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Peggy Cuddy's Tree Chart of the New Age Movement |
News and views of Constance Cumbey concerning "Radical Middle", New Age Movement, Communitarianism, "planetary humanism," "global governance," European Union, Javier Solana, Jeremy Rifkin, "New Age Politics," law in the USA, combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Dear Friends of ours urgently need our help -- Dennis & his mother Peggy Cuddy
This is a special and unusual appeal. I received a phone call from Lee Penn who called my attention to an unusual article on NewswithViews. The article was by reknown and respected researcher and writer Dennis Cuddy. Dennis has been diligently physically caring for his aging mother, Peggy Cuddy, now in her mid 90's. Peggy Cuddy, a brilliant and gifted researcher, raised her son right. Peggy Cuddy is the creator of the Tree Chart. If you want or need a copy of this chart, email me at cumbey@gmail.com with the subject line reading only Cuddy Chart and I will send you a printable pdf file that you can use in explaining New Age issues to others. If you read the linked article, you can see, as I did, that this was a serious cry for help from one of our dearest and most deserving friends. If you can help with their serious plight of the loss of already too scant income combined with the loss of their long time leased residence, please send generously what you can to: Dennis Cuddy, 1027 Saint Marys Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27605-1232. Their situation is urgent. Also, if the residency issue and storage issues are not resolved, Dennis has invaluable papers and library from his many years of research (he is "Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.). He has sacrificed so very much as many of us have to bring accurate information to us on the pressing New World Order issues of our time without over-sensationalizing and profiteering in the process. Now, they need our help and those of us keeping up with these issues are increasingly discovering that we need each other. I thank Lee Penn for calling this to my attention -- I had missed that NewswithViews posting. I did call Dennis Cuddy upon receiving the information. Dennis told me that indeed the situation is urgent, even critical. Let's give them our help, as much as we can afford. Dennis and Peggy would have done the same for us had the tables been turned.
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1 – 200 of 407 Newer› Newest»While looking NewswithViews articles I had missed, I almost choked on this one that had a biblical sounding title, but upon reading, clearly a New Age message urging Christians to go into Biblically forbidden areas and citing the Institute of Noetic Sciences although it were a bastion for the Gospel!
Discernment has to be used everywhere these days! I would be extremely wary of contributions from Cris Putnam!
http://alexanderbackman.com/steve_quayle_tom_horn_rick_wiles_deception.htm Putnam
gets a mention.
It’s being called a ‘revolt’ by intelligence pros who are paid to give their honest assessment of the ISIS war—but are instead seeing their reports turned into happy talk.
More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military's Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned.
The complaints spurred the Pentagon’s inspector general to open an investigation into the alleged manipulation of intelligence. The fact that so many people complained suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command charged with the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State assesses intelligence.
“The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command,” one defense official said.
LOL!!! Naw say it ain't so!!! Damn Christine was counting on that intel to be completely reliable! Don't these guys get that freedom of conscience is O V E R, so last century...global warming is real Isis wants to kill me, global warming is real, Isis wants to kill me
You know those people with the bad brains and beliefs....
10:23 You know she is.
10:23 also she has 'contacts' so that makes her an expert. Too bad Shoebat is on the paid shill list and very popular with Vallely who named him specifically in his book and praised him. Shoebat gets that exclusive stuff like paid shill Pam Geller. That intel stuff that makes us all go -Oh wow where did they get that tidbit- until we remember it's all propaganda. She also thinks Knights of Malta Boykin is interesting. He's old and irrelevant. If the old Satanic generals don't get a move on taking over the country' from mean old bad guy Obama(works for the same dudes they do) soon they will have to settle with fancy junk written on the headstones and no one but their fellow Satanists remembering them. Get on with the inquisition already, I'm going to find other things to do now, this is old. Living life working and paying taxes is now officially more fun than dabbling in politics. I am going to take out the trash and mop the floor.
Would be great if Christine would take out the trash and mop the floor!!!!
Russia started taking its hard line on Syria after Qadaffi was killed,
seems there was an agreement with the US authorities that he would not
be killed but allowed to take refuge in Russia. This showed Putin that
American word is not worth a damn, and he learns quick.
"taking time out from shopping and housekeeping to harass everyone,"
You don't personally harass me, but you most definitely harass the hell out of this poor blog.
Get out of the way and let it be and do what it is supposed be and do, without you repeatedly, constantly making yourself in the takeover of each thread. Isn't it time to get real and grow beyond the need for attention all the live long day? You crave it so much you'll gladly take the negative attention too. Something is wrong with that picture.
That is some of the stupid you referred to last thread.....
OK dishes done and ironing done going out for milk and eggs. Worry meter for ISIS and Satan worship Jesuits...0%. I bet Christine's house stinks.
OK Christine, you go on and on trying to give the appearance of the all knowledgeable genius on everything. Let's see how you do on practical matters. As you may have noticed before you moved right on down to the comments to drop your input, Constance wrote that Dennis Cuddy needs help. What kind of help can you offer him? What kind of advice can you give him? How would you suggbyest we, working together, can help him?
There's always the old standby, send prayers his way, but I'm sure God has heard plenty of those on his behalf.
What about some real world sensible suggestions in this real world.
Thank you for posting this, Constance. Two years ago I was astonished to learn that another accomplished author/researcher (who I will not name to protect their privacy, but at least some of the readers here will have heard of this person) was in a similar predicament to the Cuddys, also living in a rented apartment. I only found out because I contacted this person with a question on a matter relating to their area of expertise, and during the course of conversation this person began to open up to me about their personal struggles, which included serious health and financial problems. In response, I contacted several people I knew who were familiar with this person's work who I knew were in a financial position to help because of financial security (one of the contactees was married to a medical doctor and owned a home in a rich suburb). All were Christians and could have solved the problem with a stroke of the pen but none wanted to be involved.
I ended up using a large chunk of my small savings to solve the situation independently. This included long-distance travel to help this person in addition to financial outlays. Only last month, after months of living frugally, did I manage to rebuild my savings to the point where they were at before this incident occurred (in 2013). So when I read about Dr. Cuddy I was extremely sad but not one bit surprised.
I tell this story not to pat myself on the back but rather to confirm Dr. Cuddy's story. I do not feel smug about what happened in 2013 but appalled - appalled that I was left to deal with this situation alone, and that none of this person's friends or acquaintance had done anything before I happened upon the scene. You are right Constance, we need each other. If people do not look out for each other, how will we answer on Judgment Day?
Thank you for posting this, Constance. Two years ago I was astonished to learn that another accomplished author/researcher (who I will not name to protect their privacy) was in a similar predicament to the Cuddys, also living in a rented apartment. I only found out because I contacted this person with a question on a matter relating to their area of expertise, and during the course of conversation this person began to open up to me about their personal struggles, which included serious health and financial problems. In response, I contacted several people I knew who were familiar with this person's work who I knew were in a financial position to help because of financial security (one of the contactees was married to a medical doctor and owned a home in a rich suburb). All were Christians and could have solved the problem with a stroke of the pen but none wanted to be involved.
I ended up using a large chunk of my small savings to solve the situation independently. This included long-distance travel to help this person in addition to financial outlays. Only last month, after months of living frugally, did I manage to rebuild my savings to the point where they were at before this incident occurred (in 2013). So when I read about Dr. Cuddy I was extremely sad but not one bit surprised.
I tell this story not to pat myself on the back but rather to confirm Dr. Cuddy's story. I do not feel smug about what happened in 2013 but appalled - appalled that I was left to deal with this situation alone, and that none of this person's friends or acquaintance had done anything before I happened upon the scene. You are right Constance, we need each other. If people do not look out for each other, how will we answer on Judgment Day?
for all you alex jones haters out there, and information on the disreputable origins and connections of conservatives' favorite organizations.
click on the Conspiracy School title at top of page to go the blog where you
find other articles equally interesting.
Yes, thanks Constance for posting. When one part of the body hurts we all do,
Dr Stan, Dr Cuddy and Mrs Constance Cumbey were three true Christians who woke up an ignorant woman in UK and put the pieces of the Great Puzzle together for her.... I mean me. All worthy of respect and now Dr Stan has gone home, two need all the support we can give. With love and respect from England....
Posting daily life chores is more exciting than Christine's pestings. Leading by example, I prayed this morning, listened to a sermon and ironed. See Christine, you can do it too.
Happy Birthday Jesus 9/11
Waiting for your help and advice for Dr. Cuddy Christine. You will have to be original. You like to spend your time pulling up links from the internet we know. Can you find any information to help him?
One of my readers just called me to say she had sent Dennis $200.00. My profound thanks to her for helping.
When CC started sharing information she correctly pointed out that the Jonestown massacre was a New Age connected event. Today I was sent the following article by someone still interested in New Age but who no longer posts here. New Age is mentioned three times in the article which brings to the surface more information about Jonestown. It's well worth reading about the treachery and scope of the New Age movement even 34 years back. http://consciousreporter.com/conspiracy-against-consciousness/jonestown-massacre-911-war-alternative-spirituality/
Christine, better fight this or you will lose most of your sources.
