Is Javier Solana going away? With 4,100,000 Google.com Hits and growing, it doesn’t look that way![1] Anyway, it looks like Russia is clearly on his side!
Recently a British journalistic observer noted that “Javier Solana had lost the spring in his step.” Because of the German and Dutch referendum defeats, combined with the withdrawal of England’s planned constitutional referendum, it looked, per that journalist at least, like Javier Solana would never realize his dream of becoming the EU Foreign Minister.
Maybe that journalist was right. Maybe not. Most likely he was not!
In many ways, particularly to American observers, Javier Solana looks like “the invisible man.” For all the powers he has amassed, there are no books about him. He seldom appears on the front pages of USA papers. For those tuned into internet news (or if low tech, watching BBC news) it should be a different story, provided they went on the web for academic rather than entertainment purposes.
When I started observing the ubiquitous Dr. Solana back on November 22, 1995, there was a paucity of information about him. He had just signed a Treaty of Association with Israel on behalf of the European Union. He was getting ready to chair the first Barcelona Conference which opened with an anti-clerical salvo on November 27, 1995. It ended on November 28th with Israeli and Palestinian Union leaders (Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat) proclaiming they had ‘beaten their swords into ploughshares.’ Two days after all of this, Javier Solana was named the new dark horse surprise head of NATO. The European presses proclaimed “Solana Squares NATO’s Circle.” The astonished Spanish press noted that had any Madrid resident predicted this five years earlier, he would have been promptly ‘locked up as a lunatic.” Javier Solana was the well known leader of public NATO resistance.
In 1995, Alta Vista rather than Google was the predominant internet search engine. Dial up connections rather than broadband were the norm for most systems. I found precious little information about him back in those days, but just about every day I found something.
Today the hits are more frequent. Solana’s more public phase appears to be in full swing. Today there were 4,100,000 google.com hits! Clearly, he does not appear to be going away!
I am writing this from my law office, taking a small evening break. As I compose, I just saw his face flash before me on the 6 p.m. Public Broadcast Systems rebroadcast of BBC news. He was in attendance at an EU-Russia summit. He did not look depressed. The spring was definitely back in his step!
Perhaps that is because of the position Russia has recently enunciated through its lead diplomats that they desire a “strong European Union” which should speak with “One Strong Voice.” [2]
And, just about simultaneous with that Russian diplomat’s remark, Javier Solana said that European and Russian relations ‘never grown faster’! Read about that here: [3]
I wonder just who the former Soviets had in mind as the “One Strong Voice”? Could it be a former Marxist who was on the USA’s subversive list for many years? At any rate, the smile is back on Javier Solana’s face and the spring appears once again in his step. Could it be? Just wondering! This weekend, California columnist Herb Peters and I are scheduled to speak on the same platform for the first time. Given the events of the week, this should be an interesting weekend to “stay tuned.” Click the link to his site for details if you are in or can get to the Detroit area. Things are getting very interesting!
As usual, I invite and welcome your comments. That’s the best part of this public blogging process!
[1] http://www.interfax.ru/e/B/exclusive/29.html?mode=9&title_style=exclus&others=2&id_issue=11390982
[2] http://www.interfax.ru/e/B/exclusive/29.html?mode=9&title_style=exclus&others=2&id_issue=11390982
[3] http://www.interfax.ru/e/B/exclusive/29.html?mode=9&others=2&title_style=exclus&id_issue=11391597
My sister, Linda Ragatz, of Fort Wayne, Indiana passed from this world at approximately 9:30 p.m. this evening. My sister Jan called me with the sad news when I walked in the house from my office. I thank all for their prayers and I ask you to pray for LInda's two sons, her grandchildren, and Barth Ragatz, her husband. My first living memory included Linda, who is 13 months younger than I.
So sorry to hear about your sister Linda. May the Lord comfort you and your family in this time of grief.
