Is it here? The prophesied hour of temptation to come like a snare upon all those who dwell on the face of the earth?? This program, GMES, is directly under Javier Solana's ESA (European Space Agency) remit.
Stay tuned!
"GMES proposal for a programme Regulation
"GMES, Space Research and Development: publication: Thursday, 28 May 2009 15:17 CET:"We are facing a huge economic crisis which consequences are without precedent. Investment in innovation is at this stage crucial especially in regard with the effects of climate change we will have to face. At the same time, OECD tells that the world market for Earth Observation commercial date which was $ 735 millions in 2007 has the potential to raise to around $ 3 billions in 2017. The European Union is contributing to the development of this innovative sector. Therefore the European Commission agreed today on a proposal for a programme regulation for GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security)
"GMES was an initiative mainly organized in its initial development phase thanks to research activities financed by EC (through Framework Programme 7) and ESA. This new financing of EUR 150 millions from the European Commission is bringing GMES into an initial operational phase. It is the first concrete step towards the sustainability of the programme.
"It will ease the development of innovative services and make possible efficient accompanying measures for private sector and provide continuous data on the effects of a changing world. This availability of environmental information is the key factor to understand the evolution of climate change so that we can observe our planet for a safer world"
From website address: http://www.reporterfreelance.info/2009/05/28/gmes-proposal-for-a-programme-regulation/
Constance and others,
How does this GMES relate to "Gallileo"?
Here's a good way for Solana to look like a savior to the Israelis -- contrasting himself to Benita Ferrero-Waldner who he obviously wants to get rid of -- the very old good cop - bad cop game!
Meanwhile, debate inside Brussels is beginning to get personal.
A diplomat from one of the pro-Israeli EU countries told EUobserver that Ms Ferrero-Waldner's political views are linked to her relationship with the late Austrian president Kurt Waldheim and her work in the UN in the 1990s. Mr Waldheim's reputation is tainted by his activities as a Wehrmacht officer during World War II.
"She spent all her time in the UN getting close to the Arab delegations and that's where all this comes from," the EU diplomat said.
"Ms Ferrero-Waldner's office said there is "no link whatsoever" between the commissioner and Mr Waldheim, except that they were both in the conservative OVP party.
See full story at http://euobserver.com/24/28184
6/1/2009, 8:58 AM
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GMES. Global Monitoring for Environment and Security. A very aspiring project of the EU in the field of remote sensing is GMES. Like. GALILEO, GMES is a ...
www.uni-graz.at/~bruenn/unterlagen-wrr-ws-07-08/galileo-gmes.pdf - Similar pages -
[PPT] GALILEO - GMES overview and status
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GALILEO - GMES. GALILEO Description. The first satellite positioning and navigation system specifically designed for civil purposes; Constellation: ~ 30 ...
www.vleva.eu/files/jb/presentation_belspo_vleva_10042008.ppt - Similar pages -
[PPT] Workshop Galileo/GMES
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Galileo/GMES. VRI. April 10, 2008. Introduction. Company presentation; Galileo antennas. Company: General. OMP develops and builds RF & Microwave Subsystems ...
www.vleva.eu/files/jb/OMP_VRI_Workshop_Gal_GMES080408.ppt - Similar pages -
[PDF] Microsoft PowerPoint - Presentazione_GIOVINE_16062006.ppt
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Jun 16, 2006 ... GG&T initiative, currently sponsored by Italy's representatives in. Galileo, GMES and in the area of Telecommunications. ...
www.cyclops-project.eu/demo/pdf/GMES.pdf - Similar pages -
"Big Brother is watching you."
Yes, could be it's here.
This post not related to Constance's recent post, but to let others know of one more example of how the NA views have permeated society, one that will never make the papers, but relevant nontheless.
I am a member of an on-line grief support site, a site that has been up for many years and has 4300+ members. It is a site that offers a general board for posts as well as numerous forums, including gay/lesbian widow/ers, suicide, military etc. In the religious forums portion, it offered discussions on afterlife (supernatural), spirituality, blended spirituality(?), agnosticism, jewish and two others 1) christians with a fundamental belief and the 2nd w/o fundamental beliefs. As of May 30th, due to various members objecting to the word "fundamental", these forums have been discontinued, archived without further posts allowed and replaced with one generic christian forum (mainstream, emergent, seekers, meditation, visualization etc..). There were 2 of us, out of 4300+ members who stood up for our belief in Biblical fundamentals (ie. Jesus' diety, Jesus' return, prophecy). We were told we were holding exclusive viewpoints and made the others feel judged and uncomfortable and confirmed the negative connotations to the word fundamental which the media has linked with terrorists and extremists. The other forums which discuss the occult, atheism, etc appear to offend no one. By consensus of members, the "exclusive" forum was eliminated.
It is a small forum in the scope of things, but is an example. If out of 4300+ members, only 2 stand up to be counted, what in the larger scope are the percentages of those who will hold fast? Will He find very many who still believe?
Anon Widow - Holding fast to my faith!!!!
Dear Anon Widow, as you know I am also a grieving widow. My grief got worse yesterday in church (where the fundamentals are believed) and I had to cry with one of the pastors after church; my grief is getting worse, not better. Part of it is that I have more than one rare genetic disease which can become depression (which is also one reason I get temperamental about "blood line" discussions which are not specific enough and tend to the woo-woo branch of thought.)
I had a similar problem to yours on the Braintalk forum for those with neurologically mediated diseases. Their "spiritual" thread has always been dead set against anyone professing to have "the" truth, even in smaller matters. I have not even tried the "grief" section, as it would be the same. So I understand how bad it is to have that happen, what you described. And it is a part of the NA, as you say.
Bless you, my sister; may our reunion with our spouses be sooner rather than later, in God's mercy, for surely we need it!
Constance, in regards to Mr. Solana being the "antichrist"...Bible says Antichrist will desecrate the Temple and put an end to sacrifices there. I know the Jews have been trying to get it built, but have made no progress (that I'm aware of). Do you have any info that may indicate they're close to getting this accomplished?
Dear Mariel
As we walk through this valley of the shadow, please know you will be in my prayers. Our Shepherd will see us all the way home where all our wounds will be healed and we will see our loved ones again. 9 months of grief (such a little word for all it entails), and I too feel like my path is getting harder all the time, but we don't walk alone. In spirit we are walking together with God and we will meet one day after we have finished fighting the good fight and kept the faith and He says to us "enter into My rest". Judging by the signs of the times, it may not be long - and as you say, the sooner the better!
Anon Widow
Mariel & Anonymous widow:
The Catholic blogger Amy Welborn lost her husband suddenly in February. I have found her writings since that time to be so helpful to me in that she articulates things about this experience that no one else seems to understand. I have also been helped by many thoughts shared in the comments section.
Mariel, I understand how it gets worse and not better -- I often feel the same. I know the unreality and isolation of it all. I think you will find solace and understanding in Amy's writing -- she is a deep thinker like you.
