I learned shortly before doing my internet radio program, MY PERSPECTIVE, http://www.themicroeffect.com/ last night that there was an advertising blitz taking place in at least the Dallas area of Texas. According to my reliable informant, they are running prime time television advertising that does not come cheap. They also have three websites: wakeupdallas.org; justice4peace.org; TransmissionMeditation.net. Of course they had links to SHARE INTERNATIONAL where I noticed to my consternation that they were making Benjamin Creme's 2007 book available for free online reading by pulling down a pdf file at given links.
THIS SITUATION IS URGENT and I do not intend to let antichrist / false 'messiah' LIES deceive any more than I can personally, with the help of God, prevent. Accordingly, I am making THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW available for free reading. Tom Horn is planning on reprinting an updated version. My 1983 book, for which I am the sole copyright holder is still remarkably current. I AM MAKING IT AVAILABLE FOR FREE ONLINE READING AND DOWNLOADING IN PDF FORM. You may freely circulate the pdf version. You may not reprint it for mass publication, but you are free to make copies to give to your friends and associates. You may access it by going to the link for "Presentations for Downloading" to the right of this blogspot OR by clicking here. The file is called The Rainbow001.pdf.
THIS SITUATION IS URGENT and I do not intend to let antichrist / false 'messiah' LIES deceive any more than I can personally, with the help of God, prevent. Accordingly, I am making THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW available for free reading. Tom Horn is planning on reprinting an updated version. My 1983 book, for which I am the sole copyright holder is still remarkably current. I AM MAKING IT AVAILABLE FOR FREE ONLINE READING AND DOWNLOADING IN PDF FORM. You may freely circulate the pdf version. You may not reprint it for mass publication, but you are free to make copies to give to your friends and associates. You may access it by going to the link for "Presentations for Downloading" to the right of this blogspot OR by clicking here. The file is called The Rainbow001.pdf.
Thank you, Constance, for your urgency and generosity. I have been talking about the NA and your book since August of '08. My husband and I are preparing a presentation to get the word out.
Lord, I thank you for Constance's passion for You and Your Word. I pray that you will protect her and her loved ones. I ask that you would prosper her in health and in everything that she puts her hand to according to Your will!
I am concerned about this star thing. My husband and I randomly noticed it a week ago and I noted that it was disturbingly bright. Now that others are talking about it and all of this NA stuff is coming to a head, I'm starting to feel a little nauseous.
Is this their "star" (or planet--is it actually Venus?)?
Getting worried.
Only God can create the stars and the things of the sky -- but Lucifer is knowledgeable enough to trace their projections and expected times. The best advice I can give, Indy, is from Isaiah 8:11-8:14:
"But the Lord spake tus to me wiht a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walkin the way of this people, saying, Say ye not, a confederacy to all them to whom this people say, A confederacy, neither fear year their fear, nor be afraid. SANCTIFY THE LORD OF HOSTS HIMSELF; AND LET HIM BE YOUR FEAR AND LET HIM BE YOUR DREAD. And he shall be or a sanctuary . . ."
This is a time for "hanging in" with God!
When you go to the link to download, made sure you press the little button on the screen, rather than the file name. I made that mistake myself in testing it out.
Thanks Constance for making your book available for download. You are right the situation is urgent, and we must figure out a way to fight the enemy. This a good step in that direction.
Thanks again for all you do.
How about a counter video to the maitreya nonsense video?
At the JS website several videos are posted from JS' tour of the MidEast.
Oh, and I am looking forward to checking out the Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.
Thank you Constance for providing your book for online reading. The time is short and our redemption is near. Praise the Lord and may God continue to bless you.
A presentation done over a set of videos for youtube or google is a good place to start getting info out.
Solana, Norway FM to visit Gaza on Friday
GAZA, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- The European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana and Foreign Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Stoere are scheduled to visit the Gaza Strip on Friday, a local news agency in Gaza reported on Thursday.
Gaza-based Ramattan news agency quoted an EU source as saying that Solana and Stoere will visit Gaza for several hours on Friday to check the humanitarian situation in the enclave.
The source did not say if the two senior European diplomats will hold talks with Hamas officials, whose movement is ruling the Gaza Strip.
Solana, Egyptian FM meet on Middle East issues
CAIRO, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- European Union (EU) foreign policy chief Javier Solana held talks here on Thursday with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on the current situation in the Middle East.
The two sides discussed the latest regional developments and the ongoing Egyptian efforts to consolidate a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian groups in Gaza Strip, reported the Egyptian MENA news agency.
They also tackled means of healing the prolonged Palestinian rift, the main topic of an inter-Palestinian dialogue kicked off in Cairo earlier in the day
Venus is that bright star.
Jupiter may seem brighter than usual because at this time of the year it reflects the sun.
