Saturday, October 22, 2022

Worst book of the year, so far -- by Helgard Muller

Dear Readers:

It's been a bad year for me health wise and I'm delighted Richard Peterson (our "Rich of Medford") is assisting me.  There are so many developments on so many ugly fronts, it is difficult to keep up.  I am increasingly concerned about Evangelical and conservative Catholic devotion to Donald Trump, the raft of books proclaiming that Trump is God's chosen instrument.Donald John Trump is THE CHRIST.  Here's opening paragraphs from the worst I've read, PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP, THE SON OF MAN, THE CHRIST.  No, that was not referring to Jesus.  It was referring to Donald Trump.

Here is the opening paragraphs from that horribly blasphemous book by Trump groupie Helgard Muller:

"PRESIDENT DONALD J. Trump is the King of Kings, And Lord of Lords! The Son of Man who will be seen seated in the place of power at God's right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven! You have read that correctly! President Donald Trump is the Christ for this age! The Son of King David! Prophecies of Jesus and all the prophets point to President Donald J. Trump as the Son of Man, the Christ. People, Christians, and Jews are not aware of how many prophecies President Donald Trump of the United States has fulfilled in his presidency as the Son of Man." 

And, here's the cover of the so-far worst book of the year:



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Anonymous said...


You air the sophistication, knowledge and Christian spirit of a Fidel Castro.

Your momma teach you that?

Please kindly provide your address and I'll stop by and learn ya.


Anonymous said...


You must live in Georgia and just be venting your frustration as Warnock steamrolls Walker.

I'm sorry for your loss.


Anonymous said...

The Just-us system has been weaponized against anyone on the right who is deemed a threat to the Luciferian Globalist NWO agenda. They want to completely destroy the west, and turn it into the Synagogue of Satan hero, Claus Schwab, and his ilk, dystopian hell on earth. Yet you J,recite the leftist mantra, that "no one is above the law". In reality, the left operates as an evil, subversive, criminal mafia that is completely above the law. Why is it you cannot see that? As RayB, and others, have pointed out correctly, leftism is a mental illness. It is staggering your blindness.

In this short video, the two-tiered Just-us subject is handled with kid gloves!

Anonymous said...

Warnock should be called WarLock.

How is it that so many Whites are voting for these two primitive-looking men?

Anonymous said...

No X, I live in the N.E.

I'm venting because you have been a moldy hemorrhoid here from the start!! You're a good friend of Satan, and therefore my enemy. You are dispicable to most here. Yet you are here because....well... that is how scum does! y'all

Anonymous said...

X has a 'doctorate' in primate behavior.

Don't stand too close to his cage.

Anonymous said...

What Trump actually said:

The offending language from Trump's social media post was, "A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."  Trump also included the admonition that "[o]ur great 'Founders' did not want, and would not condone, False and Fraudulent Elections!"

Those who believe that Trump is evil and ignorant will of course read what they want into his post regardless of his intent and the actual meaning.  Had Trump actually called to terminate the Constitution — as anti-Trumpers would lead the gullible to believe — he would have lost his constitutional conservative base, and he knows that.

Monday, however, a more level-headed journalist, @ByronYork, tweeted instead, "Question: What do you think is the most accurate way to describe what Trump called for in the Truth Social post below?"

The predisposed anti-Trump crowd chose to read "allow for" as advocating termination of laws governing elections.  Those governing laws include Article 2, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, which provides for the unique role of state legislatures (not state bureaucrats) setting the presidential election laws.

Indeed, constitutional arguments presented before January 6, 2021 — which unfortunately have been largely misreported by the corporate press and overshadowed by other issues — are grounded in efforts to prevent false and fraudulent elections.  ("Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption.  These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one quarter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils" [Federalist 68].)

Anonymous said...

That key states violated Article 2, Section 1 by bypassing state legislatures in making new rules for the 2020 election did result in election law violations that swayed the outcome.

Another common reading of "allow for" is "to make (something) possible," as in "to leave your house unlocked allows for theft."  It means to give the necessary time or opportunity for something to happen.

Reading Trump's comment in that context brings a very different meaning to his social media post from a call by him to terminate the Constitution.  This reading is more plausible when one knows that Trump was briefed by some brilliant constitutional lawyers about the state fraud and constitutional issues under Article 2, Section 1, whether one agrees with their constitutional arguments or not.

It was the acts of others that "terminated" the laws governing the 2020 elections — like what was seen in the Twitter revelations about collusion with Big Tech aiders and abettors such as those who lied and said the laptop was Russian disinformation.  That collusion enabled (allowed for) a false and fraudulent election in 2020.  The lies skewed votes, polls reveal.

Leftists and establishment Republicans have been systematically "terminating" the Constitution for decades.  In Federalist 44, James Madison wrote about how the United States may eventually be prone to usurpation of constitutional law by elected officials, "[yet] in the last resort a remedy must be obtained from the people who can, by the election of more faithful representatives, annul the acts of the usurpers," he wrote.

Madison didn't even envision what we now face with collusion between the Deep State and mega-corporations.

Federalist 53 refers to the "Constitution [as] paramount to the government," and John Marshall called it our "fundamental and paramount law."  Had Trump actually called for the Constitution to be broken — when the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress break it every day — he'd have sealed his fate for 2024.

Anti-Trumpers are more than happy to use this new Charlottesville hoax moment to distract from Elon Musk's release of the Twitter censorship files.

Anonymous said...


THAT is seriously one of the funniest, most twisted logic and unreasoned "analysis" I have ever read.

Thank you for the creative writing. It's no wonder York is a mandolinist.

You realize nearly every coup attempt self-justifies as an attempt to "save the nation from them", no? Just throw out a landslide election result to save the constitution....sure.

I've heard it all.


J said...

Supremes hear arguments on state's demand to control Christians' speech

J said...

EXCLUSIVE: Republicans Launch Antitrust Investigation Into Climate-Obsessed Corporate ‘Cartel’

J said...

Though Not Victorious, The Christian Right’s Consistent Resistance To Child Sexualization Has Been Vindicated

J said...

This is worth a read. It is a lengthy, well thought out series by a layman within the Southern Baptist Convention.

It's not about somehow winning the latest news cycle by "owning the libs" in a very online way that results in red meat emotional satisfaction for the very online base ... even if very little else is accomplished.

It's about "fighting" the "good fight" within the church, why to do it, and how to do it. It's not easy. It's hard. I'm still processing it and mulling it over.

If you read nothing else, read this part (found in part 3 of the series):

"Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we need to address the Motte-and-Bailey fallacy being deployed by those who have pushed CRT/I and those who have opposed holding them accountable. This fallacy has become a common strategy among CRT/I pushers. You encounter the Motte-and-Bailey fallacy when an opponent intentionally conflates two similar positions so as to argue for the more aggressive position and then retreat back to the more reasonable and defensible position when he meets opposition.

Two prime examples of this in culture is how the legacy media has covered both Antifa and Black Lives Matter. These organizations have both called for a radical deconstruction of society, family, religion, and law in order to rebuild these things in their own image. When the public pushed back against their radical ideology what did the media say about them? Well they’re just anti-fascism. They’re just saying that black lives matter.

This is the Motte-and-Bailey fallacy deployed ruthlessly in our day in a way that even the most simple among us should be able to see this strategy at play and understand how it works. This fallacy accomplishes the feat of making opposition to burning cities to the ground, ethnic guilt, ethnic reparations, considering good blessings to be guilty privilege, considering anything other than systemic racism to be the cause of racial disparities, and redefining what justice and equity look like according to a Marxist socio-political ethic to actually mean you think fascism is a good thing and that black lives don’t matter. It’s dishonestly advancing destructive radical ideology by defending a reasonable and shared position. A classic bait and switch."

How to Fight – Why We Have To

Anonymous said...

For your review x, or to know for the first time.
Either way you are given to hardness and blindness at this point.

Here's your sign:


For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation. 2 Corinthians 7:10

Conviction of sin is best portrayed in the words —

“My sins, my sins, my Saviour,
How sad on Thee they fall.”

Conviction of sin is one of the rarest things that ever strikes a man. It is the threshold of an understanding of God. Jesus Christ said that when the Holy Spirit came He would convict of sin, and when the Holy Spirit rouses a man’s conscience and brings him into the presence of God, it is not his relationship with men that bothers him, but his relationship with God — “against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight.” Conviction of sin, the marvel of forgiveness, and holiness are so interwoven that it is only the forgiven man who is the holy man, he proves he is forgiven by being the opposite to what he was, by God’s grace. Repentance always brings a man to this point: “I have sinned.” The surest sign that God is at work is when a man says that and means it. Anything less than this is remorse for having made blunders, the reflex action of disgust at himself.

The entrance into the Kingdom is through the panging pains of repentance crashing into a man’s respectable goodness; then the Holy Ghost, Who produces these agonies, begins the formation of the Son of God in the life. The new life will manifest itself in conscious repentance and unconscious holiness, never the other way about. The bedrock of Christianity is repentance. Strictly speaking, a man cannot repent when he chooses; repentance is a gift of God. The old Puritans used to pray for “the gift of tears.” If ever you cease to know the virtue of repentance, you are in darkness. Examine yourself and see if you have forgotten how to be sorry.

Repeat: If ever you cease to know the virtue of repentance, you are in darkness. Examine yourself and see if you have forgotten how to be sorry.

Anonymous said...

The 8:56 AM post is excellent.

The usual bait and switch antics of this blog's resident (Marxist) troll are easily seen in what this highlights.

Anonymous said...

Canada Is Now Euthanizing 10,000 Of Its Citizens A Year - And Some Of The Horrific Stories Of Its Ultra-Permissive Policy Will Horrify You

RayB said...

Please NOTE: If you are going to refer to the alleged Colorado Nightclub shooter, please be careful to use the 'they/them' pronouns, of which them, or is it they, prefers (me confused ... when do you use they and when do you use them? I totally, absolutely do not believe the world has gone completely nuts).

NBC Reporter Stumbles While Trying to Avoid Misgendering Alleged Colorado Nightclub Shooter (video)

Anonymous said...

CERN, the home of Satan?

Anonymous said...

Weird News of the Day

Anonymous said...

Jim Jordan: They knew this was baloney

J said...

This blog is written by a conservative Christian male pastor for an audience of the church's abuse victims, in particular women who have been victims of domestic abuse and who have been met with twisted scriptures.

It occurred to me that many of the same scriptures can be and sometimes are twisted to apply to Christians who may oppose other types of abuses of power and authority, whether from the government or from a church or cult hierarchy.

This particular pastor never seems to equivocate about anything. His writing seems to me to be unusually non-confused regarding the issues about which he writes. He's not my pope, and he may not be right about every single thing, but hopefully somebody will find something helpful in some way. (Each topic on the list has an associated link, but I didn't include all the links, because I think it would have triggered the SPAM filter.)

Twisted Scriptures

This page contains links to articles that deal with particular Scriptures. For example, the top section will take you to articles we have published that deal with specific passages of Scripture that are very often twisted and perverted by both abusers and others who cling to false interpretations and applications of these passages. The bottom section, Sermons, does the same with sermons I have preached addressing the same issue.


Twisted Scripture #1
Is it a Sin to Be Angry Toward Our Abuser? (Ephesians 4:26-27)

Twisted Scripture #2
“Count it all joy when you meet trials” (James 1:2-4)

Twisted Scripture #3
Don’t go to Court with a Brother (Romans 13:1-4)

Twisted Scripture #4
Abuse and Submission: We Have Gone Very, Very Wrong (1 Cor 11:3)

Twisted Scripture #5
Abuse and Divorce: Our Heads are all Turned Around on This (Matthew 19:7-9)

Twisted Scripture #6
Obeying the Abuser? (1 Peter 3:1-6)

Twisted Scripture #7
“Turn the Other Cheek” (Matthew 5:38-39)

Twisted Scripture #8
Abuse Counseling: How long is “Forbearing”? (Ephesians 4:2)

Twisted Scripture #9
Watch out for Perversions of I Corinthians 13

Twisted Scripture #10
“Love your Enemies” – What does this mean? (Luke 6:27-36)

Anonymous said...

Between Democrat repeated and prolonged 11th hour abuses and Milktoast "no backbone" Pence the Constitution itself (and all of America with it) got the shaft.

"You don’t need to imagine this terrible situation for we saw it play out in real-time in 2020 and 2022:  The Dems obliterate the election process and think that their widely variable election methods and modes through the many marginal states cannot possibly go unrewarded. The Founders cannot have intended to lock in this type of cheating—and, if they failed to consider the possibility, the later-enacted 14th Amendment still provides a remedy."

"EC and slate counting cannot automatically withstand the 14th Amendment when it comes to due process and equal protection under the law provisions."

Anonymous said...

Must see video

Anonymous said...

Jewish Intellectuals Call On Gays To Perform Sex Acts In Front Of Children

Anonymous said...

The Left's MASSIVE Hypocrisy

Russell Brand Crushes It

Anonymous said...

Zelensky Cabinet Is Devising Ways To Punish Christians

J said...

Project Veritas Exposes Dean of Students at Prestigious Private School Bragging About Having Kids "Passing Around Dildos and Butt Plugs"

J said...

