Tuesday, October 13, 2020

So Much Happening in the World -- and in our personal lives as well

Dear Reader:  I dashed this piece off last night at about 3:30 a,.m.  Reading it to my friend Lana today, I discovered it needed editing which has been made below.  Please excuse the less than perfect proofreading.  There may be more that needs to be grammar correected.  My vision issues are kicking in again for this evening.


So Much Happening in the World -- and in our personal lives as well

We have a neighborhood Bible study that was organized a few months ago by our next door neighbor.  During the pandemic, this group has been a comfort to us as churches have been made largely inaccessible.  We are going through the Bible, book by book.  My disabled husband always gives me his blessings and sends me off to it, cautioning me to be on time.  We open and close with prayer.   I pretty much know my Bible cold, but as our study leader (a community college teacher) gives weekly reading assignments, I find re-reading the Bible  makes it much more familiar.  We just finished the book of 2nd Samuel and will be reading and discussing 1 Kings next week, God willing.  We end with refreshments that all participants bring.  Good study and good fellowship!

I returned home from it Sunday afternoon and my husband was in his adjustable large lazy-boy type chair.  Usually when I return, we begin a lively discussion of who was present and what was gleaned from this week's readings.  I started talking before entering the family room.  Barry was uncharacteristically quiet.   I was startled to find him in his chair, clutching a pole lamp that appeared to be falling and unresponsive.  I made a quick decision to call 911 and our Fire Department came thankfully, very very quickly.  A shot was administered and then we gave him a glass of orange juice.  His blood sugar was dangerously low.  He was transported by ambulance to the hospital where his cardiologist practices.  Because of my wet type macular degeneration, night driving is now out of the question for me.  The Fire Department ambulance personnel suggested I wait to hear from the hospital rather than follow them there.  

I then called one of my very loyal friends, Lana Mangiapane, who is also an elected Oakland Township Trustee.  She came immediately and drove me to the hospital.  Because of the Covid-19 rules, only one could enter.  I was taken by a speedy wheel chair pusher attendant to my husband's room in the Emergency section.  Tests were being run and he was given food.  As you may recall, Barry, my husband for the past 46 years is a bilateral above the knee amputee from an October 15, 1979 accident, occurring only five years past our marriage.  With the grace of God, we have lived through that situation since.  Barry has been a real trouper since that accident.  He, a former teacher, took a second MSW degree and took a new post- accident career as a substance abuse therapist/social worker.  He retired a few years ago.  He recently turned 82 -- making his post-accident recovery accomplishments even more remarkable.  Over the years, he drove a car with hand controls and we even managed a few trips together in earlier years.

Time marches on.  The times have clearly turned very strange.  Very few people now saying things such as "lo, all continues as since Creation."  The world is being prepared for a global reset.  Covid-19 is the claimed excuse.  We are, as they like to say "in a time of transition."

I wrote about "our coming age of Barbarism."  That was brought home to me by last night's events.  I was forced to fight for my husband's needed treatment.  Barry's body is weakening.  Transitioning from wheel chair to bed and showering and bathroom are becoming increasingly difficult for him.  He has had continual pain from the accident and has learned to live with it over the years.  Heart trouble set in for him in the early 21st century years, but a defibrillator and pace maker have been successfully employed.

As Lana was driving home on the Freeway, I received a type of "robocall" on my mobile phone.  It was  from the hospital.  This was the same hospital system for which in earlier years I received a restraining order from a local court.  The order which I sought and obtained on an emergency basis prevented them  "pulling the plug" against family wishes on a gentleman whose life they had written off as unworthy of living.  Family members employed me to fight after that hospital told them they were going to pull the plug on his ventilator.   The gentleman had been weakened for many days by the hospital giving him only a drug called Ativan and depriving him of nutrients.  

Preparing for the emergency hearing scheduled by the Court to take place soon after the restraining order was issued, I discovered that hospital attorneys were giving seminars on how to persuade families to make end of life decisions for family members against their wishes.  That hospital's medical and administrative staff were making triage type "quality of life" decisions.  They were giving that gentleman only Ativan.   and depriving him of necessary life sustaining nutrients.   He had lost the ability to speak because of a bad intubation received from a feeder hospital.  Family members approached me after the hospital made demands that they designate a guardian who could authorize the life support ending.  

As I was to learn when I got into that case on an emergency basis, interesting dynamics developed.  As I was to learn when we got into hospital records discovery, the hospital had assigned staff Social Workers to work with family members twice a week with sessions to explore "why won't they let go of Dad."  Then they successfully pressured the family member appointed to the guardianship to support "pulling the plug."  

Other family members then rushed in and said that dad was clearly not brain dead and was clearly responding to signs shown him.  Concerned honest hospital employees were tipping the family that the man was obviously not brain dead nor "vegetative".  That was what the hospital unsuccessfully attempted to portray in our subsequent court proceedings.  I didn't have to start a new law suit.  I was able to seek the restraining order using the the very same guardianship the hospital had tricked the family into obtaining.

After obtaining the emergency restraining order preventing a next day removal of life supports, I served it on the hospital.  We served it after business hours and upon the medical staff where the patient was housed.  Hospital personnel protested that only their legal department could receive the court order.  I said, "you are served, you are on notice."  The plug was not pulled and we had an emergency hearing.   At that hearing the Judge ordered that the man receive intravenous (IV) nutrients of which he had been deprived and a subsequent hearing was scheduled.  The hospital tried to prevent evidence collection.  Hospital attorneys sent both myself and the family warning letters telling them not to photograph nor videotape.  Of course, they did, securing evidence that he was responsive.  We then had a subsequent hearing and then the feeding tube was ordered.

The day of the ordered operation on the feeding tube, and while the Judge on the case would have gone to lunch, I received a telephone call from the hospital that the operation had been held, the patient put on an ambulance and transported to a facility in Sylvania, Ohio.  Clearly, moving him for the time being out of Michigan jurisdiction.  I was stunned at the audacity of that move.  That was the BAD NEWS.  The good news was that the hospital had moved him only 15 minutes from my medical expert, Dr. Paul Byrne of Sylvania, Ohio, then head of the Catholic Medical Association.  Dr. Byrne had done previous radio interviews with me on "passive euthanasia" issues.  On our next scheduled Court proceeding, that good Ohio doctor came as both an expert and fact witness.  Even more admirably, he came at his own expense from Ohio.  The hospital's staff attorney came confidently strutting into the Courtroom.  I made a motion that the hospital be dismissed from the case.  The patient was no longer a "guest in their facilities," I argued.  The judge asked the attorney why he should stay in the case.  "Because our medical records are involved," said the hospital's lawyer.  

The Judge roared:  "Medical records are involved in every case.  Out!"  She too was obviously disturbed  by the hospital's tactics.  During discovery, the hospital had long stalled on giving me access to the medical records of the patient.  Another lawyer, also a doctor, told me which medical records to ask for.  We asked for the EEG records.  The medical records people told me the EEG records were not there.  "And just where they?", I asked.  "They are stored in cardiology, the medical records person said.  "That's really interesting," I replied.  "Here are the EKG records.  This was the same night I took the deposition of the doctor determined to pull the plug.  The doctor pointed to alleged brain scan pictures and said "he hears nothing, he sees nothing, he knows nothing."

I had cross-examination fun on that one.  I repeated that statement to the doctor and asked if he really believed it to be true.  I then asked, "he is receiving Ativan (an anti-anxiety drug), is he not."  "Yes," the doctor said.   That is an anti-anxiety drug, is it not, I asked.  He cleared his throat and said, "yes, it's a tranquilizer."  Well, doctor, if he sees nothing, hears nothing, knows nothing, why would he need a tranquilizer?"  He cleared his throat and in his British accent, harrumphed, "well, I personally believe he needs nothing, but some of my colleagues are of a different mind."  He sat stony faced as we showed him the videos we obtained of this allegedly "brain dead" and/or "persistent vegetative state gentleman responding to family written messages.

Well, how does this relate.  I would have preferred my husband to to a separate hospital, but this hospital is highly regarded and promotes heavily in our area.  It now has a medical school attached.  It does have some excellent doctors.  It also had doctors such as the English doctor then on that case who I learned were attached to the British Eugenics movements.

All that was brought to me last night.  As we were driving home from the hospital, a call on my mobile phone told me my husband was discharged and we should pick him up and take him home.  I was astounded because my husband's condition was severe and something had caused his blood sugar to suddenly tank.  I told the caller that the situation smacked of medical malpractice.  Then, I trotted out in a heated discussion my attorney credentials and my long time knowledge that the hospital made "quality of life / triage type decisions."  A frail looking 82 year old bilateral amputee did not look like some body with a good quality of life.  Knowing my husband, his active and sharp mind and remarkable exploits in managing his disability, he has a life worthy of living as long as the Lord decides to keep him here.   I said many heated things and then the caller said, he would talk to the doctor and make a decision, but I should try to get him home that night.

Thank God, I didn't and couldn't.  During the night the same medical condition repeated despite food and nutrients being given.  I know I scared the hospital by threatening malpractice and raising my knowledge of the practice, but I know my husband is getting better care because of it.  I would not be at all surprised to receiving calls from hospital social workers asking me to sessions to explore "why we can't let go."  This lady is prepared for it.

Welcome to the New Age of Covid-Resets as are currently being promulgated by World Economic Forum and its leader Klaus Schwab.  A form of global trauma was deemed necessary for a reset and global governance launch.  At this time, I cannot definitively say that this is a "planned virus."  However, they are certainly not letting a good crisis go to waste.  The old New Age slogan as chortled by New Age author Marilyn Ferguson in her book AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY of "crisis = opportunity is happening.  A drastic lowering of the world's population, biodiversity, and thinning of the elderly were deemed welcome developments.

You are probably seeing things like this in your own medical institutions.  Sometimes, one just has to fight.  The nurse taking care of my husband seems conscientious.  But, I know there are institutional policies for less profitable patients and the inclination to dump a patient prematurely is happening.  

Anyway, that's one of the reasons you haven't heard too much from me lately.  I didn't name the facility in this story to "protect the guilty."  If my husband had been sent home last night, he would have died from the later developments in the night.  I have been given several horror stories of families where people were sent home from emergency and the need treatment not given.  We are grateful for good neighbors and that same facility's differing  medical people who intercepted the decision to prematurely discharge.  Pray for us as we go through this difficult stage of our senior years.



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RayB said...

The Little Child "RayB" Liar - Imposter has now been identified:

He/She is none other than the Fanatic Kool Aid Drinking Disciple of the Religious Fraudster Huckster "Brother" James Key !

ROFL !!!!

Anonymous said...

'They have to want to get help': Don Lemon says Trump supporters are like drug addicts who have 'hit rock bottom' as CNN host reveals he cut off friends because they're 'too far gone'


RayB said...

This is a MUST READ !

The latest open letter to President Trump regarding the "Great Reset" and the despotic New World Order's plans to make us slaves !

'It is you, dear President, who are 'the one who opposes' the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness,' His Excellency writes. 'Place your trust in the Lord.'

Read it in its entirety here:


RayB said...

The only liar and child of the devil here is you, Anonymous 12:24 PM

I am not a disciple of James Key, though you are most definitely a follower of that other child of the Devil, Calvin. Just like that other devil, Zwingli, who attempted to starve to death men, women and children, through his food blockade on the Catholic cantons of Switzerland. Yet providence was not on his side, and God emboldened the Davids of those cantons to beat the heretic back, and Zwingli fell and went to Hell, to be followed some 33 years later by that psychopath Calvin ... that's where you're headed, Anonymous 12:24 PM if you don't repent swiftly.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the James White post with Professor Gruden. I disagree with those gentlemen politically (and biblically with regards to this political election) but I respect them.

As far as your Prager "inconvenient truth" article...as I posted last month or so it completely misses the bipartisan nature of the Civil Rights Bill's passage in 1964 which largely precipitated the migration of the southern white nationalists (the sophisticated seeming John Birchers & the not so sophisticated KKK) to switching over to voting Republican thereafter.

It cost Johnson even trying at reelection and cost Democrat Hubert Humphrey (who was very involved in it's passing) the 1968 election (with Wallace stealing the south and votes throughout the country).


Further -- attempts to speak of these "inconvenient truths" about the Democratic Paty by bringing up events from the Civil War era ignores or is completely erased/contradicted by the much more recent "inconvenient truths" of the Republicans history of permitting abortion procedures on demand, first in New York State and then via the Republican-dominated Supreme Court where in 1973 - 5 of 6 Republican-appointed Justices used roman catholic justice William Brennan's "Right to Privacy argument" to legalize abortion access across the country.

Then...even more recent than that, Republican-appointed Justice Kennedy sided with the liberals and wrote the opinion overturning Bill Clintons Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) wherein marriage was legally defined as between a man and a woman under Federal Law, as unconstitutional in 2013; and, then Kennedy cast the deciding vote and wrote the 2015 Obergefell v Hodges opinion legalizing gay marriage.

Much more inconvenient and relevant today than what a small anti-war subset of the Democratic Party in the 1860's called the "Copperheads" did opposing the Union war effort.

Craig said...

3:27 PM (X?),

I'm sure that, with Carol Swain's background, she would be aware of what you purport.

Let's not conflate the abortion issue with the Democrat party's historical RACISM. Now, it's, 'if you don't vote for Biden, you ain't Black' (paraphrase). Like that Chelsea Handler "comedian".

I'm not a Republican (or Democrat). I'm a registered Independent. But I can see what time it is.

Craig said...

A 'flip'?

Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?


The south used to vote Democrat. Now it votes Republican. Why the switch? Was it, as some people say, because the GOP decided to appeal to racist whites? Carol Swain, Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, explains.

Craig said...

To add to my 4:21 PM: I’m a fan of Charles Mingus’ music (fantastic bass player, as well). One of my favorite pieces of any genre of music is his track “Fables of Faubus” (hear it here), as recorded on his 1959 album Mingus Ah Um. And he did a raucous vocal version in 1960, released on Candid Records. Lyrics below:

Oh, Lord, don't let 'em shoot us!
Oh, Lord, don't let 'em stab us!
Oh, Lord, no more swastikas!
Oh, Lord, no more Ku Klux Klan!

