Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Christians accepting Trump "God Made Trump" as "Divine Revelation" -- watch video below

 This copy of Trump's video was put on Youtube network by a channel calling itself "The Next News Networking."

Watch the video below as well -- I have added this -- I agree that Trump did some good things as President -- that is why I voted for him in the 2020 Election.  He nullified all in my opinion by summoning the mob to Washington, DC, demanding that the Georgia Secrertary of State find him 11,780 votes, demanding Mike Pence violate the Constitution, and failing to speak out to protect Pence and others from the Capitol ransacking.  When gallows were erected by protestors for Mike Pence, Trump's response was to stoke even more anger against him by saying that Pence had lacked the courage to fail to certify the electoral college votes.  Below is another worthwhile video for you to watch -- I'm including it here rather than creating a new post for it:

Now, go and watch Brother Paul'D(not POPE PAUL) newest video, TRUMP IS POISONING CHRISTIANITY.

We have a Savior!  His name is JESUS, NOT "Donald".



Constance Cumbey said...

According to its Youtube channel site, Next News Network has upwards of 2.2 million viewers.

The Next News Network

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Feb 27, 2023 — The Next News Network host and founder Gary Franchi broke down in tears as he announced the conservative YouTube channel had been demonetized.

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Gary S Franchi Jr. is Executive Producer and Lead Anchor of The Next News Network, a YouTube channel with over 2.14 million subscribers, and over 1 billion ...

Anonymous said...

"I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created" -Donald Trump


Around here if somebody said something like that we'd say he's full of ****.

Anonymous said...

Even secular supporters know the video was intended to paint the picture of a “messianic figure”, something many blind posters on this blog either can’t see or have accepted.

Anonymous said...

The Next News Network is desperately doing everything to burnish Trump's image in a way that most commenters on this blog are desperate to deny.

While commenters disown it and minimize it, guys like that Next News Network speaker are doing everything they can to claim it and own it, and they have a following, whether you like it or not.

If this doesn't represent YOU personally, it's time to speak up and not to expect Constance to read your mind.

If you think it's taking God's name in vain, it's time to speak up and say so.

What's so hard about that? Don't keep it to yourself and then fly off the handle later because it should have been assumed about you.

Stand up and be counted. Say where you stand. If you think it's ridiculous, just say it. It shouldn't be that hard. If you are NOT part of the crowd that follows Next News Network, it shouldn't be hard to denounce it. If you do NOT like the video, denounce it.

It's pretty simple. Just do it. What is holding you back?

Anonymous said...


After listening to both videos here on your latest thread, what jumps out at me is this...

These are the things that OTHER people are saying about Donald Trump ('mission ordained by God' / 'messianic figure' / 'David vs. Goliath' / 'guardian of the people' / 'a beacon of hope' / 'aligns himself with white evangelical non-denominational Christians' etc.

Nowhere on either of these two tapes is Donald J. Trump saying these things about HIMSELF!!!

Should we be vigilant... and adopt a wait and see attitude? Of course!!! But surely, as an ATTORNEY yourself, you KNOW that there has to be more EVIDENCE to support your theory about Trump.

Meanwhile, I continue to pray for us here on this blog... and for the entire world.


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is dust, and he will return to dust.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Brother Paul that Trump is the Antichrist, but I have no problem with saying it is not okay with me for a presidential candidate to play footsie with idolatry and blasphemy. Even if I were to vote for Trump, I would as a voter exert my influence to denounce this behavior. I would not minimize it or defend it. At this point Trump will never get my vote. I will sit it out if he wins the primary.

Anonymous said...

On the last thread I shared a tweet from a Christian who said that it's not sinful to vote for Donald Trump, but it is sinful to vote for him while defending blasphemy. It's not such a high standard. That yoke is light.

I'll pray, too. I'll pray to feel merciful, not condemning. I'm angry and disgusted.

Nobody will so much as exert a pinky finger toward lifting that feather light yoke. I could puke.

Steve Bannon called Trump supporters hobbits, but I think they seem more like dwarves under the mountain holding axes to kill not just orcs but also men, elves and hobbits. Swing the axe first, ask questions later.

Anonymous said...

