Monday, June 14, 2021

Please watch the HBO Series on Qanon "Into the Storm"

I have been watching many videos and doing much reading about Qanon. The more I read, the more alarmed I become. QANON is NOT OF GOD and it is DANGEROUS. A very informative video illustrating Qanon origins and direction is HBO's current series ON THE STORM. If you have access to HBO documentaries, please make every effort to watch it. Friends of mine came back from Antrim County, Michigan. They told me that they were making statements there that Donald Trump would be reinstated as President of the USA in August 2021. Both high unlikely, not to mention delusional! Michael Lindell, MY PILLOW owner and CEO spoke, I'm told at the Antrim County, Michigan rally. My friends tell me the book LOVE JOY TRUMP was being actively marketed and sold there. Lindell wrote the foreword for that book. The book is one of the worst combinations of New Apostolic Reform and outright NEW AGE occultism I have seen together in one place. I am hearing statistics that many Evangelicals believe Qanon is correct. This lack of discernment is distressing! Stay tuned! CONSTANCE '


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Anonymous said...

However, a corrupt news establishment, a rigged election process, a radicalized Democratic Party and out-of-control Big Tech information gatekeepers are not our only problems.

America's colleges and universities have become Marxist indoctrination centers. Our public elementary, middle and high schools teach our children that America is a racist nation. Even preschoolers are herded into public libraries where demonically possessed men pretending to be women – some of them convicted sex-offenders – are allowed to beguile, indoctrinate and corrupt these children's tender little minds, while their clueless parents smile and nervously laugh.

Summarizing America's current spiritual state, Los Angeles mega-pastor John MacArthur recently told Fox News' Laura Ingraham: "America's in a moral free fall. … You murder the babies in the womb. If they survive the womb, you try to seduce them into transgender sexual deviation when they're young. If they survive that, you corrupt them with a godless education. If they survive that, you have divorce in the family. And if they grow to be adults, we drown them in a sea of pornography. This is a nation so far down in the sewer of immorality and wickedness that nothing surprises me."

MacArthur is right, of course. Which means even if Trump had managed to remain in office for another four years and continued to turbocharge the U.S. economy as he did previously, America would remain in a state of "moral free fall."

Try this thought experiment: Recall how Brett Kavanaugh's nomination for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court led to hordes of screaming people wildly pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court building, an epic mob scene reminiscent of something out of the French Revolution. And that was just over a nomination! Imagine what would happen if those rioters' worst fears – the outlawing of abortion – actually came to pass. What if the Supreme Court actually repealed Roe v. Wade, or – to take the hypothetical even further – suppose the states actually amended the U.S. Constitution with a Human Life Amendment, outlawing abortion throughout the nation.

It would be a great day, of course – except America would be in a state of war, her streets unsafe, mass hysteria dominating public life every single day.

I think you get the picture. America has become a very broken nation, with millions of people utterly captive to bizarre, deceitful and deadly beliefs.

Thus, while we work and litigate and demonstrate and persuade and donate and pray for a turnaround on all the current battlefields – from election integrity to media corruption to abortion – what America really needs is indeed a revolution.

But not a Marxist one.

Anonymous said...

Toward National Revival

First, a word of warning to hotheads: Whereas civil disobedience in the manner of the Civil Rights Movement demonstrators of the 1960s can be a powerful force for good, awakening the conscience of a nation and bringing about truly positive change, angry and violent rebellion is not only counterproductive, it is precisely what the maniacal, power-obsessed Left wants.

That's right. Although they will never admit it, it's what they desire most of all. Why? Because it would enable them to point to "rightwing, white-supremacist extremists and terrorists" and say, "See! We told you all along that white-nationalist Trump-supporting fascists were the real problem!"

This is precisely why the left is forever fabricating and publicizing a never-ending array of "hate-crime" hoaxes, because they serve to validate their deranged narrative that conservatives, Republicans and Trump supporters are the real criminals, fascists and terrorists, and must be throttled at all costs. The left dreams of an unhinged, violent "rightwing" rebellion, as such would serve only to vindicate them and give them a lock on the power they crave.

As events unfold in the new year and beyond, bold strategies will emerge for restoring our nation, and patriotic right-thinking Americans will surely pursue them. Members of Congress and all state legislators will play pivotal roles, especially with regard to asuring free and fair elections, as will governors and mayors and indeed all elected office holders. Traditionally minded citizens will pursue parallel institutions to protect their children as well as their own wellbeing and sanity, from alternative educational modalities (homeschooling and private Christians schools) to alternative news media. Indeed, the American samizdat (that's what the "underground" press, the only source of truthful news, was called in the former Soviet empire) must flourish, although it will have to endure more censorship and abuse as they perform their vital role of investigating corruption and truthfully keeping Americans informed.

In every area of life, Americans will have to bear up with grace and dignity in fighting the good fight. Citizens, the ultimate sovereigns in America's unique constitutional system, who may be tempted to "drop out of politics" must do the opposite – vigorously exercising their sacred rights of voting, free speech, free association, freedom of worship, and to "petition the government for a redress of grievances" in every legal and moral way.

Anonymous said...

One final all-important point:

Unlike virtually all other nations, the essence of America is not a common ethnicity but a common spirit – a grateful, liberty-loving, generous, essentially Christian spirit, which needs to burn more brightly now in America than ever.0

Indeed, no real and lasting recovery is possible for America without a genuine spiritual revival. And each of us can and must play a key part in this revival. How? While we're engaged on every battlefront – committed to work creatively and effectively, to educate and persuade, to enlighten and awaken, and to outthink and outmaneuver the demented Left – each of us needs, as Christ commanded, to "Let [our] light … shine before men," always praying we can wage the battle righteously. And even praying for our enemies.

Christianity has historically grown during times of persecution, not only in numbers but in depth and sincerity. America's coming days promise to be very tough ones, with much persecution directed toward those who dare speak the Truth. But if good people stand up for what is right, for their nation, for what is legal and proper and moral and good – and if they do it with faith in Almighty God that He may be glorified and His will ultimately triumph – they absolutely cannot lose.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." – Romans 8:28

[Note: There are LOTS of hyperlinks in the above article which further document the author's points. To see them simply click on the hyperlink directly above.]

Anonymous said...

Constance at 4:28 AM

You stated: "IF I WERE to change my thinking process so as to give Trump a pass on the events he clearly incited on January 6th, I agree I would then definitely need to see a psychiatrist. But, you are demonstrating a cult-like mentality of viewing Trump and New Apostolic Reform heretical theologies as your 'Saviors'."


I don't know anyone on this blog who views Trump as their 'savior'/ are followers of QAnon / or are members of a 'cult'. Yet, you keep projected these labels onto us... all because we chose to vote for Trump over Hillary in 2016, and Trump over Biden in 2020.

By such reason, should we then 'rationalize' that all those who voted for Hillary, and then Biden, are all Socialists who belong to some Left wing 'cult'?

Constance, what has happened to YOUR critical thinking skills? And why should we put our faith into anything that Left-leaning HBO produces?

More information is slowly being revealed that January 6th was indeed a 'false flag' event, where the Capitol police 'stood down' and allowed 'provocateurs' to enter the building. Plus, their agenda has become increasingly transparent. Mission accomplished!!!

Anonymous said...

Trailer for HBO's "Into The Storm" (the QAnon documentary that Constance wants us to watch).

It is obvious that HBO has very selectively edited this MOCKumentary... and is attempting to 'paint' ALL Trump supporters with the same broad brush!!!

Anonymous said...


J said...

I've been reflecting on Constance's repeated concerns, and I have realized she is finding the influence of QAnon and NAR type thinking in many of our favorite online conservative media sources. It's not as simple as stating that one does not follow or believe in overt QAnon or overt NAR teachings.

If she is right that our sources have been influenced and infiltrated, we stand warned. Now we have the responsibility to critically examine our sources.

Before we can critically examine our sources, we need to be familiarized with NAR and QAnon.

Once we have done so, there could yet remain much to debate. But until we have done so, we not only don't know, but we refuse to know.

Continuing to attempt to fight the good fight in this way will not lead to more winning. It will lead to more losing. Trump was only winning because God let him win for a time.

American Christians were in the majority but kept losing more hearts and minds with each passing generation. Early Christians were in the minority but turned the world upside down. Maybe we should be more like the early Christians again.

J said...

P.S. Constance voted for Trump twice. It's not all about voting.

J said...

P.P.S. Most Democrats and liberals don't directly and knowingly follow Karl Marx or Saul Alinsky, either.

Most New Agers don't knowingly and overtly worship Lucifer, either.

Most people get taken in more by the derivative, watered down and eclectic sources.

J said...

RayB said that all who are alive today are living in the end times for them.

Further, it might be said that each generation becomes spiritually marked. It's not all about voting for a politician who supports abortion or not.

For example, I had been feeling confused and God-forsaken for a while, during a conflict between my husband and my father. My father needed me, but my husband would prefer if I disowned my father. He even threatened me with divorce. Christian family members all counseled me to listen to my husband and let a social worker deal with my father.

When I thought about it, I realized that if I chose my financial security over doing the right thing to help my father when he was in need, I could not claim to serve God instead of Mammon. Therefore I risked divorce and insisted on taking filial responsibility. I told my husband he needed to defer to a higher and bigger source than himself and not to act as a law unto himself and woe unto anyone who broke his law. To my surprise he agreed with me and our marriage was fine. He opened up about why he felt hurt by my father over the years. We became closer.

I felt closer to God again after having made that choice. I hesitated for a long time, because I could have hidden behind submission to my husband, which would have been the easy choice for me in that circumstance. It would have allowed me to attempt to avoid risk and responsibility. But I knew it wasn't right. There's no way it could be right.

It seems to me that each of us at some point may face our own type of "beast system" and need to choose obedience to God over physical success of some kind, whether that is power or money -- or in very extreme cases it could even be one's life for Christians in other parts of the world.

Could these times be the times when we become spiritually "marked?"

Craig has said that he thinks the mark is spiritual for God's elect but physical for those who are Satan's. I think it could be true that people who are demonic wear sigils as tattoos or jewelry, but I think even without those sigils, their primary mark that God care's about is the choices of their heart when push comes to shove.

That is just my tentative understanding of it.

I think it's possible we could become "marked" by a lot of things, including even political choices, if we don't care anymore about individual piety once we are identifying with a group that is defined as good in opposition to a much more evil group. Then at that point responsibility becomes diffused, and as long as we are helping our group win, we can't be wrong, because the other group is so much worse. If that leads us into lying or supporting lies, or becoming uncaring about whether supposed Christians who are in a coalition with us believe in doctrines of demons -- if we aren't willing to confront doctrines of demons because it would weaken a political coalition -- that is a choice to serve earthly power over serving God.

RayB said...

Anonymous @ 12:22 AM ...

Thanks for that. So in other words, we can trust even CNN to tell us the "truth" because sometimes they actually do, even if it is a rare occasion?

Of course, as an avid reader, I use discernment regarding everything I read. BUT, when the source is a notoriously anti-Christian "tree," I tend to reject as unreliable (after perhaps a very quick speed read) whatever that lying source has written or produced.

Over the years, on a number of occasions, I've read where Constance completely dismisses a writer, etc. because he/she had some casual relationship with a "New Ager." One such illustration comes to mind, and that is regarding Dave Hunt. Constance dismissed him categorically because of one such seemingly innocuous relationship that she defined to be proof that Hunt cannot be trusted. The logic being, Hunt must be a New Ager because he knew a New Ager! THAT is vastly different from my position.

Regarding production companies that are notoriously enemies of Christ, instead of weeding through their garbage, I'll just apply this succinct warning:

“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” Matthew 7:18

And ... "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil." Jeremiah 13:23

Anonymous said...


While we appreciate warnings about QAnon... where are your warnings about the dangers of vaccines and 5G technology?

RayB said...


I get a lot out of your thought provoking posts. Your 8:54 AM really struck a cord.
I'll explain more in a later post.

J, I have a special request to make.

The "end times" suddenly occurred for a 51 year old friend of mine. Jim had COVID two months ago, and although he was, according to his Dr. "recovered," he continued to have periodic difficulties breathing. After yard work last Friday, he had one such event. When he came into the house, he told his wife Gina (an RN) that he was having trouble breathing, and collapsed on the couch. She immediately called 911 and began CPR, but it was too late.

Jim & Gina were EXTREMELY close. I was friends with both for over 20 years. NEVER did I ever hear either one make even the slightest hint of a complaint about the other. They were a true love story, and they were both very family oriented.

When the immediate family gathered for a private viewing on Wed. Upon viewing the body, Gina became hysterical and literally collapsed into a chair. Just prior to passing out, she said "call 911." Gina suffered a brain aneurism and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance, where after tests, she was life flighted to another hospital. She will remain there for 7 to 10 days for observation.

Gina's uncle told me all of this last night in a phone conversation. He also told me that the two kids (18 & 20) are completely devastated. First their father, whom they adored, and now their mother. (The funeral was to be today, but everything has been postponed). Jim was a professing Christian, as is Gina.

Please earnestly pray that God would shower his Grace upon these people, and that His will would be done in their lives. It is beyond difficult to imagine Gina without Jim. Please pray that Jesus, the "man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief" would reveal Himself to her in a way that only He can.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Matt Gaetz to Newsmax: Did FBI 'Animate' Storming of Capitol?

The FBI might have had a role in "organizing and participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot," according to Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who is seeking answers from FBI Director Christopher Wray by Aug. 1.

Anonymous said...

RayB: I will keep your friend, Jim's wife Gina and their family in my prayers this morning. Sorry about the loss of your friend.

Anonymous said...

J you are a relative newcomer here.
We who have been here a while have been given many repeated warnings from Constance and others who are diligent to follow up sources. This is not breaking news what she warns about, the bad seeds are bearing the bad fruit as expected and many are aware more than the average of people scooting around on the internet, so for those who are commenting here, having followed for a long time, we are looking for dots to connect. And they are. And actually anymore, people should see it coming because globalists and the progressive left no longer hide their agendas and posts and more posts through the threads show many here are cued up quite well actually.
Things are a very tangled mess out there in the world of information, much mis/dis info mixed in at times because rush to judgment happens all too often and that can be the case on all sides of an issue. But media giants do the lion's share of creating specific narratives that are directly misusing information to an end of their own and frankly you can spot them, you can smell them, the bias is that strong, if you and I are paying any attention at all, quite frankly.
People have to be critical thinkers absolutely, but we must reckon with the fact that some some choose to come here with only the critical part, leaving the thinking out, or simply because disinfo agents (that can come here from more than one extreme) with an agenda to frequent blogs like this. And we can all look at it and assess it as we need or want. They are free to be here too. But buyer beware if you come here. That is blogworld and the world in general these days, and I do know I am preaching to the choir in that statement.
The way material has been posted here by Constance is, of course, just fine. It is her blog! Warn and warn is good, it's what she does, and for a long time now. We owe her much gratitude for that! But it is the rake people over the coals approach for not agreeing about Trump's presidency by casting an overtly negative light and assorted surrounding events that are still ongoing, still shape-shifting, info that is/has been buried and has to be brought forward which takes time, effort, against great big odds of getting out because of the oppression of information and speech connected, is it sure is a sad state of affairs, so early, repeatedly, attributing motives in the general population of this blog's commenters that see things some or a lot differently, to lump and label people with such a broad brush of dismissal, has not been characteristic of Constance in this degree before, and I find that sad because the actual truth is what suffers in such polarization.
But whatever.
This is only a blog. It is not what my world revolves around that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

To: All
From: 12:22 AM

As a further example of the issue simply reread my statement then note the reply immediately following.

Well, one must learn to separate information from the source of the information and judge the information on its own merits and NOT automatically DISMISS it for the sole reason of where it came from.

And that works BOTH ways, i.e. we must NOT automatically ACCEPT information without judging it on its own merits for the sole reason of where it came from either.

