Well, God made the eyes. I'm praying he will stay with mine.
There have been so many critical developments on so many fronts, it is difficult to keep up. My dear friend, Marie Fisher, of Spokane, Washington, has been watching developments on the Amazon Synod of the Vatican and informing me on same. Rich Peterson (our "Rich of Medford") has also been keeping me informed. The developments have been nothing short of revolting. Most offensive was the Pachamama controversy. Pachamama is the South American name for "Gaia." It is a form of both idol and Earth worship -- a false god/goddess.
Courageous Catholics have been speaking out against it including but not limited to EWTN;a Raymond Arroyo, Archbishop Schneider, and numerous others. But, Pope Francis, has apologized for a courageous Catholic who threw the Pachamama statute in to the Tiber River and caused the placing of Pachamama relics on the Vatican's altar.
Now, on a personal front, I made interesting discoveries vis a vis my own work over the past 38 years since 1981 -- I, Constance Cumbey, am allegedly partially responsible for Brexit??!! That article, "Plutarchy in the UK" also made an audaciously incorrect statement that I, in Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, coined the phrase "Prison Planet." Well, I may wish I had, but I did not. To the best of my present knowledge, that term was coined by Alex Jones, to whom I have had no communication.
![]() |
Part of the "Plutarchy in the UK" article. |
Next, I learned I was the villain of a historical novel on the life of Alice Ann Bailey. The book was written by an Australian occultist, a former teacher, who brags that she has earned a Ph.D. on the life of Alice Ann Bailey. I alleged demonized poor Alice Bailey by making claims that she was possessed by the spirit of the Antichrist. Author Isobel Blackthorn obviously believes that Alice Bailey's "Christ" who is clearly not Jesus, is the real Christ and Jesus was not. That is the biblical definition of "Antichrist" (1 John 2:22), but Isobel Blackthorn says I should be discounted because I am seeing through an "evangelical perspective." I submit that Alice Bailey, in making a decision to link with Theosophists and their magazine Lucifer, in founding her own publishing enterprise as "Lucifer Publishing Company," and in energetically writing about "The Reappearance of the Christ" (her 1947 book) did an excellent job without my help of demonizing herself.
Well, I've got broad shoulders. Maybe I should be complimented by the fact that disapproving Isobel Blackthorn complains that my work has lasted for nearly 40 years, has a strong internet presence, and "is foundational."
Well, I've better follow my doctors' admonition not to overstrain my eyes, so I'll sign out for now.
Stay tuned!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 569 of 569Exceptionally well done for a wretched, feeble-minded, fucked up fraudster such as yourself, Dan Jerry!
As well said as it was well spelled.
In fact, you'll be famus for not only your spelling, but your capitalization, spacing and punctuation prowess as well!
On a serious note, Google search 'Dan Jerry's' given phone number and see the amazing variety of scams!
John Soloman Slams Adam Schiff's "Surveillance State" Abuse: "Chilling Effect On Press Freedom"
"one of most egregious episodes of misconduct in the modern history of congressional oversight"
FISA Report Reveals Clinton Meddled In 2016 Election
Dems Unveil "Overwhelming And Uncontested" Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump
Next up is Sprite, a soda produced by the Coca-Cola Company, published a commercial for their product. The commercial pushes the LGBT agenda by first showing a woman helping a male child put on make-up, another young lady helping a female teen bind her breasts to mor elook like a guy, another elderly lady helping her grandchild dress up as a drag queen. As seen in the screen shot above, the commercial also showed children creating rainbow colored flags for their pride parade.
What the commercial for the soft drink DIDN'T show?
Anyone at all actually DRINKING a Sprite.
The ENTIRE commercial was a promotion for nothing more than the LGBT agenda!
Via Gender.News regarding the commercial above:
Finally, it must be asked why these corporations, anxious to cash in on the ‘woke’ mania, continue to push an agenda as opposed to selling a product. After all, one of the first efforts by a corporation, which just happened to be Coca-Cola’s competitor, Pepsi Cola, to ride the wave of the social justice movement was met with abysmal failure. The video is no longer even featured on Pepsi Cola’s main website.
Does it sound reasonable that these companies are using a highly controversial subject to promote a product in order to appeal to a tiny fraction of the population? That seems like a foolish strategy to win over some social justice warriors to Sprite when just as many consumers will now be tempted to boycott the product on principle. Thus, an argument could be made that the real motivation for companies like Coca-Cola and Gillette to air such advertisements, which are invariably aimed at the youth, is to set in motion a total and complete change of mindset with the youth. In other words, these corporations are complicit in the game of social engineering and the cost to their bottom line is irrelevant. One possible motive is to create a weaker, ‘less masculine’ society of ever-more dependent consumers. Or is there something much deeper at work here? Personally, I suspect something far more sinister is guiding the decision-making process that gives the green light to such projects.
For those that do wish to make their thoughts about this commercial known, the Coca-Cola Contact page is here, with options to email, phone or write to the company:
From our school systems to Hollywood, childrens' doll makers to companies like Coca-Cola, everywhere we turn we see the LGBT agenda being shoved in our faces and down our collective throats.
One has to wonder why when less than five percent of the U.S. population identify as LGBT.
One thing we can say with certainty is that the gay mafia is after our nation's children and it is up to the adults to provide oversight into what their children are watching and what their schools are teaching them.
The USA pushing new age, NWO insanity. I doubt this country has long to exist before God pulls the plug. Lights out in Babylon.
Times Names Greta Thunberg 'Person Of The Year'
Dr. Marvin Herndon
YouTube 'nuclear geophysicist about science lies!!!
Cabin Talk
This is a good video on so called global warming. Dr. Herndon found that particulates were responsible for some degree of warming, especially in war zones, and NOT co2 emitions!
If Greta Thunberg advocated an end to endless global warfare, and aerosol spraying for geoengineering she would be crucified by the satanic MSM.
Donated Funds Intended to Help the Poor End Up Instead in the Coffers of the Vatican
The Pope's "favorite charity," called Peter's Pence, inspires Catholics from around the world to donate tens of millions of dollars annually to the pope. Bishops from the Dioceses of the world exhort Catholics to support the "weak and suffering" with their donations, which annually amount to over $55 million.
Unfortunately, what the donators are not told is that only a mere fraction of their contributions actually ends up helping the "weak and suffering." Instead of aiding the poor, 90% of their donations are applied to the Vatican's own "administrative budget."
In short, this is a massive fraud that is perpetrated upon people that donate with the honest intention of helping other people.
A List Of The Best and Worst Charities for Your Donations
-And important tips to keep in mind!
By Penelope Wang
Consumer Reports
November 22, 2019
By doing vetting, you can feel more confident that the group you’re donating to deserves your support. Charities differ a lot in how much of the money they raise goes for programs instead of covering the expense of raising money.
To become accredited by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, charities must meet 20 standards, including adequate board oversight and strong conflict-of-interest policies, as well as the requirement that they spend at least 65 percent of their total expenses on their charitable programs and no more than 35 percent of their total contributions on fundraising.
CharityWatch uses a letter-grade rating system that also looks at the percentage of overhead spent on programs, the cost of fundraising, and other measures of efficiency.
“Charities that are A-rated generally spend at least 75 percent or more on their programs, so more of your money goes to causes you want to support,” says Stephanie Kalivas, analyst at CharityWatch.
For example, CharityWatch gave the Disabled Veterans National Foundation, which spent only 4 percent on its programs, an F, while the National Military Family Association, which spent 82 percent, received an A.
Merry DEMONIC Christmas: Walmart, Target, and Amazon all sell books that teach children as young as five how to summon demons
December 11, 2019 By: Ethan Huff
Natural News
Leftist parents looking for a “progressive” stocking stuffer idea to gift their “woke” offspring this holiday season might be interested in a new occult children’s book entitled, "A Children’s Book of Demons," which is reportedly now being sold at Walmart, Target, and Amazon.
"A Children’s Book of Demons" aims to teach small children how to summon demons by telling them the names and sigils of demonic entities – sigils being the symbols used in magic, or the pictorial signatures of actual demons.
Published by Koyama Press, based out of Canada, "A Children’s Book of Demons" contains black and white images of demons that children can color, as well as cartoon images and other attractive elements designed to lure innocent kids into the world of the occult.
The book’s author, Canadian illustrator and occultist Aaron Leighton, describes himself as “a fan of all things occult.” The Toronto resident has written other occult books, including Spirit City Toronto, and says he likes to spend his free time “wrestling with a black cat,” which is pictured on his Facebook profile wearing a black, pointy hat.
A description of A Children’s Book of Demons on Amazon asks children:
“Don’t want to take out the trash tonight? Maybe you’re swimming in homework? Perhaps that big bully is being a real drag? Well grab your coloured pencils and sigil drawing skills and dial up some demons!"
The targeted age range for this 48-page demonic book is 5-10 years, with grade levels ranging from kindergarten to fifth grade.
For more related news about the mass indoctrination of today’s children into satanism, be sure to check out Evil.news.
Everywhere you look these days, satanism is being pushed on children as “progress”
Reviews for A Children’s Book of Demons on Amazon are mixed, with some readers raving about it, and others describing it as “degeneracy (in) its fullest form.” It seems as though “professional” reviewers love the book, while everyday folks hate it with a passion.
“This is purely satanic,” wrote one reviewer who gave A Children’s Book of Demons one star out of five. “What kind of children’s book teaches kids to summon demons and write sigils? … it makes me sick that this is even allowed on the shelves of ANY store.”
“Want to know what makes it worse? IT TEACHES KIDS THE ORIGINAL GREEK, HEBREW AND EGYPTIAN NAMES OF these MALICIOUS DEMONS … keep your kids away from this book and if they get their hands on it somehow BURN IT!!!!”
It’s precisely the type of thing you’d expect in a culture that now embraces “Drag Queen Story Hour,” complete with demon-possessed drag queens who get down on all fours and screech like satanic entities in front of toddlers and their parents at public libraries.
Leftist parents just can’t seem to get enough of this satanism on full display at our taxpayer-funded institutions, so why wouldn’t they also embrace children’s books that teach tiny tots how to summon demons from the underworld into our present reality?
“Secularism has paved the way for evil to proliferate,” wrote one commenter at Fellowship of the Minds, adding that the Bible specifically talks about how this fight is not against flesh-and-blood enemies, but rather against “evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world.”
“This is communism, that has destroyed families and persists in dividing in order to conquer. It is the tragedy of our time. As someone here recently said, 'ANYTHING to be cool.' Now SATANISM is 'cool.'”
The United Nations Has Threatened the American People Once Again - 91 Minutes Ago
End Time Sign - Increase of Knowledge - 15 Hours Ago
Democrats Release Articles of Impeachment Against Trump, Where's The Crime? - 21 Hours Ago
The Warrior's Mouth Is Filled with Prayers and Bold Speech - 24 Hours Ago
Journalistic Terrorism: Media Is a 'Weapon of War' for Radical Liberalism - 25 Hours Ago
It's Becoming Increasingly Difficult to Find Information That Conflicts with the Globalist Agenda. - 25 Hours Ago
Liberalism Is Just Another Word for Demonic, You're Watching the Rebellion Against God's Blueprint - 37 Hours Ago
Netflix Cartoon Pushes Pedophilia, Sexualizes Kids, Demonic Hollywood Trash - 49 Hours Ago
NC Behavior Health Professionals Speak out Against "Conversion Therapy" - 49 Hours Ago
The Media is Wicked and Promotes Filth - 60 Hours Ago
These Modern Churches with All the Superstar Performers Are Not Preaching the Gospel - 63 Hours Ago
Churches Have Become the #1 Target for Hate Attacks - an Average of 105 Every Single Month - 64 Hours Ago
Do Not Trust The Elites - 73 Hours Ago
Democratic Rep. Karen Bass Says House Would Impeach Trump AGAIN If He Wins In 2020!
The INCREDIBLE Lengths Taken To Spy On Julian Assange!
And WHO Did It?
Philip Giraldi
Giraldi Archive
December 10, 2019
The Julian Assange drama drags on. Though he continues to sit in a top security British prison awaiting developments in his expected extradition to the United States, the Spanish High Court has been given permission to interview him. Assange is claiming that the Spanish company contracted with by the Ecuadorean government to do embassy security in London spied on him using both audio and video devices. The recordings apparently included conversations with Assange’s lawyers outlining his defense strategies, which is an illegal activity under Spanish law. The prosecution has also indicted the company director, former military officer David Morales, on associated criminal charges of bribing a government official and money laundering. Morales has said that he is innocent.