More on Jonestown from the person who shared the first article. http://nstarzone.com/JONESTOWN.html
And yet there are people who say "New Age? What's that! It's not around any more."
"Will websites that mention "spiritual healing" and "reiki" be blocked by default? Will websites that have "pagan" overtones - those which use words like "summer solstice" or "tarot" or "wiccan" - be blocked?
I certainly hope so. Now it may be that he is hoping to prevent people noticing
anything about him. I don't know. But it will also cut the lines of communication
and recruitment somewhat. And in a war, you cut the enemy's lines of communication.
Comments are not closed on older posts. I was hoping we could confine most of the discussion here to Dennis Cuddy and his mother Peggy's contributions to New Age / New World Order issues. Maybe I crossed that line wrongly myself by the first post here, but the information I found on the NewswithViews article I cited in the first comment to this was too important to ignore, but I didn't want to detract from te Cuddys' extreme need by immediately posting a new article n that topic.
Thanks to those of you who have given the Cuddy's a hand. Please keep them in your prayers.
what is wrong with first post, what is the line crossed?
let's focus on the Cuddys.
that map of the New Age is one of the most comprehensive conspiracy charts I've seen
http://www.newswithviews.com/Cuddy/dennisA.htm an archive of all Dennis Cuddy's
While Theosophy and the Bailey's were the main drivers of the "spiritual" side of
New Age, there are many things that preceded them. Some were social/political
focused but had a specific anti Christian angle to them.
"The impression of most Americans regarding Indiana is that it is a rather typical midwestern state. Historically, however, it is much different. The first commune in America was founded in New Harmony, Indiana in 1825 by British Socialist Robert Owen and his son, Robert Dale Owen, with Robert Owen stating: "I am come to this country to introduce an entire new order of society"
In 1829, Robert Dale Owen and others formed the Working-Man's Party in New York, and its "great object was to get rid of Christianity, and to convert our churches into halls of science." This was according to Robert Dale Owen's partner in the effort, Orestes Brownson, who later converted to Christianity and exposed their earlier plot. Brownson went on to say that "one of the principal movers of the scheme had no mean share in organizing the Smithsonian Institute." The Smithsonian Institute was established through the efforts of Robert Dale Owen as an Indiana Congressman." http://www.newswithviews.com/NWO/newworld17.htm
All I recall hearing about Owen was strictly social, the specific anti Christian
angle on him didn't get enough play in what I had read about his brand of utopianism
to stay in my mind.
Now, you can't get some kind of political movement going like a working men's group
unless you have legitimate grievances to exploit. Someone once said that cults are
the unpaid bills of the church, but you could say the same about the social and
revolutionary movements. Because after nearly 2,000 years of Christianity, most of
what were the grievances of revolutionaries and socialists and unions should not
have existed in the first place in so called Christian nations and so called
Christian civilization.
yes, Christianity has shaped things a lot. The Church used to be the source of
criticism of kings and social issues, though it also sided too easily with the
wrong things at times. St. Paul's recommendations for dealing with an existing
situation in pagan Roman society were taken as validations of those things, and
pagan social baggage was propped up instead of treated as discardable and only
temporarily affirmed.
Even so, Jesus' admonitions against hoarding wealth and not helping those in need,
backed up with threats of damnation, and Paul's equalizing warnings against
abusing the power one has as a master (or any kind of ruler or superordinate), or
a parent, warning that God is not a respecter of persons and all are equal before
Him, and He does not treat your rank as a license to treat subordinates like you
wouldn't think of treating an equal, should have eradicated a lot.
September Dates of Significance
Friday, September 11, 2015 parablesblog.blogspot.com
If you are trying to listen to TMERadio this morning (Saturday, September 12, 2015, a random rerun on auto pilot is obviously running. There is no sign of life we can find as to the live people so far -- no phones are answered and those in the chatroom are greatly perplexed. I'll keep you posted and pray for Joe McNeil and his family -- they also need our help -- it is a listener supported network and they have given me that valuable microphone for free for the past eight years since 2007 when they first invited me to do a program.
Cristine, I have given speeches over the years where I discussed New Harmony, Indiana and other developments that the New Agers also bundle into their history.
As regards my first post, I dwelt on something current that I felt extremely important that was leading people CURRENTLY astray from a source most of us trust -- NewswithViews. However, it was "not on topic" -- but I didn't want to defer the information for a later time when it might be forgotten.
news with views lets Roy masters and Chris Putnam on. nuff said. for starts.
Phyllis schlafly, another person like bakker and Robertson who makes me want
to vomit, should shut up and figure out how come her son is a homosexual.
Christine, you can afford a cleaning woman. That puts you in the category of wealthy. I can't. It must be your modesty that keeps you from sharing how many hundreds of dollars you sent to help. When I found out back on August 9th, I did what I could to help. It turned out not to be helpful as the contacts didn't pan out. I hear a Fund Me was started by that source, but I don't know if that did any good. A Veterans Group is trying to help I understand. One would think with all of the welfare and Charity groups collecting money these days, there should be one that could help.
Christine, you better stop huffing and puffing or you'll be so filled with air you'llfly off to Mars one of these days.
Dennis Cuddy wrote (from above post):
"Concerning my mother's current situation, I have asked local pastors for help, but only one responded. I have asked for help from nationally famous pastors like Joel Osteen and others, but there has been no response. I have also asked the media, local and national (The Meredith Vieira Show), but there has been no response. I have even asked nationally prominent conservative organization leaders, but they gave no help."
Personally, I find it a little strange that Mr. Cuddy would write to an infamous New Age "pastor" (Joel O.) and ask him for help. I find it also a little strange that his destiture mother would be renting a condo that is worth ... in his words ... around "$200,000." The $750 per month "rent" would hardly be enough to cover the owner's pay out being that condos also have property taxes and monthly maintenance fees that combined would be at least $450 per month. Along with that are utilities and renter's insurance.
Mr. Cuddy seems to have a habit of asking for help for his mother. Back in 2007, he made similar pleas for financial help for the care of his mother as posted on his site.
The real course one needs to take is to go to the local church and make the needs known to the church body. Why? Because there needs to be accountability as to whether or not the needs are genuine.
Mr. Cuddy implies very heavily that if a professing Christian does not contribute to his stated cause, they will be saying "no" to Christ and therefore will be cast into hell. Utter, complete nonsense !
For those interested, Cuddy's plea for financial help in 2007 is towards the end of his article ....
RayB's notes (I couldn't let that pass by. Too fitting.) are the sign of the times. Reaching out to others is so passe. Those in need have two main options. 1. Go to the government officials and tell them how many votes you represent. The government people will lie, screw you over, take no responsibility and smile with big toothy grins as they do so. They will squeeze every bit of untied down money from you to help the community members in their time of need they say. Unless you are skilled in bakshish or know how to work the systems in socialist or third world countries, forget it.
2. Go to organizational charitable operations who work on donations. The primary use of those funds go to pay salaries and run the operation, i.e., help their friends by sending business needs to friends,a kickback kind of thing. The Chronicle of Philantrophy keeps track of charities and how the money is used, rating the operations.
Asking friends and family for help is very bothersome to those asked. A simple response like Sorry I can't help is too difficult for some to mouth. It may be that some have been burned too often by the perpetually needy. Even two requests in eight years which crossed RayB's eyes seems to have overwhelmed him.
it depends on the nature of the condo as to whether any of the stuff you are talking
about aside from taxes would be in play. 200,000 value is 2000 a year taxes, or less, depending on the rate. 750 a month is 9000 a year income and the rent was
probably locked in by a lease years ago.
asking for help is not acknowledging validity of doctrine.
are we suggesting he is doing fraud?
I'm suggesting he isn't going about this in a Biblical manner. He should go to his local church and submit his cause before them ... those that KNOW him and his situation. The fact that he has asked a nototious New Age "pastor" in Joel Olsteen for financial help should send up red flags.
God's word promises "My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus." We either believe that is true or we don't. I personally have experienced this promised truth (along with my wife) in my life.
I also know that "without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God." Begging money from a New Age heretic like Olsteen is hardly showing "faith" and cannot possibly be pleasing to God.
the beggar in the street does not check theology before accepting alms. asking
help from Osteen also shows how unbiblical that crew is when they don't help.
in his article he says he already asked local pastors for help and only one responded.
To summarize the historical significance of the Temple Mount....
To understand the significance of these events is to recognize the politics of prayer and worship in Jerusalem. Perhaps no thirty-seven acres are more contested in the history of the world than those situated in the eastern part of the Old City. Entering one of the Old City’s seven towering gates and walking toward the walled compound entails physically passing through the intersection of the three great monotheistic religions. The Temple Mount, Jewish tradition holds, is where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac, and where God gathered the dust that created Adam. It’s there, the Bible says, that King Solomon built the First Temple, circa 1000 B.C., where Herod refurbished the Second Temple, and where Titus tore it down, in 70 A.D. Its inner sanctuary is known as the Holy of Holies—a place where no one but the High Priest was allowed to tread. The Western Wall, the extant remnant of the wall that flanked the courtyard of the Second Temple, is the holiest site in Judaism.
