Sunday, May 05, 2024

What Peter said to Cornelius, Trump likely would not say to others -- New Apostolic Reformation (ElijahStreams) Trump Idolatry is increasing


And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at

his feet, and worshipped him.

But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up ; I myself also am a man.

Watching former President Trump as carefully as I have starting with his post-election request to Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger, it has been increasingly clear that Trump is accepting worship of the type that Peter declined from Cornelius (Acts 10:25).  Books proclaiming Trump to be the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" have been permitted to be marketed and sold at Trump rallies.   One prominent example is shown below:

Trump has not infrequently made messianic claims for himself and happily retweeted/"retruthed" idolatrous praise for himself, including those of his friend Wayne Allyn Root who said that Trump was regarded as the second coming of God in Israel.

One of the most prominent of New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) media outlet has been Steve Shultz, owner/CEO/operator of the very large Elijah Stream network.   In the last two days, Steve Shultz posted his latest Youtube interview of Jan Halper-Hayes,        Both made it clear that Trump was their expectation of "hope for the world", but Steve Shultz went one further and made the audacious claim of his belief that the only thing stronger in the world than Trump was God Himself.  It appears that even Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit got skipped on that one!       

Disturbing  comments by Jan Halper-Hayes and Steve Shultz:

-- "I would like the Military to come out . . . :  (14:26)

          -- "Jan Halper-Hayes references her last video (I posted this on my last post as well) about Jerome Corsi's representations about Military planning coup against Obama unless Trump promised to run for President -- they allegedly, per her, and Corsi said they held back because of the  promise by Trump to run.

--  The Military wanted somebody who was "not beholden to the Deep State . . ."

-- Ken Buck (R - Colorado) who recently left Congress is not a supporter of Trump, but he was "deeply aware of the Deep State that he took . . ."

-- Jan Halper-Hayes says she can't "get her head around that Ken Buck was against the Deep State, but didn't like Trump."

        -- Steve Shultz relies:  "If he was against the Deep State, he should be a thousand  percent for Trump . . . Jan Halper-Hayes 

       -- STEVE SHULTZ:  "Other than God himself . . .  He needs a man on the Earth to be in that position and  there's no other man on Earth to be in that position and It's Trump -- There's no other human being who has those gifts other than Trump himself . . . and I suppose

-- STEVE SHULTZ -- "Oh, and I was going to make this point, too.  If we want Trump with the backbone to be such a backbone so strong that even if it meant some of us have to go home early to the Lord [i.e. die!] because we didn't survive, He still waited for the right time, the right way to take on the Deep State.  He can't make his decision without . . .

Jan Halper-Hayes then jumps into say from her purported insider advisor military advantage:  "Let's make it clear -- the Military has already stepped in.

WELL, Trump is the Savior for the Earth?  Some of us may have to die and get out the way?  A military coup is already well in progress.  That's what Shultz and Halper-Hayes are saying.  So are many others in the MAGA-Qanon--NAR--Manifest Sons of God movements are saying.  May the Lord help us all!

Stay tuned, more is coming -- next time maybe about Kat Kerr and her statements that Trump is presently the 46th President, does not need to be elected, and is entitled to "make up time" for the 4 missed years!




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Anonymous said...

Cult leader Trump's goal has been to be the major news story every single day since he announced his run for the presidency back in 2015. In that, he's been successful - didn't have to spend campaign dollars on advertising. Spent it on hush money payments instead. There's always a glimmer of hope that more folks will catch on before the election.

Anonymous said...

Remember when everyone was saying we need to come to the aid of Ukraine in order to 'preserve Democracy?'

Well, whatever happened to Ukraine's democracy? Zelensky has suspended Presidential Elections until further notice. Why do you think he did that? Was it out of his love and devotion to freedom and democratic rule?

Anonymous said...

Again ... is Ukraine really worth a nuclear war?

Anonymous said...

Lock him up.

Guilty on all 34 felony counts.

Time 2 seek an alternate candidate because Trump is going 2 jail or, at best, house arrest.


Anonymous said...

Many world leaders have led from jail or home detention.
Its amazing the travesty of woke leftist ideology the have one law for one and not another and pervert the balance of justice.
Constance sung the praises of JFK... what about Marilyn Monroe.
What about Monica Lewinsky.
Every person since the fall has been weighed and found wanting.
Its just amazing how the fan boys or girls are prepared to overlook what suits them when politically motivated.
God's Kingdom is not of this World

John 8
1Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. 2And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. 3And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, 4They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? 6This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. 7So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 8And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 9And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? 11She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Anonymous said...

Constance where to you stand over Isreal?
For or against.
Haven't heard yet given your strong opinions elsewhere

Anonymous said...

Good question! See if you get a direct answer

Anonymous said...

Trump will be in good company with the J6 and Abortion Clinic grannies.

Political Prisoners all

Anonymous said...

Craig said: This hardly means I considered myself as part of some "Trump train", as you wish to make it seem. Though I cannot possibly recall my full motivations, I'm thinking it had to do with juxtaposing the huge turnouts for Trump over against the pitiful turnouts for Biden.

A simple apology would have sufficed.

I simply and accurately, to some reasonable extent, represented you having been a Trump supporter (on the Trump Train - so much so you even posted about the Trump Train on just one thread I searched).

It's not a big deal.

It didn't call for you referring to me as "trolling" and "strawmanning" you.

I'm not hurt. You don't need to apologize and I'm not requesting such. It just suggesting it would have been better than trying to minimize your own pre-election enthusiasm and sharing post-election denial misinformation AGAIN.

I don't even have to look but as far as the "votes going backwards one way and forward another", I'm guessing I was quick to explain to you and others that the "votes" you were supposedly seeing and being suspicious of weren't actual voting totals but merely Edison Research modeling of the vote totals for media consumption. Networks no longer do their own redundant & competitive exit polling and election forecasting...they all use Edison Research to provide predictive modeling based off exit polling and actual precinct totals input into the model as actual results are reported to state election officials & shared with them.

But we all know that NOW...right? I probably explained Edison Research here a dozen times now.


Anonymous said...

Trump and Nineveh
January 21, 2024

They will jail him or kill him or maybe jail him then kill him to keep him from winning

Anonymous said...

As programmed, the Trumpsters cult are flying their American flags upside down alongside Appeal to Heaven flags.

The U.S. flag code, which is not legally enforceable, specifically says that the flag is not to be inverted “except as a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property.”

The Pine Tree flag displays a lone pine tree against a white background underneath the line "An Appeal to Heaven" in black bold lettering, a phrase based on the writings of philosopher John Locke, who suggested people must "appeal to heaven" when there is no proper rule of law. Recently, the flag was adopted as the symbol of the "An Appeal to Heaven" initiative of NAR prophet Dutch Sheets, which aims to ensure the government of the United States is based on Christian values and support elected officials "who will commit to live and govern based on biblical, constitutional and Federalist principles. The flag is tied closely to the "Stop the Steal" movement and is usually rooted in religious support of Donald Trump and was repeatedly spotted among rioters at the Jan. 6th insurrection.

Appeal to Heaven flag tied to Christian Nationalism, pdf here:

Anonymous said...

