Sunday, September 04, 2022

Alliance of Civilizations Plan of Action for the Safeguarding of Religious Sites


By Richard Peterson

This September marks the third anniversary of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations launching its Plan of Action for the Safeguarding of Religious Sites.  First, a brief introduction for those not yet familiar with the Alliance.

The UN Alliance of Civilizations is an initiative which was introduced in 2005 by Spain and Turkey. Its political origins date farther back. The Alliance’s declared purpose is to combat polarization and extremism worldwide in order to counter the “clash of civilizations” and negate it with a partnership among civilizations. The Alliance is said to be the “mother tongue” of the UN system. It is a primary component of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The Security Council’s statement on the Partnership Among Civilizations reads “this partnership will represent a powerful response to those who feed on exclusion and arrogantly claim the sole ownership of truth.” (A/60/341–S/2005/567, September 2005)

Intercultural and interfaith dialogue are the primary instruments the Alliance utilizes to advance its agenda. The Plan of Action for the protection of religious sites emphasizes interfaith dialogue as a means to combat terror. A significant aspect of  the Plan  of Action is the worldwide mappings of religious sites and institutions. Last month, in collaboration with the UN Satellite Center, the Alliance published the  first fruits of this endeavor as it published an interactive map of religious sites throughout Sweden.

Should one accept at face value what is written within the Plan of Action it may sound reasonable. It is difficult to quarrel with a plan which proposes the safeguarding of religious adherents from terrorist attacks. The expressed values of human rights, democracy, peace, the rule of law are ones most would embrace. But what if the language is a veneer which conceals an entirely different political platform? I have written critical assessments of the Alliance of Civilizations since 2006 so I propose there exists an underlying agenda which looks entirely different.

The primary composition of the Alliance is the High Representative and the High Level Group of eminent religious scholars.

During the 2006 Alliance Doha Debates, High Level group members were asked to define extremism for the rest of the world. This definition becomes important as one assesses the Alliance since extremism – the root cause of terrorism – is the target. John Esposito defined extremism as one who believes his or her religious beliefs to be right and another’s to be wrong. That individual, he said, has adopted the “theology of hate.”  The late Archbishop Desmond Tutu defined extremism as those who hold their [religious] views exclusive. The Alliance of Civilizations is especially hostile towards Christianity.

Now align the Alliance’s definition of extremist thought with the words of Jesus in John 14:6:  “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” 

High Level Group member Karen Armstrong lectures that religion has been hijacked by religious extremists who are abusing religious texts. At the launch of her Charter for Compassion (an interlocking initiative with the Alliance), she proposed bringing together all faiths whereby guidelines would be written for how we are to interpret those abused scriptures. Exactly what constitutes abuse?

I once was forwarded an email from one of my New Zealand readers. The email was a response to concerns he expressed to his Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters regarding the Alliance of Civilizations. Mr. Peters assured this reader Christians had no cause for concern because the High Level Group had Christian representation, namely Karen Armstrong and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Karen Armstrong’s representation is less than stellar. In her book In the Beginning:  A New Interpretation of Genesis, Armstrong expresses theological twists of the absurd. She portrays God the Creator as a perpetual liar, the evil one, while arguing that the serpent was so much more truthful. During an interview with Share International (a voice for the occult organization Lucis Trust), Armstrong argues that Christians have  wrongfully attributed divinity to Jesus. Similarly, the late Desmond Tutu wrote in God Has a Dream, A Vision of Hope for Our Time that God gave the poor serpent a raw deal (finding himself at the end of the line there was no-one left to pass blame). The archbishop’s writing continued with the admonition that Jesus was never bodily resurrected.

As I first read of the mappings of religious sites, my first thoughts were that ultimately this will serve to subjugate religions. Preceding the 2005 Alliance of Civilizations launch, hearings were held to determine the shape of the initiative. (Note that Lucis Trust was a participant.)  The outcome document envisions a future where religions be held accountable to an overarching authority:  “religions and the institutions that represent them cannot be banned from the public sphere but must be brought in under the leadership of the international civil bodies when it comes to questions concerning mutual recognition, universal justice, and lasting peace.”  Literature from other interlocking initiatives envision the same. One such initiative is the OSCE:  the Organization for Security and Cooperation of Europe. The OSCE is an Alliance of Civilizations implementation partner. The United States is an OSCE signatory nation as well as an Alliance Partner.

While serving as Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2007, Miguel Angel Moratinos also chaired the OSCE.  The OSCE’s Annual Report focused on counterterrorism by means of interreligious and intercultural dialogue. The report’s concluding remarks include:

“However, claims to exclusive truth and absoluteness threaten to damage or even wreck the dialogue of religions. Believers and religious leaders often fear a weakening of their own religious sensibilities if other faiths are accepted as potential pathways to “ultimate truths.” The insistence on the exclusivity of a single true way to salvation devalues other religious paths and makes dialogue considerably more difficult. Respect and tolerance with regard to other religions is, however, a fundamental prerequisite for interreligious dialogue and co-operation. And yet real respect begins when I can assert my own personal religious truths for myself while accepting another’s differing religious truth and conviction as authoritative and valid without restrictions for him.”

Miguel Angel Moratinos presently holds the position of High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.

In his book Signs of Christ, Lucis Trust initiate Harold Balyoz wrote of the coming new world religion:  

“formerly one said: ‘And my spirit rejoiceth in God, my Savior.’  Now you will say:  ‘And my spirit rejoiceth in God, thy Savior’. . . Solemnly do I say that therein is salvation. ‘Long live thy God!’  So you will say to everyone; and exchanging Gods, you will walk to the One…Thus, find the God of each one and exalt Him.”

Several years have passed since I last wrote of the Alliance of Civilizations. The purpose of this piece is to remind readers that while the initiative may have diluted its public profile, it has not gone away. The Plan of Action illustrates it has strengthened. 


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Anonymous said...

Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Sears Talks About Why Democrats Despise Black Conservatives

Anonymous said...

'Permission to speak': Biden 'not allowed' to take Control

Anonymous said...

From Riches post:

The Security Council's statement on the Partnership Among Civilizations reads, "this partnership will represent a powerful response to those who feed on exclusion and arrogantly claim the sole ownership of truth".

Says who? O'Bidens handlers? They are dangerously promoting exclusion and arrogantly claim the sole ownership of truth. By doing so, they prove they are New Age Luciferians. The evidence is irrefutable!

In the leftists Luciferian Religion, you're only a partner if your goal is to destroy Christianity!

Anonymous said...

The Week That Perished

Anonymous said...

And when the Great Reset is formally introduced to homogenize (take their sovereignty away) politics to their liking, I get the distinct feeling that AoC will have a hand in dictates to the religious, to homogenize them (take their sovereignty away) to their liking too.

None of the rewrites (such as Armstrong's) and overreach's (the green book to white paper) coming are going to be wasted in the political world and the religious one, too. They've been planning a long time. The plan will be to get everyone on the same page, all bending their knees to the god of this world......and death to those who do not.

Thanks, Rich.

RayB said...


Thanks for posting this informative article. I personally was unaware of this, but am not surprised in the slightest, as I believe the UN continues to be a major player in advancing the cause of the Anti-Christ One World Government and One World Religious systems. It is Christ and His authority as King of Kings and Lord of Lords that is under attack, and, His FAITHFUL children will no doubt be the objects of their wrath as well.

Whenever the seemingly 'loving' spirit of ecumenism is being promoted, Christ and His Truth (as found in His Word) will surely be the object of their scorn. Ecumenism is basically the world's system of 'unity' whereby truth is sacrificed upon their altar.

Years ago, when I first saw this ecumenical video, I was somewhat stunned, although not surprised. It's worth taking another look:

The Pope Video - Interreligious Dialogue (Notice; all things are equal under the banner of 'love')

PS: Note that the Pope declares that there are people that 'meet God in different ways,' in direct contrast to the Bible's teachings that Jesus Christ is the only WAY, the only TRUTH and the only LIFE. John 14:6 Buddha, the God of Judaism (without Christ), and the 'god, Allah' all appear to be equal with Jesus Christ. This is blasphemy in its purest form.

RayB said...

Donald Trump and Joe Biden Both held rallies in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania this week.

Just LOOK at the difference between them.

RayB said...

I wonder when the riots, looting and burning starts?

Man Charged in Abduction of Teacher as Police Continue Searching for Her

And ...

Predator Who Kidnapped Memphis Mom Was SUPPOSED TO BE IN PRISON Serving Time for Another Kidnapping

J said...

So extremism is believing your religion to be true and other religions to be false, and it's a slippery slope to terrorism. And abuse of scripture is whatever Karen Armstrong says it is. Those ideas are easy enough to argue with, but they are worrying in such high places.

We seem to be living through a time of people being hoisted on their own petards. Doubling down on the losing hands they overplayed. Proudly refusing to stop making unforced errors.

Maybe the Karen Armstrongs of the world will be next.

Nothing will happen that God doesn't will to happen.

Craig said...

So The Plan appears to be proceeding as planned. I’m reminded of the following selections from Alice A. Bailey, the first from The Rays and the Initiations: Volume V: A Treatise on the Seven Rays (Lucis Trust, NY, 1960):

There are certain areas of evil in the world today through which these forces of darkness can reach humanity. What they are and where they are I do not intend to say. I would point out, however, that Palestine should no longer be called the Holy Land; its sacred places are only the passing relics of three dead and gone religions. The spirit has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring itself into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world religion. To this form all that is true and right and good in the old forms will contribute, for the forces of right will withdraw that good, and incorporate it in the new form. Judaism is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message for the spiritually-minded which cannot be better given by the newer faiths; the Moslem faith has served its purpose and all true Moslems await the coming of the Imam Mahdi who will lead them to light and to spiritual victory; the Christian faith also has served its purpose; its Founder seeks to bring a new Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere. Therefore, Jerusalem stands for nothing of importance today, except for that which has passed away and should pass away. The “Holy Land” is no longer holy, but is desecrated by selfish interests, and by a basically separative and conquering nation.

The task ahead of humanity is to close the door upon this worst and yet secondary evil and shut it in its own place. There is enough for humanity to do in transmuting planetary evil without undertaking to battle with that which the Masters Themselves can only keep at bay, but cannot conquer. The handling of this type of evil and its dissipation, and therefore the release of our planet from its danger, is the destined task of Those Who work and live in “the center where the Will of God is known,” at Shamballa; it is not the task of the Hierarchy or of humanity. Remember this, but remember also that what man has loosed he can aid to imprison; this he can do by fostering right human relations, by spreading the news of the approach of the spiritual Hierarchy, and by preparing for the reappearance of the Christ. Forget not also, the Christ is a Member of the Great Council at Shamballa and brings the highest spiritual energy with Him. Humanity can also cease treading the path to the “door where evil dwells” and can remove itself and seek the Path which leads to light and to the Door of Initiation
[pp 754-755].


Craig said...


And from The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (Lucis Trust, NY, 1957):

Years ago I said that the war which may follow this one would be waged in the field of the world religions. Such a war will not work out, however, in a similar period of external carnage and blood; it will be fought largely with mental weapons and in the world of thought; it will involve also the emotional realm, from the standpoint of idealistic fanaticism. This inherent fanaticism (found ever in reactionary groups) will fight against the appearance of the coming world religion and the spread of esotericism. For this struggle certain of the well-organized churches through the conservative elements (their most powerful elements), are already girding themselves . . . Fanaticism, entrenched theological positions, and materialistic selfishness are to be found actively organised in the churches in all continents and of all denominations . . .

The coming struggle will emerge within the churches themselves; it will also be precipitated by the enlightened elements who exist in fair numbers already, and are rapidly growing in strength through the impact of human necessity. The fight will then spread to thinking men and women everywhere who — in a protesting revolt — have denied orthodox churchianity and theology
[pp 453-454].