Defense Bill to Require Pentagon to Rescind Military Vaccine Mandate in Major GOP Victory

J said...

Trump's Recent Comments and Actions Are 'Incompatible with Serving' as President, Mohler Says

Theologian R. Albert Mohler Jr. is speaking out about recent comments and actions by former President Donald Trump, calling them reckless and anti-conservative while suggesting that Republicans must rally around a different candidate for 2024.

Mohler, the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., was referencing two Trump controversies. In the first controversy, Trump had dinner with rapper Ye (formerly known as Kanye West), who has made antisemitic comments, and Nick Fuentes, a white nationalist. In the second controversy, Trump claimed the 2020 election was stolen from him and wrote on Truth Social, "A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."

Trump is "sending every signal of a basic recklessness, irresponsibility and contradiction of the Constitution of the United States and the presidential oath of office," Mohler said.

"It's important, at least at this point, to recognize that there are alternatives as we look to the 2024 Republican presidential nomination," Mohler said on his podcast, The Briefing. "For one thing, it has become abundantly clear that as you look at Donald Trump as both the candidate and as the orchestrator of campaigns, he has had a significant and long line of defeats. Going back, especially to the 2020 presidential election, it is very, very difficult, just in observational terms, to imagine how a candidate defeated, as you saw in 2020, comes back after subsequent political defeats and wins the nomination and then the White House again.

"... The fact is that those who care about those issues now are likely to have to find a different candidate, a different standard-bearer, someone who will not contradict the oath of office of the president of the United States, someone who will bring policy as well as political determination to this fight."

Trump's Social Media post, Mohler said, is a "direct contradiction of the oath of office for the president of the United States." The oath of office requires the president to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

J said...

Trump was calling on the Constitution to be suspended so he could be declared president, Mohler said.

"This represents an extremely dangerous development," Mohler said of the comments. "It's a dangerous development even as measured in contrast and comparison with what President Trump has said and done before, both before he was president, while he was in the White House and now subsequent, and once again, a presidential contender.

"... This is a form of recklessness incompatible with serving as president of the United States," Mohler said. "... The list of presidents who have tested constitutional limits and the very boundaries of presidential authority, that would be a very long list, but the list of presidents or even serious presidential contenders who have used language like this is, at least at this point, a list of one. We are in uncharted political territory here, but it ought to have the attention of conservatives, and it ought to have the attention of Christian conservatives because this kind of language is incompatible with a conservative cast of mind, a conservative disposition and a conservative understanding of the Constitution.

"... It is by no means conservative to say we will put the Constitution on pause if we feel that we have adequate cause," Mohler added.

Referencing the dinner with Ye and Fuentes, Mohler said, "It should be impossible for anyone who has been president of the United States, is president of the United States, or once again [wants] to be president of the United States, even to be allowed to be in the physical presence of persons who represent such reprehensible ideas and convictions."

Conservatives, Mohler said, "cannot afford another major loss."

"We do have to recognize that if our goal is to extend conservative gains and to prevent further conservative losses, we cannot afford to waste an election," Mohler said.

J said...

Pastors Launch Pastor Story Hours in Response to Nationwide Drag Queen Story Hours

J said...

Christians Must Model the Incarnational Love of God to Our Broken Culture

Researchers have identified the US cities with the highest rates of marital infidelity, comparing two hundred of the largest metro areas with regard to relationship satisfaction, life satisfaction, infidelity intent, and affair activities. The results are in: the three most “unfaithful” cities in America, in order, are Dallas, Texas, Fort Worth, Texas, and Houston, Texas.

This news hits close to home for me: I have lived in Dallas since 1998, I worked for many years in Ft. Worth, and I was born and raised in Houston.

We in Dallas refer to ourselves as the “Buckle of the Bible Belt.” We are home to some of the largest churches in America. In fact, Christianity Today once called our city “the new capital of evangelicalism.” But as the infidelity report illustrates, we are clearly living in a cultural mission field.

No matter where you live in America, so are you.

My wife and I were discussing yesterday’s Daily Article, which focused on ways Christianity is under attack in our society. Janet noted that for years, many of us have been warning that a post-Christian and even anti-Christian day was coming to our nation. Now, she said, it’s here.

Here’s why she is right.

The Supreme Court tragically discovered a constitutional “right” to abortion in 1973 and only overturned that ruling this year, but Christian doctors have not (yet) been required to perform abortions. Euthanasia is available in various forms in ten states, but Christian physicians are not (yet) required to provide physician-assisted suicide.

However, as I noted in yesterday’s article, the so-called Respect for Marriage Act will make an unbiblical and even anti-biblical definition of marriage the law of the land by congressional action. Many fear that this legislation threatens religious liberty on an unprecedented level.

For example, Roger Severino of the Heritage Foundation warns that “the tax-exempt status of religious schools and nonprofits is now up for debate. Additionally, the Left will try to use the bill to sue faith-based adoption agencies and contractors to drive them out of business as they have done in multiple states and localities already.”
Hospital chaplain fired for pro-life beliefs

Rev. Jay McCaig had been a hospital chaplain in Orlando for ten years before he was fired for anti-abortion posts on his personal Facebook page. He says he never spoke about his pro-life views with patients or employees at the hospital.

J said...

Earlier this year, a jury in Minnesota ruled against a pharmacist who refused to dispense a morning-after pill on the basis of his pro-life beliefs. The jury decided that the pharmacist had inflicted emotional harm and said the woman who requested the pill should be entitled to $25,000 in damages.

We could go on: the so-called Equality Act that has passed the House of Representatives twice has been called “the most invasive threat to religious liberty ever proposed in America.” According to the Alliance Defending Freedom, a lawsuit filed by the Religious Exemption Accountability Project would “punish religious colleges and their students by stripping them of much-needed financial aid simply because of their beliefs.”

As I have noted often, LGBTQ advocates have been implementing a decades-long strategy to normalize LGBTQ behavior through popular media and culture, legalize it in the courts, stigmatize those who disagree as “homophobic” and “dangerous,” and then criminalize such disagreement. All four phases of this strategy are clearly at work in our society today.
"Learning how to do what he said"

One significant way you and I can respond is to model the incarnational love of God to our broken culture. As I have noted this week, Christmas is God’s gift to us not because we are worthy of his love but because God is love (1 John 4:8). Because we cannot earn his love by what we do, we cannot lose his love by what we do.

When our Savior was born in a feed trough in a Bethlehem cave, he proved that he will be born again in any heart that is open to his grace. That grace will then transform our lives into his Bethlehem and demonstrate his love to our broken world.

Now it is our responsibility to show his love to those who reject it. When we defend biblical morality boldly and courageously but “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15), we disprove the caricature that Christians are bigoted and hateful. When we remember that “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 4:4), we will offer them the compassion we received from those who led us to Christ.

Philosopher and bestselling author Dallas Willard noted: “The idea of having faith in Jesus has come to be totally isolated from being his apprentice and learning how to do what he said.” Here’s what Jesus said: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). Both verbs are present-tense imperatives, unconditional commands to you and me today.
My dear friend's wisdom

To have the servant heart of the One who “came not to be served but to serve” (Matthew 20:28), submit your life and your day to his Holy Spirit right now (Ephesians 5:18). Ask his Spirit to manifest the “fruit” of love in your life for those you encounter (Galatians 5:22). Then measure success by the degree to which others experience the love of Christ in your compassion.

My dear friend, the Dallas businessman Ray Nixon, shared this truth with me yesterday: “When the mouth is open, the heart is on display.”

What will your heart display today?

J said...

5 Signs You're in Spiritual Warfare and How to Fight It

Anonymous said...


J said...

Pastor Was Tired of Complaining About Drag Queen Story Hour, So He Actually Did Something to Combat It

J said...

‘Pastor Story Hour’: Ministers Take Bible-Based Picture Books To Local Libraries Amid ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Craze

Anonymous said...

Radical, Pro-Trans College Professor Won't Let Her Daughter Watch Shows with White Boy Leads

Anonymous said...


J said...

‘Visibility Filtering’: Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ Reveal How Top Execs Misled The Public About ‘Shadow Banning’

J said...

Reverend Robert Schenck claimed in his testimony that top evangelical leaders were told that, if they wanted Roe v Wade overturned, they would have to support an entire conservative policy package along with it.

I've just become aware of this. The media is only reporting on bits and pieces with very little background or context, and it's being spun in opposite ways depending on the source. Mostly it's being ignored so far from what I can see.

I haven't reached conclusions yet. I'm just putting it out there. Maybe somebody else knows more context and history and can add it to the discussion.

J said...

Urban professionals who were allowed to work remotely responded by moving from the deep blue coastal cities into the Sun Belt or the purple suburbs. Some purple regions swing their votes with just small changes to their demographics.

One more demographic effect of COVID was that more Republicans than Democrats died of COVID. (In my opinion, it's not a reliable conclusion to say this is all because of the vaccine. Republicans skew older; Democrats skew younger. Age obviously is a huge factor, not only vaccine status. Older people have more co-morbid health conditions, putting them at higher risk of severe COVID.)

How Demographic Shifts Fueled by Covid Delivered Midterm Wins for Democrats

J said...

Newt Gingrich Urges GOP to Reverse Course and Embrace Mail-In Voting: ‘We Need to Rethink from the Ground Up’

J said...

Republicans Rethink Early Voting After Midterm Results

Anonymous said...

Biden Moving 'Full Speed Ahead' With Ending Title 42, Inviting Flood Of Illegal Immigration

I guess over the last 50 years we haven't had enough illegal immigration, so we need to get some more? Of course Biden wants what is best for us.

J said...

C.S. Lewis said there are two kinds of people:

Those who say to God,
"Thy will be done."

and those to whom God says,
"All right, then, have it your way."

Democrats are continuing to be left by God to their own choices in the way that C.S. Lewis said. They appear to be continuing on a pipeline of insanity.

Because of the mid term defeat, Republicans will be motivated to do more soul searching. It will not be a bad thing. It will be a good thing.

Take heart. It's not over yet. God chastens those who are His children.

The Pipeline of Insanity

I was pretty happy with the recent election results, with one big exception.

The disappointing results for Republicans are prompting them to have a simmering passive-aggressive battle over their radical Trumpist fringe—but the Democrats will have no equivalent reckoning with their own radical fringe.

The Red Wave that wasn’t led to the Democratic reckoning that isn’t.

The Democrats did not exactly post a crushing victory, mind you. They will retain control of the Senate, probably with one vote more than the absolute minimum (depending on the results of the Georgia runoff). That’s still a very thin majority that gives a lot of veto power to the most conservative Democrats. Moreover, they lost their majority in the House, albeit narrowly. So Democrats cannot claim a mandate to do much of anything in the next Congress, nor will they have the votes to do it. Which is great, right?

Yet in the business of politics, success is often gauged relative to expectations. If everyone expects you to win easily, and you barely squeak by (as ultra-MAGA Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert did in her Colorado district), then it looks like a loss. If everyone expects you to get wiped out, and you just barely hold on, it looks like a victory.

That is the only real sense in which Democrats “won” the midterm election—but it will be enough to keep them from engaging in post-mortem self-examination and confronting the wing of the party that has been dragging them down and making them vulnerable for a long time.

It just so happens that I had such a post-mortem drafted on Election Day, in anticipation of the Red Wave. The voters surprised me, and not for the first time, so I had to start my election analysis over again from scratch—but I didn’t entirely throw out the post-mortem. I present parts of it below, not because I think Democrats will be inclined to engage in this kind of soul-searching, but because the poor performance of the other major party merely puts off a problem the Democrats are going to have to deal with eventually.

They will definitely have to face it as they head into the primaries for the 2024 election, where they will have to decide whether to stick with Joe Biden and—more important—who to line up behind as his most likely successor. So they would be well served by thinking about this sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...


You are under the assumption that people dedicated to leftist principles can make a meaningful change toward a wholesome morality.

That simply is not going to happen.

Don't scratch your head about the election results. When government agencies, and the whole of the corporate media are your friends there will be no great threat to the power base.

They will never allow another speed bump to forestall the Globalists AC setup.

As RayB might say, we are back on the bullet train to stay.

Prepare accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Republican Mayra Flores: Border Patrol Agents Feel Abandoned By The Biden Administration(VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

President Satan doesn't want an armed and effective border safeguard. He wants the guns inside the country, in the hands of the ATF, FBI, CIA, NSA, USPS, IRS, The National Park Service, The Forest Service, and many many more! Not to mention a heavily militarized police. Tanks, and even BOMBS(PHILADELPHIA)! Armed robots, maybe armed drones next?

The Globalists do not want borders, however, they want the 'Nation States' under rigid, forceful control. You must comply, and behave yourself.

The Chinese model of a social credit score is for every nation.

Christianity will be outlawed.

J said...

10:01 AM,

A bullet train, or going off the rails on a crazy train?

Don't be fooled. Things are not as they seem. Even A.I. depends on the work of millions of low paid contract workers, some of whom are content moderators, and some of whom do mundane I.T. work to correct for supply chain A.I. holes and gaps.

The Wizard of Oz is not as powerful as he seems to be.

Anonymous said...

