Monday, August 08, 2022

Human Digital Twins

by Richard Peterson 

Earlier this year I read a news article which reported on the European Union’s plans to construct a full digital replica of the Earth to be completed by 2030. The replica incorporates a technology called digital twins which essentially is a virtual copy of any object. One may think of these objects primarily as a noun:  a person, place, or thing.

As I read the article, I recalled World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab’s words that in the near future we should expect a fusion between our technological and biological worlds.

Digital twin technology is commonly used in manufacturing facilities. Take, for example, a cutting machine which has been fitted with sensors that continually feeds data to a target computer. The target computer creates a virtual copy of its source whereby, over time, the replica is able to predict what impact different variables (e.g., speed of operation, material types cut, maintenance schedule, etc.) would have on the machine. Digital twin technology helps to anticipate the behavior of the cutting machine and helps prevent issues related to malfunctions.

A great deal of literature exists which proposes extending digital twin technology to humans. The sensors discussed range from eyeglasses which interact with the Metaverse to cell phones, and, ultimately, sensors embedded within the human body. The World Economic Forum expects digital twin technology will extend to humans.  What if salvation of the earth includes making every human on earth an input?

A digital profile of you most likely exists today. Have you ever questioned why, after conducting online research for a product – a lawn mower for example – that over the next several days lawn mower ads fill your browser? Or perhaps wondered if Seri had eavesdropped on your conversation because ads related to something you had just discussed begin to appear in your online feeds? Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Should we find this to be invasive we are able to turn off our computers and put down our phones.

Back in April I had expressed concerns about human digital twinning in a blog post which I did not publish. Later that July I reconsidered posting it as I read the World Economic Forum had partnered with China to digitally transform the world’s cities through use of digital twin technology.

Then last week this article – Biology meets AI – reminded me of the direction digital twin technology appears to be headed.  (The World Economic Forum’s session the article refers to may be found here along with news coverage here.) 

Since digital twin technology continues to appear in my news feeds, I decided to publish the piece I originally wrote on the EU’s Destination Earth:

Destination Earth & the Human Digital Twin

 I recently noticed a news article which sparked my attention:  EU to develop a digital twin of Earth to better predict climate impact.  The same was reported by the World Economic Forum a year ago.  The mention that human activity would be a data input raised in my mind some questions.

Since I work in the field of information technology, I am familiar with the digital twin as it pertains to manufacturing machinery. A digital twin may be thought of as a virtualization of a real world physical object. IBM describes the digital twin as such:


“A digital twin is a virtual model designed to accurately reflect a physical object. The object being studied — for example, a wind turbine — is outfitted with various sensors related to vital areas of functionality. These sensors produce data about different aspects of the physical object’s performance, such as energy output, temperature, weather conditions and more. This data is then relayed to a processing system and applied to the digital copy.”  

“Once informed with such data, the virtual model can be used to run simulations, study performance issues and generate possible improvements, all with the goal of generating valuable insights — which can then be applied back to the original physical object.”


Another area where the utilization of digital twin technology is useful is in health care where medical professionals have the ability to monitor patients’ implanted devices and take early action should the digital twin alert them of a potential issue.


What if this technology were to be extended to humans making our virtual selves inputs for other twins?  To a degree, this is already happening absent the biometric unique identifier - yet.


Futurist Jan Amkreutz in his book Digital Spirit writes extensively about the human digital twin and how its use will develop a collective consciousness and advance human evolution. 

Amkreutz’s “writes that the sensory interface between humans and their digital twins will be one which eliminates devices (p. 178) and also:


                The meaning of technology that connects human thought and digital knowledge, or the physical me and my DT [digital twin], on a higher level of understanding goes deeper than mere 'convenience', because ultimately this type of research will lead to a seamless connection of human thinking and digeality. The most 'user-friendly' computer interface is no interface at all. We are working to do just that…” (p. 329)


And again:


             Finally, biological evolution created a species that could manipulate its environment and had some rational faculties, and now the cutting edge of evolution actually changed from biological evolution into something carried out by one of its own creations, Homo sapiens, and is represented by technology. In the next epoch this species that ushered in its own evolutionary process - that is, its own cultural and technological evolution, as no other species has - will combine with its own creation and will merge with its technology. At some level that's already happening, even if most of us don't necessarily have them yet inside our bodies and brains, since we're very intimate with the technology - it's in our pockets. We've certainly expanded the power of the mind of the human civilization through the power of its technology. We are entering a new era. I call it "the Singularity." It's a merger between human intelligence and machine intelligence that is going to create something bigger than itself. It's the cutting edge of evolution on our planet.” (p. 377)


Amkreutz book, whether or not he intended it, issues a warning:


“Digitally controlled 'smart' weapons and digitally guided weapon carriers will know and recognize their trajectories and their targets. . .Digital algorithm, the products of simulation and programming, will make the need for human judgment on the battlefield the exception rather than the rule. That would leave the war in the hands of a few human conductors of an orchestra of digital twins. No logistics for the physical movement of troops, no supply lines to protect: just a clean 'surgical procedure that eliminates the enemy. What happens, however, when the enemy has the same digital capability? Where are the living soldiers to eliminate? Who is the enemy? Civilians that have the wrong mindset?” (p. 386)

 I expect what I view as a warning may be another person’s positive.

 How close are digital twins to becoming reality? The World Economic Forum envisions a fusion between the digital and biological worlds. The WEF is working with China to help with the urban transformation of cities, i.e., smart cities.   One of the more overt portrayals of the human digital twin originates from China’s Anyang Institute of Technology which closely resembles Jan Amkreutz writings of the Digital Spirit.

 The European Commission indicates that Destination Earth or DestinE  is the product of two initiatives, the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy: 


Destination Earth is at the crossroads between two major European endeavours: the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy. The initiative will contribute to achieving the objectives of the twin transition, green and digital.”

 A component of the Commission’s Digital Strategy is to establish a personal digital twin for every European citizen.  An attendee (by invitation only) of the Commission-organized workshop – MyDigitalTwin: Trusted Personal Digital Twins in a Transformed Society – summarized outcomes which include:


“Personal Digital Twins are seen as providing a new technological edge by creating a digital alter-ego to all citizens, the ‘other digital me’.”


“PDTs are also considered instrumental in the fostering of Smart Cities and Local Digital Twins (usually clusters of DT mirroring a specific, local, reality).”


“The EU Next Generation and the Green/Digital Transition Strategies: data and their leverage both by institutions and single citizens are a must to support the transition.”

One aspect of the human digital twin is a relationship between self-measurement and social credit score systems. 

In the EU there exists a carbon reduction app which rewards citizens for behavior modification. The EU is known for its “carrot and stick” approach. What happens as people decide to opt out of digitization? What happens as the digital twinning of humans goes global?


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J said...

Just for the sake of clarification, I wasn't studying white nationalism per se, just Christian Nationalism.

Surveys show that the more people read their Bibles and attend church, the more their Christian Nationalist beliefs go down, not up. Christians who don't read their Bibles and attend church infrequently or not at all, have higher Christian Nationalist beliefs.

But reading the Bible more and attending church more are associated with MORE gender and sexual "traditionalism", not less. (I.e. it doesn't look like women Methodist ministers wearing rainbow garb to signify solidarity with the LGBTQ+ movement.)

Attitudes toward racial issues and immigration diverge from Christian Nationalism the more Bible reading and the more church attendance.

I know this raises a lot of questions, questions I probably can't answer. I've only begun to research it.

This is about as much as I can muster to contribute today.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:16 PM

The word humbly and x in the same sentence...LoL... That's comical!

Anonymous said...


Yes, J … Christian Nationalism not white nationalism.

I did not mean to conflate the two in my question to u as a trick or anything passive aggressive. They can be interrelated but I should have read more carefully what you expressed looking into. (I’m on my phone in Central America with spotty internet)

Your church attendance stats may depend a little on which church members are questioned but generally I think it’s pretty obvious that not a whole lot of Bible believing church attending Christians attended Trump rallies or participated in Jan 6. They might attend Doug Wilson’s “misogyny & rebellion now” church in Idaho but that’s not providing much counterbalance to crazy Maga thinking.


Anonymous said...


You still don’t get the joke, do you?


Anonymous said...

Your pretend life is the joke, Mr 'runs a business' yet haunts a blog.
Trolls gonna.......

Anonymous said...

Jetsetting international X has to keep checking in?

So anonymous, so busy-busy, but he needs to tell people where he is?

Narcissist behavior of someone who thinks we "need" him.
Calling in from Troll International is strange and comical both!

But what the heck, he is Superman LOL

Anonymous said...

No raid on Hillary Clinton though............

Anonymous said...

5:42 pm

It’s a testament to my level of care for any of my brothers and sisters that may be caught up in Maga Qanon heresies.

The last few days have been too amazing to miss. I’ve prayed for awakening. I’m not gonna pretend that J and Linda and out anon friend are totally on board with my position but, I’ve said this before, peel away the Trump/Maga fog and the path corrections become obvious.

I will reread this all next week when I get home and on my computer where I’m much more comfortable participating. I share my location just to excuse my lack and depth of participation. That’s all.

Being here reminds me how blessed we all are to be Americans.


Anonymous said...

July jobs report more than doubles expectations coming in at 528,000

Thank you, Biden

Anonymous said...

"my level of care for any of my brothers and sisters"
If you have to keep saying that to convince people then you aren't doing that.

Anonymous said...

Spooky Deep State planning Halloween 'set up'??? (The better to manipulate the Mid-term elections in November, my dear...)

It’s all RIGGED beyond imagination: Deep state pushing for “blood in the streets” across America before Halloween – DON’T FALL FOR IT

Anonymous said...

X at 7:36 PM

Actually, the only 'heresies' I see on this blog are coming from YOU, X!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds right to me.

Anonymous said...


Please watch this:

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Graham has hit rock bottom. Rock bottom is the sad term AA uses for the spot where people can drink too much have to find themselves before they can help themselves, or be helped, but there is no cure for what has sunk Lindsey Graham to his very own very dangerous rock bottom. Rockbottom it’s very dangerous for people addicted to drugs and alcohol, so dangerous that that’s where some of them die. In Lindsey Graham’s rock bottom he is threatening the deaths of others. Senator Lindsey Graham did what no senator in our lifetimes has done … [he] said something this weekend that you’ve never heard another United States Senator say… something that no other senator has ever said in the history of the United States Senate. Lindsey Graham actually said if you prosecute a friend of mine, there’ll be riots in the streets. Those were his words, there’ll be riots in the streets… [repeating], there literally will be riots in the street. No senator… in history has ever predicted or threatened riots in the streets if a friend of that Senator was prosecuted. The so-called friend in this case is Donald Trump, who is an actual friend to know one as Lindsey Graham so tragically knows.

No sanatorium history has ever said no senator in history ha[d] ever said [before Graham], “if the most popular member of my party is prosecuted, there will be riots in the streets”. Lindsey Graham is what Winston Churchill would call a Quisling. it’s one of those words you don’t need to find the first time you hear it … it’s a word that sounds exactly like what it means... a collaborator with an enemy of your country.

Vidkun Quisling was a Norwegian politician who collaborated with the Nazis when they invaded his country in World War II. The most prominent early use of the word quisling in The United States was when Britain’s prime minister Winston Churchill addressed a joint session of Congress after The United States joined the fighting in World War II. Churchill said, “… there burns of the flame of anger against the brutal corrupt invader and still more fiercely burn the fires of hatred and contempt for the filthy Quislings whom he has suborned [e.g., RayB and co.].

No one has been more suborned by Donald Trump, after Donald Trump’s invasion of the Republican Party, than Lindsey Graham.

Understand how low Lindsey Graham’s rock bottom is tonight; remember where Lindsey Graham stood when he was running against Donald Trump for President in 2016 [Lindsey Graham said]: “he’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious [Satanic] bigot. He doesn’t represent my party …” .