Please know that you are not alone.
Another Widow
GMES does have all the ear marks of a beastly system. This description of the system from Europa alone tells alot of what the agenda behind GMES is.
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) is an initiative aimed at streamlining European activities and funds in the field of Earth observation. It will provide the public authorities, European researchers and businesses with reliable and independent information concerning the environment and security.
The GMES system has four key features. It will provide services to public policy makers and individuals, provide observations from space and in-situ (including airborne systems), and will be able to integrate data and manage information.
The system will aid the evaluation and implementation of European policies which have an impact on the environment, particularly as regards Europe's environmental commitments, agriculture, regional development, fisheries, transport, the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), including the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP), as well as other policies which affect European citizens such as border surveillance.
GMES services
The information services provided by GMES will be established gradually in line with the priorities jointly defined by the European Institutions (Commission and agencies), the European Union (EU) and the Member States, and depending on the level to which these services have been developed, their effective use and long-term continuity of supply and demand.
An initial series of priority services will focus on land and marine monitoring and emergency services. These services will be based on research and development projects which broaden and boost existing measures. They will also, eventually, make it possible to gather and disseminate data regarding, in particular, the distribution of urban areas and areas protected under the Natura 2000 network, changes in the temperature and composition of seas and oceans, areas which pose a risk, for example to man-made constructions, as well as data regarding major natural or man-made disasters. These services should be operational by 2008.
Other services are planned to follow on from these initial ones. They will focus, among other things, on atmospheric pollution, humanitarian aid, the prevention of forest fires and floods as well as global changes. These services will be defined in relation to specific political priorities and criteria, such as economic and social advantages, their Europe-wide utility and the availability of the necessary monitoring tools.
Observation resources
The GMES system comprises observations of the Earth taken from space and observations on or in the sites themselves. Observation from space involves using existing satellites as well as preparing the next generation of satellites, particularly as part of the European Space Agency's GMES programme, with support from the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development , and as part of the Galileo system and the INSPIRE initiative (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe).
In situ observation involves, firstly, all the networks of sensors used on land, at sea, in other bodies of water and in the atmosphere to measure and provide a comprehensive description of the Earth system and, secondly, all the studies aimed at collecting socio-economic data, land-use data (including aerial photographs), geology, the state of the soil, biodiversity and other geographical data such as altitude, administrative borders, transport and public service networks, etc. This side of GMES is to be strengthened both at EU level and worldwide.
There is a great deal of the security aspect here which shows a desire to know and control the populace actions. ( Ialso noticed the term man made disasters here, as opposed to terrorist activities)
A look under national activities at the GMES website shows an interlocked network spanning the EU member states.
A look at WEU assembly documents shows what some of the real plans for this "system of sytems"
A global surveillance capability
The inclusion of the security and defence aspects of European space strategy should not mean the neglect of environmental effects, particularly planetary change, environmental pressures and natural or manmade disasters; these being the three main threads of the GMES programme. The aim of this initiative was in fact to develop a coherent earth observation policy by bringing Europe's political requirements and observation satellite capabilities into line. Lastly, emphasis was also placed on the possibility of setting up some kind of arrangement for pooling information.
The GMES initiative launched by the European Union and ESA at the end of the 1990s was therefore intended to make relevant information on security and the environment accessible through an independent European geographic information system, making use, inter alia, of satellite technology.
On what scale is climate change occurring? How fast are the polar ice-caps and glaciers melting? How big is the hole in the ozone layer? Are conventions on the protection of the environment being observed? These are some of the questions to which we must be able to give credible answers if our claim to a commitment to reliable environmental protection, sustainable development and quick and effective crisis management is to hold water.
It should be noted that geographic information systems have very wide applications, in the following spheres in particular:
monitoring global climate change;
observing holes in the ozone layer and measuring the intensity of the sun's ultraviolet radiation;
water resource management;
regional development and monitoring and forecasting the growth of urban sprawl;
forecasting harvest yields to avoid food shortages occurring;
providing information for humanitarian aid missions (mapping minefields, topographical data for the delivery of aid, calculating food requirements for crisis-stricken areas);
early warning systems for forecasting landslides, forest fires and flooding, assessing the damage caused by natural disasters and transmitting essential information to disaster response teams;
monitoring implementation of and compliance with environmental protection agreements - for example rainforest clearance or reforestation; and
(last but not least) the Petersberg tasks.6
Further into the WEU's description of this "Systen of systens" (their term)
(a) Background history
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) is primarily a political initiative to give Europe an autonomous operational system providing information on the environment and security. It should in the longer term give the European Union an autonomous, coherent, centralised earth observation capability, in particular with regard to security and the environment, at all levels (local, regional and worldwide) and to effect the transition between today's capabilities and those envisaged by the European Union for the future.
The GMES project stems from a European Commission (EC) and European Space Agency (ESA) initiative to improve the quality of earth observation for environmental purposes and help guarantee the security of Europe's citizens. The project also owes its existence to the European Union's will to acquire genuine technological as well as industrial and institutional cooperation structures and to the member states' continued resolve to gather their various research and development, funding and management efforts together around the common GMES project. Council Resolution C 350/02 of 13 November 2001 (Official Journal) sets out the broad guidelines for the GMES programme.
Today GMES is at the implementation stage, which means that the so-called "fast-track" services designated in the 17 April 2007 Munich Roadmap on "The Way to the European Earth Observation System GMES" (emergency response, land monitoring and maritime services) are in the process of becoming operational.
(b) Aims
The first GMES services, which this report touches on only indirectly, concern protection of the environment and will contribute to the European Strategy for Sustainable Development as approved at the Gothenburg Summit in 2001 by the Heads of State and Government of the European Union member states. Indeed, implementation of the objectives agreed on at Gothenburg and the incorporation of sustainable development considerations in any future European policy require highly sophisticated sensors and observation systems.
The second stage of GMES - which is central to the present report - relates to security in the widest sense of the term. It is vital for the European Union, in connection both with its Petersberg tasks and implementation of its Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), to have an independent and reliable capability for monitoring crisis areas (humanitarian or environmental disasters, armed conflict or other forms of crisis). Such surveillance systems will help the European Union to deliver aid more effectively and discharge in full its commitments under the international treaties to which it is party.
(c) Linking-up of complementary systems
GMES is made up of four sub-systems which can be defined as follows:
the space component which includes satellite development and operation, together with its ground segment ensuring round-the-clock exchange of data streams;
the "in situ" component comprising all ground-based activities: via land-based and airborne sensors as well the gathering of socio-economic (demographic, statistical, industrial, epidemiological, etc.) data;
data harmonisation and standardisation, including data classification, analysis and storage;
user services: data dissemination and delivery, quality control, standardisation and legislative framework.
And to show how the EU is planning on spreading the grip of this system past the borders of the EU.