The EU in the Middle East Peace Process
The EU in the Middle East Peace Process
“Resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict is a strategic priority for Europe. Without this, there will be little chance of dealing with other problems in the Middle East.” (2003 European Security Strategy)
The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
The EU’s objective is a two-state solution with an independent, democratic, viable Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel and its other neighbours.
Jerusalem. The EU considers that the peace negotiations should include the resolution of all issues surrounding the status of Jerusalem. The EU supports institution building work in East Jerusalem, notably in the areas of health, education and the judiciary.
EBRD, EIB and World Bank Group join forces to support Central and Eastern Europe
The largest multilateral investors and lenders in Central and Eastern Europe - the EBRD, the EIB Group, and the World Bank Group - have pledged to provide up to EUR 24.5 billion to support the banking sectors in the region and to fund lending to businesses hit by the global economic crisis.
Thank you Constance, I look forward to reading the end of your book, our library copy was defaced, so I never got to read the end.
Perhaps this is the star your are seeing?
Perhaps this is the star your are seeing?
I received the following video in an email today....re: the Codex
Alimentarius--Codex Agenda-The
Silent Stalker of Your Health
Freedom....due to be in place by
Jan 2010--Could all supplements be pulled from shelves, all food radiated, all animals vaccinated?
Hi Constance,
Thank You for making it possible for The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow to be so freely
available for online reading. I pray that many, who for whatever reason, have never read
your book, will take advantage of your generosity , read it, and use it as a tool to reach others with the
timeless information your research presents. No one should make the assumption that because your book
was first published in 1983, that the information is “dated” or somehow not relevant to current events. Most, if not all of the “key players”, in spite of, as you say, “being longer in the tooth” have been relentless in their pursuit to advance “The Great Work” and in so doing prepare the world for their long awaited, Aquarian Messiah. Far from the evidence disappearing, the numbers of networked ,
like-minded, political, environmental, and religious individuals and organizations has exponentially exploded in number. Rather than hundreds or thousands of leaders and followers working towards the
Plan we now see millions “awakened” , their minds “shifted” to a new spirituality and consciousness,
most probably unaware of the transformation that has occurred or how their previously held belief system has been altered.
In spite of the opposition you’ve faced over the years, even from those whom you least expected it,
time and events have only further served to prove the validity of your research and the clear warning of what was to come. Thank you for not giving up in the face of, I’m sure many days of discouragement. I’ll always be grateful for the sensitivity you’ve shown to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and your obedience to sound the alarm for the rest of us. -Rudi
Thanks so much, Constance, for the PDF! I found a used copy of your book at a Right to Life book sale, and was happy to be able to purchase it there. It will be nice to have a version that I can forward on to others.
A while ago you noted that Creme was saying the Maitreya would reveal himself soon on a major news show (Larry King?)around Christmas and around the time of a bright star. Any news on that front? Thank you for all you do.
Jim V.
That is interesting! I didn't watch the entire thing (I will try to later), but the "Beneficial supplements unavailable or sold by prescription only" reminded me of an interview I heard on the radio earlier this month with the British author of "Food Bible" Gillian McKeith. The subject of anxiety came up related to flying, and how Kava Kava is not a permitted herb in the UK. She said that it's a political thing and there's no rhyme or reason to it. She has been to Brussels to try to get things like that changed and said that it's impossible because whoever you speak with there doesn't know anything about the subject matter and there is a communication barrier if you don't speak French (which she said she is now learning). She said it is going to get worse in 2012.
If anyone is interested, here is the link to the show:
She's the first one interviewed and she talks about this maybe about 10 or 15 minutes into the show. The host, Jan Mickelson, makes a point to say that listeners should pay close attention.
Constance, have you ever heard of Jan Mickelson on 1040 WHO in Iowa? I'm wondering if you might be able to get on his show? Just a thought.
Here is his website:
Sorry, I should clarify...
Ms. McKeith said that restrictions on herbal supplements is what will get worse in 2012. :) lol
We Christians should remember what the religious experts of the day said about Jesus. They rallied the people and had Jesus killed. Remember what Jesus said: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". You do not know what you are doing.
concerning the star mentioned. Isn't the one they claim will hearld this Maitreya suppose to shine brightly both day and night?
I haven't seen anything like that in the sky. I wonder why they called it a Christmas miracle, its two months past Christmas now.
Deb, that crossed my mind too, I have never seen a star shine during the day. I have a thought, I downloaded Constance' book this morning(thank you Constance, it was generous of you to make it freely available), on page 15, she said that she learned of technology (I assume this was in the 80's) that would allow a 3D holographic image, bouncing off satellites to be progected in the sky and seen by a third of the world all at once. At the time, this helped her understand how the beast could make fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of the men. Of course, we can only imagine how much more advanced this technology is today. I have to wonder if such technology could be used to make a star visible both day and night to precede Maitreya's grand entrance, PLUS they could actually control it! I don't know, just a thought.
