Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Heads you lose. Tails you lose.

 by Rich Peterson

I have been silent on this blog for too long. In light of Constance’s recent post and the various reactions to it, I decided to share my thoughts on what I’ve been observing.

Regarding the award given Trump for the Abraham Accords, if you are dismissing what is being said as insignificant, I suggest ponder those words and on whom they rightfully belong:  “…in Isaiah (9:1) For a child has been born to us, a son, has been given to us and the authority will rest on his shoulders; He who is Wonderous Advisor, Might G-d, Eternal Father shall give him the name, Prince of Peace.  The Israel Heritage Foundation...presents this..award to…President Donald J. Trump.


What does it say of a man who would accept such an award? A holy man? Perhaps Trump’s  spiritual advisor Paula White hasn’t yet covered the deity of Jesus. If you take no issue with this award or the Reawaken America Tour’s connections with Qanon (a branch of the Trump campaign) you surely are on the same path followed by the German Christians.  

 The Abraham Accords as well as the Reawaken America tour present a different gospel; one where politics and religion intersect. With Reawaken America you are given a choice:  the “Great Awakening” vs. the “Great Reset.”  Both are the New Age decorated to appeal to fringe left or right political leanings.

The Reawaken America Tour hosts a slew of Qanon personalities including Charlie Ward, Clay Clark, General Flynn, Mike Lindell, and more.

Charlie Ward (pictured above with Eric Trump) is as hard core Qanon-New Age as they get. Ward reports the intelligence he claims to receive directly from the top levels of governmental officials. A new world order having new financial and judicial systems are coming; results of the “Great Awakening.”  The Great Awakening:  the supposed white hats alternative to the dark hat’s (the cabal’s) Great Reset.

 By the way, according to the Qanon mapping project, the white hats are Madame Blavatsky’s Masters of Wisdom.  Their anticipated new economic system traces back to her spiritual masters, in particular, St. Germaine.

Speaking of St. Germain and Reawaken America, let’s listen as Flynn leads undiscerning Christians in prayer.


Flynn has made calls for a single religion.

 While blame for the COVID lockdowns had been placed on the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, Charlie Ward claims his sources conveyed to him the lockdowns were part of a plan orchestrated by Trump. The lockdown set the stage to replace the world’s economic system. Per Ward:


“Donald Trump launched the web site which, again, was massive excitement for me because I’ve been telling people about the Quantum System for five months and nobody has even hear of the word…but once became as a web site with all of the information which is obviously written by a military mind…we’re now in a transition where we’re moving from a financial system…the old fiat financial currency to the quantum financial system…the next lockdown will be for the transition of that to happen…”


“The new Quantum Financial System is a digital system predominantly which can transact money very very cleanly  and clearly around the world instantaneously. It’s operated on the blockchain system. Donald Trump is not taking cash out of the system right now. There will be a US note, a US coin, there will be currency around the world. Each country will have its own currency. Each currency will be backed by gold…”


“The political arena will change dramatically. There will be no conservative party. There will be no labor party. There will be no democrats, republicans. It will be between good and evil…We’re moving from darkness into light. This is the Great Awakening. This is Revelation.


Ward collaborates closely with Qanon evangelist Melissa Redpill who preaches the “Storm is Coming” and that  Trump is in the Royal Line of Judah.


 Both Qanon and the Abraham Accords also have too many prophetic coincidences to ignore. We didn’t ignore the coincidences of the 10-nation Western European Union’s power transfer (Recommendation 666) to the position of High Representative (Section 666 of the Europa code), and neither will we ignore Reawaken America nor the Accords.

 When I first read the Abraham Accords, I thought them to be dangerous. From the opening declaration I recognized the Accords to be rooted in common religion, a.k.a., human fraternity, Alliance of Civilizations, etc. interfaith ideology. The Atlantic Council’s blog published a piece which recognizes the Accords as being politics and religion intertwined.  Only they see it as a positive. 

 I’ve consistently written over the past years that moves toward a single religion is dangerous, especially to those who hold “exclusive truth” claims.  The following is from the OSCE when chaired by Miguel Angel Moratinos who now serves as High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.)

 The European Union has welcomed the Abraham Accords as a move in the right direction. However, they do not see the Accords as a plausible framework for peace since it sidelined the Palestinian Authority from the process, a fact former US Ambassador Friedman acknowledged in his book Sledgehammer.   After the start of the Israeli-Hamas war, Jared Kushner said the Accords are more important than ever and that it is time to bring into existence a functioning Palestinian state.

 I read a book authored by Dr. Larry Goldman about the Accords which I believe has made some very astute observations.

I share Goldman’s concerns over US Ambassador Callista Gingrich’s (Newt Gingrich’s spouse) support for the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative as well as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s implied support for the construction of a third temple (and here, and here).

Dr. Goldman believes the Abraham Accords to be the basis of the future peace agreement between Israel and the antichrist. Per Dr. Goldman:

“January 25, 2020 – Trump Prepares to Combine His ‘Deal of The Century’ Middle East Peace Plan with Pope Francis’ Abrahamic Faiths Initiative. Do you see where all this is heading? Trump has the relationship with Israel, and Pope Francies has the relationship with the Muslims; put the two together and you have peace in the Middle East. The missing ingredient that no other political leader has had in the past 70 years is Chrislam. With full evangelical support, Pope Francies signed a covenant with Islam, and the Trump administration has thrown in their full support in the same week as announcing they are finally ready with the Peace Plan.”  p. 55

“The announcement of a peace treaty between the Jews and Arabs contained within the Abraham Accords brokered by Jared Kushner and the Trump administration should have sent shock waves throughout the bible prophecy world…” p. 71.


