Monday, June 14, 2021

Please watch the HBO Series on Qanon "Into the Storm"

I have been watching many videos and doing much reading about Qanon. The more I read, the more alarmed I become. QANON is NOT OF GOD and it is DANGEROUS. A very informative video illustrating Qanon origins and direction is HBO's current series ON THE STORM. If you have access to HBO documentaries, please make every effort to watch it. Friends of mine came back from Antrim County, Michigan. They told me that they were making statements there that Donald Trump would be reinstated as President of the USA in August 2021. Both high unlikely, not to mention delusional! Michael Lindell, MY PILLOW owner and CEO spoke, I'm told at the Antrim County, Michigan rally. My friends tell me the book LOVE JOY TRUMP was being actively marketed and sold there. Lindell wrote the foreword for that book. The book is one of the worst combinations of New Apostolic Reform and outright NEW AGE occultism I have seen together in one place. I am hearing statistics that many Evangelicals believe Qanon is correct. This lack of discernment is distressing! Stay tuned! CONSTANCE '


«Oldest   ‹Older   1801 – 1885 of 1885
Anonymous said...

The FBI’s Suppression Of The Seth Rich Murder

After five years of denying any interest in Seth Rich's mysterious death, the FBI quietly released 137 pages of heavily redacted documents proving otherwise.

RayB said...

The Coming Vaccine Mandates in America

"Nations across the world are falling one-by-one by embracing compulsory Covid-19 vaccinations. We'd like to think it couldn't happen in America, but that would be foolish."

"The general messaging coming out of DC, mainstream media, academia, Big Tech, and an uncomfortable number of private businesses across the country is that a disease with a 99.97% recovery rate for otherwise healthy people under 50-years-old must influence every action we take in our lives. It has devastated the economy, prompted dramatic spikes in suicides and drug overdoses, closed down businesses, curtailed the education of millions of children, and changed the collective psyche of the nation. But you knew all of this. Now, let me tell you something you may not know.

Compulsory vaccines are coming to America."

Anonymous said...

National Public Radio has a long history of left-leaning bias towards its stories. Project Veritas sought to prove it. Posing as a representatives from the “Muslim Education Action Center,” two citizen journalists secured a meeting with NPR executives and presented an offer of a $5 million donation from the fictitious Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group. The videos proved that the media bias is real. With cameras rolling, the high-level NPR executive called Republicans and the Tea Party as "white, middle-America gun-toting" and “seriously racist, racist people.” As a result of this video, the most senior of executives were forced to resign and Congress voted to eliminate any public funding of NPR. James O'Keefe explains in the video below.

Project Veritas sent two undercover journalists, posing a members of a Muslim Brotherhood front group, to meet with two high-ranking National Public Radio (“NPR”) executives. The journalists explained to the executives that they were interested in making a $5 million dollar donation. The executives – Ron Schiller, President of the NPR Foundation and Senior VP for Development of NPR and Betsy Liley, Senior Director of Institutional Giving for NPR – were quick to display their distaste towards Zionists, Christians, Tea Party members, and uneducated Americans. Schiller in particular was quite outspoken in his support for Muslims and Palestine and critical of Jews, Zionists, and Jewish organizations. Schiller went on to call the Republican party xenophobic, “white, middle-America, gun-toting,” going as far as to say “they’re seriously racist, racist people.

J said...

If you think about it, we don't really know the true recovery rate of real COVID-19, because the PCR tests had been picking up all different kinds of coronaviruses -- and even influenza, too.

But that's not the main point of this article. The main point is that the author wonders what the reason is for this sudden and quiet change. The author speculates about several possible reasons.

CDC Quietly Revokes RT-PCR Emergency Use Authorization Because They Counted Covid-19 and Influenza Together

J said...

Are we in for a new kind of vaccine acquired immune deficiency? If this is really true, it would explain the frequently cited observation that vaccine recipients experience milder COVID, in spite of frequently experiencing breakthrough infections. In other words their immune system is not really effectively fighting the virus, but they are not experiencing cytokine storms, either. To make sense of this, you need to understand that when you are sick with the cold or flu, it's your immune system that causes the symptoms that you experience.

The next logical question is, what is the viral load of the vaccinated people who experience the breakthrough infections? And are they quietly carrying a viral load that is quietly mutating, after they recover?

In other words, are the people who experience the breakthrough infections turning into the real asymptomatic carriers?

I'm not making assertions, just asking questions.

In some ways it's a little easier for me to wrap my brain around this, because I'm already familiar with parents and doctors reporting that some children with autism "hoard" viruses. That is, they carry a high viral load, but their immune system is not effectively fighting the viruses. They never get sick. Or they never have a fever if they do get mildly ill.

It seems like maybe a new kind of "stealth AIDS" could possibly be created in this fashion. I'm just wondering, not asserting. I don't mean HIV associated AIDS. AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency. I think if this is true it's apparent that people can possibly acquire an immune deficiency from the COVID vaccines.

Frankly I don't feel bad speculating, because I think it's become apparent that we need to question everything now.

Dr. Mercola: The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health

The COVID-19 vaccine disables the Type I interferon pathway, which explains why vaccinated patients are reporting herpes and shingles infection following COVID-19 vaccination

You’re going to disrupt your white blood cells, your immune response. You’re going to turn on an anti-inflammatory cytokine signature in every cell of your body. It exhausts your NK cells’ ability to determine infected cells. It’s the nightmare we predicted.

RayB said...

Media protection racket hides Joe Biden’s ‘comically bizarre gaffes’ at CNN town hall

"The Media and Joe Biden: A Love Story"

Anonymous said...

"If you think about it, we don't really know the true recovery rate of real COVID-19, because the PCR tests had been picking up all different kinds of coronaviruses -- and even influenza, too."

And what I believed within a month of the whole debacle.
With an epic showdown election coming on, it had to be manufactured for every excuse in the book to up end absolutely everything..and the schemers have been successful. they were not going to lose again like 2016. It had been a back burner project for a while, but steadily cooking, then front burner heat cranked up in time for undoing Pres Trump's forward march to another 4 years, with an added bonus cooked up "insurrection" to cap the whole thing. The devil wants his global control, his last hurrah, he is about to get what he wants.
Are people waking up too late is what I wonder.
Fear on every side is the new normal. Health, economy, terrorists pouring over our border, our freedoms totally gone (unless you lick the boots of the powers that be) all rerouted, all systemically replaced to make us slaves.

My sad speculation is yes.
By year end of 2022 we will wake up in a totalitarian state (if not before?)?

RayB said...

America has officially morphed into an Oligarchy which is predominantly operated by the radical, pro-Marxist left. The concept of a free, investigative "press" has virtually disappeared. In its place, the Oligarchy benefits from their like-minded, professional propagandists in the main stream media.

Latest proof of the Oligarchy's power over the "people" is what has recently happened in the "People's House:"

Nancy Pelosi did something recently that has NEVER BEEN DONE in the long history of the United States House of Representatives. Minority Leader McCarthy had appointed Jim Banks of Indiana as the panel's top Republican and Jim Jordan of Ohio, both of whom are Conservative Trump supporters to the Jan. 6th. House Hearings Committee. In response, in an unprecedented move, both were summarily "rejected" by Pelosi. In their place, Pelosi then appointed GOP RINOs Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, both of whom voted to "impeach" Donald Trump.

As a consequence, the Jan. 6th. Hearings will be nothing other than a 3rd. world Kangaroo Court, with a predetermined biased outcome. With the full support of the radical left media, they will predictably conclude that Trump was attempting to overthrow the U. S. Government by means of an "armed insurrection," Pelosi's own erroneous description of the events of that day.

IMO, we are in the "last days" of America. My guess is that next up will probably be a genuine economic collapse that will usher in, officially, a "new way" of governing (i.e., the Great Reset). The "new way" will be nothing other than the "old way" of Marxism, that always results in despotic dictatorship, whereby individual liberties are crushed.

These will be very trying times for Christians. BUT, remember this: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Phil. 4:13

And ...

"I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Matt. 28:20

RayB said...

Anon @ 10:55 AM ...

I was writing my post @ 11:58 AM and posted it when I saw yours. You are spot on.

Prior to the 'pandemic," Trump was leading a global resurgence of populism, which is based upon individual freedom and liberty. Populism is in direct conflict with the utterly despotic New World Order. Therefore, Trump HAD to be stopped, and the 'pandemic' offered a very fortuitous opportunity to do just that. Without COVID, the fraudulent "mail in ballots," etc. could not have happened, and Biden could not have been "elected."

Also, once COVID hit, virtually ALL of the populist movements in Hong Kong, Paris (Yellow Vests), and across Europe, CEASED, due to "lockdowns" and "social distancing," etc. Now we are entering the next stage ...

Anonymous said...


California, by itself, is the 5th largest economy in the world. This isn't some back woods red state that doesn't matter all that much who the Governor is or isn't.

Electing a 69 year old radio personality who made a career of criticizing government from an ivory tower but lacks any and all experience DOING government is just crazy. It's like producers of a super expense movie production firing their very experienced big name director to hire Siskel or Ebert.

Not to mention, in 2014 "after years of 'friendship'", Elder finally divorced his God-given wife to marry former LA Heidi Fleiss prostitute, Alexandra Datig. Larry was about 62 at the time and Alexandra about 44 but they allegedly go back to 1993 when Heidi Fleiss was busted (and Larry was about 41 and Alexandra 23).

If true...that's close enough to pedophilia for me and I never trust a man that will cheat on the woman he sleeps with.

California politics matter just about as much as the US as a whole. Didn't Arnold teach them anything? Why can't republican's seek out credentialed candidates? Arnold Schwarzenneger was a disaster because he lacked real political experience in a state that demands a lot of it. For comparison, read Gavin Newsome's bio and experience in business and government and though we all think he's too liberal, try to then encourage and find a Republican candidate that can somewhat match up against that experience.

Beside, what did Gavin Newsome do to get recalled???

California is 32nd in the nation in death per million. If Newsome had run California like Mississippi, they would have at least 100,000 dead in California today instead of "just" 64,000.

Let this chart "play" out to see just how bad red states have done at managing covid since last July (the month following cases appearing in all 50 states).


Anonymous said...

This chart is a bit scary to watch.

"Every state did an excellent job vaccinating at least 75% of their seniors in the first six months of vaccinations, causing COVID cases to plummet. But starting around June '21, the vaccination rates really started to diverge, so this chart looks at the normalized* cases per state cross-referencing their current vaccination status."

