Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Remember the Apocalyptic Prophecy about Antichrist and False Prophet -- He shall think to change times and laws

 Steve Shultz & Johnny Enlow Say Donald Trump ushered in the Kingdom Age in 2012

atthew 24 Jesus prophesied deception abounds!

Compare the 2012 aspect to Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jose Arguelles, "Mayan Prophesies" 2021 predictions.  Looks like this might have well fit in to that scenario.

Extracted Pages 1 through 4 of above pictured 2016 book by Lawrence Moelhauser

Attributes of the Antichrist


 1. Larger, stronger, more imposing and terrifying compared to other politicians " ... look was more stout than his fellows. "(KJV); " ... larger in appearance than its associates" (NASE); " ... looked more imposing than the others. "(NIV); " ... was more terrifying than any of the others." (TEV)-Daniel 7 :20

 2. Stern or fierce faced "A king shall arise, having fierce features" (NKJV); " ... a king of fierce countenance" (KJV, AMP); " ... sternfaced"(NIV); " ... bold countenance" (RSV, Darby) Daniel 8:23

3. Generally different or unique amongst politicians " ... and he will be different.from the previous ones. "-Daniel 7:24

4. A great unifier who effectively appeals to people across traditional lines of division; will be revered by all. " ... the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast. "-Revelation 13 :3

5. Allegorically represented as incomparable metallic beast, of which he is also the personification; term beast applied to both him and his kingdom. " ... afourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured  and crushed, and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns."- Daniel 7-8

6. Seeks total political control for his own glory; not democratic republic or anything really for the people " ... who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. "-2 Thessalonians 2:4 

7. Icon of earthly success " ... he will succeed in whatever he does. "-Daniel 8:24

8. Politically rises from sub-national leadership position, like a governor " ... another horn [a ruler], a little one, came up among them [ten other rulers}. .. And out of one of [the 10 horns] came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great. "-Daniel 7:8, 11

 9. Will be shrewd, cunning, deceitful, skilled in intrigue "Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. "-Daniel 8:25 

10. Empowered through others "And his power will be mighty, but not by his own power ... "-Daniel 8:24

11. Stubborn, relentless, mega-ambitious visionary with far reaching goals.

 12. Vicious, violent, cruel, lacks regard for life "Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. "-Daniel 8:25

13. Extraordinarily proud and boastful " ... this horn [ruler] possessed. .. a mouth uttering great boasts ... ! kept looking because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking. .. that horn which had. .. a mouth uttering great boasts ... he will magnify himself in his heart. "-Daniel 7:8, 11, 20; 8

14. Disdain for women."And he will show no regard for ... the desire of women .. for he will magnify himself above them all." Daniel 11 :37 2

15. Inwardly a godless megalomaniac " ... that horn [ruler} was waging war with the saints and overpowering them ... he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One." " ... it grew up to the host of heaven and caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth, and it trampled them down. It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of the host; and it removed the regular sacrifice from Him, and the place of His sanctuary was thrown down ... the host will be given over to the horn along with the regular sacrifice; ... And he will magnify himself in his heart ... He will even oppose the Prince of princes."-Daniel 7:21, 25; 8:10-11, 25

 16. Mega-liar who actively opposes truth " .. .[he] will fling truth to the ground. ... A king will arise Insolent and skilled in intrigue. And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his injluence."-Daniel 8:11, 23, 25

 17. Morally bankrupt hedonist

 18. Allegorically represented as a conqueror on a white horse "And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him; and he went out conquering, and to conquer."-Revelation 6:2

19. Foreshadowed by historical types including King Saul, Nebuchadnezzar, Caesar, Hitler 

20. Professing Christianity, empowered by False Prophets, Christian support "I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a 3 different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds."-2 Corinthians 11 :3-15

We now have only a little more than 4 months to prepare ourselves for chaos to come. (November 5 2024 - Election Day). Trump, MAGA, Qanon, NAR (New Apostolic Reformation are promising violence against all those not in complete loyalty to Donald Trump who calls himself "The Chosen One" whether Trump wins or loses. "I am your retribution" -- "We will completely obliterate" . . . "

The deception is here. For those of you who say, "Nonsense" -- I hope you are right and I am wrong, but the present evidence tells me otherwise. Pray fervently that you may be counted worthy to withstand the things about to come on Earth.




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Matt said...

Constance, I agree it's a possibility. As Christians, we should always be open to the rise of "the" Antichrist. There are many antichrists as the bible says. It's still too early to definitively declare Trump is "the" Antichrist, in my opinion. He does seem to be an antichrist. He's not pro-life. That's a farce. Biden presents himself as Coke there, & Trump as Diet Coke. At the end of the day, they're both bad for our health.

Trump is in bed with Big Pharma as well.

On another note, here's a series on the Tupac psyop if you're interested in diving down that rabbit hole:

This is how far gone we are today. 2pac, an iconic rap star celebrity was a psyop. The evidence is irrefutable, even if I don't agree with all the content creator's conclusions. I'm a Catholic. He inserts a little anti-Catholic content in there, as well as anti-Jewish.

However, his core premise, Tupac was/is a fraud is clear. The first two episodes of the series alone are enough to prove that.

Hope you don't mind this digression. But it's an important case study in my opinion. Seeing this made it even more obvious Trump is a conman, for example.

God bless. 🙏

Anonymous said...

For someone to be the anti-messiah his name must add up in gematria to six hundred and sixty six.

Anonymous said...

