Thursday, November 07, 2019

What's been happening? Everything! I helped cause Brexit, "demonized Alice Bailey"?

Vision has been a serious issue with me lately.  For the duration I have given up all night driving.  Reading and even TV viewing were serious.  I had issues both with wet macular degeneration for which I have been receiving shots in the eyes for the past two years.  My retinal specialist approved cataract surgeries for which I had two in the past month, the last a week ago this morning.  That has slowed my writings and commentaries.  The cataract surgeries have helped and now one eye is fixed up with a contact implant for distance and the other for reading.  I'm seeing better right now than I have in a long time, but I'm still "not out of the woods" on the macular degeneration.  Pray for my eyes.  As God told Moses, "who made the mouth, I will be with thy mouth."  Moses still was not adequately reassured, so God told him, "very well, take Aaron as your spokesman."

Well, God made the eyes.  I'm praying he will stay with mine.

There have been so many critical developments on so many fronts, it is difficult to keep up.  My dear friend, Marie Fisher, of Spokane, Washington, has been watching developments on the Amazon Synod of the Vatican and informing me on same.  Rich Peterson (our "Rich of Medford") has also been keeping me informed.  The developments have been nothing short of revolting.  Most offensive was the Pachamama controversy.  Pachamama is the South American name for "Gaia."  It is a form of both idol and Earth worship -- a false god/goddess.

Courageous Catholics have been speaking out against it including but not limited to EWTN;a Raymond Arroyo, Archbishop Schneider,  and numerous others.  But, Pope Francis, has apologized for a courageous Catholic who threw the Pachamama statute in to the Tiber River and caused the placing of Pachamama relics on the Vatican's altar.

Now, on a personal front, I made interesting discoveries vis a vis my own work over the past 38 years since 1981 -- I, Constance Cumbey,  am allegedly partially responsible for Brexit??!!  That article, "Plutarchy in the UK" also made an audaciously incorrect statement that I, in Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, coined the phrase "Prison Planet."  Well, I may wish I had, but I did not.  To the best of my present knowledge, that term was coined by Alex Jones, to whom I have had no communication.

Part of the "Plutarchy in the UK" article.

Next, I learned I was the villain of a historical novel on the life of Alice Ann Bailey.  The book was written by an Australian occultist, a former teacher, who brags that she has earned a Ph.D. on the life of Alice Ann Bailey.  I alleged demonized poor Alice Bailey by making claims that she was possessed by the spirit of the Antichrist.  Author Isobel Blackthorn obviously believes that Alice Bailey's "Christ" who is clearly not Jesus, is the real Christ and Jesus was not.  That is the biblical definition of "Antichrist" (1 John 2:22), but Isobel Blackthorn says I should be discounted because I am seeing through an "evangelical perspective."  I submit that Alice Bailey, in making a decision to link with Theosophists and their magazine Lucifer, in founding her own publishing enterprise as "Lucifer Publishing Company," and in energetically writing about "The Reappearance of the Christ" (her 1947 book) did an excellent job without my help of demonizing herself.

Well, I've got broad shoulders.  Maybe I should be complimented by the fact that disapproving Isobel Blackthorn complains that my work has lasted for nearly 40 years, has a strong internet presence, and "is foundational."

Well, I've better follow my doctors' admonition not to overstrain my eyes, so I'll sign out for now.

Stay tuned!



«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 569   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Pete is not aware that a homosexual is at war not only with himself, but with his Maker. He must not know the Bible truth about homosexuality that has been confirmed by all religions since the beginning of time—perversion will destroy a society. You may have noticed, they are no longer gay in Sodom.

Why can’t people believe that perversion is wrong without being haters, bigots, and homophobes? Even if one agrees that criticism of LGBTQ positions is bigotry, why can’t Pete’s crowd be tolerant of the intolerant?

Or, is tolerance a one-way-street? However, Pete suggests that he will use the Bible (but not Leviticus or Romans) to guide him in making decisions. He will use some of the “safer” commands of Christ such as “For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat.”

However, what Pete doesn’t know is that Christ was speaking to persons, not governments. It is people who are to have compassion and reach into their purse and feed the hungry and take in the stranger. It has nothing to do with government action at any level. To make it otherwise is a perversion of truth.

Governments are in place to protect the liberties of the citizens from internal and external threats, not feed us, house us, cloth us, suckle us, regulate us, educate us, or provide health care.

But then, Government must have some excuse to take what we produce so they provide all the goodies that people are too lazy to provide for themselves.

Pete implied that if God belonged to a political party, it wouldn’t be the Republican party. And neither would it be the Democrat Party; after all, God was booed at the last Democrat convention! No, Christ would overturn their conference tables, rip the microphones out of their outlets, break their television cameras, and whip the whole crowd (with few exceptions) out of Washington.

Pete has castigated Conservative Christians for supporting Trump, suggesting that we approve of his unseemly actions. Yet, Pete expects the voters to elect him when he doesn’t even know what is natural, acceptable, and biblical by slipping between the sheets with another man.

Pete talks about Christianity but he speaks of a false, pagan religion totally unknown to the Scriptures.

I am viciously attacked for my stand against baby killing and all forms of perversion by the same people who believe Bruce Jenner is a woman, males can use female restrooms, a person is whatever gender he or she desires, Blacks can’t be racists, Elvis is still alive, and believe two people of the same gender make up a family—so my critics aren’t the best thinkers on planet Earth.

Anonymous said...

Abraham's children went whoring after the gods of Babel, and they are amping that up now! Rome, and Babylon. Look at who the central players are in the coup! Largely satanic Babylonian Jews, and Roman Catholic Nancy!

Anonymous said...

Out of Jerusalem and out of Babylon came the decree of the two laws, the law of truth and the law of corruption.

The United States is the epitome of Babylon, and is the Babylon refered to in the book of Revelation.

Prepare accordingly

Anonymous said...

MSM Ignores Hunter Biden Buds' $130 Million Taxpayer Cookie Jar Raid

Anonymous said...


Survey: "Alarmingly High" Rates Of Depression & Anxiety Among LGBTQE Southerners - -128 Minutes Ago

Fights & Arrests as 1000+ Antifa-Like Protesters Swarm Ann Coulter Event at UC Berkeley - 11 Hours Ago


The Un-Godly Sign Petition to Protect Unborn Eagles While Advocating the Killing of Unborn Humans - 20 Hours Ago

The World Will Be Filled with Narcissistic, Your Children Will Turn on You, Birth Pains - 20 Hours Ago

"What Does It Mean to Have a Reprobate Mind?" - 20 Hours Ago


When the Ungodly, GLAAD, LGBTQE-E for Evil Dictate the Rules to a Christian Organization, Know What Time It Is... - 35 Hours Ago

GRAPHIC WARNING: FBI Interviews Alleged Boy Rape Victim of Bill Clinton - 44 Hours Ago

Wishful Thinking Will Not Change What God Has Spoken As Sin! - 44 Hours Ago

The Mask Is Off, Satan Has Manifest Himself Through The LGBTQE Movement, The Fight Is About To Get Ugly - 44 Hours Ago

The Satanic Temple: 'More Than 50 Percent of Our Membership' Is Homosexual - 44 Hours Ago


Sold Out: Chick-Fil-A's Latest Capitulation Has Them Siding With Lesbians, Sodomites & Transgenders - 58 Hours Ago

The Lawlessness and DE-Humanizing Tyranny of the Establishment Left - 62 Hours Ago

Eric Swalwell Denies Emitting Massive Fart While Discussing the Impeachment on MSNBC, the End Is Near - 68 Hours Ago

Pope Francis: Fundamentalism Is a Plague - 70 Hours Ago

Anonymous said...

The Common Sense Show

On November 22nd, the Question Must Be Asked: Like JFK, Will the Ongoing and Multiple Assassination Attempts on Trump... - 5 Hours Ago

New Polls Show Americans Detest Government and the Mainstream Media - 9 Hours Ago

HORRIFIC: Nurses say newborn babies are killed all the time because women "don't want them" - 9 Hours Ago

These People Are the Biggest Conspiracy Theorists In the World - 9 Hours Ago

CHICOMS Are Tracking US Defense Industry Scientists for Abduction and Extraction of Information - 9 Hours Ago

The Knowledge That JFK, RFK and MLK Were Killed by the Same Forces Could Save Trump's Life - 12 Hours Ago

Jesus is Seated on the Throne - 12 Hours Ago

Anonymous said...

While all Eyes Were
on Impeachment Hearing the US House Re-Authorized the PATRIOT Act!

RayB said...

I have heard liberal pro-LGBT supporters and homosexuals make the claim that "Jesus never taught against homosexual marriage."

What Christ clearly declared was that marriage was between a man and a woman. "Mayor Pete" can declare whatever religion he wants, but he is not a Christian. Despite his profession, he remains a sodomite in direct defiance against the Lord that he proclaims. Of course his "Lord" is an invention of his liberal, rebellious imagination that seeks justification for his sinful rebellion.

Matthew 19: 4-6

4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Anonymous said...

Here is a terrifyingly chilling example of God Almighty showing us, and our fellow humans (if we will but LOOK at) how truly important it is to be close to Him because HISTORY CAN INDEED REPEAT!

Genesis 19:1-9 NLT

That evening the two angels came to the entrance of the city of Sodom. Lot was sitting there, and when he saw them, he stood up to meet them. Then he welcomed them and bowed with his face to the ground. “My lords,” he said, “come to my home to wash your feet, and be my guests for the night. You may then get up early in the morning and be on your way again.”

“Oh no,” they replied. “We’ll just spend the night out here in the city square.”

But Lot insisted, so at last they went home with him. Lot prepared a feast for them, complete with fresh bread made without yeast, and they ate. But before they retired for the night, all the men of Sodom, young and old, came from all over the city and surrounded the house. They shouted to Lot, “Where are the men who came to spend the night with you? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!”

So Lot stepped outside to talk to them, shutting the door behind him. “Please, my brothers,” he begged, “don’t do such a wicked thing. Look, I have two virgin daughters. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do with them as you wish. But please, leave these men alone, for they are my guests and are under my protection.”

“Stand back!” they shouted. “This fellow came to town as an outsider, and now he’s acting like our judge! We’ll treat you far worse than those other men!” And they lunged toward Lot to break down the door...

Judges 19:14-25 NLT

The sun was setting as they came to Gibeah, a town in the land of Benjamin, so they stopped there to spend the night. They rested in the town square, but no one took them in for the night.

That evening an old man came home from his work in the fields. He was from the hill country of Ephraim, but he was living in Gibeah, where the people were from the tribe of Benjamin. When he saw the travelers sitting in the town square, he asked them where they were from and where they were going.

“We have been in Bethlehem in Judah,” the man replied. “We are on our way to a remote area in the hill country of Ephraim, which is my home. I traveled to Bethlehem, and now I’m returning home. But no one has taken us in for the night, even though we have everything we need. We have straw and feed for our donkeys and plenty of bread and wine for ourselves.”

“You are welcome to stay with me,” the old man said. “I will give you anything you might need. But whatever you do, don’t spend the night in the square.” So he took them home with him and fed the donkeys. After they washed their feet, they ate and drank together.

While they were enjoying themselves, a crowd of troublemakers from the town surrounded the house. They began beating at the door and shouting to the old man, “Bring out the man who is staying with you so we can have sex with him.”

The old man stepped outside to talk to them. “No, my brothers, don’t do such an evil thing. For this man is a guest in my house, and such a thing would be shameful. Here, take my virgin daughter and this man’s concubine. I will bring them out to you, and you can abuse them and do whatever you like. But don’t do such a shameful thing to this man.”

But they wouldn’t listen to him. So...

-And did Jesus exonerate them? NO!

Matthew 11:23 GNT

And as for you, Capernaum: Did you want to lift yourself up to heaven? You will be thrown down to hell! If the miracles which were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would still be in existence today!

Can we think of any modern-day cities that are ALSO 'outdoing' Sodom? Gee, let's think...

Anonymous said...

Right now it seems like San Francisco is being destroyed by feces! Kinda fitting!

Anonymous said...

San Fran and DC Have Most Same-Sex-Couple Households...

Anonymous said...

'Richard Jewell' Film Paints Press as 'Reckless, Corrupt, Immoral'

Anonymous said...

Man Decides To Fight Climate Change With Surgery For His Testicles!

Anonymous said...


Says Epstein Died By A Series Of Coincidences, Ending All Conspiracy Theories Forever

Anonymous said...

Forever and...


Anonymous said...

Newspaper will stop reporting any news "traumatic" to snowflakes

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Know-it-all -



Anonymous said...

Maybe here's one that "Sandra" would write, lol:





Well, I know which one of the two speaks for itself here.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said... the fart heard round the world.
growing up Deep State - the Next Gen of Corruption


Identity of the New Testament Text Wilbur N. Pickering

you might have a case for one or two epistles and mark being better represented in Alexandrian, or not. but not the rest. As the crow flies distance is NOT how you figure things
travelled nack then, or even now. Things went by ship and it was real rough in places. not just storms but the rocks under the surface but near the surface in many places, and impossible landing conditions. Corinth itself owed its existence to this - the isthmus was safer to cross onland, the ships being put on rollers, than to go around the land blob.

