Monday, June 14, 2021

Please watch the HBO Series on Qanon "Into the Storm"

I have been watching many videos and doing much reading about Qanon. The more I read, the more alarmed I become. QANON is NOT OF GOD and it is DANGEROUS. A very informative video illustrating Qanon origins and direction is HBO's current series ON THE STORM. If you have access to HBO documentaries, please make every effort to watch it. Friends of mine came back from Antrim County, Michigan. They told me that they were making statements there that Donald Trump would be reinstated as President of the USA in August 2021. Both high unlikely, not to mention delusional! Michael Lindell, MY PILLOW owner and CEO spoke, I'm told at the Antrim County, Michigan rally. My friends tell me the book LOVE JOY TRUMP was being actively marketed and sold there. Lindell wrote the foreword for that book. The book is one of the worst combinations of New Apostolic Reform and outright NEW AGE occultism I have seen together in one place. I am hearing statistics that many Evangelicals believe Qanon is correct. This lack of discernment is distressing! Stay tuned! CONSTANCE '


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Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign my post to J yesterday about CRT and addressing/working with/opposing the school board on the subject. I don't know how, why or what purpose CRT philosophies would have in a special needs curriculum.

That said...I don't think it's the end of the world and find the ardent opposition to it overstated and overly politicized.

Sure CRT has some degree of Marxist underpinnings and it's unbiblical; however, we don't ban the words communism, marxism, socialism from curriculums. Non-secular education isn't church. CRT is a narrative philosophy that should fall on its own merits (when there are no oppressors left and everyone is a victim). It's a brief lesson of many.

God is sovereign and what satin means for evil, God can make good. Kids are smart and many can critically think their way out of such. Rather than running around like JBS zealots drawing meaningless lines in the sand against this next big apostasy, we could instead take the opportunity to be peacemakers and find ways to actually address racism from a biblical perspective while seeking opportunities to share and model the Gospel of Jesus Christ while praying for our youth.

Even j said she has no problem with marginalized people sharing their stories and that's a lot of what this is. But that's also the problem with it. It's subjective and makes simply assumptions about broad swaths of peoples. The observations that neo-liberal efforts to overcome racism haven't worked are actually correct (and a victory for Christians we shouldn't walk past). Ignoring racism and pretending race doesn't exist, when it clearly does, doesn't work. I don't have the answers either but I'm not afraid of having the discussion. CRT is out there. We, Christians can only compete with it for the minds of the lost and Godless...we can't deny or erase it.

This is why I mentioned "producerism" yesterday. This "education" issue is really just the next alt-right political scapegoating diversion. The next "middle class" emergency and call to arms. When conspiracism is blended with populism, the result is a worldview promoted by organizations such as JBS called "producerism." Producerist movements consider the "real" patriotic Americans to be hard-working people in the middle- and working-class who create goods and wealth while fighting against "parasites" at the top and bottom of society who pick their pockets. "Producerism" is promoted by stirring up conspiracies and then scapegoating either the top or bottom of society with the underlying presumption that the only proper citizen is a white male and female who are here to set things straight (as only they can). Groups scapegoated by right-wing populist movements in the US have been immigrants and people of color, especially Blacks. But it's intentionally not overt racism or [middle] classism. It's more elitist itself than that. Instead, aattention is constantly diverted from inherent white supremacism by using coded language to reframe [spin] racism as a concern about some other specific issues, such as welfare, immigration, tax, or EDUCATION policies. Non-Christian religions, women, homosexuals, youth, students, and environmentalists also are scapegoated. It's disruption simply to hang on to the illusion of the status quo another day, month, perpetuity. No other purpose makes sense. It's not like a "producerist" economy is really what the middle wants -- that's FAR too radical (and unrealistic).


Anonymous said...

I've been waiting on 'Anti-Communist' X to get around to his actual point:

"Don't worry about CRT too much, things'll be fine. Kids are smart. Worry instead about the (avowedly and ACTUALLY Anti-Communist) John Birch Society! BOOGA-BOOGA!"

He forgot to put:

"Next time I'll get back around to again besmirching the ("coincidentally" avowedly and ACTUALLY Anti-Communist) Epoch Times!"

Anonymous said...

1:17 PM

You may find this video of interest if not familiar:


J said...

X 1:20 PM,

I don't know how, why or what purpose CRT philosophies would have in a special needs curriculum.

Least restrictive environment is the law of the land. Special needs kids get just as much inclusion as they can handle. Some are in a center based school just for them. Some spend all day in a special ed classroom in a regular school. Some do their reading and math in their special ed classroom but go out to art, choir, science, social studies, etc. classes with the mainstream kids. Some have all mainstream classes with the help of an aide or paraprofessional.

Race and culture get worked into all the reading materials for all age groups already. A very young kid they might read a story about Marco practicing a dance for Cinco de Mayo. I didn't really mind that, but it was assigned reading, and I didn't have a choice, either. And he has never been given a reading choice about reading about any American holidays other than Halloween. Books about any other American holiday just didn't exist in the system I was using for his remote schooling. (The system is called Raz-Kids.)

And racial themes are in the books you can buy about history for your kids, too. I bought a book called, "If You Were a Kid During the Civil War." The plot quickly turned into a young boy and a young girl finding a wounded black soldier and arguing about whether he should be left to die because of his color. This was a book for elementary school students. I skipped the argument because my son never in his life had the thought in his head that it would be debatable whether a black person's life is not worth saving. I thought he shouldn't even be taught that idea, even though the intention is to argue with the idea. He didn't even know the idea ever existed, and I thought it was a little sudden and extreme the way it was worked into the plot for such young readers.

I didn't mind him having assigned reading about Martin Luther King and Jim Crowe laws during the week in January in which MLK Day falls. He made the comment to me, "Old fashioned people were mean?" but he asked it as a question. It's very hard to help him understand that type of topic.

He doesn't even know there has ever been any such thing in the world as slavery. I intend to teach him about these topics some day, but I think he needs to get a solid foundation in basics before he learns about evils. He needs to be able to process evil. He can't just have it all laid on him in an overwhelming and confusing fashion. He's still learning about social and moral basics. For that matter, so are his neurotypical peers. How many kids talk without giving other kids a turn? It's normal to need to improve on social and moral basics, not just for the special ed kids.

J said...

P.S. Even the ADL doesn't push for kindergarten children to learn about the Holocaust. I think I learned about WW II and the Holocaust in school after I was well into my teens. In fact I didn't really thoroughly study the two world wars until college.

I only had exposure to it through TV, and my grandfather said, "That's why I fought those bastards over there," and he didn't have anything else to say about it. That was that.

Should young kids be reading Raz-Kids books with pictures of the Holocaust victims, too?

I didn't even know the worst stories in my own family until I was well into my adulthood, and I mean well into it. I just learned two years ago that an aunt had a son out of wedlock who was adopted. I don't think I'll be telling my son stories about that just yet, either.

Shouldn't kids get a solidly established sense of what's good and normal and orderly before they have to process what's evil, strange or confusing? I know families that are always in chaos, and they remain in chaos generation after generation. Their kids grow up with no clue at all what normalcy is. They have no idea what a good relationship is. No idea what a normal life is. No idea what it is like to feel stability of any kind.

J said...

X, think about if you were to start a new job, and you were just going through orientation. What would you want your orientation to be like? Would you want the person orienting you to be the one who complains about everything all the time, so that nothing gets done, because for every fifteen minutes spent doing anything, another fifteen minutes or more is spent complaining about it? Eventually you'd want to get plugged into the grapevine, and of course there would be office politics that would be tricky and you'd need to know about them. But would you want to be overwhelmed with them immediately, or maybe go through your orientation first and then learn the office politics when you talk to a friend at lunch after a few weeks getting used to the place?

Anonymous said...


I debated whether to post these however in the end I thought that you might like to know of them and if not simply not view them (this is neither an endorsement nor non-endorsement):

Anonymous said...

Critical Race Theory violates 1964 Civil Rights Act

There is a Marxist revolution now exploding in America. That is no exaggeration.

Anonymous said...

And here we thought that 'The Office' type business people were non-realistic comedy characters...

Atlanta IKEA celebrates Juneteenth by serving watermelon and fried chicken and it does not go well for them

The store manager had created a Juneteenth special menu with fried chicken and watermelon.

J said...

2:32 PM,

Thank you, you are very kind to find those links for me.

J said...

"I could be down every day because of my situation, but that's not the case. I want to show people that no matter what your situation is everything can be possible." -- Kashmiere

Anybody dealing with a disability, and any parent of a kid with a disability or special needs, knows very well the importance of *presuming competence*.

In fact, a study showed that a mother's optimism is the best predictor of how her child with autism will actually do in adulthood, irrespective of severity or mildness of the diagnosis in childhood.

If somebody is really disadvantaged, making them feel less competent is toxic. Making their parents less optimistic is likewise toxic.

Kashmiere is blessed with a beautiful spirit. We should all wish to be blessed with that kind of spirit.

Anonymous said...


You're very welcome!

Anonymous said...

J said...

"If somebody is really disadvantaged, making them feel less competent is toxic. Making their parents less optimistic is likewise toxic."

I'm glad someone is saying that in that way.

I love George Carlin and I understood his point but I thought that his attacking the language used in reference to the disadvantaged was misplaced for the very reason J stated.

Anonymous said...


When a certain socialist poster comes on and trashes the JBS, Epoch Times, LifeSiteNews, etc. he is attempting to toxify things to achieve a similar result: Disheartenment.

Anonymous said...

National Guard is preparing for a major cyber attack that would bring down utilities across the US: Troops tackle massive simulated breach during two-week training exercise - after hack of Colonial Pipeline brought nation's fuel supply to its knees

Anonymous said...

x is none other.

RayB said...

Massive Coverup of Ivermectin’s Efficacy Demonstrates an Evil Agenda is Driving Everything

"It's The Great Reset. It's the New World Order. It's the End Times. It's likely all of these things and more, and that's not hyperbole. Ivermectin is all the evidence we need that the agenda is against us all."

Anonymous said...

J said...

It looks like the plan for schools in the fall is going to be that the unvaccinated students have their noses swabbed twice weekly with those long, invasive Q tips that were sterilized using a carcinogen, ethylene oxide.

Ethylene oxide is a common medical sterilizing chemical. A method exists to get rid of most of it after it has done its job of sterilizing. But has it ever been determined how much of it gets into a child's system if they have a tiny amount of it jammed up their nose twice a week for a whole year?

An effort will be underway in the schools to use federal funds to staff more nurses and healthcare workers and get students caught up on vaccines, since so many kids weren't following their usual vaccine schedule during the shut downs.

I wonder if those school nurses and healthcare workers, while they are at it getting kids caught up on their usual vaccines, will at all pressure parents to get their children vaxxed for COVID? I wonder if any kids will come home and beg their parents to get the shot because their friends got it and they hate having a Q tip jammed up their nose twice a week every week?

There will be more hands on deck for emotional wellness for all the children, too. It will be inclusive emotional wellness, with input from LGBTQIA+ education groups, and of course CRT input, too. Isn't that reassuring? Our government thinks of everything to take care of our children so well.

It's astonishing how fast a good school can be ruined. The reason why I feel so bad is that the school was so good.

Anonymous said...

HAARP Activated Buildings Collapse 400 Feet From Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner - Videos of Collapse

J said...

GLSEN (pronounced glisten; formerly the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network)is one organization providing an "inclusive curriculum guide" for LGBTQIA+ students.

The justification for this is couched in a conceptual framework about student emotional wellness and inclusive school climate.

This is going to get more funding than ever before, because the crisis = an opportunity. Children were emotionally harmed by being isolated during the shut downs. Now they need more emotional wellness care in schools. Of course that emotional wellness care needs to be inclusive.

As you can see from reading the excerpt below, GLSEN wants all students to have a both a "mirror" if they identify -- and a "window" if they don't identify -- for LGBTQIA+ stories.

This "mirror" and "window" wording is exactly the same wording that the school librarian used when she ultimately chose to argue against the conservative parents group who wanted kids to get a parental permission slip before they would be allowed check out library books containing any kind of sexually explicit content. (We're talking about 5th graders being able to read library books with stories of statutory rape which is somehow okay and special and life saving as long as it is homosexual. Otherwise it's a MeToo hashtag even if it didn't get very far at all, and it was from forty years ago.)

Of course I'm sure we don't do anything at all to shape children, even though children raised by wolves walk and run on all fours. I'm sure they always were destined to feel like wolves inside.

THEORY: Curriculum as Window and Mirror

Curriculum can serve as a mirror when it reflects individuals and their experiences back to themselves. Reading, then, becomes a means of self-affirmation, and readers often seek their mirrors in books. At the same time curriculum can serve as a window when it introduces and provides the opportunity to understand the experiences and perspectives of those who possess different identities. These windows can offer views of worlds that may be real or imagined, familiar or strange. Applied to LGBTQ-inclusive curricular content, these mirrors and windows can help create a more positive environment and healthy self-concept for LGBTQ students while also raising the awareness of all students. Inclusive curriculum supports students’ abilities to empathize, connect, and collaborate with a diverse group of peers, skills that are of increasing importance in our multicultural, global society.

Anonymous said...

J you said...

"has it ever been determined how much of it [ethylene oxide] gets into a child's system if they have a tiny amount of it jammed up their nose twice a week for a whole year?"

Reading between the lines: NO, they're ASSUMING, GUESSING no problem!

Stuart Batterman, an environmental health sciences professor at the University of Michigan, told us in an email that a “swab is briefly exposed to the gas, then removed and packed. The gas would rapidly disperse. There is no coating or liquid or anything like that on the swab.”

“By the time the swab is used, there’s likely[?!?] hardly a trace [No worries about the possible long-term cumulative effects of repeated doses here!] of EO remaining,” he explained. “It is true that this gas is hazardous when breathed in at high enough concentrations for long enough periods. This is not the scenario for the occasional use of a swab.”

Not only swabs but...