"They will rue the day" -Megyn Kelly

marko said...

Good video analysis about the Trump verdict by John Haller, who does a well-balanced weekly prophecy update. He was a trial lawyer most of his life.

"This thing was a travesty from the beginning."

Anonymous said...

The dangerous White folks!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Every dark cloud has a siviler lining. . .

Well, as we all are aware of*; the wages of sin are death, or as the Drill Sergeant said: you don't have to dunk your donut in every cup of coffee.

Keep a stiff upper lip, sir, and may God keep you

*Speaking from experience

Anonymous said...

Did someone say "follow the money" ...

Donald Trump 'Nearly Doubled' Fundraising Record After Verdict: Campaign

Anonymous said...

Just ask yourself this question: IF Donald Trump was a Democrat, would the Democrat Bragg ever have brought him to trial?

Anonymous said...

As a convicted felon Trump is no longer allowed entry into UK, Japan, India, China, Canada …. Etc.

He won’t be able to visit his own gulf club in Scotland.

Even if the judge delays the sentence as Trump exhausts all appeals (which will take years - as he’ll lose in NY appellate courts & his only desperate & unlikely hope for reversal & remand for a new trial is then finding & getting his issues into federal court years from now) as a necessary conditions for the delay of sentencing will necessarily & understandably include a restriction of travel outside the country (fear he’ll flee the country & court jurisdiction) along with confiscation of his passport.

The GOP simply has to nominate someone else. Trump can’t functional serve. He can’t do the job.


Anonymous said...

10:46 pm

If Trump were a Democrat he’d have never been nominated to lead the party.

The democrats aren’t perfect but I think they have yet to nominate a divorcee or known adulterer like Trump.

No hush money to prostitutes would have been even necessary and Alvin Bragg would have no reason to prosecute him.


Anonymous said...

X at posted 11:39 PM:

“As a convicted felon Trump is no longer allowed entry into UK, Japan, India, China, Canada …. Etc.”

“He won’t be able to visit his own gulf club in Scotland.”

Thank goodness for that. Perhaps the poor Scottish people, who’ve lived for generations in the vicinity of where Trump now has his golf club, can finally recover from the decades of injustice Trump has sneeringly heaped upon them.

The film the Trump Organization tried to suppress | You've Been Trumped Too (2020) | Full Film

Journeyman Pictures

Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the troubling confrontation between Donald Trump and a feisty 92-year-old widow, Molly Forbes, as she refuses to make way for his golf course. This shocking insight to a David and goliath battle is a remarkable document of the…

Anonymous said...

Attack Trump verdict or be exiled - a new test for Republicans

By Katty Kay June 1st, 2024

There’s a new front line in Donald Trump’s battle to get elected.
Just minutes after he was found guilty on all 34 felony counts on Thursday, I heard from a person close to the former president who described this moment as a “civil war” within the Republican Party.
The historic nature of Trump’s criminal conviction is being leveraged by his campaign as a sort of roll-call vote to see which politicians will defend the former president and which of them will defend America’s legal system. It appears you can’t do both.
Last night, a weather balloon was sent up.
Larry Hogan, a moderate Republican who is running for an open Senate seat in liberal-leaning Maryland, took to social media to urge all Americans to “respect the verdict and the legal process”.
Within minutes, Chris LaCivita, a top official on Trump’s campaign, posted a crystal-clear reply to Mr Hogan: “You just ended your campaign.” The implication: if you’re not with us on this, you’re politically dead.

I asked a different Republican official who had worked on Trump’s last presidential campaign whether he agreed that this moment was a “civil war” for his party. He dismissed the idea. To him, it seems any war that once existed within his party was won long ago - by Donald Trump.
“Even if you don’t like Trump, he’s better than what we’ve got [in Joe Biden],” he said. “It’s an easy choice.”
And for now, it seems that the vast majority of Republican politicians agree with him - at least in public.
Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson said that Thursday was “a shameful day in American history” and that Trump’s conviction was “a purely political exercise, not a legal one.” Steve Scalise, another top Republican in Congress, said that America’s legal system was operating like a banana republic. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis compared the process to a “kangaroo court”.

But the fiercest defence of the former president may have come from Florida Senator Marco Rubio - who, back in 2016 when they were rivals for the Republican nomination, was one of Trump’s most vocal critics.
“This is a quintessential show trial,” Rubio said. “This is what you see in communist countries. This is what I grew up having people in the [Cuban exile] community tell me about. It happened in the days after the Castro revolution.”
Comparing America’s system of justice - with its independent juries and open trials and rule of law - to that of communist Cuba will stun many Americans. Mr Rubio isn’t just saying that these particular jurors made the wrong call in finding Trump guilty. He is going much further than that. He is making a full-blown denunciation of America’s legal system at large.

Anonymous said...

Continued from 2:53 AM

Attack Trump verdict or be exiled - a new test for Republicans

By Katty Kay June 1st, 2024

But there’s a clear political strategy here. These types of defences align with Trump’s larger belief that many of his issues are not with individuals - whether they be voters or jurors. Instead, he feels that many of the bedrock structures of American government, like its electoral process and its judicial system, its media, its intelligence agencies, are fundamentally and unfairly rigged against him. It’s why, at his rallies, he calls for the “deep state” to be dismantled, to great cheers.
In Trump’s eyes, a claim that America’s legal system is functioning properly is a de facto critique of him - and to criticise him risks alienating both the former president and his sizable base of supporters within the party. It’s a step that many Republican officials are wary of taking.
It’s too early to tell whether this moment could still bubble into a civil war among Republicans or whether Trump’s years-long grip on his party will ultimately stifle any meaningful wave of dissent.
What’s apparent, though, is how ferocious the Trump camp has been in shoring up support.
Throughout Donald Trump’s political career, there have been a handful of scandalous moments where there was a very real risk that he could lose the support of his party: the Access Hollywood tape, his impeachments, his indictments, the FBI raid on his home - the list goes on.
For now, he seems to have avoided losing the most prominent politicians within his party. But the same might not be true for voters.
Earlier this month, an ABC News/IPSOS poll found that one fifth of Donald Trump's supporters said they would either reconsider or withdraw their support for him if he were convicted of a felony.
In an era when presidential elections are ultimately decided by a few thousand voters in a few swing states, it remains to be seen whether this guilty verdict will ultimately move that dial.

Anonymous said...

Attack Trump verdict or be exiled - a new test for Republicans

By Katty Kay June 1st, 2024

Anonymous said...

MAGA faithful call for riots and lynchings after Trump’s guilty verdict

‘Find the jurors. All of them. Take no prisoners,’ wrote one user on a Trump-focused message board

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Exclusive Interview with Robert De Niro!

Anonymous said...

12:11 PM
The Trump/MAGA cult is comparing Trump's trial to Christ's crucifixion, trending on social media. Are you ok with this?

"Jesus was convicted in a sham trial...and crucified. I still follow him."

My honest opinion has nothing to do with politics or if you like Trump or not. I seriously question the sincerity of any "Christian" that can compare Trump's trial with the crucifixion of Christ. Jesus suffered and died to save the world from sin and give eternal life to those who believe in Him. Trump doesn't believe he has any sin. 34 felonies to cover up a one-night stand with a porn star while his third wife was pregnant doesn't count as sin in his book.

