"The smarter supply chain of the future"The digital and physical infrastructures of our world are converging. Thanks to the falling price and rising reliability of sensor technologies, practically any activity or process can now be measured. Objects can communicate and collaborate directly, without human intervention. Entire systems can be connected – not just supply chains with other supply chains, but also with transportation systems, financial markets, electric power grids and even natural systems like rivers and weather patterns. Every insight derived from a world of smart objects can lead to action – and more value. With so much embedded intelligence, supply chain management can progress from decision support to decision delegation and, ultimately, to a predictive capability. As the world begins to work differently, we see a different kind of supply chain emerging – a smarter supply chain with three core characteristics: Instrumented Supply chain information that was previously created by people will increasingly be generated by sensors, RFID tags, meters, actuators, GPS and other devices and systems. In terms of visibility, supply chains not only will be able to “see” more events, but also witness them as they occur. They will rely less on labor-based tracking and monitoring, as objects like shipping containers, trucks, products and parts report on themselves. Dashboards on devices perhaps not yet invented will display the realtime status of plans, commitments, sources of supply, pipeline inventories and consumer requirements." [1]
I'm up past my bedtime and decided to check Daniel Taylor's oldthinkernews.com. I found a startling article about alleged EU decisions to push something called "The Internet of Things." Daniel Taylor wrote an excellent article which I commend to all of you. I didn't just take his word for it, however. I did my own research and checked recent news stories. What I have found, in my opinion, is terrifying. Indeed, work for the night is coming when we can work no more! It appears that things are well underway for total interconnection -- perhaps the prophesied "hour of temptation that will come upon all that dwell on the face of the earth."[1]
Read this from Telefonica, one of the primary backers of the IOT project about its possibilities and potentialities. Then go get your Bible and read Revelation 13!
Due to my personal research over the past 13 plus years, I find it even more fascinating that Telefonica is the communications company that was headed by Javier Solana's older brother, Luis Solana for many years. Luis Solana was reportedly the first Socialist to join the Trilateral Commission. [2] From the years 1977 through 1982, that corporation he headed had a virtual monopoly over Spanish and Portguese speaking countries' communications."If all objects of daily life, from yogurt to an airplane, are equipped with radio tags, they can be identified and managed by computers in the same way humans can. The next generation of Internet applications (IPv6 protocol) would be able to identify more objects than IPv4 which is currently in use. This system would therefore be able to instantaneously identify any kind of object.[2]
"The Internet of Things should encode 50 to 100,000 billion objects and follow the movement of those objects. Every human being is surrounded by 1,000 to 5,000 objects.[3]
The planned all-in-all system has several tentative names: "Ubiquitous Computing"; "Internet of Things"; "Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing"; and Internet of Senses.
A search of today's news stories revealed that it was known as an EPCglobal network. An internet search revealed an updated "Big Brother Revisited" report expressing concerns. I noted with no small degree of interest that Quaker.org was sponsoring a Statewatch speaker and issuing a report. As the Quakers have long tilted New Age -- it substantiates my thinking that Javier Solana's new order could well be a cruel joke on even the New Agers themselves! Here is a link to their report. I also found internet reports directed to Javier Solana on the subject.
Basically, it calls for all things by definition to be interconnected. This is also consistent with a primary tenet of the Alice Bailey books, material I have read many times contained in THE EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY by Alice Ann Bailey. "Everything is interconnected and related" -- a key teaching, she said, for the world to accept their New Age "Christ" and the "Masters of [er, ah] 'Wisdom'".
Hardly surprising to me, I have read that the EU has been a primary mover behind this. Here is a report to Javier Solana himself on the subject. What a surprise -- NOT!
Daniel Taylor has compiled materials that must be considered. You may read him by clicking the underlined link. He reports that the European Union is getting ready to push for a greatly locked down internet -- one that will presumably curtail our freedom to report the news. This is a link to his excellent November 2008 article on same.
It appears from my cursory research that the Obama administration and US military may be fully on board as well.
At any rate, this is disturbing and VERY SOBERING news. Pray that we might be counted worthy to escape these horrors. Pray that we are granted the grace and strength to stand against them.
[2]"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of tempation which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10 (KJV)
[2] Signficant insights into Telefonica, its history, American backers and structure may be obtained by reading Santiago Lopez' article: The Role of Telefonica: The Internationalization of Telecommunications in Spain, 1970-2000
"France wishes to further the reflections on how to boost the
Digital Economy in the EU through the i2010 Strategic Framework.
France intends to put emphasis on relevant and strategic
topics such as the promotion of ultra broadband for fixed and
mobile networks, advanced electronic communication services
as well as secure mobile services. Moreover, the French
Presidency is keen to engage in reflections on the Internet of
the future: Internet of Things and RFiD. In this regard, the French
Presidency will organise on 9 September a conference on the
i2010 Strategic Framework and another one in Nice on 6-7
October on the Internet of Things."
Funny, I just ran into that last week while surfing. And isn't it interesting how we are now being forced into the digital TV situation. We are bombarded by the TV zombies to get those converters, learn about those converters. There's a tone of desperation regarding it. Can it be that they are just worried about our turning off our idiot boxes or about loss of advertising dollars or is there more to it?
Sorry if someone has posted this:
Is this idolatry? What if Obama” does make it rain?”
If the message is that Obama can do anything within the framework of an opposition, as weak as it has been, what will it be like when the ‘Fairness doctrine’ is reinvented?
Note that the tyrannies of Germany, Cuba, Venezuela, and even Chicago, have their ways of enslavement; these current events are ominous. I’m sure that some will poo poo the comparisons, but ask the unborn.
"Global: Supportive devices or unnecessary surveillance? New book warns of threats posed by ambient intelligence, calls for safeguards [Mar 30 London England]--In the near future, every manufactured product – our clothes, money, appliances, the paint on our walls, the carpets on our floors, our cars – will be embedded with intelligence, networks of tiny sensors and actuators, which some have termed “smart dust” or an “Internet of Things”. The world of ambient intelligence (AmI) is not far off. We already have surveillance systems, biometrics, personal communicators, machine learning and more. Ambient intelligence will provide personalised services − and know more about us − on a scale dwarfing anything hitherto available.
Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence, a new book written by a European consortium of researchers, serves as a warning. It aims to warn policymakers, industry, academia, civil society organisations, the media and the public about the threats and vulnerabilities facing our privacy, identity, trust, security and inclusion in the rapidly approaching world of ambient intelligence.
In the AmI vision, ubiquitous computing, communications and interfaces converge and adapt to the user. AmI promises greater user-friendliness in an environment capable of recognising and responding to the presence of different individuals in a seamless, unobtrusive and often invisible way. While most stakeholders paint the promise of AmI in sunny colours, there is a dark side to AmI as well.
This book illustrates the threats and vulnerabilities by means of four “dark scenarios” and then identifies safeguards to counter the foreseen threats and vulnerabilities. The authors make recommendations to policymakers and other stakeholders about what they can do to maximise the benefits from ambient intelligence and minimise the negative consequences.
Emile Aarts, Vice President of Research at Philips, said, “This book is mandatory reading for anyone who is professionally active in the field of ambient intelligence, as it can be seen as a landmark contribution to the discussion on AmI. After almost ten years of development, ambient intelligence can now live up to its expectation that it can change peoples’ lives for the better through its novel user-centric technology. In the end, however, this will only work if we can settle the ethical issues that are connected to it.”
Gary Marx, Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said, “The book is the most informative and comprehensive policy analysis of new information and surveillance technologies seen in recent decades. Those wishing to praise a book often say, ‘essential reading for anyone concerned with …’ But I would go beyond that strong endorsement to say Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence should be required reading for anyone concerned with public policy involving new communications and surveillance technologies.”
Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence has been prepared by a consortium of partners from five European countries following several years of research on the emerging brave new world of ambient intelligence. It is based on a project sponsored by the European Commission, although the views expressed in the book are those of the authors alone and are not intended to reflect those of the Commission.
The principal editors and authors of the book are David Wright, Trilateral Research & Consulting, UK; Serge Gutwirth, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; Michael Friedewald, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Germany; Elena Vildjiounaite, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; and Yves Punie, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), European Commission JRC, Spain."
Doing a google.com search on "Clinton Global Initiative" AND "Internet of Things"
[PDF] Microsoft PowerPoint - Sust TransForum v2 - Cisco.ppt
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
How can the Internet of Things become a framework for creating more habitable worlds, ... Cisco is key participant in the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) ...
sustainabletransforum.ca/presentations/DAY2/Day%202%20-%20morning/.../3%20-%20Val%20Stoyanov%20-%20FOR%20WEB.pdf - Similar pages -
The Global Leader in News Distribution
Feb 12, 2009 ... from mobile devices and computers to become the ‘Internet of Things’, ... born from Cisco's commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative, ...
www.businesswireindia.com/PressRelease.asp?b2mid=18228 - 29k - Cached - Similar pages -
Broadband Prime: An Interview with Bas Boorsma, CUD - Amsterdam ...
The commitment made under the Clinton global initiative is still carried by the ... you are more looking at a huge enhancement of the internet of things. ...
broadbandprime.blogspot.com/2009/01/interview-with-bas-boorsma-cud.html - 116k - Cached - Similar pages -
Gore urges civil disobedience to stop coal plants
EU Set to Move ‘Internet of Things’ Closer to Reality · Diet Soft Drink Makers Not ... Gore told the Clinton Global Initiative gathering to loud applause. ...
www.prisonplanet.com/gore-urges-civil-disobedience-to-stop-coal-plants.html - 49k - Cached - Similar pages -
Gulf Computers Inc. | Business solutions from AllBusiness.com ...
McCain Addresses the Clinton Global Initiative; Congress Puts Finishing. ... 105. an INTERNET OF THINGS HEADNOTE The government wants to know where its ...
www.allbusiness.com/gulf-computers-inc/5938236-11.html?sortdirection=true&sort= - 51k - Cached - Similar pages -
b l a s t u l a
The Internet of Things is the second issue in the series of Network Notebooks. ..... Cisco CEO John Chambers’ involvement in the Clinton Global Initiative, ...
blastula.multiplace.org/page/3/ - 138k - Cached - Similar pages -
Alltop - Top User Interface News
Clinton Global Initiative is looking for a Web Producer (New Media ...... where he discusses the basic ideas and significance of the Internet of Things, ...
user-interface.alltop.com/ - 243k - Cached - Similar pages -
Design Corner » research
... a diverse group of companies and individuals to transition to the internet of things”. ..... Permalink for 'Clinton Global Initiative University 2008' ...
designcorner.blinkr.net/research/www.cyworld.com?page=0 - 121k - Cached - Similar pages -
khhのRSSリーダー - Design - [ Translate this page ]
2009年2月4日 ... Just a hair short of the internet of things, Greener Gadget Top 50 .... Clinton Global Initiative is looking for a Web Producer (New Media ...
r.hatena.ne.jp/khh/Design/ - 103k - Cached - Similar pages -
Beyond the Beyond - Wired Blogs
The problem with RFID as an "internet-of-things" is that Wal-Mart and the Defense ..... Last year at Bill Clinton's Global Initiative meeting in New York, ...
blog.wired.com/sterling/2007/02/ - 385k - Cached - Similar pages -
Almost TOO MUCH INFORMATION, but this is critical to understand:
A beastly system indeed!
Proverbs 11:21
Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered
Your so right about that Constance, the night is coming quickly when no man can work. We better get cracking and do all we can before this comes about.
Thanks, for staying up late to get this out. This all sounds so bizarre. The control.
Boy Shem,do i ever like the sounds of that. Thanks for pointing it out in the Good Book. tony-your neighbor
The time line on the graph does fit with the perspective I have regarding the time for all to transpire and currently not being in the 70th week. We need to make the most of time and resources we have, for a time is coming when our freedom will be gone.
I know some of you know that even NA'ers will be "let down" by the leaders they help put into office.