Even after Lindsey Graham dropped out of the presidential campaign before a single vote was cast in a single primary, he still attacked Donald Trump, saying, “if we nominate Trump we will get destroyed… And we will deserve it.“

Trump was an invader in every classic sense of the Republican Party and Lindsey Graham was right that Donald Trump did not represent what the Republican party had publicly represented before the Trump campaign, but Donald Trump crushed every Republican in his way, and then there were no Republicans in his way, because the last ones standing on his way, Senator Rafael Cruz, and Senator Lindsey Graham lived in fear of Donald Trump’s power over their voters in their states. Senators like Lindsey Graham knew Donald Trump had the power to take their seats away by backing a Republican candidate to run against them in their states…

More here:

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Graham has hit rock bottom. Rock bottom is the sad term AA uses for the spot where people who drink too much have to find themselves before they can help themselves, or be helped, but there is no cure for what has sunk Lindsey Graham to his very own very dangerous rock bottom. Rockbottom is very dangerous for people addicted to drugs and alcohol, so dangerous that that’s where some of them die. In Lindsey Graham’s rock bottom he is threatening the deaths of others. Senator Lindsey Graham did what no senator in our lifetimes has done … [he] said something this weekend that you’ve never heard another United States Senator say… something that no other senator has ever said in the history of the United States Senate. Lindsey Graham actually said, “if you prosecute a friend of mine, there’ll be riots in the streets”. Those were his words, there’ll be riots in the streets… [repeating], “there literally will be riots in the street”. No senator… in history has ever predicted or threatened riots in the streets if a friend of that Senator was prosecuted. The so-called friend in this case is Donald Trump, who is an actual friend to know one as Lindsey Graham so tragically knows.

No senator in history ha[d] ever said [before Graham], “if the most popular member of my party is prosecuted, there will be riots in the streets”. Lindsey Graham is what Winston Churchill would call a Quisling. it’s one of those words you don’t need to find the first time you hear it … it’s a word that sounds exactly like what it means... a collaborator with an enemy of your country.

Vidkun Quisling was a Norwegian politician who collaborated with the Nazis when they invaded his country in World War II. The most prominent early use of the word quisling in The United States was when Britain’s prime minister Winston Churchill addressed a joint session of Congress after The United States joined the fighting in World War II. Churchill said, “… there burns of the flame of anger against the brutal corrupt invader and still more fiercely burn the fires of hatred and contempt for the filthy Quislings whom he has suborned [e.g., RayB and co.].

No one has been more suborned by Donald Trump, after Donald Trump’s invasion of the Republican Party, than Lindsey Graham.

Understand how low Lindsey Graham’s rock bottom is tonight; remember where Lindsey Graham stood when he was running against Donald Trump for President in 2016 [Lindsey Graham said]: “he’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious [Satanic] bigot. He doesn’t represent my party …” .

Even after Lindsey Graham dropped out of the presidential campaign before a single vote was cast in a single primary, he still attacked Donald Trump, saying, “if we nominate Trump we will get destroyed… And we will deserve it.“

Trump was an invader in every classic sense of the Republican Party and Lindsey Graham was right that Donald Trump did not represent what the Republican party had publicly represented before the Trump campaign, but Donald Trump crushed every Republican in his way, and then there were no Republicans in his way, because the last ones standing on his way, Senator Rafael Cruz, and Senator Lindsey Graham lived in fear of Donald Trump’s power over their voters in their states. Senators like Lindsey Graham knew Donald Trump had the power to take their seats away by backing a Republican candidate to run against them in their states…

More here:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous11:40 PM
X at 7:36 PM

Actually, the only 'heresies' I see on this blog are coming from YOU, X!!!

You say you see, 11:40 PM, yet you are blind and beggared, poor of love and compassion, unable and unwilling to see the Truth. That’s why God has given you over to your fascist lusts and He has sent a great delusion upon you… and as you and your ilk run blindly after that blind beggar and and schemer of old, your Pharaoh, Donald J. Trump, all of you shall fall into the ditch and be swallowed up in a sea of forgetfulness - a sea of fire, from which there will be no respite for you for eternity, from which you shall persecute the saints no more. Repent, sinner, for why will you perish, oh worm!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous11:40 PM, spat the cited vitriol:
“X at 7:36 PM

Actually, the only 'heresies' I see on this blog are coming from YOU, X!!!”

You say you see, 11:40 PM, yet you are blind and beggared, poor of love and compassion, unable and unwilling to see the Truth. That’s why God has given you over to your fascist lusts and He has sent a great delusion upon you… and as you and your ilk run blindly after that blind beggar and schemer of old, your Pharaoh, Donald J. Trump, all of you shall fall into the ditch and be swallowed up in a sea of forgetfulness - a sea of fire, from which there will be no respite for you for eternity, from which you shall persecute the saints no more. Repent, sinner, for why will you perish, oh worm!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous1:45 AM,

You know nothing of God, for you are of your father, the Devil and it is he you obey. You are merciless, callous, deceitful and full of murder in your heart, especially against the saints, of which true saints J, X, Linda and Constance are.

Yet time is short, and sure, you may have your time along with the Antichrist to put to corporeal death the saints and then gloat over the dead bodies of the saints for which you will be held accountable, thinking you are doing God a favor, yet on the Day of Judgment you will have to bow before those saints and acknowledge your wrong, before being told by Jesus Christ, “depart from Me, you worker of iniquity, to the fire prepared for the Devil and his demons, I never knew you”. Then, your soul shall be thrown into that Pit - where you shall wail and gnash your teeth as you are consumed and tormented by the Flame for eternity.

Repent, lest the Lord come upon you and there be none to deliver you from His Righteous Wrath and vengeance!

Anonymous said...

X humbly explained at 7:36 PM,

“It’s a testament to my level of care for any of my brothers and sisters that may be caught up in Maga Qanon heresies.”

To the narcissistic anonymous troll(s) at 4:09 PM; 5:42 PM; 11:26 PM, I direct you to the rebuke and warning I have just delivered to 11:40 PM and 1:45 AM.

Repent, before it is too late for you, oh children of Satan and persecutors of the saints!

Or the Lord Himself will destroy you with the Brightness of His Coming!

RayB said...

What Could Go Wrong? New Booster Shots Will Be Released Before Human Trials Are Complete

"Considering the lack of danger coming from the Omicron variant of Covid-19, it seems ludicrous that they're rushing the new jabs out. There's a far different agenda at play than what they're saying."

PS: A friend of mine, completely vaxxed and up to date on all available booster shots, has been "very sick" for 3 days now. And yes, he tested POSITIVE for COVID-19 ... his second time!

Remember when Death Cult Dear Leader PROMISED: "If you get the shot, you CANNOT get COVID?"

Anonymous said...


As you are aware and continue to insist upon lying about… when Biden made that comment in June or July 2021, breakthrough infections were an uncommon thing as of yet. Our hospitals were brimming, especially in Florida and throughout many Red states and counties with unvaccinated patients extremely sick and dying from Covid infections. What Biden was saying was reasonable for a politician to say. He’s not a doctor so no one should expect complete accuracy as even our medical experts were learning on the fly. It’s a novel virus. Hopefully thousands heeded Biden’s great advice at the time and got vaccinated. He probably saved thousands if not hundreds of thousands of lives by stating such emphatically even if it wasn’t completely medically accurate.

Such advice was also light years better than Trump and Desantis’s covid blunders and misstatements which killed hundreds of thousands of more Americans than otherwise might have perished had a more intelligent careful leader been in place.

I also love your likely made up anecdotal stories of friends. Your vaccinated friend got covid. So what, he ain’t dead, right? Plus the prior vaccines aren’t effective much at preventing omicron infections which is why the new omicron booster is so important.

20 million lives saved by covid vaccines despite RayB’s murderous attempt to spread misinformation and kill the Ill informed and naive.


Anonymous said...

RayB is up to his same old tricks without skipping a beat.

RayB said...


I respect your right to voice your opinion, even though we disagree.

Anonymous said...

Keep on keeping on and thanks, RayB!

Anonymous said...

8:45 AM
LOL on your so 'biblical' defense of the indefensible methods of "teacher"!

Yall, too much...

But have a nice life.

Anonymous said...

Trump Calls For 'New Election Immediately' After FBI Admits To Hiding Hunter Laptop Story, Interfering In 2020 Race

Anonymous said...

The Real IRS Hunt

Anonymous said...

RayB, True respect would be an apology to Constance Cumbey and others you've bullied and belittled.

Anonymous said...

Heavily armed Antifa militants 'stand guard' outside Texas 'kid friendly' drag show

Anonymous said...

Inflation Reduction & "Green" Banking with Catherine Austin Fitts

Anonymous said...

WEF Proposes Sound Waves For Mind Control In 2018, Then Deletes Their Page


Anonymous said...

Trump Explicitly Promotes QAnon Conspiracy Theories On Truth Social

Anonymous said...

X needs to apologize. To this blog for his flame throwing accusations and to Constance for disrespecting her blog by coming her making it his own space to spout his talking points about Trump/Trump voter hate, to the exclusion of all the research topics she has been faithfully warning about for decades and he blows it all off like nothing so he can keep trying to berate the blog into believing his agenda -- *leftist *humanist *globalist agendas.

Anonymous said...

This explains a lot looking back now..

Anonymous said...

The mechanism by which the middle class will be destroyed.;XQ

A strong middle class is a threat to our slave masters. There can only be two classes of people in the Beast System. The elite, and their servants. It's in your face, you cannot miss it! Compliance will be enforced.

Anonymous said...

Christ casting out the moneychangers is prophetic.

Anonymous said...

The animus in that snarl...

RayB said...

Watch: Reporter Asks White House "How Come Migrants Are Allowed In Unvaxx'd, But World-Class Tennis Players Aren't?"

From the article (also, you can watch the exchange on the video):

"Jean-Pierre also stated that migrants coming into the U.S. and visitors to the country are “two different things”.

Peter Doocy followed up, asking “Somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane, you say that’s not okay. Somebody walks into Texas or Arizona unvaccinated, they’re allowed to stay?”

“That’s not how it works. It’s not like someone walks over,” Jean-Pierre replied.

“That’s exactly what is happening!” Doocy shot back, urging that “Thousands of people are walking in a day. Some of them turn themselves over. Some of them are caught. Tens of thousands a week are not. That is what is happening.”

NOTE: With the Biden/Harris administration, hypocrisy knows no bounds!

Anonymous said...

Very noticeable that there is never a word spoken here about the utter hypocrisy of all that from Mr Mask Up-Lock Up-Vaxx Up (or else I blame you and call you a murderer), blog monitor wannabe.

Proud and phony to the gills, just like this Administration he voted for.

Anonymous said...


Red herring.

Comparing and conflating the private business enterprise world tennis tour and it’s players association with the us government is completely disingenuous.

Another example of summit news stupidity (as well as the stupidity of anyone that links from that disinformation website)


RayB said...

Tucker Carlson: Things are falling apart every quickly

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 9:42 PM

Hard to witness but true because
what is going on there is coming here too...
It feels here in America like the wheels are coming off, to me, and no help on the way.
Armed Antifa guarding Drag Queens in Texas, at a brewery, putting on a show for children tells me the crumble is crumbling faster every day, all while the middle class is being gutted.
The Biden Administration is seeing to it.

God help us.

Anonymous said...

People here keep blaming the "The Biden Administration"

Wanna make a bet that the 'Big Guy' is Obammy?

Anonymous said...

11:27 PM

True. Biden is the face of it..but behind it all is Obama and Zoros..and other assorted globalists..and we know most of their names, they're all on the same page, ready for Reset. Take down America, the last vestiges of sovereignty as our freedoms are in shreds now. Freedoms turned into license, so in that weakened compromised state, huge controls have been placed to ensnare us.

J said...

News is starting to come out about a CNP plot to keep Trump president in 2020 and form a new, alternative NWO comprised of the U.S., China, Russia and Saudi Arabia.

I think Rich is right about the dialectic that will eventually eliminate the middle if one side of the dialectic ever merges with the other or destroys the other.

The founding fathers were strongly influenced by Calvinism to see human nature as too depraved for any faction to be entrusted with power without checks and balances.

I hope for continued checks and balances.