The Haram al-Sharif, meanwhile, houses two of Islam’s most important structures: al-Aqsa Mosque, mentioned in the Koran as the “farthest mosque,” from which the Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven, and the Dome of the Rock, a seventh-century shrine that is one of Islam’s most breathtaking architectural triumphs. It is the third-holiest site in Islam, the place where the angel Israfil will blow his trumpet on Resurrection Day.
For Christians, it’s where Jesus impressed his elders with his knowledge of the Torah, and where he later lashed out against corruption and extortion; his crucifixion took place only a short distance away.
The Temple Mount has also been the target of a raging sovereignty battle between Israelis and Palestinians ever since Israel gained control of the site, in the 1967 war. And yet, apart from occasional (serious) conflagrations, calm has generally held at the compound until now. This has been due in part to detailed Israeli security arrangements, and to the firm hand of the Islamic Waqf council, the trust now appointed by the Jordanians that has administered the site since the Siege of Jerusalem, in 1187.
Excerpt taken from a November 5, 2014 article in the New Yorker....
Much more on the Temple Mount....
September 13, 2015
Clashes Between Palestinians, Police Rock Temple Mount on Eve of Rosh Hashanah
Israeli security forces claim to find pipe bomb after entering flashpoint compound, clashing with Palestinian youths who barricaded themselves within Al-Aqsa Mosque.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 (NIV)
[3] Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. [4] He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
Daniel 9:27 (NIV)
[27] He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him".
there is a kind of heresy creeping into Orthodoxy, already well established
in liberal protestant and evangelical circles. denial or compromising of
the doctrines of original sin, atonement divine justice and hell.
The material in this though addressed to the Orthodox and drawing on The
Fathers, also draws on Scripture (as do the Fathers). It would be of use
to anyone either contemplating Eastern Orthodoxy or running into this in
Protestantism or Anglicanism.
Bottom line.... we should all be paying very close attention and connecting the dots about what is going on at the Temple Mount on this the eve of Rosh Hashanah (even though the mainstream media may not be referring to it as the 'Temple Mount').
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 (King James Version)
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Daniel 9:27 (King James Version (KJV)
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
The masons have a stone on the corner of that temple which is certainly not THE temple. The Roman emperor wants it. There seems now to be a replica in Brazil and the knights of Malta need more Muslim hate. People post do not be deceived at this blog while quoting a counterfit NIV. What a joke. Civil wars are Lucifer's plan for sure. Let's argue some more about Cuddy and him mom. This blog is a j o k e now.
anon 5:01
the information content in the two versions on all this is identical Jesus won't
come back till after the antichrist comes, and the covenant is confirmed for seven
days which is interpretable as seven years.
However I don't think whatever hoopla is going on now is going to be all that just yet.
"4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God"
Or that that he 'had a hand in creating mankind' perhaps?
I urge readers here to have a look at the 'summoning group' of UFO's in California and image of man in the sky, on YouTube. It will knock your socks off.
He WILL appear with lying signs and wonders (hologram or angelic manifestation, or both) and then descend to Jerusalem.
Revelation tell us he comes with the clouds in the heavens. Daniel Ch. 7 tell us he comes from the Heavens to the Temple Mount. The Talmud tell us this. The Gospels tell us he returns the saw he left. Other verses tell us this. What more do you need to see that the Man of Sin is no ordinary man, nor any political clown from Europe or 'Assyria'? This is Satan himself coming down with his armies for good, it should be electrifying (not that we want to see it first-hand).
The Gospels say He returns the same way he left, rather. Sorry.
Again, if Satan the rebel angel imitates God only, then this man's entrance must replicate the 2nd Coming surely.
not really. antichrist isn't pretending so much to be Christ as to be God and
besides the Little Horn in Daniel obviously comes from land not sky. displaces
three rulers and takes over the fourth empire.
The anti-christ is a mortal man who becomes inhabited by the immortal devil. That particular man is on the earth today and when God says when, the devil can have his go at it through the man who lends himself to ultimate evil. Not far out there at all now.
Israel is in the crosshairs and Jerusalem's Temple Mount is his aim.
As they say: the signs to be most aware of is to watch Israel the hour hand, Jerusalem the minute hand, and Temple Mount the second hand. The countdown is right on time prophectically (of course) and the devil is waiting for his cue and then it will be game-on.
People better be ready. The only ready there is, is under The Blood.
on what basis do you say he is on earth today?
"not really"
Yes, really.
Are you the official blog tutor, ever waiting in the dark corner to pounce and correct errors? I don't want to argue polemics. The little horn can be anything you want it to be. But it IS a representation of a force that will be greater than the other government forces at the time. That is it.
This was my speculation, and it is based on current events, studies in Ufology and the Scriptures and commentaries. There are so many opinions about this individual, this was one of them. What we call "UFO" phenomena will certainly have a role in this scenario because that realm is Satan's. To believe not that they will at least be included, is folly. You could also say that when they arrive they will have appointed a person to be the Man of Sin. Rome has its nose on Mt. Graham and for this too we should be thinking that something extraordinary is in the works.
But the Jews say the Messiah must arrive in the way I described. He must build the Temple, so when he comes he will build it.
He will be Satan's embodiment, as Christ was God on Earth. At one time I believed him to be William the Prince, or Prince Michael Stewart. I don't think it is correct to say he is alive on earth right now.
It's being talked about in the underground. The Pope and Obama have agreed, religion and the state have decreed. When they meet they will join hands and sing.....
"It's true! It's true! The crown has made it clear.
The climate must be perfect all the year.
"A law was made a distant moon ago here:
July and August cannot be too hot.
And there's a legal limit to the snow here
In Camelot.
The winter is forbidden till December
And exits March the second on the dot.
By order, Summer lingers through September
In Camelot.
Camelot! Camelot!
I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
But in Camelot, Camelot
That's how conditions are.
The rain may never fall till after sundown.
By eight, the morning fog must disappear.
In short, there's simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
In Camelot...."
Oh there's more, but you must go to http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/camelot/camelot.htm
Shhhhhh...don't let others know that Camelot is just a code word for New World Order.
Because Israel is back in the land after 2000 years as the nation born in a day.
Because the leaves are on the tree (fig tree symbolic of Israel) and Jesus said that generation will be here for that time he described.
Because all of the players (foes of Israel) are playing their positions and readying themselves to destroy her.
Because a global government is poised to take it's place in earth's history like never before.
Because the "falling away" of the church is currently happening and nearly complete and the man of sin is revealed right after that is finished.
Because America is the falling Babylon and almost there (You give and take away, Blessed be the Name of the Lord).
Because Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, read like the headline news.
Because on the earth it is now evil continually as in the days of Noah, with good called evil and evil called good.
Because these are only a very few reasons we can see that prophecy is in full swing being fulfilled right before our eyes.
I can think of many many more and would be too long a post, but you can get the idea just in these few I mention.
People can think whatever they wish, but all of the guesswork will be gone soon.
We'll see soon enough, one way or the other...............
interesting take on the charismatic dominionist etc. churches as the harlot Babylon and her daughter churches. though Babylon the Great is apparently an actual city,
this entity riding the beast is called a mystery or her name is a mystery also.
the wealth these preachers and churches seek and get access to and power might sort
of fit the picture of Babylon as a major economic player, a consumer mostly. Might
be that this city will grow in part of USA or elsewhere as a dominionist connected
thing that persecutes true Christians and that is pagan syncretistic.
Rev 18 speaks of Babylon as a commercial entity.
One World Trade Center comes to mind.
yes, that is the big problem in reducing it to a mere religious thing or secret
society, or Vatican or even the dominionist thing. Mark S. Watson suggests Babylon
is a "moving stronghold" that takes up residence in different places and they get
destroyed eventually. there is the mystery angle to it, and the very physical in
your face obvious city that is a major commercial player angle to it.
Back to Dr Cuddy and his mother. The ensuing discussion brings to mind "the love of many shall grow cold". In my country people who have worked all their lives now find that the jobs have all gone to China or India or wherever, and our loving socialist government is driving the poor and disabled to suicide with their Bedroom Tax and their sanctions. A Christian sister of mine, formerly a working nurse and breadwinner
Oops, continuing that last, the nurse friend sustained a back injury at work and can no longer do nursing, so she is running the gauntlet of our social security system, now referred to without irony as the SS. The Nazis are back, on both sides of the Atlantic. Truth is, as Constance has pointed out, they never really went away.
I pray that Dr Cuddy and hi mother receive the help they so desperately need.
note the duty to overthrow presented at West Point by a professor. we could be in trouble.
American readers should know that the "bedroom tax" of which Ruth of Exeter speaks is no such thing. It is a reduction of housing subsidy paid to people who live in property with unused bedrooms. Its basis is that those whose taxes pay the subsidy - and often cannot afford a spare bedroom - should not have to live in accommodation inferior to the people whom they subsidise. As such it is entirely fair, although there are teething troubles concerning the amount of 1-bedroom rentable accommodation available for people whose subsidy is reduced, and there is a case for exempting the disabled from the reduction.
perhaps it is an oblique effort to get such to save their subsidy by getting some other person in to rent that spare room? and define "bedroom" if there's a small storage room or a huge walk in closet you get your subsidy cut.
