Monday, May 29, 2023

Unicoin: Towards A Global Digital Currency

by Rich Peterson

Following the Windows Central announcement of ID2020, I had read of various types of identity management systems deployed throughout various countries.  The Windows Central article indicated that the ID2020 system would be global.  It would also integrate into a global economic system.

 “As more and more transactions become digital in nature and are built around a single global identification standard, supported by Microsoft, the question of who will govern this evolving global community and economy becomes relevant. Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods or services.

One aspect I questioned is how would different countries having their own digital identity systems integrate into this same global economic system. The answer I found was with the World Bank. World Bank developed an application programming interface (API) to function as overlay for all the identity management systems.   

I similarly questioned monetary policy which would have far greater implications and complexities. I’ve long read of the plan is to replace fiat currency with central bank digital currencies.  Former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice is a strong advocate for the United States’ development of a digital currency, the premise being it serves our national security.  To Rice’s credit she acknowledges there are  authoritarian dangers, nevertheless she believes the government would refrain from such behavior.

Last month the Digital Currency Monetary Authority announced Unicoin which similarly would overlay, or integrate, monetary units. More coverage here, here, and here.

Given the BRICS nations are working to dislodge the US dollar as the world currency reserve, an overlay to the world’s digital currencies would serve as rationale to unify various digital currencies.   More on BRICS here.

The backbone of digital currency is blockchain technology where every transaction is permanently recorded. Rather than me writing of the dangers of such system, I recommend listening to the below video (the conversation on the DCMA follows minute 10). I fully agree with this man’s analysis.




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Craig said...

Thanks for posting this, Rich. Melcker is correct, essentially, that American citizens would not agree to Unicoin--at least initially--however, all it will take is a 'crisis = opportunity' manufactured event to get the coin rolling. Such as the next series of lockdowns as a result of a new 'pandemic'. With the attempt at making the WHO our global authority, we are not so far from this.

I do believe Americans--and world citizens--will pushed to the point that many will be begging for such a thing. This became all too clear during the events of the past three years. "Peace and Security!" they will scream.

It's all in the premises one accepts, what authority one thinks is truly credible and has our best interests at heart.

He comes as an Angel of Light, he does.

Anonymous said...

The handwriting is on the wall and why this is such a timely post, Rich. I absolutely agree with Craig.

The stage is set since the target is being sufficiently softened in current affairs.
The "crisis = opportunity" agenda has had enough practice runs by now to present the "solution/s" proposed by the Globalists that have infiltrated every facet of life on the planet.

The prior testings, adding now, the right timing will be everything to make it stick..

Anonymous said...

And the "Pandemic," along with its fake vaccines, had absolutely nothing to do with creating "crisis."

Wait! This just in:

Zero Young Healthy Individuals Died Of COVID-19, Israeli Data Show

Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel, according to newly released data.

“Zero deceased of 18–49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” the Israel

Ministry of Health (MOH) said in response to a formal request from an attorney.

Officials noted that the statement only applies to COVID-19 deaths where the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation and had received information about the underlying diseases.

“Zero is a very, very clear number, and cannot be subject to interpretation,” Yoav Yehezkelli, a specialist in internal medicine and medical management, and former lecturer in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management at Tel Aviv University in Israel, told The Epoch Times.

“Why were all the extreme measures of school closures, vaccination of children, and lockdowns needed?” he added.

Constance Cumbey said...

Another example of brilliant research and reporting on obvious signs of the times. Thank you, Rich!


Constance Cumbey said...

Another ominous development I viewed as it flew by on CNN Saturday: The FDA has approved human experimentation for Neuralink. That is the interface between computers and the brain -- a pet project of Elon Musk -- not to mention the 4th Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab. Rich noticed it, too and will be supplmenting his above brilliant article with information about it.


Anonymous said...

Rich posted:

"Former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice is a strong advocate for the United States’ development of a digital currency, the premise being it serves our national security. To Rice’s credit she acknowledges there are authoritarian dangers, nevertheless she believes the government would refrain from such behavior."

Yes, Rich. Condoleezza Rice can certainly be trusted, and let's give her credit because she "acknowledges there are authoritarian dangers." That's really ripe coming from one of the architects of the authoritarian Patriot Act, along with her role in spreading the multiple lies that the Bush Administration used to justify their illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Sometimes, the naiveté that is expressed by seemingly intelligent people is astounding. Perhaps that's why America is in such a mess?

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

The nevertheless part should have given you a clue. I never said I trust Rice, but that’s how you operate.

Anonymous said...

How is this "brilliant"?

This is relatively old news here.

The first week of February this year I repeatedly posted a link on this topic from one of its advocates. I think one poster responded calling it "New Age gobbledygook." But now it has suddenly become "brilliant?" LOL


Anonymous said...

Continued from my 1:29 PM comment

The video posted by Rich is really good, and everyone should watch it.


The Crash and the Mark - They are Coming

Watch the short VIDEO. This should be our ministry, to warn the deceived!

Anonymous said...

11:10 am

I see about the following Israeli deaths under 50

40-49 199
30-39 88
20-29 45
10-19 negligible
0-10 7

Therefore the sentence you quoted: "Officials noted that the statement only applies to COVID-19 deaths where the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation and had received information about the underlying diseases" is significant.

This answer refers only to those for which there was an epidemiological follow-up (and this clearly does not include all deaths). It also mentions that this is based on the comorbidities that were communicated by family members.

In other words, there were ZERO persons of the approximant 339 persons under the age 50 that listed Covid as the sole and exclusive cause of death and/or underlying conditions.

This is not unusual anywhere in the world.

For example, my 60 year old cousin that died of covid had "hypertension" also listed on his death certificate as an immediate cause and underlying cause of death despite him being only moderately overweight and not on blood pressure medicine at all.

30% of the world's adult population has "hypertension".

Covid killed him (along with the disinformation that precipitated his fateful decision NOT to get vaccinated) but his death certicate includes "hypertension" as an immediate cause of death because his heart gave out trying to feed oxygen to his body. He was healthy a couple months prior when I saw him at my father's funeral.

I'm sure some under 50 in Israel that died "with" covid had severe comorbidities which is why they were susceptible to death by covid in the first place. We know not that many healthy people under 50 died from Covid (if was more when it was the delta variant) but AGAIN -- you are ignoring the fact we DID take precautions and DID vaccinate large swaths of the populations. The numbers would have been much worse, by several factors absent those mitigating actions (vaccines being the biggest).

Finally, old people and young people with moderate to severe comorbibities deserve our concern and protection too. We vaccinate for Chicken Pox even though it hardly kills anyone under the age of about 10 and only about 150 total anyway.


Anonymous said...


If I wanted to buy a product directly from a small manufacturer in say, FIJI or Nigeria and both I, my credit card company and the seller fear the transaction might be fraudulent how can I go about it while also being assured of recourse on all sides?

If I Venmo, paypal or use a debit card... I'm not safe and they aren't safe if my information has been compromised by a scammer.

When financial institutions developed check clearing houses, credit cards, debit cards, etc. --- weren't there segments of Christian soceity on edge about such developments worried they were promoting a cashless soceity and the mark of the beast?

I assume you participate and use credit cards yourself today so you might agree they were obviously incorrect with such fears despite them being developed by "them" and used "globally" to buy things including food.

Fraud is a rising issue. It's a problem. Identifying who is behind transactions is important to minimize fraud and even tax evasion (we've been subject to reporting many things to the IRS for years including employers reporting wages and our banks reporting transactions over $10,000, etc).

How do we as Christians know when it's a real problem or unbiblical versus just the next legitimate advance in securing financial transactions?

Why so alarmist over this issue while also downplaying and using the God is sovereign platitude about global climate change?


p.s.- I'm not trying to defend "unicoin" - this is my first time reading about it. I'm skeptical because I also see the far right creating and spreading a "crisis of conspiracies" whereby they can monopolize propaganda, motivate rebellious populations and affect political and theological public opinion too under a banner of a developing and eventual? one-world religion preaching a false gospel (who may promise us rescue from all these perceived conjured dangers)

Craig said...

X @ 2:47,

You wrote: Why so alarmist over this issue while also downplaying and using the God is sovereign platitude about global climate change?

Rich can certainly answer you, if he so chooses, but I think we all need to have terms properly defined. Can you provide your definition for "global climate change"?

Anonymous said...


Banking scholar Richard Werner Oxford banking scholar was already told by the head of a central bank of a major European country that not only are going to CBDC but it will be invasive "under the skin".

Christine LaGarde said they are ready to go in the Fall. All the G20 nations agreed to do digital wallet/ vaccine passports. The WHO is in the process of usurping national sovereignty with their health treaty, though they are not calling it a treaty. They were in Geneva this week. You can watch their hearings on CHD 's website.

We are right at the door.

Anonymous said...

That is a New Age Obrangeanana context and answer 2:47 PM.
You try to add God to that mix?

Your orange and banana hybrid doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

p.s. Rich, the consolidation in the banking industry with he bank failures are all designed to move this process along. I'm sure one day soon we will hear that the Treasury, the Fed, the FDIC believe we have no choice if we want to remain competitive.

Anonymous said...


I'm not continuing our discussion of climate change on Rich's NEW thread.

Even Judith Curry contradicts Heller and agrees that the Earth is warming, to some extent due to human-generated greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, and that a plausible worst-case scenario is potentially catastrophic but she largely minimizes such risk while wondering how much of it is really just natural variability (like sun activity, clouds, volcanic activity, water hydolaucs -- all interesting questions)

300 ppb doesn't mean there will be no natural climate variability or that there wasn't variability in the past when 300 ppb existed.

Irrelevant to my question(s) to Rich. There are many Christians completely unconvinced and unconcerned about any climate change as they've been convinced by propagandists that it's not real nor our biblical concern as we can do as we wish with the earth but when it comes to financial matters there are always alarmists not SEEMINGLY equally reliant on God being sovereign?

It's just an example of a possible contradiction among conservatives not a proof of "climate change".


Anonymous said...

The first week of February this year I repeatedly posted a link on this topic from one of its advocates. I think one poster responded calling it "New Age gobbledygook." But now it has suddenly become "brilliant?" LOL


1:29 PM

I can't imagine why your efforts wouldn't be labeled "brilliant," other than the fact that your name isn't X or Linda.

Anonymous said...

Apparently x didn't read the following, but that never stops his biased, mindless blabber:

Zero Young Healthy Individuals Died Of COVID-19, Israeli Data Show

Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel, according to newly released data.

“Zero deceased of 18–49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” the Israel

Ministry of Health (MOH) said in response to a formal request from an attorney.

Officials noted that the statement only applies to COVID-19 deaths where the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation and had received information about the underlying diseases.

“Zero is a very, very clear number, and cannot be subject to interpretation,” Yoav Yehezkelli, a specialist in internal medicine and medical management, and former lecturer in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management at Tel Aviv University in Israel, told The Epoch Times.

Craig said...


You wrote: I'm not continuing our discussion of climate change on Rich's NEW thread.

Then why did you bring it up here?

You wrote the following strawman: There are many Christians completely unconvinced and unconcerned about any climate change as they've been convinced by propagandists that it's not real nor our biblical concern as we can do as we wish with the earth but when it comes to financial matters there are always alarmists not SEEMINGLY equally reliant on God being sovereign?

Putting aside the fact that this is also a false equivalency (and ‘whataboutism’), earlier you claimed that "Climate Change" is measured in decades and centuries. And of course it is. The climate has been changing over the course of the earth's existence. But here you are implying that recent "climate change" is anthropogenic. So, then, it’s fair to ask you to define “climate change”.

The real question, as Judith Curry and Heller would agree, is the extent to which humans are really responsible for any warming. The cooling from 1940-ish to the mid-70s during the post-war industrial boom would appear to contradict any strong anthropogenic correlation.

You are absolutely wrong in dichotomizing Heller and Judith Curry. Heller never said the earth wasn't warming. This is why I’m adamant about you defining “climate change” so as to alleviate your continuous straw-manning and obfuscations.

You wrote: Judith Curry…agrees that the Earth is warming, to some extent due to human-generated greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, and that a plausible worst-case scenario is potentially catastrophic

You are correct in the first part of your statement, but where do you find evidence for the bolded portion? In fact, in her statement she specifically mentions her disagreements with IPCC conclusions—implying the doomsday predictions.

Anonymous said...

Remember the "WHITE SUPREMACIST" with the Nazi flag that crashed a U-Haul into the White House gates in an attempt to "kidnap, and or, murder the President and Vice President?"

Well, it turns out that the media has went and done it again; THEY LIED. He wasn't a "White Supremacist" at all, and now that this probable Fed plant has been exposed as such:

Major Charges Dropped Against Sai Kandula – The East Asian Migrant Terrorist with Nazi Flag Who Tried to Ram White House and Take Over the Country

These are the same prosecutors who are sending Trump supporters to prison for several years for touching a metal sign Ray Epps was hurling at police.

BizPac Review reported:

Something extraordinary happened — prosecutors dropped every single charge, leaving Kandula with nothing but “a single count of depredation of property of the United States in excess of $1,000,” the Post notes.

Critics want to know why.

“I don’t want to sound paranoid, but that seems like they’re trying to hush this up,” Mark Hemingway, the husband of conservative commentator Mollie Hemingway, tweeted.

So, why does the foreigner with the Nazi flag get a pass for ramming an entrance to the White House?

And why are these prosecutors jailing Trump supporters for walking inside the US Capitol after they were waved in?

Maybe the Asian did not fit their political narrative.

These officials are corrupt and irredeemable.

Anonymous said...

One of the GGGGrrreeaatt issues facing America today: shouldn't school BOYS have access to menstrual products in their BOYS bathrooms? For some silly reason, real BOYS are being BOYS. (THIS IS NOT A JOKE)

Here's the story:

High school students are beginning to resist the LGBT propaganda being forced on them

A school in Oregon has asked boys to stop vandalizing the tampon dispensers that have been installed in their bathrooms.

(LifeSiteNews) – Lakeridge High School in Oregon recently ran into an interesting problem: boys were ripping tampon dispensers off the walls of their bathrooms and dumping them in the toilet. The school has formally asked the boys to stop destroying the free menstrual products they are being provided with, and gave parents resources on “menstruation, menstrual products, sexuality, and health” in order to help them explain to their children that menstruation is normal for a “person that has a uterus.”

Why are there tampon dispensers in the boys’ bathroom to begin with? Oregon’s 2021 “Menstrual Dignity Act” requires all public schools to provide all students regardless of “gender, age, ability [and] socioeconomic status” with menstrual products in order to promote “privacy, inclusivity, access and education.” The educational impact of putting tampon dispensers in boys’ bathrooms, of course, is to inform children that boys can have periods, which is to say that girls can be boys.

More here:

Anonymous said...

3:41, extrapolate, extrapolate, extrapolate a bit (and there's nothing wrong with a little apple polishing either( - :)

Anonymous said...

