Monday, August 08, 2022

Human Digital Twins

by Richard Peterson 

Earlier this year I read a news article which reported on the European Union’s plans to construct a full digital replica of the Earth to be completed by 2030. The replica incorporates a technology called digital twins which essentially is a virtual copy of any object. One may think of these objects primarily as a noun:  a person, place, or thing.

As I read the article, I recalled World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab’s words that in the near future we should expect a fusion between our technological and biological worlds.

Digital twin technology is commonly used in manufacturing facilities. Take, for example, a cutting machine which has been fitted with sensors that continually feeds data to a target computer. The target computer creates a virtual copy of its source whereby, over time, the replica is able to predict what impact different variables (e.g., speed of operation, material types cut, maintenance schedule, etc.) would have on the machine. Digital twin technology helps to anticipate the behavior of the cutting machine and helps prevent issues related to malfunctions.

A great deal of literature exists which proposes extending digital twin technology to humans. The sensors discussed range from eyeglasses which interact with the Metaverse to cell phones, and, ultimately, sensors embedded within the human body. The World Economic Forum expects digital twin technology will extend to humans.  What if salvation of the earth includes making every human on earth an input?

A digital profile of you most likely exists today. Have you ever questioned why, after conducting online research for a product – a lawn mower for example – that over the next several days lawn mower ads fill your browser? Or perhaps wondered if Seri had eavesdropped on your conversation because ads related to something you had just discussed begin to appear in your online feeds? Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Should we find this to be invasive we are able to turn off our computers and put down our phones.

Back in April I had expressed concerns about human digital twinning in a blog post which I did not publish. Later that July I reconsidered posting it as I read the World Economic Forum had partnered with China to digitally transform the world’s cities through use of digital twin technology.

Then last week this article – Biology meets AI – reminded me of the direction digital twin technology appears to be headed.  (The World Economic Forum’s session the article refers to may be found here along with news coverage here.) 

Since digital twin technology continues to appear in my news feeds, I decided to publish the piece I originally wrote on the EU’s Destination Earth:

Destination Earth & the Human Digital Twin

 I recently noticed a news article which sparked my attention:  EU to develop a digital twin of Earth to better predict climate impact.  The same was reported by the World Economic Forum a year ago.  The mention that human activity would be a data input raised in my mind some questions.

Since I work in the field of information technology, I am familiar with the digital twin as it pertains to manufacturing machinery. A digital twin may be thought of as a virtualization of a real world physical object. IBM describes the digital twin as such:


“A digital twin is a virtual model designed to accurately reflect a physical object. The object being studied — for example, a wind turbine — is outfitted with various sensors related to vital areas of functionality. These sensors produce data about different aspects of the physical object’s performance, such as energy output, temperature, weather conditions and more. This data is then relayed to a processing system and applied to the digital copy.”  

“Once informed with such data, the virtual model can be used to run simulations, study performance issues and generate possible improvements, all with the goal of generating valuable insights — which can then be applied back to the original physical object.”


Another area where the utilization of digital twin technology is useful is in health care where medical professionals have the ability to monitor patients’ implanted devices and take early action should the digital twin alert them of a potential issue.


What if this technology were to be extended to humans making our virtual selves inputs for other twins?  To a degree, this is already happening absent the biometric unique identifier - yet.


Futurist Jan Amkreutz in his book Digital Spirit writes extensively about the human digital twin and how its use will develop a collective consciousness and advance human evolution. 

Amkreutz’s “writes that the sensory interface between humans and their digital twins will be one which eliminates devices (p. 178) and also:


                The meaning of technology that connects human thought and digital knowledge, or the physical me and my DT [digital twin], on a higher level of understanding goes deeper than mere 'convenience', because ultimately this type of research will lead to a seamless connection of human thinking and digeality. The most 'user-friendly' computer interface is no interface at all. We are working to do just that…” (p. 329)


And again:


             Finally, biological evolution created a species that could manipulate its environment and had some rational faculties, and now the cutting edge of evolution actually changed from biological evolution into something carried out by one of its own creations, Homo sapiens, and is represented by technology. In the next epoch this species that ushered in its own evolutionary process - that is, its own cultural and technological evolution, as no other species has - will combine with its own creation and will merge with its technology. At some level that's already happening, even if most of us don't necessarily have them yet inside our bodies and brains, since we're very intimate with the technology - it's in our pockets. We've certainly expanded the power of the mind of the human civilization through the power of its technology. We are entering a new era. I call it "the Singularity." It's a merger between human intelligence and machine intelligence that is going to create something bigger than itself. It's the cutting edge of evolution on our planet.” (p. 377)


Amkreutz book, whether or not he intended it, issues a warning:


“Digitally controlled 'smart' weapons and digitally guided weapon carriers will know and recognize their trajectories and their targets. . .Digital algorithm, the products of simulation and programming, will make the need for human judgment on the battlefield the exception rather than the rule. That would leave the war in the hands of a few human conductors of an orchestra of digital twins. No logistics for the physical movement of troops, no supply lines to protect: just a clean 'surgical procedure that eliminates the enemy. What happens, however, when the enemy has the same digital capability? Where are the living soldiers to eliminate? Who is the enemy? Civilians that have the wrong mindset?” (p. 386)

 I expect what I view as a warning may be another person’s positive.

 How close are digital twins to becoming reality? The World Economic Forum envisions a fusion between the digital and biological worlds. The WEF is working with China to help with the urban transformation of cities, i.e., smart cities.   One of the more overt portrayals of the human digital twin originates from China’s Anyang Institute of Technology which closely resembles Jan Amkreutz writings of the Digital Spirit.

 The European Commission indicates that Destination Earth or DestinE  is the product of two initiatives, the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy: 


Destination Earth is at the crossroads between two major European endeavours: the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy. The initiative will contribute to achieving the objectives of the twin transition, green and digital.”

 A component of the Commission’s Digital Strategy is to establish a personal digital twin for every European citizen.  An attendee (by invitation only) of the Commission-organized workshop – MyDigitalTwin: Trusted Personal Digital Twins in a Transformed Society – summarized outcomes which include:


“Personal Digital Twins are seen as providing a new technological edge by creating a digital alter-ego to all citizens, the ‘other digital me’.”


“PDTs are also considered instrumental in the fostering of Smart Cities and Local Digital Twins (usually clusters of DT mirroring a specific, local, reality).”


“The EU Next Generation and the Green/Digital Transition Strategies: data and their leverage both by institutions and single citizens are a must to support the transition.”

One aspect of the human digital twin is a relationship between self-measurement and social credit score systems. 

In the EU there exists a carbon reduction app which rewards citizens for behavior modification. The EU is known for its “carrot and stick” approach. What happens as people decide to opt out of digitization? What happens as the digital twinning of humans goes global?


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Anonymous said...

Plus the magnitude of Idolatry here is disgusting! Always has been.

Constance doesn't deserve special treatment. She has expressed contempt for, and spoken very negatively(euphemism), to much, if not most of her readership.

Anonymous said...

Ray CLAIMS again to never have been a follower of Qanon...

his historical posting record here tells a different story*

*this is not an exhaustive search -- the cited posts are on just one thread and this is a repost from past research...

Ray claims he NEVER followed Qanon well the whole election fraud thing he keeps posting about is qanon as well as much of the vaccine disinformation. Maga has melded into Qanon and the conspiracies are no longer separate.

 But knowing he often ask for's some qanon Trump worshipping post you made in 2018 that never came true.

RayB said @ 8:56 AM: "To Anon @ 10:13 AM: You are 1000% correct. Trump's move against the massive, Satanic, pedophile ring is unlike anything that has taken place in world history. Pedophilia is widespread among the world's elite, many of which reside within the Beltway."

RayB said @ 10:07 AM: "The following further emphasizes the truth of Anon's 10:13 PM post above: Dr. Dave Janda (Orthopedic Surgeon, Christian) is interviewed by Greg Hunter. Dr. Janda shares his knowledge regarding the massive crackdown on child trafficking and pedophilia, orchestrated by none other than President Trump. Very informative material, but, very disturbing. Be forewarned ..."

Ray @ 11;40am "...The Clintons, along with others, set up "charitable foundations" which gave them the ability to accept "donations" under the guise of "charity." The Clintons continue to run a criminal operation and have broken numerous laws, but for whatever reason, they have remained relative unscathed by it all. However, keep in mind, the Clintons are only the tip of the iceberg."


You don't get more Qanon than Dr. Dave Janda and claiming [false idol} Trump was on the verge of busting up huge pedophile rings and the Clinton Foundation as the center of some money laundering operation is also top shelf Qanon.


Anonymous said...

How can anyone, who claims some connection with Christ, form godly opinions from deeply secular, and anti-christian sources?

Anonymous said...


Linda cannot answer any of your questions right now because 'she' has been very busy here today, posting as X.

Plus those two businesses to run, and all.

You understand, right?

Anonymous said...

I think it is truly awful that people are not seeing the human trafficking that is going on by the cartels operating at our border. Sex and drugs brought by the cartels are beyond horrific, yet some are deniers to this very real destruction happening on our can that be? Too busy playing politics to care??? Do Biden and Harris give a tinker's damn about that? Nope.

I support a ministry that deals with human and sex trafficking overseas--trying to reach the women and children being devastated and abused in unspeakable ways---children from there shipped away, children from other countries, including our own, shipped there.

That our border is left unattended and unpoliced to this free for all is on the shoulders of politicians who use these people as like cattle for votes when needed--not better lives. DC has blood on it's hands and people who voted for the Democrats (and Soros agenda) and Republicans who turn a blind eye to it, are complicit, with bloody hands too.

God sees.

RayB said...

X states:

"Unless those prophets are associated with Maga and Trump that is. False teachers like Paula White, Norman Vincent Peale, Pat Buchanon, Jeffers, Greg Locke, and all those MAGA NAR prosperity gospel hacks get a pass -- as long as they remain in fealty to Trump."

NOTE: I don't know of a single person on this blog that promotes these false religious teachers. Pat Buchanan is a political analyst and historian and NOT a religious teacher. Other than Pat Buchanan, whom I have read extensively, I have no association whatsoever with the others and have never read any of their material.

On the other hand, the false teacher/prophet Brother James Key HAS been promoted on this blog, as in numerous times, by his Brother Key cult follower.

As for Trump's association with them, he is a POLITICIAN and not a religious leader. I never once considered Trump to be a Biblical Christian. AGAIN, I, like millions of others, supported him due entirely to his policies and not because of his religious views and beliefs.

By the way, George Washington was probably our greatest President. George Washington was also a Mason. Please inform me as to which President we've ever had that was perfect.

RayB said...


I stand by all of those statements. AGAIN, I NEVER FOLLOWED Q-Anon ... as in NEVER.

And yes, pedophilia is widespread among the elite of the world. I didn't need Q-Anon to inform me of that. Ever hear of Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophilia/political black mail operation?

I have watched Greg Hunter's interviews for years and have NEVER heard him mention Q-Anon. The fact that he INTERVIEWED someone that was familiar with Q-Anon does not make him, or me, a Q-Anon follower.

I have read a LOT of material regarding the Clintons and their crooked, pay for play foundation ... NONE of it came from Q-Anon.

I'm sure none of this will end your endless false accusations. It appears you and Constance have an awful lot in common ... broadly using the very same brush to paint your perceived 'enemies' as your imagination dictates.

RayB said...

Anon @ 8:00 PM ...

Linda has somewhat 'disappeared' now hasn't she?

I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she answers these questions I posed to her:

"Do you believe a person can be a FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ, born of the Spirit of God, and also support a political group that FIGHTS to advance the MURDER of innocent life?

The Democratic Party FULLY supports the anti-Christ LBGTQ+ agenda. Same question; can a person that is truly a Christian support this evil agenda and still be faithful to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?

Looking forward to your SPECIFIC answers Linda."

I also asked Linda:

"Death Cult Leader Joe Biden supports the RIGHT of an EIGHT (8) YEAR OLD to make the decision to 'transgender.' Transgendering requires the physical mutilation of the reproductive organs that the child was born with via their CREATOR.

As a "Christian," can YOU vote for a candidate that advocates for the mutilation of the child's reproductive organs? Can YOU vote for a candidate the gives the right to decide to transgender to a CHILD???"

RayB said...

Maybe Constance can answer the above questions for Linda?

I realize that it's right from the "radical right wind cess pool," but a few answers would be nice.

Anonymous said...


But you weren't reporting simply reporting elite pedophilia by Trump's own wing-man, were you? You were relaying a very specific (empty) Qanon claim that "Trump's move against the massive, Satanic, pedophile ring is unlike anything that has taken place in world history" then backing it up with Qanon reinforcing language from Dr. Janda.

I understand you distancing yourself now. I don't really think you were a follower, per se, of Qanon specifically, but on the broader basis ou certainly did find them and their theories/lies politically useful enough to repeat.

Maga politics trump Truth...again and again.

The ends of power justify the means.

Qanon is a Luciferian spirit...not the Maga cult itself.


Anonymous said...

Here's some fun facts for the MAGA cult to mull over.

Trump raised the debt in 4 years almost as much as Obama did in 8.

Trump's GDP growth was the worst GDP growth since WW2.

Trump had a 2 million job deficit when he left office compared to when he took office

The fed printed more money under trump than any other 4 year period in the history of the United States.

After Trump was fired, he stole classified documents that belong to the American taxpayers

So please tell me what was so great about Trump's "policies" that you are willing to throw away our democracy for him?

Craig said...

RayB @ 7:06 PM,

In responding to me, you wrote:

I wasn't "belittling him [Key] for his financial troubles" in the slightest.