Name me someone who's ridiculous, Dannie [drummer in Mingus’ band].
Governor Faubus!
Why is he so sick and ridiculous?
He won't permit integrated schools.

Then he's a fool! Boo! Nazi fascist supremists!
Boo! Ku Klux Klan (with your Jim Crow plan).

Name me a handful that's ridiculous, Dannie Richmond.
Faubus, Rockefeller, Eisenhower.
Why are they so sick and ridiculous?

Two, four, six, eight:
They brainwash and teach you hate.
H-E-L-L-O, Hello.

Faubus (see hyperlink within lyrics above) was DEMOCRAT Governor of Arkansas (1955-67). He refused to comply with Brown v. Board of Education, NOT wanting to desegregate. Carol Swain references the “Little Rock Crisis” in her vlog above.

Craig said...

Thomas Sowell on White Liberals

In this video, Thomas Sowell and other leading black conservatives expose white liberals for what they are.

I've seen this sort of thing on more than one Law & Order episode. Sad.

Craig said...

Immigration Brief: MS-13 Expands Its Reach into Baltimore

By Andrew R. Arthur and Bryan Griffith on October 29, 2020

In a new video from the Center for Immigration Studies, Andrew Arthur, the Center’s resident fellow in law and policy, describes recent MS-13 killings in Maryland and the role of sanctuary policies in allowing gang members who are unlawfully in the country to be released to commit further crimes.

“Until local officals wake-up to the fact that they have a MS-13 problem and take steps with the public to go after the gang, killings like this will continue,” predicts Arthur.

The MS-13 gang problem in Maryland is significant enough that the FBI has set-up a tip line for individuals to report suspected activity: 1-866-STP-MS13 (787-6713).

Read more: Five MS-13 'Affiliates' Held in Rural Baltimore County Killing of 16-Year-Old Girl

Craig said...

On my walks around the neighborhood I noticed these signs with:


There is a website address on the sign: www.votecommongood.com. It claims, "Over 1,600 clergy, faith leaders, and pastors have signed Vote Common Good’s pledge to put Faith, Hope, and Love back in the Oval Office, and have endorsed Vice President Joe Biden as the next President of the United States." Yet the list has mostly non-"faith leaders", such as attorneys, educators, etc. I wonder who is funding this website/movement.

Craig said...

"Must Watch" Trolling Trump Train Escorts Biden Bus Across Texas, You Can't Escape The Trump Train!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Craig,

Yet it's clearly the Republican Party which is now a bastion of prejudices and hatred of people under Trump.

Honest Abe must be rolling in his grave.

Craig said...

Anon 12:56 PM,

And your evidence is where exactly?

Craig said...

Anon 12:56,

This former Democrat, a Black man, found things just the opposite:


The Officer Tatum

Hutch said...

Why are you calling Brother James Keys a huckster?

Craig said...


Though I wouldn't go so far as accuse BJK as a "huckster", I'd say he's deluded. He has a strong case of TDS: Orange Man Bad.

The Abraham Accords are not proof that Trump is the antichrist. Sure, he helped broker the deals, but the key is the one who BREAKS (one of) the agreement(s). Time will tell on that. Now, that's NOT to say that, if he is re-elected, he could not actually break (one of) the agreement(s). But it's a bit premature to claim it now.

Craig said...

Archbishop Vigano on Oct 25, 2020:

Open Letter to President Donald Trump

Editor’s Note: Catholic Family News is honored to help circulate the following Open Letter to President Donald Trump at the request of its author, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Throughout this new letter, His Excellency revisits some of the themes discussed in his first such missive published in June (e.g., the perennial conflict between good and evil), while also addressing such topics as The Great Reset initiative, Bill Gates and “a program of vaccination”, “the establishment of the New World Order”, the “mystery of iniquity” mentioned in Scripture (2 Thess. 2:7), and “the epochal importance of the imminent election”.

Archbishop Viganò assures President Trump of his prayers — “for you, for the First Lady, and for your collaborators” — and exhorts him: “Place your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the words of the Apostle Paul: ‘I can do all things in Him who strengthens me’ (Phil 4:13).”


OPEN LETTER to the President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump

Sunday, October 25, 2020
Solemnity of Christ the King

Mr. President,

Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Jn 1:23).

As I said when I wrote my letter to you in June, this historical moment sees the forces of Evil aligned in a battle without quarter against the forces of Good; forces of Evil that appear powerful and organized as they oppose the children of Light, who are disoriented and disorganized, abandoned by their temporal and spiritual leaders.

Daily we sense the attacks multiplying of those who want to destroy the very basis of society: the natural family, respect for human life, love of country, freedom of education and business. We see heads of nations and religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny.


Craig said...


A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.

The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.

Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021. For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic. You are well aware of the means that have been deployed to sow panic and legitimize draconian limitations on individual liberties, artfully provoking a world-wide economic crisis. In the intentions of its architects, this crisis will serve to make the recourse of nations to the Great Reset irreversible, thereby giving the final blow to a world whose existence and very memory they want to completely cancel. But this world, Mr. President, includes people, affections, institutions, faith, culture, traditions, and ideals: people and values that do not act like automatons, who do not obey like machines, because they are endowed with a soul and a heart, because they are tied together by a spiritual bond that draws its strength from above, from that God that our adversaries want to challenge, just as Lucifer did at the beginning of time with his “non serviam.”

Many people – as we well know – are annoyed by this reference to the clash between Good and Evil and the use of “apocalyptic” overtones, which according to them exasperates spirits and sharpens divisions. It is not surprising that the enemy is angered at being discovered just when he believes he has reached the citadel he seeks to conquer undisturbed. What is surprising, however, is that there is no one to sound the alarm. The reaction of the deep state to those who denounce its plan is broken and incoherent, but understandable. Just when the complicity of the mainstream media had succeeded in making the transition to the New World Order almost painless and unnoticed, all sorts of deceptions, scandals and crimes are coming to light.


Craig said...


Until a few months ago, it was easy to smear as “conspiracy theorists” those who denounced these terrible plans, which we now see being carried out down to the smallest detail. No one, up until last February, would ever have thought that, in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their business open, to want to go to church on Sunday. Yet now it is happening all over the world, even in picture-postcard Italy that many Americans consider to be a small enchanted country, with its ancient monuments, its churches, its charming cities, its characteristic villages. And while the politicians are barricaded inside their palaces promulgating decrees like Persian satraps, businesses are failing, shops are closing, and people are prevented from living, traveling, working, and praying. The disastrous psychological consequences of this operation are already being seen, beginning with the suicides of desperate entrepreneurs and of our children, segregated from friends and classmates, told to follow their classes while sitting at home alone in front of a computer.

In Sacred Scripture, Saint Paul speaks to us of “the one who opposes” the manifestation of the mystery of iniquity, the kathèkon (2 Thess 2:6-7). In the religious sphere, this obstacle to evil is the Church, and in particular the papacy [ED: I disagree here on ho kathèkon]; in the political sphere, it is those who impede the establishment of the New World Order.

As is now clear, the one who occupies the Chair of Peter has betrayed his role from the very beginning in order to defend and promote the globalist ideology [HERE, HERE!], supporting the agenda of the deep church, who chose him from its ranks.

Mr. President, you have clearly stated that you want to defend the nation – One Nation under God, fundamental liberties, and non-negotiable values that are denied and fought against today. It is you, dear President, who are “the one who opposes” the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness.

For this reason, it is necessary that all people of good will be persuaded of the epochal importance of the imminent election: not so much for the sake of this or that political program, but because of the general inspiration of your action that best embodies – in this particular historical context – that world, our world, which they want to cancel by means of the lockdown. Your adversary is also our adversary: it is the Enemy of the human race, he who is “a murderer from the beginning” (Jn 8:44).


Craig said...


Around you are gathered with faith and courage those who consider you the final garrison against the world dictatorship. The alternative is to vote for a person who is manipulated by the deep state, gravely compromised by scandals and corruption, who will do to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing to the Church, Prime Minister Conte to Italy, President Macron to France, Prime Minster Sanchez to Spain, and so on. The blackmailable nature of Joe Biden – just like that of the prelates of the Vatican’s “magic circle” – will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers to interfere in both domestic politics as well as international balances. It is obvious that those who manipulate him already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will replace him as soon as the opportunity arises.

And yet, in the midst of this bleak picture, this apparently unstoppable advance of the “Invisible Enemy,” an element of hope emerges. The adversary does not know how to love, and it does not understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded like cattle. This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people. This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights [ED: not so sure about this], to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren. The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light. The enemy has Satan on its side, He who only knows how to hate. But on our side, we have the Lord Almighty, the God of armies arrayed for battle, and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31).

Mr. President, you are well aware that, in this crucial hour, the United States of America is considered the defending wall against which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been unleashed. Place your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the words of the Apostle Paul: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). To be an instrument of Divine Providence is a great responsibility, for which you will certainly receive all the graces of state that you need, since they are being fervently implored for you by the many people who support you with their prayers.

With this heavenly hope and the assurance of my prayer for you, for the First Lady, and for your collaborators, with all my heart I send you my blessing.

God bless the United States of America!

+ Carlo Maria Viganò

Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

Craig said...

Joe Biden's relationship with this college is completely ignored | Grant Stinchfield

October 30, 2020

Newsmax TV

Newsmax TV's Grant Stinchfield sits down with Paul Kamenar of the National Legal and Policy Center to discuss Democratic nominee Joe Biden's relationship with the University of Pennsylvania, the school's reported 'anonymous' donations, plus Hunter Biden's reported runarounds with foreign business partners. - via STINCHFIELD, weekdays at 8PM ET on Newsmax TV

Hutch said...

Craig, The Newsmax report doesn't prove anything about Joe Biden = it's all speculation. And what of Donald Trump's and his children's relationship with Penn State University and Wharton School of Business? The university plays down its relationship with the Trumps. Gotta wonder about that. Constance Cumbey said in her book that Wharton School of Business is a big new age entity. It seems there might be more to the story.

Craig said...


At absolute minimum, BLM (Biden's Laptop Matters), for in conjunction with Bobulinski's testimony, it shows that 'the big guy' lied about knowing anything about Hunter's extra-US business relationships. Why the lie? Does he have something to hide? There are multiple reports that the FBI investigation is ongoing. DNI Ratcliff asserted this is not "Russian disinformation". There is some 'there' there.

And what of Donald Trump's... When I was in high school I had a classmate who constantly did whataboutisms in our freshman algebra class, prefaced with "Ya, but...". The teacher began calling him "Yabut" as a matter of course.

Craig said...

Forget the Gaffes, What About Biden's Lies?

The Intercept

The evidence is in: Joe Biden has a habit of making things up. And it’s not just wrong — it could hurt him in a general election contest against Donald Trump. According to The Intercept's Mehdi Hasan, if you think the guy who made up getting arrested in South Africa, who falsely claimed to have marched in the civil rights movement, is the “safe” candidate against Trump, then you’re lying to yourself.

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions - all secured by the password Hunter02

- Businessman and self-confessed drug addict took the laptop to a back-street IT store in Delaware in 2019

- Scale and sensitivity of its contents – easily accessible to a hacker – is only revealed for first time today

- Included Joe Biden's personal mobile number and numbers for former President Bill Clinton and wife Hillary

- Were also personal documents including Hunter's passport, driver's licence, social security and credit cards

- Laptop also showed he spent $21,000 on one 'live cam' porn website. Were also sex act 'selfies' of him


Anonymous said...

Looks like Opus Dei's Carlo Vigano is another fascist who is getting desperate for Trump's continued protection as he, Steve Bannon, Trump, Cardinal Burke and Newt Gingrich lose their battle against pope Francis.

This article breaks down the internal struggle Francis is having with the facsist elements within the ultraorthodox Opus Dei. https://www.other-news.info/2019/10/the-plot-to-overthrow-the-pope/

Further, there's just so much wrong with Vigano's letter that it should be clear that he's attempting to gaslight naive American voters to believe evil is good and good is evil. First off...he sounds more "new agey" than anything I've heard from the Biden campaign. Second, Biden and Clinton gave us the Defense of Marriage Act back in the 90's and the Republican controlled Supreme Court found in unconstitutional and struck it down in a prelude to legalizing same sex marriage --- so to say Biden/Democrats are destroying the family is a lie. Also-- Opus Dei IS the "the deep state". They themselves are the "globalist" "illegitimate" power Vigano warns about.

Finally -- it is doubtful Vigano himself wrote this himself. I highly suspect he's using carefully crafted and orchestrated media arms and ghost writers to "sell" this seemingly "conservative" notion of love and concern for the world as if Americans should and need to look to "his Excellency" for democratic advice and protection and then there's this:

"This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people. This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights [ED: not so sure about this], to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren. The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light. The enemy has Satan on its side, He who only knows how to hate. But on our side, we have the Lord Almighty, the God of armies arrayed for battle, and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent. “If God is for us,who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31)."

America hasn't "long-endurred" hateul tyranny and his (their, Opus Dei) idea of "taking to the street" as "children of light" to fight as an ecumenical God army under the banner of the "Most Holy Virgin" is pretty horrifying for a supposed religious leader to say days before a already wildly contentious election. I also take notice that he failed to mention the truly "Most Holy" Jesus Christ a single time while specifically naming satan and referring to satan as "He".

It's not to late to switch your vote to Biden.


Craig said...

Watch to the end (at least to the 'trick or treat'. Know who you're REALLY voting for:

Donald Trump Plays ‘Creepy’ Halloween Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Video at Pennsylvania Rally

Breitbart News

President Donald Trump played a Halloween themed campaign video on Saturday for his supporters at a rally in Reading, Pennsylvania.

Craig said...

Prelude to a Biden/Harris Presidency:

Johnson: `From Thursday, You Must Stay at Home'

Nov.01 -- U.K. Prime Minister speaks at a news conference in London about the decision to enact a new four-week partial lockdown in England as a surge in coronavirus cases threatens to overwhelm the health care system. He spoke Saturday in London.