6:16 AM It's naive of you to think that Trump would share a video about himself that he doesn't agree with. If for some reason he were to do so, we ALL KNOW that it would be accompanied with name calling, threats, lies and intimidating statements against the producers of the video.

Anonymous said...

I just had the most terrible thought, and I hope it's not true. It just occurred to me that so many Christians are afraid of the coming NWO and Antichrist that when Trump came to symbolize standing against globalism, they received him as their rescuer from it. Ever since then they've been under a psychological hold that is similar to Stockholm Syndrome. In Stockholm Syndrome, the victims see the mood and behavior swings of their perpetrator as two different people. In this case, the victims see globalism as their abuser and Trump as their symbolic rescuer from globalism.

If I'm right then Constance has stoked the very fears that set up the commenters to receive Trump in this manner. I wonder if she feels this weighing on her conscience and if it plays a role in her determination to stand against Trump so relentlessly.

Maybe this is all in my imagination, but these are the thoughts I had after praying to feel more merciful and less condemning.

This has been a blog focused on Antichrist, not Christ. It is up to each individual to read the Bible, pray, attend church, fellowship with other believers, and live out their faith. Constance says that she frequently reads the Bible, and I believe her.

But I can't help but wonder if the main problem has been the fixation on Antichrist more than Christ.

Anonymous said...

The Didache
The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations.


Chapter 16. Watchfulness; the Coming of the Lord. Watch for your life's sake. Let not your lamps be quenched, nor your loins unloosed; but be ready, for you know not the hour in which our Lord will come. But come together often, seeking the things which are befitting to your souls: for the whole time of your faith will not profit you, if you are not made perfect in the last time. For in the last days false prophets and corrupters shall be multiplied, and the sheep shall be turned into wolves, and love shall be turned into hate; for when lawlessness increases, they shall hate and persecute and betray one another, and then shall appear the world-deceiver as Son of God, and shall do signs and wonders, and the earth shall be delivered into his hands, and he shall do iniquitous things which have never yet come to pass since the beginning. Then shall the creation of men come into the fire of trial, and many shall be made to stumble and shall perish; but those who endure in their faith shall be saved from under the curse itself. And then shall appear the signs of the truth: first, the sign of an outspreading in heaven, then the sign of the sound of the trumpet. And third, the resurrection of the dead -- yet not of all, but as it is said: "The Lord shall come and all His saints with Him." Then shall the world see the Lord coming upon the clouds of heaven.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

9:05 AM
Re: "This has been a blog focused on Antichrist, not Christ. It is up to each individual to read the Bible, pray, attend church, fellowship with other believers, and live out their faith."


Excellent point!!!

And to pray that God leads us in the right direction... whatever that direction may be.

THY will be done (not MINE). Amen.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 10:40 AM...

I remember. Obama DID seem to 'elevate' himself in photos... with a HALO behind his head.

Anonymous said...

The Pharisee here is the 10:40 AM flake who continually regurgitates Qanon propaganda.

I wonder if she remembers Sidney Powell's motion to dismiss her claims of a stolen election in the Dominion lawsuit saying ""no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact."

And that same motion argues “Given the highly charged and political context of the statements, it is clear that Powell was describing the facts on which she based the lawsuits she filed in support of President Trump. Indeed, Plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as “wild accusations” and “outlandish claims.” They are repeatedly labelled “inherently improbable” and even “impossible." Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support Defendants’ position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process.”


The “inherently improbable facts” are what 10:40 AM continually argues as Truth here.

It makes no difference that the Donald throws good people such as Jenna Ellis under the bus. I’ll bet Ellis now wishes she never crossed paths with the Donald (see her statement to the court starting at minute 16:25).


10:40 AM’s salvation is a political one which places Donald Trump at the helm. That is characteristic of the Pharisees. 10:40 does nothing other what is known as projection.

Anonymous said...

Why has there been no debate on this blog about the POSSIBILITY that Emmanel Macron COULD be a viable candidate for Antichrist??? Just wondering...

Could Emmanuel Macron be the Antichrist? (He 'checks off 24 of the 'boxes' according to Scripture.)

Check it out...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

11:09 AM

You actually believe that Macron will be WORSHIPPED as god while most of the world receives his mark of the beast? REALLY?

If Macron declares that he is god, he will be laughed off of the stage. Friendly advice: try reading the Bible without anyone telling you what to believe.

