Thirteen years ago, early Wednesday morning, November 22, 1995, I made my first on line acquaintance of Javier Solana. I had retired for the night, needing to be in Wayne County Circuit Court at 8:30 a.m. before an on-time judge. At 3 a.m. I suddenly awoke -- finding myself completely awake. I needed every second of sleep I could get. I'm not above a sleeping pill, if that's what it takes to sleep; however, I knew that if I took a sleeping pill at that hour of the morning, I would not be in shape to rise at 6:30 a.m. and drive safely to court and argue coherently on behalf of my client for that day. I tried my back up remedy of going to my husband's reclining chair with the most boring book I could find. Five to ten minutes of such reading would usually enable me to go back to bed with very heavy eyes and sleep soundly until morning. I read for an hour and found myself wider awake than ever. I finally thought that if I could not sleep and reading didn't help, I might as well go check my email. I literally stormed to the basement computers and logged on to the 1995 dial up America On Line (AOL) connection. Up popped breaking news about a huge Israel epicentered earthquake -- Eilat. The quake it was reported was 7.2 and had caused massive damage. Clicking for the main story, I saw a side headline:
Of course that interested me -- particularly given the recent popularity of the "Left Behind" books. I linked to that story and would read that a man named Javier Solana had negotiated and signed on November 20, 1995 (only two days before the earthquake) acting under "a full power of attorney" from the European Union "and the 10 nation 'Western European Union' (a military federation)." Recalling the prophecy that someday some 10 kings would hand one man their power, I went to myself on seeing the name "Javier Solana," "WHO IS THIS GUY?"
When I started my research on the New Age Movement in 1981, I was to read that one of the New Age boasts was that one day they would have all books, etc. on Compact Disks that would be computer searchable and readable without having to read word for word to find what one was searching for. I quipped to husband, Barry, "Ha! That's one of their better ideas. I'll get the first collection -- that way I can keep up with them and clean house at the same time." I must confess that come 1995 I had a serious collection -- some of which included news archives. Grabbing one such disk, I read that Javier Solana had sent Spanish warships against Canada in what had been a near shooting war at sea only six months earlier, March 1995. While I was looking at that, AOL flashed up a new story at me -- this one about the upcoming Barcelona Conference -- "a political earthquake coming in the wake of the physical one." I was to read in the summary that there were three major items on the Barcelona agenda: "battle religious fundamentalism -- worldwide; favorable trading terms for the region leading to a Mediterranean Free Trade Zone by the year 2010; and get the USA out of the Mediterranean and/or greatly reduce their presence there.
I would further read in those unwanted wee waking hours that the USA had requested participant status and "had been granted observer status only" by Dr. Solana. Thanks to knowing how to use the internet with relative proficiency, I too had observer status -- the poor man's way -- pulling down available online documents, press releases, and press coverage.
That was thirteen years ago to this very day! The rest is history. Thirteen years to the day after Solana signed the Treaty with Israel, two days before I discovered him, he played a major, if not "the major" role in unveiling the "Managing Global Insecurity Plan of Action."
Interestingly, Solana was introduced at Thursday's event by Carlos Pascual who described Solana this way:
"And then Javier Solana, the European Union's High Representative for Common, Foreign and Security Policy. Javier is, I think a personal incarnation of the world's most effective institution of global governance, namely himself."
It's been a most fascinating 13 years. Stay tuned!
And 45 years ago today, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Maybe the only "connection" is that 45 years ago today, America lost its innocence . . . and 13 years ago today, America was headed in an even darker direction.
That it was the same date as the 32 year earlier Kennedy Assassination was not lost on me that night -- one of many ironies!
Did you get to the court on time?
It looks like Solana is certainly courting Obama to get in line with the rest of the world, especially in regards with Iran.
And it looks like Solana is a great fan of Hillary Clinton and thinks she would be a great secretary of state.
Solana is also very close to Condoleeza Rice.
Constance, you have led a very exciting life, warrior woman!
Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis also died on the day JFK was shot, CNN reported tonight. Two very different men, but both seeking God.
May God protect you and all of us as we move into this most "interesting of times".
Yes, I did get to court on time and was successful then as well! Lord was merciful to me (and my client) that day.
Dear Mariel,
Aldous Huxley was unfortunately very entranced by New Age spiritualities and was a close friend of Krishnamurti who aspired (and was groomed) to be Maitreya.
The MGI Action Plan, the Brookings Institution transcripts bear close reading.
This is off subject but important I think. There was a young man who committed suicide on internet reported yesterday as his friends looked on. This is a horrible tragic thing of course, but what followed today was calls from his father for internet regulation.
I don't think regulating the internet would have helped this troubled young man, and there are certain many questions raised about the people who looked on without doing anything...but I couldn't help wondering how this tragedy might be used as an excuse to monitor and regulate the internet. Had someone take his threats seriously, the internet could have been a help in this case. The problem is not the medium, the fact that they ignored him.
I think the real problem, as Yeshua said is this:
Matt. 24:12 “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.
Over at African Press, in the comments section, someone started their comment with:
"Sorry, I had to step away from the computer, its Hubby’s birthday and he was holloring for this birthday cake…"
Most days I can identify with that woman! I gotta get another life!
I have just quickly skimmed through the MGI Brookings Institute Transcript as you suggested is worth reading Constance. I must say that Solana says a lot of wordy comments with not much actual substance but does put in the occasional underlying subtle statement of intention! Methinks there lies (or sits!) a very dangerous man!!!
"Javier is, I think a personal incarnation of the world's most effective institution of global governance, namely himself."
What does it mean that Solana is the" personal incarnation?" What is the "most effective institution of global governance?" Is "namely himself" a redundant reflexive pronoun or does it have a deeper Luciferian meaning?
Can some one explain? Thanks
Dear Dorothy,
LOL! (^8
The transcript:
This one jumped right off the page. I haven't finished reading the transcript yet...YIKES!
Mr. Pascual's opening address -speaking about the panelists- note this comment and **term** made about -Javier Solana- "And then Javier Solana, the European Union’s High Representative for Common, Foreign, and Security Policy. Javier is I think a **personal incarnation of the world’s most effective institution of global governance, namely himself."
Sorry, JunkerJer...I missed your comment.
I have an idea of what it means....hmmmm...if we picked up on that one can you imagine how they are interpreting it? Whoa! Getting bold aren't they. ; (
Mark 3:22-26
In the previous thread, I shared my appreciation for all of the contributors here. I want to take a moment to thank a few of you specifically, however, because you put your name, your time, and your diligence into getting out important information and refuting disinformation.
So, I thank you Constance, Dorothy, Rudi, Carrie, Susanna, Dawn, Deanie, and so many others who spend so much time and energy each day of the week.
I'm a true "newbie" at all of this info. I've been aware of much over the years, but I would never understand how it fits together if it wasn't for you all.
Please forgive me if I ever sound foolish or arrogant when I post anything. I will always respect you all for your major contributions here.
Since it is the season of Thanksgiving, I just wanted to take a moment and express my sincere thanks to you all. You deserve so much more than just thanks.
In His Love,
Posted on the Drudge Report today:
Obama skips church, heads to gym
President-elect Barack Obama has yet to attend church services since winning the White House earlier this month, a departure from the example of his two immediate predecessors.
On the three Sundays since his election, Obama has instead used his free time to get in workouts at a Chicago gym.
Posted at Fulfilled Prophecy
Bush Hands Over Reins of U.S. Economy to EU
yes, Constance, I knew Aldous Huxley was a New Ager. I used to "teach" some of his writings in college, as examples of writing ("Along the Road"), and in literature classes as examples of utopian fiction. His classic "Brave New World" is not just a fantasy, it is a prescient indictment of modern life...a life where many people would take drugs daily (Cialis now can be taken daily)to have sex as the main entertainment in their lives. A drug for every action in life, every mood.
Yes, Huxley was not known as a Christian but he was looking for that which was good. I hope he found it in his LSD-aided dying; God can attend events like that.