Aware that he might be monitored by the British government as well as by other interested parties, Assange would often meet his legal team using a white noise machine or in women’s bathrooms with the water running, but the firm, UC Global, anticipated that and planted devices capable of defeating the countermeasures. It planted microphones in the embassy fire extinguishing system as well as in numerous other places in the building. The recordings were reportedly streamed, undoubtedly encrypted, to another nearby location, referred to in the trade as a listening post. The streamed material was also reportedly transcribed and copied at the UC Global offices in Andalusia, but hard copies of the material were made as well on CDs and DVDs to be turned over directly to the client.
The Spanish newspaper El Pais, which has seen much of the evidence in the case, also mentioned how UC Global fixed the windows in the rooms actually being used by Assange so they would not vibrate, making it possible to use laser microphones from a nearby line of sight building to record what was being said. Presumably the listening post also served as the line-of-sight surveillance point.
The British government willingness to let the interview take place is apparently due in part to the Spanish judiciary’s claims that it has obtained an overwhelming amount of documentary and other evidence that demonstrates that Assange is basically telling the truth.
And there is inevitably more to the story. David Morales, who managed the project, reportedly returned from a trip to the United States and told colleagues that the UC Global would henceforth be doing some work “for the dark side” at “another league” level. According to the New York Times, which has examined the documents obtained by El Pais and accepted that they are authentic, “In the court filing, the prosecution asserts that Mr. Morales returned from a security fair in Las Vegas in 2015… He signed a contract with Las Vegas Sands, the casino and resort company of Sheldon Adelson, and the prosecution contends that Mr. Morales passed information about Mr. Assange to security officials at the company, saying it acted as a go-between with the C.I.A.”
Sheldon Adelson is, of course, the single largest source of funding for the Republican Party and is also widely regarded to be a confidant of the Israeli government and of Benjamin Netanyahu personally. UC Global subsequently worked for Adelson, including managing the security of his yacht whenever it was in the Mediterranean.
According to employees of UC Global, details of the Ecuadorean Embassy operation were tightly held inside the company. Morales would make secret trips to the United States once or twice every month and it was assumed that he was carrying material relating to the recordings, but UC Global staff were advised never to mention his travels to the Ecuadorean staff in the embassy.
The obvious candidate for spying on Assange would be, as both the Spanish government and the New York Times speculate, the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.), as Washington intends to try Assange prior to locking him away for the rest of his life. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, while director of C.I.A., once referred to Assange and WikiLeaks as a “hostile intelligence service,” so one should have no illusions about what will be done to him if he ever arrives in the U.S.
P.S. Caveat Emptor: The information was terribly important to be aware of but they general page title there is "The International Zionist Conspiracy"...
And on a related note...
We Just Got a Rare Look at National Security Surveillance. It Was Ugly.
And (let alone by or on anyone else) is...
Silicon Valley Listening In On YOUR Most Intimate Moments?
MILLIONS of Conversations...
WATCH: Stranger Spews Racial Slurs Over Family’s Hacked Ring Camera!
December 11, 2019
CAPE CORAL, Fla. – A Cape Coral couple’s Ring camera was HACKED:
The FBI’s Corrupt Cops
By Kevin D. Williamson
National Review
The falsified documents and the many errors all disadvantaged one side. That’s not bias?
White-collar criminals should hope for one thing this Christmas: that they get to live under the Horowitz rules.
Michael Horowitz has testified that he found no evidence of political bias on the part of the decision makers who, under the Obama administration, relied on hilariously implausible “evidence” and falsified evidence of their own in order to launch a federal investigation of the Trump campaign. Rather than political bias, Horowitz says, the investigation uncovered a series of “basic and fundamental” errors. Democrats are cheering that aspect of the report, because they believe that Horowitz’s words can be used to silence charges that the investigation of the Trump campaign was, as the president charges, part of a politically inspired “witch hunt.”
Here’s Horowitz in his own words:
"Errors were made by three separate, hand-picked investigative teams; on one of the most sensitive FBI investigations; after the matter had been briefed to the highest levels within the FBI; even though the information sought through the use of FISA authority related so closely to an ongoing presidential campaign; and even though those involved with the investigation knew that their actions were likely to be subjected to close scrutiny."
No bias, just honest incompetence.
Or so we are expected to believe.
Imagine an investigation of racial bias in a bank, with investigators discovering a long series of serious errors and departures from ordinary standards and practices, violations of business norms, etc., not by a single loan officer but by three separate business units overseen by the highest levels of management — with all of those errors disadvantaging African-American mortgage borrowers. Would we need texts and emails documenting active racial bias on the part of the bankers to conclude that there was racial bias at play? If we found that a police department had violated its own standards on a regular basis in its treatment of African-American suspects but uncovered no texts or emails documenting racial intent, would we be satisfied that no racial bias existed?
Of course not.
And, in the case of the Obama administration, using investigative agencies as political weapons fits a well-established pattern of behavior...
Trump called the FBI 'scum' at a wild Pennsylvania rally
By Tom Porter
Business Insider
President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally on Tuesday night attacked the FBI in the wake of the release of a report that found no evidence that the Russia investigation was motivated by anti-Trump bias.
"They've destroyed the lives of people that were great people, that are still great people," Trump said. "Their lives have been destroyed by scum. OK, by scum."
And meanwhile...
Record number of migrants arriving at U.S. border from terrorist-prone nations
As record numbers of African migrants arrive on America’s southern border, officials warn terrorists could be sneaking through the cracks. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more as reports show over 10,000 migrants from terrorist-prone nations have already made it across the border.
"This Pattern Of Clumsy Manipulation Is Everywhere In The Record Of Cross Fire Hurricane"
Report of recording devices found in guest rooms at a Minneapolis hotel.
The cameras were discovered at the downtown Hyatt Regency on Saturday.
Who's Doing the Raping? Don't Ask 'Law & Order: SVU'
Former CIBC Banker Wins Appeal Claiming He Was Discriminated Against For Being A Straight Man
"told by boss to join a "group" of gay + bisexual men in the office, as only they would get promoted"
The 10 most alarming surveillance developments in 2019 that threaten human freedom!
By: Lance D Johnson
Natural News
With each passing year, human freedom is challenged in new ways. In 2019, surveillance tactics became more aggressive, more invasive, and more manipulative, and were often used by authorities to quash human rights, exploit personal privacy, and take children away from their parents. The following list includes ten of the most alarming surveillance developments reported by NaturalNews in 2019:
Real ID laws could usher in adult vaccine mandates across the US
Throughout 2019, state legislatures moved quickly to eliminate religious, philosophical, and even medical exemptions to vaccination; thereby pronouncing pharmaceutical companies ownership over children. Parents from California to New York, from Oregon to Florida fought hard to protect their rights to make medical decisions for their children. In 2019, almost every major social media platform adopted policies that banned content that questioned vaccine mandates and the safety and necessity of these biologics.
As the medical tyranny descended further upon America in the form of vaccine mandates, another manipulative ploy was unveiled that could usher in ADULT vaccine mandates across the US. The Real ID Act of 2005 created a back door, allowing the federal government to require vaccinations in order for adults to receive state issued driver’s licenses or travel abroad. In 2005, the Department of Homeland Security gained the power to expand what rules and laws apply to Real ID. Under the wrong leadership and with enough fear instilled in the public, Homeland Security could limit your ability to travel if you are not fully vaccinated. It will all be done in the name of safety.
Arizona SWAT team smashes door, raids mother’s home at gunpoint over child having a fever
One of the most belligerent law enforcement violations this year occurred in Arizona, when a SWAT team came barreling into a family’s home over a child having a fever. This is what happens in a medical dictatorship. This story follows on the heels of the hysteria that occurred in Rockland County, New York. Rockland county leaders inanely declared medical martial law for a time in 2019, all over a pocket of benign measles cases. The state ultimately threatened all unvaccinated children with arrest if they dared step foot on a public sidewalk or go to school or church. This story also awakened many to the fact that Child Protective Services is sometimes used as a weapon to kidnap children for medical purposes. Furthermore, the CPS can be used to take children into sex trafficking rings.
Oregon tried to pass a law that would mandate government surveillance of your newborn baby in your own home!
Oregon Senate bill 256 introduced intrusive surveillance of newborn babies in the home, ultimately allowing health care workers to report parents for not vaccinating or doing everything that doctors demand. The bill mandates that each family with a newborn receive visits from appointed healthcare workers in the early weeks after the baby comes home so that parents submit their newborn to all the unnecessary vaccines that the pharmaceutical system dictates. The bill would allow for increased medical kidnapping by the CPS.
Florida’s medical police state abducted a healthy three-year-old from parents for refusing unnecessary chemotherapy treatments
After they were intimidated to submit their son to chemotherapy, a couple of loving parents did everything they could to help their son recover from an acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosis and the toxic chemotherapy that was ravaging his body. After receiving a clean bill of health, the son came home. All Children’s Hospital, wanting to continue the child on chemotherapy, sent the CPS to the family’s home. The family fled out of state to protect their son and to protect their rights as parents, but the agency caught up to them in Kentucky, kidnapped their child, and wrestled away custody from the parents.
Google uses NEST microphones to listen and record everything that goes on inside your home!
Google was busted for violating people’s privacy countless times in 2019. One of their most egregious offenses came to light when the company announced that its home security alarm system could secretly be utilized as a Google Assistant. There was no disclosure in the original product material of a microphone embedded in their alarm, keypad, and motion sensor equipment. The public should be aware that Google has the power to covertly update their Nest Secure home security system, activate the hidden microphone, and record everything going on inside the home.
Google ran an Orwellian project to secretly hoover up health records of millions of Americans across 21 states
At the same time Google began blocking informative content on health that could help save lives and prevent disease, they also began secretly collecting the health records of millions of Americans across 21 states. The bombshell, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, finds that Google has been teaming up with the country’s largest health care system to secretly collect personal health information from millions of Americans. Google’s clandestine Project Nightingale includes lab results, doctor diagnoses, and hospitalization records, among other categories, and amounts to a complete health history, complete with patient names and dates of birth.
Surveillance video captures FBI directing CNN camera man at Roger Stone raid
When the FBI came after Roger Stone in 2019, they apparently let their friends at CNN know when the raid was taking place. In fact, a surveillance video captured a CNN camera man waiting for the Roger Stone raid. The story showed just how compromised intelligence agencies are and how they operate outside of the law to target political enemies that stand in their way.
Defending yourself against a home invader became a criminal offense in Canada
A man from Canada was attacked in his own home. Instead of being a victim, the homeowner shot back at the intruder and saved his own life. Now, the homeowner is being charged for murder, as the courts decide whether he had a right to defend himself. Such a sad precedent.
California to ban use of all Ham radio repeaters unless operators pay the state massive fees
The liberal trash that runs California tried to ban emergency Ham radio repeaters and tried forcing operators to pay massive fees to the state in order to keep the radios operational.
The NSA has been archiving all encrypted emails and transactions, knowing they will be able to decrypt most digital files in about three years, thanks to quantum computing
This year, Google scientists published a paper revealing that quantum computers will exceed 256 qubits in the next three years, allowing them to almost effortlessly crack any 256-bit encryption. This has tremendous implications for military communications and global geopolitics. Any data that people have sent via encrypted email can be scooped and analyzed by the NSA, because they will have the ability to break all the encrypted emails, files and other digital communications that its servers can store.
To stay one step ahead, keep in touch at:
The Revenge Of The Illusionists At The Whim Of The Deluded
Brighteon explodes in popularity as users flee YouTube in droves due to insane censorship!
December 12, 2019
By: Mike Adams
Natural News
Brighteon.com, the free[r] speech alternative to YouTube, is suddenly exploding in popularity as YouTube is rolling out outrageous new censorship rules that accelerate the silencing of dissenting voices who question establishment narratives.
YouTube’s new rules now ban any users who criticize transgenderism, since LGBTP is the new “protected” class on YouTube, including the child-raping pedophiles and child-maiming transgenders.
Similarly, YouTube also now bans insults against politicians, since politicians are the new protected class who cannot be subjected to mockery of any kind, according to YouTube’s tyrant-in-chief Susan Wojcicki.
As you might expect, YouTube will openly allow vicious attacks, malicious slander and demeaning mockery against gun owners, white people, Trump supporters, patriots, Christians and straight people.
A mass exodus away from YouTube is now under way
As a result, large numbers of users are moving to Brighteon.com, the pro-free[r] speech video platform that welcomes dissenting views and anti-establishment speech on almost any topic.
Researcher and analyst Steve Quayle, for example, has just announced the moving of over 500 videos to Brighteon in anticipation of being completely silenced by YouTube. See his channel at Brighteon.com/channel/stevequayle
Children’s Health Defense has also launched a channel there and is beginning to post videos from Robert F. Kennedy’s organization that questions the safety of vaccines. See: Brighteon.com/channel/childrenshealthdefense
Brighteon is a platform for free[r] speech and the exchange of ideas on all sorts of topics, including topics that some people might find to be offensive or strange. (Personally, we here at Brighteon don’t give a crap about your snowflake safe space. Grow the f##k up and process information like an adult.)