It's my birthday tomorrow (sort of - I was born on February 29th) but you are getting the presents. I'm making A PLANNED DECEPTION copy available in pdf format as well. It is presently in the process of uploading to the same link as that for HIDDEN DANGERS.
If I a reading you correctly and I believe I am, you are saying you believe Maitreya/Betraya is Jesus or his equivalent or better. I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!
You need to pray intensely to Jesus, the ONLY CHRIST, for discernment!
Both of my books are now available for free downloading and reading. You are free to copy the pdf versions and paper copy but not to sell these works. I reserve the copyrights for mass publication and any commercial distribution. May these on-line versions "go forth and multiply" . .
the correct urgency is to warn people about sin and coming judgment and tell them the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Its the conviction of sins that lead to salvation, telling others the world is coming to an end cannot save them from sins and hell.
Thank you again, Constance and Happy Birthday! A leap year birthday--guess that keeps you young!
Thank you for the 2nd birthday present to us!
Focus on the Family's James Dobson steps down
"James Dobson, the influential evangelical leader of the Christian ministry Focus on the Family, has stepped down as board chairman, he announced Friday."
"But Dobson's public role isn't expected to change. He'll still appear on his daily radio broadcast and as an advocate for socially conservative issues, Schneeberger said."
I noticed the bright star last night and pointed it out to my son, but i don't think it's visible in the daytime.
and it's not Christmas. It is the first days of Lent, with Purim coming soon on the Hebrew feast calander. May God get us out of here as He got the Jews out of Haman's clutches.
Happy Birthday Constance! Thank you for making your books available online. Wishing you all the best.
Dear Constance,
Thank you so much for the availability of your books online! I pray for you often, and I will be praying that God will place your work in the hands of all who need it most as the hour is very late.
Happy Birthday to you! May God bless you and multiply your faithful work for His glory and to the many who need to understand the urgency of the hour.
Birthday Blessings to you,
More updates on the Emergent church.
Church of England says Jesus was a recovering racist.
Anon 6:48 said: “telling others the world is coming to an end cannot save them from sins and hell.” God sent Jonah to Nineveh to warn that their world was coming to an end, and much of scripture tells us to warn; when “they” see in black and white the prophecies that are coming true, who can say that will not cause them to “fear the Lord” and begin to let wisdom have its way?
David Limbaugh said:
“Just before the election, I wrote: "With (Obama's) ideas about spreading the wealth, entrepreneurial selfishness (and) the inherent evil of corporations are you not concerned at just how far Obama might go if he's got a nearly veto-proof Democratic majority at his back? Before our very eyes, America stands poised to elect as president the most radical man ever to run for this office credibly. Don't say we didn't warn you."
Now that’s not prophecy, but it sure is the truth.
To Anonymous 6:49 PM -
I don't believe that anyone on this blog said anythng about "the world is coming to an end."
Happy Almost Birthday Constance!
Have a blessed weekend, and thanks for the second book! Wow, it sure is appreciated!
Well done and thanks, Constance.
Happy birthday Constance,
it is most gracious of you to give all a gift :-)
thank you
Ah! This blog has been so lovely and peaceful of late. Any guess as to why?
I would also like to thank you for your generosity in making your books available for a free download.
Those books have been a most valuable source of information on the New Age Movement for me - as I am sure they will likewise be for all who read them.
P.S. Constance,
Happy Birthday!!!
Constance, Happy Birthday!!! My birthday is March 1st!!! YAY
Regarding Venus, I stumbled across this blog googling Maitreya and Venus.
On my way home tonight, it was SO bright next to the crescent moon. I mentioned to my friend that the moon looked rather ominous tonight. Although, living in MN, when it's as cold as it is tonight, anything is ominous outside. ha ha
Happy Birthday Constance.. May the Lord bless you and keep you and shine His face on you..
Along with permission to make personal copies for distribution without charge to your friends, please feel free to translate for those friends. You have permission to translate. I only ask that I be supplied a copy via email transmission of your translation. You may translate portions that you think would be helpful to your family and friends.
Re: the blitz. Robert Muller's buddy Gloria, has her New Age school in Arlington, Texas. She also has her Triangle Groups. Likely, the area that she inhabits is very influential in the Maitreya world. Gloria has worked very hard to bring in her One World Leader.
Thank you Constance for your Faithfulness and commitment to
to get the truth out.
We all must keep our minds stayed upon the Lord God as your careful study and books reveal the content is not only relevant yesterday but being satanically fulfilled before our very eyes!
Happy Birthday! Though I have nothing to give you but my sincere thanks for the release of your books to share with many doubting friends. Praise the Lord for guiding you and my prayers for your safety in the days ahead.