Constance's favorite courageous hero and candidate for POTUS ran into a little trouble on her way to the White House:

Some grads booed, turned chairs during Liz Cheney's commencement address at Colorado College

Former Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney was reportedly greeted with boos and turned chairs from some of the graduates at Colorado College on Sunday where she delivered a commencement address.

Cheney, an outspoken critic of former President Donald Trump who lost her bid for re-election, discussed her opposition to Trump during the address.

Cheney, who was a member of the House Select Committee on Jan. 6, also repeatedly criticized her GOP colleagues for not publicly denouncing Trump's claims of widespread fraud during the 2020 election, according to the Daily Mail.

The news outlet also reported that while she received applause for some of the lines in her speech, some graduates displayed opposition to her statements with messages on their caps. Others booed and turned their backs on the podium.

Anonymous said...

Lakeview soon to be Greater Idaho

Anonymous said...

Maybe we need digital currencies in order to protect us from this:

Man passed fake $100s marked ‘copy’ at Logan Square supermarket, prosecutors say

CHICAGO — Forgery charges have been filed against a Chicago man who allegedly passed fake $100 bills at a Logan Square grocery store, including one with the word “COPY” printed on it.

Antoine Lee was arrested last weekend after scuffling and biting a store manager who confronted him about the fake bills at Rico Fresh Market, 3552 West Armitage, Assistant State’s Attorney Alexander Konetzki said during Lee’s bail hearing.

He said Lee gathered a few items and paid for them with a bogus $100 bill, receiving $72 in real money as change. Lee proceeded to the store’s restaurant area, where he presented another fake C-note and received $65 in change, according to Konetzki.

Both cashiers thought the bills were fake, and the manager stopped Lee as he headed out the door around noon on Sunday, May 21.

Konetzki said a “scuffle” ensued. Lee BIT THE MANAGER'S ARM, breaking the skin, but he failed to escape before the police arrived.

Chicago police determined the bills were fake, partly because they both had the same serial number and one bore the word “COPY.” (Chicago cops are right on top of things)

He’s charged with forgery and aggravated battery of a merchant.

Lee has six felony convictions, all for narcotics-related charges, Konetzki said. He also has outstanding felony warrants in Kane and Boone counties for aggravated battery by strangulation and credit card fraud, respectively.

Judge Barbara Dawkins ordered him to pay a $15,000 bail deposit to be released on the warrants and another $500 for the new case.

His defense attorney said he is raising seven children and works for a security company.

Believe it or not, people have passed fake hundreds bearing the word “COPY” all over the country.

In February, two phony $100 bills bearing identical serial numbers and the word “COPY” were passed in Clear Lake, Wisconsin. That’s about an hour east of Minneapolis. Similar bills were found circulating late last year near the Canadian border in Norwood, New York.

Someone passed movie prop money, marked “COPY” and “For Motion Picture Use Only” near Cleveland in 2018. A version of the same bills popped up in Vermont.

Maybe the Democrats could pass a law mandating that "FAKE" should be used instead of "COPY?"

Anonymous said...

Join in Joe's quest to leave America upturned,
exporting his blood-lust doom...

Spewing out turds with the evil he churns,
he wakes up Ole Jill from her tomb!

Sniffing boys' hairs the sensations he's felt,
enjoying the pleasures of Sin.....

Doing his best with the cards he's been dealt,
Stealing your votes so he wins......

Anonymous said...

Satan Joe's master in wicked mayhem,
he guides X with every last step.....

His bullsh*t keeps growing with power and fury,
soon they'll be bucket-loads left....

Anonymous said...

{Group Chorus}

Biden! X spreads the lies

Biden! We've no disguise!

Biden! X sucks his soul!

Biden! The wrath unfolds...

Anonymous said...

Blasting their way through the Gates of the House,
nothing can stop them tonight;

They take on your world with hatred inside,
destruction the reason they fight....

Surviving elections and taking them all,
then he returns from the dead....

Thrusting now more with thrice as much strength,
X bulges then lifts up his head!

Anonymous said...

Unlike Heller, who is a completely irrelevant fossil fuel industry-funded "denier" (see 3.1 of the same article below), Judith Curry is what was coined as a "neo-skeptic". I don't mind Mrs. Curry at all.

3.2. Neo-skepticism: The term skepticism figures prominently in recent debates about climate change. Skepticism represents a foundation for scientific inquiry. It entails scientists critically analyzing claims to ensure they are scientifically credible and supported by evidence. Skepticism has taken on a different form in regard to climate discussions. A new variant, neo-skepticism, adds another dimension to this term. Coined by Perkins (2015, p. 287), neo-skeptics “do not deny anthropogenic global warming, but minimize its projected effects and see mitigation efforts as unjustifiable.” He uses two Wall Street Journal articles to illustrate neo-skepticism, highlighting how scientists express uncertainty or minimize the extent of possible impacts. In the article “Climate Science Is Not Settled,” Steven Koonin (2014), a computational physicist, acknowledged that humans have influenced climate, stating “that is no hoax: There is little doubt in the scientific community that continually growing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, due largely to carbon-dioxide emissions from the conventional use of fossil fuels, are influencing the climate.” He went on to contend, however, that science remains unable to predict what will happen in the future, based on uncertainties, thus calling into question the value or possibility of taking action. Similarly, in “The Global Warming Statistical Meltdown,” Curry (2014), a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, does not dispute climate change but challenges climate sensitivity to carbon emissions, arguing we have time to address climate change without implementing policies aimed at drastically reducing emissions. Stern et al. (2016, p. 653) argue that in contrast to literal denialist arguments, neoskeptics marshal legitimate concerns and thus “raise important questions about ultimate impacts and response options.” These concerns, however, often mask underlying interests and motivations. For example, Curry (2014) highlights work that she and her collaborators have done that indicates climate warming could be less than projected, a claim based on their statistical examination. She goes on to say, “this slower rate of warming—relative to climate model projections—means there is less urgency to phase out greenhouse gas emissions now, and more time to find ways to decarbonize the economy affordably” (emphasis added). This statement highlights her interest in the costs associated with addressing climate change and the emphasis on economics. Although Curry’s analysis focused on the goal of remaining within 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, more recent analyses suggest the world has only a 5% chance of not exceeding a 2-degree increase by 2100 (Raftery et al., 2017), that the 2-degree threshold is arbitrary and represents more of a political than scientific threshold, that consequences have already materialized well below the 2-degree threshold, and that each additional 0.5 degree temperature increase portends significant consequences (Schleussner et al., 2017). Keeping global temperatures below the 2-degree threshold by century’s end seems not only unlikely Human Ecology Review, Volume 25, Number 2, 2019 124 but increasingly implausible (Steffen et al., 2018). Despite this, neo-skeptics continue to argue that, while climate change is occurring, what we know about the impacts is either uncertain or not consequential enough to warrant immediate or significant action. Neo-skepticism therefore denies that climate change is a significant risk, or denies that the consequences are detrimental enough to avoid, and therefore denies the need for action.


Anonymous said...

Texas House Impeaches Attorney General Ken Paxton

In a landslide vote of 121-23, this impeachment is a historic moment in Texas history.

The impeachment includes 20 articles, including conspiracy, dereliction of duty, misapplication of public resources, unfitness for office, bribery, obstruction of justice, false statement and conspiracy

In a statement by Rep. David Spiller:

“We have a duty and an obligation to protect the citizens of Texas from elected officials that abuse their office and their power for personal gain,”

Craig said...


I see now that Wikipedia was your source for the bolded portion above. Not a good source for specifics, especially on a figure so polarizing to the ideologues, because she no longer conforms to the narrative.

I'm not sure that the article you reference above reflects her current positions, so I cannot comment further at this time.

I looked at 3.1 and do not find Heller/Goddard. I don't see him as a "denialist". Illustrating how data has been manipulated is hardly tantamount to a denial that the earth is warming to some extent--whatever extent that may be, for even climatologists do not know--due to fossil fuel use.

Craig said...


Perhaps you’ll enjoy Curry’s blog post below:

UN’s climate panic is more politics than science
March 28, 2023

I have a new op-ed published in The Australian, here is the complete text.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a new Synthesis Report, with fanfare from the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres:

“The climate time-bomb is ticking but the latest IPCC report shows that we have the knowledge & resources to tackle the climate crisis. We need to act now to ensure a livable planet in the future.”

The new IPCC Report is a synthesis of the three reports that constitute the Sixth Assessment Report, plus three special reports. This Synthesis Report does not introduce any new information or findings. While the IPCC Reports include some good material, the Summary for Policy Makers for the Synthesis Report emphasizes weakly justified findings on climate impacts driven by extreme emission scenarios, and politicized policy recommendations on emissions reductions.

The most important finding of the past 5 years is that the extreme emissions scenarios RCP8.5 and SSP5-8.5, commonly referred to as “business-as-usual” scenarios, are now widely recognized as implausible. These extreme scenarios have been dropped by UN Conference of the Parties to the UN Climate Agreement. However, the new Synthesis Report continues to emphasize these extreme scenarios, while this important finding is buried in a footnote:

“Very high emission scenarios have become less likely but cannot be ruled out.”

The extreme emissions scenarios are associated with alarming projections of 4-5oC of warming by 2100. The most recent Conference of the Parties (COP27) is working from a baseline temperature projection based on a medium emissions scenario of 2.5oC by 2100. Since 1.2oC of warming has already occurred from the baseline period in the late 19th century, the amount of warming projected for the remainder of the 21st century under the medium emissions scenario is only about one third of the warming projections under the extreme emissions scenario.

The Synthesis Report emphasizes “loss and damage” as a central reason why action is needed. It is therefore difficult to overstate the importance of the shift in expectations for future extreme weather events and sea level rise, that is associated with rejection of the extreme emissions scenarios. Rejecting these extreme scenarios has rendered obsolete much of the climate impacts literature and assessments of the past decade that have focused on these scenarios. In particular, the extreme emissions scenario dominates the impacts that are featured prominently in the new Synthesis Report.


Craig said...


Clearly, the climate “crisis” isn’t what it used to be. Rather than acknowledging this fact as good news, the IPCC and UN officials are doubling down on the “alarm” regarding the urgency of reducing emissions by eliminating fossil fuels. You might think that if warming is less than we thought, then the priorities would shift away from emissions reductions and towards reducing our vulnerability to weather and climate extremes. However, that hasn’t been the case.

The IPCC has been characterized as a “knowledge monopoly,” with its dominant authority in the UN climate deliberations. The IPCC claims that it is “policy-neutral” and “never policy-prescriptive.” However, the IPCC has strayed far from its chartered role of assessing the scientific literature in support of policy making. The entire framing of the IPCC Reports is now around the mitigation of climate change through emissions reductions.

Not only has the IPCC increasingly taken on a stance of explicit political advocacy, but it is misleading policy makers by its continued emphasis on extreme climate outcomes driven by the implausible extreme emissions scenarios. With its explicit political advocacy, combined with misleading information, the IPCC risks losing its privileged position in international policy debates.

The impact of these alarming IPCC reports and rhetoric by UN officials is this. Climate change has become a grand narrative in which human-caused climate change has become a dominant cause of societal problems. Everything that goes wrong reinforces the conviction that there is only one thing we can do to prevent societal problems—stop burning fossil fuels. This grand narrative leads us to think that if we solve the problem of burning fossil fuels, then these other problems would also be solved. This belief leads us away from a deeper investigation of the true causes of these other problems. The end result is a narrowing of the viewpoints and policy options that we are willing to consider in dealing with complex issues such as energy systems, water resources, public health, weather disasters, and national security.

The IPCC Reports have become “bumper sticker” climate science – making a political statement while using the overall reputation of science to give authority to a politically manufactured consensus.

So, X, do you think there just might be some nefarious intent behind the IPCC?

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

several issues. blockchain keeps a record of all transactions per bitcoin or whatever, so there is no way to have the "privacy" various people crave. An electronic paper trail on everything. And to manage cryptocurrencies while it can be done in a chaotic manner as currently, it screams for centralization to keep it accurate. Is there room for counterfeiting of such, for instance?

The idea that cryptocurrencies will help keep government out of your life is ridiculous. And all any government has to do is make them illegal, which a few have done.

Like hording gold - it can be confiscated. Try silver instead. A bit harder to or less likely at least to be faked. Tungsten bars with gold plate have been used as fake bullion.

I think that the key to the whole ebate about ceaths from the Vax, or hab, is the sudden rash of deaths despite specific apparent causes, but incl. diseases that normally take a lot of time to kill you suddenly going on overdrive. Clearly something is in play that wasn't before.

N acetylcysteine (NAC) and bromelain mix will destroy the spike proteins, so use this. Nattokinase in some japanese foods will also supposedly. Quercetin may help. Left over spike proteins may, according to one article, be the cause of long haul covid, people with symptoms and fatigue after technically being recovered from covid. So these could help this also.

I think that the satanic crew (who often are apparent good churchgoers an some disguised as conservatives) may consider the antichrist economic system of not participating unless you have a mark, to be a great idea to imitate. BUT THE ANTICHRIST WILL NOT COME UNTIL A SINGLE EMPIRE RULES MOST OF THE WORLD and he, the eleventh horn, displaces a triumvirate by flatteries and takes over. Read Daniel chapter 7 carefully, notice that the other three beasts are allowed to keep their power after the fourth beast is destroyed. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 read in entirety shows Jesus comes back to stop the tribulatin and destroy the antichrist. the first few verses denounce as false a teaching that there would be a secret catching away or rapture and some were afraid they'd been left behind. Apparently the pre trib rapture was one of the earliest heresies and stamped out so quickly we on't hear about it, it wasn't the subject of an ecumenical council because already defunct.

These variou plane of economic systems and brain interfaces and whatever are a real bad idea for other reasons. And should be opposed.

Some while back some authority in Europe issued an arrest warrant for Putin. There is already an arrest warrant out for Soros in Russia and/or Hungary. Now Putin has issued an arrest warrant for Sen. Lindsey Graham, good riddance if they can get him.

Graham was tight with the late Sen. Robert Byrd, and here is an email I sent someone about this. Continued next post. pr IO will run out of space.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I have had a theory for some years, that Sen. Graham had something to do with those nuikes going awol from Minot AFB years ago. Two were recovered, one is still out there somewhere.

About the same time it happened, he has blathering about a Russian sub patrolling off the east coast, with nucler weapons. Seems to me this might have been a good occasin for a false flag, that got called off when he realized the yield would take more than was desirable, Charlston harbor wouldn't be the ony thing to go.

Digging a bit more, thanks in part to the son of a deceased afficionado well placed dubious people, I have a vague picture of an alternative network to normal gov. operatins, that could have made this posible.

1. Graham and Sen. Brd (deceased) were supposedly "tight" and Byrd supposedly was the one who drew up the invorportin papers for the Temple of Set.