The Wizard of Oz is like Joe Biden who has his teleprompter loaded for him, and his note written for him, and 'his' executive orders placed in front of him to be signed by him. Things truly are not as they seem indeed.

However, I believe the God of the bible is allowing this "strong delusion" to take place. The goats and sheep will be separated. The days are few until these current 'good old days' will be remembered fondly.

Prepare accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to make an educated guess on who loads the teleprompter for the "Big Guy"?

Who writes the 'executive orders', and prepares his notes?

My speculation is that Obama is the chief filter, with input from, Shiff, Schumer, possibly Nadler, and the most trusted insiders of the NWO Globalist cabal.

J said...

10:01 AM,

Most of what I wrote was a quote from Robert Tracinski's article.

My main point was the C.S. Lewis quote I began with, and my own words to take heart because it's not over yet and that God chastens His true children. The Democrats remain on their bullet train / crazy train. Conservatives have an opportunity to be chastened. It's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. Intellectual and emotional growth are good things.

Robert Tracinski had been hoping that a Red Wave would impel the Democrats to do soul searching and confront their radical fringe. He had an article all written up under the assumption it would be ready to go after the mid term election. Instead he was left writing a tepid warning to the Democrats that few will read or take to heart. Robert Tracinski is of libertarian or classical liberal inclinations.

I think the bullet train / crazy train goes to its own destruction, as do all who are given over to their various strong delusions, and it has happened throughout human history.

Over the time I've been commenting here I've seen so much negativity and fear that turned out later to have been unnecessary. I think it can be as unwise to have unrealistic negative expectations as it is to have unrealistic positive expectations.

The Bible is clear that nobody would know the day or the hour when the Son would return.

Meanwhile the job of a Christian never really changes, whether it is just our own individual last days (and it always is), or the last days of the whole world.

Anonymous said...

"Prepare accordingly."
Good advice.

Or don't.
Not good advice.

Anonymous said...

Post from New World Odor

Anonymous said...

Stanford’s Dr. Bhattacharya: Twitter ‘Harmed Science’ by Squelching Scientific Debate

Anonymous said...

J said: "One more demographic effect of COVID was that more Republicans than Democrats died of COVID. (In my opinion, it's not a reliable conclusion to say this is all because of the vaccine*. Republicans skew older; Democrats skew younger. Age obviously is a huge factor, not only vaccine status. Older people have more co-morbid health conditions, putting them at higher risk of severe COVID."

*I presume you meant covid infection, not the vaccine?

A large proportion of these Republican ideological sacrificial excess deaths were Maga men under the age 50. These men had families and parents who can't help be know, now, that their loved ones died for a lie....that they'd be alive today had they been vaccinated. So it's not only the deaths of an extra percentage of republicans; but, IMO, also the loss of their immediate families as enthusiastic reliable GOP voters.

The Tragedy of Avoidable Covid Deaths

December 5, 2022

Faust and his team was also able to show that Native Americans, Black and Hispanic Americans died in disproportionate numbers, and that men showed more excess deaths than women. And in a surprising twist, while many more elderly people died by sheer numbers, the rate of excess death was higher among people under 50. That is, the death rate among those under 50 was more abnormal than the deaths of those over 65.

Comparing countries can be even more revealing. Another study, published this month in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed much more excess mortality in the US than was seen in a number of other wealthy countries during the delta and omicron waves.

That study tracked the period after June 2021, when vaccines were widely available in these countries. The US had the most excess deaths, at 145.5 excess deaths per 100,000 people. The next-worst country was Finland with 82.2. The best two were Sweden, with 32.4, and New Zealand, with only 5.1 excess deaths per 100,000. The 10 most-vaccinated US states appeared comparable to much of Europe at 65.1, while the least-vaccinated states had an excess death rate of 193.3. Numbers like these should help puncture the myth, persistent in some communities, that the vaccines themselves caused a significant number of deaths — that’s simply not true.


p.s. - The Rev Schenck story is fascinating. It's probably being discarded a bit because there really are no laws governing USSC Justice's ehics and actions...just custom. If Dems controlled both house and senate we'd maybe be seing an impeachment investigation of Alito, at least. No very Christlike, for sure.

J said...

10:41 and 11:26 AM,

The beauty is that we can agree, as Christians, that we are always hoping for the best and prepared for the worst every day, to the extent that we are prepared to meet our Maker when we die.

As for this life, it's best to be flexible enough to be prepared for both risks and opportunities.

Being too negative carries the risk of being unprepared to recognize or to act upon opportunities.

Being too positive carries the risk of being unprepared to cope with challenges and problems.

Anonymous said...


You posted this yesterday....

Defense Bill to Require Pentagon to Rescind Military Vaccine Mandate in Major GOP Victory

1. How is that a "major GOP victory"...dems control and voted upon this as the majority -- so it's a democrat victory, if anything;

2. Covid is endemic now so vaccine mandates are no longer medically and societally advantageous, especially for that age group so it's time such mandate is lifted as the situation on the ground changes (i.e. - follow the science);

3. The only reason I could see maintaining such program is that a byproduct of the vaccine mandate is that it effectively served as the Pentagon’s most effective policy to root out extremists from the military; however, they still do have a minimal IQ test requirement that still does a fairly effective job.


J said...

X 1:23 PM,

Politico reported four days ago that:

Biden supports keeping vaccine mandate for troops, setting up fight with Congress

and CNN reported two days ago that:

White House calls removing Covid-19 vaccine mandate a ‘mistake’ but won’t say if Biden will sign NDAA

The above CNN article states clearly that:

"The inclusion of that provision in the legislative text released Tuesday marks a key win for Republicans, who had pushed for the vaccine mandate to end."

J said...

X 12:35 PM,

Epidemiology is one of the hardest of sciences. So many variables cause so many variables.

You need to factor in that 50% of Americans have pre-diabetes.

You need to factor in that African Americans and Hispanics experience a higher obesity rate than Asian Americans or white non-Hispanic Americans.

That's just two of the variables I can quickly think of, off the top of my head.

The point is there are many variables, and we don't know what they all are.

With so many unknowns, how can you be so sure that your foregone conclusion is really following the science?

Are you sure you can realistically model the complexity in your mental models? How are you so certain?

God only knows all the complexity and all the variables.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard the self described Christian X give any glory or thanks to God, the God of Heaven and earth and everything in the seas.
_Just a lot of bashing of people who identify as Christian, but who apparently do not pass the X test for such. X's "christianity" is a woke social gospel.
Yes a lot of criticism but no personal displays of praise and worship of God and his son.
One of Satan's titles is "Accuser of the brethren"

Anonymous said...

Must Read

New York Times Fluffs Biden, Says Lies Are "Folksy"

J said...

Federal Court Blocks Biden Mandate Forcing Religious Hospitals to Facilitate Gender Transitions

Anonymous said...

Amen 4:59 PM.
I have noticed that too.
Must be Xhristian by all the evidence he leaves here.

J said...

X 12:35 PM,

I didn't know how to respond to this earlier with so little information out about the story. Now I've found out a little bit more. I think you've gotten ahead of your skis talking about an impeachment investigation of Alito.

"p.s. - The Rev Schenck story is fascinating. It's probably being discarded a bit because there really are no laws governing USSC Justice's ehics and actions...just custom. If Dems controlled both house and senate we'd maybe be seing an impeachment investigation of Alito, at least. No very Christlike, for sure."

I've just finished reading an MSNBC article about the hearing out of curiosity as to what their spin would be. The author of the article seemed quite unimpressed with the hearing, opining that both the Democrats and the Republicans accomplished very little by it.
Here it is:

Congress takes unimpressive stab at Alito leak claim, with key questions lingering

J said...

Democrats Block Religious Liberty Amendment to Same-Sex Marriage Bill

J said...

Restaurant Boots Christian Group Because It Opposes Same-Sex Marriage, Abortion

J said...

More Than 50 Public Libraries Reject Kirk Cameron's Request to Host 'Story Hour' Promoting New Children's Book

J said...

Is Social Justice Killing Science? Why We Need to Define "Truth"

The mission of scientific discovery, Johannes Kepler believed, was “to think God’s thoughts after Him.” Even for scientists skeptical of the supernatural, for a long time at least, the task of science was to discover truth. As a fictional scientist in Jules Verne’s A Journey to the Center of the Earth put it, “Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are useful … because they lead little by little to the truth.”

Today, however, the pursuit of truth in the natural sciences is increasingly eclipsed by the tyranny of political correctness, and some frustrated scientists are crying foul. In early November, in fact, over 150 professors and scholars gathered at Stanford University to talk about the growing threats to the scientific enterprise and to academic freedom.

Among the speakers was Williams College biology professor Luana Maroja, who gave a troubling presentation on the ways progressive ideology is strangling her discipline. Dr. Maroja, a frequent advocate for evolutionary theory, has long slammed critics of Darwin as “creationists” who prioritize religion over science. These days, however, she’s more concerned about threats to science coming from another religion, the “woke” left. In her presentation, she cited the growing number of Biology 101 classes where students are taught that the sexes (not just gender) exist on a “continuum.” She pointed to statements by several schools, and even the Society for the Study of Evolution, that blur the distinction between male and female which is, she said, a “bedrock insight” of biology.

Dr. Maroja cited published papers that urge biologists to be “inclusive” by only talking about organisms that show the least difference between the sexes, even “when that has no relevance to any animal or vascular plant.” She even described efforts to restrict access to population genetics data out of fear that such data might be used to promote discrimination.

In other words, biologists and other scientists are being taught to ignore or are being denied vast amounts of evidence simply because that evidence could threaten politically favored ideologies. According to Dr. Maroja, it has become “taboo” to note “any disparities between groups that are not explained as the result of systemic bias.” Put differently, the push to obscure the truth about sex and keep population genetics under lock and key is the result of a belief that people (and perhaps animals) are blank slates onto which society imposes roles and identities, and no data to the contrary should be allowed.

J said...

Sadly, this very unscientific approach to science is becoming a running theme. Recall the recent announcement by the peer-reviewed scientific journal Nature Human Behavior that they will now filter submissions based on how well they promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Scientists like Lawrence Krauss, also no friend of religious conservatives, rightly complained that such requirements subjugate science to politics.

The Stanford gathering could be a new high-water mark for anti-“woke” backlash among scientists. As Dr. Maroja concluded at the gathering, when science “becomes an extension of ideology,” it is no longer concerned with “pursuing knowledge and truth.” Simply put, it ceases to be science.

There are, of course, other ideologically driven problems with the scientific establishment that go well beyond social justice censorship. Scientists are fallible, and the worship of science as a source of final knowledge and ultimate meaning is itself a corruption of science called scientism. Even so, the growing number of scientists complaining that their institutions, sponsors, publishers, and even peers are now more interested in reaching approved conclusions than provable ones is revealing. This kind of censorship is not only dangerous: It underscores the impossibility of a value-neutral academy.

In Jules Verne’s rosy telling, scientists fearlessly seek out the truth, following the evidence wherever it leads. However, as authors such as Stephen Meyer, Glen Scrivener, and Rodney Stark have pointed out, this quest for objective truth is itself a feature of a worldview historically distinctive to the West and Christianity. As all three authors argue, it’s no coincidence that modern science was born of Christendom and nowhere else.

In sharp contrast, ideologies rooted in postmodernism render fact subjective and see power plays behind every truth claim, and therefore undermine science. Old-fashioned scientific atheists may mock social justice warriors who want evidence to bend to their feelings but cannot explain why evidence should matter if the world is nothing but matter. There is no way to explain why reality is comprehensible or truth attainable, if, as C.S. Lewis put it, thoughts are nothing more than the “flux of atoms” in scientists’ brains.

We should all agree that the mission of science is to seek the truth about our world, but that requires a working definition of “truth.” Unless scientists can supply that definition, the very unscientific demands of political correctness will continue to make their jobs difficult.

J said...

3 Ways Churches Give Young People the Opposite of What They Need

J said...

Is It Correct to Say That America is a Christian Nation?

Every so often, there comes a moment when you must look in the mirror and take an honest assessment of what is there. The mirror is simply a reflection and if you don’t like what you see, changing the mirror won’t help.

Today, I want to look in the mirror around the idea that America is a Christian nation. This has been a topic of debate not just today but over the years, and regardless of which side of the debate you fall on, what do we mean when we say America is a Christian nation? Too often we look at this from an ideological viewpoint. For these few moments, I challenge you to lay aside any ideology and consider this question from a biblical point of view. 

What Is a Christian Nation, Anyway?

Pew research recently did a survey around the idea of America being a Christian nation. One question they considered is what do people mean when they say America should be a “Christian nation”? Among those who affirmed this to be true, here is how they defined it:

- A nation where the laws are based on Christian tenets and the nation’s leaders are Christian

- A nation where people are more broadly guided by Christian values or a belief in God, even if its laws are not explicitly Christian and its leaders can have a variety of faiths or no faith at all

- A country where most people are Christians

- A place where people treat each other well and have good morals

When you read these answers, I hope you can see the problem. These are ideological answers, but none of them strike at the heart of what it means to be a Christian. Also, what is strangely missing from the conversation about a Christian nation is the person of Jesus Christ, who is the central figure in all Christianity. This leads me to my next question.

Can There Even Be a Christian Nation?

