Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pope Francis' Speech to Joint Session of Congress -- My concerns are yellow high-lighted

To my readers: 
I have watched Pope Francis' speech to Congress with no small degree of consternation.  In 1981 I opened a file and called it "War on Fundamentalism."  It appears that the present Pope's speech fired a significant salvo in that war against "Fundamentalists" (those believing the fundamentals of Scripture and their religion to be true).  The "we are all one and we are all inter-connected themes of Alice Bailey and other New Agers come through, albeit subtly.  The "technological advances" to facilitate global wealth redistribution, ditto.  And then there were the spiritual examples given by him, the most glaring in my opinion being that of Thomas Merton.  Obviously, Thomas Merton was canonized long ago -- by the THEOSOPHISTS, the mothership of the New Age Movement."
I'm sharing with you the transcript of the Pope's speech.  I honestly can't help but wonder if  Pope Benedict XVI (Ratzinger) has been the victim of a literal Vatican coup.  While there are some issues on which I applaud things this Pope has said -- asking every Catholic parish in Europe to adopt a refugee family -- the balance to me is presently VERY TROUBLING.
I have yellow highlighted some obvious areas of my own concern.  I put a few of my comments in aqua highlighting.  I value your opinions and please

Honorable Members of Congress,
Dear Friends,
I am most grateful for your invitation to address this Joint Session of Congress in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. I would like to think that the reason for this is that I too am a son of this great continent, from which we have all received so much and toward which we share a common responsibility.
Each son or daughter of a given country has a mission, a personal and social responsibility. Your own responsibility as members of Congress is to enable this country, by your legislative activity, to grow as a nation. You are the face of its people, their representatives. You are called to defend and preserve the dignity of your fellow citizens in the tireless and demanding pursuit of the common good, for this is the chief aim of all politics. A political society endures when it seeks, as a vocation, to satisfy common needs by stimulating the growth of all its members, especially those in situations of greater vulnerability or risk. Legislative activity is always based on care for the people. To this you have been invited, called and convened by those who elected you.
Yours is a work which makes me reflect in two ways on the figure of Moses. On the one hand, the patriarch and lawgiver of the people of Israel symbolizes the need of peoples to keep alive their sense of unity by means of just legislation. On the other, the figure of Moses leads us directly to God and thus to the transcendent dignity of the human being. Moses provides us with a good synthesis of your work: you are asked to protect, by means of the law, the image and likeness fashioned by God on every human face.
Today I would like not only to address you, but through you the entire people of the United States. Here, together with their representatives, I would like to take this opportunity to dialogue with the many thousands of men and women who strive each day to do an honest day’s work, to bring home their daily bread, to save money and –one step at a time – to build a better life for their families. These are men and women who are not concerned simply with paying their taxes, but in their own quiet way sustain the life of society. They generate solidarity by their actions, and they create organizations which offer a helping hand to those most in need.
I would also like to enter into dialogue with the many elderly persons who are a storehouse of wisdom forged by experience, and who seek in many ways, especially through volunteer work, to share their stories and their insights. I know that many of them are retired, but still active; they keep working to build up this land. I also want to dialogue with all those young people who are working to realize their great and noble aspirations, who are not led astray by facile proposals, and who face difficult situations, often as a result of immaturity on the part of many adults. I wish to dialogue with all of you, and I would like to do so through the historical memory of your people.
My visit takes place at a time when men and women of good will are marking the anniversaries of several great Americans. The complexities of history and the reality of human weakness notwithstanding, these men and women, for all their many differences and limitations, were able by hard work and self-sacrifice – some at the cost of their lives – to build a better future. They shaped fundamental values which will endure forever in the spirit of the American people. A people with this spirit can live through many crises, tensions and conflicts, while always finding the resources to move forward, and to do so with dignity. These men and women offer us a way of seeing and interpreting reality. In honoring their memory, we are inspired, even amid conflicts, and in the here and now of each day, to draw upon our deepest cultural reserves.
I would like to mention four of these Americans: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton.
This year marks the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, the guardian of liberty, who labored tirelessly that “this nation, under God, [might] have a new birth of freedom”. Building a future of freedom requires love of the common good and cooperation in a spirit of subsidiarity and solidarity.
All of us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms. But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. That is something which you, as a people, reject.
Our response must instead be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice. We are asked to summon the courage and the intelligence to resolve today’s many geopolitical and economic crises. Even in the developed world, the effects of unjust structures and actions are all too apparent. Our efforts must aim at restoring hope, righting wrongs, maintaining commitments, and thus promoting the well-being of individuals and of peoples. We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good.
The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of these challenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience.
In this land, the various religious denominations have greatly contributed to building and strengthening society. It is important that today, as in the past, the voice of faith continue to be heard, for it is a voice of fraternity and love, which tries to bring out the best in each person and in each society. Such cooperation is a powerful resource in the battle to eliminate new global forms of slavery, born of grave injustices which can be overcome only through new policies and new forms of social consensus.
Politics is, instead, an expression of our compelling need to live as one, in order to build as one the greatest common good: that of a community which sacrifices particular interests in order to share, in justice and peace, its goods, its interests, its social life. I do not underestimate the difficulty that this involves, but I encourage you in this effort.
Here too I think of the march which Martin Luther King led from Selma to Montgomery fifty years ago as part of the campaign to fulfill his “dream” of full civil and political rights for African Americans. That dream continues to inspire us all. I am happy that America continues to be, for many, a land of “dreams”. Dreams which lead to action, to participation, to commitment. Dreams which awaken what is deepest and truest in the life of a people.
In recent centuries, millions of people came to this land to pursue their dream of building a future in freedom. We, the people of this continent, are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners. I say this to you as the son of immigrants, knowing that so many of you are also descended from immigrants. Tragically, the rights of those who were here long before us were not always respected. For those peoples and their nations, from the heart of American democracy, I wish to reaffirm my highest esteem and appreciation. Those first contacts were often turbulent and violent, but it is difficult to judge the past by the criteria of the present. Nonetheless, when the stranger in our midst appeals to us, we must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past. We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible, as we educate new generations not to turn their back on our “neighbors” and everything around us. Building a nation calls us to recognize that we must constantly relate to others, rejecting a mindset of hostility in order to adopt one of reciprocal subsidiarity, in a constant effort to do our best. I am confident that we can do this.
Our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War. This presents us with great challenges and many hard decisions. On this continent, too, thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones, in search of greater opportunities. Is this not what we want for our own children? We must not be taken aback by their numbers, but rather view them as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their stories, trying to respond as best we can to their situation. To respond in a way which is always humane, just and fraternal. We need to avoid a common temptation nowadays: to discard whatever proves troublesome. Let us remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Mt 7:12).
This Rule points us in a clear direction. Let us treat others with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated. Let us seek for others the same possibilities which we seek for ourselves. Let us help others to grow, as we would like to be helped ourselves. In a word, if we want security, let us give security; if we want life, let us give life; if we want opportunities, let us provide opportunities. The yardstick we use for others will be the yardstick which time will use for us. The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development.
This conviction has led me, from the beginning of my ministry, to advocate at different levels for the global abolition of the death penalty. I am convinced that this way is the best, since every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity, and society can only benefit from the rehabilitation of those convicted of crimes. Recently my brother bishops here in the United States renewed their call for the abolition of the death penalty. Not only do I support them, but I also offer encouragement to all those who are convinced that a just and necessary punishment must never exclude the dimension of hope and the goal of rehabilitation.
In these times when social concerns are so important, I cannot fail to mention the Servant of God Dorothy Day, who founded the Catholic Worker Movement. Her social activism, her passion for justice and for the cause of the oppressed, were inspired by the Gospel, her faith, and the example of the saints.
How much progress has been made in this area in so many parts of the world! How much has been done in these first years of the third millennium to raise people out of extreme poverty! I know that you share my conviction that much more still needs to be done, and that in times of crisis and economic hardship a spirit of global solidarity must not be lost. At the same time I would encourage you to keep in mind all those people around us who are trapped in a cycle of poverty. They too need to be given hope. The fight against poverty and hunger must be fought constantly and on many fronts, especially in its causes. I know that many Americans today, as in the past, are working to deal with this problem.
It goes without saying that part of this great effort is the creation and distribution of wealth. The right use of natural resources, the proper application of technology and the harnessing of the spirit of enterprise are essential elements of an economy which seeks to be modern, inclusive and sustainable. “Business is a noble vocation, directed to producing wealth and improving the world. It can be a fruitful source of prosperity for the area in which it operates, especially if it sees the creation of jobs as an essential part of its service to the common good” (Laudato Si’, 129). This common good also includes the earth, a central theme of the encyclical which I recently wrote in order to “enter into dialogue with all people about our common home” (ibid., 3). “We need a conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all” (ibid., 14).
In Laudato Si’, I call for a courageous and responsible effort to “redirect our steps” (ibid., 61), and to avert the most serious effects of the environmental deterioration caused by human activity. I am convinced that we can make a difference and I have no doubt that the United States – and this Congress – have an important role to play. Now is the time for courageous actions and strategies, aimed at implementing a “culture of care” (ibid., 231) and “an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature” (ibid., 139). “We have the freedom needed to limit and direct technology” (ibid., 112); “to devise intelligent ways of… developing and limiting our power” (ibid., 78); and to put technology “at the service of another type of progress, one which is healthier, more human, more social, more integral” (ibid., 112). In this regard, I am confident that America’s outstanding academic and research institutions can make a vital contribution in the years ahead.  [QUERY:  wouldn't the system warned of in Revelation 13 fill the bill here?]
A century ago, at the beginning of the Great War, which Pope Benedict XV termed a “pointless slaughter”, another notable American was born: the Cistercian monk Thomas Merton. He remains a source of spiritual inspiration and a guide for many people. In his autobiography he wrote: “I came into the world. Free by nature, in the image of God, I was nevertheless the prisoner of my own violence and my own selfishness, in the image of the world into which I was born. That world was the picture of Hell, full of men like myself, loving God, and yet hating him; born to love him, living instead in fear of hopeless self-contradictory hungers”. Merton was above all a man of prayer, a thinker who challenged the certitudes of his time and opened new horizons for souls and for the Church. He was also a man of dialogue, a promoter of peace between peoples and religions.  [Doesn't Pope Francis know that Thomas Merton was in effect 'canonized a long time ago -- by the Theosophists and their fellow travelers, including but not limited to Matthew Fox's crowd and Lucis Trust?  Merton was one of Matthew Fox's early mentors!]
From this perspective of dialogue, I would like to recognize the efforts made in recent months to help overcome historic differences linked to painful episodes of the past. It is my duty to build bridges and to help all men and women, in any way possible, to do the same. When countries which have been at odds resume the path of dialogue – a dialogue which may have been interrupted for the most legitimate of reasons – new opportunities open up for all. This has required, and requires, courage and daring, which is not the same as irresponsibility. A good political leader is one who, with the interests of all in mind, seizes the moment in a spirit of openness and pragmatism. A good political leader always opts to initiate processes rather than possessing spaces (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 222-223).
Being at the service of dialogue and peace also means being truly determined to minimize and, in the long term, to end the many armed conflicts throughout our world. Here we have to ask ourselves: Why are deadly weapons being sold to those who plan to inflict untold suffering on individuals and society? Sadly, the answer, as we all know, is simply for money: money that is drenched in blood, often innocent blood. In the face of this shameful and culpable silence, it is our duty to confront the problem and to stop the arms trade.
Three sons and a daughter of this land, four individuals and four dreams: Lincoln, liberty; Martin Luther King, liberty in plurality and non-exclusion; Dorothy Day, social justice and the rights of persons; and Thomas Merton, the capacity for dialogue and openness to God.
Four representatives of the American people.
I will end my visit to your country in Philadelphia, where I will take part in the World Meeting of Families. It is my wish that throughout my visit the family should be a recurrent theme. How essential the family has been to the building of this country! And how worthy it remains of our support and encouragement! Yet I cannot hide my concern for the family, which is threatened, perhaps as never before, from within and without. Fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family. I can only reiterate the importance and, above all, the richness and the beauty of family life.
In particular, I would like to call attention to those family members who are the most vulnerable, the young. For many of them, a future filled with countless possibilities beckons, yet so many others seem disoriented and aimless, trapped in a hopeless maze of violence, abuse and despair. Their problems are our problems. We cannot avoid them. We need to face them together, to talk about them and to seek effective solutions rather than getting bogged down in discussions. At the risk of oversimplifying, we might say that we live in a culture which pressures young people not to start a family, because they lack possibilities for the future. Yet this same culture presents others with so many options that they too are dissuaded from starting a family.
A nation can be considered great when it defends liberty as Lincoln did, when it fosters a culture which enables people to “dream” of full rights for all their brothers and sisters, as Martin Luther King sought to do; when it strives for justice and the cause of the oppressed, as Dorothy Day did by her tireless work, the fruit of a faith which becomes dialogue and sows peace in the contemplative style of Thomas Merton.
In these remarks I have sought to present some of the richness of your cultural heritage, of the spirit of the American people. It is my desire that this spirit continue to develop and grow, so that as many young people as possible can inherit and dwell in a land which has inspired so many people to dream.

