Monday, August 08, 2022

Human Digital Twins

by Richard Peterson 

Earlier this year I read a news article which reported on the European Union’s plans to construct a full digital replica of the Earth to be completed by 2030. The replica incorporates a technology called digital twins which essentially is a virtual copy of any object. One may think of these objects primarily as a noun:  a person, place, or thing.

As I read the article, I recalled World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab’s words that in the near future we should expect a fusion between our technological and biological worlds.

Digital twin technology is commonly used in manufacturing facilities. Take, for example, a cutting machine which has been fitted with sensors that continually feeds data to a target computer. The target computer creates a virtual copy of its source whereby, over time, the replica is able to predict what impact different variables (e.g., speed of operation, material types cut, maintenance schedule, etc.) would have on the machine. Digital twin technology helps to anticipate the behavior of the cutting machine and helps prevent issues related to malfunctions.

A great deal of literature exists which proposes extending digital twin technology to humans. The sensors discussed range from eyeglasses which interact with the Metaverse to cell phones, and, ultimately, sensors embedded within the human body. The World Economic Forum expects digital twin technology will extend to humans.  What if salvation of the earth includes making every human on earth an input?

A digital profile of you most likely exists today. Have you ever questioned why, after conducting online research for a product – a lawn mower for example – that over the next several days lawn mower ads fill your browser? Or perhaps wondered if Seri had eavesdropped on your conversation because ads related to something you had just discussed begin to appear in your online feeds? Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Should we find this to be invasive we are able to turn off our computers and put down our phones.

Back in April I had expressed concerns about human digital twinning in a blog post which I did not publish. Later that July I reconsidered posting it as I read the World Economic Forum had partnered with China to digitally transform the world’s cities through use of digital twin technology.

Then last week this article – Biology meets AI – reminded me of the direction digital twin technology appears to be headed.  (The World Economic Forum’s session the article refers to may be found here along with news coverage here.) 

Since digital twin technology continues to appear in my news feeds, I decided to publish the piece I originally wrote on the EU’s Destination Earth:

Destination Earth & the Human Digital Twin

 I recently noticed a news article which sparked my attention:  EU to develop a digital twin of Earth to better predict climate impact.  The same was reported by the World Economic Forum a year ago.  The mention that human activity would be a data input raised in my mind some questions.

Since I work in the field of information technology, I am familiar with the digital twin as it pertains to manufacturing machinery. A digital twin may be thought of as a virtualization of a real world physical object. IBM describes the digital twin as such:


“A digital twin is a virtual model designed to accurately reflect a physical object. The object being studied — for example, a wind turbine — is outfitted with various sensors related to vital areas of functionality. These sensors produce data about different aspects of the physical object’s performance, such as energy output, temperature, weather conditions and more. This data is then relayed to a processing system and applied to the digital copy.”  

“Once informed with such data, the virtual model can be used to run simulations, study performance issues and generate possible improvements, all with the goal of generating valuable insights — which can then be applied back to the original physical object.”


Another area where the utilization of digital twin technology is useful is in health care where medical professionals have the ability to monitor patients’ implanted devices and take early action should the digital twin alert them of a potential issue.


What if this technology were to be extended to humans making our virtual selves inputs for other twins?  To a degree, this is already happening absent the biometric unique identifier - yet.


Futurist Jan Amkreutz in his book Digital Spirit writes extensively about the human digital twin and how its use will develop a collective consciousness and advance human evolution. 

Amkreutz’s “writes that the sensory interface between humans and their digital twins will be one which eliminates devices (p. 178) and also:


                The meaning of technology that connects human thought and digital knowledge, or the physical me and my DT [digital twin], on a higher level of understanding goes deeper than mere 'convenience', because ultimately this type of research will lead to a seamless connection of human thinking and digeality. The most 'user-friendly' computer interface is no interface at all. We are working to do just that…” (p. 329)


And again:


             Finally, biological evolution created a species that could manipulate its environment and had some rational faculties, and now the cutting edge of evolution actually changed from biological evolution into something carried out by one of its own creations, Homo sapiens, and is represented by technology. In the next epoch this species that ushered in its own evolutionary process - that is, its own cultural and technological evolution, as no other species has - will combine with its own creation and will merge with its technology. At some level that's already happening, even if most of us don't necessarily have them yet inside our bodies and brains, since we're very intimate with the technology - it's in our pockets. We've certainly expanded the power of the mind of the human civilization through the power of its technology. We are entering a new era. I call it "the Singularity." It's a merger between human intelligence and machine intelligence that is going to create something bigger than itself. It's the cutting edge of evolution on our planet.” (p. 377)


Amkreutz book, whether or not he intended it, issues a warning:


“Digitally controlled 'smart' weapons and digitally guided weapon carriers will know and recognize their trajectories and their targets. . .Digital algorithm, the products of simulation and programming, will make the need for human judgment on the battlefield the exception rather than the rule. That would leave the war in the hands of a few human conductors of an orchestra of digital twins. No logistics for the physical movement of troops, no supply lines to protect: just a clean 'surgical procedure that eliminates the enemy. What happens, however, when the enemy has the same digital capability? Where are the living soldiers to eliminate? Who is the enemy? Civilians that have the wrong mindset?” (p. 386)

 I expect what I view as a warning may be another person’s positive.

 How close are digital twins to becoming reality? The World Economic Forum envisions a fusion between the digital and biological worlds. The WEF is working with China to help with the urban transformation of cities, i.e., smart cities.   One of the more overt portrayals of the human digital twin originates from China’s Anyang Institute of Technology which closely resembles Jan Amkreutz writings of the Digital Spirit.

 The European Commission indicates that Destination Earth or DestinE  is the product of two initiatives, the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy: 


Destination Earth is at the crossroads between two major European endeavours: the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy. The initiative will contribute to achieving the objectives of the twin transition, green and digital.”

 A component of the Commission’s Digital Strategy is to establish a personal digital twin for every European citizen.  An attendee (by invitation only) of the Commission-organized workshop – MyDigitalTwin: Trusted Personal Digital Twins in a Transformed Society – summarized outcomes which include:


“Personal Digital Twins are seen as providing a new technological edge by creating a digital alter-ego to all citizens, the ‘other digital me’.”


“PDTs are also considered instrumental in the fostering of Smart Cities and Local Digital Twins (usually clusters of DT mirroring a specific, local, reality).”


“The EU Next Generation and the Green/Digital Transition Strategies: data and their leverage both by institutions and single citizens are a must to support the transition.”

One aspect of the human digital twin is a relationship between self-measurement and social credit score systems. 

In the EU there exists a carbon reduction app which rewards citizens for behavior modification. The EU is known for its “carrot and stick” approach. What happens as people decide to opt out of digitization? What happens as the digital twinning of humans goes global?


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Anonymous said...

It is ignorant to think that most Christians see Trump as some kind of Jesus. Give it a rest! The vast majority of us were well aware of President Trump's flaws. But we were intelligent enough to know the alternative was much worse. Are things better now under "death cult dear leader" Biden?

When George Bush was President my wife and I were members of a church that believed Bush was a Christian, and that he would help bring about an end of abortion etc! At that time, I'm sure that is what most followers of Christ believed. I thought the exact opposite. There was an old woman in the congregation that was constantly speaking of the President as "that sweet christian man". She was speaking with me outside of church one day, and telling me that "sweet man is going to end abortion". I told her that would not happen, because Bush is a Satanist. She was under strong delusion. I wasn't going to NOT tell her the truth.

Anonymous said...

I am as apolitical as I can be, considering the fact that politics is fairly unavoidable.
Personally I couldn't care less about Donald Trump. He is certainly no god to me, or even a moral gatekeeper.
But just looking at the platforms of the two Parties, a few things become clear.

Democrats seem to think that abortion is a human right. But the baby doesn't get to vote. It doesn't make sense. Abortion is not a human right. Democrats think that it's the woman's body and for that reason, she can "choose" to "terminate" the pregnancy. What about the baby's body? Wouldn't the baby be most likely choosing to live? These very terms that they use which they got from some intellectual book in the seventies, are very sadly deceitful and horribly wrong! When a woman who is pregnant gets murdered, and the baby dies as well, isn't it considered a double homicide?

The Republican platform is not perfect either, and no candidate is perfect. But for the single reason stated above, I personally don't need to think about my choice for too long.
I'm voting for the Republican side.
Besides, all the Democrat people who claim that they are Christian, are either lying or completely ignorant of anything that the Bible says. Whether they are willfully ignorant or just badly mistaken, I'm sure I don't know. I'm only listening to the still small voice inside when I read the Bible and when I pray.


Anonymous said...

"The Steal: Volume 2 - The Impossible Occurs" - TGP's Joe Hoft's Latest Book Out Today

Anonymous said...

8:05 PM
I could have written your post. It resonated with me.
All the issues transcend mere politics for a real Christian--we end up having to make our limited choices in earthly life but in good conscience we do that with our eyes on the Lord and not man, if we are truly believing and worshipping God in Christ. We know the difference--or at least we should.
I believe there are true christians in the denominations across the board, though I do believe JW and Mormon religion are not to be considered christian at all. There are many cults out there that's for sure. But not all who claim they are believers are, so I have to bear with people where they are, God is the ultimate judge there anyway, and bear with them whether they bear with me or not. But I also think that people who brow beat and manipulate about these things really display a very unchristian heart, and when their politics are in keeping with a worldly view and not a Bible worldview, those are people who need to retire their christian badge, stop pretending and just be of the world as they actually are..and I don't mind telling them so. They won't get cussed out but they won't find we nodding my head in passive "agreement". I think our times are calling for truth tellers who love souls, and we need to be on our knees more than ever too.
God can handle politics, He knows where to file that one...
and He knows how to lead His own children too.

Anonymous said...


I'm very glad the GOP has stopped doing so.

They (GOP USSC) made it a law and their is nothing anyone could do to stop it until they stopped it.

Every single Roe v Wade death is on their hands and you claim they are the party to trust?

Parties are only as good as the people that participate in them. It's obvious the GOP has gone NAR - Dominionist and completely heretical. They are all Rayb discussed this morning. At least there is hope unchurched and unbiblical Democrats can be saved. They aren't pharises and heretics pretending to be righteous and abusing His name.

It's the ecumenical dominionists that will be running the guillotines.


Anonymous said...

There are republicans out there realizing abortion laws are harder to enact and implement humanely than a simple ban.

Take SC Republican rep Neil Collins as an cautious tale of how legislative overzealousness without empathy or understanding of medical uncertainties is risking individual lives for no reason.

Women are suffering because of fetal heartbeat laws


Anonymous said...


4:23 PM

I would like to see a third party, but not Christian per se. If that were the case, we'd end up with something similar, or far worse, than we have now with the Republican party. I've heard it preached from the pulpit and have read comments on this blog that one can't be a Christian and be a Democrat. Republicanism is thriving in today's Christian church.

The framers of the US Constitution were not all Christians, yet they were able to come to a consensus. A strong third party that supports the constitution with like-minded candidates who are of the people and for the people would be my wish. The current situation of being forced to vote for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil in my book.


Anonymous said...

Most of the framers of the constitution were Masons.

We are past the point where a viable, constitution grounded third party would ever get off the ground!

Since the kingdoms of this world are not currently the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ, it is always "the lesser of two(or three) evils".

Anonymous said...

None dare call it an 'invasion'...

Unbelievable'! Border patrol agents OPEN the gates at a crossing point letting in illegal migrants at the border moments after Texas Governor Greg Abbott's Texas National Guard had locked them out: More than two million illegals have crossed our southern border so far in 2022... a 22-year high!!!

Video footage shows the moment armed Border Patrol agents (working under the direction of the Biden Administration)... force the Texas National Guard officers to unlock and open the gates... allowing streams of asylum seekers to walk past.

Leading the outrage, Texas Governor Greg Abbott calls it 'unbelievable' and blames Joe Biden's policies.

Anonymous said...

Joe O'Biden was installed to finish off the U.S.

An offering to their god.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Digital Spirit

Anonymous said...

Why a third party candidate running for President is NOT a good idea...

Remember the presidential election of 1992?

Incumbent President George Herbert Walker Bush, seeking a second term, ran against then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton... AND third party candidate Ross Perot.

Bill Clinton won the election... because the CONSERVATIVE vote ended up being 'split' between Bush and Perot... canceling out both Bush and Perot... and putting Bill Clinton in the White House.

("It's the economy, stupid" etc.)

Of course, looking back, we now realize that the American people were not given much of a 'choice' between GLOBALIST Bush or GLOBALIST Clinton. Either way, it was a win/win for the Globalists... and a lose/lose for the American people.

Anonymous said...

Wendy's Employee Charged with Murder After Punching Elderly Customer Who Complained About His Food (VIDEO)

RayB said...

