Sunday, May 08, 2005

Herb says there are elephants in the room!


Folks, I've been occupied this weekend -- both with funerals, legal work, and research. I sneaked over to Herb Peter's website and found he's composed a compelling piece worthy of your reading. If you click on the headline above, you'll land there, or you can click on the link below. Be sure to click on all of Herb's "read all about it here" links.

Like I said many times before, I don't know if Javier's the man or not, or if we should look for another, but if he is, and the evidence is growing, it may be much later than any of us even dare think.

My research this weekend has concerned disturbing CIMIC, police state, EU policing operations all under Javier Solana and his cabinet underlings. I will be writing more about this later, but if you are curious and want to start your own research, here are a couple of dandy links.

I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was bitter-sweet. I said my final sad goodbyes to one of my very best friends, Liz Collins, who left this world after working closely and loyally with me since 1982 and her husband Bob after 50 years of marriage. She leaves her husband Robert, six children and many, many friends behind. She was a real trouper and I shall greatly miss her!


Anonymous said...

Very Sorry to hear of the passing of your dear friend. Keeping you and her family in prayer.
Till you all are reunited.. in eternity.

God Bless

Thanks for the research links.

Anonymous said...

List of participants - 44 Germans, 24 from nine other countries. Sure sounds like a German version of "Our soldiers will continue to make sure you are peaceful." What are they saying? That each country will contribute what it does best?

Anonymous said...

I, too, am sorry about Liz' passing. However, prophecies aside, I find it encouraging that the three largest European players are expressing disatisfaction with the deal. The unification of Europe will be a bad, bad, thing, for a lot of reasons, prophecies aside. Thank Heaven good old fashioned self-interest seems to be slwing down the apple cart, a little. Now, when my unruly paisans from the old country get started...remember, that, once the Roman Empire broke up, Italy fractured into regional interests, and was basically e-united in the 1870's against the will of most Italians, who have always been intensely local and regional in their loyalties and preferences. Now, unless the chianti no longer flows through my paisans' veins, we certainly haven't heard the last of the Eye-ties' vaunted distrust of ANY central, far-away government, PARTICULARLY one in which the Germans and French seem to be demanding a leading role.

I'm the last to pooh pooh "prophecy", BUT, the fact remains that Europe, a land mass smaller than North America by a long shot, has been divided ethnically and linguistically for so many centuries for a reason, i.e. they ultimately don't like and trust each other all that much!

David Moore said...

My prayers go out to Constance and her friend.

Anonymous said...

condolences on the loss of your friend Liz Collins.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to read of the loss of your sweet friend. Death is never easy.
Wow...the globalists want to rid 80% of us?? I doubt if 80% of the world is saved so what criteria do they want to use to decide who stays and who goes? *snicker*, imagine that...can you even begin to think of how they would provide for themselves?? Idiots.