Anonymous said...

9:50 AM

Trump's mother-in-law died yesterday maybe you should say a prayer for the repose of her soul. And take note Joe Biden she came into this country legally. We follow a Russian family on YouTube who have been bouncing around country to country since 2022 and they would really like to come to America but the process is to impossible for them. I say hey just go to Mexico and pay a drug cartel to shepherd you in ($30,000 I heard). And once your here you Biden will give you $5,000 a smart phone and a plane ticket to anywhere you want to go (once again, I heard) - :

Anonymous said...

Eternal rest grant unto Amalija Knavs, O Lord,
and let Your perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed
rest in peace.


Anonymous said...

The far right and evangelicals put a lot of time, effort, and $ into the Obama conspiracy theory. It was a set up to pave the way for Trump as savior. It's all a head game.

Anonymous said...

When first hearing the video of God made Trump, my first reaction was-well, thats just Trump being a jerk. Saying way over the top statements that gets peoples attention. However, I then though "what if Biden had posted this"? I would of thought he was a loon tune and very blasphemous! Why is it we so easily give Trump a pass for these kind of things? I am not a Trump supporter anymore-used to be in 2016-but its not so much that I fear Trump- its more his followers! It doesn't matter what he says or does they always have an excuse for him. That video is just wrong in every way.

Anonymous said...

11:09 AM

It is POSSIBLE that the reason why Emmanuel Macron's 'DIShonorable mention' as a a candidate for Antichrist never gets addressed here by Constance is because... it was one of her bloggers who FIRST brought it up here (rather than Constance).

In other words, Constance first brought Javier Solana to our attention here... and then brought Donald Trump to our attention here.

I'm saying this more 'tongue in cheek' but... it seems to me that it is SHE who must 'announce' WHO that Antichrist candidate will be (not one of her bloggers). (But... I hope and pray that I am wrong about this.)

After all... Isn't this blog supposed to be a place where we can have a healthy DEBATE about these important issues???

Anonymous said...

I am a Christian and a conservative voter. I would never vote for anyone with a Messiah complex. If given the chance, they become cult leaders. MAGA and QAnon are cults. Another Trump presidency can only end in disaster for the country, far worse than Jan. 6th 2021.

Anonymous said...

"A fanatic is one who entrenches himself in invincible ignorance." Oswald Chambers

I think there are two things going on here.
Definitely fanatics on both sides of the same coin.
People with some understanding and discernment from both angles politically, but take those understandings from knowledge back into ignorance because of the entrenched pride of being unteachable and uncivil as they force their issues. Both act invincible but each holds a premice too flawed to learn from the other.
This is the very same problem from two separate angles.
Really, this blog is full of it's self.

Anonymous said...

11:24 AM

Ah, Cash for Clunkers and Obama Phones. The good old days ( - :

Anonymous said...


I hope you're watching your friend, Liz Cheney on CBS "The View" right now (10:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM Central Time where I live).

She is talking about Trump, Trump, Trump... and the "cult of personality"... "those who believe his lies"... "we can survive bad policies (e.g. Joe Biden), but not those who torch the Constitution"... and she said that she is "not going to endorse anybody today".

Can't help but wonder... Does Liz Cheney herself plan on running for President?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

11:34 AM

Pathetic parrot of the New Age Globalist narrative.

Anonymous said...

Which group is more of a CULT?

Those who HATE Trump... or those who vote for him???

(It's getting hard to tell anymore. LOL)

Anonymous said...

11:43 AM

Liz Cheney on CBS "The View"! That den of unchristian, immoral, demonic vipers!

For years Constance has coddled her catholic religionists, and religionists in general, and now they are paying her back with their feeble hackneyed blather. Experts in defending the unholy!


Anonymous said...

Liz Cheney was just asked if she would ever consider running for President by "The View" panel (who are gushing all over her).

Anyway, she let everyone know that she has no plans to run at this time.

Anonymous said...

11:52 AM

Entrenched fanatics.

Anonymous said...

11:52 AM

Those who HATE him, are a worldly liberal Death Cult.

Voting for Trump was merely an act of choosing the lesser of 2 evils.

