Tuesday, October 13, 2020

So Much Happening in the World -- and in our personal lives as well

Dear Reader:  I dashed this piece off last night at about 3:30 a,.m.  Reading it to my friend Lana today, I discovered it needed editing which has been made below.  Please excuse the less than perfect proofreading.  There may be more that needs to be grammar correected.  My vision issues are kicking in again for this evening.


So Much Happening in the World -- and in our personal lives as well

We have a neighborhood Bible study that was organized a few months ago by our next door neighbor.  During the pandemic, this group has been a comfort to us as churches have been made largely inaccessible.  We are going through the Bible, book by book.  My disabled husband always gives me his blessings and sends me off to it, cautioning me to be on time.  We open and close with prayer.   I pretty much know my Bible cold, but as our study leader (a community college teacher) gives weekly reading assignments, I find re-reading the Bible  makes it much more familiar.  We just finished the book of 2nd Samuel and will be reading and discussing 1 Kings next week, God willing.  We end with refreshments that all participants bring.  Good study and good fellowship!

I returned home from it Sunday afternoon and my husband was in his adjustable large lazy-boy type chair.  Usually when I return, we begin a lively discussion of who was present and what was gleaned from this week's readings.  I started talking before entering the family room.  Barry was uncharacteristically quiet.   I was startled to find him in his chair, clutching a pole lamp that appeared to be falling and unresponsive.  I made a quick decision to call 911 and our Fire Department came thankfully, very very quickly.  A shot was administered and then we gave him a glass of orange juice.  His blood sugar was dangerously low.  He was transported by ambulance to the hospital where his cardiologist practices.  Because of my wet type macular degeneration, night driving is now out of the question for me.  The Fire Department ambulance personnel suggested I wait to hear from the hospital rather than follow them there.  

I then called one of my very loyal friends, Lana Mangiapane, who is also an elected Oakland Township Trustee.  She came immediately and drove me to the hospital.  Because of the Covid-19 rules, only one could enter.  I was taken by a speedy wheel chair pusher attendant to my husband's room in the Emergency section.  Tests were being run and he was given food.  As you may recall, Barry, my husband for the past 46 years is a bilateral above the knee amputee from an October 15, 1979 accident, occurring only five years past our marriage.  With the grace of God, we have lived through that situation since.  Barry has been a real trouper since that accident.  He, a former teacher, took a second MSW degree and took a new post- accident career as a substance abuse therapist/social worker.  He retired a few years ago.  He recently turned 82 -- making his post-accident recovery accomplishments even more remarkable.  Over the years, he drove a car with hand controls and we even managed a few trips together in earlier years.

Time marches on.  The times have clearly turned very strange.  Very few people now saying things such as "lo, all continues as since Creation."  The world is being prepared for a global reset.  Covid-19 is the claimed excuse.  We are, as they like to say "in a time of transition."

I wrote about "our coming age of Barbarism."  That was brought home to me by last night's events.  I was forced to fight for my husband's needed treatment.  Barry's body is weakening.  Transitioning from wheel chair to bed and showering and bathroom are becoming increasingly difficult for him.  He has had continual pain from the accident and has learned to live with it over the years.  Heart trouble set in for him in the early 21st century years, but a defibrillator and pace maker have been successfully employed.

As Lana was driving home on the Freeway, I received a type of "robocall" on my mobile phone.  It was  from the hospital.  This was the same hospital system for which in earlier years I received a restraining order from a local court.  The order which I sought and obtained on an emergency basis prevented them  "pulling the plug" against family wishes on a gentleman whose life they had written off as unworthy of living.  Family members employed me to fight after that hospital told them they were going to pull the plug on his ventilator.   The gentleman had been weakened for many days by the hospital giving him only a drug called Ativan and depriving him of nutrients.  

Preparing for the emergency hearing scheduled by the Court to take place soon after the restraining order was issued, I discovered that hospital attorneys were giving seminars on how to persuade families to make end of life decisions for family members against their wishes.  That hospital's medical and administrative staff were making triage type "quality of life" decisions.  They were giving that gentleman only Ativan.   and depriving him of necessary life sustaining nutrients.   He had lost the ability to speak because of a bad intubation received from a feeder hospital.  Family members approached me after the hospital made demands that they designate a guardian who could authorize the life support ending.  

As I was to learn when I got into that case on an emergency basis, interesting dynamics developed.  As I was to learn when we got into hospital records discovery, the hospital had assigned staff Social Workers to work with family members twice a week with sessions to explore "why won't they let go of Dad."  Then they successfully pressured the family member appointed to the guardianship to support "pulling the plug."  

Other family members then rushed in and said that dad was clearly not brain dead and was clearly responding to signs shown him.  Concerned honest hospital employees were tipping the family that the man was obviously not brain dead nor "vegetative".  That was what the hospital unsuccessfully attempted to portray in our subsequent court proceedings.  I didn't have to start a new law suit.  I was able to seek the restraining order using the the very same guardianship the hospital had tricked the family into obtaining.

After obtaining the emergency restraining order preventing a next day removal of life supports, I served it on the hospital.  We served it after business hours and upon the medical staff where the patient was housed.  Hospital personnel protested that only their legal department could receive the court order.  I said, "you are served, you are on notice."  The plug was not pulled and we had an emergency hearing.   At that hearing the Judge ordered that the man receive intravenous (IV) nutrients of which he had been deprived and a subsequent hearing was scheduled.  The hospital tried to prevent evidence collection.  Hospital attorneys sent both myself and the family warning letters telling them not to photograph nor videotape.  Of course, they did, securing evidence that he was responsive.  We then had a subsequent hearing and then the feeding tube was ordered.

The day of the ordered operation on the feeding tube, and while the Judge on the case would have gone to lunch, I received a telephone call from the hospital that the operation had been held, the patient put on an ambulance and transported to a facility in Sylvania, Ohio.  Clearly, moving him for the time being out of Michigan jurisdiction.  I was stunned at the audacity of that move.  That was the BAD NEWS.  The good news was that the hospital had moved him only 15 minutes from my medical expert, Dr. Paul Byrne of Sylvania, Ohio, then head of the Catholic Medical Association.  Dr. Byrne had done previous radio interviews with me on "passive euthanasia" issues.  On our next scheduled Court proceeding, that good Ohio doctor came as both an expert and fact witness.  Even more admirably, he came at his own expense from Ohio.  The hospital's staff attorney came confidently strutting into the Courtroom.  I made a motion that the hospital be dismissed from the case.  The patient was no longer a "guest in their facilities," I argued.  The judge asked the attorney why he should stay in the case.  "Because our medical records are involved," said the hospital's lawyer.  

The Judge roared:  "Medical records are involved in every case.  Out!"  She too was obviously disturbed  by the hospital's tactics.  During discovery, the hospital had long stalled on giving me access to the medical records of the patient.  Another lawyer, also a doctor, told me which medical records to ask for.  We asked for the EEG records.  The medical records people told me the EEG records were not there.  "And just where they?", I asked.  "They are stored in cardiology, the medical records person said.  "That's really interesting," I replied.  "Here are the EKG records.  This was the same night I took the deposition of the doctor determined to pull the plug.  The doctor pointed to alleged brain scan pictures and said "he hears nothing, he sees nothing, he knows nothing."

I had cross-examination fun on that one.  I repeated that statement to the doctor and asked if he really believed it to be true.  I then asked, "he is receiving Ativan (an anti-anxiety drug), is he not."  "Yes," the doctor said.   That is an anti-anxiety drug, is it not, I asked.  He cleared his throat and said, "yes, it's a tranquilizer."  Well, doctor, if he sees nothing, hears nothing, knows nothing, why would he need a tranquilizer?"  He cleared his throat and in his British accent, harrumphed, "well, I personally believe he needs nothing, but some of my colleagues are of a different mind."  He sat stony faced as we showed him the videos we obtained of this allegedly "brain dead" and/or "persistent vegetative state gentleman responding to family written messages.

Well, how does this relate.  I would have preferred my husband to to a separate hospital, but this hospital is highly regarded and promotes heavily in our area.  It now has a medical school attached.  It does have some excellent doctors.  It also had doctors such as the English doctor then on that case who I learned were attached to the British Eugenics movements.

All that was brought to me last night.  As we were driving home from the hospital, a call on my mobile phone told me my husband was discharged and we should pick him up and take him home.  I was astounded because my husband's condition was severe and something had caused his blood sugar to suddenly tank.  I told the caller that the situation smacked of medical malpractice.  Then, I trotted out in a heated discussion my attorney credentials and my long time knowledge that the hospital made "quality of life / triage type decisions."  A frail looking 82 year old bilateral amputee did not look like some body with a good quality of life.  Knowing my husband, his active and sharp mind and remarkable exploits in managing his disability, he has a life worthy of living as long as the Lord decides to keep him here.   I said many heated things and then the caller said, he would talk to the doctor and make a decision, but I should try to get him home that night.

Thank God, I didn't and couldn't.  During the night the same medical condition repeated despite food and nutrients being given.  I know I scared the hospital by threatening malpractice and raising my knowledge of the practice, but I know my husband is getting better care because of it.  I would not be at all surprised to receiving calls from hospital social workers asking me to sessions to explore "why we can't let go."  This lady is prepared for it.

Welcome to the New Age of Covid-Resets as are currently being promulgated by World Economic Forum and its leader Klaus Schwab.  A form of global trauma was deemed necessary for a reset and global governance launch.  At this time, I cannot definitively say that this is a "planned virus."  However, they are certainly not letting a good crisis go to waste.  The old New Age slogan as chortled by New Age author Marilyn Ferguson in her book AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY of "crisis = opportunity is happening.  A drastic lowering of the world's population, biodiversity, and thinning of the elderly were deemed welcome developments.

You are probably seeing things like this in your own medical institutions.  Sometimes, one just has to fight.  The nurse taking care of my husband seems conscientious.  But, I know there are institutional policies for less profitable patients and the inclination to dump a patient prematurely is happening.  

Anyway, that's one of the reasons you haven't heard too much from me lately.  I didn't name the facility in this story to "protect the guilty."  If my husband had been sent home last night, he would have died from the later developments in the night.  I have been given several horror stories of families where people were sent home from emergency and the need treatment not given.  We are grateful for good neighbors and that same facility's differing  medical people who intercepted the decision to prematurely discharge.  Pray for us as we go through this difficult stage of our senior years.



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Anonymous said...

"Here is a worthwhile article exposing the type of voting machines that were used, entitled: "In 30 states, a computer system known to be defective is tallying votes"

Oh, you mean the voting machine Soros bought and paid for..

Anonymous said...

If it is true that a software 'glitch' in the state of Michigan gave 6,000 Trump votes to Biden... and that SAME software was used in possibly 30 other states... you have wide-spread CORRUPTION taking place right under the noses of the American people!!!

AND, there are reports that in the state of Pennsylvania... many voted TWICE (by mail and then showed up at the polls IN PERSON to vote again)!!!

AND, the military votes (from overseas) have YET to be counted... and you KNOW who THEY would be voting for!!!

How do you spell 'election FRAUD'???

RayB said...

First hand eyewitness account of a poll watcher's experience in Detroit, Michigan ... riveting !

Patty Of 100 Percent Fed Up Tells About Her Challenges At TCF Center

Youtube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEr2KK1okdM&feature=emb_logo

PS: Rush Limbaugh: "If there isn't any fraud, why can't we watch them count the votes?"

Anonymous said...

None of the Left-leaning 'alphabet soup' networks are covering Rudy's press conference right NOW (11 AM Central Time on November 7th)!!! (I am watching it on Newsmax / Channel 349 on DirectTV.)

(They are all 'in bed' with the Deep State... including FOX!!!)

Rudy says: "I don't believe in conspiracies... but, I also don't believe in coincidences."

AND "Joe Frazier is still voting here (in Pennsylvania)... even though he died 5 years ago!!!"

What does this say about the FUTURE of voting in any election in America ever again???

Anonymous said...

None of the LEFT-leaning 'alphabet soup' networks covered President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani's press conference (at 11 AM / Central Time)... which I watched on Newsmax / Channel 349 on DirectTV.

The 'alphabet soup' networks have ALL 'called' this election for Biden this morning (before Rudy's press conference)... knowing that an investigation was taking place into voter fraud in at least 30 states!!!

Rudy says: "I don't believe in conspiracies... but, I also don't believe in coincidences"... AND "Joe Frazier is still voting here (in Pennsylvania)... even though he died 5 years ago!!!"

What does this say about the FUTURE voting of any presidential election in America???

Bottom line . . .

If Biden won this election 'fair and square'... each of the states in question (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, etc.) SHOULD be OPEN to transparency... but, he hasn't, and they aren't.

This is a LEGITIMATE investigation into the following issues . . .

1) A software 'glitch' in the state of Michigan gave 6,000 Trump votes to Biden... and that SAME software was used in at least 30 other states. (Therefore, wide-spread CORRUPTION and voter FRAUD has taken place right under the noses of the American people!!!)

2) In the state of Pennsylvania, thousands voted TWICE... first by MAIL, and then showing up at the polls in PERSON to vote again!!!

3) There are votes from our military (overseas)... which have not yet been COUNTED.

Craig said...

Republican Leaders Address Election Integrity 11/6/20

One America News Network

This is a travesty.

Craig said...

Opening up YouTube I see Fox News with this title:

LIVE: President-elect Joe Biden addresses the nation

This is a full 6 hours from now, and just after a very contentious--and I mean still actively contended/challenged--election, rife with obvious and apparent voter fraud. Folks, the 'fix' was in well before, made obvious by, e.g., Fox News' calling of AZ prematurely and their late-calling of FL.

Welcome to the prelude to The Great Reset. Get ready spiritually.

Anonymous said...

Here is the bottom line... President Trump IS a Deep State Globalist. The nationalism is a smokescreen. Read up on Hegel's dialectic.

Trump has never once exposed the truth behind 911, all of the swamp is still there. He is an evil man and you who follow him are as collectively guilty as those who voted in and supported Hitler umwaveringly.

Craig said...

Anon 1:45 PM,

If Trump is Deep State, then why didn't they let him win?

