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as "first year of global governance"
Sees Copenhagen as step towards global management
The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy, has proclaimed 2009 as the "first year of global governance." During Rompuy's intervention as President on November 19th, he stated,
"2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet."
Rompuy attended a Bilderberg dinner at Hertoginnendal, Brussels on November 15th, during which he announced a plan to implement EU wide taxes that will be paid directly to Brussels. Recently Mario Borghezio (Italy), member of the European Parliament, spoke openly against the influence of globalist organizations such as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. "Is it possible that no one has noticed that all 3 (EU Presidential candidates) frequently attend Bilderberg or Trilateral meetings?," asked Borghezio. Rompuy will undoubtedly serve globalist interests during his reign of the European Union.
This is from Old Thinker, there is video of the comments at the link.
To Rob in London (10:10 AM)
Re: . . . "As a Brit, I find it very strange that Americans do not want those who cannot afford health care to be helped by the State. . ."
Rob, Rob, Rob: Surely, you do not actually believe that those who are debating against the Health Care Bill are doing so because they don't care about the poor???
This debate is more of an issue against the ultimate government control of its citizens than anything else.
Please do yourself and us "Yanks" a favor and take some time to do some research - away from the mainstream media - and read what the debate issues are really about (the specifics of which are just too numerous to mention here).
I guarantee you that it has nothing to do with not wanting to help the poor!!!
Anonymous at 1:34 PM. Your are spot on! Thank you.
This vile disease of the NWO AMR/NAM is not just in Europe and might spread to the States it is all throughout the World in equal measure! I have photos of Ahmedinejad making the mano cornuto with his right hand, and of Benedict (Maledict) XVI, the infiltrator, doing the same, as well as Bush (and daughters), Obama, Princess Margaret, Prince William, plus wolves including Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson and many others, including many well known 'celebrities'. We all know about Bohemian and Belizean Grove, where as well as many Satanists, many apostate protestants and apostate Roman Catholics assemble. Alex Jones doesn't show you that bit in his film though, BECAUSE HE IS A SHILL, but it can be viewed here. (Why do people on this blog insist on looking at Alex Jones and not exposing him?):
Rob in London.
To Rob -
Maybe Javier Solana was referring to himself as having lived before, or being born again, through the Nazi IDEOLOGY - rather than a 'reincarnation' of Adolph Hitler himself.
Yes, Alex Jones is a "shill" but that doesn't mean he doesn't also tell us some truths what is going on in the world - whereas the mainstream media lies to us all the time. His articles also list legitimate news sources from other parts of the world - those who are still not afraid to tell it like it is.
I have a theory aboout Alex Jones that he is trying to stir up everybody from the "tea party" groups to the Billy-Bob rednecks" (who are all 'locked and loaded') so that our Government will know where to send the FEMA trucks.
Instead, let's all just try to remain CALM . . . and keep on praying. After all, God is still in charge!!!
" Anonymous said...
To Rob in London (10:10 AM)
Re: . . . "As a Brit, I find it very strange that Americans do not want those who cannot afford health care to be helped by the State. . ."
Rob, Rob, Rob: Surely, you do not actually believe that those who are debating against the Health Care Bill are doing so because they don't care about the poor???
This debate is more of an issue against the ultimate government control of its citizens than anything else.
Please do yourself and us "Yanks" a favor and take some time to do some research - away from the mainstream media - and read what the debate issues are really about (the specifics of which are just too numerous to mention here).
I guarantee you that it has nothing to do with not wanting to help the poor!!!
2:02 PM"
I understand that the Obama regime's wish for this is very nepharious, and no doubt has an agenda of depopulation, dodgy vaccines, getting people prepped for the chip and databased and many other nasties besides.
However, I doubt the average American, just like the average Brit is aware of these nasty plans. Most know nothing of the truth movement, and if they get an inkling of it, most have been so conditioned that they're either diverted into half truths by Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, and David Ike types, or frightened to death by them and see them as the lunatics they present themselves to be.
This leaves Three main groups of people.
1) The average person who believes the mainstream media garbage of 'it's just a load of conspiracy theory nutjobs', regarding the truth movement. This is even said against shills (e.g., Ike & Jones) to continue the multifaceted clever deceit, the screaming of such for those who get to hear it completely puts 'normal people' off from searching for the truth.
2) Those that learn a little and are snared by Jones, Ike and the like, and learn to be filled with ideas that actually, unwittingly, further the NWO AMR/NAM goals.
3) Those that are very reluctant to trust anyone at face value, regarding this issue,and research everything for themselves. This is where the real truth movement comes from and ultimately leads one back to the Bible as ones point of Truth!
The first category of people mentioned here, are unaware of Obama's and the NWO's plans etc. However, many of them (and many others of the other two categories I've mentioned here, also have this as an added motive) are against this health bill because it taxes them a little and, as far as this category's understanding is concerned, gives help to others.
I'm not saying ultimately that Obama's plan is really to help others. I think there is something very strange happening in the US, just as something very strange is happening over here too, and I am frightened for the American people.
I just don't understand, when coming from a country with an NHS system, which has many problems - sure, but at least as an epileptic person, and with a sister with MS, and from a poor (in UK terms) background, I know I can get treatment and medical assistance without worrying whether I can afford it or not.