The point I was making is that he is attempting to finance his 'ministry' by starting up HIS OWN GoFundMe account. No one did this on his behalf; he did it for himself! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that GoFundMe was designed as a means to help people that are truly in need.

Yet, in your original comment @ 1:19 PM you wrote: His financial situation is so shaky that he has resorted to starting a GoFundMe account in order to support his cult.

The bold is why I made my statement that you quoted.

It appears you are wrong re GoFundMe. From my very quick internet search, it’s a fundraising site, and anyone can set up their own fund for most any reason—except for the exclusions they specifically mention (criminal activity, e.g.).

Anonymous said...

9:26 PM

Context please.

You sound like a flat earther making statements with nothing to show for it. LOL

Anonymous said...

"their theories/lies politically useful enough to repeat."

That's your M.O. ... then are you really saying pot meet kettle in this case?

Craig said...

X @ 9:26 PM,

Now you're trolling again by using your usual straw man/red herring tactic. And do keep in mind that Constance herself voted for Trump twice.

And, going back to your comment to Rich of Medford, you wrote:

Rich said: I expressed concern when the evangelicals identified Trump as their Cyrus. X has declared Biden to be his Cyrus. Not much difference there. I view X as a different face of the same coin, his polar opposite being the fascists.

But I'm not a different face of the same coin in that they were serious about their Trump=Cyrus claims while I was merely mocking the ridiculousness of the claim (for the purposes of teaching).

But the thing is, X, I don’t recall anyone here making the Trump=King Cyrus claim—at least nowhere near the time of when you made this statement. So, you only make a fool of yourself when you ‘mock’ something that no one here has claimed---unless you can provide proof of someone here making this equation.

Anonymous said...

How apropos

Former Arizona GOP House Speaker Rusty Bowers says the US Constitution is 'hanging by a thread'

Excerpt: Former Arizona GOP House Speaker Rusty Bowers, who lost his bid for a state Senate seat, said America and the Republican party are in dire straits.

"The constitution is hanging by a thread," Bowers told The Guardian in an interview published Saturday. "The funny thing is, I always thought it would be the other guys. And it's my side. That just rips at my heart: that we would be the people who would surrender the constitution in order to win an election. That just blows my mind."

Earlier this month, Bowers, who testified in front of the House January 6 committee lost his primary to Arizona state Sen. David Farnsworth, who was backed by former President Donald Trump.

Bowers ran for the senate seat because of term limitations for serving in the House.

Trump and his allies had sought Bower's help to overturn Arizona's election results. Bowers told The Guardian that the GOP has embraced "emotional violence."

"They've invented a new way. It's a party that doesn't have any thought. It's all emotional, it's all revenge," Bowers said of the party. "It's all anger. That's all it is."

Anonymous said...

Here's a few of the 17 references to "Cyrus King" on this blog -- (and it obviously happened all over Trump alt-right media and qanon world too)

1. Feb 2018:

(several anonymous links to youtube videos comparing Trump to Cyrus)

2. Feb 2022:

Christine said: ...APOSTLE DOES NOT MEAN CHOSEN ONE IT MEANS SENT and the present day so called Apostles are false. that office is defunct. I don't recall anyone calling Trump an Apostle, and the King Cyrus analogy was put on him by others but probably accepted and may not have been far off given he moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

3. Jan 2021:

Constance Cumbey said: Nevertheless, to any rational observer, he was also volatile, thin-skinned, and obviously narcissistic. Still many Christians as well as the obviously cultish Qanon followers continued to perceive him as a type of "King Cyrus" come to rescue the Christian world.

4. Feb 2020:

Trump is being viewed by both Israelis and Americans as a fleshly national Messiah. A shekel has Trump's face on it. Trump is said to be like Cyrus, a Gentile who will help to rebuild the temple. How is any of this Biblical, according to the New Testament, and the Apostles' own words? Render to Trump what is Trump's and to God what is God's.

Sanhedrin Mints Silver Half Shekel With Images of Trump and Cyrus

5. May 2019:

... Instead of looking at Fetzer, you might want to see what Evangelicals are calling Trump: The New Cyrus.

And, if you really want to get technical...I could dispute whether I actually made the claim that Biden was the Cyrus King. Here is what I actually said that got mocked by others for years here (there may be other times I made the mocking statement):

..."If Trump can be your Cyrus King, so can Biden or even Buttigieg, should he prevail"...

I was clearly indicating God could likewise use any President as a Cyrus King.



Craig said...


You just made my point. At the time (recently) you made the Trump=Cyrus claim NO ONE here was making such a claim. And no one (not recently, at least) was equating such a position with "Q", as you are trying to do.

And take a look at the contexts of your sources/"quotes". The 2018 comments are too old to be applicable now. Christine's comment is the most recent, and that one is about 6 months old! And--though she can speak for herself--I don't think she was making this statement as some sort of promotion of "Q".

You are just trying to paint anyone here who supports Trump in any manner as necessarily a part of Q. Do you think Constance was part of Q before she openly spoke against Trump here? Of course not.

Craig said...


And here is your most recent (I think) comment re Biden=Cyrus (in response to Rich @ 12:29 PM in Prayer Request for Constance post), which is nowhere near anyone's supposed Trump=Cyrus claim:

Third, Mrs. Cumbey posted agreement with some of my analyses. Given Biden direct credit as always sarcasm. Like Cyrus, he was an unwilling accomplice versus a directly intended actor.

Anonymous said...

In reality George W Bush was viewed by more Christians as a great hope to restore righteousness to this nation. They didn't realize how evil he was.

I think Trump gave Christians hope that he could at least restore some semblance of what this nation once was. Shame on them, right Constance!
Trump seemed like a real, caring, thoughtful, actual human being, after 8 years of "The One" as New Age Opera called him. And now we have Installed O'Biden who is little more than a wind-up dummy. Does anyone who believes in Christ see a tender, loving heart in this critter? I see a man who is wholly given to death, and destruction!

No one on this blog, and I dare say the vast majority of Christians never saw Trump as a King anything. They just had enough discernment to know he was the only alternative to much worse. And now we have that.

Craig said...


And before you try to spin this any further, I want to know EXACTLY who here you were 'mocking' in your Biden=Cyrus comments. That is, point me to the comment(s) that you were specifically 'mocking' any of the times you've made this Biden=Cyrus statement.

Anonymous said...

"You are just trying to paint anyone here who supports Trump in any manner as necessarily a part of Q. "

He uses lots of paint .. the narrative of the Socialist left and what unprincipled establishment RINO's bought hook, line, and sinker.
Racist paint, white nationalist paint, Cyrus paint, we conservatives are all insurrectionists and terrorists paint, also responsible for murder paint, whether because abortion is strictly a Republican idea as he "paints" it or murderers because lots of people took exception to mandates to distance and wear masks in the ridiculous, rules, punishments, and overreachs that changed like we change our socks, therefore they were (are) responsible for "killing people" paint.

What was being killed more than anything was our Constitution (which was already severely downgraded during Obama admin even more than all the other decades that began it) and the freedoms we could have recovered in, to the betterment of all the world not just here, while preparing a bye-bye Trump-hello global puppet Biden, to hand us over for the Reset that 'Santa Klaus' has ready and waiting for us (covid and climate change have delivered on cue) -- and about to make it's debut very, Very soon.

Put your trust in Jesus, folks, this is not a game.

Anonymous said...


Well, I don't know who peed in your frosted flakes but you're an independent voter so I would guess it wasn't you.

I provided a link to the one time I found that I had kind of made the mocking statement and it was in response to the absurdity of Rayb (who voted for a non-Christian man, who many Maga persons referred to as a Cyrus King so much so that even Mrs. Cumbey, in her condition last year, was aware of the pervasive misreprentation, posting a poem by Josiah Holland entitled:

"Where have all the Christian leaders gone?"

God, give us men! A time like this demands;

Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands;

Men whom the lust of office does not kill;

Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;

Men who possess opinions and a will;

Men who can stand before a demagogue

And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking;

Tall men sun crowned, who live above the fog

In public duty and in private thinking;

For while the rabble, with their thumb-warn creeds,

Their large professions and their little deeds,

Mingle in selfish strife. lo! Freedom weeps,

Wrong rules the land, and waiting Justice sleeps.

Rayb had prior to that gone on a rant about Pete Buttigiegs as though Buttigiegs sexual immorality disqualified him for the white house (which isn't consistent with his vote for Cyrus Trump whose sexual immorality he appeared to have conveniently overlooked).

If you need me to explain any other instances I used the claim...find them and I'll do so. I think I recall at one time making the statement about the overturning of roe v wade and Biden being AS a Cyrus King with God achieving His plans under Biden's leadership even though it's really not his (Biden's) plan. Cyrus was a pagan - not unlike Trump, Biden and Buttigiegs but referring to him as such was for teaching effect and it worked. It was thrown at me twice in the last few days stating my lesson as though I needed to learn it.


Anonymous said...

Dear President Biden,

I pray your administration has great success, though I had had some hopes in Hillary, but you are a religious caring christian man who can better lead our country back to sanity because you are a grownup.

Hugs and kisses to my Cyrus King,

Anonymous said...

How on earth does one person here--okay let's say two for the sake of argument, who follows Q and/or thinks of Trump as a "Cyrus king" equate to all the rest of us believing that???

x doesn't paint--he slimes.........

Anonymous said...


Sorry we posted over each other. You found the post I referred too and I just called God's use of Biden --- Cyrus-like, in that he achieved God's plan despite it not being his wish. That's different that NAR and prosperity heretics throughout MAGA "anointing" Trump their Cyrus King.

Qanon was a vast conspiracy compromising just about every right wing conspiracy theory in the MAGA world into one tent along with some of its own. Just because many didn't get on board with JFK, Jr. being alive or some of the crazy stuff like watching for Q posts and coming up with crazy interpretations, doesn't mean the qanon conspiracies didn't feed into all the alt-right conspiracies espoused here, including Qanon big-tent conspiracies like false information about Covid-19, the Black Lives Matter protests, and the presidential election (big lie). So much so that a December, 2020 poll by NPR found that 17 percent of Americans believed that a core falsehood of QAnon — that “a group of Satan-worshiping elites who run a child sex ring are trying to control our politics and media” — was true.

Here's one poster sharing qanon stuff back in 2018:

Constance, If you are following the Qanon posts (Q anon is military intel close to Trump posting on 8chan etc), he indicated that Manafort is a "plant" in the Trump campaign. Some have suggested that Mueller is going after the people who were plants such as Carter Page and Popadopoulos.

I'm not saying whether this is the case or not, but it seems to be true.


Anonymous said...


How on earth does one person here--okay let's say two for the sake of argument, who follows Q and/or thinks of Trump as a "Cyrus king" equate to all the rest of us believing that???

Anonymous said...

FYI...11:59 is not my post. There could be others.


p.s. - how does it equate? I didn't accuse everyone of specifically stating that Trump was their own personal Cyrus King. It WAS a pervasive sentiment within the psuedo-religious prosperity gospel and Dominionist right (i.e. - lots, but not all, of MAGAs). Not all of you are Dominionists or prosperity gospel'ists but their influence has been heard and felt throughtout just about every US church. My using the term in reference to Biden struck a nerve apparently...why? (because IMO republican's seem to think they have cornered the market on Christianity and the use of Biblical allegories). Politics has seemingly, to way too many, become a works test.

Anonymous said...

From the link provided above to Source:

Anonymous said...

His superior self weighing in......

7:32 PM
Constance Cumbey said...
To 7:32 pm

thanks -- I saw that on a google alert and was going to put it up -- glad you beat me to it. It is significant reading -- he appears very much to be speaking as a type of leader. As I have long observed, the excuses for GLOBAL GOVERNANCE - NOW appear to be: Donald Trump, Brexit, populism.

This article reinforced all of the above.


12:17 PM

Do we see the pattern here?????
I think much has been hidden in plain sight but the distractions are many--so many!

But do we see it beyond all the hype??
Trump gone--Great Reset up and coming full speed ahead....

If we stay tangled in the current weeds I think we will miss some important things we should be watching.

Anonymous said...

No, it's not you X. I am mocking things you have actually said here (in several instances) in my paraphrase.

So you don't like to be painted something you say you're not, eh?

Anonymous said...

P.S. It's better to err on the side of grace X because that is Christian.

You seem unable to do that each time you post because you are scathing with your carpet bombing judgments. You think you adeptly read our minds but you don't--not by a long shot--- instead should just read our posts at face value, agree or disagree like that--but that isn't your forte' now is it?
And you wonder why people think you a hypocrite..

Anonymous said...

12:54 pm

I'm wondering if you are understanding my complete lesson or not?

I don't personally mind being painted whatever. I know who I am in Jesus and the attacks I've endured for Him have been nothing compared to what He has done for me. I think I have been the most "painted" person here...oddly, from marxist to hypercalvinist.

Or...are you claiming that you (& most/many here) don't hold a single qanon conspiracy idea or notion?

Here's a simple checklist ...see if you can agree with even 7 of 9.

1. The US 2020 election was fair and legitimate;
2. Pedophelia exists and Jeffrey Epstein was an evil man who it appears used young massage girls to entrap politicians and powerful men of all types on behalf of (probably) Israel? - but that's not the same as believing or expousing the existance of some satan worshipping cabal of pedophiles that secretly run the world and Trump was gonna expose them (but couldn't get around to it);
3. Covid-19 was not a hoax and Fauci didn't creat it;
4. The covid vaccine, like other vaccines, has small risks but it's not, in any way, a tool of the global cabal to cull the herd;
5. Putin is not our allie;
6. Covid cures weren't suppressed;
7. Doug Mastriano, Dan Cox, Lauren Bobert and Marjorie Taylor Green, are all qanon whackjobs unfit for public office
8. The Jan. 6 committee hearing revealed Trump's QAnon inner circle. A July 12 hearing focused on a fiery meeting Trump had at the White House on Dec. 18, 2020. In attendance along with White House staff were former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, former National Security Adviser Gen. Mike Flynn and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell. The three are associated with the Q movement.
9. Ukraine was not developing bioweapons, a conspiracy theory that was floated by QAnon believers in 2022.


