Sunday, March 31, 2024

Trump return prospects are unifying European Union


And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast.

And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”

The ominous prospect of Donald John Trump returning to political power is terrifying and uniting the European Union.  It is now seriously discussing combining and uniting its military and economic forces against this prospect.  Microsoft AI just helped me "combine" my thoughts on this and I shamelessly include it below:

The relationship between the European Union (EU) and former US President Donald Trump has been complex and at times contentious. Let’s delve into some key points:

  1. Trump’s Views on the EU:

  2. Breton’s Revelation:

  3. Impact on European Perception:

  4. Real Concerns in Brussels:

In summary, Trump’s impact on EU-US relations remains a topic of discussion, and European leaders are navigating a new reality where assumptions about US support are no longer guaranteed2. 🇪🇺🇺🇸

Well, this is looking like things may also develop into a type of spy-vs-spy world encounter against whether Trump or EU might control a possible New World Order.

Stay tuned!



Anonymous said...

Yes, and the European Union is a bunch of born again Christians!

Anonymous said...

The U.S. is using the Ukrainians as fodder!

The Whore of Babylon(U.S.) has a lot of blood on her hands.

Isn't Nazi Zelensky anti-christ?

Anonymous said...

I believe the EU will control the New World Order. Part of Iron, and part of Clay.

The reign of terror under the AC will not be orderly, it will be chaos.

That is why satanist Obama, the real current president, campaigned on the mantra, "Change". A serpent is stealthy, and changes direction quickly, and easily. By nature.

You can try to pin it down, but may suffer a venomous bite.

Better to trust in Y'shua, than to be "terrified" by the serpents of this world.

Anonymous said...

Freeloading Illegal Alien Tik Toker Who Urged Followers To Invade US Homes, Waved Cash Arrested By ICE

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

America used to celebrate days to commemorate historical figures such as Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays. Now, we have this:


February 7: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Week after Valentine’s Day: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
February 28: HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day


Bisexual Health Awareness Month

Week varies in March: National LGBT Health Awareness Week
March 1: Zero Discrimination Day
March 10: National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 20: National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility


April 6: International Asexuality Day
April 10: National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Third Friday of April: Day of Silence
April 18: National Transgender HIV Testing Day
April 18: Nonbinary Parents Day
April 26: Lesbian Visibility Day (also International Lesbian Visibility Week, through May 2)


First Sunday In May: International Family Equality Day
May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
May 19: National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (alternatively, Agender Pride Day)
May 22: Harvey Milk Day
May 24: Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day

Anonymous said...


LGBTQ Pride Month (the ENTIRE MONTH)

June 1: LGBTQ Families Day
June 5: HIV Long-term Survivors Awareness Day
June 12: Pulse Remembrance
June 15: Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court Bostock decision expanding protections to LGBTQ employees
June 26: Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court legalizing marriage equality
June 27: National HIV Testing Day
June 28: Stonewall Day
June 30: Queer Youth of Faith Day


July 6: Omnisexual Visibility Day
Week of July 14: Nonbinary Awareness Week, culminates in International Nonbinary People’s Day on July 14
July 16: International Drag Day


August 14: Gay Uncles Day
August 20: Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day


September 18: National HIV/AIDS & Aging Awareness Day
Week of September 23: Bisexual+ Awareness Week, culminates in Celebrate Bisexuality Day on September 23
September 27: National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day


LGBTQ History Month (the ENTIRE MONTH)

October 8: International Lesbian Day
October 11: National Coming Out Day
October 15: National Latinx HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
October 19: National LGBT Center Awareness Day
Third Wednesday in October: International Pronouns Day
Third Thursday in October: Spirit Day
Last week in October: Asexual Awareness Week
October 26: Intersex Awareness Day

Trans Awareness Month (the ENTIRE MONTH)

First Sunday of November: Transgender Parent Day
November 8: Intersex Day of Remembrance (or Solidarity)
November 13 – 19: Transgender Awareness Week
November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about December:


December 1: World AIDS Day
December 8: Pansexual/Panromantic Pride Day
December 10: Human Rights Day
December 14: HIV Cure Research Day

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump favorite cereal is TRIX (Tricks) since he's so full of tricks.

Anonymous said...

Your Cookoo for Coco Puffs.

Anonymous said...

NEWSEXPLAINED: What are the Red Heifer cows doing in Israel

Constance Cumbey said...

To 9:19 am

Such disinformation nonsense about Zelensky who far from being "Nazi" is a Jew and a descendant of holocaust victime and survivors.

The "Nazi" myth was one spread by Putin who sent in the true Nazis -- his Wagner mercenary forces, a key leader of which had Nazi insignia taatooed all over his body.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 11:00 am

Interesting, and here's how TRUMP is aiding in their celebrations:


Constance Cumbey said...

Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Hosts Gay Wedding

Newsweek › ... › Gay Marriage
Mar 2, 2024 — John Sullivan, vice chair and treasurer of the Tennessee Log Cabin Republicans and his husband Dan Medora, got married at Mar-a-Lago on February ...

Scenes from a celebration of the same-sex marriage law

Politico › news › 2022/12/16 › celebr...
Dec 16, 2022 — We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala.

Trump speaks at conservative gay rights group gala in Mar- ...

The Palm Beach Post › politics › 2022/12/20
Dec 20, 2022 — Donald Trump spoke at a Log Cabin Republicans Gala in his Palm Beach Mar-a-Lago Estate. What did the former president have to say?

Trump addresses Log Cabin Republicans at Mar-a-Lago ...

Washington Blade › 2022/12/16 › trump...
Dec 16, 2022 — Log Cabin Republicans double down on their support for the former president, whose record on LGBTQ matters has been widely criticized.

Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago hosts gay wedding

X · Newsweek
30+ likes · 1 month ago
Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago hosts gay wedding
Missing: LGBT ‎| Show results with: LGBT

Trump And Mar A Lago Hosted A Log Cabin Republican ...

YouTube · Queer News Tonight
1K+ views · 3 weeks ago
Mar-a-Lago, the luxurious resort in Palm Beach, Florida, owned by former President Donald Trump, recently hosted a same-sex wedding.

Iowa mailer "thanks" Donald Trump for pro-LGBTQ stances
Bleeding Heartland › 2023/07/08 › iowa...
Jul 8, 2023 — The new group Advancing Our Values paid for the mailing, which portrays the former president as an LGBTQ ally and "Transgender Trailblazer."

Gay Old Time At Mar-A-Lago

The American Conservative › gay-old-tim...
Dec 17, 2022 — The Christian Right MAGApalians' favorite president just hosted a Log Cabin Republican gala at his Florida home, celebrated what he called ...

Anonymous said...

The Jews can't be Nazis myth, is just that.

The fakies will kill + eat their own to appease the devil

Anonymous said...

Here is an intellectual musing on the EU, US, Russian conflict, as opposed to the Trump Trump Trump smokescreen from Deep State Death Cult Cumbey.

Asymmetrical Response And The Perp Walk To World War III

Anonymous said...

11:37 AM - Constance

Yes, Trump messes up again!

Did you happen to notice Barack O'Bidens GLOBAL promotion of all things sick, twisted, and perverted?

International Transgender Day of Visibility - March 31st

Anonymous said...

Christians should not view Trump as a righteous person. He is nothing more than the lesser evil.

It is like comparing a shrew, and impure businessman, Trump, to an all out demonic pedo/pervert like Barack O'Biden.

Constance will vote for O'Biden!

What does that tell ya?

Anonymous said...