If you think Trump isn't part of a criminal cabal, as Mrs. Cumbey says, "I've got a bridge to sell you."

Anonymous said...

"I believe these far radical left are trying to start a civil war," one man wearing a Make America Great Again hat told Newsweek.

"Jesus was also found guilty and everybody still loves Jesus, you feel me?" a man draped in a red Trump flag told Newsweek. "If Trump is found guilty, it doesn't mean that we [don't] still love him."

He continued: "This just made him more relatable to anybody in the hood." If Trump were to be arrested, he added, it would be "the cherry on top that sets off the civil war or World War III."

Trump Tower Protesters Warn of 'Civil War'

Anonymous said...

6:43 PM

All those donors just made the list

Anonymous said...

12:52 PM

I don't think people will like it so well after Trump is (s)elected. Careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

Todays headline:

JUST IN: The producer of 2000 Mules said in court that every single accusation made in the movie was totally invented out of thin air by Dinesh and True the Vote.

Just confirms what I kept telling RayB several years ago.

Bunch of nothing fabricated by an Indian, adulterer himself, Roman Catholic & convicted felon in exchange for Trump giving him a pardon.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 6:43 PM

Re: Did someone say "follow the money"...
Donald Trump 'Nearly Doubled' Fundraising Record After Verdict: Campaign


It is my understanding that the Deep State Globalists are trying to 'set up' Trump by throwing some 'DARK MONEY' into this mix (in order to further humiliate him)... KNOWING full well that sincere, genuine Trump supporters will want to donate their own money to this fundraising effort.

I would wait and see for a bit... before donating.

Anonymous said...

From Newsmax (June 1, 2024)

Copy & paste shortcut to link below...

Arabella: The Dark Money Empire Shaping America's Future

Anonymous said...

So Dinesh espoused the historic KKK foundations of the Democrat party.
Are you saying thats factually incorrect to

Anonymous said...

La Nouvelle Vendée: Men in rural Louisiana step to the front – literally – against sodomite priDEMONth parade in their small family-friendly town.

Anonymous said...


Yes...Dinesh has embraced & adopted the historic KKK foundations just as the GOP did during Nixon's campaign and thereafter (Lee Atwater)

That's factually correct.

Just as the GOP is the foundation of the Roe v. Wade holding in 1973 by 6 of 7 GOP USSC Justices and the GOP controlled USSC continued upholding the slaughter of babies for almost 50 years thereafter until Trump handed absolute control of our USSC to the Pope in Rome.

That is factually correct too.


Anonymous said...

X how did Trump hand control of USSC to Pope in Rome? I have understood that USSC is controlled by Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Trump belongs to the club. What did I miss?

Anonymous said...


Briefly as I'm out the door to church.

Opus Dei

Look up Leonard Leo - via Opus Dei and the federalist society Trump gave him, I presume in exchange for his/their money & support in the summer of 2016, the right to short-list & select Leo's choices for USSC.

Leo picked two Trad Roman Catholics and one Charismatic Trad Catholic to fill the 3 vacancies.

Together with the other 4 GOP selected Opus Dei members ...whom I believe 3 are Trad Roman Catholic and 1 Episcapalian maybe...means the USSC has 6 or 7 members beholden to the Pope in Rome.

Francis has distance the roman catholic church from Opus Dei so perhaps it's fairer to say "The Way" - which is the informal way to refer to the cult of Opus Dei traditional roman catholic control the USSC.

Opus Dei is a war with the Jesuit Pope. Francis, the first Jesuit pope has lived long enough to appoint enough Jesuit Cardinals to essentially take over the roman catholic church. The only way Opus Dei can prevent the Jesuits from continuing such is either a terrorist act to kill off enough Jesuit Cardinals to retake control of the election of the next Pope OR a split with Rome (followed by an unholy alliance with just about every heretical church out there --- and there's plenty of them now).

Anyway. Gotta run.


P.S. - Are Scottish Rite a part of or aligned with Opus Dei perhaps. The Knights of Malta are & they are even bringing in supposed Evangelical leaders as "Knights"....

Anonymous said...

X is out the door to church! I wonder what front 'Sybil' presents to that unfortunate flock?.

Of course there is no left leaning here in Cumbyland. Just "easygoing", center of the road realism.

Saul Alinsky would be so thrilled to see this!

Anonymous said...

Regardless of Trump, this nation is not functioning as a democracy , and the Republic is nowhere to be seen! However, the Deep State is in full control, and will stop at nothing to maintain their talon hold.

If you have children or grandkids, or even just a nephew, you should pull your head out of your rear end, before the finisher, Biden, the Wizard of Oz, pulls the lever for the last time.

Really, is your feelings, and ego more important than the future of the children of this embarrassment of a nation? Think Nineveh!

Anonymous said...

Just ask yourself this question: IF Donald Trump was a Democrat, would the Democrat Bragg ever have brought him to trial?

Just ask yourself this question: IF Donald Trump was a Democrat, would the Democrat Bragg ever have brought him to trial?

Just ask yourself this question: IF Donald Trump was a Democrat, would the Democrat Bragg ever have brought him to trial?

Anonymous said...

Of course Bragg wouldn't lynch one of his own demon kind.

Anonymous said...

Man of Sin, Son of Perdition update:

After being photographed with the LGBTQ+ flag draped upon him, and just in time for Gay Pride Month:

Pope Francis Names 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office

Read the entire article here:

Anonymous said...

The OG neocon vs a OG commie

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Vietnam: Pull Out? Stay In? Escalate?

Episode 003, Recorded on April 8, 1966

Guest: Norman Thomas

PS: Neocons are good at two things: starting wars and losing wars

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis is more radical than a communist

Pope Francis urges people to get COVID-19 vaccines

Bad shepherd

Anonymous said...

Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: 'You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones'

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis is nothing more than a servant of Satan.

As is his ally Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

Prepare to Be Amazed!

Anonymous said...

First They Call You a Racist, Then They Starve You To Death.

Anonymous said...

“We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to work alongside you and your administration to advance good governance and inclusive economic prosperity.” - Antony Blinken

Looks more like a Soros boy then a MAGA fascist

Hmmm, wonder what the new Mexican presidentress thinks of The Savior

Anonymous said...

It looks like more indictments are appearing on the horizon as Propublica journalists uncover evidence of witness tampering by Trump.

Nine witnesses in the criminal cases against former President Donald Trump have received significant financial benefits, including large raises from his campaign, severance packages, new jobs, and a grant of shares and cash from Trump’s media company.

The benefits have flowed from Trump’s businesses and campaign committees, according to a ProPublica analysis of public disclosures, court records and securities filings. One campaign aide had his average monthly pay double, from $26,000 to $53,500. Another employee got a $2 million severance package barring him from voluntarily cooperating with law enforcement. And one of the campaign’s top officials had her daughter hired onto the campaign staff, where she is now the fourth-highest-paid employee….

Lock him up.


Anonymous said...

