Well, God made the eyes. I'm praying he will stay with mine.
There have been so many critical developments on so many fronts, it is difficult to keep up. My dear friend, Marie Fisher, of Spokane, Washington, has been watching developments on the Amazon Synod of the Vatican and informing me on same. Rich Peterson (our "Rich of Medford") has also been keeping me informed. The developments have been nothing short of revolting. Most offensive was the Pachamama controversy. Pachamama is the South American name for "Gaia." It is a form of both idol and Earth worship -- a false god/goddess.
Courageous Catholics have been speaking out against it including but not limited to EWTN;a Raymond Arroyo, Archbishop Schneider, and numerous others. But, Pope Francis, has apologized for a courageous Catholic who threw the Pachamama statute in to the Tiber River and caused the placing of Pachamama relics on the Vatican's altar.
Now, on a personal front, I made interesting discoveries vis a vis my own work over the past 38 years since 1981 -- I, Constance Cumbey, am allegedly partially responsible for Brexit??!! That article, "Plutarchy in the UK" also made an audaciously incorrect statement that I, in Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, coined the phrase "Prison Planet." Well, I may wish I had, but I did not. To the best of my present knowledge, that term was coined by Alex Jones, to whom I have had no communication.
![]() |
Part of the "Plutarchy in the UK" article. |
Next, I learned I was the villain of a historical novel on the life of Alice Ann Bailey. The book was written by an Australian occultist, a former teacher, who brags that she has earned a Ph.D. on the life of Alice Ann Bailey. I alleged demonized poor Alice Bailey by making claims that she was possessed by the spirit of the Antichrist. Author Isobel Blackthorn obviously believes that Alice Bailey's "Christ" who is clearly not Jesus, is the real Christ and Jesus was not. That is the biblical definition of "Antichrist" (1 John 2:22), but Isobel Blackthorn says I should be discounted because I am seeing through an "evangelical perspective." I submit that Alice Bailey, in making a decision to link with Theosophists and their magazine Lucifer, in founding her own publishing enterprise as "Lucifer Publishing Company," and in energetically writing about "The Reappearance of the Christ" (her 1947 book) did an excellent job without my help of demonizing herself.
Well, I've got broad shoulders. Maybe I should be complimented by the fact that disapproving Isobel Blackthorn complains that my work has lasted for nearly 40 years, has a strong internet presence, and "is foundational."
Well, I've better follow my doctors' admonition not to overstrain my eyes, so I'll sign out for now.
Stay tuned!
1 – 200 of 569 Newer› Newest»So glad to hear that your seeing is much improved.
And, congratulations on being an exposer of the fraud known as Alice Bailey.
Go easy on your eyes and eat more carrots. Have you tried carrot juice? It's really tasty and sweet.
Thank you Constance, for your faithfulness.
"Courageous Catholics" is a crock of BS! They should be courageous and walk away from the fithy cult! Nothing good was going to come from the amazon synod! Didn't you know that? The trouble with people who have religious spirits, is that they love their religious spirit more than they love the Savior!
'Coup Has Started': Whistleblowers Attorney Vowed To 'Get Rid Of Trump's In 2017
A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It - and Kept the Profits.
Ditto what paul said, Constance.
Constance, if you've been following the discussion around the "Amazon" synod, you'd be aware that its course was charted by a group of German bishops. In your "Dangers" book, you outline the parallels of New Age religion to Nazi neopaganism, without actually providing the "smoking gun" linking the two -- showing that one is derivative of the other. It is interesting that Himmler created an organization of the SS with the objective of creating new myths to displace Christianity in Germany -- the Ahnenerbe: https://archive.archaeology.org/0603/abstracts/nazis.html
Given that the Ahnenerbe was never brought to justice or purged from the German intelligentsia, it is possible that this clique has infected the German episcopate and influenced its actions at Vatican II and the recent synod. Add to that the Nazi diaspora to South America, and you have the makings of a very dangerous situation in Amazonia and throughout the continent.
I'd be very interested in hearing what you know about how the Nazis and New Agers are linked in terms of people, organizations, financial support, and capital.
Best, John Laws
November 7, 2019
Salem, MA - In a press conference today a group known as the 'New Age Movement's Beneficent Yogis Promoting Ascended Master's Beautiful non-Yuckiness,' or 'NAMBY-PAMBY,' accused New Age Movement researcher Constance Cumbey of being "not only prominently involved in the Brexit movement but in the American Revolution as well!"
When asked how this was physically possible, they replied that "We have confirmed through both renowned channelers and numerous séances that Ms. Cumbey is, in fact, nothing more or less than the reincarnation of Betsy Ross. We strongly believe she was also involved in the creation of the Magna Carta but we have yet to confirm that through our sources. We also suspect her, as a youth, of aiding in the nefarious promotion of playing with Hula-Hoops, which horizontal circular motions were (and are) completely antithetical to the vertical vibrational patterns of the Ascended Masters."
Decended Bastards!
"CBS Sided With A Pedophile": Network Fires Staffer Who Had Access To Robach-Epstein Rant
Here's a tiny url link to one of Isobel Black
thorn's more colorful articles about yours truly: https://tinyurl.com/yxpr55h6
It says that I don't have permission to view that page.
It probably thought you were 'Sandra'! ROFL
Here Paul, try these if you wish:
•Alice Bailey and The New World Order
In Cumbey's view, New Age conspirators are enacting the plan for a quasi-Nazi new world order set down by Bailey, largely by infiltrating the United Nations, along with government and business groups. For Cumbey, its adherents are deluded, naïve, and held by mass hypnosis and mind control.
•More conspiracy thinking about Alice Bailey
by Isobel Blackthorn
For conspiracy thinkers in the 1950s and 60s, the United Nations exemplified not internationalism as Alice Bailey pictured the organisation, but totalitarianism. ...
Penn begins his analysis by focusing on concerns raised by Cumbey that Bailey's work is representative of the Antichrist, before spotlighting her statements relating to population control, in which she, like many other thinkers of her time, considered ways to limit ...
•United Nations - Isobel blackthorn
"Blackthorn's book offers a fascinating portrait of a woman dismissed by mainstream thinkers and religions, a woman whose current obscurity is all the more poignant considering the grandeur of her ambitions and her hopes for a healed world." ... Commentators such as Cumbey persist in ...
Regarding Isobel Blackthorn's words "For Cumbey, its adherents are deluded, naïve, and held by mass hypnosis and mind control":
So…what did Alice Bailey actually say—as the vehicle through which Djwal Khul, aka “The Tibetan” spoke?
Emphasis should be laid on the evolution of humanity with peculiar attention to its goal, perfection …man in incarnation, by the indwelling and over-shadowing soul…The relation of the individual soul to all souls should be taught, and with it the long-awaited kingdom of God is simply the appearance of soul-controlled men on earth in everyday life and at all stages of that control…The fact will appear that the Kingdom has always been present but has remained unrecognized, owing to the relatively few people who express, as yet, its quality….
Alice A. Bailey The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (New York, NY: Lucis Trust, 1957) p 588
'Whole Lotta Externalization Goin On'
Spirit of Elvis
November 8, 2019
Nunes: Fusion GPS Bank Records Show Payments From Clinton Campaign & DNC
Rise of microchipping:
(Don't let it get under your skin!)
The Cold Hard FACT Of Global Warming:
Arctic blast expected to break 170 records across USA...
Finally, a fair poll on impeachment — and the results couldn’t be worse for Democrats!
Schiff moving secret impeachment inquiry public but now he STILL wants to control the questions Republicans are allowed to ask!
Mark Levin On Impeachment: 'The Law Is On The PRESIDENT'S Side'
Democrats Star Chamber Impeachment Coup Aims To Put The Final Bullet In Americas Head
Americans may soon be forced into a guerrilla war of survival – Can America win against the globalists?
There Are Things Worth Fighting For, And Fates Far Worse Than Death
NBC Uses Propaganda To Promote The "Benefits" Of Microchipping
ABC's Ruthless Mole Hunt for Employee Who Leaked Epstein Bombshell Exposed in Chilling Report
CBS Just Fired Employee Who Blew Whistle on Epstein Cover-Up While Working at ABC News
Tucker Carlson And Neil Patel: Child Rape Stories Are Too 'Stupid' For ABC News To Cover
Always Remember ABC Spiked Epstein Interview but Ran These Jussie Smollett Clips
ABC Issues 'Cover Your Ass, Lawyer-Speak' Response To Bombshell Epstein Coverup Claims
MSM chose not to cover allegations against Jeffrey Epstein for several years because THEIR execs might have been ALSO been implicated
New 'pro-choice' campaign: “What is abortion actually? It’s compassion. It’s healing. It’s selfless. It’s love”
Lesbian Episcopal priest becomes CEO of major abortion group, calls abortion doctors “modern-day saints”
"Woe unto them that call evil good, And good evil!" Isaiah 5:20
President drops major hint… We caught them, we caught them all
There are thousands of new readers who have arrived at this story via google and other search engines.
Citizen Free Press is the new Drudge Report alternative…
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Thank you!
Woe indeed.
I remember thirty years ago thinking about the end times and wondering how everything would finally end up being either black or white; good or bad. I remember thinking it was implausible because everything was a mixture of both. How could it all come to an Armageddon where everything was as simple as Good versus Evil?
Well, it has.
The spirit of Liberalism may be a good thing, but the people today who claim that they embody Liberalism are a bunch of lowlife demonic scumbags.
Please excuse my French.
Schiff Plans to Limit Who Republicans Can Call as Witnesses
•Planned Parenthood Calls Treating Miscarried Babies With Respect “Abortion-Shaming”
•Former Abortion Clinic Owner: We Pushed Sex Ed on Kids to Create a Market for Abortion
•Christian family planning clinics to fill vacuum of Planned Parenthood's Title X retreat?
Satan's Four Great Deceptions
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Warning: RayB does not approve of your viewing things that he does not approve of...
Hey 5:22 PM,
I wonder what's happened to 'Sandra'? Maybe MCE found 'Sandra' a little too risky a piece to have on the board? Let's hope that alter stays tucked away in the old bag of tricks.
Yet another Satanic deception deluding Anonymous 8:09 PM to post Satanically inspired twists on Satanic deceptions.
Question: "What is the United Church of God?"
Answer: The United Church of God (UCG), based in Ohio, United States, holds to doctrines that conflict with biblical Christianity. The United Church of God is faithful to the doctrines of the late Herbert W. Armstrong, the charismatic and controlling leader of the Worldwide Church of God.
Armstrong believed that he was an end times apostle proclaiming the soon-coming “Kingdom of God.” The Worldwide Church of God modified its teaching after Armstrong’s death, prompting members faithful to Armstrongism to split off and form their own organizations. The United Church of God, founded in 1995, is one of those offshoots. The UCG is more moderate than original Armstrongism, having jettisoned some of the more eccentric teachings such as the bans on celebrating birthdays and wearing makeup.
The United Church of God teaches that only groups similar to their own comprise the true church and that all other “churches” are satanic counterfeits. Members of the UCG are seen as a select group specially chosen by God to become “first-fruits”—a future group of “god-beings” and “kings and priests” in the earthly “Kingdom of God.” The sign of being part of God’s chosen people is Sabbath-keeping and obedience to parts of the Mosaic Law. Members must pay tithes and keep the seven annual festivals given to ancient Israel. They also observe Old Testament laws governing “unclean” food and refuse to participate in the military. The United Church of God and other groups with roots in Armstrongism will not celebrate Christmas because they believe the holiday is pagan in origin.
Other United Church of God beliefs that counter the Bible include a rejection of the Trinity (the Holy Spirit is the impersonal expression of God’s power), a false view of Christ (Jesus and God are two different “divine beings”), and a works-based salvation (water baptism and Law-keeping are required to be saved).
The false doctrine of the United Church of God and its ties to the cult of Armstrongism make the UCG an organization to be avoided.
Warning: the UCG cult defender (last posting at 8:09 PM) does not approve of RayB not approving of the UCG cult's false doctrines... beware of 8:09 PM's leaven, which is deadlier than the poison of a puffer fish.
Warning 11:04 PM does not approve of 8:09 PM not approving of RayB not approving!
Well, if the tinyurl link didn't work (I just tried it myself, same result as yours) try this unexpurgated one:
Warning: 11:18 PM does not approve of 11:04 PM not approving of 8:09 PM not approving of RayB not approving!
The Satanic attack upon the Lord Jesus Christ, our children, and, western civilization itself, continues:
For whatever reason, Satan loves to motivate perverts to destroy the lives of innocent children. This is just another in a multitude of examples.
Riding The Type 3 Mega Market Melt Up Train:
Nunes Demands Shift Testify After Lying:
To Anon @ 11:04 PM ...
Great post!
And here's the Good News for all that rest in the imputed righteousness of Christ to all who "walk by faith" BECAUSE of grace, and not by attempting to establish their OWN "righteousness" by following the law, or, man made laws such as found in the Roman Catholic Church.
Romans 3:20-31
20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.
28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
Anonymous 8:18 PM said:
"How would you describe what you believe differently than RayB?"
Here is (as just shown again by RayB) the CHIEF "sticking" point between our beliefs:
"This is Jesus, because we’re looking at His words. Now I want you to listen to what He says.
"He says, 'Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of Heaven.' Wait a minute, God has accepted me. I know He’s accepted me because I call Jesus Lord, and Jesus says, 'Many will say Lord, Lord,' and He says, 'You’re not going to enter the kingdom of Heaven.' I don’t know about you, that worries me a little at times, like wow, I better make sure I understand what Christ wants from me. He finishes this little sentence with, 'But he who does the will of God my Father in Heaven,' 'but who does the will of my Father in Heaven,' that is the one that becomes acceptable. He extrapolates more in this when He says, 'Many will say to me in that day,' He’s talking about the day of judgment, when everyone appears before Jesus Christ, 'Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, and done many wonders in your name?’' So people will stand before Jesus Christ and say, 'But I went to church, and, boy, we had a great praise band. We did it right. We sang. We praised. I saw my minister cast out demons one time. I went to India on missionary work. Here I am.'
"Surely that’s acceptable. And Jesus says it’s not. Because here’s what He says He will say to them, 'And then I will declare to them,' boy, this is scary, 'I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.' You know what? This message of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount needs to be thundered from every pulpit, and it’s not, and we need to thunder it from every pulpit. This is what we should be saying. Why? Because Jesus said that He will reject, He’s not talking about pagans here, He’s not even talking about atheists… He says, 'I will reject people who say I am Lord,' and why? Because they do not do the will of the Father, they have lots of religion but they practice lawlessness. Now, let me say something here. It’s true that no one is saved by the 10 commandments. I mean, you’re not saved by the law. Salvation comes through the life, blood, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But in Jesus’ own words, we just read them, He says if we believe in Him and then don’t respond to Him then He will deny us. We’re not acceptable to believe and not respond.
"Because as James said faith without works is dead. And Satan wants you to believe that God accepts you and wants you to stay just the way you are. Here’s what I want you to do, before you even get the study guide I want you to go to Matthew 5, 6, and 7, I want you to pick up your Bible and I want you to read what Jesus Christ actually said. Not the fake Jesus you hear about."
Incidentally, RayB's cheerleader @11:04 PM posted quite the list of details of UCG beliefs, some of which were in error (such as Christ not being fully God) and if anyone would like more details about them as to the ACTUAL FACTS please see:
Anon's post above (3:08 PM) proves that UCG holds to a works/merits plan of salvation, which is very similar to the Roman Catholic Church. It also is similar to virtually every cult.
Here is just a small sampling that completely disproves that false belief system:
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES: it is the gift of God:
9 NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast.
True faith originates with God. Read verse 8 .... faith, via grace, is a GIFT of GOD ! True faith does manifest "works" of faith, but works can NEVER EARN salvation.
Titus 3:5,6
5 NOT BY WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH WE HAVE DONE, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;
NOTE: block lettering added for emphasis.
Hilarious (if it weren't so tragic) that RayB ALWAYS seems to so brazenly demonstrate theological sleight-of-hand (like the cults BTW) with his ONE-SIDED, SELECTED Bible quoting on this topic as if we weren't aware that things like the Book of James EXIST! UN-BE-LIEVE-ABLE!
Trust HIM though, to be our spiritual leader here that all of us should look to for direction and approval.
I think not.