“The Abraham Accords is the missing link the Vatican needed to complete its launch of Chrislam, otherwise known as the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative. The Abraham Accords will connect Israel and Abu Dhabi where the Chrislam Headquarters known as the Abrahamic Faiths House is located. The Abraham Accords took a giant step forward in realizing the signing of will culminate in the 7-year covenant foretold in Daniel 9:27.”

 Whether or not the Accords serve as the basis of the prophetic peace agreement or another competing and/or collaborative framework emerges, criticism of them should not be so easily dismissed as a conflict with one’s politic.  It seems to me some believe criticism of the New Age is acceptable when its focus is the political left, but it is unwelcomed when the focus shifts to the political right.

 Whether one views this critique of the Reawaken America Tour and Abraham Accords “Trump hatred” or cause for concern, that is your prerogative.  In my opinion, there are too many alarms going off to jump aboard the Trump Train because whichever road is offered – the Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – heads you lose; tails you lose.


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Anonymous said...

Of course, much of the digital currency is still in its development stages,. Even so, I’ve no doubt several manufactured crises will both speed up the realization of the project and the acceptance of it by the vast majority of the World’s population.

Anonymous said...

8:25 AM,

Good advice.

Anonymous said...

Of course the MAGA NAR QANON Trumpsters will take it, especially when it has Trump’s signature all over it. All it takes is a new style Satanic, Red, MAGA witchcraft cap, a deluded rant by their favorite man of sin (filled with all it’s claims of persecution, blasphemies, lies, treachery and hatred all dressed up in flattery; they’ll swallow anything as long as its venom laced by the snake they’ve invited into their hearts as he declares himself God over the same), and an utter denial of the evidence and ignoring of the warnings given them by true, born again believers.

Oh, I am sure there are a few Trump worshipers here, who, thinking they are doing God a favor, once that strong delusion has fully overtaken them because of the lists of their hardened and perverse hearts, as well as their love of unrighteousness, will set out to murder the saints. Just look at the vitriol, lies, false accusations, slander, projection onto others of their own sinful and hateful deeds, twists and writhings, attempted deflections and whataboutisms, utter blindness and denial, delusion and deceit, putting evil for good and good for evil, of such Donald J. Trump worshipers, to see they’re children of the Devil. When that strong delusion really hits hard and are utterly given over to the depravity of their hearts, they will do anything for their idol the Antichrist Donald J. Trump.

Anonymous said...

Have no fellowship with the works of darkness, but rather expose them!

Trump worshipers,


Anonymous said...

Of course the MAGA NAR QANON Trumpsters will take it, especially when it has Trump’s signature all over it. All it takes is a new style Satanic, Red, MAGA witchcraft cap, a deluded rant by their favorite man of sin (filled with all it’s claims of persecution, blasphemies, lies, treachery and hatred all dressed up in flattery; they’ll swallow anything as long as its venom laced by the snake they’ve invited into their hearts as he declares himself God over the same), and an utter willful denial of the evidence and willfully ignoring of the warnings given them by true, born again believers.

Oh, I am sure there are a few Trump worshipers here, who, thinking they are doing God a favor, once that strong delusion has fully overtaken them because of their lists of willful sin and lusts of their hardened and perverse hearts, as well as their love of unrighteousness, will set out to murder the saints. Just look at the vitriol, lies, false accusations, slander, projection onto others of their own sinful and hateful deeds, twists and writhings, attempted deflections and whataboutisms, utter blindness and denial, delusion and deceit, putting evil for good and good for evil, of such Donald J. Trump worshipers, to see they’re children of the Devil. When that strong delusion really hits hard and are utterly given over to the depravity of their hearts, they will do anything for their idol the Antichrist Donald J. Trump.

Have no fellowship with the works of darkness, but rather expose them!

Trump worshipers,

Repent, for why will you perish!

Anonymous said...

How Trump’s Bitcoin Evolution Could Scramble The Electoral Map

Anonymous said...

5:29 AM

I may be thick as two short planks but I'll never stop believing what I've seen.


Anonymous said...

10:28 AM,

I worship God the Father, Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior only, and the Holy Spirit guides me in all things.

Constance Cumbey is my sister in Jesus Christ and she is faithful and true to the faith once delivered unto the saints. She is patient, courageous, long suffering, and so much more because of her obedience to God’s commandments.

You. however, worship your idol, the vile man of sin with fierce countenance, the compulsive Liar, Rapist, Traitor and Murderer in Chief, the Antichrist, Donald J. Trump, and in so doing do worship that dragon of old. You are full of evil intent and hatred with murder in your heart , in your blindness, your love of the World and the things therein, in your lies, deceit, malice, slander, false accusation, and so in. You are a child of your father the Devil, the father of lies, who has been a murderer and a liar from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

11:15 AM

Can you point out clearly, where anyone here has "worshiped" - "idol, Donald J. Trump?"

If not, I suggest a good reputable deliverance ministry, or an exorcism. There are supposedly 67 exorcists listed in the Detroit metro phone book! Seems demon possession is quite a problem in the Detroit area!

Anonymous said...

11:15 AM

And who are the "10 Kings?" You KNOW that Trump is the AC, but who are the 10 KINGS that are going to give all their power to?

Anonymous said...

10:28 AM,

I worship God the Father, through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior only, and the Holy Spirit guides me in all things.

Constance Cumbey is my sister in Jesus Christ and she is faithful and true to the faith once delivered unto the saints. She is patient, courageous, long suffering, and so much more because of her obedience to God’s commandments.