God bless America!


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Anonymous said...

Serving up a rehash of hash is pointless. Those who see monsters absolutely everywhere are really into it so hash it is! And the truth is somewhere in the hash but too hashed to tell that when they get their hands on it. Thanks for nothing.

Meanwhile these people who are really really really trying to fix the world so it's "good for you" are busy preparing their own version of hash. It's a new age bonanza!

Happening next week in Salt Lake City Utah.

I hate hash.

Anonymous said...

Susanna at 6:22 I was prodding to see if there was more than the organized CNP that been exposed by more than a few people. The larger conservative political groups just appear to be hand holders for those who refuse to go with the flow. They, like the Republican party put no pressure on legislators of any government group and party with the left. They do not have speakers or put out books that show the long history of political manipulation and corruption. They collect contributions, hold happy meetings and PROMISE.

Over the years those individuals who exposed how changes have taken place never got publicity through "conservative" groups and only were heard through private circles and by chance. Most put in their time and dropped out. Those who are starting to learn are taken in and trust anyone who claims to know the inside story. The left exposes the right and the right exposes the left, but no one exposes both. The overt left is easy to spot because to be trendsetters they are out in the open. Pro-life people, though limited in what they handle are the only conservative organizations that I trust.

Anonymous said...

Look, I don't care if they find out some day that Humpty Dumpty brought down the Twin Towers, but we do deserve to get some answers in this life time! Anyone who believes the official story (fairy tale) is clearly missing a few brain cells.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of truth we won't know until God sorts this for us.
Yes, there are some monsters that are responsible and they are busy working overtime while the "keystone cops" are busy bungling next to everything.
All that is wrapped up in the mix.
And arguing about it here is not going to make one iota difference with what is coming upon the world now.
Too many other things take priority these days.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6:59
Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
"You can often spot the disinfo types at work here by the unique application of "higher standards" of discussion than necessarily warranted. They will demand that those presenting arguments or concepts back everything up with the same level of expertise as a professor, researcher, or investigative writer."

You want me to frame a response based not only on the analysis of one professor but of many? Oh sure. The last time I did that I miraculously summed up the Bible in twenty words. It was such hard work I vowed never to try such a thing again. Sorry.

Anonymous said...


Evidently, I MISINTERPRETED who sent Mary Matalin the e-mail on the morning of September 11, 2001 stating, "Today is Pearl Harbor." It was evidently sent to her by conservative writer, David Horowitz... and NOT Dick Cheney. I apologize.

Below is a portion of the Daily Mail article of September 11, 2015... followed by a portion of the New York Times article of September 10, 2015 (where I misread the headline on the Daily Mail link, and where it was much clearer on the New York Times link).

The emails were obtained through an open-records request by The New York Times.

The George W. Bush Presidential Library refused to release many of the emails under law, The Times reported.

One received by Mary Matalin, the counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, said: 'Today is Pearl Harbor.'

In July photos from inside the White House on 9/11 were released by the National Archives following a FOIA request.

One showed Dick Cheney with his feet on his desk watching footage of the planes going into the Twin Towers.



8:56 a.m. “Turn on CNN.”
— Tucker Eskew, director of the White House media affairs office, emails three colleagues.

9:09 a.m. “9:30 Budget Meeting Cancelled.”
— Tracey Schmitt, a White House aide, notifies various colleagues.

9:11 a.m. “WH/Congressional Conference Call Cancelled.”
— Ms. Schmitt alerts another group of colleagues.

9:20 a.m. “Today is Pearl Harbor.”
— Mary Matalin, the counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, receives this from David Horowitz, a conservative writer.

9:23 a.m. “Strength to You.”
— Joshua B. Bolten, a deputy chief of staff, receives this from Dan Price, a colleague.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 8:19pm

LOL!!! So very true ('higher standards' for thee, but not for me).

Anonymous said...


Evidently, I MISINTERPRETED who sent Mary Matalin the e-mail on the morning of September 11, 2001 stating, "Today is Pearl Harbor." It was evidently sent to her by conservative writer, David Horowitz... and NOT Dick Cheney. I apologize.

Below is a portion of the Daily Mail article of September 11, 2015... followed by a portion of the New York Times article of September 10, 2015 (where I misread it on the Daily Mail link, and where it was much clearer on the New York Times link).

The emails were obtained through an open-records request by The New York Times.

The George W. Bush Presidential Library refused to release many of the emails under law, The Times reported.

One received by Mary Matalin, the counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, said: 'Today is Pearl Harbor.'

In July photos from inside the White House on 9/11 were released by the National Archives following a FOIA request.

One showed Dick Cheney with his feet on his desk watching footage of the planes going into the Twin Towers.



8:56 a.m. “Turn on CNN.”
— Tucker Eskew, director of the White House media affairs office, emails three colleagues.

9:09 a.m. “9:30 Budget Meeting Cancelled.”
— Tracey Schmitt, a White House aide, notifies various colleagues.

9:11 a.m. “WH/Congressional Conference Call Cancelled.”
— Ms. Schmitt alerts another group of colleagues.

9:20 a.m. “Today is Pearl Harbor.”
— Mary Matalin, the counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, receives this from David Horowitz, a conservative writer.

9:23 a.m. “Strength to You.”
— Joshua B. Bolten, a deputy chief of staff, receives this from Dan Price, a colleague.


Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Anonymous said...

Last night, both my post of 9:15 PM and again at 9:40 PM disappeared. I will try again. This time, I will be brief.

I would like to post both a CORRECTION and an APOLOGY.

Evidently, I MISINTERPRETED who sent Mary Matalin that e-mail on the morning of September 11, 2001 stating, "Today is Pearl Harbor." It was sent to her by David Horowitz... and NOT by her-then boss, Vice President Dick Cheney.

I MISREAD this portion of the Daily Mail article (09/11/15) regarding e-mails received on the morning of September 11, 2001 - which stated:
"One received by Mary Matalin, the counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, said: 'Today is Pearl Harbor'."



The original New York Times article (dated 09/10/15) clearly states that Mary Matalin received that e-mail from David Horowitz... and NOT from her then-boss. Vice President, Dick Cheney.

9:20 a.m. “Today is Pearl Harbor.”
— Mary Matalin, the counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, receives this from David Horowitz, a conservative writer.


I APOLOGIZE and stand corrected.

Anonymous said...

Two of my posts from last night, plus one this morning, have disappeared.

I copied / pasted my Comment #410 at 10:53 AM this morning (October 8th)... so, I knew it went through. Now, it's gone, and we are back to only 409 comments.

If this goes through, it will be the 'new' Comment #410.

What is going on?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

what was the comment?

Anonymous said...

I would like to post both a CORRECTION and an APOLOGY.

Evidently, I MISINTERPRETED who sent Mary Matalin that e-mail on the morning of September 11, 2001 stating, "Today is Pearl Harbor." It was sent to her by David Horowitz... and NOT by her-then boss, Vice President Dick Cheney.

I MISREAD the following portion of the Daily Mail article (09/11/15) regarding e-mails received on the morning of September 11, 2001 - which stated:
"One received by Mary Matalin, the counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, said: 'Today is Pearl Harbor'."



The original New York Times article (dated 09/10/15) clearly states that Mary Matalin received that e-mail from David Horowitz... and NOT from her then-boss, Vice President, Dick Cheney.

9:20 a.m. “Today is Pearl Harbor.”
— Mary Matalin, the counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, receives this from David Horowitz, a conservative writer.


I APOLOGIZE and stand corrected.

Constance Cumbey said...

Sorry I've been offline for a few days. Dental and eye appointments, combined with necessary file work on cases I'm still handling have occupied me. My eye doctor tells me I need to take it easier with the two I have left. He has prescribed AREDS formula 2 vitamins to slow macular degeneration -- expensive eye vitamins twice a day. On the other hand, my dentist expertly fixed a going crooked tooth so now I smile with a little more confidence.

I have a lot of reading here to catch up. I hope everybody is being kind to one another and that excessive posting by some is not happening.


Anonymous said...

The point is not actually who sent that email to Matalin but when. It was not sent before the first tower was attacked, as the 9/11 conspiratorialists say, but after. This is one reason why it is hard to take them seriously: get on to any one of their killer points and try to verify it and it evaporates. You are left with only things that are equally explicable by coincidence and incompetence. That is why I ask people here who tell me that all is revealed in the latest wonder video to provide a summary in their own words.

Anonymous said...

This is a fascinating video that puts everything in perspective (including the New World Order and the Global elite):

From JFK to 9/11 - Everything is a rich man's trick

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 3:20 AM

Of course, it was AFTER. Using the term, 'Pearl Harbor' to describe 9/11 was used for one reason only... to stir up the American people into a wave of patriotism with the message, "Let's go get the SOBs who did this to us." (Except, what IF the SOBs who planned this were in Washington, D.C. - and not in some cave in Afghanistan?)

The point is that if 9/11 was truly a shocking SURPRISE attack on our country (and not the inside job it really was) then, how could anyone even think of uttering the words 'Pearl Harbor' within minutes afterward... BEFORE an investigation even took place?

I mean, to go so far as to try to convince the public that one of the 'Muslim terrorist hijacker's' passports managed to SURVIVE (in pristine condition, no less) the destruction of World Trade Center Buildings #1, #2 (and, by 5:20 PM that day - Building #7) insults the intelligence of the American people.

STEEL skyscrapers have NEVER before (or since) been completely destroyed by FIRE. These buildings so obviously and transparently came down by controlled demolition... falling straight down in their own footprints... reducing everything to MOLTEN steel and ashes (people, computers, desks, telephones, file cabinets, elevators, escalators). Local New York City hospitals were on standby waiting for bodies to be brought in... but they never came. Everything and everybody had simply vanished!!!

If you refuse to sit still long enough to watch a video (which explains it all so much better than I would ever be able to)... then, you are either a very lazy person, OR you are trying to apply methods of manipulation straight out of the 'Disinformation For Dummies' playbook.

Either way, I am not going to do your research 'work' for you. So, just go back to 'sleep' (where you're nice and comfortable)... and stop wasting my time.

Anonymous said...

Dear 5.45pm,

On the contrary, you are wasting everybody else's time with your bad "research". (Some people here know what genuine research is.) Whenever anybody from the 9/11 "truthers" makes a specific claim rather than an insult (insults are generally used by people to cover up weak arguments), it turns out to be inaccurate. That is why I ask such people to summarize their key points. What does it say that they often refuse and instead just parrot "Watch this video!"