I want to see the MAGA fringe checked but the best of MAGA kept as a check and balance.

I think Trump needs to be accountable, not treated as if he is above the law.

But after that justly happens (and I think it is imminent), I'm more than willing to support checks and balances on the other side of the dialectic - the older NWO side of it.

It's not wishy washy, lacking in conviction, disloyal, or crazy; to stand strong a middle zone where everybody is accountable to standards, and everybody is subject to checks and balances. It's better than jumping on dialectical bandwagons with "the heat turned all the way up" (every talking point parroted uncritically and maximally).

We still don't have all the answers I'd like to have about the COVID pandemic years.

Now it remains to be seen if enough Republicans will be elected in the mid terms to be able to carry out an investigation of the COVID B.S.

Trump sucked up the money that would have been spent on their campaigns, and he saddled the GOP with weak candidates who may not be able to win the general election, even though they won the primary.

He had already tipped the balance in Georgia, so that the Senate did not become slightly GOP-advantaged.

If he were not a selfish narcissist, the GOP would be in a far better position to investigate COVID B.S.

He actually kept classified documents in his desk in his office at Mar a Lago. Security at Mar a Lago is lax. A Russian woman recently gained access pretending to be a Rothschild heir. Now that scandal is focusing the news cycle away from the mid terms being a referendum on Biden, and toward them being more of a referendum on Trump.

Now it's all up in the air.

Do you still see Trump as standing up for you against the Deep State?

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump: Declare Me Rightful Winner or Redo ‘Fraud’ 2020 Election


(You tell those SOBs, Donald!!! LOL)

Anonymous said...

TPTB defying the Law

Anonymous said...

J questioned "Do you still see Trump as standing up for you against the Deep State?" Well, no. And now there's a barrage of QAnon posts on his social media platform. I don't know what to think anymore. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey, J @ 7:40 AM

It's time for everyone to get a reality check here...
It kinda looks to me like Joe & Hunter Biden are the ones who are being treated like THEY are 'above the law' while Trump is being persecuted simply BECAUSE he is Donald Trump.

This has been happening 24/7 since the moment Trump ANNOUNCED he was running for President in 2016. Therefore, he must be doing SOMETHING right if they hate him so much.

I'm all for 'checks and balances' as long as they are FAIR.

Even Liberal Bill Maher has been 'calling out' his own fellow Democrats lately (as well he should).

We ALL need to use the gifts God gave us of common sense and critical thinking skills... which, sadly, seem to be missing in both Washington, D.C. and the lamestream news media.

Anonymous said...

9:58 AM

I don't know ANY QAnon individuals on this blog. Do you?

Please tell us WHO they are... and introduce them to the rest of us.

Oh, wait... you can't. LOL

(Maybe you're right when you say that you 'don't know what to think anymore')

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait... that's right. It's Trump that's the QAnon individual. No one here like that. LOL

Anonymous said...

RayB said...

Here's my take on Donald Trump ... briefly:

The first adage of politics is "to get along, you have to go along." This is true from the lowest levels of government all the way up to the Presidency. Whether they will admit it or not, those involved in politics view themselves to be, at the very minimum, separate (and, or, 'special') from the constituents that they claim to represent. They are on the 'inside,' which naturally separates themselves from those on the 'outside.' Their 'inside' status brings them into contact with powerful big money banking interests, the military industrial complex, industry, unions, international trade organizations, globalist interests, etc., etc. all of which are vying to establish a 'relationship' (i.e., control) with the politician. Of course, much of this involves campaign contributions, endorsements, etc. along with the threat of their potential endorsement of future opponents.

By the time a politician reaches the point of national office (Senate, POTUS, even State Governors, etc.), they have had to climb a long and steep hill that few have reached, and due to the nature of politics, the vast majority have been thoroughly compromised by these very powerful special interests. In effect, the politician is not an independent person at all' he/she is a puppet that is being controlled by these powerful special interests.

Then there is graft. With a federal budget annually now running at over $6 Trillion, there is literally TRILLIONS of dollars that can somehow 'disappear.'
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has reported that there is over $21 TRILLION 'missing and unaccounted for!' Catherine Austin Fitts has been speaking out against this unimaginable corruption for years. Youtube has taken down her explosive videos on this subject. Read what she has to say here:

RayB said...


With all of his negatives, and there are plenty, Donald Trump is NOT an 'insider' that has been thoroughly corrupted, and, controlled by special interests. THIS is what makes Trump so dangerous to the elite, shadow government. With the elite, the only thing that matters is that their control over their politicians is total. It is this elite that REALLY runs the government. If a person comes along that has not been corrupted by the 'system,' they will do everything they can to destroy that outsider.

Again, with all of Trump's faults, he was not corrupted by climbing the political hill. He had NEVER held political office. THIS IS WHY he is so feared by the elite!

Trump is the most investigated politician in American history, ALL of it was hyped by the corrupt mainstream 'media.' From day one, on Inauguration day, the elite's Washington Post ran an editorial calling for Trump's impeachment! ON DAY ONE! The harassment never stopped. Now we find out that the FBI interfered in the election and even threatened Facebook over the Hunter Biden laptop story. High ups in the FBI conspired against candidate, and then, President Trump. We know that the Clinton campaign ILLEGALLY used campaign money to fund the totally bogus 'Steele Dossier.' Trump's two 'impeachments' were nothing other than political treachery that amounted to a Coup. And now, with NO PROBABLE CAUSE of a CRIME COMMITTED, the FBI raided, with 30+ armed agents, Trump's private residence, as if he were the head of a drug cartel! This is the very same FBI that gave Secretary of State Clinton a free pass when she BROKE FEDERAL LAW via her *33,000+ emails, using a PRIVATE, INSECURE server!

A nation that does not have blind justice can no longer be free. Our most trusted institutions have been corrupted.

We've now reached that proverbial point of no return. As a free nation, we've crossed the Rubicon. We might as well face up to the fact; this nation, if it continues along this path, is lost forever. Despotic totalitarianism is the end plan. Biden's hiring 86,000 new IRS agents was not a move to protect the Republic, these agents will be used against perceived 'political' enemies. (Obama's IRS was used to harass Conservative groups and individuals).

* Clinton 'bleached,' i.e., erased her hard drive prior to turning it over to the FBI, which amounted to Obstruction of Justice and Destruction of Evidence, both of which are felonies.

J said...

10:04 AM,

Of course, I don't know what I don't know.

Sometimes I think of that Marvel Universe comic book character, Kingpin. He violently eliminated the gangs in the city, but in reality, he was the top gangster.

We have to make our best attempt at everybody being accountable under the law.

I'm open minded to whatever can be proved about Joe Biden's culpability in dirty dealings that are on Hunter Biden's laptop.

Could anybody explain to me why Hunter himself put so much self-incriminating evidence, that seems to have included not only selfy footage but also surveillance footage, on his own laptop?

Regardless, evidence is evidence, but it's so dirty that I didn't want to peruse all of it. It made me feel almost like I would be looking at revenge porn.

I don't want to look at Hunter Biden's male member. Maybe he's such a pervert he had some strange need to have tons of self-footage of himself naked, smoking crack pipes, doing bad things with underage Chinese girls, and didn't even care about leaving his laptop at a facility to fix it without bothering to pick it up.

Couldn't he afford to have his own IT professional? Why would he drop off a laptop like that at such a dumpy little place?

It raises so many questions and also makes me feel dirty at the same time.

If the Republicans want to investigate Joe Biden, if he really deserves it, and they can pull it off, I'm open minded to what they can find if it is actually criminal or traitorous or is that corrupt it is threatening to the integrity of the office. But Joe Biden is the president, not Hunter Biden.

Those are just my impressionistic, quick thoughts. If somebody could sum up the worst of the findings on Hunter Biden's laptop in bullet points or something like that, I would be willing to read through it and consider it. I have no special need to defend Hunter Biden, of all people.

RayB said...

Watch Trump's Inaugural Address ... provides real in sight as to why the elite 'insiders' HATE Donald Trump so much:

PS: It's only 17 minutes.

J said...

12:00 PM,

I think I get your perspective. A big part of the problem is that the media cried wolf too much. Way too much. They should have put up or shut up, a long time ago.

In my opinion, now they are putting up, but I understand why you would feel hesitant to trust them at this point.

I was kind of sort of willing to see Trump as being bad, but not evil, and up against evil. I no longer see it that way. It sounds like you still do.

You're right that the truth will pop up like a beach ball, eventually.

When I prayed about it, I prayed that God would reveal the evil on both sides. I think during the Trump years I saw more evil from the Obama years than I had perceived before. In particular, I recalled the Obama lighting up the white house in rainbow colors, and then we didn't have to wait too long to see the LGBTQ+ wokeness really being promoted as the new thing you can't dare be bigoted about and that all decent people tolerate and celebrate.

But I'm sad to say that it is apparent (to me) that Trump was worse than just "going rogue." I wish that was all that he had been guilty of.

Anonymous said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome: Why TDS Is More Widespread Than You Think.

Hint: it isn't what continued Pro-Trump followers on this blogspot would have you believe.

RayB said...

No surprise here. He also FULLY supports the UN's Agenda 21 & Agenda 30, which will usher in the One World Government & One World Religion.

Pope Francis Prays U.N. Climate Summit Will ‘Unite the Human Family’

ROME — Pope Francis said Wednesday that “Mother Earth groans and begs us to stop our abuse” of creation. (Pagan Gaia Worship)

NOTE: The Climate Change crisis hoax is being used by the globalist elites to implement their ultimate solution; a totalitarian, despotic One World Government, in which all individual freedoms will disappear. The Vatican is going to play the starring role in the coming One World Religion, precisely why it is actively promoting this hoax.

Anonymous said...

There is a Deep State at work and Trump is part of it.

This is all planned, in my opinion - typical Hegelian Dialectic (problem - reaction - solution, i.e., thesis - antithesis - synthesis). There is a lot of evidence showing Trump's connections to the Clintons (family friends), albeit before 2016

RayB said...

J @ 12:32 PM ...

President George H. W. Bush was the very first to formally invite a homosexual couple to the White House for an official event. Of course, Bill Clinton followed along those same lines.

It was George W. Bush that began the ridiculous, evil practice of 'lighting' the exterior of the White House in the LGBTQ+ 'colors' during 'pride week.' Obama did as well.

First Lady Melania Trump wanted to continue this practice, but was overruled by Trump, according to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. I am not aware whether or not the 'colors' were ever displayed on the White House during Trump's time in office.

Of course, the Biden Administration has taken it all one step further; he's ordered ALL American Embassies to fly the LGBTQ+ flag, along with the American Flag.

IMO, it's a sign of the intense moral decay of this country. God will not be mocked and the day of reckoning is coming.

RayB said...

12:39 PM ...

It's possible that you are right. However, if Trump is part of the Deep State, why is it that the Deep State sought to remove him from day one?

Anonymous said...

... think, why hasn't Trump been Kennedy-ed? His connections to Epstein and Britian's Prince Andrew have been left alone by the powers that be too.

I am convinced Trump is part and parcel of the NWO Babylon system, but he (the Beast to be fully revealed), will destroy Mystery Babylon and cause all to worship him, whose names are not written i the Book of the Lamb, and he shall persecute the true saints.

Even so, Trumpism IS fascism, a despicable evil and all following him should reflect, check themselves and repent, asking God to deliver them from their great delusion and, ipso facto, apostasy.

Anonymous said...

"think, why hasn't Trump been Kennedy-ed?"

Personally, I think that is a possibility for him. I think the knives out for him are machetes. Bringing him down politically though suits TPTB for now at least, they do not want people to make a martyr out of him. They want a smooth RESET if possible. So I pray not, but wouldn't be the least surprised if it happened.
Trump's not evil in my book.
Obama, (and both Clinton's) however.....oh my....what is buried about all that would make our toes curl, it is scary. They are networked here and overseas, and why our enemies are so eager for America's demise. The things known are scary enough. Those ties to Soros (and beyond) are deeply concerning--troubling. Trump getting too close to expose them makes me think he is not out of danger. His enemies are very powerful people. All that makes me really wonder..but Q and MAGA (distractions more than anything else) has not, at all, made me think this way, I stay on the sidelines, because a lot of talk is talk--but--it's what people actually do, are doing, have gotten done already, that makes me sit up and take notice, that coupled with watching the worldwide political landscape, going back many decades that makes me think that the globalists are not going to be stopped, by anyone. And Trump is their #1 enemy.