The smartest self-promoters on the site...appeal...to [their] entire YouTube audience to come watch [their] videos on Brighteon. This caused [for example, one such person's] Brighteon view numbers to leap, which unlocked higher levels of video posting permissions on Brighteon, allowing [them] to post hundreds of videos there. Now, [this person's] videos appear across several categories, including culture, religion, finance and more. [And that person's] user level is currently up to the “500 videos” level and continues to rise. ([They] didn’t l...need to cast magic spells to achieve this. It’s just good marketing.)
It’s true: ...[that is]...the secret to success on Brighteon, and [that person] is certainly the most clever marketer of his videos there. The wrong way to use Brighteon is to just post videos and never promote them, hoping people will somehow find them on their own. That’s NOT the way Brighteon works. Some users actually post videos on Brighteon but keep promoting their YouTube channel, then they wonder why they aren’t getting views on Brighteon. Then they get banned from YouTube before they ever figured out that they should use their YouTube audience to migrate fans over to Brighteon.
The RIGHT way to use Brighteon is to announce your Brighteon channel to your YouTube, Twitter or Facebook followers so that you can build a following on Brighteon. That’s what [that person] did, and it works brilliantly for [them]. The fact that we AREN'T banning [VERY highly controversial user's videos] should prove to almost anyone else that we won’t ban YOU, either! Yes, there are some limits of speech on Brighteon, such as restrictions on posting porn, or depictions of violence, or specific death threats, etc., but those limits do not restrict speech based on a person’s political, religious or cultural views (unlike YouTube which simply bans people for defending America or promoting Trump).
NO shadow banning on Brighteon!
Brighteon.com allows users to “subscribe” to channels they wish to follow. There is no shadow banning on Brighteon, and when users visit the Brighteon home page, they ALWAYS see the latest videos from the channels they are following!
Although the subscribe feature is very new, my own channel, Health Ranger Report, now has 575 subscribers. InfoWars is the site’s most prolific publisher of videos, and InfoWars currently has 560 subscribers and rising daily: Brighteon.com/channel/infowarsnetwork
Brighteon’s home page sorts videos into various categories:
#1) Politics & Current Events
#2) Health & Medicine
#3) Food & Recipes
#4) Climate & Environment
#5) Survival & Prepping
#6) Finance & Money
#7) Science & Technology
#8) Religion & Spirituality
#9) Home & Garden
#10) Provocative & Curious
#11) Entertainment & Humor
#12) Culture & Life
#13) Other
This allows users to focus on their specific areas of interest.
New features: Premium videos and a new search
Active right now on Brighteon, you can post videos and set them to “premium” status (“For Sale”) while setting a purchase price for those videos.
This allows end users to purchase your video and have it permanently appear in their library. They can watch that video an unlimited number of times.
Brighteon pays you, the video content owner, 70% of the purchase price (minus the 2.9% + 30 cents transaction fee charged to us by the e-commerce merchant system). We keep 30% of the purchase price.
Using this powerful new feature, you can now post:
✓Premium how-to videos
✓Seminar and lecture videos
… or basically anything you want to post that other users might find valuable.
You’ll find this new feature by clicking on the “For Sale” icon on your dashboard (after you log in) and uploading a new video there. Once uploaded, you can set the purchase price for this premium video.
In the video EDIT screen, you can also add the URL of a trailer video which would be the preview video for the video you’re selling.
Once you’ve done that, people can immediately start purchasing your video, and you can see the earnings under the “transactions” button on your dashboard.
We pay you via PayPal, once a month, for any month in which your accrued earnings exceed $100.
NEW search coming soon!
This year, we will be rolling out a new search engine called Webseed.com, which focuses on health and wellness information. All videos on Brighteon will be indexed by the Webseed search engine. In fact, the new Webseed search technology will serve as the new search engine for Brighteon itself. This will vastly improve search results on Brighteon, allowing people to find your videos more easily!
In 2020, here’s what else we’re launching:
– A new “vaccine videos” website that features all the best videos about vaccines, autism, thimerosal and more.
– Live streaming capabilities for users. This feature will not be free, but will be very affordable.
– New twitter-like messaging functionality that will allow channel users to announce text messages to their users. Their subscribers will see those text messages on their home page on Brighteon.com. (No shadow banning. ALL messages will be delivered.)
There’s much more to come!
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In fact, the more provocative, the better. It’s time to rip the snowflakes out of their safe spaces and toss them into the yellow snow.
Yummm… it’s like Mother Nature’s snow cone!
It’s just like YouTube...
except it doesn’t suck.
Fox News Condemns 2020 Election As Partisan Witch Hunt Orchestrated By Democrats To Unseat President
Jonathan Turkey Slams Schiff's Need To Impeach By Christmas
Anonymous 5:57 PM,
As a Christian I care about right and wrong, true and false. So therefore I don't look at "offensive" and "provocative" as my criteria of what makes something worthy. Just because somebody is shocking doesn't make him or her right. The more offensive the better? No, being offensive isn't a good in and of itself. The more truth, the better. If the truth seems rude, that may be necessary sometimes. But for a Christian, truth in love is better.
Rip snowflakes out of safe spaces? Toss them in yellow snow? Oh, I guess that was supposed to be a witty play on words. Hardy har har. What a gross image. Rather an aggressive and hostile image, too.
The Bible instructs us to rebuke people tenderly telling them truth in love if their flaw is that they are weak. If their flaw is that they are being very willful, then they must be rebuked more forcefully.
Do you read the Bible much? Or is the Culture War your idol?
9:20 AM
Do you read the Bible much? Or is the Culture War your idol? That statement is an assumption, with a holier than thou ring to it.
This isn't my post at 5:57 PM but I think the poster must have cut and pasted the promotion for this Brighton site. Cut the person some slack. Where is your kind Christian demenaor!?
9:20 AM,
You've confused the WRITER of the article with the POSTER of the article. Send your article critiques to Mike Adams.
9:20am sounds like a certain letter in the alphabet. Just sayin'
Spokane Prosecutes Pastor For Trying To Pray For Kids At Public Library Drag Queen Show
I lived near Spokane in the late 80s to early 90s, and Spokane was a sweet medium sized city. It was definitely one of the nicest cities in the US at that time. Like nearby Coeur d' Alene Idaho, it has experienced massive growth over the past three decades. The last time I visited north Idaho a newspaper heading caught my eye. It said 79% of the population of north Idaho were born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area!!!! That newspaper heading was in the summer of 1998! I'm sure nearby Spokane has been the beneficiary of similar population grown from the 'bay area'. These ultra radical liberals from California destroy culture, and politics were ever they go!
Persecution of Christians, and conservative people will intensify rapidly nation wide. The radical Demoncrats are basically a satanic coven.
Some Christians believe we shouldn't concern ourselves with politics, or social issues, but under our largely defiled Constitution, and Bill of Rights, we are responsible for being actively involved in this nations governance! The opportunity is ours to exercise. It's lawful. If we fail, which we have miserably, our children, and everyone else suffers! We have failed because we have become fat, lazy, and wealthy. Bread and Circus has taken us to insane levels of self indulgence, where we worship athletes, and celebrities. These people we idolize are moral degenerates of the highest caliber. Yet they have been allowed to set this nations moral compass for decades. Nearly every 'christian' home has a television, or maybe even five or six, where we pay for indoctrination into Babylonian society, with it's inherent contempt for Christianity, and conservative vales. Is it a sin to be concerned with politics, and social issues, or is failing to do so the sin? Anyone who frequents this site must be here because they are concerned about social issues, spiritual issues (NA), and political issues. They interface, and overlap.
We do need to be more fervent, and frequent in prayer concerning this crumbling world, and what the Father of our Savior Yashua, would have us do, and speak. And how he would have us prepare for increasing tribulation. It's easy to be absorbed in the natural, and forsake the spiritual. I know I'm guilty of this!
Amen Mark
Rudy Giuliani Can Hardly Contain Himself Over His Ukraine Findings
What's Wrong With FISA?
Truthful profile of the Pentecostal, false personal "pastor" for Donald Trump, Paula White:
False "preachers" and "teachers" are in abundance today, yet, their "ministries" attract millions. Why is that? Because the deceived seek out "teachers" that will teach them comfortable deceptions that comport with their rebellion, along with their "love for this world" and the "things of this world."
PS: the fact that Paula White is a "Pastor," "teacher," "preacher" is in direct defiance with the Bible commands, which thoroughly condemns the practice of women in these roles.
Has anyone heard from our local frothy fen-sucked flirt gill?
What has become of that impertinent fool born gudgeon?
Because even though he's a paunchy ill-breeding lout,
I must admit to being amused by dribbling, ill-nurtured crapulence.
Whwerefore art thou now oh milk-livered mammet?
“If the wrong people knew what I know about the JFK assassination, it would cost me my life.”
-Dorothy Kilgallen
By Susan Edelman
New York Post
On the night before her shocking death, Dorothy Kilgallen, a star panelist on the hit TV game show “What’s My Line?,” correctly guessed the occupation of a mystery guest: a woman who sold dynamite.
The morning after that show, on Nov. 8, 1965, the 52-year-old newspaper columnist hailed by The Post as “the most powerful female voice in America” was dead in her Manhattan town house.
Kilgallen died weeks before a planned...meeting with a secret informant, telling a friend it was “cloak and daggerish.”
“I’m going to break the real story and have the biggest scoop of the century,” she told her lawyer.
The Reporter Who Knew Too Much: The Mysterious Death of 'What's My Line' TV Star and Media Icon Dorothy Kilgallen
By Mark Shaw
Author Interview
3:38 PM Does not sound like the usual paul, at all.
And what's verse, Mr. Dahlheimer probably won't understand it as his posts have no rhyme nor reason...
the criticism of Walid Shoebat is totally irrelevant to the the article which gives its sources in links in blue ink. mostly a whole cut and paste from one of those pages.
Squalid Shoehorn slanderously misquoted me as blasphemous when I defended the term almah in Isaiah instead of betulah as more assuring of virgin conception of Jesus Christ than betulah would be, then blocked me. More than once he has gone on a hectic rant that was essentially correct but used the wrong Bible cites to support it. And was very ticked off when this was pointed out to him. I still consider his page a good source of other information however. it is almost always sourced.
the bank claimed never attacked ...I saw the copy online of the news from the time that said it was attacked. that was so long ago you can't expect anyone to remember, and if they did they wouldn't admit it if now run by pro palestinian people. not to mention he's an embarassment being ex moslem and convert to Christianity. So they might lie.
the other issues I don't know enough facts about. I recall some legal process he had to go through to get control back from some unhelpful helper.
As for keeping their citizenship in USA its obvious that they are anti islamic terrorism tools, of course they would get to stay.
Eagle II - A Secret History Of The Deep State
the USA is not a corporation owned by British Crown, Jews, or anyone else. http://factmyth.com/factoids/the-united-states-is-a-corporation/ This act created the District of Columbia, which being not a state keeps the seat of US government from being in any one state so no state oneups another. "The lack of statehood for the capital is to be found in the Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 "
to you RC and my fellow EO and extreme preterists, who think Revelation is over and done with, if the antichrist was just Nero, why did St. Hippolytus of Rome c. 175-235 write about an anticipated future antichrist in http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/hippolytus-christ.html TREATISE ON CHRIST AND ANTICHRIST. when Nero 37-68 AD was dead and gone?
Exclusive — Former Israeli spy details Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation…
Well no it doesn't sound like me, but it is all actual Shakespeare.
And no it isn't in any rhyme scheme at all.
Thanks for noticing.
Bombshell findings of the Horowitz report prove the FBI is run by treasonous crooks who answer to no one
Something Incredibly Sinister Is Going On
Dire Warning Signs!
I've never been a "fan" of Giuliani, but, he has an extensive prosecutor's background, and knows what to look for regarding criminal activity.
After months of research that includes documented evidence, interviews with important witnesses in Ukraine, he now is making extremely damaging claims of intense corruption involving US politicians. THIS IS WHY Trump is being attacked by the Deep State. From the start, the outsider Trump has revealed what he KNOWS, including the "truth" of the 9/11 attacks.
When Hillary stated: "if he gets elected, we all hang," she wasn't exaggerating. IMO, if Trump wins in 2020, he will move to expose the deep corruption (involving $TRILLIONS .... not billions) of "inside the beltway." It's been going on for decades !
PS: Very IMPORTANT .... if you are a Christian, sincerely pray that the TRUTH prevails and that evil doers and liars be exposed and destroyed.