From MarketWatch (11/20/08):
VeriChip Corporation Selected by Microsoft to Offer Personal Health Record through Microsoft HealthVault
VeriChip Corporation, a provider of radio frequency identification (RFID) systems for healthcare and patient-related needs, today announced that its personal health record used in conjunction with its VeriMed Health Link system will be accessible through Microsoft(R) HealthVault(TM), an online platform designed to put consumers in control of their health information. Through this agreement, Health Link members will have the ability to open free HealthVault accounts and input, store, view and interact with their health data. Further, the data within Health Link members’ existing accounts will be directly accessible through their HealthVault accounts.
Scott R. Silverman, Chairman of the Company, said, “VeriChip’s strategic alliance with Microsoft provides additional benefits to our members by enabling them to seamlessly store all of their personal health records on HealthVault’s robust, security-enhanced website. Furthermore, as an approved HeathVault solution provider, this agreement gives us added visibility among HealthVault’s member base. For those who have chosen our tamper-proof, safe, ‘always on’ link to their personal health information, we believe this relationship with Microsoft is a logical expansion of our service.”
Dear SV,
Thank you for your kind words and for your participation here on this blog.
Pax vobiscum!( a Catholic way of saying "Peace be with you!")
Your name is written on my heart and I will pray for you....and hope you will pray for me.
Hi SV,
Ditto to what Susanna said. It was so kind of you to write what you did.
I also so appreciate your contributions, as well as those others you mentioned and the many named and un-named wonderful people who share their thoughts and information with all of us. -Rudi
Dear SV
Happy Thanksgiving week to you too and I, in turn, deeply enjoy and respect your cogent and relevant input on this forum!
Re: Bush Hands over economy to EU
Assertion: The woman is now riding the beast.
Babylon the Great= UN (NYC/USA)
The beast=EU
As JFK said in his inaugural speech (1961), "The woman riding the back of tiger usually ends up inside"
Was he making reference to something?
To Anonymous 10:37
If the Dick Morris article is true and relevant (and it appears to be), then G. W. Bush handed power over to Solana and underlings. Solana runs the Council of Ministers of the EU as well as all of the WEU. The Council of Ministers is where true EU power is vested -- NOT the Commission nor the Parliament which are advisory in function.
Poor Barack Obama -- not even sworn into office yet and already receiving marching orders from Javier Solana! Check this:
"EU's Solana says Obama team must engage Iran more
"WASHINGTON, Nov 21 (Reuters) European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana, who leads nuclear negotiations with Iran on behalf of major powers, said today he hoped an Obama administration would be more engaged in the talks.
Democratic President-elect Barack Obama has made clear he plans a new approach to dealing with Iran and its nuclear program, including direct talks if needed, a break from the Republican Bush administration's usual isolation strategy.
Solana has been the main emissary for the six powers dealing with Iran's nuclear program. They are the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- France, Britain, Russia, China and the United States -- and Germany.
''We would like very much to see the United States more engaged,'' Solana told reporters in Washington when asked what he hoped from the incoming administration's Iran policy.
Solana said he also hoped the new administration would have a strong early focus on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and on climate change and other key trans-Atlantic issues.
The Bush administration broke from its usual total isolation policy of Iran in July and sent senior diplomat Bill Burns to join nuclear talks with Iran. But Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made clear this was a one-off decision.
Solana said he hoped the United States would in the future take part ''fully'' in the so-called P5+1 efforts to get Iran to curb its nuclear program, which the West says is aimed at building a nuclear bomb and Tehran says is for generating electricity.
''I think it is important that the administration gets engaged. I think it should be in this format (P5+1), but it does not prevent bilateral contacts from taking place'' between Iranian and US officials, Solana said.
TALK TO AHMADINEJAD? Another senior European diplomat, who asked not to be named, suggested there should be no high-level contacts between the United States and Iran until after the election next year as this could give a boost to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
''As there is a presidential election in June 2009, it would be paradoxical to give Ahmadinejad a victory,'' he said.
''There are some who think they (the Americans and the Iranians) should negotiate immediately ... we would prefer the more prudent approach,'' said the diplomat.
The diplomat did not believe Tehran's leaders had made a decision over talks with the United States but Solana said from his meetings with the Iranians he believed they wanted to engage Washington.
Solana cited the example of Burns' meeting in July and also a month earlier when Rice for the first time signed a letter that accompanied an offer to Iran of trade and other incentives if it gave up sensitive nuclear work.
''It was the first time that had happened and it was an important element for them,'' he said of Rice signing the letter.
The top EU diplomat said he had no plans in the near future to have talks with the Iranians but one of his deputies might meet with his counterpart later this month.
''It will not be a big event. Thereafter we will see how things evolve,'' Solana said.
Good morning,
Can anyone help me remember
where I was recently reading
that one of Obama's social
programs involve people
actually being paid to go
out and instigate trouble in
in the ranks of Christians ?
Can you imagine being a
paid agitator?
I feel so good today. Jesus
has, for the umpteeth time,
given me the peace that passes
all understanding.
"He has prepared a place for me
in the presence of my enemies"
The Solana-Obama connection
is clear. And Obama already
feels it's not necessary to keep
up the appearance of being a
follower of Jesus. They figure
we've passed that "tipping point"
The whole earth groans.
Your comments really touched me. Let me tell you that you are appreciated as well.
Dorothy has said so many times that not one person can research all of this stuff. She is right. We all need to depend on each other and all contribute.
We need to consecrate on the important and not fight about nickel and dime things.
I think this is Solana's way of further influencing of US without all that nasty US media coverage. Instead it all reflects on Obama.
I saw an article that said something about a telephone call between Biden and Solana.
We may be the frog being put in the water. Several are going to wake up only to discover we have already been boiled.
Thank-you so much for your comment to me under the Sarah Leslie thread. I responded to you there.
To Joyce, OldManoftheSki, Bjorn, Rudi, SV, Sarah, JD, Dawn, Deannie, Mary and many of the other terrific people here on this blog whose names I may have missed- please come and visit me now and then on my new blog "Shifting Sand", formerly called the Obama Nation.
The info and insight here is tremendous, but doesn't come without a cost to some of us. So, at this point in time, I need to say good bye. Please keep me in your prayers, as I'll do for you.
Love in Jesus,
Maryanne/Young Grasshopper
I haven't seen this here, so forgive me if I missed it. Its from NY Times and is the official 6 page press release from the summit. There is ton of filler, but overall is well worth the read as the language indeed seems to imply we are heading ever more towards global governance.
And lets not forget the contributions from Bjorn, Rich of Medford, Oldman, YG, Holly, David Butterfield, Mac, Paul & Setterman.
I know lots of people who are very appreciative of the research and general personality this site offers. SV said it well and I concur to "express sincere thanks to you all."
Finding time to just read this is a great achievement yet alone to research, pull out the nuggets, communicate them simply and then compile the data for later retrieval is full time stuff.
My concern watcher's is that YOU PRAY re: the things you know and have uncovered; for the responsibility is more than intellectual assent or trumpeting the news. We are all responsible for the light we have been given.
Thank you Constance.
All glory honor and praise be unto HIM,
Blessed Thanksgiving to all,
YG-sometimes I think we're on the same page. Definitely will cruise your new blog may God bless it.
To YG and Paul:
Nice "detective work" - YG, but neither of us "anonymous" posters uses italics.
YG, I noticed that you didn't mention Dorothy, Constance, or Susanna when you were saying good-bye to all of the "terrific people" on this blog. Any reason?
I am surprised that one of you didn't try to accuse the lovely Susanna (another devout Catholic) of being one of your "agitators."
You are both revealing so much -- both paranoia and narcissism -- when you decide to toss both reason and LOGIC right out the window and play the "victim" card.
And now, Paul (on the most recent thread) you seem to not-so-subtly be "hinting" that we are "paid agitators"? WOW, just how desperate can you get, Paul? (Well, I just want to know one thing -- where are all of my pay checks? LOL)
Let's see exactly WHO are the true "victims" here? Well certainly not either of you - YG and Paul - that's for sure!!!