WATCH: New pro-life documentary exposes links between Satanism and abortion!
Children Yell 'Impeach Him' as Activists at Jane Fonda's Protest Give Them 'Remove Trump' Signs
Jane Fonda 'inspired by Greta Thunberg'
She's known for her flawless red carpet style, but Jane Fonda said that she's NEVER SHOPPING AGAIN as she continues her climate change awareness crusade.
Climate Nut Jane Fonda 'Worried' Deeply About Greta Thunberg ...
'Greta' Uber Alles?
Huge Six Story Mural of Disgruntled Teen Greta Thunberg Staring Down on the Masses Is Going Up in...
God bless this man!
President Trump expected to sign bill making animal cruelty a federal crime
On the other hand...
Scientists In China Are Using LIVE ANIMALS As CRASH TEST Dummies
Trump Follows in Reagan’s Footsteps in Confronting Communism
No, 7:23 PM,
Just because RayB. hasn't cited from James' writing doesn't mean he has dismissed it. The works which James refers to are those which are evidence of a changed heart. You see, Jesus Christ is not invasive nor forceful; it is surely God who makes the changes in us yet we are to strive in running the race, yet rest, in that. We 'work out' our 'salvation' yet it is by Jesus Christ Who has saved us, not our works (lest any man should boast; you wouldn't want to boast, now would you, 7:23 PM?). What are the works? See Matthew 25 for a clearer picture.
The works are certainly not holding to Mosaic Law, which Jesus Christ fulfilled, and by His Light did the things of Mosaic Law became mere shadows, which had foretold of His coming and His ultimate sacrifice on the cross.
Yet your UCG cult calls God a liar, by your religiously forbidding the consumption of pork meat. In Acts, when God offers the sheet of food, which includes pork, Peter protests. Yet thrice does God say to Peter, 'do not call anything impure that God has made clean'. You see, one of the arguments put forth for pork having been prohibited under Mosaic Law was because it was a way for the Israelites to show their separation from the pagan Gentiles. Yet, in Galatians we read that there is [now: since Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law and paid the ultimate sacrifice on the cross] neither Jew nor Greek (Gentile), so the separation of the Jews from other tribes and nations, which once was expressed through Mosaic Law, was a mere foreshadowing of the separation of followers of Jesus Christ from the unsaved. His Grace and our obedience to His Commandments are what separates us from the World. Jesus Christ said ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself,’ and notably Matthew reports, 'On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.'(see Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Matthew 22:37-40; Mark 12:30-31; Luke 10:27); these spirit of these two commandments are what governs the words written by Matthew in Matthew 25 and the words of James.
In view of your cult's apparent attempts at adherence to the Law of Moses, are you always careful to make sure there is no cotton (or any synthetic threads, etc.) interwoven with any woollen garments you have bought? No? Perhaps you had better get the knitting needles out... ? Have you circumcised your sons at the time proscribed? If not, then why not?
Moreover, the UCG cult enforces Old Testament Sabbath observances. Do you not realise that man was not made for the Sabbath but rather the Sabbath was made for man? If your disabled neighbour's dog needs the toilet, should you not be permitted to take the dog out for a walk? Perhaps dog walking is the way you make a living. Would it then be only permissible to do so on a Saturday provided you received no payment for it? You see, the Sabbath was a foreshadow of the much more glorious rest we experience by faith in Jesus Christ. Everyday is the Sabbath, not just Saturday or, dare I say it, Sunday. Why? Because we rest in Him. Far be it from me, however, to state you should not have a day of the week you adopt as a special day to observe; I not attempting to create any law which would forbid such.
What I am saying, however, is that Jesus Christ, Who is Lord of the Sabbath, is where we find our Sabbath rest. It isn't just one day a week but everyday, forever: isn't that wonderful!
SEE: https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-Sabbath.html
and Colossians 2
Colossians 2:
1I want you to know how much I have agonized for you and for the church at Laodicea, and for many other believers who have never met me personally. 2I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God’s mysterious plan, which is Christ himself. 3In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
4I am telling you this so no one will deceive you with well-crafted arguments. 5For though I am far away from you, my heart is with you. And I rejoice that you are living as you should and that your faith in Christ is strong.
Freedom from Rules and New Life in Christ
6And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. 7Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
8Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. 9For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. 10So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.
11When you came to Christ, you were “circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision—the cutting away of your sinful nature. 12For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.
13You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. 14He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. 15In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.
16So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. 17For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality. 18Don’t let anyone condemn you by insisting on pious self-denial or the worship of angels, saying they have had visions about these things. Their sinful minds have made them proud, 19and they are not connected to Christ, the head of the body. For he holds the whole body together with its joints and ligaments, and it grows as God nourishes it.
20You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world, such as, 21“Don’t handle! Don’t taste! Don’t touch!”? 22Such rules are mere human teachings about things that deteriorate as we use them. 23These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires.
So you decide, 7:23 PM, will listen to what the Holy Spirit inspired Apostles of the New Testament have said, or will you continue to follow the unbiblical sleight of hand, adding and taking away of Armstrong and his ilk? You can't have it both ways.
By the way, none of my post at 11:04 PM is erroneous. With respect, if you take the Armstrong plank from your eye, you will see clearer.
Thank you RayB, your posts on this matter have been great too!
God bless you richly.
Question: "How is Jesus our Sabbath Rest?"
Answer: The key to understanding how Jesus is our Sabbath rest is the Hebrew word sabat, which means "to rest or stop or cease from work." The origin of the Sabbath goes back to Creation. After creating the heavens and the earth in six days, God "rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made" (Genesis 2:2). This doesn’t mean that God was tired and needed a rest. We know that God is omnipotent, literally "all-powerful." He has all the power in the universe, He never tires, and His most arduous expenditure of energy does not diminish His power one bit. So, what does it mean that God rested on the seventh day? Simply that He stopped what He was doing. He ceased from His labors. This is important in understanding the establishment of the Sabbath day and the role of Christ as our Sabbath rest.
God used the example of His resting on the seventh day of Creation to establish the principle of the Sabbath day rest for His people. In Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12-15, God gave the Israelites the fourth of His Ten Commandments. They were to "remember" the Sabbath day and "keep it holy." One day out of every seven, they were to rest from their labors and give the same day of rest to their servants and animals. This was not just a physical rest, but a cessation of laboring. Whatever work they were engaged in was to stop for a full day each week. (Please read our other articles on the Sabbath day, Saturday vs. Sunday and Sabbath keeping to explore this issue further.) The Sabbath day was established so the people would rest from their labors, only to begin again after a one-day rest.
The various elements of the Sabbath symbolized the coming of the Messiah, who would provide a permanent rest for His people. Once again the example of resting from our labors comes into play. With the establishment of the Old Testament Law, the Jews were constantly "laboring" to make themselves acceptable to God. Their labors included trying to obey a myriad of do’s and don’ts of the ceremonial law, the Temple law, the civil law, etc. Of course they couldn’t possibly keep all those laws, so God provided an array of sin offerings and sacrifices so they could come to Him for forgiveness and restore fellowship with Him, but only temporarily. Just as they began their physical labors after a one-day rest, so, too, did they have to continue to offer sacrifices. Hebrews 10:1 tells us that the law "can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship." But these sacrifices were offered in anticipation of the ultimate sacrifice of Christ on the cross, who "after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right of God" (Hebrews 10:12). Just as He rested after performing the ultimate sacrifice, He sat down and rested—ceased from His labor of atonement because there was nothing more to be done, ever. Because of what He did, we no longer have to "labor" in law-keeping in order to be justified in the sight of God. Jesus was sent so that we might rest in God and in what He has provided.
...continues in my next post.
Continued from my 9:47 PM post.
Another element of the Sabbath day rest which God instituted as a foreshadowing of our complete rest in Christ is that He blessed it, sanctified it, and made it holy. Here again we see the symbol of Christ as our Sabbath rest—the holy, perfect Son of God who sanctifies and makes holy all who believe in Him. God sanctified Christ, just as He sanctified the Sabbath day, and sent Him into the world (John 10:36) to be our sacrifice for sin. In Him we find complete rest from the labors of our self-effort, because He alone is holy and righteous. "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). We can now cease from our spiritual labors and rest in Him, not just one day a week, but always.
Jesus can be our Sabbath rest in part because He is "Lord of the Sabbath" (Matthew 12:8). As God incarnate, He decides the true meaning of the Sabbath because He created it, and He is our Sabbath rest in the flesh. When the Pharisees criticized Him for healing on the Sabbath, Jesus reminded them that even they, sinful as they were, would not hesitate to pull a sheep out of a pit on the Sabbath. Because He came to seek and save His sheep who would hear His voice (John 10:3,27) and enter into the Sabbath rest He provided by paying for their sins, He could break the Sabbath rules. He told the Pharisees that people are more important than sheep and the salvation He provided was more important than rules. By saying, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27), Jesus was restating the principle that the Sabbath rest was instituted to relieve man of his labors, just as He came to relieve us of our attempting to achieve salvation by our works. We no longer rest for only one day, but forever cease our laboring to attain God’s favor. Jesus is our rest from works now, just as He is the door to heaven, where we will rest in Him forever.
Hebrews 4 is the definitive passage regarding Jesus as our Sabbath rest. The writer to the Hebrews exhorts his readers to “enter in” to the Sabbath rest provided by Christ. After three chapters of telling them that Jesus is superior to the angels and that He is our Apostle and High Priest, he pleads with them to not harden their hearts against Him, as their fathers hardened their hearts against the Lord in the wilderness. Because of their unbelief, God denied that generation access to the holy land, saying, “They shall not enter into My rest” (Hebrews 3:11). In the same way, the writer to the Hebrews begs his readers not to make the same mistake by rejecting God’s Sabbath rest in Jesus Christ. “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience” (Hebrews 4:9–11).
There is no other Sabbath rest besides Jesus. He alone satisfies the requirements of the Law, and He alone provides the sacrifice that atones for sin. He is God’s plan for us to cease from the labor of our own works. We dare not reject this one-and-only Way of salvation (John 14:6). God’s reaction to those who choose to reject His plan is seen in Numbers 15. A man was found gathering sticks on the Sabbath day, in spite of God’s plain commandment to cease from all labor on the Sabbath. This transgression was a known and willful sin, done with unblushing boldness in broad daylight, in open defiance of the divine authority. “Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp’” (verse 35). So it will be to all who reject God’s provision for our Sabbath rest in Christ. “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
Recommended Resource: The End of the Law: Mosaic Covenant in Pauline Theology by Jason Meyer
P.S., 7:23 PM, thrice did Peter refuse to eat, denying God's words to not call anything unclean which God has made clean. The meaning of God sending this sheet to Peter is shown further on in Acts 10, where the men sent from Cornelius, at God's command, to come and find Peter. The following day Peter accompanies the men to meet Cornelius, Cornelius's kinsmen and friends, in Caesarea, who are all Gentiles. Here, Peter realises that, despite his previous understanding that,'it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation', through the vision he received, 'God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean'. This is reinforced in verse 34, where, 'Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons' and verse 35, 'But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.'
You see Acts 10 clearly shows that:
A) it is now permissible to eat pork, etc.
B) that the revelation of such [A] is to show the meaning, further exemplified by God's commission to Cornelius, that there is no longer any difference between Jew nor Gentile, and that the separation of a Jew by way of food laws, etc., need no longer apply. For it is not that which goes into the stomach of a man which defiles him but that which is unholy that comes from his heart. Be careful to not call God a liar!
4 The other time Peter denied God's Word three times before repenting of it, is described in Luke 22:54-62 (English Standard Version ((ESV)) )
Peter Denies Jesus
54 Then they seized him and led him away, bringing him into the high priest's house, and Peter was following at a distance. 55 And when they had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down together, Peter sat down among them. 56 Then a servant girl, seeing him as he sat in the light and looking closely at him, said, “This man also was with him.” 57 But he denied it, saying, “Woman, I do not know him.” 58 And a little later someone else saw him and said, “You also are one of them.” But Peter said, “Man, I am not.” 59 And after an interval of about an hour still another insisted, saying, “Certainly this man also was with him, for he too is a Galilean.” 60 But Peter said, “Man, I do not know what you are talking about.” And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. 61 And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the saying of the Lord, how he had said to him, “Before the rooster crows today, you will deny me three times.” 62 And he went out and wept bitterly.
So, 7:23 PM, will you turn to Jesus Christ and believe His words, as reported by the Apostles, or will you stick stubbornly to the more than four Satanic Deceptions peddled by Armstrong and his ilk - designed to keep you in bondage? You cannot deny Jesus Christ's (God's) words and Commandments and at the same time claim to follow him.
Choose this day who you will follow. Will it be Armstrong (with a blind pretence of following Jesus Christ yet rejecting his commandments (which are those shown by the Apostles in the various passages I have shared with you through my succession of posts today), or will you truly repent of your blind adherence to the false teachings and heavy yoke of the UCG Cult, asking Jesus Christ to open your eyes to the Truth (which is Him) and free you from cult bondage, so you can be truly saved? For why will you perish, 7:23 PM!
To All:
Sorry, but frankly, I will not waste my breath with someone with the attitude of the 9:41 PM-10:51 PM poster however I WILL recommend to anyone that would SINCERELY desire to more fully understand Bible doctrines as put forth by Jesus and the Apostles in the first century and the reasons to STILL follow their ways of living and their ways of worship in the twenty-first, to simply read:
Faith And Doctrines Of The Early Church
By GM Bowers
Free PDF
(NOTE: Has some typos, etc., inadvertently gained from the transcription process not found in the original book.)
The Original Book
For Further Research
*** Have a nice night! ***
Constance, it sounds like that writer is a bit confused.
whaddya mean non grated parmesan cheese?
"Christine is minimized and marginalized because of her abuses here of people" MY RESPONSES TO YOUR ABUSES YOU CONSIDER ENTITLED TO INFLICT AND RESPONSE NOT ACCEPTABLE.
"you’ve been using this same clipped and atrocious grammar and syntax all along. " And i find your droning on and on almost unreadable. ever hear that the history of English literature is the history of the shortening of the sentence? this last post of yours is more tolerable. My philosophy is cut the crap and get to the point. I usually don't read introductions to books for the same reason.
"You wrote: …So Byzantine has to be the oldest NAMED AFTER THE LOCATION THE NT WAS WRITTEN IN. DUH!
Let me use your abbreviated language/style in responding: WRONG
As if NT text critical issues were just that simple…
The Byzantine manuscripts (mss) are so named because of the location in which these mss were found, not because most of the NT likely was written in the Byzantium region"
Of course they were named after their location of finding. they were FOUND there because USED there. They were USED THERE because COPIED there. They were COPIED THERE because the previous generation copies were there. THE PREVIOUS GENERATIONS OF COPIES WERE THERE BECAUSE THE ORIGINALS WERE THERE.
I shouldn't have to spell out the obvious to you. But I guess the self evident isn't obvious to you.
you repeatedly now claim i have said thngs I haven't even thought of, that Westcott shortened verses, what's with you? are you gaslighting?
I never said he shortened the text, he merely approved the shorter version.
following Tischendorff means no oneupmanship? apparently you don't realize that what he and Tischendorff one upped and eventually replaced that you now dismiss was once standard scholarly universal opinion.
As for "mind reading" what you dismiss as that is done routinely and accurately by interrogators and in court to establish intent an issue in law criminal and civil, and by con men and others and survivor types by looking at small indicators and JESUS SAID you can tell what is in the heart from what comes out the mouth. It may be a mixed bag of tricks in the heart, but what comes out is not something that wasn't there.
Motive is deduceable from action and words viewed in context, preferably with facial expression and body language visible.
you apparently like presentation more than accuracy BOTH FOR WHAT YOU WRITE AND WHAT YOU READ.
the reason why the byz version is better is that it has its origin (which is why it was found) in the byz location, which is where the NT says the originals were written to, mostly.
the fact that something was missing in a copy farther afield, which itself showed evidence of erasures and corrections, means nothing. the erasures and corrections show the copyists had problems. the fact an entire ms survived shows it wasn't esteemed reliable enough to be in use, so it survived in one piece.
Paul quotes JEsus at least once, words not in the gospels, the presence of something that hops from one gospel to another and was referenced by one writer as desirable to NOT include in copies and comments shows it was legit and some copyists wanted it retained for historical reasons.