[T]he [Christian] church movement, like all else, is but a temporary expedient and serves but as a transient resting place for the evolving life. Eventually, there will appear the Church Universal, and its definite outlines will appear towards the close of this [20th] century . . . This Church will be nurtured into activity by the Christ [ED: Satan/antichrist] and His disciples when the outpouring of the Christ principle, the true second Coming, has been accomplished. No date for the advent do I set, but the time will not be long [p 510].

And this, on demon-possession:

Emphasis should be laid on the evolution of humanity with peculiar attention to its goal, perfection . . . man in incarnation, by the indwelling and over-shadowing soul . . . The relation of the individual soul to all souls should be taught, and with it the long-awaited kingdom of God is simply the appearance of soul-controlled men on earth in everyday life and at all stages of that control . . . The fact will appear that the Kingdom has always been present but has remained unrecognized, owing to the relatively few people who express, as yet, its quality [p 588].

Anonymous said...

Of All the crime that happens daily throughout the country RayB feels the need again to share the unfortunate cases of two white woman who happened to be victims of black assailants.

Never a black victim of white crimes or white on white crimes…just black on white crime.

The point isn’t to report crime but induce political racial hatred, fear and upset.

Take your heretical ecumenical white nationalism somewhere else.


P.S. - rich. Was there Roman Catholic involvement? Tutu was an Anglican. Their seemingly lack of involvement seems intentional to me as ultimately they seem to be positioning themselves to be the ultimate ecumenical arbiter in partnership with the NAR and other church haters like MagaRayB white nationalist types as henchmen. Interesting piece.

Anonymous said...

RayB and Qanonymous bring that “new [Maga] Gospel and new [white nationalist] message that will enlighten all men everywhere” to this blog daily.

RayB distanced himself from the Christian faith the other day claiming to hate all those who attend church versus worshipping his GOP idols and Maga churchless gospel.


RayB said...

X observes:

"Of All the crime that happens daily throughout the country RayB feels the need again to share the unfortunate cases of two white woman who happened to be victims of black assailants."

NOTE: X is so full of hate, he can't even see straight, let alone comprehend the two separate news articles involving the crimes of the same criminal. The victims were not "two white woman" (sic), but TWO articles involving the same CRIMINAL (singular, as in not more that one).

The recent crime involves the violent kidnapping of a married, mother of two young children. She is still missing, and police fear the worst.

The previous crime to this was involving the same criminal. He kidnapped an attorney and placed him in the trunk of his car. For that crime, he was tried, convicted and sentenced to 24 years in prison. He did not serve his complete sentence but was released early (think ... soft on crime policies), only to quickly commit the same type of violent crime again, this time against the young mother.

Of course, X immediately attempts to charge racism for posting these two separate articles. He obviously jumped to that conclusion before he even bothered to read the articles. Had he read what I posted, he would have seen that it had nothing to do with race. Just another example of X's penchant for using false, lying labels that fit with his imaginary fantasies.

RayB said...

"RayB distanced himself from the Christian faith the other day claiming to hate all those who attend church versus worshipping his GOP idols and Maga churchless gospel."

X @10:47 PM

ROFL!!! This guy is not only evil, he's totally, completely nuts!

Lies, lies and more lies. At least he's consistent!

Craig said...


With regard to RayB you seem to see strictly through hate-colored glasses. You ask Rich about Catholic involvement in the Alliance of Civilizations (you think/hope not in order to further your Opus Dei conspiracy theory). Well, certainly you can do a quick ‘net search to see if this may or may not be true.

At Wikipedia we have an entry for United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. In the very first paragraph we find the words “interreligious dialogue” with an accompanying hyperlink, which references the Vatican. And the video RayB linked to @ 5:30 PM above is titled “The Pope Video - Interreligious Dialogue”. If you take off your hate-colored glasses you should be able to see it.

Craig said...

In “The Pope Video - Interreligious Dialogue” the Pontiff makes the cardinal error of calling everyone "children of God". This makes a mockery of Scripture in which individuals are adopted as children of God through faith in Jesus Christ (John 1:12-13). This video exhibits global scale ecumenism--as opposed to keeping it in the 'Christian' realm.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

it starts with the Christian ecumenism of the sort that isn't interested in truth so much as "unity' and won't tolerate anything "divisive' they will unite on shred love of Jesus, but then the wildest heresies regrding Jesus and the truth get to run together as equals.

the idea the the original church has been lost is common with a branch theory and all, and trying to rebuild it,ignoring the historic cohesion of early chuirch and its Jewish Temple and synagogue derived practices with orthodoxy and finally ecumenism starts viewing other religions are equal. Christianity being exclusivist starts getting rejected or undercut.

Anonymous said...


I am rebuking RayB, not hating him.

He’s in need of lots of prayer & church discipline (probably why he avoids and criticized church). He could use that a lot more than you trying to defend his constant “Brute” mischaracterization of black men.

Further…rays posts about the pope all tend to be from Opus Dei misinformation websites pretending to be the anti-pope good guys. Ray hasn’t posted reliable honest links in forever. Why would I read such? I just asked Rich (not you) a question based on his article. I’m on my phone so researching isn’t easy at this time of day while out of town and Rich might have something to add as an honest longtime researcher on this subject.

Hope you resolve your personal issues as you have been a little out of sorts lately.


Craig said...


Criticism of your input here with respect to RayB is not tantamount to a defense of RayB. But I've come to expect straw men and red herrings from you.

Anonymous said...


Every once in awhile, New Age activist Karen Armstrong's name rises from the ashes. Although (in some people's minds) her name is still linked to the Catholic Church, here is an update.

The 77 year old unmarried Karen Armstrong does consider herself to be a believer in God. However, she does not belong to ANY religious affiliation, and now describes herself as a "freelance monotheist".

(Therefore, it would be helpful if Karen Armstrong and the Catholic Church were no longer used in the same sentence.)

Anonymous said...

Opus Dei isn’t a concern? These people are not “conservatives”. Their goal is one world religion under a orthodox Roman Catholic fascist supporting eventual pope (likely anti-Christ)

How a Secretive Billionaire Handed His Fortune to the Architect of the Right-Wing Takeover of the Courts
In the largest known political advocacy donation in U.S. history, industrialist Barre Seid funded a new group run by Federalist Society co-chair Leonard Leo, who guided Trump’s Supreme Court picks and helped end federal abortion rights.

Excerpt: An elderly, ultra-secretive Chicago businessman has given the largest known donation to a political advocacy group in U.S. history — worth $1.6 billion — and the recipient is one of the prime architects of conservatives’ efforts to reshape the American judicial system, including the Supreme Court.

Through a series of opaque transactions over the past two years, Barre Seid, a 90-year-old manufacturing magnate, gave the massive sum to a nonprofit run by Leonard Leo, who co-chairs the conservative legal group the Federalist Society.

Who Is Barre Seid? Secretive Tycoon Gives Record $1.6 Billion to Fund GOP Takeover of the Courts


Craig said...

X @ 8:37 AM,

I missed the part where Opus Dei is mentioned, except in your conspiracy theory prefacing the two articles.

J said...

Exposing evil is good. Fear leading to embrace of authoritarianism is not good. Conversely, using fear of authoritarian movements to drive people into the arms of the New Age ecumenism is also not good. This is just a reminder, something I personally try to keep uppermost in my mind as I read bad news or ominous exposes. I didn't always. Maybe nobody else needs this reminder. But it can't hurt.

1 John 4:18
King James Version

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

The Vatican does play a significant role in the Alliance of Civilizations although they did arrive to the table later than other faiths and in a most unusual way.

The Protestants were ahead in promoting the initiative well before the Vatican had fully signed on. In 2008 mega church pastor Rick Warren promoted the Alliance of Civilizations at the World Economic Forum. The Vatican maintained more of an observer status until 2010.

While lecturing in 2006, Pope Benedict had said that Muhammad had spread Islam by means of the sword. Benedict's words enflamed the Islamic world which resulted in violent attacks against Christians. This happened shortly after the dust had barely settled over the cartoon crisis. (Incidentally, the response to the cartoon crisis, i.e., the Alliance of Civilizations launch, salvaged the same political process which brought us the Alliance.)

Following Pope Benedict's remarks, the Islamic world pressed the Human Rights Council to proceed with hearings to cite the Pope for religious intolerance under Defamation of Religions resolutions. I personally believe this was a frightening moment for Benedict. Shortly thereafter the Vatican joined the Alliance of Civilizations. As we know now, Pope Francis has moved full speed ahead with the Alliance agenda.

Anonymous said...


Google “Leonard Leo Opus Dei” - Leo is currently listed publicly as a board member of Opus Dei Catholic information center.

Barre Seid…apparently (according to threads on Twitter right now) born of Jewish Russian Parents much like Richard Barr’s parents, converted to traditional Roman Catholicism at some point. Made billions making electrical equipment like surge protectors manufactured in China. Secret donor of maybe 20 million to public university George Mason to change name of law school to Scalia Law School (Scalia was known Opus Dei member too). The gmu donation included strings whereby alt right Opus Dei Roman Catholics would have large pretty much controlling influence over future law school hiring decisions.

Remember Opus Dei is a secretive organization. Members do not reveal the need to reveal their associations past or present with Opus Dei even on federally mandated disclosure documents.


Anonymous said...

Meet the Man Who Vets Trump’s Supreme Court Picks
The Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo combines the traditional Republican playbook with extremist Catholicism.

Excerpt: iven what we know about Leo, that is probably a sentiment he would endorse. He currently serves on the board of the Catholic Information Center—as have Attorney General Bill Barr and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone. Founded by Opus Dei, it is akin to the Protestant group Jeff Sharlet wrote about in his book, “The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.” Leo even went so far as to launch the Catholic alternative to that group’s National Prayer Breakfast.

The priest who put the Catholic Information Center at the heart of national politics, Rev. C. John McCloskey, was removed from that position by Opus Dei in 2003 on the heels of several allegations of sexual assault. But it was McCloskey’s approach that gained the CIC prominence in national politics and attracted luminaries like Leo. That is because McCloskey brought to Catholicism an emphasis that has been more visible in some Protestant denominations: evangelism. Incorporating the need to proselytize moves religious faith beyond the arena of the personal to one in which, as Barrett suggested, it’s all about “building the Kingdom of God.”

To accomplish that goal, McCloskey set out to influence the rich and powerful, writing that, “[I]n the first several centuries of Christianity the Gospel was most successfully preached not to the poor and the outcasts, but rather to the prosperous middle classes and educated upper classes in the cities.” As Chris Suellentrop wrote, McCloskey’s authoritarian approach is revealed by the anti-intellectual expectation that followers make a leap of faith, “with their eyes closed and their hands over their ears.” When it comes to what is involved in that leap of faith, Suellentrop provides this summary:

He describes the period after Vatican II as a “generally unfortunate period for our country and our Church,” calls coeducation a “failure,” and notes the “particular needs of the complementary yet quite different sexes.” He advises college students to avoid “nominal” Catholic colleges (meaning Notre Dame, Georgetown, Boston College, and the like) that emphasize concepts like “openness, just society, search, diversity, and professional preparation.”

As someone who grew up in the Protestant version of that kind of faith, it is fascinating to see how various forms of religious fundamentalism converge when you get beyond some of the particular doctrines. Perhaps that is why there has been a joining of Christian nationalists across the more traditional divide between Catholics and Protestants to fight the so-called “culture wars.” However, the latter might be uncomfortable with the fact that McCloskey predicted the demise of Protestantism, saying, “Over time, most of them will fall away from Christianity or become Catholics.”


J said...

Rich 9:35 AM,

That's a very interesting description of a dialectic in action, and no doubt some of it is nefarious and is crisis = opportunity. But some of it might be of a more mundane nature.

