I started this article a few weeks ago and did not complete it. I am aging now and will turn 20 in just a few ore weeks. (I'm a Leap Year Baby and get one birthday every four years whether I need it or not! Do your 4 x 20 math). I just do not have the stamina I once had -- My mother died at age 81, my father at age 63. My maternal grandfather lived to age 86 and died of colon cancer. His oldest son, my mother's older brother lived to be 95 and taught college until he was 92. So, I am not sure which set of genes I was dealt nor what age the Lord plans to take me. As the world seems to be going now, I am starting to think the lucky ones are out of here. Frankly, most of the news is very bad these days.
As you know, I have my deep reservations about Donald Trump. He is a prominent entry in my large internet file titled "Antichrist theories."
But my worries are increasing speedily about Donald Trump and frankly, I don't care if many of you violently dispute me or not. I hope you are right and I am wrong -- but I am increasingly suspecting the opposite.
Trump's probable return to power has brought strongly to my mind lately the prophecy of "THE BEAST THAT WAS DEAD AND CAME BACK TO LIFE." That Beast's "deadly wound was healed" and "ALL THE WORLD WONDERED AFTER THE BEAST." (Revelation 3:3)
Since the start of 2024, Trump's boldness in proclaiming retribution for all those prosecuting him, RINO's, what he terms "fake press", "Never-Trumpers", etc. has increased. So has his open praise of other countries' dictators: Erdogan (Turkey), Xi (China), Putin (Russia), Hezbollah (Lebanese anti-Israel militia group), Viktor Orban (Hungary), etc.
PLEASE WATCH CAREFULLY THE VIDEO OF TRUMP'S RALLY SPEECH IN CONWAY, SOUTH CAROINA, YESTERDAY! You will see of what I just discussed in the preceding paragraph there. I managed to insert a copy here of the speech for those who can't follow the link.
Tonight, I was so bothered by the passage of "all theWorld wondered after the beast", I decided to do an internet search to see if anybody else had similar thoughts. I found the attached 2020 item from an "anonymous" poster expressing virtually identical thoughts and interpretations that have been playing over many times in my head lately. You can read it and you can even listen to it read -- it is about a 12 minute listen. It is called "The Resurrection of Donald Trump". The author chose to be anonymous, but 3 years later, it appears that it may well be happening.
That scriptural passage It has become increasingly apparent that the vast majority of Evangelicals and many conservative Catholics believe that Donald Trump, if re-elected --- indictments and all --will be their savior or deliverer. They believe and are told that the World Economic Forum,NATO, the United Nations, the Bilderbergers, etc. will soon take over the world, cost nations their individual soveereignty, etc., etc. This is the theme of a very professional film/video iny Amazon Prime library: "Trump is God's chosen instrument to stand between them and us." The movie is literally loaded with positive images of Donald Trump, including a his sculptured head on a bust.
Quoting from one voice (Tony Perkins) early in the production saying: "There clearly is a march towards globalization. We know there is a counterforce to everything that God does. It's called Satan. He's been planning and scheming from the very beginning and we read that he does it all the way to the end.
So far, so true.
Next, the video accurately quotes Scripture from the Book of Revelation about the coming world dictator and that he will "surely be around the corner '. . . ;It's difficult to deny that we will be heading toward a global government." It tells us to look at the United Nations, the World Bank.
Am I concerned about the World Economic Forum? Yes. Am I concerned about the "World Bank"? Yes. Am I concerned about other moves toward "globalization"? Yes!
But, I am even more concerned about the deception Jesus warned us would be -- enough to deceive the Elect, if possible." (Matthew 24:24). Others have said to me: "I'm the elect, that's not possible." The minute you think it not possible for you to be deceived, you are the most vulnerable. As many of Brother Paul and Brother James' excellent videos have shown, there are too many prophesied points about the Antichrist apparently manifesting fully in Donald Trump: Wealth, Greed, lawlessness, dishonesty. I believe Trump is playing a clever game as being "our champion." I also believe that he will probably turn on us as he did so many others when Christians start to doubt his sincerity. There is absolutely no way I can ignore his posting of messianic qualities about himself nor his failure to denounce others making such messianic claims on his behalf.
And lastly, Donald Trump has claimed he has never needed to go to God and ask for forgiveness.
Well, as to the Cyrus thing. We know Cyrus was a monarch who helped restore the Jewish nation, but we have no Biblical nor other evidence as to him being supposedly a corrupt and cruel figure.
I have much more to say, but I felt I needed to say this much now!
Stay tuned!
1 – 200 of 668 Newer› Newest»Greetings Constance, it's Di from Australia here. I haven't caught up with you for a year or so, and I have some observations for you. When I first started listening to you, 20 years ago on microeffect radio, you were the first to expose the satanic paedophilia and child trafficking in politics and the establishment. It is now very apparent, that you were 100%. Clintons/Podesta/Epstein/ Saville Andrew are up to thier neck in it. No one except Trump has spoken up, or had the ability to call them out. The same deep state are framing him with false flags (the insurrection was a total set up) and Biden bias and the media are owned by the deep state. Surely if Trump was the Antichrist there would be evidence of his crimes. He would have not been able to hide that. The anti Trump narrative and sabotage is huge. The same dee state Zionists used the rainbow to promote GLBT as you predicted, and are now bringing in a new WEF worldwide pandemic treaty to override all constitutions and enslave the world in 15 minute prisons like Gaza. Other than Gods Christ who is going to stop this?
I'm interested to talk with you further, and I wish you all the best love and happiness for your upcoming 20th.
When it comes to the Endtimes look to whats happening in Jerusalem and Isreal from a Biblical prophecy prospective.
Get back to being guided by Biblical truth rather than politics.
Scripture trumps all other sources as the only real Truth.
To 5:04 - we certainly do need to talk. Yes, January 6, 2021 was SET UP -- by
Donald John Trump and company.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSX1mJLo204 - "Donald Trump is an Antichrist" by Rev. Brandon Roberts
If you were a faith filled Christian, you would be more concerned with witnessing to others, the hope we can all have in Y'shua the Savior, and soon coming King! Rather than peddling your gospel of 'fear the orange man'.
You're pathetic!
Should have typed. Rather than peddling your anti-gospel of 'fear the orange man'.
Frankly the Deep State/Beast System, has all their pieces in place, and they are not even trying anymore to conceal their plans. Why to think that they need Trump is goofy nonsense! Barack O'Biden is fully committed to destroying what little decency is left in this world! But just ignore that fact!
If someone is going to fulfill prophecy by being the AC, is it important for us to know who that person is? Even Christ doesn't know. Wouldn't it be wise to draw close to the Savior, and forsake this rapidly dying world? Take up your cross and be willing to keep your testimony even unto death?
Sounds like a certain someone here has flesh in the game! You can't 'vote away' the antichrist!
Scenes from a celebration of the same-sex marriage law — at Mar-a-Lago
“We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala.
Anonymous 9:37 AM,
The Lord Jesus Christ’s Holy Name in English is Jesus.
Secondly, we are instructed by God Himself in the Holy Scriptures to be a watchman and sound the alarm, which Constance is doing here.
Therefore, your blood (i.e., the loss of your soul to eternal damnation) shall be on your own head.
5:38 AM
Grant NZ, thank you.
You speak for me, too.
The sheer number of over the top speculations have really obscured the truth here.
Blog owner included.
6:07 AM CC
I see you bought your own bridge.
Furthermore, 10:03 AM,
You’d do well to follow the commands of Jesus regarding the Last Days.
Matt 24:42 - Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day on which your Lord will come.
Matt 24:44 - For this reason, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect.
Matt 25:13 - Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Given we are told to follow Christ consider what the Lords response was to the politics of the time and the religious leaders of the day.
Now how does that compare to todays behaviour.
Musk denies selling Starlink terminals to Russia after Kyiv alleges their use in occupied areas
By Dr. Cliff DK Kelly
The Sixth Seal
by Ph D Cliff Kelly
Even those, to whom Trump's comments were made, know how to keep things in context compared to the
flamethrowers here (like Constance). I have plenty of qualms of my own about pragmatist Trump, but the fearmongering is much more on the side of the ridiculous, actually hurting people who are not on the extreme side of issues (which is in both camps).
Gee Louise, let things play out will ya?
More proof of disingenuous Trump。
Trump calls DeSantis abortion ban ‘a terrible mistake,’ sparking anger from some key Republicans
GrantNZ 1:34 PM,
Given we are told to follow Christ consider what the Lords response was to the politics of the time and the religious leaders of the day.
Now how does that compare to todays behaviour.
Jesus said just a few terse words, but they still say a lot. My kingdom is not of this world. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. He knew what was coming later on in the very turbulent century in which He lived.
Roman occupied Judea of the first century AD was at the very pivot point of human history. Militant Messianism was extremely popular with the young men of Jerusalem and Judea especially. In some of its sects it could be as fiery as Islam. Nationalism was extremely popular with the Jewish people.
In contrast, the ruling class was Roman accomodationist. It consisted of the Herodian tetrarchs who were clients of Rome and were not considered true Jews by the Jews. Some of their princesses in the family had very diluted blood from the line of Judas Macabees, but the Herodian family by and large had a lot of Arab and Greek blood in them.
The Herodian family appointed the high priests. The high priests were not popular. James the brother of Jesus was followed by the people as an alternative priest. Wearing white linen, he would enter the Holy of Holies once a year to pray for the people.
James was the leader of the Poor, the Ebion, which is what the Jerusalem church called itself. The Ebion were expecting Jesus to return to judge, not all Jews, but the rich of Jerusalem who were considered traitors to Rome. That would be the Herodian family, the Pharisees and the high priest families. The Ebion regarded themselves as a righteous remnant of true Jews and believed themselves to be living in the last generation of the twelve tribes of Israel.
At least some among the Ebion, who were more Zealot in tendency, were expecting they might do battle and might win upon the return of Jesus leading the hosts of angels. Many of them had wilderness camps out near Jericho. They believed the angels were camping with them requiring them to observe extreme cleanliness and purity.
Some of the Ebion actually had an influence on Islam historically. It's kind of difficult to fully comprehend that transition time in which the house of Jerusalem, the temple, was left to it desolate and the kingdom was given to another people bearing the fruits thereof. I think the early Catholic church was eager to suppress that Zealot type of history and eager to promote the more Pauline type of Roman accomodationism.
Jesus walked a line in between Zealot militancy and Roman accomodationism. I'm not sure I fully grasp it, but I do know that everywhere Jesus went, He told hard truths while doing kind deeds. I think most of Christendom has long considered His Word to be a type of sword, and to be the type of sword He referred to when He said that He came not in peace but with a sword.
Where does that leave us today in terms of political guidance?
P.S. Both the pacifist vegetarian purists like James and the militant Zealots, and all points along the continuum, had one thing in common. They considered a Roman ruler along with a priesthood in bed with it to be a form of defilement. Anything other than God being their only king represented defilement to them.
Revelation 19:15
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a [shepherd's] rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
(A shepherd's rod could be used to club predators, to block and steer sheep and to point at sheep and count them. The sheep were not beat with it, because it would scare and scatter them.)
Update on Houston's Lakewood Church shooting suspect...
The Lakewood Church shooting suspect is from Conroe, TX... Genesee Ivonne Moreno (a 36 year old hispanic female, who has used multiple aliases ~ both male & female).
She had the word 'Palestine' written on her AR15 rifle. The injured 7 year old child (who was with her) is her own son!!!
An earlier press conference indicated that this is an ongoing investigation (involving multiple state & federal agencies). Although the investigation is 'fluid'... as of now, it appears to be a lone wolf case.
Houston Lakewood Church shooting suspect identified as Conroe resident in search warrant
Investigators search Conroe home believed to be connected to Lakewood Church shooter
Constance @ 6:07 AM
Re: "Yes, January 6, 2021 was SET UP -- by Donald John Trump and company."
I strongly urge you (and everyone on this blog) to take the time to listen to Tucker Carlson's February 10, 2024 interview with the Capitol Chief of Police about what really went down on January 6th.