Craig said...

-Did Biden use the Arabic/Islamic phrase “Allah willing” (Insha’ Allah) in the first Presidential debate? Elsewhere, did he cite a Hadith?

-4:49 Pope Francis signing the Abu Dhabi statement—what is the significance? What about the other manifestos he’s signed with other Islamic leaders?

-Ottoman Empire as history—significance?

-Don’t forget the “Armenian” (Christian) Genocide.

-Erdogan and a new Ottoman Empire.

-Biden/Harris as Obama (and Hillary) 2.0 with respect to Islam/Isis?

Catholic — Exclusive Interview — Raymond Ibrahim

Church Militant

Anonymous said...

RayB's gone quiet.

Craig said...

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Trump--first time since 1972.

Trump Rally Hits 57 THOUSAND PEOPLE IN PA As Newspaper Endorses Him As First Republican Since 1972


How many 'silent' Trump supporters are there?

Anonymous said...

Trump Humiliated In Worst Interview in History


Anonymous said...

President Trump Retweets a Video of a Supporter Shouting 'White Power' at Florida Protesters.


Craig said...

Which Presidential candidate is more likely to keep us away from The Great Reset?

THE GREAT RESET - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

Anonymous said...

Craig, So in support of your Antichrist God, whom you so blindly yet unwaveringly worship, you want to change Holy Writ? You state, "but the key is the one who BREAKS (one of) the agreement(s)".

The Holy Bible clearly shows the one who makes the covenant with many is the very same one who breaks it. To claim as you do, "Sure, he helped broker the deals", is misleading and therefore deeply disingenuous to say the very least. He is the central person who has brokered the deals, that is the fact of the matter.

Once again, your pomp and puff has clouded your tiny mind.

Anonymous said...

Craig, So in support of your Antichrist God, Trump, whom you so blindly yet unwaveringly worship, you want to change Holy Writ? You state, "but the key is the one who BREAKS (one of) the agreement(s)".

The Holy Bible clearly shows the one who makes the covenant with many is the very same one who breaks it. To claim as you do, "Sure, he helped broker the deals", is misleading and therefore deeply disingenuous to say the very least. Trump is the central person who has brokered the Abraham Accords, that is the fact of the matter.

Once again, your pomp and puff has clouded your tiny mind.

Anonymous said...

Abraham Accords and the Covenant with Many: Arab Nations Await Trump Victory


Antichrist Trump's Peace Covenant: Sudan Joins the Many - Daniel 9:27


"This diplomatic breakthrough was facilitated by the Abraham Accords initiative of President Donald J. Trump.": yes, according to the Whitehouse's own website, Trump is himself the very initiator of the Abraham Accords.


Craig said...

Anon 1:42 PM,

Your hyperbole is a bit over-the-top. But OK. If it makes you feel better. Or worse. You may prefer the latter, as you appear full of vitriol. Maybe that's what fuels you. Whatever.

You may want to read a number of Bible versions on Daniel 9:27 (and/or dig into the Hebrew/Greek). Other questions to ponder are: What does it mean to "make/confirm a covenant with many"? Which 'side' does this? Which specific agreement does the Scripture refer to? What about Pope Francis' agreements, and how might they play a role?

I submit that we will not know until we see it in the rear view mirror. I'm not one to make any sort of firm predictions with regard to future prophecy. I don't think it wise. Speculations are fine; assertions are not.

Anonymous said...

Craig, You wrote, "What does it mean to "make/confirm a covenant with many"?", so what do you think it means, Craig?

Anonymous said...

I disagree, Craig,

I think speculation is unfounded, ungrounded gossip and vain supposition. Assertion (with conviction of spirit backed up by phenomena which are in harmony with what Holy Scripture declares) is fine, speculation is not.

Anonymous said...

P.S., Craig,

I am sorry for being unkind in my earlier messages. You did not reply in an uncivil way to me.

I may disagree with you on many levels, but this time I was wrong.


Craig said...

Anon 2:37 PM,

Apology gladly accepted!

Craig said...

I sure hope she wins. She has a lot of class.

Revive Charm City - Kim Klacik for Congress

Anonymous said...

I must respectfully disagree.

There is that Paul Dawson on YouTube, banging his fist on the table for 3 years predicting Rapture dates. He is adamant that this Abrahamic Accord is THE deal. How does he know for sure? He postulates dates all the time, and his viewers love him for it! Daniel's deal is not a peace deal. It's religious, clearly. It involves a 3rd temple, probably built next to the mosque there. He will 'perfect' at least in the minds of rabbi's and some Jews - the old covenant. They may even claim he is fulfilling Jeremiah 31! At least it will seem that. If you check out researchers' and scholars notes of the decades of Daniel's covenant, it has nothing to do with peace or many nations joining a deal.

In the context of Daniel, the 'many' are his own people, the Jews. Many Jews (in Israel).

I agree though that this covenant signing of Daniel cannot be far away.

Craig said...

Jame 4 (NASB):

13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.” 14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.” 16 But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil. 17 So for one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is sin.

Given that we don't even know if we will have our own LIVES tomorrow, how can we make assertions about futurist prophecy?

Craig said...

Why Thomas Sowell is Voting for Trump

Thomas Sowell

0:00- intro
0:24- On President Trump
2:15- Joe Biden's tax plan
3:26- on gun control
5:21- on the supreme court
8:11- on charter schools
10:22- why Joe Biden is more dangerous than Hillary Clinton

paul said...

Thomas Sowell is a true scholar, and a brilliant man.

Craig said...

Trump Train led by New Yorkers shut down the entire bridge

New York: Thousands of Trump supporters joined the MAGA caravan - led by community activist Heshy Tischler. He had a message for Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Cuomo, “..this is our city, this is our state, this is our country! Trump 2020!”.


Rome, GA:

TEAM COVERAGE: Thousands line up early to attend Trump campaign rally in Rome

WRCB Chattanooga

Anonymous said...

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Trump and this is the first GOP presidential endorsement since 1972!!!

This is pivotal for a large city in a critical swing state.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Trump for handling of economy; first GOP presidential endorsement since 1972

The newspaper said Joe Biden is 'too old' and 'fragile' to handle the job as president


Anonymous said...

Hello 3:16 PM,

I believe the Abraham Accords are the covenant with many. Firstly, there is argument as to whether a 3rd Temple needs to be built (it may be claimed such a temple would already be desolate, as it is a denial of Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross). Even so, the Temple Institute has EVERYTHING ready to go, the stones, the trained priests, the new Sanhedrin, you name it, yet even if it were to be rebuilt it still would not show that such a physical temple made of actual stone would need to be built to fulfil Holy Scripture. The Antichrist could hardly make such a place desolate, as it would be desolate from its Jesus Christ rejecting beginning. I do, however, believe the Abraham Accords will contain a central aspect which is religious.

Secondly, there is nothing to suggest everything has to happen simultaneously regarding this covenant. For example, there were only two Arab countries participating and then after a few weeks Sudan joined to, and many more Arabic nations are indicating their intentions to participate, provided Trump is back in the WH for a second term. The covenant is incremental in its building, and Trump is the Nimrod figure behind this ghastly Tower of Babylon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Craig (3:11 PM),

Smiles and thank you, however, I vehemently disagree with you concerning politics.

God bless you, and may He give us all guidance and a thirst for the love of the truth.

Anonymous said...

Trump is Part of the Swamp:


Anonymous said...

Craig at 3:28 PM,

Your insertion of Futurist is unnecessary. The nature of Biblical prophecy is that it refers to God inspired declarations containing phenomena which are both specific and veridical and therefore borne out in event and nature at a future time.

Your example is, therefore, contextually invalid here because it relates to mankind trusting in human endeavor and not in the making of his or her future plans, rather than in God. It is quite the opposite of God inspired prophecy.

Surely then, speculation is mere wind in the vapors of human endeavor, yet assertion through spiritual conviction, grounded in Holy Scripture and inspired by God is a firm foundation in which to establish claims.

Anonymous said...

“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

President Ronald Reagan

Anonymous said...

You Knew Damn Well I Was A Snake Before You Let Me In
This is the infamous snake poem read by Trump.

There's one meaning that's meant to be understood on the surface(illegal immigration) and then there's the real deeper meaning.

The woman represents the American "Church", and could even represent Israel in the near future where they accept Trump(the Antichrist) as their messiah.

The snake is satan in disguise, who will give Trump his power. And the bite is the coming mark of the beast.

The ending is a moment where the woman(American Church & Israel) is told she should have known better.

America, which has been the light of the world regarding the gospel, is being snuffed out. We should have known better concerning Trump, but he is part of our judgement.


Craig said...

Anon 11:09 PM,

Your wrote (snip): …assertion through spiritual conviction, grounded in Holy Scripture and inspired by God is a firm foundation in which to establish (eschatological) claims.

So, why do we have preterists (and a subset: partial preterists), those who claim that what many see as eschatology (yet-future events slated for end times) have already occurred AD 70? An example is Hank Hanegraff. One could argue that his spiritual ‘conviction’ is just wrong, but then he could argue that it is your spiritual conviction that is wrong. And round and round we go.

There are a number of different views with regard to the millennium, e.g.: post-, a-, and pre-. And then there are views with respect to Christ’s return associated with these views (premillennial pre-tribulation “rapture”, e.g.). Who’s right? Who decides?

Anonymous said...

The Snake, Al Wilson

Lyrics :

On her way to work one morning
down the path along side the lake
A tender hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
"Oh well", she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"

Take me in oh tender woman
Take me in for Heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman
Sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a coverture of silk
And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived

Take me in oh tender woman
Take me in for Heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman
Sighed the snake

Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful", she cried
"But if I hadn't brought you in , by now you might have died"
Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight
But instead of saying thanks that snake gave her a vicious bite

Take me in oh tender woman
Take me in for Heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman
Sighed the snake

"I saved you", cried the woman
"and you've bit me even , why?"
You know your bite is posionous and now I'm gonna die"
"Oh shut up, silly woman", said the reptile with a grin,
"You knew damned well I was a snake before you took me in".

Take me in oh tender woman
Take me in for Heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman
Sighed the snake

Anonymous said...

I think Scripture is quite clear regarding when Christians will meet Jesus Christ in the skies: at the LAST trump.

Those who follow the teachings of Luis del Alcázar will likewise fall into the very ditch of deception he dug with him. I believe Preterism has no more validity than the twists additions and deletions of Holy Scripture done by the JWs, etc.

With respect, you do sound as though you are suffering from Pilate Syndrome here with the question, "what is truth?", yet being as the Bereans and knowing the Living Truth that is Jesus Christ in obedience to Him, is clear enough for us to understand Holy Scripture. For those who cry, "everything is relative" are those who in their blindness fail to see they have declared an absolute in so doing.

I will not be side lined to argue ad infinitum here in favor of concepts rebutting Preterism, as I am confident you are aware of such arguments. Suffice it to say, I do believe Holy Scripture is knowable and for those who are watchful, Jesus does not come as a thief in the night. We are clearly warned what to look for in the last days and how to respond to it.

The Day of the Lord https://biblehub.com/kjv/1_thessalonians/5.htm

(Zephaniah 1:7-18; 2 Peter 3:10-13)

1But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

Craig said...

Anon 8:05 AM,

When I have a question regarding Scripture I'll be sure to come to you. What is your name? You can use a nom de plume, if you like. But I want to read the words of one so enlightened as you. Surely, you can unlock the questions plaguing theologians since the first century.

Has God foreordained those of his Kingdom, or did he foreknow who they'd be? Are we once saved and always saved or can our names be blotted out of the Book of Life if we don't overcome (Rev 3:5) or if we don't stand firm to the end (Matthew 24:13)? Are all the spiritual gifts still active since the first century, or did they cease at some point? If they did cease will they return, and, if so, when? If some did cease while others didn't, which ones ceased?

What is Scripture? Which Bible version/Greek text (NT) is the correct one?

BTW, I don't think the pre-trib "rapture" doctrine is valid. But many do. And I do think we can know the time and season, for Jesus says this as well (Matthew 24).

Craig said...

Nebraska Trump rally turn out of 29,000 people was a 'wake-up moment for the media'

Sky News Australia

Sky News US political commentator Joe Hockey says when 29,000 people turned up for a Trump rally in Nebraska the other day, it was a wake-up moment for the media.

“It is extraordinary, it’s almost like a cult movement and he’s like a cult leader and people are coming out in vast numbers,” Mr Hockey said.

Mr Hockey said Trump went to five cities across the country on Sunday, and people in Florida were queued up waiting for his arrival from 7am right through until beyond 11:30pm.

“It is building a momentum, there’s no doubt about that,” he said.

“He is hungry and it shows. He really wants people votes and that’s given him momentum in the last 48 hours.

“It’s really hard to read the impact of that momentum on the electoral votes.”

Anonymous said...

To Craig ~

I just want to sincerely and gratefully thank you for posting Archbishop Vigano's Open Letter to President Trump earlier on this same thread.

There are many of us traditional, CONSERVATIVE Catholics out there, who completely AGREE with Archbishop Vigano.

May God bless him and protect him for speaking out.

For anyone who hasn't had the chance to read his letter, I am posting the link below.


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's Open Letter to President Trump...

From Catholic Family News:



Anonymous said...

The Danger of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Belief - And What You Can Do About It | Bible Prophecy 666


Well Craig,

It seems you're the one needing to repent for being vitriolic. I don't agree with you and I don't believe your argument to be valid, especially since you threw strawmen, etc., into the mix. I know you pride yourself on being the font of wisdom here, oh dear, never mind.

Craig said...

Anon 10:26 AM,

You've obviously missed my final paragraph at 8:26 AM. I've been warning pre-trib "rapture" adherents to its dangers for years.

You may not care for my sarcasm (which isn't vitriolic), but it was in response to your implied claim of superiority with regard to Scripture interpretation. There were no straw men in my post;I didn't mischaracterise any of your positions. I'm merely asking for your view on certain doctrines given your implication of possessing superior spiritual insight.

