Wednesday, January 10, 2024

An excellent video from a political science perspective about Trump, Populism, cults, and followers

 To all:  My last and recent site still needs to be watched by all who have missed it.  I updated it so refresh your browser for that post -- on it I included in the middle a video by a Christian watcher who had concerns very, very similar to my own.  His conclusions were that Trump did some good things while in office, but his present positions in the "God Made Trump" video approached very, very close to blasphemy.  This morning I discovered a vifdeo from a political observer named Leeja Miller.  I know nothing about her religion nor other preferences, but I was an undergaduate Political Science major holding major political jobs (Administrative Assistant and Legislative Analyst to the MichiganSpeaker of the House) and thereafter before starting law school in January 1972 as Executive Assistant to the Mayor for the then more viable city of Highland Park, Michigan, an enclave of Detroit.  You need to watch her video.  She featured some material by Steve Hassan, a cult expert who was once a Moonie.  He left the Moonies after his parents had him deprogrammed and he has been eternally grateful to them for that intervention.  He has carefully studied cult tactics.  At any rate, without further ado, here is Leeja Miller's video.  Many of you will probably scorn it, but it is well worth watching and considering.

Respectfully submitted,



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Anonymous said...

6:08 PM,

You must think you get to ask all the questions but don't have to answer any. You never answered a question that I posed. I know that, because nobody answered it.

Two threads ago, in response to the article about Trump sharing a video that many Christians considered blasphemous, I asked who would agree to meet this very minimal standard:

I agreed it's not sinful to vote for Donald Trump; but I asked if anybody would, at a bare minimum, agree that it is sinful to vote for Trump while defending blasphemy.

I found it very weird and disturbing that nobody would answer, since everybody insists that they are not in a Trump cult. I figured it should be an easy question, then.

Anonymous said...

6:43 PM

Well, some of us here on this blog think it is 'very weird and disturbing' that you think that Trump supporters need to 'answer to you'... or be held to YOUR standards.

FYI: You are not our judge & jury... period. (So stay in your own lane.)

Anonymous said...

6:43 PM

Give us your definition of 'blasphemy.'

I saw the video, and although I didn't like it, calling it blasphemous is a real stretch. And saying that in the video, Trump refers to himself as the Messiah is more than just a little nuts.

Anonymous said...

Constance said at 6:17 PM:

There are way too many Trump cultists and trollers hanging out here trying to distract people from honest information. You would have defended Hitler!

Ms. Constance:

Is the 'honest information' that you are referring to the videos by the radical lesbian Leeja Miller, the same Leeja Miller that you began this thread with by posting her 'Excellent Video from a political science perspective, about Trump, Populism, Cults and Followers?'

Somehow, you posted this video without doing a little research, which took me all of about 5 minutes to find out that she is a lesbian, a radical promoter of 'all things queer,' a Communist, a defender and supporter of George Soros, praised the radical atheist activist that got the Bible thrown out of public schools, Madelyn Murray O'Hare, etc.

Anonymous said...

12:25 PM

Yes, I agree that it has been an 'invasion for decades'... and I agree with you that Biden 'was selected to destroy the U.S.'... while 'running his campaign on protecting Democracy and increasing personal freedom' (all while 'doing exactly the OPPOSITE').

However, we need to ALWAYS remember that there are more of us than there are of 'them' (Deep State Globalists). 'They' are clearly in the minority.

So, we must stay focused on one very important fact: WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.


Anonymous said...

Trump cultist and troller RayB is throwing up his usual distractions. He's so busy straining at gnats he can't see that the rest of us can see right through him.

Anonymous said...

7:24 PM

Re: Your reply to Constance: Somehow, you posted this video without doing a little research, which took me all of about 5 minutes to find out that she is a lesbian, a radical promoter of 'all things queer,' a Communist, a defender and supporter of George Soros, praised the radical atheist activist that got the Bible thrown out of public schools, Madelyn Murray O'Hare, etc."


Waiting for Constance to reply to you (something like this) . . .
"On the plus side, at least she is not a MAGA Trump supporter." LOL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:31 AM
"Former President and MAGA cult leader Trump made his closing pitch to Iowa Republicans yesterday. “You can’t sit home. If you’re sick as a dog, you say ‘Darling, I gotta make it.’ Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it.”

and the Constance Cumbey haters all said 'Amen'."

If you do pass away, as an added bonus, Trump will guarantee your vote for him gets counted in November 2024. LOL


Anonymous said...

6:17 PM

Legacy Media vs Donald Trump

Disclaimer: not a Limbaugh endorsement merely trying to explain what is Legacy Media a/k/a FakeNews

Anonymous said...

Random observation

New York makes people to destroy them

Bottomline: they make money both ways

Anonymous said...

8:01 PM

PROOF that the Constance Cumbey TRUMP HATERS take themselves much too seriously... when they can't even tell when Donald Trump is making a JOKE!!!


Anonymous said...

"honest information"

Is NOT coming from the main stream media Constance Cumbey relies on.
She's determined not to have honest dialogue here.

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 6:17 PM

Re: "There are way too many Trump cultists and trollers hanging out here trying to distract people from honest information. You would have defended Hitler!


As an ATTORNEY, where is your EVIDENCE that Trump 'cultists and trollers'... 'who would have defended Hitler' are present here on your blog???

Just because some (who have posted here for many years) AGREE TO DISAGREE with you about Trump does not mean that any of those 'labels' (you irresponsibly throw out) apply to anyone here!!!

Anonymous said...

Constance, you only seem to want to 'engage' with those who agree with you. It's become so obvious that you have become dismissive toward your long time bloggers who have posted here for many years.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the only 'cult' I see here on this blog is the one where Constance wants everyone to believe that Donald Trump is the Antichrist (regardless of the lack of evidence to support this theory).

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that Donald Trump is the Antichrist; but as a Christian, I still hesitate to defend a man who can plausibly be interpreted as the Antichrist.

It is a cult-like characteristic to refuse all information that comes from the outside world. They say the whole world outside their cult is Satanic. You say the whole media outside the Trump Pravda is liberal=Satanic.

I know I won't be persuasive, but I'm saying this in response to the people expressing sincere confusion about how they could ever possibly be taken for cult members. You may not agree with my perspective, but this really is my sincere perspective about you, and it's not just to troll you or just to attack Trump. This is actually how you appear to me and actually what I think of you.

I've repented of previously stating that it's almost impossible to feel sorry for your complaints. After reading Martin Luther King, Jr.'s letter from Birmingham Jail yesterday, I realized I could learn something from him. I will attempt to adopt the same perspective towards you that Martin Luther King, Jr. adopted toward the black nationalists who refused to denounce violent tactics. (He still remained sympathetic toward their despair although disagreeing with their tactics, the ones they either carried out, or refused to denounce, or flirted with...)

Anonymous said...

Let's take a hypothetical situation and look at its ethics.

Let's say I have one co-worker friend whom I think tells me reliable gossip, and one co-worker frenemy who is two-faced, and I'm careful not to believe what he says.

The co-worker friend with (what I think is) a history of reliable gossip tells me that my boss is out to get me. In fact, if I don't kill my boss, he will kill me first.

The co-worker frenemy tells me that actually, my boss was in a meeting where the executives discussed either getting rid of my whole department and out-sourcing it, or investing more money in it. They hadn't decided what to do yet.

One day, my boss comes into the office wearing his hunting clothing, because he is planning on working a half day and going hunting after he gets off work. I'm convinced it's just a cover story, that he brought in his hunting rifle to shoot me, and that if I don't shoot him first, I'll be killed. So I try to kill him. I think to myself, well, even if I'm wrong, he's out to get me, anyway. He's probably about to get rid of my whole department.

Question: would I have any excuse before a judge and jury? Would I have any excuse before God?

I say: no way. What say you?

When our ancestors fought the Revolutionary War, they didn't go to Great Britain to try to kill the king. The red coats came to America and behaved as aggressors first. The red coats had been provoked by some civil disobedient type events like the Boston Tea Party, but they had not been attacked first.

Our ancestors were not insurrectionists. The Minute Men were formed so that they could put down insurrections like the Whiskey Rebellion. The state militias were formed originally to defend the nation from both foreign and domestic enemies.

P.S. Whoever defended China's persecution of Christians should be ashamed. I bet it's all just because Donald Trump praised Xi. Anything to defend whatever Donald Trump does or says.

Anonymous said...

You also once stated the Muslims worship the same God as Christians.

Do you still believe that?

6:08 PM

She didn't answer, but I will. No, they worship the name Allah which means "God," but "Lord" also means "Ba'al."

It's not all in a name. It's in knowing God, who He is, what He is, what His character is. He is a personal God who wants to be known and loved by His creatures.

This is the reason why I object to Calvinism, because it misrepresents God.

It's the reason I object to the large posters of Jesus wearing a MAGA hat carried at the J6 protest. They misrepresent Jesus.

It's the reason why I feel dismayed that the most political Evangelicals loudly and publicly misrepresent Jesus and His bride, the church--as if both Jesus and His church exist to be political props.

Meanwhile, I notice Jesus has been busy appearing to Muslims in dreams and visions. He's having a revival with the young in America. I guess He reveals Himself in spirit and in truth to those who can receive Him. Muslims. Youth.

I notice the invaders from South America and Mexico don't support LGBTQ as much as white people. I notice they are more church attending.

I notice African Americans are less supportive of LGBTQ than white Americans are.

If we want God to protect and bless us, it might be a good idea to turn back to Him. He's not impressed by tricks of argument or trolling. He can only be worshiped in spirit and in truth, and actively, not with lip service only.

Anonymous said...

9:10 AM

Re: "Would I have any excuse before a judge & jury... or before God"


Well, God may forgive that person with compassion for that person's MENTAL ILLNESS... for the fact that he or she had adopted the attitude: "I did it because the paranoids were out to get me." (LOL)

However, a jury would view it another way. Unless you are serving your country as a soldier on the front lines of a war... the average person can't just go around with constant thoughts of 'I am going to kill or be killed."

Anonymous said...

Last night, someone made me laugh when he said: "Donald Trump's success in Iowa is one big middle finger (as in 'F U') to all of his enemies."

So far, he is 'Teflon Don' (with all of that hate just bouncing off of him)... although his enemies want to see him in prison... and even dead.

Anonymous said...

To 9:36 AM

Oh, please teach all of us here on this blog to strive to be more perfect like you. If only we could live up to YOUR standards... what a perfect world this would be. Amen.

Anonymous said...

9:36 AM

Re: "I notice the invaders from South America and Mexico don't support LGBTQ as much as white people. I notice they are more church attending."


THAT'S what you notice??? The American people have been noticing something else. That of those nearly 7 MILLION illegals who have crossed our Southern Border in the past 3 years (just since Joe has occupied the Oval Office in January, 2021)... MOST of them have been "strong, young military-aged MALES"... as in future soldiers... as in when the SHTF, they will be going up against us, the American people. That's what WE 'notice'.

Anonymous said...

9:36 AM

Re: "If we want God to protect and bless us, it might be a good idea to turn back to Him. He's not impressed by tricks of argument or trolling. He can only be worshiped in spirit and in truth, and actively, not with lip service only."


For you to make the ASSUMPTION that only those who are AGAINST Donald Trump are close to God... leaves me speechless. So, all I want to say to you is this... may God forgive you for your self-righteousness and ARROGANCE.

FYI: Until you can show EVIDENCE (proof) that Trump is the Antichrist... please put a sock in it. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

10:07 AM,

Sara Carter on Fox News started the rumor that most border crossers are military aged males. First on Twitter, then on Hannity. After that Jesse Watters picked it up. Then Fox and Friends contributors. It didn't take long before the Trump Pravda, including Gateway Pundit, ran with the rumor without verifying it.

Do you have any data to back up this claim that Sara Carter started--originally that 80% of the people in the migrant caravan were military aged males-- now morphed into the claim that the border crosser demographics continues to be skewed 80% young men on an ongoing basis?

(And what happened to the fears of the armies of pregnant women swarming in to have babies on the other side of the border?)

I am in agreement with you that immigration needs to be reformed, but I as a Christian will NEVER support Donald Trump's dream coming true of firing away upon them and bombing them to discourage them. It needs to be done humanely, lawfully and in a bi-partisan way.

Almost nothing works in a bi-partisan way anymore except if it involves funding the military, and even that is dicey.

But you don't support the very kind of crossing the aisle to solve problems in a reasonable and pragmatic way that would accomplish immigration reform and border security. Do you? You're too paranoid, right? You believe it would mean that MAGA is playing into the hands of Satanic uni-party RINOs and Democrats, right?

