Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Remember the Apocalyptic Prophecy about Antichrist and False Prophet -- He shall think to change times and laws

 Steve Shultz & Johnny Enlow Say Donald Trump ushered in the Kingdom Age in 2012

atthew 24 Jesus prophesied deception abounds!

Compare the 2012 aspect to Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jose Arguelles, "Mayan Prophesies" 2021 predictions.  Looks like this might have well fit in to that scenario.

Extracted Pages 1 through 4 of above pictured 2016 book by Lawrence Moelhauser

Attributes of the Antichrist


 1. Larger, stronger, more imposing and terrifying compared to other politicians " ... look was more stout than his fellows. "(KJV); " ... larger in appearance than its associates" (NASE); " ... looked more imposing than the others. "(NIV); " ... was more terrifying than any of the others." (TEV)-Daniel 7 :20

 2. Stern or fierce faced "A king shall arise, having fierce features" (NKJV); " ... a king of fierce countenance" (KJV, AMP); " ... sternfaced"(NIV); " ... bold countenance" (RSV, Darby) Daniel 8:23

3. Generally different or unique amongst politicians " ... and he will be different.from the previous ones. "-Daniel 7:24

4. A great unifier who effectively appeals to people across traditional lines of division; will be revered by all. " ... the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast. "-Revelation 13 :3

5. Allegorically represented as incomparable metallic beast, of which he is also the personification; term beast applied to both him and his kingdom. " ... afourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured  and crushed, and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns."- Daniel 7-8

6. Seeks total political control for his own glory; not democratic republic or anything really for the people " ... who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. "-2 Thessalonians 2:4 

7. Icon of earthly success " ... he will succeed in whatever he does. "-Daniel 8:24

8. Politically rises from sub-national leadership position, like a governor " ... another horn [a ruler], a little one, came up among them [ten other rulers}. .. And out of one of [the 10 horns] came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great. "-Daniel 7:8, 11

 9. Will be shrewd, cunning, deceitful, skilled in intrigue "Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. "-Daniel 8:25 

10. Empowered through others "And his power will be mighty, but not by his own power ... "-Daniel 8:24

11. Stubborn, relentless, mega-ambitious visionary with far reaching goals.

 12. Vicious, violent, cruel, lacks regard for life "Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. "-Daniel 8:25

13. Extraordinarily proud and boastful " ... this horn [ruler] possessed. .. a mouth uttering great boasts ... ! kept looking because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking. .. that horn which had. .. a mouth uttering great boasts ... he will magnify himself in his heart. "-Daniel 7:8, 11, 20; 8

14. Disdain for women."And he will show no regard for ... the desire of women .. for he will magnify himself above them all." Daniel 11 :37 2

15. Inwardly a godless megalomaniac " ... that horn [ruler} was waging war with the saints and overpowering them ... he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One." " ... it grew up to the host of heaven and caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth, and it trampled them down. It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of the host; and it removed the regular sacrifice from Him, and the place of His sanctuary was thrown down ... the host will be given over to the horn along with the regular sacrifice; ... And he will magnify himself in his heart ... He will even oppose the Prince of princes."-Daniel 7:21, 25; 8:10-11, 25

 16. Mega-liar who actively opposes truth " .. .[he] will fling truth to the ground. ... A king will arise Insolent and skilled in intrigue. And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his injluence."-Daniel 8:11, 23, 25

 17. Morally bankrupt hedonist

 18. Allegorically represented as a conqueror on a white horse "And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him; and he went out conquering, and to conquer."-Revelation 6:2

19. Foreshadowed by historical types including King Saul, Nebuchadnezzar, Caesar, Hitler 

20. Professing Christianity, empowered by False Prophets, Christian support "I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a 3 different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds."-2 Corinthians 11 :3-15

We now have only a little more than 4 months to prepare ourselves for chaos to come. (November 5 2024 - Election Day). Trump, MAGA, Qanon, NAR (New Apostolic Reformation are promising violence against all those not in complete loyalty to Donald Trump who calls himself "The Chosen One" whether Trump wins or loses. "I am your retribution" -- "We will completely obliterate" . . . "

The deception is here. For those of you who say, "Nonsense" -- I hope you are right and I am wrong, but the present evidence tells me otherwise. Pray fervently that you may be counted worthy to withstand the things about to come on Earth.




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Anonymous said...

There's something about Johnnette

Women of Grace SPECIAL - 2014-6-13- Fr. Patrick Greenough & Patty Gallagher Mansfield

Disclaimer: not an endorsement of charismatism: Do not attempt this at home

Anonymous said...

I am not anti Republican but I am totally surprised no one on the blog has called out the prayer to the Sikh false God.
Given the large amount of Christian support who let this happen.
Sikh prayer at Republican Convention see below.

Anonymous said...

Sickening Sikhs.

The Pope, and perhaps J D Vance believes that all religions lead to God!

Anonymous said...

They Are Planning Something Big

Anonymous said...

Vance is Catholic and his wife is Hindu not Sikh

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

How Did Barry From Kenya Get Elected

Anonymous said...

110days and America Becomes Great Again.
Trump for President!!!

Anonymous said...

If Trump becomes elected he will become the king of a kingdom. He will not be too shy to milk the Supreme Court rulings regarding presidential immunity for all he can. And indeed, because Trump is Trump, we can count on him push the envelope even beyond those rulings.

The Revolutionary War will have been in vain. Think of all the Americans who died in the past. All of their fighting will have been thrown away in the name of America and Trump.

The donor class is turning against Biden because they want us to return to the days when rich people didn't pay taxes. Only the (about 5% in size) middle class and the (about 95% in size) working poor paid taxes. The donor class doesn't just want to keep what they already have. They want more, and they want YOU to have less. They don't want Biden to raise their taxes.

Anonymous said...

I see it's okay for Vance to be Catholic (proven) but not Constance (speculative).

Commenters are quite practiced at choosing their favorite contradictions to completely and blindly ignore.

Anonymous said...

10:10 AM

The difference is this; Constance has portrayed herself as a 'Bible believing Christian' on this blog for years, while at the same time presented herself as a person that is ignorant of the many heresies of Roman Catholicism. She rarely specifically criticizes Pope Francis, nor does she ever (prove I am wrong) point out specific heresies of Romanism. In other words, she is very deceptive.

That Vance is a Catholic does not bother me in the slightest. I am friends with numerous Catholics, and although we disagree on matters of faith, many are very sincere, and conservative and want what is best for their country. My problem with Catholicism is that it keeps its people in bondage through its superstitious works system, in which, a Catholic will never feel 'good enough' about themselves to merit heaven. That's where Purgatory comes in ... paying, through suffering, for the VENIAL sins that were not confessed to a priest, followed up by PENANCE (works). Christ came to set the captives free, which is exactly what FAITH ('the just shall live by faith') in Christ and His Word does.

