Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Remember the Apocalyptic Prophecy about Antichrist and False Prophet -- He shall think to change times and laws

 Steve Shultz & Johnny Enlow Say Donald Trump ushered in the Kingdom Age in 2012

atthew 24 Jesus prophesied deception abounds!

Compare the 2012 aspect to Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jose Arguelles, "Mayan Prophesies" 2021 predictions.  Looks like this might have well fit in to that scenario.

Extracted Pages 1 through 4 of above pictured 2016 book by Lawrence Moelhauser

Attributes of the Antichrist


 1. Larger, stronger, more imposing and terrifying compared to other politicians " ... look was more stout than his fellows. "(KJV); " ... larger in appearance than its associates" (NASE); " ... looked more imposing than the others. "(NIV); " ... was more terrifying than any of the others." (TEV)-Daniel 7 :20

 2. Stern or fierce faced "A king shall arise, having fierce features" (NKJV); " ... a king of fierce countenance" (KJV, AMP); " ... sternfaced"(NIV); " ... bold countenance" (RSV, Darby) Daniel 8:23

3. Generally different or unique amongst politicians " ... and he will be different.from the previous ones. "-Daniel 7:24

4. A great unifier who effectively appeals to people across traditional lines of division; will be revered by all. " ... the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast. "-Revelation 13 :3

5. Allegorically represented as incomparable metallic beast, of which he is also the personification; term beast applied to both him and his kingdom. " ... afourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured  and crushed, and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns."- Daniel 7-8

6. Seeks total political control for his own glory; not democratic republic or anything really for the people " ... who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. "-2 Thessalonians 2:4 

7. Icon of earthly success " ... he will succeed in whatever he does. "-Daniel 8:24

8. Politically rises from sub-national leadership position, like a governor " ... another horn [a ruler], a little one, came up among them [ten other rulers}. .. And out of one of [the 10 horns] came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great. "-Daniel 7:8, 11

 9. Will be shrewd, cunning, deceitful, skilled in intrigue "Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. "-Daniel 8:25 

10. Empowered through others "And his power will be mighty, but not by his own power ... "-Daniel 8:24

11. Stubborn, relentless, mega-ambitious visionary with far reaching goals.

 12. Vicious, violent, cruel, lacks regard for life "Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. "-Daniel 8:25

13. Extraordinarily proud and boastful " ... this horn [ruler] possessed. .. a mouth uttering great boasts ... ! kept looking because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking. .. that horn which had. .. a mouth uttering great boasts ... he will magnify himself in his heart. "-Daniel 7:8, 11, 20; 8

14. Disdain for women."And he will show no regard for ... the desire of women .. for he will magnify himself above them all." Daniel 11 :37 2

15. Inwardly a godless megalomaniac " ... that horn [ruler} was waging war with the saints and overpowering them ... he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One." " ... it grew up to the host of heaven and caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth, and it trampled them down. It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of the host; and it removed the regular sacrifice from Him, and the place of His sanctuary was thrown down ... the host will be given over to the horn along with the regular sacrifice; ... And he will magnify himself in his heart ... He will even oppose the Prince of princes."-Daniel 7:21, 25; 8:10-11, 25

 16. Mega-liar who actively opposes truth " .. .[he] will fling truth to the ground. ... A king will arise Insolent and skilled in intrigue. And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his injluence."-Daniel 8:11, 23, 25

 17. Morally bankrupt hedonist

 18. Allegorically represented as a conqueror on a white horse "And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him; and he went out conquering, and to conquer."-Revelation 6:2

19. Foreshadowed by historical types including King Saul, Nebuchadnezzar, Caesar, Hitler 

20. Professing Christianity, empowered by False Prophets, Christian support "I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a 3 different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds."-2 Corinthians 11 :3-15

We now have only a little more than 4 months to prepare ourselves for chaos to come. (November 5 2024 - Election Day). Trump, MAGA, Qanon, NAR (New Apostolic Reformation are promising violence against all those not in complete loyalty to Donald Trump who calls himself "The Chosen One" whether Trump wins or loses. "I am your retribution" -- "We will completely obliterate" . . . "

The deception is here. For those of you who say, "Nonsense" -- I hope you are right and I am wrong, but the present evidence tells me otherwise. Pray fervently that you may be counted worthy to withstand the things about to come on Earth.




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Constance Cumbey said...