Anonymous said...

9:10 AM "Anything to defend whatever Donald Trump does or says." You got that right - That's the attitude of the most of the pro-Trump bloggers here. They're the ones Constance is talking about when she says cultists and trollers. It's weird that long time bloggers that say they're only here to "agree to disagree" think Constance has labelled them all. Or maybe that's what one or two trollers want us to think. I'm not going to pay attention to the frenemy bloggers from now on.

Anonymous said...

What's hilarious to me... is that I, who have been posting off & on here on this blog since 2007, have been declared 'a TROLL' (LOL)

I nearly spit out my coffee this morning on that one.

Anonymous said...

9:36 AM

Re: "If we want God to protect and bless us, it might be a good idea to turn back to Him. He's not impressed by tricks of argument or trolling. He can only be worshiped in spirit and in truth, and actively, not with lip service only."


For you to make the ASSUMPTION that only those who are AGAINST Donald Trump are close to God... leaves me speechless. So, all I want to say to you is this... may God forgive you for your self-righteousness and ARROGANCE.

FYI: Until you can show EVIDENCE (proof) that Trump is the Antichrist... please put a sock in it. Thank you.

10:20 AM

10:20 AM,

I do not believe that Donald Trump is the Antichrist; however, a man need not be the Antichrist in order for me not to want to follow after him.

I do not think that you are one of those who carried a poster of Jesus in a MAGA hat on J6; however, I wish that you (or somebody here who is a Trump supporter) would at least express disapproval of those who did.

Maybe the fault is partially the mainstream. Maybe they have gone so far to the extreme in attacking Trump and his supporters that you feel you have no choice but to defend him. Maybe I'm only making it worse. Maybe you guys need more space and not to feel like your backs against the wall all the time. I hope that's all it is.

Anonymous said...

10:27 AM:
Re: "... the attitude of the most of the pro-Trump bloggers here. They're the ones Constance is talking about when she says cultists and trollers."


It's absolute INSANITY to go around labeling those who disagree with you (about Trump) as
'cultists and trollers'... calling people names (or labeling them) without proof or evidence.

Anonymous said...

10:20 AM

Nail hit squarely!

Anonymous said...

10:34 AM

You're all over the freakin place!!!

Go back on your meds.

Anonymous said...

10:20 AM Re: "For you to make the ASSUMPTION that only those who are AGAINST Donald Trump are close to God... leaves me speechless. So, all I want to say to you is this... may God forgive you for your self-righteousness and ARROGANCE.

FYI: Until you can show EVIDENCE (proof) that Trump is the Antichrist... please put a sock in it. Thank you.

How does your arrogant and self-righteous statement apply to "If we want God to protect and bless us, it might be a good idea to turn back to Him. He's not impressed by tricks of argument or trolling. He can only be worshiped in spirit and in truth, and actively, not with lip service only"? Where is Trump mentioned in the poster's comments? Perhaps your anger is due to the realization that with or without Trump, you're not close to God. You need to turn back to God and to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

Anonymous said...

10:57 AM

Just as soon as you, Constance (& other haters) get back on YOUR meds.

Meanwhile, I will continue to speak out to say that it is WRONG to label people you disagree with as 'cult'.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 10:27 AM

Getting called a TROLL is a chance one takes when they post as Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

11:12 AM
Re: "How does your arrogant and self-righteous statement apply to "If we want God to protect and bless us, it might be a good idea to turn back to Him. He's not impressed by tricks of argument or trolling. He can only be worshiped in spirit and in truth, and actively, not with lip service only"? Where is Trump mentioned in the poster's comments? Perhaps your anger is due to the realization that with or without Trump, you're not close to God. You need to turn back to God and to worship Him in spirit and in truth."


Because lately... the only ones on this blog who are being referred to as 'trolls' ARE the Trump supporters!!!

And, who are YOU to assume that Trump supporters are not 'close to God'???

So, if you don't want to come across as 'arrogant and self-righteous'... stop ASSUMING that you know it all.

What about the 'anger' coming from so-called 'Christians' here on this blog... who treat Trump supporters like they are the enemy? Trump supporters are Christians, too.

Anonymous said...

Martin Luther King Jr. Worked for Satan - Stop Idolizing Him! David L. Gray
How Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Elite Betrayed the Black Community through Eugenics
Nature abhors a vacuum and the merchants need their slaves(?) Yet, on the other hand, a bishop said in New York City that our churches are filling up again.

Have A Nice Day ( - : God love you

Anonymous said...

11:22 AM

I have been posting on this blog as 'Anonymous' for 17 years... and I am not going to stop now.

Whether I decide to call myself 'ABC' or 'XYZ'... it really should not matter. What should matter is the content of my posts (period).

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

PS: actually the more the new York legacy media vilifies Donald Trump the more people like him. I don't think vilifying anyone is a good idea ) - :

Anonymous said...

10:34 AM

You're all over the freakin place!!!

Go back on your meds.

10:57 AM

If I don't need meds by now, I never will.

It figures you would imply I'm mental just when I stop for a moment to consider your perspective.

You must not suffer from the complications that empathy brings to social life?

So let me get this straight. You don't want me to try to repent of my anger and understand you, again, for the one thousand and thirty-fifth time?

It must be so simple and easy going through life with hardness of heart and and head.

Anonymous said...

PS: actually the more the new York legacy media vilifies Donald Trump the more people like him. I don't think vilifying anyone is a good idea ) - :

11:34 AM

Not even Constance?

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 6:17 PM stated:

"I don't know who Legacy Media is and I believe you throwing that one out there is your straining at gnats! There are way too many Trump cultists and trollers hanging out here trying to distract people from honest information. You would have defended Hitler!"

There are just too many BIG nuggets here to not exclaim EUREKA!!!

First off, the term 'Legacy Media' according to an online dictionary, is synonymous with "mass media", or "mainstream media". It has been used here by other posters, and I have used it as well. I find it hard to believe you did not know that? 10 seconds would have given you that info. How is using the term Legacy Media straining at gnats?

If as you stated, "there are too many Trump cultists and trollers hanging out out here trying to distract people from honest information."

Constance, there are no Trump cultists, or Trump cultist trolls here! Just those, to your way of thinking, who merely voted for Trump, over Hillary, are by that act Trump cultists, and evil, and Hitler supporters, and possessed by a Luciferic spirit, and more!!!!

By your statement, if there were fewer "Trump cultists, and trollers" here, that would not be so bad?, because you could more easily bully, and drive them away. Sounds like your own actual cult would flourish then!? Is that your kind of idea of 'defending Democracy'?

And then there is that absolute gem of an accusation that stated, "Trump cultists and trolls hanging out here are trying to distract people from honest information."

Is that your general view of alternative media? A distraction, and "dishonest?". But yet you claim it is 'we', who "would have defended Hitler!"

With reasoning like that, who needs reasoning at all, or democracy, or freedom, or any of those annoying things! Just 'The Ministry of Truth', and 'What Constance Thinks'!

Anonymous said...

11:42 AM

No need to vilify Constance. Constance is doing a good job of that already.

Anonymous said...

It is priceless, that Constance bemoans Trump trolls here!!! Yet, troll extraordinaire dr X, for years, has NEVER once been corrected by Constance, even though he has called conservative Christians here every nasty thing under heaven!

Such hypocrisy is staggering!

Anonymous said...


There are longstanding feuds hereabouts of which I'm clueless. Best internet tactics in my experience is to roll with the punches like water of off a ducks back and if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen (how's that for mixing metaphors?)

Anonymous said...

Well my lukewarm friend, this obviously ain't 'church'. This blog has been "rolling" for well over 2 decades.

So if you're "clueless" make like a duck, and quack off. There are probably more tepid ponds out there.

Anonymous said...

It seems to be the case, that we are on Soros, or some other entities, 'to be trolled' list!

Perhaps they were tired of paying for dr X's endless monotonous sound loop. So they throw us a 'new duck'!?

Anonymous said...

Expect IMMINENT US and "Coalition" Strikes in Yemen And The Middle East.

Anonymous said...


There are longstanding feuds hereabouts of which I'm clueless. Best internet tactics in my experience is to roll with the punches like water of off a ducks back and if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen (how's that for mixing metaphors?)

11:58 AM

The other commenter doesn't have the right to order you off the blog.

That was no less than three metaphors you mixed. How about this? The best internet tactics are to roll with the punches like water off of a duck's back, and if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, where you will run with the big dogs, but if you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch, and if you can't stay on the porch, stay at the shallow end of the pool. Where you will be very happy if you are a duck! Can you think of any more? :)

Anonymous said...

11:43 AM

BRAVO for your very well expressed post. Thank you.

Also, I'd like to add...
If it wasn't for the 'alternative media' (that Constance views as 'a distraction' etc.)... Constance would never have been able to complete all of her valuable research on the New Age Movement over the course of the past 43 years.

Is that your general view of alternative media? A distraction, and "dishonest?". But yet you claim it is 'we', who "would have defended Hitler!"

Anonymous said...

1:05 PM,

Constance didn't consult alternative media to do her research on the New Age movement. Consulting alternative media doesn't actually count as research. It counts as being spoon fed. She read the New Agers' own books and materials, among other things; just as she has obtained her QAnon information from reading QAnon's own books and not just from reading what the mainstream media has to say about QAnon.

Anonymous said...

12:09 and 12:14 AM

I guess saying 'if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen' is just asking for it. Go easy on me boys, I'm not carrying water for anyone except the calves (50 gals) and I'm just a dumb nobody

Speaking of dumb

So I'm filling up a bucket a pan at a time at the kitchen sink and she asks

Who that for?

What do you mean who is that for who do you think it for just because the water froze up you think the calves stop drinking (grrr)

Calmly looks at me and points out it would be much easier to fill the bucket in the bathtub

Anonymous said...

PS: calves are way more grateful then any old bigwig and another internet tactic I learned years ago from a lady in Chicago, 'choose your battles'. Good old Casinokat.

Anonymous said...

11:23 AM I didn't assume that all Trump supporters are not close to God. You did. There was no reference to Trump in the comments you took offense to.

Anonymous said...

1:14 PM

FYI: Alternative Media is defined as "sources that differ from established or dominant types of media in terms of their content."

Since I have been posting on this blog for 17 years, from time to time, Constance would post various 'alternative' links to articles & publications connecting the dots to information on the New Age. For example: there were various links within the European Union regarding Javier Solana ~ who she then believed might be the Antichrist.

Anonymous said...

Some Luciferians wonder why I call the peddlers of covid vaccine misinformation murderers???

Thousands of severe covid-19 cases in UK summer due to missed vaccines: Greater covid-19 vaccine uptake could have prevented around 7000 deaths and hospitalisations in the UK during summer 2022

This study only looked at June-Sept 2022 and determined:

The team calculated that if everyone in the UK had received all their doses, there would have been about 7000 fewer deaths and hospitalisations. “Being fully vaccinated leads to a reduction in harmful outcomes across society,” says Sudlow.



Anonymous said...

2:47 PM
Re: "11:23 AM - I didn't assume that all Trump supporters are not close to God. You did. There was no reference to Trump in the comments you took offense to."


Here are your EXACT words to your 11:12 AM post...

Re: "How does your arrogant and self-righteous statement apply to "If we want God to protect and bless us, it might be a good idea to turn back to Him. He's not impressed by tricks of argument or trolling. He can only be worshiped in spirit and in truth, and actively, not with lip service only"? Where is Trump mentioned in the poster's comments? Perhaps your anger is due to the realization that with or without Trump, YOU'RE NOT CLOSE TO GOD. You need to turn back to God and to worship Him in spirit and in truth."

Anonymous said...

3:52 pm

The GayWay Pundit has been "established" since 2004 and it's certainly "dominant" among the homesexual-fixated Maga cult, therefore, I suppose it doesn't (or no longer) fits to in the "aternative media". Gayway is therefore legacy media and you should avoid it. Natural News, Mercola & other like new age websites have been at it just as long.

Russian propaganda theories, which have been embraced by opus dei and the Roman one world religion "reformationists" is to create their own opposition and thereby control the "alternatve" infomation" using "newly established non-dominant" information platforms to disperse their own establishment brand of anti-establishment destabilizing propaganda seeking to undermine all western institutions & governments. Lifesite news and church militant being two such opus dei organizations that so feign journalistic accuracy while deliberately misleading through omission and obfuscation.

Again, in summary..the conspiracy IS the conspiracy.