Anonymous said...

1:04 am

I do the best I can to speak truth with love. I'm not always perfect at it.

What people think of me isn't my problem. They hated Him too. His banner is heavy. We're told it's a narrow path and hard road to follow and to beware of deception. I'm doing my best.


Craig said...

X @ 2:11 AM,

And I suppose you think 9:26 PM is an example of you “doing my best” in terms of following Jesus? Let me help you here. Using straw men and red herrings in your attempts at trolling are the antithesis of following Jesus. It’s actually dishonestly deceptive and an example of sowing division. And your ‘mocking’ as ‘teaching’ fails as well.

You should try fairly critiquing the substance of someone’s comment instead.


X @ 11:54 PM,

I missed the part where RayB specifically made the Trump=Cyrus equation in order to provoke your Biden=Cyrus response. Perhaps you can point it out to me.


X @ 12:12 AM,

You wrote: You found the post I referred too and I just called God's use of Biden --- Cyrus-like, in that he achieved God's plan despite it not being his wish. That's different that NAR and prosperity heretics throughout MAGA "anointing" Trump their Cyrus King.

Um, Ok…

So, again, where is one, just ONE of your Biden=Cyrus comments that is specifically ‘mocking’ someone else’s specific Trump=Cyrus claim?

I suppose we could both just agree to stop here. You won’t be able to find any example. It’s much preferable to me (and I’m sure to others here) that you cease your further comments in this vein. Maybe you could just stop charging people here with following “Q” unless they actually state that they are?

I’ll repeat: You should try fairly critiquing the substance of someone’s comment instead..

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Over this past week I have encountered both far right and far left wing posters, with the right wing posters finding it is appropriate to post filth; impersonate others; then demand that I silence opposing political speech.

For of my refusal to censor I was accused of being ultra “left wing.”

Then, over the weekend, a left wing poster with “impeccable research skills” accused another poster on this blog of a crime then doxed the wrong person. (For those not familiar with this term it is the online posting a person’s personal information such as address, phone number, etc.) This poster then demanded that I censor another poster’s political speech. This person then threatened terror should his demands not be met. (While x claims he is not a left-wing policy maker he is a willing mouthpiece and certainly voiced his approval and admiration for over this.)

Because I deleted those posts and for refusal to censor, I was accused of being ultra “right wing,” being the “lyricist”, etc.

I agree that this blog has some far right posters. It also has some far left posters who have proven to be of the same mould.

Anonymous said...


As Craig just tried to admonish me.

“Maybe you could just stop charging people here with following (some political thought) unless they actually state that they are?”

I’ve never stated that I’m left wing and as I demonstrated I never called Biden the Cyrus King. I’m a apolitical independent and registered Republican just like Ray and Craig.

Further, exposing evil is a good thing even if it wasn’t our Ray who, supposedly now, hardly even likes Trump.


P.S. - the cesspool was here for awile I just helped expose it. Once you step off the Maga bus completely, as Mrs Cumbey has, all of this kind of becomes clear. Supporting Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger hardly makes me a mouthpiece for the left and anywhere near left wing. I’m not even as far left as a progressive moderate. What ever. Just bizarro.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

What makes you think I am on the MAGA bus X? Evidence please.

Anonymous said...

I've been away for a few days helping a friend through a personal crisis. I've only commented here a few times, probably less than five. To my dismay, RayB is ROFL, Rolling on the Floor Laughing, gleefully anticipating my disappearance!

I don't mind stating my opinions, but I'm not about to be bullied by the rude and obnoxious RayB. I could care less about his true identity. He has the personality of his demigod Trump and probably needs to "downsize from Big Macs to a regular little hamburger" himself.

I stand by what I've said previously. "I would like to see a third party, but not Christian per se. If that were the case, we'd end up with something similar, or far worse, than we have now with the Republican party. I've heard it preached from the pulpit and have read comments on this blog that one can't be a Christian and be a Democrat. Republicanism is thriving in today's Christian church.

The framers of the US Constitution were not all Christians, yet they were able to come to a consensus. A strong third party that supports the constitution with like-minded candidates who are of the people and for the people would be my wish. The current situation of being forced to vote for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil in my book."

Republicanism is thriving in today's Christian church with heavy influence from Christian Right and New Apostolic Reformation, calls for embracing Christian nationalism by QTrump MAGA such as Margery Taylor Greene, Doug Mastriano and others. They overlook or excuse Trump's part in the Jan. 6th insurrection, they have released vitriolic hatred against Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, and are sowing seeds of discord for civil war, and much more.

The right and left are two sides of the same coin, both evil.


Anonymous said...


Effective rhetorical mockery isn’t limited to only a direct response to a specific proposition immediately preceding its use. We are engaging in political debate, where I can mock my opponent's argument or general standpoint, attempting to inspire an emotional reaction (making it a type of appeal to emotion) in the audience and to highlight any counter-intuitive aspects of that argument, making it appear foolish and contrary to common sense. This is typically done by making a mockery of the argument’s or general standpoint’s foundation that represents it in an uncharitable and oversimplified way. The person using the tactic often utilizes sarcasm in their argument.

The elusive alt right either believed trump was some kind of Cyrus king or considered it political expedient that others believed so. It was foundational that he was to be a Godly political savior of some sort (who is still worshipped and defended yet today despite his criminality being exposed). Like I said before, it WAS mentioned here but was also pervasive throughout Maga world enough so that mocking it was not fallacious or a lie. Judging by the continued reaction, it was quite effective. Especially now when people here are finally distancing themselves from it. Where were was the “ Trump isn’t a Cyrus King” statements in 2020?


P.S. - did you pass the informal qanon test I posted last night? It’s not like qanon is a church you are either a member of or not. Qanon is a big-tent conspiracy theory feeding into and crossing over with Maga propaganda. You espouse qanon or you don’t.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rich Peterson - Medford @ 8:31. That explains a lot.

I found the book The Churches and the Third Reich (vol. 1), Klaus Scholder on internet archives. I'm hoping to have time to read it this week.

I live near a theosophy/occultism center established in the early 1900s as a summer adult bible school. It has an interesting history as interfaith which has evolved over time to globalism and a link to the United Nations.

The "no separation of church and state" thought is quite prevalent here among Christians. Unfortunately, they choose to remain ignorant of history, even when it repeats itself.


Anonymous said...


Sorry. I’m not trying to label you. A couple of times recently I begin to think we are on the same page then you hammer me for some reason. I just don’t think you see Mrs Cumbey as a left wing nut but somehow put that label on me for what I see as directly confronting qanon/Maga while still retaining very conservative religious and economic ideas and beliefs.

So my guess is that that seems like lingering Maga sympathy to me. It’s not rational. Certainly no one on the far left ever thinks I’m even moderately left wing.

I could be wrong.


Anonymous said...

And there you have it.

So he goes after Rich the same way he marginalizes and smears us. Flat statements that do not take comments at face value but read in to assume and accuse because someone does not agree with his narrative for the category he has pre-assigned them.
What a good number of us here have experienced in the daily blasts and carpet bombings of
the lettered ideologue of the blog using his best 'karen' techniques.

Hey professor X, perhaps you should school yourself in some common grace and decency and godly fair-mindedness, take the biased forest out of your eyes, before you try to force feed your "lessons" upon the "students".

Of course, there are a few examples of far right and far left people drawn like a magnet to this place...but the too wide brush of X has actually resulted in his painting himself into a corner of many wrong assumptions and anger poisoned reasonings.
Not a pretty picture of christian fellowship now is it professor? Your politics is out and proud ahead of the curve of your 'christian' belief, I'd say.........

Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious 10:46

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

You get me.


Anonymous said...

This is how I know she lost her way to represent our State.
Her focus shifted away from what really concerns the people of Wyoming.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

What I would have expected from decent people is for condemnation of doxing along with the threats of terror, not praise. I also expected condemnation of the filth posted earlier during the week. Those whom I expected to say something remained silent. Very few had the decency to chime in.

Anonymous said...

What threats??

I didn’t make or condone threats. You may have to clarify that for others as it may appear you are implicating me. Reporting someone to the police is not a threat.

Exposing evil is not evil or even illegal.


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

In my book, threatening to send a mob upon someone is a threat.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Exposing evil is not evil. The way to do it is contact the police so they can either SUBSTANTIATE or REJECT the claim. We don't make accusations against a person then publish their personal information online -- especially when the person in question is not even the person the poster is attempting to smear. Given the conclusions the poster has expressed here, his allegations cannot even be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Rich Peterson - Medford

11:19 AM

I'm glad I didn't have to see any of the filth. Thanks for deleting it.


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

To clarify, the doxer's posts were not signed X.

Anonymous said...

"Flat statements that do not take comments at face value but read in to assume and accuse because someone does not agree with his narrative for the category he has pre-assigned them."

Partisanship at an extreme does this. One-sided provisions do not get to the truth.
Truth has two or sometimes more, sides to it. Prosecution and defense together can provide the answers.

This is my problem with the J6 committee.
And defense is disallowed. That's automatically wrong.
So my problem is not that they have one, I don't have a problem with the need to get to the bottom of what went on with all the players involved in or at the Capitol building to understand the facts contextually, in their proper time frames and within physical perimeters, etc, many many details to know what the actual threat was and by whom, to what degree and toward whomever.

The problems is many more questions are raised than begin to get an answer, gaps have been filled in by real partisans instead, with an agenda to cover, not uncover the whole of the situation. That bothers me. I do not see it as even-handed with a true aim for justice and truth reconciled--I see politics skewing the picture and ruining our process to move forward in a diplomatic, democratic way. The knives are out only for certain people, certain goals to punish rather than let the truth tell us who and how and what to believe. Personal political vendettas are running this show.
It's a grand ripoff--once again--the American people have been played.
Donald J Trump is like a lightning rod--both favorably and unfavorably used here to find out what is at the heart of this matter for an entire country.
And honestly now, I am ready to put this to bed, resolved or as it is at present, still unresolved, because there are even bigger fish to's a global world now..and GOD will have to sort it all out, because at this point, people on pretty much all sides of this, refuse to.
I know He will, in His time and His way.

Anonymous said...

There's posts I didn't see but reporting a known racist to BLM is not unleashing a mob. They probably keep tabs on the locations and activities of reactionaries that are a threat to their organization and their brothers and sisters. I have not heard of a single time when a racist was hunted down and physically assaulted by such online doxxing activities.

And I'm not just talking about evil as in criminality. Evil, by God. I'm talking Luciferian evil like noted by Mrs. Cumbey taking place on her blog she that she recently referred to as a "cesspool"; and, most notably by Rayb and what may or may not be his alternate supporting personas.

Doxxing Rayb would not be evil. If he truly is a brother off the narrow path, such exposure MIGHT lead to him receiving the gift of repentance. I'd personally notify his children so maybe he could get help offline and in real life. He doesn't attend a church, so privately attempting church discipline first would not be a viable alternative.

I'm not doxxing anyone. There was no X because it wasn't me. I know Craig's name IRL and I've never said a word about it. Never would. I don't find Craig to be evil in the least (disagreeable for sure but not evil). I still love and respect Craig even though he's completely frustrated with me.

Richard Bowen deserved being "doxxed" here too by Mrs. Cumbey herself.

If you know Rayb's name, you could try to get him the help he needs too. In love and truth.

Again...there were posts I missed that you deleted that may say a lot more than I saw. Rayb is entitled to help, not being physically confronted or threatened.


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Linda @10:25 AM,

I'm glad you were able to find an online copy of the book. You will note disturbing parallels in the book to what is happening today.

As I read the book, whenever I encountered names of significance of whom I was not familiar, I included their names in a Google search along with the term “Theosophy”. Theosophy was much more deeply engrained in the Nazis than I imagined.

The same ran through the left as well. In her book The future Socialism, Annie Besant (president of the Theosophical Society, 1907–1933) outlined the framework of the future civilization is to be ruled:

“The whole life of the people as regards agriculture, crafts, amusements, libraries and sanatoriums, should be in the hands of these local councils; so that the life of the unit in each state should be self-contained to a very great extent. The next area would be the area in which many of these were gathered together into a single organisation, say a province. All the primary councils would advise the Provincial council, and only those would have the right to rule in that larger organisation, who had proved themselves good rulers in the smaller organisation below—not fresh from ignorance, but partly trained, would be the rulers of this next greater area, and their chief, again, selected by the authority next above. A parliament of the nation, which should guide national affairs, would be chosen again only by and from those who had shown themselves efficient in provincial politics. And international affairs I would not give to the ordinary parliament at all, but to the ruler of the State, the Monarch, and to the men old in knowledge and experience, the best of the nation, who should be round him as his council ; to the hands of that body only should international politics be trusted. That is a rough sketch, but it may serve as a basis for discussion, to be worked out very much more fully, of course, than I am putting it now. But the general idea is that each man should have power according to his knowledge and capacity. . . A democratic Socialism, controlled by majority votes, guided by numbers, can never succeed; a truly aristocratic Socialism, controlled by duty, guided by wisdom, is the next step upwards in civilisation.”

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

X @1:03 PM

I guess we will disagree once again. What I see as evil is your good.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

A person in my world is innocent until proven guilty. To accuse a person of a hate crime before a criminal investigation has taken place, then publishing their personal information online, then unleashing a mob upon them is evil.