8:04 AM Matt

Trump has not been bad for our health. The nation was much better under Trump's Presidency. Trump is a con man, but he also has a nice family. Compared to Biden he is a decent human being. Biden is pure evil, and is a monster that does Satan's bidding at every turn.

But go back to your Tupac rabbit hole and stay there. Hollywood, and the music industry is full of demonic/satanic people, what's new? Big deal.

Anonymous said...

We Were "Deceived & Gaslit For Years"' All In The Name of "Democracy"; Then "Poof", It Collapsed Overnight

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

I am deleting the 2:57 post deprecating Liz Cheney and her brave and courageous stand. I'm also deleting it because of the statements that the January 6, 2021 Insurrection was a set-up. It was setup by nobody but Trump and his allies. Had it really been "set up" by FBI, Antifa, and BLM as was falsely claimed by too many for years, and you this time, you may bet that Trump would not be calling those alleged BLM, Antifa, and FBI rioters to be "patriots" and "hostages" and promising to pardon all! Also, your KARMA, KARMA, KARMA betrays your New Age lying perspective.


Constance Cumbey said...

I am deleting 9:41 and 11:19 posts because both are untrue. I NEVER said I would take never another booster shot and I never went with a friend to get one and we "both received adverse reactions". I have had all my booster shots and I'm glad I did -- I have totally escaped both the flu and the COVID. The vaccines have helped many -- there may well be people with allergies that can't handle them, but obviously I was not one of them. Part of the TRUMP cult is urging people to avoid vaccines as a show of allegiance to him. Sorry, he's not getting it from me. Go back to your maybe Shane Vaughan "yes, we do worship Trump." Idolatry is idolatry despite what Roger Stone, Shane Vaughan, Johnny Enlow, Katt Kerr, Steve Shultz, etc., etc. say!


Constance Cumbey said...

The vaccines do not even come close to the Biblical specifications for the mark of the beast, BUT Qanon and MAGA positions about Trump being our new "Godly" leader and bowing down to him and treating him with undeserved reverence do. Furthermore, I believe the telling people that they must totally avoid COVID vaccines comes close to helping to fulfill New Age expectations of 2/3 population reduction. We lost a million people in the USA, a far greater proportion than all or most other countries. Many contracted it during TRUMP and NAR maskless and no-vaccine mandates. I lost dear friends who adopted that line who were far healthier than I. I lost relatives to it.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 9:23 AM -- your fanatical pro-Trump statements show me that either you have no love for the truth and/or that you do consider your Cyrus/Savior.


Anonymous said...

Seems Coulter agrees with Cumbey

Ann Coulter: Storming of Capitol signals end to ‘Trump TV’ and family ambitions

Skip to the last paragraph - "In an interview with the New York Times, she described the term “former-Trumper” as people who would “put the fear of god in him [Trump].”"
Hard tellin' not knowin' but if Trump's in jail and Biden's in the old folks home who's goin' to run? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Re: the Tupac psyop: I sent the link to my stepson. He lived the rise, and fall, of Rap.

It's too bad, in the beginning Rap really gave those kids solace then the producers took over and turned them kids all dangerous.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Joe Biden and the Death Cult Democrats support the LGBTQ+ Agenda ....

LGBT Activists Speak Out Against CA Bill That Would Make Child Sex Trafficking a Felony (Video)

In Gavin Newsom’s California, protecting children from sex trafficking is controversial.

Senate Bill 1414 (SB 1414), introduced in the California Senate by Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), aims to make soliciting sex from a minor a felony.

It is hard to imagine that a bill to protect children from sex trafficking would receive opposition, and yet it has.

Members of the LGBT community recently spoke out against the bill claiming the “harsher penalties” will impact minorities, especially the Queer community, disproportionately.

One activist speaking against the bill to protect children told legislators, “We stand against any punitive measure that perpetuates systematic injustices and emphasize instead the need for community-based solutions.”

Wouldn’t opposing a bill to protect children be an actual example of perpetuating systematic injustice? Against children?

More of this unbelievable story here:

Constance Cumbey said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

to 5:17 pm -- appears to me to be a plain case of Tierney campaigning for a Trump dictatorship. He will end up turning on her, too!


Constance Cumbey said...

To 4:46 PM - Time and events will tell.



Constance Cumbey said...

To all: I was never a fan of Dick Cheney, but to any extent he encouraged his brave and courageous daughter to stand up against the evils of January 6, 2021, I have to say that he and his wife must have done soomething right in raising her. She is the same age as my own son.


Constance Cumbey said...

To all: I was never a fan of Dick Cheney, but to any extent he encouraged his brave and courageous daughter to stand up against the evils of January 6, 2021, I have to say that he and his wife must have done soomething right in raising her. She is the same age as my own son.


Constance Cumbey said...

Constance Cumbey said...

to 12:16 -- Exactly what hopeful despotic dictator Donald John Trump has said he intends to do AWAY ("TOTALLY OBLITERATE") the "fake media" (meaning anybody telling the truth about him) and the January 6 Congressional panel.


6:12 PM

Constance Cumbey said...

To the person posting the Illuminati video, Myron Fagan, was unfortunately and obviously deeply anti-Semitic as was another bad author often promoted along with him -- Eustace Mullins! Mullins was also an obvious deep New Ager/pro-Nazi/Friend of Ezra Pound. If you don't believe me, for openers carefully read Mullins' "My Life in Christ." It would have been far more accurately called MY LIFE IN ANTICHRIST. I believe that if you do a google search, you will find a free download of that and his other abominable books.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 2;37 pm -- here's an excellent book available on Kindle to read. I read it fully this past weekend. AMERICAN HITLER.