You. however, worship your idol, the vile man of sin with fierce countenance, the compulsive Liar, Rapist, Traitor and Murderer in Chief, the Antichrist, Donald J. Trump, and in so doing do worship that dragon of old. You are full of evil intent and hatred with murder in your heart , in your blindness, your love of the World and the things therein, in your lies, deceit, malice, slander, false accusation, and so in. You are a child of your father the Devil, the father of lies, who has been a murderer and a liar from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

If you buy into the Premillennial/Dispensationalist prophecy theories, you can't have an ANTICHRIST without the 10 KINGS ....



Anonymous said...

Trump Reprobate Obviously Lost Lustfully (In in the things of this world), Aka TROLL at 11:23 AM,

You still haven’t done your research nor revise and reviewed all the information provided thus far. Moreover, you have no understanding of the sequence of events taking place and that shall take place, Biblically speaking.

Anonymous said...

11:26 AM,

Your presumptuous prerequisites for my stance are null and void.

I don’t believe in once saved always saved, I believe we need to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, for God’s Grace and conversion of us thereby is given to the meek and obedient to His Word. Therefore, by the strength of the Holy Spirit we are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ, and obedient in our love for God’s commands, we abide in Him and He in us, causing us to love our neighbors as ourselves. doing unto others as we would have done unto us, doing that which is commanded of us to do in Matthew 25, and while doing so, to not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing, so that our faith is alive and we have not made the word of God of no effect.

Unlike one of your fellow Antichrist cult worshipers, Prosperity Pimp Hagee, I believe that no man has the Father Who does not have the Son. I believe there is neither Jew nor Greek (Gentile), male nor female for those in Christ Jesus.

I do not put my faith and hope nor store up my treasures in the World, but in Heaven.

Furthermore, I do not believe in the Pre-Tribulation heresy,

Regarding your demands.

You name them!

Anonymous said...

11:30 AM calling someone else a TROLL.


Anonymous said...

11:53 AM

Again, a false accusation. You contrived association with "Prosperity Pimp John Hagee", concerning your go round with poster @ 11:26 AM.


Anonymous said...

RayB, you name the 10 kings first from your HISTORICIST angle.

Anonymous said...

12:00 PM,

You are utterly delusional in your rejection of the truth. You obviously have no understanding of the Holy Bible and how many Jewish people and others may possibly be lost for eternity because of that wolf and prosperity pimp, John Hagee’s lies. Moreover, you are the false accuser here and you are of your father the Devil, who is the accuser of the brethren and like him you likewise do.

I myself shall have no fellowship with the deeds of darkness, but rather shall
expose them. You have proved to all true Christians here of what spirit you are. I reiterate, you are of your father, Satan, the father of lies, because you do as he does. He has been a liar and a murderer from the very beginning. The Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you. Repent, you worker of iniquity.

Pimping the Gospel

Posted by Jim Wright

As I’ve previously ministered in other parts of the world, I’ve been alarmed at the growing influence of the so-called “prosperity gospel”.

Money or Life?

The prosperity message is simply the latest incarnation of the historically persistent “gospel of self” that’s been a blight on the Church since the beginning. Going back to Simon the Samaritan in Acts 8, there’s always been those among us – with gifted personalities and beguiling, mesmerizing spirits of seeming sincerity – who pimp the gospel for personal gain.

Such God pimps – including John Hagee, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen and their minions – are all over the airways peddling their seductive gospel of “self”.

2 Peter 2:1-3

1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Matthew 21

12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

1 John 5

10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.

11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

1 John 2:23

23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Galatians 3

3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?

2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

4 Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain.

5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.

8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.

9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

Anonymous said...

My reply to 12:00 PM continued:

Galatians 3

10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.

11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.

12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.

13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:

14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

15 Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto.

16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.

18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.

19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.

20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one.

21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.

22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Anonymous said...

12:21 PM,


Anonymous said...

To spell it out for you, 12:00 PM,

You know all too well my post refered to that child of Satan, John Hagee, as the poster to whom I was responding (you?) made the false assumption of me adhering to Dispensationalism, as the beginning of their vacuous demand. I don’t adhere to such, yet an extreme adherent to that heresy is none other than Hagee, who, evidently, like that poster and yourself, is an idolizer of that evil man of sin, the Antichrist Donald J. Trump. Now, having simplified things for your deluded self, I hope it still isn’t too much for you to understand. I refer you, therefore, back to my posts relevant to this.


Anonymous said...

The fake news is lying again!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump posted on his Truth Social Media account this week:

"Received this morning--Beautiful, thank you!"

"It's ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you. But have you seen this verse...?"

Psalm 109:3-8 (NKJV):
They have surrounded me with words of hatred,
And fought against me without a cause.
In return for my love they are my accusers, but I give myself to prayer.
Thus they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love.
Set a wicked man over him and let an accuser stand at his right hand.
When he is judged, let him be found guilty and let his prayer become sin.
Let his days be few and let another take his office."

"I'm praying this over you daily. So many praying for you. Thank you again for taking the arrows intended for us. We love you."

Anonymous said...

7:54 PM Part 2

You have made Trump your idol if you agree with this Truth Social media post.
True love would tell Trump he needs to receive as Lord and Savior the One who took the arrows intended for him. Comparing him favorably to Jesus Christ is a stumbling block to his salvation.

Craig said...

Now THIS is a bridge WAY too far:

Trump: 'Religion And Christianity Are The Biggest Things Missing From This Country'

The Lee Greenwood 'God Bless the USA' Bible: The US Constitution and associated documents IN A BIBLE?!

Count me OUT!

And, though I'm not surprised, I note that Trump never says Jesus while he talks about "God". This conforms with my (and many others') thoughts that Trump is not a Christian.