God Bless You
Thanks so much! I've read the book when I was just 15 yrs old and since we moved to a different house, it got lost. God Bless! I'm from the Philippines by the way, I just want to share how your hardwork through God's help reached me and my country.
Happy Birthday Constance:
May God Bless and keep you and may His Peace be ever present.
Happy Birthday Constance, your a faithful soldier and vigilant watchman, we all greatly appreciate it! Many blessing to you.
Happy birthday Constance. Read your books back around 1986? The pastor of my church back then was very aware of the NA, and your books were recommended to the congregation. Id donated them to another church library. Now i can reread them on my computer! Thanks! Mark
Thank you very much for the opportunity to read your book. Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. I haven't quite figured out how to download it, but am seeking help on that. I'd love to have it.
Happy Birthday too. Just found out. Hope you had a happy one.
Love, Margie
Hi Margie and others with similar question:
1. Click on link.
2. Click on right little button with the down arrow. That will download it to your computer.
3. The files are in portable document format *pdf. Adobe has a free reader on line which is downloadable. Any pdf reader will open it.
Hope this helps.
Happy, Happy Birthday Constance and many many more.
Happy Birthday Constance - May this be the best year ever!
I read and have used "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" since it was first published in the 80's. Thank you.
The Internet of Things...
Posted: February 28, 2009
12:25 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Washington state's enhanced driver's license Privacy advocates are issuing warnings about a new radio chip plan that ultimately could provide electronic identification for every adult in the U.S. and allow agents to compile attendance lists at anti-government rallies simply by walking through the assembly.
The proposal, which has earned the support of Janet Napolitano, the newly chosen chief of the Department of Homeland Security, would embed radio chips in driver's licenses, or "enhanced driver's licenses."
"We are close to the point now that if you don't want RFID in any of your documents that you can't leave the country or get back into it."
"They were trying to harmonize these standards with Canada and Mexico [so] it had to apply to everybody.
Dave in CA
Thank you, Constance. So kind of you to give instructions on how to download your two books. I hadn't noticed the little button on the right. I was clicking the big arrow top right. When you click the tiny arrow it's a cinch to download.
Carolyn helped me this morning to get that accomplished. So now I have both your books to read. They will be well read. Appreciate everything.
Love, Margie
Dave in CA,
Thanks for the heads up from the WND article. Here are some additional links and my 2 cents worth.
Janet Napolitano was twice elected former Governor of Arizona. One day after Barack Obama's inauguration Janet Napolitano was sworn in as the first woman Secretary of Homeland Security. I've heard, that, when Governor, Napolitano was thought to be one of the "good guys" when it came to privacy related issues like "Real ID" ...times change.
Where does Napolitano stand on individual privacy? It's hard to tell. In 2007, while still Governor of Arizona, Napolitano struck a deal with the Bush administration that was supposed to lead to her state adopting the Real ID standards. In June of that year, she signed legislation refusing to implement the requirements. From what I am reading over the last few days her opposition to "Real ID" appears to have been based more on "costs associated" issues rather than privacy. Whether it was/is more cost effective to implement "Real ID" or to upgrade our current system of licensing with "Enhanced Drivers Licenses". Privacy doesn't seem to be high on her list of concerns. This past Wednesday, Napolitano made her first appearance before the House Committee on Homeland Security.She clearly expresses her appreciation for RFID enabled technology and it's effectiveness for identification at border crossings. BECAUSE...
"The high-tech RFID system works in tandem with RFID-enabled documents such as passport cards, Customs and Border Protection’s
trusted traveler programs, and enhanced driver’s licenses. An RFID tag embedded in these
documents transmits a unique number to a secure CBP database as the traveler approaches
the border, allowing agents to identify the crosser quickly."
Link to Napolitano Testimony:
It sounds to me as if because
"citizen resistance" was focused in particular on "National ID", the RFID technology has a better chance for acceptance if it is incorporated into the U.S. drivers licenses. Don't forget... if a chip is in your D.L., it generally goes where you go. Better think of another place to toss your wallet at the end of day... :~) - Rudi
There are significant "changes" being implemented in the area of "facial recognition" technology
and new drivers license requirements.
Keep in mind as you read this February 2009 article titled,
"New B.C. driver's licenses include facial recognition", that the links I've listed next, although 2007, relate to the United States, in particular Washington State, and Oregon. We in the U.S. are already issuing drivers licenses using this technology. To get info on your particular state, try "googling" your state name + DMV + "facial recognition" technology.
…"B.C. is joining other provinces and 30 U.S. jurisdictions by introducing the licences, which will be issued starting March 2 to drivers who apply for a new, renewed or replacement card."
"B.C., Washington Plan Similar High Tech Licenses"
"After July 1, 2008, Oregon DMV will begin to use "facial recognition" software, a new tool in the prevention of fraud. The law, created by the 2005 Oregon Legislature, is designed to prevent someone from obtaining a driver license or ID card under a false name."