Warning: 2:23 AM does not approve of anyone posting anything truly Biblical, which he or she doesn't approve of because such exposes the fact that the UCG cult is nothing more than a spiritual prison with a heavy yoke. If you tell him or her the truth, sadly, you too may soon become his or her enemy.
They weren't confused, they just used coy wordplay:
Parmesan Non-Grated =
Persona Non Grata
5:22 AM needs psychiatric help.
LBRY… Its Like Youtube But Without the CIA, NSA and Government Controls and Censorship
5:35 AM needs intense psychiatric help (though there's not much one can humanly do for 5:35 AM's evident NPD, unfortunately). Therefore, 535 AM's only real hope of ever becoming a fully decentered person is spiritual help, i.e., Divine intervention. You'll have to repent firstly though, 5:35 AM.
Vatican places Molech At Roman Colosseum
It is said to be taken down before Easter.
Vatican spokesman gives assurances that it will not offend the LORD!
You wrote, My philosophy is cut the crap and get to the point. I usually don't read introductions to books for the same reason.
Introductions typically define the aims, parameters, and limitations of the given work. If you skip these you run the risk of missing key points of the authors, which may lead to substance errors in your writings about the subjects. This is a further reason why the reader here should be cautious in trusting what you write here.
You wrote, [the Byz texts] were USED THERE because COPIED there. They were COPIED THERE because the previous generation copies were there. THE PREVIOUS GENERATIONS OF COPIES WERE THERE BECAUSE THE ORIGINALS WERE THERE…the reason why the byz version is better is that it has its origin (which is why it was found) in the byz location, which is where the NT says the originals were written to, mostly.
Of course the texts found in the Byz readings are copies of copies of copies (and etc.) of originals that were written in that region. But we don’t know the extent of the errors from first generation to extant manuscripts (mss). How closely does a given ms reflect the original author’s writing? And what about those texts not originally written in Byzantium yet found in that region—do we doubt the integrity of these texts simply because they were not found in the specific area in which they were initially scribed? And would, e.g., a ms found specifically in Galatia containing Revelation be more likely to have scribal errors in the book of Revelation and less likely to have errors in the epistle to the Galatians? Similarly, would a ms found on Patmos containing Galatians be more likely to have errors in the epistle to the Galatians as compared to Revelation?
To assume geographical dispersion in itself necessarily negatively impacts the integrity of the mss is quite dubious. Taking the example of Ephesians, which is assumed by many scholars to have been composed as a circular letter—likely, then, copied and dispersed to various locales—did the mere fact of its distribution adversely affect the text? Extrapolating from this, why wouldn’t copies of NT texts have similarly made their way to Alexandria (and then further copied by scribes) as part of the Great Commission? Would one think that such a distribution to Alexandria necessarily resulted in a tainted text?
Isn’t it possible that someone took a very early copy of a text from the Byzantium area and travelled to Alexandria on an evangelical mission, thus placing a very early copy of the NT text in that region, and that, e.g., P66 and P75 reflect a generation of that early text, and that the extant texts found in Byzantium of this same material is of a much later generation, reflecting a more error-prone text?
You wrote, …apparently you don't realize that what [Westcott (& Hort)] and Tischendorff [sic—one “f”, not two] one upped and eventually replaced that you now dismiss was once standard scholarly universal opinion.
Once again, you illustrate your carelessness in your misspelling of Tischendorf’s name. Given that you were directly responding to my previous comment in which I correctly spelled his name, you cannot use the excuse you were merely going from memory. The truth is you were just sloppy. And this provides further evidence for not trusting what you write.
As to the substance of your comment above, see the following, for example:
A few things stand out from this information. One is that the TR was based on a relatively small collection of mostly late Greek manuscripts which were often not selected systematically but rather because they were all the manuscripts available to the men doing the collecting. We must greatly admire the scholarship they produced out of the resources they had, but over 5,000 Greek manuscript discoveries later, there is certainly more work to be done. The second and sometimes overlooked factor, however, is the variety of ways that the Latin influenced the final form of the TR and the KJV…
When we look at what the KJV translators accomplished with the limited texts they had available to them, it should invoke in us a great respect and admiration for their work. It should also cause us to be all the more grateful for the wealth of data we have today in our thousands of Greek manuscripts, hundreds of which are from the earliest centuries, and in our copies of numerous ancient translations in a variety of tongues like Syriac, Coptic, and yes, Latin. Let us recognize the blessing we have in such a vast treasure of biblical witnesses and be faithful to wisely use what God has given us, just as the translators before us did with what was given to them.
For those interested in the discipline of NT textual criticism, there is new book that just came out on the subject: Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism See info here:
Since the unexpected popularity of Bart Ehrman's bestselling Misquoting Jesus, textual criticism has become a staple of Christian apologetics.
Ehrman's skepticism about recovering the original text of the New Testament does deserve a response. However, this renewed apologetic interest in textual criticism has created fresh problems for evangelicals. An unfortunate proliferation of myths, mistakes, and misinformation has arisen about this technical area of biblical studies.
In this volume Elijah Hixson and Peter Gurry, along with a team of New Testament textual critics, offer up-to-date, accurate information on the history and current state of the New Testament text that will serve apologists and Christian students even as it offers a self-corrective to evangelical excesses.
Ever notice how Curstine spells Jesus name?
Repeatedly I have seen that, like she wants to make some point. She doesn't cut the crap to get to the point, because she very rarely make a good and understandable point, mostly serves her own ends and misstates and misuses (especially the Bible) to major on some minor she is fixated with.
She swallows many camels straining for her gnats.
If she really wants to cut the crap she wouldn't, couldn't, post at all.
Great new movie exposing the new age ideologies and compromising of truth within the National Right to Life movement.
The battle can only be won by an actual religious movement including the Gospel of Jesus Christ.....not a universalist movement.
"Babies are STILL Being Murdered Here"
Pope Francis allegedly denies the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Regarding Constance's opening remarks (in part):
"The developments have been nothing short of revolting. Most offensive was the Pachamama controversy. Pachamama is the South American name for "Gaia." It is a form of both idol and Earth worship -- a false god/goddess."
"Courageous Catholics have been speaking out against it including but not limited to EWTN;a Raymond Arroyo, Archbishop Schneider, and numerous others. But, Pope Francis, has apologized for a courageous Catholic who threw the Pachamama statute in to the Tiber River and caused the placing of Pachamama relics on the Vatican's altar."
My opinion:
What is even more "revolting" is the do nothing response to the rampant, ongoing child abuse by the Roman Catholic clergy. Thousands of damaged victims continue to be denied justice, while the RCC works diligently against removing the statute of limitations on child abuse. The American Bishops were ordered to cease and desist by the Vatican, when the Bishops discussed making it mandatory to report ALL CHILD ABUSE to law enforcement authorities. THAT IS "REVOLTING." For decades, the Vatican has, on a global basis, obstructed all the efforts by law enforcement officials to gather the necessary evidence needed for prosecution. THAT IS "REVOLTING."
Regarding this "courageous Catholic who threw the Pachamama statue in to the Tiber River," I would be far more impressed if he threw, along with it, the pagan statue of their pagan invention known as the "Queen of Heaven."
Back in the days when Rome ruled the European monarchies by proxy, a bible believer took an idol statue of the RCC "Mary" from a procession and threw into a river with the words "let's see if your Lady can swim." In our day of compromise and false ecumenicalism, such an action sounds almost impossible to believe, and no doubt, many that would cheer the Pachamama stature taking a swim, would be outraged if the same were done to the Catholic idol statue of their "Mary."
The Pachamama statue appearing on the false altar of Rome is no more offensive to God than that of their Idolatrous statues and images that have been objects of veneration for centuries ... all done in direct defiance to God Himself.
Child Abuse: Not Just a Catholic Problem
Protestant Churches Grapple With Growing Sexual Abuse Crisis
Is there more sexual abuse in the Protestant Churches than the Catholic Church?
January 8, 2018
By Melanie Blow
Stop Abuse Campaign
It seems that every month a Catholic diocese somewhere in the country releases a list of credibly accused predator priests that rivals the list originally put forth by the Boston Globe’s Spotlight team. The Catholic church seems to have a near monopoly on child sexual abuse in religious settings. But looks can be deceiving, and it appears that child sexual abuse in Protestant churches is actually more common.
^^ ++++
Where's the like button?
Right on target Anon 12:38
Nice try at deflection 10:06 PM, but it won't work with anyone that has even an ounce worth of discernment.
First, Catholic apologists love to deflect away from the evil, ongoing child sex abuse that has been going on for countless decades by simply stating that "protestants" (small "p" on purpose) are "just as bad ... or ... even worse." The "we're not so bad because you are even worse" is a very lame argument. The problem you have is that the "you" that you are pointing to (Bible believers) aren't part of the apostate cabal that you are referring to.
To a Catholic apologist, anything that isn't Catholic falls under the umbrella of being a "protestant." There are countless "churches" and assemblies that are not Catholic. This ilk are now, and have been for decades, in apostasy and can identified as the radically liberal, social "gospel" groups that are always very ecumenical. They don't "protest" anything other than attacking true Christianity which rests upon Biblical authority.
Then there are countless more "churches" that were never in the Bible believing camp in the first place (such as cults). Along with those, many of the mainline Protestant assemblies have been apostate for years. So trying to make this an "Us vs Them" simply won't work.
Second, Rome is a UNIVERSAL, GLOBAL autocracy. All policies originate in Rome. The cover-ups, the pay offs, the obstruction of justice practices, the lobbying to defeat efforts to remove statute of limitations laws, the policies of NOT cooperating with law enforcement officials, the transferring of pedophile priests into other dioceses, turning their collective backs on the voices of the victims that have been crying out for justice, etc., etc. are ALL POLICIES that ORIGINATE from the VATICAN. ALL of this, ALL OF THIS, is done under the cover of their "religion."
What other entity, both religious and political, is it that operates in this manner? What other entity can you name that has preyed upon the lives of INNOCENT CHILDREN in the manner that Rome has?
Not deflecting RayB, just pointing out that more than half the children abused under the cover of Christianity in the U.S. somehow always avoid your mentioning, that's all.
But since you mentioned deflection...
YOU wouldn't be trying to deflect attention from 12:38 AM's post by any chance, now would you?
In The Showdown Ahead Between Patriots And Globalists, Don't Expect The Military, Completely Infiltrated By The 'Deep State', To Defend President Trump And The US Constitution
Leftist Traitors Shredding The Constitution Don't Care About 'The Rule Of Law' In America
By William B. Stoecker All News Pipeline
Some of the same people who have been breathlessly informing us that sealed indictments on leftist traitors in the Deep State would soon be opened and that the Witch Hillary and her comrades would soon be arrested also believe that the US military will defend Trump and our former Constitution (after all, they took an oath to defend it when they entered the service). Let’s not be so sure of that.
Throughout our history we have gone back and forth regarding our defense establishment, sometimes holding soldiers in contempt, and other times practically worshipping them. It is now customary to say to soldiers, airman, sailors, and Marines “Thank you for your service” and to believe that they are somehow fighting for our freedom. I’ve even had people thank me for my “service,” even though I was never sent to Vietnam.
Enough, already. They are fighting in pointless wars that do nothing to enhance our security or our freedom, and the same mighty warrior neocons who have sent our troops to die or be maimed for life in countries most Americans cannot find on a map are the ones helping the Demoncraps to erase our few remaining freedoms.
And let’s not fall for the “if we don’t fight them over there we’ll have to fight them over here” line regarding Muslim terrorists. They are over here, imported by the hundreds of thousands by those very same neocons and Demoncraps. And, as Tucker Carlson has pointed out, we are “defending” countless other countries while our southern border is left wide open.
Of course we all feel sympathy for the warriors who have undergone great hardships (well, some of them have) and we admire the discipline, dedication, and physical fitness of many military personnel. Who does not respect Marines, aircrews, and special operators? But the military, remember, is a reflection of our larger society, mirroring to some degree its moral and intellectual decline.
And the leadership at the top is part of the Deep State. It has been said that the best military officers are the colonels (and captains in the Navy and Coast Guard) who never made general (or admiral). The military hierarchy becomes increasingly political toward the top.
Robert Mueller, who led the prolonged effort to impeach Trump for Hillary’s Russian collusion, is an ex USMC officer, supposedly a Vietnam veteran and even an airborne ranger. Maybe. But he is a former Director of the murderous and corrupt FBI, and 9/11 happened on his watch, and he helped to orchestrate the cover-up. He was also at least indirectly involved in Hussein Obama’s and Hillary’s sleazy Uranium One deal with Russia, and he was a federal attorney in Boston when the FBI literally let Whitey Bulger get away with murder again and again.
Army Lt. General H.R. McMaster was also reportedly an airborne ranger and a combat veteran, and he was Trump’s National Security Advisor. A fanatical neocon warmonger, he supported the Demoncraps’ Russia collusion hoax, betraying his President. Retired USMC General Mattis, Trump’s Secretary of Defense 1/17-12/18, was a Lt. Col before he ever saw combat. He was a neocon who considered Russia an enemy and wanted to keep US troops in Syria.
I would suggest that in a nuclear world, we might not want to have a Secretary of Defense called “Mad Dog.” Retired Navy SEAL Admiral William McRaven supported Hussein Obama and George (Bush) II, and admires the communist John Brennan. But he claims Trump is waging an “attack on the media.” An ever larger number of the American people believe that the media deserve to be attacked. US Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is collaborating with the Demoncraps in their latest clown circus attempt to impeach Trump.
To be sure, many military and ex-military people are good patriots. But what are we to make of 2nd Lt. Rapone, who graduated from West Point and wore a Che Guevara t-shirt under his uniform? Openly communist and pro-Antifa, he had been “mentored” by Islam History Professor Rasheed Hosein. Note that the higher ups at West Point hired this Hosein and kept him on for a long time. We know that John Brennan voted for a communist (and may have been a Muslim) but was made Director of the CIA. James Comey voted communist and became Director of the FBI. Why should we assume that the military is any better?
So let us not be so sure that the military will support Trump if the Deep State operatives try to murder him or remove him from office. Let us not be so sure that soldiers or Marines will all refuse to go door to door to confiscate our firearms. Some will; some won’t. The military is likely to become as divided as the rest of our former Republic.
On the eve of our last civil war there was a party at the officer’s club at the Army post in Los Angeles, following which old comrades either remained, to serve the Union, or departed, to fight for the Confederacy. One who went south was Lewis Armistead, whose uncle, Major General George Armistead, had commanded Fort McHenry when the British were unable to bring down its “star-spangled banner.”
But Lewis Armistead, who had been good friends with Union General Hancock and his wife, would lead Confederate troops in Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg. He was the only Confederate general to cross the Union lines, where he was mortally wounded and lay dying only a few dozen yards from Hancock, who was also wounded (but survived).
History may be about to repeat itself.
10-year-olds say they were suspended after asking to be excused from LGBT lesson
"Achtung! Papers please."
The U.S. Government Created Internal Passports In The Middle of The Night!
SHOCKER!!! ('Snort')
Adam Schiff ties to George Soros revealed
The parents of a dead armed robber are very angry over his death, and are demanding to know why his innocent victim was allowed to be armed
'11,000 scientists' warning of 'climate emergency' are just '11,000 RANDOM people'
'This was a total managed LIE. There was NO study'!
By WND Staff
Published November 11, 2019
The headline was a real attention-grabber. It said "More than 11,000 scientists declare 'climate emergency.'"
That, at least, was Voice of America's title.
The article said "more than 11,000 scientists are warning that the Earth, in their words, 'clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency.'" It's the subject over which teen activist Greta Thunberg recently has been expressing outrage.
[Only problem is] the report called "World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency," WASN'T a study. And they WEREN'T all scientists.
John Hinderaker at the Powerline Blog wrote: "11,000 scientists? Just kidding."
"The world's news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a 'climate emergency.' NBC News, to cite just one example, described a 'study' produced by an 'international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.'"
The blog posted a screen shot of headlines by NBC, CNN and others.
"Actually, there was NO study, there was just a press release. And it WASN'T 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 RANDOM people who put their names on a web page. But today's reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to 'climate change,' they will swallow ANYTHING," Powerline reported.