Constance Cumbey said...

to 8:pm -- Liz Cheney's excellent book was not a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY -- Donald Trump's actions post threatening Raffensperger ("give me 11,785 votes); His actions in summoning the mob to the Pentagon; trying to force VP Pence into breaking his Constitutional oath were. I would be far more likely to buy a used car from Liz Cheney than Greg Kelly. Yes, I did read her excellent book.


to 8P0

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

I just did a little research on "Who's Greg Kelly". I'm no friend of WOKE, either, but he is dead wrong on Liz Cheney. I suspect it may be over his jealousy of her Best Seller status. I'm going to order his book and read it, but based on his video about LIz Cheney, so far I'm not impressed.


Constance Cumbey said...

Whatever a Khazar is supposed to be, I doubt that I would qualify.


Anonymous said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

I really do not care to have my blogspot with essential warnings cluttered with Ms. Tierney's pro-Trump disinformation.


Constance Cumbey said...

Our times are just too serious. Given Trump's threats of military tribunals for Liz Cheney and other January 6 Committee members, I am pushing back on my own blogspot against those of you who would use my spot to spout your confusion. I don't want to hear from you who believe:

1. The November 2020 Election was stolen. 60 Courts ruled otherwise.
2. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are "evil." They were courageous truth-tellers.
3. QANON and MAGA are good causes.

Do I approve of Biden's pro LGBTQ policies. NO.

BUT, Trump is dangerous and an EXISTENTIALIST threat to our government and even our lives. Rich Peterson sent me an important video link for a JOHN MICHAELS CHAMBER video bragging of military tribunals and executions in a global "defense" war that Trump is waging WORLDWIDE. Trump is not "protecting" us from globalism. He has his ultimate evil brand of globalism. From now on, I am pushing back on it on this blog when I see it.

Adam Kinzinger has a project called COUNTRY FIRST that us worthy of support.


Anonymous said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

To 5:03 - "All the world wondered after the beast who was dead and came back to life."

DONALD TRUMP appeared politically dead after the January 6, 2021 events. His now apparent probable return to the Presidency is causing virtually all the world to wonder after him.
The EU is trying to figure out how to Trump-proof NATO with Trump's threats to end it. Trump is threatening military tribunals -- in fact on his debate with Biden, he even said he would like for Liz Cheney to undergo one. Trump will define everybody even raising an eyebrow against him as treasonous and deserving of death. Many, many people will be terrified to do so, just as Trump terrified uncourageous Congressman such as McCarthy to help Trump's political resurrection because they were fearful of his base consisting of deluded Christians and MAGA. It was Steve Bannon who mapped out the strategy for merging the Christians with Trump and produced the Phil Robertson starring, Christian award winning movie TORCHBEARER. It was an excellent film, and I was happy for awhile that Biden was advising Trump. Bannon has actively bragged to many, including Sarah Posner, that he produced this to create the enlarged Trump coalition.

It is now well documented that Bannon is deeply immersed in THE SECRET DOCTRINE of Blavatsky and Gurdjieffianism and is looking to bring down the government as part of the long awaited 2025 year KALI YUGA. "The mystical Steve Bannon"


Anonymous said...

From the Gateway Pundit (July 9, 2024)...

Joe Biden's former stenographer (now whistleblower) Mike McCormick's book "The Case To Impeach" is a real bombshell eye-opener exposing the REAL Joe Biden!!! The second half of the nearly 1 hour video also tells the real reason WHY Carlo Maria Vigano was excommunicated from the Catholic Church recently...

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 4:15 AM

Just curious... but, WHERE does the Bible describe the antichrist as being a politician... who dies 'politically' (but not actually)... and comes back to life?

Please show us that particular passage.

Most Christians believe that the antichrist (when he does reveal himself) will appear on the world stage as more of a 'religious' leader... well versed in Scripture in order 'to deceive the very elect'.

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 6:36 PM
Re: Exactly what hopeful despotic dictator Donald John Trump has said he intends to do AWAY ("TOTALLY OBLITERATE") the "fake media" (meaning anybody telling the truth about him) and the January 6 Congressional panel.


President Trump had 4 long years during his first term (2016 thru 2020) to DESTROY his enemies... but, he did not.

He actually showed compassion towards Hillary Clinton... even though crowds would loudly chant "lock her up" to him all the time!!!

There was NO EVIDENCE of a dictator, or an 'Adolph Hitler' type leader during those 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 3:46 AM
Re: "BUT, Trump is dangerous and an EXISTENTIALIST threat to our government and even our lives. Rich Peterson sent me an important video link for a JOHN MICHAELS CHAMBER video bragging of military tribunals and executions in a global "defense" war that Trump is waging WORLDWIDE. Trump is not "protecting" us from globalism. He has his ultimate evil brand of globalism. From now on, I am pushing back on it on this blog when I see it."


Excuse me... but, Donald Trump is NOT IN OFFICE NOW (therefore, not in charge)!!! So, those 'military tribunals and executions' are coming from the FAR LEFT / Deep State / Obama & Biden camps!!!

(I am pushing back on TRUTH over lies!!!)

Anonymous said...

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Constance Cumbey said...

Re 7:36 PM -- I said before that I do not care to have my blogspot comment spot be a place to popularize Ms. Tierney's obvious pro-Qanon propaganda. I am deleting your comment forthwith. What is happening is too serious -- the Trump people, including a Reawaken America Tour speaker John Michael Chambers, are obviously talking mass murder vis a vis Donald Trump's "Global Defense War" for people not to awaken and realize that we may well be in early stages of prophesied biblical tribulation. I do not care to be part of the mass deception and I will allow only warnings against it, not for it on this site.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 5:07 AND to amplify my last comment, Rich Peterson (our Rich of Medford) sent me this video which contains credible evidence that the Qanon and TRUMP suggested STORM is upon us.