11:58 AM

Should read 'shrewd, and impure businessman'

Not 'shrew, and impure businessman'

Anonymous said...

Your list of holidays are not national holidays. The banks are open and the holiday can be ignored if you don't like it. In America, every day of the year is a national holiday for something. You omitted the more positive ones from your list, intentionally I presume. A big one coming up tomorrow is April Fools Day!

Anonymous said...

Satanic presidents have the same evil spirit

Anonymous said...

All the weirdness in the World emanates from Brussels and Washington DC so why not break-up for the good of the children (us)

Skip to the last paragraph -"Americans like to think of themselves as trend-setters. They might want to learn from the British. If the United Kingdom can break free from continental rule, then U.S. states could do likewise. Washington, D.C. has come to represent itself, not the rest of us. The cost in prosperity, security, and liberty has been extraordinary. Americans would be better off if they slew Leviathan and started over. It’s time for a vote on Amexit."

Or maybe you like trans-easter

Anonymous said...

The following is taken from a book entitled: Permanent Revolution: The Secret Life and Legacy of Barack Hussein Obama

It's very interesting in that it shows, beyond any doubt, that Cumbey at one time believed that Obama was a main operative of the Deep State that President Trump was attempting to dismantle.

Constance Cumbey is listed as one of the co-authors and the following is taken verbatim from the introduction section of the book:

"America's Survival, Inc. (ASI) obtained and released the 600-page FBI file on Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's communist mentor, who was suspected of conducting espionage for the Soviet Union. ASI held a November 10, 2017, National Press Club conference on Russia-gate, looking at the evidence that it was the Obama Administration which had been working with Russia, and that Obama was the real Russian agent. "

"Our books, Comrade Obama Unmasked and Red Star Rising, make the case that Obama was a security risk who couldn't pass a background check and whose presidency aided America's enemies in the communist and Muslim worlds. Under Obama, major security lapses and intelligence failures took place. Our books tell the story of how Obama came to power and was protected in office by Deep State operatives in the U. S. intelligence community who were then enlisted in a campaign against President Donald J. Trump."

Anonymous said...

More from the book that was co-authored by Constance Cumbey, Permanent Revolution: The Secret Life and Legacy of Barack Hussein Obama

By Cliff Kincaid (co-author)

"Conservatives who think Barack Hussein Obama's legacy has been dismantled by President Donald J. Trump are fooling themselves. Obama's legacy continues throughout the Deep State, and his influence is still a powerful force in the judicial branch."

Here's the $Million question: WHAT turned Constance against Trump? She now appears to be an operative of the Deep State that is in a fervent attack mode against Trump virtually 24/7.

What happened to you Constance? You can tell us, you're among friends.

Anonymous said...

Has Constance ever posted anything exposing Death Cult Leader Joe Biden?

If she ever gets around to it, it will probably be some blockbuster thread telling us what Dear Leader's favorite flavor ice cream is.

Anonymous said...

The creation of the European Union was, after the creation of the United Nations, the first huge step towards the creation of a despotic, centralized One World Government (OWG).

The fact that Trump poses a threat to the OWG elites, and that threat upsets Constance, is VERY TELLING about which side Constance Cumbey is really on. It's also the reason as to why she gets hysterical about nationalism, which is really nothing other than desiring to protect and defend your own nation's best interests, which is the Constitutional duty of any President as illustrated by the oath that that swear to.

Anonymous said...

I mentioned to my father back in the 70s that the Dutch army was allowing homosexuals in. He said that the Dutch army never amounted to anything anyway.

PS: OTOH the Dutch navy was known for it's courage aka rum. Good luck Europe, I suggest you return to your Faith or be absorbed into Eurasia.

Craig said...

When using Scripture, one must be careful to exegete carefully. Otherwise, one may be prone to eisegesis (reading one’s thoughts INTO Scripture) instead. Here one must carefully determine what this beast (thērion, singular; neuter in grammatical gender) consists of, in order to attempt to identify it (neuter). When using the KJV, one must be sure to include Revelation 12:17 and 13:1 for proper context.

Below we can determine ‘the dragon’ is Satan and/or Satan and his minions, who/which empowers ‘the beast’. This ‘beast’ is described as a composite, having 7 heads and 10 crowned horns. This beast had a likeness of a leopard, feet like bear, and a mouth like a lion. One of this composite beast’s heads was “wounded to death”, yet this “wound was healed”. The world marveled at this composite beast.

12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and he went to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his [ITS] horns ten crowns, and upon his [ITS] heads the name of blasphemy.

2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him [ ITS] his power, and his [ITS] seat, and great authority.

3 And I saw that one of his [ITS] heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his [ITS] deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast.

4 And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him [IT]?”

All the bracketed ITS are where a Greek neuter singular pronoun substitutes for “beast”. In EVERY case this pronoun is for the composite beast. So, “him” is a questionable translation. What I initially found odd is the second ITS in v. 3 refers NOT to the wounded-then-healed head but to the composite beast. The Greek word for “head” is kephalē, which is feminine in grammatical gender, while the pronoun in the text is neuter once again. The pronoun would have to be feminine is order to refer to “head”. I looked this up in David E. Aune’s 3-vol commentary, finding this: …This suggests that the seven heads mentioned in v. 1 represents seven kings, one of which is presented as surviving an apparently MORTAL wound (Revelation 6–16, WBC 52B, [Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson, 1998], p 736; caps added for emphasis).

Somehow these 7 “heads” making up this composite “beast” have a total of 10 “crowns”.

Whatever the case, I don’t think there is any way to construe Trump as the wounded-then-healed “head”. If one wants to press this, then I would ask, “Who are the other six shared “heads” in this composite beast?

Craig said...

Well, drat. In my haste, I made a mistake, though it doesn’t change the overall trajectory. Some of the pronouns in the 2nd sentence of 13:2 are not neuter but masculine, though they refer to the dragon (drakōn), which is masculine in grammatical gender. To correct and clarify, I will take the two grammatically masculine singular pronouns and put “[dragon’s]” behind them:

13:2 … And the dragon gave him [ ITS (beast)] his [dragon’s] power, and his [dragon’s] seat [or throne], and great authority [or power].

Craig said...

A good modern translation to follow is the [Holman] Christian Standard Bible. In the below "its" refers to the composite beast (and in the 2nd sentence of v. 2, this translation just spells out "the beast" instead of translating the Greek neuter pronoun as "its"):

12:17 So the dragon was furious with the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep the commands of God and hold firmly to the testimony about Jesus.

13 And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads. On its horns were ten crowns, and on its heads were blasphemous names. 2 The beast I saw was like a leopard, its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. The dragon gave the beast his [dragon's] power, his [dragon's] throne, and great authority. 3 One of its heads appeared to be fatally wounded, but its fatal wound was healed.

The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast.

Constance Cumbey said...

Ti 3:39 PM has an excellent 7 video series on Trump and the Antichrist. One of the videos has to do with the interpretation of the woman (false religious system) sitting on top of the 7 Mountains (7 Mountain system - 7 aspects of Project 2025 plans set for expected Trump administration. I suggest you and the others here could watch that series with profit.

Anonymous said...

1:51 PM



Anonymous said...

In Easter Ruling, Judge Orders Release Of Border Riot Migrants Who Overwhelmed National Guard

Welcome to the land of lawlessness, now behave yourselves!

Anonymous said...

1:25 PM

Moscow was built on seven hills and as Philotheus said - two Romes fell, a third stands, and there will not be a fourth one.