If you look at my past writings you'll notice that I mentioned that they'll resort to making vitamins controlled by FDA/Big Pharma. Well if you read the paper in the last couple of days, they have now declared V B6 a type of drug.
Micro dust doesn't suprise me at all! Oh, and they are not forcing anyone to buy a digital TV. We certainly will not be buying one. Our TV works fine and we are not buying a converter box either. Oh NO! What are we going to do? How 'bout not watching TV!
If some of us are correct, those devices might have the capability to sense you in your house. Might not be "watching" or "listening" yet, but who knows when.
It shocks me when people say we will not "even" get accurate reporting on the internet because they will censor internet. Does this shock us? It shouldn't.
Read JJ Luna's How To Be Invisible if you are that scared.
I located the Cisco ppt preso with mention of Clinton.
I have consulted with Cisco for several years. The amount of internal resources they have to propose and then realize their connected vision for the future is truly astounding. The level of research, both on technology and on competitors, is incredible.
A year ago Cisco personnel flew one billion miles during the year. Right now, I don't know if it's due to the economy or due to the carbon issue, senior management approval is needed to fly anywhere. Their TelePresence system enables people to video conference via internet as if you are in each other's office
thousands of miles apart.
This is a truly global, connected company. Many initiatives I worked on had members from most continents of the world.
Dave in CA
There was an interesting show on Science channel last night purporting that all things are connected with in 6 degrees of each other. (Kind of like that old Kevin Bacon game.) They said it had to do with the science of networks and hubs. It was interesting as they plotted the "networks" it made a sphere.
Constance's mention of the Alice Bailey book reminded me of the program, as they seem similiar in nature.
interesting -
So the quote " 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
WWW in Hebrew = 666 = am I correct in that statement?
Constance and others,
The internet of things and ambient technologies leave a interesting observation from my point. As we all may soon have to make the choice to give up ALL we own to follow our Lord. I can also see the ad campigns for the AmI technology. Am I? I Am!
Joice, A little off subject. I am confused about when the Jewish temple(3rd temple) will be built. It appears that antichrist going into the temple as God will trigger the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation. I really need help understanding this.
We don't own a TV and the day this INTERNET LOCK DOWN takes place is the day when we no longer will desire to be connected to the internet.
Right now the web is be used for the gospel, but I always thought the Worldwide Web was a trap; just like a spider spins her web. It's a net, it's a trap. But for now we should go for it until we can no longer be free to share the gospel.
There appear to be some pieces of the puzzle at this site:
another thing on smart dust
Youtube has carried videos about smart dust for quite a while. Here is one that purports to show smart dust in the UK:
It begins with a news program announcing smart dust and claiming it was created by the military to gain battlefield info. Type in smart dust in youtube you'll get several videos and many connect smart dust to Chemtrails.
the worldwide web......a snare that will come upon the whole world? tony/vt
Has anyone ever thought about how every device has an IP address and how the IP address is divided by three dots. Could these dots repreent the number six as they do in bar codes.
Soon we will have an IP address just like the devices we use.
Anon 8:16, this report from Bobby:
“Just as when Israel invaded (sic) Palistine, resistance was the expected result.”
Some truth with enough hatred and scapegoating to kill.
Constance and All
Re:"Global: Supportive devices or unnecessary surveillance? New book warns of threats posed by ambient intelligence, calls for safeguards [Mar 30 London England]--In the near future, every manufactured product – our clothes, money, appliances, the paint on our walls, the carpets on our floors, our cars – will be embedded with intelligence, networks of tiny sensors and actuators, which some have termed “smart dust” or an “Internet of Things”.
We will all have to make sure we say our prayers nice and LOUD so the "fearless leaders" can all hear our vocal and religious echo of John Hancock!
Biden bear hugs Solana
For those who haven't seen this. Its an article I saw on FP.
Biden entered to a standing ovation, paused to engulf Javier Solana, the European Union’s foreign policy representative, in a bear hug, and chatted for long minutes with Henry Kissinger. Then he headed to the podium to deliver a basic message: Obama wants to make America a more deserving partner for its traditional allies.
The tone of this article seems to state that Obama/Biden are willing to do the leg work that Solana and the EU are not quite capable of yet. To me it also shows who Obama/Biden are looking to for direction.
Memorizing scripture is very important considering the scope of the giant governmental censoring hand. Here is a site that has an excellent approach to memorizing the Bible:
From Yahoo Finance (02/17/09)
“Worst Is Yet to Come”: Americans’ Standard of Living Permanently Changed
But "the worst is yet to come," according to Howard Davidowitz, chairman of Davidowitz & Associates, who believes American’s standard of living is undergoing a "permanent change" - and not for the better as a result of:
• An $8 trillion negative wealth effect from declining home values.
• A $10 trillion negative wealth effect from weakened capital markets.
• A $14 trillion consumer debt load amid "exploding unemployment", leading to "exploding bankruptcies."
"The average American used to be able to borrow to buy a home, send their kids to a good school [and] buy a car," Davidowitz says. "A lot of that is gone."
Going forward, the veteran retail industry consultant foresees higher savings rate and people trading down in both the goods and services they buy - as well as their aspirations.
The end of rampant consumerism is ultimately a good thing, he says, but the unraveling of an economy built on debt-fueled spending will be painful for years to come.
Anon 6:23pm
The "Obamanation Of Desolation" (sorry,,punn intended) spoken of by Daniel the Prophet; Whatever that might specifically be is unknown as of yet. We know what it was to the Macabees but I'm sure there are many types of abominations that can cause desolation in G-ds book. It will envolve The "Little horn" and him demanding worship BUT either way there has to be a temple and temple sacrifices and temple oblations going on for them to be stopped. There is no Temple as of today. There might be plans and hopes and even temple artifacts ,,,but no temple yet. This I believe is the Clinch Pin to what alot of people here are hoping for, but building time is running out for those looking at mid 2010 as a rapture date.
its been pointed out by holly on FP that scripture makes it clear that they can have an alter at the site and begin... without the actual temple.ask her. tony /vt
Susan B. @ 4:05,
Last summer when I first discovered Constance's books and this site, I decided that I needed to prepare, particularly by memorizing Scripture.
I found the site you mentioned just last week. I have begun the challenge to memorize the book of 2 Thessalonians. (I have already memorized portions of it.)
2 Thessalonians 1:4-12 has ministered to me particularly.
"So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure:
Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you also suffer.
Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.
Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness and the work of faith with power:
That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you , and you in him according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to God who give us the victory!
Does anyone know why Obama wanted to go t Colorado to sign the bill?
Nick (8:17 pm)--
Wasn't the campaign convention held in Denver? Maybe he had to go back to familiar territory.
Denver has a strong New Age community.
Click back and look at Constance's blog of November 18th, 2007.
Also, here's a link to the newpaper .jpg featured on the right of that page. I clicked the link and was routed to a Google error message. You can read about what all the particular "usual suspects" were/are still (probably) doing in regards to the NA.
Here's the link
Jolo, Nick and others,
As has been discussed here before, Denver is a hot spot for NA and the occult. A single look at the murals that hang in Denver International Airport would reveal many pagan and occult symbols. The funding for this airport came from the New World Commision. Denver is also a major hub for the NAFTA/NASCO super highway and railway. Perhaps Obama feels more at home here.
thanks Jolo and JD. I thought it might be something like that. Its kinda funny how the reporters on CNN were giving all these weird speculations as to why he went there today, "forefront of green engergy" or "to get out of washington" or "because of the support from colorado".... I thought if "the best political team on television" can't come up with a straight answer to such a simple question then there has to be something hokey behind it
"The idea is as simple as its application is difficult. If all cans, books,
shoes or parts of cars are equipped with minuscule identifying devices,
daily life on our planet will undergo a transformation. Things like running
out of stock or wasted products will no longer exist as we will know
exactly what is being consumed on the other side of the globe. Theft will
be a thing of the past as we will know where a product is at all times.
The same applies to parcels lost in the post.
If all objects of daily life, from yogurt to an airplane, are equipped with
radio tags, they can be identified and managed by computers in the
same way humans can. The next generation of Internet applications
(IPv6 protocol) would be able to identify more objects than IPv4 which is
currently in use. This system would therefore be able to instantaneously
identify any kind of object.[2]
The Internet of Things should encode
The Telefonica site which this is from, I believe was headed for years by Luis Solana, Javier's brother.
Hi there,
My folks live south of Denver, and out a bit...the reason they gave as to why BO was in Denver was to observe the solar panel setup at the Denver Museum of Nat'l History, to take that specific development elsewhere, Washington DC, who knows... all just posturing and, well, you know...
Yes, TELEFONICA was Luis Solana's company. He headed it and is Javier's brother. Luis was the first Socialist member of the Trilateral Commission.
Telefonica Accord - New York Times
Officials at Telefonica, in which the Government holds a stake of more than 30 percent, said the company's chairman, Luis Solana, signed a deal with ...
query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=950DE2DF123AF930A35752C0A96F948260 - 39k - Cached - Similar pages -
Telefonica's Brave New World; A Strategy With a Latin American ...
May 13, 2000 ... Telefonica's chairman then, Luis Solana -- a well-connected manager whose brother, Javier Solana, was foreign minister and later secretary ...
query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D07E1DB153BF930A25756C0A9669C8B63&se... - 44k - Cached - Similar pages -
More results from query.nytimes.com »
Telefonica S.A.: Information from Answers.com
At the end of 1982, the new Socialist government brought in the energetic Luis Solana as president of the Telefónica board. His objectives were to float the ...
www.answers.com/topic/telefonica-s-a-adr - 76k - Cached - Similar pages -
Luis Solana began his headship of TELEFONICA in 1982 -- the same year the New Agers expected to have their new "Christ" "emerge" which was frustrated by premature publicity of the New Age agenda.
Telefonica S.A.: Information from Answers.com At the end of 1982, the new Socialist government brought in the energetic Luis Solana as president of the Telefónica board. His objectives were to float the ...
www.answers.com/topic/telefonica-s-a-adr - 76k - Cached - Similar pages
Telecommunications in Europe - Google Books Resultby Eli M. Noam - 1992 - History - 523 pages
Luis Solana, a former banker, took over management of Telefonica in 1982 and led ... Limited "Ibertex" videotex operations began during the 1982 World Cup ...
Back in December another flash of Maitreya promotion hit the Wall Street Journal.
Here's a rather good compilation of information on the Maitreya theme, including the prediction (plan?) that when there is a financial crash, it will be time for the changeover to the new system.
FYI - here we go!!!
"This week, the Optimum Population Trust (OPT), of which Mr Porrit is a patron, launched its "Stop at Two" online pledge to encourage couples to limit their family's size."
I am frequently updating the article, so please refresh your page every time you load it. I am convinced this may be it and it has been in serious planning for many years.
I don't know, but after you mentioned JS' brother involved, I thought uh-oh... It sure seems like something that has been in planning...
When I was at the library, I couldn't refresh the page, because the library system has no refresh page that I can find- but now that I am back home, the current entry comes up.
I still can't get the link to give me the pdf at the midatlantic 6SenseIT document. Shrug. It looks like an interesting read....
Spain promises a "transformational" EU presidency, the first half of 2010:
Constance, "Thick as thieves," comes to mind.
JD (10:03) and Nick (10:30)--
Today's Washington Post has a picture of the Obama, Biden, and the president of a solar company--"Namaste Solar" walking amidst an array of panels.
Nick, if you don't know, look into the meaning and philosophy behind the greeting, "namaste."
Curious, isn't it? Of all the environmental places they could have visited--that one with that name was pictured!
Thanks, Constance for all that info on Telefonica. Have posted this info on Proclaiming the Truth.
They master minded quite a plan for all of us. Everything is in place for the signal. This is so big; but greater is our God. He laughs in the heavens. Talk about perspective, we're going to have to keep ours on God.
