Sunday, September 04, 2022

Alliance of Civilizations Plan of Action for the Safeguarding of Religious Sites


By Richard Peterson

This September marks the third anniversary of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations launching its Plan of Action for the Safeguarding of Religious Sites.  First, a brief introduction for those not yet familiar with the Alliance.

The UN Alliance of Civilizations is an initiative which was introduced in 2005 by Spain and Turkey. Its political origins date farther back. The Alliance’s declared purpose is to combat polarization and extremism worldwide in order to counter the “clash of civilizations” and negate it with a partnership among civilizations. The Alliance is said to be the “mother tongue” of the UN system. It is a primary component of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The Security Council’s statement on the Partnership Among Civilizations reads “this partnership will represent a powerful response to those who feed on exclusion and arrogantly claim the sole ownership of truth.” (A/60/341–S/2005/567, September 2005)

Intercultural and interfaith dialogue are the primary instruments the Alliance utilizes to advance its agenda. The Plan of Action for the protection of religious sites emphasizes interfaith dialogue as a means to combat terror. A significant aspect of  the Plan  of Action is the worldwide mappings of religious sites and institutions. Last month, in collaboration with the UN Satellite Center, the Alliance published the  first fruits of this endeavor as it published an interactive map of religious sites throughout Sweden.

Should one accept at face value what is written within the Plan of Action it may sound reasonable. It is difficult to quarrel with a plan which proposes the safeguarding of religious adherents from terrorist attacks. The expressed values of human rights, democracy, peace, the rule of law are ones most would embrace. But what if the language is a veneer which conceals an entirely different political platform? I have written critical assessments of the Alliance of Civilizations since 2006 so I propose there exists an underlying agenda which looks entirely different.

The primary composition of the Alliance is the High Representative and the High Level Group of eminent religious scholars.

During the 2006 Alliance Doha Debates, High Level group members were asked to define extremism for the rest of the world. This definition becomes important as one assesses the Alliance since extremism – the root cause of terrorism – is the target. John Esposito defined extremism as one who believes his or her religious beliefs to be right and another’s to be wrong. That individual, he said, has adopted the “theology of hate.”  The late Archbishop Desmond Tutu defined extremism as those who hold their [religious] views exclusive. The Alliance of Civilizations is especially hostile towards Christianity.

Now align the Alliance’s definition of extremist thought with the words of Jesus in John 14:6:  “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” 

High Level Group member Karen Armstrong lectures that religion has been hijacked by religious extremists who are abusing religious texts. At the launch of her Charter for Compassion (an interlocking initiative with the Alliance), she proposed bringing together all faiths whereby guidelines would be written for how we are to interpret those abused scriptures. Exactly what constitutes abuse?

I once was forwarded an email from one of my New Zealand readers. The email was a response to concerns he expressed to his Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters regarding the Alliance of Civilizations. Mr. Peters assured this reader Christians had no cause for concern because the High Level Group had Christian representation, namely Karen Armstrong and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Karen Armstrong’s representation is less than stellar. In her book In the Beginning:  A New Interpretation of Genesis, Armstrong expresses theological twists of the absurd. She portrays God the Creator as a perpetual liar, the evil one, while arguing that the serpent was so much more truthful. During an interview with Share International (a voice for the occult organization Lucis Trust), Armstrong argues that Christians have  wrongfully attributed divinity to Jesus. Similarly, the late Desmond Tutu wrote in God Has a Dream, A Vision of Hope for Our Time that God gave the poor serpent a raw deal (finding himself at the end of the line there was no-one left to pass blame). The archbishop’s writing continued with the admonition that Jesus was never bodily resurrected.

As I first read of the mappings of religious sites, my first thoughts were that ultimately this will serve to subjugate religions. Preceding the 2005 Alliance of Civilizations launch, hearings were held to determine the shape of the initiative. (Note that Lucis Trust was a participant.)  The outcome document envisions a future where religions be held accountable to an overarching authority:  “religions and the institutions that represent them cannot be banned from the public sphere but must be brought in under the leadership of the international civil bodies when it comes to questions concerning mutual recognition, universal justice, and lasting peace.”  Literature from other interlocking initiatives envision the same. One such initiative is the OSCE:  the Organization for Security and Cooperation of Europe. The OSCE is an Alliance of Civilizations implementation partner. The United States is an OSCE signatory nation as well as an Alliance Partner.

While serving as Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2007, Miguel Angel Moratinos also chaired the OSCE.  The OSCE’s Annual Report focused on counterterrorism by means of interreligious and intercultural dialogue. The report’s concluding remarks include:

“However, claims to exclusive truth and absoluteness threaten to damage or even wreck the dialogue of religions. Believers and religious leaders often fear a weakening of their own religious sensibilities if other faiths are accepted as potential pathways to “ultimate truths.” The insistence on the exclusivity of a single true way to salvation devalues other religious paths and makes dialogue considerably more difficult. Respect and tolerance with regard to other religions is, however, a fundamental prerequisite for interreligious dialogue and co-operation. And yet real respect begins when I can assert my own personal religious truths for myself while accepting another’s differing religious truth and conviction as authoritative and valid without restrictions for him.”

Miguel Angel Moratinos presently holds the position of High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.

In his book Signs of Christ, Lucis Trust initiate Harold Balyoz wrote of the coming new world religion:  

“formerly one said: ‘And my spirit rejoiceth in God, my Savior.’  Now you will say:  ‘And my spirit rejoiceth in God, thy Savior’. . . Solemnly do I say that therein is salvation. ‘Long live thy God!’  So you will say to everyone; and exchanging Gods, you will walk to the One…Thus, find the God of each one and exalt Him.”

Several years have passed since I last wrote of the Alliance of Civilizations. The purpose of this piece is to remind readers that while the initiative may have diluted its public profile, it has not gone away. The Plan of Action illustrates it has strengthened. 


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RayB said...

New York Post reports ...

Hunter Biden-linked real estate firm got at least $100M from Russian oligarch: sources

PS: I sure hope the 'Big Guy' got his 10%.

RayB said...

Jill was very upset for the violation of Rule #1. Do NOT allow Joe Biden to answer questions that are not scripted ahead of time.

Jill Biden lashed out at WH staffers for not stopping Joe’s solo presser: report

Anonymous said...


What evidence besides things supposedly found on a compromised Hunter Biden laptop do you have indicating Joe Biden received 10% of anything?

Joe Biden has financially disclosed for years so it's got to be there, right?

10% of 100 million is $10 million. That's a lot of cash to hide for a guy that's been running for President since the 1990's.

Isn't MORE likely Hunter Biden and all his problems MAY HAVE misled those willing to pay him huge sums of money for his supposed influence that he and his dad were playing ball and in cahoots?

He is/was a drug addict. Joe knew this...and Joe and Jill Biden have been very frugal with their money and investments. Do you really think they were in business with their drug-addict child?

Further -- earlier you mentioned the former prosecutor was really going after the company that hired Hunter Biden. Do you have evidence of that? The whole world knew the former prosector was corrupt and wasn't really prosecuting anyone. He was apparently just extorting them. That is why Biden, as Vice President and with the authority of the state department and other allies, began threatening Ukraine years ago to dump that corrupt guy. A corrupt Ukraine was hurting American and Allied interests in the region. Unlike Trump who blackmailed off policy and for his own personal interests, Joe Biden was just doing his job as a US excecutive diplomat on behalf of the Obama administration.

But you are a thorough reader and student of history so I'm sure you probably knew/know all this but just don't care.


RayB said...

Boston U Manipulates COVID … Brews Up Super-Strain That Can Kill 80% Of Infected

NOTE: Don't worry, trust the scientists. Absolutely nothing can go wrong ... or wong ... as they say in Chinese.

Anonymous said... is a really good breakdown surprisingly hitting some of the points I actually spitballed on why Pfizer's Janine Small's comments indicating Pfizer didn't study "transmission" at all is/was obvious and what was actually reported at the time they did their studies.

A nice summary quote he made - "the absence of evidence does not equal the evidence of absence"

The one major point I didn't mention in my previous analysis was that study Pfizer (and all the other Vaccine Manufactureres) DID actually do only really studied the effectiveness of the Covid Vaccines preventing infection. This video shows and compares the disclosures made by all the vaccine manufacturers. None of the studied effectiveness against hospitalization or death (or transmission) until after market research filled in those gaps. "Infection" at level one with each study participant was all that mattered. A cough and a positive covid test was the only data points necessary to compare the blind placebo and vaccine groups.

Now it's pretty much common sense if you prevent infection at the rate of +90% that you're probably reducing the severity of illness, deaths and transmission but that came only out in after market studies done by health departments and agencies in several countries (not Pfizer).

Does the Pfizer Vaccine Stop Transmission?

RayB said...

Truth is truly stranger than fiction:

Pope appoints pro-abortion World Economic Forum speaker to Pontifical Academy for Life

In addition to her close ties to the World Economic Forum, Mazzucato is also a self-described "atheist" and enthusiastically pro-abortion.

Mazzucato recently Tweeted: "As an atheist, never thought i would love a Pope this much. What a star!"

Read the entire article here:

Anonymous said...


Strange that you vote orthodox roman catholic while sharing their articles and opinions criticizing their own Pontiff.

It's not like lifesitenews and it's editors and financial supporters have disavowed the office of the pope.


J said...


You can win this round. I went from a surge of energy yesterday to brain fog and fatigue today. Late last night I didn't feel well and tested positive for COVID. My husband and his friend both had surges of energy before their symptoms, too. Weird.

RayB said...

The two video clips prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Stacey Abrams is a big, fat liar. It will be interesting to see how X spins this one:

Brian Kemp Crushes Stacey Abrams in Georgia Debate

RayB said...


Sorry to hear you have COVID. Look into the Zelenko 7 Day Protocol ... it worked wonders for my wife & I.

RayB said...

X states:

"Strange that you vote orthodox roman catholic ..."


Care to share your words of wisdom by explaining what exactly qualifies as voting 'orthodox roman catholic'?

Anonymous said...

Peter Strzok to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: "9/11 is Nothing Compared to January 6" (VIDEO)

RayB said...

The truth continues to expose the lies of Big Pharma and its lackeys ...

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer, Fauci, Biden Lied About Vaxx Transmission Data (Nuremberg II Now)

From the article:

The COVID truth trickles out in drips and drabs. I haven’t covered every leak of late because it’s exhausting and demoralizing.

Frankly, nearly everyone capable of rational thought in this matter has long ago defected from Team Vaxx. The normies still boosting themselves senseless, for the most part, are unable or unwilling to comprehend the crimes committed against them in the name of Public Health©.

The lies are exhausting. Pushing back on the COVID propaganda is like trying to argue with your compulsive liar mother-in-law. When you corner one lie, she slips through the net, unconstrained by the laws of physics that limit honest people. More lies lead to a never-ending game of Whac-a-Mole.

Anonymous said...


The ecumenical psuedo-religious right, including opus dei who control the federalist soceity, oor US Supreme Court, the CIA, the FBI and, largely, the GOP (Desantis, Hawley, Cruz, and many more).

You naively think fighting alongside/partnering with roman catholics, with roman catholics at the head of the table, is going to advance Christianity.

I disagree.

lifesitenews might be ripping on the pope today but they represent the well-funded, implanted organization within the roman catholic institution that hopes to promote a monstrous pope someday.

Are you familiar with Jones Day? This is all much more alarming than a few LGBTQ book burnings across the country.

How Jones Day's 'conservative machine' helped shape policy in the Trump administration


Anonymous said...

X states "I disagree".

NO WAY! That's a first. LOL

Anonymous said...

Rayb @ 10:37am

None of the supposed lies quoted by zerohedge were actual lies when said. Over 90% efficacy against infection and severity, death and transmission reductions were well-established in early months of 2021.

I'll provide you again (presuming you missed it) with a great video I shared above just last night explaining and debunking this crazy misunderstanding about what Janine Small said and what happened.

None of the covid vaccine manufacturers did pre-market transmission testing. They merely quickly showed infection prevention efficacy. Post-market analysis is when severity, death and transmission efficacy was obtainable, obtained and monitored (it was also anticipated and reported that vaccine efficacy wanes).

Here's the video explaining this. You may want to apologize for quoting a disinformation article improperly calling people liars.

Does the Pfizer Vaccine Stop Transmission?


Anonymous said...

10:45 am

The lies are exhausting. Pushing back on the ANTI-VAXX propaganda is like trying to argue with your compulsive liar mother-in-law. When you corner one lie, she slips through the net, unconstrained by the laws of physics that limit honest people. More lies lead to a never-ending game of Whac-a-Mole.

You'd think Rayb would be ashamed. This whole line of silly history re-writing is coming off as desperate. There was no LIE revealed. It's exactly how things happened and were studied, evidenced and reported in real time over 2020 & 2021 as the vaccines came to emergency use to save the lives of an estimated 20 million persons.


Anonymous said...

Lefty lies called out in a spectacular way!

The left foments non-stop hate.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are sick, J.
Praying you recover quickly.

Anonymous said...

"You naively think fighting alongside/partnering with roman catholics, with roman catholics at the head of the table, is going to advance Christianity."

No he doesn't.
God advances His own message.
RayB knows that and posts accordingly.

But you---you actually, not naively but willfully, have mixed the Lord's pure Gospel message with your anti-Bible humanist message.
You prod and provoke to political ends---to a establish a "protestant party" to run this country. You advance your own type of kingdom now message with a new age/new world order manifest as it's goal.

That idolatrous Xhristian X, and it is you who plays the hypocrite to the 9's.

Anonymous said...

11:19 am

Sadly, there aren't enough Christians remaining in the US to form their own dominant (majority, not dominionist) political party.

I don't even find it likely or possible in America for the group of remaining Christians to coalesce into one political group devoid of all heresy and heretics. Certainly, such group would attempt to cast a wide net and bring in lots of Christians and psuedo-christians under one big umbrella and that would probably be its undoing. But one can hope.

My hope for an independent 3rd party of Protestant Christians was that they might operate as an independent moderate balance between the far-left and their youthful exuberance and the ultra-conservative far right roman catholic sponsored extremists.

Currently, the US Senate is 50/50 -- if just ONE Senator was some sort of independent Protestant Party representative, he/she could weild incredible and effective power (but not abosolute -- conquest - dominionist power).

It's not a function of the church anyway but it would be so nice to trust a biblical political party. Can you imagine how wonderful that would be?


RayB said...