"Take up your seat on a high place and watch, if only you know how, and then you will see in what manner, when, whence, how many and what kind of thieves come to enter and steal your clusters of grapes. When the watchman grows weary, he stands up and prays; and then he sits down again and courageously takes up his former task" -St. John of Sinai


PS: whenever I see zerohedge or gatewaypundit I think of Putin

Anonymous said...


Some heart felt advice: you seriously need to step away from your obsession with Donald Trump. It is capturing your spirit and soul, while distracting you from far more important issues in life. My advice is to step away from all of this for a while, read your Bible DAILY, while humbly asking that the truth of the Scriptures would be revealed to you. Your obsession with speculating on the identity of the anti-christ is not only unhealthy, it is not Biblical in the slightest. I've personally known others that were obsessed with prophesy as well. They lived their lives by sharing their prophesy beliefs that turned out, in time, to be false. Their obsession literally made a ship wreck of their faith. Let that be a warning to you.

I sincerely hope that you prayerfully consider my warning to you.

Anonymous said...

Trump Ally Charlie Kirk Suggests Children Should Watch Public Executions

Charlie Kirk, founder and president of the conservative organization Turning Point USA, suggested in a recent episode of The Charlie Kirk Show that children should watch public executions.

Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the state-sanctioned practice of killing someone as punishment for a convicted crime. According to the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC), there are 27 states that carry out the death penalty and 23 states that have abolished the lethal practice.
On his weekly panel discussion, "ThoughtCrime," Kirk was discussing death penalties of those convicted of crimes, adding that not only does he believe there should be public executions, but that children should watch them.

"Death penalties should be public, should be quick, it should be televised. I think at a certain age, its an initiation...What age should you start to see public executions?" Kirk asked.

Kirk, along with his co-hosts Jack Posobiec, Tyler Bowyer and Blake Neff, continued to discuss at what age should children watch the public executions, with one co-host pointing out as young as 12 years old.

"I think maybe age 12, sixth grade or so when you are old enough... " Neff said.

While Bowyer pointed out that it should be at an age when someone "can embrace the meaning" of the execution.

In response, Kirk said, "I think it should be taken in a holy way and I don't mean holy in a bad way, I mean that this is heavy.

In addition, Kirk asked whether crime would go up or down if children were to watch public executions, "Here's a question for anyone that might be not persuaded. Would crime go up or down?"

Bowyer said, "It would go way down," with Kirk then asking, "So why is this even a question?"

Duncan said...

Constance: Having been a fan since you wrote one of my favorite books, "A Planned Deception" I'm so sorry to see you go so far astray with this obsession with the political sphere which is actually "not of the Father but is of the [demonic] world." It would be far more profitable to once again promote spiritual truth/reality. Thank you.

marko said...

1:39 PM re Putinism

I read some really good material years ago that showed how a lot of these right-wing, conservative "news" sites were tied to Russian propaganda servers, through linking IP addresses and such.

It doesn't stretch the imagination too much to consider that Putin and his ongoing Communist (although of a different flavor than what was around in the USSR) worldwide revolution project would infiltrate the right. It's called controlled opposition. Gateway Pundit and Zerohedge were both on the list of sites in Russia's pocket, along with Alex Jones, and others.

We also have, of course, more obvious FSB/KGB outlets, like RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik, to name a couple. Sputnik Radio even has an AM station that broadcasts in Washington DC! Anyone who pooh-poohs the idea that these websites could be controlled opposition just needs to see how many stories they share in common, feeding the "conspiracy theory" mindset.

The object is, of course, to cause internal division within our country, so as to create the conditions for a civil war, or a second American revolution. Once we destroy ourselves from the inside (because that's what would happen if the shooting started), they could invade without too much trouble.

How likely is that now? Probably not as much as it was 20 years ago, but it's not completely out of the picture.

Anonymous said...


And your proof that Gateway Pundit and Zerohedge are bot sites in "Russia's pocket" (along with Jones) is exactly what?

Anonymous said...

5:51 pm

As this research linked below's hard to know what's actually paid and/or controlled russian propaganda versus just useful idiots like Jim Hoft at the gayway pundit.

I personally believe zerohedge is russian supported. It was started by a Bulgarian polymath with ties to Russia. However, gayway and other extremist right wing websit are more likely just bots that end up sharing Russian propaganda merely because they are always looking and procuring any and all far right content they can muster (and edit to make their own). It's not a reach for them to share such russian disinformation and propaganda because ultimately they share the same goals as Russian propaganda --- the destruction of American (protestant) institutions, soceity and democractic republic values.


Anonymous said...

Actually I think Marco was alluding to (which was/is discussed in that article/paper I linked)...

is called VAST (Veracity Authentication Systems Technology) OSINT, now called Hometree Data. Such organizations are increasingly using artificial intelligence to make these connections.


Anonymous said...

marko said: The object is, of course, to cause internal division within our country, so as to create the conditions for a civil war, or a second American revolution. Once we destroy ourselves from the inside (because that's what would happen if the shooting started), they could invade without too much trouble.

Fomenting fear, anger, upset...but mostly fear. -- fear of "them", fear of "others", fear of illegals, fear of immigrants, fear of the great replacement, fear of blacks, fear of thugs, fear of minorities, fear of banks, fear of government, fear of doctors, hospitals, lawyers, professionals, schools, colleges, grocery stores, crime, rich people, poor people, free loaders, pharmaceutical companies, all companies, liberals, conservatives, independents, communists, socialists, fascists, hardware stores, amazon, ebay, the internet, eduction, smart people, dumb people, etc.

They don't have a side other than their own and if we are fighting internally...they can do whatever they want elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

Marko @ 5:42 PM

"The object is, of course, to cause internal division within our country, so as to create the conditions for a civil war, or a second American revolution, Once we destroy ourselves from the inside (because that's what would happen when the shooting started), they could invade without too much trouble."

Yes Marko, the current regime is creating this opportunity to invade. They are doing an excellent job!!!

It will fulfill prophecy.

Marko, your comrade X is twisting reality as he has been doing here for several years! It sounds like your head is just as jammed up your backside as his.

Anonymous said...

Marko appears to be an adult. Why not let Marko answer for himself?

How about it Marko, what's your proof?

Anonymous said...

Yes, zerohedge is in Russia's pocket, and they are trying to divide us!

Marko knows this cuz he, "read some really good material years ago."

So there's your proof!

It has NOTHING, nothing whatsoever to do with the O'Biden regime encouraging an invasion of 8 million, or ten million, or how many million invaders into our country.

Tackling The Difficult But Urgent Task Of Depolarizing America

Anonymous said...

Constance look up Truth Social it's a Trump Social media stock that is on the decline. I just noticed it today.

Anonymous said...

What does Jeff Rence, David Icke & remote viewing have in common? Zerohedge. I know, guilt by association, but I'm choosy (TBH I don't trust either side)

Craig said...

ZeroHedge mostly curates their material. That is, a lot of the articles are just re-postings of other sites' works. The listing at 8:31 PM, e.g., is taken from RealClearPolitics (see hyperlink just under title at ZH).

And this provides a great opportunity for me to request the following in order to remedy one of my pet peeves:

(a) If you are going to link to an article, please go directly to the original piece. Sometimes these are independent sources, which could use the traffic. Some are really well-written and deserve to receive the recognition they deserve.

(b) Rather than posting merely a link, please provide either a snippet from the article or a brief synopsis of it.

Craig said...


RE Nathan Leal's watchmanscry site: Like "Brothers" Paul and James Key, the material is merely knee-jerk reactions to current events, devoid of any hermeneutical anchor. That is, they are EISEGESIS, reading their own thoughts into the texts, as events occur. Gotta get them clicks!