(b) Global Monitoring for Security and Stability (GMOSS)
The aim of the GMOSS network, working in the GMES framework, is to pool European security expertise and to develop space-based earth observation capabilities. The technical resources include methods and software for the automatic interpretation and improved visualisation of satellite imagery, including strategic feature recognition and detection of changes in terrain and infrastructure.
The GMOSS network enables effective monitoring of compliance with international treaties on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Underground nuclear tests, launch tests or uranium enrichment sites can be detected and the information that is gathered can serve as evidence in the event of proceedings before international courts.
GMOSS is also a tool for producing highly sophisticated population statistics. Migratory flows and urbanised areas can be better analysed and allow informed political decisions. Vital infrastructure, such as oil and gas pipelines and borders can be more effectively supervised and any damage rapidly detected and assessed.
I would suggest all read the WEU documents as it ties many aspects of the CFSP, ESDP, Galileo, together. I have my suspicions this will tie in with Schenegen Information System as well. This set of systems is the perfect "snare", and is nearly completely set!
as far as temple is concerned, i hear that its allready being built off site and can easy-quick be moved into place at the right time?? and as for solana i have to admit he looks like quite the cutie-pie in that hat at the irish talks. i just wanted to SQUEEZE his little ole cheeks.tony in vt.bye folks. Hi constance, i like that term snoopervision! you've probably seen the bumper sticker " one nation under surveillance". Blessings...
Thanks to Another Widow for the link to Amy's blog. I went there, read a lot, and bookmarked it. Helpful. Her life is quite different from mine, but death of one who is very close is the same for us all.
Thank you!
Sort of "it takes a whole government to snoopervise a child / family."
I've got tee-shirts like that if anybody wants one!
New smaller implantable chip by Verichip:
the other was already the size of a grain of rice.
Video on EU rfid technology..and the "internet of things"
Thanks JD for posting all the info on the GMES program. I've been reading at the links you've provided and also at the GEO - Group On Earth Observation site. Lots of additional information on GEOSS including the 10 year Implementation Plan and the 2009-2011 Work Plan. The more I read the sicker I get. -Rudi
Updated April 1, 2009
"is interconnecting existing and future Earth observation systems. ...
...Technological advances have made GEOSS possible, while the expanding requirements of
users have made it necessary. We are entering a new era of global risks and opportunities where
policy and management decisions must be based on the near-real-time environmental monitoring of
the entire Earth system.
The GEOSS Implementation Plan identifies nine distinct groups of users and uses, which it calls “Societal Benefit Areas”. The nine areas are disasters, health, energy, climate, water, weather, ecosystems, agriculture and biodiversity. ...
...GEOSS disseminates information and analyses directly to users. GEO (Group on Earth Observations) is developing the
GEOPortal as a single Internet gateway to the comprehensive and near-real-time data produced by
"The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is coordinating efforts to build a Global Earth
Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). It was established in February 2005 by the Third Earth
Observation Summit in Brussels. GEO was launched in response to calls for action by the 2002
World Summit on Sustainable Development and the Group of Eight (G8) leading industrialized
countries. These high-level meetings recognized that international collaboration is essential for exploiting the growing potential of Earth observations to support decision making in an increasingly
complex and environmentally stressed world. ...
... GEO is constructing GEOSS on the basis of a 10-Year Implementation Plan ...GEO-I established four Committees to guide the implementation of the 10-Year Plan. ...GEO-V adopted the current GEO work plan for the period 2009 – 2011. The first GEO work plan, adopted at GEO-III and crafted for 2007 – 2009, has therefore now been replaced by this new, overlapping three-year plan.
GEOSS Fact Sheet:
GEO Home Page:
The United States is very much on board.The Group on Earth Observations,is
co-chaired by the United States, the European Union, South Africa and China,
The group aims to have the “system
of systems” in place by 2015.
US GEO Home Page:
GPS, Gallileo news:
Rudi and Joyce,
Thanks to you both for the added info. I had a suspicion when the news of GPS possible failure came out, something was a foot. Now I see this has put a rush on getting a next generation satelite in space. One can only imagine the abilities this will allow them to wield. Simply look at google earth and all the things whichare available for public use currently, then understand the public does not have access to all that the current GPS systems can do. This makes me shudder at the thought of what GPS3 will be capable of. It also makes me wonder if the issues we are hearing of regarding the census may be related. I intend to spend some time tommorow looking for more correlations between these things, as well as seeing what I can find on GPS3. For now its late andmy eyes are heavy.
Thanks to Joyce for this piece of intelligence. I guess Verichip believes it pays to advertise. They are labeling this as an implant for a "vascular" system which may or may not be as creepy as their arm implantable ones -- I have to do more research. Here's their press release before they erase it from the linked site Joyce gave:
"VeriChip Corporation Completes Development of New 8 Millimeter RFID Implantable Microchip"
May 12 2009
VeriChip Corporation Completes Development of New 8 Millimeter RFID Implantable Microchip
Chip Development Specifically Related to Previously Announced Agreement with Medcomp Valued at More Than $3 Million
DELRAY BEACH, FL – May 12, 2009 – VeriChip Corporation . . . a provider of radio frequency identification (RFID) systems for healthcare and patient-related needs, announced today it has completed the development of a new, smaller human-implantable RFID microchip measuring approximately 8 millimeters by 1 millimeter. As previously announced, this new, smaller microchip has been developed specifically to be incorporated into Medical Components, Inc.’s (“Medcomp”) vascular ports. On March 18, 2009, the Company announced that it entered into a development and supply agreement with Medcomp to develop and manufacture a RFID microchip for implantation into Medcomp’s vascular access medical devices . . . on an exclusive basis. The initial term of the agreement is five years totaling more than $3.0 million over the life of the agreement, assuming successful completion of the development of the new, smaller microchip and Medcomp’s receipt of approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) of the vascular port containing the microchip.
"Scott R. Silverman, Chairman of VeriChip, said, "Less than two months after the announcement of our development agreement with Medcomp, we have successfully completed the first, important step. This will enable Medcomp to move forward and begin the design stage of the development of the combined device and its eventual submission to the FDA.”
The Company’s existing microchip, used as part of its VeriMed™ Health Link system for patient identification, measures approximately 11 millimeters by 1 millimeter.
About VeriChip
VeriChip Corporation, headquartered in Delray Beach, Florida, has developed the VeriMed™ Health Link System for rapidly and accurately identifying people who arrive in an emergency room and are unable to communicate. This system uses the first human-implantable passive RFID microchip, cleared for medical use in October 2004 by the United States Food and Drug Administration. To complement its healthcare division, VeriChip Corporation established VeriGreen Energy Corporation in March 2009 to focus and invest in the clean and alternative energy sector.
For more information on VeriChip, please call 1-800-970-2447, or e-mail info@verichipcorp.com. Additional information can be found online at www.verichipcorp.com.