Anybody who saw two planes go into the Twin Towers would know it was a deliberate attack on the USA and not a freak accident, and I would certainly think of Pearl Harbor as an apt comparison. What exactly are you suggesting is implausible about that comment if the al-Qaeda explanation is true?

As for the towers, their collapse visibly began at the heights at which the jets went in, whereas controlled demolition always starts at the bottom and pancakes the floors one by one as they reach ground level. When you consider the effect of having thousands of tons of debris on top of something it is hardly surprising that filing cabinets didn't survive, let alone human bodies.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

anon 6:10

extremely good point, yes the collapse began from the upper levels I have seen
plenty of videos about that. one video I saw, but I don't know if this is coverup
or not, said that the connections for the steel beams were short tab like things,
which the beams would easily snap loose from if warm enough to flex. that is the
issue, not when steel melts or liquefies, but when it softens enough to break
free of connectors and collapse under weight.

none of this has any bearing on WHO ordered it. that is something that is constantly
either obscured, by sneaking anti Israel elements in, or equating it with either
the standard or non standard explanations.

quite possibly some rigging of explosives could have been done at various places
in the central elevator shaft to make sure this went down into its footprint and
didn't sag to one side, such being rigged to be triggered in a sequence that would
ITSELF. The planes were real, the sound recorded eyewitnesses saw them.

Absolutely no theories or facts regarding any of the WTC buildings' collapse
whether standard story, unusual physics, mini nuke or whatever have any bearing
whatsoever on who did it, who did and did not have a role in it.

"Who gains" and "follow the money" are the way to go on that one.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

analysis of the situation in Syria. never mind whatever this guy may have said
about anything anywhere else. I only found two new tings in it I didn't already know,
but given the news preferences of some here the whole thing might be new to them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another good summary 6:10 AM.
That is what the other side has a lot of trouble doing-making conclusive and direct factual points, counting on too much speculation which is all over the map.
Some questions deserve to be asked, but serving up answers that are only hash is not getting people nearer the truth, but away from it.

There is nothing comfortable about all that 9/11 shows us from any angle.
And too many questions are still unanswerable in full to satisfy every single one.
Will have to be the Almighty to straighten all that out.

Anonymous said...

Dear 12.26pm, this is 6.10am; thank you. The one thing I don't rule out is that Flight 93 was downed deliberately and clandestinely by the USAF, although the timing of the crash and the cellphone calls saying that passengers were going to attack the hijackers suggest not. If so, I think it was justifiable.

Marko said...


I'm not having a lot of time currently to devote here, so thank you for voicing the same things I've been thinking and wanting to say. I agree with you completely, even with the idea that Flight 93 was possibly shot down by one of our fighters, since they would not know what was taking place aboard that plane and acted just as heroically in taking the plane out as did the people inside.

As to who benefited from attacking the heart of America, maybe it was the Islamic fundamentalists who have been an enemy of Christianity and Judaism for over a thousand years??? In their eyes, we are THE nation on earth that represents Christianity (regardless of how much we are really Christian in God's eyes), and Israel is THE nation that represents Judaism (which is obvious of course).

In my eyes, who benefits by an attack on either one in THAT regard (history, national enmity, etc) trumps who benefits financially. It is the larger motive, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

The only possible explanation as to why so many people remain in deep denial about 9/11 is that... when beliefs are challenged, fear and anxiety often take their place.

It is very painful to face the truth... that we have all been lied to.

Osama bin Laden died of a degenerative disease known as Marfan Syndrome (plus kidney disease) in December, 2001 (just 3 months after 9/11). Therefore, he could not have been killed 10 years later by the Navy Seals in Pakistan on May 2, 2011.

To imagine that this man -- who stood nearly 6' 6" tall, had Marfan Syndrome and was on kidney dialysis at the time of 9/11 -- was sitting in a cave in Afghanistan planning our destruction... is ludicrous.

It is true that Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent (known to them as 'Tim Osman').

How ironic that on 9/11-- after all flights were canceled and grounded -- NO Americans were allowed to fly anywhere, for any reason.

Others enjoyed the privilege of receiving kid glove treatment...
"The young members of the bin Laden clan were driven or flown under F.B.I. supervision to a secret assembly point in Texas and then to Washington from where they left the country on a private charter plane when airports reopened three days after the attacks."

For years on this blog, we have learned about the exposure of the New Age, the One World Order, and how the Global Elite operate. Hasn't this taught us everything we need to know about how the game of 'divide and conquer' is played out on the world stage?

Anonymous said...

6:10 Just why should we value your opinion, and that's what it is, over any other opinion? You haven't given credentials and you weren't on the scene. You may be right and you may be wrong, but your opinion can't be judged with an accuracy

For decades we have been lied to by politicians, by the official media, in books, in schools, and in any other way words can be used. Just why should we believe this time for sure we are being told the truth and only the truth. Could be we are being lied to by alternative media. That's why we keep searching until the pieces of information fit together.

There's another way to go. We could just relax and skip everything we've learned about the New Age movement. After all, the official story is so much different. We could sit back and relax, take it all as it's given to us and concentrate our energies on football and fashion. What will be will be. It's so much easier to fit in with the crowd if we remain unaware. Pick and choose what we should worry about? There's always global warming, solar power and women's choice for those who like the official line.

Anonymous said...

Where are YOUR 'credentials' Anonymous @ 2:06PM?

This is NOT about me... it is about being only a 'messenger' for others who are tired of all the lies.

All you seem to know how to do is attack the messenger, rather than the message.

The burden of proof is actually on YOU to prove that we have not been lied to.

Anonymous said...

If you all really want to dig deeper into a possible agenda behind 9/11... look no further than the PNAC (Project For The New American Century)... a think tank established in Washington, D.C. in June, 1997 (4 years before 9/11)... funded largely by the energy and arms industries.

To peel away the layers of the onion... just follow the money.

This video begins with Part 1 of 10 (but, all you really need is Part 1 - along with the summary description below the screen).

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Anonymous @ 2:06 PM...

I realized (too late to stop my post) that you were addressing Anonymous @ 6:10 AM (and not me).


- from Anonymous @ 2:57 PM

Anonymous said...

6:10 A.M.

You are the one wasting everybody else's time with your weak arguments!

Also Marko. Thanks for your testimony, but you describe yourself, to paraphrase, as a watchman on the wall, and when you see others believing something that you think is false, you feel the need to set them straight. Yet you have little time to devote to this blog, or to offering any volume of evidence to support what your "thinking and wanting to say", or to back up your "opinions". You and 6:10 A.M. share the same superci!ious attitude. You both attack other valid researchers with nonsense like you "don't have time to, or do not value others evidence enough to waste your precious time on checking out!

Neither one of you are worthy of any credibility by pompous attitude alone!

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

alternative media is as much trap laden as regular you have to know the ground
somewhat to tell what's wheat and what's chaff. New Agers and others have infiltrated

but anon 3:02 is right about PNAC if nothing more.

Marko said...


I offer no evidence in support of my views on 9/11 simply because the 9/11 Truthers have demonstrated, over and over again, a refusal to even consider that they may have gone off on a false tangent. I could spend hours and hours putting up objections to some of the things that you or others believe, and the chances are very high that you will always counter my objections with "yes, but..." which is just a polite way of saying "no, you're wrong".

For me it is simply a matter of deciding where to spend my time. If that makes me pompous in your mind, I'm sorry.

Marko said...

It's not so much just the countering of my objections that irritates me, because that WOULD make me pompous. What annoys me is when someone tries to say that a complex, conspiratorial sequence of events happened, when an entirely simpler account of the events makes the most sense.

Anonymous said...


Definition from Wikipedia...

In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.

Anonymous said...

I do ask 9/11 "truthers" here to summarise the main points of their reasoning why they believe as they do. That most of them prefer to insult those who disagree with them says a lot. Plenty of their arguments about the collapse of WTC1,2 and 7 have already been refuted higher up this thread.

Anonymous said...

"Osama bin Laden died of a degenerative disease known as Marfan Syndrome (plus kidney disease) in December, 2001 (just 3 months after 9/11). Therefore, he could not have been killed 10 years later by the Navy Seals in Pakistan on May 2, 2011."

Yep, and Elvis did 9/11 and George W Bush is a shapeshifting lizard.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Osama bin Laden DID die in December, 2001 (not in May, 2011)... plus, I'd be more inclined to believe that George Herbert Walker Bush is the 'shape shifting lizard' (LOL).

Anonymous said...

Links to sources regarding Osama bin Laden's death on December 26, 2001:

Anonymous said...

Marko @ 5:32 PM and Anon @ 6:54 PM

Agreed and thanks.

paul said...

So I guess it was some ashes that brought down WTC#7.
Good enough.

Anonymous said...

'Denial' is a river in Egypt. None are so blind, as those who can not see. Some people wake up at their own pace... or not at all. Whether you do or not, is neither my concern nor my problem.

All I do know for sure is that the 'official' story is the real conspiracy... actually more like a fairy tale. It makes no sense and defies logic.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

never mind HOW the issue is WHO. and the relationship between Bush, Cheney and the ben laden family (and they can send some money to Osama to sick his jihadis onto
the towers while stand down orders keep coming to AF from Cheney) tells it all.

Anonymous said...

"All I do know for sure is that the 'official' story is the real conspiracy"

O, you know it for sure do you? So you aren't interested in any more evidence either way? Congratulations.

How come al-Qaeda announced the death of bin Laden after the US raid on Abbottabad and vowed to avenge it?

We'll have the Martians in on 9/11 next...

Ruth of Exeter said...

If God be for us, who can be against us? With Obama's puppet regime in the Disunited States, and David Cameron's equally puppet regime in the Not So Great Britain, the New World agenda is swinging into its final phase. We are in the situation of the people of Russia around 1914, or the people of China at the dawn of the Maoist era, or Germany around 1933, but this time it is worldwide. Everything Constance has warned us about is coming to pass. The poor are already being destroyed and the waters are already lapping at the feet of the middle class.

As Christians we were told that things would get a lot worse before Satan walks naked into history, so we should not be surprised. As the ground shifts under our feet, we alone have a Rock to cling to. Woe to the other inhabitants of the earth!

Fifteen years ago I didn't have a clue...and yet at the same time I feel like God has been preparing me for this time all my life. In these last days things are going to become simple again, as they are for that poor pastor in the Iranian jail. Food or no food, water or no water, beating or no beating, shelter or no shelter. And bowing to the Antichrist or standing for Christ. Do we love not our lives unto death? I woke in fear and pain and weakness last night, asking myself these questions.

I have read Solzhenitsyn and Richard Wurmbrand. I've just finished reading Father Seraphim Rose (thanks, Constance) and I know I can't follow their example in my own strength.

I'm not saying it's all going bad this year, but I understand that the NWO currency is projected for 2018, and these folks at the top know their time is short.

So I'm working on doing what Christ told us to do and trusting in Him alone. In imitation of the fine Christians on this website and a couple of others. Analysis and debate on the details are always interesting, but the broad picture seems all too clear now.

I'd be glad of constructive comments....

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Whether the antichrist himself is coming or not, persecution may be coming on a
scale larger than just some guy with a gun at your head (an easy way to die).
Guillotining also is an easy way to die, and if the antichrist is chopping heads off
that much it may mean so many reject him for various reasons, that he has no time
to do much torture.

Christian martyrs sometimes were reported having immunity to pain one of them
recently an Orthodox cleric in Harbin China, during the Japanese occupation, when
it was demanded that they make obeisance to the Japanese sun "goddess" the Japanese
is their first ancestor. It was disputed whether this was acceptable because it was
only veneration of an ancestor, but opposition to this pointed out it was esteemed
also to be a god, which is a whole other matter.

Jesus said not to worry what you will say when hailed before anti Christian
authorities because God will give you the words.

Constance Cumbey said...