Craig said...

Anon 10:02 PM,

That Independent article was from December, 2020.

Craig said...

I've occasionally watched this channel over the last .5 year or so:

🔴 BREAKING: CBDC Launch Date REVEALED, Prepare!

Lena Petrova

SWIFT claims it will roll it out in 1 to 2 years.

Anonymous said...

9:16 PM Craig.

Sure is.

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig,

Brilliant posts!

All praise be to God in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name.

I am truly overjoyed you are starting to see Trump for the fraud and the danger he is to the sheep and the World.

Trump Is Now Selling Bibles

Video by Brother Paul

I pray God blesses you richly, Craig, and continues to guide you in truth and love.

Anonymous said...

Craig 10:06 PM you don't think Flynn's call to suspend the constitution in 2020 after Trump lost the election is important? You don't think he would try something like that in 2024?

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: General Michael Flynn (Former National Security Advisor) calls the Baltimore barge disaster and destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge a 'black swan event'...

Anonymous said...

Usual Cast Of Far-Right Characters Declare ‘WW3,’ ‘Black Swan Event’ Over Bridge Collapse

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@Craig 9:16 PM


Early in this thread you rationalized Trump is not a Christian as a reason for why he would have accepted the Covenant of Peace award and not knowing the meaning of the words on the plaque.

I, too, believe Trump is not a Christian. Given his support from evangelicals and being surrounded by evangelicals (see politico link), one could surmise that those individuals are either apostate, NAR, have never shared the Gospel. Or, had the Gospel been presented, it was rejected. If the latter, Christianity is merely an instrument for gain much as the German Christians were.

Unfortunate for the German Christians, half had realized they had stepped in it a bit too late.

Anonymous said...

I'm Not jumping on Constance's Trump is THE AC bandwagon. I know Trump is not a true Christian. I also believe that Reagan was not a true Christian. I also believe the Clintons are not true Christians. I believe the Bushes were, and are not, true Christians. I believe Obama is not a true Christian. I believe Biden is not a true Christian. A true Christian would never be allowed to occupy the White House apart from a genuine miracle!

So if O'Biden is re-selected, or Trump is re-selected, with Trump you get someone who will do a bit better job, and with O'Biden you get more of the same.

How much "more of the same" can this country take?

Anonymous said...

This is the age of apostasy.
This is the age of deception.
This is what I've said all along.
Doesn't matter who is a candidate to run the country.
It is purposefully run aground, and happened on God's time table.
I've voted for the last time. I said that quite a while back, and I meant it.
I get it why people want to turn the clock back politically, but it's too late.
I understand and don't condemn them.
It is a global world, past the point of no return. No one will save this country, or any other.
AC is going to be revealed, and it will be sooner, not later.

People can do as they wish, but I've always said be careful what you wish for, you might just get it..
Many people have whipped up their emotions to frenzy and behaved terribly here, from top down, either end of the spectrum.

The Lord Jesus has always had a remnant.
Most, and they are all over the map, are not even in His camp, while they don't hesitate to name drop His name.
God is sorting everything for us, there is no more gray, but honestly, I don't think it is hard to see where all is, has been (for a long time), leading to, so I ask this to the open air, not asking for replies but simply....who is on the Lord's side?

The Lord saves souls, not nations.
If folks say they are a believer, isn't our priority to pray for those around you to know the Lord and stand on His Word?
Too many people here have come out with knives.

Anonymous said...

Good post 10:13 AM

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 10:24 AM.

I have already grieved over this nation, quite a while ago.
I mourned at the what I saw as the loss of America when Bill Clinton was President.
I heard her begin her long, slow, death rattle when Obama was President.
I saw what, on one hand, looked like it could be a rally when Trump was President, but the heartbeat was very, very weak, barely breathing.
I see a brain dead Biden letting our country lie on it's sickbed like a vegetable.

America has had her season in the sun.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Open Question to Constance (and Rich):

Do you believe that Candace Owens is anti-semitic? If so, why?

Anonymous said...

12:40 PM

"If They're Black, then it's a gang. If they're Italian, it"'s a mob. If they're Jewish, it's a coincidence and you should never speak about it." - Dave Chappelle

Here is a smart Christian woman, who is Jewish, and who is sane!

NWO International Mafia?

Anonymous said...

While listening to this audio broadcast (with an audience of 20 million), ask yourself this question:

What if Ray Comfort used his time on the air to preach the message that "Donald Trump is the Antichrist," instead of preaching the Gospel?

The answer should be obvious!

Ray Comfort Totally Schooled by Famous Hollywood Psychiatrist

Anonymous said...

12:40 PM

Open question to you

Do you think you or your question will be counted worthy of comment?

Anonymous said...

Surprising Results of DNA Testing, Humanoid Bot Boom - News, Commentary, and the Scriptures

Anonymous said...

2:14 PM Ray Comfort's net worth is in the $million$. It's unlikely that money came from solely preaching the gospel.

Anonymous said...

5:09 PM

How do you know Ray Comfort's net worth, and, what exactly are you suggesting?

Craig said...

Anon 11:37 PM,

With respect, I think you are jumping to conclusions. The link to the vlog on the coming CBDCs is completely unrelated to my comment about Trump the non-Christian’s wrongheaded endorsement/selling of Greenwood’s “Bible”.

I don’t think we can rightly claim Trump has had any hand in CBDCs. (Guilt-by-association does not work in my book.) Will he in the future? I dunno, but I don’t think so.