This may not be Obama's plan, but why would anyone oppose a reasonable healthcare system that was available to all? Do you oppose your government building roads for all? Who uses them the most, the rich or the poor? Don't ALL Americans, rich and poor, continue to pay taxes for the upkeep of such? I'm talking principle here.
So, forget the puppet Usurper Obama and his plan for a moment, would you support freely available healthcare for all, regardless of affordability (there but for the grace of God go I, people used to say).
God bless,
Rob in London.
Rob from London: A few weeks ago I was researching on the web and watched a talk given by a Brit who was warning his audience about the dangers of totalitarianism in the UK. It all sounded so right. And then I heard him doing a promotion of Socialized Medicine. Are you another one promoting Socialism?
As for Socialized Medicine, my spouse saw his doctor yesterday and asked him what he thought of Obamacare. He replied that it was a disaster and he would never take part in it. He also told my spouse that he has 400 patients who drive from Canada to see him and pay him cash. So how 'bout them apples? On the other hand my LDS general practitioner told me she is in favor of Socialized Medicine. What a fool.
We must remain CALM and expose shills! He tells enough truth to then fudge the issue and catch as many in his net as possible, to stop them looking further. Do you not know that a little leaven spoils the whole loaf? 70 percent truth deliberately and carefully mixed with 30 percent poison, can sometimes be deadlier than 100% poison as it is hard to detect it, and if you suspect it, to locate it, so people forget their suspicions and swallow it. Calm down? WAKE UP!!!!!
Rob in London.
Since we are beng referred to (by the NWO) as "useless eaters" - I don't think that 'ObamaCare' is about helping the poor . . . more like a government sanctioned slow method of de-population and deciding just WHO gets to live or die!!!
To Anonymous at 2:50 to 2:54 PM.
Matthew 5:22 KJV
But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
On this issue have you read Zechariah 11:14-16 (King James Version)?
Zechariah 11:14-16 (King James Version)
14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.
15 And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd.
16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.
Don't you believe Jesus Christ's command to love one another?
Matthew 7:25-27 (King James Version)
25And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
Matthew 25:1-3 (King James Version)
Matthew 25
1Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
2And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
3They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
Jesus Christ was no communist, but he would certainly rail against your wicked system. The richest country in the World with the highest poverty in the entire
Western political sphere! Ask yourself as a person, I'm not judging you as an individual now, just ask yourself, when was the last time you gave a bed to a homeless person, something to eat to the hungry, cried out against the injustice of the barbarism of the electric chair to the prison governor's ear, helped the sick (also financially where necessary). If you did, well done! If, however, you did not do this unto the least of our Lord's brethren you did not do it unto Him. See Matthew 25! Why would you begrudge a LIMITED state intervention, because the private individual is not living up to his responsibilities, on behalf of the needy? Rights are to be balanced with duties, it's called civilisation! This does not make me a socialist, but your comment sure does smack of NEO-CONSERVATISM, which conserves nothing! You know, American New Century and all that.
I hope you are never poor, homeless, and disabled in America!
God bless and peace be with you.
Rob in London.
Anonymous at 3:17 PM.
I refer you to the comment I gave at 2:48 PM.
God bless,
Rob in London.
To Rob in London (@ 2:55 PM):
Re: . . ."70 percent truth deliberately and carefully mixed with 30 percent poison . . ."
Since MANY of Alex Jones' news sources (word for word) - come from UK publications, are you suggesting thst we are getting our "poison" from across the pond?
When Jesus taught us to "love thy neighbor as thyself" . . . He did not mean for us to sign up to join the GODLESS Communist system.
Communists LIE and delibertely manipulate people to lead them to believe that they actually CARE about the masses amd want everyone to be EQUAL.
News Flash: they don't . . .
Anonymous said...
To Rob in London (@ 2:55 PM):
Re: . . ."70 percent truth deliberately and carefully mixed with 30 percent poison . . ."
Since MANY of Alex Jones' news sources (word for word) - come from UK publications, are you suggesting thst we are getting our "poison" from across the pond?
3:23 PM
You claim, and maybe he claims also, to be getting it from UK publications. This may be true or just more poison, considering that his company 'Genesis' is really a subsidary of ABC I find it highly unlikely, and just further proof of his spin. Next you'll be telling me CNN (CIA NEWS) or FOX with its Glenn Beck is getting all its info from 'across the pond' as you put it. Lol.
I really don't care though whether it comes from here or there, we're headed for One World Government, didn't you know? The point is, the roses don't smell too sweet over there either mate! The Ancient Mystery schools control the lot, with their various off-shoots and appendages. We are in the NWO now, they're just revealing it to us bit by bit, and finalising their plans. We know their plan will ultimately fail at the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, and if you really want to know the United Kingdom I long for it is that of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR, THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD.
God bless,
Rob in London.
So, Rob -
When Alex Jones published an article on November 15th (4 days before the rest of the world knew about it) - revealing the name of the new President of the European Union - that was "poison" rather than truth, huh???