Anonymous said...

4:07 pm

"turn back"? -- I don't see much evidence they were ever there. No church attending, God-fearing, Jesus loving Christian could yet support former President, soon to be convicted, rapist & reprobate Trump.

The problem becomes what other republican can we support at all? There is no viable alternative. They are all Hindu or orthodox Roman Catholic beholden to opus dei.

As a registered republican I suppose I'll vote for Haley because I gotta vote against Trump but I'd never support her against Biden or any other male Democrat. Desantis is just too obviously a Papal puppet and criminal to support. He murdered so many Americans with his dangerous Covid policies to ever support him. Chris Christie is a maybe. Ramswammey is a joke. sure to pay close attention to down ballot in the primaries and vote against-vote out all the maga cult candidates who have destroyed the GOP and are continuing to try to destroy our country.


Anonymous said...

'Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.' (1 John 2:4-6)

Anonymous said...

X 4:24 PM,

You should say you plan to vote for Trump. That might be the only thing in the world that could make commenters decide not to vote for him. They might decide that Trump must be working for Soros, after all, along with you. On the other hand, it could become the one thing in the world that would make them love you and act like your best buddy. The idea should be handled with caution.

Anonymous said...

PS: actually the more the new York legacy media vilifies Donald Trump the more people like him. I don't think vilifying anyone is a good idea ) - :

11:34 AM

I've been aware of that for a long time.

I think he deserves to be vilified now.

But going way back to the beginning, he wasn't given a fair chance at the start of his administration.

Many times along the way the media proved wrong when trying to jump all over a MAGA supporter or anybody associated with MAGA.

So now of course the habit has set in that the media is always out to get him and his supporters but they are always innocent.

The problem is that no information or feedback seems ever to change that way of thinking.

That's how I thought in 2017 and 2018. It's not how I think in 2024.

I just don't know what it takes to update or refresh die hard Trump supporters' perspectives with new information. I'm afraid that when nobody's feedback is listened to, eventually there will be God's feedback or reality's feedback, whichever comes first.

I've decided that I'm no longer going to try to get in the way of whatever kind of feedback happens next (unless it becomes true persecution, of course, obvious and real and not just anticipated or imagined).

I think I only make it worse by trying to communicate. I think Constance just needs to work it out with her 17-year-and-counting commenters, and I hope that will eventually happen. I'll pray that it will happen.

Anonymous said...

Filling the media with anti Trump news has been great distraction for the likes of the WEF and every other new world order group to do what they like

Anonymous said...

7:01 PM Trump is part of the WEF new world order group. Lest you forget Operation Warp speed. He proudly refers to himself as the father of the vaccine. Trump and Soros and Kushner have been business partners for decades, playing both sides against the middle. Plus, Ivanka Trump is a participant at the WEF. So yeah, go ahead, vote for Trump one and all.

Anonymous said...

4:07 PM

you should consider taking a reading comprehension course.

Anonymous said...

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Shares Powerful Message He Sent to Participants of “Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International” Meeting

His message:

Dear Dr Frost, dear Friends, at the beginning of this new year, allow me to address my best wishes to all of you. I am grateful to have this opportunity to share with you some thoughts regarding the present situation.

For the past four years we have been witnessing the implementation of a criminal plan of world depopulation, achieved through the creation of a false pandemic and the imposition of a false vaccine, which we now know to be a biological weapon of mass destruction, designed with the aim of destroying the immune system of the entire population, causing sterility and the onset of deadly diseases. Many of our friends and acquaintances have died or been severely damaged by the adverse effects of this experimental gene serum. Many have discovered, too late, that they have been the victims of a global plan with a single script under a single direction.

What is even more serious is that this neo-Malthusian project of mass extermination, to which is added the will to control each of us through graphene oxide nanostructures, has been announced to us for some time by those in the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum who conceived and implemented it. The rulers of all Western states, hostage to Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, have become accomplices to this crime, demonstrating their malice and premeditation by their behavior: falsifying data on alleged infections, doctoring statistics that attribute deaths and adverse effects to Covid-19 but not to the gene serum, prohibiting effective treatments, imposing harmful protocols that have no scientific basis, banning autopsies, and preventing or thwarting accurate reports to health authorities.

Anonymous said...

Part 2

In this attack, unprecedented in the history of the human race, we have witnessed the complicity of all national and international institutions, the entire medical profession, and the media. A social engineering operation has been carried out to manipulate consensus through terror, threats, blackmail, and the violation of citizens’ most sacrosanct fundamental rights. The judiciary has been silent, the armed forces have looked the other way, and teachers and priests have zealously cooperated.

We are well aware of the perpetrators of this crime against God and humanity. Of course, the multinational pharmaceutical corporations have profited disproportionately from mass vaccination, and they are now preparing to accumulate still more billions of dollars from the sale of treatments against the turbocancer that their serums have caused. Those who peddle the vaccine have profited from administering these poisons to pregnant women, children, and the elderly. They have funded the self-styled experts, paying them to propagandize false efficacy and safety on the mainstream media. Multinationals have profited and, due to the lockdowns, have taken the place of small businesses, restaurants, and local shops. Energy suppliers have profited and are still profiting, and thanks to the crisis created by the system, they have made huge profits, while the costs of electricity and gas are forcing businesses to increase prices and close. Those who took advantage of the restrictions to work from home, those who sold masks that were not only useless but actually harmful, those who provided Plexiglas barriers and hand sanitizer, and those who managed the measurement of fever in public places also took their cut of profit. Many of them, who understood perfectly well what was happening, preferred to remain silent so as not to miss the opportunity to make money off of the lives and health of the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Part 3

But it’s not just money that is the motive for this crime. Behind the lust for enrichment motivating many is the will to power of the subversive Davos elite, which aims to establish the New World Order. The psychopandemic has been a dress rehearsal for the attack they are now making against the economy, the social fabric, and indeed the very life of humanity. Fifteen-minute cities, digital identity, electronic money, and the destruction of agriculture and ranching all serve the same purpose, stated in the Agenda 2030 and the Rockefeller Foundation’s “Great Reset” project. The wars in Ukraine and Palestine also have the same purpose: to destabilize the international order, create permanent crises, and fuel conflicts that will impoverish individual nations and feed the globalist leviathan. Gaza’s huge oil fields are tempting targets for those who want to appropriate them in order to keep Europe and the United States under blackmail, especially when the same people are imposing insane energy policies in the name of a fake climate emergency.

Today, the perpetrators of these crimes have a name and a face. Their accomplices in governments and institutions, who are guilty of high treason and very serious crimes, all come from the World Economic Forum and were students of its program called “Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow.” Others, like George Soros, support them by means of philanthropic foundations that fuel social strife, civil war, and color revolutions around the world.

This global coup d’état must be denounced, and those responsible must be tried and judged by an international court. But above all, it is necessary for all of us to understand that this all-out war against humanity is not motivated only by the lust for wealth and power, but mainly by a religious motive – a theological reason. This reason is Satan’s hatred: hatred of God, hatred of God’s Creation, and hatred of man, who is created in the Image and Likeness of God. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and the hundreds of servants whom they blackmail in governments all hate God. They hate life, which only God can give. They hate love, which comes only from God. They hate peace, which can reign only where Christ reigns. As Tucker Carlson said a few days ago, we are facing people who serve Satan and the demons of hell, just as normal people worship and serve God.

Anonymous said...

Part 4

This, then, is a battle in which body and soul, matter and spirit are made the object of a mortal attack by men and spiritual powers. But let us not forget that, if our enemy avails himself of the help of infernal spirits, we have on our side the Lord God of the armies arrayed – Dominus Deus Sabaoth – and all the hosts of Angels and Saints, infinitely more powerful. God is Almighty: let us never forget that. And He is Father: He does not abandon His children in times of trial.

I therefore exhort you, dear friends, to fight this battle with the spiritual weapons that God places at your disposal: prayer, trust in the Lord, and the awareness that this enemy will not be defeated where it is most organized and fearsome, but by striking it where it is weak. This weakness comes from its corruption, from its being subservient to evil, from the execrable sins that it has committed and still commits against God’s little children. Because I tell you that the men and women who in these four years have submitted and endured lockdowns, violations of their rights, job deprivation and social segregation are not willing to tolerate the crimes that this cursed network of perverts and pedophiles commits against children. Therefore, bring to light and courageously denounce the network of complicity and crimes of politicians, bankers, actors, journalists, prelates, and famous people who are united by their blood pact, and the whole castle of lies and deceptions that they have hatched will collapse, dragging with it the entire globalist plan, woke ideology, gender theory, the fake climate emergency, health fraud, and digital currency. Simul stabunt, simul cadent, says the Latin maxim: just as they stand together, so also they will collapse together.

Stay strong, therefore, under the banner of Christ and in the army of God, Who is Almighty, and Who on the Cross has already won the war that is now entering its final stages. Gather around the Lord, call on His Holy Name, and He will give impetus to your battle. Remember the words of Saint Paul: “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13).

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
January 2, 2024
Most Holy Name of Jesus
Photo of author

Anonymous said...

Looks like Sister Constance Cumbey and Brother Paul have good company!

Watch: Maddow Melts Down Over "Rise Of Fascism"; Joy Reid Says Trump Iowa Caucus Landslide Proves White Christians Are Racists
(At least they didn't say they were members of the Trump/Q-Anon Cult)

Anonymous said...

Fire Federal Employees Who Walk Out Over Gaza Policies: Speaker Johnson

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) criticized federal employees reportedly planning a walkout over America’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas and called for terminating their employment.

“Any government worker who walks off the job to protest U.S. support for our ally Israel is ignoring their responsibility and abusing the trust of taxpayers. They deserve to be fired,” Mr. Johnson said in a Jan. 14 post on X (formerly Twiter). “Oversight Chairman Comer and I will be working together to ensure that each federal agency initiates appropriate disciplinary proceedings against any person who walks out on their job,” he added, referring to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.).

Israel has killed over 20,000 civilians, including women and children. Anyone that protests this wanton slaughter of innocent human beings 'should be fired.' Disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Thankfully the Luciferian Vigano is 82 years old...too old to ever be made a Pope.

Certainly is telling of the roman catholic church that one of its senior-most leaders can so readily, blatantly and openly lie.

Also...since when has the roman catholic church EVER been so vested or interested in preserving democratic elections and democracy. Opus Dei via the CIA orchestrated the overthrow of countless "democracies" throughout the world in favor of authoritarians. Pinochet in Chile was a particularly brutal story.

Vigano is just roman controlled opposition spreading disinformation and propaganda.

He is part of the conspiracy, not it's salve. Notice he worships her, not Jesus.


Anonymous said...

God Made a Dictator!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 10:53 PM... and God bless you for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

4:14 PM

Hmm, they don't talk like that in Kentucky so I'm guessing you moved to Ohio. I used to have trouble with a couple of Ohioans who like to put on airs like that.

Anonymous said...

Chinese Scientists Creating Mutant Coronavirus Strain. It Has A 100% Kill Rate In Mice: Report

Chinese scientists are 'creating' a mutant coronavirus strain - GX_P2V - that will 'attack the brain', The Daily Mail reported on Tuesday igniting concerns about another pandemic. According to the report, the strain has a 100% kill rate in mice.

The Daily Mail, in its report, adds that scientists in Beijing - linked to the Chinese military - cloned a COVID-like virus found in pangolins to infect mice. Every rodent that was infected died within eight days and researches believe that was 'surprisingly' quick. The report further says that the mice were able to express a protein found in humans, giving scientists an idea on how the virus might react if it spreads among people.

The media outlet further reported that scientists warned in a currently unpublished paper that the finding 'underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans'. The team also found high levels of viral load in the mice's brains and eyes, suggesting that the pathogen spreads through the body in a way not like COVID.

Anonymous said...

Saint Who? Deicolus of Lure
A Saint for Senior Citizens • ca. 530–January 18, 625 • Memorial: January 18 Spirit Blog
Saint Who? Deicolus of Lure

80 years old and decided to live by himself in the wilderness.

I can dig it ( - :

Anonymous said...

The news story shared at 8:26 AM appears in several news outlets, with the largest including the New York Post and the Daily Mail, which lean conservative. It got picked up by MSN but not by the mainstream/"liberal" news sources. The video seems to be trying to scare people by sharing facts like, for example, the eyes of the mice turning completely white the day before they died.

Anonymous said...

The Anti-Christs that are meeting at Davos are worried about a Donald Trump return to office. You're on the wrong side Constance!!!
You are siding with this evil cabal!