My answer here might surprise you, but there is no such thing as a Christian nation. This does not just apply to nations; it can be more local than that. For example, there is no such thing as a Christian football team or a Christian business.

You might think these are harsh statements to make, but they are not. You can have a nation, a team, or a business that is guided by Christian values or influences, but that does not make the entity a Christian. Let me explain why before you pick up the stones.

God Doesn’t Save Nations, He Saves Individuals

Attempting to describe America as a Christian nation causes you to think of Christianity from a nationalistic point of view. Here is the problem. God doesn’t save nations, he saves individuals. When Jesus died on the cross, he wasn’t dying for America, the nation; he was dying for the individual people that make up America. This means you, me, and everyone you see around you.

J said...

He was also dying for the people in all the nations of the world. That’s why any person who calls on the name of the Lord for salvation will be saved, regardless of what nation they belong to. 

This might be a surprise to you, but God is not interested in building Christian nations; he is interested in building his kingdom. His kingdom is filled with people from every nation in the world, all who belong to the body of Christ. They in turn go forth and influence the nations they reside in for his glory and his purpose. For this reason, there is no such thing as a Christian nation, only those who belong to the body of Christ and the kingdom of God and those who don’t. 

The Responsibility of the Body of Christ

It is the responsibility of those who belong to the body of Christ to influence the ethics, values, and morals of the society, which is what it means to be salt and light. This type of influence is not exclusive only to America or American Christians. This happens in every nation around the globe because the body of Christ is a global entity, not a domestic one. 

When you become too nationalistic in your perspective of Christianity, it is easy to put your love for the nation ahead of your love for Christ. Thinking in these terms can easily lead you to overlook the individual. This is how you can be a “Christian” nation and miss loving your neighbor as yourself. That’s why we must shift our focus from a nationalistic mindset and bring it back to the individual.

When God changes the heart of the individual, it influences households, which influences communities, which influences cities, and influences nations. The true heartbeat of Christianity is about going after the one life, which creates a ripple effect that changes others.

A Problem in the Term Christian Nation

There is an underlying challenge hidden in the term Christian nation that I have not heard anyone mention. It can bring with it a sense of superiority (don’t forget we are looking in the mirror). By this I mean some may think God has a special covenant with America. This thinking is based on the idea we are a Christian nation, founded on Christian principles.

This is where I need you to think biblically and not ideologically. What you learn from Scripture is God made a covenant with only one nation on the face of the earth. That nation is Israel. Part of the purpose of that covenant was to bring the Messiah through Abraham’s lineage. When he did this, he fulfilled the promise he made that all the nations of the earth would be blessed through Abraham (Gen. 12:3). There is no other covenant like this with any other nation in the world.

J said...

This does not mean God has stopped making covenants, it means the covenants he makes now are not with nations but with individuals. That’s why you must think kingdom and not nation. God did not reserve the covenant of grace found in the New Testament solely for America. Neither did he give the message of grace to America alone. He gave it to his church universally, with the goal of sharing it with the world so he could build his kingdom. 

A Shining City on a Hill?

In the past, presidents have referred to America as a shining city on a hill. However, Jesus was the first one to use these words. 

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16, NKJV).

When Jesus said this, he was applying it to believers globally, not to America as an individual nation. Also, notice the result of shining on the hill – the glory of God. For so many who define America as a Christian nation, it feels like the talk is centered around the glory and greatness of America, and not the glory of God.

This forces me to wonder if we are seeking to build the kingdom of America or the kingdom of God? The two of these are not the same thing, and one of these things is not like the other. This leads me to my last point.
We Need to Focus More on Being Like Christ and Less Time on Trying to Be a Christian Nation 

The reason there is debate over America being a Christian nation is simply because we who profess to be Christians have not lived up to the standard of being like Christ. If Christians in America truly reflected Christ, then maybe there would be no need to debate this question.

For anyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ, who is part of the body of Christ, it is time to look in the mirror I talked about earlier. Debating whether America is a Christian nation is not going to move the needle in our society. However, if you devote yourself to being like Jesus and being his arms and hands extended, that will make a difference. 

When you go back to Jesus’ instruction in Matthew, he said let your light shine so much that when they see your good works, they will glorify the Father. This means the mission is not to make the name of America great, but to make the name of the Father great and lift the name of Jesus.

J said...

America is a wonderful country. I am thankful to live here and proud to be an American, but America is not the hope for the nations. Jesus is. 

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:6).

As followers of Christ, who are thinking kingdom and not just nation, this must be our primary message.

Final Thought

As you look in the mirror today, does your reflection look like Jesus or something else? If it isn’t reflective of Christ, then whatever you are reflecting has no power to save, neither can it win people to Christ.

I want you to think bigger than seeing America as a Christian nation. As Christians who live in America, we are part of a bigger framework that reaches beyond our shores. We are one part of the global body of Christ. Yes, in this nation we can have influence on its moral fabric, but we must recognize the greatest way to change the morality of a nation is by transforming the lives of the individuals who live in that nation. This is the power we have in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can seek to change laws, and there is a place for that, but it is the gospel which can change someone’s heart. When hearts change, households, communities, and nations change. 

For this to happen, we who are followers of Christ must take up the mantle to look, think, and act like Jesus. You can start right in your home and in your community. Let other people debate whether America is a Christian nation because declaring this won’t change one person’s life. We need to get busy pointing people to Christ, preaching the gospel and living and loving like Jesus. This will most certainly lead to changed lives and that is where our focus should be. 

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile” (Romans 1:16).

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

J said...

Elon Musk And Jack Dorsey Clash Over Twitter’s Record On Child Porn

CEO Elon Musk and Twitter founder Jack Dorsey clashed on the social media site Friday over Twitter’s track record on dealing with child pornography.

“It is a crime that they refused to take action on child exploitation for years!” Musk responded after conservative commentator Mike Cernovich tweeted at one of three people who resigned from Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council. Cernovich’s post linked to a Jan. 2021 New York Post report on a lawsuit over Twitter’s alleged failure to remove a pornographic video featuring a child.

Ex-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey responded to Musk, saying that the claim was, “false.”

“No, it is not,” Musk responded in another tweet. Musk added that Ella Irwin, the new head of Trust and Safety at Twitter, raised the issue with former CEO Parag Agrawal and former CEO Ned Segal, but they denied her request for more staffing to address child porn.

Musk has previously said that dealing with child sexual exploitation on the social media site would be the top priority.

“At the same time, Ned was spending millions of dollars on Warriors seats,” Musk added in a follow-up tweet. “Super messed up priorities.”

Irwin backed up Musk with a post of her own in response to Dorsey’s denial.

“I wish this was false but my experience this year supports this,” Irwin posted. “I fought hard to get funding to replace the people working on this who left in early 2022 and was told no. At one point there were 0 engineers and very few employees working on CSE and still no funding.”

Musk described Irwin’s comment as “correct” and gave a similar response to a tweet from a “human trafficking survivor advocate” who went by Eliza.

The dispute came on the heels of Thursday’s second release of documents involving Twitter’s censorship of conservatives, focusing on what some call “shadow banning.” Twitter executives, including former CEO Jack Dorsey, denied the practice took place, and also denied that it was done on the basis of political views.

Journalist Matt Taibbi published documents Dec. 2 about Twitter’s actions with regards to an October 2020 report by the New York Post about the contents of a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden. Twitter censored the story, blocking the New York Post from accessing its account.

Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

J said...

3 Things All Christians Have in Common with Mary, the Mother of Jesus

J said...

Nearly 50% of Americans now Diagnosed with Diabetes or Prediabetes

J said...

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Adult Obesity in the United States: CDC’s Tracking to Inform State and Local Action

J said...

Obesity, Race/Ethnicity, and COVID-19

J said...

Geographic differences in variants can impact every treatment, from vaccines to convalescent plasma. This fact makes simple cross-comparisons among different geographic regions much more complicated. This is one more reason why it's too simple to compare COVID death rates among various geographic regions while looking only at the single variable of percentage of vaccinated people in the population.

Mortality in individuals treated with COVID-19 convalescent plasma varies with the geographic provenance of donors

J said...

This is the paper ...

Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines
Against COVID-19

... that is discussed in this article on Christianity Daily from July 2021.

COVID Vaccines Might Cause Disease After A Decade Or So, MIT Scientist Says

Seneff was speaking about in vitro studies, meaning in a lab - not double-blind placebo controlled studies in large populations of people.

There are several possible responses to this. One response is to dismiss it because an in vitro study didn't prove it. And then never follow up again after that dismissal.

Another response is to study it in animals.

One more response is to follow a large cohort of vaccinated individuals for ten years, along with a large cohort of unvaccinated individuals.

I'm sure that science and medical professionals could think of many more possible responses.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

VIDEO: African WH Reporter Simon Atebe: Biden Administration a "Disaster" - The "Level of Discrimination Against Me is Outstanding"

Anonymous said...

Detroit School Board Trying To Cancel Dr. Ben Carson By Removing His Name From A School

Anonymous said...

It is sad, that to get straightforward, honest news, at least more so, you need to look to Australia, or Russia!

J said...

JAMES PINKERTON: As BlackRock Becomes BlueRock, A RedRock Is Coming

As with everything else in this country, investment is polarizing, red vs. blue. Just on Dec. 1, the red state of Florida announced that it was divesting itself from BlackRock, the multi-trillion-dollar Manhattan-based money trust that has gone woke.

In the words of Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, Jimmy Patronis, “BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is on a campaign to change the world.”

To that end, Patronis continued, the company “has leaned heavily into Environmental, Social, and Governance standards — known as ESG — to help police who should, and who should not gain access to capital.”

ESG, of course, is the corporate form of wokeness, and red states — and red-state-minded Americans wherever they might live — should fear it.

Why? Because capital means jobs and growth. BlackRock — which we might as well call WokeRock, or BlueRock — does indeed have a strong grip, and Fink hasn’t hesitated to put on the squeeze.

In a 2020 open letter, Fink mentioned “climate” 29 times. “The evidence on climate risk is compelling investors to reassess core assumptions about modern finance,” Fink said.

And so the company and its trillions, he pledged, would be at the forefront of that reassessment, starting with tapering off investment in the carbon-fuels industry.

As a result, in the tart words of Sen. Ted Cruz earlier this year, “There’s a Larry Fink surcharge. Every time you fill up your tank, you can thank Larry for the massive and inappropriate ESG pressure.” In other words, BlueRock is now the foe of not only oil, gas, and coal — which employs, directly, more than a million Americans, and indirectly, millions more — but of automobile-dependent red-state America.

Fortunately, red-states are fighting back, not just with words, but with deeds: money deeds.

Back in January, West Virginia’s treasurer, Riley Moore, was blunt: “Larry Fink has been outspoken in pressuring corporate leaders to commit to investment goals that will undermine reliable energy sources like coal, natural gas and oil.” And so, Moore declared, on behalf of the Mountaineer State’s pension money, bye bye BlueRock.

J said...

Since then, Arkansas, Arizona, Louisiana, Missouri, South Carolina and Utah have also announced that they are withdrawing some or all of their funds from BlueRock. This divestment trend is likely to continue, spreading to other blues, as activist groups, such as the State Financial Officers Foundation, headquartered in Shawnee, Kansas, accelerate the mission of combating ESG.

Moreover, there’s likely to be a private-sector version of this anti-woke/ESG trend. Already, a conservative watchdog site, 2ndVote, rates the ideological tilt of all big American companies; it finds big banks and investment houses to be among the wokest.

Thus the question to conservative Americans: Do you want your money with the woken? Already, there’s at least one avowed alternative: Oklahoma-based Old Glory Bank, which is federally insured, describes itself as, “The bank for people who believe in love of country, respect for the flag, and appreciate the military, law enforcement and first responders.”

Given the deepening red-blue divide, here’s a layup prediction: There’ll be a lot more of that sort of values-conscious positioning. So BlackRock, and all other blue firms, will continue to hemorrhage red-state money.

In the meantime, as part of a national equilibrium process, red-state financial ecosystems will emerge, far from the blue dots. Eventually, a RedRock will arise.

And did I mention a well-off Manhattan financier confronts a combined New York state-and city income rate of nearly 15%?

By contrast, Florida and Texas, to name two business-friendly red states, have no such income taxes. And so a Manhattan money manager could save a lot of money — and perhaps a mugging — by moving to, say, Miami or Dallas.

Given the big bucks at stake in that sort of differential, as the red-state alternative matures, the hypothetical RedRock might end up becoming THE Rock.

Anonymous said...


My bet is Opus Dei Desantis and other GOP leaders beholden to the roman catholic church are looking to divest from Jewish led banks and financial institutions into roman catholic Opus Dei led institutions.

All the biggest financial institutions talk that same environmentally aware line of bullcrap in order to attract investors and appear social aware...thus, this blackrock, bluerock and redrock discussion is just subterfuge as billions of dollars change hands and under likely control of the roman pope (as opposed to the several orthodox popes) and his various prelates.

It also lends well to financing the civil war they are still set about instigating pitting the naive red states filling up with roman catholic immigrants against the blue patriotic protestant states.

To be clear -- this is my speculation. Watch the money. I'll bet a well-connected roman catholic led financial company ends up in control of these dollars.