X states:

'You naively think fighting alongside/partnering with roman catholics, with roman catholics at the head of the table, is going to advance Christianity.'


When it comes to Roman Catholicism, (as is true for all false religions), I hate the errors, false practices, and heresies that are declared by the hierarchy, because false religiosity keeps people in a state of obedient bondage to a complex system of works, merits, and, eventually, Purgatory, etc. The law puts people in bondage. The Spirit sets people free (entire Epistle to the Galatians). I want people to be free, and the only path to being free is the truth as it is revealed, by God's grace, in God's COMPLETE word, as opposed to out of context fragments of Scripture.

Contrary to you, I do not hate the Catholic people. In fact, many of my friends now, and throughout my life, have been and are Catholics. I've known quite a few whose lives would put to shame the typical 'Bible believing Baptist.' Having said that, I'm under no delusion that the hierarchy of the RCC is going to advance Biblical Christianity, because it is in direct contrast to the system that they uphold.

Your problem, X, is that you HATE the Catholic people. You are totally obsessed with opus dei, which has led you to believe, and, declare, all kinds of weird conspiratorial connections to it. You happen to be the ONLY person that I am aware of that harps on this literally 24/7. That in itself should cause you some concern.

RayB said...

Just what America needs ... a "Protestant" political party that advances the agenda
of the fanatical liberal Dr. X! If that ever happens, I'm moving to Cuba.

RayB said...

Medical Officials Are Among the Most Corrupt and Most Criminal People on Earth

by Paul Craig Roberts

From the article:

Here is a video of Dr. Nass being questioned by a Maine attorney general trying to cast aspersion on her and then by her own lawyer in order to bring out the real facts. If the American people stand for this level of corrupt practices by medical licensing boards, the American people are dead meat.

Dr. Nass and her lawyer think that facts will prevail, but facts have no more to do with the outcomes of American justice than they did in the death sentences given to Soviet geneticists and to Bukharin whose show trials were used to enforce a false narrative. In the Western world today, false narratives rule while people who state facts and attend rallies are prosecuted.

NOTE: After 42 years of impeccable care provided to her patients, Dr. Nass had her license to practice medicine suspended. The reason? Not because of medical malpractice, but, because she merely VOICED her opinions regarding alternative treatments for COVID 19, which have, incidentally, been proven to be very effective. A troublemaker filed a complaint accusing Dr. Nass of "disinformation," and for THAT, she lost her license!

This is what medical tyranny looks like ... all financed by Big Pharma!

Anonymous said...


I don't hate Catholics and you know it. I have many Catholic friends as well. I voted for Biden, a Catholic himself. I oppose Rome as you say you do, I just refuse to align myself with the most dangerous ulta-conservative elitist wing(s) of the roman catholic institution.

I'm more and more shocked by how many connections I'm seeing to Opus Dei but, I'm not obsessed with them any more than I'm obsessed with "the family", the hoover institute, etc.

Opus Dei in particular controls the GOP -- the Maga GOP even moreso. That's why they get talked about more often.


Anonymous said...

Constance and Rich both noted your ugliness against Catholics, X.

How about you hold your own feet to the fire to examine your motives and words and leave others to the same about themselves?
You're in no position to criticize others, but you do it like drawing a breath.
You are not the Holy Spirit for other people. Try listening to Him yourself.
Get over your self-righteous crap and tend to your own knittin'..

Anonymous said...

Konnech's Shocking "Back-Door" Access Into U.S. Election Data: Network Diagram
Los Angeles County prosecutors allege "Chinese contractors" had "superadministration" access to “astounding” amounts of data in what is "probably the largest data breach in United States history.”

RayB said...

But why? Aren't these 'vaccines' perfectly safe?? Why would they be worried about injury liability??

The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability

From the article:

A CDC committee will convene this week and likely vote Thursday to deliver permanent legal indemnity to Pfizer and Moderna, through the process of adding the drug companies’ mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules.

By adding the shots to the childhood schedule, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will transfer liability for vaccine injuries to the federal government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), allowing for Pfizer and Moderna to finally bring an FDA approved shot to the market without opening itself up to lawsuits. Moreover, it will act as another windfall for companies that have already brought in hundreds of billions of dollars in revenues, by requiring these vaccinations for children who attend public schools.

Read more here:

Anonymous said...

3:01 pm --- You go first


Anonymous said...

The reason vaxx/anti-vaxx is still in the news is because our government, others too, are not done making us all comply or face penalty (will get more strict to penalize) for not following their orders about it.
Some of this has already happened, and it is not going away. A real battle on that front is shaping up and sooner not later. The Great Reset will use tactics like this in the new economy they are proposing.
Getting it scheduled for children is ridiculous but will become the law they lay down or there will be bad consequences. Globalism will use force when enticements through reward don't get the job done.

Anonymous said...

How about you just go?

Constance and Rich mentioned you very specifically on your hating Catholics issue.

Blogworld knows they are right about that.

Nobody owes you the time of day.
Get over your pride if you expect respect.
Be a man and step up when they call you out.
But you get no respect for many reasons--this issue just one of your hate issues.
Losers resort to hate. You win that prize.

Anonymous said...

4:12 pm

You go first...I'll be right behind you. No need to check.

I DID respond to Rich's criticism. Rich merely mentioned he and Mrs. Cumbey discussed me, she never criticized me on this forum directly and I think Rich just misread some of my posts without recognizing that I, like Rayb, criticize Rome, not everyday individual catholics who aren't familiar with Rome's maniacal institutions and intentions.

Rayb used to LIKE my posts prior to me signing my posts and indicating I was not a part of his qanon trump cult & maga tribe.

Anyway, take care and God bless.


p.s. - J hope you feel better. I anticipate you're vaccinated and aren't likely to endure too much difficulty; but, I do hear the most recent variant can be a little harsh. If it's sunny in your neck of the woods get noonday sun (1pm usually) if and when you can. Natural sun-derived Vitamin D is much more immuno-boosting than supplements.

Anonymous said...

It is gain of function.

It is on purpose.

RayB said...

Another lie from the guy that just can't stop lying ...

X states:

"Rayb used to LIKE my posts prior to me signing my posts and indicating I was not a part of his qanon trump cult & maga tribe."

NOTE: I NEVER liked X's posts, and opposed his fake, liberal 'christianity' from the very start.

Furthermore, he continues to lie that I am a follower of Qanon ... I never have been and he knows it, but he continues to spread this slander.

Seriously. This guy has absolutely no conscience whatsoever ... it's been seared with a hot iron.

Anonymous said...

Retired US Army Lt. General Michael Flynn building a movement, waging a spiritual war ... from QAnon to Christian Nationalism


Anonymous said...

I've already linked qanon posts made by Rayb 3 times and as far as him digging on my posts prior to me using the name X ...and as annoying as it was to go find it ... here it is...

August 2020: Rayb said to me when I was still an anonymous poster...

(around the 100th post on the page...I don't actual post numbers)

Rayb said:
Anon @ 10:38 AM ...

Excellent post with a LOT of spiritual insight. I was particularly struck by this comment:

"The Spirit of the Living God comes to live and dwell inside the heart, sits at the seat--the core--of the life to empower it so walking by faith and growing in it is how we advance from the old way of thinking and doing to the new--that new life in the Lord longer slaves of sin."

Anonymous said...

Raby is a Qanon poster

(this is a repeat of a post answering Ray the first time many threads ago when he asked for proof he posts racist qanon stuff...again, Ray must have missed it)

RayB recently claimed: "X, I am not a 'white nationalist,' nor a 'white supremacist,' nor have I EVER followed Q-Anon."

1. You continually post white nationalist propaganda including specific out of context and random links to black crime as well as links to racist and antisemetic material from I have listed racists posts made by you before so at this point you are just pretending.

2. You claim you NEVER followed Qanon well the whole election fraud thing you keep posting about is qanon as well as much of the vaccine disinformation. Maga has melded into Qanon and the conspiracies are no longer separate.

But knowing you often ask for's some qanon Trump worshipping post you made in 2018 that never came true (more cRayQ lies).

RayB said @ 8:56 AM: "To Anon @ 10:13 AM: "You are 1000% correct. Trump's move against the massive, Satanic, pedophile ring is unlike anything that has taken place in world history. Pedophilia is widespread among the world's elite, many of which reside within the Beltway."

RayB said @ 10:07 AM: "The following further emphasizes the truth of Anon's 10:13 PM post above: Dr. Dave Janda (Orthopedic Surgeon, Christian) is interviewed by Greg Hunter. Dr. Janda shares his knowledge regarding the massive crackdown on child trafficking and pedophilia, orchestrated by none other than President Trump. Very informative material, but, very disturbing. Be forewarned ..."

Ray @ 11;40am "...The Clintons, along with others, set up "charitable foundations" which gave them the ability to accept "donations" under the guise of "charity." The Clintons continue to run a criminal operation and have broken numerous laws, but for whatever reason, they have remained relative unscathed by it all. However, keep in mind, the Clintons are only the tip of the iceberg."


You don't get more Qanon than Dr. Dave Janda and claiming [false idol} Trump was on the verge of busting up huge pedophile rings and the Clinton Foundation as the center of some money laundering operation is also top shelf Qanon.


Anonymous said...


Time for that apology....AGAIN.


Anonymous said...

More on Retired US Army Lt. General Michael Flynn

Michael Flynn leads a Kenneth Copeland church in Nebraska in occultic prayer October 2021

Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign the 9:34 AM was posted by me.


Anonymous said...

Nord Stream - Did Russia Just Expose THIS?

RayB said...

The Chi-Coms pay the Vatican $2 BILLION annually. The Vatican in return does not criticize the despotic regime, and, the officially atheist Chi-Coms get to pick Communist-friendly Bishops. If this isn't a deal with the Devil, what is?

Vatican Renews Controversial Deal with COMMUNIST China on Bishop Appointments

From the article:

ROME — The Vatican has renewed its 2018 accord with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the naming of Catholic bishops in the country, Italian media revealed Wednesday.

The secret agreement, whose exact contents have never been disclosed, was originally signed by the two parties in September 2018 and then renewed for two years in October 2020. The deal cedes unspecified authority on the appointments to the CCP, effectively guaranteeing that no bishop will be named that does not meet with Beijing’s approval.

PS: Keep in mind, the 'Pope' is the authoritative leader over the souls of over 1.2 BILLION people, with influence upon many more. There is barely a day that goes by where the 'Pope' isn't in the news ...

Anonymous said...


The Pope seems to hate Trump. But he fellowships with Biden. Speaks volumes!

Anonymous said...


Check out the video link I posted @ 10:21 AM

I'm not a huge fan of Russell Brand, but he does a great job of exposing the lunacy of the western media's Nord Stream accusations.

Anonymous said...

The Pope and all New Age, inside and outside of all flavors of Churchanity, Marxists, Soros, Solana, and Schwab, etc all, all globalists hate what Trump represents..and us, people who love freedom for all, not the free-for-all license pushed down the throats of everybody, in order to one size fits all enslave people in their vices so they are easy to manipulate by said globalists. That is the bait and switch the globalists use to get the world signed on to their scheme. Using health and climate scares, resource/food scares, economic scares, in abandoning real life freedom scares, election scares, creating divisions and factions for racist scares that have been trending toward reduction in the modern more homogenized age, but all these scare tactics are used in favor of social engineering projects to control the world's peoples. Welcome to the Brave New World these godless egomaniacs have planned for us whether we like it or not!

The abuses of power in our own government (the real fascists with government sponsored terrorism ploys) in the name of "protecting our Democracy", which btw we were set up as a Republic by our actual history which some are bound and determined to rewrite, that allowed for the proper bends and flexes that go with the needs of "we the people" but with freedoms still guaranteed and safe guarded in a fair election system but not enforced and maintained-so that all is now hijacked by TPTB, who have undercut and/or thrown overboard the very freedoms of speech and so many other fundamental God-given rights, proving that this country is not recognizable as a free republic any longer.
It is because they have been allowed to serve themselves rather than us, who placed thier hands on the Bible and swore to protect and serve us but thrust that aside to take complete advantage of that--------to the great disadvantage and have rendered actual harm and destruction to us all, our former way of life, in our current times with a forfeit of every common good, every decent and fair shake for all the people of this nation, and the world.

And we can't say we weren't warned. It sure fits the current age in human life upon the earth.
Psalm 2 says the heathen rage and people imagine a vain thing. Don't they though?
God, the King, is over the flood..Psalm 29:10. It's a global flood of dissipation and ruin with His Plan still in place for the real Rescue, for those whose hearts want to be governed by Him and not by wicked human devices.

Anonymous said...


10:47 PM

X, QAnon has infiltrated the alt-right news media to the point that it has become Trump gospel to his supporters. All of the comments you posted by RayB are QAnon talking points.

QAnon is a repackaged 1920's "Trust" operation implemented by Vladimir Lenin. It was a military counterintelligence psyop designed to target dissidents. The plan was multipurpose, but in part, was to deceive the Russian people (and the West) that Communism was weakened/dying and that there was a secret movement to restore capitalism to Russia. The disinformation and deception was so successful that Communism was strengthened.

I think it was you, X, who commented that a lot of Russian propaganda is getting posted. Speculation on my part, but I'm wondering if Russia is behind the QAnon movement. Considering Mike Flynn's ties to Russia and purported Russian interference in the US elections, along with Trump and Trump team's ties to Russia, I think it's a likely possibility.


Anonymous said...


I'm sorry to learn that you are sick with Covid. I hope you're feeling better by now. Please get some rest and don't spend much time thinking about the evils of Trump. That would make anyone sick.


Anonymous said...


Did you also see the documentary Mrs. Cumbey pointed us to about "The Family" and how Russia became deeply involved and incorporated into such new age psuedo-christian GOP movement?

In other words, the ties and sources aren't necessarily being coordinated and communicated via Russia at all. Russia just had to pretend to be a Christian nation in alliance with certain elements within the GOP and the conquest of dominionism.

The Russian orthodox "pope" even made peace with the vatican.

Ultimately it's pretty obvious that the disinformation IS the real conspiracy.

The CDC, WHO, FDA and politicians make mistakes. Their human and faced with a novel virus, it's hard to get things right. We are actually better off that many governments and places in the world did things differently such that we can, someday, go back and assess the successes and failures of the battle against Covid. Good or bad it was people doing their individual (capitalist) jobs.


J said...

Thank you to those who expressed get well wishes. My family's symptoms are mild. The most relentless symptom for my husband and I both, is a sore throat.