BlackRock Chief Warns Davos Elites: Trump Victory Poses ‘Fundamental’ Challenge to Europe

Read this revealing article here:

Anonymous said...

9:39 AM,

"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie." (Revelation 22:12-15)

It says that "without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie." It does not say that without are Trump critics.

Although Donald Trump is a whoremonger, I'll give him credit for at least one thing. Stormy Daniels was the only competent person he ever hired.

Anonymous said...

9:39 AM

As I recall, Sister Constance said that she is going to vote for Biden. I wonder if that makes her a member of the Biden Death Cult that feverishly works to advance the cause of murdering innocent babies? Correction: I don't have to wonder. She IS a Member with blood on her hands!

Anonymous said...

10:30 AM

Biden and "Dr." Jill carried on an affair prior to the good Doctor's separation and divorce. Doesn't that make Biden a 'whoremonger?'

Do you think there are going to be any people that support Baby Killers in Heaven?

Anonymous said...

"Do you think there are going to be any people that support Baby Killers in Heaven?"

That is sure to include anyone who voted for Ronald Regan who appointed Sandra Day O'Connor baby killer to the Supreme Court.

Anonymous said...

So disgusting that Trump cultists are quick to point out Trump's moral superiority over Biden while both are a horse apiece.

Ex-aide: John Kelly was disgusted as Trump wondered what it might be like to have sex with Ivanka

Anonymous said...

11:00 AM

They will ALL have to answer to God on that Day. I know for certain that any person that, in any way shape or form, supported such an evil practice, will have no way to justify why and what they did. And that includes Democrats, Republicans and Independents, professing believers and atheists alike. No one will have an excuse.

Anonymous said...


1. “So, how do you explain the fact that most Covid cases are connected with those who have already received the Covid Vaccine?

Simple but maybe not easy to understand. Covid is endemic now so generally only hospitals & health centers are still reporting “cases” which necessarily means the tested cohorts are older &/or sicker therefore a very largely vaccinated cohort (probably over 95% vaccinated versus 85% of general population being vaccinated). Also unvaxxed are far less likely to use hospitals at all or even test (they sometimes even stubbornly die at home in a pool of their denial). As such, the raw numbers of cases, admissions & deaths now favor the vaccinated because there are so many more of them (everyone, even vaccinated persons have to die eventually). Yet even though just 5% or less of the pool are unvaxxed they still reach intensive care and die of Covid at greater RATES for sure than the vaccinated.

2. “And the fact that I (and many of my friends & relatives) have NEVER taken the Covid vaccine... nor, have we EVER had Covid?”

If true (sorry but antivaxxers tend 2 lie), still merely anecdotal. Most people have been exposed by now. Many didn’t have symptoms beyond a headache. The only way to know for sure whether u haven’t been exposed is to be tested for antibodies. If u truly remain totally uninfected the virus remains novel to you and therefore u r at greater risk of serious infection than others. Considering how safe and effective the vaccines have proven (clearly they aren’t anywhere near experimental” anymore as they been tested in the real world more than almost every drug out there), you should prepare your immune system with a vaccine shot to minimize your chance of dying like my cousin or severe illness & long covid like so many others.

Here’s a report indicating that 96% of Americans have Covid antibodies in their blood indicating either vaccine uptake and/or exposure to the Covid virus.,in%20the%20study%20had%20antibodies.

If you still do not understand keep asking questions and I’ll try to explain further.


Anonymous said...

"Filling the media with anti Trump news has been great distraction for the likes of the WEF"

Do you seriously believe the Greater Reset, a.k.a., the Great Awakening has a different agenda than that of the World Economic Forum?

Anonymous said...

Troll X is a lying gasbag.

Man, has this blog gotten boring...

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that X is a paid troll for Big Pharma? He seems to be some kind of a cheerleader for that vaccine that has caused so many injuries and deaths.

Anonymous said...

There is a cure available for Disease X

The ONLY kit that can prevent, kill & detox disease X.

Anonymous said...

The sounds coming from globalist mental disease.
(x approved)

Anonymous said...

3:26 PM

At first I thought she was wearing one of those weird printed face masks which has come to be the Global symbol of compliance. Pope Francis had hosted a similar ceremony in the Vatican gardens like a week before the events of 2020-22. It's an election year so be prepared for another global lockdown.

Vicar of Marxist-homoglobalism sends open love letter to Klaus Schwab

Quote - "Do not lose your faith over this impostor. He is not pope, but a criminal usurper. Also likely the False Prophet forerunner of Antichrist, but if he’s not, it is one hell of rehearsal."

Anonymous said...

Trump Just KILLED The Legacy Media And They're FURIOUS OUGktezcObw

Anonymous said...

Will Trump choose NY Rep Elise Stefanik as his VP running mate?

WASHINGTON — During a candlelit dinner with Mar-a-Lago members in late December, former President Donald Trump walked around the table as the conversation turned to one of the biggest decisions he’d have to make should he become the Republican nominee: Whom should he pick to be his running mate

That’s when Rep. Elise Stefanik, the hard-charging upstate New York Republican, came up, according to a person at the dinner table. Attendees around Trump raved about her viral moment just weeks before, when she grilled three university presidents at a congressional hearing about antisemitism on campus.


Video: NY Rep. Elise Stafanik on Meet The Press


Bio / Profile

Anonymous said...

My cousin's pastor told the church "vote for Trump. He's God's anointed. If you're wrong, don't worry. It'll just bring Jesus back quicker." I said "if Trump gets a second term, you'll wish Jesus would come back quicker." T

O foolish American church, your MAGA cult has bewitched you!

Anonymous said...

X @ 11:21 AM

Now, why would anyone in their right mind want to ask YOU to explain 'facts' about Covid or the Covid vaccine? You who likes to make 'facts' up as you go along.

Those of us who have never been vaccinated, nor have ever had Covid, are CONFIDENT that we have made the right decisions for ourselves.

Therefore, we won't be needing any help from you.

Anonymous said...

9:06 PM

So, you're going to vote for Biden & Company... who are 'anointed' by the Devil???

Anonymous said...

8:05PM brought to you courtesy of New Age guru Russell Brand

See it for yourselves.

There are a lot of Trump cultist hanging out here.

Anonymous said...


So, you think your beloved Donald who fantasizes of having sex with his daughter is anointed by God?

Ex-aide: John Kelly was disgusted as Trump wondered what it might be like to have sex with Ivanka

Anonymous said...

Davos conference in a panic over Trump presidency in 2024

Anonymous said...

Trump’s great awakening vs. the World Economic Forum’s great reset? Same agenda.

Anonymous said...

9:26 PM

There are a lot of anti-Trump CULTISTS hanging out here (with visions of antichrists dancing in their heads)

Surely a doctor can give you an anti-psychotic prescription medication for that paranoia.

(More than likely, you are big fans of Big Pharma anyway... so you won't mind if your doctor 'experiments' on you.)

Anonymous said...


That’s lame scarecrow.

Anonymous said...

9:41 PM

"Sticks and stones, etc" (LOL)

Anonymous said...

9:48 PM

You may want to cozy up with your guru Russell Brand and calm down.

Anonymous said...

9:23 PM Vote for Biden? Well why not, if it keeps Jesus from coming back. Just kidding.

The Lord of the harvest will return when the harvest is fully ready.

Anonymous said...

Klaus Schwab, WEF, wants to replace voters with Artificial Intelligence.

Anonymous said...

To shift gears to the topic of an emergent one world religion and its infiltration and assimilation of the Christian churches (which consist currently of about 45,000 denominations worldwide).

It seems to me that Gnosticism is the one thread that can bind everything that seems disparate together. Elaine Pagels of Princeton has it in common with Star Wars, The Matrix and Harry Potter. She has Gnosticism in common with the Red Pill and QAnon, who have it in common with Freemasonry and Theosophy.

Whatever you think of the New Testament Saul/Paul, it is clear that Elaine Pagels of Princeton University--who wrote a series of books including The Gnostic Gospels, The Gnostic Paul and The Origin of Satan--is very popular and influential, something that is not usually true of academic types like her.

It seems to me that a Protestant church (or 45,000 Protestant churches) that mostly ignores the Gospels and mostly preaches from the Pauline epistles is ripe for subtle infiltration by ideas straight from The Gnostic Paul.

I'm not Catholic, but this article doesn't promote praying to Mary or the Saints. It is a very good article. Catholics get some things right in doctrine.

Gnosticism and the Struggle for the World's Soul

Anonymous said...

What might a subtle infiltration of Gnosticism into Protestant Christian faith look like?

I've been told by several well-meaning but deceived professing Protestant Christians that Christianity isn't about moral living. It's only about personal salvation. That's all it's about. This is a Gnostic idea in spite of the fact that the person who said it likely never studied Gnosticism. Instead this person likely got this idea from the Pauline epistles. It could never have been derived from the Gospels. It could never have been derived from any words every spoken by Jesus in the Gospels.

This is just for starters. If you are already disagreeing with me, you may want to revisit the Gospels, just in case you haven't read them or heard them preached in church for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Sister Constance can provide clarification for this:

Why were the Capitol Police holding doors open for what the media and Nancy Pelosi referred to as "ARMED INSURRECTIONISTS?"

Why? Because they were not armed and it was not an insurrection.

Anonymous said...

9:35 AM

Instead of just stealthily attacking Paul's epistles, which is an obsession with you, why not give us SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF WHERE PAUL is in ERROR?

I look forward to your response.

By the way, did Jesus come to bring peace to the world? Yes or No.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is considering NY Rep. Elise Stefanik as his VP running mate for Nov., 2024.

According to her Wikipedia profile below, Elise Stefanik is the one who replaced Liz Cheney as 'Chair of the House Republican Conference.' Liz Cheney is the one who has been obsessed with hatred for Trump... although many believe that she was more of a 'mouthpiece' or 'puppet' for her father, Globalist Dick Cheney ~ who many used to refer to as 'Darth Vader' (LOL)

Anonymous said...

9:51 PM (last night)

Uh, I would say that it is YOU who needs 'to calm down' (LOL).

Meanwhile, have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Trump Vows To "Never Allow" A Central Bank Digital Currency

"This would be a dangerous threat to freedom"

Anonymous said...

9:17 AM who claims "I'm not Catholic," but then refers you to a Catholic article ...

Do you know the real reason the Catholic Church concentrates on the Four Gospels? Why the Priests and the Pope hold up, for veneration, a book the only contains the Four Gospels, and not the rest of the New Testament?

The reason is this; the rest of the New Testament not testifies AGAINST the peculiar teachings of Rome, it provides doctrine from God's Word that proves that Catholicism is utterly false. For example: NEVER does it proclaim that Mary should be venerated or prayed to. Mary's "Immaculate Conception" (i.e., born without sin), Mary's bodily Assumption to Heaven, her title Queen of Heaven, instructions to construct statues of Mary, etc., etc. is NOT THERE. The ongoing Sacrifice of the Mass, nor is Purgatory, Confession of sins to Priests which are given the authority to forgive sin, the office of Pope, the office of Cardinal, Nuns, the Rosary, on and on and on. NONE OF THIS IS IN the New Testament, nor is it contained even in the Four Gospels!

The poster that continues to attack the Apostle Paul knows all of this. That's why he continues to attack the 13 epistles of Paul.

Anonymous said...

Here's a news story that will please Sister Constance and Brother Paul:

Drag Queen Jeza Belle Publishes Christian Devotional Book, Attacks Evangelicals

Jeza’s Jesus Juice: A Drag Queen’s Christian Devotional, which was published in December, provides a personal history of the author’s religious beliefs and morality.

The book includes chapters on gender identity, “Pride,” and “radical inclusivity.” Other chapters tackle forgiveness, guilt, and God’s love.

“LGBTQ+ people are under constant attack, especially by those who claim the mantle of Christ,” the book’s official site states.

“It’s not popular or easy to be a Christian and a member of our marginalized community. On the right we have conservatives that claim to speak for God who try to block our path. On the left we have those who have been harmed by the church and balk at our continued belief. We are left in the middle to try to reconcile a religion that appears to demonizes us and a God who loves us unconditionally.”

Anonymous said...

9:56 AM,

You can simply read your Bible and compare the Gospels with the Pauline epistles. But on a previous thread I provided many examples of contradictions. On the same previous thread I shared a link to

Out of consideration to commenters and to Constance I am now restricting my focus to that which is relevant to the themes of Constance's blog. Therefore, right now I'm focused on a the possibility of a Gnostic interpretation of Paul infiltrating the Protestant churches. To be alert to this threat doesn't even require acceptance that the Gnostic interpretation of Paul is the true interpretation of Paul.