Anonymous said...


Are you saying church discipline is evil?

It’s the same thing I was suggesting.

His family may also be Luciferians and not care at all.

Exposure creates opportunities for repentance but many remain obstinate.


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Are you saying you are 100 percent certain that the Ray Bessette is this blogs RayB and that the same is guilty of a hate crime?

Anonymous said...

2:18 PM

But you operate on the premise that you, supremely, can determine these things, as your idea of judge, jury, and executioner. Your words have, at times, called for overreaching and objectionable actions against free citizens that simply disagree with your politics--you excused the doxxing of RayB here at this blog as though it is a just action, that was taken by the miserable so n so who took that wrongfully, and did it wrongly, upon himself.

Nobody died and made you God....God is very alive, thank You Jesus, and powerfully able, with many, multitudes of perfect ways all at His discretion, of getting to the issues, open, hidden, only partly known, that you in your deep prejudice and bias (and supposed christian caring), can't possibly do..and frankly, shouldn't attempt, on a blog or anywhere else. If a crime happens to you or your family, if you are actual witness to crime, it is then incumbent upon you to take some type of action, but conjecture and gossip (your favorite) are no cause for your sanctimony. You should make sure your anger is righteous to begin with--judge that by God's Word, not your "take" on His Word. This is a Christianity 101 and you seem to be epically failing here.

You have many problems in many issues separating apples from bananas.
But Professor of nothing, you really should know better.
You'd scream like a mashed cat if it was actually happening to you (and I would defend you..and have right here on this blog).

Anonymous said...

2:24 pm

No, I'm not convinced Ray Bessette is the Rayb that posts here.

Exposing the seeming evil of Ray Bessette by alerting the DA is good. I don't know much more about him to expose. His friends and family see his facebook where he shares his rascist maga filth and brags about his activities seemingly provoking violence on Jan 6th in Albany, NY. It's up to his friends to get him help. RayB that posts here....his family likely doesn't know the extent of his falling away. They likely think he's just a bit crazy. They aren't familiar with or his relationship and affections for homosexuals like Jim Hoft or Peter Thiel. They might benefit from a link to the movie about the woman who cut her elderly father off social media in an effort to save him from the Maga hole he'd fallen into

I'm not exactly sure how to help him...but trying is good. Can't sit back and watch brothers struggle and lose their way.
Trying has what I've been doing here for years now.


Anonymous said...

"I'm not exactly sure how to help him"

Be the Christian you claim you are then, instead conjure up your art of of castigation...
Do this instead of your barrage of amateur efforts at playing the Holy Spirit:

Leave him to the mercy of God and pray, if you're so *concerned*.

So what?..RayB can be disagreeable at times--hey we all can, I sure have, and the Spirit of the Living God has a word or ten with me about it---you most certainly get way out on that limb and saw it off behind you.....but he is not out there drowning in a maga sea or something you suppose.
Live and let live and concentrate on your family and neighbor where you are and can see them face to face.
Keyboard to keyboard isn't working for you.

Anonymous said...

Yes...I struggle when I see a brother or sister running towards a cliff. I can't help wanting to help them.

Just seems like trying to help is the kind thing to do.


Anonymous said...

X @ 10:33 AM

You are almost ALWAYS wrong X, and both you and Globalist/Luciferian Cumbey are "left wing nuts."

You are both mentally ill, and need an exorcism.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me how much effort X puts into proselytizing real Christians to put on goat attire!

Your two businesses must run themselves.

Mark Nowak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RayB said...

The ‘Election Denier’ Smear Is The Dumbest Rhetorical Device In Modern Politics

NOTE: Please, never, ever question the validity of any election ... unless you are one of those "radical right-wingers" that dwell in a "cess pool."

RayB said...


I'm really glad that you have not 'disappeared.'

Perhaps you can answer these questions?

"Do you believe a person can be a FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ, born of the Spirit of God, and also support a political group that FIGHTS to advance the MURDER of innocent life?

The Democratic Party FULLY supports the anti-Christ LBGTQ+ agenda. Same question; can a person that is truly a Christian support this evil agenda and still be faithful to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?

"Death Cult Leader Joe Biden supports the RIGHT of an EIGHT (8) YEAR OLD to make the decision to 'transgender.' Transgendering requires the physical mutilation of the reproductive organs that the child was born with via their CREATOR.

As a "Christian," can YOU vote for a candidate that advocates for the mutilation of the child's reproductive organs? Can YOU vote for a candidate the gives the right to decide to transgender to a CHILD???"

RayB said...

I'd really be interested to have Constance take the time and enumerate exactly what qualifies her labeling bloggers as a "radical right wingers" that swims around in a "cess pool."

If you are going to label people in such a derogatory manner Constance, I think we deserve to know what exactly constitutes your definition of a radical right winger.

By the way. Why is it you seemingly never attack the radical left? Is there a reason for this Constance?

Anonymous said...


X, er, I mean 'Linda', thinks that you are influenced, more than you realize, by the Trump/MAGA/Prosperity gospel.

Maybe Rich thinks you are one of the "far right posters?"

Anonymous said...

Should you get any vaccines? The data shows that the more you vax, the sicker you are.

RayB said...

“Best Vaccination Is To Get Infected Yourself”: Viral 2004 Video Resurfaces Of Anthony Fauci Praising Natural Immunity

Anonymous said...

I'll help out Mrs. Cumey with a definition of Radical right wingers...

1. Think Trump is a victim of a deep state conspiracy versus fully responsible and culpable for his own actions and demise (& taking the republican party with him);

2. Incessantly repeat and spin obvious lies trying to obfuscate the truth with no regard for truth and/or rationality;

3. Trump idolatry - willingness to believe and repeat whatever Trump and his sycophants say with no regard for truth and/or rationality;

4. Believe urban dwellers, particular minorities in urban areas are the biggest problem with America;

5. Fear the great replacement theory and thus, motivated to vote white now before it's too late;

6. Think they are the real partiotic American

7. Think Jan 6 was staged

8. Truly believe the big lie or willing to repeat the big lie because political power is more important than being honest

9. Believe the deep state created Covid and withheld cures

10. Believe separation of church and state isn't really a thing

11. Post millennialism rebellion theology;

12. Dominionists - 7 mountain mandate adherents;

13. Your obvious racist pseudo-miliary groups including proud boys, 3%'ers, oath keepers, KKK, etc

14. NAR heretics


Anonymous said...

Rayb said: “Best Vaccination Is To Get Infected Yourself”

Billions or even trillions dead throughout history for want of vaccine to smallpox and the plague and x, y, z viruses notwithstanding.

The covid vaccine saved an estimated 20 million lives. Those are people that WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD otherwise. Natural immunity at the cost of DEATH isn't really worth it. What good does natural immunity do anyone in a casket?

As for Fauci, he was asked about getting the flu vaccine by someone just recovering from the flu. She already had it and there's a long history of known natural immunity for a period of time (a year?) after having had a particular strain of flu so getting vaccinated at that point in 2004 wouldn't be helpful in that particular instance.

A flu vaccine is recommended each year as the influenza virus changes and the vaccine is adjusted accordingly, according to the CDC. The Food FDA advises on its website that receiving a flu vaccine even after recovering from flu is important as it helps prevent illness and community spread from different strains of influenza.

Furthermore, COVID-19 is a different virus from influenza and receiving a vaccine is safer than risking severe illness with the virus yourself, in your loved ones and/or your community.

Although people who recover from COVID-19 usually gain some immune defenses against reinfection, they get additional protection from vaccines, especially against severe disease, according to two studies published on March 31 in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal.

I'm waiting for the new Omicron-specific vaccine boosters though.


RayB said...

X stated:

Rayb said: “Best Vaccination Is To Get Infected Yourself”

Correction X. I didn't say that ... Dr. FAUCI did.

Anonymous said...

Dr. FAUX-chi 'stepping down' will NOT stop the plans to investigate him!!!

Anonymous said...

9:03 -- 2004 in a completely different context and regarding a different virus than you are insinuating.

(and you know it)

It's such a dumb argument taking advantage of uneducated people who are willing to believe nonsense.


Anonymous said...

6:18 PM

So...does the Holy Spirit gaslight people, X?
Does the Holy Spirit use red herrings and strawman arguments and rely on gossip and half truths, and smear tactics?

Does the Holy Spirit twist people's words against them, misrepresent and demean them, use projection antics against them..and then stalk and troll them?

Last time I looked none of these methods are used by God's Spirit, but by people who have only a form of godliness perhaps, but deny the power thereof...must be people who are christians in name only.
Do God a favor and stop "caring" so much then.
He has work that He accomplishes (without your "help" Super man) because you prove yourself useless for His kingdom.

Anonymous said...

Does God give His glory to Biden for the abortion ruling that came about this summer?

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Aleksandr Dugin: Who is 'Putin's brain' and what is his view of Russia's war in Ukraine?

Anonymous said...

9:33 pm

The Holy Spirit points us to the Truth.

Not politicians.

All glory is God's.


Anonymous said...

X speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

X the choir boy, or X the serpent.

Anonymous said...

Empty talk x.


Anonymous said...

It's not just empty talk. It's often a matter of life and death and disinformation is literally killing people. Not much difference between these religious cults and MAGA cults in the story below. Membership in both cults require deliberate ignorance. I wonder if any of the parents of dead kids from Measles are excited about all the "natural immunity" killer Ray promised them.

Measles surge blamed on anti-vax sects after 80 children die

Excerpt: Most reported cases are among children aged between six months and 15 from religious sects who are not vaccinated against measles due to religious beliefs, he added.

Bishop Andby Makuru, leader of Johanne Masowe apostolic sect, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In Zimbabwe, some apostolic church sects forbid their followers from taking vaccinations or any medical treatment. The churches attract millions of followers with their promises to heal illnesses and deliver people from poverty.

Craig said...

X @ 10:18 AM,

You wrote:

Effective rhetorical mockery isn’t limited to only a direct response to a specific proposition immediately preceding its use. We are engaging in political debate, where I can mock my opponent's argument or general standpoint, attempting to inspire an emotional reaction (making it a type of appeal to emotion) in the audience and to highlight any counter-intuitive aspects of that argument, making it appear foolish and contrary to common sense. This is typically done by making a mockery of the argument’s or general standpoint’s foundation that represents it in an uncharitable and oversimplified way. The person using the tactic often utilizes sarcasm in their argument.

The elusive alt right either believed trump was some kind of Cyrus king or considered it political expedient that others believed so. It was foundational that he was to be a Godly political savior of some sort (who is still worshipped and defended yet today despite his criminality being exposed). Like I said before, it WAS mentioned here but was also pervasive throughout Maga world enough so that mocking it was not fallacious or a lie. Judging by the continued reaction, it was quite effective. Especially now when people here are finally distancing themselves from it. Where were was the “ Trump isn’t a Cyrus King” statements in 2020?

I like rhetorical devices. But they only work to the extent others can understand your intent. Rich of Medford, e.g., took your words literally. As for me, I initially thought you were being literal, then, upon further reflection, I understood you were mocking, but I had no clue as to who your target was. No one here was making the Trump=Cyrus equation, and, no one was even remotely promoting the NAR. So, you had nothing on which to base your rhetoric. Thus, I took it that you were making a false equivalency in an attempt to unfairly smear others. In other words, constructing a straw man which you could continue to tear down in order to further your own ideological bent.

So, I would say “[j]udging by the continued reaction”, your statements in this vein only served to make you look like someone who paints with a mile wide brush. Straw men and red herrings are not effective rhetorical devices.

Your “Where were the ‘Trump isn’t a Cyrus King’ statements in 2020?” is a non sequitur. Given your explanation that Biden can be construed as Cyrus (pagan being used by God), then why would anyone here refute that notion with respect to Trump? Unless you can firmly demonstrate that others are/were literally following “Q” or literally following the NAR, then your attempt at ‘mocking’ and sarcasm just falls flat.

And, I think you’re correct in using the word “frustrated” to describe my position with respect to much of your writings here.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Craig... you nailed it at 8:52 AM.

X continues to label ALL conservatives (who post here) as MAGA, Q-Anon, Trump worshipers... when the reality is that none of the regulars here fit into any of those categories.

But, I guess that it's much easier (on HIM) to 'wrap us up with a neat little bow'... because, taking the time to actually DEBATE each one would require more effort than he is willing to give.

Or, perhaps X lacks the necessary skills to engage in a serious debate?

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Over the past week I’ve deleted filthy comments which originated from far right wing posters. I also remove those originating from the radical left wing poster whose doxing strategy was to accuse a man named Ray Bessette of a hate crime then publish that individual’s personal information here. (Incidentally their intended target, RayB, is not the individual they doxed.) Sunday’s left wing poster was by far worse than all the others combined.

I estimate I deleted over 150 posts last week alone. I neither have the time nor the inclination to continue to babysit imbeciles.

My recommendation to Constance is to change the blog’s comment settings to one of these options: 1) comments are first reviewed then released (which allows for anonymous posts); 2) only permit comments which are submitted by registered users (posters can be blocked); or 3) shut down the comments completely.

Anonymous said...


In the absence of real arguments you’ve become rendered obsolete by the continued use of the fallacy fallacy.

I’m not “obligated” to demonstrate anything and calling me out for painting with a wide brush is completely ironic because, again, I’m doing so mockingly or ironically as a device to teach that very lesson.

For example, should GOP supporters literally have to prove someone is really a full adherent or follower of communism before calling them a Marxist? Where’s your “frustration” over that persistent use of mockery? ( I know …red herring … you never called me a Marxist yourself).