Trump took the USA out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Paris Climate Accord, and he dismantled the Iran nuke deal. We'll see how quickly Biden/Harris gets us right back in the TPP, the Paris Accord, and the Iran deal.

J said...

I agree. A Republican role in the Deep State dialectic resembles George W. Bush much more than it does Trump. (But George H.W. Bush even more.)

Craig said...

So, while we have this election distraction going on, what will happen behind the scenes?

What will happen with the Durham Report?

Craig said...

"HAHAHA" Rudy Giuliani Reminds MEDIA: "Networks DON'T DECIDE ELECTIONS"

NewsNOW from FOX

Anonymous said...

Rep. Paul Gosar Calls on Arizona Officials to ‘Investigate the Accuracy’ of the Dominion Ballot Software After Reports of ‘Glitches’



Dominion reportedly has ties to the Clinton Foundation


Anonymous said...

Trump has never been a Deep State Globalist!!!

He can not be controlled (unlike Biden, Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, and GHW & GW Bush).

That is why they have been trying to destroy him for the past 4 years!!!

(He was not 'supposed to win' in 2016.)

Anonymous said...

According to this 'Operation Sting', Trump has it under control and with good evidence they rigged this thing. They caught them red-handed! No wonder Esper is resigning. Trump ain't going nowhere. Get ready for some real leftist violence soon!

Anonymous said...

Craig, we knew 'the fix was in' way back (BEFORE the election) when Nancy wondered out loud if Trump would need to be 'escorted' from the White House... or would go willingly.

I remember thinking to myself at the time: "HOW do you KNOW that Biden is going to win???"

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there's much MORE to this story!!!

Vets for Trump founder was one of two armed men arrested outside Philadelphia ballot counting center in a Hummer with QAnon stickers after driving from Virginia

Joshua Macias, 42, and Antonio Lamotta, 61, were arrested outside the Philadelphia Convention Center on Thursday night

The two men were in Philadelphia to 'straighten things out' with the vote count as Joe Biden had a lead on Donald Trump

Both men had guns on them without the correct licenses

They are being held in custody ahead of their arraignment on Friday night

Macias is the founder of Vets for Trump and has been promoting fraud theories

Lamotta, like Macias, from Virginia, is a member of Vets for Trump

The two men travelled to Virginia with a woman identified as the mother of one

They arrived in Philadelphia in a Hummer covered in stickers promoting QAnon


Craig said...

Anon 4:34 PM,

I heard you the first time.

Anonymous said...

Hey, alphabet news networks (yes I'm talking to you too, 'chicken noodle news')...

News projections are not STONE TABLETS!!! Just remember that in the coming days and weeks.

Craig said...

Trump releases statement after Biden projected as winner

Newsmax TV

"The Trump campaign is ready to fight this." - President Donald Trump has released a statement following the presidency being called by several news networks for Joe Biden. Newsmax TV's Emerald Robinson reports.

President Trump's statement:

"We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.

"Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room – and then fight in court to block their access.

“So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands.”

Anonymous said...

Believe what you want but this appears to be a solid explanation of the localized "software glitch" in Antrim, Michigan that caused an issue with the vote totals being uploaded to the state which was caught using checks and balances inherent in every system that uses this software.

"Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue"


It is an interesting name for a company selling voting machines as the "dominionists" all seem to be more aligned with Trump. In 2010, this company acquired Diebold Election Systems, the company that was republican controlled and was highly suspected of tampering and altering with the Bush v Gore election results. Those suspicions led to further laws and purchasing requirements that voting equipment have methods to backup and independently double-check software/electronic votes and count reliability.


Anonymous said...


Pennsylvania ballots only checked off for Biden and no other candidates for other offices.

In Arizona, the media determined the outcome and never walked it back. Fox News declared Joe Biden the winner but was swiftly corrected. Regardless the legacy media propaganda mafia never corrected the election map.

In Michigan, at least four absentee voters were older than the oldest person on record, including Jason Lemoyne Daniel who was born in 1850, making him 170 years old . In Wisconsin, there are 3,684,726 active registered voters. They counted 3,288,771 votes. That’s an unbelievable 89% turnout.

Not to mention that Joe Biden, who averaged less than 100 people at his rallies while Trump averaged in the tens of thousands, has somehow broken Obama’s voting record with 50.4%.

A supposed blue wave that should have flipped the Senate and strengthened the House, didn’t.

And we are supposed to believe that Biden gained over 1 million votes in Pennsylvania since the morning after the election? Also, that it is completely normal that thousands of Nevada votes were cast by nonresidents.


Anonymous said...

More and more people are no longer watching Fox News; they now tune in to watch Newsmax instead.

The new motto is: 'DITCH AND SWITCH' (in order to hear the truth)!!!

Newsmax was the ONLY news network that did not 'call' for Biden (as 'president') today. They know the investigation into voter fraud has just BEGUN... this is far from OVER!!!

RayB said...

Hundreds of thousands of mail-in Democratic voters only voted for Biden, while leaving their ballots unchecked for the rest of the candidates.

Furthermore, we are asked to believe that one of the most boring candidates ever was somehow able to rally a record turnout.

Biden/Harris couldn't even fill a parking lot for their "rallies," while Trump was consistantly seeing crowds in the tens of thousands ... one rally had an amazing 57,000.

Everyone with two brain cells knows that this election was stolen with the help of the main stream mafia media and the crooks that run these Democratic cities and states.

Craig said...

The world can ‘look forward to a nuclear Iran’ under Joe Biden

Sky News Australia

Sky News host Rowan Dean says the five Arab states which were “poised to sign up to this peace treaty” if Donald Trump remained as President will now no longer happen under Joe Biden.

It comes as Joe Biden has officially reached the required 270 Electoral College votes to be elected president.

President Trump brokered historic diplomatic normalisation deals between Israel and three previously hostile Arab nations; the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan.

The president also ended the controversial Iranian nuclear deal, a deal brokered by President-elect Joe Biden and former president Barack Obama.

“Biden has implied he will reactivate that deal,” Mr Morrow said.

“So, we can look forward to a nuclear Iran on the horizon.

“We can hopefully not look forward to - but it’s almost inevitable - that the Arab gulf states will now pull their heads in (and) those other states won’t go ahead with their peace deals.

“And we’ll see a very dangerous and emboldened Iran going ‘you beauty what a ripper’.”

Anonymous said...

Former Democrat Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich claimed the Democrats have been rigging elections for decades as part of a “time-honored tradition”, adding he’s astonished by their committing fraud on “such a magnitude” with the presidential election.

After having served nearly 8 years in federal prison for corruption, Blagojevich, a Democrat himself, was able to lend his unique insight about Democrat fraud taking place in battleground states amid the election.

“It’s a time-honored tradition in big Democrat-controlled cities like Chicago – my hometown – Philadelphia, to do precisely what they’re doing now,” Blagojevich told Newsmax on Friday.

"I’ve never seen it on such a magnitude, because this is an indication of just how widespread it is, how deep it is, and I don’t think it’s confined to Philadelphia.”

“My instincts, again, coming out of Chicago Democratic politics, my instincts tell me it’s going on in Atlanta, it’s going on in Detroit, going on in Milwaukee, it’s going on in Las Vegas,” he continued.

Blagojevich explained how the corrupt Democrat machine works in the inner cities, saying they essentially control the entire election apparatus.

“Coming out of the Democratic Chicago political establishment, I know how they operate,” he said. “They control polling places, they stop votes when their candidate’s behind, and then in the wee hours of the morning, in the dark of night, the stealing starts.”

“And we’ve seen that in big numbers, in unprecedented numbers, in this election in Michigan, and in Philadelphia. It’s outrageous.”


Craig said...

I refuse to watch the video, but this is a very recent title one Fox on News: Chris Wallace: Biden to enact coronavirus task force as first order of business

I predict, massive testing, strict contact tracing, and lockdowns. And this despite the high likelihood we are close to herd immunity (see Great Barrington Declaration, e.g.).

Craig said...

In a 'privileged' school in Liverpool: mandatory testing/barcoding, though parents can write to school to opt-out--assuming the parents get the initial notification letter in time and that the school receives the parental opt-out reply in time:

LOOK 👀 Very Concerning Letter 🤨 NO Parent Permission Needed | Carl Vernon

RayB said...

How Sky News Australia views the vote counting ...

"There is 'something odd about postal votes which magically materialised' for Biden"


Thanks to the Biden/Harris/Democrat/Media theft of our election, the world now suspects that America has officially become a Banana Republic.

RayB said...

The latest from Sky News Australia:

Something 'stinks to high heaven' in the US presidential election


Anonymous said...

Very poignant indeed:


Anonymous said...



RayB said...

Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming


Anonymous said...

It's REALLY not over - how Donald Trump has 74 days when he can try to upend Joe Biden's victory, bring the country to the edge of constitutional crisis and even refuse to leave the White House

President Donald Trump claims he 'won' the election, which he called 'rigged'

His lawyers are filing suit in multiple battlegrounds but, so far, have gained no traction in the courts

Republicans have called for votes to be counted, but most haven't condemned his statements about claims of fraud

At the point at which the election is called for Biden, it is not actually over

The constitution and the laws around the election set out a series of deadlines which Trump will begin to run into

If he is disputing the election results, December 8 is the hard deadline when all disputes are considered resolved

But, even then, there are options for causing crisis

Supporters could strike at the start of January when the Electoral College votes are approved by Congress and try to create a constitutional crisis

Finally he could just occupy the White House after Joe Biden is sworn in - and have to be ejected by law enforcement


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Breaking! Arizona Election Official Confirms Sharpies Discredit Ballots

Maricopa County Elections Department official Keely Varvel confirms that sharpies will impact the vote.

Watch Alex Jones join American patriots in Phoenix, Arizona for the third night of the “Stop The Steal” protest.


Anonymous said...

Heritage Foundation election expert says 120k vote dump for Biden is NOT possible!!!

(Natural News) The head of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative said this week that a dump of 120,000 ballots all for Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden in the wee hours of the morning following Election Day is statistically impossible.


Anonymous said...

When George W. Bush congratulates Joe Biden (as has just been announced)... then you know the Deep State Globalist 'fix is in'!!!

Remember when Dubya referred to Bill Clinton as 'my brother from another mother'? He was talking about their New World Order / Globalist ties (political alliance / 'relationship') with each other.

(Dubya belonged to the Skull & Bones secret society at Yale... and Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar.)

J said...

There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen


I'm not saying it's true, but I'm saying it's interesting, and it needs due consideration. If there is a reasonable explanation, somebody needs to step forward with that explanation.

I think these statistical anomalies and flukes require explanation. I hope that a panel of mathematicians and statisticians will take a look -- and I hope they would have NO conflicts of interest, either.

Anonymous said...

Voting 'irregularities'??? How about impossibilities!!!

The head of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative said this week that a dump of 120,000 ballots ALL for Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden in the wee hours of the morning following Election Day is statistically impossible!!!



President Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani reported on Newsmax that Trump was AHEAD by 800,000 votes on the evening of November 3rd. Yet somehow, in the wee hours of the night, Biden not only caught up, but SURPASSED President Trump, by the morning of Wednesday, November 4th???

An untold number of DEAD people voted for BIDEN on Nov. 3rd (14,000 DECEASED voters in Detroit alone)!!!

An untold number of ILLEGALS voted for Biden.

An untold number of LATE ballots were intentionally 'back dated' (for Biden).

How is it that THOUSANDS of enthusiastic people showed up for Trump's rallies in cities and towns all over the country (shouting 'we love you')... while only 'a trickle' of people showed up to hear Joe Biden speak??? Yet, we are supposed to believe that Joe Biden ends up with more votes than 'ever in the history of presidential elections'???

All of this needs to be thoroughly investigated, before President Trump even thinks about 'conceding' to Joe Biden!!! (FYI: Rudy has announced that he now has 50 witnesses, who will testify to the widespread voter FRAUD that occurred on November 3-4... while America slept. Every single LEGAL vote needs to be counted... not only for the 2020 election, but for all FUTURE elections.)

Craig said...

For something completely off topic, I am truly saddened to learn that Alex Trebek died today after a lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer. I'd often wondered just how much of the trivia on Jeopardy! Trebek had known before airings of the individual shows.

Tangentially, not long ago, while I was listening to music on YouTube, I came across this wonderful Glen Gould monologue/preview of his performance on "Music For a Sunday Afternoon" from March, 1967. Besides being a piano virtuoso, I found Gould to be quite articulate. After his monologue re Beethoven, I was surprised to see a very young Alex Trebek (@ 5:26) introduce the piece Gould was to play:

Glenn Gould - Beethoven, Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor op. 31/2 "The Tempest" (OFFICIAL)

Glenn Gould performs Beethoven’s "Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor op 31/2 - The Tempest“, at the classical music television series "Music For a Sunday Afternoon", originally broadcast on March 19, 1967....

Anonymous said...

May the soul of Alex Trebek rest in peace with God and all of His angels. Amen.

Anonymous said...

The Dominion software system (which was used in 47 counties in Michigan, as well as 30 other states) reportedly has CONNECTIONS TO BOTH GEORGE SOROS AND THE CLINTON FOUNDATION... where their software 'glitch' resulted in 6,000 TRUMP votes switched to Joe Biden!!!



Dominion reportedly has ties to the Clinton Foundation



Rep. Paul Gosar Calls on Arizona Officials to ‘Investigate the Accuracy’ of the Dominion Ballot Software After Reports of ‘Glitches’... which resulted in 6,000 votes switched from Trump to BIDEN!!!


Craig said...

And while we are all distracted, the hard rock band System Of A Down has an important message:

We as System Of A Down have just released new music for the first time in 15 years. The time to do this is now, as together, the four of us have something extremely important to say as a unified voice. These two songs, “Protect The Land” and “Genocidal Humanoidz” both speak of a dire and serious war being perpetrated upon our cultural homelands of Artsakh and Armenia.

…[W]e encourage you to read on to learn more about their origins and once you do, hope you are inspired to speak out about the horrific injustices and human rights violations occurring there now. Most importantly and urgently, we humbly implore you to donate, in sums small or large to help those adversely affected with what are ever growing accounts of crimes against humanity.