Craig said...

Anon 9:33 PM,

You're welcome. Truth is truth. However, of course, I differ in parts (some of which I noted in brackets.

Anonymous said...


the globalist's globalist knows who he wants to become america's president.
you should want this too he insists..

Anonymous said...

The Pretribulation rapture is not only nonsensical from a Christian standpoint, it is also clearly unbiblical. Your wanting room for interpretation about something which is clearly false is in itself telling, especially as you yourself don't believe in it.

Your strawman of James 4:13 to 17 was a poor show, as is your insinuation I believe I know it all, which is a classic show of projection on your part; you'd have done well to have read and understood the three preceding verses of James 4: 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. 11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. 12 There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?

Also, your silence in not answering your own question, which I put back to you at 2:25 PM, speaks volumes too:

Craig, You wrote, "What does it mean to "make/confirm a covenant with many"?", so what do you think it means, Craig?

Craig said...

Anon 10:51 AM,

I think I see how you are misreading my last para @ 8:26 AM. The first two sentences illustrate that I don't believe the PTR. The third was agreeing with you in a sense that we can know the "time and season" of the end times--not the "rapture". Sorry for being unclear.

My questions at 1:57 PM were not meant to be definitively answered. That is implied by my final para, in which I noted that the best way to see prophecy is once it's fulfilled (in the rear view mirror).

So, what does it mean to "make/confirm a covenant with many"? It means someone is a party in some sense (one side or the other[s], a broker, etc.). But what constitutes "many"? Is the "covenant" 'made' (initiated) or 'confirmed' (is it one with some sort of precedence?). Most importantly what is "covenant" in this context? Once all that is settled, then we look for the person who will "put an end to sacrifice and offering" halfway through the timeline of the agreement/covenant, assumed to be 3.5 of the 7 years. Thus, it's the LATTER event that will substantiate the former. Until then, it's all just speculation, claiming to be absolute fact by BJK and you--unless you are one and the same.

Anonymous said...

It's funny...every time I read Craig use the "Orange Man Bad" meme as a defense of Trump I just laughed in full agreement knowing full well that by every logical, reasonable and rational analysis Trump HAS BEEN the worst president in this nation's history. I'm not the only one that believes so.


I also didn't really get how saying "Orange Man Bad" actually resembled a defense of Trump. This article kind of brought it all together. It's just Trump supporters, facing their cognitive dissonance that their leader is crazy yet they love him using gaslighting to both defend their clearly narcissistic leader and justify/rationalize their support of him. In other words, if you believe Trump is crazy --- you are cracy one with some kind of "Trump Derangement Syndrome". Meanwhile they walk around among real-life Trump supporting friends and neighbors saying "I don't really like the way Trump behaves and he certainly lacks character and isn't a Christian but I support the policies stated by the Republican party and he has thrown a few more crumbs at us Christians so we have to support him, we have to deny we KNOW he's nuts and we have to flip this into "Biden Boy Bad" somehow to take the focus off of Trump's failures like COVID, Immigration, removing children from their families, deporting Christians, wasting the Obama/Biden economic recovery, taking no responsibility, denigrating the name and commands of Jesus Christ, etc.

I stumbled on this article yesterday which sums "orange man bad" meme up pretty accurately:

The real Trump Derangement Syndrome is 'Orange Man Good': https://news.yahoo.com/real-trump-derangement-syndrome-orange-132700894.html


Craig said...


While I will not waste my time addressing any of your comment, the following I'd like to see you substantiate: ...wasting the Obama/Biden economic recovery.... For starters, do you think this COVID-19 thing could have played a factor? Secondly, what was the economy like just prior to COVID-19 as compared the Obama era?

Anonymous said...

There was no implied claim of superiority, whatsoever Craig. I see it as you infering such on my part, yet that does not make it true. You should learn to trust God to guide you through Holy Scripture and not lean on your own understanding and vain philosophy, Craig. There was, however, my assertion of holding to Biblical Truth. I believe the Holy Bible when it says that Jesus Christ won't come as a thief in the night for those of us who are vigilant.

That there will be no secret return of Jesus Christ, 23 Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

We then can clearly see there is no Pretribulation "rapture":

29 “Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.


31And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Anonymous said...

So X, your saying we should vote for hair sniffing, groper, baby murder, Creepy Joe, so that in some convoluted way we could see an end of baby murder?

Plus you think Trump the worse President in U.S. history. Didn't Obama, the change agent, turn nearly everything consided biblically decent completely upside down?

You are a seriously sick puppy!

Why do you waste your time here filling the blog with your delusions?

Anonymous said...

Craig at 11:10 AM,
I have only just seen your reply here. I had already posted my 11:22 AM response or I would have made it gentler.

I do understand your point about knowing definitively when the Abomination of Desolation happens, yet I do believe the Bible lets us know beforehand because the one who makes the covenant with many is the one who breaks it. I reiterate, I believe we can as Christians know who the Antichrist is when the covenant with many is (being) made. Also, I think as a Christian we can also discern such by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. I cannot see how someone guided by Jesus Christ, Who tells us we are no longer of this World but are now mere sejourners traveling through it, could somehow see such an unrepentant and openly wicked man as Trump as being some sort of savior. I believe, as the Great Delusion of many self-professing Christians to follow this evil man who says he needs no forgiveness shows, that Trump is the Antichrist. I so wish people would realize their hope lies in Jesus Christ, not in Donald Trump.

Craig said...

Anon 11:22 AM,

I'm not sure how much clearer I can be. I never claimed to believe in the pre-trib "rapture". And I clarified any misunderstanding just above.

This is the salient portion of what you wrote:

The nature of Biblical prophecy is that it refers to God inspired declarations containing phenomena which are both specific and veridical and therefore borne out in event and nature at a future time...

Surely then, speculation is mere wind in the vapors of human endeavor, yet assertion through spiritual conviction, grounded in Holy Scripture and inspired by God is a firm foundation in which to establish claims.

So, who's to say your "spiritual conviction, grounded in Holy Scripture and inspired by God" is preeminent over, say, Hank Hanegraff, David Jeremiah, R. L. Thomas, G. K. Beale, Grant Osborne, David Aune, etc.? I cannot read your implied claim as anything other than implied superiority on Scripture interpretation; that is, that you have a higher level of "spiritual conviction" and are more firmly "grounded in Holy Scripture and inspired by God".

Craig said...

Anon 11:33 PM,

OK, I was formulating my reply, then posted it before seeing this. Ugh.

Anyway, I don't put 'faith' in Trump. My faith is in Jesus Christ. I merely do not see how he could be the antichrist--though I will not state he cannot be. I don't have that kind of information just yet.

Now, in my 11:43 PM, do you see where I'm getting my understanding of your position by the way you stated it? Perhaps that's not exactly how you meant it. We all miscommunicate (and misinterpret) at times.

Anonymous said...

"Sejourner", in my 11:33 AM post should read, "sojourner".

Anonymous said...

Dear Craig at 11:48 AM,

I do comprehend your points, yes. I do think we are misunderstanding one another at points though. I don't think I know it all, and I know it may come across that way to you, as I feel you can appear that way too. I think we are both passionate about our positions on this and are misunderstanding one another and, as you said, miscommunicating. I do believe Holy Scripture with the guidance of the Holy Spirit is knowable, although sometimes the details of prophecy is sealed until their time of fulfilment and so such sealed aspects are not yet knowable.

Sometimes in discussion online we lose sight of the whole person we are talking with.

May God bless us both and help us to be patient with one another.

Craig said...

Many silent Black Trump supporters:

Candace Owens on Trump winning Black voters: 'We want more opportunities'

Fox Business

Conservative activist Candace Owens argues Black voters are choosing President Trump over Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden because they believe he will provide more 'opportunities' within the community.

Craig said...

Anon 12:03 PM,

You wrote: I do believe Holy Scripture with the guidance of the Holy Spirit is knowable, although sometimes the details of prophecy is sealed until their time of fulfilment and so such sealed aspects are not yet knowable.

Sometimes in discussion online we lose sight of the whole person we are talking with.

May God bless us both and help us to be patient with one another.


Craig said...

Business owners could face up to 6 months in jail over Michigan's new COVID rules

Fox Business

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer releases new strict contract tracing rules that could put business owners in jail if they don't comply.

Yep, she's starting early with the new lockdowns and the mandated 'contact tracing', all of which will lead to the death knell for small to medium-sized businesses--just what the globalist's want.

Anonymous said...

The Darkest Winter


Craig said...

UK COVID cases not surging - Prof Tim Spector explains


Professor Tim Spector from the ZOE COVID Symptom Study app discusses the latest data which shows that cases are steadily rising in the UK, and that they are not surging.

To see the full story head to: COVID Symptom Study

For more localised data visit: covid.joinzoe.com/data

Anonymous said...

You need prayer.
Perhaps even an intervention.
The toxic beverage you consume and intoxicated by is, a bitter soul.

Anonymous said...


Sad that spoiling the expansion Obama started is the only thing you think I can't substantiate; but here's why I believe Trump, the Republican party, and the deep political divide spear-headed by Newt Gingrich all the way back in the 80's has resulted in political dysfunction and a resulted in a complete failure to maximize the benefits of the longest economic expansion in US history.

From "An Economy Squandered: The State of US Competitiveness" December 2019, Harvard Business School

Along with upgrading the business environment and advancing social progress, a third way that nations often take advantage of boom times is to put their fiscal houses in order. This involves taking steps to make spending more sustainable and reducing public debt so that the government has the capacity to invest and stimulate the economy during future downturns. That is emphatically not what is happening in America today. Figure 16 shows the federal deficit as a portion of GDP since 1950, with the shaded periods marking recessions. Historically, deficits have climbed during or right after recessions, reflecting fiscal efforts to stimulate the economy as well as the tax revenue declines that accompany a shrinking economy. During expansions, deficits have shrunk with just two exceptions (circled in the figure): the late 1960s, when the Vietnam War drove up expenditures, and today. Today’s deficit level is extremely high this far into an economic expansion. A significant contributor is recent tax reform, which sharply reduced revenue. (See Chapter 4.) Low interest rates currently make our resulting debt relatively inexpensive to finance, but there is no guarantee that rates will remain low. When the expansion ends and the next recession arrives, our federal government will have limited capacity to invest and stimulate the economy. The rest of this report examines the causes and consequences of America’s squandered recovery.


Anonymous said...

7:36 is me -- x

I hope it's obvious; but I am not the other anonymous poster(s), like 11:33 am. Don't know if Trump is the Anti-Christ...he'd probably have tweeted that already and told us how he's the greatest Anti-Christ ever and tried to flip it into someone NV Peale-like positive.


Craig said...


So I suppose decreasing unemployment, reinvesting in our military which had been decimated during Obama, making NATO members pay more of their fair share, taking us out of the sure-to-destroy-the-economy Paris Accord don't count. Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

"I hope it's obvious.."

X, it's obvious, it sure is, that you must be a very shallow person if you can't seem to process what Craig and others have aptly pointed out in your flawed thinking to claim to be a Christian and want to lend your support to ungodly policies and persons.

Jesus said in mark 9:
38 “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”

39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40 for whoever is not against us is for us.

In your case, you are obviously against Jesus.

Craig said...

As I stated above, though I largely agree with Vigano’s statement I take issue with a few things. One of them is this claim: In the religious sphere, this obstacle to evil is the Church, and in particular the papacy; in the political sphere, it is those who impede the establishment of the New World Order. This is in reference to what is probably best known as ‘the restrainer’ in 2 Thess 2:6 and 2:7. But there are problems interpreting this text, and Vigano’s solution does not work, and it’s not supported by any Church Father (and etc.) I’ve found. The issue centers on ho katechon (2:6), which is neuter and its parallel ho katechōn (2:7), which is masculine. Any solution must account for this switch in grammatical gender.

First, Vigano only spells the neuter (and he misspells katechon as “kathekon” [there is NO theta {“th”} and his second kappa {“k”} is actually a chi {“ch”}); however, he may have only wished to simplify things. No problem with that. But the word for “Church”, ekklēsia is feminine, which does not work at all here. The word for the Papacy (from the Latin papa; Greek pappas [though spelled papas in Eusebius]) is masculine, but this word is completely foreign to the NT, since it is a ca. 3rd century borrowing from the Latin (and Heraclas of Alexandria is the first to be referred to by this moniker). Frankly, in my opinion, I’ve yet to see a satisfactory solution from ANY source for this Thessalonians passage. (I have a possible solution, but I won’t state it unless and until I feel I can justify it grammatically and contextually.)

I’d forgotten I have the pertinent volume of the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, which selects a few early Christian voices and how they interpret passages of Scripture. On this we have the following claims for ‘the restrainer’:

-The Roman Empire [NOT the ‘Church’]: Tertullian; Chrysostom

-The Holy Spirit: Severian of Gabala [this is a popular one among Prots, but I contend it does not work in an article I wrote: The Holy Spirit as “Restrainer” in 2 Thessalonians 2?.]

-God’s Own Decree: Theodoret of Cyr (in other words, because God said it via Paul’s words, it is God who is holding back the coming of the antichrist.)

-Disorder and Disharmony: Basil the Great (this seems a rather strained position.)

Note, again, that none claim it is ‘the Church’ or ‘the Papacy’. Also, none of the above are found in the context of 2 Thessalonians 2. That is, they all are completely foreign to the text and must be eisegeted in. I find none persuasive.

Craig said...

I meant to hyperlink this, in case anyone is interested: Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture.

Anonymous said...

Craig said: "So I suppose decreasing unemployment, reinvesting in our military which had been decimated during Obama, making NATO members pay more of their fair share, taking us out of the sure-to-destroy-the-economy Paris Accord don't count. Yeah, right."