When Catholics are willing to stand up and defend their Catholic faith and are called "vicious" for their efforts . . . and also try to defend and reason with someone who has been falsely accused . . . then there is something very disturbing happening here and it's not with US, that's for sure!!!
It's time for US to now step up to the plate as Catholic Christians and TURN THE OTHER CHEEK - since trying to "reason" with either one of you two is both pointless and hopeless!!!
(Also posted on the 11/18 thread)
You folks are ALL a wonderful discovery of my own, only a few short weeks ago.
Thank you so much for your insight, wisdom, and the immense time you devote, to helping those of us with less foundation in these waters to understand what is transpiring, and to pass it on to others.
My prayers are that our Lord watch over and bless you all in all your circumstances, as only He can.
Dear Maryanne,
To paraphrase an old pop song from the 1970s': "Don't leave us this way. . .."
I'll be over at your new blogspot.
"John the Baptist" to Javier Solana? What did they do? Fire Benjamin Creme?!?
Hi All,
Here is just a little reminder of other elements of our sovereignty being eroded:
‘Narcissistic Sovereignty’ Has Kept
U.S. from Ratifying U.N.
Treaty on Children’s Rights
There is no new information. It's just striking to see proponents so openly unconcerned about our national sovereignty (especially over rights of children - who have it made in the US).
It reminded me of Senator Obama claiming the Republicans had made a virtue out of selfishness by opposing higher taxes. Talk about twisting things.
Maryanne and SV thanks for the compliments.
From CNBC (11/23/08)
All US Financials Will be Nationalized in a Year
It’s not preferable, but all major U.S. financial companies will eventually be under government control because the alternative is so much worse, Hugh Hendry, chief investment officer at hedge fund Eclectica Asset Management, said Friday.
"All financials will be owned by the U.S. government in a year," Hendry said. "I bet you."
Nationalizations take dramatic losses from the private sector and places them on the larger balance sheet of the public sector, he said.
"It’s not good," but society is vulnerable and society is going to have to intervene, Hendry said.
Australia's PM defends Asia-Pacific Union plan
Kevin Rudd flagged his grand plan for an EU-style union in the Pacific in June. Back then he said there was a need for such an organisation embracing political, security and economic challenges as, he argued, no current forum addressed all three issues.
I.O.U.S.A. - The Movie
My apologies if this topic has been mentioned previously.
The BBC aired a documentary tonight in the UK called 'An American Time Bomb'. "An American Time Bomb is an updated and edited version of the 2008 Oscar nominated documentary I.O.U.S.A."
AND ...
The documentary refers to the US Fiscal Wake Up Tour which is a coalition of groups. It's, "key players are ... The Concord Coalition, Brookings Institution, The Heritage Foundation and David Walker."
The BBC documentary certainly paints a gloomy picture of the US economy. Does anyone have any thoughts on this and/or how it might fit in with global events and/or conceptions of the USA?
If it's a red herring could somebody please be kind enough to let me know - many thanks.
I have fresh worries now about Hillary as Secretary of State. I found an internet 1995 article dated two weeks before I discovered Solana. He was warning the USA against "monopolizing Bosnia." Less than six months earlier, he had sent 3 Spanish warships against Canada in what had almost been a shooting war between Spain and Canada at high sea. Despite those provocations, that clearly "former" Marxist who had been on the USA's own subversive list for years was backed by the Clinton administration to head NATO -- when only two days earlier he had chaired a conference totally controlled by him with one aim of getting the USA out of the Mediterranean. I realize Hillary then was first lady -- but I suspect the family is all sympatico with Solana as clearly Joe Biden, Richard lugar, and Sam Nunn are.
Solana on the shooting of the convoy carrying Polish president Kaczynski and Georgian leader Saakashvili, in which he stops just short of blaming the Russians. Something tells me we have yet to see the end of bloodshed in the region.
Hi All,
I'll add some of Paul's wisdom to the comments here:
Eph. 5:15-17 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
I think keeping our eyes fixed on Yeshua, the author and redeemer of our faith helps or we might become overwhelmed by the things going on around us.
We should not be shocked or surprised at what's going on around us in our day, but we should remember our redemption draws near ..
In some of the last the words of Moses to all Israel:
Deut. 31:6 “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.”
He will never leave us or forsake us...
Dear Constance,
This may be off topic but I wanted to be sure you saw my reply to your comment.
What a privilege it must have been to be able to discuss the New Age Movement with the late Father Vincent Miceli, S.J.
It is my understanding that for all intents and purposes, Father Miceli was "exiled" to Rome on account of his orthodoxy and his faithfulness.
For that matter, Mother Angelica, who hosted programs on which Father Miceli (and you) appeared as her guests, took a few hits for her orthodoxy and faithfulness from clerics like former Archbishop Rembart Weakland of Milwaukee, Wisconsn. Need I say more???
As for the late Father Malachi Martin, I have mentioned before that I have read every one of his books and while I don't necessarily agree with every jot and tittle of what he said, (I don't have to as a condition for gratefully admiring his work) I have gained many valuable insights from them - especially from his book THE JESUITS.
Have you ever read Father Martin's book HOSTAGE TO THE DEVIL in which Father Martin claims to be describing five authentic cases of demonic possession?
Each case of possession described in Father Martin's book is said to embody a particular facet of evil that was already beginning to make significant encroachments into our modern culture.
At least one case of possession is directly the result of involvement in New Age meditation techniques.
This video is of Peter Schiff on Bloomberg on 11/21/08. You should also check out Youtube for other videos of him, particularly one that is called "Peter Schiff is Right". Someone linked to it here on a previous thread.
On another note, just in case you haven't seen this:
"US taps online youth groups to fight crime, terrorism"
I thought it was particularly disturbing after the creepy youth videos and internet activist intimidation used by Senator Obama's campaign.
"The idea is put all these people together, share best practices, produce a manual that will be accessible online and in print to any group that wants to build a youth empowerment organization to push back against violence and oppression around the world," he told reporters."
And finally, you've probably all seen this but....
How Obama got elected website has a GREAT video and makesure you follow up and check out the Zogby poll.
That's enough. Cheers.
"Policing of Stoke fans raises serious concerns
19th November 2008
Frightening new police powers have emerged following the shocking treatment of Stoke City fans prior to their team’s away fixture with Manchester United last Saturday, November 15, 2008..."
"...Each [football] supporter was then issued with a Section 27 from the Violent Crime Reduction Act of 2006. This allows police to move someone from a specified area for a period of up to 48 hours. You do not actually have to have committed any offence for the act to be enforced. Section 27 gives police the powers to move anybody, from any place, at anytime, if they think there’s a possibility an alcohol related offence may be committed."
Reminds me more and more of the movie "The Minority Report":
pre-crime policing.
Link here-
Deanie and All,
Here is an interesting article from Lifesite News:
A leading Russian political analyst has said the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the country is heading for collapse, and will divide into separate parts.
Professor Igor Panarin said in an interview with the respected daily IZVESTIA published on Monday: "The dollar is not secured by anything. The country's foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse."
For more on this article, click on www.drudgereport.com
LA GUAIRA, Venezuela – Russian warships arrived off Venezuela's coast Tuesday in a show of strength aimed at the United States as Moscow seeks to expand its influence in Latin America.
The deployment is the first of its kind in the Caribbean since the Cold War and was timed to coincide with President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to Caracas — the first ever by a Russian president.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has eagerly welcomed the Russian ships for joint exercises with his navy, basking in the support of a powerful ally that has sold him billions of dollars in arms and has seen its own chill in relations with Washington....read more....
CBS News: New Russian President Seems To Be Reviving Adversarial Relations With The U.S.
MOSCOW, Nov. 24, 2008
CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuela's growing opposition and President Hugo Chavez's left-wing party shared the spoils from weekend elections as they jostled for political momentum in the OPEC nation on Monday.
The multi-party opposition eroded Chavez's dominance of regional politics, winning six top posts that govern over almost half of the population, although his Socialist Party took a clear majority of state races.
The results make more challenging Chavez's goal of changing the law to run for reelection in 2012. The opposition defeated that move in a referendum vote last year and gained some extra ground on Sunday.