I'm not sure who I'm voting for at this time, but it will NEVER be TRUMP. Trump was publicly pro-abortion up until he discovered he could use naive Christians as a political base. He is going to turn on us once he consolidates his hoped for dictatorial powers. Trump has full endorsements from NAR leaders including Steve Shults and Elijah Streams. They are buying foolishly into the lying claims of Roger Stone (the self-confessed "dirty trickster") and those Qanoners who claim that since "judgment begins at the House of the Lord", they will come against us. Have you paid attention to Elon Musk's endorsement and huge donations to Trump? Musk is the one with the technical skill, resources, and will to put the Revelation 13 prophecies of "he causeth all to receive the mark in order to buy and sell." Trump has openly discussed with his aides possible plans to use guillotines for his planned "mass executions." Are you all out of your minds?


Constance Cumbey said...

To 9:25 - sorry, but the BEFFORE ITS NEWS article you cite does not persuade me that Macron is the antichrist. The Olympics are opened by one coumtry or another every 4 years.


Constance Cumbey said...

Kamala Harris does not even come close to scaring me as Donald Trump does. I don't know what her chances are. Late starts are not usually successful in the political world.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 10:05 - Yes, I was once "very high up" in the then small National Women's Bar Association. I served terms as Secretary and Treasurer and was "on the chairs" for the eventual presidency. I resigned my office as Treasurer when activity on my research against the New Age Movement and intense travel for that interfered with my ability to carry out that last office. Besides, I will freely confess that I hated math and frankly being Treasurer in the pre-Excel days was probably more challenging for me than others. For the record, the top leadership - President of the National Bar Association" was a Catholic woman from Pennsylvania who was publicly and adamantly anti-abortion. You sound like one very typical anti-misogynist!


Constance Cumbey said...

to 10:23 pm

Unfortunately, far too many Christians also perceive Donald Trump as their MESSIAH! As Jesus said, "I come in my Father's name and ye receive me not. Another will come in his own name and him you will receive."


Anonymous said...

Constance 6:40 AM,

Of course Kamala Harris doesn't appear as scary as Trump. She's a younger, laughing, smiling woman. He's a scowling, sometimes leering, sometimes smirking, but never laughing, old, corrupt, rich man.

The symmetry on both sides is far from equal or perfect. But attempting detachment and striving to avoid media manipulation, there is quite a bit of similarity to be found in both the candidates and their bases.

Both bases contain highly emotional elements that can be summoned into mobs at times. Both bases' mobs have been known to become violent at times.

Both bases contain many people who are willing to "cancel" people who don't bend the knee, confess past sins fully, convert to become completely re-educated, and completely surrender.

Both presidential candidates promise retribution!

Both presidential candidates promise to their own base to expand the freedoms they fear losing, while taking away the freedoms that are most feared on the other side. Both bases contain majorities that are willing to give up none of their own freedoms no matter what, but take away the maximum freedoms and resources from the other side. On the Republican side, the base is willing to turn a blind eye to the very real attempts to create a quite literal menstrual surveillance state. On the Democratic side we may in the future find out if a President Harris would really conduct a nation-wide gun "buy-back" program, which of course means disarming the population. History shows that what follows disarming the population isn't usually good.

Both bases contain coalitions that have been persuaded to fear the other side so much that they have been induced to support candidates and agendas they may not have otherwise supported. It's a tough time to be un-manipulated. A majority of commenters appear to me to be heavily manipulated. But let he who has never been manipulated cast the first stone. Most of the double haters have picked a side. 20% of registered voters were double haters until Biden dropped out. Even most "never Trumpers" have been persuaded to support Trump since the assassination attempt upon him, followed rapidly by the drop out of Biden and the promotion of Kamala Harris. 20% of Republican primary voters in many states had been writing Nikki Haley on their tickets. That's an incredibly large portion of the Republican core base that were trying to send a strong signal they didn't want Trump to be the candidate again.

The gender gap is the biggest it's been in decades, and maybe ever. The Trump campaign picked JD Vance because they want to run up the margins with young men, the kind who feel alienated by DEI and "toxic masculinity" and everything else, the kind who watch Jordan Peterson on Youtube, and they are far from all being loser incels. Many normal and nice young men are alienated and take what alternatives they can get. Biden got more white male votes in swing states than Hillary Clinton did. It's one reason why he won.

Kamala Harris looks likely to run up the margins with young people, black people and women. But she probably needs that uneducated white male vote in the swing states, including your state. The Trump campaign is trying to appeal to them and has a good chance of success.

You and I both are in a small and shrinking pool of voters, Constance. Very small. At this point I don't know how many other commenters are left who think as I do. Probably none. Most of them have picked a side, and that side is Trump. So long as we stand with Jesus, though, we will be just fine.

Anonymous said...

Constance 6:58 AM,

Your troll is toxic. When dealing with a toxic person online, I find it helpful to recall this mimetic device: don't' go D.E.E.P.