That being said, we should in fact (NOT pre-judge but) pay extra attention for possible (up to and including: untruthful) 'spin' (or worse) in certain information from certain sources, such as for example Qanon articles (or videos) from The Millennium Report. Realize and remember that a source may (either innocently or by design) have a not-so-legitimate article (or video) or two buried in amongst a bunch of wholly legitimate articles or videos. And an article or video may be a not-so-legitimate article or video not necessarily because it's outright wrong but sometimes because it, itself has truth and significant error mixed together within it. Sometimes even the visual format style and/or the phrasing style of an article (as seen in its entirety at the original website) or video are questionable. All that does NOT, however delegitimize good articles or videos a website or other source may have!


RayB said...

Anonymous @ 12:22 AM ...

So in other words, we can trust even CNN to tell us the "truth" because sometimes they actually do, even if it is a rare occasion?


Note that the statement said no such thing. In fact the "in other words" conclusion is utterly different:

"Trust" NO source, ESPECIALLY such as CNN!

RayB said...

Anon @ 11:17 AM ...

It wasn't meant to quote YOU ... I used it as a generic example without realizing that you referred to "CNN."

Sometimes in posting, inferences are made without original intent. This is one such case.

RayB said...

Thank you J !

Anonymous said...

11:12 AM

Re: "media giants do the lion's share of creating specific narratives that are directly misusing information to an end of their own"


AMEN!!! And in order to fight this daily false narrative (indoctrination)... all we can do is share information here on this blog... and try to peel away the layers of the onion... to try and gain a perspective.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

(‘Equal justice under the law’? Not in THIS country!)

The Left Called Trump A Fascist But Biden Actually Is One

Friday, June 18, 2021
By: JD Heyes

For the duration of his four-year term, President Donald Trump’s Marxist critics called him a tyrant, a bigot, a racist and a fascist, though he was none of those things.

Trump is the first Republican president in a generation to expand his party’s voting base into black and Hispanic communities; bigots and racists don’t normally accomplish that feat. As to his authoritarianism, not a single critic can point to one constitutional or civil right he took away.

By comparison, however, Joe Biden, through his handlers, has become quite the fascistic tyrant, as proven by his administration’s treatment of the Jan. 6 “MAGA” protesters. It’s nothing short of abysmal, not to mention blatantly unconstitutional.

American Greatness’ Julie Kelly, who has been monitoring the treatment of Jan. 6 protesters arrested and thrown into the horrific D.C. Jail, notes that they and their families are recounting episodes of physical and mental abuse that is more akin to a third-world dictatorship than a constitutional republic.

And finally, some in Congress are demanding to know what’s going on.

“This week, five Republican senators sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding his office’s handling of January 6 protesters,” she reported. “The letter revealed the senators are aware that several Capitol defendants charged with mostly nonviolent crimes are being held in solitary confinement conditions in a D.C. jail used exclusively to house Capitol detainees.”

Kelly adds: “Joe Biden’s Justice Department routinely requests—and partisan Beltway federal judges routinely approve—pre-trial detention for Americans arrested for their involvement in the January 6 protest. This includes everyone from an 18-year-old high school senior from Georgia to a 70-year-old Virginia farmer with no criminal record.”

Meanwhile, all across the country, left-wing cadres of Washington’s deep state Marxists — the Antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists who destroyed, rioted, beat and injured police officers for months last year — are breathing free air. Few of them have been charged, and that includes those who besieged a federal courthouse for weeks on end in Portland, attempting to burn it down with federal agents inside.

When those agents reacted and did their jobs, they were ripped by congressional Democrats, with the second in line to the presidency, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California, actually referring to them as “storm troopers” — a purposefully divisive reference to Adolph Hitler’s Nazi shock troops during World War II.

Anonymous said...

In fact as Kelly notes, a letter from one of the “DC Deplorables” who remains behind bars, denied bail and even denied a court appearance and hearing, wants to know the same thing.

“I would like to voice my confusion as to why left-wing rioters are set free and shown mercy while being the source of hundreds of riots last year all over the country, causing billions of dollars in damage, dozens of deaths, yet the right-wing rioters from Jan. 6th are treated in the harshest terms,” Mellis wrote to Kelly in an email last week.

He added: “We are charged with every possible offense and held in the DC jail on solitary [sic] confinement and treated inhumanely. For example, a correctional officer from a different pod came to C2B screaming at us late at night on 6/1/21 because we had just sang ‘God Bless America’ [sic] from behind our locked doors like we do every night. Being as we are on lockdown 22 hours a day it’s nice to keep morale up through patriotism. When [name omitted by American Greatness], my next door neighbor, informed the officer that we were just singing ‘God Bless America’ the officer responded by yelling, ‘F**k America!’”

Who gets locked up indefinitely and stuffed into solitary confinement for 22 hours a day — in America…for basically trespassing on government property?

Trump supporters, of course, that’s who. And that’s what these blatantly unconstitutional incarcerations are about — punishing Trump supporters.

We don’t have a level playing field anymore when it comes to ‘equal justice under the law.’ The Biden regime has changed the paradigm.

Anonymous said...

As America is pushed beyond the breaking point, BE PREPARED!

Anonymous said...

Local reporter secretly records her bosses: Confirms Trump was right all along on cult-like media

Anonymous said...

EU health official says countries should stop giving AstraZeneca vaccine to those aged 60 and up

Anonymous said...

Comedian Jimmy Dore “Still Suffering From Effects” 2 MONTHS AFTER MODERNA JAB

'I still have stiff neck...I still have flu-like symptoms, so meaning body aches, joint pains and tiredness that comes in waves.'

Anonymous said...

Johns Hopkins surgeon raises hell over CDC lies

Canadian MP Sounds Vaccine Alarm

Anonymous said...

Another ouchy for Fauci to answer for from 2017 .
Rand Paul brought up the same article.
The plandemic origins are very well documented.

And Obama "predicted" future viruses in 2014.
Never let a crisis go to waste...

Anonymous said...

Medical establishment attempts to MEMORY HOLE 'natural immunity'... while post-vaccine outbreaks strike airlines and cruise lines, now seeing infections, hospitalizations and deaths among vaccinated employees

Craig said...

Bret wrestles with why vaccines are being pushed for everyone (from Livestream #83)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

Monkeying with the baseline, COVID edition. Bret wrestles with why vaccines are being pushed for everyone. Clip with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying.


Pinned comment:

YouTube is censoring content from this channel. The main channel has received a strike for the 3 hour full context podcast that means Bret and Heather cannot livestream this Saturday on YouTube.

We're getting setup with Odysee, which is a different video platform to YouTube, and allows for livestreams.

Please sign up and subscribe to us on Odysee for the livestream on Saturday and so you can watch all the censored content from YouTube.

We are commited to staying on YouTube and we'll fight our corner. Thank you for all the support.

-Dave the clips guy

Anonymous said...

DarkHorse Podcasts on Odysee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cancelling Christianity? They’re Trying, Warns Author!

RayB said...

‘This Is About Power’: Black Theologian Voddie T. Baucham Exposes ‘Demonic Ideology’ Behind Critical Race Theory (CRT), Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antiracism

"As a young man, Baucham had been drawn to the Black Nationalist ideas of Malcolm X, who “denounced Christianity as a religion designed for slaves.” When he became a Christian, he found he had to renounce such a worldview, but it gave him unique discernment into the nature of CRT and other ideologies that seek to politically weaponize race and undermine faith."

“I see Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Critical Social Justice, and their antecedents — Marxism, Conflict Theory, and Critical Theory — as ‘cosmic powers over this present darkness.’”

“The organization (i.e., Black Lives Matter) is Marxist, revolutionary, feminist, misandrous, pro-LGBTQIA+, pro-abortion, and anti-family, with roots in the occult,” Bachaum writes of BLM. “It is unacceptable for Christians to partner with, celebrate, identify with or promote this organization.”

Read the entire article here:

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much for bringing Voddie Baucham to my attention, RayB.

I heard this and was blown away:

Christian Theism and Racism - Voddie Baucham


(He has had very serious health issues this year but he seems to be on the mend!)

Anonymous said...


I hope & pray that your friend Gina is doing better!

Anonymous said...

The CRT (Critical Race Theory) movement has one very transparent agenda... to instigate, inflame, divide, and conquer!!!

Shhhh... A not so well kept secret is that the CRT movement does not want the races to live in peace and harmony... even after those of us (who were not even born yet during the slavery period in our country) have done our 'penance' / have been 'rehabilitated' / and have made amends.

Anonymous said...

Before I retired a few years ago, I worked in a large office in downtown Houston, Texas... where blacks and whites not only got along as co-workers... but became very close friends. We talked about anything and everything. A large group of us would go to 'happy hour' every Friday after work.

In other words... there was no CRT movement to tell us that we had a 'problem' with each other.

Ahhh, the good old days. Sigh...

Craig said...

Pfizer data REVEAL - Where do the lipid nanoparticles collect? (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret W)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology.
Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.



Das rayciss!

Following is one of two vloggers I'd been watching on occasion pre-CV19. They were foreigners living in China teaching ESL, chronicling their excursions. Both are fluent in Mandarin. In this clip the vlogger notes how Uyghurs are not only discriminated against, but put in concentration camps and even genocided.

Women Leak Secret Coded Videos - Xinjiang Genocide Proof


People in Xinjiang, western China, have been leaking videos using TikTok (Douyin in China) to tell their story through emojis. It's heartbreaking, scary, and unfair.

Craig said...

Mark Zuckerberg wrote to Pink Floyd lyricist Roger Waters asking if he could use "Another Brick In The Wall (Part II)" for an Instagram commercial. Waters’ response—vocalized at an event advocating for Julian Assange’s release—is about what I expected (profanity warning):

Roger Waters turns down ‘huge money’ for Facebook ad: ‘No f–kin’ way’ | New York Post

I mean, seriously, the lyrics start with:

We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone

Relatedly, I recall as a teenager riding my bike to buy a copy of Pink Floyd’s then-latest release (1977), Animals. In it, Waters writes about three types of people, reflected in the songs’ titles: Dogs, Pigs, and Sheep. From a secular point of view, the latter describes many today. Note that he appropriates Psalm 23, though clearly “Lord” is a metaphor for secular overlords (aka Dogs—like Zuck, Gates):

Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
You better watch out
There may be Dogs about
I've looked over Jordan and I have seen
Things are not what they seem

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real?
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well-trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, he hath great power and great hunger…

His closing is an interesting twist, and I assume this was a sort of wishful thinking and not some sort of actual desire:

…When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water

Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream

Have you heard the news?
The Dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told
Get out of the road if you want to grow old

To be clear: NO, I’m not advocating anything like this. That’s not the way of the Christian, of course.

Anonymous said...

"How do I have two medical degrees if I'm oppressed?" Father and radio host Ty Smith rages against critical race theory at Illinois school board meeting and demands 'nonsense' is dropped

RayB said...

Anon @ 10:18 AM ...

Thank you for your kindness and concern for complete strangers.

What a day this will be ...

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." - Revelation 21:4

Craig said...

From someone who's lived there:

How Does China's Social Credit System Work?


Everyone thinks of China's social credit system as some sort of Black Mirror episode, while others compare it the the FICO score in the USA. It's much, much more than that. In fact, I found the documents that highlight how it works, and how it affects the people of China. Not only that, but I have spent a lot of time in the first city it was implemented.

Anonymous said...

Mainstream Media Smears John Birch Society with FALSE ‘QAnon’ Comparisons

Anonymous said...

VIDEOS: 'The New American' magazine of the John Birch Society

Anonymous said...

Pandemic Bonds

Anonymous said...

This makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever... that BLUE states would be immune???

Indian Delta variant could create 'two COVID Americas': Deadly strain that now accounts for 10% of all new cases may rip through under-vaccinated red states while leaving liberal areas unscathed, experts warn

Anonymous said...

3:13 AM

Yes, however the claim makes perfect sense if fearmongering the unvaccinated (ESPECIALLY Conservatives/Republicans) into getting vaccinated is the goal.

Anonymous said...

Is this the Location of an Ancient Biblical Temple Treasure?

Government Schools vs. Christianity

Save Our Children

The well-being of America’s children is being sacrificed on the altar of globalism and social justice. It’s time to get them out of the public schools.

Time is running out.

LGBTQ+ Extremism at School Is Destroying Children

Critical Race Theory

Under the guise of eradicating racism and division, Critical Race Theory does the opposite.

On April 13, Andrew Gutmann pulled his daughter out of New York City’s elite Brearley School for girls. (Evidently $54,000 a year does not guarantee an education free of progressive privilege, manipulation, racism, and white-shaming.) On the way out, he mailed a letter to all 600 or so remaining families, urging them to speak out against the inhumane “anti-racism” initiatives that were tearing the school apart:

It cannot be stated strongly enough that Brearley’s obsession with race must stop. It should be abundantly clear to any thinking parent that Brearley has completely lost its way. The administration and the Board of Trustees have displayed a cowardly and appalling lack of leadership by appeasing an anti-intellectual, illiberal mob, and then allowing the school to be captured by that same mob.

The letter went viral, and Gutmann understood from the overwhelming responses of other frustrated families that fighting off the imperatives of Critical Race Theory was not just a “conservative” issue anymore. He heard from liberals, conservatives, moderates, and people who considered themselves apolitical. He even received heartbreaking replies from parents who immigrated to the United States from Eastern Europe, people whose families had fled the former Soviet Union decades ago, only to find Critical Race Theory consuming the administration and faculty of Brearley and warping the curriculum with race-baiting, political purity pledges, ideological litmus tests, and purges. It was communism all over again.

Reflecting on the consequences of Brearley’s anti-education betrayal of the students, Gutmann lamented:

I have received emails from parents expressing devastation that their kids, as young as five years old, are coming home from school after being taught to feel guilty solely because of the color of their skin. I have received messages from grandparents feeling hopeless that their grandchildren are being brainwashed and turned against their own families. And I have received notes from teachers brought to tears because they are being required, day after day, to teach fundamentally divisive, racist doctrines and being forced to demonize their own students.

This is the legacy of Critical Race Theory, which has completely transformed the nation’s schools into sites of Marxist conflict, pitting whites against minorities, the wealthy against the poor, and the “heteronormative” against the “gay” and transgendered.

More News Articles and Videos:

Anonymous said...

COVID Vaccine Shedding Hurting Unvaxed? Dr. Lee Merritt Explains

Anonymous said...

Communism in Our Churches? An Interview with Filmmaker Judd Saul

Anonymous said...

Government Schools vs. Christianity

Government indoctrination masquerading as “education” has deliberately waged war on biblical religion, and the fruits are devastating America and its children.

From chanting to the Aztec deities of cannibalism and human sacrifice in California to forcing children to denounce their “Christian privilege” in front of the class in North Carolina, government schools across America have become hotbeds of anti-Christian extremism. Highly controversial religious views and rituals from Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, humanism, and even human-sacrificing paganism are now ubiquitous. Christianity, meanwhile, when it is mentioned at all, is denigrated and mocked. Welcome to America’s 21st-century public schools, where a full-on war against Christianity is the order of the day.
Scripture warns...repeatedly. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it,” reads Proverbs 22:6. Jesus warned in Luke 6:40, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Yet American Christians continue to send their children to anti-Christian government schools where they know that even Christian teachers are under a total gag order when it comes to mentioning God. Under the guise of having their children be “salt and light,” they are sending their untrained boys and girls to be discipled by haters of God as child soldiers in a raging spiritual war.

Anything but Biblical Religion

Today, religious humanism still permeates the schools. But so do occultism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and many other alien religions that are being forced on students nationwide. Only biblical moral principles, it seems, are not welcome in government classrooms.

In April, for instance, the California State Board of Education voted unanimously to approve a new “ethnic studies model curriculum.” Among other abominations, elementary-school children are ordered to chant to the demonic Aztec deities of human sacrifice, cannibalism, and war. As part of the “In Lak Ech Affirmation,” the program instructs teachers to lead young children in a “community chant” to the Aztec gods Tezkatlipoka and Huitzilopochtli, the “god of war” to whom hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices were offered.

The chanting allegedly will give the youngsters the power to become “warriors for social justice,” as well as “healing epistemologies,” “critical consciousness,” and a “revolutionary spirit,” the text promises. One of the key authors behind the program argued in a book that after decolonization of the Americas there should be a “counter-genocide” against “white Christians” who supposedly perpetrated “deicide” against the Aztec gods.