Statements about VeriChip’s future expectations, including future revenues and earnings from the sale of these smaller microchips to Medcomp, its ability to successfully manufacture the smaller microchip and supply such microchip to Medcomp according to the terms of the agreement, and Medcomp’s ability to receive FDA approval, and all other statements in this press release other than historical facts are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, and VeriChip’s actual results could differ materially from expected results. Additional information about these and other factors that could affect the Company’s business is set forth in the Company’s various filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including those set forth in the Company’s 10-K filed on February 12, 2009, under the caption “Risk Factors.” The Company undertakes no obligation to update or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this statement or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law.
VeriChip Corporation Completes Development of New 8 Millimeter RFID Implantable Microchip
May 12 2009
VeriChip Corporation Completes Development of New 8 Millimeter RFID Implantable Microchip
Chip Development Specifically Related to Previously Announced Agreement with Medcomp Valued at More Than $3 Million
DELRAY BEACH, FL – May 12, 2009 – VeriChip Corporation (“VeriChip” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: CHIP), a provider of radio frequency identification (RFID) systems for healthcare and patient-related needs, announced today it has completed the development of a new, smaller human-implantable RFID microchip measuring approximately 8 millimeters by 1 millimeter. As previously announced, this new, smaller microchip has been developed specifically to be incorporated into Medical Components, Inc.’s (“Medcomp”) vascular ports. On March 18, 2009, the Company announced that it entered into a development and supply agreement with Medcomp to develop and manufacture a RFID microchip for implantation into Medcomp’s vascular access medical devices on an exclusive basis. The initial term of the agreement is five years totaling more than $3.0 million over the life of the agreement, assuming successful completion of the development of the new, smaller microchip and Medcomp’s receipt of approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) of the vascular port containing the microchip.
Scott R. Silverman, Chairman of VeriChip, said, "Less than two months after the announcement of our development agreement with Medcomp, we have successfully completed the first, important step. This will enable Medcomp to move forward and begin the design stage of the development of the combined device and its eventual submission to the FDA.”
The Company’s existing microchip, used as part of its VeriMed™ Health Link system for patient identification, measures approximately 11 millimeters by 1 millimeter.
About VeriChip
VeriChip Corporation, headquartered in Delray Beach, Florida, has developed the VeriMed™ Health Link System for rapidly and accurately identifying people who arrive in an emergency room and are unable to communicate. This system uses the first human-implantable passive RFID microchip, cleared for medical use in October 2004 by the United States Food and Drug Administration. To complement its healthcare division, VeriChip Corporation established VeriGreen Energy Corporation in March 2009 to focus and invest in the clean and alternative energy sector.
For more information on VeriChip, please call 1-800-970-2447, or e-mail info@verichipcorp.com. Additional information can be found online at www.verichipcorp.com.
Statements about VeriChip’s future expectations, including future revenues and earnings from the sale of these smaller microchips to Medcomp, its ability to successfully manufacture the smaller microchip and supply such microchip to Medcomp according to the terms of the agreement, and Medcomp’s ability to receive FDA approval, and all other statements in this press release other than historical facts are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, and VeriChip’s actual results could differ materially from expected results. Additional information about these and other factors that could affect the Company’s business is set forth in the Company’s various filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including those set forth in the Company’s 10-K filed on February 12, 2009, under the caption “Risk Factors.” The Company undertakes no obligation to update or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this statement or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law.
Forget about satellite surveillance, it doesn't work at optical wavelengths when it's cloudy or dark which is most of the time in a lot of populated places, and even if you institute active transmitters attached to things then satellites are too far away to pick up transmissions unless the batteries that power the transmitters are impossibly big. The real threat is from a terrestrial grid of pickup transceivers that bounce signals off RFID chips. We in UK (and Japan), where the population density is high enough for terrestrial mobile phone networks to be economic almost everywhere, perhaps grasp this danger more rapidly than in a low-population density nation with consequent lousy mobile communications networks like the USA. A terrestrial network sponsored by government for surveillance purposes without economic constraints would cost a tiny fraction of the US defence budget and be highly intrusive. That, plus passively chipping everything, is the real threat. Beware!
the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
Is, "a neutral, independent, pluralist and multidisciplinary body, composed of fifteen experts" appointed by the European Commission .
"The task of the Group is to examine ethical questions arising from science and new technologies and on this basis to issue Opinions to the European Commission in connection with the preparation and implementation of Community legislation or policies."
A most interesting "opinion" , that being, Opinion n° 20 written in 2005,
"Ethical aspects of ICT Implants in the Human Body "
The full report consists of English, French, and German versions and totals 166 pages. Thankfully,this means we English speakers need only read the first section - a total of just over 30 fairly large print pages.
ICT stands for Information and Communication technologies.
Some of the types of ICT implant
applications 'on the market' mentioned at the time of the writing of the opinion include:
Active medical devices such as pacemakers, cochlear implants, deep brain stimulation devices etc.
Identification and location devices which come in three forms:
1) Read only : "this is the simplest form of devices that have a read-only character, similar to that now used for identification of animals. Even this most basic form would have numerous applications, for example, to identify Alzheimer’s patients, children and the unconscious.
A broader use would be as a sort of national identification card, based upon the identifying number carried on the microchip."
2) Read-Write: " this type of microchip would be capable of carrying a set of information which could be expanded as necessary. It allows the storage of data and is programmable at distance. For example, when the microchip carries a person’s medical history and the history evolves, the subsequent information could also be added to the microchip without the necessity of removing the implanted chip. It could also facilitate and record financial transactions. The third important set of information that a read-write microchip could carry might be criminal records."
3) "Devices with tracking capabilities:"besides the read-write capabilities described above, a device can also emit a radio signal which could be tracked. Applications would again be numerous as evidenced by the less advanced technologies already in existence. Such a device needs a power source that has to be miniaturized before being implantable. With a microchip implant, constant monitoring would be possible. If each chip emitted a signal of a unique identifying frequency, implanted individuals could be tracked by simply dialing up the correct signal. Because the receiver is mobile, THE TAGGED INDIVIDUAL COULD BE TRACKED ANYWHERE." (emphasis mine)
This information is found right in the beginning of the opinion starting on page 12/166. Use the "page" feature on the left to access the pages easily. This opinion paper presented a well rounded overview of some of the more evident, I expect, inevitable ethical & privacy related consequences created by the new implantable technology. The first link is the complete report. I did not read the "English only" version available from the home page of the EGE (European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies) site - I didn't want to take the time to verify that it included everything in the "official" report.
EGE Home Page:
Opinion n° 20 English Only Version:
I concur, however what we are talking about here is an amalgamation of these types of systems. Sattelites communicating with RFID readers giving the government almost intant knowledge of whats happening with their people. Combine that with the new generation of GPS satelite will be able to communicte instantly with Galileo. The concern is not simply a single satelite system, but the system of systems Europe is building. Take a peek at the GMES website I provided earlier in the post, you will see a web of different systems within the member states. To use a NA term for this, everything is interconnected.