Alex Jones is a money maker first of all. Remember, the best propaganda is 75% truth and 25% lies. This way the lies are believed with the truth. That's the danger. How many of his readers and listeners are astute enough to tell the difference. I consider him one of the providers to the "what have they done to me lately crowd," people who like the information he provides for them to gossip about. http://opposingdigits.com/alex/
He never provides information that a person can do something about.
Rob, I'm well aware of the architectural things you talk about. Yet I'll still say New Age has progressed further in England than in the US. It's nothing personal. You've had the EU for a long time. We are just starting on the NAM. Theosophy and related movements took hold faster in England than in the US. Religion as an establishment has died faster in Europe than in the US. The Fabian movement, tied to New Age leaders, had its home in England, bringing about socialism much faster.
Nazism was a branch of the New Age movement. In Europe between Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin a political support system developed across Europe that enabled the NA movement to grow faster after WWII.
Yes, NA is international, from the FSU to the US and all of the countries in between. But just like any other movement, it grew faster in some countries than in others. You have to admit that it grew faster in the US than in Kenya for example.
One of the books I have is Rachel Storm's In Search of Heaven on Earth, The Roots of the New Age Movement 1991, published in London. In doesn't deal with the political end of New Age.
For me it's a pretty good rule of thumb to note what is going on in England and see it happen here in a few years.
Anonymous at 3:30 PM
Do you really think that the UK is a communist country? Or, rather, that it was in 1948 when the blockade of Berlin was happening?
You just want to live in caves do you?
I suggest you realise Jesus Christ was certainly no neo-con! Why are you afraid of a minute amount of taxes being taken from you to provide health care for all, whether they can afford it or not. You can still get private insurance if you want. I believe in a free-market economy but one with a VIABLE social security net for those who are most in need. This is not Communism! You don't live in a country where you can, as the song goes, 'be what you wanna be'. Only the wealthy in America can truly afford an education. Oh, right, you're good at basketball so we'll give you a scholarship, what nonsense! You have been thoroughly conditioned by the greediest culture in the World, no offence meant, I'm just telling the truth here, to be greedy and envious, 'coz you ain't gettin' none a that gold, but you can dream (and only dream), and leave not a dime for those even poorer, because you transfer your envy into anger onto the poor which you express by repeating the very rich man, that you envy's, greed. Is that it? The American dream, coz it's only ever gonna be allowed to be a dream for the vast majority of people including, unless you're one of those neo-con rich men, yourself!
Have you ever left your outback village?
Rob in London.
To Rob (@ 3:42 PM):
Re: . . . "You claim, and maybe he claims also, to be getting it from UK publications. This may be true or just more poison . . ."
Alex Jones publishes aticles which list the 'url' to the complete original source article, along with the legitimate publication from which it came . . whether it's the "Times Online" . . . or a publication in Belgium - which did the story on the new EU President.
When you click on that url . . . there it is in its original form!!!
Dorothy, your comments are cordial, fair, and informative. I am much more persuaded of your earlier point now because of your comments here.
Thank you. I was getting used to ducking the bullets, it's nice to have a break and some sensible discussion.
God bless you, and peace be with you.
Your friend,
Rob in London. (smiles.)
Dorothy, your comments are cordial, fair, and informative. I am much more persuaded of your earlier point now because of your comments here.
Thank you. I was getting used to ducking the bullets, it's nice to have a break and some sensible discussion.
God bless you, and peace be with you.
Your friend,
Rob in London. (smiles.)
Rob, you are under the illusion that the poor don't get help here in the US. You're wrong. The illegal immigrants and minorities can get better care for free than anyone who works for a living. Work for a living without insurance and you are expected to pay any hospital bills. Have insurance, the premiums are high. Why? To pay for minorities and illegal immigrants who don't have money.
With the health care plan proposed, illegals and minorities will learn that their health care will become less available because there just isn't that much money to go around.
Because my son is on disability I learned how the money works to pay for the care he needed. What the doctors and hospitals couldn't cover by overcharging insurance companies and people who could pay would be billed to the government. Hospitals and doctors who don't make some kind of profit don't stay in business.
Mt. Sinai is such a hospital in Chicago. We are white. When I took my son there because of blood loss, the greeter asked if we were in the right place. The emergency room was filled with the groups mentioned. There wasn't a white person to be seen.
Anonymous 1:34 P.M.
Re: And, whether it's Nazism or Communism, both are EVIL systems used to control the masses.
In other words, the NWO hierarchy (e.g. those within the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations - made up of both Republicans and Democrats) are ALL "on the same page" (as far as long term goals)and must be laughing their heads off at those of us (within the masses) who have constant heated debates over the "differences" between which group is more evil than the other.
Exactly the point made by C. S. Lewis in saying that the Devil sends evil in pairs of "opposites"
and counts on our greater dislike of one in order to lead us into the other.
Besides embodying the "algebra of revolution," the dialectic indirectly embodies a theological error which attacks nothing less than the primary name of God revealed to Moses atop Mount Horeb..."I AM WHO AM." (Exodus 3:14)
The primary name of God stands for absolute,self existent, uncreated BEING existing in the absolute NOW of eternity.
C.S. Lewis echoes the great scholars of the Middle Ages who did battle with the Manichees when he explains that if God is absolute, uncreated, self-existent BEING, it follows that the opposite "absolute" would have to be "absolute, self-existent uncreated "NON-BEING" or "NOTHING."