2007 Seattle Times Article:
"Oregon to use face recognition software for driver's licenses"
After reading about the holographics technology in Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, I began to do a little of my own research. I came across something called project blue beam. I'm forwarding a couple of youtubes that were very informative but kind of wild, I wasn't sure if I should forward or not. I watched the youtube recommended by oldmanofthesky,(They are Misleading You), for a second time and was surprised when it also mentioned project blue beam, so I thought I would forward. Perhaps all of you already know about it but it was news to me....I'm sending just in case someone may find it informative. If this technology is really going to be used, I have a better understanding of how deep and far reaching the coming deception will be, permeating IF POSSIBLE even the elect, however, we have the mind of Christ, we know HIS voice and another we will not follow!
(part one)
(part two)
"This means that the EU's (ENP) approach comes across as 'schizophrenic', in that it has 'increasingly friendly relations with authoritarian regimes it claims to want to reform and avoids engaging with some political actors, despite its commitment to intercultural and interfaith dialogue,' the analysts argue."
Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Constance.
Thanks, Rudi. I found Iowa...
"Iowa selects Digimarc facial recognition solution to enforce one driver, one license"
Thursday, November 2, 2006
I enhanced the electronic version of Hidden Dangers by adding a picture of the cover on the actual book. You can download it from the same link.
Happy Birthday Constance!
From Rush’s CPAC speech:
“George Will once asked Dr. Friedrich Von Hayek, tremendous classical economist, great man, 1975, George Will, Dr. Von Hayek, why is it that intellectuals, supposed smartest people in the room, why is it that intellectuals can look right out their windows, their own homes and cars and look at their universities and not see the bounties and the growth and the greatness of capitalism? And Von Hayek said: I've troubled over this for years and I've finally concluded that for intellectuals, pseudo-intellectuals, and all liberals, it's about control. It's not about raising revenue. You think Obama has any intention of paying for all this spending? Folks, if he had any intention of paying for it, he wouldn't do 90% of it because we don't have the money. [Applause]”
Yes, my friends, both those who like Rush and those who don’t, it is about the love of money, and money is power; even when there is less of it around there is more money for those who will blindly and subserviently follow.
To read his Rush’s speech:
Paul Harvey has passed away.
But I'm pretty sure he was a Christian,
so, for him dieing is NOT,
"...the rest of the story" ...
Happy eighth ? birthday Constance
Based on stuff found by Googling, Paul Harvey was a Freemason. Can a man be both a Freemason and a Christian? I don't see how. Maybe he was not a Freemason.
The very last I had heard, Paul Harvey had become a 7th Adventist. I will research further.
Here are some web sites on the national ID
Famous Seventh-day Adventists
Apr 23, 2007 ... Paul Harvey - nationally famous radio broadcaster (convert) ... Gerard Ntakirutimana - medical doctor and Seventh-day Adventist who was one ...
www.adherents.com/largecom/fam_sda.html - 27k - Cached - Similar pages -
The religion of Paul Harvey, Radio Broadcaster
Jul 15, 2005 ... Paul Harvey is a convert to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He was baptized into the church around the year 2000. ...
www.adherents.com/people/ph/Paul_Harvey.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages -
Chat11.com: Paul Harvey Praises Ellen G. White Nutritional Advice
Reprinted from Paul Harvey’s three-times-per-week syndicated newspaper column. ... Source: The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Students' Source Book;The ...
www.chat11.com/Paul_Harvey_Praises_Ellen_G._White_Nutritional_Advice - 14k - Cached - Similar pages -
Paul Harvey - FamousWhy
Paul Harvey Biography, Career, Trivia, Filmography, Links, Pictures. ... is a famous radio personality from United States of Seventh Day Adventist religion. ...
people.famouswhy.com/paul_harvey/ - 61k - Cached - Similar pages -
Paul Harvey
Paul Harvey AKA Paul Harvey Aurandt. Born: 4-Sep-1918. Birthplace: Tulsa, OK. Gender: Male Religion: Seventh Day Adventist Race or Ethnicity: White ...
www.nndb.com/people/477/000022411/ - 13k - Cached - Similar pages -
Paul Harvey Dies at 90
Feb 28, 2009 ... Paul Harvey Dies at 90, 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. ... Seventh Day Adventist Forum (SDA), => Apologetics and Faith ...