Epistle of St Paul to the Romans next Chapter 5

16 And not as it was by one sin, so also is the gift. For judgment indeed was by one unto condemnation; but grace is of many offences, unto justification. 17 For if by one man's offence death reigned through one; much more they who receive abundance of grace, and of the gift, and of justice, shall reign in life through one, Jesus Christ. 18 Therefore, as by the offence of one, unto all men to condemnation; so also by the justice of one, unto all men to justification of life. 19 For as by the disobedience of one man, many were made sinners; so also by the obedience of one, many shall be made just. 20 Now the law entered in, that sin might abound. And where sin abounded, grace did more abound.

Mary's Sacrifice: Unveiling Our NEW Co-Redemptrix Magazine | Issue 3 Review

Just as Eve was the co-operative to Adam in the Fall of man the World has now so lost it's bearing it is high time to declare the Fifth Marian Dogma

Anonymous said...

10:15 PM

I heard there may have been jury tampering since they weren't sequestered. I am afraid for Trump's life because this will go on and on until he backs down or is dead and he ain't backin' down

Anonymous said...

Joe's 6 year old voicemail blows a BIG HOLE in his story...

Joe Biden is heard in a 2018 voicemail telling son Hunter to 'get some help' 3 days after lying about his drug addiction on firearms form!!!

Hunter Biden trial live: Opening statements begin in gun case

Anonymous said...

"We're not a banana republic!"

Anonymous said...

He may be once in a while right, but is somehow always wrong.
As ever, x's christianity rings hollow..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When oil begins to run from Billy Graham's statue in the US Capitol, I'll believe.

Anonymous said...

Wait, They Blocked WHAT Testimony?! Things Just Got a WHOLE Lot Worse for Liz Cheney and the J6 Committee

The more we learn about Nancy Pelosi's handpicked January 6th Committee, the more corrupt they appear. First we learned they destroyed evidence, and now we're learning they 'rebuffed' important testimony.

Almost as if the committee was not so much concerned about finding out what really happened on January 6th, but was more concerned about making sure a specific and very damaging-to-the-Right narrative stayed put.

And Liz Cheney helped pave the way.

Go here for proof that Liz Cheney KNEW the story about Trump attempting to forcefully 'take the wheel' in the Presidential limo was fake, so she blocked the testimony of the Secret Service Agent that WANTED to testify in order to tell the truth, the truth that conflicted with the narrative the Committee wanted to portray!

Anonymous said...

All the times I warned people here about the Fulan Gong cult and their fake news journalists at the Epoch Times media empire…

Turns out they are just more Maga criminals in a mega way. Something like $67 million in fraud involving Covid unemployment benefits with some money ending up in the pockets of Ted Cruz.

It’s raining indictments in maga world.

Epoch Times Executive Charged With Massive Money-Laundering Scheme
A federal indictment accuses the media company's CFO of laundering millions in illicit funds using cryptocurrency and prepaid debit cards.


Anonymous said...

'Man of Sin, Son of Perdition' update ...

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy

'Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy and all sexual perversion (both among the laity and among the clergy) ...

Anonymous said...

Read: Pope Francis’ preface to Father James Martin’s book on Lazarus

In part:

"Father James Martin, the author of many other books that I know and appreciate, deserves our gratitude for this new text devoted to what he calls “Jesus’s greatest miracle”: the resurrection of Lazarus. There are many reasons to thank him, closely tied to the way Come Forth unfolds. It’s always fascinating and never predictable.

First and foremost, Father James makes the biblical text come alive. He analyzes it with the eyes and erudition of a diverse set of writers who have probed this passage deeply, capturing their many facets, emphases, and interpretations. But his reading is always “loving,” never detached, nor coldly scientific. FATHER JAMES HAS THE PERSPECTIVE OF A PERSON WHO HAS FALLEN IN LOVE WITH THE WORLD OF GOD. As I read the careful arguments and exegeses of the biblical scholars he cites, it made me wonder how often we manage to approach Scripture with the “hunger” of a person who knows that that word really is the Word of God."

Read it in its entirety here:

NOTE: Martin has "fallen in love with" God's word, but he denies its clear teaching on SIN!

Anonymous said...

Constance what is your thoughts on project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation

Anonymous said...

I don't know who to believe, I'm a Christian , I serve God the best I can and want what's best for our country. I voted Trump in 2016, but didn't vote at all in 2016. Both sides are speaking about each side being the destruction of our country if you vote either side. I'm confused about Trump, but I don't trust the left. Their agenda of open boarders, gender identity, and the fact that biden put in the same woman obama did in the position of the inflation and raising interest rates that has caused the outrageous inflation, is all very troubling. The stuff said about Trump hasn't been proven. It all seems like just talk. So I guess if you think both are devils who do you choose.

marko said...

Anon. 10:56 pm....

I guess the question to ask is this:

As a Christian, how important is the state of "my country"? That has always been the question for me, and the answer is not simple. Because it's not an easy answer, you will have sincere Christians giving opposing views.

As a Christian, we are an ambassador for Christ and His kingdom, which is at the moment spiritual. We have become citizens of the heavenly realm, through adoption. But we still live among the citizens of this world, and as ambassadors to them, regard their interests and well-being as important. We would like them to become citizens of the King we represent, so we treat them with respect and love.

So just how involved are we to be with the affairs of this world - this foreign land in which we now find ourselves (which became foreign to us when we were "reborn" into the kingdom of Christ)? If I don't vote at all, is that "participating" indirectly through neglect?

Lots of questions!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone kept a list of the people Constance as a Antichrist candidate (to put it gracefully).
Never quite understood one of her favorite sayings "even a broken clock is right twice a day".

Anonymous said...

Heres two...
Matthew Fox
Javier Solana

Anonymous said...

I kind of remember people like this. . .

excerpt - "The Dame’s complete control over the happenings in Sark wasn’t her only power over the Germans. Her name was in the Almanach de Gotha, a German directory that listed all of Europe’s most important royals and nobility—a who’s who of the continent’s aristocrats."

not many around anymore

Anonymous said...

Isaiah 35 ,,,, The land of Dragons will give up the death to the Living

I don't think he gets Cain and Able. I've been thinking shepherds have a different demeanor then farmers. Farmers tend to be on the ornery side whereas shepherds not so much. Being around animals brings out the joy, being around a hoe not so much.

Anonymous said...

Chaos in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Republicans in Pennsylvania BOO and walk out after Jan 6 cops visit and are introduced as ‘heroes’

Anonymous said...

Ron Filipkowski, Editor-in-Chief, MeidasTouch on X, 6-6-2024

"At Trump’s event today, Charlie Kirk says that the people in the MAGA movement are just like the soldiers who fought in D-Day because the Biden Administration is a fascist totalitarian dictatorship just like Nazi Germany."

Charlie Kirk is the founder of Turning Point USA, a Christian Nationalist, and false light deceiver. Watch the clip here:

Anonymous said...

Worship music for the Maga cults golden calf

Natasha Owens “The Chosen One”

The message of “The Chosen One” is that even though Trump has “messed up bigly,” Owens will stand with him regardless because he is anointed by God to save America.

Anonymous said...

11:25 AM That is hysterical! Natasha Owens for Vice President!