Why I archive EVERYTHING and then store it off computer on DVD Rom:
The New Agers and Javier Solana as long as I have been observing both play a lovely little game of 'now you see us, now you don't.' Solana's google hits exceeded 4 million for the first timei last week. I noted that on my comments section of this blogspot. By the weekend, it had increased to 4,070,000. By Tuesday it was 4,100,000 and it stayed there until this morning. Then suddenly it dropped to:
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,330,000 for "Javier Solana". (0.09 seconds
Wonder if they read our blogspot? Marilyn Ferguson wrote in her THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY, an insiders book about the New Age Movement that they were self-camoflaging networks. YUP!
spelling correction: Sorry!
Was the search that returned the 4,100,000 hits done by the exact phrase option on Google, or just a general search? When it was first mentioned that his numbers were growing, I did the same and came up with around 2,000,000. It is still impressive that the number would now be 2,330,000 only a week later.
Many blessings on the weekend conference with Herb Peters. I hope it does well. I wish I could attend but, alas, I have a few more pressing matters to dispatch with. May the LORD be with you always.
The search was an exact search with quotes around it: "Javier Solana". I archived that search and its results to my disk. Were one to do one with Javier Solana without quotes, given the number of Spanish Javier's and references to places such as Solana beach, it would turn up many more than 4,100,000!
Dear Mrs. Cumbey,
Please accept my sincere condolences on the recent passing of your beloved sister.
A Fellow Believer
Dear Constance: I dont know if this is the appropriate place to ask this or not, but I got to say it.Just to let you Know ahead of time I personaly believe in pre-trib rapture. I dont say this to turn anyone off please have patience for a minute. I do not try to refute post trib either. Im always open to comments. A while ago you mentioned 2 Thes. 2:3 Let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed.... This post you have today shows that the viewings this solana guy is getting is going up and up for a while now.A lot more people are catching on. I saw a comparison in this chapter of scriptures. 2 Thes. ch. 2 vs.3 NKJ version refers to him as the 'man of sin'. But later on vs.8 refers to him as the 'lawless one'. Every Bible version Ive seen also has these 2 references different as well. Then I looked at vs. 6 that he may be revealed in his own time. I just wondered why this same person would be listed 2 times with different names. Then I wondered if it could because of 2 time stages. We all Know for someone to qualify as the anti christ he has to be a trusted man with a lot of experience. Solana deffinately fits all the trates of the A.C. Rev 13:18 says Here is wisdom....the man is identified with 666. Well this man is putting his creation(666) to use worldwide. What Im trying to say could the 'man' be revealed to us christians who are watching for him just ahead of the rapture then he will be revealed as the 'lawless one' after because he will create such destruction? We have seen the falling away taking grip and accelerating very fast lately in christian denominations. But the verses in between also add up in significance. Im not by any means trying to start any controversy on here or change the toppic. Just this posting with how many people are starting to take notice of him doesnt seem coincidence. This is only a thought.This is not to be controversial.
Speaking of possible "smoke screens," there is an article dated 10/03/05 at the following website, which is entitled "Turkey Deserves Fair Deal in Membership Talks: Council of Europe Chief," which states that "...Terry Davis, the democracy body's secretary general..." (It appears that the European Council is somehow connected to the EU Parliament.)
For anyone unfamiliar with EU terminology, titles and Newspeak," the above could be quite confusing, as Dr. Solana is quite clearly identified, at the top of his personal website, as "Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union," which is a very powerful position as he regularly runs the meetings of gatherings of heads of states (such as Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, etc.)9
Pardon, Mr. Terry Davis is the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe while Dr. Solana is the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union. (Similar titles, but no doubt the power of the positions vary greatly).
Smokescreens don't get much better than that.
To the anonymous who wrote the " Dear Constance:..." post,
First, so as not to commit a terrible act of hypocrisy, let me admit that I am sometimes bad with my spell checking. I do it three or four times and still find errors here in there--this is primarily due to little time and my spellchecker doesn't work. But, I still put forth the effort to make sure ANYWAY. Please proofread. ALTHOUGH I am the pot calling the kettle black, still proofread. You usually have some very heartfelt (I think) and good things to say, but if one is to understand you, you've got to type clearly and properly.