But time will have to tell the story, won't it?
I pray for God to expose the evils and who is doing it, wherever and whoever that may turn out to be.

RayB said...

12:50 PM

"His connections to Epstein and Britian's Prince Andrew have been left alone by the powers that be too."

Epstein's was a covert, black mail, sex sting operation that no doubt was connected to a certain nation state in the Middle East, precisely why the Federal prosecutor in FLA cut Epstein the sweetheart deal, because he was told Epstein's operation was under the banner of "intelligence." The Royal Family has connections way beyond Donald Trump, and the chance of Prince Andrew EVER answering for his involvement with Epstein was extremely slim.

As far as a JFK type hit, it wasn't necessary. They crippled his administration via the fake impeachments, the phony "Russia, Russia, Russia," and the 24/7 non-stop attacks by the corporate, CIA controlled 'media.' In a very real sense, his character was assassinated. Then the final blow was delivered via the crooked, 'mail in ballot' election that was 'counted' by Democrats without the check and balance system of Republicans serving as overseers in order to ensure that everything was above board. Stumbling, fumbling Biden, unable to fill a parking lot in the campaign, was able to somehow get over 15 MILLION more votes than Hillary in 2016 ... the most in history. Not even remotely possible.

But, the main point is this; POTUS is the Chief Executive of the Executive Branch, one of three SEPARATE branches of Government. The Justice Department conducts investigations, prosecutions, etc. completely INDEPENDENT of the Executive Branch.
The Justice Department has proven itself to be an enemy of Trump, and, no doubt, if the connection could have been made to Epstein's pedophile/blackmail operation to Trump, they would have made it.

Here's a huge point proving Trump was NOT part of the Deep State: The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) was designed to remove the USA's ability to negotiate trade deals, turning it over completely to the World Trade Organization. This would have destroyed the sovereignty of America. The TPP was a huge step towards World Government. ALL of the globalist elites were for it. As promised, Trump KILLED the TPP during his FIRST week in office.

There's more ... but I'll stop here.

RayB said...

12:50 PM ...

In detail, what is your understanding as to what Fascism actually is?

LSWA said...

Ever wonder why Biden dropped Ukraine (mentioned like a whisper now) so quickly and sending money instead?
Now it is like a thought that quickly passes after all the initial scaremongering and big talk but these days it's not even noticeable (except for the masses of taxpayer money changing hands).

Something is rotten. Politically ROTTEN--the worse kind of rotten, while we are busy putting out fires, great big ones in every sector, everywhere in this country. A concerted effort against us.

Anonymous said...

Barry Soetero is the "Big Guy" !

Not Shiden.

Anonymous said...


Your 2:11 PM post is excellent.
Yes, there's more for certain.

X said...

The entire Trump family dumps in your mouths, you plebs, and you eat it up as if it's caviar.


X said...

If anything, I will vote for Biden again in '24 just to see most of you cry like you did in January 2021.


Anonymous said...

Hm. Ukraine..
Ask and you shall receive...

Anonymous said...

Lol…. “They” assasinated Trump’s character.

Sure. Bunker Trump did that all on own. U can try to spin the russia, Ukraine and the thousands of other egregious illegal, improper and immoral acts by Trump 24/7 but you’ll still never polish the turd. You SHOuLD have known it was a snake when you picked it up and nobody yet today should continue to defend his character as though “others” had anything to do with it.

He wasn’t and is not a child. He’s a traitor and accountable.

A vote for Desantis would be affirming the exact same immoral caustic unChristisn behavior. This isn’t all just orange man bad and
A qualification for the job to represent America shouldn’t be based upon how much people, just people (not “they”) hate him.


Anonymous said...

Dear X,

Please, take your phallus-worshipping bollocks elsewhere.

RayB said...

Based upon two independent medical research studies from Italy & Germany ...

Blood damage explains many harmful impacts of COVID ‘vaccines’

"Blood damage that has been detailed through sophisticated research methods is the 'missing link' to explain many negative health conditions ranging from heart problems, cancers, reduced immunity, and death."

"WARNING: If you have had a COVID vaccine/booster shot what this article presents may cause you stress and anxiety."

Anonymous said...

Warning: lifesitenews is an Roman Catholic Opus Dei funded disinformation website. If you read it or pass along it’s disinformation you may incur stress and anxiety

I’m still traveling so unable to address and debunk the specific claims presented by RayB but based on his extensive history of lying and denying the documented effectiveness of covid vaccines it shouldn’t be difficult once I get back.


RayB said...

It must be a radical, leftie, liberal, wacko thingy:

Anti-DeSantis crusader and media darling (and House hopeful!) Rebekah Jones tries doxxing Max Nordau, sigs followers on a totally different guy

Anonymous said...

Calling Rebekah Jones simply an Anti Desantis crusader is a misnomer. The man had police raid her home at gunpoint while she and her children were present all because she tried to save the lives of the covid dying Floridians by providing information and statistics regarding the spread of covid within Florida I think in her official capacity with the state of Florida.

Her distrust and hatred for the trump wannabe and his henchman is personal.

Also- note most and probably all 20 of the people Desantis’s new brown short voting police arrested for illegal voting in 2020 were apparently told by state of Florida officials one way or another that they were allowed to vote. It doesn’t appear many or any will be actually charged at all. Just a waste of taxpayer dollars chasing a Maga/Qanon/RayB delusion.

Please pray for Ms Jones and her family as she tries to remove a suspected pedophile Maga GOP’er Matt Gaetz from our Congress. I don’t agree with all her positions but anyone with a pulse is better than that teen chasing sugar daddy’ing elitist.


RayB said...

Seriously ... you absolutely cannot make these things up! Truth really is stranger than fiction:

Democrat Michigan Secretary of State IS FIGHTING to KEEP DEAD PEOPLE ON THE VOTER ROLLS

From the article:

"The leftist Michigan Secretary of State has been fighting to keep nearly 26,000 dead people on the voter rolls, refusing to remove them and seeking to dismiss a case against her because of it."

"According to Hans von Spakovsky with the Public Interest Legal Foundation, who is suing Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Biden appointee judge just put the kibosh on Benson’s attempt to dismiss the case, which is a small victory but a victory nonetheless."

"Democrats love to tell us that there is no voter fraud happening. But then when it comes keeping the voter rolls accurate, they refuse to do even the simplest of things such as removing dead voters."

"That’s because Democrats love voter fraud, as we’ve pointed out many times, and this case against Michigan’s Secretary of State proves it. Michigan is a battleground state where the margins of victory can be razor thin and Democrats will use every trick in their voter fraud playbook to win."

Anonymous said...

The rise of Christian nationalism is something to pay attention to. Fits in very well as part of the new age Plan.


Anonymous said...


10:09 AM

To try to separate QAnon from Trump and the MAGA/Trump personality cult would be like trying to unscramble eggs. It can't be done! Anyone who believes otherwise at this point, is under great deception.

If Trump weren't a part of the psyop, he would have renounced it by now. He would not be spreading the conspiracy theories and the lies, even about his own daughter.


RayB said...

ROFL !!!

QAnon = Trump voters = MAGA/Trump personality cult .... AND ... "anyone who believes otherwise at this point, is under GREAT DECEPTION!

Sounds like Linda is attempting to form her own cult. If you don't believe EXACTLY like Linda, you can't be a member of her cult!

Funny, isn't it? I know a ton of politically active people, and only know of ONE that actually was 'following' the confusing rantings of Q-Anon. The other was one of my neighbors that is, to put it nicely, slightly strange. That makes TWO. But somehow, our 'Linda' thinks that ALL Trump voters are in the Q-Anon, Trump Personality CULT! Seems like I kind of remember hearing that accusation before?

RayB said...

More "cult" news ...

White House Says Donald Trump Supporters Are a ‘Threat to Our Democracy’

"White House Press Secretary Jean Pierre asserted there was “more examples we can count” of Trump supporters and Republican leaders demonstrating their threats to democracy."

Anonymous said...

Were you a close friend of the late Dorothy Margraf, by any chance ?

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 8:38 PM

Re: "Sounds like Linda is attempting to form her own cult. If you don't believe EXACTLY like Linda, you can't be a member of her cult!"


Sounds like 'Linda' needs to change her name to 'Karen'??? (Calling people out, etc.)

Anonymous said...

X at 2:59 PM
Re: "If anything, I will vote for Biden again in '24 just to see most of you cry like you did in January 2021."


Well, X... If we 'cry' over anything, it will be over the person(s) who are so NAIVE as to believe that Biden actually EARNED the majority of those votes in November, 2020... since the ONLY WAY he could have possibly 'won' in 2020 was via STOLEN VOTES taken AWAY from Trump and SWITCHED over to Biden.

So, we might be laughing to keep from 'crying'... over how ignorant a person has to be to actually believe that Joe Biden ever has, or ever will, 'earn' enough votes to beat Trump FAIRLY in November, 2024.

Anonymous said...

8:20 PM

I'm sorry Linda but is not true. True of some, yes. True of all, no.
I, and a host of folks I know, are not like that. Among all my friends, all my church family, no one fits your description. There is only one friend of ours who follows Qanon (lives in another state so maybe more prevalent there?) but we don't discuss it because he knows we won't listen (have told him as much) to what he wants to pass on, so he dropped the subject. That was almost 2 years ago, he hasn't mentioned it since.

I wish people would let the chips fall where they will. People hear what they want to hear, believe what they want to believe. If people want to go off the deep end in any cult or ism, far left far right, anything in between, they certainly will. It's not my job to fix that. Pray for people, let God fix them if they're going to get fixed.

Anonymous said...

7:09 PM
There is always proof of your many hatreds every time you post..but no proof of anything else.
Just gossip and slander, innuendo. Hate needs to feed off of something I suppose but your hate well never seems to run dry. Must be exhausting being you.

Anonymous said...

US Air Force Base Tasked with Confronting China Bans All References to Gender, Race and Age

Anonymous said...

New NY gun law applicants have to provide social media accounts

Anonymous said...

Bank of America to Offer Zero Down Payment, Zero Closing Cost Mortgage Loans to Black and Hispanic Borrowers

Anonymous said...

X @ 7:09 PM

Please pray for Ms Jones as 'she tries to remove' her head from her a-- (and the veil from her eyes!)... that she will come out INTO THE LIGHT and discover the TRUTH about Covid and the vaccines ~ period!!! Amen.

Anonymous said...

WATCHING... The Fall of America

Anonymous said...

Interesting how America, and this blog are now disgusting marxist New Age "cesspools".

Sewage always flows down from a higher point.

RayB said...

"Natural Immunity" has long been accepted medical science, that is, until COVID-19 and their collective push for EVERYONE to take their EXPERIMENTAL jab. NOW, they admit what most of us already knew!

CDC Now Admits What Dr. Zelenko Said From the Beginning: Natural Immunity Is as Good as a “Vaccine”

What Michael Boudreaux said in a tweet:

"People lost their jobs for not taking the vaccination. Teachers,nurses,cops and the working class. Ridiculed, mocked and fired. People were banned from social media for wanting freedom of choice. Now the CDC admits those people were right and along. Remember what they did America"

Anonymous said...

A Confirmation for Financial Collapse and WW3 in the Fall of 2022?

Anonymous said...

Texas Governor Abbot Sends First Busload of Illegal Migrants to Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

RayB said...

If you still believe that January 6th. was an "armed insurrection," you've been duped!