RayB said...

I saw this sign recently ...


By the way, yesterday I met with a group of friends, and one of our regulars was missing. Turns out that he and his wife needed to go out of town in order to
'help with the grandkids,' because both FULLY-VACCINATED parents came down with
COVID, and have been quite sick for about a week.

I have heard of similar stories quite often. In fact, all of this group has been fully vaccinated and have taken the boosters, yet, more than half still got COVID!

I wanted to say, what was the purpose of being exposed to this EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' (which Biden PROMISED would make it that you couldn't get COVID), if
it didn't protect you from getting it?

Anonymous said...

Bill Gates pledges $7 Billion to control population and promote abortion in Africa

Anonymous said...

"My Pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci" - Twitter Owner ELON MUSK to release the Twitter Files on COVID and Dr Fauci

Anonymous said...

Solution To The Murdering, Raping, And Pillaging Of White Europe.


Anonymous said...

Twitter Files Report Reveals Twitter Banned US President Trump at the Behest of Michelle Obama and Others

Anonymous said...

The Number 23 and the End of the World

Anonymous said...

Man Fatally Stabs Female Uber Driver, Posts Video of Her Dying in Her Car to Facebook

Anonymous said...

3:29 pm what happened on 9 /23/22? Doesn't make sense to me. World didn't end, we're still here. Maybe we missed the rapture. lol

Anonymous said...

COVID was a warm up.

Craig said...

If for no one else but X, I posted a critical review of George Winston's December album. Specifically, I focus on his disclaimer, "[The traditional pieces] were not meant to convey any personal religious belief." Then why, I ask, did he choose mostly overtly Christian-themed selections for the release? What is he conveying?

Anonymous said...

I see people wearing winter coats and hats. What a bunch of sheep! LOL! I did my own research and found out that only 1500 people die from hypothermia in the US per year. That's only 0.0005% of the population. They live in fear of something that 99.9995% of people won't die from.


PS- I’ll take a look at that Craig. Have you seen him in concert? He’s always been a curmudgeon. He has the venue make specific public announcements before his shows threatening to stop his show if he is distracted in any way. It’s been a long time and I don’t remember the explicit instructions but it was something I’ve never heard before or since from a performing artist. It was beyond silencing your phone. Not surprised to learn he’s not a Christian.

Anonymous said...

X is Nation of Islam

Craig said...


Sounds like Winston took lessons from diva Keith Jarrett. The thing is, though, Winston doesn't hold a candle to Jarrett's talent or recorded output. Not that I think this warrants Jarrett acting like a diva.

Music lover and teacher Rick Beato called one section of a Jarrett solo concert The Most Beautiful 2 Minutes of Music | Keith Jarrett. I think others (and I) would disagree, saying this distinction belongs to a part of his The Köln Concert; but, certainly Beato's selection deserves mention (I have both records and many others [50?] by Jarrett).

But I digress...

Anonymous said...

9:02 PM

You are drunk again, aren't you?

Anonymous said...


I'm listening to Keith Jarrett now.

Such a George Winston knockoff - (I'm kidding - I see the Koln Concert was recorded in 1975).

btw...according to Wikipedia....apparently, Winter into Spring (July 1982) followed Autumn (Nov 1980) with December coming thereafter in late, 1982.

Something I didn't know. Winston has a 2002 album covering Doors songs Night Divides the Day – The Music of the Doors

I'll be cueing that up next.


p.s.- Other than some piano music playing in the background to help me concentrate I don't listen to or follow much Jazz.

Anonymous said...

11:12 pm

No...just mocking Rayb's claim that covid had a 99.8% historical survival rate, even for the 2021.

99.8% might be the historical survival rate of the Omicron variant NOW that the virus is endemic and most people have antibodies of some sort (prior infection or vaccination). However, even that if broken down between unvaccinated and the vaccinated you'd probably see that the survival rate for the vaccinated is about 99.9% and the unvaccinated something like 99.5% or 99.6%.

However, the beta and delta variant in 2021, when vaccines were being rolled out and encouraged...were much more virulent. They had a OVERALL survival rates of 98.5% & 97.67%, respectively*.


That's back when 15% of hospitalizations with the delta variant died versus just 5% of hospitalizations with the Omicron variant.

Almost all the Delta variant hospitalizations and deaths in 2021 were among the unvaccinated even though they represented a smaller population of society, thus, even the 97.67% survival rate does not reflect the experience of the unvaccinated infected in 2021 as the fullly vaccinated averaged that number out substantially. Without doing the research (it's not like Ray researches ANYTHING so it's not my job to fix all his errors with specific research my guess would be the unvaccinated covid survival rate experienced in 2021 to the Delta variant was roughly 95-96% while the vaccinated covid survival rate was 99.98% having recently been vaccinated and/or boosted. That's something like 4 or 5 of every 100 infections succumbing to the virus about the time my cousin died July/August/Sept of 2021 versus just 2 of every 1000 fully vaccinated succumbing to infection.

Regardless. The point is...Rayb's stated 99.8% as being the historical covid survival rate with regards to anyone that foolishly risked their lives and the lives of their families, loved ones and communities by choosing to remain unvaccinated is a complete lie devoid of any shred of evidence.

You should ask Rayb is HE is drunk posting such nonsense.


Craig said...


You're right regarding chronology. That's what I get for quickly checking a secondary source (I don't trust wiki, either). Even a quick look at my own collection bears this out: Winter into Spring is WH-1019, while December is WH-1025. Just in case, I checked recording dates, and this still holds true chronologically. So, I just deleted that entire paragraph, which doesn't really affect the substance of the post.

Given your application, jazz would probably not suit your purposes. But you should at least listen to this particular Jarrett piece: "Prayer". Beautiful, though it, as usual for jazz, goes off into improvisation. Charlie Haden's bass is particularly stirring.

Anonymous said...

Richard Baris is a longtime political pollster and campaign consultant and owns the polling firm Big Data Poll. He has a great deal of experience working directly with political campaigns and election officials. He has never seen a map like this in a government facility. Just to confirm, Baris called around to contacts at several other secretary of elections offices in Florida and North Carolina to ask if they had anything like this in their offices. None of them did or even had heard of it being done before. As Baris quoted an election official from Carteret County, North Carolina (paraphrasing):

“No. […] It’s not relevant to what we do here. We count votes. We don’t predict where they come from.”

Baris also noted—when he originally posted the photograph on Locals—the map was located:

“[A]bout 100ft from where all the BOD [Ballot On Demand] printers and tabulators are stored.”According to Baris’ post-election polling, 30% of all voters who experienced election day problems with voting equipment in Maricopa were within this area on the heat map.

Baris specifically highlights AZ-6—which stretches from southeast Maricopa all the way down to cover a large portion of Democrat-heavy Pima County. According to Baris:

“In the areas where there are in blue counties in blue precincts, there were no malfunctions, tabulation errors, printer errors. Nothing, in what is now known as the 6th Congressional District.”

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

“The decision was made at the highest levels of the company, but without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, with former head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde playing a key role.”

And what a difference the laptop story suppression made. A survey found that 17% of Biden voters in seven swing states would not have voted for President Joe Biden had they known about the story. This is nothing short of the biggest election interference in U.S. history.

Where’s the apology from the 50-plus former “senior intelligence officials” who signed the letter claiming the laptop story “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation”?

Will Jessica Guynn of USA Today and Paul Barrett of New York University apologize?

Guynn wrote, “Despite repeated charges of anti-conservative bias from former President Donald Trump and other GOP critics, Facebook, Twitter and Google’s YouTube are not slanted against right-leaning users.”

"Atlantic staff writer Anne Applebaum, during an April 2020 question-and-answer panel on disinformation and the media at University of Chicago, said: “My problem with Hunter Biden’s laptop is, I think, totally irrelevant. I mean, it’s not whether it’s disinformation. I mean, I didn’t think Hunter Biden’s business relationships have anything to do with who should be president of the United States. So, I don’t find it to be interesting. I mean, that would be my problem with that as a major news story.”

If you think half the country, including Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, are losing sleep, you’re kidding yourself. After all, Trump’s out. Recall what the retired Harry Reid said about lying about Romney’s alleged nonpayment of taxes. Asked by CNN’s Dana Bash if he had regrets about the lie Reid said, “Well, Romney didn’t win, did he?” (Routine establishment dismissal of the American people's concerns)
Repeat: This is nothing short of the biggest election interference in U.S. history.

RayB said...

Kari Lake's Official Complaint that was filed at the Superior Court for the State of Arizona.

Although this is 70 pages in length, it actually is a quick read, and well worth the time. If even 10% of this is true, the election should be overturned.

PS: The Democrats put forth horrible candidates that espouse even worse ideas. When
you really think about it, the only way that they can win big elections is to cheat.

RayB said...

They're at it again ...

Here We Go Again: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, & the WHO Just Simulated Another Pandemic

"Almost 3 years to the day, the same people behind Event 201 just completed a desktop simulation for a new Enterovirus originating near Brazil."

"The (fictional) virus has a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affects children."

PS: Satanists and Occultists often give 'signs' as to what they have planned for the future. It's a means by which they mimic God's true prophets in the Bible. Is this one of those 'signs?'

Anonymous said...

The same names have been coming up for years as they undermined our country's sovereignty and freedoms. Of course, there are many more players than these mentioned, here and abroad, though.
I am not shocked in the least.
People should have seen the covert hand in glove machinations by watching the wake coming from the social engineering projects planned against us (and the whole world) for decades now, especially ramped up in the last two.

Anonymous said...

Wokes can't stand this.
And Thomas Sowell has been very upfront about this topic.

J said...

2:10 PM,

Did you read the article? The major revelation in the article was that the SEC Chairman Gary Gensler privately met with George Soros regarding an upcoming op-ed Soros was planning to write for the Wall Street Journal.

Gary Gensler's public calendar had no mention of this meeting, while his private calendar did. Fox News knows this because of a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by a group called Energy Policy Advocates.

In the op-ed, Soros criticized Blackrock for offering Chinese investment products but praised Blackrock for its commitment to climate change. In addition, in his op-ed, Soros called for greater regulatory power for the SEC.

Read between the lines. This is about struggles over SEC regulation concerning meeting climate change goals. The energy policy group is likely an industry front, and the industries represented could be any businesses that don't want to deal with being more regulated to achieve climate change goals.

It so happens I'm against tanking the American economy to achieve supposed climate change goals. I don't see anything good revealed by this article.

But there is just not all that much reporting content to be ferreted out of the article, in comparison to the connotations conveyed by its headline.

Anonymous said...

J said: "But there is just not all that much reporting content to be ferreted out of the article, in comparison to the connotations conveyed by its headline."

That's right. It's just clickbait offered up by industry corporate interests (pretending to be grass roots) that want to stoke and maintain GOP loyalty using anti-Semetic dog-whistles such as the use of the word "Soros" (or other dog whistles like "Fauci" or "Gates").

Industry and the GOP, according to Desantis, is "woke" victims of blue societal systemic oppression.


Anonymous said...

Hardly click bait.
Soros plays both ends against the middle.
Where have you been?

Anonymous said...

"Historical document that chronicles everything that went down...459 crimes."

Anonymous said...

Bill Gates owns patent that grants him “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body

J said...

Democrat Mega-Donor SBF Arrested Hours Before Facing Questions from Congress

J said...

Biden Invites Drag Queen Who Performs for Children to Attend ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Signing

RayB said...

Do you recall Biden claiming (and X) that the Hunter Biden Laptop story was 'Russian disinformation?' Biden also claimed that numerous intelligence agencies looked into the Laptop story and found absolutely nothing. HE LIED. The corporate and social media conspired to keep this blockbuster story from ever seeing the light of day. The reason? They knew what a devastating effect it would have had on the 2020 election.

What that means, in case you aren't paying attention, is that the corporate and social media MEDDLED in the election, the very same thing that they accused the Russians of doing!

Poll: 71% Say Accurate Reporting of Hunter’s Laptop Could Have Altered 2020 Election

RayB said...


The fact of the matter is this; as is the case for ALL those that did not take the 'jab,' I am 100% protected against the DANGEROUS, LIFE-THREATENING SIDE EFFECTS of the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine.' You on the other hand are not.

These fake 'vaccines' have been pushed by well known depopulationists such as Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwabb, the WHO, etc., etc. which would cause any reasonable person to at least pause and think prior to proceeding. If you want to trust these people, be my guest.

Again, I had COVID and came out of it very well. I know quite a few others that had the exact same experience, often hearing 'it was no big deal,' etc. Some have actually said that they felt remarkable better after only two days!

As is the case with the common flu, severe respiratory infections, etc., these types of illnesses can become dangerous when you have serious co-morbidities issues, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. Most of the people that have died have co-morbidity issues to such an extent that any additional medical 'event' is all that is needed for them to go over the edge.

By the way, as far as me being 'drunk,' that would be very difficult being that I do not 'drink' and have not done so for over 38 years. But thanks for your concern.

RayB said...

When did you ever think that ANY administration would hire so many freaks and weirdos? Just another sign of the deep decay of what used to be a great nation.