NATASHA OWENS: And. I’m not saying he’s something divine. He gets in trouble bigly time after time. He’s controversial. OBut one thing is true and imperfect people a perfect god can use.

I’m standing with the Chosen One.

DONALD TRUMP: I am the Chosen One!

NATASHA OWENS: Ain’t no stoppin’ what the Lord’s begun! He’s only human, like you and me — just a Chosen One.

DONALD TRUMP: Somebody had to do it!

NATASHA OWENS: The Chosen One!

Anonymous said...

Why can't you stupid people see that every is in the Lord's time table. Infact it doesn't matter who is president of the U.S. IT DOES NOT Surprise THE LORD HE IS IN CHARGE AND NOT YOU. FOLKS PUT YOUR TRUST IN THE LORD AND YOUR STUPIDITY.

Anonymous said...

8:33 PM

An observation. . .

The dumb arse* tribe has taken over lately (this too shall pass)

*dumb arse: those guys who cares only about their own dumb arses which inevitably causes them to act like dumb arses (they can't help it)


Anonymous said...

muse, I can tolerate stupidity. In some ways it can't be helped. It's the willful ignorance of the Trump cult that's hard to tolerate.

Anonymous said...

Who has the courage to look more closely to see what this reveals?

Anonymous said...

quote - "This is the thing that the left doesn’t get. It’s not that many love Trump. It’s that Trump is the middle finger to the left."

PS: I had a dream last night and in the dream I flipped off Trump and said f-off (for being a creepy weirdo) and then, after a moments thought, added; and die (she's been after me about 'language' so I'm working on it after a dream like that)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone kept a list of the people Constance has claimed as a Antichrist candidate (to put it gracefully).
Never quite understood one of her favorite sayings "even a broken clock is right twice a day".


Anonymous6:49 PM
Heres two...
Matthew Fox
Javier Solana

Anonymous said...

Liberty First: Ann Barnhardt

I wonder how many men in the French army weren't in love with Joan of Arc?

Anonymous said...

11:52 PM

And yet, Constance has NEVER even suspected Emmanuel Macron as being the Antichrist... although he is clearly 'a person of interest'... who checks off about 2 dozen 'boxes' (that have been revealed to Christians in the Bible).

The world was watching Macron (standing next to Biden) at the 80th anniversary of the D-Day ceremony in Normandy, France on June 6th.

He is a highly intelligent, charming, charismatic leader, etc. Stay tuned!!!

Anonymous said...

Constance should do a study of the ethnic minority groups of Hungry and Yugoslavia during WW2 how many innocent lives were lost due to communism. How about persecution of the Hutteries, Maygars DanubeSwabians etc how about these forgotten hidden genocide of Tito.

Anonymous said...

How about the reality of what's going on in the real world. I seriously don't believe that Trump is the antichrist. Think about it people during WW2 thought Hitler was but he wasn't looking at all the atrocities that he did.

Anonymous said...

People are into Trump idioltry stupid people

Anonymous said...

More proof that the spirit of antichrist is in the world and working to convince that Trump is as Christ. This from an elected member of Congress and QAnon promoter.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Compares Trump to Jesus

Anonymous said...

Yes, Macron was standing next to Biden at Normandy!!!!! as the the world WATCHED !!!!!! He's the AC .... no doubt!!!!!!

Any day now, Macorn will be declaring himself to be 'god' and demand that the whole world worship him and will happily take that mark on their forehead and worship the little runt.

My sides are aching from laughing so hard. Please stop!

Anonymous said...

Laughing with you.

Anonymous said...

So now we're going to forget 'drain the swamp.' We're going to 'swamp the vote' and we're going to do it with mail-in ballots says Trump - 'like They did the last time.' Sounds like it will be a real steal.

Anonymous said...

“Never. Ever. Period”


Anonymous said...

Someone's trying to stir up trouble

The Norman Conquest of 1066? How about the Beatles Conquest of 1966 when Lennon famously said that they were more popular then Jesus?

By 1911, the British Empire had a Muslim population of 94 million, larger than the empire's 58 million Christian population. By the 1920s, the British Empire included roughly half of the world's Muslim population.

David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister from 1916 to 1922, stated: "we are the greatest Mahomedan power in the world and one-fourth of the population of the British Empire is Mahomedan. There have been no more loyal adherents to the throne and no more effective and loyal supporters of the Empire in its hour of trial."

Does music make you Gay? Ever heard of the Swinging Sixties?

PS: dumb arse article

Anonymous said...

Another unrepentant sinner - until he got caught - steps away from the pulpit.

Anonymous said...

Reply to the 'laughing' posters at 6:02 PM & 9:48 PM (who have been laughing instead of keeping up with what Christians are now saying)...

Emmanuel Macron sounds MORE like the Antichrist than Javier Solana OR Donald Trump!!! (See information below...)

Is Emmanuel Macron the Antichrist? (He actually checks off 24 of the 'boxes' in Scripture.)

Especially #12...

12. The Antichrist will proclaim himself as God (2 Thes. 2:4).

Macron has proclaimed that he will “rule like Jupiter,” the supreme deity in Roman and Greek mythology.[17] He has also been given several titles in Europe, including “Jupiter,” “Europe’s Savior,” and the “Sun King reborn”[18][19], and appears to relish the attention they bring him. He has even jestingly drawn attention to his own name, which means “God is with us” in Hebrew.[20]

What is interesting is that his first name is not the only reference to God. Each part of his full name, except for his last name, alludes to God or Jesus in some way. Here is a breakdown of his name:
Emmanuel: “God with us”
Jean[22]: “God is gracious”
Michel[23]: “who is like God?”
Frédéric[24]: “peaceful ruler” (also the title for Jesus Christ in Isaiah 9:6-7)
Macron[25]: a noun meaning “a written or printed mark...”

Macron’s last name also stands out. Revelation 13:17 suggests that the Mark is the name of the Antichrist. Is this a coincidence or an incredible play on words? The name “Macron” was also used in ancient history by a man who is believed to have foreshadowed the Antichrist—Ptolemy Macron.[26]

Anonymous said...

Skip to the last paragraph. . .

The fraud required to keep this sick joke in power will be so massive, Democrats may have to impose martial law to prevent “extremists” from threatening Our Democracy by contesting the results.

Anonymous said...

Trump worshipers should take heed and repent of their blasphemy, turning from their wickedness , and be saved from their blind delusion.

1 Timothy 1

18 This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;

19 Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:

20 Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

Anonymous said...

A Prophecy of Mystic Father Dolindo Ruotolo for Today

Received in 1921

Anonymous said...

3:11 PM

BIDEN worshipers should take heed and repent of their blasphemy, turning from their WICKEDNESS and be saved from THEIR BLIND DELUSION.

Anonymous said...

"A Prophecy of Mystic Father Dolindo Ruotolo for Today

Received in 1921"

This nonsense should not be posted on this blog.

Anonymous said...

4:08 PM Why did you post this without comment? Are we supposed to believe that this false prophecy is true? and applies to current issues?

Anonymous said...

Agreed 7:10 PM

Anonymous said...

So glad you have been thoughtful and actively informing others all of these years.


Anonymous said...