In power for almost a decade, the popular anti-U.S. president won 17 of 22 states, but the opposition held onto the two states it won at the last regional elections four years ago, picked up three more and won the powerful mayoralty of the capital Caracas.....read more....
Apparently certain elements in the EU are worried aboutthe possibility of future Czech Republic leader Vaclav Klaus becoming the next president of the EU.
According to the International Herald Tribune:
PRAGUE: In the 1980s, a Communist secret police agent infiltrated clandestine economics seminars hosted by Vaclav Klaus, a fiery future leader of the Czech Republic, who had come under suspicion for extolling free market virtues. Rather than reporting on Marxist heresy, the agent was most struck by Klaus's now famous arrogance.
"His behavior and attitudes reveal that he feels like a rejected genius," the agent noted in his report, which has since been made public. "He shows that whomever does not agree with his views is stupid and incompetent."
Decades later, Klaus, the 67-year-old president of the Czech Republic — an iconoclast with a perfectly clipped mustache — continues to provoke strong reactions. He has blamed what he calls the misguided fight against global warming for contributing to the international financial crisis, branded Al Gore an "apostle of arrogance" for his role in that fight, and accused the European Union of acting like a Communist state.
Now the Czech Republic is about to assume the rotating presidency of the European Union and there is palpable fear that Klaus will embarrass the world's biggest trading bloc and complicate its efforts to address the economic crisis and expand its powers. His role in the Czech Republic is largely ceremonial, but he remains a powerful force here, has devotees throughout Europe and delights in basking in the spotlight.
"Oh God, Vaclav Klaus will come next," read a recent headline in the Austrian daily Die Presse, in an article anticipating the havoc he could wreak in a union of 470 million people already divided over its future direction.
An economist by training and a free marketeer by ideology, Klaus has criticized the course set by the union's departing leader, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France. The ambitious Sarkozy has used France's European Union presidency to push an agenda that includes broader and more coordinated regulation by the largest economies to tame the worst of the market's excesses.....read more...
Very dire warnings about the Chavez/Putin/Ahemedinijad/Cuba/China axis have been circulating for years from some very credible visionaries.
As was predicted at Fatima, "Russia will spread the error of her ways."
The alleged "fall of Communism" gave many in the West a false sense of security about Russia. I'm afraid the U.S. has let it's guard down.
From what I have read, in almost every important speech that Javier Solana has given, award he has presented, or article he has written, Javier Solana pays homage, and likens himself to one man in particular, Dean Acheson. It was while reading Solana's most recent "Managing Global Insecurity A Plan For Action" Brookings Institution speech that I really took notice of this fact. Truth be told, unlike some of our more in depth researchers who comment here, I knew absolutely nothing about who Dean Acheson was, or what historical role he played in the history of global governance and our own United States. ( in particular from the early 1930's until his death in 1971.) I know Constance has noticed and mentioned Solana's clear enchantment to Acheson and his memoirs, "Present at the Creation" (See "A New Global Constitution And A New Internet" by Constance Cumbey, April 18, 2007 News With Views.com)
Just as Constance noted in the article I've just linked to, Javier Solana has again in last weeks Brookings Institution speech,
expressed his "delight " albeit "modest" to be present at the declaration i.e. creation of
" this new initiative on global governance" Solana's, referring to Acheson, spoke of his leadership in the U.S., a "system was built that put the world on a new path of international cooperation." In my opinion, Solana is talking about the two primary "tools" created during this period of time for the purpose of constructing the "New World Order/Global Governance". The two tools took the form of NATO and The United Nations. Acheson is actually given credit as the main designer of NATO, and signed the pact for the United States. Dean Acheson is referred to as, " The American father of NATO" and a major architect of U.S. foreign policy in the decade following WWII. (See "The Cold War Years, 1953-1971" by Douglas Brinkley)
He was "instrumental in creating the international financial institutions at Bretton Woods", the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (he was one of the men who drafted its charter). He designed the economic aid program to Europe that became known as the Marshall Plan. Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointed him Undersecretary of the United States Treasury in 1933. He was appointed Secretary of State by President Harry S. Truman (of whom he was also a close friend)in January 1949.
His role as one of the "political elite" is undeniable.
There are too many key historical facts directly involving Dean Acheson to list here - interested readers know how to use Google for additional information. I'll share a couple items I found to be most stunning.
During the 1960s, Acheson was a leading member of a bipartisan group of establishment elders known as, "THE WISE MEN",
six friends -- two lawyers, two bankers, two diplomats. Sound familiar to what we have today?
There have been several books written on the topic, one of which is "The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made" by Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas.
Dennis Cuddy has also written extensively on this group in, "A Chronological History Of The New World Order"
The article I found most astounding is "How Dean Acheson Won the Cold War: Statesmanship, Morality, and Foreign Policy" by Robert Kagan senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. (Kagan has a most interesting bio, also at the site below) Acheson is described by Kagan as "brazen" . A portion of Kagan's article also addresses Archeson's senior figure status in a group known as "The Wise Men". He sites Isaacson and Thomas (above authors) when he writes,
"By 1970 Acheson had become, in the words of Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, "THE HIGH PRIEST OF THE OLD ORDER."" (emphasis w/capitals mine) The "anti-communism of the Truman Doctrine, (frequently referred to as "The Acheson Doctrine") declared Senator William Fulbright, had indeed been "the guiding spirit of American foreign policy since World War II." "Perhaps Acheson,
Like THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE, (capital letters mine) had unwittingly unleashed forces that then overwhelmed him. Interesting choice of words in light of what we're watching today.
Acheson definitely had his detractors including some "fundamentalist opposition",
as do those like Javier Solana and the high level global governance proponents today. In his now famous memoirs "Present at the Creation,(famous, thanks in great part to Javier Solana's near enshrinement of Acheson and his historical role) Acheson referred to those who held an opposing view as
"The Attack of the Primitives.".
Based on the unmistakable esteem Solana gives to Dean Acheson, in innumerable speeches and pronouncements, I think we can safely(?)assume the good Dr. views us in a similar light.
Javier's final word in his latest Brookings speech:
"the strongest is never strong enough to be always the master unless he transforms his strength into right and obedience into duty", let's see if we can do it."
Also a very telling closing remark in his February 2003 speech in Munich:
"And if I can make a last recommendation to the chair: I think one day we should have a meeting like this in a more discreet environment, where we can talk frankly, without being reported in all the media of the world. Thank you."
"The Role of the EU's Foreign and Security Policy in Conflict
prevention and crisis management"
at the 39th Munich Conference on Security Policy
Saudi and other oil rich Islamic nations have been propping up Citi for some time now, billions have flowed from these countries into America’s most influential investment firms, and now we see OUR government bailing out, arguably a foreign owned company with more than THREE HUNDREN BILLION Dollars in guaranties; I’m glad that others have noticed, but sad that it probably won’t matter.
When the printing presses are done we’ll be using wheel barrels to buy bread, or will go electronic, or we’ll see the mark, but for sure wealth has to be more than paper.
There will be a terrible judgment to come to those who market away our liberties: Revelation 17. I, for one, would rather be dead than betray my family, my nation, and most importantly my God who bought me with His precious blood. Woe!
Martin's intellectual achievements are undeniable. He evokes strong feelings from both his critics and his defenders, and I have always had a niggling feeling that something was not "quite right" about him.
Given that you are so knowledgeable about his work (hats off on having read through the canon, and I say this with sincerity and respect), I would highly recommend reading the remarkable research John Grasmeier ("Servitium") has done on Martin--particularly what he uncovered about his moral character.
As far as I know, no one has done the "heavy lifting" on this brilliant and controversial figure quite like Grasmeier:
Deannie - thank you for the Peter Schiff link. I followed through on a previous link given here a few days(?) ago and found it all very interesting, so it's been good to watch an even more recent clip.
Intersting aside--
Nicolas Sarkhozy wrote a memoir not too long ago. The title is "Bearing Witness."