I think I can see what's going on now. It's called "chicken sh*t management." It happens when management wants to be non-confrontational. So maybe a guy wore blue jeans into an executive meeting when he was called in to repair video-conferencing equipment. Or maybe a gal wore a very short skirt. Then somebody in management sends out an email to the whole department or the whole company, reminding everybody about the dress code. The individual who did not follow the dress code is never confronted.

In my analogy, the U.N. is in the management role. The Islamic terrorists are in the role of the people who broke with the laws and norms. But every member of a monotheistic religion gets a blanket response - don't be exclusivist. It might make you terrorist, but you're no worse than anybody else who is exclusivist. Let's all be New Agers together and all get along!

The net effect is that the three monotheistic religions are treated with false balancing and bothsidesism. The Islamic terrorists are enabled. And of course the U.N. bureaucrats don't have to worry about being targeted by terrorists.

Somebody somewhere could be sitting back watching, thinking, "Yes, yes, very good, it's all going to plan," and tapping all five fingertips together on both hands repeatedly with a smug little evil smile. But many of the players making it happen are apparently sometimes just relatively mundane and feckless players.

That's just my take, FWIW.

Anonymous said...


Barre Seid is also a major financier of the Heartland Institute (in Chicago) and all your climate change denier friends therein.

All the common Opus Dei Chicago ties …he’s even a university of Chicago graduate.


Anonymous said...


“A number of sources have suggested that Barre Seid may be the “Anonymous Donor” that has supported many of the Heartland Institute’s climate change denial activities.6

According to leaked documents obtained by DeSmog, an anonymous donor contributed at least $13,342,267 to Heartland between 2007 and 2011.7

The idea of Barre Seid as the mystery donor is corroborated by October 20128 and February 2012 reports9 compiled by computer scientist John Mashey. According to Mashey, “The combination of IRS Form 990s, February documents, and other information proves his identity, as the numbers simply do not work otherwise.””


J said...

About six years ago, I remember debating some progressives in a comment section under an article about the biggest domestic terrorist threats being white males, sometimes associated with Christianity, sometimes not.

Today, that would be a much more untenable debate. And the association with Christianity is much stronger today.

I've written before in the comments about Sacha Stone's involvement in "patriot" rallies across the country, trying to get the far right to rise up against the government. Sacha Stone, just as a reminder, is as much of a U.N. insider as you can be and as much of a New Ager as you can be. It's easy to look it up and see it. You can't miss it once you search for his name and start to read about him.

It so happens that Robert David Steele has been joined at the hip with Sacha Stone for many years, and this is the same Robert David Steele who has been a frequent guest on InfoWars.

Alex Jones claimed later that he tried to get the people at the January 6th rally to turn back because he realized it was a "trust operation." Because he's so naive, ya know.

Yet it is distinctly unwelcome in the comments section here to denounce political violence committed on January 6th or to denounce stochastic terrorism that continues intermittently and randomly from the far right.

By doing so, we would be applying the same standards to ourselves that we demanded of the Muslim world: if you don't want to be lumped in as a terrorist enabler, you need to denounce the terrorists.

Why do we see it as a losing move to do so? Win or lose, it is still moral and true.

I propose that moral and true behavior and speech automatically does NOT end up playing into the dialectic once the dust settles. Immoral and false behavior and speech does.

Anonymous said...


But what about……


Anonymous said...

Obviously J, you have not been to the Muslim world. I have. Your reasoning comes from MSM sources, and you sit on the couch thinking a lot, but rarely offering real substance.

You are obsessed with debating, probably because you're so ungrounded mentally, and spiritually. It gives a little boost to your ego.

I believe exposing the violence committed against largely peaceful protesters on Jan 6 should be a welcome topic here, and it is.

I generally collapse your posts because they are largely tepid, and do not edify, or unify. Like your friend X.

J said...

11:19 AM,

Could you please be more specific? What did you object to most? Was it the idea that being immoral and false will result in losing in the end? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

"Why is Nobody Paying Attention To This.." Jordan Peterson

Anonymous said...

9:31 AM

Yes, that is so true.
I understand questioning things. I understand the goal is to be non-biased when looking to expose evil, when the goal is to really expose it, expose all of it.
But that is not what is actually happening.

What I find perplexing is those who say they want to expose evil, but are for the most part, bent on going after, straining for, gnats, when whole herds of camels are swallowed daily. Gulp, gulp....

Craig said...


One can certainly see ecumenism being played out on a micro scale within religious traditions, but it's also concurrently being played out on a macro scale via interfaith dialogue. Defrocked Catholic (now Episcopalian) priest Matthew Fox, in his 1988 book The Coming of the Cosmic Christ (Harper, San Franciso), lamented that it wasn't coming to fruition fast enough:

Without mysticism there will be no “deep ecumenism,” no unleashing of the power of wisdom from all the world’s religious traditions. Without this I am convinced there will never be global peace or justice since the human race needs spiritual depths and disciplines, celebrations and rituals, to awaken its better selves [sic]. The promise of ecumenism, the coming together of religions has been thwarted because world religions have not been relating at the level of mysticism. The Western tradition appears to have nothing to offer on a mystical level because its religious traditions are unaware of their mystical heritage [p 65].

He must not have been aware of the NAR at the time he wrote his book.


X @ 9:46 AM (and others related):

You wrote: [Opus Dei] Members do not [feel] the need to reveal their associations past or present with Opus Dei even on federally mandated disclosure documents.

So there’s the ‘out’ in this conspiracy theory. We just KNOW they are members, but we cannot prove it because they will never reveal it, being a secret society and all.

In quite a few of the articles I found making the Leonard Leo-Opus Dei connection, I note that many are penned by Betty Clermont. Yet I’ve yet to find any one of them with a smoking gun.

I came across this article from 2014: Opus Dei Influence Rises to the Top in the Vatican

A selection quoting the infamous Matthew Fox:

“It's widely known that Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas belong to Opus Dei - and that Chief Justice John Roberts may also be a member,” stated Matthew Fox, a former priest, progressive theologian and author of more than 23 books.

“They're in the CIA, the FBI,” said Fox. “Daniel Ellsberg recently told me that some of the ranking commanders of our military are also Opus Dei,” Fox stated in another interview. Veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh made a similar observation. “Hersh stated that Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Vice Admiral William McRaven and others in the Joint Special Operations Command (the group responsible for the assassination of Osama Bin Laden) were members of the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei. ‘They see themselves as protecting [Christians] from the Muslims….And this is their function.' Hersh added that members of these societies have developed a secret set of insignias that represent ‘the whole notion that this is a culture war between religions.'”

So it’s “widely known”, yet it’s all a secret. Assertions without evidence, except circumstantial and syllogistic.


Craig said...


X @ 10:10 AM,

So Barrett’s “Kingdom of God” statement is some sort of smoking gun? Couldn’t that conceivably refer to the Great Commission in its Biblical definition? It looks to me like the author is just trying to make it all some sort of ‘Christian nationalism’ thing that it may not necessarily be.

All suppositions.

@ 10:20 & 10:27 AM,

As regards “climate change”—more specifically Anthropogenic Climate Change (AGW)—point me to some evidence proving that fossil fuel emissions are the primary driver of it. And, while you’re at it, show me how the napkin I photographed in this short blog post makes any sense, given the supposed ‘climate emergency’.

Anonymous said...

X is the hater bar none here.

The sower of discord of the blog never gives that a rest.

RayB said...


I hope you don't think I'm picking on you, because I'm not. I read your statement and felt the need to clarify it, lest a false impression as to the character of God is presented.

Your statement @ 9:38 PM:

"Nothing will happen that God doesn't will to happen."

NOTE: There is a great deal of difference between God allowing something to happen as opposed to Him willing it to happen. For example; God allows mankind to sin, He does not will it to happen.

I hope you see the difference.

Anonymous said...



There is a difference to be made between God's permissive will, what He permits, allows, sinning mankind and his choices taken into account that are bad, or sometimes good, or the mix of both, and God's direct will that are His exclusive idea. We are likely thinking above our pay grade when we don't account for both.
In eternity God saw every bit how this is supposed to go, what is directly HIM, what is indirectly by variability, freewheeling, free-willed us, that still ends up working HIS way anyway. There is a difference between God's Will, and His Ways, which are both patently good.

Anonymous said...

P.s. I meant to include the word perfect. God's Will and His Ways are perfect.

RayB said...

The more things change, the more things remain the same. The Globalist One World Government elitists will be thrilled. Their cause has now taken a huge step forward:

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss: Liz Truss Will be Next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

"An uncharismatic, well-to-do, Oxford-educated, female Tory politician WHO VOTED AGAINST BREXIT is set to be installed as the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. No, you haven’t travelled back in time to 2016, and no, we aren’t talking about Theresa May. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss: Liz Truss."

NOTE: Quick history lesson; the European Union was created as a precursor to the One World Government. The EU's success was an incredibly important piece of the puzzle while constructing their totalitarian world government. The EU proved to be extremely damaging to British workers, and as a result, an enormous grass roots movement against the EU began. Eventually, the British politicians were forced to put BREXIT on the ballot. ALL of Britain's media propagandized for BREXIT's defeat.
(Even the Pope called for the defeat of BREXIT). ALL of the 'polls' (wink, wink) indicated BREXIT would be soundly defeated (by 11 points).

Candidate Donald Trump was outspoken in his support for the passage of BREXIT, prompting BREXIT backer, and British politician, Nigel Farage to cross the pond and campaign on behalf of Trump. So what happened? To the astonishment of the Globalists, BREXIT won by a large margin! Trump's own POTUS victory (perceived as an anti-globalist movement ... it was), along with the BREXIT's victory, gave rise to the anti-globalist Yellow Vests protests in France and Hong Kong's protests against Communist China's authoritative rule, along with the spread of anti-globalist populist uprisings across the world. Viktor Orban, an outspoken critic of globalism and the EU, was elected as Hungary's PM.

Notice that virtually all of the above have been effectively defeated; Trump has been removed from office, the Yellow Vest and Hong Kong protests ended (due to COVID lockdowns), and BREXIT has been totally stalled, with the 'conservatives' now naming an anti-BREXIT politician as their new PM. Only Orban remains in power in Hungary.

Are you able to see how this is all connected? The major obstacles to WORLD GOVERNMENT have been removed, and or, severely diminished. What has been installed in place of the anti-globalists?

Anonymous said...

In other words, God allows RayB to persistently lie, but He certainly doesn’t will it.

RayB said...

I might be dating myself, but I recall a time when the mainstream media at least made an attempt to pretend that they were unbiased ...

Video: MSNBC Declares ALL Republicans “EVIL” And A “Threat To Democracy”; Pundit Says “We Are At War”

The fall out of Darth Brandon’s hell speech becomes apparent

Following Joe Biden’s, i.e., Darth Brandon’s official declaration from the bowels of hell that half of all voters in America are dangerous extremists, MSNBC fell in line behind their Dear Leader, with one pundit proclaiming that Republicans are “evil” and that “we are at war”.

MSNBC host Tiffany Cross used her platform to hammer home the message from last week’s blood red theatre performance, dialing up the division another notch, stating:

“Obviously, Republicans are, I think, the biggest threat to democracy. We don’t separate right-wing extremists and Republican Party anymore.”

Anonymous said...

Lol…you just called me evil yesterday for voting against your Maga Qanon worshipping idols.

Didn’t you just celebrate fascist anti- democratic heretic Viktor Orban as a final remaining pillar of patriotism, freedom
and democracy?


RayB said...

AwakenWithJP ...

SADS Sudden Adult Death Syndrome - UNKNOWN Cause of Death Our Latest Propaganda

J said...

RayB 12:22 PM,

Of course I agree with your distinction between God allowing sin versus willing sin.