But the data day by day from the pulse oximeter says our blood oxygen levels continue to decline little by little. I use multiple fingers on both hands each time, and I make sure the tip of the finger is pushed back all the way. I don't completely trust the pulse oximeter, but the readings say that our levels are declining relative to the previous readings. I do know the first few times I tried the pulse oximeter after purchasing it last year, my readings were always consistently 100%. But I didn't use it on anybody else in the family at the time.

We're still not in the danger zone of 90% or below, and I doubt very much we will get there.

And pulse oximeter readings don't correlate at all with my symptoms of brain fog and light headedness. I'm mostly over those symptoms, yet my pulse oximeter readings are worse than they were.

Despite the mild nature of these (I assume) Omicron variant symptoms, it remains a weird illness. The lowering blood oxygen isn't the only weird thing. The other weird thing is that everybody in my circle who got sick had a surge of energy immediately before hand. This could contribute to spreading it, too.

After my husband tested positive, I went out to get groceries, wearing a mask just in case I had it, too but didn't test positive yet. I got funny looks from a few people, because most people are no longer wearing masks.

I wish people would stop viewing everybody's health choices as emblems of their political positions and would stop looking at in a black and white way, as if there is only one good set of choices that is supporting a good agenda and another set of choices that is supporting an evil agenda. I assume the people giving me funny looks for my mask wearing were conservative and saw me as a lefty continuing to support tyranny or something like that.

On the other hand, my husband's friend who also got sick, keeps calling him up and berating him that he didn't get his booster shot. That's getting very old, too.

People just need to back off and give people room to make their own health choices as they see fit.

My son has a tic disorder that gets worse from everything immune stimulating. Because of this I will not vaccinate him. Besides that as a teen-age boy, he is more vulnerable to myocarditis.

Yet I can anticipate that somebody (Richard Bowen?) will attack me for being "lukewarm" just because I support individual freedoms for people to do what is best for their own families.

And I expect some people find it unwelcome that I undermined the narrative that COVID is no worse than a cold or the flu, because of the pulse oximeter readings I shared.

I do appreciate it, though, when people have the grace just to be nice about it and back off from their political opinions when they are faced with another person who is ill.

Before Trump wanted to keep his economy from tanking before the election, conservatives had a tendency to be MORE concerned about diseases, not less. In fact, Natural News continued to carry on this way throughout the whole thing. That was interesting that people were able to compartmentalize enough to like both Trump and Natural News.

J said...

I feel well enough to return to this now.

The Real Hoax

There is ample evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. Here’s how he convinced people otherwise.

Anonymous said...

"People just need to back off and give people room to make their own health choices as they see fit."

(and glad you and your husband are mending)

But J,
I'm sorry, the little comment about 'before Trump' is a somewhat back-handed slap at people like me. Of course, you will say I'm defensive again--but I say some things --our choices of free minds and wills still need defended...that you don't seem to defend as much now. Your trust might be too much in the hands of TPTB to defend us?? I sure hope not. But that is the slippery slope the nation is on right this moment. That is exactly what I see and where we are differing.
Because it is that overplayed and heavy hand that does not make room for what you ultimately want, and me too.
The Media and our Government in cahoots means people were played. The general public with too much trust where it should not be, should be instead between docs and patients so those individual options are kept in a proper scope and perspective but now are much more out of those hands. I applaud your health choices and want them protected, not hijacked as has been done in Liberal Progressive America that took the issues away in a large sense from President Trump at the time and others just like myself. The options got short-circuited by the very ideas that we can't or won't make good choices ourselves as has been done beforehand. That is the liberal socialist mindset. There are people who will never make good health choices, or good choices just to get along in society, but now we have overlords to "protect" us from that.
Common sense and fair play used to handle the negative factors out there is society that go with irresponsibility. But those good things have been abdicated in favor of the lordship of enslaving elites in and out of government.
That option is exiting the train station now.
In it's place a 'new sheriff' has come to town and playing for keeps. All freedoms are to be metered out at their behest and as this goes along you might find that people did a real over-correction on these very points---------to the great harm of us all. This ain't over by a long shot.
My two cents. You have yours.
I am glad you are better.

J said...

The next thing I want to discuss is Trump's association with people who were widely rumored to conduct blackmail operations. The first one was Roy Cohn, Trump's fixer before he died of AIDS.

The second one was Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump has proved he was interested in classified documents, since he had some at Mar a Lago. And he is on record as bragging that he has classified documents that allow him to blackmail a senator.

I wonder what it could possibly mean for Trump to very publicly say, "I wish her well," after Ghislaine Maxwell was found and taken into custody.

Several people who worked for Trump have reported that he questioned them as to whether they knew if Ghislaine Maxwell had said anything about him.

J said...

12:54 PM,

I could have said it better, and I'm sorry for how I put it.

I will turn my attention researching Joe Biden next, as I promised I would.

I decided not to write about the investigations Trump that are still in play. People can choose to research them on their own. They are much easier to find due to being current.

Anonymous said...

I don’t have the link but ghislaine was just interviewed the other day by a Brit paper, I think, and very specifically indicated she was happy or thought it nice Trump had wished her well.

Maybe a signal she’ll keep his secrets and he doesn’t need to have her killed too??


J said...

First, Ashley Biden's diary. It is disturbing if it can be verified.

James O'Keefe of Project Veritas, hardly a Biden supporter, says in this video ...

... that he chose not to publish the diary's contents because he could not authenticate that it actually belonged to Ashley Biden.

J said...

I chose this source because it is derived from a book written by a Politico journalist (Ben Schreckinger), and Politico tends to lean left.

Independent Source Confirms Authenticity of Damning Hunter Biden Emails

J said...

X 1:17 PM,

Anything is possible, keeping in mind that Michael Cohen - who would know - stated that Trump gives his orders mob boss style.

J said...

Voicemail of Joe Biden to Hunter Biden: "I think you're clear," after a New York Times article about Hunter Biden's involvement with a Chinese oil businessman.

J said...

Some of the allegations against Joe Biden check out to some extent. But not all of them. It is true that he had a conflict of interest in Ukraine. But it's not true that was the only reason for reforming the prosecutor general's office in Ukraine.

Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office

Senator Chuck Grassley was among the senators supporting reform of the prosecutor general's office in Ukraine. Chuck Grassley does not seem at all to be biased in favor of Biden. In fact, this 2020 article says he accused the FBI and the DOJ of burying dirt on Hunter Biden.

Anonymous said...

"I decided not to write about the investigations Trump that are still in play."

That is how I feel.

Ashley Biden's diary has been verified as hers as far as I have read--will look for that source again to be sure and it was smart of O' Keefe to wait for that very thing. That is how we should go about finding the truth. Digging and digging and generous amounts of time for it. Hunter's laptop and her diary handed over to a woke and basically criminal FBI that has done it's level best to keep us from knowing (especially just before an election) is egregious behavior. I trust them as far as I can throw them. Mueller investigation costs lot of money and here we kind of knew but now know the Russia colluder is Hillary. Trying to keep Assange and Snowden's work hidden is why I believe Trump (Manafort and others) was set up. I think too much has come out now to say otherwise. And Durham's work showed what the gov powers were up to...but what consequences? None. Establishment (swamp ) DC protects it's own. Trump is not their owm. So I at this point will take a lot of what is in print against him and treat it very lightly---until it really shows us he was up to nothing but no good. Michael Cohen got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and will say anything at this point is how I view that weasel. I want to know what really became of Seth Rich. I think that hinges the underlying everything the left has been we shall see....

That is what has bothered me all along. The rush to judgment because of election cycles.
And frankly the Democrats are desperate...with a losing agenda that needs a ton of hype and loud screaming for attention since they need to crash things that Trump was building so our economy can join the Reset well on it's way. Timing can be everything......

J said...

3:18 PM,

You're right. Even NBC news reported that the FBI was investigating the Project Veritas link to Ashely Biden's stolen diary.

This is a relatively balanced article written by a real journalist who used to cover a police beat. The author of the diary refers to Beau and Hunter. Other details line up. This, in spite of the apparent bias of Robert Kurlander and the apparent profit motive of both Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander.

Aimee Harris & Robert Kurlander: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Anonymous said...

Biden laptop and diary issues..
So the creepy stuff is real.

And DC is covering for them.

J said...

This is a relatively balanced article about the Durham probe.

Durham loses again in court, but trial airs FBI flaws

Anonymous said...

So now he is saying he has many suspicions and there are too many unanswered questions? And wondering about the several calls made and refused in advance of Jan6 for security because Pelosi and Mayor Bowser dismissed them? Very suspicious in my book.
And I was at that place from the get-go wondering the same.
I've got a lot of hard questions to ask these people. Not because I could change a damn thing--but because I want to at least know the truth they're hiding.

And a deleted twitter video with crowd yelling antifa!

How many other videos are not shown that paint a different picture? How many plants were within the bunch to egg it all on?

I remain very skeptical about most any and everything coming out of DC (and the "media mafia")

Anonymous said...

I think Jonathan Turley is spot on (regarding above post of Kinzinger suspicions).

... Kinzinger also insisted “there’s a lot of answers we simply don’t have.” That may be due to a lot of questions that the Committee had not asked in the highly scripted, one-sided proceedings...

Anonymous said...

Study: If you had COVID, several of your organs could be aging 3-4 years faster

Excerpt:SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) - If you had COVID, chances are several of your organs could be aging three or four years faster.

A lead scientist behind a long-COVID study says getting infected multiple times could also worsen the aging process.

After more than two and a half years of COVID research, scientists say they are finally seeing the first data points that prove a dramatic change in human organs after a COVID infection.

“You can start thinking about getting COVID almost as an accelerant to aging. The viral infection accelerates the aging process in people,” said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center and chief of research and education service with St. Louis Health Care.

Al-Aly has gathered data from millions of people across the country through studies that include kidney, brain and heart outcomes with long COVID.

All reportedly showed similar patterns, pointing to multiple human organs aging faster after COVID, with the majority happening in those who were hospitalized but also some with mild COVID symptoms.

“We have seen that people are losing about three to four percent kidney function in the year following that infection. That usually happens with three to four years of aging,” Al-Aly said.

Dr. Michael Peluso, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, was recently shown that research.

Peluso’s team was one of the first in the country to begin long-COVID research in April 2020. The doctor said his team has an idea of why some organs may be experiencing aging or injury after COVID.

“Some of the theories for what may be causing long-COVID symptoms include the persistence of the virus. So, instead of the virus coming and going, it sticks around causing inflammation, auto-immune problems and changes in the microbiome,” Peluso said.

Even though more years of data are necessary, Al-Aly believes this increased aging process will stop.

“My hunch from the data and my hope is that it eventually flattens out. There are some early indications that this may be the case and that the kidney function decline flattens out with time,” Al-Aly said.


p.s. - Seems like we are getting closer to an explanation for all these recent excess deaths and why the previously infected unvaccinated are suffering more long covid and dying at higher rates around the world.

Anonymous said...

‘The Five’ weighs in after a fired NYT editor slammed the paper for going woke
102,443 views Oct 19, 2022

Calling it like they see it.

Anonymous said...

"the previously infected unvaccinated are suffering more long covid and dying at higher rates around the world."

X and his happy dreams.
It is so weird he is that infatuated with Covid.

J said...

I've seen mixed reviews on whether the vaccine is protective against long COVID. Some studies have shown an anti-protective effect. Some have shown a protective effect.

I would think it would be difficult to compare a vaccinated group to an infected group, since there is so much overlap between the two. Vaccinated people get infected.

It's the same problem with comparing teen-age boys who were vaccinated versus infected to see if the vaccine has a higher myocarditis rate than the wild type viral infection. Vaccinated teen-age boys can be infected.

I think this make it far more difficult to tell.

RayB said...

Are you still under the delusion that the Dems' J6 Committee is not based upon politics?

J6 Committee tries to save Hochul in NY governor’s race with meaningless leak about Lee Zeldin

From the article:

We already knew that the January 6 Committee of the House of Representatives was a partisan, illegitimate effort, denying Republican leadership the right to name its own members. Yesterday, the committee confirmed this status with a leak intended to hurt the gubernatorial campaign of GOP Rep. Lee Zeldin, who is closing in on Democrat Kathy Hochul in the polls. Such activity has nothing at all to do with the committee’s charter or legitimate activities.

The New York Sun reports:

Congressman Lee Zeldin’s jump in the polls in the New York Governor’s race looks to have spooked the Democrats — including the solons of the January 6 Committee. How else to explain the committee’s apparent attempt to intervene in a gubernatorial election by leaking Mr. Zeldin’s texts with President Trump’s chief of staff? The leak comes as the race has tightened to the degree that RealClear Politics reckons it to be a toss-up.

Far from a bombshell, the leaked exchange draws no blood. Yet what is the January 6 committee doing, issuing any leaks calculated to sway a state election contest for governor? We, for one, find it a shocking development. The Daily News says Mr. Zeldin’s exchange was “revealed in logs obtained by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection,” then “shared online” by reporter Hunter Walker.Albany’s Times-Union calls the text exchange “leaked.”

Read the rest of it here:

RayB said...

I read so much in here about 'Christian Nationalism.'

Why is it that I don't know of a single Christian that identifies as a Christian Nationalist?

In fact, I'm not all that sure what it even means myself, although I have seen some attempts to link it with 'White Supremacy.'

Help me out. What is the general PERCEIVED definition of 'Christian Nationalism?'

PS: I did post a story regarding the renewed, Christ-denying deal between the evil Communist Chinese and the Vatican. Is that a concern of anyone in here? Any comments regarding this Linda, Constance, J?

J said...

I don't understand this singling out of myself, Linda and Constance as being somehow being called on the carpet to answer for the dealings between the CCP and the Vatican.

RayB said...


You, Linda and Constance are not being singled out, nor am I 'calling anyone on the carpet' over this. I'm just trying to draw some attention to this serious matter by having others offer their take on it.

We have the leader of a purported Christian sect that claims its membership to be 1.2 BILLION adherents. He also happens to have an enormous stage from which he disseminates his religious, economic, social and political positions, literally, to the entire world. What he says, and what he does is extremely important.

Christians (along with many others) in China are being brutally persecuted by the evil Communist regime, and Rome enters into a congenial agreement with their persecutors.

I've taken a stand on it; I call it evil, treacherous and Satanic.

What do others think about it?

J said...

RayB 10:17 PM,

Of course I agree with you that it is evil.