Here is the video link -- the video gave me nightmares!

According to this, TRUMP is acting as a President and GLOBAL COMMANDER -- right now.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 5:03 am -- NOW THAT IT APPEARS VIRTUALLY CERTAIN THAT TRUMP MAY RETURN TO OFFICE -- AND HE HAS CONTINUED HIS THREATS OF MILITARY TRIBUNALS, below is the Email notice Rich Peterson sent me last night and YES, I am pushing back against these MAGA/Qanon/Project 25 evils and will not allow this blogspot to be used as a center to popularize them -- I intend for honest warnings to go out and not be blurred by those intentionally or unintentionally spreading QANON/MAGA propaganda.

Declaration of War - kill or be killed

Jul 10, 2024, 7:40 PM (13 hours ago)
to me, richpeterson

Listen to the first part of this carefully, especially starting at minute 8.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 4:37 pm - I thought what everybody claimed to love about TRUMP was that he was NOT a politician. I commend to all Benjamin Teitelman's excellent book about Steve Bannon WAR FOR ETERNITY.


Anonymous said...

"President Trump had 4 long years during his first term (2016 thru 2020) to DESTROY his enemies... but, he did not.

He actually showed compassion towards Hillary Clinton... even though crowds would loudly chant "lock her up" to him all the time!!!

There was NO EVIDENCE of a dictator, or an 'Adolph Hitler' type leader during those 4 years."

(1) Hillary Clinton was never an enemy of Donald Trump. It was all for show. (2) The January 6, 2021 INSURRECTION at the US Capitol is more than enough EVIDENCE of a dictator.

Anonymous said...

Why Elon Musk Is Building The World's BIGGEST Supercomputer

Constance Cumbey said...

Newsweek article about "Brace for Violence" about November elections:


Anonymous said...

9:31 AM
Re: "(1) Hillary Clinton was never an enemy of Donald Trump. It was all for show. (2) The January 6, 2021 INSURRECTION at the US Capitol is more than enough EVIDENCE of a dictator."


Yeah... you mean 'evidence' of the Democratic Party DICTATORS (Biden, Obama, Nancy, etc.) who HAD TO infiltrate Trump supporters on January 6th... to distract, distort and COVER UP THE STOLEN 2020 ELECTION... by setting up Trump!!!


P.S. Hillary was not an enemy of Trump (she & Bill attended his wedding to Melania) UNTIL he ran against her for President in 2016. She thought it would be fun... never dreaming in a million years that the American people would actually PREFER him over her. LOL

JFK and Donald Trump soon learned... that if you are not ready & willing to be a PUPPET of the Deep State Globalists (and follow their orders)... you will either end up with a bullet in your head... or you will be persecuted (non-stop) 24/7 for the next 8 years!!!

And the Democrats have the nerve to talk about 'protecting democracy'??? What a joke they are!!! Most of the American people can NOW see right through this... why can't YOU???

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you, Anonymous @ 12:21 PM

Meanwhile, I am praying for Constance... and for our entire country!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

NATO vows 'irreversible path' to Ukraine membership

Anonymous said...

Savage Peace - atrocities against Germans

Anonymous said...

Morning Joe: Biden & Other Dems Think Obama Quietly Orchestrating Coup

Anonymous said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

To last comment writer which I just deleted:

There's not much left to debate on whether somebody who

1. Demanded 11.785 votes
2. Incited and then did nothing to stop 1-6-2021 Capitol riots
3. After gallows were hung for Mike Pence further incited the mobs with Twitter comments about Biden not having the courage to do the right thing
4. Believe Trump's lies about the 2020 Election that he lost fair and square, maybe because he wouldn't keep a civil tongue in his mouth and alienated the Republicans who were unhappy with things such as h is treatment of John McCain -- 60 Courts including the full Supremen Court that included Trump's chosen judges ruled against him on those election fraud claims.

AND, I heard Trump expressly say on the recent full Trump Biden debate that he would like to have Liz Cheney tried by a military tribunal.

Those of you who see no problems with the above and so many other issues, including Trump's messianic claims for himself, are most likely suffering from a seared conscience.

This blog is to get out ACCURATE INFORMATION --- given that we have less than 4 months until likely chaos is to ensue -- NEWSWEEK Magazine recently published an article warning all to "Brace for Election Violence" -- I am allowing no further attempts by those who approve of all Trump's obviously unlaeful actions to divert people from HONEST DISCUSSION of the materials I posted. It appears to me that you either did not read/view them.

I am not here to win a popularity contest!

3. Has obviously not watched the materials and videos I posted

If you have no problems with

to last

Constance Cumbey said...

To 12:12 poster -- I gave all essential Bible verses you should have needed in the extracted pages I posted. I have no obligation to you to retype that same essential information. Further, you think you are so erudite in the law -- they word is HEARSAY -- NOT "heresay"


TO 12;

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

12:15 pm said: "The TRUTH is that you seen to be unable to handle it... whenever anyone happens to DISAGREE with you. Your bloggers should feel free to express their opinions. Otherwise, how are you any better than Hitler?"

First this is Mrs. Cumbey's private blog, not the town square. If she doesn't want your vile, qanon, unAmerican, heretical nonsense posted here she's free to delete whatever she wants. At this point you appear to simply be baiting her with nothing more than performative controversy as your supposed opinions, as always, lack credibility, evidence or even reality.