When I read that I was struck with the similarity to John the Baptist's pronoucement that he was "not the light, but came to bear witness to the light [Jesus]."
Perhaps Monsieur Sarkhozy is bearing (false)witness to Dr. Solana? Sooooo many people are lining up to play their parts...
The Lord is returning soon.
'Israelis and Palestinians should become Europeans'
Chris Perver has another interesting article. I highly recommend it, all.
Experts call for global network to prevent asteroid disasters
Another Drudge find.
ps- Not only did JFK and Huxley die on the same day, but CSLewis also died on that day. I once read a book about an imaginary dialogue the three had when they met after they died. (I lost the book.)
CCN Follow-up
Many months ago we had research going on CCN (January and July of this year). Church Communication Network. This organization had many speakers who have ties to the New Age Movement.
Basically, any local church, who wants to put on a conference but can't afford a speaker, can go to CCN. They pay them and get a video feed of which ever speaker and or organization they want (such as Rick Warren or Focus on the Family's Truth Project).
CCN was also used in the "rethink" conference (Bill Dallas is the CEO of CCN and the Co-founder of Rethink) and I believe also had a hand in the "Saddleback Forum".
I just thought you all might be interested in the new speakers and Partner Organizations.
BTW I am not saying all have NA ties just because they are working with CCN. But it warrants notation that they are there.
BTW, one of their Partners, "Maximum Impact Group" is having a Simulcast on May 8, 2009 (no doubt using CCN).
It is titled, "Leadership that Inspires". look here at some of the speakers:
I've written this before but it bears repeating..Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is the financier behind the academic arm of the Alliance of Civilizations. He funded both Harvard and Georgetown U with 20 million dollars a piece. What most people don't realize is that it was Madeleine Albright, after leaving office who paved the way for him to get access to US universities. He did her some favors in return. His goal is to use money to finance his political ambitions.. very smart.
His influence doesn't stop their because many of the big UK universities are connected with with Georgetown's John Esposito, high level group member of Alliance of Civilizations. It is worth noting that the Jordanian Royal family is behind an initiative that Yale signed on to called A Common Word, which many Christian leaders, as well as some Jews signed. It has a nice sound to it...let's all get along, but the agenda is not quite so innocent.
Supposed Bible believers signed a document that the Muslims crafted which basicially says; "in the name of Allah the merciful and his servant Mohamed and his servant Jesus". Look at the document
This reminds me of the story of Joshua and the Gibeonites.. when they disguised themselves and Joshua, without inquiring of God, signed a treaty with them.. You can read the rest of the story in Joshua 9, but these people remained a thorn in Israel's side from that day because of an oath that was taken i.e. they could not remove them from the Land..
Josh 9:14-15 So the men of Israel took some of their provisions, and adid not ask for the counsel of the LORD. Joshua made peace with them and made a covenant with them, to let them live; and the leaders of the congregation swore an oath to them.
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is also behind the Abraham's Path initiative of Harvard U. This is an attempt to get Jews, Christians and Muslims to visit one another's holy places.. Anyone who knows a bit about Islam will know that Islam has no qualms about employing deception to achieve its end goal of jihad.. "the whole world under Islam". Jihad is not always by violence, sometimes it's economic or political...
By the way, Barbara Marx Hubbard's Assoc. for Global New Thought is a supporter of this....very unlikely associations, except in the new global religious order.
Keep you eyes on the Saudis who are the "protectors of the holy sites" in Saudi Arabia, but also on the Jordanians who have a lot to say about Temple Mount. The King of Jordan is buried there, somewhere not far from where the Holy of Holies is thought to be.. a very important site for Jews because it's where the 3rd Temple should be built.
Both of these two royal families have been the most active in the Alliance of Civilizations and in the new ecumenic interfaith movement that is gaining popularity every day.
Here's the King of Jordan's remarks at the recent UN interfaith meeting:
It seems as though no one learn from Joshua's mistake..we are not to sign an alliance with the Gibeonites.. It's bad enough when the secular political leaders do this and business people and universities, but when the leaders that are supposed to know the Scriptures do this it just blows me away. I suspect like Joshua, they just did not inquire of God.
In reviewing the document "A Common Word" there were at least some new comments that did take Islam to task on some of its beliefs..I'm not sure how much value there is in having a "dialogue" like this, but at least they did not just accept the language and wording of the document..
It looks like the Muslims have removed the specific expression where it says that Jesus is the servant of Allah and Mohamed, which is of course what they believe...It was in their 2007 Christmas greetings..
I guess this will be another instrument of the Hegelian dialectic ....Thesis, antithesis and synthesis.
One more sorry... On Holly Peters this article was posted with Tony Blair, the other king of interfaith dialogue and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia:
Of course Tony has set up his interfaith foundation, but is also envoy of the Quartet and a recently converted Catholic as well as an advisor to Morgan Stanely, not to mention a lecturer at Yale. All of this has happened since he finished being Prime Minister of Britain. Last year when he hosted the interfaith forum at Davos, he started the session with a film of Karen Armstrong, High Level Group member of Alliance of Civilizations.
All of the dots are connecting to the EU,UN the interfaith movement and the signing away of Jerusalem...King Abdullah was also at CransMontana forum with Heinrich Eliyahu Benedikt.
I know most of you know a lot of this, but I want to just connect the dots between all of these things so you can see the picture emerging. Sometimes I want to scream because it seems as those so many Bible believers are asleep...They don't understand the Scriptures and they don't understand the implications...not the folks on this forum, but many others..
Hi Dawn-
Thanks for the CCN update. The
"Leadership that Inspires" speaker page looks like a Who's Who of motivational speakers. Tony Blair was a surprise. -Rudi
Hi K,
I'm glad you liked the video. I'm currently reading a book by Larry Bates, "The New Economic Disorder, Strategies for Weathering any Crisis While Keeping your Finances Intact". He does a good job of clearly laying out the road we travelled to get here and what we can do to protect our families. It's very similar to Schiff's ideas.
hanks for the link about Obama at LifeSite News. Did you see this one at LifeSite? :
Obama Selecting the Most Anti-Life, Anti-Family Radicals He Can Find for Administration
President-elect unveils plans to dismantle federal legal protection for marriage
I enjoyed your post on Acheson.
Cheers All,
Joyce, the Word of God says: “They are of the world and the world hears them.” Though Joshua made a mistake it was not systemic. I’m afraid that US politics has for a long time been a systemically carnal. Rudi mentioned Dean Acheson, and most of us have a sense of what kind of treatment Joseph McCarthy received for warning that Acheson would only cover for entrenched communists. Jesus warned: “for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. ”You want proof? Just look at the numbers of Christians who supported “O”.
Anyway, thanks for all the research, the time you spend so coherently putting together that material.
Yes, Joshua was a really faithful servant who got taken off guard. That could happen to anyone. Even Moses struck the rock...The only thing I wanted to say is when we enter into covenants with the enemy ( and I don't mean the Muslim people, but the spirit behind Islam which is one of utter deception) those people will be a thorn in our side..
I agree with you 100% that in the current situation it's systemic ...surely a sign of the apostasy:
2Th. 2:3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
I guess we know what happens next....
Thanks for all of your contributions and wishing you are really blessed Thanksgiving,
Yes, Joshua was a really faithful servant who got taken off guard. That could happen to anyone. Even Moses struck the rock...The only thing I wanted to say is when we enter into covenants with the enemy ( and I don't mean the Muslim people, but the spirit behind Islam which is one of utter deception) those people will be a thorn in our side..
I agree with you 100% that in the current situation it's systemic ...surely a sign of the apostasy:
2Th. 2:3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
I guess we know what happens next....
Thanks for all of your contributions and wishing you are really blessed Thanksgiving,
I am worried about Dorothy. Does anyone know if she is okay?