I have a close friend that is Catholic and we have many 'religious' conversations. He is extremely well versed in Catholicism, as I am as well having studied its teachings for years. I always present the sufficiency of Christ, along with His perfect sacrifice, with the Scriptures to back that up. It is very clear that his trust is in his church and in its sacraments and not in Christ and His finished work on the Cross, and, in His resurrection. What a sad thing it is to see a good man that struggles to find justification through his religious works, knowing that Purgatory awaits! I can't even imagine the bondage that such a system has over its people.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure the reason why you tolerate Vance's Catholic faith isn't that he bends the knee to King Trump?

Are you sure the reason why you take issue with Constance's--speculated--Catholic faith isn't because she does not bend the knee to King Trump?

The founder of Slut Walk--a former porn actress--gave a speech at the RNC. I didn't notice anybody taking issue with it. Was that because she bent the knee to King Trump?

Jesus is King. Stop adoring King Trump (if you are). Stop giving people a hard time because they don't bend the knee and kiss the ring of King Trump (if you are).

And listen to King Jesus Who told us in John that He was indwelled by God the Father, God the Father Who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He commanded you not to bear false witness. Remember?

Anonymous said...

Trump is not going to deliver us from the evil the commie subversives have brought for a loooong time now. But, he is much better than the corrupt perverted evil(Catholic) O'Biden regime.

So, pray hard that Trump, IF elected, will not bend the knee to the Deep State. His supporters need to hold his feet to the fire.

Anonymous said...

Frankly I don't think that this nation will ever be good again, much less great again.

We are the most wicked nation on earth. Whatever horrors we suffer until we are removed from the face of the earth, we have earned. It will be the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that will allow it.

All Glory Honor and Praise be unto Him!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"We are the most wicked nation on earth"

@ 11:44AM

Ezekiel Ch 39, Verse 6 !!!

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to make a connection to Alice Bailey.
Seriously .!!!
That's like one comment on the blog waiting for someone to create a conspiracy between the Butler rally and Constances maiden name which happens to be Butler.

Heres one that could be interesting about the big outage..itwascaused by the software company Crowdstrike... its largest investor is Vanguard (Blackrock).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

6:05 PM


Anonymous said...

6:05 PM,

Slither back under your rock of stupidity from whence you hissed.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

7:50 PM Perhaps you need to read Trump's looong history with Russia, going back to when he met his first wife, Ivanna.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

And what about the Biden Family members and China and the Ukraine

Anonymous said...

Douay-Rheims Bible Epistle of St Jude Chapter 1

21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto life everlasting. 22 And some indeed reprove, being judged: 23 But others save, pulling them out of the fire. And on others have mercy, in fear, hating also the spotted garment which is carnal. 24 Now to him who is able to preserve you without sin, and to present you spotless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ [Jude 1:24] 25 To the only God our Saviour through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory and magnificence, empire and power, before all ages, and now, and for all ages of ages. Amen.

[22] "Reprove, being judged": He gives them another instruction to practice charity in endeavouring to convert their neighbour, where they will meet with three sorts of persons: 1 st, With persons obstinate in their errors and sins; these may be said to be already judged and condemned; they are to be sharply reprehended, reproved, and if possible convinced of their error. 2 d, As to others you must endeavour to save them, by pulling them, as it were, out of the fire, from the ruin they stand in great danger of. 3 d, You must have mercy on others in fear, when you see them through ignorance of frailty, in danger of being drawn into the snares of these heretics; with these you must deal more gently and mildly, with a charitable compassion, hating always, and teaching others to hate the carnal garment which is spotted, their sensual and corrupt manners, that defile both the soul and body.

[24] "Now to him": St. Jude concludes his epistle with this doxology of praising God, and praying to the only God our Saviour, which may either signify God the Father, or God as equally agreeing to all the three persons, who are equally the cause of Christ's incarnation, and man's salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who, being God from eternity, took upon him our human nature, that he might become our Redeemer.
Sampling some Women of Grace videos yesterday stumbled on a delightful andote which may concern Purgatory: Johnnette said that two women were watching a refiner refining sliver and asked how do when it's refined? The refiner said when I see my refection. So it is with God, Johnnette added. When you are pure enough for Jesus to see His refection then you are worthy to stand in the Presence.

Wide is the path that leads to destruction

Anonymous said...

I wonder if some of commentators on this blog on the watchlist have had a visit from the FBI and Homeland yet 🇺🇸.

Anonymous said...

Ever heard someone say they are be watched and its not paranoia when they are really watching you 👤
Ever wonder 🤔 why that helicopter was over your house 🏠 when you were on your computer 🖥.
When you hear a strange echo or sound on the 📱 and then you get onto a topic and it cuts off
What about when you have said something go to you computer and it then appears on your social media recommendations.
Its all coincidence... but is it 👀😳.

Anonymous said...

Listen carefully to both Victoria Nuland and her husband, Robert Kagan insinuating the assassination of President Donald Trump

Dumb Arses are gonna dumb arse

Anonymous said...

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò delivers a powerful message, calling out the enemies of the Church

If you notice a bird starts chirping during the video, persistently, until ++Arb Vigano nervously pauses and looks. IYKYK

Anonymous said...

"Persons of interest for further investigation include (but not limited to): Jessica Bailey; Kimberly A. (Alice?) Bailey (Tinge); Paul German; Richard Moen; Amy Tinge; Carol Tinge; Richard Tinge; Tammy Tinge; Timothy Tinge; Roderick Wines."

ok. continue my abuse? its me being abused. I react.

now as to those people.

Jessica, Bailey, daughter of Mike, dead liver failure.
Paul German I forget some cousin

Richard Moen ditto or an alias.

Amy daughter, alive boderline personality disorder.

Carol and Richard Tinge, respectable types, parents dead Carol got richard into rituals, repented but couldn't stp the trouble she'd unleased. However was a snob and control freak interfered with the marriage as much as possible. Had planned a classy arranged marriage for Mike.

Tammy Tinge I forget. Roderick Wines husband of Cindy Tinge Mike's sister in Idaho.

Please continue what you got. Might have more than I got. Mike was also a member of the army and dismissed aqs less than honoroable but not full dishonoable discharde for the good of the service when caught dealing cocaine offbase. Too much trouble to courtmartial him

water on brain as infant, steel plate in skull from surgery, possible brain damage in location that if inured can become a psychopath.

Constance Cumbey said...

Christine, I don't know where you aqre getting your information, but something does not smell right about it. I would be cautious about namecalling. You called me on somebody you suspected would be named "Secretary of State" who would rise to take presidency and when I did a simple Google search on the names you suggested, he was dead for probably at least a year. Speculating on all of his relatives does little good for the sake of reliable information here.


Constance Cumbey said...

CNN carried some recent news about Mr. Crooks, the alleged shooter in the late night news I viewed. They have now learned that he was researching Ethan Allen Crumbley, the 15 year old who killed 4 people and wounded several more at the very high school my grandsons attend -- Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan. He had researched several political figures both Republican and Democratic, including the Democratic Party House of Representatives caucus leader. It appears he most likely was interested in fame and notoriety. There was a remarkable intelligence failure in failing to stop him before the shootings happened that grazed Trump's ears and killed a local firefighter hero besides injuring 2 others.