The gnostics - especailly the Manichaeans - are dualists. This means that they believe in two equal but opposite Absolutes. In other words TWO GODS! One of those "gods" - the one the Manichaeans regard as the "good god" is explicitly described as being the "opposite" of the God of the Old Testament and is therefore the "Absolute Nothing" C.S. Lewis once described.
St. Augustine once said that anyone who truly understands what God's primary name really means would find it intellectually and rationally impossible to be a dualist.
One last thing on the dialectic. In his book THE MEANING OF MASONRY, Masonic "mystic" W.L. Wilmshurst writes:
Under the stress then of the Geometrizing Principle now found symbolically integrated within the candidate's temporal organism, a re-distribution of his component powers has become effected. His repolarized condition is symbolized by an equilateral triangle with a point at its centre, and such a triangle will be found, worked in gold, upon the sash worn by the Companions of the Order. The significance of this triangle is that the tripartite aspects of him who wears it (that is, the spiritual, psychical and physical parts of him) now stand equalized and equilibrated around their common Life- Principle at the centre, fitted and equipped for Its purpose. Yet each of these three divisions, though in itself unitary, is philosophically triadic in composition when subjected to intellectual analysis. " Every monad is the parent of a triad " is another maxim of the Ancients, who anticipated the modern Hegelian proposition of metaphysics that thesis, antithesis and synthesis are the essential ingredients of a given truth. Hence it comes about that the three aspects of each of the three sides of our equilateral triangle are ceremonially personified by the nine officers of the Chapter--three in the East representing the spiritual side, three in the West figuring the soul or psychical side, and three subordinate links connecting these other two. (These will be further and more conveniently treated of later when the symbolic nature of the officers is dealt with)....
As I recall, it was the gnostic poet William Blake who referred to this
triadic composition" as "the marriage of heaven and hell!"
"Anonymous said...
So, Rob -
When Alex Jones published an article on November 15th (4 days before the rest of the world knew about it) - revealing the name of the new President of the European Union - that was "poison" rather than truth, huh???
3:42 PM"
Anonymous, interesting name that, lol! You may have guessed, I'm not an avid follower of Alex Jones, the hypocrite who warns you of the dangers of flouride, yet his Dad for a nice fee is willing to give a flouride mouthwash to any willing, as Alex would call it, victim.
Interesting how he gets such 'insider knowledge'. I guess it's all those knowing hand-signs that does it.
Do your own research, you'll find him pandering to the likes of Satanist New Agers Peter Joseph, Michael Jordan, Stanton Levey (the grandson of Anton Levey) etc. I've already told you his company is actually a subsidary of ABC.
Have you never heard of the story of Hansel and Gretel? The witch's house was made of gingerbread, and all sorts of sweet delights, she tempted them to come and pick and then caged them! Wake up!
God bless,
Rob in London.
To Rob in London -
Your postings reveal a good, sincere, devout Christian who seems to have very good intentions.
However, you also come across as a little bit "superior" and condescending toward us "Yanks" - whom you seem to think (although you haven't actually said it) are selfish, greedy and materialstic - and that we've all got our heads up our butts and don't have a clue about what's going on in the world. (Just reading between the lines.)
For example: you seem to think that our health care debate is a SIMPLE "black & white issue" and oh - if only we would just follow YOUR suggestions.
Believe me, Rob - it is NOT a simple issue.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe you have been receiving plenty of "poison" from YOUR mainstream media over there?
Dear Susanna at 4:10 PM, your William Blake quote on this, does it have any similarities on the vulgar writings of Aldous Huxley, in Doors of Perception: Heaven and Hell, do you think? It's a long time since I read it, and that was in my days of total naivity to all this.
God bless,
Rob in London.
The NWO could also "cage" those who read THIS blog as well as Alex Jones. So - YOU "wake up".
Plus, I have already acknowledged that Alex is a "shill" with his OWN agenda. You're not telling me anything new.
Dear Anonymous at 4:19 PM,
I have not been as patient as I could have been, and this is laid out in the often undiplomatic approach to my points, I am sorry for offending you. We Brits can be just as greedy as anyone, it's a disease common to of us you know. I still do not, however, see how LIMITED state intervention, in a freemarket economy, when others will not perform their duties to their fellow man, to help others equals communism. DON'T TRUST THE OBAMA PLAN THOUGH!
God bless,
Rob in London.
P.S. (I don't watch TV, and rarely listen to mainstream radio. TV iis like having a malfunctioning electric toilet in the lounge.
Anonymous at 4:25 PM, I know they could and will cage and persecute Jews and Christians (of which I am one) when ever they get the chance. I'm not stupid and careless, but am no coward either.
Have courage, don't be cowed, wake up! They can take our bodies but not our souls unless we permit them.
God bless, and peace be with you.
Rob in London.
Dear Rob:
PEACE (along with giving to others) can only begin one person at a time . . . and within one HEART at a time.
It can not be legislated!!!
God bless you, too.
To Susanna (@ 4:10 PM):
Re: "Exactly the point made by C. S. Lewis in saying that the Devil sends evil in pairs of "opposites"
and counts on our greater dislike of one in order to lead us into the other."