J said...

8:43 AM,

Reading between the lines: NO, they're ASSUMING, GUESSING no problem!


Anonymous said...

Ethylene Oxide Our Friend Is All Around Us!

Anonymous said...

Comedy break...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Black supremacist who attended the Tulsa "shoot whitey" rally is lead suspect in manhunt for black male who shot police officer in head.


Anonymous said...

I direct this to Constance and ask that she note, in this short video, the Constitutional law that is sited in the man's address in this public meeting.

This uphold of this very law applies to the 2020 voting public that was sorely, severely, denied.

Anonymous said...


In case you're not familiar with Dr. Daniel Amen:

Daniel G. Amen, MD, is a double-board certified child and adult psychiatrist, brain imaging specialist, and the medical director of Amen Clinics. As a 10x New York Times bestselling author & world-renowned neuroscientist, Daniel Amen, MD, has pioneered the use of brain imaging in clinical psychiatric practice. Dr. Amen’s research team has published more than 70 scientific articles including the world’s largest brain imaging and rehabilitation study on professional football players. His research has not only demonstrated high levels of brain damage in players, but also the possibility of significant recovery. His team also published the world’s largest functional brain imaging study on how the brain ages with over 62,000 SPECT scans.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why would anyone with a brain, logic and common sense TRUST those nasal swabs? Why would people ALLOW medical personnel to violently jam a huge nasal swab up their nose, all the way up to their brain, and twist it??? How do we know they aren't puncturing something and doing a great deal of damage???

For me personally, if I had school age children (they are grown adults now)... I would take them out of school and home school them.

J said...

12:53 PM,

Parents are still fighting the battle of the Q tips. But I tend to agree with you. I was in the process of weighing risks and benefits. The risks have piled up quite a bit. I finally feel like there are too many battles to fight on too many fronts, all at the same time. The Q tips were the last straw -- or the last Q tip.

Many schools have cyber schools set up, and the cyber schools let the kids do most of their work at home, but they can still associate with peers for extracurricular activities. I have Christian cousins schooling their kids that way, and they like it.

It's just too overwhelming, not just because of the things a parent already knows about, but because of how sneaky everything can be. For instance, the way that CRT was sneaked into the high school already, was originally through an anti-bully expert. It was never introduced as CRT. It just so happened the anti-bully expert is a CRT expert, too. The parents were none the wiser, and most probably still aren't.

I think I'd be a nervous wreck wondering what's next that I don't know about yet. So many well meaning professionals seem to want to descend on the kids for their own good that it seems they are just being swarmed and poked at mentally and physically.

J said...

11:06 AM,

Thanks for the videos about Daniel Amen. I'll take a look.

Anonymous said...

You're very welcome.

Anonymous said...

J @ 1:34 PM

You and your family are in my prayers... as are all of the other mothers out there who have difficult decisions to make.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING: FBI Arrests Pastor And Purple Heart Veteran ,73, For 1/6 Capitol Protest, Then His Son In Front Of 3-Year-Old Daughter


Anonymous said...


Good luck!

I don't think she wants much to do with us deplorable Luciferians.

J said...

3:52 PM,

Thank you, I appreciate that. So many good people are in this comments section.

J said...

4:01 PM,

BREAKING: FBI Arrests Pastor And Purple Heart Veteran ,73, For 1/6 Capitol Protest, Then His Son In Front Of 3-Year-Old Daughter


Reading that story is like a gut punch.

The link has a space in it. This is the corrected link:

RayB said...

The fruits of Critical Race Theory ...

Netflix "movie" that glorifies the wanton murder of white people.

As you watch this trailer for "The Harder They Fall," ask yourself what the reaction to such a movie would be if the roles were reversed, and whites were killing blacks, just for the fun of it ...

WARNING: graphic violence

RayB said...

Anon @ 4:05 PM ...

Are you saying that you don't expect Constance to answer my inquiry as to where she stands on Critical Race Theory?

I'm sure she will ... why wouldn't she?

J said...

What is Critical Race Theory?

In order to understand the problem of Critical Race Training in Higher Education, parents and students need to understand what Critical Race Theory is and how it is implemented. As discussed below, Critical Race Theory is not the traditional civil rights movement, which sought to provide equal opportunity and dignity without regard to race. Rather, Critical Race Theory, and the training to implement it, is a radical ideology that focuses on race as the key to understanding society, and objectifies people based on race.

What is Critical Race Theory?

An outgrowth of the European Marxist school of critical theory, critical race theory is an academic movement which seeks to link racism, race, and power. Unlike the Civil Rights movement, which sought to work within the structures of American democracy, critical race theorists challenge the very foundations of the liberal order, such as rationalism, constitutional law, and legal reasoning. Critical race theorists argue that American social life, political structures, and economic systems are founded upon race, which (in their view) is a social construct.

Systemic racism, in the eyes of critical race theorists, stems from the dominance of race in American life. Critical race theorists and anti-racist advocates argue that, because race is a predominant part of American life, racism itself has become internalized into the American conscious. It is because of this, they argue, that there have been significantly different legal and economic outcomes between different racial groups.

What are the implications of Critical Race Theory?

Advocates of anti-racism and critical race theory use this focus on race to emphasize the importance of identity politics. Movements, such as the wave of “anti-racist” actions at universities and Black Lives Matter, are some ways in which identity politics and critical race theory have captured the nation’s attention. For the political identitarians, simply not being racist is not sufficient. As Boston University professor Ibram X. Kendi writes in his book How to Be an Antiracist, “[Racism] is descriptive, and the only way to undo racism is to consistently identify and describe it—and then dismantle it,” (p. 9).

Self-avowed anti-racists are not only expected to push for equity (i.e. the equality of outcome) in the broader society, but are also asked to find racism in daily life. Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility, writes, “The question is not ‘did racism take place?’ but rather, ‘how did racism manifest in this situation?”’ Anti-racists must find these “implicit biases” in all aspects of life, ranging from discussions in the classroom to interactions between colleagues. All of these are fair game.

Anonymous said...

Other areas in Miami where buildings are at risk of collapse: Map from report that predicted 12-story condo collapse reveals water-logged spots


HAARP Activated, Buildings Collapse 400 Feet From Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner
(Ivanka & Jared live just one block from 8777 Collins Avenue in Surfside, Florida!!!)

J said...

This is what happens when an organization like the SPLC succeeds in its original noble mission -- eradicating groups like the KKK -- but needs to justify its continued existence.

The SPLC's Horrifying Plan for Your Children's Schools

Critical race theory teaches that the central aspect of society is racial oppression — the historic abuses white people have committed against people of other races. “White supremacy” secretly rules everything, even when policies explicitly consider people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. It does not matter that American law expressly forbids racial discrimination, according to this theory. If white people have more money than black people, that is ipso facto proof of white supremacy, regardless of how Asians are doing and regardless of the true reasons behind any disparity.

The Smithsonian briefly showed how this works when it published a “teaching tool” infographic on “whiteness.” That infographic claimed that the nuclear family, science, capitalism, the Judeo-Christian tradition, individualism, “objective, rational linear thinking,” and even values such as “be polite” are aspects of oppressive whiteness. The Smithsonian rightly removed the graphic after facing criticism, but a similar mindset arguably drives the SPLC’s paranoid demonization of conservative Christian nonprofits as “hate groups.”

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

More: The Southern Poverty Law Center

Anonymous said...

Enter 'SPLC' at

RayB said...

How fitting. Another tribute to the inspiring life of one George Floyd:

WATCH: 700 Pound Statue of George Floyd Unveiled in New Jersey

PS: Adjacent to the statue, they should add a plaque, in bronze of course, enumerating his life accomplishments. What would be listed? Can you name a single one?

While the statues of great Americans are being torn down and dragged off to the trash heap, in their place, we now honor career criminal thugs.

Anonymous said...

It's the new American Way!

Anonymous said...


Have you looked at the national public school report card lately? There is no academic category in which half of public-school students are proficient.

Only 24% of America’s 12th graders are proficient in math. A third are proficient in reading. And only 12% of those seniors have an understanding of American history. Is it any wonder our nation is in deep trouble?

Abysmal report cards are nothing new. Public schools have been failing America’s youth for decades. But they aren’t just dumbing down the next generation. Public schools are systematically brainwashing students with harmful ideologies. Public education has been instrumental in producing an increasing number of anti-America, amoral and socialist-minded adults.

Academic Failure

From the late 1970s, the decade responsible for the ominous, unnecessary, and unconstitutional creation of the federal Department of Education, to today, scholastic performance has bottomed out across disciplines. According to results from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the “Nation’s Report Card,” only about one-third of children in grades four, eight, and 12 are “proficient” in reading. Just six percent of 12th graders were “advanced.” And well over a third are “below basic,” which means they are functionally illiterate.

According to the results of ACT standardized tests, college-bound students are doing worse than they have ever done in the examination’s history. SAT scores have been declining ever since the test began, with the architects being forced to “re-center” it every few years to conceal the plunging scores. On every metric, America’s children are getting worse, and the trend is spiraling downward.

Taxpayer-funded Social Re-engineering

Recent polls show that one in three millennials favor communism and as many as 70 percent would likely vote for a socialist candidate. In 2020, thousands of young people were propagandized and weaponized against their own country as they burned, looted, and sought to tear down their cities. Make no mistake, public indoctrination played a major role in the mindsets of many of those restless youth, as President Donald Trump pointed out in his Independence Day speech at Mount Rushmore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The federal government is now pushing schools to teach racism, ironically, under the pretext of anti-racism. With that, Critical Race Theory is set to transform the nation’s schools into sites of overt Marxist conflict, pitting whites against minorities, the wealthy against the poor, and the “heteronormative” against the “gay” and transgendered. President Joe Biden committed billions of dollars for public schools willing to create new ways of incorporating Critical Race Theory in their classrooms. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona is gathering support for overriding current curricular programs with Critical Race Theory initiatives.

Public education has also been instrumental in sexualizing and perverting students. While this has been happening for decades, the perverting has ramped up beyond normalizing homosexuality and gender confusion. Some public schools are now teaching “transgender” ideologies and supporting young children to be mutilated in the name of transitioning to the gender they “identify with.” Many American schools have put on Drag Queen Story Hour, during which men dressed up as women read to children.

This is what’s happening in public schools. And it’s about to get worse. The progressive resetting of American public schools is about to be unleashed with full force on drowsy, preoccupied, and COVID-weary families from coast to coast and from preschool through high school. New, transformative education mandates will also redirect the learning policies of the majority of private and so-called religious schools that take their pedagogical cues not from classical education or scriptural models, but from ideologically driven university departments of education, with their tenured armies of social justice-drunk educrats and administrators.

Is it Ineptness? Or Something Worse?

Many believe the disastrous results are unintended consequences of a public education system gone awry and if the broken parts are fixed everything will be OK. And because of that view, well-meaning concerned citizens have for years labored to repair public schools. They’ve served on school boards, attended school district meetings religiously, voiced their concerns to everyone in the school building down to the janitor, and even protested and petitioned against certain curricula. Multiple states have even moved to ban Critical Race Theory. Yet witnesses have said it’s still being taught.

Despite the good faith efforts to reform public education, it continues to worsen. Academic scores continue their downward descent while the social re-engineering aspect of “education” increases its radical ascent. Nationwide, the Department of Education has continuously increased its control of the curricula. Just a few years ago, federal control over education greatly intensified thanks to Common Core.

The truth is public education is working exactly as it was designed to do. Before universal, state-funded education existed in America, when Americans were among the most educated people in the world thanks to private and home schools, public education fathers Horace Mann and John Dewey envisioned a centralized, government-controlled, anti-Christian public education apparatus that would usher in universal social changes. Today, in school districts all across the country, teachers, administrators and superintendents all work toward the same mission as the founders of public education, as they help brainwash and raise un-American and amoral generations of adults, in the same manner as was done to them.

Anonymous said...

America has gone from being the best-educated society in all of human history — a moral and intellectual superpower — to being a dumbed-down, ignorant, and increasingly immoral nation on the brink of destruction. But it was not by accident. In fact, it was all a deliberate plan. This incredible transformation was brought about by seizing control of education and weaponizing it.

Public schools are doing what they were created to do: Destroy Americanism and the values the religious faith that built this nation. And if the United States has any chance of surviving, citizens must
completely abandon any hope of “saving” the government’s indoctrination camps posing as educational institutions. There is no reforming public schools.

The education issue transcends all others. Neutralizing the disastrous consequences of public education is key to restoring and preserving a free and sovereign America.

Make sure to read our special reports on public education.

This action project focuses on three major steps that would help reclaim America’s children and its future:

·Get our children out of public schools

·Encourage faith leaders to form a cohesive crusade against public education

·Defunding all state and local public-school programs and abolishing the federal Department of Education

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To 6:27 PM

The bigger question that none of the residents who live in Surfside, Florida are demanding answers to is this: Would subsidence alone be able to CAUSE part of a large apartment building to 'pancake' down onto itself?

Anonymous said...

Portland Police Reassure Antifa That Man Shot By Police Was White To Avoid Riot

Anonymous said...

New Anti-Conservative Military Scheme Surfaces Featuring Bishop Garrison's Dangerous Loyalist Kris Goldsmith

Craig said...

Proof of Natural Immunity to COVID 19!

Medicine with Dr. Moran

This video is further proof of natural immunity to COVID 19. I’m very excited about this well done prospective study at the Cleveland Clinic Health System in Ohio in the United States looking at natural immunity to COVID 19. Their study compared natural immunity to COVID 19 versus vaccine generated immunity. They looked at their entire employee population which was over 52,000 and compared those people who previously had COVID to those who had not and they subgroup each into whether they had been vaccinated or not. I present the findings. This has worldwide implications.

Link to study:

Natural immunity playlist:

Beat Covid Before You Catch It! How to Optimize Your Immunity |

Anonymous said...

RayB said "While the statues of great Americans are being torn down and dragged off to the trash heap, in their place, we now honor career criminal thugs."