Typical lying, false accusing, 'Rules for Radicals' type post by the Death Cult supporter X:

"Anonymous said...
4:21 pm

I’m not the one posting nazi propaganda from American Thinker.

I’m with Rich having spent years/decades opposed to the alt right fascist nazis


NOTE: There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that appears on the American Thinker that is even remotely "Nazi propaganda." But that doesn't stop the lying X. This guy is pure evil.

Anonymous said...


9:30 AM

Agreed, Ross Perot ran as a third-party candidate to split the vote and guarantee a win for Clinton. Third parties are minority, but if enough disenfranchised republicans and independent voters were to form a new party, that could change everything.

Do you remember Clinton running for re-election against Dole and Perot? Things weren't looking good for Clinton. Paul Cain, a Latter Rain minister I believe, connected to IHOP and Kansas City prophets, sent an e-mail to churches and prayer groups across America to garner votes for Clinton. He stated that he was Clinton's spiritual advisor and "prophesied" that Bill and Hillary Clinton would be born again and bring about the greatest revival the world has ever seen in his second term. Gullible Christians rushed to the polls and helped Clinton win a decisive victory.

Even Ronald Reagan, in retrospect, played the part of a good president and Christian, all the while practicing his new age beliefs and working for the new world order. And then there was Jimmy Carter ... and many more ...

Religion and "religious" politicians are being used to further globalism and the new age/new world order. We, the people have been on the losing end for a long time.


Anonymous said...

1:23 AM

You are dominionist, not by affliation by but motive, and ecumenical in the way you incorporate politics into your religion, so your hopes are based in your notions that are not based on how God works in the world. That's your world view (the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God) and it's no wonder it is very harsh, unmerciful, no Spirit of the Living God in it at all. So yours is different angle, but same result.

And running a guillotine yourself.
You already do that so to speak from your keyboard.
You gracelessly hack every topic to death in your toxic brand of 'reaching the world for Christ'....making a mockery of God's ways with His people and those still outside the fold.
Your god-complex drives this in you.

Where is the fear of God in you, the beginning of wisdom that brings with it, if you are a believer?

Anonymous said...

"X" = still trying to forcefully rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, and all the while, setting up a guillotine he'll run himself, as it goes down.

Anonymous said...

10:57 AM

And all reads so much like the books of Kings and Chronicles in the Bible where God described their respective reigns. And My people love to have it so, He said.
There is nothing new under the sun..

And coming full circle.

Anonymous said...

FBI Unit Leading Mar-a-Lago Probe Earlier Ran Discredited Trump-Russia Investigation

Anonymous said...

11:26. Again …you seem to be getting it. I was mocking the previous poster.

You should have directed your rebuking at 8:35 pm.


PS -American Thinker IS nazi propaganda. As Rich pointed out, the nazis loved to point out and make claims labeling their political enemies all communists. The whole 4th generation warfare twisting words and spinning ideas so as to label anything not in the new age dominionist GOP tribe as Marxist, liberal, communist and even nazi itself IS nazi propaganda. Plus American thinker is big on spreading fear of cultural Marxism, Lind’s anti-Semitic theory that western society is being destroyed by the Jews. American Thinker is pure democracy undermining evil

RayB said...

Linda said @ 9:02 AM (in part):

"I've heard it preached from the pulpit and have read comments on this blog that one can't be a Christian and be a Democrat."


Some questions for you:

The Democratic Party Platform officially supports Abortion on Demand. They have supported partial birth abortions, whereby, the child's head is emerging from the womb and is murdered while still in the birth canal.

Do you believe a person can be a FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ, born of the Spirit of God, and also support a political group that fights to advance the MURDER of innocent life?

The Democratic Party FULLY supports the anti-Christ LBGTQ+ agenda. Same question; can a person that is truly a Christian support this evil agenda and still be faithful to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?

Looking forward to your SPECIFIC answers Linda.

RayB said...

X states @ 12:41 (in part):

"American Thinker IS nazi propaganda."

Give SPECIFIC examples from the American Thinker where ANYTHING was ever posted on that site that clearly promotes Nazism.

If you can't (he can't), you've proven yourself to be a LIAR AGAIN X. ROFL

Anonymous said...

US FIRST: Most of the food “recalls” during the pandemic are actually foods being diverted to government storage bunkers for the rich and “elite”

Even Bloomberg News has reported that many of the world’s elite, including US government officials, are securing underground bunkers for riding out a new world war, another pandemic, or a nuclear holocaust.

RayB said...

X is no doubt quoting Rich out of context.

X seems to be saying that if, as a Constitutionalist Conservative, you point out provable Marxist principles of a political party or politician, that automatically makes YOU a "Nazi."

Give X credit. He's ardent follower of Saul Alinsky's Marxist diatribe 'Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer.' One of Alinsky's favorite tactics was to always attack your enemy for the very thing that YOU are guilty of. This puts your opponent on the defensive by drawing attention to HIM, while at the same time deflecting attention away from your own position.

Alinsky also believed in labeling people, even if there was no evidence to back it up. This was very effectively used by the homosexuals, who were able to shut down all meaningful debate by labeling their opposition with being "homophobic." The attention was diverted away from the perversion and caused the opposition to attempt to explain away their "phobia."

Other groups have used this tactic repeatedly. Example: if you oppose the VIOLENT terrorist organization Black Lives Matter, you are a "racist." It goes on and on and X is part and parcel of this Alinsky, Marxist inspired mindset.

Anonymous said...

Abortion is one plank in the platform of each of the two parties.
Whoever actually pushed the legalization of it forward and pushed all the way to Rowe v Wade, will have to answer for their grievous sin.
And whoever looked at the absurdity of Rowe v Wade, and was able to overthrow it will also be in God's hands.
It's hardly illegal now, but at least the states can make up their own minds, collectively/democratically. Nothing is "all better".

_Just like when Lincoln ended slavery, but segregation and racism continued for another hundred years, sadly. Better is better than nothing.

And slavery was another plank in each of the two parties platforms.
Are you going to tell me now that the Democrats were against slavery?
Four hundred thousand Union soldiers gave their lives to abolish slavery. They were virtually all anti slavery, obviously.
The Confederates in the south refused to give up on slavery, even way way after the war. They liked their free labor.
Were they ever anything OTHER THAN racist and slave loving? Really X? Are you going to tell me that the Southern Democrats weren't the heart and soul of the KKK? Really X?

You should cool it. Stop indicting yourself for everyone to see and hear.
There are plenty more planks we can discuss after this.
I don't need to invoke any former presidents names; only the platform of their party. I don't worship any men or women.
I really can't see how anyone who has any moral sanity can be a modern Democrat. It wasn't always this way. But now the Progressives/Socialists/Communists/Chinese Communist Party, have the Democrat Party by the throat, like a pit bull.

"Come out of her, my people and do not partake in her sins"

Anonymous said...

Common sense

When American Thinker points the finger at mere labels — attributing them to groups of people such as Jews they have three fingers pointing back at them.

Unz dot com loves American thinker so I understand why u like it Ray but “ cultural marxism” is antisemetic nonsense from a man who associated with holocaust deniers and was influenced by Hitler himself to attack democracy with words.

Further to a greater extent u can’t be a Republican and a Christian. Christian got to go somewhere or just not participate. I believe right now democrats have more room for revival vs the gop that already thinks they are saved but don’t seem to know Him at all.

For example, Bob Dole… another unrepentant adulterer put up by the Family and their Opus Dei partners on k street


Anonymous said...

Karl Marx, along with student Lenin, and then Stalin, were intentionally deceitful and Marxism has never, ever worked or produced the results that they promised everyone.
Communism is a colossally stupid fiction of an idea, which is a fact that even Karl Marx himself knew. Communism always bankrupts it's foolish prey.
There was a time, over a hundred years ago when the whole world was aware of the ridiculousness of Communism, and it was a sunken ship, all over the world. It had been tried and tried, But now we've had five or six generations of dumbing down and digital hypnosis, and Hollywood hatred of all things Christian, and an overwhelmingly powerful mass media, which also hates Christianity,
like it's sister Hollywood. Actually I should just say they hate Jesus, because that's what they hate about Christianity.
Your hatred for the Christians on the blog is palpable, don't worry.
Your whitewashing of the Bible and the Christian faith is also clear as a bell.

Anonymous said...

The above is directed at X

RayB said...


He falsely states:

"Unz dot com loves American thinker so I understand why u like it Ray but “ cultural marxism” is antisemetic nonsense from a man who associated with holocaust deniers and was influenced by Hitler himself to attack democracy with words."

NOTE: X is so evil, he's flat our creepy.

AGAIN X, PROVE your slanderous statement by providing SPECIFIC examples to validate your claim. YOU CAN'T. You just post ANY lie that comes to your mind in order to back up your LIES.

Anonymous said...

P.S. YOUR AOC, and Rashida Tlaib, and Ihan Omar and Arianna Presley are Communist stooges.

P.S. I'm talking about now, not fifty to a hundred years ago.

RayB said...

Another LIE from X:

"When American Thinker points the finger at mere labels — attributing them to groups of people such as Jews they have three fingers pointing back at them."

NOTE: I have NEVER read an anti-Semitic statement or column in the American Thinker. Again, I challenge the LYING X to provide a SINGLE, SPECIFIC example form the American Thinker to back up his false claim.

THAT doesn't stop the lying, slanderous, Satan-serving X from making a horrific claim.

X ... in spite of your 'profession,' you are heading to the very same place the evil Saul Alinsky is. Why can I say that? Revelation declares that "ALL LIARS will have their part in the lake of fire." Unless you sincerely repent, that is the road that you are on!

RayB said...

While I'm not a fan of Tulsi Gabbard, occasionally she does proclaim the truth:

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺

"The greatest threat to our democracy is not Trump voters or parents protesting at school board meetings, but the permanent Washington elite which has weaponized the govt and teamed up with corporate media to intimidate and silence those who dare to disagree with them."

Anonymous said...

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Trump Got’em – Huge Concerns About Peter Strzok Working for the CIA Are Likely at the Heart of Mar-a-Lago RAID

The brazen raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida likely has its roots in the Russia collusion story with a particular focus on Peter Strzok and his affiliation with the CIA.

We reported back in May 2020 that Peter Strzok was somehow connected to the CIA. General Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell even said so on Hannity’s show on FOX News at that time...

Anonymous said...

1:38 PM

Good job spelling some things out in your posts for the troll..who does indeed hate God's people to stand against them so vehemently--yes it is palpable. He hates the ways of God or he would see God working good even in the midst of wrong people and choices (in any era) as He sorts through society and culture--all the issues that arise in those things that impact us all every day, highlighting His power to reach beyond it all, (when men plan bad and God works it for good in spite of them) bringing people into the fold that pharisee wants kept out. He is the one standing at an exit door---if he ever even entered in, in the first place.

All the things he labels and rebukes others for is where his own guilt lies. He projects on to others, who it turns out are probably a whole lot better than himself, posing himself as superior, while his 'squishy christianity' that makes wide allowance for unrepentant willful lustfuls to come abuse the many graces of God and his take has that distinct Judas ring to it--to accomplish in the fast forward what Dominonists (as misguided as they certainly are) hope to achieve--his methods work the same way--because his ecumenical leftist socialist humanism rooted deeply in his politics religion with heaping doses of religious politics, outs him every time.

Anonymous said...

As a singular example (I'm not spending my day proving the alt right blog American Thinker has white nationalist anti-semetic tendencies much like American Conservative)

The Five Most Racist, Anti-Semitic Claims From The American Thinker’s Puff Piece On White Nationalist Jared Taylor

Not gonna provide an excerpt of Jared Taylor's filth but it is interesting Jared Taylor mentions how white nationalists favor "sharing" stories of black crime on social media to inspire deep seated racist thoughts, dog whistles and, thereby, MORE racists comments. Rayb does it all the time here...share a story of black crime, particularly if it's black on white crime and stir racists thoughts and comments while claiming innocence. He's just sharing a tragic crime story on social media, right?

Here's another article on December 26, 2020 where American Thinker was promoting Nazi-like propaganda purporting to float out the idea that Pence had legal authority to initiate a coup of the election and make Trump president again (or be a jew-like traitor by not doing so)...

It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All

More interestly... On Dec. 27, Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, who is also a fellow at Liberty University’s Falkirk Center, tweeted a link to what she called an “interesting” article in the hard-right American Thinker blog. That article contended that Pence’s power during the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress would be “plenary and unappealable.” The article repeated many of Team Trump’s false claims that have been rejected by courts and were debunked in spectacularly methodical fashion by Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling on Monday. The article argued that Pence could and should declare that the states being challenged by Trump had “not conducted a presidential election” and therefore that their Electoral College votes should not be counted.