TᑌCKEᖇ CᗩᖇᒪSΘᑎ 2/10/24 ᖴᑌᒪᒪ HD | TᑌCKEᖇ CᗩᖇᒪSΘᑎ 2/10/24 ᖴᑌᒪᒪ HD | By Melanie Harmon | Facebook
Charles Coulombe verses Vladimir Putin
You can't bullsh!t a bullsh!ter
If you accept what Moscow's Tucker Carlson says, you will buy anything-- what we all saw LIVE, Pence gallows, Horned shaman and all was what happened on January 6, 2021. 5:36 PM is, you can bet, probably part if the Qanon-Maga cult in good standing!
tO 10:03 AM
Much as I dislike the policies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, neiher of them come close to fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist -- Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE. Christians won't for the most part be deceived by the policies of either of those men. By TRUMP'S lying mouth and pandering promises he does not intend to keep is taking you captive and many of you are committing open idolatry by positing Trump as God's anointed, King Cyrus, Commander in Chief of the FINAL BATTLE (Qanon - Melissa Redpill the World), etc., etc.
And for those of you who think Trump is ot NEW AGE in some of the worst sense of the word, please be advised that in addition to Norman Vincent Peale, one of his primary coaches was ANTHONY ROBBINS aka TONY ROBBINSm the notorious Fire walking guru who made many millions charging people big money for his "transformational classes" of walking on beds of hot coals.
Peale's message to Trump was SELF CONFIDENCE, Robbins; message wass PURE RAW DOMINATING POWER!
tO 10:03 AM
Much as I dislike the policies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, neiher of them come close to fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist -- Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE. Christians won't for the most part be deceived by the policies of either of those men. By TRUMP'S lying mouth and pandering promises he does not intend to keep is taking you captive and many of you are committing open idolatry by positing Trump as God's anointed, King Cyrus, Commander in Chief of the FINAL BATTLE (Qanon - Melissa Redpill the World), etc., etc.
Sister Constance, Brother Paul and Brother James Key wish to welcome you to the Donald J. Trump blog where all things Trump are obsessed over.
"Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE." ROFL !!!! The derangement continues ...
The Imitation of Christ: Trump Edition | Antichrist 45
TRANSCRIPT: When many Christians hear the words “The Imitation of Christ,” they immediately think of the well-known book written by Thomas Kempis. And for good reason, as his book, “The Imitation of Christ,” is one of the more popular Christian devotional books of all time.
However, in this video I want to talk briefly about a different imitation of Christ: one that is done by the Antichrist. For although the word Antichrist is usually understood as being someone who opposes Christ, it also means the one who seeks to replace Christ.
Thus, the Antichrist will attribute to himself the characteristics of Jesus, especially that he is the sacrificial lamb. He is innocent and blameless – persecuted like no one has ever been. He is taking all the slings and arrows FOR us. He is suffering for OUR sins.
He will claim to be infallible, and the one who brings righteous judgment upon those who are evil. He will even state that only he will bring peace to the entire world. He will portray himself as our savior, as the only name given to us whereby we are saved. He is the false Christ.
Beyond these things, there is a verse in the bible that perfectly illustrates another, more profound way that the Antichrist will imitate Christ. That verse is in the 10th chapter of Matthew, is spoken by Jesus, and reads as follows:
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.”
This passage is understood as meaning that the gospel of Christ will cause division, even among those who are closest to us. But that division serves to separate the wheat from the tares, as Jesus explained in his parable in Matthew 13.
But in the same way as the gospel of Christ will cause division, even among those who are closest to us, so does the gospel of the Antichrist cause these same divisions. It is yet another way that the Antichrist imitates Christ.
In fact, the Antichrist is prophesied to be one who sows discord. But the full meaning isn’t simply that he causes division, rather that he purposely sows this division in order to reap the benefits. It is how he divides and conquers.
And if there is one thing that we have seen with Trump over the past 8 years, it’s his astounding ability to causes division in families and among friends. To turn parent against child and brother against sister. But this purposeful division isn’t to separate the wheat from the tares, it is to empower himself.
For as many Christians have fallen under the spell of Trump, they have turned against their own family members in order to align themselves with the man who is the literal embodiment of the things of this world.
So the next time you hear Trump speak, or if you read one of his statements on Truth Social, be aware that his attacks on other people, his willingness to denigrate others for not praising him, is intentional. He is sowing discord in order to divide and conquer.
10:06 PM (Aka QAnon RayB?),
The real derangement is a sad quality of those who rabidly idolise the vilest of men, Donald J. Trump. Such are under a great delusion indeed. The loss of your soul is no laughing matter, 10:06 PM
At the beginning of the video of Trump ‘s rally speech yesterday, in Conway, South Carolina, Trump says, ‘I think I was known as, not this name’.
Very telling indeed! A little, mocking hint by him being the AC, perhaps?
Acts 4
8Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, 9if we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole; 10be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. 11This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. 12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
John 5:43 KJV
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
This was the amount of Trump’s lies and deceptions counted by The Washington Post around the four years Trump was President. For those of us who have been paying sober attention, we have witnessed his falsehoods becoming ever more outlandish and DERANGED since then.
Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years
Analysis by Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo and Meg Kelly
January 24, 2021
When The Washington Post Fact Checker team first started cataloguing President Donald Trump’s false or misleading claims, we recorded 492 suspect claims in the first 100 days of his presidency. On Nov. 2 alone, the day before the 2020 vote, Trump made 503 false or misleading claims as he barnstormed across the country in a desperate effort to win reelection.
This astonishing jump in falsehoods is the story of Trump’s tumultuous reign. By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency — averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day.
What is especially striking is how the tsunami of untruths kept rising the longer he served as president and became increasingly unmoored from the truth.
Trump averaged about six claims a day in his first year as president, 16 claims day in his second year, 22 claims day in this third year — and 39 claims a day in his final year. Put another way, it took him 27 months to reach 10,000 claims and an additional 14 months to reach 20,000. He then exceeded the 30,000 mark less than five months later.
The fact checks in the database amount to about 5 million words and many include links to sources that debunk Trump’s statements.
The Trump claims database was nominated by the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University for inclusion in a list of the Top Ten Works of Journalism of the Decade. “The project is a sterling example of what journalists should do — holding the powerful accountable by using reporting and facts,” the nomination said.
Also see:
‘Read our full report on the database.’
‘See the pace of Trump’s false claims in this amazing visual graphic.’
‘Visit the Trump claims database website and explore it. The database has an extremely fast search engine that will quickly locate suspect statements made by Trump. Readers can also isolate claims by time period, subject or venue.‘
John 8:44 epitomises the spirit of Trump and many of his deranged and deluded idolisers.
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Hi Constance, Thanks for all your replies. I have listened to your links. This is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9R9oysRLK4 to the Tucker Carlson interview with Steven Sund, Capitol COP, and every,every-EVERY little piece of evidence indicates a government, intelligence, military coverup and "set up" and NOTHING points to Trump. From Sund's account, Pelosi and McConnell are complicit and did you consider a true insurrection would not send in clowns, and there is surveillance footage of staff opening doors and directing the protesters inside. 19 domestic terrorists tracked by FBI as present on the day, and others instigating going in, and not arrested. This is obviously and clearly an inside job.
So tell me please where Sund's, or any evidence points to Trump setting this up.
I also listened to Trumps Carolina speech, and it is absolutely standard, and exactly what he has done, saying for 4+ years. What exactly are you worried about, other than your fears of an antichrist.
I note you co authored a book on Barack Obama, and wonder if you uncovered evidence of his birth and Michele's birth, and the children's birth, because, there is alot of evidence to suggest they are fake and still have huge influence and connections. I cannot help but think you have stopped short of the big picture, and l can see you may be missing the key because, we are in a spiritual war, and deception is huge and all I can say, is by their actions alone shall they be known.
1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
Indeed, the falling away has happened and is happening and the son of perdition, Donald J. Trump is being revealed to those sojourners, guided by the Holy Spirit, who are watchful and put not their faith and trust in the things of this world, but in Jesus Christ and the things of Heaven alone.
2 Thessalonians 2
8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. 9The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Constance you said at 10:03am
"Much as I dislike the policies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, neiher of them come close to fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist -- Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE."
Constance can you quote all the prohecies and how they are forfilled literally so we can consider them.
Constance 10:03 AM,
By TRUMP'S lying mouth and pandering promises he does not intend to keep is taking you captive and many of you are committing open idolatry by positing Trump as God's anointed, King Cyrus, Commander in Chief of the FINAL BATTLE (Qanon - Melissa Redpill the World), etc., etc.
I support your warnings about QAnon, Melissa Redpill the World; blasphemous and idolatrous billboards, books, memes, re"Truths," and even sometimes direct quotations. I stand with you, at a dismayed distance, observing Trump's cult of personality and GOP expectations one-way loyalty to Trump at all cost with nothing held up as a higher standard to refer to.
But I disagree that the commenters on this blog have been fooled by the likes of QAnon or Melissa Redpill the World. I disagree they see Trump as God's anointed or Commander in Chief of the FINAL BATTLE.
I think the commenters have consistently stated they perceive Trump as the lesser evil. It is fair to disagree with them on this score.
I'm dismayed that you seem to be misled by the blind guides Brother Paul and Brother James Key. I don't think they have a grasp of Bible prophesy. They are using their imaginations to interpret highly selective scriptures that they have lifted out of context.
I have observed that they were already convinced that Donald Trump is the Antichrist as far back as 2015 or 2016. This fact alone proves that they treated this supposition as a foregone conclusion.
I'm going to try to say this as kindly as I can. Sometimes when terrible things happen to family members, or they are taken from us, it can become a distraction to obsess about something even more terrible than the personal tragedy. I've been there and done that. I don't know if it is true of you. Only you know that. If it is any little bit true of you, my heart goes out to you, and may God cradle you and comfort you to cope with your recent loss of your husband during the terribly isolating pandemic.
I don't know about you, but I still haven't fully recovered from the isolation I experienced during the pandemic, in which the only social contact was during funerals: five of them encompassing co-workers, family members and friends. There is no shame in difficulty coping with isolation and death. It is the human condition, and although we all experience it, it never gets easier individually when it happens.
The rabid Cumbey apologists are out in force to defend their pack leader.
Such as the poster at 12:36 AM + 1:58 AM. Who has taken it upon themselves to damn to hell "deranged and deluded idolizers". Even though no one here has given any indication of idolizing Trump. Merely the lesser of two evils, considering Hillary the much greater evil.
But now Cumbey would go so far as to vote for Barack O'Biden over Trump! O'Biden being the lesser evil of course! Because O'Biden has done so many wonderful things for our country! O'Biden's hands are drenched in blood, but to a demon possessed pharisee, that's no big deal really.
Name me 3 times in the last 3 years O'Biden has said something that wasn't a lie!
Biden is running his campaign for reselection on: "Defending democracy, and increasing personal freedom."
Do you believe it?
Here is an excellent antidote to anyone ill from the snake oil Cumbey is peddling!
What does it really mean?
Blogger GrantNZ said...
Constance you said at 10:03am
"Much as I dislike the policies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, neiher of them come close to fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist -- Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE."
Constance can you quote all the prohecies and how they are forfilled literally so we can consider them.
6:12 AM
Don't waste your time waiting for a direct answer to "Constance can you quote all the prohecies and how they are forfilled literally so we can consider them." In order to 'see' Constance's beliefs, all you need to do is check out who she follows, and, supports. That would be Brother Paul, who is obsessed with Donald Trump, all day, every day, just like Constance.
James the brother of Jesus was not the Teacher of Righteousness referenced in many of the Dead Sea Scrolls. That Teacher of Righteousness was named Judah. He was part of a Judaic Messianism that spanned from the time of the Maccabees to the time of Masada. Sadly the Dead Sea community did not know the time of its visitation by its real Messiah.