While the Fatima movement of course argues against immorality and abortion, it tends to connect well with fascist monarchist movements and suchlike. The RC traditionalists and sedevacantists hold to medieval encyclicals that announce without being in communion with the pope you cannot be saved and love Fatima.
Even Malachi Martin was deceived by this. While he warned that (due to info from
Irish legend) the devil can't duplicate the human body perfectly, there will be
something wrong, so check to see if the feet are visible, the entity at Fatima wore
shoes as I recall, and the image made of that or another vision of "Mary" was
considered inadequate by the visionary, though done to her specifications, because
it didn't capture the extreme unearthly beauty. One such image doesn't even look
quite human, like it is depicting a perfect cyborg copy of some sort. that was I
think a later one than the one the visionary said wasn't quite good enough.
something too perfect is not quite right. is it flesh or some kind of flexible
soft plastic? prior to the entity appearing, there was an angel that took a while to manifest fully and came closer each appearance. this is like something having
to build up power to manifest not a biblical angel. a little boy was running around
another manifestation, behind a low wall which of course hid his feet.
prior to Fatima, not mentioned here, two spiritualist type occult groups predicted
something important was going to happen on that date, whether the first appearance
of the female entity or the sun appearing to dance I forget which.
Good point about Camelot. We laugh when the song about the King changing the weather is sung. But we are asked to take the Pope and Obama seriously when they propose the same thing. I do believe we have forgotten how powerful a laugh is when facing ridiculous proposals. We have become like the Cargo Cult people were said to be when they saw airplanes. We act as if so mething must be true because someone with a title has pronounced it. Ideas come at us so fast we have forgotten the spirit of discernment. We miss that which is valuable to know because it is surrounded by tons of stupid ideas which are "possibilities." We check nothing out because it has been told to by "Kings."
interesting comparison between the minor stuff American Christians scream about and
real persecution.
FYI - Constance, I sent Mr. Cuddy $50.00 c/o news with views. Wish it could have been more.
How easy it would be for the New World Order leaders to use this ego who already thinks he can run everyone and everything without being called out. They just tell him what to say but don't bother much with details. If he does win, he will only be responsible to NWO leaders while conservatives will scratch their heads asking what went wrong. His world is filled with the very rich, the bankers and others who run everything now. As he shakes hands with the crowds, he is probably thinking how stupid they are as they aren't in his world.
This is an amazing documentary of Donald's life. It tells of him working with illegals to get cheap labor, not protecting them from asbestos, of illegal trash removal of harmful trash from demolished buildings, of unlawful evictions of tenants - refusing them water, electricity & maintenance to get them to leave. It also tells of his barely legal deals which got him tax protections under housing laws for retail buildings and hotels. This is a very different Donald Trump than what is being sold to the public right now - tales of contractors not being paid, of shareholders being denied their proper investments, etc. It tells of a Trump who put on a veneer of good manners, but treated his employees and family very poorly, with lots of verbal abuse. Video link posted in comments.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3oCoBh8RLo Also http://trumpthemovie.com/ Ask yourself who and why is this individual being pushed.
What does Donald mean? proud chief, world ruler
And to trump means outrank or defeat someone or something, often in a highly public way.
A sign for our times.
The times are bad, and getting worse aren't they?
the more I hear about him the less I like him.
Dear KC, Christine and the others who helped.
God Bless you!
To answer Anonymous at 10.31' many people are facing enormous hardship from this wicked 'Bedroom Tax'. There is nowhere for my friend to move to. Her extra bedroom is a tiny little room in a tiny house and there is nowhere my friend could move to.
Not to mention that it costs money to move that she has not got.
As it is, she is forced to do work quite unsuitable for a woman in her 50s with a bad back, including slave labour jobs which actually leave her out of pocket, after her paying for her travel. But if she refuses to work for this kleptocratic company, she will be sanctioned by the SS, which means getting no money. And staff at the Job Centres have been told to sanction a target number of people per month. Her son has a crippling illness. Without the help of friends, she and her son would be homeless by now, and may yet be, as many in this country already are. and many are committing suicide.
A new communist chap has been elected for our Labour Party, and I could see him becoming the English Obama. But the Third Sector of charities and "think tanks" hold sway.
If you want to see a film come to life, watch the HBO film Man Of The Year with Robin Williams. It's a political satire. As usual Williams plays a likeable character, but the political platform he presents is a duplicate of Trump's.
Okay...where is this economic collapse? It's past the Shemitah now. Where's the big crash? Where's the great shaking? It's like waiting for the Great Pumpkin. "I was cheated out of tricks n treats..." Maybe it's suppose to happen after the lunar eclipse. Jonathon Cahn needs to go find a more sincere pumpkin patch.
Cahn? Where do you think they got the term Cahn Job?
9:12 Because Rome is back in the land after 2000 years as the nation born in a day.
Because the leaves are on the tree (fig tree symbolic of Israel) and Jesus said that generation will be here for that time he described. (They had leaves before the invasion caused by the Roman Nazi Empire)
Because all of the players (foes of Israel) are playing their positions and readying themselves to destroy her. (The anti Christ never stopped plotting)
Because a global government is poised to take it's place in earth's history like never before. (it is already here)
Because the "falling away" of the church is currently happening and nearly complete and the man of sin is revealed right after that is finished. (September Papacy UN)
Because America is the falling Babylon and almost there (You give and take away, Blessed be the Name of the Lord). (The US is Israel ROME IS BABYLON)
Because Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, read like the headline news. (AS usual)
Because on the earth it is now evil continually as in the days of Noah, with good called evil and evil called good. (The US is still fighting and many still honor the Lord)
Because these are only a very few reasons we can see that prophecy is in full swing being fulfilled right before our eyes. (maybe so, but you are off on your ideas)
I can think of many many more and would be too long a post, but you can get the idea just in these few I mention. (get what Idea that you are FALLING for the deception?)
People (YOU) can think whatever they wish, but all of the guesswork will be gone soon. (OH NOW you play GOD, no one will know the hour, not even you)
We'll see soon enough, one way or the other............... (people had said that for years, Constance got the RCC to do an about face, it can happen again)
Trump is the lap dog of the NY bankers. His job was to keep BUSH from getting too worn out and he is a CIRCUS CLOWN. Yer Fired for even thinking he was really running.
7:36 AM
God isn't joking.
We have everything right in front of us with more coming to light, everyday, so be patient.
Just watch as Jesus told us to do. Soon enough we'll all know.....
"People (YOU) can think whatever they wish, but all of the guesswork will be gone soon. (OH NOW you play GOD, no one will know the hour, not even you"
Did Jonathan Cahn declare the day and the hour? No.
Did I? No.
God is the one that takes all the guesswork out of all of this and HE will. He chooses when he does and what he does----no human calls those shots. Why be accusatory when unwarranted?
There is no way you can pin that on either him or myself because neither has declared a prophecy, but warning instead. The signs are all pointing and telling us to look up and that is his message, as is mine.
Why such a haughty tone?
anon. 10:39
"why such a haughty tone?"
you nailed it. in facebook terms, "Like."
You raise an interesting point. What is socialism? And how does it relate to other forms of collectivism?
Ruth of Exeter
let's use the terms like they were originally defined. socialism in the Marxist Leninist sense, is the
ownership by the proletariat of the means of production. (now whenever you have
stock options as an alternative
to part of pay, or any small family or small group company all of whom do the work and share in the results, you can
say you have socialism.)
socialism is also a term used for various kinds of schemes. A big problem is that
the proletariat as a large group
can't manage things so they need a representative manager who either mystically
like Hitler or supposedly by definition USSR
embodies in the former case or represents in theory in the latter case, the will of the people.
the people don't know squat and have other things to do than learn, so you get a special class of people who
represent or embody their will for them, which will is decided for them by that class.
another problem is when the whole shebang is under the direction of an unalterable mechanistic systematic structured theory,
which admits of no modification or adjustment to reality.
the big split in terms of getting a revolution going, between USSR and PRC was that Marx and/or Lenin doth decree that the revolution must be begun in and accomplished in the cities and taken to the countryside, while Mao's approach and pragmatic effective results were the opposite. that made Mao not someone to examine in terms of maybe he is onto something the communist de facto gods and prophets missed, or maybe what they had to say only fit their situation, but wouldn't fit Mao's, no, Marx and Lenin are the only way and the PRC is a despicable revisionist. end of subject.
I am not saying communist revolution is a good thing, just that there is a goal, there is a theory as to the ONLY way that goal is to be done, and there is the reality that there is more than one way that goal has been done, and one side of the dispute is not willing to accept that anything but the original way is "proper" or "correct."
centralized planning outside of a city or county sized situation is incapable of adapting to realities on the ground farther away.