I was just looking at the Yahoo slide show pictures of the Zimbabwean cholera epidemic amidst the health system breakdown. It was tugging at my heartstrings when I noticed
1) The World Food Programme inputs (headed by Moonie Josette Sheeran, a political appointee to the UN position by the Bush Administration -- an obvious payoff to Rev. Moon for financial and other favors granted
I cannot now help but wonder if this is a "three-fer" (3 for the price of one):
1 Something to help the UN gain extra control
2. Something to advance the New Age agenda as embodied in "The Elders"
3. Something to cause additional global population reduction!
God help this crew if this was in any way a politically maneuvered crisis to give the global governance folk this great opportunity!
P.S. I'm so worked up about this now, think I'll publish it as a blog!
Dorothy is fine.
Hi Anonymous,
I appreciate your caring about my absence from the blog. The fact is I have no information to contribute at this time. When I have things I believe others should know, I work to share them. Basically I'm interested in the things that are happening here in the US that will change the culture.
Even after all of these years after reading what Constance writes about the EU, I don't have a grasp of that topic. I know that what is happening at the EU and related organizations is a precursor of what is to come here. I read EUreferendum regularly to see how those policies are playing out at the average person level. For instance I work to understand the roles of the individuals behind the AOC and how those policies are playing out here in the US. I could probably post about meetings, but without a context for a particular meeting, this goes over my head.
I'm not very good at breaking out the facts from the political doublespeak, so I depend on others to do that. I prefer to work with solid facts rather than building castles in the sand based on possible future speculation. That does cut down on what I can share.
Sometimes I'll find information that I consider valuable, but it is in a stew of speculation, so I don't pass it on. Many things I come across are just rehashed opinions that are repeated in many places.
For instance I received an email from a friend which stated that reporters, judges and professors are liberal because they believe they are promoting "social justice." OK. I agree, that's bad. But "social justice" must be the new buzz words because I read two pieces this morning using that same phrase. I wrote my friend that no where in the column did it state where these people picked up their ideas. I told him the New Age movement leadership was promoting these ideas without the label, that the individuals thought they were coming to their own conclusions and without a connection to religion they believed they were the designers of the future. He wrote back saying that New Age ideas were just communism and liberal ideas both of which had a longer history. What of that kind of research and exchange can I post regularly? Nada. How many times can a person share that New Age goes back over a hundred years, has a political end that goes back to the Fabian movement, and that academics may write about the "spiritual" side of the movement but haven't started writing about the political end yet.
So it will be that long periods of time may go by before I find something of value to post. Someetimes things are just boring in the world of a researcher. In the meantime, if someone has free time, I would suggest fooling around with Muckety.com. I do wish there was a muckety for the EU and all of its branches. Here's one of several Obama muckety charts.
Have a happy Thanksgiving day.
Anonymous 5:30
Thanks for the information.
My problem with the late Father Malachi Martin was his association with the sedevacantists and, ultimately, his participation in the illicit ordination of the late Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy by Bishop Lopez-Gaston.
The late
Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy was involved with illicitly ordained Bishop Robert O.P. McKenna who was of the Thuc succession.
While I learned a great deal from reading Father Martin's books, he was nevertheless a very mysterious man and it may be that no one but God knows what he was really all about.
Thanks for the Lifesite link. I had not seen the article. What a nightmare!
There is an organization and then there are the humans who have very different levels of interaction with that organization.
In the Jewish community there are food Jews, twice a year connection with religion Jews, funders, secular organization members at all levels, those deeply involved with religious practices and beliefs, rabbis at all levels of connection to Judaism, etc.
The deeper the faith and trust in any organization, the deeper the level of disillusionment when the organization proves faulty at deeper and deeper levels.
Fighting the signs of corruption is a very difficult task for those most closely tied to belief in the organization. What can a person expose without doing damage to the ideals of the organization is a question they must ask themselves. Many times Jews will not expose the corruption for fear the danger to the Jewish community is too great.
It appears that Martin gave his life over to the Catholic organization. That's a very big step. It appears he encountered corruption, was unable to cope, and walked away with confusion about what standards he would live by, going on to a state comparable to "I'll show you that what you teach is useless."
Based on an early book it appears he even dabbled in New Age beliefs.
He was intelligent enough to write several books exposing the weaknesses in the Catholic structure, not rejecting God and the pure faith as much as showing the corruption among humans involved. The books did explain to non-involved people why the Catholic Church looked as it did. His books show he had a very active mind, continuously questioning the structure which is probably how he learned as much as he did while being on the insider.
Based on information I was given, Windswept House was based on real individuals in the Catholic Church hierarcy.
It is much easier for one to bury one's head and not see the human weaknesses in any religious structure. One can bury one's head in charitable work, philosophy, upkeep of the structure through funding or building care if one is deeply involved. But if one cannot bury one's head in these kinds of distractions, what is left? I may not be using the term correctly, but it would appear to be a time of the "dark night of the soul."
Attacks on a religious structure can come from the simple-minded such as KKK or neo-Nazi groups. They can come from opposition groups such as Protestants opposing Catholicism. They can come from occult or pagan supporters. Only rarely do exposes come from people like Martin who dealt with insider details in his books. It came from the brave souls who exposed pedophiia in the system.
Most people just want something to believe in, to give structure to their lives. Any challenge to that structure affects their stability. The general public does not do academic work, dealing with the details. They just want the opposition to go away so they can feel safe again. Malachi Martin's life was more difficult than any of them could understand.
Very well said.
To Susanna (@3:55),
Please don't take offense at this but your once sentence response (or dismissal) of Grasmeier's compelling research is, to me, a bit mind boggling!
I appreciate your work nonetheless.
To Anonymous 6:52
No offense taken at all.
There was absolutely no intention on my part to "dismiss" what you have described as "Grasmeier's compelling research" regarding Father Martin's alleged "double agent status."
The truth of the matter is that I actually know next to nothing about Grasmeier or his research on Father Martin, and I simply don't like to pretend that I know more than I do.
I was simply giving you my assessment on Father Martin based on what I DO know.
But thanks to the information that you have contributed, I have already begun to check out Grasmeier's research.
While I am here, allow me to ask you a question: Given Grasmeier's research, do you think that Father Martin's "involvement" with the Sedevacantists may have been a pretense?
Thanks again for the information on the Grasmeier research. I really appreciate it as well as all your other contributions to this blog. :-)
Anonymous 6:52
Are you aware that in the introduction to the book HOLY BLOOD/HOLY GRAIL, there appears a passage about an interview with Father Martin in which he was asked a question regarding Jesus' marital status?
Father Martin reportedly replied that there was "no theological reason" why Jesus could not have married and fathered a family.
A surprising comment for a presumably well-educated Jesuit priest, wouldn't you say?
If I beg to differ with Father Martin's assessment, it is on the grounds that since we are taught that the Immaculate Conception ( the "pre-redemption" of Mary by the future merits of Jesus' Passion, Death and Resurrection) was a singular privilege granted to the Blessed Virgin on account of her role as the Mother of God according to His Humanity, anyone whom Jesus might have married would have been born with stain of Original Sin.....which begs the question..... what would have been the "Original Sin" status of any children Jesus may have fathered.
And what about Baptism? The whole point of Baptism is to cleanse us of Original Sin and make us worthy to become members of the Mystical Body of Christ.
We Catholics are taught that Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin were the only two who have ever been free of the stain of Original Sin since the Original Sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve.
What are your thoughts on this?
To Susanna (9:32 AM):
Why was it necessary for Jesus to be baptized? Many Christians are confused by this, since Jesus (unlike us mere mortals) was born without the stain of original sin.
What is baptism? Baptism is the washing with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. It signifies and seals our ingrafting into Christ and partaking of the benefits of the covenant of Grace and our engagement to be His.
Quite simply, Jesus was baptized so he could enter into the Melchizedek priesthood so He could be the High Priest and offer Himself as a sacrifice for our sins.
In Matthew 3:13-15 it says, "Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?' Jesus replied, 'Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.'"
Jesus was clearly baptized as an example for the rest of us sinners -- if he who was pure of sin was baptized, we are certainly not clean enough to forego it!
You ask, "do you think that Father Martin's "involvement" with the Sedevacantists may have been a pretense"?
I really don't know what to think about Martin. Was he a disinformation agent? I don't know. I think almost anything is possible.