Here's my critical commentary on an article entitled: Transformation Complete: Mother Church is now Mother Earth — By Jackie Alnor
Here I first present several quotes from the article, which is located at: http://christiansentinel.com/2019/10/14/transformation-complete-mother-church-now-mother-earth-jackie-alnor/?fbclid=IwAR1jQCsXfM0K4BqvfcKM4p6fjmqGkGiDnv4-NBKJLwYPfSHZla5yovRM4Tc
“Once again the request was heard in the [Vatican] Synod hall to be constantly aware of the suffering of the indigenous population who have a sovereign right to exist in the Amazon. Discovering the seeds of the word of God in the cultures and traditions of the region means recognizing that Christ already lives in the peoples who have not yet heard the Gospel. The Gospel, in fact, is not the exclusive patrimony of any one culture.”
"This idea underscores what the current pope has been saying since he first took office as lightening struck St. Peters Cathedral in Rome. Namely, that God speaks to people in every religion in the world – each one gets a little piece of divine revelation and if all religions unite, all humankind will be as one. (Queue up John Lennon’s Imagine.)"
"Traditionalist Catholic, Michael Matt, editor of the conservative Catholic publication, The Remnant Newspaper, wrung his hands over what he saw as a blatant take-over of Satan over his beloved ‘Mother Church.’ In a recent podcast he titled ‘Hippies in the Vatican,’ he said: All we hear here in Rome is, become environmentally conscientious and awake — that’s the most important thing. Heaven is replaced now with our common home. When they talk about common home, they refer to it almost in reverential terms. We must know, love and serve Mother Earth... Like it’s sacred, like it’s pantheism or something... - the world that has rejected Christ and has co-opted this Synod and the entire Church in an effort to create the impression now that Christ Himself – this is where the blasphemy comes in – that Christ Himself, this new christ is blessing and approving of the entire masonic agenda of the One World Religion and the New World Order.”
"[Pope] Francis is creating that new global religion. He has set up his own hand-picked school of cardinals who are a rubber-stamp board for him to get away with this final transformation of the Mother Church."
“They don’t realize how passé you [Pope Francis] have become’ how much you are the sort of stereotypical hippie, the aging hippie that’s just lost track. It’s not groovy anymore… They changed the words; they changed the vocabulary. Mother Church, for example. She has become Mother Earth.”
My commentary: Two Pontifical Councils produced a joint document on the New Age (or Age of Aquarius), wherein they wrongly state that the New Age substitutes God the Father [Heaven] with Mother Earth ["Our Common Home"]. These pontifical council's got it wrong, as have all of the other leading Christian opponents of the New Age. New Agers actually believe that Mother Earth is less-than-divine and we honor her. The ultimate goal of New Agers is to become One with the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond the creation. The Roman Catholic Church is actually moving in the direction of fully accepting and promoting the hippie New Age spiritual philosophy.
I agree with Mr.Matt, Pope Francis is sort of "a hippie" and is "the Vicar of the Antichrist". However, unlike Matt, I believe that the Jesus Christ of traditional Christianity is anti-Christ and that the "Antichrist," mentioned in the Bible, is actually a good person who is promoting Jesus Christ's true mission-to help each of us experience our own divinity.
My hippie New Age (or mostly Hinduism with a little Gnostic "Christianity" added to it) mission is opposed to traditional Christianity's mission. My mission is to totally replace traditional Christianity with the hippie New Age spiritual philosophy.
Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer said (in part):
"... I believe that the Jesus Christ of traditional Christianity is anti-Christ and that the "Antichrist," mentioned in the Bible, is actually a good person who is promoting Jesus Christ's true mission-to help each of us experience our own divinity."
"My hippie New Age (or mostly Hinduism with a little Gnostic "Christianity" added to it) mission is opposed to traditional Christianity's mission. My mission is to totally replace traditional Christianity with the hippie New Age spiritual philosophy."
Back in the late 60s and early 70s, I knew people like you. In between tokes on their bongs, they would spout similar philosophies of nonsense such as yours, acting as if their mind was the fertile font of all previously unknown wisdom and knowledge.
You should be congratulated for somehow being able to survive while clinging to your dopey Hippie meanderings. Most of those of that generation either grew up and went on to live a semblance of a productive life, or, it seems, ended up living on the sidewalks of San Fran Freako, LA, Seattle, Portland, and other socialist conclaves that coddle to their every nonsensical whim ... all of course at the expense of honest, hard working taxpayers.
I always find it amazing that people like you love to falsely use "Jesus Christ" in a vain attempt in order to make Him fit into your invented "religion." What hallucinatory drug were you on when you creatively cooked up your amazingly convoluted philosophy?
Wikipedia say: Many rituals related to the Pachamama are practiced in conjunction with those of Christianity, to the point that many families are simultaneously Christian and pachamamistas.[9] Pachamama is sometimes syncretized as the Virgin of Candelaria [who is Jesus's Mother Mary].
Pachamama has become less-than-divine [as is the Virgin Mary] for many families in South America. These families worship Our Father in Heaven and honor Pachamama/Mary/Mother-Earth. Will the entire Roman Catholic Church be transformed so that it does the same as these South American families.
"Good morning, Mr. Dahlheimer. The man you see pictured is Jorge Mario Bergoglio , known to millions as 'Pope Francis'. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to further the New World Order agenda by inveigling yourself into the innermost reaches of the Vatican and convincing Bergoglio to agree to show more ongoing visible support of the New Age Movement (via its 'Hippie' counterculture) by wearing tie-dyed vestments and smoking a bong with you in a public appearance on the balcony overlooking St. Peter's Square this coming Christmas and put 'traditional' Christians on the run. That will complete of your mission. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Tom!"
RayB... it amazes me how you how can so easily abandon common sense reasoning and modern-day scientific discoveries [or factual evidence] that contradict your foolish Christian doctrines that are bases on scriptures written thousands of years ago.
Thanks Thomas! Your just another confirmation that the Vatican is nothing more than a coven of pedo homo Satanists!
Will Julian Assange Die In Prison?
"You should be congratulated for somehow being able to survive while clinging to your dopey Hippie meanderings. Most of those of that generation either grew up and went on to live a semblance of a productive life, or, it seems, ended up living on the sidewalks of San Fran Freako, LA, Seattle, Portland, and other socialist conclaves that coddle to their every nonsensical whim ... all of course at the expense of honest, hard working taxpayers."
A leech, is a leech, is a leech, and Dahlheimer is a leech. The "spiritual"meanderings of his dead mentors have to ride piggyback on others...since his unsustainable philosophies are mere air and not producing concrete manifest of productive life for himself, or anyone else, any society as time proves again and again. People like him live off of a healthy host as his approach is entirely parasitic. For now his leeching must pay the bills. And no less true, the Vatican is a total leech and perhaps biggest parasite of all in the religious realm and there are many, many leeches in that arena of every stripe. No wonder they are conforming to the insidious globalist encroachment (and falling away as in 2 Thess)
But there comes a day...
Oh woe the day, Dahlheimer.
Well put 10:47 AM
Chinese government begins forcing some citizens to submit to fingerprint, facial scans to enter CHURCHES
Tom, PLEASE don't live up to the stereotype:
Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer 9:50 AM
"Wikipedia say: Many rituals related..."
Otherwise, what's next?
"Bad white black, red and yellow men say: NAM man speak with heap big forked tongue"?
Anon @ 9:55 AM ...
Thanks for that one ... I needed a good laugh !
In the spirituality of the millennia-old religions of Central and South America, the name of Mother Earth is Pachamama, the goddess of fertility. She is revered as the goddess who presides over planting and harvesting, embodies the mountains and causes earthquakes.
She is, in short, the giver of life, and the source of the earth, sun, moon and water. And she is not just a conceptual entity, a poetic name for creation, like Americans refer to "Mother Nature."
Pachamama is seen as a conscious personal being. Sacrifices are made to her.
Hindus and New Agers believe that Mother Earth is a less-than-divine personal being and that the earth was directly created by God, and that "Spirit existed before God. God is the Creator of the universe, but Spirit is the Creator of God," as stated by Paramahansa Yogananda, the father of yoga in the West and confirmed by, both, Helena Blavatsky, the mother of the New Age Movement and David Spangler, one of the founding figures of the modern New Age Movement.
Mr. Spangler, wrote: "The idea of a world soul, an anima mundi, a planetary Logos, is an ancient one found in both Eastern and Western culture. The world soul is usually conceived as a "formative force," an active, intelligent, purposeful spiritual presence at work in the material world to guide and guard the course of planetary evolution. It is generally not accorded the status of being the ultimate source, or Creator [or Spirit, the indirect Creator of the universe], but might be looked upon as a great angelic or archangelic being [who is a less-than-divine manifestation of God or god, the direct creator of the universe.] presiding over the well being of the world, or the gestalt, the wholeness of all the lives and patterns that manifest upon, and as, the earth." In other words, something happened to God which cause Her to became a god who now manifests as the less-than-divine Mother Earth.
Wikipedia says: Many rituals related to the Pachamama are practiced in conjunction with those of Christianity, to the point that many families are simultaneously Christian and pachamamistas. Pachamama is sometimes syncretized as the Virgin of Candelaria [who is Jesus's Mother Mary].
Pachamama has become less-than-divine [by now identifying her as the Virgin Mary] for many families in Central and South America. These families worship Our Father in Heaven who is the transcendent Spirit beyond creation and honor Pachamama/the Virgin Mary/the world soul/Mother-Earth. These families now, like the Hindus and New Agers, honor Mother Earth as a less-than-divine being who is presiding over the well being of the world. Will the entire Roman Catholic Church be transformed so that all of its members believe and practices their faith as do these Central and South American families, I believe it will. The salvation of our planet's life supporting ecosystem(s) depends on it.
Dahlheimer @ 9:58 AM
You are, in short, deceived.
And a leech.
Tell you lies, tell you sweet little lies...
It is where all the excuses are. Excuses for why you have unreasonably spurned the Lord Jesus Christ, and people in your life, others, so you can take, take, take, while you pretend to give, give, give.
You are filled with the gall of bitterness, and you attempt to dress that fact up to look different, but your posts never pass the smell test.
.....so predictable, very easy to read.
"Will the entire Roman Catholic Church be transformed so that all of its members believe and practices their faith as do these Central and South American families?'
It will, IF you fulfill your I.M.F'd mission!
"Pachamama is a goddess revered by the indigenous people of the Andes. She is also known as the earth/time mother. In Inca mythology, Pachamama is a fertility goddess who presides over planting and harvesting, embodies the mountains, and causes earthquakes." - Wikipedia
Video posted by the Catholic site LiteSiteNews depicting Pope Francis "blessing" the statue of the "fertility goddess" Pachamama.
It should not be a mystery that Dahlheimer associates the false goddess Pachamama with the RCC "virgin Mary."
RCC's "Mary" is representative of paganism, beginning with the RCC's incredible, blasphemous claim that she is the "Queen of Heaven" that sits on the throne next to her Son ... making "intercession" to Him on behalf of all of those that pray to HER.
The RCC's "Mary" has been elevated to near deity, by making the bogus claim that she was "born without sin" (the "Immaculate Conception), was "assumed bodily into heaven," should be prayed to, is referred to as "Co-Redemptrix," "Mediatrix," and is involved in the "redemption of all people." Her anti-God, blasphemous stone and or plaster statues appear in virtually every RCC in the world.
The RCC makes the claim that their "Mary" is the Queen of Heaven. The exact same title is referred to only twice in Scripture; both times the prophet Jeremiah condemned. Ask yourself this question; WHY would the RCC use a Pagan goddess title, condemned by God, and apply it to their "Mary?"
"Queen of Heaven" was a title given to a number of ancient sky goddesses worshipped throughout the ancient Mediterranean and Near East during ancient times. Goddesses known to have been referred to by the title include Inanna, Anat, Isis, Ishtar, Astarte, Astghik and possibly Asherah (by the prophet Jeremiah)." - Wikipedia
Do not be deceived, the RCC's "Mary" is one and the same with these ancient "goddesses" and is not the Mary of the Word of God.
The RCC's veneration and elevation of their "Mary" far exceeds the blasphemy of "blessing" the Pachamama statue by the Pope! That should be "REVOLTING" to everyone that loves the Lord and His Truth.
.... one more point I failed to mention:
The claim that "Mary" is the "Mother of God" is one of the RCC's biggest blasphemies. God, being eternal, cannot have a "Mother" (life giver).
Mary was the instrument by which God was manifested in HUMAN flesh. She had absolutely NOTHING to do with the "birth" of His deity, for it preexisted His advent!
Rand Paul Drops The 'C' Word: Names Whistleblower, Demands Testimony
Adam Schiff has openly lied to congress. Is it legal for Democrats to lie?
Easy to misinterpret, 11:44 AM (like Stan told Wendy through Jimmy) he ACTUALLY said they were a...
Matthew 7:16-20
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
"When you are investigating a crime it's best NOT to have the lead investigator also potentially involved in the type of criminal enterprise being investigated."
Exposed: Federal Intelligence Agencies Covered up ’80s Child Sex Cult
By StevieRay Hansen
H News Wire
The FBI Records Vault recently released a treasure trove of declassified documents about a 1980s sex cult known as “The Finders” – and the details are sure to shock you.
What we’ve already learned from these documents is that United States intelligence agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) covered up an epidemic of child sex abuse, ritual sacrifice, and other horrific crimes against humanity that were being propagated by The Finders.
Under the cover of darkness and deception, The Finders were abducting women, children, and other victims as part of “a large, well-organized scheme,” it has been revealed. Further, the US intelligence apparatus was covering for it all, failing – or more accurately refusing – to go after the perpetrators in order to bring them to justice.
A preliminary investigation has uncovered that prosecution against The Finders was declined as far back as the year 1987, which is apparently around the time that the FBI was trying to keep it all under wraps. Despite searches of properties owned by The Finders turning up extensive evidence of criminal activities, including tunnel systems underneath a fake preschool, the FBI chose to pretend as though nothing bad was happening.
This preschool was fake in that it had a fake fire alarm system installed that connected not to the local fire department, but to internal alert monitoring systems that kept a close eye on everyone inside. Further, more than 100 animal bones were found underneath the school’s floors, which suggests that the facility was being used for satanic ritual activity.
Local police never would have even known about this were it not for a tip called in about six filthy, crying children who were strangely in a park in Tallahassee, Florida, with just one man. Police arrested the man for child abuse and determined that the children he had with him showed signs of malnourishment and abuse.
Strangely, each of the children was later recovered by different adults who claimed to be their parents or guardians, but all of whom had the same exact script denying any wrongdoing. They all insisted that the children were fine, that no abuse had occurred, and even that images of the children slitting the throats of goats weren’t satanic, but a rather “hands-on” experience.
It was everything that law enforcement with integrity and honesty needed to seek justice for these poor, innocent children. But since our law enforcement agencies aren’t honest, nor do they act with integrity, authorities ended up declining prosecution. In other words, they simply went ahead and let these obvious criminals off the hook rather than try to get to the bottom of what was clearly going on: child abuse and ritual sacrifices.
None other than Robert Mueller shut down the FBI investigation into The Finders
We know from now-declassified documents that some members of The Finders were also CIA agents, including a woman by the name of Isabelle who worked for the CIA between 1951 and 1971. Records show that travel was made everywhere from Moscow to North Korea to North Vietnam, though The Finders appear to have been based in the US.
Details divulged through search warrants show that The Finders had – and possibly still have – numerous properties throughout the US, including a farm in Virginia that was found to have cages that were used to “hold children” – will the Democrats speak out about these children in cages, we wonder?
It has also been revealed that The Finders had –and again, possibly still have – classified maps of underground tunnel and sewer systems leading in and out of Washington, D.C., which is interesting considering all of the controversy surrounding the “Pizzagate” scandal, which was said to have been based out of the DC pizza joint “Comet Ping Pong.”
Bizarrely, The Finders even had access to Andrews Air Force Base, which is where cult members were told that they could flee the country in an instant on military planes headed for China. This suggests that The Finders are definitive members of the “deep state” cabal, which is how they have access to these and other top-secret, “government”-only facilities.
Warranted searches have also brought to light the use of books on mind control by The Finders, as well as other evidence that young children are, in fact, being sexually abused by cult members.
It probably won’t come as a surprise, but none other than Robert Mueller of the “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory is the guy who shut down all further inquiry into The Finders, which otherwise would have happened based on this cadre of evidence. And just what could have compelled him to make this decision, we wonder?