This site ETSI is interesting. Don't have time to fully explore but here's one RFID article:
and this:
Again for anyone who has time to explore this further, it looks like there is interesting info on EU and info tech:
All of this (RFID/Verichip/satellite reading) is just part of a much - much (so much - and global) larger system.
Wi-Fi wil also be able to aid in the "system" - it has the capabilities and is part of the intigrated system.
Talking about use and misuse oof advanced surveillance gear, and the trust that can be placed in governments:
Lebanon misuses French surveillance gear to crack alleged Israel spy rings
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
June 3, 2009, 11:03 AM (GMT+02:00)
DEBKAfile's intelligence sources reveal that Lebanon is enabled to crack alleged Israeli spy rings with the help of ultra-sophisticated surveillance equipment recently consigned to Lebanon by French intelligence services. French president Nicolas Sarkozy handed it over against a personal pledge from Lebanese president Michel Suleiman that it would be used exclusively against subversive Syrian and Hizballah targets.
What I suspect is happening:
2010 GPS - "American Community"
USA snoopervisory census
ARE ALL 'HARMONICALLY CONVERGING' in possible/probable fulfillment of prophecy (Rev 13) and to just about everybody's detriment!
Stay tuned!
So very, very interesting on the report download on the implants -- my computer went there, but the download is just sitting there and not happening. If you have downloaded it already, can you transmit the file to me electronically? I suspect this is one more case of 'now you see us, now you don't' and once they know we are watching something, it quickly disappears or is blocked from further transfer. I hope I'm wrong, but so far "0 bytes of 1.28 meg" have transferred in about 3 minutes of time on our high speed broadband connection! Usually, it's instantaneous!
It would not download from the google CHROME browser, but when I switched to FIREFOX, it did. I am seeing frequent incidents of that on GOOGLE. I have document now, no need to electronically transmit!
25 And there will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars; and on earth distress of the nations, and confusion because of the roaring of the sea;
26 And upheaval that takes life out of men, because of fear of what is to come on earth; and the powers of the universe will be shaken.
27 And they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with a large army and great glory.
28 When you see all these things begin to happen,
have courage and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near"
(Matthew 24:25-28)
1 Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth and the rulers have conspired and have taken council together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and let us cast their yoke from us.
4 He that dwells in heaven shall laugh, and he Lord shall mock at them. (Psalms 2:1-4)
There is an omnipotant God sitting high above all the satellites. Bless his name.
Dear Constance and All:
I for one am seething over this American Community Survey and intend to resist.
Yes, I am a regular poster here, but for obvious reasons, I am going to sign my name "RESIDENT" for this particular comment and any that might be related to it.
As far as I am concerned, the only Constitutionally mandated "survey" with which we are required to comply is "enumerative" and only requires us to tell the Census Bureau how many persons of voting age are living in our households for the purpose of proper apportionment of representation in our government.
As I see it, the rest is a violation of our 4th Amendment Rights that protect us against unlawful search and siezure.
Since this "survey" was never put on a referendum so that the voters could have a say about whether or not the government ought to have the right to snoop into the private lives and business of LAW-ABIDING and TAX-PAYING CITIZENS, the "authority" Congress claims to have is an "authority" they have conferred upon themselves and goes way beyond any legitimate authority that has been delegated to them by THE AMERICAN VOTERS!!!
I therefore REJECT Congress's "authority" to impose their Stalinist agenda on the unwary voting public without their consent!!!
The very fact that the Census Bureau found it necessary to SEPARATE the long form from the constitutionally mandated decennial (every ten years) Census is evidence in and of itself of the CB's - and the government's - awareness of the unconstitutionality and impropriety of the American Community Survey.
Moreover, not everyone in any given neighborhood gets a SNOOP-DOC at one and the same time.
This so-called "random" SNOOPING strategy is designed so that neighbors will HOPEFULLY be less likely to band together as a group to publicly resist.
It is designed with a view to isolating people and intimidating them into compliance with threats of fines and imprisonment.
This is also one reason why many people don't even KNOW about the American Community Survey which has,for this reason, been dubbed the "stealth survey."
The CB already had to repeal the "imprisonment" part of the "fine/imprisonment" threat because the response of too many people was "THEIR WILLINGNESS TO GO TO JAIL BEFORE ANSWERING SUCH INTRUSIVE QUESTIONS WHICH ARE NONE OF THE GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS!
The CB has no authority to put anyone in jail to begin with - or to fine people.
This would have to go through the courts.
NICE LOUD PUBLIC COURT FIGHTS and NICE LOUD PUBLIC PROTESTS and FLOODING CONGRESS WITH LETTERS AND PHONECALLS OF PROTEST are precisely what the CB and the rest of the criminals who authorized this fiasco want to avoid like the plague.
Oh and by the way, if anyone thinks that this ACS is primarily to "help the poor" or for anything to do with "national security" he/she might want to read the following (issued just this past October, 2008) which pretty much reveals how big corporations are to be among the main beneficiaries of the TELEMARKETING that they have all but bribed the criminals in our government into foisting on us for them - with the help of ACORN which is under criminal indictment in several states.
This is a government website! Just keep this in mind when CB officials try to assure us that the information we give them is going to be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.
I have no problem with the constitutionally mandated decennial ENUMERATIVE census and will gladly comply. However, I have a MAJOR PROBLEM with the unconstitutional snoopfest/telemarketing scheme called the American Community Survey. A scheme, moreover, which the CB wants to conduct on a REGULAR basis and not just every ten years.
Oh and by the way, here are some links so that you guys will know that if you hate the unconstitutional idea of ACS as much as I do, you are NOT alone.
Of course, if anyone doesn't mind telling "Big Brother" how many flush toilets he has, how much money he has in his bank accounts,marital status of household members, how much he makes, whether he or anyone else in his house has trouble dressing , bathing etc., or whether any females in the house of childbearing age have had a baby within the last year so that they can know how much taxpayer money needs to be spent on "family planning services" - presumably including abortion - then what can I say?
I recall that in the days of Caesar Augustus there was a "Census" - "numbering the people and their possessions."
How else could Caesar's puppet King Herod have known where to find infants under two years old to murder???
Just remember that in order to control us, political elites must KNOW us. If we just roll over and LET them KNOW things about us that are none of their business, then WE deserve to be controlled.
Sorry if this is a tad vulgar, but I have to ask, are we going to behave like Americans and stand up for our rights or are we going to behave like the inhabitants of some third world socialist crap hole???
Are we going to fear God more than we fear the state? Or are we going to fear the state more than we fear God????
Dear "Another Widow"
I read Amy Welborn's site which you provided to Mariel and myself. Interestingly enough Amy Welborn is a promoter of Thomas Merton and contemplative prayer (very New Age stuff). Quote of Merton's: I'm deeply impregnated with SUFISM" from the Springs of Contemplation, page 266. Amy speaks of her admiration of Merton and new age spirituality .
Are you unaware of new age philosophies that you would recommend this site as helpful? Or a wolf in sheep's clothing?