Click the tab to see the states with the least cases and it's interesting to see South Dakota and Michigan in there with low vax rates and low case rate right now. Is there, perhaps, some herd immunity that came about naturally? They both were recenty high on the case and death rates this spring. But wouldn't that be the case across the board? Too soon to know???


Anonymous said...


X yet again resorts to scummy attempts at discrediting someone he disagrees with!


Anonymous said...

Take these shots DAILY after being exposed until such time as this blogspot is no longer infested:

These are newly updated at least every single day or sooner:




And this is newly updated at least every (regular) weekday or sooner:













Anonymous said...

FBI Using the Same Fear Tactic From the First War on Terror: Orchestrating its Own Terrorism Plots

July 24th, 2021
By Glenn Greenwald

The narrative that domestic anti-government extremism is the greatest threat to U.S. national security — the official position of the U.S. security state and the Biden administration — received its most potent boost in October 2020, less than one month before the 2020 presidential election. That was when the F.B.I. and Michigan state officials announced the arrest of thirteen people on terrorism, conspiracy and weapons charges, with six of them accused of participating in a plot to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who had been a particular target of criticism from President Trump for her advocacy for harsh COVID lockdown measures.

The headlines that followed were dramatic and fear-inducing: “F.B.I. Says Michigan Anti-Government Group Plotted to Kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer,” announced The New York Times. That same night, ABC News began its broadcast this way: "Tonight, we take you into a hidden world, a place authorities say gave birth to a violent domestic terror plot in Michigan — foiled by the FBI.”

Democrats and liberal journalists instantly seized on this storyline to spin a pre-election theme that was as extreme as it was predictable. Gov. Whitmer herself blamed Trump, claiming that the plotters “heard the president’s words not as a rebuke but as a rallying cry — as a call to action.” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) claimed that “the president is a deranged lunatic and he’s inspired white supremacists to violence, the latest of which was a plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer,” adding: “these groups have attempted to KILL many of us in recent years. They are following Trump’s lead.” Vox’s paid television-watcher and video-manipulator, Aaron Rupar, drew this inference: “Trump hasn't commended the FBI for breaking up Whitmer kidnapping/murder plot because as always he doesn't want to denounce his base.” Michael Moore called for Trump's arrest for having incited the kidnapping plot against Gov. Whitmer. One viral tweet from a popular Democratic Party activist similarly declared: “Trump should be arrested for this plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer. There’s no doubt he inspired this terrorism.”

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo instantly declared it to be a terrorist attack on America: “We must condemn and call out the cowardly plot against Governor Whitmer for what it is: Domestic terrorism.” MSNBC's social media star Kyle Griffin cast it as a coup attempt: “The FBI thwarted what they described as a plot to violently overthrow the government and kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.” CNN's Jim Sciutto pronounced it “deeply alarming.”

A lengthy CNN article — dressed up as an investigative exposé that was little more than stenography of FBI messaging disseminated from behind a shield of anonymity — purported in the headline to take the reader “Inside the plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer.” It claimed that it all began when angry discussions about COVID restrictions “spiraled into a terrorism plot, officials say, with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer the target of a kidnapping scheme.” CNN heralded the FBI's use of informants and agents to break up the plot but depicted them as nothing more than passive bystanders reporting what the domestic terrorists were plotting:

"The Watchmen had been flagged to the FBI in March, and one of its members was now an informant. That informant, others on the inside, as well as undercover operatives and recordings, allowed the bureau to monitor what was happening from then on."

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

The article never once hinted at let alone described the highly active role of these informants and agents themselves in encouraging and designing the plot. Instead, it depicted these anti-government activists as leading one another — on their own — to commit what CNN called “treason in a quaint town.” The more honest headline for this CNN article would have been: “Inside the FBI's tale of the plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer.” But since CNN never questions the FBI — they employ their top agents and operatives once they leave the bureau in order to disseminate their propaganda — this is what the country got from The Most Trusted Name in News:

"Inside the plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer" {IMAGE}

Gov. Whitmer herself attempted to prolong the news cycle as much as possible, all but declaring herself off-limits from criticism by equating any critiques of her governance with incitement to terrorism. Appearing on Meet the Press two Sundays after the plot was revealed, Whitmer said it was “incredibly disturbing that the president of the United States—10 days after a plot to kidnap, put me on trial, and execute me, 10 days after that was uncovered—the president is at it again, and inspiring, and incentivizing, and inciting this kind of domestic terrorism.”

On October 22 — just two weeks before Election Day — MSNBC's Rachel Maddow hosted Whitmer and told the Michigan Governor that the evidence was clear that Trump had been "turning on a faucet of violent threats” against her. Whitmer agreed that Trump was to blame for the kidnapping plot by having repeatedly attacked her in his rallies:

Joe Biden also made repeated use of this storyline. Appearing at a campaign rally in Michigan on October 16, the Democratic candidate blasted Trump for the crime of continuing to criticize Whitmer even after she was the target of a terror plot. He explicitly blamed Trump for having incited it: “When the president tweeted 'Liberate Michigan, Liberate Michigan,' that's the call that was heard. That was the dog whistle." And he accused Trump of purposely stoking a wave of the worst kind of terrorism on U.S. soil: “it's the sort of behavior you might expect from ISIS,” he said of the accused.

Twitter avatar for @JoeBiden

Yet from the start, there were ample and potent reasons to distrust the FBI's version of events. To begin with, FBI press releases are typically filled with lies, yet media outlets — due to some combination of excessive gullibility, an inability to learn lessons, or a desire to be deceived — continue to treat them as Gospel. For another, the majority of "terror plots” the FBI claimed to detect and break up during the first War on Terror were, in fact, plots manufactured, funded and driven by the FBI itself.

Indeed, the FBI has previously acknowledged that its own powers and budget depend on keeping Americans in fear of such attacks. Former FBI Assistant Director Thomas Fuentes, in a documentary called “The Newberg Sting” about a 2009 FBI arrest of four men on terrorism charges, uttered this extremely candid admission:

"If you’re submitting budget proposals for a law enforcement agency, for an intelligence agency, you’re not going to submit the proposal that 'We won the war on terror and everything’s great,' cuz the first thing that’s gonna happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half. You know, it’s my opposite of Jesse Jackson’s ‘Keep Hope Alive’—it’s ‘Keep Fear Alive.’ Keep it alive."

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

In the Whitmer kidnapping case, the FBI's own affidavit in support of the charges acknowledged the involvement in the plot of both informants and undercover FBI agents “over several months.”

Excerpt of FBI affidavit criminal complaint accompanying the criminal complaint in U.S. District Court against six defendants in the Whitmer plot:


In sum, there was no way to avoid suspicions about the FBI's crucial role in a plot like this absent extreme ignorance about the bureau's behavior over the last two decades or an intentional desire to sow fear about right-wing extremists attacking Democratic Party officials one month before the 2020 presidential election. In fact, the signs of FBI involvement were there from the start for those who — unlike CNN — wanted to know the truth.

A report from the Detroit Free Press published just two days after CNN's FBI stenography noted that the FBI agents were incapable of identifying any specifics of this supposed plot, adding that defense attorneys were adamant that those accused were merely engaged in idle chatter, boasting that they were never really serious about following through. Then the paper added that, for defense lawyers, “it remains to be seen what roles the undercover informants and FBI agents played in the case, and whether they pushed the others into carrying out the plan.” Meanwhile, an actually independent journalist, Michael Tracey, had no trouble identifying the telltale signs of FBI orchestration that were so apparent countless times during the first War on Terror. Three days before the CNN story, he wrote:


But the value of depicting Trump as having incited a frightening terrorist attack just weeks before the election, and the zeal to feed the broader narrative pushed by the U.S. security state that anti-government extremism is America's greatest national security threat, drowned out any skepticism. The storyline was clear and unquestioned: Trump was inciting ISIS-like terrorism on U.S. soil and right-wing extremists, who would fester even after Trump was done, were the primary menace that requires new domestic powers and larger budgets in order to defeat.

Yet just as happened with so many other narratives — from the origins of COVID to Hunter Biden's corrupt use of his ties to his father — Trump's defeat means the media is now willing to reconsider some of the propaganda that was pushed in the lead-up to the election. An excellent piece of investigative journalism published by BuzzFeed on Tuesday documents that, far from being passive observers of the plot, FBI informants and agents were the key drivers of it:

"An examination of the case by BuzzFeed News also reveals that some of those informants, acting under the direction of the FBI, played a far larger role than has previously been reported. Working in secret, they did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects. Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception. The extent of their involvement raises questions as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them."

Anonymous said...

So central to this plot were those acting at the behest of the FBI that many of the accused plotters only met each other because of meetings arranged at the direction of the FBI, who targeted them based on social media postings and other political activities that suggested anti-government and anti-Whitmer sentiments which could be exploited:

"A longtime government informant from Wisconsin, for example, helped organize a series of meetings around the country where many of the alleged plotters first met one another and the earliest notions of a plan took root, some of those people say. The Wisconsin informant even paid for some hotel rooms and food as an incentive to get people to come."

One of the FBI's informants, a former Iraq War soldier, “became so deeply enmeshed in a Michigan militant group that he rose to become its second-in-command.” With his leadership role in one of the key groups, and all while acting under the direction of the FBI, he was “encouraging members to collaborate with other potential suspects and paying for their transportation to meetings.” Indeed, he even “prodded the alleged mastermind of the kidnapping plot to advance his plan, then baited the trap that led to the arrest.”

A review of not only the BuzzFeed reporting but also the underlying court documents leaves little doubt that the primary impetus for this plot came over and over from the FBI. On July 12, a lawyer for one of the defendants filed a motion asking the court to compel the FBI to turn over all chats which their agents and informants involving the plot. He did so on the ground that the few chats they had obtained themselves — from their own clients — repeatedly show the FBI pushing and prodding its agents over and over to lure defendants into more meetings, to join in "recon” exercises, and to take as many steps as possible toward the plot.

While it was clear from the start that there were FBI informants and agents in the middle of all of this, it turns out that at least half of those involved were acting on FBI orders: twelve informants and agents. As BuzzFeed says, those acting at the behest of the FBI “had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception.” All of that, concluded the reporters, “raises questions as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them.”