www.gracecentered.com/christian_forums/index.php?topic=33344.msg613202;topicseen - Similar pages -
hi, would you people please remember me in prayer as i seem to be the victum of maybe a pinched nerve ? sending pulsating pain to my shoulder and upper arm as well as my neck and upper back. it wont go away and its getting worse. i'm praising God for it but wish for it to end. a chiropractor adjusted me friday and said to come back on monday-thats tomarrow-this weekend has been trying. i know dog-gone well that i'm not the only one who has ever had to deal with pain by any means and that there is far greater pain that has been bore by many worldwide but when its your turn and it pulsates nonstop no matter how many 500mg tylenols you take or ice or heat...i need prayer power, heck i guess we all do anyways, esp. with the times ahead a-coming. God be with us all. The reality of the PAIN our Lord suffered on that cross-crosses my mind ---thats when i go numb. thanks,this is tony in vermont
Tony, your brother in NH Prays for you!
thats nice-thank you setterman.tony/vt
Tony, I join Setterman in lifting your needs before the Lord. -Rudi
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19
Speaking of Freemasons, I am not sure what positions the Seventh Day Adventists and other churches may have on this . I know the Catholic Church does not permit it's memebers to be Freemasons.
The Church's position is expressed in its "Declaration on Masonic Associations." It states in part: "Therefore the Church's negative judgment in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged, since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church, and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion."
Times Online via Drudge
Brown woos Obama on global deal
Jonathan Oliver, Political Editor
GORDON BROWN hopes to forge a partnership with President Barack Obama in Washington this week, to call for a “global new deal” to lift the world out of recession.
The special relationship is going global
Gordon Brown
Historians will look back and say this was no ordinary time but a defining moment: an unprecedented period of global change, and a time when one chapter ended and another began.
The scale and the speed of the global banking crisis has at times been almost overwhelming, and I know that in countries everywhere people who rely on their banks for savings have been feeling powerless and afraid. But it is when times become harder and challenges greater that across the world countries must show vision, leadership and courage – and, while we can do a great deal nationally, we can do even more working together internationally.
Anon 11:42
I can totally relate. I have had a similar thing happen but just in my shoulders and moving down the arm.
God is healing me. I have asked Him what He is trying to teach me through this and I finally know. Now I can relate and have compassion on others who are suffering in similar ways and pray.
All things do work together for the good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose. Once you receive and embrace what God is doing through the trial, the healing comes, but you must ask Him. He does love you and never question that. Read the book of Job.
For Such a Time as This
Why do I have to type scrambled word verification twice before my comment will post?
For Such a Time as This
Catholics are not allowed to be Freemasons, but they have developed a similar branch of the paganistic charitable society called, "Knights of Columbus".
I have done some research on Freemasonry and realize that some of the worlds elite and powerful if not all are deeply entrenched into its philosophy, including our Presidents and Gov.
If you would like more info. I would be happy to pass it on. Because of its secretive nature, most Americans and the worlds citizen are completely oblivious.
Constance has in her links to the right on this homepage called, "How I Got Started With All This Mess" in her chosen videos there is, "The Atlantis Connection", "Riddles in Stone" these shed some "LIGHT" on the subject.
Wikipedia: List of Freemasons. You will find it interesting and suprising.
For Such a Time as This (FSaTaT)
The Knights of Columbus is not Masonic or pagan. I wouldn't trust wikipedia since it's edited quite often. My Youth Minister is a Knight and a masonic contractor was hired to do some work for his Architecture firm. The Mason refused to work for him when he found out he was with the Knights. It was akin to working for the enemy.
There are major differences between the Mason and the KoC.
The primary one being that the "oath" you take during the KoC is permitted by the Catholic church. It is not a blood oath punishable by death or some other great catastrophy like those taken by the Masons. The only part secret about the KoC is the ceremonies, nothing else about the KoC is secret. The only reason the ceremonies are secret is to make it special for the people going through it.
The wording is very exact and nothing about it conflicts with Church teaching on oaths/vows/promises.
A public oath binds us to Christ (which is the root meaning of sacramentum). By means of a public oath, we enter into marriage, lawyers promise to uphold the Constitution, a witness promises to tell the truth about serious matters before a court, etc.
In the Masonic oath, members swear to keep things secret that have not even been revealed to us, under symbolic, blood-curdling penalties.
The oaths are immoral because their subject matter is trivial (preserving secret pass words and handshakes). When you invoke God's name in an oath, the subject matter must be grave; otherwise, the oath is trivial. This is basic moral theology. When you invoke God's name to witness the trivialities of Freemasonry, you are using God's name in vain. This amounts to blasphemy, which is a serious sin. This is a violation of the Second Commandment about taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Do Seventh Day adventists believe one must observe Saturday sabbath or not be resurrected? I think so.
I attended a lecture series at a Seventh Day adventist church in Bellevue WA, and became friendly with a man and his two daugthers who had Porphyria as I do, only they had it much worse than I. (we all ate organic healthy food) I told him I did not think it was necessary for salvation to observe Saturday sabbath, and he just looked very sad as if to say I would not be with him in Heaven.