Two points:

1. Cities can do what they want honoring whomever they choose and tearing down whatever statue they want as directed by their local representative body. Your definition of "great American" differs greatly from mine and surely many others. I wouldn't be in favor of a George Floyd statue in my town (if I had to vote on it) and I likewise don't care if places like Chattanooga decide to tear down a statue of Alexander Stewart or not (but I did just look and I do not believe he is still given any emphasis in Tennessee history classes like when I was a kid).

2. Maybe the statues are just trolling white nationalists saying this town isn't for you in the same manner the confederate statues were used to portray continued dominance over the black man and send the message maybe you might oughta choose to not move here and try to take over our town. Maybe they are being ironic?


p.s. - There are 100's of movies depicting the slaughter of countless cultures, races, religions that still get repeated on television all the time. It's just a movie. The director is British, not American. It appears to just be a genre mix-up --- battling rival black gangs with an unusual traditional western motif. From the preview, there's nothing unusual between it and many of Quentin Tortilla's movies.

p.p.s. - Critical Race Theory upset is just a dog whistle. Ideas don't kill.

p.p.p.s. - Calling James Cusick, Jr. and his son, Casey Cusick "Pastors" is a reach. Their "church" is a $650,000 gated house where he runs a bible study saturdays and tuesdays. Father and son both went to Rhema Bible Training School in Tulsa, Oklahoma founded by the heretical WOF Prosperity false teacher, Kenneth Hagen. His "church" is further affiliated with false prosperity "pastor" Jim Kaseman. Finally, people make mistakes and Christians are human too, but active criminal participation in the January 6th attempted coup is a pretty good indication that these persons need to be saved and are not the elect, yet. Hiring lawyers and fighting the charges in defiance to authority, despite the overwhelming evidence, is further evidence of such. We need to pray for their repentance and/or salvation.

Anonymous said...

Figures Finneyism's John Birch Society is promoting the idea you need to pull your kids from public schools since the Roman Catholic Church (and their little ecumenical indoctrination education programs) own/control the only viable alternative to public schools in many localities around the US.

Anonymous said...

"We need to pray for their repentance and/or salvation."
Your tag on the end of your post is full of self-righteous gall after all that nasty above it.

So how about you start praying for yourself instead.
Sure there are false "pastors", just like there are people who behave like you, who love to find something, anything, dirty and gossipy on others.
How about you just live and let live, and let God be the one to sort this in the final analysis? God has not appointed you for that.
Tearing down other statues in order to build up the ones of the George Floyd crowd is fair to you?
Since when are you everyone else's conscience??? You are not the Holy Spirit.

Why not let both of the differing statues stand in the public square and be okay with that?

"Maybe the statues are just trolling white nationalists" Bidenesque of you..
In this matter you can decide: are you being a trolling jerk, also guilty of being a graceless hypocrite?
You expect people to think you are a brother in Christ?

Anonymous said...

"Tearing down other statues in order to build up the ones of the George Floyd crowd is fair to you?"

Fair? Life isn't fair. And...East Flatbush, NJ didn't tear down any other statue to put up the George Floyd bust. appears some thugs called [un]Patriot Front vandalized the George Floyd statues last night. If conservatives are representative of Christian values that's not very Christian-like, is it?

I don't expect the far left to behave in a Christian manner.

Since when are you everyone else's conscience??? You are not the Holy Spirit.

Indeed I am not and did not make any such claim. I shared my opinion. These men clearly broke the law and if they were truly Christian men they'd confess their crimes and accept their consequences. Federal prisons need pastors too. Don't know how well the prosperity gospel plays in prison but they can try.

A graceless hypocrite?

I was calling out hypocrisy. How can anyone be upset on one hand that a segment of society legitimately doesn't like their confederate monuments and statues of traitor generals (that were obviously put up as a continuation of the subrogation of the black's not like the north is covered up with civil war statues and they were the victors)....and then these same persons get upset on the other hand that a segment of society wants to honor their own martyr in their own bloody conflict. If you want "them" to let things be...shouldn't you/we offer the same grace and respect to their local governance? As a you or do you NOT want more local control over your lives? If you do, then quit with the hypocrisy of claiming control as the now slimmer and slimmer majority over so many things when down the road, those same claims and rules are going to be used to persecute us and take away our local control. If the Chicago, IL or Gary, Indiana school districts want to teach black history with a hint of CRT that's none of your business....just as what you and your local school district teach your kids and grandkids should be none of their business.

Not that you can't have an opinion on the subject.

J said...

X 9:05 PM,

Hiring lawyers and fighting the charges in defiance to authority, despite the overwhelming evidence, is further evidence of such.

The Apostle Paul resisted the charges of a biased tribunal by appealing to Caesar, which was his right as a Roman citizen.

Likewise it's the right of an American citizen to hire a lawyer.

Your eisegesis of Biblical themes about Christian submission to civil authority is quite over the top. It's as if you think only the heathen, should have attorneys but not the saved.

The capital building has been occupied and burst into by everybody from hippies to Code Pink members over the years.

Everybody there at the capital on Jan 6th didn't plot an armed overthrow of government. Had they plotted it, they would have succeeded, because they were let in, and police were disorganized and not well informed or well coordinated.

Whatever really happened that day, we don't completely know; but you and people like you must be really, really terrible detective novel readers. You would also make a perfect husband for Madame Bovary. Because you seem to pay no attention whatsoever to any clues or anything that is off.

Anonymous said...

"Why not let both of the differing statues stand in the public square and be okay with that?"

This is why you are all talk, x.
Calling out hypocrisy while you maintain your doesn't work that way.

You did not address this. You just clogged the blog with more rhetoric, not an answer.
You post many far left talking points that represent an unchristian view and purposefully excuse even blatant proven fallacies and actions of the left...but gracelessly rip up the right every time to attribute motives you think up to facts, just your opinion.
You tear down the right to build up the left. That is still lop-sided and you can't manage to see that? Is that Christian? Your claim you don't, but in practice you do attempt to mimic the Holy Spirit. That's a fail. God is not partial, you are, and then some.
You didn't address the quote I repeated for you.
Your non-answer to that is all I need to know about you.
Here's some more alphabet for you, x. CINO fits you to a T.

J said...

X 11:01 PM,

If the Chicago, IL or Gary, Indiana school districts want to teach black history with a hint of CRT that's none of your business....just as what you and your local school district teach your kids and grandkids should be none of their business.

Live and let live is already a thing of the past. Local control is already a thing of the past as well.

Thankfully some measure of states rights still exist. But that may not matter as much as it should, since NGOs have so much influence, and they are willing to barge in through the front door by day or sneak in through the back door. Either way.

RayB said...

Mysterious Mr. X states to RayB @ 9:05 PM ...

"Your definition of "great American" differs greatly from mine and surely many others."

My definition of "great Americans" would include George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, etc. All of these "great Americans" have had their statues attacked and or removed. What's your "definition" of a "great American" X?

X states: "p.p.s. - Critical Race Theory upset is just a dog whistle. Ideas don't kill."

NOTE: Ideas don't kill? Really? What about the "idea" of Communism, which has the blood of over 100 MILLION MURDERED victims on their hands ... all driven by their desire to create their Satanic utopia ... based upon their "ideas?"

Anonymous said...

That's some great zing in that comeback, J @ 11:16 PM.

Good on ya, Sis.

Bloviating x once again proves he is full of himself.
His posts are DOA.
(more alphabet for ya x)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your zinger too, RayB @ 11:40 PM.

Pitiful x is not on a roll.

RayB said...

J @ 11:16 PM ...

Great post J !

Attempting to reason with X is truly an exercise in futility. For example; X was constantly defending the anarchy in the streets by BLM & ANTIFA in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, etc. Recall too that X went to great lengths defending the ANTIFA murderer, Michael Reinoehl, who murdered, in cold blood, the Trump supporter on a Portland street. X attempted to shift the blame onto the victim, even after the evidence overwhelmingly proved that Reinoehl, without provocation, executed him.

And ... let's not forget X's infamous claim that a "vote for Biden was a vote for pro-life."

PS: thanks for your comment and prayer concerning Gina and her family. As it stands now, Gina will remain in the hospital for another two weeks. The Drs. are "cautiously optimistic." Once released, she will be homebound for at least another month. Delayed funeral was on Wed., and of course, she could not attend. It was the largest funeral I have ever seen ... required 6 police cars to block intersections. The family was very touched by the outpouring of support.

RayB said...

Another Whistleblower steps forward in order to tell the truth ...

Fulton County Election Official Exposes How Georgia Republican Secretary of State Knew of Voter Fraud Immediately After the Election BUT LOOKED THE OTHER WAY !

"The election official confirmed that Jones’ testimony was relayed to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger before he appeared on CBS’ 60 Minutes where he incredulously claimed that the state conducted “safe, secure, honest elections."

Anonymous said...

Repentance is a gift from God, not of man. I'm suggesting what I believe might be evidence of true repentance (the failure of which is just further evidence they are/were false teachers all along).

I saw a video earlier tonight of Jim and/or Casey Cusick's attorney holding a press conference or interview defiantly proclaiming his intention to plead "not guilty" on behalf of his client(s). I'm not bothered they hired an attorney to assist them through the process; however, their attorney speaks for them on their behalf. These gentlemen proclaim to be men of God. There are pictures of these men in the capitol building and participating in the confrontations inside and outside the capitol building. I can safely presume they are not "not guilty" (and if they are actually not guilty...then they wouldn't need to be repentant at all and this discussion is moot).

Presuming they are guilty as accused, I contend that if they were truly repentant they wouldn't lie about that directly or indirectly. Perhaps AT his/their arraignment he/they could "stand mute" and just allow their attorneys to defend their claims and make a deal behind the scenes without claiming to the public that they did not commit the crimes (a lie).

It's the nature of genuine repentance, especially for a supposed Pastor who is called to model Christ-like behavior. I just believe when a remorseful Christian is facing criminal charges, genuine repentance precludes the possibility of registering a “not guilty” plea at a criminal arraignment when the individual knows he or she is, in fact, guilty, even when the defendant’s attorney recommends it, and even when doing so might result in less severe penalties.

There are 500 men and women being charged and facing consequences for similar offenses. This could have been (or could be...they were just arrested) an opportunity to lead. Thinking further on this, he/they probably should have come forward long before this day. Think how uncomfortable his parishioner was...having to protect/conceal the name of his pastor from the FBI.

Contrast the Cusicks' behavior with John MacArthur's conduct. MacArthur had no intention of pleading "not guilty" and would never have allowed his attorney's to lie on his behalf.

"John MacArthur says he'll start prison ministry if he's put in jail over church services"

excerpt: "In his interview with Fox's Laura Ingraham, MacArthur was defiant and said he would open a "jail ministry" if he ends up behind bars. "Of course, my biblical hero apart from the Lord Jesus Christ is the Apostle Paul," he said. "And when he went into a town he didn't ask what the hotel was like. He asked what the jail was like because he knew that's where he was going to spend his time." So I don't mind being a little apostolic — if they want to tuck me into jail, I'm open for a jail ministry. I've done a lot of other ministries and haven't had the opportunity to do that one. So bring it on."


Anonymous said...

DOA @ 12:42 AM.
Deflection to a topic about repentance while he blatantly trolls misinformation and peddles bias that he won't answer for, yet accuses others of.

Will you repent, x, since you are so up on that subject?
What? Not even any remorse?
Come on now---practice what you preach.

We'll wait...

Second thought. Nah. You've already proved you are all talk.
J nailed you. RayB did too.
Words are cheap CINO, x.

Anonymous said...

"Why not let both of the differing statues stand in the public square and be okay with that?"

I didn't answer this question because it's pretty clear from my answers I would be fine with it.

For example, there's been an ongoing debate in Selma, Alabama for a long time over the renaming the Edmond Pettus bridge. The bridge is named after Confederate general and Klu Klux Klan leader Edmund Pettus. The bridge is famous for the 1965 law enforcement attack on civil rights marchers.

I walked the bridge with my family over a decade ago. We were headed to the redneck riviera (well Destin actually) and made a small side trip. It has historical significance as the Edmond Pettus bridge and I'm of the opinion they probably should defiantly leave the name as is. But I don't live there. I'm fine with whatever the people of Selma choose to do. It's their bridge and their history.


p.s.- Rayb -- those are fine Americans. I like them. More Washington than the other two. Those weren't the "Americans" statues I was speaking of. I was referring to cities removing confederate statues by choice that I'm fairly certain you've criticized (I'm not going try to find that). I was not referring to statues taken down by mob violence and/or vandalism (neither of which I have 'defended' on this blog). Rhetorical question....Do your opinions and attempts to minimize, obfuscate and 'spin' the events that took place on Jan 6, mean that you then are just fine with and condone every punch, beating and assault upon the Capitol Police that occurred that day (i.e. - you "defend" beating up police?)

p.p.s. - everyone is biased so why would I have to answer for it? I also don't post misinformation. It may be counterinformation you don't like or another point of view on general discussions but it's just information. As RayB said, you should not dismiss information based solely upon the source. The information is either valid or it's not and it'd be really nice if some days you actually posted the exact phrase or idea you think is a lie or misinformation versus just broad negative personal assignations. It's why I don't generally respond to you....assuming you are the poster usually trolling me.

Anonymous said...

The TRUTH about what really happened on January 6th.

Click on the very FIRST video and scroll over to about the 24 minute mark.

Whistleblower, Dr. John McGreevey reveals ALL about January 6th (and names 2 BIG names)... about how it all went down and who is responsible!!!

J said...

RayB 12:06 AM,

I'm glad your friend Gina seems on a path to recovery and her family has a lot of support.

I do remember X's consistent bias throughout the BLM protests of 2020. He is most certainly not in the middle, like he implied he was, in his "welcome to the middle" comment to Constance.

J said...

This is for perspective.

A History of Attacks at the US Capitol

Over its 200-year history, the nation’s legislative seat has withstood brawls, break-ins and shootings.