We’ll let you, our faithful readers, figure that one out on your own.
(For more related news about how the deep state controls our nation’s so-called “law enforcement” agencies, be sure to check out DeepState.news)
Epstein's Network, Part 1: Clinton Crime Family at Nexus of CIA's Iran-Contra Drug Operation
HUGE! EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL: Documents Released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor's Office Reveal MILLIONS Funneled To Hunter Biden And The John Kerry Family!
What a joke: Adam Schiff claims he doesn't know the name of the "Ukraine whistleblower" his office COACHED to lie!
Whistleblower Hosted Meeting Where Ukraine Officials Told To Drop Biden Investigation!
Whoopi Goldberg: ‘We didn’t call for impeachment after the election!’ Here’s Video of WHOOPI HERSELF Talking Impeachment THE DAY AFTER THE ELECTION!
It’s just not The View’s week. First Tulsi spanked them, then Donald Trump Jr. took ownership of the entire panel. In one of those heated exchanges, Kimberly Guilfoyle, senior adviser to Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign, pointed out The View called for the impeachment of Donald Trump as early as the DAY AFTER Trump was elected. Makes sense, considering everyone else in the leftist media did the same. Whoopi Goldberg vehemently denied anyone said such a thing.
Well isn’t this awkward.
According to the video below, WHOOPI is the one who called for Trump’s impeachment all the way back in November of 2016.
Guilfoyle: “The first day after the election you said, ‘and now let’s start with impeachment’ … it was on this show on November 9th.”
Goldberg: “No, actually it wasn’t”
Here's the clip on Nov 9:
Goldberg: ”We can kick his ass out ... here is such a thing called impeachment”
Aw, don’t you just love the internet? Moment’s like this make me even glad we have Twitter.
It’s been a good day for the conservative movement. I’d say a good 24 hours. Not a good 24 hours for The View, but when you dabble in lies, propaganda, and smear campaigns, it’s just not that surprising people who’ve been the object of those smear campaigns fight back.
Which is how I want to close this post. Don Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard both appeared on The View. They both fought back, not just defending themselves, but going on offense. Don Jr., as a result, pretty much owned the news cycle today. Not to be outdone by what ABC and CBS did to the whistleblower on the Epstein Coverup. But we’ll get back to that tomorrow. America is America because our fore fathers and mothers weren’t content to just lie down and take it. Fighting back is part of our greater American character. So when Americans see fighters pushing back on shit like what The View pulled, America stands behind them.
The GOP needs to be taking notes.
Diligent notes.
Fine example of Sharia Law put into real life practice:
WHAT A SHOCK: Their Demonic-like Rationalizations Seem To Have NO Bounds...
WATCH: Prominent Democrat Claims 'HEARSAY Can Be Much Better Evidence Than Direct' Evidence at Impeachment Inquiry
One reason they want to swiftly conduct their impeachment attempt:
"Sure, We Believe You! -And Tulsi Gabbard's Leading The Pack No Doubt!" Dept:
Clinton says she is under 'enormous pressure' to consider another campaign for POTUS
November 14, 2019
What should be headline news across the country is relegated to a single local newspaper fighting back against illegal government surveillance.
Over the past two years, Memphis, Tennessee Mayor Jim Strickland and the Memphis Police Department have claimed that a 1978 consent decree barring them from conducting political surveillance limits their ability to fight crime.
The Commercial Appeal warns that Strickland wants to destroy the 41 year old ban on public surveillance without a warrant.
"Before the Memphis municipal election, Strickland’s administration filed documents under seal in federal court asking to modify the 1978 Kendrick consent decree — the court order in question. That order keeps the Memphis Police Department from keeping people under surveillance unless they're believed to be committing a crime."
How much shadier can things get?
Memphis Police Director Michael W. Rallings said, "that monitoring these public social media posts is simply good police work." And Mayor Strickland claimed two years ago, "that several dozen names he signed a trespassing arrest authorization for were done without his knowledge."
Memphis Daily News reporter Bill Nies asked if the City Hall list of active protesters was a result of police surveillance, Strickland said, “I don’t know. I didn’t create the list. I didn’t even know it existed as of 10 days ago.”
Strickland claims he didn't create a government blacklist but signed off on it anyway? Nothing shady about that right?
The ACLU notes that the police department and Homeland Security decided to ignore the consent decree three years ago and secretly monitor activists and protesters.
"In 2016 and 2017, Memphis Police Department’s Office of Homeland Security decided it was legally appropriate and a good use of resources to create a fraudulent Facebook profile whose purpose was to deceive activists and gather information from them, including information from private posts."
They even went so far as to create a PowerPoint presentation about BLM activists who protested police shootings. (To view the timeline of police surveillance click here: https://www.aclu-tn.org/blacklisted-memphis-police-surveillance-and-kendrick-v-chandler-a-timeline)
Why does the mayor want the feds to allow them to surveil the public again?
Because, public safety of course...
Violent crime in Memphis and the rest of the country is at record lows, why do police keep insisting they need to surveil the public and monitor their social media activity?
Farrah Bara's recent whitepaper called, "From Memphis, With Love: A Model To Protect Protestors In The Age Of Surveillance" said it best.
"First, the sheer growth of technology allows officers to track vast quantities of information about protesters, making surveillance seamless. Social media, in particular, plays a direct role in this surveillance because social media accounts can access an individual’s location, which new technologies might be able to gather and analyze. For example, in 2017 and 2018, the federal government was granted two patents that endow it with the ability to use social media enabled technology to predict when the next protest will occur." (To view the patents click here & here.)
That is the real reason DHS, politicians, and law enforcement want to have access to CCTV cameras and social media: to identify activists and squelch dissent.
WMC Action News also described how DHS and the Memphis police used surveillance to target activists and protesters and place them on secret government blacklists.
"This is why people do not trust government. This is why people do not trust law enforcement; it's because of this," Paul Garner with Mid-South Peace and Justice said.
Our country has a history of surveilling and targeting activists, protesters, and union workers. So please do not take the governments word that they need to secretly monitor the public to keep everyone safe.
Something VERY STRANGE Going On In Drudge Land - Drudge Report Bleeds Traffic As Conservatives Wonder If The Reclusive Owner Has Been Compromised
By Susan Duclos
All News PipeLine
More than 20 years ago Matt Drudge's website 'Drudge Report' exploded after he broke the story of an intern's affair, Monica Lewinsky, with the sitting President, Bill Clinton.
It is now 20 years later and the Drudge Report over that time came to be the number one source for conservatives to check to be referred to other news stories to which Drudge found to be important, which then generally would go viral by the very nature of a Drudge link. The Drudge Report even became a number one stop for liberals to know what the "other side" was focusing on.
The owner of the Drudge Report, known to be reclusive, has consistently run a very simple, clean, website. White background, sirens as headers for bombshell stories, and links to all types of websites, liberal, independent, conservatives, and advertisements where Drudge earned his revenue.
Over the last few months conservatives have noticed a change in tone regarding Drudge links, more left-leaning news now dominates the entire website, and while Drudge helped catapult President Trump into the White House, recently the feel of his site has been increasingly anti-Trump and anti-conservative.
This isn't just a perceived change as tracking metrics over at Similar Web, shows that Drudge is bleeding tens of millions of readers per month, as other Drudge alternatives start popping up and are seeing astoundingly fast growth.
Via True Pundit:
Drudge’s overall web traffic is down nearly 18 percent in September and October, according to the tracking metrics on Similar Web. That’s a massive and accelrated slide from approximately 93 million visits to 77 million.
The 180 degree turn by Drudge Report is not just being noted by conservatives, as even far left liberal sites such as the Daily Beast have reported on this.
Donald Trump fans have been fuming for weeks at conservative mega-aggregator Matt Drudge, alleging that his Drudge Report has backed Democrats’ impeachment push and ignored GOP arguments in favor of the president. And now, as a measure of their dissatisfaction, would-be internet media moguls are looking to make it big by creating Drudge Report clones and, potentially, stealing his visitors.
The owners of the conservative Drudge-style aggregator sites—with names like...
•Liberty Daily
—say they’ve seen traffic BOOMS since outspoken conservatives began accusing Drudge of an anti-Trump bias. Gab, the social-media network popular with white-supremacist extremists, recently launched its own Drudge-style news aggregator site, Gab Trends, amid discontent from Trump supporters with Drudge.
This sudden change after 20 years of building an online conservative base just as the digital era exploded, to now becoming a Trump bashing website, with some even wondering if Drudge was infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, has many people speculating as to what the heck has happened to Matt Drudge.
Speculation is running rampant as shown by one article on this issue over at NOQ Report:
But even as Romney is getting lampooned, Drudge is still promoting the anti-Trump narrative. I’ve started asking around to see the validity of a conspiracy theory I heard that he was never really a Trump fan, but because he thought Trump would lose to Hillary Clinton, he pumped up Trump through the primaries and continued supporting him until he won. One even mentioned that the Clintons or someone else (multiple people mentioned George Soros) may now have dirt on Drudge and are turning him to the dark side.
Others think that "Drudge has taken his LGBTQ sensibilities and crossed the aisle to dance with the Democrats," while yet others think Drudge is simply following the clicks, meaning willing to take any side as long as his site receives the traffic, but if that were the case, the drop of tens of millions of visitors over the course of a two month period, would have resulted in some fast changes.
On October 25, 2019, World Tribune titled a piece asking "Drudge mystery: The brand lives, but who runs it and where is Matt?"
That is an excellent question as Drudge, in his typical fashion, has not offered comment on any of the multitude of articles that have been written on this topic, but as where Drudge was always fast to highlight any story, article, or data about his website, it appears he is deliberately downplaying or ignoring the speculation surrounding his political switch.
Despite the amount of speculation surrounding Drudge and his recent foray into the Democrat mindset of "Orange Man BAD," there are indicators that Matt Drudge, seeing the censorship of conservatives and knowing how hard big tech and social media are going to fight against all conservative thought, ideas and narrative, Drudge may very well have simply sold out.
It was reported by BuzzFeed back in August 2019, that Drudge, known for making absolutely no changes to his platform other than the links, suddenly dropped his advertising partner for a brand new representative.
In a surprising turn, Drudge Report removed ads between the end of May and mid-July, according to Danny Rogers, a cofounder of the Global Disinformation Index, a project that’s analyzing domains to generate “risk ratings of the world’s media sites.” After noticing an absence of ads on Drudge around May 31, “we didn’t see any ads on Drudge until about July 12,” Rogers told BuzzFeed News.
During that period, Drudge cast off his advertising representative of close to 20 years, Intermarkets, in favor of a new and unknown company, Granite Cubed. It has no record in the digital ad industry, was only registered as a company in March of this year, and lists no staff or owners on its websites. Yet it just landed one of the biggest websites in the US.
“Any time a 20-year relationship comes to an end is certainly a surprising turn of events,” said Jay Friedman, president of Goodway Group, a digital agency that specializes in programmatic media buying.
Corporate records show that Granite Cubed is owned by Margaret Otto. She and her husband, Adrian, have a business association with the Drudge family that goes back years. The couple acquired Refdesk, a reference website founded by Bob Drudge, Matt’s father, in 2017. They also operated a company that began hosting the Drudge Report in 1999 and later added Breitbart as a customer. (The couple did not answer questions about whether they still own that hosting company or if it’s still hosting Drudge or Breitbart.)
Adrian Otto is the technical director of Google Cloud. He told BuzzFeed News he is not involved with Granite Cubed. Upon joining Google in 2017 from Rackspace, he said, he “stopped operating [his] other business interests” and is no longer involved with “hosting duties” for other websites. Otto was previously listed as the technical contact in the domain registration of breitbart.com, and was thanked by name in the foreword to Andrew Breitbart’s book about Hollywood.
The timing fits. While Drudge has always linked to liberal news sites like Wapo, NYT, CNN, because he enjoys being able to brag about being a huge referrer when he links to his own Similar Web data, the hard left turn has been more recent, almost like he saw the writing on the wall and decided to get out while the getting was good.
Whether any of the speculation is correct or not will likely be revealed in time, what is 100 percent definite is that there is something strange going on in Drudge land, and the ownership has somehow been compromised.
What’s with the Drudge Report’s Leftward tilt? Is Matt angry with POTUS Trump?
Something strange has been happening over the past year that has turned many of his staunchest supporters into former supporters: The conservative news aggregator who mentored with one of the most influential conservative journalists and media moguls in recent history — Breitbart — appears to be leaning…Leftward.
Fortunately, there is an alternative: Censored.news. The aggregate site, which has been growing steadily since its introduction in 2017, provides readers with legitimate links to sites featuring conservative, pro-Trump, and pro-America content, not Left-wing anti-American sources that Drudge constantly links to nowadays.
What happened? It’s possible that Drudge, who really seemed pro-Trump prior to the 2016 election, is angry at the president over his feud with conservative pundit and pal Ann Coulter (they were seen together attending one of Trump’s debates). That appears to be about the time Drudge started his “leftward” lurch.
If so, that’d be a shame. Drudge has been a stalwart promoter of conservative media. Looks like his crown is about to be taken, however.
Leaked Bank Records - Confirm Burisma - Biden Payments To Morgan Stanley Account
"Can you imagine if this was Don Jr".?
Constance, you may have interested in this? Pages of documents in this article.
BREAKING: Senator Johnson plans to subpoena Hunter and Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, and CIA operative Eric Ciaramella…
EXCLUSIVE: Prosecutor of Roger Stone calls for immediate arrest and indictment of Alex Jones from the floor of the courtroom where Stone was just convicted
Friday, November 15, 2019
By: Mike Adams
Natural News
Exclusive – The same prosecutor who ran the rigged “kangaroo court” show trial against Roger Stone is on the courtroom floor demanding the immediate arrest and indictment of Alex Jones, according to sources who have spoken directly to Natural News in the last few minutes.
Reporters who have been covering the trial have contacted Alex Jones, warning him that the deep state is now leapfrogging off the “victory” against Roger Stone, aiming to silence Alex Jones by having him arrested. The charge? According to sources, Alex Jones is now being accused of calling for a mass uprising against tyranny. Such a call is not a crime, by the way. It is enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
When Democrats call for protests, of course, that’s characterized as “justice.” When Trump supporters call for peaceful, lawful protests, that’s smeared as a crime.
“This is the closest level of naked tyranny I have ever seen,” said Alex Jones on his live InfoWars.com broadcast today. “This is a message to the deep state that says to anybody who supports Trump in 2020, we are going to bankrupt you, we are going to put you in prison, we’re coming for your children and we’re going to destroy you,” Jones added.
Alex Jones is a fraud, a paid psyops stooge.
Trump? Just yet another puppet. When oh when will you blind sheeple wake up? If Trump were a danger to the Deep State (which controls him), he would have been Kennedy-ed.
Gog Magog invasion slowly but surely. Russia encroaches ever slightly. I have a feeling Russia will be a 'peace keeper' in that region first. But one morning it will become Israel's worst nightmare.
"Scientists In China Are Using LIVE ANIMALS As CRASH TEST Dummies"
Forgive us, but they are one insane race of people, the Chinese.
No wonder, the Dragon is their emblem, that race of ruthless cunning wasps.
"If Trump were a danger to the Deep State...he would have been Kennedy-ed."
ALMIGHTY GOD is in charge, NOT the Deep State! The ALMIGHTY may or may not ALLOW things to happen.
Always great to hear the musings of an addle-brained racist like you, 12:16 AM.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
12:16 AM
I read that article myself, and the Oriental race is enigmatic to those outside their culture. Are they more brutal than blacks, or whites? Probably not. The Russian revolution was probably the bloodiest purge in human history. We whites also brutally fire bombed, and then nuked the Japanese. I'm sure the US military thought of them as barbarians worthy of extermination. The US continues it's dirty deeds today throughout the world. The Deep State assasinates, and overthrows those whom they see as a threat to their Satanic NWO. Blacks seem to be as prone to violence as the rest of us as well. Communism is a religion, and the Chinese seem to be perhaps the most faithful and adaptive to that system? All three races abort their children in staggering numbers. Infanticide in China has murdered staggering numbers of innocents. Interpol has declared the Mexican mafias as the most brutal in the world. The Earth is filled with ungodliness, and violence. All this with be sorted out by our Savior/King who will use His rod of iron to break the nation's in pieces! The people of the US are set at odds with one another by design. Lawlessness is rampant, and all our institution are corrupt. This is not a 'free country', the elites use the Constitution for toilet paper. The populous is asleep, with their main interests being consuming alcohol, and drugs, watching television, and satisfying them selves with ever conceivable perverted lust. It's no wonder the West is lost. Have a nice weekend!