Perhaps Rich of Medford thought I called Biden a Cyrus King for real versus mockingly because my mocks hot home and get repeated many times as though I fully stated it versus saying Biden was just as Cyrus-like as Trump.

I’m sorry you get frustrated by my instruction. The lesson plans seem to me to finally be hitting home as people are trying to distance themselves from the Luciferians influences of qanon and Maga even if they weren’t direct worshippers who just attended the “church” and watched a couple online “sermons” dressed up as anti-vaxxed nonsense or genuine concern for trafficked children.


Anonymous said...

Rich, I vote for #1.

And thank you for cleaning up the FILTH!!!

When we debate, everyone needs to remain CIVIL at all times.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

My recommendations are only recommendations. Constance ultimately needs to decide whether to permit any and all comments.

Anonymous said...

Satanic Biden Death Cult targets Amish farmer with armed raid and 300k fine

Anonymous said...

X @ 10:40 AM

The gist of X's above post, and many of his posts, is that he is "trying to teach" us.

I myself will pass on your left wing, Luciferian nutcase sermons/teachings dr X

Maybe you X, and Constance, can get a two for one special on an exorcism?

Anonymous said...

If you end up with option one, I'd volunteer to be an additional moderator reviewing posts prior to publication. I can only imagine how much upset could be avoided by simply restricting Rayb's ability to post disinformation and lies.

Unfortunately, unless every post is reviewed within a few minutes, at most, and then submitted, you might as well not have a political comments section at all. Nobody wants to have a debate over the course of a week or month over an issue today and if you can't rely on even seeing your words entered on the screen relatively quickly, why bother.

As far as registered users...the poet/richard bowen guy has already shown the ability to register and post in multiple names and even the same names that post here. It might reduce some driveby harassment but the regulars here don't read that crap anyway. Sure the filth is annoying but he gets off being moderated too.

Another idea --- put better words in the profanity filter if you can. Truly offensive cesspool words like Rayb, gatewaypundit, Malone, marxist, Cyrus, Trump, DeSantis, Epoch, citizenfreepress, and other common filthy words the cesspool right like using here.

Good luck. Moderation is hard. My recommendation. Don't moderate at all. You don't beat the alt-right by being more fascist. I think there are Luciferians afoot keeping tabs on this place who have been hoping to shut up Mrs. Cumbey for years here on her blog.


RayB said...

Failing Society: Watch Gang of Youths Storm and Loot McDonald’s Restaurant in England

NOTE: A few years back, I distinctly recall pondering what a thin line it is that separates modern societies from one of civility, law & order, to one of utter, complete chaos.

What would happen if a large segment of society simply refused to obey the law? With the justice systems already overwhelmed and the prisons full, what could the authorities possibly do if society morphed into anarchy?

In case you haven't noticed, this 'flash mob' type of crime is spreading, as illustrated by the above story out of Nottingham, England. Here in the States, we've seen countless mirror images of this type of looting, violence and destruction of property. The question remains; what can be done to stop this? Obviously, the liberal solution is a light 'slap on the wrist' along with the quick release the criminals. Many police officers refuse to even arrest thieves in various liberal cities such as LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, etc.,etc. Over and over again, they become repeat offenders. Is that a viable solution?

Am I a 'cess pool radical right winger' for even asking such a question?

RayB said...

X deserves the "Chutzpah of the Year Award" ... hands down.

X as a 'moderator' would be like having the proverbial fox guarding the hen house.

X continues to label me as a liar (along with murderer, Q-anon follower, Trump worshipping cult member, racist, anti-semitic, non-Christian, etc.). Yet, he has NEVER been able to provide a single post where I advocated any of the aforementioned.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...


I defend RayB's right to political free speech the same as I did yours. I'm inclined to agree with you to not moderate at all.

RayB said...

Anon @ 11:17 AM ...

Amazing, isn't it? While persecuting these peaceful people ...

The Biden Justice Department has turned a blind eye when it comes to real law breakers such as the domestic Marxist terrorist groups Black Lives Matter & ANTIFA.

For many MONTHS (and it continues), these terrorists burned, looted, attacked innocent citizens, raped, and even murdered. And yet, Death Cult Dear Leader claims that ANTIFA is just an "idea," parroting the words of our worthless FBI Director Wray.

By the way, I've known Amish people. They just want to live in peace without the "Yankee's" government breathing down their necks. They harm no one. They live within the confines of a very tight community. Whenever anyone has a 'problem,' they all band together to help. They tend to be VERY conservative. They commit virtually zero CRIMES, yet, the Feds can't seem to leave them alone!

RayB said...

One of the MAJOR reasons for Death Cult Leader Biden's OPEN BORDERS policies ...

Big Rig Hiding Over 1.5 Million Fentanyl Pills Seized By Border Patrol Agents

NOTE: The Drug Cartels are shipping TRUCK LOADS of dangerous drugs across our border, which end up on American streets, needlessly killing TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans every single year.

That's the REAL pandemic, and it really kills.

The drug trade is an industry that illegally rakes in HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of DOLLARS annually! That filthy money finds its way into the pockets of corrupt politicians, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, etc., etc. THAT is why, folks, the 'war on drugs' is a complete failure. The corruption is so rampant and widespread that it reaches the highest levels of Government!

But hey ... the Amish pose much more of threat to society! Great job Dear Leader Justice Department. And thank you for protecting us!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Matt Gaetz extortionist Alford sentenced

Anonymous said...

"It's not just empty talk. It's often a matter of life and death"

From other people I could agree with that.

Coming from you it is empty talk.

Anonymous said...

"But, I guess that it's much easier (on HIM) to 'wrap us up with a neat little bow'... because, taking the time to actually DEBATE each one would require more effort than he is willing to give.

Or, perhaps X lacks the necessary skills to engage in a serious debate?"

Or perhaps.....
it's easier to just troll, spew narratives, agendas, rhetorical strawmen and ad hominems full of hate and discord since facts are greatly lacking on his part to debate with.

Plus, he can't referee, moderate, sheriff a blog, or punch his way out of a wet paper bag with no facts to go on.

That's a FAIL.

Anonymous said...

"Teacher" X, just teach yourself.
You stink at it.

Really the lessons are for you, ever think of that??

You need to start with Christian 101. (That's where your stink starts from right out of the gate)

Anonymous said...

I just can’t wait to see Craig finally get frustrated with RayB and dive headfirst into his pile of fallacious arguments today.

Instead of celebrating Biden’s administration stopping illegal narcotics at the border (instead of Trump having them waived through - trump did have ties to Latin American drug cartels*), it’s now Biden killing people versus saving lives.


The gop has stalled immigration reform for decades so they can keep importing Roman Catholics from Latin America, get cheap labor & use it as a political wedge issue just like this. Democrats aren’t perfect on the issue either but the recent history of obstructionism largely points towards the border situation as GOP manipulation


P.s.- it’s s a RayB lie that I haven’t provided lists of specific Qanon, racist, anti-semetic, lies & disinformation posts.

Anonymous said...


You there! To the back of the classroom for you.

Here’s your sign.


Anonymous said...


12:17 PM

"They (Amish) commit virtually zero CRIMES" - not true!

I guess your Amish friends didn't tell you about their young people "sowing their wild oats" as a rite of passage before joining the church. I guess they didn't tell you about the DUI's while driving horse and buggies, or the burglaries, or the sex abuse crimes, or the incest. The Amish do live within a tight community and much of their crimes stay within the community and go unreported. They have a very strong lobbyist organization in most states, especially Pennsylvania. Along with military exemption, they are free from following laws related to education, workplace, self-employment, insurance, driver's license and firearms requirements.


RayB said...


I know you must be very busy, so it's extra nice that you took the time to address such an important subject; the sins of the Amish.

Thanks for your loving insight. By your post, I imagine ALL Amish people fit
your description? Who would have known?

And yes Linda, because of the fall, all are 'born unto sin' and there are 'none righteous, no not one.' It is only by the sovereign grace of God that anyone is made 'good' in God's eyes through Christ alone. (John 14:6)

By the way Linda, do you have time to answer those simple questions that I posed to you? For your convenience, I posted them twice.

Thanks Linda!

Anonymous said...

1:17 PM
Your sign looks New Age/NWO order to me.
A distinct marXist socialist humanist smack to it....

I'll pass.

P.S. How many more times are you going to fail Christian 101?

Anonymous said...

Rayb asked: Am I a 'cess pool radical right winger' for even asking such a question?


You criticize the ATF raiding an apparent illegal unregistered gun trafficker essentially because he's white and sorta Christian and while lamenting the supposed lack of enforcement of the rule of law by the Trump adminstration and his appointees against millions of persons of color who, largely, didn't do anything illegal at all.

So which is it...the rule of law should or should not be enforced? Such a perfect example of maga qanon republican hypocrisy (i.e. - 'Conservatism consists of the lone proposition that there must be in-groups the law protects but does not bind and out-groups the law binds but does not protect.')

Then you furhter sow fear over flash mob robberies like they are spreading everywhere because Biden refuses to enforce the rule of law while overlooking the fact the event in McDonalds took place in Nottingham, England far beyond Biden's jurisdiction.

I also note the Breitbart piece and racist provocateur, Andy Ngo video embedded therein have chosen their videos to make it appear to be near entirely a black riotous crowd.

Blacks are criminals and the Amish are sinless - gotcha

Besides...most fast food crimes are committed by old white men as shown by the following clip. Michael Douglas does a great job performing as an angry victimized white man in a 1990's era dark satire on our national disease.

Falling Down (6/10) Movie CLIP - The Customer is Always Right (1993) HD


Anonymous said...

If Y'shua were moderating the blog, His responds to X's serpent like twists, and turns, would perhaps go something like this.

"get thee behind me Satan!"

Anonymous said...

2:39 PM
Your flashing "victim" cards for people who need to answer for themselves in courts of law (and there is admissible evidence) like regular anybody else, is only more of the ridiculous social engineering propaganda of......Soros (& his bought and paid for DA's across the country).
Your verbiage is only tossing flaming molotov cocktails again...because that's what you do.
Never part of solution, you are part of the problem, trolling sower of uninterrupted discord and enabling lawlessness and lasciviousness (& any other evil you can promote).

Your version of Christianity is diseased.
You need to turn in your Christian badge and get a permanent gaslighter tattoo on your mouth.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Obama said it best:

Obama: Republicans portraying white men as 'victims' helped Trump win votes

Excerpt from transcript: we've've seen created in republican politics this sense that you know white males are they're the ones who are like under attack...which obviously doesn't jibe with both history and data and economics. That's a sincere belief you know that's been internalized that's a story that's being told and how you unwind that is going to be not something that that is done right away it's going to take some time.

Unwinding that starts within the Christian community. We are not victims.


Anonymous said...

2:39 PM....X

"entirely a black riotous crowd"

Probably the first time that ever happened!

Anonymous said...

Nearly all Black Lives Matter protests are peaceful despite Trump narrative, report finds: In stark contrast to rightwing claims, 93% of demonstrations have involved no serious harm to people or property

Excerpt: The new data on protests and the US government’s response comes from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data project (Acled), an organization that has long tracked political violence and unrest in regions around the world, together with Princeton University’s Bridging Divides Initiative. The organization launched a new “US crisis monitor” project this year, concerned that the US is “at heightened risk of political violence and instability going into the 2020 general election”.

The results of the study present a stark contrast to claims made by the Trump administration, and widely circulated by Fox News and other rightwing media outlets, that the US is being overrun by violent leftwing protesters and “domestic terrorists”.

“There have been some violent demonstrations, and those tend to get a lot of media coverage,” Dr Roudabeh Kishi, Acled’s director of research & innovation, told the Guardian. “But if you were to look at all the demonstrations happening, it’s overwhelmingly peaceful.”

Between late May and the end of the August, Acled and Princeton researchers documented 7,750 demonstrations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement in more than 2,000 different locations across the United States, as well as more than 1,000 protests related to Covid-19. About a third of the Covid-19 protests were linked to schools reopening, the report found, all of them peaceful protests. There were also at least 70 documented protests over Covid-19 involving healthcare workers, and at least 37 demonstrations focused on the eviction crisis.

While the overwhelming majority of all the different kinds of protests tracked over this time were peaceful, the report did find a troubling trend of violence from both government forces and non-state actors. Government authorities were more likely to intervene in Black Lives Matter protests than in other demonstrations, and also more likely to intervene with force, like using teargas, rubber bullets and pepper spray or beating demonstrators with batons, the researchers found.

They documented 392 incidents this summer in which government authorities used force on Black Lives Matter demonstrators. Journalists covering Black Lives Matter protests were also met with violence from government forces in at least 100 separate incidents across dozens of states this summer. One journalist was blinded after being hit in the eye with a rubber bullet while covering protests over George Floyd’s killing in Minneapolis.

Violent intervention from government forces did not make protests more peaceful, the report concluded. In Portland specifically, the report found that intervention from federal authorities in the protest “only aggravated unrest”, with the number of “violent demonstrations” rising from 53% to nearly 62% of all events “after federal agents arrived on the scene”.

Armed individuals were documented at at least 50 protests this summer. “Individual perpetrators – sometimes linked to hate groups like the KKK – have launched dozens of car-ramming attacks targeting demonstrations around the country,” the researchers wrote.

Anonymous said...

3:04 pm that you?

Nice example of "cess-pool" posting. Your white pointy hat brethren must be so proud


Anonymous said...

The way these 3 cops in Arkansas treated this man was 5000x worse than anything that happened to George Floyd at the hands of cops.

Anonymous said...

X, no that was me.

Sorry, I know how the,,,dare I say it,,,,white light of truth pains the demons inside you.