On March 1, 1971, a bomb exploded in the Capitol building. While the explosion did not injure anyone, it caused some $300,000 in damage. A group calling itself the Weather Underground claimed to be behind the bombing and said it was in protest of the ongoing U.S.-supported bombing of Laos.

Larry Grathwohl interview about William Ayers,Obama's Mentor

This video shows an interview of Larry Grathwohl who was an FBI agent assigned to investigate the Weather Underground. William Ayers is the founder of the Weather Underground. This man is speaking about William Ayers. It was in William Ayers' livingroom that Barack Obama launched his political career.

Anonymous said...

X, you are a flaming hypocrite. Period.
If you were okay with that you would have said so, expounded upon that. You would find something for common ground..but you don't. You can't and you don't, because you are glad for the extremes happening now.
You voted for it.
Making you part of the problem, nowhere near the solution. Yet you troll and troll and peddle your asinine "welcome to the middle" tripe.
Someone like you, bent on that much bias can only be a hater, just like the left you support and defend.
(and post about repentance no less.....your pride is going before a fall CINO)

J said...

The above interview with Larry Grathwohl was taken from the 1982 documentary, "No Place to Hide: The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism."

J said...

This is from the interview with Larry Grathwohl. It doesn't last but a few minutes. You really should watch it. But if you don't, this is what he says in it:

Larry Grathwohl became a member of the Weather Underground organization as an undercover operative for law enforcement agencies Cincinnati. His role within the organization was to carry directives from the Central Committee to the operating units in the field.

"I brought up the subject of 'what's going to happen after we take over the government?' We become responsible then for administering 250,000,000 people. And there was no answers. No one had given any thought to economics, how are you going to clothe and feed these people.

The only thing that I could get was they expected that the Cubans and the North Vietnamese and the Chinese and the Russians would all want to occupy different portions of the United States.

They also believed that their main responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter revolution. And they felt that this counter revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing re-education centers in the Southwest, where we would take all the people who needed to be re-educated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be.

I asked, 'well, what is going to happen to those people we can't re-educate? That are die hard capitalists.' And the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further, they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25,000,000 people in these re-education centers.

And when I say eliminate, I mean kill. 25,000,000 people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people -- most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers -- and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25,000,000 people. And they were dead serious."

Anonymous said...

J, Thank you for bringing up the Weather Underground.
I mentioned it a number of posts ago and posted some links about it a couple of threads ago.
Nobody wanted to talk about it but comparing it to Jan 6 this year we see vast difference in motives and how that was pulled off. Obama continues to be behind what we see today. And who helped him climb to the top from out of nowhere? Soros money fixed his papers and supported him to get his name in the hat as the hope and change candidate. Many other globalists are all part of the scheme to bring America down, working on multiple fronts at the same time and using the left and the compromised right to pretend they are working in and for the middle, to "rebuild" this country, while they use the biggest power grabbers money, tech, "science", media, our halls of "justice", etc etc and fully corrupt government agencies to spy on us and route our elections, while fanning flames of dissention and bias to completely divide us. They are rebuilding society alright, in their own socialist, communist, image.

So many people have a mighty short memory.
And listen to the lying media so much they forget that they could be thinking for themselves.
Some has happened behind the scenes over a long time, but much of this was done in plain sight and now totally openly agendize. Not done in a corner but America, the sleeping, and I will say it, ungrateful, indulged, giant snoozed on.

Thankfully some are waking up, but to what is all too late? I don't know....hope I am wrong, I'm thinking it is.

J said...

Flashback: what Constance wrote about Obama and ACORN in 2008.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Barack Obama's New Group of World Servers?

Berit Kjos has a compelling new article up on NEWSWITHVIEWS.COM. You can read the full article by clicking here. [] I will confess here that I have not been as disturbed about Barack Obama's candidacy as some of my best friends have been. I have dealt with Detroit's African-American community for years and have had positive interactions with them. Many of them have been my best supporters on the New Age Movement issues. I have, however, had my fair share of concerns about a community group called ACORN. I have been aware of ACORN as long as I have been aware of the existence of the New Age Movement. It is somewhat of a cross between militant New Age and Marxism. The prospect of ACORN having a controlling grip on the White House is almost (but not quite) as terrifying to me as are the Doug Coe/Paul N. Temple and Rev. Moon ongoing spheres of influence with past and current administrations on both sides of the political aisle. Berit has some important things to say and I hope you will read them carefully and do your own research as well.

I hope to have the long awaited Part VI of my Hi-Jacking of Evangelicalism series up by this weekend both here and on Stay tuned!

J said...

9:25 AM,

That must have been you who planted that seed about the Weather Underground. I knew I got it from somebody here. That's what made me interested in searching Youtube about it. I was actually shocked by the Youtube interview with the undercover agent. I was used to knowing all my life that the Baby Boomers were wild and then grew up and became money grubbers. So maybe the media kind of innoculates people so it makes it hard to take it seriously.

Anonymous said...

"If anything happens to me, the files are on hard drive in my condo north of Miami Beach."

John McAfee tweeted he was storing secret stash of government data at building WEEKS before it collapsed


John McAfee's lawyer claims there was no indication that he committed suicide.

J said...

9:52 AM,

Wow! I already knew our government was involved in drug trafficking. But the human trafficking bit turns my stomach even more. I have always had an uneasy feeling that chaotic immigration at uncontrolled borders is a hotbed of opportunity for human traffickers. Corruption is easier in chaos.

This is from the article:

'When I went on the run in Belize I had friends in the US embassy in Belize,' McAfee told Friedman in the interview.

'I knew I was coming down, I'm not stupid. I had arranged with the head of security I was going to come in.

'He says, 'Sir, we have it from the highest authority we are not to allow you into the US embassy.' Who was the highest authority in the state department? Hillary Clinton.

'I'm an American Citizen with a f***ing American passport. I'm sorry, I'm not wanted in America. I've got no crimes in America.

'For a month and a half I was on the run. The reason that the government wanted to collect me was that after they had raided my property in 2012 in the jungle, shot my dog, abused me, destroyed over a half million dollars of my property over a bogus charge, I was pissed off.

'And so I donated to many secretaries within the government laptop computers, really nice ones, that were preloaded with viral spyware. Within a week the entire government computer system was under my control. I was watching, monitoring this thing.

'I was looking for information that they set me up for this raid. I didn't find it. I did find out that the minister of national defense was the largest drug trafficker in all of Central America and the minister of immigration the largest human trafficker.'

RayB said...


Thank you for saying that George Washington was a great American, but, not so great regarding Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. I'm sure you are far greater than both of them combined.

While we are on the subject of statues, what's your opinion regarding the statues that are now popping up all over the country in order to honor George Floyd, you know, the same George Floyd that was a career criminal thug that once held a loaded gun to the belly of a pregnant Black woman while his fellow thugs ransacked her apartment ?

Contrary to what you seem to think, IDEAS DO HAVE CONSEQUENCES, and honoring a drug addict, career criminal thug is definitely sending the wrong "idea" into pliable heads that are already filled with mush. Statues were, and are, intended to be illustrations of exemplary role models (albeit imperfect). The bottom line is that statues represent positive accomplishments that society wants to recognize.

Just for fun, X, name one single exemplary accomplishment in Floyd's life that makes him deserving of a statue. (I can't wait to hear this one from "X").

J said...

I am reminded of a co-worker telling me about his Las Vegas vacation after he returned. He said whole "families" of illegal immigrants were all over the place trying to make money from prostitution in Las Vegas, holding up signs on the roadside. These "families" were openly selling sex with children to Las Vegas tourists. This was during the Obama years.

Anonymous said...

People may wonder why destroy an entire building... why not just break into John McAfee's Miami condo to take the files?

Well, what if McAfee had registered his condo in the name of a corporation, rather than his own individual name?

Also, 20 years after 9/11... there is still controversy over why WTC Building 7 was destroyed... and the information that was stored inside of that building.

Food for thought: How does subsidence alone cause an apartment building to 'pancake' onto itself?

Anonymous said...

"Just for one single exemplary accomplishment in Floyd's life that makes him deserving of a statue."

How about warning people about the dangers of technology?

Is THAT good enough for you, RayB?


Anonymous said...

When The State Comes For Your Kids

Anonymous said...


You are putting words in my mouth I didn't say. I did not say Lincoln and Jefferson were not great Americans. I simply indicated a preference for Washington out of those three "great Americans".

George Floyd statues "popping up all over" is a bit hyperbolic as it appears to me only two places did so on Juneteenth and neither of those appears permanent. I figured maybe they could help you understand why they (not me) chose to "honor" or commemorate the death of George Floyd in their own words.

George Floyd statue unveiled in Newark

George Floyd in bronze sitting on a park bench outside city hall in Newark is a temporary installation for at least one year as part of public art initiative.
Artist Stanley Watts stated he wanted to depict "a peaceful relaxed George". Public Officials and benefactors indicted they hoped the statue would spark conversations while humanizing the father and husband who lost his life sparking a global movement while also revising for but a moment those last horrifying images of Floyd the world came to see and know.

Statue of George Floyd unveiled in New York for Juneteenth

In New York, the 6 foot bust of George Floyd was unveiled. Artist Chris Carnabuci said "It was a story that changed the world and I wanted to create something as an artist that was there to capture that moment but was also something that would be lasting so that people can remember WHAT HAPPENED". Another public commenter said they hope it will prompt constituents, residents and passerby to continue to organize, to mobilize, to march and to educate with the goal of enacting change".

I didn't see it indicated, but it doesn't appear to be a permanent installation.

I did not see or hear anyone at either location commenting upon or celebrating George Floyd's criminal activities.

Art, best done sometimes, is supposed to offend. Looking at the comments on both videos it's done its job. Interesting too is that both artists are white men. Conversations have been sparked. I just couldn't help but educate some people in the comments section on youtube too.

If you are still struggling with this...think of the Marines War Memorial. The installation commemorates a small single but significant event in American wartime history. It depicts men, who may or may not have been horribly individuals in real life before and/or after that heroic day on Iwa Jima, but that's not the point. It sparks the conversation about what happened that day and symbolizes the bravery of thousands of Marines that lost their lives in WWII and other wars. Likewise, the temporary GF statues are about what happened to him and the movement his death sparked than the personal life of George Floyd.

That said, I completely understand why MAGA would prefer to keep the conversation surrounding George Floyd completely upon his personal life and criminal record while ignoring the personal life disasters and criminal behavior of persons like Trump, Geotz, Ashli Babbit, Steve Bannon, Brett Cavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, John McCain, Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, etc.


p.s. - Obama was not "friends" with Ayers. Trumps close friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, Martha Stewart, Roseanne Barr, Putin, "Fat Tony" Salerno, Roy Cohn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, the DeVoss/Prince syndicate, etc.

As Craig Unger wrote: "Trump was working with the Russian mafia for more than 30 years. He was profiting from them. They rescued him. They bailed him out. They took him from being $4 billion in debt to becoming a multibillionaire again, and they fueled his political ambitions, starting more than 30 years ago. This means Trump was in bed with the Kremlin as well, whether he knew it or not."

Anonymous said...

That was 'Socialist Perspective'.

Please tune in next time for another fascinating spin on reality.

Anonymous said...

"Art, best done sometimes, is supposed to offend"

At times that is true.

However, your continual stream of "creativity" to mock, rather than tell the truth is no art form.

Needless, pointless, offense is wrong on all levels and your role as carnival barker for it is protected speech, so have at it.

You, sir, are just a piece of work.

We can tell the difference.

Anonymous said...

At 2:46 PM :

Been hating long?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the people of Sweden who have allowed their country to, ironically and in direct defiance of the “experts,” allowed their country to be one of the very first to effectively achieve “Zero COVID.”

Sweden reports ZERO deaths for first time since the Scamdemic began.

It’s called herd immunity, bitches.

Anonymous said...

"If you are still struggling with this"

X, perhaps you should introduce your right brain to your left brain.

Get some fresh air too, while you're at it.

Anonymous said...

Half of the American people (indoctrinated by the Globalist controlled lamestream media) will never gain the perspective that a 'speed bump' known as the Trump presidency kept 8 years of Hillary from happening... which would have fast forwarded our country head first into Socialism much sooner than it did. (Obama laid the groundwork, and Hillary was 'supposed' to pick up the torch in 2016.)

At least we can be grateful for the fact that the Trump presidency managed to delay it by 4 years.

We can only hope that China puppet Biden's destructive 'scorched earth' approach will wake up those who are still 'asleep' by 2024... IF there is anything left of our country by then.

Anonymous said...

It is a complete misconception that Sweden had/has no restrictions or lockdowns and travel restrictions and, secondly, that assertions that the country’s strategy is successful are yet preliminary and “far from clear.”

Just looking at worldometers numbers alone.

Sweden ranks 26th & 36th in the world out of 222 countries listed on the charts for the gross number of covid cases and then the gross number of deaths.

Sweden is number 11 (out of 222) in cases/1 million population with 107,163 cases/1 million population yet, a little bit better Sweden drops to 35th internationally in deaths/1 million population at 1,435 deaths/1 million population.

Before jumping on that as "success" consider that Sweden remains under-vaccinated right now and is more susceptible to the Delta variant exploding through the country so the story is not complete despite a summer reprieve. You also must compare Sweden with the other Nordic countries in the region that share it's high standard of living, less labor market insecurity and higher levels of trust between government, local authorities and the population. They, too, are under similar travel restrictions as Sweden and they all eat a lot of vitamin D rich fish and supplement Vitamin D broadly with a purpose. When you do compare Nordic countries alone so you'll see Sweden has been a comparable disaster.