If "horns" represent kings in Daniel 7, and these guys source this text as background, then how can "horns" in Revelation 13 mean the "7 aspects of Project 2025"?

That's not to mention, Leal tends to ramble in between the material he presents. I can't listen to the guy for very long.

Anonymous said...

8:31 PM

Obviously, you are an agent of Putin, provable by the fact that you referred to our 8 to 10 million Newcomers as Invaders.


Anonymous said...

Craig at 10:39 PM may have done better than me as far as how long I could suffer Nathan Leal. I lasted no more than 5 minutes before I had to call it quits.

And he's right. They obviously use current events as a means to force meaning upon their selected texts. I would advise anyone to avoid these people like the plague.

Constance Cumbey said...

Vis a Vis Trump peddling bibles for probably multiple reasons of sucking Christian base in even further, making money to pay attorney fees, etc., I'm not getting as excited about it as does Brother Paul (inclusion of USA documents makes it "Christian Nationalism -- probably true on some levels), BUT I do think that given Trump's well documented and videoed statements that he has never gone to God for forgiveness "because I like to keep God out of it", and obvious either ignorance and/or disregard of the Constitution, I think it wouuld be very nice if he (Trump) and the other MAGA's would start reading it and taking it really, really to heart -- both sets of documents.


Constance Cumbey said...

To Craig 10:39:

Sorry, but my present opinion is that Nathan Leal, Brother James Key, and Brother Paul are (while none perfect), all MUCH BETTER EXEGISTS than yourself.


Anonymous said...

11:22 PM - Re: "Newcomers"

I feel sorry for you, and Constance should pray for you as well! But instead, she leverages your tormented soul as needed.

Craig said...

Constance @ 2:06 AM,

Can you show me where my exegesis is faulty?

Anonymous said...

CERN to test $4 billion accelerator on the day of the solar eclipse (April 8th).

Scientists began preliminary tests by sending billions of protons around the LHC's ring of superconducting magnets to boost their energy and ensure the $4 billion machine was in working condition.

On Monday, April 8th... CERN will shoot them down a 17-mile-long tunnel at nearly the speed of light to recreate conditions a second after the Big Bang.

Source: The Daily Mail...
CERN to test $4billion accelerator on the day of the solar eclipse

Anonymous said...

How disturbing is it to hear that Haiti is being run by an army of cannibals???

Haiti is currently being run by a Freemason cannibal dubbed “Barbecue” because of his penchant for torching his enemies.

After the Clintons had their way with Haiti, manipulating its economy in the 1990s and then plundering the millions in aid money the world gave to the survivors of the 2010 Earthquake... it's been a slippery slope with total chaos unleashed.

And now the Prime Minister has resigned and the gangs have seized control. President Biden’s reaction? Send the survivors to Guantanamo Bay, and then flood the state of Florida with them. And Biden adds, further have them bankrupt the blue cities, and then have them all shipped to Red States.

But these aren’t your average refugees. The Haitians just made the top of Joe Biden’s list. There may still be some use for Haitians yet for the criminal aims of the Democratic Party.

Biden’s Haitian Army Of Cannibals

Anonymous said...

4:44 PM

Thank you, Duncan for providing the voice of reason on this blog.

Anonymous said...

One dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine contains over 200 billion DNA fragments that can cause cancer

Multiple laboratory studies now confirm that Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is heavily contaminated with plasmid DNA. The latest analysis finds that one dose of the Pfizer vaccine typically contains over 200 billion DNA fragments. These DNA fragments can incorporate into the DNA of the vaccinated individual and interfere with the expression of oncogenes and tumor suppression genes. This DNA contamination has cancer implications for millions of people who were manipulated to take part in this biowarfare experiment.

Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, recently spoke about his findings in front of the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on the Department of Health and Environmental Control (“DHEC”).

Buckhaults has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology; he studies how genes cause cancer. He and his team specialize in detecting foreign pieces of DNA in places where they can incorporate or interfere with healthy genetic expression.

"The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA. It’s not just mRNA, it’s got bits of DNA in it." Prof. Buckhaults said in front of the South Carolina Senate committee. One of his colleagues retrieved vials of the Pfizer covid-19 vaccines from the vaccination program he managed in Columbia, South Carolina. Professor Buckhaults sequenced all the DNA from those vials. He was surprised to see any DNA at all. He said, "You can kind of work out what it is and how it got there and I’m kind of alarmed about the possible consequences of this both in terms of human health and biology."

One dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine contains over 200 billion DNA fragments that can incorporate into human DNA, causing cancer –

Anonymous said...


Re: "3 And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast."


Please explain HOW this pertains to Donald Trump.

Are you ASSUMING that the Bible is talking about a POLITICAL 'wound'... rather than an ACTUAL wound???

Anonymous said...

5:48 AM

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

8:00 AM

In the 'church' of Cumbey everything pertains to Trump somehow.

And yes, it seems evident that Sister Constance believes it is a POLITICAL wound!!!

Anonymous said...

Now how on earth can Sister Constance be a real Christian person, when she seems so concerned that war, and death could be in jeopardy? Bloodlust, and War are not Christian values.

Constance stated in this post that: 'There is Real Concern in Brussels' that if Trump is elected, the EU will lose U.S. support!. Now we all know what U.S. support means here. It means BIG money, your money, to support EU military objectives that coincide with U.S. Deep State interests. Those Deep State interests are Globalist interests, and will expedite the One World Beast System under the Antichrist!

So to Dear Death Cult leader. Trump desiring a world of fair business practice, trade, during times of peace, is somehow a bad thing.

Also on the topic of blood lust, and demonic pain, suffering, and death, Constance has NEVER answered that question posed to her, "do you believe abortion should be illegal?"

Anonymous said...

Yuval is a rat!

Anonymous said...

RFK Jr. Argues Joe Biden Poses a Greater Threat to Democracy Than Donald Trump During CNN Interview (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

7:55 am one should get their health information from natural news, a well-known disinformation website run by a new age grifting christian scientist cultist who will publish (and republish) anything for clicks.

Second, if the Covid MRNA vaccines were truly causing cancers, wouldn't we be seeing an explosion of cancer numbers worldwide? Despite some unevidenced rhetoric online by even more grifters, the actual numbers do not evidence any increase in cancer numbers anywhere (other than a slight increase in cancers that were tracked in younger people in a study published after covid using data from pre-covid)

Third, there is DNA and DNA fragments in just about everything we consume and eat. Our bodies are designed to handle it and even use it.

Here Paul Offit, an actual expert, explains why it's not a concern.

Do DNA Fragments in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Cause Harm?
Dr. Paul Offit explains why it’s virtually impossible for DNA fragments in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to cause harms, such as cancers or autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Offit describes what would have to happen in order for DNA fragments to cause harm by explaining three protective mechanisms in our cells that DNA fragments from mRNA vaccines cannot overcome. First, the cytoplasm has immune mechanisms and enzymes that destroy foreign DNA. Second, the fragments would have to enter the nucleus, which requires a nuclear membrane access signal that these DNA fragments don't have. Third, even if they were able to enter the nucleus, the fragments would need to have an enzyme called integrase to become part of our DNA, which they also don’t have.

These facts should be reassuring to anyone concerned about a health risk caused by DNA fragments in vaccines.


Anonymous said...

11:01 am asked:

Also on the topic of blood lust, and demonic pain, suffering, and death, Constance has NEVER answered that question posed to her, "do you believe abortion should be illegal?"