Yes, I suspected you might be picking on me passive aggressively, but I'll take your word for it that you weren't.

Anonymous said...


Kinda like Craig and his fallacy fallacies


J said...

X 1:52 PM,

I don't mind Craig pointing out fallacies. I don't want to drag him into this. He's one of the most civil people here.

I shouldn't have said anything back to RayB. I should have just turned the other cheek.

Craig said...


Yes, you like to appeal to a supposed fallacy fallacy when you have no counterargument. The thing is, the same thing can be leveled at you. Basically, it all comes down to what premises one accepts in one's argument.

Anonymous said...

Meant to thank Rich for answering me.

It seems kinda of anti-Catholic to promote a UN organization against exclusivist churches and religious beliefs while trying to establish yourself as the singular one world religion.

But coming in late to, perhaps, shape and control their opposition might be the long play there?


RayB said...


Just to clarify something here.

My post had NOTHING to do with you personally. My sole intent was to correct your statement regarding God's will which could be misconstrued to mean that God 'wills' sin.

I really don't know where you are coming from.

By saying "I shouldn't have said anything back to RayB. I should have just turned the other cheek," you are implying that I did something that offended you by merely CLARIFYING your statement.

Anonymous said...

How ironic claiming I use the fallacy fallacy argument when I don’t supposedly have an argument when I only trot it out when u use the fallacy fallacy when I own you in a debate leaving you frustrated to muster a response other that “straw man /red herring”.

Why bother arguing when u dismiss all my solid arguments as red herrings and straw men as though such simple blanket usually inaccurate claim negates my thoughtful honest questions, debate and arguments, in total?

For example and to better understand the fallacy fallacy…

Premise 1: if it’s raining, then the sky is cloudy.

Premise 2: the sky is cloudy.

Conclusion: it’s raining.

This argument is fallacious, since it has a flaw in its logical structure. Specifically, its conclusion can’t be drawn from its premises, because it’s possible that it’s not raining, even though the sky is cloudy.

However, just because this argument is fallacious, that doesn’t mean that its conclusion is necessarily false. Specifically, it’s possible that it is currently raining; we just can’t be sure whether this is the case based only on the information in the argument. As such, it’s fallacious to assume that it’s not raining, simply because a fallacious argument was used to suggest that it is raining.

Accordingly, the fallacy fallacy is an informal logical fallacy, since there is an issue with its premises, and namely with the false premise that if an argument is fallacious, then its conclusion must be false. Further, the distraction of fallacy fallacies is the enemy of civil political discourse. It’s not an argument but a meek avoidance tactic.


Anonymous said...

Biden’s accurate premise: All remaining extremist Maga republicans are evil

Complaints and rhetoric aside, defeat the claim.

Anonymous said...

2:03 PM

Seems to me, if you came to this blog to learn what Constance (and Rich) have been saying all this long while, instead of using this blog as your personal space just to attack other points of view than yours, (using fallacies, red herrings, strawman, Alinsky tactics and manipulations of the facts), then you would be 'ahead of that and other curves' by now...but obviously your hatreds, they are many and deep, are your prime reason to squat here.

Craig said...


I’m seriously beginning to think that your main objective here is to sow discord. I accuse you of straw men and red herrings exactly and only when you exhibit them.

Exhibit A is your 1:42 AM comment that my calling you out for your continued attacks against many of RayB’s posts (in your not unusual extreme hyperbolic manner) and you claim that I’m trying to defend his constant “Brute” mischaracterization of black men. This is a straw man and you well know it. In other words, this is not my position. It’s also a red herring, having nothing to do with the discussion at hand, which I specified as you missing his video of the Pope’s promotion of Interreligious Dialogue due to your extreme bias.

Like I responded (7:47 AM), “Criticism of your input here with respect to RayB is not tantamount to a defense of RayB.” I should have added—though I think it was understood—that I also meant “…defense of RayB and every or any one of his positions.” In any case, by that response I showed you your straw man of my position.

You go on with, Further…rays posts about the pope all tend to be from Opus Dei misinformation websites pretending to be the anti-pope good guys. Ray hasn’t posted reliable honest links in forever. Why would I read such? But, X, you apparently DO read them in order to provide your over-the-top hyperbolic criticisms.

Now, do inform me and the readers here: Where in these comments here have you ‘owned me in a debate’ after which I responded with a ‘fallacy fallacy’. Be specific.

J said...

RayB 2:40 PM,

It wasn't the clarification. It was your statement, "I hope you understand the difference."

J said...

3:06 PM,

It's your claim. It's incumbent on you to prove it. Logic doesn't work that way. You don't just make an unsupported claim and demand somebody disprove it.

It might be aggressive arguing, but it's not logical arguing.

Anonymous said...

Can that be said of you too, J?

TV pundits and select politicians arguments are what you use to support many things you post. That can get pretty aggressive and very lean on logic also.

J said...

4:11 PM,

You made a general statement, so I'll give you a general answer. I'm quite certain I'm not perfectly rational and logical all the time.

If you make a more specific statement, I'll give you a more specific answer.


Anonymous said...

I'll leave it general because that is the point. Lots of arguments are simply opinion. Not well sourced when opinion is the premise because much of what is called news (especially now) is really not.
And I would expect to you to admit to such because you tend to be honest.
I think people are letting things get way too personal around here..and yes, that is my opinion.

Anonymous said...


Jan 6th proves it.

Trump and his criminal gang of heretics prove it.

Trumps careless storage and theft of classified state documents prove it


Calling Maga and those that still defend and promote Maga Qanon ideology a threat to the security of the United States and evil is objectively factual.

Biden’s claim is well established and earned.

How can it be refuted?

Anonymous said...

If things are too personal around here, because so opinionated, then I will give my opinion too.
People all up in their 'feels' often do not post facts, mainly opinions.
And opinions are like navels, therefore everyone has an opinion, right?

X's posts are posted courtesy of his navel.

Which is, by the way, an "outty". And as big as his massive ego.

Anonymous said...


You were defending and deflecting away from RayB’s disgusting use of “Brute” hyperbole by misdirecting my rebuke.

If you were not, and you disagree and take offense too with what he’s been doing and directly did above why would my “hyperbole” upset you so much more apparently (enough to post about it) than his blatant racist posts?

I think my inference stands and your failure to address him, not me, implies such.


P.S. - nice red herring yourself. You know I’m not here to sow discord yet you state: “I’m seriously beginning to think that your main objective here is to sow discord”. Also my bias isn’t extreme. It’s quite ordinary actually, like most thoughtful unaligned independent voters. I’ve gone into rays disgusting silos of propaganda & misinformation many times but I’m not obligated to read every link he posts prior to commenting, or asking a question and my failure to have done so has nothing to do with bias versus discernment. Ray is completely unreliable and untrustworthy.

J said...

4:25 PM,

I sense your spirit and intent to be good. I'll reflect on what you said.

Craig said...

J @ 10:14 AM,

The Alice A. Bailey books have made it clear that the intent is to infiltrate and then change all monotheistic religions and synthesize them into One World Religion. See my earlier quote @ 10:20 PM (yesterday), the first of the two, with its “three dead and gone religions”. Also, see this at the Lucis site Descent and Sacrifice, under EVIL OF SEPARATISM:

Yet sin and evil do exist on Earth. We are told by the Tibetan that the only true evil is the sin of separatism. And in this sense we gain some understanding of how Lucifer became identified with evil, for the awakening mind which characterises the stage of advanced humanity today is, as we know all too well, our means both of liberation and of further separation and imprisonment. The mind, functioning and powerful but devoid of soul, can be the great crystallising factor which builds powerful barriers of separation. "The mind is the slayer of the Real. Slay thou the slayer", the disciple is commanded. In this sense the mind in its concrete and analytical element becomes the refuge (and the unrecognised prison) of the ideologue, and is indeed capable of the sin of separatism through prejudice and hate and the willingness to accept the distortions of half-truths.

By “separatism” it is meant any religion that is exclusivistic with respect to its doctrines. And, of course, all religions are exclusive by their very nature—unless all adhere to only One.

Here’s another example in of this “sin and evil” in Bailey’s The Rays and the Initiations: Volume V, A Treatise on the Seven Rays (from 1960):

The influence generated by the Shamballa energy which has, for the first time, made direct contact with Humanity [sic], is producing an emotional vortex in which ideals and institutions are seen divorced from their hitherto controlling glamours, thus permitting the new and better ideologies to emerge in the consciousness of the [human] race.

All these factors are responsible for the world situation at this time; great ideologies, potent groupings or workers and thinkers dedicated to the changing of the old order, and massed efforts to end separativeness are all present simultaneously . . . I cannot here enlarge upon the various ideologies which are presenting themselves to the world of men—impulsed by the [Spiritual] Hierarchy, precipitated into the human consciousness from the mental plane by the new group of world servers [ED: read demons] . . . To all intelligent observers, this ideological situation is clear; it is a needed and preliminary stage to the creation of the new world order; it provides a point of crisis and the required point of tension which enable those aspirants who are ready today, in their thousands, to pass through of the second initiation
. . . [p 580].

Anonymous said...

Thank you, J. Because I know my own opinion clouds my reason at times too, this is why I state that to you. I think that true of all of us. Your point was right toward the person you replied to. But we have to guard ourselves against the same.
I know you will pray about that. It is what I have to do myself. Not all will, but you will.

The world is spinning off into more crazy by the day.
It is a deceptive age...Ephesians 6:10-18 applies to you and me both.

RayB said...

Following the Science? – 159 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 14.5k hospitalized & 55k injured due to COVID Vaccination in the USA according to CDC

"The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal over 56,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,174 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 159 children sadly lost their lives."

Anonymous said...

The left, and those who excuse and uphold the abuse, are the threat to our Republic, our democratic form of governing. The heavy handedness Biden uses, is to ramp up what is part and parcel of what he has been doing since day one in office.
He really does act fascist, his politics and policies are purposefully pushing toward extra authoritarianism, again, fascism, then projects that slanderous and libelous label onto his opponents.
Using the military, while he threatens half of our populace, sent a truly awful, thoroughly unAmerican message.

Now who is putting this puppet up to it???

Anonymous said...

You're so tiresome.
So predictably antichristian posing as christian. So relentlessly subversive and marxist. You and your self absorbed instant comebacks and P.S.'s. Why always with the P.S. by the way? Why not just write what your self righteous little heart has to say in the first place? It seems to be a device that you use to sort of say, "There, I've proven my point, put you in your place, and just as a bonus, I have yet another point that you all need to hear, because I'm a fountain of wisdom."
You aren't, though. You don't possess any authority at all. You try to sound like you do, but you don't.
But congratulations on taking over this forum that used to include quite a few voices and decent opinions, but which has devolved into "What the Great X Thinks", and about three other people total. Congratulations on being the most egotistical and gluttonous one of all.
Aspergers much?

Anonymous said...

@6:32 pm

There goes RayB knowingly misrepresenting VAERS data again (ie - lying)

Once again, the VAERS reporting system is open to the public (including Maga extremist willing to lie for political gain). Reports themselves may or may not be reporting actual injury due to the vaccines versus medical and health conditions that occur for whatever reason anytime after vaccination.

If even 1 child actually died from vaccination I’d be surprised. Every reported death is apparently investigated so time will tell but if there is a problem the cdc investigators wil figure it out and shut it down as they have in the past.


Anonymous said...

@6:47 pm.

It’s a little disconcerting to see one of my top students so distressed.

It’ll be ok.

Just Breathe.


J said...

5:50 PM,

Ephesians 6:10-18 fits perfectly. Thank you.

J said...

Craig 5:43 PM,

Addressing the long quote from Alice Bailey to me as you did seemed somewhat out of context to me, although I wasn't at all offended in any way. Am I missing something in the conversation? Or it could very well have been I who left too much context out in some of my recent comments. Maybe I'm just not keeping up with all the discussion threads in this already-long comments section.