1. UNEMPLOYMENT - you may choose to ignore the effects of Covid; however, had we fought Covid honestly with a national strategy like Australia. perhaps, Covid-induced unemployment would be minimal today. Accordingly, we would more able to effectively implement continued intervention members like maybe some rolling shutdowns in hotspots over this winter season, which would have been necessary in less compliant red states. The effectiveness of such a national program would have spoken for itself and hopefully unified our country to fight the enemy virus instead of the enemy within. Unfortunately, that never happened and now we are in a situation much worse. If it wasn't for Payroll Protection Loans -- the unemployment numbers would even be worse today than they are. When Biden wins, God-willing, Trump's legacy of hostility will surely remain and about 35% of the country that worshipped him will remain obstinate to "submitting" themselves to any national Covid elimination plan. There will just be lawsuits and constitutional challenges to anything like a reasonable federal $250 (like Australia) fine for not wearing a mask. That's if rural police departments even enforce it. Political bi-furcation will continue and the goal for the illiberal right will be to make sure ANY plan Biden puts forth...fails. If Trump somehow wins this election, God-forbid, we'll all get Covid in the next year or so and I wish you all good luck. Herd immunity is not a reliable long term thing. We'll be passing this virus around, like the common cold, for years and probably taking “corona-virus vaccine boosters” annually.

Finally ---As the Harvard Article I linked before stated: "Prior to Covid, official unemployment rates WERE low, but they mask significant underemployment and low wages; many Americans work multiple part-time jobs but still struggle to get by." An example would be the amount of college graduates I've experienced the last few years working checkout at my local Publix or waiting tables at Applebees.

(cont below)

Anonymous said...


2. MILITARY REINVESTMENT - Just because Trump makes claims doesn't mean it happened or that all, some or most of it's true. There are lots of numbers and adjustments to numbers making it difficult for me to make perfect sense of all 283 pages but upon a cursory review, for discussion purposes I have gleaned from the following records that Obama made DOD outlays of $2,998 million over his 1st Term and $2,480 over his 2nd Term, whereas Trump will have spent a total of $2,522 over his 4 years (less 3.8 billion Trump took from DOD to repair sections of the border wall with Mexico). That's only about a 1.7% increase in spending. In Trumps first two years, while Republicans actually controlled congress, that overall DOD spending was actually very flat compared to Obama's 2015-2016 . It took a Democratic House and Nancy Pelosi to get any increased DOC spending legislated. Further, Trump's "procurement" outlays for buying and investing in military assets over his 4 year term were 26% less than Obama's first term outlays. However, Trump did manage to budget/spend the exact same 321 billion on R&D as Obama did his 1st term. 2018/2019 had small 8.6% and 7.8% boosts in procurement spending, respectively. Hardly that significant.


3. NATO SPENDING It's true that NATO members are spending more. But that trend started well before Trump was elected, and it will be many years before some members are in a position to hit the group's spending target. In 2014 the Obama/Biden administration procured members pledging to increase their outlays, and collective spending increased the following year for the first time in two decades. This was after, under G.W. Bush we went from paying 50% to paying 75% of NATO's budget. 2014 is when some countries started to increase spending. Trump became president in 2017 and continued pursuing Obama/Biden's policy of calling for more shared funding which he accomplished largely due renewed European enthusiasm for NATO in response to an increase in unchecked Russian aggression.

"NATO Defense Funds Have Been Building for Years, but Trump Wants the Credit" https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/12/03/nato-defense-funds-have-been-building-for-years-but-trump-wants-the-credit/

That said, Trump's petulant behavior draining NATO accounts to pay for a trophy border wall with Mexico and then demanding the rest of NATO make up the difference isn't really treating our allies respectively. Trump's behavior towards our LONG-standing allies has made our world, and the U.S. thereby, substantially less safe.

PARIS ACCORD "sure to destroy the economy" sounds a little hyperbolic. All US actions under the accord would still be subject to the US Congress approval, Presidential action and Judicial review. It's absolutely deranged to withdraw from this international coalition and hand China the opportunity to step into the leadership vacuum created thereby simply to appeal to Trump's petro-chemical financial backers and his strategic scapegoating hatred for anything Obama.

Anonymous said...

Will the real Ray B please stand up?


Anonymous said...


Craig said...

X (this will be quick, as I don't wish to waste my time),

You completely ignore the thriving Trump economy pre-COVID. Then you place all the blame on the President for the economic effects of COVID, when it was the D controlled geographical areas that decimated locales by allowing rioting. And it was/is the D controlled HOUSE that refuses to offer a decent stimulus package, instead wanting money to go toward Green New Deal (GND) policies mixed in with it (and $$$$$ for communities THEY allowed to be decimated by rioters and the 'mythical' ANTIFA). Why not a clean package just for the economy? And these tyrannical and unnecessary measures during COVID in D areas (a la Governor Witchmer, e.g.) are further destroying this country, as they follow dictates of the Agenda 21/2030 ideals of The Great Reset, which will be furthered under Biden/Harris.

The Paris Accord is the means by which to bring about the tenets of the GND, and The Great Reset ideal is to continue these lockdowns--thus destroying our economies--in order to continue the radical Agenda 21/2030 policies. Specifically--and who didn't see this coming?--since there's been a purported reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of around 7.5% this year, globalists wish to continue this under the guise of protecting the populace from the scary monster COVID. This is despite The Great Barrington Declaration's suggestions that we open economies and protect ONLY the vulnerable, PLUS their confidence that we are nearing herd immunity anyway. And by allowing those of low risk to congregate, we will achieve herd immunity faster (like we did naturally was SARs-Cov-1), thus providing the means by which to open economies. Ah, but that would not align with the ideals of The Great Reset now, would it?

Bottom line: A Biden/Harris administration would put us back in the Paris Accord and on the path to economic destruction via The Great Reset.

Craig said...

Let's keep the US and the West from global fascism, i.e., the globalists and The Great Reset:

The 'whole western world and its values' hang on a Trump victory

Sky News Australia

The momentum is with US President Donald Trump and “don’t we need him” as the whole Western world and its values hang on a Trump victory according to Sky News host Alan Jones.

Americans head to the polls tomorrow to determine whether US President Donald Trump will be re-elected or if rival Democrat Joe Biden will become the new president of the nation.

Mr Jones said this election result is not only important to Americans “but for the whole of (the) Western world”.

“He’s the only world leader who’s pushed back against climate change hysteria, identity politics, cancel culture, left-wing indoctrination of our kids,” Mr Jones said.

Mr Jones discussed President Trump's election prospects with New York Post Columnist Miranda Devine.

Ms Devine said she thinks President Trump will win the electoral college vote.

"I'm picking it as over 300," Ms Devine said.

Anonymous said...

Plans "I'm the Winner!" Party at White House, Election Night


Craig said...

To the @ Anon 12:03 PM whom I had a running conversation above re Antichrist, Daniel 9:27, etc.,

Please read this relatively short blog post I wrote about 4 months ago:

Not One Parousia, But Two

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Craig,

This is 12:03 PM. I will do so, thank you.

Craig said...

@ 10:19 AM,

Thanks! I sent that post to friends of mine who believe in the "rapture" doctrine, in hopes they'd put the pieces together. I'm very concerned many will 'lose faith' (Matthew 24:13).

Craig said...

Gun safety with Joe Biden:

Buy a Shotgun Joe Biden So So Funny!

Methinks he's not very familiar with guns.

As a teenager, I shot a 12-guage shotgun. It's got some recoil! I used to hunt with my stepfather, using a 410 shotgun. I enjoyed target practice more than hunting, though. In my short stint in the US military, I practiced (never in combat) with the AR-15 ("AR" means ArmaLite, the manufacturer). I'll take the AR-15 ANY day!

Anonymous said...

A gift for Mr. Dalheimer, the troublemaker:

We read in the 83rd chapter of the Psalms that the Ishmaelites did not worship YEHOVAH God:

1 "O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God!

2 "For behold, your enemies make an uproar; those WHO HATE YOU have raised their heads.

3 "They lay crafty plans against your people; they consult together against your treasured ones.

4 "They say, ‘Come, let us wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Israel be remembered no more!’

5 "For they conspire with one accord; AGAINST YOU they make a covenant --

6 "the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites,

7 "Gebal and Ammon and Amalek, Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre;

8 "Asshur also has joined them; they are the strong arm of the children of Lot. Selah

9 "Do to them as you did to Midian, as to Sisera and Jabin at the river Kishon,

10 "who were destroyed at En-dor, who became dung for the ground.

11 "Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna,

12 "who said, ‘Let us take possession for ourselves of the pastures of God.’

13 "O my God, make them like whirling dust, like chaff before the wind.

14 "As fire consumes the forest, as the flame sets the mountains ablaze,

15 "so may you pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your hurricane!

16 "Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek your name, O LORD.

17 "Let them be put to shame and dismayed forever; let them perish in disgrace,

18 "that they may know that you alone, whose name is the LORD, are the Most High over all the earth" (Psalm 83:1-18).

The Psalm is part of collection of Psalms which are attributed to Asaph. Asaph lived about 1000 BC, and was a leader of David’s Levitical choirs, and had descendants from his line who continued as singers for many centuries. Some think that Psalm 83 was composed in 1040 BC, others at 800 BC., others claim it dates from 600 BC., and still others that date it from 400 BC.

The implication this Psalm has on the Muslim claims is quite devastating. According to this Psalm the Ishmaelites, at least from the period between 1000-400 BC., were part of the nations who hated both the true God and his covenant people. The Psalmist asks YEHOVAH God to bring utter destruction upon these nations so that they may come to the realization that YEHOVAH alone is the Most High God over the earth. This means that if the Muslim claims regarding the Meccan Arabs being descendents of Ishmael are correct, then the Allah of pre-Islamic Mecca was a false god. He couldn’t have been the same God worshiped by Jews and Christians.

In fact, there is evidence which points to Baal being the high god worshiped by the Meccans!

For instance, there seems to be a broad consensus that the high god of Mecca was Hubal:

"...The great god of Mecca was Hubal, an idol of carnelian" (Maxime Rodinson, Muhammad [New Press, NY, May 2000 ISBN: 1565847520], p. 16).

"Pre-Islamic Arabia also had its stone deities. They were stone statues of shapeless volcanic or meteoric stones found in the deserts and believed to have been sent by astral deities. The most prominent deities were Hubal, the male god of the Ka'ba, and the three sister goddesses al-Lat, al-Manat, and al-Uzza; Muhammad's tribe, the Quraysh, thought these three goddesses to be the daughters of Allah. Hubal was the chief god of the Ka'ba among 360 other deities. He was a man-like statue whose body was made of red precious stone and whose arms were of solid gold" (George W. Braswell, Jr., Islam Its Prophets, Peoples, Politics and Power [Broadman & Holman Publishers, Nashville, TN; July, 1996], p. 44; bold emphasis ours).

Constance Cumbey said...

Sorry I've been off so much lately. Barry was hospitalized nearly 3 weeks. He is home now, but he appears he may have multiple sites of stage 4 cancer. Pray for us i certainly not prepared,


Craig said...

So very sorry, Constance. My prayers are with you and Barry.


Hutch said...

Very sorry, Constance. You must be so weary. Don't give up in the good fight of faith. My prayers are with you and Barry.

Craig said...

Nevada Elections tweet:

That’s it for election results updates until 9:00 am on Nov. 5. Here’s
what has been counted so far:

All in person early votes
All in person Election Day votes
All mail ballots through Nov. 2

Here’s what is left to count:

-Mail ballots received on Election Day
-Mail ballots that will be received over the next week[!!!]
-Provisional ballots

Ballots outstanding is difficult to estimate in Nevada because
every voter was sent a mail ballot
. Obviously, not all will vote.

And, obviously, no one will cheat…

Craig said...

What is this?!

Election Fraud in Arizona - Sharpies Being Distributed Instead of Pens; Invalidating Votes

Polling employees are distributing sharpies in heavily conservative areas so that their votes are not counted. The machines don't read sharpie, only ballpoint pens.

Craig said...

Josh Shapiro, PA AG tweet on Nov 1:
If all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose. That’s why he’s
working overtime to subtract as many votes as possible from this process.

For the records, he’s 0-6 against us in court. We’ve protected voting rights.
Now, ignore the noise—vote!

Regarding the bold, how can he be so confident in this?!

Pennsylvania Attorney General's tweet was 'an assault on Democracy'

Sky News Australia

Sky News host James Morrow says a tweet published by Attorney General of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro days before the election which said Trump would lose the votes in the state was an “assault on Democracy”.

Mr Shapiro tweeted on Tuesday (local time), “if all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose. That’s why he’s working overtime to subtract as many votes as possible from this process. For the record, he’s 0-6 against us in court. We’ve protected voting rights. Now, ignore the noise – vote!”

Mr Morrow said the tweet was a “far worse assault on Democracy” than a recent comment from Donald Trump that has come under fire for supposedly posing a threat to the democratic process.

US President Donald Trump, at 3am on Wednesday (local time), declared there was a major fraud taking place as votes were allegedly being mailed in even after the day of election.

“We'll be going to the US Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop. We don't want them to find any ballots at 4:00 in the morning and add them to the list.” President Trump said.

Sky News host Rita Panahi clarified the President had been falsely depicted by some as calling for an end to the counting, when really, he was simply calling for an end to voting submissions.

Mr Morrow said, “what Trump said there was, we’re going to use the legitimate outlet like the Supreme Court to adjudicate this.”

“Which is not exactly, in my book, the role of a fascist dictate, but what do I know,” he said.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Barry's cancer.
He has been through so so much, and your cup is very full.

But God's grace is enough. I know these words can seem like a pat answer during hardship,
until we truly process Whose words they are.
2 Cor 12:9
And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
May His grace continue to go before you and behind you, surround and enfold, you and yours.

Susanna said...

Dear Constance,

I am very sorry to hear that your husband Barry has been diagnosed with multiple sites of stage 4 cancer. Rest assured that I will continue to pray for you and your husband Barry.

Roughly five years ago, one of my sisters was diagnosed with stage 3 small cell lung cancer. She was terrified - so terrified, that at first, she decided to refuse treatment, and just lay down and die.