Read the following article for what REALLY happened on that fateful day:

Reiner, Klobuchar and the Big Lie of January 6

From the article:
“Is it okay to have a conspiracy to get rid of Trump?” host Bill Maher asked guests Rob Reiner and Sen. Amy Klobuchar on his HBO show on Friday. This exchange got considerable online attention. Most of that attention focused on Reiner’s shockingly ignorant disavowal of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Overlooked were the knee-jerk comments by both Reiner and Klobuchar on the subject of January 6. Rather than answer Maher’s question about the suppression of the laptop story, Reiner reflexively retreated to the safe space of January 6. “You know what is not justified,” said Reiner. “USING ARMED VIOLENCE TO TRY TO KILL PEOPLE IN THE CAPITOL."

And this doozy:

“We are dealing with a man who used to be the president right now who literally tried to lead an armed insurrection,” said Klobuchar, employing four distinct falsehoods to make her off-topic point.

"There was no insurrection. Those who entered the Capitol did not have guns. Yes, Trump could be accused of leading a protest, but not a riot, let alone an insurrection. And were Trump to have led this insurrection “literally,” he would have been waving a flag in the front lines and encouraging the armed patriots behind him to storm the Capitol."

"On January 6, only one bullet was fired either in the building or on the grounds, and that bullet came from the gun of Capitol Police Sgt. Michael Byrd. Byrd shot and killed an unarmed female protestor whose death had less objective justification than even George Floyd’s. Say her name, Ashli Babbitt."

Correct. Say the name of the ONLY murder victim on January 6th. ... ASHLI BABBIT.

Anonymous said...

1:12 PM

There are at least 5 mentally challenged individuals here who believe the insane Jan 6 narrative!

"The worst thing that ever happened to America".


RayB said...

1:36 PM ...

A person on this blog (who shall remain nameless) compared the January 6th. protest to "Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch of 1923." A ridiculous comparison. Here's why, but first, a little history:

Germany's defeat in World War I brought an end to the Monarchy, which was replaced by the constitutionally based Weimar Republic. Numerous political parties (as many as 33) vied for power, which left the government fragmented, resulting in much in-fighting and governmental chaos. Punitive war reparations also further crippled the government. In the midst of all of this chaos, the Bolsheviks, after their successful revolution in Russia, attempted to spread their evil doctrines across Europe, while concentrating their efforts particularly on highly vulnerable Germany.

As the German government tottered, Hitler and the Nazis saw an opportunity to act.
Very briefly, and leaving out the political details, on November 8, 1923, officials of the Bavarian Government were holding a large political meeting inside a Munich Beer Hall. During the meeting, Hitler suddenly entered the hall, took out a pistol, and fired a single shot into the ceiling. Hitler then proceeded to the podium and announced that the building was 'surrounded by over 600 heavily armed SA (Brownshirts) troops.' Hitler and the Nazis then vacillated, which led to a delay of their planned march to take over the government. Following much discussion, the 'Coup' was delayed until the following day on the 9th. Hitler, along with over 3,000 Nazis and supporters joined the 600+ HEAVILY ARMED SA troops as they marched towards the seat of government. Their march was halted as heavily armed, and, barricaded, State Police fired upon them, killing 14 Nazis while wounding many others. Four police officers were also killed in the exchange of gunfire.

THAT folks is what an "ARMED INSURRECTION" looks like. NOTHING on January 6th. even remotely compares to Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch!

In the mean time, over 800 AMERICAN CITIZENS continue to rot away under deplorable conditions, hopelessly awaiting their 'day in court' that never comes. MOST were simply 'there.' THAT was their crime. Does this really sound like America, or, like some Third World banana republic?

RayB said...

With the above post in mind, watch this. The Left's lies never cease!

WATCH: Biden accuses Trump supporters of 'killing several police officers' on January 6

"The statement came in reference to comments Biden recalled receiving at a G7 meeting in England after he became president."

Anonymous said...

Only now after so many people could have recovered with it at the time (and vast numbers did in parts of Africa and India) and I personally know a couple of people who benefitted by it when they got covid.

This is so like our 'government' (not of the people), those people that think they know more than God kind of government that we have had forced upon us, (installed not elected Biden/Harris and the Pelosi/Schumer curse) ... 'fix it till it's broke'. It's very broken under their heavy hands and empty heads.

And that isn't evil enough for some people who approve of their actions and non-actions?

Anonymous said...

3:51 PM @ RayB
Keep on keepin' on..
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo, Added Their Own Docs to Create a Crime Scene that Didn’t Exist

The FBI created a fake crime scene at Mar-a-Lago by adding their documents to the scene and doctoring the photo of the scene. This is against the law.

September 1, 2022...

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 1:12 PM

Re: Bill Maher guests Rob Reiner’s "shockingly ignorant disavowal of the Hunter Biden laptop story".


Archie Bunker was right... Rob Reiner really IS a 'meathead'.

RayB said...

Death Cult Dear Leader refers to KILLING BABIES in the womb as a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT
and a CORE VALUE of America!

Biden’s Soul: He Favors Mass Killing of Unborn Babies

“The White House says Biden plans to argue the CORE VALUES of the nation are at stake, outlining rights and freedoms that are under attack–such as access to abortion and reproductive health services, which have been limited in many states since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade earlier this year,” said NPR.

YOU people out there that support this MONSTROUS, EVIL administration, along with their evil cohorts in the Democratic Death Cult Party have BLOOD on YOUR hands!

RayB said...

More Death Cult news ...

Former Acting ICE Director: Biden Is Doing Something About Fentanyl - ‘He’s Emboldening These Cartels’

Anonymous said...

The engineered TAKEDOWN of food, water and energy infrastructure will plunge entire nations into the Dark Ages

Anonymous said...

Texas Abortion Ban Celebrates First Anniversary, Saves Over 40,000 Babies From Abortions

Anonymous said...

Christian Nurse Sues CVS After It Fires Her for Not Distributing Abortion Pills

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing a Virginia nurse practitioner filed suit Wednesday in state court against MinuteClinic, a division of the CVS drugstore chain, after the health clinic illegally fired her for declining to provide abortion-inducing drugs to customers in keeping with her religious beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Instead of a goodbye cruel world looks like Rayb has double-down and decided he'd rather lie with abandon posting fake infotainment, disinformation and propaganda from all his favorite qanon maga websites.

He's supposedly a student of history and provides his "quick history lessons" regarding insurrections without mentioning that most insurrections are actually political and don't involve firing a single shot. He celebrates the fact Trump WANTED to lead the insurrection from the front line even laments over the traitors sitting in prison cells even though most have been already sentenced to lenient prison sentences, if any (they were mostly white so why not).

Meathead doesn't speak for the millions of Christian American's that abandoned Trump and the fascist GOP before the election in 2020 and much more so after Jan 6th. They are fed up with this qanon maga Luciferian nonsense. It's just so transparent -- the lies don't even have a hint of spin or truth to them.

It's time to call it quits Ray. Repent. As a supposed Christian it's time to change your mind.


Anonymous said...

Rayb said: "YOU people out there that support this MONSTROUS, EVIL administration, along with their evil cohorts in the Democratic Death Cult Party have BLOOD on YOUR hands!"

If the GOP never gave "them" (the masses, women) the constitutional right to nearly complete unfettered abortion in the first place the law surrounding access to women's health care, family planning and very limited abortion largely for the health of the woman and in cases of rape, incest, etc. all would have been very settled law throughout the 50 states.

Here's an example of a law review article analyzing California's 1967 (Ronald Reagan) then new abortion law.

1-1967: The California Therapeutic Abortion Act: An

The death cult GOP started this abortion mess and thus, ALL the blood is on their hands entirely. You don't get or take credit for reversing Roe v Wade when you were the ones to perpetuate it in the first place.


Anonymous said...

Rayb and his qanon maga friend's behavior here is another sign of the intense moral decay of this country. God will not be mocked and the day of reckoning is coming.


RayB said...

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him."
- Proverbs 26:4

Anonymous said...

Get that COVID vaccine! Heart inflammation damage 11 times higher seen in unvaccinated who recovered from coronavirus infection

Aug 23, 2022

Excerpt: London: The risk of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) in unvaccinated individuals after the Covid infection was at least 11 times higher compared to people who developed the heart condition after receiving a vaccine or booster dose, a detailed analysis of nearly 43 million people, ages 13 and older, has revealed...

"We found that the entire Covid-19-vaccinated population of England during an important 12-month period of the pandemic when the vaccines first became available, the risk of myocarditis following vaccination was quite small compared to the risk of myocarditis after infection," said Martina Patone, a statistician at the University of Oxford.

"This analysis provides important information that may help guide public health vaccine campaigns, particularly since Covid-19 vaccination has expanded in many parts of the world to include children as young as 6 months old," Patone said in the study published in the American Heart Association's peer-reviewed journal Circulation.

In this study, Patone and colleagues evaluated database of Covid-19 vaccinations for all people ages 13 or older who had received at least one dose of the University of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, the Pfizer-BioNTech or the Moderna vaccine between December 1, 2020 and December 15, 2021.

This dataset totaled nearly 43 million people, which included more than 21 million who had received a booster dose of any of the Covid-19 vaccines. Nearly 6 million people tested positive for Covid-19 infection either before or after Covid-19 vaccination during the study period.

The database records were then cross-referenced and matched to the national offices with data on Covid infection, hospital admission and death certificates for the same time period.

The analyses found that less than 3,000 people were hospitalised or died with myocarditis during the one-year study period.

People who were infected with Covid-19 before receiving any doses of the vaccines were 11 times more at risk for developing myocarditis during days 1-28 after a Covid-19 positive test, the findings showed.

"It is important for the public to understand that myocarditis is rare, and the risk of developing myocarditis after a Covid-19 vaccine is also rare. This risk should be balanced against the benefits of the vaccines in preventing severe infection," said Professor Nicholas Mills, the Butler British Heart Foundation Chair of Cardiology at the University of Edinburgh and a co-author of the paper.

It is also crucial to understand who is at a higher risk for myocarditis and which vaccine type is associated with increased myocarditis risk, Mills added. The SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to shift, and more contagious variants arise. "Our hope is that this data may enable a more well-informed discussion on the risk of vaccine-associated myocarditis when considered in contrast to the net benefits of vaccination," said co-author Julia Hippisley-Cox.

Anonymous said...


God will not be mocked. Calling your supposed brother out as a fool for rebuking you is not Godly at all. Biblically a fool is one, such as yourself, who continually disregards God’s Word.

Jesus called Himself the way, the truth, and the life, and He expects those who follow Him to be people of truth. The truth is to be expressed in love, offering hope to those seeking redemption from the lies of the world. Lies you appear to gleeful repeat, embellish and relish sharing.

And...although you would rather have me ignore you as the actual foolish one here, We can and should, however, do all we can to turn the hearts of those exhibiting foolishness toward wisdom and possibly save their lives and their eternal souls. -James 5:20 ESV

O simple ones, learn prudence;
O fools, learn sense.
-Proverbs 8:5 ESV


Anonymous said...

10:40 PM


He steps in it up to his eyebrows yet has his own imperative (not God's) to "correct" others.

Classic controlling narcissist behavior from a bonafide hypocrite.

Truthfully, at some point, and in varying degrees, a number of us here have done that too...
..but he wins most self-righteous pride award.
No class, even less grace.

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson slams Biden's 'obvious dictatorial ambitions' and claims the president was calling for a 'one-party state' during Pennsylvania speech that was 'turning point in American history'

Carlson expressed surprise that Biden was essentially using a campaign visit under the guise of an official White House endorsed speech

Carlson interpreted Biden's words as an attempting to portray the GOP and Trump supporters as an extremist branch in politics

The host suggested that it meant Biden would prefer to see a one-party system which would in effect give him the trappings of a dictator

Prominent Republicans weighed in on social media with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy demanding Biden apologize to the millions of Americans

Anonymous said...


Biden calls out the fascist elements within and throughout the GOP and their extremist undemocratic dominionist candidates like Doug Mastriano, specifically in Pennsylvania and, in doing so, is criticized for supposedly calling for a one-party state.

You could then say the same thing about any elected official or former President campaigning on behalf of their party and it's candidates. There's certainly more of a blanket criticism against the GOP now more than ever but that gift of a talking point and cohesive message only hits home because the GOP decided to go full Maga and just give up power and lose a bunch of races this fall.