Report: Sam Brinton Fired Following Luggage Theft Accusations

From the article:

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has reportedly fired the “openly genderfluid” Sam Brinton following two accusations of luggage theft at separate airports.

In an email to the Daily Signal on Monday, a DOE spokesperson said that Sam Brinton is no longer an employee without further specifying.

“Sam Brinton is no longer a DOE employee,” the spokesperson said. “By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters.”

RayB said...

Do YOU support Ukraine?

It's time for YOU to back up your support and pony up. Zelensky is asking for donations. Give until it hurts!

Zelensky Names Price for Ukraine’s Winter Survival: Seeks $840+ Million in DONATIONS

Anonymous said...

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

You might vaguely remember, but shortly before the first suspected case of Covid-19 showed up in China, global bureaucrats and academic elites convened for a “global pandemic” exercise; it was known as Event 201. The event was invite-only, and included representatives from the WEF, Johns Hopkins, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It was largely funded by the Open Philanthropy Project, which is closely aligned with the Clinton Foundation. According to the official website for this preparatory practice run:

Event 201 was a 2.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

Now, you’re not going to believe this, but the “scenario”:

…simulate[d] an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

Gee, now what a coincidence! I recall an origin story of bat soup from Wuhan wet markets, a virus that looks like SARS, and “asymptomatic” spread….

Now, the same players are back, and recently hosted a new pandemic exercise, albeit it was all very hush-hush. Oddly, I can’t find much about it online, except from Johns Hopkins:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.

The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.

Participants were challenged to make urgent policy decisions with limited information in the face of uncertainty….

First of all, this report illustrates one of the biggest obstacles to a free world, a message which is overtly relevant to America: bureaucrats should not be practicing making policy decisions, that responsibility lies in the hands of legislators, all of whom are bound to confines laid forth in the Constitution and respective state constitutions.

Yet, that’s exactly why these sorts of people are pushing for a global “pandemic treaty” to subjugate sovereign nations to the will of a global government.

Secondly, it’s worth noting exactly who the players are for “Catastrophic Contagion”: we have ambassadors from the WHO (the organization leading the charge for the “pandemic treaty”), we have Bill Gates himself, and two of the Event 201 figures (Tom Inglesby and Anita Cicero).

Lastly, we must deduce that this is a harbinger, just like Event 201 was. Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset has not been fully realized, and whether we like it or not, that’s the end goal.

The next “pandemic” is coming, and times like these require a reflection on timeless and grounding truths, like Ben Franklin’s famous 1755 adage: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Anonymous said...

Ali Alexander Releases Statement After January 6 Committee Drops Subpoena For His Phone Records

Anonymous said...

The Soros Files Brazil: Barack Obama, PetroBras and Biggest Corruption Scandal in Brazil's History

Anonymous said...

Former Spy Says Biden Is a "Controlled Asset" of the CCP - Biden's Actions Show This Is the Case

Anonymous said...

The Single, Most Distressing Question No One Wants To Contemplate: Has The U.S. Constitution Already Been Terminated?

Anonymous said...

Servando Gonzalez website is gone. If anyone knows of his well being please post it here.

His books are still available on Amazon

Anonymous said...

12:45 PM

It has been terminated. Obama strangled it and left it gasping for breath.

Since then it's been the final moments struggling on life support (it seemed there was a chance to revive it but not really) and now the plugged is finally pulled by "elections" that were not elections that have proved a cruel joke.

What a macabre scene it has been to witness.

Anonymous said...

Twitter Files Overshadow The Bigger Scandal: FBI Lied To Tech Giants To Interfere In Election 

Anonymous said...

Happy day for keyboard death cult warrior x.

Anonymous said...

2:30 PM

Only made possible thanks to GOP/opus dei controlled USSC overturning Bill Clinton's Defense of Marriage Act and thereafter legalizing gay marriage in the Obergfell case.

Happy day for roman catholic keyboard death cult warriors like Rayb and others here looking to destabilize and take over (authoritarian dominionist style) protestant America.


Anonymous said...

2:50 PM
Lay off the vodka and get a clue.

Anonymous said...

"The curious move led many to question whether the Biden Administration was eager to prevent questions on Bankman-Fried’s political contributions and associations. He was the second highest donor to Democratic causes in the last election cycle. His mother, a law professor at Stanford also heads a major Democratic campaign fund."

Anonymous said...

J said: "It so happens I'm against tanking the American economy to achieve supposed climate change goals. I don't see anything good revealed by this article."

That's what many have been trained to think by the propagandists working for the oil and gas industries (and their, by and large, GOP sycophant politicians and including Joe Manchin) for years now.

I've always had hope technologies, versus "tanking" and "suffering" would be our best bet for altering this destructive path (to whatever extent you want to believe) that we're on. oil and gas reserves are and were always finite anyway so solutions needed to be discovered and implemented at some point.

Nuclear scientist Marv Adams explains what happened in the successful fusion experiment

Video Description: Marv Adams, deputy administrator for defense programs at the National Nuclear Security Administration explained what happened in the successful fusion experiment with a prop. Holding up a cylinder similar to the one used in the experiment he walked the audience through the process and it's implications, concluding jokingly that his department was now hiring

What to know about DOE’s fusion milestone
Experiments at a U.S. government lab may have provided "proof that the physics work.": But future fusion reactors might turn to a different technology for replicating the energy that powers the sun.

Sure we've heard stories of alternatives that when you really look at the costs and inputs of such technologies they haven't or don't work out. Hopefully the story of fusion works out better.


Anonymous said...

3:23 pm

Think hard on this one....albeit for the USSC overturning DOMA and authorizing Gay Marriage, this current bi-partisan "marriage for all" Act that Congress just passed would have been unconstitutional.'s not Biblical Marriage anyway. The state and individual sinners can say whatever they want...doesn't make it truth. If a patient in a mental hospital says he's "married" to his he REALLY "married" in the biblical sense. (the answer is "no"). I don't have to hate the guy or have laws contradicting or punishing the mentally ill man claiming to be married to his cat in order to understand he's wrong Biblically, ethically and morally.


Anonymous said...

You think about it.
You voted to enable and approve the very behavior you "say" you are against.
You are no better since you are complicit with their sin 4:14 PM.

Anonymous said...

5:14 pm

Are you confused...I didn't vote for Trump.

or are you saying your vote FOR Trump means you are fine with or feel responsible for enabling and approving of all his sins?

Perhaps there will come a day I decide not to vote...especially if voting for whichever candidate makes me "complicit with their sins". There's absolutely no such thing as a sinless candidate or political party.

Biden was/is clearly the lesser of two evils.


RayB said...

This is what Death Cult Leader has to say about this evil abomination:

Joe Biden Signs Same-Sex Marriage Bill: ‘Nothing More Decent, More Dignified, More American’

PS: Just keep in mind that one of the premier tenets of the Communist Manifesto is to destroy the traditional family, along with traditional morals. The reason? Marx & Engels knew that a nation that is moral is very difficult to overthrow, whereas an immoral nation is week and unwilling to fight for any principles because they don't have any!

J said...

DeSantis calls for grand jury investigation of COVID vaccines

RayB said...

Another 'fully vaccinated & boostered' friend of mine is very seriously ill with COVID. He and his wife had travelled to stay with their out of town daughter and husband in order to take care of the grandkids while they battled COVID. All THREE of these people were 'vaccinated' and up to date on their booster shots, and yet, they now have COVID.

Again, what exactly is the purpose of taking this dangerous EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' when it doesn't even protect you from getting the virus???

Honestly, I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone.

Anonymous said...


Figures DeathSantis would say that...considering his opus dei affiliation and their goal to eliminate protestants.

Remember...roman catholics had the highest vaccination rate in the US among religious groups so not only were unvaccinated republicans in red states and red counties dying in large numbers but it would track that they were also overwhemingly protestant too.

Pew survey finds Catholics the most vaccinated group in the US


p.s. - Rayb seems to forget the GOP destroyed the American family in the 1960's and 1970's when it lead the charge to enact no-fault divorce statutes across the nation starting with the abortion and no-fault divorce laws passed by Governor Reagan in California. Quite ironically, I guess they are/were the REAL communists.

p.p.s. - Congrats Ray...38 years of sobriety. But simply quiting alcohol isn't enough if you don't address the underlying issues. You obviously remain a dry drunk then, switching your addiction to persistent unabashed lying. A solid bible based church might help you. I'll continue to pray that you find one and, at some point, are granted the gift of repentance. Maybe you can get to bottom of your addictive issues before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

Rayb at 10:48

Your friend is very unlikely to die because they were fully vaccinated and exposed to the novel virus. Vaccine efficacy has waned now so everyone is generally as susceptible to a mild to moderate covid infection now.

Because you were one of the approximate 96 of 100 that survived a delta infection unvaccinated doesn't mean it was wise. Those 4 out of 100 unvaccinated dead (at least 3.5 of them completely unnecessarily) are no longer complaining to you at all. They are in coffins. But surely their loved ones still miss them and curse the day they stupidly chose to remain unvaccinated.

The twilight zone resides in your twisted logic and irrelevant unverifiable anecdotal tales.


J said...

Drag Queen Biden Invited to White House Previously Tweeted, “Kids Are Out to Sing and Suck D!”

J said...

X 11:25 PM,

Repeatedly calling every Catholic Opus Dei is just something I can't take seriously. I doubt if you even take it seriously.

J said...

By the standard that silence is violence and association is complicity - unless it was random and incidental - will Biden denounce the pedophilia - toned tweet of the drag queen he invited to the White House? By the standard that to assiduously avoid denouncing an associated voter, friend or visitor is to implicitly endorse all the beliefs and scandals of that visitor - when will Biden denounce pedophilia?

Is he unwilling to do so loudly and publicly? If so, why? Just who are the voters in his base that he doesn't want to offend? Just how many perverts and pervert-adjacent voters are there in the Democratic base?

Is Biden willing to throw vulnerable children under the bus so that he does not need to offend a large portion of his base?

All of those Biden voters who do not support pedophilia need to loudly demand now that Biden denounce it.

Where are the headlines? Where is the scandal?

Does our nation care about every vulnerable group, provided they are adults, but not care at all about children? Why is that? Is it because the kids can't vote?

Anonymous said...

"All of those Biden voters who do not support pedophilia need to loudly demand now that Biden denounce it."

Even the ones who trust Biden, voted for him, still excuse and support him, their Cyrus King, is a lesser evil than those who stand up against the tyranny of humanism/leftism?

RayB said...

X the "Xhristian" states:

"Congrats Ray...38 years of sobriety. But simply quiting alcohol isn't enough if you don't address the underlying issues. You obviously remain a dry drunk then, switching your addiction to persistent unabashed lying."


For the record, I was NEVER a 'drunk.' I was an occasional drinker. After my born again conversion, I read verses in the Bible that spoke of the issue, such as:

"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." - Proverbs 20:1

Wanting God's wisdom, I made the PERSONAL decision not to drink alcohol.

X still hasn't been able to post a single, purposeful lie, that I have posted with intent to deceive. So who is the liar here? Me, or the persistent false accuser?

RayB said...

Joe Biden Signs Same-Sex Marriage Bill: ‘Nothing More Decent, More Dignified, More American’

This speaks to Dear Leader and HIS FOLLOWERS, who support him in his efforts to spread perversion, along with the killing of babies in the womb ...

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20

Anonymous said...

Is that so 11:25?
Is it even possible that you could be more phony than you are at the moment?
You obviously kept voting Republican (still registered you said) even after that time frame.
Now you openly promote marxists who are off the charts destroying what was left.

Lay off the meth.
You need rehab.

J said...

American parents deserve to know whether Biden supports or denounces flashers and pedophiles. Biden needs to tell America's parents whether he supports or denounces the following from the article. Would it be wrong if a Proud Boy did it or said it? But then what if the Proud Boy were a drag queen? Then would it be okay? Would it be wrong if a drag queen said, "Jews are out to sing and suck D?" or said that, "Black minstrels are out to sing and suck D?" "Or said that my b-tches and my honeys are out to sing and suck D?" (Actually, that last would be okay and would win a Grammy award.) Why is it okay to say it about kids? And just kids? Is it because predators like to prey on the weakest members of society? Is it because kids can't vote? American parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and any other concerned citizens deserve to know these answers.

Biden Invites Drag Queen to White House Who Said, ‘Kids Are Out to Sing and Suck D!’

“The kids are out to sing and suck D!” Cummings said in one tweet.

Another Instagram post featured Cummings posing with a child alongside several scantily-clad drag queens that featured the following caption: “he was so excited & said he wants to perform with us next year.”

Biden's invited White House guest, a non-binary Drag Queen Story Hour performer who advocates for children embracing drag, starred in a music video for the song, "Show Me Your D*ck," as erect penises flash across the screen.

Anonymous said...


I don't call every Catholic opus dei...

for example,

Biden is a Catholic but not opus dei.

Opus Dei is a secretive group. They go to great lengths to hide their association. They don't even disclose it in their senate confirmation disclosure documents where they disclose everything else dating back to prior affiliation with the boy or girl scouts of America in high school.

Same thing goes for "The Family" that Constance studied.

Desantis is Opus Dei.

As is Brett Kavanuagh, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and most, if not all, of the federal judges Trump appointed.

From the Opus Dei website itself...