Psalms 2:1-5
verse 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. (contempt)
Praise God for that. They think they have it all figured out, huh!
Javier is a busy man these days!
These are 2 press releases in which Solana comments on peacefull resolutions to 2 very different situations.
The first is on the agreement reached between Sudanese Government of National Unity and the Justice and Equality movement regarding Darfur.
Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP),
welcomes the agreement of good will and confidence building for the settlement of the problem in
Darfur, reached yesterday between the Sudanese Government of National Unity (GNU) and the
Justice and Equality movement (JEM) in Doha.
This important step in the right direction was made possible by the unyielding involvement of the
Qatar authorities and the joint AU/UN Chief Mediator, Djibrill Bassolé. The High Representative
highly commends their efforts and encourages them to continue to provide the necessary conditions
for further talks, as agreed between the two sides.
The second involves Israel and her neighbors.
Javier SOLA9A, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
(CFSP) made the following statement on the Middle East to the European Parliament on
Wednesday, 18 February 2009:
"Mr President, this is the first time that I have appeared before you this year, 2009. It is a great
pleasure to be here and I hope that the good cooperation we have had in the past will continue this
The war in Gaza ended a month ago, on 18 January, and I think you would agree with me that it
feels like yesterday. The scale of the suffering and destruction was immense and it has left us all
with a bitter taste in our mouths. The humanitarian situation today remains heart-breaking. We
need to find urgent solutions to get aid in and to reduce the level of suffering of the people.
At the same time, we need to do all we can to end the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians and
between Israel and the Arab world. In fact, Mr President, the parameters of the solution are well
known, and have been known for some time. What matters now is the political will to implement it
among Israelis and Palestinians, among Arabs and the wider international community.
The European vocation for peace in the Middle East remains as strong as ever. Our commitment to
the creation of a viable and independent Palestinian state, living side by side with Israel, is total. It
is at the heart of our Middle East policy. All our actions have this strategic objective in mind. We
will give our firm backing to all who want a peaceful solution to the many challenges across the
Middle East region.
Let me conclude by saying that 2009 will be critical for the Middle East. We are possibly at a
threshold. We can choose to pursue the same policies in the same manner, knowing that they will
lead to the same results – the results that we know today. On the other hand, we can try to work
with energy, with determination, to adjust our policies, to adjust the way we set about achieving
We have to work on both crisis management and conflict resolution – there is no doubt about that.
However, the time has come to focus decisively on conflict resolution. It is the only way to end this
endless sequence of death and destruction.
There is much more in these, I just highlighted some of the points that stood out.
Dr. Solana met with U.S. Senator John Kerry (a Democrat and head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee), on Friday, 2/13/08:
Interestingly, Senator Kerry is now on a tour of the M.E.:
Dr. Solana meets with "Last Dictator" in Europe:
This is the website for the North American Forum on Integration. I will let you guys read through all the info, as there is plenty here
Texas latest in growing list of states telling the federal govt. to back off
WHEREAS, The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the
United States reads as follows: "The powers not delegated to the
United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the
States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people";
WHEREAS, The Tenth Amendment defines the total scope of
federal power as being that specifically granted by the
Constitution of the United States and no more; and
WHEREAS, The scope of power defined by the Tenth Amendment
means that the federal government was created by the states
specifically to be an agent of the states; and
WHEREAS, Today, in 2009, the states are demonstrably treated
as agents of the federal government; and
WHEREAS, Many federal laws are directly in violation of the
Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and
WHEREAS, The Tenth Amendment assures that we, the people of
the United States of America and each sovereign state in the Union
of States, now have, and have always had, rights the federal
government may not usurp; and
WHEREAS, Section 4, Article IV, of the Constitution says,
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a
Republican Form of Government," and the Ninth Amendment states that
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not
be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people";
Constance am sending you an email on my research of internet2 which I just did last week. This all ties together I do beleive. internet2 which we do not get to use ok, is a parallel intenert run on fiber optics which were donated to the consortium UCAID, now firber optics run at the speed of light, which what we use now on phone lines and cables are running on the speed of sound. My brother had to explain this to be a bit better, he is an electrician. He laid cables at one time for fiber optics, and some home today have them, he is not allowed to wire them without a seperate license.
Ok am sending you an email with links and also posting some here. I thought I was watching all of this closely guys, but boy they are way far down the road with this now. And connected as well throughout the world.
Will be emailing Constance as well as providing some links in the next post for all of you to read.
About Internet2
Internet2 is the foremost U.S. advanced networking consortium. Led by the research and education community since 1996, Internet2 promotes the missions of its members by providing both leading-edge network capabilities and unique partnership opportunities that together facilitate the development, deployment and use of revolutionary Internet technologies. Internet2 brings the U.S. research and academic community together with technology leaders from industry, government and the international community to undertake collaborative efforts that have a fundamental impact on tomorrow's Internet.
Wireless Sensor Technology
Wireless Sensor Networking
The information you need is all around you - The challenge is getting access to it in a reliable, cost-effective way. Imagine, however, that a company could measure, manage and refine data from the physical world through a wireless network with the same reliability expected from a wired solution – and at a significantly lower cost. Data from the physical world, including temperature, lighting, humidity, energy consumption, and movement, could then be married to the world of industrial systems and IT.
Today, new standards-based wireless sensor systems based on the pioneering work of Dust Networks are delivering the reliability, low-power consumption, and ease-of-use required to serve a wide range of applications for monitoring and control. The results have been a wide range of companies putting wireless to work on specific applications in the plant. Real world examples of wireless sensing successfully applied include ensuring environmental conditions are safe, monitoring critical process parameters and equipment conditions, and even gaining easy access to the critical performance metrics contained in the sensors themselves.
While prior experience with proprietary point to point wireless systems often creates skepticism when the decision is made to try this new technology, the technical issues have been resolved through the techniques of time synchronized mesh networking. More importantly, these new solutions are easy to install and can save a great deal of time and money during installation when compared to a wired solutions. The wireless field devices can also be put virtually anywhere – with little regard for previous wiring concerns.
Smartdust, nanobatteries,if you remember those tiny ones they were experimenting with a while back, they are so tiny you barely see them.
Now the internet2, parallel internet, running at the speed of light and faster.
We are way down the road with what can be done.
Put this into the fact that Obama says all medical records will now be kept on federal databases, this internet2 with its capabilites of massive storage and data sending speed.
And now they are also taking about the smart grid, the new one that will keep track of what every appliance in your house is doing, they can alert you to use at differing times or not at all, and if you do not comply they can shut it down from where they are. Smart appliances for the smart grid will save you money. Oh yeah right.
Kris Pister Founder and Chief Technologist
The inventor of Smart Dust and a longtime leader in the academic wireless sensor networking community, Kris Pister co-founded Dust Networks in 2002 to deliver his vision of a commercially robust wireless sensor networking platform. Kris is the chief architect of Dust Networks’ patent pending Dust SmartMesh™ technology, and also provides a strong technology vision for the company and for the wireless sensing industry- Kris is a frequent invited speaker and lecturer on wireless sensor networking and related core technologies. Prior to founding Dust, Kris successfully commercialized or licensed micromachine technologies with Tanner Research, OMM Inc., Xactix, and Sony. Kris holds a PhD and MS in electrical engineering and computer sciences from UC Berkeley and a BS from UC San Diego.
The Economy
Due to recent budget cuts and the cost of electricity, gas and oil, as well as current market conditions and the continued decline of the economy,
The Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
U.K. Government wants to criminalize Muslims who believe Homosexulity is sinful, equating this belief with terrorism. I suprised the gay lobby is not even afraid of Muslims
What I meant was the gay lobby is not afraid of even Muslims.
if they cut us off the internet w/ censorship and all, i got a plan of sending smoke signals so we can keep this thing-a-goin'...tony/vt it may be hard to reach farmer maybe we can make use of project bluebeam and beat them at their own game!?
BOTTOM LINE: Javier Solana is in charge
He has now obviously used his word processor to change "Chain of Command" to "Implementation fo the Mandate"
of 16 February 2009
extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative for the Middle East peace
"Implementation of the mandate
1. The EUSR shall be responsible for the implementation of
the mandate acting under the authority and operational
direction of the SG/HR.
2. The Political and Security Committee (PSC) shall maintain
a privileged link with the EUSR and shall be the primary point
of contact with the Council. The PSC shall provide the EUSR
with strategic guidance and political direction within the
framework of the mandate.
To Anonymous 8:16
The Congregator is obviously Bobby Garner's website and for reasons I have already laid out in abundance on earlier threads, I have great reservations about his work -- particularly his concept about the Second Coming -- that it is not visible, but one seen in our Mind's Eye -- a conclusion far more consistent with Barbara Marx Hubbard than Scripture. He is obviously coming from a Jehovah's Witness Perspective -- but I cannot agree with his conclusions and I violently disagree with his theology.
Check all carefully -- as Scripture warns: "Take the wheat, leave the chaff!"
Long before Mr. Villalonga brought his flair, Telefonica had begun its international push. In the late 1980's, the looming liberalization of the European market prompted the company to seek fresh markets abroad. Latin America offered opportunities, as Argentina, under Carlos Saul Menem, and Mexico, under Carlos Salinas de Gortari, overhauled their economies, and Chile marched out of the Pinochet years to more liberal economic rules.
Telefonica's chairman then, Luis Solana -- a well-connected manager whose brother, Javier Solana, was foreign minister and later secretary general of NATO -- pushed into the region, acquiring stakes in phone companies in Chile, Argentina, Peru, Mexico and Brazil. The company faced scant competition from North American competitors, who viewed Latin America as too risky.
Pasted from http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D07E1DB153BF930A25756C0A9669C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all
2/19/2009, 12:05 AM
Forget Sarkozy and the rest -- SOLANA'S IN CHARGE. He has allies in the USA (John Kerry is one) introducing what he wants into our system as well.
It appears he substituted words for CHAIN OF COMMAND on his word processor. Here is his vernacular saying the same thing:
"(l) contribute to a better understanding of the role of the
European Union among opinion leaders in the region.
Article 4
Implementation of the mandate
1. The EUSR shall be responsible for the implementation of
the mandate acting under the authority and operational
direction of the SG/HR.
2. The Political and Security Committee (PSC) shall maintain
a privileged link with the EUSR and shall be the primary point
of contact with the Council. The PSC shall provide the EUSR
with strategic guidance and political direction within the
framework of the mandate"
of 16 February 2009
extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative for the Middle East peace
Extending the tenure of Marc Otte, Special Representative to the Middle East until 2-28-2010
He reports to Javier Solana and his PSC!
Linked on Drudge this morning...
Czech president compares EU to Soviet Union
By CONSTANT BRAND, Associated Press Writer Constant Brand, Associated Press Writer – 18 mins ago
BRUSSELS – The European Union has turned into an undemocratic and elitist project comparable to the Communist dictatorships of eastern Europe that forbade alternative thinking, Czech President Vaclav Klaus told the European Parliament on Thursday.
Klaus, whose country now holds the rotating EU presidency, set out a scathing attack on the EU project and its institutions, provoking boos from many lawmakers, some of whom walked out, but applause from nationalists and other anti-EU legislators.
Klaus is known for deep skepticism of the EU and has refused to fly the EU flag over his official seat in Prague during the Czech presidency, saying the country is not an EU province.
He said current EU practices smacked of communist times when the Soviet Union controlled much of eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic and when dissent or even discussions were not tolerated.
"Not so long ago, in our part of Europe we lived in a political system that permitted no alternatives and therefore also no parliamentary opposition," said Klaus. "We learned the bitter lesson that with no opposition, there is no freedom."
He said the 27-nation bloc should concentrate on offering prosperity to Europeans, rather than closer political union, and scrap a stalled EU reform treaty that Irish voters have already rejected.
Klaus said that questioning deeper integration has become an "uncriticizable assumption that there is only one possible and correct future of the European integration."