I took her out to lunch and explained to her that cancer is not automatically a death sentence and that even when the oncologists cannot cure it, they can manage it more often than not like many other chronic illnesses. Not only that, but she wouldn't have to worry about being ill after chemo since anti-nausea medication is added to the i.v. I know this from a close friend of mine who has been living for the past ten years with what started out as a later stage of ovarian cancer which was originally found in her lung. I used to go with her and stay with her when she underwent chemo.

Long story short, my sister did go for treatment and within about five or six months, she was CANCER FREE and is still cancer free to this very day. All she has to do now is to go for a CAT scan every six months.

The take away here is that "as long as there is life there is hope."

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep you both during this difficult trial.


Anonymous said...

Dear Constance ~

Please KNOW that you and your husband are in our thoughts and prayers.

I have walked in your shoes (4 years ago), in that I was a caretaker for my own dear husband for 2 1/2 years. Whenever I felt overwhelmed, I would take deep breaths and pray, "Let go; let God" and "Thy will be done"... and rely and rest in the comfort of my faith that HE would lead me through all of it, one day at a time and one moment at a time.

Also, please remember to take some time to care of yourself (the caretaker).

Meanwhile, I am sending you my love & hugs & daily prayers...

~ Rita

Craig said...

Trump requests recount in Wisconsin

Look at the comments. Multiple people claiming that there were more votes counted than registered voters! I don't know the truth of the matter, but one claims there are 3,129,000 registered, while 3,239,920 voted.

RayB said...


I was very saddened to read your latest account regarding your husband's health situation. Hopefully, and, prayerfully, you and your husband will get through this.

I couldn't help but think about the ordeal of a person that I casually knew from high school. We hadn't talked for years, when one day, out of the blue, Carol called me. During this initial, lengthy conversation, she filled me in on her life since high school. She had one child, was married to a Dentist and was living in a new, 2 story home in a fairly upscale suburb.

I recall that she had some "health issues" when we were in high school, but never knew exactly what her ailments were.

She eventually filled me in on the tragic details of her life; she suffered from juvenile diabetes, which lead to multiple health issues, the main one being that she had lost her sight at the age of 36. To make matters even worse, her successful Dentist "husband" abandoned her for his young, attractive, office receptionist.

God allowed my wife and I to help her to grow in her "faith and knowledge" of Christ. We were also able to get her connected with a local church in her area in order to help her. They responded by welcoming her and, by faithfully picking her up at her home for every service for the remainder of her life. Carol eventually became very grounded in her faith and had a huge impact upon virtually everyone that got to know her. She even became involved in a Prison Ministry through her local church.

Over the few years of our friendship, Carol and I became very close. In our very last phone conversation, Carol sadly informed me that, due to very poor circulation, the Doctors wanted to amputate both of her feet, and, that she "didn't want to go through this." Upon hearing this news, I was so devastated that I found myself to be utterly speechless for several minutes. We then began to talk about heaven, and what it might be like. Carol said to me, "you know what the first thing I'm going to do when I get there? I'm going to kick of my shoes and dance like crazy."

Carol didn't have to have her feet amputated after all. She went home to glory at the age of 43. She was talking on the phone with her mother when her mother heard a brief sigh in mid sentence and then silence. She passed on to the other side very peacefully.

Someone associated with the Prison Ministry told me that he had never seen anything like it; hardened criminals, whom Carol had personal contact with, broke down and cried like children when they heard the news.

We all are souls that live, temporarily, in these mortal, decaying bodies. I'm sure your dear husband can relate to Carol's wanting to "dance like crazy."

One more brief thought. I recall reading an account involving Charles Spurgeon, who was visiting a patient when he suddenly passed away. A relative said to Spurgeon: "Isn't it terrible that he has left the world of the living?" Spurgeon replied, "He hasn't. He has left the world of the dying to be in the land of the living."

No matter what the future holds, I hope that you and your husband will be able to obtain strength that only the "man of sorrows" can provide, along with these wonderful promises that God has made to us.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Revelation 21:4

"And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." Job 19:26

Anonymous said...

OMG = "Orange Man Gone"

Anonymous said...

Just me 'venting' here . . .

The fact that the results from 'states that don't matter' (as far as low number of electoral votes go) are showing Trump winning over Biden by twice as many votes... while other states showing Biden WAY ahead of Trump (or very CLOSE)... are huge 'red flags' that 'the fix may be in'... in a deliberate COUP, that has been planned way ahead of time... and all tied into encouraging people to MAIL IN their votes early.

Otherwise, WHY would Nancy Pelosi (along with several TV news anchors) make such an outrageous statement (way ahead of time) like... "Do you think that President Trump will go quietly from the White House... or, need to be ESCORTED out of office"???

In other words, NOTHING worked to overthrow Trump during the past 4 years... so, this is their last desperate attempt to throw him out.

It should also be noted that... anyone with a BRAIN and LOGIC can see that the thousands of people who showed up to hear Trump speak at those rallies in every city and town in America far outnumbered the 'trickle' of people who showed up to hear Biden speak!!!

Now, here in Texas ~ we have a LARGE number of conservatives who live in the cities; plus 'God fearing & gun loving red necks' (who live in the rural areas); a huge Hispanic/ Black/Oriental/Indian 'melting pot' (living in Houston/Harris County ~ the 4th largest city in the nation); a mixture living in Dallas & San Antonio (as many have moved to the big cities for job opportunities)... and a very LIBERAL mix living in Austin (including a huge INFLUX of Californians who have moved to Austin in recent years ~ hoping to turn Texas into a BLUE state). Yet, with all of that... TRUMP WON TEXAS!!!

In Florida... the 3 largest groups appear to be Retirees; Cuban exiles (since 1960 / along with their children & grandchildren); and Jews... who tend to be conservative voters and Trump supporters!!!

The latest on Fox News is that the 'counting' in Pennsylvania is going 3 to 1 in Biden's favor!!! How do you spell 'FRAUD'??? Otherwise, WHY wouldn't they have been allowed to COUNT these votes AS they came in... rather than NOW???

P.S. Dick Morris was just speaking on the conservative news channel, Newsmax (Channel 349 on my DirectTV). He is coming right out and calling this 'a COUP'... that has already been planned by the Democrats a long time ago!!!


Anonymous said...

Stop with this 'lesser of 2 evils'.

Evil is still EVIL.

Anonymous said...

Biden just won Wisconsin!!!


This morning, someone on Newsmax (Channel 349 on DirectTV) said about Madison, Wisconsin...

"Also known as 'the people's republic of Madison' or, '30 square miles, surrounded by reality'"

Anonymous said...

Thank you, RayB @ 1:21 PM for sharing that very beautiful story... which moved me deeply.

Yes, all of us need to remember that the day WILL come when "God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes"!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, 2:16 PM

No... 'orange man' not GONE yet!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump is going to win.

That is a positive statement based on wishful thinking as the electoral maps show Biden ahead and there is probable vote fraud


Trump did not win by a landslide as so many hoped. There is a reason for the red wave fail, and it is Trump himself and his policies.

Trump’s biggest enemy is himself, he spent the entire administration making threats and filling his administration with swamp criminals, he is slavishly whored to Netanyahu and Israel, he even murdered Soleimani. He didn’t remove the troops from a single occupied nation. Trump’s failure as a good administrator is glaring obvious and of no surprise because he had no previous governmental experience. He just winged it based on being the Donald. What a joke. A nation ruled by one ego that thinks it is god.

He never went on the offensive with 911 truth, which would put the entire swamp under investigation and in a fight to stay out of prison. With 911 investigation Israel would be put on a leash, and the Neocons would ALL be indicted, along with the Jewish newspapers and lobbies. Because Trump REFUSED to investigate the biggest crime in history because of his god damned loyalty to Jews and Israel, it is Trump who spent his entire presidency in a defensive mode.

When asked if he condemns white supremacy Trump did not condemn the interviewer or defend white people. Pathetic. He’s cucked to the Jewish media narrative. And why doesn’t he take legal or military action against the Jewish media? Because he is bed with Kushners and the Adelsons.

As a result of his own actions Trump who could of won by a landslide is now in a stalemate with creeper senile Biden, one of the most pathetic candidates ever. Trump failures all center around his loyalties to Jews and Israel.

So this election is looking more and more like a stalemate and I would like to bring to everyone’s attention that there is a “prophecy” of how this ends:


Anonymous said...

Cheaters gonna cheat.


You must be so proud X, because bitter gonna be bitter.

Anonymous said...

Fake news. Made up numbers or using old lists. Milwaukee voters just love themselves some Biden.

This is impossible — residents who are not registered to vote cannot cast a ballot.

What’s more, Wisconsin is one of 19 states (along with the District of Columbia) that allow same-day voter registration. That means the correct comparison is eligible voters, not registered ones.

More than 3.6 million Wisconsinites were registered to vote as of Nov. 1, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission. That was two days before the election.

The number of people turning out across the state topped 3.2 million, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported — the most votes ever cast in a Wisconsin election, with at least 71% of the state’s voting-age adults casting ballots. (Not quite the highest percentage-wise).

The Wisconsin Elections Commission weighed in on Twitter later in the morning, explaining that registration numbers reported by counties can be off because of same-day voter registration.

"There are never more ballots than registered voters," the commission tweeted.



Craig said...

Michigan USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors To Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots Nov 3

Project Veritas



ELECTION FRAUD UPDATE: Office of the Inspector General for the USPS has contacted Project Veritas

Anonymous said...

'Do you think we are fools?' Trump sends in Rudy Giuliani and son Eric to Pennsylvania who claim there are 'fraudulent' mail-in ballots that are part of the 'concerted effort of the crooks that run the Democrat Party'

~ As President Trump's chances at victory of re-election shrank on Wednesday, his campaign laid out their tactics to cling on to the presidency ranging from voting recounts to multiple lawsuits in battleground states

~ He sent son Eric and personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani into Pennsylvania after he filed a lawsuit over counting

~ Both claimed a Trump victory in the state despite roughly one million mail-in ballots remaining uncounted

~ They also accused the Democrats of cheating as Giuliani asked 'Do you think we're fools?'

~ The campaign seeking to intervene in an ongoing Supreme Court case involving the deadline for receiving mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania

~ Giuliani claimed that that mail-in ballots are open to fraud and could have come from 'Mars or Canada'

~ The Trump campaign have already demanded a recount in Wisconsin and filed a similar lawsuit in Michigan

~ Despite the moves to ensure Trump doesn't go down without a fight, his campaign insists they are still confident of an election victory

~ Trump lost Wisconsin on Wednesday afternoon after Joe Biden forged ahead with 20,000 votes, or a 0.6% victory, in the key battleground state

~ He also lost Michigan where Biden is ahead by 1.2% with 67,000 more votes but Trump still maintains victory

~ While Trump is currently leading in Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina, winning all three will not be enough to claim a clean victory. He needs to snatch back Michigan to be in with a chance

~ Trump's own Republican party made it more difficult for candidates to get a recount in Wisconsin and Michigan after his narrow 2016 win


Anonymous said...

Your side cheat, X. Deal with it.

And since you are so approving of all the chicanery and falseness of the left, it is a fair question...do you cheat too?

Craig said...

What's in the little red wagon?

EXCLUSIVE! Possible Voter Fraud In Michigan? Lawyer Captures Video! | Louder With Crowder

An on-the-ground lawyer captures exclusive video-shenanigans in Detroit... right at the exact time Michigan said they would stop counting. What are the odds of that?

Anonymous said...

Bradon Smith: It's Clear Where This Is All Headed


Anonymous said...

Archbishop Vigano': America is in midst of Colossal Electoral Fraud', Do Not Think the Children of Darkness Act with Honesty


Anonymous said...

Trump's Victory is a Sign from God (just not the way you might think it is)


Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: Counting stops in crucial cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh as Trump lawsuit over watching tally goes to state supreme court and he vows to sue EVERY state where Biden has won after demanding 'STOP THE COUNT'


Anonymous said...

Feeling Stressed While Waiting For Election Results?

Experts Say Stay Active, Don’t Isolate Yourself And Take Breaks.


Anonymous said...

We are living in TWO very different worlds these days.

Which is the REAL news vs 'disinformation' (and propaganda)???

(In other words, the real world vs. the Twilight Zone)

Facebook group pushing false claim of stolen U.S. election rapidly gains 325,000 members...


Craig said...

What's wrong with a little transparency?

One lady purports she was denied her right to vote (in person) because the station claimed she'd already voted by mail.

"DEAD PEOPLE VOTING" President Trump Team Says VOTER FRAUD In Nevada

NewsNOW from FOX


@ 3:00 PM,

Perhaps "stolen election" is a bit hyperbolic and/or premature; however, there was apparent chicanery and obvious problems.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your husband, Constance

Craig said...

Will Trump Be Able To Expose Fraud?

The First

Will the Trump administration be able and prepared to expose the voter fraud in several important swing states? Tom Del Beccaro join Jesse to give us the answer.

Anonymous said...

TV networks cut away from Trump as he tests the boundaries of American democracy by questioning the entire election with extraordinary speech that claims conspiracy against him by 'big tech, big money, the media, pollsters and Democrats'

~ Donald Trump appears for the first time in more than 36 hours, speaking in the White House briefing room

~ He launches 17-minute tirade spelling out his conspiracy theory that 'big tech, big money and big media' were rigging his election from start to finish to get a Democrat in the White House

~ Claims counting mail-in votes is 'fraud,' accuses pollsters of deliberately getting the results wrong to keep his supporters at home and launches coded attack on Republicans

~ But instead of rallying to him, GOP figures slammed him with Larry Hogan, the Maryland governor saying 'there is no defense' for what Trump said and one rep calling it 'insane'

~ TV networks NBC, CBS and ABC switched him off as he ranted, reading from a script which he had written on in sharpie

~ He presented no evidence of fraud and hinted darkly at the blizzard of litigation his campaign has launched despite courts in Georgia and Michigan turning him down already

~ His lead in must-win Pennsylvania is slipping rapidly and crossed under 75,000 as he spoke while lead in Georgia has halved in 24 hours; Biden is holding wafer-thin leads in Arizona and Nevada

~ Biden tweeted rebuke after Trump spoke; he had made statement from Wilmington, DE, with Kamala Harris at his side pleading for calm and patience and saying he was confident he would win

~ Trump supporters, some of them armed, gathered again Thursday night at counting center in Arizona where he wants voting to go on - in contrast to wanting it stopped everywhere else


Anonymous said...