Dear Rob,
Here is some data on THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL - a reference to Emmanuel Swedenborg's "theological work" HEAVEN AND HELL which embodied Swedenborg's own Manichaean world view.
See also.......
After understanding that gnosticism is the INVARIABLE ELEMENT in every major Christian heresy, it is also helpful to understand that in magick and the occult, the "Great Work" is the "reconciliation of opposites."
While the Luciferians, symbolized by the infamous goat of Mendes, teaches something quite different, the Bible clearly tells us that on the last day there is to be NO MARRIAGE between the sheep and the goats.
They are going to be parting company for all eternity!
Dear Rob,
Here is some data on THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL - a reference to Emmanuel Swedenborg's "theological work" HEAVEN AND HELL which embodied Swedenborg's own Manichaean world view.
See also.......
After understanding that gnosticism is the INVARIABLE ELEMENT in every major Christian heresy, it is also helpful to understand that in magick and the occult, the "Great Work" is the "reconciliation of opposites."
While the Luciferians, symbolized by the infamous goat of Mendes, teaches something quite different, the Bible clearly tells us that on the last day there is to be NO MARRIAGE between the sheep and the goats.
They are going to be parting company for all eternity!
Sorry about that last post coming up twice. Chalk it up to a "finger malfunction" on my part. :-)
Dear JD,
Re:I really hope this doesn't get lost in the mass of posts here.
New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as "first year of global governance"
Sees Copenhagen as step towards global management
The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy, has proclaimed 2009 as the "first year of global governance." During Rompuy's intervention as President on November 19th, he stated,
"2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet."
I have read that Rompuy is a Euro - fanatic looter who wants to tax the daylights out of Europe!!!
By Macer Hall
A FURIOUS backlash was growing last night against the drive to anoint Euro fanatic Herman Van Rompuy as President of Europe.
The Belgian Prime Minister, who wants to impose sweeping Europe-wide taxes, is expected to be picked for the plum new job at a cosy dinner of the Brussels elite tomorrow.
But opponents of his crazed plans for building a European superstate and banning national flags and anthems were uniting yesterday after full details emerged of his ambitions for a massive new taxation offensive once he is installed in the £250,000-a-year post.
Gerard Batten, UKIP MEP for London, said angrily: “What is the point of Belgium? The only reason it would get the presidency is because by giving it to such a non-entity it is not going to upset anyone.
“They are adding insult to injury. It’s bad enough having the Lisbon Treaty rammed down our throats but a president from a nothing country telling us we shouldn’t exist? They are jackals biting the lion’s tail.”
Timothy Kirkhope, leader of the Conservatives in the European Parliament, said: “Most Belgian politicians seem to love high taxes even more than chocolate, beer and frites so it is no surprise Mr Van Rompuy wants new EU-wide taxes set by Brussels.
“If the EU were allowed to raise its own taxes it would be the master of the national governments, rather than servant. I want the EU to go cap in hand to national governments every few years for its money so individual member states can better control the process of funding.”
Anger was also brewing against Gordon Brown for failing to block the candidacy of Mr Van Rompuy. Critics are outraged the Prime Minister has been backing the candidacy of Tony Blair rather than ruthlessly defending Britain’s independence.
By the way, if Gordon Brown reportedly brought in the good Baroness Ashton to take Lord Mandelton's place, it was not only to stave off the eruption of another "Mandy scandal, but also to deprive the British people of the opportunity to vote out the Labor Party which was said to be suffering badly in the polls.
Rob wrote: "you begrudge a LIMITED state intervention, because the private individual is not living up to his responsibilities, on behalf of the needy? Rights are to be balanced with duties, it's called civilisation! This does not make me a socialist,"
No, I think it makes you a COMMUNITARIAN. Like Amitai Etzioni. You clearly haven't lived in America because you don't know how our taxes are stolen and squandered. Those of us who followed the rules, lived within our means, saved, planned, etc. are now having our savings, retirements, properties, Federal Reserve Notes made worthless. Those who have lived on others are having their houses paid for, in addition to all the other govt.-supplied stuff. You don't have a clue.
It makes me no COMMUNITARIAN, it makes me a Christian. You clearly haven't lived in the UK and understand nothing of our culture. Our taxes are squandered by communitarians too, OF WHICH YOU ACCUSE ME OF BEING. Much of our taxes are squandered by pandering to your successive bloody governments and following them into nearly every unjust war they choose to enter, completely against the will of our people. Our country is torn between you and the bloody EU. Everybody wants to s..t on England. Do you think that those who had to tithe in ancient Israel, so that that money could help the poorest were communitarians too? Get you real Red necked hard hearted parrot!
Rob in London.
In keeping with our discussion, the following article is a must-read:
I prefer my government to intervene LIMITEDLY in helping others that cannot help themselves. It is also common sense and reduces crime ,crime's financial burden on the tax payer is lowered tremendously too, as well as doing what is right. I'd rather that than my government spend money on torturing people, eg water-boarding, etc, which a notable other is doing, get my drift?! You Sir, are evidently a Fascist! Now stop cutting holes on the sheet and making them pointy at the end, they're meant for the bed not your head.
Rob in London.