Don't Defend
Don't Engage
Don't Explain
Don't Personalize

Some toxic individuals have a strong need to tear down another person to feel built up. They may even have a need to displace their own shame onto you or to discharge their rage onto you. Some toxic individuals go through cycles of shame and rage, so that if you make them feel ashamed, it only enrages them. Then their rage makes them feel more ashamed. It keeps spiraling. Calling him a misogynist will only be likely start up another shame-rage cycle. These types of shame-rage cycles are instinctively exploited by Donald Trump. Only the Holy Spirit can break the vicious cycle.

Anonymous said...

Shining the light of Truth on what is happening in America

Donald J. Trump Turning Point Believer's Summit, West Palm Beach, FL July 26, 2024 9:12 PM

"Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won't have to do it anymore, you know what? Four more years, it'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians. I'm (unintelligible) Christian. I love you. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you won't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not gonna have to vote."(1:00:40)

This beautiful Christian will be casting a beautiful vote for Someone--at this point, Anyone--other than Donald J. Trump.

Anonymous said...

How Trump’s MAGA movement helped a 29-year-old activist become a millionaire

Constance Cumbey said...

to 9:04 - Kirk is also one of those calling for violence should Trump not be re-elected.


Anonymous said...

Oh if only I could learn to think like 7:56 AM, and their pal Constance. The world would be a better place!

The Cult of the Lukewarm Middle serves the Devils plans as well as the Right or Left.

There is never going to be an effective middle in this nation. So waste your vote if it makes you feel good about yourself. Kennedy is no better that Crazy Kamala, or Dastardly Donald!

Anonymous said...

Jill Stein?


Anonymous said...

Alfred E. Newman?

Are you MAD???

Anonymous said...

FBI Director Debunks Biden's Claim That J6 'Gallows' Were Designed To Hang Mike Pence

'It looks like a prop. The construction doesn't look like it would lend itself to hanging somebody'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:06 AM,

How can a Christian who is not lukewarm about Jesus harbor in his heart a heated level of enthusiasm for Donald Trump?

Anonymous said...

Trump isn't Jesus. He's just a politician trying to right a rapidly sinking ship. That's all,,,,, nothing more.

Nice try.

Anonymous said...

10:27 AM,

Like Kathy Griffin holding the fake bloody severed head ISIS style was just a prop, right? Just a joke, right? Just sarcasm, right? Not hateful at all, right? Not inciting deranged people to violence at all, right?

Anonymous said...

10:51 AM,

Trump is the wrong anchor for you. Don't let him drag you down with him.

Anonymous said...

10:52 AM

The gallows were a prop. Mike Pence is a traitor.

Kathy Griffin was expressing 97% of the entertainment media's deep murderous hatred for Trump.

It's by degrees.

Anonymous said...

10:53 AM

You don't know me. Don't judge, or project.

Anonymous said...

11:00 AM,

I have no problem accepting that I'm not your judge, jury and executioner. Do you have a problem accepting that you're not mine? And that Trump is not suited--nor is any man or woman suited--to be the judge, jury and executioner for any Americans?

Are you the one who said that democracy didn't work in Athens, in the context of defending the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity? Do you want autocracy, as long as the autocrat is a re-elected President Trump?

Don't be lukewarm about autocracy if that's what you want. Own it. All of it. The good and the bad. If autocracy is not what you want, don't be shy. Just say it. You're not lukewarm, after all. It should be no problem for you.

Anonymous said...

11:19 AM

No, I'm not that person in your second paragraph.

Try harder to not assume, or typify too much.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris 3 Addictions

Anonymous said...

11:19 AM

Autocracy will be a dominant force for "Change" in a defunct representative government.

After all, Obama won his three terms, now going for 4, on that mantra "Change".

He is THE ONE, as Opera said!

Anonymous said...

"Yes We Can"

If you listen to Kamala's mantra rich word salads, you will hear that 'change' theme.

She is just pupper number 2.

Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anonymous said...

to 9:04 - Kirk is also one of those calling for violence should Trump not be re-elected.


9:55 AM

Give the SPECIFIC QUOTE and SOURCE for your absurd claim, otherwise, have the decency to retract it.

Anonymous said...

Forever Secret KAMALA HARRIS

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris wants to sign Federal legislation that legalizes the MURDER of INNOCENT LIFE in the womb, while working hard to advance the cultural, Satanic policies of Sodom and Gomorrah.

BUT Kamala Harris doesn't "scare" Constance in the slightest !