The Bedroom tax is just another form of control of housing as done by both the Nazis and the communists. They forced people with housing space to take in those who needed housing by the government's standards. Those who were taken in had no respect for the effort it took to develop those accommodations and usually wrecked them. Same song second verse, a little bit louder and a little bit worse.
the bedroom tax is not forcing people to do anything UNLESS THEY ARE RECEIVING GOVERNMENT AID. that puts in the category not of communism or Nazism but of
And if one were to take in another person, they would only be being forced to take in SOMEONE, not chosen for them but chosen by them. the problem is eliminating the spare room from being a spare room. They can take a cut or find a friend or relative. Again, this only is an issue for those receiving government aid.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKSY5ooqY8Y Catherine Austin Fitts, former Bush Secretary of Housing. though you might want to use some discernment with her at
times, her analyses are worth studying. Expensive at solari.com but a lot is on
youtube in extensive interviews. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=catherine+austin+fitts
"Receiving government aid" is such a catchall phrase. I remember a battle when upper level schools were told that because some of their students were getting government loans the schools were getting government aid. Bureaucrats are very good at twisting words. Is Social Security government aid? Are food stamps government aid? Are towns that get money from the government getting government aid? Do hospitals and doctors get government aid? Is Obamacare government aid? As I've said in the past England is six or seven years ahead of us in implementing New Age ideas.
all the foregoing would qualify as government aid, but the term as used by me
refers to the kind of aid being got by the people at issue in England, and generally
when talking about individuals means housing subsidy either reducing or eliminating
rent (its paid for you), food stamps, supplemental security income, medical benefits whether to ex military or civilian all their lives.
Obamacare is government aid to the insurance companies who really wrote the law.
government aid is not New Age in itself but goes back thousands of years, and
was often implemented as an introduction by Christian rulers in more recent times.
For instance, King Alfred the Great and the plow tax. while this may have preceded
him, it was in his time put to work to help the poor.
what is draining the economy is NOT help to the poor, but all kinds of corporate
kickbacks and the military industrial complex with its overcharging contractors
and corruption in general.
and the interest paid on the national debt.
10:39 because Nazi Israel isn't an Israel so it can't be a fulfilment of your interpretation. I never said stop guessing but soon for you is subjective how soon is now?
how do you know whether Israel is not a fulfillment simply because it doesn't
act according to your standards? though it sometimes overdoes it, it is taking
the measures it has to and the western press is totally biased and never tells
about what the Palestinians so called do to bring this on. Its not like it used
to be when I was growing up and the bias was different.
in any case Ezekiel says they will be cleansed AFTER they return, so that doesn't
fit coming back in a state of holiness.
Let the Lord show you how soon.
God will sort out everything for Israel (His wife whom He divorced but will restore to Himself once again) and for His church (His bride). He wrote the "playbook" the bible, and He fulfills it to the letter, not one word will return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11).
Ours is to believe Him, and believing should lead us to surrender and obedience to Him, and watch Him be great in these times in which we are living.
Amen 11:32
Israel and his church are one. I'll leave this there because this blog has a tendency to get controversial but the ekklesia is the called assembly. Israel and all who join themselves to her are one. It's a great mystery and for those who love the Scriptures you can dig in an understand this.
The ekklesia doesn't replace Israel. The ekklesia are those physical descendants and those who sojourn and join themselves to the one true God.
Just adding this to my Amen.
“Thus says the LORD: ‘If My covenant is not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth, then I will cast away the descendants of Jacob and David My servant, so that I will not take away any of his descendants to be rulers over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For I will cause their captives to return, and will have mercy on them.’”
Jeremiah 33:25-26
Amen 12:12
anon 11:32
"Ours is to believe Him, and believing should lead us to surrender and obedience to Him, and watch Him be great in these times in which we are living."
God indeed will do great things in these general times whether we recognize it as
what is going on or not, but believing Him and studying His word I don't think the Second Coming is about to happen in the time frame or in the sequences a lot of
teachers think.
For you 7:36 AM
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
The time of warning this world is over.
Interesting thoughts from Watching & Waiting over on RITAN:
"Ok, let’s be blunt here and tell it like it is. We all awaited a market collapse at the end of the Jewish year, hoping it would land on Friday of last week or on Monday, yesterday. And it didn’t. Not even close. So what happened? Did God forget us? Were we bamboozled? What exactly are we supposed to see in all of this?
In the past years, in the shemitah cycle, we have seen very symbolic drops in the market on key days. Why would God allow that cycle to be broken? Why wouldn’t He continue with this pattern?
I first had to think of His purpose of setting up this market drop pattern in the first place. It was as WARNINGS. Warnings to an unbelieving world that He is giving us more time. He always gives time to repent.
So why no more pattern? No more warnings needed. The time of warning this world is over. The time for judgment is here."
I would add though, that this year's Shemitah was anything but silent: unprecedented sandstorm engulfing the entire Middle East, lightning striking Mecca, rainbow directly on Freedom Tower, China stocks sinking 6% in two days, Iran deal passing, unprecedented wildfires in California, unprecedented flooding in Japan, and on and on.
Shemitah nonsense, Cahn says that there is a 7-year cycle discernible in the economic cycle of the US and UK but there isn't; economists have been going through data for generations now looking for cycles with very sophisticated statistical routines and found no such thing. Cahn's work is a masterpiece of selective evidence and you have to look at the times nothing happened as well as the times when it did, and also at the times when something happened off the supposed 7-year cycle. God commanded ancient Israel to set up a 7-year economic cycle and it is not a fundamental law that he wrote into his Creation.
Someday there will be economic catastrophe but it is futile to look to Shemitah to tell us when. China was a bubble waiting to burst as all economic commentators were saying for a couple of years; it has not caused havoc on Wall St and it is simply a temporary reverse in China itself. As for a "rainbow directly on Freedom Tower", there was sun and rain simultaneously in its vicinity and if you go to the right place then you see that - but you have to be in the right place.
Dear Ruth of Exeter
There is no such thing as a bedroom tax. There is a reduction of subsidy to those who have a spare bedroom, to encourage them to move to cheaper accommodation. Would you answer me why the hard-pressed working poor should have to pay taxes to subsidise people living in accommodation better than they themselves can afford, unless perhaps those people are disabled?
This video
is a new interpretation of the "star of Bethlehem" and it has Jesus being born at Tabernacles - certainly the time of year of his second coming and many think of his first. It shows that what goes on in the constellations at a particular time near to year zero was an accurate allegory of the birth of Jesus the divine king/Messiah to a virgin. It goes on to suggest that the woman in Rev 12 is also a description of events in the stars and planets and will be seen at the feast of Tabernacles in 2017 (September 23); this event is of course associated in the Book of Revelation with the terrible events of the endtimes.
Wikipedia on "STar of Bethlehem" has some reservations but it is worth pondering.
10:48 AM
You know what your problem is?
You aren't letting these signs show you to remain looking up.
An upward focus. We can look, but should not be focused on the down and around of earthly things.
People get lost in the swirl if they don't keep a vertical attitude.
And makes them cranky.
anon 10:56
the term "bedroom tax" is obviously idiomatic. and don't look for reasonableness
to define anything anyway.
if you are supposed to get X amount of money and you get x - whatever, because of
something you have or don't have, it is experienced the same as tax withheld from
your paycheck before you get it. naturally they are going to call it a "bedroom
tax." you could call it a bedroom cut in pay if you prefer.
it is an obvious Thatcherite measure to penalize the poor, keep them from getting
ahead unless ready to shorten their lives or put children in danger from being
left in improper or dubious or no care while they work, and so forth. It is also an
obvious measure to promote a line of action by penalizing the non action and rewarding the action. nothing wrong in that in itself, since government is supposed to suppress evil and reward good. Romans chapter 13. However the way it is managed
isn't that good apparently. I would suspect there are housing rules against too many crammed in a small space in some places where the "bedroom tax" is still applied making it impossible to comply with the hope that you will help out the housing problem by taking in a renter or a free rent tenant off the street.
Alright Christine, YOU answer the question I put to Ruth of Exeter about the so-called bedroom tax: why should the hard-pressed working poor have to pay taxes to subsidise people living in accommodation better than they themselves can afford, unless perhaps those people are disabled?
The Bedroom Tax isn't New Age? That kind of thinking is why this blog has fallen apart. It's filled with missionary types who want to squeeze the whole New Age picture into a link with something in the Bible because they have spent their lives listening about and talking about the Bible. Knowledge of political trends over the last 100 years is around zilch. To a breadmaker everything centers around making a loaf of bread.
I wonder if there is one person posting here who could summarize in fifty words or less what the New Age movement is without ever mentioning Jesus, Revelation or Christianity. I doubt it.
Dear 11.20am,
I want to stop people being taken in by the false prophecies of Jonathan Cahn. If you want to snipe at me for doing it then that is a shame, but I'm not going to stop and my faith is in Jesus Christ.
OK 11.39am, let's see you do it in 50 words!
anon 11:37
"why should the hard-pressed working poor have to pay taxes to subsidise people living in accommodation better than they themselves can afford, unless perhaps those people are disabled?"