Just on air with THE MAKING OF A TERRORIST today!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ruth of Exeter,
God bless you.
You have pretty much spoken for me and made the same appeal as I have at times here, to cut through the rhetoric and face the simple facts that we are seeing things never seen before on this level, and there is much more to come very soon. Yes, everything is ramped up worldwide, while people split hairs over who did or didn't do what.
How much worse does all this world have to get before people will stop arguing there is a huge problem (who doesn't see that?) and see WHO alone will be coming to solve it, the whole shebang? If paying attention in the least, we can see that antichrist gets his spin at the wheel in the not too distant future at all now, and then he is removed for the real King to come.
The time of warnings is over. Real time, real issues as you highlighted will simply boil down to the very question you so rightly posed.
God answers to no one and he has not one burden upon himself to explain to us in this finite phase, but that we do as he said, and simply trust and obey him. People need to be repenting right now for having their eyes fixed on this horizontal plane and not upon him, because the answers aren't forthcoming in all the arguing, "explaining" (rationalizing) people are bent on.

Anonymous said...

The term New Age is not commonly used although it is all around us. This morning I was checking the conservative news site I saw this link which led to the article
How Obama Ushered in the New Age of Christian Martyrdom

Someone at the Institute must be familiar with the dangers of New Age because there are other stories that warn about the New Age movement, never spelling out completely what it is though. The site is worth checking out.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Constance, I missed some of what you were saying today, you said
Vallely had been found out to be friends with Aquino since late 1960s
did I get that right and how did you find out? This definitely rules
out Vallely being ignorant of Aquino's satanism.

Anonymous said...


I have no idea when the NWO currency will appear and I'm skeptical that THEY do either, for I doubt that they are yet powerful enough for world politics not to be contingent for them, but here are a couple of comments.

First, central bankers the world over wish to continue reducing interest rates, but these are nearly at zero and if they go negative, so as to become a tax on savers, then people will simply store their cash under the mattress rather than in the banks. The bankers' solution? Abolish cash as legal tender, in favor of an electronic system linked to personal bank accounts.

Second, the IMF already has a world currency. It's called SDRs, for Strategic Drawing Rights. Just as the Fed can print dollars and the Bank of England can print pounds sterling, so can the IMF print SDRs. In fact their bailouts of countries that get into trouble - with strings attached - are denominated in SDRs, altough the general public never sees them. Now, if the USA can persuade the IMF to print SDRs and loan them to the Fed instead of printing dollars in the next round of QE then Washington can simply shrug its shoulders and say "Not my fault" when the hyperinflation stoked by QE eventually comes. And if the dollar loses its status as reserve currency of choice as a result then guess what would replace it? SDRs...

Anonymous said...

Here is the man who did much to shape Obama's anti Israel views.

Jeremiah Wright: 'Jesus was a Palestinian'

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

this Jeremiah Wright guy is awful. an ISIS flag was present during a Ferguson riot
and these people are trying to exploit such feelings.

Anonymous said...

Ruth, I asked for more information elsewhere because it is so difficult to understand. Here is an answer I received. Thanks for raising the issue which would have skipped right me without your push.

From Doree G on Facebook. First she posted the Wikipedia site:

Then added: The IMF is deciding if the Chinese renmibi (yuan) will become part of SDRs. This could ultimately lead to the downfall of the U.S. Dollar as the reserve currency of the world. If and when that happens The U.S. will be royally screwed.

Anonymous said...

Dear 1.48pm,

Yes, the IMF is deciding whether to rebalance the basket of currencies that define SDRs in view of the continuing expansion of the Chinese economy. At present it is not in there (I think) or if so only to a tiny proportion. The US dollar is and will continue to be the main currency in the basket after the rebalancing. As to the longer term, it is up to the American people and their leaders as well as the Chinese people and theirs.

Constance Cumbey said...

To Anonymous 7: 34

THANKS MUCH for the heads up on the 2015 World Parliament of Religions. I'm looking closely at that site now. Lee Penn has been somewhat under the weather lately, but I will get word to him tomorrow as well.

There is no question but that the New Age forces are coalescing behind all of their key issues and goals: New World Order (global governance); New World Religion (United Religions, World Parliament of Religions, and other similar initiatives. The World Parliament of Religions has at least in the past had heavy Theosophical Society leadership. I'm reading and archiving its 2014 site carefully.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

A short offtopic question (being an ask for help it might be better suited for the previous blogpost):

If someone is targeted with gang stalking and...
- lives in Europe,
- is a traditional-minded Catholic,
- looks for international help (optionally a traditional RC institution) that could provide some kind of supervision,

...where could he turn?

Is the Malteser International worth asking (Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke being their current patron) or are they too over-infiltrated by liberals?

Any help would be greatly and kindly appreciated!

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

gang stalking being a technological problem assuming it exists (it might, patents exist to accomplish the sort of things described by victims) the solutions are
technological, do it yourself. (of course if you are talking about more traditional
kinds of physical harassment, vandalism and breakins, don't drag in conspiracies
because you will be ignored as crazy, just file complaints with police.)

since some of the symptoms of this kind of attack overlap to those of psychic and
demonic attack you might want to try some do it yourself exorcism, get a copy of
the original (not rewritten modern) ritual of exorcism, and alter wording as

holy oil in the ears may make a difference.

as for the technological sort,

these articles might be a place to start.

the exorcistic formula of the medal of St. Benedict is one of the most powerful,
add "In Jesus' Name," it goes like this: "Begone Satan, show me not your vain
things, your cup is full of poison drink your own poison." the letters around
the images on the medal on one side are the first initials of these in Latin. on
the other side is "Let the Cross be my light let not the dragon be my guide," the
same in the form of first letters for these words in Latin.

visualizing yourself as a reflective surface that sends all back to the sender
can help, or a sheet of reflective side towards them aluminum foil that traps them. If you are seeing entities mentally or almost visually you may see them twist and
turn inside the foil but keep layering it on without a gap.

now if it is strictly physical sensations and neurological stuff, look to the
technological solutions, though these other methods may help some, and check on
herbal medicinal measures against symptoms.

If you use a herb as apotropaic (repellant) always use an odd number of herb species
(incl. different species of same kind of herb) not even or they cancel each other
out. there are a few exceptions but it isn't worth going into and I'm not sure
of them.

wash down the floors and entrance points, doorways and porches with ammonia or a verbena based cleaner or both at least once a week.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

the apotropaic use of herbs is external applications. if you use St. John's wort powder place it on you where it will not get wet from sweat or anything, this
seems to ruin it.

Anonymous said...

What new age hocus pocus kind of answer is that Mary Christine Erikson @ 8:53 AM ?

And by the way, are you following your own advise about your floors and walls, etc,? because if you were you would not have time to even come here and post such foolishness.
(Are you sitting there at your computer all day and night wearing an aluminum foil cap or something?)

I simply put my trust in the LORD my Great Shepherd and Shield, but you go on ahead and trust in your performance of your jimdandy ;) blend of psychobabble, new age, "christianeze" rituals. Aren't you supposed to be a believer in the Lord?

8:43 AM Certainly the targeting will continue to increase and I don't think you'll be able to really count on help to come by human'll have pray to the Lord Jesus for that answer.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

there is nothing new age about chemical actions affecting your body soul interface
so that your mind and through it your soul is either made more susceptible to
demonic or psychic influence (altered states inducing drugs) or less susceptible.

would you recommend keeping occult objects around and "trusting in the Lord Jesus
Christ" or getting rid of them? would you consider getting rid of them showing lack
of faith in Jesus? would you consider it showing faith in Jesus to gobble acid or
showing presumption? would you consider it showing lack of faith in Jesus to take
antidotes to some psychoactive drug you had taken or to an overdose of medicine
that became psychoactive?

do you have a bias against all but the most unavoidably blatant biblically stated
physical kinds of action or worship and a negative gut reaction to the idea of
God working through the physical so that you are a little uncomfortable with the
idea of the Incarnation itself?

methinks part of your problem is subclinical Gnosticism.

Anonymous said...

Keep going. Rat yourself out even more ;) .
Does the strategically placed aluminum help you get better reception and transmissions from Mars?

You must be on some very important call lists with all this expert advice to lend.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

if you would bother to read, the aluminum was a mental picture to wrap the things
in when they are not solid. do so backing this up with Jesus' Name. Keeping the
home free of all possible mold and detritus is important they can build up etheric
bodies from this, why do you think they like blood sacrifices? to build power. not
having these they have to use what they can which in most places isn't much.

If all this stuff is so damn new age, if there is no brain body soul linkup, then why are brain entrainment and binaural beats something to avoid?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

by the way you haven't answered my question. do you feel uncomfortable with the

Anonymous said...

Constance, why pretend you are interested in exposing anything New Age any more. You've let the one good place to expose New Age deliberately be destroyed. Do you really think anyone can take this blog seriously when it is filled almost 90% with Christine's babbling. If you want to help her so much, make it private by paying for counseling for her. The rest of us really don't care about her mental health. There are enough crazies in the world that we don't have time for. The other option is just to admit you really don't care if the world goes completely New Age as long as Christine feels cared for by you. No woman can serve two masters, in your case emotionally supporting Christine and exposing the New Age movement. It's a shame because in the early days, even when you were doing legal work, your analysis of the New Age movement, now outdated, was excellent.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

anon 12:00

sounds like you don't want to engage that question about being uncomfortable with the material realm. afraid you will rat yourself out as a creation denying gnostic?
tsk tsk. I am not talking about dying it exists, rather, that it is unworthy of God to have made it and beneath your attention?

or to avoid actual effects that might result?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

or are you maybe a witch afraid that countermeasures to you will be broadcast?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

God has created some things having the ability to block entities to some extent. one of them is benzoin. another is angelica, must be very effective including
against the false friendly types because a witch listing plant effects complained it was sometimes too protective. this is about external application, keeping a sprig or putting the powder on you, not eating it. that is an entirely different
ball of wax.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"Ms. Morgan is a retired architect with an expertise in liturgical design who consults and gives presentations on religious architecture. She believes that a space becomes sacred through the meaning it holds within its community. Sharing that meaning can reduce social tension and cultural misunderstanding and build bridges of trust and hope."

interesting nonsense, and essentially atheistic. "sacred space" may in some places
be indeed a community focus thing, but essentially it is space designated to the
service of some deity. The Tabernacle and Temple of YHWH were very sacred space,
with a most sacred or holy of holies within it. When Jesus died the veil separating
this from the rest of the Temple was torn in two, signifying God was now moving
into the world in a more direct sort of way, through Jesus Christ, Who He then raised from the dead. In the same MATERIAL and PHYSICAL body He had before, but
now indestructible and immortal. our "spiritual" or "glorified" bodies will still
be material, but indestructible and immortal.

unless I'm mistaken, this parliament consists of self appointed representatives who
have no authority merely they hope to persuade. its sort of a joke, except to those
who have no sense of objective truth, what people need to do is examine their
faiths and make sure they have the right one, most of them don't. But such
parliaments attack the idea of truth, making getting along the only thing, and like
with masonry anything that is divisive must go, which of course means that although
jihadi islam is under attack (good) so is exclusivity claims for Jesus Christ and
Christian missions under attack (not good).

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

seems they are prepping courses for various seminaries. while some of the information
about other faiths may be useful in the right hands, you can be sure that the
presentation will NOT be about understanding them so you can figure out how
to persuade people to leave these delusions and accept Jesus Christ the King and God.

Anonymous said...

@Christine Erikson:

I'm the one that asked about gang stalking, thank you for the reply! I agree that this is most likely a combination of standard (criminal) harassment, technical and spiritual/demonic attacks. I also tend to think that this is done by cults.

There is a huge anti-cult movement in the States, I wonder if there are RC anti-cult organizations or professionals (I didn't find any) and if yes, do they 'operate' internationally?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

if this would be too much of a long distance call, try my email
I looked around on a search engine and didn't see anything like what you want. not
sure the ones that exist could help most tend to class RC among cults anyway. And
the focus always seemed to be doctrine rarely spiritual warfare.