Anonymous said...


watch the video @ 3:19 PM

Anonymous said...


Is that satire --- 5000x worse than George Floyd? Is this a concern for anyone, really...just because he's white and no one is all that upset about it. I thought the GOP liked the police cracking thug skulls?

Excessive force...certainly, but the guy walked out of jail the next day released on bond, I presume, with hardly a scratch on him and lawyers clamoring to provide assistance (and a payday).

It takes special men that run INTO danger to protect the public and those men are often pumped up with a little more testosterone than your typical citizen. They'll serve their suspensions and probably get their jobs back and the city will pay some settlement money to the poor guy that was reportingly threatening a business like a terrorist and assaulted a police officer while packing a knife. He was in the process of committing a felony not unconscious on the ground. You do know before body and dashboard cams came about this was a regular occurence in most areas, right? Street justice --- especially if you are an "other" or one of "them". The prevalence of immediate high quality cameras is changing that but it takes time.

It's a 10,000x far cry from the cold-hearted evil of a nearly 10 minute knee on the jugular of a subdued and unconscious petty criminal suspected of knowingly or unknowingly floating a fake $20 bill. Nobody would have cared all that much about the arrest of Floyd had Derek Chauvin just lifted his knee at the 2 or 3 minute make of that altercation. He wasn't initially perfectly compliant (as his mama necessarily taught him to be)


Anonymous said...

Dan Bongino Reveals Why Getting COVID Vaccinated Is 'The Greatest Regret Of My Life'

Anonymous said...


"Your white pointy hat brethren must be so proud"

Oh shut your mouth. When was the last time you even saw a white pointy hat in the street? Nobody's taking food from your table, except your corrupt, illegitimate devil government.

But I know YOU lock your doors when mulling over a stop at an ATM at 10 at night for fear of the ones of a darker persuasion, right?!?!

Anonymous said...

5:24 pm

They don't go out in the streets anymore. Too many cameras. Instead the troll away on computers in their mom's basements blaming the black man for stealing all their opportunities for sex and jobs.

Or they wear their updated robes -- fratboy Fred Perry polos with khakis.


p.s. - who takes medical advice from infotainment clowns and a former secret service employee with no scientific or medical background whatsoever. They are citing an article from a Chinese journal authored, in part, by well-exposed covid quack Peter Mccullough. The "study" doesn't even actually demonstrate or observe injury of any kind. It's purely speculation and suggests future research based on an inappropriate analysis of VAERS data.

Gatewaypundit reported...."During the broadcast, Carlson cites a report published by the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology that found the gene-editing shots to cause, “neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis.”

Whereas the quack study actually says: "These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell's palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis."

Just more clickbait from Gatewaypundit to make money off of ignorance. They don't care about you or long as you click their gay propaganda...they good.

Anonymous said...


Don't forget to lock your doors at night now.

Anonymous said...

5:50 pm - bring it. How big a boy are you?

Anonymous said...

5:46 PM

You feed off of hate and discontent.
It is your thing.
When you can't find any here (because nobody else is hateful--just you, then you make sure your generate some.

Everyone else just lives life, seeing the world as it is and look for the ways to cope and or make it better somehow...but you, you hate your way through it---hoping your misery can find some company. Go get cozy with poet and the other hater, pointy finger, pointless, moron. Go moderate them.....

Anonymous said...

no one else? -- I had to check if you were, for some reason, even talking to me or the deliberately-posting-inciteful-racist crap poster this afternoon/evening. So weird. Why do you bother?


Anonymous said...

Other than you three, and one or two others, everyone else here is not posting hate, just posting.
But you make it a point to stir up hate, racist and any other kind you can think of, very pointedly, very targeted against certain people, and it's so telling about you-----and why I directed that at you.

You know, I don't hate you, but I am against your hatefulness..especially since you brag (like nobody else here) of the good christian you are---I hate the a~~hole antics you pull. That's on you. Have you no shame?

Anonymous said...

Suspect Uses Rock to Beat Senior Citizen Unconscious in NYC Subway

RayB said...

X @ 3:17 PM ...

Very typical of you. You just cannot cease with your false accusations.

NO, the Anonymous @ 3:04 PM is NOT ME. I have stated over and over again, I have NEVER posted on this blog with any other screen name other than RayB. I'm sure that Constance would have a way to verify that fact.

Of course, with you X, facts mean nothing. You prefer to live in the imaginary world in which you dwell, and that is a very, very sad place to be.

RayB said...

X states to RayB:

"Then you furhter (sic) sow fear over flash mob robberies like they are spreading everywhere because Biden refuses to enforce the rule of law while overlooking the fact the event in McDonalds took place in Nottingham, England far beyond Biden's jurisdiction."


You really are off the wall. I POINTED OUT in my post that the flash mob occurred in Nottingham, England.

You seem to forever get the clear cut meanings of posters all mixed up.

Seriously, do you have a remedial reading skill deficiency??? There is help for people like you, but, you're the one that is going to have to take that first step for help.

RayB said...

This just in ...

X has nominated Black Lives Matter for the Noble Peace Prize.

(Well, not quite. BUT, if X had it in his power)

Anonymous said...


When you speak the truth to people that don't "love the truth," you're always going to be an object of their hate and scorn. What's really interesting is that truth is hated most by what I refer to as "religionists." "Spiritual" people disconnected with any church or real religion. Unaccountable spirits. Often, when you speak the truth to the non-religion people of the world, it isn't met with anywhere near the level of hatred and scorn!

John 15: 18-21

"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me."


Anonymous said...

But X, you are "of this world." Why would you post this verse?

Anonymous said...


That's good for BLM. Well done. I hope they win.

They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.

An estimated 15 million to 26 million people participated in the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, making it one of the largest libertarian movements in the country's history. It comprised many views and a broad array of demands but they centered on criminal justice reform.

Studies have shown that most of the demonstrations organized by Black Lives Matter have been peaceful. Of course, there have been incidents, but most of them have been caused by the activities of either the police, counter-protestors or criminal elements, including Russian mafia organizations exploiting the situation where police were otherwise preoccupied harassing protestors.


RayB said...

X posts as a radical Marxist that supports the Democratic Party Death Cult, lies like a rug, wanton false accuser, HATES Bible believing Christians, congratulates Death Cult Leader Joe Biden for ending Roe v Wade, enthusiastically supports and endorses the most radical pro-abortion Presidential candidate in history, praises the domestic terrorist groups BLM & ANTIFA, supports radical liberal, anti-christ causes and candidates, defends BLM & ANTIFA's endless looting, rioting, burning, raping and murdering, etc., etc. ....

... and then has the utter Chutzpah to claim that he is being 'hated' and 'persecuted' because he is a CHRISTIAN !!!

Again ... X deserves, like no other, the Chutzpah of the Year Award .... no change that ... Chutzpah of the Decade Award!

This is why I'm against censorship. X is the perfect example of the mindset of the Lunatic Left, and he puts it fully on display day in and day out, week after week, month after month, year after year!

Anonymous said...

RayB 8:27 PM


Good and evil contrasted so well in his free screech.

He's a perfect example of how not to be a Christian, how not to be a citizen of this country, and mighty proud of it, too.

So, where's his faith?--there isn't enough evidence to convict him of being a Christian so he can quit his whines and cripes about being one...I just see evidence of his ungratefulness, bitterness, and death cult narrative.
Rich said to X: "What I see as evil is your good."
It isn't rocket science to know the intent of a troll.

Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter is/was a scam of the highest order. It swindled millions of dollars out of the pockets of silly single parent adult children (no dad) families, for whom posturing and virtue signaling IS the ultimate virtue. These very angry, wealthy adult children
don't know their right hand from their left. They have been raised by socialist teachers and other liars who only know grievance and victimhood, and have absolutely no sense of gratitude for the fact that they are over protected, over indulged, over fed, and over praised for having done nothing in their pointless lives except whining and complaining.
We have George Soros and his very imaginative, completely avaricious mind for Black Lives Matter. George Soros, like his master Satan, only know three things in this life; Killing, Stealing and Destruction.
You, X are a fool.

Anonymous said...


So spins the biggest liar and 2nd biggest racist on this forum.

Where specifically have I lied, falsely accused, hated actual Bible believing Christians, supported abortion, praised terrorist groups, supported radical liberal anti-christ causes and candidates, or defended any BLM or BLM associated person that may have looted, rioted, raped, burned or murdered anyone.

Ray is the perfect example of a Luciferian Maga idolatry mindset. He puts his fealty to Trump ahead of truthfulness and decency on full display day in and day out, week after week, month after month, year after year and long before I arrive here to assist him and any other Maga brother and sister in Christ back upon the narrow path.


p.s.- Trump was nominated, again, for a Nobel Peace Prize too. By the same right wing Norwegian reactionary as last year. I hadn't heard someone that pathetic, considering Jan 6th and his revealled plans to eliminate Pence and take over the country, since Rush Limbaugh laughingly was awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor.

RayB said...

X states (again, and again, and again):


So spins the biggest liar and 2nd biggest racist on this forum."

NOTE: After many challenges, X has NEVER been able to post a single lie that I have ever told, nor, has he ever provided a shred of evidence that I am a racist. I've asked him to 'copy & paste' repeatedly a specific lie or racist statement of mine, to which he has NEVER been able to.

Yet, in typical fashion, this agent of Satan continues to spew out his venom.

Eternity has a very special place reserved for "ALL LIARS." You've been repeatedly warned X, so there will be absolutely no excuse for you! Thousands of years from now, you'll be reflecting upon all the lies that you have told about me (and others) here in this seemingly meaningless forum. Lies matter to God. And you will be paying the cost for your deeds.

Anonymous said...

9:03 pm

I think minorities are a little sick of your idea of how they should have "gratitude" for being allowed to exist in the manner you prescribe and attempt to dictate for them.

BLM organized and motivated about 20 million angry Americans to protest aggressive and brutalist police activities and largely did so peacefully.

I KNOW there is vidoe of a couple leaders saying stupid Marxist stuff years ago and a couple of leaders that didn't handle organizational money appropriately but it's not easy to rise up from nothing and explode into such a large organization and handle anything perfectly (real criminals like Trump are trained for years by their criminal families to steal money 'legally').
This is made even harder for a largely minority organization who receive undue criticism and scrutiny because, God forbid, the Black man "organize" anything politically.

Remember Acorn? Obama's supposed "Brown Shirts" and all the scrutiny Martin Luther King and all the civil rights groups go in the 1960's and 1970's for fear they were someone organizing a as Communists.

I'm not black. I'm not part of BLM. I didn't march in their protests. I'm not a "follower" and don't even read or care much about BLM personally. I empathize with their situation and overall think they were successful in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.

If you want actual violent anti-american organizations to dump on why not stick to your own backyard like try Proud boys, Oath Keepers, Patriot Pride, Maga, 3%, etc. - do they have ANY redeeming qualities whatsoever? What's remotely Christian about them?


Anonymous said...

Here again are just a couple of Rays specific lies I posted probably two times awhile back. These are on top of all the covid vaccine lies I debunked as deliberate lies time and time again...

Rayb Lies

One: Rayb said (with regards to convicted insurrectionist, Pam Hemphill on Jan 6th): "That means she walked around peacefully, without authorization. That’s it."

In Pam Hemphill's plea deal, she stipulated to the following "statement of offenses" which go far beyond Rayb's fabricated claim that Pam merely "walked around peacfully"


Two: RayB said (with regard to Monkeypox)..."Be prepared for another round of masks and EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' mandates ...

The monkeypox vaccine is not "experimental"'s my understanding it's a traditional vaccine that has been FDA approved since 2019.

FDA approves first live, non-replicating vaccine to prevent smallpox and monkeypox

Exerpt: For Immediate Release: September 24, 2019:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today the approval of Jynneos Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine, Live, Non-Replicating, for the prevention of smallpox and monkeypox disease in adults 18 years of age and older determined to be at high risk for smallpox or monkeypox infection. This is the only currently FDA-approved vaccine for the prevention of monkeypox disease....


RayB said...

But, but BUT ... X says Black Live Matter (BLM) is a "peaceful organization." Who should we believe???

Wife of slain cop calls BLM ‘terrorist organization,’ torches ‘super villain’ Kamala Harris

From the article:

In a scathing op-ed, the wife of a slain black St. Louis police captain accused the Black Lives Matter movement and other progressive activists such as Vice President Kamala Harris of dividing America, blasting them as “supervillains.”

Ann Dorn, a retired sergeant from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and widow of Capt. David Dorn, wrote in the op-ed published with Fox News Tuesday that her husband’s death was the product of Democrats and left-wing activists pushing an anti-law enforcement sentiment across the country.

“Ultimately, David was murdered because the people who are supposed to protect our streets — active-duty police officers — were ordered not to do their jobs. It is clear that the anti-law enforcement sentiment that has been fueled in this country by Democrat and left-wing activist rhetoric has gone too far,” Dorn wrote.

Anonymous said...

Raby is a Qanon poster

(this is a repeat of several posts answering Rayb's constant belly aches that no one can provide specific proof he posts racist qanon stuff...Ray must have missed it)

RayB recently claimed: "X, I am not a 'white nationalist,' nor a 'white supremacist,' nor have I EVER followed Q-Anon."

1. You continually post white nationalist propaganda including specific out of context and random links to black crime as well as links to racist and antisemetic material from I have listed racists posts made by you before so at this point you are just pretending.

2. You claim you NEVER followed Qanon well the whole election fraud thing you keep posting about is qanon as well as much of the vaccine disinformation. Maga has melded into Qanon and the conspiracies are no longer separate.