The GOP long ago legalized abortion via Roe v Wade (5 orf 6 GOP USSC justices voted for it - a majority right there). The GOP USSC kept abortion legal for 50 years via the defending of Roe v Wade while the party itself gaslight the populace about being against it. Then the GOP finally reverses Roe v Wade after losing a heated election in order to stir up fear and hatred in the culture and prompt even more unrest (civil war?). Now the Trump and Maga GOP outwardly flip-flops and supports abortion rights themselves. Turns out they don't really want states rights after all as women voters turn out in droves to support women's healthcare in state after state. Now the GOP wants national abortion laws allowing for and promoting the murdering of babies up to X number of weeks. It's not surprising to me a rapist supports killing babies.

More recently on NBC’s Meet The Press, Trump was more circumspect on the topic, dinging Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for passing a six-week limit on abortion access. “I think what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake,” Trump said of his closest rival. “I would sit down with both sides and I’d negotiate something, and we’ll end up with peace on that issue for the first time in 52 years,” he added, replying that he does not care if the rules are set at the state or federal level.

Why Trump Will Keep Flip-Flopping on Abortion in 2024


Anonymous said...

12L03 PM

Clarification: "No one should get their health information from X"


There are MANY sources providing information (almost on a weekly basis)... to the medical repercussions from receiving the COVID VACCINE!!! It has become a real life HORROR show.

X may still be sound asleep (while pretending he's 'woke')... but, the rest of us are wide awake!!!

FYI: Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, recently spoke about his findings in front of the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on the Department of Health and Environmental Control (“DHEC”). Buckhaults has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology; he studies how genes cause cancer. He and his team specialize in detecting foreign pieces of DNA in places where they can incorporate or interfere with healthy genetic expression.

Anonymous said...

Should be 12:03 PM:

Anonymous said...


Do you think poster X spins nearly every issue here 180 degrees?

If not, why have you never once at least corrected him for calling the Vaccine hesitant here "murderers" etc.???

You gravitate towards those that lie, and slander True followers of Christ, while admiring some people of obvious low degree, like Ketanji Brown Jackson, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Valadamire Zelinsky, and more.

How can anyone take your radicalism as credibility?

Anonymous said...

2:37 pm

There are MANY sources providing information (almost on a weekly basis)... to the medical repercussions from receiving the COVID VACCINE!!! It has become a real life HORROR show.

Despite clickbait disinformation posted by grifters on the internet, there are no LEGITIMATE sources actually sharing scientific valid evidence evidencing serious "medical repercussions" beyond a dozen or so deaths and lingering adverse reactions worldwide due to the MRNA covid vaccines that otherwise saved MILLIONS of lives.

It's sick that you'd likely trade those few lives for millions merely to express your in-group loyalty to your Maga Cult God.

Right now..."excess deaths" are almost universally negative worldwide (meaning the rate of death is below 2019 numbers in most places). There is not a hint of any explosions or even moderate increases in heart attacks, strokes or cancers (that hadn't/didn't predated Covid).

Dr. Phillip Buckhaults is merely speculating about known levels of trace amounts of DNA fragments. He does not offer nor does he have evidence of a single person suffering from cancer right now due to any such exposure to low levels of DNA fragments. He can't even offer the mechanism for such to happen. He is merely grifting on the fact that in science speak, no one can absolutely claim that it can't happen. He also ignores tests done by many countries on specific batches of MRNA vaccines indicating exactly what he supposedly "discovered" --- safe levels of DNA fragments left over from the manufacturing process within safety parameters.

Here's further rational explanation why these old recycled fear techniques about vaccines are just silly.

Is there DNA contamination in COVID vaccines? No.

I'm sorry your logic and reasoning escapes you due to political wishful thinking but Covid MRNA saved millions more than the few that were harmed (there has never been any denial a few were injured - you can't manufacture an immune response to a deadly novel virus without any risk whatsoever)


Anonymous said...

Another Rayb lie...

Baby Ray said: If not, why have you never once at least corrected him for calling the Vaccine hesitant here "murderers" etc.???

I did not call anyone legitimate merely "hesitant" a murderer unless, perhaps, it was in instances where they "hesitantly" remained unvaxxed while insisting they were entitled to continue entering any and all public spaces unmasked risking exposing & killing others due to their foolish "hesitancy".

I generally saved the murder distinction for those who deliberately, for grifting and/or political purposes knowingly disseminated, made up, copied, and shared misinformation and disinformation regarding covid MRNA vaccines, online or in person, that inevitable lead to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of ignorantly unvaxxed in the summer and fall of 2021, like my otherwise healthy (yet maga foolish) 60 year old cousin.

There is no reason for Mrs. Cumbey to "correct me". Hindsight proves me absolutely correct. Tens of thousands of unnecessarily unvaxxed maga cultists were killed by the delta variant the summer/fall of 2021.

Maybe, instead of mistakenly trying to correct me, you should take responsibility and then REPENT.


Anonymous said...

X @ 5:00 PM

Keep on 'trusting the science'... I'm sure your Covid Vaccine is working just like it is SUPPOSED TO WORK. (LOL)

Anonymous said...

I am a healthcare worker and you can not change your DNA FROM A SHOT SORRY CHARLIE. WE should all have cancer from every given shot in our entire life. Infact everyone has cancer cells in their body. It's a fact some cells become active and others do not become active.

Craig said...

RFK, Jr.: "threat to democracy"

And That's Why CNN Won't Invite Him Back...

Craig said...

Oh, and note that 5 of the 6 hyperlinked articles in this very blog post is from CNN.

I'm sure there's no bias...

Anonymous said...

5:14 PM

You haven't got the cajones to admit how despicable you have behaved to malign people just because they differ from you politically or on the subject of faith. It's common knowledge now just how wrong, you, and your government gods, the CDC, AMA, etc. were about covid and the vaccines. And that's just that topic...
You're one of the worst representations of a "christian" there is.

(If you were actually humble you'd repent yourself).

But don't worry. Our expectations are very low to think that you'd ever be honest or humble, either one.

marko said...

When leftist media outlets started calling out right-wing media outlets for being "Pro-Russia", solely because of the their hatred for Trump, it was a good example of the pot calling the kettle black. Ever since the NYT supported Russia's new Soviet Empire as the greatest thing since sliced bread, via William Durant's exhuberant reporting from the newly-formed Soviet Union, the major media outlets have been voices of progressives and lefties and Soviet Communists.

But when someone like Cliff Kincaid - who has done yeoman's work in exposing all of the Communist ties to the likes of Obama and Biden - writes about possible Communist influence at Fox News, one takes notice.

Here is an interesting article by Mr. Kincaid that illustrates the dangers from some on the right (like Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, and Steve Bannon).

As far as zerohedge and gatewaypundit and others on the far right, I looked for but couldn't find the material I had read about their links to Russia or Russian disinformation (it was from around 2015 or early 2016 as I recall). Others above covered what I was trying to say fairly well though - X, and Craig. Many of these sites repost stories either from each other, or from known Russian sites like RT or Sputnik or Veterans Today or a handful of others. Some of them I would guess repost these stories based solely on their "click-bait" style titles, without even checking them out. In those cases, they are not being "run by" Russian operatives, but are still spreading the disinfo that was created by Russian trolls or bots or agents.

Gateway Pundit posted a story back around the time of the election of 2020 that had obvious errors in it that a person could find with a minimal amount of fact-checking. When I see that kind of "reporting", I have to wonder about who's running the show. Was it intentional? Was it an oversight?

Always ask "who benefits"? And by "who", you must increase the scope beyond just the source of the article and the object of the article.