But this evidence does not so much raise that question as much as it answers it. The idea of kidnapping Gov. Whitmer came from the FBI. It was a plot designed by the agency, and they then went on the hunt to target people they believed they could manipulate into joining their plot — either people were easily manipulated due to psychological weakness, financial vulnerability, and/or their strongly held political views. In sum, the FBI devised this plot, was the primary organizer of it, funded it, purposely directed their targets to pose for incriminating pictures that they then released to the press, and then heaped praise on themselves for stopping what they themselves had created.

For anyone covering the FBI during the first War on Terror, none of this is new. So many of the supposed “terror plots” the FBI purported to disrupt over the last twenty years were — just like the Michigan plot — ones that were created and driven by, and would not have happened without, the FBI's own planning, funding and direction.

Anonymous said...

Just as they are doing now, the FBI used those plots to elevate fear levels and justify more domestic surveillance power and funding for the U.S. security state. While the targets then were typically young American Muslims with anti-government views rather than young right-wing white men with anti-government views, the tactics were identical.

The examples are far too numerous to count. As one illustrative example, in 2015, the FBI flamboyantly praised itself for arresting three Brooklyn men on charges of “attempt and conspiracy to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq.” Then, as now, outlets such as The New York Times promoted the FBI's maximalist-fear-mongering version of events: “3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot to Aid ISIS’ Fight,” blared the headline.

But even that largely pro-FBI Times article raised the question of whether this plot was real or manufactured by the bureau:

"The case against the three men relies in part on a confidential informant paid by the government, court documents show. Defense lawyers have criticized the government’s use of informers in similar cases, saying they may lure targets into making extreme plans or statements. In some cases, the threat has turned out to be overstated."

And the FBI itself admitted that the “threats of violence” from the three arrested — such as killing President Obama — “had an ‘aspirational’ quality to them, with no indication that the suspects were close to staging an attack, large or small.” The Times article also noted that the FBI observed that “in online postings, the two younger men seem to be searching for meaning in their lives,” adding that “as they were led into court, the youthfulness of Mr. Juraboev and Mr. Saidakhmetov was striking.”

Analyzing all the evidence in this case, my then-colleague at The Intercept Murtaza Hussain documented “the integral role a paid informant appears to have played in generating the charges against the men, and helping turn a fantastical ‘plot’ into something even remotely tangible.” Indeed, he wrote, “none of the three men was in any condition to travel or support the Islamic State, without help from the FBI informant.” It was only when the FBI sent an older Muslim man to gain their trust — acting as an FBI informant and being paid for his services — did anything resembling a crime start to form. The paid FBI informant encouraged the young men to pursue the plan more concretely, and only then did they begin agreeing with the informant's proposed plot. The informant befriended them, moved in with them, and spent months “convincing both of them that he intended to travel to Syria and join Islamic State.”

Just as was true in the Michigan case, Hussain wrote about this arrest: “Crucially, it appears that only after the introduction of the informant did any actual arrangements to commit a criminal act come into existence.” In sum, "the covert informant under the direction of the FBI” — which employs teams of psychologists and other mental health professions who are experts in how to manipulate people's thinking — “evidently helped encourage the two toward terrorism over the course of these months.”

Anonymous said...


Article by Murtaza Hussain of The Intercept, Feb. 20, 2015


I have also covered countless other FBI plots over the years where all the same attributes were present. After the 2015 “ISIS arrest,” I wrote an article compiling how often the FBI was doing this and asked this question in the headline: “Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture its Own Plots if Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave Threats?,” noting that the bureau's behavior “is akin to having the DEA constantly warn of the severe threat posed by drug addiction while it simultaneously uses pushers on its payroll to deliberately get people hooked on drugs so that they can arrest the addicts they’ve created and thus justify their own warnings and budgets."

Months before the 2015 ISIS arrests, the FBI issued a press release praising itself for arresting “a Cincinnati-area man for a plot to attack the U.S. Capitol and kill government officials.” But as I reported, the scary terrorist was “20-year-old Christopher Cornell, [who] is unemployed, lives at home, spends most of his time playing video games in his bedroom, still addresses his mother as ‘Mommy’ and regards his cat as his best friend; he was described as ‘a typical student’ and ‘quiet but not overly reserved’ by the principal of the local high school he graduated in 2012.”

Then House Speaker John Boehner immediately seized on that arrest to warn Americans to be afraid: “We live in a dangerous country, and we get reminded every week of the dangers that are out there.” Boehner also told Americans they should be grateful for domestic surveillance and not try to curb it: the Speaker claimed that “the National Security Agency’s snooping powers helped stop a plot to attack the Capitol and that his colleagues need to keep that in mind as they debate whether to renew the law that allows the government to collect bulk information from its citizens.” Yet the only way Cornell got close to any crimes was because the FBI informant began suggesting to him that he act on his rage against U.S. officials by attacking the Capitol.

Salon articles of my reporting on FBI's creation of terror plots it "stops": Nov. 28, 2010 and Sep. 29, 2011:


One of the most egregious cases I covered was the 2011 arrest of James Cromitie, an African-American convert to Islam who the FBI attempted to convince — over the course of eight months — to join a terror plot, only for him to adamantly refuse over and over. Only once they dangled a payment of $250,000 in front of his nose right after the impoverished American had lost his job did he agree to join, and then the FBI swooped in, arrested him, and touted their heroic efforts in stopping a terrorist plot.

The U.S. federal judge who sentenced Cromitie to decades in prison, Colleen McMahon, said she did so only because the law of “entrapment” is so narrow that it is virtually impossible for a defendant to win, but in doing so, she repeatedly condemned the FBI in the harshest terms for single-handedly converting Cromitie from a helpless but resentful anti-government fanatic into a criminal. The defendant “was incapable of committing an act of terrorism on his own,” she said, adding: “only the government could have made a terrorist out of Mr. Cromitie, whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope.” She added: “There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that James Cromitie could never have dreamed up the scenario in which he actually became involved.”

Anonymous said...

Her written ruling is worth quoting at length because of how relevant it is to current FBI activities. The judge began by noting that Cromitie “had successfully resisted going too far for eight months,” and agreed only after “the Government dangled what had to be almost irresistible temptation in front of an impoverished man from what I have come (after literally dozens of cases) to view as the saddest and most dysfunctional community in the Southern District of New York.” It was the FBI’s own informant, she wrote, who “was the prime mover and instigator of all the criminal activity that occurred.”

She then wrote (emphasis added):

"The Government indisputably 'manufactured' the crimes of which defendants stand convicted. The Government invented all of the details of the scheme – many of them, such as the trip to Connecticut and the inclusion of Stewart AFB as a target, for specific legal purposes of which the defendants could not possibly have been aware (the former gave rise to federal jurisdiction and the latter mandated a twenty-five year minimum sentence). The Government selected the targets. The Government designed and built the phony ordnance that the defendants planted (or planned to plant) at Government-selected targets. The Government provided every item used in the plot: cameras, cell phones, cars, maps and even a gun. The Government did all the driving (as none of the defendants had a car or a driver’s license). The Government funded the entire project. And the Government, through its agent, offered the defendants large sums of money, contingent on their participation in the heinous scheme."

"Additionally, before deciding that the defendants (particularly Cromitie, who was in their sights for nine months) presented any real danger, the Government appears to have done minimal due diligence, relying instead on reports from its Confidential Informant, who passed on information about Cromitie information that could easily have been verified (or not verified, since much of it was untrue), but that no one thought it necessary to check before offering a jihadist opportunity to a man who had no contact with any extremist groups and no history of anything other than drug crimes."

One of the reporters who has most extensively covered the FBI's role in manufacturing terrorism cases it then proceeds to "break up” is Trevor Aaronson. In 2011, he documented, working with the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California-Berkeley, that of 508 post-9/11 terrorism defendants, “nearly half the prosecutions involved the use of informants, many of them incentivized by money.” After 9/11, the FBI's budget-increasing, power-enhancing strategy was to target “tens of thousands of law-abiding people, seeking to identify those disgruntled few who might participate in a plot given the means and the opportunity” by monitoring their social media postings, and “then, in case after case, the government provides the plot, the means, and the opportunity.” Of the terrorism arrests from sting operations, almost 1/3 were ones in which “defendants participated in plots led by an agent provocateur—an FBI operative instigating terrorist action.”

It is this long history and mountain of evidence that compels an investigation into the role played by the FBI in the planning of the 1/6 riot at the Capitol. And it is that same evidence that made the corporate media's derisive reaction to such demands — as voiced by Darren Beattie's Revolver News, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and myself — so ignorant and subservient. They acted as if only some unhinged conspiracy theorist could possibly believe that the FBI would have informants and agents embedded in the groups that planned that Capitol riot rather than what it is: the only logical conclusion for anyone who knows how the FBI actually behaves.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, the BuzzFeed reporters who investigated the FBI's key role in the Michigan case must have been very disturbed by what they found since they used their reporting to raise that taboo topic: what role did the FBI have in 1/6? Moreover, they asked, is this yet another era where the FBI is targeting Americans not for criminality but for their political views, and then orchestrating their own plots that justify the U.S. security state's massive budget and unlimited powers?

"Instead, [the accused] say, they were targeted because of their political views. Some describe the case as a premeditated campaign by the government to undermine the Patriot movement, an ideology based on fealty to the Second Amendment and the conviction that the government has violated the Constitution and is therefore illegitimate. They argue that the recordings and text messages that the government calls proof of a criminal conspiracy are in fact constitutionally protected speech — expressions of frustration at what they see as the government’s betrayal of its citizens.

"The Michigan case is unfolding at another fraught moment in American history. In court, the government has drawn a direct line between the alleged kidnapping plot and the Jan. 6 insurrection, holding up the storming of the US Capitol as evidence that the Michigan defendants posed a profound threat. . . . [I]f the defense is able to undermine the methods used to build the Michigan case, it could add weight to the theory that the administration is conducting a witch hunt against militant groups — and, by extension, that the Jan. 6 insurrection was a black op engineered by the FBI."

When Carlson raised these same questions on his Fox program, he did what I did when doing so: cited my reporting as well as Trevor Aaronson's about the FBI's long history of orchestrating such plots and luring people into them using informants and undercover agents. Much of that reporting about the FBI's tactics was published by The Intercept, which — when aimed at American Muslims during the First War on Terror — had an editorial view that it was extremely improper and dangerous for the FBI to do this. But now that it is being done to American anti-government activists on the right, the site's liberal editors seem happy about it. They got Aaronson to write an article under the headline “Tucker Carlson Distorted My Reporting in His Latest Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory.”