America just isn't buying a Nazi-like unpatriotic party that thinks every President and elected official is part of some conspiracy theory, except the biggest con-man liar of them all - bunker Trump.

It's over. Lock him up and lock up Desantis while your at it.


RayB said...

11:32 PM ...

We should pray for his wife (if he really has one).

Unimaginable what it must be like to live with the delusional narcissist.

I actually knew a guy like him ... also a 'professing' Christian. He literally
corrected his wife on everything, even the minutest details, and did it in a harsh
tone. He too was a very deluded person. People like this do a great deal of damage to the cause of Christ.

RayB said...

If you want to have some fun with deranged, delusional supporters of the Death Cult Leader Biden ...

I've repeatedly heard from these types that "Trump is a Fascist." Ask them for THEIR definition of what exactly Fascism is. Expect a dumb, confused look on their face with NO ANSWER! They mindlessly apply labels that they can't even define!

Gullible sheep willingly follow their false shepherds that are leading them right into the abyss.

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson Slams Biden Speech:'Crossed Into A Dangerous Place'(VIDEO)

Anonymous said...


You really got nothing. ZERO!

Just never ending marxist/satanist, NEW AGE spin

That's what satanists do. Everything spun 180 degrees from reality.

If it is white, you call it black etc etc etc etc

It isn't going to end well for you and your 'brethren' here.

Your woke, NEW AGE 'jesus' will get you a bitter end. But maybe that's your desire, you being so bitter n all.

Anonymous said...

King James Bible
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. Matt 23:15


This describes" teacher" X to a "T" in my book. So venomous who would want to learn anything from him? Yet he harshly judges others..
He spreads poison. Rule of thumb for me--cut what he says in half, turn it over look it again cut in half again, then promptly pitch the rest of it in the trash can.
That is both, his godawful beyond hypocritical politics and his "better than thou" religion which is has a form of godliness, but denies the power thereof......

And persists, like a pitbull -- the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. His teaching and methods are DOA.

Anonymous said...


Don’t have to look much further at all than just basic Wikipedia for an accurate brief definition of Fascism.

Wikipedia: “Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3] It rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4][5] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries, such as Germany.[4] Fascism also had adherents outside of Europe.[2] Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, liberalism, socialism and Marxism,[6][7] fascism is placed on the far-right wing within the traditional left–right spectrum”

Sounds a lot like where Trump and his unpatriotic unAmerican Maga supporters wanted to take the country. I could go through it line by line because it all fits so perfectly.

Maga is a direct threat to the security, our Constitution and our freedoms in the United States.

You should be ashamed of yourselves for not recognizing this by now. Defending it and promoting it still IS treasonous at this point. I’m not encouraging arrests or charges for treason (that would be authoritarian too), but it should be as shameful-like in proper society as say being a member of the klu klux klan.


Anonymous said...

"I’m not encouraging arrests or charges for treason (that would be authoritarian too)"

Says the one who wanted steep life altering penalties for the unmasked, unvaxxed....

Anonymous said...

When you perceive yourself in the “in group” or tribe and made to feel u might be being persecuted by some imaginary “them” it’s very easy to get caught up in fascist ideologies and very hard to extricate yourself from such.

Talk to your pastor. Your spouse. Your family as you are likely surrounded by people who have pulled themselves out of this nonsense yet are afraid to speak openly for fear of ostracization (and being called a satanist, Marxist, whatever) just for jumping of the evil Maga path.

From what I’m seeing in my church, online here and elsewhere people are coming around to having hope again while recovering from devastating covid related losses.

I’m still praying for you all.


Anonymous said...

“Says the one who wanted steep life altering penalties for the unmasked, unvaxxed....”

I suggested ways you should/could pay the additional costs collectively for the ignorant selfish risky path you seemed dead set on taking.

Do you pay your bills and debts? Sounds like you are a socialist wanting your neighbors to pay for your uncivil behavior and risk taking.

Smokers pay more for health insurance why shouldn’t anti-vaxxers have had to pay their own way last year?

Couple thousand bucks isn’t life-altering especially for those foolish enough to think getting vaxxed will kill them. If you REALLY believed the covid vaccine would kill you if you took it (and it’s not just political bullcrap your peddling) almost m no penalty or antivax tax would be too much.

Guess you’re the Marxist now.


Anonymous said...

We're still praying for YOU, too X @ 11:44 AM.

When are you going to go 'talk to someone' about ALL of your nonsense???

(Please let us know when you are 'well')

RayB said...

11:13 AM & 11:22 AM ...

I agree 100%.

He is a VERY sick, deluded, deranged, hate-filled, unhappy person. There is NEVER an ounce of joy, humor, grace, mercy, etc. in ANY of his posts. I'm not exaggerating, he literally is the most bitter, contrary person I have ever encountered. As you put it; if you say black, he'll no doubt claim white.

What makes that all even worse, is that he performs his "antics," (Rich's term) while naming the name of Christ!

People like him were what completely turned me off about Christianity, because their hypocrisy was so incredibly evident. However, God stepped in, in His perfect timing, and overruled these destructive personalities by extending His Sovereign GRACE to me, as He does to ALL of His true Children.

One more quick thought; Joe Biden has spent a lifetime of telling lies. He is now at the age where he literally has one foot in the grave. One second after his soul leaves his body, it will be abundantly clear to him where he is headed. He'll have his place in the lake of fire, reserved especially for all LIARS and false accusers.

Anonymous said...

Still fixated on Covid just like "Santa Klaus" wants from you, aren't you X? Those are his elitist talking points and where your false hopes are coming from.

The rest of us regular folk just want a regular life, where we don't have brown shirts like you breathing down our necks.
But------it's a sign of the times..the devil gets "his hour" on the global world stage and you push for it all while claiming we need a religious-political party (a kingdom now concept no different than NAR/Dominionists want). You are no different in your political "hopes" than the worst of both parties. Your tribe is the uni-party persecutors party.
Real Christians don't want your political-religious adulteration, we know to trust Jesus so come what may in the world, we have hope that is real.
Spare us your "missionary" zeal for your hateful political "church"..

RayB said...

Just a few verses to ponder regarding the "wicked" ...

"Salvation is far from the wicked: for they seek not thy statutes." - Psalm 119:155

"For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue." - Psalm 109:2

"Lord, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph?" - Psalm 94:3

"Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked." - Psalm 97:10

"For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity." - Psalm 125:3

"A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth." - Proverbs 6:12

"The Lord preserveth all them that love him: but ALL the wicked will he destroy." - Psalm 145:20

RayB said...

Biden suffers too much backlash, even from liberals at CNN.

Joe Biden Tries to Walk Back Dark Speech: ‘I Don’t Consider Any Trump Supporter to Be a Threat’

NOTE: This was, hands down, the most divisive, hate-filled, dangerous, anti-American, political speech in my lifetime. And I've heard and seen a lot of them.

Biden is a wicked demagogue that will use any means possible to advance his evil, anti-American political agenda. If he destroys the fabric of this nation in the process? Biden doesn't seem to care.

Biden also displayed that he is literally frightened of ordinary American citizens. His use of the military's presence for his POLITICAL speech is outrageous and unprecedented. A very dangerous precedent and message that Biden intended as an obvious threat to Trump supporters. This actually made me think 'this is the kind of stuff that Hitler did.' Hitler always had the presence of the military while he made his insane rants against his perceived 'enemies.'

And what was with Constitution Hall being lit in dark RED for a background? Weird.
The entire event was creepy. As I watch this senile, corrupt, old man, I just can't believe that he is actually the leader of the free world, with the nation's nuclear codes always nearby.

RayB said...

The Great Unraveling is Now Upon Us — It’s ALL Breaking Down With Stunning Speed

NOTE: I recently finished "The Wartime Diaries of Count Ciano." Ciano was married to Benito Mussolini's daughter, and was also the head of Italy's foreign ministry. Ciano was eventually executed by the Nazi Gestapo. What is amazing about this book is the almost daily entries, that reveals the behind the scenes account of how Europe continued to stumble into World War II, all by small increments. (Hitler himself, according to Ciano, did not believe invading Poland would lead to a large European War. The Italians strongly disagreed, but the Germans were hell-bent on war with Poland). With each passing week, the events continued to take on a life all their own, which eventually led to a tragedy that cost the lives of almost 60 Million people.

The current period we are living in appears to be almost a carbon copy of the time leading up to the tragedy of WW II. However, today, the use of nuclear weapons is very likely if a widespread war breaks out. If events don't dramatically change, and quickly, Europe may find itself in an all out war with Russia (and possibly China) by this winter. Real change, and peace, is unlikely to happen. There is no possible way that Russia will agree to ANY negotiations that requires them to pull out of Ukraine. NONE. ALL diplomatic solutions have disappeared.

As Kissinger strongly advised (paraphrase) "The war is lost for Ukraine. They need to negotiate now or face utter destruction."

The entire world is looking into the abyss, and we have an angry, senile, highly medicated, old man masquerading as POTUS. What could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous said...

If wind-up puppet Biden, wasn't the installed 'president', he would be unemployed. He couldn't even be a Walmart greeter. Creepy Joe would be wandering around the store touching, and sniffing the children. BIG liability for Walmart! He really is the perfect president for Obama,and the other demonrats.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

President Projection trying to take his speech back now?

J said...

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Political violence and stochastic terrorism are threats to democracy.

You can't crap all over the Constitution to save the Republic. It doesn't work.

J said...

When will some commenters here learn to see that it was Trump's lack of character and lack of Godly judgment that finally did him in? Christians should have been the first people to discern it.

Anonymous said...

It was actually the 'election' fraud that stopped Trump.

Name some Godly Presidents.

Anonymous said...

Here's just a few one-liners, straight from the horse's mouth, Donald J. Trump.
"I think I'm the most honest human being, perhaps, that God ever created."

"The “heist” of the 2020 election was “one of the greatest crimes in the history of our country. I’m actually writing a book about it called The Crime of the Century."

"I’ve been investigated by the Democrats more than Billy the Kid, Jessie James and Al Capone combined."

"I am the most persecuted person in the history of our country."

The Art of the Deal, by Donald J. Trump "I play to people's fantasies ... People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration—and it's a very effective form of promotion."


Anonymous said...

Biden Has Spent 40% of His Presidency on Vacation

J said...

10:12 AM,

You might want to take a second look at that "honest" and "pro-American" assessment.

J said...

The defense of Trump and Trumpism reminds me of my defense of the Catholic church several years ago. I used to argue with RayB when he relentlessly criticized the Catholic church. I was not Catholic, but I was strongly considering joining.

My reasoning at the time was that the Catholic church was the only Christian church in the West for hundreds of years. Although there may have been reasons for Protestants to historically oppose the Catholic church, in our day and age, it seemed to me that most Leftists did not distinguish between Catholics and Christians. They were simply anti-Catholic because they were simply anti-Christian.

I discerned at the enemies of God seemed to be arrayed against the Catholic church. WHO has printed the articles and broadcast the news investigating Catholic church clergy sexual abuse? The LIBERAL MEDIA. Mainly the liberal media. WHO has had an enmity against the Catholic church for hundreds of years? The Freemasons.

I reasoned that the liberal media selectively exposed the sexual abuses of the Catholic church while covering up the sexual abuses among their own. Maybe they were even projecting.

Some of my arguments were "whatabout" arguments. Whatabout the sexual abuses among the New Agers? Among the Protestant churches? Etc., etc.

Eventually the Holy Spirit convicted me that I was NOT to defend sin, even if it was exposed by those who were anti-Christians.

Study of the Old Testament convinced me that my new conviction was Biblical. The Old Testament showed that God did not spoil Israel but allowed Israel to be judged - invaded by foreign, pagan nations - for sins.

This was the broader principle I accepted. I was NOT just agreeing with RayB about being anti-Catholic.

For a while I had a newfound respect for RayB, because he was so involved in my newfound Holy Spirit conviction and newfound Biblical grounding in my approach to sins in the world.

Now I see that I am looking at it in a deeper way, and we don't agree as much as I thought we did.