Our local drug dealer's favorite politician. Really ) - :

Lindsey used to be so smart then one day it's like he stopped taking his smart pills.

Constance Cumbey said...

I just had film crews in doing research and programming on New Age Movement. I learned much from them: John Klyczek and Courtenany & Lynn Turner. It was an exhausting but productive weekend.


Constance Cumbey said...

As much as I dislike Biden's policies on energy, LGBTQ, trans-gender issues, I haven't seen evidence of people worshipping him. Trump is a different story. There is shameless Christian idolatry concerning him.


Anonymous said...

Interesting thread

Almost predicts Jorge Mario Bergoglio

PS: added internet snark - oh wait, it did ( - :

Anonymous said...


excerpt - " With a promise of $2 million in funding from the U.S. Government, the newly crowned John XXIII faked an inspiration from the Holy Spirit (his own secretary said as much in his memoirs) at Saint Paul’s Basilica and convoked the Second Vatican Council. The ideological program for this council was already decided upon in the U.S. Department of Defense Program for Ideological Warfare written in 1953, and only declassified 60 years, 6 months (66) afterwards, during the first year of the CIA installed, Pope Francis. "

Say what you will about Br. Bugnolo but he's paid his dues (and keeps on punching)

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 5:09 AM
Re: "As much as I dislike Biden's policies on energy, LGBTQ, trans-gender issues, I haven't seen evidence of people worshipping him. Trump is a different story. There is shameless Christian idolatry concerning him."


I don't know anyone here at this blog, or within my wide circle of friends (many who voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020) who 'worship' Donald Trump.

At least HALF of the United States of America believes that Trump genuinely LOVES this country... and that we were truly BETTER OFF with HIM as President... period!!!

However, the 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' is very REAL and very disturbing... because there is no LOGIC behind such over the top ANGER that has been aimed at him for the past 8 years!!! It's as if these people were possessed by Satan himself!!!

Anonymous said...

1:30 pm

The CIA is compromised and controlled by trad catholic (opus dei) so I'd find it odd that the CIA would have "installed Pope Francis".

It's hard to figure out what the secretive roman cult intends; but, since Opus Dei seems to hate this Pope so much, it seems to me it's more likely he was selected and installed by the cult elders to hold off, delay or resist the takeover of the Pope's chair by counter-reformation zealots & factions of the cult such as Opus Dei (and against the CIA's wishes).

Not unlike real Christians opposing felon fascist Trump and even voting for Biden as the far lesser of two evils in an attempt to hold off, delay or resist the FULL takeover of America by counter-reformationist factions of the roman cult & their ecumenical dominionist partners in so many heretical US congregations.

I'm not defending Francis. I'm sure the devil has his plans coming through him too. It's not like I think Rome is/was well-intentioned but even many of them could see the evil afoot that is Opus Dei.


Anonymous said...

9:02 "At least HALF of the United States of America believes that Trump genuinely LOVES this country... and that we were truly BETTER OFF with HIM as President... period!!!"

1. Where do you get the idea 50% of the US population believes those two outrageous statements about a narcissistic felon like Trump who tried to execute an insurrection to destroy this nation?

2. The GOP only makes up 22% or so of the population and not even all of them, including me, support or otherwise believe Trump is loves this country and/or that we were better off with him as President.

3. In what ways were we "better off" with Trump. He rode the coat-tails of Obama's masterful recovery from the financial destruction of the Bush years for a few years then destroyed it by entirely bumbling Covid. A few hundred thousand extra Americans are dead that should have been protected by a strong leader cracking down politically on GOP Governers who refused to protect their states (spreading Covid thereby regionally and nationally due to recklessness -- Gov Noem and Gov Desantis, in particular).

4. Trump bumbled the oil deals with Saudi Arabia insisting upon a two year production in order to help US Big Oil out which, in 2021, caused a huge spike in gas prices. Once that ended in 2022, Biden was able to masterfully increase production, use reserves (which he is refilling at a huge savings), and lead the US back to Oil supremacy that Trump had DESTROYED while in office.

5. TDS is real. I think you're infected. There is no logic to your defense of and continued support of a convicted multi-felon, facing 50 something more indictments, a rapist, an adulterer (with 5 kids from 3 baby mamas), and new age adled reprobate partnered with & funded by a roman cult looking to institute theonomy here and abroad.

6. Trump can't even beat Biden at golf anymore.


Anonymous said...

This article illustrates how the US propaganda machine works.

Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden was 'placed' in the Oval Office (via the stolen election of 2020)... so that Barack Obama could have a third and possibly fourth term. Both men are willing puppets of the Deep State Globalists.

The greatest 'sin' in politics is to be an independent thinker (unwilling to be anyone's puppet). JFK ended up with a bullet in his head... because he was going to end the Vietnam War, fire J. Edgar Hoover, shake up the FBI & the CIA, dump LBJ, etc.

It would have been much 'kinder' to have put a bullet in Trump's head. Instead, the Deep State Globalists have deliberately and mercilessly persecuted him 24/7 for the past 8 years... via a controlled lamestream media... with the help of late night comics 'slicing & dicing' him 5 nights a week... along with the bat s--t crazy women on "The View" during the day time. Those who are still sound 'asleep' don't even realize they are gradually (but systematically) becoming brainwashed. Now, those 'victims' have actually become their own CULT consumed with over the top HATRED and RAGE!!!

Satan would be so proud . . .

Anonymous said...

I'm just a poor peasant whose leg hurts this morning (the reward for doing good work, I've found, is more work) so I don't know a lot about Opus Dei, (I'm just a little proud of myself for knowing how to spell it), except that I definitely travel in different circles then they do, so it's a little different for me to be judgemental, but considering X's research and thinking it over I get the idea Opus Dei may be like that Will Smith movie Enemy Of The State.

My slight brush with one Opus Dei-ette did result in a weird unexpected financial difficulty. Just saying.

To reiterate: not a great bunch of lads (or lassies) IMHO

Anonymous said...

Trump can't even beat Biden at golf anymore.


Anonymous said...

Your all Nuts. I don't get into conspiracy theories

Anonymous said...

Obviously, you're not into using correct grammar either.

Anonymous said...

9:29 PM

Re: "Your all Nuts. I don't get into conspiracy theories."


Oh, sure you do... or you wouldn't be posting here on this blog!!! For instance... most of the rest of the world believes that the New Age Movement is a 'conspiracy theory'... which proves that you DO in fact 'get into' conspiracy theories.

Guessing the identity of the Antichrist might be considered (by some) a 'conspiracy theory.'
Let's see... is it Javier Solana, or Donald Trump, or Pope Francis, or Prince William, or Emanuel Macron??? Only time will tell.

(By the way, it should be 'you're'... not 'your' ;)

Anonymous said...

1:34 PM
Re: "Trump can't even beat Biden at golf anymore."


And, of course, Trump's ability to beat Biden at GOLF should definitely be a REQUIREMENT to be President of the United States!!! (LOL LOL LOL)

Well, thank you for showing us everything that is WRONG with shallow Biden voters.

Anonymous said...

Sick Of The "Grotesque Game Of Pretend" Being Played Around Joe Biden...

Anonymous said...