THOSE PEOPLE ARE DISABLED to some extent. age, condition, and of course if there is an unemployment tax thing, lack of available work. on what basis can you say
what Ruth of Exeter described as the accommodation she knew of is better than the hardworking poor can afford?
now I ask you a question. if you are employed and some member of your extended or even immediate family is unable to work without getting run down fast and ill, or just can't find work, why should you subsidize them?
and exactly what is the difference between subsidizing a "stranger" who is "not related to you" when we are all of one blood one species and all track to the same ancestors centuries and thousands of years ago so we ARE related?
now I am the first to say that blood doesn't count and family is nothing but trouble and if someone is bad you get them out of your life related or not. But to a LIMITED extent both common sense and biblically immediate family is a priority WITHOUT REMOVING NON FAMILY FROM CONSIDERATIONS. This is not self contradiction this is sliding scale nuance and recognition some families are not bad.
Just who do you think you are? God Who owns all and owes nothing? God demands on pain of damnation that you help if you can. Why not (if without corruption and incompentence which is another matter) have a local village fund or other delegation
to government to get this done for you which has the advantage that people will get
helped you don't know, and that you don't have to deal with possibly problematic
people in person to help them?
workfare as it was called here is not without merit, but in the case of docking you
for having an extra room or an across the board demand to work regardless of your condition and circumstances, it can be bad.
It used to be for thousands of years everywhere incl. more recently in UK and USA, that people begged in the street. and this was increasingly harassed and made illegal. there was a time that able bodied beggars had to be suppressed as frauds in British history.
But if you are not willing to have "welfare" of one sort or another, and are not willing to have people beg in the street, exactly what to do you want? that they be thrown out for no rent or inability to pay tax, them and children and pets on the street?
anons 11:39 and 11:42
New Age is ancient paganism of the philosophical sort with Hinduism and tantric Buddhism and pop occultism folk magic added as bait. also an effort to make a religion that supports globalism rival factions within this new world order is its political side.
that said, the only people with the world view needed to correctly analyze, fight the psychic and spiritual influences, of the New Age Movement are us Christians, though some of us have been compromised by occult originated notions of race, british Israel, khazars aren't jews, and illuminati helped Scofield and Darby notions and satanism compatible libertarianism.
that is, that the illuminati money was helping Scofield and darby
I asked Christine: "why should the hard-pressed working poor have to pay taxes to subsidise people living in accommodation better than they themselves can afford, unless perhaps those people are disabled?"
Christine replied: "THOSE PEOPLE ARE DISABLED to some extent. age, condition, and of course if there is an unemployment tax thing, lack of available work. on what basis can you say
what Ruth of Exeter described as the accommodation she knew of is better than the hardworking poor can afford?"
I haven't a clue what you are saying here. I am suggesting that there should be an exemption for the disabled. Please put what you are saying into words and phrases that are comprehensible.
what I am trying to say is not that it is a wrong idea to think Illuminati helped scofield and Darby, but that those teachers were themselves part of an illuminist agenda whether they knew it or not.
Who says they are?
And maybe people in their anxiousness or whatever they suppose, make what he said say something it didn't. People are all over the map with this topic, so many base out of feelings rather than actual facts to draw the right comparisons.
Why aren't I disappointed then, like you or all these many others you are "protecting" or whatever that is you are claiming? Well, that is because I did not view it as prophecy but as a sign that prophecy is in the making. That is the difference. Jonathan Cahn says outright he is not a prophet, it is others who call him that.
We need (and got) the warnings (what he did) and the Lord has shown us much, with even more on the way, so wait patiently on the Lord. He won't disappoint.
God takes care of his prophecies because they are his, and not ours to willy nilly with, but many are into that, running to and fro from one trending thing to the next trending thing on that front ;). He knows how to protect people from what is false........that is, if they really want the truth in the first place.
The "snipe" is at the disagreeable tone of your words, not your differing view.
11:40 AM is who I am addressing in the 12:15 PM post. Sorry, I should have directed that specifically.
And by the way, I am glad your faith is in Christ.
That is where it belongs :) .....
Jonathan Cahn says he is not a prophet, and every prophet in the Bible was licensed to speak the word of God in the first person; he has not done that; fine. You ask, though, about his Shemitah predictions (let's call them predictions): Who says they are {false]?
I do.
I say so because there is no 7-year economic cycle in the USA or UK. Cahn says there is. But economic data have been exhaustively searched for periodicity using statistical tools and no 7-year cycle has been found. Cahn reaches his conclusion by neglecting times in his 7-year cycle when nothing happened, and neglecting times when something did happen but it didn't fit his cycle.
So the call for repentance and warnings Jonathan Cahn has spoken to, about how judgment was coming, and is now here, was wrong to say?
How can that urgent message be wrong?
I see the times are upon us that Jesus himself said were to come are here.
But to each their own.
Hindsight often brings amazing clarity right? There will be a marked difference in things just ahead that we help us look back and see what the Lord told us all along.
He is faithful like that.
11:32 PM
That's NOT Israel. Stop saying that it is. Even the Jews know this. Only Zionists and fake Jews say it is Israel, just because the UK and the UN CALL it Israel does not mean GOD calls it that. We make Zion where ever we go. New England was Israel. You are nuts. You speak with authority and are ignorant of the obvious. You and your jammer team ruined this comment section.
Am I stomping on your little toe or something?
If Israel is such a "nothing" as you claim, then why are you so irate about it? Why be angry over nothing?
Why not let the "nothing" go????..........
......Because that "nothing" you think it is, is the biggest something going----witness to the fact that it is all about God and of the world's peoples--yes even among those of present day Israel--that he calls his own--separated out from the nations, unto himself. He draws (will yet draw) hearts to himself, among the Jewish people too.
Just wait, the world will see.
Israel who doesn't see at the moment, will see too...(and they will look upon Him Whom they have pierced...)
anon 1:38
re read hidden Dangers and you will see that it IS compatible with that. you must have read selectively or forgotten a lot.
anon 2:56
New England was not Israel, America is not Israel that is all bible name using gimmickry. Some dunghead crackpot great philosopher or poet considered America
to be the shining city on a hill that Christ mentioned but the context of that
mention rules out any given specific country, it is an EXAMPLE OF VISIBILITY.
your post shows it is you that is doing all this fake Israelizing you accuse the Jews of, you and your heroes you need to dump in the trash.
ROMANS CHAPTER 11 teaches that
The church is an extension of Israel, mystically the same with it, the promises to Abraham and the prophecies applies to both, physical unbelieving Israel is not
cut off entirely any more than their unbelieving ancestors who brought God's wrath down on them were, for their descendants who repented were built up again.
Both the dispensationalists and the replacement theologians are dead wrong why? because I say so? NO. because PAUL SAYS SO.
The Jews are the root of the domestic olive tree, and we the wild olive tree branches have been grafted into that tree, and we should not boast against the
Jews because they are the root that bears us the branches. (Jesus' analogy about
branches of a VINE is another matter entirely.)
Paul says they are enemies for the Gospel's sake, but beloved for the fathers' sake.
Anonymous is right; anonymous is all wrong. Anonymous never said those things that anonymous said they said.
Plus, anonymous put words in Anonymous's mouth.
They are having a fight among themselves in order to make this blog look silly.
The other possibility Christine is that you will make up anything on the spot to show how intellectual you are and then defend it with double talk. Meanwhile everyone is kept from knowing what the New Age movement is and what is happening now. The result is that Constance has wasted decades of her life with little to show except for the glory times of the past when people did know something about it.
Now the term appears like grains of sand scattered through books and on sites of the internet with no one really knowing what it stands for.
And like the cheese Christine at the end you stand alone with no one to take on your journey.
To Christine and others reading her recommendation of Catherine Austin Fitts. That name rang a very unpleasant bell with me. Catherine Austin Fitts was/is a close friend of Ira Einhorn, the Philadelphia New Age leader who was the most visible face of the 1970 first Earth Day. Ira Einhorn was convicted of murdering his Tyler, Texas girlfriend, Holly Maddux. The book, the UNICORN'S SECRET, MURDER IN THE AGE OF AQUARIUS by Steven Levy is MUST READING! Einhorn, pre-murder was quoted as saying, "Psychopaths like myself emerge when it is time for societies to change." Einhorn, like Jim Jones, and Charles Manson really was a psychopath!
oh, yeah, I forgot, on that list of preferred psychopath professions is....clergy.
interesting list
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Private bridge between Vatican-Paneuropean- and Anglo-American intelligence
I'm sorry, but going to Catherine Austin Fitts for "wisdom" strikes me as something akin to going to the sewers to fish for pearls! More muck than treasure! If she has so little discernment as to believe Ira Einhorn, why should I trust her with more?
I'm not looking for wisdom I'm looking for scandal and economic forecasts as it
might impact things.
If Rosa Koire can be an out of the closet lesbian why trust her with her expertise as a real estate evaluator who saw through some of the downright fraud angle on
Agenda 21 and then researched the rest and is just as mad at it as we are? I suspect
with her music group and something about her she may be in some semi pagan thing
The scientists and inventors whose stuff we run on were often occultists or mystics
also, Edison was in the Theosophical Society for instance. Fitts saw the
corruption in HUD and later the deliberate efforts to rig the economy for trouble and for her efforts an effort to frame her was made. The peculiarities of her
belief systems have nothing to do with her professional expertise.