"The enforcement of these notions ... is unacceptable," Klaus said. "Those who dare thinking about a different option are labeled as enemies." Observers had been expecting Klaus to deliver a critical speech during his first and only visit to the EU chamber at a time when his country holds the EU limelight as chair of the 27-nation bloc.
"I have never experienced a situation where the presidency of the European Union ... compares the EU with the Soviet Union," said Belgian lawmaker Ivo Belet.
This from Drudge this am-
Czech president compares EU to Soviet Union
Ya gotta love that Czech prez. He also previously expressed his doubts about the global warming hysteria.
Deepak Chopra
Jack Kornfield
Roshi Joan Halifax
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Stephan Rechtschaffen
Sister Jenna
Lama Drolma Palden
Dean Ornish MD
Reggie Ray
Krishna Das
Sylvia Boorstein
Jean Houston Pema Chödrön
Marianne Williamson
Barbara De Angelis
Alex & Allyson Grey
Ed & Deb Shapiro
Oscar & Cindy Miro-Quesada
Swami Beyondananda
Peter Fenner
Robert Thurman
Jai Uttal
H.H. Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi
Lama Surya Das
Jon Kabat-Zinn Jack Canfield
Julia Butterfly Hill
Gay & Katie Hendricks
Pir Elias Amidon
Richard Moss
Eli Jaxson-Bear
Corinne McLaughlin
Gordon Davidson
Reb Zalman Shachter-Shalomi
Sharon Salzberg
Joan Borysenko
Judith Ansara & Robert Gass
...and more every day!
Spiritual Leaders Come Together to Endorse Barack Obama
October 29, 2008, 8:05AM
Spiritual leaders from different faiths and persuasions come together as a group to write a letter and endorse Barack Obama as a true leader for these tumultuous times.
"As spiritual leaders signing this letter we are stepping forward to say: "We can make a difference" As our spiritual practice empties, opens and strengthens us, we are naturally moved to engage in the world with compassion, equanimity, and the dedication to live our values.
We know many of you are already both concerned and
involved in this year's Presidential election. Yet, in the past weeks, many of us have heard friends in the spiritual community expressing ambivalence about voting. When asked why they wouldn't vote we heard things like: "It doesn't make any difference"; "I'm more interested in spiritual practice than politics".
This election, we have an opportunity to create a paradigm shift in the nature of politics. Senator McCain has voted with President Bush over 90% of the time leading to policies that have increased violence the world, furthered environmental destruction, tried to force religious views on the country, and shown a staggering lack of compassion for those most in need.
Play a role in bringing peace and justice back to the planet by voting for Barack Obama.
If you allow yourself to envision the world as it could be rather than the world as it is, what would it look like? And more importantly, what would you be willing to do to help create that world?
Regarding Havel, see the wonderful commentary, IN THE HEART OF OUR DEMOCRACY, over at EUReferendum which is linked to on the first page here.
I found this site and thought I would pass it along.
There are many relevant articles regarding WHO, the current food crisis, Global Charter Agenda for human rights, and the list goes on.
I've made a few corrections and you should reload. The article should be reloaded and re-read each time.
Thanks and sorry!
Well, too bad we have the prohibition against foreign born presidents here in the USA -- Vaclav Klaus sounds like refreshingly promising material!
Javier Solana must have told Klaus (as he did Italy's president a few years ago) that foreign policy was run from Brussels and NOT from Prague (Just as he told Italy's president in the year they had the 6 month stint that foreign policy was run from Brussels and NOT from Rome!).
Thanks anonymous 10:13 Am for sharing the "Spiritual Leaders" supporting and endorsing Obama list.
The Spiritual Leaders group/webpage gives a little background on who the site founders are in the FAQ section of the site.
The group was started by Judith Ansara & Scott Rodwin of Boulder in September 2008.
I 'm didn't find much "high level" new age networking information about Scott Rodwin other than he has written an occasional article for Elephant Journal, an enlightenment internet new source.
Judith Ansara Gass, on the other hand is far more well known in new age circles. She, along with her husband Robert Gass are "transformational" "human consciousness" trainers/coaches. They are both signers of the "spiritual Leaders" letter you gave us the link for. A google search will produce several associated websites, articles and links.
Judith trains psychotherapists, coaches, social workers and educators at teaching centers including ESLEN, OMEGA, HOLLYHOCK, and the INSTITUTE OF NOETIC SCIENCES and serves as a consultant/trainer at organizations in the US and Canada.
Both have been featured as keynote "presenters" or speakers at quite a number of "Enlightenment" "sacred" retreats and conferences, including the 2006 Fifth International Conference on Enlightenment.
Take a look at the confirmed keynote speakers list for the 2009
The Eleventh International Conference on Science and Consciousness™
event to be held March 27-April 1.
At the top of the list is Matthew Fox …Jean Houston…Raymond Moody;MD PhD….
Oldmanoftheski , in an earlier comment gave us a heads up to a The Message Company - Home of the International Conferences on Consciousness and Earthworks for Humanities related up-coming event "Return of the Ancestors Gathering"
PS: Thank you Constance for the outstanding articles and research and thanks to everyone else for all the additional eye-opening links …Roma…JD…Setterman…Leana…etc.
Speaking of Javier Solana:
"EU's Solana says "political will" key to solving Israeli-Palestinian conflict"
www.chinaview.cn 2009-02-19 07:09:19
MOST of the names on the "Spiritual Leaders" list are ones I have been tracking since 1981. They appear to consider Barack Obama very essential to their direction, at the very least.
Just in from my correspondents:
"Blueprint for EU army to be agreed
A security blueprint charting a path to a European Union army will be agreed by Euro-MPs on Thursday.
By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels
Last Updated: 7:31PM GMT 18 Feb 2009
The plan, which has influential support in Germany and France, proposes to set up a "Synchronised Armed Forces Europe", or Safe, as a first step towards a true European military force.
The move comes as France, a supporter of an EU army, prepares to rejoin Nato and to take over one of the Alliance's top military posts. General Charles de Gaulle withdrew French forces in 1966.
Geoffrey Van Orden MEP, the Conservative European defence spokesman, warned that British ministers are "in denial".
He said: "They are sleepwalking towards a European army and seem to have little awareness of what is going on."
The EU proposals, drafted by Karl von Wogau, a German MEP, envisage a "dynamic to further development of co-operation between national armed forces so that they become increasingly synchronised - this process [should] be given the name Safe".
There are also plans to create an EU "Council of Defence Ministers" and "a European statute for soldiers within the framework of Safe governing training standards, operational doctrine and freedom of operational action".
Hans-Gert Poettering, the European Parliament's President and close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, has supported Safe as a "link" to the "objective of a European army".
"Safe can broaden the debate on the right steps towards closer synchronisation, bringing in those people who cannot yet conceive of a European army," he said in a recent speech.
President Nicolas Sarkozy's will use a summit marking Nato's 60th birthday celebrations in April to pledge France to the Nato's military command structure.
Mr Van Orden, a former Brigadier-General who served at Nato HQ in the 1990s, is concerned that in the process the Alliance "is going to be skewed to suit the EU".
"A key element of a likely deal is to give France something Britain has never had - one of the top two military posts in Nato," he said.
France is expected to play a key part in shaping Nato's future role by taking the job of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, or Sact, a post traditionally held by a United States Flag or General officer.
"We are giving a nation, which for nearly 50 years has been committed to marginalising Nato and building European structures to exclude the Americans, the job of re-jigging the transatlantic Alliance," said Mr Van Orden.
On Tuesday, Caroline Flint, Britain's Europe Minister, insisted: "Let me be clear - there are no plans for a European army.""
Did Joyce and Dorothy go off together to fight each other? Or was it to collaborate?
Maybe they're both on Javier's staff!
EU Story on combined army is from this source:
Susanna: two weeks ago I addressed a post to you in which I ended it with this:
When I was fifteen years old I asked the head of the high school history department why, when Poland was invaded and divided by Germany and Russia, did England and France only declare war on Germany? He didn’t know. Since then I have read reasons for that, but I have never been comfortable with the politics of convenience. “Can two walk together unless they agree?”
Well, low and behold I read this from J. R. Nyquist this morning, and I thought it a worthy read for an intellectual like you; let me know what you think.
Just wondering...you'll find Joyce still pondering away on the last thread. She's been going head to head with Susanna for a long time now. She's never going to leave. She has a job to do here.
Are the seals of persecution opening? This is the type of rancor being stirred up against Christians in Sri Lanka!
"Dangerous cults: the Assemblies of God and the Leader Newspaper Group
Ajit Randeniya
Since the death of Lasantha Wickramatunga, the Sunday Leader and Morning Leader readers (who are a precious few), are being subjected to an endless barrage of government bashing and other bile that suggest worrying signs of the Group turning into a personality cult: the masthead now includes a photograph of Wickramatunga, with pen in hand, and every edition appears to devote at least 40-50 of space to corny sounding ramblings about his love for his family and staff (admirable though not faultless obviously), and of course, his bravery, promises to avenge his death and demands of a quick arrest.
Clearly Wickramatunga has been a legend amongst his group.
What is worrying is that may be, just may be, the Assemblies of God (AoG), the Pentecostal cult to which Wickramatunga, Sonali Samarainghe and most people at the Leader belong(ed) to, has had a more profound role on the group than people imagined! This degree of devotion and the missionary zeal appears hard to explain on any other grounds.
The AoG is well and truly a 'cult' ,formed in 1914 in Arkansas. It is based on Arminian theology and Pentecostal doctrine that stresses controversial, and sometimes heretical, belief systems including concepts such as speaking in tongues, hands-on faith-healing, slain in the Spirit, and the most un-Christian belief that 'salvation can be lost'.
The men who formed the AoG, and have led it since then, have been described as 'scoundrels who use the sheep for their own gain'. The group includes some of the most dishonourable people ever to have graced the world. They include Billy graham, Morris Cerullo, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Benny Hinn and Karl Strader. These false prophets of our time always aim to attract other cult figures such as Elvis Presley, and political figures such as George Bush (who were both membes of AoG).
Former members of the cult have warned of the dangers of the 'cultish' group behaviour they force the membership to engage in, often involving supporting fellow members of the group, and political causes, through a shared secret behavioural code named 'Blackwhite'. It essentially means that members should be prepared to claim without hesitation that black is white, if required to defend the group from opponents, and when group discipline demands. Rationality or facts to the contrary are considered evil luxuries: AoG says Blackwhite is God's Law.
Other methods of brainwashing is achieved through swearing in New recruits to the dozen or so AoG 'Statement of Fundamental Truths', the Pentecostal doctrines they adhere to. The Statements include common confessions, swearing to that 'the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is without error in every detail'. Attainment of Baptism of the Holy Spirit is manifested by Speaking in Tongues.
The cult nurtures a strong sense of 'fellowship' at informal 'Church services' which provide the opportunity for uninhibited expression of feelings through song, dance and 'tongues'. The members of the cult believe that they can raise the dead, heal the crippled, touch Jesus through cell phones and disturbingly, that non-Christians are the enemy whose defeat they look forward to.
There are more organised and disguised fronts for recruiting and brainwashing: the 'Teen Challenge' division of AoG youth ministries program that focuses on 'troubled youth' is an example. This front, presented as a rehabilitation program for teenage drug addicts, employs coercive tactics to convert troubled young people, and has been dubbed 'kiddie gulag' by the American media. Despite medical and community concerns about the particular drug rehabilitation methods used, Teen Challenge received federal funds under George Bush's 'Faith Based Initiatives' program, demonstrating the level of political influence they are capable of yoelding.
Over the years, the cult has been riddled with numerous scandals involving fraud, sexual misconduct, child sexual abuse, emotional abuse (especially of questioning or dissenting members) and charges of tax evasion. The divisions of AoG that have figured most prominently are the ones in the southern hemisphere, New Zealand and Australia.