J said...

I think I have one more thing to relay about Donald Trump, and that is the very weird relationship he had with his first wife, Ivana. He was demeaning to her in the 1980s, stating publicly that he paid her one dollar a year, plus all the dresses she could buy. He paid her $250,000 for each child she had.

When he was starting to have a receding hairline, she set him up with a scalp surgeon, who surgically removed the hairless patch and joined the skin that had hair. The resulting scalp wound was painful for him, and he was not happy with its appearance. He reacted by blaming and attacking Ivana. When he attacked her, he pulled out big handfuls of her hair, then had angry sexual intercourse with her, after having had no intimate relations for eighteen months. She was left crying to two of her friends.

His very public affair with Marla Maples while he was still married to Ivana speaks for itself.

Then Ivana suddenly fell down the stairs just the day before the Trumps' scheduled court appearance. She was weirdly buried at Trump's golf course.

Yes, I know, she famously said, "Don't get mad. Get everything." She was every bit as transactional as her husband, even accepting money payments for each child she had.

Yes, she had financial motives, but this does not automatically make her story false. The people who tried to sell Ashley Biden's diary also had financial motives.

Megan Kelly was planning to ask Trump about all of this at the first debate. Trump went after Megan Kelly like a mob boss, to the extent that Fox News paid for security to protect her life.

She watered down the question she had been planning to ask about Ivana's claim of marital rape, instead asking about derogatory comments Trump made about women.

Because Megan Kelly dared to ask even this much, Breitbart relentlessly attacked her for years.

She was one of the first examples of what happens to a conservative who does not treat Donald Trump as if he is infallible.

I never watched Megan Kelly, and I would never even think of her, if not for the very public and relentless ways in which she was maid to pay for her disloyalty. I would barely know she exists if she had not been made an example of.

I doubt if Trump was even concerned about the claim of marital rape. His base wouldn't have minded it. They likely would have responded without a second thought, and without a look at the complete story, that Ivana was out for divorce money and that her word was not to be trusted. I think he would have been humiliated for people to know he had scalp surgery and that he fought like a girl by pulling out gobs of his wife's hair when he became enraged at the result of the surgery.

The history of Donald's treatment of Ivana says a lot about him, and it does not say anything good.

Anonymous said...

Let's look at some history (not news stories speculations) real time history.

Criminal history...

Anonymous said...

J @ 8:43 AM

That's It? Nothing else to say?

Then @ 10:28 AM, J the gnat strainer extraordinaire, raises the dead once again! Blah bitty blah, blah, blah! BORING!

Anonymous said...

"This is a relatively balanced article about the Durham probe.

Durham loses again in court, but trial airs FBI flaws"



Anonymous said...

"Fell Off the Face of the Earth" - ABC Journalist Is Missing Since April - When FBI Seized Classified Documents From His Laptop in 'Lightning' Home Raid

J said...

10:40 AM,

You hypocrite, why don't you say something about it? I haven't noticed you or anybody else saying anything in response.

You deceiver, you are playing dumb. You know I'm responding to RayB's challenge for me to back up my statement that Donald Trump is evil.

Anonymous said...

Frankenfetter wants in the Washington, D.C. mix.

How low can things go with "choices" like this one?

Anonymous said...

Synagogue of Satan J, believes Trump is evil. But only perhaps a tenth as evil, as President Satan, AKA Joe O'Biden??? They are all at least a little evil J. But we will never know, because J is too busy being New Age, Gobalist, Ultra Leftist, Constance's 'bird dog'.

Anonymous said...

How the New Normal Authorities Have Been Able to Gaslight the Masses

Anonymous said...

More wine of the wrath of her fornication. How much longer until God wipes the U.S. off the face of the earth?

State Department funding 'drag theater performances' in Ecuador to 'promote diversity and inclusion'

J said...

11:04 AM,

It's so interesting to me that I earned the "Synagogue of Satan" moniker from you ... not by opposing the teachings of Jesus Christ ... but by providing examples of Trump's evil, upon request.

It says a lot about you. No matter how you might self-label, self-labels aren't always where it's always at. Sometimes it's in the accumulation of small choices.

J said...

Of further interest to me is that I got little to no response when I focused on Trump's moral failings. Suddenly when relayed a story that weakened his powerful image, by fighting like a girl and pulling out his wife's hair, THAT was when somebody out there apparently became triggered.

That speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

Yes J, it sticks to you like glue. The veil may be rent, but it still dangles in you, and Constance's eyes. You both deflect from the largest evils of the liberal left, while scouring the face of the whole earth looking for dirt on the right. It's your religion to compromise with the left. Has been for millenia. BORING!

Anonymous said...

I honestly did not read that post of yours J. I don't read all your glorious blather dear. Yes, Trump has done a lot of very wrong things in his life.

There are no Trump worshipers here J. You should realize that! But that stubborn veil thing!

Anonymous said...

oh no...

Biden approval rating up 10 points from July: survey

Anonymous said...

A CDC Panel Unanimously On Wednesday To Add Covid-19 Vaccination To The Recommended Childhood Schedule

Anonymous said...

Unanimously Voted

Anonymous said...

Fed Defending Dollar No Matter What Crashes - Catherine Austin Fitts

RayB said...

Your tax dollars at work; no wonder X says 'Christians' are flocking to the 'freedom party' (aka Democrats):

State Department Funds ‘Drag Theater Performances’ in Ecuador

PS: I wonder if Mayor Pete had anything to do with this?

RayB said...

More from our abortion loving Death Cult Leader (But, Orange Man EVIL):

Joe Biden Endorses Use of Taxpayer Funds to Help Women Afford Abortions

From the article:

'On Tuesday, he vowed that the first bill he would sign in January would be a bill making Roe v. Wade federal law if Democrats maintained their majorities in Congress.'

PS: I recall a certain somebody in here promising that Biden would end abortion. He sure has a strange way of going about it.

RayB said...

Sanity rules in Florida ... EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' will not be forced upon little children:

FL Surgeon General: Florida Children Will Not Be Required to Get the Coronavirus Jab, Regardless of CDC

Anonymous said...

Norman Lear Rips Donald Trump, Says Former President’s Recent “Appalling Words” About Jews Remind Him Why He Enlisted To Fight The Nazis

Excerpt: Norman Lear is 100 years old, yet the five-time Emmy winner still remembers the chilling moment more than 90 years ago when he says he heard “the vicious, Antisemitic voice of Father Coughlin railing against American Jews.”

Coughlin was a popular radio preacher in the early part of the 20th century who blamed the country’s problems on “international bankers…the media…communists,” all of which were coded references to age-old lies about Jewish cabals out to take over the world. In the days after the 1938 reign of violence in Germany known as Kristallnacht, Coughlin defended the Nazi regime. Earlier this week, former President Donald Trump claimed on social media that American Jews need to “get their act together” to show appreciation for Israel “before it’s too late.” ADL President Jonathan Greenblatt told CNN that Trump’s warning sounded like a threat. The former president went on to say American Jews’ sense of gratitude should also extend his way. “No President has done more for Israel than I have,” Trump wrote on social media, likely referencing in part his decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. “Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith.”

Today Lear wrote that Donald Trump’s “appalling words about American Jews” took him right back to that moment in the ’30s with Father Coughlin.

“I am nine years old again,” he wrote, before connecting the moment to another seminal period in his life — and the life of the country.

“I’m confident that that horrifying moment resulted in my early enlistment in WWII and the 52 combat missions over Nazi Germany that followed,” Lear stated, making the connection between U.S. antisemitism and the Nazi regime.

Anonymous said...

Rayb said I recall a certain somebody in here promising that Biden would end abortion. He sure has a strange way of going about it.

The election of Biden, I calculated to be much more likley to end Roe v Wade and the republican massacre of millions of babies since 1973 than another disastrous do-nothing Trump victory would have.

Biden's election has accomplished that.

My calculations were right and I think I may have even indicated what happens after that becomes an important political battle (which the GOP appears to be purposefully tanking by trying to ban all birth control and abortion without any common sense exceptions which is ridiculous after the GOP gave women unfettered abortions for nearly 50 years)

I think the GOP has completely missed the opportunity to lead on this issue but I didn't expect much of them with all that blood on their hands.


RayB said...

Comparing Donald Trump to the notorious anti-semite Catholic Priest Father Coughlin is about as absurd as one can get. Trump has NEVER indicated, in any way, that he is an anti-semite. NEVER.

Trump was merely admonishing American Jews for voting for consistently voting, in large numbers, for the Democrats. Nothing more. This attack on Trump is a typical example of the radical left completely distorting the facts in order to attack anything that even resembles conservatism.

A bit of REAL anti-semite history; throughout the Nazi's reign of terror of Jews (and Biblical Christians) in Nazi Germany, then Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt made it EXTREMELY difficult for German Jews to immigrate to America. Why? Was FDR an anti-semite? (German Jews wishing to immigrate to America were required to have 'sponsors,' which was very difficult, and cumbersome to obtain.

I find it amazing that American Jews express ANY loyalty to the Democrats, knowing that the Democrat President FDR was anything but friendly to them during that time of intense persecution.

By the way, FDR also expressed a high degree of racism as well with his forced internment, in concentration camps, of Japanese AMERICAN CITIZENS. If this wasn't based upon RACISM, why didn't FDR inter German American Citizens???

In reality, the Democrat Party has a very long history of racism. Recall, it was the REPUBLICAN Abraham Lincoln that signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which the Democrats hated. The Democrats RULED the South during the days of slavery, and opposed all attempts after the war to create equal rights.

RayB said...

More delusion from planet X:

"The election of Biden, I calculated to be much more likley (sic) to end Roe v Wade and the republican massacre of millions of babies since 1973 than another disastrous do-nothing Trump victory would have.

Biden's election has accomplished that."

NOTE: Rich admonished X for this lie. The truth of the matter is, that without the THREE USSC nominees of Donald Trump, there is no way that Roe v Wade would have been overturned had Hillary Clinton been elected. NO DOUBT, ALL of her nominees would have been pro-abortion picks. Biden's nominee for the USSC couldn't even state what a woman is. She also had a long history of pro-abortion statements (in spite of former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's expressed goofy confidence in her).

To give Biden credit for ending Roe v Wade is as crazy as it gets. But hey, it's an X post, so what else would you expect?

Anonymous said...


Rich didn't understand the whole history of the debate and my position on it and Mrs. Cumbey even agreed with my analysis.

Maybe you are talking about the 2016 election? In 2020 those opus dei Justices were already seated.

The GOP have controlled the US Supreme since the 1950's. Nobody needed to elect Trump to overturn Roe...the republican's could have done it at any time they wanted to post doing it in 1973. There was no need to hand over out US Supreme Court to Rome.


p.s. - The Democrats largely got out of the blatant racist game in the 1960's (give or take waiting on a contingent of racist southern democrats to die and hand their seats over to racist republicans).

So calling the dems racists for very old behavior while not owning the GOP's recent behavior killing millions of babies for the past 50 years is just really hypocritical, don't ya think?

Anonymous said...

Again Rayb,

I await your apology.

Do you ever own being wrong or, giving the benefit of the doubt, just mistaken about anything?


p.s. -I'm sure you really think of yourself as a very clever deceiver. However, we're not fooled by your foolish antics. If we mere mortals are not fooled, how do you think you are fooling God?? Repent, before it's too late.

RayB said...

X hilariously states:

"Rich didn't understand the whole history of the debate and my position on it and Mrs. Cumbey even agreed with my analysis."

I get it. When Rich called you out for telling the outrageous lie that Biden was responsible for overturning Roe v Wade (CONGRATULATIONS Joe Biden), it was very clear he completely understood the 'whole story.' NOW, you even drag Constance into your nuttiness. SHAME!

Anonymous said...

I'm not "dragging" Mrs. Cumbey into anything. She simply agreed with one of my posts a long time ago where I shared my opinion that the GOP used Roe v Wade as a carrot for years to get Chrietians to (foolishly) vote single issue straight ticket GOP and had it worked AGAIN for Trump in 2020, they'd have no incentive to overturn it.

Now that the takeover of the USSC is complete for Opus Dei, the name of the game is to destabilize more institutions and create as much chaos as possible.

Biden may present himself as pro-choice but he's a long time pro-life Democrat that favors a balanced nuanced approach and would sign a political compromise to achieve consensus.

Unfortunately, the GOP doesn't do it's set upon it own vision of the global reset so here we remain.


Anonymous said...

You full of baloney.
You are political, not spiritual.
I disregard every word you say, when I happen to read it, which I usually don't, anymore.

Anonymous said...

"that the GOP used Roe v Wade as a carrot for years to get Chrietians to (foolishly) vote single issue straight ticket GOP and had it worked AGAIN for Trump in 2020, they'd have no incentive to overturn it."

And with that she still voted Republican like many of us did.
I bet she did that as a vote of her conscience not a mindless vote because there is not perfect candidate or perfect party.

You play stupid games.

Your prize is now you are stupid.

RayB said...

X LOVES to give 'credit' and 'CONGRATULATIONS' to his idol, Death Cult Leader Biden, for 'ending Roe v Wade,' while ever since the USSC decision, Biden has done EVERYTHING to codify abortion into Federal Law.

X also neglects to point out that while EVERY Republican nominated Justice voted to end Roe, EVERY Democrat on the Court voted to keep it in place.

X also completely lied when he said the Rich agreed with his analysis as far as giving Biden credit for the decision. He didn't. In fact, Rich stated TWICE that X was lying by giving credit to Biden. As far as Constance is concerned, I NEVER once read where she credited Biden for ending Roe.

But, hey. According to X, he never lies. ROFL !

Anonymous said...

X keeps trying to explain some good reason for voting democrat.
Can't seem to ever get there since he has to 'splain it all the time.

So he keeps trying to cover the stink that goes with that.
There are 2 things wrong with that.

1-He is noseblind to his choices.

2-He has a guilty conscience.

Ok 3 things then..

3-He thinks we are supposed to care so he posts ad-nauseum about it---but we don't.

Anonymous said...

9:54 PM

Stupid is as stupid does.

RayB said...


Either copy and paste where Rich and Constance supported your 'Biden ended Roe' claim, or admit that you LIED. (He can't ... it never happened)

You should apologize to both Rich and Constance for lying about their position on this matter. Everyone knows, including YOU, that neither Rich or Constance ever gave Biden credit for ending Roe.

You should also apologize to those on this blog for being such a consistent, obnoxious liar.