Fr. Jack Ashcroft is an exorcist but he is also sedevacantist. Don't know if that
would do you any good.

Anonymous said...

@Christine Erikson:

Thank you again! I think I'd write a mail rather than phone. If Fr. Ashcraft is knowledgeable in cases like this, he could give some advice. By the logic of gang stalking, once isolation has been successfully countered, all other tactics can be more easily dealt with. (I wouldn't like to be offtopic though.)

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

generally speaking, this gang stalking happens when you have knowingly or
unknowingly stepped on someone's toes. so when you email me, try to figure out everything that was going on in your life remember names organizations anything everything and what issues you were confronting anyone about or publicly involved
in fighting or whatever in the months before this started. Also if anyone of these
somehow managed to give you a present, get you to eat something, whatever. or
visited your home (might have left something).

some RC and lots of protestant writings address spiritual warfare. A MAJOR
countermeasure to any kind of "mind control" which is really more like mind influence, is to not let yourself be led by feelings or passing thoughts of the moment but judge everything. even if it originates from yourself, that doesn't mean it is good. we are all fallen, and we are all targets of the devil to some extent
and affected by influences in media and society around us. so this self monitoring
is a good thing anyway.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I don't know if Fr. Ashcraft is knowledgeable about technological attack, but the
spiritual warfare issue he would know about, and the ongoing spiritual warfare of
the believer, to control one's own mind and not give in to things of the flesh
(which is more than just sexual desire) can be an issue no matter what the source.

if the symptoms involve depression get st. john's wort. DO NOT USE ANYTHING TO HELP
YOU SLEEP THAT HAS PASSION FLOWER IN IT, most of the mixes for this do.
This herb has harmaline in it which increases psychic sensitivity and telepathic
capability, the last thing you need. you need to strengthen the boundaries not
weaken them.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

GNC, Target and Walmart adulterate their herbs, though the vitamins seems okay. and mountain rose herbs online are my favorite sources, a health food place can sell you decent herbs but these online places are cheaper.

Anonymous said...

"this parliament consists of self appointed representatives"

Ms. Erikson belongs at their big powwow since she has so much enlightenment. She needs a platform there so she could speak to them all about the signals she picks up from aliens and demons while wearing her aluminum foil hat and and sprinkling her oils and scattering her herbs and sundry other admonitions ;) she has to give to fix us all (it's for your own good), though powerless to help herself. While she is there she get a job scrubbing floors and all entrance points and it would keep her busy as well would earn and actual paycheck.

One more thing, her nagging posts posing nagging questions do not deserve any answers in my book.

Anonymous said...

Christine, I addressed my note to Constance, not you, unless you have another alias.I am not the person you think you are speaking to. There are a lot of anonymous people on this blog who think you detract from the fight against the New Age movement.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

anon 4:00

you take yourself too seriously. All my responses were to anon 11:07

Anonymous said...

"DO NOT USE ANYTHING TO HELP YOU SLEEP THAT HAS PASSION FLOWER IN IT, most of the mixes for this do.This herb has harmaline in it which increases psychic sensitivity and telepathic
capability, the last thing you need."

Humans do not have telepathic capability. Only angels and demons do - and humans who are informed by these. Anyone who does not recognise messages form god in what they think they learn should seek deliverance urgently.

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,

Passionflower increases telepathic sensitivity" is more New Age pollution of your website, as "graveyard miasma" was.

Please would you take steps to prevent it?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

anon 4:50

"Humans do not have telepathic capability. Only angels and demons do - and humans who are informed by these."

This has never been established. I see nothing in the Bible that states that. IF
the only way you have telepathy is because demons in one person are talking to demons
in another, or because they read minds and pass messages, the question remains, how
can we receive demon messages without some telepathic action on OUR part, stimulated,
implanted, or natural?

Secondly, experimental evidence is that some chemicals enhance this effect, whether
it is demonic or not. One debunker of all things supernatural sneered at the idea
a demon could be silenced by a dose of thorazine in the schizophrenic hearing from
it. But there is nothing odd about that. the brain runs on electrical processes
(I suppose I will hear THAT is new age also? go study neurology its all about
electrical synapses and so forth.) and the demon is apparently tweaking the synapses
to be able to talk to anyone. So whatever will shut down the synapses at issue
will shut down the demonic input at that level.

someone's patient was plagued with "Old Hag" as its called in Canada, where you wake
up with a weight on your chest and a monster is sitting on you. The first night she
used imipramine, an antidepressant, it stopped. Apparently this stuff reorganizes
your electrical system so that your shielding against such things is better.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

When I was staying at my aunt's house, where she thought someone who looked like her
father but really wasn't him haunted the place, I felt like I had to rush past
shadowy figures to get to the bathroom and back to the daybed. The first night I used
wellbutrin this was gone. (1991.) I mixed imipramine with it later for good measure.

Prozac was sort of okay but less so. It left a certain weakness or in touch like
you don't need, but in control of it more.

One person I knew was buying Prozac on the street (some dopers found it helped them
so a black market developed in this) in order to shut down the messages from his
occultist very evil friends. in his case I would expect demons were involved, but
it made a big dent in the situation. Not perfect, but a lot better. I suppose he
started using Prozac when he decided to stop using heroin and cocaine regularly and
only do it on weekends ("chipping") so he wouldn't screw up and lose his driving
job. (late 1990s to 2000.)

the hoodoo crew use various herbs to help cast spells and to help break them, and
this for the most part WITHOUT getting the targets to eat them, maybe smell them
used as a perfume. The breaking however would rely on the target of the spell
using them.

I forget the year, but one of the modern shaman crowd using ayahuasca, a major part
of it being harmaline, to broadcast the contents of a report from south America
to the recipient who typed it up correctly. I don't recommend this. I am merely
reporting that some chemical suppress (good) and other enhance (bad) whatever "telepathy"

By the way, in the time I've been online here over the past two hours, I have not
only posted here and elsewhere but also assembled a small greenhouse. most of it.
So it wouldn't keep me offline most of the day to do the access point washdowns
someone suggested I should do to keep me busy.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

correction about three hours work.

Anonymous said...

Humans do not have telepathic capability. Only angels and demons do - and humans who are informed by these.

Christine: This has never been established. I see nothing in the Bible that states that.

The Bible certainly deny it either, so we have to find out by looking. Numerous parapsychology experiments have been done and find ambiguous results at best but whenever they are tightened up the effect always goes away. Parapsychology doesn't, however, because people fund it and to say "No result" is to close down your department. So you keep doing ever more complex experiments (such as ganzfeld) in which the statistical datum level corresponding to no result is almost impossible to determine.

Christine: IF the only way you have telepathy is because demons in one person are talking to demons in another, or because they read minds and pass messages, the question remains, how can we receive demon messages without some telepathic action on OUR part, stimulated, implanted, or natural?

Because we are part material, part spirit and can therefore hear the demon which is all spirit. but demons are not tied to matter and appear to be able to can telepath between themselves over long distances. It should never be used to try to communicate between two hosts, though. demons are intelligent and evil and not like radio transmitter/receivers.

Christine: Secondly, experimental evidence is that some chemicals enhance this effect, whether it is demonic or not.

As I explained, humans do not have this capacity.

Anonymous said...

Short term memory loss due to old age or magical thinking?
Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
anon 12:00

Yes Christine we are familiar with White Magic vs Black Magic and how White Magic is supposed to be good and all that.

Anonymous said...

"someone's patient was plagued with "Old Hag" as its called in Canada, where you wake
up with a weight on your chest and a monster is sitting on you."

Why is this blog subjected to your unneeded, unwanted autobiography?

You should peddle your papers elsewhere, where the dabbles in new age and occult are wanted and promoted (meaning: your own blog).
The parliament of religions begins on the 15th in Salt Lake City so you have time to get there and share your profundity.

Anonymous said...

And MCE, don't try sneaking in the resident seer's biography, either.

Salt. Lake. City.

Anonymous said...

Looking up White Magic on Wikipedia, I learned about Gray Magic. Readers here might find this interesting.

A rather different meaning to the term was given by Roy Bowers, an influential British witch of the 1960s. For Bowers, it was a technique of baffling, bewildering, and mystifying everyone he met in order to gain power over them; by doing so, he was always more sure about them than they were about him. In his article entitled Genuine Witchcraft is Defended, Bowers says the following:[5]
“ One basic tenet of witch psychological grey magic is that your opponent should never be allowed to confirm an opinion about you, but should always remain undecided. This gives you a greater power over him, because the undecided is always the weaker. From this attitude much confusion has probably sprung in the long path of history."[6]

Seems familiar to use a magical word.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

anon 5:48

as you explained on no authority whatsoever, and mentioning that we are a mix of
spirit and matter, and that is back to square one, if being spirit means one can
broadcast and receive, then we can also though to a lesser extent by your very

The rest of you, I am not talking about "white magic." that is the same stuff as
black magic but used for "good." I am talking about stuff that blocks the whole
damn thing.

And if you think that this is new age then you are either deluded into thinking
that the new age is solely politics, and the religion is just a tool to help the
politics (it is from some NA politicians perspectives I'm sure), when the real
goal is for the politics once facilitated by the religious infiltration then will
reinforce the religion and suppress its opposition,

or you think it is all about the religion but that anything that anyone does is just
a religious statement, and your avoidance is a religious statement, and there is no

anyone who has come out of occultism can tell you otherwise. Anyone who has had
to get rid of things they still had from the bad old days, can tell you that the
attacks lessen or disappear, that they are facilitated by something attached to
cursed or "charged" objects. And that YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOWINGLY HAVE SUCH THINGS,
THEY NEED NOT BE OBVIOUS OCCULT OBJECTS like pentagrams or something, they can be
perfectly average things and this will still happen. IF they've been charged on
purpose or belonged to someone heavily in to this stuff.

And the charge might even be inherited, in which case you really got a fight on
your hands. Sometimes Jesus lifts the curse all at once, others perhaps He wants
them to learn to fight, or use them to make fools of the demons who get fought off.
I think it was St. Anthony who had been in a near physical struggle with a demon
and finally called on Jesus for help and the demon was gone, and he asked "why
didn't You help me before?" and Jesus answered that He was watching him fight.

yes He will keep us from the pestilence that walks at night (vampires and vampiric
spirits) and the demon that wasteth at noonday, but is it always by absolute
elimination? or sometimes more like what David referred to as protection, keeping his
enemies from him until he was able to destroy them.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

parapsychological research is always doomed to some extent, because this sort
of thing is highly dependent on the mental condition and mood of the person
performing, and especially if there is any boundary invasion going on, or
demons that require such a softening up to steal energy and work, or the person
being tested requires this, then the very sharp minded objective attitudes
will block the action.

This was why that bitch my biological so called mother went into a rage, and said
she could feel a wall or barrier going up between us when I had a moment of clarity,
was looking at and noticing real noticing things around me, I was conscious not
half tranced. I was an 8 1/2 or 9 year old waking up to the existence of the
world around me, just a few seconds and she noticed and was enraged. I wasn't
DOING anything, just a change in alertness.

Anonymous said...

Oh that voodoo that you do ;)

"anyone who has come out of occultism can tell you otherwise"
Obvious to everyone but you, you never came out of it.

Anonymous said...