Anon Widow
Hi Constance,
I had trouble getting it all downloaded also. I've sent you the file a few minutes ago. -Rudi
Timesaver: Here is a Powerpoint presentation of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies "Ethical aspects of ICT Implants in the Human Body"
Verichip, GMES, and problems with Google. Let's not forget the tie-in between Google's co-founder's wife Anne Wojcicki whose company
23andME - genome identification, would tie in nicely to the package of personal data. As Kevin Kelleher wrote in GigaOm "If Google wants to really organize world information, it needs to consider DNA, the most personal data".
Another site of interest is Continua Health Alliance - simply Google it, then click into the members link (Philips, GE, Cisco, etc) all for our monitored well-being.
Dear Anon Widow:
Sorry for recommending Any Welborn's site to you. The fact that I recommend it doesn't mean I endorse everything that is written on it, any more than I endorse everything that is written at this site -- which I have continued to recommend to people from time to time. Rather, I was recommending the site for a specific reason -- Amy's experience as a widow.
Similarly, I recommend Constance's site "as a whole" even though I have specific disagreements with her in certain areas.
I am deeply familiar with much of Welborn's writing and disagree with your conclusion that she supports New Age philosophies. But I have no interest in debating that issue with you.
I won't make the mistake of trying to reach out again to people here who like myself who have recently lost a husband.
I am very sorry for hurt and upset Amy Welborn's site may have caused you, Anon Widow.
If you want to your free will by suggesting I may be a "wolf in sheeps's clothing" you are entitled to do so as Constance supports free speech. That is between you and your conscience. I have no wish to discuss this with you further.
Another Widow
Sorry, that last paragraph should have read:
If you want to exercise your free will by suggesting I may be a "wolf in sheeps's clothing" you are entitled to do so as Constance supports free speech. That is between you and your conscience. I have no wish to discuss this with you further.
For readers who may be interested in Amy Welborn's views on Thomas Merton -- I believe Welborn, who writes beautifully, likes Merton primarily because she identifies with him as a fellow artist.
I haven't read enough of Merton to know whether he writes as beautifully as she claims--nor do I intend to remedy this deficit, ever, for reasons wholly unrelated to his literary style.
Welborn writes:
This week marked the 40th anniversary of the sudden death of Thomas Merton.
A few appreciations have appeared here and there, with some tut-tutting that Merton is still “controversial” in some Catholic circles.be
Well,one person’s “controversial” is another’s “just not canonized yet, okay?”
I have a deep appreciation forMerton. I have taught and passed on his books. He was a brilliant writer, and I think that, more than anything else, is what draws me to him. Not just that I appreciate fine writing, but that so many of his struggles are the struggle of an artist (or, to be humble, would-be artist.)
Reading the first couple of volumes in the journals really brought that home to me, since the questions of vocatio – not simply monastic, but also artistic – loomed so large in them.
But Merton was human and like any of us, not beyond criticism.
Nor is Merton everyone’s cup of tea.
For me, as interesting as find him, and as helpful it is for me to see things with him and through his eyes, I am often left a bit dissatisfied by Merton, as if I need to move on and out. Yes, he was a contemplative, and perhaps that is part of the problem, for me, at least. Knowing myself, the existential quest, even if it is God-centered, can only take me so far. The goal of my life is not to know myself perfectly. It is to serve and love as Jesus did.
I am not suggesting this last point is absent from Merton. It just does not seem to be the center of inquiry, exploration and energy. Which is fine. It is all a piece of the puzzle, but it does not define the entire puzzle, at least for me. Sometimes reading Merton can inspire me and answer questions, but sometimes it can tempt me to self-absorption. It all depends.
So talk about Merton. Promote him, thank him, question him. It’s all okay. You get the idea from some quarters that it is far more permissible to critique the Pope (any pope) than it is to say “hmmm” about aspects of the thought of certain other figures. I’ve never quite understood that. Even as far as actually canonized saints go – “canonization” does not equal “perfect” or “beyond critique” or “a perfect fit for everyone’s spirituality.”
Oh, and in this week so well-marked by Marian feasts – check out Merton’s Marian poetry. It is lovely, and might surprise you.
Thomas Merton may have started out well-intentioned enough. Some of my reading indicates that may well be the case. HOWEVER, he definitely APOSTASIZED and COMPROMISED to the immense spiritual detriment of many. Just before he flew to Bangkok where he met his sad death from electrocution, he was they keynote speaker for the TEMPLE OF UNDERSTANDING in a deep syncretistic event. He was headed for a similar event in Bangkok. Now disgraced Bishop Rembert Weakland gave him his last rites. Rembert Weakland bragged in a book telling of it that he, Rembert Weakland, had introduced much of the Eastern mysticism to the Church. Rembert Weakland was disgraced and resigned after his long time homosexual affair and love letters to his spurning male lover combined with a huge payoff to same was exposed just about the time that the pedophilia scandals came to light on other priests. Some of those priests MAY or MAY NOT HAVE BEEN unfair accused, their alleged crimes were accusations easily made and hard to disprove; HOWEVER, Rembert Weakland's escapades were proven and admitted.
I fully agree with you on your constitutional violation analysis of the "2010 Census"
Might be interesting to return the census unanswered with a Fifth Amendment objection! With the exception of numbers residing in the house, that is!
Ouch, RUDI, I just viewed AND SAVED the .ppt file. It's much further along than I guessed. We are going to have to rapidly TOUGHEN UP on this one. The other side is not playing!
For experts it is just impossible that the Airbus plane could crush because of a storm. What strike me are the numbers. It sums up o divide into 6 or 11. time to leave was 22h 30 GMT
216 passenger (a nine = a six) it should arrive at 9h10 = 11h10 Paris (one is GMT)
at 3h30 last contrôle in Brazil. Should have enter under control of Dakar at 2h20 GMT
the last altitude the pilot say was 35000 feet = 10668 meters
at 4h15 = 255 minutes
Flight 447
216 passenger
12 people :crew
but there is complete silence !
May God protects us.
From his own journal entry of November 27, 1941, Merton wrote, "I spent most of the afternoon writing a letter to Aldous Huxley and when I was finished I thought: ‘Who am I to be telling this guy about mysticism?’ I reflect that until I read his book, Ends and Means, four years ago, I had never even heard of the word mysticism. The part he played in my conversion, by that book, was very great. . . . Ends and Means taught me to respect mysticism. Maritain’s Art and Scholasticism was another important influence, and Blake’s poetry. . . . Anyway, what do I know to tell Huxley? I should have been asking him questions." [The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton, ©1959, Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, New York, pp. 268-269].
someone posted this on a prophecy board I like to read. Thought it might be interesting to people here:
Just some trivia....
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia went to see the Pope in Nov 6 2007, 3 weeks to the day GW Bush called the nations of the world to Annapolis to divide up the land of Israel into a PA State (Nov 27, 2007)......an unprecedented meeting by a Saudi King and Pope
March 2008 King Abdullah calls for a global interfaith meeting
In July 2008 the global interfaith meeting took place in Madrid, Spain hosted by King Juan Carlos
Jan 2008 Spain hosted the first global AOC meeting
July 2008 Spain hosted the first global interfaith meeting
Following this.....