Rob at 5:19 PM said:
"Everybody wants to s..t on England."
And here we though everybody wants to s - - t on Ireland!!!
America is the "Land of Opportunity", NOT the "Land of Guarantees".
Dear all, please be vigilant, watch, and pray for our Lord Jesus Christ to guide you in all matters. I posted a video of Alex Jones before doing the mano cornuto Satanic handsigns. Unfortunately, these people have entered parts of the church.
2 Corinthians 11 (King James Version)
13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Dear all, please be vigilant, watch, and pray for our Lord Jesus Christ to guide you in all matters. I posted a video of Alex Jones before doing the mano cornuto Satanic handsigns. Unfortunately, these people have entered parts of the church.
2 Corinthians 11 (King James Version)
13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Dear all, please be vigilant, watch, and pray for our Lord Jesus Christ to guide you in all matters. I posted a video of Alex Jones before doing the mano cornuto Satanic handsigns. Unfortunately, these people have entered parts of the church.
2 Corinthians 11 (King James Version)
13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Dear all, please be vigilant, watch, and pray for our Lord Jesus Christ to guide you in all matters. I posted a video of Alex Jones before doing the mano cornuto Satanic handsigns. Unfortunately, these people have entered parts of the church.
2 Corinthians 11 (King James Version)
13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
God bless,
Rob in London.
Anonymous said...
Rob at 5:19 PM said:
"Everybody wants to s..t on England."
And here we thought everybody wants to s - - t on Ireland!!!
5:43 PM
Hehe, it seems like they all want to s--t on the bloody lot of us!
God bless you,
Rob in London.
Anonymous said...
America is the "Land of Opportunity", NOT the "Land of Guarantees".
5:44 PM
I bet you sing that happily past the tents, and burning oil-drums of all those that have home recently, don't you? What a pleasant neighbour you must be!
The opportunity to be homeless without a chance, the opportunity to get ripped off from a pittance of a wage, coz the neo-cons keep on messin' wit da dollar! Get real man! The opportunity to get shot up for nothing then left to die because you didn't have enough money to get the right health package. Plus, go sing your opportunity knocks tune to the vast majority of working-class black and Latino Americans, who are least likely to be employed over there because of the double whammy of having to suffer racial and classist prejudice.
Rob in London.
"Anonymous said...
America is the "Land of Opportunity", NOT the "Land of Guarantees".
5:44 PM"
I bet you sing that happily past the tents, and burning oil-drums of all those that have lost their homes due to the recession recently, don't you? What a pleasant neighbour you must be!
The opportunity to be homeless without a chance, the opportunity to get ripped off from a pittance of a wage, coz the neo-cons keep on messin' wit da dollar! Get real man! The opportunity to get shot up for nothing then left to die because you didn't have enough money to get the right health package. Plus, go sing your opportunity knocks tune to the vast majority of working-class black and Latino Americans, who are least likely to be employed over there because of the double whammy of having to suffer racial and classist prejudice.
Rob in London.
6:13 PM
Did Rob of London just appear here recently? I suspect it won't be long before the other shoe drops. Something is wrong.
Dear JD,
The following articles are from the Brussels Journal which I thought might be of interest to you.
I found them informative and fascinating. They provide a comprehensive understanding of how the EU managed to undemocratically worm its way into power.
It would appear that the Brussels Journal is against the EU in its present Soviet-style manifestation. Be sure not to miss any of the links embedded in the articles.
LEVIATHAN IS BORN: THE ANNEXATION OF EUROPE BY BRUSSELS (11/05/09) (I posted this one before, but I wanted to post it here again with the other Brussels Journal articles.)
....Supporters of the Lisbon Treaty say its purpose is to cement European integration by “streamlining” decision making. But in its essence, the Lisbon Treaty, which has been called a “slow motion coup d’état,” is all about the centralization of political power by an unelected ruling clique in Brussels who desire to rule Europe free from the constraints of democracy.
The Lisbon Treaty also promotes European aspirations far beyond Europe, which is why Americans should take notice. Indeed, European globalists hope the Lisbon Treaty will transform the EU into a superpower capable of counter-balancing the United States in global affairs...
.......More specifically, the Lisbon Treaty is meant to avoid a repeat of European divisions in the lead up to the Iraq War, when France and Germany were frustrated in their attempts to present a unified European front to block the American invasion. At the time, a fair number of European countries broke ranks with France and Germany and joined the United States in a “coalition of the willing,” much to the anger of the Brussels elite.
By giving unelected EU bureaucrats jurisdiction over questions of war and peace, the Lisbon Treaty will usurp the national prerogatives of its member states on the use of military force. This will make it far more difficult for European allies to support the United States in unpopular wars in the future....
You clearly haven't lived in America either.
The following is the reason why the description of Van Rompuy as a "devout Catholic" does not carry much weight with me:
...A closer look at Belgium, the laboratory of Europe, shows, however, that the country lacks more than patriotism. It also lacks democracy, respect for the rule of law, and political morality. In 1985, in his book De Afwezige Meerderheid (The Absent Majority) the late Flemish philosopher Lode Claes (1913-1997) argued that without identity and a sense of genuine nationhood, there can also be no democracy and no morality.