Workers were always desperately needed. no questions asked. every criminal, runaway slave, whatever was welcome to man those huge rollers made from tree trunks. Mediteranean commerce depended on it. I would think that something as important as a letter from an Apostle would be sent overland not on ship. The number of wrecks efforts to contrary notwithstanding are archaeological information suppliers now.

"As for the number of Alexandrian mss—much more than three—see here: "

now who doesn't know what he is talking about? those are mostly fragments or almost complete. not the full copy those main three are.

"In the United States, some critics have a dissenting view that prefers the Byzantine text-type, such as Maurice A. Robinson and William Grover Pierpont. They assert that Egypt, almost alone, offers optimal climatic conditions favoring preservation of ancient manuscripts while, on the other hand, the papyri used in the east (Asia Minor and Greece) would not have survived due to the unfavourable climatic conditions. Thus, it is not surprising that ancient Biblical manuscripts that are found would come mostly from the Alexandrian geographical area and not from the Byzantine geographical area." same article.

Anonymous said...

" the fart heard round the world."

Another video of MCE rambling and snorting on again, no doubt.

Yep, 11:10 PM, your version here bags it for me!

Craig said...


You wrote: you might have a case for one or two epistles and mark being better represented in Alexandrian, or not. but not the rest…

You miss my point. You are the one attempting to make a case that a mss found in the geographical location nearest original transmission is the best indicator of its originality, that is, that Alexandrian texts are too far from the area of original transmission of most NT mss to be considered faithful to the autographs. That’s not my position, and I illustrated how your position fails in the examples I used.

Your conjectures about how a manuscript may or may not have been transported from one area to another has absolutely no bearing on how faithful a ms is likely to be or not to be to the autograph.

As I stated, I prefer an eclectic approach with regard to NT textual criticism. That is, geographic dispersal of mss and date are merely two criteria. For informational purposes, below I will list the Outline of Criteria used by Metzger et al—criteria first developed by W&H, which continues in use today (largely intact), for they provide sound methodology.

I’m familiar with the arguments regarding climate—that Alexandria was more conducive to preserving papyri than the Byzantine area. But I don’t find this argument at all persuasive in attempting to determine originality of Byz. The way in which Byz-priority proponents use it is both an argument from silence and circular, going like this: we don’t have papyri in the Byz area because the climate does not support the preservation of papyri in this area, but we presume that the papyri would be just like the later mss we do have in this area. Well, why wouldn’t these instead reflect the readings found in Alexandria? We just don’t know—because we don’t have the evidence. I prefer to begin from the evidence we do have.

The following is from Metzger et al (Bruce M. Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, 2nd ed. [New York: United Bible Societies, 1994], pp 11*-15*.)—bold added:

Outline of Criteria

I. External evidence, involving considerations bearing upon:

A. The date and character of the witnesses. In general, earlier manuscripts are more likely to be free from those errors that arise from repeated copying. Of even greater importance, however, than the age of the document itself are the date and character of the type of text that it embodies, as well as the degree of care taken by the copyist while producing the manuscript.
B. The geographical distribution of the witnesses that support a variant. The concurrence of witnesses, for example, from Antioch, Alexandria, and Gaul in support of a given variant is, other things being equal, more significant than the testimony of witnesses representing but one locality or one ecclesiastical see. On the other hand, however, one must be certain that geographically remote witnesses are really independent of one another. Agreements, for example, between Old Latin and Old Syriac witnesses may sometimes be due to common influence from Tatian’s Diatessaron.


Craig said...


C. The genealogical relationship of texts and families of witnesses. Mere numbers of witnesses supporting a given variant reading do not necessarily prove the superiority of that reading. For example, if in a given sentence reading x is supported by twenty manuscripts and reading y by only one manuscript, the relative numerical support favoring x counts for nothing if all twenty manuscripts should be discovered to be copies made from a single manuscript, no longer extant, whose scribe first introduced that particular variant reading. The comparison, in that case, ought to be made between the one manuscript containing reading y and the single ancestor of the twenty manuscripts containing reading x.
D. Witnesses are to be weighed rather than counted. That is, the principle enunciated in the previous paragraph needs to be elaborated: those witnesses that are found to be generally trustworthy in clear–cut cases deserve to be accorded predominant weight in cases when the textual problems are ambiguous and their resolution is uncertain. At the same time, however, since the relative weight of the several kinds of evidence differs in different kinds of variants, there should be no merely mechanical evaluation of the evidence.

II. Internal evidence, involving two kinds of probabilities:

A. Transcriptional Probabilities depend upon considerations of the habits of scribes and upon palaeographical features in the manuscripts.
1. In general, the more difficult reading is to be preferred, particularly when the sense appears on the surface to be erroneous but on more mature consideration proves itself to be correct. (Here “more difficult” means “more difficult to the scribe,” who would be tempted to make an emendation. The characteristic of most scribal emendations is their superficiality, often combining “the appearance of improvement with the absence of its reality.” Obviously the category “more difficult reading” is relative, and sometimes a point is reached when a reading must be judged to be so difficult that it can have arisen only by accident in transcription.)
2. In general the shorter reading is to be preferred, except where
(a) Parablepsis arising from homoeoarcton or homoeoteleuton may have occurred (i.e., where the eye of the copyist may have inadvertently passed from one word to another having a similar sequence of letters); or where
(b) The scribe may have omitted material that was deemed to be (i) superfluous, (ii) harsh, or (iii) contrary to pious belief, liturgical usage, or ascetical practice. [ED: consider “nor the Son” in Matthew 24:36]
3. Since scribes would frequently bring divergent passages into harmony with one another, in parallel passages (whether quotations from the Old Testament or different accounts in the Gospels of the same event or narrative) that reading which involves verbal dissidence is usually to be preferred to one which is verbally concordant.
4. Scribes would sometimes
(a) Replace an unfamiliar word with a more familiar synonym;
(b) Alter a less refined grammatical form or less elegant lexical expression, in accord with contemporary Atticizing preferences; or
(c) Add pronouns, conjunctions, and expletives to make a smoother text [ED: all harmonizing tendencies above especially applicable and notable in Byz mss].


Craig said...


B. Intrinsic Probabilities depend upon considerations of what the author was more likely to have written. The textual critic takes into account
1. In general:

(a) The style and vocabulary of the author throughout the book:
(b) The immediate context; and
(c) Harmony with the usage of the author elsewhere; and,
2. In the Gospels:
(a) The Aramaic background of the teaching of Jesus;
(b) The priority of the Gospel according to Mark; and
(c) The influence of the Christian community upon the formulation and transmission of the passage in question.

It is obvious that not all of these criteria are applicable in every case. The textual critic must know when it is appropriate to give greater consideration to one kind of evidence and less to another. Since textual criticism is an art as well as a science, it is inevitable that in some cases different scholars will come to different evaluations of the significance of the evidence. This divergence is almost inevitable when, as sometimes happens, the evidence is so divided that, for example, the more difficult reading is found only in the later witnesses, or the longer reading is found only in the earlier witnesses.


I don’t necessarily agree with all the above [B.2(b), e.g.], but this at least provides rationale for the decisions made in the NA/UBS texts, and such a methodology prevents blindly following either the Byz, the Alexandrian, or (most especially) the TR.

Anonymous said...

Poor old Christine going round n round in the Sinai, enjoying "the optimal climatic conditions"!

Anonymous said...

Ukraine, Trump, & Biden - The Real Story Behind "Ukrainegate"


Anonymous said...

Catholic Priest James Martin touts blasphemous image of Jesus as a homosexual

Craig said...

For those interested, I provided a brief preview/review of the book I'd mentioned earlier Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism:

Anonymous said...

@12:11 PM,

She's bound to stay wobbling her blob round the wilderness too, thirsting but never finding the spring, forever learning Gnostic nonsense and things of blind pride but never coming to an understanding of the truth. Why? For she idolizes a witch, with whom she is unweddedly shacked; promoting his wares and talents ... she clings blindly to fantasies of men on Mars, albeit she says those Martian men are pagan, with blocked chakras, having rejected the supposed evangelicals (catapulted there?) sent from Earth, according to her, around the 1840's. You couldn't make this special kind of nonsense up ... unless you're Christine, of course. Then there's her mother-hating, and her special brand of nonsense and bitter root only increases in size.

Anonymous said...


Swarmageddon, After Ridgecrest Earthquakes in July 2019, 100,000 Earthquakes, Southern California, Birth Pains - -315 Minutes Ago

Up-Date: Rank Hypocrisy of British and American Governments, they are going to kill Julian Assange - 10 Hours Ago

'Queer Bible Hermeneutics' Course Teaches Students About 'Queerness In The Church' - 18 Hours Ago

Children Are Misplaced or Lost in Our Foster Care System - 18 Hours Ago

Enemies of Christ - 18 Hours Ago

The ungodly (LGBTQE) Are After The Children, Cartoon 'My Little Pony' Now Has A Lesbian Horse Couple - 18 Hours Ago

The ungodly (LGBTQE) Are After The Children, Cartoon 'My Little Pony' Now Has A Lesbian Horse Couple - 18 Hours Ago

Trump Is Surrounded by the Worst of the Worst, A Strong Delusion in the End Times - 32 Hours Ago

How Fitting That a Pro-Death Sodomite Would Be the Democrats' Version of a "Religious" Candidate - 37 Hours Ago

America's Dirty Little Secret,Child Sex Trafficking,a $10 Billion+ Business In America - 42 Hours Ago

America is in Deep Trouble If We Don't Realize Government Is a Criminal Entity - 42 Hours Ago

Children in the Crosshairs, "a Children's Book of Demons" Teaches Kids How to Summon Dark Spirits - 42 Hours Ago

Is Disapproving of Homosexuality and Homosexual Marriage Spreading Hate? - 49 Hours Ago

Climate god Pete Buttigieg Claims That Carbon Dioxide Is a "Sin" and God Would Oppose It, Demonic Delusions - 50 Hours Ago

If You Have a Y Chromosome You Are Male. If You Have All X Chromosomes You Are Female. God's Design, Can't... - 56 Hours Ago

"We Don't Need People Deciding for Us What to Think, See or Hear. That's a Load of Totalitarian Crap." - 58 Hours Ago

Obama, Clinton, and the Democrats Treasonous Coup Against America - 59 Hours Ago

Being a Leader is not Always About Being in the Front - 64 Hours Ago

Anonymous said...

She, Aka off the wall,
brushing a coat
of her gray seer
base containing
the bluest Tinge.

Outside, the gloom,
the sickening sycamore
from which her broom
is forged as if
turned by foul force.

The twos and threes
of windows glow
with fiery spheres
as eerie as
green haze within.

Now, dark outside
forces galloping
the resident ungroomed:
the Woodside Drive of mare unbridled
wilding in the Lost Avenue.

Anonymous said...

International Group of Doctors Warns Assange Will "Die In Prison" Without Urgent Medical Care

Anonymous said...

She, Aka off the wall,
brushing a coat
of her gray seer
base containing
the bluest Tinge.

Outside, the gloom,
the sickening sycamore
from which her broom
sweeping to air
turns by foul hand.

The twos and threes
of windows glow
with fiery spheres
as eerie as
green haze within.

Now, dark outside
forces galloping
her resident ungroomed
by Woodside Drive of mare unbridled
wilding in the Lost Avenue.

Anonymous said...

I thought wilding was a Central Park thing?

Anonymous said...

They're starting to post their MCE 'artistry' 2x apiece when 1x each is quite sufficient.

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: Former NXIVM Members and Employees Describe Clinton-Connected Satanic Cult

Anonymous said...

Patriot Act on Steroids: Surveillance State Beyond Section 215

Anonymous said...

New Amazon Show Features White People Wearing Red MAGA-Style Hats Being Hunted As "Nazis"

Anonymous said...

I Found the Quid Pro Quo Motherload

-Make This Go Viral!!!

Anonymous said...

History Shows Sex Depraved Tyrants Precede the Collapse of Empires

A Coming Theocracy: Christian Zionism, Dominionism & Noahide Laws

Anonymous said...

Growing tide of outraged parents move to demolish perverted California sex ed program

Anonymous said...

9:38 AM,

The reasons for the second posting are the slight changes to the second verse. You're quite right though, one posting would have sufficed.

noun: wilding
... a violent rampage in a public place, attacking people at random.
"prison put halt to his wilding" ... isn't that what she and her "Sandra" have been up to here for sometime here. There are few folks here she hasn't attacked with her violent outbursts at one time or another.

Anonymous said...

9:38 AM,

There's a necessary final stanza (quintain) to the poem, Neigh and Bray, I should have added earlier.
I'll put it on its own so as not to blog-hog without reason. P.S., This poem is not to be reproduced for advertising purposes.

There, cast asunder go brute and beast
Mourning their meddling at midnight
joined only in fate
repent and part
before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

Who in the world writes poems about MCE?
It's weird.
And once was way too much.
Go to the wolfden and post that way off topic junk there.


Anonymous said...

Poets do,

11:05 AM.

Love and care.

Anonymous said...

Beyond The Wayside, 11:05 AM,

Thank you for your inadvertent compliment, "It's weird", it would have been immodest for me to have said so myself:

Shakespeare's Connection to Weird

Weird derives from the Old English noun wyrd, essentially meaning "fate." By the 8th century, the plural wyrde had begun to appear in texts as a gloss for Parcae, the Latin name for the Fates—three goddesses who spun, measured, and cut the thread of life.

Anonymous said...

Uh, dear wordsmith...
Is this really the correct site for your off topic musings?