Constance, how much do you know about Christine's background? Have you ever been in contact with any practicing witchcraft group? Have you seen actual underground witchcraft material? Not just taking her word about her mother things? Time to learn.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

all rituals, all practices, are to harness and send a flow or an intent. the
means are just ways of focusing to do it. some can do it without rituals, though
I found a piece of tatting with a pin stuck in some dried clear serum like might
have come from a skinned knee. Knowing what I might be looking at, I pulled the pin
out, and unexpectedly a chronic tightness in my upper back suddenly went almost
entirely away and did not come back like it had been.

someone who can get inside your head not by any manipulation just DOES it and
make you say and do things not in your mind and you wonder why you are doing it
and she is pleased, and it works to her advantage, well, its pretty obvious what's
going on. The most extreme case was like possession, I no longer had a sense of
myself and I was parroting back her words to her then the spell was broken by
my grandmother walking upstairs, and after that I never let it happen again.

Years later when I read Dion Fortune's Psychic Self Defense and what her employer
had done to her, I could recognize some of what went on. I think the bitch was
some kind of inherent powers witch, no membership no practices, but a liking for
A. A. Milne's pagan (clearly so at the end) Wind in the Willows, and Arthur
Rackham's unwholesome art. and other things. she had an instinct for it. sucked
the life out of everyone. it was more than just her verbal and overt actions.

you might find some information in the hedge witch or eclectic category. but
what I'm talking about is probably rare. it got weaker as I got more interested
in Jesus Christ. basically, you got a psychopath with some actual paranormal ability.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

and of course it is when I talk about how to fight this stuff that I draw fire.
how odd.

another thing. it is real unwise to kiss a corpse goodbye as some cultures do at
the funeral, or even touch the casket goodbye. I picked up my first major problems
of something stalking me when I did that at my father's funeral. And he was into
something bad. Can't tell what exactly without a big lecture I have an idea.

all this started because you feel you gotta barge in on my discussion with the
person having a problem. now this is a public site, and you can do so. but until
proven otherwise I figure you are a witch, either practicing cult conscious or just
got the mojo on your own. in any case, if any of you buttinskis are the one who
sniped at me that she addressed Constance not me (and I wasn't responding to her
post to Constance) then you are a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Uh, your bitter root is showing again, and it is a defilement. (Heb 12:15)
So it appears you learned from a master, or else this is just all you all the time, using her memory to keep refueling your bitterness and spread it here.
Either way that is called unforgivenness and you are full of it.
Others who live forgiven and pass that on in their lives in relationships with the living or the dead are not defiled by you, but you're definitely sucking the life out of this blog.

If I regard iniquity in my heart the LORD will not hear me (Ps 66:18) fits you to a 't'.
No wonder you are still 'under the influence' of the occult/new age and have no power in your life to be truly healed and overcome. No glory to God in your story (unsolicited autobiography) no matter how much you try to say you believe in Jesus. If you did the unforgivenness would be gone and you would not continue to spread your evil beliefs and practices. You can't do that and think Jesus'name will attach to your unbelief.

Doesn't work that way.

Repent of your unbelief.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

repent of your slander and mishandling of Scripture. Matt. 18:11-15 says to
REJECT the steadfastly unrepentant we are only called on to forgive those who

and I fail to see how the statement that the bitch's ability faded as I got more
interested in Jesus is not giving Jesus glory. And I have already given God the
glory for creating things that had an entity repelling and disordered energy repelling

so you lie.


and if she had repented she would still be a case in point and my experiences
something for others to learn from.

anything less than that anger is a risk to sliding back into the crippled states
of mind she encouraged.

Anonymous said...

Anger is toward sin, love is toward the sinner.
What you refuse to see is how unkind and unloving in your unforgivenness you are in not honoring a mother's memory. #5 of the 10 remember? That is to be done even if undeserved because we are forgiven by the Lord even while we were yet sinners-undeserving in other words, so it is you who lies about the mishandling of scripture by not obeying to forgive as we are forgiven (in full). Proof that you don't even know what that means or you would be living it yourself, making you the one who is crippled. Paralyzed even, in that ugly state of heart and mind toward another--well, others, period.
Your 'experiences' don't help-they yourself are proof of that, as well. You supposedly 'diagnose and prescribe' for others but 'physician' you need to heal thyself!
The 'psychobabble snakeoil' approach you have to healing and wholeness is bogus. Your perturbed, disturbed postings speak volumes.

Anonymous said...

What is more informative about the New Age movement?

Christine's lead in's to information on the occult, using her mother's connection as a tease to share details. We do not even know if the story is true or made up. We don't know what kind of following of crazies she has at the other sites she is at.

People have been chased away, preferring not to waste more time checking the site out. These are people who could have shared what they are seeing around them. You can ignore these comments Constance, but the fact of what is going on is obvious to many.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

#5 the first command with a promise attached I this is said, note context, something about thriving in the land God has given you? you won't get the latter if your idea of honor is to accept and obey no matter what and you follow the errors
(read horrific evils and idolatries) of your parents from which they had to turn.
clearly this is about godly parents.

honor in any case vs. dishonor is more about physical caretaking in the example Jesus gives,
and I did help her in fact I probably saved her life three times.

the kind of preferring I did do before I woke up too late, cost others dearly and
facilitated all kinds of evil and harm to those who cared about me and she persuaded
me they didn't.

facts are facts, and do not change (in some cases are worse) simply because they
are facts about someone related to you or a parent.

right is right and wrong is wrong, and the idea of separating the sin from the
sinner is not entirely correct. we are not good people who do some sins, we are
evil people whose sins flow from our evil, and God has been working on us to make
us less and less evil.

some people you allow them any space incl. attitude about them they just destroy
you. and those who become vulnerable to them because of you.

sure you can pray for them from a safe distance. you don't give them your heart.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"the fact of what is going on" is that someone cries out for help, I give him
or her some help, and these people unload on me with their venom, spitting cobra
style. only Constance can tell who actually visits. my blogs have thousands of visitors who say nothing, I am sure this one does also. just because someone visits doesn't mean they post, and what they New Age is isn't even agreed on by complainers. so they really need to shut up and learn. the picture is not limited
either to politics or to spiritual occult etc. issues. and some of it is the very
sort of Scripture mishandling to create a blur that okays everything and does not
oppose address or protect anyone from anyone else which I see going on in some
posts here.

When Jacob and Esau became friends again, they did not remain together as brothers
and a family again. they went their separate ways. this prevents revival of old
trouble. both are a temptation to the other. (At this point I am sure someone will
start the false law vs. grace dichotomy because this is OT.)

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I think some here read some half verse out of Scripture and go into a new agey mental blur.


Anonymous said...

Satan's favorite cult in state of confusion.

Leaked letter adds intrigue, confusion to Vatican bishops meeting

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

this is the link for the above article. the link didn't work but I found it using
the search feature for the site.

Richard said...

Christine Erikson,

"Richard at 10:16,

I don't think there's going to be an attack on Israel. several articles
on Russia coordinating with Israel about Syria."

There WILL be an attack on Israel in time. The book of Ezekiel says so. We suspect that the 'hook' is gas/petroleum find in Israel.

Already there are reports of fighters from Sudan coming up to join ISIS. Libyans and Tunisians are already there fighting. These are men from the nations listed by the prophets that will one day join Russia and Iran (who are amassing troops in Latakia now) in their attack south through the Golan (the major mountains of Israel where God will destroy them).

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


yes, but since Revelation mentions this as after a thousand years after the Second
Coming, and since any war now would involve modern weapons, any attack would not
be THE attack.

because although a prophecy may be fulfilled in part at one time and finished in
another time, or be repeated in fulfillment, there is great detail given that the
weapons that the defeated enemy will leave behind will be burned as firewood and
no wood gathered for seven months.

firewood is not the usual source nowdays, its electricity and gas. and modern weapons
even the rifles don't burn well. the rifles are minimal often no wood at all.

so this must happen after everyone is back to more primitive weaponry. so it can't happen now or likely in our lifetimes (pre transformation into Resurrection bodies
type lifetime that is if this happens while any of us are still alive).

Richard said...


Yes, there is one last war at the end of the thousand years which involves Satan. But there are TWO battles, not one. For the first one, you are seeing the nascent beginnings at this very time with Iran, Russia moving in, and various other groups.
This first invasion will come from all directions and it will be of colossal proportions. Does it not say that the Jews must be without walls and forts and living securely prior to this? That is what they will gain after Psalm 83. We will hopefully see Islam put down as a threat before Gog and Magog.

I don't think Russia is going to leave until they get their asses handed to them in the Golan Heights. Things change so quickly. Back in 2004 we thought that one day Russia will invade and will have to 'drive' through Georgia, Armenia, Turkey down into Syria or Iraq and then onward to Israel. But look now. Did you ever think in your wildest nightmares that Russian, Chinese, Iranian and Sudanese soldiers would be amassing next to Israel as they are now? They are right next door. You think Putin will just up and leave without taking some cookies first?

We don't know it all when it comes to prophecy. The Tribulation world will be very different than our own, so it's hard to speculate accurately on the scenarios outside of the biblical text.

Anonymous said...

You are right on the money, Richard.
Christine, strains for gnats and swallows herds of camels--just name your topic--but especially with the Bible. Not just her timing that is off..........

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


firstly again, this has to happen when we have all bombed each other back into the
stone age, and there are no more metal rifles or tanks. to dismiss the detailed
description of the aftermath by spiritualizing it or claiming it is some hyperbole
to reassure the reader is shoddy.

secondly, I pay no attention to the prophecy experts you are used to anymore. The Ezekiel-38-is-about-commie-Russkies crew never saw the collapse of the Soviet Union coming, before which such a collection of attackers would not be possible. A great
many listed were then in the USSR. only now do they exist again as distinct countries. And they do not notice that almost no enemies listed are Arab,
they are hamitic and mostly japhetic (incl. Iran). So whenever this happens, either
Israel is at peace with its Arab neighbors, or they are both targeted by the attack.
This condition did not exist during any of the time the "experts" were writing, nor
does it exist now. yet they keep up variations of the same thing.

aside from the wood weapons thing, they did not notice this. They have proven themselves unable to interpret Scripture.

and there is this Psalm 83 War Debunked
by Chris White. I take his research more seriously because it is more comprehensive
and does rely on or encourage emotional stuff. I don't know whether he is right on
everything else. The Contemporaneous Beast View cued
me to stuff I had missed. Based on this I went looking for others' assessments,
and came to the conclusions I detail at start with the oldest posts first. I am still undecided whether the four headed
leopard is a future Kurdistan or present China, but lean to the latter.

A foretaste of Ezekiel 38 might happen, but nothing like the actual thing. At
present though, I think it is unlikely.

According to the assessment on my blog, yes, Russia will remain in the Middle
East, and will get in a war with Turkey and win. Turkey and parts of the Middle
East will likely become part of Russian borders. China I predicted as you can
see would be boots on the ground in the Middle East if it is the leopard this
would be permanent. It since then moved in, already setting up shop and reputedly
some 1500 marines offloaded along with weapons. China is tired of its jihadi
problem and as I figured is taking this war home to the source of the problem.
Both have serious interests in Iran and Syria, and China has opened a diplomatic
office in Iraqi Kurdistan. Now, it might install Kurdistan as a power and leave,
or it might stay. To be in prophecy you have to be in the Middle East or a major
ongoing player there. Britain and America (the eagle winged lion) reshaped the
whole map and installed and maintained Israel. that's pretty serious presence.

the antichrist will arise out of a fourth empire that conquers the previous and
what's left of the eagle winged lion, and this fourth empire does not exist yet.

But in Revelation, the beast is described as having the body of a leopard, the
feet of a bear, and the mouth of a lion. China has enormous involvement in Africa.
This beast sounds like Chinese infrastructure, Russian weapons (someone pointed
out that feet are weapons and Russian weapons have been in play in all African
wars for decades), and either English speaking and/or operating with American and/or
British pretenses philosophy, political theory, mystical monarchic lineage, whatever.

the fourth empire might indeed come out of Africa. In Church history, many heresies
and evils came from north Africa, and if the other attributions are correct then
west north and east are accounted for, so the fourth empire comes from the south.

paul said...