Anonymous said...

Paganism is increasingly being normalized nationwide. In keeping with the religious views of Black Lives Matter co-founders such as Alicia Garza and Patrisse Cullors, who claim to communicate with and even offer sacrifices to “ancestor spirits,” BLM education programs have promoted similar rituals. A BLM training course for teachers caught on video from Howard University, for instance, featured the trainers telling the teachers to have children chant to their “ancestors.” After the chanting, the BLM trainers even asked participants to summon the “spirits” of their ancestors into the classroom. The Bible vehemently condemns such practices and even warns that those “spirits” are actually demons.

Eastern paganism is also becoming increasingly popular in government schools. All over America, children are being forced to participate in yoga rituals and “transcendental meditation.” Both of those activities come from Hinduism, a religion known for worshiping an enormous array of deities and even for offering human sacrifices to those supposed gods. And both are “gateways” to even more alarming New Age practices, experts say. Aside from Alabama, which banned yoga and Hinduism in schools, such religious rituals have become commonplace in government “education.”

In July of 2019, the Chicago Tribune highlighted some of these practices taking place in Chicago public schools. According to students subjected and forced to participate in the rituals, candles and incense were lit, the windows were closed, everybody was given flowers, instructors “chanted in a foreign language,” and then “threw rice, seasonings, and oranges in a pan in front of a picture of a man.” Students were also told to place flowers in a pan. The ritual even involved a “secret mantra,” students were quoted as saying.

New Age Buddhism has also invaded classrooms nationwide under the guise of “meditation” techniques and “mindfulness” education. In fact, peddlers of these programs openly boast of teaching this supposedly “secularized” Buddhism to government-schooled children across America. In a video on “Mindfulness in Education” by expert Amy Burke, the very first quote comes from the late Indian guru and so-called World Teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti, from his 1953 book Education and the Significance of Life.

The decision to quote this particular guru offers significant insight into what this is all about. Krishnamurti, who was adopted and trained by the head of a Luciferian cult known as the Theosophical Society in the early 1900s, was blunt about his pagan agenda. “You want to have your own gods — new gods instead of the old, new religions instead of the old, new forms instead of the old — all equally valueless, all barriers, all limitations, all crutches,” Krishnamurti explained.

Islam is very popular in government classrooms too. All over the country, including some of the most conservative states in the union such as West Virginia and Tennessee, government schools have been caught forcing children in middle school or before to declare their submission to the Islamic deity Allah. It is part of an exercise that has surfaced nationwide in which students are instructed to write and speak the Islamic conversion prayer known as the “shahada,” in which they declare that Allah is the true deity and that Mohammed is his messenger. As far back as 2015, thousands of Tennessee parents complained that their children were forced to write that Allah was the only true deity.

Anonymous said...

A document funded by the U.S. Department of Education on how to excise alleged “Christian privilege” from America’s public schools while “Empowering Muslim Identities,” titled “Islamaphobia and Christian Privilege,” offers some troubling insight. One recommendation: “Infuse curriculum and school activities with intellectual traditions that originate in the Muslim World.” The document also calls for “annual equity audits” to ensure compliance. As part of these efforts, teachers from Michigan to Texas have been forced by their districts to sit through days of Islamic indoctrination from highly paid Muslim activists during which Islam is praised and Christianity demonized, lawsuits show.

Interestingly, at least several of the key creators of education “standards” and curricula in the United States and worldwide have been deeply involved with the occult. For instance, Dr. Shirley McCune, who helped begin the process of formal federalization of education under the George H.W. Bush administration, was a co-author of the book The Light Shall Set You Free. Among other elements, the book includes insight from supposed spiritual entities dubbed “Ascended Masters.” Supposedly all “beings” will need this insight to eventually enter what is referred to as the “Fifth Dimension.”

In a speech to the nation’s governors at a 1989 education summit convened by President Bush, McCune, who was under contract with the U.S. Department of Education, noted that there was an ongoing “total restructuring of our society.” At the forefront of bringing in the changes, she said, were public schools, boasting of the “social change function of schools” through what she described as “anticipatory socialization.”

Another key occultist whose ramblings inspired some of the “spiritual” developments being manifested in education today was the late Alice Bailey, who founded the Lucifer Publishing Company (later renamed Lucis Trust) in 1922. UN Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller, who wrote the “World Core Curriculum” for UNESCO that he said should be taught in every school on the planet, was a fervent disciple of Bailey. In fact, in the forward to the teachers’ manual of the World Core Curriculum, Muller admitted that his educational philosophy was based on the teaching of Bailey and her “Ascended Master” Djwal Khul, also known as “the Tibetan.”

Anonymous said...

Despite being almost entirely unknown to the average person, Bailey and her “Ascended Masters” come up again and again in the world of education. Consider, for instance, the “Social-Emotional Learning” (SEL) craze — basically a new toolkit for indoctrinating children with radical left-wing ideology — that has infected every public school and even many private schools in recent years.

Black Lives Matter Marxist public school anti-Christian

About more than black lives: BLM, founded by ancestor worshipers and self-described Marxists, has invaded virtually every public school in America with anti-Christian extremism.

According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), the leading outfit promoting SEL, the very idea for SEL came out of meetings at the Fetzer Institute. That shadowy “New Age” organization was created by John Fetzer, a fervent devotee of Bailey who regularly hosted groups at his institute to recite Bailey’s “Great Invocation” prayer supposedly given to her by her Ascended Masters.

Added to this mix of paganism and false religion are strategies specifically designed to break down children’s existing views. One of the key tools on this front, known as “Values Clarification,” has been used by government schools since the 1960s to undermine children’s belief in right and wrong. Imagine, the children are told, being on a sinking ship, and then 11 people climb into a life raft meant for 10: a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, and so on. “Which one would you throw overboard to save the rest of the passengers?” the children are asked.

The obvious answer would be that instead of killing somebody, each capable person could take a turn swimming alongside the raft until rescuers arrive. But naïve children, trapped in the exercise, begin to think — because they are led to do so — that their parents, their pastor, and their Bible must all be wrong. Morality and ethics, they conclude, depend on the situation. This shatters a child’s worldview and drives them into moral relativism almost immediately, while discrediting their parents and the Bible...

RayB said...

While the FBI & Justice Dept. hunts down literally hundreds of peaceful American citizens for merely "being there" at the Capitol on Jan. 6th. ...

NYC Drops Charges Against Hundreds of BLM/ANTIFA Rioters, Looters

“For many of these commercial burglaries, you will be asked to reduce the initial felony charge to a misdemeanor and to dispose of the case … with an eye towards rehabilitation.”

And you don't think there are TWO AMERICAS ?

RayB said...

It seems that Maxine Waters and a certain "former political speech writer" find themselves in the same camp ...

Maxine Waters: ‘I’m Told’ Organizing for January 6 Riot Took Place in the Trump Campaign

Anonymous said...

The Top 10 Maxine Waters Moments

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here's some information opposing the basis of Steve Kirsch and his trial site [fake] news dot com's interpretation of several studies.

Byram Bridle’s claim that COVID-19 vaccines are toxic fails to account for key differences between the spike protein produced during infection and vaccination, misrepresents studies


p.s. - Ashli Babbit was a sinner just like George Floyd, maybe not a criminal like George Floyd but she was a worse person if you want to rank sins. She was an active adulterer who cheat on and abandoned her God given husband, then married her affair partner and, together, continued such life of debauchery in a polyamorous relationship with her affair partner and another woman.

p.p.s. - The NY rioters/looters charges are being misdemeanors, not "dropped", just like the insurrectionists are likely to have some or all of their charges significantly reduced too. I don't foresee anyone getting the death penalty for treason. They certainly could all be charged with such. James Little and Peter Stager even acknowledged on Jan 6th that treason is punishable by the death penalty.

Treason: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

ppps - RayB sorry about your friends. May God provide that family comfort on this their first "Father's Day" without their father.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

The chinese vaccine is a real vaccine, attenuated covid virus, not mrna.

Novavax sounds like it still uses spike proteins. The Chinese version or something like it, attenuated virus, is what to use or nothing.

Researcher: 'We Made a Big Mistake' on COVID-19 Vaccine

CYA for done on purpose?

everybody who takes the vaccine might be dead or disabled in three years or so. an EU med expert said similar and this succession planning company exec says big oil companies looking to replace everyone who has had the vaccine in three years.

The constitution and the bible are two things that are read selectively if at all, cherry picked and general principles sometimes alien to the documents.

Treason is explicitly defined in The xonstitution as LIMITED TO adhering to or giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the USA. In those days that would likely be active war or clearlymoving towars it. there is no such thing as treason against the American people, or treson by assassination or whatever. rioting certainly isn't treson. The level of ignorance of the Constitution is astounding among constitutionalists.

However, some of the CCP connected democrat bigwigs and others might be chargeable with treason.

But treason cannot be charged for trying to overthrow the country unless at the behest of some outside wannabe invader. It is a different charge in itself.

Anonymous said...

DEATH rate from variant COVID virus SIX TIMES HIGHER for VACCINATED than unvaccinated, UK health data show

Anonymous said...

Four British Airway pilots DIE in the same week, just DAYS after getting second covid shot

06/20/2021 / By Lance D Johnson

A heartbreaking photo is circulating online. The photo shows four British Airway pilots memorialized in framed pictures that are propped up beside four books of condolence. A Reuters fact check just authenticated the picture and confirmed that the four British Airways pilots DIED in the same week, just days after getting a second covid shot. The Reuters fact checker attempts to debunk the link between the deaths and the vaccines after a spokesperson from British Airways tweeted that the four deaths are not linked.

Reuters reached out to British Airways and “confirms” that the pilot fatalities are not connected to the vaccine. “Sadly four members of our pilot community passed away recently,” said Julie from British Airways. “Our thoughts are with their family and friends. However, there is no truth whatsoever in the claims on social media speculating that the four deaths are linked.”

Reuters used this tweet to confirm that the vaccines did not play a role in the pilots’ deaths. Apparently, Reuters, the know-all fact checker, has received exclusive access to the four pilots’ medical records. Apparently, Reuters also has absolute medical authority to analyze each pilot’s unique situation and make an official declaration on their death, just a week after their passing.

Why are so many young people dying of unexplained causes?

With all the safety protocols and contact tracing in place, how come the public health authorities were unable to prevent these premature deaths? The four airline pilots were young and in good health, so what could have caused them all to die in the same week? Why are vaccinated people dying so young if they are “protected?”

In March 2021, British Airway’s chief executive officer, Sean Doyle, said, “I think people who’ve been vaccinated should be able to travel without restriction.” How can vaccinated people travel without restriction if the vaccine causes real life physical restrictions such as hospitalization, disability and death? From blood clots to facial paralysis to inflammation of the heart: The vaccinated group in this live experiment are facing real-life health restrictions. But out of fear of losing their job, many people are succumbing to this mental and physical abuse just to comply with coercive, rights-stripping company policies.

Anonymous said...

British Airways wants to give vaccinated “preferential treatment” but can’t even keep their own vaccinated pilots alive

How can people travel at all or trust the process if pilots are dying left and right? British Airway’s internal policy already requires pilots and other crew members to take part in the experimental, spike protein inoculation process. Up to 80 percent of the pilots and crew have received these spike protein-producing injections.

Mr. Doyle has called on Britain to work with other governments to mandate a digital vaccine and covid testing passport system. British Airways began using a Verifly Mobile Health Passport for flights traveling between London and the US. This discriminatory app gives preferential treatment to the vaccinated and “fast-tracks” them to designated check-in desks, while forcing unvaccinated subjects to surrender their medical privacy, give up their due process rights, and produce a negative covid-19 test as a precondition to their liberty. In their effort to discriminate against non-compliant “anti-vaxxers,” British Airways wants to give vaccinated passengers “preferential treatment,” but can’t even keep their own vaccinated pilots alive.

Why are vaccinated people receiving preferential treatment at all if they continue to test positive for covid and are at greater risk of sudden blood clots, neurological dysfunction, seizures, brain bleed and aneurysm? How can the general population depend on these weakened, susceptible leaders, especially if these “leaders” are in charge of flying a commercial plane?

Anonymous said...

Finally! Georgia Sec. of State Raffensperger figures out there’s been election fraud in his state after defending the 2020 election as problem-free

Anonymous said...

TRAITOR! — JUST IN: Right After The Election Corrupt Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Received Report Showing Extreme Election Irregularities Yet He Hid The Truth And Claimed His State Had ‘Safe, Secure, And Honest Elections’

HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE! CDC Senior Scientist And Whistleblower Drops A BOMBSHELL: ‘Top United States Doctors Destroyed Evidence Showing Vaccine-Autism Link In African-American Boys’

Anonymous said...

Disney is holding a “Pride Celebration Spectacular” for KIDS, complete with Kermit the Frog and that DRAG QUEEN who’s appeared on Nickelodeon.

Anonymous said...

Trump GPS

Anonymous said...

Please enjoy this video of Brian Stelter getting absolutely roasted while taking live calls on C-SPAN

This is CNN's home page right now. They want so badly for us to hate each other. It's really sick.

Anonymous said...

Trump: Teaching Critical Race Theory In Schools Is "A Program For National Suicide"

Anonymous said...

Ted Cruz: "Critical Race Theory is every bit as racist as Klansmen in white sheets"

Anonymous said...

Green Beret Calls On U.S. Patriots Who Were Asked to Spy on Oath Keepers by FBI to Speak Out Against Deep State Setup

US Army Special Forces combat veteran Jeremy Brown is calling on other patriots to expose the FBI's efforts to recruit them leading up to Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson: FBI Targeting “Joe Biden’s Political Opponents” a Threat to Civil Liberties & Democracy

"A law enforcement agency should never encourage anyone to break the law. It is grotesque and yet, they routinely do that," says Fox News host.

Anonymous said...

BBC bans white people from applying for £18,000 trainee job

The position is 'only open to black, Asian and ethnically diverse candidates'

Anonymous said...

Biden asked about punishment from Catholic Church for his support of babykilling…

U.S. Bishops vote ‘overwhelmingly’ to rebuke Biden

Anonymous said...

Constitutional Refuseniks

Stewart Rhodes on his controversial group the Oath Keepers and the orders they won't obey.


When you run down the list of issues the Oath Keepers are worried about, it reads a lot like a bill of particulars from the American Civil Liberties Union. The Oath Keepers don't like warrantless searches. They're upset that the executive branch has claimed the power to classify American citizens as enemy combatants, detain them indefinitely, and try them before military tribunals. They worry that a large-scale terrorist attack similar to 9/11 could lead to the mass detention of Arabs or Muslims, just as Japanese Americans were detained during World War II. They worry about crackdowns on political speech, protest, and freedom of assembly. They are concerned about the Army 3rd Infantry's 1st Brigade Combat Team, a military unit that is training to deploy domestically in response to terrorist attacks or other national emergencies. And yet the group is a frequent target of the left.

Oath Keepers was founded in 2009 by Stewart Rhodes, a Yale Law School graduate and a former staffer for Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas). Rhodes, 44, considers himself a constitutionalist and a libertarian. His organization's mission: to persuade America's soldiers and cops to refuse to carry out orders that violate the Constitution. On its website, Oath Keepers lists 10 orders its members will always refuse, including commands to conduct warrantless searches, to disarm the public, blockade an American city, or do anything that infringes "on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances." According to Rhodes, the group has about 30,000 dues-paying members.

Unlike the ACLU, the Oath Keepers are staunch defenders of the Second Amendment. They worry about the forcible disarming of American citizens, as happened after Hurricane Katrina, and as they fear could happen again after another terrorist attack or major natural disaster. The Oath Keepers are also federalists, vowing to disobey orders that violate state sovereignty. Most of their members are conservative or libertarian.

Anonymous said...

Senior Editor Radley Balko spoke with Stewart Rhodes about criticisms and more in January.

Radley Balko: What is the purpose of Oath Keepers?