Second, the rules of decorum do not apply to advocates of stupidity (Trump), ped0philia (Trump), r@pe (Trump) and/or mass infection (unsupported antivaccine bullcrap).

Third, if Mrs. Cumbey needs any assistance with the moderation of this blog I'd be willing to assist as the baseless attacks are not likely to stop as Mrs. Cumbey continues to expose the unGodly new age Maga right.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ann Vandersteel and Operation Burning Edge - Exposing the mass migrant INVASION and TAKEOVER of America

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

6:30 pm

Don't know about that...but it's probably safe to say Donald Trump pooped in his pants today at some point. He's probably been doing that a lot since the Epstein files dropped further exposing his close association to the convicted ped0phile.


1. Only Trump Cultists & qanon adherents are still espousing the fake stolen 2020 election crap anymore. It's nothing more than meaningless in-group signaling at this point.

2. If Jan 6th was a set up why would Trump & his band of fellow felons so desperately want to pardon all those fake FBI convicted insurrectionists?

3. It's been over 3 years since mRNA covid vaccines were introduced...exactly when are those supposed super nasty side effects which you claim we'll be seeing "more and more as time passes" gonna even start???

4. I'm just offering to help. Mrs. Cumbey sometimes goes long stretches where she's not around here and Rich seems to stop in rarely too. Until then, I would suggest to Mrs. Cumbey that she consider adding the words tierney and zerohedge to the profanity filter as a start.


Anonymous said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

I fear many of you will climb the "Seven Mountains" of NAR to your own destruction.


Constance Cumbey said...

To x 7:03 PM, we don't always agree but tonight we do.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Comment deleted

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Anonymous said...

New Biden Gaffe: Mixes Up Zelensky, Putin as Calls to End Campaign Grow

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We will never be deleted...I mean defeated.
Lets fill the blog with deletes.

Disclaimer...Satire and puns fully intended

Anonymous said...

Hilarious 😂

Anonymous said...

Looking at the polls come election time it will turn to defeatist.
Look at the votes in the house against voter ID

Anonymous said...

Its storytime for the leftists....
Once apon a time there was a emperor who loved new clothes who was tricked by two swindlers. They pretended to make him an outfit that was invisible to anyone unfit for their position. No one, including the emperor, wanted to admit they couldn't see the clothes. During a parade, a child exclaimed, "The emperor is wearing nothing!" The crowd then saw the truth, exposing the emperor's foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious 😂

Anonymous said...

Especially when they delete it

Anonymous said...

Leftist Deletetists.
Hilarious 😂

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech is not alive and not well on Cumbey Thinks.

Anonymous said...

Leftists accuse the opposition of the very thing they actually do.
This blog does what they accuse Trump of.

Anonymous said...

There's psychological condition where a person finds themselves attracted to someone they hate is often referred to as "ambivalence." This term describes a state of having simultaneous, conflicting feelings towards someone or something. In the context of relationships, it can manifest as experiencing both strong dislike and attraction towards a person.

This phenomenon can be complex and is influenced by various factors, including unresolved emotional conflicts, underlying psychological issues, or the dynamics of the relationship itself. In some cases, it may also involve elements of love-hate relationships, where intense emotions on both ends of the spectrum coexist.
When people experience attraction to someone they dislike, it is often referred to as "hate attraction" or "hostile attraction." This paradoxical phenomenon can occur due to various psychological factors:

Psychological Tension: The intensity of negative emotions like anger or hatred can sometimes amplify physical attraction due to the heightened emotional state.
Unresolved Conflict: Unresolved conflicts or mixed feelings towards a person can lead to a combination of attraction and repulsion.
Chemistry and Dynamics: The dynamic tension between two people can sometimes create a sense of excitement and arousal, even if it is rooted in negative emotions.
Projection and Transference: People might project their own unresolved issues onto others, leading to complex feelings that include both attraction and dislike.
While not a specific psychological condition, this type of attraction can be part of broader psychological phenomena such as ambivalence, cognitive dissonance, or even the "love-hate relationship" dynamic.

Anonymous said...

Now that ticks some boxes.

Anonymous said...

You see it amongst feminists when they come across a strong male figure.
They long to dominate and be dominated at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Like Catwomen in Batman

Anonymous said...

Michael Lavon Robinson (Big Mike From The Wood) The Real Truth

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey Content Carnage Cult

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

O'Biden is fried!

Anonymous said...

Here is the bottom line...

NO ONE KNOWS the identity of the Antichrist UNTIL he reveals himself on the world stage.

Anonymous said...

You've been gaslit...

Maga IS the new age deep state set to dismantle and delegitimize Protestant America which is nearly entirely funded and controlled by big oil, pharma and the roman catholic church.

Though I've heard recently that now that the roman catholic supreme court has overruled Chevron, Big Oil, Pharma, banking and other corporate interests don't have all that much need of Trump or any executive politician anymore as long as our Congress stay divided or do-nothing GOP controlled, there will be absolutely no enforceable new or old regulation of any industries at all.

Anonymous said...

8:04 AM regarding Tupac psyop, it's a big rabbit hole for sure. Looking at Tupac leads to Sean "Diddy" Combs. Currently, abuse and traffiking allegations are surfacing connecting Combs to televangelist and megachurch pastor T.D. Jakes, Potters House. Jakes is spiritual mentor and pastor to Paula White-Cain, Trump's spiritual advisor. Are any of them anything but cons? Could be a piece of the puzzle in the plot to bring darkness to light.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to North Korea. Enjoy your stay.