But that headline was an absolute lie. There was nothing in Aaronson's article that pointed to any "distortions” in how Carlson (or I) cited Aaronson's work. To the contrary, Aaronson himself acknowledged that the FBI's past history — including in the Whitmer case — made such questions highly rational and necessary:

"In many of these stings, informants or undercover agents provided all the money and weapons for terrorist plots, and sometimes even the ideas — raising significant questions about whether any of these people would have committed the crimes were it not for the FBI’s encouragement. Many targets of these FBI stings were mentally ill or otherwise easily manipulated. . . .

"Carlson’s claim fits an existing and well-established argument: that the FBI creates crimes through aggressive stings where no crimes would otherwise exist. . . . I think it’s worth noting that there’s a reason for the cultural stickiness of the claim by Revolver and Carlson. It might be a conspiracy theory, but it’s not exactly 'baseless,' as the Post described it. That’s because there are genuine concerns that the sting tactics used over the past two decades against impressionable Muslims will be used against equally impressionable Americans with right-wing ideologies. In the supposed plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, for example, FBI agents and an informant played significant roles, raising the same question that surrounds so many supposed Islamic State and Al Qaeda cases in the United States: Would this plot have happened were it not for the FBI?"

Anonymous said...

"In addition, there is evidence the FBI is assigning informants to infiltrate groups based solely on right-wing ideology. And the increase in right-wing violence in recent years has prompted calls for new anti-terorrism laws that would give the FBI even more power.

"I think the FBI’s investigation of potential right-wing threats, and the degree to which the bureau replicates its abusive post-9/11 tactics, will be a critically important story in the coming years. How news organizations report on it will be a significant test."

While Aaronson insists that no proof has yet been presented that the FBI had foreknowledge of the 1/6 plot or encouraged it to happen, and also seized on a minor error in the Revolver News article originally raising these questions about "confidential informants” — an error I noted in my own article about this topic while explaining that it was ancillary and insignificant to the overall question — Aaronson's article has far more in common with the primary theme raised by Carlson than it does arguments that Carlson "distorted” anything. In particular, Aaronson writes, the FBI's ample history requires a serious investigation into the role it may have played in knowing about and/or encouraging the 1/6 plotters.

"Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned

"Critics say bureau is running a sting operation across America, targeting vulnerable people by luring them into fake terror plots"

The Guardian, November 16, 2011


As I documented in my own reporting on this question, there is ample evidence to believe that the FBI had informants embedded in at least two of three key groups it says were behind the 1/6 Capitol riot. As I noted at the time, most of the corporate press spewed contempt and scorn on these questions because 1/6 has become an event that carries virtually religious importance to them, and their reverence for the U.S. security state makes them resistant to any suggestions that the FBI may have acted deceitfully — an utterly bizarre mindset for U.S. journalists to possess. But such is the state of the liberal sector of the corporate press today.

Now that one of their own liberal members in good standing — BuzzFeed — has not only proven the FBI's key role in the Whitmer plot but also themselves suggested that it makes more plausible the bureau's involvement in 1/6, these questions are becoming increasingly unavoidable. Both the Whitmer plot and especially 1/6 are absolutely crucial to everything that has happened since: the launch of the new War on Terror, billions more in funds for the security state, proposals for greater surveillance, Biden's use of the intelligence community to insist that anti-government activists constitute the greatest threat to U.S. national security.

Asking what role the FBI played in the episode at the Capitol is not only rational but IMPERATIVE.

Anonymous said...

Filling the comment section up with emojis is so immature. I request Constance to block anyone who does this from further commenting.

Anonymous said...

2:15 PM,

Absolutely. I think we ALL agree on THAT!

Multiple emojis poster: STFU!

Anonymous said...


To pretend Trump was a "populist" I still find funny.

He was a demagogue who used psuedo-populism trafficked in resentment of “the others" and elites (the swamp) to get elected where he pursued a completely plutocratic course that betrayed the very people he tricked into voting against themselves. After an election in which he played on their economic insecurities, he set about to cut taxes mostly for corporations and the top 1 percent, not for them; to strip away their health coverage; to dismember protections for workers on the job; to let the highest bidders poison our water and pollute our air and derail international trading relationships for purely fruitless political purposes. The list goes on and on—from opposing an increase in the minimum wage to calling for draconian cutbacks in college loan programs for hard-pressed middle and working-class students.

However, to some extent having Republicans THINK they are a populist party is paying dividends. The real populists are the Democrats and now, together with a few populist republicans and President Biden they are going to be able to get some stuff done to assist the economically distressed who have been struggling to pay their bills while they watched the rich get richer and richer.

"‘It’s ceding a lot of terrain to us’: Biden goes populist with little pushback: Ten years ago, Republicans would have howled at the executive orders the president just issued. Now, there’s little reaction at all."


"When President Joe Biden unveiled a series of sweeping executive orders to combat monopoly power, the response from Republicans was notable — because there was barely one at all.

Not long ago, a Democratic administration taking unilateral action to rein in corporations on everything from non-compete agreements to prescription drug affordability would have engendered fury from elected conservatives. Yet over the last week, few Republicans were warning that Biden’s actions would severely kneecap business or slow the economic recovery. And inside the White House, the relative silence was not just noticed but seen as vindication.

But, so far, much of the GOP’s newfound economic populism has been delivered in words rather than action. And that’s given Democrats space to pursue an agenda that, even just five years ago, likely would have sparked massive blowback.

“People will understand who's on their side and who's not,” said Cedric Richmond, a senior White House adviser and director of the Office of Public Engagement. “There will be Democrats who are on the side of working families, and not Republicans. For them, I think it's a terrible mistake.”

The executive order Biden issued earlier this month included 72 initiatives in all. Among the most consequential were his moves calling for greater scrutiny of tech acquisitions, bolstering competition for generic drug makers and importers from Canada, allowing hearing aids to be sold over the counter, standardizing plans for health care shoppers trying to compare insurance options, and protecting certain meat-packing workers from what are seen as artificially low wages.


Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned "The Hungarian-born American philanthropist (Soros) donated $1 million to the Color Of Change PAC on May 14, according Federal Election Commission records"

I'd never heard of this organization but certainly, RayB, will appreciate this one of its primary initiatives seeking to help prisoners like insurrectionist Joe Biggs and other proud boys being held in prison awaiting their trials, to make economically affordable phone calls and stay connected to their families.

"Tell Congress: Pass the COVID-19 Compassion and Martha Wright Prison Phone Justice Act.":


"As prisons and jails ban in-person visits to stop the spread of infection, the only way that families can stay in touch with their incarcerated loved ones is through phone or video calls. But prison telecom corporations are charging families with incarcerated loved ones up to $25 for a 15-minute phone call. Many families simply can’t afford these sky-high rates and in the age of COVID-19, this is all the more apparent.

The corporations preying upon these families make up a $1.2 billion industry. Securus, one of the largest providers, makes nearly $700 million a year price gouging families but has only offered families a few free calls a week during this crisis. This forces families to ration calls at a time when regular and consistent communication is critical.

Former Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Mignon Clyburn spent her career at the agency fighting to fix this injustice and even implemented a rule that would have capped the cost of prison phone calls to and from jails, prisons and detention centers. Trump’s FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, refused to defend an important part of the rule in court, abandoning incarcerated people and their families to the greed of the prison phone companies.

But there’s hope. The COVID-19 Compassion and Martha Wright Prison Phone Justice Act passed in the House of Representatives. The Act will bring phone justice for millions of families. The Act would clarify that the FCC has the legal authority to stop the predatory behaviors of prison phone corporations, opening the door for millions of families to connect. Rep. Bobby Rush’s bill would immediately drive down rates to 4 to 5 cents per minute if passed."


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump Is No 'Phony' Populist

By Alan Tonelson
The American Conservative

As made clear by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s claim that “The President can only see the world from Park Avenue,” the portrayal of Donald Trump as a phony populist is as popular among his opponents nowadays as during the 2016 presidential election. Back then, no less a critic than former President Obama charged that candidate Trump was selling “ordinary people” a bill of goods that belied his record of “never” showing “any regard for workers.”

Sincerity is always tough to measure. But with Mr. Trump having nearly completed his first term in office, does any evidence show that the everyday Americans who comprise so much of his base should be feeling buyer’s remorse? Has their lot worsened under a flim-flam man whose real priority is his fellow One-Percenters?

Not according to one set of official figures that’s especially good at gauging the fortunes of Mr. Trump’s core supporters over time: the Labor Department’s quarterly County Employment and Wages series. The final 2019 figures are out, and reveal a striking pattern when matched with the list of counties that voted for Mr. Obama in both 2008 and 2012 and then flipped for Mr. Trump: Average annual private-sector pay in most of these flip counties rose faster during the first three years of the Trump administration than during the last three years of the Mr. Obama’s presidency.

Moreover, this improvement didn’t simply stem from a single good year dragging up harder times. For the Trump-era edge was even greater as of the end of 2018, as reported in this TAC piece.

The flip counties are good proxies for Trump’s working- and middle-class supporters because their salary levels generally trail the national average ($59,202) considerably. And due to their consistent support for Mr. Obama, their voters overall couldn’t have been attracted by whatever racist or xenophobic dogwhistles the President is often accused of issuing. Surely, most saw Mr. Trump’s populist economic message as the biggest draw.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, although the annual county salary data stop with 2019, and therefore say nothing about their voters’ pandemic-era circumstances, these latest available figures speak volumes about their populations’ well-being during the most recent period of national pre-virus normality. Also important—the two time periods involved were right next to each other during the same (expansionary) economic cycle phase. So the numbers are as apples-to-apples as possible.

According to the updated 2018 data, of the 194 flip counties for which statistics are available, 131 (67.53 percent) saw average annual pay in the private sector rise faster during the first two years of the Trump administration than during the last two years of the Obama administration. (Figures including public-sector pay are kept by the Labor Department, but this compensation says relatively little about a region’s economic fundamentals because the levels are set by politicians’ decisions, not market forces.)

In 2019, the Trump administration’s margin diminished—undoubtedly due in part to slower national economic growth. Even so, 59.79 percent of the flip counties (116 of 194) experienced stronger private sector pay growth during the first three Trump years than during the last three Obama years. A closer examination reveals that 22 of these counties moved from the Advantage Trump to the Advantage Obama column, while seven went in the opposite direction.

The bottom line politically of these developments is less clear for the President, even if he can still persuade most flip county voters nationally that he can restore pre-China virus prosperity. For no fewer than 108 of these counties are located in nine states identified as 2020 battlegrounds: Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. And the split between those that prospered more during the first three Trump years than during the final three Obama years is just that: 50-50 (54 counties in each category) rather than the nearly 60-40 Trump margin nation-wide.