…These funds will be used to provide crucial and desperately needed aid and basic supplies for those affected by these hideous acts.

On September 27, the combined forces of Azerbaijan and Turkey (along with Isis terrorists from Syria) attacked the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, which we as Armenians call Artsakh. For over the past month civilians, young and old, have been awakened day and night by the frightful sights and sounds of rocket attacks, falling bombs, missiles, drones and terrorist attacks. They’ve had to find sanctuary in makeshift shelters, trying to avoid the fallout of outlawed cluster bombs raining down on their streets and homes, hospitals and places of worship. Their attackers have set their forests and endangered wildlife ablaze using white phosphorus, another banned weapon.

And Why?

Because over 30 years ago in 1988, the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh (which at the time was an Autonomous Oblast within the USSR), were tired of being treated as second class citizens and decided to declare their rightful independence from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic whose borders engulfed their own. This ultimately led to a war of self-determination by Armenians in Karabakh against Azerbaijan that ended in a cease fire in 1994, with Armenians retaining control of their ancestral homelands and maintaining their independence to the present day. Our people have lived there for millennia, and for most families there, it’s the only home they and their forefathers and mothers have ever known. They just want to live in peace as they have for centuries.

The current corrupt regimes of Aliyev in Azerbaijan and Erdogan in Turkey now want to not only claim these lands as their own, but are committing genocidal acts with impunity on humanity and wildlife to achieve their mission. They are banking on the world being too distracted with COVID, elections and civil unrest to call out their atrocities. They have the bankroll, the resources and have recruited massive public relations firms to spin the truth and conceal their barbaric objective of genocide. This is not the time to turn a blind eye.

There is an immediate need for global citizens to urge their respective governments to not only condemn the actions of these crooked dictators, but to also insist world leaders act with urgency to bring peace to the region and rightfully recognize Artsakh as the independent nation it is.

…Band royalties from this initiative will be donated to Armenia Fund, a US based charity organization instrumental in providing those in need in Artsakh and Armenia with supplies needed for their basic survival.

The music and lyrics speak for themselves. We need you to speak for Artsakh.

Anonymous said...

Steve Bannon interviews Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney USAF (retired) regarding a discussion of the Hammer Scorecard / NSA security software turned election software . . .

This is why Hillary didn’t steal the election in 2016... this is chilling. Trump knew what they were up to. He was surveilling them.

FEDERAL LAWSUIT will reclaim key swing states for President Trump

HAMMER and SCORECARD (NSA security software – turned election software) voting software ran an algorithm that gave Biden a 3% vote advantage in: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona.

More . . .

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi's chief of staff is key executive of the company that OWNS Dominion ballot counting systems!!!


Anonymous said...

"Fact check: No evidence that 14,000 dead people cast ballots in Wayne County, Michigan"


The claim that 14,000 dead people in Wayne County, Michigan, voted in the 2020 election is FALSE, based on our research. The list has been investigated and it was found that some individuals on the list were either still alive, or not living in Michigan. Other examples cited were the result of date of birth errors. Ballots cast by dead people in Michigan are rejected and there is no evidence of fraud.

You're welcome,


Anonymous said...

George W. Bush congratulates Biden on win and his 'patriotic' victory speech

"No matter how you voted, your vote counted," Bush said. "The American people can have confidence that this election was fundamentally fair, its integrity will be upheld, and its outcome is clear."


Anonymous said...

Says 'Dubya'... the Deep State Globalist, who never lies. LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes, those 'glitches' have been brought to you from the same software that made Venezuela's elections so 'free and fair'...


Anonymous said...

Hey, X:

Why don't you wait until Trump's legal team's investigation is complete, before you post your propaganda here (that only YOU believe).

Anonymous said...

X 7:02 PM

something sick in you needs to believe that.

Anonymous said...

In Pennsylvania, actor Will Smith said that his grandparents (who have been deceased for the past 10 years) voted for Joe Biden in last Tuesday's election.

And Joe Frazier (the famous boxer, who has been dead for the past 5 years) also voted for Joe Biden last Tuesday.

(It's pretty sad and desperate when you can only get DEAD people to vote for you.)


Anonymous said...

X is either 'sick' or just DELUSIONAL!!!

RayB said...

Hey Bush ... ever find those Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq that you used as an excuse for waging war against Iraq & Afghanistan?

Anonymous said...

J. wrote:

"There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen ... I'm not saying it's true ..."

You have just said it is undeniable, J., therefore you ARE saying it is true!

Either you are being deliberately duplicitous, and therefore untruthful, or you really don't know what you are talking about. I shall give you the benefit of the doubt and put it down to the latter.

Craig said...

Anon 9:28 PM,

J was merely sourcing the title of the article.

Anonymous said...


J. still wrote, "I'm not saying it's true", and therefore remains duplicitous or intellectually dishonest, or just blissfully ignorant.

Anonymous said...

It is obviously not, "undeniable", then, is it? So why post it without any balance? Utter bias.

Craig said...

Anon 9:42/9:28 PM,

When you follow the link supplied...


...you find the title J used ("There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen"). She placed the title first, the link underneath, then commentary underneath those.

This really isn't that difficult to understand.

I have no idea why you are so worked up about this. But you may want to do some self-reflection to find out.

J said...

X, this is in case you are interested in this fact check of the fact checkers. I found it interesting.

Investigation shows New York Times covering for dead voters in Michigan


J said...

Craig 9:48 PM,

Thank you. I don't know what to say to my hater, other than to point out that I am still in the information gathering phase. I am not qualified to understand if the math is really undeniable evidence or not. The author apparently thinks it is. As I stated in a separate post, I hope real mathematicians and statisticians will weigh in at some point, and perhaps they will do so in an upcoming court case. Who knows?

Craig said...


It's turned into the wild west here. Too many shoot first and seek answers later.

Craig said...

What Happened in Michigan at 4am on Nov.4 ?

Zooming In with Simone Gao

Welcome to Zooming In, I am Simone Gao. Yesterday Joe Biden declared victory. He promised he would bring the country together. This is a nice gesture, However, half the country is yet to be convinced this has been a fair and transparent election. Before questions are answered and justice is served, the country can not move on.So today we will continue to talk about what really happened to this election. Specifically what happened in the morning of Nov.4. On the election night, when most people went to bed, they had the impression that Donald Trump was in a good position to win, pulling a large single digit or double digit lead in most battleground states when over 75 percent of the votes had been counted. However, the next morning, people woke up to big surprises. Trump’s lead in Michigan and Wisconsin disappeared. Distance between the two candidates in other battleground states have significantly narrowed. A lot happened during that night. Some seemed to be clerical mistakes that led to incorrect ballot counts. However, even after the mistake was corrected, there are still questions left to be answered. In this episode of the Zooming In, I talked to a Detroit election challenger who worked on a shift on election night and the next morning to observe ballot count. What she saw and experienced during that period is very concerning, it raised more questions on the transparency and legitimacy of this election rather than clearing those doubts for us. Nevertheless, these are important facts for our country no matter what the election results would be. So let’s get started learning these facts.

Anonymous said...

Some good news...

AOC says she might quit politics as Dems pin losses on progressives and top black lawmaker James Clyburn says defund the police was a disaster

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she considered not running for reelection and exiting politics because of how divided the Democratic Party has become

She claims establishment Democrats are 'hostile' they are toward progressives

Democratic House Majority Whip James Clyburn of South Carolina said labels from progressives like 'socialist' hurt the Party in its congressional races

He also said the 'defund police' movement, touting by Ocasio-Cortez and her 'squad', was detrimental to some key races this year

'I've always said that these headlines can kill a political effort,' Clyburn said

Instead of an expected 'blue wave', Democrats lost several House incumbencies as many districts flipped red and some races thought to be a lock were lost

Ocasio-Cortez says she is not to blame for this flip: 'Republicans levied very effective rhetorical attacks against our party'


Anonymous said...

Hey, 9:36 PM

How is using a sense of humor being 'a nasty piece of s - - t'? (Your comment seems to say more about YOU.)

While I did post at 8:02 PM, the SECOND comment at 8:15 PM, and at 8:19 PM... I have no idea who posted that FIRST comment at 8:15 PM (since there were two at the exact same time).

So, please get over yourself... and try to lighten up.

This is a very stressful time for our entire country (as in declaring someone 'President' before it's LEGAL to do so). What is the rush, and what have they got to hide??? (Obviously... PLENTY!!!) I mean... a person has to laugh and get a little 'comic relief' from the absolute outrageousness of it all.

Anonymous said...

Oh such pathetic and deluded whines in the video linked below. It's so absolutely hilarious, I'm spitting out my popcorn and soda in delightful giggles of schadenfreud. ROFL:


Anonymous said...

@3:48 AM


J said...

Craig 10:09 PM,

I bet people didn't annoy each other quite so much in the actual Wild West! ;)

What I mean is their social psychology might be compared to an immune system. It's kind of like third world kids having parasites but not allergies. Some immune systems freak out from eating peanut butter but don't fight viruses adequately.

Constant inflammation politically might be compared to constant inflammation medically. It can turn into an auto-immune or auto-inflammatory condition.

Just as an immune system needs tolerance so it doesn't cause allergies and auto-immune disease, so the body politic needs tolerance.

This means knowing when to fight and when to stand down! And knowing when to freak out and when to shrug it off.

Our body politic seems to be in a state of chronic inflammation and auto-immune disease, with massive allergies to each other every time we annoy each other -- which is all the time.

It seems more like the bugs on Naked and Afraid than it does like the Wild West, and Naked and Afraid should be renamed, Naked and Annoyed.

But I suppose it could become worse, and perhaps it will! I hope not, but the way people are right now, is certainly not a sustainable state of existence and co-existence.

Anonymous said...

"Since when did the Lamestream Media decide who the President is?" Trump doubles down on refusing to concede and Melania backs her husband's claims of fraud


Anonymous said...

Both Lindsey Graham & Ted Cruz are now claiming election fraud!!!

Twitter red flags Trump tweets of Lindsey Graham claiming 100 dead people voted in Pennsylvania and Ted Cruz saying president's legal action will go to SCOTUS and take 36 days

In Michigan county, election software mistakenly counted 6,000 votes that were cast for Donald Trump and switched them for Joe Biden


Anonymous said...

Armed Trump supporters participate in growing protests supporting President Trump's claim the election was stolen!!!

Armed fans of the president gathered outside Election Department in Phoenix to claim election was rigged

'Stop the Steal' protests also took place in Michigan, Georgia, North Dakota and Pennsylvania over weekend

Comes as Trump prepares for 'campaign-style' rallies with his campaign launching up to ten legal challenges

Trump refuses to concede despite world leaders congratulating Biden and media calling it for the former VP


Anonymous said...

Since Rupert Murdoch's 2 liberal sons Lachlan & James took over, Fox News is no longer the same 'conservative' network!!!

Not to mention the influence that James Murdoch's liberal wife Kathryn has over her husband AND the network!!!

James Murdoch's wife Kathryn tweets 'we did it!!!!' and shares ANTI-Trump posts after Biden's win - days after agreeing with CNN's Jake Tapper that Fox News should disavow Trump's election fraud claims



James Murdoch's wife Kathryn agrees Fox News owners have an obligation to 'make it clear there is no credible evidence of widespread election fraud' - months after husband quit News Corp over its 'editorial content'


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump 'is planning mass rallies where he will brandish the obituaries of DEAD PEOPLE people he claims VOTED' as his legal team prepares for 'man-to-man combat'

The president is reportedly planning to take his election contest on the road

Trump wants to hold mass rallies where he will show off obituaries of 'voters'

The rallies will highlight the Trump campaign's legal challenges across the U.S.

More than 90 campaign staff have been relocated from Florida to Georgia

In Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania the campaign is assembling legal teams

Joe Biden's campaign has already established its own legal army

On Sunday it also emerged the Biden transition was having its funding blocked

The head of the General Services Administration would not free the funds

Emily Murphy is arguing that the election has not yet been resolved


Anonymous said...

"I Am Done. I'll Not Vote Again"- One Middle American Mom Rages At ' Real - Life Idiocracy'


J said...

Anonymous 9:41 AM,

This middle American mother's reaction is a natural and understandable reaction from her perspective; but to me, it does not seem like a Christian reaction. Personally, I am never "done" no matter what. I would have to be dead. It goes beyond voting. I hesitated over voting this year but ultimately didn't do it. I have, however, contributed money to True the Vote.

Actually, it was clarifying to me, to see that Trump really is the under dog, and that he didn't rise up a dictator making his brown shirts intimidate people of color at the polls. Does that seem ridiculous; perhaps. I do wish he had not tweeted in all caps, "STOP THE COUNT." He is not always well spoken. It really made it hard for Republican politicians to support him immediately. I see more than ever that Trump is an amateur and and under dog without the resources and money and help and king making that the likes of Biden has without hardly lifting a finger.

I really don't know how many people like me there are, but I really have to wonder if a sleeping giant is going to be awakened, still, even after everything that has transpired. I can't say. I'm just watching. I did my part to try to support validating the vote. That is a good thing to try to do no matter what comes next. I feel good about putting an effort into something that I know for sure can only be good.

Craig said...

Anon 8:25 AM,

I know you are merely quoting the Daily Mail, but I wanted to focus on this statement:

Trump refuses to concede despite world leaders congratulating Biden and media calling it for the former VP

Do “world leaders” and “media” decide the US Presidency? Nope. It’s time for a civics lesson:

United States Electoral College: Procedure:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the [US] Constitution, empowers each state legislature to determine the manner by which the state's electors are chosen. Following the national presidential election day (on the first Tuesday after November 1), each state counts its popular votes according to its laws to select the electors.

In 48 states and Washington, D.C., the winner of the plurality of the statewide vote receives all of that state's electors; in Maine and Nebraska, two electors are assigned in this manner and the remaining electors are allocated based on the plurality of votes in each congressional district. States generally require electors to pledge to vote for that state's winner; to avoid faithless electors, most states have adopted various laws to enforce the electors’ pledge.