As for Greenwood’s ill-thought-out “Bible” and Trump’s endorsement, it comes too close to suggesting Christian Nationalism, Theocracy. But do I think Trump will push for CN? I’m aware others here will see it that way, but I don’t. More important to me, this “Bible” taints and dilutes the Word of God. Our founding documents were well-thought out, but they surely are NOT on the level of Holy Scripture. The two DO NOT belong in one volume!

Whatever Trump’s motives for endorsing/selling Greenwood’s “Bible”, it’s b-a-d messaging for his campaign. His voting block is more than NAR adherents and a subset of “Evangelicals”. (Certainly, some “Evangelicals” are Biden supporters.) What are atheist Trump supporters to think? Or those of any other religion? Or true Christians appalled that anyone would even produce such a “Bible”? Might he lose support due to this? I think so.

I can’t get in Trump’s head, but my hunch is that he views Judeo-Christian principles as good for society, so he’s promoting this “Bible” for that reason. I think it fair to say he does not view Scripture in the same manner as true Christians, so with that frame of reference in mind, he thinks he’s doing a service.

I have NOT changed my mind on “Brother” Paul’s or “Brother” James Key’s output. The two would have MUCH MORE credibility if they would choose only what they see as strong evidence and make a case for it, while simultaneously rejecting any evidence that is clearly a stretch, the latter only serving to diminish or negate any valid points they may have toward Trump POSSIBLY eventually fulfilling the role of the Antichrist.

To claim the Antichrist (in their mind, Trump) is already being revealed to these two, and any of their own followers, by clearly EISEGETING this notion into 2Thess 2:6–8 is itself appalling. No matter how one construes “the restrainer” in 2Thess 2:6–7 this ‘removal’ event is the necessary precursor to the Lawless One (Antichrist) seating himself in the Temple, which is his revealing spoken of 2:8.

Frankly, this eisegesis and concurrent claim that “the restrainer” has already been removed smacks of the false prophecies of those in the NAR.

Craig said...

Rich @ 8:18 AM,

See my comment @ 6:05 PM.

I don’t view any of this as in any way a reprise of pre-WWII. Contrary to Constance’s analysis, I see the goals of the NAM outlined by Bailey as global communism as opposed to fascism. I had pointed out in previous comments here how Bailey’s Aryan Race pertained to those with ‘higher consciousness expansion levels’, as opposed to ethnicity, by quoting directly from a few of her works. She even specifically spoke out against Hitler’s definition based on ethnicity.

Currently I see some individual nations fighting to retain their individual national sovereignty over against the push for globalism. Witness Brexit and others trying to exit the EU. And I view Trump as against globalism and in support of national sovereignty. Perhaps we’ll find out Trump is supporting a ruse. I don’t know. I’m not a “prophet” like “Brothers” Paul and James Key.

Craig said...

This pretty much speaks for itself:

"Random" attacks skyrocket in NYC, but why all women?

Decoy Voice

New York City, NY is continuing to fall into lawlessness. But now on TikTok several women are finding out that they have all been recently randomly attacked in the street. Some of them by the same person, but some of them from just similar people. How did NYC get this bad?


All part of the plan. The US, under Biden and Co.'s illegal immigration incentive policies, is just following the script previously used in Europe.

America. You can almost put a fork in 'er.

Anonymous said...

Good posts Craig. I fully agree with your comments.

America is about done!

Anonymous said...


Your quote asks... How did NYC get this bad?

Put your fork down. New York is far safer than it used to be. All crime is down about 50% from when Rudy Guiliani was mayor and over 100% from the 1970's. Back 100 years ago inner city women had to carry fancy specially designed hairpins to defend themselves from harrassment and unwelcome touching by men on the streets of NYC. Despite the right-wing media's attempts to disparage (blue) NYC, out of America's biggest cities...NYC is now the safest and it's even safer than much of small-town America that has been plagued by much higher rates of drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, murder, mayhem, criminal mischief and Maga (lol) than NYC.

Not that this link is definitive but any general google search can confirm that NYC is not that dangerous.

New York City Is a Lot Safer Than Small-Town America
Rising homicide rates don’t tell the whole story: When you dig deeper into data on deaths, you'll find the more urban your surroundings, the less danger you face.

Heck...I was walking around Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago today with my wife as we visit the city while dog-sitting for one of our children. Didn't feel unsafe in the least. It's a little more scetchy here in the summer but downtown is relatively safe. Point is I guess you really shouldn't believe fake news. There are crazy people everywhere and the "punch in the face" guy in NYC isn't that relevant to some bigger picture.

America will survive punch in the face guy.


Craig said...


I got a bridge to sell ya. It's gotta ring to it: Francis Scott Key bridge.

Anonymous said...

Craig said...

Now THIS is a bridge WAY too far

Count me OUT!

F I N A L L Y.

Welcome to the club.


Craig said...

Just received this email:


You were made for more. You’re created to experience miracles in the seemingly mundane routines of daily life. You were designed to reveal God’s glory—to shine brightly with His goodness, power, and grace.

Do you feel that deep knowing within you…the echo in your heart that whispers you were made for something greater? It doesn’t matter what season of life you’re in—whether you’re just beginning to explore your destiny or navigating through challenges while longing for a touch of the miraculous in your everyday life. The truth remains—you were created to reflect and illuminate God’s glory, goodness, and power on the earth.

Yet, we understand that hurdles can stand in the way. Busy schedules, countless responsibilities, and real-life struggles can easily overshadow our purpose. Nevertheless, through it all, your heart yearns for one thing: to partner with God in your one, precious life.

Here’s the good news: just one word from Jesus can shift everything. Just one touch from Him can bring the breakthrough you need to step into your calling here and now.

Ladies, just go to Bethel's upcoming conference. Jesus is sure to be there to provide your own unique word.