I thought this blog comment section was for the exchange of current information corresponding to the blog owner's articles. Not about hangups of personalities who seem very needy for exorbitant attention (in whatever form they can get it).
This site is not for a poetry conference held in the east wing of the library.
No crudites or gourmet teas are being served here either, so seems a waste of space for your writings.

Just say'n.

Anonymous said...

Hi 12:04 PM,
Thank you so much for the reminder.
I do admire the imagery you conjure up (hopefully, not literally but figuratively of course), your crudites and gourmet teas sound delightful, though I am not too sure this is quite the place for them ... not wanting to crease the irony on which they're laid.

O cliched contraire, to refrain through citation, I find your "crudites and gourmet teas refreshingly quenching and appealing to the appetite. It seems there's quite a feast and a flight of all things fancy to be had here in the West wing too, after all! Keep your feather preened: the reflections it produces are more than, "Just say'n", those exorbitant sorbet that drips from your needy type keys - that requited attention of yours - is certainly flavorsome.

Anonymous said...

Oops: those or that, there's always something of the singularity about certain rows typos, n'est pas!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I've shown a little too much avarice over your sumptuous temptations there, 12:04 PM ... hence the preter-conscious pallet of mine being somewhat under-painted with the use of only the opening quotation mark when refraining with regards to your crudites and gourmet teas.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me for bringing your crudites and gourmet teas up again, 12:04 PM, they just wouldn't settle.

Anonymous said...

Another prizewinner joins the illustrious ranks of MCE & TID.

Anonymous said...

Assange "Could Die in Prison" Without Urgent Medical Care, 60+ Doctors Warn

Julian Assange has been tortured to near death for publishing truthful information

Anonymous said...

Natural News

Planned Parenthood EXPLICIT indoctrination videos now being played for high school students as part of brainwashing... - 7 Hours Ago

Hillary having on-camera seizures, Biden losing his mind every time he talks, Amy Klobuchar violently shaking... - 7 Hours Ago

BOMBSHELL: 5G devices exposed as actual beam weapon systems by man who disassembles them on camera and finds... - 9 Hours Ago

ACLU goes completely insane, declares that men can get periods, get pregnant and give birth… what used to be a... - 20 Hours Ago

It takes just ONE sugary drink a day to increase your risk of heart disease-related death by a third - 23 Hours Ago

Vaccine Warning: Vaccines can cause PERMANENT brain injury during brain development years - 34 Hours Ago

And now for the good news!

A healthy lifestyle is the best cure: Study reveals link between lifestyle choices and disease risk - 113 Minutes Ago

Help support these FIVE amazing projects... - 6 Hours Ago

Happy wife…longer life? Study suggests partner life satisfaction is linked to health and longevity - 22 Hours Ago

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:46 PM,

I'd have tried to be a bit kinder about you, but if that's how you feel about yourself, then off you go. I really must say that yes, when it comes to unimaginative trolling, you really do take the crudité.

I really couldn't digest your gormless tea, you really should keep it for the minimally exceptional club in the pity corner of the East wing you scurry around sullying picture books with your crumbed and fungus-filled gloveless mitts. Indubitably, you were kept in the dark and fed on shit when it came to decorum. Yes, there really is something of the MCE and TD about you. I think I'll refer to you as Anonymous Crudite Dunking Cretin, or ACDC for short. I knew there was something queer about you, ACDC.

Love and care (platonically, of course).

Anonymous said...

Not wanting the poem to get lost in the shuffle, due to ACDC's incessant cess, here it is again.

Neigh and Bray

(not to be used for some ad)

She, Aka off the wall,
brushing a coat
of her gray seer
base containing
the bluest Tinge.

Outside, the gloom,
the sickening sycamore
from which her broom
sweeping to air
turns by fingers foul.

In twos of threes
the windows glow
with fiery spheres
as eerie as the
green haze within.

Now, dark outside
forces galloping
her resident ungroomed
by Woodside Drive of mare unbridled
wilding in the Lost Avenue.

There, soon asunder go brute and beast
Mourning the Moon at midnight
joined only in rebellion
repent and part
before God's anvil thuds.

Anonymous said...

8:41 AM

8:53 AM

10:22 AM

10:39 AM

11:25 AM

11:44 AM

1:18 PM

1:21 PM

1:34 PM

1:44 PM

11:29 PM

11:37 PM

Thank you for confirming to all that you not only certainly do belong in the same highly esteemed group as MCE & TID but now 'Sandra' as well!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so you're "Sandra" are you, 4:08 AM Aka ACDC? That explains your niggling. You've five or so unnecessary rant yourself there, still if it makes you feel better ...

Love and care (platonically, of course).

Anonymous said...

Beyond the wayside, ACDC,

I'll post as many posts as I like; they may be few or many, but always refreshing, unlike your stale crudites and gormless brew. A slithering snot-lizard such as yourself is not going to stop me. Get it, you pox-faced pariah?

Love and care.

Anonymous said...

Just so this doesn't get lost in the shuffle, due to ye olde pox-paced ACDC's attempts at Gestapo-ing round the blog and throwing its North Korean style cess about, I'll post this again.

Neigh and Bray

(not to be used for some ad)

She, Aka off the wall,
brushing a coat
of her gray seer
base containing
the bluest Tinge.

Outside, the gloom,
the sickening sycamore
from which her broom
sweeping to air
turns by fingers foul.

In twos of threes
the windows glow
with fiery spheres
as eerie as the
green haze within.

Now, dark outside
forces galloping
her resident ungroomed
by Woodside Drive of mare unbridled
wilding in the Lost Avenue.

There, soon asunder go brute and beast
Mourning the Moon at midnight
joined only in rebellion
repent and part
before God's anvil thuds.

Anonymous said...

Would very much like to see regular posts from you 7:11 AM!

Suggested subject matter:

Slithering snot-lizard 2.0 Hillary Clinton

Bug eyed reptilian Adam Schiff

Rotting corpse George Soros

Dim witted satanist George W Bush

Child murderer Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Joyless POS Jerry 'nads' Nadler

Anonymous said...

Somebody is needing attention. I suggest therapy of some sort. Please seek it out. But elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Poetry is therapeutic!

Anonymous said...

Oh indeed, 9:34 AM,
I'd say you take up your suggestion as soon as possible. It appears you, ACDC, are suffering from multi-personality disorder with strong sociopathic traits. You'd do far better staying offline, eating well and owning up to your acute inability to socialize properly. I do hope you get the psychiatric help you are so desperately in need of. You'll get all the attention you yearn for there, so no need to project your insecurities here. There, there.

Take good care now.

Anonymous said...

Yes 9:44 AM,

Poetry certainly is therapeutic, even for the likes of ACDC who has nothing to offer but bitter crudites and bile - poor thing!


Anonymous said...

Still, just to ensure my poem doesn't get lost in the shuffle due to ACDC's unwell ravings, here it is again.

Neigh and Bray

(not to be used for some ad)

She, Aka off the wall,
brushing a coat
of her gray seer
base containing
the bluest Tinge.

Outside, the gloom,
the sickening sycamore
from which her broom
sweeping to air
turns by fingers foul.

In twos of threes
the windows glow
with fiery spheres
as eerie as the
green haze within.

Now, dark outside
forces galloping
her resident ungroomed
by Woodside Drive of mare unbridled
wilding in the Lost Avenue.

There, soon asunder go brute and beast
Mourning the Moon at midnight
joined only in rebellion
repent and part
before God's anvil thuds.

Anonymous said...

Here you are, ACDC Aka 9:34 AM.

I've gathered a couple of starting points for you. It is of paramount importance to your wellbeing and that of others around you that you get the psychiatric help you so clearly need as early as possible.

Get in touch as soon as you can, ACDC, they're bound to understand you and fix you up with a psychiatrist in your area. You never know, there might even be a crudité making course you can join as part of any occupational therapy you may engage in.

Love and care

paul said...

Shakespeare much?

Anonymous said...


Well said! And might it be suggested that you may very well, upon review, find it even more to the point to say to him or her:

McGonagall much?"

Or perhaps:

{________*} much?"

*Pick One:

Anonymous said...

•Life Site News

New Dem 2020 candidate Bloomberg: Violently pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom - 77 Minutes Ago

Cowardice and capitulation: Some shocking things Chick-fil-A funds - 4 Hours Ago

'HIV-phobia': Gays shame people who refuse to sleep with HIV-positive partners - 14 Hours Ago

Pro-LGBT ‘Catholic’ trustee calls words of Christ ‘death threat’ when quoted to him - 15 Hours Ago

Pope praises document about God willing diversity of religions in 'interreligious dialogue' speech - 15 Hours Ago

•Natural News

Climate FACTS: No warming has taken place in the United States since 2005, yet the media refuses to discuss the real... - 2 Hours Ago

ALERT: Neonic pesticides in tap water react with chlorine to create hazardous chemicals that are 300 times more toxic - 3 Hours Ago

In-depth WSJ investigation PROVES that Google has hired an army of censors to maliciously manipulate search results...

Another evil corporation targets children for psychological warfare and “gender fluid” indoctrination:...

Fitness promotes longevity! Study finds a brisk walk every day...

Anonymous said...

Thank you, most kindly, Paul.

Now, as for ACDC, Aka 12:33 PM,

Here's a morsel of mete, cured in Shakespearean metaphor and meter, drawn in rhythm and roasted on the spit alternate rhyme and alliterating illustration. It is a measure best bestowed on the amoral and gall-tongued ACDC, whose malformed mind has something far colder and more squalid than MCE's soliloquies bathed in reminiscences of her mother. This Sonnet exposes with each lick of color, that which 12:33 PM's pox-parched pallet is lacking.

Sonnet 18: Revisited.

Shall I compare thee to a winter’s night?
Thou art more barren than a bracken’d heath.
Fierce winds do pierce the nightingale in flight,
But winter’s sword is soon returned to sheath.

Sometime so cold the tears of Heaven hail,
For fog soon frosteth out the waxing groom,
With Venus fainting, vain beneath a veil,
Till rising Iris kisseth Spring in bloom.

But thy eternal winter ne’er shall wain,
Nor gain fruition in that foul thou howl’st,
Nor shall songs flow toward thy dark refrain,
When others change in tune to Time, thou growl'st.

So long as men have ears, or hearts to fear,
Their veins shall chill whene’er thou art near [... not!].

Anonymous said...

Thank you, most kindly, Paul.

Now, as for ACDC, Aka 12:33 PM,

Here's a morsel of mete, cured in Shakespearean metaphor and meter, drawn in rhythm and roasted on the spit of alternate rhyme and alliterating illustration. It is a measure best bestowed on the amoral and gall-tongued ACDC, whose malformed mind has something far colder and more squalid than MCE's soliloquies bathed in reminiscences of her mother. This Sonnet, with each lick of color, exposes the cold and wretched writher that ACDC Aka 12:33 PM is, and despite ACDC's heckles and hisses from its hemlocked heart, paints that hard truth about the 12:33 troll, which ACDC's pox-parched pallet is lacking.

Sonnet 18: Revisited.

Shall I compare thee to a winter’s night?
Thou art more barren than a bracken’d heath.
Fierce winds do pierce the nightingale in flight,
But winter’s sword is soon returned to sheath.

Sometime so cold the tears of Heaven hail,
For fog soon frosteth out the waxing groom,
With Venus fainting, vain beneath a veil,
Till rising Iris kisseth Spring in bloom.

But thy eternal winter ne’er shall wain,
Nor gain fruition in that foul thou howl’st,
Nor shall songs flow toward thy dark refrain,
When others change in tune to Time, thou growl'st.

So long as men have ears, or hearts to fear,
Their veins shall chill whene’er thou art near [... not!].

Anonymous said...

Vengeance poetry posting, in a constant stream?
Pointless to anyone else but the vengeful heart so consumed.
On a blog like this no less.
Somebody needs a lot of prayer.
Prayer for healing of the soul.

paul said...

Pointless? Maybe. Put really well done. Shakespeare was largely pointless too.
As we might say here in Maine, Wicked good with a pen.

Anonymous said...

But directed at people to disparage them...the ugly commentary to go with?
Really? Here?

Anonymous said...

INSTANT DEATH to all those who molest a child. You ain't tough!

Anonymous said...

Wadda madda. ACDC, Aka? Truth hurt? 2:54 and 6:03 ... Any wound to your fragile narcissistic ego is of your own making. I suggest you make good use of those links I offered you earlier.

As you'd say, "Just sayin' "

Love and care.


Paul, Thank you for your appreciation.

Anonymous said...

Your mental illness becomes more evident with each such post.

So post away...

Anonymous said...

Correction: That is, your mental illness & UNSOUNDNESS OF CHARACTER becomes more evident with each such post.

So (as was said) post away...

Anonymous said...

You're projecting again there, ACDC. There, there.

It has to be hard for you to stare into the cess you churn here and find therein your own vile reflection. I do understand it has to be painful for you to recognize the fragility of that pantomime mask of yours hiding the weak and wounded individual, who feels nothing but the cold night of cruelty, that you clearly are. Yet the puss seeping, from the gangrenous boil that is your septic psyche, cannot go on endlessly plaguing here without being drawn out and sanitized. I've done my bit to prick you with a little of the antidote you so need... one has to be harsh in order to be kind sometimes; tickling your ears just won't do it. Now, it's clear from your episodic psychosis, screeching out from your malignant sociopathy and unstable sense of self, evident throughout your postings, that you require the utmost attention and psychiatric care. It may take years to achieve any glimmer of improvement in your nature, but consistent medical provision from trained and caring specialists along with prayer and abstinence from social media on your part.