Historically the Protestant churches maintained a tension between the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels and the teachings of Paul in the Pauline epistles. This is a large part of what contributed to denominational differences, like Calvinism vs. Arminianism, for instance.

With the rise of the influence of Dispensationalism in North American Protestant churches, thousands of pastors have been taught that the teachings of the Gospels only applied to the prior dispensation of the law. They were just for the Jews. But the Pauline epistles are for the gentile Christians.

Paul did not write all false things. He a variety of things. Many things he wrote are true. Maybe it was due to interpolation. Maybe it was because he tried to please all men, becoming as a Jew to the Jews and as a Greek to the Greeks. Whatever the reason was, the Pauline epistles do not say entirely consistent things.

Because of that state of the text, it's necessary to be selective as well as interpretive. Therefore the state of your own theology and faith will reflect what you select and how you interpret it. If you are not looking for loopholes to behaving yourself, you could be just fine. If you're looking for those loopholes, well, they are there to be found and exploited.

Anonymous said...

When I read The Gnostic Paul I noticed that Valentinus did not need to be selective. He had a consistent, systematic interpretation of the seeming contradictions. Gnostics believed that some souls were pneumatic while other souls were psychic with the worst being sarkic. The pneumatic souls were addressed by some of Paul's writings, while the psychic souls were addressed by other parts of Paul's writings. The Jews were symbolic of the psychic souls, who were inferior souls but were capable of salvation especially when joined with the superior pneumatic souls, who could even be "baptized for the dead" (baptized on behalf of the spiritually dead, the psychic souls.) Women were symbolic of psychic and inferior souls. Men were symbolic of pneumatic and superior souls.

The Torah was given by the Demiurge, who is a different being than God the Father. God the Father has never revealed Himself in human history. The Demiurge revealed himself to fleshly, historical Israel. God the Father is so above and separate from the evil world that there is not way at all to know Him except through revelation, not the Torah, not the Gospels, the revelation that Paul had and that became available to all pneumatic and psychic souls.

Mystical union with God the Father in the pleroma was the ultimate goal. Not moral living in this evil world. But the psychic souls still had to be kept under control for their own good. The pneumatic souls were free, under grace, and if they sinned it was their flesh sinning but not their souls sinning. Their flesh symbolically died already. Their souls were symbolically alive already. Therefore they couldn't sin. Sometimes they were living anti-flesh and anti-world but other times they were giving their middle finger to this world and its Demiurge by defiance of the laws of the Demiurge. But only pneumatic souls were free to do so without losing salvation. Not psychic souls. Meanwhile sarkic souls were so worldly and so fleshly that no salvation was possible for them. They were created for destruction.

Valentinus claimed to base this system of doctrine upon a tradition of secret oral teachings that had come from Paul. There is no way to prove this or not.

Anonymous said...
Accidentally on purpose

Dr John Campbell's latest.

Anonymous said...

I would be remiss if I did not also say that Valentinus thought Paul taught that the pneumatic souls could never attain salvation without being joined to the psychic souls in a mystical union with Christ. So eventually in the pleroma there would be neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek, slave nor free. Valentinus took this language symbolically. It doesn't mean Paul intended it that way. But the advantage of the Gnostics is that they can interpret all the contradictions consistently and explain all the tensions.

Anonymous said...

Do you know the real reason the Catholic Church concentrates on the Four Gospels? Why the Priests and the Pope hold up, for veneration, a book the only contains the Four Gospels, and not the rest of the New Testament?

What? Actually, the Catholic Bible contains more books, not fewer books.

It's the Gospels that contain statements of Jesus that can be used against Mariolatry. Not the Pauline epistles.

The RCC does not hold up the Bible to veneration. It puts tradition--including apostolic succession, papal infallibility andongoing revelation--above the Bible.

Anonymous said...

While Constance has been deflecting away from the REAL Dictatorship that is being constructed, she's concentrated her feeble efforts 24/7 on the fake one; Donald Trump!

Leo Hohmann: Elections Will Soon Be a Quaint Relic of the Past, Says Globalist Klaus Schwab

Elections will soon be a quaint relic of the past, says globalist Klaus Schwab, who points to AI as the coming King of Democracy

World Economic Forum founder and chairman Klaus Schwab showed his true Nazi colors today at Davos, saying that nations will soon no longer need to bother holding “elections” because voters could easily be replaced by artificial intelligence.

AI is more than capable, he said.

One thing about technocratic globalists: They aren’t bashful. They speak boastfully as if everyone shares their excitement about all of the death and dehumanization of the world they envision.

During the discussion Schwab and Brin were discussing “digital technologies,” such as AI, and how they could be used to advance the WEF’s globalist agenda.

“So technology now, and digital technology, mainly have an analytical power,” Schwab said as Brin shook his head in the affirmative.

“Now, we go into predictive power and we have seen the first examples. Your company is very much involved in it,” Schwab said, as if to give the little boy wonder from Google a fatherly pat on the back.

Schwab then came with the globalist goods, making a stunning comment that will no doubt be buried by the mainstream media and Google search engines. Schwab said “the next step” for digital technology would be to replace voters with A.I.

“But then the next step could be to go into prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore because you can already predict,” he said. “And afterward, you can say, why do we need elections? Because we know what the result will be.”

Remember when Yuval Harari, who is Schwab’s top adviser, said a few years ago that in an age of AI humans no longer have free will? That may be what Schwab is referring to here. If AI knows what everyone is thinking and is able to influence people’s choices, at some point literally making all choices for them, then why would we need to even bother with “elections?” The world would, at that point, no longer be populated by humans but by remote-controled transhumans. That’s the ultimate goal of technocrats like Schwab — depopulate the humans and replace them with AI-augmented transhumans.

Read more here, includes video:

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump meets Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum

Anonymous said...

10:20 AM

Quit dodging the question.

GIVE US SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of where Paul contradicts Jesus in any way by using Paul's writings vs Jesus's statements as recorded in the Gospels.

Anonymous said...

10:20 AM

You did not answer my question:



Anonymous said...

The reason is this; the rest of the New Testament not testifies AGAINST the peculiar teachings of Rome, it provides doctrine from God's Word that proves that Catholicism is utterly false. For example: NEVER does it proclaim that Mary should be venerated or prayed to. Mary's "Immaculate Conception" (i.e., born without sin), Mary's bodily Assumption to Heaven, her title Queen of Heaven, instructions to construct statues of Mary, etc., etc. is NOT THERE. The ongoing Sacrifice of the Mass, nor is Purgatory, Confession of sins to Priests which are given the authority to forgive sin, the office of Pope, the office of Cardinal, Nuns, the Rosary, on and on and on. NONE OF THIS IS IN the New Testament, nor is it contained even in the Four Gospels!

You can thank Paul for the ongoing sacrifice of the Mass. Furthermore, calling for a variety of church offices and callings in a hierarchy, with apostles at the top, can be found in his epistles--but not in the Gospels.

Confession of sin can be found in the New Testament, but not the authority of a priest to forgive the sin.

Purgatory could be supported from the Apocrypha (Maccabees).

We probably have Constantine to thank for Mariolatry. I don't think it can be found anywhere in the Bible, not even the Catholic Bible with its Apocrypha.

It was quite weird to see you suggesting that the Gospels without the Pauline epistles would support Mariolatry. I'll be nice and not keep on bringing it up the way you keep on bringing it up that Constance once said that Muslims worship the same God that Christians do. Unless you really do want to claim it and own it instead of slinking away and pretending it never happened.

Anonymous said...

10:47 AM,

Jesus did not come to bring peace to the world, but a sword. In context it meant, to the original audience, that they might be persecuted or disowned by their own family members for accepting Him as Messiah. It can still happen to this day in Muslim families that have members who accept Jesus as Messiah and become converted. Wherever the Gospel is introduced in a hostile culture, it can still happen.

Anonymous said...

Refreshing news for a change...

14 Democrats REBUKE President Joe Biden on his "open-border policies"

More than a dozen House Democrats crossed party lines to join Republicans in denouncing President Joe Biden's "open-border policies" on Wednesday signaling to their party leader that illegal immigration is something both parties need to address.

The nonbinding Resolution 957 passed the House in a 225-187 vote with all Republicans voting in favor. The resolution stated the U.S. is "in the midst of the worst border security crisis in the Nation's history."

It recalled "more than 100,000 illegal aliens along the south-west border," and noted "the total number of illegal aliens encountered along the southwest border during the Biden administration exceeds 7 million."

Anonymous said...

"We The Power That Be Are Done Playing Grab-Ass. STRU, Follow Orders, Or Else..."

CJ Hopkins trial for thought crimes in New Normal Germany 1/23/24

Anonymous said...

STFU @ 11:04 AM ---- Not STRU

Anonymous said...

Romans 7:18-23
King James Version

18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:

23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.


"He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." (1 John 2:4)

"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." (1 John 5:1-3)

"If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15)

"Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." (John 5:14)

"She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." (John 8:11)

Anonymous said...

"I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service." (II Corinthians 11:8)

Luke 10:1-9
King James Version

10 After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come.

2 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.

3 Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.

4 Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way.

5 And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house.

6 And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again.

7 And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.

8 And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you:

9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.

Anonymous said...

"But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:)" (Galatians 2:7-8)

Matthew 28:16-20
King James Version

Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.

17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Also, Emmanuel Macron has been President of France since May, 2017.

(I would also imagine that whoever the Antichrist is... he will be quietly keeping a low profile until the 'time' is right for him to emerge on the world stage.)

Anonymous said...

11:25 AM

We won't know until we know!

My guess is either Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

"Nikki Haley is counting on the Democrats and Liberals to infiltrate you Republican Party," - President Trump

Hey Trump - Meet Sister Constance!

Anonymous said...

A Great Sign of the Arrival of the antichrist has Appeared in the Sky

Anonymous said...

Democrats want Nikki - Never Nikki

Anonymous said...

11:30 AM

Re: "We won't know until we know."


Anonymous said...

11:40 AM

Nikki Haley is a Globalist Elite 'puppet'... AND she has stated that she plans on restructuring both Social Security and Medicare.

Senior Citizens & Retirees: BEWARE!!!

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis: Encounter with Jesus is more important than all of the commandments

“Why the law?” (Gal 3:19). This is the question that we want to deepen today, continuing with St. Paul, to recognize the newness of the Christian life enlivened by the Holy Spirit. But if the Holy Spirit exists, if Jesus exists who redeemed us, why the law? And this is what we must reflect on today. The Apostle writes: “If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law” (Gal 5:18). Instead, Paul’s detractors sustained that the Galatians had to follow the Law to be saved. They were going backward. They were nostalgic for times gone by, of the times before Jesus Christ. The Apostle is not at all in agreement.


"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:18-19)

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when a deceiver takes ONE verse out of context. Actually, the entire chapter needs to be read in order to understand what Paul is saying, but, our deceiver friend concentrates only on verse 8 in order to make it look like Paul is speaking literally that he ROBBED churches. Clearly he is stating in verse 9 that his needs were being met NOT by the Corinth church, which was in a carnal state, but rather, by the believers that were in Macedonia! It was the Corinthians that were 'robbing' them, not Paul!

Paul actually was a tent maker and did this to make money in an attempt to finance his work, which was extensive. And, he did so as to not be a burden to other believers. Yet, our deceiver wants you to believe that the Apostle Paul was a ROBBER !

II Corinthians 11:

7 Have I committed an offence in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely?

8 I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service.

9 And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied: and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep myself.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, no one that has the Spirit of God indwelling them will be fooled by these wanton, evil attacks upon God's Word that is contained in Paul's epistles.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Deceiver said at 10:53 AM in answer to the question: "Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace to the World?"

"Jesus did not come to bring peace to the world, but a sword. In context it meant, to the original audience, that they might be persecuted or disowned by their own family members for accepting Him as Messiah. It can still happen to this day in Muslim families that have members who accept Jesus as Messiah and become converted. Wherever the Gospel is introduced in a hostile culture, it can still happen."

Here's the passage from Matthew:

34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Note that our Deceiver friend tells us that this division which is caused by believing in Christ is limited, and can 'still happen in Muslim families' or otherwise 'hostile cultures,' whereas Jesus never mentions Muslims or hostile cultures at all, but rather specifically families.