In my view the only thing that emerges with certainty about the man is that he allowed his formidable intellect to serve his even larger, unrepentant ego instead of God. He seems to have lacked any sense of remorse about his own sinful behavior and seems to have craved being the center of attention.
Unfortunately this undermines the credibility of nearly all his work. Even if 98% of what he wrote was true, his scandalous behavior ensured that the focus would be diverted from the work and onto "Malachi Martin, Enigma."
I don't know if this was a deliberate plan on his part, or just simply the result of "cognitive dissonance" and an out-of-control ego. I think in many respects Martin was, until his death, a man at war with himself.
Constance has written before about inconsistencies and contradictions in the lives (and writings) of prominent contemporary "Christians." Based on what I know, I would also put Martin in the category of "questionable."
Mr. Oatmeal
The "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" interview is new information to me. I'm not sure of the orthodoxy of the comments, but they sound blasphemous. You, with your sound knowledge of the Magisterium, could confirm.
It sounds to me like more provocative, "attention-seeking" behavior from Father Martin.
Another thing that really bugs me about Martin was his involvement with M. Scott Peck, another colossal egoist, whom Martin apparently allowed to participate in several "exorcisms." I don't have the details but you can research this online.
My own theory is that Martin liked rubbing elbows with celebrities more than he did remaining faithful to the Truth.
My understanding of baptism and original sin echoes what you and the subsequent anonymous posters have written.
Mr. Oatmeal
To Anonymous 2:53 P.M. and Mr. Oatmeal
Malachi Martin is certainly a "man of mystery" and is always a fascinating person to study for that very reason.
I certainly do not pretend to know everything there is to know about him, so I am appreciative of any new information others may want to contribute.
Mr. Oatmeal, I appreciate your mentioning M. Scott Peck. I am going to look further into that facet of the "Father Martin Mystery" after I finish studying the research done by John Grasmeier.
I, too, put Father Martin in the "questionable" category. While I am indebted to Father Martin for the things I learned from his writings, I have to say regretfully that the jury is still out over the authenticity of his Christianity and the issue of his loyalty to the Church.
It has been said that even the devil will use a lake of truth to disguise a drop of poison.....but the evil potency of that one drop is enough to eventually poison the whole lake.
I understand what you are saying, Anonymous, about the Baptism of Jesus, but my point about Baptism was not primarily in reference to the baptism of Jesus.
My point had to do with the necessity of Baptism for the rest of us on account of Original Sin - in the context of Father Malachi Martin's reported statement that there was "ultimately no theological objection to a married Jesus."
Apart from the heretical gnostic Gospels, there is nothing in Scripture or Sacred Tradition to indicate that Jesus ever married and fathered children.
Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world. Jesus did not come into this world in order to establish a "messianic political dynasty" here on earth.
He came to redeem this fallen human race by His Passion, Death and Resurrection - after which He ascended to the Father in order to prepare a place for us in His heavenly Kingdom where He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The first time I ever read Father Martin's statement about a "married Jesus" was in the Introduction to the book HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL when it was first published here in the United States. As a matter of fact, I still have this book along with its sequel, MESSIANIC LEGACY.
It is interesting to note that one of the people with whom Father Martin was closely associated was Dr. Rama Coomeraswamy.
Dr. Coomaraswamy's father Ananda Coomaraswamy and occultist Rene Guenon were founders of a neo-pagan heresy called "perennialism."
This is one of the neo-pagan movements that Carrie Tomko includes in what she calls the "heresy on the right."
This "perennialism/traditionalism" has often been confused with Catholic Traditionalism which it has attempted to infiltrate vis a vis front organizations such as the Hieron du Val d'Or.
The book HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL devotes a chapter to the Hieron du Val d'Or. At first I thought it was bogus, but upon further independent research, I discovered that the Hieron du Val d'Or actually existed.
In fact, the founders of the Hieron du Val d'Or tried to hijack the shrine, devotions and symbols associated with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and deploy them in the service of its own neo-pagan agenda.
Carrie Tomko was the one who exposed Ananda Coomaraswamy's double involvement in BOTH "traditionalist" Roman Catholicism and Perennialism.
Coomaraswamy was involved with not only the Traditionalist Catholic movement, but also with Perennialism (also called "Traditionalism") whose main exponents were Rene Guenon, Ananda Coomaraswamy (Rama's Hindu father) and Frithjof Schuon. He was a member of the Foundation for Traditional Studies and was a regular contributor to the foundation's journal Sophia.
William Stoddart and Mateus Soares de Azevedo discuss Coomaraswamy's double involvement in an article for the Canadian journal Sacred Web (No. 18, 2007). The topic was also covered by a blogger, Carrie Tomko,[2] specializing in investigation of the occult infiltration of Catholicism, and picked up by, among others, J. Christopher Pryor, a Lefebvrist who operates the Perennialism LeFloch Report.[3] Interestingly, Rama Coomaraswamy had never broken away from Perennialism and propagating it, along with Frithjof Schuon and Coomaraswamy's own perennialist disciple, William H. Kennedy, even when he was associated with Lefebvre's seminary.
As you probably know, Holy Blood Holy Grail is a pseudo-historical, heretical (from an authentic Christian perspective) piece of propaganda that favors the idea of a "married Jesus" and
the secret "dynasty" He founded - which has been protected down through the centuries by the so-called "Prieure de Sion."
THE DA VINCI CODE is little more than a HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL clone!
Again, there is evidence which indicates that Father Malachi Martin participated in the illicit ordination of Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy. If he did, this begs the question as to whether or not Father Martin incurred the penalty of automatic excommunication for participating in a schismatic act.
To Susanna (7:44 AM)
I am not a brilliant Catholic scholar like you; my only gift from God is my reason and logic.
Although there is no scriptural proof that Jesus NEVER married and fathered children, there is no scriptural proof that He EVER married and fathered children.
It could also be argued that He would have wanted to set an example of celibacy as the LEADER of his apostles and the first priests of His Catholic Church:
Matt. 19:11-12 - Jesus says celibacy is a gift from God and whoever can bear it should bear it. Jesus praises and recommends celibacy for full-time ministers in the Church. Because celibacy is a gift from God, those who criticize the Church's practice of celibacy are criticizing God and this wonderful gift He bestows on His chosen ones.
Matt. 19:29 - Jesus says that whoever gives up children for the sake of His name will receive a hundred times more and will inherit eternal life. Jesus praises celibacy when it is done for the sake of His kingdom.
Matt. 22:30 - Jesus explains that in heaven there are no marriages. To bring about Jesus' kingdom on earth, priests live the heavenly consecration to God by not taking a wife in marriage. This way, priests are able to focus exclusively on the spiritual family, and not have any additional pressures of the biological family (which is for the vocation of marriage). This also makes it easier for priests to be transferred to different parishes where they are most needed without having to worry about the impact of their transfer on wife and children.
1 Cor. 7:32-33, 38 - Paul recommends celibacy for full-time ministers in the Church so that they are able to focus entirely upon God and building up His kingdom. He “who refrains from marriage will do better.”
To Anonymous 9:57 A.M.
I am not any smarter than you are, Anonymous. LOL I am simply a voracious reader who has been gifted with a good memory.
We must not forget that the Catholic Rule of Faith is Scripture and Sacred Tradition and that the two are inseparable.
But having said that, I must add that the following article nevertheless gives an excellent Scriptural argument in defense of Jesus' celibacy which includes a couple of passages you quoted:
The New Testament doesn’t say that Jesus had a wife. There’s no hint of a wife in the Gospels, the book of Acts, the writings of Paul, or any other writings of the New Testament.
Supporters of a married Jesus argue that the absence of evidence in the New Testament isn’t necessarily evidence of absence. Of course, this could be true, unless the situation under consideration causes us to expect to see something we don’t see. For example, if a man is thought to be rich, but a thorough review of his bank account, his property holdings, and his lifestyle shows only average wealth, it’s a safe bet he’s not rich. Absence of evidence of wealth implies evidence of absence of wealth.