Here are those links again, ACDC.

To reiterate to you ACDC, get the psychiatric help you so clearly need as early as possible.

Get in touch as soon as you can, ACDC, they're bound to understand you and fix you up with a psychiatrist in your area. You never know, there might even be a crudité making course you can join as part of any occupational therapy you may engage in.

Love and care (platonically, of course).

Anonymous said...

You're projecting again there, ACDC. There, there.

It has to be hard for you to stare into the cess you churn here and find therein your own vile reflection. I do understand it has to be painful for you to recognize the fragility of that pantomime mask of yours hiding the weak and wounded individual, who feels nothing but the cold night of cruelty, that you clearly are. Yet the puss seeping, from the gangrenous boil that is your septic psyche, cannot go on endlessly plaguing here without being drawn out and sanitized. I've done my bit to prick you with a little of the antidote you so need... one has to be harsh in order to be kind sometimes; tickling your ears just won't do it. Now, it's clear from your episodic psychosis, screeching out from your malignant sociopathy and unstable sense of self, evident throughout your postings, that you require the utmost attention and psychiatric care. It may take years to achieve any glimmer of improvement in your nature, but consistent medical provision from trained and caring specialists along with prayer and abstinence from social media on your part, and a real demonstration of your willingness to change may set you somewhat on your uphill path of recovery.

Here are those links again, ACDC.

To reiterate to you ACDC, get the psychiatric help you so clearly need as early as possible.

Get in touch as soon as you can, ACDC, they're bound to understand you and fix you up with a psychiatrist in your area. You never know, there might even be a crudité making course you can join as part of any occupational therapy you may engage in.

Anonymous said...

Love and care (platonically, of course). Poor thing that you are ACDC.

I sincerely hope you seek out the help you so clearly need.

In sympathy,

the caring poet.

Anonymous said...

For those interested in our new buddy, 'The Caring Poet', he is also quite the autobiographical song composer...

In fact, perhaps he should go by 'The Caring Composer'...


Anonymous said...

You poor thing, ACDC.

You really can get that help. Here's someone who no doubt was displaying similar sociopathic tendencies as yourself, yet went forth to seek help nonetheless. You never know, you might have even more in common with him, such as crudites.

Unmasking Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Their Abuse with RUTH JACOBS in CAMBRIDGE, UK (In the Booth)

Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer said...

On my website there is a new article of mine titled: Amazon Synod: Pope Francis' Emerging Hippie Spiritual Philosophy. It is located at: I recently presented some related information at the end of the article, which includes a video and my commentary on it. The video is located at: On my website my commentary on the video includes reference links. My following partial commentary on the video reads:

In this video Michael Matt falsely claims that Pope Francis believes in and is promoting the United Nations mission to lead the entire world to accept a One World Religion and New World Order wherein "the worship of Mother Earth is going to replace the worship of God." This is the theology and worldview of groups of traditional Catholics who are of a radical type of traditionalist Catholicism. And it is also the theology and worldview of the leading Protestant opponents of the New Age. Mr. Matt is in good standing with Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Matt recently interviewed him. Bishop Schneider is a highly respected prelate who is often interviewed on EWTN, a global television network. He is a renowned leader of a traditionalist Catholic movement that is opposed to mainstream Catholicism.

The Roman Catholic Church document on the New Age Movement states: (1.) The New Age Movement presents itself as a deceptive response to the most ancient hope of man: the hope of a New Era of peace, harmony, reconciliation with himself, others and nature." And that (2.) "Gaia", Mother Earth, is offered as an alternative to God the Father,... [Mother Earth, or] the God of which New Age speaks is neither personal nor transcendent. Nor is it the Creator and sustainer of the universe, but an 'impersonal energy' immanent in the world, with which it forms a 'cosmic unity': 'All is one'. This unity is monistic, pantheistic or, more precisely, panentheistic. [Mother Earth, or] God is the "life-principle", the "spirit or soul of the world", the sum total of consciousness existing in the world."

It is ridiculous for Matt and others who have similar theological worldviews to believe that Pope Francis is attempting to convert the church and the entire world to what an official church document condemned in 2003.

The New Age actually believes in the "unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation" and that He is the ultimate source, or Creator of the universe. And the New Age also believes in Mother Earth, the less-than-divine world soul, or "the gestalt, the wholeness of all the lives and patterns that manifest upon, and as, the earth."

The earth and the whole cosmos does not appear as it actually is to the unenlightened. The illusory material universe is therefore a less-than-divine god, known as Mother Earth. To the enlightened the whole cosmos actually appears as it is, an essentially undifferenated mass of light. This mass of light forms a divine 'cosmic unity': 'All is one'. This divine unity is monistic, pantheistic or, more precisely, panentheistic. The goal of true New Agers is to first become One with the divine monistic manifestation of G/god or the U/universe and then go thought It to ultimately become One with God, the transcendent Father, or Spirit, beyond creation. Pope Francis is not leading the entire world to Mother Earth worship. He is becoming a true New Ager who honors Mother Earth and worships God the Father.

When Jesus Christ was experiencing Himself as the divine monistic manifestation of the U/universe He said: "The only way to the Father is through me." There is a large global movement whose adherents's ultimate goal is to become One with the divine monistic manifestation of G/god or the U/universe, they are not New Agers as the Roman Catholic Church mistakenly claims.

paul said...

Thank you Thomas, for the umpteenth time, for composing the deep thoughts that decorate the wrapping paper of
Dr. Bronners Pure Castile Soap.

Anonymous said...

Rub a Dub Dub, Tommy, and Franny sit-in in a tub!

paul said...

Bubbles galore

Anonymous said...

Pussy Galore's gay brother???

Why on Earth mention HIM, Paul?

Anonymous said...

All News Pipe Line

Happy Thanksgiving 2019 - We At ANP Are Thankful For Each And Every One Of You - 16 Hours Ago

The Radical Leftist Media Has Fully Distorted Reality In America With The Loonies On The Left Blaming President Trump... - 16 Hours Ago

Yes, Virginia, There Is An Agenda To Confiscate Your Firearms & Dismantle The 2nd Amendment & The People Of Virginia... - 40 Hours Ago

Modern Day Feminism Has Created A Generation Of Miserable, Angry, Perpetually Outraged Women - These Feminists Should... - 64 Hours Ago

With Tidal Wave Of Stories Published In November Warning Of The Rise Of Killer Robots, The Future Is Now - 64 Hours Ago

Humanity In For Devastating Shock: Investigative Report Finds 5G Will Make Us ALL Into Targeted Individuals For... - 88 Hours Ago

The Scourge Of Pestilence Is Brewing In America With The Plague Of Leftism Unleashed On Democrat-Run Cities

Snowflakes, Feminists & Antifa, Oh My!!! From Fascists To Failures In Just A Few Short Years, The "Insane Left" Is...

The Truth Bomb About To Explode On Democrats Heads Will Leave The Dumbed Down Masses Running Around In The Streets...

The Coming Tsunami: The Impeachment "Distraction" Cannot Stop The Tidal Wave Of Information That Is About to Be...

Anonymous said...


The TRANSformation Of America - Making Money By Pushing The Transgender Lie & Exploiting People (Video) - -226 Minutes Ago

Transgender: Over 26,000 Girls Seek Funds for Breast Removal at GoFundMe - 14 Hours Ago

Destroying the 'Homosexual' Agenda and Debate in America - 16 Hours Ago

You Are Paying for Bank's Crimes - 24 Hours Ago

LGBTQE-E for Evil Jesuit Priest Showcases 'Homosexual Jesus' Art - 26 Hours Ago

Virus Apocalypse in Grand Junction, Colorado - 37 Hours Ago

Ex-MLB Star Teaches Kids How to Use Guns in Case Trump Loses in 2020 - 38 Hours Ago

The Trouble Has Just Begun, Second Bank Run In Two Weeks In China - 39 Hours Ago

Neither Trump nor Q Anon Deserves Credit for the Arrest of Pedophile Networks - 40 Hours Ago

American Pastors Refuse to Preach Jesus in His Entirety - 41 Hours Ago

Anonymous said...

Bill Barr’s Ties To Epstein Resurface After He Claims Pedophile Committed Suicide

By Gabriel Keane
National File
Bill Barr’s father Donald Barr hired 21-year-old, college dropout Jeffrey Epstein to teach at the Dalton prep school in New York during the former’s tenure as school headmaster.

Epstein’s tenure at Dalton would later be credited as instrumental in his ability to forge connections with the rich and powerful.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

All News Pipe Line

Happy Thanksgiving 2019 - We At ANP Are Thankful For Each And Every One Of You - 16 Hours Ago

The Radical Leftist Media Has Fully Distorted Reality In America With The Loonies On The Left Blaming President Trump... - 16 Hours Ago

Yes, Virginia, There Is An Agenda To Confiscate Your Firearms & Dismantle The 2nd Amendment & The People Of Virginia... - 40 Hours Ago

Modern Day Feminism Has Created A Generation Of Miserable, Angry, Perpetually Outraged Women - These Feminists Should... - 64 Hours Ago

With Tidal Wave Of Stories Published In November Warning Of The Rise Of Killer Robots, The Future Is Now - 64 Hours Ago

Humanity In For Devastating Shock: Investigative Report Finds 5G Will Make Us ALL Into Targeted Individuals For... - 88 Hours Ago

The Scourge Of Pestilence Is Brewing In America With The Plague Of Leftism Unleashed On Democrat-Run Cities

Snowflakes, Feminists & Antifa, Oh My!!! From Fascists To Failures In Just A Few Short Years, The "Insane Left" Is...

The Truth Bomb About To Explode On Democrats Heads Will Leave The Dumbed Down Masses Running Around In The Streets...

The Coming Tsunami: The Impeachment "Distraction" Cannot Stop The Tidal Wave Of Information That Is About to Be...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation:

What a Different Era!

paul said...

Hmmm. I think I smell a powdery Jesuit.
Yes yes. The gay humor. Wry intellectual smarminess, Arcane. Elite. Beyond good and evil, etc etc.

Anonymous said...

7:18 PM

You are one SICK son of a bitch.

No joke.

paul said...


paul said...

Anonymous said...

First Use of PATRIOT Act to Detain a Man FOREVER

Anonymous said...

BLOOMBERG: We need MORE immigrants!

Anonymous said...

Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value

29 Nov 2019

Climate change alarmists are pushing for a change in vocabulary to scare people into taking global warming more seriously, starting with terms like “global meltdown” and “climate collapse.

Writing for AdAge this week, Aaron Hall argues that in order to get people to “take action” against climate change, “rebranding” is crucial, since people have gotten too used to the idea that climate is changing and need to be shocked into the notion that the world as we know it is ending.

“Is there a better way to convey the urgency of the situation, while also encouraging folks to take action? Could the tools of branding and brand naming create a more resonant, powerful name?” Mr. Hall asks.

What he and his marketing team came up with was a series of much more frightening labels to stick on climate change in the hope of jolting people into meaningful engagement.

The terms “Global Meltdown” or “Global Melting,” for instance, deliver a more negative image than mere “Global Warming,” he contends. “The names signal that ice caps are melting, but also create a more visceral image in the mind — that real feeling of ‘melting’ when it’s too hot outside. A meltdown is a disastrous event that draws from the ultimate terror of a nuclear meltdown, an apt metaphor for global destruction.”

“Climate Collapse” and “Climate Chaos,” on the other hand, “instill a clear message or even a direct call to action,” Hall notes, adding that “there’s nothing neutral about collapse or chaos.”

To up the rhetoric even more, Hall proposes the weaponized term “Scorched Earth.”

“Sometimes a brand name needs to be hyperbolic to truly capture hearts and minds. ... 'Scorched Earth’ paints the direst picture...and is likely the edgiest brand name from our exploration.”
Mr. Hall’s contention that it does not matter if what is said is true as long as it elicits the necessary response is reminiscent of similar assertions by leaders of the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement.

Spokespersons of the movement have acknowledged that their claims that billions of people are going to die from climate change have NO BASIS WHATSOEVER in scientific fact but are necessary ... to motivate people, confessing that “alarmist language works.”

While it is clearly true that “alarmist language works” in some cases, it is ALSO true that people tend to resent being lied to and manipulated.

Like Aesop’s fable of the Boy Who Cried Wolf, climate alarmists may wake up one fine day to find that nobody believes them anymore.

Such is the price of lying.

John 8:44 NIV

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires...for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Anonymous said...

China Plans to CENSOR Classic RELIGIOUS Texts to Comply with COMMUNIST Standards

Nov 29, 2019
By Jose Nino
Big League Politics

China is prepared to censor all translated versions of classic religious texts to conform with Communist Party propaganda.

According to the Daily Mail, the new editions of these books cannot contain any content that goes against Communist Party beliefs.

The country’s leading officials on religious matters are setting these standards and paragraphs that catch censors’ attention “will be amended or re-translated,” according to these officials.

Wang Yang, the Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, directed the country’s officials to interpret different religious principles in line with “’the core values of SOCIALISM.”

Anonymous said...

Somebody shared HNewsWire in the comments. I want to thank the person who did that.