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris is, by far, the most radical Presidential candidate in United States history. And that includes the Socialist nutcase Bernie Sanders. While in the U. S. Senate, Harris was ranked as the "Most Liberal Member," even to the left of Bernie Sanders. Yet, Constance can't sleep at night because she fears Donald Trump!

Anonymous said...

“This Is Amazing” Elon Musk Retweets EPIC Kamala Harris Achievement Ad – Quickly Racks Up 55 Million Views

An empty woman that is packaged in a Pant Suit.

Anonymous said...

If hollywood likes it, you know it has to be good.

“Hollywood celebrities are lining up behind Kamala as if she were the second coming,” Donald Critchlow, a political history professor and director of Arizona State University’s Center for American Institutions, told The Hill.

Anonymous said...

This should make Cumbey's day as she cheers the Leftists on:

Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi exposes Kamala Harris’ cringeworthy moments

Anonymous said...

Jewish Vaccine Advocate Peter Hotez Calls for Use of Police, Military Against 'Anti-vaccine Aggression.'

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey sure is keeping good company:

Lefties losing it: Sky News host slams ‘clowns’ calling for assassination of Trump

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 6:40 AM:

Re: "Kamala Harris does not even come close to scaring me as Donald Trump does. I don't know what her chances are. Late starts are not usually successful in the political world."


Well, Constance - this information should scare you and ALL American voters...

Major General Higginbotham On Kamala Harris Background

Anonymous said...

Il Duce's Crowning Achievement*

*(draining the swamp)

Anonymous said...

Professional photographer sends: NYT photographer was set up to shoot super-high speed… as if to capture Trump’s head exploding

.223 is a tumbling round. Very messy.

Anonymous said...

10:27 AM

Erect the J6 gallows at your state capitol, or a Trump rally or a Jewish or black neighborhood. Actually, set it up anywhere your little heart desires. We'll see how far your argument "it's just a prop" gets you.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how the folks who defend the J6 insurrection are the same folks who call Biden's dropping out of the race "a coup."

Anonymous said...

Now girls, you know the J6 event was a mostly peaceful protest, until Constance's heros murdered a couple nice people.

Anonymous said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome(TDS)

1. Psychiatry. "a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason."

Anonymous said...

The powers that be are deleting information about Kamala. Even fox news mentions it. Example web site had and article calling Kamala the most progressive left of anyone in congress including Bearny Sanders. It's gone deleted. They are coverings up what she really believes and thinks.

Anonymous said...

4:50 PM,

You may find this relevant.

Proverbs 26:18-19
New International Version

Like a maniac shooting
flaming arrows of death
is one who deceives their neighbor
and says, “I was only joking!”

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Constance, The Sun in the UK has noticed Sean Moon and his church goers at Trump's recent Charlotte rally and reported on it. It is one of the top links on Drudge Report right now.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Trump is a way to get the foreigner out and give the U.S. back their jobs. All they did was take our jobs and get free money in other words our tax dollars. Wake up America. I go into the store and ask for something all I hear is no English come on even at McDonald's

Anonymous said...

Constance I think you are self aware that your over stepping but won't backdown when your are wrong.
It become increasingly evident in the blog commentd over recent years and your character has changed.
Some of your comments are disgusting towards other Christians you were never like that and have lost so much credibility with your bullish manners now.
You have become what you accuse Trump of.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wait for the deleted button

Anonymous said...

In Her Own Words: Kamala Harris's Radical Vision For America

Anonymous said...

I wonder why we haven't heard a single word about this from Constance Cumbey? (I know, I know, I know. What's this got to do with Donald Trump, so I guess we won't be hearing from the leader of the '34' daily visitors)

Satanism, the Occult and the New Age Movement were all on full display during the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympics. Here's just one example of their depravity:

Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Recreates ‘Last Supper’ with Drag Queens & Trans Performers

Anonymous said...

10:11 AM

The Olympics are a mass New Age Pagan Ritual for Global Change. So I'm quite sure Constance will post on that! No doubt in my mind whatsoever!

Anonymous said...

Being that Attorneys are presumably taught to think, within the parameters of the law, analytically, I was just wondering what our top analyst thinks of the attempted Trump Assassination?

Was it just a case of incredible, unimaginable incompetence on every level, or, was it a plot that was designed to remove Trump from the political scene by a team of professionals? Which is it Constance?

Constance Cumbey said...

Latest from Donald Trump = NO ELECTIONS AFTER 2024 == HE'S FIXED IT SO THAT'S THE LAST TIME WE NED TO VOTE! How much more evidence do you need?!'']]

Constance Cumbey said...


sorry, I have not beeb able to view the Olympics. Youtube to which I subscrib4 and is my source for internet stations has not carried NBC since the Olympics started. At any rate, you should be more concerned about Donald Trump telling you that you will never have to vote again after this year's election.