Now I remember why I stopped writing about this garbage years ago...

Anonymous said...


That bridge accident is a lot more significant to America than some punch in the face New Yorker.

I read some hyperbole reported by maga reporter Lara Logan pretending it was a terrorist attack while estimating it'll take 4 or 5 years to rebuild.

No way...Army Corp of Engineers will have it done probably by the end of the year. I'm not promising that. Just my guess, but it's a "key" bridge for commerce so one way or another it's gotta be fixed quick.


Craig said...

X @ 10:26 PM,

You wrote: That bridge accident is a lot more significant to America than some punch in the face New Yorker.

The vlog by Decoy Voice is about more than the bolded portion above. But that's your MO: reductionism and whataboutisms to try to negate points made.

I don't really care what Lara Logan thinks.


@ 10:21 PM,

Read my 6:05 PM and 6:31 PM posts for more context.

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: General Flynn Calls Baltimore Barge Disaster A Black Swan Event

Key American Supply Chain Infrastructure Attacked?

How Dali ship changes course before crashing into Baltimore bridge

Playback video shows the Singaporean-flagged container setting sail from near Point Breeze before pivoting south.

Anonymous said...

Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 27, 2024 – Baltimore bridge attack NO ACCIDENT – cyber-enabled sabotage warfare to target critical infrastructure across the USA

BLACK SWAN SEASON: Prepare for an explosion of domestic sabotage ops targeting critical infrastructure

Anonymous said...

craig said...

The vlog by Decoy Voice is about more than the bolded portion above. But that's your MO: reductionism and whataboutisms to try to negate points made.

Is that your reductionist response negating my point that Decoy Voice was being hyperbolic?

Isn't "reductionism and whataboutisms" exactly what Decoy Voice's entire channel is about? That...and his willingness, as a minority himself, to use his smooth radio voice to further perpetuate the brute caricature. It's not a wonder he's found a home (and $$$$) among the new age white "conservatives" fearful of the great replacement.


p.s. - that Bethel stuff is just so awful. My wife and I 100% agree with you on that.

Anonymous said...

To bad the Dali's captain didn't blow his horns. It might've save those guys sitting in their cars on the Key bridge.

SS Norway horns

How that one guy survived without a scratch is a miracle. They should rename the new one the Newcomer's bridge.

Anonymous said...

And before any of you guys blow your top over Francis Key here a story of a little town in Oregon which has always had a Mexican population (and a Mexican church). In fact the town was widely known for two things; Mexicans and Hanks Supermarket. Here the thing, Hanks painted a 125 foot mural of the horse and buggy days on the back of their store and to this day it is untouched. No tags. I ask her why haven't they tagged Hanks. She, being the midnight hoops lady said because they respect it. So fast forward a couple years and the Mexicans built a new church and on their community center there's a mural of Mexican life in the country dating back to the WW II Braceros. Pretty cool, just like Hanks, I even recognize a couple faces. It's all about respect.

Anonymous said...

Hazardous chemicals are LEAKING into Baltimore harbor from stricken vessel as NTSB confirms containers 'were breached' in the bridge disaster

The head of the National Transportation Safety Board said her team determined that hazardous materials were leaking into Baltimore harbor

NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said some of the 56 containers carrying hazardous materials 'were breached'

A preliminary report about the crash, collapse, and subsequent environmental impact will be available in 2-4 weeks, she said.

Source: Daily Mail (March 28, 2024)
Hazardous chemicals LEAKING into Baltimore harbor after bridge crash

Anonymous said...

VIDEO: Ship in Baltimore Bridge Collapse Involved in 2016 Accident (

Anonymous said...

Folks some of your comments are laughable. I seriously doubt that Trump is the antichrist the reason being Congress won't let him get away with. Trump was last in office Congress fought him on everything. You need to understand he's a big B esser. It's about Trump he will do whatever it takes to be president again. Trump like money and power.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@Craig 6:31 PM

My thoughts are that Bailey didn’t pin her hopes solely on a future communist state (of which we was also critical). But she did see beauty in all the ideologies of the day:

“The idea of a spiritual Hierarchy which will govern the people throughout the world and will embody in itself the best elements of the monarchial, the democratic, the totalitarian and the communistic regimes. Most of these groups of ideologies have latent in them much beauty, strength and wisdom, and also a profound and valuable contribution to make to the whole. Each will eventually see its contribution embodied under the control of the Hierarchy of the Lords of Compassion and the Masters of the Wisdom.” – Destiny of the Nations pp. 9-10

I personally view this current age as a repeat of the same power competition of early 1900 Europe. Theosophist A.G. Pape’s Politics of the Aryan Road bears witness to that competition. Historian Francois Furet documents this competition in his book The Passing of an Illusion, The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century. He observed:

“Fascism was born of the reaction of the particular against the universal, the national against the international. In its origins it was inseparable from Communism, fighting the latter’s goals even while adopting its methods…Communism and Fascism grew up on the same soil, the soil of Italian Socialism.”

Qanon is one aspect of the New Age Movement flavoring its appeal to the fringe right wing. It is a global anti-globalist movement. Both the Great Reset and Great Awakening present the same plans only telling their followers they are safe because administration would be under their control.

I don’t think Satan really cares about which “ism” brings forward his plan so long as he achieves his goal of being worshipped.

I also will note that from my observations Trump has associated himself with Qanon. I don’t think he is ignorant of what it meant to repost on Truth Social an image of him wearing a Q lapel; an image of Where We Go One We Go All; playing the Q theme song; surrounding himself with Q adherents and his association with the Reawaken America tour. Dismissal of these things as his ignorance is being far too generous.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@12:40 PM

I don't follow the pundits so I'll leave that question to other commenters.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that when X comes out to play, the rabid anti-Trump religionist goes nighty night?