More fortunately for the president, the number of battleground-state counties that switched paycheck-wise from Advantage Trump to Advantage Obama in 2019 is small (15). And except for Minnesota—which contains seven—they could be too thinly spread to tip any of these states into the Biden column all by themselves, even in a nail-biter election.

Election 2020 politics aside, though, according to the crucial measure of income, these years worth of county data clash loudly with the Trump-as-phony-populist charge, and the common companion depiction of the last Democratic administration as a working- and middle-class champion. And they indicate that if Republicans want to keep these voters in their camp going forward, continuing a Trump-like approach to the economy will be imperative.

Alan Tonelson is the founder of RealityChek, a public policy blog focusing on economics and national security, and the author of The Race to the Bottom.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's telling the american conservative spin piece had to focus solely on just 194 flip counties, that have more democrats to begin with and largely flipped because more rural whites in such counties, attracted to racist dog whistles, came out to vote for the first time for Trump versus democrats therein switching parties, to tell its populist story versus including ALL red counties and how the most rural of rural largely red counties have and continue to suffer due to Trump's plutocratic policies.

In other words, american conservative had to go to the most middle elite counties it could find to prove they were populists. While failing to account for the fact that the rich got substantially richer under Trump and the poor got poorer.

"U.S. Billionaires Got $1 Trillion Richer During Trump’s Term":

"Four years ago, America elected its first billionaire president. Since then, the nation’s 200-or-so wealthiest people -- a cohort representing 0.00006% of the population -- have increased their combined wealth by a staggering $1 trillion."

"America's poor becoming more destitute under Trump"

"(Reuters) - Poverty in the United States is extensive and deepening under the Trump administration whose policies seem aimed at removing the safety net from millions of poor people, while rewarding the rich, a U.N. human rights investigator has found."

Philip Alston, U.N. special rapporteur on extreme poverty, called on U.S. authorities to provide solid social protection and address underlying problems, rather than “punishing and imprisoning the poor”.

In a report, Alston said that as welfare benefits and access to health insurance were being slashed, President Donald Trump’s tax reform awarded “financial windfalls” to the mega-rich and large companies, further increasing inequality.

This page really shows how bad it's been for the poor under Trump...


Poorest households see real incomes drop in 13 states, have slower growth than under Obama in 36 states.

In the State of the Union speech last month, President Trump touted a “blue collar boom” that has benefited those at the bottom of the economic ladder. But a new analysis of U.S. Census data paints a different picture, showing how the poorest of the poor fared during the first two years of his presidency, a period of slowing income growth for the nation’s neediest households.

Inflation-adjusted income grew more haltingly for national households as a whole and for poor households in 36 states during Trump’s first two years when compared to the previous two years. Low-income households — with average incomes of about $14,000 a year — saw their inflation-adjusted incomes rise 2.4 percent while they grew more than twice as fast, at 5.5 percent, during the last two years of the Obama administration.


Anonymous said...

Ralph Nader: DEMOCRATS Ushered in an Era of CORPORATE FASCISM

March 19, 2021

The consumer advocate, author and former presidential candidate, refuses to mince words about Democrats and their corporate bedfellows in a new interview with Robert Scheer.

With Joe Biden in the White House and Democrats controlling Congress and the Senate, Ralph Nader, the lifelong good-government crusader and consumer advocate, issues a stark warning to progressives: The Democratic Party is still not on the side of working Americans, no matter what politicians, media pundits and their corporate donors will have us think. The former Green Party presidential candidate has dedicated his life to putting pressure on America’s most powerful corporate and political leaders, and while some activists are ready to let the Biden administration get away with ecocide, expanded drone wars, and other forms of murder, Nader is prepared to do no such thing. His thorough and well-researched critiques, such as his recent piece on the Democrat-assisted corporate takeover of Medicare, are needed now more than ever as American media undergoes what Matt Taibbi calls a mass “sovietization” during the Biden honeymoon.

On this week’s installment of “Scheer Intelligence,” host Robert Scheer asks Nader, “What have you learned in these 60 years of being a consumer advocate and public intellectual?”

“One thing I’ve learned is that Democrats are on an infinite journey towards cowardliness,” responds Nader, “because now they’re getting credit for their $1.9 trillion stimulus bill, 100% financed on the shoulders of our children and grandchildren, without a single effort to [rescind] the Trump tax cuts that are at least $2 trillion over the ten years since they were passed in 2017.”

Anonymous said...

Nader points to the many “institutional taboos” that Democrats won’t speak of let alone challenge, such as tax cuts for corporations and the super-rich, as well as an outrageously bloated Pentagon budget. While the “Scheer Intelligence” guest says that Democrats...don’t address any of the significant problems impacting Americans every day and, at the same time, stifle dissent from the progressive wing of the party. He argues that all of this is part of the system that we now live in, thanks to both political parties selling out to corporate interests.

“Corporate capitalism is not capitalism,” argues Nader. “Capitalism is your ma-and-pa store on Main Street; corporate capitalism is basically corporate socialism because without socialism in Washington bailing out capitalism, capitalism would have collapsed a long time ago.”

But Nader goes even further from calling our current system corporate capitalism or socialism and labels it “corporate fascism” due to the fact that moneyed interests have strategic power over everything from our diets to our public lands. Scheer and Nader have a lively discussion about whether or not it is possible to challenge the powers that be in an age of corporate fascism. Scheer argues that it is impossible to truly effect change under the conditions of life in today’s America, in which the traditional proletariat is no longer able to organize due to the gigification of the economy at the same time powerful corporations such as Google and Facebook disguise their obscene profit-seeking under the cloaks of anti-racism, women’s rights and other worthy social issues. Nader, however, is more hopeful than Scheer about a power that people still have the opportunity to harness.

“Here’s the rub,” explains Nader. “It has never taken more than 1% active citizens scattered throughout the country representing [or building] the majority public opinion to change Congress on any number of agendas throughout history.”

The former presidential candidate calls for civic movements to take on the legislative branch, which to him is the most powerful part of the federal government, with a laser focus. Listen to the full conversation between Nader and Scheer as they discuss the many ways Democrats, such as Nancy Pelosi, along with Republicans, have willingly placed American democracy in corporate claws and time and again betrayed the interests of the very people who elected them.

Anonymous said...

Ralph Nader....that's going deep in the well.

He's not exactly a Trump supporter at all. (see: "Ralph Nader: Immediate Impeachment And Removal Of President Donald Trump – OpEd" published December 31, 2020 before the insurrection even:

He's critical of both parties and to some extent I agree with him. As I've been saying all along, I'm not a democrate but blame the republican supreme court for making corporations equal to people and gave them free speech rights. Now their money buys near control of both parties.

As Nader wrote in 2018... "the Trump presidency is part of a trend started under Bush and Obama to empower corporations at the expense of the working and middle classes."

So what we get is both parties making populist claims while only actually following through with corporate deregulation and rulemaking at their bequest and for their benefit and empty promises to the rest of us. We'll see how that plays out now.
Democrats have a lot of control right now after a few decades of active and purposeful republican obstructionism. Nader is right... let's hold the Democrats to their promises.


Anonymous said...

Constance- Please look up videos from E511 ministries. He seems to have a good spiritual insight to the the New Age movement. I think you would really enjoy it and agree with him. Very Very interesting. I would love your thoughts on what he is saying.

Anonymous said...

"Democrats have a lot of control right now after a few decades of active and purposeful republican obstructionism. Nader is right... let's hold the Democrats to their promises"

Those pretenders have no promises. We are their peons, their prey. We let it happen by not holding feet to the fire, long time ago.
You have lost your mind?
I'll answer that for are out of your mind, actually deceived.
I dare say you are crippled way too high for crutches, or wantonly worse, by your jackass response.
They only promise to take our money and run. They promised to take our freedoms from us and did, to abuse them for their own personal benefit. Same old cycle and Trump was their nemesis.
Trump was undoing the old establishment order that most Republicans, and most especially all Democrats, are actively crushing us with.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I'm not going to suggest this one example proves Trump's "new establishment" was just as bad as the "old establishment" he was supposedly "undoing" but it's a pretty fair example of the swamp.

If you think about it...Trump was the first elected president with NO governmental or military experience...even if he truly wanted to "drain the swamp" how was he really gonna pull that off without knowing anything about being a government bureaucrat?

"Lead Boeing Prosecutor Joins Boeing Corporate Criminal Defense Firm Kirkland & Ellis" :

"Earlier this year, when the Justice Department brought its criminal case against Boeing in connection with the crash of the two Boeing 737 MAX airliners that killed 346 people, federal prosecutors brought the case in federal court in Ft. Worth, Texas. Ft. Worth, Texas has no connection to Boeing or to the victims.

The case was brought by the then U.S. Attorney in the northern district of Texas — Erin Nealy Cox. And the case was settled with a deferred prosecution agreement — an agreement that Columbia Law Professor John Coffee at the time called — “one of the worst deferred prosecution agreements I have seen.”

Boeing did not have to plead guilty to any of the allegations. No Boeing executive was charged. “That is without precedent,” Coffee told Corporate Crime Reporter earlier this year. “I have not seen that anywhere else and I’ve looked at a number of deferred prosecution agreements. Prosecutors themselves are not conducting the investigation.” Boeing’s lead corporate criminal defense law firm is Kirkland & Ellis. Cox, the lead prosecutor in the Boeing case, left the Justice Department earlier this year. And last month she joined Kirkland & Ellis as a partner in its Dallas office. Kirkland & Ellis partner Mark Filip, who led the Boeing criminal defense team and signed the Boeing deferred prosecution agreement on behalf of the company, welcomed Cox last month to Kirkland and Ellis.


Hutch said...

To Troll 7:32 PM

When I see your junk lines, I scroll on by without reading the comments. I imagine there are others here who do the same. Why would an obviously unintelligent person such as yourself think that anyone would take you seriously?

Anonymous said...

Who's Nadler?

Who's Nader?

Who cares?

Scrolling on past 7:32 PM as well.

Extreme posting by troll X and troll emojoi are the biggest yawns of the entire blog.
Stopping to partake puts folks in a coma so beware.
Dahlheimer's trophy can be shared by you both.

Anonymous said...


Bots and troll farms struggle to create original content.

Our bot appears content to just disrupt and, when the thread goes really off course for them (not producing or promoting chaos and hopelessness), they attempt to redirect the conversation by flooding it with "friendly" misinformation site story links and stock link posts.