BECAUSE of those peculiarities I do NOT recommend her page or subscribing to her
information at solari.com, but her interviews on the conspiracy and economics
specifics at various anti NWO youtube channels are almost always but not always free of this stuff, and you can just ignore it.
Paul Craig Roberts was the main inventor of Reaganomics, he has fallen for a couple
of serious errors, but mostly his geopolitical evaluations are correct, and he
recognized the errors in Reaganomics and wrote The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism later.
I have found some things on Dorothy's FB page useful, but she is anti Christian.
the VSUP links are written by someone who downplays the conspiracy angle, yet
documents some of it, including occultist origins of some of the groups that think
they fight it especially the militia crew. Some of what you were looking at in
the hijacking of evangelicalism is dealt with there also.
TRUST NO ONE. if they don't have a flaw in their intentions they have a flaw in
judgement. I had to throw out lots of people and ideas I once swore by, but they
are still useful for limited purposes. A good self defense video may, for all I
know, be the product of a rabid anti Zionist. I have no way of knowing if I don't
do a lot of research, and it doesn't matter. fighting skills are fighting skills.
(unless he was training me in person, knew my bias, and might lead me wrong on
you deal with people professionally every day that are no fit to our theology or
politics or whatever. so do I or so I assume, the subject doesn't come up.
WISDOM is not what I'm after anywhere. just facts and useful dirt on whoever from someone who doesn't throw around undocumentable stuff because she knows legal issues. NEVER EVER do I recommend a page or a site because of the theology or
lack thereof of the writer. it is the content of the SPECIFIC page at the site, and nothing more, and I usually don't know one way or another about the person.
David Icke for instance has a new age agenda, yet he also goes hammer and tongs
after the nazoid globalists and more down and dirty type Satanists. this of course
makes him and his nicer seeming love peace bliss type new ageism look good. I don't generally deal with him I have other better sources now, that haven't been made
fools of by people like Arizona Wilder.
I used to get all kinds of flack here because I assumed the readers were sensible and not looking for fearless leaders, just facts they could use, a consolidation of several decades of books in one place that sort of thing.
Carroll Quigley is the A number One exposer of globalism, but his perspective was AGREEING with its goals, just not its secrecy. does anyone hesitate to use his information?
"I used to get all kinds of flack here because I assumed the readers were sensible and not looking for fearless leaders, just facts they could use, a consolidation of several decades of books in one place that sort of thing. "
The most of the flack you get is because the muck and mire we have to wade through via your long rabbit trail commentaries, only to find little there of pertaining facts and mostly scandal, (that you love to concentrate on and is many times unsubstantiated gossip anyway) makes it terrible digging for anything truly useful.
It is quite obvious you aren't going for wisdom----that is a fact...
Constance Cumbey said...
"I'm sorry, but going to Catherine Austin Fitts for "wisdom" strikes me as something akin to going to the sewers to fish for pearls! More muck than treasure! If she has so little discernment as to believe Ira Einhorn, why should I trust her with more?"
4:28 PM
Pope Francis held a conference on Earth Day at the Vatican, his guest was none other than the Earth Day Network President that was invited to discuss "climate change."
Constance: are you going to hold the pope and Vatican to the same "guilt by association" standard that you are using for Catherine Austin Fitts?
Ira Einhorn wouldn't be facts but personality and charm. and she would have been
much younger. what Fitts specializes in as regards these videos is objective data,
numbers, etc. facts.
seems Ira Einhorn was all over the map before his arrest. this article describes
him as "the Flower Power guru who hobnobbed with the rich and powerful, lectured at Harvard, and traveled the world." a lot of people would have qualified as friends
of his however superficially.
from an earlier post by Constance
"From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" To: "David Crockett Williams"
Subject: RE: Ira Date: Sunday, July 21, 2002 11:58 AM
...here are the facts....
1. I knew Ira ---although not well--- when I was a student at the University of Penn. He was
one of the most respected strategic thinkers in the Philadelphia and Penn community at the
2. I was Ira's waitress at La Terrasse where he was wined and dined by all the Philadelphia
corporate leaders. His stories of luncheons are all true. I am a witness.
3. I reestablished contact with Ira when he was fighting extradition in France
4. I have been in regular communication with Ira since he returned to the US and have
visited him several times in jail.
5. Ira and I are advising each other on our various litigation challenges.
6. I suspect that Ira's situation involves covert operations networks in the intelligence
community that are the same or close to those that I am dealing with in my situation.
7. I consider Ira and his wife, Annika, good friends.
8. Ira is advising me on the development of the solari model. I consider him one of the most
knowledgeable people in the world on alternative energy and numerous important scientific
and social issues critical to sustainable economics and believe his contribution to solari is and
will be significant.
New Page 1
http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/Shadow_of_the_Unicorn.htm[5/30/2010 1:23:55 PM]
9. I believe that a fair trial will result in Ira being set free.
sounds like the relationship wasn't that close until things blew up for a storm,
and his tales of persecution for knowing too much won him credibility with her
that he probably should not have had. The sort of claims he made are valid enough
in some other cases, but in his case two other girlfriends said he'd almost killed
them and Holly had a bruise on her neck and had been distancing herself from him,
so this sounds like he's guilty.
As we know the government specially CIA and I would add the naval equivalent had
been messing in these fields for a long time, and some of it surfaced in the Church Hearings, or enough you could find more. Back in those days death was meted out
instead of the more modern approach of mostly discredit you but sometimes kill even
now, so Einhorn had "plausible deniability" if you ignore other facts. Fitts would
have been a lot younger initially and later loaded with information on intelligence
and black ops dirt that seemed to validate his claims, so whatever her opinion
now, between young gullibility and a cynicism born of knowledge making him look
more credible for his claims than he was, I think we can cut her some slack.
however, she clearly is a gnostic of some sort and not a Christian except in the
vaguest terms if that. which has nothing to do with facts on paper and shaken loose
to public view in prosecutions and lawsuits.
Jeff MacDonald was going to blow the whistle on drugs being shipped into the usa stitched into the body cavities of dead soldiers and suddenly he supposedly kills
his family for no reason, and one of the people he claimed did it was seen around there.
Your on a roll with your delving into murders, suicides, & pychopaths.
Just love the dark side dontcha?
what would you call a blog that focusses on satanic conspiracy to make a one
world global tyranny, kill millions or billions, corrupt the hell out of all
societies, destroy America and Europe, and start persecuting Christians? you
don't call that dark side stuff?
Yes I do. But you have a particular desire to explore it beyond what is needed to inform and/or warn us. Constance shows us what is needful and doesn't take it to that level, so why do you?
Something sick and wrong with the depths you want to plumb to know this "stuff" and then think we have the same "need" for it as you do.
Take all that extra dirt to your own blog.
and this "stuff" fills the picture and connects the dots more and gives us new people to look at the one surrounding the deaths or whatever.
explore beyond what is needed - if I were posting results of autopsies right and left with links to color photos I might agree.
"and this "stuff" fills the picture and connects the dots"
In your world it does.
Most other people can get the drift and understand without your penchant for the extra dark details. If Constance thought all that necessary she would post it, but unlike you, she respects and understands her readers and shows decorum.
You are anti-social.
Yeah, by evil people. Constance isn't evil.
The trouble is you glorify evil by giving it too much press, giving it the headlines when not necessary.
But just keep on making excuses for your severe lack of manners and desire to be sensational for attention.
Can see right through you......
can see right through you you're jealous you don't have as much attention as you think I get, and you ascribe to others your own motivations which are frankly
I took a few minutes to look at Peggy Cuddy's Tree Chart of the New Age Movement and couldn't help but notice how much the Vatican and its pope lines up with what is included in that chart.
"Earth Day" ... the pope and the Vatican supports and has declared that "climate change" is man made.
"Global Ethic" ... Rome has been pushing for a Global Government for years.
"Unification" ... another big push with Rome since Vatican II ... One World Religion, One World Financial system, One World Government.
"Evolution" ... Papal statements in the past supported this un-Biblical view. Supporting Evolution sides with scientists as the authority instead of God's word.
"Atheism" ... Francis recently stated that "atheists that do good go to heaven, completely by-passing Jesus Christ, His death on the cross and resurrection ... in short ... "another gospel."
"Liberation Theology" ... Francis supports this Marxist mandate as evidenced by his numerous Communist statements.
"Socialism" ... Francis has expressed numerous Socialistic views (Socialism is more acceptable to the gullible that fail to realize that Socialism is the precursor to Communism.
"Deep Ecumenism" ... the Vatican for years has been attempting to unite the world's religions.
"A Weakening by Blurring" ... "gays that do good go to heaven ... so do atheists." - Francis. This is a omplete denial of the clear and numerous teachings of Scripture.
"Biblical Truth Replaced by Another Gospel" ... Denies Christ is the "ONLY way, truth and the life" as stated in the official Catechism of the Catholic Church in which it declares that Muslims, Jews, etc. "worship the creator" and therefore they believe in the same God as Christians. Utter, complete, Christ denying blasphemy!
Also, RCC system presents "another gospel" via their strictly following their false religious system in order to obtain merit from God.