But knowing you often ask for's some qanon Trump worshipping post you made in 2018 that never came true (more cRayQ lies).

RayB said @ 8:56 AM: To Anon @ 10:13 AM: You are 1000% correct. Trump's move against the massive, Satanic, pedophile ring is unlike anything that has taken place in world history. Pedophilia is widespread among the world's elite, many of which reside within the Beltway.

RayB said @ 10:07 AM: The following further emphasizes the truth of Anon's 10:13 PM post above: Dr. Dave Janda (Orthopedic Surgeon, Christian) is interviewed by Greg Hunter. Dr. Janda shares his knowledge regarding the massive crackdown on child trafficking and pedophilia, orchestrated by none other than President Trump. Very informative material, but, very disturbing. Be forewarned ...

Ray @ 11;40am ...The Clintons, along with others, set up "charitable foundations" which gave them the ability to accept "donations" under the guise of "charity." The Clintons continue to run a criminal operation and have broken numerous laws, but for whatever reason, they have remained relative unscathed by it all. However, keep in mind, the Clintons are only the tip of the iceberg."

You don't get more Qanon than Dr. Dave Janda and claiming [false idol} Trump was on the verge of busting up huge pedophile rings and the Clinton Foundation as the center of some money laundering operation is also top shelf Qanon.


Anonymous said...

Ann Dorn is entitled to her opinion and her experience. God Bless her and her family.

Police & community relations are a difficult manner requiring bi-partisan cooperation and community involvement and trust...lots of trust.


Anonymous said...

9:03 PM
You nailed it.
The drama queen of denial, anonymous troll x, is probably a Zoros plant here.

Anonymous said...

9:48 PM

Your rhetoric helps inflame those who destroy and kill--kill people like Capt. David Dorn.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Bandy Lee: "The Removal of Trump Wasn't Enough"

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President - Updated and Expanded with New Essays Tapa dura – 19 Marzo 2019
de Bandy X. Lee (Author), Jeffrey Sachs (Foreword), Robert Jay Lifton (Contributor), Gail Sheehy (Contributor), & 37 more

Ruth Allan said...

Wow - thanks Rich and Constance. While re-reading 'A Planned Deception' this morning, I went looking for a picture of Donald Keys, and found this little gem. Don't know if relevant or not. Certainly creepy in the extreme!
'Rewiring the Human Being: A Feasibility Study'

Anonymous said...


Great book suggestion & we see the damaging repercussions here on this blog among supposed Christians caught up in Maga.

Amazon Synopsis: As this best seller predicted, Trump has only grown more erratic and dangerous as the pressures on him mount. This new edition includes new essays bringing the audiobook up to date - because this is still not normal.

Originally released in fall 2017, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump was a runaway best seller. Alarmed Americans and international onlookers wanted to know: What is wrong with him?

That question still plagues us. The Trump administration has proven as chaotic and destructive as its opponents feared, and the man at the center of it all remains a cipher.

Constrained by the APA’s “Goldwater rule”, which inhibits mental health professionals from diagnosing public figures they have not personally examined, many of those qualified to weigh in on the issue have shied away from discussing it at all. The public has thus been left to wonder whether he is mad, bad, or both.

The prestigious mental health experts who have contributed to the revised and updated version of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump argue that their moral and civic "duty to warn" supersedes professional neutrality. Whatever affects him affects the nation: From the trauma people have experienced under the Trump administration to the cultlike characteristics of his followers, he has created unprecedented mental health consequences across our nation and beyond. With eight new essays, this edition will cover the dangerous ramifications of Trump's unnatural state.

It’s not all in our heads. It’s in his.

Anonymous said...

We now have President O'Biden, who should be in a senior care facility. He is operated by his ultra left wing 'handlers' to promote death, destruction of anything inocent, and to bring about the end of the U.S, and further support the foundation of a NWO, New Age iron fisted rule by the Anti Christ.

BUT, the blind Pharisaical priesthood here, such as Cumbey, X, and their other 'cohorts', real, or not, are obsessed by fear of the 'Orange Man'.
So much so, that they have reached a state of mania, and are no longer recognizable as normal Christians. Rather, they have degraded into a dangerous, ultra left wing, anti-christian cult! The kind of dangerous Luciferian cult that will support 'turning in' true followers of Christ, in these last days.

So, Beware the Hidden Dangers of this Pharisaical Cult!

Anonymous said...

Straining at an Orange Man, and swallowing O'Biden/Kamel Face

Anonymous said...

1:54 AM

Now couple the thinking of Donald Keys with the thinking of Yuval Noah Harari, a chief advisor to Klaus Schwab of WEF.

Their goals have gone from green book to white paper.

Anonymous said...


Couple Trump with the thinking of a penguin & Biden’s Batman

RayB said...

Stacy Abrams immediately proclaimed the police were "GUILTY," which helped to provoke the typical response from the domestic terrorists Black Lives Matter; riots, burning, looting, random acts of violence, attacking innocent people, etc., etc.

Now ... AFTER the REAL evidence has been diligently presented to an independent special prosecutor ...

Georgia Drops Charges Against Police Who Shot Rayshard Brooks: ‘Justified’

"A specially appointed prosecutor dropped charges Tuesday, including murder, against Atlanta, Georgia, police officers Garrett Rolfe and Devin Brosnan, who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks in a June 2020 incident that led to Black Lives Matter riots."

RayB said...

Anon @ 9:18 AM ...

Let's not jump to conclusions just yet.

Yes, we already know that X is a lying, false accusing, disinformation, fact denying troll. We know that.

I'm sure you'll feel much better after Constance & Linda provide their detailed answers to the detailed questions that were posed to them. Hang on. Give them time.
Their answers will surely be forthcoming.

RayB said...

Oh no! Critical Race Theory takes it on the chin! Huge set back for Florida communists! How will the children be able to learn that all white people are systemic racists (whether they know it or not)?

Leftists Crushed in School Boards Across Florida

RayB said...

"BUT, it makes me feel so good to be a caring, loving, loony leftist moron! I just love career criminals. Besides, having to post cash bail sounds so racist to me."

A funny thing happens when you actually take lunatic left theories off of a piece of paper and apply them to real life:

70% of Arrestees Released with No Cash Bail in CA County Rearrested

“Progressive” prosecutors and Democratic politicians — including former California Attorney General Kamala Harris — have pushed for “zero cash bail” or bail “reform,” often without regard to the consequences for public safety.

“Zero cash bail” and lenient parole have been associated with recidivism in many American cities, with some of the released offenders going on to commit shocking, violent crimes.

Read the article here:

RayB said...

Radical liberalism at its finest.

Recall that the radical left called for wide spread societal shut downs, EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' mandates, forced quarantines, businesses closed (only small, BIG corporations are 'essential'), etc. all as an effort to protect society?

In contrast, check this out:

Video: CNN Tells Viewers Monkeypox Is NOT Sexually-Transmitted
(even though 99% of the Monkeypox virus cases involve homosexual men)

From the article:

The World Health Organization recently said that cases continue to spread amongst “men who have sex with men,” although after saying summer festivals should be limited, they later clarified that gay pride events should go ahead as normal.

After health authorities in San Francisco issued a public health emergency over monkeypox, gay men were still encouraged to attend the annual pride parade as well as sex orgies.

NOTE: Didn't someone recently categorize a whole group of people as dwelling in a "cess pool?" I wonder what that person would have to say about this?

Anonymous said...

11:15 AM

Trump lives rent free in your head freak.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not black."

I don't care if you're purple.

Skin isn't the issue, status isn't the issue. Why aren't you on the side of plain old right vs wrong--for just anybody, everybody? The Bible set the standard for right and wrong. The ten commandments apply all across the board in the affairs of mankind from at the first until now, and we as a nation were founded to stand upon the law of God--we have and haven't done that as a nation (and will be held accountable as every other nation past and present)--but as individuals we are still held accountable in either our stand for or stand against what God says is right. You apply your own standard..why? Have you improved on what God has said and done? You don't show reverence for the Lord here in the stands you often take.

So you say (words-just words) right things about the Gospel, but your actions here, your practice, your policies, your principles, deny it...all in the same breath.

God is not partial in His judgments, so why are you?

I'm part native in my heritage by my 3rd great grandmother in Mississippi, go back far enough in my generations I have ethiopian jew in my blood. I am russian, german, italian, spanish, moroccan too, and as swedish, english, and scotch irish as you can get. I am what most of all of us are by now--completely homogenized in all the skin colors and cultures of the world. A literal mutt of the peoples. I have no skin in a game. I have a life and a conscience that I give and live surrendered to the Lord Jesus, the Savior of the entire world. HE is the gold standard of righteousness, just HIM. The only qualifier for my becoming righteous is a heart bowed before it's God and Maker, repenting in the belief that God saves sinners. The reason I know Jesus is a great savior is because I am a great sinner, like apostle Paul said--chief of them. So are you if would be that honest.
It is level at the foot of the cross, but you act as though people are either qualified or unqualified (a higher or lower status) to be considered righteous according to your standard, your camp. That denies the grace of the Gospel, the free gift of God's mercy freely given at the cross.
You say words...but your anthems and actions don't add up with the Bible.
However, they do add up in your religion--the banner you proudly wave---humanism...where the game of elites vs slaves is played, always dividing people, pitting one against another, according to humanism's rules.
God will by His justice, pick up the all pieces some day, when your camp is done making hash out of everyone.
You better make your calling and election sure before time runs out. Today is a good day..

Anonymous said...

WEF and Microchipping

Anonymous said...

X prays to his Saint George Floyd each night, no doubt.

With a drop of spittle and a lash from a cat's eye, he utters his mumbling incantations.

Black Lives SPLATTER (clap, clap)

Black Lives SPLATTER (clap, clap)

Black Lives SPLATTER (clap, clap)

Anonymous said...

The lash from a black cat?

Anonymous said...

Elf Fauxchi.

DeSantis rocks!

Anonymous said...


You are talking to RayB and his Maga lying friends not me.

I’m the antithesis of the works based faith tests of the Maga alt-right cesspool.

RayB keeps demanding answers for such faith based tests, not me.

In my opinion, when you place politics before the Gospel you are off the narrow path.

It’s been openly acknowledged that both political parties are evil. That is why I would LIKE another alternative. Like Linda, one that will maintain the American custom of separation of church and state as our founders originally contemplated and Protestants campaigned for and formed political organizations to protect for decades for fear of the Roman Catholic takeover we are seeing today. But even an alternative would be full of humans and thus corrupt on some level too. That’s why I’m an independent so as not to align with either evil. I, as a Christian discern Maga Trump and the GOP to be far more evil than the evil democrats right now. That could change just as the democrats can change too. The Dems obviously need more prolife Christians if they are gonna care ever about policies and adopting bipartisan measures respecting the right to life moderated by the physical health of the mother and her immediate choices for birth control.

Have a nice evening.


Anonymous said...

Contextualizing the Self - Narcissistic Selves in the Age of Trump

Anonymous said...

Great comments, X @ 9:21 PM

Anonymous said...

‘I am the chosen one’: Trump again plays on messianic claims as he embraces ‘King of Israel’ title.

By Sarah Pulliam Bailey
August 21, 2019 at 3:35 p.m. EDT

President Trump on Wednesday tweeted a fawning quote from a non-Jewish conservative radio host who described Trump as the “King of Israel” and who said, without evidence, that Israeli Jews “love him like he is the second coming of God.”

Trump’s tweets cited Wayne Allyn Root, who described himself in a 2016 Townhall column as a “Jew turned evangelical Christian” and has promoted several conspiracy theories in the past, including that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and that he is gay.

“The Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel,” Trump quoted Root as saying. “They love him like he is the second coming of God...But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore.” he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God...But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that’s OK, if he keeps doing what he’s doing, he’s good for.....

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 21, 2019

Trump’s tweets made “King of Israel” the leading trending topic of the day on Twitter, generating many baffled and outraged responses. Later Wednesday, Trump said “I am the chosen one” to fix the U.S. trade imbalance with China, as he looked to the sky.

He told reporters that his trade war with China was one that should have taken place a long time ago: “Somebody had to do it, so I’m taking on China. I’m taking on China on trade, and you know what? We’re winning.”

In the Bible, Jewish leaders call Jesus the “king of Israel” in a mocking way when he was put on the cross, according to Matthew 27:42: “He’s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.”

Root also says that Jews “love him like he is the second coming of God.”

YES, FOLKS, THE GREAT APOSTASY IS RIGHT HERE ON THIS BLOG, with the exception of real Christians such as X.

Trump is a blind guide leading you into the PIT. REPENT OF YOUR FASCIST DELUSIONS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

Anonymous said...

X is boffing the whole night through!

Anonymous said...

Lolly Dick, X's breath freshener.

Now available in lemon and sour apple.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. It is directed at you, X, because of your humanistic beliefs and tone deaf hypocrisy.
It runs deep.

Your 3rd party "christian" idea is bunk. Your politics outpaced your "christianity" from the base to begin with. The only alternative is not politics, X, it is the Lord's kingdom you should be looking to...but then how can you if that is not really on your radar, with your own version of kingdom now...

You need to go back to the drawing board and get some big things worked out, starting with the Gospel.

Your lesson plans and teaching skills are laughable...but knock your bloviating Zoros affirming self out.
Nobody cares.

RayB said...

Remember when Death Cult Dear Leader PROMISED that "if you get the vaccine, you CANNOT get COVID?"

Well, fully EXPERIMENTAL 'vaxxed' Dr. Jill Biden in on her FOURTH go round with COVID. That's right. She's fully vaxxed, and now has COVID for the fourth time!