Sorry, I'm a elementary teacher and I couldn't let it go. Personally, I promise that I write better than I type.
So this is from one "sinner typist" to another.
Constance, Fort Wayne Indiana is a great place to be from but your sister is going to the best place to be. God bless you in your sorrow and our prayers are with you and your family. May Barth be comforted in all the prayers that are coming his way.
Hurry, go look fast! Here are the hits on "Javier Solana" at 8:22 p.m. Eastern Standard Time:
Web Personalized Results 1 - 30 of about 4,170,000 for "Javier Solana". (0.17 seconds)
Javier Solana - 10 visits - Sep 15
Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the CFSP comments on the meeting of 2
... EU HR Javier SOLANA met the Chilean Minister for Defence Jaime RAVINET ...
ue.eu.int/cms3_applications/applications/ solana/index.asp?lang=EN&cmsid=246 - 67k - Oct 5, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result
Javier Solana
Javier Solana. Español (es), Čeština (cs), Dansk (da), Deutsch (de) ...
Curriculum vitae of Mr Javier SOLANA MADARIAGA. Born in Madrid on 14 July 1942. ...
ue.eu.int/cms3_applications/applications/ solana/cv.asp?cmsid=246&lang=EN - 60k - Oct 5, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result
[ More results from ue.eu.int ]
Javier Solana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Javier Solana. Javier Solana. Dr Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga (born ...
Javier Solana has said that despite this the EU will remain an actor on the ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javier_Solana - 54k - Oct 4, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result
NATO Who is Who? Secretaries General Javier Solana
Javier Solana took office as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's ninth
Secretary General in December 1995. As chairman of the North Atlantic Council ...
www.nato.int/cv/secgen/solana.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result
NATO Speech: SecGen, Polish Parliament, Warsaw, 22 Jan. 1998
by NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana. "The Road to Membership". Ministers,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,. I am deeply honoured to address the ...
www.nato.int/docu/speech/1998/s980122a.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result
The first Mr. Europe, Javier Solana, appeared on the scene to oversee the EU's
... Javier Solana is approved as the EU's first, super Foreign Minister. ...
www.fulfilledprophecy.com/ - 66k - Oct 5, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result
How interesting that results given on Google are technically challenged. (Politically correct remark.)
I got these results within a 2 minute period.
Both of the following popped up at various times within seconds.
Results 1 - 10 of about 4,170,000 for "javier solana". (0.03 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,380,000 for "javier solana". (0.05 seconds)
Earlier I stayed on the Google screen and repeatedly re-entered "javier solana", leaving the quoted words in the box. The results went back and forth between the two numbers in a matter of seconds. I found the same thing when I put "European Union" in the entry box. The numbers jumped by leaps and bounds all over the place within seconds.
I didn't get (remove result) messages. Those must have been removed.
After getting the lower number for a short period of time, I got the higher number just now.
Results 1 - 10 of about 4,170,000 for "javier solana". (0.05 seconds)
I've never seen a remove result command in the past.
Isn't this nice of him, wonder who gets his 'police force' next?
"Javier Solana: EU Should Take Control over Police Forces in Kosovo
" 6 October 2005 | 08:24 | FOCUS News Agency
"Strasbourg. According to the EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana EU should take control over the activity of the police forces in Kosovo, AP reports. At the session of the EU Parliament Solana underlined that application of the “Bosnia scenario” in Kosovo would be applicable, the agency adds.
Kosovo is under UB jurisdiction since 1999. The NATO peacekeeping forces are monitoring the security in the region since then. Kosovo police was formed 6 years ago and is 7,000 servicemen strong now."