Similarly, if we find nothing where we would reasonably expect to see some reference to Jesus’ wife, then the absence of such evidence should be taken as evidence that Jesus was unmarried. In fact, we find no word of a wife of Jesus in places where we would surely expect to see such a mention if he had, indeed, been married: Jesus’ call to his ministry; his discussion of marriage, divorce, and celibacy; his death on the cross; and his resurrection. There are no explicit references in the Gospels to a wife of Jesus.
Sometimes it’s claimed that the wedding in Cana in John 2 is really Jesus’ own wedding. But that’s not what the text says, as a careful reading of it makes clear. On the other hand, it can be argued, as spiritual writers sometimes do, that Jesus’ "marriage" to the Church is hinted at in the way John tells the story of the wedding in Cana. In other words, on a figurative, spiritual level, the story of the wedding might lead us to think about how Jesus is united with his Church in a way similar to how a husband is united to his wife in marriage. But that’s very different than saying that Jesus married a woman in the story. According to the text, he didn’t.
Nor does Paul mention a wife of Jesus when it would have been helpful for him to do so. When Paul discusses the relationship between husbands and wives in 1 Corinthians 7, being able to cite the example of a married Jesus would have come in handy. Likewise, it would have been useful to point to Jesus’ wife when Paul argues that he and his collaborators have the right to bring a Christian sister along on their missionary trips to help with temporalities. Paul certainly drew on the example of the other apostles who brought their wives to help (1 Cor. 9:5). Surely if Jesus had been married his example would have trumped that of Peter.
In Ephesians 5, we have the famous exhortation for spouses to model their relationships on the relationship between Jesus and his Bride—not a woman but the Church. It’s hard to understand why this analogy would have been used if Jesus had a wife.
The manifest absence of a wife continues in the book of Acts. It is true that there is no mention of Peter’s wife here either, but Luke had told his readers of Peter’s mother-in-law in his Gospel (Luke 4:38–39), so her existence was known. When Peter tells Jesus that he and the others have left their homes to follow him, Jesus says, "There is no man who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive manifold more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life" (Luke 18:29–30).
Jesus’ statement accounts for why we don’t see spouses of the apostles mentioned in the Gospels and in Acts; the apostles and their wives were separated for the sake of the apostolic ministry. Some apostles later took their wives along to assist them, as we have seen from Paul’s comments in 1 Corinthians 9:5. Yet we have no similar mentions of Jesus separating himself from a wife as the apostles did, no mention of a wife assisting him during his ministry, and nothing about a wife continuing Jesus’ work in the early Church, as later the apostles’ wives seemed to have done. The Gospels mention the putative father, mother, and "brothers" and "sisters" of Jesus (actually kinsmen of Jesus, not "blood" brothers and sisters). They mention his hometown of Nazareth and the people’s response to him there. They mention how some of Jesus’ family thought he was out of his mind, at least at one point during his ministry. But we find absolutely nothing about a wife. There is as much historical evidence for Jesus being married as there is for him being a professional surfer.....read entire article...
As for Sacred Tradition....
.......What’s more, none of the writings of those who immediately followed the New Testament writers—writers such as Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, and Irenaeus of Lyons—refer to Jesus as having been married. We have to jump a century or more, ignoring all the evidence in between, to find even the slightest support for a married Jesus....read entire article...
I am a great admirer of the late great Anglican writer and Christian apologist C.S. Lewis.
I would like to paraphrase Mr. Lewis' thoughts on Matthew 22:30"For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven."
Mr. Lewis pointed out that with regard to the "no marriage in Heaven" idea, we tend to think of it as a privation. While there will be no marriage in Heaven as we understand it, there WILL be marriage. Each and every one of us who enters the Kingdom of Heaven will be MARRIED to God in a spiritual marriage - the vision of God face to face which we Catholics call "the Beatific vision."
Protestants may or may not use the same term, but they need only turn to 1 Corinthians 2:9 and read: "But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him.
and 1 Corinthians 13:12
We see now through a glass in a dark manner; but then face to face. Now I know I part; but then I shall know even as I am known.
As C.S. Lewis put it:
“The letter and spirit of Scripture, and of all Christianity, forbid us to suppose that life in the New Creation will be a sexual life; and this reduces our imagination to the withering alternative either of bodies which are hardly recognizable as human bodies at all or else of a perpetual fast. As regards the fast, I think our present outlook might be like that of a small boy who, on being told that the sexual act was the highest bodily pleasure, should immediately ask whether you ate chocolates at the same time. On receiving the answer no, he might regard absence of chocolates as the chief characteristic of sexuality. In vain would you tell him that the reason why lovers in their carnal raptures don’t bother about chocolates is that they have something better to think of. The boy knows chocolate: he does not know the positive thing that excludes it. We are in the same position. We know the sexual life; we do not know, except in glimpses, the other thing which, in Heaven, will leave no room for it.” C.S. Lewis
"Where there is to be a feast," says Mr. Lewis, "many anticipate a fast."
As "the Word made Flesh," moreover, Jesus already enjoyed the Beatific Vision while here on earth.
To Susanna (1:21 PM)
Thank you for your thoughts and input.
Regarding 1 Corinthians 2:9: "But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love Him."
In addition to "the Beatific Vision," I also interpet this scriptural message to describe Heaven itself - what we can not possibly imagine as mere mortal humans living here on earth - the ABSENCE of hunger, thirst, heat, cold, physical or emotional pain (anger, hate, depression), etc.
Thanks for all that great information. I am more wary of Martin now than ever.
The excerpts from Lewis are magnificent.
Thank you for pointing me to them.
For I know that my Redeemer liveth
And that he shall stand in the last days upon the earth
And though worms destroy this body
Yet in my flesh I shall see God
Mr. Oatmeal
Anonymous 9:57:
Thank you also for your outstanding scriptural defense of celibacy.
Mr. Oatmeal
Dear Mr. Oatmeal,
Thank you for your kind words. You might also enjoy the sermon given by the famous 19th-century Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon entitled THE BEATIFIC VISION.
Mr. Oatmeal, regarding your own beautiful Scriptural quote from Job 19:25-27 -
For I know that my Redeemer liveth
And that he shall stand in the last days upon the earth
And though worms destroy this body
Yet in my flesh I shall see God
Words to live by!
One of the things that we Christians need to remind ourselves of is our belief that the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is a historical fact.
This was the miracle that Jesus promised as proof beyond a reasonable doubt that He is not only truly man but also truly God.
It was St. Paul who so rightly pointed out that if the Resurrection didn't really happen then we Christians above all men are to be pitied.
Certain irreligious folks and neo-modernists scoff at the word "proof."
I think it was dissenting theologian Hans Kung who joined the scoffers regarding the "five proofs" for the existence of God postulated by St. Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica.
But it was the late great Mortimer J. Adler who clarified things for me by pointing out that there is a difference between "proving" religious verities beyond a reasonable doubt ( as is done in a court of law by weighing the evidence and presenting powerful arguments ) and "proving" something beyond the shadow of a doubt. (i.e. the actual experience of the Beatific Vision ).
After the Resurrection, the Apostles could have broken ranks. They were scattered far and wide and could have very easily told their persecutors that the Resurrection story was something they made up.
But with the exception of St. John the Evangelist all the Apostles - eyewitnesses of the Risen Lord - died hideous deaths of torture for the sake of the Gospels which announced the "Good News" of our salvation vis a vis the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
As for St. John the Evangelist, the reason why he is not a "red martyr" is because according to some accounts when the Roman authorities were about to put him to death (by boiling him in oil) he was miraculously delivered - after which the Roman authorities exiled him to Patmos.
I can only speak for myself, but I would have enough of a hard time dying for something I knew to be true and would need the Holy Spirit to powerfully strengthen my will in preparation for such a calling.
I certainly couldn't endure being tortured to death for something I knew to be a lie.
It boggles my mind to think that for about the first three hundred years of Christianity the blood of the martyrs served as the "seed of the Church." (Tertullian)
For I know that my Redeemer liveth
And that he shall stand in the last days upon the earth
And though worms destroy this body
Yet in my flesh I shall see God
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