House Democrats savage Nancy Pelosi and say she needs to be replaced after election disaster, then feud with the Squad for backing socialism in wild conference call which leaks on Twitter


J said...

Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?


Seems like a reasonable question to ask? Not asking rhetorically. My mind is not made up in advance about the answer. Inquiring minds want to know.

RayB said...

Why Trump will NOT win enough court battles in order to turn the election his way:

Virtually all of the cities and states in which blatant voter fraud has taken place are controlled by Democrats. Suits filed by the Trump team will be reviewed by DEMOCRAT "judges" that will have to go against the party machine if they are to rule in Trump's favor ... that is NOT going to happen.

Of course, there is no such thing anymore as an independent media. Investigative journalism is a thing of the past. The media is owned and controlled by six corporations that are all in league with each other, and they are committed globalists. Therefore, the narrative will all be the same, and, in this case, it will not report favorably on anything that is supportive of Trump's legal efforts. Voter fraud and corruption, which was done on a massive scale, will simply be ignored by the media.

Face it; this election was stolen in such a brazen manner that the thieves (vote counters) are confidently operating in plain site. They act as if they know they will not be held accountable for their illegal activities. Without free and honest elections, the people no longer have a true voice in the government. Instead of living under the rule of law, the rule of thuggery, liars and thieves prevails.

When Benjamin Franklin was asked "what kind of government did you create?" Franklin responded "A republic, if you can keep it." November 3, 2020 will mark the day in history when our republic was officially lost.

Anonymous said...

Don't lose 'hope' yet, RayB.,

It's all theater and smokescreens. Your hero the Antichrist Donald Trump no doubt will prosper in the craft of the final election outcome.

Interesting how your hero of Epstein and the Clintons, whose home is literally gilt in gold, has never once exposed the truth behind 911. Now who is his lawyer again? Ah yes, Rudy Giuliani: you really couldn't make it up!

If Trump were ever to really "drain the swamp" he would have suffered a similar ending as JFK long before now.

Larry Silverstein and Lewis Eisenberg, who made billions out of 911, are close friends of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Hang on, Trump's been getting very cozy with Netanyahu, hasn't he.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what is the legal process to fight voter fraud in an election, as far as Trump Team can do? I know he is filing lawsuits and wants to take it to the Supreme Court, but is there a serious source one can learn about that process from?

Thanks guys

Anonymous said...

Why does Biden have so many more votes that Democrat senators in swing states?

In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”


Anonymous said...

The tension is so thick in this country... you can actually 'feel' it.

I believe that the news media wants to at least give Americans the appearance of being 'fair' in covering the final COUNT of the remaining contested states (Pennsylvania, Arizona, etc.)... if only because they don't want Trump suing every single state where Biden is ahead (plus have cases tied up in court for God only knows how long)... AND they would rather not see a civil war in this county.

However, I fear that the 'new' numbers (results) will show that Biden will remain ahead in the FINAL electoral vote count, slightly ahead of Trump). In the end, Trump (along with us Trump supporters) MAY have no choice, but to very reluctantly accept Biden as the winner.

Yet, I sincerely HOPE and pray that I am wrong about this!!!

Craig said...

Pro-Life Journalist David Daleiden Issues Warning on Wrath of Kamala Harris


Those who voted for Biden also voted for Harris. And, I'm quite certain--assuming Trump's legal challenges are insurmountable--she WILL be President in due time.

J said...

A few anomalies need some investigation. What the outcome of that investigation would be, is not a foregone conclusion. Could the Never Trump Republicans have voted in large numbers for Biden in the swing states, even though they still chose to vote for their Republican senate candidates? It is possible, but we need to know. It's just one example of an answer we need and deserve.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Trump Will Win (by hook, by crook, or by 10,000 lawsuits) - Bible Prophecy Antichrist 666


Craig said...

Anon 8:56 AM,

Without even viewing the video, that sounds like the tail wagging the dog.

J said...


This is a good explanation of the coming Supreme Court case that will involve Pennsylvania mail-in ballots that were postmarked after election day.

I am personally bracing myself for this to be prolonged, protracted and confusing -- like everything else this year! We need to take a deep breath and wait for all the relevant information to come in and all the relevant events to happen. It sucks. But it is worth it.

J said...

I guess I'm already confused. I said "mail-in ballots there were postmarked after election day." But actually it's about mail-in ballots there were postmarked by election day but received during Tuesday and Friday. Oh well, soon enough it's possible we'll be obsessing about all the details, and we'll know them all better than we want to. (Yes, I'm sick of it all, but it's still important.)

Anonymous said...

J @ 9:05 PM,

The scenario spelled out in the link you posted is very plausible and I think that is exactly how Trump will prosper here.

8:56 AM

J said...

A POTUS does not fit Bible prophecy. If you are sincerely interested in Bible prophecy read about classical Protestant Bible prophecy. Start with Romanism and the Reformation.


I learned about this from RayB (thank you, RayB).

Anonymous said...

I disagree, J.,

I think the current POTUS fits the bill of the AC completely. A POTUS with Assyrian heritage. You do know Trump's surname is really a double-barreled surname, don't you? That's right, it Christ-Trump. In addition, his mother's name was Mary.

Trump is the Antichrist, Pt. 3: The Satanic Factor | Bible Prophecy Video, False Prophet, 666, NWO


Anonymous said...

Only the US has the power to control the World militarily. Washington DC is a grandiose Ancient Rome rebuilt, from Congress. The Apotheosis (apotheosis means deification) of Washington is the fresco painted by Greek-Italian artist Constantino Brumidi in 1865 and visible through the oculus of the dome in the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building. The bundles of fasces either side of the columns where POTUS speaks from in Congress.




Anonymous said...

The Antichrist is Gay! DEBUNKED - Here's What the Bible REALLY Says In This Misinterpreted Verse


J said...

Anonymous 10:52,

It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what the best Biblical scholars can prove.

YouTube Antichrist videos are a cottage industry. They are full of fads that will pass. The Trump Antichrist Youtube video fad will also pass.

I hope you don't get all of your theology from faddish Youtube videos, but if you do, that is your choice, and you are hurting yourself by your choice, more than you are hurting anybody else, including Trump.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 12:07 AM
Re: "Does anyone know what is the legal process to fight voter fraud in an election, as far as Trump Team can do? I know he is filing lawsuits and wants to take it to the Supreme Court, but is there a serious source one can learn about that process from?"

Unfortunately, our 'legal process' is full of opportunities for corruption and miss-use of political connections.

Last night, I happened to watch the HBO documentary, "537 Votes" about the hotly contested presidential election of November, 2000 between George W. Bush and Al Gore. Ultimately, the state of Florida (actually the city of Miami in Dade County under then Mayor Alex Penelas!!!) ended up being the deciding factor. After all of the talk about 'hanging chads'... Bush filed a lawsuit to stop the recount, and the Supreme Court ended up declaring Bush the winner.

This remained a highly controversial decision over the 537 votes separating the two candidates in Florida for two reasons: 1) George W. Bush's BROTHER, Jeb was the then-governor of Florida and 2) the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision ruling in Bush's favor came from the tie-breaking 'swing vote' from Sandra Day O'Connor.

Also, adding to the controversial mix were the highly emotional Cuban-American voters of Miami, who voted for Bush in 'retaliation' against the Clinton-Gore administration (for what they felt was a 'betrayal' of everything they had fought for and stood for as freedom fighters)... due to former President Bill Clinton's 'mishandling' of the controversial Elian Gonzalez case (where the boy had not been allowed to live in freedom in the United States with his deceased mother's close relatives, but had been forced to return to Cuba to live with his father under Communism.)

More on this HBO documentary . . .

J said...

Anonymous 11:03 AM,

That is superficial. Please read the Bible and history. Reading Bible prophecy and comparing it side by side with history is very instructive and worthwhile. It is foundational. Once you have the foundation and the scaffolding you can turn your attention to the interior decorating. You should not start with the interior decorating.

Anonymous said...

Here is the bottom line for all of us who voted in this election...

We don't need the news networks 'projecting' the winner of the 2020 presidential election. We need for ALL of the votes to be counted... period!!!

Craig said...

What Is Team Trump’s Legal Strategy?

The First

Buck talks to Lawyers For Trump national co-chair Harmett Dhillon about the Trump campaign’s legal options in contested states.

Craig said...

Anon 12:30 PM,

Let me amend your comment, making it more precise, if I may:

Here is the bottom line for all of us who voted in this election...

We don't need the news networks 'projecting' the winner of the 2020 presidential election. We need for ALL of the LEGAL, LEGITIMATE votes to be counted... period!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Craig... and thank you for adding the words LEGAL and LEGITIMATE.


Anonymous said...

Here is just one example of WHY I switched to watching Newsmax (Channel 349 on DirectTV) OVER Fox News (which has now become mostly 'Faux News'):

Fox News 'called' Joe Biden the winner in Arizona (when only a trickle of votes had come in)... BUT, Fox News FAILED to 'call' Trump the winner in Florida... even after he was officially declared the winner!!!

Fox has now lost credibility with me as a viewer.

It has clearly become evident that Fox Corp. CEO Lachlan Murdoch (the Liberal son of Rupert Murdoch) has been slowly moving once-Conservative Fox News further toward the LEFT (or the 'dark side').

Also, what has happened to Matt Drudge... of the Drudge Report??? (He was once conservative leaning and pro-Trump... and now, he is anti-Trump.)

J said...

Yes, the country absolutely needs the vote count to be believable. Among other things, I don't like to imagine how much more torn apart the country would become without certifying that every legal vote has been counted fairly and accurately.

I don't know how many people are comfortable asserting they know Trump won and the election was stolen. Personally I won't assert that.

I will assert that we all have the right to know with confidence and transparency that every legal, and no illegal, votes were counted. I will assert we have the right to have anomalies investigated.

I feel perfectly comfortable making those assertions, and so should every citizen, every journalist and every politician.

Anonymous said...

Don Jr urges his dad to 'fight to the death' and 'go to total war' to expose election 'cheating and fraud' and says the US is 'looking like a banana republic'

~ He echoed his dad's claims of voter fraud as he spoke at the Georgia Republican Party Headquarters in Atlanta
~ He accused Democrats of flouting voting deadlines by continuing to accept 'boxes' of ballots that were not submitted in time


Anonymous said...

We can all just sit back and do nothing... IF we don't care that this may in fact be a 'COUP' (in the form of STOLEN votes ~ when all else has FAILED in the Globalists' many attempts to overthrow President Trump during these past 4 years)... and IF we don't CARE whether the United States of America ends up becoming a Socialist country with a new radical Left President Biden and Vice President Harris administration from January, 2021 thru 2024.

Anonymous said...


The project veritas videos you posted regarding a USPS whistleblower claiming postal workers were hand-postmarking ballots on Nov 4th with Nov 3rd postmarks in Michigan, if true at all, has been largely debunked.

Such whistleblower MAY BE actually revealing a republican postal cover-up of a larger SUPRESSION of suspected large volume of Biden Michigan absentee ballots that were possibly mailed by absentee voters prior to Nov 4th and SHOULD HAVE BEEN postmarked Oct 31st or Nov 1st and then DELIVERED by about 5 pm on Nov 3rd.

1. On the morning of Nov 4th...any absentee ballots not yet delivered are too late in Michigan. A court of appeals case just decided that in Sept/October. All Michigan absentee ballots had to be received on Election Day or they wouldn't count.

2. This purported whistle-blower made this claim early on Nov 4th, prior to any mail being picked up on Nov 4th --- so if it happened at all it's logical to conclude they were "handpostmarking" ballots they had in hand somewhere at the post office that were set aside or hidden and hadn't yet been put through the machines and auto-postmarked legitimately. Last thing the postmaster wants to see is bags of ballots dated late Oct or Nov 2nd that never made it to the polling places on Nov 3rd.

3. Hand-postmarking as Nov 3rd would, I presume, let the post-office off the hook for failing to deliver these ballots on Election Day so someone may be trying to create a record on UNPOSTMARKED ballots why they weren't delivered in time, and, apparently, they might have felt adding a Nov 4th postmark by running them through the machines late would have looked suspicious to any disenfranchised voter who investigated why his/her ballot that was probably dropped in the mail late October or even Nov 2nd didn't make it there on time.

I do digress. This is far more likely than not to be some dumb "anonymous" tipsters attempting to create a fake conspiracy theory who failed to understand the law in Michigan. All real mail carriers and USPS employees in Michigan know/knew how the deadlines worked and they simply could/would have come up with a different lie to actually imply the Democrats were cheating.

This also speaks volumes about the credibility of the people at project veritas. They aren't interested in the truth. This is a simple fact check. They have to know it doesn't imply at all that the democrats cheated but they don't care since they know truth doesn't matter. A section of the Trump nation will simply believe it without fact-checking or caring whether it's true or not.


Anonymous said...


Little red wagon claim debunked.

(WXYZ) — A video making the rounds on social media and other platforms that claims to show voter fraud and a wagon being loaded outside of the TCF Center in Detroit is actually video of a WXYZ photographer loading his camera and other gear into a wagon for work.



Craig said...

X @ 2:57 PM,

The little red wagon may well belong to this reporter--and we must go on their word to accept it. However, there are other odd things shown in the Crowder video. I'm not saying all or any are definitive evidence of fraud; it was presented here as something to ponder.

@ 2:44 PM,

Whatever the truth of the matter, the Office of the Inspector General for the USPS contacted Project Veritas--and I posted the link to that brief video in the same comment as the other. We'll see what the IG finds. I'm concerned about truth; I don't care which 'side' perpetrates the problem. Voter fraud of ANY sort is an affront on democracy. And USPS problems affect all Americans.