Interesting news headlining at HNewsWire today about China's food shortage (due to African Swine flu) and financial problems (due to defaults).

Author thinks it indicates prophesy unfolding before our eyes in real time. Good to remember we don't know the day or the hour. I'm sure during the Great Depression and WWII era people thought that way. I'm sure it also seemed that way to many during the crazy and tumultuous sixties counterculture era. Still the author may be right and either way, the news is interesting.

Anonymous said...

9:19 AM

You're very welcome!

Anonymous said...

USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Jaynes, who penned thrillers exposing the murderous vaccine deep state, found SHOT TO DEATH!

Friday, November 29, 2019
By: Mike Adams
Natural News

Jennifer Jaynes, USA Today bestselling author of Malice and other novels exposing the vaccine deep state, was found shot to death on Monday, November 25th, according to media reports (see links below).

Jaynes was a celebrated author whose books achieved USA Today bestseller status. Her novels showcased the criminality, child abuse and deep-rooted fraud of the vaccine industry.

She also wrote children’s books that focused on teaching children the importance of consuming nutritious foods. See her website, books, DVDs and more at:

Her most recent book, Malice, explores the medical ethics battle of a character named Dr. Daniel Winters, who tries to expose a dangerous vaccine that the medical establishment knows is harming and killing children. Her thriller Malice is also available as an audio book on See four of her book titles at this link:

Jaynes was reportedly found with two gunshots to the head, according to (NOT one gunshot, but TWO.) The death was reportedly ruled a “suicide,” which begs the question of how a person can shoot themselves in the head TWICE.

Many of her fans suspect Jaynes may have been murdered by the vaccine industry, which has a long history of advocating criminal fraud, bribery and kickbacks, outlandish medical experiments on human children, coordinated science fraud and other heinous crimes.
Social media channels and contact details for Jennifer Jaynes

Our prayers go out to the family members of Jennifer Jaynes, who was a courageous and brilliant researcher and writer. We are not yet aware of any organized effort to investigate her death or help raise funds for her family, but here are some publicly available addresses that may help you organize or share the word about such efforts:

•Instagram @jenniferjaynesauthor

•Twitter @jenniferjaynes7

•Facebook @JenniferJaynesAuthor


Her book publicist appears to be Ashley Vanicek who works for Thomas & Mercer, an imprint owned by — a corporation that has recently joined with Big Pharma to start retailing dangerous prescription drugs that will be delivered by drones. Vanicek’s contact is publicly listed as – which appears to be a generic email address.

Jaynes’ literary agent is publicly listed as Italia Gandolfo, who works for Gandolfo Helin & Fountain ( The agency has a public page describing the works of Jennifer Jaynes at this link:

Anonymous said...

We do not publish this information to inconvenience Jaynes’ publisher or agent, of course: We hope to help spur a deeper investigation into her death, given all the suspicious deaths of individuals who have courageously spoken out against the “vaccine deep state”...

Ironically, the very description of the criminal vaccine industry that Jaynes wrote about in her own books is reality, not fiction. And many Jaynes fans believe they came for her and killed her.

As a targeted whistleblower and investigative journalist myself, I have been forced to pursue thousands of hours of pistol, rifle and shotgun combat training over the last decade in order to ensure my own safety against the vaccine criminal cartels. I am armed at all times and cannot speak in public without hiring a minimum of four armed security personnel to watch my back.

It appears that Jennifer was about to launch a much larger media project, as she is the owner of Ink Bug Media which has a web domain that’s not yet populated with content:

Jaynes’ fan base is, of course, horrified to discover that this talented, courageous woman has been killed. Jaynes had a very loyal following of readers and fans who spoke very highly of her work… and honored her commitment to exploring the truth about the criminal vaccine industry, even if it meant writing so-called “fiction novels” to get the word out.

As one reader wrote:

"My oldest daughter and her younger brother both had reactions to vaccines. Reading about Suzie almost had me hyperventilating. The scenario was nearly identical to what happened with my oldest daughter. The seizures that began after receiving a 'necessary' baby shot have NEVER gone away… I don’t think what she wrote as fiction is very far from the truth in regards to pharmaceutical companies today. Just listen to a few drug commercials and really hear the long list of side effects."

The book received rave reviews from readers who found its story line to be compelling and rooted in truths about the criminal vaccine industry. Other readers wrote:

"This book, Malice, was to date, even her best novel. I was drawn into this book from page one to the final page. A great psychological thriller that takes you on a journey that is is so heart pounding, you can’t wait to read what happens next. This story is written in a way that the storyline is believable and the material is well researched. There was a twist I didn’t see coming, and that was a game changer!! I could not put this book down! Superb novel!!"

"This was the best book I’ve read in a long time! As a physician, I could so relate to this doctor just starting out, whose ideals come in conflict with corporate medicine and pharmaceutical corruption. The author presents some shocking truths about the practice of modern medicine, which makes this a must-read for anyone working in the medical field, or for anyone who places their trust in those hands. I could not put this book down, and was rewarded with some unexpected plot turns as the story unfolded. Brava, Jennifer Jaynes! So well done!"

"Jennifer Jaynes captivates her audience with suspense. Every Jennifer Jaynes book including Malice I had read within a few days because I was so engaged in her writing. I appreciate the research that she puts in to her writing. Even though her writing is fictional she includes truths about what is encountered in our society. In Malice she informs her readers about the truth of the drug industry. Well done Jennifer!"

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Jennifer Jaynes

We pray for Jennifer Jaynes and her surviving relatives, and we hope that her novels will reach an ever-expanding number of readers and fans who realize that the criminal cartel Jaynes is describing in her novels isn’t fiction at all. It’s the REALITY of...Big Pharma DRUG CARTELS...
Jaynes’ death comes on the heels of over SEVENTY-FIVE other holistic doctors, naturopaths and wellness educators who have died under extremely mysterious circumstances over the last three years or so. Erin Elizabeth of has exhaustively documented many of these mysterious deaths in her website articles and public speeches.

To all holistic medicine practitioners: Arm yourself and learn to defend your life... If you aren’t legally carrying a pistol with you at all times, you are not prepared...
And yes, vaccines are manufactured using ABORTED human fetal tissue, as the CDC openly admits! The aborted human ingredients are called MRC-5 and WI-38 human diploid cells. The FDA admits to their use here. And the CDC openly lists such ingredients in this vaccine excipient document (PDF). Here’s a link from GSK that admits the use of aborted human fetal tissue ingredients in their MMR vaccine:

Stay informed, read... 

...for daily updates on the vaccine industry and its crimes against humanity.

Watch vaccine truth videos at... the online hub for uncensored videos about the dangers of vaccines.


And check out a bombshell new film:

Coming in 2020: We are launching a vaccine video platform EXCLUSIVELY for vaccine truth videos. Join the Natural News email newsletter to receive our announcements:

More news on Jennifer Jaynes:

See more Natural News news at:

Anonymous said...

Children's Health Defense Articles

Lakewood, NJ: Failure to Vaccinate or Vaccine Failure?

Communication Interrupted: Why Does One in Twelve U.S. Children Have a Communication Disorder?

Lena Sun, the Washington Post's Resident Vaccine Propagandist

Update on Sacramento Seven Arrested at "Occupy" in Sacramento, CA

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Speaking at Vaccine Injury Epidemic (VIE) Rally

Why Are 10-Year-Olds Killing Themselves?

Children's Health Advocates Gather to Demand Truth and Justice for the Vaccine-Injured

See more Children's Health Defense news...

Anonymous said...

The Rush To A Cashless Society Only Serves Globalist Interests

Anonymous said...

Bilderberg Group, CFR, Trilateral Commission

Endeavoring To Be The Architects Of Our Reality

Among their actions, they try to build our perception of the world.

Anonymous said...

The Common Sense Show

WE Have Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself and the New World Order - 8 Hours Ago

42% of Misguided Millennials Want a Socialist President - 8 Hours Ago

Update on the Coming Civil War In Mexico and the Role the California Democrats Are Playing - 8 Hours Ago

Who and Why Took Down Facebook and Twitter? - 16 Hours Ago

Amazon Ring is 1984 On Steroids: "See Something, Say Something" - 19 Hours Ago

Why are all of Trump's people FORCED to testify, while all the corrupt Democrats like Schiff, Comey, Clinton and Obama... - 23 Hours Ago

How California Citizens Are Literally Owned by Their State Government - 23 Hours Ago

Laois, Ireland Is the Leading the Fight Against 5G - 23 Hours Ago

Insider Sources Reveal a CHICOM Initiated Mexican Civil War Which Will Spill Over Into the United States - 30 Hours Ago

Ambassador Sondland's Quid Pro Quo From His 3 Sexual Assault Victims - 32 Hours Ago

Breaking News: Trump Announces Intention to Leave Afghanistan - 33 Hours Ago

Proverbs #3 - How do you emotionally heal from a hurt? - 34 Hours Ago

CHICOMS Are Creating a Congressional "No Entry List" Over Hong kong Resolution - 34 Hours Ago

The Path to World War I Is Repeating In 2019 - 34 Hours Ago

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...



Is the General Vallely in the interview at the link below the same one you wrote about in your June 15, 2015 "News With Views" article?

Found the below on ⬇️

“Text of the exchane.
Gen. Vallely answered the following: “Q-Anon is information that comes out of a group called ‘The Army of Northern Virginia.’ This is a group of military intelligence specialists, of over 800 people that advises the president. The president does not have a lot of confidence in the CIA or the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) much anymore. So the President relies on real operators, who are mostly Special Operations type of people. This is where ‘Q’ picks up some of his information.”

Also this "News With Views" article at link below was mentioned in a post on and someone asked if it was same person as the Gen. Vallely mentioned in post above, but only answer was..."not sure".
"Did Major General (Ret.) Paul E. Vallely Help Facilitate Military Satanism?" Pt.3 June 15, 2015

Anonymous said...

Vallely also co-authored a 1980 paper with then PSYOP analyst Michael Aquino titled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. MindWar is defined as "the deliberate aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war." The paper contrasts a use of psychological operations such as propaganda with a new approach. The paper contains this passage:

Unlike PSYOP, MindWar has nothing to do with deception or even with "selected"—and therefore misleading—truth. Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


"...arguments regarding is both an argument from silence" you have used this accusatin when there was no silence but an explicit statement or two.

" and circular, going like this: we don’t have papyri in the Byz area because the climate does not support the preservation of papyri in this area, but we presume that the papyri would be just like the later mss we do have in this area."

that's not circular. that's part 2 of a linear argument based on origin.

" Well, why wouldn’t these instead reflect the readings found in Alexandria?"

obvious. NOTHING is going to REFLECT something from outside its original location, since REFLECT means to show an influence from what it is reflecting from. A mirror reflects something from outside of it. Egypt is not where the Epistles and Gospels were sent, so any reflecting would be of Alexandria from Byz not vice versa Mark likely excepted. I Peter 5:13 mentions Babylon, there was a town by that name in Egypt, but it was addressed to Anatolian places RESEMBLE is the correct term.

Metzger's lecture major problem: The scribe's job is copying what's in front of him, not make changes to fit piety, liturgical useage, or anything else. That doesn't mean that no one did this, but that's not what a human copying machine is supposed to do, unless taking dictation and making suggestions to the author about how to say it with the author's approval. ACCIDENTS are one thing, DELIBERATE modification is another.

how do you know a shorter reading is preferable? more likely the result of error. and same for the rest. its easier to lose than add.

regular use would make something fall apart, preservation of an entire or near entire MS is in itself something to make it dubious, why wasn't it in use more, was it viewed as flawed?

Internal evidence on the NT points to Byz land as where it was headed. Where the originals were.

The vast majority of differences are a matter of spelling, grammar, very slight issues not affecting doctrine but where something is flat out absent it is more likely to have been left out by accident. especially if there is indication of something being duplicated like the scribe's eye jumped a line and back. one kind of accident would mean another is possible.


yes that's the same Paul Vallely.

Anonymous said...

The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that EU governments can order Facebook to take down content worldwide after an Austrian politician was insulted online.

Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek, a leading figure in Austria’s left-progressive Greens Party, was branded a “lousy traitor of the people” and a “corrupt oaf”, among other things, in an Austrian news article concerning her party’s support for a minimum income for refugees which was shared on a Facebook user’s personal page, according to court documents.

The Green politician demanded Facebook Ireland, which manages Facebook in Europe, remove the post, and secured an Austrian court order commanding it when the U.S. subsidiary failed to comply — but was not satisfied when the social media giant only restricted the content in Austria.

Now the Court of Justice of the European Union has decreed that censorship orders issued by an EU state can apply globally, as EU law “does not preclude [a] host provider from being ordered to remove worldwide information disseminated via a social network platform”.

Anonymous said...

First time reading this. I have not vetted it. Interesting if true.

What Happened To Hitler’s Frozen Sperm?

According to the Stasi GDR File, the daughter of Hitler is now holding the same office as her father – Chancellor of Germany.

She is said to be one of the most powerful human beings on Earth since she is also the President of the European Union (EU) and head of the powerful Western Economic Block known as the G-8. More concerning is that Hitler’s dream of uniting Europe under German/Vatican control is now within his daughter’s reach.