Anonymous said...

2024 is a very important election. All supporters of the Democrat/Biden Death Cult need to double their efforts in getting people to vote, both living and dead. AND, keep spreading the lie to everyone that knows nothing about Bible prophesy that Donald Trump is the Antichrist, and whatever you do, do not tell them that Joe Biden is the most radical pro-abortion President in our history ... worse than even the radical baby killer Barack Obama.

Klobuchar: This Election Is About ‘Codifying Roe v. Wade into Law’

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that the election in November was about electing lawmakers “to codify Roe v. Wade into law.”

Klobuchar said, “This all came out of Dobbs. We wouldn’t be having these arguments right now. This came out of Dobbs. We used to have protections for the women of this country. That was called Roe v. Wade. That Dobbs decision turned it on its head. now we are seeing a patchwork. If the judges went the other way on this, it wouldn’t just be states where abortion is banned, it would be every state in the country banning a safe and effective drug. This is just the beginning, whether it’s the Alabama IVF ruling, whether it’s these cases out of Texas, whether it’s the assault on emergency care, we’re going to continue to see because of the Dobbs decision, and the failure sadly of many Republicans to side with us on codifying Roe v. Wade into law, we are not able to do that right now.”

Vote for Death. Vote Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Some people really do believe in incredible things:

Recently, I got an e-mail from a person that I casually know. In it, she claims that the coming eclipse is in the bible and that "prophetic people" are proclaiming that the "rapture is very close." The eclipse will bring "four days of complete darkness," and, (ready for this?) .... the Mississippi River is going to "flow backwards."

Awhile back, during a brief phone conversation, I told her that the "prophets" that she is following are false which is easily proven by their false prophesies. In spite of the overwhelming evidence, she proclaimed that "everything they said has been proven to be true." When I responded by saying that some people will believe anything, and that some people actually believe that Elvis is still alive, she responded with "he is." She then went on to say that JFK Jr. did not die in that plane crash, he's alive.

As nutty as the above sounds, and it is, it reminds me very much of those that are wildly proclaiming, with all of their self appointed authority, that Donald Trump is the Antichrist. When Trump passes from the scene, these very same people will pick another to be their favorite candidate. That is exactly what premillennial/dispensationalists have been doing for well over 100 years now; playing the game of naming the antichrist.

I can't handle people like this. She sends me lengthy

Anonymous said...

... emails, along with mailings that appear to lean heavily into the Hebrew Roots Movement. She recently stated that "you have to be a Jew in order to truly understand the Scriptures," which is of course a lie.

I've tried to make sense with her in a kind manner, but she has resisted every effort. There comes a time when you just have to turn such a person over to the Lord and allow him to handle it. She is way beyond my ability to help her.

Anonymous said...

10:21 PM

Craig is not in your club.
He is his own man.
Not the bitter hater, slanderer you are.
He uses facts and reason to decide for or against anything or anyone. The way respectable and reasoned people do.
You're just simply a flame-throwing troll because you are a despicable self-righteous hivemind lackey for the socialist globalists.
Now carry on with your old bad self and do what you do best. Lie and gossip like there's no tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Brief, but informative video by Ray Comfort:

This Will Make You Think Differently About Catholicism…

Catholicism has many unbiblical practices that most people are unaware of. Ray Comfort discusses several critical errors of Roman Catholicism, and then shares the glorious gospel—salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus alone—with Catholics.

Anonymous said...

Who is the real Antichrist?

Donald Trump - Received an award called the Prince of Peace from a Jewish organization.

The Papacy

Claims to be the absolute Sovereign over Heaven, Hell and the Earth and that ALL Monarchs should bow down to the Pope.

Claims to be the absolute, final judge of all humanity.

Claims to be the Vicar of Christ upon the Earth.

Claims to speak for God upon the Earth, and without error.

Blasphemously holds the title of "HOLY FATHER," reserved for God the Father alone, and "His Holiness."

Has been responsible for the torture and deaths of countless believers in Christ because they were 'outside the Catholic church' ... 'drunk with the blood of the saints.'

Perpetuates sin, through a false religion in which PRIESTS have the authority to forgive sin upon confession to THEM. Only God can forgive sin, not men.

Proclaims a false gospel which does not triumph over sin and does not lead to eternal life.

Proclaims Peter to be the first Pope, yet Peter, in his 2 Epistles, not once mentions Mary or any peculiar doctrine or dogma that is peculiar to the Catholic faith. NOT ONE. In fact, neither Peter nor any of the apostles could in any way be considered to be Catholics!

Erroneously elevates Mary to a place that Scripture never commanded. Claims that Mary was IMMACULATELY conceived without sin. Claims that Mary is the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Claims that Mary sits on the throne of God. Worships at statues of Mary.

Invented a place called "Purgatory" where his followers must go in order to PAY for 'venial' sins, a clear denial of Christ's all sufficient death on the cross for the sins of his people.

Removed the 2nd. of the 10 Commandments because it forbids the creation of images, a practice of the Catholic church for centuries.

Contradicts the Holy Scriptures with the 'commandments of men,' and claims final authority over the Scriptures via Papal traditions.

Anonymous said...

What happened in Baltimore? Here's what I know so far...

Anonymous said...

So now they're calling it the Trump Bible. Brilliant plan, maestro Trump! (sarcasm)

Anonymous said...

I don't buy the Papacy being the AC.

We're talking about nearly 4 billion adherents of other religions accepting the pope to be their awaited Krishna, Imam Mahdi, Maitreya, etc. Very unrealistic. As unrealistic as them accepting Trump.