Denmark 50,338 cases/million pop, 435 deaths/million ranked 71st/94th in the world
Norway 23,872 cases/million pop, 145 deaths/million ranked 104th/127th in the world
Finland 17,069 cases/million pop, 175 deaths/million ranked 116th/118th in the world
Sweden 107,163 cases/million pop, 1435 deaths/million ranked 11th/35th in the world

If Sweden had just achieved Denmark's numbers, over 10,000 more Swedes would be alive today.


p.s. - perhaps one can claim that 10% of the population in Sweden now has natural immunity for how long that lasts. 10% is nowhere near enough to create natural herd immunity for the entire community.

p.p.s. - Time will tell. If the numbers change, in 10 years we MIGHT look back and say Sweden was right. The huge pile of evidence/data this past year does not suggest that.

Anonymous said...

Florida building was brought down by a direct energy weapon (plus John McAfee's son was in that building); several airline pilots have died of blood clots after getting vaccines; plus much more information on this video...

Anonymous said...

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner live one block from Surfside, Florida building that went down.

J said...

The Genderbread Person. "A teaching tool for breaking the big concept of gender down into bite-sized, digestible pieces." It is an LGBTQIA+ teaching tool that is used in schools even in states with laws for abstinence only sex ed.

It's an example that just goes to show that the LGBTQTIA+ agenda is not always something in your face like Drag Queen Story Hour. A lot of it is sneaky.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:32 PM just can't stomach good news evidently!

Mr "easy going" x has the widest longest deepest negative streak ever!
It's so fun to see him unhappy LOLOL!
Better pray for his family though, it has to be hellish at his house.

Anonymous said...

Shut up and pay up, all you who voted Democrat.

RayB said...


Just for fun ... name some "great Americans."

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Here's my abbreviated list of "Great Americans". Many are overlooked and certainly some of these had disastrous personal lives or even criminal records. I'm sure I'd probably remove some of these if I knew more about them too. Whatever.

Douglas MacArthur, John MacArthur, Edgar Allen Poe, Henry David Thoreau, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Andrew Carnegie, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin & Teddy Roosevelt, Benjamin Franklin, Washington, John Marshall, Lincoln, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, Jesse Owens, Thomas Edison, Susan B. Anthony, Charles Spurgeon, Elvis, Frances Perkins, Bobby Jones, Louis & Clark, Bill Gates, Andy Warhol, John F. Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, George Patton, Muhammed Ali, Joe Louis, Louis Armstrong, Robert Marshall, Henry Ford, Clara Barton, Orville Wright, Nat King Cole, John Harlan, Cole Porter, John Denver, Peter Sampras, Sequoyah, Davy Crockett, Dolores Huerta, Jerry Seinfeld, Maria W. Stewart, I.M. Pei, George S. Clinton, Steven Spielberg, George Eastman, Quentin Tarantino, Frank Sinatra, Steve Jobs, Arthur Miller, Andrew Jackson, Booker T. Washington, Paul Washer, Mother Jones, Louis Brandeis, Carl Lewis, Shirley Chrisholm, Oliver Wendell Holmes, John Fogerty (CCR), Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu, Harvey Broome, Neil Simon, John Jay, Jonathon Edwards, Hank Williams, Tina Fey, James Finley, Jerry Garcia, Mary Cassat, Enrico Fermi, Michael Stipe, Nikola Tesla, Philip Vera Cruz, Johnny Cash, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Lou Reed, Lorne Michaels and finally, Ruth Wakefield (inventor of the chocolate chip cookie).


Anonymous said...

...not to mention Bill Ayers, Angela Davis, Bernardine Dohrn, and Gus Hall (inventor of the 'strangulation by intestinal innards' method of execution).

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"I have no idea what you mean "there's no such thing as treason against American people"? Only an American can be charged with Treason and "levying war against America" is what the insurrectionists/seditionists groups did on Jan 6th."

the american people is not the american government or the nation state itself, these, the fed the states and the people are clearly distinguished in the Constitution and in common sense.

An American canonly commit treason, as defined in the constitution, against the American GOVERNMENT not the american people.

sedition is good enough.

I think that guy prosecuted for spying for Israel if he was charged with treason was charged wrongly, since they are not "an enemy ofthe USA."

I think the reason for that limiting definition of treason, was to prevent political dissidents being charged with treason, ditto any who rebelled against government gone wrong.

The curse on Ham so tospeak was NOT on Ham but ONLY on his grandson canaan, who probably played some major role in the event.

now, about those conservative organizations the JBS etc. like....they have their uses, but you have to be careful. A lot of them make politics their religion and God or belief in Him a mere tool.

The heritage Foundation wrecked Russia, putting them directly into an entrepeurial format, with no background for this in Russian culture, and direct shift from communist to capitalist no transition. Meat ended up dumped beside the road if there was no market. Under communism you had to stand in line for bread, but at least it was there, not so sometimes then.

transition threw people out of work, and tens maybe 100thousands would have died in the Russian winter if there were landlords to evict them, instead of government owned the houses/apartments.

An unspeakable amount of weaponry incl. some nukes grew feet during that time, everything on sale, criminal oligarchic gangs formed and gained power in the chaos. The movie "Lord of War" with Nicolas Cage humorously and somewhat accurately portrays some of this. Colonel South is of course Oliver North, the arms dealer depicted was eventually caught.

Somuch for t he Heritage Foundatin and all of the lockstep thinking based on "principles" not reality.

PRODUCERISM looks like a stripped down lukewarm Marxism. It has positive and negative points.

Stop obsessin on x, it probably pleases the troll, and takes up blog space.

Someone here reminds everyone who disagrees with him/her that those people are not The Holy Spirit. Anyone teaching is supposedly usurping His role. THIS IS UNBIBLICAL HERESY. Teachers are referred to and some of Paul's letters were to equip teachers. none of this radical individualism no help from others. (teaching wrong stuff is a different issue.)

Unchristllike to vandalize the George Floyd statue? It might have been wrong. But aggression is not always unchristlike. read about Christ's cleansing the Temple. In John's account it is clear that the whip was used on humans not animals, and the multilash cat o' nine tails type whip He made and used, was almost never used on animals only on people.

Someone once said that you are asking "what would Jesus do?" don't forget that whipping people and tipping over tables is an option. Of course, you can take that way too far.

Confederate statues went up from efforts of unreconstructed ladies groups talking history but pushing a "lost cause" romance narrative and falsehoods, and were part of a propaganda game. Just as well they are gone. "The South will rise again" that sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

I do have to agree with Christine at 3:33 AM on this...

"Stop obsession on x, it probably pleases the troll, and takes up blog space."

J said...

You can see from the examples in the article that CRT isn't just about children reading stories about other kids who were born a different race or ethnicity. It's intersectional and includes the LGBTQIA+ agenda and an anti-Christian agenda -- just like BLM. It's anti-capitalist, but capitalism is completely conflated with white supremacy.

It doesn't have anything to do with teaching non-bullying or non-discrimination, because the primary unit isn't the individual. It's the community.

In 6th and 7th grade in the Virginia school Breitbart writes about, the kids are given an assignment to think about what parts of their identity were made by them and what parts of their identity were made for them. They are asked if they were truly born into the gender their parents say they are. At this stage they are asked, too, if they like the religion their parents chose for them.

Exclusive — Critical Race Theory: Inside a Virginia County’s Curriculum for Racial Indoctrination

J said...

Re-Education for Capitol Protesters

Craig said...

J (and all),

Exactly right. CRT is inextricably intertwined with intersectionality and all that entails. And both promote Socialism (Communism) while simultaneously denigrating Capitalism.

These ideas are, of course, permeating ‘liberal’ “Christian” doctrine. Years ago I posted a link here to a Masters or Doctoral level paper that promoted so-called Social Trinitarianism as the proper understanding of the Trinity. [I’ve yet to find any Social Trinitarianism that doesn’t logically entail tritheism, three gods.] The author (woman) promoted this supposed Trinitarian ideal (the Persons all interrelate/cohere via love) as the model for human relations, which was then reduced to Socialism (a New-Agey one). It specifically denigrated Capitalism as necessarily breeding selfishness and as inherently misogynistic.

Anonymous said...

Read This And You Won't Click 'I Agree' Ever Again

By Carissa Veliz
26 June 2021

Most of us know that our personal data is being collected, stored and analysed thanks to our relationship with our mobile phones, computers and the internet. But are we really aware of the full extent of the privacy invasions into our daily lives?

Let's start at dawn. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? You probably check your phone.

By doing that, you are informing a whole host of busybodies – your smartphone manufacturer, app developers and your mobile company, as well as intelligence agencies (if they happen to be watching you) – what time you wake up, where you've been sleeping and who you share a bed with, providing they keep their phone with them too.

If you wear a smart watch it will have recorded your every movement in bed – including, of course, any sexual activity. Share a picture or record your thoughts on Facebook, or type a search into Google, and that information is tracked and stored.

Perhaps you've run out of sugar and you decide to ask your neighbour if she has some spare. Standing outside her door, you notice there's a new smart doorbell, which records images of those who come near. It's anybody's guess where the footage is going to end up and what it will be used for.

You turn on your smart TV. It is probably identifying everything you watch and sending the data to the manufacturer, third parties, or both.

If you had time to read the privacy policies of the objects you buy, you would also have noticed that your TV picks up and records your spoken words and reserves the right to transmit them to other organisations.

Intelligence agencies such as MI5 and the CIA can make your TV look as though it is off while they record you. Your digital assistant Alexa may be listening too.

On and on it goes, as your day unfolds – the computerised surveillance that turns your everyday life into data.

It's worth remembering that, as far back as 2010, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (pictured) suggested that privacy was no longer 'a social norm', that we had 'evolved' beyond it because of the amount of information we freely shared online.

It's worth remembering that, as far back as 2010, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (pictured) suggested that privacy was no longer 'a social norm', that we had 'evolved' beyond it because of the amount of information we freely shared online.

In today's society, cars can log the locations you visit, the speed you drive at and your musical taste – even your weight is measured by your seat. There are emails that, once opened, allow third parties to track your geographical location.

Even your intimate medical data can be donated by the NHS to commercial organisations without your consent. And if you've ever done a DNA testing kit – for health reasons or to trace your ancestors perhaps – your genetic information is up for grabs to anyone who's willing to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

We live in a surveillance age – and this is surveillance capitalism.

Governments know more about their citizens than ever before. Even the Stasi managed to have files on only about a third of the population of East Germany. Intelligence agencies today hold much more information – and on everyone. And it's because we're willingly – if unwittingly – giving this information away.

As a professor at the Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Oxford, I've researched this phenomenon with growing interest and concern over the past decade.

I've written widely about the importance of privacy in the digital age and what the tech giants – which is, of course, where all of this began – can learn from the far more regulated world of medical ethics.

It's companies such as Facebook and Google which have done more than any other to build the 'data economy'. And it has never been more apparent than during the coronavirus lockdown.

We've used social media to stay connected with friends and family, platforms such as Zoom for work and Google Classroom for school. The past year has shown us how impossible it is to opt out. Collectively and separately, these platforms are watching us. They know I'm writing these words. And, if you're reading this on a screen, they know you are reading them.

It sounds sinister – almost into the realms of conspiracy theory. But if you think it doesn't matter, then read on.

Intelligence agencies such as MI5 and the CIA can make your TV look as though it is off while they record you. Your digital assistant Alexa may be listening too

Intelligence agencies such as MI5 and the CIA can make your TV look as though it is off while they record you. Your digital assistant Alexa may be listening too

Facebook alone has violated our right to privacy so many times that a comprehensive account would merit a book in itself. Indeed, it's worth remembering that, as far back as 2010, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg suggested that privacy was no longer 'a social norm', that we had 'evolved' beyond it because of the amount of information we freely shared online.

It is in his interests – and the interests of other tech giants – to believe this is so.

Everything you do while on Facebook gets tracked, from your mouse movements to the things you write and decide to delete before posting.

It may seem like a social network on the surface, but its real business is trading in influence through personal data. It wants to know who we are, what we think, where we hurt. It wants to predict and influence our behaviour. And armed with this, it can then sell advertisers access to your attention.

It's not even possible to stay away from this data-hungry monster. Facebook keeps 'shadow profiles' on people who don't even have accounts. It does this via its pervasive 'like' buttons, which appear alongside content such as news articles on websites across the internet.

Clicking on 'like' means your Facebook friends will see your activity, and Facebook itself gets an insight into your interests.

But what is little known is that Facebook can gather basic info about a visitor's IP address (and therefore their location), and other websites they've accessed which also contain Facebook 'like' buttons, even if they don't click on them and don't have a Facebook account.

Anonymous said...

So what? Surely all this isn't actively harmful.

But Facebook may connect you with people you're actually trying to avoid. Its 'People You May Know' section recommends people to connect with. This tool has helped expand Facebook's social network, which went from 100 million members when it was introduced in 2008 to more than two billion in 2018.

It can link the real identities of sex workers to their clients. Or scupper medical confidentiality by linking together a psychiatrist's patients. These patients probably had the psychiatrist's details in their phone's contact book – and that alone was enough for Facebook's algorithms to make the link.

The site has suggested a harasser connect with his (previously anonymous) victim, a husband to his wife's lover, and a victim to the man who broke into her car.

For years, Facebook allowed Microsoft's Bing search engine to see Facebook users' friends without their consent, and it gave Netflix and Spotify the ability to read and even delete Facebook users' 'private' messages.

Facebook has probably used facial recognition on your photos – without securing proper consent from you – to develop lucrative new technology. It has certainly filed patents that describe systems to recognise shoppers' faces in stores and match them to their social networking profiles.

In 2019, hundreds of millions of Facebook users' phone numbers were exposed in an open online database, because the server they were on was not password-protected.

By checking your phone in the morning, you are informing a whole host of busybodies – your smartphone manufacturer, app developers and your mobile company, as well as intelligence agencies (if they happen to be watching you) – what time you wake up, where you've been sleeping and who you share a bed with, providing they keep their phone with them too

By checking your phone in the morning, you are informing a whole host of busybodies – your smartphone manufacturer, app developers and your mobile company, as well as intelligence agencies (if they happen to be watching you) – what time you wake up, where you've been sleeping and who you share a bed with, providing they keep their phone with them too

These are just some of the latest disasters. Everything seems to indicate that Facebook's violations of our right to privacy are not about to stop. It's no wonder that a British parliamentary report has suggested that Facebook has behaved like a 'digital gangster' in the past few years.