In 1954, a child was born, a baby girl, whom the Stasi File identifies as Angela Merkel, today’s Chancellor of Germany. Her official birthday is on July 17, 1954. However, the Stasi file which is currently in the Soviet KGB archives records her birth as April 20, 1954. If this secret police citizen’s file in the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (GDR) is correct, then Hitler’s daughter, Angela Merkel, was born on Adolph Hitler’s birthday – April 20.

Anonymous said...

She does look a lot like Papa! Bloodlines are very important to the Illuminist.

Anonymous said...

Biden In Resurfaced Viral Clip: Recounts Kids Petting His "Hairy Legs" & Jumping On His Lap

Anonymous said...

Researchers Say 3D Scans Will Reveal Noah's Ark Is Buried In Turkish Mountains

Craig said...


You wrote: enough

Enough of what? If you are demonstrably wrong on something, others should be free to point this out—which I shall do. But, first, when I am wrong, I should concede and correct the record.

My use of “argument from silence” should more accurately be argument from ignorance. This is a case in which the lack of evidence is presented as evidence:

X is true because there is no proof that X is false.

That corrected/clarified, I’ll take the example I used and illustrate how it’s fallacious:

we don’t have papyri in the Byz area because the climate does not support the preservation of papyri in this area, but we presume that the papyri would be just like the later mss we do have in this area

We’ll assume the non-bolded portion is correct to the extent that in the early centuries there were scribes using papyri for NT copies in the Byz area, but they are not extant because of unsupportable climate. That assumed, it’s the extrapolation from this not invalid assumption illustrating an argument from ignorance (not silence). A lack of evidence (no Byz papyri to assess) cannot validly be used to make any argument, pro or con, regarding its presumed contents. The circular portion of this statement relies, in part, on this lack of evidence: The presumption is that the non-extant Byz papyri (lack of evidence/argument from ignorance) would exhibit identical characteristics/wording of the extant Byz parchment mss due to their origin in the Byz area (circularity). In other words, these Byz papyri would be presumed identical to the Byz parchment for the very reason they are from the Byz area. But we lack the evidence to assess, and we cannot presume such texts (an argument from ignorance) would necessarily exhibit all the characteristics of later Byz parchment because they are from Byz area (circularity). It’s quite possible they’d look more like mss from Alexandria; however, we just don’t know either way.

Where a copy is found is not necessarily going to reflect its character/contents. A scribe may or may not import his own preferences (‘local flavor’, if you will) onto his ms. A scribe may see a note in the margin of his exemplar (copy from which he is copying) and, thinking the previous scribe made a correction, place it into his copy. A scribe may see a correction in his exemplar and think the previous scribe was wrong in his correction and revert back to the uncorrected form.

You wrote: its easier to lose [text] than add. In ms x a given text is 5 words; in ms y the text is 8 words. Considering my previous paragraph, it could be that the scribe in x skipped this text accidentally OR deliberately; or it could be that the scribe in y added the words for whatever reason. Bottom line is that these things can go either way.

You wrote: The vast majority of differences are a matter of spelling, grammar, very slight issues not affecting doctrine… Agree 100%. Continuing your words …but where something is flat out absent it is more likely to have been left out by accident. Not necessarily. It could be that a scribe added words he thought should be in there—such as in the harmonization of Jesus’ words in the Synoptic Gospels, a characteristic of the Byz mss—and, consequently, those mss exhibiting a shorter text would be the correct ones, regardless of whether (a) they were accurately copied from their exemplar, or (b) they were shortened/corrected from an enlarged text.

Anonymous said...

"Whether or not you make a habit of doubting official stories, evidence of Hitler’s deft departure from Germany — rather than a death by his own hand alongside his bride of just a few hours — appears more solid by the year."

Anonymous said...

10 Genuine Reasons To Consider That Hitler Really Did Escape Berlin

Anonymous said...

All News Pipeline
Why 2019 Will Be The Year Of The Prepper - With Civil Unrest Events On The Rise And Wars On The Horizon, Surviving A...

Collective MSM Trump Derangement Syndrome Puts Another "Journalist" In The Unemployment Line - 21 Hours Ago

America Is A Perfect Example Of The Democrats & Globalists Worst Nightmare: Armed People Make Terrible Slaves! - 21 Hours Ago

Should America Cross The Rubicon Into Socialism, There Will Be No Turning Back - 45 Hours Ago

The Shopping "Zombies" Of Black Friday - If People Will Do This Over Gadgets And Gifts, What Happens When Food Runs Out? - 69 Hours Ago

The Traitorous CIAs Role In The Attempted Overthrow Of America Goes Back DECADES And Has Involved One False Flag After... - 69 Hours Ago

See more All News Pipeline articles...

Anonymous said...

Whoever came up with the term 'Nanny State' was more right than they knew!

British government to decide how children can decorate their bedrooms...

Anonymous said...


Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuals to Death, The Reprobate Doctrine - 47 Minutes Ago


While Julian Assange Rots In Prison, Trump Is Pardoning Convicted War Criminals Left & Right - 5 Hours Ago

Global Censorship: Court Rules EU Govts Can Takedown Content Worldwide - 27 Hours Ago

5 Indicators of a Wicked and Evil Heart, "[T]He Wicked Will Continue to Be Wicked" - 34 Hours Ago

Anonymous said...

The Common Sense Show

Robert Redford goes full FASCIST, condemns Trump and all his supporters who have been silenced under digital tyranny,... - 6 Hours Ago

California Plans Forced FEMA Camp Internment and Asset Seizure for the Homeless - 7 Hours Ago

The Housing Crisis Says It Is 2008-Again! - 17 Hours Ago

John #44 - Jesus Can Heal Hurts, Fix Fears, and Defeat Doubts - 18 Hours Ago


Alert! The Female Replacements Are Coming - 19 Hours Ago

Guys, your cup of joe comes with compounds that fight prostate cancer - 20 Hours Ago

Hong Kong Honors Trump & CHICOMS Buckle - 23 Hours Ago

CHICOMS Control AMLO - 23 Hours Ago

Major Breaking Story- The UN-CHICOM-Cartel-CIA Takedown of America - 28 Hours Ago

Anonymous said...


December 1, 2019

Here is an offer many governments cannot refuse: do you want to hack into the phones of [innocent people that you're interested in such as] journalists, gather every bit of data and trace every call, message and keystroke?

Those governments are in luck, as there is some malware - malicious software - designed specifically for that purpose.

This story starts with an Israeli company called the NSO Group. It says it is in the business of "cyber-intelligence for global security and stability".

The company's primary product is known as Pegasus - a programme so sophisticated that it can embed into your mobile phone through just a phone call - even if you do not take the call.

The governments that use Pegasus - from Saudi Arabia to Mexico to India - say they are out to stop "security threats" but it is also used against civil society, including human rights activists!


Anonymous said...

Professor Says Christianity Contrary to Values Needed to “Govern” Earth

By Selwyn Duke
The New American
01 December 2019

“Christians are exclusionary,” is the common gripe, usually registered by those who’d exclude Christianity. “We need to govern the world with universal values,” is the appeal, usually issued by those who scoff at true universals. These ideas again came to the fore in a recent social media debate involving a man who, though enduring job termination due to political correctness, himself became politically correct.

That fellow is biologist Bret Weinstein, 50, who in 2017 resigned from Evergreen State College... Now...he’s apparently advocating a world without Christian people (orthodox ones, anyway), saying that all and sundry must “agree on values, ground rules and assumptions” to “govern the Earth” — with one ground rule being that Christians should relinquish their “exclusionary claims.”

Anonymous said...

Epstein Bombshell – Mystery Man claimed he has all the incriminating video…

World’s most powerful men, hidden cameras, rape…

Anonymous said...

Zuesse: Why A Second American Revolution Is Necessary For The Entire World

Anonymous said...

Masked Intruders SET FIRE to Hong Kong Epoch Times Printing Press

Updated November 25, 2019

By Eva Fu
The Epoch Times

Four masked intruders set a fire in the printing warehouse of the Hong Kong edition of The Epoch Times in the early hours of Nov. 19, marking the fourth attack on the facility since its opening more than a decade ago. The attack is believed to be the latest effort by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to silence The Epoch Times.

A spokesperson for the Hong Kong edition, Cheryl Ng, said the incident had the hallmarks of CCP tactics, aimed at intimidating the outlet away from reporting on topics deemed sensitive to the regime.

As one of the few independent outlets in Hong Kong, The Epoch Times is known for covering internal factional politics within the CCP, as well as the regime’s suppression of freedoms both at home and abroad. It also has provided extensive independent coverage of the ongoing pro-democracy movement, now in its sixth month.

The manager of the printing press said the incident took place around 3:40 a.m at the facility located in the Tsuen Wan area, as the staff there were preparing to send newly printed papers to the stands.

Moments after staff at the press opened the factory door, however, four men dressed in black and wearing masks walked into the facility and pointed batons toward the workers, shouting in Chinese, “All of you, don’t move!”

Surveillance footage from the printing shop shows two of the men carrying batons similar to those used by Hong Kong police, while one of them carries newspapers and another brings in two containers filled with a flammable liquid, which he then pours onto the factory floor, around printing machines and newspapers.

One of the men then lights a fire, before the four intruders run away. The whole incident lasted about two minutes.
VIDEO: Four masked men enter the Hong Kong Epoch Times print shop before threatening workers and setting a fire:

Protect yourself against fake news. Get REAL news directly to your phone. Download The Epoch Times app here:


AMAZING! Hong Kong Supporters March to US Embassy Carrying US Flags, Trump Posters and an Eagle! (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

Men Use Narwhal Tusk, Fire Extinguisher To Take Down London Bridge Attacker



London - At a press conference this afternoon, British police and government officials announced that "in the wake of the recent outrage on London Bridge and to further ensure the safety of the public, we are preparing both new legislation and stronger official police policy to deal with the problem. Those many thousands of you who've expressed great anxiety about your and other's personal safety on the streets of England will be no doubt greatly relieved to know that, effective January 1st 2020, ALL NARWHALE TUSKS and FIRE EXTINGUISHERS will be PROHIBITED."

Anonymous said...

Doc Brown & Marty McFly present:

Flying skateboarder arrives for Bastille Day parade on 118mph HOVERBOARD

A FLYING skateboarder flew over crowds on a 188mph "Back to the Future"-style hoverboard in Paris during Emmanuel Macron's Bastille Day parade in Paris.

The world’s first ‘fly and drive’ car will be unveiled Tuesday night in Miami.

It’s called Pioneer Personal Air Landing Vehicle, or PAL-V.

Anonymous said...

WATCH: Yang Squirts Whipped Cream Into Mouths Of Kneeling Men, Campaign Manager Desperately Tries To Stop Him...

Anonymous said...

Yet ANOTHER outstanding Presidential candidate:

Elizabeth Warren says she'll wear PLANNED PARENTHOOD scarf to her inauguration...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis Declares That Christian Fundamentalists Are "A Scourge"

Two weeks ago, Pope Francis made some extremely controversial remarks, but those remarks really didn’t get much attention from the mainstream media.

Of course, if the Pope had targeted the LGBTQ community or some other favored group, it would have instantly made headlines all over the globe. But he didn’t. Instead, Pope Francis specifically attacked fundamentalists, and in today’s world that is considered to be perfectly okay. The following comes from the official transcript of the remarks that the Pope made on the 18th of November…

"Beware of the fundamentalist groups: everyone has his own. In Argentina too there is a little fundamentalist corner. And let us try, with fraternity, to go forward. Fundamentalism is a scourge and all religions have some kind of fundamentalist first cousin there, which forms a group."

Ostensibly, these remarks apply to fundamentalists from all religions. But by mentioning Argentina, the Pope made it exceedingly clear who his real target was.

There aren’t any “Muslim fundamentalists” or “Hindu fundamentalists” in Argentina. The fundamentalists that he was referring to are the Christian fundamentalists in Argentina, and in the very next sentence he denounced such people as “a scourge”.

Of course “a scourge” is another way of saying “a plague”, and what do we try to do to “a plague” when one breaks out?

That is something to think about.

Anonymous said...

That ugly ass pink blog of filth will burn nicely in the Lake of Fire.

Anonymous said...

Blob Of Filth @ 9:07 AM. Not blog (spell checker)!

That ugly ass pink blob of filth will burn nicely in the Lake of Fire.

Anonymous said...

Rev 20 verse 10

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever

Anonymous said...

Clintons Vacationed Extensively At Epstein's New Mexico ' Baby - Making Ranch':

Anonymous said...

Liberals rage over all-white Democratic debate stage after Kamala Harris bows out

Anonymous said...

Baltimore Mayor Warns Of Body "Snatching" White Van Targeting Young Girls To Sell Their Organs

Anonymous said...

Mulatta whore Kamala Harris konks out of presidential race!

Anonymous said...

" What Happened To Hitler’s Frozen Sperm? " --

I don't know if she is his daughter, but I'll be damned if he didn't submarine his way down to Argentina and San Carlos Bariloche. There was an obscure Netflix film by two Argentinians. He surely lived in the house by the lake with his wife until the 60's!
It was even divided in such a way to have a constant look out by the lake view.
There are even Germans in San Carlos who know he was there. What a world of lies!

There was one American president back in the 50's who went to Argentina, then took a detour all the way away from the capital into the countryside, near their alpine regions. I doubt it was to taste the grilled meats.

Anonymous said...

In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower said: "We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death. Many people believe that Hitler escaped from Berlin."