Report Finds China Still Harvesting Organs From Political Dissidents, Minorities
Globalists Openly Admit To Population Control Agenda - And That's A Bad Sign
DARPA Seeks "Militarized Microbes" So They Can Spread Genetically - Modified Bacteria
Not to worry, 9:42 AM or 12:16 AM.
Jesus Christ will be returning soon. Sooner than people realize.
He will hit the reset button, when He rules upon the earth.
But things will turn a whole worse with the whole earth and all the peoples of this world for a certain pre-ordained time. Are people preparing their hearts for this? Anybody can see the times we are in on this little blue planet.
It is not about races because there is only one..the human race. Bad religion, bad belief, (individual or collective) which is every other belief apart from the God of the Bible, the 66 books that alone spell out Who God is, and what He has done about our sin problem. Bad beliefs make for bad cultures, and all have fallen short, and proves that all people have sold God short in unbelief, yet His arm is not too short to save.
Evidence it is all of us are of Adam's fallen race, but the Last Adam has done the heavy lifting for us--He has redeemed and bought us back..well, actually those who freely chose to believe and take Him up on the free offer---His Great Salvation by the Cross He bore. Ephesians 2: 1-10 and Romans 5: 6-10, just 2 of many, many passages, speak so plainly, so understandably for us. The Bible's Old spoke it and the New fulfilled it.
So truth is, we cannot blame, or be bitter, against anyone, for we ourselves are all part of the shortfall....God has made up our lack in the Lord Jesus. Praise God, He is our Hope.
Our only Hope.
"Always great to hear the musings of an addle-brained racist like you, 12:16 AM.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!"
Always happy to have raised the blood pressure of a hypocrite like you!
You PC coward!
Is The Fed Directly Monetizing US Debt?
MMT (Modern Monetary Theory). Money out of thin air!
I wasn't scoring on any people group by numeric measure. I was only saying all humans can be equally sinful. This is God's department to sort things out! I'm sure the Vietnamese were brutal as well.
The US gets involved in wars because the US/Babylon is one of satans favorite tools to pervert, corrupt, plunder, rape, and destroy anything remotely godly. On a global scale! No one should 'serve' in the US military.The US is one nation under satan! The thirteen stripes on the flag represent the rebellion of the founding Mason's. The stars represent fallen angels whom the powers that be worship, and serve! The blue background represnt the daughters of man whom they fornicated with. Thirteen stripes, fifty stars = 63, or three sixes. The great satanic US flag! 666. Burn the damn thing! It's an Idol, as is hyper patriotism! The US will shortly destroy Iran because Satan can't have any rouge/Independent nations. Soon after that victory we will be destroyed by Russia, and some other nations with them. Praise the Lord for that! Even if I and all my children die, it is God's righteous judgement. All nations will receive some judgement as the Lord measures perfectly.
Also, if the Marine Corps were just, they would post service court martial Robert Mueller, who is an enemy of the American people, and a criminal!
For the truth about the founding of the United States:
Free on-line book
Dragon Flood @ http://www.heart4god.ws/dragon-flood.htm
'Goofballs Anonymous' Annual Gabfest Is Now In Session...
11:27 PM "When oh when will you blind sheeple wake up?"
12:16 AM "they are one insane race of people, the Chinese.
No wonder,the Dragon is their emblem, that race of ruthless cunning wasps."
1:06 PM "Asiatics are different!"
1:35 PM "The US is one nation under satan! The thirteen stripes on the flag represent the rebellion of the founding Mason's. The stars represent fallen angels whom the powers that be worship, and serve! The blue background represnt the daughters of man whom they fornicated with. Thirteen stripes, fifty stars = 63, or three sixes. The great satanic US flag! 666. Burn the damn thing! It's an Idol, as is hyper patriotism! The US will shortly destroy Iran because Satan can't have any rouge/Independent nations. Soon after that victory we will be destroyed by Russia, and some other nations with them. Praise the Lord for that!"
New Papal Sins?
4:33 PM,
If you want to find a goofball, go and take a good, long and hard look in the mirror, provided you can miraculously break through the chains of your desensitized blackened heart and cognitively dissonant tiny mind combined with your utter blindness and willful ignorance.
You are, similar to the cliched ostrich with its head in the sand, the blinded dung beetle with its entire head lodged firm within the dung; filled with of all the filth that the banks of the Nile has to offer.
You are the Holocaust denying type that was rife in Nazi Germany - a bit like Vietnam when American forces were raping little girls and boys before setting them on fire with Napalm: the 'wasn't really sure what was going on' type.
You are a common sewer variety of a willful idiot, the archetype of which, has been around for Millenia.
My Lai: 50 years after, American soldiers’ shocking crimes must be remembered
‘Random Murder, Rape, and Pillage’: A US Soldier Describes 1968 in Vietnam
American Rape of Vietnamese Women was Considered “Standard Operating Procedure”
The Vietnam War Crimes You Never Heard Of
The list goes on.
11:06 PM
Enough about your mother, what about ME?
@ 4:33 PM / 2:25 AM,
The whole my post at 11:06 PM refers to you, and your last post has proven my point beyond anything your small mind and evil heart could comprehend. I shall say nothing of your mother, other than I feel deeply sorry for her.
Feel sorry for yourself, you're pitiable personified.
The Senate is Getting Ready to Pass a Bill That Will Thrill The Chinese Communist Party No End!
If You Are Caucasian, 'Deplorable' & Don't Believe CNN & The MSM's Reporting, You're Already Being Targeted By The Same Agency Attempting For 3 Years To Overthrow The 2016 Election
'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' Is Fascism & Goes Against The Founding Principles Of America!
All News Pipeline
November 16, 2019
On Wednesday, the FBI released their Lone Offender Terrorism Report which breaks down selected 'lone terrorist events' from 1972 to 2015. They compiled data on race, ideology, income, drug use, level of isolation, and trigger events such as rejection.
You can read the report for yourself embedded in full at the bottom of this story.
You can easily see how the FBI is focused on anti-government ideology, which they pigeonhole as ‘conspiracy theory’. What I want to draw attention to is swamp monster and FBI Director Christopher Wray’s introduction to the report. I also want to point out that the report can be viewed in two distinct ways by the FBI. One way is justification for pre-crime surveillance, forced mental health screenings, and harassment by law enforcement and other government and NGO agencies.
The other way the FBI could use this report is in the creation of lone wolf terrorists. If you target a segment of people in the widest way the data suggests, such as white American citizens with nationalist beliefs, then work down the list of economics, education, find those who are single or divorced, who have had recent negative events in their lives, then you find a group that the FBI believes are susceptible to terrorist actions.
At that point they could push those people by causing the very situations they have studied such as isolation, rejection, financial difficulties, or give them a focus for their anger and desire for revenge. In short, it is a checklist for creating domestic extremists if they decide to use it that way. Those of us who remember attacks such as the Garland, Texas 'Draw Mohammed incident' know the FBI sent the attackers an email to “go tear up Texas” prior to the attack. Only alert security prevented a tragedy that the FBI deliberately provoked.
Let’s take a look at Christopher Wray’s introduction to the report.
Message from FBI Director Wray:
"As we’ve all witnessed, the threats we face from terrorism and targeted violence are rapidly evolving. We’ve seen a steady increase in the number of attacks and the array of attack methodologies, targets, and underlying motivations driving the attackers. The FBI is committed to using all appropriate tools and resources to prevent these acts from happening. We work side-by-side with our federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners to address and mitigate threats of terrorism and targeted violence. These efforts are led largely by our formal task forces, such as Joint Terrorism Task Forces and Violent Crime Task Forces, and also through less formal, but equally important, liaison relationships between the FBI and law enforcement professionals at all levels of government.
"But prevention is more than just a law enforcement effort. Law enforcement is working diligently to improve its collaboration and coordination with other government entities, such as community mental health, social services, probation and parole, and educators, as well as private sector partners and stakeholders, to share information and ensure all entities are working together to help manage and mitigate threats.
"All citizens have a critical role in prevention. Prevention efforts are greatly enhanced by the early recognition and reporting of suspicious behaviors by those individuals around a person of concern, such as family members, peers, and community members. Bystanders need guidance to recognize concerning behaviors and overcome natural resistance to reporting. Just as important as early recognition by bystanders is the need to have well-trained, skilled, and competent receivers of that reporting – individuals who can assess potential threats and share information with other stakeholders so that they can gather additional information, further assess the threat, and take action to mitigate that threat.
"One method for coordinating these often complicated responsibilities is the use of multi-disciplinary threat assessment and management teams. The core concept of these teams brings stakeholders and subject matter experts together to accurately and holistically assess threats and to devise effective and appropriate threat management strategies.
"The FBI’s Behavioral Threat Assessment Center (BTAC), established in 2010, is a national-level multi-disciplinary and multi-agency threat assessment and management team. The BTAC provides operational support to FBI field offices and our law enforcement partners on some of the most complex, concerning, and complicated threat cases related to terrorism and targeted violence. The BTAC also conducts extensive research on prior acts of terrorism and targeted violence to learn from past events, to enhance and improve prevention capabilities, and to train the community and other stakeholders involved in this space. The Lone Offender Terrorism Report (LOTR) is the latest example of this important research.
"The lessons learned from the LOTR are similar in many ways to past FBI research, as well as academic research, on the pre-attack behaviors, stressors, and risk factors exhibited by and experienced by previous attackers. While the attackers in this report were ideologically-motivated lone offenders, they were rarely completely isolated and alone, and they traveled down the same observable and discernible pathways to violence as other attackers. The lessons learned in this report reinforce the principle that, like other acts of targeted violence, lone offender terrorism may be preventable through early recognition and reporting of concerning behavior.
"This research report is unique from other research on this topic because of the richness and quality of the underlying data used to conduct the research (e.g., case files and other law enforcement records). In addition, the FBI, through the BTAC’s daily work in providing operational support on threat cases, is well positioned to analyze the findings through an operational lens and to make observations from the data, which can be used by other threat assessment professionals. With this focus, the authors of this report have attempted to look beyond the data to identify and articulate substantive suggestions and considerations for how readers might apply the lessons learned to enhance our collective prevention efforts."
-Christopher A. Wray Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
When Wray speaks of working with “partners”, remember Infragard.org , the FBI’s domestic snitch and spying program that uses churches, schools, corporations, and community groups to spy on their neighbors. You must remember when he talks about early reporting of individuals that these are people who have not committed any crime. The FBI wants you to report people who think wrong, not just act wrong. He wants to “overcome your natural resistance” to spying on each other and reporting your opinions to the authorities.
The BTAC structure is the Fusion Center, multiple federal law enforcement agencies working with local and state police departments. Once suspicions are raised against you, the entire weight of the government will asses you as a threat and proceed accordingly, which guarantees you a lot of unpleasant encounters with all levels of law enforcement, regardless of whether you have even been suspected of committing or planning to commit a crime.
This is fascism and goes against every foundational principle of America. You have no right to confront your accusers. You have no right to privacy. They are even digging through your psychological makeup to target you. You are NO longer innocent until proven guilty.
And if you are white, if you are Deplorable, if you don’t believe CNN reporting, YOU are ALREADY TARGETED by the same agency that has been involved in a three year and counting attempt to overturn an election!
Other Current ANP Articles:
✓From 'Red Flag Laws' To 'Red List Roundups', History Proves The Road To Tyranny Includes Mass Mental Illness 'Hospitalizations' & 'Exterminations' Of People 'Opposed To The State'
✓The Democrats Fantasy Impeachment In Search Of A Crime Has Turned The Rule Of Law On Its Head In America
✓The Inconvenient Truth & Disturbing Facts About Slavery Democrats & The MSM Pushing 'Divide & Conquer' Don't Want You To Know!
All 'Free Americans' Would Be 'Slaves' If Democrats & Globalists Had Their Way!
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to the recent unforeseen events, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So, if you like stories like this, please consider helping ANP.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
3 more altar boys say they were sexually abused by priests in THE VATICAN
"Once again, you illustrate your carelessness in your misspelling of Tischendorf’s name." okay carelessness. you got me there. but that has no bearing on what was said about him because we know who we are talking about, right? so the grammar and spelling police are after me again. must run and hide.
"Of course the texts found in the Byz readings are copies of copies of copies (and etc.) of originals that were written in that region."
thank you for making my point for me.
" But we don’t know the extent of the errors from first generation to extant manuscripts (mss). How closely does a given ms reflect the original author’s writing?"
its gotta be closer to the original than stuff in a distant land consisting of three mss which show erasures and corrections proving the scribes were sloppy and its easier to lose something than add something.
the rest is nitpicking.
other perhaps more important issues: while the evil statue is not in the Vatican City state but Rome, the lack of protest by the Vatican (which term incl. not just the pope but his gaggle of factotums any one of which can make a statement that qualifies as "from the Vatican") in the larger context of south american paganism getting a psss, shows something is seriously wrong. And not just the pope but the rest who went along with the Amazon Synod.
Real ID as internal passport - NOT it will not be required for travel between states or anywhere as long as travel isn't by airplane and you need it to get into federal property. theoretically that would incl. post offices and courts but I think its about more serious type installations. It requires a birth certificate to get to prove you aren't an alien, resident or illegal.
Adam Schiff and George Soros - why am I not surprised.
with the evangelicals leading the charge to immorality and new age practices, and the RC leading the charge into overt paganism, sunds like whoever said the churches would bring in the new age knew about some heavy duty infiltration and opinio nmolding plans in the works back then.
Call to uprising against tyranny is NOT enshrined in the Bill of Rights, only gathering peacefully to demand redress of grievances. Alex Jones didn't call for such but frequently specifies non violent uprising and also occasionally worries that the Democrats will trigger a civil war in which they strike first.
Good to see you're taking a long hard look in that mirror, 1:54PM.
Oh but yes indeed, I immediately ran over to the nearest mirror because I implicitly trust the profound insight of a screwball who proclaims things like:
"11:27 PM "When oh when will you blind sheeple wake up?"
12:16 AM "they are one insane race of people, the Chinese.
No wonder, the Dragon is their emblem, that race of ruthless cunning wasps."
1:06 PM "Asiatics are different!"
1:35 PM "The US is one nation under satan! The thirteen stripes on the flag represent the rebellion of the founding Mason's. The stars represent fallen angels whom the powers that be worship, and serve! The blue background represnt the daughters of man whom they fornicated with. Thirteen stripes, fifty stars = 63, or three sixes. The great satanic US flag! 666. Burn the damn thing! It's an Idol, as is hyper patriotism! The US will shortly destroy Iran because Satan can't have any rouge/Independent nations. Soon after that victory we will be destroyed by Russia, and some other nations with them. Praise the Lord for that!"
Witchcraft and black magic contribute to increase in child abuse
Planned Parenthood Launches Tool on Their Website That Helps 13-Year-Olds Get Abortions!
Controversial Bill Maher segment warns about looming CIVIL WAR…
10 Reasons Why This Impeachment ‘Inquiry’ is REALLY a COUP!
11:38 AM,
I have either given you far to much credit in implying you are minimally exceptional, in that you are too stupid to see the string of citations you have posted are not from the same post and, therefore, potentially not from the same poster; or that you, in your stupidity, have attempted to contrive a deception through such, as though such citations, which are not all of the same nature at all, are from the same person.
The only text which you have just cited, which is from me is your citation drawn from my post at 11:27 PM: "When oh when will you blind sheeple wake up?"
In addition, I am not a racist. Here's a little hint (not taken off or translated via the internet or elsewhere): ni shi yige tamade Xiao nao de hundan, mingbai ma? Souye, yichian ni xiang de shuo shi de yige ren, wei chu he kan zai nide cho ba guay de lien de yise! Mama pie, Xabi!
Therefore, I refer your ugly ass back to your mirror from whence you ran. Now 'cough - cough - cough - cough, all the way back to the cesspit you crawled out of!