I'm somewhat familiar with Alice Bailey from reading Constance's two books.

I've read False Dawn by Lee Penn, as well. Although it was very, very detailed. I'm sure I've forgotten most of the details in it by now.

Constance's books were page turners to me. Lee Penn's book was very well researched but not quite the same kind of a page turner. It's a good reference book, though.

RayB said...

X @ 7:03 PM ...

Lying AGAIN .... will you ever stop?

The data comes directly from the CDC.

Anonymous said...

7:22 PM @ x

Sorry, but nobody here wants to be schooled in Alinsky manifestos, teach.

You keep showing up on the wrong missionary field.

J said...

4:53 PM,

I'll quote you to keep the context. You wrote:


Jan 6th proves it.

Trump and his criminal gang of heretics prove it.

Trumps careless storage and theft of classified state documents prove it


Calling Maga and those that still defend and promote Maga Qanon ideology a threat to the security of the United States and evil is objectively factual.

Biden’s claim is well established and earned.

How can it be refuted?


Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Trump has practiced to deceive. So has the mainstream media. So have Democrats.

I'm not one to avoid the mainstream media with all of the totality of a cult member who religiously avoids contact with the outside world. I am aware of the reporting about January 6th, the classified documents, and more.

But you're taking it so far in your reaction against it, that you are putting weight on the other end of the dialectic, in my opinion.

And you have in common something with the far right - fear mongering leading to authoritarianism. You may not intend to, but be careful of the fear mongering and authoritarianism on the other side, too.

Nobody knows the truth perfectly. But it starts in the heart. It starts with choosing love over fear. It starts with wanting to know the truth about even the people you fear and even the people who anger you.

It's a short step away from the idea of preventing crimes by stopping thought crimes. Clearly it could easily be used for censorship. It could be used for taking political prisoners.

The fear mongering just keeps on leading to authoritarianism. I did with the COVID pandemic on the Left. It led to QAnon and silly NAR Trump Messianism on the right. Now fear mongering about MAGA domestic terrorists could lead to more authoritarianism. It almost did right after Biden was elected. I saw the glimpse of what some wanted to do if they had the political chops to do it.

All I have to say right now is that I won't live in fear anymore. Of anybody or anything, except God, and that is the Biblical understanding of fear in its context.

I'm getting tired of typing the word "dialectic" but I'm going to type it one more time. Dialectic.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:48 PM

No joke. He runs the joint, runs it into the ground, and people run off or get run off because he is a bloated self-righteous bully.

Craig said...

J @ 7:34 PM,

I may have misunderstood you, but my take on your 10:14 AM was that you saw this strictly as a new thing. That’s why I wanted to show the pre-history. My apologies if I misunderstood.

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 7:51

Read the article u posted… the cdc is reporting VAERS data.

The tables say VAERS

Here’s a quote: “The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) that is updated weekly and can be found here.“


Anonymous said...

X is a bot

Anonymous said...

New idea for a frat boy drinking game:
You have to take a swig every time X says QAnon or Maga.

RayB said...

Duh, X @ 9:51 PM:

If the CDC OFFICIALLY 'hosts' the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), uh, doesn't that mean that the CDC is OFFICIALLY standing behind the statistics of VAERS? Or, are you claiming that the CDC is fraudulent in hosting VAERS on their site, because VAERS is providing the CDC with fraudulent data?

Which is it Dr.?

Anonymous said...

J @ 7:58 PM

J spins reality in a kinder gentle way. But she still drinks the same Cumbey Cult Kool Aide the 'good' Dr. X does. Our teachers. What a blessing!

Anonymous said...


Of course you’d try to play a liars game.

The cdc does stand by the “statistics” but they clearly state the limitations of such data and I’ve posted about such for over a year now. Health impact news and the fraudulent website the expose where health impact news plucked the article as clickbait all know this too. The data is a tool for epidemiologists and vaccine monitoring experts…not liars looking to disinformation and spread fear to others.

As Rueters reports:

“The CDC VAERS website includes disclaimers that the reports may contain “incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable” information and requires users acknowledge these limitations. However, many of the social media posts encountered by Reuters Fact Check have failed to mention that reports in VAERS can be entered by anybody and are not deemed to show a causal connection to a vaccine until verified by the CDC.”

For anyone (beside RayB because he already knows) reading still unsure about what VAERS data really represents here’s an refresher article on the subject.


PS - I’ve never come across a person so eager to kill others with disinformation

Anonymous said...

To 9:57 PM
Re: "New idea for a frat boy drinking game: You have to take a swig every time X says QAnon or Maga."



Anonymous said...

Oklahoma news anchor suffers stroke LIVE on air / vaccine related side effect?

Go straight to the comments section to see how MANY people are wondering the same thing!!!

Anonymous said...

Rich you may be interested to know that Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (2009–2017) Helen Clark helped found the Religious Diversity Center in New Zealand March 2016 ... she said this
“The world badly needs voices of reason and tolerance, and those who will work to build dialogue and respect across faiths and beliefs. I do believe New Zealand can show the way” – RDC Patron, the Rt Hon Helen Clark
See link

GrantNZ said...

A severely paralysed man in New York recieved an implant and woke up is now able to control his mobile phone with his mind - to send messages with his thoughts.
A tiny stent-like brain implant interprets brainwaves and translates them into mouse clicks, swipes and emails.
He was the first to receive such a implant and its a major step for thise advocating mergeing man with machine via a brain interface.

Unknown said...

X is a troll bot.

P.S. X is a soulless trollbot

J said...

11:15 PM,

Don't worry, you'll still manage to make X look great in comparison to you and your little friends (or sock puppets).

Anonymous said...

No X, I'm a student of your kind, not a student of yours.
And I've got your number.

J said...

8:34 AM,

Did somebody tell you to troll me?

You don't have to listen. There are more jobs available now.

Anonymous said...

Body Found in Hunt For 'Kidnapped' Billionaire Heiress Eliza Fletcher

RayB said...

Should Biden Call MAGA Supporters Semi-Fascist? by (Liberal) Alan M. Dershowitz

Some notable excerpts:

"President Joe Biden would have been correct had he accused some MAGA supporters of a totalitarian mindset that could lead to tyranny. But he was dead wrong in limiting this mind-set to the hard right. It is at least equally applicable to many on the hard left. These so-called "progressives" are as opposed to freedom of speech and due process for thee, as are the extremists on the hard right."

"Indeed, in some ways the totalitarian mindsets of many on the hard left are more dangerous than those of the hard right. The reason is that the hard left today is extremely influential on college and university campuses."

"So the next time Biden decides to condemn what he calls semi-fascists of the hard right, he should spend at least as much time calling out the intolerant mindset of many of his own voters."

Anonymous said...

Jill @ 8:18

Actually, you Jill, Linda, and rabid BJK cult boy, are X's PR crew.

Anonymous said...

Even the liberals are beginning to speak the truth!

If only the 'cesspool five' here could rinse the sewer sludge off long enough to see the light!

RayB said...

Federal Judge Reveals Incumbent President Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents

(But, BUt, BUT ... dirty trick politics had NOTHING to do with the raid of 30+ armed FBI agents on Trump's home, and you've got the 'word of a Biden' on that one)

What's that definition of Fascism again?

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden Gets Lost on Stage - Starts Mumbling About "Rededudenedefet" this Year(VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

Look For Continued Instability

Anonymous said...

Karin Jean-Pierre: White House had no knowledge of Trump raid

'Not in this video', she, Karin Jean-Pierre, had also said, that the President found out about the raid, from television!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Country singer Jason Aldean dropped by longtime pr firm over wifes gender comments

Anonymous said...

Chinese Cities Rush to Lock Down in Show of Loyalty to Leadership

Anonymous said...

Liberal teen attends Trump rally in Memphis

The scorched earth approach of some here needs a rethink

Anonymous said...

Author Matt Palumbo Lays Out How George Soros Has Significant Control Over Media Narratives

Anonymous said...

11:03 AM Anonymous

A good looking liberal guy finds 'common ground' at a Trump rally and gets invited to a woman's bible study. What's that supposed to prove? I mean, Come on!

Anonymous said...

How The Covid Vaccines Cause Cancer

Anonymous said...

11:30 AM, "COME ON MAN" as the 'puppet prez' likes to say. It's a nice story, showing that leftists can overcome their severe mental illness!

Anonymous said...

11:30 AM He found out it wasn't what he thought. Looking for common ground, it was his openness, that received the openness extended to him. A starting place at least.

What's wrong that you don't seem to want to allow for people with differences attempting friendship in a normal way, normal common courtesies?
Maybe you need to try being friendly yourself?

Perhaps you are a scorched earth type?
You can fill in your own blank..

Anonymous said...

Rich, you may be interested in this article?

Luongo: There is 'More Than A Whiff Of Desperation & Fear' Emanating Across Europe

Anonymous said...

RayB and his homosexual friend, Jim Hoft at the gateway pundit lie again.

Quote: “On pages 2-3 of the ruling Judge Cannon revealed that it was JOE BIDEN who ordered the FBI access to the Mar-a-Lago documents and President Trump’s personal belongings.”

Such procedural access grant to the FBI was in relation to the 41 (incomplete) boxes of records and garbage Trump previously turned over to the NARA in April 2022 and had nothing to do with what the later raid of MarALargo before more secrets were sold off to Russia (24 empty folders is quite concerning)

The problem is no one reads this crap. They simply fall for the clickbait regardless of the fact the evidence is fabricated again and again. You are being trolled for profit by Jim Hoft and his child husband.


Anonymous said...


Hippie new age right meets liberal “Aquarius” child at sparsely attended heretical Maga crazy event …

Complete with Maga men sharing stories of hallucinating drugs

A woman’s Bible study instead of taking him and his camera into here a real message about our Lord, Jesus and the Gospel from some rightly defining men. (The video may have left that out so do t know what was edited but it appears an opportunity was missed)

what’s not to love?

IIt’s really sad quite actually: Watch his actual whole video versus the fox puff piece. These Maga holdouts are being grifter upon by Trump not unlike the false prosperity preachers touring 3rd world countries asking desperate peoples to plant a seed.


Anonymous said...

7:29 AM

'Unknown' is right... X is definitely a 'souless troll bot'.

Anonymous said...

Excellent article by

Exposing Bidens satanic speech

Anonymous said...

Biden's Speech is a SIGN Something BIG and BAD is About to Happen

Anonymous said...

Biden’s speech was great. Try refuting it’s accuracy with evidence versus rhetoric. Remaining Maga remnant has become evil.

Please reevaluate your lives.

Speaking of insurrectionists..

New Mexico county commissioner and Cowboys for Trump founder removed from elected office for role in US Capitol riot

Excerpt: A New Mexico judge on Tuesday removed January 6 rioter and Cowboys for Trump founder Couy Griffin from his elected position as a county commissioner for his role in the US Capitol attack.

The ruling was the result of a lawsuit seeking Griffin’s removal, which alleged that he violated a clause in 14th Amendment of the Constitution by participating in an “insurrection” against the US government. He had been convicted of trespassing earlier this year.j

The historic ruling represents the first time an elected official has been removed from office for their participation or support of the US Capitol riot. It also marks the first time a judge has formally ruled that the events of January 6, 2021, were an “insurrection.”


Anonymous said...

It's a start, moron. An education you don't want--people actually learning something about each other, at least interested in getting along with their fellowman. People need to start talking to each other and where things can start. But not with you. That was too civil for your liking.

Always nasty criticism instead of looking for something good between people. No wonder we know you are a marXist globalist--your way or the highway, narcissism and control freak government worshipping fascist type.