RayB said...

This is what the Death Cult Democrats actually advance with their fanatical support of the butchers over at Planned Parenthood:

Just a few infamous quotes by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood:

“The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” — Woman and the New Race, Chapter 5, “The Wickedness of Creating Large Families.” (1920)

“We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…” — Sanger Letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, December 10, 1939

“Apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.” — Sanger, Margaret. “My Way to Peace,” Jan. 17, 1932. Margaret Sanger Papers, Library of Congress 130:198

“No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth…”
— Margaret Sanger, “America Needs a Code for Babies,” Article 6, March 27, 1934.

“A marriage license shall in itself give husband and wife only the right to a common household and not the right to parenthood.” — Margaret Sanger, “America Needs a Code for Babies,” Article 3, 27 Mar 1934.

Anonymous said...

And who has nothing but complained about the overturn of Roe v Wade ever since?
None other than X. Never happy X.

It was scrapped on the federal level and became a state's issue. Not happy.
And he still complained because state's were banning it, babies lives were being saved, and then he was mad they did because women would be 'harmed' in not being able to get medical procedures to end ectopic pregnancies which has never been banned. Not happy.
He just wants to keep hating Republicans, especially Conservatives, so he is never happy for moral and right decisions because he is a secular humanist and a christian fraud, which is spelled Xhristian. He gets what he deserves--being unhappy.
Imagine trying to live with or be employed by this piece of work.......

Anonymous said...


I didn't say Rich ever agreed with my analysis. He simply jumped to conclusions about my statement congratulating Biden (whose election made it happen) so I recall explaining it to him in more I have with you numerous times before and you deliberately obfuscate (lie). I don't recall Rich doubling down on chastizing me and he's entitled to speak for himself and share his own opinion here. Heck, even Mrs. Cumbey agreeing with me one time doesn't make me special or anything.

I looked earlier for that one post I recalled where Constance agreed with my statement about the GOP using roe v wade as a carrot (while never really wanting to repeal it for nearly 50 years). I couldn't find it. It's a needle in a haystack. There's really no good search feature here.

I also never said Mrs. Cumbey agreed Biden did it or deserved congrats for accomplishing it. That would be your own deliberate obfuscation (lie).

Why do you keep playing this twist and lie game with me when you never win? When I make an error or misstatement, I apologize. You are like 0-20 on this thread alone. Just apologize already and move on.


Anonymous said...

9:45 pm

You all are free to vote your conscience.

Funny other Christians aren't afforded the same luxury.

I'm an Independent voter who currently happens to be a registered republican.

Sometimes I mock the hypocritical position that it's not true, but I think a Christian can vote for either party. I know and love a very few remaining Trump supporters in my real life.

I will never understand a thinking patriotic Christian continuing to support MAGA.

I'll keep praying for you. I do so at least every week for all of you.


Anonymous said...

This is what the Death Cult Republican U.S. Supreme Court actually advance with their fanatical landmark Roe V Wade decision in 1974 opening the doors and legalizing the butchers over at Planned Parenthood (Margaret Sanger died a Republican -- switching party's once it was clear democrats were done being the racist party way back in the 1960's):

Just a few infamous quotes by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood:

“The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” — Woman and the New Race, Chapter 5, “The Wickedness of Creating Large Families.” (1920)

“We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…” — Sanger Letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, December 10, 1939

“Apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.” — Sanger, Margaret. “My Way to Peace,” Jan. 17, 1932. Margaret Sanger Papers, Library of Congress 130:198

“No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth…”
— Margaret Sanger, “America Needs a Code for Babies,” Article 6, March 27, 1934.

“A marriage license shall in itself give husband and wife only the right to a common household and not the right to parenthood.” — Margaret Sanger, “America Needs a Code for Babies,” Article 3, 27 Mar 1934.

Anonymous said...

11:41 PM

Yes X. People are free to be stupid and blind and you independently, of your own freewill, did that.
People are free in America to be as rebellious and uncaring and uninformed as they want to be to tear down themselves and their neighbor in the process just as they choose..
Make better choices and you'll be happier. Or stick with stupid. Your choice.

Anonymous said...

Marco Polo Report reveals Xi Jinping personally approved Bidens' meetings with Chinese energy tycoon when Joe Biden was VP.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


9:18 PM

In response to your question "I did post a story regarding the renewed, Christ-denying deal between the evil Communist Chinese and the Vatican. Is that a concern of anyone in here? Any comments regarding this Linda, Constance, J?"

I'm not up to date on what is taking place between the Vatican and Communist China. I do know a little bit about the original deal in 2018 according to a China Aid report.

Father Bernardo Cervellera, Director of AsiaNews, is widely regarded as the leading Catholic expert on China. He said that after the Vatican-China Deal of 2018 nothing changed for persecuted Catholics. He said, according to a statement by Pope Francis, that if the agreement wasn't signed, China threatened to illegally ordain 45 bishops 'independent' from the Holy See. The agreement was, therefore, blackmail. In addition, immediately after the signing of the agreement, in many regions of China, the United Front and the Patriotic Association held rallies for priests and bishops explaining to them that 'despite the agreement' they had to work for the implementation of an independent Church. The destruction of crosses, churches, indoctrination sessions, arrests continued just as before the agreement, if not worse. According to Father Cervellera "the government and the Chinese Communist Party are engaged in a real religious war to oust the God of Christians and replace Him with the god-Xi Jinping, which implies a total submission to the Communist Party." So, we can believe that the Pope was blackmailed to renew the agreement in 2020 and again in 2022, or we can believe that it's part of the Jesuit agenda.

The persecuted church and the suffering of brothers and sisters in Christ around the world is a concern of mine. China is #17 on Open Doors World Watch List of the top 50 countries where it's most difficult to follow Jesus.

I have a question for you, RayB. North Korea has been at the top of the World Watch List for more than 20 years, currently #2, with Afghanistan at #1. Were you concerned in 2018 when President Trump stated that he and the evil, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met, exchanged letters, and "fell in love"? and are you concerned that President Trump has said that Kim Jong-un is the only foreign leader that he remains in touch with?


Anonymous said...

at 9:11 AM I should have said "and are you concerned that former President Trump has said that Kim Jong-un is the only foreign leader that he remains in touch with?


J said...

I predict the answer will be one or more of the following:

1) The "lesser evil" argument

2) An accusation of TDS

3) Dismissing North Korea as being smaller and less important than the Catholic Church

4) Demanding that you explain why you haven't posted about Hunter Biden's laptop instead of North Korea

5) There's always the all-purpose "you're boring and I collapse your posts and don't read them, even though I know enough about them to attack you viciously but really I don't care at all." To RayB's credit, he's not illogical enough or obvious enough to resort to this one.

It would be refreshing if I were to turn out to be wrong in my predictions.

J said...

In all this time, the option never seems to occur to people, that they could have voted for Donald Trump as the lesser evil, liked most of his policies, AND refused to boost his lies, AND used Christian influence as his base to make some of his stances (like towards North Korea) more consistent with true Christianity.

I don't understand why the only option that is ever chosen is to double down, promote defend or ignore anything and everything, with the sole exception - sometimes - of Operation Warp Speed.

Why no attempt to see wrongs in him and THEN respond by trying to influence him in a more moral direction?

It's as if it's all or nothing. Either you double down at all cost, or you're going to be persecuted.

RayB said...


Thanks for your response, which I found interesting.

A few initial thoughts ...

Regarding this supposed 'love' relationship between Kim Jong-un and Trump:

During the campaign of 2016, Trump stated his desire to create a diplomatic relationship with North Korea, stating that he wanted to PERSONALLy meet with Kim Jong-un, which he did. That may have put Trump in a very precarious position with the long entrenched powers (aka, shadow government) at the State Department, Pentagon, etc. (Historical side note: After the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK developed a 'back channel' to the Soviets in which he attempted to negotiate peace between the two nuclear powers. His brother RFK was the key negotiator. This bypassed the 'shadow government' and, by all accounts, infuriated them. The last thing the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) desires is PEACE! JFK's murder benefitted countless entities, including the MIC. IMMEDIATELY upon his death, LBJ began the expansion of the USA's limited involvement in Viet Nam, thereby creating a disastrous war that made hundreds of $ Billions for the MIC, but cost the lives of countless innocent civilians, along with 58,000 American soldiers. JFK was on record stating, upon Gen. Douglas MacArthur's advice, that he wanted to end all involvement in Viet Nam ... was his death a mere coincidence that it benefitted the MIC? Was LBJ's dramatic expansion just another coincidence?)

RayB said...


Along with Trump's desire to develop a peaceful relationship with North Korea, he also repeatedly stated his desire to make peace with Russia, which the deep state used to make the bogus charge that Trump was some type of Russian agent, and or, puppet, which of course was and is ridiculous. IMO, a strong and independent Russia does not fit with the plans to create a One World Government, therefore, the attempt by NATO to continue to expand, encircle and provoke Russia.

A little related history:

Leading up to the outbreak of WW II, both Great Britain and Germany sought to ally themselves with the brutal dictator Joseph Stalin of the USSR. Germany won, but of course broke their alliance with their invasion of Russia in June of 1941. Although Stalin ALSO viciously invaded Poland with Germany (a fact that is seemingly lost to historians), the USA and Britain both allied with Russia. Both during and after the war, the west carried on 'personal' relationships with Stalin (who had murdered over 40 MILLION of his own people, along with countless Europeans in the Soviet bloc). President Truman (of whom much can be said) fondly referred to the butcher Stalin as "Uncle Joe," while he negotiated away the freedoms and liberties of over 100 million Eastern Europeans to the butcher "Uncle Joe" at the Potsdam Conference. To the west's feigned 'shock,' the Iron Curtain was created almost immediately. (However, it benefitted the Military Industrial Complex handsomely).

History has been very kind to Truman, who was an internationalist to the core of his being (as was FDR). The only leader in history to actually use nuclear weapons, Truman did so after the Japanese had elected a 'PEACE' Prime Minister, that repeatedly attempted to negotiate peace for one entire year. The Japanese were completely defeated, were seeking to surrender, all of their supplies were cut off, yet Truman dropped TWO nuclear bombs on civilians using the bogus claim that the bombs 'saved over a million American soldiers' because they wouldn't have to invade Japan. One of the biggest lies ever told!

'History is written by the victors.' And the victors have a natural tendency to write history that is most favorable to themselves.

The bottom line; the shadow government HATED Trump's attempts to create a lasting peace with North Korea and Russia. IMO, it is ONE of the reasons (among many) as to why the elite, deep state Washington Post called for Trump's IMPEACHMENT on the very day he took office!

The deep state ALSO knew of his plans for making the USA energy independent (which he did), and he paid the price for it. What they really want is a corrupt puppet that deep state and mega *corporations can control. Biden is the perfect choice, because he doesn't even have the mind to know what is going on.

*Benito Mussolini, Italy's fascist dictator, gave the definition of fascism:

“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”

Doesn't this define America? Even our media is corporate owned!

RayB said...


Regarding the Vatican being "blackmailed," into the agreement with the Chi-Coms:

First, a brief look at history. The Vatican has always been deeply involved in the political affairs of state. For over 1,000 YEARS, the Vatican ruled Europe by proxy via the Catholic monarchs of Europe (aka, the Dark Ages). It was with the cooperation, and authority, of the Catholic monarchs that the European Inquisition was brutally conducted for over 600 years. During this entire time, the only 'official' religion that was legal and allowed to exist was Roman Catholicism. All others were brutally persecuted for their beliefs.

In 1801, the Vatican entered into a Concordat with France's Napoleon Bonaparte.
Interestingly, as is the case with Vatican's agreement with Communist China, the Vatican gave Napoleon, as First Consul, direct power to nominate Catholic Bishops, which he did, no doubt appointing those that were friendly to his regime. While the Pope agreed to allow Napoleon to seize Vatican owned property, France in turn agreed to pay bishops and other church figures wages from the STATE, which in effect, ended the separation of church and state.

RayB said...


In 1929, the Vatican entered into a treaty with Italy that, among other things, established Roman Catholicism as the official religion of Italy. The treaty was signed by Benito Mussolini. The treaty also created 'Vatican City' as a separate, independent nation state, meaning, in part, that Italy had no jurisdiction (legal and otherwise) over the conduct, or, operations of the Vatican. The 'nation state' status provides cover and is one of the legal reasons as to why the Vatican cannot be forced to cooperate with legal authorities regarding the release of evidence involving the pedophile clergy scandals, or, the scandals involving the Vatican Bank, etc., etc.

The Vatican and German (Nazi) Reich Concordat of 1933.

Basically, an agreement of cooperation between His Holiness Pope Pius XI and Nazi Germany. Among many items, the Concordat created the position of Vatican Ambassador, who would reside in the Nazi capitol of Berlin in order to perform his ongoing diplomatic functions with the Nazi government. The Concordat provided 'protection' for the Catholic Church within the confines of the Reich.

Although it was well known that the Jews were being singled out for severe persecution in 1933, not ONE SINGLE word is mentioned in this entire Concordat regarding the plight of the Jews!

Anonymous said...

Well stated RayB

Our dark, meddling, deadly history always brings to my mind, "the wine of the wrath of her fornication".

At what point does the Righteous Judge rain down His judgement. Just after the rapture I believe.

RayB said...


Regarding the current agreement between the Vatican and the Chi-Coms:

The information provided by Father Bernardo Cervellera, Director of AsiaNews does not comport with the facts. Quite frankly, it reminds me of Catholic League President ($1 Million annual salary) Bill Donahue's baseless, and immediate, attack upon ArchBishop Vigano when he exposed the Vatican's complicity, and subsequent cover-up, of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's numerous sex crimes committed against Seminary students. Vigano's written affidavit of the decades long scandal has been proven, beyond any shadow of doubt, to be absolutely true.

The fact is, the Vatican is NOT being 'blackmailed.' It entered into an agreement in which the Chi-Coms have the authority (as did Napoleon) to appoint bishops that are known to be friendly to the Communist regime. Widespread persecution continues, as ALL dissidents of the Communist 'religion' are interred in re-education camps, where they are brainwashed and tortured to submit. No doubt, many are being killed.