The Dead Sea Scroll coummunity was indeed expecting a warrior king who would lead Israel to victory against the Romans and then usher in the period in which Israel would rule the entire world under the kingship of a Messiah. There were actually three, not just one, type of Messianic figure anticipated. The first was considered to the "the Prophet" and the Teacher of Righteousness. A second one would be a king. A third type of Messiah would be a priest.
The Qumran community saw itself, not John the Baptist, as fulfilling the propesy about preparing the way for the Messiah in the wilderness.
It is an over-simplification of the Dead Sea Scroll evidence to simply see James as the Teacher of Righteousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls or to see Paul as the Spouter of Lies. There was an unknown-to-history Spouter of Lies who lived before Paul.
It's a lesson in being careful about interpretation of prophesies and avoiding premature conclusions. It's a tragic lesson, too, in trying to make prophesy happen in the way the human imagination thinks prophesy is supposed to happen.
The Judah of the Dead Sea Scrolls was the Teacher of Righteousness who predated Jesus by about one century. Forty years after Judah was killed, the community expected him to return to kill all the wicked people in the entire world and to reward the remnant.
This is a new video by Brother Paul - ANTICHRIST 45 YOUTUBE CHANNEL worth watching:
To 2:53 pm
For the record, alth0ugh my name appears on the cover as co-author of a book on Barack Obama, it was authored mainly by CLIFF KINCAID who asked me for $500 to write a chapter about OPRAH WINFREY, which I did. I did not see the final copy until the book was released.
Well, I'm sure I must be on Trump's OBLITERATION and RETRIBUTION ;ost/ So many of his trolls, devotees and apologisrs hange out on this site.
Constance @ 8:03 PM
Re: "... what we all saw LIVE, Pence gallows, Horned shaman and all was what happened on January 6, 2021."
The fact that Trump has never been charged with insurrection speaks volumes.
The fact that Nancy Pelosi didn't WANT the National Guard called that day speaks VOLUMES.
NANCY and her minions (FBI double agents) were part of the plan for a 'set up' (to make Trump look bad)... and it was NANCY who wanted to see it all played out (uninterrupted by the National Guard) on LIVE national television.
P.S. Lessons learned from both the JFK assassination and 9/11... NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS.
We have learned that, sooner or later, the TRUTH will eventually come out.
Meanwhile... thank God for Tucker Carlson, who has the COURAGE to speak out and tell the TRUTH. May God bless and protect him.
Mrs. Cumbey,
I believe the new age Luciferians have been monitoring this website since you exposed them in the 1980's and they have remained consistently contented and happy with you supporting the roman catholic GOP & Donald Trump.
The recent pushback, anger and flooding of these comments section by them is a good indication you've come around to exposing them again to & among what's left of the elect.
12:07 pm
To the extent that Pelosi "didn't want the National Guard" that day was a feeling equally shared by the Trump's cabinet and administration officials who, understandably, feared Trump would try to use such "National Guard" (under his command) to instigate a coup and/or Marshall Law. I'm sure part of Project 2025 will include getting Trump much more control of the Washington DC police & Capitol Police as he intends to set out his fascist takeover.
What Jan 6th did, yet, didn't end up needing was MORE GUNS on the premises.
Mind you...had it been a BLM protest on Jan 6th & a crowd of similar (supposedly "peaceful") black persons tried to attack the Capitol Building, I doubt they would have made it up the steps without being cut down by much more heavily armed police and national guardsman.
The Jan 6th insurrectionists were LUCKY there weren't more guns there. Perhaps they owe their lives to Pelosi (to the extent she had anything really to do with the National Guard that day).
P.S.-- BTW, Comrade, Tucker Carlson is a proven and admitted liar as well as a traitor (to the US, not you in Russia).
Constance @ 11:45 AM:
I am neither a 'troll, devotee, or apologist" for Trump.
I USED to be one of your biggest fans, but you have thrown most of us 'under the bus'... many of us who have been long time bloggers here (for 10 years or more).
Rather than respect our right to 'agree to disagree' with you about a couple of issues... you are become arrogant and condescending... treating us like we are dirt under your feet.
You have allowed your PRIDE and EGO to get in the way.
12:36 AM
Beware, lest your lost mind takes your soul with it.
Constance states in her thread:
"It has become increasingly apparent that the vast majority of Evangelicals and many conservative Catholics believe that Donald Trump, if re-elected --- indictments and all --will be their savior or deliverer. They believe and are told that the World Economic Forum,NATO, the United Nations, the Bilderbergers, etc. will soon take over the world, cost nations their individual soveereignty, etc., etc. "
Once again, she resorts to hyperbole and wild exaggerations. No one in their right mind views Trump as their 'savior or deliverer." Yet, Constance continues to spew forth this reckless lie. Not to be outdone, she then denies that the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the Bilderbergers DO NOT HAVE A PLAN of creating a despotic ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Whether or not NATO is part of this cabal, I have no idea. However, the WEF, the UN, and the Bilderbergers have all unabashedly stated their goals to be such, so it's not just a 'conspiracy theory,' it is FACT.
I'm beginning to seriously consider that Constance has been compromised. How, or, by whom, I don't know. But something has happened to her that has shoved her over to the Dark Side.
Anonymous @ 12:06 PM states, regarding Biden:
He has 2 straight years of job growth; it hasn't been done since the 1960s.
He has recovered all of the jobs lost by trump, and added millions more, over 14 million total.
(Doesn't mention that MOST of these 'jobs' are low paying types that are being taken by the illegal immigrants that have crossed the border.)
Doesn't mention the fact that our border is completely open, whereby millions have crossed illegally since Biden has taken office. Fentanyl is being smuggled over these same borders, which ends up killing over 100,000 AMERICAN CITIZENS every year.
Doesn't mention that Biden is the most radicalized pro-abortion President in history ... even worse than Obama. ALL of Biden's appointments to the Federal bench, including the USSC, have been radical pro-abortionists. Whereas Trump's appointees have overturned Roe v Wade!
Doesn't mention Biden's bumbling in foreign affairs has led to wars breaking out all over the globe. His only answer is to throw money at these conflicts, which only causes more bloodshed and deaths. His handling of the Ukraine conflict, by actually opposing any peaceful settlement, has brought the world closer to WORLD WAR III than at any time in our history, including the Cuban Missile Crisis of '62.
Doesn't mention that many of Biden's policies are Marxist to the core. Example: against the Supreme Court's ruling, Biden enacted student loan forgiveness (as a means to buy votes).
Doesn't mention that Biden's radical support for all things LGBTQ+, includes his desire for "8 year olds" to decide whether or not they should transgender. Biden supports LGBTQ+ pornography books to be made available in CHILDREN'S public school libraries, while attacking those that oppose this radicalism as "book burners."
I could go on but will stop here. Obviously this poster is a radical leftist that envisions a Marxist utopia for America.
URGENT video...
The latest intel from Michael Yon (with boots on the ground at our Southern Border).
Constance states @ 8:31 AM:
"Much as I dislike the policies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, neiher of them come close to fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist -- Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE."
You've made quite the accusation that I assume you can readily back up.
PLEASE list the Biblical "prophesies of the Antichrist" that directly tie such to Trump, and Trump alone.
If you don't answer this specifically with your proof, I'll take that to mean that you can't, which makes you a false accuser, something that the Bible condemns:
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, FALSE ACCUSERS, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." - 2 Timothy 3: 1-5
1:09 PM
Donald Trump is my Savior... said NO ONE EVER!!
Remember when news organizations used to just report the news? Of course, there is always going to be slanting of the news by both the left and the right. However, the last few years the mainstream media has really become nothing much more than PROPAGANDA. Did you know that there used to be a LAW against such practices, and that Obama REPEALED it?
Obama repealed this 1948 act so he could flood our media with endless propaganda…
1:33 PM
I know Evangelcals, Baptists, Catholics, etc. that support Trump because he is a better alternative than what the radicalized Democrat/Marxist Party has to offer.
I don't know a single one ... NOT ONE ... that thinks of Trump as their 'savior or deliverer.' They only want what's best for their country so that they, and their loved ones, can live out their life here on earth in peace and in safety. But that puts people like Constance in attack mode 24/7!
Dear Constance, I think this is a fair question that this poster has asked. We'd all like to see your proof.
"Much as I dislike the policies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, neiher of them come close to fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist -- Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE."
You've made quite the accusation that I assume you can readily back up.
PLEASE list the Biblical "prophesies of the Antichrist" that directly tie such to Trump, and Trump alone.
Anonymous1:33 PM,
You both lie and contradict yourself, yet, like a typical idolising Trumpster, perhaps your too slow on the uptake to realise.
2:27 PM
Sticks & stones blah, blah, blah.
Anonymous2:10 PM,
Seeing as your so adamant on wasting time when all such information is available on Brother James Key’s channel, and Brother Paul’s Antichrist45 channel), why don’t you first post all the prophecies relating to the Antichrist and then post your reasons, with clear evidence, for Trump not being the only one to fulfil all of them. By the way, remember to contextually and fully refer to Brother James Key’s, and Brother Paul’s evidence as found in their videos, clearly refuting such with solid evidence.
Anonymous2:33 PM,
There, there, you wretched and minimally exceptional narcissist.. It seems your deranged idolising of Trump has utterly destroyed whatever little reason you may have had in the first place.
You are under a strong delusion.
Sometimes I wonder if Liz Cheney has kidnapped Constance... and has taken over her blog here.
Liz is the only one I know who is that OBSESSED with Donald Trump.
(Of course we all know that she's just speaking for her father, Dick Cheney... who has always been a Deep State Globalist 'tool'... and one of George Herbert Walker Bush's 'useful idiots' that he chose to place is his son Dubya's administration from 2000-2008.)
A treasure trove of documents related to Donald Trump's plans to stay in power have been unearthed, revealing plans that included a complicit Vice President and "loyal" Supreme Court justices
And the January 6th chaos would have lasted days, not just hours.
According to Josh Kovensky of Talking Points Memo, conservative lawyers attempted to cobble together a legal framework that would allow Trump to remain in power, in spite of the will of the people.
Kovensky describes their plans, provided by Trump attorneys who have flipped on him like Kenneth Chesebro, in chilling detail.
"...their theorizing, in early stages, went even further than previously known, imagining a January 6 that lasted for not hours but days, an intervention by Supreme Court justices that they presumed to be loyal to President Trump, and a vice president who upended his constitutional duties, allowing the U.S. to descend into chaos," Kovensky wrote.
Many of the means by which they planned to orchestrate the coup are already known, including having multiple slates of fake electors and having a rogue VP Mike Pence refuse to count Biden's votes.
But the intended involvement of Supreme Court justices should, at the very least, invite scrutiny of decisions regarding insurrection and January 6th expected from the highest court soon
x @ 1:22 PM
Re: "Tucker Carlson is a proven and admitted liar"
1) PROVE it... point by point.
2) WHY hasn't Trump ever been charged with insurrection???
(We're waiting... but, all we hear are crickets.)
2:40 PM
Look in the mirror.
Constance seems to be the only one on this blog who is a 'fan' of Brother James Key.
Constance just had her brain 'washed' by Liz Cheney... and can't seem to do a thing with it.
Anonymous1:51 PM,
You are either incredibly naive and don’t get out much, or utterly disingenuous.
People don’t have to declare explicitly, using the words, ‘… is my savior’, to view through their overall utterances, beliefs, attitudes and actions as to who they put their trust in first and foremost.
Given the wealth of evidence as to what a vile, deceiving, boastful person Trump is, it is clear whose side those putting their faith in him, despite the lip-service they may give in their respective churches, such people are on, and to see that such people’s hearts are far from the Lord Jesus Christ.
By their fruits shall ye know them, yet when it comes to Trump, such idolaters would rather gather thorns. Their heart is against the stranger and the needy.
Beware, for though many say Lord, Lord, Jesus will turn to such people on Judgement Day and say depart from me, you workers of iniquity. I never knew you. Jesus Christ’s sheep hear HIS voice.