Spain hosted a global petroleum summit, global water summit and global food summit
King Juan Calos was given the honourary title by the Pope "King of Jerusalem, defender of the holy catholic land interests" a title held by catholic Spanish kings in the Middle Ages according to Dr. Charles Taylor
Israel is presently holding talks with the Vatican re: catholic land interests in Israel/Jerusalem under the 1993 Agreement of Principles. It was in all the news Peres had asked the government to turn over the land interests to Rome just prior to the Pope's recent visit. However, although still in the works it didn't happen then.
Spain and Saudi Arabia are good friends.
Spain takes over as head of the EU, Jan-June 2010
Would I have loved to be a fly on the wall to see what KJC's message was to King Abdullah
Obama meets with the Pope in July
World meetings are sure interesting to watch, i.e. who meets with who...and when! I submit.....Spain is always in the middle any global meetings of importance!
I think much will happen under their upcoming EU Presidency. Stay tuned!
Dear Constance,
I have every intention of returning any SNOOP-DOC with one question answered factually as to the number of voting age persons residing in my household.
The rest of the questions are going to be answered N/A (Non-Applicable) or "Fourth Amendment Objection."
The only thing we are being told we have to do is to answer all the questions and not lie.....whether we liked the questions or not.
That is just what I am going to do.
And the CB is going to have to accept MY answers whether THEY like them or not.
I will not answer my phone or my door to anyone I don't know.
If they do "catch me" unawares, all I am giving is the census equivalent of name, rank and serial number......that is NUMBER OF VOTING-AGE PERSONS LIVING IN MY HOUSEHOLD.
As for a possible fine,well... fining a person is one thing. Collecting it is quite another.
RFID Could Be Interim Solution to Mobile Banking
Talk of RFID seems to have died down over the past couple of years, but it could be making a comeback.
RFID, or radio frequency identification, now is being bandied about by some as an interim solution to achieving the nirvana of near-field communications (NFC). NFC, you see, is considered the ideal technology for doing mobile phone banking and payments – not just contactless credit- or debit-card payments, but transactions that can take place over mobile devices.
And yet, for some observers, RFID is not the best way to work toward NFC. What’s really required, an Aite Group senior analyst told Telephony, is “a solid business case for NFC and a level of merchant penetration for contactless payments that makes NFC viable.”
So waving that PayPass still is the best way to make contactless payments – and mobile payments? Not even part of the discussion. All industry sectors, including service providers, first have to be on board before NFC is launched, much less anything powered by RFID.
Obama's Cybersecurity Plan
With billions of dollars in federal funds hanging in the balance, President Barack Obama unveiled the Cyberspace Policy Review May 29 at the White House. During his presentation in the East Room Obama said that "America's economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cybersecurity" and that efforts to "deter, prevent, detect and defend" against malicious cyberattacks would be run from the White House.
.....While the president claims the new office "will not include--I repeat will not include--monitoring private sector networks or Internet traffic," and that his administration "will preserve and protect the personal privacy and civil liberties that we cherish as Americans," the devil is in the details and when they're added together "change" once again, morphs into more of the same.
Xterprise joins RFID with finance
2 June 2009
Xterprise has expanded its collaborative relationship with the Financial Services Technology Consortium (FSTC), in order to support the use of RFID-based technology standards in the finance industry.
The FSTC was created in 1993 to harness emerging technologies to address the challenges of the financial services sector. Xterprise has in the past worked with the FSTC on the use of standardised RFID tags to protect data centre resources, laptop computers, data tapes and other IT assets used by banks, investment firms and other financial services organisations.
“Standards based RFID technology now allows financial services firms to manage IT assets in data centres,” said Dean Frew, president and CEO of Xterprise. “We have seen significant opportunity for value creation in the sector with solutions for item level asset management in data centres, and expect that to increase as we expand our offerings in additional application areas such as management of cash bags and documents and records.” Continue....
Mobile phone-based payments considered to be more secure
The survey shows that 72.96 percent of respondents believe "online banking" (Notes: cell phone-based payments) is very safe. The majority of users said cell phone-based payments can ensure security and strengthen user confidence. 56.05 percent of those polled would like to have the option of confirming their payment passwords via text messages from their cell phones. 65.1 percent and 56.5 percent of users believe that the two measures—sending verification codes to their cell phones and sending the payment amounts to their cell phones after making payments—make them feel more secure. Of the payment methods that users are willing to try, scanning mobile phones equipped with inbuilt RFID technology cards, a method that has recently caught on in the industry, received a lower selection rate among users. 45.68 percent of those polled expressed an interest in trying the more advanced fingerprint payments.
By People's Daily Online
space - GMES: Planet Earth's 'help from above' VIDEO
"A 266-page document that gives detailed information about civilian nuclear sites and programs, marked "highly confidential," was accidentally made public by the federal government, the New York Times reported Tuesday."
"The document's publication was revealed Monday in an online newsletter about federal secrecy issues. The Times described the document as including maps that identify where nuclear weapons fuel is stockpiled, though it contained no information about military nuclear operations."
"It was removed from the Government Printing Office site late Tuesday, after the Federation of American Scientists reported on the document's existence Sunday in an online bulletin."
"...Some nuclear experts told the Times that the release was not a security threat, as many of the details revealed were already available to the public. Former Director of Central Intelligence and Deputy Secretary of Defense John Deutch even dismissed concerns by saying, "These screw-ups happen." "
**Interns...can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, 'eh?? LOL :-)!!
By His Grace,
Here's a magazine sympathetically devoted to the subjects:
Iran reaction to Obama speech:
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei criticized President Obama's efforts, saying the United States is "deeply hated" in the Middle East.
**He said such hatred cannot be removed by slogans and speeches.**
If only the American people were so smart:
President Obama speaking now in Cairo, Egypt . . . just mentioned
bringing people together through groups such as the Alliance of Civilizations!!!
Obama's only direct reference to AOC is praising Turkey's leadership from what I skimmed over of the text of his speech. His speech was filled with the "we are all interdependent" mindset. He really showed his colors with his closing which stated that everyone living together with each other is God's work on earth.
First report on Obama hour-long Cairo speech on Islam. It's not good:
Dr. Edward L. Hudgins,
Director, Regulatory Studies, Cato Institute
before the
Committee on Government Reform,
Subcommittee on the Census,
United States House of Representatives
Testimony on the Census
July 20, 2000
Text of Obama Cairo Speech:
All you need to know:
Solana: "Obama speech remarkable"
Resident's Hudgins testimony is from the year 2000.
I just had a US 2010 census emplyee at my door. All she asked is whether this was a one-family or multi-family residence and put the answer in her hand-held computer.