Stewart Rhodes: The mission of Oath Keepers is to persuade the guys with the guns not to violate the Constitution. I look at it as constitutional triage. I worked for a congressman; I've worked with judges. And it seems clear to me that judges and politicians don't really care about our rights that the Constitution is supposed to protect. So I'm focusing on the guys with the guns, the ones who ultimately enforce the laws, on educating them about the Constitution. I think most of them are honorable people, but there's an ethos, especially in the officer corps in the military, that focuses on following orders. It's almost as if they're taking the oath to uphold the Constitution to mean that you should categorically defer to the president. Now I think civilian authority is important, but if the president asks the military to do something that isn't constitutional, their loyalty is to the Constitution, not the president.

In the police context, some have the mistaken idea that you're always to enforce the law—leave it up to the politicians, lawyers, and judges to figure out what's right and what's wrong after the fact. That's not what the Founders intended, and that's not what the Constitution calls for. So the point of Oath Keepers is to remind the military and law enforcement that they are supposed to be thinking about the Constitution, and especially the Bill of Rights, and they need to be thinking about the lawfulness of the orders they're given. And they actually have a duty to refuse when it's unlawful or violates fundamental human rights. The military has learned this overseas, with the Nuremberg trials, with My Lai, with Abu Ghraib. And they get training in the laws of war, so they know when to refuse unlawful orders in the context of a foreign battlefield.

But cops get very little training in the Bill of Rights. And when the military is used domestically—as we saw with Katrina, and as we're seeing more and more—they're also now butting up against the rights of American citizens. They need to know what those rights are, and how they can be sure they don't violate them. They're not getting that training either. And I find that disturbing.

Balko: Oath Keepers has been described as a militia group, a hate group, even as an organization that promotes treason. Do you advocate violence or overthrow of the government?

Rhodes: Absolutely not.

Craig said...

Reported by an ABC News affiliate? That's newsworthy in and of itself!

2020 Election Affidavits To Be Delivered For Audit


LANSING, Mich - A statewide audit of the 2020 election maybe coming to Michigan.

The Michigan Conservative Coalition is delivering more than 7,000 affidavits demanding the audit to Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and 18 other elected officials.

The audit is part of the "Let Freedom Ring" rally which will also feature guest speakers and a press conference on the steps of the Capitol Building in Lansing.

Speakers at the rally will discuss the process and need for a forensic audit in Michigan.

The rally will begin at 10 a.m. Thursday.

Anonymous said...

See the light: Philips Hue smart bulbs can be hacked and used to install malware

Although this vulnerability has now been fixed, it serves a powerful reminder of how cautious we all need to be when it comes to the devices we allow to access our home networks. For example, the vulnerability behind the Philips Hue bulbs and hubs is in the Zigbee communications protocol that is used by many other smart home brands, including Honeywell thermostats, Belkin’s WeMo, Amazon Ring, Ikea Tradfri, Comcast’s Xfinity Home alarm system and Samsung SmartThings.

Anonymous said...

Vaccine Passports and the threat to freedom, privacy, and civil liberties

Anonymous said...

Push back against big tech and media gatekeepers!

Defend free speech and individual liberty online:

If you're tired of cancel culture and censorship go to Reclaim The Net.

Are YouTube – and those behind it – actually confident that once a channel is banned there and on similar tech giant-controlled places – it actually disappears from the web?

Odysee launches its playlists feature

The growing alt-tech platform is rolling out new features rapidly!

Anonymous said...

Gaetz Calls on FBI Director Stay to Fully Disclose the Role FBI Operatives Played in Instigating the Jan 6 Capitol Riot rep-gaetz-calls-on-fbi-director-wray-to-fully-disclose-the-role-operatives-played-in-instigating-the-jan-6-capitol-riot/

Anonymous said...

Director Wray, not Stay

Anonymous said...

Attention Constance: Do watch all these clips with a fresh eye
and see if perhaps there was a rush to judgment about this???
It looks entirely staged. What a milk toast "insurrection" that was. Where are all the armed insurrectionists and police so casual? And an official someone leading them deeper into the building?? What? What is plain to see is it was a purely political publicity stunt to help the left if ever there was one..not the first time the Capitol Building was breached but this time it was "helped" for the inside and why the details remain behind closed doors and are not made public.

The fake outrage that followed Jan 2021 stunt was epic, since so many people are forgetting to remember, forgetting even how to think critically anymore ,because people fell for it.

It think the frog, on low simmer, is now set for the rolling boil.

This whole scenario reeks to the heavens...

RayB said...

Anon @ 12:35 PM ...

There is something wrong here. Your post is in conflict with the "official" story line.

I have been told that this was an "armed insurrection" (according to Nancy Pelosi et all). Biden also called it the "worst attack on America in history." The media even said that the Trump people "murdered" a Capitol Police Officer ... who later was was granted the high, and rare, honor of lying in State in the Capitol Rotunda ... who later, it was determined, wasn't murdered at all, but died after suffering two strokes.

I don't really want to go there ... but ... it seems ... dare I say it ... that we may have been lied to. I know. It's hard to accept the fact that career politicians, along with the puppet, talking heads of the main stream media, would actually tell lies. Shocking ... just SHOCKING ! What's next? No Santa Claus?

RayB said...

As America continues its collective slide into moral oblivion ...

Pride Month: ‘Sesame Street’ Introduces Gay Male Couple for ‘Family Day’

Anonymous said...

Christine said: "Treason is explicitly defined in The xonstitution as LIMITED TO adhering to or giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the USA. In those days that would likely be active war or clearlymoving towars it. there is no such thing as treason against the American people, or treson by assassination or whatever. rioting certainly isn't treson. The level of ignorance of the Constitution is astounding among constitutionalists."

Indeed, especially when such persons misquote the constitution and leave out "levying war against them".

Art 3 Section 3 Clause 1: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

I have no idea what you mean "there's no such thing as treason against American people"? Only an American can be charged with Treason and "levying war against America" is what the insurrectionists/seditionists groups did on Jan 6th.

In 2004, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, while dissenting in the Hamdi case wrote that “[w]here the Government accuses a citizen of waging war against it, our constitutional tradition has been to prosecute him in federal court for treason or some other crime” (emphasis added). What are these other crimes? Scalia listed 11 other provisions in the criminal code that are similar to treason, including “§2383 (rebellion or insurrection).” Scalia did not carefully analyze whether each of these 11 treason-like crimes is an end run around the Constitution—and nor would any modern court. Indeed, Scalia did not hesitate to characterize these 11 other crimes in language that echoes almost exactly the Constitution’s formulation of treason: Scalia called these 11 treason-like crimes “other various acts of warmaking and adherence to the enemy.”

The tradition that Justice Scalia speaks of, though, has not been practiced recently. The government has either utilized conspiracy statutes, which encompass some of the elements of treason, or government has labeled American citizens as enemy combatants and proceeded to detain them indefinitely.

As we remain in the continuing "War on Terrorism", I believe the Treason Clause could and should be used to prosecute at least some of these Jan 6th traitors (such as the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups that wore uniforms and organized and commenced the attack). The Treason clause has been used successfully in the past, and there is no substantive reason why it can not be used again.

That said---to my earlier point, like the NY cases where rioters/looters were having charges lowered to misdemeanors, these 400 or so Jan 6th "traitors" ARE getting a break as none are being charged with Treason, Insurrection, Sedition or even, it appears, Seditious Conspiracy (20 year felony). They are, thus far, only being charged with "lessor charges".

"No seditious conspiracy charges emerge in U.S. Capitol riots cases"

Anonymous said...

Take both shots DAILY after being exposed until such time as this blogspot is no longer infested:



RayB said...

The moral rot continues ...

Nellis Air Force Base Hosts First-Ever Drag Queen Show: ‘Essential to the Morale, Readiness’

Want to pray for America? Try this one:

"Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah." - Psalm 9:20

RayB said...

The 'Swine Flu" pandemic of 1976, encouraging everyone to get the "shot." Only problem, the whole thing was fake.

Anonymous said...

WATER WARS about to go kinetic in America as farmers targeted by “terrorist” state governments that are deliberately collapsing civilization

As Mac Slavo writes at, “Farmers in the United States have reached a breaking point.” The governments of California and Oregon are deliberately depriving farmers access to the critical water resources they need to grow crops, even when those resources are readily available.

In California, the corrupt, criminal government is emptying fresh water into the ocean, draining reservoirs that were nearly full just two to three years ago. And in Oregon, the government is refusing to release water from Upper Klamath Lake, depriving downstream farmers of water they own via long-established water rights.

These water restriction tactics are being deliberately weaponized as part of an engineered plan to destroy the U.S. food supply and bankrupt food producers. The water exists to irrigate crops, but that water is being withheld on purpose.

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 6:08 PM.

Yes, that very link was posted not too long ago.
It's good to keep this information in front of people.
Not the first time around this block is it?...but people seem to have short memories for such, and/or the liberal progressive agenda they have bought into won't let them process the truth.
Brainwashing will do that to ya..... (x!)

He doesn't seem to recall 1971 with bombing of the Capitol and the attempted insurrection (a real one) by Obama's friends from Weather Underground either.

Anonymous said...

How about this one too 4:46 PM?

It is time for You to act, O LORD, for they have regarded Your law as void. Psalm 119:126

RayB said...

Another victim of the dangerous, EXPERIMENTAL "vaccine." This time, it's a 13 year old healthy boy that has died 3 days after receiving his 2nd. jab ...

13 year-old boy found dead after second Pfizer shot …

"A week ago today my brother's 13-year-old son had his 2nd COVID shot. Less than 3 days later he died."

"The initial autopsy results (done Friday) were that his heart was enlarged and there was some fluid surrounding it. He had no known health problems. Was on no medications."

Anonymous said...

7:12 PM

You may find this video information of interest if not already familiar with it:

Worldwide Water Conspiracy

Anonymous said...

Big Tech vs. Free Speech · Goodbye Google · Abortion · COVID-19 · Vaccinations · Election Fraud · LGBT · Euthanasia · Soros · The Great Reset

They’re Coming For Us

The attacks from Big Tech and Big Abortion are forcing us to make serious changes.

Big Tech has colluded with the abortion industry with a laser focused campaign to shut down our truth mission.

Anonymous said...

Questions About the FBI's Role in 1/6 Are Mocked Because the FBI Shapes Liberal Corporate Media

The FBI has been manufacturing and directing terror plots and criminal rings for decades. But now, reverence for security state agencies reigns.

Glenn Greenwald
June 18, 2021

The axis of liberal media outlets and their allied activist groups — CNN, NBC News, The Washington Post, Media Matters — are in an angry uproar over a recent report questioning the foreknowledge and involvement of the FBI in the January 6 Capitol riot. As soon as that new report was published on Monday, a consensus instantly emerged in these liberal media precincts that this is an unhinged, ignorant and insane conspiracy theory that deserves no consideration.

The original report, published by Revolver News and then amplified by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson
, documented ample evidence of FBI infiltration of the three key groups at the center of the 1/6 investigation — the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters — and noted how many alleged riot leaders from these groups have not yet been indicted. While low-level protesters have been aggressively charged with major felonies and held without bail, many of the alleged plot leaders have thus far been shielded from charges.

The implications of these facts are obvious. It seems extremely likely that the FBI had numerous ways to know of any organized plots regarding the January 6 riot (just as the U.S. intelligence community, by its own admission, had ample advanced clues of the 9/11 attack but, according to their excuse, tragically failed to “connect the dots”). There is no doubt that the FBI has infiltrated at least some if not all of these groups — which it has been warning for years pose a grave national security threat — with informants and/or undercover spies. It is known that Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio has served as an FBI informant in the past, and the disrupted 2020 plot by Three Percenters members to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) was shaped and driven by what The Wall Street Journal reported were the FBI’s “undercover agents and confidential informants.”

[Image: The Wall Street Journal - Front page headline story, Oct. 18, 2020]

Anonymous said...

What would be shocking and strange is not if the FBI had embedded informants and other infiltrators in the groups planning the January 6 Capitol riot. What would be shocking and strange — bizarre and inexplicable — is if the FBI did not have those groups under tight control. And yet the suggestion that FBI informants may have played some role in the planning of the January 6 riot was instantly depicted as something akin to, say, 9/11 truth theories or questions about the CIA’s role in JFK’s assassination or, until a few weeks ago, the COVID lab-leak theory: as something that, from the perspective of Respectable Serious Circles, only a barely-sane, tin-foil-hat-wearing lunatic would even entertain.

This reaction is particularly confounding given how often the FBI did exactly this during the first War on Terror, and how commonplace discussions of this tactic were in mainstream liberal circles. Over the last decade, I reported on countless cases for The Guardian and The Intercept where the FBI targeted some young American Muslims they viewed as easily manipulated — due to financial distress, emotional problems, or both — and then deployed informants and undercover agents to dupe them into agreeing to join terrorist plots that had been created, designed and funded by the FBI itself, only to then congratulate themselves for breaking up the plot which they themselves initiated. As I asked in one headline about a particularly egregious entrapment case: “Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture its Own Plots if Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave Threats?”

In 2011, Mother Jones published an outstanding, lengthy investigation by reporter Trevor Aaronson, entitled “The Informations,” which asked: “The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic attack. But are they busting terrorist plots—or leading them?” Aaronson covered numerous similar cases for The Intercept where the FBI designed, directed and even funded the terror plots and other criminal rings they then boasted of disrupting. A widely praised TEDTalk by Aaronson, which, in the words of organizers, “reveals a disturbing FBI practice that breeds terrorist plots by exploiting Muslim-Americans with mental health problems,” featured this central claim: “There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined: The FBI.”

[Image: Article from The Guardian, Nov. 16, 2011]

Anonymous said...

So far from being some warped conspiracy theory, that the FBI purposely targets vulnerable people and infiltrates groups in order to create attacks and direct targets to engage in them is indisputably true, well established, and a commonly reported fact in mainstream liberal media. Exactly that has been happening for decades.

Yet the DNC-loyal sector of the corporate media reacted to the Revolver News article and Carlson’s segment which raised these questions as though they were positing something that no sentient being could possibly regard as viable. CNN — which spent years leading its viewers to believe that the Kremlin controlled the U.S. Government through sexual and financial blackmail — published what they labeled a “fact-check” that denounced this as a “haywire theory” that “is nothing more than a conspiratorial web of unproven claims, half-truths and inaccurate drivel about perceived bombshells in court filings.”

As it usually does, The Washington Post — which told Americans that Russians had invaded the U.S. electricity grid and that a huge army of Kremlin-loyal American writers was shaping our discourse — echoed the instant CNN/liberal consensus by mocking it as “Tucker Carlson’s wild, baseless theory,” claiming that “it’s the kind of suggestion journalists in other organizations would quite possibly be fired for if they sought to push it nearly as hard.” The standard liberal blob of HuffPost/ DailyBeast/ BusinessInsider all recited from the herd script. “A laughable conspiracy theory,” chortled The Huffington Post, who has done more to help the FBI find citizens allegedly at the Capitol riot than any local law enforcement agency.

[Image: Article from The Huffington Post, June 18, 2021]

What accounts for this furious liberal #Resistance to questioning the FBI’s role in the January 6 riot and asking whether there are vital facts that are being concealed? There was one minor analytical flaw in both the Revolver News article and Carlson segment that they seized on by pretending that it was central to the question rather than what it was: a completely ancillary distraction. It is true that it is highly unlikely, probably close to impossible, that the FBI would refer to someone they were directing or collaborating with as an “unindicted co-conspirator” because, by definition, someone working at the behest of the FBI would not be a “conspirator” in a plot since they would lack the necessary intent to forward that plot (their intent, instead, is to tell the FBI what is being plotted). CNN hauled out some career federal prosecutor and current corporate lawyer, their “Senior Legal Analyst” Elie Honig, to spend five minutes pretending that this single-handedly destroys the case.

But rather than some devastating theory-destroying point, this is ultimately irrelevant to the evidence marshaled by Revolver News. While it is true that “unindicted co-conspirator” almost certainly does not refer to FBI informants or operatives, the numerous references to Person-1, Person-2, etc. very well could [indeed, in the case of the FBI-directed plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer, CHS-1, CHS-2, etc. (confidential human source) is how the FBI informants driving that plot were referenced]. These are common tactics that the FBI uses to reference the acts of their own unindicted informants without revealing their identity. And while some of the unnamed-but-referenced people in the charging documents are known (one is the spouse one of those charged), several are not.