Those putting their trust in such a vile person as Trump are, ipso facto, not putting their trust in Jesus Christ. One cannot sup at the table of devils and at the Lord’s table simultaneously. Repent!
A strong delusion indeed.
*as to whom
Did you know that if you put 100 black ants and 100 red ants in a jar, nothing will happen? But if you shake the jar hard, the ants start killing each other. The red ants consider the black ants their enemies, and the black ants consider the red ants their enemies. The true enemy is the one shaking the jar. The same thing happens in human society. So, before we attack each other, we should think about who is shaking the jar!
Credit: Kurt Vonnegut
This is how the Globalists & the mainstream news media divide & conquer the people!!!
Constance are you going to answer GrantNZ's request or are you pleading the 5th.
You have made a very serious statement....
"Much as I dislike the policies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, neiher of them come close to fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist -- Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE."
Ok back up your mega claim against the with scripture and evidence.
You are a lawyer and well know evidential procedure.
Your original books were done that way.
This a very divided country now and it shows right here at this blog.
Constance has decidedly poised herself as part of the problem, not part of the solution in the way she posts. It's not her take that bothers me near as much as her tone.
Her scathing too broad brush "take no prisoners" attitude and approach leaves no room for actual candid and fair discussion.
Her Lame Scream Media sources prompt her to scream at people like they do.
Justice is not vengeance. It's Justice! The J6 Committee is illegal because it is solely Democrat. The people are the ones who decide who leads their government even according to the U.S. Constitution.
Whoever is posting in place of Constance Cumbey should understand that Trump won the 2020 election by the vote and will of the people and Joe Biden was installed instead. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger has failed to tell the truth about it.
2:34 PM
It was CONSTANCE, not me, that made the claim that Trump fits all the Biblical prophesies as to the identity of the AntiChrist, so it is up to HER to prove you point.
Also, Constance claimed for years that Javier Solana was her pick for AC. Her record isn't very good at all. In fact, so far, I'd grade her an F, for FAILED.
To 12:45 If my refusing to worship Donald Trump and regard him as my Savior means "throwing you off the bus", then maybe you prefer being "under the bus" to Jesus. Are you wearing one of those now popular bracelets "WWTD" standing for "What would Trump do?" rather than WWJD. If telling you the truth about Trump, MAGA, and Qanon means "throwing people under the bus", then I have done my job I believe God gave me to do -- TELL THE TRUTH.
I'm watching a Tucker Carlson interview for the first time ever. I see Carlson is wearing a red thread bracelet to show allegiance to Satan. Putin also wears one. They are of their father the devil, a liar and the father of lies. 2:50 PM You cannot prove that Tucker Carlson. Is not a liar. I agree with X on this.
To 5:40 -- I never said JAVIER SOLANA was THE Antichrist. I did say, in view of coinciding prophecies and frequent use of 666, in addition to his work on signing treaties between Israel and the EU, togrether with his Barcelona Process unifying ountries of North Africa, the Middle East and Eruope as a possible revived Roman Empire as an EDUCATED GUESS.
Frankly, I am beginning to suspect I should Solana a letter of apology for my well-fouonded suspicions, but all is not over yet.
Donald Trump is far more of a VILE PERSON that Solana appears to be!
tO 1:51 pm
Since when are promises of "TOTAL OBLITERATION", "ROUT OUT AND DESTROY, Take down the Free Press, retribution, portraying the Capitol insurrectionists/rioters of 1-6-2021 an adssurance that we will "live in peace and safety" under your idol Donald Trump?
To 2:45 pm
Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were brave and courageous people -- unlike you hiding behind yuor "anonymous" identity on this blog.
Rather than using deflection why won't you answer GrantNZ's reasonable request.
He's from New Zealand not the USA and probably wanting to figure out your radical conclusions from a biblical perspective
Blogger GrantNZ said...
Constance you said at 10:03am
"Much as I dislike the policies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, neiher of them come close to fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist -- Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE."
Constance can you quote all the prohecies and how they are forfilled literally so we can consider them.
Can't see her wanting to answer GrantNZ's request.
I reckon most theologians would not claim to have the knowledge and understanding of all the biblical scripture refering to the Antichrist to make such a adamant claim.
Provide us with your proof that Trump fulfills Biblical prophecies 'on the nose.' Obviously, you have the prophecies, now disclose which ones CLEARLY point to Trump and Trump only.
Please do not deflect to Brother Paul or Brother James Key. YOU made the claim, now provide us with YOUR proof. We're all watching and waiting.
Provide us with SPECIFIC Bible prophecies that PROVE, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Donald Trump is the AntiChrist.
2:45 PM
It is entirely possible that Constance is some type of disinformation agent, working, albeit a small part, to advance the goals of the New World Order cabal. The World Economic Forum has made it perfectly clear what their goals are and Constance seems to mock those that believe what the WEF is actually promoting. In either case, her behavior is very, very strange.
For years, Constance's favorite pick for AntiChrist was Javier Solana. Now, she is backing off that claim. When it comes to exposing the identity of the AC, Constance is batting .000!
What would be the reason to believe her now, especially since she won't provide the BIBLICAL prophecies proof to back up her wild claims about Trump?
While you're at it Constance, why not give us the Bible prophecies that caused you to believe Javier Solana was your pick for AC?
It would be most interesting to see how you failed in your applications of these prophecies.
"This is how the Globalists & the mainstream news media divide & conquer the people!!!"
You're half right....that IS what the Roman & their ecumenical dominionist chaos partner & the real "globablists" and alt-right white nationalist lying "entertainment" media want you to believe as that is their claim and justification for actually dividing & preemptively conquerring the people in furtherance towards establishing thier own one world religion under her and another jesus.
Tone police @ 3:59 pm
As if anyone here in the Trump cult was consistently engaging in honest & respectful political dialogue. Where were your "tone" concerns when I was being referred to as a luciferian communist libtard. Now that the blog owners spotlight is aggressively calling out dangerous far-right fascist ideology and idolatry, suddenly you want this place to be "nice"???
To 10:30 pm -- as I said before, I never said that Javier Solana or anybody else was conclusively "The Antichrist." I did say he was "an educated guess" based on the Revelation prophecies of 10 kings handing their power over to one, the prophecies on Israel, Revelation 13 prophecies warning about 666, etc., etc. You have had enough of my blogposts and CD Rom over the years -- forcing an old lady to repeat here is more oppression. If you have my CD Rom or backups floating around many time, I expressly said this: YOUR GUESS AS TO THE ANTICHRIST'S IDENTITY IS AS GOOD AS MINE -- JAVIER SOLANA MAY BE AN EDUCATED GUESS.
To 9:16 PM - Why don't you jump over to Brother Pauls Antichrist 45 website and view/pull down his excellent videos that give virtually all the Bible verses well presented and in good order.
9:23 pm
By that same logic, you, very likely, voted for Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr, Bush Jr prior to Trump...
All anti-american globalists, war-mongers and narcissists on Rome's payroll -- and hated by only Trump Maga white nationalists.
You were batting .000 too.
What makes you or those here that voted that way qualified to discuss politics having lacked so much political judgment in the past?
So many here also indicated they'd never vote for a pro-choice candidate for President --- yet continue to support flip-flopping bunker Don and his new pro-choice platform whereby he criticized Desantis for signing a 6 week beating heart abortion bill in Florida as a "mistake". He hasn't even made it to the general election and he's already showing his distate for the so-called "religious right" and their pro-life agenda.
Time to put your money where you mouth was....
Trump calls DeSantis abortion ban ‘a terrible mistake,’ sparking anger from some key Republicans
To 5:01 pm
Such IGNORANCE or willful concealment of facts! The J6 Committee was NOT "all Democrat" -- Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were long time rock ribbed Republicans.
The Committee was NOT ILLEGAL -- you just don't want to face the truth about the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.
TRUMP summoned the mob to Washington with a Tweet saying "it will be wild."
TRUMP gave the inflammatory, inciting speech.
TRUMP well knew there were violent elements in the crowd.
As for your claims that Nancy Pelosi (or as he said in a recent speech 'Nikki Haley') turned down 10,000 National Guard troops for the event. If he offered that, it is because he knew he had set things up for possible violence. My real suspicion is that he wanted them for his back up plan recommended by General Flynn that he declare Martial Law to prevent the certification of the vote.
And to all, what about Trump's recent statements that if a NATO country under threat was delinquent in its dues, he would do nothing to help them if attacked and moreover, would tell the attacker (his buddy Putin) to "go to it."
PS: good 45 video today ma'am
Why has Trump never been charged with insurrection???
Why has Trump never been charged with insurrection???
Why has Trump never been charged with insurrection???
Liz Cheney is a Globalist TOOL... and that's why she is obsessed against Trump.
Liz Cheney is a Globalist TOOL... and that's why she is obsessed against Trump.
Liz Cheney is a Globalist TOOL... and that's why she is obsessed against Trump.
Tucker Carlson tells the Global Elite to their faces that the world is waking up to a New World Order agenda
Tucker Tells World Government Summit That U.S. Is Using Its Power As A Force For Evil
Panicked EU may impose TRAVEL BAN on Tucker Carlson following his journalistic interview with Russian leader Putin – NaturalNews.com
To 4:04
Far from being a "globalist tool" such as QANON is, Liz Cheney is a brave and couraageous woman who loves and supports her country and its Constitution.
1:09 PM
"something has happened to her(Constance) that has shoved her over to the Dark Side"
I have been on this blog for roughly 24 years, and Constance has always been on the Dark Side! Her and her late husband were lifelong Democrats, until roughly 4 years ago when Constance supposedly switched parties. It was possible for her to do that as there were plenty of cesspool swimming RINOs to cling to. Constance's Dark Side wasn't as apparent back in the early days, as she had a large fawning Catholic presence in the comments section. Especially one Susanna, who I'm sure is a nice person, but a fervent apologist for the RCC cult! Her tone towards conservative christians has ALWAYS been obviously less friendly! Everyone else is just fine. Constance seems particularly fond of fellow cultists, as her family has a cult background, Seventh Day Adventist.
Constance's 'faith' is obviously fear based, rather than true faith based, which is based on hope, and courage. She hopes her genetics will allow her a longer life, as if the next life is something to put off. I wonder if Constance is born again, or a pharisaic religionist?
The day of death is better than the day of birth. It is better to go to a funeral than to a party. We all must die, and everyone living should think about this. Sorrow is better than laughter, and sadness has a good influence on you.
If Brother Paul and Brother James cited and quoted scripture correctly, I have every right "to deflect to it." Why don't you go and start your own blogspot; TROLLS AND QANONERS FOR TRUMP?
tO 10:26 AM
I have not been active in the Democratic party since the early 1980s and my husband never was.
Lake Orion Republicans recruited me to run for Precinct Delegate starting in 2014. I am still a Republican, but there isn't much left of the party -- Trump has pretty much taken it over and ruined it for now.
Rather than throwing all of you "under the bus", it is my sad obscrvation that too many of you are RIDING THE MAGA/TRUMP/QANON bus.
To Mrs. Cumbey,
Trump will not get my vote. I agree with you on that. But I'm confused. Do you believe Donald Trump is a planned deception being staged as the new age messiah? or do you believe Trump is the popular Darby and Scofield version of a future Antichrist? are the two the same identity?
If not, then you must believe Trump is the real deal beast of Revelation. We don't need to worry about anything new age or staged. We have no choice but Trump, and no hope except for Jesus. Correct?
The warmongering Globalist Cheney family is everything dirty and nasty, they are certainly not true patriotic Constitutionalists!
Why does Cumbey have no trouble with warmongers????
You never answered that question put to you by me, and other posters. Do you think abortion should be illegal?
It's a yes, or no question Constance.
Constance @ 10:36 AM
And you Constance are riding the short bus.
Hey 10:45 AM, look at Trump's position on baby killing.
10:45 AM Cumbey doesn't support Russia's war on Ukraine. The Trump cult does. Trump supporters are the warmongers.
Constance Cumbey said...