Anonymous said...

1. "American Thinker" has over 6000 google hits. American Thinker is all over that "alternative" white nationalist nazi sympathetic holocaust denying website.

2. What inspired a key Christian right leader to speak at a Holocaust denial conference? Another Jewish conspiracy, of course.

Excerpt: Washington — William Lind has long been a point man for cultural conservatism, a key player in the world of right-wing politicians, and, in recent years, the head of the Free Congress Foundation's Center for Cultural Conservatism.

As a close friend of arch-conservative strategist Paul Weyrich, who started the Free Congress Foundation in 1978, Lind has developed into an important voice on the Christian right.

He also seems to be cultivating friends in some remarkable places. This June 15, at a major Holocaust denial conference put on by veteran anti-Semite Willis Carto in Washington, D.C., Lind gave a well-received speech before some 120 "historical revisionists," conspiracy theorists, neo-Nazis and other anti-Semites, in which he identified a small group of people who he said had poisoned American culture. On this point, Lind made a powerful connection with his listeners.

"These guys," he explained, "were all Jewish."
Listening and enthusiastically applauding was a crowd that included Jürgen Graf, a Swiss Holocaust denier who fled to Iran to avoid prosecution at home; Eustace Mullins, a rabid anti-Semite who once wrote an article entitled "Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation"; former SS man Hans Schmidt, and many others.

Lind's theory was one that has been pushed since the mid-1990s by the Free Congress Foundation — the idea that a small group of German philosophers, known as the Frankfurt School, had devised a cultural form of "Marxism" that was aimed at subverting Western civilization. The method, he said, involved manipulating the culture into supporting homosexuality, sex education, egalitarianism, and the like, to the point that traditional institutions and culture are ultimately wrecked. "Their whole plan," he said, "is the destruction of Western culture." The "they" to whom Lind referred were a group including Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse, all Jews who fled Germany and went to Columbia University in the 1930s."

So will supposed Christian Rayb recant and apologize now that I have provided "specific examples". I won't hold my breath.


Anonymous said...

2:30 PM

All you ever present is your biasS.

RayB said...

X claimed that the American Thinker is a "Nazi propagandist" site.

X STILL hasn't provided a single SPECIFIC EXAMPLE, which appeared on the American Thinker site, to back up his false claim.

Instead, X relies upon the ULTRA radical leftist site "Right Wing Watch," which is a subsidiary of the radical leftie Norman Lear's "People For the American Way." Think Rob Reiner, the Communist, and you'll get the picture. What was the reason for Lear founding the "People For the American Way?" According to the anti-Christian site Freedom From Religion Foundation, Lear was "Fed up with the extreme conservative domination of the nation's Christian landscape, he launched People for the American Way in 1980."

This is who X associates himself with. X aligns himself with Communists, pro-abortion activists, Marxist terrorist groups like BLM & ANTIFA, people that HATE Biblical Christianity, etc., etc.

X lies, lies and lies, and when he's done with that, he lies some more! He has NO FEAR of God ... as in NONE! But he is not going to get away with all of this. He'll answer for every single idle lie that he has told. He is on the 'wide path' that leads to eternal destruction, and he is determined to take as many with him as he can, using his lies to ensnare and corrupt minds and souls.

Satan, the master deceiver, is the destroyer of both body and soul, and he is X's master.

RayB said...

Here is a list of available books directly from the pro Norman Lear Freedom From Religion Foundation's web/shop site:

Read the following books free online:

Abortion is a Blessing (Chapters 1-7) (Chapters 8-14) (Appendices)

Betrayal of Trust: Clergy Abuse of Children

Rejecting Religion (1982)

The World Famous Atheist Cook Book - Food For Freethought (1998)

View these books in our shop:

Losing Faith In Faith: From Preacher To Atheist

Just Pretend: A Freethought Book for Children

Lead Us Not Into Penn Station: Provocative Pieces

Woe to the Women — The Bible Tells Me So

Women Without Superstition: “No Gods - No Masters”

The Born Again Skeptic’s Guide To the Bible

Rhymes for the Irreverent

American Infidel: Robert G. Ingersoll

RayB said...

Regarding the above:

Make no mistake about it. X is associated with groups that absolutely HATE Biblical Christianity.

The "religion" that the Freedom From Religion Foundation is referring to is exactly that ... Biblical Christianity.

They have no problem with X's type of 'christianity,' which is pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ+, pro-Marxism, etc. This is the type of 'church' that Barack Obama belonged to ... the 'church' headed by the Marxist Jeremiah Wright! Wright's 'church' bookstore also contained Marxist books that attacked Biblical Christianity! This is what Barack Obama fed on. His 'christianity' is the same as X.

Anonymous said...

The anti-semitic "Cultural Marxism" lie has also led to violent Nazi-like extremism and violence towards Jews and others.

The Lethal Antisemitism of “Cultural Marxism”
A right-wing conspiracy theory has once again proved deadly

Excerpt: THIS PAST WEEKEND, a man opened fire in the Chabad of Poway synagogue outside San Diego, killing one woman and injuring three other people. The shooter's online manifesto includes a range of antisemitic conspiracy theories. He wrote that Jews control the media and the banks, and that he hated Jews for their "role in cultural Marxism."

"Cultural Marxism" is a trope that is rapidly spreading from the far right to the conservative mainstream. The term first gained notoriety when white nationalist Anders Breivik cited it as a reason for killing 77 people in two lone wolf terror attacks in Norway in 2011. Poway shows once again how dangerous the idea is. It creates a rationale for violence against leftists, against Jewish people, and against anyone associated with either.

"Cultural Marxism" has been floating around as a term for some time, and hasn’t always carried its current connotations. For example, it's been used to describe left cultural analysis by figures like Marxist British historian E.P. Thompson. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the term first began to gain traction in right-wing venues when paleoconservative writer William Lind used it during a 2002 speech at a Holocaust denial conference.

Lind used "cultural Marxism" to characterize the ideology of the Frankfurt School—a group of predominantly Jewish intellectuals who fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Lind argued that the Frankfurt School had developed anti-racism, feminism, and sexual liberation in order to undermine traditional American values. "Cultural Marxism," for Lind, was a foreign Jewish plot meant to weaken the white Christian patriarchy that had made America strong.

This is a conspiracy theory, which is to say, a complete lie. The Frankfurt School was not single-handedly responsible for developing anti-racist and feminist theories and politics. Anti-racist and feminist activists like Frederick Douglass, Ida B. Wells, Sojourner Truth, Jane Addams, W.E.B. Dubois, and many others preceded the Frankfurt School by decades; they didn't need predominantly white men to invent their resistance movements. Those resistance movements are not, in any case, subversive attacks on true Americanism (as if such a thing even exists), much less a secret Jewish conspiracy.

But what “cultural Marxism” lacks in accuracy, it makes up for in poisonous efficacy. The theory, in one stroke, paints all left opposition to conservatism as an evil plot formulated by Jewish people. It's an easy bridge between typical anti-political correctness rhetoric and outright white nationalism.

In other words, “cultural Marxism” is a very effective dog-whistle. The term's deniability makes it convenient for bad faith laundering of antisemitism into mainstream discourse. Recently, the Jewish outlet Tablet published a piece by Alexander Zubatov that attempted to salvage the term, arguing that it is a useful way to describe left-wing cultural critique, despite its corruption by conspiracy theorists. But if it's been so corrupted, why keep using it?

Zubatov says that he is worried that labeling "cultural Marxism" as an antisemitic conspiracy theory will tar "pundits on the totally mainstream right." But the fact that mainstream conservatives—even mainstream Jewish conservatives—use a term associated with antisemitic conspiracy theories doesn't make it innocuous. Quite the contrary, it speaks to how corrosive the term is...

Anonymous said...


Speaking out against anti-semites, racists and alt-right nazi ideologues (as Mrs. Cumbey has on this blog many times as well) by citing references to "specific instances" of their nazi propaganda that I found, using google, itemized on left wing websites in no way makes me a supporter of such left-wing website or their politics.

You asked for proof. I provided links with specific proof. I have no idea who owns right-wing watch. But nice red herring.

Don't you find it absurd that everyone and anybody who is not in the MAGA tribe is automatically a marxist, yet neither the Communist Party nor the Socialist party can even garner a Presidential candidate since 1984 and 2000 respectively?


Anonymous said...

Oh...I guess you are criticizing me for not providing the direct link the rightwing watch provided in their article I did link criticizing American Thinker for the puff piece on Nazi, Jared Taylor...

'Every Man His Own Commissar': Jared Taylor and the Politics of Race

Google indicates there are 293 articles on American Thinker promoting the anti-semitic term "Cultural Marxism" as though it's a real thing. I'm not promoting American Thinker anymore


Anonymous said...

The facade is crumbling...

Anonymous said...

"I'm not promoting American Thinker anymore


Well, that's okay since you are anti-American and anti-thinking too.

So exactly why do you live in America, leech?

RayB said...

X does it again. Now he flips the issue of "Cultural Marxism," which actually exists, and makes it into a dog whistle for "Anti-Semitism."

The Communist Manifesto actually called for the destruction of conservative, traditional morals. This is accomplished culturally. Is this not what is happening to America?

So, if you stand against the moral rot that is going on in this country, YOU are, according to X, an "Anti-Semite!"

By the way, in the article that X cites, what do you think is listed in the article as a source? Try the Southern Poverty Law Center ... one of the most radical leftist organizations on the planet!

The reason X is attacking the term "cultural Marxism" is because he IS a CULTURAL MARXIST!

Anonymous said...

America is a wonderful land with a great constitution that was strong enough to withstand, thus far, a Hitler-like persona's attempt at a coup d'etat even though he had the love and backing of over 70 million people. I guess you'd call me an Americanophile.

Why do you YOU live in America? --- Canada is right there and about 67% white. You'd fit right in there though probably not enough heresy for's pretty reformed up there. You might like Quebec the most, lots of mafia, roman catholics and angry french-Canadian dudes eager to secede.


RayB said...

X ...

Why are YOU equating "Cultural Marxism" with Jews?

Are YOU making the claim that Jews are Marxists that are in charge of spreading the Marxist cultural moral rot in this nation?

Sounds very, very anti-semitic to me! ROFL !!!

Looks like X, while attempting to feed the hogs, fell in the slop!

Anonymous said...

Racist Rayb at 4:33

The Jews are not the cause of moral rot in the United States.

"Cultural Marxism", as an ongoing conspiracy theory, is a lie.


Anonymous said...


You've been X-posed as a lying Luciferian


Anonymous said...


Your Unz dot com website has a new article by Jared Taylor ...perhaps you'd be more well-received commenting there.


Anonymous said...

"Sounds very, very anti-semitic to me! ROFL !!!"

There are many worse things than 'anti-semitic' in life.
And this is America, he can feel free to be anti-whatever.

Got it?

Anonymous said...

Heart attack risk increases 63pc post-Covid, says major American study: The authors warned government should prepare for a surge in cardiovascular disease, but experts believe vaccines could reduce the risk

Excerpt: Covid survivors are 63 per cent more likely to suffer a heart attack, according to the “first comprehensive assessment” of cardiovascular complications within a year of recovering from the virus.

In a study in Nature Medicine, researchers in America found the rate of conditions such as heart failure, coronary disease and strokes was “noticeably” higher among those who had been infected with Covid-19 compared to those who had not, even after a mild case.

Experts from Washington University in St Louis analysed the records of more than 150,000 Covid-positive people from a database of United States veterans. They then compared the burden of heart disease in this group with the rate among 11 million people who had never contracted the virus, or used the veterans health system pre-pandemic.

They warned the coronavirus could trigger a secondary health crisis. The risk of experiencing a heart attack, for instance, increased by 63 per cent post-Covid, while the likelihood of suffering from coronary artery disease or a stroke jumped by 72 and 52 per cent respectively.

This was apparent regardless of age, race, sex, or pre-existing conditions – and emerged even in healthy people without a history of cardiovascular disease.

Although the risk of illness rose most significantly among survivors who were hospitalised with Covid-19, there was a “substantial” increase even for those who had a mild infection.

The authors warned the analysis, which focuses on the first year after contracting the virus, demonstrates that the ramifications of Covid-19 can linger “well beyond the acute phase” of an infection.

“Governments and health systems around the world should be prepared to deal with the likely significant contribution of the Covid-19 pandemic to a rise in the burden of cardiovascular diseases,” they wrote.

“Because of the chronic nature of these conditions, they will likely have long-lasting consequences for patients and health systems and also have broad implications on economic productivity and life expectancy...”

RayB said...

Anon @ 5:06 PM ...

If X wants to be an anti-semitic, that's his business.

I get it.

RayB said...


Do you realize you have a real, bonafide opportunity to be a real live hero???