Ooops, forgot link, sorry!
index.php? catid=144&newsid=73734&ch=0
From the counter-mullah's who love Solana
Iran-EU: If mullahs obtain atomic weapons, first international loser will be Europe - Mohaddessin
Thursday, 06 October 2005
In a letter to the European Union's foreign policy chief Javier Solana, NCRI's Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, Mohammad Mohaddessin, expressed concern over the deteriorating situation of human rights in Iran, Tehran's continuing drive to obtain nuclear weapons and its increasing meddling in Iraq.
“Since Ahmadinejad's presidency, at least 70 prisoners have either been hanged or sentenced to death. Cruel and degrading punishments have escalated", Mohaddessin wrote.
“The regime is pressing to complete its nuclear weapons project with full force. Within the ruling circles, the recent resolution adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency is viewed as reflecting a lack of resolve on the part of Western countries as it contained no immediate Security Council referral. Officials of the Supreme National Security Council believe that regardless of the resolution, if the regime were to hold its ground, Western countries would ultimately backtrack," he added.
NCRI's Foreign Affairs Committee Chair noted, “With respect to Tehran's increasing meddling in Iraq, I believe recent remarks by King Abdullah of Jordan and Saudi Foreign Minister represented a shocking warning to all those who are truly interested in peace and tranquility in the region."
“Obtaining nuclear weapons and installing puppet regime in neighboring countries are vital to the survival of a regime that is loathed by the overwhelming majority of the Iranian people," he added.
Mohaddessin emphasized, “If the mullahs succeed in obtaining atomic weapons and realize their dream to dominate Iraq, the Iranian people and regional countries will suffer greatly. The first loser on the international scene is the European Union, because, as you are aware fully, it is easy for the regime to stretch its tentacles to Europe politically, economically and terrorist wise."
He urged Mr. Solana to undertake two urgent and necessary actions:
1. Immediate referral of Tehran's nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council and the imposition of necessary sanctions against the regime. This would quickly slow down the regime in its quest to obtain nuclear arms. Contrary to the mullahs' propaganda, the Iranian people would welcome such a step.
2. Removal of the main Iranian opposition movement, the People's Mojahedin from the terrorist list. As the most pre-eminent international and European jurist as well as legislators have stressed, blacklisting this organization has no legal basis and undercuts the fight against terrorism. Removing this organization, 120,000 of whose members and sympathizers have been executed, from the terrorist list, would send the clearest message to the Iranian people that the European Union respects the yearning of the Iranian people for change.”
[ Back ]
Pasted from http://www.ncr-iran.org/content/view/437/71/
The following text is the transcript of President Bush's speech Excellent speech!
He knows exactly what is going on and has the needed backbone to see it through. Hopefully Blair does too.
Blair issues Iran warning over Iraq
Presidents Bush's Speech was excellent. We are in a religious war. Everyone I speak to claims it's over oil; but it's over religion. Muslims are radical their goal is to convert America to Islam. Jesus is the only way to heaven reguardless of what!!!! They have no idea what their into and thier Islamic lies!!!! Let Bin Laden Go along for the ride with his so called 72 virgins and his so called paradise. HA HA HA!!!!
Thank GOD for President Bush's speech. When we all get to heaven what a glourious day that will be when we all see Jesus will scream and shout the victory. Amen
Google hits on "Javier Solana" as of Oct 7, 2005 at 7:05 pm Eastern Standard Time:
Web Results 1 - 10 of about 4,190,000 for "Javier Solana". (0.05 seconds)
Javier Solana
Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the CFSP comments on the meeting of 2
... EU HR Javier SOLANA met the Chilean Minister for Defence Jaime RAVINET ...
ue.eu.int/cms3_applications/applications/ solana/index.asp?lang=EN&cmsid=246 - 68k - Oct 6, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
Javier Solana
Javier Solana. Español (es), Čeština (cs), Dansk (da), Deutsch (de) ...