That is all anyone here claimed to have done! Nevertheless, the old demonic one went full on raving wolf Pharisee. But slander, and false accusations feed Cumbeys demons.

67 exorcists in the Detroit Metro Phone Book! Read the reviews first Constance.

Anonymous said...

11:59 AM

That's all you got?

You exemplify the weak minded followers Cumbey loves!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

CBS needs to change the name of "The View"... to "The LIBERAL View".

Any time that a conservative dares to come on as a guest... the panel jumps on him or her with both feet... to where he or she vows to never go back. (LOL)

And then we 'depend' on liberal networks like CBS, NBC, ABC to give us a fair and balanced view on Donald Trump???

I don't think so...

Anonymous said...

So much time has passed... and I have managed to put Barack Obama in my 'rearview mirror' and move on.

However, I do recall thinking 'the emperor isn't wearing any clothes' etc.

How he managed to fool so many people... by not being truthful with the American people about the details of his birth, father, education, sexuality, etc.

I was left with the belief that his entire resume was one big LIE.

And HE chose Joe Biden as his VP... who we are now left with to continue to take our country down the toilet with a big flush.

And Donald Trump is 'the clear and present danger'???

Anonymous said...

12:07 PM

No. I think your question is right on @ 11:52 AM.

There's tons of trouble on both sides, but the most viciousness is pouring out from the left leaners.

Anonymous said...

There are those of us who refuse to vote for Trump again who are labeled “Trump haters” by the Trump cultists. The word is not hate, it’s disgust. Trump has given plenty of reason for disgust. There are other republican candidates in the running who don’t disgust me. If none of those are the nominee, I’ll set this election out and let he chips fall where they may.

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey's friend, Detroit native and CEO from the radical ("No Salavation Outside of Rome") "Church Militant," Michael Voris has resigned from his post as CEO. Having appeared on Voris's (No Salvation Outside of Rome) show, Constance had subsequently expressed praise for Michael Voris in the past on this blog.

Why did Voris resign as CEO? Voris resigned over a 'breach in the morality code of Church Militant.' Prior to all of this, after Voris had been 'outed,' he admitted to have led a lengthy and sordid life as a homosexual. However, he claimed to have left this all behind due to 'recommitting himself to the TRUE Catholic faith.' During his entire time at Church Militant, an organization in which he founded, Voris (rightfully so) often exposed the ongoing clerical pedophilia scandal, along with Rome's efforts thwart legal investigations, etc. In particular, Voris blamed the scandals upon the rampant amount of homosexuals (which is true) that reside inside the church, masquerading as clergy.

Back to why Voris resigned. Although no official reasons were given, other than a serious violation of their moral code, in a youtube video, Voris gave clues that he had been caught lapsing back into his previous, 'dark' sinful lifestyle. Unnamed sources, close to the situation, claim that they had found homosexual pornography on his computer and was subsequently confronted with the evidence, and was forced to resign.

A few days prior to Voris's resignation, Christine Niles, who had been a senior producer and investigative reporter for Church Militant resigned. At that time, she did not give the reasons as to why, that is, not until Voris himself was forced out. In a video, Niles expressed her anger and outrage, clearly referring to Voris.

While Voris resigned as CEO, he did not resign from the Board of Directors. Just another stranger twist of the Vortex!

Anonymous said...

Question for Constance:

Being that judge every Trump supporter with the same vial contempt, can you please point to the Scriptures in which Jesus, at any time, treated people in like manner?

Perhaps you think He was 'wrong' when He:

Spoke with the Samarian woman at the well. (The Jews despised Samarians)

Chose Matthew the tax collector as a Disciple.

Dined in the home of Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax-collector at Jericho

Healed the son of the ROMAN Centurian.

Forgave the woman caught in adultery (while telling her to 'go and sin no more')

Said to 'render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's'


Name a single passage in which Christ condemned, as YOU do, anyone based upon their association with a religious GROUP, or, due to their 'political' beliefs. Don't bother, you can't. Yet, day after day you rant about things that are way above your pay grade!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...



Brother James

Constance Cumbey said...

To 6:16

You are either denying the plain evidence about the source of that first video which is also the first video I posted on the immediately prior blog post. That video was posted by none other than Donald Trump himself to his inaptly named "Truth Social" website.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sister Constance @ 1:22 PM

As Craig asked before, and you ignored, where on this video does Donald Trump claim to be the 'messiah?'