Anonymous said...

According to Benjamin Creme, Maitreya "is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense."

Anonymous said...


U may or may not be interested in this story and accusations of sexual misconduct shared about Bob Hartley, an IHOP and/or Bethel “prophet” by his own son, Jebidiah Hartley.


Anonymous said...

Trump Overtakes Soros' Net Worth

Yes, but Soros uses his money as a weapon...

Craig said...

Rich @ 9:00 AM,

I interpret your quote such that the envisioned new worldwide political system will embody the ‘better’ elements of those listed (“beauty, strength and wisdom, and also a profound and valuable contribution to make to the whole”). All under the leadership of the new age Christ and his minions. A fascistic regime would run counter to new age goals, the way I see it. Here is how the book closes:

The vision in men's minds today is that of the Aquarian Age, even if they recognise it not. The future will see right relationships, true communion, a sharing of all things (wine, the blood, the life and bread, economic satisfaction) and goodwill; we have also a picture of the future of humanity when all nations are united in complete understanding and the diversity of languages — symbolic of differing traditions, cultures, civilisations and points of view — will provide no barrier to right human relations. At the centre of each of these pictures is to be found the Christ.

Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the United Nations will be eventually brought to fruition and a new church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups, will unitedly bring to an end the great heresy of separateness. Love, unity, and the Risen Christ will be present, and He will demonstrate to us the perfect life
(p 152).

We’ll have to see how this plays out.

Craig said...

Anon 11:18 AM,

Thanks for the compliment! I do my best.


Anon 10:49/54 AM,

After all the time writing about and engaging with folks in the NAR I’ve pretty much adopted Let the dead bury their own dead.


X @ 4:55 PM,

I’ve stopped investigating any of the myriad sexual deviancies of those in NAR circles. See my comment/response just above. But I do find it interesting that it’s this guy’s son who is exposing him.

Craig said...

🔴 FOOD SECURITY WARNING: US Farmers PANIC as Farmers Protests SPREAD Across Europe

Lena Petrova

The goal appears to be to control both food and money worldwide, leaving everyone with the eventual choice between accepting the mark or starving.

Craig said...

Since I was going through Bailey's Destiny of the Nations in order to respond to Rich (see above), I took note to my highlighting and underlining. Doing so, I found the following. This is NOT meant to start any sort of flame war. It's just FYI:

Italy has a sixth ray soul and hence her devotion to her past and to the ancient "glory which was Rome" (for this is closely tied up with the memory aspect of the soul) and to the concept of the restoration of the Roman Empire…Upon the spiritual side, as I told you in an earlier book, the whole field of religion will be re-inspired and re-orientated from Rome because the Master Jesus will again take hold of the Christian Church in an effort to re-spiritualise it and to re-organise it. From the chair of the Pope of Rome, the Master Jesus will attempt to swing that great branch of the religious beliefs of the world again into a position of spiritual power and away from its present authoritative and temporary political potency (p 59).

Craig said...


To add to my 11:17 PM above (I forgot to include this), I DO think there will still be some individual nation-states. But they will not have any real autonomy, any real sovereignty, as they will have ceded all power to the global entity. Under the UN?

Constance Cumbey said...

Brendan Dilley may have made it and put it up, BUT Trump clearly approved and affirmed it by enthusiastically posting it to his "TruthSocial" account.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 5:51 pm, Do you honestly think Trump is NOT using his money as a weapon?!


Constance Cumbey said...

To 8:09 PM

What makes you think Trump has respect for Congress? If Congress doesn't give him exactly what he demands, he is planning EXECUTIVE ORDERS.


Craig said...

Historically, EXECUTIVE ORDERS can be and have been held up in the courts.

Newness of Life said...

He was behind it as far as I am concerned, even though it appeared he wasn't. It's part of the deception but that's just what I've concluded through prayer and asking for understanding. It's for anyone who asks, I believe, and trusts that God will speak. Trump loves Apollo by the way. The CDC had Helio the sun god (Apollo) on the cover of their journal and trace the word "corona" back to this sun god. It's where we get the name, Corona. It was later given to the flu virus back in the 60's (so named at a place, ironically, named the Common Cold Clinic in the UK). Anyways, it's ironic to me, that Trump was the leader of the free world when global lockdown tyranny took hold. He loves this pagan sun-god, and if you doubt it, one has to wonder why he made campaign ads with his head blocking the sun around the time of the eclipse in April of this year. So odd. The white horse of Rev 6 that ushers in the last days also wears that crown, to corona virus crown, and this all happened exactly 50 days after Trump announced the UAE deal was finished and ready to sign. Another odd event happened about an hour later on January 28, 2020 when a 7.7 quake shook Miami, FL. So, I do think we have been hood winked by him. We have never seen a man worshipped by Christians in this way, unless we turn back to Germany, but I don't think comparisons were being made between Hitler and Jesus even then. Add to all of this that he actually survived a head wound almost dying, and this promoted his fandom to elevate him to divine status because now, there can be no doubt that he is chosen of God. It is hard to unsee all of this. Anyways, just sharing my thoughts.

Newness of Life said...

Rich, your post was very illuminating and really goes along with my take on things. It makes my heart pound out of my chest, because I know it's true, and I know most can't see it. But I also know God knows what He is doing and will keep and redeem all who will trust Him alone. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing the information. The church's silence on the UAE deal astounds me. Did you know that right after Trump announced them January 28, a 7.7 quake shoot downtown Miami evacuating high rise buildings? When I asked the Lord what it meant, I felt led to Isaiah 7:7. Interesting! Had no idea it said that. God bless you.

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