I find it impossible to not work on Saturday, as I have to parcel out my efforts evenly over every day or risk overdoing on the next day. When my husband was alive he could not help me, being wheelchair bound. I tried it two Saturdays, doing almost nothing except putting food on the table, and refraining from doing dishes until Sunday. Sunday I got exhausted, the usual thing. Jesus said the sabbath was made for man, so I trust God on this.
However, I was impressed with the sincere Christianity of the 7th Day'ers.
I am learning more about Masonry and it is horrifying me; was unaware, as most people are, of what they believe that goes against God's sovereignity. I have only known one Mason well.
Tony, hope your treatments help you. Chiropractic has been a great help to me with that kind of pain, and also Physical Therapy. If you have insurance that covers it, get your doc to prescribe PT.
Yes, pain and sickness does make us have compassion and appreciate the pains suffered by Lord Jesus.
Yes, really anxious to be with Him and have pain and suffering over!
Come, Lord Jesus!
The most serious error in SDA doctrine in my opinion is their teaching that Michael the Archangel is Jesus.
"To which of his angels hath he ever said, thou art my son, this day have I begotten you?" PAUL
They teach that Lucifer was archangel. Well, if Jesus was an archangel and Lucifer was an archangel, what does that make them? Brothers? Sounds very similar to Mormon teachings, etc.
For those who may be interested, share-international.org has updated their website. They have an article titled, "The Time Has Come"....however, everything is still ambiguous and looking to the "near future". One thing seems obvious, they are waiting for the US economy to completely collapse, for some reason they believe it's coming and intend to take advantage of the weakened state.
I didn't head that SDA believe Michael Archangel is Jesus. Well, cross out another one. The Trinity Broadcasting Network has had SDA pastors with programs. So, even though I no longer watch much of TBN, due to their emphasis on "prosperity" and "name it and claim it", I assumed the people they allow on their airwaves do believe in Jesus as the Son of God, a member of the Trinity, who gave His life for our salvation.
I think they have one other pastor on there, however, who believes Jesus is the Son of God but not part of a Trinity which makes him true God.
hearing the encouraging words and knowing your prayers are with me really helps and is very much appreciated. tony in vermont, loving you people and going to open to the book of job for a time such as this-sounds like a good idea. The feedback helps me to continue to say thanks to Jesus and praise His Holy name. Amen
Mormon's believe that Christ is one of the three members of the Godhead or Trinity. He is God of this world, known in the Old Testament as Jehovah. He created the world and mankind. He appeared to ancient prophets and patriarchs and revealed his covenant to Moses. He performed the atonement, redeeming all mankind from death and the faithful from sin. He also will be our judge before the Father and will advocate us in mercy. He is the giver of grace and the way, the truth and the life. There is no comparing him to Lucifer. He is not an archangel because he is infinitely more, a God together with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
For an accurate presentation of LDS teachings regarding Christ, the churches doctrines are quite often misunderstood …visit www.jesuschrist.lds.org
(Editorial from the New York Sun)
Regarding the
Every once in a while we come across an anti-Catholic publication so gratuitously hateful, so wholly divorced from reality, so insidiously creative in its lies and errors that we can only marvel at what sort of person could conceive it.
Such is our reaction on surveying THE PROTESTANT, a 16-page tabloid "independently published and distributed by dedicated laymen of the Adventist Movement." Translation: A splinter group of Seventh-Day Adventists has scraped together enough cash to mail anti-Catholic vitriol into communities across the country. This publication may already have come into yours.
These Adventists have a hook. They appeal to the reader's patriotism. Their arguments are based on the premise that America and the Constitution of the United States are in some sense divinely inspired. The attacks on the Catholic Church throughout the pages of THE PROTESTANT center in one way or another on how the Church is out to make America a Catholic state, abolish religious liberty and freedom of conscience, and establish a Catholic one-world government.
The Jesuits in particular intend to destroy any opposition; they take an oath which states, "I will . . . wage relentless war . . . against all heretics, Protestants, and Liberals. . . . I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the wall, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race."
This oath is nearly identical to the "Knights of Columbus oath" that was declared a fake in 1913 by a special committee of Congress. Despite the governmental condemnation, the spurious Knights oath has been used by anti-Catholics throughout this century. (Maybe they don't read the Congressional Record.)...."
....In another attemp to provoke violence on the part of the Catholics, the Klan distributed an alleged Knights of Columbus Oath "....telling the people that as soon as the Pope in Rome would give the signalevery roman Catholic was in conscience bound to strangle stab and kill all their Protestant neighbors, men women and children without exception."
Using the alleged Knights of Columbus Oath as an illustration, the missionary proceeded to demonstrate the gullibility and ignorance of the Church's enemies. Hearing that a fallen away Catholic had joined the Klan, Father Minwegan went to ascertain the facts of the matter. The individual's wife, Mrs. B, answered the door and gave the priest an affirmative answer. She also challenged the priest to answer for the blood-curdling oath.