The Vatican receives $2 BILLION annually from the Chi-Coms. In return, the Vatican (and Pope) never criticizes the despotic regime. History has proven that the Vatican is holding to their end of the bargain. The Chi-Coms have control over the RCC in China. Those that oppose their control are punished ... severely. Recently, the heroic *Cardinal Zen was arrested for standing against the despotic communists. He is now on trial for his 'crimes against the regime.' The response from the Vatican? ABSOLUTE SILENCE! NOTHING! The response from the Vatican over the numerous reports of persecution of Catholics and Bible believing Christians in China? ABSOLUTE SILENCE! The response of the Vatican over the Chi-Coms ongoing persecution of Uyghurs in which they have been tortured, starved and murdered in large numbers? ABSOLUTE SILENCE!

*See: Cardinal Müller on Synod on Synodality: ‘A Hostile Takeover of the Church of Jesus Christ … We Must Resist’
Cardinal Gerhard Müller spoke about the papal silence surrounding the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen ...

Craig said...

Whites are only 10% of the world’s population, yet are the most industrious and innovative race the world has known. Whites unlocked the secrets of DNA and relativity, launched satellites, created automation, discovered electricity and nuclear energy, invented automobiles, aircraft, submarines, radio, television, computers, medicine, telephones, light bulbs, photography, and countless other technological miracles. Whites were the first to circumnavigate the planet by ship, orbit it by spacecraft, walk on the moon, probe beyond the solar system, climb the highest peaks, reach both poles, exceed the sound barrier, descend to the oceans depths…

Blacks cannot even feed themselves. Whites have to provide food, medical, financial, and engineering aid to every Black nation. Blacks cannot survive without White charity.

Anonymous said...

Not the real Craig…obviously


Anonymous said...


Perhaps the 'real' Craig, like you, won't tolerate any truth. Look how you are so despised
on this blog!

Hope you got the injection for your Dick Pox.

paul said...

Truth gonna burn him like his syphilis pustules!

Anonymous said...

Posting with no documentation, basically hearsay about Trump...he said/she said type material is gossipy not newsy. Not that I doubt there is not truth in there somewhere.

And personal lives, personal stories are part but perhaps a smaller part of the picture when people are looking at policy making and governing. King David of Israel had some major screw ups (you know what he is known for) yet God used him, let him reign even after such behavior. People do need to repent that is for sure, private life and/or public life is still trouble beyond themselves.

But the Biden family, Joe Biden included, have some real documentation that outs them, real news and largely unreported in the mainstream, on the personal level and in public life, way beyond hearsay, but are they scrutinized as much? They aren't. They are given a pass. How telling that is. Israel suffered bad kings that did right things and bad kings that did terrible things. the Bible is full of such things to tell us the history.

Trump has some betrayal in his background, betrayals in family. I never ever thought the man to be a saint, but not devil evil.
Biden has many problematic issues going all the way back (and he really can't tell the truth-he prefers to lie and well known of him) but the thing is, his betrayals go all the way to the national level.
A betrayal of his country.

Bad (even evil) policy and egregious crimes he has been, and may still be, taking part in. His China connections and beyond that make him a traitor in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Or the real paul, obviously.

J said...

1:11 PM,

What if I were to jump high and do the homework to provide sources? Would it change anything?

Is there anything that would ever be able to theoretically falsify any of your political opinions about Trump or Trumpism?

Anonymous said...


As long as Trump is alive and perceived as useful "owning the libs" and "making libs go crazy over themselves" he's got a place in their hearts.

The gish gallop will just keep marching on moving onto the next lie and blanket denials and whatabout'isms.

That's why I ended up mocking the absurdity of the talking points, pointing out hypocracies and mixing in persistent debunking the some of the lies (you just can't debunk them all our you'll fall behind the disinformation debunking usefulness curve).


p.s. - the left lies too. Both parties need Christians to promote and engage in honest debate and holding politicians accountable.

J said...

Hypothetical question. Does the "King David defense" apply to women, too? Hypothetically, if MTG becomes Donald Trump's running mate for 2024, will she get a pass for being an at least two-time adulteress while she posed as a champion of Christianity and family values? One of her lovers was a tantric sex guru. It doesn't get more occultic than that. I'm genuinely curious about the answer to this question.

Anonymous said...


Also...if you provide sources...they'll just attack the source. Even right/conservative voices are just dismissed as rino's who hate trump and tell you to do your real research at some qanon/maga/new age website.

That's why I sometimes post far left media so they understand that it's not alt-right media versus mainstream media. Mainstream media is biased and usually in urban centers like the New York Times and LA times but there are several "mainstream" media sources that lean right and you'd think would be trustworthy (Wall Street Journal, Reason, etc).

How to persuade those lost in a delusion of new age conspirituality is difficult.


Anonymous said...

Back when GOP valued integrity...

… Surely it is clear that this nation will continue to suffer as long as it is governed by the present ineffective Democratic administration. … Yet to displace it with a Republican regime embracing a philosophy that lacks political integrity or intellectual honesty would prove equally disastrous to this Nation. The Nation sorely needs a Republican victory. But I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the four horsemen of calumny—fear, ignorance, bigotry and smear.

I doubt if the Republican Party could—simply because I don’t believe the American people will uphold any political party that puts political exploitation above national interest. Surely we Republicans aren’t that desperate for victory.

I don’t want to see the Republican Party win that way. While it might be a fleeting victory for the Republican Party, it would be a more lasting defeat for the American people. Surely it would ultimately be suicide for the Republican Party and the two-party system that has protected our American liberties from the dictatorship of a one-party system...

- GOP Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine in her Congressional speech on June 1, 1950

Anonymous said...

Honestly, this is a lot of how I view former President Trump.

He is an attention hound in my thinking, always has been.
But then, Obama says I,I, me, myself, I, much it is beyond counting. Unbelievable monster ego there I see too.
Biden can't shake the hands of parents who have lost loved ones in the military without making it all about him (with many embellishments). He is ridiculous any way you slice him.
Me, me, me goes with this age of narcissism off the charts. Our society is in overkill with the issue.
So take your pick.
I'll take mine. Trump is the lesser of our problems comparatively to me.

Anonymous said...


12:19 PM


No, I did not see the documentary about "The Family" and how Russia became involved into new age psuedo-christian GOP movement. I looked for it in the archives and couldn't find it. Would you point me in the right direction, please?

There were numerous "Q-drops" made over the course of three years by QAnon alleging that Russia is a Christian nation and that Putin, as empirical head of the Russian Orthodox church, is a devoted keeper of the faith and defender of traditional values. From there, the disinformation was spread by the false prophets in the MAGA and NAR/Dominionist churches and alt/right media. These are the same individuals who believe Putin has a right to invade Ukraine in 2022. I concur that the disinformation is the real conspiracy.


Anonymous said...

J and X

1:17 PM

Ghislaine and Ivanna were business partners. I'm sure Ghislaine has plenty of Trump secrets to keep.


J said...

Linda 4:32 PM,

Interesting. I tried to find a source. Did you base it on the interview with Maria Farmer? I saw it was removed from YouTube.

RayB said...

J @ 2:35 PM ...

I did a search regarding your MTG allegations and found nothing conclusive in the slightest. Everything that I read had a National Enquirer hysterical spin to it, while taking themselves off the legal hook by using the word 'allegedly,' which means there is NO PROOF.

Honestly, I'm really surprised at the amount of hatred that you have developed for just about everyone that is a conservative.

How would you like to have this type of unfounded slander spread about you? Doesn't sound very 'Christian' to me.

Anonymous said...


The Family documentary was on Netflix.

Here's the trailer...from 2019

The Family: It's Not About Faith, It's About Power | Official Trailer | Netflix


p.s. - I could be wrong but I think they did a whole thing about how Russia was sending people over and getting all tied into the family.

Yeah...I double-checked before posting...The Family runs the National Prayer Breakfest. Doug Burleigh is a key figure in the organization and has links with organizers and spoke at the Russian prayer breakfast beside Alexander Torshin. Burleigh stated in 2017 that "a breakthrough in relations between Russia and the US is about to occur". Maria Butina, who has admitted to working as an undeclared Kremlin agent, helped arrange for five Russians chosen by a top official to attend the 2017 National Prayer Breakfast which she also attended before she was indicted and imprisoned. Butina's main contact in Russia was Alexander Torshin. Over 50 Russians attended the 2018 National Prayer Breakfast, including leading members of Putin's government. Doug Burleigh was interviewed by the FBI because of his relationship with Maria Butina.*


J said...

Maria Farmer alleges that:

1) She witnessed Donald Trump, the Clintons and Alan Dershowitz regularly visiting Epstein's apartment.

2) CBS News and the NYT would not report everything she told them. They would always leave out the part about Leslie Wexner.

3) Vicky Ward, a CNN and Vanity Fair journalist, was friends with Ghislaine Maxwell and took advantage of Epstein's victims even while writing a story about him.

4) Ghislaine Maxwell confided in her that the Rothschilds are her biggest protector.

5) Ivana Trump helped Ghislaine Maxwell procure young girls in New York City.

6) Maria Farmer reported Epstein's underage human trafficking operation to the FBI way back in 1996.

No wonder nobody wants to publicize her interviews in either the MSM or the right wing media.

The most uncensored Maria Farmer interview material consists of transcripts of her telephone interviews with the investigative journalist Whitney Webb. It looked to me like the first interview transcript was two hours long. I haven't listened to it. But who cares about a bona fide investigative journalist. How old-fashioned and boring.

Oh, well. Epstein was a sinner like King David. He was a smart guy who could possibly have made a fine president. With all of his blackmail material just imagine how he would have been able to own the libs like nobody else. And anyway, everything that Maria Farmer says is gossipy "he said she said" stuff.

RayB said...


Regarding your 9:41 AM post ...

I was busy doing A LOT of writing, so I didn't see your somewhat snarky post until after I was finished. I hope you take the time to read what I wrote, if you do, you'll see that none of your predictions as to what my answers would likely be were correct.

You don't have to apologize to me, but I think you need to do a serious gut check. When you have someone like X agreeing with you, that's scary.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:24

...alleged slander


J said...

RayB 6:31 PM,

You're right that I was snarky, and I will own up to it and apologize to you for it, because it was not Christian.

I disagree that it's scary to agree with X.

I reject that reason for a gut check. I prefer the Bible to the X Fallacy, no snark intended. I'm just being perfectly plain and blunt and honest about that.

May I ask you one question in return? Why do you mind the snark of an insignificant online commenter like myself, but you never minded mean tweets? Or was that question too snarky? It's a sincere question that I'm truly curious as to how you will honestly answer it.

RayB said...


Thanks for acknowledging that. Your apology is accepted.

I assume that by 'mean tweets' you are referring to Trump. Question: how is it that you know that I 'never minded' his 'mean tweets?' Sounds a little judgmental without actually knowing how exactly I felt about the subject. Having said that, I have posted on here in the past that one of the things that I disliked about Trump was his incessant practice of Tweeting, and, that they were often petty in nature. I felt from the start that his over-use of social media was a huge mistake on his part. (I believe he did so because he felt his message was not getting out via the Corporate media).

I have never held Trump up on a pedestal, just as I wouldn't any mere man. In fact, prior to his seeking the nomination, I never liked, nor did I ever pay much attention to, Donald Trump. I readily admit that I did like his message. Although I didn't agree with Trump on ALL of his policies, IMO, he was far superior in virtually every way over this incredible incompetent and career politician in the White House that we have now. I'm sure you won't agree with that, and that's your right.

Anonymous said...

Rayb said: "I have never held Trump up on a pedestal"

I's more like you've put him shirtless atop a white horse riding along a beach carrying an ak-47 with an invisible forcefield around him making him incapable of being criticized.

6 hours ago you were celebrating his North Korean and Russian foreign policy endeavors as near successes (if it wasn't for those rotten meddling kids and their curious dog, Scooby Doo).


p.s. - MTG's affairs years ago are well corroborated in her community. Husbands rarely file for divorce. Husbands rarely divorce a cash cow wife. Betrayed husband keep their baby momma's dirt a secret. If HE had cheated, we'd know it. MTG does not believe in the right to privacy so why would anyone feel obligated to give it to her and besides, marriage is a public institution and she claims to be a Christian. The reasons for divorce are a matter to be address by the church. Does her husband have the biblical right to even divorce her? Plus it's far more interesting that Hunter Biden who doesn't even hold an elected office representing God-fearing citizens.

J said...

I should apologize for my snark about the "King David defense" in an earlier post. I want to start over again discussing King David in a more Christian way.

I see the prophet Nathan as a role model for Christians. Nathan confronted King David over his sin. He told King David a story about a rich man who stole and killed a poor man's only lamb. King David became righteously indignant about the story. Nathan then said to him, "You are the man!"

God brought judgment upon King David, although He forgave him after he repented, and He allowed him to remain the king.

There are no pure kings and no pure presidents in this world, but the story of King David shows more than resignation to sin. It shows confrontation of sin and repentance from sin.

We aren't living in a theocracy like ancient Israel, but there must be a takeaway for us today, in how Christian leaders can interact with leaders who sin. Maybe not exactly like Nathan, but there must be something that can be learned from Nathan's example.

Anonymous said...


Just like the woman at the well. Jesus offers forgiveness AND direction to "go and sin no more".

But God/Jesus had an advantage...He knew David's heart and He knew the woman at the well's heart. Using these passages to rationalize and justify Trump's UNrepentence is just shocking to me.

What's amazing to me is how much clarity FORMER maga supporters obtain. Like a veil lifted from their eyes. The lies and the lying are all fruit's of the Maga/Qanon/trump tree. Once they escape its net it's clear to see that it's not just political spin and gamesmanship. It's Luciferian.

It's sometimes harder to deprogram a maga person than to save a roman catholic.


Anonymous said...

9:56 PM
I said this regarding repentance and political figures.

"King David of Israel had some major screw ups (you know what he is known for) yet God used him, let him reign even after such behavior. People do need to repent that is for sure, private life and/or public life is still trouble beyond themselves."
Whether they will or not is for them to reckon with God about. I am not their conscience or the Holy Spirit for them but I do know right from wrong and go from there. I don't think I could even care any less what you think or think you think about what I think ok? You have an unholy spirit about you is why.
Good kings can do bad things (the only reason I mentioned King David was to make that point), bad kings have at times done right things and evil kings of the Sorobamass caliber and puppet O'Biden (you can toss that nasty Hillary in there too) do nothing but, only represent evil. So I do make a distinction.
But evil is quite okay with you and you post your support of evil every day, topic to topic.
Your comeback is ignorant. That or you can't read.
I don't white wash Trump, I just know he was a much better President than globalists Hillary, Obama, and Biden.