And just to be clear, I can agree with something X writes without agreeing with the general philosophy or worldview of X.

Heck, I even agreed with Biden (or with his speechwriter anyway) on one or two things he said during his state of the union meanderings. That doesn't mean I agree with him on other things, or that I think he's a swell guy. He's a plagiarizing, mindless, career Democrat who hasn't made a good contribution to the American experiment since taking office decades ago, and who likely won't make any in the future, since he has obvious problems with basic thinking processes. It's sad, really. I don't know why the Democrats have kept him this long.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we can agree to words spoken by others but really it's their actions prove what their words don't back up. The Democrats keep Biden because this is what their politics and policies have come to. It's evil at heart.
The Republicans have many right ideas but too many compromises to believe they really believe what they say. Most butter their bread on words not clear, decisive, right actions. That's evil, too.
It's a Uniparty government now that has sold it's soul to socialistic globalism. Few (very few) are actually trying to uphold what we were founded upon as a nation. Globalism is here to stay until God does His own reset.

Bottom line: Put your trust in God, not men. Not any man, just Jesus. This world is passing away as we speak.

Craig said...


To be clear and fair, I merely pointed out that ZH mostly reposts articles from other sites. I did not weigh in on whether or not these are in any way related to "Putinism". It was offered as food for thought, open-ended.

I've no idea how the article you had referenced searched IP addresses--that is, the criterion it had used. Did they search the IP addresses of (all?) the linked-to articles? If so, what percentage could be labeled as Putinism?

I will now state that ZH tends to post articles on many different subjects. Given this diversity of subject matter, I don't know how one can make some sort of blanket charge of Putinism.

I do know one thing for sure. During the early days--then weeks, months--RT was one of the few outlets reporting on the French Red Vest protests. Comparatively, US media outlets paid it VERY little mind.

And now having skimmed Kincaid's article, I don't know if I'd agree with his standpoint. While I certainly don't like the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine, I don't know much of anything about the politics surrounding it. But I DO know that Tulsi Gabbard, e.g., expressed reservations about US involvement. Of course, Hillary called her a "Russian asset" a while back...

I find that the more I learn about some things, the more I realize that I'm not sure about a lot of things.

Craig said...

^French YELLOW vests

Anonymous said...


Poor Brain-injured RFK, jr was only given 34 minutes of airtime on CNN.

For a censored person I've sure heard way to much out of his mouth the last few years.

He also EARNED censorship when Biden took office in Jan 2021 as we were in the midst of a public health crisis and RFK was online spreading disinformation and misinformation that literally KILLED people.

This wasn't Biden silencing his "political opponents" -- this was our government protecting it's citizens from grifters with murderous intent.

Free speech is NOT indefinite.

We can argue all day long and battle it out in court the extent to which government can intrude into and around free speech. A former drug addict like RFK, Jr is far from the last word on the subject.


p.s. - RFK is more biased than CNN

Craig said...


Once again you demean yourself with the manner in which--the inflamed rhetoric with which--you characterize people and things.

"A former drug addict", a former alcoholic, a former ___________________ (fill in the blank)... Can no one improve to a point in which their past ills no longer affect them in your world?

Oh, if we could all be as perfect as your own mind.

p.s. CNN is far more biased than RFK, Jr.

marko said...


Re: "I find that the more I learn about some things, the more I realize that I'm not sure about a lot of things."

I agree!

Understanding Russian strategy is like wandering in a wilderness of mirrors. That's why most of what I say about it has been gleaned from the writings of others who have invested a lot more time into it than I have, like JR Nyquist, Cliff Kincaid, Natalie Grant-Wraga (deceased), Herb Romerstein (also deceased), and Soviet defectors. The defector literature is a fascinating topic all by itself, and is a fairly large body of work.

There are other writers who are examining Russia with a different lens, that may be more pertinent to discussions here, where the occult and new age roots to the Russian Revolution are exposed. Steven Montgomery, in his book The Converging Apostasy, which I mentioned a while back, covers a lot of historical connections that I've not seen elsewhere. He brings that history forward to the present day and demonstrates a continuing connection between some of the philosophy-makers in Russia and the more radical elements of the NAR - Latter Rain - Manifest Sons of God doctrines. Quite fascinating.

Anonymous said...

x posts--really provokes--like a bad case of hemorrhoids....a flaming case.
A merciless jerk to people he hates.

Anonymous said...


You only talk about Russia.
Do you ever notice China's operations in the U.S.? (Their dirty hands everywhere else, too?)
Follow JoBama and you bump into Chinese subversion at every turn. And he licks the mullahs shoes.

Aren't you seeing Russia, China, and Iran are an unholy trinity?

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 9:27 PM

Spot on !

And right on also with this statement @ 9:00 PM:

And now having skimmed Kincaid's article, I don't know if I'd agree with his standpoint. While I certainly don't like the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine, I don't know much of anything about the politics surrounding it. But I DO know that Tulsi Gabbard, e.g., expressed reservations about US involvement. Of course, Hillary called her a "Russian asset" a while back...

I find that the more I learn about some things, the more I realize that I'm not sure about a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

Attention Sister Constance Cumbey. Is this Nun a member of the Trump Cult? Please comment!

Catholic Nun Mother Miriam Calls Joe Biden “Inept and Evil” — Says “It Will Be an Act of God” to Elect Trump (VIDEO)

“Catholic Nun sharing the truth. Calls Biden inept and evil. Says it would be an act of God to elect Trump. Says voting should be limited to citizens,” Abbott posted.

During her podcast, Mother Miriam depicted the forthcoming November election as “an absolute war [between] good and evil.”

She went on to suggest that a Trump victory would only be possible through divine intervention.

“If Biden is not reelected,” she declared, “it is a complete act of God, because every scheme and every evil is out there that he would continue to be our president, as inept and evil as he is.”

Mother Miriam did not mince words in her assessment of those in Biden’s inner circle either. “The devil is wise. I would not put it past them to do anything,” she said.

She voiced support for policies requiring proof of American citizenship to vote, a stance that aligns with many in the Republican Party.

“I know that recently someone has made a motion that no one should be able to vote who cannot prove US citizenship. I totally agree with that. But there are those in the Democratic Party who do we are up against not just an election, but an absolute war for good against good and evil,” she said.

View full video of Mother Miriam's comments here:

Anonymous said...


RFK, Jr's apparent brain injury (due to years of drug abuse) is relevant when his crazy ideas are in the political arena.

His own family carefully contradicts him and is pretty transparent with their feelings that RFK, jr. is not right in the head.

You're the one who keeps bringing and defending paranoid former drug addicts and serial adulterers into the conversations ...not me. You demean yourself with the company you keep and/or share as supposed relevant respectful credible sources. Do better.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Allegedly Had Affairs With 37 Women in 2001

Excerpt The NSA still has nothing on the New York Post, which used all of its demon tabloid powers to somehow acquire a journal that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. allegedly kept in 2001. Most titillating, it includes a log of the women he had sex with behind the back of his wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, who killed herself last year in the midst of the couple’s divorce and reportedly found the journal at some point:

A copy of the 398 pages, reviewed by The Post, details RFK Jr.’s daily activities, speeches, political activism and the lives of his six children in the year 2001. But they also record the names of women — with numbers from 1 to 10 next to each entry.

The codes corresponded to sexual acts, with 10 meaning intercourse, Mary told a confidant. There are 37 women named in the ledger, 16 of whom get 10s.