Environmentalist, Climate Crisis Messiah Greta Thunberg suffers as she travels on overcrowded trains in Germany. Her propaganda photographer (probably paid by Soros) took a photo of the suffering Greta as she was forced to sit on the floor of her train.
Only one problem; this photo op was all staged. She and her entire crew were not on "overcrowded trains" at all ... they all rode comfortably in FIRST CLASS !
For those that continue to follow this climate fraud, ask yourself this: why am I being lied to and who is behind this movement and why?
'You Need Rehabilitation': Nunes Letter Dismantles Schiff Over FISA Lies, Stroking Steele, And Participating In Coverup
"...your rehabilitation will be a long, arduous precess...it's critical that you admit you have a problem - hijacking the Intel committee for political purposes while excusing agency abuses..."
Paul, just fyi my 8:13 PM comment was meant to convey that Mr. D is not exactly the epitome of English Literature authorship and understanding, not that your comment in question rhymed. Sorry for the misunderstanding, my bad! However, that being said, Mr. D, let's start you on your way, finish this poem: "There once was a man from Nantucket..."
Natural News
YouTube issues new rule prohibiting any criticism of LGBTQ persons - 3 Hours Ago
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Law student booted from campus and interrogated by the FBI after placing "It's Okay to Be White" posters - 3 Hours Ago
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Inspired by photosynthesis in plants, researchers create liquid fuel with just water and carbon dioxide - 25 Hours Ago
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Enviro-tyrant Greta Thunberg wins TIME Person of the Year, joining Hitler, Stalin, and Obama - 50 Hours Ago
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Twitter bans LifeSiteNews for working to protect the lives of young human children… because Twitter is run by... - 73 Hours Ago
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DoJ IG's report found SCORES of disturbing things regarding abuses of the FISA Court by Obama's and Comey's FBI - 77 Hours Ago
Establishment Republican and neocon anti-Trumper Rick Wilson calls for “anti-vaxxers” to be placed into re-education camps - 78 Hours Ago
Rand Paul Warns, Impeachment Charade Could "Destroy The Country"
"Democrats don't like Trump and his demeanor, so they have decided to "criminalize politics"
Greta Thunberg Busted After Bizarre Feud With German Railway Company
"It would have been even better if you had also mentioned how friendly and competent the team looked after you in your seat in First Class..."
Greta Thunberg, A Parent's Nightmare
September 24, 2019
By Cheryl K. Chumley The Washington Times
Greta Thunberg, Swedish teenage climate change activist, has come to America bringing a dozen-plus of her child-age comrades to lecture the world on the perils of weather patterns, petition the United Nations for change, immediate change, and demand, via a formal complaint, five countries follow her Chicken Little leadership down a path of zero-production, zero growth. All in the name of good earth stewardship.
And the left is simply buzzing with admiration over this child.
But then again, they don’t have to live with her.
Thunberg, bless her heart, must be a real saint to live with — and yes, that’s the Southern meaning of “bless her heart.” This is how kids act when they aren’t given solid parental guidance, proper education and a humble sense of who they are in God. They think they’re entitled to speak on issues of which they’re completely uninformed, and that the world, simply because they feel sad, or angry — or simply because they feel something at all — owes them a listen. And a serious response.
Thunberg, along with 15 of friends, ranging in ages from 8 to 17, filed a complaint with the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child accusing Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, Germany and France of failing to keep their climate change obligations.
Nary a word about CHINA.
But plenty of finger-wagging and scolding and high falutin’-ism over her rights as a child of the world being violated, as per the United Nations’ very own Convention on the Rights of the Child.
“Change needs to happen now,” Thunberg said in a widely reported statement. “The climate crisis is not just the weather. It means also lack of food and lack of water, places that are unlivable and refugees because of it. It is scary.”
That’s tame compared to what she said at the United Nations.
“Right here, right now is where we draw the line,” Thunberg said. “The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not.”
Another excerpt?
“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is the money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth,” she said. “How dare you. … How dare you …”
How dare you.
How dare you.
You know, it’s one thing for teenagers to take an interest in the world of politics and current events. It’s another thing entirely to pretend, as a teen, to possess the wisdom and knowledge to lead the world.
One is laudable; the other is pretentious and obnoxious.
The other is a tool of the left.
In another day, a better time, Thunberg’s parents would’ve taught her the difference.
And she wouldn’t have gotten away with standing atop the global stage and lecturing the adults on how to behave.
How does Soros get to walk around free?
The U.K. banished him. So we let him live in a nice mansion in upstate New York?
He's a menace to the rule of law, and an openly treasonous P.O.S.
Hallmark pulls ... then reinstates "Lesbian Wedding" commercial.
It's up to you ... will you continue to support, with your money, cable TV that continues to be an affront to God?
Netflix has a "comedy" show depicting the Lord as "gay."
If you still support Netflix with your subscription, YOU are in league with the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The same people that produce this type of evil, hate filled blasphemy are the very same ilk as found here:
"No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him; and, lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto him. I will therefore chastise him, and release him. (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.) And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas: (Who for a certain sedition made in the city, and for murder, was cast into prison.) Pilate therefore, willing to release Jesus, spake again to them. But they cried, saying, Crucify him, crucify him. And he said unto them the third time, Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him and let him go. And they were instant with loud voices, requiring that he might be crucified. And the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed." LUKE 23:15-23
Alyssa 'La Fonda' Milano Applauds Twitter Activists for Pressuring Hallmark to Air Same Sex Marriage Ads
Life Site News
Mississippi gov to ask Supreme Court to uphold 15-week abortion ban - 2 Hours Ago
Argentina's new socialist govt railroads in abortion for 13-year-olds - 3 Hours Ago
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12-year-old boy who thinks he's a girl wants womb transplant so he can be 'mother' someday - 6 Hours Ago
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Parental rights are under attack, here's what you can do about it - 9 Hours Ago
Hallmark reverses decision to pull same-sex ‘wedding’ ads after LGBT celebrity backlash - 9 Hours Ago
Hallmark Channel pulls same-sex ‘wedding’ ads after viewer backlash - 46 Hours Ago
Planned Parenthood infiltrates 50 California public schools - 70 Hours Ago
Catholic schools trustee defends vote against ‘evil’ gender ideology from LGBT attacks - 71 Hours Ago
DC pro-abort forces working around Trump admin laws against global abortion funding - 72 Hours Ago
US ambassador threatens to pull foreign aid unless Zambia embraces sodomy - 72 Hours Ago
Cardinal: Climate change activist Greta Thunberg ‘great witness’ to Church teaching - 72 Hours Ago
911 call: Planned Parenthood worker stalls over phone number while patient bleeds - 72 Hours Ago
Catholics surround Peru church with prayer as feminist mob threatens desecration - 73 Hours Ago
Wisconsin Medicaid to begin funding sex-reassignment surgery after settlement - 73 Hours Ago
New evidence shows deceitful methods Vatican officials used to launder millions of euros - 74 Hours Ago
Staggering Number Of Mass Animal Death Events In 2019: Is This Earths Final Warning?
Santa in Gay Interracial Relationship in Kid's Book
Why the Demoncrats are relentless in their drive to Impeach Trump. No one, who can be viewed to any degree, as a threat to their 'democratic' New Age/New World Order, must be removed.
What Happened to the American Republic?
Long since past time to cancel US membership in the UN...
UN to America: You CANNOT Avoid Paying Punitive Climate "Reparations"!
UN Feeds Names of Chinese Dissidents to Beijing: Whistleblower
Who Are The Globalists And What Do They Want?
11 December 2019
By Brandon Smith
I get the question often, though one would think it's obvious - Who are these “globalists” we refer to so much in the liberty movement? Sometimes the request comes from honest people who only want to learn more. Sometimes it comes from disinformation agents attempting to mire discussion on the issue with assertions that the globalists "don't exist". The answer to the question can be simple and complex at the same time. In order to understand who the globalists are, we first have to understand what they want.
We talk a lot about the “globalists” because frankly, their agenda has become more open than ever in the past ten years. There was a time not long ago when the idea of the existence of “globalists” was widely considered “conspiracy theory”. There was a time when organizations like the Bilderberg Group did not officially exist and the mainstream media rarely ever reported on them. There was a time when the agenda for one world economy and a one world government was highly secretive and mentioned only in whispers in the mainstream. And, anyone who tried to expose this information to the public was called a “tinfoil hat wearing lunatic”.
Today, the mainstream media writes puff-pieces about the Bilderberg Group and even jokes about their secrecy. When members of Donald Trump's cabinet, Mike Pompeo and Jared Kushner, attended Bilderberg in 2019, the mainstream media was wallpapered with the news.
When the World Government Summit meets each year in Dubai, attended by many of the same people that attend Bilderberg as well as shady mainstream icons and gatekeepers like Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson, they don't hide their discussions or their goals, they post them on YouTube.
I remember when talking about the US dollar being dethroned and replaced with a new one world currency system and a cashless society controlled by the IMF was treated as bizarre theory. Now it's openly called for by numerous leaders in the financial industry and in economic governance. The claim that these things are “conspiracy theory” no longer holds up anymore. In reality, the people who made such accusations a few years ago now look like idiots as the establishment floods the media with information and propaganda promoting everything the liberty movement has been warning about.
The argument on whether or not a globalist agenda “exists” is OVER. The liberty movement and the alternative media won that debate, and through our efforts we have even forced the establishment into admitting the existence of some of their plans for a completely centralized global system managed by them. Now, the argument has changed. The mainstream doesn't really deny anymore that the globalists exist; they talk about whether or not the globalist agenda is a good thing or a bad thing.
First, I would point out the sheer level of deception and disinformation used by the globalists over the past several decades. This deceptions is designed to maneuver the public towards accepting a one world economy and eventually one world governance. If you have to lie consistently to people about your ideology in order to get them to support it, then there must be something very wrong with your ideology.
Second, the establishment may be going public with their plans for globalization, but they aren't being honest about the consequences for the average person. And, there are many misconceptions out there, even in the liberty movement, about what exactly these people want. So, we need to construct a list of globalist desires vs globalist lies in order to define who we are dealing with. These are the beliefs and arguments of your run-of-the-mill globalist:
A globalist believes everything must be centralized, from finance to money to social access to production to government. They argue that centralization makes the system “more fair” for everyone, but in reality they desire a system in which they have total control over every aspect of life. Globalists, more than anything, want to dominate and micro-manage every detail of civilization and socially engineer humanity in the image they prefer.
One World Currency System And Cashless Society
As an extension of centralization, globalists want a single currency system for the world. Not only this, but they want it digitized and easy to track. Meaning, a cashless society in which every act of trade by every person can be watched and scrutinized. If trade is no longer private, preparation for rebellion becomes rather difficult. When all resources can be manged and restricted to a high degree at the local level, rebellion would become unthinkable because the system becomes the parent and provider and the source of life. A one world currency and cashless system would be the bedrock of one world governance. You cannot have one without the other.
One World Government
Globalists want to erase all national borders and sovereignty and create a single elite bureaucracy, a one world empire in which they are the “philosopher kings” as described in Plato's Republic.
As Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, wrote in the April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation’s (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs (pg. 558) in an article titled 'The Hard Road To World Order':
“In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”
This system would be highly inbred, though they may continue to give the masses the illusion of public participation and “democracy” for a time. Ultimately, the globalists desire a faceless and unaccountable round table government, a seat of power which acts as an institution with limited liability, much like a corporation, and run in the same sociopathic manner without legitimate public oversight. In the globalist world, there will be NO redress of grievances.
Sustainability As Religion
Globalists often use the word “sustainability” in their white papers and agendas, from Agenda 21 to Agenda 2030. Environmentalism is the facade they employ to guilt the population into supporting global governance, among other things. As I noted in my recent article 'Why Is The Elitist Establishment So Obsessed With Meat', fake environmentalism and fraudulent global warming “science” is being exploited by globalists to demand control over everything from how much electricity you can use in your home, to how many children you can have, to how much our society is allowed to manufacture or produce, to what you are allowed to eat.
The so-called carbon pollution threat, perhaps the biggest scam in history, is a key component of the globalist agenda. As the globalist organization The Club Of Rome, a sub-institution attached to the United Nations, stated in their book 'The First Global Revolution':
“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”
In other words, by presenting human beings as a species as the great danger, the globalists hope to convince humanity to sublimate itself before the mother earth goddess and beg to be kept in line. And, as the self designated “guardians” of the Earth, the elites become the high priests of the new religion of sustainability. They and they alone would determine who is a loyal servant and who is a heretic. Carbon pollution becomes the new “original sin”; everyone is a sinner against the Earth, for everyone breaths and uses resources, and we must all do our part to appease the Earth by sacrificing as much as possible, even ourselves.