The ELECTORS of each state meet in their respective state capital on the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December to cast their votes. The results are counted by Congress, where they are tabulated in the first week of January before a joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives, presided over by the vice president, as president of the Senate. Should a majority of votes not be cast for a candidate, a contingent election takes place: the House turns itself into a presidential election session, where one vote is assigned to each of the fifty states. Similarly, the Senate is responsible for electing the vice president, with each senator having one vote. The elected president and vice president are inaugurated on January 20.


Let’s all step back a bit and wait for the process. In the interim, it’s fine to point out this or that irregularity or alleged fraud / show evidence the irregularities or alleged fraud is not what it is purported to be.

If Biden/Harris and the media truly believe the results thus far indicate a fair election, then they should have no problem with any and all investigations to substantiate their positions.

RayB said...

Quick little history lesson to illustrate how Democrats throw elections, i.e., "the more things change, the more they stay the same."

In 1948, Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) of Texas was running for the U. S. Senate in the Democratic primary against popular former Texas Governor Coke Stevenson. The winner of the primary was guaranteed a win in the general because Republicans back then were virtually non-existent in Texas. LBJ lost the primary by 88 votes. LBJ responded by sending his campaign manager, John Connally (future Texas Governor and U. S. Secretary of the Treasury), to the small town of Alice, located in Jim Wells County, whereby a very powerful regional political boss by the name of George Parr (from Duval County) illegally gave Connally access to a ballot box from Precinct 13, which was suddenly and mysteriously "found" after the official vote count.

When ballot box #13 was opened and counted in Connally's presence, it was found that there were 202 ballots, all stacked in alphabetical order and all signed by obviously the same person in the same ink. In contrast, the ink and signatures on the "poll list" were signed in a variety of ink colors and all were obviously different signatures from what appeared on the ballots. ALL 202 ballots went to LBJ (sound familiar?).

RayB said...

(part 2)

In response, the Stevenson campaign filed suit, whereby the Judge ruled in favor of Stevenson, and LBJ's name was ordered "off the ballot" in the General Election.

LBJ sought help from Abe Fortas, an influential Washington attorney and former FDR appointee. Fortas was able to get Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, who was also appointed by FDR, to intervene on LBJ's behalf. Black proceeded to overturn the lower court decision and ordered the matter to be settled by the Texas Democrat Central Committee, which predictably ruled in LBJ's favor.

Abe Fortas was rewarded for his efforts by being nominated by President LBJ in 1965 to be a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1969, Fortas was forced to resign from the USSC when it was revealed that he had received bribes from a Wall Street financier.

NOTE: As a Congressman, LBJ was a devout "New Deal" Democrat who considered himself to be an FDR "protege." A true study of his life reveals a long trail of criminal behavior that includes rampant corruption along with plausible connections to murder, on of which includes the conviction of one of his top aides in the murder of his sister's "boyfriend." There are many personal accounts from associates of his that are on record describing the unstable behavior of a true psychopath.

RayB said...

"Lucy !!! You got some splainin to do !!"

New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%


RayB said...


A hopeful account regarding your husband's situation:

I have a friend by the name of Frank that was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer over 6 years ago. His cancer was detected in a variety of areas, including the lymph nodes. His prognosis was extremely poor and was given the "best case scenario" of only 6 months to live. His best friend told me in private that "it is really bad ... he has no chance whatsoever."

I had a long, sit down conversation with Frank regarding the importance of giving your body the best chance of fighting this disease by eliminating all processed food from the diet and switching to a high nutritional diet that is plant based. He was very interested as I related not only what this diet has done form me, but that it has been proven to be very effective in cancer patients as well. Frank, a Catholic, told me that his "born again" Christian daughter was telling him, almost verbatim, the exact same thing.

After a series of Chemo treatments, with the help of his wife and daughter, Frank switched to a plant based diet. Over the years, we have had numerous conversations, mainly about sharing information on what we continue to learn.

I just received a lengthy email from him .... 6 years later, his cancer is still in remission. His Doctors are baffled and cannot explain how he is still here!

I am sending you a link that I think may be highly beneficial to your husband. "Chris" is a young man that was diagnosed with cancer and beat it through a high nutritional natural diet. I can't recommend him, and others in this field, enough.

God has created us in such a way that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." I have personally found that He also created our bodies to heal ourselves

Here is the link:


Anonymous said...


Of course, We will take a step back and allow the LEGAL PROCESS to take its course.

Meanwhile, it's Joe Biden's group, along with the full support of the LEFT-leaning 'alphabet soup' news networks, who have already convinced at least HALF of the American people that Joe Biden is now our 46th President! This is intentional; because then, IF Trump's legal team can PROVE that this election has been stolen from Trump... the lamestream news media will 'spin it' like 'orange man bad / dictator' Trump is the one who is 'stealing' the election away from Biden.

Therefore, we don't have a moment to waste to post the documentation (that exists, so far) which shows that the theft of a presidential election DID, in fact, occur in at least a half a dozen states... in the wee hours of Tuesday night thru Wednesday morning... while America slept!!!

If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck... it's a duck!!!

If we lose this 2020 presidential election... there is no going back. We are also in danger of losing our country to Socialism!!!

Anonymous said...

To RayB & all:

I believe that plant based foods are 'God's medicine chest' (and have countless healing properties).

Also, there are no 'side effects' from the natural foods which our Heavenly Father has created for us.

We just need to remember to stay away from the GMO (genetically modified) 'foods'.

Craig said...

Anon 1:21 PM,

I don't disagree with your comment. My point is not to let this to be all-consuming. God's in control. The globalists think they are; yet, not until God deems it ready will they be able to take full control. It's a question of God's timing. Is that time nigh? Could be.

Craig said...

One goes up (D), the other goes down (R):

Scorecard and the Hammer stealing votes LIVE ON CNN

PowerTuber 3.0

Video is by David Wallace as his channel is down below

[dead link]

This video will be showing a Live Broadcast feed of Election results as the AC360 is rolling in the Kentucky Gubernatorial Race. It Represents the flip of votes in small increments at a time. Almost imperceptible to anyone. But it’s caught on live digital television, and we can frame by frame Roll it back.

Craig said...

One goes up (Biden) ~20,000; the other goes down the exact same amount (Trump):


Your Drunken History Teacher

READ THIS!!! Start of video PA total votes are:
Donald Trump


At the end of the video the totals on the screen are for PA are:

Trump 1,670,631 = -19,958 VOTES

Biden 1,272,495 = +19,958

The exact same amount of votes switches live on TV from one candidate to the other in real-time. The exact same number of votes from one candidate to the other from the Dominion Voting Systems which are owned by Democrats (look it up Nancy Pelosi has stock in it or something like that, but is also connected to the the other former Governor from San Francisco Dianne Feinstein - her husband is something like half-owner of the company which donated to the Clintons... I dunno just look it up if you don't already know vote machines on Twitter was shadow trending)

Here's the video of the evidence, which is really a smoking gun - and there is probably a lot of this out there which shows for sure how it is true, and the machines do this: as has occurred in Michigan on record already with 6,000+ votes from Trump to Biden... which means this has had to occurred numerous times, and probably a whole lot on television. Share this with everybody who can help get this out there. #stopthesteal #voterfraud election 2020.

Anonymous said...

Great job, Craig!!!

And how 'interesting' is it that Dominion Voting Systems has 'connections' with George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, and Nancy Pelosi? (In other words, all of the usual suspects have been caught red handed!!!)

I have posted earlier comments on this thread, documenting those connections.

Craig said...

Anon 4:44 PM,

To be clear (and fair), when I post a video I usually post (in italics) the vloggers comments accompanying the video. I have no idea if Dominion is tied to Soros, Clinton, Pelosi, etc, or if the above videos are evidence of the Dominion counting. I haven't seen definitive proof of it. I don't know, is there irrefutable proof?

However, the videos @ 1:43 PM and 1:59 PM provide irrefutable evidence of votes GOING BACKWARDS one way and FORWARDS another. Very suspicious. Whatever the reason, this needs to be investigated.

RayB said...

EXCELLENT youtube video entitled:

Why I Am CERTAIN Trump Will Win | Janet Porter


Craig said...

RayB @ 6:04 PM,

I watched the video you sourced VERY CLOSELY, for I was initially alarmed that it came from Destiny Image, which is an imprint for many 'hyper-charismatic' authors (Bill Johnson, Todd Bentley, etc.). I was relieved to see a very straight-forward video, thereby allaying my concerns. Nothing untoward about it.

I was half-expecting some 'prophet' proclaiming this or that. Glad I was wrong.

RayB said...


Thanks for pointing that out. I think I need to clarify that I have no knowledge whatsoever regarding "Destiny Image." Also, I am not now, nor have I ever been part of the "charismatic movement."

I stumbled across this video while watching something else on youtube ... Janet Porter (whoever she is) appears to be a reasonable person that made what I deemed to be valid points.

Craig said...


I assumed you had no prior knowledge on Destiny Image. It's only because I'd written quite a bit on Bill Johnson--acquiring a number of his and related books to do so--that I was aware of the company.

I wanted to point this out before someone like "X" did so.

Also, though this is from a questionable larger source, that in no way means the video is to be discounted. THAT would be the genetic fallacy.

Craig said...

OK, I came across this, dated yesterday the 8th--Sydney Powell with Maria Baltiromo:

Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein's Husband a Shareholder at Dominion

Gateway Pundit

Developing: Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein's Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion

Anonymous said...


I am combining two of my earlier posts into one here . . .

The Dominion software system (which was used in 47 counties in Michigan, as well as in 30 states) reportedly has CONNECTIONS TO BOTH GEORGE SOROS AND THE CLINTON FOUNDATION... where their software 'glitch' resulted in 6,000 TRUMP votes switched to Joe Biden!!!


Dominion reportedly has ties to the Clinton Foundation . . .



Nancy Pelosi's chief of staff is key executive of the company that OWNS Dominion ballot counting systems!!!


Anonymous said...

Head of DOJ election crimes unit RESIGNS in protest after Bill Barr authorized federal prosecutors across US to pursue 'substantial allegations' of voter fraud during presidential election despite little evidence - as AG tears up rule book

William Barr sent a memo to allow federal prosecutors to investigate vote fraud

The attorney general authorized investigation of 'substantial allegations'

It raises the specter of the Justice Department getting involved in the case

Within hours the head of the election crimes branch resigned

Barr met with Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader, on Monday

Shortly after the pair met McConnell defended Trump on the floor of the Senate

The president has vowed to fight the expected electoral defeat in the courts


Craig said...

Joe Biden is not currently the president-elect - 'it's an illusion'
Nov. 10, 2020

Sky News Australia

Current voting tallies in five key states in the US shows Joe Biden has received nearly nine million more votes than Barack Obama who was a "historical anomaly and a rock star in politics," according to Media entrepreneur Kosha Gada.

President-elect Joe Biden was officially declared the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election on Saturday (local time) after The Associated Press called the state of Pennsylvania and its 20 Electoral College votes for the former vice-president.

However, Ms Gada told Sky News Joe Biden is "not currently the president-elect".

"That's actually an illusion," she said.

"The Constitution of the United States provides that the election is not certified until the state legislatures certify it".

President Donald Trump has been making claims of potential voter fraud and has accused his opponents of stealing the election.

Ms Gada said "reasonable claims" have been made by the Trump campaign both mathematically and statistically, as well as "on a legal basis".

"To believe this - and based on the current vote totals - it suggests that Biden got more than 8.9-9 million votes than Obama who was a historical anomaly and everyone kinda acknowledges was a rock star in politics," she said.

"So he out-performed Obama and only in these five states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada).

"That translates to really high, unprecedented turnouts in the US where voting is not mandatory so a 90-plues per cent turnout in these states.

"It's possible but not statistically likely."

Craig said...

AG Barr’s statement is tempered. Here is part of it:

“While serious allegations should be handled with great care, specious, speculative, fanciful or far-fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating federal inquiries.”

Anonymous said...

Don Jr. accuses head of DOJ election crimes unit of being the 'Deep State' after he resigned in protest over Bill Barr authorizing federal prosecutors across US to pursue 'substantial allegations' of voter fraud despite little evidence

William Barr sent a memo to allow federal prosecutors to investigate vote fraud

The attorney general authorized investigation of 'substantial allegations'

It raises the specter of the Justice Department getting involved in the case

Within hours the head of the election crimes branch, Richard Pilger, resigned

President Donald Trump's son, Don Jr, was quick to criticize Pilger online

Barr met with Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader, on Monday

Shortly after the pair met McConnell defended Trump on the floor of the Senate

The president has vowed to fight the expected electoral defeat in the courts


J said...

Have you seen the Trump Accountability Project? Very disturbing. See the archived "enemies list" here:


It is clear how Biden operates. He lets other people do all the dirty work, while he says, let's come together and heal. So nice. So not a bully.

J said...

P.S. To be clear, I surmise "cancel culture" must be coming to town for the people on the enemies list. Or at least, that is what the people behind the "Trump Accountability Project" are planning. It is a soft form of communism in pretty much every way other than the word "communism".

(My surmising this is supported by a flurry of recent tweets, including AOC and Jennifer Rubin's.)

X, I'm curious, would you draw the line at this type of thing?

RayB said...

Regarding Craig's @ 6:47 AM ...

Barr is employing typical political double talk. What else would you expect from an AG with deep state ties to the "never Trump" globalist Bush family?

There is a wide gap between ORDERING investigations as opposed to Barr's "ALLOWING" investigations. If criminal activity is being reported, which it is, why does it require the permission of the AG to proceed in investigating such activity.

PS: Don't forget ... Barr is the same AG that ruled that, while in a Federal, Justice Department high security holding facility, Epstein "committed suicide."

J said...

RayB 9:43 AM,

That's a good point about Barr. I was always suspicious about him. Now it turns out that doesn't necessarily reflect poorly on Trump, since Barr is using his corrupt ways to pretend to support Trump, while being perhaps deliberately ineffective. People are showing their true colors like never before. It's rapidly getting clear where everybody stands and what everybody's agenda is.

RayB said...

J ... regarding your 9:32 AM post:

We saw a prelude of this on the night of Trump's GOP Nomination acceptance speech that was given at the White House. As attendees left the grounds of the White House, many of them were the victims of verbal attacks, etc. by the ANTIFA & BLM radicals. Sen. Rand Paul, his wife and another couple that were with them, were literally accosted on the street. Had the Capital Hill police not been there to protect them, they no doubt would have been attacked physically.