It's not alone. Google has also been a major protagonist in this story. In 1996, founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed the core of Google, an algorithm that counts the number and quality of links to a web page to assess how authoritative that website is, and ranks search results accordingly.

Anonymous said...

It was a brilliant idea. Unfortunately for us all, Page and Brin wanted to turn Google Search from an amazing tool into a money-making company. By 2004 it had revenues of £2.3 billion.

How did they do it? By using the personal data of their users to sell ads: little sponsored links in and around their search rankings.

As users searched for what they desired, feared or were curious about, Google collected oceans of data on them.

Since then, Google has created product after product to help it gather even more data from even more sources. Chrome, Maps, Pixel, Nest and many others were designed as ways to collect even more data from you.

Why would a company offer an extra service like Maps, something that is so expensive to create and maintain, for nothing in return? It wouldn't. Google wanted to mine your location data.

Many other organisations – not always the obvious ones – are similarly making free with our data. If you go to the doctor, be aware that your medical data is often for sale.

Data brokers – traders in personal information – can acquire anonymised medical data from pharmacies, hospitals, doctors' offices, health apps, and internet searches, among other sources. Your medical details could end up in the hands of researchers, insurance companies or prospective employers.

The latest controversial data grab is scheduled for later this year when patient information from GP practices is centralised in an NHS database.

Hospital patient data is already held centrally. It can prove hugely helpful for research purposes, which is to everyone's benefit.

But there are concerns the NHS may decide to donate your records, without your consent, to a company such as DeepMind, the artificial intelligence firm owned by Google's parent company, Alphabet.

This may not be to your benefit at all. DeepMind could link your data to your Google account, thereby further eroding your privacy.

Yet the most intimate information of all concerns your genetic data – the blueprint for who you are.

Let's imagine a friend gives you a home DNA kit as a gift. Such kits, which can tell you about your genetic ancestry, help find distant relatives and even tell you your risk of disease, are being sold for about £100.

Anonymous said...

By mailing your saliva sample, you are allowing companies such as Ancestry to analyse, sell and communicate your genetic information as they wish.

And what about your family? There is no way of knowing what the law will be like in 30 years, or what we might be able to infer from genetic information by then.

Perhaps you've run out of sugar and you decide to ask your neighbour if she has some spare. Standing outside her door, you notice there's a new smart doorbell, which records images of those who come near. It's anybody's guess where the footage is going to end up and what it will be used for

Your grandchildren may be denied opportunities in the future on account of your genetic test floating out there in the public domain, should it indicate a susceptibility to life-limiting disease or a negative personality trait.

Your right to lawfully protest might also be at risk from new tactics that further violate privacy. Police are thought to be using 'stingray' technology – fake mobile phone towers that grab your location and can eavesdrop on phone conversations, text messages and web browsing.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, there is secrecy over their use in the UK. A tribunal last year permitted police forces to 'neither confirm nor deny' that they are in use.

Some people argue that invading our privacy might well be necessary for our safety – to fight terrorism or during a pandemic, for example. Contrary to what authorities would have you believe, however, it is much more often the case that privacy invasions bring about unsafe conditions.

With that in mind, consider carefully what you share online, particularly if it concerns your children. Make sure your privacy settings on social media sites are as high as they can be.

Never click on the 'accept cookies' button on a website, choose devices that don't connect to the internet if you can, and use strong passwords.

To those who question whether online privacy matters, I ask them for their password to their email account. Or, better yet, next time they're in a public loo, greet them from the adjoining cubicle as you take a peek over the divider.

Anonymous said...

There is also the question of what kind of society we would like to live in. Two possibilities lie ahead.

The first is an extreme version of the surveillance society we live in today. One in which your every step, word and purchase is tracked by the authorities.

Drones and satellites watch you from above and facial recognition technology identifies you wherever you go.

Authorities track what you read, when you protest. Police, public health authorities, intelligence agencies and surveillance companies receive this information.

Your data is used mainly to quell pandemics and prevent terrorist attacks, the authorities assure you. But you know it is also used for much more than that.

This is a world in which machines manage you. They order food when your fridge is running low. They time your efficiency at work, including your breaks. They tell you to meditate when your stress levels increase.

You wonder whether your children's future might be compromised when they play games online, as you know their scores are being sold to data brokers who calculate cognitive capacities. You worry about how obedient they have to be to stand a chance in this new world.

Anonymous said...

This is a society primed for an authoritarian takeover.

But there is a second, far better option.
A world where your data is yours alone, not for anyone else to share or sell. We just need the right rules in place.

For we are currently witnessing a civilising process similar to the ones that improved our offline lives. In the way that regulation made sure that food being sold was edible and that cars had safety belts, so regulation can tame the Wild West of the internet.

The ground rules that we set now will determine the privacy landscape of the next few decades.

It is critical that we get things right. We owe it to ourselves and to our children.

·Get the book Privacy Is Power, by Carissa Veliz

Anonymous said...

Philippine President threatens COVID vaccine refusers with ‘filthy,’ ‘foul-smelling’ jails

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Jewish-American warns: Spurred by media-hyped Covid-19 fear, 150 million Americans are walking right into the new gas chambers: Vaccines

Anonymous said...

X picks Bill Gates as a Great American? Says a lot about X's fondness for Lucifer.

The biggest mystery is the Muhammed Ali pick?

Ali invented the 'rope a dope'. You would think such a dope as X wouldn't be a fan???

Anonymous said...

Facebook is accused of helping to ‘brainwash’ children as young as FIVE with maths lessons that teach pupils to use ‘correct’ pronouns for ‘non-binary’ people

Anonymous said...


JBS Analysis Behind the News

Tune in every Monday for an analysis behind the news, where we provide perspective that you can use to save American liberty and independence. Globalists are now working harder than ever to skew what you see and hear through the news; we set you on the right path by exposing the forces shaping your world, why, and what you can do about it. A perspective that you can use to help save American liberty and independence. Each week you’ll be given action items and tools to use in your fight for freedom.

Don’t miss JBS Weekly Analysis!

Current & Past Weeks

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets in London to Protest And Fight for Their Children!

June 27, 2021

Massive crowds took to the streets of London today to protest against COVID tyranny. Video footage from the air and on the ground show massive crowds. It appears from video footage being shared on social media that race and political affiliation were put aside in this protest, which is what is needed if the masses are going to have any effect against the Globalists. One woman carried a sign that read: "We're Not From the Left or Right We're From the Bottom and We're Coming for Those on TOP!" Saving the children from the bioweapon shots seemed to be a common theme. And where are similar protests in the USA? Oh, that's right. You have to go to a public school board meeting to see parents up in arms about COVID measures because they want to keep using the Nanny State's school system to babysit their children so they don't have to. And if we do see protests, they will probably be much smaller than this one in London today, with BLMers on one side and Trump supporters on the other, and they won't be protesting against the Globalists, but fighting each other instead. If the masses do rise up together to overthrow tyranny, I'd bet on the UK over the US any day. It looks like they are fairly unified in taking down Boris Johnson and the rest of the hoodlums in Parliament.

Read More:

Anonymous said...

Over 5,000 pigeons just vanished in what people are calling "one of the very worst ever" days in pigeon racing

Anonymous said...

YouTube censors human rights channel exposing prison camps in China!

Anonymous said...

George Floyd, Daunte Wright and Jacob Blake are not Worthy of Celebration

Anonymous said...

The Masons, the 4th of July, and the architecture of the U S Capitol

Those who were deeply troubled by the Jan 6, 'violent insurrection' are under the influence of the Luciferic spirit.

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher blistering rant on Ivermectin… Google and Facebook are hiding the truth!

‘Ivermectin isn’t a registered Republican. It’s a drug!’

“Outrageous!” Bill Maher railed against Facebook and Google for banning and suppressing content about lab leak. “You were wrong, Google and Facebook....The CDC’s been wrong about a lot shit, this is outrageous that I can’t look this information up!”

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump for Klondike Bars

Anonymous said...

Blackouts Loom In California As Electricity Prices Are “Absolutely Exploding”

Anonymous said...

I am watching Bill Maher on HBO right now... he is slowing waking up.

He says that we shouldn't 'defund' the police; we should REFUND the police!!!

Anonymous said...

Pray for Bill Maher!

Wouldn't want him murdered by suicide.

Craig said...

Anon 11:36 PM,

That's hilarious!

Anon 11:30 PM,

Glad Maher is using his platform to point out this stuff out.

He's not a far-Lefty; he's more of a classical Liberal or Libertarian.

Anonymous said...

Amen to 11:54 AM's statement.

Also we need to likewise pray for David Adair!

In the grand tradition of Nicola Tesla he's now moving forward to RADICALLY change things for the better for people around the world. (And who has heard of this? Isn't the deafening silence interesting?)

So we certainly wouldn't want him to wind up like Nicola Tesla may have (allegedly murdered to stop him from leaving the next day to sell an anti-aircraft technology to Britain which, just by coincidence, would've shortened the war GREATLY, cutting off the exorbitant profits to the military industrial complex and the international banks lending the vast monies to support fighting to the combatants).


See the first 32 mins then skip ahead to about the 62 min mark.

(The middle part is mainly just his reminiscences about Neil Armstrong's family. Very interesting in its own right, but kind of off-topic.)

About David Adair

And you can also hear his two stunning 1997 interviews with Art Bell via Google Podcasts!

Anonymous said...

(Here is that video.)

David Adair

Anonymous said...

Dr. John Campbell: Update and Delta Plus variant

Assuming many of you think the fears over the Delta variant is just a covert scare tactic to pressure the population (sheep) to take the [deadly] vaccine. Dr. John Campbell has been a pretty neutral unbiased independent source of information. Even if you don't believe it, it's goods to know the differences with this variant such as...

*it travels through entire households much more efficiently so it's not safe to just isolate the first sick person in the home with the others continuing life as normal going out and infecting the YOUR community.

*If this variant arrives in your small largely unvaccinated town, it's going to explode -- state numbers might not be high because it's not gonna likely be moving through the more vaccinated urban centers so you probably should keep an eye on your county numbers and if they start ticking up... be careful.

*It's summer so deaths should be lower because the population, in general, has higher Vitamin D levels. I do not believe Delta is any more or less deadly; but, treatment protocols are better now and more and more ivermectin data from independent unbiased sources might continue and expand upon the initial positive findings.

Looks like a bunch of people who said they "don't want to be a test subject for an experimental vaccine" are going to need to be chill about being potential test subjects and data sets for the COVID Delta variant.

We'll all continue praying for each other as we gamble with our lives and the lives of our children/grand children.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if we all had a tanning bed like X and his alter egos, we would be in everlasting summer. So, no need for shots!

Or, could supplement with vitamin D

The great wisdom of X!

Craig said...

Chauvin Delivers Cryptic Message Before His Sentencing

Anonymous said...

I pray Chauvin isn't murdered by suicide.

Anonymous said...


Craig said...

BLM protesters who gunned down Secoria Turner are now charged with violent assault on youth leader.

Ak Nation News

Anonymous said...

@ 1:22 PM
"We'll all continue praying for each other "

Ps 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:

Better make sure you are heard first, "bro"...

Anonymous said...

Right on Bro!

Anonymous said...

Excellent article on mid century, structural advancements of the Beast System

RayB said...

The evil indoctrination of our children continues ...

Pride Month: ‘Sesame Street’ Introduces Gay Male Couple for ‘Family Day’

RayB said...

This is a horrific story.

Canada demands apology from Pope Francis after 751 more graves of indigenous children found - bringing the total to 966 unmarked graves.

Matthew 7:16-23

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

J said...

American citizens are being tortured right now within five miles of the White House. Tell me… are you okay with this? #DCGITMO

Joseph D. McBride, Esq.
Attorney and Counselor at the McBride Law Firm, PLLC
Published Jun 17, 2021

American citizens are being tortured right now within five miles of the White House. Illegally held in DC-GITMO as political prisoners, they are being physically and psychologically tortured.

Tell me… are you okay with this?

Like the Gestapo did in Nazi Germany, the Federal Government is targeting anyone who dares criticize it decision making processes, questions its motives, or challenges its legitimacy. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been vocal about her desire to put Trump supporters on lists. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar frequently makes antisemitic statements during times where Jewish persons are regularly attacked in public. United States citizens are being rounded up and held in federal prison absent due process for protesting their government. And DC-GITMO detainees are being physically and psychologically tortured on President Biden's watch. None of the persons being held in DC-GITMO are Democrats. Is there even a question as to whether this is political...? I think not. But to any person who needs that question answered. Our official answer is a resounding— "Hell yes."

My name is Joseph Daniel McBride, and I do not care what your politics are. I represent Richard “Bigo” Barnett, also known as the man who had his feet up on a desk in Speaker Pelosi’s office on January 6, 2021. I understand that many of you disagree with Richard’s actions, and that is okay. What is not okay, however, is your acquiescence to his torture, or the torture of any January-sixer currently being held at DC-GITMO.

J said...

Richard "Bigo" Barnett Legal Defense Fund

J said...

Richard values the free marketplace of ideas and understands that many Americans disagree with his actions. He is not asking for their support. He is instead asking those who disagree with him to reconcile the Federal Government’s all-out prosecution of January-sixers with its failure to prosecute the 200+ Code Pink demonstrators who showed up to disrupt Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court by blocking hallways and occupying offices. He is asking why organizations like GoFundMe refuse to allow him to raise money, while Black Lives Matter- Los Angeles had $3,112,570 in its GoFundMe account as of May 27, 2021. He is asking how Susan Rosenberg a pro-Marxist terrorist convicted of bombing the Capitol Building in 1983 had her sentence commuted by Bill Clinton, ended up overseeing the transfer of more than $10 million to Black Lives Matter, an organization that became increasingly violent during Rosenberg’s tenure. And why the Obama Justice Department dismissed its indictment against her co-conspirator Elizabeth Duke who is still on the FBI’s Most Wanted List as a fugitive!