Check this out:

The Marketing of “Mental Health” – People who Admit to Having “Mental Health Issues” now Considered Heroes

Anonymous said...

Before RayB called it, I was seeing X heading for the cliff. Thank You X, for the dopamine rush! Mirth is the only thing of value you bring here.

What is your Doctorate in X?

Dr of Antics?

Anonymous said...


I think you are in some serious need of reprogramming.

Please review this and let me know your thoughts. I grew up understanding things much like Russel; but, with mixed perspectives scattered throughout my family.

White Supremacy: Same Dog, Same Tricks-Time to Change the Training | Russell Ellis | TEDxSUNY

I'll keep praying for you supposed Brother,


Anonymous said...

Whose Side Was She On? Biden Called Cheney After Defeat

RayB said...

For very telling evidence as to why the ESTABLISHMENT hates and FEARS Donald Trump, the outsider, watch his Inaugural Address as he promises to restore the POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE:

RayB said...

X, in typical Marxist fashion, wants to 'reprogram' me. It's what Communists specialize in. If Communists can't reprogram you, they will kill you!

X states:


I think you are in some serious need of reprogramming."

Anonymous said...

As Rayb knows and lies about...

"reprograming" is what they do to people when they are pulled out of a cult. I was trying to be helpful.

Once we are “in Christ,” everything changes. We are born again (John 3:3). Our ideas change. Our perspective changes. Our values and actions change to line up with God’s Word. As the Holy Spirit works within us, we find that “the old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). The Christian life is an ongoing series of changes as we grow in knowledge, faith, and holiness (1 Peter 1:16; Hebrews 12:14). We grow in Christ (2 Peter 3:18), and growth requires change.

I long for the day Rayb can be saved and repent of all this foolishness. God is big enough to save him.


RayB said...

X claims:

"Once we are “in Christ,” everything changes. We are born again (John 3:3). Our ideas change. Our perspective changes. Our values and actions change..."

X has obviously been 'born again' by an evil 'spirit' that endorses evil candidates that advocate and legislate the MURDER of INNOCENT BABIES, while promoting the evil LGBTQ+ agenda, along with other Marxist, atheistic, Christ denying ideologies.

This evil spirit has lied to X, allowing him to be deceived into thinking that he is on the side of Christ, when in fact, he is on the side of Satan.

Anonymous said...


Yes, one of your idols with your intention of changing America to a MarXist country.
And, of course, that means you must hate Conservative people who stand for traditional Christian values.
Got it.
Thanks for admitting that.

However...Jesus Christ is The One on the Throne x, not your many idols.

Anonymous said...

"I long for the day Rayb can be saved"

Your idols don't save x. You...or anyone.

RayB already knows the truth that Jesus saves.

It's you with the this reads like you x:
2 Tim 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Your form of "godliness", fraught with idolatry, denies the power of God.
Consider your arrogant unrepentant self turned away.

Anonymous said...

Breitbart—- now there’s a Christian organization

It is frightening where Trump has taken the GOP but it’s more frightening when you realize the groundwork for Trump has been laid out since the 1960’s within the heretical elements of the GOP and supposed “Moral Majority”.

It’s so weird that NOW u seem to all agree your prior votes for Reagan, Dole, Bush I & II and Romney were all dumb votes for deep state operatives and Trump is now supposedly the light out of such deep state. The GOP created Trump and Trump just tapped into the whispered racism and anti-semiticism that’s been the root of GOP power since Nixon’s southern strategy.

The same system is creating a monster of Roman Catholic hate for the US out of Desantis too.

But u all carry on throwing your empty and/misdirected marxist”, libtard, death cult labels around and feeling proud of your idolatry.

I’ll just keep trying harder to get through to you. Jesus will win in the end. Truth prevails.


Anonymous said...

Old Case Over What Bill Clinton Hid in His Sock Drawer Could Unravel FBI's Mar-a-Lago Raid

A new report connects a case involving tapes made by former President Bill Clinton with the FBI’s raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

“Judge’s ruling over audio tapes hidden in Bill Clinton’s sock drawer could significantly impact Donald Trump’s effort to contest FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago,” journalist John Solomon tweeted Thursday.

The ruling involved audio tapes Clinton stashed in a sock drawer that he used for his autobiography and that were also mined by writer Taylor Branch in Branch’s book, “Wrestling History: The Bill Clinton Tapes,” about Clinton, according to CBS.

The tapes became controversial when the watchdog group Judicial Watch went to court to demand the tapes be given to the National Archives and Records Administration, so the American people could hear them.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson rejected the suit in March 2012.

In a report for Just the News, Solomon pointed to a few paragraphs of the 27-page ruling as significant because they indicated a president had wide latitude concerning documents under the Presidential Records Act (PRA).

“Under the statutory scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President’s term and in his sole discretion,” Jackson wrote.

“Since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records,” the judge wrote.

The ruling also indicated seizing such records was not appropriate.

“Because the audiotapes are not physically in the government’s possession, defendant submits that it would be required to seize them directly from President Clinton in order to assume custody and control over them,” Jackson noted. “Defendant considers this to be an ‘extraordinary request’ that is ‘unfounded, contrary to the PRA’s express terms, and contrary to traditional principles of administrative law.’ The Court agrees.”

Anonymous said...

12:09 AM Continued...

So how does that connect to Trump? As Solomon noted, the former president has said records that were seized were both declassified and personal.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said the connection between the cases is profound.

Related... Forget the Trump Nuclear Codes Rumor - Clinton Allegedly Lost Nuclear Codes for Months During Lewinsky Scandal

“The government, the lawyer for the Archives, said, ‘You know what? If documents are in the former President’s hands, where they’re presumptively personal, we just, you know, we presume they’re personal,'” Fitton said, Just the News reported.

“The Justice Department previously had told us in response to a question about Bill Clinton: ‘Tough luck, it’s his.’ But they changed their mind for Donald Trump?” he said. “The law and court decision suggests that Trump is right. And frankly, based on this analysis, Trump should get every single document they took from him back. It’s all personal records.”

As noted by Politico, Fitton felt differently at the time. “We respectfully disagree with the Court,” he said then. “The idea that a president could spirit official recordings and documents out of the White House and that there is nothing that can be legally done about it is a misreading of the Presidential Records Act. It is ironic that a law passed in response to the Nixon tapes controversy would allow Bill Clinton to keep tapes of his official actions secret and unavailable to the American people.”

Kevin Brock, former assistant FBI director for intelligence, said the search warrant used by the FBI was faulty and over broad, according to Just the News.

“Specificity is important in order to protect Fourth Amendment rights from exuberant government overreach designed to find whatever they can,” he said.

The warrant “apparently makes a novel legal assertion that any presidential record kept by a former president is against the law,” Brock said.

“You have to wonder what the other living former presidents think about that. They have the right and, apparently, clear desire to remain silent.”

Source (August 18, 2022)...

Anonymous said...


WoW, that's quite a crusade you signed up for, to keep trying to push the door open that says pull.

You're such an over-the-top narcissist, assuming it's somehow your job to convert people to your politics and surely God needs you for the tough assignments doesn't He since we can't possibly know anything without you, eh?
There's nothing like arrogance to fuel that missionary zeal of yours, now is there? And you're lusting for vindication again...

For your own mental health's sake, how about you get a real faith, a real life, or at least join a lonely hearts club or something, get off the government tit, and quit stalking people, weirdo.

Anonymous said...

Trump lives rent free in poor x's head!!!

And so do we!!! an unrequited love......

Anonymous said...

12:20 pm

Sadly, I fully understand that the thinking "Trump lives rent free" in the heads of bible believing Christians is one of his most enduring seeming qualities to Luciferians.

It really gets to the root of the republican hate. The GOP has become so toxic that the highest esteemed & rewarded personas are those that simply can anger the most of your fellow countryman. No need for experience, integrity, empathy, decency, a clean criminal record, a history of honesty or even religion --- as long as those libtards (anyone not in your white tribe) hate him or her - they're your idol.


Anonymous said...

This is what real data and evidence looks like.

Large-scale study finds COVID patients at higher risk of brain fog and psychosis after two years compared with other respiratory illnesses: Study conducted by Oxford University involved more than 1 million patients Study conducted by Oxford University involved more than 1 million patients

Excerpt: People who have had COVID-19 are facing a higher risk of neurological and psychiatric conditions some two years later as compared with other respiratory illnesses, according to a large-scale study that was published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry.

The study involved 1.28 million patients and was conducted by Oxford University and National Institute for Health and Care Research Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre, making it the biggest of its kind.

Researchers analyzed data on 14 neurological and psychiatric diagnoses using electronic health records and found COVID sufferers had a higher risk of brain fog, dementia and psychosis, along with anxiety and depression, albeit for different lengths of time.

“We found that the risks of post-COVID neurological and psychiatric outcomes follow different trajectories: the risk of cognitive deficit, dementia, psychotic disorder, and epilepsy or seizures remain elevated 2 years after SARS-CoV-2 infection, while the risks of other diagnoses (notably, mood and anxiety disorders) subside after 1-2 months and show no overall excess over the whole 2-year follow-up,” the authors wrote.

Adults aged 64 and under had an increased risk of brain fog, while those aged 65 and older had an increased risk of brain fog, dementia and psychotic disorders.

“These findings are relevant for policy makers involved in anticipating and addressing the health burden of the pandemic, for researchers seeking to identify the mechanisms underpinning brain sequelae of COVID-19, and for patients and clinicians wishing to know the neurological and psychiatric risks following SARS-CoV-2 infections,” the authors wrote.


RayB said...

Being that I haven't heard back from "Linda," I decided to repost my questions to her with one addition. I'm sure she's just busy and will answer ASAP.

Linda said @ 9:02 AM (in part):

"I've heard it preached from the pulpit and have read comments on this blog that one can't be a Christian and be a Democrat."


Some questions for you:

The Democratic Party Platform officially supports Abortion on Demand. They have supported partial birth abortions, whereby, the child's head is emerging from the womb and is murdered while still in the birth canal.

Do you believe a person can be a FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ, born of the Spirit of God, and also support a political group that fights to advance the MURDER of innocent life?

The Democratic Party FULLY supports the anti-Christ LBGTQ+ agenda. Same question; can a person that is truly a Christian support this evil agenda and still be faithful to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?

Looking forward to your SPECIFIC answers Linda.

*Also, "Linda," the Democratic Party OFFICIALLY endorses 'abortion right up until birth,' which encompasses their support for partial-birth abortion. What happens with partial-birth abortion is when the baby's head begins to emerge from the womb, the "Dr." inserts a surgical instrument at the base of the baby's head and severs the the spinal column.

Question for YOU "Linda": Can YOU as a "Christian" vote for Democratic candidates that support this barbarism? YES or NO???

PS: We already know where X stands on this barbarism.

RayB said...

What happened to "Linda?" Has anyone seen "Linda?" ROFL !

I ask a few VERY simple questions, and "Linda" disappears.

Maybe, just maybe, X can step in and answer these simple questions. Because he's "born again," and his "spirit" will certainly have an answer if "Linda" can't seem to find the words to express what "she" feels.

RayB said...

Another quick question for "Linda:"

Death Cult Leader Joe Biden supports the RIGHT of an EIGHT (8) YEAR OLD to make the decision to 'transgender.' Transgendering requires the physical mutilation of the reproductive organs that the child was born with via their CREATOR.

As a "Christian," can YOU vote for a candidate that advocates for the mutilation of the child's reproductive organs? Can YOU vote for a candidate the gives the right to decide to transgender to a CHILD???

X is also invited to give his "spirit led" opinion. I wonder what Satan's position is on this issue?

RayB said...

"... Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." - John 3:3

"That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." - Romans 8:4-7


"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." - I John 4:1

"I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked." Psalm 26:5

Does the SPIRIT of God 'support' the murder of babies in the womb, the evil abomination of the LGBTQ+ agenda, the mutilation of children's reproductive organs, etc., etc.? ALL of this is officially endorsed by the Democratic Party!

RayB said...

More evidence of the utter, evil madness that is the Democratic Party which officially supports this Satanic lunacy:

The Predatory Male Behavior Of So-Called Transgender Women

Anonymous said...

I first thought is that Linda does not camp out at this blog site 24/7 like the resident parasite x. I'd give her more time since you asked, but is it a waste of time anyway?

Honestly, it is a no brainer that to be a Democrat and a Christian (that's a big maybe--I'm giving a teeny tiny bit of room here) that it is as I just wrote. You'd have to put it in that order, being a Democrat ahead of a being a Christian, ahead of having a walk with the Lord, in order to claim that.

And barbaric fits actually, as you called it RayB.