Ironically, it was my oldest grandson, Zander Cumbey who made the first 911 call to the police when the shootings started. It was a traumatic event for my grandsons -- Tate Myre the local football star was a very close friend of theirs who gave them rides to and from games and practice when my son, their father, was stuck elsewhere.


Constance Cumbey said...

Sorry, I no longer consider Sky News of Australia a reputable source. It is very much like and akin to Fox News here in the USA that now appears to have converted to an all-Trump propaganda outlet.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 6:29 pm -- I am deleting Tierney steering comments. The one you posted "Who Ordered the Assassination" is disgusting. I especially noted here "Pelosi hammer" story as one being engineered by deep state interests. I do not consider her to be a reliable source and I will not allow my own blogspot to be a propaganda outlet for her.


Constance Cumbey said...

Well, I was hopeful that the near death experience might have softened Trump's "retribution" and "total obliteration" views and rhetoric. But post-Convention -- Navarro's and Trump speeches, it appears not. Navarro also claimed to be one standing between "them and us" and said that this coming Election Day would be "Judgment Day" for Trump enemies -- including Justice System and others. After the first 20 minutes of his speech urging unity, he then quickly lapsed into "crazy Nancy Pelosi" and "Hannibal Lector" talk.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 5:44 - Whatever was supposed to be in the link you posted is no longer there.


Constance Cumbey said...

Christine, I am catching up on my blog comments, but I am inclined to delete your comments about the Tinge family -- I know nothing about them and I suspect your information is not accurate either. At any rate, I do not believe the "doxxing" you are giving that evidently very large family on this site. I need to see more and substantial proof before I permit more posting of that type -- you can email what you have to me at


Anonymous said...


the person I called you on has a huge collection of survivors as I copied from obituary, any of who could be part of his schemes.

regarding the Tinge family, I knew them personally from a safe distance and cultivated his mother's favor.Left out is Tim Mike's brother, dead of a shotgun for cheating some dangerous people, and Little Tim, Jessica's son.

I filled in the info that the other person apparently got from one of those due dilligence on friends neighbors, dates, etc. sites.

the dead personwas a leader of the cult I had been looking into for some time, while maintining a double life as a charismatics, I met the churhc perople or one of them where he was going, an esy peasy scene to infiltrate, satanists have infiltrated churches for some time and bragged about it.

the ul;timate goal would be gt all atrocities done s religious ceremonies made legal by SCOTUS decision.


Anonymous said...

I didn't dox anyone. doxing is about addresses and phone numbers. info as to who is who is another matter.

Anonymous said...

that in no way resembled a near death experience for Trump. he was not wounded, out of it and out of his body he was totally unharmed.


Anonymous said...

The Lord giveth us Liberty, and Cumbey taketh away.

Anonymous said...

Constance isn't keen on Sky News Australia, nor Fox News!

I'm shocked!

But she feeds at the devil's 'power of the air' sources like CNN, MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, etc.etc. etc. etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

John 8: 44-45

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there was no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Anonymous said...

John 8:44-45
King James Version
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Anonymous said...

Every day's a school day. . .

Trying to get two steers out of the corral with one cinnamon roll with a moochy horse running interference is an exercise in footwork.

So, anyway I heard Trump's speech was rather long and rambling possibly due to Post Traumatic Stress. I can see that. It was a rather close shave after all. Anyway I mentioned the PTSD Trump thing this morning and nearly got my head bit off. Every day's is a school day (but will I ever learn?)

10:49 AM

You can get glad in the same pants you got mad in

Anonymous said...

*10:46 AM

Anonymous said...

J13: The Protection Team

Anonymous said...

9:45 PM

Since Trump was NOT a 'dictator' or a 'king' during his first term in office... where is your EVIDENCE that he is going to be either one during his second term???

Sounds like you are allowing wishful thinking cloud your judgement.

Anonymous said...

please send the info you got on Mike's criminal record to I only knew of the drug related record some of it. or repost in nextblog entry since I don't read or post once this reaches 666 blog posts, I knew of weird stuff because he told me, but arrests or convictions are another matter.


Anonymous said...

Coordinated Incompetence?

In Monday’s Rude Awakening, I called for Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service’s feckless director, to get fired. Now, I demand she be arrested.

Matt Walsh published this laundry list of what we’re supposed to be about the assassination attempt:

Here’s the official story so far:

A random 20 year old acting completely alone walked within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with a rifle, climbed onto a rooftop in full view of Secret Service snipers, set up his shot and fired without anyone intervening and with no help from anyone.

This 20 year old is also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination and yet not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site ever in his life.

He also wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he did it.

His last and only political act, before attempting to kill the Republican candidate, was to register as a Republican.

You must believe this and ask no questions about it or else you are a conspiracy theorist.

And one thing we know about assassination attempts is that there’s never any conspiring involved.

Here are my quick questions:

Why was Trump’s regular Secret Service detail removed before the Butler rally?
Why wouldn’t you put a sniper on a sloped roof?
How did you not see a 20-year-old pencil-necked geek get on a roof when bystanders were literally filming him?
Why was the local police relegated to traffic duty when they usually split protection duties with the Secret Service?
Why were the Secret Service snipers not giving the immediate go-ahead to blow that kid’s head off the second they spotted him?
Why was the kid-shooter in a BlackRock commercial previously?
But the real rub is this: why were 12,000,000 shares of DJT stock shorted the Friday before the assassination?

Short the Stock Before the Assassination

Imagine this situation.

You’ve got friends in high places. They know Deep State wants Trump dead, and they know when it’s going to happen.

Before 9/11, airline stocks were shorted by buying put options — far cheaper than actually borrowing the shares and selling them in the open market.

You decide to trust your friend. You buy puts on DJT stock, knowing that stock will go to zero if Trump dies at the rally.

Much to your delight and surprise buying all those puts makes little to no impact on the DJT share price.

Usually, when you buy puts, your market maker sells you those puts and then hedges by shorting the stock. This usually sends the price down. But today, the price impact is minimal. That means you could possibly make $30 per share on 12,000,000 shares, or $360,000,000, by Monday.

marko said...

To whomever keeps posting stuff from Tierney's website:

That guy is a nut case, more deranged than the people he is trying to expose. He lives in a fantasy world where some CIA-based plot exists to explain every assassination attempt, or any other bad thing that happens to good people ("good" defined as whoever he supports maybe?).

There is no real "news" there - only the speculations of a paranoid mind. Like a broken clock, he might be correct sometimes, but only accidentally.

That's my opinion, anyway, after just glancing at his website. You won't like it, but I don't care.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you, Marko @5:42 PM. I concur with your assessment. I always appreciate your posts. Wish you commented more often.

Anonymous said...

Rebel News is now selling Trumpamania merch.

Anonymous said...

6:39 PM

Well soyboy Marky-poo is quite fond of Sky News Australia.