I see that he will defend Trump and Trumpism no matter what, just as some Catholics will defend the Catholic church no matter what - and as I used to do.

Why did I do it? It seems to me now that when I converted to Christianity, I flipped my liberal thinking without deeply changing it. I was still focused on identity politics, just aligned with different identities. Now I was going to be aligned with a Christian identity and side with white male conservative American Christians most of the time.

The problem was that I was still not focused on SIN on a deeper level, regardless of the identify of whoever is committing the sin.

I hope this will help to explain why I no longer have the affinity for RayB that I once did. When he accused or made implied accusations or smears of Constance, it was only the straw that broke the camel's back.

It was particularly disappointing to me because I had come to respect RayB's knowledge of the Bible and his respect for a Sola Scriptura exegesis of it.

The Holy Spirit has taken me full circle in a particular way that enabled me to see something I needed to see, and this is the type of experience I've been having repeatedly since my conversion. Some think it's crazy, but I find it strange for Christians to call it crazy.

Craig said...

I don't know if I can 'catch up' with some of the pertinent (to me) comments, but I'll try.

First to J,

I came across a book on Revelation titled The Past Is Yet to Come: Exodus Typology in Revelation, by Barbara A. Isbell, that you might find of interest, if only that there is an other-than-partial-preterism way to interpret an Exodus typology. Info is here

Here is very brief description, followed by a more detailed one:

A study of Revelation’s typological use of the three major stages of the exodus: the plagues, the Passover, and the wilderness wanderings.


While scholars commonly recognize allusions to the exodus tradition in the book of Revelation, few inquires exist that examine their purpose, hermeneutical and theological function, and their cumulative impact. The presence of exodus imagery throughout Scripture suggests that the historical exodus from Egypt provided the Jewish people a pattern and hope for a more dramatic future deliverance. Isbell analyzes this hope in Revelation and finds that its author typologically incorporates images from each major stage of the exodus (the plagues, the Passover, and the wilderness wanderings) in a structured and purposeful manner, which enhances the reader’s understanding of John’s visions and exhorts believers to maintain allegiance to the Lamb in the face of persecution and a compromising culture.

The primary thrust of this project is to demonstrate that Revelation’s use of exodus typology represents the eschaton as the culmination of salvation history, a reinstatement of God’s initial purposes and ideals for his creation. At last, all that was inaugurated through Christ’s redemptive death on the cross is completed, the covenants throughout Scripture are fulfilled, and the goal of the exodus is accomplished.

Craig said...

In my usual day-to-day I meet folks from all kinds of backgrounds. The other day I met a guy—black man, since this is germane in the current era—who is former FBI. The gist: He retired early because he just could not do some of the things asked of him. He said the Bureau has been catering to millennials (not sure exactly what he meant here, but I think ‘woke-ism’). When I asked him the issue(s) that prompted him to leave, he provided a one word answer: politicization.

CNN, MSNBC slammed for turning to discredited intel officials

Bias much?

RayB said...

Tucker's take on Biden's 'speech' ...

Tucker Carlson: Does this make you nervous?

Anonymous said...

Listening to too many media talking points send people in circles, spinning like tops. This is not a balanced, with context, assessment of what is really taking place in the halls of power, so the picture is purposely moving way too fast, very blurred for assessing what is really going on. All blownin' the political wind...

The mainly leftist socialist controlled big media and big tech giants, their cues coming from establishment DC, have so many people looking the wrong direction for threats. Almost exclusively, actual and real time violence (not just talk) is coming from the left just like the summer of 2020, the politicking steering hard left right there, (Soros must be very pleased), okay, a very small faction on the right, but the threat is not Mom and Pop America. Grandma is not the one to be feared. The gap is really widening now between those in power and 'we the people' who are supposed (used) to have it. Power and money monopolized, money and power monopolized, doing us in.

Our real threats are coming from inside the White House, the puppet O'Biden, our Criminal-in-Chief, and many seated on their fat, very rich (off the backs of those they do not represent, because they're also criminals) arses in Congress. And judges sitting in their ivory towers with gavels poised and ready to rule against the little man who built this country with the help of the Almighty.
But America, as a nation, back turned against that 'in government we trust' should be stamped on everything because this nation now left to its own devises. Explains Biden, doesn't it..

A very large number of people (and not just in this country) refuse to recognize what dictatorial globalism looks like, the not very far away in history lessons forgotten (and My people love to have it so, God said)

Whether people see it or not, God has allowed it, for such as time as this.
What Grace could not humble, Judgment must befall.

We, individually, need to reassess a whole lot.

Craig said...

Say it isn't/wasn't so.

Twenty-six BLM chapters sue its leaders for defrauding them

Fox News

Color Us United spokesman Christian Watson says defrauding allegations against the national Black Lives Matter organization means the end of a[n] 'era.'

Attempting to solve racism through racism just might not be the way to go.

So many times I can draw on lyrics from music I'd listened to in my BC days--this one from over 40 years ago--and draw analogies to current events:

Echo And The Bunnymen - Broke My Neck

I forget
just what I meant
broke my neck
lost respect
it was my fall from grace

I object
is what I meant
lost and tried
and away I went
no sign of face to face
no time to face the face

I helped myself
I couldn't help myself
I helped myself
I couldn't help myself
I tell myself
go on and help yourself
ya can't help yourself
I can't help myself

No sign of face to face

Anonymous said...

12:00 PM Craig

Thank you. Exactly why J6 committee is a farce to me, because it is just the continuation of get Trump. They don't even try to hide it. They have ratted themselves out in the extreme hubris to pontificate to us that very message. The truth is, it really has been, its casualty because just more bias from the uniparty DC crowd (with globalist ambitions) protecting each other's bottom line......not ours. (nothing new under the sun, but I think headed now to the finale prophecy has shown us)

Trump in or out is up to the people, not them---but our government has not really been of the people for a long while now. And I see God's intervention in it all. No wonder the powerfully appointed, not elected, have so much leeway, and against us. I truly believe, God has said it's time.

Anonymous said...

RayB 8:38 PM said: "I know a ton of politically active people, and only know of ONE that actually was 'following' the confusing rantings of Q-Anon. The other was one of my neighbors that is, to put it nicely, slightly strange. That makes TWO."

Oh no, RayB. There's one more! Your MAGA/Trump demigod is tweeting and retweeting the confusing rantings of Q-Anon. It is Significantly Strange that you've overlooked that.


Anonymous said...


9:06 PM

Were you a close friend of the late Dorothy Margraf, by any chance ? No, I've never heard of Dorothy Margraf. Was she a close friend of yours?


RayB said...

Truthful ... humorous ... and brilliant:

Translating Biden’s ‘Soul of a Nation’ Speech

RayB said...

Sadly, these types of news stories are too numerous to keep track of ...

Hockey Star, 19, Dies During Game - League Mandated 'Vaccine' in 2021

"Another tragic death occurred in Canada on Tuesday when a 19-year-old hockey captain collapsed and passed away mid-game, sparking many online to question whether the league’s vaccine mandate played a role."

NOTE: I read the other day the news account of former Ohio State QB, and ESPN sports analyst Kirk Herbstreit. Herbstreit became gravely ill back in May of this year. Very little was said regarding his condition. Here's what happened; the fully vaccinated Herbstreit felt 'pain' in his right calve area. Being an athlete, he thought it was some type of muscle strain. He went to bed that night and felt pain in his chest area and was having trouble breathing. He went in for a complete physical and the Drs. found a 'blood clot' in his leg. Alarmingly, they also found BLOOD CLOTS in his lungs, which easily could have proven fatal. Throughout this entire news story, not ONE mention was made regarding Herbstreit's vaccinations.

These types of stories are plentiful ... blood clots, sudden deaths of athletes in their prime, etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 7:13 PM

I didn't watch Joe's speech. Never will. It would be detrimental to my health.

The article is spot on.

What kind of mental disease do, "at least five posters here" have, that they can't see that this President is dangerous? EVIL, wicked to the core! You would have to be completely clueless to not be alarmed!

This is it. We are toast. I fully agree with 1:53 PM "God is allowing this". This country is sliding into the abyss.

Anonymous said...

From the 37th Psalm
1 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.

12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.

13 The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.

14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.

15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.

God can and will take care of His blood bought own, it is promised.
Others who trust in government--"the powers that be".....are on their own.
We have it on the authority of God's Word that wickedness in high places will be brought down, down, down.

7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
18 The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.

19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
They won't be ashamed to stand with Him Who stands before the Father as our Ransom, and their spiritual hunger satisfied while others perish..and Jesus will welcome them Home.

Reading the entire Psalm reminds me this too shall pass...onward and upward only happens when we trust the Lord Jesus.

Craig said...

In the Designed To Fail department we have this new New England Journal of Medicine 'study':

Randomized Trial of Metformin, Ivermectin, and Fluvoxamine for Covid-19
Bramante et. al.
August 18, 2022

As reviewed by:

New Study Evaluates High Dose Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine, and Metformin for Outpatient COVID-19

MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY

From the study:

"The groups received the trial drugs according to the following doses: immediate-release metformin administered with an increase in dose over 6 days to 1500 mg per day for 14 days, ivermectin at a dose of 390 to 470 ÎĽg per kilogram per day for 3 days, and fluvoxamine at a dose of 50 mg twice daily for 14 days..."

Pertinent comment from Iver Mec-Tin accompanying vlog:

Perhaps I missed the details of how early IVM was administered in this study. IVM is only efficacious during the replication phase of infection. Therefore it should be administered ASAP at the onset of symptoms, and continued until the symptoms subside. The dosage recommended by the FLCCC is the same as that which has proven to be safe and effective for IVM in application to the conditions for which it is an approved drug. For these reasons, I do not take this study seriously. The design of the study deliberately and intentionally constrained the dose, the duration, and fails to address the timing of the use of IVM. I find it curious and disingenuous that there are so many studies of IVM that get stupid with the timing, the dosage, and the duration; when they get it spot on with Remdesivir, but consistently fail to apply the same rigor to the timing, dosage, and duration with IVM. One cannot discount the profit motivation in this disparity. IVM is a very inexpensive generic drug, while Remdesivir is a phenomenally expensive novel drug. Both require early application. Both require application until symptoms subside. Both have established and proven safe dosage levels. But the studies all get it right with Remdesivir, and they all get it profoundly WRONG with IVM. Coincidence? NO!

J said...

It's worth noting that the FLCCC protocol consists of more than just one drug. It's a combination of drugs, herbs and nutrients.

Statistically doctors' clinical experience matters for treatment outcomes. I would personally give some weight to the FLCCC protocol, which is a compilation of clinical treatment outcomes that have been pooled from around the world, from highly experienced frontline doctors.

Having said that, I want to dig more into the specific details about dose and timing of Ivermectin used all by itself.

To compare it to the FLCCC Ivermectin protocol:
(copied and pasted from link)

Chronic Prevention
0.2 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — twice a week for as long as disease risk is elevated in your community. Alternative: Hydroxychloroquine – 200 mg tablet daily.

Post COVID-19 Exposure Prevention
0.4 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — one dose today, repeat after 48 hours.
Alternative: Hydroxychloroquine – 400 mg twice day on day 1, then 200 mg twice a day on Days 2 and 3.

The ug to mg converter online says that 390 ug = 0.39 mg

My conclusion: the Ivermectin dose in the study is comparable to the FLCCC protocol dose.

Any link to the study so I could examine the details (and look for any available info on how soon the Ivermectin was started in the study)?

Craig said...


I just happened to come over right after your comment. The first hyperlink I provided @ 11:02 PM is the study itself.

As to your point about dosage, note the duration of 3 days, as opposed to until symptoms subside and "repeat after 48 hours" per FLCCC (and compare to 14 days for the others). And it does not specify WHEN it was administered relative to symptoms.

RayB said...

Joe Biden's (and his pal George Soros's) AMERIKA:

‘Citizens for Sanity’ Releases Powerful Ad “STOP THE SLAUGHTER” Exposing Woke Leftist Politicians Turning Our Cities into a Living Hell (VIDEO)

J said...