In the eyes of these radicals, if you are not 100% in agreement with them, they consider you the "enemy," and you are dealt with accordingly.

The French Revolutionaries, Lenin & Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Saddam Hussein, etc., etc. dealt with their "enemies" in like manner; first identify who the enemies are then eliminate them.

Craig said...

J @ 8:52/9:32 AM,

It's 'cancel culture' on steroids.


RayB @ 9:43 AM / J @ 10:07 AM,

That's precisely why I posted my comment. I wanted to counter the narrative implied by the Daily Mail (and other outlets) on this. They keep wanting to make it sound like Barr agreed that there were "substantial allegation(s)", as if Barr is--as some have said--Trump's lapdog. He clearly isn't.

And where is the Durham report? Why didn't it come out before the election?

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump claims 'WE WILL WIN' but admits results of his uphill fight to overturn Joe Biden's victory won't 'start to come in' for a week - as his DOJ is roiled by elections fraud chief quitting over AG Bill Barr tearing up rulebook

President Donald Trump told the country in all-caps Tuesday morning 'WE WILL WIN!' as he continues to refuse to concede the election


Trump has alleged, with no proof, widespread voter fraud is the reason he lost the 2020 election to President-elect Joe Biden, his Democratic rival

On Monday night, Attorney General Bill Barr, a Trump ally, gave federal prosecutors the go-ahead to probe 'specific allegations' of voter fraud

This caused the top DOJ official overseeing election fraud cases, Richard Pilger, to resign in protest

Donald Trump Jr., the president's son, was quick to criticize Pilger, calling him a member of the so-called 'deep state'

Barr's memo angered legal experts, who pointed out that any issues around voting are handled at the state level


Craig said...

Important difference between “voter fraud” and “election fraud”. See this video (original on YouTube requires sign—no thanks):

Interview with Source on Electronic Vote Fraud

Host L Todd Wood reveals the mechanics behind the electronic vote steal operation in an interview with powerful source.

Voter machines are both porous enough to allow hacking and have either an undetectable or easily erasable audit trail. (And Dominion is only ONE of the machines used throughout the country.) This means evidence would have had to be found in real time—otherwise, very likely no evidence will be found. It will seem apparent but will lack the means by which to find the ‘smoking gun’.

At 30:53 of the video you can see that in the KY gubernatorial race, that Bevin (R) lost by 5,086 votes. Note above @ my 1:43 PM post (which is a snippet of this one), that Bevin lost 560 votes at the same time Beshear gained 560. It is shown here @ 33:30. That’s a swing of 1120 votes. If this happened 4-5 more times at about the same level of votes, Bevin would have won. We may never know.

While the entire video is important, the analysis/data beginning @ 45:20 is especially so (for those who don’t wish to watch the whole thing—I put the speed at 1.5 times).

Let’s go back to paper ballots.

Craig said...

Well, that's blatant:

Trump Ballots Being Torn Up

Originally uploaded to twitter.com/jag1898/status/1325962808471793665 by JAG1898

Anonymous said...

Hey J (and others)

x here

I know I forget to sign many of my posts so I'm trying to put it at the beginning rather than the end. I didn't post calling you whatever for posting about that Wisconsin/Milwaukee Benford's law article you posted. It is interesting but Benford's law is known for giving a lot of false positives that are easily explained. I believe Trump's team has this week even filed a lawsuit in Wisconsin using the math-based "evidence" as proof of fraud. My contention would be it's not "proof". Benford's law is a tool that can be used to suggest fraud MAY be present, particularly in data sets where any first or second digit numeral is equally possible. In elections, that may or may not be the case and may be easily explainable by other "bounding" factors such as the size and consistency of polling precincts and the distribution of results. I already dove into these Milwaukee numbers but don't really want to write that all up now

Here's an article that explains why Benford's Law doesn't work well with elections.


briefly as possible - what I found analyzing Milwaukee County that may help explain why it appears to have violated Benford's law - approx 90% of all Milwaukee County voting wards received more than 400 ballots and less than 1200 or so ballots. Very few, maybe 24 of the 478 wards had less than 285 ballots. Biden carried the county by a 40% margin so the votes were divided 70%-30%. For Biden to get a leading digit of one from a typical voting ward in Milwaukee while getting 70% of the vote (on average) such ward would have to have received more than 143 but less than 285 ballots whereas if you only receive (on average) 30% of the vote like Trump averaged in Milwaukee County, then to get a leading 1 digit result at typical voting ward would happen largely with ballot counts somewhere greater than 333 (333 x 30% = 100 votes) and less than 665 ballots (665 x 30% = 199 votes). Thus it's just not statistically likely that Biden's results in Milwaukee would actually ever conform to Benford's law whereas Trump's results much more likely could (even though it's the flip-side of the same coin).

Craig said...

'Another software glitch' identified in Michigan

Sky News Australia

Sky News host Paul Murray says there has been another software glitch found in the US where 2,500 votes in Michigan had been moved in favour of Joe Biden.

“Perhaps the most interesting little glitch of the system thus far, is that there is some software that has been used in 30 different states, this is software that had 6,000 votes go from trump, glitch, Biden, identify the glitch, back to Trump.

“Well guess what happened today? they found another glitch.

“This glitch here moved two and a half thousand votes in Michigan back in favour of the president.”

Craig said...


Oregon's Secretary of State Beverly Clarno (R), appointed by Governor Kate Brown (D), fires (via text msg) Election Director Stephen Trout last Thursday, "days after he brought up and pointed out some serious issues with the vulnerability in Oregon's aging election computer system."

Oregon elections director fired after he details problems


Anonymous said...

This was posted by a relative - "The courts (Supreme Ct) would never rule FOR Trump because they don't want to be responsible for mass civil unrest and violence in the country"

Does anyone here agree with that?? You think the justices are afraid of possible violence?

Anonymous said...

"Does anyone here agree with that?? You think the justices are afraid of possible violence?"

x here.

Normally, I'd estimate the supreme court to be very moderate and SUPER unlikely to nullify the voice of the people in a democracy; however, since Opus Dei controls the supreme court I guess it's up to them and the pope.

That said, I have yet to see any arguments strong enough in any single case, let alone, cases in several states worthy of consideration by the supreme court so I kind of doubt any of the claims are going to make it that far and put the Supreme Court on the line like that. They took a huge hit to their credibility for denying Gore the chance to have a fair recount in Florida (which he may not have won anyway) back in 2002.

I'm gonna read about the new "software glitch" story but the last one regarding the 6000 votes was already explained and debunked pretty thoroughly and logically. These situations come down to software updates and last-minute changes to the ballots. It's largely human error and although insinuations are being made, nothing about the actual software has been identified as a systemic problem. These "errors" are a shame but the process of administering 150,000,000 votes without any issues is hard. Remember the hanging chad incident in Palm Beach County, Florida was largely about a flawed butter-fly ballot design and mechanics that resulted in about a large undercount of attempted Gore votes and about 3000 inadvertent votes for Buchanon which were meant for Gore. That simple error and flaw was enough to entirely cost Gore the White House and Gore STILL lost the court case. Trump is no where close to identifying any errors that makes him even slightly more competitive to win 3 of the 4 states he'd have to reverse things in to hope for what --- throwing out thousands of citizens votes cast under the rules in place on election day? or a House of Representatives vote? That is not going to happen.

No one promised Al Gore or Don Trump a perfect election. He lost. Time to move on.


J said...

This is from True the Vote:

Bestselling author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza today released an extended clip of the movie "Trump Card" featuring an exclusive interview with True the Vote Founder and President Catherine Engelbrecht.

In the clip titled "The TRUTH About Voter Fraud in America," Catherine discusses the different types of fraud including voter registrations of illegal aliens, universal mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and the weaknesses in the system that allow election fraud and manipulation to continue.


Anonymous said...

So when your candidate cheats to win it is fine with you, X?
That's winning to you?

And when your candidate only ups the number of abortions you will still pretend you are pro-life?

Craig said...

North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis Wins Re-election, Putting Senate At 49-48 For Republicans

November 10, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

Republican Sen. Thom Tillis will keep his North Carolina U.S. Senate seat after his Democrat challenger Cal Cunningham conceded the election on Tuesday afternoon. Tillis’s victory puts the GOP one step closer to control of the Senate with 49-48 seats, and three races still uncalled.

Anonymous said...

Trump calls USPS whistleblower a 'brave patriot' ~ after Democrats said he recanted voter fraud allegations during questioning by postal inspectors ~ but, he claims he got 'played' and has NOT recanted!!!

Postal Service employee Richard Hopkins had signed an affidavit with allegations of ballot tampering and fraud in Erie, Pennsylvania

He told his story to Project Veritas and his claims were picked up by Judiciary Chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham and a Trump campaign lawsuit

But the postal worker then 'recanted' the claims when interviewed by Post Office Inspector General's Office investigators, the House Oversight Democrats said

Hopkins now claims he 'did not recant' the allegations and has accused investigators of 'coercing' and 'playing' him during questioning

Donald Trump tweeted to call Hopkins a 'brave patriot' Tuesday night

Trump is seeking to stop counts, recounts, and claiming civil rights violations and claims the election was rigged and that he 'will win'


Anonymous said...

President Trump warned us many months ago that mail in voting would lead to voter fraud and it has been MASSIVE. The Democrats not only pushed very hard for mail in voting, but they also passed legislation to RELAX election voting requirements. Why would they do that in such a critical election? Shouldn't they have been pushing for MORE controls? Why was it only Democrats pushing for mail in voting? Perhaps the quote from Joe Biden last month says it all: "We have put together the most inclusive and comprehensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" -Joe Biden

(Of course, we already know the answers to the above questions, don't we.)

J said...

X 12:02 PM 7:23 PM,

A whole pattern consists of many irregularities. Some are weaker. Some are stronger. Debunking the weak irregularities while ignoring the strong ones, is not truly convincing.

I don't claim doing so is solely because you are biased. You can hardly be expected to be able to prove or disprove every fraud allegation. All most of us can do is pick the lowest hanging fruits. I can understand dead voters voting. I can understand screenshots of vote tallies suddenly going backwards on CNN in the background. I can't understand your statistical analysis. (I think I would need a math tutor or to have it demonstrated to me in software that I can play with and manipulate dynamically to get a feel for it).

What I am very good at, might be called, pattern recognition. In my mind, I see a picture, and you have erased a couple of things on the picture. Most of it remains. Is pattern recognition infallible; heavens, no. It requires checks and balances. But there have been so many times when I have been wrong in details but right about the big picture, that I am not shaken. Not yet. It would take a lot more details of the picture to be erased.

I am watching *all* of the "stuff" in the pattern, including the postal worker who recanted -- and then said he did not recant. (Thank you Anonymous 10:11 PM) Looks like that was erased but then penciled back in.

J said...


The Deep States Tool to Winning the 2020 Elections


A video of an interview with Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney.

It's about a system that was initially used to monitor terrorists and protect our country...being used against the American voters.

A surveillance system called The Hammer was privatized and taken for personal use by Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and Mueller. It was directed at American citizens. In particular, they targeted the system at political opponents like Donald Trump. Why? To get information that they can use for control purposes. It was a criminal act. (This information came out in a 2017 interview with McInerney.) Two weeks before the interview, two investigative journalists had already reported on The Hammer, and had confirmed their information about it, with their military intelligence contacts.

Let me repeat, The Hammer system was used to hack civilian accounts, which was against the law. The Hammer system was taken by the Obama administration and moved out of the military.

McInerny learned just before the November 2020 election that an application called Scorecard -- an application that steals votes -- was integrated with The Hammer system.

Let me repeat, Scorecard steals votes in voting machines.

McInerny found out that Democrats were planning to use The Hammer with Scorecard to win the election.

An algorithm that was created to be used in foreign countries by the CIA, is used to steal the votes in the voting machines.

Democrats tried to use The Hammer and Scorecard in the 2016 election, but "somebody intervened", and they didn't. That is why they were so shocked that Trump won. They had put a system in to steal votes if necessary, but the system had failed them "due to fortuitous reasons". That's why they have a back-up now.

That summarizes about half of the video. I haven't summarized the second half.

Note: This isn't part of QAnon. Mueller is a different character in this account, than he is in the QAnon theories.

RayB said...

First Question: What Would It Take to Convince You The Election Was Rigged?

Second Question: Would You Even Care IF the Election Was Actually Stolen?


RayB said...

If Biden truly wanted to "unite America," he would be INSISTING upon a complete audit in key, Democratically controlled battleground areas, in order to verify the validity of the election. Anything short of this will result in further dividing an already dangerously divided nation, as over 70 million Trump voters will continue to believe that they were, to use a favorite word for the Democrats ... "disenfranchised."

So far, Biden has done nothing of the sort, but rather, has declared himself to be the POTUS - elect, and has attacked Trump for not conceding.

Biden & Harris ran perhaps the worst Presidential campaign in US history. IMO, the non-campaigning, Deep State candidate of choice Biden "hid in his basement" because he KNEW that the election's outcome was rigged from the start.

J said...

Hammer software fraud in real time in Kentucky


A citizen captured the split second change in the vote tally being updated behind Anderson Cooper on CNN. He played it back frame by frame so you can see it happening as the numbers go backwards for the Kentucky GOP governor candidate.

Lots more videos covering this subject on Rumble.

It may be best to avoid Youtube when watching and supporting such videos. Trump supporters are being targeted for cancel culture on steroids, as Craig said, and an effort is especially underway to intimidate anybody from departing from the official narrative regarding election integrity.

Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.

J said...

RayB 9:08 PM,

Hear, hear!

If Biden truly wanted to "unite America," he would be INSISTING upon a complete audit in key, Democratically controlled battleground areas, in order to verify the validity of the election. Anything short of this will result in further dividing an already dangerously divided nation, as over 70 million Trump voters will continue to believe that they were, to use a favorite word for the Democrats ... "disenfranchised."


J said...