So he has a dark side!

Grandma might not fully approve

Anonymous said...

6:16 pm writes as if posing as an American but uses the spelling "mum," a British spelling. I doubt this thing or person (whether bot or human troll) is a British person. More likely it's a person or bot from some other country besides both the USA and the UK. I'm guessing whoever trained/programmed he/she/it didn't attend to enough details like American versus British spelling. I really have to wonder how many trolls and/or bots litter the comments section.

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2024

Elon Musk states he will not be donating to either campaign

July 1, 2024

Then the Epstein court documents dropped.

July, 2024

And now Elon is giving Trump $45 million a month.

July 19, 2024

Musk is officially resisting a subpoena in a Jeffery Epstein related legal case

Sidenote: The RNC overwhelms anonymous homosexual hook-up app Grinder in Milwaukee. RNC now being referred to as the Grinder Super Bowl

Does anyone else have an explanation why Elon Musk is endorsing a man who wants to destroy his company and the entire EV industry on behalf of big oil?

It is now good to know all the pedophiles, homosexuals, adulterers and sexual assaulters, their sympathizers & apologists can be found almost entirely congregated & seeking the protection of one flaming Maga GOP banner.

Anonymous said...

Marco: Tierney is a (deluded & dumb) woman.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Can someone explain why Elon Musk and a Florida attorney each donated $1Million to Corey Comperatore's family? in addition to a gofundme totalling $4Million?

Funds raised for Corey Comperatore family, Trump rally shooting victims top $6 million

Anonymous said...

Read their comment which indicates they don't live in America
"You need to experience living in a country where you don't have real freedoms then perhaps you wouldn't have the type of attitude you have now."
Thats the problem on this blog you fail to read thing's.
And I am not from the USA either.
Various interests are monitoring blogs worldwide.

Anonymous said...

Because they need support!.
Or would you rather have them join masses of homeless people and the illegal aliens generated by the anti American socialists.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps CC and the other antitrumpers on this blog could offer their front lawns to the homeless that has happened because of leftist politics

Anonymous said...

Wait for the delete button from deletetist CC.
Socialism, Communism and the Nazi's were all about propaganda and eradicating free speech (opposing views).

Anonymous said...

A poem written right now for Constance posted from outside of the USA.

Voice of Freedom

In shadows deep where silence creeps,
Where whispered thoughts are chained,
Where minds are barred from speaking truth,
And freedom's light is waned.

To those who shun the open word,
Who cage the song of heart,
Know this: the voice of liberty
Shall never be torn apart.

For speech is not a privilege
To be granted by decree,
But a birthright of the soul,
An essence wild and free.

You build your walls and close your doors,
You try to hush the roar,
Yet through the cracks and barred-up gates,
We'll shout forevermore.

Ideas are seeds that grow in dark,
In places you can't see,
And even in the tightest grip,
They’ll break and find the key.

So tremble, those who fear the light,
Who dread the voice of change,
For every silenced truth, there lies
A fire you can't estrange.

We'll speak for those who cannot speak,
We'll sing the songs unsung,
And echo through the halls of time,
Until the last bell's rung.

In freedom’s name, we raise our cries,
Against the silent tide,
For speech, unchained, shall ever rise,
A beacon and a guide.

Anonymous said...

To 7.08pm
From someone who speaks the Queens English.. or rather now the Kings English.
Not to pardon your ignorance but we being those in the Commonweath don't have the freedom of rights and expression that Americans possess.
If Constance was resideing in England she would have been arrested for hate speech by now and incarcerated awaiting trial perhaps at the Old Bailey.
One of the reasons why we prefer to remain anonymous on this blog is if per chance someone would mistakenly think we endorse some of the appalling views expressed by the blog owner.
Extremism has climbed to new heights since the lockdowns which is a sad indictment on present day society and wrecked so manys reputations.

Anonymous said...

Tally ho old chap.. the was a spiffingly good reply.
Time to have some jolly good cucumber sandwiches and Liptons english breakfast tea whilst watching Coro Street or East Enders.

Anonymous said...

Here here.
Are you and Eaton or Cambridge man?
Jolly good rowing team.
See you at the Working Mans club they have a good head on the Guinness not a Beefeater man.

GrantNZ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GrantNZ said...
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GrantNZ said...

You should be sorry for your typo anyone would think you didn't pass the British O levels.
(Had to delete two posts before this one for typos myself though).
Looked at the blog because of horrific attempt on President Trump.
It long overdue to get off politics and promote the Gospel instead.
Saw a hat with
"Make America Gospel Again".
Whats wrong with that MAGA.

Anonymous said...

CNN Cumbey News Network

Anonymous said...

It will reach 50,000,000 illegal aliens in the USA by the time Trumps elected President.
How's your Spanish Constance?.

Anonymous said...

Thousands of Black Americans have been displaced in Chicago for illegal migrants.
Why not Michigan next.
This Administration could look at large homes with only one person in it and demand it be filled with illegals in the future.
Anythings possible

Anonymous said...

Could well happen under Joes Green policies

Anonymous said...

Kari Lake Gets DESTROYED By British Journalist

18 Jul 2024
Watch failed MAGA cultist Kari Lake get annihilated for her lies about Donald Trump and the 2020 election during an interview with British journalist Emily Maitlas.

Anonymous said...

8:25 PM $1Million would be more than enough to prevent them from becoming homeless. This is rural Pennsylvania we're talking about. I question WHY? Elon Musk and an attorney in Florida each individually announced a $1Million donation to a fund that has already reached $4Million.

Anonymous said...

How can a price be put on the loss of by all accounts a godly man and father.
It doesn't ease the pain but just might help them not have to worry about income for a while.
Very sad 😔.
Perhaps you should consider that God is providing for them rather than question the motives of those giving even if it were to come from dubious people and possibly donations of any amount could, have you thought of the scripture which says the riches of the wicked are stored up for the righteous.
If this blog claims to be christian wheres the balance of compassion and charity one would expect in such serious and devastating matters.

Anonymous said...

Its because this blog has departed from the Truth by fostering unforgiveness,slander, evil and hatred.

Anonymous said...

Acts 3:19-21 (NIV)
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus.

Anonymous said...

The Trump Epstein Files are DISGUSTING.

Every American should read the deposition, but his cult still won’t care, including his many deluded psycho-sycophants here: they’d hand their kids to him if he asked for them.

Jim Jones on steroids - they’ll keep glugging down his Satanic cool aid.

Anonymous said...

10:26 AM

Here's the flip side to your rant:

Eric Weinstein: "It's The Communism Stupid

Anonymous said...

7:14 PM

Gay Much

Anonymous said...

Trump Has Been Indicted For Moving His Head

Anonymous said...

"Its because this blog has departed from the Truth by fostering unforgiveness,slander, evil and hatred."

If you really disliked those things so much, you wouldn't be able to stand your Mad King Donald.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

10:58 AM

Your using Lucifers tactic

But your nature forbids you change

'Mad Queen Constance' is more the reality!