2. Michael Aquino, founder of the latter was apparently friends with Vallelyey who together with Boykin was trying to do a color revolution get together of armed militia and right winger types in Washington, everybody smelled a trap, big occasin for a martial law style crackdown. Boykin claims to be the founder of Delta Force, actually one of the founding members. (Appeal to the sense of being elite play a role in Delta Force and other special ops groups of course Ditto in some really dubious circles.)

3. It was Delta Force guys who took the nukes from Minot, and for some reason were not challenged.,

4. The Tempole of Set (a Chiurch of Satan spin off with heavily Nazi angles to it) has various "pylons" specializing in this and that. some of it psychic attack amplified by technology, probabl only bvariably workable. Aquino
s "Mind War" paper Valleley was associated with in some way, claimed to be not psychological warfare but something new. it wasn't but this is a typical picture of Setian reach exceeding their grasp and assorted bullshit.) it proposed to create a psychologicsal state in others that they wouldn't attack or resist in the first place, instead of various psychological warfare techniques to be applied once the fight began. Actually this is just psychological warfare, and frankly the purpose of gearing up to look unbeatable in the first place.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

The Temple of Set had a pattern of infiltration or attempts at such all over the occultism map trying to take over the pagan scene for instance, but covertly. Probaby has tendrils lots of places. Likes the khepera dung beetle symbol out of Egypt and Aquino liked the Maserati car and symbol, which has some connection to ancient Ukrainian symbolism. Interestng.

It looks to me like, typical of that crew, a plan went into effect that had to be cancelled when they realized they ahold of more than they could safely use. Which means that third nuke is at the bottom of Charlston Harbor.

So.....what do you think of all this? Does this look like a possibly correct scenario?

I've seen a similar pattern of pompous over self estimatio in some things I knew of personally. Various forms of satanism, ranging from atheistic to "theistic" to a philosophy I call Calvinistic satanism (as in everything is God's will so do whatever it don't matter what side you play on, which ignores the difference between God's permissive will and perfect or preferred will) and including practicers of blood sacrifice including human sacrifice I do NOT mean "Blood Libel" one group centered in Belmont, in San Mateo County the most corrupt of California counties with a gangster and banditry origin for its very formal existence, had intended to do 8 human sacrifices ayear, but only got 13 done in 10 years and iincluded then Sheriff Don Horsely, now a CA state Assemblyman, as high priest. This mess got my attention when a friend's friend's grandson died as a security risk.

anyway these people instead of being one overarching organization, are more like networked social circles sharing similar core values, incl. police and military people are led in step by step and it operates in onion layers everyone doesn't know everything.


Christine ERikson

youtube channel Infowolf1

Craig said...

One thing to keep an eye on is Biden's new Office of Environmental Justice:

The Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) will engage all Justice Department bureaus, components and offices in the collective pursuit of environmental justice. The mission of OEJ is to protect overburdened and underserved communities from the harm caused by environmental crimes, pollutions and climate change.

In Biden's EO on this is the following:

...Communities with environmental justice concerns have long experienced exclusion and other significant barriers to having a voice in federal decision-making. The Executive Order recognizes this reality and that racism is a fundamental driver of environmental injustice...

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@X 2:47 PM

Because of time constraints I'm going to need to address your questions at different times. I'll start with the climate crisis.

During the 70s when I was in grade school, we were being taught that a global ice age was approaching. That left quite an impression on me. Then in the late 80s there were some serious droughts. The media echoed science and shifted from we're going to freeze to we're going to fry. My skepticism started there.

Later while doing some reading on the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, I encountered preparatory pre-conference minutes from the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology. Conference Secretariat Whitman Bassow presided over this meeting. The minutes were quite clear in stating that:

- An environmental crisis was necessary to place a future generation on the path
towards acceptance of a world government.
- No crisis that existed in 1972 which could be identified so the committee would need
to explore and suggest a few.
- That the man-God relationship would need to be redefined.
- That the crisis would need to transcend national boundaries.
- That the issue chosen would need to be prostituted in order to gain the upper hand.

Those minutes contain much more, but clearly the Conference intended to consolidate the environment movement and advance a political agenda.

I have some of the early environmental movement's books which contain radical agendas such as population reduction since earth's carrying capacity should handle no more than 1.5 billion people.

Duane Elgin says that either we need to accept voluntary simplicity and give up our middle class lifestyles or reduce earth's population by several billion people. Elgin also says that if we don't voluntarily do so authoritarianism will decide it for us.

Which flavor of authoritarianism would one prefer? Marxism? Fascism? I say neither.

There have been significant efforts to stifle scientific dissent. Again, I believe because it interferes with a political agenda.

Anonymous said...

I very much doubt it, but Judith Curry who promotes and sells books, appearances and her more modest climate change opinions to insurance companies and other industries sure seems to think so.

Maybe it’s her opinions that are much more political as her conclusions seem to worry a lot about the economics of mitigation policies.

The ipcc changes and reconfigurations as the science further develops is a sign it’s maybe not all that political in nature. It’s the politicians and “environmentalists” that use hyperbole to move policy. They are all likely well intentioned versus someone like Heller who is a deliberate liar for hire.


Ps - I think insurance companies would pay big bucks to have an “expert” like Dr Judith Curry come in an advise their actuaries that the risks of catastrophic losses are lower to much lower than other climate science “experts” predict over a 30-50 year horizon. By getting such it allows them to drop their prices lower than other companies and thus sell more policies and make more money. Making more money today pleases the boards, executives and shareholders and they all get better paychecks, bonuses and promotions. Taking on more risk is profitable if you underestimate and maybe even underinsured against the risk. Her company was lucrative enough for her to leave a tenured professorship at Georgia Tech. It pays to be a sceptic. (Not that that means she’s wrong or that the majority of climate scientists that disagree with her don’t have biases as well).

Anonymous said...


When you say “the pre-conference minutes were quite clear in stating” was the list that followed a quote or paraphrased from your recollection or someone else’s recollection? I’m guessing it was written in another language and maybe something is being lost in the translation. Was this one individuals pre conference notes? It’s been 50 years so they haven’t been super efficient at crossing off any of these checklist items.

The early 70’s had lots of concerns about population control on both the left and the right. Craig and I were just discussing on the last thread a released confidential 1974 worldwide population report commissioned by Nixon and written by Kissinger whereby our government contemplated something like giving too much food to third world countries that failed to control their populations (via birth control and abortion access) could lead to political instability at some point therein which, in turn, could negatively impact the us financial and market interests in such countries.

Conservatives and progressives were worried about the spread of communism, how to curb it without being actual or perceived “colonialists” and how to leverage aid to accomplish such whereas liberals were concerned with fears of population explosions and the effects of such on the planet.

Only later did we learn educating women and vaccinating babies (increasing survival rates) were the best way to mitigate population explosions and reduce fertility rates to sustainable levels in developing countries.


P.S. - when talking about environmental policy the man-God issue seems to be relevant. A dominionist might just presume dominion over the earth and allow themselves to do whatever they and their theological friends deemed ok to do the environment despite any secular science advice or opinions to the contrary. For example, the IPCC may not be perfect but they certainly know more about the climate than the Roman Pope or King Trump. I’m not saying I approve of any UN committee changing the way anyone practices their religions, but the relationship between man, God and the environment would need to be considered by anyone when making, suggesting and/or implementing environmental policy.

Craig said...


You sure have a penchant for reframing things, sometimes 180 degrees, in order to further your own pet theories.

You might benefit from more carefully reading the information on CC I provided in the latter part of the last thread (regarding the cooling of the '40s through mid-'70s), and much more carefully reading Dr. Curry's blog post I provided a few comments ago.

I don't recall you and I discussing anything about THE KISSINGER REPORT., I provided the link, you didn't engage at all with it. But OK...

Anonymous said...

Try Not to Laugh: A Covid Outbreak Happened at a CDC Conference With 99.4% of Attendees “Vaccinated”
by JD RUCKER May 29, 2023

This shouldn’t be funny, but for some reason I literally chuckled when I saw it. The reason is obvious: The CDC and other “experts” have hammered the unvaxxed for over two years about how safe and effective the jabs were. And now, with Pandemic Panic Theater finally fading, a CDC conference with nearly 100% vaccination rate gets hit by a massive outbreak.

By no means should I find any humor in the suffering of others. But as someone who has been targeted for being unvaccinated, who has gone through financial challenges as a result of my unjabbed status, I still get a perverse hint of joy when stories like this pop up.

Yes, that makes me a bad person, but everyone’s bad in some way. With that said, here are the details by Zachary Stieber from our premium news partners at The Epoch Times:

Most Infected in COVID Outbreak at CDC Conference Were Vaccinated, Agency Confirms
A COVID-19 outbreak unfolded at a conference held by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) despite most attendees being vaccinated.

About 1,800 CDC staffers and others gathered in April in a hotel in Atlanta, where the CDC is headquartered, for a conference focused on epidemiological investigations and strategies.

On April 27, the last day of the conference, several people notified organizers that they had tested positive for COVID-19. The CDC and the Georgia Department of Public Health worked together to survey attendees to try to figure out how many people had tested positive.

“The goals were to learn more about transmission that occurred and add to our understanding as we transition to the next phase of COVID-19 surveillance and response,” the CDC said in a May 26 statement.

More to the story here:

Anonymous said...

You've got to give Craig credit. He continues to try where so many others have failed. Trying to reason with X is like trying to swim across the Atlantic while holding your breath underwater. It just aint gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Like trying to nail jello to a wall..

x is a gasbag and endlessly talks in circles.

Pick any topic, he still ends up at nowhere.
For all his bragging that he is, he's not Conservative.
Or Christian either.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I forgot to mention in that email (I'dlost my glasses sorry for the typos in the cut and paste) but "the group" wanted to figure out what domino to push to bring down the country into the kind of chaos they could use. The ideal is the city state, or at least nothing larger than a county.

They'd hoped to use militia revolts and civil war of that sort to accomplish this, along with rants against big government, while some of their segments were glad enough for big government if that meant the chance to spend money get rich and make more wars. TWhich of course contributed to the mess here at home.

One of the ATF guys to made the call to go ahead and raid the Branch Davidians at Waco after they knew David Koresh knew they were coming and was there ready to defend himself (despite many opportunities let slide to take him when he went to town) thus GUARANTEEING A FIGHT. And the resulting deaths and outrage to stimulate more militia activity and so forth, well....

that ATF guy was recognized from his photo by my best source, as having attended a human sacrifice event.

The timing on the raid was somehow leaked to a postman who told Koresh and others. Hmmmmm. most likely on purpose. the results are history.

Meanwhile the BLM was started by a couple of "witches" of the afro caribbean cult type I forget which I think maybe Obeah not regular voodoo.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Once upon a time I worked for a non-profit health care association which worked with the state and federal legislatures to effect policy. My experience with minute taking is this:

The minute taker was required to be proficient in shorthand to capture all or nearly all words. As shorthand became a dying skill, court reporting skills could substitute for shorthand. The meetings were also recorded. The meeting minutes would be transcribed verbatim then a summation was generated from those. The executives in attendance read and approved the minutes prior to their release.

I would expect no less stringent requirements from in minute taking from the United Nations. I still have those minutes. I did not improperly summarize them.

A newspaper editor whom I regularly clashed with once said to me that we can read the same material and arrive at different conclusions. My response regarding the subject matter was, of course, that would depend upon whether one’s identity in the material is the dearly beloved or a cancer in the social body.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Maurice Strong charged Bassow with the task of organizing and gathering the preparatory materials so they could be disseminated to conference attendees. I expect those materials were not in sloppy condition.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

As I take another look at what I'm calling meeting minutes, I will correct myself. The material is what the director for the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology identifies as a consensus paper based from meeting minutes from the breakout groups.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are 99 Pages of Details in the Debt-Ceiling Deal, and a Big Trap

Anonymous said...

Was that “director” father Robert Brungs, a Roman Catholic priest. His is still listed as the co founder of ITEST?

He was in Stockholm, it appears as an observer for the Vatican.

I actually think you might be quoting notes from meetings that occurred outside, in parallel and in opposition to the actual UN Meetings.

Here’s a article about it.

Knowing that …in what context or breakout session notes would the items you listed yesterday make sense to have been discussed. Maybe it was the Protestant individuals involved creating a list of how the UN might be planning to go about establishing a one world government using environmental Frisia’s??? In other words, a critique?

These meetings were, it appears, in opposition to the UN after all.


ps - what was Margaret Meade “an episcopal” doing at these meetings??? You’d think she’d actually be at the UN tables, not a parallel meeting of clergy in opposition to the UN.

Anonymous said...

“Crisis” not Frisia’s (typo but what’s a Frisia?)

Anonymous said...

Vivek Ramaswamy Says Biden's Cognitive Problems Are a Benefit to the Managerial Class That's Using Him as a Puppet(VIDEO)

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@X@10:33 AM

I reject the premise that the Conference on Environmental Crisis – International Justice co-hosted by ITEST and the Institute of Environmental Studies (St. Louis University) was in opposition to the Stockholm Conference. That logic makes no sense especially given that Stockholm’s Conference Secretariat Whitman Bassow presided over ITEST conference.

The consensus paper in its entirety is in support of – not opposition to – the Stockholm process. It is supportive of the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth analysis. It finishes with recommendations that Earth Watch use agriculture and/or the oceans and seas as a basis for the crisis. No opposition is ever expressed in the entirety of the text.

Anonymous said...

Major Charges Dropped Against Sai Kandula - The East Asian Migrant Terrorist with Nazi Flag Who Tried to Ram White House and Take Over Country

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Cecelia Gowdy Wigan used ITEST’s Environmental Justice conference as one of her primary sources for her thesis on the Stockholm Conference. Her citations are in support of, not opposition to, the Stockholm.


Anyway, I’m not going to try to convince you any further as I feel it would fall on deaf ears. We shall let the readers decide.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Biden's Solar Push Is Destroying The Desert And Releasing Stored Carbon

When bureaucrats put their personal agenda ahead of what science can deliver, bad things happen...

Anonymous said...

Big Pharma has done some good....yes.
But Big Pharma is responsible for much harm as well.

And makes it all the more wrong to deny that harm is occurring.

Anonymous said...

The politicians, and especially their handlers, push the Climate Change Religion to control, destroy, and further Lucifers AC NWO.

There is always cause and effect with these new energy solutions.

If our overlords were not servants of satan, they could do much to improve current agriculture(without destroying and shutting down farming), manufacturing, practical tech, over enslaving tech, and bring about long term solutions by building efficient, and practical housing that fits each climate.

But that is diametrically opposite their evil desires!

NEVER bow to the New Age Climate Religion!

Anonymous said...


I thought I legitimately stumbled on something and I was trying to make sense of it.