"Opus Dei has more than 60 centers in or near 19 cities in the U.S.: Boston; Chicago; Dallas; Delray Beach, FL; Houston; Los Angeles; Miami; Milwaukee; New York; Pittsburgh; Princeton, NJ; Providence; St. Louis; San Antonio; San Francisco; South Bend, IN; South Orange, NJ; Urbana, IL; and Washington, DC. Additionally, Opus Dei conducts activities in many other cities".

I kind of think the Opus Dei powers that be have so much confidence right now that Ron Desantis can win that they are deliberately orchestrating the very delicate shut down and rejection of Donald Trump. They are walking a fine line of promoting their own candidate while not alienating the long lines of white rural Trump MAGA voters who lined up to support Trump because he pretended he wasn't a turd like Desantis.

Notice even the federal judges Trump appointed have turned on him. They are loyal to opus dei...not Trump and not the constitution.


J said...

X 10:55 AM,

In so many words you just said a whole lot of nothing. You've yet to back up your claim about Desantis being Opus Dei.

I think you may be better at tearing down somebody else's case than you are at building your own case.

Anonymous said...


BTW...that one single Tweet had nothing to do with pedophilia.

It's certainly describing disgusting sexual sin and perversion but; apparently, the "kids" being referred to were all at least drinking age attending shows in 21 and over NY bars and/or concert venues.

If you have more evidence of actual pedophile behavior that Biden could have or should have been aware of, please advise. I see you are trying to make it comparable to Trump sitting down and sharing intimate dinners with long known white supremacist or, maybe, excusing white supremacists terrorizing Charlottesville. Yes, Biden invited a sinner to the white house as has every president throughout time. Cummings, like a lot of sinners, doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. Not unlike nearly every active adulterer I've every had the misfortune of meeting with or witnessing. Of course Cummings thinks children would be ok being drag queens....he sees it as playing dress-up. You and I disagree but politicians have a long history of tolerance towards drag queens.

Here's a video of Trump "motorboating" a Drag Queen. Surely there'd be stories to tell if someone looked into the history of that drag queen and others that Trump associated with.

Here's a video of Nick Fuentes at a conservative event on camera with Lady Maga, a drag queen Trump supporter who might also have an interesting background.

I also think all these homosexuals would not be so prominent within Democratic circles if Christians had not abandoned the party. A political party is an association of persons and represents its members. The democrats need Christians and lots of prayers, much more so than the lost heretics and blasphemers in the GOP. It's easier to save unbelievers than those who've already heard His Gospel and rejected Him for their own Gods.


Anonymous said...

"but; apparently, the "kids" being referred to were all at least drinking age attending shows in 21 and over NY bars and/or concert venues."

Biden's buddy and recruiter of children to his perversion.

They target preschoolers, at schools, libraries, pervert supporter x.
Make excuses for them all you want while you speak social justice "churchanity". It's evident you don't stand with Christians on this and most every other moral issue so you can continue to promote the New Age and New World Order you believe in.

J said...

X 11:45 AM,

Prove the below statement you just made. Enough with the distractions. You know me well enough by now to know I don't believe in legislating morality unless it involves protecting minors.

Link, please, for the below:

It's certainly describing disgusting sexual sin and perversion but; apparently, the "kids" being referred to were all at least drinking age attending shows in 21 and over NY bars and/or concert venues.

Anonymous said...

"If you have more evidence of actual pedophile behavior that Biden could have or should have been aware of, please advise."

Joe Biden's own daughter Ashley's diary (which has been authenticated as hers and widely circulated) in her entry about showering with her Dad when she was younger is behavior we are all aware of.

Anonymous said...

J @11:43am

The need to "back up my claim" is very interestingly directed only at me on what is largely a conspiracy website.

Opus Dei exists. It has members. It has large centers throughout the US. There are Opus Dei Priests throughout the country largely holding traditional Latin tongue services.

Opus Dei does not publish membership lists. Persons associated can just deny & hide involvement. "Proving" association, absent an admission or association with the catholic centers is like proving Desantis or any of them were good friends with a person in college (when Opus Dei recruits and trains their cult operatives) or that he read some particular books years ago.

Ron Desantis is exactly the kind of Catholic Opus Dei targets in their recruiting (also notice his ties to navy seals)...

After high school, DeSantis studied history at Yale University. He was captain of Yale's varsity baseball team and joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. He was an outfielder on the Yale baseball team; as a senior in 2001, he had the team's best batting average at .336. While attending Yale he worked a variety of jobs, including as an electrician's assistant and a coach at a baseball camp. DeSantis graduated from Yale in 2001 with a B.A. magna cum laude.

After Yale, he taught history and coached for a year at Darlington School. He subsequently attended Harvard Law School, graduating in 2005 with a Juris Doctor cum laude....

...In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One and deployed to Iraq[27] with the troop surge as the legal advisor to the SEAL Commander of the Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah.



Anonymous said...

Biden is a Catholic(but not Opus Dei), BUT, Biden is evil to the core, and he is a pupper that is preparing the way for the antichrist.

I certainly agree with your last two paragraphs @ 10:55 AM X.

I also think most people are just burned out on Trump news. The attention span of people now is so short anyways.

Do I trust Desantis? Not really. I don't fully place hope in any man, or woman. The only reason I voted for Trump was because I was sick and tired of the lying subversive machinations of the Clintons, Bush, and blatantly evil, and corrupt Obama. Any follower of Christ that was not sickened by the reign of that unholy trinity, should question their relationship with Christ. Unfortunately conservatives had to deal with the relentless attacks on Trump that continue yet. I keep the man in my prayers, and am grateful for his courage in the face of the viciousness of the dems. But I do not, nor have ever "worshiped" Trump. Unlike some deeply psychotic, paragon of gnat strainers claims of anyone supporting Trump!

The criminality of those three servants of satan, Clintons, Bush, Obama, compared to anything Trump may, or may not have done, is like comparing a pothole to the Grand Canyon. So when someone on here parrots Drunken Nancy, "no one is above the law". Then I know that person is either incredibly stupid, or disingenuous. The latter being the most likely.

X, do you think the Opus Dei are more likely to rot in hell than you, who exhibit fervent worldliness? Punishments, for those non compliant to your gods wishes?

Anonymous said...

Both Trump and Clinton were very much involved with Jeffrey Epstein, so why not Biden too? Yep, Trump is defo part and parcel of the swamp ... that's why he hasn't been Kennedy-ed.

Anonymous said...

”Biden is a Catholic(but not Opus Dei), BUT, Biden is evil to the core, and he is a pupper that is preparing the way for the antichrist.”

Biden certainly will make way for the Antichrist, who is none other than Donald J.Trump.

Anonymous said...

Trump Was Right About The Steal. Here's How They Did It

Anonymous said...

Erik Prince (Betsy Devos's brother, founder of Blackwater and lifelong adulterer)

How can you tell he's Opus Dei?

From Wikipedia:

He converted to Catholicism in 1992

Then read his wikipedia further to see how that change alone catapulted his career from a Naval Academy dropout to the Navy Seals in a few short years and after association with Pat Buchanon and other opus dei members.

Prince was born on June 6, 1969, in Holland, Michigan, the son of Edgar D. Prince and his wife, Elsa (Zwiep),[a] and the youngest of four children.[1] He graduated from Holland Christian High School.[2] Prince and his father toured the world together, visiting the Dachau concentration camp in Germany, divided Berlin, and the battlefields of Normandy. According to his mother, these trips "made a big impression" on the young Prince.[3]

Prince was accepted into the United States Naval Academy and attended for three semesters before leaving, explaining that he loved the Navy but disliked the Academy. He went on to receive his B.A. in economics from Hillsdale College in 1992.

In 1990, Prince secured an internship in the White House under George H. W. Bush, but soon left to intern for California congressman Dana Rohrabacher, President Ronald Reagan's former speechwriter. Rohrabacher described Prince as "a bright, driven young man." At the age of 21, Prince volunteered to search for a mass grave in Nicaragua, to expose killings that had taken place under President Daniel Ortega and later said that he had found the mass grave.[12]

After college, Prince was commissioned as an officer in the United States Navy via Officer Candidate School in 1992. He went on to become a Navy SEAL and deployed with SEAL Team 8 to Haiti, the Middle East, and the Balkans. He credits the SEALs for being an outlet for his entrepreneurial spirit. In his autobiography he states that during the Yugoslav Wars in the early 1990s, he realized that there was a need for private training facilities for special operations.

Prince ended his U.S. Navy service prematurely in 1995

So the son of a wealthy republican donor drops out of the Naval Academy, is handed an internship in DC and ends up back at Hillsdale College (an Opus Dei magnet school), graduates, immediately "converts" to roman catholicism and ends up in the Navy for 3 years and makes it as a Navy Seal? How is that possible at all absent being lifted up by others?

Like Desantis's Navy military career after Harvard Law's all so suspect. Like they are just given jobs to build their resumes for future political and business "work" on behalf of the cult.

Notre Dame did the same things with USSC Barrett. She was groomed to be their candidate for the Court, as opus dei groomed Brett Kavanaugh and surely others.

They are in this for the long game and its the most significant culture war we are losing right now. Desantis and his ilk are a much bigger threat to everyday Americans than Klaus, Gates, Soros or any of those persons could ever be.


Anonymous said...

12:39 PM

Sorry to harsh your psychotic bliss 12:39 PM

Trump is not being groomed for the position. Should be obvious!

The most vigorously groomed in the last, over two decades, has been Obama.

But that isn't Politically Correct to think, or say.

Anonymous said...

”In so many words you just said a whole lot of nothing.”

That's rich coming from you, J.

You and X are both spurious and scant when it comes down to content, substance and facts.

RayB said...

If X can't answer J on this one, it illustrates that he is going out of his way in order to provide cover for a pedophile. WHAT EVIDENCE DOES X have that backs up his ridiculous claim? The answer; NONE.

J said @ 12:05 PM:

X 11:45 AM,

Prove the below statement you just made. Enough with the distractions. You know me well enough by now to know I don't believe in legislating morality unless it involves protecting minors.

Link, please, for the below:

It's certainly describing disgusting sexual sin and perversion but; apparently, the "kids" being referred to were all at least drinking age attending shows in 21 and over NY bars and/or concert venues.

Anonymous said...

X @ 12:39 PM

So you think the Synagogue of Satan answers to the Vatican?

If they are all movers and shakers for the Beast System/NWO, then which group is more evil?

Didn't Christ tell, and show us plainly in the book of Matthew?

RayB said...

X relies on Wikipedia in order to 'prove' his case that Ron DeSantis is 'Opus Dei.'

He makes gigantic leaps of assumption, all based upon his imagination.

What an incredible joke this man is.

Anonymous said...

J @12:05pm

I can't PROVE what a person meant when he tweeted something out months ago but absent full context AND more evidence (which there may be). All I can guess is that the use of the word "kids" in this context stated by a 30-40-year-old drag queen performer in Manhatten isn't necessarily or even likely about underage children. It's most likely referring to twenty-something year old "kids" who came to "sing" at one of his supposedly famous 21 and over drag shows. (These shows MAY actually be 18 and over...I'm not sure and not checking because it's irrelevant)

Like Lady Gaga calls her fans her lil' Monsters. It's a one-off disgusting sexually immoral euphemism about his show attendees, not suggestive or even alluding to actual pedophilia.

I just don't think one tweet...out of context...necessarily defines a person as a pedophile.

That's not defending drag queens, who, by and large, are pretty debased persons who, like the sexually immoral Trump, shouldn't be invited and given credence by "polite" society.


p.s.- The only source I came across is a tweet that defended Cummings by stating:

"What DON’T you understand that that tweet has nothing to do with anyone under drinking age? WAKE UP and GROW UP"

Anonymous said...

And nobody has to pee in this bottom feeder's koolaid to get him riled up about opus dei and always sniffing around for adulterers either.


J said...

X 1:15 PM,

"Kids" could mean "minors" or it could just mean those who are relatively younger and less experienced.

The commenter is apparently unacquainted with the increasing popularity of the attendance of children at "family friendly" drag queen events at bars where alcohol is being served to the adults.

Since it's ambiguous, Biden could easily clear up the ambiguity by denouncing pedophiles and flashers.

Is there some reason why Biden would hesitate to denounce pedophiles?

RayB said...

Kind of an interesting twist to all of this ...

X seems to be able to 'know' what the vulgar Drag Queen meant when he was referring to 'kids.'

Does X have some kind of special insight as to the way Drag Queens think? Interesting.

RayB said...

Perhaps x himself could clear up the matter swiftly too. There's definitely something of the wig and feather boa about x ~ I bet he wouldn't need to consult Wicked-pedoa on this one either.

Anonymous said...

X and his "the sexually immoral Trump". LOL How does X keep from getting dizzy?

Have you lil X, ever been sexually immoral, at anytime in your life?

Anonymous said...

The Sniffer just likes the smell of kids! Oh, but he did very clearly pinch that one little girls nipple.

It was Trumps fault that Biden pinched that nipple I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Biden Regime Ramps Up Their Kinetic War Against Russia - Will Send Patriot Missile Systems to Ukraine

RayB said...