Did you say blur?
Were you describing to someone about how some people
interpret prophesy.., and say the word blur?
Like the blurring of lines between withchcraft
and the true faith? That kind of blurring?


Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

" Chris White. I take his research more seriously because it is more comprehensive
and does rely on or encourage emotional stuff."

should read "does NOT rely on or encourage emotional stuff."

Anonymous said...


I think you are right.
This is not false labor, but real birth pangs that are increasing almost every single week now that are and will, produce what God has already spoken.
Warnings from God are over and showtime will be starting much sooner than people know.
Ms. Erikson, and perhaps others here that may be on the fence about where they will be spending eternity, anyone just giving God only lip service, need to get their hearts right for whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

YesNaSpanishTown said...

Top level cardinals warn Pope of collapse of church:

Anonymous said...

Best video yet about the Frankfurt School and the origins of "cultural marxism" (and sex education):

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Biblical basis for apotropaic herbs - forgot about this, but while reading
through the Bible more slowly this time, I had stumbled on hyssop as the herb to
use in ritual sprinkling in the Bible, and David prays "cleanse me with hyssop"
in Ps. 50.

Hyssop is one of the entity repellant herbs, and if it also wipes out stuff we
produce ourselves, then it makes sense God would choose this for symbolic relevance
in cleansing of sin, the actual use style wouldn't seem to get that much on the
recipient of the procedure. Don't want to wade through things to find the verses,
do a search online for hyssop bible.

someone said there is no biblical support for vampires existing, in some earlier
argument. there is no biblical support for the existence of China or Japan either,
but they exist.

however, "the pestilence that walketh in darkness" or something like that is
considered by some to refer to categories of evil spirit that include vampires.

meanwhile the person who argued demons can broadcast because they are spirits, but
we are spirit and matter mix, merely made a case for our being less capable at
this, not incapable.

Anonymous said...

Hyssop is one of the entity repellant herb... someone said there is no biblical support for vampires existing, in some earlier argument. there is no biblical support for the existence of China or Japan either, but they exist."

There is extrabiblical evidence that China and Japan exist, but what evidence can you provide that hyssop repels spiritual "entities"?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

the plant called hyssop now may have such use but the biblical hyssop is more likely marjoram, oregano of the Syrian variety and/or thyme.

evidence is the same sort as for any plant's medicinal value, effects noted by
people around the world in situations made better by its presence. written
extrabiblical evidence is in old herbals including I think Pliny I assume he
mentioned what some call "superstitious" uses and those who deal with such
problems have quite a list. Those who practice witchcraft sometimes have to clean
out their environment, various plants burned will do this in varying degrees,
angelica got my attention because one such writer complained it was too much
protection, so apparently got rid of the kind of demons that pretend to be nice.

whether and which would work to repel projected thoughts of entities also or only
if they came around in person is another matter. inhalation of some plants burned,
or wearing on your person I assume touching skin is the usual thing. some are
hung over doors and windows. ingestion rarely is useful I can't recall any such

when some anti witch cults police were made in Africa several years ago, the police
were taking some injection that made them immune to paranormal influence so they'd
be less tricked. Couldn't find out the formula. Might have been a placebo most
of these things you do NOT want to inject. whether it was intravenous, subcutaneous
or intramuscular I don't know, I would suspect subcutaneous if it wasn't a placebo.
which is also not something you want to do with most of these things.

There was a girl in England being molested by some spirit, the priest recommended
fasting and prayer and nothing worked. (probably rote remembered prayers done and
then forget about it not calling on Jesus right then and banishing in His Name.)
Then some other spirit came to her and said to use St. John's wort. This she did,
and the first spirit fled, and the second said to get rid of it but she was too
smart, and wouldn't get rid of it. Probably the second spirit was tricking her into
thinking it was her helper or angel or something and once she trusted it more
than the violent one it could do more harm. It also was repelled or kept no closer
than talking distance by the plant. fresh sprig I assume.

When I had a baby plant of this in another house I lived in, something that looked
like a dead and questionable relative but who was a snake from the waist down was
floating along telling me to get rid of the plant. Nope. wouldn't do that. I have
trouble growing them, they either get decimated by pinching off leaves to wear
or die off like under attack while still young.

No that thing wasn't visible like a visual hallucination, but it was a lot more
real than a normal mental visual thinking process.

Anonymous said...

Very superstitious of you, Chrisine.
You could be a new age plant.

You use Jesus like a genie, using his name in your incantations.
That is not true faith, just superstition because you love the paranormal world. Your thoughts dwell there.
Your mind and heart have been darkened by all this "STUFF".

You need the Lord, badly.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I assume you object to saying "satan begone in Jesus' Name"?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

anon 11:49

if you are the same person who has said this before, then as I recall you never
answer such questions as I have posed. Do you think that because Jesus has won
the battle for us that we do not have to fight anything ourselves (which really
needs Jesus' help to do)?

Anonymous said...

Think of the good witch in Wizard of Oz, the story whose author was a Theosophist. Constance knows all about that. Family matter.
"A folk healer is an unlicensed person who practices the art of healing using traditional practices, herbal remedies and even the power of suggestion. A folk healer may be a highly trained person who pursues her specialties, learning by study, observation and imitation. In some cultures a healer might be considered to be a person who has inherited the "gift" of healing from his or her parent. The ability to set bones or the power to stop bleeding may be thought of as hereditary powers.....White witch and good witch are qualifying terms in English used to distinguish practitioners of folk magic for benevolent purposes (i.e. white magic) from practitioners of malevolent witchcraft or black magic.[2] Related terms are "cunning-folk", "witch doctor", and the French devins-guérisseurs, "seer-healers"."

"The "white witch" Glinda is the Good Witch in L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and the film based on it.
C.S. Lewis inverted the image of "white" witchcraft as "good" in his children's book series The Chronicles of Narnia, naming one of his primary villains The White Witch, although this may be more a reference to her power over snow and winter."

Now what was that popular Disney movie?

Now now we don't want to make a mistake like those people in Salem did who didn't know the difference between white and black. Terrible mistake. It's just that the lines are so blurred in places. Would a good witch actually take over a blog exposing the New Age movement? Nah.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


first off, that definition of witchcraft you gave is the one the witches use to make
themselves sound harmless.

it is false.

strictly herbal healing (which is the same stuff modern medicine comes from, many
things being isolated from herbs then synthesized and mass produced, other things
totally synthesized later, for instance, aspirin is from a tree bark I think willow
and digitalis is from foxglove) has always been distinguished by the Church incl.
in medieval times from witchcraft. monks kept herb gardens and it wasn't for
cooking (that also).

witches, shamans, did know the properties of plants, including psychoactive effects
and things that could be used to strengthen or weaken the natural shielding (which
is going to be compromised easily in a non Christian culture and in too close
physical bonding and social orientation). they also accessed spirits. (there was
also a tendency to think that a plant's properties were some sort of spirit of the
plant, which in an impersonal sense might be a way of phrasing it, spirit in the
sense of its nature that a sensitive could feel or just observed trial and error,
pity the guinea pig maybe a captive or an unuseful person of the tribe in earlier

by adopting the definition you do, which is witchcraft whitewash, you blur the

now is 11:49 going to answer my question or not? or are you 11:49 trying
desperately to avoid being trapped?

Anonymous said...

The bible calls a believer a saint (not witches or whatever a male term might be).
You are an ain't.

And yes, you have taken over this blog (whatever you are other than a saint).

Anonymous said...

HA! Your "questions" are the trap, Miss new age occultic tarbaby, and don't deserve an answer.
We smell ya.

Your posts reek.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I think the trap you smell is that your answer will be something that is unbiblical
outside of sloppy applications out of context, and that adds up to no caution,
no resistance, no recognition that anything can operate once Jesus is in someone's
life, and that any attention to the issue of demonic influence is unhealthy (yes
there is such a thing as excessive focus). Or some variations.

and that in turn will mean either you are a very deceived Christian, towing a line
that makes you more vulnerable, or one of the witches that infiltrate churches.

Anonymous said...

Christine, you sure know a lot about witchcraft and I don't think it's because of some phony mother story which is a sympathy ploy. As far as your responses, others should remember that definition of Grey Magic which is used to keep people guessing who and what you are.

We can only hope like Rumplestilskin you will run away screaming they know my name. I won't hold my breath. You've got it made here.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
you who accuse me of grey magic, my, my, my, what an interesting bunch of people
you read!

"According to D. J. Conway, practitioners of white magic avoid causing any form of harm, even to enact positive outcomes. Gray magic incorporates all the beneficial purposes of white magic, but also works towards ridding the world of evils.[3] Ann Finnin states that many practitioners of gray magic employ the term because of its vagueness, and to avoid having to consider ethical questions.[4]" "is a non-fiction author of books in the field of magic, Wicca, Druidism, shamanism, metaphysics and the occult, and the author of three fantasy novels."

Ann Finnin is cited in the original article as "Finnin, Ann The Forge of Tubal Cain. p. 100"

tubal Cain? that is very dark stuff indeed. visiting a yahoo group devoted to
something similar focused on a guy named Andrew Chumbley I felt such unclean vibes I swore never to go back.

"A rather different meaning to the term was given by Roy Bowers, an influential British witch of the 1960s. For Bowers, it was a technique of baffling, bewildering, and mystifying everyone he met in order to gain power over them; by doing so, he was always more sure about them than they were about him. In his article entitled Genuine Witchcraft is Defended, Bowers says the following:[5]

“ One basic tenet of witch psychological grey magic is that your opponent should never be allowed to confirm an opinion about you, but should always remain undecided. This gives you a greater power over him, because the undecided is always the weaker. From this attitude much confusion has probably sprung in the long path of history."[6] "

and you adopt the definition given by Bowers, who is (Bowers was his real name).

I was trying to track down indications something like my Significant Other described

What's your excuse?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

granted you might have merely stumbled on it like you say. it is referenced in
the Wikipedia article on white magic. why you would bother to look up white magic
I don't know.

but it sounds like a real good cover.

Anonymous said...

Christine, to seriously research the New Age movement one needs to learn what is involved. I knew what you were doing, but had to show others in detail. It's the last part of You can fool some of the people... that you can't do.

It would change anything about this blog. You have it very cushy here.

Anonymous said...

It won't change anything about this blog. You have it very cushy here.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

my life and opinions are an open book. there is nothing confusing about me except
to people who don't realize that the left and right are artificial constructs, both
with occult backgrounds and connections.

witchcraft is beyond new age namby pamby and techno globalism blurred mentality stuff that somehow manages to be a power bloc. frankly with new age illumination
you got a kind of onset schizophrenia. with witchcraft, the real stuff, you got
psychopaths who, unlike the new agers, do know their asses from a hole in the ground.

witchcraft of the traditional sort is not the normal range of research regarding the
New Age, you don't hardly see a whiff of it in Constance's books or articles,
except in the form of some individual who happens to be in that, who is also in
some new age political organization. one thing the traditionalists do NOT do is
consider that all gods are one, etc. etc.

no you don't know what I'm doing, or else you are in my crosshairs and I didn't
know it, so you are trying to frame me as something you are.

What I am doing is drawing attention to things that are ignored by shortsighted
people who think the rapture is around the corner, or the antichrist is a system,
or Russia is the enemy of Holy America the shining city on a hill or whatever

America was not a shining city on a hill, a notion some poet drew from something
Jesus said in Matthew, which is IN CONTEXT about VISIBILITY and this damn poet
wants to get everybody into this emotional sentimentality about America and connect
it with divinity. this laid the ground work for the emergent church which grew out
of generations of progressively emotion oriented doublethink. America never had a
covenant with God the Mayflower compact was imposed on God unilateraly by a bunch
of people who had not heard from him like Moses had heard from Him, and who are
irrelevant because they were not USA which began with the Constitution. period.