"Is there anything that would ever be able to theoretically falsify any of your political opinions about Trump or Trumpism?"

2:15 PM
And you care because????

You are labeling again. That is an awful habit X has. I expect that of him, but not you. Everybody is an adulterer (or fill in the blank something else horrible) that he disagrees with, remember when you called him out on that one? Well I can tell you that hearsay is never proof so I will remain unchanged in that opinion (though I don't doubt there are definitely problematics, definite wrongs found with him)...but......until there is something provable that he is as godawful or worse than our current White House occupant I will stick with what I know. You didn't "bring it".
And just so you know, I am not depending on you to bring it to me. My own eyes and ears are open and needling and prodding it like X does is unnecessary. I think better of you than that so please don't take his route.
Hear me, there is no Trumpism for me, J. Just Trump himself minus the hyper hype of media and rabid Democrats---warts and all. My very simple take is because my expectations are not too high with politicians these days to begin with. In or out. Yes or no, next....
To me they're all on the way out. (yes because I believe it is the globalism finale we are about to see run the world--2023-24 is well on it's way to 'bring' that)

So I am not defending him per say (like my 3:48 PM post shows) but I do defend him for what he did right and simply because I see him in a better light than the others I mentioned above (or any Democrat and a fair number of compromised RINO's too). At least he believes in what America used to be, and won't be again because he couldn't change that back again anyway. She's gone, our beloved USA is gone. To God be the glory in this too.
So chip away at me all you want to try to convince's going nowhere. I will still contend Donald Trump (whether I vote for him again or not or even vote all again (probably won't) or most likely we won't have that freedom anymore anyway as I am already clear about.......for all that, he is still a better man and president than O'Biden is..O'Biden, who is the culmination of alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll that is wrong in politics that God has allowed into that office to bring final judgment upon our country.
You can put these boring, butt tiring questions, or what have you, with me to rest now.

Anonymous said...


10:14 AM

When I said that I'm not up to date on the Vatican and China, I was referring to current events. I was pressed for time and didn't explain myself very well. ChinaAid is a Christian human rights organization, non-Catholic, working for religious freedom for all faiths in China. I'm very aware of the history of the church of Rome. I don't believe it is now, or ever has been, a victim of blackmail. I simply stated the background story that I was aware of and as reported by ChinaAid.



J said...

12:45 AM,

I guess I need to go back and re-read what I wrote to see what seemed quite so evil to you to warrant an accusation of having an "unholy spirit."

I have sometimes been surprised in my life at the offense some people take at argumentative questions. I grew up with a father turning every topic into a federal court case at the dinner table. On both sides of my family, many members are argumentative, sometimes abrasively so, sometimes nicely but in a know-it-all way.

One of my inlaws took offense for months from a challenging question I posed to her about an important topic. This same inlaw has frequently laughed about our family's quiet ways, since everybody in her family is in each others' face yelling all the time. Yelling, but not really debating.

My husband's got a little of that same tendency in him. His childhood family is rambunctious, but they never engaged in debates and discussions like my family. He hates it if I ask him too many questions or argue too much. I consider it thinking and conversing, and it sometimes surprises me what he terms "arguing."

My own father sometimes lashed out at me because he would say something I didn't understand, but when I asked a clarifying question to attempt to understand it better, he would view it as a sign I didn't respect him.

Forgive me if my life experience leads me not to take you seriously when you accuse me of an "unholy spirit" only for arguing. All my Christian conservative family oriented aunts are argumentative, too. And they all sound a lot like you. The difference is, they don't get offended by arguing like my husband and some of my inlaws.

That's a new one on me. Being accused of an unholy spirit. It's possible I may not even have converted to being a Christian if one of my aunts in particular had not been able to field my questions and arguments without taking any offense. I guess God knew Who should be the one to talk to me at the right time in my life.

I have learned to respect your heart, but in this instance I honestly feel disappointed in you, that you crumbled from a challenging debate question and immediately accused me of having an unholy spirit. I guess our feelings of disappointment in each other are mutual at this point.

But I don't hold it against you. I've known a lot of fine and intelligent people who hate arguing and questioning. They didn't grow up with it in their own families.

J said...

P.S. I have been running a temperature intermittently for five days and taking a lot of stuff. I'm past 90% of it and not taking as many things anymore. I've noticed when I have taken high doses of zinc in the past, it has altered my mood to make me feel more aggressive than I normally do. I usually avoid it for that reason. I'm living every day with a son who has anxiety and OCD and with a husband who is always working remotely and always angry about his job. 99.9% of the time I'm the calm and positive one. When I do, however, occasionally slip in my self-control, being judged more harshly than everybody else is quite a familiar feeling.

One of my brothers noticed that years ago. People who are angry all the time get a pass. People who are never angry are treated as if they should never, ever get angry for any reason. They are put in a box. They are just not allowed to ever be angry. It's out of character, so nobody wants it.

Very, very familiar to me in my life experience. It doesn't surprise me in the least.

Anonymous said...


My question was ... North Korea has been at the top of the World Watch List for more than 20 years, currently #2, with Afghanistan at #1. Were you concerned in 2018 when President Trump stated that he and the evil, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met, exchanged letters, and "fell in love"? and are you concerned that President Trump has said that Kim Jong-un is the only foreign leader that he remains in touch with?

Your responses "regarding this supposed 'love' relationship between Kim Jong-un and Trump" didn't answer my question. Trump has said at his rallies that they wrote "beautiful letters" and "fell in love" (which can be viewed on you-tube) and you bring up JFK, LBJ, McArthur, Truman, Stalin, Russia, VietNam, NATO, Mussolini - and what was your point?

Your evasive response says a lot about you, RayB. It's obvious the truth is No, you have absolutely no concern. You are so in love with your MAGA/QAnon/Trump demigod that you will ignore, excuse, lie, cover up, and/or justify all of his evil acts. Disappointing, but certainly not a surprise.

Anonymous said...

"I don't understand why the only option that is ever chosen is to double down, promote defend or ignore anything and everything, with the sole exception - sometimes - of Operation Warp Speed.

Why no attempt to see wrongs in him and THEN respond by trying to influence him in a more moral direction?"


9:54 AM

You are so right on with this!


RayB said...

10:44 AM ...

I assume this is from Linda?

You wrote: "... you bring up JFK, LBJ, McArthur, Truman, Stalin, Russia, VietNam,(sic) NATO, Mussolini - and what was your point?" (If you want to know the 'point,' carefully read my posts @ 10:14 AM & 10:38 AM)

The point I was CLEARLY making (which you apparently completely missed) is that throughout history, nations (and its leaders) sought relations with leaders and nations that they did not necessarily agree with on other pressing matters, such as human rights. Stalin was the second worst mass murderer in history, and yet, we allied with him in order to fight Germany in WW II. After the war, Churchill and Truman allowed the Soviet Union to literally take control of Eastern Europe. What's worse in your opinion? Trump writing supposed "love letters" to Kim Jong-un, or Truman and Churchill signing away the freedoms and liberties of over 100 MILLION Eastern Europeans?

The reason I brought up JFK was that he (AGAINST the State Department and Pentagon) sought peaceful relations with the USSR ... somewhat equating that with Trump's efforts to seek peace with North Korea. I dumbfounded as to how and why you can't understand that.

Re: your incredibly judgmental, snarky statement (is there something in the air in here?) ...

"Your evasive response says a lot about you, RayB. It's obvious the truth is No, you have absolutely no concern. You are so in love with your MAGA/QAnon/Trump demigod that you will ignore, excuse, lie, cover up, and/or justify all of his evil acts. Disappointing, but certainly not a surprise."

NOTE: I didn't 'evade' anything. I wrote a very lengthy response to which you responded with your distortions. AGAIN, the utterly false, demonic charge is made that I am 'in love with' the MAGA/QAnon/Trump demigod.' Seriously, if you believe such nonsense, you need professional help.

Whoever you are, you are obviously obsessed with your hatred of Trump and are under the delusion that all that do not HATE him, as you do, must be followers of the Q-Anon, MAGA, Trump worshipping cult. Talk about deranged, delusional thinking.

Unlike you, whoever you are, God knows my mind and heart. He knows that I love the truth, because HE put that love in my heart. Based upon your distorted, lying view of me, it is clear that YOU don't have the slightest clue as far as what I stand for, and why.

RayB said...

J & Linda ...

How about listing some of your favorite 'wrongs' about Biden and the Death Cult Democrats?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall ever reading any serious criticisms by either one of you.

RayB said...

J says regarding Trump:

Why no attempt to see wrongs in him and THEN respond by trying to influence him in a more moral direction?"

NOTE: I have a very funny feeling that Trump doesn't read this blog, so, how exactly is it that you think we are going to influence Trump to go in a "more moral direction?"

Have YOU ever attempted to change a person's morals? Do you think you might be able to change Joe Biden's love for abortion if you only had the chance to talk to him?
Have fun with that one.

By the way, what's the reason for this total obsession with Trump? The last I checked he is no longer in office.

Anonymous said...


You got your predicted TDS response earlier. To bad you didn't add the "Trump is God and handled everything perfectly" or you'd be two for two.

I can only imagine the team of North Koreans that were put in charge of drafting the perfect responses to Trump to keep him on the hook and how they settled on love letters. Guess it takes a diabolical narcissist to know a diabolical narcissist.

And pointing to Truman as an example, maintaining a relationship with Stalin for help defeating Hitler as though that compares in any way with Trump unnecessarily boosting Jong-un in opposition to long-standing wise state department protocol is hilarious too.

It's always just such impenetrable logic. Orange man good...everyone else is a Marxist lib globalist humanist mainstream media new world order black lives matter LGBTQ-loving lunatic or liar that doesn't understand world history or politics whatsoever. Just do your research and stick to the talking points. Apoligize for nothing (don't be naive - nice guys finish last)


Anonymous said...


Everyone that did the Zelenko protocol died, including Zelenko himself. It's killed more people than Covid and/or the Covid Vaccine.

I'm kidding -- get well.


Anonymous said...

"I guess I need to go back and re-read what I wrote to see what seemed quite so evil to you to warrant an accusation of having an "unholy spirit."

That tidbit you took exception to is for X whom I addressed before I addressed you.
Yes do re-read that.
I reposted 2 quotes-the first was what X responded to so I clarified that for the poor soul.
The second was yours, J.
Maybe it is your own radar set too high on personal/subjective mode that makes you not hear what I said or misdirect what was meant for him. Or maybe I was not clear enough to whom I was addressing, if that is the case I am sorry. No, you do not have an unholy spirit. I have never thought that of you-ever. X is a different story.

"I grew up with a father turning every topic into a federal court case at the dinner table"
And honestly, that is a way I can say I was thinking of your response. To me you are making a federal case about what courts actually have yet to prove. I am chill about the topic about Trump--hanging on the "wait and see" as I have said many times here. But I guess that isn't good enough for you? It's not a pass on the topic of Trump--it's a breather from an opinion (about the negatives) until I know more. What is pasted incessantly here by a few at this blog about him is not enough conclusive info for me to go on. Your hearsay posts aren't swaying me, sorry.
And I think you need one of those breathers to get some objectivity back because I have seen you use it before.
X has none.
And X is an idiot and provocateur. He is wearing a bunny suit with tears in it and the cottontail came off--inside his suit is a political wolverine.
You are not.
I have dialogued with you plenty here and expressed myself, I'd say generally rather well so I feel like you have exhausted the topic of Trump with me. I am staying neutral about him and I'm sorry you don't like it that I gave credit where credit is due to think and say something good about the man, but just the same I do, and will regardless of your thoughts of me. The truth will come out then I will know what the "rest of the story" is about how to feel about President #45. Right now (and for what he did right) he is a damn sight better in my eyes than both #44 and #46.

Get better fast. I still consider you a good poster though we are disagreeing at the moment.

Anonymous said...

And J, do notice I did note the 9:56PM timestamp that belonged to X before I repeated the posted quote and what I clarified about it--to him, not you.

The other quote was yours with my take about that.

Anonymous said...

"Why do you mind the snark of an insignificant online commenter like myself, but you never minded mean tweets?

Really now.....

Mean tweets are what political world is all about!
Randolph Hearst printed terrible things in his papers that he (with a bully pulpit) and his friends in politics said and did back in the day! Check that out, seriously, check that out!
Go back a hundred or better years ago and read what politicians said to and of each other.
It's cutthroat and then some -- either party was full of this stuff.
Maybe people were made of sterner stronger stuff back then, unlike the snowflake types that have to be provided safe spaces and emotional support animals because...mean tweets wah wah.
Hollywood and the military popularized the f word long time ago. But I notice people kept going to movies and joined the armed forces anyway.
And recently--remember--you don't f with a Biden. Pitiful old Joe, corrupt as they come. Not nice grandpa after all.
Obama flipping people the bird and hot mic comments to Russians....
It goes with the territory, Democrat or Republican, whatever, whoever.
Trump did not invent it--unless you want to hate his guts or something to believe he did.

Anonymous said...

This was written well before COVID-19

Pharmaceuticals - The Sorceries Of Babylon

Anonymous said...

Mud-slinging in politics is an American tradition.

Thicker skin instead of thicker heads might help us get through this political season....

Anonymous said...


I don't hate Trump. I hate the hypocrisy that gives that evil man a stamp of approval on everything he does. If you think that's snarky, then so be it.


J said...

7:57 PM,

I have read your most recent comments, and I appreciate that you said we are still friends, although we disagree right now.

I have a sick teen-ager on my hands now. He's running a temperature, his throat hurts too much to swallow, and he got dizzy and fell down and gashed his chin open this morning when he got out of bed to urinate. I'm helping him walk everywhere he goes from now on until he is past the worst of it.

I'll be a non-participant for a while.

RayB said...

Linda @ 1:46 PM states:

"I don't hate Trump. I hate the hypocrisy that gives that evil man a stamp of approval on everything he does."


Do you also hate the 'hypocrisy' of radical Biden supporters, Democrats, liberals, the media, etc. that all give Biden and the Democrats a 'stamp of approval' for everything that they do?

I find it more than slightly ironic that I don't seem to ever remember reading where YOU offer any serious criticism of Biden and the Democrats. Why is that? Care to explain?

By the way, what exactly is it about Trump that makes him more 'EVIL' than say Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, etc. ???

Do you consider the Democrats 'evil' because they OFFICIALLY support child mutilation via transgenderism, the LGBTQ+ agenda, abortion on demand, codifying abortion into Federal Law, etc. ???