The items list minutes just strikes me as fabricated or false (not by you). They went from preconference minutes to breakout table minutes. It could be interesting to me that rome was so extensively involved - the "club of rome" and father Brungs, co founder of ITEST. Do we know the persons present at this particular "breakout table" or "breakout session".

That newspaper article I linked does says: Parallel forums and meetings sprang up around the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment with churchmen taking an active role in the unofficial proceedings which were often in protest against the conference agenda.

I agree it makes more sense that THIS meeting probably wasn't like others that were in opposition to the UN, especially with Margaret Meade on the panel pushing population control matters (ironically...apparently in opposition to UN agendas at that time).


p.s.- I've discussed Maurice Strong before...I think I questioned whether he was really an oil industry representative who may have been there advocating extremism as a way to forever undermine international environmental policy production that might hurt the oil and gas industry. His "the process is the policy" was just all too coy looking back. Or he was realy a Luciferian idiot. 50 years later --- "they" haven't accomplished much and all those "theys" are largely dead or inactive politically.

Anonymous said...


From that thesis:

Mr. Taghi Farvar, a member of the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems at Washington University in St. Louis, Iranian, and environmental biologist who worked with Dr. Barry Commoner, presented a lecture at the ITEST pre-conference "Conference on Environmental Crisis- International Justice" in ST. Louis, Missouri from April 14 to 16, 1972

So that "preconference" took place in St. Louis, MO?

Also...Ms Wigam's thesis goes into details on pages 55-56 about fears of counter-culture (radical environmentalists) subverting the actual meetings to take place in Stockholm and how they set up separate unofficial "environmental meetings" outside of the official UN meetings. Organizers HOPED actual un delegates would attend later in the day.

The initial alternative conference, the Environmental Fomm, opened in Stockholm on the same day of the UN conference. Though the initial intention of the Forum was to promote "passive participation," the New York Times noted on June 5^, that "now the forum has turned into a quasi-conference," addressing issues on and off the offícial conference agenda.^* Participants from nearly 100 countries attended this unofficial conference and ciaimed the formal UN conference was not addressing the real problems of the environment....

...Dr. Barry Commoner, director of the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems at Washington University acted as an observer to the offícial UN conference and sponsored an alternative conference held concurrently. He invited US delegate and administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, William P Ruckelshaus to speak at the unoffícial conference. Ruckelshaus later claimed the alternative conference was "'a wild group, a mix of antiwar people and environmentalists, a super-charged meeting"

So the question remains -- who dictated or spoke that supposed list you uncovered and where did they make/speak it?

Or we can move on -- 1972 was a long time ago


Anonymous said...


If you had a Biblical Worldview dr X, you wouldn't occupy so much blog space here straining at gnats!

You're constantly contrary to normal thinking!

But a leopard can't change its spots, nor does a goat lose its stubbornness.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@X 12:32

This document comes directly from the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology. (There is nothing tricky about this.)

Robert Brungs, S.J
Director: ITEST
March 11, 1973
co-sponsored by
The Institute for Theological Encounter
with Science and Technology
Institute of Environmental Studies
Saint Louis University
April 14 -16, 1972

Anonymous said...

"Dr. Gushee has engaged as an activist and public intellectual on a number of controversial issues" - important to Pharesses

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Earth to x!
It's so funny that baboon considers himself 'ahead of the curve' when he's actually venturing way outside of his pay grade LOL!

Thanks for the entertainment old chap!

Anonymous said...

1:08 PM

I do get my daily heart-healthy laugh from X!

Thanks X!

Anonymous said...

Must See!

Victor Davis Hanson: The Left is Waging a Cultural Revolution Against Traditional America(VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

They use to say everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it

Use to be no experts, I guess) - :

Craig said...

X @ 12:39 PM,

I note that this blog post comes from before she began to really question the notion that humans are primarily responsible for “global warming”. This is evident from the fact she doesn’t push back on Gushee’s claim here:

Few American evangelicals knew much about the ongoing development of climate science and the growing consensus that the climate was changing primarily due to human activity. Few of us had even heard of the IPCC and a UN process to study the climate and to trigger policy responses as the science solidified.

Now, compare that with the following from her later Senate testimony:

[T]here is considerable uncertainty and disagreement about the most consequential issues: whether the warming has been dominated by human causes versus natural variability, how much the planet will warm in the 21st century, and whether warming is ‘dangerous’.

…Research effort and funding has focused on understanding human causes of climate change. However we have been misled in our quest to understand climate change, by not paying sufficient attention to natural causes of climate change, in particular from the sun and from the long-term oscillations in ocean circulations.

That said, I don’t disagree with much of the criticism in the selection, though I certainly disagree regarding the media—it pays, generally, to be skeptical. And, while I’ve been skeptical about ‘Climate Science’ for a while now, the last three years has shown me to be skeptical of much of ‘science’ in general.

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

be fruitful and myultiply was not a commabndm, but a giving of this power, like saying let there be light. abortion is murder, birth control that is of the non abortifacient type is not evil it is a mitigation of the curse on Eve, which in Hebew says I will multiply thy pain and thy conception apparently human females became fertile year round instead of twice a year or so, and mitigation of the curse on Adam of hard work and weeds and thorns growing is not considered sin so why should birth control be a sin?

Craig said...


Like Rich, I was in school all throughout the ‘70s. An impending Ice Age was certainly spoken about.

Since I’ve long been a music lover, I can personally relate (to) the following. Peter Gabriel’s first record from 1977 contains the song “Here Comes the Flood”. Its premise was global cooling/Ice Age, which would cause flooding, etc. In 1979, Robert Fripp, who played on Gabriel’s record (and produced and performed on II, aka “Scratch” from 1978), released another version of this song (I suspect it was recorded during the ’77 sessions) on his own 1979 Exposure LP. Prepended to this song (sung, again, by Gabriel) was a piece titled “Water Music”, featurin spoken words by John G. Bennett. Bennett died in ’74, so I’m not sure of the date of these recordings (which Bennett’s widow provided to Fripp). In any case, Bennett’s words speak for themselves:

“From a scientific point of view, it is now very likely that there will be again another Ice Age quite soon in the world, that we shall have the north part of the world all frozen like it used to be; and we’re beginning to have natural disasters. From a scientist’s [or “scientists’”?] study, it seems likely that we shall soon begin to have this GREAT change in the earth’s climate, so people will not be able to live where they have. And the oceans will rise, and many cities will be flooded, like London and Calcutta, and so on. These things they say will happen, according to scientific theories, in about 40 years at the most, but maybe even quicker.”

That’s not to mention the lyrics to the ’79 track “London Calling” by The Clash:

The Ice Age is coming, the sun's zoomin' in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growin' thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
'Cause London is drownin', and I live by the river

(And I recall the Three Mile Island nuclear plant’s near meltdown in ’79.)

And then there’s the album title (and song) This Is The Ice Age by Canadian band Martha and the Muffins—whatever we can make from that, or not.

So why is it now being downplayed? One cannot say for sure; however, one could make an argument that, given the previous cooling, it is certainly possible a warming phase would follow—which could be followed by another cooling phase. In other words, WHO KNOWS? If we cannot even predict daily weather, why would we think we can predict the climate decades out?

Anonymous said...

Christine Erikson (aka Justina): as a bloviating male I tend to shy away from any discussion about certain subjects with the opposite sex.

The sweat of the brow is an antiquated notion now days, as is large families. My wife has ten uncles, all raised on the farm.

AlI I see from the Powers-That-Want-To-Be is a future of Earth first not God

Anonymous said...

PS (10 uncles) and more cousins then you can shake a stick at

Anonymous said...

IgG4 Increases with Repeated mRNA Vaccines: Linked to Disease

Anonymous said...

Rolling Stone drops bombshell on Trump, reveals that he has been demanding that his “close advisors” find out the “names of senior FBI agents and Justice Department personnel who have worked on the federal probes into him” so that he can retaliate against them by “immediately purging the FBI and Justice Department’s ranks” of each and every single investigator who has investigated his deadly insurrection, Big Lie, and theft of highly classified documents.

But it gets worse.

Rolling Stone continues, “Separately, the twice-impeached former president has been saying for many months that on “day one” of his potential second term, he wants FBI director Christopher Wray “out” of the bureau” because he has refused to “purge the FBI of non-Trump loyalists.”

Rolling Stone continues, reporting that, “During some of the conversations this year, including at Trump’s Florida club Mar-a-Lago, some of Trump’s close political allies told him that they are working on figuring out the identities of the FBI and DOJ staff and forming lists.”

This should strike fear in the heart of every single American, who gives a damn about our struggling democracy.

Anonymous said...

10:52 PM
Where is it?
Show us all what verifies this bombshell.
What you posted contains no proof.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

There was a link posted in the last thread I wanted to take a closer look at but it mysteriously disappeared. It was regarding Michael Flynn's for the pure. I don't recall it if was posted anonymously or not. Did the author remove it?

Anonymous said...


What a shock that the notorious radical left wing communist hippie rag would attack Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...


It was still there just back a page.

Linda posted it.

10:00 AM Sounds like you might be interested in joining with Mike Flynn, Founding Member and President of 4 the pure Advisory Board.

From the website, "4thePURE is an online community where health-conscious individuals who have rejected the COVID-19 vaccine can connect and find everything they need — friendships, dating, curated news, service providers, doctors, blood donors, fertility options, jobs, shopping, events, etc. — with the goal of growing a community of the free."

In case you're wondering the "4" in 4 the PURE stands for pure of mind, body, soul, and spirit. To be pure, one must not be vaccinated for COVID-19 or mRNA vaccines. I surmise that Flynn will be adding other criteria to determine "pure" as the movement progresses. His background in military intelligence and his allegiance to the 7 Rays will help with that.

For $2,500 you will have the great privilege to become a Founder and lifetime member of 4 the PURE. According to Flynn, Founders will receive many perks and VIP treatment, and will be recognized as the Thought Leaders of this century. All paying members will undergo a criminal background check, so you can safely connect with other members.

Here's your chance to get in on the ground floor of 4 the PURE and "be part of one of the biggest and most important movements in the world today making history."



Anonymous said...

so weird 12:36 post wouldn't go through until I added spaces to 4 the pure...

Did you add 4thepure to the profanity filter?


Anonymous said...

But it worked that time.


Anonymous said...

11:03 AM

I'm glad sources matter to you.

But for a guy that ran and won the presidency on the three words "Lock her up", it's sure fitting that he's the one it looks like will be going to jail while trying to run a campaign on dismantling law enforcement agencies.

Maga hypocrisy consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: "There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@X@12:36 PM

I needed to clear my computer's cache but see it now. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

X @ 1:04 PM

Your boy the Kenyan, now in his 3rd term, began the "CHANGE", that has morphed into the Gay Pedophile United States of America!

Doesn't matter if Hillary gets locked up or not. She has the Lake of FIre to look forward to.

Id rather see Hillary locked up, than see God's wrath on this wicked vile nation.

But your mileage may vary. Y'all

Anonymous said...

Hell gonna be hot, especially for x's tribe.

Anonymous said...

Come on 7:02 pm…even Maga republicans know it started with electing an unrepentant adulterer and his “hooror” wife Nancy Reagan back in 1980. Trickle down economics designated the middle class to the benefit of corporations. If not then, you could at least acknowledge the GOP majority USSC started it when they overturned Clinton’s Defense of Marriage Act and legalized gay marriage.

If you hate gays you gotta hate adulterers like Reagan, McCain and Trump just as much, right?

Adultery is even a part of Texas Attorney Paxtons impeachment articles as his mistress was given a favorable job by a campaign donor in need of many favors.


Anonymous said...

BR. BUGNOLO: Italy wasn't liberated after WW II, it was conquered, The Vactican too, and are ran by the CIA. Also both Israel and Mossad were founded by Nazi Jews and are a front for the The United States.

AJ: un-huh

God bless both these men for the work they do

Anonymous said...

Re: San Mateo County. We had ice cream treats the other night that were made in Burlington California, so I looked it up. San Mateo County. Two things; the average price for a house in Burlingame: $2,888,000. Kind of explains the San Francisco homeless problem and Anson Burlingame was a awesome dude (his mother is buried in West Linn, Oregon for some reason). Thanks for keeping it real, Christine

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"If you hate gays you gotta hate adulterers like Reagan, McCain and Trump just as much, right?"

WRONG. Homosexual acts are inherently abnormal (not because sterile) while heterosexual adultery is not a iherently abnormal act it id till heterosexual.

I posted this before and it has diappeared.

Anonymous said...

Any comments Constance, Linda, X?

California Lawmakers to Honor Anti-Catholic Drag Queen Group Amid Dodgers Uproar

The California State Legislature will soon honor the anti-Catholic drag queen group “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” amid backlash over the Los Angeles Dodgers hosting them for Pride Night.

The group will be recognized by California’s LGBTQ Caucus and specifically hailed Michael Williams, a.k.a. Sister Roma, for his work with the San Francisco-based group, which has often engaged in lewd behavior intended to mock Christians.

“For more than three decades, Sister Roma has been one of the most outspoken and globally recognized members of San Francisco’s Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” the LGBTQ Caucus said.

Mark Trammell, the executive director of the Center for American Liberty, told Fox News that honoring the group reveals the state’s deep hatred of Christians.

“Honoring the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group whose sole mission is to sexualize nuns and mock Jesus, reveals the true depth of hatred California’s elected officials have for the millions of Catholics residing in the state,” said Trammell.

“It’s disgusting that the California Senate is choosing to honor an anti-Catholic hate group. Would Democrats still embrace this group if they mocked Jews or Muslims? Bigotry and discrimination against any religious group are wrong and have no place being honored in the State Capitol,” California Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher said.

The Los Angeles Dodgers engendered tremendous backlash when the team invited the group to Pride Night, angering its Catholic and Christian fans. After initially rescinding the invite, the Dodgers caved and re-invited the group. Pitcher Blake Treinen has since voiced his disapproval.

Anonymous said...

part 2
“I understand that playing baseball is a privilege and not a right. My convictions in Jesus Christ will always come first. Since I have been with the Dodgers, they have been at the forefront of supporting a wide variety of groups,” he said in a statement.

“However, inviting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to perform disenfranchises a large community and promotes hate of Christians and people of faith,” he added. “This single event alienates the fans and supporters of the Dodgers, Major League Baseball, and professional sports.”

Treinen further added that people turn to sports like baseball for “entertainment value and competition.”

“The fans do not want propaganda or politics forced on them. The debacle with Bud Light and Target should be a warning to companies and professional sports to stay true to their brand and leave the propaganda and politics off the field,” he asserted.

Treinen then quoted the Bible, particularly Galatians 6:7, which says that “God cannot be mocked” and “a man reaps what he sows.”

“This group openly mocks Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of my faith, and I want to make it clear that I do not agree with nor support the decision of the Dodgers to ‘honor’ the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” he concluded.

Comments Constance, Linda, X?

Anonymous said...