When a person truly becomes born again, that person receives a new heart through the new birth which sets that person at odds and apart with not only his former self, with the world itself, but also with those that are typically closest to him; his family. That's how drastic this change is and it puts you in direct opposition to those that continue to reject the truth as found in Christ alone. It is THEY that hate and oppose the light (see John 3:19), and it is THEY that cause this division due to their opposition to the Lordship of Christ.

Not surprisingly, our Deceiver friend misses the entire message of this. The 'spirit' that is driving this person to attack God's word that is found in Paul's epistles is of the Devil himself. His message is one of darkness and bondage. Don't pay any attention to what he has to say.

Anonymous said...

The Popes Rabbi - Rabino Sergio Bergman (born 1962)

I guess the obvious question is: where were you in '62, Jorge Mario Bergoglio? ( - ;

Anonymous said...

PS: Carry on (chasing your tails) Big Dogs

Anonymous said...

2:20 PM,

You managed to fight me on the one thing we agree about.

Anonymous said...

In the Antichrist 'guessing game'... does anyone here think that Prince William of Great Britain could be a candidate?

If so, are you 'nervous' about the fact that his wife, Katherine and his father, King Charles each have major medical issues right now... that could pave the way for Prince William to step out on the world stage?

A Google search brings up all kinds of information (too many links to count)...

Anonymous said...

2:44 PM

In 1962, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was a young man of 25 or 26 years old (depending on the month in question as he was born on 12/17/1936).

In the early years of 1958 thru 1966...
Bergoglio found his vocation to the priesthood while he was on his way to celebrate the Spring Day. He passed by a church to go to confession, and was inspired by the priest.[39] Bergoglio studied at the archdiocesan seminary, Inmaculada Concepción Seminary, in Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires, and, after three years, entered the Society of Jesus as a novice on 11 March 1958.[40] Bergoglio has said that, as a young seminarian, he had a crush on a girl he met and briefly doubted about continuing the religious career.[41] As a Jesuit novice he studied humanities in Santiago, Chile.[42] After his novitiate in the Society of Jesus, Bergoglio officially became a Jesuit on 12 March 1960, when he made the religious profession of the initial, perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience of a member of the order.[43][44]

In 1960, Bergoglio obtained a licentiate in philosophy from the Colegio Máximo de San José in San Miguel, Buenos Aires Province. He taught literature and psychology at the Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepción, a high school in Santa Fe, from 1964 to 1965. In 1966, he taught the same courses at the Colegio del Salvador in Buenos Aires.[16][45]


Jorge Mario Bergoglio (now Pope Francis)

Anonymous said...

2:20 PM,

I didn't have much time to reply to you in my 3:04 PM comment.

Our discussion was about whether Jesus came in peace. You had asked me twice and demanded an answer. That answer isn't found in the Pauline epistles, and my answer had nothing to do with the Pauline epistles.

I briefly answered from memory saying that Jesus came not in peace but with a sword and that in context it meant that the original audience would have family members who might persecute them or disown them for accepting Jesus as the Messiah. Then I went on to briefly extend it beyond the original audience, giving Muslims as an example.

I didn't know it was an essay question on a Theology exam. I never said I had answered thoroughly or that what I said should be a limitation of what Jesus meant.

I didn't understand why you objected extending it to what people would experience in hostile cultures. They could have Muslim family members honor killing them or Communist family members spying on them.

It seems to me you come at me with a sword, and it's because I chose Jesus to be my only Master, since I realized Paul was a competing master.

Anonymous said...

2:20 PM,

Furthermore, I sense that you asked that question about whether Jesus came in peace, as a trick question. You've probably asked it before of people who don't have much Bible knowledge. It's probably one of your go to gotcha questions. I sense you're frustrated that I had enough Bible knowledge not to simply reply that of course Jesus came in peace.

I still can't believe that earlier today you claimed that the Catholic church venerates the Gospels and only the Gospels in the New Testament. Where did you ever come up with that? It seems to me you're the one who's unreliable, since you say such wild things with such complete authority and confidence.

Anonymous said...

Please answer some questions for me, 2:20 PM.

Please tell me, what was lacking in Jesus' teachings to the eleven apostles during His earthly ministry?

Please tell me, if any of the eleven apostles went to a gentile--as tradition has it that Andrew went to the Eastern Europe region--does that mean that gentile was unsaved because he or she had not been given Paul's gospel?

During the first three or four centuries of the church, when Paul's letters were not yet widely circulated, does that mean that all the Christians who didn't have Paul's letters read to them were unsaved?

The people who lived in the houses visited by the eleven apostles throughout Judea, as Jews, did they receive a different gospel than the gospel that Paul brought to the gentiles?

If so, then why did Jesus say in his famous great commission in Matthew that the seventy were to go to all the nations and teach them all of His commandments? That doesn't sound like a different gospel for Jews and gentiles, does it?

Why am I condemned in your eyes if I accept Jesus as my Savior and I obey His commands? Why isn't that enough? What do I need from the Pauline epistles that I can't get from the Gospels?

You mentioned you thought I was being rebellious. Whom or what do you think I am rebellious about? If I obey the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, then what else is there that you think I really should be obeying? Or who else? Since you seem to think my salvation depends on it, please share it with me.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, the great commission of Matthew 28 was given to the eleven apostles. I had it confused with the 70 disciples of Luke 10.

Anonymous said...

Like a Mustard Seed

Anonymous said...

Summary of evidence as to why Covid vaccines are deadly...

1) Doctors don't rely on science in prescribing COVID jabs; they are told to simply trust the FDA and CDC
Since every last trace of post-marketing safety data on COVID jabs is being kept under lock and key, America's physicians cannot even access it to determine whether or not the shots are safe for their patients. As such, doctors have no choice but to "trust the science" and do what they are told.

"They are essentially told: 'do what we tell you to do, do not question authority or we will take away your license,'" writes investigator Steve Kirsch about the matter.

2) CDC can't conduct post-marketing safety assessment because data is hidden

Not only doctors but also the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is having to take wild guesses in the dark about COVID jab safety because it, too, does not have access to any of the data because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will not provide it from the manufacturer.

"The CDC could ask states for vaccination records tied to death records, but they don't want to even ask because if they did a safety analysis, it could be discovered in a FOIA request," Kirsch says. "The CDC basically has no interest whatsoever in verifying what the actual safety data is. When I offered to show them the NZ data before I published it (so they would finally have record level data), they declined to look at it."

3) Health authorities patently refuse to release anonymized record-level patient data for independent researchers to analyze

Even local public health authorities are being denied access to pertinent data about COVID jabs that would allow them to conduct a proper assessment of it in accordance with the law.

4) Medical community showing no interest in data transparency

The establishment continues to get away with hiding the truth about COVID jabs because the medical community is doing absolutely nothing to force its hand in calling for full data transparency.

"Time-series cohort analyses can be easily produced by health authorities and published for everyone to see," Kirsch writes. "These would show safety signals and do not jeopardize patient privacy. These are always kept hidden."

(Related: Back in December, a genomics scientist lost $200,000 worth of research after the government of New Zealand obtained an injunction to block the sharing of leaked COVID injection health data.)

5) Reasonable requests made to health authorities receive no response

Whenever someone tries to ask for relevant data on COVID jabs, public health authorities almost uniformly ignore or deny such requests.

6) U.S. Medicare data clearly shows increased mortality due to COVID jabs

One thing we do know is that excess deaths noticeably increased all around the world after the launch of Operation Warp Speed. U.S. Medicare data clearly shows this, and yet public health authorities remain in denial about it.

7) Independent studies show as many as one death per 800 shots

Despite government claims that COVID injections are "safe and effective," independent research such as the kind compiled by researcher Denis Rancourt found that, on average, one person dies for every 800 injections given.

8) Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from COVID jabs

Try as they might to hide the truth, survey data clearly shows that upwards of hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from COVID injections, which is comparable to the number of people who supposedly died from the "virus."

Anonymous said...

1. There were 67 million deaths worldwide in 2022.

There have been 13.53 billion doses of Covid vaccine administered worldwide over last 3 years.

If one person actually died for every 800 doses of Covid vaccine delivered worldwide that would represent 169,125,000 dead of the 201,000,000 or 84% of all worldwide deaths the last 3 years. Obviously a wild lie pulled out of someone’s butt.

2. Steven Kirsch is not an “investigator”… he’s an antivaxxer social media grifter and a liar.

3. Natural News is a new age misinformation portal run by Scientologists for money, without any regard for truth.

4. The NZ data Kirsch did publish actually demonstrated how safe and effective the Covid vaccines were there despite his attempt to misportray the data.

5. There is no safety data being hidden…covid vaccines have now been fully tested to the tune of 13.53 billion effective doses delivered safely and effectively. Both cancer rates AND cardiac rates have actually dropped the last couple years and “all cause mortality rates” and “excess deaths rates” are negative in most, if not all, highly vaccinated countries.

6. There is no denial that a very few individuals worldwide, probably in the 100’s, have suffered serious or even deadly side effects from the covid vaccine which is and has been the case with every vaccine ever and which is easily and substantially contrasted by the millions of lives, person years, and taxpayer dollars saved by the covid vaccines.

7. Way more people died in 2021 & 2022 due to under vaccination (largely attributable to political disinformation) in many multiples more than the vaccines serious injured or killed.

You’re welcome,


Anonymous said...

Here’s Denis Rancourt’s bullcrap “study” where he cherry picked 17 countries that didn’t have much or many covid deaths prior to the vaccine rollout like New Zesland, Australia and several South American countries that endured big delta variant waves the winter of 2021 (June to oct 2021) after the vaccine rollout and while ignoring that most of the excess deaths were actually unvaccinated persons within such countries then he extrapolated such excess deaths as being entirely attributable to the Covid vaccine and extrapolated that calculation by the number of doses delivered worldwide while completely ignoring the fact the unvaccinated were the ones dying everywhere worldwide in much greater numbers in 2021 thru today.

Essentially it’s just an unqualified antivaxxers attempt to mock/sarcastically respond to Watson’s peer reviewed and actually valid scientific analysis demonstrating retrospectively using sound evidence and worldwide data that the vaccines saved up to 20 million lives.


Ps - I get a kick out of Kirsch pretending his Maga cult “survey data” of his own band of antivaxx grifters & maga cult friends is real world evidence and/or data relevant to the topic at all.

Anonymous said...

While X continues to twist and distort the facts...

He can't ignore (or explain) this fact:
Try as you might to AVOID the truth... the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have DIED FROM THE COVID VACCINE... is comparable to the number of people who DIED FROM COVID!!!

Anonymous said...

People who were injected with “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are increasingly being diagnosed with a new type of disease they are calling VEXAS syndrome, an autoinflammatory ailment that was first discovered in 2020 around the time Operation Warp Speed was launched by the Trump regime.

VEXAS syndrome, short for vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic syndrome, is said to be caused by mutations in the innate immune cells, as well as a somatic mutation in the UBA1 gene found on the X chromosome. Most inflammatory diseases, by the way, are caused by dysfunction that arises in adaptive immune cells.

Somatic mutations cannot be inherited, meaning individuals acquire this mutation later in life,” explains The Epoch Times about the disease. “The mutation affects the stem cells in the bone marrow. The cells mature into specialized immune cells that circulate within the bloodstream.”

“Immune cells carrying the UBA1 mutation are highly inflammatory, and once enough of them accumulate, patients start developing symptoms.”

Back in April, French scientists reported on the case of a 76-year-old man who almost immediately after getting jabbed for COVID with Pfizer’s mRNA (modRNA) variety was diagnosed with VEXAS syndrome. His symptoms included tender bumps under the skin, rashes and purple spots on his limbs.
Skin problems are commonly reported among VEXAS patients, and the man was no exception. He was later determined by specialists to have the UBA1 mutation inherent to the disease.

“The rare incidence of VEXAS syndrome and the short delay of 3 days between vaccination and onset of symptoms were very suggestive of the vaccine’s role as a trigger,” the study authors, from Drôme Nord Hospitals, wrote.

Another patient, 72, developed similar symptoms, as well as a fever, fatigue, a cough and deep vein thrombosis. He was initially misdiagnosed with “long COVID,” only to later also show evidence of the same UBA1 mutation as the first patient.
“In my experience, it is unlikely that VEXAS syndrome could have been triggered by an infection or COVID-19 vaccination,” commented Dr. Sinisa Savic, an immunologist and associate clinical professor at the University of Leeds. “We know that as people age, they develop all sorts of mutations in the bone marrow … That is why VEXAS is largely found in the elderly population.”