Please post your answers to these questions. I wouldn't want to be left with the opinion that the one that is screaming 'hypocrisy' is the real hypocrite here.

RayB said...

The latest from Dr. John Campbell:

Pfizer / European commission vaccine contracts, over 100 blanked out pages

NOTE: What are they trying to hide??? At least they're consistent. They've been lying and covering up data and facts from the very start!

Dr. Campbell originally bought into the Big Pharma propaganda. Once scientific data continued to see the light of day which overwhelmingly indicated the alarming increase of deaths all over the world (after the jabs were wide spread), along with serious, life-threatening adverse reactions to the 'vaccines,' Dr. Campbell began to see the light.

To his credit, Dr. Campbell is now speaking the truth, while being very careful in doing so. Declaring truth in this world today is a revolutionary act that comes with a price. With a staggering 2.5 MILLION subscribers, I predict that he is nevertheless not long for Youtube ...

RayB said...

Linda stated:

"I hate the hypocrisy that gives that evil man a stamp of approval on everything he does."


Who on this blog is it that 'gives' Trump 'a stamp of approval on EVERYTHING he does?'

Care to provide some specifics? Or is this just some wild, hysterical, baseless hyperbole on your part?

RayB said...

From Dr. John Campbell 3 days ago ...

Excess baby deaths investigation

Anonymous said...

1:25 pm

So u r catching on Ray to the seriousness of covid infections. When the Delta and omicron variant infections peaked it evidently lead to an increase in baby deaths among the largely yet unvaccinated pregnant populations of women.

Covid, even mild omicron covid, is causing a lot of health issues.

One of the leading mistakes of the whole warped speed policies was not testing the mRNA vaccines for safety with pregnant women. A lot of unvaccinated women and their babies, apparently, suffered thereby.


P.s. - if you thought just by sharing the story you could imply these excess infant deaths had anything to do with the vaccine I’d point out I don’t think the study even looked at vaccine status. Also how would the months they looked at actually correlate with the delivery of vaccines? I think they reported sept 2021 and Feb 2022….hardly novel vaccine delivery months.

Anonymous said...

1:09 PM RayB

You are so correct to pinpoint this, and in just the way you framed the subject. It is pretty sad that all criticism goes one way with some here in the political climate we are dealing with these days. You have never given a carte blanche to the right or Former President Trump either. Neither have I and others also. But the left gets a carte blanche from people who consider themselves unbiased while saying that is all others who are hypocritical because we disagree with them.

Obama more than anyone opened the floodgates to every bit of the supercharged negativity to create much more divide than there was beforehand. It was there, but not to this degree, he took it to new levels, new levels of low that are even more pronounced now with Biden in office. Trump was closing those gaps in some ways as the real uptick with Black and Hispanic voters shows because the left (ala Obama/Biden) used and abused them to gain and keep power.

RayB said...

4:54 PM ...

Very well put. I agree with you 100%.

You are so right regarding Obama. He was the first Black (although he was half White) President. His election proved that America is not a nation made up of 'systemic racists.' Yet, that's what he and Michelle continued to harp on.

Obama damaged race relations to an amazing degree, and the Democrats are doing the same now. Did you know that you are a racist even though you don't know it? Check the color of your skin, if you're white, you're a racist. That's the message of the radical Democrats.

You're right to point out that Blacks and Hispanic voters were moving towards Trump. Why? Because Trump set up enterprise zones and inspired Blacks to break the chains of welfare and become something in life ... which they did in droves! Unemployment for Blacks during Trump's term was at an ALL-TIME low.

There's almost nothing worse in life than to be dependent upon someone else for your livelihood. Welfare is degrading and destructive to the soul, and should only be provided to those that CANNOT work, not for those that REFUSE to work.

I've known a number of very successful black people. They ALL have this in common; they are hard workers, they are focused upon the opportunities that this nation provides, and they ALL have a positive attitude that they CAN make it just like anyone else. They typically have a very healthy attitude towards ALL people, Black and White. For these successful people, excuses and blaming others for any perceived 'lack of success' is not an option.

About 25 years ago, a black landlord that I met told me his story; he grew up so poor that there were times that the utilities were shut off due to non-payment. Food was at times scarce. He said that he 'never blamed anyone for his family's plight.' Desiring to make something of his life, he lifted himself up out of poverty by becoming educated. He learned from other successful people by observing them and asking them questions. Through hard work, saving and sacrifice, he was eventually able to buy income properties, which, one by one, he fixed up and rented.

I remember the impact that his story had upon me. After sharing his account, I said to him; 'coming from where you started, what other country in the world could you have reached the level that are now at?' His answer: "NONE."

Anonymous said...

"One of the leading mistakes of the whole warped speed policies was not testing the mRNA vaccines for safety with pregnant women"

That burden was on the manufacturer of the vaccines, not some governmental policy.
And this was already in the hopper before the virus was rolled out.
But what the heck, the Big pharma quick roll out made more money sooner and they have no liability if they get their way to not have to disclose vaccine data until 2096 remember?
They have lied to everyone. Trump bought it. You bought into it, too, like a lot of people did. I didn't.

Anonymous said...

Fauci made millions during plandemic

D.C. Officials Made out Like Bandits With Timely Stock Trades as COVID Struck
By Bob Hoge | 4:15 PM on October 20, 2022

RayB said...

Crazy Liz Cheney (Cumbey Profiles in Courage Award Winner) Says January 6 Committee Will NOT Allow Trump Testimony to Be Televised – Says He Will Testify Before Her Under Oath

Why is the 1/6 'committee' (aka, Kangaroo Court) preventing American citizens to see the testimony for themselves? Are they afraid of Trump??? More likely, are they afraid of the TRUTH???

RayB said...

Watch RFK Jr.'s blockbuster documentary "The Real Anthony Fauci" but you only have through October 28th. to see it for FREE. We just watched it, and it is packed full of information. If you think you know about Anthony Fauci, guess again. He's got a VERY dark nefarious career, some of which will shock you.

Here's the link for the trailer and the registration to watch it for free:

PS: Part 2 is coming out shortly. When you register to see Part 1, you'll be notified via email the link to see Part 2.

Anonymous said...

While there check out RFK, Jr.'s great environmental speech from April 2020 where he reports just one of Trump's paid-for policy decisions killed 18,000 Americans.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - A Compelling Talk About Our Environmental Infrastructure

Excerpt Transcript: ....this president (Trump's) attacks on the environment in our country and you know these are things that the American people would be really angry at and indignant at if they knew about it. This president (Trump) over the last four years has implemented or promoted 400 major environmental rollbacks designed to eviscerate 30 years of environmental law he's put polluters in charge of virtually all the agencies that are supposed to protect Americans from pollution. The head of the Forest Service the timber industry lobby because they own public lands, the mining industry lobby is the head of the Air Division at EPA, a utility lobbyist ahead of super fund, a woman whose last job was teaching corporate polluters how to evade super fund, the second in command of the EPA a Monsanto lobbyist and this week the New York Times reported that within the White House they would say American Petroleum Institute lobby is whose only job was to review all federal science to take out any exculpatory statements about the fossil fuel industry and their
connection to global warming and his job was to lie to the American people & the press. One paper covered it for a day and then you didn't see it anymore and you know this is the same press the same media in our country that tolerated the impeachment of a president United States for lying about an extramarital tryst; and, yet lie after lie has come out of this (Trump) White House and it's simply not covered by the American press.

.... we have as a result of these policies...these policies that the president has implemented....a tremendous diminution and quality of life in our country and I'll give you a few examples. I have three sons with asthma, one out of every four black children our country have asthma, we have this epidemic pediatric asthma. We know that asthma attacks are triggered primarily by bad air by ozone and particulates that's coming from 1100 coal-burning power plants who are burning coal illegally. It's been illegal for 15 years. They were supposed to remove those materials. The Clinton administration was prosecuting the worst 75 of them; but, this is an industry that donated 48 million dollars to this president (Trump).... and have given 58 million dollars to republicans and one of the first things he did when he took office was to order the Justice Department and EPA to drop all those lawsuits. Then he went back and abolished the the heart and soul of the Clean Air Act. This rule that required those plants to clean up 15 years ago. So, today in the United States, there's no obligation for them ever to have to clean up... and according to EPA's website if you go to their site today you'll see that rule alone got the abolishment. That one decision by this president (Trump) kills 18 thousand Americans every single year six times the number of people who were killed in the World Trade Center attacks and yet we didn't read about it in the American press ...

RayB said...

Incredibly important documentary that illustrates how the media creates propaganda in order to support, and NEVER question, the military operations that are conducted across the world. Although it was filmed in 2011, the very same techniques are still used in order to 'sell' the people on the war efforts of governments ...

The War You Don’t See

RayB said...

I assume the post @ 12:54 AM was posted by X ... NO other poster that I'm aware of would have the chutzpah to tell such an amazing LIE.

Here's why: this speech was made back in 2005, during the Administration of George W. Bush. YET, this LIAR posts that RFK Jr. is referring to PRESIDENT TRUMP, who didn't take office until 2017 !!!

No doubt, he believed that his 'transcript' would suffice to fool you, knowing that very few would actually go to the site and watch the video. I did.

What a sick, twisted liar.

RayB said...

X states: "While there check out RFK, Jr.'s great environmental speech from April 2020 where he reports just one of Trump's paid-for policy decisions killed 18,000 Americans."

Fueled by blind hatred, another illustration of X's purposeful, demonic attempt to attack Trump with his lies.

X falsely refers to the SPEECH as taking place during Trump's Presidency. It took place in 2005 during Bush's term in office. The VIDEO, recorded in 2005, WAS POSTED on YouTube in APRIL of 2020! (Watch the video ... notice a much younger looking RFK Jr. with NO GREY HAIR or facial wrinkles) ROFL !

Anonymous said...


I didn't watch the video and assumed the date of the video is about when it happened.

You voted for Bush too so you are just as implicated and Trump did the environment wrong too.

My point was the hypocrisy of believing RFK, jr when it comes to his hate campaign against Fauci while dismissing his longstanding climate change and environmental positions. When I was editing the transcript to was just a bonus that he was seemingly ripping on Trump's environmental record.

Sorry I messed that up.

Here's RFK, Jr.s more recent view of Trump, specifically...

Robert Kennedy Jr. on Trump: He's a bully and I don't like bullies


p.s. - pretty ironic calling Trump a bully while he twists facts and stretches the truth about Fauci after spending months investigating him with an obvious hateful passion. I had wondered why all the focus on Fauci and not Francis Collins, Fauci's boss....then I noticed Collings was the keynote speaker one year at the National Prayer Breakfast. Collins is in "The Family" and protected by The Family and their ecumenical friends at Opus Dei (including RFK, Jr.).

Anonymous said...

RFK Jr. issues warning about Trump’s climate change policies

March, 2017

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is warning that President Donald Trump’s climate change policies are “turning America into a petrostate” in an interview with CNN, adding “it’s hard to see a good end for our country from those kinds of policies.”

Speaking with CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront,” the environmental activist and son of late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy said, “it surprised me how much he turned the nation over to coal and oil interests, but it’s a bad path for our country.”

“I think he’s turning America into a petrostate,” Kennedy said. “He named the most notorious oil man in the country to run the State Department, Rex Tillerson, the head of Exxon.”

Kennedy added that many of Trump’s other Cabinet choices “are so deeply rooted in the ideology of fossil fuels and promoting mercantile interests of those industries ahead of the American people, and it’s hard to see a good end for our country from those kinds of policies.”

Kennedy singled out new EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who he claimed has no background for the post, and that “his only qualification is that he sued EPA 14 times, and he has publicly declared that he wants to see the abolition of the agency. “

Kennedy also called out Trump for signing an executive order this week to undo many of President Barack Obama’s climate change regulations.

“The abolition or the destruction of the clean power rule is not going to bring back a single coal job in eastern Kentucky or southern West Virginia, it’s just not gonna happen,” he said. “The only people who are going to benefit from that are going to be the billionaires who own the utilities and the big carbon interests.”

Anonymous said...

12:03 PM @ J

God bless you and your household.

I'm sure we'll talk again at some point..
We much agree about Jesus.

Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer said...

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations

"Mr. Peters assured this reader Christians had no cause for concern because the High Level Group had Christian representation, namely Karen Armstrong and Archbishop Desmond Tutu."

"Karen Armstrong’s representation is less than stellar. In her book "In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis," Armstrong expresses theological twists of the absurd. She portrays God the Creator as a perpetual liar, the evil one, while arguing that the serpent was so much more truthful. During an interview with Share International (a voice for the occult organization Lucis Trust), Armstrong argues that Christians have wrongfully attributed divinity to Jesus. Similarly, the late Desmond Tutu wrote in God Has a Dream, A Vision of Hope for Our Time that God gave the poor serpent a raw deal (finding himself at the end of the line there was no-one left to pass blame). The archbishop’s writing continued with the admonition that Jesus was never bodily resurrected."

In her book the "Secret Doctrine" the Mother of the New Age [Helena Blavatsky] wrote that Satan “viewed from under its bad aspect” (1:17) is evil and that Satan viewed from under its good aspect is Lucifer in His Highest. Viewing Satan from under His good aspect is the same Entity as Lucifer viewed from under His good aspect. (59: 34) Spiritually Lucifer in His highest is the "Holy Spirit and physically an angel.") Lucifer (the Morning Star or Jesus Christ (Rev. 22: 16) in His Highest is the Son of God whose body is the Universe-as it manifests as essentially an undifferentiated mass of light (no matter). When Lucifer's body manifests as the illusionary physical universe he is viewed as less than divine or as an "angel". The only way to the Unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond the creation is through Lucifer (the Morning Star Jesus Christ) or the Universe-as It manifests as essentially an undifferentiated mass of light.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone bring up "Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs" Karen Armstrong?

That woman has NO credibility whatsoever with traditional Catholics (or anyone else for that matter).

Anonymous said...

This F*cking nation's lost its grip,
The scales are off now gonna flip,
Joe's busy boys sit on his blip.....

Reality is on vacation,
all across Joe's flaccid nation,
Jill's mentally on sedations.....

Any Negro is set free,
for a technicality,
will someone please teach laws to me?!

lyrics by paul, Richard

Anonymous said...

Soon in twenty twenty four,
Death is what X does adore,
Open mouth, he loves more gore!

Not afraid of punishment,
in love with foreign governments,
there's nothing for him to regret.....

Albert said...
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