Those wrong priorities are as wrong as what Democrat Christians (again if that's even a thing with such a tall order) claim is wrong with Christians who stand on the right side of the aisle. Not everyone who claims to be, is a Christian, but at least some room on the right's platform to stand there for believers in the Lord, that is not remotely available on the left.
The whole question is about the motive behind standing with or against any platform, is it not?
This is personal ground to stand or fall on. To each their own, because it is each that answers for themselves.
What takes it over the top here is playing amateur providence, the most graphic example being martyr "X", who always makes it his business to be in everyone else's business where the poor fool doesn't even belong. No wonder he can't keep his trap shut to keep from hounding this blog. His whorish need for attention, his obsessive need to dump his anger here (and not righteous at all), and his voracious need for gossip and smear, all seems to be motivation enough for him. That is free speech territory he loves to abuse.
I still say the man is an emotional abuser of others. Too many things add up there because he isn't normal. He's creepy.

Anonymous said...

What the States are trying to do is being stop by activist judges.

Anonymous said...

WOW, the Daily Mail is actually saying "Democrat-led LA"... telling it like is!!! (The TOP story on their UK website today!!!)

Shocking moment mob of looters RANSACK and destroy 7-Eleven store in Democrat-led LA, leaving store worker fearing for his life

More than 100 people descended on the convenience store in Los Angeles, California, on August 15, after blocking the roads

They ransacked the store while shouting at each other, with surveillance footage capturing them throwing items across the counter

One member of staff said that he feared for his life, and put up 'no resistance' to the looters according to the police

LAPD are appealing for anyone with information about the incident to come forward, claiming that those involved had also been driving 'recklessly' before the incident

Anonymous said...

1. 2020 Republicans had no platform other than fealty to Trump. No thanks...don't want another king.

2. Democrats do not "platform" abortion up until birth...that is another Rayb lie:

Fact-checking Pence’s claim on Democrats and abortion ‘up to the moment of birth’: FALSE

3. I agree with the health exception just as the 2000 Republican USSC court did in the Stenberg decision to allow D&X procedures.

Sending a strong message regarding the paramount importance of women's health, the United States Supreme Court in Stenberg v. Carhart held unconstitutional Nebraska's ban on so-called "partial-birth abortion." The Court struck Nebraska's law on two independent grounds, either of which alone would have been sufficient to condemn it: (1) the ban's failure to include a health exception threatened women's health and (2) the ban's language encompasses the most common method of second-trimester abortion, placing a substantial obstacle in the path of women seeking abortions and thereby imposing an "undue burden."

4. There is going to be abortion in the US. Now that Roe has been struck down the regulation of such procedures and access thereto will be regulated by states, the political process AND, in my opinion, the healthcare industry. States rushing in and making this ALL a politial snap decision to ban any and all abortions without common sense exceptions and empathy to families, mothers, women facing difficult choices and decisions relating to their health and the health of their baby (and future potential babies) is foolhardy. They'll be opening the door to a blue wave of full access supporting democrats much furhter left and unwilling to compromise than the common sense democrats of today.

I'm against elective abortions. I support 4-8 week fetal heartbeat legislation with humane and empathetic exceptions and broad protections for healthcare providers. Such laws would also steer very clear of getting into people's/women's/family's family planning birth control decisions. As long as the State isn't codifying the legalization of elective abortions as the republicans did with the Roe decision anymore...that's good enough for me. I'm not in favor of running around criminalizing women and doctors for their judgement calls.

5. As an indenpendent, registered Republican, my votes in the future may or may not change as it relates to these NOW political issues. A vote for Biden in 2020 WAS a vote for overturning Roe as had Trump won --- it never would have happened. Now that Roe is over -- all bets are off but SURELY I would NEVER vote for Trump or other death cult fascists like Desantis, Cruz or Hawley. I'd certainly support Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger in the Republican primary and general election.


Anonymous said...

6. I don't agree with the democrats or republicans when it comes to transgender and LGBTQ-whatever issues and rights. One of the reasons I'm an independent.


Anonymous said...


Nearly half of all immigrants and much more than that among the "asylum seeking" Latin American immigrants rushing the border are Roman Catholic.

Tucker Carlson and other Opus Dei Roman Catholic spokesmen want you to believe it's the democrats flooding the country as part of their ongoing "great replacement" strategy tom make the country less white; but, isn't it much more likely the Opus Dei and Knight of Malta funded Latin America cattle drive of freedom seekers are really intended to pump up the numbers of Roman Catholics in Opus Dei's new America led by an Opus Dei Supreme Court, Opus Dei Presidential hopefuls like Cruz, Hawley and Desantis and even Opus Dei Congress one day as Roman Catholics swell in numbers? They are using your racism against you and it's why the GOP have stonewalled all efforts at immigration reforms since at least the 1990's. It's working for Roman Catholics.

It's the ecumenical GOP running the "great replacement" show.


p.s.- I still see such immigrants with compassion and hope that somehow and someway the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared with them and they are saved by the Holy Spirit and grafted into the Kingdom of God. They are much more likely to hear the Gospel here in the United States than in their home countries torn apart by greed, sin and roman catholic heresy and hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Still Catholic bashing I see, X.

And race baiting.

Very Saul Alinsky of you, oh sower of discord (which GOD hates).

So much for having a heart for the Gospel because your 'gospel' obviously isn't the Lord's.

Anonymous said...

X is a race baiter but those foul diatribes are obviously not his posts (4:41-4:44 PM).

Anonymous said...

Now stop that Ray, Richard and/or the Poet...

Obviously, Rayb and/or his Luciferian Maga Qanon friends are up to their old tricks of impersonating others.

Linda --- you may not be familiar with this tactic here but the downside of using a signature on your posts here is the Luciferians will use it to impersonate you and put filthy words in your mouth. I find it happens more when roman Catholics get called to the carpet for their misdeeds.

It's usually pretty obvious (like these fakes today) and hardly even requires clarity so don't get too upset by it. I know longer feel the need to jump in and distance myself anymore. My honest views and decently expressed opinions I share here have a long history substantially distinct from this filth.


Anonymous said...

Either Richard, RayB, the poet, or that "paul" again.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Postal Service now going into the election fraud business full-time with new division that will “handle” all mail-in ballots

According to The Federalist, the USPS is attempting to ‘address’ the issue of increased mail-in balloting by establishing an entirely new division called Election and Government Services division. The division’s first director is Adrienne E. Marshall, a veteran of the Postal Service.

But here’s where this gets suspicious: “Marc Elias, the Democrat’s foremost lawfare professional and longtime proponent of elections by mail, [tweeted] out his approval,” The Federalist continued.

"The U.S. Postal Service creates a new dedicated division to handle election mail. The Election and Government Mail Services is part of an effort to effectively deliver mail-in ballots to voters and elections offices in advance of the 2022 midterm elections."

Anonymous said...

Berkeley Co-op Bans Whites From Common Areas

Anonymous said...

Hey X can you stand like a man and actually listen to this?
I - we told you so...yet you verbally beat people up here over it day after day.

Can you be a Christian and admit this???

Anonymous said...

Mob of more than 100 White Nationalists loot and destroy 7-Eleven

Craig said...

Kim Iversen: Pandemic Authoritarian Dr. Leana Wen WARNS Others To NOT Be Like Her

Kim Iverson

Anonymous said...

Glad I screenshot all those posts that were completely deleted today. It's gotta be tough for those that weren't logged in to understand when no record remains of any edited or trashed posts. Hopefully, they figure it out in context. I don't suppose it's that hard.


p.s. - Thanks for the Alex Lains link. I checked the 27 year old niave kid out on youtube and despite being an "Ambassador for Turning Point" and having made 100 video ranting about democrats, liberals, doctors and whatever she's not once shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead she rants in the style of a cycling manic bi-polar making little to no real sense while wearing a cross prominently upon her neck. Mrs. Lain's appears to be a non-practicing roman catholic so really we should all be praying for her. Her rant about the vaccine you referred to are stupid. The circumstances have changed, in part, because way too many people neglected to follow guidelines and follow sensible advice. She's complaining about the very few people not getting their jobs back while forgetting about the thousands who died, unnecessarily, while unvaccinated, like my counsin, who listened to such awful fear-mongering disinformation from the anti-vax crowd. They are DEAD because of public poeple like her. If she were my daughter, I'd straighten her out or disown her fame-seeking unpatriotic butt. She's pregnant right now so maybe that explains her anger and fear?

Anonymous said...

Then it will be Jesus to straight you out @ 11:56 PM.
I'm sure Craig's post won't budge your proven wrong attitude and opinion. either.
We told you so, we were right, the CDC has worse than egg on it's face, but your head and heart are granite to receive the truth of that.

I sure wasn't holding my breath waiting for you to admit the real damage, the very unnecessary harm caused by those in authority (in whom you trust) having to admit their grave errors..who abuse (and I'm sure will continue to do so) the people of this country over covid and the vaxx 'solution' to it. Good thing is, we, whom you have tried to demean and disparage, are impervious to the deceptions and revilings you carry on with here.

Anonymous said...

12:50 am

You do realize there is a big difference between a novel virus and an endemic virus, right?

I'm still not sure why you are gloating or think you were so right about with regard to vaccines. Iverson's video was even more confusing and disjointed. Complete lack of understanding about the practice of medicine, epidemiology, vaccinology and viruses

The original SARS virus in 2002 was very lethal but not that contagious. SARS Covid-19 was obviously more contagious but it's mortality rate was unknown as was its mutation rate. NOT trying to stop it from spreading was the correct thing to do at the outset. It didn't work in the US (as it did in other countries) due to irresponsible Governors. Unfortunately, we've learned a hard lesson not listening to our medical professionals.

The Delta variant proved just how lethal this virus could become and Delta was MUCH more transmissible than the original variant. It could have gotten worse and mutated even more deadly. So far it appears we got lucky...just as we did in 2002 with the original SARS disappearing. But at no time were the anti-vaxer's "right". Just because Omicron came along and was much more contagious --- and spread the full Covid virus around "inoculating" everyone making the continuation of mass vaccinations pointless to some extent (with the exception of the elderly and most at risk) doesn't make you right. The current vaccines aren't even that protective against the Omicron variant so that's another reason it's currently unnecessary. The new revised vaccine this fall will protect against omicron as well so I'll be getting that. It remains ignorant to have risked Delta for fear of the vaccines limited mild side effects and who knows where the next mutations will take us and how many times our bodies can deal with full real covid infections over a lifetime. It certainly has made a lot of people here and maga world very mentally ill seeming. Long covid is real and vaccines prevent that as the worse and longer the infection the more risk there is of long covid.

But neither of us are medical doctors so whatever. I've explained all I could and can and offered myself up as a resource time and time again and you continue to pretend the anti-vaxxer's have/had a point in the face of overwhelming evidence the vaccines saved up to 20 million lives. It's nearly September...aren't I supposed to be dead already? I'm not holding MY breath waiting for you to admit you were wrong...again.


Craig said...


The one-word bottom line response to your 3:11 AM re Iverson is: CHOICE. And HYPOCRISY on the part of the totalitarian 'leaders'. The one dish they refuse to eat is crow.

And your "anti-vaxxer" charge is an unnecessary and inaccurate ad hominem, which doesn't help your cause.

Anonymous said...

"Glad I screenshot all those posts that were completely deleted today."

What posts, X? There is no "deleted by author/ administrator" mark anywhere.

What was the content of the mysteriously deleted posts? Or are you making things up as you go along ... as per usual.

Craig said...

Anon 8:34 AM,

I happened to see some of the posts before Rich's deletion. Then I saw them post-deletion, with the usual verbiage you mention (don't recall the specifics); but, this morning I noticed they are completely gone.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

I deleted those posts. If Sybil would like to waste his or her time then do so, it take me less time to press the trash icon than it takes to write that garbage.

Anonymous said...

Who's Sybil?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

8:01 AM

Exactly the point.

I didn't tell people what to do, how to do it about covid--my family and I took reasonable precautions--we were not sick..hardly ever wore a mask except to the nursing home and clinic--didn't argue about wearing a mask, I simply went about my life, I didn't tell people don't vaxx, that's their business, mine was not to. People can make up their own minds.

People like X (just an anon with no authority--about anything--a legend in his own mind shilling for dictators), castigating others for their rightful choice not to vaxx, for taking choices away from people to get treatment by other means (Ivermectin one example), the way this entire covid debacle was handled with his applause and trolling for day and night, while our family member (100 years old) in a nursing home unable to have family come for almost 1 year, was very hard, because of overkill in protocol ($$$), unnecessary, and the aides all knew it too, while he----the "Karen" was especially harsh here in his assessments of how decent people were conducting themselves...and we find out we were correct. The Great Barrington Declaration of learned professionals, was correct (among many others).