To 4:04
Far from being a "globalist tool" such as QANON is, Liz Cheney is a brave and couraageous woman who loves and supports her country and its Constitution.
10:17 AM
Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger when given a chance to PROTECT INNOCENT LIFE, BOTH voted "present," instead of casting a vote for Life! Cheney didn't want to offend the Democrats that she was hoping would cross over and support her in the Primary, which she lost 68% to 32%.
Constance honors Cheney, practically worships her, and yet Cheney didn't even have the 'bravery' to take a stand for LIFE over POLITICS! That is the type the Constance looks up to, and it is VERY revealing!
Tone Deaf at 1:30 AM
You, above all, are the one with the most vitriol of the entire blog. I have agreed with Constance (probably 70% of the time) and disagreed, but she is quite disagreeable these days and that is SAD. If she has the better position on issues why the extra hostility?
You, however, are beyond disagreeable, really very despicable. From day one.
And a dark human being posing as one of the light.
You aren't sad, you're sick.
10:26 AM
To borrow a phrase from Sister Constance: you HIT IT ON THE NOSE!
I recall whenever Constance was confronted with the numerous heresies of the Roman Catholic Church, she would always pretend innocent ignorance of the matter and defer to her friend Susanna, who would miraculously appear out of nowhere, only to copy and paste a boatload of official Catholic propaganda, which was used to explain away their heresies. Constance NEVER took a stand against ANY Catholic heresy. Instead, she would often praise the RCC because they 'invited' her to speak about the New Age. She also mentioned that she 'had been told' that Pope Benedict had a copy of her Rainbow book on his night stand! And she bought into that obvious attempt to flatter her and stroke her abundant ego. With some people, all you have to do is tell them how great they are and you've got a friend for life!
As you read this, think about how Constance has treated Christians that merely voted for Donald Trump, and, Trump himself:
Titus Chapter 3:
1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work,
2 To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.
3 For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.
4 But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,
5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;
7 That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.
9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;
11 Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.
What day was it that x ever played nice?
That flaming hypocrite, and his dumpster posts, has no idea what nice is.
I find it hilarious when the Trump cult tries to get all "constitutional" with their arguments as if they respect or care about the rule of law or even the constitution at all.
As for the following repeated question:
"WHY hasn't Trump ever been charged with insurrection???"
He has been, by the House of Representatives when they "impeached" him for high crimes that included inciting an insurrection.
The Colorado Supreme Court also, rightly, labeled him an "insurrectionist" under Colorado law and, as the US Supreme Court reviews that case it will be interesting to see where the supposed "strict constructionists" find themselves when deciding a state's rights case which is against their overwhelming roman interests & bias.
Be aware that when it comes to the 14th Amendment Section 3, your question becomes irrelevant as it does not require that Trump be convicted or even charged with insurrection, it requires only that a federal official has engaged in an insurrection or rebellion, which two states have already found.
There are also ongoing investigations remaining into several members of Congress, who, in order to save their own skin from federal prison, may offer up more evidence of Trump's actual involvement in their conspiracy to mount an insurrection & other insurrectionist behavior behind the scenes leading up to January 6th.
Finally, how can 92 indictments not be enough for you? The only reason Trump is not is irons rotting in some federal prison awaiting multiple trials is deference and respect for this former position as President of the United States and what that might mean to the history books regarding democracy. Lock him up, where he belongs as a consequence for his own illegal actions and behaviors.
There is absolutely no excuse for any God-fearing and country-loving Christian to justify, rationalize, tolerate & excuse this man's willful illegal behavior. Our jails are full of narcissists that thought they were above the law and/or railroaded. He's just a common criminal.
Since when did x ever know anything about the Constitution?
He's MarXist.
Global on government lackey.
Evangelical leaders lose influence as followers find new savior in Trump
As MAGA devotion to Donald Trump grows within the evangelical community, once politically powerful religious leaders are losing sway over followers who have convinced themselves that Trump is the new savior. Michelle Goldberg, columnist for The New York Times, and Tess Owens, senior reporter covering extremism for Vice News, talk with Alex Wagner about the twisted new religion forming around Donald Trump.
What day was it that x ever played nice?
If you take/took telling the truth as unkind, that's kind of on you.
I've made mistakes and misstatements here.
I've retracted statements and even apologized on occasion.
I haven't lied and I haven't been vulgar.
I've tried to be respectful & caring while lovingly attempting to deprogram Trump, Maga & qanon cultists here.
I have responded in anger but, more often than not, I feel that, perhaps, my more pointed & direct words only appeared harsh because sometimes the truth just hurts.
Insults don't bother me. I just found it a bit hypocritical that when Mrs. Cumbey assets her anti-maga cult positions agressively pointing fingers at y'all in a relatively blanket manner, suddenly the intolerant & unkind "tone" around here matters.
Anonymous12:58 PM,
X has told us he is a Republican conservative and the views he has expressed here over the years have shown his word here to be true.
You, however, bare false witness and do thereby lie. You are here to belittle, sow discord if you can and destroy.
You are at best a CINO (a Christian in name only). Do you believe in one God? You do well, for even the demons believe and tremble.
You are of your father the Devil, who is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning.
Repent for the end is nigh!
12:59 pm
How is it that evangelical leaders didn't see that in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020....2023???
9 years to see what was so obvious in 2015.
I can understand the general population getting fooled, wanting change, etc.; but, religious leaders are supposed to be more discerning and mindful of their flock. I'm certain my own pastor, today, wouldn't let Trump be a member of our church. He's simply not a Christian. Why did these LEADERS ever promote him or publicly endorse him as a "Christian" leader of the free world and our valuable democracy?
Trump’s supposed "evangelical" followers & certainly all the Maga leaders are, and have always been, exactly who Jesus was referring to when he implored us to BEWARE of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
BREAKING: Letitia James visited the Biden White House in April 2022, August 2023, and July 2023, according to White House visitor logs.
Politically motivated. UNCONSTITUTIONAL ANTICS
Constance consider your words.
They appear to be more and more tainted with bitterness, hatred and reviling accusations.
The very actions you accuse and despise in the man you have fixed your attention on are manifesting in your own words.
The Lords example is clear....
"Father forgive them they know not what they do"
The Lord's prayer..
" forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us"
Mankind has been given freewill and can say and do what they like but not without consequences.
"Those or rather we" meaning born again followers of Jesus Christ are to do as we ought and should ...to "follow Christ" not Donald or Liz ... but Jesus Christ.
Watch out when...
"I might not always be right but I am never wrong" thinkinh takes root its the sure path of deception.
Sighs and blunders a'nt signs and wonders.
The anti Trumps won't like that.
He hasn't proformed any signs and wonders.
1:03 PM
Nope. Your attttttitude and posts are garbage.
Not havin' it X.
Quit your whining.
You know you love the attention.
Politics make STRANGE bedfellows department...
Hillary Clinton's friend Huma Abedin is dating billionaire George Soros' son Alex!!!
Nerd alert @ 1:17 PM
So, Constance...
Is Donald Trump your latest 'educated guess' that he is the antichrist???
Regarding Javier Solana... WHEN did you go from educated to UNeducated guess?
Constance @ 3:21 PM
Regarding that video that you posted...
And just HOW was Donald Trump able to get the authority to 'order the Federal Government' to do anything last October???
So CINO Marxist X took the evil shots, and RINO Constance took the evil shots, and they are both bonkers.
I'm glad I wasn't foolish enough to take the New Age Globalists poison!
Third Temple Crucial to Understanding Hamas / Israel War
Anonymous 8:33 PM,
You are clearly deranged, poisoned by Trump’s cool aid, straight from the Pit of Hell.
Only a Nazi would think or call me, a business owner that paid more tax dollars to the federal government than Trump in his lifetime (who hasn't?) a Marxist...
So that appears to make you a Nazi.
Sorry if that is too harsh, bro-flake.
Alert > Overt Marxist with Nazi underbelly @ 10:21 PM
CIA helped trigger Trump-Russia probe: Matt Taibbi
Constance I would ask again rather than using deflection as as an avoidance mechanism answer GrantNZ's reasonable request.
Again he's from New Zealand not the USA and doesn't have the political bias and wanting to understand how you arrived radical conclusions from a biblical perspective
Blogger GrantNZ said...
Constance you said at 10:03am
"Much as I dislike the policies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, neiher of them come close to fulfilling the prophecies of the Antichrist -- Trump meets all of them ON THE NOSE."
Constance can you quote all the prohecies and how they are forfilled literally so we can consider them.
If anyone knows the history of the blog GrantNZ knows Constance.
He's one of the countercult ministry people in New Zealand that expose false teachers etc.
Will be interesting to see what happens.
7:15 PM Hilary Clinton's DAUGHTER is married to George Soros' nephew.
2:26 AM Anonymous
If anyone knows the history of the blog GrantNZ knows Constance.
He's one of the countercult ministry people in New Zealand that expose false teachers etc. Will be interesting to see what happens.
GrantNZ should be aware of the cults and false teachers that support Donald Trump globally. He's ok with that. That's concerning.
9:47 PM You sound like one of Cumbey's demon possessed Catholic puppy dogs.
What Everyone Is Missing About The Putin/Carlson Talk
The New Age Movement isn't going to rule anything in the coming One World Government. The OWG will be COMMUNISM on a global scale. That's what the World Economic Forum (WEF) is all about. They've flat out told you what they are going to do, and it has NOTHING to do with the NAM. 'YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY.' That's their message. Of course, they don't tell you who will own what you used to own! (Apparently, Constance thinks this is all conspiracy theory nonsense)
This is another area where Constance has actually, knowingly or nor, mislead people. While she has focused almost all of her attention on the New Age Movement (in the past, not now; it's now Trump, Trump and more Trump), while ignoring the REAL danger; International, atheistic Communism, which has the blood of over 100 million innocent victims upon their collectivist hands.
By the way, WEF main philosopher Yuval Noah Harari has repeatedly stated that, in the future (that THEY have planned), the vast majority of human beings will be "unnecessary." Ask yourself the question; WHY ISN'T CONSTANCE 'blogging' ABOUT THIS?
10:00 AM
Watch your tongue or you'll spend more time in Purgatory.
Oh wait, non-Catholics don't go to Purgatory, that pleasure is reserved for Catholics alone.
Oh wait again, there's no such thing as Purgatory.
Purgatory is an invention made up by the Catholic hierarchy, that is used to extract $$$ from their superstitious followers.
I distinctly recall Constance supporting Pope Francis's 'no wall, open border' policies. While Francis remained inside the 40ft. walls of Vatican City, he declared that the migrants were just like the Holy Family; they were refugees. (They weren't. They were doing their legal duty by going to Bethlehem in order to register for taxation).
So how is Sister Constance's and Brother Francis's illegal immigrant support working out? Check this out to see. It's the same ending for all liberal programs; failure and chaos.
With more than 40,000 migrants arriving since 2022, Denver is at a breaking point with the weight of the costs of delivering free housing, free medical care, free legal advice, free education for their children, and other things to migrants.
In response, Democrat Denver Mayor Mike Johnston has come down to MASSIVE BUDGET CUTS to city services to legal residents to address the issue.
Up until last month, Denver has put $42 million into caring for Joe Biden’s flood of illegal aliens that have inundated the Mile High City. The costs may amount to more than $180 million this year, according to the New York Times.
More here: https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2024/02/15/from-calif-to-denver-to-maine-cities-at-breaking-point-over-biden-border-crisis/
Let's not forget the chaos in many cities across the country, including New York, Chicago, LA, etc.
The OWG will never bow to former President Trump.
How could he be a world ruler as anti-Christ if OWG won't bend the knee to him since it is through the globalists that the beast system will rise (is rising right now)? They've been building that monstrous system for many decades so why would they turn it over to him to rule it since he believes in the sovereignty of nations and they are erasing all the borders and economies to bring on their plan?
And who says we will even have an election? Not looking good to me on that front.