I bet X's name around the Blue Oyster bar is something like Miss Ann Thropy. ROFL!

RayB said...

Another interesting question:

Why is X defending a vulgar Drag Queen? Why can't X just accept the fact as it appears on the surface, and that is that the reference to 'kids' was a reference to underage 'children?'

RayB said...

1:36 PM & 2:05 PM is not me.

What does it say about a person that posts under someone else's name?


J said...

Not only anti-semitism, but also racism, homophobia and transphobia. Absent from mention on his list: being anti-woman or sexist. I wonder why?

Joe Biden: Republican Bans on Transgender Surgeries for Children Connected to Anti-Semitism

J said...

Now THIS is a brave individual who is bucking the trends to speak truth to power and to help at-risk youth.

Ex-Navy SEAL who detransitioned warns transgender teens: ‘You need to slow down’

Anonymous said...

Yes J...Biden should denounce sexual all its forms. Every President should.

1:40pm - Yes...I had been an unrepentant sinner for way too much of my life but I have been saved and washed of those sins. It's a big reason I have empathy for sinners instead of hatred. There, but for the grace of God, go I.

That said, I do not have empathy for actual pedophiles.

Some of this sure sounds a little like GOP woke'ism where MAGA is beginning to react to the feelings of being systemically oppressed.


p.s.- If you are unvaccinated prepare for your auto insurance rates to go up.

People who skipped their COVID vaccine are at higher risk of traffic accidents, according to a new study

Excerpt: During the summer of 2021, Canadian researchers examined the encrypted government-held records of more than 11 million adults, 16% of whom hadn’t received the COVID vaccine.

They found that the unvaccinated people were 72% more likely to be involved in a severe traffic crash—in which at least one person was transported to the hospital—than those who were vaccinated. That’s similar to the increased risk of car crashes for people with sleep apnea, though only about half that of people who abuse alcohol, researchers found.
Of course, skipping a COVID vaccine does not mean that someone will get into a car crash. Instead, the authors theorize that people who resist public health recommendations might also “neglect basic road safety guidelines.”

Why would they ignore the rules of the road? Distrust of the government, a belief in freedom, misconceptions of daily risks, “faith in natural protection,” “antipathy toward regulation,” poverty, misinformation, a lack of resources, and personal beliefs are potential reasons proposed by the authors.

The findings are significant enough that primary care doctors should consider counseling unvaccinated patients on traffic safety—and insurance companies might base changes to insurance policies on vaccination data, the authors suggest.

J said...

X 5:01 PM,

Absolutely loving, not hating, everybody is the Christian ideal.

But God is perfectly loving yet also gets angry sometimes. This is because He is not only a loving and merciful God, but also a just God.

Truly loving people means having their best interest at heart. This does not always mean supporting everything they do and say. Sometimes it could mean that the truth hurts.

There are times when telling people what they want to hear is harmful, not helpful, to them.

Fearing God, not men, could even mean risking being called hateful sometimes; although it should never involve actually being hateful.

How could we imperfect humans ever have enough grace to hope to attempt all of the above? There is only one way, and that is by the help of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit helps people to speak the truth in love.

We are doing no loving favors to the younger generations by encouraging and facilitating either irreversible bodily injury or psychotic delusions.

We are doing no loving favors by looking away and hoping the kids will really be safe with those creatures that the Zeitgiest of our age in our culture favors and smiles upon.

We do no loving favors to children by being more "loving" to their predators than we are to the kids who are victimized.

What's worse, being a skunk at a garden party socially, or child rape? Being ostracized by woke folk, or child mutilation? I know what I think is worse.

J said...

Drag Queen Invited To Biden White House Once Performed For A 2-Year-Old Boy

Marti G. Cummings, a drag queen whom President Joe Biden invited to attend the signing of the Respect for Marriage Act at the White House, once performed for a 2-year-old boy.

Administration officials invited hundreds of LGBTQ activists to the White House on Tuesday as the commander-in-chief signed the legislation, which enshrines same-sex marriage protections into federal law in accordance with the Supreme Court’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges. Cummings, who shared a picture of his invitation on social media and said he was “grateful” to receive the overture, has a long history of activism, according to a report from the Daily Signal.

One video of Cummings singing the children’s song “Baby Shark” to a toddler went viral three years ago. Footage showed Cummings, donned in a wig, high-heeled boots, and a leotard tightly hugging his genitals, clapping along with the tune, at one point spinning onto a long table and briefly drawing attention to his nether regions. A man who appeared to be the boy’s father was smiling, bouncing the child on his knees, and recording the interaction while grinning from ear to ear.

“It was just a very quick kind of organic moment during the performance. He was so sweet, and he gave me a dollar,” Cummings told Inside Edition. “Obviously going to like a late-night drag show is not appropriate for a kid, but a family-friendly drag brunch is totally cool.”

Libs of TikTok recently shared a tweet from Cummings, posted earlier this year, in which Cummings said that “the kids are out to sing and suck d!” The tweet came in response to another user who seemed to be suggesting in a post that the crowd at a New York City gay bar was younger than on a typical night.

The activist subsequently deleted the post, blocked Libs of TikTok, and set his account to private.

Cummings recently mounted an unsuccessful campaign for the New York City Council, remarking in the magazine Out that he desires to “not only be a drag queen who’s funny, silly, and entertaining, but somebody who took that platform and used it for something bigger.” Cummings also conducts activism on behalf of the “queer youth population” in New York City.

“I also think we need young people at the table. We need new, fresh voices,” he told the outlet. “We have a lot of queer elected officials now, but we need really, really progressive queer candidates. We need candidates who are going to take us to that next level. New York politics for a long time has been dynasty politics, and we should bring some new people to the table because politics should be open to everybody.”

The signing of the Respect for Marriage Act was witnessed by thousands of people on the South Lawn of the White House; the ceremony featured music from “nonbinary” singer Sam Smith and musician Cyndi Lauper. Biden invited several drag queens to attend the ceremony.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) remarked in a statement that he voted against a motion to advance the bill because its “religious liberty protections” were “severely anemic and largely illusory.” Biden nevertheless praised the final passage of the Respect for Marriage Act, saying that “millions of marriages and families” have been put at ease following the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade and other previous opinions purporting a constitutional right to abortion.

Anonymous said...

After the Negro called Akoko had finished mounting X, he exclaimed 'Think of me dear boy as the sword, and you, the sheath.'

X replied with tears on his cheeks, "I will think on you dead, until my Joe makes you so.
And then I will think on Negro no more!”

And so Akoko went smiling on his way.

Anonymous said...

Read the full story of 'Akoko and Teary-eyed X' at Rich's website. Available in pdf format only.

RayB said...

Judicial Watch Releases Damning New Information on the Moderna Vaccine

From the article:

"…regarding data Moderna submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, which indicate a “statistically significant” number of rats were born with skeletal deformations after their mothers were injected with the vaccine. The documents also reveal Moderna elected not to conduct a number of standard pharmacological studies on the laboratory test animals."

There's much more here:

Anonymous said...

X got the Dick Pox.

Try the new Lolly-dick lozenge.

Now in melon and sour apple flavour.

Anonymous said...


That's funny. You want to imply moderna's life-saving vaccine might not be safe because a few overdosed rats gave birth to 6 rats with very common skeletal non-life threatening nodules in rat study on the MRNA vaccines which WAS fully disclosed to the people that matter at the FDA and seems to overwhelmingly
indicated the successful safety testing of the vaccine on rats?

Actually... on the whole this is completely irrelevant today due to the fact Moderna vaccines have now been safety provided to billions of people worldwide, many of whom were pregnant or became pregnant without any issues and who, on the whole, didn't die because they were fully vaccinated unlike many people and/or pregnant women who naively went unvaccinated and succumbed under horrible conditions to an otherwise preventable covid infection?

Again...6 slightly irregular rats born to mothers who had been over-injected with 3 or 4 maximum doses every two weeks for 6 to 8 weeks of gestation --- versus billions of humans safely injected and 20 million lives saved. Rayb sure loves rats.

Read the study yourself versus serving up extremist talking points.

Excerpt: Pending the outcome of the Phase 3 clinical trial with mRNA-1273, a human dose of 100 µg/dose is anticipated to be safe and to provide protective immunization against SARS-CoV-2 infection. In the rat repeat-dose toxicity studies in which up to 100 µg/dose of mRNA-1273 administered on Day 1 and Day 22, up to 150 µg/dose of mRNA-1706, mRNA-1653, or mRNA-1893 administered once every 2 weeks for 1 month (3 doses), or up to 96 µg/dose of mRNA-1647 and mRNA-1443 administered once every 2 weeks for 6 weeks (4 doses) were evaluated, the administered mRNA/LNP vaccines were well tolerated. In addition, results from the combined developmental and perinatal/postnatal reproductive toxicity study showed that a 100 μg/dose of mRNA-1273 administered once every 2 weeks for 6 weeks (4 doses) to Sprague Dawley rats did not result in any adverse effects on the F0 or changes in cytokine profile reflecting an inflammatory pattern, and injection site reaction characteristics for vaccines, with all findings FDA-CBER-2021-4379-0001152 showing reversibility.

In addition, no exaggerated immune reactions were observed in the rat toxicity studies or in the completed immunogenicity studies in mice (young and old), rats, hamsters, and NHPs.
If a 100 µg/dose of mRNA-1273 is well tolerated in a rat with a conservative body weight estimate of 0.30 kg as compared to a human subject with a conservative body weight of 60.0 kg, there is a 200-fold safety margin for the human dose as compared to the rat dose based on body weight. The efficacy and safety profile of the mRNA-1273 vaccine in the Phase 3 clinical trial
will be the ultimate determinant in identifying the approved dose for human subjects.


Anonymous said...

Must see video: How 5G + the covid vaccine work together to destroy the human body

Anonymous said...

6:30 am -

1. Dr. Robert Young --- not a medical doctor

2. beforeitsnews dot com - Anyone from anywhere can post on beforeits news which is why its largely been uses as a russian disinformation website. For example...this article you shared was shared on beforeitsnews by "Josey Wales". Josey Wales wouldn't lie to you, right?

3. It's all clickbait to sell you mypillows and gold investing services

You are 0 for 3


RayB said...

It's completely understandable as to why X remains a devoted follower of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Big Pharma, the WHO, and the rest of the cabal that were the originators and promoters of the dangerous EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' (The only one missing from the list is 'Operation Warp Speed' Donald Trump, whom X detests on a personal basis)

Try to imagine the difficulty of admitting to yourself, and others, that you've been duped by these depopulation advocates.

Honestly X, I feel deep sorrow for you and the billions of others in the world that trusted these evil people. Now you have to live with the results. The only thing you can do now is to enhance your natural immune system by every means possible.

Anonymous said...


Russell Brand

Anonymous said...


Could you give me your email address? I want to send you a gift certificate for Trump's new superhero digital trading cards. Only $99, "which is very little for what you're getting"...a DIGITAL trading card.

Perfect gifts for the Trump Cultist and/or Cosplay fanatic in your family.

Check it out for yourself. If only for the laugh.


Anonymous said...

Rayb said: Honestly X, I feel deep sorrow for you and the billions of others in the world that trusted these evil people. Now you have to live with the results. The only thing you can do now is to enhance your natural immune system by every means possible.

I and many others can LIVE with that. At least we're alive.

Recent research by the Commonwealth Fund, found that COVID-19 vaccines from biotech companies Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson collectively saved over 3.2 million American lives and averted more than 18.5 million hospitalizations in two years of the pandemic.

That is pretty incredible for your claimed pathogen.

So perhaps you should place your "sorrow" upon the families of the unvaccinated covid dead who died unnecessarily due to vaccine apprehension caused by listening to your nonsensical, hysterical non-evidenced, stupidly political, anti-science, unbiblical speculation and unreal conspiracy theories.

I know it's hard to admit you were WRONG but it's time to, at least, stop the charade. Nobody needs your confession, your remorse, your nothing...just stop lying.



Anonymous said...

COVID vaccines saved 3.2 million US lives, researchers say

Excerpt: The COVID-19 vaccines developed by biotech companies Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson saved more than 3 million American lives over a two-year period, according to new research from the Commonwealth Fund.

The first coronavirus vaccine in the U.S. was administered in December 2020. Since then, health care workers have put more than 655 million doses into the arms of Americans, with 80 percent of the population having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

The Commonwealth Fund estimated the vaccines prevented more than 18.5 million hospitalizations and 3.2 million deaths from December 2020 to last month.

Researchers added the vaccines also prevented 120 million more COVID-19 infections and saved the U.S. more than $1 trillion.

“The unprecedented pace at which vaccines were developed and deployed has saved many lives and allowed for safer easing of COVID-19 restrictions and reopening of businesses, schools, and other activities,” researchers wrote in a blog post. “This extraordinary achievement has been possible only through sustained funding and effective policymaking that ensured vaccines were available to all Americans.”

The Commonwealth Fund employed a model that incorporated daily data of vaccinations in the U.S. and also pulled incidence data, including the trends of hospitalizations and deaths. A simulation was modeled off of the pandemic’s trajectory without vaccinations for comparison....

Anonymous said...

FDA “turned a blind eye” to “submission of fraudulent data” on covid vaccines

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