The leading newspaper in New Zealand, 'The Herald 'revealed in March 2008 that a series of leading AoG pastors had been deeply implicated in a sex scandal. Wayne Hughes, former General Superintendent and the leading preacher Jim Williams were included among those with a history of abusive sexual activity with teenagers. The charges led to further charges of a 'cover up' by the Assemblies of God (the worldwide movement).
Australian AoGod founder Frank Houston was exposed in 2003 as a pedophile. He was also implicated in fraud relating to group finances. Upon exposure of his sordid affairs, Houston suffered what doctors called 'a bout of hysterical amnesia' and vivid hallucinations, and resigned his post. He died the following year. Publisher Allen & Unwin reneged on a book deal with the 35 year old Australian woman Tanya Levin, a former member of the group, on the 'serious moral failures' Frank Houston had admitted to his son Brian (the current General Superintendent of the group's Hillsong curch in Sydney, Australia) prior to his death. Brian Houston was also exposed for financial misconduct on Australian prime time television, and is currently under investigation for tax offences.
In 2007, a leading member of the Hillsong cult, John Orehek, pleaded guilty to two of the 31 charges of 'fraudulent misappropriation' of funds, including defrauding 200-plus fellow members to the tune of A$20 million, by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
The American holy men of the group have not been behaving any better.
In 1986, Jimmy Swaggart, in an ugly rivalry for TV audience and donations, exposed fellow AoG pastors Marvin Gorman and Jim Bakker on extra-marital affairs and sexual indiscretions. Swaggart cursed that Bakker was a 'cancer in the body of Christ.' As a retaliatory move, Marvin Gorman hired a private detective who managed to photograph Swaggart with a prostitute in a Louisiana motel .(The incident was the subject of an unreleased the 'Texas Motel Medley' by the late rock music legent Frank Zappa)! Upon being busted, Swaggart tearfully confessed on television, 'I have sinned against you, my Lord, and I would ask that your precious blood would wash and cleanse every stain until it is in the seas of God's forgiveness'.
This is the cult that seems to be setting standards at the Leader Group, who are preachjng incessantly on honesty, decency and Human Rights to the Sri Lankan government..
God save Sri Lanka!"
Anonymous (4:12 PM) said...
"Maybe they're both on Javier's staff!"
I can assure you that Dorothy is not on Javier's staff - not sure just whose "staff" Joyce is on though.
I grew up in the Assemblies of God/Pentecostal church. I have always felt close to God when attending that type of church. The one thing I did not agree with is that one could not take communion unless he was alright with God and his neighbors. SO for instance if I had a grudge against my friend at work, I would not be able to take communion until that grudge was settled. My mom NEVER took communion and we always left church during that time. Very Embarrassing. I also had my first crush at that church. I even crocheted the guy a blanket. We were both in highschool. I don't think I saw him after that, which was like 14 years ago and I never ever finished another blanket. HA Ha... Funny Story.
Did Joyce and Dorothy go off together to fight each other? Or was it to collaborate?
Haha - lol - that is funny, but I sincerely hope they learn to politely smile at each other and they remember the Lord God loves them both -
From telegraph.co.uk
Blueprint for EU army to be agreed
A security blueprint charting a path to a European Union army will be agreed by Euro-MPs on Thursday.
By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels
February 18, 2009
The plan, which has influential support in Germany and France, proposes to set up a "Synchronised Armed Forces Europe", or Safe, as a first step towards a true European military force. The move comes as France, a supporter of an EU army, prepares to rejoin Nato and to take over one of the Alliance's top military posts. General Charles de Gaulle withdrew French forces in 1966.
Geoffrey Van Orden MEP, the Conservative European defence spokesman, warned that British ministers are "in denial".
He said: "They are sleepwalking towards a European army and seem to have little awareness of what is going on."
The EU proposals, drafted by Karl von Wogau, a German MEP, envisage a "dynamic to further development of co-operation between national armed forces so that they become increasingly synchronised - this process [should] be given the name Safe".
There are also plans to create an EU "Council of Defence Ministers" and "a European statute for soldiers within the framework of Safe governing training standards, operational doctrine and freedom of operational action".
Hans-Gert Poettering, the European Parliament's President and close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, has supported Safe as a "link" to the "objective of a European army".
"Safe can broaden the debate on the right steps towards closer synchronisation, bringing in those people who cannot yet conceive of a European army," he said in a recent speech.
President Nicolas Sarkozy's will use a summit marking Nato's 60th birthday celebrations in April to pledge France to the Nato's military command structure.
Mr Van Orden, a former Brigadier-General who served at Nato HQ in the 1990s, is concerned that in the process the Alliance "is going to be skewed to suit the EU".
"A key element of a likely deal is to give France something Britain has never had - one of the top two military posts in Nato," he said.
France is expected to play a key part in shaping Nato's future role by taking the job of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, or Sact, a post traditionally held by a United States Flag or General officer.
"We are giving a nation, which for nearly 50 years has been committed to marginalising Nato and building European structures to exclude the Americans, the job of re-jigging the transatlantic Alliance," said Mr Van Orden.
On Tuesday, Caroline Flint, Britain's Europe Minister, insisted: "Let me be clear - there are no plans for a European army."
Doug, in case you missed it, Joyce has been going head to head with Susanna. In the event you've missed the lesson of the day from Joyce, go to the previous thread for your fulfillment.
Dear Setterman,
A very interesting article indeed.
I certainly do not pretend to be an intellectual, but I do have a broad range of interests which includes history.
Reportedly, the reason why Britain declared war on Germany but not on Russia when both invaded Poland is because......
in short, since the defensive pact between Britain, France and Poland said nothing about the Soviet Union, the British and French refused to declare war against them. Read below for more context.
Prior to the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, Poland, Britain and France made a defensive pact against the Germans, stating that if one of them was attacked, the other two would declare war against Germany. It is often stated that Britain and France responded Germany's annexation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 (a violation of the Munich agreement) by "guaranteeing the integrity of the Polish state". This is an incomplete explanation, as the aggreement was for all three states to declare war against Germany (and it only pertained to Germany) if one of those three were attacked by Germany.....read entire article....
I think it was in his book THE GATHERING STORM that Sir Winston Churchill suggested the real cause of World War II was the Versaille Treaty which was more an act of vengeance on the part of the French than it was a peace treaty.
Ergo, I doubt that the Germans or the French would have needed much encouragement from Stalin to hate each other.
However, I would have to agree that Stalin's strategy did involve dividing and conquering on many different fronts.
Texas Representatives Introduce Resolution Asserting Sovereignty Under Tenth Amendment
URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/texas-representatives-introduce-resolution-asserting-sovereignty-under-tenth-amendment/
I was just at a dinner for my 7-year-old cub scout. It was also a ceremony for the older "weebelows" (sp?) crossing over to boy scouts. Had a kind of new age-y feel. Anyone know anything about it?
Joyce is traveling.
Were these your words?
"The AoG is well and truly a 'cult' ,formed in 1914 in Arkansas. It is based on Arminian theology and Pentecostal doctrine that stresses controversial, and sometimes heretical, belief systems including concepts such as speaking in tongues, hands-on faith-healing, slain in the Spirit, and the most un-Christian belief that 'salvation can be lost'."
Just wondering. If so, I am assuming you do not believe in the gifts of the spirit. Please clarify as some of us on this blog do speak in tongues, have experienced hands on faith-healing and have been slain in the spirit as well. Guess we should just go to hell with Javier Solana?
Just sign me,
Cult member
Anonymous 11:46
No, Constance did not write those words...this was an article that she copied into her message, making the point that the persecution of Christians has begun.
Susanna, thanks for the feedback.
There is a new Joyce sermonette on the previous thread. In the midst of her travels she sacrifices for us all.
At Drudge today-
AP Interview: Transportation secretary says taxing how much we drive may replace gasoline tax
Associated Press Writer
7:17 AM EST, February 20, 2009
WASHINGTON (AP) — Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says he wants to consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive rather than how much gasoline they burn — an idea that has angered drivers in some states where it has been proposed.
More ways to keep track of everything...
Also from Drudge-
Experts Warn of 'Terminator'-Style Military-Robot Rebellion
which links to a report which I want to read as I get time (ha ha) but I thought at first glance it looks interesting.
The full link.
What do you know about Arthur Blessit (also known as "the pilgrim with the cross" who travels all over the world)?
I understand he has a movie called, "The Cross" coming out March 27th (two weeks before Good Friday on Easter weekend).
Joyce goes on the road and all the religionists squeal with delight.
Accolades for all!!!
The Templar's, with brick for stone, and slime for mortar, busy themselves to repair the breaches of their tattered shrines.
Built upon sand, a seeming endless toil.
It isn't necessary to turn this blog into an attack and personal diatribe against those who do not hold your perspective.
Dear Shem 1777,
What is a religionist?
A very honest and open discussion is taking place on the previous thread. If you find that offensive, I apologize that you are offended. I'm encouraged, however that the discussion is, for the most part, respectful.
By His Grace,
Anonymous 12:54 P.M., SV 1:31 P.M.
Anonymous - You must be joking?!!? LOL
SV - I don't feel offended. I'm just being honest and open.
Very disconcerting news here,
The news:
The Commission will adopt a Communication on 'disaster risk reduction' in developing countries.
The Commission will set out plans to help developing countries to lessen the impact of natural disasters brought on by the effects of climate change. For example, a better understanding of climate change can help countries to anticipate the risk and effects of floods or tsunamis. To this end, the EU will support research in developing countries, strengthen or set up monitoring stations (e.g. satellite monitoring of weather and climate) and promote the exchange of data. The EU will also help populations in risk-averse countries better prepare themselves by informing them about risks and possible measures to take in the event of a disaster.
The background:
Under the 2005-2015 Hyogo Framework for Action – a UN framework which aims to reduce substantially disaster losses, in lives and in the social, economic, environmental assets of communities and countries – states should work jointly on the issue.
Disasters undermine and jeopardize the achievement of the UN Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). World leaders came together in New York on 25 September 2008 for a high level event convened by the UN Secretary-General and the President of the UN General Assembly to renew commitments to achieving the 8 Millenium Development Goals by 2015 and to set out concrete plans and practical steps for action.
For those who like to follow the money trail.
However, in mid-September 2008 concerns regarding credit risk increased significantly, tensions immediately spread from the United States to the euro area and the money market more or less stopped functioning. At that point, the Eurosystem intensified its actions with a view to allowing solvent banks to carry out their activities. As a result, a number of unprecedented additional steps were taken.
■Thus, in mid-October the ECB took the quite exceptional step of adopting a fixed rate tender procedure with full allotment for all of its weekly main refinancing operations and its longer-term refinancing operations with maturities of up to six months. This will remain in place for as long as is necessary given the situation in the markets.
■It also increased the number and frequency of longer-term refinancing operations, conducting three additional refinancing operations per month – two with a maturity of three months and one with a maturity of six months – and introducing a special-term refinancing operation with a maturity corresponding to the duration of the reserve maintenance period.
■In parallel, the ECB implemented a new series of exceptional measures seeking to temporarily extend the list of assets eligible for use as collateral in Eurosystem credit operations.
■Finally, the ECB increased the US dollar financing provided to its counterparties by conducting fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment and maturities ranging from one week to three months through swap agreements concluded with the US Federal Reserve System.
These measures, which reflect the very significant strengthening of the Eurosystem’s intermediation role during this period of turbulence, have allowed solvent banks continued access to liquidity despite the dysfunctional nature of the money market. They have also helped to alleviate the tensions observed in certain sectors of the money market. For example, the spread between unsecured longer-term EURIBOR rates and the rates on overnight index swaps has declined considerably – although it remains elevated, significantly higher than the levels observed prior to September 2008.