9:44 PM shared a new Brother James Key video called "Third Temple Crucial to Understanding Hamas / Israel War." Brother James Key cites some news sources claiming that the reason why Hamas attacked Israel is because of Israel's announcement of the birth of a red heifer. The ashes of a red heifer are supposed to be available to consecrate and dedicate a rebuilt temple. Hamas took the red heifer birth announcement as a signal that the third temple will very soon be built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The imminent rebuilding of the third temple on the Temple Mount makes Hamas feel threatened that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is slated to be very soon demolished unless terrorist acts are committed on Israeli civilians to prevent it from happening.
Brother James Key, as a Dispensational Futurist, believes not only in the geopolitical significance of a conflict over the Temple Mount. But he and his school of thought also hold, of course, that the third temple must be rebuilt to fulfill prophesies that have remained unfulfilled in Daniel and Revelation.
What Hamas' motives really are, is for terrorism experts and intelligence personnel to decipher. I will restrict myself to addressing the Biblical prophesy claims. To that end, it behooves Christians to consider a few points. There are many problems with rebuilding a third temple and resuming priestly services and animal sacrifices in it.
One problem is that the geneological records of the ancient Levitical priesthood were kept in the old Jerusalem temple. Those carefully kept ancient records were burned up by the Romans during the first Jewish-Roman War. Thus, even if a red heifer is sacrificed and its ashes are used to consecrate and dedicate a new temple, there is no way for anybody to know whether the priests are really qualified by being sons of Aaron.
Another problem is that the red heifer must be completely unblemished. In fact, the appearance of even one single non-red hair on a heifer is enough to disqualify it. As long ago as 1997, a red heifer was reported, but closer examination of the heifer disqualified it. Similar hopes were dashed by red heifers in 2002 and 2010. The red heifer that was just recently announced to have been born in Israel is still being examined. There are no reports yet as to whether it has been found unblemished.
A third problem with a red heifer is that it was a type but Jesus was the anti-type. The red heifer was to be slain outside the city. Jesus was crucified outside the city gate. The entire heifer was to be consumed. Jesus gave Himself completely. The ashes of the heifer were to be collected by somebody ceremonially clean and stored in a ceremonially clean place. Joseph of Arimathea, who was a righteous man, collected Jesus' body and placed it in a new tomb that had never been defiled by a dead body. The heifer's ashes were to be stored outside the city. Jesus' tomb was located outside the city.
The book of Hebrews in particular makes it clear that Jesus was an anti-type and the fulfillment for the types and shadows of both lambs and calves. (Hebrews 9:12, 13:12) Peter in Acts 4:11 called Jesus the stone that the builders rejected that became the chief cornerstone. 1 Peter 2:5 calls Christians living stones being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
The prophet Ezekiel prophesied that God would even profane His own physical temple, saying in Ezekiel 24:20-21:
Then I answered them, The word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
Speak unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will profane my sanctuary, the excellency of your strength, the desire of your eyes, and that which your soul pitieth; and your sons and your daughters whom ye have left shall fall by the sword.
On a personal note ...
Dear Constance,
I used to be fooled by Trump. I actually voted for him twice (just like you) and was thinking about voting for him the third time, but not now, thanks to you. Not only will I not vote for him, but, like you, I hate him. That's right. You've actually taught me to hate him and I now do nothing but think about him all day long, hoping of course for bad things. I've never actually hated anyone before, but I've learned how to hate from you, and for that I thank you. When you hate, it's a strong emotion. And who doesn't like to feel alive? My hatred has also introduced me to primal screaming (have you tried that yet?). I highly recommend it, although my neighbors have called 911 several times, thinking apparently that someone is being tortured or murdered. I hate Trump, his family, his wife, the State of Florida in which he lives, New York City because of Trump tower, all supporters of him, all Republicans (except RINOs), etc. And for that, I thank you.
Also, please let me know if you've tried primal screaming. I'd be interested to know. That's what those Trumpsters will be doing when our wonderful, dynamic Joe Biden gets in again. Isn't he just gggrrrreeeaaattt?
PS: I'm planning on sending a very small part of my welfare check to Brother Paul and Brother James Key. They do such great work, as in 24/7 Trumps stuff ... just like you. They seem to need it more than me. And isn't that what Socialism is all about? Helping each other with other people's money?
11:57 AM
Another huge problem with the 3rd. Temple is that the sacrifices for sin will begin again. Christ was the Lamb of God, who's blood was shed, and, that sacrifice was never to be repeated again. The 'tribes' have been scattered, diluted, etc. and can no longer be identified. Only the Levites were allowed to be priests, etc. ... WHERE ARE THE LEVITES today?
The fact is, there will be no Jewish Millennium and there certainly will not be a rebuilt temple. When Christ returns, judgment immediately begins, then the new heavens and earth will be created, and His eternal, never ending reign will begin.
It's Not the End of the World--Part VI; The Zionist & Jesuit Deceit
"Another huge problem with the 3rd. Temple is that the sacrifices for sin will begin again. Christ was the Lamb of God, who's blood was shed, and, that sacrifice was never to be repeated again."
This ignores scripture that there is a third temple and it makes a lot of assumptions. Agreed, animal sacrifice will no longer cover sin. But that doesn't stop the priests from trying in vain or that before sacrifice can even begin it would be stopped. Under the seven year interpretation, it could take 3 1/3 years to build the temple.
The "True the Vote" experts behind "2000 Mules" admit in court that they have absolutely no evidence to support their wild and baseless 2020 election ballot-stuffing claims.
Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing
Excerpt: A conservative group has told a Georgia judge that it doesn’t have evidence to support its claims of illegal ballot stuffing during the the 2020 general election and a runoff two months later.
Texas-based True the Vote filed complaints with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2021, including one in which it said it had obtained “a detailed account of coordinated efforts to collect and deposit ballots in drop boxes across metro Atlanta” during the November 2020 election and a January 2021 runoff.
A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected, including the names of people who were sources of information, to state elections officials who were frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence with investigators.
In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.
“Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations,” Raffensperger spokesman Mike Hassinger said Wednesday. “Like all the lies about Georgia’s 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked.”
True the Vote’s assertions were relied upon heavily for “2000 Mules,” a widely debunked film by conservative pundit and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza. A State Election Board investigation found that surveillance camera footage that the film claimed showed ballot stuffing actually showed people submitting ballots for themselves and family members who lived with them, which is allowed under Georgia law....
p.s. - Appears I'm still batting 1.000 when it comes to telling and discerning the truth while those who promoted and defended D'Souza's 2000 Mulies lies & disinformation are, still, batting .000
"p.s. - Appears I'm still batting 1.000"
Pride goes before a fall, X.
Your crash will be heard across blogworld.
News is so bad of late, but when that crash of yours happens it will be a good day ;) .....
p.s. X,
Thanks in advance LOL
Whether you think the temple of Ezekiel is literal or spiritual, it's not rebuilt until after Jesus returns. It's a temple built during the millennial reign of Christ, wherever you think that is or will be located. The timing of this Ezekiel temple is after God delivers Israel. See Ezekiel 39:25-26, 27-28.
3:29 PM
Thanks for rightly dividing the Word of God.
12:09 PM
Thanks for sharing your beautiful testimony!
"This Is Scary": Soros Prepares Takeover Of 200 Radio Stations Ahead Of US Presidential Election
I won't be drawn into your politics.
Anyone can see that New Apostolic Reformation adherants have permeated everything.
See below for a very shortlist of characteristics of a Cult and compare it with this blog.
Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions
A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
Abuse of members
Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough”
A belief that the leader is right at all times
A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation
Re Barak
Re Trump
Lies and double standards are at play, and no matter what your religion, it is not acceptable.
You are describing the Trump cult that had overtaken this blog way back in 2015.
Absolute authoritarianism without accountability (TRUMP)
Zero tolerance for criticism or questions (TRUMP - RAYZ & many of my stalkers here)
Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions (TRUMP - and all the 4th generation warfare bullcrap about marxists & socialists everywhere)
A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave (Mrs. Cumbey is not allowed to get off the Trump train -- she picked her side in 2016 and she's supposed to stick to it or her former friends here will ridicule & punish her - Mrs. Cumbey is not permitted to repent (change her mind) on Trump)
Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough” (YUP, CAN'T BE A CHRISTIAN UNLESS YOU VOTE REPUBLICAN & SWEAR ALLEGIANCE TO TRUMP)
A belief that the leader is right at all times (TRUMP)
A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation (TRUMP)
10:00 & 10:09 AM
I'm on day 2 of a 7 day fast which has help quell my haughty spirit (though I had a heart flutter tonight so being 67 I may have to cut it short)
Re: the Third Temple
A comparison to the care given in the construction of the Second Temple and the Holy Virgin
Mother Angelica Live Classics - Our Lady - 1998-09-08
The Universal Church has spread out and is also on their third Rome
Old saying: the Barbarian conquered the first Rome and the Turks conquered the second Moscow is the third Rome and there won't be a fourth
Is a Replica of the Ark of the Covenant at Mar-El-Lago?
Video by Brother Paul, at his YouTube channel, Antichrist45
Transcript: I wanted to talk briefly about a rumor that’s been going around a bit in the last month or so, and that concerns whether or not Donald Trump actually has a replica of the Ark of the Covenant at Mar-a-Lago.
The story began to take off nearly a month back when this image was posted on Telegram and other social media such as X. And in case you don’t recognize him, that’s James O’Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas, in the picture.
As I initially did some research into whether or not this was a legitimate picture, I ran into a few problems. First, the story itself is almost entirely relegated to far-right and VERY pro-Trump websites and social media accounts. It exists almost entirely within the right-wing echo chamber.
The exception to that is there is a bit about this story on Reddit – although if you are even a bit familiar with Reddit, you probably already know that almost anything and everything will eventually show up there at some point.
Another problem was that almost no information exists about this story prior to about a month ago. Thus, I cannot track down where Trump may have gotten this from, or when it might have first appeared at Mar-a-Lago. Assuming the story is true, of course.
Interestingly, though, James O’Keefe was rather coy about this picture on his X account. Certainly if the picture was fake, O’Keefe would have said so, or at least we hope he would have. Instead, he acted like it was a bit of an inside secret known only to those who have been there.
At this point, much of the speculation was that, for some crazy reason, Trump had a cheap knock-off of the Ark of the Covenant – or that it was actually the movie prop from “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” And, to be honest, for a while I thought that was the likeliest answer.
But about a week after the picture of James O’Keefe standing with it emerged, another picture show up – this time with Lara Loomer. In case you don’t know, Loomer is a far-right activist who loves Donald Trump. Of course, those two things go pretty much hand in hand, nowadays.
Loomer said that this replica of the Ark of the Covenant was made by a Trump supporter, and that it was unveiled at a private dinner at Mar-a-Lago attended by about 20 people. Loomer states that the dinner was focused on the topics of spiritual warfare and Judaism.
Another strange wrinkle to this story is that last summer there were reports that Israel was trying to retrieve various religious artifacts that were lent to the Trump administration in 2019. Somehow, and I’m sure this was accidental, those religious artifacts ended up at Mar-a-Lago.
There are, however, no reports from 2019 through 2023 that those religious artifacts included a replica of the Ark of the Covenant. Instead, the artifacts were ancient coins and oil lamps which were used during a Hanukkah event during the Trump administration.
So, is this rumor true?
There is anecdotal evidence suggesting that there IS a replica of the Ark of the Covenant at Mar-a-Lago. It is not a movie prop from Raiders of the Lost Ark, as I originally suspected, but rather was made by a Trump supporter and was unveiled recently at a private dinner.
If that is the case, this helps bring home the point that Trump’s supporters will go to any length to portray him as being chosen by God. And their efforts to portray him as being chosen by God are, in turn, welcomed and even encouraged by Trump himself.
Beyond that, this is even more evidence for Trump being the Antichrist. He is a man who already lined up with how the bible describes this figure. Who already has portrayed himself as savior, and who has already said he will bring peace to the entire world.