She told me I would be receiving a census form containing seven questions, to fill it out and mail it. She handed me a leaflet headed "Your Answers Are Confidential." It stated that employees have taken an oath and are subject to jail, fine or both if they disclose ANY information that could identify an individual or household.
It further stated that the answers will be used only for statistical purposes and no other. After 72 years it becomes public and can be used for "family history and other types of historical research."
Everyone is required by law to provide the information requested. More information on privacy policy and data protection here:
The dynamic duo of Solana and Obama -- a mutual admiration club. Refresh your page to see the latest and go to this site to read full story:
What you may have received is the legitimate short form and as such, it is not the same thing as the form called the American Community Survey.
I don't know if the form you are going to receive asks for a Social Security # or other personal information, and you are certainly free to answer any questions you choose to answer, but I wouldn't give these people my SS number if they swore the print out of the Bible that they would keep it confidential.
The reason why the CB separated the long form from the short form is because of the uproar over its intrusiveness and resistance to it in the year 2000. they don't tell you much about that.
I posted those 2000 articles for historical references.
Here is the ACS site.
Here is the 2009 form I am talking about.
Excuse me. I meant to say "the form you will be receiving."
The legitimate 2010 Census form hasn't gone out yet.
I have often thought the ever advancing wireless capabilities of cell phones to be a preperatory stage of the mark. It seems there isn't much one can't do with a cell phone these days, however cells are still in essence mini computers, and as some already know can be prone to viruses. I can see people longing for the convieniences cell phones provide, yet wanting a more secure option, clamoring for the convienience of a chip. As I am sure is the case with many modern technologies, the convienience and accessibility of these gadgets have preconditioned much of the populace into accepting the next technological marvel. Just my thoughts, however I find it hard to believe they would spend so much time preparing the systems launch (even years in advance) and not prepare the precondition the people to accept it.
Here is the 2010 version that includes the "short form" that lists the seven questions and explains the American Community Survey:
I am quoting the following from the INTRODUCTION. Emphasis mine:
Decoupling the short form and long form allows the Census Bureau to focus efforts on the constitutional requirements to produce a count of the resident population, employ technology to improve efficiencies, provide more timely data, improve coverage
accuracy, and contain costs while keeping operational risk to a minimum.
Since 2005, the long form data have been collected annually on the American Community Survey.
This innovation provides more current, detailed information than has ever been available before. Responses to the American Community Survey, like its predecessor, the decennial
census long form, are mandatory.
Notice that the word "mandatory" is their new mantra.
The word "unconstitutional" is mine.
No details have been provided as to which Congressmen abused their authority by taking it upon themselves to come up with this intrusive and unconstitutional "innovation."
But I intend to do all I can to find out and start naming names.
CARYL MATRISCIANA is my radio guest in about one hour from now.
I'll try again to get another picture up there ! ! !
concerning Amy Wellborn, she is about where I was when I was 48, as she is now. I still have respect for much of what the Catholic Church teaches and does, even though I had to leave it.
She has mystical tendencies, as did I.
Perhaps I still do, but I learned the dangers of that.
Someone mentioned Aldous Huxley's Ends and Means, which Thomas Merton was impressed with. I used it to teach writing style in my college. I pray for all my students I may have misled in any way. I think, though, they could see where I was going better than I could!
I can see where Amy is going. And it's "yes", as she put it. But I hope we all get there sooner than later, for dire perils are coming. Our husbands are TRULY in a better place.
The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution reads
like this:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Solana's saying "The EU’s holistic approach to international security" was another big time buzzword New Age flag!
Paul and Everyone,
Here is a little history lesson:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Commerce Department has lost 1,137 laptop computers since 2001, most of them assigned to the Census Bureau, officials said Thursday night...read more....
CENSUS BUREAU POSTS 63,000 SS#'s ONLINE - April 24, 2007
It seems like losing our private data, or in this case publicly displaying it on a website, has become standard operating procedure for government agencies. Recent examples include the Social Security Administration, the Department of Energy (which included potentially losing nuclear secrets), and the Veteran’s Administration—to name just a few.
Now the U.S. Census Bureau joins the ranks of “data losers.” According to an April 21st article in the Washington Post, for more than a decade the U.S. Census Bureau had posted the Social Security numbers of 63,000 people who received Agriculture Department grants to a public website.
How was the breach discovered?
This “apparent violation of federal privacy law,” according to the article, was finally flagged not by the FBI or a cyber watchdog group, but by an individual farmer in Illinois. According to ABC News, Marsha Bergmeier was bored and decided to run an Internet search for her farm’s name. To her amazement, she discovered a loan document that included her Social Security number. Her information, along with that of thousands of others farmers, had been posted to FedSpending.org, a publicly viewable website run by a non-profit group that tracks federal expenditures.
The next morning, Friday the 13th, she called the U.S. Department of Agriculture, her congressional representative, FedSpending.org and the Census Bureau, which immediately removed the sensitive information....read entire article...
Updated June 4, 2009
Now I ask you... how "secure" do you really think we are in our "persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures???"
Inquiring minds want to know. :-)
not very secure ?
Praise God that through His grace he has allowed you to transcend the bonds of the Roman Catholic Church.
It is beyond doubt from your posts that you are well evolved beyond this Wellborn person. You are in good company here, there are many participants here who have moved beyond the bonds of the apostate Catholic Church (Praise God!)
Thank you for sharing your journey and thank you Anonymous Widow for the warnings about wolves that may lurk under the guise of "widowhood" in order to manipulate a mystic, New Age agenda.
To Apostate 5:05
Why would one think the Catholic Church any more apostate than the Evangelical network of Doug Coe, Paul Temple, and the others -- some of the evidence Constance presented showed that the evangelical network was corrupt through and through, yes, apostate in the heaviest sense of the word . . .
And while President Barack Obama issued a statement saying he was "shocked and outraged" by the Tiller murder, he has made no public statements about the death of the young recruit in Little Rock.
Note this attitude: "The Department of Justice will work tirelessly to determine the full involvement of any and all actors in this horrible crime, and to ensure that anyone who played a role in the offense is prosecuted to the full extent of federal law," said Loretta King, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division.
“O” made no comment concerning the Muslim who shot those soldiers in Arkansas, and if anyone has been following the sloppy FBI, you might be as mad as I am, but certain Americans are expendable, and no doubt that means you.
Where was the investigation when it came to those forgettable Christians? I will always remind as many as I can!
I’ll bet you all forgot: New Jersey: an Islamic murder of Coptic Christians? http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/004660.php
I don't know what your middle name is, but I'm pretty sure it's not "humility."
What a disappointment it must be to you to have wasted time reading the website of someone whom, in terms of "spiritual evolution" you are so confident you have long ago surpassed ("she is about where I was when I was 48, as she is now").
Are you able to precisely peg everyone's relationship with God on a continuim of either "less advanced" or "more advanced" than Mariel's? Do you do that with people at your church? With your friends and your family? With people you have never met?
Give me a break.
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