Is a Black Swan Getting Ready to Land on our Pond?

NESARA, the OFS and Starlink

Anonymous said...

x has a fixation about sexual deviates.

He can't resist the subject.
You can become what you fixate on.
Just say'n.

He's 'ahead of the curve' so he's out there in his opinions.

Anonymous said...

The Los Angeles Dodgers aka The Brooklyn (Streetcar) Dodgers were brought to LA by homesick Brooklynites :/

Wherever the rich take root; greed, crime and poverty are usually at it's heel

Anonymous said...

Open question:

Are you doing anything special to show your support for Pride Month?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm going to pray for these people for repentance and salvation.

Anonymous said...

All the Budweiser cans I find on the highway will get donated to Meow Village feral cat shelter

Anonymous said...

2:39 good answer

They are our mission field.

Both the drag queens and all the roman catholics.

pray for them


p.s. - the Dodgers are a private organization. Most, if not all the teams have "pride nights" and the Dodgers are even having a Christian Night soon after. Maybe someday they can be pressured into doing a roman catholic night or Maga adulterer night too. Don't go to pride games or any of the games unless you want to. Boycott them. I think you'll drive yourself a little batty trying to boycott all sin, but God does hate sin so knock yourself out. Maybe try not to be too prideful while you do it but it's still a free country...despite Trump and the insurrectionists.

Anonymous said...

x, the master of phony, is a blowhard trying to pretend he cares so much for downtrodden sorts.
Yet he has to over the top throw Trump into the mix?

Because this is a being used as a political narrative for him and not true compassion for these, or any other, people.
4:22 PM is cellophane, a troll with an agenda.

Anonymous said...

This is what I've been saying about how looking back at low death rates is failing to consider the death rates were low precisely because precautions were taken AND vaccines were administered throughout the US...

The Persistent Myth that Covid Only Kills One-in-a-Million Kids: How early successful efforts to protect kids from Covid-19 were used against them.

Excerpt: ...According to the Coronavirus in Kids (COVKID) Tracking and Education Project, the actual pediatric death rate as of September 2022 ranged from a low of 7.2 per million for 4-year olds to a peak of 91.8 per million for infants.

Between 1,500-2,000 [american] children have died of COVID, including many children who were eligible to be vaccinated. By way of comparison, about 300 American children die annually from all other vaccine-preventable diseases combined, and COVID’s pediatric death toll exceeds that of multiple other vaccine-preventable diseases before vaccines were available.

It's important to remember that children killed by COVID were more than just statistics on a government website. Seven year-old Adalyn Graviss died of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis less than 72 hours after testing positive for COVID. Her mother said:

"She loves Jesus music, she loved being around her family and friends, she loved basketball, she loved dance, she loved going to church, she loved to play dress-up. Every day she wore my high heels and she was dancing up and down the hallway."

According to news reports, Adalyn’s parents “had been considering taking Adalyn to get her COVID-19 vaccine after she became eligible in November, but held off.”

Death is COVID’s most severe outcome, but not its only bad one. Tens of thousands more have been hospitalized, and many of these children were sick enough to need mechanical ventilation in the ICU. Some children have needed amputations or lung transplants after their bout with COVID. Others have had strokes. Over 9,000 children suffered from MIS-C, a potentially devastating inflammatory disorder that sends most children to the ICU. At least 76 children have died of MIS-C. Some children have long COVID, and we'll be learning about the consequences of repeated infections for years to come. Fortunately, the vaccine has proven effective in limiting COVID’s gravest harms in children, including MIS-C and death.

COVID’s pediatric impact would have been much more severe had we made no efforts to protect children at the start of the pandemic as many doctors suggested. Whenever anyone absurdly argues that children didn’t need to be protected against COVID because more kids die in car crashes or whatever, that’s precisely because we protected then vaccinated tens of millions of children instead of letting them all get COVID simultaneously in 2020.

Anonymous said...

"According to the lawsuit, the Report of Death Investigation from the Bradford County Coroner’s Office “clearly document[ed] Mr. Watts’ vaccine-induced death and the proximate causal connection,” calling the “Primary Cause” of death “COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis.”

Anonymous said...

Rosaria Butterfield: Evangelical Church - Soft on Repentance?

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder why all these corporations so foolishly go along with the Gay agenda?

To get along - support Israel/LGBT America or else

PS: Let the greatest part of the news thou nearest be the least part of what thou believest; lest the greatest part of what thou believest be the least part of what is true. Where lies are easily admitted, the father of lies will not easily be kept out.

Lord Jesus,
let my heart never rest until it finds You,
who are its center, its love, and its happiness.
By the wound in Your heart
pardon the sins that I have committed
whether out of malice or out of evil desires.
Place my weak heart in your own divine heart,
continually under your protection and guidance,
so that I may persevere in doing good
and in fleeing evil until my last breath.
Amen. (by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque)

GrantNZ said...

Anonymous said...

Beginning in 1943, the War Department published a series of pamphlets for U.S. Army personnel in the European theater of World War II. Titled Army Talks, the series was designed “to help [the personnel] become better-informed men and women and therefore better soldiers.”

On March 24, 1945, the topic for the week was “FASCISM!”

“You are away from home, separated from your families, no longer at a civilian job or at school and many of you are risking your very lives,” the pamphlet explained, “because of a thing called fascism.” But, the publication asked, what is fascism? “Fascism is not the easiest thing to identify and analyze,” it said, “nor, once in power, is it easy to destroy. It is important for our future and that of the world that as many of us as possible understand the causes and practices of fascism, in order to combat it.”

Fascism, the U.S. government document explained, “is government by the few and for the few. The objective is seizure and control of the economic, political, social, and cultural life of the state.” “The people run democratic governments, but fascist governments run the people.”

“The basic principles of democracy stand in the way of their desires; hence—democracy must go! Anyone who is not a member of their inner gang has to do what he’s told. They permit no civil liberties, no equality before the law.” “Fascism treats women as mere breeders. ‘Children, kitchen, and the church,’ was the Nazi slogan for women,” the pamphlet said.

Fascists “make their own rules and change them when they choose…. They maintain themselves in power by use of force combined with propaganda based on primitive ideas of ‘blood’ and ‘race,’ by skillful manipulation of fear and hate, and by false promise of security. The propaganda glorifies war and insists it is smart and ‘realistic’ to be pitiless and violent.”


Anonymous said...

Fascists understood that “the fundamental principle of democracy—faith in the common sense of the common people—was the direct opposite of the fascist principle of rule by the elite few,” it explained, “[s]o they fought democracy…. They played political, religious, social, and economic groups against each other and seized power while these groups struggled.”

Americans should not be fooled into thinking that fascism could not come to America, the pamphlet warned; after all, “[w]e once laughed Hitler off as a harmless little clown with a funny mustache.” And indeed, the U.S. had experienced “sorry instances of mob sadism, lynchings, vigilantism, terror, and suppression of civil liberties. We have had our hooded gangs, Black Legions, Silver Shirts, and racial and religious bigots. All of them, in the name of Americanism, have used undemocratic methods and doctrines which…can be properly identified as ‘fascist.’”

The War Department thought it was important for Americans to understand the tactics fascists would use to take power in the United States. They would try to gain power “under the guise of ‘super-patriotism’ and ‘super-Americanism.’” And they would use three techniques:

First, they would pit religious, racial, and economic groups against one another to break down national unity. Part of that effort to divide and conquer would be a “well-planned ‘hate campaign’ against minority races, religions, and other groups.”

Second, they would deny any need for international cooperation, because that would fly in the face of their insistence that their supporters were better than everyone else. “In place of international cooperation, the fascists seek to substitute a perverted sort of ultra-nationalism which tells their people that they are the only people in the world who count. With this goes hatred and suspicion toward the people of all other nations.”


Anonymous said...

Third, fascists would insist that “the world has but two choices—either fascism or communism, and they label as ‘communists’ everyone who refuses to support them.”

It is “vitally important” to learn to spot native fascists, the government said, “even though they adopt names and slogans with popular appeal, drape themselves with the American flag, and attempt to carry out their program in the name of the democracy they are trying to destroy.”

The only way to stop the rise of fascism in the United States, the document said, “is by making our democracy work and by actively cooperating to preserve world peace and security.” In the midst of the insecurity of the modern world, the hatred at the root of fascism “fulfills a triple mission.” By dividing people, it weakens democracy. “By getting men to hate rather than to think,” it prevents them “from seeking the real cause and a democratic solution to the problem.” By falsely promising prosperity, it lures people to embrace its security.

“Fascism thrives on indifference and ignorance,” it warned. Freedom requires “being alert and on guard against the infringement not only of our own freedom but the freedom of every American. If we permit discrimination, prejudice, or hate to rob anyone of his democratic rights, our own freedom and all democracy is threatened.” And if “we want to make certain that fascism does not come to America, we must make certain that it does not thrive anywhere in the world.”

Seventy-eight years after the publication of “FASCISM!” with its program for recognizing that political system and stopping it from taking over the United States, President Joe Biden today at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, honored those who gave their lives fighting to preserve democracy. “On this day, we come together again to reflect, to remember, but above all, to recommit to the future our fallen heroes fought for, …a future grounded in freedom, democracy, equality, tolerance, opportunity, and…justice.”

“[T]he truest memorial to their lives,” the president said, is to act “every day to ensure that our democracy endures, our Constitution endures, and the soul of our nation and our decency endures.”


War Department, “Army Talk 64: FASCISM!” March 24, 1945, at


Anonymous said...

Truman tells how we will defeat The Commies

Washington DC 2020

Anonymous said...

“By getting men to hate rather than to think,” it prevents them “from seeking the real cause and a democratic solution to the problem.”

Exactly what the Left is expert at.

Anonymous said...

Biden Pressures Georgia Schools to Embrace and Indoctrinate Children in LGBTQ Pornography

Anonymous said...

9:47 am

I love how Biden lives in your head so much you'll post made-up headlines.

Here's something delusional & shocking that really happened...

Trump Comforts Convicted January 6 Rioter Who Called to Execute Members of Congress: “Listen, you just hang in there,” the former president told Micki Larson-Olson, before hugging her in front of the cameras.

Excerpt: Micki Larson-Olson was convicted of defying police orders during the January 6 riots that sought to overturn the 2020 election. If she had had it her way, she would’ve done more. In an interview last year, the Texas woman said that members of Congress should be executed “for being traitors,” accusing them of being “domestic terrorists.”

And on Thursday, Donald Trump signed her backpack and gave her a warm hug. “Listen, you just hang in there,” the twice-impeached and criminally indicted former president told the convicted rioter. “You guys are gonna be OK.”

The shared connection between the two criminals came during a campaign stop for Trump—who is currently on trial for rape—in New Hampshire; Larson-Olson found the former president at a diner after his event, according to The Washington Post.

“President Trump, will you please sign my Trump backpack that I carried up to Jan. 6?” Larson-Olson bellowed as she entered the restaurant. “I went to jail for 161 days for Jan. 6. I’m an Iraq War veteran.”

“Patriots, I hear the woman,” Trump said in response. “It’s terrible,” he continued. “What they’re saying is so sad, what they’ve done to Jan. 6.”

Trump took a photo with his fellow “patriot,” embracing her with a hug, and even gifting her the marker he used to sign the backpack. “You just take care of yourself,” Trump told her. “You’ve been through too much. You’re going to wind up being happy.” ...

...Since completing her sentence, Larson-Olson has apparently joined Negative48, a QAnon spin-off group that has become a new staying presence at Trump events.

The convicted rioter stands by her actions on that fateful day in January. “It was the most patriotic day of my life,” she told the Post. “I refused to walk down from the stairs … because I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and those politicians are domestic enemies to our republic.”...


Anonymous said...

Constance, Linda, X ...

What's your opinion on June being named "Pride Month?"

Should we even have a Pride Month?

Anonymous said...

I’m not a fan.

Tougher to find the gift repentance when sin is celebrated.

“Pride” instead of shame.

It’s very sad. No matter how prideful they are the consequences of sin will follow them just as it has for all of us in this life.


Anonymous said...

Pride was the sin of Lucifer

Anyway good luck on your mission x my mission is the other Q

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 10:55 AM

I John, chapter 2 KJV
2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

12:7 And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abides forever.

Celebrate PRIDE at your own risk.


Craig said...

From today’s Daily Dose of Greek comes a selection from the mid-2nd century Christian-themed series of writings known as The Shepherd of Hermas. The original writer claims these were the result of visionary experiences. Today it is not considered canonical, of course, but Irenaeus, e.g., thought it was inspired.

In this video, Dr. Plummer offers a “shameless advertisement” (some might uncharitably say ‘a grifting’) for his (co-authored) book Held in Honor: Wisdom for Your Marriage from Voices of the Past. I think one could read between the lines as to why it was posted at this time.

Plummer also provides a brief explanation of formal equivalence in translation as compared to functional equivalence. In the former, an attempt is made to translate word-for-word—a verb as a verb, an adjective as an adjective, etc.—to the extent possible. In the latter, the goal is to convey the message to the target language/audience so that the reader will perhaps better understand authorial intent.

My translation of the selection (Hermas 29:1 / Mandate 4, 1:1a) follows: Then the angelic shepherd said, “I command you to protect purity. Do not open your heart to another’s woman, to sexual immorality of any kind, or to other similar wickedness.”

Anonymous said...

Knowledge and Good Intentions together ensure continuance of success. A fine intellect wedded to a wicked will was always an unnatural monster. A wicked will envenoms all excellences: helped by knowledge it only ruins with greater subtlety. ’Tis a miserable superiority that only results in ruin. Knowledge without sense is double folly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trove Of Nearly 10K Hunter Biden Laptop Photos, Doc Appear On Organized Website

Anonymous said...

Excellent summation of the current demonic zeitgeist

Who Can You Trust?

Anonymous said...

Forcing the LGBT agenda upon individuals and nations seems to be a top priority of the Biden Administration:

From the Mises Institute:

Biden Wants Sanctions for Uganda Because Its Government Passed Anti-LGBT Laws
06/02/2023 Ryan McMaken

In an excellent display of how US foreign policy can be used as a means of pandering to domestic interest groups, the Biden administration has threatened to impose sanctions on Uganda as punishment for that regime's adoption of new laws criminalizing some types of homosexual behavior.

While it is abundantly clear that this move from the Ugandan state presents absolutely no threat to any vital US interest, the Biden administration apparently believes the situation requires immediate action by the US regime.

According to Axios, the Biden Administration's proposed actions

includ[e] whether the U.S. will continue to safely deliver services under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and other forms of assistance and investments. ... Biden administration officials will also review Uganda's eligibility for the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which provides eligible sub-Saharan African countries with duty-free access to the U.S. market for hundreds of products.