Curriculum vitae of Mr Javier SOLANA MADARIAGA. Born in Madrid on 14 July 1942. ...
ue.eu.int/cms3_applications/applications/ solana/cv.asp?cmsid=246&lang=EN - 60k - Oct 6, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
Javier Solana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Javier Solana. Javier Solana. Dr Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga (born ...
Javier Solana has said that despite this the EU will remain an actor on the ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javier_Solana - 54k - Cached - Similar pages
NATO Who is Who? Secretaries General Javier Solana
Javier Solana took office as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's ninth
Secretary General in December 1995. As chairman of the North Atlantic Council ...
www.nato.int/cv/secgen/solana.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages
NATO Speech: SecGen, Polish Parliament, Warsaw, 22 Jan. 1998
by NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana. "The Road to Membership". Ministers,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,. I am deeply honoured to address the ...
www.nato.int/docu/speech/1998/s980122a.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
Biografías de Líderes Políticos CIDOB: Francisco Javier Solana ...
Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga España / OTAN / Unión Europea * 14 de julio de
1942, Madrid, comunidad autónoma de Madrid (España). ...
www.cidob.org/bios/castellano/lideres/s-041.htm - 28k - Cached - Similar pages
"javier solana" 11:25 Central Daylight Saving time
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,170,000 for "javier solana". (0.05 seconds)
avier Solana
Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the CFSP comments on the meeting of 2
... EU HR Javier SOLANA met the Chilean Minister for Defence Jaime RAVINET ...
ue.eu.int/cms3_applications/applications/solana/index.asp?lang=EN&cmsid=246 - 68k - Oct 6, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
Javier Solana
Javier Solana. Español (es), Čeština (cs), Dansk (da), Deutsch (de) ...
Curriculum vitae of Mr Javier SOLANA MADARIAGA. Born in Madrid on 14 July 1942. ...
ue.eu.int/cms3_applications/applications/solana/cv.asp?cmsid=246&lang=EN - 60k - Oct 6, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
Javier Solana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Javier Solana. Javier Solana. Dr Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga (born ...
Javier Solana has said that despite this the EU will remain an actor on the ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javier_Solana - 54k - Cached - Similar pages
NATO Who is Who? Secretaries General Javier Solana
Javier Solana took office as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's ninth
Secretary General in December 1995. As chairman of the North Atlantic Council ...
www.nato.int/cv/secgen/solana.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages
NATO Speech: SecGen, Polish Parliament, Warsaw, 22 Jan. 1998
by NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana. "The Road to Membership". Ministers,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,. I am deeply honoured to address the ...
www.nato.int/docu/speech/1998/s980122a.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
Biografías de Líderes Políticos CIDOB: Francisco Javier Solana ...
Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga España / OTAN / Unión Europea * 14 de julio de
1942, Madrid, comunidad autónoma de Madrid (España). ...
www.cidob.org/bios/castellano/lideres/s-041.htm - 28k - Cached - Similar pages
ATB-e.com :::: NOTICIAS DE ULTIMA HORA :::: MERCADOS, ECONOMIA Y ... - [ Translate this page ]
Unión Europea · Estados Unidos · La transición de Iraq · Oriente Próximo · China ·
Asia · La carrera espacial · Motor · Grandes Reportajes. ENCUESTA ...
www.atb-e.com/ - 51k - Oct 6, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
Can anyone who reads this blog and is familiar with Google explain why there is a such a wide range of numbers where Google is concerned. I can understand several thousand, but when there is a difference of several million and when the top number stays the same over several days and the bottom number goes up and down, I am very puzzled. Is there a reason why the high and low numbers should appear within seconds? While some may spend hours, days and years interpreting Revelations, I would like to see an interpretation of these numbers as they interfere with serious research.
11:45 Central Daylight Savings Time:
Results 1 - 10 of about 4,190,000 for "javier solana". (0.18 seconds)
1:30 a.m. CDT
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,810,000 for Javier Solana. (0.09 seconds)
Sorry that was the wrong time. The right time was 12:05 am CDT.