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 1:22 PM

I am NOT denying any 'evidence'... until I actually HEAR with my own EARS Donald J. Trump speak the words that HE considers HIMSELF to be the MESSIAH.

Meanwhile, we all KNOW that Trump has a huge EGO... and anything that he considers 'flattering' to him... of course he is going to post that on his website.

P.S. The Antichrist is supposed to be very knowledgeable about Scripture (in order 'to deceive the very elect')... but, Trump has very limited knowledge about the Bible.

Constance Cumbey said...

To all:

I have never voted for Biden and I hope I will not have to -- I keep hoping the Democrats might come up with a better nominee because now it appears that the polls are favoring Donald Trump. Trump has expressed CLEAR DICTATORIAL ASPIRATIONS that he refused to deny, even when Sean Hannity gave him the opportunity to say he would not be a dictator. Trump's comment: ONLY ON DAY ONE sure reminds me of the famous Bill Murray movie GROUNDHOG DAY when every day was "Groundhog day". Given what Trump says he has vowed to do:

1. Totally obliterate his enemies
2. Mass roundups and deportations
3. Large deportation cammps
4. Find, root out, obliterate "RINO's", the "fake press", "communists," etc.
5. Retribution (vengeance)
6. Claiming "I am the ONLY ONE WHO CAN FIX IT."

Biden is an old apparently feeble looking man who has not expressed nor put forward dictatorial aspirations. Trump has. When Christians cheer at Trump's statements about "Obliteration" at his rallies as they so obviously have done, it is dismaying.
Trump has already turned on Jews who voted against him and for Democrats. Trump has already turned publicly against Christians who spoke against him and warned others of deception.

It is apparent to me that many, even on this blogspot, are looking to Trump as their Savior. Again, we have a Savior. His name is JESUS -- not DONALD.


Constance Cumbey said...

Add to my above list, Trump's usually repeated (by him) statement:



Constance Cumbey said...

To 1:27

I am no fan of Hunter Biden -- he has been a horrible person to my observation -- but HUNTER IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 10:40

Obama, for all his faults is not currently President nor running for Prewsident and not in a position to implement dictatorial aspirations he may or may not have had. I thought his position on same sex marriage was disgusting and subjecting our country to Judgment, just as I believe about Trump.

Most of you have short memories on Trump and gender issues. Go back, read your old news magazines, watch old video clips and remember about Trump saying of Bruce Jenner n/k/a "CAITLYN JENNER" as "she may use any restroom in my building that she wants"

ALSO, you fail to remember that back when the Miss Universe pageants he owned and controlled kept Miss California from winning because she made the mistake of saying in the interviews that "I believe marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman." Trump refused to stand by her and participated in the taking down of her career.

Trump has also praised and defended Planned Parenthood.

TRUMP plays to his bases and speaks out of both sides of his mouth.


Constance Cumbey said...

Re Michael Voris:

I have never seen nor talked with him in several years -- in fact, I believe the last time I did speak with him was the same day I spoke about the New Age Movement at a conference he was staging. I was one of several speakers. Obviously, Mike Voris has problems and I am praying for him. I also pray for Donald Trump -- I pray all those who go against God's will come to repentance and salvation.


Anonymous said...

Another ludicrous accusation @ 2:03 PM from Sister Constance.

NO ONE, NOT A SINGLE ONE, on this Blog, be it Christian or non-Christian, has EVER expressed in any manner whatsoever, that they believe Donald Trump is their Savior. If they have, put up or shut up by copying and pasting your evidence. (She won't answer this one, guaranteed!)

But that doesn't stop Sister Slanderer from attacking her imaginary enemies!

Anonymous said...

2:08 Sister Constance:

No one ever said that Hunter Biden is RUNNING for President, but nice try at deflection. After all, attorneys are famous for that.

Hunter IS the SON of a sitting President that has gained the system for countless $Millions, with 10% for the "Big Guy." Had Hunter's name been Trump, you'd be all over this like butter on bread.

Guess what sister? You aren't fooling a single person with your pro-Biden, anti-everything Trump bias and hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey said...
To 10:40

Obama, for all his faults is not currently President nor running for Prewsident and not in a position to implement dictatorial aspirations he may or may not have had. I thought his position on same sex marriage was disgusting and subjecting our country to Judgment, just as I believe about Trump.