What exactly are these new laws that require the State Department to get involved in the internal affairs of a country 8,000 miles away? According to The Hill,

The new anti-gay law would impose the death penalty in cases of “aggravated homosexuality” and would impose a life sentence for engaging in gay sex. The state defines “aggravated homosexuality” as homosexual acts carried out by those infected with H.I.V. or homosexual acts that involve children, disabled people, or those drugged against their will.

More here:

Anonymous said...

"a top priority of the Biden administration" , and the United states of Babylon in general, is everything that can further destroy Christianity, and glorify Lucifer.

Anonymous said...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Banned By Major Social Media Site, Campaign Pages Blocked

Anonymous said...

There is no way the Deep State would ever allow RFK to become President.

Anonymous said...

"What's your opinion on June being named "Pride Month?"

Should we even have a Pride Month?"

No. Why can't we tell them simply to keep their private sex lives private???

Why not make July "Self-Respect Month"? The rest of the country can celebrate, but no the others.

Anonymous said...

"Biden Pressures Georgia Schools to Embrace and Indoctrinate Children in LGBTQ Pornography"

Will he dare pressure schools in China or Israel to have the same?

Anonymous said...

President Joe Biden what are you thinking?

[The] Beginning of Martyrdom in Munyonyo
“On the evening of May 25, 1886 Kabaka (king) Mwanga II returned to his palace here at Munyonyo after an unsuccessful hunting trip,” she begins. The Buganda king had sailed to Bulinguge island in Lake Victoria with hopes of hunting a hippopotamus but his golden gun fell into the water. He explained this to a trusted fortune teller upon his return to the Munyonyo palace who told him it was a sign of misfortune.

“The fortune teller reminded Kabaka Mwanga of the first sign of misfortune that occurred when lightning struck the palace in Mengo after the king’s sister became a Christian and burnt all the palace idols,” Happy continues to narrate. The fortune teller told the king, “See, your attendants are not even here to welcome you because they are busy with the bazungu (white people) worshiping their God.”

Craig said...

How did Ron DeSantis Handle COVID19? | Desantis vs. Cuomo vs. Trump | COVID policy appraisal

Vinay Prasad MD MPH

Anonymous said...

Br Nathanael Kapner deconstructs Dr Jordan Peterson's Biblical exegesis

Declaimer: this is not an endorsement of Br Nathanael (nor Jordan Peterson) - :

Anonymous said...


I agree, Desantis is/was one of the leading foremost eugenicist in the country.

Vinay ignores confounders such as Florida has one of if not the highest percentage population with adequate levels of vitamin d and that compared to NY and many other states that had high early death rates from covid, Desantis’s dangerous policies led to most of his victims dying after other states knew better and locked down.

Plus… Desantis opened tourism which led to vacationers taking covid back to other states spreading disease and death around the country. He is a big reason the numbers normalized to some extent (Florida still had about 50% more death after July 2020 than New York).


PS - good thing you don’t trust doctors and scientists, especially when they provide no evidence for their ad Hominem attacks on public health and make their living seeking fame and fortune as social media propagandists versus doctors, experts and public health officials actually responsible and/or treating actual covid patients where they might have seen all the death and misery they advocated for among the unvaccinated in late 2021, in particular.

Anonymous said...

X giving his opinion @ 9:58 AM

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Craig.

I think we can add Kristi Noem, the Governor of South Dakota, to the quite short list of those governing who best handled the Covid-19 debacle, too.

She, and DeSantis, by far, handled the episode with the most common sense and least harm to their constituents and their livelihoods during the Covid assault.

Anonymous said...

COVID-19 is now a leading killer of children:
Contrary to what the “COVID-19 isn’t a threat to children” contingent says, COVID-19 is a leading cause of death among children. Yet “not antivax” doctors continue, either unknowingly or knowingly, continue to recycle old antivax tropes to argue against vaccinating children against this disease.

Excerpt: ... Whenever I hear arguments like theirs, I like to point out that children shouldn’t die and that, by and large, they don’t die at anywhere the same frequency as adults and old people. At least, they don’t now, given that the vaccine-preventable diseases that used to kill large numbers of children have been controlled. In other words, we correctly expect that the number of children who die of any cause every year should be small and quite rightly do not tolerate the preventable deaths of children. (At least, we didn’t until 2021 or so, when we saw the rise of physicians with a seeming—shall we say?—nonchalance to the deaths of children on media, both old and new, particularly on social media.)

This brings me to a bit of data, specifically a study that was published a week ago in JAMA Network Open, "Assessment of COVID-19 as the Underlying Cause of Death Among Children and Young People Aged 0 to 19 Years in the US. Let’s just say that, as Dr. Howard and I (and many others) have been arguing all along, COVID-19 is at least a comparable threat to children as any other prepandemic vaccine-preventable child infectious disease.


There were 821 COVID-19 deaths among individuals aged 0-19 years during the study period, resulting in a crude death rate of 1.0 per 100k population overall; 4.3 per 100k for those younger than 1 year; 0.6 per 100l for those aged 1 to 4 years; 0.4 per 100k for those aged 5 to 9 years; 0.5 per 100k for those aged 10 to 14 years; and 1.8 per 100k for those aged 15 to 19 years. COVID-19 mortality in the time period of August 1, 2021, to July 31, 2022, was among the 10 leading causes of death in CYP aged 0 to 19 years in the US, ranking eighth among all causes of deaths, fifth in disease-related causes of deaths (excluding unintentional injuries, assault, and suicide), and first in deaths caused by infectious or respiratory diseases when compared with 2019. COVID-19 deaths constituted 2% of all causes of death in this age group.

I can almost hear my “urgency of normal” colleagues twitching and saying, “So what? That’s still a small number of deaths relative to the number of children who have had COVID-19.” Perhaps, but I’ve never found the argument that, hey, it “wasn’t that many dead children” to be a particularly persuasive argument. I’m funny that way...

...While other causes of death, such as unintentional injuries (18.4%), assault (6.9%), and suicide (6.8%) represented a large percentage of all causes of death, COVID-19 ranked fifth in disease-related causes of deaths (excluding unintentional injuries, assault, and suicide), and first in deaths caused by infectious and respiratory diseases. Comparing deaths from COVID-19 with deaths from other vaccine-preventable diseases historically, COVID-19 caused substantially more deaths (821 deaths in our study period in CYP) than major vaccine-preventable diseases did before vaccines became available: hepatitis A (3 reported deaths in children per year in the US), rotavirus (20-60 reported deaths in children per year in the US), rubella (17 reported deaths in children per year in the US), varicella (50 reported deaths in children per year in the US),15 and measles (495 total reported deaths per year,16 the vast majority in children17).

In summary, we found that COVID-19 is now a leading cause of death for CYP aged 0-19 years in the US, and the top (first) leading cause of death among infectious and respiratory diseases.


Anonymous said...

The propaganda machine is at it again @ 10:42 AM.


Like he even gives a damn about people, any people, to begin with the way he abuses topics of current events and people here or anywhere else. Snoops on people at his "business", demands people agree with him or they are murderers or the like, virtue signals for government dictates while pretending that is Christian.

He's serving a woke god.
His bread and butter is coming from his narrative.

Anonymous said...

10:21 AM

Noem...another eugenicist.

There are thousands of dead South Dakotans (and people dead in other states that caught covid as a direct result of the Sturgis Biker Weekend August 2020 that Noem not only failed to shut down but she actually promoted it) that, were they not dead (after dying miserable deaths alone in crowded SD hospitals) would disagree with you if they could about Noems covid performance.

By Oct 2020, South Dakota was the most dangerous place to be in the country.

It's not the total death count that matters's when they happened and were they preventable. While other states were locked-down awaiting the life-saving vaccines forthcoming in December 2020 and early 2021, Noem (and Desantis's) reckless disregard for life was spreading disease and misery after they should have known better.

Like DeSantis, Noem's response to covid was a public health disaster.

South Dakota is the 17th largest land area state and it only has 880,000 residents. It SHOULD HAVE been one of the leading states, like other sparsely populated states, as social distancing is already built in there. It's covid death rate of 3544 per million puts it significantly higher than Maine's 2085 per million or even a neighbor like Minnesota at 2521 per million (and many of those in Minn were probably Noem's fault).

This article still rings true:

The Covid Queen of South Dakota
Gov. Kristi Noem’s state has been ravaged by her Trumpian response to the pandemic — but that hasn’t paused her national ambitions

Except: “The MAGA crowd does not give a "f" about that,” says former Republican strategist Tim Miller. “As long as Noem is making the right people angry, they’re happy, they don’t care about failures. She’s got the MAGA look.” Miller is a never-Trumper but respects the con.

“Look, she had one of the worst responses to coronavirus in the entire world,” Miller tells me. “And she’s wearing that as a positive! She’s going to troll and dunk on the wimps that cared about the fact that people were dying. MAGA World loves that.”


Anonymous said...

Here's something to help clear your brain in case it's been damaged by all of the lies and propaganda that X posts on behalf of Big Pharma:

Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening - OFFICIAL FULL MOVIE (completely free)

Very well researched and highly documented work that is well worth the 1 hour and 42 minutes it takes to watch.

Don't forget to pass this along to your sphere of influence.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the original rolling stone (not the drugs, sex & rock-'n'-roll one)

Anonymous said...

Thanks 1:33 PM

I plan on watching it.

Anonymous said...

Mikki Willis's basement collage of 1950's white nationalist tropes and other new age conspiracy theories is absolutely hilarious if it wasn't so sad knowing Christians are out there watching and buying into this nonsensical mix of slices of conservative half truths mixed with Luciferian lies.

Remember...a few years ago this LA fruitloop was a Bernie Sanders supporter. How dumb do you have to be to support that nonsense? I actually see him as a pivot point between the new age left and the new age alt right.

Here's Willis and his wife at the LA priemere of one of his older movies talking all new agey about his goals and ambitions, including forthcoming work with Michael Bernard Beckwith (Movie "Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling your Soul's Potential" available on Amazon

Here's another must-see Mikki Willis classic video where he's bragging about indoctrinating his very young boys to be whatever sexuality they want:

Dad's support of son's doll choice goes viral


Anonymous said...

Seems I remember Constance stating that there were no Nazis in Ukraine because Zelensky was Jewish. That didn't age well now did it?

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine Might be a Problem After All, Says New York Times

A story which appears to break an important wartime media shibboleth that any critical examination of Ukraine is implicit support for Russia has been published in the New York Times, as it discusses the difficulties of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi-symbol-wearing frontline fighters.

Anonymous said...

‘Highly Credible’ Source Reveals Scandal Bigger Than Biden Bribery: FBI Election Interference

More important to America’s future than unearthing Biden family corruption is uncovering corrupt bureaucrats who violate the rule of law.

The confidential human source (CHS) behind the detailed allegations that then-Vice President Joe Biden agreed to accept money from a foreign national to affect policy decisions was reportedly “highly credible” and used by the FBI in multiple criminal investigations dating back to the Obama administration. Friday’s exclusive by Fox News provides further insight into Sen. Chuck Grassley’s focus on the FBI — as opposed to the Biden family — as the primary scandal in play.

“We aren’t interested in whether or not the accusations against [then]-Vice President Biden are accurate,” Grassley said during an interview last week discussing FBI Director Christopher Wray’s refusal to comply with the congressional subpoena issued for the FD-1023 form. That form, dated June 30, 2020, included detailed information from a CHS to the FBI regarding an agreement by now-President Biden to deliver preferred foreign policy positions for a $5 million payment.

Much more here:

Anonymous said...

Apple unveils long awaited $3,500 augmented reality headset at the World Wide Developers Conference: New Vision Pro is powered by your eyes, voice and hands - no controllers needed

Craig said...

My, my, my...

J6 Committee DOCTORED Footage with ADDED Sound Effects

Robert Gouveia Esq.

Newly released CCTV surveillance footage from January 6th shows Liz Cheney’s illegally constituted Select Committee modified raw footage and added sound effects to enhance their propagandized presentations during their hearings.

Anonymous said...

6:23 pm

South Dakota is ranked 48th nationally in Education so there's really no way to believe or trust that South Dakotans even understand or grasp facts.

For example, do you really still believe it was wise for Gov Noem to allow the Sturgis Bike and Drug-Dealer Rally to take place the summer of 2020?

With full hindsight it's just an obvious blunder that unnecessarily cost the lives of thousands to covid as well as thousands upon thousands more hospitalizations, long covid and covid infections.


Anonymous said...

7:12 pm

Craig...that's not "doctoring" a video to run/collage live actual audio from one or more source over one or even multiple silent vidoes freed from a non-audio source as they both occur in real time.

The guy even said there were other instances where it was acknowledged that this occurred. This one wasn't perhaps because it was obviously one audio feed as the sounds were inside even while the video switched to outside while the criminnals were breaking in and breaching the Capitol Building.

So weird the things you and alt right media object to. What is nefarious about this at all? Is he pretending it didn't happen? How did you even find this loser producing content about such a mundane thing and obvious thing as Jan 6th footage.

I wonder why this guy isn't questioning why republicans aren't releasing ALL the Jan 6th footage? What are they afraid of?


Anonymous said...


“The existence of complex historical programs involving the coordinated retrieval and study of exotic materials, dating back to the early 20th century, should no longer remain a secret,”

R U listening Russia?

Looks like a case of FAAFO, or, maybe, like the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regular soldier believed; StarTrek was real and Americans had space ship with phasers (at least according to the Readers Digest)

Anonymous said...

Typical liberal rag disinfo, X. Oh do you know how to pick 'em.

Hating on South Dakota's people is just more of the ugly you are forever known for.
The super spreaders proved to be the vaccinated. Dr Campbell constantly posted recent and peer reviewed stats to prove you and your government idols wrong.

Herd immunity works. That's nature and true science. Sturgis was a nothingburger of a spreader.

Unlike your poison vaccine maiming and killing even healthy people.
Covid-19 numbers proved it over 95% survivable even among the most vulnerable.
Go look it up fear and hatemonger. From good sources.

Anonymous said...

"Donald Trump owns stock in Pfizer and J&J, who bought fancy tickets to his inauguration and placed pharma shills high in his administration. That’s how Washington works. It is not the exception, but the rule. It is a form of legalized bribery." Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Anonymous said...

10:26 pm

I guess it’s official, you were educated in South Dakota.

The true Infection fatality rate was never anywhere near 5% but we’ve discussed that before.

It was more like 0.7% before the Omicron variant. The delta variant had a higher IFR than the other variants.

.7% of 350 million Americans would have resulted in about 2.5 million US deaths.

5% of 350 million is 17.5 million.

As far as the completely egregious decision to hold a biker and drug dealer rally in Aug 2020 there’s actually a study about the expansive amount and cost of covid infection, hospitalizations and death Kristi spread around the state AND country via such murderous event. I biker rally in the middle of a pandemic, really? We will never know the true amount of misery and death both Desantis and Noem were responsible for with such eugenically lax public health policies. The politics of murder.