On Nov. 13, 2001, RFK Jr. records a triple play. The separate encounters — coded 10, 3 and 2 — occur the same day he attended a black-tie fund-raiser at the Waldorf-Astoria for Christopher Reeve’s charity, where he sat next to the paralyzed “Superman” star, magician David Blaine and comic Richard Belzer.


Anonymous said...

Evil illustration of the Death Cult Party led by Joe Biden (the same Joe Biden that Constance says she's voting for):

Did you know that EVERY DEMOCRAT IN THE U. S. SENATE voted to allow abortion at any time, for any reason, right up until the moment of birth, and they demanded that YOU pay for it?

Read all about it here:

Compassionately Communicating Life

COMMENTARY By South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem April 02, 2024

Anonymous said...

11:05 PM

Amazing thing is that people can change.

That's why there's still a faint glimmer of hope left for even someone like you.

Anonymous said...

6:37 PM

You are not much of a 'healthcare worker' if you aren't AWARE that it's not just cancer... thousands of Covid vaccinated people have experienced blood clots, strokes, heart attacks. At the very least, their immune systems have been compromised.

Because you are ignorant of these facts... you are a delusional healthcare worker who is in denial.

Anonymous said...

She won't answer that just like she wouldn't reply to GrantNZ when he asked fot scrioture

Craig said...

Anon 2:25 AM,

I don't expect Constance will answer.

It's not always the answers that expose a person. Sometimes it's the unanswered questions that are more telling.

marko said...

10:10 PM

Yes, I'm fully aware of China and Iran posing threats to the West. They are part of the "BRICS" alliance - Brazil, Russia, Iran, China, and South Africa. They (Russia and China) are also part of the SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization. These are all enemies of the West, cooperating to one degree or another for our defeat. Their influence over people in our own government, including Biden, shouldn't be underestimated.

China and Russia can be shown to have been "in cahoots" since the Cold War.

Soviet Defector Anatoliy Golitsyn's "New Lies For Old" showed how Russia and China work together behind the scenes to make the west believe they are not friends, but in reality they are working to weaken the West to such a degree that they can combine later on to attack with "one clenched fist". Of course, their "brands" of Totalitarianism / Communism are different, but they will most definitely put aside those differences to achieve their desired victory.

Read Nyquist's blog for some good background material. Go back into the archives (I think they are still available).

Anonymous said...

While Constance posts nothing other than Trump, Trump and more Trump ...

Four More Pro-Life Advocates Convicted by Biden Regime for Praying and Singing Hymns Outside Abortion Clinic in Tennessee

Joe Biden’s DOJ/FBI is hunting down pro-life, conservative grandmas while ignoring Antifa and BLM militants.

Four pro-life Christians were convicted of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act following a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion facility.

The individuals, Eva Edl, Eva Zastrow, James Zastrow, and Paul Place, now face potential penalties of a year in prison and thousands of dollars in fines, with sentencing scheduled for July 30.

In October 2022, eleven pro-life advocates were arrested.

“Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Calvin Zastrow, Coleman Boyd, Caroline Davis, Paul Vaughn, Dennis Green, Eva Edl, Eva Zastrow, James Zastrow and Paul Place were indicted for federal offenses in connection with an alleged reproductive health care clinic blockade in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, on March 5, 2021. Gallagher, Idoni, Calvin Zastrow, Boyd, Davis, Vaughn and Dennis Green were charged with a civil rights conspiracy. All 11 defendants were charged with a Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act) offense,” the DOJ wrote in 2022.

Among them was Paul Vaughn, whose arrest at his home by FBI agents has been criticized for its use of force.

Also last year, a DC jury on Friday convicted three defendants, two over 70, for blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic.

The defendants each face a maximum of 11 years in prison, three years supervised release, and a fine of up to $350,000.

The three defendants – Jonathan Darnel, 41, of Arlington, Virginia.; Jean Marshall, 73, of Kingston, Massachusetts; Joan Bell, 74, of Montague, New Jersey – were each convicted of a felony conspiracy against rights and a FACE Act offense, the DOJ announced

Anonymous said...

Throughout my life, I've heard people, many of them Jews, say "why didn't the Christians do anything while the Jews (and other enemies of the state) were being led off to the concentration camps by the Nazis?"

The above post is the answer to that question. When you have a despotic justice department that is determined to ruin your life because of your convictions, the vast majority will do nothing.

Anonymous said...

10:55 AM

Yes, and Constance will vote for the despotic regime.

Anonymous said...

"although Trump comfortably won four primary votes on Tuesday, in Wisconsin, Connecticut, New York and Rhode Island, it is significant that in all of those states, a proportion of Republicans voted for politicians no longer in the race, showing anti-Trump feeling among the GOP is alive and well. This dissent could prove difficult in swing states when the Republican faces Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the November election."

Anonymous said...

It's surreal to read, think or say "candidate Joe Biden."

Anonymous said...

Some believe Trump to be the coming AntiChrist.

I would say that if he builds that 3rd temple over there and then puts his 'headquarters' in Israel, then it's a go. I doubt he is the one, but we'll see.

Anonymous said...

I knew someone whose father was in a 1% motorcycle club. She claimed 1% motorcycle clubs were good because if they moved into a neighborhood the people behaved. While listening to the tail end of Trump's Wisconsin speech while bored at the Laundromat yesterday he mentioned Scarface so I did a search . . .

quote - "While discussing negative media portrayals, Scarface brings up Donald Trump and how he loves him "because he don't know no better." "I love him," Scarface says with a grin. "He's f***ing rich and f***ing lawless...he don't give a f*** about that s***."

So this begs the question - is Donald Trump a 1%er

Anonymous said...

They are all 1%-ers

Anonymous said...

1:42 PM

True. In fact if you are not willing to use the sword don't sign-up

Epistle of St Paul to the Romans Chapter 13

1 Let every soul be subject to higher powers: for there is no power but from God: and those that are, are ordained of God. 2 Therefore he that resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God. And they that resist, purchase to themselves damnation. 3 For princes are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good: and thou shalt have praise from the same. 4 For he is God's minister to thee, for good. But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the sword in vain. For he is God's minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil. 5 Wherefore be subject of necessity, not only for wrath, but also for conscience' sake.

Yet, (not to sound too douchy), we need honorable role models for our children.

Anonymous said...

Not many honorable role models for children here in Babylon.

Anonymous said...

Moderna Developing mRNA Vaccines for Diseases Linked to COVID Shots

As Moderna expands its mRNA vaccine pipeline to target Epstein-Barr, shingles, cancer and autoimmune diseases, scientists warn the company’s COVID-19 shots may be suppressing immune function, reactivating latent viruses and potentially causing the very conditions their new products aim to prevent. The company also is developing mRNA solutions for cancer and autoimmune diseases.

During its Vaccines Day Event for investors on March 28, Moderna announced progress on multiple mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutic candidates in its “pipeline.”

Three vaccines targeting Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Varicella-zoster virus (VZV, chickenpox and shingles) and Norovirus are advancing to “pivotal late-stage development,” the company said.

Moderna also announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to approve its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine mRNA-1345 for older adults. This is part of an expected $52 billion market for Moderna’s infectious disease vaccines.

“We continue to explore the application of mRNA in the potential treatment of cardiovascular and other ischemic vascular diseases,” Moderna’s website states in its product plans for therapeutic areas.

The company also is developing mRNA solutions for cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Citing the WELL-DOCUMENTED and often serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, some scientists and doctors said they are concerned about the dangers of existing and new mRNA formulations.