In practice, these measures allow euro area banks to obtain as much euro liquidity as they wish, whether through our weekly operations or our longer-term refinancing operations, using a wide range of assets as collateral. In total, the Eurosystem’s balance sheet rose by about EUR 600 billion since end-June 2007 and today, an increase of about 65%; with the assets reflecting the strong increase in the volume of liquidity provided and the liabilities reflecting banks’ concomitant recourse to the deposit facility. These measures have proved effective in overcoming the liquidity shortage in the interbank market. However, they cannot eliminate the increased concerns regarding credit risk. In this regard, the conditions in the money market have not yet normalised and remain strongly affected by an elevated degree of risk aversion.
The increase in the Eurosystem’s intermediation role has proved necessary in response to the current dysfunctional nature of the money market, but this cannot – and must not – be regarded as anything other than a temporary measure. The Eurosystem wishes, of course, to see a return to interbank lending and traditional intermediation activity by banks. The ECB’s recent decision to return to 200 basis points the corridor formed by the interest rates on the standing facilities either side of the rate on the main refinancing operations aims to stimulate interbank activity. In this respect, we are observing a reduction in banks’ demand for refinancing in our open market operations and a correlated decline in recourse to the deposit facility. In parallel, we are witnessing an increase in the volumes underlying the calculation of the EONIA.
Eurosystem policy framework.
Never have I been more convinced we are watching the downfall of the United States as we know it.
Dodd Says Short-Term Bank Takeovers May Be Necessary
Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd said banks may have to be nationalized for “a short time” to help lenders including Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp. survive the worst economic slump in 75 years.
“I don’t welcome that at all, but I could see how it’s possible it may happen,” Dodd said on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt” to be broadcast later today. “I’m concerned that we may end up having to do that, at least for a short time.”
Citigroup and Bank of America, which received $90 billion in U.S. aid in the past four months, fell as much as 36 percent today on concern they may be nationalized. Citigroup, based in New York, fell as low as $1.61. Bank of America, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, tumbled as low as $2.53.
Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat, also said Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has “an awful lot of leeway” in interpreting the restrictions on executive compensation included in an economic stimulus bill and opposed by the banking industry.
From oldthinker, via World Tribune.
Emerging global elite to use new global media to educate 'global citizens'
Elite members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, recently considered a proposal for a new global television network to usher in a state of “global governance.” The concept strikes some as authoritarian, even totalitarian. But the parent company of Fox News was one of the sponsors of this year's gathering
Federal Water May Be Cut Off From California Farms:
SACRAMENTO - "Federal water managers said Friday that they plan to cut off water, at least temporarily, to thousands of California farms as a result of the deepening drought gripping the state.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation officials said parched reservoirs and patchy rainfall this year were forcing them to completely stop surface water deliveries for at least a two-week period beginning March 1. Authorities said they haven’t had to take such a drastic move for more than 15 years."
...“Water is our life — it’s our jobs and it’s our food,” said Ryan Jacobsen, executive director of the farm bureau in Fresno County. “Without a reliable water supply, Fresno County’s No. 1 employer — agriculture — is at great risk.”
..."As far as job losses? The answer is the majority of losses will be related to farms and farm work, the processing done for all farm commodities, and all those secondary jobs that roll through the valley economy," Howitt said.
"California's sweeping Central Valley grows most of the country's fruits and vegetables in normal years, but this winter thousands of acres turned to dust as the state hurtles into the worst drought in nearly two decades."
California crops
"More than half of the country's vegetables, fruits and nuts are grown in the Golden State."
Only in California:
"Products exclusively grown in the state include almonds, artichokes, dates, figs, kiwifruit, olives, persimmons, pistachios, prunes, raisins, clovers and walnuts."
"Land of dairy
Milk and cream are the top commodities, bringing in at least $3.7 billion a year"
"Nation's salad bowl
While California leads the nation in strawberry production, it also grows a large percentage of other crops."
"And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." Luke 21:11
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?..."
..."Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." Romans 8
A follow up to the Denver Airport comment I made, this demonic mustang standing on sauron's eye ball greet you at the airport.
Has anyone heard of Yogakarta Principles? Council of Europe set to implement Yogakarta Principles.
Have you guys seen that commercial on You Tube that MAITREYA is suppose to show up soon?? Here's the You Tube link to the commercial.
The “Blue Horse” is found in Navaho lore, typically as the mount of choice for the diety, Johano-ai .
There are some interesting photos and comments about that particular DIA Blue Horse sculpture at this web address:
It seems the artist himself was killed by the "blue beast" when a piece of it’s torso fell on him during construction….so apart from it's fierce appearance, there's another reason why so many view it as “demonic”.
Well, one thing leads to another, and on that same website there’s some interesting comments about the Church of Scientology's massive underground vault activity taking place right next door in Wyoming. I haven't taken the time to explore that website any further, just wanted to share the links as they had some additional photos of the horse sculpture.
Control of water is a key strand of the web, (as is food, energy, and all other resources). The same battle over water right/control has been going on just across the border in Oregon for several years. You can still find a few of my old essays/articles in the Klamath Bucket Brigade's archives.
"Return to the Primitive" is here:
Hi Margie,
At the end of the video presentation a link is given:
At this link you will see a picture of someone claiming to be Maitreya who is associated with Benjamin Creme. Creme is reportedly the founder of Share International Foundation. The whole website is quite a read!
Here is more on Creme:
One major aspect of Creme's mission was the formation of Share International Foundation and the publication of it's monthly self-titled magazine. Each issue contains a brief synopsis of the emergence of Maitreya on the first two pages and then a brief message that has been trance-channeled through Benjamin Creme from an Ascended Master known simply as "The Master" on page three. The spiritual thrust of SI is clearly obvious in each issue that is published. Despite this fact, or perhaps because of it, SI has a long list of prominent, well respected international diplomats, religious leaders and political figures who have had articles published in this magazine. They include articles written by former UN leader Boutros Boutros-Ghali; present leader Kofi Annan; former President of Ireland Mary Robinson; Gro Harlem Brundtland who is director-general of the World Health Organization and former Prime Minister of Norway; the Dalai Lama; and recently even Britain's Crown Prince Charles.(7) Even though the average man on the street would most likely dissolve into hysterical laughter upon being presented with the beliefs of Creme and Share International, it is easily shown that this magazine is well-respected and taken seriously by many influential members of the Global Elite. In fact, Share International Foundation is accredited as an official non-governmental organization (NGO) by the United Nations,(8) and the magazine, as stated on the inside cover of each issue, is published by SI "...in association with the Department of Public Information at the United Nations."
Creme and Share International are both intimately connected with a number of New Age groups including the Freemasons (Creme often lectures in Masonic halls), the Tara Canter of Hollywood, CA, the Theosophical Society, the Lucis Trust (which maintains the official UN "meditation room"), and World Goodwill, an organization created by the Lucis Trust and also recognized by the UN as an official NGO. World Goodwill also actively promotes the appearance of "Maitreya the World Teacher" in their literature and on their website. ....read entire article...
Hi Susanna,
Benjamin Creme and Share International have been at it as long as I have been watching their scene. It was because of efforts from those the likes of Mitch Pacwa, Spiritual Counterfeits Project, CRI, and Doug Coe/Paul Temple and company that folks didn't take it as seriously as they ought. I debated Benjamin Creme on radio in 1982. I never bought his London story because he didn't come up with it until 5 days after our WRIF radio debate in Detroit. Up until then, Benjamin Creme thought he was safe from having the New Age Movement and his "Maitreya [Betraya] the Christ" movement linked in the public mind. They clearly were linked but the above entities were dishonest with the public about same.
Please keep refreshing that browser. I am in Lansing Saturday (unless snowstorm is really bad) judging an interstate law school mock trial contest.
Hi Savvy-
Thanks for the heads up. I'm sorry to say this is the first I've heard of The Yogakarta Principles, although they were launched March 26, 2007 in Geneva.
"The Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in Relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity affirm and clarify, for the first time, the range of binding international legal standards to combat discrimination and attacks on people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. EIUC academics played a leading role in the development of the Principles."
I have been uneasy for a very long time watching the way certain aspects of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Millennial Development Goals are being re-interpreted in ways that will have a devastating affect on our right to speak freely when it comes to the areas of sexuality and sexual
orientation - should we hold a religiously based belief that specific sexual behavior is deviant.
After reading the article you linked and doing some additional digging, ALL OF US HAD BETTER WAKE UP to the realities of what the actual implementation of these goals will include. The first link is the Homepage of The YOGYKARTA PRINCIPLES. Check out the "overview" section for a break-down of the the information included in the PDF.
Yogyakarta Principles PDF
Thanks again Savvy -Rudi
I have a theory that people don't fully read -- you may have just proved it. NO, those were NOT my words. They were the words of a SRI LANKA (the country formerly known as Burma) paper calling the ASSEMBLY OF GOD and various Christian leaders A DANGEROUS CULT. I put it up to show how perilously close to the prophesied 5th seal of persecution of the Church we are and how flames of hatred are being fanned against us.
Please read a little more carefully the next time before inciting others to believe those were my views. The context clearly showed they were not.
I don't know a lot about Arthur Blessit -- I think I may have met him once years ago in my trial. I noted with no small degree of interest that Paul N. Temple shared a small amount of money, maybe $1,000 with him while giving huge amounts of money to the Institute of Noetic Sciences and even bigger ones to Doug Coe's "The Fellowship" d/b/a International Foundation.
Regarding spiritual gifts;
Speaking in tongues is in the
Bible. Healing is in the Bible.
Prophesying and other gifts
are in the Bible too, but where
is this "slain in the spirit"
thing ?
Is that something Benny Hinn
came up with ?
Hi Constance,
Re:Benjamin Creme and Share International have been at it as long as I have been watching their scene. It was because of efforts from those the likes of Mitch Pacwa, Spiritual Counterfeits Project, CRI, and Doug Coe/Paul Temple and company that folks didn't take it as seriously as they ought.
The thing I want to explore a little more is the connection between Creme and the Freemasons, and the question as to whether and where there may be a "crossover" to what is referred to by some as the "right wing" of the New Age Movement that seems to have managed to trick out the gnostic "Sophia Perennis" as "Catholic Tradition" and may include people from the schismatic "Sedevacantist" community.
I agree with you that there are Catholic priests who have tended to blow off people who have tried to warn them about the infiltration of the New Age Movement into the Catholic and non-Catholic Christian communions.
In the past, I have been subjected to some obnoxious, patronizing behavior on the part of a couple of priests I have known, and I am a Catholic!!!
While I certainly do not arrogate to myself the right to make guesses as to what truly motivates such priests, I do nevertheless have the right and the duty as a Catholic to defend my faith.
Ergo, I have no intention of letting a few unpleasant "close encounters" intimidate me into discontinuing my investigating of the infiltration of the New Age Movement into the Catholic Church!
And if I can share any reliable data I find with my non-Catholic Christian brethren, so much the better!
Besides, the good and holy priests I know more than make up for the few "hirelings."
If you are going to watch various forums, try watching this one:
There are many interesting discussions over there from an average person's point of view, but this website is worth watching for that reason. This one has to do with the parallels between the French revolution and what is happening now in terms of money.
We are all interested in the money we have saved and what will become of it.
Glenn Beck's War Room show will repeat at 4am Sunday central time. Listen to it on Fox if you are seeing what is happening in this country on a materialistic basis.
History can repeat itself. Be prepared in the event it is happening.
Dear Paul,
By His Grace,
Thanks for the links Rudi.
There was a priest in my previous parish who was into Transcendental meditation. He was confronted several times but did not budge. Last, I heard he left and became a Buddhist. I appreciate the fact that he had the decency to leave, instead of the sleeper cells that seek to destroy us from within.
I believe Sri Lanka used to be Ceylon. Burma is part of, or of the Union of Myanmar.