In the meantime the woman's ten-year-old daughter appeared and then suddenly screamed, " Don 't talk to that man. He is going to kill you." Instantly, three women rushed out from another room in what was described as a dramatic appeal to their ignorance and stupidity. Dramatic in its own way was Father Minwegan's reply:
"Ladies, do you realize what you did to this innocent child? You told her about this horrid K.Of C. Oath, a fraudulent document which is a dirty lie. You are stupid enough to believe such fraud? Look at the title above this infamous so-called oath. Do you see the word 'alleged' over it? We who have attended the parochial school know what it means. You either do not know it or maliciously ignore. The word 'alleged' means it is a fake.
The K.Kluxers hoped you could be fooled readily and not understand its meaning. Leave out the 'alleged' and you will be arrested for libel and slander at once. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to explain matters to you. The Ku Klux Klan
evidently thought you were dumb enough not to understand the word, and could be fooled easily. Please don't be fooled again. May the Lord bless you. Good bye."
(Scroll down to page 52)
I purchased your book a year or so ago, and found it very interesting.
I recommended it to many people, and now that you have it online, and free, I've sent them the PDF.
Thanks for everything you do!
In light of prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes, all the more we need to gird up our minds in the word of God and be engaged in MUCH prayer and fasting as the Lord leads, staying strong in The LORD. Eph.6:10-18
My prayers are with Constance, for she is in the thick of the battle and exposing and renouncing the hidden things of darkness. We must all consider her much and pray intensely for her protection, continued wisdom and discernment.
As Christians that hold fast to the truth of the Word of God, we do need to come together in love and unity, because we have an outside enemy who would love not only to divide, weaken and conquer, but will try to incite us against one another.
HOMEWORK: John17 Jesus prays for us.
We are one in Christ Jesus.
Paul said in 1Cor 1
2Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both their's and our's:
3 Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
4I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ;
5 That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge;
6 Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you:
7 So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:
8 Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.
12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.
13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
14 I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius;
15 Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name.
16 And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.
17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.
2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.
3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?
4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?
( I am a Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian,etc.etc you get my point)
5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?
6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.
9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.
10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.
11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
(Not even Peter)
12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
20 And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
21 Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are your's;
22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are your's;
23 And ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's.
As in the days of the tower of Babel, they were one in purpose and rebellion Gen.11 so it is reviving again. All the more we need to be one in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God Bless each one of you.
For Such a Time as This
For scripture ref. www.biblegateway.com
Thank you for the free downloads Constance. I read your books as a little girl and I have been watching ever since (I do on my blogs as well).
I have put up links to your blog and hope to help get the word out.
Do you think it is possible that the "star" they are talking about could be the Iranian satelite?
It would have to be something they could maniupulate, no?
Many Blessings :)
For Such a Time as This,
Re:As in the days of the tower of Babel, they were one in purpose and rebellion Gen.11 so it is reviving again. All the more we need to be one in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God Bless each one of you.
Thank you...and may God bless you as well.
Constance has not authorized this request for donations to Micro Effect towards her radio program; My Perspective. We want to help Constance stay on the air. MAKE YOUR DONATIONS TO MICRO EFFECT, JOE MCNEIL AT P.O. BOX 164, KAMIAH, ID 83536 Let Joe know in a note either by email at the station or by snail mail with your donation, you are donating to My Perspective Radio program with Constance. Any donation would be appreciated.
Also you can donate through the CHIP IN box on the main page of Micro Effect Radio. It's a paypal donation. Just let Joe McNeil know you are putting this toward Constance's show only.
Some have already donated. Thanks! Margie
Once upon a time, in the land called Media, in a particularly fine vineyard, some of the choicest grapes seen in ages were having a discussion. One incredibly beautiful and extra succulent one sang out, with great insight, "We in this cluster have grown surrounded by each others touch, and reflecting the sun in our juiciness." ........"Yes I agree whole-heartedly", voiced another beauty nestled actually touching the singing grape, "and I heard others outside our cluster saying they want to be included as we are transformed into wine?" One particularly mature grape chimed in, "Of course they can be included, we are all from the same vine, and when it is time we will all be pressed together." "And how will we know when is the best time?" asked another. The next voice seemed to come from deep down in the ground, yet was heard clearly by all--"We will know the time when everyone of us is ready and new wine is most needed by the people and for the people...........then and only then will the harvest and best pressing happen. "
Now is the time (I feel/think).............for all to rise and be transformed into what is needed, one grape at a time...........our strength grows in reaching out, touching others, and being touched by them. I have confidence in our ability to wisely facilitate any who are ready and willing to be part of the new wine.
This site is some sort of fake right? Whatever form of "Christianity" this "Constance" lady has been smoking apparently leads to ignorance and bigotry.
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