Nothing good happens between you and people evidently, nothing of importance or lasting because you go for the hate angle every time. You are just a leftist extremist flamethrower. Yep.. soulless.

Anonymous said...

2:21 PM

And x couldn't be happier.

Anonymous said...

2:36 pm

I’d get along fine in such crowd. I’m southern.

They might be bugged if I tried evangelizing them??? But that’s on them, not me. I fear most there have heard the Gospel and simply rejected it.

Pretending the “liberal” kid represents me is a joke. I’m as conservative as they come in Christ alone.


Anonymous said...

"Biden’s speech was great."

It's not rocket science to know where your allegiance is--to the gods of this world.

Hate is the signature of satan, your master.

Anonymous said...

"Pretending the “liberal” kid represents me is a joke"

Are you daft? That was not said, even implied to compare you.
The liberal kid went and found it wasn't a racist or hateful crowd..

It's the scorched earth types in their dogmatism that need to learn something (and they are found mainly on the left but not exclusively).
But you made it a point to react (not respond) in a caustic manner and like throwing a rock into a pack of dogs the one that got hit is the one who!
AND--given that is how you are here, a flame would not get along there. Your foulness would light up and rocket off in no time as you would soon look to push and push until you start something (like your rhetoric here is for) Craig, Rich, and others all know how you are a master manipulator (your bent to hating is not the work of the Spirit of God dude). So the scorched earth shoe does fit you alright.

Obviously being from the south is no guarantee someone has manners.
I'd be deeply ashamed of you if you were in my own southern family

Anonymous said...

Don't you have a business to run, Mr 'Better than all y'all', easy goin' guy?

Watching videos and snarking and barking replies here on company time sets a bad example.
But maybe it's monkey business, so never mind. Carry on, troll.

Anonymous said...

You said: "The scorched earth approach of some here needs a rethink" as though we, "liberal" posters needed to be more like this liberal kid and just be nice while Maga posters continue stating and spreading lies and deception.

If only we were nicer...would Rayb stop lying?

None of us non-maga's here are liberal either. We are, as far as I can tell, your brothers and sisters in Christ backed by the bible when we rebuke you. Whereas liberals and Maga aren't quite as far off from each other on the new age apostate curve. Surely a lot closer than independent conservative Christians like myself and the thoughtful women here like J, Mrs. Cumbey and Linda are from Maga.


J said...

9:02 AM,

You wrote:

Jill @ 8:18

Actually, you Jill, Linda, and rabid BJK cult boy, are X's PR crew.

9:02 AM


Who hurt you?

Anonymous said...

Since you do p.s. a lot--here's one for ya.
Try contending for the Gospel with a love for it's truth and in the love that the Lord gave it.
Try making that your first love instead of your love for nastily defending your personal politics..
You are as guilty of that as much as any marxist or Qanon adherent, or NAR/Dominionist.

Craig said...

X @ 5:20 PM,

First, I redirect you back to Exhibit A in my 3:13 PM.

Of me you wrote: You were defending and deflecting away from RayB’s disgusting use of “Brute” hyperbole by misdirecting my rebuke.

No I wasn’t, and no I didn’t.

I wasn’t defending RayB; I was criticizing you. And I didn’t ‘misdirect’ anything. This seems like it could be projection on your part, as you appear to be misdirecting my criticism of you by making a false claim about me.

This is exactly the sort of thing I meant in my 2:00 PM re ‘fallacy fallacy’ by, “it all comes down to what premises one accepts in one's argument.” In this case (not a ‘fallacy fallacy’ but a straw man), you wish to impute/infer some unrelated ill motive to me, despite my 3:13 PM explanation (which basically expounded on my 7:47 AM response [“Criticism of your input here with respect to RayB is not tantamount to a defense of RayB”] to your 1:42 AM).

In my very first comment pertaining to this, I wrote to you: “With regard to RayB you seem to see strictly through hate-colored glasses.” I never referred to one particular post, for I meant—and a person thinking logically would infer this from my statement—most ALL your responses to his posts. For evidence the latter, here’s Exhibit B for starters: “your Maga Qanon worshipping idols”; your first sentence in your 1:45 PM, which I refuse to copy and paste because of its nastiness.

To recap, your charges against me, as stated in my quote of you above (my second paragraph; your first paragraph in 5:20 PM) have no basis in reality.

Anonymous said...

I'm Shocked! Could it be possible for our teacher, holy man X, to post an entire paragraph that has no basis in reality? LOL

Anonymous said...


Again, I got it.

My hyperbole is worse for you than RayB’s persistent use of brute racist (mis)characterization of blacks for political purposes and you disagree with me and others that believe many here worship Maga Qanon false idols.

I made up a qanon test on the last thread… I wonder if you would pass it?


Anonymous said...

Kash Patel on the Mar-a-Lago Carpet Photo: “First of All It Is Staged. Those Are Cover Sheets… It’s Being Run by Government Gangsters Along with Same Corrupt FBI”

Craig said...

X 7:02 PM,

As I figured, you respond with more straw men and red herrings. This is why I made my comment to you about sowing discord.

Allow me to re-reiterate by rephrasing a bit. Sometimes RayB puts pertinent information in his comments. In this particular case, it pertained directly to the subject of Rich's blogpost. You completely missed it at first due to your bias against him (1:45 PM being a prime example).

And, to be clear, I have no issue with you criticizing RayB's or anyone's posts, with respect to content; it's the manner in which you do so that is distasteful (and worse). I've said the same thing probably about two years ago. Plus c'est changes, plus c'est la mêmes chose.

Anonymous said...

To X @ 7:02 PM
Regarding your message to Craig: "I made up a qanon test on the last thread. I wonder if you would pass it?"


Meanwhile, the rest of us are wondering if X could pass an 'IQ test' (LOL)

Anonymous said...

You flunk the Christian test x.

That trumps your test.

You hate Trump (and those who support him) more than you love God...which means you don't love God as the BIBLE clearly tells us from 1 John 3>>>>>

14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.

15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

Anonymous said...

BTW, x, I never claim Trump is a believer, but many of those who voted for him are Christians.
Your hate is palpable.

Anonymous said...

Obedience is a killer: 91% of Biden voters took the DEATH jab

Anonymous said...

Here's the bottom line...

Only God knows whether Trump is a Christian or not... since ONLY GOD can 'read' our hearts and souls.

However, Joe Biden (who claims to be a Catholic) has a very UNCHRISTIAN-like attitude toward the American people... publically demonizing HALF of the people (the Republicans).

Joe, you are supposed to 'work' for ALL of us.

Reminder: We don't work for you, Joe... YOU were elected to work for US!!!

Your responsibility is to UNITE the 'United States' of America... not DIVIDE us.

Shame, shame, shame on YOU, Joe Biden!!!

Anonymous said...

Fascism is characterized (in part)... as having a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, and subordination of individual interests for the perceived 'good of all'.

President Joe Biden's most recent speech certainly made HIM sound like a Fascist DICTATOR!!!

Yet, many continue to refer to Trump supporters as 'Fascists'.

What's wrong with this picture???

Anonymous said...

"Only God knows whether Trump is a Christian or not... since ONLY GOD can 'read' our hearts and souls."

True that.
I don't claim he is one -- simply because I don't know either, and I hope and pray if he isn't he soon will be, and actually since God is not willing that any should perish, we can pray for others in high places of office that are not believers too...but just the same politics is not our savior--no man will ever fill the shoes of Christ our Messiah. A great showdown is on the horizon.
Politics, and bad religion, is killing us off right now...handing us over to global powers that have made the way (and soon) for the anti-Christ. Rich's post about AoC is all part of what is coming down the pike now. They will thin the ranks of real believers in persecuting them and it will get bad, here like it has been in many places around the world already. I truly believe we have front row seats to watch this in real time. My prayer is people will stop it with their hopes placed in men and men's institutions, church never saved a soul----and place their faith where it really belongs, in Christ the Lord.
I feel an urgency with all this.
The rancor needs to stop. I can hope it will but it won't, but just the same..all eyes need to turn to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

8:27 PM

No kidding.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:40 "Obedience is a killer: 91% of Biden voters took the DEATH jab." So the liberals will be dying off soon. What are you complaining about? Operation Warp Speed worked according to Trump's plan. LOL

RayB said...


Hillary Denies Contesting 2016 Election Despite Years Spent Calling It ‘Stolen’

Election denier Hillary Clinton is rewriting history, now claiming she never claimed the 2016 election was stolen despite video evidence

WATCH THE VIDEO in this article put out by the RNC ... 10 minutes of Democrats claiming the election was stolen!

RayB said...

Bad News for the 'Big Guy' of the Biden Crime Family ...

Poll: 62 Percent Say Joe Biden Consulted, Perhaps Profited from Family Business Deals

"Sixty-two percent of registered voters believe President Joe Biden likely consulted and perhaps profited from Biden family business deals, a Tuesday Rasmussen poll found."

Anonymous said...


That’s right…we were all supposed to be dead by Sept 2022?

Around 3 million people die per year in the US alone but now most of the heart attacks, strokes, deep vein thrombosis, sudden adult death cases are covid vaccine related.

Even the places that have small increments of excess deaths the last few months are clearly not vaccine related and appearing to be covid virus related and behavioral more than anything.


RayB said...

Fascism ... Biden Style:

So Joe Biden was behind the FBI's Mar-a-Lago raid all along

According to the Conservative Treehouse, boldface added:

"Page #2 and Page #3 of Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling cites a quote from the DOJ own legal filing, dated May 10th, that Joe Biden ordered the National Archives and Records Administration to provide access to the FBI to review the Trump records. Note the quotation marks:

On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022.” [citation]

Anonymous said...

I remain unvaxxed, glad I'm not, but I don't see it killing people off. Do I think there is potential harm in it? For some probably yes, and mind you I don't trust it, I do not think it was good medicine, I most definitely think it was an overreach but..if people wanted to get it, or not, it is their choice and I hope they stay well regardless.

The politics and hype that surrounds this (and lots of things nowadays), extremes either direction, do, don't, shame on you if you did, shame on you if you don't, is just wrong!
And does more harm than good. Attitude extremes are poison.

Anonymous said...


As I pointed out earlier today...that grant of access by Biden was to the 42 files Trump sent over in April 2022 that supposedly contained ALL the confidential information and records Trump "stole" from the white house but ultimately...upon further authorized FBI investigation...didn't.

It had nothing to do with the August raid to reacquire confidential documents Trump had retained (despite assurances by him and his attorneys that none remained at Maralargo).

You shouldn't trust alt right Maga Qanon media. The documents the articles quoted just don't say what they say they say. If you struggle with what the Judge wrote and need me to explain the language to you let me know but no where does it implicate Biden in the cordination and execution of the unfortunate but necessary legal raid on maralargo.


RayB said...

Wouldn't it be great if we could only codify, into Federal Law, the ability to totally brainwash and confuse young children regarding their gender identification?

If you say YES, Death Cult Dear Leader agrees with you! Read the good news here:

Biden’s New Title IX Proposals Will Codify the Gender Derangement of the Left

Excerpted from the article:

"The Biden administration is working to expand the legislation to legitimize ideas of gender fluidity; indoctrinate children to believe they were born in the wrong body; limit free expression; and promote transitioning in school – even of minors – without parental knowledge. With the changes, “sex-based harassment” could apply to the use of biologically accurate, albeit non-preferred, pronouns, or an abandoned name. If Susie transmogrifies to Steve – or even just starts thinking and acting as if she were Steve – and you, a student or teacher, use his former name, watch out!

Like commissars, Title IX coordinators appointed under the new regulations will be able to file complaints against teachers, school officials, or other students without a child or her parents’ consent. The proposed law will broaden the definition of sexual harassment and could result in a burgeoning of investigations of allegations that a learning environment is “hostile” – whether it really is or is merely perceived to be hostile. Schools will even have the right to investigate and punish students for alleged violations outside school property or beyond their jurisdiction."