On another note, has anybody else noticed how fast the Kavanaugh narrative has changed? Not so long ago, the narrative about him was, that he was an alcoholic sexual assaulter who is emotionally unstable and sure to do everything he can to overturn Roe v Wade because he is a misogynist and wants to control women's bodies. A separate plot in the narrative was that he was expected to help Trump be a dictator, and that's why Trump wanted him installed.

Now the narrative about Kavanaugh is quite suddenly that he can be expected to moderate the Supreme Court towards the "middle" and away from the "far right". The media is gloating that he and Roberts will be likely not to overturn Obamacare.

All this, with no apologies to him. Apparently they decided to approve of him, yet their prior disapproval has simply disappeared down the memory hole.

One more sign that the MSM narratives can't be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Trump Investigates Election Voter Fraud


Anonymous said...

How Donald Trump Got Covid


Anonymous said...

ROFL, J, was that supposed to be a refutation? LMAO!

You extreme right wingers really are a bunch of snowflakes. X has shown you the math and the logical pattern therein: easy, really.

Yet in your poor attempt to spin and dismiss it with more BS than a Kansas cattle truck, you have spat out your pacifier a little too quickly.

Trump lost, deal with it!

Anonymous said...

12:13 PM

You must be X's other person living in the same body. Your writing is the same as X.

What letter, or letters do you go by? Is it A HOLE?

Anonymous said...

the cheat to win at any cost crowd cannot bear up under any question of their version of truth. the knee jerks and slap down attempts of these people, are not reasoned, or able to be reasoned with.
they should be just as interested in a fair process, but therein lies their whole problem--they want lies instead, because where is the refutation of that math and logical pattern that will hold up in daylight? and be willing to wait for it since it is the truth they say they know? imputent and impotent words cannot stand and deliver.

no virtue and no dignity from the left. none.
and they want power, more and more. needy and greedy for it.
for shame.

Anonymous said...

Psalm 109: 8-15 is a prayer for now more than ever, as those in power who hate the righteous, and anything virtuous, are set to help the enemy of Christ establish the New World Order.

The Scamdemic has separated fellowships, but we all need to pray fervently that evil be brought to light. The Lord is allowing to happen what is happening. That doesn't mean we have to make it easy for the Luciferians.

Anonymous said...

Far be it from me to steal your epithet, 12:40 PM.

Anonymous said...

Far be it from me to steal your epithet, 12:40 PM. A Hole is fitting for you, after all, I guess you are wrapped around the very same piece of shit who was trying to bully X earlier on.

J said...

Anonymous 12:13 PM,

To answer your question; no, it was not supposed to be a refutation. It was supposed to be a conversation. X is thoughtful, unlike you are, apparently. I don't mind having a conversation with thoughtful people who disagree with me.

And now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my son to do some reading. More than you do, apparently.

Anonymous said...

"Changing the subject to “What about Hunter Biden?” becomes a way to project the corruption spotlight onto the Bidens and away from the Trumps."

Yes, but the bigger problem is that the 'other' side (Harris) STANDS for things YOU should truly HATE, as a Christian. I wish JFK Jr were alive and president, but alas they killed him. In this case, we choose the 'better'.

J said...

Benford's Law may not be applicable to rural Wisconsin counties with relatively small numbers of voters, according to X. I will accept for the sake of argument that X is right in that claim.

But this blogger made graphs showing big cities in which Biden's vote results did not conform to Benford's Law. I am presenting it here for the sake of argument. I don't think the same argument used about the Wisconsin counties, can be applied to these big cities -- unless I am misunderstanding X's analysis. (The part I got from X was that small numbers throw off Benford's Law -- due to small sample size I surmise?)

What about this, then? Take a look:


Craig said...

Well, well! And the word is...

Joe Biden pledged to not declare victory until election is certified

Joe Biden promised he would NOT declare victory until all the votes were counted and the election was independently certified.

Biden lied. He has not been certified as the winner, and yet he has prematurely declared victory. His word is useless.

Craig said...

Hmmmm. Four times as many Biden-only votes in GA compared ~1% in WY, e.g. For comparison, the Senate (R) votes in GA compared to the Trump votes were very close, indicating almost straight ticket voting. Yet there was quite a disparity between (D) Senate votes and Biden votes.

Whatever the outcome exactly, the GA hand-recount has larger ramifications.

Steve Cortes: Trump will prevail in a hand recount/audit.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump tweets video of ballots being collected after Election Day in California and puzzled woman asking 'hasn't the state been called already' despite officials saying count is still going.



FYI ~ Today, November 11, 2020... Sean Spicer on Newsmax has brought out the fact that President Trump has been censored by Twitter 111 times... yet, Joe Biden has NEVER been censored!!!

Anonymous said...

Message to Trump: We are willing to put our lives on the line to protect YOU and this constitutional republic… just say the word


Anonymous said...


X here.

You asked how I felt about "Trump Accountability Project"

I think this is an emotional response after a heated election that will generally fade away as people and Washington get on to the next crisis.

I think conservative infotainment news outlets are making a bigger deal out of it because they can tie in AOC's name (which always scores well in infotainment circles).

I think many in Trump's inner circles, like Kayleigh, Betsy Devos, Matt Flynn, Leonard Leo, Pompeo, the entire Trump family, the persons he put in charge of the Post Office, the FDA, the EPA, etc. should be removed and never serve in public office again. If you were complicit and deliberately lied on behalf of and to protect the Trump administration then you should be held accountable and found unfit for public office.

Believing lies isn't a crime. I don't hold Trump voters personally responsible for Trump and don't believe anyone is seriously making cancel culture lists of the ordinary citizens that voted for him though there are a lot of obnoxious trump supporters that over-decorated their properties and trucks with Trump paraphernalia that COULD SEE an uptick in toilet paper in their trees or soaped windows. There's a lot of animosities both ways. I'm sure in some towns, Biden supporters are or have likewise been catching grief. My wife and I have both given many facebook friends a 30 day timeout where we just won't see their posts in our feed for 30 days and they are none the wiser.

I do hope Trump is criminally prosecuted and convicted for his crimes and thereby removed from continuing to destroy the Republican party AND this country. Biden should not pardon him.

As a conservative moderate, when I look at county map breakdowns, in just about every state, it's startling to see just how polarized our country has become. But then I see places like Forsythe County, GA, which was formerly a sundown county with signs and all, with the following MODERATE progress:

2008 - 78-20% McCain
2012 - 81-17.8 Romney
2016 - 71-23% Trump
2020 - 66-32% Trump

Or Maricopa, County Arizona turning blue.

2008 - 55-44% McCain
2012 - 54-44% Romney
2016 - 48-45% Trump
2020 - 50-47.6 Biden

and conversely, there were moderating voting trends in several urban areas where urban voters did vote in higher numbers for Trump in areas previously dominated by Democrats -- early indicators of urban moderation perhaps. I pray the 2024 election see less polarization. That, in itself, would mean a successful Biden administration even if he loses that election (I'd only see those numbers AFTER the election).

Anonymous said...

November 11, 2020...

Bombshell: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Shows How Vote “Glitch” Moved Trump Votes to Biden

An analysis of vote totals by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai demonstrates how an algorithm was likely employed to switch votes in Michigan from Trump to Biden.

In his analysis, Dr. Shiva examined graphs from multiple jurisdictions, including Kent, Macomb and Oakland counties, which show similar vote distributions pointing to a “weighted race” algorithm feature built into voting machines being used.


Anonymous said...

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden



We’ve reported on numerous events identified in the 2020 election already which are being referred to as ‘glitches’ by the Democrats. Tonight we just uncovered another ‘glitch’ in Wisconsin.

When this one is confirmed it will result in a 19,500 vote gain for Trump making the Wisconsin race a total toss-up.

There is now a pattern of events we have uncovered across the country where votes are being taken from Republicans at all levels and transferred to competing Democrats in offsetting amounts. These are not random because in every case votes are moved from Republicans to Democrats.

This is beginning to appear like a strategy used by the Democrats to steal this election.

Craig said...

Tony Heller, who had been in the computer hardware and software business for 30 years (on the design side), explains computer "glitches" (Hint: GIGO):

The Imaginary Software Glitch

Anonymous said...

Trump's 234 pages of 'election fraud' affidavits include Detroit poll watcher who says he thought military wouldn't vote Biden and that 'independent' watchers were liberals 'because they wanted to work in Brooklyn'

Suit filed by Trump campaign in Michigan contains claim after claim from GOP poll watchers

One said military ballots going to Joe Biden 'stuck out' to them because they believed military 'tended to be more conservative

The person could not 'provide specific numbers or names'

Another claimed independent poll watchers seemed 'ideologically far-left' and supported the proclaimed autonomous zone in Seattle

They also 'condoned' crime and wanted to work in Brooklyn

A witness in a Trump campaign Pennsylvania suit recanted his statement, and another brought forward turned out to be a convicted child sex offender

Suits come as President Trump is refusing to concede the election to President-elect Joe Biden, who leads by more than 200,000 votes in MI, WI, and PA


Anonymous said...

Craig - the Steve Cortes video is SOOOO mathematically dishonest I have to presume it's intentional. I see now that he has other, I'm guessing, equally dishonest videos trying to use numbers too. I hope this adds to the discussion I'm having with J where J indicates she(?) looks at patterns and recognizes broader patterns -- well, if you watch new outlets so irresponsible as to include "Liars math" like this video offered by Steve Cortes (a trump campaign operative) as "proof" of "statistically circumstantial fraud”, it's likely you are being fed lies to fill your "pattern" intentionally. Since I started this response I see this “analysis” being repeated in many places. Ugggh.

I'm also honest enough to say both sides probably do the same things depending on the circumstances. I remember some “analysis” being done on results from the “suspect” Diebold Voting machines in 2008. I didn't fact check that analysis and it may have been just as disingenuous. However, the right-wing infotainment media competition is so hot right now --- it's like wildfire --- so they appear to be publishing just about anything and everything to acquire Fox's audience and suck up to Trump misguided attempt to overrule the will of the people. What's nice is math doesn't lie.

Here's the video Craig posted alleging there were “suspiciously” 95,800 Biden-Only ballots in Georgia. https://youtu.be/LA1PEtQ5exA

Cortes assumed that because Trump and Perdue's vote numbers are close (now just 782 apart) that therefore it's pretty clear that every Trump voter must have also for Perdue (wrong) . He uses that presumption to then back into the presumption that, therefore, because Biden got (now 99,915) more votes than Democrat Ossof it means that entire (now 99,915) vote difference had to be ballots that were simply votes for Biden and not anyone else down-ballot. This is simpy wrong.

1. As of today in GA, this afternoon (numbers changed slightly on different websites and ignoring write-ins) it appears the entire "undervote" for the main Perdue/Ossof race is only 46,300. (4,991,854 total president votes less 4,945,554 total main senate vote race votes). This doesn't mean there were only 46,300 ballots that voted for EITHER Biden or Trump that didn't participate in the Senate race as surely there were a few that passed voting for any Presidential candidate that just participated in the “undercard” (presidential undervotes) --- but that's probably not a big number. Undercounts are not uncommon and 0.9% is not a big number (46,300/4,991,854).

(x -- to be cont)

Anonymous said...

2. Cortes "analysis" fails to account for the fact that the Libertarian Senate Candidate (Hazel) got 52,833 more votes than Jo Jorgenson (Lib) got for President (Jorgenson got 62,053 and Hazel got 114,886 votes). With more analysis it might be discernible where most of Hazel's "extra" support came from – my guess would actually be Biden supporters in the suburbs that just weren't ready to go full-on Democrat.

3. Cortes fails to recognize that there were a LOT of wealthy educated Christian traditional republicans in the Suburbs that WOULD and DID vote Biden for President and then voted for Perdue for Senate. Sounds illogical; but, it happened all over the country, not just GA. Likewise, I'm pretty sure there are examples of urban Trump voters that still voted for their traditional democratic candidate for senate.

I just pulled a suburb for a good visual.

Here are the Cobb County Unofficial results to date

Biden = 221,844 votes -- Dem Senate Ossof = 210,849 votes
Trump= 165,459 votes -- Rep Senate Perdue = 169,658 votes
Jorgnson= 6,441 votes -- Lib Senant Hazel = 10,263 votes

Total = 393,744 pres votes -- Total = 390,770 Senate Votes

You'll see Purdue OUTPERFORMED Trump and Hazel outperformed Jorgenson -- Those votes I'm guessing came largely from the 11,000 less votes Ossof got than Biden. In all the "Undercount" is just 2,974 which could be said to be an approximation of how many more Biden only votes there were than Trump only votes. This is really not a large number. In this President/senate race it's just .75% of the total votes in Cobb County.

4. Cortes compares raw Wyoming numbers to make it seem more statistically impossible than it really is. It's not apples to apples. Wyoming's vote totals are 33 times less than Georgia's. Wyoming recorded just 276,765 total votes for President and just 270,002 in it's Senate race where the Republican Senator, Lummis, actually got 4,541 MORE votes than Trump. That's an "undervote" of 4,763 votes or 1.7%. More than twice the rate of more comparable Cobb County; and, if the entire State of Georgia had an undercount of 1.7% that would be equivalent to 157,179 undervotes instead of just the 46,300 (0.9%) undercount Georgia appears to have experienced.


In conclusion -- there were plenty of ballots for Trump-only and for Biden-only and even some for Senate only and overall, statistically, such undercounts were not extra-ordinary.

Anonymous said...

7:58pm "This is beginning to appear like a strategy used by the Democrats to steal this election."

Or...normal errors are being caught by bi-partisan "canvassing" boards which is part of the normal process of checking and double-checking the vote counts with the votes reported with a lot of the focus on the more complex and larger urban (democratic) areas.

The numbers are not yet certified...nobody is "scamming" anyone.

Elections aren't perfect and this was a hard one --- due to Covid and the necessity for absentee ballots.

BTW, such 19,500 vote "glitch" you report I see has been reported for several days now. I'd presume if it was a legitimate "glitch" it would already be added to the numbers as an adjustment. Let me know if this is confirmed. Might make Wisconsin closer and take President-Elect Biden from 306 to 296 electoral votes.


Craig said...