Typically, VEXAS syndrome occurs in men over the age of 50. Both infections and vaccinations can trigger or worsen symptoms in people who are already on track to develop VEXAS syndrome.

“Anything that triggers an immune response can cause temporary worsening symptoms,” Dr. Savic added. “I don’t think there’s any particular argument about that.”

Among specialized immune cells, only innate immune cells have been found to carry the UBA1 mutation. Adaptive immune cells, meanwhile, form what is known as the “third” or last line of defense against disease, and these cells have not been found to carry the UBA1 mutation.

Dr. Savic believes that adaptive immune cells, including T and B cells, probably cannot survive long enough to become specialized if they carry the UBA1 mutation. Specialization of innate immune cells, conversely, appear to be less affected by the UBA1 mutation.

Both infections and vaccinations trigger responses in the immune system that are supposed to (in theory for vaccinations, anyway) form immune memory. This process does not occur in people with autoinflammatory conditions – in fact, an immune reaction can cause an imbalance that actually worsens a patient’s condition.

“This is the case with any autoimmune or inflammatory condition because the immune system tries to control itself, but if you’re then challenged by something else, then that level of control may be reduced,” Dr. Savic said.

Anonymous said...

In case you're wondering what's going on at Davos...

Watch this video on the most ridiculous load of BS yet on the subject of ECOCIDE.

Jojo Mehta – founder of ‘Stop Ecocide Now’ – explains in her upper-class English accent to her ultra-rich peers in Davos that...

“We have this cultural, very ingrained habit of not taking damage to nature as seriously as we take damage to people or property.”

Her goal is to have “mass damage and destruction of nature” legally recognized as “a serious crime.”

In other words... farming the land, fishing for food, and (worse still) ‘making money’ is now on a par with mass murder or genocide.

Anonymous said...

7:08 AM,

Every ethical precept can be perverted or faked. Of course the statement at Davos reeks of the idea that human beings are on the same level as every other living thing and don't have any more value than the value of any other living thing. This is of course a dangerous idea that is quite clearly contradicted by Jesus' words.

But before charging at the red flag that was waved by InfoWars, how about pausing long enough to consider what the Bible says about animals and the natural world and about the relationship of mankind with them? Then we might see the real thing instead of the perverted thing or the faked thing.

We know, of course, that God pronounced the plant and animal worlds, and their habitats, good after creating them. And we know, of course, that when God created mankind, both male and female, He gave them dominion. But what does "dominion" mean? It was originally written in Hebrew, not in English. "Dominion" is an English word that comes from Rome.

It's interesting to do a Hebrew words study of the word, "dominion."

In Genesis 2:19 God caused the animals to pass by Adam so he could ‘azer kenegedo to determine which ones could be before him. Our English translation use the word help meet. An ‘azer kenegedo is a gateway, or one who helps you find your way. In this exercise Adam was searching for an animal which would help him understand the reason for his existence to know how to love God. Eventually only by creating a woman could Adam really understand. But look close at the Hebrew wording here. Our translations say the animals came before him to see what he would call them. Actually, the word for call yiqera’ is in an imperfect form and is followed by the word lu to him. It is not what he would call them but what he call to them to him. There is a very strong argument that Adams spoke with the animals. Not is a vocal language but with his heart.

God created two important beings for man to help him understand his relationship with God, a woman and the animal kingdom. Jewish teaching never taught that a man was to dominate a woman only to be in a headship role. Yet for 2,000 years of church history women have been given a secondary role inferior to men even though the Bible clearly teaches we are all equal in God’s eyes. The enemy so perverted the leadership role of men that they have not been able to benefit from the role that a woman was created to perform in the first place and that was to be a gateway to understanding the love of God.

On top of that God created all living creatures to be an expression of His nature, His plans, and His loving care but we consider ourselves as those who would dominate the animal kingdom for our own benefit and abuse the creation of God when they were really created to teach us something about our relationship with God, if we only come down to their level. Ok, that little robin may poop on your porch. Poor little guy, he can’t help it but if that is all you are focused on, if the animal kingdom exist just for our sport, slaughter, and abuse then we have done the same thing with God’s gift of the animal kingdom as we have done with God’s gift of a woman we let our arrogance and pride blind us to the role of these helpers who will help us understand and know what the love of God is really like.

Anonymous said...

Before the flood the fear of mankind was not upon the animals. God allowed Noah and his family to hunt them and to eat their meat, but He was fair and merciful to the animals by putting the fear of mankind upon them. Think about it. Too often we read something profound, yet short, and pass right over its full significance. It's likely that something happened at the time of the flood that changed the whole biosphere so that plants could no longer provide sufficient nutrition.

But God forbid eating the blood. Guess what science shows? It's the heme iron in red meat that has an ever growing list of health effects. Kosher meat is soaked in water with kosher salt three times to remove every last vestige of blood from the meat. It is healthier. Jesus said that what we eat doesn't defile us. God forbid eating blood for health reasons. Likely He wanted humane treatment of animals as well and didn't want people eating raw and living animals because it is cruel and puts humans on the same level as predatory animals. Survival shows now frequently show survivalists eating living animals like insects and fish. Often they cook their animal catches but not always.

Anonymous said...

Jesus freed the animals at the temple. Not at that time, but at another time, He said, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice. Go and learn what that means."

Anonymous said...

I'm old enough to remember a guy who lived his whole life in the foothills of Oregon coast range. He told me when he was a boy Indians still lived in the old growth forest. He also remembered when they cut the old growth down. He said the trees were so big it took the whole summer to burn then. I'm not judging but in my opinion they cut the trees down so the Indians would leave. This is the history of the United States since Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis & Clark West. All I'm saying is that it didn't have to be that way but it is what it is. And as far as the snooty Brit goes: he's probably a Mason as were Jefferson, Lewis and Clark.

Anonymous said...

The sky's not even the limit of the arrogance of (self-proclaimed) xhristian x.
He lies as often as he breathes because he speaks globalism (not the Gospel).

Anonymous said...

The Goddess of the WEF
Tell me: is there a fairer grandmotherly face than this in all of Western Civ? Does it not seem to radiate eons of aggregate wisdom, maternal kindness, bountiful nurture, caring, and healing, and even a hint of fun in the nursury. . . the rectified essence of Teutonic beauty, fertility, vitality, and virtue. . . the loving smile of the life-giver caressing humanity like a spring zephyr wafting through the piney Schwarzwald on a June morning?

That is exactly why Ursula von der Leyen was (s)elected President of the European Commission, and why she was sent out to front the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week in her keynote speech to the assembled global grandees of Davos in the dead chill of January. It’s one thing when a cadaverous goblin such as Yuval Noah Harari tells you to eat bugs, and quite another thing when Oma Ursula tells you Keine Sorge, Kinder. Alles ist gut.

Ursula did offer us children-of-the-world one wee note of caution, though, as every good “grammy” might give to the global kindergarten: watch out for misinformation and disinformation on the internet! Like the evil imps of the Germanic Märchen, these wicked forces lurk and propagate on the internet — waiting to dash all of the WEF’s benevolent plans for our utopian future. That’s why, she explained, the European Commission has drawn up the Digital Services Act — because misinfo and disinfo can fluoresce into hate speech, the most dangerous thing in the world. It must be stomped out! Ground into the dirt under a boot heel!


Anonymous said...

Misinfo and disinfo about what, exactly? Ursula omitted to specify, but we can guess, can’t we? For instance, about how more and more every year the WEF seems to operate like a global racketeering operation, seeking the levers of control in all the naughtiest sovereign nations of the earth overpopulated with “useless eaters” who are remorselessly busy wrecking the climate to enjoy, say, in the case of the USA, their loathsome motor-sports, mega-churches, gun shows, hot-tubs, and Golden Corral All-You-Can-Eat buffets! The WEF, a racket? A cabal of haughty control freaks? What a hateful thing to say, after everything kindly onkel Schwabenklaus has done for mankind! It hurts our feelings to hear this!

Yet, why do scores of billionaires flock to the yearly Davos meet-up and coordinate their funding streams into countless NGOs and shadowy activist organizations aimed at manipulating the activities of governments around the world? I assure you it’s hardly for the fabulous hors d’oeuvre platters or the even more fabulous on-call hookers. (The nabobs of finance must be satisfied with the services of their personal chefs and masseuses.) Ursula says the WEF notables meet annually “because our democracies and our businesses have interests that align: creating prosperity, wealth and security for people, creating a stable environment to unlock innovation and investment, and creating equal opportunity and freedom.”

I have some disappointing news for you: grandmother Ursula is lying (alas, we live in time of epic disappointments). If the WEF wanted “stability” you would not see Alex (and papa George) Soros pouring money into every county DA election from Maine to California to make sure that looting, car-jacking, and mayhem go unpunished. . . or that men of military age from every failed state on the planet get flown across the oceans to NGO-supported waystations in Central America so that the cartels of Mexico can take over the final leg of their illegal entry into the USA. . . or ditto the boats ferrying Africans and Arabs across the Mediterranean to overwhelm the societies of Europe — including especially Grammy Ursula’s Germany.
The last thing the WEF she fronts for cares about is this airy-fairy freedom thing. Ditto equal opportunity. They want all the goodies for themselves and they want the rest of us to quit cluttering up their world. And they mean to get you out of here, for-real. The Covid-19 operation, so advantageous to their Great Reset plan, has resulted in billions of people subjected to very sketchy “vaccines.” The record indicates a shocking, abnormal, sustained rise, since 2021, when the “vaccines” were introduced, of all-causes deaths. That was just the overture of the Next Big Thing.

This week, the WEF and its subaltern org, the WHO, amped up warnings about the coming “Disease X.” This, they say, will be much worse than the namby-pamby Covid-19, which mostly led to people’s deaths by iatrogenic medical maltreatment with respirators, remdesivir, and opiates — and the relentless suppression of actual effective treatments. (All talk of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine on the Internet was deemed “disinfo.”)

If such a thing as “Disease X” does arise in the weeks and months ahead, this is what it will actually be: a cover-story for all the previously mRNA-vaccinated people with damaged immune systems getting fatally ill from a new mutation of Covid. Eminent virologists are predicting exactly this. (Misinformation, you think?) Wait for it and find out.

Anonymous said...

While Sister Constance was asleep dreaming of Donald Trump becoming a Hitlerian Dictator:

Anonymous said...

'This week, the WEF and its subaltern org, the WHO, amped up warnings about the coming “Disease X.” This, they say, will be much worse than the namby-pamby Covid-19, which mostly led to people’s deaths by iatrogenic medical maltreatment with respirators, remdesivir, and opiates — and the relentless suppression of actual effective treatments.'

COVID-19 was not so namby-pamby to me. Nobody can convince me it was a normal wild-type virus. See my second point below.

"They want all the goodies for themselves and they want the rest of us to quit cluttering up their world. And they mean to get you out of here, for-real."

If that's true, they are certainly capable of weaponizing a virus, not only weaponizing a vaccine.

Anonymous said...

x has blood on his hands for supporting and promoting the highly dangerous COVID vaccines.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden and the entire political cabal that continue to support these vaccines do as well. Precisely why I never trust any politician.

Anonymous said...

Reply to 9:29 AM

I think that you have completely MISSED THE POINT of my earlier post at 7:08 AM (re: what's going on at Davos).

The Globalists are moving toward their goal / agenda of making farming a CRIME... when farming the land, fishing for food, or earning a living from farming will be declared a crime of murder or genocide.

So, when conspiracy theorists predict that some day (if the Globalsts get their way)... we will be forced to 'eat insects and drink our own urine' (to keep from starving to death)... when FARMING in this country (as we know it since the time of our Founding Fathers) will be GONE WITH THE WIND.

Yet, amazingly... there are people out there who still believe that the Globalists are 'the good guys'???

P.S. And, oh by the way, all Infowars did was REPORT the FACTS of what is happening at Devos... along with direct quotes (+ video) from those participating at Devos.

Anonymous said...

If that's true, they are certainly capable of weaponizing a virus, not only weaponizing a vaccine.

The problem for Davos Man and for your logic is that 'they' hypothetically want a virus that will take out a certain proportion of the population, but not so many that society breaks down - otherwise 'they' lose their lifestyle. SARS-CoV-2 killed about 1%. Suppose a virus comes through that kills about 15%. In that case 'they' are going to want the vaccine in advance, because 1 in 6 is not good odds (aqnd for the age of most Davos people the odds would be worse). They are also going to want the vaccine to work without side-effects, and we learnt from the fiasco in 2021 that we are a long way from that.