"In this phase 3, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, we used a 2-by-3 factorial design to test the effectiveness of three repurposed drugs — metformin, ivermectin, and fluvoxamine — in preventing serious SARS-CoV-2 infection in nonhospitalized adults who had been enrolled within 3 days after a confirmed diagnosis of infection and less than 7 days after the onset of symptoms."

"...less than 7 days after the onset of symptoms."

I'd be interested in the opinions of FLCCC doctors.

Could certainly have been administered too late. I dunno.

J said...

"The patients were between the ages of 30 and 85 years, and all had either overweight or obesity."

"...all had either overweight or obesity."

Could be another confounding variable.

RayB said...

I'm so shocked. Help! Please, someone, anyone, pick me up off the floor.

ANOTHER BLM leader accused of fraud ...

Activists accuse BLM leader Shalomyah Bowers of stealing $10 million: lawsuit

"The new leader of the national Black Lives Matter non-profit “siphoned” more than $10 million in fees from donors to pay his consulting firm, according to a lawsuit."

J said...

FLCCC early treatment protocol has a higher dose range and says take for 5 days or until recovered. Stopping after 3 days could definitely have been too soon to stop. And the doses in the study were all at the lowest end of the dose range used in the FLCCC early treatment protocol.

Again, FLCCC protocol includes much more than Ivermectin. For early treatment, it includes anti-coagulants.

FLCCC says .4 to .6 mg/kg. The study used doses from .39 to .49 mg/kg.

Copied and pasted from

Ivermectin: 0.4–0.6 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — one dose daily, take for 5 days or until recovered. Use upper dose if: 1) in regions with aggressive variants (e.g. Delta); 2) treatment started on or after day 5 of symptoms or in pulmonary phase; or 3) multiple comorbidities/risk factors.

Hydroxychloroquine (preferred for Omicron): 200 mg PO twice daily; take for 5 days or until recovered.

J said...

Craig 9:48 AM,

Your reply with its bolded and uppercase words conveyed a tone of annoyance. Did you feel annoyed that I didn't take the vlogger's word for it and wanted to scrutinize it myself?

I saw your earlier post about eschatology. I wasn't familiar with the subject you raised and wanted to look at it some time when I have a long block of leisure time.

J said...

For those who are interested in keeping up.

President Biden’s 2023 Budget Increases Funding for Police

Anonymous said...

J said…” I'd be interested in the opinions of FLCCC doctors.”

I understand maintaining an open mind but the FLCCC is so desperate to be right, professionally and politically, and maintain their base of remaining patrons to grift upon that they’ll say anything, move every goalpost, fabricate and misinterpret disinformation that their self-serving opinions, at this point, are irrelevant scientifically.

As o recall, Dr Kory has been trying to sell his unproven debunked MATH protocol even before covid for treatment of other illnesses. He even caught covid himself despite taking ivermectin prophylacticly.

They’ve published papers grossly overstating outcomes that were retracted.

As I also recall, in Dec 2020, just as life saving vaccines were being rolled out, Dr Kory testified to homeland security congressional committee completely lying and pretending his protocols were the solution and no one else had to die. Yet deaths continued despite many hospitals and doctors continuing his bogus protocols on patients who, many believed Dr Kory and didn’t get vaccinated, and paid with their long term health and/or very lives. Such testimony was taken down later as hundreds of thousands continued dying despite his “genius”.

Dr Kory and his group of desperate disinformation quacks are killers of thousands.


P.S.- I’m not denying those meds MAY have some very limited effectiveness in certain persons, at certain doses & dosages at certain times in the covid illness timeline. I believe it’s clear now that it’s not reliably effective enough in any predictable manner to suggest viability especially on the milder omicron variants.

J said...

X 12:38 PM,

Critical thinking is good to apply to science cartels and govt health bureaucracies, too.

I need to come back to this. But a retraction is good, not bad. It's honest. You've argued that way yourself.

J said...

I'm not going to dig through it all right this moment, but the FLCCC has weekly updates.

Search for "FLCCC Weekly Update Nov. 10, 2021" as a text search on the web page, after going to this link:

There appears to be more than a little bit of "he said, he said" going on here.

It's more fair and accurate to start by getting both sides of the story.

To my detractor(s): It's biblical. It's not "lukewarm." King Solomon would have done it, before he turned apostate, when he was the wisest man who ever lived.

See Proverbs 18:17

Craig said...

J @ 10:24 AM,

You wrote: Your reply with its bolded and uppercase words conveyed a tone of annoyance. Did you feel annoyed that I didn't take the vlogger's word for it and wanted to scrutinize it myself?

You (mis)interpreted a tone of annoyance. When I initially read your first comment after mine I was perplexed at your “Any link to the study..?” I had to look again at my comment. And, just as I recalled, a hyperlink is provided near the very top. Now, I’ll admit to then experiencing a bit of annoyance because it was obvious you’d merely skimmed the comment. But, realizing my own impatience due to current personal circumstances, I paused and tried my best to post matter-of-factly instead. This is reflected in my second sentence, which stated that I’d provided a link in my initial comment.

My bold and italics in my second paragraph was a sort of short-hand to mimic the same emphasis used in my initial comment: bold in quoting the study itself (which was prefaced by “From the study:”), while the italics was to refer to the italicized words of the comment (by Iver Mec-Tin) accompanying the vlog. My intent was to make them easy to find, since, again, it was obvious you skimmed my first comment. The uppercase WHEN was to induce you to find the aforementioned paragraph quoted from the study, which I purposefully used an ellipse so that anyone could easily find the parameters set forth in the study, which fail to indicate when the dosages were administered relative to onset of symptoms. I decided not to bold or italicize “when” in my initial comment because I’d just used them to point back to quoted portions (the study and the comment accompanying the vlog), so I used uppercase instead.

So the juxtaposition of the portion of the study quoted (ending with the ellipse) and the immediately following comment under the vlog making the charge regarding ‘when’ the dosages were administered was purposefully done in order to induce any reader interested to go to the provided link to verify or disprove the commenter’s charge. In other words, in the very manner I laid out the comment, I intended to invite scrutiny.

Thus, as for your last sentence/question above, I did (and always do) welcome scrutiny.

I may have unintentionally confused by the way I laid out my initial comment, but this was my intention:

1-Include link to study at top for easy reference.

2-Include link to vlog, which is where I found the link to the study (it’s in the verbiage accompanying vlog). FTR, the vlogger, MedCram, is known for merely parroting the current healthcare narrative.

3-Provide the comment accompanying the narrative-toeing vlog, which criticizes the methodology of the study.

4-Allow anyone an easy way to challenge what was written in my comment by providing all the necessary links and in an ordering I thought would invite such scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I’m open to considering anything. But Dr Kory didn’t retract the study himself. Instead the hospital system he worked at double checked his data and found pretty obvious, seemingly deliberately dishonest, substantial errors. The publisher retracted. Retractions can be honest mistakes and errors, biased mistakes and errors in design or deliberate falsities. Really hard to trust the latter again.

Not unlike the smaller errors you found in their criticism of the more recent study indicating Ivermetin, metformen, etc are largely or completely ineffective (on my phone with family so haven’t read the actual study being criticized)

The iron king was a successful effective treatment for some patients suffering from polio too…Nobody suggested they replace vaccination for the general population.

Treatment vs inoculation in public medicine.


Ps- there’s a lot going on around me today so I apologize if I’m sounding difficult? Or contrarian? I’m writing today. It’s cool. I like pursuing truth too. I FEEL FLCCC doesn’t care about lying. Their lies travel faster & further than any debunking after the fact. They must KNOW they are wrong at this point and don’t care.

J said...

I'm sorry, Craig; I know you put thought into your comments. I know how frustrating it can be at times to put thought into something and be met with a lazy reply. I was just rushed, and we're up to 1,183 comments now. It's just a comments section. But I'll try to take more time with your comments in the future, knowing you write them thoughtfully.

Anonymous said...

"lack of character and lack of Godly judgment that finally did him in? Christians should have been the first people to discern it."

Ok. Now apply that to O'Biden...times 10.
America is toast..and that is the intent.

Anonymous said...

By D. Parker
Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake eviscerated the anti-liberty left’s tiresome and worn-out election denial narrative at a campaign event recently by simply asking why we can’t raise questions on these matters.

Since the nation’s socialist media has become the propaganda arm of the fascist far left, they have incessantly flogged this narrative over and over.

The Federalist backed up her point:

Hillary Clinton, Biden’s Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and a whole slew of congressional Democrats denied that former President Donald Trump was legitimately elected in 2016. Not only that, but they still tout and fundraise on the lie that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

Recent history is replete with examples of ‘Democrats of high and low repute complaining about ‘stolen elections’ when the Republican party wins. Then suddenly, all of that vanishes down the memory hole whenever they win. Why is that?

This is just another example of how George Orwell’s 1984 is terrifyingly coming to life, and trust us, the results are going to be double plus ungood.

Anti-liberty leftists have co-opted basic words such “denier” and distorted their meaning for their own purposes. It started with the phrase ‘climate change denier’ despite the fact that it’s doubtful anyone denies the climate changes. But the word police of the anti-liberty left were of course distorting the definition. Then they went a step further and shortened it to ‘climate denier’ which goes into a realm beyond Orwellian. Seriously, who denies that there is climate?

Never satisfied with screwing up the King’s English in just one area, the enemies of liberty and common sense decided to do the same with “election denier.” It’s time that we stand up for the common sense of asking questions; that’s one way of resisting tyranny.

RayB said...

Anon @ 3:39 PM ...

You are so wrong. Why don't you see it? Is it because you really are not a Christian?

Biden the Enthusiastic Death Cult *Baby Killer (that took 'inappropriate' showers with his DAUGHTER) = GOOD

Orange Man Mean and Nasty Tweeter = VERY BAD (aren't mean Tweets against the Constitution?)

* being allowed to kill unborn **babies is an American "core value," according to the Democratic Death Cult Party.

** AKA, "potential persons"

RayB said...

I wonder when the riots, looting and burning starts?

Man Charged in Abduction of Teacher as Police Continue Searching for Her

And ...

Predator Who Kidnapped Memphis Mom Was SUPPOSED TO BE IN PRISON Serving Time for Another Kidnapping

Anonymous said...

You want talk Russian involvement? Look at the Clintons..

Anonymous said...

RayB, 3:39 here

Up it times 10 to see how the lack of character and ungodly judgment thing applies to O'Biden.

Trump is harmless in comparison..that is my point.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful young man. A great representation of what I know of many people all around me.
Speaking his heart he spoke mine, too.

RayB said...

6:15 PM ...

Funny, isn't it, that the left only sees the 'bad' in Trump (and there is bad ... we admit it), and yet, the left sees NOTHING 'bad' in Biden/Harris and the rest of the Death Cult Democrats?

When was a last time you've read any criticism of the Democrats by any of the Trump bashers in here?

Anonymous said...

Poor alt-right white nationalist snowflakes and your whataboutisms…

J said...

In a Trump - Biden comparison about inappropriate father-daughter behavior - do you really want to go there ??? Seriously?

Is there no unforced error too large to make in defending Trump?

I know just the collapse America is headed for next. A Narcissism Collapse!

J said...

P.S. I'm not claiming people who still believe in Trump are also narcissists. But those who have left their relationships with narcissists have talked about being "in a fog." It's hard for them to come out of their fog - painful for them. Narcissists create an alternative reality for those who are in relationships with them.

Anonymous said...

Of All the crime that happens daily throughout the country RayB feels the need again to share the unfortunate cases of two white woman who happened to be victims of black assailants.

Never a black victim of white crimes or white on white crimes…just black on white crime.

The point isn’t to report crime but induce political racial hatred, fear and upset.

Take your heretical ecumenical white nationalism somewhere else.


P.S. - rich. Was there Roman Catholic involvement? Tutu was an Anglican. Their seemingly lack of involvement seems intentional to me as ultimately they seem to be positioning themselves to be the ultimate ecumenical arbiter in partnership with the NAR and other church haters like MagaRayB white nationalist types as henchmen. Interesting piece.

Anonymous said...

New thread now…

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