6:08 AM

Starts today

Anonymous said...

The train has left the station and no one can stop it?

Pray, pray, pray

Anonymous said...

Nashville Journalist Faces Jail Time Over Trans School Manifesto Leak

These judges are out of control...

Anonymous said...

Muslim Immigrants to French Farmers: 'We're Here To Kill Whites'

Anonymous said...

Only a couple weeks 'til the 4th

PS: I wonder if President Bush and Pope Benedict XVI had a meeting of the mind? (last video)

Anonymous said...

To Constance Cumbey:

Do you actually know anyone that actually "worships Trump" ? Please give us some specific examples that proves your point, absent your your obviously biased opinion.

Anonymous said...

Something's wrong!

Just one more example that proves the RCC is the religious seat of SATAN!

Constance Cumbey said...

To 11:46

There are many, including those walking around with WWTD ("What would Trump do") bracelets, New Apostolic Reform Elijah Streams Enlow -- those saying time will be divided and changed from A.D. - B.C. to BT and AT (before Trump and After Trump), but I suspect if you wanted to put a live face on one, you should go look in your mirror!


Anonymous said...

3:40 AM Constance Cumbey, I love your answer, even more than Trump loves himself.

Anonymous said...

If Steve Bannon ever came at me with a knife I'd laugh

excerpt - “War to the Knife”: Victory or Death
It’s time to Break It Down!

Celebrate Juneteenth!

Donald Trump’s former top strategist, Steve Bannon recently framed the 2024 Election in warlike terms. Trump, Stephen Miller, and Bannon have a penchant for infusing almost any topic with the embers of incendiary speech. The kind of language conservatives consider threatening when directed toward them, but free speech, when they employ it toward others.

This past weekend, Bannon met with the conservative group, Turning Point, in Detroit. Michigan. . ."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Poor old horse here I thought I was being kind to him but in fact I was creating a riff between him and the boys. See I give him apples and cookies and treats all through the day and usually when the steers aren't around but last night I gave him some apple while the boys were right there and one of the them head-butted him. This morning it dawned on me that the steers get jealous and it's funny because after the steer butted Roman he acted like what apple? I don't see any apple. He's a good old horse and the three of them are buddies (especially since all the heifers are gone) so from now on all treats will be given on the QT.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Biden’s gulags

PS: sadistic, not for the faint of heart

Anonymous said...

X @ 7:43 PM Trump diehards believe Trump is "saving the children" from pedophiles and traffiking. How ironic!

Anonymous said...

8:26 pm

Larry Brock is a convicted felon who is appealing an “enhancement” to his sentencing.  Winning his appeal will not change the conviction.  Like all the other J6 felon fools, he’s a Maga cult idiot that fell for felon rapist Trump’s made up stolen election lies prompting him to commit felonies at the direction and on behalf of felon rapist Trump.

As the court found…

…“Brock participated in a riot that sought to overturn the 2020 presidential election by force, and that he was himself prepared to take violent action to achieve that goal,” the judges wrote. Relying on his pre-riot social media posts, they said, “Where a defendant announces his intent to use violence to obstruct a congressional proceeding, comes equipped for violence, and then actually obstructs that proceeding, the evidence supports a finding that he acted with an impermissible purpose or knowledge of the wrongfulness of his actions.”…

Read more at:
Source - Stars and Stripes

No real American patriot would do such things and only a maga cultist could/would share Maga cult videos defending him (evidence you are part of a cult as no patriot "conservative" ever would consider or try to make insurrectionists into heroes)


Anonymous said...

9:42 am

The best defense to accusations of rampant pedophilia within the GOP & their roman catholic benefactors is a good offense and gaslighting strategies projecting their sins upon others.

Another classic example... Russell Brand - he tried to get ahead of the allegations against him by framing it as just another attack on an outspoken conservative.

...Brand, 48, was accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse by four women. One of them said she was 16 (the age of consent in the U.K.) and Brand was 30 when they began a relationship that included abuse and sexual assault. A fifth woman has accused Brand of flashing his genitals at her.


p.s. - and I'm not denying there are "liberal" & "progressive" sicko's out there (though most probably aren't political at all...keeping their heads down in shame), but, at least they aren't hypocrites pretending to be Christian (faith-based) moral conservatives, religious leaders, APOSTLES, model thinkers, citizens and "patriots". Maga put it's felons & pedophiles & sexual deviants out front.

Anonymous said...

A new audio reveals Trump knows he lost the 2020 election.

This is not the first time the veil has been pulled back on what was clearly a cynical attempt by Trump to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after his legitimate loss in the 2020 election. Former attorney general William Barr alleged in 2023 that Trump “knew well he lost the election,” and former chief of staff Mark Meadows, as well as aides Cassidy Hutchinson and Alyssa Farah Griffin, made similar claims when testifying before the House January 6 Select Committee.

Trump Caught on Tape Making Telling Slip About 2020 Election

Anonymous said...

Hey look after flying around in the hot sandy regions of the world for 20 years in a single-seat, twin-turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft with twin high-power 30 mm GAU-8 Avenger rotary autocannons you probably lose all patience for the pogues of the world. And now days I judge character on the scale of whose going to stop and help you if your 92 Dodge dynasty is broke down then what some REMF writes for pay.

PS: maga cultist, lol, made my day

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:57 PM
Good point, but I never believed anything Mike Flynn said anyway.

Anonymous said...

Obama's Spiritual Identity

Anonymous said...

7:91 PM

If he listens to the British Broadcasting Corporation, especially while sleeping, you can discount all his dreams as unholy

Anonymous said...

I guess they're running this story 'cause Biden's in town, or summat

Anonymous said...

Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Jonestown Survivor: Trump Has “All the Trappings” of Being the Next Jim Jones

Anonymous said...


I thought, so what, till the end

Anonymous said...

And in a similar Catholic vein

Our Lady Of Fatima Documentary Like No Other

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Catholic

What IS the New World Order?

Anonymous said...

Snopes Finally Admits Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis 'Very Fine People'

7 years later...

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone look at Russia, China, North Korea, Nam all joined together. Jesus Christ is coming. I look for his return and no the ways of the world

Anonymous said...

5:54 PM

Don't hold your breath if you're thinking that Biden, along with his followers like Constance will admit that they lied.

Anonymous said...

Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion

Just think of what we’ve already achieved, and we’ve done things that nobody thought possible. Together, we stood up to the communists, Marxist, and fascists to defend religious liberty like no other president has ever done.

And I have the wounds all over my body. If I took this shirt off, you’d see a beautiful, beautiful person. But you’d see wounds all over, all over me. I have taken a lot of wounds, I can tell you. More than I suspect any president ever.

You know, in history – and I’ve read, I love the, I love this stuff – But, in history, they say Andrew Jackson was treated the worst. President Andrew, he was a great general and a very good president. And Abraham Lincoln was second worst. Now he had a civil war. So, you know, you sort of think that was understood. And now they’re rewriting the books. Trump was treated the worst, Andrew Jackson second and Abraham Lincoln third. But I definitely took top spot. I took some. And I’m honored to do it. And here we are looking for more. How about that? I could right now be home, I wouldn’t be in court. I wouldn’t be in courts all over the land. All started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of thugs.