Pope Suddenly Replaces Top Vatican Financial Regulator In Developing Mystery Scandal
https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/pope-suddenly-replaces-top-vatican-financial- regulator-developing-bank-scandle
Link from 8:17 AM post should read
Trump's food tester stricken with severe symptoms
The Deep State - Who Rules America? - Full Documentary by Freedom TV
9:43 AM
Took you long enough to state which post was yours, didn't it? Interesting. And regardless, that post was already sharply put in it's place, so it's hardly something to proudly claim ownership over:
"Anonymous 5:15 AM
"'If Trump were a danger to the Deep State...he would have been Kennedy-ed.'
"ALMIGHTY GOD is in charge, NOT the Deep State! The ALMIGHTY may or may not ALLOW things to happen.
...and your going overboard comments:
"Alex Jones is a fraud, a paid psyops stooge.
Trump? Just yet another puppet. When oh when will you blind sheeple wake up? If Trump were a danger to the Deep State (which controls him), he would have been Kennedy-ed."
...are still, by themselves, in the 'goofball' range (although admittedly less so the others cited).
Your charm is your strong point, however. LOL!
Constance & Company:
“Eye” Can See Clearly Now, With These 8 Nutrients
By: Zoey Sky
Natural News
A healthy diet is essential for your overall well-being. But did you know that certain nutrients also help boost your eye health?
As you get older, your risk of developing an eye disease increases. In certain cases, the risk of getting these conditions is linked to genetics – your diet and lifestyle may also play a role.
Some common age-related eye diseases include:
•Cataracts or clouded eyes. Age-related cataracts are one of the main causes of vision impairment and blindness worldwide.
•Diabetic retinopathy, which is linked to diabetes, is a major cause of visual impairment and blindness. A person with diabetes may develop retinopathy if high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in your retina.
•Macular degeneration involves damage to the macula, the central part of your retina. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a major cause of blindness in developed countries.
Boost your intake of these eight nutrients...
You wrote: its [referring to Byz mss] gotta be closer to the original than stuff in a distant land [referring to Alexandrian mss] consisting of three mss [ED: !!] which show erasures and corrections proving the scribes were sloppy and its easier to lose something than add something. the rest is nitpicking.
Not only have you vastly oversimplified this—and you’ve failed to provide any evidence to make any sort of real case against Westcott (& Hort)—you’ve just illustrated that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Using the map above as our guide, and assuming scholars are correct that Paul wrote 1st Thessalonians, note that Paul likely wrote Thessalonians (see L-5) from Corinth (L-6). That is, though this letter originated in Corinth (L-6), its intended recipients were in Thessalonica (L-5). Yet some manuscripts of this epistle were found in Galatia (Q-5) and Alexandria (O-9). Why would we think the ones found in Galatia of later generation would be superior (more faithful in content to original autographs) to those found in Alexandria of earlier generation? The distance (as the crow flies) from Thessalonica to Alexandria is not much more than the distance from Thessalonica to Galatia, but the distance from Corinth (think of the letters to the Corinthians) to Alexandria is closer than the distance from Corinth to Galatia. So, Alexandria is a “distant land” from what point exactly?
As for the number of Alexandrian mss—much more than three—see here:
Every text-type exhibits erasures, corrections (though some may simply be explanatory comments placed in the margins of the ms), additions, and subtractions. The Byz mss, e.g., do not include “nor the Son” in Matthew 24:36, while the Alexandrian include the phrase. This is but one example of the Alexandrian containing more ‘difficult’ verbiage as compared to the Byz. The Byz, as it seems to me and some NT text critics, has a tendency to smooth out ‘difficulties’ and to harmonize passages, most especially Jesus’ words in the Synoptics.
At the end of the day, one may prefer this text-type over that one—though I prefer taking an eclectic approach to textual criticism, the method employed in the UBS/NA Greek texts—but, to do so by making bad arguments just illustrates bias. In fact, even the Wikipedia entry above shows bias in their characterization of the Alexandrian as having “omitted verses”. “Omitted” as compared to what: the text that had been assigned chapters/verses or the original autographs? Obviously, the writers at wiki meant the former, but that implicitly presumes the very thing at issue.
What most likely constitutes the original autographs? This is what NT textual critics seek. And I don’t think the autographs are reflected in any one text-type (see the wiki verbiage Most modern text critics therefore do not regard any one text-type as deriving in direct succession from autograph manuscripts, but rather, as the fruit of local exercises to compile the best New Testament text from a manuscript tradition that already displayed wide variations.). Though I would scarcely call myself a NT textual critic—I’m woefully lacking the requisite skills—that’s my somewhat informed opinion, having read and studied a few different works from others with varying opinions on the matter.
Yes, Almighty God is in charge but if you think for one moment that means God positively sanctions the earthly powers, which are often human agents of spiritual wickedness in high places, then you are blind! Also, such a statement of the Deep State pulling the strings of Trump et al, is in no way a denial of God's Authority. So my post still stands.
My post was in no way overboard. You should research more instead of trolling here, you vile degenerate!
You have a nice day too! ROFL
Sudden onset of symptoms experienced by the President’s food tester, who was reported stricken with such severe symptoms that urgent medical tests were conducted on that that person while the President was diverted to Walter Reed for a priority medical examination involving a battery of chemical tests!
"Not only have you vastly oversimplified this—and you’ve failed to provide any evidence to make any sort of real case against Westcott (& Hort)—you’ve just illustrated that you don’t know what you’re talking about."
That does keep her from continuing to yap, yap, yap, droning on, and on, and on.....
2 Timothy 3:7 says, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
She chases her tale endlessly going nowhere, for no reason, helping no one.
Poor thing.
The Elite Controllers FEAR The Individual And INDIVIDUAL INTELLIGENCE!
19 November 2019
By Gary D. Barnett
This once great country of America has gone through many changes, and these changes, while implemented by the design of its true rulers, are not understood by the huddled masses that have been taught to accept mediocrity as desired normalcy. The ruling class fully understands that the ONLY way to control people, and to finally control the world, is to stifle individual excellence by creating a society that REFUSES TO THINK! This has been accomplished through planned conflict, the instilling of fear, the total control of education by the puppet state, by building dependence through public welfare, and by dominating most all positions of power in a myriad of state, corporate, and important intellectual appointments.
“At its root, the logic is that of the Grand Inquisitor, who bitterly assailed Christ for offering people freedom and thus condemning them to misery. The Church must correct the evil work of Christ by offering the miserable mass of humanity the gift they most desire and need: absolute submission. It must 'vanquish freedom' so as 'to make men happy' and provide the total 'community of worship' that they avidly seek. In the modern secular age, this means worship of the state religion, which in the Western democracies incorporates the doctrine of submission to the masters of the system of public subsidy, private profit, called free enterprise. The people must be kept in ignorance, reduced to jingoist incantations, for their own good. And like the Grand Inquisitor, who employs the forces of miracle, mystery, and authority 'to conquer and hold captive for ever the conscience of these impotent rebels for their happiness' and to deny them the freedom of choice they so fear and despise, so the 'cool observers' must create the 'necessary illusions' and 'emotionally potent oversimplifications' that keep the ignorant and stupid masses disciplined and content.”
~ Noam Chomsky,
This quote by Chomsky is correct in that it describes the current condition of the general populace, but is incorrect in that it claims free enterprise is the problem. There is no free market in this country, and there has not been a free market for many years. We live in what is best described as a fascist oligarchy, one that relies on the premise of state and corporate partnership. Without that dynamic in place, the situation would not be as dire as it is today.
It is important to state that I believe the common people are NOT incapable of intelligent thought, BUT have given in to the pressure from their self-appointed overseers, and accepted a subordinate position in society. They have been programmed to suppress their curiosity, and therefore have CHOSEN to HIDE from RESPONSIBILITY. I refer to this attitude as a FEAR OF FREEDOM, as freedom requires much work, a strong moral base, an active intellect, and constant defense of self-rule. It is difficult to achieve and even more difficult to keep, so most are willing to take the EASY WAY. By doing so, TYRANNY of the masses is ALWAYS the resulting societal structure.
In any society such as this, what the common people PERCEIVE as freedom is in REALITY a type of controlled SERVITUDE. While this SHOULD be easily recognized by most, it is NOT, and this is mainly due to a FEAR OF THE TRUTH. So pretending that the threat does not exist allows the underclass to avoid conflict, but only temporarily. This avoidance is a natural protection measure, but in the case of a slave society, this hiding from responsibility by the people will eventually become deadly.
The monopoly of power that is held by the few over the rest of society is all consuming, and the ultimate control sought by these elites is getting ever closer to fruition. It has been affected over long periods of time through incremental measures. It did not happen overnight, but over centuries, and at this point, the final objectives desired are within sight.
This is the most dangerous time for man as I see it, as the elite design for future economic decision-making for all is to be placed in the hands of so-called chosen experts, with power over the entire world economy. All economic decisions are to be based on a controlled allocation for society, which is simply centrally planned socialism, with a top-down hierarchy of control by the few. This ruling system is known as Technocracy, and when implemented, it will be the END OF LIBERTY.
I do not make these assertions lightly, and this is NOT theory, it IS the current state of affairs. Consider the division among the general population, and the hatred amongst the masses. This is not natural, but has been put in place purposely to achieve a particular outcome by those controlling the now ignorant and indoctrinated general population.
The New World Order that is desired by the ruling class is getting ever closer to becoming reality. This is not conjecture or some wildly fantastic science fiction, but is a plan that is gaining momentum due to a society consumed by blind INDIFFERENCE.
In past history when a ruling class went too far, and exceeded all the bounds of accepted power, the people arose, and a new system emerged. But can that happen in this country in this time of extreme political change and concentrated power? The creation of conflict that is evident today is a driving force in bringing about a world run by the few. And the common people are already relegated to a position of cogs in the wheel of society, as opposed to THINKING FOR THEMSELVES and taking control of their own lives. This phenomenon MUST CHANGE in order for freedom to survive, and a reversal of the power structure must be forthcoming, IF Americans are once again to control their own destiny!
Turns out that the Swedish media knew all along that Sweden's policy of open borders would turn out to be a complete disaster ...
Denmark slides into utter criminal chaos due entirely to their open borders for all migrants policies . The government "advises" its citizens not to "resist any robbery attempt," and to avoid certain areas of their country. People live in fear and no longer feel secure within the confines of their own homes.
I have a simple solution to all of this: pack up all of the criminal migrants and send them off to the Vatican. I'm sure that the climate change fake, pro-LGBT agenda, against all borders, anti nationalism, Marxist, protect pedo priests, anti-God 'pope' would be pleased to welcome them with open arms. If he doesn't accept them, he's a complete hypocrite. Any thinking person already can see from a mile away this man's blatant hypocrisy.
The pope's message to the world is; do what I say, not what I do.
I don't think there will be any change back to the Constitution in the United States. Self rule has long ago died, and is six feet under! The globalist have their power structures in place, and it's bullet proof. The intelligence agencies run the country along with the bankers. The military was vetted under the Kenyans regime, and the most patriotic removed. The best one can do is prepare themselves, and their family as best they can. Those that kill us by the sword, will die by the sword, and when Christ returns He will destroy all the ungodly. Plus, His Justice is perfect, and the the culprits will suffer eternally according to the degree of their foolishness. Then the nations of the earth will do what is right, and the earth will be in true health, and godly prosperity. The sad thing is that so called pastors are teaching easy believeism, and an escape, (rapture) before things get really bad. So the sheep are ripe for loosing faith, and they will be unprepared.
Replace the worthless eaters with the beast system machines!
Deutsche Bank To Replace 18,000 Workers With Robots:
Devin Nunes Exposes The Democrats' 10 Most "Outlandish" Trump Conspiracy Theories
Ukrainian Indictment Claims $7.4 Billion Obama - Linked Laundering, Puts Biden Group Take At 16.5 Million
"Biden received money that did not come from the company's successful operation but rather from money stolen from citizens"
IT’S HAPPENING: Colorado public schools now requiring students to role play child sacrifice “poems” as part of rape training indoctrination
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The greatest challenge in covering the actual events taking place in our world today is that most people still don’t recognize the level of depravity, perversion and evil that has overtaken liberals and Democrats. So they can’t mentally grasp the reality of what’s actually happening all around them because it’s “unthinkable.”
So when a 16-year-old Colorado girl was “violated” by sexually explicit role playing assignment in public school — where she was required to role play rape and sodomy concepts while the teacher demanded she read out loud lines like, “fu##ed in the a–” and similar language — most people dismiss the reality because they can’t fathom it being real.
But it is real. And it just happened in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Here’s the picture of the girl, Skylar Cason, and her father Brett:
Skylar is 16 years old and attends public school in Colorado. Her teacher required Skylar to role play sexually explicit rape and sodomy scenarios in front of the class, where she was required to read out vulgar lines from a poem known as “Howl,” which include explicit words and phrases like “c–t” and “granite c–k.”
As Fox News reports, “In another assignment students were asked to review a song that talked about sexting and offering sexual favors to a teenager, something that “blindsided” school officials when they found out about it from Cason.”
Some of the lines from the “Howl” poem, all required to be read by Skylar, are:
“let themselves be fu–ed in the a– by saintly motorcyclists, and screamed with joy”
“a vision of ultimate c–t and come eluding the last gyzym of consciousness”
“sweetened the sn-tches of a million girls trembling in the sunset”
“who cut their wrists three times successively unsuccessfully”
“who bl-w and were bl-wn by those human seraphim, the sailors, caresses of Atlantic and Caribbean love”
The rest of the poem reads like the crazed rantings of a mentally ill psychopath. The poem’s author, Allen Ginsberg, is of course celebrated by Leftists as some sort of genius thought leader of left-wing culture. In truth, he was just another insane person who took too many recreational drugs and managed to find traction by translating his twisted, graphic hallucinations into “poetry.” Ginsberg died in 1997 from liver cancer — no surprise — and was known throughout his live for promoting illegal drug use and sexual promiscuity, including homosexuality.
Not surprisingly, he also promoted socialism. Critics called his work “indecipherable.” Much of it is flatly incoherent, which is exactly what made him a cultural hero among the mentally ill “progressives” who are almost universally obsessed with the idea of self-annihilation and the destruction of innocence. Perhaps that’s why teachers in Colorado public schools now require students to act out Ginsberg’s madness — because it’s a very effective form of brainwashing and psychological terrorism to prepare students for the left-wing rape culture and pedophilia training that now features “Drag Queen Story Hour” perverts and convicted pedophiles reading books to children in public libraries, all while progressive parents celebrate their children being made “tolerant” of transgenderism, pedophilia and rape.
And Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.
First Liberty Institute now representing Cason
The Texas law firm First Liberty Institute is representing Skylar Cason and has sent a demand letter to the Steamboat Springs school superintendent Brad Meeks. “Students should never feel shame and guilt as part of an assignment at school,” Jeremy Dys, First Liberty special counsel for litigation and communications, told Fox News (link above).
Meeks has issued an apology letter to parents, lamenting that fact that, “they were not given advance notice that would have allowed them to opt their child out of participating.”
Incredibly, Meeks did not say that the teacher did anything wrong or that children in his school district should not be subjected to sexually explicit rape training exercises in class, only that parents might be able to “opt their child out” if they happen to be given notice of the planned training exercises… and of course no notice was given.
Thus, Brad Meeks is in effect endorsing the sexually explicit rape training agenda in his school district, which is of course entirely consistent with a school system that’s run by demonic entities who prey on children for their own perverted sexual pleasure. Teachers have become the predators, and students are the “fresh meat” to be preyed upon in Democrat-run public schools, where almost every teacher, counselor and administrator is a left-wing, Trump-hating, transgender-pushing lunatic.
Poem author Allen Ginsberg sings praises to MOLOCH, the ancient pagan god of child sacrifice
Even more shocking is the fact that the “Howl” poem required to be role played by students in public school celebrates “Moloch,” the ancient pagan god of child sacrifice.
Democrats routinely worship Moloch, as InfoWars reports. Fox News recently fired radio host Todd Starnes for accurately stating that Democrats celebrate this pagan god of child sacrifice.