Anonymous said...

Why are so many comments being deleted? What's going on here?

Anonymous said...

New age Maga qanon cultists and trolls are attacking the blog and Mrs Cumbey personally for daring to expose Trump’s duplicity.

Anonymous said...

RE the video: trump-declares-global-defense-war-what-will-happen-next-to-president-trump_

The sound isn't very good. I couldn't hear it well enough to understand it. I searched and found this on John Michael Chamber's website. TRUMP DECLARES GLOBAL DEFENSE WAR

This appears to be more of the Qanon psyop with the same type of information put out by Jan Halper-Hayes. The 2020 election was stolen, Trump is still president and commander in chief. Trump declared global war as of January 2024 consisting of a "global alliance that
includes eight hundred generals, two hundred from the U.S. plus the millions they collectively command from thirty nations" plus one million National Guard that have been Federalized via President Trump's Executive Order, "a global defense war has been declared. Key words here are global and defense. The mission at hand in 'Operation Storm', is to expose the crimes, crimes against humanity and the treason that has been committed and to eradicate the Deep State global structure restoring our Constitutional Republic and God given rights and freedoms to America and mankind."

Anonymous said...

Cumbey Cult troll @ 6:50 PM

or is it Dr. X?

Anonymous said...

Maian Left Estate To Her Son Michael Lavon Robinson

Anonymous said...

Maybe Constance should move to Canada after the election

Anonymous said...

Marian Left Estate To Her Son Michael Lavon Robinson

Anonymous said...

Or more to the Left... Portland Oregon

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Cabin fever, mass hysteria can fit the scenario of when people are isolated from reality.
Its a worldwide problem psychologists are encountering.

Anonymous said...

It likely goes back to the age of 2

Anonymous said...

9:30, 9:34, 9:35. It's a psyop. Michelle Obama is not a man.

Anonymous said...

Posting for informational purposes only.

Elon Musk SHOCKS World: Officially DONATES To Trump 2024 | Richest Man on Earth Goes Full MAGA

Anonymous said...

7:07 AM

It is an educated guess going by body metrics, and the fact there are no photos of a pregnant Mike!

Approximately one in a hundred thousand people croak during the type of surgery Joan Rivers was having when she died. Just a coincidence?

Please post your proof that it is a psyop.

Anonymous said...

Post your proof that Joa all, of them.n Rivers died mysteriously. There aren't any "pregnant" photos of my mother in law either, and she gave birth to 9 children including a set of twins. The list of first ladies who have never produced a ,"pregnant" photo would include most, if not

Anonymous said...

Continued - the list of first ladies who have not produced a "pregnant" photo would include most, if not all, of them. There are people who believe Jackie Kennedy was a tranny. Can you imagine that? The goal of the psyop is to cause confusion and lead folks to believe that a man can transgender to a beautiful woman. All a distraction.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That is your theory, but your 'evidence' is paltry.

The elite reveal bits of reality in their intent to decide. That increases the power of the deception/spell. That is the REAL 'psyop'.

Look at how the elite in politics, entertainment etc. use various hand signs to show their elegance to the prince of this world. They aren't just messing around.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

11:55 AM should read 'intent to deceive' not intent to decide.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anyone and everyone that disrespects my idol Liz Cheney will be deleted!!!


Anonymous said...

"Project 2025" is just "Project 1981"

“Dangerous, diabolical, and dastardly” is how Hakeem Jeffries, the House Democratic Leader, just described the so-called “Project 2025” planning document that all liberals have now been commanded to light their hair on fire about and run around in circles screeching how it portends some imminent apocalyptic MAGA takeover.

First off, it’s the least surprising thing in the world that the preeminent DC think tank of the “Conservative Movement” would merge itself to the maximum extent possible with the branding and sensibility of Donald Trump, the current undisputed ruler of the “Conservative Movement,” such as it exists. What would be far more surprising is if the Heritage Foundation, which drafted the document now being wailed about by every Democratic pundit, had not maximally ingratiated itself with Trump — in fact, the Trump Administration’s embrace of the Heritage Foundation was already well underway during his first term. But now liberals, desperate for a campaign pivot amidst Joe Biden’s cognitive implosion, are using their usual overwrought melodrama to hype “Project 2025” as slam-dunk proof that Trump obviously represents an Existential Threat To American Democracy™ or whatever. What they curiously fail to mention is that the document is robustly aligned with many of the liberals’ most sacrosanct priorities.

Read more here:

NOTE: Project 2025 is a THREAT, but Millions of illegals crossing our border isn't!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Plus the demon-rats want the invaders to vote demon-rat. That is the demon-rat version of defending democracy!

Biden's reselection slogan: Defending Democracy, and increasing Personal Freedom. He is doing 180 degrees the opposite!

Anonymous said...

Trump's Return: Get Ready For Chaos To Be Unleashed And Blamed On You

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Trump was shot today. Looks like Opus Dei missed taking him out by centimeters and only got his ear.

They must not have approved of his upcoming vice president pick or they woulda waited until after they rigged the election to take him out.

Anonymous said...

Trump Shot On Side Of Head, Rushed Off Stage In Assassination Attempt At Pennsylvania Rally

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

7.21pm what a sick depraved comment.
Glad that Homeland security and FBI can trace any comments posted to the source and that some here are so ignorant of that.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Any comments from Constance Cumbey?? Or will this just be 'deleted by the blog administrator'?

Report: Biden told Donors it was ‘Time to Put Trump in the Bullseye’

Anonymous said...


So NOW assassination attempts are wrong?