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton hits back against comparisons to Trump’s handling of classified docs

Excerpt:Hillary Clinton on Tuesday hit back at comparisons between her use of a private email server while secretary of State and former President Trump’s handling of classified documents found when the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago residence last month.

“I can’t believe we’re still talking about this, but my emails…” Clinton said in a Twitter thread, referring to the scrutiny she has faced since her 2016 presidential bid, when then-candidate Trump and other Republicans made it a focus of their campaign against her.

“[Former FBI Director James] Comey admitted he was wrong after he claimed I had classified emails. Trump’s own State Department, under two different Secretaries, found I had no classified emails. That’s right: ZERO,” Clinton wrote. “By contrast, Trump has hundreds of documents clearly marked classified, and the investigation just started,” Clinton wrote.

Newly unsealed records show FBI agents found more than 100 classified documents at the Palm Beach, Fla., resort during the early August search, as well as dozens of empty folders marked as classified. Trump’s possession of the documents at his Mar-a-Lago home after leaving office has raised questions about potential violations of the Presidential Records Act, which requires such records be preserved and turned over to the National Archives.

“As Trump’s problems continue to mount, the right is trying to make this about me again,” Clinton wrote on Tuesday.

She knocked the GOP’s references to the “Clinton Standard,” the argument now touted by a number of Republicans that because Clinton didn’t face prosecution for her handling of documents, Trump shouldn’t either.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) wrote on Twitter last week, “Democrats and the FBI created the Hillary Clinton standard for non-prosecution of mishandling classified information. Will Donald Trump be held to a different standard?”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned in a Fox News appearance that “if there’s a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information, after the Clinton debacle … there’ll be riots in the streets.”

After news of the FBI’s search, Clinton touted “But Her Emails” merchandise, poking fun at the former president.

RayB said...

Uh, no. You're wrong again X.

As the Chief Executive, Biden ORDERED the National Archives and Records Administration to provide access to the FBI in order to review the Trump records. It was Biden that initiated this action. Had the FBI initiated this action, they would have had to obtain a court ordered search warrant, based upon 'probable cause.' Biden ignored that legal process, and thereby clearly crossed the 'separation of branches of Government' line, when he, as the leader of the Executive Branch ordered a Department under the Executive Branch to provide access to an INVESTIGATIVE agency (the FBI) of the JUSTICE Department.

Presidents are forbidden, by law, to order, restrict, interfere, initiate, obstruct investigations conducted by the separate branch and INDEPENDENT Justice Department, of which the FBI is a part of.

Anonymous said...


Reasonable opinion...

As ive stated long ago...I have no problem with people deciding not to get vaccinated. I think it unwise but to each his own. I don't lecture smokers either.

Just advocated a way for you to pay your own way and advocated against people lying and disinforming others based upon their own selfish seeming, to me...choices.


Anonymous said...


Reasonable opinion...

As I've stated long ago...I have no problem with people deciding not to get vaccinated. I think it unwise but to each his own. I don't lecture smokers either.

Just advocated a way for you to pay your own way and advocated against people lying and disinforming others based upon their own selfish seeming, to me...choices.


RayB said...

X states:

"As I've stated long ago...I have no problem with people deciding not to get vaccinated."


For MONTHS, X repeatedly accused me of being a MURDERER because I didn't get the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine.' He also attacked others on this blog for being unvaccinated super spreaders.

NOW, he claims the exact opposite.

Chutzpah, you have met your match! Seriously, you couldn't make up a character like X if you tried.

Anonymous said...

10:16 without access to the exhibits referenced you are clearly overstating the matter based upon a couple sentences from page 2-3 of the (trump) Federal Judge's preliminary court ruling.


On April 12, 2022, NARA notified Plaintiff that it intended to provide the Fifteen Boxes to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (“FBI”) the following week [ECF No. 48 p. 5]. Plaintiff then requested an extension on the contemplated delivery so that he could determine the existence of any privileged material [ECF No. 48-1 p. 7]. The White House counsel’s Office granted the request [ECF No. 48-1 p. 7]. On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed (pg 3) with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022” [ECF No. 48-1 p. 9]. The Government’s filing states that the FBI did not obtain access to the Fifteen Boxes until approximately May 18, 2022 [ECF No. 48 p. 7].

Does not say...

As the Chief Executive, Biden ORDERED the National Archives and Records Administration to provide access to the FBI in order to review the Trump records. It was Biden that initiated this action. Had the FBI initiated this action, they would have had to obtain a court ordered search warrant, based upon 'probable cause.' Biden ignored that legal process, and thereby clearly crossed the 'separation of branches of Government' line, when he, as the leader of the Executive Branch ordered a Department under the Executive Branch to provide access to an INVESTIGATIVE agency (the FBI) of the JUSTICE Department. Presidents are forbidden, by law, to order, restrict, interfere, initiate, obstruct investigations conducted by the separate branch and INDEPENDENT Justice Department, of which the FBI is a part of.


p.s.- there's a lot of debate about executive privelege and whether it continues when a President leaves office or whether the current president can "grant access" to otherwise priveleged documents over the claims of a prior president and whether the President has to grant access to investigators to unknown amounts of confidential information uncovered in an investigation. This paragraph isn't clear at all but doesn't say what Rayb is saying it the very least, a "request" is not an "order".

Anonymous said...


That's a consequence of making the selfish choice not to be vaccinated. If you caught covid in 2021 when you otherwise probably wouldn't have (or wouldn't have had it as badly) and pass it around (evidently not wearing a mask and social distancing) then you run the risk of being called a murderer when you, in 2021, passed around the covid virus to others.

If you went unvaccinated, stayed home for the most part, masked up in public, social distance and otherwise behaved as a responsible citizen and didn't also spread disinformation about the covid vaccines...then I had no problem. You rolled the dice, got lucky and didn't hurt others.

Omicron changed that.


Anonymous said...

Dear X at 10:23 PM

Sorry, but you just stepped in it. You are in over your head.

Like you badly treated RayB over this issue (and of course many others) you expressly did the same to me. Repeatedly.
I made very similar statements early on about choices and what mine was and you went off on me. Castigation, manipulations of my words, the usual beat downs, called me a murderer as well.

How do you want your crow? Raw or charred?

Anonymous said...

If I wasn’t fine with it why would I brainstorm ideas to fund the extra costs of remaining unvaccinated and give the unvaccinated the opportunity to pay their own way to remain unvaccinated versus being coerced/forced to be vaccinated?

As you may be aware, smoking isn’t permitted in most public spaces so it’s not like my statements tonight are all that approving. Your earlier post was reasonable. That’s all.


Ruth of Exeter, UK said...

Luke 17:37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.

I'm seeing lots of eagles. Thanks Rich and Constance, for this most important of news, news that will matter long after partisan politics is removed from the scene. And even the controversies about the vaxxes. When that subject comes up, I always remember the quote by Bertrand Russell, one of the planners for the coming Beast Kingdom:
'Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.'

J said...

J @ 7:34 PM,

I may have misunderstood you, but my take on your 10:14 AM was that you saw this strictly as a new thing. That’s why I wanted to show the pre-history. My apologies if I misunderstood.

8:16 PM


No worries.

I know people have these opinions.

My reading about what Rich posted was that protecting Christian religious sites from Islamic terrorism would be a good thing. But it would make some Christian-hostile people and agendas gain more credibility and power. With the right opportunity they could manifest in a less benign way. The protection and help could come at a cost. (Doesn't it often when it's governmental?)

To add to this, and at the risk of triggering my two Anonymous detractors...

My input in other comments, comments you didn't respond to, amounts to this: Meanwhile the idea that Christians can be terrorists no longer seems preposterous to millions of Americans. Six years ago I think it was easy for me to put very little effort arguing with such an idea and not to even treat it with seriousness. You and I know that the Christians like the QAnon and NAR types are apostate. The secular world doesn't always make that distinction.

I put two and two together and saw it as a dialectic. There are clues the dialectic is not accidental. One clue is the links among some people: Sacha Stone - Robert David Steele (now dead) - Alex Jones.

It's just my opinion, FWIW. Proving what I just said in my comment would require writing a blog article five times longer than the one Rich just wrote. Disagreeing with me is fine.

RayB said...

12:33 AM ...

In my particular case, my wife & I got COVID and started the Zelenko Protocol (for low risk patients) immediately. We both quarantined for the recommended amount of time. Our state had a mask mandate, so even after the quarantine, we HAD to wear masks. Yet, that didn't stop X from claiming that we were 'super spreaders' because we didn't get vaxxed, weren't wearing masks, and were not quarantined. He speculated that we killed 'countless' people.

Of course X accused us both of being 'spreaders' because we 'selfishly' did not get the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine.' He even went so far as to accuse me of being a murderer and that if my wife died, I was guilty of murder because he assumed that I gave it to her! To this day, neither one of us know how we contracted COVID.

It has now been established that even if you get jabbed with the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine,' you can still get the virus (Biden has had 4 times) AND spread it to others. The CDC also, after all of this elapsed time, has declared that "natural immunity is just as effective as the vaccine." What took them so long? We knew that all along.

After MONTHS and MONTHS of berating people here for not taking the jab, X now makes the ridiculous LYING claim;

"As I've stated long ago...I have no problem with people deciding not to get vaccinated."

X is a pathological liar that is fueled by blind hate. Those here that are like-minded with X's stated issues seem to have ZERO problem with that. For example; I can't recall a single time when Constance has ever corrected him on anything.

J said...

Material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities seized at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

RayB said...

9:11 AM states:

"Meanwhile the idea that Christians can be terrorists no longer seems preposterous to millions of Americans."

NOTE: A flower isn't a rose just because someone falsely identifies it as such. There are countless people out there that are classified as 'Christians' that aren't. In reality, the number is 'few.'

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" - Matthew 7:13-16

J said...

Quote the whole thing, unless you mean to falsely accuse and deliberately misrepresent.

"My input in other comments, comments you didn't respond to, amounts to this: Meanwhile the idea that Christians can be terrorists no longer seems preposterous to millions of Americans. Six years ago I think it was easy for me to put very little effort arguing with such an idea and not to even treat it with seriousness. You and I know that the Christians like the QAnon and NAR types are apostate. The secular world doesn't always make that distinction."

Did you read that second from the last sentence? You and I know that the Christians like the QAnon and NAR types are apostate.

The Apostle Paul cared about the reputation of the Christian church even among the pagan world. Maybe you should care, too.

RayB said...

Well first J, I didn't know it was you that posted that.

Second, you accuse me of not caring about the 'reputation of the Christian church.'

Really? Do you have some evidence for that, or, are you just relying on your fertile, judgmental imagination again?

RayB said...


Do you ever have anything to say about the Death Cult Democrats and their Dear Leader?
Point me to a post where you have ever criticized the far left as I don't recall ever reading a single one.

You seem totally obsessed with Trump and the people that voted for him.

Perhaps you should take the time to read the post regarding Alan Dershowitz's criticisms of both the far right and far left.

By the way, any thoughts on X's sudden flip flop? Or are you just going to give that a pass?

RayB said...

And now this ... the RADICAL RIGHT threatens CIVIL WAR if the mid-term doesn't go their way! Uh ... OH, WAIT. That's not the RADICAL RIGHT, it's the RADICAL LEFT!

Kathy Griffin Warns ‘Civil War’ If Voters Elect Republicans in November Midterms

Kathy Griffin
"If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do want Civil War, vote Republican."

NOTE: The media's response? Ignore, ignore, ignore. There's nothing to see here at all.

J said...


You're very sensitive, aren't you - but only about your own feelings.

J said...