J said...

Craig 9:48 AM,

Exactly right. CRT is inextricably intertwined with intersectionality and all that entails. And both promote Socialism (Communism) while simultaneously denigrating Capitalism.

These ideas are, of course, permeating ‘liberal’ “Christian” doctrine. Years ago I posted a link here to a Masters or Doctoral level paper that promoted so-called Social Trinitarianism as the proper understanding of the Trinity. [I’ve yet to find any Social Trinitarianism that doesn’t logically entail tritheism, three gods.] The author (woman) promoted this supposed Trinitarian ideal (the Persons all interrelate/cohere via love) as the model for human relations, which was then reduced to Socialism (a New-Agey one). It specifically denigrated Capitalism as necessarily breeding selfishness and as inherently misogynistic.

I hadn't heard of Social Trinitarianism. I'm sure God is not impressed.

J said...

P.S. Some say that Karl Marx got his line: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs," from the Book of Acts. (11:29)

Of course, giving was voluntary and from the heart. And the immediate context was that somebody prophesied a famine would sweep Judea (which happened under Claudius).

Freely sharing with one another was depicted as being a part of the early Christian community in other sections of the Book of Acts.

It's totally different if forced. One can't give if one is being robbed. Nothing can come from the heart if it is forced.

I think in our culture the recommendation is not to give directly to the homeless but instead to give to a charity that will shelter or feed the homeless. That way one can avoid panhandler scam artists and avoid feeding drug and alcohol habits.

I used to give money to homeless veteran charity run directly by veterans when I lived in Alaska. I didn't like being followed by panhandlers when I was in Anchorage, who could be very aggressive, eyeing purses and approaching closely on foot. I used to think Anchorage was bad until I heard how bad Portland is.

J said...

P.P.S. I will admit to feelings of ambivalence about capitalism. But my feelings of alarm about government dependence are stronger. We know what happens. The government gets to decide who lives and dies under socialized medicine. We've read the stories.

Anonymous said...

Re. Attorney Joseph D McBride and Bigo Barnett

1. This is a money the attorneys...using conspiratorial words to drum up publicity and 'legal fund' donations for THEMSELVES.

2. Despite being a continued threat to society, Bigo was released pending trial in April. He was armed on Jan 6th.

3. Bigo was not physically or psychologically tortured in any manner. It is not "torture" to detain a criminal, pending trial or a future time/motion, and refuse bond. Different judges have different tolerances for assessing the risks an accused poses to society.

4. Bigo is a snowflake

"Thursday was supposed to be a routine status update, but Barnett lashed out at his continued detention after the judge set his next court hearing for May 4. WUSA9 is not allowed to record the hearing, but was able to listen in and report.

"Barnett angrily addressed the judge, prosecutors and even his own team of attorneys.

"I been here a long time," he told the judge. "Make me sit here for another month when everyone else is getting out. The prosecution keeps dragging this out. Everyone else has worse charges than me [and] is already at home.”


5. Federal Prison is a cakewalk compared to state systems. The downside is Bigo is, it's been estimated, will be looking at a 1 year sentence. There is no early release from Federal Prison.

6. These men are not patriots --- why anyone would donate to them or otherwise support their shameful criminal behavior is beyond me. Countering a narrative and defending an accused gunman, ironically, using the same arguments used to defend the actions of killer Kyle Rittenhouse isn't defending, condoning and/or directly supporting violence. I never posted suggesting donating to his legal defense fund or personally financed anything. I didn't donate to the democrat party OR republican party (to whom I remain a registered voter). Bigo is a domestic terrorist....financially supporting him is just as bad as funding the Weaher Underground or the Communist Party (another horrible thing I would never do or condone).

Your mileage may vary.

Here's the footage from an 6th that was altered to make it appear the initial intruders into the Capital Buidling were all just wearing black like antifa. It's still pretty dark but obviously the same crew of proud boys the outside videos show approaching those windows.

New security camera footage of insurrection at U.S. Capitol (feb 10th)

In June...a federal judge forced the release of new body cam video from the not-so-peaceful Jan 6th insurrection:

Body camera shows violence against cops on Jan. 6

Raw Police Body Worn Camera Footage From January 6 Capitol Attack (51 minutes on he Capitol Steps totally demolishing the "invited in" narrative)


Anonymous said...

Our former President Trump and all his supporters live rent free inside X's head.

What do you bet there are some folks with their feet propped up on his desk inside there and
they're not budging...


J said...

X 8:24 PM,

The videos depict mostly random and spontaneous behavior. They do not depict the organized execution of a plan.

This is called mob behavior. It is not called terrorism. It is not called an insurrection.

It is not the very first time in American history that mob behavior has occurred at the Capital building.

The Proud Boys have been known for being ready to rumble with Antifa. They haven't been known for planting bombs in government buildings.

I have never been a fan of the Proud Boys, but it's a stretch to paint them as insurrectionists or terrorists.

What happened on Jan. 6th had some fluidity and spontaneity -- as will happen with mob behavior. An insurrection, on the other hand, requires organization and planning. Show me the evidence of those two elements to any significant extent. If it existed it didn't rise anywhere near to the magnitude of the task.

Terrorists and insurrectionists don't put their feet up on a desk and pose for a picture.

How many times has a Muslim terrorist walked into a gay nightclub, put his feet up on the manager's desk in the manager's office, had his picture taken, then walked out?

Aren't domestic terrorists known for blowing up government buildings? There wasn't even so much as a fake bomb threat on Jan. 6th, was there?

The mob behavior took on menacing and intimidating characteristics and resulted in loss of life.

I don't care for mob behavior. Mob behavior is bad. But it is not the same thing as an insurrection, which requires organization and planning. It is not the same thing as terrorism, which likewise is planned and executed in cold blooded and calculated fashion and is not a random and spontaneous and fluid thing in which people are making it up as they go in a crowd.

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: 'It's like Guantanamo Bay': Inside the Washington D.C. jail where Capitol rioters are 'treated like domestic terrorists,' assaulted, taunted and locked up in 'closet-sized' cells up to 24hours a day

Indefinitely-Detained Jan 6 Capitol Protesters ‘Put On Lockdown In Retaliation For Fox News Show’ Exposing How They’re Being Tortured

American citizens are being tortured right now within five miles of the White House. Tell me… are you okay with this? #DCGITMO

Anonymous said...

New Organization Launches $1 Million Campaign to Fight Critical Race Theory in Schools!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, J.
Mob behavior is bad. Mob behavior is stupid. The loss of life that involved a weapon was not used by somebody of the mob. Who plans an insurrection without weapons? So this was a stupid runaway of bad behavior, most definitely uncivil, but not terrorism, not an insurrection. The many thousands and thousands of people there that day were not "incited" by President Trump.
Those people acted of their own accord.

And should be held accountable, but that is not the kind of treatment those who entered the Capitol on Jan 6th are currently getting, there is no due process for them.
The progressive left is not in the least interested in fact they make sure there is none.

Anonymous said...

Remember these are newly updated at least every day or sooner!

Take both shots DAILY after being exposed until such time as this blogspot is no longer infested:



Anonymous said...

There were a couple bombs planted on the evening of Jan 5th outside republican and democrat party offices or buildings?

FBI releases new video of pipe bomb suspect near U.S. Capitol

You mentioned Code Pink and hippies protesting at the Capitol and many Code Pink protestors have been arrested over the years for breaking laws. One big difference is they largely disrupted committee meetings or "occupied" open public spaces. On Jan 6th the entire Capitol Building Complex/Building was closed to the public due to threats and suspicions over republicans "touring" MAGA saboteurs the days prior to Jan 6th. Another difference is Code Pink didn't beat their way in by assaulting officers. They stood in line and peacefully waited for admittance into public spaces. Finally, the charges against Code Pink generally involved "disorderly conduct" and what USCP called “unlawful demonstration activities,” and they were charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding, also under the D.C. code. These women/people had to go jail, hire lawyers and administer their cases through the process and, in many cases, serve their time. Other's were banned from public spaces in DC for a time.

The overall intent of the crowd, as "organized" by DJT and the Trump campaign (who spend millions of dollars of campaign money busing these people, some armed, to Washington DC was actually overturning the process of certifying a duly held US election. The Proud Boys and 3%'er and Oath Keepers WERE organized and executed a coordinated flanking maneuver on the Capitol steps redirecting their assault utilizing the scaffolding.

Had the crowd gotten to Nancy Pelosi or Mike Pence...mobs likely would have done as mobs do and hyped each other up and inflicted violence upon them specifically...which, once you start can escalate as Trump, sitting in a room somewhere watching gleefully on his television screens, hoped leading to ACTUAL insurrection.

Like the battle at Lexington and wasn't exactly spontaneous but it wasn't exactly planned either. There a revolution was provoked by "radicals" with a political, but not quite fully thought through, military objective.

In today's climate of surveillance -- if it were fully "planned" it would have actually been easier to stop.


Anonymous said...

Meant to add...

The "insurrectionists" are all being charged, it appears, with lessor crimes anyway so the debate is kind of moot. But maybe the Congressional House investigation will shed more light upon such.

I also don't recall the Code Pink women crying about conditions at the DC Jails where they were held. It's jail, not camp. Grow up.


Anonymous said...

Hillary campaign interview moment is for the ages. Absolutely hilarious!

Anonymous said...

"And should be held accountable, but that is not the kind of treatment those who entered the Capitol on Jan 6th are currently getting, there is no due process for them."

They are absolutely being afforded due process. It's the federal court system with some of the best judges in the country administrating "justice" upon them pursuant to the rule of law. Some have republican appointed judges and other, democrat appointed judges but that really won't matter much. The process is the process. Justice is slow and steady.

Their lawyers and the alt-right media are just spinning it for fame, money and political purposes. Their lawyers also hope making and keeping it political will benefit their clients (judges don't like making 'political' decisions).

In the end, most will get breaks. They will cooperate, plead guilty and be given shorter sentences OR even time served. The ones that are on video beating up/assaulting officers or smashing windows breaking into the buildings...not so much leniency.

Even the Washington Post agrees, back in May reporting:

"About 44 percent of those accused in federal court as of Monday — 181 of 411 defendants — are charged solely with low-level crimes, primarily trespassing or disorderly conduct on restricted grounds, which typically don’t result in a jail or prison sentence for first-time offenders. Most of the Jan. 6 defendants have no serious criminal records."

Hundreds of people stormed the Capitol. Most won’t face hefty prison terms, legal experts say: Nearly half are charged only with misdemeanors, but those accused of assaulting police could face years in prison.

Anonymous said...

Yet again we see a wicked aspect of 'x' as he replies to this horror story with maliciously snide dismissal:

Capitol rioters are 'treated like domestic terrorists,' assaulted, taunted and locked up in 'closet-sized' cells up to 24 hours a day

"It's jail, not camp. Grow up."

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I heard something yesterday I thought I might mention tonight about CRT.

The TRAP of CRT is that as the Alt right, MAGA and republicans pivot to focusing the next big crisis on education and scapegoating blacks about CRT hoping to utilize this issue/crisis to, in part, campaign upon it and wrestle back control of the House and Senate in the mid-term elections....

That fact you think that such white backlash and moral panic over CRT might provide the essential FEAR and RAGE to accomplish such, you are actually conceding one of the central premises of CRT itself which is that, indeed, racial resentment and the preservation of racial hierarchy (for white people/non-minorities) is in fact the central ordering conflict in American society.

Defeat the idea of CRT with better ideas and the Gospel of Jesus Christ (which always wins) versus demonstrating behavior that supports CRT.

Not saying going to school board meetings and such isn't valuable but how you conduct yourself as a representative of Christ matters.

CRT is wrong....but how do you tell anyone they are wrong in a loving manner? None of us here are good at that (as WE, me too, talk past each half the time).

Anonymous said...

Capitol Rioters detained by DC Corrections are treated like every other inmate/detainee.

The lockdowns are due to covid, nothing more.

Though I imagine the ones with explicit charges of beating and assaulting Capitol police aren't getting a lot of love from the guards, I'm sure their good or bad treatment is largely in their hands and the way they conduct themselves. It's not Rikers Island or San Quentin.

Even mainstream media has covered this:

"Welcome to the Club"


J said...

X 11:08 PM,

If it's more love you want in the world, then you shouldn't want CRT in the schools, either.

Craig said...

X @ 11:08 PM,

You wrote: ...scapegoating blacks about CRT....

Quit the race-baiting here. Have you not seen the many Blacks speaking out against CRT? Do you not see that CRT makes Blacks (and other non-Whites) victims?

CRT is MARXIST indoctrination. Divide and conquer. If you cannot see that, then you need to pull your head out of the sand. Or from wherever it may be.


Coincidentally, I've been watching a bit of YouTube, listening to various types of music, and I thought of Sly and the Family Stone's "Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)" with Larry Graham's fantastically funky bassline. Since I initially wasn't positive if it was indeed Larry Graham, I looked it up on Wiki, finding this garbage:

With the band's new-found fame and success came numerous problems. Relationships within the band were deteriorating; there was friction in particular between the Stone brothers and Larry Graham.[27] Epic requested more marketable output.[28] The Black Panther Party demanded that Sly replace Gregg Errico and Jerry Martini with black instrumentalists and fire manager David Kapralik.

J said...

X 11:24 PM,

The article you linked didn't mention standing up in a closet sized cell. I'm thinking that's not a normal DC jail experience.

Craig said...

To put my thoughts @ 11:32 PM into a larger context, Sly and the Family Stone had recorded "Everyday People" in '68. The Wiki entry notes:

The song is one of Sly Stone's pleas for peace and equality between differing races and social groups, a major theme and focus for the band. The Family Stone featured Caucasians Greg Errico and Jerry Martini in its lineup, as well as females Rose Stone and Cynthia Robinson; making it the second major integrated band in rock history after Los Angeles' Love. Sly and the Family Stone's message was about peace and equality through music, and this song reflects the same.