Anonymous said...

The questions raised by the Revolver News reporting, which none of these smug FBI defenders and guardians of the liberal consensus can answer, remain:

·How is it remotely credible that the FBI did not have informants in these three groups that they have been identifying as major threats for years, especially given the reporting that the leader of the Proud Boys — conveniently arrested the day before January 6 — was an FBI informant in the past, along with the confirmed reporting that the FBI had multiple informants in the Michigan Three Percenters case?

·Why are low-level protesters being charged with major crimes while the alleged organizers of this riot and the leaders of these groups have not been?

·Why are enormous amounts of video surveillance footage from January 6 still being concealed?

·What happened to the alleged planting of pipe bombs near the Capitol?

·Why did the FBI not take more aggressive action given the once-denied but now-confirmed fact that the social media platform Parler sent the FBI advanced warnings of specific plots to use violence at the Capitol?

A big deal:

@RepMaloney: "Committee has obtained docs showing that ... Parler sent the FBI evidence of planned violence in DC on January 6. Parlor referred this content to FBI for investigation OVER 50 TIMES" including "specific threats of violence being planned at the Capitol." June 15th 2021

If the FBI had advanced knowledge of what was being plotted yet did nothing to stop the attack, it raises numerous possibilities about why that is. It could be that they just had yet another “intelligence failure” of the kind that they claimed caused them to miss the 9/11 attack and therefore need massive new surveillance authorities, budget increases, and new Patriot-Act-type laws to fix it. It could be that they allowed the riot to happen because they did not take it seriously enough or because some of them supported the cause behind it, or because they realized that there would be benefits to the security state if it happened. Or it could be that they were using those operatives under their control to plot with, direct, and drive the attack -- as they have done so many times in the past — and allowed it to happen out of either negligence or intent.

Nobody is claiming to know the answers to those questions, including Revolver News, Carlson, or anyone else. Instead, they are doing the work of actual journalists — pointing out the gaping holes in the public record about what we do and do not know about an event that is being exploited to launch a new domestic War on Terror, prompt massive new police and security state spending, and empower and justify new domestic surveillance and censorship authorities. Anyone not asking these questions or, worse, trying to delegitimize them, is a propagandist and has no business calling themselves a journalist.

But why does this description apply to so many in the undifferentiated liberal corporate media blob, the employees who work for media corporations and barely pretend any longer to conceal their DNC-supporting posture? One answer is that, as a result of the Trump years, they now revere security state institutions like the FBI and CIA, and are thus reflexively angered by suggestion that these agencies may be less than truthful in their statements and less than honorable in their conduct:

[Image: Chart from Pew Research, July 24, 2018]

Anonymous said...

But the primary reason is that their newsrooms are filled with former FBI operatives, CIA agents, and other former employees of the security state. CNN has more FBI agents and federal prosecutors working for it than anyone outside of the J. Edgar Hoover FBI headquarters in Washington. When they go to analyze any matters involving the FBI, they rely on career FBI agents and officials to tell them what to think. And you’ll never guess what these FBI operatives tell them: trust the FBI; only malicious conspiracists wonder if the FBI is lying and has been engaged in treachery; those who malign the FBI are liars. Here is just one of CNN’s countless FBI operatives doing her job:

[Images: 2 Tweets from Asha Rangappa June 17, 2021]

In virtually every segment that they have done since the Revolver News article was published, CNN, in order to angrily mock questions about the FBI, brings on FBI officials like former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. — who got caught lying to the FBI and barely escaped prosecution for it — to insist that the honorable agency would never do any such thing:

CHRIS CUOMO: Let's talk about what is true, and not true, in this scenario. Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

"Person one, person two, unindicted co-conspirator, those are you guys. Those are - those are Feds, undercover." What's the reality?

ANDREW MCCABE, CNN SENIOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST, FORMER DEPUTY DIRECTOR, FBI: The reality, Chris, is that we're going to - we're going to go into, very briefly, a little law lesson here, because I am convinced that your viewers are smarter than Tucker Carlson.

Just think about a purported news outlet saying this: Let's talk about what is true, and not true, in this scenario. Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

While MSNBC prefers ex-CIA officials like John Brennan, CNN is practically overrun with former FBI officials, agents and operatives. But NBC News is also the home to FBI caricatures like this:

[Image: THE BUREAU With Frank Figliuzzi]

Look at these FBI cartoons these media corporations employ. Then they haul them out to tell everyone that only malignant conspiracists and insane losers would ponder the possibility that the FBI was engaged in deceit or other forms of manipulation regarding an event that has taken on central importance in their quest for more power and money. And their liberal viewers and the liberal journalists who watch these networks nod in agreement because they think they are hearing from the real, honest experts: the security state agents they have been trained to revere.

But all the mockery in the world does not make these questions disappear. Of course. the FBI was infiltrating the groups they claim were behind these attacks. There may be good reasons why that did not enable the FBI to stop this riot or why they have not yet indicted these ringleaders. But those answers are not yet known. And gullible conspiracists are not the ones who want answers to these questions but, instead, are the ones doing everything possible to protect the FBI from having to provide them.

Anonymous said...

New pro-abortion kids’ book attempts to whitewash and mainstream abortion

The book refers throughout not to 'babies' but to 'pregnancies' to ensure that children aren’t too traumatized by what abortion actually is.

Their book, they state, “honors” all those who get abortions, and their book is dedicated to women who have chosen to abort their children.

'What’s an Abortion, Anyway?' is a so-called children’s book produced by two abortion doulas: Mar, who utilizes the pronouns “they/them,” is “a brown genderqueer” who uses the name “Emulsify,” and is in a same-sex relationship with a woman who provided the illustrations. Carly Manes, who describes herself as a “white, queer” woman who “has been a practicing abortion doula for over six years, supporting more than 2,000 individuals during their in-clinic procedures” provided the text.

Anonymous said...

You probably heard it reported a few weeks ago that Donald Trump has been telling confidants that he expects to be reinstated as president in August. I have no way of knowing if that story is accurate, nor does New York Times correspondent Maggie Haberman, who reported it, but we do know that Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, has boasted that he has evidence of election fraud that will force the Supreme Court to unanimously overturn the Nov. 3 election and put Trump back in power within six weeks.

No doubt that is far-fetched, but it raises the fascinating theoretical question of what would happen if a presidential election were indeed proven to be stolen. What would be the recourse? Or would the nation just have to accept its illegitimate ruler the way they do in corrupt Third World countries?

Mind you, this is hypothetical only, so Facebook and Twitter and any other Big Tech tyrants have no reason to censor or suppress this line of inquiry. It is what educators used to encourage in their students — critical thinking, looking at an issue from all sides and without preconditions in order to form a judgment.

But critical thinking is in short supply in 21st century America. Instead, we have either orthodoxy or heresy.
So first off, let me say that my expectation is that no matter what happens, no matter what is proven about election fraud, Donald Trump is unlikely to be restored as president in August.

RayB said...

Georgia Conducting Secret 2020 Ballot Review — Keeping Plaintiffs in the Dark

Trailing Trump by a wide margin, Biden narrowly "won" (12,000 vote margin)Georgia thanks to a late-night tally of absentee ballots in Fulton (Atlanta) and other Democratic strongholds. In question are 147,000 absentee ballots from Fulton County.

Election watchdogs have petitioned the Court to unseal the ballots for a full inspection of the evidence. In response, "Born Again christian," Georgia Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger has filed an amicus brief requesting Superior Court Judge Brian Amero to deny petitioners’ requests to inspect the ballots, calling them a “fishing expedition.”

There's more ... Raffensperger may have violated the law by conducting an "inspection" of the SEALED ballots in question WITHOUT A COURT ORDER granting him the authority to do so. Such activity, if true, constitutes "tampering of evidence," a FELONY.

"Last month Amero ordered Fulton County to unseal its 147,000 absentee ballots and allow the petitioners to inspect them under certain restrictions, but the county filed a motion to dismiss the case. Amero is expected to rule on the motion later this month."

Here is the bottom line; Democrats and RINOs are all working together to thwart any attempt to do a complete, FORENSIC AUDIT in order to determine the real outcome of the 2020 Election. Why do you think that is?

Anonymous said...

Critical Race Theory Gently Explained

Anonymous said...

This looks eerily familiar…

The ‘pandemic’ scam has been run for decades, but 2020 was the year they finally perfected and globalised it. This from 1976, the “swine flu” scare. It was 100% fake:

Anonymous said...

Covid-Tracker App installs itself without user consent!!!

Anonymous said...

Watch this African-American parent absolutely obliterate Critical Race Theory at an Illinois school board meeting!

“How do I have two medical degrees if I’m sitting here oppressed?”

Anonymous said...

Here is a list of potentially 487 FBI agents and informants linked to the Jan 6th attempted coup searchable by state.

"Capitol riot arrests: See who's been charged across the U.S."


p.s.- I wonder if another group of FBI agents were responsible for all the BLM violence and looting too. That's probably why they reduced the charges on all those looters arrested in NY, because they would have necessarily exposed all those FBI provocateurs "witnesses" had they pushed going to trial. It all makes sense now both right and left-biased media are simply reporting separate groups of "riotous" FBI agents who were probably hired by Opus Dei to infuriate both sides of the political spectrum sowig unrest. We really need a Congressional Inquiry to get to the bottom of this, just watch out and then mark any complicit Congressman voting against any such inquiry.

Anonymous said...

Hollywood lays it on THICK:

Hollywood and Democrats team up for insane voting rights propaganda...

Who needs to actually think that it's essential to make it the law everywhere in America that one MUST show a valid ID to vote, when two Hollywood actors from the future risk their wellbeing (if not their very LIVES) transmitting a message back in time to tell us that that very selfsame policy will lead to a nightmarish police state?!?

It’s the year 2055 and ‘Democracy is Dead’!

Anonymous said...

Completely off subject. I've searched this Blogspot and not seen any mention of the following philosophy and I wonder if anyone here has researched it or had an opinion on it.


Producerism is an ideology which holds that those members of society engaged in the production of tangible wealth are of greater benefit to society than, for example, aristocrats who inherit their wealth and status. Wikipedia

"Producerism. It was a 19th-century political persuasion distinct from liberalism, socialism, communism, anarchism, fascism, feudalism, and anything else we’ve seen thus far. More than likely, you’ve never heard anything about it and there are good reasons for that. [an 11 point checklist of what producerist political economy might look like]

"A Producerist Manifesto: Growth is the problem. The solution is producerism, the hidden American philosophy."

Producerist movements in the United States consider the "real" patriotic Americans to be hard-working people in the middle- and working-class who create goods and wealth while fighting against "parasites" at the top and bottom of society who pick their pockets.


RayB said...

New National Holiday ...

Juneteenth Celebrations Around the Nation Marred by Shootings, Death

"Juneteenth celebrations in Oakland, California; Aurora, Colorado; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Clover, South Carolina; and Flint, Michigan, were marred by shootings and death."

Here's just a small sampling of the Juneteenth Celebrations ...

"WSOC-TV reports two separate shootings at Juneteenth Celebration in Clover, South Carolina. One of the shootings resulting in three people being wounded, including a 17-year-old boy. The other shooting involved a car pulling up beside a vehicle in which a family was traveling and opening fire."

"Also on Juneteenth, a 19-year-old woman was shot and killed after allegedly shooting at a police officer in Flint, Michigan."

For more Juneteenth "celebration" news ... go here:

Anonymous said...


Surely all or most of those shootings were really FBI agents provoking unrest on otherwise peaceful Juneteenth celebrations.


RayB said...


Or maybe the Russians? If not them, how about the Amish?

Anonymous said...

"Surely all or most of those shootings were really FBI agents provoking unrest on otherwise peaceful Juneteenth celebrations."

Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists

Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response.

In this month's issue of Personality and Individual Differences, a study was published that confirms what we all suspected:

Internet trolls are horrible people.

Let's start by getting our definitions straight: An Internet troll is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation. Often, in fact, it seems like there is no real purpose behind their comments except to upset everyone else involved. Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response.

Anonymous said...

Washington Post is condemned for video urging Americans to set up 'white accountability groups' and force themselves into 'a period of deep shame' over their skin color

Anonymous said...

Chinese nuclear expert “commits suicide” after Biden hands control of America’s power grid to CCP

A high-ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who also works as a nuclear power expert has reportedly committed suicide by jumping off the roof of an office building.

The CCP says it does not know why 58-year-old Zhang Zhijian killed himself in northeastern China’s Heilongjiang Province. However, Zhang worked as a professor of nuclear power at Harbin Engineering University (HEU) and was also a deputy principal of the school and member of its CCP standing committee.

Anonymous said...


Obviously targeting the business pursuits of Joe Biden's son, Trump executed such executive order 13920 on May 1, 2020 after "allowing" CCP to do business with "America's Power Grid" for 3.5 years of his presidency. The EO was really more of a general statement leaving the task of identifying existing BPS electric equipment that violated the aforementioned prescription and “develop recommendations to identify, isolate, monitor, or replace this equipment as appropriate.” to the Department of Energy. Such Executive Order was set to expire on it's own terms on May 1st, 2021 so not even Trump imagine this being anything more than election year political weapon.

As of January 16, 2021, then-Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette issued a “prohibition order designed to reduce the risks that entities associated with the People’s Republic of China pose to the Nation’s BPS.”

“The order prohibits utilities that supply critical defense facilities (CDF) from procuring from the People’s Republic of China, specific BPS electric equipment that poses an undue risk to the BPS, the security or resilience of critical infrastructure, the economy, national security, or safety and security of Americans,” a press release adds.”

Thus...for Trump's entire presidency less FOUR days, China was free to invest and supply the "America's Power Grid".

Second, if this was SOOOOO important, why not pass a law? Trump and the Republicans controlled Congress and the oval office for two years and failed to implement such a supposed vital law. EO's are weak. The next President can just cancel or override them with a flick of the pen. If only Trump understood politics he might have gotten this and many other things done the first 2 years in office.

Third, in January, Biden only suspended Trump's EO for 90 days while his new DOE team provided due diligence on the vaguely rushed prohibitions. On April 20, the DOE announced a new request for information (RFI), “Ensuring the Continued Security of the United States Critical Electric Infrastructure.” The RFI is part of a larger coordinated effort, including the recent “America’s Supply Chains” EO 14017, to develop a strengthened and effective strategy to address the security of the U.S. energy sector.

How "Ethan" and Natural News and the spinsters at Epoch Times conflated this EO story with the purported suicide of a "professor of nuclear power" in China is just crazy. I can make up wild associations too. Like maybe Zhang committed suicide after getting caught by Government officials sharing a state secret or two with one of Trump's escorts at one of Trump's hotel and/or massage parlor properties in China.

"China approves Donald Trump-branded spas, escort services, hotels and massage parlors without US Congress permission"


Anonymous said...

To 8:22 PM


President Joe Biden revoked an executive order, signed by President Donald Trump, that barred communist China and other hostile foreign entities from gaining access to America’s power grid.

Deceptively named the “Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis,” Joe Biden’s order, undoing Trump’s, brings the United States one step closer to total absorption into the global system of technocratic authoritarianism.

Thanks to China Joe, Beijing now has direct access to a key piece of American national security infrastructure, and all under the guise of combating the ever-present boogeyman known as “climate change,” with “public health” and “science” also thrown in for good measure.

Under Trump, Chinese interference with American infrastructure was on the chopping block. Trump had actively sought to ban, replace and set new criteria for bulk power system (BPS) electrical equipment coming from foreign countries, meaning Chinese equipment with possible hidden backdoors would not have been allowed in the United States.


FYI: This happened back in January, 2021...

Anonymous said...

Thank God we all trusted in X and voted for Biden to fight abortion!

Oh, wait...

Claiming To Be ‘Personally Pro-Life’ Doesn’t Cut It.


Biden, after all, is more extreme on abortion and LGBT issues than any previous president — including Obama.