The overkill got people killed, injured, their normal lives overturned and completely disrupted, children and families robbed of their livelihoods and opportunities for their own growth and sense of well being--all to satisfy dictators and fearmongers who are control freaks.
The hubris and lack of feeling for others, doing the best with what they knew/know--is damage he should, as a supposed Christian, should have the courage to apologize for now. He won't. He recently went on another rant against RayB about it. The bitter Karen of the blog has no decency whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

The Nanny State, the Police State, are here.

Anonymous said...

Ephesians 5:11
King James Version
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

RayB said...

Does anyone even have a clue as to what 10:10, 10:19 & 11:43 are even talking about?

And by the way 10:10, copy and paste a specific example of my "racism." Otherwise, if you can't, you are nothing other than a liar. (Don't hold your breath folks ... he can't).

RayB said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

12:44 PM,

Hello again, Karen @10:22 AM.

How’s that braincell going? Don’t overwork it now. 😂😂

RayB said...

Another delusional nutcase @ 12:19 PM. The it-thing actually believes he's doxed me. ROFL !!!

When Jimmy Carter closed down most of the insane asylums, this is the type of fruit that resulted by his actions.

Anonymous said...

12:24 PM,

Hello again, Karen @10:22 AM.

How’s that braincell going? Don’t overwork it now. 😂😂

RayB said...

In my opinion, the real X did not post @ 12:18 PM.

Now we have another immature, low IQ clown that is posting under other's screen names.

Somehow, Constance & Rich will have to regulate this. Otherwise, this blog will be toast. Perhaps this is the intent?

Other blogs require the use of a specific, single name along with a password. Personally, I see that as the only solution.

Anonymous said...

Big Pharma, Big Science, Big Woke, Big Education all working against the little man and his right to make his own health choices...

RayB said...

Blah, blah, blah and deflection. ROFL

Anonymous said...


I think you may have conflated several persons that used RayB pseudonyms. I ended up near Albany, NY (Wintervliet, NY to be exact) along the Hudson River which makes more sense. Much more mundane than the Raymond(s) you stumbled upon.

Anonymous said...

Hi 2:06,

A different poster here.

Looking over the prospects,

Do you mean Baggs in the Grotto or Brooks in the Vine?

Anonymous said...

Liberal Bill Maher PRAISES Trump? (Has Hell frozen over yet? LOL)

'It's Tarantino-esque': Bill Maher PRAISES 'Mr. Evil' Trump for purging 'eight of the 10' GOP lawmakers who voted to impeach him - including Liz Cheney - and calls his maneuvering 'impressive'

Bill Maher offered grudging praise for Trump in his show on Friday night

Noted that Trump's purge of political enemies in the GOP has been successful
Of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach, only two will stand for re-election

Rep. Liz Cheney's landslide primary defeat this week was a notable example
'I mean, that's impressive — in an evil way, but still impressive,' said Maher

Anonymous said...

How ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ became code for insulting Joe Biden
October 30, 2021

Anonymous said...

Yes, 3:50 PM,

I once knew a fella who’d be yelling that out of his navy blue Chevy Titan. I told him he should repent.

Anonymous said...

"Thank you, Brandon"

---- > thank you, Brandon is code for the great job Joe Biden is doing restoring our country to pre-trump destruction the best he can.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The atmosphere at this blog has brought this bad behavior of pretense and disingenuous posting out of the woodwork. Thanks for your contribution resident alphabet man and those who use you and others to heap on to that to keep it rancid. You set the's the result.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

5:04 pm

The pictures of the Rayb66 guy in the RV forums is completely different from the Raymond Bassette facebook page (well, his wife's facebook page where pictures of him reside).

There are also no pictures of him/them on any Thor RV home and as an amputee as of December 2017, I have difficulty buying that he waited this long to sell some RV he really can't use.

Further Watervliet, NY is a long way from Hamden, Connecticut

Watervliet Ray does not appear connected in any way to Hamden, Connecticut unless they moved back to his wife's hometown or something after he was injured?

There are lots of racist maga rays out there. haha

Anonymous said...

“There are lots of racist maga *rays* out there. haha”

2 Corinthians 11
King James Version

13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Anonymous said...

Profile in Courage: Marjorie Taylor Green

Marjorie Taylor Green Announces Bill to Ban 'So Called Gender-Affirming Care' for Kids, Calls Out Fellow Republicans

Anonymous said...

How Can Trump Be the Antichrist If He's Fighting Against Evil? | Bible Prophecy, Antichrist 45

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not one of the four FISA warrants obtained by the FBI was legally justified, according to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report. In fact, at least two of the warrant applications to spy on Page were declared illegal by a federal judge. Following Horowitz’s blistering report outlining FBI misconduct throughout the entire operation, another federal judge declared that agency malfeasance “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.”

From really bad gone to much worse now..

Anonymous said...

8:49 Fighting against evil, you say.... looks more like endorsing evil to me

Trump endorses accused pedophile in Florida's 1st Congressional District

Caroline Vakil
Sat, August 20, 2022 at 5:56 PM
Former President Trump said on Saturday he would be endorsing Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) ahead of Florida’s primary next Tuesday.

“@RepMattGaetz is a relentless Fighter for the incredible people of Florida’s 1st Congressional District!” Trump said on his Truth Social.

“Matt is a Champion of our MAGA Agenda, who tirelessly works to Drain the Swamp, Secure the Border, Support our Brave Veterans and Law Enforcement, Defend the Second Amendment, Stand Up to the Woke Mob, and Fight the Never-Ending Witch Hunts from the Radical Left that are destroying our Country!”

Trump’s endorsement of Gaetz was among a few he announced on Saturday, which also included Reps. Neal Dunn (R-Fla.), John Rutherford (R-Fla.) and Scott Franklin (R-Fla.).

Gaetz, who is running for reelection in the state’s 1st Congressional District, has two GOP primary challengers: retired military officer Greg Merk and former FedEx executive Mark Lombardo.

Merk previously ran against Gaetz in the GOP primary in 2020, but overwhelmingly lost to Gaetz, who is a member of the House Freedom Caucus. Gaetz received more than 80 percent of the vote.

Considered a key ally to Trump, Gaetz has been embroiled in an investigation regarding possible sexual relations with a minor and paying for her travel, though Gaetz has denied having done such a thing. The Justice Department is conducting the inquiry."

Anonymous said...

12:37 PM at RayB,

After "X" ramped up the racist talk aimed directly at you which started a while back after his "murderer" labeling-and still fires that one off at you (and others) too from time to time-he has not stopped but increased it to smear you, and that really crap going on made it easy for the 'lyricist' to go another level (going after him and you and paul too) so now this other fool posting the racist garbage has kicked into gear--these people are incorrigible, but I am glad you take it all in stride as rantings of fools because that is exactly what it is. As it's escalated a lot now I see Rich is deleting but I think it is going to go this way from here on.
I just wanted to tell you that I have been glad for your posts, and Craig's too, that refute the nonsense, half truths, full lies, and the excessive gall of such. I think this blog is toast now--but thanks anyway for your contributions. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Trump has been attacked at every turn. I'm sure his lawyer told him to take the 5th. If you were in his shoes and had thousands of people who are out to destroy him and will lie to accomplish there attack .wouldn't you listen to your lawyer. Everything mr. Trump says or does is turn and lied about. Even liz cheney said she will do what ever she has to to see he is never president again, so she vows.

Jill said...

If everything was done above board why did media immediately say no foul play on day 1 they never looked at any allegations they all just said nope nothing to see here. If they would have at least considered the question and looked into it maybe they would be more likely to be believed. You ask for evidence, ok why were Republicans who were suppose to over see and watch the count forced out of the counting centers, why was the counting announced on media the count is being stoped and will start again tomorrow, when in a presidential election has that ever happened. Why was it not looked at. If it's all done properly. You asking for proof doesn't prove your point. I could ask you the same. Show me proof it was all done properly. Also how does a woman like Pelosi who is not well liked in California able to win year after year, well I would suppose we know how now.

Anonymous said...

10:57 pm

December 2020 called -- they want their long debunked false claims back.

Plus -- many contested states did forensic audits and audits on top of audits actually generating real evidence PROVING it was all done properly.

You really should do some research other than infotainment on Fox News.


p.s. - 10:21 pm --- Did you even watch the video they linked today of Ray standing there watching a man beat a woman with a traitor bunker trump flag then attack her and the black man when they tried to defend themselves? They found video evidence of his racism and you STILL defend him and try to gaslight me.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

With all the impersonation and lying on this blog I have zero confidence any of today’s allegations are true. IF it has been reported to law enforcement then time and events will tell. Otherwise it was intended to smear a long time poster.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Rich...but the guy said he did his homework so maybe we give him the benefit of the doubt?

I'm joking ...

but it sure as jack-o-lanterns sounds just like Rayb (I say that while realizing there are millions stuck in the same silos that sound just like that too)

Time will tell. This guy lives 4 hours 20 minutes from me. I like the idea that he might be that near. Maybe I can help him find an appropriate church?

He and his wife might try the Latham Bible Baptist Church. It's 2.8 miles or 6 minutes from his doorstep at 495 Watervliet Shaker Rd., Latham, New York (while knowing better than suggesting Redemption Church a black church 0.2 miles from his door --- just a 4 minute walk)


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

I see more than one profile for a RayB66 — different people. The blog is being played. The early morning posts were intended to make me ban you x. Even Ray came to your defense. From there it moved to an all out attack against Ray still trying to make it look like you. This is the work of the multiple personality poster.

Anonymous said...

@10 PM,

If you watch the video you will see it stands firmly AGAINST Trump and shows he is evil. It’s title is to disprove Trumpers claims that Trump is fighting against evil, when the exact opposite is true.

Please see the video before commenting.

Anonymous said...

Rich in Medford,

I am the one who exposed RayB - who did NOT come to the defense of X at all, but rather sought to cover his own back.

You focus in on the RayB66 information , yet neglect to look at the Ray Bessette in Watervliet information.

I have reported that individual to the NY authorities.

In fact, you, Rich, have sat back and done nothing to defend X over the time you have been the primary administrator of this blog, neither have you rebuked RayB for his all too often racist posts here, or the harsh nature of Craig (who has no better argument than to pull unjustified accusations of, “ad hominem”, “genetic fallacy”, “red herring” , and, “strawman”, out of his half-witted hat.

I am NOT, however, the person who attributed a racist post to X, and the Lord rebuke you for implying so!

So, Rich, if anyone is playing X in this instance, it is you!

If not, why delete the information pertaining to RayB of Watervliet, NY?

Anonymous said...

This blog has been a cesspit for ultra right wing bullies for years.

People who claim to be Christian, yet have no love in their hearts - people who would crucify Jesus Christ if they could - if He were to walk the Earth today - calling Him a communist for healing the sick (without insurance coverage), feeding the poor and standing against the rich and powerful.

What a disgraceful and ungodly crowd of right wing monsters have filled this blog over the years! Rampant with bullies and cowards gathering together to try and tear apart any REAL Christian, such as X (and many before him), because he or she refuses to support the vilest of men such as Donald Trump.

You deleted my post exposing Maga as meaning witch and being a fifth level title in Satanism. Why, Rich? Is your support of Satanic Trump as wicked and blind as that of cruel and mannerless Craig or rabidly racist RayB and his lyricist sidekick?

I have defended X, not attacked him. You should stop trying to gaslight people , Rich, and start to stand up for the poor, the innocent and the persecuted, not pretend one of the vilest posters this blog has ever had, i.e., RayB (and his minions) is now on X’s side.

Trump is of the same evil nature as Adolf Hitler, and yet this blog is swarming with that evil psychopath’s supporters.

Anonymous said...

Thankful for the support and realize I'm hesitant to speak as "they" will just assume we are somehow associated.

It's obvious to me you are NOT the poet/richard multiple personality guy. That chicka hated me.

I haven't seen every post, but enough. Dying to know how you figured it out and how it went from one ray to another ray.

You are also defending Mrs. Cumbey, who has jumped off the Trump cult bandwagon. If she were here regularly they'd be calling her a marxist too.

Did we converse a couple years ago? Are you the professor?

Nice Godly work today.


Anonymous said...

Hi X,

My first posts exposing RayB, albeit my approach at the time was immature, due to utter frustration with his evil behavior towards you, we’re mixtures of wild guesses from the heaps of info I found using his epithet here, and they served my anger (wrongly, at the time) of my wish to psychologically “slap” him. I soon suspected, however, he was Ray Bessette with the help of another anonymous poster here and located him in Watervliet, NY. Thank you so much to that anonymous poster.

God bless you richly, X and guide you in His path of righteousness, may he anoint your head with oil and prepare a table for you, blessing you in the presence of your enemies.

Please don’t fear man, for what can man do to you? You can post here if you wish and if you choose to wipe the dust off your feet, that is acceptable too.