The falsely accused here have always stated that they voted for Trump because he was the better choice. Something the Mad Queen herself did! We have always acknowledged Trumps glaring faults. But Mad Queen Cumbey would have none of that, and she proceeded to erect her whipping post.

All you Mad Queen Cumbey worshipers are in the same dark tormented place.

Anonymous said...

The main difference between Trump and that other guy is that the other guy is dead.

Stunning WW III Prophecy by St Paisios (Greek Orthodox)

Keep your eye on Russia

Anonymous said...

"We have always acknowledged Trumps glaring faults."


Anonymous said...

8:37 PM
PTMGMC: Richard Dawkins reads A.E. Housman

Even Richard Dawkins heart is softening in these evil times towards The Saviour Jesus Christ

PS: the difference between English and American education is stunning. Americans are tested multiple-choice English are tested by writing a multi-page report.

Anonymous said...

MAGA moron Satanic cult member at 10:32 AM,

It’s no rant and your point is no flip-side: you blind, Nazi scum!

Anonymous said...

10:32 AM,

Your pedo supporting attitude is sickening. It sounds like you need your devices looking at.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 10:58.

The projecting, Antichrist pedo supporting cult members here are goose stepping the primrose way to the Everlasting Bonfire.

Notice how New Agey they are - using words such as ‘Luciferian’, rather than ‘Satanic’? It speaks volumes about them.

Anonymous said...

Well, the pedo Antichrist Trump cult followers here call Satan ‘Lucifer’ … they are blind to their very own Satanic tactics that they try and project onto others. They are utter scum! Nazi filth!

Anonymous said...

11:25 am said: “We have always acknowledged Trumps glaring faults”

So u acknowledge he’s a pedophile, narcissist, habitual liar, rapist, fraudster, wife bester, 32 time felon and counting, adulterer, and heretic who consorts with fascist one world religion & government Romanists.

Are those the faults your simply choosing to overlook?

Btw…Biden has dropped out of the election so now the only too old candidate on the ballot is Trump.

Anonymous said...

Cumbeys demonic faithful are out in full foaming at the mouth support for their old deranged cult hero.

Anonymous said...

No 3:24 PM, you're describing Biden perfectly. The Democrats do all those things.

Trump's faults are that he appointed Goldman Sachs people to key positions.
He also brought us Operation Warp Speed, which the Cumbey Death Cult seemed ok with.

Name me a President that was perfect.

Anonymous said...

12:19 PM

utter scum! Nazi filth!

That fits you Cumbey worshipers, but not Trump voters. Can't you get anything right?

Anonymous said...

Republican landslide coming.
How will this blogs hate faction cope with President Trump making America Great Again.
Times better spent promoting Christianity and not anyones politics.
After all the Fathers Kingdom is not of this World.

Anonymous said...

It is difficult for you Cumbey worshipers to think clearly when your demons have you foaming at the mouth.

Supposedly there are 67 exorcists in the Detroit area. You should all see about getting a group rate.

Anonymous said...

Time for some facts checking
Here is Biden's letter in its entirety:

My Fellow Americans,

Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation.

Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We've made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We've provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years. Appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court. And passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world. America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today.

I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people. Together, we overcame a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We've protected and preserved our Democracy. And we've revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.

It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.

I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.

For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have placed in me.

I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can't do - when we do it together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America.

Anonymous said...

The old turd nearly destroyed this country, but he owned the press and the just-us system!!!

Yes, that's 'democracy'!!!

Anonymous said...

Reads like a work of fiction but ardent Trump haters aren't motivated by facts

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention the achievements at the border (Harris is in charge of).
40+ million illegals, child trafficking, drugs, terrorists, criminals.
What an achievement.
But when they are deported by the new administration imagine the economic recovery for the American people.
Unfettered illegal immigration is destroying countries economies worldwide and fosters the One World New World Order agenda.

Anonymous said...

sounds familiar doesn't it

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I don't see a pro-democracy option being offered by either the Republican or the Democratic party. The decision to push Biden out was made by major party donors. Whatever else you may think about it, a democratic process it was not.

I'm planning to vote my conscience by voting for RFK, Jr. If every voter had voted their conscience for Ross Perot, he would have won. I plan to be the change the I want to see in the world.

I don't have any problem telling the truth about either Mad King Donald or Brandon or his Cackling Copilot.

Oh, and if you see anybody foaming at the mouth, it's probably a seizure. Love your neighbor, will ya? Or at least sit by your neighbor and call 911 for them if necessary.

GrantNZ said...

I blame the isolation of the lockdowns and the fear it created for the cognitive dissidence some people have developed.
Withdrawing into your own little world of self talk and seeking out people that align with that on social media is creating new psychological phenomenon thats wrecking havoc on society.
Social interactions and norms that kept people in check are all but destroyed unleashing unfettered actions void of a moral compass.
There's only one real answer and its the Man who changes peoples hearts and renews their minds Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

J13: The Site

Anonymous said...

Is Constance at the Grand Rapids Michigan Campaign Rally.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shoot, that's funny!

Anonymous said...

8:14 PM

This is what they took from us . . .
Inauguration Day, 2017

The new patriot is a listener.

The new citizen talks to strangers.

The new continental congress convenes

at bus stops, taverns and cafes, parking lots

where neighbors pause (their shopping carts

with flour, milk, and eggs), to speak of justice,

honor, and honesty — while far to the east

a speech is being given in a foreign tongue.

-Kim Stafford

Keep in mind though . . .

Stand and Bow Down

“Keep your voice down and your head up

when trouble comes,” my father said.

“Shouting leads to blows, and blows

to everyone losing what the fight was for.”

I see the sturdy tree stand tall, then bend

when wind comes. I watch grass outlast the storm.

When a leader shouts, you have to listen better

than he knows how. You have to be what he might

learn to say, if you are eloquent in witness.

-Kim Stafford

Anonymous said...

PS: Kim Stafford lived in Oregon and Oregonians refer to Washington DC as 'back East '.

Anonymous said...

MAGA, anons, inciting violence?!?!! Where did you get that? I’ve followed them for 4 years , all I’ve read , heard, seen, is … peaceful, peaceful, peaceful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris/Constance Cumbey 2024

Anonymous said...

Dr X Secretary of Hate 2024

Anonymous said...

In the parallel Democrat Blog inverse President Cumbey pulls out of the race and endores VP Rich Metford to run for Democrat President of the United Alternative Blog States.

From the Center for Rightwing Satire

GrantNZ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

9:10 PM

Being that they only get (according to Marko) on average, 34 visitors per day, it doesn't look to me like they've got much of a following.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti

BIDEN GONE! 15 Years of PROPHECIES Fulfilled | What's GOD Saying About Kamala & America’s Future 🇺🇸

Anonymous said...

34 visitors a day. Thats because the majority of posters of the past have left the blog because they are conservative, not closet socialists and don't hate Trump.

Anonymous said...