Jonathan Van Maren

June 22, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Joe Biden’s supporters have made much of the fact that he is the second Catholic to become president of the United States (John F. Kennedy was the first.) The media, predictably, has also displayed a newfound appreciation for Catholicism and the president’s alleged faith — and that is because Biden is the most pro-abortion president in American history, and is openly committed to radical aspects of the LGBT agenda that Obama wouldn’t have dared to support. Biden is the sort of Catholic that allows the media to berate actual Catholics about their supposedly “backwards” beliefs.

The pro-abortion views of Catholic politicians rarely attract much attention outside of pro-life and Catholic circles, but the sheer fanaticism of Biden’s brazen anti-family and pro-abortion agenda has triggered a wider debate. Biden, after all, is more extreme on abortion and LGBT issues than any previous president — including Obama. He’s not only put forward a budget without the Hyde Amendment banning taxpayer funding for abortion, he’s asked Congress to disregard rules disallowing the use of tax dollars to fund abortion overseas, too.

Biden, of course, is utilizing the mantra of the pro-abortion politician first trotted out by the Kennedys and the Cuomos after a handful of liberal Jesuit theologians convinced them that Catholics could be pro-abortion politicians. He says he’s personally opposed to abortion, but at the same time is a resolute defender of abortion as a public “right.” More than that, he’s committed to expanding America’s abortion regime. Biden is no morally-conflicted abortion supporter or begrudging campaigner — he’s with Planned Parenthood no matter how high the corpses pile up.

As prominent philosopher Robert P. George of Princeton wrote on Twitter:

If we take him at his word: 1) Joe Biden believes that unborn children are human beings who bear inherent and equal dignity and a right to life. 2) Joe Biden believes that this particular class of persons should be denied protection against homicide afforded by law to all others.

Put that way, Biden is either lying about his belief that children in the womb are human beings, or he’s willing to see millions of them butchered for political gain. Neither option is particularly flattering to the President.

This scenario played out at a White House press conference this week. A reporter asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki whether the president “believes that a 15-week-old unborn baby is a human being,” which is a reasonable question considering the Biden Administration’s condemnation of laws protecting life at that stage. Psaki didn’t even have to “circle back” to the question (as she so often does), but promptly dove right in: “Are you asking me if the president supports a woman’s right to choose? He does.”

Anonymous said...

Of course, that’s not what the reporter was asking. The question here was not about choice, but about what is being chosen. If the baby in the womb is in fact a baby, then abortion is an act of violence that destroys that baby. And if that is true, Biden’s platitudes are lethal.

Meghan McCain said as much on The View. McCain holds many liberal views, but as I’ve noted before, she’s the only consistently pro-life voice on daytime TV. Despite the McCains’ family friendship with the Bidens, she held nothing back. “This is a deep paradigm shift for how I view President Biden because if he is for the federal funding of abortion, and I know the women on this show disagree with me, but as far as I’m concerned, abortion is murder, and that means the government funding of killing of the unborn,” she stated. “We have to, as pro-lifers, fight for the rights of the unborn, and that is a doctrine that is as old as the Catholic Church itself.”

McCain, who is not Catholic, also destroyed Biden’s “personally pro-life” excuse.

For someone who claims to be pro-life, I never understand this argument. It's like saying I’m personally opposed to murder, but if you want to murder a little bit, it’s fine because it’s not my problem. It doesn’t register with me. I don’t get it.

That is precisely it. Either Biden supports the murder of children in the womb, or he doesn’t. He cannot split the baby on this question.

"PETITION: Urge U.S. Bishops to publicly excommunicate Joe Biden (and other pro-abortion politicians)

"25,104 have signed the petition. Let's get to 30,000!"

Various topics of interest:

Anonymous said...

Citizen Free Press passes LA Times, ABC News, CBS News in May Web Traffic Race

CFP is #11 with a bullet

Check out the rankings…

Anonymous said...

Carjacker learns what messing with an armed citizenry means!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

George Floyd-Inspired Lingerie!

No. Seriously. You're not dreaming...

Anonymous said...

Opposition to Critical Race Theory is Scaring Democrats!

Anonymous said...

Dinesh D’Souza — The greatest terror threat to America is the FBI

Anonymous said...

Public schools are sick and perverted

Anonymous said...

Must see video: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's recent 2 hour testimony about vaccines

Anonymous said...

Physicists at MIT and SUNY Stony Brook recently announced findings that the total surface area of two black holes was maintained after the two entities merged. While this research was a welcome confirmation of both Stephen Hawking’s work and the theory of general relativity, it failed to address a crucial matter: what were its racial implications?

Anonymous said...

What is the true number of Vaccine deaths?

mRNA vaccines are damaging red blood cells!

Check these photos…

Anonymous said...

Amazon now selling “blue lives murder” merchandise

Amazon is doing its part to rile up the populace as much as it can in promotion of societal collapse.

While law enforcement throughout America could certainly use a healthy dose of reform, disrespecting them in this manner is inappropriate, and Amazon truly is hypocritical for allowing it while simultaneously removing other “offensive” content such as documentaries about vaccine dangers.

In its terms of service, Amazon explains that it “does not allow products that promote, incite or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual or religious intolerance or promote organizations with such views.” These rules apparently do not apply to anti-police products.

Back in January, the Media Research Center identified some 204 examples of merchandise sold on Amazon that violate these terms. Hateful content against President Donald Trump, Republicans and police officers is all over the platform.

One product depicts Trump getting his brains blown out with a firearm, along with the slogan, “Where is Lee Harvey Oswald now that we really need him?”

Another t-shirt, black in color, contains the phrase in red letters, “Kill All Republicans.”

The latter product actually appeared in Amazon’s sponsored listing section, meaning Jeff Bezos and his team fully support its sentiment.

Anonymous said...

Behind the vaccine veil: Doctor cites ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC who claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans

Permanent “lethargy syndrome” and long-term loss of motor skills now common “side-effects” of Covid-19 vaccines

Fully vaccinated nurse in Detroit becomes COVID long-hauler after battling symptoms for months after infection

Anonymous said...

Australia could do a LOT worse than elect this man as Prime Minister:

Left Goes Berserk Over Australian Billionaire Distributing Anti-COVID Vaccine Flyers Across Nation

"The COVID-19 Vaccine doesn't stop you from getting COVID and it doesn't stop you from passing it on. Does it serve any real purpose?" the flyers ask.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Air Force Base Says Drag Queen Show Was “Essential For Morale’

Anonymous said...

Leaked Iowa School Critical Race Theory Docs Show Teachers Forced To Classify ‘Make America Great Again’ As ‘Covert White Supremacy’

Anonymous said...

All hail our new Church!

Anonymous said...

So if you claim to love, and care about children, yet vote for a murderer of children, then that means X is a ginormous FUCKTARD!

J said...


I said a prayer for your friend, and I was touched by your story and your love for your friends.

J said...

On another note, I'm freshly back from taking a deep dive into parent stories about my school district. Although I live in a relatively conservative Bible belt area, I still feel discouraged about my prospects for activism in the public school system. The reason why I feel discouraged is not primarily due to the school board or the principals or librarians or teachers. It's the other parents.

I'm aware of a couple of recent battles in which the conservative parents won at first with the school officials, only to have their victory erased by a liberal parent advocating to the school officials. In one instance, a book available starting in 5th grade in the school library contains a depiction of homosexual statutory rape. Kids do not need parental permission to check out this book. One conservative parent got the librarian to read it. She agreed it was inappropriate. The school principal agreed. But then a liberal parent said she loved the book, and she thought it saved lives. So the book remained available to 5th graders and up.

CRT will be taught beginning in the fall. It was already taught in high school to a limited extent. Beginning in the fall, it will be taught in all age groups in the schools, and it will be rolled out to a greater extent. One of the main books that has already been used in the high school is called, "This Book Is Anti-Racist."

Oh, and the local conservative parents group was smeared as racist back in the days when all they wanted was for kids to have parental permission slips to check out library books containing explicit sexual content (whether heterosexual or homosexual or other). Now imagine how successful this group will be opposing CRT. The leaders of the local conservative parents group fought the schools for a few years, but at this point, they have already pulled their kids from the schools.

Anonymous said...

Young Students Rise Up Against Their Leftist Teachers!

J said...

What is even more disgusting and discouraging than that is a report that one mother at a school board meeting was proud that eight year olds are having sex.

I hear that the school board contains members who are sympathetic to conservative parents. They receive lots of emails and letters complaining. But at the school board meetings, none of the conservative parents show up. If parents do show up, it's usually more liberal parents showing up than conservative parents. So the conservative school board members end up feeling their hands are tied. Or so they claim in private conversation with conservative parents.

I am feeling a little overwhelmed by my younger, woker parental peers. :( I don't know how to talk to crazy people who are okay with their eight year old kid having sex and are even proud of it and want to shout it from the rooftops. :(

J said...

This is a pdf copy of an educator's guide to "This Book Is Anti-Racist." It includes "co-creating the definitions with the students" of the following:

* prejudice

* microaggression

* internalized racism

* colonization

* assimilate

It encourages looking up to a gallery of "anti-racist" heroes, among them Patrisse Cullors, a founder of BLM. I don't even know who most of the others are, but I'm sure the students do, or they will soon! The only other one I recognized is the poet Maya Angelou.

Here is a writing assignment:

Writing assignment: check in with yourself Encourage your students to take a moment to pause and check in with themselves. Ask them: What action are you comfortable taking? What have you done? What do you feel like you can do? What action are you willing to do that goes beyond your comfort level? What do you need in order to lean into your discomfort with these actions? What kind of support? (And from whom?)

And here is a discussion guide:

Discussion and role play: calling in/outAfter reading Chapter 14, practice calling-in and calling-out. Ask your students:

• What are some situations when you may need to call someone/something out? What are some situations where you may need to call someone in? What is the difference?

• Who has the power in this situation, the person I’m calling in/out, or me? (If you have the power in this situation, consider calling them in.)

• Am I calling out a person or systemic behavior? (If you’re calling out systemic behavior or an institution, call them out.)

• How much energy and emotional labor am I able to share right now? (If you don’t have the energy or aren’t willing to put in the emotional labor it takes to educate someone and work with them to change, consider calling them in with someone who can take on the work you are not able to do. I have a friend who helps me out when I don’t have the capacity to educate white people on racial oppression.)

I remember when all I did in school that was political, was to write a postcard to the daughter of the president.

Anonymous said...


Your instincts were dead-on!

Maybe these can help in your battle:

How to Be an Anti-Intellectual

A lauded book about antiracism is wrong on its facts and in its assumptions.

Regarding 'How to Be an Antiracist', by Ibram X. Kendi

October 27, 2019

Kendi’s goals are openly totalitarian.

The Problem of ‘Anti-Racism’

Anti-racism, in its essence, is merely reworked neo-Marxism from the 1960s

I'm Not Anti-Racist and You Shouldn't Be, Either

No, I’m not “anti-racist.” I’m not anti-racist because terms have meanings, and only racist people are anti-racist. If that sounds non-sensical, hang on to your seat.
The term 'anti-racist' was coined by the inventor of Critical Race Theory, Kimberle Crenshaw. Critical Race Theory, for those who don’t know, is a Neo-Marxist philosophy derived from the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism (which seeks to divide people by race rather than socioeconomic status).

The Racism of the ‘Anti-Racist’ Movement

The Dangers Of Reducing Everything To ‘Racism’

For some black intellectuals today, the word 'racism' has become a verbal and intellectual crutch — a substitute for investigating cause and effect, the basic principle of scientific inquiry.

And let's not forget the BABIES

If you’ve been fretting over how to explain critical race theory to your baby, you’re in luck, and the wait is over. Finally, bestselling author Ibram X. Kendi has gifted us his wisdom, packaged for the very young, published by Penguin Random House.

Ibram Kendi’s Board Book Teaches Even Babies To Hate White People

Anonymous said...

MAGA Branded 'White Supremacy' In Leaked CRT Training For Iowa Teachers

Anonymous said...


We are in the last days. Insanity is the new norm. What we have now is the assurance of salvation if we keep our testimony. We also have the assurance of Gods perfect judgement, that the sponsors, and supporters of this Luciferic agenda, will be punished!

It is to the point now, that parents speaking out against the abominations being spoon fed to God's precious children, will be arrested as trespassers at school board meetings of any kind. It's happening now.

Prayer is always our best weapon!

Anonymous said...


Good news:

Conservative Think Tank Provides Guide to Help Fight Critical Race Theory in Schools

By Hannah Bleau
8 Jun 2021

Center for Renewing America, a conservative think tank, has provided a comprehensive A-Z toolkit for educators, parents, and school board members who seek to stop the advancement and embrace of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their schools and communities.

Russ Vought, president of the Center for Renewing America, served as the director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under former President Trump’s administration and was instrumental in banning its use in government agencies.

“Combatting Critical Race Theory is where the cultural fight is, and at the Center for Renewing America we are helping to pick the fight, execute and win it,” Vought said in a statement.

“Winning the debate happens by educating at a national level, and as that national debate unfolds, you will have an outpouring of legislative activity at the county, school board, the state legislature level and who knows, we may have a leverage point to get something done at the federal level,” he added.

The toolkit contains a section devoted to identifying CRT, describing it as an ideological system that “holds that racism is not just a belief held by individuals; rather, it is a system of oppression that has been built into the very structure of our society.”

“In the same way that all the roads in a city interlock to form a system of roads, Critical Social Justice believes that individual racism, cultural racism, and institutional racism overlap to form a system of racism that is present through all of society,” the guide reads.

CRT and Critical Social Justice (CSJ) activists, the guide continues, are advancing a “takeover ideology with an end goal of completely controlling all institutions that are a part of American life.”

“This includes everything from higher education, government, health care, military, law enforcement, and much of corporate America,” the guide continues, explaining why it is essential to stop it at its early stages.

The guide adds that many advocate for CRT materials out of fear and encourages parents and educators to review training, programs, curricula, and school system budgets to see if they are promoting CRT. The guide emphasizes coordination with others to review the materials, providing further tips on how to make a difference, particularly at the school board level, via local community network mobilization as well as launching successful school board campaigns.

“We think of our work as win the national debate, educate at a national level, and, as you have a national debate on the issue, you will have an outpouring of legislative activity at the county level, the school board level, the state legislature level and who knows, we may have a leverage point to get something done at the federal level,” Vought said, according to Fox News.

Republicans are also addressing this at the national level, as three GOP senators, Rick Scott, (FL), Marsha Blackburn (TN), and Mike Braun (IN), introduced a resolution Monday condemning CRT in K-12 schools.

'Combatting Critical Race Theory' Guide:

J said...

Thank you for the guides and the information and encouragement.

I feel a fresh sense of how hard this is. My first instinct is to shrink from and avoid craziness and crazy people.

In the case of my son, he scripts sometimes, if he becomes fixated on a topic. Several years ago, he became fixated on "melanin". He was young and innocent at an occupational therapy session. A black father walked in with his young daughter. My son kept on saying, "That man has brown skin," over and over.

Everybody pretended nothing was happening, until the nice father smiled, and said, "It's called melanin." Then laughter broke across the waiting room. He gave my son an explanation of melanin. I guess the lesson stuck. He is still talking about melanin several years later. He figured out he's not really supposed to. This made it a funny topic to him. So he smiles but then hides his face when he talks about it.

He doesn't care at all about how anybody looks. He is very sweet and kind and accepting including of the other special needs kids at school, and very nice to a short fat squeaky boy with autism, who has a condition that makes him sort of look like a bouncing ball.

My son doesn't have any problems accepting people. He is completely innocent socially. It will probably turn him less innocent to be exposed to anti-racism training. Who knows what kind of scripting, anxiety and OCD would develop. What a nightmare to even start to go there in my imagination about the future.

He only cares about melanin because he takes a scientific interest in it. It's just other peoples' reactions that made him smile and giggle and hide his face when he talks about it. I don't know how people reacted in school when he did it, but he figured it out. So lately what he does, is, when he wants to talk about it, he says very softly, "We're not talking about melanin right now," but he is thinking it out loud.

It should be funny, but instead it's a source of anxiety in our culture.

Anonymous said...