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones does not report facts - never, never, never.

Anonymous said...

1:18 PM
Re: "If that's true, they are certainly capable of weaponizing a virus, not only weaponizing a vaccine."


Bottom line: The Globalists do not WANT the world to KNOW about their DEPOPULATION agenda (to reduce the number of people in the world to an 'acceptable' number).

Therefore, they are going to try not to appear so 'transparent' when using various methods to depopulate the world... e.g. wars (in Ukraine); UNnatural disasters like wildfires (using DEWs 'direct energy weapons'); or false flag mass shootings (in schools, churches, movie theaters... always in 'gun free zones' where they can be SURE no one will be shooting back!!!); or planned terrorist acts in various parts of the world, etc.

Anonymous said...

1:58 PM
Re: "Alex Jones does not report facts - never, never, never."


No, it is YOU who do not report FACTS... as you've been caught telling a LIE just now!!!

Even though you obviously don't like Alex Jones... you are WRONG when you state: "Alex Jones does not report facts- never, never, never."

THAT IS NOT TRUE!!! (Even Constance acknowledges that 'a clock is right twice a day'.)

Please pull your head out of your rectum and 'come out of the darkness into the light' (LOL).

Anonymous said...

3:27 pm

Did you pull the batteries out of your carbon monoxide detector because the constant loud beeping was giving you a headache and making you feel sick and dizzy?

Anonymous said...

Evidence of Infowars/alex jones LIES....

VEXAS isn't a "new" covid vaccine-related illness.

It has probably existed for decades or even centuries.

It was just a newly discovered gene-mutation illness having been identified using a gene-sequencing analysis of the electronic health records of 163,096 mostly White men and women in Pennsylvania who donated & agreed to have their blood DNA screened for signs of genetic disease from 1996 to 2022. Twelve were found to have the UBA1 mutation, with all experiencing VEXAS symptoms.

Persons who have VEXAS can now be identified with a blood test and maybe, for the time being, such persons probably should not be vaccinated because such vaccination may cause/trigger a reaction.

The vaccines did not CAUSE VEXAS.

It's likely a wild novel covid infection is much more likely to cause a more severe reaction for the very rare person with this condition than a moderate & limited vaccine-induced immune reaction.

Now that they know what it is...more and more successful treatments for VEXAS are available.


Anonymous said...

Foreign developers - including Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Venezuelans - now OWN at least 40 MILLION acres of US land near military bases from coast-to-coast: Government admits it does NOT know full extent of the land grab!!!

A watchdog claims the US government is not keep tabs on foreign land owners

The report revealed there are at least 40 million acres owned by other countries

That includes China, Russia, Iran and other American adversaries

READ MORE: Chinese billionaire Chen Tianqiao's $85 MILLION purchase of Oregon is missing from government records

Anonymous said...

5:10 PM

Be careful, X...

Someone on this blog may decide to build a case for how many LIES you have told over the years.

(I'm sure that you have Alex Jones beat for sure.)

Anonymous said...

4:38 PM

Meanwhile... all the rest of us HEAR is the 'loud beeping' noise of the Trump-hating CULT!!!

We hear lots of WORDS, with zero evidence to back them up.

And actually, that does give us a bit of a headache.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 2 can play your game, Trump haters... throwing that word 'cult' around like it's no big deal.

Anonymous said...

5:30 PM (Continued)

More on this 'silent' invasion...

More on the 'silent' invasion...

Foreign countries like China, Russia and Iran own at least 40 million acres of US farmland, pastures and forests, which officials claimed 'may have consequences for national security.' However, a watchdog said the government is not 'reliably' tracking data on land owners. Pictured is only farmland ownership. Data shows that 99 countries have a claim on US, with investors outside of America owning more of Texas than any other state. The The list of foreign ownership also includes the Republic of Cuba, Islamic Republic of Iran, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), the Russian Federation and Venezuela. Combined, investors of the nations own about 95,000 acres of agricultural land. But the estimates could be the tip of the iceberg because the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which did the report, told that the government is not 'reliably' tracking data on land owners.

Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

The very vexed x loves him some "global speak".
Brown shirts like him have a "future" (albeit short) for carrying water for the elites.

Anonymous said...

6:18 PM

I don't want to call X a 'useful idiot' but, if the shoe fits, etc.

Anonymous said...

Long live freedom!

Anonymous said...

Foreign developers (Chinese, Russian, Iranian & Venezuelans) now OWN 40 MILLION acres of US land near military bases!!!

Foreign developers - including Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Venezuelans - now OWN at least 40 MILLION acres of US land near military bases from coast-to-coast: Government admits it does NOT know full extent of the land grab!!!

A watchdog claims the US government is not keep tabs on foreign land owners

The report revealed there at least 40 million acres owned other countries

That includes China, Russia, Iran and other American adversaries

READ MORE: Chinese billionaire Chen Tianqiao's $85 MILLION purchase of Oregon is missing from government records

More on this 'silent' invasion...

Foreign countries like China, Russia and Iran own at least 40 million acres of US farmland, pastures and forests, which officials claimed 'may have consequences for national security.' However, a watchdog said the government is not 'reliably' tracking data on land owners. Pictured is only farmland ownership. Data shows that 99 countries have a claim on US, with investors outside of America owning more of Texas than any other state. The list of foreign ownership also includes the Republic of Cuba, Islamic Republic of Iran, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), the Russian Federation and Venezuela. Combined, investors of the nations own about 95,000 acres of agricultural land. But the estimates could be the tip of the iceberg because the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which did the report, told that the government is not 'reliably' tracking data on land owners.

Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

As I predicted, Wisconsin GOP introduce legislation today to replace the old Wisconsin law banning all abortions with the right to kill your baby for up to 14 weeks.

I wonder how many conservative voters who claimed they could never vote Democrat as long as democrats supported abortion rights will hypocritical find a way to still vote for abortion promoting republucan candidates promoting the killing so many innocent babies???

It’s the same position Trump is taking.

Bunch of abortionists.

Anonymous said...

RE: St. Paul

Medieval Accounts of the Meeting Between Attila and Leo, 452 CE
Prosper of Aquitaine: Account

"...The people have felt your whip; now make it that as beggars they might feel mercy, achieved by your command.
The unconquered Leo said these things in good conscience, whose demeanor and venerable aspect Attila, quiet, stood contemplating, as if he were considering the matter deeply; and suddenly he saw the apostles Peter and Paul, who not only were of noble demeanor in honor of the Pontiff at whose side they stood, but truly over his head they held and held out drawn swords, and they threatened him with death at last, unless he obeyed the word of the Pontiff. On account of this Attila was reconciled through Leo's intersession, Attila who had previously been raging, and quickly promising a most fixed peace he withdrew beyond the Danube, never to return..."

St. Leo the Great also preached...

"...To this city, then, most blessed Apostle Peter, thou didst not shrink to come, and since thy comrade in glory, the Apostle Paul, was still occupied in the founding of other churches, thou didst enter that forest of roaring beasts, that most deep and stormy ocean, more firmly than when thou did upon the sea ..."

I wonder if Leo preached this before or after his meeting with Attila?

Anyway it reminds me of supernatural interventions in the 1973 Yon Kipper war that set the Egyptians fleeing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

5:30 PM gee whizzz. I thought you said a while back Bill Gates has bought up all the farmland.

Anonymous said...

9:16 PM

Abortion isn't so important now that Trump is showing his true colors on the issue.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Haleyandvthe free press. She learned that first hand from the Trump administration. Remember Acosta?

Anonymous said...

Commenters are naive to think Constance would want to vote for Nikki Haley. I would consider voting for her, but I would hesitate. I'm not going to give it much thought unless she becomes the Republican candidate by default, if Donald Trump needs to drop out. It could be he would need to drop out due to increasingly widespread recognition of his senility. Or it could be due to his legal battles on many fronts. It could be a combination of both.

It's quite possible I'll vote a split ticket with a vote for Biden as president and a vote for the Republican candidate for senator, depending on who that candidate is. I can no longer vote straight Republican across the board. I'll carefully look at each individual candidate when I vote.

We got lucky that we survived one round of Trump's craziness and chaos. I'm not going to gamble on a second round of it.

Anonymous said...

The best next president? Here’s MY verdict! JUDGE JUDY delivers a no-nonsense (and VERY surprising) ruling on the White House race

Anonymous said...

He may have been wrong, but you can still run with it, just like it's a fact and no senile moment ever happened! I'm sure there's a way to blame it on Nikki Haley and say he really meant to blame it on her! Don't let me stop you from doing what you always do.

Trump bizarrely blamed Nikki Haley for security lapses on Jan. 6, apparently mixing her up with Nancy Pelosi

Anonymous said...

Haley Hammers Trump's Lies (On Fox & Friends)

Anonymous said...

I don't know, maybe Constance would support Nikki Haley? What do you think, Constance? Do you worry that the anti-democratic infrastructure being primed for a Trump presidency would be mobilized in a Haley presidency, too?

January 13, 2016: “Mr. Trump has definitely contributed to what I think is just irresponsible talk.”

February 29, 2016: “I will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the K.K.K. That is not a part of our party. That is not who we are.”

July 20, 2016: “I would not be here [at the RNC] if I didn’t want to make sure that Hillary was not going to be the next president.”

November 23, 2016: "When the President believes you have a major contribution to make to the welfare of our nation, and to our nation’s standing in the world, that is a calling that is important to heed."

September 7, 2018: “I proudly serve in this administration, and I enthusiastically support most of its decisions and the direction it is taking the country. But I don’t agree with the president on everything. When there is disagreement, there is a right way and a wrong way to address it.”

August 24, 2020: “Donald Trump has always put America first. And he has earned four more years as president.”

January 7, 2021: “He was wrong with his words in Charlottesville, and I told him so at the time. He was badly wrong with his words yesterday. And it wasn’t just his words. His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history.”

January 12, 2021: “We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”

January 25, 2021: “They beat him up before he got into office. They’re beating him up after he leaves office. I mean at some point, I mean, give the man a break. I mean, move on.”

February 17, 2021: “We should embrace the successes of the Trump presidency and recognize the need to attract more support.”

April 12, 2021: “I would not run if President Trump ran, and I would talk to him about it.”

October 25, 2021: “There was fraud in the election, but I don’t think that the numbers were so big that it swayed the vote in the wrong direction.” “We need him in the Republican Party. I don’t want us to go back to the days before Trump.”

January 19, 2023: “So do I think I could be that leader? Yes, But we are still working through things and we’ll figure it out. I’ve never lost a race. I said that then I still say that now. I’m not going to lose now.”

June 4, 2023: "He thinks it [January 6th] was a beautiful day. I think it was a terrible day."

January 10, 2024: “I think what happened on January 6 was a terrible day, and I think President Trump will have to answer for it.”

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE Average cost of a used Tesla tumbles more than $1,000 in first half of January - as Hertz 'fire sale' floods market with hundreds of Model 3s renters didn't want to hire

In the first half of January the average cost of a used Tesla fell by $1,000

Rental company Hertz also announced it would sell around $20,000 EVs

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley is the Globalist alternative for the 'anyone but Trump' bunch.

Warning, Nikki intends to restructure both Social Security and Medicare.

Therefore, I don't trust her.

Anonymous said...

Foreign developers - including Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Venezuelans - now OWN at least 40 MILLION acres of US land near military bases from coast-to-coast: Government admits it does NOT know full extent of the land grab!!!

A watchdog claims the US government is not keep tabs on foreign land owners

The report revealed there at least 40 million acres owned other countries

That includes China, Russia, Iran and other American adversaries

READ MORE: Chinese billionaire Chen Tianqiao's $85 MILLION purchase of Oregon is missing from government records

More on this 'silent' invasion...
Foreign countries like China, Russia and Iran own at least 40 million acres of US farmland, pastures and forests, which officials claimed 'may have consequences for national security.' However, a watchdog said the government is not 'reliably' tracking data on land owners. Pictured is only farmland ownership. Data shows that 99 countries have a claim on US, with investors outside of America owning more of Texas than any other state. The list of foreign ownership also includes the Republic of Cuba, Islamic Republic of Iran, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), the Russian Federation and Venezuela. Combined, investors of the nations own about 95,000 acres of agricultural land. But the estimates could be the tip of the iceberg because the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which did the report, told that the government is not 'reliably' tracking data on land owners.

Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

10:57 AM

I guess the saying "Don't mess with Texas", is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Watch: "You Are The Problem" - Conservative Speaker Slams Davos Globalists To Their Faces

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