Asking them to stop is a victory for them, if they even understand, so why bother.


RayB said...

Watch this before Youtube takes it down ...

"... cellular BLOOD CLOTS from the vaccines, which results in PERMANENT DAMAGE that cannot be reversed ..."

Dr. Charles Hoffe issues Vaccine warning… Deep dive on endothelial damage to blood vessels…

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

‘He’s Completely LOST It’: Ex-Obama Doctor Sounds the Alarms on Biden’s Mental Health

Anonymous said...

3 Reasons Transgender Identity Is Incompatible With Christianity

Anonymous said...

Nobel Prize Winner Warns Vaccines Facilitate Development of Deadlier COVID Variants, Urges Public to Reject Jabs


Cities Erupt in Protests Globally Over Vaccine Passports, Mandates, and Lockdowns

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dr Charles Hoff is a small town quack. If his patients had difficulties handling the vaccine maybe it had 2 do with vitamin D deficiency in the far reaches of Canada in January more than anything else. He’s made numerous inaccurate statements about vaccines indicating his lack of knowledge & understanding of MRNA vaccines. His opinion here is just a i corroborated statement —- where is the evidence? Now this fringe small town doctor comes out with a outlier opinion and ends up being promoted by the alternative medicine propaganda machine where truth matters not.

Here’s a great old (1999) book about how alternative medicine has become a new age undertaking undermining scientific reasoning in favor of profits and how the media and academia has been complicit (alternative medicine spend money to advertise and sell their snake oil remedies more than hospitals & legitimate doctors ever could or would)

“Even the most preposterous quackery is being legitimized, and evidence-based medicine will soon be considered just one of many equal paradigms -- actually, it will be less equal because it will be, by its very nature, the only exception to the no-judgment rule, the only one not granted sacred cow status. It will continue to be misrepresented, slandered, libeled and vilified until it is ground to dust and scattered to the winds. This will happen because it voluntarily set for itself high ideals and standards of good science and consumer protection. Though enforcement of the ideals is sometimes spotty, adopting them is something none of the alternatoid medicine guilds would ever consider. Their very existence depends on deception”

This wholesale destruction of evidence-based health care, which has served us well for many decades, is truly irrational and it implies that scientific medicine is rigid, not evolving, and unable or unwilling to adopt new effectivetools, medicines and methods. This is manifestly false and quite the opposite is true, as anyone familiar with the amazing development of the public health, nutritional, diagnostic, medical and surgical sciences this century knows. These advances are possible because the system is open to innovation and remedies based on good evidence are rarely ignored or scoffed at for long.

It is, in fact, alternative medicine that is a mosaic of mostly tired old dogmas, delusions and deceptions, each periodically dusted off and dressed up with a new coat of glittering gibberish. The most significant recent innovation is the plethora of new or recycled snake oils legally masquerading as nutrients and incorporated into the mosaic strictly on the basis of profit potential.


Anonymous said...

Quack "skeptic" Stephen Barrett exposed as agent provocateur working to discredit natural medicine on Wikipedia

Quackwatch ringleader Stephen Barrett in desperate, 'calamitous' defense in defamation lawsuit, says activist

The 10 most popular websites that consistently LIE about important health topics

Anonymous said...

QuackWatch--Stephen Barrett Is a BIG Quack!

Stephen Barrett, founder of Quackwatch, is a delicensed medical doctor. In addition, he failed the medical board exam required for a psychiatrist. His using the "MD" after his name is misleading and even fraudulent. He has never performed scientific research, nor written a scientific paper, but yet discredits Nobel Prize scientists such as Dr. Otto Warburg and Dr. Linus Pauling. Stephen Barrett is one BIG QUACK who is financed by the pharmaceutical industry that makes quack medicine. He was deemed "unworthy of credibility" in a court of law. Therefore, all his writings are medical quackery. There should be a picture of Stephen Barrett beside the words "nutcase" and "con artist" in the dictionary.

Quackwatch,, (originally Lehigh Valley Committee Against Health Fraud, Inc.) is an AMA (American Medical Association) shill that took over from the Coordinating Conference on Health Information (CCHI) and the AMA's propaganda department called the Committee on Quackery when it had to disband ref: Lisa. It only promotes and defends Allopathic (drugs) medicine while attacking non-Allopathic.

Of Stephen Barrett of and (National Council Against Health Fraud--another shill for the AMA, American Medical Association):

biased and unworthy of credibility" in court of law, Jan 2007

Barrett also had said that he was a legal expert even though he had no formal legal training.

Barrett conceded that he was not a Medical Board Certified psychiatrist because he had failed the certification exam.

Barrett had filed similar defamation lawsuits against almost 40 people across the country within the past few years and had not won one single one at trial.

During the course of his examination, Barrett also had to concede his ties to the AMA, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to understand about Stephen Barrett is that... It is common knowledge that Stephen Barrett has been Officially Declared by the US Court System, in a PUBLISHED Appeals Court Decision (NCAHF v King Bio), to be 'Biased, and unworthy of credibility'...What that statement means, in layman's terms, simply, is that it is common knowledge that OFFICIALLY - NOTHING HE SAYS CAN BE LEGALLY RELIED UPON.

Anonymous said...

X @ 9:00 P.M. wrote

"Asking them to stop is a victory for them, if They even understand, so why bother."

Most of us here have not only asked you to stop, but to just 'go away'. But you are still here! Who are you working for X? No rational person would spend so much time where they were soundly rejected, unless they were paid!

Anonymous said...

To Troll 7:32 PM, 9:08 PM and 9:15 PM,

It is blatantly obvious you are the same demon driven troll that Hutch called out.

Do us all a favor and cockroach back into that sewer you scuttled out of.

Anonymous said...

1. Good thing the book, "Lying For Fun & Profit: The Truth about the Media" was written by Kurt Butler. Quackwatch just hosts the pdf file.

2. What a ringing endorsement of when Mike Adams and Natural News, a far-right, anti-vaccination, Scientology, conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting alternative medicine, pseudoscience and far-right propaganda criticize you as "biased" and "unreliable".

3. Whenever you hear Mike Adams accuse someone of lying, you know it's a massive case of projection.

It's appearing to me ever more clearly, Anti-vax is a new age spirituality set to further undermine our trust in our legitimate health institutions in favor of quackery, snake oil and further fear and chaos. I'm not saying having hesitancy isn't valid and/or automatically makes you new age; but, when you cross over from legitimate questions to promoting quacks like Mike Adams and Joe are fully on board with the New "dark" Age and its undermining agenda.


Anonymous said...

Stephen Barrett was deemed "unworthy of credibility"

X...You and Mr Barrett have much in common!

Anonymous said...

"demon driven troll" is X's field of expertise


Anonymous said...

1. Good thing the book, "Lying For Fun & Profit: The Truth about the Media" was written by Kurt Butler. Quackwatch just hosts the pdf file.

2. What a ringing endorsement of when Mike Adams and Natural News, a far-right, anti-vaccination, Scientology, conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting alternative medicine, pseudoscience and far-right propaganda criticize you as "biased" and "unreliable".

3. Whenever you hear Mike Adams accuse someone of lying, you know it's a massive case of projection.

It's appearing to me ever more clearly, Anti-vax is a new age spirituality set to further undermine our trust in our legitimate health institutions in favor of quackery, snake oil and further fear and chaos. I'm not saying having hesitancy isn't valid and/or automatically makes you "New Age"; however, when you cross over from legitimate questions to promoting quacks like Mike Adams and Joe are fully on board with the New "dark" Age and its undermining agenda.


Anonymous said...

'X' you conveniently IGNORED the 2:43 AM post BUT went on about 2:37 AM post WITHOUT getting into the specifics of any of the articles but rather just attacking the website owner.

What a shock! LOL

Anonymous said...

"It's appearing to me ever more clearly, Anti-vax is a new age spirituality" (and) "when you...(promote) quacks like Mike Adams and Joe are fully on board with the New "dark" Age and its undermining agenda."

And it's appearing to US ever more clearly that YOU are an agent specifically here to try to create doubt, distrust and division and to try to 'recruit' us to join with Joe Biden and the New World Order way of things!

Anonymous said...

11:14 AM again illustrates that this blogspot has a long history of some deeply disturbed individual(s) with a psychotic compulsion to attempt to assign authorship to anonymous posts.

Anonymous said...

Troll said: "'X' you conveniently IGNORED the 2:43 AM post BUT went on about 2:37 AM post WITHOUT getting into the specifics of any of the articles but rather just attacking the website owner. What a shock! LOL"

So call out 2:43 am POST for going out on my 2:06 am post without GETTING into the specifics of any of the pdf book written BY Kurt Butler but rather JUST attacking the website owner that simply hosted the BOOK's pdf.

What A shock! LoL

*for that matter, although none of this was about Dr. Stephen M. Barrett, MD, I did go check and he was never “de-licensed" as his harassers allege. Apparently, he merely retired in 1993. He retired having committed no misconduct and in good standing. Going after quacks is just a hobby it seems. From 2006 to 2018, the Pennsylvania Board of Medicine classified his license as “Active – Retired,” which means that he could prescribe for himself and his immediate family. In 2019, he inactivated his license again because his wife could take care of family prescriptions. Retired "Doctors" can continue using the title "Doctor". I hope to look up the case mentioned above because I'm betting it's completely mischaracterized or it was a New Age judge. A much more detailed explanation of the lies and lawsuits this man endured while confronting all these charlatans is available on his website - pretty amazing. I admire his persistence in the face of such evil. See --->

Anonymous said...

Quack “skeptic” Stephen Barrett exposed as agent provocateur working to discredit natural medicine on Wikipedia

Thursday, April 04, 2019 | by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) His is one of the first names that pops up when performing a Google search for pretty much any topic related to natural health and wellness – his infamous “Quackwatch” disinformation website masquerading as a “fact-checking” resource that, in actuality, exists solely to disparage and “debunk” all healing modalities that challenge, or in any way threaten, the doctrines of conventional medicine. But Stephen Barrett and his brigade of status quo medical “skeptics” are anything but honest and science-based – Barrett himself having recently been exposed as an agent provocateur who’s been working on behalf of the Big Pharma deep state to taint the reputation of natural medicine, particularly on the fake news-driven Wikipedia website.