More than interesting to note that Sister Constance didn't mention a word about Obama being the most radical, pro-abortion President in history, only to be surpassed by the "catholic" Joe Biden, whom she never criticizes via a THREAD. As in NEVER!

Anonymous said...

2:58 PM

Would you like some cheese and crackers with that whine?

Anonymous said...

3:11 PM

Why not at least make an attempt to intelligently answer the post, point by point? Let me take a wild stab at why you won't. Hint; it has something to do with a lack of intelligence, or, you just want to act like a little child, or both.

Anonymous said...

To 11:16 AM

YOU said: "You actually believe that Macron will be WORSHIPPED as god while most of the world receives his mark of the beast? REALLY?"

My reply: So this means that YOU believe that DONALD TRUMP will be 'worshipped as god while most of the world receives his mark of the beast???


YOU said: "If Macron declares that he is god, he will be laughed off of the stage. Friendly advice: try reading the Bible without anyone telling you what to believe."

My reply: IF you bothered to check out the CHRISTIAN link that I posted at 11:09 AM (and again below)... then you will SEE for yourself that there are 24 (twenty-four) scriptural references to support that Macron would actually be a better 'candidate' for the Antichrist (much more than Trump).


My 'friendly advice' to you: In the future, please do yourself (and us) a FAVOR and check out the link that supports what I am posting... BEFORE you OVER-react and go off the deep end.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...


I can't see Trump coming back to the White House. He did many mistakes in the White House.
He should have crushed those riots back in summer of 2020.
He could have sent the army to take over the election offices and avoid that mess.
As for him leading a mob to the Capitol.....did you not see the doors being swung open to allow the dregs to go in there? It was obvious it was a set-up by Pelosi, too.

For one, if he comes back, he would protect Israel at all costs, as he puts them first rather than America. How then can the northern invasion of Gog and Magog occur if he is there? Only God stops that, not even their IDF.

Secondly, I think he will be stopped by any means from getting back as president.

I do suspect he has Jewish blood (most of his children married Jews). There are some good clues for this.

Do you want to see a top candidate for Antichrist? Look at Charles' first-born son.

Anonymous said...

Also, according to Jim Fetzer, your Defense Secretary Austin was killed in KiEV days ago by a Russian mass attack. The story of his prostate cancer is nonsense.

Is this true? If so, how embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

3:35 PM

Your video is replete with personal interpretation, along with a heavy dose of using Scripture out of context. It is a common practice that is used by all cults, including Roman Catholicism. Furthermore, you can use those very same verses and stretch them to the point where practically everyone that is high up on the world's stage can be your candidate. Constance did this very same thing when she appointed Javier Solana as her main candidate for AC.

Most of Bible prophecy teachers today are teaching a false system, that was thoroughly rejected by orthodox (small c) Christianity for over 1900 years of church history. One of the signs of the end times is that "they will NOT endure sound doctrine." All of this error regarding the end times, is a partial fulfillment of that prophecy.

Anonymous said...

To all:

What is interesting to me is that the RABID Trump haters are just obsessed with the hope that Trump be taken off the November, 2024 ticket by ANY means (even prison and assassination).

However, the VOTERS (who see Trump as a better alternative to Biden) are not obsessing about this. We only hope and pray that we end up with a better President than the one we've got now. As we pray... we also say: 'let go; let God' AMEN.

(Now WHICH one of these above groups belongs to a 'cult' again? I forget. (LOL)

Constance Cumbey said...

I inserted a middle video between the two earlier ones. Please refresh your browser to watch it and read the comments I made in the middle.


Anonymous said...

3:49 PM

Although I am quite SURE that if those 24 passages of Scripture were pointing at Donald Trump... you would be AGREEING with it.

However, let's say that you really do believe what you are saying...
Why don't you debate me on this blog, by listing (point by point) every one of those 24 passages and tell me WHY they don't point to Emmanuel Macron?

Still waiting . . .

Anonymous said...

2:52 PM,

I can't speak for Constance, but I speak for myself when I say that it seems to me that politics is a highway to hell. Even if Trump isn't your Antichrist. It's been said that Trump is a seducer and tempter who gets his followers to think it's okay for them to cross the lines that he crosses.

"Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;

Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." (James 5:19-20)

"Chapter 3. Other Sins Forbidden. My child, flee from every evil thing, and from every likeness of it. Be not prone to anger, for anger leads to murder. Be neither jealous, nor quarrelsome, nor of hot temper, for out of all these murders are engendered. My child, be not a lustful one. for lust leads to fornication. Be neither a filthy talker, nor of lofty eye, for out of all these adulteries are engendered. My child, be not an observer of omens, since it leads to idolatry. Be neither an enchanter, nor an astrologer, nor a purifier, nor be willing to took at these things, for out of all these idolatry is engendered. My child, be not a liar, since a lie leads to theft. Be neither money-loving, nor vainglorious, for out of all these thefts are engendered. My child, be not a murmurer, since it leads the way to blasphemy. Be neither self-willed nor evil-minded, for out of all these blasphemies are engendered.

Rather, be meek, since the meek shall inherit the earth. Be long-suffering and pitiful and guileless and gentle and good and always trembling at the words which you have heard. You shall not exalt yourself, nor give over-confidence to your soul. Your soul shall not be joined with lofty ones, but with just and lowly ones shall it have its intercourse. Accept whatever happens to you as good, knowing that apart from God nothing comes to pass." (Didache: The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations.)

I prayed to feel merciful instead of condemning and then returned to the blog to see the condemning of Constance and a pity party for Trump and all his supporters. Around and around it goes. I can't get angry at people for being angry at angry people. I can't sin against them for sinning in return to sinners. I can't hate them for being hateful to haters. Don't you see why Jesus was right? Can't you see it? You say He is your Savior.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 4:02

Any candidate professing dictatorial aspirations and receiving audienve applause for same is clearly NOT a better choice. Biden has his faults -- many -- BUT he has not expressed dictatorial aspirations. Anybody who failed to condemn the gallows brought out for Mike Pence is CLEARLY not a candidate who even deserves to be on the ballot. The ballot exclusion for insurrectionists is plainly included within the 14th Amendment. The obvious trolls and blind Trump cultists here choose to ignore it just as Trump chose to ignore the Constitution and his duty for peaceful transfer of power.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 4:02

Any candidate professing dictatorial aspirations and receiving audienve applause for same is clearly NOT a better choice. Biden has his faults -- many -- BUT he has not expressed dictatorial aspirations. Anybody who failed to condemn the gallows brought out for Mike Pence is CLEARLY not a candidate who even deserves to be on the ballot. The ballot exclusion for insurrectionists is plainly included within the 14th Amendment. The obvious trolls and blind Trump cultists here choose to ignore it just as Trump chose to ignore the Constitution and his duty for peaceful transfer of power.


Anonymous said...

To those who don't like but will tolerate Biden:

O'Biden isn't dictating eh? Look at the forced legislation we are enduring. Some arms are twisted behind their backs so take no twisting at all.
His hate speech against normal America calling them domestic terrorist is dictatorial and his alphabet agencies are going against the law to come after people with no true due process.
That's not dictator enough for you then? He is in office, Trump is not. One is speaking words you don't like (many of his out of context words spoon fed by the media to people like you wanting to believe every bit of it without even questioning), the other with the power and his powerful agents in our government halls and he's in the highest office now is not only speaking unconstitutionally, but acting on them, getting away with lawlessness, not authorized by our founding documents.

Your perspective is warped to say the least.

Anonymous said...

To 4:11 PM
Re: "I prayed to feel merciful instead of condemning and then returned to the blog to see the condemning of Constance and a pity party for Trump and all his supporters.


You might consider taking a 'reading comprehension' course... because no one on this blog is 'condemning' Constance.

SHE is the one who has chosen to label us 'cultists' and 'Qanon'... simply because we do SHARE her theory that Trump is the Antichrist. We have every right to 'agree to disagree'.

You can NOT make blanket statements like that without EVIDENCE... and she has NONE.

At this point... no one KNOWS just WHO the Antichrist is.

So, Constance has left us feeling defenseless against HER UNwarranted charges

The 'common denominator' here is that Constance CONTINUES to make these accusations... without merit.