Steve Cioccolanti a Jesuit Masonic pastor of 3 wives & 2 divorces EXPOSED

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Jesuit Masonics Netanyahu's in town. I wonder what his name adds up to? Trouble?

Anyway Steve Cioccolanti seems to be trending after Trump's assassination attempt so I thought Constance may like be be aware.

Do you believe in Angels? I do . . .

PREDICTED IN 2021! They Will Call For The Retirement of Its Rukers & Raise a Women! - YouTube

Harris would bookend nicely with Sheinbaum

Anonymous said...

This is how you validate conspiracy theories

Anonymous said...

CJ Hopkins: The People's Court Of New Normal Germany

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns

Anonymous said...

Where's Joe?

Anonymous said...

Is President Biden Alive?

Anonymous said...

President James Earl Carter passed away.

He was a humanitarian

He was only 70 days away from turning 100 years old

He was a Veteran, a Patriot, and a great man

President Jimmy Carter forever National Treasure

Where this country would have gone had it only had 4 more years of President Carter, and NO criminal, adulterer, drug dealing Ronald Reagan & his "reaganonmic disaster", only the history books can ponder.

Anonymous said...

12:09 PM

The news of Jimmy Carter, one of the worst Presidents in American history, is fake. He's still alive.

Anonymous said...

The Death Cult Democrats have someone else now to worship ... and the media fawning over Kamala will be 24/7:

Deutsch: I’m Falling in Love with Kamala Harris — ‘There Was a Twinkle in Her Eye’

MSNBC commentator Donny Deutsch said Monday on “Deadline” after Vice President Kamala Harris spoke to campaign staff he was falling in love with her.

Deutsch said, “Wow. You know, there was a twinkle in her eye, there was a kick in her step that, you know, when you’re vice president, you know, you’re not loose. you can’t , there’s somebody above you, somebody you don’t want to overshadow them. So this was quite the coming out. I got chills when she said Donald Trump, I know your type. That was like, wow, she’s going to prosecute this case. And you know, this is going to, she only mentioned the abortion issue once, that wasn’t a big part of the speech, but this is going to be.”

Watch the video of the Media Death Cult Members as they just "melt" in the presence of their new Cult Leader:

Anonymous said...

Excellent news!

Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

United Statescategory · July 23, 2024 · 8:21 PM GMT+1 · 8 min ago
Vice President Kamala Harris opened up a marginal two-percentage-point lead over Republican Donald Trump after President Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign and passed the torch to her, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous12:45 PM,

Yeah, perhaps, but nothing compared to you vile, loveless Antichrist Trump worshiping Nazi scum!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:42 PM,

Nowhere near as bad as Hoover and Nixon!

Anonymous said...

Or rapist and pedophile in chief, Trump.

Anonymous said...

9:36 AM

The speculation on this event has elevated Donald Trump to a major historical figure.

Conspiracy theories are fun and like Science Fiction start out as speculation, or, as they used to say, educated guesses. It is amazing over the last hundred years how many Science Fiction guesses have come to pass, but, like many conspiracy theories a lot of Science Fiction is garbage. My biggest gripe about conspiracy theories is how they have been used to turn Christians from sheep to goats, but that's just my pet conspiracy theory.

Douay-Rheims Bible Gospel According to St John Chapter 1

26 John answered them, saying: I baptize with water; but there hath stood one in the midst of you, whom you know not. 27 The same is he that shall come after me, who is preferred before me: the latchet of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose. 28 These things were done in Bethania, beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing. 29 The next day, John saw Jesus coming to him, and he saith: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who taketh away the sin of the world. 30 This is he, of whom I said: After me there cometh a man, who is preferred before me: because he was before me.

Being around cattle and horses has taught me a lot about Bible scripture, for instance; leading. Both horses and cattle will not budge just because you want then to. I've tried. Pushing and cajoling to no avail, but put a rope around their neck and (if gentled) they'll follow you anywhere no fuss.

I imagine sheep are easier to lead then goats hence the final separation.

And, people with a sting of letters after their name usually don't understand the simplest things and these are the people supposed to lead us.

Anonymous said...

Any nation that would fairly elect Kamala Harris deserves Kamala Harris.

Anonymous said...

Reuters 'Shock Poll' Finds Kamala Leading Trump, There's Just One Catch...

Anonymous said...

Another miracle!

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden's Day Off

Anonymous said...

10:01 PM

Yer FKD up!

You been hitting the Orange Kool Aid at the demonic pharisees altar to Liz C.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday woody harrelson

Anonymous said...

10:01 PM so Elon Musk had an affair with Nicole Shanahan and now she's RFK jr's pick for VP. Hmmm

Anonymous said...

All conspiracy theories. When are you people going to wake up. If Trump or whoever else gets to be president everything has to go through Congress. Only Congress has the power to get rid of the constitution, repeal a amendment to the Constitution and even declare war. President do of course abuse power such as letting these Bozos come over the border.

Anonymous said...

Nicole Shanahan says she didn't have an affair or even a one night stand with Elon Musk. Rather they had a conversation about how his Neuralink technology might potentially help her daughter with autism.

RFK, Jr. would quite obviously have an affinity for her based on both her money and her support for his vaccine skepticism.

It's disgusting that love of a child led to a conversation that led to the media painting her with a big scarlett A. This is the same media that won't cover anything in the recently released Epstein documents. Oh how I dislike the media.

Anonymous said...

7.01am things like facts don't count on this blog.
Trump hatred is the filter everything passes through so they can't possibly consider reality.
Trump Derangement Syndrome "left" long enough does real damage

Anonymous said...

You won't find a presidential campaign that is going to turn down any Silicon Valley billionaire donor money.

I don't worship Mad King Donald, but the references to "a coming home and gathering of demons" seems to me very much to resemble the NAR and the fringes of hyper Charismatics.

If we're trying to stand against irresponsible conspiracy cults like QAnon, is this kind of phrasing really helping?

As a Christian I would like to remind you that the tares are found everywhere, including growing right next to the wheat. Jesus will handle the tares in due time. Just be a wheat. Just don't be a tare. No need for hysterically pointing out tares everywhere. They are indeed everywhere, including right there in churches, as well as at the Burning Man festivals. It is not we Christians who need to fear them. It is they who need to fear judgement but who don't know it.

Since we have been forgiven, we are to be forgiving. Being an unforgiving forgiven person is not acceptable to Jesus. Take a deep breath.

Anonymous said...

8:09 AM + 10:01 AM

You partake of the unholy "gathering of the demons" here at CINO/RINO Cumbeys Death Cult. Where every one is required to wear orange lensed glasses, and partake of Satan's mass media.

Do you think that the prince of this world isn't smack dab in the middle of the Mass Media. If you believe that, you're just as ignorant and blind of his deceptions as washed up has been Cumbey! You're of your father Satan, as he is the father of lies as yourself, and all the Cumbey Cult worshipers here. You label those who voted Trump over Hillary/Biden, and you label them falsely as Trump worshipers! You do your father Satan proud, and your reward will be with the goats. Hypocrites

Anonymous said...