One of the people who were deeply influenced by Dr. Claes’s thesis was a young politician named Herman Van Rompuy. In the mid-1980s, Van Rompuy, a conservative Catholic, born in 1947, was active in the youth section of the Flemish Christian-Democrat Party. He wrote books and articles about the importance of traditional values, the role of religion, the protection of the unborn life, the Christian roots of Europe and the need to preserve them. The undemocratic and immoral nature of Belgian politics repulsed him and led to a sort of crisis of conscience. Lode Claes, who was near to retiring, offered Herman the opportunity of succeeding him as the director of Trends, a Belgian financial-economic weekly magazine. It is in this context that I made Herman’s acquaintance. He invited me for lunch one day to ask whether, if he accepted the offer to enter journalism, I would be willing to join him. It was then that he told me that he was considering leaving politics and was weighing the options for the professional life he would pursue.
I am not sure what happened next, however. Maybe word had reached the leadership of the Christian Democrat Party that Herman, a brilliant economist and intellectual, was considering leaving politics; perhaps they made him an offer he could not refuse. Herman remained in politics. He was made a Senator and entered government as a junior minister. In 1988, he became the party leader of the governing Christian-Democrats.
Our paths crossed at intervals until 1990, when the Belgian Parliament voted a very liberal abortion bill. The Belgian King Baudouin (1930-1993), a devout Catholic who suffered from the fact that he and his wife could not have any children, had told friends that he would “rather abdicate than sign the bill.” The Belgian politicians, convinced that the King was bluffing, did not want the Belgian people to know about the King’s objections to the bill. I wrote about this on the op-ed pages of The Wall Street Journal and was subsequently reprimanded by the Belgian newspaper I worked for, following an angry telephone call from the then Belgian Prime Minister, a Christian-Democrat, to my editor, who was this Prime Minister’s former spokesman. I was no longer allowed to write about Belgian affairs for foreign newspapers.
In April 1990, the King did in fact abdicate over the abortion issue, and the Christian-Democrat Party, led by Herman Van Rompuy, who had always prided himself on being a good Catholic, had one of Europe’s most liberal abortion bills signed by the college of ministers, a procedure provided by the Belgian Constitution for situations when there is no King. Then they had the King voted back on the throne the following day. I wrote about the whole affair in a critical follow-up article for The Wall Street Journal and was subsequently fired by my newspaper “for grievous misconduct”. A few weeks later, I met Herman at the wedding of a mutual friend. I approached him for a chat. I could see he felt very uncomfortable. He avoided eye contact and broke off the conversation as soon as he could. We have not spoken since.
Herman’s political career continued. He became Belgium’s Budget Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Speaker of the Chamber of Representatives and finally Prime Minister. He kept publishing intellectual and intelligent books, but instead of defending the concept of the good, he now defended the concept of “the lesser evil.” And he began to write haiku....read entire article....
Paul Belien continues.....
...Herman is like Saruman, the wise wizard in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, who went over to the other side. He used to care about the things we cared about. But no longer. He has built himself a high tower from where he rules over all of us.
JD, Susanna,
You seem to have a good handle on the 2 new appointees in the EU...have you any ideas how they would receive the unanimous approval of all 27 members? I don't know enough about them, except what learning through you, and it leaves me puzzled.
take care,
Thank to the Lord for their will be none of this sort of posting/debates that is not edifying our Faith Christians or to other,s that is not.. Flex mussels at the enemy not at each other with innuendos We have a brilliant blog that is way in front of getting the info out to us by each and everyone.
God is gracious and loving should we do the same for one an other?
Just remember who we are?
no matter what... we will always be the King Kids.
God loves us all.
Re:You seem to have a good handle on the 2 new appointees in the EU...have you any ideas how they would receive the unanimous approval of all 27 members? ..
That is just the point. These 2 new appointees in the EU have the approval of the political elite in the 27 member countries, but they do not have the approval of the rank and file citizens of those same countries.
These new appointees in the EU are just that.....appointed.....not elected. They have no democratic legitimacy.
Neither does the Lisbon Treaty.
The Lisbon Treaty was imposed on the people of Europe without a referendum except for Ireland who initially voted "No."
After being threatened with even greater catastrophic economic consequences than she is already suffering,Ireland was forced to vote again until she gave the "correct" answer.
I am told that the economic downturn that has already ocurred in Ireland may have been deliberately orchestrated by EU powerbrokers in order to scare Ireland into voting "correctly."
Rob, you are buying into the propaganda about the US. Many of the people who bought overpriced houses were into greed. They believed that they could buy, turn and resell at a higher price. It was the old tulip scam.
The stock market was the same. There were too many people who bought overpriced stocks hoping to do the same.
Politicians and some in the financial community were into the same kind of thinking.
Greed on the part of many people brought down the house.
To Everyone
Insurance, private, public or other is a belief that something other then God is dependable,or will or can save you, it is therefore total Idolatry.
There is only God to save you!!!
The true genius of the US Health system already in place. Is unique in that it actually uses the rich for testing on, not the poor, and they pay handsomely for it.
Government health care systems notoriously use the poor for testing on for example look to the SS and the testings on Jews.
