As the connections between the New Age Movement and the Prayer Breakfast Network of Douglas Coe and Paul Temple have become more transparent in the past year, I have re-examined some of my own back work for clues.
You may download this file, Vol. 3, No. 1 - 1988.pdf by clicking on the small down arrow on the link. You may also access it by clicking on "Presentations" link at the right. Relevant text includes
Who's Who in the Soviet American Dialogues?
Executive and Advisory Council:
Rama J. Vernon, Director; Linda L. Johnson,Assistant Director; Beatrice R. Culver, M.A., Administrator; Phyllis M. Grimes, Secretary; Edwin R. Johnson, Director of U.S. & Soviet Affairs Barbara Marx Hubbard, Co-Director, Soviet American Network; Fr. Luis M. Dolan, Director of UN & International Affairs; Willis M. Harmon, Ph.D., International Relations Consultant; Msgr. Thomas Hartman: Director of Radio and T.V.John Ariel Murphy, Video Productions; William F. Vendley, D.O., Director, Exchange Programs, Mos.; Chuck Alton, President of U.S. Radio, Inc. Roscius N. Doan, MN. D., US-USSR Peace Park Program; Howard Frazier, Exec Director, Promoting Enduring Peace; Robert Fuller, International Relations Consultant; Clinton C. Gardner, Pres., US-USSR, Bridges for Peace; James A. Garrison, Ph.D., Director, Soviet-American Exchange, Esalen; Captain John Joseph Gregory, RMS Queen Mary; Jack J. Holland, Ph.D., Institute Human Growth & Awareness; Norie Huddle, Director, Center for New National Security; William Mandel, Sovietologist, Broadcaster, Author; Sig Paulson, INTA Congress Co-Chairperson; Ruth Robertson, Research Consultant; Abdul Aziz Said, Professor International Relations, American University; Rev. Swami Satchidananda, Integral Yoga Institute; Patricia Sun, Institute of Communication for Understanding Sharon Tennison, Director, Center for US/USSR Initiatives; David A. Thompson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Stanford University; William W. Whitson, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board, Center Links Information Services.
"Reference Materials Used by the Soviet-American Process
Barbara Marx Hubbard
- Manual for Co-Creators of the Quantum Leap.
- The Book of Co-Creation
- TheActs and the Epistles
- The Promise Will be Kept
- The Revelation -- Alternative to Armageddon
- Instructions to the Transition Team
Barbara Marx Hubbard's "Transition Team"appears to be amalgamation of old time left·leaning WILFP type volunteers and self-conscious New Agers such as those affiliatedwith Global Family. They are all, however, being indoctrinated in heavy-duty New Age spiritualities. Moreover, the "spiritualities" they are being taught to accept as a necessary part of the "transition process" are identical in tenor to the materials disseminated by Lucis Trust. They even sound much like claimed transmissions to Benjamin Creme from "Lord Maltreya" himself. Barbara explains that the impetus for her writing came from a 1980 experience with a "Christ presence." "In February 1980 I [Barbara Marx Hubbard] had a profound experience with a Christ Presence. I was In Santa Barbara writing a book. I had a writer's block. One day, I surrendered, and took a drive through the magnificent mountains. As I was driving Isaw a little sign that said 'Mount Calvary Monastery.' "Suddenly Light enveloped me. I swerved off the road and said to my sister, 'We are going to Mount Calvary.' I felt I had been there before.... The image of metamorphosis penetrated my consciousness. The Light Presence returned .. ,"The voice speaking to Barbara Marx Hubbard claimed to be one and the same as the crucified and resurrected Christ." My resurrection was real. It was a signal of all of yours. Why do you suppose I submitted to the calumny of Calvary but to demonstrate the the physical body can be and must be transformed." The voice claims It is 'Christ'. . . . [The] Voice has Alice Balley message. On pages 588-589 of The Externalisation of the Hierarchy Alice Bailey gave a seven-point program for propagandising the world to accept a new "Christ." A primary tenet was to be "connectedness." Barbara Marx Hubbard's voice has the same aims: "The resurrection was an early-attraction signal to the human race of what can be done, through love of each person, as a member of one's own body ... The intensity of that love, the power of that connectedness, is the key to the resurrection-- now known as the transformation."
Now, fascinatingly, and perhaps because it was known that we were watching closely, Fellowshiup Foundation / Institute of Noetic Sciences insider and bankroller, Paul N. Temple was not mentioned in Hubbard's literature contemporaneous with the "Soviet American Dialogue Process. However, we now know that he played a major role in the Soviet-American Dialogue Process as well. Reading from Barbara Marx Hubbard's 1989 autobiographical book,
THE HUNGER OF EVE, we read on page 225:
"Paul Temple, president of Energy Capital and chairman of the board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences was the Master of Ceremonies. He asked the Soviets to stand up and be recognized . . . They stood, those sophisticated Communists . . . The clapping became louder and louder and suddenly the Americans were standing applauding thunderously . . . It went on for what seemed like an eternity, maybe ten or fifteen minutes . . . Paul [Temple] stood there smiling . . . "
another internet site with a different, but interesting perspective on the whole scene which it describes as "The Aviary."
As all of these New Age / Apostate Christian fronts more or less harmonically converge, I am not surprised. I have viewed it as a continuum since first discovering it in 1981. They have had their setbacks, not only a few related to their discovery and exposure. How much longer the Lord will hold it back, I do not know. This much I do know. If God is ready, we'd better be!