Yes, I would like to see this blog cleaned up from the awful cesspit of right wing extremism and utter wickedness. Sadly, X, I believe we are living in the last days and the Apostasy has certainly arrived in America, where hard hearted beasts gather and call themselves ‘Christian’, but are far from Christ and persecute His followers. Those same hypocrites with hearts as hard and dark as the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah in their love of money and mammon have made a messiah for themselves out of Trump (yes, Orange man utterly wicked, Craig!), who I believe epitomizes everything of the nature of Antichrist, according to the Holy Scriptures. The kind of right wing and evil hearted people following Trump, all to often pretending to be Christians, are no different than those people who cheered for Hitler, and they would kill real Christians thinking they are doing God a favor.

Regarding such posters thinking we are somehow connected, let them think what they like: they shall answer to the Lord God Almighty much sooner than they think.

God bless and protect you, X. You are incredibly courageous and principled. May Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior comfort and guide you.

Anonymous said...

P.S., X at 2 PM,

Thank you for your kind and generous words, brother.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

That should be 2 AM,

Have a good rest.

Good night to you, sir.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

At 12:37 PM RayB said "In my opinion, the real X did not post @ 12:18 PM. Now we have another immature, low IQ clown that is posting under other's screen names."

I stand by my statement that Ray DID defend x.

There are multiple assumptions and false statements in the 1:11 and 1:25 posts. (I expect that to be the same of the barrage of yesterday's posts.)

I don't see X as courageous and principled as X's supporter does. So why expect me to support him? I don't agree with his Opus Dei theory. I don't agree with his abortion statements, etc., etc.

I expressed concern when the evangelicals identified Trump as their Cyrus. X has declared Biden to be his Cyrus. Not much difference there. I view X as a different face of the same coin, his polar opposite being the fascists.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

The other day a poster made this observation which bears repeating.

"Why I wish for a third party of the remnant of us Christians"

In these times shouldn't you be aligned with the Lord looking for His kingdom instead of trying to form your own to suit your so-called christian liking?

You sound very political yourself regarding Christianity.
You easily and very often, get this very thing mixed up....while you condemn others who are doing that (and I agree quite many are) so you are just another version of them.

Anonymous said...

Amen Rich P,
When the Left goes too far left, they become Fascist. When the Right goes too far right, they become Communist.
Both extremes are basically Dictatorships and you really couldn't tell one from the other.

And as far as a Christian Party, forget that idea. Jesus' kingdom is not of this world.

"You therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him that has chosen him to be a soldier." II Timothy 2:3&4.

Anonymous said...

2:00 AM + 2:28 AM

Perfect!!!!!! 180 degree spin. If Anton S. Lavey was still alive, he would want you in his congregation of goats. Your MOST qualified.

Anonymous said...

9:52 AM

Yes you can actually "tell them apart".

I fully agree with you other than that statement.

Anonymous said...

Most Americans Agree The FBI is 'Biden's Personal Gestapo' After Raid On Trump's Mar-A-Lago: Poll

Anonymous said...

What does RayB have to say about all of this?

Anonymous said...

Yes 10:30 AM, I would like to hear his testimony on these accusations?

I hope they are false, I like RayB. He and Craig have been an anchor of sanity against the Ultra Left Wing Marxist X, and now this other raging looney!

Anonymous said...

Everyone here should read the posts @ 2:00AM and 2:28 AM.

These are 'textbook' on the mind set/spirit set, of secular minded religionist 'christians' in these last days!

They will turn you in to the authorities, and comfort and congratulate each other for doing God a favor.

They spin impeccably

Anonymous said...

The Real Globalist 'Mastermind' Behind the Great Reset: 'Prophet' Jacques Attali (Videos)

RayB said...

Anonymous said to X @ 2:28 AM:

"My first posts exposing RayB .... I soon suspected, however, he was Ray Bessette with the help of another anonymous poster here and located him in Watervliet, NY. Thank you so much to that anonymous poster."

NOTE: For the record, I am not the person that has been 'doxxed.' What's really sick about all of this, aside from so much else, is the fact that this Mr. Bessette has been 'identified' as a longtime persona on this blog, a blog of which, no doubt, he has never even heard of!

Doxxing in itself is a form of evil, but when it is done to involve a person that is not a part of all of this, it is peculiarly reckless, and wicked. This entire matter fully illustrates that the 'Anonymous' that did this is driven by a mindless hatred that knows no bounds.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC Tells Viewers 'Civil War Is Here' + Americans Need to 'Prepare for Actual Violence '

Anonymous said...

I think RayB has grounds for legal action.

RayB said...

To Anon @ 10:21 PM ...

Thank you for your kind words. You are correct when you state that I am 'taking this all in stride.' Long ago, I learned the lesson that when you stand for truth, and for the real Christ of the Scriptures, you are going to be hated, and, attacked. It all goes with the territory.

Thanks again. I'm sure Craig as well appreciates your comments.

Anonymous said...

You far-right wing morons have no clue of what the traditional left-right paradigm is at all.

Liberal is now seen as far left - cretins!

I believe in the values of Jesus Christ, who fed the poor, gave to the needy, healed the sick (free of financial obligation), welcomed the stranger, and stood up fiercely against vipers such as yourselves.

Rich in Medford (doubling up as the blog’s racist raving lyricist?), you are either more stupid than I gave you credit for, or are deliberately lying.

The politics of many at this blog mirror those of the Nazis - there is nothing traditionally conservative about you.

You will answer soon to the Lord for having made a golden calf of Trump and followed such a vile and evil man in his march of racist madness.

You are Spiritual Babylon and as far from Jesus Christ as those who “were just following orders” under Hitler.

The Lord Himself will destroy you with the Brightness of His Coming and you shall go to the place where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth for eternity.

Anonymous said...

RayB is silent because he knows I have told the truth and if he returns then I shall have no choice but to inform BLM and others about his antics, so they can help to bring about justice regarding his 6/1/2021 racist and violent behavior.

Anonymous said...

Moreover, the Authorities have been alerted. If I get the notion in any sense he is posting here anonymously, then I shall report this blog too as Exhibit 1.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...


Feeble try. It looks as though you're suffering from a hatred hangover.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure a few folks here wouldn’t want their information and search histories, including their posts here, examined via there IP address history by the powers that be. I bet there are a few domestic terrorists among you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 12:37 PM for your impeccable spin.

You and X make satan proud.

More 'text book' insanity, for followers of Christ to be aware of.

These truly are the last of the last days.

Anonymous said...

X, and insane poster 12:37 PM, tirelessly servin their New Age, NWO, anti-christian, nazi 'jesus'.

RayB said...

Anon @ 12:33 PM ...

Far more than myself, the man that has the foundational grounds for legal action is Mr. Bessette. This reckless "Anonymous" poster has also put Constance, IMO, in serious legal jeopardy because she owns this blog, and the defamation of character, identification of this individual, etc. all appeared on her blog. Rich judiciously acted quickly in removing most of the offensive, false material, but, there still remains libelous information as illustrated by the post by "x" (I believe this is NOT the real X) @12:33 AM, whereby this hate-filled poster actually posts Mr. Bessette's complete home address, including city & state!

If this "Anonymous" thinks that he/she can do all of this under legal cover because he/she identifies as "Anonymous," he/she is sadly mistaken, as their personal identity can easily be found through proper, legal means. And, whether he/she knows it or not, all activity on the internet leaves a digital trail. There is no such thing as anonymity. If a suit were to be filed by Mr. Bessette, obtaining a court order to obtain the real identity of "Anonymous" would be legal child's play.

Constance can verify this to be true; in civil law suits, all feasible parties end up being named in the suit (this would no doubt include Constance Cumbey)! Why? The more pockets there are, the more that the attorney can pick.

IMO, Constance needs to take the proper steps ASAP to ensure the security of this blog. It makes ZERO sense to allow "Anonymous," or anyone else, make serious libelous statements under her ownership of this blog. If it were me, I would shut the entire blog down before I allowed this type of potential legal jeopardy to occur.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

you people blither about IP addresses - i have a blogspot blog also and ytou ANNOT track anyone with that service if they don't give the info themselves.

Ever hear of dynamic iP? these change all the time. services like AOL use them because they have too many clients for the ip addys they have.

your venom and positions are often mutually unbiblical.

as for liberal equal left at this point yes, if by liberal you mean killing babies 9incl. sme propose infanticide up to two years old, at parental discretion for no reason other than convenience) coddling the alphabet soupl perverts, and suchlike.

Trump cannot be the antichrist for the same reason Solana can't be - unless they are able to develop a stasis inductionb system that will last you a few hundred years and come out fine. There are twoo many things overlooked in Daniel and elsewhere that have to happen first. We got anywhere from 50 to 1,000 years to go.

http"//, try that for a while. start with oldest post. I didn't originate this view, Chris White on youtube in how to identify the antichrist and so forth did so, i went looking to see if the four beasts match modern times 9because THREE will be allowed to live on after the fourth is destroyed at the Secon Coming0 yep, we might be the winged lion (LXX lioness) we get out spce capability and satellites wings clipped. But given repentance become human not beastial. Pray WW 3 won't go nuclear.

RayB said...

Keep in mind that this "Anonymous" belongs to the Brother James Key cult. Brother James Key is totally obsessed with his baseless claim that Donald Trump is the Anti-Christ. He has posted numerous videos on his youtube channel, about 95% deal exclusively with Trump.

Brother James Key has a VERY small following. His financial situation is so shaky that he has resorted to starting a GoFundMe account in order to support his cult.
Unfortunately for Brother James Key, his GoFundMe isn't doing very well. If things continue along these lines, poor Brother Key will have to downsize from Big Macs to a regular little hamburger. That may be a good thing though. The good Brother seems to be quite portly (don't bother looking it up ... it means 'short & fat').

Thankfully, there seems to be a very small number of nutcases that are willing to support their false PROFIT & idol.

Anonymous said...

Rich in Medford @12:44 PM,

You’re projecting.

I don’t hate you, but I do hate everything you Reichs-volk stand for that is the antithesis to everything Jesus Christ taught and commands of His followers (not you).

New Age Erikson,

You obviously know nothing about the hacking and retrieving of data from websites, though of course I don’t advocate such. I am concerned, however, that when I inform BLM and other interested groups, someone may try to do just that.

You needn’t worry, apart from your posts here. You have no followers on your “blog” anyway, though I am far from surprised you of all people here follow Trump. What, with your unmarried partner who still hasn’t repented of his Satanism(maga, much?), I’m not surprised Blavatsky’s ideas of a “root race” and earthy “messiah” are attractive to you. After all, Trump has been well promoted by the New Age as a light bearer.

RayB, you don’t convince me. Let’s see if you can convince BLM, etc.

RayB said...

"RayB, you don’t convince me. Let’s see if you can convince BLM, etc."

Threats from an "Anonymous" poster on an internet blog ... I'm actually shaking.

ROFL !!!

And by the way, make sure that I said that I believe BLM to be a domestic, Marxist, Racist, Terrorist group. That should get their attention.

RayB said...

Please, please, please don't accuse me of being a 'racist' for posting this ...

News from the Democratic Death Cult Hell Hole Seattle:


From the article:

We may have the worst story of an innocent person murdered in a progressive city by someone who should have been in jail yet. It's sad that people losing their lives in these progressive cities by repeat offenders isn't rare. Especially, not on the left coast. But here's a guy who was freed on bail EIGHT DAYS EARLIER after the judge made him promise not to commit any more crimes.

He did not keep his promise. Meet Aaron Fulk.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@1:33 PM

The projection is all yours. Your "impeccable research skills" doxed the wrong person and now you threaten to unleash terror.

Christine, you haven't posted for several weeks, have you? Feel free to respond.

RayB said...

I think we have to admit; EVERYTHING under Dear Death Cult Leader Biden is so much BETTER ...

INFLATION BOMB: American Household Spending Over $700 MORE per Month Due to Inflation

The highest inflation in almost 41 years has resulted in American households paying an average of $717 more per month, according to the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Trump did that

Constance Cumbey said...

There are comments on the Inflation Reduction Act. Here is a link to obtain the full text of the act as just signed into law by President Biden.



Constance Cumbey said...

I'm catching up, but given the number of comments, it will take me some time. As regards the first comment about the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit of 1992 (chaired by Maurice Strong) and the followups "Agenda 21" and there after Agenda 2020 and now 2030, I see the attached video is connected to David Icke -- an English New Ager, definitely not Christian (unless he had a secret non-publicized conversion not known to me), and very anti-Semitic. Be cautious of the information on that site. We need to separate the wheat from the chaff!


Constance Cumbey said...