Dwight Eisenhower visited Argentina
February 26–29, 1960, going to Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata and San Carlos de Bariloche.

Incidentally, Bill Clinton visited Argentina October 15–18, 1997 going to Buenos Aires and Bariloche.

Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer said...

I added some related information and news below my new article, titled: Amazon Synod: Pope Francis' Emerging Hippie Spiritual Philosophy. The "related information and news" is also presented below.

The link to my new article is:

In a video by Michael Matt titled "POPE SACHS CHURCH: Vatican Embraces United Nations Goals" there is a frame that presents a picture of John Lennon. The picture covers the entire background of the frame. A small picture of Pope Francis is presented in front of Lennon's picture. The words [Imagine THAT!] are also presented in the video frame.

The National Catholic Register and EWTN are promoting a two-Bishops lead vile campaign against Pope Francis and the direction that the Amazon synod is taking the church. In a National Catholic Reporter article, titled "Amazon synod has set Pope Francis' professional haters on edge," its author, Michael Sean Winters, wrote: Cardinal Raymond Burke and Kazakhstan Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider were leading a "pack," or "campaign," against the pope and the Amazon synod's working document. In the article, Mr. Winters also wrote: In this internet age, an auxiliary bishop from Kazakhstan can make a splash, but the particular vehicle for Burke's and Schneider's vile insinuations is the National Catholic Register, an arm of EWTN.

On Nov. 5, 2019, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, condemned idolatry on his weekly program on EWTN, Scripture and Tradition. He spends about 10 minutes talking about the [Pachamama] idols that were praised and blessed at the Synod on the Amazon in the Vatican. He said the bishops conference of Italy published a prayer to Pachamama (Mother Earth). He also said: this is New Age like thinking that goes back to the 1970s. Wikipedia says: "From a historical perspective, the New Age phenomenon is rooted in the counterculture of the 1960s." The Beatles' promotion of Hinduism "kick-started the Human Potential Movement that subsequently became New Age." Before the New Age became popular in the 1970s, "the terms New Age and Age of Aquarius were used [in the 1960s counterculture] to refer to a coming era."

In the early 1970s, I prophesied to family and friends that the Roman Catholic Church was going to accept the hippie spiritual philosophy. And I have continued to prophecy this to family and friends-right up to this present day. It is all coming together now, just as I had predicted

Anonymous said...

Yes, the pope is a, hippie! A United Nations Goals promoting New Age big wig.

But he isn't fire proof!

Anonymous said...

A wolf in hippie's clothing.

Anonymous said...

UN's Agenda 2030 Translator: How To Read The UN's New Sustainable Development Goals

"the new Agenda 21 on steroids" agenda-2030-translator-how-read-uns-new-sustainable-development-goals

Anonymous said...

"It's ALL coming together now, just as I had predicted"?!?


Did you FORGET, oh mighty sage, the part where you said that Quackenbush, Minnesota (or wherever) was going to replace Rome as the HQ city of the ROMAN Catholic Church?

Anonymous said...


On second thought, it must be admitted that 'Quackenbush Catholic Church' DOES have a very nice ring to it!

Anonymous said...

Thomas stop drinking that Reindeer piss!

Anonymous said...

Catholics urged to divulge 'eco-sins' during Confession

Anonymous said...


The ONLY Beer On Earth Uniquely Flavored With Extract Of Reindeer Urine!

The ONLY Beer On Earth With A 66.6% Alcohol Content!

The ONLY Beer On Earth Crafted With A Recipe Handed Down By The Ascended Masters!

Reindeer Piss - The New Drink For The New Age™

Anonymous said...

By all means, TD, keep on posting. You are the poster boy for your own "prophecies" because you only affirm all the things we know are wrong with your New Age Old Pagan "not so merry merry go-round" of failed ideas trying to solve the world's problems (and never will). The Bible has pre-dated, already told, what the world is going to look like in this massively deceived age of apostasy. You fit right in to the plan (on the wrong side of the God of the Bible).

You and your adherents to these mean-spirited, ill-conceived, concepts and belief, hippie group think, make it so easy to spot the deep flaws in your "enlightenment".

Anonymous said...

Pete Buttigieg is weaponizing a false Christianity…to attack pro-lifers

paul said...

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy. (Rev. 19:20)

I guess that leaves you out Tommyboy. Sorry.

johni micheal said...

freshness can be determined by looking at the conditions in which the trees are kept. Observe whether the trees are kept in stands that hold water, if the trees are protected from the wind and sun, and if baled trees are tied down correctly.Fiber Optic Christmas Tree

Anonymous said...

Many thanks, oh Fiber Optic Christmas Tree!

Your profound wisdom exceeds even that of The Great Dahlheimer!

And is just as welcome.

Anonymous said...

Examples of the wicked underbelly of United States' policy decisions.

(That's something that must be acknowledged and prevented from recurring, NOT used to help promote ANOTHER wickedness: lying Climate Alarmism!)

"Marshall Islands... an island nation that’s had its share of disaster — it’s where the United States detonated 67 nuclear bombs during the Cold War, unleashed weaponized strains of lethal bacteria in the 1960s, and discarded its own irradiated soil from Nevada — this week’s events underscore the colossal challenges it faces as global temperatures and sea levels rise."

[Guess what? Islands are NOT immune to localized flooding! Are beachfront property owners world-wide panicking about the waves approaching THEIR respective properties?]

Sea level rising?

Anonymous said...

P.S. All this, though, is not to neglect the fact that GOD ALMIGHTY will one day especially mightily use the sea to show men and nations who's REALLY boss and give them a taste of just how puny they are in comparison to HIM!

"On the Earth, there will be dismay among nations in their confusion over the roaring of the sea and surging waves!"

Anonymous said...

Politician makes 'GUN' gesture at Trump's BACK!

Anonymous said...

The Anti-Christian Agenda Of America's Public Schools & The Premeditated Undermining Of The Faith And Morals Of Our Children & What We Can Do To Turn The Tide

Witness the deadly onslaught against the faith and morals of Christian children!

December 4, 2019
By Maria Kneas for All News Pipeline

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20)

For generations, American children have been taught humanist beliefs and values in public schools. Their Christian morals have been undermined by values clarification and other techniques. This results in radically changing the beliefs and moral values of the children. - 1

The brainwashing techniques used on our children result in getting the children to accept alternative values by using psychological techniques against them, as opposed to having them reach those decisions rationally. Thomas Sowell said:

"The techniques of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are routinely used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children." - 2

Dr. Chester M. Pierce was a Professor of Educational Psychiatry at Harvard University. This "expert" who teaches people how to be a psychiatrist said that American children are "insane" because they are loyal to America, to their parents, and to their belief in God. He said that it is the job of teachers to heal these "sick children" by turning them into the "international children of the future." - 3

Dr. Paul Brandwein is a leading child psychologist. Evidently he agrees with Dr. Pierce. In his book, The Social Sciences, Dr. Brandwein said: "Every child who believes in God is mentally ill." This must have a practical impact on our education system because government schools have psychologists. - 4

For years, the National Education Association (NEA) has been promoting sex education with the goal of radically changing how students think about sex. - 5

Sometimes the results are drastic enough to make the news. Here is one such case. A school district in Austin, Texas will teach third graders about oral and anal sex, and this includes role playing. In other words, eight-year-old boys and girls will pretend to do oral sex and anal sex on other children, while other children watch them do it. They will also pretend to have sex when they are drunk, and put a condom on somebody. - 6

A 16-year-old girl was required to role play getting raped, in front of her classmates. She was also required to read out loud a poem which has such an indecent attitude towards sex that I cannot describe it here. That poem is full of four-letter words. The girl was traumatized by having to do these things in front of her classmates. - 7

The NEA has also been promoting “death education,” and their goal is to change thinking about death as radically as they were able to change thinking about sex. Do you remember that shooting at Columbine? For years that school had been teaching death education. - 8

Some schools even have a "suicide talking day." On that day, students write suicide notes. They write their own obituaries and discuss what they will look like in their caskets. One student said that before "suicide talking day," she never considered the possibility of suicide. After that day, she began to contemplate it. She thought that it would "liberate her spirit" so that it would no longer be "enslaved to her body." In addition, it would help with the problem of global overpopulation. She said that the suicide training made her "brave enough" to commit suicide. - 9

Anonymous said...

A 13-year-old girl in Kansas was asked to indicate which students she would kill if she wanted to kill four students in her class. She pointed at three of them, and at herself. While pointing, her hand was in the shape of a "finger gun" (the index finger pointing and the thumb raised). Because of that, her teacher took her to the principal. That girl was handcuffed, arrested, and taken to a juvenile detention center. The school has charged her with committing a felony. - 10

Public schools are also promoting occultism. There is a reader called “Impressions” that is used in the second and third grades of some public schools. It teaches the students how to cast spells. One of the exercises is to pretend that some children have had a magician cast a spell on them. In order to help the children, it is necessary to reverse that spell. The students are told to write the spell that the magician used, and then write another spell to reverse it. Then they are told to chant their spells. By making them chant the spells, the teacher is requiring them to do role playing. They are taking on the role of a sorcerer or a witch. - 11

Some public schools teach reincarnation. This is contrary to Scripture. The Bible says that we die once (as opposed to being recycled) and then we are judged. (Hebrews 9:27) One student said that death was portrayed as being glamorous and living was portrayed as being hard. She said that students were taught that reincarnation would solve their problems, because they would return in a better life form and eventually they would "become like God." - 12

This teaching makes death look like a helpful friend, instead of an enemy. Therefore, it could make some vulnerable students become more likely to commit suicide or murder.

Seventh grade students in California were required to study Islam for three weeks. This included mandatory role playing. The students had to pretend that they were Muslims. They prayed to Allah, chanted praises to Allah, and adopted Muslim names. They played a game that simulated a jihad (a holy war against enemies of Islam) and they planned a pilgrimage to Mecca. Students were encouraged to dress like Muslims and to use Muslim phrases. They were required to memorize Muslim prayers. During Ramadan, they had to fast at lunchtime. Teachers told the students that, while they were taking this intensive course about Islam, they would "become Muslims." The textbook about Islam did not mention Islamic conquest or Islamic violence against Jews. The Muslim religion was only shown in a good light. - 13

Some public schools have After School Satan Clubs. These are being promoted by the Satanic Temple. As of October 2016, there were clubs in Washington D.C., Arizona, Missouri, Washington, Utah, Florida, California, and Georgia. In addition, the Satanic Temple in Portland, Oregon got permission to have a club at an elementary school there. - 14

How can such things happen here in America? It’s being done incrementally, in small steps, over a long period of time. It’s part of the anti-Christian agenda of modern “progressive” education. This was promoted by John Dewey (the father of modern education), and it continues to be promoted by the National Education Association. 15

When incrementalism is combined with values clarification, sex education, and death education, the result is a deadly onslaught against the faith and morals of Christian children. Values clarification denies the reality of good and evil, and it gets school children to make immoral decisions. Those immoral decisions often involve sex and death, and the NEA provides schools with sex education and death education in order to radically transform how children think about such things.

Anonymous said...


Hitler said, "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future" and he developed the Hitler Youth in order to indoctrinate the children into complying with his agenda. The communists did the same thing with the Young Pioneers. Today’s progressives also know that in order to take over our culture, they have to change the thinking of our children. The Apostle Peter warned us:

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8)

We need to be vigilant and protect our children from being devoured by the progressives who are out to destroy their faith and their morals. 

The most effective way to avoid exposing children to the corruption in our public schools is to have parents home school their children. Thankfully, there are some good Christian curriculums available, and some of them are online. There are also some organizations that help home schoolers.

Two Christian homeschooling moms have written a book that will help parents get started. It is Homeschool Basics: How to Get Started, Keep Motivated, and Bring Out the Best in Your Kids (Thriving Homeschool Press, 2017).

Practical Homeschooling magazine has a website called Homeschool World. This gives a lot of valuable resources. They have a wealth of information, including a database of homeschool organizations and support groups (listed by state and country) which is regularly updated (

The Home School Legal Defense Association defends the rights of parents to “direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms.” They have e-newsletters and their website gives information about homeschool laws by state (

Another alternative is for parents to send their children to a private school that is Christian. And I mean really Christian as opposed to just having enough externals to be able to impress a parent. Churches can deceive people about this, and so can schools. I’ve read about supposedly Christian colleges which are giving their students some seriously false teachings.

This widespread attempt to undermine the faith and morals of our children is actually a form of persecution. It’s not as obvious as slaughtering people and burning churches, but the goal is the same—to wipe out Christianity and replace it with something else. Therefore, my book How to Prepare for Hard Times and Persecution would be helpful. The first half of the book presents the problems, and the second half gives the Biblical antidotes. The revised and expanded version of my book "Prepare For Persecution" can be found here:

Above all, we need to PRAY, and KEEP ON PRAYING. And we need to keep reading THE BIBLE, and be serious about basing our lives and our practical decisions on what THE BIBLE says!

Anonymous said...


1. Berit Kjos, How To Protect Your Child From The New Age & Spiritual Deception (Lighthouse Trails, 2013), pp. 53-66.

2. Thomas Sowell, "Indoctrinating the Children," in Forbes, February 1, 1993, p. 65.

3. "'Expert?' Says American Children Mentally Ill."

4. "New Age Professors Teach Our Children’s Teachers." [NOTE: To find the quotation by Dr. Paul Brandwein, search for his name.]