Maga insurrectionists plotted & tried to kill Pelosi and Pence on Jan 6th & Maga martyred the traitors while claiming they were all antifa or FBI agents while also simultaneously pushing for Trump to pardon the would be assassins.

Maga are the liars & political fanatics who stoke this kind of violence.

You reap what you sow. Fortunately it appears this shooter is dead. Unlike Maga, nobody is gonna pretend the secret service murdered him/her. As justified a defensive shooting as Ashli Babbit.

Anonymous said...

8:24 PM



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

7:21 PM Agreed. Not much blood for a deadly head wound - already being discussed on social media. Trumpsters are declaring they are more determined than ever for a Trump win.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Follow link below to report to FBI

Anonymous said...

How to report to Homeland Security.
(Note its by your resident State)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If you are a victim of a hate crime or have credible information about a hate crime, please contact the Department of Attorney General Michigan 313-456-0040.

Anonymous said...

8:24 PM illustrates just how sick and demented the Democratic Death Cult really is.

Get help 8:24 before you injure yourself and or others.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

I was SHOCKED to learn about the apparent shooting attack on Donald Trump that also resulted in 1 spectator death and another critically injured. I just read an account from the NEW YORK POST that the shooter had been identified as a 20 year old man by the last name of Crooks. We do not as yet have information on his background nor motives.

I have expressed deep concerns about the violence to come against anti-Trump people threatened by Qanon (John Michael Chambers, Jan Halper-Hayes) and many NAR people. NEVERTHELESS, I am saddened by this tragic event today.

I suspect it will do nothing to lessen feared violence and chaos in the months to come -- but once again, I hope i'm wrong.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Bible has several passages that address bitterness and unforgiveness, emphasizing the importance of letting go of these negative emotions and embracing forgiveness. Here are a few key scriptures from the World English Bible British Edition (WEBBE):

1. **Ephesians 4:31-32**: "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, outcry, and slander be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in Christ forgave you."

2. **Hebrews 12:15**: "Looking carefully lest there be any man who falls short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and many be defiled by it."

3. **Colossians 3:13**: "Bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, if any man has a complaint against any; even as Christ forgave you, so you also do."

4. **Matthew 6:14-15**: "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you don’t forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

5. **Romans 12:19**: "Don’t seek revenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to God’s wrath. For it is written, 'Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay, says the Lord.'"

These verses highlight the detrimental effects of bitterness and the importance of forgiveness for spiritual well-being and alignment with God's will.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Keep on deleting Constance and we will keep on posting.

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

To 7:21 pm -- Your comment is VILE and DISGUSTING! NOTHING JUSTIFIES POLITICAL VIOLENCE. Unfortunately, there are way too many guns out there -- especially assault rifles. Maybe we should all remember that there is MORE to the Constitution than than just the 2nd Amendment! Scripture says that "they overcame the Beast by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of theirTestimony and they loved not their lives until the death." Too many think it is by guns. Too many mass shootings out there. I wonder if former President Trump might modify his opinions against moderate gun use restraints in view of this tragedy happening to himself. I always hold out hope that people repent. Trump has advocated violence in his public speeches many times. NEVERTHELESS, nothing justified what happened to him and the two other spectators tonight! I am deleting your comment.

Constance Cumbey said...


The shooter's name was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. He was 20 years old and is a registered Republican.


Craig said...


For the record, the “AR” in AR-15 stands for ArmaLite Rifle, not “assault rifle”. To add to the confusion, there are and have been several different kinds of AR-15 rifles down the years, some of which are no longer legal and some of which are legal.

In any case, there have been and are far too many calls for violence on 'both "sides"'.

Sky News Australia has posted the shameful way some in the US media had initially framed this assasination attempt as a “fall”, “incident”, etc.:

‘Sad day for America’: Sky News host blasts CNN coverage of attempted Trump assassination

Sky New Australia

Sky News host Gabriella Power has slammed CNN for its initial coverage of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump.

Ms Power said: “If you were following media outlets like CNN today, you would have thought Donald Trump had a fall”.

A breaking CNN article included a headline which read: “Secret Service rushed Trump off stage after he falls at rally”.

“Falls? It was an assassination attempt. He’s not Joe Biden,” Ms Power said.

Ms Power said it was a “devastating day for America” and claimed there was likely to be growing support for the former president, following the attack.

Anonymous said...

Headline from Newsmax (July 14, 2024)

Trump: 'It Was God Alone Who Prevented the Unthinkable'

Anonymous said...

Deceased shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks (although a registered Republican)...

When Crooks was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote. The groups did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Anonymous said...

From Newsmax (July 14, 2024)...

Witnesses: Secret Service 'Blew' Shooter's 'Head Off'

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Craig said...

Watch this before it gets taken down. Here's purported eyewitness testimony from a local who was near the building where the gunman scaled the roof:

Did Secret Service Know? Donald Trump Shooter Thomas Crooks Was Seen by Eyewitness

Republic World

Donald Trump’s campaign says he is “fine” after what law enforcement officials are treating as an apparent assassination attempt during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday.
In a social media post, Trump said he was “shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear.” The former president was quickly whisked from the stage by Secret Service agents, his ear covered in blood.
A prosecutor said the suspected gunman and at least one attendee are dead, and the Secret Service said two spectators were critically injured.
One eyewitness claimed that the shooter was easily spotted as he made his way onto a nearby roof.
"We noticed the guy crawling, you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us. 50, 50 feet away from us," said Greg Smith.
"We were telling the police. We were pointing at him for the Secret Service, who were looking at us from the top of the barn."