Cumbey and Dr X are so vile and evil, they would have voted for Biden over Trump even though it is obvious to anyone with a clear head, and without the Cults orange glasses that Biden is Satan spawn. But because you are Satan spawn yourselves you hate the remnant, and falsely accuse them. You have your reward, and you won't like it.

You worship scumbags as Liz Cheney as if she were faultless. How foolish and evil can you be?

Anonymous said...

More El Salvador antichrist candidate Bukele watch info:

“In a video released on Sunday to Bukele's X account, Gaetz thanked the Salvadoran administration for ensuring inmates "are not harming the people of El Salvador or the United States".

*note: Bukele suspended the rule of law and has received substantial criticism from democracy watch groups for rounding up citizens and jailing them without trials. Strangely U.S. pedophile congressman Matt Gaetz celebrates such unlawful imprisonments from the concentration camp er, el Salvadoran “prison” itself and says we need more of this in the U.S.

**it should also be noted Trump has criticized Bukele claiming he has reduced crime in El Salvador by sending his murdering criminals to the U.S. . I guess I shouldn’t be surprised 2 see Maga talking out of both sides of their mouths.

***weird to see such new focus on a fascist style leader. Trump Jr and many others were just in El Salvador for Bukele marriage a few months ago. Between this and meetings with Orban, Maga is obviously training for a neo-fascist takeover.

Anonymous said...

If you thought Biden has nearly destroyed the U.S. Kamala Harris is the finisher.

If You Thought Biden Was Bad, Here's Kamala's Promises...

Anonymous said...

11:42 AM

The Cumbey Death Cult here are hyper Idealists, looking for some squeaky clean politicians to return this nation to its glory days, which were never really that glorious!

God has, and any time He wants, will use flawed leaders to meet our judgement on His foes. If you're looking for a political salvation, you will remain in your current evil corrupt mental state.

To focus so hatefully on one side, and almost completely ignore the demonic machinations of the left, is not only negligent, and foolish, but downright wicked!

But pharisees gotta pharisee.

Anonymous said...

This happened in the conservative part of Cumbeys State of Michigan.

But she fears Trump voters! She isn't the least bit insane either!

Man Runs Over 80-Year-Old Planting Trump Signs In Yard, Then Kills Himself

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Why Kamala Would Be a Great President!

Anonymous said...

8:48 PM

Maybe great to a 16 year old

Anonymous said...

Finally figured out that old rooster (I think) it's all a show. If he doesn't act big and tough he loses his standing with the hens. Anyway, those Guinea Fowl got my back and the poor old rooster was looking pretty ruffled when he charged me going out the door. Now he's outside.

Anonymous said...

The FBI wants us to believe a 'magic' bullet grazed by Trump, took off the top of his ear, and disappeared into thin air.

Someone said "the bullet missed Trump and struck Biden," now that I can believe.

Anonymous said...

The FBI couldn't find it's own behind using both hands. Your fired!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why Kamala Would Be a Great President!

8:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:48 PM

Maybe great to a 16 year old

11:17 PM



Anonymous said...

Yeah I know, it was sarcasm, it's the only thing that guy does but you better think about what I said. They lower the vote from 21 to 18 because of the draft and they're probably going to lower it to 16 because of . . . Tic Tok?

PS: I don't watch YouTube influencers. He's plenty rich without my click

Anonymous said...

This video is posted for information only. Trump as God-anointed, non-Jewish messiah, his resemblance to King Cyrus, and the significance of the right ear and Butler, PA are revealed by Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg. Spoiler alert: It's all about building a third temple. Rabbi Weisberg also remarks that America's history is not great. His reasoning includes the USS Liberty's presence in the Gulf during Israel's 6-Day War in 1967. That caught my attention.

"My Messiah, Donald”
"On Saturday July 13th in Butler Pennsylvania God almighty anointed president Donald Trump as the second and final non-Jewish Messiah in the history of mankind. If this sounds odd to you, please take 10 minutes (adjust the speed to 1.5) and listen to this video."

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

"Better learn to speak Spanish" - Joe Biden

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris’ multi-religious identity is a map of the future

Let me know how that works out for you sister

Anonymous said...

Constance would have you support the Democrat Party with Antichrist policies because she believes the Republican Party (with pro Christ policies) Presidential nominee is the AntiChrist.
How does that make any sense.
Constance you need to pull your head out of your obsession with politics and Cults.
Get some balance and spend more time in the Bible.
Your sounding and behaving like someone in a Cult.

GrantNZ said...

For anyone interested that have noticed a marked increase in people they know radically changing for the worst in recent times this may help to understand how people can be brainwashed.
Being brainwashed involves the process of being systematically subjected to manipulative psychological techniques that significantly alter one's beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. This can lead to the individual adopting new ideologies or beliefs, often without their full awareness or consent. Here are some key characteristics of brainwashing:

1. Isolation: The individual is isolated from their usual social support networks and environments, making them more vulnerable to influence.

2. Control of Information: The flow of information to the individual is tightly controlled, with only specific, approved messages being allowed. Access to alternative perspectives is restricted.

3. Repetition: The same messages or doctrines are repeated over and over to reinforce the new beliefs and suppress critical thinking.

4. Emotional Manipulation: The individual’s emotions are manipulated through fear, guilt, or intense affection to enforce the desired change in beliefs.

5. Induced Confusion and Fatigue: Techniques such as sleep deprivation, overwhelming stress, or contradictory messages are used to wear down the individual's resistance and critical thinking abilities.

6. Identity Assault: The individual’s previous identity and beliefs are attacked and devalued, often making them feel worthless or disconnected from their past self.

7. Reward and Punishment: Rewards are given for compliance, while punishment or negative consequences are administered for resistance or dissent.

8. Peer Pressure: Social pressure is applied from a group of individuals who have already adopted the desired beliefs or behaviors, making it harder for the individual to resist conforming.

9. Unquestioning Obedience: The individual is conditioned to obey authority figures without question, often through a combination of the aforementioned techniques.

Brainwashing can occur in various contexts, including cults, totalitarian regimes, abusive relationships, and certain high-pressure sales or training environments. It typically results in the victim experiencing significant changes in their worldview, often to the detriment of their personal autonomy and well-being.

GrantNZ said...

Sadly people can literally brainwash themselves by using the same techniques on themselves.
Self inflected brainwashing (akin to selfharm in a way).
I believe the root of it is when people harbour unforgiveness

Anonymous said...

More Republicans catching on…

Former LT Gov of Georgia and lifelong conservative Republican, Geoff Duncan said:

“I’m committed to beating Donald Trump. The only vehicle left for me to do that with is the Democratic Party. If that requires me to vote for, speak for, or endorse @KamalaHarris then count me in!“

Duncan feels the Republican Party simply won’t ever heal if Trump were to somehow win.

Country before party. True patriotism.

Anonymous said...