Let's see how this shakes up before jumping to conclusions. There's obviously something amiss with this one.

Anonymous said...


I welcome any scrutiny whatsoever, but, in all fairness, I think it is much more "jumping to conclusions" to assert "there's OBVIOUSLY something amiss with this one" until any actual facts supporting this claim come out.

"The information in that video is entirely false," said Tracy Wimmer, a spokesperson for the Michigan Department of State, in an email. "Michigan does not have a postmark deadline for ballots. It has a hard deadline — they must all be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day to count."


Anonymous said...

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi calls Joe Biden 'president-elect' BEFORE the results are in and it becomes official.

She is not fit for the office she holds (or, for any other office for that matter) . . .


Craig said...

Anon 5:16 PM,

Assuming PV follow up re IG, wouldn't that indicated SOMETHING is amiss?, whatever that may be?

J said...


You can follow live every hour for updates on the True the Vote Youtube channel. You can volunteer, donate or report right there at the web site.

Breitbart article about True the Vote


Anonymous said...

If there isn't mass fraud and vote tampering by the democrat machine, then all of us are the King of China. Prison terms to all who are found guilty of this.

And if the rioters/thugs/hooligans want violence and savagery, they should be taught it well this time.

paul said...

Please check out this letter found in the Vatican archives which was written by one Pontius Pilate to a certain guy called Caesar.
Find it on YouTube under the title: "Acta Pilate, or Pilate's Report to Caesar"


Anonymous said...

Vets for Trump founder was one of two armed men arrested outside Philadelphia ballot counting center in a Hummer with QAnon stickers after driving from Virginia

- Joshua Macias, 42, and Antonio Lamotta, 61, were arrested outside the Philadelphia Convenction Center on Thursday night

- The two men were in Philadelphia to 'straighten things out' with the vote count as Joe Biden had a lead on Donald Trump

- Both men had guns on them without the correct licenses

- They are being held in custody ahead of their arraignment on Friday night

- Macias is the founder of Vets for Trump and has been promoting fraud theories

- Lamotta, like Macias, from Virginia, is a member of Vets for Trump

- The two men travelled to Virginia with a woman identified as the mother of one

- They arrived in Philadelphia in a Hummer covered in stickers promoting QAnon


Craig said...

Kim Guilfoyle sounds off on Fox News, Democrats, voter fraud

Newsmax TV

National Chair for the Trump Victory Finance Committee Kimberly Guilfoyle reacts to reports of 'voter fraud,' continued ballot contests, razor thin margins in the presidential election, news media coverage of the race, and what she and the Trump team are ready to do to defend the presidency legally. - with Newsmax TV's Greg Kelly

Anonymous said...

Reported by Sean Hannity tonight (November 6, 2020) . . .

Software glitch in Michigan sent 6,000 Trump votes to Biden

Election results in a county in Michigan had to be corrected to show that President Trump won by nearly 2,000 votes after voting software gave 6,000 of his votes to Biden.

The glitch was noticed by local election officials in Antrim County on Wednesday after results showed that the former vice president won the county in the presidential race.

Unofficial results now show that President Trump won the historically red county by just 2,000 votes, 9&10 News reports.



That software glitch may have been used in other states... as many as 30 states.

Other irregularities are also being reported about 'backdating' late arriving ballots to November 3rd (so that they could be counted).

There are also other problems in other jurisdictions. Stay tuned...


P.S. Also, Joe Biden was supposed to speak at 8:00 PM tonight... but, he cancelled!!!

Anonymous said...

November 6, 2020...

Joe Biden DELAYS his 8:00 PM address to the nation as he waits for Pennsylvania's result and the Supreme Court orders all the state's late mail-in ballots to be counted separately - after Trump warned him not to 'wrongfully claim' the White House


Craig said...

How to Steal an Election: Mail-In Ballots
Oct 12, 2020


What’s the difference between absentee balloting and universal mail-in balloting? The latter might sound like a great idea, but is it really? Eric Eggers of the Government Accountability Institute answers this vitally important question.

One of the main problems is 'ballot harvesting'.

Anonymous said...

Did you know under Obama and Biden they had the lowest number of abortions when they were in office than any pro-life republicans? Republicans just say they are pro-life to get the evangelical votes.


Trump On Abortion in 1999: pro-choice and he wouldn't ban it (despite recently claiming otherwise, so as to garner the so-called evangelical vote, with the caveat of rape, threat to the mother's life, or incest). That is, anyone can have an abortion ... elsewhere, he has claimed an abortion is alright even up to full-term. The man is a liar!

Trump has done nothing to ban abortions: NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

Trump suggests some abortion laws may be too extreme (These laws are State sanctioned, not Federal).


Anonymous said...

BIDEN BIDET, you SWINE. The most corrupt, perverted sociopath criminal next to Hillary.

Is it true that Esper will resign? Does he suspect Trump will win? Time to bail, huh.

Craig said...

And here in Limestone County Texas:

AG [Ken] Paxton: Limestone County social worker charged with 134 felony counts involving election fraud

25 News KXXV

Nah, it prolly didn't happen anywhere else. Elections are absolutely NOT prone to fraud, because the media, including Big Tech, told us so.

J said...

Anonymous 12:04 AM,

Trump kept his promises to the Christian portion of his base. Likely he did so from impure motives. But he did it. His record of appointments of judges has been probably his biggest success. He got the short lists of judge appointees from the Heritage Foundation, is my understanding.

When he was a candidate, before he had a track record, it was more relevant to bring up his past statements about abortion. Now he has a track record, and it is a good one. I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish at this point.

Are you hoping to kick the Christians when you imagine us to be down? (I'm not down. I accept what is shaping up, especially because it looks like Biden will have some checks and balances coming from the Senate and the Supreme Court.)

Honestly, you need to get yourself some updated talking points.

Anonymous said...

If Biden won this election fair and square... each of the states in question (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, etc.) would be OPEN to transparency... but, he hasn't and they aren't.

Buckle up and stay tuned folks... because this is far from over.

Watch Newsmax (Channel 349 on DirectTV) for the TRUTH as this deep corruption and EVIL is being exposed!!! You won't get the complete truth watching Fox News.

Anonymous said...

Also, there is the question of how many military (overseas) ballots STILL haven't been counted??? (These votes would, more than likely, go to Trump).

AND... how many people in the state of Pennsylvania alone voted TWICE (by mail and in person)??? This morning, FOX News mentioned this.

Anonymous said...

Just a few examples of lightning strikes hitting places Trump is at where chaos is happening.









Anonymous said...

Luke 10: 18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

Samuel-1 12:17
[Is it] not wheat harvest to day? I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness [is] great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king.

Anonymous said...

Isaiah 29

1 Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt! add ye year to year; let them kill sacrifices. 2 Yet I will distress Ariel, and there shall be heaviness and sorrow: and it shall be unto me as Ariel. 3 And I will camp against thee round about, and will lay siege against thee with a mount, and I will raise forts against thee. 4 And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall be, as of one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground, and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust. 5 Moreover the multitude of thy strangers shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passeth away: yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly. 6 THOU SHALT BE VISITED OF THE LORD OF HOSTS WITH THUNDER, AND WITH EARTHQUAKE, AND GREAT NOISE, WITH STORM AND TEMPEST, AND WITH THE FLAME OF DEVOURING FIRE. 7 And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision. 8 It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth, and, behold, he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and, behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint, and his soul hath appetite: so shall the multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion. 9 Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. 10 For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. 11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: 12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned*, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. 13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: 14 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. 15 Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? 16 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding? 17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? 18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness. 19 The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. 20 FOR THE TERRIBLE ONE IS BROUGHT TO NOUGHT, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: 21 That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought. 22 Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. 23 But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel. 24 They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.

J said...

Anonymous 9:20 AM,

I keep recalling that I was thinking Trump's campaign was over when he got COVID-19, yet he bounced back after the some effective treatments. I remember the way it was reported at the time and how quickly it was forgotten and discarded once the narrative failed.

A similar pattern happened with the media reports of polling. The polling can't be right, or Republicans would never have picked up house seats. So many signs pointed to a failing campaign, including reports of ad buys being canceled in various states. So many Republican senators were supposed to be in imminent dangers of losing their seats. But even Susan Collins trounced her opponent.

You're right that we can't be misled by the media into counting Trump out now, either. Not yet. In spite of my knowing better, I crave closure, and I think the media knows that most of us crave closure and uses that against us.

I think I won't believe anything now until I see it happen. When I see Biden physically occupy the White House and Trump physically vacate the White House, then I'll believe reality is being fairly reported. Until then, I think I just won't believe the media.

Anonymous said...

Make it fit!

J said...

Anonymous 10:04 AM,

That is pure superstition. Need I say it?

The human mind craves meaning. In the randomness of nature, the human mind seeks patterns and meanings. Sometimes in randomness, patterns to seem to present themselves. Chance has no memory. So sometimes chance things could happen in seemingly unlikely patterns and sequences if we are looking at particular snapshots in time. When the human mind sees these chance patterns, it is a natural response to read meanings into them.

Anonymous said...

False Idol — Why the Christian Right Worships Donald Trump


RayB said...

Anonymous said @ 12:04 AM (in part):

"Trump has done nothing to ban abortions: NOTHING!"

Dear Anonymous:

Perhaps you were asleep during your high school civics class? Here is a refresher; the POTUS is not a dictatorship. Trump, as POTUS, does not have the power to "ban abortions." Being that the USSC (falsely) ruled in Roe v Wade to legalize abortions, Trump (or any POTUS) cannot "ban" what the USSC has legalized. Even if a POTUS attempted to "ban" abortions, how exactly would he or she enforce that ban?

What a POTUS can do, and Trump has, is nominate Federal Judges and USSC Justices that are pro-life, which is exactly what he has done, particularly regarding his 3 USSC nominees. The only, and best, scenario for "banning abortions" will be for the USSC to hear a case that challenges the validity of Roe, and rule in favor of overturning it. Such a ruling would NOT ban abortions, but would send it back to the 50 individual States to decide as to what their policy would be.

Your blind rantings, which are based upon your all consuming hatred of Donald Trump, leads you to reach nonsencical observations, such as, "Did you know under Obama and Biden they(sic) had the lowest number of abortions when they were in office than any pro-life republicans?" Amazingly, you attribute a cyclical drop in the "number of abortions" to Obama & Biden; the most radical, pro-abortion administration in U. S. history. Please explain how exactly Obama & Biden accomplished this "drop in abortions."

I totally agree with J's post @ 8:28 AM.

You should read her post carefully and with consideration. Specifically, at the very least, you need to heed her advice: "Honestly, you need to get yourself some updated talking points."

Anonymous said...

Ray B,

Re my post: I have provided the stats, yet you have provided nothing. If you want to find out how Obama & Biden the lowest number of abortions, then do your own research.

Just an observation, which in your blind rage you no doubt stumbled over trying to comprehend its composition, "nonsensical" is the correct way of spelling the word you have slipped up on: your word, "nonsencical", makes no sense otherwise.

I don't hate Donald Trump, however, I am repulsed by his vile nature and demonic behavior and the utter evil, laden with lies, which spews forth from his mouth.

RayB said...

I would like to amend my rather pessimistic post @ 10:21 PM ...

During his early Wednesday morning speech, Trump alluded to the fact that his challenging of the election results will need to go "to the USSC." That is exactly where it probably will end up. This issue is far too big to allow individual battle ground states to decide on the results of this pivotal election, especially when there is so much evidence that supports massive fraud.

Here is a worthwhile article exposing the type of voting machines that were used, entitled: "In 30 states, a computer system known to be defective is tallying votes"


Also, the BBC did an expose` on tell tale signs of voter fraud back in 2016. It is a very interesting piece that exposes the pattern of the typical methods that are used in fraudulent elections. It is almost a carbon copy of our own 2020 election:

BBC article entitled: "Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs"


J said...

Anonymous 11:18 AM,

Donald Trump is no angel, but yet he managed to get results before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Black unemployment was at its lowest ever, for just one example. Sometimes he has a big mouth and he says dumb things. But yet when he says, "Success will unite us," I believe he means it. The reason why I believe it, is because I have seen the results beginning to happen. More black people are coming into the Republican party, and more Hispanics as well. More women are now Republicans in the House. Black employment and womens' employment were both high before the pandemic.

So I keep coming back to this. Why was an amateur and a sometimes clown and sometimes liar getting better results? What have the professionals been doing? What are they still doing?

Trump has a lot wrong with him, yet he did a lot of things right. How can that be? What does that say?

Anonymous said...

Here is the bottom line... President Trump is NOT a Deep State Globalist. That is why the Deep State Globalists (which include Obama, Biden and the Clintons) have been trying to destroy him for the past 4 years!!!

He has let it be known that he 'works FOR' the American people. What OTHER president in our lifetime has EVER made that statement???

Anonymous said...


The radical LEFT-leaning 'alphabet soup' networks are now calling the election FOR Joe Biden!!!

How DARE they do this... in the middle of an investigation into voter fraud in several states???

Anonymous said...

J at 8:28 AM,

Right on point about the talking points of that poster.
Good grief.

The proof is in the actions taken.
Words are easily twisted but the track record says all we need to know.

That somebody keeps hitting the repeat button on a broken record and sounds ignorant doing so in the light of all the information available (especially now) so this person has some kind of bitter axe to grind, and does not nearly care about the abortion issue as much as wants to us to believe they do or they would be current and grateful for direction this is trying to turn under Trumps governing.
The President has a lot of others to work with to change anything, with incredible resistance from both sides of the aisle, still he has gotten much done trying to undo the horrific policies of Obama/Biden, and before them too (abroad as well as here on home turf) and there is still much swamp to drain. How can you undo the multiple decades of sewage politics in his short term, yet he is still tracking to get that done?
The koolaid drinking poster needs to go back to the drawing board and accept a purge to get some real insight.

Anonymous said...

Stay tuned for the Trump LEGAL press conference coming up . . .

Buckle up, everyone... it's going to be a bumby ride!!!

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