Deception enough to deceive even the very elect. Biden for sure is no angel, BUT Trump's autocratic, cult forming actions are just as bad. I voted for Trump in 2 elections -- never again! I would like to see that courageous woman Liz Cheney succeed in her Great Task campaign. It looks like the Trump cult is very heavy in the comment section of my blog. I am so very sorry to see that. Trump is playing to his base. At any rate, there is no way I can give him a pass for the January 6, 2021 events.


Constance Cumbey said...

I have to reluctantly agree with the poster who wrote that this blog has become a cesspool of right wing extremists.

It was written in scripture of the Godly King Josiah that he walked neither to the left nor to the right but strictly in the way of the Lord. Let us go and do likewise.


RayB said...


How about giving us some SPECIFIC examples of your take on what qualifies as a "cesspool of right wing extremism?"

Any thoughts on left-wing extremism, such as murdering babies?

RayB said...

PS: YOUR "courageous woman Liz Cheney," when given the chance to vote FOR the protection of innocent life by voting against the Democrat's bill to Federally codify abortion, courageously voted "NOT VOTING." Why? Because as her fateful primary approached, she didn't want to offend the pro-abortion DEMOCRATS, whom she encouraged to cross party lines and vote for her in the primary. In a nutshell, courageous Liz put her POLITICAL career ahead of INNOCENT LIFE!

Constance Cumbey said...

To 10:35 pm LIZ CHENEY IS A WISE AND COURAGEOUS WOMAN. Godspeed in her task for which she has taken much personal risk to her and her family.


Craig said...


Good to see you posting comments again. I hope you are either fully recovered from your recent hospital stay or very nearly recovered.

FYI, I'm unable to open the pdf for the Inflation Reduction Act.

Craig said...

Constance (and all),

For the record, I'm hardly part of any "Trump cult" (despite the comments by my 'unfan' anon here who keeps accusing me of such, among other things [where's the proof?]). I see Trump for who he is, and I strongly dislike some of his ad hominem comments against others, his misstatements about others, his egoism, etc. I voted for him because of his policies. Having said that, I DO think he is treated unfairly in many instances, though quite fairly criticized in others. As always, context is key.

Craig said...

RayB @ 1:19 PM,

Though I don’t see adequate evidence to support the notion that Trump is the Antichrist, I don’t think it proper to disparage “Brother James Key” for his presumed financial situation. I’ve no idea why he started a GoFundMe (and I’ve no intention of researching it), but it’s quite unchristian of you to belittle him for presumed financial troubles. You cannot possibly know his personal financial situation. Who knows? Maybe he is unable to work because of some sort of disability, or he lost much of his money supporting someone else in need. Stuff happens.

It’s one thing to disagree with someone, but it’s quite another to engage in ad hominem attacks in your disagreements.

Maybe take a higher road?

Anonymous said...

12:34 PM @ RayB.

This is 10:21. You are welcome. I said that meaning every word and toward Craig and definitely paul, just as much. I appreciate Rich and I think a whole lot of Constance (and pray she is improving).
I have seen the excessiveness in X coming against you (and those others too) and I know that the ridiculousness and unnecessary roughness is trolling behavior from someone who actually thinks it his business to correct you because he is on a crusade to fix you..even advise for a church to attend ha! because he believes you are that person who was wrongly doxxed (shame on that piece of work for doing that and him believing it)--wow is that unspeakably arrogant and cold hearted or what?--no proof whatsoever--just gossip, smear, blindly hating--he's a meddler, an amateur providence, and in my mind even a stalker(s), because doesn't give people any space--pouncing on people--very rudely--certainly doesn't give grace either, as in none!!!
So he has really done a whole lot to set a tone around here - a bad one.
He pulls back the rhetoric just enough to keep from getting deleted because he isn't crude like poet and the other fiend who has gone way out there to be disgusting. I have stood up for X too against the poet garbage. I don't disagree with everything he posts (a whole lot mind you probably 80% but not everything) but his antics ruin civility and meaningful discussion because pulling the identity politics angle obsessively and the TDS crap endlessly, is plain hate and bias. Good people can disagree on some points but the hatefulness and unkindness--he's double ugly there. By some degrees away from poet (who's wretchedly vile) and the miserable fool (off the rails) fighting with Rich right now--but I do think he is incorrigible (terribly proud and self-righteous) from another angle.

It was my post that Rich reposted earlier.

Because it is a nutshell in my understanding and for believers posting here-I don't care what Christian denomination.

After X's comment about a 3rd party (Protestant)--he really has a thing against Catholics doesn't he? And conservative voters who vote from their Bible worldview conscience--I knew (as he had posted that before a while back) his comment told me then-------his politics are out there way ahead of the curve of his 'christianity'----which makes a lousy showing in the things he gets behind to support, and then takes it straight into the ditch in his mistreatment of people and mischaracterizations (extreme) of what people are actually saying here. Putting words in people's mouths so he can accuse us all (wrongfully by and large because the most of people here are just conservative, and not extremists as he always insists and posts that we are -- WRONG!). That post spelled out how a believer should view the current state of the world--this things gonna burn anyway--this world isn't our home... praise the LORD!!!

Inflamed speech from a distinct humanistic narrative, tossing rhetoric around like flaming molotov cocktails against us so to speak.. I think that is a horrible way to be. He's a horrible person for it and relentless doing it - post after post - day in, day out.. GASLIGHTING to the max---yet accuses others...very condemning, condescending, to you, Craig, paul, Rich too, and J, me and others..
So I think X personifies what Rich reposted that I had said, and it explains why he is so toxic.

As an aside, and as I understand it, Fascists and Communists are simply different faces of the same coin..

Anonymous said...

"LIZ CHENEY IS A WISE AND COURAGEOUS WOMAN. Godspeed in her task for which she has taken much personal risk to her and her family.


3:43 PM"

Oh man, do I beg to differ. I'm sorry --but she has changed her christian stances to unbiblical ones. And I guarantee you, she has hurt us here in our State..and enriched herself greatly while doing so. I think she should have let some things run their course and we would all know what did and didn't happen on Jan 6th, and to the election in 2020 because the partisanship of hatred has blurred every single line of it. I voted for President Trump 2x too. I am not so sure of a 3rd time--and truth be known, I don't think there will be a 3rd time anyway, because America's election system is broken and our borders are trashed. And Soros open society agenda has nearly finished the work it set out to do...
Here comes the Great Reset.
I honestly think that is what we should be talking about--American politics is going to seed--the good the bad and the ugly of it all--all the other topics and people you've been researching all these years are converging now anyhow in what is coming down the pike and immediately ahead of us.
Check out Yuval Noah Harari, Constance. (Klaus Schwab's spiritual guide and global influencer)
He speaks words of the antichrist spirit -- "great swelling words against God" and it'll curl your hair........

Anonymous said...

"I voted for him because of his policies. Having said that, I DO think he is treated unfairly in many instances, though quite fairly criticized in others. As always, context is key."

Same here..context!!..and my bet a share of others here, too. A vocal few (might be q for all I know and I don't care-they marginalize themselves in my estimation) do not speak for the whole of Conservatives.

The lumping clumping attitude of most of DC and Never Trumps are very often too biased--the lumpers (on both sides of the aisle) only go by their way or the highway..and no way to treat people who only want to stand for what they believe is right--not a personality. The whole of politics thing is basically a morass......muddied waters.

Besides, if people are honest about it, there are plenty of cult personalities all across the political spectrum.

Anonymous said...

Constance's hair is already curled, and she intends to keep it that way it appears.

Anonymous said...

Constance will not answer your valid questions RayB. Has she ever? She is fully committed to the left hand path. If there are any cultists here, they follow The Cult Of Cumbey. The idolatry here for this enemy of Christ is staggering!

RayB said...


I wasn't "belittling him for his financial troubles" in the slightest.

The point I was making is that he is attempting to finance his 'ministry' by starting up HIS OWN GoFundMe account. No one did this on his behalf; he did it for himself! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that GoFundMe was designed as a means to help people that are truly in need.

If God is really behind this man's ministry, I don't think he would need to beg for funds via a GoFundMe account. In contrast, no Christian was ever busier than the Apostle Paul, yet Paul earned money by being a tent maker.

Check Key out for yourself. He has literally built a small cult of followers around the unfounded theory that Donald Trump is the Anti-Christ. Prior to the 2020 election, he falsely promised that Trump would be 're-elected' because of his belief that he was the AC.

I don't think it is "unchristian" at all to point out obvious false prophets, etc.

RayB said...

Anon @ 7:05 PM ...

Experience tells me that you are right.

I posted those questions fully expecting that I would not receive direct and specific answers.

My opinion is that Liz Cheney is far from a "courageous woman," she is a political coward, as illustrated by her self-serving "NOT VOTING" for INNOCENT LIFE when she had the chance. Adam Kinzinger did vote with the Death Cult Democrats to Federally codify abortion. Both Kinzinger and Cheney voted to Federally codify Homosexual marriage as well.

Anonymous said...
How low would the FBI go?
She would know something about that...

Trust God...not the government.

Anonymous said...

Rich said: I expressed concern when the evangelicals identified Trump as their Cyrus. X has declared Biden to be his Cyrus. Not much difference there. I view X as a different face of the same coin, his polar opposite being the fascists.

But I'm not a different face of the same coin in that they were serious about their Trump=Cyrus claims while I was merely mocking the ridiculousness of the claim (for the purposes of teaching).

Further, while I might wish for a third much more protestant political party...I'm not out organizing it, attending parades, donating money, blindly supporting candidates with lies upon lies or instigating fights in public squares like some kind of Ray Bessette of Wintervliet, NY.

I also have never denied you can be a republican or a democrat and still be a Christian. When politics come before the Gospel or think God sent us Trump (but not Biden), THEN you've gone to far into politics. I just think you confuse my teaching by example, sometimes using absurdity, with conviction for democrats, Biden and politics. Again...I'm an independent, registered republican that will NEVER support traitors like bunker Trump and other new age opus dei promoted ecumenicals.


p.s. - Ray Bassette, if you are really here, did you try that church I recommended? Whether or not he's the Rayb that posts here, exposing him and reporting his violent actions to the Albany District Attorney is our civic duty no matter how anonymous ended up stumbling upon the man. Even though he's a Maga republican, the rule of law still applies to him. I'm not shocked some people rushed to his defense.

Anonymous said...

Rayb said I don't think it is "unchristian" at all to point out obvious false prophets, etc.

Unless those prophets are associated with Maga and Trump that is. False teachers like Paula White, Norman Vincent Peale, Pat Buchanon, Jeffers, Greg Locke, and all those MAGA NAR prosperity gospel hacks get a pass -- as long as they remain in fealty to Trump.


Anonymous said...

X, doesn't have a humble bone in his body.

The Lord will deal with you X, in His time.

RayB said...

Re: Donald Trump

I voted for Trump twice, due entirely to his stand on the issues. In the past, I have enumerated specifically what those issues were, so I won't bother with that again.

I NEVER looked to Trump as being some type of "messiah," or Cyrus, etc. Not only that, I do not know a single person that did! Furthermore, I don't a single CHRISTIAN that followed Q-Anon, including myself.

Yet, Constance continues to broadly paint all Trump supporters as members of her imagined CULT!

Just when you think it can't get any worse, Constance has taken her radical hyperbole to a new, even lower level; in her opinion, "right wingers" on this blog are so low that we've turned her blog into a "cess pool."

Seriously folks. You simply cannot make this type of craziness up!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Cumbey said: Deception enough to deceive even the very elect. Biden for sure is no angel, BUT Trump's autocratic, cult forming actions are just as bad. I voted for Trump in 2 elections -- never again! I would like to see that courageous woman Liz Cheney succeed in her Great Task campaign. It looks like the Trump cult is very heavy in the comment section of my blog. I am so very sorry to see that. Trump is playing to his base. At any rate, there is no way I can give him a pass for the January 6, 2021 events.


I like Adam Kinzinger but unless there is a new protestant political party they will never get the nod through republican primaries. You can't get more conservative than Adam and/or Liz and they were both essentially booted.

Maybe Adam will run for Senate in Illinois next go around. Maga will likely still primary him out and then lose the seat with some freaky MAGA cult person without any shot in Illinois but we shall see.

Do you think any of the MAGA-cult candidates stand a chance over there in Michigan? Tuder Dixon, seriously?


Anonymous said...

The Cult of Cumbey - What Constance Thinks!

Anonymous said...

Rayb said: If God is really behind this man's ministry, I don't think he would need to beg for funds via a GoFundMe account.

Prosperity Gospel much?

Why don't you plant a seed?


Anonymous said...

Her opinion is anti-christian. She runs with open arms to the greatest evil. Until Christ returns, secular decisions will always be the lesser of two evils!

I have been on this blog for as long as anyone here. I have always felt Constance was off base. It seems to be getting much worse with age.

Very sad.

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