Anonymous said...

When they said Black voters are turning to Trump, I almost fell for it.

Fed Up PASTOR Exposes Trump CHURCH SCAM with MUST-SEE Takedown

Pastor Kevin R. Johnson gave a passionate sermon tearing down Donald Trump's recent scam at a "Black church" in Detroit – and he did not hold back. Francs Maxwell reports.

Anonymous said...

7:06 AM
Re: "When they said Black voters are turning to Trump, I almost fell for it."


You almost 'fell for' the FACT that blacks, browns, and whites (in other words, the American people) all KNOW that they were so much better off economically from 2016 to 2020... when Donald Trump was President???

Evidently, you don't mind revealing your utter STUPIDITY on this blog, do you? LOL

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 3:40 AM
Re: "There are many, including those walking around with WWTD ("What would Trump do") bracelets, New Apostolic Reform Elijah Streams Enlow -- those saying time will be divided and changed from A.D. - B.C. to BT and AT (before Trump and After Trump), but I suspect if you wanted to put a live face on one, you should go look in your mirror!"


Most of us here on this blog not only do NOT 'worship' Donald Trump... we realize that he is a narcissist with many flaws. However, he is a narcissist who truly loves his county... enough to put up with the Deep State Globalist-controlled media persecuting him non-stop 24/7 for the past 8 years. (It would have been much 'kinder' for them to put a bullet in his head... like they did to JFK in 1963.) The Deep State Globalists have zero tolerance for any President who won't agree to be a 'puppet'... CONTROLLED by them!!! Therefore, HOW could any American voter in their right mind possibly vote for Globalist-controlled Biden (who is taking our country down the toilet with a big flush) over Trump???

Also, for you to make the outrageous statement that "time will be divided and changed from A.D.-B.C. to BT and AT (before Trump and After Trump)" is so ridiculous that I am almost speechless.

Constance, maybe it's time for YOU to take a long look at yourself in the mirror and see how you have gone from an intelligent woman, full of wisdom and fairness... down to this.

The TRUTH is that none of us KNOWS who the Antichrist is... as he has not YET revealed himself to the world. My guess is that he will be someone who is very knowledgeable about SCRIPTURE (in order to "deceive the very elect")... which Donald Trump certainly is NOT.

Remember when you thought it was Javier Solana... and you were WRONG about that??? Enough said...

(Meanwhile, we should ALL be praying for the United States of America... and the world.)

Anonymous said...

11:22 AM Utter stupidity is to believe that a church full of white Trump supporters in Detroit is proof that Black voters are turning to Trump. Look and see what a Black pastor has to say about it.

Anonymous said...

12:19 PM New apostolic reformation false prophets Johnny Enlow, Harvest International Ministries to Rick Joyner, Morningstar Ministries in December 2019.

Johnny Enlow: God Is Using Trump to Separate History into Before Trump and After Trump Eras

Pastor Johnny Enlow, a leading proponent of Seven Mountains Dominionism, appeared on a MorningStar Ministries webinar last week, where he recounted a vision in which he claims that God told him that he was going to use President Donald Trump as “a hinge of the ages” to break human history into two eras: “Before Trump” and “After Trump.”

Enlow said that prior to the 2016 election, he asked God who would win, at which point God showed him a vision of Trump wearing a red, white, and blue bandana while sitting on a Triumph motorcycle on the top of a mountain.

“So, in an instant, it wasn’t hard for me to figure out what was being said,” Enlow said. “The first thing [God] said is, ‘He is going to save you from things you don’t know you need to be saved from yet.’ And then the Lord progressively began to speak regarding that and he said, ‘His time in the presidency is going to be a hinge of the ages and it’ll be known as Before Trump and After Trump because of the way I am going to use him. I’m using him as a trump card, but I’m the trump card player. Your nation will be known as Before Trump and After Trump.’ And he said, ‘The nations, the whole world will be known as Before Trump and After Trump.’ The Lord said, ‘I’m really not interested your all’s vote this time, I’m doing it. I usually give you all that option, this time I’m not. This is a rescue operation from Heaven.”

Anonymous said...

Biden accomplishes what Trump could not...

BREAKING NEWS: WikiLeaks Founder and the man who led to Hillary Clinton’s emails being exposed, Julian Assange has just reached a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department of Justice allowing him to be released from prison.

He is expected to return to Australia.

Assange has been in incarcerated in the Belmarsh Prison since 2019 after spending seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

Anonymous said...

Biden accomplished what Trump WOULD NOT.

Anonymous said...

quote - "Biden is not the only one who is afraid to beard the dragon, of course: We haven’t heard any of our allies demanding reparations either. . .

. . .Donald Trump is also the only leader who has a plan to recover America’s losses from China’s misdeeds, and the strength of will to carry out that plan."

PS: better play nice with China though we may need then to rescue our astronauts. Make America Great Again (please)

Anonymous said...

What a great plan! Mexico will pay for the wall and China will pay for Covid! I'm sure they will. There's some great people in Mexico and the Chinese are some fine people too.

Anonymous said...

Wikileaks was a completely controlled information dump. It was step one of “raising humanities collective consciousness,” which plays in directly to the age of antichrist
This is how they trap people, they are letting folks in on a large amount of truth, which in turn makes folks dangerously susceptible to the lies (half truths) they insert because so much of it is actually true. Like Q and Infowars, Wikileaks is propaganda for the false light awakening. It's all a decoy and they are all actors. Scripted actors on the world stage.

Julian Assange not only created Wiki leaks he created porn Wiki leaks which was put in place to dox all porn stars addresses, real names, family members, and much, much more.
Porn Wiki Leaks has assisted in multiple porn industry workers suicides. Porn stars can be victims too but some of y’all aren’t paying attention. Porn Wikis caused a lot of stalkers and unhinged individuals to come after industry workers. Bang Brothers eventually bought it and shut it down.

Anonymous said...

Just can't read this stuff anymore, what are you people thinking. Your so blinded by the forest you can't see the trees. The left is evil, their agenda is evil, they want to kill the unborn, think men are women, and that lgbdqtrsoooo, is great, they give billions to Iran, are supportive of China, and are about to get us in WW3 with Russia. But your worried Trump is antichrist, if you actually would listen to Trump, not what they [media] sayes he said, you might just see. So what has Trump done as President. He gave us 3 right leaning justices, he opened oil and energy to come from America, remember drill baby drill, he did away with roe VS wade, and gave it to the states, he secured our border. He lowered taxes on business, so they could pay employees more, he was bringing back manufacturers and jobs, Where is the evil you speak of. As far as Jan 7th he did not tell anyone to attack the capital, they did that on their own, why would he be responsible for someone else actions. Lies come from the devil, so if he's evil why is the devil fighting this man so hard. I am a born again Christian since age 9, Jesus is my God, Lord, And savior, I read the kjv Bible and amplified Bible, I am not perfect but washed in the blood. I don't follow any man, But Jesus. I am concerned people are so busy looking for antichrist they take their eyes off Jesus and are deceived. Does the Bible say they will call evil good and good evil. Who are they calling evil, the media only says good about the left and bashs the right.

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