“There exists in this country a plot to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office I intend to expose this plot!” - JFK
Back! I was off the computer all day yesterday, traveling to East Lansing, Michigan State University College of Law (once upon a time it was Detroit College of Law located in Detroit, Michigan -- my alma mater). The weather was snowing heavily but I was committed for sitting as a main judge for the afternoon rounds of a multistate competition. I,with the assistance of a capable "bailiff" to assist, conducted a mock court session, took the appearances of the "attorneys" (competing law students), read instructions to the jurors (two lawyers sitting in the jury box -- one of whom was a former head of the State Bar of Michigan -- all in good fun). All competitors were brilliant. I'm happy I don't have to be up against these promising about to become attorneys in actual courtroom settings. They are getting much better preparation than my class did). I drove back on icy Michigan roads seeing accidents on the way. By the grace of God I arrived home safely and collapsed for the night without even turning on the computer until this morning.
There was a dinner at Lansing's Raddisson Hotel for the judges last night. I attended. The group was relatively small, but very well informed and congenial. We discussed the economy over dinner. It was a good day for me professionally, but a stressful one in terms of travel. Now, to catch up on this blogspot and my work as a lawyer!
Hi Susanna,
I'm certain you are far ahead of me on the Masonic and Sedavacantist movements. There are Masonic crossovers on Creme (who was definitely tied to the Alice Bailey community - Foster Bailey was an active Mason and as I recall wrote one book aboout the role).
In mhy research and observation, things really become dangerous when we get a teamup of "Free Thinker" (atheists), Masonry, Theosophical interests. So it was in Costa Rica and then Mexico in the 1920s.
To Anonymous 1:28
You are so right and thanks for the correction. Ceylon was the island that became known as Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka (former Ceylon) was where Arthur Clark the New Age activist Sci-Fi writer held forth.
Thanks for the links about the blue horse. It seems even the general populace feel uncomfortable with this thing looming around.
This was a strange article by Alan Stang at News with Views. (I never read any of his articles before.) I have strong doubts about his arguements. Perhaps someone with a better historical insight can comment.-
Mark 666, madrid
Constance, are you familiar with this info?
I am a regular observer here only... but hope that this information will be of some help. Just offering a stepping stone. Thank you Constance (and others)for all you do to inform us.
For starters... I went to find out what "intellectual property" was.
"What are different types of intellectual property?"
Then WIPCO....
I found the following site at the after mention here.
"The Internet of Things/RFID…under “workshops” in box to the left” is this…Interoperability, standardization, governance, and Intellectual Property Rights (1 June)
What a tangled web... I am truly overwhelmed at the magnitude of it all. While we have a responsibility to act and remain alert to what is going on all around us.... when I am overwhelmed by all that is being revealed.... I turn to the comfort of the knowledge of the sovereign reign of my precious Father in heaven.
Again...Continuing to see the connect of intellectual property and the internet of things. I simply googled these two phrases together... and found the connection.
Constance, perhaps you can understand this better than I?
Stepping stone
Hi Constance,
The teamup/crossover is indeed very dangerous, and very, very spooky.
Some of the Sedevacantists appear to be out of the very complicated Ngo Dinh Thuc succession.
Most of them are excommunicated but insist on trying to portray themselves as being Roman Catholics in good standing rather than the schismatics they are.
Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc who was the Archbishop of Hue in Vietnam, was the brother of Ngo Dinh Diem - the first democratically elected President of Vietnam. Diem was assassinated on November 2, 1963 just a little less than three weeks before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Just to give you the lowdown on one of the most notorious examples of Archbishop Thuc's DIRECT illicit Sedevacantist consecrations that led to his FIRST excommunication,
I am posting the following links:
By the way, out of respect for the Apostle St Peter, who is seen by Catholics as the first Pope, no Pope has ever adopted the name Peter II. It is considered unlikely that any future pope would choose the name.
As for the bogus "traditionalism," it was a former member of this cult, Most Rev Dr Michael Cox who, in April 1999, ordained female rock singer Sinéad O'Connor as a priest.
In the late 1990s, O’Connor was controversially ordained into the schismatic Independent Catholic group known as the Palmarian Catholic Church, by Irish Bishop Michael Cox, in disregard of the prohibition on the ordination of women within Roman Catholicism. As a result she became excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. Bishop Cox contacted her to offer ordination following her appearance on the RTÉ’s Late Late Show, during which she told the presenter, Gay Byrne, that had she not been a singer, she would have wished to have been a Catholic priest. After her service of ordination, she indicated that she wished to be called Mother Bernadette Mary.
In 2003 she announced that she was going to leave the music industry and train to be a catechist (teacher of the Catholic religion to school children).
Now if THAT'S not a reason for homeschooling, I don't know what is!
Then there is Bishop Malcolm M. Broussard who was consecrated by alleged Thuc line Bishop Bartholomäus Schneider in Bavaria and is involved with the so-called "Order of St. Charbel" which is operated out of Australia and founded by William Kamm who is also known as "the little pebble" as well as "Pope Peter II the Roman." Kamm was also charged there for having illicit sexual relations with a 14-year-old girl, and as far as I know is still in the slammer.
Some feared that Kamm's apocalyptic view of Roman Catholicism parallelled the
Among the other sedevacantist clergy illicitly consecrated by Archbishop Thuc was Father Guerard des Lauriers whom Archbishop Thuc illicitly consecrated as a bishop in May, 1981.
Guerard des Lauriers, in turn illicitly consecrated Dominican Father Robert McKenna as a bishop.
Bishop Robert McKenna is one of the Sedevacantist bishops who has been closely associated with the late Father Malachi Martin and the late Dr./Father Rama Coomaraswamy who was found by Carrie Tomko to have continued embracing the gnostic "perennial philosophy" while professing to be a Roman Catholic.
Rama Coomaraswamy was illicitly ordained by a Sedevacantist bishop of the Thuc line named José Ramon Lopez-Gaston.
While living in exile after the Second Vatican Council, Archbishop Thuc was a very busy archbishop!
Ceylon - a.k.a. Sri Lanka - was also the birthplace of Ananda Coomaraswamy
maybe this is old news....
but, have you had a chance to take a look at Javier Solana's Youtube Channel?
While reading the latest posts a question came to my mind. I wonder what Constance thinks about the Fully Informed Jury movement. FIJA. I wonder what lawyers are told about it when they are in their schools?
I just came across the following article:
........The church needs to be the prophetic voice that confronts the moral crisis underlying the world’s economic crisis, said global church leaders this past week at a public hearing.
“Capitalism tells us that to be more, we must have more,” said Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, a Roman Catholic priest from Nicaragua, at the event hosted by World Council of Churches on Feb. 19 in observance of the United Nation’s International Year of Reconciliation.
“But where are the prophetic voices of the churches today,” he asked, challenging Christians to “dare to speak out” against ideas that contradict Christian teachings....
Looks good on paper, right folks?
Except for the fact that the article omits a few very important facts about Father Miguel d'Escoto Brockman:
1. Namely that he is one of the principle architects of Liberation theology
2. In 1986, he was suspended "a divinis" on account of his refusal to give up his government post in Nicaragua. That suspension has never been lifted.
Therefore, when articles describe him exclusively in terms of his being a "Roman Catholic" priest, they imply that he is a "priest in good standing with the Church" with the further implication that the Roman Catholic Church officlally approves of his agenda.
I am not prepared to judge whether such an omission was out of ignorance or malice, but I am prepared to set the record straight.
In Nicaragua, D'Escoto's "daring to speak out," involved more than talking. It involved "doing theology from below" activism which included inciting revolutions and/or aiding and abetting those who did while he was still a Catholic priest.
The late Father Malachi Martin may have been wrongly associated with the Sedevacantists, but when it came to his description of the architects of Liberation Theology, he was spot on, and I for one have no intention of throwing the baby out with the bath water:
"... by the early seventies, at least seven years before their grab for power, the Sandinista leaders openly proclaimed their ultimate aim: to create a Marxist society in Nicaragua to serve as the womb from which Marxist revolution throughout Central America would be born. "Revolution throughout the Americas" was the slogan.
From their beginnings as a group, when they were nothing more than rag-tag guerrillas, bank robbers, and hit-and-run terrorists, the Sandinistas understood full well that they had no hope of installing a Marxist regime in 91.6 percent Roman Catholic Nicaragua unless they could enlist - in effect, inhale - the active cooperation of the Catholic clergy, together with suitably altered [Roman Catholic] Church doctrine and [Roman Catholic] Church structure.
Mere passive connivance on the part of the clergy would not be enough. If the Sandinistas wanted the very soul of the people, they knew the road: [Roman] Catholicism was inextricably bound up in the warp and woof of Nicaraguan culture, language, way of thinking, and outlook, and was integral to all the hope of the people. ...
The Nicaraguan people were the first guinea pigs on whom the theory was experimentally tried. And the priests who were charter members in the Sandinista leadership - Jesuit Fernando Cardenal Ernesto Cardenal, Miguel D'Escoto Brockman of the Maryknoll Fathers, Jesuit Alvaro Arguello, Edgar Parrales of the Managua diocese - made the experiment doubly blessed and likely to succeed.
If such men, duly ordained as priests, could successfully get this new "theological" message across - that the Sandinista revolution was really a religious matter sanctioned by legitimate Church spokesmen - they would have both the [Roman] Catholic clergy and the people as allies in a Marxist-style revolution by armed violence.
See my 7:17 post to Rudi on previous thread dated February 5, 2009 and entitled:
Given his shady past as a Sandanista politicking priest, I strongly suspect that d'Escoto and his Liberation Theology "fellow travelers" are once more looking to exploit a cyclical global economic downturn and are currently trying to peddle a "kinder gentler" totalitarianism to the world at large.
Up to now, our economy has been a more or less MODERATE form of Capitalism. The Sherman Antitrust Act was designed to discourage predatory monopolies.
The monopoly that led to the pasage of the Sherman Antitrust Act was the Standard Oil monopoly.
People need to get it through their heads that while Capitalism indeed has its flaws, socialism is about POWER and as Karl Marx said socialism is the process that leads to communism.
Socialism, moreover, is not about "sharing the wealth." It is about "controlling the wealth." And at the end of the day, it is no better than laissez-faire monopolistic Capitalism in so far as the means of production remain concentrated in the hands of an elite few while the plight of the poor remains the same except for those who are willing to sell their consciences ( a.k.a. "wear the mark of the beast") in order to buy or sell.
See: http://www.thicke.org/archives/2005/11/08/drug-dealers-see-mexoco-folk-hero-as-saint/
The Mexican patron saint of drug dealers.
With the butchery,(be-headings etc.), going on there, perhaps this saint cannot see, or hear?
Should be see-mexico, not see-mexoco
this is pretty much on topic:
I just received an email forwarded from a friend regarding the release of a dangerous terrorist from Guantanamo. I checked it out and found it confirmed by Amnesty International, UK (NA)
See: http://amnesty.org.uk/news_details.asp?NewsID=18083
"Tonight, Military Families United has learned from various news sources and informants inside the Pentagon that President Obama will be releasing a dangerous terrorist, Binyam Mohamed, next week. Mohamed is a current detainee at Guantanamo Bay and he will soon be free to rejoin the fight to kill innocent Americans.
Included in his laundry list of terrorists activities are:
* Training at various Al-Qaida training camps, where he specialized in firearms and explosives
* Being taught by senior Al-Qaida leaders how to falsify documents
* Receiving money by Al-Qaida leaders to travel to the United States
* Implementing plans to blow up high-rise apartment buildings in the United States
* Holding meetings with Saif al Adel (a top level al Qaida planner and leader) and Khalid Sheikh Mohammad (Mastermind of 9/11 attacks)
* Attempting to illegally enter the United States on April 4, 2002 but was turned away due to his forged passport
This is no joke and we are stunned by this news. Releasing Mohamed is an unprecedented move by the Obama Administration. This is the first time that a terrorist, who is classified as an “enemy combatant” and known to pose a threat to the security of our country and our allies will be released in American history.
According to the agreement, instead of receiving justice for his terrorist activities, he will be free to rejoin Al-Qaida and continue plotting to kill Americans. His only requirement once being released from Guantanamo Bay is that he voluntarily “check in regularly with police.”