It was actually JAVIER SOLANA who proclaimed 2009 as the first year of global governance. He did this on March 21, 2007 at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D. C. I wrote frequently about his statements at that time that it was imperative that the global governance mechanisms be in place by 2009.
Solana refrencing 2009 as the year of global governance was why I posted Van Rompuey mentioning it. To date I have heard this phrase mentioned very little this year from thw EU and most 2009 is past. Van Rompuey using this exact phrase cannot be coincidence. It shows definitely where he is coming from and more than likely will be pulling his strings.
Dorothy @9:58,
You're so right, and it was also a legislated greed, a mandate to "coerce" the lending institutions into loaning money to parties they knew full well could not afford it.
As anon somewhere above stated, this is a country of equal opportunity, we are not guaranteed equal success. It seemed to stick in Rob's craw, but his remarks went a little overboard, and I can't change that reality, we all live with that everyday.
take care,
"aussie jen said...
Thank to the Lord for their will be none of this sort of posting/debates that is not edifying our Faith Christians or to other,s that is not.. Flex mussels at the enemy not at each other with innuendos We have a brilliant blog that is way in front of getting the info out to us by each and everyone.
God is gracious and loving should we do the same for one an other?
Just remember who we are?
no matter what... we will always be the King Kids.
God loves us all.
9:50 PM"
Dear jen,
thank you for posting this. I am complicit unfortunately here in the bickering, though I was on my own here. I don't accept all others have said in their points, but that's ok. I still hold to my position, but I should have not bitten and should have let go. I think lot of it boils down to cultural differences and cultural understanding. That's life! We speak the same, or near enough language, As the Americans but our cultural outlook has always been somewhat different. Not better, not worse, just different.
God bless all, and may the peace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you.
Rob in London.
"aussie jen said...
Thank to the Lord for their will be none of this sort of posting/debates that is not edifying our Faith Christians or to other,s that is not.. Flex mussels at the enemy not at each other with innuendos We have a brilliant blog that is way in front of getting the info out to us by each and everyone.
God is gracious and loving should we do the same for one an other?
Just remember who we are?
no matter what... we will always be the King Kids.
God loves us all.
9:50 PM"
Dear Jen,
Thank you for posting this. I am complicit unfortunately here in the bickering on this blog, though I was on my own here, in terms of being the only Brit without back-up or understanding of my cultural position. I don't accept all that others have said in their points, but that's ok. I still hold to my position, but I should have not bitten so hard and should have let go. I think lot of it boils down to cultural differences and cultural (mis)understanding. That's life! We speak the same, or near enough the same, language as the Americans but our cultural outlook has always been somewhat different. Not better, not worse, just different.
God bless all here, and may the peace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you.
Rob in London.
8:56 AM
To Rob:
Re: . . ."I am complicit unfortunately here in the bickering on this blog, though I was on my own here, in terms of being the only Brit without back-up or understanding of my cultural position. I don't accept all that others have said in their points, but that's ok. I still hold to my position, but I should have not bitten so hard and should have let go. I think lot of it boils down to cultural differences and cultural (mis)understanding. That's life! We speak the same, or near enough the same, language as the Americans but our cultural outlook has always been somewhat different. Not better, not worse, just different."
Me Me Me Me Me . . .
Rob, stop making this about you. There is no "misunderstanding" about a common thread that runs through your postings: you have no RESPECT for America or Americans. This is why you have become a lightning rod. You have clearly brought this on yourself.
To Sarah (1:44 AM):
What really "sticks in Rob's craw" is that some Brits still can not accept the reality of our American Revolution.
It's been 233 years, Rob. It's time to get over it.
rob in london...
i understand you have penis envy, as does your entire country...
just because you are a capon does NOT mean you are allowed to bully women...
you're internet tough guy act is a joke, i am willing to wager that you get your ass kicked about once a week by kids in the neighborhood...
Rob may, or may not, be a Brit. How could we know? But he turns from acting all goodness and light to being nasty and bellicose, on a dime. As for the accusation that America has forced Brits into fighting wars, Americans have been lied into one war after another and with the help of the British oligarchy. Then there's the Cecil Rhodes business, the CFR, the RIIA and all that. We little people of America are just pawns in the game of the oligarchs.
It does seem like the chief oligarchs may be in England. America being the duped innocent. Our elites may be pawns of the British elites. It's a theory I can believe, even if I don't now HOW true it is.
But our average people, the ones who pay the taxes to support these elites, are still good people. Many of them Christian, Jews, or (if not
affiliated with any of the standard denominations) people who are looking hard for their Savior and for goodness.
The main thing to know is this: the Social Contract is broken. War has been declared on the average person. In Britain, in the US. Maybe there has always been war against the common person, but now it is OPEN WARFARE, barely concealed in case there are a few dupes left who don't know it.
That is why Jesus' family needs the Rapture. The irreversible broken state of the Social Contract. We no longer belong here, either in America or Britain.
As I have opined before, don't think you can live through the Tribulation with your values intact.
You will be brainwashed. A few may escape with their souls by the grace of God. His grace will eventually win big. But you will not be yourself if you live into the time of the Biblical Tribulation. The personalities you exhibit here on this blog will be gone. Obliterated.
I've been reading something called
THE UNION JACK. The author (whoever it is) puts the blame on British elitists.
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