The Antichrist continues to be revealed to those who are paying attention, and now, the man who matches those biblical descriptions of a False Christ, is apparently also in possession of a replica of the Ark of the Covenant.
X @ 10:49 PM
Your entire 10:49 PM post dr X, is pure Satanic spin!
10:49 PM
Thank you, X. You stated that so well. far better than I could have.
GrantNZ has been on the Trump train right along. Who is he trying to kid? He's a blind cult follower himself.
9:24 am
I'm sure you really think of yourself as a very clever deceiver. However, we're not fooled by your foolish antics. If we mere mortals are not fooled, how do you think you are fooling God??
9:57 am
Grant was very kind towards me and engaged in honest dialogue for a very long time. I've always been a little shocked/surprised that both Grantz and Craig have remained on this Maga/Trump/Alt right train this long considering their thoughtfulness on so many issues, knowledge and history opposing NAR (more Craig on that one -- someone posted about Grant was discerning about NAR and exposing false teachers but I don't specifically recall or remember seeing that??).
Not about Grant or Craig...but continuing on about the Trump Train.
At best, the maga conspirituality movement attacks public health and political moderation efforts in times of crisis. At worst, it fronts and recruits for the fever-dream of Maga QAnon.
As the alt-right and New Age continue to rapidly horseshoe toward each other in a blur of disinformation, clear discourse and good intentions get smothered. Charismatic & faux-religious influencers exploit their followers by co-opting conspiracy theories on a spectrum of intensity ranging from vaccines to child trafficking. In the process, long-held spiritual beliefs that have nurtured structure, creativity and meaning are being transformed into memes of a quickly-globalizing paranoia.
IMO, this "accelerationism" goes against conservatism, traditional socialism, social democracy, patriotism, protectionism, libertarianism, populism, nationalism, localism and all the other ideologies that have sought to moderate or reverse the already hugely disruptive, seemingly runaway pace of change in the modern world. In a sense, the new age far left and far right as they actually march us along in lockstep driving this "Accelerationism" is political heresy and cultism.
In that respect, the now new age right can be viewed as simply the negative image of the woke left...from snowflakes to broflakes.
It's as if they live on a Truman show where everyone is offended by everyone and the only thing absolutely required in their FALSE WORLD is you have to pick a side and stick to your side's talking points (no matter how absurd, falacious or fictional). Kudo's even more if you can manufacture your own talking points and/or conspiracies supporting your side.
The biggest wrong? Not taking a side...choosing independence, trusting your imperfect and deliberately inefficient government (by design), and/or simply, trusting Jesus... isn't good enough.
Please explain, in detail, the specific Bible prophesies/verses and explain how they specifically identify Trump as the AC, as you stated in your post: "... there are too many prophesied points about the Antichrist apparently manifesting fully in Donald Trump ..."
Also, please explain how a President Trump, after his "return to power," will "take vengeance upon all that oppose him." That's a very serious charge. How exactly will he get the Deep State bureaucracy to go along with this perceived vengeance?
You make an awful lot of vague, unsubstantiated claims about Trump. Now is your chance to fully explain your position by providing the specific Bible prophecies, verses and passages as they specifically relate to Trump, and Trump alone.
In Brother Paul's January video about Donald Trump and the God of Fortresses, he found great prophetic significance in Trump's rally ramblings about people seeking to change the names of forts that played a role in winning WW II.
Trump talked about "forts," so it just had to be a slip of the tongue, revealing himself to the be the Antichrist, to all discerning Christians who have read Daniel 11:38. The KJV renders it the "god of forces," not "god of fortresses." Most translations render it, "god of fortresses."
But this Strong's Hebrew web page will show how many Old Testament uses there are of of the Hebrew word maoz or mauz or maoz or mauz. In other words it is not a distinctive pointer to the Antichrist. Only the context of Daniel 11:38 makes the word "fortresses" evil.
In Constance's book, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, she used the KJV for Daniel 11:38 and compared it to an excerpt from The Aquarian Gospel.
"In the infinite One manifest we note the attributes of Force,
Intelligence and Love, and a person may be in full accord with one
of these attributes and not with the others. One may enter fully
into the spirit of the God of Force ..."
A strange bell was rung for me by this particular passage. I
opened my King James Bible and read Daniel 11:38:
"But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god
whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver,
and with precious stones, and pleasant things."
"The biggest wrong? Not taking a side...choosing independence, trusting your imperfect and deliberately inefficient government (by design), and/or simply, trusting Jesus... isn't good enough."
You virtue signal other people in their convictions (which you can't really know why and how they've arrived at them) in the very self-righteous assumption that you can somehow speak for the Holy Spirit in every instance and with His authority.
But you don't.
Yet, without shame, you charge ahead with no humility at all, and make me (and others) ashamed of you. You're a spiritual control freak. The picture of the ugly American, and the ugly Christian, too.
You've picked your side. Have at it. Don't care in the least.
It sounds like your "political jesus" is good enough for you. That's where your "faith" is by your own words. So be it. You should just shut up your big flapping discordant mouth, but won't because you think yourself better in what YOU decide.
While others, just thoughtfully go about their lives in their convictions doing what you criticize and demean, because they know they don't answer to you.
They trust and wait on Jesus anyway, like HE is in control of things after all.
Anonymous said...
10:49 PM
Thank you, X. You stated that so well. far better than I could have.
GrantNZ has been on the Trump train right along. Who is he trying to kid? He's a blind cult follower himself.
9:57 AM
Funny thing is that Sister Constance used to be on the "Trump Train," having voted for him twice. I guess that makes her a former member of the evil Trump Cult, and yet, without an ounce of humility, she hatefully and viciously attacks, accuses, and claims that Trump voters are "Cult Members and believe Trump to be their Messiah," etc.
So instead of Humble Sister Constance, we get Vicious Sister Constance that flails away at professing Christians that don't march in her Pro-Abortionist Joe Biden/Democrat Parade.
I'm still amazed that anyone with even an ounce worth of discernment can actually follow these religious frauds Brother Paul and Brother James Key! That tells me that their followers don't have any discernment, but instead rely upon these fakes to TELL THEM WHAT TO BELIEVE. That's why Sister Constance steadfastly refuses to produce the Bible verses and passages that identify Trump alone as the AC. She can't and therefore she won't.
That's the problem with your mindset you can't possibly understand that people from another country aren't into your politics.
There's life outside of the USA ... stop being so ignorant.
Has anyone stopped to take stock of the Cults, false religions and false teaching that has originated in America.
Seriously wake up... Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World stop making gods of mere mortals
2:24 PM
America has been the spiritual soil that has produced a lot of cults, for example; Jehovah Witnesses, Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventism, the false Prosperity Gospel ministries, Armstrongism ... just off the top of my head. We now have a fanatical cult such as what Constance, Brother James Key and Brother Paul, etc. are pushing, that being, that anyone and everyone that plans on voting for Trump is a Trump Worshipper of the Antichrist, Christ denying, Cult Member. Why? Solely because of their wild interpretations and imaginations, that's why.
It appears that in Constance's mind, all you have to do is renounce Trump and announce that you are a follower of Brother Paul, Brother James Key, and Liz Cheney type RINOs, and you're in their exclusive cult ... I mean club.
Reading her posts, I honestly wonder if she ever thinks of anyone or anything else other than Trump, Trump and more Trump. Talk about living in someone's head rent free 24/7.
12:48 PM
Your post is just plain weird. Talk about grasping at straws and forcing your own private interpretation upon the meaning of words as expressed in the Bible. Simply and absolutely amazing the length that some people will go in order to have their own biased belief system confirmed by twisting Scripture and distorting it. Talk about cult like behavior! That is exactly what ALL of the cults do to the Scriptures!
3:42 pm
That's like saying Craig represents a fanatical anti-NAR cult because he's written all sorts of blog posts critical of their leaders and exposing their heresy. Criticizing, discerning and exposing the trump cult --- isn't, in itself in any way a cult.
You'll see...once Trump dies and/or you finally wake up and see him for who he really is, a pathetic Luciferian adulterous rapist felonous insurrectionist fascist reprobate who has failed at just about everything he's done I guarantee you'll speak out against him vehemently as well. No greater fraud & danger has ever been unleashed upon a nation since Hitler.
Repent of rationalizing and justifying evil.
Repent of supporting evil.
I don't care if you choose to vote for Biden or not. Id rather NOT vote for Biden if weren't for all the psuedo-Christians supporting him blindly tarring the name of Jesus in the process.
While Sister Constance and her devout followers chug Brother Paul and Brother James Key KoolAid by the gallon ...
Sudden Deaths of Vaxxed Athletes, Students, Pilots, Military, but Why No Politicians?
Members of the California Assembly and Senate were exempted from COVID vaccine mandates – so was Congress and Biden’s Executive Branch
By Katy Grimes, February 14, 2024 2:55 am
Isn’t it extraordinary that we see daily reports of young athletes, high school and college students, college athletes, pilots, members of the military and others dropping dead suddenly? Yet we aren’t seeing this same “died suddenly” phenomenon, as it is now called, in elected politicians – members of Congress, Governors, or State Legislatures.
My husband and I have at least 5 friends who dropped dead after receiving their 118th COVID booster, and one turbo cancer victim who died within months of being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Many more vaccinated friends have developed weird illnesses, or are sick all of the time, or have had heart attacks they miraculously survived – and all were previously very healthy people.
This is anecdotal, but I talk to people every day who report similar stories of friends dying. It seems that everyone knows someone who died right after a COVID vaccine or booster.
Two of my husband’s tennis buddies dropped dead recently in front of friends immediately following boosters – one while fishing with buddies, and the other at home in front of his wife.
While the mainstream media is loath to report on this horror, there are plenty of medical experts and honest writers who are addressing this.
Catherine Salgado at “Pro Deo et Libertate” substack (for God and freedom) recently updated her reports on these sudden deaths:
There were seven sudden deaths—4 coaches, two players, and one referee—related to basketball just within a two-week span. This is not normal, it’s terrifying. And the medical community, if it had the integrity and interest in saving lives that it pretends to have, would be scrambling to determine the cause, which is likely tied to the deadly COVID-19 vaccine.
I reported back in April 2022: “769 Athletes Collapse from Cardiac Arrest Since Covid Vax Rollout.” The average age of the players was 23 years’ old. Sadly, the sudden athlete deaths haven’t stopped, and there’s now strong evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines drive up the risk of cardiac issues.
Of those 769 athletes who dropped dead suddenly, the average age was 23.
Who are the monsters who ordered, and mandated that college students, military, government employees, and school children take a vaccine they did not need? And why?
This was never about health – it was only about power.
The Globe reported in February 2022 that members of the California Assembly and Senate were exempted from COVID vaccine mandates (Did they exempt themselves?), but their own Capitol staffers were not exempted, and were forced to take the shot by a March 2022 deadline, or lose their jobs:
The Globe has been told by State Capitol staffers that members of the Assembly and Senate are exempted from COVID vaccine mandates, but Capitol staffers are not, and in fact are required to receive a booster by March 1st.
How does mandating COVID vaccines and boosters for one group of Capitol employees, and exempting their bosses make any scientific sense? Where are the lawyers?
Who are the monsters who ordered, and mandated that college students, military, government employees, and school children take a vaccine they did not need? And why?
This was never about health – it was only about power.
The Globe reported in February 2022 that members of the California Assembly and Senate were exempted from COVID vaccine mandates (Did they exempt themselves?), but their own Capitol staffers were not exempted, and were forced to take the shot by a March 2022 deadline, or lose their jobs:
The Globe has been told by State Capitol staffers that members of the Assembly and Senate are exempted from COVID vaccine mandates, but Capitol staffers are not, and in fact are required to receive a booster by March 1st.
How does mandating COVID vaccines and boosters for one group of Capitol employees, and exempting their bosses make any scientific sense? Where are the lawyers?
Daniel 9:25-27 say:
"Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."