Anonymous said...

Never have to vote again on all social engineering issues pushed through Congress because he (Trump) will put an end to this nonsense I think is what he meant. He also misspoke and said he was NOT a Christian and every anti-Trumper is off and running with that one too.

Anonymous said...

12:30 PM Constance

"Not having to vote again"

The O'Biden regime has done what the demon-rats do. They flooded this country with incredible numbers of invaders so that just before the election they can grant them immunity, and by executive order to allow them to vote! They have already been told by the demon-rats to vote demon-rat!

If that doesn't work they will stuff ballot boxers with fraudulent ballots, and if that doesn't work one of the three letter agencies will do what they did to Kennedy, and what they recently tried to do to Trump! But the Good Lord intervened!

Anonymous said...

The New Age Olympic spectacle was like some spoiled child sticking their tongues out after being exposed for what they have been up to. More pathetic anti-Trump antics in my opinion.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

One has to wonder how people like Constance Cumbey, full of fear and anxiety, can sleep at night.

Have you ever noticed how miserable and full of hate radical liberals, along with those that distort Biblical prophecy are? They go about hyper analyzing every event, every person, and then FORCE their prophetic interpretation in order to make it fit with their wild imaginations.

It really is sad to watch, and even sadder to think that they have nothing better to do with their limited amount of time here on earth!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1:12 PM

Constance is just practicing her profession. You can take any sentence/paragraph, and do a bit of adjusting to make it say what you want it to say. It is what the pharisees are really good at! Just ask Jesus. The pharisees dominate all forms of Mainstream Media! Constance feeds at the devil's table.

Anonymous said...

OR, you can just delete any opposing views!!!!

Anonymous said...

I responded to your post 1:12 PM, but your comment got nuked by the Queen Bee

Anonymous said...

I have a suspicion that George Soros knows who Constance Cumbey is, and he is proud of her!

Anonymous said...

All the rabid, verbal, vulgar hatred towards Trump that has fueled his Assassination attempt is right back where it was before.

They denied Trump was actually shot with a bullet, claiming it was a 'fake' and a 'false flag.' They made fun of the bandage. They immediately believed the narrative (including Constance) that the primary shooter (there was more than one) Crooks was a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN, but ignored the fact that his only political contribution was to a RADICAL LEFT WING political activist organization.

These people will not be happy until Trump is actually killed!

Anonymous said...

When weak minded people cannot participate in honest debate, they hit the 'delete' button.

I had this happen to me recently when an 'attorney' relative of mine that suffers from TDS said to me that "Trump stole those classified documents and sold them to the Chinese." When I challenged him to prove that, he changed his position to "he stole them because of his ego, wanting to show people what he had" !!

If you can't prove your assertion, just change the assertion! There, that fixes that ! Ever notice how Cumbey NEVER enters into reasonable debate. She just posts and hides! If she doesn't like what is posted, she hits the DELETE button!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, have you ever, in your entire life, actually known an honest attorney?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Blogger Constance Cumbey said...
Latest from Donald Trump = NO ELECTIONS AFTER 2024 == HE'S FIXED IT SO THAT'S THE LAST TIME WE NED TO VOTE! How much more evidence do you need?!''

Do you honestly think that ANY President would have the power and authority and the means to CANCEL future elections? If you do, what Coconut Tree did you fall from?

Anonymous said...

"FAITH ALONE" (?) The broad & easy road

Anonymous said...

Something to keep an eye on… 10,000 protestors risk img their life in Hungary to protest Trump acolyte, Viktor Orbon’s government after one of his deputy’s get exposed for pardoning a child sex offender.

Fascism is never safer for children. For example Putin has been known to partake in young boys from time to time. Who could stop him? Trump would probably go back to his Epstein days and stick with young girls again if he gets made dictator “for the last time” this fall.

Here’s the Hungary story;

Anonymous said...

I’m someone who read The hidden danger of the rainbow and loved it.
I’m also a woman who loves Trump’s policies. He has the most biblically sound Christian views of anyone in my lifetime.
Be very careful who you condemn because they could very well be “like a Cyrus”!
Someone He uses to help His ppl find their way back.

Anonymous said...

I always thought the antichrist would come from middle east, not the west. It's suppose be Jacob's Trouble. They Israel will think he's from God then half way through they will realize he's false when he stops the sacrifices at the temple and places the abomination that makes desolate in the Holy place. But I will say I'm concerned that Biden/Harris supports WHO pandemic treaty, he wants to sign it, it will take America Sovereignty away, and give it to WHO, UN, leader. We should be very concerned about that.

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