Over the past year, Richard Gale and his team of sleuths from the Progressive Radio Network (PRN) put many hours’ worth of legwork into digging up every detail they could find about Barrett and his fellow anti-truth cronies, as well as their ongoing collusion with Wikipedia. They then compiled what they uncovered into 24 separate investigative stories, unveiling a treasure trove of truth about Big Tech and Big Pharma’s relentless war against natural medicine.

In its piece on Barrett and Wikipedia specifically, PRN revealed that the “skeptics” have basically hijacked editorial control over all of the Wikipedia entries associated with things like chiropractic, acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), homeopathy, naturopathy, and many other forms of natural medicine, and altered them with descriptions basically pegging them as unsubstantiated “quackery.”

“Wales (referring to Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia) and his Skeptic comrades have covertly inculcated the encyclopedia with medical ideologies while relying upon slander to stage an offensive that would destroy the reputations of health disciplines they disagree with,” explains Gale.

For more related news about Jimmy Wales and his Wikipedia-driven disinformation campaign, be sure to check out

Stephen Barrett is financially tied to the pro-pharma American Council on Science and Health
Prior to Wikipedia’s advent, Barrett kept himself busy spreading disinformation through his “Quackwatch” page, attacking people like Drs. Gary Null and Mehmet Oz, along with many others, for daring to try to help people heal without pharmaceutical drugs and invasive surgeries. And while it probably won’t come as much of a surprise to Natural News readers, Barrett has longstanding financial ties to the pharma front group American Council on Science and Health (ACSH), being a member of its Board of Scientific Advisers.

Anonymous said...

As we previously reported, the ACSH basically exists to protect the interest of Big Pharma, Big Vaccine, Big Chemical, and Big Biotech. Everything it does is centered around bolstering these industries, all of which happen to be threatened by the existence of natural medicine.

“It is important to unveil the cesspool at the ACSH for what it really is because Barrett’s relationship as an inside adviser with the ACSH is very disturbing and should raise alarms,” says Gale.

“In our opinion it completely discredits him from being a reliable and unbiased scientific resource on any matter. And in our opinion it should convince any sane person that Barrett lacks integrity in being a voice capable of speaking for the best interests of the average consumer.”

Barrett is hardly an anomaly in this regard, as many Western health practitioners function as agent provocateurs of these deep state industries. In other words, they’re not about helping people to heal, but rather about keeping the cash flowing.

“In our opinion modern conventional medicine has built a citadel, a walled-fortress that refuses to take century old medical wisdom and practices seriously,” Gale contends.

“And Skeptics are up to their necks in the cultural (sic) of denial imprisoned within these ramparts constructed with the mortar of pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, unsafe vaccines, GMOs, and a legacy of medical error, illnesses and deaths.”

(Sources for this article include:

Anonymous said...

Science skeptics' use guerilla warfare tactics and racketeering behavior to infiltrate Wikipedia and spread corporate propaganda

Monday, May 02, 2016 | by: Julie Wilson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Last week, Natural News exposed the utter and total takeover of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia, which we have now learned is being orchestrated by a community strangely referring to themselves as "skeptical activists," of which pro-vaccine troll and Karmanos breast cancer surgeon David Gorski is a member.

Trusted sources confirmed Gorski has administrative privileges on Wikipedia where he writes and edits content under the username "MastCell." Under these administrative controls, Gorski and his team of skeptics are thought to have penned a defamatory review of Andrew Wakefield's documentary VAXXED, a film instrumental in widening the discussion on vaccine safety.

Skeptical activists have taken it upon themselves to debunk and control information via Wikipedia on a variety of topics including vaccine safety, alternative medicine, natural health, homeopathy, cancer treatments, the paranormal, astrology and psychic mediums.

In other words, if a topic does not fit inside mainstream science's limited paradigm, skeptical activists will go to great lengths to discredit and stifle discussions on topics they consider "quackery."

Skeptical activists cruise together to collaborate Wiki takeover

A genuinely weird and pathetic bunch, skeptical activists routinely gather at conferences, host "psychic stings," conduct protests and even take cruises together.

In 1996, magician James Randi founded a nonprofit organization called the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) aimed at "educating the public and the media on the dangers of accepting unproven claims."

From this organization was born the Amaz!ng Meeting, an annual conference where skeptics gather to purportedly discuss "science, skepticism, and critical thinking," according to the meeting's Wikipedia entry, which is almost certainly written by skeptics.

What these so-called skeptics are really doing is organizing an international effort to smear and discredit anything they consider to be "pseudoscience." This type of collaborated effort is characterized by a pattern of racketeering, as skeptical activists write, edit and promote biased profiles on Wikipedia to generate income, notoriety and legitimacy.

At the center of it all is seasoned Wikipedia editor Susan Gerbic, who just so happens to be a close friend of Gorski. Gerbic, we've learned, has played a critical role in the infiltration of Wikipedia.


Though she has absolutely no qualifications to do so (her educational background includes a B.A. degree in social history), Gerbic has grown obsessed with "debunking" pseudoscience.

'Pseudoscience debunker' lacks background in science!

Gerbic is the co-founder of Monterey County Skeptics and leader of "Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia" (GSoW), whose self-described mission is to "improve skeptical content on Wikipedia... by improving pages of our skeptic spokespeople, providing noteworthy citations, and removing the unsourced claims from paranormal and pseudoscientific pages [emphasis added]."

Anonymous said...

This is why healthy food advocates like Mike Adams have false and defamatory Wikipedia pages.

Gerbic and other skeptics have capitalized on the fact that people view Wikipedia as a "neutral" place to get information, which is why they've hijacked it to promote their agenda. Not only do Gerbic and her allies trash opposing viewpoints, but they "improve" Wiki pages for skeptical spokespeople; in other words, they alter the pages to favor their twisted, cult-like community.

When skeptical spokespeople are in the public eye, "their Wikipedia page views are going to spike... we want to make sure they are getting great information," says Gerbic. And by "great information," she of course means information favorable to the "skeptic" community.

Gerbic has been accused of promoting biased pages, deleting hundreds of articles, and banning thousands of contributors on Wikipedia. Gerbic admittedly takes pride in her and her team's ability to "frustrate editors with opposing views to the extent that editors have given up editing Wikipedia."

Rupert Sheldrake, a biochemist and plant physiologist trained at Cambridge University accuses Gerbic of propagating "scientific materialism."

Using skepticism as a weapon

"Scepticism is a normal, healthy attitude of doubt. Unfortunately it can also be used as a weapon to attack opponents. In scientific and medical contexts, organized skepticism is a crusade to propagate scientific materialism," Sheldrake wrote in his blog.

"Most materialists believe that the mind is nothing more than the physical activity of the brain, psychic phenomena are illusory, and complementary and alternative medical systems are fraudulent, or at best produce placebo effects," he says, adding that most materialists are also atheists.

"The Guerrilla Skeptics have carried the crusading zeal of organized skepticism into the realm of Wikipedia, and use it as a soapbox to propagate their beliefs."

Overdosing on herbs

Gerbic and her fellow skeptics have engaged in some pretty bizarre behavior, such as overdosing on homeopathic tablets. Gerbic says she took "80 pellets" of belladonna, a plant with potentially poisonous properties that's used for Parkinson's disease, colic and motion sickness, and as a pain killer.

On another occasion, during one of their peculiar gatherings, more than 100 skeptical activists overdosed on coffea cruda, a homeopathic remedy used to induce sleep.

When they're not overdosing on homeopathic medicine, skeptical activists are actively recruiting. The GSoW website states: "We train – We mentor – Join us." I don't know about you, but that phrase alone is enough to send chills up and down my spine.


Anonymous said...

Quackwatch ringleader Stephen Barrett in desperate, 'calamitous' defense in defamation lawsuit, says activist

Thursday, August 29, 2013 | by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) He continues to be one of the most obsessively outspoken critics of all things natural, often emerging unannounced from the outmoded realms of the internet-based "skeptics" world to bash the latest advances in alternative medicine. But former psychiatrist and ringleader of the widely-debunked anti-science website,, Stephen Barrett, is finally getting a taste of his own conventional medicine with a defamation lawsuit, which consumer health advocate and freedom fighter Tim Bolen is convinced could be Barrett's undoing.

Barrett is perhaps most known across the internet for his constant trashing of alternative treatment methods that he most likely never learned anything about in medical school way back when. These methods include things like acupuncture, chelation-based detoxification, nutritional supplementation, chiropractic -- you know, the very things that are actually helping to bring real relief and healing to a sick nation drowning in needless surgeries and dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. Barrett has actually made it one of his primary missions in life to "expose" these viable alternative treatments and warn people about their alleged ineffectiveness.

But in expressing his opinions, Barrett has also apparently crossed the defamation line by spreading all sorts of lies and misinformation about specific alternative treatments and falsely accusing companies that offer them of ripping off and deceiving their customers. These are serious accusations, and one such company aggressively targeted by Barrett in recent years, Doctor's Data, has decided to force this self-appointed "quackbuster" to put his money where his mouth is by taking him to court. And according to Bolen, Barrett is failing miserably to mount any sort of legitimate legal defense, as his attorney wastes time badgering Doctor's Data employees with useless questions.

Anonymous said...

The 'skeptics' and their ongoing war against natural medicine

It all began when Illinois-based Doctor's Data sent a letter to Barrett back in 2010 urging him to stop "transmitting false, fraudulent and defamatory information" about the company, which, according to its later-to-be-filed lawsuit, was intended to "intentionally ... harm its business and its relationship not only with doctors but also with the public." The letter went on to accuse Barrett of "conspir[ing] with and encourag[ing] individuals to seek litigation against [Doctor's Data]" and also of filing "false complaints at various government and regulatory agencies" against the company.

In other words, Barrett launched his own personal vendetta against Doctor's Data, according to the company, for the purpose of destroying its reputation and, ultimately, its business. Barrett has denied these accusations, of course, claiming that everything he has done and said with regards to Doctor's Data is within the realms of free speech. He has even stated his belief that the suit will eventually be dismissed by the court, assuming, of course, that Barrett and his legal team are successful in conjuring up a solid defense.

But this is exactly what Bolen says is not actually occurring. Barrett and his legal team, unable to defend their actions against Doctor's Data, according to Bolen, are currently engaged in a "Desperation Deposition," where they are basically interrogating Doctor's Data employees with nonsense questioning to delay the case. Barrett et al. have even gone so far as to petition the court to allow these time-wasting efforts to continue on longer in order to prolong what, according to Bolen, will be an inevitable failure.