Anonymous said...

8:54 wait for Constance to delete your comment... it doesn't fit the anti narrative.

Anonymous said...

how to not win friends and influence people

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Witnesses at Trump rally were screaming at the POLICE and Secret Service for 3 minutes telling them about the shooter on the roof... but, no one was doing anything!!!

It wasn't until Trump was shot in his right ear and had blood running down his face before the Secret Service got him out of there!!!

anon said...

so if you knew hitler as a baby would turn out the way he did.....would you unalive that baby. So many lives could have been saved.

so applying that logic to Constance thinking Trump is the antichrist, should she and a lot of you be upset that the bullet didn't unalive Trump. >< close to unaliveing the antichrist. that person would have been a hero to a lot of you.

anon said...

ahhh twitter, facebook, google and constance. what do they have in common.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The letter E.

Anonymous said...

9:04 AM

No, the shooter wasn't motivated by statements from Constance (let's not go off the deep end). He probably doesn't even know about this blog. He didn't leave a social media footprint of any kind (which is highly unusual for a 20 year old).

The non-stop persecution of Donald Trump has been ongoing 24/7 since Trump announced he was running for President in 2016... 8 LONG YEARS now... and encouraged by the Globalist controlled mainstream news media!!! The Globalists ONLY want a 'puppet' president who they are able to control... who meets the APPROVAL of the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

marko said...

Interesting news clip from Republic World, Craig. I love early live reporting, before everything gets "sanitized".

I LOLed at the Sky News reporter's statement about CNNs claim that Trump fell: "He’s not Joe Biden".

I've always liked Sky News. I like them even better now. :^)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for deleting my 9:28 AM post Constance. You just can't handle opposing views.

The New Agers you exposed in your books so long ago, by comparison, make you look like a bad person.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 9:21 am

I'm not here to win a popularity contest -- I am here to disseminate honest information and opinions. What happened to Trump yesterday was BAD. So was the following:

1. "Give me 11,785 votes"
2. Trump's threats against his dissenters calling them RINO's and far worse "Traitors" deserving of military tribunals and trials.
Vice President Mike Pence
Liz Cheney
Adam Kinzinger
General Kelly
General Milley
3. Trump pledging "total obliteration" toward elements of the press and media, RINO's,
"Fascists" (he's the real fascist!)
I have no apology for deleting your ugly and dishonest comments. Honest discourse is one thing, but I am not as a conservative Republican promote that which has turned the Republican Party into a total Trump cult, applauding Dirty Trickster Roger Stone, false and racist Birther stories, etc. ad nauseum.

You can always start your own blogspot. I'll go there and comment and I'll bet you promptly delete me.


Anonymous said...

Constance in reference to your statement that the shooter was registered as a Republican would you like to consider the FACT that many Democrats registered as Republicans to vote for Nikki in the primaries but are still Democrats of course.

Anonymous said...

Above was honest information

Anonymous said...

Sick and Twisted poster alert 9:50 AM !!!

Anonymous said...

Constance don't confuse "opinion" with facts and honestly.
Honesty requires all the "facts" of which you don't have on a regular basis it seems.
Cherry picking is a messy business and the stains don't easily come out in the wash.

Anonymous said...
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Craig said...

This David Bull guy is clearly full of it, but his interviewee, Dr. Roger Gewolb is right on the money!

“Biden Said 'Put Trump In The Bullseye'” | Shooter Named As Thomas Matthew Crooks


Gunfire erupted at a Donald Trump rally on Saturday, sparking panic in the crowd and spattering the Republican presidential candidate with blood, before he emerged and defiantly pumped his fist in the air and was ushered to a waiting car.

Trump grimaced and grabbed his ear before security hustled him away, his red "Make America Great Again" hat knocked off. The Secret Service and the former president's campaign said Trump was safe following the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles (50 km) north of Pittsburgh.

Live video showed blood spattered on Trump's right cheek and ear.

Downing Street in the United Kingdom issued a statement about the shooting:

“We are shocked by the scenes at President Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. We condemn all forms of political violence in the strongest terms and we send our best wishes to President Trump and his family at this time."

Dr David Bull speaks with geopolitical expert, Roger Gewolb.

Craig said...

marko @ 9:40 AM,


Anonymous said...

"Biden Said 'Put Trump In The Bullseye"

Yet Mrs. Cumbey only fears violence towards "anti-Trump people"

You're just a bit lopsided there Constance. Ever leaning left.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"methinks the lady doth protest too much"

Anonymous said...

MORE information on deceased 20 year old shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. Although he may have been a Republican... he was a BIDEN DONOR!!!

Had Trump not turned his head a certain way, that rifle shot to his right ear, MAY HAVE KILLED HIM!!! We have to give credit to DIVINE INTERVENTION!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Some of the president's critics including Bill Ackman brought back a tweet of Biden's saying it was 'time to put Trump in a bullseye' just five days before the shooting - as the DNC frantically attempted to pull all TV ads.

Top Republicans blame Biden for Trump assassination attempt

Anonymous said...

Reply to 9:04 AM's comment...

No, the shooter wasn't motivated by statements from Constance (let's not go off the deep end). He probably doesn't even know about this blog. He didn't leave a social media footprint of any kind (which is highly unusual for a 20 year old).

The non-stop persecution of Donald Trump has been ongoing 24/7 since Trump announced he was running for President in 2016... 8 LONG YEARS now... and encouraged by the Globalist controlled mainstream news media!!! The Globalists ONLY want a 'puppet' president who they are able to control... who meets the APPROVAL of the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

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