For the record, I called out X for stalking you a while back. That was the first time he did it that I noticed, well before the doxing of the white supremacist (can't recall his full name now) that X thought you might be.

The latest time X was stalking and attempting to dox you, he was well rebuked by Rich.

X already has lots of people here tirelessly criticizing him. Does it hurt your feelings if I don't chime in all the time? It goes on and on.

I've bent over backwards numerous times to be even handed when I occasionally and intermittently speak out against political violence and stochastic terrorism. I don't always, every time, put everything I say into that context. It gets repetitious. One has to make one's point. Words are like flashlights in dark caves. Sometimes they don't illuminate the whole cave all at once. And you are eager to hold that against me.

I haven't noticed you applying your own standard to yourself. You don't criticize white supremacist stochastic terrorism against black people every time you criticize BLM. In fact, I haven't noticed you EVER criticizing white supremacist stochastic terrorism against black people.

And I don't know why you would be triggered by Biden's speech against semi-fascism unless you think you're really a semi-fascist. He took pains to say he's not criticizing all Republicans, just semi-fascists, for the RECENTLY DEMONSTRATED political violence and stochastic terrorism.

I thought several times of agreeing with that article you posted up thread about how Biden should have criticized authoritarian tendencies on the Left - which I HAVE done, myself, and you conveniently didn't notice it, did you?

But the reason why I did not was because I did not want to help you to minimize the political violence that occurred on January 6th. It wasn't the first or only political violence, but it was the first and only political violence that attempted to stop the transfer of power from one President to another. And you know it, too.

I'm going to take a day or two off now to cool down and pray. You've angered me a lot this morning, frankly.

Anonymous said...

J, your brief statement @ 10:18 AM to RayB is nothing but a deflection.

Most of your 'valuable' opinions here are weak at best, and adolescent. You blather on about things that most posters here have had knowledge of for a long time. I'm embarrassed for you. Go back to your crib, and shake your rattle there.

Anonymous said...

"And I don't know why you would be triggered by Biden's speech against semi-fascism unless you think you're really a semi-fascist. He took pains to say he's not criticizing all Republicans, just semi-fascists, for the RECENTLY DEMONSTRATED political violence and stochastic terrorism"

Let's call a spade a spade shall we?

I honestly thought you were trying to be more objective in some of the ideas you float around here before you took a break and have come back, I was not convinced you were sipping koolaid, until that statement.

Anonymous said...

J @ 10:41 AM

Go pray for discernment, you're on the left hand path. Ask the Savior to lead you to the righteous path. HE is good, and that is certainly HIS will. Ask for deliverance for Mrs. Cumbey, Linda, and X while you are at it! That will certainly require a miracle. But God is limitless in HIS power. Ask the Savior to help you with your ego. That is why you get so upset! Stubborn egotism. Like any 'good' Pharisee.

Anonymous said...

The breakdown of the family all across the board, white, black, or purple for that matter, is trying to find some way to bring family back, banding together in this way, too. So meanwhile back at the farm, that is a good thing happening here. But leftists, who "fix" everything until completely broke, who hate this country, nonetheless scream racism on every street corner, massively redundant, with a media bullhorn. It's the Alinsky thing to do......

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 10:57 AM

Yes, by all means... "let's call a spade a spade"!!!


(As the President of the United States, he should be UNITING the American people... not DIVIDING them... period.)

Anonymous said...

To 11:07 AM

AMEN... and thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Frankly X, you're equating being a responsible Christian with taking an experimental 'vaccine, produced rapidly, without proper studies, by BIG PHARMA, and endorsed by GLOBALISTS is tantamount to satanism.

RayB said...

Funny how the lefties in here are totally obsessed with the so-called "armed insurrection" (you know, the one where there weren't any arms found, according to the FBI) of Jan. 6th., where ONE PERSON was murdered by a Capitol Police officer, an un-armed American citizen and veteran, Ashli Babbit.

YET, during the 'summer of love,' BLM & ANTIFA rioted, looted, attacked innocent citizens, raped, murdered (as many as 30) and our lefties fall silent! Go tell those victims of this mindless violence that what they suffered wasn't a real 'insurrection' against them.

Anonymous said...

To 10:56 AM

J's opinions are not only 'weak'... but it's difficult to respect someone who isn't more confident in her convictions. She seems to be 'wishy washy' and easily swayed (checking to see which way the 'wind' is blowing) before posting here.

Anonymous said...

J keep posting. You’re one of the few here with a good temperament.

RayB said...

Be sure to watch Tucker's video ...

Tucker Carlson: “Our Entire Country Will Be Memphis if We Don’t Put a Stop to This Insanity Right Now”

Anonymous said...

Want to really be upset at something beyond your usual, J?

This is irrefutable. We are seeing it morph right in front of our eyes.

Try and deny this............................

Anonymous said...

Plus, X calling Christians murderers, for not taking the satanic shot, is also wicked, and vial. X, completely ignores the fact that the virus spreads regardless of vaccine status. And, masks do not stop the spread either. At best they might limit viral load. Viruses are submicroscopic, and they pass through a mask with ease. X knows this, but he likes to lie like hell, and slander others. It is what evil is all about. He embraces it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 'they' (the Globalist-controlled MEDIA) are more concerned with the so-called 'armed insurrection' on January 6th... but don't give a flying fig about the actual COUP in November, 2020... when the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WAS ACTUALLY STOLEN FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!

All of us, who voted for Trump, should be OUTRAGED that our vote was taken away from us and literally 'handed' to Joe Biden... who is not only incompetent, he is (as everyone KNOWS in their hearts and in their souls) an illegal president.

RayB said...

11:33 AM ...

Biden knows it too, and, he knows that everyone else with two brain cells knows he is illegitimate. That's why he's always so angry and constantly lashing out at Trump and his voters. I've even talked with Democrats that admit the election was stolen ... even those that hate Trump admit it. One even said to me: "Yea, of course it was stolen. But he deserved it!"

RayB said...

SADS: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” Explodes as Young and Healthy Adults Die Following COVID Vaccine Mandates

Anonymous said...

Population Control:

Pfizer: Targeting Masculinity Itself - CDC Hid Proven Harms to Male Sperm Quality, Testes Function, from mRNA Vaccine Ingredients

RayB said...

Why, ultimately, our nation is doomed.

Almost 25% of Democrats think men can get pregnant

"According to a WPA Intelligence survey, 22% of Democrats think that "some men can get pregnant." What's even worse, although not at all surprising, is that the women are the ones who are really crazy.

It turns out that 36% of White, college-educated Democrat women THINK MEN CAN GET PREGNANT. I've written before about how LEFTISM DAMAGES WOMEN. It makes them extremely angry and neurotic. It also, apparently, cuts them off from reality. Sadly, these same women are a force to be reckoned with politically. They may be loopy, but they've got political power."

Anonymous said...

Now where have I encountered DAMAGED LEFTIST WOMEN??? Angry, and neurotic, cut off from REALITY?

Anonymous said...

Pregnant Mother Attacked and Robbed By A 15-Year Old Girl While She Was Pushing A Stroller!

RayB said...

Very accurate article that every American should read because it is historically accurate:

Democrats Dangerously Copy The Tactics Of Famous Fascists

NOTE: Ultimately, I have no hope in politicians solving our problems. Christ and God's Word, along with the fear of God is mankind's only true path to peace. However, realistically (and biblically), MOST of mankind rejects God's authority over their lives, hence, sin reigns in every facet of society.

America is on a path of classic decay and destruction. Having said that, we still can vote, and, by doing so, delay our destruction as a nation. I've said it before, I'll say it again; With the Democrats you get a high speed train, with the Republicans you get a slower moving locomotive. In the end, both trains ultimately end up at the very same train depot.

RayB said...

Denying the legitimacy of a Presidential election is dangerous insurrectionism, it's Anti-American, it's FASCISM to the core. Shouldn't we be constructing concentration camps for these FASCIST election deniers???

Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait just one minute. But what if you happen to be a Democrat election denier?

12 Minutes of Democrats Denying Election Results

Anonymous said...

Not just Eliza Fletcher, white women of every age and social class are being assaulted by black men and the media refuses to discuss this epidemic

Anonymous said...

11:49 AM

Does X now qualify as one of those Angry, Neurotic, cut off from REALITY leftist women here? You know, because his testes are likely shriveling up from the satanic shot?

He's always been a drama queen. From Golden Gloves, to Pink Gloves!

Anonymous said...

11:21 AM

I can't back up his lifestyle one iota.
He's a pretty liberal guy himself.
But I can sure get behind these facts he has been dredging out. Point for point, he is right on target about the censorship that is taking place. And siting the sources of this debacle, the ones determined to control the populace by controlling speech. It's the most damaging thing ever, going to extremes, because the leftist narrative that drives it, is extreme.

Anonymous said...

Arabs to Biden: Do Not Sign the Iran Deal, It Will Start a War

Anonymous said...

UK Bans COVID Vax for Kids. Affects Sexual Development in Little Boys

Anonymous said...

"Don't listen to the person with the answers, listen to the person with the questions". Einstein
Regarding that:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

We say, but do we really believe, that only God has all the answers? We must listen Him. And some full answers He won't share at this time, so be aware of that too but keep asking of and trusting in Him.
In the meantime question everything. Especially now, right? When more questions are being raised than answered, a subject has a way to go before you can make a good objective judgment about it. Wait on the Lord and test the spirits against the Word of God, the only objective, 100% truth, at all times, for all people's questions.
Pray for the Lord's guidance with a humble heart because He gives grace to the humble.

Anonymous said...

The Rise of Wokeness in the Military

Anonymous said...

1:03 gateway pundit is conflating two separate things

The UK is curtailing their vaccination program for 5-11 year olds for now for many reasons none of which relate to Dr (not a medical doctor) Naomi Wolff’s quack claims to America hating Steve Bannon that some “investigation” somewhere claims the vaccine is injuring the sexual development of boys.

The article itself in gateway liar indicates they are unrelated parts of an interview given by Naomi with Steve but that didn’t stop Jim Hoft from combining the separate discussions into a clickbait headline for morons.


P.S. - I’ll go back and find where I stared several times I didn’t have an issue with people forgoing vaccination under certain conditions and where they weren’t running around lying about why they and others shouldn’t get vaccinated, shouldn’t wear masks and understating the dangers and effects of covid 19. That limited population doesn’t seem to exist here. Also there isn’t a single democrat, let alone independent that would agree the election was stolen.

RayB said...

ROFL !!!

X states:

"Also there isn’t a single democrat, let alone independent that would agree the election was stolen."

New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud!

"By a margin of 52% to 40%, voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.” That’s per a Rasmussen Reports survey from this month. This stands in stark contrast to the countless news stories editorializing about “no evidence of voter fraud” and “the myth of voter fraud.”

It isn’t just Republicans who believe this cheating occurred. Even 34% of DEMOCRATS believe it, as do 38% of those who “somewhat” support President Biden."

And ... regarding the 2016 Election won by Trump, most Democrats still believe the BIG LIE:

Rasmussen Poll: Most Democrats Still Believe Russia Stole 2016 Election From Hillary

Anonymous said...

"Not a single democrat" NOT ONE!

X never would lie!

Anonymous said...

You really don't have to bother, x, but by all means feel free.
The blog knows all about your bad treatment of people here just because persons disagreed with you.

If I didn't have a life, I could go back and find the many numbers of times you called me and other posters a murderer, but I'm satisfied that you have sufficient egg on your face already.

Your material that you regard as scientific and factual made me often doubt you but it has been your caustic over the top slanders of people that have made me think so poorly of you in particular, and not that you care...because whatever. But it is of note that your lust for vindicating your many times, quite foolish, self lives on and on.
And the beat goes on...
..when simple humility in a heartfelt apology is what I would gladly accept, think highly of you for. Letting bygones be bygones.

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