Top 10 Conservative Advocacy Groups

By Marcus Hawkins
June 30, 2019

Advocacy groups are one of the best ways for concerned Americans to get involved in the political process. The goal of these groups, also known as lobby groups or special interest groups, is to organize activists, establish goals for policy, and influence lawmakers.

While some advocacy groups get a bad rap for their ties to powerful interests, others are more grassroots in nature, mobilizing ordinary citizens who otherwise might not have​ an impact on the political process. Advocacy groups conduct polls and research, provide policy briefings, coordinate media campaigns, and lobby local, state, and federal representatives about key issues.

The following are some of the key conservative political advocacy groups:

1-The American Conservative Union (ACU)

Founded in 1964, ACU is one of the first groups established to advocate for conservative issues. They are also the host of the Conservative Political Action Conference, which each year sets the conservative agenda for those lobbying Washington. As stated on their website, ACU's primary concerns are liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values, and a strong national defense.

2-American Family Association (AFA)

The AFA is primarily concerned with strengthening the moral foundations of American culture by adhering to biblical principles in all aspects of life. As champions of Christian activism, they lobby for policies and actions that strengthen traditional families, that hold all life sacred, and that act as stewards of faith and morality.

3-Americans For Prosperity

This advocacy group mobilizes the power of ordinary citizens to affect change in Washington. At last count, it had more than 3.2 million members. Its mission is primarily fiscal: to ensure greater prosperity for all Americans by petitioning for lower taxes and less government regulation.

4-Citizens United

As stated on their website, Citizens United is an organization dedicated to restoring citizen control of the government. Through a combination of education, advocacy, and grassroots organization, they seek to reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security. Their ultimate goal is to restore the Founding Fathers' vision of a free nation, guided by the honesty, common sense, and good will of its citizens.

5-The Conservative Caucus

The Conservative Caucus was founded in 1974 to mobilize grassroots citizen activism. It is pro-life, anti-same-sex marriage, opposes amnesty for undocumented immigrants, and supports the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. It also favors abolishing the income tax and replacing it with a low-revenue tariff.

Anonymous said...

6-Eagle Forum

Founded by Phyllis Schlafly in 1972, Eagle Forum uses grassroots political activism to build a stronger, better educated America through traditional family values. It advocates for American sovereignty and identity, the primacy of the Constitution as law, and ongoing parental involvement in their children's education. Its efforts were key in the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment, and it continues to oppose the infiltration of what it calls radical feminism into traditional American life.

7-Family Research Council (FRC)

The FRC envisions a culture in which all human life is valued, families flourish, and religious liberty thrives. To that end, according to its website, the FRC

"...champions marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society. FRC shapes public debate and formulates public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family. Believing that God is the author of life, liberty, and the family, FRC promotes the Judeo-Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free, and stable society."

8-Freedom Watch

Founded by lawyer Larry Klayman in 2004 (Klayman is also the founder of Judicial Watch), Freedom Watch is concerned with protecting freedoms including privacy rights, free speech, and civil liberties. The group states on its website that it also seeks Americans'

"freedom from foreign oil and crooked business, labor and government officials, to protecting our national sovereignty against the incompetent, terrorist state-controlled United Nations, and reestablishing the rule of law in what has become a very corrupt American legal system."

9-Freedom Works

With its motto "Government fails, freedom works," this advocacy group has been fighting for individual liberty, free markets, and a Constitution-based limited government since 1984. It operates as both a think tank that publishes papers and reports as well as a grassroots organization that puts ordinary concerned citizens in touch with beltway insiders.

10-The Heritage Foundation

Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation touts itself as the country's "largest, most broadly supported" conservative think tank with more than a half-million dues-paying members. Its mission, according to its website, is to promote "Free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."

Anonymous said...

Denounce This Anti-American Curriculum!

The Biden administration has been taking extraordinary steps to formally insert Critical Race Theory and Action Civics into every public school in the country.

A New History Curriculum or Anti-American Propaganda?

President Joe Biden wants educators to teach students that racism is endemic in America. He and his “woke” allies think students should learn that our nation was born of the desire to enslave other humans, not as a struggle for freedom. They also believe that the government should racially discriminate, today and in the future.

The president wants these things so badly he’s asked his secretary of education to prioritize grant funding for K-12 history and civics curricula that preach this revisionist history.

That would be a huge mistake. The vile, ahistorical teachings of critical race theory should be consigned to the ashbin of history, not taught as sacred ideology in our nation’s schools.

Like other forms of Marxism, critical race theory teaches young minds to see the world as divided into two categories: oppressors and their victims. The only difference with traditional Marxism is that the critical race theory categories consist of immutable traits such as race, sex, or national origin, not economic classes like the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

Critical race theory eschews economic classifications because they are too fluid. People can change their stations in life—and under capitalism, they often do. Critical theorists readily concede this point as being one of the downsides of trying to start a revolution with classes that are not immutable.

Critical race theory wants to solve this problem by adding race to Marxism. Critical race theory teaches young minds to focus on nothing but skin color and power, and how one influences the other in public and private life. It promotes racial stereotypes and assumes that humans act according to their category, not as individuals.

Anonymous said...

This pernicious ideology is already making its way into classrooms across the country—even without the proposed stimulus of federal grants. One example is the Learning for Justice curriculum, a K-12 civics program created by an organization of the same name that operates under the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The Learning for Justice curriculum teaches that “White supremacy culture … appears in any organization that is not actively and effectively working to dismantle it.” Educators, it insists, must acknowledge how racism “is embedded into the fiber of our nation and our schools.”

The proposed rule from Biden’s Education Department goes much further. For example, it recommends material created by the National Museum of African American History and Culture. The museum’s website hosted a chart claiming that “hard work,” “objective, rational, linear thinking,” and following “rigid time schedules” are racist values, mere appurtenances of white culture rather than human practices that lead to success.

The museum, a Smithsonian institution funded through your tax dollars, didn’t remove this racist chart until officials received blowback for such propaganda.

The proposed rule also praises Ibram X. Kendi, one of the nation’s best known critical race theory trainers, who has written, “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” This, one therefore assumes, is what the Biden administration wants American children to be taught.

The rule also approvingly cites The New York Times’s 1619 Project, a mendacious series of essays on race that historians spanning the ideological spectrum have denounced.

The project derives its name from its misleading contention that America’s birthdate is not signified by the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, but by the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in 1619 on the shores of what would later become the United States. The project rejects the document that outlines America’s creed that “all men are created equal.”

The project couldn’t even meet basic standards of accuracy. Spanish conquistadors first brought slaves to what are today South Carolina, Florida, and New Mexico starting nearly a half-century before 1619. Another of the 1619 Project’s errors—one from which The New York Times later backed away—was its claim that the colonists fought the Revolution because they feared that Britain would end the practice of slavery. This is flatly false.

Anonymous said...

The American Medical Association’s Plunge into Political Extremism

A Short History Of The American Medical Association’s Descent Into Leftist Hackery

Perhaps the most destructive philosophy in America today is critical race theory, built on the supposition of inherent racism in the nation that has facilitated the most diverse sociopolitical and economic opportunities for minorities in human history.

Among the latest to embrace this philosophy is the American Medical Association.

COVID and the Classroom

STOP COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccinations!

Critical Race Theory Articles

Eagle Forum Report

About Eagle Forum

Our Mission is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policy-making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, with respect for the nuclear family, public and private virtue, and private enterprise.

Our website,, is a tremendous resource, including Eagle Forum Report, news on national issues, Teen Eagles, state news, and legislative alerts to contact Congressmen.

Join the most effective national organization of men and women who share conservative and pro-family values.

Eagle Forum

Anonymous said...

New treatment for autism life-changing for local family

It's a non-drug treatment called Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy - or MeRT - for short, and for one Elizabeth City family, it’s been life-changing.

Researchers may have found a promising new treatment for a genetic form of autism. Using experimental cancer drugs, scientists reversed the condition in mice.

Groundbreaking study offers possible cure for autism

New study shares treatment success in autism spectrum disorder. Is the light at the end of the tunnel getting brighter?

Apr 26 , 2021

What price 'cure'?

Anonymous said...

J, 11:57 AM,

That was great what you shared about your son.
It only goes to show that what we most need, what is the best approach to any topic, is to simply give grace.
It can smooth the rough edges to disarm where there could be some type of negative coming about but also provides a way for simple questions or observations to be highlighted in a positive, from even innocents as your son clearly was about the subject, as a teachable moment.
That can most definitely lead to more occasion to learn life from each other, more occasion to give and receive more grace...
The man was a class act in how he looked at the topic and made it an admirable instance of just being a kind person, and just we all share as we are in this together. The nasty ones who have wrong motives, and wrong behaviors to go with, will be exposed as fools, and they'll get theirs.
But sadly today we have the big nose, big mouth, the big intrusive butt of socialism that wants to take those very kinds of things among everyday people in everyday world and turn it all into obnoxious poison...
No learning for you slaves!
And no grace whatsoever.

Someone suggested prayer. How fitting, regardless of the scene we find ourselves in.
Prayer does not change things, it changes us.

Anonymous said...

(No comment...)

Did you know White people were originally Blacks?

Here’s why they lost their pigmentation in an Ice Age

For those who have observed the aggression of the Caucasian against melanated people or people of African stock but cannot figure out why, there is startling underlay.

The abundance of melanin in African people allows them to access an energy others can’t. It is what Blacks call soul. The way of movement, dance and talking is all different.



"It's only those over-the-top new agey white people who use crystals!"

Eh? Without words, I gestured contrarily to my three clear Quartz bracelets, my Black Obsidian pendant, and carnelian-embedded waistbeads. What'chu mean?

“Well, *you* do. But it’s not really *our* thing as a whole.”


"New Age" is an often culturally-appropriative "movement" of white folks in america, that involves poaching another culture’s ancient spiritual beliefs and practices to use as their own financial and spiritual gain (i.e. The Yoga Industrial Complex, "yer chakras", "american tribal bellydance", fuckcetera).

The white western discovery of the medicinal powers of stones, came like waaaay after everyone else. And like every other westernized “thing”, it comes with the capitalistic, objectifying, pharmaceutical mentality that often pervades western culture.

We're Judging You.

I know what kind of white folks my homegirl “T” was talking about back then. This “white-american-new-age-quasi-liberal-we-are-one-#Idontseecolor” crew loves to pack pounds of crystals into their pockets, often as an instant gratification attempt to achieve a healing that they don’t have the patience to cultivate (and DO have the privilege to run away from).

I get it. I’ve spent enough time in white Metaphysical shops. Hearing folks barf into each-others mouths about “the friggin most powerful piece of labradorite” that they used to attract a silk bowtie for their Chihuahua, feels ridiculous and off-putting for a reason…It’s because they’re doing it wrong.



I implore all African (Black) peoples to re-connect with the crystals that we’ve BEEN using for centuries to heal ourselves and our people!

Anonymous said...

Melanin, Afrocentricity, and Pseudoscience

In the last few years, a growing movement in the African-American community proposes that black people are biologically superior to whites because the pigment melanin has extraordinary qualities.

Anonymous said...

She then said, "Melanin is very important to what we are doing and Constance Cumbey knows nothing about Melanin." I told the informants, "she can bet I'll find out." She told them that Melanin mixed with MDMA could give one a permanent "change of consciousness", i.e. possession.

Anonymous said...

X is judge and jury over facts he's not perused
Exhibit A is pending yet he's already at Z,
He has his book of emptiness to throw at the accused,
Yet has not stopped to ask himself: "could that dumb wretch be me?"

Yes X is judge and jury tripping o'er his words in haste,
He's flipped past B, C, D and E, ignored exhibits F and G,
Skimmed over H, looked right past "I", dismissed poor J,
Weighing by concluding all that reading is a waste.

" 'K", he'd say, then swift proclaim, to "L" with all those views,
M and N, then O and P, turned away in twos,
R, S and T, he failed to see, he forgot his p-s and q-s,
On U he refused to reflect, the V he'd barely half detect,
and double U he'd swift reject, though the mirror in the dock rang true.

Though "Guilty as Sin, X", was next, he failed to question Y,
And closed the case when he reached "Z", Judge X caught out in perjury,
His Dishonor turned truth in - to lie, his cry condemning Honesty,
For any mote he rashly smote, despite the X beam in his eye.

Anonymous said...

X is judge and jury over facts he's not perused
Exhibit A is pending yet he's already at Z,
He has his book of emptiness to throw at the accused,
Yet has not stopped to ask himself: "could that dumb wretch be me?"

Yes, X is judge and jury tripping o'er his words in haste,
He's flipped past B, C, D and E, ignored exhibits F and G,
Skimmed over H, looked right past "I", dismissed poor J,
Weighing by ... concluding all that reading is a waste.

" 'K", he'd say, then swift proclaim, to "L" with all those views,
M and N, then O and P, turned away in twos,
R, S and T, he failed to see, he forgot his p-s and q-s,
On U he refused to reflect, the V he'd barely half detect,
and double U he'd swift reject, though the mirror in the dock was true?

Though "Guilty as Sin, X", was next, he failed to question Y,
And closed the case when he reached "Z", Judge X caught out in perjury,
His Dishonor turned truth in - to lie, his cry condemning Honesty,
For any mote, he rashly smote, despite the X beam in his eye.

Anonymous said...

X is judge and jury over facts he's not perused
Exhibit A is pending yet he's already at Z,
He has his book of emptiness to throw at the accused,
Yet has not stopped to ask himself: "could that dumb wretch be me?"

Yes, X is judge and jury tripping o'er his words in haste,
He's flipped past B, C, D and E, ignored exhibits F and G,
Skimmed over H, looked right past "I", dismissed poor J,
Weighing by ... concluding all that reading is a waste.

" 'K", he'd say, then swift proclaim, to "L" with all those views,
M and N, then O and P, turned away in twos,
R, S and T, he failed to see, he forgot his p-s and q-s,
On U he refused to reflect, the V he'd barely half detect,
and double U he'd swift reject, though the mirror in the dock shone true?

Though "Guilty as Sin, X", was next, he failed to question Y,
And closed the case when he reached "Z", Judge X caught out in perjury,
His Dishonor turned truth in - to lie, his cry condemning Honesty,
For any mote, he rashly smote, despite the X beam in his eye.

Anonymous said...


I don't know how you go about fighting CRT. It's such a trap to dispute because, by its very terms, you are just the white person fighting to maintain the status quo of a system that favors you and your progeny. Biblical reasoning is not likely going to be persuasive in a non-secular forum.

Then there's the whole separating out of what's CRT and what's just inclusive history lessons (that some teacher somewhere may or may not inject CRT into). There's not a history textbook anywhere in the world that just about anyone could find an objectionable or questionable sentence or two. Now consider any minorities you might have grown up you think their parents really felt they had the ability to go an even object and be taken seriously when they might have had complaints of the white washing of their kids history lessons? I point this out not to call it white privilege; but, rather to speak to the frustration and hopelessness you feel may actually be an in-roads you can utilize to relate to the "marginalized" who find these lessons essential and long overdue. They want to talk about race nd integrate "lived experience with racial realism" share your current "lived experience with racial and Christian realism" including your biblical critique of CRT. In a non-secular forum, it's no more and no less subjective than their "stories".

I got the following quote from an academic paper on CRT from 2009:

"Critics of CRT refuse to acknowledge its arguments, alleging CRT is overly-subjective. LadsonBillings (2006) counters these beliefs when she states, "This [storytelling] is often seen as problematic because it is regarded as ‘unscientific’ and subjective, but CRT never makes claims of objectivity or rationality. Rather, it sees itself as an approach to scholarship that integrates lived experience with racial realism" (p. vi-vii)".

Perhaps find critiques of CRT from within the CRT world and make suggestions that any CRT lesson plan includes such critiques, including, but not limited to an analysis of differences between objective, subjective, rational and irrational philosophies or how every student has "intersectionality" somewhere if you dig far enough. At some point, it's all just random storytelling (so find stories to counter their stories). Maybe you insist on warning labels or, at least, instructions to discuss with their parents

CRT doesn't belong in church. It's anti-biblical and unGodly. That doesn't mean you are entitled to stop it from being discussed in your schools. You MIGHT win but is it really a win for God that you held back CRT in your local elementary, middle and/or high schools? It's still out there in the culture, on-line, on Tik Tok and everywhere. In the end...I just get stuck, I wouldn't want to be the parent working IN the CRT system trying to make it palatable but I wouldn't want to be the angry white MAGA parent trying to eliminate it entirely either.