China and Russia stage first joint bomber patrol near Alaska

Anonymous said...

7:43 PM

You have succumbed to the Biden/Harris mantra, that you need to vote for one of them, now Kamala, to "protect Democracy", and "increase personal freedom". Now anyone with an IQ of at least 20 knows that for the last 3 1/2 years these two devils have been vigorously destroying democracy, and personal freedom as well.

But you can continue to feed at their altar of lies. It's a free country.

Anonymous said...

Kamala radical leftist.
Was a lawyer ... wonder if she knows Constance as Constance was very high up in the Women's Bar Association.
Perhaps Constance will make a donation to her campaign.
Positively warped principles to think anyone would vote for what she stands for.
Like her racist remarks of falling out of a coconut tree.
The Democrats roots were in the KKK if anyone cared about history.

Anonymous said...

8:03 pm

Apparently, your IQ isn't over 20 since Biden/Harris have in no way "destroyed democracy" nor "personal freedom" the last 3.5 years.

If you are largely referring to Covid do recall:

Trump was the original lockdown "tyrant".

•Designated COVID-19 a quarantinable disease, using Bush-era executive order (13295) for SARS
•Mandated detention for thousands of exposed Americans, Feb - Apr, enforced by US Marshals Closed houses of worship on military bases
•Trump and Pence called faith leaders to lobby for adherence to distanced worship guidelines
•OSHA issued fines to businesses not following CDC specs
•Federal school systems (DoDEA and Indian Bureau) closed, reopened slower than Florida • Most Indian schools were not back in person until Biden administration • Many never received Wifi or laptops
•Fed schools, where reopened, mandated masks, discontinued recess, social lunches, sports
•Masks mandates on all military installations, ages 2 all public places, civilians service personnel
•Trump's chief of staff lobbied governors for stricter policies
•Closed beaches (national seashores) |
•Closed national parks, mandated masks in gift shops, among crowds
•Shut down cruise lines & international tourism (3/14/20)
•Trump's CMS locked down nursing homes, preventing visitation, and discouraged personal touch, like hugs Trump's Department of Veteran Affairs limited cemeteries to small gatherings, no burials with honors
•CDC issues mask guidance to cover faces, ages 2 & up • Out of alignment with WHO recommendations Large businesses, like Disney, immediately changed policies to align with COC
•CMS mandated masks at hospitals and nursing homes
•Homeland security issued paperwork for “essential worker” exemptions
•Trump's White House Task Force (formed by Trump) sent states weekly reports calling on tougher measures • Trump appointed Fauci before Pence was added to Task Force - Continued until lan 2021
•Continued to lock down military bases in late 2020, after FL had removed all statewide restrictions
•No state shutdowns had been announced until Trump unilaterally declared a Stafford Act nationwide state of emergency on Friday the 13th, March 2020. State shutdowns started the following week Billions in federal money were immediately freed up to assist businesses adversely impacted
•3/13 Proclamation: "I have taken sweeping action to control the spread of the virus in the United States
•"15 Days" Guidance called on business, school closures, gatherings limited to 10 people
•April 13.2020 Trump reminded states closed schools, ordered businesses closed Trump responded: "That's because I let that happen, because I would have preferred that. and I like the way they've done it."

Anonymous said...

I still remember when Biden wanted vaccine mandates. Worldwide vaccine passports were nearly a possibility. For the same vaccine that was developed in Trump's Operation Warp Speed. The same Trump who pardoned several Big Pharma execs before he left the oval office, meanwhile giving nice tweets to lots of people who got in trouble on his behalf and at his behest--but no pardons for them.

But it was also the same Trump who appointed enough conservative Supreme Court justices to strike down vaccine mandates. Then the same Supreme Court justices eventually ruled in favor of so much presidential immunity that neither Nixon nor Bill Clinton would have been impeached.

Don't let any of it go down the memory hole. We all lived through it. What do you see? What do you remember? Do you see any consistently pro-freedom or pro-democracy choices? Is that what you remember? Really?

Obviously it's a mess. Obviously we're in trouble no matter who is elected. Nothing will be accomplished by turning on each other. Is that emotionally satisfying? How long does that emotional satisfaction last? Do you think it will finally make you happy some day?

Anonymous said...

"She Has Our Full Support": Obamas Endorse Kamala Harris For President

"Earlier this week, Michelle and I called our friend..."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

9:44 AM,

Maybe Kamala is so giddy and confident right now because she knows she'll have presidential immunity if she wins. You should be happy Biden so far shows no inclination to use his new powers granted by the Supreme Court before he leaves office.

Biden likely wouldn't dare, because it would hurt the Harris campaign narrative Trump is anti-democracy while she is pro-democracy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris’ multi-religious identity is a map of the future

Let me know how that works out for you sister

2:48 PM






Anonymous said...

Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei

Anonymous said...

Radical Roman Catholic group indeed....

Even some Godly pastors/teachers are catching on despite seemingly being unaware, specifically, of Opus Dei. In this video Spencer Smith refers to the trad roman catholic 1 world religion strategy as "the Great Reclamation".

Is This The Catholic Takeover of America?!?!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


"Trump is anti-democracy while she is pro-democracy."

So be it.

If THIS is what democracy is, why would any sane American want it?!

It was a disaster in ancient Athens, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Saving Our Democracy

"Being insane is the New normal"

Anonymous said...

Blasting their way through the gates of the Hood,
no one can stop them tonight...

They take on your streets with hatred inside,
destruction's the reason they fight!

Anonymous said...

Surviving Trump's slaughters and circling back down,
then Joe returns from the dead!

Assaulting much more now with thrice as much strength,
they splatter then move on ahead....

Anonymous said...


Face in disguise...

His words defy...

Will rape their souls...

Joe's rage unfolds!

Anonymous said...

6:56 PM,

So be it? So be it even if President Harris becomes the autocrat instead of President Trump?

Anonymous said...

3:29 PM

Man I wake up in a great mood then she wakes up and says good morning. I say huh? mind preoccupied somewhere else and she repeats herself GOOD MORNING and it was downhill after that then you come on shouting at me saying HUH? Sheesh!

You're not from Baltimore are you? I always seem to rub Baltimoreans the wrong way.

PS: good evening ( - :

Anonymous said...

Will Kamala be elected the first woman President before American finds out the TRUTH about her???

Please share far and wide...

Anonymous said...

I think CNN nailed it when they asked who do you want to see in your living rooms every night. Nice coconuts ( - ;

Anonymous said...

The Pale Horse from Revelation...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:25 P.M. I just noticed that too. We're living in the end time before the second coming of Christ. I also noticed everyone that the song called image by John Lennon some lady was singing the song. However the plat form the were on along with the piano looked like it came from hell with the flames burning.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Kamala Harris says she will sign law forcing abortion-on-demand nationwide if elected president

Kamala Harris has a history of being radically pro-abortion, even prosecuting pro-life journalist David Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood's violation of laws pertaining to harvesting aborted baby parts while serving as Attorney General of California.

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