The elites don't believe in this farce, they created it. The sustainability cult is merely a weapon to be used to dominate mass psychology and make the populace more malleable.
Population Control
Globalists come from an ideological background which worships eugenics – the belief that genetics must be controlled and regulated, and those people they deem to be undesirables must be sterilized or exterminated.
The modern eugenics movement was launched by the Rockefeller Foundation in the early 1900's in America, and was treated a a legitimate scientific endeavor for decades. Eugenics was taught in schools and even celebrated at the World's Fair. States like California that adopted eugenics legislation forcefully sterilized tens of thousands of people and denied thousands of marriage certificates based on genetics. The system was transferred to Germany in the 1930's were it gained world renown for its inherent brutality.
This ideology holds that 4% or less of the population is genetically worthy of leadership, and the elites conveniently assert that they represent part of that genetic purity.
After WWII the public developed a distaste for the idea of eugenics and population control, but under the guise of environmentalism the agenda is making a comeback, as population reduction in the name of “saving the Earth” is in the mainstream media once again. The Question then arises - Who gets to decide who lives and who dies? Who gets to decide who is never born? And, how will they come to their decisions? No doubt a modern form of eugenics will be presented as the "science" used to "fairly" determine the content of the population if the elites get their way.
Narcissistic Sociopathy
It is interesting that the globalists used to present the 4% leadership argument in their eugenics publications, because 4% of the population is also consistent with the number of people who have inherent sociopathy or narcissistic sociopathy, either in latent or full-blown form, with 1% of people identified as full blown psychopaths and the rest as latent. Coincidence?
The behavior of the globalists is consistent with the common diagnosis of full-blown narcopaths, a condition which is believed to be inborn and incurable. Narcopaths (pyschopaths) are devoid of empathy and are often self obsessed. They suffer from delusions of grandeur and see themselves as “gods” among men. They believe other lowly people are tools to be used for their pleasure or to further their ascendance to godhood. They lie incessantly as a survival mechanism and are good at determining what people want to hear. Narcopaths feel no compassion towards those they harm or murder, yet crave attention and adoration from the same people they see as inferior. More than anything, they seek the power to micro-manage the lives of everyone around them and to feed off those people like a parasite feeds off a host victim.
It is often argued by skeptics that psychopaths cannot organize cohesively, because such organizations would self destruct. These people simply don't know what they're talking about. Psychopaths throughout history organize ALL THE TIME, from tyrannical governments to organized crime and religious cults. The globalists have their own binding ideologies and methods for organization. One method is to ensure benefits to those who serve the group (as well as punishments for those who stray). Predators often work together as long as there is ample prey. Another method is the use of religious or ideological superiority; making adherents feel like they are part of an exclusive and chosen few destined for greatness.
This is a highly complicated issue which requires its own essay to examine in full. I believe I did this effectively in my article 'Luciferians: A Secular Look At A Destructive Globalist Belief System'.
Needless to say, this agenda is NOT one that globalists are willing to admit to openly very often, but I have outlined extensive evidence that luciferianism is indeed the underlying globalist cult religion. It is essentially an ideology which promotes moral relativism, the worship of the self and the attainment of godhood by any means necessary – which fits perfectly with globalism and globalist behavior.
It is also the only ideological institution adopted by the UN, through the UN's relationship with Lucis Trust, also originally called Lucifer Publishing Company. Lucis Trust still has a private library within the UN building today.
So, now that we know the various agendas and identifiers of globalists, we can now ask “Who are the globalists?” The answer is – ANYONE who promotes the above agendas, related arguments, or any corporate or political leader who works directly with them. This includes presidents that claim to be anti-globalist while also filling their cabinets with people from globalist organizations.
To make a list of names is simple; merely study the membership rosters of globalists organizations like the Bilderberg Group, the Council On Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Tavistock Institute, the IMF, the BIS, World Bank, the UN, etc. You will find a broad range of people from every nation and every ethnicity ALL sharing one goal – A world in which the future for every other person is dictated by them for all time; a world in which freedom is a memory and individual choice is a commodity only they have the right to enjoy.
(If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. Learn more about it HERE: https://alt-market.com/articles/3702-the-wild-bunch-dispatch-alt-markets-exclusive-newsletter-on-fighting-globalism)
Anyone actually shocked or even just surprised that this would happen?
Story Hour Drag Queen flashes naked junk to children in Minnesota (raw)…
I hate to have to post this ... because there really isn't a viable candidate for President outside of Trump.
Trump has voiced his support for "Red Flag" gun confiscation laws, which is a direct violation of the 2nd. Amendment along with ignoring our Constitutional right for due process. Trump states "take the guns first then worry about due process later through the courts." Of course what he fails to state is that in America, we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Trump's interpretation is; you are guilty until you can prove you are innocent. He also ignores the incredible legal expenses that are involved with fighting your unjust case through the court system ... which is often rigged in favor of the government !
Trump recently signed an Executive Order banning free speech on college campuses. Try to imagine the outcry if Trump would have banned all anti-Christian, or anti-American speech, instead of what he did, which is to ban any criticism of the State of Israel. No speakers will be allowed to present the Palestinian side of the debate. The religion of Judaism has now been declared to be a NATIONALITY, which means, any questioning of the religion itself will be viewed as being "anti-Semitic." This is a very dangerous precedent that is being set. Judaism officially, categorically, denies Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Could the day come, when, if you refuse to deny your faith in Jesus Christ, you will be labeled an anti-Semite? Would you be guilty of a hate crime?
Watch IsraeliNewsLive as they delve into some of these issues ...
PS: Trump also signed an extension of the un-Constitutional Patriot Act, as well as throwing his support behind Civil Asset Forfeiture, whereby law enforcement can (and do) confiscate material possessions merely upon the SUSPICION of a crime being committed ... all without due process.
Two men fired in Canada because they used the word "Eskimo" in a private conversation:
PS: if you haven't ever read Orwell's "1984" you should. Available online as a free PDF download.
When someone says they're "America first" but then loads up their adminstration with NWO types, that belies their stated position.
Yeah, or if they are "Jesuit First" they should say that, but they never do.
Posted on 12/17/19
Shocking truth that no one wants to face . . .
RayB mentioned getting a PDF copy of "1984" and reading it. Do that or go hardcover:
Beware of having very important books ONLY in electronic formats such as Kindle, or, for that matter, possessing very important videos ONLY on DVR...
Doubleplusungood: That Copy Of 1984 On Your Kindle Is Now Gone
From The You-Never-Had-That-Book... Dept.
Fri, Jul 17th 2009
By Mike Masnick
For quite some time we've been pointing out the simple fact that, unlike with a physical book, you don't really own the ebooks that you buy on your Amazon Kindle. Even worse, Amazon can simply delete them at will. In fact, that's exactly what's happened to (of all books!) George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm. Talk about irony. People who legitimately purchased those books discovered that they're now gone, as the publisher has decided that ebook versions were doubleplusungood and should never have existed in the first place. So, like the war with Eurasia, the book is now just a figment of your imagination. You never had it. At least Amazon refunded the money, but what kind of book do you buy that gets automatically disappeared? eBooks are an interesting concept, but how can anyone buy into something where their books might suddenly disappear?
[Or perhaps {who knows} even be left but instead subtly altered?]
DVR's Remotely Erasing "Conspiracy Theory w/ Jesse Ventura"?
I have all 15 episodes of 'Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura' from ITunes. This includes the episode 'Police State' before ITunes DELETED it.
I watch Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, and I've heard of some friends who have recorded some of these episodes have had them erased...
Yes, I did see this on the series called Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. I've enjoyed watching all of those episodes and wonder why it was discontinued. Same reason why they didn't air the police state episode. LINK Comcast was even DELETING the episodes from DVRs, I remember my brother set his to record the show and it was MISSING.
FBI swamp creatures claim anyone criticizing the bureau is a threat to the “rule of law"!!!
Postal Service runs ad suggesting Virgin Mary conceived Christ with MAILMAN
Democrats Already Preparing for a SECOND Impeachment of Trump!
I wanted to add to my post regarding Trump signing the Executive Order declaring Judaism a "Nationality."
The 7 Noahide Laws is being promoted by Talmudic leaders around the world and continues to gain acceptance. Although it seems to have an appeal to common sense, it is, in fact, a very evil, rigid concept. I can't stress this enough; it has no basis in Scripture whatsoever !
Within the 7 Noahide Laws, which is based upon the Talmud (and NOT the Bible), is the law against "blasphemy."
In the Talmud, belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God is BLASPHEMY ! The punishment listed in the Talmud for "blasphemy?"
BEHEADING ! Isn't there something in the Bible regarding believers being beheaded for their faith? (Revelation 20:4)
After YEARS of unrelenting pressure from child abuse victims groups from literally all over the world, the Vatican has FINALLY declared that they are removing their "shroud of pontifical secrecy," which was used in the past to protect (and enable) pedophiles, silence victims via pay for silence schemes, AND systematically refuse to cooperate with ANY law enforcement officials that were investigating criminal child sex abuse.
Along with all of that, amazingly, the Vatican's official policy held that pornographic images were only considered "child porn" if those images were of children under the age of 14 !!! PAUSE and think about that ! A child that was 15 years old was not considered to be a .... CHILD ! It was only due to the outrage by the victims groups that the Vatican also yielded on this point and decided to raise the age of child pornography status to below the age of 18.
How many "fruits" do you have to examine before the light shines into your soul and informs you that this is NOT a Christian church in any way, shape, or form?
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." II Corinthians 6: 14-18
Sweden in Uproar Over Video of Immigrant Gang Abusing, Urinating on Swedish Boy
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
That's something isn't it 7:30 PM?
Stupid is, as stupid does, and about as ungrateful and un-american as you can get.
Yes indeed 3:00 PM, and those 'stoops' are hell-bent on 'stooping' to new lows to try to undo the 2016 election:
House Democrats Intend to Continue Impeachment PERPETUALLY!
18 December 2019
Former NSA Chief Says Mueller Report Was Based On CIA - Fabricated "Evidence"
"...I have always been saying that all of this Russian hack never happened, but we have some more evidence coming out recently... In other words, it looked like the CIA did this..."
Italian Museum of Contemporary Art Depicts Christ as CHILD MOLESTER
Michelle Wolf:
Aborting My Baby Made Me Feel 'Powerful,' Like 'God'
Magnetic North Pole moves into new time zone at an unprecedented pace!
The current magnetic flip will have dramatic consequences for life on Earth!
Highest Quality Of Character PERSONIFIED:
Nancy Pelosi Signals She May FREEZE Impeachment After Vote So Trump Can't Claim Senate Vindication!
Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment!
This is what the Demoncrats had to say in 1998! Video
Opinion: Greta may actually save us all — but not like she thinks
By Peter Heck / DISRN
Dec 18th, 2019
If you pay close enough attention to the Warmers – that is, the activists convinced that mankind's mere existence is an existential threat to a planet that could incinerate at any moment – there are two things that they can always be counted on to deliver:
•Fantastic prophecies of imminent doom that always prove false.
•Moments of accidental honesty.
To be frank, I'm not sure which I enjoy more. Given that many of these global cooling/global warming/climate disruption/climate change activists are functional agnostics, it's admittedly a real pleasure to see them take on the persona of the very rabid street preachers they love to mock as religious nuts.
Seriously, besides preferring to bark at skeptical pedestrians rather than address crowds of indoctrinated college kids, how different are the cautionary warnings of the street corner cleric and the hysterics of activists like the New York Times' Pulitzer Prize winning Thomas Friedman who epically warned that:
"[W]e never know when the next emitted carbon molecule will tip over some ecosystem and trigger a nonlinear climate event – like melting the Siberian tundra and releasing all of its methane, or drying up the Amazon or melting all the sea ice in the North Pole in summer."
That's Ivy League-level scaremongering right there. And Friedman has been joined by a relentless parade of doomsayers making predictions of imminent climate Armageddon:
French foreign minister Laurent Fabius told John Kerry over 2,000 days ago that, "We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos."
NASA's James Hansen predicted in 2009 that Barack Obama had only four years to save the Earth.
In 2002 the UK Guardian said that within a decade (that would be 2012), global warming would leave the world with a choice between feeding people or feeding animals.
How about this AP article from 1989 that starts off by saying, "entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000"?
And that's the just the tip of the (no doubt rapidly melting) iceberg. There's some classic entertainment to be enjoyed when perusing through these spectacularly wrong predictions of doom, to be sure.
But at the same time, the moments where the Warmers inadvertently expose their real motivations (which aren't, despite all the pretense, focused on saving the planet) are every bit as choice. Just a few months ago it was the chief of staff for socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who admitted in an interview:
"The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn't originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing."