From the “Howl” poem, here are some of the snippets citing Moloch:
Moloch! Children screaming under the stairways! …
Moloch who entered my soul early! Moloch in whom I am a consciousness without a body! Moloch who frightened me out of my natural ecstasy! Moloch whom I abandon! Wake up in Moloch! Light streaming out of the sky! …
Moloch! Moloch! Robot apartments! invisible suburbs! skeleton treasuries! blind capitals! demonic industries! spectral nations! invincible madhouses! granite cocks! monstrous bombs! They broke their backs lifting Moloch to Heaven! …
Note carefully that the so-called “poet” Ginsberg talks about Moloch the child sacrifice demon entering his soul. “Moloch in whom I am a consciousness without a body,” he writes. He describes this child sacrifice demon as “Light streaming out of the sky!”
These are not merely the twisted rantings of a mad man, but rather the demon-infested screams of a human skin bag possessed by demonic spirits in desperate need of an exorcism.
And this is exactly what many Democrats have become: Demon-infested vile creatures of death, pain and suffering that prey on children. The horrifying truth is that these demon-infested nightmare lunatics are now running most of the public schools across America.
Read my article to learn more: Making the case that many Democrats are no longer human, but rather biological vessels of “Demonic Obsession”.
This is not unusual: Public schools are now demon-celebrating pedophilia rape training centers to indoctrinate youth and prepare them for repeated rapings by Democrat elitists
Here in the independent media, we’ve sounded the alarm on the rampant pedophilia indoctrination and sexually explicit rape training of youth, warning that public schools would be transformed into precisely the kind of traumatic brainwashing centers that are now being reported.
In fact, it was just a few weeks ago that I reported this would start happening. In an article entitled, “25 mind-blowing things that are likely to happen if the Dems succeed in removing Trump from office,” I described the depravity and perversion of Democrats and predicted that public schools would be turned into “orgy training” centers “involving live LGBT pedophiles performing sex acts in classrooms while progressive parents cheer.” From the story:
Way beyond “sex ed,” public schools will actually host anal sex orgies, complete with on-site instruction and demonstrations involving pedophile teachers. Classrooms will become orgy theaters, with live video streaming sold online to raise money to fund “public education.”
If you think this is an exaggeration, note that Austin public schools have just approved sex role playing indoctrination training for all public school students, where they are required to participate in role playing scenarios involving “coerced oral sex,” anal sex and drunk sex. As The College Fix reports:
A controversial sex-ed curriculum for third through eighth grades that has connections to Planned Parenthood has been approved by the Austin Independent School District, despite fierce opposition.
The curriculum “normalizes child sex” using role playing games. “Caryl Ayala, the director of Concerned Parents of Texas, told KVUE that the curriculum’s goal is ‘to normalize these behaviors and to teach them to children so that they can feel OK with engaging in these behaviors,’” reports The College Fix.
Now, it’s coming true even more rapidly than I had feared. In Colorado, there is no action being taken against the school teacher who subjected 16-year-old Skylar Cason to sexually explicit “rape training” trauma. We’re not posting the name or photo of the teacher here, but you can see his twisted, perverted face in this Fox News story. In my opinion, he looks like a sicko child abusing pedophile. No wonder he’s not being fired.
Consider this the ultimate argument in favor of home schooling: If you don’t home school your kids, they will be subjected to rape training and pedophilia indoctrination at your local public school. And school administrators won’t even stop the evil when it’s brought to their attention because they’re part of it.
What else is coming if demon-infested Democrats rule society
Everything covered above concerns just one prediction out of 25 that I made in this November 3, 2019 article published on Natural News.
If you want to know the 24 other things that are also about to happen if Democrats rule society, read that article and prepare to weep for humanity.
We are not merely watching the dangers of a communist-oriented political ideology; we are witnessing Democrats and Leftists being consumed by demonic entities that now unleash pure evil upon this realm while pretending to be filled with “tolerance” and “love.”
The child molesters are running the schools, and the are teaching the children demonic poetry that celebrates the pagan god of child sacrifice. This is America. This is real. Yet most are asleep and living in denial.
Our culture, our rule of law, our nation and our Christian heritage is being overrun by demonic evil that has infiltrated everything: Public schools, Congress, the courts, pop culture and more. The evil has a label: “Demoncrats.”
Will you stand for life, liberty and divinity against this hellish insanity?
How America has been undermined ... and the only hope we really have in turning the tide:
Watch Live: Impeachment Hearings Farce Continues After "Great Day For GOP"
https://www.zerohedge.com/ political/watch-live-impeachment-hearings-farce-continues-after-great-day-gop
DNA Test Reveals Hunter Biden Fathered Arkansas Child
Disclaimer: I have watched (segments posted on YouTube) of "The View" for a total of about 10 minutes, which is all I can endure.
Here are a few interesting, and revealing, statements made recently by the View's Joy Behar regarding "Mayor Pete:"
"People are excited about Buttigieg. He’s fresh, he’s new, he’s gay, he’s a serviceman, he served in Afghanistan. He’s married in a very – unless you are a homophobe, he’s married in a very traditional marriage, you know?"
“That should appeal to the silent majority out there, whoever they are. I think it’s great, and then also he’s openly religious, which is also another positive in this country. So unless people are gonna not vote for someone like him because he’s gay, I think he’s got a shot.”
The essence of what Behar asserts:
1). In spite of over 5 thousand years of recorded human history to the contrary, Behar asserts that a man married to another man qualifies as a "very traditional marriage."
2). If you believe, as the Word of God teaches (including Jesus's statements in the NT), that marriage is limited to one consisting only between a MAN and a WOMAN, you are a "homophobe."
3). Although Behar is anti-Christian, she praises Mayor Pete for being "openly religious ... which is a "positive." . Why does she view Mayor Pete's religion as "positive?" Because his "religion" openly denies the AUTHORITY of the Word of God, which is always pleasing to Satan and his followers. Satan's favorite trick to deceive is bringing the authority of God's Word into question, as in Genesis 3:1 when he said to Adam and Eve "yea, HATH GOD SAID?"
I've said it many times before and will repeat it again; Satan LOVES ALL RELIGION that denies the sole authority of God's Word. All false "religion" is in the exact same camp as the utterly false New Age Movement. Without the Word of God as the firm ROCK foundation, virtually everything is open to question and faith destroying human rationalization. Under such a "belief" system, MAN replaces GOD as the authority, which is the essence of AntiChrist.
True, and as far as the travesty now going on in Congress it could be said:
Without the Constitution as the firm foundation of the republic, virtually everything is open to inquisition, and truth destroying human wrangling.
Question for Constance,
It's pretty much common knowledge who the 'Whistleblower' is. Clearly Adam Schiff is lying to Congress. The only reason Eric Ciaramella is being protected is because if he had to testify, it would likely crush the Demoncrats impeachment attempt. Isn't keeping this man from testifying, 'obstruction' of Justice?
Also, the fact that there are two sets of rules, one for the Dems, and one for the Republicans unconstitutional?
Also, if say, durring Devin Nunes time to question witnesses, he called out Adam Schiff for lying to Congress, and mentioning that it is already well known that Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower. What could Schiff do? Hold him in contempt? Or?
Would be nice to know what Constance thinks of this whole Farce, and the Dems legality?
Re: I have watched (segments posted on YouTube) of "The View" for a total of about 10 minutes, which is all I can endure.
An opinion shared by MANY so a better name then would be:
The Phew!
Arch-Bishop: Pope is subjecting Roman Catholic Church to ‘powerful forces’ that want world government!
Yes, 'powerful forces'!
"Hope You Guess My Name"
MJ December 6, 1968
Q: SNL's Church Lady, can YOU guess?
A: Oh? Well, dear me, this is kind of unexpected but, heck, I'll take a stab at it...
I don't know...
Let me see...
Ah, I think I have it...
Can you say...
To Anon @ 11:31 AM ...
This is not a recent development due to the seemingly "renegade" pope, Francis. PF has just been more public in declaring the Vatican's pro-New World Order positions. For example; it is well documented that both the "sainted" John Paul II & Benedict worked to advance the NWO agenda. The Vatican is not on the sidelines looking in, but rather are MAJOR players in the NWO conspiracy.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg Says Christian 'Salvation' Is About Being 'Useful'
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From Wikipedia: Buttigieg is a Christian, and has said his faith has had a strong influence in his life. His parents baptized him in a Catholic church as an infant and he attended Catholic schools.
Mayor Pete Says Not Acting on Climate Is 'a Kind of Sin'
Here is a person pope Francis can stand behind!
Democrats have drawn the battle lines, and they are more deranged and anti-America than anyone imagined!
By: JD Heyes
Natural News
If you’ve managed to watch even some of the Democratic presidential debates that were held this week and last month, you may have been taken aback by the extreme Left-wing nature of many of the candidates’ proposals.
And if that’s your conclusion, you certainly aren’t the only one. In fact, seasoned political observers are increasingly finding leading Democrats adopting the Leftist/Marxist/socialism of the AOC faction of the party, not forcing them to adopt more centrist, moderate positions on issues.
Following Thursday’s Democratic debates, the second of two this week, seasoned pollster Frank Luntz, during an appearance on Fox News’ Laura Ingraham’s show, said he’s never seen anything like it from the Donkey Party before.
“I want to make this clear for the viewers. This is not a fight for the soul of the Democrat Party. That fight is over. And the hostility of these Democratic candidates, most of them, to corporate America, to CEOs, to those who have been successful, is significant,” he said.
“The language I’ve heard in the last 48 hours is language I’ve never heard from ANY mainstream Democrat… This is about changing the structure and the economy of the United States. And they’re determined to turn it upside down,” he continued.
“And, I gotta tell you, I’ve been following this since 1992, I’ve never heard candidates this extreme. I’ve never heard candidates this hostile to economic freedom and they got the base of the Democratic Party absolutely behind them,” Luntz noted.
That last observation — “They got the base of the Democratic Party absolutely behind them” — should scare the bejesus out of any American, regardless of political party, who still values freedom, liberty, and the founders’ vision of what America should be and was always supposed to be.
What is Luntz talking about? What are 2020 Democratic candidates proposing?
Democrats want to transform America into a massive socialist nightmare
— “Medicare for All,” a $32-$40-plus trillion boondoggle in which all healthcare will be managed and provided by the government. That means nearly 160 million people, by the latest estimate, who are currently covered by — and happy with — employer-provided health insurance would lose it. That’s right; a full-on, socialist, “Medicare-for-All” plan is complete government control of health care, so private insurance of all kinds, including employer-provided coverage, would go away.
— The Green New Deal, an ‘environmental justice’ scheme introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and embraced by the leading 2020 Dems that would cost so much they had to develop a new numerical measurement — “quadrillion” — to project it. The National Sentinel reported:
The study by the Competitive Enterprise Institute found that radically transforming energy consumption in the United States would have devastating economic effects on all Americans, as well as the U.S. economy, the driver of the global economy.
As for the implementation costs for GND in states like Pennsylvania, the costs are eye-watering. CEI estimated, for example, that in Pennsylvania alone, costs would soar to $2 quadrillion — with a ‘Q’ — while in Florida, those costs would be $1.4 quadrillion.
What else?
— Free healthcare for illegal aliens, while Americans would, of course, still have to pay for theirs, one way or the other.
— A ‘universal minimum basic income’ of $1,000 per month, or far less than the poverty rate — but just enough to keep Americans hooked on government.
— Decriminalizing activity that is currently against the law, which would only lead to more lawlessness.
— Free college tuition for a sizable number of Americans, at a cost of trillions.
— Forgiving student loan debt, at a cost of more than $1 trillion.
— Free housing to anyone who says they can’t afford it.
Combine these schemes with their “anti-corporate, anti-CEO, and anti-success” of their policies, it’s no wonder Luntz is shocked.
In short, the ‘new’ Democrat Party wants to destroy America as founded and turn our country into a:
A little snippet the Book Of Jubilees wherein Abraham is blessing his children, from chapter 20:
"And he told them of the judgement of the giants, and the judgement of the Sodomites, how they had been judged on account of their wickedness, and had died on account of their fornication, and uncleanness and mutual corruption through fornication.
'And guard yourselves from all fornication and uncleanness, and from all pollution of sin, lest you make our name a curse, and your whole life a hissing, and all your sons to be destroyed by the sword, and you become accursed like Sodom, and all your remnant as the sons of Gomorrah.' "
_They've been the enemies of God for a long long time, and they are very good at it. There is nothing new under the sun.
November 21, 2019
With A Wolf In Sheep Skin At The Door, Voters Have A Right To Know About The Democrats 'Dark Agenda' To Destroy Christianity
The MSM Completely Ignores The 'Party Of Death's' War Upon God, Life, Women & Children
By Don Boys, Ph.D. for All News Pipeline
Since Pete Buttigieg is the most vocal “Christian” in the Democrat presidential race, he should stop his fuzzy, fractured even false references to the Bible. Principled Christians resent having the Bible twisted like a pretzel to prove a false point of view.
Even the media is sarcastically calling him “St. Pete” because of his many biblical references and his talk of morality. A Federalist article really pegged him rightly when they wrote about his speaking of morality: “But someone who lives in sexual immorality and supports abortion right up until birth is quite obviously the wrong person to do it.”
Bingo! They nailed him to a post.
Voters want to know if Pete is a genuine Christian or simply a church member. Does he really believe that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life? If not, he is a professor but not a possessor making him a pretender. That means he is using Christianity for self-aggrandizement. If he is not a sheep, he is a wolf in sheep’s skin.
Pete could be similar to Julian the Apostate who, according to Will Durant in his eleven volume History of Civilization, “conformed in all externals to the Christian worship, and even read the Scriptures publicly in church.” Julian was the Roman Emperor from 361 to 363 and was the last non-Christian emperor. Frankly very few of them were true Christians, including Constantine. Julian was from a long line of “Christians” who had been corrupted by a corrupt Christianity. He was an unannounced pagan (at the time) while reading the Bible in church!
Of course, there are plenty of pompous pagans in the pulpits in our day.
Even an apostate can do some things right as proved by Julian’s dismissal of thousands of servants, eunuchs, and superfluous government officials. He also slashed taxes and streamlined administrative procedures. Julian established the principle that a man was presumed innocent until proven guilty. He was the first political leader to take that position to my knowledge.
Julian was a pagan who practiced animal sacrifices while heading up the “Christian” empire, attempting to revive paganism to replace the quickly advancing paganized Christianity!
Could Pete be philosophically related to Julian the Apostate?
Desperately trying to sound normal, Pete has promised he “would bring Christianity back to the White House if he were elected president.” Well, “Christianity” is not something that can be toted around. It is a faith, “the evidence of things not seen.” Pete said, “Faith doesn’t have to be something to divide us.” But faith does divide us since some believe the Muslim faith, others the Hindu faith, others the Christian faith. Christ said Luke 12:51 “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.” And only a fool or fanatic says all faiths are equal or that one is as good as another.
Christ divides light from darkness, truth from error, and good from bad; however, radicals don’t like such absolutes.
I see Pete as a man who has rejected biblical standards as well as common decency and is using biblical language to confuse shallow voters and steal their votes with his deception.
Pete went on to decry Georgia’s abortion law where they have male politicians telling a woman “what she ought to do with her body.” No, if a woman had made the right decisions about her body she would have stayed out of bed, kept her knees together and yelled, “no.” Failing to do that, she wants to kill the innocent child. And Pete wants to guarantee her that right. Surely an innocent child’s right to live is far more precious than a woman’s right to slip into her form-fitting evening gown for a night on the town—something a pregnant body would make cumbersome.
When Pete and his “husband” move into the White House, he will provide an example to people “who are guided by a faith tradition in making their decisions about what they think is right and wrong.” However, he does not tell us the standard that will be used to make those decisions. If the Bible is used, then Pete and his “husband” would not be in the White House or any house since sodomy is clearly condemned in the Bible as the most gross and shameless act of depravity.
Are Christians “on the wrong side of history” as to LGBTQ issues as Pete told CNN? Is Pete totally unaware of history? Sodomy has been known as the sin (and crime) “against nature”; “that unspeakable sin”; “that unmentionable vice;” and “crime without a name.”
While Pete is now promising to bring Christianity “back to the White House,” he was critical of Vice-President Pence for actually doing that. Of Pence, Pete said, he was “fanatical.” Pence, not wanting to be tarred and feathered by the LGBTQ crowd said of Pete, “I see him as a dedicated public servant and a patriot.”
While Pence is a kind, decent, and good man, he is not a committed warrior in support of truth. He is also a politician.
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