Nice try X,

I’m not going to go in-depth, but as to your number 3, I note that Cobb County has a disproportionately high African-American population (28.5%--compared to US 13.5% avg) and a disproportionately low White (56.1%):


This would obviously affect the vote.

As to 4, Cortes freely notes Wyoming has a much smaller population. Nonetheless, on the aggregate, Wyoming had only a 1% spread between Biden and Senate (D), whereas GA had a 4% spread between Biden and Senate (D). You (and I) have no idea the spread by individual locales; but, that doesn’t change the fact that on the mean the difference between Trump and Senate (R) was in line with straight ticket voting (on average) compared Biden and Senate (D).

IN ANY CASE, the results of the GA hand-recount will have larger ramifications.

Craig said...

X @ 10:10 PM,

You wrote The numbers are not yet certified

Exactly. And there are disputes yet to be hashed out. So, why did you write @ 7:23 PM (earlier, above):

No one promised Al Gore or Don Trump a perfect election. He lost. Time to move on.

Let's keep things in proper perspective and stop the gaslighting.

Anonymous said...

You don't simply need 'recounts', we also should do some sort of analysis or review to ensure the same dirty hands don't do the recount. Discard the dead votes, the illegals and the duplicates.

Anonymous said...

" My wife and I have both given many facebook friends a 30 day timeout where we just won't see their posts in our feed for 30 days and they are none the wiser.

I do hope Trump is criminally prosecuted and convicted for his crimes and thereby removed from continuing to destroy the Republican party AND this country. Biden should not pardon him.

As a conservative moderate, when I look at county map breakdowns, in just about every state, it's startling to see just how polarized our country has become."

Well, aren't you and your wife first-grade philosophers, eh?!

And who 'polarised' and 'divided' this nation? Who did that for 8 years? Bowing, laughing, golfing, lecturing us, like the lion at home, but then the little lamb overseas? Your magic half-Negro homo, with the little Haruman Hindu god statuette in his pocket!

Anonymous said...

"Let's keep things in proper perspective and stop the gaslighting."

Touché, Craig, touché!

Nice try Craig.

Anonymous said...

To the KKK wizard wannabe at 10:47 PM,

Why don't you take that noose you're yearning to use on an innocent black child and go and lynch yourself with it! Then you'd be able to literally die a red neck as well as having lived as one.

Anonymous said...


In 2016, Trump claimed President-Elect Status on Nov 9th, 2016 despite a significantly closer election result, concerning "irregularities" and ongoing canvassing/certification of vote counts around the country.

If you don't recall that --- > https://youtu.be/cqCodsE3Nxo?t=195

There's a process to go through....sure. But "hashing out" such disputes will never include canceling and/or overriding the decisions of state-administered and empowered election officials to count 1000's of votes submitted in good faith by Americans, in hindsight.

There is no evidence of anything "extraordinary" in any one state let alone 3 or 4 states. The "process" will simply be a parade to the inevitable, an assessment for future reference to perhaps find ways of improving things and for settling of the final score (how many electors does Biden win by) for histories sake. The "game" is over and it's time for Trump to be a man about it.

Anonymous said...

That was me, x.... at 11:05pm

Anonymous said...

Oh repetitious J who is "apparently" so thoughtful. Your inability to deal with the facts is becoming a pattern.

In summary, your mathematically circular thinking equates to the circumference of a miniature goldfish bowl.

So, I refer you back to X's excellent math for you to "do some" thinking about. If you can't understand it, ask your son to break it down for you.

Anonymous said...

Here, here, X at 11:05 PM.

Well said.

Anonymous said...

" But "hashing out" such disputes will never include canceling and/or overriding the decisions of state-administered and empowered election officials to count 1000's of votes submitted in good faith by Americans, in hindsight.

There is no evidence of anything "extraordinary" in any one state let alone 3 or 4 states"

These people (like YOU) who criticize Trump simply don't know about economics, finance, and civics. Please, look past the hedges of your village wall and study. Evidence and proof are actually two different things. There IS evidence, which is leading to the review and investigative analysis. This will turn up proof in the end. Then the courts (or Court) will rule with the side who has proof.

The fact that they ripped him to shreds for 4 years and hated him to a level never before seen tells me they WOULD do everything in their power to interfere in an election so as to get him out of there.

Envy burns, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

"To the KKK wizard wannabe at 10:47 PM,

Why don't you take that noose you're yearning to use on an innocent black child and go and lynch yourself with it! Then you'd be able to literally die a red neck as well as having lived as one."

Why you have so much KKK on the brain? You a close homo too?
Very brave in mama's garage, typing away into the night.

Anonymous said...

First, Governor Cuomo on New York State... and now this?

Biden's coronavirus advisor says the U.S. should go into national lockdown for four to six WEEKS to avoid 'covid hell' and the administration can borrow money to pay wages while businesses are closed


Craig said...

X @ 11:05/08 PM,

Big Difference between 2016 and 2020.

Hillary conceded the election @ about 2:30 AM EST, 11/09/16. The verbiage under the video you source states:

Vice President-elect Mike Pence takes the stage in New York City to introduce President-elect Donald Trump after Hillary Clinton calls the businessman to concede the presidential election. Trump will become the 45th President of the United States.

Surely, if Clinton thought she had a valid case to contest the race she would have.

Yet, Biden has no problems proclaiming himself as "President-Elect", as do the talking heads, before Trump concedes--and while there are numerous questions surrounding the outcome of this election.

Your claim that the 2016 race was closer than 2020 is predicated on the belief that the current counts are at least roughly correct; however, there is quite a bit of evidence this may not be so. And this time, with CV-19, the much larger number of mail-in ballots (and the problems entailed), the changed rules at nearly the last minute by certain States, voting “irregularities”, etc. there are good reasons to further investigate to determine if the results thus far are indeed correct.

Anonymous said...

"Why you have so much KKK on the brain? You a close homo too?", No, unlike you KKKers (despite your hatred of homosexuals), there seem to be disproportionate numbers among your ranks. You have no doubt used the word, "too", because your mask is slipping. I am not interested in you, I am sure you can find someone among your KKK clique who is of your persuasion.

Now, as to to you feeling as though you're, "[v]ery brave in mama's garage, typing away into the night", that place of your mama's you're mistaking for a garage is called a trailer. You should be careful how close you're lying next to mama, you inbred bastard, or one of your many daddies is gonna give you a real whooping! Now, go and find that rope and tie on end of it to the branch of that there oak and the other round your neck, now quickly kick the chair from under you, ye hear!

Anonymous said...

@11:31 PM,

"Why you have so much KKK on the brain? You a close homo too?", No, unlike you KKKers (despite your hatred of homosexuals), there seem to be disproportionate numbers among your ranks. You have no doubt used the word, "too", because your mask is slipping. I am not interested in you, I am sure you can find someone among your KKK clique who is of your persuasion.

Now, as to to you feeling as though you're, "[v]ery brave in mama's garage, typing away into the night", that place of your mama's you're mistaking for a garage is called a trailer. You should be careful how close you're lying next to mama, you inbred bastard, or one of your many daddies is gonna give you a real whooping! Now, go and find that rope and tie on end of it to the branch of that there oak and the other round your neck, now quickly kick the chair from under you, ye hear!

Anonymous said...


As a party so set on being "originalists", you do know Article 2 of the Constitution says nothing about conceding. Technically, not a single [elected] president ever has actually been "President-Elect" until Dec. 14th. It's just tradition in Democracy and good sportsmanship to settle it. It's not like it's actually close or even close to getting close; but if you have a problem with Biden and the democrats referring to themselves as the winners, you must even more disheartened and concerned with Pompeo for publically pretending Trump has already won the election and preparing for their 2nd term (like they don't answer to the people). That's a heck of a lot more destructive for a sitting government official to say than the not-yet-government employee who is actually LEADING the vote saying it.

I know this is all just politics but it's troublesome to me to see the flat out lies and bogus conspiracy theories continuing. Further, Hillary COULD HAVE done this. She didn't. (there WAS a recount initiated by the 3rd party candidate and had that changed the outcome --- Hillary could have taken back her "concession" and fought for her electoral college victory -- recounts rarely change more than a couple hundred votes either way).


Anonymous said...

Trump claims he received '73 million legal votes' and 'easily won' Pennsylvania and Michigan as he shares video claiming to show ballots being collected after Election Day


Craig said...

X @ 12:51 PM,

You wrote: As a party so set on being "originalists", you do know Article 2 of the Constitution says nothing about conceding. Technically, not a single [elected] president ever has actually been "President-Elect" until Dec. 14th.

You mean the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December, which this year falls on Dec. 14. Yes, of course, I’m aware about the ‘tradition’ regarding conceding.

You further wrote: It's not like it's actually close or even close to getting close; but if you have a problem with Biden and the democrats referring to themselves as the winners, you must even more disheartened and concerned with Pompeo for publically pretending Trump has already won the election and preparing for their 2nd term (like they don't answer to the people).

You have this proclivity to proclaim the very thing yet to be established. We all know this year is a completely different animal with respect to the election for the very reasons I cited @ 11:59 PM (last para). And this is why Trump hasn’t conceded. The truth is, we don’t yet know for certain how the people have spoken. We will only know once the dust settles.

I’ll reiterate: the results of the GA hand-recount will have larger ramifications.

Anonymous said...

To X at 12:51 AM
Re: "Hillary COULD HAVE done this. She didn't.... "Hillary could have taken back her 'concession'"

Many believe that one of the reasons Hillary freaked out and was so upset in November, 2016 was that she thought that George Soros and his minions had stolen ENOUGH votes for her to WIN that election against Trump. That so-called 'popular' vote she received was greatly helped by the fact that ILLEGALS voted for her in at least 5 states.

So, that would explain why Hillary didn't want to demand a recount... and 'shine a light' on all of those shenanigans!!! LOL

Instead, she and other Democrats spent the next 4 years choosing to deflect... and attempting to 'prove' that 'Russian collusion' helped Trump win that election.

Anonymous said...

CAUGHT! Election data analyzed, producing detailed list of over 500,000 votes SWITCHED from Trump to Biden via voting machine software theft, with heavy fraud focused on swing states


J said...

Anonymous 11:24 PM,

Evidence and proof are actually two different things. There IS evidence, which is leading to the review and investigative analysis. This will turn up proof in the end. Then the courts (or Court) will rule with the side who has proof.

^^ ^^

Craig said...

Here's the original source--Gateway Pundit--of the naturalnews article at 7:46 AM:

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems

By Joe Hoft
Published November 10, 2020 at 6:32pm

Last night we reported on another so called system ‘glitch’, this time in a county in Wisconsin. Evidence was provided to us that showed that the vote totals for Rock County appeared to be switched between President Trump and Joe Biden. 9,516 votes were eliminated from President Trump and moved to Joe Biden. This 19,032 vote difference when corrected would eliminate Biden’s lead in Wisconsin.

In the post last night we also identified issues we’ve reported on in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia where similar ‘glitches’ occurred.

Then tonight we were led to a site on the Internet (https://thedonald.win/p/11Q8O2wesk/happening-calling-every-pede-to-/) where someone who had seen our posts decided to do an analysis himself.

In the piece the author claims his work is a full list of votes switched from Trump to Biden or votes erased by Dominion (the vote machines used in many states across the US).

(The author claims that his work has been verified but we have not verified the results so we currently are labeling his results “unaudited.”)

The author decided to obtain the data himself and perform an analysis of national votes switched from Trump to Biden and votes erased (the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting).


J said...

Anonymous 11:14 PM,

My son and I both have in common, that we learn math better visually, than from lots of verbal instructions. When it comes to math and verbal instructions, often less is more.

I looked up Benford's Law yesterday, and I understand it now. I had been attempting to overthink it, and I had been assuming it must be more complicated than it really is.

I noticed nobody replied to my later comment about the failure to conform to Benford's Law in Milwaukee, Chicago and Allegheny. I'll repost the link:


It's easier to insult me and be rah rah about X, than it is to dig into the math of election results and Benford's Law ... isn't it?

I guess I'm not the only one frequently operating on fuzzy pattern recognition. At least I make the intellectually honest attempt to verify and check and to acknowledge when other people check me.

Will you be able to do the same?

Craig said...


The author obtained data that has been passed around that was reportedly captured by the New York Times on election night.

By examining the data the author was able to locate an instance where votes were switched from Trump to Biden so he decided to perform an analysis on the entire data set, starting with the states where Dominion voting machines are used.

Here are the (unaudited) results by state:

[see data at link]

Based on this initial analysis over 500,000 votes were identified that were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden.

In addition to this another 2,865,757 votes were deleted.

Note that these numbers have not yet been audited by us.

We also have not performed this exercise by county in these states which could impact the countrywide vote totals even more. More needs to be done. But what is clear, there are some very questionable transactions occurring within the voting machines and applications which need to be reviewed further because of apparent material issues in reporting.

We know there was a tremendous amount of fraud in the 2020 election.

Nobody was following Joe Biden and he had zero support, and yet his vote count surpassed the greatest campaign in US history led by President Trump.

We are supposed to believe Joe Biden defeated President Trump and at the same time lost seats in the US House and state legislatures. This is highly improbable.

It looks like the Democrats did everything imaginable in their attempt to steal this election.

The problem was they never expected President Trump to lead a record breaking campaign and they got caught.

More will be exposed.

J said...

Craig 8:21 AM,

I read that Gateway Pundit article late last night. It is a blockbuster of an article.

I am waiting to see if it will be debunked or verified.

I am sure lots of people will be digging into the data and doing their own analysis in the days and weeks to come. All kinds of people are unemployed or working from home and can't go places and do things as much as they used to.

People are paying more attention than ever before. No doubt lots of those people include nerds who are capable of doing an independent analysis of the raw data.

Even sports won't be the distraction it used to be. The Left ruined sports.

So, lots of time to think with fewer distractions! Maybe they will not get away with it this time (if there is really anything big to get away with).

Craig said...

J @ 8:33 AM,

Yep. We'll see. Lots to uncover.

RayB said...

Black Lives Matter now wants pay-back from Biden for "supporting" him by causing chaos, riots and looting ... all of which the media, and Biden, used to label the chaos as "Trump's America."

