I subscribe to Statewatch alerts. Today I received a disturbing one. England is now requiring all entrants to show fingerprints. Here is a link where you can view full brochure. Click on the image above itself to see it in full page mode.
News and views of Constance Cumbey concerning "Radical Middle", New Age Movement, Communitarianism, "planetary humanism," "global governance," European Union, Javier Solana, Jeremy Rifkin, "New Age Politics," law in the USA, combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!
Ron Seigel, a seasoned Michigan reporter who has enjoyed national circulation for many of his important articles received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the prestigious Monteith College of Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. His many articles have appeared in such newspapers as the Christian Science Monitor, Our Sunday Visitor, Catholic Faith and Family, The Jewish News, the Michigan Citizen, the Detroit News, the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit Legal News. Ron directed United Community Ombudsmen, an organization which assisted community residents in dealing with government institutions. "
Well she’s the EU’s new High Representative for foreign affairs it would seem, despite never having been elected to anything in her life and with most of her experience in politics being as a health service panjandrum in Hertfordshire.
She’s also married to YouGov pollster Peter Kellner, which may mean something or nothing - probably nothing.
Tony Blair didn’t get the president’s job of course, losing out to Herman van Rompuy of Belgium. Well at least Herman didn’t invade Iraq.
But as for the good baroness….I listened to about three hours of BBC reports on the matter tonight and they didn’t seem to know who she was either.
An appointment straight out of Lewis Carrol.
Solana comes from a well-known Spanish family, being the grand nephew of Spanish League of Nations disarmament chief, diplomat, writer and European integrationist Salvador de Madariaga [1] (Javier's grandfather, Rogelio de Madariaga y Castro and Salvador de Madariaga were cousins). His father was a chemistry professor, Luis Solana San Martín, who died when Javier was not twenty yet. His mother, Obdulia Madariaga Pérez, died in 2005.[2][3][4][5][6] Javier is the third of five children.[2] His older brother Luis was once imprisoned for his political activities opposing the rule of Francisco Franco[citation needed] and subsequently became a distinguished leader in the Spanish telecommunications industry, and was one of the first socialist members of the Trilateral Commission.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has canceled a November 4 and 5 visit to Spain [1] amid a dispute over the command of the European-led United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). The visit was called off after reports surfaced [2] that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had secretly asked Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to keep Italy in command of the 13,000-strong UNIFIL force for six months longer than planned, instead of allowing Spain to take over.Italian General Claudio Graziano is scheduled to turn the command over to a Spanish general in February 2010. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz [3] says Israeli officials want Graziano to stay on because they believe that replacing the UNIFIL commander now might further destabilize the already precarious security situation in southern Lebanon. The Spanish newspaper El País [4] adds that Italian officials want to retain the command because it would be beneficial to Graziano’s career.
In any case, considering that Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero leads what is arguably the most anti-Israel government in Europe, Netanyahu is probably justified in having some misgivings about a Spanish-led UNIFIL.
Indeed, the unabashedly pro-Arab, pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, and pro-Iranian Zapatero says the Middle East will be a top priority when Spain takes over the six-month rotating presidency [5] of the European Union in January 2010. Spanish officials now worry that a six-month delay in taking over the UNIFIL command will deprive Zapatero of a bully pulpit he believes will help him raise his profile in the region.
What next? It's all happening so very fast.
Stay tuned!
Academician Kapitsa denounced the Kyoto Protocol as “the biggest ever scientific fraud.” The pact was lobbied by European politicians and industrialists, critics say, in order to improve the competitiveness of European products and slow down economic growth in emerging economies. “The European Union pushed through the Kyoto Protocol in order to reduce the competitive edge of the U.S. and other countries where ecological standards are less stringent than in Europe,” says ecologist Sergei Golubchikov.
Russian scientists deny that the Kyoto Protocol reflects a consensus view of the world scientific community. Academician Kapitsa complains that opponents of the man-caused global warming are routinely denied the floor at international climate forums.
“A large number of critical documents submitted at the 1995 U.N. conference in Madrid vanished without a trace,” the scientist says. “As a result, the discussion was one-sided and heavily biased, and the U.N. declared global warming to be a scientific fact.”
Barbara Marx Hubbard’s words that the resonating core groups are blending and merging to do the 'one work' have no better evidence than the upcoming 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures. In 2010 we are to witness many of the interlocking initiatives we’ve discussed here converge and become the legal basis for global governance. Among these core initiatives include the
With names indicative of peace how could anyone oppose these initiatives?
When I was young I worked for a family who farmed—Harold and Elaine Wells. Harold was a World War II veteran. One year he decided to take Elaine to Europe and travel the places he had been during the War. This meant that the couple would spend some time in East Germany which, then, was part of the communist bloc and divided by the Berlin Wall.
When the couple returned Elaine described to me how she disliked East Germany. They were permitted to see only what their guide allowed. While in a downtown district their guide stopped the group in front of a shop where Elaine saw the most beautiful dress. She said she had to buy it and before the guide could stop her, she had opened the shop door. What she saw was not a store, but a room filled with machinery.
These initiatives are exactly what Elaine saw—nice window dressing and machinery. The machinery, of course, is designed to combat monotheistic religion. As these initiatives blend and converge, we are certain to find the Alliance of Civilizations to be the core resonating group. The Alliance’s initial planning documents say that UN reform IS the successful implementation of the AoC initiative. The timeframe is to move from preparatory phase into activation mode in September 2009. Speaking before the 64th UN General Assembly Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero said:
Make no mistake: this is just a formalizing of what has already taken place. All relevant UN organizations have already made entry points into the Alliance of Civilizations.
This resolution will essentially crown the Alliance queen. I expect in 2010 we will see the gathering together the “collective whole”. This is what the Gnostics refer to as the “world soul” which will become “one” with the earth (the goddess, the divine Sophia) and take her seat as the true bride of Christ. I tend to see her more as Bridezilla, the bride of the antichrist.
“Through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” – Daniel 8:25
Posted by Rich Peterson - Medford at 8:19 PM