New Age is dangerous because it opens one up to possession as Constance speculated
could happen resulting in a massacre, people in a tranced out state who would normally
talk about love and peace cheering a New Age speaking calling for extermination of
Christians in one of her books. It is dangerous precisely because it seems
nonthreatening most of the time, or utopianism that can't work, can't harm because
level heads in business and industry and government will prevail regardless of
what panaceas are being promoted, oops, all that stuff actually softens people up
for some agenda.

the problem is not that some money is taken from one person and given to another.
the problem is that, not only will things be so regulated you can't make much money
without dying young of overwork, because of prices inflated by a combination of the
more visible causes and the nasty facts of greed and real estate industry being the
key hidden drivers in much of it, but also you will have the concept of truth and
objective reality removed from religion and immorality will be supported by law and
opposition to it illegal and the population controlled by subtle games that add up
to extermination programs in effect.

Anonymous said...

"witchcraft of the traditional sort is not the normal range of research regarding the
New Age, you don't hardly see a whiff of it in Constance's books or articles,"
So Constance has failed to properly inform us of every single occult and new age detail so we are lacking knowledge you alone have, and owe it to us to glut her blog with your expertise to expose it because we, also collectively known as you people, are too stupid to discern this "stuff" otherwise?
Your open book of a "life" and bizarre opinions posted redundantly and continually are lesson enough. Seeing what you post here it is easy to spot the new age and occultic influence you are still under, making you dangerous to the uninformed.
Constance has done her job...we smell ya.
Your posts reek.

Marko said...

Christine, from 6:38....

"America was not a shining city on a hill, a notion some poet drew from something
Jesus said in Matthew, which is IN CONTEXT about VISIBILITY and this damn poet
wants to get everybody into this emotional sentimentality about America and connect
it with divinity. this laid the ground work for the emergent church which grew out
of generations of progressively emotion oriented doublethink. America never had a
covenant with God the Mayflower compact was imposed on God unilateraly by a bunch
of people who had not heard from him like Moses had heard from Him, and who are
irrelevant because they were not USA which began with the Constitution. period."

If you can't see how God has blessed this nation like no other in history, to achieve His purposes, to spread His Gospel, and to be a light in a dark world, in spite of some evident, coinciding evil influences (which in a way describes the life of every Christian - God taking what is evil at heart and making something good out of it), then you are blind as well as ignorant. I really feel sorry for you, Christine. It must be a really dark world you live in.

Marko said...

Here is a quite fascinating article in Forbes about the spiritual dimensions of the conflict developing in Ukraine, and the central role played by the Russian Orthodox Church:

Putin, Dugin and the ROC are claiming the West (and America in particular) is the evil force in the world that needs to be gotten rid of, and that they are the rightful defenders of Orthodox Christianity. They represent Christ, we represent Antichrist.

Is that really the case?

There are some in Ukraine who would say otherwise. From the article:

For their part, believers belonging to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kievan Patriarchate, the Ukrainian Orthodox Autocephalous Church, Catholics, Protestants, etc., have been assisting the Ukrainian soldiers in their fight against the rebels and the Russian forces in eastern Ukraine. The Patriarch of the independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Filaret, has directly challenged Putin’s spiritual claims, lamenting the fact that Putin “is misleading some people, and they think that in fact this ruler protects traditional spiritual and moral values from the ravages of globalization. But the fruit of his actions, which the Gospel calls us to evaluate, suggest otherwise.” Filaret has called on Putin “to stop sowing evil and death, [and] to repent”, and has gone so far as to say that Putin has been possessed by Satan. Ukraine has had a history of religious diversity, yet the political polarization within Ukraine has been mirrored by an increasing religious polarization.

So not everyone sees Putin as the world's savior. For myself, I want to go on record as stating that I would agree more with Patriarch Filaret. Putin is evil to the core, and deceptive as well - a dangerous combination. It would be my guess that Christine would side with the ROC and Dugin and Putin, in defense of their brand of Russian Orthodoxy mixed with Russian Nationalism. I guess that puts us at odds, wouldn't you say? But then, everyone here already knew that. Hopefully this article helps put into context some of the disagreements between us.

Anonymous said...

The new age "enlightens" supposedly, the occult thinks it "unlocks secret knowledge" of mysteries, the flesh of the mind loves to think something "higher and better" of itself than the reality is. Many go after all these things, with Ms Erikson being one of those who pursues worldly enlightenment, but what a pit of darkness it is instead. We see that display evidenced in her posts repeatedly and no one is helped by this "knowledge" she gathers to spread here. She is to be pitied.

I'd rather be forgiven than enlightened...
Jesus is the Light within me and that is true enlightenment (and all I need).
I pray that she comes to the end of herself so God can reveal this to her as well.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...


"The new age "enlightens" supposedly, the occult thinks it "unlocks secret knowledge" of mysteries,...."

anyone who checks through my posts will that this description doesn't resemble
anything I've said.

Anonymous said...

Christine, you asserted that hyssop repels spiritual entities. Certainly it is true that some drugs cause people to cease hearing voices - tranquillizers go down that route, for anybody who is asleep or semi-unconscious cannot hear. So what exactly do you mean and what RELIABLE evidence have you?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

define reliable. the same standard perhaps but looser that gets these things on the market - it works when people use it. hardly double blind experiments, but hey, coffee got established because people found it made them more alert. There are pragmatic reasons why things get the reputations they do.

if it weren't for exactly that kind of evidence, no one would have processed digitalis out of foxglove. no one would have processed salicylic acid out of willow
bark (aspirin). no one would have started investigating vitamin c as a scurvy cure,
it was present in those plants, pine needles and citrus fruit, that would stop
scurvy. British sailors were called "limeys" because limes became a staple part of
the diet onboard. This probably played a role in British supremacy on the seas,
opposing crews and fighters who were in stages of scurvy.

But it isn't enough to drive away something on the edge of manifestation or even
weaker. there is the sins of the flesh and spirit of oneself. There are the long
range subtle telepathic whisperings of these things though some of that can be

herbs are a stop gap measure, especially if your village is near some infestation
point or portal in a dark forest nearby. Most Christians of any stripe are not
the caliber of the monk who decided to move into a cave that had a demon, kicked
the demon out and settled in.

paul said...

You're a jammer, plain and simple.
You've got more jam than Welches'
To hear you use the term "blurring", repeatedly
is truly rich.
You are the Mayor of Blurrville.

Anonymous said...

"""""""""Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"The new age "enlightens" supposedly, the occult thinks it "unlocks secret knowledge" of mysteries,...."

anyone who checks through my posts will that this description doesn't resemble
anything I've said.""""""""

None so blind as she who will not see.
Her treasures are of the darkness-what her eyes are full of. We become what we most gaze at.
Jesus said: for where your treasure is, there will be your heart also. the light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore, the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Jesus always nails it.

Paul she is a jammer, like you said, and disinformation agent always using those tactics in her posts to 'soften up' (breaking down--wearing down) her target to spread her agenda here.

Anonymous said...

Can't get true context in blurrville, Ms Mayor.

In context is another term she abuses to blurr a topic.
Her context is whatever she wants to make up on the spot.

It's like her thought train pulls into and out of "disinformation station" and "dysfunction junction" like clockwork.

Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer said...

The following three paragraphs are from a recently posted article of mine titled: Native Rights, Pope Frances And The New World order.

During a one-on-one meeting with Father Erich Rutten, the Chair of the Commission on Ecumenism and Interreligious Affairs for the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, a meeting that was mostly about the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, I briefly spoke about Constance Cumbey, a renowned author and speaker whose best-selling book, "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow," offered the first major criticism of the New Age movement from a Christian perspective. At the time, I informed Fr. Rutten that in a blog post about me Cumbey wrote that I am "closely affiliated" with the world renowned Reverend Matthew Fox.

The Pontifical Council for Culture & Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue both portray Fox as a New Ager. In their on-line document about the New Age Movement, one of Fox's books is listed on a page entitled, Some New Age books. Cumbey believes that Fox is "the best known New Age apostate from Catholicism," and she once suggested, a few decades ago, that he was most likely the Antichrist of the end-times.

In a recent blog post Cumbey states that Pope Francis mentioned four people by name in his speech to Congress, and that one of them was Thomas Merton. In this same post Cumbey wrote: "Merton was one of Matthew Fox's early mentors!" During my one-on-one meeting with Fox, he made a connection with me, Merton and himself. Cumbey and a number of other renowned writers who prognosticate that the New Age movement is the end-times "antichrist" movement have Merton high on their list of Christianity's worst enemies.

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance. It seems you're nothing more than a wolf in sheets clothing. You expose the false "christ" of the new age movement, but not the false "christ" of Catholicism. Paul warns about those that come preaching "another gospel", and another "jesus". I guess Catholics are your gravy train, and make up the bulk of your book sales. I've been on this site for ten minutes, and can already see you're "teaching what you ought not for filthy lucres sake". I've read on here where your obvious lackeys defend you in your defense of Romanism. I've also read where some of your posters say that "transubstantiation" was taught by Justin martyr. So what? It not what scripture teaches. Read John 6:63 where Jesus explains to his offended disciples the meaning of what he said in verses 51-57. He said "the flesh profiteth nothing", and "the WORDS I say unto you are spirit, and are life". The fact is transubstantiation did not become official catholic doctrine until 1215 AD. That's a long time after Justin martyr, and even longer after Jesus. You are obviously a shill, and it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't work for the same people you claim to expose. Ecspecially since it Rome itself who practices witchcraft in the "mass" ritual. If a "priest" is turning something into something else with magic words, then that is witchcraft......James

Fred S. said...


Your wondering if Pope Benedict XVI was the victim of a coup is not idle. This Pope Francis appears to be very Washingtonian.

First, as with an political operative who desires to gain popular approval and to avoid public rejection, he lays down a patterned layer of talk that is generally acceptable.
Second, he lays down a sparser layer of talk containing questionable statements. Generally, the neo-orthodox renewal movement of Catholics (not even remotely in the majority) step up and offer an apologetic, explaining his statement according to the Catholic framework of doctrine and dogma on Faith and Morals. (I.e., "who am I to judge" with regards to homosexuality. As the chief governing authority, possessing the Petrine office, it is precisely him who is to judge Faith and Morals according to Christian doctrines of Christ's Revelation.)
Third and finally, he lays down scattered statements containing a strain of resistance to Catholic teachings. For the oddest, most uncatholic and unchristian thoughts that issue forth from the mouth of Bergoglio, go to:

In these barbs from Bergoglio you will see "creed," doctrine," "certainty," "fundamentalist" and other terms in line with Christian Catholic language bashed enthusiastically.

There are a few excellent sources of Catholic prophecy. Yves Dupont compiled a book containing repetitious themes in private revelations in a book called "Catholic Prophecy." Additionally, books on the event of Fatima in 1917 are excellent. The prophecy I am thinking of, however, comes from a nun in Quito Ecuador in the 1600s: Our Lady of Good Success.
One of the prophecies to come from OLGS is that a pope will be imprisoned in the Vatican.
With regards to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI there are a few oddities that one would not expect, even of a pope who abdicates:
(1) he wears the papal dress (rather than that of his former rank of Cardinal);
(2) his name is still papal (rather than that of his former rank of Cardinal);
(3) his residency and occupation (he has not submitted himself to Bergoglio for reassignment location and activity).

This is very strange as the former Pope Celestine returned to his monastery, monastic activity and monastic name after having abdicated.

It seems very likely that Benedict XVI is indeed an actual prisoner of the Vatican, a title supposedly given to JP II in a figurative sense.

Anonymous said...

Don't comment on the One Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church until you educate yourself about the truth -i.e. Excommunication, The Great Apostasy

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"His political base also rightfully fears the steadily increasing globalization that has dearly cost American workers". Across the world, globalization is becoming a real challenge to nations. However, looking inwards as a solution could worsen the situation.

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It touches key aspects of our lives. Good thinking!

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