‘Remain in Delaware’: Jill Biden Tests Positive AGAIN

Anonymous said...

"Well, fully EXPERIMENTAL 'vaxxed' Dr. Jill Biden in on her FOURTH go round with COVID. That's right. She's fully vaxxed, and now has COVID for the fourth time!"

Wanna make a bet she isn't 'vaxxed'? Neither is her comatose ice-cream eater husband.

They play with us like a fiddle.

RayB said...

Don't miss this article. Exposes Liz Cheney for what she really is, and no, there is nothing 'courageous' about her or her family.

Note to Liz Cheney: You're No Lincoln By Lauri B. Regan

Anonymous said...


As our friend said above...

"The only alternative is not politics, Rayb, it is the Lord's kingdom you should be looking to...but then how can you if that is not really on your radar, with your own version of MAGA kingdom now?"


p.s. - Testing positive for Covid...again...8 days after testing positive the first time isn't catching covid's a rebound effect or virus clearing. Some people test positive for a month or more. It's the same infection. Jill Biden first tested positive Aug 16th so an August 24th positive test is not shocking in the least (nor deserving of criticism). Just odd the lengths y'all will go to.

Constance Cumbey said...

Rich wrote one brilliant article. Why don't we focus on his content and its ramifications for us. Well, I hate to throw inappropriate humor into the topic, but will my "digital twin" be healthier than I, able to do my housework and legal work. A clone sure would have come in handy for me the past 40 years! Just kidding!


Constance Cumbey said...


Shame on you. Liz Cheney is a brilliant and courageous woman. She has spoken truth about the events of January 6. I rarely donate money to politicians, but I have donated to her and intend to support her and others. What is a "RINO"? Anybody who raises an eyebrow against Donald Trump!

She can run for President and I wouldn't hesitate to vote for her. Adam Kinzinger, Peter Meijer of Michigan, Ms. Murkowski of Alaska have been brave souls too.


Constance Cumbey said...

For the record, I was not a fan of Liz Cheney's father, but I am of Liz Cheney based on my knowledge of the ugly situation she has courageously opposed. I'm afraid that for too many on this blog we have an incidence of calling evil good and good evil. The same goes for those (not on this blogspot, I hope) pushing agendas of homosexuality, "non-binary" -- there is a whole lot of calling good evil and evil good. I voted for Trump twice, but I cannot and will not a third time. January 6, 2021 was a permanent departure from his cult -- yes, it is a cult -- for me.


Constance Cumbey said...

Having lived through the persecution I took, often from claimed Evangelicals who did things like give me "Worst Book of the Year Award" for HIDDEN DANGERS, and having stood virtually alone on the issue for a long period of time, I can certainly empathize with what Liz Cheney is taking from those who have turned Donald Trump into their personal God! I believe God allowed Trump to be in office long enough to get us our present Supreme Court. I also believe that Trump's motives were to play to his base. Had he minded his manners and kept a civil tongue in his mouth, he most likely would have been re-elected. He did not. The Congressional Committee doing the 1/6 investigation did important work. There is no way I could ever give Donald Trump a pass for the events between Election Day November 2020 and culminating in the Capitol riots on January 6 -- a mob that he summoned to Washington and did nothing to stop. I am also tired of hearing that the lack of security was Nancy Pelosi's fault. Only the President could officially summon the National Guard. It was Mike Pence who did -- Another courageous figure in this mess.



Anonymous said...

10:59 PM at WCT

I oughta know..Wyoming is my home state. Cheney is a Biden-Pelosi Democrat.
She left us in the dust to enrich herself and make her personal politics job 1, while our energy state suffers her neglect.
She didn't stand with the SCOTUS ruling this summer, she has changed her stance to codifying same-sex marriage. So much for her brave principles..
Nope, to us she is a Democrat.
And rejected by us.

Anonymous said...

10:52 PM

Spin like a top X. Those words of mine that you manipulated to fit your narrative then tried to spin against someone else, are still aimed directly at you as I originally said it.
YOU are a KINGDOM NOW advocate of another political religious stripe, no matter how you try to spin it and slither away from it.
Admin Rich noted it--even reposted it, when I spoke about that very subject earlier. That shoe fits you.

And I do not consider you a friend.
You're a judas (and it is not because of politics that I say that).

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 10:41 PM

Thanks for that link to that article.

J said...

It's nice to see you feeling up to commenting here again, Constance. You probably didn't get a chance to read this yet, so I'm re-posting it. It is from a previous comment thread when you were probably still in the hospital.

To Constance:

This will be my last comment on your blog. I don't know if you will read this. I have been praying for your recovery. I have not always agreed with you. It took me a while to stand with you on this one. But once I changed my mind I didn't want to slink away quietly.

I thought I owed it to you to say so publicly. I was wrong. I was fooled. I was drawn into cult-like thinking. I believed Trump was standing in between us and the NWO. I believed Trumpism was justified in comparison to Wokeism, TDS and globalism.

Therefore I looked at all moral criticisms of Trump in a strategic way only, or in a conspiratorial way only, but almost never in a moral way.

I don't even know if I would have snapped out of it if I had not felt threatened personally. I will not tell that story here in any detail. Once I felt personally threatened, at first I thought, when I prayed to God, "How can I get out of this." But after a while, I realized my question was wrong. My question should have been, "What can I get out of this?"

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was wrong for me only to care about anti-Democratic and intimidating behavior if it was directed at me or people just like me. I realized I should have always cared about it for everybody, including people different from me.

This has made my thoughts go from, "How can I get out of this?" to "What can I get out of this?" to "I need to get out of this for the sake of my Christian faith."

By "get out of this," I mean get out of end times conspiracy theory, culture wars and online doom scrolling.

I mean no offense to you. I respect your work exposing the New Age infiltration of the church, even the gall to plan a deception of a one world religious figure to unite people behind a one world government.

But focusing on figuring out and stopping God's enemies has become the wrong focus for me, I believe. I believe now that it's not for me to define God's enemies. It is only for God. It's for me to try to convert those who seem like the enemies of white Christian straight Americans. Or at the very least to be a model of a Christian for them. At a bare minimum

I could say more, but I'll stop here. In agreeing with you regarding your support for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, I disagree with the way your life work has been - it seems to me - at least somewhat co-opted by a dialectic. I don't put the blame for that upon you.

You told the truth and let the chips fall where they may. You continue to do so. It's all any good Christian can do. If God doesn't like the way the chips fall, He can re-arrange them, all in His own way and in His own good time.

May God bless you and your work and strengthen you to continue to expose the evil works of darkness rather than having fellowship with them.

J said...

P.S. Constance,

You should seriously consider Rich's suggestion to make people log in with a Google/Blogger ID to comment here.

RayB was certain that X was really you. He thought you were using X as a sock puppet to say your secret Leftist, radical opinions.

X has been the most hated commenter here for more than two years. He has been stalked, harassed and threatened repeatedly and intermittently by a group of anonymous commenters who have made a sport of it.

This stalking gang would have turned on you with all the ferocity they turned on X - if not more. One of them said that in his opinion FemiNazis are the worst trolls of all. He hated X if he imagined X was a man but seemed to hate him twice as much if he imagined X to be a woman.

Nobody else except for me seemed to notice or care. RayB dropped his accusation but went right no like nothing ever happened. If he changed his mind, it didn't seem to bother him enough to ever apologize. It was a big yawn for everyone else.

If you lose anybody by making them log in - maybe it's no big loss?

J said...

One last comment, Constance. X thinks his stalking gang is really RayB's sock puppet anonymous comments. So X started stalking RayB.

This is an example of the harm caused by allowing anonymous posting.

People routinely abuse their freedom of speech in this comments section, and they do it in multiple ways.

They complain about you all the time and attack you all the time, not the regulars, but the anonymous stalking gang that only came here to stalk X. All the while you allow them to freely post on your coattails.

RayB seems only to be interested in treating this comments section like it is his personal blogging space, on your coattails, knowing he could get more views of what he writes in your comment section, than he could get on his own blog. Yet he doesn't appreciate the freedom you give him to keep on doing this even after his false accusation of you.

I had to warn you. That's why I returned to comment.

There are a lot of good people here, too. I think they just get used to filtering out the B.S. so they are non-reactive to it much of the time. There's just too much B.S. to react to all of it every time.

I've had lots of good conversations here, but sometimes it has seemed like the pit of hell with demons howling. It's your blog, but you should know the pros and cons of the choice you make as to how to moderate the comments.

RayB said...

Unfortunately, due to an appointment, I don't have the time this morning to address some of Constance's and J's (WELCOME BACK!) points. But, quickly ...

Constance stated: "I am also tired of hearing that the lack of security was Nancy Pelosi's fault. Only the President could officially summon the National Guard."

I surprised at this, being that Constance is an attorney. The POTUS does NOT have authority to personally order the National Guard to act, he can only make a REQUEST, which he did. In this case, that power is delegated to the Speaker of the House, (the District of Columbia is SEPARATE from the Federal Government in a very similar sense as are the individual states). AGAIN, the power to summon the National Guard, the units assigned to the District, is delegated to Nancy Pelosi and NOT to the POTUS. The POTUS can only make a request, which Pelosi turned down!

Recall when the BLM & ANTIFA riots were being conducted across from the White House, Trump REQUESTED, through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that the MILITARY be deployed in order to protect the White House, the security of which was being threatened. What happened? Chairman Milley REFUSED THE REQUEST! So much for POTUS having the power to order the District's National Guard in, he couldn't even order the MILITARY to protect the White House!

Same scenario: Governors of states are the only officials that have that power as well, to send in the National Guard, not mayors, county commissioners, and not the POTUS!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 9:27 PM "Trump is the greatest narcissistic president we have ever had." Love it!

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 11:17PM

No one I know here, or anywhere, has made Trump "their personal God". You are ignorant, and foolish for assuming that. Trump supporters have all had many cringe moments with Trump. You suffer from a mental illness called TDS.

The people you support are disgusting, which is perfectly natural for you to do.

You should switch back to the party you came from. You're a blot on the Republican party.

Really please leave.

Anonymous said...

J, The grifter, the loser, the clown with his own blog. Oh my, what a thought.

Anonymous said...

Thank you J.

Nicely put. Great take.

To be clear, I’ve never abused the anon feature. I’ve posted anon but not in support of myself as though I was my own team. I just don’t feel obligated to sign every post.

Having an id is still very anon.


J said...

Thank you, X. To be clear, I think you and I both agree and disagree.

I have "come out of her" with regard to the Christian Nationalism I didn't know I was in.

Before there was a Christian Nationalism of the right, there was a Christian Nationalism of the left. It became known eventually as the Social Gospel.

Once the church and the world were so indistinguishable, church attendance went down among mainline Protestants.

Now the left still has some Christians but has many who are New Agers or who are cultural Christians only, with very low church attendance.

The same is happening with the Christians on the right. Church attendance is going down. The young are being lost. Worldly business and politics are become less distinguishable from church teaching. That, plus the young are very sensitive to displays of hypocrisy from their elders.

(That and they tend not to like being sexually abused once they grow up and fully realize and confront what had been done to them. Plus a lot of women tend to get burned out eventually after being abused in a marriage for ten, twenty, thirty or forty years, with the full support of the church.)

It's been said, as California goes, so goes the nation. What happened to Republicans in California? They can't win a general election anymore, not since Pete Wilson. Some anticipate that is about to happen to the nation.

Right here on this blog we see the suburban swing voter/independent types attacked. Yet these people are needed numerically. Somebody just told Constance to leave the Republican party, not seeming to realize millions think like her, and those millions may be needed in a general election, even if not needed in a primary.

To sum up my perspective, I think so many things you say today about the Christians of the right, could have been said before about the Christians of the left, and now can still be said about the post-Christian left.

I don't think it's all Commie influence on the Democrat side. I think a lot of it was the left's version of Christian nationalism that eventually lapsed into secularism.

Anonymous said...

If I had a five dollar bill for every time J has formally left the blog, I could buy myself a nice dinner.

J said...

Set up a GoFundMe, and I'll send you five dollars. (I would ask for your name and address, but there's already too much stalking going around.)

Anonymous said...

At this time there is no recovery from the Sodom the U.S. has become. The Republicans, nor the Democrats will right the sinking ship. The Lord is allowing the complete annihilation of this country. Prepare accordingly.

What matters still, is truth!

'Synagogue of Satan Cumbey' is mentally, and spiritually ill, and a liar. The kind of person endtimes believers should avoid. X, also, and you can witness right here, these types of deceivers multiplying. A sign of the times! Even J, has gone a whoring after this world, and its ways. Thanks to a little help from X. May the Righteous Lord add that and more, to your punishment for your proselytizing for Satan.

Anonymous said...

I am 11:18 AM


J said...

11:32 AM,

How demoralizing. Whose team are you on again?

Anonymous said...

Yes, X can demoralize anyone. He has been trying to cleanse this blog of the Real, Actual Jesus, for quite some time now.

He has no morals also.

Anonymous said...

Team Y'shua

Anonymous said...

Beware of the not so Hidden Dangers of Cumbey

Anonymous said...

Mentally ill 4th grade teacher explains that her classroom "is built for non-white students."

Anonymous said...

Troubled times ahead: Holland is the Canary

J said...

11:57 AM,

If you are on Team Jesus, you must then know that Jesus numbered among his disciples, both a tax collector and a Zealot.

The Zealots wanted Jews to fight the Romans. A tax collector would have been collecting taxes on behalf of the Romans.

Jesus expected both Simon the Zealot and Matthew the tax collector to indeed both be team players on Team Jesus.

There was a wider political gulf between Simon and Matthew than there is between you and Constance (if you are really on Team Jesus, as you say you are).

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