Because she is an attorney (and should know better!)... we find this disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Correction: "we do NOT share her theory"

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 4:13 PM

There was NO 'insurrection' from Donald Trump... or his tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators who TRULY believed that it was their Constitutional RIGHT to protest what they believed to be the STOLEN November, 2020 election.

Now, those FBI 'double agents' who were obviously there to intentionally 'set up' Trump by STORMING the Capitol (with obvious support of Nancy Pelosi since she refused to call the National Guard as suggested by Trump!!!) were HOPING that the LIVE television cameras were recording this as an attempted insurrection.

That old saying 'nothing is as it seems' was on full display on January 6, 2021.

The Trump haters believed the worst... while the Trump supporters knew better!!!

And GOD was a witness to it all.

Anonymous said...

All this talk about who the antichrist is fails to address the rise of the 4th beast kingdom, because it's certainly not here yet.

Anonymous said...

Satan Chose Trump

“And on June 14th, 1946, the Devil looked out upon the paradise he had wrecked and said he needed a deceiver. So Satan chose Trump.”


Top comment on video “Satan Chose Trump”:

“ This is the best video ever!!! Wish every human being would listen to this....this is exactly what the Bible says will happen, why don't our Christian brothers, sisters, families know this and recognize it? I have worked in medical records for 10 years, had my own office, just recently, I am sharing my office with a female Pastor. The Lord has a sense of humor because we have so much in common. Long story short, I really want to ask her about her thoughts on Revelations and the End times but afraid she might be a Trump supporter, sad state of affairs ”

Strange Marks on Trump's Right Hand

“ A photo of Donald Trump with strange marks on his right hand has been causing a great deal of speculation online. Could it be a disease? Bruising from playing too much golf? Or perhaps even symbolic of bible prophecy?”


Trump's Enemies Continue to Fall - Is God on His Side?

“ Today we saw yet another one of Trump’s enemies fall, as Ron DeSantis officially suspended his 2024 presidential campaign, and – as is common for the GOP these days – he promptly endorsed Donald Trump.

This leaves only Nikki Haley as, theoretically, standing in the way of Trump’s march to his party’s nomination. But, it is just a matter of time before she, too, ends her campaign, and most likely, endorses Donald Trump.

Outside of the political arena, Trump’s legal enemies are also running into their own problems. In Georgia, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is facing allegations of misconduct, in that she had an improper relationship with the lead prosecutor in the case.

Trump also continues to hammer away at the people involved in two New York cases, a defamation suit by E. Jean Carroll, and the civil case by Attorney General Letitia James. We can be sure that Trump and his allies are looking for any dirt they can dig up to sabotage those cases.

In addition, Special Counsel Jack Smith is pursuing a criminal conspiracy case against Trump, while Trump himself proclaims that he had total immunity while president, and cannot be prosecuted for ANY actions while holding the office.

Trump’s legal problems connected to his time as president will undoubtedly disappear upon his returning to power, as we can be sure that one priority of his would be to pardon himself. In fact, in Trump’s first term he talked about how he had the absolute right to pardon himself.

As Trump’s enemies fall one by one, his Christian supporters interpret it as even more evidence that God is on his side. To them, surely no man could overcome what Trump has, unless Divine Providence is the reason. The truth, however, is precisely the opposite.

Bible prophecy describes the Antichrist as being a man exactly like Donald Trump – and it tells us that this man will be strong and succeed in all that he does. But it’s not his own power that gives him this strength. Rather it is after the working of Satan.

So as we see the enemies of Trump falling one after the other, and can’t help but feel that there’s a supernatural force empowering Trump in all that he does, remember this: the god that is on Trump’s side isn’t God above, it’s the god of this world.”


Six Fingered Trump

“ Today on Truth Social, Trump "ReTruthed" an AI generated image of himself praying. The image is intended to perpetuate the myth that he is a prayerful man who seeks God's guidance. The odd part about the image, though, is that AI rendered it to give Trump SIX fingers on his right hand.”


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6:05 PM said:

"All this talk about who the antichrist is fails to address the rise of the 4th beast kingdom, because it's certainly not here yet."

6:05 PM, Don't be so sure:

Antichrist Trump & a Future Pope: Two Beasts of Revelation 13


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