So there's a tacit admission that under the guise of saving the planet, the real motivation is to completely undo the economic system of the United States. And recently, it was no less than the royal princess of melting glaciers herself, Greta Thunberg, who spilled the beans, saying:
"After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities."
While precisely no one believes that those words are actually coming from the mind of a 16-year-old girl, they still expose the truth that the anthropogenic climate change movement has always attempted to conceal. Despite using the true believers – those who go on hunger strikes, chain themselves to trees, campaign against cow flatulence, castrate themselves in the name of population control – this cause has never truly been about the environment.
Modern Warmerism is but the latest iteration of the perpetual Marxist effort to usurp power and control people (for their own good, of course). It is their religion. Having tasted the bitter fruits of their previously failed attempts to wrest power from free people, they've decided it's a wiser path to have those free people willingly cede their individual autonomy themselves.
How do you get them to do so? You convince them that they're saving the planet from impending destruction, of course. That's why to say that "Green" is the new "Red" is no hyperbole.
Don't misunderstand – I'm willing to acknowledge that at 16, Greta Thunberg's participation in this movement reflects her exploitation rather than her complicity. But I'm starting to believe that maybe she will actually end up saving us all. Not by intentionally converting humanity to the religion of Warmerism, but by unintentionally exposing to the world to what it's really all about.
You wrote: "While precisely no one believes that those words are actually coming from the mind of a 16-year-old girl, they still expose..."
I wish you were right about that part but I fear that you underestimate the extent of the dumbing down of the world, at the behest of the United Nations and all their willing accomplices. I see through the charade as you do and many people over the age of about fifty, but below that age, God help us all, they buy this crap. They truly believe every lying word of it from AOC and Al Gore and Saint Greta Thunberg, (or her handlers), to be sure.
I have a twenty year old daughter in college and it grieves me to my core how easily she gets triggered by any perceived verbal misstep I may make. These kids are very sure that there has never been any concern for the planet earth or women's rights or any kind of oppression, until just this past few years. They are very sure that their parents are wrong about every thing they think. Apparently, America is and always has been evil, and by extension, white men are the scourge of the earth; especially Christian white men.
I hope and wish that your conclusion is what happens, but I very sadly doubt it.
Paul, thank you for your comments.
You are, however, conflating the poster of the article with the author of the article, Peter Heck.
But again, thank you for your comments.
P.S. I somewhat agree with you, some youth being more like what PH mentioned and the others more like what you mentioned and incidentally: Greta's hardly an innocent babe-in-the-woods if she's complicit in staging fake photos as she did recently, showing her sitting on the floor of a train when in fact she was going first class!
Surveillance Footage Outside Of Jeffrey Epstein's Cell During Suicide Attempt Is Missing
Quoth The Joker:
"And... Here... We... GO!"
Now Adam Schiff claims VP MIKE PENCE is implicated in ‘Ukrainegate’
Constance, would like your opinion on what this Harvard law professor is saying???
House - Senate Impeachment Impasse Would Mean Trump Wasn't Impeached At All: Harvard Law Prof
'Professor Noah Feldman says that President Trump isn't technically Impeached until the House actually transmits the articles to the Senate'
Oh well then, don't worry: They'll CERTAINLY transmit them (by) ELECTION EVE!
US Navy begins construction on ship named in honor of homosexual pederast Harvey Milk
Can you imagine the comedic material now available to the rest of the military world?
P.S. To my 10:25 AM
Now Adam Schiff claims VP MIKE PENCE is implicated in ‘Ukrainegate’
To wit:
Political strategist Roger Stone [had said] that the deep state is planning to remove both President Trump and VP Mike Pence from office so that they can install Nancy Pelosi as President as part of a coup that will eventually see Hillary Clinton return as President.
“The deep state seeks to fabricate some misdeed...” said Stone.
“That way they can remove both Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, paving the way for Nancy Pelosi to become president.”
“Pelosi will then appoint Hillary Clinton to the vacant Vice Presidency after which Pelosi would resign as president allowing Hillary to take the White House which alluded her grasp in 2016.”
"We’re going to die": 7- and 8-year-old schoolchildren terrified after being shown Greta Thunberg climate change video
P.S. How soon before Thundberg and David Hogg joint headline a "Children's Summit On The Future?"
P.P.S. Speaking of which:
Future Headline?
"'I'm in Hogg Heaven!' David Hogg FLIPS for Enviro-Activist Greta Thundberg! But Thundberg tells him to 'cool off' as she claims he is being 'criminally irresponsible' by 'significantly contributing to global warming!'"
Iowa man gets SIXTEEN YEARS in prison for FLAG CRIME!
•WOW! First amendment issues aside, it looks like the American flag is getting some serious respect now!
••No, it wasn't.
•What's that?
••Wrong flag.
•It WASN'T an American flag? Well then, what kind of flag was it that would result in a 16 YEAR sentence?
NASA designs suits to help astronauts deal with MICROBES in Martian dust (while still DENYING discovery of microbial life on Mars)!
Mike Adams And Steve Quayle On The Hagmann Report Live Show
People are already telling me that it’s THE BEST INTERVIEW THEY'VE HEARD ALL YEAR!
Mike Adams
December 19, 2019
Natural News
“People are e-mailing me saying it’s one of the BEST shows they have EVER heard,” exclaims Steve Quayle on his website, SteveQuayle.com. And I’m being texted bizarre messages like, “You guys were on fire! MORE, PLEEZE!”
Doug Hagmann is an American patriot and investigator who has over the years become a legend in alternative media. You will find some of the most provocative and well-informed guests on his show, which is a long format, unscripted discussion that declares no topic out of bounds.
So without any particular topics in mind — not even a single sheet of bullet points or anything — we dove into some of the most mind-bending subjects of our modern era, including geoengineering, terraforming and the chemical alteration of the atmosphere as part of a globalist agenda to literally exterminate humankind.
Doug was a very professional host, and I enjoyed the talk. People are raving about it, which I suppose comes from the unique combination of all three of us being on the same show at the same time. Steve Quayle’s mind contains an absolute treasure chest of knowledge about ancient civilizations, extraterrestrials, giants, exotic weapon systems and, more recently, plate tectonics and radical geological activity across the West Coast and Pacific Rim.
You’ve simply got to hear this highly unusual combination of the three of us laying out truth bombshell after truth bombshell on so many subjects, you’ll have to listen twice just to absorb it all.
Watch here and share everywhere:
Not So Marvelous: 'Mrs. Maisel' Calls Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly 'SATAN,' 'MONSTER'!
BTW In case the subtlety escapes anyone, "HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD" is to be understood as sarcasm.
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When a Nation No Longer Can Blush
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To Anon @ 12:44 PM ...
RE: Man is slapped with 16 YEARS in prison for burning an LBGTQ "flag." AND NO ONE WAS HURT, and NO PROPERTY (other than the flag) was destroyed !! 16 YEARS !!!!!
I read that news account on Citizen Free Press. This is a real indicator as to where we are headed .... and what it will be like under a totalitarian dictatorship.
I reminds me of the French Revolution; if you didn't agree TOTALLY with the "Revolution," didn't use terms such as "citizen" when addressing one another, showed your lack of loyalty by not wearing the "Red Bonnet," etc., etc. you were considered a non-compliant. Quite often, you'd end up in a dirty, cold, rat infested prison and usually ended up "sneezing in the bucket", i.e. losing your head via the Guillotine.
These modern day social engineers are of the very same ilk as the French revolutionaries.
Reading the account of a man being sentenced to 16 years for "burning an LGBTQ flag," I recalled reading about another related story awhile back. I looked it up and here it is:
Two separate, but, related events.
In the above case, a Catholic priest removed an LGBTQ flag that was made to resemble a cross and burned it in protest. He was "removed" from the church by Bishop Cupich, presumably to be "re-educated" in such a way that he will reflect Rome's true "values."
Thank you citizen!
-And thank you Citizen Free Press!
P.S. I don't have a "Red Bonnet" but I'm hoping that THIS will do when the time comes...
It would be totally not cool (pc-wise) to call the people who enthusiastically wave such rainbow-hued banners "Flaggots"
Make sure you wear the right cap ... a blue bonnet might be interpreted as being against the revolution (although I suppose it's better than nothing).
Ancient, occult connection to the red cap. Symbols are very important to the Satanic world of the occult because the belief is that there is "power" derived by such symbols ... precisely why there is so much of it that is used in Freemasonry, for example. Incidentally, the French Revolution was largely brought about by Freemasons, in particular, the Jacobins ...
Informative, short video on the Red Cap (or as the French often referred to it ... the Red Bonnet):
PS: Lenin himself stated that he modeled his "revolution" after the French Revolution. It has often been said that the color "red" was used by the Bolsheviks because of its association with the Red Bonnet.
Speaking of symbols ...
What is the origin of the Star of David, which appears on Israel's flag?
Does anyone have an answer on this?
The “Star of David” –
Is It Pagan?
What is the origin of the “Star of David”?
Was it really the ancient symbol on David’s shield?
Did it originate with King Solomon?
What is the meaning of two interlaced triangles, one pointed upward and one pointed down?
Where did this ancient symbol REALLY originate?
Why does this symbol figure so prominently in the modern nation of Israel, today?
You may be totally shocked at the explosive, provocative answers to these questions!
A Jewish Orthodox internet website tells us: “The Magen David (shield of David, or as it is more commonly known, the Star of David) is the symbol most commonly associated with Judaism today, but it is actually a relatively new Jewish symbol. It is supposed to represent the shape of King David’s shield (or perhaps the emblem on it), but there is really no support for that claim in any early rabbinic literature. In fact, the symbol is so rare in early Jewish literature
and artwork that art dealers suspect forgery if they find the symbol in early works. “Scholars such as Franz Rosenzweig have attributed deep theological significance to the symbol. For example, some note that the top triangle strives upward, toward God, while the lower triangle strives downward, toward the real world. Some note that the intertwining makes the triangles inseparable, like the Jewish people. Some say that the three sides represent the three types of Jews: Kohanin, Levites and Israel. Some note that there are actually 12 sides (3
exterior and 3 interior on each triangle), representing the 12 tribes. While these theories are theologically interesting, they have little basis in historical fact.” The site continues: “The symbol of intertwined equilateral triangles is a common one in the Middle East and North Africa, and is thought to bring good luck. It appears occasionally in early Jewish artwork, but never as an exclusively Jewish symbol. The nearest thing to an ‘official’ Jewish symbol at the time was the seven-branched “menorah.”
In the 17th century, it became a popular practice to put Magen Davids on the outside of Jewish synagogues to identify them as Jewish houses of worship in much the same way that a cross identified a Christian house of worship.
The so-called “Star of David” gained popularity as a symbol of Judaism when it was adopted as the emblem of the Zionist movement in 1897, but the symbol continued to be very
controversial for many years. When the modern state of Israel was founded in 1948, there was
much debate over whether this symbol should be used on the flag.
Today, of course, the “Star of David” is a universally recognized symbol of Jewry. It appears on the flag of the state of Israel. Its real origins, however, are not so pure.
The Hexagram
The so-called “Star of David” is essentially a “hexagram,” nothing more, nothing less.
There is no Biblical or Jewish evidence that traces this ancient occult symbol with King David of Israel. However, there is evidence that it was used by king Solomon, after he turned to pagan gods and the occult, late in his life, causing God to become very angry with him.
A Masonic book called The Second Mile, an Eastern Star book, reveals that the “six pointed star is a very ancient symbol, and one of the most powerful.” The hexagram is used in magic, witchcraft, sorcery and occultism and the casting of zodiacal horoscopes by astrologers. “It was considered to posses mysterious powers,” says A Concise Cyclopaedia of Freemasonry.
The six pointed star is used as a “stand-by for magicians and alchemists. The sorcerers believed it represented the footprints of a special kind of DEMON called a trud and used it in ceremonies both to call up demons and to keep them away” (O. J. Graham, The Six Pointed Star, New Puritan Library, 1988, p.35).
Says Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, by Dr. Cathy Burns, “The Hexagram is formed by united the Water Triangle with the Fire Triangle, which is the Six-pointed Sart, Star of
David, Solomon’s Seal, etc. When the two triangles (the ‘Water Triangle’ and the ‘Fire Triangle’) are joined together into one symbol, it forms a six pointed star known as a double triangle, hexagram, Crest of Solomon, star of the microcosm and the Shield of David, among other names. It is even called the ‘talisman of Saturn’” (p.38).
Occultists use it as a “stand-by for magicians and alchemists. The sorcerers believed it represented the footprint of a special kind of DEMON called a trud and used it for ceremonies both to call up demons and to keep them away” (ibid.).
Bill Schnoebelen, a former Satanist, tells us, “To the sorcerer, the hexagram is a powerful tool to invoke Satan.” In fact, the word “hex” -- as to put a “hex” or “curse” on people -- comes from this word.