If this is frightening to you, please considering joining our fight once again."
The email suggests:
# Call President Obama and tell him to make our national security his first priority. If we don’t stop him now, he will continue these type of actions. PLEASE CALL PRESIDENT OBAMA RIGHT NOW AT 202-456-1414
# Please send this to every friend and family member you have today. It is incredibly important to grow our grassroots movement and we are relying on you to do it. Ask your friends and family to join our fight by signing up at: www.MilitaryFamiliesUnited.org
I was just about to post the same article.
For those who haven't seen this it gets a little into the Internet of Things and the expected new technological revolution. It also speaks of the need for the old religous dogma's to die off.
To begin, let's take a look at the technological revolution. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, information science and cognitive science (NBIC) are converging to form what has been called the largest leap in technological progress in human history. The Transhumanist movement is eagerly anticipating this revolution. Some foresee the fusion of the human brain with computer circuitry as leading "...to a truly revolutionary upheaval for the human race." [2] Brain-machine interfaces; cloning; genetic engineering of food, plants, and animals; artificial intelligence; nanomaterials; these all stem from the NBIC convergence.
Some countries are currently serving as testing grounds for technologies that are expected to be implemented globally in the near future. For example, South Korea's "U-city" or "ubiquitous city" called New Songdo - hailed as the city of the future - is nearly fully functional. The city is wired from the ground up with RFID sensors and other advanced computing devices to automate traffic, surveillance and e-government. The marketing campaign for the city is heavily focused on consumer convenience aspects of the technology, reminiscent of the sci-fi thriller Minority Report. The U-city model, being tested in New Songdo, is anticipated to be exported world-wide. There is a reason this technology is being tested in South Korea. As the New York Times reports,
"Much of this technology was developed in U.S. research labs, but there are fewer social and regulatory obstacles to implementing them in Korea," said Mr. Townsend [a research director at the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, California], who consulted on Seoul's own U-city plan, known as Digital Media City. "There is an historical expectation of less privacy. Korea is willing to put off the hard questions to take the early lead and set standards." [3]
Some believe that ubiquitous computing technology, also known as the "Internet of Things", is heralding the beginning of a "unified global intelligence." This global intelligence will consist of a vast network of places, things and people that have been given a virtual representation in a computer network. William E. Halal, professor emeritus of science, technology and innovation at George Washington University writes,
"Even with the turmoil that is sure to follow, this will mark the serious beginning of a unified global intelligence, what some have forecast as the emergence of a "global brain" - a fine web of conscious thought directing life on the planet." [4]
The Great Transition
"It will be necessary to replace today's cumbersome social systems, religious dogmas, heated emotions, partisan ideologies, and other commonly outmoded forms of thought and consciousness that now form the major obstacles to progress." -- William E. Halal, Emerging Technologies and the Global Crisis of Maturity
There are several futurists, think tanks and high level government analysts that are both eagerly anticipating and warning that there will be great social conflict during this "great transition". They are nearly uniform in calling for a casting aside of "outmoded forms of thought" to pave the way for a new era. By holding on to "ancient ideas" of government and religion, people are holding back the progress of the great technological revolution and a resulting "planetary civilization". Some have compared the potential impact of this transition to the social and political impact of the Industrial Revolution. This new revolution, however, is on a much grander scale.
Some call it the "Age of Transitions", others the "Global Crisis of Maturity". Zbigniew Brzezinski called it the "Technectronic Era". However it is labeled, it brings with it major change and upheaval to humanity. Fred C. Ikle, author of The Ultimate Threat to Nations: Annihilation from Within, sees a widening gap between the "two souls" of society. One is dedicated to the scientific outlook that has been freed from religious and political bindings, while the other clings to the "stubborn past" of tradition and religion. Ikle sees this expanding gap as a great danger to all governments world-wide. Ikle writes,
"This widening chasm is ominous. It might impair the social cohesion of societies, and of nations, by drawing the human psyche in two directions: to the personal and national identity that resides in acquired beliefs, memories, and traditions of the past; and to the promise of greater wealth and power offered by untrammeled technological progress... In the scientific sphere, we are neither emotionally tied to our cultural and religious heritage, nor pining for a final redemption. But when animated by the world's old soul, we seek to protect our identity by clinging to ancient artifacts from our ancestors and hallowed legends from the distant past."[1]
William E. Halal stated in the March-April 2009 edition of The Futurist that, "Some new form of global order is needed to avert disaster." He continues, "The transition could happen anytime, but it is hard to conceive of a future in which today's systems could survive much beyond 2020, let alone 2030." Halal writes,
"It will be necessary to replace today's cumbersome social systems, religious dogmas, heated emotions, partisan ideologies, and other commonly outmoded forms of thought and consciousness that now form the major obstacles to progress."[2]
YNST 1:34 P.M.
Perhaps this is why Obama's code name from the secret service is Renegade?
London Daily Telegraph Nov 11/08
ren-e-gade, 1: a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another 2: an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior
Alan Keys sober judgment...
Today Drudge carries an article from cnn.com in which Gordon Brown says the world needs a global "NEW DEAL". I'd put the url, but since I am at the library, I cannot copy and paste it. (I don't know why the library system works like this.) Anyway, I am sure someone will post the url.
Hi JD,
I also spent a bit of time reading at the Old Thinker News site
and had watched the video about South Korea's "U-city" or "ubiquitous city".
Today as I was reading your last comment, I was reminded of something.
The latest issue of The Club of Amsterdam Journal has a feature story about futurist Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project. Jacque Fresco, at 93 years of age is still a highly respected and sought after speaker
for many futurist/high technology international events. He is also an internationally known industrial designer, author, lecturer, inventor, and a pioneer in the field of human factors engineering. He and The Venus Project are based in Venus, Florida, U.S.A.
Apparently the U.S. doesn’t have as many regulatory obstacles and privacy concerns
as Mr. Townsend has indicated, at least not to the degree that it is inhibiting our own development
and research for a similar “ubiquitous city” in the U.S.
Most of us have heard of “Zeitgeist the Movie”,
the “documentary” film released in 2007. “Zeitgeist: Addendum”,is the sequel that premiered in Los Angeles on October 2, 2008. Jacque Fresco is featured in the Zeitgeist : Addendum. There is quite an interesting Q&A section where Fresco answers some astounding questions about his envisioned future. He is the promoter of a "resource-based economy" very similar in scope
to the envisioned “Eco/Social/ economic system of the Global Marshall Plan Initiative. -Rudi
The Venus Project:
This You Tube video reminds me of the Jetson's
The Venus Project/ Future by Design:
Q&A, about the Zeitgeist Movement answered directly by Jacque Fresco
Future by Design: The Movie
The Zeitgeist Movement
I solved the mystery of the 666 "mark" at the patent office.
It is a registered trademark for the French company known here in the states as DMC. It is a thread company that makes embroidery thread. They have chosen that particular color of red (by the pantone number) to be designated 666. They number all their embroidery threads with numbers. For example ivory 512. They also coordinate snaps, braids and other things to the number. For example if I am making a shirt and want their embroidery thread, I can also purchase matching snaps, buttons etc. Other companies will then use their registered trademark number to coordinate products with DMC- a well recognized brand.
Hey I knew all that sewing would come in handy one day!
10, avenue Ledru Rollin
F-75579 Paris Cedex 12 (FR)
Ingrid Schlueter has been having some very interesting Maitreya updates the past few days. I was surprised to see how frequently and from which programming sources
these commercials are being run.
Maitreya Commercial Clarification
Feb 23 by Ingrid Schlueter
"I reported last week that the Fox News Channel had carried the ads for Maitreya’s emergence. I spoke this afternoon with the North Hollywood headquarters of Share International and would like to clarify that the 30 second commercials are airing on CNN, MSNBC, the History Channel and the Discovery Channel, not the Fox News Channel. I am sorry about the factual error."
William Halal puts too much confidence in technology making a better world. I thought by now most thinking people are aware of both benefits and dangers of technology.
An example of technology failing is antibiotics. Some bugs have developed antibiotic resistance, so that it can be hair-raising to find a good antibiotic in some cases of severe illness. It was predicted decades ago that bugs would be absolutely wiped from the face of the earth, and that there would be no more bug-caused disease (bacteria, viruses). How far off can one prediction get?
Yet the internet lets us communicate these thoughts such as this one of mine, and so it has also been a blessing.
Superb article from Carl Teichrib at Berit Kjos' site regarding the major players in US government and their associations.
http://tiny.cc/J6Uo8 Or
I couldn't keep my blood pressure down enough to successfully finish Alan Stang's article. Had a very busy weekend and I will have to find quiet times to finish it -- it was VERY STRANGE! Superficial impression -- both anti-Jewish and anti-Arab -- but both are components of anti-Semitism. As Alan Stang interviewed me on his radio program about 20 years ago, I am troubled and disturbed!
Both Arabs and Jews are Semitic peoples.
I tried making preliminary sense of the Madrid Mark materials last night too. That, too, was STRANGE, It could have been intellectual property materials, but given all else that is happening, who knows? I'll study it more deeply later.
I could not find the exact link that anon. posted concerning the Madrid Mark as the link was cut off, but I did go to the World Intellectual property website.
and searched for Madrid Union.
It appears that the coalition of countries that want to participate in registering international trademarks is called the Madrid system and they use the Madrid protocol as the basis for the international law.
You can search there for the countries that are participating.
If there is something specific that the anon. was drawing attention to, please repost with a tiny url.
Looks like to me it is a standard international agreement for the registration of international trademarks.
For what it is worth, here is the wikipedia entry:
"Robert W. Moffat, Jr. is senior vice president and group executive, IBM Systems and Technology Group. Named to this position in July 2008, Mr. Moffat is responsible for all IBM hardware offerings as well as the microelectronics division, which translates IBM research and development into semiconductor solutions for IBM systems and OEM clients. In addition, the company’s integrated supply chain operations, which include global manufacturing, procurement and customer fulfillment, report to him.
Mr. Moffat was senior vice president, Integrated Operations. In this cross-functional role created in July 2005, he led an initiative to transform and integrate the company’s supply chain and service delivery operations globally, leveraging new business process designs and advanced technology to achieve greater levels of efficiency while improving IBM's market responsiveness.
Prior to that, Mr. Moffat was senior vice president and group executive of IBM's Personal and Printing Systems Group, where he was responsible for worldwide sales, development, manufacturing and marketing of Personal Computers, Printing Systems and Retail Store Solutions. Before that, he was vice president, finance and planning for the Enterprise Systems Group.
Mr. Moffat has held a number of executive positions at IBM, including general manager of manufacturing, fulfillment and procurement initiatives for the PC business. He led the team that pioneered the Advanced Fulfillment Initiative, and channel collaboration initiatives, which were awarded the 1999 Franz Edelman Award, the highest recognition for achievement in operational research and management sciences, and supply chain management.
His other positions at IBM, since joining in 1978, included assistant general manager, finance, planning, and business support for the IBM PC Company in Europe, and vice president of finance and planning.
Mr. Moffat is a member of the IBM Performance Team and the IBM Corporate Operations Team. He serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for The Manufacturing Institute, an educational and research affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers. He is also a non-voting observer on the Board of Directors of Lenovo Group Limited.
Mr. Moffat is a graduate of Union College in Schenectady, New York, with a B.S. degree in Economics. He also holds an MBA in Management Information Systems from Iona College in New Rochelle, New York.
Constance has not authorized this request for donations to Micro Effect towards her radio program; My Perspective. We want to help Constance stay on the air. MAKE YOUR DONATIONS TO MICRO EFFECT, JOE MCNEIL AT P.O. BOX 164, KAMIAH, ID 83536 Let Joe know in a note either by email at the station or by snail mail with your donation, you are donating to My Perspective Radio program with Constance. Any donation would be appreciated.
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