Here it's necessary to use Jewish solar years, based on a 360 day year like Babylonian and Egyptian solar years. Then it must be converted to modern years. I won't get into the calculations.
Messiah was cut off, or crucified. Forty years later, Emperor Vespasian and his son Titus besieged Jerusalem and finally trampled it down and destroyed the city, along with the temple. Flood language was often used by the Old Testament prophets as a figurative way of describing conquering gentile armies. (Isaiah 8:7-8 are Nahum 1:8 provide examples.)
Josephus said the Roman legions worshiped their ensigns on the eastern wing of the temple, as was their custom upon a military victory. Titus sacrificed a pig to the ensigns in the temple on the eastern wing as well. While the ensigns were being worshiped, it is likely Titus would have been worshiped, too. Titus’ army was drawn from Rome’s eastern provinces, where emperor worship was commonplace at the time in the imperial cult. According to Ezekiel 46:1-12, the prince of Judah was to enter the eastern gate of the Temple to offer sacrifices on the Sabbath and New Moon festivals. This prophetic custom had Messianic overtones.
The Roman offensive during the Jewish War began under Cestius in Tishri of 66 AD and ended at the fall of Masada in Nisan of 74 AD. It spanned approximately seven and a half years. There were three and one-half years from the beginning of the war until the siege of Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem was attacked for five months during which the events described in verses 26 and 27 transpired. After the destruction of Jerusalem, there were approximately three and one-half years until the fall of Masada and the end of the war.
Herod Agrippa II, the Herodian tetrarch of Judea, and his Queen Berenice, confirmed a covenant with Vespasian and Titus at the start of the Jewish revolt so that they could reclaim the right to rule Judea after the war was over. Agrippa II was even rewarded with more territory in Palestine than he had previously ruled over.
Jesus confirmed the New Covenant with many but His ministry was cut off. It's unclear whether the covenant with many is the New Covenant with Jesus or whether it's a covenant that Vespasian and Titus made with the Herodians and the Jerusalem ruling class but then most of the ruling class got slaughtered, anyway, and the temple got desolated and burned, anyway, breaking the covenant with most of the Jerusalem ruling class but still rewarding Herod Agrippa II and Queen Berenice with more territory.
Although the exegesis of some of this is difficult, may I humbly suggest that identifying the known variables will define for us the entire set, within which the end result must be contained.
Its like the the Salem witchhunt.
"Everyone must denounce Trump."
False and revileing accusations constantly on anyone not sideing with their strong delusion.
There's more fantasy here than the Disney channel
dr X @ 4:03 PM spewed
"repent of supporting evil"
So X voting for Biden was the righteous thing to do? A puppet, being used to destroy the U.S., and anything left that is decent.
Everything X, and the other Cumbey Death Cult faithful here post is radical, falsely accusatory, and a 180 degree spin of reality, and more!
Definitely a sign of the times. Strong delusion from the renegades! That old serpent from the Garden of Eden script followed to a T!
Saddens me the 'church' has fallen so far.
I am trying to think of what I said that would rate as Trump support to the haters.
From memory I said to Constance years ago that the American economy boomed under the Trump Administration.
But that's factual.
Seriously you have and enjoy freedom of rights literally no one else enjoys in the world and you squander it on arsenial claptrap rather than spreading the Good News.
People will appear before the Lord saying we did this and that in Your name and to some the Lord will say get away from me I never knew you...you worker's of iniquity.
Claiming to be a Christian?... do you do the will of God... are you hearers and doers also.
Stop fooling yourselves ..Politics have overrun you get back to Lord and stop idoliseing men and get your eyes on Jesus and not political figures.
How many of you would be crying out for Barabbas rather than Jesus if you were in there 2000 years ago.
There's only one saviour "Jesus Christ" get real and passionate for Him
The haters of DT are his best promoters.
They are to fickle to realise he uses controversy as advertising and he's done it all his life.
5:51 PM Grant
No one here is idolizing politicians, except the leftists here. idolizing RINOS etc. So be more specific, instead of painting with such a broad brush.
This blog spot has never been a church. It is about New Age infiltration into basically everything. So the posts and discussion is wide. It has attracted a wide spectrum of religious people. As deep as we are into the last days, the New Age moniker is less, and less relevant.
I agree with you that politics has overrun the whole world. It is how the dialectic works. It is however good for the faithful to have knowledge of the enemies machinations! It is written.
Your last 3 sentences are a bit off, and sound a little 'holier than thou'.
More stinkin' thinkin' from 4:03 PM
He'd rather not vote for O'Biden but will anyway?
Because he's nose blind in his hypocrisy, very used to that putrid fish smell, that's why.
America is under judgment. Better run to the cross instead, pal.
Oh wait....faith in Jesus isn't enough you said...
The religious leaders of the day rejected Jesus in part because they were looking for a ruler to oust the Romans etc. They wanted a King yet were confronted with the King of Kings who said His Father's Kingdom was not of this World.
Personally I hold the view that we don’t fight flesh and blood but rather Principalities and Powers that seek to operate through people.
You can be lead and filled with the Holy Spirit or unholy spirits.
If advocating people pursue God is being holier than thou then I am guilty as changed.
Theres a big difference between being aware of the enemies ways and being preoccupied and obsessed with it.
If you want to recognise the false then spend time with the genuine to really know the difference first hand.
6.28 said..
"This blog spot has never been a church. It is about New Age infiltration into basically everything"
Yep its never been a " church" .
The body of Christ is the Church and a church building can be where the body of Christ meet.
So this ain't church and look at what happens when GrantNZ brings up Jesus Christ.
I am not a hater and I've got no problem with you bringing up Jesus Christ or discussing Biblical matters.
You're a good guy.
I know I rub you wrong and that's ok.
Like Craig, I'm pretty sure we differ when it comes to continuationism.
I'm pretty confident there are not all that many actual church goers "spending time with the genuine" visiting here other than me and a few others. I could be wrong.
My wife and I are relatively new to our church. We were non-denominational and now Baptist. I didn't grow up Baptist like many of my friends down south. My grandma thought they were a cult -- like the Pentecostals (lol). I love our Pastor. Great discerner and expositor of the Word. Nothing political. The way he puts it is he's got enough concerns shepherding his flock along a narrow path to worry about everything else going on outside his church. I supposed dispensationalism makes it easier. So blessed to have found this Church.
Sounds like your Pastor is good value.
I am not that invested in the blog really.
Its become so centric on local politics. I think its missing delving into some big picture stuff thats happening.
Like Global scale censorship of freespeech, global digital currency, AI advancement, Starlink,
Neurolink etc all having or will have a major impact on the world at large.
As an example I have been working with AI for over a year now and I can assure you the disruption that will hit from it doing away with white collar jobs alone will be catastrophic.
I have had it do tasks that a group of ten people working a week it did in minites and its more like seconds now.
The advancements are staggering and along with it the potential for good or evil.
I wonder if it will be likened to the tower of Babel.
The Tower of Babel event was reversed by Pentecost. But only for people who were given the gift of the Holy Spirit. AI can't replace the gift of the Holy Spirit.
AI might come full circle all by itself. As it competes with humans, and as its content becomes more numerous than human creation, it will eliminate human input that it can learn from. It will increasingly learn from its own generated content. Learning mainly from itself in a closed loop will cause its quality to decline. Before this happens, a lot of damage could, and probably will, occur.
The mark of the beast is plain and obvious. People have overlooked the obvious for 2,000 years and counting. The mark of the beast was simply: money. People use money to buy and sell. 666 only occurs one other time in the Bible, when it was said that King Solomon received 666 talents of gold. Gold points to money. "Here is wisdom" and "666" both point to Solomon and his gold. Buying and selling points to money.
Jesus said He taught nothing in secret. He said you can't serve both God and Mammon. The Jews who returned from the Babylonian captivity did not lapse back into idolatry. They remained monotheistic. But their idol was Mammon. Jesus was killed for the sake of their idol. The epistle of James made it clear that the rich men of Jerusalem stored up treasure for the last days.
If people receive biometric implants that are used to buy and sell, AND their idol is Mammon, it will be ANOTHER mark of the beast that becomes more literally fulfilled than it was before.
Regardless, it would be very foolish to become enslaved voluntarily by a "king" and his oppressive ways. God spoke through the prophet Samuel to warn the people not to seek a king. They didn't listen. King Solomon made all of Samuel's warnings come true. Soon after his reign peaked and declined, civil war occurred between the ten northern tribes of northern Israel and the southern two tribes of Judea. The people of Israel never again on earth had another golden age in which all twelve tribes were united.
It doesn't really matter. The principles are simple and perennial. Don't serve Mammon as an idol. Don't seek a king other than God (who has delegated all authority to our Lord and King Jesus--already).
Technology isn't the key. The basic moral principles are the key. Technology just makes it more powerful and more oppressive than ever. But technology comes with weak points. (Your car has more things that can go wrong with it, with all the things that depend on chips. Same with your appliances. Sometimes it's okay mechanically or in plumbing, but a chip is malfunctioning, and it's not worth the expense to repair it, and then you have to buy a whole new appliance.)
Vigilance is wise, but our doom is not pre-ordained according to the Bible.
What Isaiah said about the New Covenant. The New Covenant applies to all who follow Jesus as their Lord, Savior and King. They are in the New Jerusalem, the kingdom of God that Jesus said was at hand and that would not come by observation, but would be in the midst of you when two or three are gathered together in His name. It is the city without walls, the camp of the saints. It is not physical Israel or physical Jerusalem today. It includes Messianic Jews living in physical Israel today but doesn't exclude Palestinian Christians.
"Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake." (Isaiah 54:15 KJV)
“If anyone fiercely attacks you, it will not be from Me. Whoever attacks you will fall because of you." (Isaiah 54:15 NASB)
"Behold, they may gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall because of thee." (Isaiah 54:15 RSV)
"Lo, he doth diligently assemble without My desire, Who hath assembled near thee? By thee he falleth!" (Isaiah 54:15 Young's Literal Translation)
Isaiah 54:9-10
9 For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.
10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.
Genesis 9:15-17
15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.
Revelation 4:3
3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
The rainbow around the throne signifies that the covenant of peace (New Covenant) will not be removed by destroying all living things in the world, like what happened during the flood in the days of Noah.
Often it is said that Peter's epistle prophesies the world will not be destroyed by water next time but it will be destroyed by fire instead. But when Peter said the elements would melt, do you think he was talking about the periodic table of elements? Elements of worship in the temple literally burned and melted.
Don't underestimate how apocalyptic that was for Jews, who had been used to the Shekinah glory of God dwelling with them in the ark of the covenant, then the Holy of Holies within the temple, for 1,500 years. You must look at the Jewish apocalypse through spiritual eyes and not compare it to a Hollywood blockbuster apocalyptic movie.
If the Shekinah glory of God no longer dwelled in physical Jerusalem, how could it be less apocalyptic than that? Is there anything that you could make bigger than that event of the Shekinah glory departing the Holy of Holies when the Romans entered the temple? Is the imagination of Stephen King or the Marvel Universe or Steven Spielberg larger than that event? There is nothing that can top it.
If God's presence dwelled in a Holy of Holies in the Vatican and departed, and then the Vatican was burned up and utterly destroyed and desolated, wouldn't that seem apocalyptic to you? How is it not apocalyptic enough?
Grant @ 6:27 AM
"I think it's missing delving into some big picture stuff that's happening. Like Global scale censorship of free speech, global digital currency, AI advancements, Starlink, Neurolink etc all having or will have a major impact on the world at large."
Yes, I fully agree, except the fact is, all those subjects have been covered here! But another fact is, that certain elements here keep majoring in the minors, and I'm sure you can guess who those certain elements are, and what that minor is!
So again, you paint with that wide brush and assume too much.
The fact is, there are Christians here that are fervent for truth, in a world awash with lies, and lawlessness. We are not void of a relationship with Christ. So to have such a condescending tone is not very wise of you.
Plus you got played by the master of spin @ 3:13 AM. X shifts gear more than a Formula One driver.
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