The pressure from the radical left, including Commiela Harris, on the old senile, corrupt, inept Biden will be astronomical. Don't think for one second he has it in him to withstand this assault and move to the center.

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder to Demand Biden Prioritize Its (Marxist) Agenda


Of course, all of this can still be avoided if Trump is able to turn the tide in the courts.

J said...

Reuters debunked the rush to apply Benford's Law to election results.


I did a search and found an academic paper that made a similar conclusion back in 2011.

I am willing to acknowledge that Benford's Law should be discarded. That still leaves other forms of evidence remaining to consider.

I think this illustrates why it can be good for us to have somebody like X in our midst so that we do not become an echo chamber.

I don't think X is right about everything, but he is apparently pretty good with math and statistics.

If we discard the weaker arguments and focus on the stronger arguments it will only increase credibility and make success for likely.

X is gracious about things, and I will be gracious about this.

This by no means signals I think the whole thing is over.

As I stated before, there is a whole pattern, and the pattern might be likened to a tree in which cherry picking is likely to occur in a biased pattern. I am stating a principle of logic -- but it is inductive rather than deductive logic.

Inductive logic rather than deductive logic lends itself to pattern recognition but must be continually revised with the latest and best information. It is wide and dynamic as opposed to narrow and static.

And so must this whole process be. Wide and dynamic. It could be loosely compared to the scientific method.

J said...

I should clarify that Benford's Law should not be discarded in general, only as it applies to its usefulness and reliability pertaining to the detection of election fraud!

J said...

X 6:53 PM,

Another thoughtful reply that I disagree with in many ways, but you delivered it sincerely and graciously.

I have been watching Trump and the people who surround him with a critical eye since he won. For a while I thought he and his people seemed like a rival gang to a different gang and that both sides were corrupt. Sometimes I wondered if he was a part of a dialectic to scare people into running into a trap on the other side. A designed problem to get people to accept a designed solution.

Over time I realized we are living in very ironic and paradoxical times. It would take me so much time to explain what I mean, that I will just have to leave it vague. Maybe one of these days I will write up more of my thoughts, but perhaps now is not the time. It would be a huge digression, and it would cause me to neglect my more immediate responsibilities. I am not at all certain it would be welcome -- to the vast majority of people who exist in the world, including here.

Likely it would get me attacked by pretty much everybody.

For now let me just say that I stand by my concern about soft communism. It looks to me like it is a far bigger threat than the oft-imagined coming of fascism to America.

Being able to support such statements as I've made, requires examples so numerous that it's just out of my reach right now, and likely unwelcome to most people, anyway. The examples are in my brain but they would take a lot of time to transpose into electrons here. I think there are a variety of right wing web sites that have provided examples over the years, and people either read them, or they don't. I read both MSM and right wing media sources.

Anonymous said...

A first glance on the "bombshell" I would quickly note that they are basing their "analysis" on numbers being fed to the networks by Edison Research, which is an exit polling company. I'm guessing the numbers aren't directly tied into any "dominion" voting systems in any state. Why would any state provide outside connections like that? THAT would be risky. So witnessed actual results would maybe be manually entered somehow and added to/compared to exit polling data and then the Edison software is programed to make ESTIMATIONS as more and more data arrives. It probably softens the extremes -- keeps the numbers moving on a 15 minute and 30-minute average or something so when a big republican county or democrat county hits it rolls out slowly enough to make sense that they are compiling numbers. I'm not sure.

That's my guess. I'll take a quick look to see if it's already been debunked.


J said...


The Trump Accountability Project states explicitly that they mean to hold Trump voters accountable. That is vague, but people have hinted at trying to get Trump voters fired. As Craig said, it's cancel culture on steroids. As RayB points out, it's communism, just soft communism, (because they're not allowed to shoot people or put them in a gulag -- like one Bernie Sanders high level campaign staffer thought would be a good idea, saying gulags aren't as bad as people think, and they actually re-educate people).

You know, I'd feel better if I could laugh this off or shrug it off, but my Spidey Senses are tingling way too much.

If you go to their web site, which can easily come up in a search engine -- I won't link to it again -- you will find this text if you scroll down. It's still there as of 11/12/2020.


We should not allow the following groups of people to profit from their experience:

Those who elected him.

Individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee, and affiliated organizations and contributed to undermining confidence in the American electoral process and the objectivity of fair journalism with baseless claims.

Those who staffed his government.

Individuals who worked as political appointees in the Trump Administration and contributed to policies including family separation, using the Department of Justice to undermine a free and fair election, and preventing the American people from hearing the truth about the threat from COVID-19.

Those who funded him.

Individuals who used their massive personal wealth and influence to bundle money for Trump.

Anonymous said...

Edison Research -

The exit poll of record for the U.S. presidential election is conducted by Edison Research on behalf of The National Election Pool (NEP), comprised of ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and NBC News.

Edison Research began interviewing voters at early voting locations around the country on Oct ober 13, and will continue through election day, with the bulk of the interviews being conducted across the United States on November 3. The NEP’s exit poll is the only survey that will be released on election night that represents the views and opinions of actual voters interviewed as they cast their ballots all across the country.


Since 2004, The National Election Pool (NEP) and Edison Research have conducted the only national exit polls in the United States. The NEP is the source for projections and analysis for every midterm election, presidential primary and presidential election. Our 2020 general election coverage included election day exit polls at over 700 voting locations, in-person early-voter exit polls, and telephone surveys with absentee and early voters all around the country. In total, Edison Research interviewed over 100,000 voters in the 2020 general election.

The NEP provides media organizations with real-time vote results in all 50 states for statewide races, ballot initiatives and House races. The NEP vote count from Edison Research is the only service continuously updated after Election Day. We track every vote until results are certified by all states. Vote count data is available for statewide results, vote by Congressional District, county vote data breakouts for statewide races, and all U.S. House races.Multiple sources allow Edison Research to provide faster reporting of vote data than any other organization.

If Edison was just going to feed the networks raw actual vote data, why bother with the exit polling at all? I look at huge numbers that the 500,000 vote fraud presented for Pennsylvania and Virginia and not how late both those states turned to Biden in large ways. Edison knew that based upon their exit polling so to give the viewers a more accurate view of the race, early real numbers are "adjusted" by their programs. This isn't designed to FOOL anyone -- they just have more information they suspect is true about the final result enough to make adjustments to early results as they come in.


RayB said...

'Hundreds of thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded'

Attorney Sidney Powell says there's 'tons of evidence'

NOTE: Sidney Powell is the attorney for Michael Flynn. She is a tough, no nonsense warrior for the truth and she is not prone to hyperbole. Read the article ... very compelling evidence of massive fraud that could overthrow the fake "official" results !


RayB said...

Tired of "fake news," including FOX News?

Check this out ...


Anonymous said...

10:47 PM said

"And who 'polarized' and 'divided' this nation? Who did that for 8 years? Bowing, laughing, golfing, lecturing us, like the lion at home, but then the little lamb overseas? Your magic half-Negro homo, with the, little Haruman Hindu god statuette in his pocket!"


I was backpacking around Europe the summer when Obama gave his speech in Berlin. The first "global president". There were Obama campaign posters all over the city. People were ecstatic! Later on the trip, after his speech in Berlin I met a couple from Poland who both just received their doctorate in medicine. The wife said every time she heard Obama speak she cried! This was a type of Beatle mania.Obama is a master at spellcasting The europeans were enamored with this satanically anointed freak!

J said...


Reuters is reporting that any under-$8,000 donations contributed to Trump's legal fund will go directly to Trump or the RNC. If anybody can debunk this as fake news, I'm all ears.

I donated to True the Vote. People can choose to give their money to who they wish, but I just wanted to increase awareness for the sake of making informed choices.

I just received this email today from True the Vote, regarding the Georgia recount:


Today, Georgia’s Secretary of State announced a hand recount of all ballots cast in the November 3 Election. True the Vote is looking to steer thousands of volunteers to Georgia to assist in this recount, and ensure that the law is upheld and law-abiding voters have their voices heard! Georgia is Ground Zero in this fight for election integrity!

Sign up to volunteer in Georgia today! Please be sure we have your contact information – and include a mobile number so we can stay connected via text.



Georgia Recount: Visit our website to learn more about our latest efforts to fight for election integrity in the state of Georgia.

Validate the Vote: We recently launched the "Validate the Vote" initiative to ensure 2020 election returns reflect the principle of "One vote for one voter" and to repair our broken elections once and for all. Follow us to stay updated on what we're doing in key battleground states.

For breaking news, subscribe to us on YouTube, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

No matter where you live, stay tuned because this is only the beginning. We are all in this together.


– The True the Vote Team

Anonymous said...

Will Trump get to Stay?


Craig said...

Coming soon! The Great (COVID-fueled) Reset:

Prince Charles Climate Apocalypse

For the past thirty years, Prince Charles has been warning about an imminent climate crisis. And his father said in 1988 that he wanted to be reincarnated as a virus to kill lots of people and reduce the world's population.

Anonymous said...

Today... I heard that Nancy ('let 'em eat ice cream) Pelosi is telling the GOP to 'stop the circus and get to work' (LOL).

Well, you ought to know all about 'circuses' Nancy. You and Chuck Schumer, etc. brought us one for the past 4 years.

Since at least 73 million of us voted for Trump to be re-elected on November 3rd... we will not 'stop' until every single legal vote has been counted. (Besides, we love watching you squirm.)

J said...

Interesting factoids of the day, bolded:


"Back in 2000, when liberals were partying in the streets celebrating the victory of President Elect Al Gore, three lawyers were drafted in to investigate the result — they were Brett Kavanaugh, Niel Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett. The rest is history. All three are now associate justices of the Supreme Court, appointed by President Trump. With that in mind, let us delve into some of the intriguing events surrounding the contested US Presidential election of 2020."

One more interesting factoid, bolded:

At the weekend, Rudy Giuliani, counsel for POTUS, told Maria Bartiromo on Fox News: “This is documented on videotape. There are upwards of 50 witnesses. And this will be the subject of a lawsuit that we file tomorrow for violating civil rights, for conducting an unfair election, for violating the law of the state, for treating Pittsburgh and Philadelphia different than the rest of the state, which is an equal protection violation, which goes under Bush versus Gore.

Anonymous said...

November 12, 2020...



Craig said...

Relatively short video asserting votes were switched from Biden to Trump, with verifiable evidence showing corresponding times (though not actually shown here--I'm sure this will come at the discovery phase):

Cyber election fraud | Lt General Thomas McInerney

Newsmax TV

Lt. General Thomas McInerney, USAF (Ret.), breaks down how cyber election fraud works and what role it may have played in the election - via Newsmax TV's 'The Chris Salcedo Show.'

Craig said...

Got ahead of myself! "from Biden to Trump" should be "from Trump to Biden".

Craig said...

I've been watching this Canadian attorney for a while now (a year or so). He's sharp! And he's willing to humbly admit when he was initially wrong (he first thought Michael Flynn had no case because he 'lied under oath', but later covered the unfolding story in detail--and multiple parts):

Michigan Election Fraud Lawsuit EXPLAINED - Viva Frei Vlawg

Here is a breakdown of the Michigan voter fraud lawsuit. MSM won't cover it, and if the allegations can be proven, it's serious.

Craig said...

Watch this short video before YouTube flags or removes it:

Melissa, a Dominion contracter who witnessed #ElectionFraud when working in Detroit Michigan

Borg Clone

Melissa, a Dominion contracter who witnessed #ElectionFraud when working in Detroit Michigan, was scheduled to appear on
canceled 30 min before the show so she talked to RedPill78 instead.

Anonymous said...

November 12, 2020


TRUMP DROPS BOMB: This Is Exactly What Gateway Pundit Has Been Reporting! — Dominion Caught – VOTER FRAUD IN THE MILLIONS!


@ChanelRion @OANN
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 12, 2020

Pennsylvania court: Secretary of state lacked authority to change deadline 2 days before Election Day

Judge ruled ballots that were previously set aside should not be counted


Craig said...

Prepare thyself for the verbal gymnastics before viewing (and remember GIGO):

New York Times Basically Confirms Dominion Voting Machine Issues - Viva Frei Vlawg

The New York Times, in an attempt to downplay the issues with Dominion voting machines, has effectively confirmed all of the issues and concerns with them. If one can read through the spin and mental gymnastics.

Craig said...

Now this: GIGO:

Dominion voting systems board of directors

Ramzan Foundation

The Dominion software was used in only two of the five counties that had problems in Michigan and Georgia, and in every instance there was a detailed explanation for what had happened. In all of the cases, software did not affect the vote counts.
“Many of the claims being asserted about Dominion and questionable voting technology is misinformation at best and, in many cases, they’re outright disinformation,” said Edward Perez, an election-technology expert at the OSET Institute, a nonprofit that studies voting infrastructure. “I’m not aware of any evidence of specific things or defects in Dominion software that would lead one to believe that votes had been recorded or counted incorrectly.”


J said...

Sometimes it really is simple. LOL

Pollak: The Key Question Is Why Vote-by-Mail Rejection Rate Dropped Dramatically


"The key empirical question that must be asked about the 2020 election results is why the rejection rate for vote-by-mail ballots dropped dramatically from the primary season, when mass vote-by-mail began in some states, to the general election.

Absentee ballots, which are traditionally a very small proportion of the vote in most states, are typically rejected at a rate of 1% to 2%. However, the rate of faulty absentee ballots rose to 25% after mass vote-by-mail was adopted earlier this year."

J said...

Leftists Back Down on Plans to Create List to Block Trump Backers from Jobs


The Trump Accountability Project, which targets supporters of President Donald Trump by adding them to a list and “holding them accountable” after the election, has announced that it is “no longer active.”

J said...

Great :(

Biden's Wuhan virus adviser is the second coming of Dr. Kevorkian


"Unlike suicide doc Jack Kevorkian, who was a grim presence, Ezekiel Emanuel is a charming guy, with a big bright smile. Despite his Hippocratic Oath (the one about doing no harm), he's trying hard to convince Americans that they should off themselves when they hit 75. Emanuel's latest mission, assuming that Biden manages to totter into the White House, is to get Americans to get last dibs on the vaccinations their taxpayer dollars funded."

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