The hexagram also has a sexual connotation. It represents sexual union. The triangle pointed downward is a female symbol and the triangle pointed upward is the male symbol; when they are interlaced it represents coitus, or sexual union of the active and passive forces in nature.
A former witch reveals, “When the male triangle penetrates the female triangle it produced the six pointed crest of Solomon or hexagram, the most wicked symbol in witchcraft” (Burns, ibid., p.39).
In fact, the hexagram was also used by the ancient Hindus in the worship of their divine “Trinity” – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – as the “unity” of three gods in one. J. S. M. Ward adds that it is “strictly the sign of Trimurti, the Three in One, typifying the creative, preservative and destructive natures of the Deity.”
If you examine the so-called “Star of David,” or hexagram, closely, you will discover something astonishing. It has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and in its interior forms a six sided hexagon -- thus it reveals the number of Satan the devil, or the beast of Revelation -- 66, and 6 -- 666 !!!
An Occult Sex Symbol
A Masonic author declares that the triangles that make up the hexagram “are symbolic of good and evil, day and night, the Chinese yang and yin, etc.” In the Masonic system, we have the interlaced triangles, one black and one white, the white triangle with its point up, the black triangle with its point down. It represents the male and female elements. The interlaced black and white triangles picture darkness and light, good and evil, error and truth, ignorance and wisdom, and supposedly balance and harmony.
In The Gods of India, by Alain Danielou, we read: “The triangle with its apex upward is also taken to represent fire,
identified with the male principle, the linga or phallus, symbol of Siva the Progenitor or of the Cosmic Person . . .
“The triangle pointed downward represents the force of inertia which pulls downward, and tends to suppress activity. It is associated with the element of water, which always tends to come down, to equalize its level. It is the passive aspect of creation and thus is represented by the yoni or female organ, the emblem of Energy or Cosmic Nature” (quoted by Dr.Burns, p.35).
We see that this ancient occult figure of the hexagram, or Seal of Solomon, or Star of David – as it is also called -- is nothing more than a repulsive pagan symbol of sexual union and reproduction. The triangle pointing downward represents the female sexual organ, the vagina, and the upward pointing triangle represents the male penis. Joined together in the hexagram, they represent the act of sexual intercourse. Thus the hexagram was a part of Satan’s original “sex worship” rites and symbols of ancient BAALISM – the sensuous religion of Nimrod and Semiramis – which began just this side of the Flood!
In the book The Gods of India, by Alain Danielou, we also discover: “The two complimentary principles, the linga and the yoni, are graphically represented by the fiery triangle with upward apex and the watery triangle with downward apex. When the triangles penetrate each other to form the hexagon, this is taken to show the state of manifestation. When they part, the universe dissolves” (p.219).
Archaeologist E.A. Wallace Budge, an authority on ancient Egyptian mythology, relates: “Those who believed in the physical significance of the Hexagram taught that communication between the living and the dead was possible, and adopted the dogma of reincarnation” (Amulets and Superstition, p.432).
How did this ancient symbol of the occult, and Satan the devil, find its way into Judaism, and become the major symbol today of the Jewish people, adorning the Israeli flag? That is an interesting question, indeed!
When did the hexagram become a symbol of the Jewish people?
Egyptian Origin
The first martyr of the Christian church, Stephen, in his defense before the Sanhedrin, warned the Jewish nation, as he reviewed the history of Israel:
“Then God turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven, as it is written in the books of the Prophets: Did you offer Me slaughtered animals and sacrifices during forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel? You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and THE STAR of your god Remphan, IMAGES which you made to WORSHIP” (Acts 7:42-43).
Notice! This pagan worship was derived from EGYPT, and even when Israel left Egypt under Moses, some of them brought the Egyptian pagan idols and images with them, secretly!
God’s Word warns us, in the prophecy of Amos: “You also carried Sikkuth your king [tabernacle of Moloch] and Chiun, your idols, the STAR of your gods, which you made for yourselves” (Amos 5:26).
This star was very likely the SIX-POINTED STAR -- the star associated with sexual depravity, reproductivity, and whoring – already used in ancient Egypt! -- The Hexagram!
How did this figure become popular in Israel? Solomon, after he became king of Israel, “made a treaty with PHARAOH king of Egypt, and married Pharaoh's daughter; then he brought her to the city of David until he had finished building his own house” (I Kings 3:1). The influence of the daughter of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, was no doubt considerable -- the foremost and chiefest of all his wives.
Solomon who loved the Lord in the beginning of his reign, turned away from the true path of worship as he grew older. The Scriptures tell us, “But King Solomon loved many foreign women, as well as the daughter of Pharaoh: women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites,
Sidonians, and Hittites -- from the nations of whom the LORD had said, ‘You shall not intermarry with them, nor they with you. Surely they will turn away your hearts after THEIR GODS.’ Solomon clave to these in love” (I Kings 11:1-2).
“For it was so when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David” (v.4).
Solomon worshipped, among other gods, Ashtoreth (Easter, Venus, Aprhodite), Milcom or Molech, the fiery king of gods whose rites included human sacrifice and witchcraft and sexual orgies, and Chemosh (see verses 5-7). Solomon built high places, temples, and altars, for these pagan abominations, “And he did likewise for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods” (v.8).
It would appear that King Solomon adopted the Hexagram, which became known as “Solomon’s Seal.” When he went astray from God’s path of truth, and began to consort with evil forces, he became a powerful wizard, or consulter of demons and the occult powers of darkness. Thus it would appear that Solomon made the hexagram a prominent symbol in ancient Israel. He adopted it from the pagan nations around him.
There is no evidence to connect the hexagram with David, his father. There is no reason to believe that David, a man after God’s own heart, would ever adopt a pagan symbol for his “shield.” But Satan the devil, the chief of liars and deceivers, would certainly love to have you think so! (Rev.12:9; John 8:44).
However, since the Seal evidently was used in Israel since the time of Solomon, it would not be strange if it was found associated with kings of Israel in later times. James Trimm makes such an assertion saying a bas relief from the time of king Jehu of Israel shows a “Star of David” symbol over the prostrate Israelite king as he pays homage to the Assyrian conqueror. It is found in the book Kings and Pharoahs by David Rohl. He got the title reversed.
I found the illustration he mentioned in Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest, by David M. Rohl (Crown Publishers, New York, 1995). It is on page 33. It is a panel from the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III, showing either Jehu or his representative bowing and scraping
before the Assyrian king. The so-called “Star of David” high on the wall behind the bowing figure, however, is hardly convincing. It is nothing like two intersecting, interlaced triangles at all. It looks more like a wheel with six spokes – much like a chariot wheel (or even the nautical “wheel” used to steer a ship or boat).
This picture hardly proves the Star of David was the seal of state of ancient Israel. If this is supposed to be proof in the eyes of James Trimm that justifies
the use of the Star of David, then I shudder to consider what some people consider “proof” of anything.
Jehu, of course, was definitely not a righteous king of Israel. He himself went astray from the paths of God and departed from His commands. Jehu started out with great zeal, and slew the house of Ahab, and even Jezebel, and destroyed the temple of Baal, making it a latrine (II Kings 10:27), “But Jehu did not turn aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, which he caused Israel to commit – the golden calves that were in Bethel and Dan”
(verse 28). We read, “But Jehu was not careful to follow the law of the LORD the God of Israel with all his heart; he did not turn from the sins of Jeroboam which he caused Israel to commit. In those days the LORD began to trim off parts of Israel’ (II Kings 10:31, NRSV).
Modern Israel
Why and how did the six-pointed star -- the pagan occult symbol -- become connected with the MODERN state of Israel?
It was adopted as the family crest or shield by the Rothschild family during the 19th century. The Rothschilds bought a great deal of property in Israel, from the Turks and Arabs, and were amongst the major supporters of the Zionist movement in the early decades. The influence of the Rothschilds and their heavy financial support of Israel, led the Jewish nation to adopt the so-called “Star of David” as their own symbol as a nation.
A Plot To Make Pelosi President? Now Adam Schiff Wants To Go After VP Mike Pence
German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million "Climate Refugees" To Migrate To West
'what could possibly go wrong'?
Swedish Government Told Country's Crime Authority To Censor " Politically Sensitive" Data
I have been saying for years that Rome is moving towards teaching that homosexuality isn't sinful. There hardly is a day that goes where a news account doesn't in fact verify that claim.
In its latest move towards removing the stain of sin on the LGBTQ sinners, the Vatican has published a book on Sodom and Gomorrah, and sure enough, according to the Vatican book, those cities were destroyed due to a lack of "hospitality."
Think about that .... God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because the people just weren't very hospitable !
The TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ is not just one of forgiveness. The TRUE gospel breaks the bondage of the sin nature through the new birth. Rome's "gospel" is an excuse to remain in that bondage and obtain "forgiveness" through their priests and sacramental obedience.
Christ came to set the captives free. Rome is set up to keep their followers in the bondage of sin along with a never ending works/earned salvation.
Maybe Pope Francis can show some genuine hospitality to the 140 Million "Climate Refugees" that the German Green Party wants to bring into Western Europe?
More from Pope Francis ...
This time, the pope declares that we are no longer in a "Christian" world (have we EVER been in a Christian world?) and that means that we must CHANGE in accordance to the world: "Pope Francis on Saturday said the secularization of the West “necessarily entails changes” to the Vatican’s offices for doctrine ..." Pope Francis's focus now is "on social causes such as economic equality, the rights of migrants and efforts to counteract global warming."
The pope declared that “Rigidity arises from fear of change and ends up strewing the ground of the common good with stakes and obstacles, turning it into a minefield of lack of communication and hatred. Let’s remember always that behind every rigidity lies some derangement."
Never forget the "rigidity" of Christ declaring that there is NO SALVATION thru anyone else but HIM: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." John 14:6 Many other verses can be cited to compound that truth.
The Catholic Church has ALWAYS been a chameleon that is willing to change in accordance to the times and dictates of the world structure.
"...and that means that we must CHANGE in accordance to the world"
Just in case anyone was thinking that pope Francis was just a misunderstood pope, he opens his mouth and dispels all doubt.
He is an heretic, and an antichrist.
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Pope Francis quotes liberal cardinal ... "The church is 200 years out of date."
Vatican City (dpa) - Pope Francis on Saturday called on the Vatican hierarchy to embrace change as he quoted a late progressive cardinal who warned that the Catholic Church was seriously behind the times.
"Cardinal Martini, in his last interview a few days before his death, said words that should make us reflect: 'The church is 200 years out of date. Why don’t we rouse ourselves? Are we afraid?'" Francis said.
NOTE that Francis quotes a dead, liberal cardinal in order to "rouse" the church. Hey Francis, why not do something REALLY RADICAL .... try following the Bible for a change. That would REALLY shake up the RCC !!!
Change is the rallying cry the Kenyan used to become POTUS. It was probably all he needed to put the Demoncrats into a trace, which is in reality what he did! To me, it looks like the rider on the White horse is conquering. The gloves have come off, and the Deep State is moving fast to wipe traditional chritianity, patriotism, nationalism, self determination, traditional family, real money, guns, free speech, real media etc. from the face of the Earth! Years of gradualism have rendered the majority of the west into entitled, soft minded, fat, lazy, self-indulgent buffoons. They know they can make their move now to conquer the global populus through craft, and the spirit of Antichrist. The pope is now speakings fluent Antichrist! This is now the time of conquering, and it appears that the Lord is allowing that. Everything in the news, now verifies this! Time for true believers to pray, speak truth boldly, and prepare themselves, their family and loved ones from the things that are rapidly coming to pass on this Earth!
Can anyone answer this question:
What is the origin of the name "Christmas?"
How did the day to commemorate the advent of Jesus evolve into the name "Christmas?"
How was it determined, and by whom, that December 25th. is the "day" of advent?
Thoughts on Christmas https://www.kirkdurston.com/blog/christmas?fbclid=IwAR2au4ouRFHOvPTKDEDyQ48W5Hm8gFTbxq9S5hBuvA4ghRStpFDhLds6vrw
man going to prison for burning an LGBTQ flag - find out where he will be serving time and put money on his books.
Roberta Morrison youtube channel lots of great teaching against deception in the churches.
magnetic pole travel and reversal - obviously your compasses are going to be increasingly useless, and who knows for how long. The possibility magnetic reversal will trigger physical disasters up to and included axis shift is considered by some.
"When poles flip, the magnetic field will weaken its shielding effect, allowing heightened levels of radiation on and above the Earth’s surface.