J said...

6:11 PM,

I don't feel angry, and I don't mind stories about marginalized peoples' experiences.

I do feel worried about how my son would process it.

I see him swing wildly back and forth in his behavior if he thinks he is in trouble or is guilty of anything. On the one hand, he is extremely anxious. But then on the other hand, when his mood changes, he seeks negative attention. I have learned that it's better not to give him new ideas about how to get negative attention.

Even if he's not seeking negative attention he can sometimes develop a morbid fixation.

I don't see any of these things as being an improvement on his current innocence and lack of prejudice.

For goodness sake, one of his favorite Youtube stars to watch is Kashmiere, a young black woman in Texas who was born with no arms and who can do everything with her feet, from shooting a gun to cracking an egg. He says the sweetest things imagining with interest and concern what she would be able to do and not do and what things her boyfriend might have to help her do. He completely accepts her just the way she is and thinks she's the coolest thing ever to watch in action.

Now tell me how CRT will be able to improve on that? Or do you think it's more likely to make him worse than he already spontaneously is?

Anonymous said...

President Bozo (uh Biden) blames GUNS for the surge in crime and announces crackdown on 'dealers': President mocks Second Amendment by saying you need 'nuclear weapons' to take on the government and assault rifles for 'deers with Kevlar vests'

Anonymous said...


You can't understand the insanity of CRT unless you study Genesis chapter 9.

God clearly did not give His blessing to Babylon.

I still believe that Barack Obama is the Antichrist.

Negrophilia is the word. The dying word. The whole world is under the spell. The spell that was greatly enhanced in power by Obama. Until the Living Word returns.

Then the Lord will restore real diversity. Not the fake, New Age, Unity in Diversity.

J said...

1:19 PM,

J, 11:57 AM,

That was great what you shared about your son.
It only goes to show that what we most need, what is the best approach to any topic, is to simply give grace.
It can smooth the rough edges to disarm where there could be some type of negative coming about but also provides a way for simple questions or observations to be highlighted in a positive, from even innocents as your son clearly was about the subject, as a teachable moment.
That can most definitely lead to more occasion to learn life from each other, more occasion to give and receive more grace...
The man was a class act in how he looked at the topic and made it an admirable instance of just being a kind person, and just we all share as we are in this together. The nasty ones who have wrong motives, and wrong behaviors to go with, will be exposed as fools, and they'll get theirs.
But sadly today we have the big nose, big mouth, the big intrusive butt of socialism that wants to take those very kinds of things among everyday people in everyday world and turn it all into obnoxious poison...
No learning for you slaves!
And no grace whatsoever.

Someone suggested prayer. How fitting, regardless of the scene we find ourselves in.
Prayer does not change things, it changes us.

Yes, the black father was a class act. I appreciated the way he handled the situation. I agree with you about kindness and grace.

Just like you can't give to somebody who is stealing from you, you can't be gracious to somebody who is forcing you.

I was just thinking yesterday how hard it is to be Christian to demanding people. No matter how nice you may be, you could fail to satisfy somebody who is very demanding, because they will fixate on your imperfections. Such a person doesn't truly understand love as a motive. They understand shame and fear and attempt to leverage those emotions for control. They fixate one being short-changed and assume everybody is trying to do it all the time. This creates a severe lack of balance if you're really not trying to short-change them, and you're really trying to be nice, but you are still treated critically and arrogantly. If were not a Christian, it would backfire and create a great deal of resentment. It certainly would not create more love, kindness or social bonding.

Anonymous said...

Let's just cut to the chase and make it simple... CRT is another globalist agenda, designed to attempt to make 'privileged white people' feel guilty over events that happened centuries before they were born!!! In other words, it is bull s---!!!

In other words, it is just more 'divide and conquer'... and anyone who buys into it is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Let's cut even deeper. God chose the Shemitic race, through which to birth the Savior into this world. Satan is seeking control the world through the Hamites. Read Genesis chapter 9. There's jealousy, bitterness, and hatred. If the Hamites gained the whole world, which they won't, they would try to exterminate everyone else.

J said...

8:57 PM,

We are saved by grace, not race.

J said...

8:46 PM,

CRT like all cultural Marxism forms an alternative religion complete with original sin, confessions, conversion narratives, penance, sacrifices, repentance and purgatory. It is without mercy, without grace and without the power to change an individual heart from the inside out. It is lacking in any respect for individual dignity because it has no concept of individual conscience.

Christianity is the answer to it.

Anonymous said...

I never said we are 'saved by race'. Why say that?

Anonymous said...


If you believe your son would be seriously harmed by being taught CRT. why would you send him to a school that teaches CRT?

Anonymous said...

9:43 PM

CRT has nothing whatsoever to do with 'religion' (in any form). It is pure EVIL!!!

Anonymous said...


I was going to post when I saw 10:37 PM's comment. I was posting for the same reason except that I would add that of course we don't know your specific circumstances and what schooling options (or LACK of same) you have seen as available to your family.

In any event perhaps you can find a better alternative somewhere here (hopefully!):

Anonymous said...


I was just intending to post, addressed to you, the links.

Word of encouragement: 'Where there's a will there's a way!'

(Especially with prayer!)

Anonymous said...


J said...

10:55 PM,

Thank you, yes, home schooling is thankfully an option.

J said...

10:32 PM,

I never said we are 'saved by race'. Why say that?

I'm sorry, you mentioned your theory about the Hamites. I looked it up. It was a colonial "Christian" belief justifying slavery.

Clarify your beliefs as to race and Christianity. I'm all ears.

J said...

10:37 PM,

If you believe your son would be seriously harmed by being taught CRT. why would you send him to a school that teaches CRT?

He already has anxiety at home with the corporate cloud always hovering over the household, which is an extended home office, with a father in important meetings all day, and sound carrying. My husband's conversations frequently consist of complaining about co-workers and employees, and every time our son hears it, he asks if he's in trouble or if we are mad at him. Sometimes it causes further anxiety because my husband gets frustrated by being interrupted by that question repeatedly. He doesn't like the diversion of my attention from him to our son when he is in the middle of talking and wants support. One day when he was gone most of the day, our son was relaxed and was nearly completely free of tics and OCD.

At school he will be with other kids, and the school includes a volunteer club that is a peer friendship program for social inclusion for special needs kids. School also has a STEM room with a 3D printer and other equipment we don't have at home. It has more opportunities than I can quickly list.

Both home school and public school have different sets of risks and responsibilities. If there's something I don't like, the next question is, can I do anything about it?

But I need to know what the risk will really consist of in its particulars and not just from generic right wing articles, valuable as those articles may be, to serve as alerts and warnings. It's because of the media attention to CRT that parents have been warned to do more investigation locally. I still haven't seen exactly what the CRT material will look like at his grade level.

I have a lot of worries, but I don't want to fight paper dragons. I need to know exactly what I'm facing.

It's quite possible all the weird verbiage will go over his head, he'll tune out, but he'll figure out if he says scripted things he'll be left alone. So he'll say those things and move on and go back to focusing on his preferred subjects and activities.

If he enjoys most of his day, has friends, learns and occasionally has to say something scripted that he doesn't even understand, I can always talk to him about the social studies portion of his curriculum to deprogram him. When he is in high school, if he takes any interest in politics, he can join the Turning Point USA club at his school if wants to, and he would likely be able to get support from that.

Anonymous said...


(Just FYI)

The Best Tools to Block Noise While Studying or Working

Office, dorm, and coffee shop noise—speech in particular—can become too loud to be completely cancelled by passive noise isolation (earplugs, earmuffs, etc.) or active noise cancelling headphones alone. For this reason, most of my favorite tools combine noise reduction and noise masking...

J said...

9:09 AM,

Thank you, you are so helpful and kind all the time.

Anonymous said...


RI mom says she could face lawsuit after demanding answers on CRT curriculum in elementary school

Nicole Solas said parents needs to start asking more questions

Anonymous said...


Aw, you're makin' me blush!

Anonymous said...

Good news, everyone:

Parents CAN beat critical race theory!

By Betsy McCaughey

The battle to win control of school boards from the clutches of racial indoctrinators is high stakes. Lose, and a generation is lost.

The outcome will determine whether our children learn to see themselves and other people as ­individuals, instead of merely members of racial groups. Parents of all ethnicities who never thought they’d get involved in politics must step up.

Under the critical race theory pushed in schools, white kids are shamed as racists and oppressors. Black kids are taught to think of themselves as victims. And the ­nation’s history is being presented as something to despise.

When parents object to this brainwashing, school administrators respond with double-talk, ­insisting schools just want to be ­inclusive and diverse.

That’s why it’s time to shift from complaining to fighting for control of local school boards. These boards hire superintendents, set policies and have the clout to stop CRT. Except in large cities like New York, school boards are where the power is.

In Loudon County, Va., parents are organizing to recall a majority of the school board. They’re distressed that teachers are being ­required to learn about “systemic oppression and implicit bias.” One of the recall organizers explains that Loudon schools are focusing less “on individuals” and “more on identity groups and putting everybody into an identity box.”

Last month, parents in Smithtown Central School District on Long Island put up three school-board candidates and swept all three races. Organizers said they acted to stop the school from promoting the 1619 Project, which recasts America’s founding as driven by slavery. Voter turnout was nearly triple the usual turnout.

What critical race theory is really about

In Southlake, a Dallas suburb, parents against “divisive, race-conscious learning” ran candidates committed to promoting the ideal of colorblind fairness. They won, too. Hannah Smith, one of the winning candidates, explained the outcome. “By a landslide,” she said, voters “don’t want racially divisive critical race theory taught to their children.”

Even so, capturing a school board isn’t a cake walk. Unions have a grip on the process. Often, candidates are union members or their races are funded by union ­donations. In Fairport, NY, a suburb of Rochester, two opponents of critical race theory lost in May to candidates supported by the teachers’ union.

Anonymous said...

In Oregon, Sonja McKenzie, vice president of state’s School Boards Association, says she is disturbed to see board races becoming hotly contested political events. “School-board work is not political work. It’s community work.”

Don’t buy that. Incumbents are posing as nonpartisan, but it’s a ruse. Teachers’ unions give 94 percent of their money to Democrats. School boards tend to be pro-union, pro-Democratic Party and in favor of critical race theory.

Last month in Oregon, ColorPAC described its school-board candidates as living “at the intersection of multiple intersecting oppressions.” Opposing them were parents like Maria Lopez-Dauenhauer, who wants unity. She lost her race.

Americans must join hands to stop the 1619 Project’s poisonous slanders

But there is help on the way. Last week, a national political action committee called the 1776 Project announced it will be supporting school-board candidates battling critical race theory. That could even the playing field somewhat against unions.

In many places, the fight for school boards actually started with parents frustrated that teachers’ unions wouldn’t allow schools to reopen. In Eastchester, NY, Jonah Rizzo-Bleichman never thought he would run for political office. But seeing that “hybrid learning” was “a disaster” for his daughter, he concluded “someone had to step up to fight for reopening the schools.”

Now schools are open, but the stakes in the school-board wars are even higher. Of course, schools should teach about America’s past failures, along with its triumphs, and probe racial injustice where it still exists. But of paramount ­importance, young people should learn that their character and deeds matter more than their race.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What Critical Race Theory Is Really About

J said...

Thanks, 9:42 AM,

The NY Post article is a very good synopsis of the cultural marxism that is foundational, although so many other threads from the Frankfurt School also intertwine with the Marxism.

Are black families really clamoring for this? Do black kids really like this?

In my women's studies classes, every woman didn't like it. Some hated it for being depressing. Some didn't like how it was Leftist. Some didn't like the victim message.

Do black kids really want a lot of indoctrinated white kids descending on them as cultish love bombing helpers and making them self-conscious or embarrassed by special treatment? Or resenting them even though it's not their fault how the curriculum makes the white kids feel, if the white kids should feel resentful over it?

Anonymous said...

Epic: Angry Dad DECIMATES School Board For Suppressing Parents' Free Speech!

Anonymous said...



RayB said...


Where do you stand on Critical Race Theory?

Anonymous said...

Joy Reid SHUTS OUT Critical Race Theory Opponent During ‘Debate’

After accepting Manhattan Institute senior fellow Christopher Rufo’s requests via Twitter to appear on her MSNBC show, host Joy Reid declined to engage in a debate on the topic of critical race theory — resorting instead to constant interruption and insults, insisting, “it’s my show … so it’s how I want to do it.”

Anonymous said...

Its interesting that no one challenged the black person's post at 2:09 PM
They basically advocated the use of crystals, and other stones to bring healing to the black race. If Christine had said anything like this, she would have suffered burning at the stake.

2:34 PM

The melanin/superior race thing is way more prevalent than most white folk know. In the universal religion David Icke proposes, melanin plays a key role in converting "light information", from the center of the galaxy, the photon belt, and the sun into a quantum leap to 'homo universalis'. Many
black people believe that because they have the most melanin, they will be first in making this transition. They believe many, if not most white people will not make the cut! 18 years ago I took some classes in alternative medicine. The teacher, who was black, encouraged his white students to take homeopathic melanin. In order to eventually evolve into homo universalis.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:23 AM,

Hi. Why does that post need any replies at all?
I read that post and thought about how bogus it was and did not comment because it deserves no notice at all. To me it should be ignored as just stupid New Age because it is. And I don't care what color person posted it.

Anonymous said...

GOP-led Michigan state Senate committee finds no evidence of widespread fraud in 2020 election

"A Republican-controlled Michigan state Senate committee published a report Wednesday affirming that there was no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election and further, it's calling on the state attorney general to consider investigating some people who have pushed false claims about the election "to raise money or publicity for their own ends."
"This Committee found no evidence of widespread or systematic fraud in Michigan's prosecution of the 2020 election," the report said. "Our clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan. The Committee strongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward those who have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own personal gain."
"The many hours of testimony before the Committee showed these claims are unjustified and unfair to the people of Antrim County and the state of Michigan," the report said. "The Committee finds those promoting Antrim County as the prime evidence of a nationwide conspiracy to steal the election place all other statements and actions they make in a position of zero credibility."
"The Senate Oversight Committee's Republican chairman Ed McBroom said for now there's no need for a similar process in Arizona. "Another audit, a so-called forensic audit, is not justifiable. Michigan's already completed post-election audit and risk-limiting audit are also far more substantive than Arizona's standard audit," McBroom wrote."

J said...

CNN is reporting that a bi-partisan deal has been reached for an infrastructure spending plan.

Next up is what is called the American Families Plan.

Here is what the Heritage Foundation says about it, in an article written by two mothers:

Between our two families, we are raising 11 children.

Under the American Families Plan, we could start collecting up to $33,600 per year in child payments. Had this plan been in place when we became mothers, we could have pocketed up to $630,000 in total child payments, cashed in on 60 years of subsidized child care and universal pre-K, and would have enjoyed at least five years of paid family and medical leave. And we’d be eyeing up to 22 years of “free” community college for our kids.

So why do we oppose this federal largess? Because we don’t like politicians dangling dollars at families to get them to manage their affairs the way the politicians would prefer. Instead of “nudging” families into needless dependency, we’d rather lawmakers encourage families to pursue opportunities and make decisions that are best for their unique situations.

Anonymous said...

11:23 AM + 11:33 AM

Notice the "(No comment...)" placed at the VERY BEGINNING of the 2:09 PM post.

That was not there to mean nothing.

Fyi that meant "Get a load of THIS crap..."

(I also posted the next two posts incidentally.)

Anonymous said...

Is HAARP Firing Up? FAA Issues Warning About “Electromagnetic Radiation”

A notice to airmen (known as a NOTAM) was issued by the Federal Aviation Administration on June 17 with the beginning date of June 21 through June 25.

The NOTAM places “temporary flight restrictions” around Gulkana, Alaska, where the HAARP facility is located. It reads that planes are restricted from flying in the Gulkana airspace due to “electromagnetic radiation for scientific research.”

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