7:35 CDT
Results 991 - 998 of about 2,190,000 for "javier solana". (0.21 seconds)
It would only show the first 100 pages. It stopped originally at 300 at which point I said show all results.
John 14:6, Im sorry that my grammar is horrible and my spelling is bad. With dyslexia and all, I mess up a lot. I can review something a 100 times and still not catch it. I flunked english and literature class, and strugled with the rest. My intent is to try to communicate my thoughts, wich is A challenge in it self. Do not feel sorry for me at all! I am still going to be going in to the clouds of glory. I will see you there! Maybe you can teach me in heaven?....Brother in Christ.
Great... now a new Al-Jezeera english speaking channel. A compatition that our liberal news media didnt need! Now it goig to be all out war on who can verify someone elses misreported trash. Now our national news media will never even come close to saying to much about Solana until the peace deal is complete. They will be too busy to notice the real news. So if indeed Solana is the A.C. or whoever is to be the A.C., they will love it because it will serve the purpose to hide the identity to christians, keeping A lot of people in the dark. Solana who?
If anyone reading this wants to participate, please post what you found when you entered "javier solana" into Google.
While you may think this is a foolish exercise, it may show that information is being limited, and where information is limited people cannot make logical decisions.
I checked http://www.google-watch.org/ for further information and found it quite interesting. Google seemed such a trustable site for information until I checked this out.
To anonymous:
I apologize, I forgot that one of the anonymous's in this room had dyslexia, I just didn't know that it was you. I'm sorry if I came across as harsh, as I wasn't trying to be. It's just that I couldn't care enough about the good things that folks have to say here. Why else do I keep coming back. (lol)
Maranatha! And boy are things getting weird and scary even faster. There is a 50/50 chance to me that Herbert Peters might be right about the 2007-2013 EU budget is the exact parallel, overlapping time of the 7-year tribulation.
Some of these news developments honestly do make me nervous. But I'm remaining fixed on Christ and my family.
My heart goes out to you Constance, and I pray that your conference this weekend is going great, and will be fruiful.
The latest google count on our man Javier as of exactly Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 11:54 p.m., EST:
Web Images Groups News Froogle LocalNew! Desktop more »
Advanced Search
Results 1 - 10 of about 4,650,000 for "Javier Solana". (0.21 seconds)
Javier Solana
Joint press briefing of EU High Representative Javier Solana and Prime Minister of
... Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the CFSP comments on the ...
ue.eu.int/cms3_applications/applications/ solana/index.asp?lang=EN&cmsid=246 - 69k - Oct 7, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
Javier Solana
Javier Solana. Español (es), Čeština (cs), Dansk (da), Deutsch (de) ...
Curriculum vitae of Mr Javier SOLANA MADARIAGA. Born in Madrid on 14 July 1942. ...
ue.eu.int/cms3_applications/applications/ solana/cv.asp?cmsid=246&lang=EN - 60k - Oct 7, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ue.eu.int ]
Javier Solana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Javier Solana. Javier Solana. Dr Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga (born ...
Javier Solana has said that despite this the EU will remain an actor on the ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javier_Solana - 54k - Cached - Similar pages
NATO Who is Who? Secretaries General Javier Solana
Javier Solana took office as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's ninth
Secretary General in December 1995. As chairman of the North Atlantic Council ...
www.nato.int/cv/secgen/solana.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages
NATO Speech: SecGen, Polish Parliament, Warsaw, 22 Jan. 1998
by NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana. "The Road to Membership". Ministers,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,. I am deeply honoured to address the ...
www.nato.int/docu/speech/1998/s980122a.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
Biografías de Líderes Políticos CIDOB: Francisco Javier Solana ...
Pasted from http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2005-39,GGLG:en&q=%22Javier+Solana%22
The picture shown is of Javier Solana reviewing US military troops in 1999. He then headed NATO, a post he had held since December, 1999. He left that NATO post early to take his CFSP and WEU European Union positions.
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