Unlike the band's more typically funky and psychedelic records, "Everyday People" is a mid-tempo number with a more mainstream pop feel. Sly, singing the main verses for the song, explains that he is "no better / and neither are you / we are the same / whatever we do."

Sly's sister Rose Stone sings bridging sections (using the cadence of the "na-na na-na boo-boo" children's taunt) that mock the futility of people hating each other for being tall, short, rich, poor, fat, skinny, white, black, or anything else. The bridges of the song contain the line "different strokes for different folks", which became a popular catchphrase in 1969 (and inspired the name of the later television series, Diff'rent Strokes). Rose's singing ends each part of the bridge with the words: "And so on, and so on, and scooby dooby doo". The children's animated TV series Scooby-Doo (often featuring the phrase "scooby dooby doo") also launched in 1969.

During the chorus, all of the singing members of the band (Sly, Rosie, Larry Graham, and Sly's brother Freddie Stone) proclaim that "I am everyday people," meaning that each of them (and each listener as well) should consider himself or herself as parts of one whole, not of smaller, specialized factions.

In other words, Sly Stone was about racial harmony, and to read about the Black Panther's demands...

I venture to say this may have contributed to Stone's drug usage. Such a shame.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for would be like Camp.

The DC jails even have a rehab/re-education program for young males offenders complete with Zoomba classes and treadmills.

DC jail program focuses on rehab for male inmates

At this D.C. jail, a book club offers a safe space:

"Reading and writing can provide a profession, a passion or an escape from reality. In Washington, D.C., the Free Minds Book Club positions the activities as mechanisms through which incarcerated people can express themselves in healthy and constructive ways. As Jeffrey Brown reports, inmates who participate in the organization have a much lower recidivism rate than the national average."

Here's a conversation about the awful food at DC Jails again...welcome to the club, but, I'm sure most of these men all have the ability to buy things in the commissary (unlike 60% of the typical detainees).

DC Jail Food Conversation 1

So if this really upsets may want to campaign locally to having conditions improved at your local county and state holding, jail and prison systems for ALL detainees dealing with such "horror stories". Otherwise, this being the first time in your lives the conditions in any jail bothered you ...that's some ironic justice.


J said...

X 11:50 PM,

How dare you. One of my brothers went to prison at age 16. I'm sure I don't know everything he went through. I do know he had bronchitis that went untreated and his weight got down to 80 some pounds. He spent some time in "the hole." It's where he got bronchitis.

What possible way do you have of knowing that anybody here is bothered about conditions in any jail for the first time? Why would you make such a snarky and contemptuous statement?

Anonymous said...

Simply because he is posing as a white Republican Christian but in action shows himself to be a socialist troll here to get and keep this blogspot in constant strife.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:08 PM : ..."and the Gospel of Jesus Christ (which always wins)"

First for you is you better make sure you believe and walk in the light of the Gospel yourself "bro".

Anonymous said...

For that reason he should be given the 1 post per week status which was given to Christine for the same reason: Causing constant strife here.

Anonymous said...

X will get his.

The great pretender is a complete fraud to call himself a christian because he goes way past snark, he dives straight into utter contempt post to post. And he talks about a loving manner?
(X you are in no danger of being accused of having a loving manner)

Haters hate. It's his thing. And lying. Lying is his M.O. too.
Nasty human.

Anonymous said...

Craig and J,

I don't want CRT in schools...I even posted last week to J about trying to get it out of schools.

I was merely repeating something I heard ....and pointing out the trap of CRT if it's used as a political dog whistle by white nationalists versus just being a wrong idea/theory you oppose respectfully, with words and with the forethought that you're not necessarily entitled to have your way (because you/we are white) in the non-secular world of education.

Jesus overturns the money changers tables inside and outside the synagogue upset that His house was meant to be a place for prayer, not thieves. Perhaps a School Board meeting isn't the place to turn over tables.

When we were kids...we all knew about Communism. Didn't make us Communists when we grew up. There had to be an explanation for all those bomb drills where we hid under our tiny desks. CRT has Marxist roots and it's unbiblical but SOME of it's observations (subjective stories) aren't all wrong. Race issues DO exist and I don't have the solution, do you?

Most school districts aren't teaching the actual CRT, just multi-cultural history and SOME discussions about race issues and critical thinking questions in textbooks and lesson plans teachers may or may not even get to. It's NOT some daily barrage.
If you want full control of what your kid learns homeschool or find a nice protestant school to send them to. It's not the end of the world that we (white Christians) don't get to get EVERYTHING our way.

Finally, don't look to the government to fix it. Between Trump and Bush, the Federalist Society (Opus Dei) has appointed over half the federal judges in the US and the solidly Republican controlled Supreme Court that the Republicans have controlled since the 1950's has handed over every cultural loss, including, but not limited to, abortion, prayer in schools, gay marriage, corporate free speech to the devil. We answer to the roman vicar now and he's all for ecumenicism and pluralism in a "global" society. They aren't stopping CRT in the courts. Some states may have success blocking it in state legislatures but, like I said, you're just feeding the theory with confirming data.

Perhaps keeping it out of your church should be the real goal...check the youth program. Evil likes sneaking in the backdoor using the children's and women's ministries as access points.

Anonymous said...

Proverbs 6: 16-19
6 things God hates and the 7th...
...and he that soweth discord among brethren...
Own it "brother" x.

Anonymous said...

Notice x's 12:21 AM attempt to backpedal but at the same time keep trying to demoralize everybody into just simply accepting Marxist CRT in schools.

Posing as a white Republican Christian but in action shows himself to be a socialist troll indeed.

Anonymous said...

"Evil likes sneaking in the backdoor"..

You told the truth for once x.....your posts are sneak and then some.
Except we see you coming.
But we smell ya first.

Anonymous said...

keeps trying

Anonymous said...

Interesting story from Australia regarding vaccinations and the Delta Variant.

Birthday party attended by 30 (or 31) persons

24 of 24 unvaccinated persons contracted Covid - Delta
6 of 6 vaccinated persons did not contract Covid - Delta

*1 of 1 person vaccinated first round only did not contract Covid- Delta

*how this person fit into the other numbers I'm not sure but I believe she was a 31st person attending the party versus being one of the 6 supposedly fully vaccinated persons???

Australia back into lockdown.

"Vaccinated health workers at West Hoxton birthday party didn't contract COVID-19, NSW Health reveals"

RayB said...

X stated @ 11:08 PM (in part):

"Defeat the idea of CRT with better ideas and the Gospel of Jesus Christ (which always wins) versus demonstrating behavior that supports CRT."

X, please expound on your assertion that "the Gospel of Jesus Christ" "always wins" statement. How does the "Gospel" always win, when the vast majority of people, throughout the ages, reject the Gospel?

RayB said...

Want to know America's future? Watch Canada.

Justin Trudeau introduces $20,000 fine for ‘online hate speech’…

"Canada’s ruling Liberal government announced on Wednesday that it plans to make online hate speech a crime punishable by as much as $20,000 (roughly $16,250 US) for the first offense and $50,000 ($40,600 US) for the second. The proposal would punish social media users who broke the law but exempt social media companies that host such content from fines."

Anonymous said...

I'm not a teacher...but I believe...

The Gospel of Jesus Christ does win every time for the elect who turn by faith to Christ in this life and embrace Him as Savior. Those who don’t and dismiss the concept of hell will find out eternity is an awfully long time to be wrong.

We don't "save" people, the Gospel does according to the will of God.

Am I mistaken?


Anonymous said...

In Canada who gets the money for such hate speech, the person(s) attacked?

Cause if "anonymous" is in Canada...she might owe me several hundred thousand dollars of Canadian funny money by now.

When does this rule go into effect?



RayB said...


Thanks for the clarification. I'm sure you agree then with this:

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:13,14

Anonymous said...

I am sure he was convicted fairly: "One of my brothers went to prison at age 16."

Welcome to the world of the black man, almost.

People of color are often scapegoated, set up and judged guilty everyday for crimes they haven't committed.

I doubt that was your brother's situation, even if I can understand it's difficult for you. Where were you in guiding him?


Anonymous said...

Yup, as well as...

"Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep." John 10:7 KJV

The statement “I am the door,” found in John 10:7, is the third of seven “I am” declarations of Jesus recorded only in John’s Gospel. These “I am” proclamations point to His unique, divine identity and purpose. In this “I am” statement, Jesus colorfully points out for us the exclusive nature of salvation by saying that He is “the door,” not “a door.” Furthermore, Jesus is not only our Shepherd who leads us into the “sheepfold,” but He is the only door by which we may enter and be saved (John 10:9). Jesus is the only means we have of receiving eternal life (John 3:16). There is no other way. Via Got Questions.

Notice there is no mention of republicans, democrats, Americans, conservative, liberals, politics, the US Constitution or Declaration of Independence as an alternative door.

Jesus is the door and we are the sheep that our Shepard leads down the narrow path.

Am I mistaken? You seem to be trying to set me up for a gotcha but I'd be appreciative of any teaching my fellow sheep might offer me as I walk beside moving waters. If you are a Pastor, I'd appreciate knowing that as well.


Anonymous said...


Post at 1:14 pm is not me.


J said...

1:14 PM,

I was responding to this:

" Otherwise, this being the first time in your lives the conditions in any jail bothered you ...that's some ironic justice."

My brother was older, once again revealing your readiness to glibly assume. Be that as it may, if he had been younger, you still wouldn't have any business making me explain or defend how well I did or I didn't guide him.

Furthermore, you don't seem to realize that same question about guidance could be asked of the parents of the young black men who commit crimes?

Regardless, I would never ask such a question so insensitively and glibly of any individual who I didn't know, of any race, upon learning a sibling had been imprisoned.

But the original topic was the jail conditions being experienced by the 1/6ers in their DC cells.

When I think of irony, imprisoned black men is not the irony that first comes to mind.

The irony that first comes to mind is the George W. Bush War on Terror era of Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Abu Ghraib, etc.

During that era, I was a Democratic voter, but...

That was before the Democrats were pro-Satin, pro-infanticide, pro-anarchy, pro-pervert and pro-school-re-education camp.

J said...

X, I was typing my post before I read yours. I assumed it was you. That's why I threw in a reference to Satin.

I don't know who it was, but whoever it was, I do know there is nothing I can do or say to take away that type of resentment.

It wouldn't make a dent in such resentment to say that I've read the novels of Toni Morrison and Alice Walker, that I've had a good friend in the workplace who was a black woman, that my son had a black friend in preschool and another in kindergarten, that my husband cares about his black employees as much his white employees, or on and on.

You see, I already know from reading a little bit about CRT, that it isn't about individual empathy at all. It isn't about individual fairness at all. The individual isn't the unit. The whole community is the unit.

My understanding actually goes deeper than that, because I recognize my women's studies intersectional class -- except with class completely removed -- and race put in the place where the radical feminists put gender. And gender isn't about women anymore. It's about the Gender Bread Person. And without the older wishy washy perspectivism and post-modernism. Somehow, although according to philosophy we can't be certain of anything, we can now be certain about exactly what kind of society the government should be socially engineering.

Could somebody please explain to me how that last part works?

Last, could somebody justify justice if they don't believe in God? If we're just animals?

If somebody does believe in God, then what comes next is fearing God enough, and not trying to put words in God's mouth. It so happens that God already said many words in favor of justice, but it still may not be good enough for you. Perhaps you wish Jesus had been Jesus tse Tung?

RayB said...

X said to RayB @ 1:47 PM (regarding RayB's post @ 12:20 PM):

"Notice there is no mention of republicans, democrats, Americans, conservative, liberals, politics, the US Constitution or Declaration of Independence as an alternative door.

Jesus is the door and we are the sheep that our Shepard leads down the narrow path."


Interesting that you brought up John Chapter 10, because I thoughtfully read it just the other day. You're right. There is no SPECIFIC mention of that which you enumerated. However, Jesus very clearly declared that his "sheep hear his voice ... And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for THEY KNOW NOT THE VOICE OF STRANGERS." Note that Christ provides a description of these "strangers," stating that they are "thieves and robbers." These same strangers "... cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (verse 10)

NOTE: I have never stated, or even hinted in the slightest manner, that politics, or ANY politician for that matter, is an "alternative door" to Christ. No one else on this blog has ever advocated that as well. To believe such a thing would constitute outright blasphemy, and would be a distinct denial of Christ. Having said that, we do KNOW certain things about "liberals" and "Democrats" and that is this; they CONSISTENTLY side with the unrighteous workers of darkness. Christ came to bring LIFE ... while liberals and Democrats advocate DEATH, in particular to the most innocent among us; the unborn. They are not life-givers at all. They openly advocate DESTROYING life, both physically and spiritually.

X, you have a peculiar habit of consistently siding with the workers of iniquity, yet you name the name of Christ.

Why is that X?

RayB said...

X asked RayB: "If you are a Pastor, I'd appreciate knowing that as well."

Answer: No ... I am not a "Pastor." Just a simple believer, by the grace of God, in Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Americans are now living under foreign occupation!!!

June 28, 2021...

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 2:39pm said:

"X, you have a peculiar habit of consistently siding with the workers of iniquity, yet you name the name of Christ.

"Why is that X?"

While your at it likewise answer this:

X, you have a peculiar habit of consistently calling anonymous posters "she", and you name the name of "Stephanie."

Why is that X?

Anonymous said...

I am feeling nervous about the 4th of July this year (hope I am wrong)...

White House believes NOTHING (not even the deadly Delta variant) can stop the July 4 party: Psaki says administration is still expecting thousands of people in Washington despite concerns US could see 'very dense outbreaks'

The astrological significance of July...

Anonymous said...

That last link I posted at 5:03 PM doesn't work; try this one instead...

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