“The contagion externality of a superspreading event: The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and COVID‐19”


Anonymous said...

That is why the U.S. Government would assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr before he would ever get near the White House.

I'm not a democrat, but in my book he is the most honest candidate.

Anyway, this hasn't been a Republic since 1913, and it hasn't been a Democracy since 9/11

Welcome to Obama's 3rd term. How is that "change" going?

Anonymous said...

Satanist X propagates false science, and his favorite demonic government.

Everything Christ warned against, X embraces.

Anonymous said...

Amish Crime Spree Continues:

Another 52 shot, 10 murdered in Chicago this weekend. How long will Mayor Johnson avoid deterrence?

Anonymous said...

Warrants repeating, as does practically everything RFK Jr. says:

"Donald Trump owns stock in Pfizer and J&J, who bought fancy tickets to his inauguration and placed pharma shills high in his administration. That’s how Washington works. It is not the exception, but the rule. It is a form of legalized bribery." Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

RFK Jr. is by far the most honest, credible candidate that is running for POTUS. He represents what Democrats used to be instead of what they now are: absolute Communists that want to force their agenda by any means.

Anonymous said...

And, the Democrats are also the party of perverts:

Democrats Use Drag Queen to Rally 2024 Voters

Reporter and TPUSA contributor Drew Hernandez revealed footage Monday of an all ages drag show in Tempe, Arizona that appeared to turn into a political rally. Democrats joined with a female impersonator at a public “Pride Party” to rally far-left progressive voters for Arizona’s upcoming elections.

“It’s not too late to register for the next election and turn the tide” against the GOP, said Richard Stevens, who uses the “drag queen” stage name of Barbra Seville. He continued:

It’s insane. It’s insane. Over 500 laws [to curb transgenderism] have been introduced across the country … If we could just elect one more person with views and opinions and commitments to us, like some other people do, we can call the shots and we can protect LGBTQU. We can protect trans people, we can protect people of color, we can make housing a priority, we can tackle things like guns in schools. But we can’t do it unless you all get involved and registered to vote.

His anger was directed at Republican legislators in roughly 20 states who have enacted many policies over the last year to protect children.

Anonymous said...

10:51 AM

Yes. Your story on the ongoing violent crime wave in Chicago validates what Constance and Linda have pointed out in the past; the fact that the Amish can often be very, very bad people.

Anonymous said...

One of the reasons I left the south was to leave behind all the gun violence, suicide, drug addiction, psuedo-Christian nationalism, racism and general corruption and criminality. The reality is I'm far safer (and my kids are safer) up north in places like Chicago, Buffalo and New York City than Chatanooga, Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee.

The Surprising Geography of Gun Violence: America’s regions are poles apart when it comes to gun deaths and the cultural and ideological forces that drive them.

Excerpt: ... In reality, the region the Big Apple comprises most of is far and away the safest part of the U.S. mainland when it comes to gun violence, while the regions Florida and Texas belong to have per capita firearm death rates (homicides and suicides) three to four times higher than New York’s. On a regional basis it’s the southern swath of the country — in cities and rural areas alike — where the rate of deadly gun violence is most acute, regions where Republicans have dominated state governments for decades.


The Deep South is the most deadly of the large regions at 15.6 per 100,000 residents followed by Greater Appalachia at 13.5. That’s triple and quadruple the rate of New Netherland — the most densely populated part of the continent — which has a rate of 3.8, which is comparable to that of Switzerland. Yankeedom is the next safest at 8.6, which is about half that of Deep South, and Left Coast follows closely behind at 9. El Norte, the Midlands, Tidewater and Far West fall in between


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden Tweet:

"LGBTQI+ Americans are defiantly and unapologetically proud – and my Administration will always stand with them in the enduring struggle for freedom, justice, and equality.

When one group’s dignity and equality are threatened, we all suffer."
5:46 PM · Jun 4, 2023

Not only does God label homosexual sin as an "abomination," but He hates pride and considers it as well to be an abomination:

Just a few verses on pride:

The Lord will destroy the house of the proud - Proverbs 15:25a

Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath. - Proverbs 21:24

(ever notice how angry the left is, in particular, those that identify as LGBTQ+?)

Only by pride cometh contention - Proverbs 13:10a

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. - Proverbs 8:13

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. - Proverbs 16:18

And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

All these evil things come from within, and defile the man. - Mark 7:20-23

In conversation, a Pastor told me this many years ago, and I never forgot it:

"When you really think about it, pride is behind every sin, because pride is in effect putting yourself before God. You have to be proud in heart to oppose God. The opposite of pride is humility. God gives grace to the humble, but he sets his face against the proud."

Anonymous said...

The dream government of our older, but never wiser, favorite parasite, x.

Anonymous said...

There's also Amish in South Africa! They're everywhere!

South African Couple Tortured to Death, Set on Fire While Still Alive

Last week, Gateway Pundit reported that farm murders in South Africa were declining even as murder rates in the Rainbow Nation exploded to three per hour. Tragically, there have been seven farm murders since last week, including two elderly couples brutally killed on the weekend.

Hennie and Anneke Claassen were brutally tortured and murdered on a farm outside Ohrigstad, while Pierre and Belinda de Kock were murdered on their farm outside Piketberg.

Hennie and Anneke Claassen (77 and 73) were the owners and managers of Echo Caves tourist attraction in Limpopo province (formerly Northern Transvaal). The incident happened on Saturday, 3 June 2023 around 1:30 pm.

Both Anneke and Hennie were tortured before being tragically set on fire while still alive, The South African reports: “Anneke’s son, Jan-Daniël Claasen, told Netwerk24 it seemed like two or three armed men overpowered her and dragged her to a passage where they set her alight while she was still alive. He said his mom was burned beyond recognition. Hennie was locked in a room in a separate farmhouse before the attacker set the place alight with him inside.“

Anonymous said...

But I thought that children and schools were not a source of transmission. All the COVID19 "experts" urging schools to open at the height of the pandemic kept telling me so.

70% of COVID-19 Cases Transmitted By Children

Excerpt: ...This contention that schools should not be worried about COVID-19 was again questioned by a newly published article in Journal of American Medical Association Network, concluding that 70% of household transmissions were started with a child. The study found that children aged 8 and younger were more likely to be the transmission sources than those aged 9 to 17. None of this is a big surprise since early in 2020, a South Korean Study published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found that children can spread the disease, and those aged 10 to 19 years spread it more commonly than adults. The common belief that these reports are disproven by the Swedish Experience is just disinformation. In December 2020 (last available data), the Publish Health Agency of Sweden reported that 75% of non-healthcare SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks originated in their elementary, grammar, and nursery schools.

The concern of teachers for their health is justified. Approximately 24% of teachers are at risk for severe COVID-19. A study from England and Wales found that primary school teachers were at the highest risk, being 67% more likely to develop SARS-CoV-2 infections than the average occupation.

Children can also be directly affected. Bloomberg reported in an interview with Daniel O. Griffin, MD, PhD, an infectious disease physician at Columbia University, that 5 to 10% of children who become infected can develop long-term symptoms. Pereira et al also reported in the Journal of Pediatrics that 12-16% of children infected with Omicron had long COVID at 3 and 6 months post-infection. In total, 24% of hospitalized children have persistent symptoms over 5 months...


Anonymous said...

Theodore Roosevelt ought to kick your cracker arrse x

Anonymous said...

Asian family attacked in broad daylight, in a nice neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Why do you need Covid so much X?

You are very strange that you fixate to want, even need, Covid to continue.
Not a pretty picture old chap.

Your woke-rot thoughts and government overreach micromanagement ways are both hilarious and pathetic.
After the laugh, then I feel the need to pray for your mental and spiritual state.

Anonymous said...

X's fear clearly cancels out any shards of faith he may have had. So he embraces the flesh/worldliness, fake science, and installed demonic pedo Joe, instead of faith.

Anonymous said...

But Constance has a seeming connection, and fondness for the boy!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Neither of those two posts makes any sense. Must be that South Dakota education kicking in.

You're so Maga woke.


Anonymous said...

Seems likely that dr X is a total fraud working for his wicked subversive pervert handlers.

He has not mentioned any details about his "2 small businesses", nor his Doctorate. Has not mentioned his 'wife' , or his kids, in a long long time, and where does he find time to hang with his golfing buddies?

It raises red flags when someone, 'a christian', is so secretive! Not very easygoing!

He is a completely made up troll.

Nothing about X adds up.

Anonymous said...

Trigger troll x trigger so easy.

Anonymous said...

it's x's right (protected by law) to identify as a scalawag if that is what he wishes. Sad) - :

hand salute

Anonymous said...

Republicans Walk Out of California Legislature as Anti-Catholic Gay Group Honored

(Surely the Democrats walked out too, right? ... WRONG!)

Taken in part from Breitbart:

Republicans in the California state legislature walked out of a ceremony honoring “Sister Roma” of the anti-Catholic group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the group mired in a controversy involving the L.A. Dodgers.

Roma, whose real name is Michael Williams, is a man who dresses in drag as a Catholic nun. The group mocks Catholic beliefs as part of a performance repertoire expressing support for alternative sexual identities.

As Breitbart News has reported, the Dodgers invited Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to the team’s annual LGBTQ+ Pride night on June 16, then uninvited them when Catholic groups complained, and re-invited them when activists in the gay community complained. Los Angeles is a heavily Catholic city, with many Catholic faithful among the team’s carefully cultivated and growing fan base of Latino baseball enthusiasts.

Republicans objected to the Democrat-dominated legislature’s decision to use Pride month not just to honor queer citizens and leaders, but specifically to elevate an anti-Catholic group.

Sister Roma was nominated for the legislative honor by State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who is also behind many of the most controversial pieces of sexual legislation in the state, including recent laws making California a “sanctuary” for transgender children seeking drugs and surgery; and a law decriminalizing loitering for the purposes of prostitution, which has reportedly led to an explosion in child prostitution on the streets.

Anonymous said...

And x is okay with that since he is so extra nasty about Catholics 4:32 PM.

Biden, Democrat, and deviate approved, means it's x approved too.

He ain't no Christian brother o mine.

Anonymous said...

I've never been "extra nasty" about Catholics...I have many Catholic friends and others I consider a mission field to whom I can share the gospel and try to offer them salvation through Jesus Christ, when appropriate and as I feel moved to share such. If they are of the elect, they will hear me.

Of course, as a Patriotic American I am suspicious of rome and the undermining activities of it's secret soceities like opus dei, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, etc. as well as its ecumenical campaign to undermine and usurp evangelical Christians.

Pretty funny to see the roman catholic church up in arms about a homosexual group MOCKING them approximately 4 out of every 5 Priests are homosexuals.

Four in five Vatican priests are gay, book claims: French journalist’s book is a ‘startling account of corruption and hypocrisy’, publisher says

An many many nuns are Lesbians...

I was a nun for 2 decades before leaving the convent to be with a woman. I stood up to the church for our right to love.

And the roman catholic church is certainly full of pedophiles as well, many are known sex abusers and still protected by the cult ...

Almost 1,700 priests and clergy accused of sex abuse are unsupervised: An Associated Press investigation found that those credibly accused are now teachers, coaches, counselors and also live near playgrounds.

Just seems a bit hypocritical to call one gay group exercising their first amendment rights "Anti-Catholic" when there are so many gays, including gays who actually are or have groomed and abused children who are tolerated and protected within the catholic church.


p.s. - Not that I agree with them.

Anonymous said...

10:33 AM Anonymous, RFK Jr, Hunter Biden, and Tucker Carlson have been best friends for years. Birds of a feather flock together. Don't get your hopes up about Bobby.

Anonymous said...

Well that explains why 4 out of 5 Catholic priests took the shots (see, I can make stuff up too)

PS: my wife has 2 Sisters in her family (both retired)

Anonymous said...

Some of the most senior clerics in the Roman Catholic church who have vociferously attacked hom0sexuality are themselves gay, according to a book to be published next week.

Eighty per cent of priests working at the Vatican are gay, although not necessarily $exually active, it is claimed in the book, In the Closet of the Vatican.

The 570-page book, which the French journalist and author Frédéric Martel spent four years researching, is a “startling account of corruption and hypocrisy at the heart of the Vatican”, according to its British publisher Bloomsbury.

It is being published in eight languages across 20 countries next Wednesday, coinciding with the opening day of a conference at the Vatican on $exual abuse, to which bishops from all over the world have been summoned.

Martel, a former adviser to the French government, conducted 1,500 interviews while researching the book, including with 41 cardinals, 52 bishops and monsignors, 45 papal ambassadors or diplomatic officials, 11 Swiss guards and more than 200 priests and seminarians, according to a report on the Catholic website the Tablet.

Many spoke of an unspoken code of the “closet”, with one rule of thumb being that the more hom0phobic a cleric was, the more likely he was to be gay.

Martel alleges that one Colombian cardinal, the late Alfonso López Trujillo, who held a senior Vatican position, was an arch-defender of church teaching on hom0sexuality and contraception while using male pro$titutes, the Tablet said.

The author found that some gay priests accepted their $exuality and a few maintained discreet relationships, but others sought high-risk casual encounters. Some were in denial about their $exuality.

Although the book does not conflate homosexuality with the sexual abuse of children, Martel describes a secretive culture among priests that creates conditions in which abuse is not confronted, say people familiar with the book’s contents.

According to Bloomsbury’s promotional material, Inside the Closet “reveals secrets” about celibacy, misogyny and plots against Pope Francis. It uncovers “a clerical culture of secrecy which starts in junior seminaries and continues right up to the Vatican itself”.

Francis has riled his conservative critics in the Vatican over his apparently softer tone towards gay people. A few months into his papacy, he told reporters who asked about a “gay lobby” at the Vatican: “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?”

Last year Juan Carlos Cruz, a Chilean survivor of sexual abuse, said Francis told him in a private meeting: “Juan Carlos, that you are gay does not matter. God made you like this and loves you like this and I don’t care. The pope loves you like this. You have to be happy with who you are.”

But a Polish priest who was sacked from his Vatican job and defrocked after announcing he was gay has accused the church of making the lives of millions of gay Catholics “a hell”.

In a letter to Francis in 2015, Krzysztof Charamsa criticised what he called the Vatican’s hypocrisy in banning gay priests and said the clergy was “full of hom0sexuals”.

In December, Francis was quoted in a book about vocations as saying hom0sexuality was a “fashion” to which the clergy was susceptible.

“The issue of hom0sexuality is a very serious issue that must be adequately discerned from the beginning with the candidates [for the priesthood]. In our societies it even seems that hom0sexuality is fashionable and that mentality, in some way, also influences the life of the church,” he said.

The timing of Inside the Closet’s publication, at the start of a milestone summit on sexual abuse, will raise concerns that some people may seek to conflate the two issues.

But the book’s allegations are likely to be pored over by senior bishops flying into Rome from more than 100 countries for the four-day summit.

Anonymous said...