"Perverted Sex" ... the Vatican continues to use every means possible to fight against the victims of pedophile priests. Pope Benedict, prior to becoming pope, was in charge of the Vatican department that handled ALL global pedophile cases worldwide for 10 YEARS. Benedict payed off (for silence), covered up crimes, transferred KNOWN pedophile priests to other parishes, etc. Also, the Vatican, through their Pope, Cardinals, and Bishops continues to fight against attempts in this country to extend the statute of limitations regarding the crimes of priest/pedophilia.
I could go on ... but will stop here.
it would be nice to know your definition of "substance." be advised that everyone's idea of the New Age is not the same as yours some are possibly more narrow others more extensive.
give a list of exactly what you want to see. or if you can't put in words what you feel, then repost from the past the things you DID like as a model for what you
until then, no one can know what you are talking about.
frankly I think this blog has always (despite the Solana red herring, which was not entirely a waste of time given the family and personal connections he has being looked at) been a jumping off point for more research as well as source of info from those who have done analysis and post the results.
for those who want to be spoon fed, there's that.
but a comments section is NOT "this blog." that is the front page Constance writes, and this is the comments section, which may or may not get read at all.
First you have to have something or be someone to be jealous of.
Wrong again, then in your case.
Thank God the comments section is not the blog itself.
You ruin the comments section, thread by thread. I don't come here like I used to either and so many have vacated it because of you.
Oh do go on......pump more sewer here like usual.
http://www.newswithviews.com/DeWeese/tom267.htm Tom de Weese on Agenda 21
something from Dorothy Margraf's FB page, I assume she is the one complaining of lack of substance here, but rather than share she complains. so here's something that should be getting more press and more attention for the rest of you to share elsewhere.
The Nazi movement was based on New Age ideas that developed in the early 1900s. The Nazi philosophy is the New Age philosophy under which we operate as a culture now. The violence just hasn't come yet.
One aspect of the New Age movement is the push for one world government. The European Union is part of the New Age plan as it consolidated 20 countries under the same laws. The push for a North American Union is another part. We also know that the Nazis had major plans for their movement after Germany came down. Many Nazis came to the US under government protection. This is documented in part by the book Modern Fascism.
There is evidence that the European Union was founded by the Nazi group. The book can be read on the internet.
From that page:
In our book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, we tell a story that many British people may, for obvious reasons, initially reject. In doing so, they may say that if the far-reaching historical information documented in the book were true, they would surely have heard about it before.
On Saturday 8 September, 2012, four days prior to the Dutch general election, a column in De Telegraaf -- the largest morning newspaper in the Netherlands -- described our book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, and discussed its implications. To read the article, click here. (More at the link)
Putting the name of the book and New Age in a search several links come up. One is: https://translate.google.com/translate… New Age names familiar to us appear in the comments sections.
There are youtube videos also linking the EU to the Nazi movement. One is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX4dYww2hoM
Why should this be of importance to you? Example: what is going on by Planned Parenthood started many decades ago. All part of the New Age eugenics movement.
Reject the EU | What you always wanted to know about the Brussels EU - But no one dared to tell you
In our book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, we tell a story that many British people may, for obvious reasons, initially reject. In doing so, they may say that if the far-reaching historical information documented in the book were true, they would surely have heard about it before.
http://www.reject-the-eu.co.uk/nazi-roots/chapter.html the entire book online.
closes with an interesting question about the implications of his toupee, the gismo that David Letterman in one of his rare moments of humor called "the THING on Donald Trump's head."
More on European Union history by Rodney Atkinson.
YouTube - The European Union, a Fascist Superstate -- Rodney Atkinson
Rodney Atkinson - http://www.rodneyatkinson.freeuk.com/index.html
Rodney Atkinson is one of Britain's most successful political economists, an expert on the constitutional effects of British membership of the European Union and a former occasional advisor to ministers. He has a track record of successful prediction of economic and political crisis. He was formerly a lecturer at the University of Mainz, Germany and a merchant banker in the City of London.
He was Referendum Party candidate in North West Durham in the 1997 General Election (5.2%) and the lead UK Independence Party candidate for the North East Region in the 1999 European Elections (8.8%).
He is the author of some 80 articles and policy papers and six internationally praised books: Government against the People (1986) The Emancipated Society (1988) The Failure of the State (1989) and on the European Union: Treason at Maastricht (with Norris McWhirter, fourth edition 2000), Europe's Full Circle (third edition 1998, also published in Yugoslavia and Poland) and Fascist Europe Rising (2002 now published in Poland and Serbia).
He has been a contributor to radio and television programmes on both sides of the Atlantic. He founded The Campaign for United Kingdom Conservatism in 1994 and co-founded with Mrs. Lynn Riley, the cross party South Molton Declaration in 1999 (re-launched as the British Declaration of Independence for the 2005 election). He founded the Freenations website.
In recent years Rodney Atkinson has given public speeches in Prague, Tbilisi, Vienna, Warsaw, Lublin, Belgrade and Sofia and has been interviewed on television or radio in the USA, Poland, Australia, Germany and Yugoslavia.
~ K ~
The "pope" gets praised for his anti-capitalism positions by a Communist, murdering thug. Aint it great ?
what anon (Dororthy? ) needs to understand, is that New Age isn't just Nazism, that was the spawn of the eugenics movement and occultism of a volkish sort and theosophical influences. there are other spawns. Nazism is alive and well and a menace in its more disguised form. but its not all there is to this.
Makes me think of Luke 6:26.
Pretty much the story here..
I think part of the reason you can have Christians going new age in spiritualisty or new age in racism is because they figure as long as throw Jesus' Name into the mix its all okay. which is not the case. Also, once they equate following the Bible with a focus on some tiny part here and there that they can use out of context to a racist or radically nationalist position, which is their real object of worship on an emotional level at least, and once they got that plus hate Rome and buy the lies
about Nicea having decided the canon (which was already decided by Apostolic tradition and NOT EVEN DISCUSSED AT NICEA whose canons are available online) they can argue that "Rome" (which had nothing to do with Nicea being only one of several elements present and never called any of the original Ecumenical Councils) was paganized by Constantine (as if those who wouldn't cave in to torture and death now caved into the prestige of a Roman emperor, more unmitigated garbage) it follows that any gnostic or otherwise dubious ancient literature is okay.
That freak who follows Constance's show even argued that Ruth was a Levitical princess! what garbage! she was clearly stated as being Moabite, not an Israelite living in Moab like Naomi and her sons, and THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A LEVITE WHO IS A PRINCE OR PRINCESS! that tribe never produced a claimant legitimate or otherwise to the throne, no princes or princesses, tribal leaders were not designated that way and the whole thing is garbage. I nailed her in the chat room on whether or not a non white can be saved and she hemmed and hawed and said it was up to God. In other words, absent some special exemption by God, the rule would be NO.
Castro's famous murders said to be 10 or 20,000 more likely under 10,000 were mostly execution of Batista's murderers and torturers and henchmen. Castro was
nothing like Stalin or Mao.
MCE behaves like know-it-all occultic spawn whose disguise doesn't work and that is all there is to that.
corruption issues are a part of it, and the depopulation angle is certainly part of it, and if the alternative physician deaths are murders it would fit the effort to enslave us to big pharma and vaccines (though I am not convinced they aren't good to some extent but definitely over done and good way to introduce some virus or something on purpose with it surreptitiously). this new age thing is bigger than you give it credit for. a lot of control freaks are not necessarily consciously new age, except in the meditation thing, but have their own baggage of ambition and greed driving them.
You asked if I could define New Age in fifty words or less. I went over, but here is my description.
New Age - a coalition of individuals that developed in the early 1900s based on earlier utopian ideas. Revolutionaries and occultists seeing an imperfect culture based on western religion organized to make a more perfect culture.. Control of the worlds of intelligence, power and money are their trade coins in a covert world. Growth has been slow and cautious. Goals are long term. Individuals were to be and are now mind controlled into groups which are further manipulated. Infiltration into all cultural areas takes place. Opposition groups such as Christianity and Judaism are to be withered away where infiltration doesn't work. Ideas of the supernatural as found in the occult are to satisfy, Cooperation at governmental levels is forced through overriding organizations such as the United Nations. At this point New Age is in the intellectual air we breathe. Provision has been made for dissidents. As a stand alone thinking individual,you learn not to trust if you learn anything. You fill in the names of individuals and organizations as you go along.
Very succinct and articulate.
Your paragraph should be re-posted periodically here.
"Christine, I did post it here. It was ignored"
not on this thread and how do you know it was ignored? I for read lots of links and sometimes keep a copy of the article or bookmark it without comment. I am sure
a lot of people do also.
merely because there is no comment doesn't mean no one made use of it.
Anonymous said... (re: Communist Castro praising the pope for his anti-capitalist postions):
Makes me think of Luke 6:26.
Pretty much the story here..
10:37 PM
Luke 6:26 "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets."
yeah. something's wrong.
Thanks Paul.
re my last post I just thought, if it took about two years after 1927 for the disaster of 1929, maybe we got another two years before disaster crash. So much
for blood moons and shemitah, eh?
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