"There is no question in my mind that Doctor's Data has already won this case," writes Bolen in a recent report. "Barrett et al. have no defense ... Their attorney Michael K. Botts, Esq. shows by his 'discovery' actions a visceral fear ... of what's coming. I would guess, from reading the court documents, that it is very unpleasant to even be in the same enclosed room with Botts."

Barrett can run, but he can't hide
According to the most recently available information concerning the case, Botts actually shut down a deposition after being called out for abusing Doctor's Data employees with "useless, meaningless, repetitive questions" while directing his client not to answer. Now, Botts has filed a motion to get more deposition time to continue delaying the case, which Bolen believes serves as proof that Barrett simply does not have any defense whatsoever and is basically now just engaging in stalling tactics. The suit itself, it should be noted, calls for more than $10 million in compensatory and punitive damages from Barrett, a lofty sum.

"The hard part will be collecting any money from any of these useless, worthless posers," adds Bolen in his sharp criticism. "As I said about an earlier quackbuster, Victor Herbert ... after ten years of Herbert and his attorney Michael K. Botts, Esq.'s losing litigation attempts to destroy the 'Alternative Medicine' movement, the courts had awarded the Defendant's 'costs,' but collecting those costs was another thing."

You can read a portion of the original lawsuit filed by Doctor's Data against Barrett or read the full 71-page lawsuit here:

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden’s incoherent townhall in 49 seconds…

Anonymous said...

Troll said: "The MOST IMPORTANT thing to understand about Stephen Barrett is that... It is common knowledge that Stephen Barrett has been Officially Declared by the US Court System, in a PUBLISHED Appeals Court Decision (NCAHF v King Bio), to be 'Biased, and unworthy of credibility...What that statement means, in layman's terms, simply, is that it is common knowledge that OFFICIALLY - NOTHING HE SAYS CAN BE LEGALLY RELIED UPON."

Just as I suspected. Stephen Barrett's name doesn't even appear in the decision nor do the words "biased", "unworthy" or "credibility". It appears Dr. Barrett was simply one of the experts who provided testimony somewhere along the path that this case took through a superior court in California to a California Court of Appeals whereby some group/association tried to hold an alternative medicine company, "King Bio" responsible for allegedly false claims it made in it's advertising under California Statutes regarding Truth in Advertising. The association, National Council against Health Fraud, Inc. (NCAHF) lost in the lowest court and tried to argue on appeal that King Bio should have the burden of proof to prove the accuracy of its advertising claims, King Bio felt NCAHF had the burden of proof and the appeals court, concurred with the superior court and King Bio won again.

So what? They attempted to take on alternative medicine and lost a battle. Losing a court case, especially as just an expert witness to such case (I presume since Barrett's name isn't mentioned) doesn't make Barrett forever "unworthy of credibility" any more than had the court decided to shift the burden of proof to King Bio would have made all things said by Barrett forever credible. The legal arguments and facts of the case either win or lose as credible or incredible arguments to the court or jury.

This is just grasping at straws and shows the lack of knowledge & immaturity of the speaker/writer and the lengths purveyors of snake oil will go to in defense of their lies and right to rip off Americans.

For background, to help understand the bullcrap products they were attempting to hold responsible for ripping off consumers...(and this IS actually quoted from the case) is what "King Bio" was claiming in their advertising: "King Bio sells homeopathic remedies.   According to its product labels and website, King Bio's products relieve a variety of symptoms and ills, including:  stress, colds, flu, eating disorders, learning disorders, menstrual irregularities, snoring, and tobacco and alcohol cravings."

Here's the link to the case (it is not a summary but maybe there is more to it somewhere?):

Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 5, California.
Decided: April 22, 2003


RayB said...

Frightening photos released of two dangerous terrorists that "stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6th."

Don't let the photos of these evil monsters scare you. You'll be glad to know that they have been captured and arrested. I'm so glad we have a totally unbiased Justice Department that is working 24/7 in order to protect the American people, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Here's Dr. Stephen Barrett's CV

"Stephen Barrett, M.D., Curriculum Vitae"

He's certainly more credentialed and experienced than Mike Adams and Ethan Hunt.


RayB said...

Watch Adam Kinzinger Go From Laughing to Crying in Under 60 Seconds During January 6 Hearings

Pelosi's hand picked RINO stooge puts on the performance of his political career.

Anonymous said...

Take these shots DAILY after being exposed until such time as this blogspot is no longer infested:

These are newly updated at least every single day or sooner:




And this is newly updated at least every (regular) weekday or sooner:













Anonymous said...

After the Federal District Court Judged tossed out nearly all of Doctor's Data's claims as unactionable on March 21, 2016... See Doctor's Data, Inc. v Stephen Barrett, MD, et. al. --

the parties they quietly settled their lawsuit and issued a joint statement:

"Doctor’s Data vs. Barrett Lawsuit Settled Amicably" Joint News Release; July 18, 2017

"The libel suit filed by Doctor’s Data (DDI) against Dr. Stephen Barrett, Quackwatch, Inc., and the National Council against Health Fraud, Inc., has been settled amicably. The suit, filed in 2010, charged that Dr. Barrett had improperly criticized DDI on and other sites that he controls.

DDI is a CLIA- and OSHA-certified laboratory that provides specialty testing to health care practitioners. One of its tests measures the levels of lead and other toxic metals in the urine. The lawsuit centered around an article by Dr. Barrett about how doctors were using test reports on urine specimens that had been obtained after administering a chelating drug to the patient. This test process—called “provoked” or “challenge” testing—has been criticized by the American College of Medical Toxicologists and other mainstream medical organizations.

In 2009, Dr. Barrett posted an article describing how doctors who submitted provoked specimens to DDI were improperly telling patients they had heavy metal poisoning for which chelation is needed. DDI’s lawsuit charged that the article falsely implied that DDI was responsible for how doctors interpret the test reports. In settling the suit, DDI and Dr. Barrett acknowledged that:

*It is not appropriate for a doctor to use a provoked test to tell people they have heavy metal poisoning.

*Provoked testing should not be the sole basis for recommending chelation therapy.

*Blood testing is the most appropriate test for lead poisoning.

*DDI is federally and state certified to offer blood and urine metal testing in accordance with CLIA, OSHA, and state regulations.

The settlement agreement has other terms that will remain confidential."


Hutch said...

Ray B I am familiar with the Iroquois Confederacy. The five nations you mentioned formed an alliance as a peacekeeping covenant between them to stop the bloodshed. We can bring up atrocities committed hundreds of years ago by almost any people group. I don't think it's fair to bring that into this discussion. It distracts from the on-going discrimination against native people. Back in the 50's, I believe under President Eisenhower, the federal government made a decision to eradicate all Indian tribes. The stated goal was so that all Americans could live under the same laws and receive the same education. There is more, but I don't want to make this too long.

I live near a reservation. I know adults who suffered great trauma from being taken from their parents and placed in government boarding schools. Everything about their culture and way of life was eradicated. They were forbidden from learning their native history or speaking in their native language. There was emotional and physical abuse. On the reservation, drug and alcohol abuse is prevalent. They have a casino now that's brought in a lot of money, but the poverty and victim mindset is still a part of life for most. With the casino, there's been an increase in crime. Even among non-Indians, gambling addiction is on the rise. The small city where I live is in controversy over changing the name of the high school football team from Red Raiders. The Nation of Indians didn't request the change, but when asked their opinion, they are in favor.

As you said, RayB, there is a long list of 'offensive' names. I think the goal is to change all of them, for all sports at all levels. The benefit to Native Americans is rather small, but it's all part of The Plan.

Anonymous said...

2:48 PM from RayB

Political theater. Pathetic little drama queen this one.
The whiny riny with his crocodile tears needs to just go on ahead and have an honest moment and switch parties because he acts like Chuckie Schumer. Better yet pack up and leave the USA because that self-serving fool is doing no good for any of us.

Makes a soul weary knowing malcontented attention hounds abound in the halls of our government.

DC gets more ridiculous by the day.

Anonymous said...

No Double Standard Here - Mainstream Media Journalism Is DEAD!

Check out this crazy megathread on the media's double standard between the BLM and Capitol riots

Jul 27th, 2021
By Joel Abbott

Our media is an objective establishment that maintains a dedication to journalistic integrity and an impassioned desire to uncover the truth.

Now that we've had that laugh out of the way, let me show you exactly why that statement is patently false.

Check out how Vox, Forbes, CNN, USA Today, Business Insider and finally, the most prestigious newspaper in the world, the Gray Lady herself covered the BLM riots that cost billions of dollars and many lives across the nation versus the Capitol riot where a bunch of unarmed dummies caused a few million in damage to a building, causing one of them to get shot:

Continues at...

Anonymous said...

"It's appearing to me ever more clearly, Anti-vax is a new age spirituality set to further undermine our trust in our legitimate health institutions in favor of quackery, snake oil and further fear and chaos.


Says the counterfeit christian whose broad brush gets much more wrong than he will ever get right because one doesn't need facts to divide people, just smear.

You traffic smear, innuendo, unfounded fears, etc, etc, with hardly a post from you that actually gets the facts straight, because you're an oily snake yourself.
Nice try, but folks are more well informed here than you think.

Anonymous said...

Black Preacher Drops Truth Bomb on “Demonic Cult” of Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory: Marxist Poison Infecting America

Biden’s “New Atlantic Charter” Advances Globalist World Order

Big Tech Counterterrorism Group Drops Islamic Terror, Now Targets “Far Right”

Why the Left Can’t Let Go of Jan. 6

Anonymous said...

X has two businesses, but spends much time dropping his leftist, Antichrist, New Age, dung here. 💩

Must be his two businesses are the two organizations that pay him to troll.

Must be fun for your wife being married to you! 🐍

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

The 11:14 AM & 11:49 PM posts remind me of a letter towards the end of the alphabet for some reason...

Anonymous said...

Interesting how "a blog administrator", i.e., Constance (or someone else from Opus Dei) has removed my 11:49 p.m. post, addressed to the nasty shit bullying X, yet has left the disgraceful post at 6:03 p.m.

It says it all!

Dave the Driver said...

There is no QAnon violence. Why would you make that claim? I don't see Trump as a cult, just a strong leader. Romney the Mormon and Liz Cheney and the others you say you support are as corrupt as the rest. I just discovered you today, never heard of you before although I've been a Christian for many years. A lot of what you write seems biblical and thoughtful... but not this one.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been married for about 7 years now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly cared about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Osita can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. My family and I are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Osita. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his Email: ( or WhatsApp him (+15088120454)

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