They also question whether Moderna is attempting to profit from solutions for diseases its products are causing.
Blocking the ‘foot soldiers of the immune system’

Moderna Developing mRNA Vaccines for Diseases Linked to COVID Shots

Anonymous said...

4:09 PM

LOL.."some scientists and doctors"

why not just name the grifting liars making unsubstantiated allegations & wild speculations?

There's only a few of them so it should be easy.


Anonymous said...

X, always willing to roll up his sleeve, or bend over for his dear Satan.

Anonymous said...

Does Jeremiah 4:7 speak of the coming Nibiru/Hercolobus system and its debris?

Is that what sets off the colossal earthquake at the 6th seal as it darkens the sun?

Anonymous said...

Vaccine industry propaganda site ‘Health Feedback’ produces more false & misleading info on vaccines and autism

Anonymous said...

X @ 6:35 PM

You ought to know ALL of the LIARS by name, X... since YOU are one of the biggests LIARS on this blog... and clearly, you work for them!!!

And since the liars want to depopulate the world (all under the pretext of 'protecting' everyone via a weaponized vaccine)... you ought to be able to name them.

Anonymous said...

3:22 PM

True again. I can't think of any (except Liz Cheney) - : No, seriously, in the beginning it looked like Barrack Obama might have fit the Eagle Scout bill. He was very popular with young folks and old ladies and I even made the prediction that someday Barrack Obama would be on money. On the other hand the thing about Trump is - what you see is what you get. Maybe he is a guy who can wield the sword.

Anonymous said...

Deep State Goes After Trump And Musk's Financial Assets... Who's Next?

"Are we in the middle - or perhaps the end - of the transition from a national republic to a single - party regime that rules by fiat instead of law?"

Anonymous said...

Police Scotland Deluged With Nearly 4,000 Hate Crime Law Is Weaponized

Anonymous said...

There's talk of the Deep State launching their fake alien invasion on Solar Eclipse day. Rumors are the Deep State has something diabolical planned for that day for sure.

Then there's the prediction of a massive Harp-induced earthquake to hit Los Angeles on June 6th. The earthquake of such magnitude will level the city and be felt all across the country. The numerical date is 6/6/24 (6 6 2+4=6) or 6 6 6.

Will anything catastrophic happen on April 8th or June 6th? Not likely, but "A lot of desperate people can see the writing on the wall: a landslide win by Trump in November. And desperate people will resort to desperate measures," says the Trumpsters.

Anonymous said...

Conservative PM Giorgia Melonis Italy is the Fastest Growing European Economy, Leaving liberal Germany Behind

Death Death Cult Leader Cumbey says Giorgia Melonis keeps her "awake at night!"

To the Radical Cumbey Death Cult, good is evil, and evil good.

Anonymous said...

Death Cult Dear Leader's 'Justice' Department at work:

DOJ Seeks Prison Time for Woman Who Found Ashley Biden’s Diary that Revealed Old Joe’s Perverted Acts with His Daughter

As previously reported, Ashley Biden, Joe Biden’s youngest daughter, left her diary under a mattress at the Palm Beach rehab home following a stay at a treatment facility. Two individuals who found Ashley Biden’s diary at a halfway house later sold the diary to James O’Keefe and Project Veritas.

In a January 2019 entry, Ashley Biden recalled how she used to shower with her father, Joe Biden, and suggested it may have contributed to a sex addiction.

The diary describes Ashley and her father Joe Biden taking showers together at an inappropriate age.

“I have always been boy crazy,’ Ashley wrote. ‘Hyper-sexualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).’ she wrote in a January 2019 entry, according to the Daily Mail.

James O’Keefe was later the victim of a late-night FBI raid and was arrested by the Biden regime.

The two individuals who found Ashley Biden’s diary at a halfway house pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property.

And Joe Biden’s DOJ is using their guilty pleas to go after Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe.

Now, the Department of Justice is seeking prison time for Aimee Harris who found the diary under Ashley Biden’s mattress.

More here:

Anonymous said...

Michigan Police Officers Association endorses Donald Trump for President yesterday.
So is Constance accuse them now

GrantNZ said...

How do I delete/remove my profile?
I don't intend to comment on this blog anymore and don't want to be associated with the site.

Craig said...


I wish I could help you, but I never obtained a blogger account. Anyone else?

I ask, though, before you go, please contact me. You can safely reach me (and I can reasonably confirm it's you) by filling in my contact form here.

marko said...


If you click on the big orange B at the top left of this site, then click on settings (gear icon), then Edit Profile, there's a selection at the bottom to delete data and profile.

I'm not sure if we'd lose all your posts in past threads or not, but my guess would be yes?

Sorry to see you go. Although... I've been away for long periods of time myself, and only come by occasionally to jump in for a swim.

Anonymous said...

2:26 PM Aimee Harris should get prison time. She stole something from a patient in a rehabilitation facility where she was employed, and then sold it. I assume she lost her job because of it. Anyone employed in health care knows that disclosure of any type of confidential patient information is not permissible and will end in termination. Selling of a patient's diary to get its contents in the public spotlight goes way beyond that. James O'Keefe's business tactics should be investigated. Where is his personal integrity? Ashley Biden, according to her diary, is a victim, and did not deserve this.

Craig said...


As one who likes to make fully informed decisions, I present the following. It may be good to read through the entire post:

Never delete a Blogger profile

If you want to amend or hide your Blogger profile only, start at:

When you make your first blog, Google creates a profile for you. You can edit it to show more or less information, and even hide it if you like. You don't have to use your real name.

The "About Me" widget, if you use it in your blog, displays the profile name, image, and description, even if you hide the profile page.

Of course, you can delete the widget from your blog, if you like. Furthermore, you can reverse any of those actions.

But if you delete your profile, you can't undo. And, you may regret it. From the Blogger help community:

yesterday by mistake i deleted my blogger profile and now i am not able to bring my blogger profile anyone can help me to restore my blogger profile

Anonymous said...

1:42 PM said "read your Bible DAILY, while humbly asking that the truth of the Scriptures would be revealed to you." etc

Why would you assume that Constance doesn't do this? Sounds like you're the one with a pride issue.

marko said...

By the way... the Elijah List video from the previous post, where the female guest talked about the hundreds of thousands of indictments that are being taken care of and have been taken care of... I posted a request under the video on YT asking for a list of only 1000 of them, so we can fact check whether anyone has really been indicted and arrested or taken away or whatever.

I don't expect to see any list. Those people are nuts.

GrantNZ said...

Thanks Craig and Marko.
Will look into it further.
NZ is under British Law and part of the five eyes network so I have real concerns this blog has crossed the line into what would be deemed a extremist political site rather than religious dialogue as it was in the past.

Craig said...


Here's what I don't get. If one takes the position that QAnon, and by extension these wackos at the Elijah List, is part of a psyop, then WHY would one accept anything put forth by such as being in the realm of truth?!

Anonymous said...

7:49 PM

You are correct, Marko. We will never see a list of indictments. QAnon/NAR has that lie covered because they are "sealed indictments."

Anonymous said...


It's odd that your five eyes network would think the current discussion is now more political than the 'News and views of Constance Cumbey concerning "Radical Middle", New Age Movement, Communitarianism, "planetary humanism," "global governance," European Union, Javier Solana, Jeremy Rifkin, "New Age Politics," law in the USA, combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!'

marko said...


Dang it! I forgot about them being sealed. How convenient.

And since the military is doing the "prosecuting" on ships offshore in international waters, or will be doing it if they haven't started yet (there's some confusion on that point), that won't help, because we know there are never any whistleblowers in the military, right?

Anonymous said...

You got it, Marko!

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