The increase in charged particles reaching the Earth would result in increased risks for satellites, aviation, and ground-based electrical infrastructure." https://strangesounds.org/2019/12/power-cut-or-mass-extinction-the-next-global-earth-magnetic-field-reversal-will-have-dramatic-consequences-on-life-on-earth.html
The time frames presented are of course millions of years. the creationist and evolutionist agree mostly on what happened, but not on when, why or how. no need to ignore everything because of wrong time frame. just knock a lot of zeros off, though at present I can't figure a one to one equivalent from wrong to correct year count by doing this.
evidence of outrageous elevation tsunamis that would sweep across continents is left over Flood evidence. God promised this won't happen again, and Revelation shows a major but not total burn over and water poisoning. the world was destroyed by water said Peter, obviously it wasn't it was the world as known then. you have to consider context and what people would be thinking in terms of when reading that. "the land" or "the world" is usually haaretz, which is more local, but the repetitive statements in Genesis about deaths and water and God's promise this wouldn't happen again, show the Flood was total, mountains weren't huge like now,
Jesus said that there would be waves roaring but this sounds coastal because men's hearts would be failing them for fear, not being drowned world wide.
Revelation chapter 6 shows a cataclysm and people hiding in caves asking rocks to cover them, the deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) and civilian versions being built set the stage for this scenario. they fear the wrath of the Lamb, but this is probably because they've heard of it and dismissed it, now figure it is on but this might be just a preliminary event.
Mingling all the semitic people wouldn't keep the 144,000 from being sealed, you only need a single paternal line by blood or adoption for that. the rest of the pedigree can be anything.
Pope Francis Tells Christians Not to Try to Convert Nonbelievers
The catholic bishop Bergoglio, is right from what he experienced first hand, the conversions of the catholic cult to protestant evangelicalism. I personally do not like the label protestant, as I 'do not protest' anything the pagan catholic cult believes in. They need a savior just as anyone else.
Why Pope Francis doesn't believe in preaching to Muslims, Hindus and Jews ....
PS: they are all in the same religious club because they all share their rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Scriptures.
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Independent media journalists to be charged as FELONS for reporting on the growing Second Amendment sanctuary movement...
The answer to tyranny is suddenly obvious:
2A sanctuaries and armed militias in every county, every state across America!
Abortionists really are Satan’s minions check out this extraordinary video that was BANNED by YouTube!
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We Are Entering the Time of "the Perfect Storm", and Most People Have Absolutely No Idea What Is Ahead of Us!
RayB said...
Can anyone answer [these 3 questions]:
#1) What is the origin of the name "Christmas?"
#2) How did the day to commemorate the advent of Jesus evolve into the name "Christmas?"
#3) (Addressed further down.)
The Romish church teaches its adherents that "The Mass is the
same sacrifice of the Cross." Then when the word Mass is attached
to Christ, you can understand what word is coined by this
combination. Now the word Christmas is used in connection with
December 25, which has been set by MAN as the date of our Saviour's birth. The Bible doesn't tell us the date of His birth. Doesn't it sound strange to say, "Merry sacrifice of the Cross?"
Furthermore, why greet one another with a word that means death
(Jesus' death in this case), in connection with a birthday?
Page 63
Faith And Doctrines Of The Early Church
The True Meaning Of Christ-Mass
They tell us that it is the season to be jolly. It is a time of ornaments, red and green decorations, silver bells, holly, mistletoe and colored lights. It is also a time of department store Santas calling out their universal mantra, "Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas." Nearly all of the realm of so-called "Christianity" join in and repeat this same greeting, "Merry Christmas!"
Although we hear these words constantly as they resonate millions of times throughout the land, almost nobody understands what they are really saying. It is the purpose of this tract to take the words, "Merry Christmas" and examine the true meaning and essence of those words.
A true Christian would want to examine everything they say, because Jesus said in Matthew 12:36-37, "But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." We will now set aside all of the customs, glitter and traditions of Christmas, which were taken from pagan witchcraft and popularized by the Roman Catholic Church, and we will focus on the true meaning of the words, "Merry Christmas!"
The word "Merry" is simple to define. It unquestionably means to be happy, joyful and light-hearted. The word "merry" fits into the ambience of laughter and frivolity. This word "merry" by itself is innocent and innocuous enough, but as we will now see, it becomes heinously blasphemous when used with the word "Christmas."
Here let it be noted that most people think that the word, "Christmas" means "the birth of Christ." By definition, it means "death of Christ", and I will prove it by using the World Book Encyclopedia, the Catholic Encyclopedia, and a book entitled, The Mass In Slow Motion.
If you are an honest, sincere and discerning Christian, please read on; if not, you might as well stop right here. The World Book Encyclopedia defines "Christmas" as follows: "The word Christmas comes from "Cristes Maesse", an early English phrase that means "Mass of Christ." (1) It is interesting to note that the word "Mass", as used by the Roman Catholics, has traditionally been rejected by...Protestants, such as Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals and so on. The word "Mass" is strictly a Catholic word and thus, so is "Christ-Mass."
As previously stated, the word "Mass" in religious usage means a "death sacrifice." The impact of this fact is horrifying and shocking; for when the millions of people are saying, "Merry Christmas", they are literally saying "Merry death of Christ!"
Consider what you are saying when you say "Merry Christmas."
What is so amusing about our Saviour's painful death? What is so funny? ... Why are you going along with it? Your words do count and Satan knows it. Yes, the word "Mass" does mean "death sacrifice", and to cement that fact, we will consider the definition of the inventors of the religious application of the word "Mass." I am looking at page 537 of the Catholic Encyclopedia, which says, "In the Christian law, the supreme sacrifice is that of the Mass." It goes on to say, "The supreme act of worship consists essentially in an offering of a worthy victim to God, the offering made by a proper person, as a priest, the destruction of the victim." (2) Please note carefully the word, "victim" of the Mass. The Latin word for victim is "Hostia" from which the word "host" is derived. The Mass, by definition of those who coined the word, is a sacrifice involving a victim. There is no other meaning for the word "Mass" or "Christ-Mass." On page 110 of a book entitled "The Mass In Slow Motion", we find the following words: "It is only with the consecration that the sacrifice of the Mass is achieved. I have represented the Mass to you, more than once, as a kind of ritual dance." (3)
In essence, the Mass is the ceremonial slaying of Jesus Christ over and over again, followed by the eating of his flesh and the drinking of his blood. The Mass is the death sacrifice, and the "Host" is the victim. This is official Roman Catholic doctrine, and "Christmas" is a word that they invented. Again, I ask, what is so merry about the pain, bleeding, suffering and death of Jesus Christ?
Now you know the true meaning of the word "Christmas" or Mass of Christ. There is much more to know about this pagan holiday, and [there is] plenty of evidence that Jesus was not born on December 25th, and that Christmas is not only a lie, but is actually a witches' sabbat called "Yule" in clever disguise.
-David J. Meyer-
01. World Book Encyclopedia, vol.3, p. 408, 1986 ed., World Book Inc., Chicago, IL
02. The Catholic Encyclopedia, R.C. Broderick, 1975 ed., Nihil Obstat, Richard J. Sklba, Censor Librorum. Imprimatur, Archbishop William E. Cousins, Milwaukee, WI.
03. The Mass In Slow Motion, Ronald Knox, 1948, Sheed & Ward, Inc., New York, NY. Nihil Obstat, E.C. Messenger, Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur, E. Morrogh Bernard, Vic. Gen.
The “Mass” in Christmas
Alexander Hislop in his remarkable book The Two Babylons, points out that the "mass” is something that definitely goes back to ancient PAGAN customs and rites! He
declares in plain and clear language:
“Therefore we find the women of Judah represented as simply ‘burning incense, pouring out drink-offerings, and offering CAKES to the queen of heaven’ (Jer.
44:19). The cakes were the ‘unbloody sacrifice’ she required. . . . In the FOURTH
CENTURY, when the queen of heaven, under the name of Mary, was beginning
to be worshipped in the Christian Church, this ‘unbloody sacrifice’ also was
brought in.
Epiphanius states that the practice of offering and eating it began among
women of Arabia; and at that time it was well known to have been ADOPTED
FROM THE PAGANS. The very shape of the unbloody sacrifice of Rome may
indicate whence it came. It is a small thin, round wafer; and on its roundness the
Church of Rome lays so much stress . . . The importance, however, which Rome attaches to the roundness of the wafer, must have a reason; and that reason will be found, if we look at the altars of EGYPT. ‘The thin, round cake,’ says Wilkinson, ‘occurs on all altars.’ Almost every jot or tittle in the Egyptian worship had a symbolical meaning. The round disk, so frequent in the sacred emblems of Egypt,
symbolized the sun”
(The Two Babylons, p.159-160). The “sun-god” in ancient Egypt was Osiris, another name for NIMROD. The round disk of the Egyptian “mass” symbolized the sun, and was an offering symbolizing the sun-god. He was considered the life and nourishment of the souls of men!
The “Christ-mass” therefore is nothing more than a spin-off of the old pagan “mysteries.” It is the celebration of the birth of the “sun-god” himself, the False Messiah,
the False “Saviour” of the world, and the “mass” itself also represents the offering or
“cakes” made to the queen of heaven, the “Mother” of the pagan Saviour, the “Queen of
(Pages 18-21)
Pagan Holidays vs. God's Holy Days
3) How was it determined, and by whom, that December 25th is the "day" of advent?
"How, then, did the Romish Church fix on December the 25th as Christmas-day?
Why, thus: Long before the fourth century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the heathen, at that precise time of the year, in
honour of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that, in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of the nominal adherents of Christianity, the SAME FESTIVAL WAS ADOPTED by the Roman Church, giving it only the name of Christ. This tendency on the part
of Christians to MEET PAGANISM HALF-WAY was very early developed. . . .
Upright men strove to stem the tide, but in spite of all their efforts the apostasy went
on, till the Church, with the exception of a small remnant, was SUBMERGED under PAGAN SUPERSTITION” (p.93).
Hislop goes on, “That Christmas was originally a Pagan festival, is beyond all doubt. The time
of the year, and the ceremonies with which it is still celebrated, prove its origin.
In Egypt, the son of Isis, the Egyptian title for the queen of heaven, was born at this very time, ‘about the time of the winter solstice.’ The very name by
which Christmas is popularly known among ourselves – Yule-day – proves at
once its Pagan and Babylonian origin. ‘Yule’ is the Chaldee name for an ‘infant’ or
‘little child;’ and as the 25th of December was called by our Pagan Anglo-Saxon ancestors, ‘Yule-day,’ or the ‘Child’s day,’ and the night that preceded it,
‘Mother-night,’ long BEFORE they came in contact with Christianity, that
sufficiently proves its real character” (pp 93-94).
It is a fact that December 25 was celebrated for thousands of years before the birth of Christ as the birth day of an ancient pagan god – THE SUN GOD!
(Pages 21-22)
Pagan Holidays vs. God's Holy Days
Well, for the record, as to the last comment, one of the first things I learned about the New Agers when I discovered that Movement in 1982 was that they were determined to eliminate Christmas as a holiday and replace it with various pagan events. Why? Because as long as Christmas is celebrated, correct date or not, Jesus is remembered and celebrated.
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Ever since my husband got me divorced for the past 1 year, i v'e not been my self. I was reviewing some post of how i could get back my husband then, i saw a testimony shared by Rissag Jaden from NEW YORK about a spell caster named Dr AGBAKA. I contacted Rissag Jaden to confirm about how Dr.AGBAKA helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr AGBAKA for help. Dr AGBAKA assured me that my days of sorrows will be over within 48hours after he has finished with his work. I followed his instructions he gave to me because i had the believe, faith, hope and trust in him. Verily i say to you today that i and my husband are back together and i can proudly say and testify to the world of what Dr AGBAKA did for me. Contact him today via E-mail (Agbakaspelltemple @ gmail . com) OR call him or whatsapp him +2349052647861 if you seek his help. Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE..
I am so Happy to be writing this article in here, i am here to explore blogs forum about the wonderful and most safe cure for HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS.I was positive to the Virus called HERPES and i lost hope completely because i was rejected even by my closet friends. i searched online to know and inquire about cure for HERPES and i saw testimony about DR Ebhota online on how he cured so many persons from Herpes Disease so i decided to contact the great herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything. i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via FEDEX or DHL and it got to me after 4 days! i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! its really like a dream but i'm so happy! that's the reason i decided to also add more comment of Him so that more people can be saved just like me! and if you need his help,contact his Email: (drebhotasoltion@gmail.com) You can contact him on WhatsApp +2348089535482 He also have the herb to cure difference cure for any sickness (1) HERPES,
(9) ASTHMA..
My husband and I have been married for about 7 years now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly cared about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Osita can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. My family and I are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Osita. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his Email: (drositamiraclespell@gmail.com) or WhatsApp him (+15088120454) web.site: http://drositamiraclespell.website2.me
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