I don't do debate I observe and I see your go-to sources are all in New York City so adois I'm shaking the dust off my sandals

Anonymous said...

The Gay Priest Problem

Anonymous said...

Father James Martin: Gay Pride Compatible with Sacred Heart of Jesus

Excerpt: "In June, Catholics celebrate the Month of the Sacred Heart,” Father Martin writes on Twitter. “LGBTQ people celebrate #PrideMonth. LGBTQ Catholics celebrate both. One shows us how Jesus loves. The other shows us whom Jesus calls us to love today.”

“Where would the Sacred Heart be today?” Martin asks in an accompanying tweet. “It would be poured out in love on these people who seek love and acceptance.”

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

I posted this and it doesn't show though the notice was given it was saved. this is a rewrite.

Genesis 3 and the curses after the fall contradict the whole God made the gays that way and trannys and so forth also the idea that the herb marijuana is okay because man was to use the herb of the field.

Adam was cursed with the land being cursed so he couldn't get it to grow food so easily, and new undesirable plants would appear as well, probably mutations God tweaked the genes. This curse proliferated throughout nature with changes occurring in animals and plants and productin of pathogens and malformations, etc. genetic diseases for instance.

IF there is any actual difference between gays and straights or abut trannys in brain scans, and how many of these are done on people not already behaving this way, so is what shows an effect or a cause? that would just be another case of the mutations coming after the curse and proliferating ongoing. A disease.

And what of the he man type homosexual males or feminine type lesbians? these fly under conservatives' radar.

in ancient times in fact fairly recently to a few hundred years ago, there was no notion of the homosexual as something special in itself, but rather it was a sexual option some tried some specialized in, despised by some and preferred by others. Who played what role mattered also. (Paul and the OT moral and civil law attack both types equally though often the ones who play the sex role of their sex are considered straight more or less though they do it with others of their own sex.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

“A trusted confidential human source obtained information from a foreign national who claimed to have bribed then-Vice President Biden,” Comer told The Federalist. So the CHS didn’t just pass on information from some random third party: He spoke directly with the individual who claimed to have bribed Biden.

FBI headquarters branding that information as “disinformation” without undertaking an appropriate investigation is outrageous — especially since the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office was directed to further investigate the FD-1023.

The second scandal is equally as large because it reaches the top of the FBI: Director Christopher Wray.

Wray may well have been in the dark about FBI headquarters falsely labeling the FD-1023 as misinformation and secreting it away from other agents. But framing the intel from the “highly credible” longtime FBI CHS as coming from Giuliani reeks of a cover-up. And suggesting that Barr and Brady closed down an investigation into the FD-1023 when it was instead sent to Delaware for further investigation is a cover-up.

“The more the FBI leak and coverup machine spins for President Biden, the worse the bureau looks,” Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, told The Federalist upon learning of Barr’s statement. “Enough is enough. It’s past time for the FBI to come clean and show their work if they have any hope of salvaging their own credibility.”

Comer went further, telling The Federalist, “The FBI is attempting a coverup, and Democrats are doing their bidding by lying to the American people.”

Anonymous said...

"The Jack Smith prosecution asked me questions before the grand jury that tried to trap me into keeping secret what happened to me there. I considered the questions to be threatening and designed to chill my rights. Outrageous."

Anonymous said...

"There’s something larger, and more insidious, going on here.

One of the most obvious things that people need to remember: the journalists and politicians and media influencers and activists who were deplatformed by Twitter in 2020 and 2021 (and Facebook and YouTube and Instagram) were conservatives. They were on the Right. They were mostly aligned with President Trump.

And yet these people have played absolutely no part in the emerging “Censorship Industrial Complex” story that’s being told on the Twitter Files, and in major corporate media outlets.

This new story is being told exclusively by journalists on the Left.

Do you see the problem?

The people who were actually censored and suppressed and blacklisted and deplatformed by these social media sites — that are controlled by a proxy army of FBI, CIA, NSA and DHS employees — are not included in this story. The people who were actually censored are not even called for comment.

In fact, they are being removed from their own stories.

That can’t be an accident — that’s by design."

Anonymous said...

No surprise there 1:03 AM, Pope Francis approves! From 'America The Jesuit Review'...

Pope Francis encourages Jesuit Father James Martin in his L.G.B.T. ministry

Pope Francis has again encouraged the ministry of James Martin, S.J., to L.G.B.T. persons, and with words that could also encourage others in this work. He did so on the eve of the Outreach 2021 L.G.B.T. Catholic ministry conference that took place by webinar this Saturday, June 26, of which the Jesuit priest was the main organizer.

Some weeks ago, Father Martin, an editor at large at America Media, had informed the pope about the conference in a private mail and explained its purpose and then received a handwritten personal letter in Spanish from Francis, dated June 21, expressing his encouragement and support for this work.

Francis is well informed of the work Father Martin is doing. He has sought to encourage him in this ministry and for this reason, in a significant public gesture of encouragement and support, he received him in a private audience in the library of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace on September 30, 2019.

His letter on the eve of Saturday’s outreach conference can be understood in this same light. Addressing him as “Querido Hermano” (“Dear brother”), Francis commends Father Martin for all this work, saying, “I want to thank you for your pastoral zeal and your ability to be close to people, with that closeness that Jesus had, and which reflects the closeness of God.”

He reminds him, “Our Heavenly Father approaches with love each one of his children, each and every one [of them]. His heart is to open to each and every one. He is Father.”

Anonymous said...

Why should the church reach out to L.G.B.T.Q. people? Some shocking statistics can answer that. James Martin, S.J. August 02, 2021 America The Jesuit Review

(I wonder if they "reach out" to practicing pedophiles, rapists, adulterers, etc.? They're sinners that are 'marginalized' too, just like the LGBTQ+ folks)

Why should Catholics reach out to L.G.B.T.Q. Catholics or, more broadly, to L.G.B.T.Q. people?

We should reach out not simply because they are Catholics—meaning L.G.B.T.Q. Catholics, who are part of the Body of Christ—but because we are Catholic. Part of being Catholic, part of being Christian, is standing on the side of those who are rejected, excluded or marginalized, as Jesus chose to do. As we Jesuits say, it also means “walking with the excluded.” And L.G.B.T.Q. people are among the most excluded in our church.

I cannot tell you how many L.G.B.T.Q. Catholics have reported to me the hateful and homophobic comments they have heard from their priests, deacons, brothers, sisters, lay pastoral associates, bishops, directors of religious education and schoolteachers, all supposedly speaking for the church. Almost every day I receive messages through social media, from people asking, “Where am I supposed to go now that my pastor treats me like this?” or, “How can I respond to my daughter’s principal who says these things?” or, “How can I stay in the church when I hear homilies like this?”

One woman told me that after she told a priest that she was gay, he said that he had prayed since his ordination that he would never meet a gay person. In some parishes, homilies saying that the L.G.B.T.Q. “agenda” is satanic, identifying L.G.B.T.Q. people with the devil and equating same-sex marriage with abortion are not only common, but expected.

(What a bunch of unbiblical gobbledegook. But he's a Jesuit, just like the Pope. Birds of a feather flock together)

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

"No amount of confession, attending Mass, etc. will save you outside of a complete turning to Christ and true repentance."

I keep having to repost stuff.

Catholics an Orthodox would gree, jut going throiugh the motions without intending to forsake the sins isn't helpful. These things you dismiss along with fasting and penance (which RC and EO seem to have jettisoned) are tools to engage the body as well as the mind in this, and the blessings of The Holy Spirit in the sacraments helps you if you cooperate. And to some extent if you don't cooperate this can lead to true repentance later.

Anonymous said...

In a study of 1,901,815 cancer patients, those who chose alternative medicine had a 2-fold greater risk of death compared with patients who had no alternative medicine use. And it’s probably because they refused conventional care.

In other words, the more one believes in the benefits and propaganda promulgated by the "alternative medicine" grifters, who are one and the same as the anti-vax grifters, the more likely one is to refuse conventional care and AS A RESULT be twice as likely to die from otherwise treatable/curable cancers.

Complementary Medicine, Refusal of Conventional Cancer Therapy, and Survival Among Patients With Curable Cancers

October, 2018

Excerpt: Key Points:

Question: What patient characteristics are associated with use of complementary medicine for cancer and what is the association of complementary medicine with treatment adherence and survival?

Findings: In this cohort study of 1,901,815 patients, use of complementary medicine varied by several factors and was associated with refusal of conventional cancer treatment, and with a 2-fold greater risk of death compared with patients who had no complementary medicine use.

Meaning: Patients who received complementary medicine were more likely to refuse other conventional cancer treatment, and had a higher risk of death than no complementary medicine; however, this survival difference could be mediated by adherence to all recommended conventional cancer therapies.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING: Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson, who turned the Christian Broadcasting Network from a small Virginia station into a global entity: the Christian Broadcasting Network and The 700 Club, dies at age 93... according to an announcement from the network. No cause of death was given.

Robertson was the head of Regent University, an evangelical Christian school in Virginia Beach, as well as the American Center for Law and Justice, an institution committed to defending the First Amendment rights of religious people.

June 8, 2023

Anonymous said...

Hey, Christine @ 5:36 PM

No amount of 'reposting stuff' is going to put YOU inside of the hearts and minds of Catholics who go to Confession and attend Mass.

You have no clue what each Catholic's relationship is with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To assume otherwise is both ignorant and arrogant on your part.

Meanwhile, concentrate on saving your OWN soul, please.

Anonymous said...

California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposes historic 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to end America's gun violence crisis

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Gavin Newsom is seeking an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would restrict gun ownership — a daunting and likely quixotic response to the deadliest wave of mass shootings in U.S. history that would nonetheless position California as the most aggressive state in the union on gun control.

Newsom outlined his plan Thursday to pursue the amendment, seeded with cash left over from his landslide 2022 reelection, fueled by frustration over the country’s failure to adopt restrictions that polls show most Americans broadly support and a conservative Supreme Court that has rolled back gun laws.


California Governor Gavin Newsom Proposes Historic 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to End America's Gun Violence Crisis. SACRAMENTO – Today, June 8, 2023... Governor Gavin Newsom proposed a 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to enshrine fundamental, broadly supported gun safety measures into law.

Anonymous said...

In keeping with the spirit of James Martin, his supportive Pope and the Vatican, Catholic President Joe Biden does this:

Priorities: Joe Biden to Host Largest White House Pride Celebration ‘in History’

Thousands of people are set to attend an LGBTQ+ Pride event in the White House on Thursday, with the celebration hosted by Joe Biden set to be the largest of its kind “in history” for the White House.

Biden is also reportedly set to announce a slew of new measures aimed at pushing transgenderism and other elements of progressive ideology.

According to a report by Reuters, Thursday’s event is reportedly being billed as a celebration of ” LGBTQ+ families”, and will reportedly see performances from singer Betty Who and DJ Queen HD.

The event will also focus on so-called “book bans” being implemented in parts of the United States, with Biden’s Department of Education to announce the appointment of a new special coordinator who will be tasked with tackling the perceived problem.

“Across the country, our nation is facing a spike in book bans, and these efforts disproportionately target the LGBTQI+ community as well as communities of color,” one Biden admin spokesman said regarding the announcement.

“These aren’t just attacks on the rights of LGBTQI+ Americans, they are part and parcel of a coordinated attack on our democracy,” they added.

Anonymous said...

To 10:02 AM

FYI: There are hundreds of thousands of traditional, CONSERVATIVE Catholics who are NOT fans of either Joe Biden or LGBTQ.

Anonymous said...

10:45 AM

I agree with you. But what are the 'hundreds of thousands' of conservative Catholics doing about the obvious LGBTQ+ agenda that is being promoted by the likes of James Martin, the Pope and the gay mafia that is running the Vatican? What was done by them regarding the massive pedophile clergy scandals, which are by the way, ongoing?

Why do large percentages of Catholics continually vote for pro-abortion Democrats?

Anonymous said...

Undeniable proof, and lots of it.

Anonymous said...

To 11:11 AM

Probably about as much as you are doing to clean up all of the hypocrisy that exists inside of your own churches. I have no CONTROL over what other people do... any more than you do. I only have control over myself... and the decisions that I make.

But, I will continue to pray for folks like YOU... who have nothing better to do than mind other people's business!!!

P.S. I have supported the RIGHT TO LIFE since abortion was made legal in January, 1973... and have never voted for a Democrat.

Have a good day . . .

Anonymous said...

11:11 am

You mean why do they continue to vote for Republicans who are the party that founded Roe v Wade and kept it legal for 50 years as well as legalizing gay marriage all while controlling the Supreme Court the entire time?

Maybe roman catholics just don't want to be hypocrites. If they won't leave their gay-affirming church where 4 out of 5 priests are homosexuals and the pope encourages such sin why would/should they leave the Democratic party or otherwise have anything to say about the fuax culture war political distraction going on right now?

If anything...the democrats gay affirming wouldn't be happening if more Christians supported them and didn't crazily vote largely as a alt right block for theonomists, dominionists and other white nationalist Maga fascist candidates.

Make both parties answer to Christians (those of us that actually remain).


Anonymous said...

Drug abuse, suicides and violence in rural America is getting out of hand. Rural America is largely run by failing Republicans. Perhaps it's time for a change and a switch to Democrat policies and more empathetic governing.

Gun Deaths More Likely in Small Towns Than Major Cities

April 26, 2023

Excerpt: Contrary to popular belief, firearm deaths in the United States are statistically more likely in small towns, not major cities, according to new research. Across the country, gun suicides are more common than gun homicides, and gun suicides are largely responsible for an increase in gun deaths over the past few decades, the study also finds.

The analysis of two decades of U.S. mortality data was conducted by researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the University of California, Davis, and appears in the journal JAMA Surgery(link is external and opens in a new window).

“Our study has found that the divide in total intentional firearm deaths between urban and rural counties is increasing, with rural counties bearing more of the burden. In the 2000s, the two most rural county types had statistically more firearm deaths per capita than any other county type, and by the 2010s, most urban counties—cities—were the safest in terms of intentional firearm death risk,” the authors write.

“Despite the pervasive nature of gun violence, high rates of gun homicide in urban centers have been the sole focus of many policymakers and used as justification to loosen gun laws, when in fact gun violence is an issue in counties of all sizes,” the authors add.

Gun suicides outnumber gun homicides each year in the U.S., and the risk of gun suicides in the most rural counties exceeds the risk of gun homicides in the most urban counties.
Previous research from the 1990s found that there was no difference in total intentional firearm deaths between the most urban and rural counties in the 1990s. The current study finds that the divide in total intentional firearm deaths between urban and rural counties is increasing, with rural counties bearing a great deal more of the burden.

The researchers based their findings on an analysis of multiple cause-of-death data files from the National Center for Health Statistics’ National Vital Statistics System over two decades, from the beginning of 2001 to the end of 2020.

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