5. Carl Sommer, Schools in Crisis: Training For Success Or Failure? (Advance Publishing, 1984), Chapter 12, "Education for Sex or Immorality."

6. Calvin Freiburger, "Texas school district to teach third graders about sodomy, condoms," Life Site News, October 31, 2019.

7. Fox News, "Colorado parents upset high school teacher assigned sexually explicit material without their consent," November 19, 2019. parents upset high school teacher assigned sexually explicit material without consent

8. Phyllis Schlafly, “What Caused Columbine?” The Phyllis Schlafly Report, vol. 32, no. 11, June 1999.

9. David Limbaugh, Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christians (Regnery Publishing, 2003), pp. 84-85.

Anonymous said...

10. WorldNetDaily Staff, "Real gun is a misdemeanor, but 'finger gun' is a felony," November 17, 2019.

11. The Jeremiah Project, "Halloween Origins and Customs" [NOTE: This discusses much more than Halloween, including the promotion of occultism in public schools.]

12. Op cit. David Limbaugh, p. 84.

13. Op cit. David Limbaugh, pp. 76-77.

14. Megan Briggs, "Satanic Temple in Portland Obtains Permission to Hold After School Club in Elementary School," October 4, 2016.

15. Berit Kjos, "The Century Old Roots of Common Core Standards: From Christian Values to Global Mind Control."

(If you like stories like this, please consider helping ANP:

Anonymous said...

Natural News

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Superior Flux Male Enhancement said...

Certain types Modern Christmas Treeof christmas tree confiers definitely suit the Victorian style more accurately than others. The taller slimmer trees include the spruce and the balsam fur. Victorian style trees are not as spindly as the rounder American style trees and show very little white space through their branches. Also the color of Victorian trees tend to have a bit of a blue tint to their green branches. Keep this in mind if you are shopping for an artificial or corner christmas tree.

Anonymous said...

Emine Wellema?!?

The Infamous Scantily Clad Seductress Of The South Pole?

The Sub-Zero Streetwalker Named Desire?

The Femme Fatale Who Fatally Fornicated Our Prefabricated Friend, The Fiber Optic Christmas Tree?

THAT Emine Wellema?!?


-And take your 'Certain types Modern Christmas Treeof christmas trees' with you!

Anonymous said...

How's That Alternative Reality Working Out For You?

Anonymous said...

Drudge Report SOLD?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I thought it said my comment was saved but it isn't showing. sorry if this results in two posts, I have to rewrite this in case there's too many characters to post, letters and spaces this is not intended. bunch of links I have to find again.

amazing polly youtube channel lots of good stuff

New England Journal of Medicine: 'Brain Death' is not Death - Organ Donors are Alive

Charlie Manson's new age take on Jesus from susan Atkins' testimony
"he said Jesus Christ was a man like any other man with awareness of the world and the universe and he gave up his life willingly so that we could live in order to become the same, not Jesus, but the same consciousness that Christ was endowed with. We must be willing to experience the same thing Christ did for us." from Now Is The Only Thing That's Real a reexamination of the Manson murders, moptives and mythos by Neil Sanders this book mentions Bernardine Dohrn gave an honorable mention to Manson in a speech. BTW Manson's idea that you can't prove anything history the past whatever only what you personally experience is easily refuted: your existence proves a past exists because you wouldn't be here except for a past and the information about it may be hazy but the written words (and spoken by others still alive) are as good evidence as your own experience and now is a product of the past so now is NOT all that exists and you can prove stuff.

Anonymous said...

Walid Shoebat

Walid Shoebat is a Palestinian American, born in the West Bank to an American mother, and who converted to Christianity from Islam.[1][2] Shoebat has claimed that he used to be a Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorist in a CNN television interview.[2] He is a self-proclaimed expert on the dangers of Islam[2] and is also a strong supporter of the State of Israel.[1] Shoebat has also claimed that he firebombed the Israeli bank Bank Leumi.[2] After thoroughly investigating his claim, reporters and officials have found no evidence of any attack on the bank in 1979.

Shoebat has been introduced as a terrorism expert on several television programs, including appearances on CNN and its sister network HLN in 2006 and 2007.[2]


On April 9, 2008, Shoebat responded to the earlier Jerusalem Post's report on that paper's op-ed page. He wrote that the Jerusalem Post had been duped. According to him, the sources who disputed his own account of his upbringing (including his relatives) were themselves involved in terrorism. He said they want to see him discredited, probably because of his conversion to Christianity. He also states that reputable witnesses who could confirm the bombing operation of Bank Leumi were not interviewed.[8]

On July 13, 2011, CNN's Anderson Cooper 360° reported an investigative piece into Walid Shoebat's claim to authority based on being a former terrorist. The report found that according to Israeli government officials, the bank that Walid Shoebat claimed to have attacked, and his own relatives, no record of his supposed terrorist history existed. Another of Shoebat's claims, that of a two-week term in an Israeli jail, was also unsubstantiated, with Israel having no record he was ever jailed. His cousin, interviewed in the report, stated that he had never known Shoebat to have ties to any movement, and that his claims of being a former terrorist were "for his own personal reasons". According to CNN, their reporters in the United States, Israel and the Palestinian territories found no evidence to support Shoebat's claims and "neither Shoebat nor his business partner provided any proof of Shoebat's involvement in terrorism".[2]

Omar Sacirbey's 2010 Washington Post article reports that Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American–Islamic Relations, has questioned Shoebat's motives, saying that "Ergun Caner, Shoebat, and Kamal Saleem—along with others like them—belong to an 'industry' that is often perpetuated by fundamentalist Christians" and that people are doing this "to make money or get converts or to get some personal benefit".[9] The article also reports that skeptics have questioned how Shoebat and others have been able to retain US citizenship if their stories of terrorist activities are true.[9]

Charitable organization status

When the Post asked Shoebat whether the Walid Shoebat Foundation is a registered charity, he said that it was registered in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Attorney General's Charitable Trusts and Organizations Section said it had no record of such a charity. When asked again, Shoebat said it was registered under a different name, but that he was not aware of the Foundation's registered name, nor any other details, which were known only to his manager. Dr. Joel Fishman of the Allegheny County Law Library in Pennsylvania expressed doubts about Walid Shoebat Foundation's donation process. He noted that if the money was being given to a registered charity, the charity would have to make annual reports to the state and federal government.[1]

RayB said...

I am not knowledgable about "Shoebat," and therefore I neither recommend or condemn him or his site. Having said that, after reading Paul's post above, I decided to visit his site ... for the first time in years.

This article is well worth the read. I came to the conclusion long ago that the LGBT "agenda" will be used as the battering ram to break down the Christian foundations upon which we were built. Remove those foundations, and the freedom of religious conscience and conviction to oppose the LGBT agenda, based upon Biblical belief, will become a crime worthy of criminal AND civil punishment.

Whenever you see any religious person or group supporting this evil agenda, you can bet your bottom dollar they are working to construct the Antichrist system. Right now, Rome is leading this evil movement from the religious sphere.

RayB said...

When people think of the Hallmark Channel, they often think of sentimentalist entertainment that is designed to "make them feel good."

Hallmark is now making a major effort in order to help you and your family "feel good" about the LGBTQP agenda. The family is the microcosm of society; destroy the traditional family unit, and society itself will follow its destruction.

Anonymous said...

This could be YOUR future, Westerner!

Stunning, bizarre police interrogation video from Communist China:

Critic apprehended by the Thought Police LOCKED INTO PLACE IN A METAL TUBED RESTRAINING CHAIR to face them as they 'grill' him!

Craig said...

Did Yovanovitch perjure herself before Congress?

OAN EXCLUSIVE: Yuriy Lutsenko says Yovanovitch perjured herself before Congress

Anonymous said...

Constance & All...

Twitter Censorship Confirmed:

"Shadow Banning" Is Now Written Into The Platform's New Terms!

Anonymous said...


Back-To-School Students Are Being Subjected to a Whole New Wave of Transgender Indoctrination - 13 Hours Ago


When The Right Spirit Walks In,The Wrong Spirit Get Nervous - 21 Hours Ago

Babies Who Survive Abortion Deserve Protection & Dignity - 21 Hours Ago

God's final solution will be their final end! - 21 Hours Ago

What's so Hard to Understand, We Have Taking God out of Society, the End Result "Mayhem" - 35 Hours Ago

Child Abuse in the Name of LGBTQE Tolerance, Parents Have Become a Child's Worst Enemy - 45 Hours Ago

Orphans Are in the Crosshairs of the Homosexuals - 45 Hours Ago

Republicans and Democrats Have No Problem Joining Forces - 47 Hours Ago

Destruction of the Family - 60 Hours Ago

It's the Perfect Storm, America's House of Moral Cards Have Fallen - 67 Hours Ago

God Has Sent a Strong Delusion to Alan Dershowitz, After the Death of Jeffrey Epstein - 68 Hours Ago

Sinful Pleasures, The Price Tag "HIGH" - 69 Hours Ago


Bankers Know The Collapse Of Society Is Coming,The Sin Of Greed - 69 Hours Ago

Drag Queen Story Hour 'Greatest Grooming Program Ever Devised,' Counselor Says - 69 Hours Ago

They can deny it until the end of time, the truth: researchers identify 6,500 genes expressed differently in men and... - 69 Hours Ago

Homosexual & Bisexual Men Threaten Children. Shocking Facts! - 69 Hours Ago

EU Government Opposes Proposed Law That Would Stop Pedophilia And Here Is Why:  - 82 Hours Ago

Anonymous said...

Why Sexual Morality May be FAR More Important than You Ever Might've Thought!

Craig said...

@ 7:36 PM,

Unwin's book was the main source for a YouTube video by Black Pigeon Speaks (removed by YT, of course).

Superior Flux Male Enhancement said...

A lot of other male enhancement videos are usually found on where a lot of users upload male enhancement pills ads and demos. The content of these videos are usually based on popular pills and sexual enhancement supplements, or exercises to help enlarge or enhance the penis. There are penis pumps, homemade extenders, doctor-made extenders, and penis enlargement reviews from men who have tried using or applying them.Superior Flux Male Enhancement

J said...

Anonymous 7:36 PM,

Thank you for the link. It looks very good. I watched the Black Pigeon Speaks video and I would much rather read that book, after reading the synopsis of it. I prefer my facts not to be propagandized. A little bit of water only dilutes the poison. A little bit of poison ruins the water.

Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

"It Would Be Unconstitutional for Trump to be Impeached on Current Record - an Utter Abuse of Congress!" Democrat Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz

J said...


Of course I don't endorse any censorship of politically incorrect ideas by YouTube or other platforms. I'm against cancel culture, deplatforming, etc.

I choose old-fashioned debate when I disagree. It is important to me as a Christian woman not to be afraid to do and say the right thing and the true thing. That is the other side of Christianity, modeled by Christ himself, in addition to be loving and sacrificing. Submission means being a team player (on God's team first and foremost), not an enabler (of sin, including sins against oneself).


Anonymous said...



Vienna, Austria - In a groundbreaking 5 year study just released, it has been conclusively determined that spambot user's genitalia are, on average, SO small as to be virtually NON-EXISTENT and the resultant compensating for that is the reason WHY these people act like such TOTAL dicks.

J said...

On another note, I've been lately following HNewsWire every day and finding valuable news and analysis there. But I kept noticing advertisements for Steve Quayle's books. He's apparently a giant researcher and delves into aliens and UFOS, too, which makes me think of Enoch and Nephilim. That disturbs me since I've visited the subject of Nephilim before and have concluded that the Book of Enoch is beloved by occultists and contradictory to Scripture.

Any opinions or comments regarding this? It seems there are no perfect or pure sources these days, and perhaps I should not expect it.

Just starting to wonder if most of the time when you think you've found the truth there is a trap right there waiting. Has it always been this way, or is it much worse than ever before? Seems like a good way to sucker people into a lie. Give them truth, truth, truth, truth, lie, truth, truth, truth. Maybe they'll swallow the lie, too.

Anybody interested in discussing this?


Anonymous said...

Didn't you promise to limit your posts to something like just one or two per thread?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

6-Year-Old Children Told to Write Gay Love Letters to Promote Diversity

Anonymous said...

Very young children taught 'diversity in sexual attraction and developing sexuality'

By WND Staff
December 9, 2019

Anonymous said...

J 11:30 AM

It's always been this way.

get rich said...

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get rich said...

join illuminati today to be rich and famus.Are you a business Man or Woman,Artist, power. Political,Musician,Student,do you want to be rich,famous,powerful in life,here is your chance.Here is my life story my name is Dan Jerry I am here to share my testimony on how I join the great brotherhood Illuminati and my life story was change immediately i become member. I was very poor no job and I has no money to even feed and take care of my family I was confuse in life I don’t know what to do I try all my possible best to get money but no one work out for me each day I share tears, I was just looking out my family no money to take care of them until one day I decided to join the great Illuminati , I come across them in the internet I never believe I said let me try I email them.all what they said we happen in my life just started it was like a dream to me they really change my story totally . They give me the sum of $1,200,000 and many thing. through the Illuminati I was able to become rich, and have many industry on my own and become famous and popular in my country , today me and my family is living happily and I am the most happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like other people and you life we be change totally.If you are interested in joining the great brotherhood Illuminati.then contact him whatsspa +2347051758952 or you need my assistance

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